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General Mathematics DLP: Knowledge: Skills: Attitudes

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30, 2021

Learning Area: General Grade Level : Quarter:

DLP No. Duration: 1 hr
Mathematics 11 I
Learning Solves problems involving simple interest and maturity
Competency/ies value.
Key Concepts/
 Key concepts of solving simple interest and its maturity value.
Understanding to
be Developed:
Knowledge Master the formula in solving simple interest problem.
: Identify the known and unknown of the problem.
1. Learning
Skills: Apply the formula in solving the simple interest problem.
Attitudes: Patience in solving problem.
Values: Show respect and cooperation in the group activity.
2. Content Simple and compound interest
Calculator, PowerPoint Presentation
3 .Learning
General Mathematics, pp.134-138
Teacher’s Guide
4. Procedure
•Customary Greetings
•Classroom management
•Checking of Attendance
A. Review of previous lesson by pair
Match the terms in column A with the correct definitions in Column B. You may
choose more than one (1) answer from column B.
4.1 Introductory Column A Column B
Activity 1) Principal A. time money is borrowed
(5 mins.) 2) Term B. amount paid or earned for the use of money
3) Interest C. percentage of increase of investment
4) Maturity value D. amount of money borrowed or invested
5) Interest rate E. amount received on repayment
F. amount received on repayment

1) D 2) A 3) B, E 4) F 5) C
A. Group the class into 3.
B. Assign a particular number to the group.
C. Each group will be given 5 minutes to solve.
D. The presenter of the group will discuss their output.
4.2 Activity 1. A bank offers 3% annual simple interest rate for a particular deposit. How much
(12 mins.) interest will be earned if 1 million pesos is deposited in this savings account for a
2. How much interest is charged when P50,000 is borrowed for 6 months at an
annual simple interest rate of 10%?

The teacher will ask the following questions:

1) In answering math problems, what are the steps that you are going to
4.3. Analysis
2) What formula/equation you are going to use in answering the first and
(3 mins.)
the second problems/questions?
3) How are you going to get the value of the time when the given are only
the rate, principal, the its interest?
To answer the questions above,
4.4 Abstraction 1) Read and understand the problem
( 10 mins) Identify on what are the known and unknown variables.
2) Know /master the formula for the simple interest.
3) Write the given variable , and formula, substitute the given value of the
variables. Then, solve the missing /unknown variable. You can derive the
formula if you want.
1) How much interest is earned when an amount of P 20, 000 is invested with an
annual interest rate of 4% for 5 years? How much amount will the investor received
in 5 years?
P = P20, 000
r = 4% or 0.04
t = 5 yrs.

I = Prt
I = (P20, 000) (0.04) (5)
I = P 4,000.
The simple interest of p20, 000 will earn a simple interest of P40,

A=P + I
A = P20, 000 + P 4,000
A = 24, 000.
The investor will receive an amount of P24, 000.

2. An investment earned 100 interest after 2 years. The rate was 10%
What was the principal?

I = Prt

100 = (P) (0.1) (2)


P =

P =

P = 500.

4.5 Application Group Activity:

( 16 mins) 1) How many years would it take for P6, 000 to grow until P7, 900 if it is invested at a
9% simple interest?
P = 6,000 a) I = F - P
F = 7900 I = P7900 - P6,000
r = 9% I = P1,900.

b) I = Prt
1900 = (P6,000)(0.9)(t)
= t
( P 6000 )( 0.09)

P 1,900
t =
( P 6000 )( 0.09)

P 1,900
t =

t = 3.52 or 3.5 years.

2) How much was borrowed if the interest at 2% after 6 months is P 400?

6 1
a) 6 mos. = = = 0.5
12 2
b) I = Prt
I Prt
rt rt


P =

( 0.02 ) (0. 5)


P = P40, 000.

3) Neil Artiaga’s Bank granted him a P250, 000 loan payable for 2 years at 5%
How much money does Neil owe on the maturity date?
a) I = Prt
I = (P250, 000)(0.05) (2)
I = 25, 000.

b) A = P + I
A = P 250, 000 + 25, 000
A =275, 000.

4) Suppose you invest P1000 at 8% simple interest. How much money will you have
after 6 years?
a) I = a (1000) (0.08) (6) b) A = P + I
I = 480. A = 1000 + 480
A =1, 480. The amount of money after 6 years.
Solve the following problems:
1) Jessie has 750 in a savings account that pays 3% simple interest. How much
interest will he earn in 4 years?
I = Prt
I = (750) (3%) (4)
4.6 Assessment I = 90. Jessie will earn 90 interest in 4 years.
( 14 min) 2) Cory borrows $1,200 from the bank for a riding lawn mower. The interest rate is
8% per year. How much simple interest will he pay if he takes 2 years to repay the
I = Prt
I = (1,200) (8%) (2).
I = 192. Cory will pay 192 interest in 2 years.
4.7 Assignment
Study in advance and familiarize the equation on the next topic, Compound interest.
5. Remarks Accomplished
6. Reflections One hundred percent of the class actively participated and answered the activity.

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