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ACKS Player Companion v13

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The Players Companion is a handbook designed for players of the Adventurer Conqueror King System.


You must have a copy of ACKS or a similar D20-based fantasy role-playing game to use The Players Companion. This
rulebook is organized into the following parts.
Chapter 1, Introduction, details the purpose, inspiration, and sources for the Players Companion.
Chapter 2, New Character Classes, provides over a dozen new character classes to expand your Adventurer Conqueror King
System campaigns, including the Barbarian, Dwarven Fury, Dwarven Machinist, Dwarven Spelunker, Elven Ranger, Elven
Sorcerer, Mystic, Paladin, Shaman, and Warlock.
Chapter 3, Character Class Templates, provides eight pre-generated templates for each character class in the Adventurer
Conqueror King System rules. Using these templates, you can easily make your fighter a gladiator, your explorer a
cartographer, and your thief a cat burglar.
Chapter 4, Custom Classes, explains how to build customized character classes that are 100% compatible with the core
classes of ACKS. Whether you want to emulate a fictional character, create a new archetype for your campaign, or just have
a jack-of-all-trades these rules will show how to do it.
Chapter 5, Spells, includes many new spells for arcane and divine casters. Mages and other arcane casters get new spells
suitable for use with the Black Lore of Zahar, Elementalism, and Transmogrification proficiencies, plus a wide assortment of
new charms and illusions. Divine casters get a range of nature-oriented magic and a broader suite of curative spells.
Chapter 6, Equipment and Proficiencies, includes additional proficiencies and equipment for use in your ACKS campaigns.
The Adventurer Conqueror King System rulebook includes twelve classes: four core classes (fighter, mage, cleric, and thief);
four campaign classes (assassin, bard, bladedancer, and explorer); and four demi-human classes (dwarven vaultguard,
dwarven craftpriest, elven spellsword, and elven nightblade). The Players Companion more than doubles your choices, with
more than a dozen new character classes to expand your Adventurer Conqueror King System campaigns: anti-paladin,
barbarian, dwarven fury, dwarven machinist, dwarven spelunker, elven enchanter, elven ranger, mystic, paladin, shaman,
warlock, witch, and Zaharan ruinguard.

Prime Requisite: STR and CHA
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 14
Every bit as vile as paladins are heroic, the anti-paladin is the dark twin of those champions of light. Fanatical followers of
the chthonic gods, anti-paladins are capable of any atrocity, any villainy, in service of their divine patrons, furthering the
spread of chaos, evil and corruption. Anti-paladins are unconstrained by codes of conduct, their only true inviolate tenets
being unwavering faith in their unholy patron, and the drive to spread the patron's particular brand of evil by whatever
means necessary. Cunning, treachery, and deception are all considered worthy tools in the anti-paladins arsenal, weapons
every bit as valuable as the most savage blade.
Given their diabolical personality, outlook, and fervor, anti-paladins are rightly regarded with hatred and fear, even among
many of those serving the same evils; not for nothing do they have a reputation for brutality, betrayal, and a love of torture.
As unholy warriors, anti-paladins are vicious combatants. At first level, anti-paladins hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an
attack throw of 10+. Like fighters, they advance in attack throws and saving throws by two points every three levels of
experience. Anti-paladins increase their base damage roll from missile and melee attacks by +1 at 1 st level and by an
additional +1 at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level.
They may wear any armor, and may fight with a broad array of weapons, including the battle axe, dagger, flail, mace,
morning star, pole arm, short sword, spear, sword, two-handed sword, and whip. All Anti-Paladins may fight wielding a
weapon and shield, wielding a weapon two-handed, or wielding a weapon in each hand, as desired. They may use any magic
item usable by fighters.
All anti-paladins must be of Chaotic alignment. An anti-paladin who changes to Neutral or Lawful alignment loses his class
powers and will suffer greatly for such betrayal. If he later reverts to Chaotic alignment and atones for any misdeeds
(possibly through a dire quest or atonement spell) he can regain his lost powers. (An anti-paladin who became Lawful could
be permitted to become a paladin at the Judges discretion. Woe to such a turncoat though, for he will be hunted).
In exchange for their devotion to Chaos, anti-paladins receive many powers to aid them in their crusades against Law and
peace. Foremost among these is their aura of protection, which gives them a +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on saving
throws against attacks made or effects created by good creatures. The anti-paladins aura of protection appears as a writhing
tenebrous shroud when viewed with detect evil, detect magic, or true seeing.
Anti-Paladins are intimately familiar with the dire energies of necromancy and possess the ability to command undead as
per a Chaotic cleric of half their level (round up). This provides them with the potential to surround themselves with
terrifying, fearless, and utterly loyal minions.
In order to defeat the enemies of Chaos, the anti-paladin must find them. To this end, an anti-paladin can detect good (as
the reversed form of the detect evil spell) up to 60 away simply by concentrating. Each use takes a turn. (For purposes of
the anti-paladins aura and detection abilities, good creatures include any creatures of Lawful alignment, and Neutral
creatures with good intentions. Pinnacles of good and magic items harmful to those of Chaotic alignment will also be
detected by the anti-paladins power.)
Finally, anti-paladins are awash with the Anti-Paladin Level Progression
same powers of unlife they can Experience Title Level Hit Dice Damage Bonus
command. Should they become 0 Miscreant 1 1d6 +1
intelligent undead, whether as a reward 1,850 Despoiler 2 2d6 +1
from their chthonic patron or through 3,700 Avenger 3 3d6 +2
efforts of their own, they can continue to 7,400 Defiler 4 4d6 +2
advance in the anti-paladin class, as per 14,800 Blackguard 5 5d6 +2
the Zaharans after the flesh power (see 29,600 Destroyer 6 6d6 +3
Zaharan Custom Classes in Chapter 4). 60,000 Warduke 7 7d6 +3
Such undead anti-paladins are called 120,000 Malefactor 8 8d6 +3
Death Knights. 240,000 Malefactor Lord 9 9d6 +4
When an anti-paladin reaches 5 th level 360,000 Malefactor Lord, 10th level 10 9d6+2* +4
(Blackguard), his unholy fanaticism 480,000 Malefactor Lord, 11th level 11 9d6+4* +4
inspires others to follow him. Any 600,000 th
Malefactor Lord, 12 level 12 9d6+6* +5
hirelings of the same religion as the anti- 720,000 Malefactor Lord, 13th level 13 9d6+8* +5
paladin gain a +1 bonus to their morale 840,000 Dark Lord of Malefaction 14 9d6+10* +5
score whenever he is present. This bonus *Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
stacks with any modifiers from the anti-paladins Charisma or proficiencies.
At 9th level (Malefactor Lord), an anti-paladin can found or capture a dark fortress and become a scourge on the surrounding
lands. When he does so, up to 1d4+1x10 0 th level mercenaries and 1d6 anti-paladins of 1 st-3rd level will come to apply for
jobs and training. If hired, they must be paid standard rates for mercenaries. Anti-paladins dark fortresses are otherwise
identical to fighters castles, as detailed in the Campaign chapter of the ACKS Rulebook.
Anti-Paladin Proficiency List: Alertness, Ambush, Berserkergang, Blind Fighting, Combat Reflexes, Combat Trickery (force
back, incapacitate, overrun, sunder), Command, Divine Blessing, Dungeon Bashing, Endurance, Fighting Style, Intimidation,
Kin-Slaying*, Knowledge (history), Illusion Resistance, Leadership, Manual of Arms, Military Strategy, Martial Training, Mystic
Aura, Profession (torturer), Riding, Running, Theology, Weapon Focus
*New proficiency described in Chapter 6.
Slayer Template: This pre-generated template Template: Slayer
represents a champion of Bel, the Proficiencies: Berserkergang, Intimidation
Slaughterprince. The template is ready for Starting Unholy symbol (black gauntlet with six arrows
adventure. However, if your Anti-Paladins INT is Equipment: of Bel), barbed morning star, serrated two-
13 or greater, you may pick one or more handed sword, fire-blackened banded plate
additional general proficiencies before play if armor, blood-stained wool tunic and pants,
youd like (see Starting Proficiencies in Chapter 4 leather belt, low boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron
of ACKS). rations, 12gp

Anti-Paladin Attack and Saving Throws

Level Petrification & Paralysis Poison & Death Blast & Breath Staffs & Wands Spells Attack Throw
1 15+ 14+ 16+ 16+ 17+ 10+
2-3 14+ 13+ 15+ 15+ 16+ 9+
4 13+ 12+ 14+ 14+ 15+ 8+
5-6 12+ 11+ 13+ 13+ 14+ 7+
7 11+ 10+ 12+ 12+ 13+ 6+
8-9 10+ 9+ 11+ 11+ 12+ 5+
10 9+ 8+ 10+ 10+ 11+ 4+
11-12 8+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 10+ 3+
13 7+ 6+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 2+
14 6+ 5+ 7+ 7+ 8+ 1+
Prime Requisite: STR, CON
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d8
Maximum Level: 14
Barbarians are tough, hardy warriors from cultures outside of the civilized world. Some barbarians live on the edge of true
savagery, while others hail from rich cultures with epic poetry and weapons of steel, but all share an outlanders mix of
contempt and awe for the grand tapestry of civilization. In the Auran Empire, barbarians might be reavers from the bleak
wastes of northern Jutland, fierce horse archers from Skysostan, or tribesmen from the Ivory Kingdom jungles of Keita,
Munde, and Kushtu.
Whatever their background, barbarians are fierce Barbarian Level Progression
and deadly combatants. At first level, barbarians Experience Title Level Hit Dice Damage Bonus
hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw
of 10+. They advance in attack throws and saving 0 Hunter 1 1d8 +1
throws by two points every three levels of 2,600 Raider 2 2d8 +1
experience (i.e. the same progression as fighters). 5,200 Marauder 3 3d8 +2
10,400 Plunderer 4 4d8 +2
Barbarians increase their base damage roll from
20,800 Reaver 5 5d8 +2
their choice of either missile or melee attacks by
41,600 Bloodletter 6 6d8 +3
+1 at 1st level and by an additional +1 at 3 rd, 6th, 9th,
85,000 Menace 7 7d8 +3
and 12th level. The barbarian must choose which
170,000 Scourge 8 8d8 +3
type of attack will receive the damage bonus at 1 st
290,000 Warchief 9 9d8 +4
level, and may not change the choice as he
410,000 Warchief, 10th lvl 10 9d8+2* +4
advances (i.e. they may choose to be either melee
530,000 Warchief , 11th lvl 11 9d8+4* +4
or missile specialists).
650,000 Warchief , 12th lvl 12 9d8+6* +5
Because barbarians lack the broad professional 770,000 Warchief , 13th lvl 13 9d8+8* +5
training of the fighter, they may only wear chain 890,000 Great Chieftain 14 9d8+10* +5
mail or lighter armor, and are limited to fighting *Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
with the traditional weapons and styles of their tribe. When a barbarian is created, select a region of origin for the character
from the Barbarian Regional Origin table below, and note down the permitted weapons and fighting styles. The Judge may
create other regions of origin for barbarians within his own campaign setting where necessary.
Region Natural Proficiency Weapons Permitted Fighting Styles Permitted
Jutland Climbing Battle axe, club, dagger, great axe, Weapon & shield, two-handed weapon
hand axe, shortbow, spear, sword,
two-handed sword, war hammer
Skysostan Precise Shooting Composite bow, dagger, hand axe, Weapon & shield, two weapons
javelin, lance, net, sling, short sword
(scimitar), spear, whip
Ivory Kingdoms Running Bola, club, dart, dagger, hand axe, Weapon & shield, two weapons
javelin, net, shortbow, short sword,
Depending on his region of origin, every barbarian also possesses a natural proficiency in a particular area. These are bonus
proficiencies that do not count against the barbarians normal selections. Barbarians from Jutland (or similar Scandinavian
cultures) are skilled at climbing the sheer rock faces of their grim homeland. Barbarians from Skysostan (or related steppe
nomads) are preternaturally precise shots. Barbarians from the Ivory Kingdoms (or other regions similar to Central Africa)
are swift and tireless runners. The Barbarian Regional Origin table lists these proficiencies. The Judge may devise other
natural proficiencies for other barbarian regions in his own setting.
Barbarians from every region possess animal reflexes that give them a +1 bonus to initiative and a +1 bonus to surprise
rolls. As hunters and raiders by trade, barbarians are naturally stealthy, and opponents suffer a -1 penalty to surprise rolls
when encountering them.
The healers and clerics of civilized lands are foreign to barbarians, who rely on their savage resilience to survive. When a
barbarian is required to consult the Mortal Wounds table, the player may roll twice and choose the preferred result to apply.
Barbarians also subtract their class level from the number of days of bed rest required to recover.
EXAMPLE: Sigwulf, a 4th level Barbarian with 16 CON and 24hp, is reduced to -7hp. When a friend treats his wounds, Sigwulf
rolls on the Mortal Wounds table. He rolls 1d20 and 1d6 twice, and scores a modified 17/2 and an 11/6. An 11/6 results in
the loss of 1d6 teeth, while 17/2 results in loss of genitals; the players opts for the 11/6 result and consigns 1d6 of Sigwulfs
teeth to oblivion. Although normally 1 weeks bed rest is required to recover from a result of 11 (critically wounded), this is
reduced to just 3 days because of Sigwulfs class level.
While suspicious of magic in general, barbarians may use magic items usable by fighters.
When a barbarian reaches 5 th level (Reaver), his animal magnetism begins to inspire those who follow him. Any henchmen
and mercenaries hired by the barbarian gain a +1 bonus to their morale score whenever he personally leads them. This
bonus stacks with any modifiers from the barbarians Charisma or proficiencies.
At 9th level (Warchief), a barbarian can build or claim a chieftains hall and seek to rule on the strength of his axe. When the
barbarian establishes his hall, 1d4+1x10 0 th level mercenaries and 1d6 barbarians of 1st-3rd level seeking plunder and rapine
will join his service. If hired, they must be paid standard rates for mercenaries. A chieftains hall is otherwise identical to a
fighters castle.
Barbarian Proficiency List: Alertness, Ambushing, Armor Training*, Beast Friendship, Berserkergang, Blind Fighting,
Climbing, Combat Reflexes, Combat Trickery (force back, knock down, overrun, wrestling), Command, Endurance, Fighting
Style, Martial Training, Mountaineering, Passing Without Trace, Precise Shooting, Riding, Running, Seafaring, Skirmishing,
Sniping, Survival, Swashbuckling, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
*New proficiencies described in Chapter 6.
Death Dealer Template: This pre-generated Template: Death Dealer
template represents a bloodthirsty death Proficiencies: Ambushing, Survival, Climbing
dealer from Jutland. The template is ready Starting Equipment: Two-handed iron sword, francisca, chain mail
for adventure. However, if your barbarians armor, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
INT is 13 or greater, you may pick one or boots, silver arm-bands (25gp value), wineskin
more additional general proficiencies before with strong ale, small sack, 50 rope, grappling
play if youd like (see Starting Proficiencies in hook, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
Chapter 4 of ACKS).
Barbarian Attack and Saving Throws
Level Petrification & Paralysis Poison & Death Blast & Breath Staffs & Wands Spells Attack Throw
1 15+ 14+ 16+ 16+ 17+ 10+
2-3 14+ 13+ 15+ 15+ 16+ 9+
4 13+ 12+ 14+ 14+ 15+ 8+
5-6 12+ 11+ 13+ 13+ 14+ 7+
7 11+ 10+ 12+ 12+ 13+ 6+
8-9 10+ 9+ 11+ 11+ 12+ 5+
10 9+ 8+ 10+ 10+ 11+ 4+
11-12 8+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 10+ 3+
13 7+ 6+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 2+
14 6+ 5+ 7+ 7+ 8+ 1+

Prime Requisite: STR
Requirements: CON 9
Hit Dice: 1d8
Maximum Level: 13
As the numbers of their race have dwindled in the face of constant warfare, more and more the dwarves have been forced
to rely on the machinists arts, using war machines of steam and brass to defend their vaults. Some dwarves, however, have
rejected this mechanization of warfare and returned to an older tradition of runic magic and savage combat. Instantly
recognizable by the magical tattoos that scar their skin, these dwarves exceed are known as furies. It is said that once the
fury grips a dwarf, his destiny is to die with axe in hand, and the only question is how many beastman corpses will surround
his own on the final day.
Dwarven furies are held in a mixture of awe and contempt by their clans, and with more than a little fear. They, in turn,
vehemently disagree with the defensive mindset of the vaults. Many furies become adventures in order to better carry the
fight to their enemy.
Dwarven Fury Level Progression
Hit Damage AC Damage
Experience Title Level Dice Bonus Bonus Reduction
0 Dwarven Begrudger 1 1d8 +1 +2 1
3,100 Dwarven Punisher 2 2d8 +1 +2 1
6,200 Dwarven Repriser 3 3d8 +2 +2 1
12,400 Dwarven Vindicator 4 4d8 +2 +2 1
24,800 Dwarven Retaliator 5 5d8 +2 +2 1
49,600 Dwarven Castigator 6 6d8 +3 +2 1
100,000 Dwarven Scourge 7 7d8 +3 +4 2
200,000 Dwarven Fury 8 8d8 +3 +4 2
330,000 Dwarven Avenger 9 9d8 +4 +4 2
460,000 Dwarven Avenger, 10th lvl 10 9d8+3* +4 +4 2
590,000 Dwarven Avenger, 11th lvl 11 9d8+6* +4 +4 2
720,000 Dwarven Avenger, 12th lvl 12 9d8+9* +5 +4 2
850,000 Dwarven Avenger, 13th lvl 13 9d8+12* +5 +6 3
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored

Dwarven furies excel at combat. At first level, furies hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+. They advance
in attack throws and saving throws by two points every three levels of experience (i.e. the same progression as fighters).
They increase their base damage roll from all attacks by +1 at 1 st level and by an additional +1 at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level.
Dwarven furies fight with a narrow selection of traditional dwarven weapons, including battle axe, dagger, hand axe, mace,
spear, and war hammer. They are trained to fight wielding a weapon and shield, wielding a weapon two-handed, and
wielding a weapon in each hand.
Dwarven furies eschew the use of armor entirely, however, relying on their aggression and flesh-runes to protect them.
Intricate glyphs tattooed into the naked flesh of the dwarf, the flesh-runes give the dwarfs skin the suppleness of leather
and the toughness of iron. At 1 st level, a dwarven furys flesh-runes give him a +2 bonus to AC and decrease the damage
from any non-magical attacks by 1 point per die. At 7th level (Dwarven Scourge), this protection increases to +4 AC and 2
points per die. At 13th level (Dwarven Avenger), the flesh-runes provide a bonus of +6 AC (equivalent to plate armor!) and
decrease damage from non-magical attacks by 3 points per die. The AC bonus from flesh-runes stacks with potions of
invulnerability, rings of protection, and similar effects, but does not stack with armor.
EXAMPLE: Khadik is a 7th level dwarven fury with 13 DEX. His AC is 5 (+4 from his flesh-runes and +1 from his DEX). He is
struck by a hill giant, inflicting 2d8 damage. The damage roll is a 3 and a 5, but Khadik reduces the damage from non-
magical attacks by 2 points per die. Khadik therefore only takes 4 damage from the hill giant.
At will, dwarven furies can enter into the fighting fury from which they derive their name. While furious, the dwarven fury
gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls and becomes immune to fear. However, the character cannot retreat from combat. Once it
has begun, a fighting fury cannot be ended until combat ends.
Similarly to barbarians, dwarven furies enjoy savage resilience. When a dwarven fury is required to consult the Mortal
Wounds table, the player may roll twice and choose the preferred result to apply. Dwarven furies also subtract their class
level from the number of days of bed rest required to recover.
Like all dwarves, furies are hardy people. The target values for all their saving throws versus Blast/Breath are reduced by 3,
while the target values for all their other saving throws are reduced by 4. These adjustments are already factored into the
saving throws on the Dwarven Fury Attack and Saving Throws table below. Dwarven furies will speak the Common and
Dwarvish tongue and, because of their frequent interaction underground with these monsters, will also speak Goblin,
Gnome, and Kobold.
When a dwarven fury reaches 9 th level (Dwarven Avenger), his grim determination and relentless nature can attract dwarves
from far and wide. To do so, he must construct his own underground vault. Dwarves usually live in clans, so dwarves of the
characters clan will be the first to live under his roof, but dwarves from other clans will also come and live nearby to be
ruled by the character. A total of 3d6x10 1st level NPCs of the same race will move in to help maintain and defend the vault
at no cost to the character. A dwarven ruler is expected to employ only soldiers of dwarven descent, but may hire members
of other races for other tasks. Additional rules for dwarven vaults are detailed in the Campaign chapter of the ACKS

Dwarven Fury Proficiency List: Alertness, Blind Fighting, Caving, Combat Reflexes, Combat Trickery (force back, knock down,
overrun, sunder, wrestle), Command, Craft, Dungeon Bashing, Dwarven Brewing, Endurance, Engineering, Fighting Style,
Gambling, Goblin-Slaying, Illusion Resistance, Intimidation, Land Surveying, Leadership, Mapping, Manual of Arms, Military
Strategy, Mountaineering, Siege Engineering, Vermin-Slaying*, Weapon Focus
*New proficiency described in Chapter 6.
Tempest Template: This pre-generated Template: Template
template represents a dual-wielding fury who Proficiencies: Fighting Style (two weapons), Endurance
mows down foes in a storm of steel. The Starting Equipment: Pair of battle axes notched with many kills, 2
template is ready for adventure. However, if hand axes, military cloak, wool tunic and pants,
your dwarven furys INT is 13 or greater, you leather belt, low boots, backpack, tinder box, 12
may pick one or more additional general torches, 2 flasks of military oil, 2 weeks iron
proficiencies before play if youd like (see rations, 43gp
Starting Proficiencies in Chapter 4).
Dwarven Fury (Fighter) Attack and Saving Throws
Level Petrification & Paralysis Poison & Death Blast & Breath Staffs & Wands Spells Attack Throw
1 11+ 10+ 13+ 12+ 13+ 10+
2-3 10+ 9+ 12+ 11+ 12+ 9+
4 9+ 8+ 11+ 10+ 11+ 8+
5-6 8+ 7+ 10+ 9+ 10+ 7+
7 7+ 6+ 9+ 8+ 9+ 6+
8-9 6+ 5+ 8+ 7+ 8+ 5+
10 5+ 4+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 4+
11-12 4+ 3+ 6+ 5+ 6+ 3+
13 3+ 2+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 2+

Prime Requisite: INT and DEX
Requirements: CON 9
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 10
While all dwarves share a predilection for mechanical devices, in some dwarves this predilection is honed to an obsession.
Dwarven machinists work wonders with wood, metal, steam, and fire, crafting marvelous machines that move on their own,
lift great weights, and even fight their races foes.
The reasons why machinists leave the safety of the dwarven vaults to become adventurers are varied. Some evil machinists
are exiled for using their vaults as personal laboratories for their capricious creations. At the other extreme, some
machinists use their devices to protect and serve the causes of Law where it is most threatened. But most adventuring
machinists are merely enterprising sorts who seek to acquire resources, test experimental machines, and recover lost
Dwarven Machinist Level Progression
Hit Open Find/Remove Design/Build/
Experience Title Level Dice Locks Traps Repair Automaton
0 Dwarven Apprentice 1 1d6 15+ 15+ 14+
2,300 Dwarven Mechanic 2 2d6 14+ 14+ 13+
4,600 Dwarven Shaper 3 3d6 13+ 13+ 12+
9,200 Dwarven Forger 4 4d6 12+ 12+ 11+
18,400 Dwarven Maker 5 5d6 11+ 11+ 10+
36,800 Dwarven Engineer 6 6d6 9+ 10+ 9+
75,000 Dwarven Artificer 7 7d6 7+ 8+ 8+
150,000 Dwarven Machinist 8 8d6 5+ 6+ 7+
280,000 Dwarven Master Machinist 9 9d6 3+ 4+ 6+
410,000 Dwarven Master Machinist, 10th level 10 9d6+3* 1+ 2+ 5+
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored

Relative to the renowned vaultguards of their race, dwarven machinists are only mediocre combatants. At first level,
machinists hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+. They advance in attack throws and saving throws by
two points every four levels of experience (i.e. the same as thieves). They may fight wielding a weapon and shield or a
wielding a weapon two-handed, but cannot dual wield. Machinists may wear chain mail or lighter armor, but wield only a
small range of weapons, including the arbalest, crossbow, dagger, hand axe, mace, and war hammer. They may use any
magic item usable by thieves.
It is not in combat, but in the construction and engineering of mechanical devices, that the true mastery of the dwarven
machinist becomes evident.
At 1st level, every dwarven machinist is already a master craftsman in a particular type of mechanical craft, such as armor-
making, clock-making, jewelling, weaponsmithing, etc. With access to craftsmans tools, the character can produce 40gp
worth of items per month, and supervise 2 journeymen and 3 apprentices in his craft. When examining works of his craft,
the dwarven machinist can identify masterwork items, rare materials, and famous artisans with a proficiency throw of 9+ on
1d20. Their attention to detail gives dwarven machinists a +3 bonus on proficiency rolls for other proficiencies they learn as
well. (This bonus has already been factored in to the machinists class abilities.)
Regardless of their particular craft, all machinists are able to open locks and find/remove traps in the same manner as
thieves, but doing so with a superior rate of success due to their attention to detail. Use the target values for these skills
shown on the Dwarven Machinist Level Progression table, but otherwise apply all of the normal rules for these tasks (i.e.
thieves tools are required and only one attempt is permitted per level). Note that a 1st level machinist will have a minimum
chance of detecting traps of 14+ due to his default racial ability (described below), but will remove traps with a throw of
The most precious and valued secret of the dwarven machinist is his ability to design, build, and repair automatons.
Automatons are machines similar to magical constructs, but using clockwork, steam engines, gears, and valves in place of
Designing Automatons: Dwarven machinists may design new automatons. A successful design creates a blueprint that can
guide their own or another machinists building process. The power of an automaton is measured by its Hit Dice and
number of special abilities. Automatons must have a minimum of HD. The machinist is limited to designing automatons
with HD no more than twice his class level. Automatons may be designed with any number of special abilities up to the
machinists class level.
Automatons have a default Armor Class equal to their Hit Dice (rounded down). Increasing AC by two points counts as a
special ability. Most automatons are immune to poison, gas, charm, hold, and sleep spells. These collectively count as one
special ability. The automaton can be given additional immunities, such as immunity to fire, with each extra immunity
counting as another special ability. Unlike constructs, automatons cannot be made immune to non-magical weapons. By
default, automatons are mindless drones, simply following instructions in the same manner as a golem or animated undead.
Some automatons actually require an operator; these are effectively equipment or vehicles, unable to act independently at
all. If the automaton only functions with an operator, it may be treated as if it had one less special ability (to a minimum of
zero; an automaton may not have negative abilities).
By default, automatons have an exploration movement rate of 60. The automaton may be designed to move faster if
desired; each doubling of movement rate count as a special ability, to a maximum of 480. If the automaton cannot move
under its own power, it may be treated as if it had one less ability (to a minimum of zero). Movement is normally over land,
via wheels, legs, or other mechanism. The automaton may be designed to burrow, climb, fly, and/or swim, but each of these
counts as a special ability. If an automaton can hover while flying, it counts as 2 special abilities.
An automaton which requires an operator but moves under its own power must be built to carry at least one passenger (the
operator). Adding the ability for the automaton to carry one passenger counts as one special ability; each doubling of
passenger capacity counts as another special ability. Passengers are assumed to be carried in the open, as if mounted on an
animal. The automaton may carry its passengers in a protected compartment, but this counts as an additional special ability.
Characters in a protected compartment receive the AC of the automaton, or a +4 bonus to their own AC, whichever is better.
Automatons normally have from one to four attacks per round. Their attacks may inflict up to three times their HD in
maximum damage per round. For example, a 4HD automaton may inflict up to 12 points of damage per round. This damage
may be divided among all their attacks as desired. Any special attacks or powers count as special abilities. An attack may be
given a range of 10 per point of maximum damage, but this counts as a special ability. An automaton that has no attacks at
all may be treated as if it had one less special ability (minimum of zero).
An automatons default weight is its Hit Dice squared x 10 stone. For instance, a HD automaton will weigh 2.5 stone (25lb)
while a 4 HD automaton will weigh 160 stone (1,600lb). Each doubling or halving of weight counts as a special ability. An
automatons carrying capacity is equal to its weight. Passengers, if any, count against this carrying capacity.
Designing an automaton requires 2,000gp per Hit Die of the automaton, plus an additional 5,000gp for each special ability
the automaton possesses. The design process takes one week, plus one day per 1,000gp of cost. Designing an automaton
requires a proficiency throw against the target value listed on the Dwarven Machinist Level Progression table. The target
value for this throw is increased by +1 for every 5,000gp of automaton cost.
To design an automaton, the dwarven machinist must have access to a research library at least equal in value to the cost of
the automaton throughout the design process. For every 10,000gp of value above the minimum required for the
automaton, the machinist receives a +1 bonus on his proficiency throw. A successful design creates a blueprint that the
machinist can use to build the automaton (described below).
EXAMPLE: Grimm, a 5th level dwarven machinist, wants to design a flying automaton, an ornithopter. He chooses to design it
with only 2 HD, although the maximum permitted for his level is 10 HD. This gives the automaton a base cost of (2,000gp x
2) 4,000gp. At 2 HD, it has a default AC of 1. He assigns it standard automaton immunities, which counts as one special
ability. Its default movement rate is 60, but he increases this to 120 (one special ability) with flying (one special ability). He
adds the ability for his automaton to carry one passenger (one special ability). The automaton can inflict a maximum of 6
damage per round, but Grimm decides to forgo giving his automaton any attacks, which means his automaton will count as
having one less special ability. To keep his automaton affordable, he requires it to have an operator, again meaning the
automaton will count as having one less special ability. His automaton has a total of (1+1+1+1-1-1) 2 special abilities.
The cost to design the automaton with its special abilities is (4,000gp + 5,000gp x 2) 14,000gp. It will take 21 days to design
the construct (1 week + 14,000/1,000). The proficiency throw value to design the ornithopter is 12+ (base 10+ plus
14,000/5,000). Grimm will need to seek out a research library worth at least 14,000gp to complete the design, and can gain
a bonus to his throw if the library is of great worth.
When designed, the ornithopter has the following characteristics: AC 1, Move 120 flying, HD 2, # AT -, Dmg -; immune to
poison, gas, charm, hold, sleep; carry one passenger; requires operator; weight 40 stone (400 lbs); carrying capacity 20
Building Automatons: Building an automaton requires 2,000gp per Hit Die of the automaton, plus an additional 5,000gp for
each special ability the automaton possesses. The machinist is limited to creating automatons with HD no more than twice
his class level and with a number of special abilities no greater than his class level. The machinist must have either a
blueprint or a sample of the type of automaton he wishes to create. Blueprints can be found as treasure in rare manuals, or
developed by the machinists (as described above). The remains of an automaton destroyed in battle can serve as a sample.
The construction takes one week, plus one day per 1,000gp of cost. Building an automaton requires a proficiency throw
against the target value listed on the Dwarven Machinist Level Progression table. The target value for this throw is increased
by +1 for every 5,000gp of automaton cost.
To build an automaton, the machinist must have access to a workshop at least equal in value to the cost of the automaton
throughout the construction. For every 10,000gp of value above the minimum required for the automaton, the machinist
receives a +1 bonus on his proficiency throw. For every 10,000gp of quality materials (precious metals, specially treated
woods, etc.) added to the construction process, the machinist receives a +1 bonus on his proficiency throw. A machinist
may not spend more on quality materials than the base cost of the automaton.
EXAMPLE: Ravik, a 7th level dwarven machinist, finds the wrecked remains of Grimms ornithopter. He uses this as a sample
to build an ornithopter of his own. The cost to construct the ornithopter is (2,000gp x 2) + (5,000gp x 2) 14,000gp, and the
time required is (7 + 14,000gp/1,000) 21 days. Raviks proficiency throw to build the ornithopter is 10+ (8+ base plus
14,000/5,000). Being quite wealthy, Ravik has a workshop worth 35,000gp. This gives him a +2 bonus on his proficiency
throw (35,000 14,000)/(10,000). He decides to lavish 10,000gp on rare hardwood for the construction, gaining an
additional +1. Ravik will be able to construct the ornithopter on a roll of 7+.
Repairing Automatons: Being machines, automatons do not heal naturally and cannot be magically cured. However, the
dwarven machinist can repair his class level of damage with a successful proficiency throw. Performing repairs takes one
hour. An automaton reduced to 0hp or less is destroyed and cannot be repaired.
When a dwarven machinist reaches 9 th level (Master Machinist), he can establish a manufactory and begin training
apprentices. He will then attract 1d6 apprentice machinists of 1 st-3rd level plus 2d6 dwarves seeking to become machinists.
Their Intelligence and Dexterity scores will be above average, but many will find they lack the talent and quit after 1d6
months. Apprentices function like assistants in magical research (see ACKS p. 119). While in the dwarven machinists service,
apprentices must be provided food and lodging, but need not be paid wages. If the dwarven machinist builds a dungeon
beneath or near his manufactory, monsters will start to arrive to dwell within. These are often used to test new automatons.

Like other dwarves, machinists gain a +1 bonus to surprise rolls when underground due to sensitivity to the rock and stone
around them. Because of their experience underground, dwarves may detect traps, false walls, hidden construction, or
sloped passages with a proficiency throw of 14+ on 1d20. Dwarves must be actively searching for these abilities to function.

As dwarves, machinists are particularly hardy. The target values for all their saving throws versus Blast/Breath are reduced
by 3, while the target values for all their other saving throws are reduced by 4. These adjustments are already factored into
the saving throws on the Dwarven Machinist Attack and Saving Throws table below. Dwarven machinists will speak the
Common and Dwarvish tongue and, because of their frequent interaction underground with these monsters, dwarves can
also speak Goblin, Gnome, and Kobold.

Dwarven Machinist Proficiency List: Alchemy, Armor Training*, Art, Bargaining, Caving, Craft, Dungeon Bashing, Dwarven
Brewing, Engineering, Illusion Resistance, Inventing,* Jury-Rigging,* Knowledge, Lockpicking, Loremastery, Magical
Engineering, Mapping, Martial Training, Mechanical Engineering*, Military Strategy, Navigation, Personal Automaton*,
Precise Shooting, Riding, Scavenging*, Seafaring, Signaling, Siege Engineering, Tinkering*, Trap Finding, Trapping, Weapon
*New proficiencies described in Chapter 6.
Engineer Template: This pre-generated Template: Engineer
template represents a resourceful engineer Proficiencies: Tinkering, Engineering, Craft (stonemasonry) 3
and architect. The template is ready for Starting Equipment: War hammer, steel shield, chain mail armor,
adventure. However, if your dwarven workmans apron, wool tunic and pants, leather
machinists INT is 13 or greater, you may pick belt, low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches,
one or more additional general proficiencies crowbar, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, machinists
before play if youd like (see Starting tools, stonemasons tools, 1 weeks iron rations,
Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of ACKS). 1gp
Dwarven Machinist Attack and
Saving Throws
L Petrific Pois Blas Staff S Att
e ation & on t& s& p ack
v Paralysi & Bre Wan e Thr
e s Dea ath ds l ow
l th l
1 9+ 9+ 13+ 10+ 1 10
- 1 +
2 +
3 8+ 8+ 12+ 9+ 1 9+
- 0
4 +
5 7+ 7+ 11+ 8+ 9 8+
- +
7 6+ 6+ 10+ 7+ 8 7+
- +
9 5+ 5+ 9+ 6+ 7 6+
-10 +
11 4+ 4+ 8+ 5+ 6+ 5+
Prime Requisite: DEX
Requirements: CON 9
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 11
Beyond the confined vaults where the dwarves live and work run labyrinthine caverns and winding tunnels stretching
hundreds and perhaps thousands of miles under the earth. Even the most exhaustive of dwarven maps has charted only a
fraction of these tunnels, and most have never been trod by dwarven boots. The dwarven spelunker is one of the brave few
dwarves that explore and map these sepulchral lands, so far from the warm forges of home. Confronted by the perils of
cave-ins, beastmen, and dark threats unknown to the light of day, few spelunkers survive their first expedition. This only
adds to the renown of those who do, attracting a new generation of foolhardy young dwarves to the perils of the darkness
Dwarven Spelunker Level Progression
Hit Hide in Move Climb Find Hear
Experience Title Level Dice Shadows Silently Walls Traps Noises
0 Dwarven Caver 1 1d6 17+ 15+ 4+ 14+ 12+
2,000 Dwarven Tunneler 2 2d6 16+ 14+ 3+ 14+ 11+
4,000 Dwarven Excavator 3 3d6 15+ 13+ 3+ 14+ 10+
8,000 Dwarven Undertrekker 4 4d6 14+ 12+ 2+ 13+ 9+
16,000 Dwarven Delver 5 5d6 13+ 11+ 2+ 12+ 8+
32,000 Dwarven Expeditionary 6 6d6 12+ 10+ 2+ 11+ 7+
65,000 Dwarven Pathfinder 7 7d6 10+ 8+ 1+ 9+ 5+
130,000 Dwarven Spelunker 8 8d6 8+ 6+ 1+ 7+ 4+
260,000 Dwarven Pioneer 9 9d6 6+ 4+ 1+ 5+ 3+
390,000 Dwarven Pioneer, 10th level 10 9d6+3* 4+ 2+ 1+ 3+ 2+
520,000 Dwarven Pioneer, 11th level 11 9d6+6* 2+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored

Dwarven spelunkers are able combatants. Like thieves, they advance in attack throws and saving throws by two points every
four levels of experience (i.e. the same as thieves). At first level, spelunkers hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack
throw of 10+. They may fight wielding a weapon in either hand or a wielding a weapon two-handed, but cannot use shields.
Valuing mobility and stealth over the false security of heavy armor, spelunkers wear only leather armor or lighter. They are
trained to fight with all missile weapons and all axes, hammers, flails, and maces. They may use any magic item usable by
Dwarven spelunkers have several skills in common with the class of thieves, although these skills are not commonly
employed for criminal enterprises. Because dwarven spelunkers prefer to evade foes where possible, they learn to hide in
shadows and move silently. Chasms, sinkholes, and chimneys abound in the subterranean world, so every spelunker also
learns climb walls. Decades of training in lightless environments teach spelunkers to hear noises that others miss.
Subterranean dwellers are notorious for creating deadfalls, pits, and snares to capture or kill unwary trespassers, so
dwarven spelunkers become expert at finding traps. Unlike thieves, spelunkers generally avoid or bypass traps, and have no
skill at disarming them. The Dwarven Spelunker Level Progression table shows the target values by level for their thief skills.
By necessity, all dwarven spelunker are expert cavers, able to keep maps in their heads of where they are when exploring
underground caves, cavern complexes, and rivers. On a proficiency throw of 9+, a spelunker will be able to automatically
know the route he has taken to get where he is, if he was conscious at the time. A spelunker can also understand and make
maps, even if he cannot read or write. With a proficiency throw of 9+, a spelunker can interpret or draft complicated layouts
or map an area by memory.
Dwarven spelunkers gain a +1 bonus on all surprise rolls when underground due to sensitivity to the rock and stone around
them. When underground a spelunker can detect false walls, hidden construction, or sloped passages with a proficiency
throw of 14+ on 1d20, if actively searching.
Like all dwarves, spelunkers are hardy people. The target values for all their saving throws versus Blast/Breath are reduced
by 3, while the target values for all their other saving throws are reduced by 4. These adjustments are already factored into
the saving throws on the Dwarven Spelunker Attack and Saving Throws table below. Dwarven spelunkers will speak the
Common and Dwarvish tongue and, because of their frequent interaction underground with these monsters, will also speak
Goblin, Gnome, and Kobold.
When a dwarven spelunker reaches 9th level (Dwarven Pioneer), his reputation is such that he can attract dwarves from far
and wide by constructing a new underground vault in an unsettled region. Dwarves usually live in clans, so dwarves of the
characters clan will be the first to live under his roof, but dwarves from other clans will also come and live nearby to be
ruled by the character. A total of 3d6x10 1st level NPCs of the same race will move in to help maintain and defend the vault
at no cost to the character. A dwarven spelunker is expected to employ only soldiers of dwarven descent, but may hire
members of other races for other tasks.
Dwarven Spelunker Proficiency List: Acrobatics, Alertness, Ambushing, Blind-Fighting, Cat Burglary, Combat Reflexes,
Combat Trickery (disarm, knock down), Contortionism, Dungeon Bashing, Engineering, Fighting Style, Goblin-Slaying, Illusion
Resistance, Mountaineering, Navigation, Precise Shooting, Running, Siege Engineering, Signaling, Skirmishing, Skulking,
Sniping, Survival, Swashbuckling, Tracking, Trap Finding, Trapping, Vermin Slaying*, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
*New proficiencies described in Chapter 6.
Tunnel Runner Template: This pre-generated Template: Tunnel Runner
template represents a highly mobile dwarven Proficiencies: Running, Navigation
tunnel runner, skilled at scouting and Starting Equipment: Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, 10 pole, battle
maneuver in the underdark. The template is axe, 2 hand axes, sturdy leather armor, tanned
ready for adventure. However, if your brown cloak, thick tunic and pants, leather belt,
spelunkers INT is 13 or greater, you may pick low boots, backpack, 2 large sacks, 50 rope,
one or more additional general proficiencies tinderbox, lantern, small hammer, 12 iron spikes,
before play if youd like (see Starting 2 flasks of military oil, wineskin, 2 weeks iron
Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of ACKS). rations, 1gp
Dwarven Spelunker Attack and
Saving Throws
L Petrific Pois Blas Staff S Att
e ation & on t& s& p ack
v Paralysi & Bre Wan e Thr
e s Deat ath ds l ow
l h l
1 9+ 9+ 13+ 10+ 1 10+
- 1
2 +
3 8+ 8+ 12+ 9+ 1 9+
- 0
4 +
5 7+ 7+ 11+ 8+ 9 8+
- +
7 6+ 6+ 10+ 7+ 8 7+
- +
9 5+ 5+ 9+ 6+ 7 6+
- +
1 4+ 4+ 8+ 5+ 6 5+
1 +
Prime Requisite: INT and CHA
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum Level: 12
Human legend paints the elves as bewitching and glamorous, yet tricky and untrustworthy. This reputation is not entirely
undeserved, for the favorite dweomers of the elves are charms and illusions. The elven enchanter is a specialist in such
glamours, one who can weave subtle marvels of light and sound, torment the senses with phantasms and figments, and
confound the minds of the easily influenced. Elven enchanters might be called to adventure by a desire to experience awe
and terror, a quest for rare and forgotten magic, or merely the lure of opulence.
Like mages, elven enchanters receive limited combat training. At first level, enchanters hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an
attack throw of 10+. They advance in attack throws and saving throws only two points every six levels of experience (i.e., the
same as mages). They may only fight with quarterstaff, dagger, darts, or sling. They are unable to use shields, fight with two
weapons, or wear any kind of armor.
Elven enchanters learn and Elven Enchanter Level Progression Eleven Enchanter Spell Progression
cast arcane spells as mages. Experience Title Level Hit Dice 1 2 3 4 5 6
The number and levels of 0 Prestidigitator 1 1d4 1 - - - - -
spells the enchanter can use 2,700 Glamourer 2 2d4 2 - - - - -
in a single day is summarized 5,400 Charmer 3 3d4 2 1 - - - -
on the Elven Enchanter Spell 10,800 Beguiler 4 4d4 2 2 - - - -
Progression table. Like a 21,600 Spellbinder 5 5d4 2 2 1 - - -
mage, the enchanters spell 43,200 Bewitcher 6 6d4 2 2 2 - - -
selection is limited to the 85,000 Ensorceller 7 7d4 3 2 2 1 - -
spells in his repertoire. An 170,000 Illusionist 8 8d4 3 3 2 2 - -
enchanters repertoire can 370,000 Enchanter 9 9d4 3 3 3 2 1 -
include a number of spells up 570,000 Enchanter, 10th lvl 10 9d4+1* 3 3 3 3 2 -
to the number and level of 770,000 Enchanter, 11th lvl 11 9d4+2* 4 3 3 3 2 1
spells listed for his level, 970,000 Enchanter, 12th lvl 12 9d4+3* 4 4 3 3 3 2
increased by his Intelligence *Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
bonus. An enchanter can use
any magic items usable by mages.
The elven enchanters mastery of charms and illusions gives him several advantages. When the character casts charm spells
(such as charm person) or illusion spells (such as phantasmal force), the spell effects are calculated as if he were two class
levels higher than his actual level of experience. Targets of his charm spells suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throw, as do
those who attempt to disbelieve his illusions.
All enchanters can magically accomplish simple illusions and sleight of hand tricks suitable for impressing peasants, such as
lighting a candle or shuffling cards, at will. To cast these prestidigitations, the enchanter must be able to perform the task
physically, and be free to speak and gesture. He may use magical sleight-of-hand to pick pockets as a thief of one half his
class level.
Every elven enchanter is able to project a glamorous aura that awes, bedazzles and seduces those in his presence. He gains
a +2 bonus to reaction rolls to impress and intimidate people he encounters. If this bonus results in a total of 12 or more,
the subjects act as if charmed while in his presence.
Like other elves, the enchanter gains a +1 bonus to surprise rolls when in the wilderness due to their attunement to nature.
Elves have keen eyes that allow them to detect hidden and secret doors with a proficiency throw of 8+ on 1d20 when
actively searching, or 14+ on casual inspection. Because of their connection to nature, elves are completely unaffected by
the paralysis ghouls can inflict, and the target values for all their saving throws versus Petrification/Paralysis and Spells are
reduced by 1. Elves can speak the Common, Elven, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, and Orc languages.
When an elven enchanter reaches 5th level (Spellbinder), he may begin to research spells, scribe magical scrolls, and brew
potions. When an elven enchanter reaches 9 th level (Enchanter), he is able to create more powerful magic items such as
weapons, rings, and staffs.
An elven enchanter may also build a sanctum, often a great tower, when he reaches 9 th level. He will then attract 1d6
apprentices of 1st-3rd level plus 2d6 elves seeking to become enchanters. Their Intelligence scores will be above average, but
many will become discouraged from the rigorous mental training and quit after 1d6 months. While in the elven enchanters
service, apprentices must be provided food and lodging, but need not be paid wages. If the elven enchanter builds a
dungeon beneath or near his tower, monsters will start to arrive to dwell within, followed shortly by adventurers seeking to
fight them.
At 11th level, an elven enchanter may learn and cast ritual arcane spells of great power (7 th, 8th, and 9th level), craft magical
constructs, and create magical cross-breeds. If chaotic, the enchanter may create necromantic servants and become
undead, though such a choice is understandably rarer among the ageless elves.
Elven Enchanter Proficiency List: Alchemy, Alertness, Art, Beast Friendship, Collegiate Wizardry, Contortionism, Craft,
Diplomacy, Disguise, Familiar, Healing, Illusion Resistance, Knowledge, Language, Loremastery, Magical Engineering, Magical
Music, Mimicry, Naturalism, Quiet Magic, Passing Without Trace, Performance, Profession, Running, Sensing Power,
Soothsaying, Swashbuckling, Transmogrification, Unflappable Casting, Wakefulness
Transmogrifier Template: This pre-generated Template: Transmogrifier
template represents an enchanter exploring Proficiencies: Transmogrification, Naturalism
the polymorphic arts. The template is ready Starting Equipment: Wood-paneled spellbook with charm person,
for adventure. However, if your enchanters gnarled oaken quarterstaff, 5 darts, leaf green
INT is 13 or greater, you may pick one or cassock with hood, leather belt, low boots,
more additional general proficiencies and backpack, quill and ink, 2 weeks iron rations,
starting spells before play if youd like. 57gp
Enchanter Attack and Saving Throws
L Petrific Pois Blas Staff S Att
e ation & on t & s & p ack
v Paralysi & Bre Wan e Thr
e s Dea ath ds l ow
l th l
1 12+ 13+ 15+ 11+ 1 10+
- 1
3 +
4 11+ 12+ 14+ 10+ 1 9+
- 0
6 +
7 8+
- 10+ 11+ 13+ 9+
1 9+ 10+ 12+ 8+ 8 7+
0 +
1 8+ 9+ 11+ 7+ 7 6+
3 +
Prime Requisite: STR and DEX
Requirements: INT 9
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum Level: 13
Elven rangers are sharp-eyed archers with a light tread and a deep connection to nature. Expert at archery and woodcraft,
rangers are often compared to the human class of explorers that ranges past settled borders and opens up new settlements.
Unlike human explorers, however, elven rangers focus on patrolling and protecting the existing expanses of elven land. Such
is their reputation that few dare trespass the Argollan forests, so elven rangers sometimes become adventurers out of
wanderlust or boredom. Others might seek to carry their war to the heart of the enemy, might be exiled from their
homeland, or perhaps are hunting a trespasser against the fastness.
Highly trained combatants, elven rangers advance in attack throws and saving throws by two points every three levels of
experience (i.e. the same as fighters). At first level, elven rangers hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+.
Elven rangers are trained to fight with any missile weapons and any one-handed melee weapons. They may fight wielding a
weapon two-handed, wielding a weapon in each hand, or wielding a weapon and shield. They may wear only chain mail or
lighter armor. They may use any magic item usable by fighters.
While they lack the staying power of human Elven Ranger Level Progression
fighters or dwarven vaultguards (evidenced by Hit Missile Damage
their 1d6 Hit Dice), elven rangers are renowned as Experience Title Level Dice Bonus
the best archers in the world. Their accuracy gives 0 Archer 1 1d6 +1
them a +1 bonus on all attack throws with missile 2,275 Rover 2 2d6 +1
weapons. Due to their careful aim, they increase 4,550 Forester 3 3d6 +2
their base damage roll from successful missile 9,100 Courser 4 4d6 +2
attacks by +1 at 1st level, and by an additional +1 at 18,200 Patroller 5 5d6 +2
3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level. Rangers are universally 36,400 Keeper 6 6d6 +3
precise shots, able to conduct missile attacks 75,000 Protector 7 7d6 +3
against opponents engaged in melee at a -4 150,000 Steward 8 8d6 +3
penalty to their attack throws. (An elven archer 300,000 Ranger 9 9d6 +4
may take ranks in the Precise Shooting proficiency 450,000 Ranger, 10th level 10 9d6+2* +4
to reduce this penalty to -2 or less). 600,000 Ranger, 11th level 11 9d6+4* +4
Like explorers, elven rangers are difficult to spot in 750,000 Ranger, 12th level 12 9d6+6* +5
the wilderness, having the ability to seemingly 900,000 Ranger, 13th level 13 9d6+8* +5
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
disappear into woods and underbrush with a
proficiency throw of 3+ on 1d20. In dungeons, an elven ranger who is motionless and quiet in cover can escape detection
with a proficiency throw of 14+ on 1d20.
Elven rangers cultivate the ability to pass without trace so that interlopers cannot follow their tracks back to the fastness.
They cannot be tracked when in wilderness terrain. For every 3 levels of experience, an elven ranger may cover the tracks of
an additional traveling companion.
As friends of birds and beasts, elven rangers can understand the subtle body language and moods of normal animals
(though the animals may not understand the character). This gives rangers a +2 to all reaction rolls when encountering
normal animals, and allows them to take animals as henchmen. They also can identify flora and fauna with a proficiency
throw of 11+.
Elven rangers possess animal reflexes that give them a +1 bonus to initiative and a +1 bonus to surprise rolls. They gain an
additional +1 bonus to surprise rolls (for a total bonus of +2) when in the wilderness due to their attunement to nature. Like
other elves, they have keen eyes that allow them to detect hidden and secret doors with a proficiency throw of 8+ on 1d20
when actively searching, or 14+ on casual inspection. Because of their connection to nature, elven rangers are completely
unaffected by the paralysis ghouls can inflict, and the target values for all their saving throws versus Spells, Paralysis, and
Petrification are reduced by 1. Elven rangers can speak Common and Elven, as well as the languages of the forest-dwelling
beastmen, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, and Orc.
When an elven ranger reaches 9th level (Ranger), he can establish a fastness in a natural setting, such as a forest or glen.
Rather than impose upon nature, this fastness must blend seamlessly with it. A total of 3d6x10 1st level elven NPCs will
move in to help with it and defend the fastness at no cost to the character. A rangers elven fastness follows all the rules for
elven fastnesses detailed in the Elven Fastnesses section of Chapter 7 of ACKS.
Elven Ranger Proficiency List: Alertness, Ambushing, Animal Husbandry, Blind Fighting, Climbing, Combat Trickery (disarm,
incapacitate, knock down), Eavesdropping, Endurance, Fighting Style, Land Surveying, Mapping, Mountaineering,
Naturalism, Navigation, Precise Shooting, Riding, Running, Seafaring, Signaling, Skirmishing, Sniping, Survival,
Swashbuckling, Trapping, Wakefulness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Hunter Template: This pre-generated Template: Hunter
template represents a sharpshooting Proficiencies: Weapon Focus (bows/crossbows), Tracking
hunter. The template is ready for Starting Equipment: Sturdy longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, leaf-headed
adventure. However, if your elven spear, gracefully curved short sword, dagger, chain
rangers INT is 13 or greater, you may mail armor, wind-battered fur cloak, wool tunic and
pick one or more additional general pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, lantern,
proficiencies before play if youd like tinderbox, 2 flasks of common oil, blanket, 50 rope, 12
(see Starting Proficiencies in Chapter 4 iron spikes, small hammer, wineskin, 1 weeks iron
of ACKS). rations

Elven Ranger Attack and Saving Throws

Level Petrification & Paralysis Poison & Death Blast & Breath Staffs & Wands Spells Attack Throw
1 14+ 14+ 16+ 16+ 16+ 10+
2-3 13+ 13+ 15+ 15+ 15+ 9+
4 12+ 12+ 14+ 14+ 14+ 8+
5-6 11+ 11+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 7+
7 10+ 10+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 6+
8-9 9+ 9+ 11+ 11+ 11+ 5+
10 8+ 8+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 4+
11-12 7+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 9+ 3+
13 6+ 6+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 2+

Prime Requisite: WIS, DEX, CON, and CHA
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 14
Mystics are members of ascetic brotherhoods focused on perfecting the powers of the human body and spirit. Through
rigorous self-discipline and strict training, mystics attain physical and mental prowess that seems almost magical. In the
Auran Empire setting, mystics generally hail from the Sunset Kingdoms of Somirea, Kemesh, and Celdorea, where they are
trained in ancient monastery-fortresses dating back millennia.
The majority of mystics will live and die in their monasteries, rarely interacting with the temporal world. Some mystics
become adventurers from a desire to fight evil and help their fellow man, feeling that such deeds are part of achieving
perfection. Others use adventuring as a means of testing their own self-mastery. And some grow corrupted by their own
prowess and use their abilities to ruthlessly seize temporal power.
Because of their lifelong training, mystics are exceptionally skilled combatants. At first level, mystics hit an unarmored foe
(AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+. They advance in attack throws and saving throws by two points every three levels of
experience (e.g. the same progression as fighters).
Mystics train to fight with a broad selection of weapons, including the flail, longbow, pole arm, spear, dagger, sword, short
sword, dart, staff, and whip. Like fighters, mystics increase their base damage roll from successful missile and melee attacks
by +1 at 1st level and by an additional +1 at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level. They may fight wielding a wielding a weapon two-
handed or wielding a weapon in each hand, as desired. They may use any magic item usable by fighters.
Mystic Level Progression
Hit Damage
Experience Title Level Dice Special Abilities Bonus
0 Aspirant 1 1d6 Graceful fighting, meditative focus, mindful +1
2,450 Novice 2 2d6 Strength of spirit +1
4,900 Initiate 3 3d6 Speed of thought +2
9,800 Disciple 4 4d6 Probability trance +2
19,600 Immaculate 5 5d6 Purity of body and soul +2
39,200 Preceptor 6 6d6 Command of voice +3
80,000 Master 7 7d6 Wholeness of body +3
160,000 Superior Master 8 8d6 Perception of intention +3
280,000 Enlightened Master 9 9d6 Monastery +4
400,000 Enlightened Master, 10th level 10 9d6+2* Harmony of spirit +4
520,000 th
Enlightened Master, 11 level 11 9d6+4* - +4
640,000 Enlightened Master, 12th level 12 9d6+6* - +5
760,000 Enlightened Master, 13th level 13 9d6+8* - +5
880,000 Hierophant 14 9d6+10* Perfection of body +5
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored

Mystics have a graceful fighting style focusing on fluidity and freedom of movement. So long as they can move freely, they
gain a +1 bonus to armor class at 1st level, and an additional +1 at 7 th and 13th level. However, they may not wear armor and
may not use shields.
Mystics are trained to be mindful of all things. A mystic will notice details such as slight differences in air currents or designs
of a room, suggesting secret doors, or the faintest whispers in a loud room. This gives the mystic a +4 bonus on any
proficiency throws to hear noises and detect secret doors. With a proficiency throw of 18+ he can notice secret doors with
just casual observation. He gains a +1 bonus to avoid surprise.
All mystics are able to enter a state of meditative focus in which their body and mind act with hyperawareness. Entering
into focus does not require an action. While in focus, the mystic gains a +1 bonus to armor class, attack throws, proficiency
throws, saving throws, and initiative rolls. A mystics meditative focus lasts for 1 turn (10 minutes). As the mystics mind
expands, so does his ability to maintain their focus. Mystic can go into focus once per day per level of experience.
Starting at 2nd level (Novice), the mystics strength of spirit makes him immune to normal and magical fear effects. He knows
that fear is only an illusion, and lets it pass through him.
Upon reaching 3rd level (Initiate), the mystic develops his speed of thought to an almost super-human level. He gains a +1
bonus to all initiative rolls and a further +1 bonus to surprise rolls.
At 4th level (Disciple), the mystic learns how to enter a probability trance that can guide his actions towards the most
favorable paths. Entering the probability trance requires 1 turn (10 minutes) of undisturbed meditation. The probability
trance will provide the mystic with useful information regarding a question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity that
is to occur within one week. The future is ever-changing, so if the mystic does not act on the information, it will quickly
become useless. The base chance of a successful probability trance is 60%, +1% per level above 4 th. Weighing probabilities
requires a substantial period of subconscious contemplation; a mystic may enter a probability trance no more than once per
day, with a nights rest required in between.
By 5th level (Immaculate), the mystics purity of body and soul has made him immune to all forms of disease, including
magical diseases caused by spells, mummies, and lycanthropes.
At 6th level (Preceptor), the mystic achieves a command of voice that undisciplined minds find irresistible. He gains a +2
bonus to reaction rolls with creatures he speaks to. If this bonus results in a total of 12 or more, the subjects act as if
charmed while in his presence. Creatures with a WIS greater than the mystics CHA are immune to this power (and the
mystic will know they are immune).
Upon reaching 7th level (Master), the mystic attains a wholeness of body that makes him immune to all forms of poison,
including magical poisons.
At 8th level (Superior Master), the mystic develops the ability to perceive intentions by detecting tiny variations in others
body language, vocal inflection, and nervous response. The mystic always know the exact reaction result (Hostile,
Unfriendly, etc.) of creatures he interacts with, even if the creatures attempt to lie or conceal their reactions. Creatures with
a CHA greater than the mystics WIS are immune to this power (and the mystic will know they are immune).
Upon reaching 9th level (Enlightened Master), a mystic can establish a monastery and assume a place of temporal power in
society. When he does so, up 5d6x10 0 th level soldiers and 1d6 mystics of 1 st-3rd level will come to serve the Enlightened
Master. They are completely loyal (morale +4). While in the mystics service, his followers must be provided food and
lodging, but need not be paid wages.
A 10th level Enlightened Master achieves harmony of spirit. He lives in balance with the steady rhythms of the universe,
neither controlling nor controlled by fate. This grants him a +2 bonus to all saving throws. These adjustments are already
factored into the saving throws on the table below.
At 14th level (Hierophant), the mystic attains ultimate perfection of body. His body becomes ageless, and he enjoys a
lifespan three times longer than normal. He also becomes immune to ghoul paralysis.
Mystic Proficiency List: Acrobatics, Arcane Dabbling, Beast Friendship, Blind Fighting, Climbing, Combat Trickery (force back,
incapacitate, knock down, overrun, wrestle), Command, Contortionism, Eavesdropping, Endurance, Fighting Style, Illusion
Resistance, Laying on Hands, Lip Reading, Passing Without Trace, Performance, Precise Shooting, Running, Skirmishing,
Swashbuckling, Unarmed Fighting*, Wakefulness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
*New proficiencies described in Chapter 6.
Warrior Monk Template: This pre-generated Template: Warrior Monk
template represents a warrior-monk from the Proficiencies: Swashbuckling, Performance (chant)
Sunset Kingdoms. The template is ready for Starting Equipment: Elephant trunk blade, pair of swords, 5 war
adventure. However, if your monks INT is 13 or rings, saffron red robe with head wrapping,
greater, you may pick one or more additional leather belt, sandals, backpack, 2 weeks iron
general proficiencies before play if youd like rations, 80gp
(see Starting Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of

Mystic Attack and Saving Throws

Level Petrification & Paralysis Poison & Death Blast & Breath Staffs & Wands Spells Attack Throw
1 15+ 14+ 16+ 16+ 17+ 10+
2-3 14+ 13+ 15+ 15+ 16+ 9+
4 13+ 12+ 14+ 14+ 15+ 8+
5-6 12+ 11+ 13+ 13+ 14+ 7+
7 11+ 10+ 12+ 12+ 13+ 6+
8-9 10+ 9+ 11+ 11+ 12+ 5+
10 7+ 6+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 4+
11-12 6+ 5+ 7+ 7+ 8+ 3+
13 5+ 4+ 6+ 6+ 7+ 2+
14 4+ 3+ 5+ 5+ 6+ 1+
Prime Requisite: STR and CHA
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 14
Paladins are champions of Law who crusade unceasingly against those who seek to extinguish the light of civilization.
Wherever the forces of Chaos marshal to threaten man, paladins can be found, battling back the darkness with courage and
steel. In the Auran Empire, most paladins are found in service to the Empyrean gods Ammonar, Ianna, and Tras.
As holy warriors, paladins are highly trained Paladin Level Progression
combatants. At first level, Paladins hit an Experience Title Level Hit Dice Damage Bonus
unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 0 Bulwark 1 1d6 +1
10+. Like fighters, they advance in attack 1,850 Warder 2 2d6 +1
throws and saving throws by two points 3,700 Defender 3 3d6 +2
every three levels of experience. Paladins 7,400 Protector 4 4d6 +2
increase their base damage roll from missile 14,800 Guardian 5 5d6 +2
and melee attacks by +1 at 1 st level and by an 29,600 Sentinel 6 6d6 +3
additional +1 at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level. 60,000 Justiciar 7 7d6 +3
They may wear any armor, and may fight 120,000 Paladin 8 8d6 +3
with a broad array of weapons, including the 240,000 Paladin Lord 9 9d6 +4
battle axe, flail, lance, mace, morning star, 360,000 Paladin Lord, 10th level 10 9d6+2* +4
pole arm, spear, sword, two-handed sword, 480,000 Paladin Lord, 11th level 11 9d6+4* +4
and war hammer. All Paladins may fight 600,000 Paladin Lord, 12th level 12 9d6+6* +5
wielding a weapon and shield, wielding a 720,000 Paladin Lord, 13th level 13 9d6+8* +5
weapon two-handed, or wielding a weapon 840,000 Lord Protector 14 9d6+10* +5
in each hand, as desired. They may use any *Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
magic item usable by fighters.
All paladins must be of Lawful alignment. A paladin who changes to Neutral or Chaotic alignment loses his class powers. If
he later reverts to Lawful alignment and atones for any misdeeds (possibly through a quest or atonement spell) he can
regain his lost powers. (A paladin who becomes Chaotic might be permitted to become an anti-paladin, at the Judges
discretion. Such a black hearted traitor will be hated throughout civilized lands, of course.)
In exchange for their devotion to Law, paladins receive many powers to aid them in their crusades against Chaos. Foremost
among these is their aura of protection, which gives them a +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on saving throws against attacks
made or effects created by evil creatures. The paladins aura of protection appears as a golden halo when viewed with
detect good, detect magic, or true seeing.
Paladins also possess sanctified bodies that are completely immune to the ravages of disease, including magical diseases.
This enables them to go on long crusades without succumbing to the diseases that kill many soldiers, as well as to face
dread foes such as mummies or werewolves without fear of corruption.
In order to defeat the enemies of Law, the paladin must find them. To this end, a paladin can detect evil (as the spell) up to
60 away simply by concentrating. Each use takes a turn. (For purposes of the paladins aura and detection abilities, evil
creatures include all undead, all summoned creatures, and any Chaotic creatures intending harm the paladin. Sinkholes of
evil and magic items harmful to those of Lawful alignment will also be detected by the paladins power.)
Finally, paladins may lay on hands, on others or on their own person, in order to heal injuries. A paladin will heal 2 points of
damage per level when the power is used. A paladin may use his power to lay on hands once per day. A paladin may select
the Laying on Hands proficiency to gain additional uses of the power per day.
When a paladin reaches 5th level (Guardian), his holy fervor inspires others to follow him. Any hirelings of the same religion
as the paladin gain a +1 bonus to their morale score whenever he is present. This bonus stacks with any modifiers from the
paladins Charisma or proficiencies.
At 9th level (Paladin Lord), a paladin can found or capture a fortress and become a protector of men. When he does so, up to
1d4+1x10 0th level mercenaries and 1d6 paladins of 1 st-3rd level will come to apply for jobs and training. If hired, they must
be paid standard rates for mercenaries.
Paladin Proficiency List: Alertness, Blind Fighting, Combat Reflexes, Combat Trickery (force back, incapacitate, overrun,
sunder), Command, Diplomacy, Divine Blessing, Dungeon Bashing, Endurance, Fighting Style, Goblin-Slaying, Healing,
Knowledge (history), Illusion Resistance, Laying on Hands, Leadership, Manual of Arms, Military Strategy, Martial Training,
Mystic Aura, Profession (judge), Riding, Running, Theology, Weapon Focus
Champion Template: This pre-generated template Template: Champion
represents a blessed champion of Ammonar, the Proficiencies: Divine Blessing, Theology
Lawbringer. The template is ready for adventure. Starting Holy symbol (winged sun of Ammonar), sword,
However, if your Paladins INT is 13 or greater, you Equipment: steel shield bearing symbol of winged sun,
may pick one or more additional general banded plate armor, wool tunic and pants,
proficiencies before play if youd like (see Starting leather belt, low boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron
Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of ACKS). rations

Paladin Attack and Saving Throws

Level Petrification & Paralysis Poison & Death Blast & Breath Staffs & Wands Spells Attack Throw
1 15+ 14+ 16+ 16+ 17+ 10+
2-3 14+ 13+ 15+ 15+ 16+ 9+
4 13+ 12+ 14+ 14+ 15+ 8+
5-6 12+ 11+ 13+ 13+ 14+ 7+
7 11+ 10+ 12+ 12+ 13+ 6+
8-9 10+ 9+ 11+ 11+ 12+ 5+
10 9+ 8+ 10+ 10+ 11+ 4+
11-12 8+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 10+ 3+
13 7+ 6+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 2+
14 6+ 5+ 7+ 7+ 8+ 1+

Prime Requisite: WIS and CHA
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum Level: 14
Priestesses are human women that have dedicated themselves to the service of a goddess. Unlike clerics, who are trained in
fighting, priestesses belong to non-military orders, and dedicate themselves to spell-casting, ministry, and prayer. Within the
Auran Empire, priestesses belong to the Sisters of Mourning (Calefa), Keepers of the Hearth (Mityara), or Temple of the Veil
Most priestesses do not become adventurers, but every year a few women are sent forth from their temples into the world
at the instructions of the matriarchs. Most of these priestesses fall prey to the world or its temptations, but a few rise in
power and broaden the reach and influence of their order.
Priestesses receive little combat training. At first level, priestesses hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+.
They advance in attack throws and saving throws only two points every six levels of experience (i.e., the same as mages).
They may only fight with quarterstaff, club, dagger, or darts. They are unable to use shields, fight with two weapons, or wear
any kind of armor.
Because of their connection to their goddess, priestesses have the ability to turn undead as clerics of their level. There is no
limit to how often a priestess may attempt to turn undead each day, but if an attempt to turn undead fails during an
encounter, the priestess may not attempt to turn undead again for the remainder of that encounter.
Starting at 1st level, priestesses are able to manifest their deitys power in the form of divine spells, which are granted
through prayer and worship. The power and number of divine spells available to the character are determined by level
according to the Priestess Spell Progression table. See the Spells chapter for the priestesss spell lists. They may use any
magic items usable by clerics.
In order to use spells and turn undead, priestesses must uphold the strictures of their order and their goddess. If the Judge
has not specified particular religious orders in his campaign, the default priestess is assumed to be from the Keepers of the
Hearth Fire, the order devoted to Mityara, Goddess of Civilization and Mercy. The strictures of their order are many. When
in public, they must always wear the white mantles and shawls of their order. Every seventh day, they must keep a flame lit
throughout the night, representing the light of civilization. They must refrain from the taking of human or demi-human life
(Of course, beastmen, undead, and other monsters are abominations and should be put down!) And they must remain both
chaste and celibate until they reach the rank of Mother (7 th level).
If a priestess ever falls from favor, due to violating the beliefs of her goddess or breaking the rules of her order, the goddess
may impose penalties upon the priestess. These penalties are entirely up to the Judge, but might include penalties to attack
or a reduction in spells available.
When a priestess reaches 5 th level Priestess Level Progression Priestess Spell Progression
(Sister-Disciple), she may begin to Experience Title Level Hit Dice 1 2 3 4 5
research spells, scribe scrolls, and 0 Novice 1 1d4 1 - - - -
brew potions. At 9th level 2,000 Daughter 2 2d4 2 - - - -
(Matriarch), she is able to create 4,000 Sister-Initiate 3 3d4 3 - - - -
more powerful magic items such as 8,000 Sister 4 4d4 3 2 - - -
weapons, rings, and staffs. At 11 th 16,000 Sister-Disciple 5 5d4 3 3 - - -
level, a priestess may learn and cast 32,000 Priestess 6 6d4 3 3 2 2 -
ritual divine spells of great power 65,000 Mother 7 7d4 3 3 3 2 2
(6th and 7th level), craft magical 130,000 Revered Mother 8 8d4 5 5 3 3 2
constructs such as golems and 230,000 Matriarch 9 9d4 5 5 5 3 3
animated statues, and perform 330,000 Matriarch, 10th level 10 9d4+1 6 6 5 5 3
necromancy (if Chaotic). 430,000 Matriarch, 11th level 11 9d4+2 6 6 6 5 5
Upon attaining 9th level (Matriarch), 530,000 Matriarch, 12th level 12 9d4+3 8 8 6 6 5
a priestess may establish or build a 630,000 Matriarch, 13th level 13 9d4+4 8 8 8 6 5
stronghold called a cloister. If the 730,000 High Priestess 14 9d4+5 9 8 8 8 6
priestess has had a good and noble *Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
adventuring career, the matriarch of her current cloister will pay for up to 100% of the construction costs of a modest
cloister. The new cloister will usually remain a branch of the older cloister until the priestess reaches 12 th level, at which time
it will become independent. A priestess who founds a cloister will be joined by 1d2x10 1 st level priestesses and 1d6x30
normal women who want to become priestesses. Every year 80% of the previous years trainees will leave in frustration or
find they lack the discipline for a life of faith, and 1d6x20 normal women will come in to replace them. A normal woman in
training typically takes 2 years to become a 1st level priestess.
Priestess Proficiency List: Alchemy, Animal Husbandry, Apostasy, Arcane Dabbling, Beast Friendship, Contemplation,
Diplomacy, Divine Blessing, Divine Health, Healing, Illusion Resistance, Knowledge, Laying on Hands, Loremastery, Magical
Engineering, Magical Music, Mystic Aura, Naturalism, Performance, Prestidigitation, Profession, Prophecy, Quiet Magic,
Righteous Turning, Sensing Evil, Sensing Power, Theology, Unflappable Casting
Medician Template: This pre-generated template Template: Medician
represents a medician (healer) from the Keepers of Proficiencies: Laying on Hands, Healing
the Hearth Fire sent out into the world to help Starting Equipment: Holy symbol (white lady of Mityara),
veterans and heroes defend civilization. The template slender whitewood staff, white silk
is ready for adventure. However, if your priestesss INT chiton, gold silk sash, high boots,
is 13 or greater, you may pick one or more additional backpack, 1lb birthwort, 1lb comfrey, 1lb
general proficiencies before play if youd like (see goldenrod, 1lb woundwort, flask of holy
Starting Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of ACKS). water, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
Priestess Saving Throws
Level Petrification & Poison & Blast & Staffs &
Paralysis Death Breath Wands Spells
1-2 13+ 10+ 16+ 13+ 15+
3-4 12+ 9+ 15+ 12+ 14+
5-6 11+ 8+ 14+ 11+ 13+
7-8 10+ 7+ 13+ 10+ 12+
9-10 9+ 6+ 12+ 9+ 11+
11-12 8+ 5+ 11+ 8+ 10+
13- 14 7+ 4+ 10+ 7+ 9+
Priestess Attack Throws

Level Attack Throw

1-3 10+
4-6 9+
7-9 8+
10-12 7+
13-14 6+

Prime Requisite: WIS
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 14
Shamans are the spiritual guides of tribal peoples. A shaman is responsible for the sacred needs of his tribe, mediating with
the tribes ancestral spirits and totem animals, and conducting the tribes religious rituals. Through his relationship with
sacred powers such as gods, powerful ancestors, and animal spirits, the shaman can heal the sick and afflicted, divine wise
courses of action, and smite the enemies of his tribe. In the Auran Empire, members of the class might be druids of Rorn,
rune-casters of Jutland, medicine men of the Skysos horse peoples, or witch doctors of the Ivory Kingdoms.
While most shamans spend their entire lives with their tribe, some shamans are called to adventure by dreams and visions;
others adventure out of a desire to learn secrets unavailable in their homelands. A few tragic shamans become adventures
to gain the power necessary to avenge the destruction of their tribe.
Shaman Level Progression Shaman Spell Progression
Experience Title Level Hit Dice Special Abilities 1 2 3 4 5
0 Spirit Whisperer 1 1d6 Commune with spirits, totem animal - - - - -
1,500 Village Healer 2 2d6 Divine spellcasting 1 - - - -
3,000 Tribal Priest 3 3d6 Spiritual ritual 2 - - - -
6,000 Medicine Man 4 4d6 - 2 1 - - -
12,000 Totem Bearer 5 5d6 Shapechange, magic research (minor) 2 2 - - -
24,000 Witch Doctor 6 6d6 - 2 2 1 1 -
50,000 Spirit Walker 7 7d6 Spiritwalk 2 2 2 1 1
100,000 Tribal Elder 8 8d6 - 3 3 2 2 1
200,000 Shaman 9 9d6 Medicine lodge, magic research 3 3 3 2 2
300,000 Shaman, 10th level 10 9d6+1* - 4 4 3 3 2
400,000 Shaman, 11th level 11 9d6+2* Ritual spells 4 4 4 3 3
500,000 Shaman, 12th level 12 9d6+3* - 5 5 4 4 3
600,000 Shaman, 13th level 13 9d6+4* - 5 5 5 4 3
700,000 Grandfather of Totem 14 9d6+5* - 6 5 5 5 4
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
Shamans are skilled combatants, albeit not as good as fighters. At first level, shamans hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an
attack throw of 10+. They advance in attack throws and saving throws by two points every four levels of experience (i.e. the
same progression as clerics). Shamans are familiar only with common tribal weapons such as the club, dagger, hand axe,
short sword, staff, and spear. They may wear leather armor and may fight wielding a weapon two-handed or with a weapon
and shield, but may not fight with a weapon in each hand. Shamans can use any magic items usable by clerics.
Starting at 1st level, a shaman has the ability to commune with his ancestral spirits once per week. The spirits will answer
three yes-or-no questions to the best of their ability. They are very wise, but not omniscient, and may not be able to answer
all questions accurately. Such details are left to the Judge's discretion. The ritual to commune with the ancestor spirits takes
1 turn to complete, during which time the shaman is out of body and entirely helpless. The ritual is so taxing that it may
be performed but once per week. Once a year, on a particular sacred day (determined by the Judge), the shaman may ask
twice the normal number of questions of his ancestors without angering them.
At 1st level every shaman also acquires a totem animal, which physically represents the shamans relationship with his
sacred powers. The Totem Animal table, below, lists the benefits and abilities of several sample totems. The Judge may
create additional totems at his discretion. The totem animal should be a creature appropriate to the characters ability
scores and tribal traditions. For example, a shaman with high STR might have a bear totem, while a shaman with high WIS
might have an owl totem and one with high CHA might choose an eagle totem. At a minimum, the shaman must possess an
ability score of at least 9 in his totem animals key ability. Over time, the shaman will come to resemble his totem animal. A
wolf shaman might develop yellow eyes and sharp canines, while a bear shaman might grow husky and hirsute.
The totem animal is smarter than a normal animal, with Intelligence equal to the shamans Intelligence. It can understand
the shamans speech, and the shaman can understand his totem animals speech, though no one else can without resorting
to speak with animals. So long as the shaman upholds his tribal traditions, the totem animal will be utterly loyal to the
shaman and will fight for him, perform services, and obey his commands.
While the totem animal is alive, the shaman receives the animals totem benefit. The totem benefit is a bonus proficiency
related to the totem. For example, a shaman with a cobra totem animal has the Combat Reflexes proficiency so long as he is
within 30 of his totem animal.
Because it is partly a creature of the shamans own spirit, the totem animal always has a number of hit dice and maximum
hit points equal to the shamans own. If a totem animal has fewer hit dice than those normally possessed by such an
animal, it will appear as a smaller, younger creature of its type. For example, a 1 st level shamans lion totem animal would
appear as a lion cub. Such creatures will do 1 less point of damage with each die (minimum 1). If a totem animal has greater
hit dice than usual for its type, it will appear as a bigger, stronger version of the animal, to a maximum of twice normal size.
For example, a 9th level shamans eagle would be a mighty creature with twice the wingspan of a normal eagle. Large totem
animals do +1 damage on each damage die.
The totem animal makes saving throws as a cleric of the shamans level. If the totem animal is ever killed, the character
must save versus Death or instantly take damage equal to the totem animals maximum total hit points. If a shamans totem
animal is slain, it may not be restored to life or reincarnated. However, a new totem animal of the same type will appear
the next time the shaman gains a level of experience.
Except where mentioned above, totem animals have the characteristics of a normal animal of their type. These are listed on
the Totem Animal table for quick reference. HD are listed for comparison purposes.
Totem Animals
Totem Animal Key Ability Totem Benefit Characteristics
Bear STR Berserkergang Move 120, AC3, HD 4, #AT 3, Dmg 1d3/1d3/1d6, bear hug
Crow/Raven INT Divine Blessing Move 330 fly, AC1, HD , #AT 1, Dmg 1d3-1
Dog CON Alertness Move 180, AC2, HD 1+1, #AT 1, Dmg 1d4, tracking
Eagle/Hawk CHA Command Move 480 fly, HD 1, AC1, #AT 2, Dmg 1d2/1d2, swoop attack
Horse DEX Running Move 240, AC2, HD 2, #AT 2, Dmg 1d4/1d4, can be ridden
Lion CHA Divine Health Move 150, AC3, HD 5, #AT 3, Dmg 1d4+1/1d4+1/1d10
Monkey INT Prestidigitation Move 120, AC2, HD 1, #AT 1, Dmg 1d3, climbing
Rat DEX Quiet Magic Move 60/40 swim, AC0, HD , #AT 1, Dmg 1d3-1
Owl WIS Sensing Power Move 300, AC1, HD 1/2 #AT 1, Dmg 1d2, night vision, +3 to surprise
Python WIS Laying on Hands Move 90, AC3, HD 5, #AT 2, Dmg 1d4/2d8+constriction
Cobra DEX Combat Reflexes Move 90, AC3, HD 2, #AT 1, Dmg 1d4+poison, always has initiative
Wolf CON Ambushing Move 180, AC2, HD 2+2, #AT 1, Dmg 1d6
At 2nd level, shamans may call on the sacred powers to gain divine spells, which are granted through carrying out careful
morning rituals. The power and number of divine spells available to a character are determined by level according to the
Shaman Spell Progression table. See the Spells chapter in this book for the Shamans spell repertoire.
At 3rd level, the shaman may perform a spiritual ritual to re-gain the ability to cast a spell of a level he had previously
expended. Each spiritual ritual requires one hour (6 turns). In contrast to the austere contemplation of more civilized clerics,
spiritual rituals involve ecstatic dancing, wild drumming, chanting, and intoxicating smoke. The shaman may perform a
spiritual ritual as often as desired, but may not regain the same level of spell more than once per day.
At 5th level, this physical link becomes strong enough for the shaman to shapechange into his totem animal. The shaman
remains in his new shape until he changes back. A 5 th level shaman can initially shapechange once per day. For example, if
he begins the day in human form, he can shapechange into his totem animal form, but he then has to remain in totem
animal form until the following day, when he can change back to his human shape. With each level of experience gained, the
shaman can change shape one additional time per day.
When in totem animal form, the shaman has the movement, armor class, attacks, damage, and powers listed on the Totem
Animals table. He retains his normal hit dice, hit points, attack throws, and saving throws. If the shaman is of greater hit dice
than his animal type, he will appear as a bigger, stronger version of the animal, to a maximum of twice normal size. For
example, a 10th level shaman in lion shape would appear as a huge predator, twice the mass of a normal lion. A larger-than-
normal totem animal form increase each damage die by +1. Apart from size, the shaman is indistinguishable from a normal
animal. The totem animal shape does not detect as magical, is not detected by spells that reveal illusions, and cannot be
dispelled. Changing shape can be performed during combat in lieu of making an attack.
Upon attaining 7th level, the shaman gains the ability to spiritwalk. After 1 turn (10 minutes) of chanting, the shaman enters
a deep trance during which his spirit walks free of his body. Once a spiritwalk begins, it continues until the shamans spirit
returns to his body, to a maximum duration of 1 hour per level. A spiritwalking shamans spirit can assume either human or
totem animal shape as desired. In either shape, the shaman can see and hear normally, move around at his shapes normal
movement rate, and pass through solid objects without difficulty. However, the spiritwalking shaman cannot see into, hear
sounds from, or move through an area warded by an anti-magic shell or protection from evil spell or similar effect. The
spiritwalking shaman is incorporeal and invisible, but can be detected with detect invisible or true seeing, harmed by spells
and magic weapons if detected, and forced to return to his body with dispel evil. If the shamans body is destroyed, the
character dies at the end of the spiritwalk. If the shamans spirit is destroyed, his body falls into a catatonic slumber that can
only be lifted with restore life and limb, resurrection, or wish. Spiritwalking is so taxing that it can be performed but once
per week.
At 9th level, the shaman may establish or build a medicine lodge. So long as the shaman is currently in favor with his tribes
powers, he may buy or build his medicine lodge at half the normal price due to divine intervention. Once a medicine lodge is
established, the shamans reputation will spread and he will attract 5d6x10 0th level tribesmen armed with various weapons,
plus another 1d6 shamans of 1st-3rd level of the same tribe to serve him. These followers are completely loyal (morale +4).
While in the shamans service, his followers must be provided food and lodging, but need not be paid wages.
Like other divine spellcasters, a shaman gains the ability to do magical research. At 5 th level or higher, the shaman is able to
research spells, scribe scrolls, and brew potions. At 9th level, he is able to create more powerful magic items such as
weapons, rings, and staffs, and at 11 th level, a shaman may learn and cast ritual divine spells of great power (6 th and 7th
level), and craft magical constructs. These activities are explained in the Campaign chapter of the ACKS rulebook.
Shaman Proficiency List: Animal Husbandry, Animal Training, Apostasy, Battle Magic, Beast Friendship, Berserkergang,
Command, Diplomacy, Divine Blessing, Divine Health, Elementalism, Fighting Style, Healing, Laying on Hands, Leadership,
Loremastery, Magical Engineering, Magical Music, Naturalism, Passing Without Trace, Prestidigitation, Quiet Magic, Sensing
Evil, Sensing Power, Theology, Tracking, Unflappable Casting, Weapon Focus
Druid Template: This pre-generated template Template: Druid
represents a druid from the northern lands, a type Proficiencies: Beast Friendship, Naturalism, Divine
of shaman with a deep connection to the natural Blessing
world. The Template is ready for adventure. Starting Equipment: Raven totem animal, holy symbol (golden
However, if your shamans INT is 13 or greater, you sickle), whitewood spear, sickle sword,
may pick one or more additional general dagger, shield, leather armor under white
proficiencies before play if youd like (see Starting druids robes, leather belt, low boots,
Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of ACKS). backpack, flask of holy water, 1lb garlic, 1lb
wolfsbane, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
Shaman Attack and Saving Throws
L Petrifica Poiso Blast Staffs S Atta
e tion & n & & & p ck
v Paralysis Deat Brea Wand e Thr
el h th s l ow
1 13+ 10+ 16+ 13+ 1 10+
- 5
2 +
3 12+ 9+ 15+ 12+ 1 9+
- 4
4 +
5 11+ 8+ 14+ 11+ 1 8+
- 3
6 +
7 10+ 7+ 13+ 10+ 1 7+
- 2
8 +
9 9+ 6+ 12+ 9+ 1 6+
- 1
1 +
1 8+ 5+ 11+ 8+ 1 5+
1 0
- +
1 7+ 4+ 10+ 7+ 9 4+
3 +

Prime Requisite: INT
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum Level: 14
While mages are sometimes colloquially referred to as warlocks, the true warlock is a far more sinister individual. A warlock
is one who seeks alliance with dark beings and pursues forbidden lore, hoping to find a quicker, easier path to power than
the methodical practices of magecraft. Many warlocks become adventurers to plumb the secrets of dusty tombs, forgotten
crypts, and hidden sanctums. Few do so for heroic motives.
These practices leave warlocks reviled and condemned in the Auran Empire. The Tower of Knowledge bars known warlocks
from its august halls entirely. Warlocks are treated with respect and more than a little fear in the Sunset Kingdoms of
Kemesh, Somirea, and Celdorea, and many assume positions of power in those societies.
Warlock Level Progression Warlock Spell Progression
Experience Level Title Hit Dice Special Abilities 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 Medium 1d4 Familiar, spellcasting 1 - - - -
2,075 2 Occultist 2d4 Secrets of the dark arts 1 - - - -
4,150 3 Spiritualist 3d4 - 2 - - - -
8,300 4 Hexgiver 4d4 Hex 2 1 - - -
16,600 5 Cursebringer 5d4 - 2 1 - - -
33,200 6 Necromancer 6d4 Contact dark powers 2 2 - - -
65,000 7 Incantationist 7d4 Magic research (minor) 2 2 1 - -
130,000 8 Warlock 8d4 Alter shape 2 2 1 - -
280,000 9 Witch Lord 9d4 Coven 2 2 2 - -
430,000 10 Witch Lord, 10th level 9d4+1* Summon infernal creature 3 2 2 1 -
580,000 11 Witch Lord, 11th level 9d4+2* - 3 2 2 1 -
730,000 12 Witch Lord, 12th level 9d4+3* - 3 3 2 2 -
880,000 13 Witch Lord, 13th level 9d4+4* Magic research, necromancy 3 3 3 2 1
1,030,000 14 Witch King 9d4+5* Forbidden spells 3 3 3 2 1
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
Like mages, warlocks receive limited combat training. At first level, warlocks hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack
throw of 10+. They advance in attack throws and saving throws only two points every six levels of experience (i.e. the same
progression as mages). They may only fight with dagger, darts, staff, or whip. They are unable to use shields, fight with two
weapons, use a weapon two-handed, or wear any kind of armor. For these reasons, warlocks tend to avoid personally
fighting, and many warlocks prefer for their party members or minions to do the dirty work.
Warlocks learn and cast arcane spells as mages of two thirds their class level. The number and levels of spells the warlock
can use in a single day is summarized on the Warlock Spell Progression table. Like a mage, the warlocks spell selection is
limited to the spells in his repertoire. A warlocks repertoire can include a number of spells up to the number and level of
spells listed for his level, increased by his Intelligence bonus. A warlock can use any magic items usable by mages.
Every warlock begins play at 1 st level (Medium) with a familiar. The familiar will be a creature appropriate to the characters
alignment and spell signature. The most common familiars are bats, black cats, crows, owls, pythons, and vipers. The
familiar always has a number of Hit Dice and maximum hit points equal to the warlocks; Intelligence equal to the
warlocks Intelligence; and a number of general and class proficiencies equal to the warlocks, selected from the warlocks
class list. The familiar can always understand any languages spoken by its warlock, and the warlock will be able to
understand the familiars speech, though no one else will without resorting to speak with animals. The familiar is utterly
loyal to the warlock, and will fight for him, perform services, and generally obey his commands. While the familiar is within
30, the warlock will receive +1 on saving throws, but if the familiar is ever killed, the character must save versus Death or
instantly take damage equal to the familiars maximum total hit points. If a warlocks familiar is slain, he will gain a new
familiar when he earns his next level of experience.
Upon reaching 2nd level (Occultist), a warlock begins to unlock the secrets of the dark arts. He may control undead as a
Chaotic cleric of one half his class level. If the warlock casts spells that require a saving throw versus Death, his targets suffer
a -2 penalty on the save. When the warlock casts necromantic spells, the spell effects are calculated as if he were two levels
higher than his actual caster level.
Starting at 4th level (Hexgiver), a warlock can bring harmful curses down on his enemies. Once per day, the warlock may hex
a target creature he can see within 30. If the target fails a saving throw versus Spells, it immediately suffers the warlocks
choice of one of the following four hexes:
-4 decrease to an ability score (minimum 1)
-4 penalty on attack throws and saves
Prime requisite halved (minimum 1)
Each round of combat, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action
A hex cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a remove curse spell.
At 6th level (Necromancer), a warlock may begin to contact dark powers such as demons and evil spirits. These beings
possess near omniscience, but contact with them can be mind-shattering. Contacting the dark powers takes 1 turn (10
minutes) and is so taxing that the warlock may only do so once per week. The effect is resolved as per the mage spell
contact other plane.
At 7th level (Incantationist), the warlock may begin to research spells, scribe magical scrolls, and brew potions, as if he were a
mage of 5th level.
Upon reaching 8th level (Warlock), a warlock gains the ability to alter his shape into that of any other humanoid creature.
The warlock can control his new shapes physical qualities (such as height, weight, gender, hair color, hair texture, and skin
color) within the normal ranges for a creature of its kind. His equipment, if any, remains worn or held where possible, and
otherwise melds into the new form. The warlocks new form will last for 6 turns, plus 1 turn per level of experience the
warlock has gained above 8th. The warlock may alter his shape no more than once every 8 hours. Altering shape can be
performed during combat in lieu of making an attack.
At 9th level (Witch Lord) a warlock may establish a coven, usually in a remote and desolate location. If he does so, he will
attract 1d6 apprentices of 1st-3rd level plus 2d6 normal men seeking to become warlocks. Their Intelligence scores will be
above average, but many will become fearful of the sacrifices involved and quit after 1d6 months. While in the warlocks
service, apprentices must be provided food and lodging, but need not be paid wages. If the warlock builds a dungeon
beneath or near his coven, monsters will start to arrive to dwell within, followed shortly by adventurers seeking to fight
them. Warlocks covens are otherwise identical to mages sanctums.
At 10th level (Witch Lord), the warlock may summon infernal creatures to perform tasks for him. It takes 1 turn (10 minutes)
for the summoning to be completed, during which time the warlock may take no other actions. The creature summoned
might be an invisible stalker (as per the ACKS core rules) or other Chaotic creature of the Judges devising. The summoned
creature will serve until dispel evil is cast on the creature, it is slain, or its task is fulfilled. Infernal creatures resent being
summoned and may attempt to pervert their instructions if the task is protracted or dangerous. A warlock may perform a
summoning but once per month.
Upon reaching 13th level (Warlock), the warlock gains the ability to create magic items such as weapons, rings, and staffs as a
mage of 9th level. He may also cast ritual spells of a necromantic nature and create necromantic servants as a mage of 11 th
level. Of those few warlocks who reach this level of power, many sacrifice body and soul in pursuit of power and become
Finally, at 14th level (Witch King), a warlock unlocks the secret of certain forbidden spells that fall beyond the ken of normal
mages. The four spells listed below are added to his class spell list at the designated spell levels:
3rd level: cause disease, speak with dead
4th level: cause serious wounds
5th level: finger of death
The warlock can then add these spells to his repertoire following the usual procedure (see Adding New Spells to the
Repertoire in Chapter 5 of ACKS). Except for being arcane, these spells are identical to their divine counterparts. If a copy of
these spells is found or placed on a scroll, the scroll will be useable only by divine casters who have the spell on their class
list, or by 14th level warlocks. (Lower level warlocks or standard mages could not use the scroll or cast the spell because it is
not on their class spell list.)
Warlock Proficiency List: Alchemy, Battle Magic, Beast Friendship, Collegiate Wizardry, Contemplation, Craft, Diplomacy,
Elementalism, Divine Blessing, Elven Bloodline, Engineering, Healing, Illusion Resistance, Knowledge, Language,
Loremastery, Magical Engineering, Mapping, Mystic Aura, Naturalism, Quiet Magic, Performance, Prestidigitation,
Profession, Sensing Power, Transmogrification, Soothsaying, Unflappable Casting
Corrupt Scholar Template: This pre-generated Template: Corrupt Scholar
template represents a scholar corrupted by Proficiencies: Loremastery, Knowledge (occult)
investigation into blasphemous, alien powers. The Starting Equipment: Owl familiar, bloodstained spellbook with
template is ready for adventure. However, if your choking grip, rune-etched staff, silver
warlocks INT is 13 or greater, you may pick one or dagger, grey warlocks cassock, leather belt,
more additional general proficiencies and starting low boots, backpack, quill and ink, 1 weeks
spells before play if youd like. iron rations, 50gp

Warlock Attack and Saving Throws

Level Petrification & Paralysis Poison & Death Blast & Breath Staffs & Wands Spells Attack Throw
1-3 13+ 13+ 15+ 11+ 12+ 10+
4-6 12+ 12+ 14+ 10+ 11+ 9+
7-9 11+ 11+ 13+ 9+ 10+ 8+
10-12 10+ 10+ 12+ 8+ 9+ 7+
13-14 9+ 9+ 11+ 7+ 8+ 6+
Prime Requisite: WIS and CHA
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum Level: 14
The ignorant will often refer to any female spellcaster as a witch. Actual witches, however, are practitioners of a distinct craft
of magic. Like priestesses and shamans, witches invoke divine magic, but they do not organize into communities of faith nor
do they dedicate themselves to the service of their gods or goddesses. Rather, the relationship of a witch to her divine
patron is that of student to teacher, rooted in ancient pacts and secretive traditions. The witch seeks to gain personal
knowledge and strength by accepting the guidance and patronage of ancient powers. This quest for knowledge and power
often drives witches to become adventurers.
Within the Auran Empire, witches are viewed with deep suspicion by the Empyrean priests, but many rural villages
nevertheless have a wise woman with some skill in witchcraft. Witches are fairly common in Southern Argoll, Jutland, Rorn,
Kemesh, and the Ivory Kingdoms, each of which has flourishing traditions of witchcraft.
Witches receive little combat training. At Witch Level Progression Witch Spell Progression
first level, witches hit an unarmored foe Experience Title Level Hit Dice 1 2 3 4 5
(AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+. They 0 Initiate 1 1d4 1 - - - -
advance in attack throws and saving throws 2,000 Seeress 2 2d4 2 - - - -
only two points every six levels of 4,000 Siren 3 3d4 3 - - - -
experience (i.e., the same as mages). They 8,000 Pythoness 4 4d4 3 2 - - -
may only fight with quarterstaff, club, 16,000 Sibyl 5 5d4 3 3 - - -
dagger, or darts. They are unable to use 32,000 Enchantress 6 6d4 3 3 2 2 -
shields, fight with two weapons, or wear 65,000 Sorceress 7 7d4 3 3 3 2 2
any kind of armor. 130,000 Incantrix 8 8d4 5 5 3 3 2
Starting at 1st level, witches are able to cast 230,000 Witch 9 9d4 5 5 5 3 3
divine spells, which are granted through 330,000 Witch, 10th level 10 9d4+1 6 6 5 5 3
esoteric nighttime rituals. The power and 430,000 Witch, 11th level 11 9d4+2 6 6 6 5 5
number of divine spells available to the 530,000 Witch, 12th level 12 9d4+3 8 8 6 6 5
character are determined by level 630,000 Witch, 13th level 13 9d4+4 8 8 8 6 5
according to the Witch Spell Progression 730,000 Witch Queen 14 9d4+5 9 8 8 8 6
table. See the Spells chapter for the witchs *Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored
spell lists. They may use any magic items usable by clerics.
Like other divine spellcasters, witches can engage in magical research. When a witch reaches 3rd level (Siren), she may begin
to brew potions as if she were a cleric of two levels above her actual class level. At 5 th level (Sibyl), she may begin to research
spells as a cleric of her level. At 7 th level (Sorceress), she may scribe scrolls as if she were a cleric of two levels below her
actual class level. At 9th level (Witch), she is able to create more powerful magic items such as weapons, rings, and staffs, as
a cleric of her level. At 11 th level, a witch may learn and cast ritual divine spells of great power (6 th and 7th level), craft
magical constructs such as golems and animated statues, and perform necromancy (if Chaotic).
Every witch must belong to a tradition, which defines her approach to the magic and her relationship with the gods and
spirits that are her source of power. When a witch is created, select a tradition for the character from the Witch Tradition
table below, and write down the spells and powers of the tradition. Each tradition adds four spells to the witchs spell list to
the witchs class spell list at the spell levels designated below. Each also provides a special ability at 1 st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th level.
The regions within the Auran Empire campaign setting associated with each tradition are noted below. The Judge may
create other traditions for his own campaign setting where necessary.
Tradition Region Description
Antiquarian Auran Empire, Jutland Wise women who focus on healing and beneficial potions, they practice their
traditional craft wherever rural human settlements may be found.
Chthonic Kemesh Malefic practitioners who consort with the darkest of powers, reveling in the
seduction and corruption of the innocent.
Sylvan Rorn, Southern Argoll Reclusive witches who travel the borderlands between human settlements and
fey forests.
Voudon Ivory Kingdoms Tribal witches who barter with ancestral spirits and animistic powers to gain
power over the living and the dead.

Antiquarian Witch
Bonus Spells: 1st - Detect Poison, 2nd - Delay Poison, 3rd - Cure Disease, 4th - Cure Serious Wounds
1st level: With simple herbs and medicinal folklore, the antiquarian witch learns to treat ailments and injuries. The witch
gains one rank of Healing proficiency.
3rd level: The antiquarian witch knows much that has been lost about the healing arts. She gains the power to cure
moderate wounds by touch once every 8 hours. Each use takes 1 turn (10 minutes).
5th level: The antiquarian witch expands her knowledge of herbs and brews into truly arcane formulations. She gains one
rank of Alchemy proficiency.
7th level: Poisons are much studied and little feared by the antiquarian witch. She gains the power to neutralize poison once
per day. Each use takes 1 turn (10 minutes).

Chthonic Witch
Bonus Spells: 1st - Detect Undead, 2nd - Spiritual Weapon, 3rd - Necromantic Potence, 4th - Animate Dead
1st level: The chthonic witch learns depraved arts of pleasure from the dark powers. She gains Seduction proficiency.
3rd level: The mysteries of death are unlocked for the chthonic witch. She gains Black Lore of Zahar proficiency.
5th level: Few can resist the chthonic witchs ravishing glamour. The witch gains Mystic Aura proficiency.
7th level: With dark whispers the chthonic witch can dominate the weak-willed. The witch gains the power to charm person
once per day. Each use takes 1 round (10 seconds).

Sylvan Witch
Bonus Spells: 2nd - Obscuring Cloud, Silent Step; 3rd Glitterdust; 4th - Summon Animals
1st level: From long years in the company of wild and fey things, the sylvan witch gains Beast Friendship proficiency.
3rd level: Through fey glamours and bewitching dweomers, the witch can appear however she desires. She gains the power
to alter shape (as a warlock) once per day. Each use takes 1 turn (10 minutes).
5th level: The sylvan witch becomes one with the forests around her. She gains Passing Without Trace proficiency.
7th level: No longer bound by the humanoid form, the sylvan witch can take on fantastical shapes. The witch gains the power
to polymorph self once per week. Each use takes 1 turn (10 minutes).

Voudon Witch
Bonus Spells: 1st - Detect Undead, 2nd - Holy Chant, 3rd - Prayer, 4th - Smite Undead
1st level: The witch gains a Craft proficiency of her choice. Voudon witches craft a wide variety of symbols and talismans to
be used when casting their spells, with individual witches choosing a single craft with which to make their talismans.
3rd level: The witch has learned grey lore, straddling darkness and light. She gains the ability to turn undead as a cleric of one
half her class level. When the witch casts spells that inflict fear effects (such as cause fear), the spell effects are calculated
as if she were two class levels higher than her actual level of experience, and are resisted with a -2 penalty on the saving
5th level: Through ecstatic dancing, wild drumming, chanting, and intoxicating smoke, the voudon witch can regain her
strength. She may perform spiritual rituals as a shaman.
7th level: The voudon witchs evil eye can bewitch and deceive. She gains mastery of charms and illusions, identical to that
of an elven enchanter.
Upon attaining 9th level (Witch), a witch of any tradition may establish a coven, usually in a remote and desolate location. If
she does so, he will attract 1d6 apprentices of her tradition between 1 st-3rd level plus 2d6 normal women seeking to become
witches. Their Wisdom scores will be above average, but many will become fearful of the sacrifices involved and quit after
1d6 months. While in the witchs service, apprentices must be provided food and lodging, but need not be paid wages. If the
witch builds a dungeon beneath or near her coven, monsters will start to arrive to dwell within, followed shortly by
adventurers seeking to fight them. Witchs covens are otherwise identical to mages sanctums.
Witch Proficiency List: Alchemy, Apostasy, Arcane Dabbling, Beast Friendship, Black Lore of Zahar, Contemplation, Craft,
Divine Blessing, Divine Health, Elementalism, Elven Bloodline, Familiar, Healing, Illusion Resistance, Laying on Hands,
Loremastery, Magical Engineering, Magical Music, Mystic Aura, Naturalism, Prestidigitation, Prophecy, Quiet Magic,
Seduction, Sensing Power, Theology, Transmogrification, Unflappable Casting
XXXXX Template: This pre-generated template Template:
represents XXXXXXXX. The template is ready for Proficiencies:
adventure. However, if your witchs INT is 13 or Starting Equipment:
greater, you may pick one or more additional general
proficiencies before play if youd like (see Starting Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of ACKS).

Witch Saving Throws

Level Petrification & Poison & Blast & Staffs &
Paralysis Death Breath Wands Spells
1-2 13+ 10+ 16+ 13+ 15+
3-4 12+ 9+ 15+ 12+ 14+
5-6 11+ 8+ 14+ 11+ 13+
7-8 10+ 7+ 13+ 10+ 12+
9-10 9+ 6+ 12+ 9+ 11+
11-12 8+ 5+ 11+ 8+ 10+
13- 14 7+ 4+ 10+ 7+ 9+
Witch Attack Throws

Level Attack Throw

1-3 10+
4-6 9+
7-9 8+
10-12 7+
13-14 6+
Prime Requisite: STR and INT
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 12
In the waning days of the decadent Zaharan empire, as its graceful cities burned to ash and the races of man, elf, and dwarf
slaughtered the children of Zahar without mercy for their arrogance and tyranny, an order of militant sorcerer-knights
known as ruinguards was ordained by Sebek, last of the sorcerer-kings. The ruinguards were charged with safeguarding the
powerful secrets of the chthonic gods and laying down their lives to prevent the voice of chaos from passing into oblivion.
The hobbled eunuch-seers and iron-bound tomes of the great Zaharan libraries were too burdensome to carry away and
hide from the wrathful judgment of Law as it descended upon crumbling Zahar. The ruinguards mastered arcane bindings to
focus the dark chthonic secrets of a dying empire within a receptacle they knew they would always have at hand their very
weapons. The Zaharan empire vanished over a millennium ago, but the masters of this tenebrous order have not only
carried the knowledge of chaos with them, but learned to call upon that knowledge to enhance their own martial and
magical skill and bring doom to their enemies.
Each ruinguard is a master of their own fate; an individual conduit to the knowledge of chaos and the chthonic powers
spread across the void. Whether they carry such power within them and focus it upon the weapon they wield, or whether
the weapon itself holds the chthonic power and they merely call it forth to do battle, even the ruinguard does not truly
know. Ruinguards typically adventure to accumulate power, skill, and allies in order to dominate more and more around
them some even harbor dreams of rebuilding an empire. Others resist succumbing completely to the chaos that constantly
seeks to consume them. This rarer breed of ruinguard seeks adventure to quell the wanderlust within themselves and find
camaraderie and kinship amongst those adventurers who also choose to wander dark roads and distant lands.
Zaharan Ruinguard Level Progression Spell Progression
Experience Level Title Hit Dice Special Abilities 1 2 3
0 1 Insignificant 1d6 +1 damage, dark blessing, quickening, spellcasting, - - -
weapon focus, ancient pacts, inexorable, after the
flesh, dark soul
3,850 2 Ruinborn 2d6 Arcane striking 1 - -
7,700 3 Ruinchild 3d6 +2 damage 2 - -
15,400 4 Son of Ruin 4d6 Death healing 2 - -
30,800 5 Ruinwielder 5d6 Dark charisma 2 1 -
61,600 6 Ruinscourge 6d6 +3 damage 2 1 -
125,000 7 Ruinmaster 7d6 - 2 2 -
250,000 8 Father of Ruin 8d6 - 2 2 -
425,000 9 Lord of Ruin 9d6 +4 damage, spell storing, dark fortress 2 2 1
600,000 10 Lord of Secrets 9d6+2* Magic research (minor) 2 2 1
775,000 11 Lord of Bindings 9d6+4* - 2 2 2
950,000 12 Prince of Ruin 9d6+6* +5 damage 2 2 2

Ruinguards are brutal combatants who tend to show no mercy. At first level, a ruinguard hits an unarmored foe (AC 0) with
an attack throw of 10+. They advance in attack throws and saving throws as fighter, by two points every three levels of
experience. The chthonic powers a ruinguard channels revel in the chaos and brutality of face-to-face combat, and frown
upon weapons and attacks which draw blood from a distance. A ruinguard may only fight with the following weapons:
sword, two-handed sword, battle axe, great axe, flail, and whip. They increase their base damage roll from successful melee
attacks using these weapons by +1 at 1st level, and by an additional +1 at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level. They are trained to
fight wielding a weapon and shield and wielding a two-handed weapon. They may wear any armor, and generally favor the
heaviest available.
In addition to their fighting ability, a ruinguard's eager embrace of chthonic secrets provides him with several benefits. All
ruinguards enjoy a dark blessing, which provides them with a +2 bonus to all saving throws. In addition, they benefit from a
preternatural quickening, which grants them a +1 bonus to surprise rolls and initiative rolls. Finally, at first level, ruinguards
choose a specific weapon type (battle axes, great axes, flails, swords, two-handed swords, or whips) and are considered to
possess weapon focus while wielding the weapon type chosen.
As sorcerers as well as warriors, ruinguards learn and cast arcane spells as mages of one-half their level, using the same
spell list and the same rules for learning and casting spells. Unlike (human) mages, a Zaharan ruinguard may cast spells while
wearing any type of armor. They can use any magical items available to mages or fighters.
As a ruinguard gains experience, he achieves mastery over his weapon and the chthonic forces within. These channeling
powers manifest in three stages. The first channeling power, arcane striking, may be invoked beginning at 2 nd level
(Ruinborn). When the ruinguard successfully strikes a target with a melee attack, he can expend one of his daily spell slots to
increase damage. Damage is increased by 1d6 per level of the spell slot expended.
EXAMPLE: Moruvai needs to make an attack throw of 14+ to strike the great dragon Urm. Finally, he does so! He
immediately expends a 1st level spell slot to do an extra 1d6 damage on his hit.
The second channeling power, death healing, manifests at 4th level (Son of Ruin). When the ruinguard successfully slays a
sentient creature with a melee attack, he can, in lieu of cleaving, expend a spell slot to heal himself. Healing is 1d4 per level
of the spell slot expended, to a maximum value equal to the slain victim's hit points.
EXAMPLE: Moruvai slays a hobgoblin (hp7). Rather than cleave, he sacrifices a 2nd level spell and heals himself 2d4 hit
points. The 2d4 roll is, incredibly, a 8; Moruvai heals 7hp because he cannot heal more than the slain victim's hit points.
At 9th level (Lord of Ruin), a ruinguard's final channeling power, spell storing, manifests. When a ruinguard casts a spell that
would normally target a creature, he may instead cast it into his melee weapon, where it remains stored until discharged.
The effect will discharge onto the next creature the ruinguard strikes with the weapon, resulting in both melee damage and
the normal effects of the spell. The ruinguard may only store one spell at a time, and the spell will discharge harmlessly if
not used in 1 turn, if the weapon is sundered, or if the ruinguard loses his grip on the weapon.
A ruinguard with sufficient spell slots can combine spell storing, death healing, and arcane striking.
EXAMPLE: Moruvai casts dismembers into his two-handed sword, spell storing it. He then attacks a minotaur, and hits,
dealing his normal melee damage. Upon hitting, Moruvai uses his arcane striking power, expending a 2 nd level spell slot to
deal an additional 2d6 damage. Dismember also discharges, and the minotaur fails its save, taking an additional 3d6
damage and permanent wound from the spell. The cumulative damage slays the minotaur. Rather than cleave, Moruvai
expends a 3rd level spell slot and death heals himself 3d4 damage.
Due to their background and training, all Zaharan ruinguards speak four bonus languages: Ancient Zaharan, Goblin, Orc, and
Kemeshi. As true Zaharans, all ruinguards also possess certain inhuman benefits and drawbacks from their near-extinct
bloodline. Chief among these are the ancient pacts of service and obedience by which the lords of Zahar ensorcelled the
dark powers of the world. Some creatures still remember these pacts and will aid Zaharans when commanded. All
ruinguards gain a +2 bonus to reaction rolls when encountering intelligent chaotic monsters. Intelligent chaotic monsters
suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws against any charm spells cast by a Zaharan ruinguard.
Secondly, ruinguards are inexorable in the face of horrors that terrify normal men. They are immune to all natural and
magical fear effects.
Finally, ruinguards grow in power after the flesh. If transformed into intelligent undead, they retain their racial powers and
any class abilities. Once transformed, the ruinguard may continue to advance in Hit Dice without limit, even past his classs
maximum level. A 1HD undead ruinguard requires 4,000 XP to advanced to 2 HD, and the amount of XP required to advance
as an undead doubles with each HD thereafter (round values greater than 20,000 XP to the nearest 1,000). All of the
ruinguards class abilities will continue to progress without regard to his classs maximum level, to a maximum of 14 th level.
However, because of their dark souls, the grim embrace of death holds special perils for Zaharans. Whenever a deceased
Zaharan rolls on the Tampering With Mortality table, he suffers a penalty on the 1d20 roll of -1 per level of experience.
Should a ruinguard survive to reach 5th level (Ruinwielder), his dark charisma begins to inspire others to follow him. Any
chaotic characters or monsters in the ruinguards service gain a +1 bonus to their morale score whenever he personally
leads them. The bonus stacks with any modifiers from the ruinguard's Charisma or proficiencies.
At 9th level (Lord of Ruin), a ruinguard can, assuming enough gold is at hand, build a dark fortress. When he does so, up to
1d4+1x10 0th level mercenaries and 1d6 ruinguards of 1st-3rd level will come for jobs and training. If hired, they must be
paid standard rates for mercenaries. Should he prove a powerful, ruthless leader, the ruinguard's power may spread like a
dark blight across the realm as those drawn to dark power flock to his banner. Ruinguards dark fortresses are otherwise
identical to fighters castles, as detailed in the Campaign chapter of the ACKS Rulebook.
Finally, when a ruinguard reaches 10th level (Lord of Secrets), he may begin to research spells, scribe magical scrolls, and
brew potions, as if he were a 5th level mage.
Zaharan Ruinguard Proficiency List: Alertness, Ambushing, Battle Magic, Berserkergang, Black Lore of Zahar, Blind Fighting,
Combat Trickery (force back, knock down, overrun, sunder), Command, Dungeon Bashing, Elementalism, Endurance,
Familiar, Fighting Style, Intimidation, Kin-Slaying*, Leadership, Manual of Arms, Military Strategy, Mystic Aura, Sensing
Good*, Sensing Power, Riding, Siege Engineering, Skirmishing, Unflappable Casting, Wakefulness, Weapon Focus
*New proficiencies described in Chapter 6.
XXXXX Template: This pre-generated template Template: Doomwielder
represents a Doomwielder specialized in crushing Proficiencies: Fighting Style (two-handed weapon)
foes with two-handed blows. The template is Endurance
ready for adventure. However, if your ruingards Starting Equipment: Serrated two-handed sword, barbed
INT is 13 or greater, you may pick one or more morning star, plate armor adorned with
additional general proficiencies and starting spells skulls, heavy skull helmet, blood-stained
before play if youd like. wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
Zaharan Ruinguard Attack and Saving
L Petrifica Poiso Blast Staffs S Atta
e tion & n & & & p ck
v Paralysis Deat Brea Wand e Thr
e h th s l ow
l l
1 15+ 14+ 16+ 16+ 1 10+
2 14+ 13+ 15+ 15+ 1 9+
- 6
3 +
4 13+ 12+ 14+ 14+ 1 8+
5 12+ 11+ 13+ 13+ 1 7+
- 4
6 +
7 11+ 10+ 12+ 12+ 1 6+
8 10+ 9+ 11+ 11+ 1 5+
- 2
9 +
1 9+ 8+ 10+ 10+ 1 4+
0 1+
11-12 8+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 10+ 3+
Selecting equipment and proficiencies can be time-consuming, especially for new players. Even experienced players may
find want a faster alternative, particularly in campaigns that tend to be highly lethal on low level characters. For this reason
each class described in either ACKS or the Players Companion always includes pre-generated template for with weapons,
armor, equipment, proficiencies, and spells ready for immediate play.
In this chapter, we expand and explore the concept of templates, offering 8 templates for each class. Each of the 8 templates
is designed to represent a particular archetype for its class, allowing us to show the many ways that each character class can
be customized to fit within any given campaign setting.
Note that the 12 templates that appear in the ACKS Core Rules should be replaced by the templates of the same name that
appear in this rulebook. These templates vary slightly from those in ACKS as they have been updated to include new
equipment, proficiencies, and spells added by the Players Companion.


In most campaigns, a characters templates will be determined randomly. The 3d6 roll for to determine the characters
template replaces the 3d6 roll to determine the characters starting gold pieces. Players who are risk averse may choose the
standard template for their character class (e.g. Mercenary for Fighter or Engineer for Dwarven Machinist) instead of rolling,
if desired.
For a campaign with a highly specific setting, the Judge might allow players to default to a different template that is more
appropriate to his campaign. For example, a maritime or saltbox campaign might allow Fighters to default to the Corsair
template, Thieves to the Buccaneer template, and Explorers to the Mariner template. A campaign filled with Renaissance
era intrigue might allow Bards to default to the Spy template, Bladedancers to the Veiled Assassin template, and Mages to
the Court Magist template.
The ultimate decision of whether templates are used during character creation, and if so under what conditions, is always in
the Judges hands.


To create a character using these templates, follow the steps below.
1. Start with a fresh character sheet. You can copy the one provided in this book, download and print one, or
reproduce it by hand on a piece of paper. If all else fails, just scribble down notes on scratch paper!
2. Roll 3d6 in order for your characters ability scores, as described below under Character Abilities, and write the
results after the names of the abilities. Write down the ability score bonus or penalty for each score, as shown on
the Ability Score table.
3. Choose a class which suits your characters abilities from the Character Classes section. All classes have prime
requisites, and some classes require minimum scores for some abilities. If abilities are not quite high enough for
the class you would like to play, see Classes and Ability Scores for some options to adjust your scores. Write down
the special abilities of your class, as described for each class.
4. Note on your character sheet that your character has zero (0) experience points (or XP); you may also want to note
the number needed to advance to second level, as shown in the table for your class. Gaining experience points is
explained in the Adventures and Campaigns chapters.
5. Roll hit points (hp) using the appropriate die for your class, adding your Constitution bonus or penalty, and note
the result as your hit points on your character sheet. If your character has a Constitution penalty, the penalty will
not lower any Hit Die roll below 1. (At your Judges discretion, you may begin with the maximum hit points for 1 st
6. Record your characters attack throws and saving throws on your character sheet. Attack throws and saving throws
are listed with each class, and described fully in the Adventures chapter. Note that attacks with melee weapons are
modified by your Strength, while missile weapons such as bows or thrown daggers are modified by Dexterity. Dont
forget to adjust your attack throws to reflect these modifiers.
7. Find the appropriate template table for your characters class in Chapter 3, Character Class Templates. With the
Judges permission, choose a template appropriate to the campaign. Otherwise, roll 3d6 on the table to determine
your characters starting template. Note down your characters starting proficiencies from the table. All characters
always begin with the Adventuring proficiency in addition to those listed. Apply any modifiers to your ability scores,
hit points, attack throws, or saving throws from proficiencies. If you have chosen to play a mage, warlock, elven
enchanter, or elven spellsword, note down the starting spells from your template.
8. Write your characters starting equipment and gold pieces as listed for your template. You do not roll for starting
wealth when using a template. Since you now know what armor your character is wearing, note your Armor Class
(AC) on the character sheet based on the type of armor you choose. Calculate your characters encumbrance based
on how much weight he is carrying.
9. Give your character a name, and create a description of what your character looks like, his personality, and maybe
even a brief note about the characters background. Then choose an appropriate Alignment for your character.
Your Judge will have information on the setting of your characters world that can be helpful in naming your new
character and developing his background.


In building the character class templates, we assumed that the character had an Intelligence score of 12 or less. If your
character has an Intelligence score of 13-15, you should select one additional general proficiency on top of those listed for
the template. If your character has an Intelligence of 16-17, you should select two additional general proficiencies. If your
character has an Intelligence of 18, you should select three additional general proficiencies. Its helpful to select
proficiencies that complement the template, but you are free to choose any general proficiency youd like (unless the GM
rules otherwise).
EXAMPLE: Jim has created an Assassin with INT 16. The Assassins template is Infiltrator, so he begins with the Skulking and
Disguise proficiencies. Since the Assassin has an INT of 16, Jim gets to select an additional two general proficiencies.
Reviewing the list of general proficiencies, he decides on Mimicry and Performance (Acting).
In general, the character class templates assume that characters have average INT. However, arcane spellcasters tend to
have higher than average Intelligence scores. Therefore, the templates for Elven Enchanters, Elven Spellswords, Mages, and
Warlocks assume that the character has an INT ability score of between 13 and 15, qualifying him for one bonus proficiency
and one bonus spell. The bonus proficiency and bonus spell that each arcane spellcasting template begins with are noted in
If an arcane spellcaster is created with an INT of 12 or less, then the template actually has more proficiencies and spells than
the character is eligible to possess. In this case, you must delete the third listed proficiency and the second listed spell from
the template.
EXAMPLE: Jim creates a Mage with an INT of 11. The Mages template is Warmage. The listed proficiencies for the Warmage
are Battle Magic, Military Strategy, and Siege Engineering, while the listed spells are magic missile and sharpness. Because
Jims Mage only has INT 11, he loses the Siege Engineering proficiency and the sharpness spell.

On the other hand, if you create an arcane spellcaster has an INT of 16-17, you should select one additional general
proficiency and roll for one additional spell. If you roll up an arcane spellcaster with an INT of 18, you should select two
additional general proficiencies and roll for two additional spells. Additional spells should be selected randomly using the
rules for Starting Spell Repertoires in Chapter 5 of ACKS.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Desecrator Dungeon Bashing Gnawed wooden unholy symbol (mouth surrounded by
Knowledge (occult) eyes of Kaleth), befouled scourge, rusty ball-and-chain,
filthy wool tunic and pants, dirty sandals, 2 small
tattered sacks, 2 weeks iron rations
5-6 Tormentor Combat Trickery (incapacitate) Blackened wavy dagger (consecrated as an unholy
Profession (torturer) symbol of Raviled), jagged battle axe, scourge, black
hide armor with antlered leather cap, ill-kept wool tunic
and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2 weeks
iron rations, 6gp
7-8 Deceiver Ambushing Unholy symbol (horned rat of Galmorm), trio of well-
Diplomacy concealed daggers, fine leather armor, dark hooded
cloak, black armigers tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations
9-10 Corruptor Mystic Aura Unholy symbol (medusas head of Nasga), slender
Seduction scimitar, copper-barbed scourge, form-fitting black
leather armor, armigers tunic and pants, high boots,
long leather gloves, embroidered hooded cloak, hand-
sized steel mirror, velvet-lined pouch, bottle (4 pints) of
fine wine, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
11-12 Slayer Berserkergang Unholy symbol (black gauntlet with six arrows of Bel),
Endurance barbed morning star, serrated two-handed sword, fire-
blackened banded plate armor, blood-stained wool
tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 1
weeks iron rations, 12gp
13-14 Enforcer Alertness Unholy symbol (silver draconic eye of Iskara), black-
Intimidation shafted spear, blackened sword, black steel shield
bearing draconic eye symbol, black lamellar armor,
black hooded cloak, black guards tunic and pants,
leather belt, low boots, gloves, backpack, 2 large sacks,
crowbar, tinderbox, flask of military oil, 12 torches, 50
rope, waterskin, 2 manacles, 2 weeks iron rations, 13gp
15-16 Doombringer Kin-Slaying Unholy symbol (skull on black circle of Dirgion),
Theology wickedly-curved scythe, barbed flail, black banded plate
armor, black steel shield with skull symbol, red hooded
leather cloak, red armigers tunic and pants, high black
boots, backpack, flask of unholy water, 3gp
17-18 Oppressor Command Unholy symbol (silver draconic eye of Iskara), black-
Riding shafted spear, polished sword, black steel shield
bearing draconic eye symbol, black lamellar armor,
black armigers tunic and pants, riding boots, medium
riding horse, riding saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1
weeks iron rations, 3gp
Notes: The scourge is a type of whip. The Desecrators ball-and-chain is a type of flail. The Corruptors scimitar is a type of
short sword. The Doombringers scythe is a type of pole arm.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Cutthroat Combat Reflexes Hand axe, dagger, leather armor, cheap tunic and
Gambling pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 12 iron
spikes, small hammer, 1 flask of military oil, tinderbox,
12 torches, 2 weeks iron rations
5-6 Bounty Hunter Combat Trickery (incapacitate) Bola, serrated sword, dagger, net, leather armor, black
Tracking cloak, travelers tunic and pants, high boots,
backpack, crowbar, 50 rope, manacles, 12 iron spikes,
small hammer, 2 weeks iron rations, 2gp
7-8 Pirate Swashbuckling Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, scimitar, 2 well-
Seafaring balanced daggers with boot-sheathes, leather armor,
colorful tunic and pants, silk sash, high boots,
wineskin with good wine, small sack, 50 rope,
grappling hook, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
9-10 Bravo Fighting Style (two weapon) Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, serrated sword, left-
Intimidation hand dagger, black leather armor, duelists cloak,
armigers tunic and pants, high boots, belt pouch with
bone dice made from last foe, backpack, 2 weeks iron
rations, 6gp
11-12 Assassin-for-Hire Precise Shooting Arbalest, case with 20 bolts, pair of well-sharpened
Bargaining short swords, bloodstained leather armor, dark cloak
with hood, black tunic and pants, low boots, leather
belt, belt pouch, 2 flasks of military oil, tinderbox,
wineskin with good wine, backpack, 50 rope, 2
weeks iron rations, 17gp
13-14 Betrayer Bribery Slender short sword, dagger, long leather whip, tight
Seduction leather armor, leather cloak, elegant silk tunic and
pants, silk sash, high boots, backpack, manacles, 1
dose of giant centipede poison, 1lb of dried
belladonna, 1 weeks iron rations, 6gp
15-16 Infiltrator Skulking Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, short sword, dagger,
Disguise unmarked leather armor, simple hooded cloak, plain
tunic and pants, leather gloves, low boots, backpack,
thieves tools, disguise kit, 2 weeks iron rations, 40gp
for bribes
17-18 Cult Deathbringer Arcane Dabbling Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, wavy-bladed sword and
Theology short sword, dagger in wrist sheath, leather armor
under grey cassock with hood, long leather gloves,
soft-soled shoes, leather belt, belt pouch, holy symbol
(eclipsed sun), 2 flasks of holy water, sacred religious
text, 6 torches, 2 weeks iron rations, 2gp
Notes: The Pirates scimitar is a type of short sword.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Tribal Warrior Beast Friendship Bola, 5 feathered darts, spear decorated with beads
Tracking and feathers, club, cowhide shield, wildebeest hide
Running armor, loincloth, sandals, leather pouch, 1 weeks iron
rations, 7gp
5-6 Berserker Berserkergang Long bearded axe, chain mail armor, rough spun wool
Intimidation tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2
Climbing weeks iron rations, 3gp

7-8 Sea Rover Swashbuckling Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, iron-tipped spear,
Seafaring bearded axe, kite shield painted with dragon, leather
Climbing armor, rough spun wool tunic and pants, leather belt,
low boots, wineskin with strong ale, small sack, 50
rope, grappling hook, 1 weeks iron rations, 3gp
9-10 Skirmisher Skirmishing Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, pair of
Endurance scimitars, leather scale armor, wool tunic and pants,
Precise Shooting leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations,
11-12 Death Dealer Ambushing Two-handed iron sword, francisca, chain mail armor,
Survival wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, silver
Climbing arm-bands (25gp value), wineskin with strong ale, small
sack, 50 rope, grappling hook, 2 weeks iron rations,
13-14 Pit Fighter Combat Reflexes Spear, weighted net, hand axe, gladiatorial armor,
Gambling plumed heavy helmet with visor and crested, armigers
Running tunic and pants, sandals, small sack, amphora of oil (for
polishing body), 2 weeks iron rations, 49gp in arena
15-16 Housecarl Fighting Style (weapon and shield) Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, iron spear, iron
Military Strategy sword, kite shield painted with house crest, chain mail
Climbing armor, wool tunic and pants, silver arm-bands (25gp
value), silver amulet (25gp value), leather belt, high
boots, wineskin, backpack, 50 rope, grappling hook, 1
weeks meaty iron rations, 8gp
17-18 Nomad Weapon Focus (bow/crossbow) Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, scimitar, leather
Riding scale armor, wool tunic and pants, riding boots, light
Precise Shooting riding horse, riding saddle and tack, leather saddlebags,
2 weeks iron rations, 2gp
Notes: The natural proficiency that each Barbarian template begins with is noted in italics. The Berserkers long bearded axe
is a type of great axe. The Sea Rovers bearded axe is a type of battle axe. The Death Dealers francisca is a type of hand axe.
The Pit Fighters gladiatorial armor is equivalent to chain mail armor.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Woodland Piper Beast Friendship 2 javelins, hide armor, leather shoes, leather belt, belt
Naturalism pouch, pan pipes, 1 weeks iron rations, 7sp
Performance (instruments)

5-6 Charlatan Prestidigitation Quarterstaff, leather armor under mages cassock, cloak
Alchemy with embroidered sigils, fancy silver sash, leather
Performance (oration) shoes, backpack, 4 tallow candles, tinderbox, 4 pints of
rare wine in potion vials, leather-bound spellbook
(blank), 1 weeks iron rations
7-8 Swashbuckler Swashbuckler Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, scimitar, 2 well-
Seafaring balanced daggers with boot-sheathes, leather armor,
Performance (singing) colorful tunic and pants, bright silk girdle, high boots,
wineskin with good wine, small sack, 50 rope,
grappling hook, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
9-10 Wandering Minstrel Magical Music Crossbow, quiver with 20 bolts, short sword, dagger,
Diplomacy well-maintained leather armor, travelers tunic and
Performance (instruments) pants, sturdy low boots, backpack, lute, 2 weeks iron
rations, 2gp
11-12 Historian Magical Engineering Crossbow, quiver with 20 bolts, shortsword, dagger,
Knowledge (history) well-maintained leather armor, travelers tunic and
Performance (epic poetry) pants, sturdy low boots, backpack, parchment journal
half-filled with entries, quill and ink, 1 weeks iron
rations, 20gp
13-14 Beguiler Mystic Aura Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, sword, polished leather
Seduction armor, flamboyant silk cloak, fancy tunic and pants,
Performance (singing) long leather gloves, high boots, bright silk sash, purse,
belt pouch, 2 weeks iron rations, 15gp
15-16 Spy Eavesdropping Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, short sword, dagger,
Lip Reading unmarked leather armor, simple hooded cloak,
Performance (acting) travelers tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, disguise kit, crowbar, 50 rope, 3 weeks iron
rations, 60gp for bribes
17-18 Aristocrat Command Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, matching sword and
Leadership dagger with lacquered hilts, exquisitely stitched leather
Performance (oration) armor, fur-lined cloak, armigers tunic and pants,
embossed leather belt, high boots, medium riding
horse, riding saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron
rations, 20gp
Notes: The Performance proficiency that each Bard template begins with is noted in italics. The Swashbucklers scimitar is a
type of short sword.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Warrior Witch Apostasy Holy symbol (lion of Ianna), wickedly curved short
Alchemy sword, animal skin cloak, leather girdle, leather
breast band, loin cloth, high boots, leather pouch, 1
weeks iron rations, 1gp
5-6 Oracle Dancer Prophecy Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), wavy-bladed
Theology short sword, strappy leather armor, crimson and
gold chiton, loin cloth, sandals, purse, 1 weeks iron
rations, 2gp
7-8 Bringer of Mercy Laying on Hands Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), slender-
Healing bladed sword, very sharp dagger, leather armor,
white chiton, white sash, high sandals, backpack,
1lb comfrey, 2 weeks iron rations, 3gp
9-10 Bladesinger Magical Music Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), long-bladed
Performance (singing) glaive, polished sword and dagger, strappy leather
armor, bladedancers head dress (20gp value),
crimson chiton, gold silk sash, high boots, backpack,
2 weeks iron rations, 3gp
11-12 Temple Bladedancer Swashbuckler Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), pair of
Performance (dancing) gracefully curved swords, polished leather armor,
bladedancers head dress (20gp value), golden silk
cloak, white chiton, high boots, backpack, 1 weeks
iron rations
13-14 Veiled Assassin Quiet Magic Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), slender short
Seduction sword, dagger, leather armor, black silk cloak, veil,
and sash, black silk chiton, long leather gloves, gold
bangles (20gp value), high boots, backpack, 2
weeks iron rations, 20gp
15-16 Consular Contemplation Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), finely made
Diplomacy sword and dagger, elegant leather armor,
bladedancers head dress (20gp value), white silk
chiton, gold bangles (20gp value), high boots,
backpack, 2 weeks iron rations, 35gp
17-18 Warrior Princess Martial Training (bows/crossbows) Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), composite
Riding bow, 20 arrows, finely made glaive, elegant leather
armor, crimson chiton, gold silk sash, high boots,
bladedancers head dress (20gp value), medium
riding horse, riding tack and saddle, saddlebags, 2
weeks iron rations, 2gp
Notes: The Bladesinger and Warrior Princesss glaive is a type of pole arm.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Hermit Laying on Hands Hand-carved wood holy symbol (white lady of Mityara),
Naturalism quarterstaff, hide armor, itchy wool tunic and pants,
sandals, 2 small sacks, 1 weeks iron rations
5-6 Prophet Prophecy Holy symbol (silver crescent of Istreus), sling, 30 sling
Performance (storytelling) stones, quarterstaff, leather armor, grey wool tunic and
pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron
rations, 3gp
7-8 Mendicant Beast Friendship Holy symbol (gallery of Naurivus), wooden walking staff,
Animal Husbandry leather scale armor, green travelers cloak, green
cassock, sandals, 2 small sacks, 2 weeks iron rations,
trained hunting dog, 3gp
9-10 Proselytizer Divine Health Holy symbol (winged sun of Ammonar), mace, wooden
Diplomacy shield, ring mail armor, purple priests cassock, leather
belt, low boots, wineskin with good wine, small sack,
holy book (The Laws of the Light), 1 weeks iron rations
11-12 Priest Divine Blessing Holy symbol (winged sun of Ammonar), mace, wooden
Theology shield, banded plate armor, purple priests cassock,
leather belt, low boots, wineskin with good wine, small
sack, holy book (The Laws of the Light), 1 weeks iron
13-14 Undead Slayer Righteous Turning Holy symbol (hammer of Tras), war hammer, steel
Healing shield, chain mail armor, blue priests cassock, leather
belt, low boots, backpack, 1 flask of holy water, 1lb
garlic, 1lb wolfsbane, mirror, 4 stakes and mallet, 2
weeks iron rations
15-16 Exorcist Sensing Evil Holy symbol (hammer of Tras), war hammer, steel
Intimidation shield, banded plate armor, blue priests cassock,
leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2 flasks of holy water,
12 torches, tinder box, 50 rope, manacles, 1 weeks
iron rations, 5gp
17-18 Crusader Martial Training (swords/daggers) Holy symbol (winged sun of Ammonar), polished sword
Riding and dagger, steel shield bearing symbol of the winged
sun, banded plate armor, purple armigers tunic and
pants, riding boots, medium riding horse, riding saddle
and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations, 3gp
Notes: None.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Outcast Quiet Magic Wood and leather holy symbol (leatherworkers
Caving insignia), hand axe, hide tunic and pants, leather belt,
Craft (leatherwork) 2 low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 1 weeks
iron rations, 1gp
5-6 Runeseer Prophecy Carved stone holy symbol (rune-carvers insignia), hand
Performance (chanting) axe, leather armor, stone-grey wool tunic and pants,
Craft (rune-carving) 2 leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations,
7-8 Reliquary Guardian Battle Magic Iron holy symbol (weaponsmiths insignia), morning
Signaling star, ring mail armor, wool tunic and pants, leather belt,
Craft (weaponsmithing) 2 low boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations, 3gp

9-10 Documentarian Loremastery Bronze holy symbol (bookbinders insignia), battle axe,
Mapping ring mail armor, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
Craft (bookbinding) 2 boots, wineskin with good wine, small sack, blank
parchment book half-filled with journal entries, quill
and ink, 1 weeks iron rations, 3gp
11-12 Reclaimer Magical Engineering Steel holy symbol (stonemasons insignia), war hammer
Knowledge (history) with carved head, engraved banded plate armor, steel
Craft (stonemasonry) 2 shield with craft insignia, backpack, stonemasons tools,
2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
13-14 Sacrementalist Dwarven Brewing Glass holy symbol (brewers insignia), mace, round
Alchemy wooden shield, chain mail armor, wool tunic and pants,
Craft (brewing) 2 leather belt, low boots, backpack, 1 flask of holy water,
brewers tools, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
15-16 Purifier Righteous Turning Bejeweled holy symbol (jewelers insignia), mace with
Knowledge (occult) diamond-shaped head, steel shield with craft insignia,
Craft (jewelling) 2 banded plate armor, wool tunic and pants, leather belt,
low boots, backpack, 1 flask of holy water, 1lb garlic, 12
torches, tinder box, jewelers tools, 2 weeks iron
17-18 Seeker Sensing Evil Steel holy symbol (armorers insignia), flail, steel shield
Theology with craft insignia, banded plate armor, wool tunic and
Craft (armor-making) 2 pants, leather belt, low boots, mule, riding saddle and
tack, saddlebags, 1 flask of holy water, armorers tools,
1 weeks iron rations, 9gp
Notes: The Craft proficiency that each Craftpriest template begins with is noted in italics.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Foe Eater Goblin Slaying Battle axe, hand axe, wool tunic and pants, leather belt,
Craft (cooking) low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 6 weeks
goblin jerky, 15gp
5-6 Dungeoneer Dungeon Bashing Iron-shod spear, war hammer, wooden kite shield,
Caving wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 flasks of military oil, 50 rope,
small hammer, 12 iron spikes, crowbar, 2 weeks iron
rations, 7gp
7-8 Belligerent Weapon Focus (axes) Battle axe, brace of 3 hand axes, steel shield repainted
Endurance many times, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 flasks of
military oil, 2 weeks iron rations, 21gp
9-10 Warmonger Combat Reflexes Iron-shod spear, war hammer, steel shield painted with
Manual of Arms clan emblem, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 flasks of
military oil, 1 weeks iron rations, 53gp
11-12 Tempest Fighting Style (two weapons) Pair of battle axes notched with many kills, 2 hand axes,
Endurance military cloak, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, tinder box, 12 torches, 2 flasks of
military oil, 2 weeks iron rations, 43gp
13-14 Dirge Marcher Alertness War hammer, steel kite shield, dagger, wool tunic and
Performance (play instruments) pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12
torches, 2 flasks of military oil, 50 rope, small hammer,
12 iron spikes, crowbar, 1 weeks iron rations, dwarven
bagpipes, 38gp
15-16 Bloodboiler Dwarven Brewing Spiked mace, heavy steel shield with many dents, wool
Siege Engineering tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2
tinderboxes, 24 torches, 12 flasks of military oil, 50
rope, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, crowbar, 1 weeks
iron rations, 10gp
17-18 Vengeful Lord Command War hammer carved with clan emblem, 2 hand axes,
Riding steel shield painted with clan emblem, wool tunic and
pants, gold bracers earned in battle (25gp), leather belt,
low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, mule,
riding saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron
rations, 85gp
Notes: The Foe Eaters goblin jerky is a type of iron rations.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Scavenger Scavenging Beat-up war hammer, scruffy workmans apron, stained
Survival wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
Craft (carpentry) 3 tinderbox, 12 torches, scavenged machinists tools, 1
weeks iron rations
5-6 Apothecary Dwarven Brewing War hammer, wooden shield, stained workmans apron,
Alchemy wool tunic and pants smelling of alcohol, leather belt,
Craft (brewing) 3 low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 4 flasks of
military oil, 2 flasks of common oil, 2 wineskins with
dwarven honey-mead, machinists tools, 1 weeks iron
7-8 Mechanic Jury-Rigging War hammer, hand axe, ring mail armor, greasy
Signaling workmans apron, wool tunic and pants, leather belt,
Craft (blacksmith) 3 low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 50 rope,
crowbar, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, machinists
tools, 1 weeks iron rations, 1gp
9-10 Discoverer Inventing Battle axe, chain mail armor, cloak with hood, wool
Seafaring tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
Craft (shipwright) 3 parchment journal half-filled with automaton sketches,
quill and ink, tinderbox, 12 torches, machinists tools, 1
weeks iron rations
11-12 Engineer Tinkering War hammer, steel shield, chain mail armor, workmans
Engineering apron, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
Craft (stonemasonry) 3 backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, crowbar, small
hammer, 12 iron spikes, machinists tools, stonemasons
tools, 1 weeks iron rations, 1gp

13-14 Artillerist Precise Shooting Crossbow, 2 cases with 20 bolts each, war hammer,
Siege Engineering chain mail armor, military cloak, wool tunic and pants,
Craft (weaponsmithing) 3 leather belt, low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12
torches, machinists tools, weaponsmiths tools, 1
weeks iron rations, 1gp
15-16 War Machinist Martial Training (plate armor) War hammer, steel shield, personally-forged plate
Military Strategy armor, military cloak, wool tunic and pants, leather
Craft (armor-making) 3 belt, low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches,
crowbar, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, 2 flasks of
military oil, machinists tools, armorers tools, 1 weeks
iron rations, 17gp
17-18 Artificer Magical Engineering Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, battle axe, steel shield,
Collegiate Wizardry chain mail armor, embroidered cloak, silk tunic and
Craft (jewelling) 3 pants, leather belt, leather gloves, high boots,
backpack, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, machinists
tools, jewelers tools, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
Notes: The Craft proficiency that each Machinist template begins with is noted in italics.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Deserter Blind Fighting Battle axe, hand axe, leather armor, threadbare tunic
Survival and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, tinderbox,
12 torches, 1 weeks iron rations
5-6 Battlerager Berserkergang Rune-carved battle axe, wooden kite shield, dagger, ring
Intimidation mail armor, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 1 weeks iron
7-8 Sentinel Alertness Iron-shod spear, war hammer, wooden kite shield,
Signaling banded plate armor, wool tunic and pants, leather belt,
low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 weeks
iron rations, 2gp
9-10 Clansdwarf Fighting Style (weapon and shield) Iron-shod spear, war hammer, steel shield painted with
Manual of Arms clan emblem, banded plate armor, wool tunic and
pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12
torches, 1 weeks iron rations, 3gp
11-12 Goblin Slayer Goblin-Slaying Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, battle axe notched with
Caving many kills, 2 hand axes, steel shield painted with vault
insignia, banded plate armor, military cloak, wool tunic
and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, tinder
box, 12 torches, flask of military oil, 2 weeks iron
13-14 Axebearer Weapon Focus (axes) Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, battle axe, brace of 3
Endurance hand axes, steel shield repainted many times, banded
plate armor, wool tunic and pants, gold bracers earned
in battle (15gp), leather belt, low boots, backpack,
tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 flasks of military oil, 1 weeks
iron rations, 1gp
15-16 Besieger Dungeon Bashing Arbalest, case with 20 bolts, spiked mace, heavy steel
Siege Engineering shield with many dents, dwarf-forged plate armor, wool
tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 flasks of military oil, 50 rope,
small hammer, 12 iron spikes, crowbar, 2 weeks iron
rations, 14gp
17-18 Highborn Command Arbalest, war hammer carved with clan emblem, 2
Riding hand axes, steel shield painted with clan emblem,
dwarf-forged plate armor, wool tunic and pants, leather
belt, low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, mule,
riding saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron
rations, 3gp
Notes: None.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Survivalist Blind-Fighting Handcrafted shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, battle
Survival axe, leather armor, tattered cloak, threadbare tunic and
pants, leather belt, scuffed low boots, backpack,
tinderbox, 12 torches, 1 weeks iron rations
5-6 Prowler Skulking Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, mace, 2 hand axes,
Lip Reading leather armor, charcoal grey cloak, tunic and pants,
high boots, backpack, crowbar, 50 rope, manacles,
tinderbox, 12 torches, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, 1
weeks iron rations, 2gp
7-8 Mountaineer Mountaineering Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, battle axe, hand axe,
Endurance leather armor, travelers tunic and pants, leather belt,
leather gloves, high boots, 100 sturdy climbing rope,
grappling hook, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, mallet
and 4 stakes, tinderbox, 12 torches, 1 weeks iron
rations, 2gp
9-10 Tunnel Runner Running Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, 10 pole, battle axe, 2
Navigation hand axes, sturdy leather armor, tanned brown cloak,
thick tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
2 large sacks, 50 rope, tinderbox, lantern, small
hammer, 12 iron spikes, 2 flasks of military oil,
wineskin, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
11-12 Pest Controller Precise Shooting Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, 10 pole, war hammer
Animal Training splattered with bug-guts, 2 hand axes, sturdy leather
armor, tanned brown cloak, thick tunic and pants,
leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2 large treasure
sacks, 50 rope, tinderbox, lantern, small hammer, 12
iron spikes, 2 flasks of military oil, wineskin, 2 ill-
tempered dwarven terriers, 2 weeks iron rations, 3gp
13-14 Treasure Hunter Trap Finding Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, 10 pole, battle axe, 2
Bargaining hand axes, sturdy leather armor, tanned brown cloak,
thick tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
2 large treasure sacks, strange curio found in an old
tomb (15gp value), 50 rope, grappling hook, tinderbox,
lantern, 2 flasks of military oil, small hammer, 12 iron
spikes, wineskin, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
15-16 Vermin Slayer Vermin-Slaying Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, war hammer, leather
Trapping armor, cloak with hood and bandana, thick tunic and
pants, leather belt, leather gloves, high boots,
backpack, 50 rope, grappling hook, tinderbox, 12
torches, 4 flasks of military oil, small hammer, 12 iron
spikes, 1 dose of giant centipede poison, 1 weeks iron
rations, 3gp
17-18 Patroller Alertness Arbalest, case with 20 bolts, 10 darts, battle axe,
Riding leather armor, travelers tunic and pants, leather belt,
leather gloves, riding boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12
torches, lantern, sure-footed mule, riding saddle and
tack, leather saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations, 40gp
Notes: The Pest Controllers dwarven terriers are a type of hunting dog.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Trickster Passing Without Trace Spellbook with charm person and slipperiness, oaken
Disguise staff, simple robe, leather shoes, small sack, 2 weeks
Mimicry iron rations, 10gp

5-6 Charlatan Quiet Magic Fancy spellbook with charm person and magic mouth,
Bargaining quarterstaff, blue mages cassock, cloak with
Performance (storytelling) embroidered sigils, fancy silver sash, leather shoes,
backpack, 4 tallow candles, tinderbox, 4 pints of rare
wine in potion vials, ornamental crystal ball (20gp
value), 1 weeks iron rations
7-8 Occultist Sensing Power Black leather spellbook with charm person and choking
Knowledge (occult) grip, silver dagger, midnight blue robe, leather belt,
Theology leather gloves, high boots, backpack, quill and ink, 2
weeks iron rations, 8gp
9-10 Transmogrifier Transmogrification Wood-paneled spellbook with charm person and
Naturalism chameleon, gnarled oaken quarterstaff, 5 darts, leaf
Alchemy green cassock with hood, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, quill and ink, 2 weeks iron rations, 57gp
11-12 Antiquarian Loremastery Well-kept spellbook with charm person and read
Knowledge (history) languages, rune-etched staff, blue mages cassock,
Language leather belt, low boots, backpack, parchment journal
half-filled with entries, quill and ink, 1 weeks iron
rations, 70gp
13-14 Siren Magical Music Silk stitched spellbook with charm person and
Seduction ventriloquism, silver dagger, blue silk cloak, veil, and
Diplomacy sash, white silk dress, long leather gloves, silver bangles
(10gp value), silver earrings (10gp), high boots,
backpack, quill and ink, 2 weeks iron rations, 4gp
15-16 Militant Wakefulness Steel-bound spellbook with charm person and shield,
Military Strategy iron-shod staff, 2 silver daggers, 10 darts, leaf green
Manual of Arms armigers tunic and pants, leather belt, leather gloves,
high boots, backpack, quill and ink, 1 weeks iron
rations, 40gp
17-18 Patrician Unflappable Casting Bronze-framed spellbook with charm person and
Diplomacy unseen servant, quarterstaff tipped with glass
Collegiate Wizardry gemstone (45gp value), 10 darts, silk mages cassock,
feathered hat, leather belt, leather gloves, high boots,
backpack, quill and ink, medium riding horse, riding
saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations, 20gp
Notes: Most characters of this class have above average intelligence, and the templates above reflect that. Each template
assumes that the character has an INT ability score of between 13 and 15, qualifying him for one bonus proficiency and one
bonus spell. The bonus proficiency and bonus spell that each template begins with are noted last. For characters with INT of
less than 13 or greater than 15, see the Intelligence Scores of Arcane Spellcasters section in this Chapter.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Rogue Prestidigitation Handmade shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, short
Survival sword, leather armor, patched cloak, stained tunic and
pants, leather belt, scuffed low boots, backpack, 50
rope, 2 weeks iron rations
5-6 Pursuer Sniping Longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, bola, gracefully curved
Tracking sword, dagger in boot-sheath, supple leather armor,
grey-green cloak, dark tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 50 rope, manacles, 2 weeks iron
rations, 1gp
7-8 Antagonist Skirmishing Longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, well-honed sword,
Intimidation short sword, 5 darts in bandoleer, 2 daggers in boot
sheathes, scarred leather armor, grey-green cloak, dark
tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2
weeks iron rations, 17gp
9-10 Duelist-for-Hire Fighting Style (two weapons) Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, dueling sword
Manual of Arms and short sword, 2 throwing daggers, sturdy leather
armor, duelists cloak, tunic and pants, leather belt,
leather gloves, high boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron
rations, 3gp
11-12 Silent Slayer Skulking Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, pair of
Alchemy gracefully curved short swords, supple leather armor,
black cloak with hood and bandana, black tunic and
pants, padded sandals, backpack, 2 large sacks,
crowbar, 100 rope, grappling hook, tinderbox, 2 flasks
of common oil, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, wineskin,
1 weeks iron rations, 2gp
13-14 Arcane Avenger Arcane Dabbling Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, short sword,
Collegiate Wizardry wavy-bladed silver dagger, leather armor under
midnight blue mages cassock, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, spellbook (blank), quill and ink, 1 weeks iron
rations, 3gp
15-16 Deceiver Quiet Magic Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, slender short
Seduction sword, dagger, coiled leather whip, strappy leather
armor, leather cloak, elegant silk tunic and pants, silk
sash, high boots, backpack, manacles, 1 weeks iron
rations, 30gp
17-18 Royal Enforcer Sensing Power Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, pair of
Diplomacy gracefully curved short swords, leather armor, travelers
tunic and pants, riding boots, light riding horse, riding
saddle and tack, leather saddlebags, 1 weeks iron
rations, 7gp
Notes: None.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Wanderer Running Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, old spear, hand axe,
Endurance battered leather armor, deep cowled travelers cloak,
wool tunic and pants, leather belt, well-worn low
boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 weeks iron
5-6 Trapper Ambushing Well-oiled longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, spear,
Trapping gracefully curved short sword, dagger, leather armor,
hooded cloak, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, sturdy
low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 weeks
iron rations
7-8 Mariner Swashbuckling Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, gracefully curved
Seafaring short sword, leather armor, mariners tunic and pants,
well-stitched sash, embroidered high boots, backpack,
50 rope, grappling hook, tinderbox, 12 torches,
wineskin, 2 weeks iron rations, 10gp
9-10 Hunter Weapon Focus (bows/crossbows) Sturdy longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, leaf-headed
Tracking spear, gracefully curved short sword, dagger, chain mail
armor, wind-battered fur cloak, wool tunic and pants,
leather belt, low boots, backpack, lantern, tinderbox, 2
flasks of common oil, blanket, 50 rope, 12 iron spikes,
small hammer, wineskin, 1 weeks iron rations
11-12 Woodland Stalker Precise Shooting Elven composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, net,
Naturalism gracefully curved short sword, dagger, chain mail armor,
hooded cloak, dark tunic and pants, high boots,
backpack, 50 rope, 2 flasks of military oil, tinder box,
12 torches, 2 weeks iron rations
13-14 Scout Alertness Elven composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, 2
Survival gracefully curved short swords, hand axe, chain mail
armor, grey-green travelers cloak, wool tunic and
pants, high boots, backpack, 50 rope, grappling hook,
blanket, tinder box, 12 torches, 1 weeks iron rations
15-16 Falconer Skirmishing Elven composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, leaf-
Animal Training headed spear, gracefully curved short sword, round
wooden shield, chain mail armor, forest green cloak,
travelers tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, 1lb garlic, 50 rope, tinderbox, 12 torches, 2
trained hawks, 2 weeks iron rations, 2gp
17-18 Mounted Archer Fighting Style (missile weapon) Elven composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, gracefully
Riding curved shortsword, dagger, leather scale armor,
travelers tunic and pants, riding boots, light riding
horse, riding saddle and tack, leather saddlebags, 2
weeks iron rations
Notes: None.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Exile Running Tattered spellbook with darkness and slipperiness, shortbow,
Survival quiver with 20 arrows, old short sword, dagger, threadbare
Navigation tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 1 weeks
iron rations
5-6 Beastmaster Beast Friendship Hidebound spellbook with sleep and chameleon, longbow,
Animal Husbandry quiver with 20 arrows, gracefully curved sword, dagger, well-
Naturalism stitched fur armor, thick wool cloak, wool tunic and pants,
leather belt, low boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron rations
7-8 Dreadsword Black Lore of Zahar Black leather spellbook with choking grip and silent step,
Knowledge (occult) shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, wickedly curved sword, 2
Intimidation well-balanced daggers with boot-sheathes, ring mail armor,
black cloak, charcoal grey tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations
9-10 Bladesinger Magical Music Embossed spellbook with charm person and read languages,
Performance (singing) shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, two-handed sword with
Diplomacy elaborate hilt, chain mail armor, sea-green hooded cloak
travelers tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2
weeks iron rations, 1gp
11-12 Swordmage Battle Magic Leather-bound spellbook with sharpness and jump, elven
Military Strategy composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, gracefully curved
Manual of Arms sword and dagger, chain mail armor, travelers tunic and
pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron rations
13-14 Flametongue Elementalism Redwood spellbook with magic missile and shield, longbow,
Naturalism quiver with 20 arrows, pair of gracefully curved swords,
Survival banded plate armor, armigers tunic and pants, leather belt,
low boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 4 flasks of military
oil, 10gp
15-16 Captain Command Battle-scarred spellbook with protection from evil and unseen
Leadership servant, elven composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows,
Military Strategy whitewood spear with leaf-head, gracefully curved sword,
steel shield bearing house crest, banded plate armor,
armigers tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2
weeks rations, 1gp
17-18 Winged Knight Familiar (eagle) Eagle familiar, finely-made spellbook with light and detect
Riding magic, lance with pennant, polished sword, steel shield
Leadership bearing house crest, banded plate armor with eagle feather
wings, armigers tunic, high boots, medium riding horse,
riding saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations, 10gp
Notes: The eagle feather wings on the Winged Knights banded plate armor are purely decorative. They do not actually grant
the character the power to fly.
Most characters of this class have above average intelligence, and the templates above reflect that. Each template assumes
that the character has an INT ability score of between 13 and 15, qualifying him for one bonus proficiency and one bonus
spell. The bonus proficiency and bonus spell that each template begins with are noted last. For characters with INT of less
than 13 or greater than 15, see the Intelligence Scores of Arcane Spellcasters section in this Chapter.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Wanderer Running Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, old spear, hand axe,
Endurance battered leather armor, deep cowled travelers cloak,
wool tunic and pants, leather belt, well-worn low
boots, backpack, tinderbox, 12 torches, 2 weeks iron
5-6 Cartographer Land Surveying Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, spear, hand axe,
Mapping leather armor, hooded cloak, wool tunic and pants,
leather belt, sturdy low boots, backpack, tattered
cartographic journal, quill and ink, tinderbox, 12
torches, 2 weeks iron rations
7-8 Mariner Swashbuckling Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, scimitar, leather
Seafaring armor, mariners tunic and pants, fancy red sash,
polished high boots, backpack, 50 rope, grappling
hook, tinderbox, 12 torches, wineskin, 2 weeks iron
rations, 10gp
9-10 Pathfinder Precise Shooting Sturdy longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, spear, short
Tracking sword, dagger, chain mail armor, wind-battered fur
cloak, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, lantern, tinderbox, 2 flasks of common oil,
blanket, 50 rope, 12 iron spikes, small hammer,
wineskin, 1 weeks iron rations
11-12 Waylayer Ambushing Crossbow, case with 30 bolts, net, short sword, dagger,
Intimidation chain mail armor, hooded cloak, dark tunic and pants,
high boots, backpack, 4 stakes and mallet, 12 iron
spikes, 50 rope, 2 flasks of military oil, tinder box, 12
torches, 2 weeks iron rations, 5gp
13-14 Scout Passing without Trace Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, 2 short swords,
Survival hand axe, chain mail armor, grey-green travelers cloak,
wool tunic and pants, high boots, backpack, 50 rope,
grappling hook, blanket, tinder box, 12 torches, 1
weeks iron rations
15-16 Monster Hunter Skirmishing Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, spear, short
Trapping sword, net, shield, chain mail armor, hunter green
cloak, tunic, and pants, high boots, backpack, 1lb garlic,
1lb wolfsbane, 1 vial of holy water, 50 rope, 12 torches,
tinderbox, 2 weeks iron rations, 4gp
17-18 Outrider Fighting Style (missile weapon) Composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, scimitar, dagger,
Riding leather scale armor, travelers tunic and pants, riding
boots, light riding horse, riding saddle and tack, leather
saddlebags, 2 weeks iron rations
Notes: The Mariner and Outriders scimitar is a type of short sword.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Thug Dungeon Bashing Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, morning star, scarred
Intimidation leather armor, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron rations

5-6 Ravager Berserkergang Long bearded axe, francisca, chain mail armor, thick
Endurance wool cloak, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, small sack, wineskin with strong ale, 1 weeks
iron rations
7-8 Corsair Swashbuckling Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, scimitar, 2 well-
Seafaring balanced daggers with boot-sheathes, leather armor,
colorful tunic and pants, silk girdle, high boots,
wineskin with good wine, small sack, 50 rope,
grappling hook, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
9-10 Guardsman Alertness Glaive, flanged mace, wooden shield, chain mail armor,
Signaling armigers tunic and pants, low boots, backpack, lantern,
2 flasks of military oil, 1 weeks iron rations, 10gp

11-12 Mercenary Combat Reflexes Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, well-oiled sword, steel
Manual of Arms shield re-painted many times, slightly battered chain
mail armor, armigers tunic and pants, low boots,
backpack, 2 weeks iron rations
13-14 Gladiator Weapon Focus (swords and daggers) 2 gilded swords, lamellar armor, plumed heavy helmet
Gambling with visor and crest, armigers tunic and pants, sandals,
small sack, amphora of oil (for polishing body), 2 weeks
iron rations, 13gp in arena winnings
15-16 Legionary Fighting Style (weapon and shield) Military-issue sword and spear, steel shield bearing
Siege Engineering Imperial eagle, banded plate armor, armigers tunic and
pants, low boots, backpack, Imperial field manual,
tent, wool blanket, waterskin, 2 weeks iron rations,
30gp in back pay
17-18 Lancer Command Lance with pennant, polished sword, steel shield
Riding bearing noble houses crest, banded plate armor,
armigers tunic, high boots, light riding horse, riding
saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations
Notes: The Ravagers long bearded axe is a type of great axe. The ravagers francisca is a type of hand axe. The Corsairs
scimitar is a type of short sword. The Guardsmans glaive is a type of pole arm.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Hedge Wizard Familiar (owl) Musty old spellbook with charm person and
Healing ventriloquism, gnarled oaken staff, simple robe, leather
Animal Husbandry shoes, medicine bag, 1lb comfrey, 2 weeks iron rations

5-6 Soothsayer Soothsaying Enameled spellbook with sleep and magic mouth,
Performance (storytelling) smooth-worn staff, blue robe with crescents, leather
Theology belt, low boots, backpack, ornamental crystal ball (20gp
value), quill and ink, 2 weeks iron rations
7-8 Necromancer Black Lore of Zahar Iron-bound snakeskin spellbook with choking grip and
Alchemy protection from evil, curved sacrificial dagger, grey
Healing robes, leather belt, leather gloves, high boots,
backpack, 1lb birthwort, 1lb goldenrod, 1lb
woundwort, quill and ink, 2 weeks iron rations, 5gp
9-10 Elementalist Elementalism Wood-paneled spellbook with magic missile and detect
Naturalism magic, gnarled oaken quarterstaff, 5 darts, four-colored
Alchemy cassock with hood, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
quill and ink, 2 weeks iron rations, 57gp
11-12 Magical Scholar Loremastery Well-kept spellbook with sleep and read languages,
Collegiate Wizardry rune-etched staff, blue mages cassock, leather belt, low
Knowledge (astrology) boots, backpack, quill and ink, 1 weeks iron rations,
13-14 Eunuch Sorcerer Mystic Aura Rolled papyrus spellbook with choking grip and
Intimidation darkness, wavy-bladed dagger, black and gold Somirean
Theology robes, polished iron skullcap, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, quill and ink, 2 weeks iron rations, 95gp
15-16 Warmage Battle Magic Academy-issue spellbook with magic missile and
Military Strategy sharpness, iron-shod staff, officers dagger, red
Siege Engineering armigers tunic and pants, leather belt, leather gloves,
high boots, backpack, quill and ink, 2 weeks iron
rations, 100gp
17-18 Court Magist Prestidigitation Bronze-framed spellbook with charm person and
Diplomacy unseen servant, quarterstaff tipped with glass
Language gemstone (45gp value), 5 darts, silk mages cassock,
extravagant hat, leather belt, leather gloves, high boots,
backpack, quill and ink, medium riding horse, riding
saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations, 22gp
Notes: Most characters of this class have above average intelligence, and the templates above reflect that. Each template
assumes that the character has an INT ability score of between 13 and 15, qualifying him for one bonus proficiency and one
bonus spell. The bonus proficiency and bonus spell that each template begins with are noted last. For characters with INT of
less than 13 or greater than 15, see the Intelligence Scores of Arcane Spellcasters section in this Chapter.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Ascetic Wakefulness Staff, 5 war rings, wide-brimmed hat, simple wool tunic
Survival and pants, leather belt, sandals, backpack, 1 weeks
iron rations, 30gp

5-6 Yogi Contortionism Elephant trunk blade, 5 war rings, wide-brimmed hat,
Performance (yoga) saffron yellow robe, leather belt, sandals, backpack, 1
weeks iron rations, 40gp

7-8 Temple Guard Precise Shooting Bamboo longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, pair of
Manual of Arms khanda, 5 war rings, saffron red robe with head
wrapping, leather belt, sandals, backpack, 1 weeks iron
rations, 40gp

9-10 Enlightened Mind Illusion Resistance Double-ended flail, pair of khanda, 5 war rings, wide-
Theology brimmed hat, blue robe, leather belt, sandals,
backpack, 1 weeks iron rations, 63gp

11-12 Warrior Monk Swashbuckling Elephant trunk blade, pair of khanda, 5 war rings,
Performance (chanting) saffron red robe with head wrapping, leather belt,
sandals, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations, 80gp

13-14 Cultist Arcane Dabbling Coiling blade, pair of double-bladed daggers, pair of
Knowledge (occult) tigers claws, grey robe with hood, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations, 2 doses of giant
centipede poison, 10gp

15-16 Faith Healer Laying on Hands Spear, pair of tulwars, wide-brimmed hat, white robe,
Healing leather belt, sandals, backpack, 2lb birthwort, 2lb
comfrey, 2lb goldenrod, 2lb woundwort, 1 weeks iron
rations, 60gp

17-18 Noble Philosopher Command Bamboo longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, elephant
Diplomacy trunk blade, pair of khanda, 5 war rings, ochre silk robe,
silk sash, high boots, backpack, light riding horse, riding
saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations, 26gp

Notes: The Mystic templates above use weapons drawn from Indian and Chinese martial arts.
A war ring (or chakram) is a sharpened metal hoop 4.5 in diameter. Treat as a dart.
An elephant trunk blade (or xiang bi dao) is a halberd with a chopping head resembling an elephant trunk. Treat as a pole arm.
A coiling blade (or chuttuval) is an edged 4-5 band of thin steel, flexible enough to be coiled in a tight roll. Treat as a whip.
A double bladed dagger (or haladie) is a dagger with a 6-9 blade attached to each end of the handle. Treat as a short sword.
A set of tigers claws (or bagh nakh) are five curved blades affixed to a glove or handgrip. Treat as a dagger.
A tulwar is a short, curved blade similar to a scimitar. Treat as a short sword.
A double-ended flail (or cumberjung) is a wooden handle with a wooden striking head reinforced with a sharp metal ring at
each end, attached with stout cord. Treat as a flail.
A khanda is a double-edged broadsword with a blunt tip and handguard. Treat as a sword.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Errant Running Hand-carved wood holy symbol (gallery of Naurivus),
Survival morning star, peasants wool tunic and pants, sandals, 2
small sacks, 2 weeks iron rations

5-6 Gallant Mystic Aura Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), sword, leather
Diplomacy armor, well-kept wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations

7-8 Temple Guard Alertness Holy symbol (winged sun of Ammonar), spear, round
Manual of Arms wooden shield, ring mail armor, purple military cloak,
guards tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, 2 weeks iron rations, 2gp
9-10 Champion Divine Blessing Holy symbol (winged sun of Ammonar), sword, steel
Theology shield bearing symbol of winged sun, banded plate
armor, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, 1 weeks iron rations
11-12 Foe Hunter Goblin-Slaying Holy symbol (winged sun of Ammonar), two-handed
Military Strategy sword, banded plate armor, wool tunic and pants,
leather belt, low boots, backpack, 1lb garlic, 1lb
wolfsbane, 4 stakes and mallet, 2 weeks iron rations
13-14 Vanguard Combat Reflexes Holy symbol (hammer of Tras), razor-sharp glaive, war
Endurance hammer, steel shield bearing symbol of Tras, banded
plate armor, blue armigers tunic and pants, leather
belt, low boots, backpack, flask of holy water, 1 weeks
iron rations, 10gp
15-16 Inquisitor Illusion Resistance Holy symbol (hammer of Tras), ball-and-chain, steel
Profession (judge) shield bearing symbol of Tras, banded plate armor,
blue priests cassock, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
2 flasks of holy water, 12 torches, tinder box, 50 rope,
manacles, 1 weeks iron rations, 5gp
17-18 Templar Command Holy symbol (winged sun of Ammonar), white lance,
Riding polished sword, steel shield bearing symbol of the
winged sun, banded plate armor, purple armigers tunic
and pants, riding boots, medium riding horse, riding
saddle and tack, saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations, 5gp
Notes: The Vanguards glaive is a type of pole arm. The Inquisitors ball-and-chain is a type of flail.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Anchorite Contemplation Holy symbol (wheel of Calefa), wickedly curved dagger,
Survival animal skin cloak, leather girdle, leather breast band,
loin cloth, high boots, leather pouch, 1 weeks iron
rations, 5gp
5-6 Oracle Prophecy Holy symbol (wheel of Calefa), wavy-bladed dagger,
Performance (storytelling) white and grey chiton, sandals, purse, flask of holy
water, 2 weeks iron rations

7-8 Chantress Magical Music Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), stiletto,
Performance (singing) priestesss headdress (20gp), scarlet silk chiton, gold
sash, high sandals, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations, 7gp

9-10 Canoness Divine Blessing Holy symbol (white lady of Mityara), slender
Theology whitewood staff, priestesss head dress (20gp value),
white silk chiton, gold silk sash, high boots, backpack,
flask of holy water, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
11-12 Medician Laying on Hands Holy symbol (white lady of Mityara), slender
Healing whitewood staff, white silk chiton, gold silk sash, high
boots, backpack, 1lb birthwort, 1lb comfrey, 1lb
goldenrod, 1lb woundwort, flask of holy water, 2 weeks
iron rations, 1gp
13-14 Sacred Courtesan Mystic Aura Holy symbol (9-pointed star of Ianna), stiletto, gold silk
Seduction cloak, veil, and sash, scarlet silk chiton, long leather
gloves, gold bangles (20gp value), gold earrings (20gp),
high boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations, 17gp
15-16 Missionary Divine Health Holy symbol (white lady of Mityara), slender
Diplomacy whitewood staff, priestesss head dress (20gp value),
white silk chiton, gold silk sash, high boots, backpack, 2
flask of holy water, holy book (The Laws of the Light), 2
weeks iron rations, 16gp
17-18 Lightbringer Righteous Turning Holy symbol (white lady of Mityara), slender
Leadership whitewood staff, priestesss head dress (20gp value),
white silk chiton, gold silk sash, high boots, light riding
horse, riding tack and saddle, saddlebags, 2 weeks iron
rations, 18gp
Notes: None.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Pariah Apostasy Rat totem animal, heretical holy symbol (horned rat),
Survival club, hide armor, itchy wool tunic and pants, sandals, 2
Quiet Magic small sacks, 1 weeks iron rations

5-6 Wise Man Loremastery Owl totem animal, holy symbol (silver crescent),
Knowledge (history) quarterstaff, leather armor, grey wool tunic and pants,
Sensing Power leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations,
7-8 Warchanter Battle Magic Bear totem animal, holy symbol (bears teeth), iron
Performance (chanting) spear, round wooden shield, leather armor, bear fur
Berserkergang cloak, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, flask of holy water, 2 weeks iron rations
9-10 Runecaster Elementalism Wolf totem animal, holy symbol (runestone), short
Craft (rune-carving) sword, wooden shield, leather armor, wool tunic and
Ambushing pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, small hammer,
carving knife, flask of holy water, 2 weeks iron rations
11-12 Druid Beast Friendship Raven totem animal, holy symbol (golden sickle),
Naturalism whitewood spear, sickle sword, dagger, shield, leather
Divine Blessing armor under white druids robes, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, flask of holy water, 1lb garlic, 1lb
wolfsbane, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
13-14 Snake Handler Divine Health Python totem animal, holy symbol (two snakes coiled
Healing around rod), long staff, 2 daggers, leather armor under
Laying on Hands forest green robes, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
2lb birthwort, 2lb comfrey, 2lb goldenrod, 2lb
woundwort, 1 weeks iron rations
15-16 Spirit Raiser Sensing Evil Eagle totem animal, holy symbol (eagle on sun),
Leadership quarterstaff, dagger, leather armor under blue robes,
Command leather belt, low boots, backpack, 3 flasks of holy water,
tinderbox, 6 tallow candles, 4lb garlic, 1 weeks iron
17-18 Nomad Shaman Unflappable Casting Horse totem animal, holy symbol (engraved horn),
Riding scimitar, round wooden shield, leather armor, fur-lined
Running cloak, wool tunic and pants, leather gloves, leather belt,
high boots, backpack, 2 flasks of holy water, riding
saddle and tack, saddlebags, 2 weeks iron rations, 26gp
Notes: The totem animal and totem proficiency that each Shaman template begins with is noted in italics. The Druids sickle
sword is a type of short sword. The Nomad Shamans scimitar is a type of short sword.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Outlaw Skulking Handmade shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, short
Survival sword, leather armor, tattered cloak, old freeholders
tunic and pants, leather belt, well-worn low boots,
backpack, 50 rope, 1 weeks iron rations
5-6 Thief-Acrobat Acrobatics Bola, quarterstaff, supple leather armor, cloak, tunic
Endurance and pants, leather belt, low boots, 50 rope, grappling
hook, backpack, 2 weeks iron rations
7-8 Buccaneer Swashbuckling Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, scimitar, 2 well-
Seafaring balanced daggers with boot-sheathes, leather armor,
colorful tunic and pants, silk girdle, high boots,
wineskin with good wine, small sack, 50 rope, thieves
tools, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
9-10 Tomb Raider Trap Finding Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, 10 pole, short sword,
Mapping 2 throwing daggers, sturdy leather armor, tanned
brown cloak, thick tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 2 large treasure sacks, thieves tools,
50 rope, tinderbox, lantern, small hammer, 12 iron
spikes, 2 flasks of military oil, wineskin, 2 weeks iron
11-12 Cat Burglar Cat Burglary Shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, short sword, 2
Gambling throwing daggers, supple leather armor, black cloak
with hood and bandana, black tunic and pants, padded
sandals, backpack, 2 large sacks, thieves tools, crowbar,
100 rope, grappling hook, lantern, tinderbox, 2 flasks
of common oil, small hammer, 12 iron spikes, wineskin,
1 weeks iron rations, 5gp
13-14 Lockbreaker Lockpicking Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, short sword, 2
Craft (locksmithing) throwing daggers, leather armor, hooded cloak,
freeholders tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, thieves tools, 50 rope, grappling hook,
tinderbox, lantern, 2 flasks of common oil, small
hammer, 12 iron spikes, wineskin, 1 weeks iron rations
15-16 Failed Apprentice Arcane Dabbling Crossbow, case with 20 quarrels, quarterstaff, 2
Collegiate Wizardry throwing daggers, leather armor under blue mages
cassock, high boots, backpack, thieves tools, 50 rope,
spellbook (blank), lantern, tinderbox, 4 flasks of military
oil, 2 flasks of common oil, small hammer, 12 iron
spikes, 1lb garlic, 1lb wolfsbane wineskin, 1 weeks iron
rations, 4gp
17-18 Traveler Skirmishing Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, short sword, leather
Riding armor, travelers tunic and pants, riding boots, light
riding horse, riding saddle and tack, leather saddlebags,
thieves tools, 1 weeks iron rations
Notes: The Buccaneers scimitar is a type of short sword.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Pact Witch Beast Friendship Cat familiar, musty old spellbook with choking grip and
Animal Husbandry protection from evil, gnarled oaken staff, simple robe,
Healing leather shoes, medicine bag, 1lb comfrey, 2 weeks iron
5-6 Changeling Elven Bloodline Lizard familiar, wood-paneled spellbook with choking
Mimicry grip and ventriloquism, smooth-worn staff, robe
Naturalism stitched together of many fabrics, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 1lb birthwort, 1lb woundwort, quill
and ink, 2 weeks iron rations
7-8 Deranged Alchemist Transmogrification Toad familiar, curiously-stained spellbook with choking
Alchemy grip and slipperiness, razor-like dagger, grey warlocks
Alchemy 2 cassock, leather belt, leather gloves, high boots,
backpack, 1lb birthwort, 1lb goldenrod, 1lb
woundwort, quill and ink, 2 weeks iron rations, 5gp
9-10 Defiler Elementalism Raven familiar, rusted iron-bound spellbook with
Naturalism choking grip and magic missile, misshapen yew
Intimidation quarterstaff, 5 darts, grey and green cassock with hood,
leather belt, low boots, backpack, quill and ink, 2
weeks iron rations, 57gp
11-12 Corrupted Scholar Loremastery Owl familiar, bloodstained spellbook with choking grip
Knowledge (occult) and read languages, rune-etched staff, silver dagger,
Alchemy grey warlocks cassock, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, quill and ink, 1 weeks iron rations, 50gp
13-14 Diabolist Divine Blessing Bat familiar, leather and bone spellbook with choking
Theology grip and darkness, wavy-bladed silver dagger, long
Knowledge (occult) leather whip, grey warlocks cassock, polished iron
skullcap, leather belt, leather gloves, high boots,
backpack, quill and ink, 1 weeks iron rations, 60gp
15-16 Destroyer Battle Magic Hawk familiar, battle-scarred spellbook with choking
Military Strategy grip and shield, iron-shod staff topped with skull, 2
Siege Engineering wickedly curved silver daggers, 10 darts, black armigers
tunic and pants, leather belt, leather gloves, high boots,
backpack, quill and ink, 1 weeks iron rations, 40gp
17-18 Scheming Vizier Mystic Aura Viper familiar, rolled papyrus spellbook with choking
Intimidation grip and charm person, wavy-bladed dagger, long
Leadership leather whip, black silk robes, gleaming silver skullcap
(45gp value), leather belt, low boots, backpack, quill
and ink, medium riding horse, riding saddle and tack,
saddlebags, 1 weeks iron rations, 20gp
Notes: Most characters of this class have above average intelligence, and the templates above reflect that. Each template
assumes that the character has an INT ability score of between 13 and 15, qualifying him for one bonus proficiency and one
bonus spell. The bonus proficiency and bonus spell that each template begins with are noted last. For characters with INT of
less than 13 or greater than 15, see the Intelligence Scores of Arcane Spellcasters section in this Chapter.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Crone Contemplation Holy symbol (7-spoked wheel), rusty dagger, tattered
(Antiquarian) Survival cloak, patched wool dress, leather shoes, leather
Healing pouch, 1 weeks iron rations, 5gp
5-6 Dark Oracle Prophecy Unholy symbol (purple circle on black), wavy-bladed
(Chthonic) Performance (storytelling) dagger, purple and black chiton, sandals, purse, flask of
Seduction unholy water, 2 weeks iron rations
7-8 Botono Prestidigitation Holy symbol (bloody teeth), ivory dagger, baobab staff
(Voudon) Intimidation topped with hyena skull, zebra-hide cloak, linen
Craft (doll-making) breastwrap, loincloth, sandals, backpack, 2 clay dolls
(5gp each), craftsmans tools, 12 iron spikes, 6 torches,
2 weeks iron rations
9-10 Lorelei Magical Music Holy symbol (white bird), slender whitewood staff,
(Sylvan) Performance (singing) elaborate bronze choker necklace (20gp value), green
Beast Friendship silk dress, autumn-hued silk sash, high boots, backpack,
flask of holy water, 2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
11-12 Village Witch Laying on Hands Holy symbol (pair of horns around lunar disc), slender
(Antiquarian) Healing oak staff, freeholders dress, leather belt, leather shoes,
Healing 2 backpack, 1lb birthwort, 2lb comfrey, 1lb goldenrod, 1lb
woundwort, 5 scented wax candles, flask of holy water,
2 weeks iron rations, 7gp
13-14 Death Mistress Familiar Python familiar, unholy symbol (medusas head),
(Chthonic) Knowledge (occult) stiletto, black silk cloak, veil, and sash, black silk chiton,
Seduction long leather gloves, silver bangles (20gp value), silver
earrings (20gp), high boots, backpack, 5 black wax
candles, 2 weeks iron rations, 14gp
15-16 Fetishist Arcane Dabbling Unholy symbol (green eye surrounded by tentacles),
(Voudon) Knowledge (occult) gnarled baobab staff, copper and clay amulet (20gp
Craft (jewelling) value), elephant hide cloak, linen breastwrap, loincloth,
sandals, backpack, 2 flask of unholy water, 6 torches,
craftsmans tools, 2 weeks iron rations, 23gp
17-18 Faerie Princess Elven Bloodline Holy symbol (flower garland), slender whitewood staff,
(Sylvan) Riding gossamer head dress (20gp value), white silk dress,
Beast Friendship colorful silk sash, high boots, light riding horse, riding
tack and saddle, saddlebags, 2 weeks iron rations, 18gp
Notes: The tradition to which each template belongs is noted in parentheses in the Template column. Any bonus
proficiencies from the tradition are noted in italics in the Proficiencies column.
The Death Mistresss stiletto is a type of dagger.
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3-4 Flesheater Kin-Slaying Serrated sword, wooden shield, curiously pale-colored
Craft (cooking) hide armor, blood-stained wool tunic and pants, leather
belt, low boots, backpack, 3 weeks dried white meat
5-6 Hatemonger Berserkergang Great axe tipped with spike, chain mail armor, torn
Intimidation wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack,
2 weeks iron rations, 1gp
7-8 Grimguard Fighting Style (weapon and shield) Jagged battle axe, iron-shod shield, grey banded plate
Manual of Arms armor, grey hooded cloak, wool tunic and pants, leather
belt, low boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron rations, 4gp
9-10 Avenger Sensing Good Serrated sword, copper-barbed scourge, iron-shod
Profession (torturer) shield, grey plate armor, wool tunic and pants, leather
belt, low boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
11-12 Doomwielder Fighting Style (two-handed weapon) Serrated two-handed sword, barbed morning star,
Endurance plate armor adorned with skulls, heavy skull helmet,
blood-stained wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 1 weeks iron rations, 7gp
13-14 Warmaster Ambushing Ball-and-chain, black steel shield bearing taloned hand
Military Strategy of Bel, black plate armor, heavy black horned helmet,
black armigers tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots,
backpack, crowbar, tinderbox, 12 torches, 1 flask of
military oil, 50 rope, 2 weeks iron rations, 7gp
15-16 Ruinbinder Familiar Vulture familiar, rune-carved two-handed sword, red-
Knowledge (occult) lacquered plate armor, heavy helmet with crimson
crest, red armigers tunic and pants, leather belt, low
boots, backpack, 2 flasks of unholy water, 2 weeks iron
17-18 Shadowcrown Command Polished sword, black steel shield bearing red eye of
Riding fire, black plate armor, heavy helmet affixed with black
iron crown, black armigers tunic and pants, riding
boots, medium riding horse, riding saddle and tack,
saddlebags, 2 weeks iron rations
Notes: The Flesheaters dried white meat is a type of iron rations. The Avengers scourge is a type of whip. The Warmasters
ball-and-chain is a type of flail.
The core, campaign, and racial classes available in Adventurer Conqueror King can create characters that fill the most
common and popular archetypes of myth, legend, film, and literature. The variety of options for proficiencies, spells, spell
signatures, alignment, and so can allow for fine-tuning characters, such that a Fighter can be easily be a pirate or a Mage can
easily be a necromancer. Nevertheless, sometimes a campaign setting or a players character concept will demand a set of
game mechanics that no combination of existing class powers and proficiencies can offer. In this case, the custom class rules
can be deployed.
To create a custom class of the human race, follow these ten steps:
1. Start by allocating a total of 4 build points across each of 5 class categories: Hit Die, Fighting, Thievery, Divine, and
Arcane. See the Build Points and Class Categories section, below.
2. Determine the class hit dice per level based on its Hit Die Value. See the Hit Die Value section.
3. Select weapons, armor, and fighting styles appropriate to the chosen Fighting Value. If desired, trade in selections
of weapons, armor, or fighting styles in exchange for a choice of one or more custom powers. If the class has
Fighting Value 2 or higher, note down the experience point cost for the custom powers. See the Fighting Value
4. Select thief skills appropriate to the chosen Thievery Value. If desired, trade in thief skills for custom powers. See
the Thievery Value section.
5. Note down any spellcasting abilities appropriate to the chosen Divine or Arcane Values. If desired, trade in the
ability to turn undead for one or more custom powers. See the Divine Value and Arcane Value sections,
6. Determine the custom classs saving throw progression based on its build point allocation. Use this information to
determine magic items useable by the class, proficiencies, hit points after 9 th level, and prime requisites. See the
Saving Throw Progress section.
7. Determine what type of stronghold and followers the custom class will receive at 9 th level based on its build point
allocation. Select a 5th level bonus power if appropriate. See the Stronghold and Followers section.
8. Final the selection of the classs custom powers. If desired, trade in a selection of skills or powers at 1 st level for a
larger selection of multiple powers unlocked at a higher level. See the Custom Powers section.
9. Calculate the experience points required to advance to 2 nd level and each level thereafter. Write these values down,
assigning a title to each level appropriate to the theme of the custom class. See the Experience Points per Level
10. Name the character class. Detail its role in the game world and explain why members of the class become

Note that Demi-Human Classes, discussed later under Custom Demi-Human Classes, are built using the same steps, but
have more build points and categories.


Creating a custom class is primarily process of allocating build points to various class categories that define the strengths
and weaknesses of the class, and then making various choices that flow from the build point allocation.
All Human Classes have 4 (four) build points to spend on five class categories: Hit Dice, Fighting, Thievery, Divine, and
Arcane. Each category is allocated between 0 and 4 points. The Hit Dice class category determines the hit die the class uses,
while the Fighting, Thievery, Divine, and Arcane class categories grant abilities associated with the core ACKS classes of
Fighter, Thief, Cleric, and Mage. The final total spent on the class must equal 4 build points.
Within each category, there are sometimes opportunities to make trade-offs after build points have been allocated. Trade-
offs allow characters to buy custom powers such as the Elven Nightblades Acrobatics or the Bards Inspire Courage ability.
Custom powers are powers which are not present in the core four classes (Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Thief) and they can only be
selected by making trade-offs. Trade-offs can be complex. When creating an initial set of Custom Classes, it may be helpful
to ignore the trade-off options initially.
Note that certain values, which appear in parentheses, exceed the abilities normally found in Adventurer Conqueror King
and similar games. While we believe the values below are balanced, these selections could and should be prohibited in a
given campaign by any Judge which feels they would disrupt play.
In general, any system of build points is susceptible to abuse and the Judge must carefully review all custom classes for
balance. Just because something can be built doesnt mean it should be built or must be allowed in play.


The Hit Dice Value determines the hit die the class uses from 1 st to 9th level. (A classs hit Value Hit Die XP Cost
points increase after 9th level based on its saving throw progression). Assign from 0 to 4 build 4 (d12) 2000
points to the classs Hit Dice Value, noting down the appropriate hit die and the XP cost. 3 (d10) 1500
EXAMPLE: The standard Fighter was built with Hit Die Value 2. Fighters roll 1d8 for hit points 2 d8 1000
from 1st to 9th level. 1 d6 500
0 d4 0
The Fighting Value determines the classs effectiveness in combat, including the rate at which the classs attack throws
improve; the weapons and armor that the class is trained to use; and any special combat abilities. Assign 0 to 4 build points
to the classs Fighting Value, noting down the appropriate abilities and XP cost. If 1 build point is assigned, choose from
either 1a (Thief) or 1b (Cleric). The table below summarizes the different capabilities at each build point.
Fighting Attack Weapon Armor Fighting Damage XP
Value Capability Throws Selection Selection Styles Bonus Cleaves Cost
4 (Hero) +3 per 2 levels Unrestricted Unrestricted 3 +1 per 3 levels 1 per level 2000
3 (Monster) +2 per 2 levels Unrestricted Unrestricted 3 +1 per 3 levels 1 per level 1500
2 Fighter +2 per 3 levels Unrestricted Unrestricted 3 +1 per 3 levels 1 per level 1000
1b Thief +2 per 4 levels Broad Narrow 2 None 1 per 2 levels 500
1a Cleric +2 per 4 levels Narrow Unrestricted 2 None 1 per 2 levels 500
0 Mage +2 per 6 levels Restricted Forbidden 1 None None 0


The rules below define the capabilities for each Fighting Value. Further information on Weapon and Armor Selection is
provided after this section.
Fighting 0 (Mage): The class advances in attack throws by two points every six levels. The class can use only a restricted
selection of weapons. The class may not wear armor. It may fight with only one of the following two selections from among
the fighting styles: two weapons or two-handed weapons. The class may not perform cleaves.
EXAMPLE: The standard Mage was built with Fighting Value 0. A Mage cannot wear armor and may only use quarterstaffs,
clubs, daggers, and darts. A Mage can fight with two-handed weapons (e.g., staffs).
Fighting 1a (Cleric): The class advances in attack throws by two points every four levels. The class can use a narrow selection
of weapons, determined when the class is created, but has an unrestricted selection of armor. It may fight with any two of
the following three selections from among the fighting styles, chosen at the time the class is created: two weapons,
weapons and shields, and two-handed weapons. The class may perform one cleave attack per two levels.
EXAMPLE: The standard Cleric was built with Fighting Value 1a. A Cleric may wear any armor, but is restricted to only use
blunt weapons. A Clerics fighting styles are weapons and shield and two-handed weapons.
Fighting 1b (Thief): The class advances in attack throws by two points every four levels. The class can use a broad selection
of weapons, but only a narrow selection of armor. It may fight with any two of the following three selections from among
the fighting styles: two weapons, weapons and shields, and two-handed weapons. The class may perform one cleave attack
per two levels.
EXAMPLE: The standard Thief was built with Fighting Value 1b. A Thief may use any one-handed or missile weapons, but
may only wear leather armor. A Thiefs fighting styles are two weapons and two-handed weapons. (Even though a Thief
cannot fight with a two-handed weapon such as a pole-arm, he could still fight two-handed using a one-handed weapon
such as a sword).
Fighting 2 (Fighter): The class advances in attack throws by two points every three levels. The class can use an unrestricted
selection of weapons and armor, and may fight in any style, including two weapons, weapons and shields, and two-handed
weapons. The class gains +1 to damage rolls at level 1, and +1 every three levels thereafter. The class may perform one
cleave attack per level.
Fighting 3 (Monster): The class advances in attack throws by two points every two levels. The class can use an unrestricted
selection of weapons and armor, and may fight in any style, including two weapons, weapons and shields, and two-handed
weapons. The class gains +1 to damage rolls at level 1, and +1 every three levels thereafter. The class may perform one
cleave attack per level.
Fighting 4 (Hero): The class advances in attack throws by three points every two levels. The class can use an unrestricted
selection of weapons and armor, and may fight in any style, including two weapons, weapons and shields, and two-handed
weapons. The class gains +1 to damage rolls at level 1, and +1 every three levels thereafter. The class may perform one
cleave attack per level.
A classs weapon selection may be restricted, narrow, broad, or unlimited. Likewise, a classs armor selection may be
forbidden, restricted, narrow, broad, or unlimited. The rules below explain the options available at each selection level.
Forbidden: A forbidden armor selection means the class may not wear any armor, nor may the class select weapon and
shield fighting style.
Restricted: A restricted armor selection means the class can only wear hide armor or lighter. The class may use shields if it
selects weapon and shield as one of its fighting styles. A restricted weapon selection means the class can wield 4 of the
following 8 specific weapons: (i) club; (ii) dagger; (iii) bola; (iv) dart; (v) sling; (vi) sap; (vii) staff; (viii) whip.
EXAMPLE: The standard Mage (Fighting Value 0) received a restricted selection of weapons. The Mages choices were club,
dagger, dart, and staff.
Narrow: A narrow armor selection means the class can only wear leather armor or lighter. The class may use shields if it
selects weapon and shield as one of its fighting styles. A narrow weapon selection means the class can wield weapons from
any 2 of the following 7 narrow categories: (i) axes; (ii) bows/crossbows; (iii) flails/hammers/maces; (iv) swords/daggers; (v)
spears/pole arms; (vi) bolas/darts/nets/slings/saps/staffs; (vii) any combination of 3 weapons.
EXAMPLE: The standard Cleric, Bladedancer, and Dwarven Craftpriest (all Fighting Value 1a) received a narrow selection of
weapons. The Clerics choices were flails/hammers/maces and bolas/nets/slings/saps/staffs. In contrast, the Bladedancer
chose swords/daggers and spears/pole arms; while the Dwarven Craft-Priest chose axes and flails/hammers/ maces.
Broad: A broad armor selection means the class can wear chain mail armor or lighter. The class may use shields if it selects
weapon and shield as one of its fighting styles. A broad weapon selection means the class can wield weapons from any 2 of
the following 6 broad choices: (i) any one-handed melee weapons, (ii) any two-handed melee weapons, (iii) any axes, flails,
hammers, and maces; (iv) any swords, daggers, spears, and polearms; (v) all missile weapons; and (vi) any combination of 5
EXAMPLE: The standard Thief (Fighting Value 1b) received a broad selection of weapons. The Thiefs choices were all one-
handed melee weapons and all missile weapons.
Unrestricted: An unrestricted armor selection means the class can wear any armor. The class may use shields if it selects
weapon and shield as one of its fighting styles. An unrestricted weapon selection means the class can wield any weapons.
A class more may voluntarily trade off its fighting style selections, armor selections, weapon selections, or damage bonus in
exchange for bonus custom powers. Custom powers are explained in detail later in these rules. In general, custom powers
include any class proficiency, any general proficiency, or any single non-spellcasting non-thief power possessed by a
character class. All trade-offs are cumulative, so trading from, e.g., unrestricted armor to broad armor, and then broad
armor to narrow armor, gives a benefit of 2 custom powers.

Trade-Off Benefit EXAMPLE: The standard Bladedancer was built

Reduce armor selection from Unrestricted to Broad 1 custom power with Fighting Value of 1a. Before trade-offs, the
Reduce armor selection from Broad to Narrow 1 custom power Bladedancer had two fighting styles (two
Reduce armor selection from Narrow to Restricted 1 custom power weapons and two-handed weapons),
Reduce armor selection from Restricted to None 1 custom power unrestricted armor selection, and narrow
Reduce weapon selection from Unrestricted to Broad 1 custom power weapon selection (swords/daggers,
Reduce weapon selection from Broad to Narrow 2 custom powersspears/pole arms). The Bladedancer then made
Reduce weapon selection from Narrow to Restricted 1 custom power two trade-offs, reducing its armor selection
Eliminate one fighting style 1 custom power from unrestricted to broad, and then again
Eliminate fighter damage bonus (melee or missile) 1 custom power from broad to narrow. In exchange, the
Eliminate fighter damage bonus (both) 2 custom powersBladedancer received the benefit of two
custom powers the classs initiative bonus
and AC bonus. Note that we could also have built the Bladedancer with a Fighting Value of 1b (Thief). The Bladedancer
would then have started with a broad weapon selection and a narrow armor selection. The trade-off from broad to narrow
weapon selection would provide the benefit of two additional custom powers.
Level Lock Trade-Off: A class may trade one or more initial custom powers for custom powers unlocked at a later date. In
general, one skill at 1st level can be given up for two skills unlocked at a higher level. See the Custom Power Trade-Offs
section for more details.
A class with a Fighting Value of 2 or greater that makes a trade-off increases the experience point cost of its Fighting Value
by 150xp per custom power gained. This is because once a class has a Fighting Value of 2 or higher, it has so many weapon,
armor, and fighting style choices available to it that it can specialize without suffering much loss of effectiveness.
EXAMPLE: The standard Explorer has a Fighting Value of 2 (Fighter). Before trade-offs, the Explorer had unlimited weapon
and armor selection and had all three fighting styles (two weapons, weapons and shields, and two-handed weapons). The
Explorer then made two trade-offs, reducing its armor selection from unrestricted to broad and its weapon selection from
unrestricted to broad. In exchange, the Explorer received the benefit of two custom powers the classs initiative bonus and
missile attack bonus. However, because the Explorer has a Fighting Value of 2 or more, the experience point cost of its
Fighting Value is increased by 150xp per custom power, from 1,000 to 1,300xp.

The Thievery Value determines the classs access to thief skills. Assign 0 to 4 build points to Value Thievery XP Cost
the classs Thievery Value. Then note down the appropriate skill choices and the XP cost. 4 (15 Skills) 1,100
There are eleven thief skills available: (1) Open Locks, (2) Find Traps, (3) Remove Traps, (4) 3 10 Skills 700
Pick Pockets, (5) Move Silently, (6) Climb Walls, (7) Hide in Shadows, (8) Hear Noise, (9) 2 5 Skills 400
Backstab, (10) Read Languages, and (11) Read and Cast Magic Scrolls. 1 3 Skills 200
0 none 0
Custom Power Trade-Off: A class may choose trade one or more thief skills for one custom power each. Custom powers are
explained in detail later in these rules. In general, custom powers include any class proficiency, any general proficiency, or
single non-spell casting power possessed by any character class. The Judge may limit particular combinations of custom
powers at his discretion to maintain game balance.
EXAMPLE: The standard Explorer has a Thievery Value of 1. The Explorer traded all of its thief skills to acquire three custom
powers (Difficult to Spot, Avoid Getting Lost, and Evade Wilderness Encounters).
Level Lock Trade-Off: A class may trade one or more initial thief skills for skills or custom powers unlocked at a later date. In
general, one skill at 1st level can be given up for two skills unlocked at a higher level. See the Custom Power Trade-Offs
section for more details.
EXAMPLE: The standard Thief has a Thievery Value of 3. The standard thief selected nine thief skills initially: (1) Open Locks,
(2) Find Traps, (3) Remove Traps, (4) Pick Pockets, (5) Move Silently, (6) Climb Walls, (7) Hide in Shadows, (8) Hear Noise, and
(9) Backstab. The standard Thief then exchanged its final skill selections for the ability to Read Languages at 4 th level and
Read and Cast Magic Scrolls at 10th level.
Regardless of a classs Fighting Value, certain thief skills require that the character be in leather armor or lighter, and be free
of a shield. The skills are: Pick Pockets, Move Silently, Climb Walls, Hide in Shadows, and Backstab.
EXAMPLE: The standard Assassin has a Thievery Value of 3. This makes the class eligible for three thief skills. The Assassin
chose Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Backstab. These skills can only be used when the Assassin is wearing leather
armor or lighter and free of a shield.
At the Judges discretion, other custom powers may also be limited to characters in leather armor or lighter, or have other
requirements he deems necessary for balance.

The Divine Value determines the extent of the classs divine spellcasting abilities, if Value Divine XP Cost
any. Assign 0 to 4 build points to the classs Divine Value, noting down the 4 (Spells x150%) 2,000
appropriate powers and the XP cost. 3 (Spells x 133%) 1,000
2 Cleric 500
Divine 1: A Divine Value of 1 gives the class the ability to turn undead, casts spells, 1 1/2 level Cleric 250
and engage in magical research as a cleric of the characters actual class level, 0 none 0
rounded up. For instance, At 5 th level, the character has the abilities of a 3 rd level
cleric. The class uses its effective caster level ( class level) for purposes of level-dependent spell ranges, durations, and
damage. The classs divine spell repertoire is based on a spell list of 5 spells per level.
Divine 2: A Divine Value of 2 points gives the class the ability to turn undead, cast spells, and engage in magical research as a
cleric. The classs divine spell repertoire is based on a spell list of 10 spells per level.
Divine 3: A Divine Value of 3 gives the class the ability to turn undead and cast spells as a cleric, with additional spells per
level. Increase the classs spells per level by 33% (rounding fractions of 0.5 or greater up) to determine the classs spell
progression. The class uses its class level for all level-dependent spell ranges, durations, and damages; these are not
increased by 33%. The classs divine spell repertoire is based on a spell list of 12 spells per level.
EXAMPLE: A 4th level cleric can cast 2 1 st and 1 2nd level spells; therefore, a 4 th level character of a custom class with Divine
Value 3 could cast 3 1st and 1 2nd level spells (2.66 1st level spells rounds to 3; 1.33 2nd level spells rounds to 2).
Divine 4: A Divine Value of 4 gives the class the ability to turn undead and cast spells as a cleric, with additional bonus spells
per level. Increase the classs spells per level by 50% to determine the classs spell progression. Round fractions of .5 or
greater up. The class uses its class level for all level-dependent spell ranges, durations, and damages; these are not
increased by 50%. In addition, a class with Divine 4 can cast one 1 st level divine spell per day at 1 st level. The classs divine
spell repertoire is based on a spell list of 15 spells per level.
EXAMPLE: A 4th level cleric can cast 2 1 st and 1 2nd level spells; therefore, a 4 th level character of a custom class with Divine
Value 4 could cast 3 1st and 2 2nd level spells.
When creating a custom class with divine spellcasting abilities, be sure to build a spell repertoire appropriate to the class.
Select from 5-15 divine spells from Chapter 5 of ACKS or Chapter 5 of this Players Companion. The spells selected should
reflect the flavor of the class and be balanced relative to other similar classes.
All custom classes with a Divine Value of 1 or more must have a code of behavior. The higher the Divine Value, the more
restrictive the behavior code will be.
Divine 1: The classs code will be similar to the commandments on a lay member of a religious faith, such as not to commit
adultery, to follow minor dietary restrictions, and to engage in prayer on worship days, etc. A knights chivalric vows would
also qualify.
Divine 2: The code will add additional rules to an extent similar to that imposed on clergy, such as monogamy or celibacy,
restrictions on dress, bans on certain indulgences, strict dietary rules, daily prayer, etc. The Bladedancer, Cleric, Dwarven
Craftpriest, and Shaman have such codes.
Divine 3: The code will require a highly restrictive set of behaviors akin to those of a monastic order, including vows of
chastity, obedience, and so on.
Divine 4: The classs code will be similar to that of Divine Value 3, but with an additional restriction such as pacifism, silence,
or poverty. The Priestess class, in this book, is an example: Priestesses must refrain from the taking of human and demi-
human life.
A code of behavior need not demand virtue a classs code could dictate strange or vile behavior if appropriate to the classs
concept. For example, a cultist class devoted to chaotic powers might require ritual sacrifices, or use of strange drugs. The
Judge is the ultimate authority on the permissibility of any classs code.
A custom class with a Divine Value of 1 or more may voluntarily trade off its ability to turn undead in exchange for custom
powers. The custom class gains 1 custom power for every point allocated to Divine Value.
A class which trades off its ability to turn undead loses the ability to perform necromantic research at 11 th level.
Level Lock Trade-Off: A selection of custom powers received from a Divine Value trade-off may be exchanged for a larger
selection at a higher level of experience. See the Custom Power Trade-Offs section for more details.
EXAMPLE: The Shaman class has a Divine Value of 2. The Shaman class traded off its ability to turn undead in exchange for 2
custom powers. It then exchanged these 2 custom powers for a selection of 3 custom powers at 3 rd, 5th, and 7th level
(Shamanic Ritual, Shapechange, and Spirit Walk).

The Arcane Value determines the extent of the classs arcane spellcasting abilities, if Value Arcane XP Cost
any. Assign 0 to 4 build points to the classs Arcane Value, noting down the 4 Mage 2500
appropriate powers and the XP cost. 3 2/3 level Mage 1875
Arcane 1: An Arcane Value of 1 gives the class the ability to casts spells and engage in 2 1/2 level Mage 1250
magical research as a mage of 1/3 the characters actual class level, rounded down. 1 1/3 level Mage 625
For instance, at 3rd level, the character has the abilities of a 1 st level mage. The class 0 none 0
uses its effective caster level (1/3 its level of experience) for purposes of level-dependent spell ranges, durations, and
Arcane 2: An Arcane Value of 2 gives the class the ability to casts spells and engage in magical research as a mage of the
characters actual class level. After 1 st level, round fractions of 0.5 or greater up. For instance, at 5 th level, the character has
the abilities of a 3rd level mage. The class uses its effective caster level (1/2 its level of experience) for purposes of level-
dependent spell ranges, durations, and damage.
Arcane 3: An Arcane Value of 3 gives the class the ability to casts spells and engage in magical research as a mage of 2/3 the
characters actual class level. Round fractions of 0.5 or greater up. For instance, at 5 th level, the character has the abilities of
a 4th level mage. The class uses its effective caster level (2/3 its level of experience) for purposes of level-dependent spell
ranges, durations, and damage.
Arcane 4: An Arcane Value of 4 gives the class the ability to cast spells and engage in magical research as a mage.
Every custom class will use one of the four standard Saving Throw progressions of Fighter, Cleric, Thief, or Mage. The saving
throw progression is critical, because it also determines the characters magical item options, prime requisite, proficiencies,
and hit points after 9th level.
To determine which saving throw progression your class uses, follow these steps:
1. Compare the values for Fighting, Thievery, Divine, and Arcane.
2. If the rating for one category is highest, use the Saving Throw progression for the core class which is associated
with that category - Fighter for Fighting, Thief for Thievery, Cleric for Divine, and Mage for Arcane.
3. If two or more abilities are tied, use the progression for the first of the tied categories to appear in order on this
list: Arcane, then Divine, then Thievery, then Fighting.
EXAMPLE: A custom class has the values Hit Die 0, Fighting 0, Thievery 0, Divine 2, Arcane 2. The class uses the saving throw
progression for mages, because Arcane takes priority over Divine.
Every custom class has access to magical items useable by all classes as well as the ability to use enchanted versions of
weapons and armor available to it based on its Fighting Value. A custom class will also gain access to magic items useable by
the core class associated with its saving throw progression, and for any class category with a value of at least 2 assigned.
EXAMPLE #1: A custom class has the values Hit Die 0, Fighting 0, Thievery 0, Divine 2, Arcane 2. The class uses the saving
throw progression for mages, so it can use magical items restricted to mages. The class can also use magic items restricted
to clerics, because it has a Divine value of 2.
EXAMPLE #2: A custom class has the values Hit Die 0, Fighting 1, Thievery 2, Divine 0, Arcane 1. The class uses the saving
throw progression for thieves, so it can use magical items restricted to thieves. Even though the class can cast arcane spells,
it cannot use magic items restricted to mages because it only has an Arcane value of 1.
Every custom class must have a prime requisite. The prime requisite is determined by the classs saving throw progression:
Either STR or CON for fighter, INT for mage, WIS for cleric, and either DEX or CHA for thieves. The prime requisite is chosen
when the class is created.
An additional prime requisite is required for each class category in which a value of at least 2 is assigned. Additional
requirements or prime requisites may be imposed by the GM if he deems it necessary for balance or class favor.
Each custom class has access to general proficiencies. Each custom class will also have access to a custom list of proficiencies
specifically chosen to reflect its powers and background. The custom classs proficiency list could be drawn from whichever
class it saves as, and/or from class categories with a value of at least 1 assigned. If desired, the Judge can create new and
unique proficiencies for the custom classs proficiency list as well.
Number of Proficiencies in Class List: The number of proficiencies available to a custom class is always equal to (42
maximum level). For most classes, this will be 28 proficiencies. Certain racial classes (described later) will have more
proficiencies on their class list.
Specialized Selection: When a class list only has access to a specialized selection within either Art, Craft, Performance, or
Profession, such as Performance (dance) or Profession (mortician), count that specialized selection as only a proficiency
for purposes of the class list. For instance, the Clerics class list includes Performance (chant) and Profession (judge); these
collectively count as 1 proficiency for the class list, leaving 27 other proficiencies available.
A custom classs saving throw progression determines how many hit points it gains per level after 9 th, according to the
following mechanic:

Cleric or Mage: 1 hit point per level after 9th

Fighter or Thief: 2 hit points per level after 9th
At particular milestones, all classes become eligible to build strongholds and attract followers. The exact nature of the
stronghold and followers will depend on the choices made in allocating the custom classs build points. The Custom Class
Strongholds and Followers table below lists the available types of strongholds and the strongholds associated followers,
along with the required build point allocation to qualify for them. The type of stronghold and followers must be selected
when the custom class is created. A custom class can choose from any stronghold type and its associated followers it
qualifies for. The name of the stronghold can be changed to match the name and theme of the custom class if desired.
Custom Class Strongholds and Followers
Stronghold Type Associated Followers Requirements
Fortified Church (temple, etc.) 5d6x10 0th level, 1d6 1st-3rd level Divine Value 2+
Castle (border fort, etc.) 5d10 0th level, 1d6 1st-3rd level Fighting Value 2+
Sanctum and Dungeon 2d6 0th level, 1d6 1st level Mage Value 2+
Hideout (conservatory, etc.) 2d6 1st level Thievery Value 1+
Dwarven Vault 3d6x10 1st level Dwarf Value 0+
Elven Fastness 3d6x10 1st level Elf Value 0+

EXAMPLE #1: The standard Explorer has the values Hit Die 1, Fighting 2, Thievery 1, Divine 0, Arcane 0. The Explorer
qualified for both a Castle and a Hideout type stronghold. The class was envisioned as a settler-conquistador type, so we
selected Castle for its stronghold type, which we renamed Border Fort. One could imagine an alternative Explorer class that
graduates to building a Hideout at 9th level, akin to Robin Hoods merry band of archers and outlaws.
EXAMPLE #2: The standard Assassin has the values Hit Die 1, Fighting 2, Thievery 1, Divine 0, Arcane 0. The Assassin
qualified for either a Castle or Hideout type stronghold. The Assassin class was envisioned as functioning secretly within
society, so we selected Hideout for its stronghold type. We could imagine an alternative Assassin class that graduates to
building a Castle at 9th level, perhaps resembling the historical Hashishins desert compounds.
A custom class that selects Fortified Church as its stronghold type pays only half the cost for its stronghold. This can be due
to, e.g., divine intervention, or it can simply represent subsidy from a church or guild. Additionally, the followers associated
with Fortified Churches are completely loyal (+4 Morale) and need not be paid.
A custom class that selects Castle as its stronghold type receives a bonus custom power at 5 th level that increases the morale
of his retainers and henchmen under certain circumstances. The custom power may be battlefield prowess, chronicles of
battle, or experience and hardiness, or a similar custom power approved by the Judge.
A custom class that selects Dwarven Vault or Elven Fastness receives the bonus powers, and consequent limitations,
described in the Dwarven Vaults and Elven Fastnesses section of Chapter 7 of ACKS.


To calculate the custom classs XP, find the xp cost in each category that corresponds with your classs value in that category,
and add all the costs together. This is the experience required for your class to advance to 2nd level. The experience
required to advance doubles each level thereafter until 8 th level is reached.

After 8th level, the amount of experience required to advance no longer doubles. Instead, it increases by a flat amount each
level. The amount required is based on the saving throw progression of the class.
Cleric or Thief: Additional 100,000xp for each level after 8 th.
Fighter: An additional 120,000xp for each level after 8th.
Mage: An additional 150,000xp for each level after 8th.

EXAMPLE: The standard Bard requires 45,000xp to reach 7 th level, and 90,000xp to reach 8 th level. The Bard saves on the
Thief progression, so to reach 9th level, the Bard requires (90,000+100,000) 190,000xp. Then to reach 10 th level, the Bard
requires (190,000+100,000) 290,000xp, and so on.
The level progressions in the Adventurer Conqueror King System rulebook were modified to create a smoother, more elegant
progression at higher levels. To emulate this for your custom class, round the experience point requirement for 7 th level to
the nearest 5,000.

EXAMPLE: The standard Assassin requires 28,000xp to reach 6 th level. Normally, that would mean that the Assassin would
require 56,000xp to reach 7 th level. However, the experience point progression has been smoothed, so 56,000xp is rounded
to 55,000xp.


Custom demi-human classes are built using a similar system, with minor differences to reflect the races unique capabilities.


The most important aspect of a demi-human class is that it has a racial value which gives special powers Build Level
unique to that race. A demi-human custom class may allocate as many as 4 extra build points to its racial Points Limit
class category, for a total of 8 build points. A demi-human custom class will have a maximum level 8 8
between 8 and 13 determined by how many total build points the custom class uses, as noted on the 7 10
accompanying table. 6 11
A demi-human may still only spend a maximum of 4 build points on the Hit Dice, Fighting, Thievery, 5 12
Divine, and Arcane categories. 4 13

A demi-human race will impose one or more additional requirements on its custom classes. For example, all dwarven classes
require Constitution 9 or better. All elven classes require Intelligence 9 or better. If, for instance, an elven custom class also
has Intelligence as a prime requisite then this requirement is moot, of course.
Certain demi-human races may receive slightly different benefits or penalties at different point values. Certain demi-human
races may pay more or less XP for different point values.
The classs racial value will determine its racial custom powers. These may include both general abilities such as spotting
secret doors or seeing in the dark, as well as class-like abilities such as casting spells. Assigning a Racial Value of 0 will
provide the races general abilities, while a higher allocation will yield class-like abilities.
Demi-human classes save as Fighters, Mages, Thieves, or Clerics. However, each race will modify the saving throws based on
its strengths and weaknesses, determined by its Racial Value.
Apart from any innate modifiers it might provide, the Racial Value is not used for purposes of determining a demi-human
classs saving throws, even when the Racial Value stacks with one of the Class Category Values.
EXAMPLE: The standard Elven Spellsword was built with Hit Dice Value 1, Fighting Value 2, Elf Value 4. The Elven Spellsword
uses the saving throw progression for Fighters, even though the class spent the most build points in the Elf category.
Note that the Elven Spellswords and Nightblade and Dwarven Craftpriest and Vaultguard saving throw tables in the ACKS
rulebook are simply the saving throw progressions for their respective underlying class progression, modified by their
respective races adjustments.
A racial value that stacks with one of the class category values will provide access to magic items useable by the class
category if a combined value of at least 2 is assigned.
EXAMPLE: The standard Elven Spellsword was built with Hit Dice Value 1, Fighting Value 2, Elf Value 4. The class uses the
saving throw progression for fighters, so it can use magical items restricted to fighters. The class can also use magic items
restricted to mages, because Elf Value stacks with Arcane Value, and it has a combined value of at least 2 in Arcane + Elf.
A racial value that stacks with one of the class category values will provide access to strongholds of the type appropriate to
the class category if a combined value of at least 2 is assigned. Some racial values also provide access to unique racial
EXAMPLE: The standard Elven Spellsword was built with Hit Dice Value 1, Fighting Value 2, Elf Value 4. The Elven Spellsword
qualified for either a Castle or Elven Fastness type stronghold. We chose Elven Fastness.
Some demi-human races will gain additional hit points per level after 9 th in addition to those provided by their saving throw
Some demi-human races will increase the amount of experience required to gain each level after 8 th.


Dwarves believe that they were forged by the hand of Istreus when the world was young, and were first taught the secrets
of metal-work and machinery by the god himself. For centuries the stout, cunning people delved vast vaults in the Meniri
and Jutting Mountains, gathering rich ores and creating enduring works of stone and iron. Eventually they came into contact
with the expanding elven and human peoples of Aurpos. These meetings were not peaceful, and the dwarven annalists still
recite tales of ancient battles that the elves and humans have long forgotten.
When the Aurans launched the great Empyrean War against Zahar, the dwarves took no part. The mighty automatons and
war machines of the dwarves would have greatly aided in securing victory over the Zaharans, but the dwarves saw little
cause in joining one faction of men in fighting another faction of men. History has shown the dwarves decision not to
intervene to be a terrible error in judgment, however. When the Aurans defeated Zahar, they were too exhausted to fully
cleanse the land of the beastmen. In the absence of constant warfare to reduce their numbers, the beastman population
exploded. The beastmen were largely kept out of the north by elven and human garrisons, and soon migrated into the
mountains in great numbers. The dwarves soon found themselves in a never-ending war for their own tunnels and vaults.
Today, the dwarves are a dying race barely clinging to the last of their vaults in the great Meniri and Jutting Mountains. They
constantly seek new artifacts and war machines to make up for ever dwindling numbers.
Dwarven character classes are created using the dwarven racial category and experience points. Requirements, class
category values, hit points per level after 9th, and experience point progressions are modified as noted below.
All dwarven classes require a minimum Constitution 9 or better.
Fighting: Due to their short stature, dwarves may never use two-handed swords or longbows, regardless of their Fighting
Value. Dwarves with narrow or broad weapon selections must include at least four axes, flails, hammers, and/or maces
among their selections.
Divine: Dwarves who reach the 9th level of Divine spellcasting are eligible to create Constructs, as if they were 11 th level
Arcane: Dwarves may never allocate build points to the Arcane category.
When building a dwarven custom class, assign between 0 and 4 build points to the classs Dwarf Value. At Dwarf 0, all
dwarves gain the following four dwarven custom powers:
Sensitivity to Rock: All dwarves gain a +1 bonus to surprise rolls when Value Dwarf XP Cost
underground. 4 Dwarf +4 proficiencies 1400
Dwarf Tongues: All dwarves speak four bonus languages: Dwarf, Gnome, 3 Dwarf +3 proficiencies 900
Goblin, and Kobold. 2 Dwarf +2 proficiencies 600
1 Dwarf +1 proficiencies 400
Detect Traps: Because of their experience underground, all dwarves may 0 Dwarf 200
detect traps, false walls, hidden construction, and notice if passages are
sloped with a proficiency throw of 14+ on 1d20.
Hardy People: All dwarves gain a +3 bonus on saving throws versus Blast and Breath and a +4 bonus on all other saving
Additional points allocated to the Dwarf Value represents the dwarven expertise in crafts and lore. Each point provides one
bonus general proficiency as well as a +1 bonus on proficiency throws and thief skills. The bonus does not apply to the racial
ability to detect traps, as that proficiency throws target value already reflects the full measure of dwarven expertise. (That
is, a human can detect traps on an 18+ and a dwarf can do so on a 14+; a full +4 bonus has already been added).
EXAMPLE: The Dwarven Craftpriest has Dwarf Value 3. The Dwarven Craftpriest began with 3 bonus general proficiencies
and gains +3 to all proficiency throws.
Dwarves receive an extra 1 hp per level after 9th, in addition to hit points gained based on their saving throw progression.
Dwarves using the Fighter progression increase the amount of experience required to gain each level after 8 th by 10,000xp.
Dwarves using the Cleric or Thief progression increase the amount of experience required to gain each level after 8 th by


The elves claim to be the first born children of the Empyrean gods. As evidence of their elder status, they point to early
elven settlements in the Pillars of Dawn and the forests of Argoll, closest to the rising sun of Ammonar. It is unquestioned
that elven civilization was at an advanced state well before human civilization had progressed past tribal bands. From 3,500
B.E. to 1,650 B.E. the elves expanded to every shore of the Ammas Aur, establishing the longest-lasting empire yet to
dominate Aurpos. The Argollan Empire was eventually destroyed in a terrible cataclysm known to historians as the Fall.
Few facts are confirmed about the Fall, and all elven records from that time period have been lost or destroyed. The Temple
of the Winged Sun teaches that The Fall came about from hubris: The elves aspired to be like the Empyreans, and emulated
them in creating life. It is taught that from these works came the terrible things that later corrupted Zahar. Whatever the
truth of the Fall, afterwards the elves were a scattered and ruined people, and the now-extinct Thrassian race claimed their
Today only a single elven kingdom survives, in Northern Argoll, though scattered fastnesses can still be found in forests
throughout Aurpos. Elves that hail from Northern Argoll style themselves high elves, and count themselves as the
inheritors of their races ancient glories. Elves from the outlying fastnesses call themselves wood elves. While less cultured
than high elves, wood elves yet retain something of the martial vigor of the elves of old.
Elven character classes are created using the elven racial category and experience points. Requirements, class category
values, hit points per level after 9th, and experience point progressions are modified as noted below. There are no
mechanical differences between high and wood elves, but different classes may be appropriate.
All elven classes require a minimum Intelligence 9 or better.
Fighting: Elves with narrow or broad weapon selections must include at least two bows, crossbows, swords, or daggers
among their selections.
Arcane: Any build points allocated to the Arcane Value stack with build points allocated to the Elf value for purposes of
determining the classs spellcasting ability (see below). Because of their innate magical power, the XP Cost for the Arcane
Value is reduced by 125 XP for elven classes.
EXAMPLE: The standard Elven Spellsword is built with Hit Dice 1, Fighting Value 2, Arcane Value 1, Elf Value 3. The XP cost
for level 2 is 500 + 1,000 + (625-125) + 2000, for a total of 4,000 XP.
When building an elven custom class, assign between 0 and 4 build points to the classs Elf Value. At Elf 0, all elves gain the
following four elven custom powers:
Attunement to Nature: All elves gain a +1 bonus to surprise rolls when in the Value Elf XP Cost
wilderness. 4 Elf + Mage 2500
Elf Tongues: All elves speak four bonus languages: Elf, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, and Orc. 3 Elf + 2/3 level Mage 2000
2 Elf + 1/2 level Mage 1375
Keen Eyes: All elves detect hidden and secret doors with a proficiency throw of 1 Elf + 1/3 level Mage 750
8+ on 1d20 when actively searching, or 14+ on casual inspection. 0 Elf 125
Connection to Nature: All elves are unaffected by the paralysis ghouls can inflict, and gain a +1 bonus on saving throws
versus Petrification/Paralysis and Spells.
Animal Friendship: Whenever elves build fastnesses, all ordinary animals within 5 miles of the stronghold become kind and
helpful to the elves.
Additional points allocated to the Elf Value stack with points allocated to the Arcane Value for purposes of spellcasting,
magical research, strongholds, and magic item usability. Add the two values to find the classs effective spellcasting abilities.
For values of 5 or greater, use the following mechanics:
Arcane + Elf 5: The class has the ability to cast spells and engage in magical research as a mage, with the classs spells per
level increased by 33%. The class uses its class level for all level-dependent spell ranges, durations, and damages; these are
not increased.
Arcane + Elf 6: As above, but the classs spells per level are increased by 50%.
Arcane + Elf 7: As above, but the classs spells per level are increased by 66%.
Arcane + Elf 8: As above, but the classs spells per level are increased by 100%.
When calculating number of spells available, round fractions of or more up; round any smaller fractions down.
EXAMPLE: An elven custom class has Arcane 3 and Elf 3. Adding the values together yields 6. The custom class has the
spellcasting abilities of a mage with a spell progression with 50% more spells. A 3 rd level mage has 2 1st and 1 2nd level spells;
when this custom class is 3 rd level, it will have (2 x 1.5 = 3) 3 1 st level spells and (1 x 1.5 =1.5, rounded up to 2) 2 2 nd level
All elven spellcasters can cast spells wearing whatever armor they are permitted to use.
Elves increase the amount of experience required to gain each level after 8 th by 50,000xp.
Nobiran is a classical Auran term meaning descended from the gods; and a Nobirus is one such descendant (the plural is
Nobir). The original Nobir were the heroes of the Empyrean War, kings and prophets granted epic power by the gods.
Though these bloodlines have faded with the passing of time, occasionally a child is still born with some measure of the old
gifts, superior to normal humans in nobility of spirit and strength of body. Nobiran appearance can vary depending on
ethnicity, but they are always tall, well-built, and proud featured.
Outside of the Auran Empire campaign setting, Nobir could be used to model any demi-human race of exceptional power
and nobility, such as the half-human half-divine demigods of Greek myth, the Aasimar of the Forgotten Realms, or the
Dnedain of Tolkiens Middle Earth.
Nobiran character classes are created using the Nobirus racial category and experience points. Requirements, class category
values, hit points per level after 9th, and experience point progressions are modified as noted below.
All Nobiran classes require a minimum 11 or better in all ability scores. Those who truly embody the epic heroes of old must
be above average in every respect.
Divine: Any build points allocated to the classs Divine Value stack with build points allocated to the Nobirus value for
purposes of determining the classs divine spellcasting ability (see below).
When building a Nobirus custom class, assign between 0 and 4 build points to the classs Nobirus Value. At Nobirus 0, all
Nobirus gain the following Nobirus custom powers:
Divine Protection: As the favored of the Empyrean powers, all Value Nobirus XP Cost
Nobirus characters receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws. 4 Nobirus + Cleric (Spells x 150%) 2125
Blood of Kings: The blood of ancient kings and heroes flows in every 3 Nobirus + Cleric (Spells x 133%) 1125
Nobirus. The character may hire one more henchman than his 2 Nobirus + Cleric 625
Charisma would otherwise permit, and the base morale score of any 1 Nobirus + 1/2 level Cleric 250
henchmen is increased by 1. 0 Nobirus 125

Heroic Spirit: Because of the Nobirs courageous spirit, the maximum class level for any Nobirus class is increased by 1.
Longevity: All Nobirus characters are ageless and enjoy a lifespan three times longer than that of normal men. Like elves,
they are immune to ghoul paralysis.
Additional points allocated to the Nobirus Value stack with points allocated to the Divine Value for purposes of spellcasting,
magical research, strongholds, and magic item usability. Add the effective values to find the classs spellcasting abilities, up
to a maximum of 4 points. When calculating number of spells available, round fractions of or more up; round any smaller
fractions down.
EXAMPLE #1: A Nobiran custom class has Hit Dice 2, Divine 1, and Nobirus 2. Adding the effective Divine Values together
(1+2) yields 3. The class has an effective Divine Value of 3. The class gains the ability to turn undead and cast spells as a
cleric, with spells per level increased by 33% (rounding fractions of 0.5 or greater up).
EXAMPLE #2: A Nobiran custom class has Hit Dice 1, Divine 3, and Nobirus 2. Adding the effective Divine Values together
(3+2) yields 5. This is above the maximum permitted value of 4, so the class must be modified.
Remember that, like other demi-humans, a Nobirus may still only spend a maximum of 4 build points on the Hit Dice,
Fighting, Thievery, Divine, and Arcane categories in total.
EXAMPLE: A Nobiran custom class has Hit Dice 2, Divine 3, and Nobirus 1. Adding the build points spent on Hit Dice and
Divine (2+3) yields 5. This is above the maximum permitted of 4, so the class must be modified.
Nobir increase the amount of experience required to gain each level after 8 th by 40,000xp.


The Zaharan race originated in the fertile southlands that today are called the Waste. The Zaharans learned black arts of
sorcery in countless centuries of foul service to the reptilian Thrassians. But as evil breeds evil, in time the Zaharans turned
their sorcery against their inhuman masters. The Zaharan sorcerer Uragasi, calling himself the savior of men, led an uprising
against the Thrassians and toppled the reptilian empire. Victorious over the reptile race, the Zaharans claimed the ancient
capital of the Thrassians as their own, beginning an imperial era of all-too-human cruelty and rapaciousness. At their height,
the Zaharans became the uncontested rulers of everything from the Pillars of Dawn to the Endless Steppe. Like the
Thrassians before them, the Zaharans worshipped the Chthonic powers, and they created sub-human creatures to serve as
slaves and soldiers. After four centuries of tyrannical dominance, the kingdom of Zahar fell to the wrath of Empyrean
crusaders. In the aftermath, the Zaharan people were scattered and their civilization left in ruins. Only in Kemesh, Zahars
most far-flung province, did Zaharan society survive the fall of their empire intact.
Though they once dominated the entire Ammas Aur region, pure-blooded Zaharans are today exceptionally rare outside of
the noble families of Kemesh. When they do appear, pure-blooded Zaharans are of moderate height, with gaunt stature.
They have very long heads and faces featuring long, high noses, giving them an arrogant, slightly inhuman appearance. Their
skin color is a warm brown, while their hair is thick, straight, and dark, and their eyes are black and deep set.
Outside of the Auran Empire campaign setting, Zaharans could be used to model any dark, eldritch race, such as the
Melnibonans of Moorcocks Multiverse or the Drow of Gygaxs Greyhawk.
Zaharan character classes are created using the Zaharan racial category and experience points. Requirements, class category
values, hit points per level after 9th, and experience point progressions are modified as noted below.
All Zaharan classes require a minimum Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma of 9 or better.
Arcane: Any build points allocated to the Arcane Value stack with build points allocated to the Zaharan value for purposes of
determining the classs spellcasting ability (see below).
When building a Zaharan custom class, assign between 0 and 4 build points to the classs Zaharan Value. At Zaharan 0, all
Zaharans gain the following four custom powers:
Ancient Pacts: In elder days, the lords of Zahar ensorcelled the dark Value Zaharan XP Cost
powers of the world in pacts of service and obedience. Some creatures still 4 Zaharan + Mage 2700
remember these pacts and will aid Zaharans when commanded. All 3 Zaharan + 2/3 level Mage 2075
Zaharans gain a +2 bonus to reaction rolls when encountering intelligent 2 Zaharan +1/2 level Mage 1450
chaotic monsters. Intelligent chaotic monsters suffer a -2 penalty to saving 1 Zaharan + 1/3 level Mage 825
throws against any charm spells cast by a Zaharan. 0 Zaharan 200
Zaharan Tongues: All Zaharans speak four bonus languages: Ancient Zaharan, Goblin, Orc, and Kemeshi.
Inexorable: Zaharans are unflinching in the face of horrors that terrify normal men. The character is immune to all natural
and magical fear effects.
Dark Soul: The grim embrace of death holds special perils for Zaharan characters. Whenever a deceased Zaharan rolls on
the Tampering With Mortality table, they suffer a penalty on the 1d20 roll of -1 per level of experience.
After the Flesh: Through undeath, the black sorcerers of Zahar can grow stronger. If transformed into intelligent undead,
they retain their racial powers and any class abilities. Their class abilities must still be paid for as special abilities.
To calculate how many special abilities the class abilities are worth, total up the number of build points spent in class and
racial categories excluding the Hit Dice category. If the total is 1-3 build points, the classs abilities collectively count as one
special ability (*). If the total is 4-5 build points, the classs abilities count as two special abilities (**). If the total is 6-7 build
points, the classs abilities count as three special abilities (***). If the total is 8 build points, the classs abilities count as four
special abilities (****).
Once transformed, a Zaharan may continue to advance in Hit Dice without limit, Build Points # of Special
regardless of his classs maximum level. At 1 HD, it requires 3,000 XP plus 500 XP per (excluding HD) Abilities (*)
special ability (*) to advance to 2 HD. The amount of XP required doubles with each HD 1-3 *
(round values greater than 20,000 XP to the nearest 1,000). 4-5 **
As the undead Zaharans Hit Dice increase, any class abilities (such as thief skills, 6-7 ***
spellcasting, turning undead, etc.) will continue to progress without regard to his classs 8 ****
maximum level, to a maximum of 14th level.
EXAMPLE: A Zaharan Sorcerer-Priest is designed as a custom class with all the spellcasting abilities of both a cleric and mage
(Hit Dice 0, Fighting 0, Thievery 0, Divine 2, Arcane 2, Zaharan 2). This class costs 6 build points, meaning its maximum level
is 11. After many sessions of play, a Zaharan Sorcerer-Priest character has advanced to 11 th level. The character then
transforms into a mummy by necromantic ritual. The classs build points, excluding hit dice, are (2+2+2) 6, so retaining the
class abilities count as three special abilities. The character is therefore an 11****HD mummy (11HD because he was 11 th
level; * from mummy; *** from class abilities). The Zaharan Mummy Sorcerer-Priest then begins advancing in HD. His HD
may advance without limit. His class abilities will continue to increase as he gains HD, until he achieves the maximum of 14 th
level of divine and arcane spellcasting ability.
Additional points allocated to the Zaharan Value stack with points allocated to the Arcane Value for purposes of spellcasting,
magical research, strongholds, and magic item usability. Add the two values to find the classs effective spellcasting abilities.
For values of 5 or greater, use the following mechanics:
Arcane + Zaharan 5: The class has the ability to cast spells and engage in magical research as a mage, with the classs spells
per level increased by 33%. The class uses its class level for all level-dependent spell ranges, durations, and damages; these
are not increased.
Arcane + Zaharan 6: As above, but the classs spells per level are increased by 50%.
Arcane + Zaharan 7: As above, but the classs spells per level are increased by 66%.
Arcane + Zaharan 8: As above, but the classs spells per level are increased by 100%.
When calculating number of spells available, round fractions of or more up; round any smaller fractions down. All Zaharan
spellcasters can cast spells wearing whatever armor they are permitted to use.
Zaharans increase the amount of experience required to gain each level after 8 th by 50,000xp. This penalty does not apply if
they become undead, however.

Custom powers are the special abilities that make classes unique. Custom powers may simply be class proficiencies or
general proficiencies that are automatically assigned to every member of the class (such as the Bards performance
proficiency) or they may be special abilities unique to the class.
By definition, custom powers are powers that are outside of the core class powers of Clerics, Fighters, Mages, and Thieves.
For purposes of these rules, custom powers do not include (i) arcane or divine spellcasting, (ii) turning undead, (iii) fighter
cleaving or weapon damage, or (iv) thief skills.
For instance, a character cannot trade in fighting skill or turning undead powers to get thief skills thief skills can only be
acquired by putting points into the Thievery Value. This is why the Eavesdropping, Climbing, and Ambushing proficiencies
exist, as these powers might be selected by classes not otherwise interested in thievery.
In lieu of beginning with one or more custom powers, a custom class may instead select multiple powers that are locked
until an advanced level of experience is earned. For example, a class might trade one custom power at 1 st level in exchange
for two custom powers, one unlocking at 4th level and 10th level.
The Custom Power Trade Offs table below shows some possible options. The Judge may devise other options along these
lines as desired.
Custom Power Trade Offs
Trade-Off Benefit Trade-Off Benefit
1 initial skill 1 skill at 2nd and 1 skill at 12th level 1 skill at 8th level 1 skill at 10th and 1 skill at 13th level
1 initial skill 1 skill at 3rd and 1 skill at 11th level 1 skill at 8th level 1 skill at 9th and 1 skill at 14th level
1 initial skill 1 skill at 4th and 1 skill at 10th level 1 skill at 9th level 1 skill at 10th and 1 skill at 14th level
1 initial skill 1 skill at 5th and 1 skill at 9th level 1 skill at 9th level 1 skill at 11th and 1 skill at 13th level
1 initial skill 1 skill at 6th and 1 skill at 8th level 1 skill at 9th level 2 skills at 12th level
1 initial skill 2 skills at 7th level 1 skill at 10th level 1 skill at 11th and 1 skill at 14th level
2 initial skills 1 skill at 3rd, 5th, and 7th level 1 skill at 10th level 1 skill at 12th and 1 skill at 13th level
2 initial skills 1 skill at 2nd, 4th, and 9th level 1 skill at 11th level 2 skills at 13th level
2 initial skills 3 skills at 5th level 1 skill at 11th level 1 skill at 12th and 1 skill at 14th level
1 skill at 7 level 1 skill at 9th and 1 skill at 13th level
1 skill at 12th level 1 skill at 13th and 1 skill at 14th level
1 skill at 7th level 1 skill at 8th and 1 skill at 14th level

A custom class with thief skills is permitted to trade initial thief skill selections for multiple locked selections at a higher
level. In this way, a class can be built that unlocks thief skills over time, or that mixes thief skills and custom powers.
EXAMPLE: A custom class has a Thievery Value of 2, giving it 5 skills. It trades two skill selections for skills at 2 nd, 4th, and 9th
level. It trades its third skill selection for skills at 3 rd and 11th level. It trades its fourth skill selection for skills at 5 th and 9th
level. It trades its fifth skill selection for skills at 6 th and 8th level. Finally, the class then trades one of the skills it will receive at
9th level for a skill at 10th level and 14th level. The class will get a skill at 2 nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 14th level. It is
possible to make very complex trade-offs, obviously!
When a thief skill or custom power is locked until a higher level of experience, the skill or power will unlock with its
proficiency throw at its starting (earliest) value, e.g. as if the character were 1 st level. It thereafter advances with each level
normally. For this reason, most classes select custom powers with static proficiency throws for their higher level powers.
EXAMPLE: A custom class exchanges one thief skill selection to get Pick Pockets unlocking at 4 th level and Climb Walls
unlocking at 10th level. At 4th level the class has Pick Pockets 17+, equivalent to a 1 st level thief. At 10th level, the class has
Climb Walls 6+, equivalent to a 1st level thief. Pick Pockets has advanced to 10+, equivalent to a 6 th level thief.
Below is the list of the exact custom powers used in building all of the classes in the ACKS rulebook and the Players
Companion. When used in the powers below, the character refers to any member of the class.
Accuracy: The character gains an accuracy bonus of +1 to all attack throws with missile weapons. [Elven Ranger, Explorer]
Acrobatics: In lieu of moving during a round, the character may attempt a proficiency throw of 20+ to tumble behind an
opponent in melee. The proficiency throw required for the tumble is reduced by 1 per level of experience the character
possesses. If successful, the character is now behind his opponent. The opponent loses the benefit of his shield, if any, and
the character can backstab his opponent if he possesses that ability. Otherwise, the character simply gains +2 to his attack
throw. The character also gain a +2 bonus to saving throws where agility would help avoid the situation, such as tilting floors
and pit traps. This is effectively the Acrobatics proficiency selected as a class power. [Elven Nightblade]
Alertness. The character gains a +4 bonus on any proficiency throws to hear noises and detect secret doors. With a
proficiency throw of 18+ he can notice secret doors with just casual observation. He gains a +1 bonus to avoid surprise. This
is effectively the Alertness proficiency selected as a custom power. For flavor, mystics call this mindfulness. [Mystic]
Animal Friendship: Whenever the character builds a fastness, all ordinary animals within 5 miles of the stronghold become
kind and helpful. This custom power only counts as a power if selected by a custom class. [Elven Ranger, Elven Spellsword]
Arcane Dabbling: The character may attempt to use wands, staffs, and other magic Items only useable by mages. At 1 st level,
the character must make a proficiency throw of 18+ on 1d20 or the attempt backfires in some desultory way (Judges
discretion). The proficiency throw required reduces by 2 per level, to a minimum of 3+. This is effectively the Arcane
Dabbling proficiency selected as a custom power. [Bard]
Attunement to Nature: The character gains a +1 bonus to surprise rolls when in the wilderness. This custom power counts
as custom power if selected by a custom class. [Elven Enchanter, Elven Nightblade, Elven Ranger, Elven Spellsword]
Avoid Getting Lost: Parties guided by the character gain significant advantages on wilderness adventures. Any time the
explorers party is in country familiar to the explorer, they get a +4 bonus on proficiency throws to avoid getting lost.
Aura of Protection: The character has a +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on saving throws against attacks made or effects
created by evil creatures. The characters aura of protection appears as a golden halo when viewed with detect good, detect
magic, or true seeing. [Paladin]
Battlefield Prowess: Any henchmen and mercenaries hired by the character gain a +1 bonus to their morale score whenever
he personally leads them. For flavor, barbarians call this animal magnetism. [Barbarian, Fighter]
Blade-Dancing: The character gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class if wearing leather armor or lighter and able to move freely. At
level 7, the AC bonus increases to +2, and at level 13 the AC bonus increases to +3. For flavor, mystics call this power
graceful fighting. This is similar to taking the Swashbuckling proficiency selected as a custom power, but for game balance
reasons, we created Blade-Dancing as a separate class power and allowed it to stack with Swashbuckling. [Bladedancer,
Bonus Languages: The character begins play speaking four bonus languages. [Dwarven Craftpriest, Dwarven Machinist,
Dwarven Spelunker, Dwarven Vaultguard, Elven Nightblade, Elven Ranger, Elven Spellsword]
Change Shape: The character can cast alter shape once per 8 hours. [Warlock].
Chronicles of Battle: Any henchmen and mercenaries hired by the character gain a +1 bonus to their morale score if the
character is there to witness and record their deeds. [Bard]
Combat Reflexes: The character gains a +1 bonus on surprise rolls and initiative rolls. This does not provide a bonus to
casting spells. This is effectively the Combat Reflexes proficiency selected as a custom power. For flavor, barbarians and
explorers call this power animal reflexes while mystics call it speed of thought. [Barbarian, Explorer, Mystic]
Command of Voice: The character gains a +2 bonus to reaction rolls with creatures he speaks to. If this bonus results in a
total of 12 or more, the subjects act as if charmed while in his presence. Creatures with a WIS greater than the characters
CHA are immune to this power (and the character will know they are immune). This power is a slightly modified version of
the Mystic Aura proficiency. [Mystic]
Commune with Ancestral Spirits: The character may cast commune once per week. It takes 1 turn (10 minutes) to cast. This
is effectively the Prophecy proficiency, selected as a custom power. [Shaman]
Contact Dark Powers: The character may cast contact other plane once per week. It takes 1 turn (10 minutes) to cast. This is
effectively the Soothsaying proficiency, selected as a custom power. [Warlock]
Connection to Nature: The character is unaffected by the paralysis ghouls can inflict, and gain a +1 bonus on saving throws
versus Petrification/Paralysis and Spells. [Elven Enchanter, Elven Nightblade, Elven Ranger, Elven Spellsword]
Design, Build, and Repair Automatons: The character may design, build, and repair automatons, following the procedures
detailed in the Dwarven Machinist class. This custom power counts as 3 custom powers if selected. [Dwarven Machinist]
Detect Evil: The character can detect evil (as the spell) up to 60 away simply by concentrating. Each use takes a turn. This is
effectively the Detecting Evil proficiency, selected as a custom power. [Paladin]
Detect Traps: The character may detect traps, false walls, hidden construction, and notice if passages are sloped with a
proficiency throw of 14+ on 1d20. [Dwarven Craftpriest, Dwarven Machinist, Dwarven Spelunker, Dwarven Vaultguard]
Difficult to Spot: The character has the ability to seemingly disappear into woods and underbrush with a proficiency throw
of 3+ on 1d20. In dungeons, if the character is motionless and quiet in cover, he can escape detection with a proficiency
throw of 14+ on 1d20. [Explorer, Elven Ranger]
Divine Blessing: The character gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws. This is effectively the Divine Blessing proficiency,
selected as a custom power. For flavor, mystics call this power harmony of spirit. [Mystic]
Divine Health: The character knows how to purify his body and soul. He is immune to all forms of disease, including magical
diseases caused by spells, mummies, or lycanthropes. This is effectively the Divine Health proficiency selected as a custom
power. For flavor, mystics call this power purity of body and soul and paladins call it sanctified body. [Mystic, Paladin]
Experience and Hardiness: Retainers on a wilderness adventure led by the explorer gain a +1 bonus to their morale score.
This bonus stacks with any modifiers from the explorers Charisma or proficiencies. [Explorer]
Expert Caver: The character is able to keep maps in his head of where he is when exploring underground caves, cavern
complexes, and rivers. On a proficiency throw of 11+, the character will be able to automatically know the route he has
taken to get here he is, if he was conscious at the time. This is effectively the Caving proficiency, selected as a custom power.
[Dwarven Spelunker]
Familiar: The character begins play with a familiar. This is effectively the Familiar proficiency, selected as a custom power.
Forbidden Spells: The character adds four spells to his class spell list. This is effectively the Apostasy proficiency, selected as
a custom power. [Warlock]
Glamorous Aura: The character is able to project a glamorous aura that awes, bedazzles and seduces those in his presence.
He gains a +2 bonus to reaction rolls to impress and intimidate people he encounters. If this bonus results in a total of 12 or
more, the subjects act as if charmed while in his presence. This is effectively the Mystic Aura proficiency selected as a class
power. [Elven Enchanter]
Friend of Birds and Beasts: The character is well-schooled in the natural world. He can identify plants and fauna with a
proficiency throw of 11+, and understands the subtle body language and moods of birds and beasts (though they may not
understand the character). He gains +2 to all reaction rolls when encountering normal animals, and can take animals as
henchmen. This is effectively the Beast Friendship proficiency, selected as a custom power. [Elven Ranger]
Hardy People: The character gains a +3 bonus on saving throws versus Blast and Breath and a +4 bonus on all other saving
throws. This custom power counts as 2 custom powers if selected. [Dwarven Craftpriest, Dwarven Machinist, Dwarven
Spelunker, Dwarven Vaultguard]
Hex: The character can cast bestow curse once per day. [Warlock]
Holy Fervor: Any hirelings of the same religion as the character gain a +1 bonus to their morale score whenever he is
present. [Paladin]
Initiative: The character receives a +1 bonus to initiative rolls, including combat and spellcasting. [Bladedancer]
Inspire Courage: The class can improve the morale of troops. Inspiring courage requires a few moments of oration before a
battle (one round), and grants the characters allies within a 50' radius a +1 bonus to attack throws, damage rolls, morale
rolls (for monsters or NPCs allied with the caster), and saving throws against magical fear. The bonus lasts for 10 minutes (1
turn). The character can inspire courage in any given character once per day per class level. The character cannot inspire
courage on characters who are already engaged in combat. [Bard]
Lay on Hands: The character can heal himself or another by laying on hands once per day. The character can restore 2 hit
points per experience level. This is effectively the Laying on Hands proficiency selected as a custom power. [Paladin]
Loremastery: The character can decipher occult runes, remember ancient history, identify historic artifacts, and similar
tasks. At 1st level, the character must make a proficiency throw of 18+ on 1d20 to succeed in these tasks. The proficiency
throw required reduces by 1 per level. This is effectively the Loremastery proficiency selected as a custom power. [Bard]
Keen Eyes: The character can detect hidden and secret doors with a proficiency throw of 8+ on 1d20 when actively
searching, or 14+ on casual inspection. [Elven Enchanter, Elven Nightblade, Elven Ranger, Elven Spellsword]
Mapper: The character can understand and make maps. With a proficiency throw of 11+, the character can interpret or draft
complicated layouts or map an area by memory. This is effectively the Mapping proficiency selected as a custom power.
[Dwarven Spelunker]
Mastery of Charms and Illusions: When the character casts charm spells (such as charm person) or illusion spells (such as
phantasmal force), the spell effects are calculated as if he were two class levels higher than his actual level of experience.
Targets of his charm spells suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throw, as do those who attempt to disbelieve his illusions.
[Elven Enchanter]
Meditative Focus: The character can go into focus once per day per level of experience. While in focus, the character gains a
+1 bonus to all attack throws, proficiency throws, saving throws, and initiative rolls. A meditative focus lasts for 1 turn (10
minutes). [Mystic]
Naturally Stealthy: Opponents suffer a -1 penalty to surprise rolls when encountering the character. [Barbarian]
Pass Without Trace: The character leaves no sign of his passing over wilderness terrain, and may not be tracked. For every 3
levels of experience, the character may cover the tracks of an additional traveling companion. This is effectively the Passing
Without Trace proficiency, selected as a custom power. [Elven Ranger]
Perceive Intentions: The character always know the exact reaction result (Hostile, Unfriendly, etc.) of creatures he interacts
with, even if the creatures attempt to lie or conceal their reactions. Creatures with a CHA greater than the characters WIS
are immune to this power (and the character will know they are immune). [Mystic]
Perfection of Body: The character becomes ageless and enjoys a lifespan three times longer than normal. He also becomes
immune to ghoul paralysis. This is effectively the Elven Bloodline proficiency, selected as a class power. [Mystic]
Perform Shamanic Ritual: The character may re-gain the ability to cast a spell of a level he had previously expended. Each
shamanic ritual requires one hour (6 turns). The character may perform a shamanic ritual as often as desired, but may not
regain the same level of spell more than once per day. This power is a slightly modified version of the Contemplation
proficiency. [Shaman]
Precise Shot: The character may conduct missile attacks against opponents engaged in melee at a -4 penalty to his attack
throw. This is effectively the Precise Shooting proficiency, selected as a custom power. [Elven Ranger]
Prestidigitation: The character can magically accomplish simple illusions and sleight of hand tricks suitable for impressing
peasants, such as lighting a candle or shuffling cards, at will. The character must be able to perform the task physically, and
be free to speak and gesture. He may use magical sleight-of-hand to pick pockets as a thief of one half his class level. This is
effectively the Prestidigitation proficiency taken as a class power.
Probability Trance: The character can cast Divination once per day. [Mystic]
Savage Resilience: When the character is required to consult the Mortal Wounds table, the player may roll twice and choose
the preferred result to apply. The character also subtracts his class level from the number of days of bed rest required to
recover. [Barbarian]
Secrets of the Dark Arts: The character can control undead as a Chaotic cleric of one half his class level. If the character
casts spells that require a saving throw versus Death, his targets suffer a -2 penalty on the save. When the character casts
necromantic spells (such as animate dead), the spell effects are calculated as if he were two class levels higher than his
actual level of experience. He may also conduct necromantic research as if he were two class levels higher than actual. This
is effectively the Black Lore proficiency, selected as a custom power. [Warlock]
Sensitivity to Rock: The character gains a +1 bonus to surprise rolls when underground. This custom power counts as
custom power if selected. [Dwarven Craftpriest, Dwarven Machinist, Dwarven Spelunker, Dwarven Vaultguard]
Shapechange: The character can shapechange into one specific type of normal animal once per day per level of experience.
While in animal form, the character has the movement, armor class, attacks, damage, and powers of the animal. He retains
his normal hit dice, hit points, attack throws, and saving throws. [Shaman]
Spiritwalk: The character may spiritwalk, following the procedures detailed in the Shaman class. [Shaman]
Strength of Spirit: The character is immune to all natural and magical fear effects. [Mystic]
Summon Infernal Powers: The character can cast invisible stalker once per month. It takes 1 turn (10 minutes) to cast.
Totem Animal: The character may acquire a totem animal, following the procedures detailed in the Shaman class. This
power is a slightly modified version of the Familiar proficiency. [Shaman]
Wilderness Evasion: In any terrain except clear and grassland terrain, the characters party receives a +5 bonus to
proficiency throws to evade. A party guided by the character can evade wilderness encounters even when surprised on a
skill roll of 19+. [Explorer]
Wholeness of Body: The character is immune to all forms of poison, including magical poisons. [Mystic]


The Judge may wish to create new custom powers. Custom powers generally either (1) provide a bonus to one or more rolls
or throws; (2) provide a specialized skill; or (3) enable the character to use a spell-like ability.
Many custom powers provide bonuses to attack throws, initiative rolls, and so on. The guidelines below can be helpful in
creating similar new powers.
Armor Class: A flat AC bonus of +1 in all circumstances counts as 1 custom power. If the power provides a bonus regardless
of the armor the character is wearing, the bonus should never exceed +1. If the bonus is limited to leather armor or less, the
bonus should begin at +1 but can increase to +2 at 7 th level and +3 at 13 th level. If the bonus requires a particular piece of
equipment (such as a shield), it can provide a secondary benefit related to the equipment. For example, Fighting Style
(weapon and shield) requires a shield, but has the secondary benefit of allowing the character to ready and sling his shield
without using a combat action to do so.
Attack Throws: A flat +1 bonus to attack throws in all circumstances counts as 1 custom power. Attack throw bonuses can
also be limited to a +1 bonus with either a specific group of weapons (e.g. Fighting Style) or against a specific category of
opponents (e.g. Goblin-Slaying). If limited to a specific category of opponents, the bonus can increase with level (+2 at 7 th
level, +3 at 13th level). If limited to a specific group of weapons, the power can include a secondary benefit, such as free
readying/sheathing of the weapon. If the power carries substantial drawbacks, such as the inability to retreat from combat,
a +2 bonus with a secondary benefit might be allowed (e.g. Berserkergang).
Damage: A flat damage bonus of +1 with all weapons counts as 1 custom power. It should have no secondary benefits. A
power that offers a damage bonus of +1 with a specific group of weapons (e.g. Fighting Style) should offer a secondary
benefit, such as free readying/sheathing of the weapons. Characters can only gain damage bonuses that scale with level by
selecting a Fighting Value 2 or higher; the Fighter Damage bonus (or something analogous to it) cannot be gained with trade
Initiative: A universal bonus of +1 to initiative counts as 1 custom power. If the power provides a bonus to initiative only in
specific circumstances, it can have a secondary benefit. For instance, Battle Magic only provides an initiative bonus when
casting spells, so it offers secondary benefits against spell resistance. An explorers Animal Reflexes does not provide an
initiative bonus for spellcasting, so it offers a secondary benefit on surprise rolls. A bladedancers Initiative bonus applies in
all circumstances, so it has no secondary benefits.
Saving Throws: A universal +2 bonus to all saving throws counts as 1 custom power. If a custom power offers only a +1
bonus to all saving throws, it should have some secondary benefits, such as elves Connection to Nature. A custom power
that offers +3 or better to saving throws should only be used in rare circumstances, and should count as at least 2 custom
powers. The Hardy People power possessed by dwarves, for instance, counts as 2 custom powers.
Surprise: A universal +2 bonus to surprise rolls counts as 1 custom power. A universal +1 bonus to surprise rolls is usually a
secondary benefit to another class power, such as an explorers Animal Reflexes. A +1 bonus to surprise throws that is
limited in circumstances and has no other special benefits, such as elves Attunement to Nature, counts as a custom
power. Imposing a penalty of -1 to opponents surprise rolls counts as 1 custom power.
Some custom powers give characters specialized skills, such as Loremastery or Magical Engineering.
Powers that allow the character to attempt a specialized, but not particularly adventurous, task should have a fixed target
value that does not change with character level. Making maps, crafting items, and similar tasks fall are examples. ACKS uses
a default proficiency throw of 11+ for these tasks, with a +4 bonus for each additional proficiency or power allocated to the
power. When a proficiency throw is set at 11+, a character has a 50% chance of succeeding at using it. This makes it very
easy for the player and Judge to understand the implications of any bonuses or penalties on the roll. Moreover, these
default values reward breadth across characters and depth of specialization within one character at approximately the same
rate. That is, if two characters in the party take the same ability, the chance at least one succeeds will be 75%. If one
character takes the same ability twice, the chance he succeeds will be 70%. Parties can have well-rounded or highly
specialized characters, and both types of parties can succeed 70% of the time.
Powers that exclusively relate to adventuring, fighting, and casting spells should follow a per-level progression of target
values, with initial target values ranging from 14+ to 20+, depending on the utility and risk of the power. The target value
should then decrease with each level of experience earned, usually by 1 point per level.
Several custom powers grant the class the ability to cast a spell at certain intervals. Should the Judge wish to create other
examples of similar custom powers, the following guidelines should be used:
Level 1: The power can be used at will with a casting time of 1 turn. Alternatively, the power can be available once per hour
with a casting time of 1 round. For instance, the Paladins Detect Evil custom power grants him the ability to cast detect evil
at will with a casting time of 1 turn.
Level 2: The spell can be used once per hour with a casting time of 1 turn. Alternatively, the power can be available once per
8 hours with a casting time of 1 round. For instance, the Warlocks Change Shape custom power grants him the ability to
cast alter self once per 8 hours with a casting time of 1 round.
Level 3: The spell can be used once per 8 hours with a casting time of 1 turn. Alternatively, the power can be available once
per day with a casting time of 1 round. For instance, the Warlocks Hex custom power grants him the ability to cast bestow
curse once per day with a casting time of 1 round.
Level 4: The spell can be used once per day with a casting time of 1 turn. Alternatively, the power can be available once per
week with a casting time of 1 round.
Level 5: The spell can be used once per week with a casting time of 1 turn. Alternatively, the power can be available once
per month with a casting time of 1 round. For instance, the Shamans Commune with Ancestral Spirits custom power grants
him the ability to cast commune once per week with a casting time of 1 turn.
Level 6: The spell can be used once per month with a casting time of 1 turn. For instance, the Warlocks Summon Infernal
Creature custom power grants him the ability to cast invisible stalker once per month with a casting time of 1 turn.
First Level Divine Spells Second Level Divine Spells Third Level Divine Spells
1 Command Word 1 Bless* 1 Call Lightning
2 Cure Light Wounds* 2 Charm Animal 2 Cure Blindness
3 Faerie Fire 3 Delay Poison 3 Cure Disease*
4 Locate Animal or Plant 4 Holy Chant 4 Detect Curse
5 Pass Without Trace 5 Obscuring Cloud 5 Eyes of the Eagle
6 Predict Weather 6 Produce Fire 6 Feign Death
7 Purify Food and Water 7 Resist Fire 7 Growth of Animals
8 Remove Fear* 8 Snake Charm 8 Striking
9 Resist Cold 9 Speak with Animals 9 Water Breathing
10 Trance 10 Warp Wood 10 Water Walking

Fourth Level Divine Spells 10 Summon Weather

1 Command Animals Fifth Level Divine Spells
2 Create Water 1 Control Animals
3 Cure Serious Wounds* 2 Control Winds
4 Dispel Magic 3 Create Food
5 Divination 4 Finger of Death
6 Fate 5 Insect Plague
7 Neutralize Poison* 6 Quest*
8 Sticks to Snakes 7 Reincarnation
9 Summon Animals 8 Strength of Mind*
10 Vigor 9 Sword of Fire
First Level Divine Spells Second Level Divine Spells Third Level Divine Spells
1 Command Word 1 Augury 1 Continual Light
2 Cure Light Wounds 2 Bless 2 Cure Blindness
3 Delay Disease 3 Charm Animal 3 Cure Disease
4 Detect Danger 4 Delay Poison 4 Cure Moderate Wounds
5 Detect Evil 5 Detect Charm 5 Detect Curse
6 Detect Magic 6 Divine Grace 6 Feign Death
7 Fellowship 7 Enthrall 7 Glyph of Warding
8 Light 8 Find Traps 8 Growth of Animals
9 Protection from Evil 9 Hold Person 9 Locate Object
10 Purify Food and Water 10 Holy Chant 10 Prayer
11 Read Languages 11 Resist Fire 11 Protection from Nor. Missiles
12 Remove Fear 12 Silence 15' radius 12 Remove Curse*
13 Resist Cold 13 Shimmer 13 Speak with Dead
14 Sanctuary 14 Snake Charm 14 Sphere of Visibility
15 Salving Rest 15 Speak with Animals 15 Water Walking

Fourth Level Divine Spells Fifth Level Divine Spells

1 Control Undead 1 Atonement
2 Create Water 2 Commune
3 Cure Serious Wounds 3 Command Person
4 Death Ward 4 Cure Critical Wounds
5 Dispel Magic 5 Create Food
6 Divination 6 Dispel Evil
7 Fate 7 Fear
8 Neutralize Poison 8 Insect Plague
9 Nondetection 9 Lower Water
10 Protection from Evil, Sustained 10 Protection from Nor. Weapons
11 Smite Undead 11 Quest*
12 Speak with Plants 12 Restore Life and Limb
13 Sticks to Snakes 13 Scry
14 Tongues 14 Strength of Mind*
15 Vigor 15 True Seeing
First Level Divine Spells Second Level Divine Spells Third Level Divine Spells
1 Cause Fear 1 Augury 1 Alter Self
2 Command Word 2 Bane 2 Cause Disease
3 Cure Light Wounds* 3 Charm Animal 3 Charm Person
4 Delay Disease 4 Chameleon 4 Continual Light
5 Detect Magic 5 Choking Grip 5 Cure Moderate Wounds*
6 Faerie Fire 6 Detect Charm 6 Detect Curse
7 Light* 7 Enthrall 7 Detect Invisible
8 Locate Animal or Plant 8 Locate Object 8 ESP
9 Predict Weather 9 Hold Person 9 Growth of Animals
10 Protection from Evil* 10 Magic Mouth 10 Invisibility
11 Purify Food and Water 11 Resist Fire 11 Levitate
12 Read Languages 12 Speak with Animals 12 Mirror Image
13 Resist Cold 13 Sleep 13 Phantasmal Force
14 Salving Rest 14 Ventriloquism 14 Remove Curse*
15 Trance 15 Unseen Servant 15 Speak with Dead

Fourth Level Divine Spells

1 Clairaudience Fifth Level Divine Spells
2 Clairvoyance 1 Charm Monster
3 Chimerical Force 2 Command Person
4 Dispel Magic 3 Commune
5 Divination 4 Dispel Evil
6 Fate 5 Fear
7 Fly 6 Growth of Plants
8 Infravision 7 Magic Carpet
9 Neutralize Poison* 8 Polymorph Self
10 Nondetection 9 Polymorph Other
11 Prot. from Evil, Sustained* 10 Quest*
12 Telepathy 11 Scry
13 Tongues* 12 Spectral Force
14 Speak with Plants 13 Strength of Mind*
15 Water Breathing 14 Summon Weather
15 True Seeing
First Level Arcane Spells Second Level Arcane Spells Third Level Arcane Spells
1 Charm Person C 1 Alter Self T
1 Clairvoyance
2 Chameleon 2 Continual Light* 2 Clairaudience
3 Choking Grip D 3 Detect Evil* 3 Chimerical Force I
4 Detect Magic 4 Detect Invisible 4 Command Person C
5 Floating Disc 5 Detect Secret Doors 5 Dismember D
6 Hold Portal 6 ESP 6 Dispel Magic
7 Jump 7 Glitterdust E(F) 7 Earths Teeth E(E)
8 Light* 8 Gust of Wind 8 Fireball E(F)
9 Magic Missile 9 Hypnotic Pattern C
9 Fly
10 Magic Mouth I 10 Inaudibility I 10 Gaseous Form E(A) T
11 Magic Rope 11 Invisibility I
11 Growth* T
12 Protection from Evil* 12 Knock 12 Haste*
13 Read Languages 13 Levitate 13 Hold Person
14 Sharpness 14 Locate Object 14 Infravision
15 Shield 15 Mirror Image I 15 Invisibility 10 radius I
16 Silent Step 16 N
Necromantic Potence 16 Lightning Bolt E(A)
17 Sleep
17 Ogre Power 17 Nondetection I
18 Slipperiness I
18 Phantasmal Force 18 Prot. from Evil, Sustained*
19 Spider Climb
19 Stinking Cloud E(A) 19 Prot. from Normal Missiles
20 Unseen Servant
20 Web 20 Telepathy
21 Ventriloquism I
21 Wizard Lock 21 Water Breathing E(W)

Fourth Level Arcane Spells Fifth Level Arcane Spells

1 Charm Monster C 1 Animate Dead N Sixth Level Arcane Spells
2 Command Plant C
2 Adaptation 1 Anti-Magic Shell
3 Confusion C 3 Cloudkill E(A) 2 Control Plants C
4 Dimension Door 4 Cone of Cold E(W) 3 Control Weather E(A)
5 Fear C 5 Cone of Paralysis 4 Death Spell D
6 Find Treasure 6 Conjure Elemental E(*) 5 Detect Ritual Magic
7 Giant Strength T
7 Contact Other Plane 6 Disintegrate D
8 Growth of Plants* T 8 Control Undead C N 7 Flesh to Stone* T
9 Hallucinatory Terrain I 9 Enchanted Container 8 Geas*
10 Magic Carpet 10 Feeblemind C 9 Globe of Invulnerability
11 I 11 Hold Monster 10 Invisible Stalker
12 Magic Jar 11 Lower Water E(W)
12 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
13 Polymorph Other T 13 Panic C 12 Move Earth E(E)
14 Polymorph Self T 14 Passwall E(E) 13 Permanent Illusion I
15 Remove Curse* 15 Phantasmal Killer I 14 Programmed Illusion I
16 Scry 16 Prot. from Normal Weapons 15 Projected Image I
17 Spectral Force I 17 Telekinesis 16 Reincarnate
18 Spell Storing 18 Teleport 17 Summon Djinni E(A)
E(E) T
19 Wall of Fire E(F) 19 Transmute Rock to Mud* 18 Torpor D N
20 Wall of Ice E(W) 20 Wall of Stone 19 Wall of Corpses
21 Wizard Eye 21 X-Ray Vision 20 Wall of Force
21 Wall of Iron E(E)
Notes: * reversible; C charm; D death; E() elemental (*all, air, earth, fire, water) I illusion; N necromancy; T transmogrification
Seventh Level Arcane Spells Eight Level Arcane Spells Ninth Level Arcane Spells
1 Cancellation 1 Opposition 1 Life Trapping N
2 Energy Drain N 2 Permanency 2 Plague
3 Phase Door 3 Summon Efreeti E(F) 3 Undead Legion N
4 Spell Turning 4 Temporal Stasis D 4 Wish

Sixth Level Divine Spells

1 Forbiddance Seventh Level Divine Spells
2 Harvest 1 Cataclysm
3 Longevity* 2 Energy Drain
4 Regeneration* 3 Miracle
4 Resurrection


First Level Divine Spells Second Level Divine Spells
1 Detect Poison 1 Delay Poison Third Level Divine Spells
2 Detect Undead 2 Holy Chant 1 Cure Disease
3 Obscuring Cloud 2 Glitterdust
4 Silent Step 3 Necromantic Potence
5 Spiritual Weapon 4 Prayer

Fourth Level Divine Spells 4 Summon Animals

1 Animate Dead
2 Cure Serious Wounds
3 Smite Undead
Adaptation Range: touch
Arcane 5 Duration: 1 week
This spell surrounds the creature touched in a shell of fresh air, making the recipient immune to all harmful vapors and
gases. The bubble can enable the recipient to survive in an environment without air for 1 week. It will also protect the
recipient from pressure deep underwater or the vacuum of space. This spell is used to create necklaces of adaptation.
Alter Self Range: self
Arcane 2 Duration: 6 turns plus 1 turn per level
This spell grants the caster the ability to alter his shape into that of any other humanoid creature. The caster can control his
new shapes physical qualities (such as height, weight, gender, hair color, hair texture, and skin color) within the normal
ranges for a creature of its kind. His equipment, if any, remains worn or held where possible, and otherwise melds into the
new form. If used in conjunction with a successful Disguise proficiency throw, alter self can allow the caster to appear as a
specific individual.
Call Lightning Range: 360
Divine 3 (Shaman) Duration: 1 turn per level
This spell can only be used when a storm is within range. When a storm is present, call lightning enables the caster to bring
down 1 lightning bolt per turn (10 minutes) on any point within range. The lightning bolt strikes from the sky, hitting an area
20 in diameter. All creatures within the area of effect take 8d6 points of damage. A successful saving Throw v. Blast reduces
damage to half. The caster does not have to call the lightning every turn. Lightning bolts will remain available until either the
spell duration or the storm ends.
Chameleon Range: touch
Arcane 1 Duration: 1 turn per level
This spell allows the character touched to blend into his surroundings to the point of becoming nearly invisible. The
character gains a +8 bonus to any proficiency throws to hide in shadows. Characters affected by a chameleon spell can
always hide in shadows with a throw of at least 12+. This spell is used to create elven cloaks.

Chimerical Force Range: 240'

Arcane 3 Duration: concentration plus 2 rounds

This spell creates the visual and auditory illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by the caster, up to a
maximum size of 30'x30'x30'. The illusion does not create smell, texture, or temperature. The caster can move the image
within the limits of the size of the effect. The image persists so long as the caster concentrates upon it, plus an additional 2
rounds after the caster ceases to concentrate.
If used to create the illusion of one or more creatures, they will have an Armor Class of 0 and will disappear if hit in combat.
If used to simulate an attack spell or an attacking creature, the illusory damage done will be equivalent to the normal
damage for any attack form simulated. A successful save versus Spells, however, will allow victims to avoid all damage.
Illusory damage is not real. Those killed or injured will realize they are unharmed (at least from this spell) after 1d4
Choking Grip Range: 30
Arcane 1 Duration: special
This spell creates an invisible grip around the throat of the target creature. Unless the target makes a successful saving
throw versus Death, it begins choking. A choking creature suffers 1d6 points of damage per round, and cannot take any
action (although it can still defend itself). The target of the spell receives a new saving throw each round. The choking grip
lasts so long as the caster concentrates upon it, or until the target makes a successful saving throw.
Clairaudience Range: 60
Arcane 3 Duration: 12 turns
This spell enables the caster to hear the sounds in another area through the ears of a living creature in that area. The caster
must specify the direction and approximate distance, up to a maximum of 60' away, but the target area need not be in line
of sight. A lead barrier between the caster and the subject creature will block the effect. If there is no appropriate creature
in that area, the spell fails. No saving throw is allowed, and the target is unaware that it is being so used. The caster may
choose another subject creature after at least a turn has passed, enabling multiple locations to be heard. If the subject
creature moves out of range, contact is lost, though the caster may be able to choose another target in this case. This spell is
used to create potions of clairaudience.
Command Animals Range: 60
Divine 4 (Shaman) Duration: concentration
This spell grants the caster the ability to command giant and/or normal-sized animals within 60. Animals totaling 6 Hit Dice
can be commanded. Humans, demi-humans, humanoids, and fantastic creatures are not affected. Intelligent animals may
resist the effect with a saving throw versus Spells, but unintelligent animals receive no saving throw. The commanded
animals will respond to the casters will and do whatever is commanded of them. The effect lasts so long as concentration is
maintained, and the caster can take no other actions while concentrating. Once control ends, animals will not be well
disposed to the spellcaster, and any reaction rolls suffer a penalty of -1. This spell is used to create rings of animal
Command Person Range: 60
Arcane 3, Divine 5 (Priestess) Duration: concentration
This spells grants the caster the ability to command humans, demi-humans, and/or humanoids up to 60 away. Humans
totaling 6 Hit Dice can be commanded (0th level humans are treated as half of a Hit Die for this calculation). The targets may
resist the effect with a saving throw versus Spells. The commanded creatures will respond to the casters will and do
whatever is commanded of them. The effect lasts so long as concentration is maintained, and the caster can take no other
actions while concentrating. Once control ends, commanded creatures will not be well disposed to the spellcaster, and any
reaction rolls suffer a penalty of -1. This spell is used to create rings of human command.
Command Plants Range: 60
Arcane 4 Duration: concentration
This spell grants the caster the ability to command plants and plant-like creatures within a 10 x 10 area up to 60 away.
Intelligent plant-like creatures may resist the effect with a saving throw versus Spells, but unintelligent plants receive no
saving throw. The controlled plants will obey the users will, and even if the plant is not normally mobile, the spell grants the
ability to make the plants move. The effect lasts so long as concentration is maintained, and the caster can take no other
actions while concentrating. Intelligent plants will be hostile to the spellcaster when the control ends. This spell is used to
create rings of plant command.
Control Animals Range: 60
Divine 5 (Shaman) Duration: 1 turn per level
This spell grants the caster the ability to control up to 3d6 Hit Dice of normal or giant animals within 60, as if using a charm
monster spell. Humans, demi-humans, humanoids, and fantastic creatures such as griffons or wyverns cannot be controlled
by this spell. The caster may decide which individual creatures out of a mixed group are to be affected first; excess Hit Dice
of effect are ignored. At least one creature will always be affected. Intelligent animals may resist the effect with a saving
throw versus Spells, but unintelligent animals receive no saving throw. When the control ends, unintelligent animals will be
afraid and leave the area if they can. Intelligent animals will be hostile. This spell is used to create potions of animal control.
Control Plants Range: 60
Arcane 6 Duration: 1 turn per level
This spell grants the caster the ability to control plants or plant-like creatures (including fungi and molds) within an area of
30 x 30 to a range of 60. Intelligent plant-like creatures may resist the effect with a saving throw versus Spells, but
unintelligent plants receive no saving throw. The controlled plants will obey the users will, and even if the plant is not
normally mobile, the potion grants the ability to make the plants move. For instance, vines can be controlled to twist,
writhe, and wrap around targets in the area. Intelligent plant-like creatures can be given orders, subject to the normal
limitations of charm effects, but will be hostile when the control ends. This spell is used to create potions of plant control.
Control Undead Range: 60
Arcane 5, Divine 4 (Priestess) Duration: 1 turn per level
Normally, undead are immune to charm effects. However, this spell grants the caster the ability to control up to 3d6 Hit Dice
of undead of 4 HD or fewer or one undead creature of more than 4 HD, as if using a charm monster spell. Intelligent undead
may resist the effect with a saving throw versus Spells, but unintelligent undead receive no saving throw. Unintelligent
undead will be completely under the casters control and will obey the casters will entirely. Intelligent undead can be given
orders, subject to the normal limitations of charm monster. Controlled undead will be hostile when the control ends. This
spell is used to create potions of undead control.
Control Wind Range: 10 radius per level
Divine 5 (Shaman) Duration: 1 turn per level
This spell enables the caster to manipulate the air flows within range as desired. He can slow the air to a dead calm, create a
gentle breeze, or whip up the wind to gale force. To change the wind completely (from calm to gale), the caster must
concentrate for one full turn (10 minutes), during which time he cannot move or attack. If two spellcasters are both using
control wind, the higher-level spellcaster will win control over the winds after one turn.
When used at sea, control wind can increase or decrease ship speed, depending on if the ship is sailing with or against the
wind. See the rules for Sea Movement in Chapter 6 of ACKS.
If the caster stirs up gale force winds, flying creatures will be grounded, creatures on the ground will have their movement
reduced by half, and missile weapon use will become impossible. If the surrounding terrain is sandy or dusty, clouds of
debris will reduce visibility to 20.
Cone of Cold Range: 0
Arcane 5 Duration: instantaneous
This spell produces a chilling cone 60 long and 30 wide stretching from the casters hands. Any beings within the cone of
cold will suffer 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster. A successful saving throw versus Blast reduces damage to half.
This spell is used to create wands of cold.
Cone of Paralysis Range: 0
Arcane 5 Duration: instantaneous
This spell produces a 60 long and 30 wide cone of paralysis stretching from the casters hands. Any creatures within the
cone will become paralyzed for 6 turns unless they succeed in a saving throw versus Paralysis. This spell is used to create
wands of paralysis.
Cure Critical Wounds* Range: touch
Divine 5 (Priestess) Duration: instantaneous
This spell works exactly like cure light wounds, save that it heals 4d6 points of damage, plus 1 point per caster level.
The reverse, cause critical wounds, also works exactly like cause light wounds, except that it inflicts 4d6 + caster level in
damage. Cause critical wounds is not on the Priestess spell list but is included for the Judges use in custom classes.
Cure Moderate Wounds* Range: touch
Divine 3 (Priestess) Duration: instantaneous
This spell works exactly like cure light wounds, save that it heals 2d6 points of damage. The reverse, cause moderate
wounds, also works exactly like cause light wounds, except that it inflicts 2d6 points of damage. Cause moderate wounds is
not on the Priestess spell list but is included for the Judges use in custom classes.
Death Ward Range: touch
Divine 4 (Priestess) Duration: 3 turns
This spell grants the creature touched immunity to any curse and death spells or effects, regardless of the source. This spell
is used to create scarabs of protection.

Delay Disease Range: touch

Divine 1 (Priestess) Duration: 24 hours

This spell temporarily staves off the ravages of most types of disease. It will affect acute illnesses such as flu; chronic
diseases such as consumption or leprosy; the infection caused by giant rats; the necrosis caused by green slime and rot
grubs; the lycanthropy caused by werecreatures; and even the rotting disease caused by a dragons fetid breath. The spell
will temporarily halt the incubation of a disease that has not yet become symptomatic, and ameliorate the symptoms of an
existing disease, but it will not reverse any damage already caused by the disease. For example, it would allow a character
bedridden by a giant rats infection to move and fight normally, and would prevent further loss of ability scores to a dragons
fetid breath for a day, but it would not undo ability score loss already suffered, or restore a finger destroyed by leprosy.
Unless the disease is cured, its progress will resume as soon as the spells duration ends.
Detect Charm* Range: 30
Divine 2 (Priestess) Duration: 3 turns (24 hours)
This spell causes any creatures subject to a charm spell or similar effect (e.g. command and control potions, rings, and
spells, or the charm of a harpy or vampire) within 30 to glow with a pale blue light. It does not reveal the nature of the
charm, only that a creature is charmed. However, if the caster concentrates on a particular creature for 1 turn, he has a 5%
chance per level to determine the exact nature of the charm.
The reverse of this spell, undetectable charm, completely masks any and all charms on a single creature for a period of 24
hours. A detect magic will reveal that the subject has a spell affecting them, however. Undetectable charm is not on the
Priestess spell list but is included for the Judges use in custom classes.
Detect Curse* Range: 30
Divine 3 (Priestess, Shaman) Duration: 3 turns
This spell causes cursed items and areas within 30 to glow with a pale blue light. It does not reveal the nature of the curse
or how it is triggered, only that an item or area is cursed. However, if the caster concentrates on a particular item or area for
1 turn, he has a 5% chance per level to determine the exact nature of the curse.
The reverse of this spell, undetectable curse, completely masks any and all curses on a single item or area for a period of 24
hours. A detect magic will reveal that the item or area has a spell affecting them, however. Undetectable curse is not on the
Priestess or Shaman spell list but is included for the Judges use in custom classes.
Detect Danger Range: 30
Divine 1 (Priestess) Duration: 6 turns
This spell allows the caster to know whether a small area (1 x 1), creature (man-sized), or object (such as chest, weapon, or
smaller item) is dangerous. A full round of concentration is needed for each small area, creature, or object examined. Larger
areas, creatures, or objects can be examined by spending proportionally more time. After examining the thing, the caster
will learn whether it poses him a clear and present danger, a potential danger, or no danger. The precise nature of the
danger is not, however, revealed. Most creatures are potential dangers. Most poisons are clear and present dangers.
Detect Ritual Magic Range: 100 miles per level
Arcane 6 Duration: 1 day
This spell reveals whether any ritual spells are being cast within its range. If one or more ritual spells are detected, the
character will sense the direction and approximate range to the rituals and the spell signature of the rituals casters. This
spell takes 1 turn to complete, and may be performed but once per week.
Detect Secret Doors Range: 30
Arcane 2 Duration: 3 turns
This spell allows the caster to detect any and all secret doors within 30. The caster sees the secret doors with a blue glowing
aura around them, but the glow cannot be seen by anyone else.
Dismember Range: 30
Arcane 3 Duration: instantaneous
With this horrific spell, the caster can maim and dismember a creature within range. The target may make a saving throw
versus Death to avoid the effect. If the saving throw fails, the target suffers 3d6 points of damage and must immediately roll
on the Mortal Wounds table and suffer the result listed under Permanent Wounds Suffered. (The target does not suffer from
the results listed in the Condition & Recovery column.) When rolling on the Mortal Wound table due to dismember, the only
modifier that applies is the targets CON modifier.
EXAMPLE: Marcus (a fighter with CON 18) is the target of a dismember cast by his foe, the sorcerer-king Sebek. Marcus fails
his save versus Death, so he takes 3d6 points of damage and must roll on the Mortal Wounds table. Consulting the Mortal
Wounds table, Marcus sees he must roll 1d20 and 1d6. Marcuss 1d20 roll is a 7, modified by +3 for his CON 18. Marcus
cross indexes a modified d20 roll of 10 against a d6 roll of 3 on the table and finds that one of his arms has been severed!
Divine Grace Range: touch
Divine 2 (Priestess) Duration: 6 turns
This spell grants the creature touched a bonus of +2 to all saving throws. The divine grace ends immediately if the recipient
acts in ways contrary to the divine casters alignment or deity.
Earths Teeth Range: 120
Arcane 3 Duration: instantaneous
When this spell is cast, several pillars of jagged rock erupt from the earth, impaling up to one creature per level of the caster
for 5d6 points of damage each. All of the target creatures must be within a 30 diameter area of effect, and the spellcaster
must make a successful attack throw against each target, using the target values for a fighter of his level. The caster may
choose which creatures in the area of effect are targeted. The pillars immediately crumble to dust after damage is dealt.
EXAMPLE: A party of adventurers is set upon by a band of 8 ogres. A fierce melee ensues, into which Quintus, a 6 th level
mage, casts earths teeth. Quintus can target 6 creatures, so he selects 6 of the ogres. Quintus must make a successful
attack throw against each ogre (AC4) using the target value for a 6 th level fighter (7+). Quintus will need an 11+ to impale
each of the 6 ogres, and will deal 5d6 points of damage to each ogre he successfully impales.
Enchanted Container Range: 0
Arcane 5 Duration: 60 days
This spell can be used to create a nondimensional space within a small container (holding 6 stone or less) such as a box,
chest, coffer, jar, or small sack. The enchanted container becomes larger on its inside than its outside dimensions. The
nondimensional space is large enough to hold an object or objects of up to 10x5x3 in volume and 100 stone (1,000lb) in
weight. Regardless of what is put into the enchanter container, it will weigh a maximum of 6 stone.
Once the enchanted container is created, its nondimensional space will remain intact for 60 days. Thereafter, there is a
cumulative 5% chance per day that the nondimensional space will collapse. The nondimensional space will also collapse if
the enchanted container is dispelled or if one enchanted container is placed within another. If the nondimensional space
collapses, anything stored therein will violently erupt out of the container. Fragile objects (e.g. potions, scrolls, jewelry) will
be destroyed if the nondimensional space collapses.
Living creatures unfortunate enough to be in a nondimensional space when it collapses take 1d6 damage per 10 stone of
objects stored in the enchanted container. Living things can otherwise be safely kept in the nondimensional space, but must
eat, sleep, and age normally, and they die if they run out of food, air, water, etc. This spell is used to create bags of holding.
Enthrall Range: 60
Divine 2 (Priestess) Duration: 1 hour or less
This spell will capture the attention of a group of creatures and hold them spellbound. To the cast the spell, the caster must
dance, play an instrument, speak, sing, or otherwise perform without interruption for 1 full round. The caster must have a
Performance proficiency appropriate to the activity to cast this spell.
After the first round of the casters performance, all those within 60 of the spellcaster must make a saving throw versus
Paralysis or give the caster their undivided attention, ignoring their surroundings. Affected creatures are considered to have
a reaction result of Friendly while under the effect of the spell. They will take no action while the caster performs, nor for
1d3 rounds thereafter, while they discuss the performance. Those entering the area during the performance must also
successfully save or become enthralled.
Creatures that were Hostile to the caster at the time the performance began gain a +4 bonus to their saving throw. Affected
monsters with 4 or more HD, or characters with WIS 16 or higher, remain aware of their surroundings and have a reaction
result of Indifferent rather than Friendly.
Enthrall lasts as long as the caster performs, to a maximum of 1 hour. Creatures unaffected by the spell can attempt to
disrupt the casters performance early by jeering and heckling him (one heckling attempt is allowed per use of the spell). A
successful Performance proficiency throw is required to ignore heckling. Heckling does not include physically or magically
attacking the caster; if the casters performance is interrupted by such an attack, all the affected creatures will rush to the
casters defense for 1d3 rounds.
The spell ends immediately if any affected creature is attacked or threatened by the caster or his party. In this case, the
affected creatures become Unfriendly if they were Friendly, and Hostile if they were Indifferent.
Eyes of the Eagle Range: touch
Divine 3 (Shaman) Duration: 12 turns
This spell allows the affected creature to see 100 times further than normal. The creatures improved vision reduces its
penalty for missile attacks at medium range to -1 and at long range to -2. The eyes of the eagle spell is used to create the
magic item of the same name.
Fate Range: touch
Divine 4 (Priestess, Shaman) Duration: Until it happens
This spell grants the caster a prophetic insight into what the future holds for a particular character. While the exact date and
place are not known, a general indication of the characters fate will be provided. The specific fate revealed may be
determined by the Judge, or rolled randomly on the following table:
Roll (1d10) Answer
1 You shall set your eyes on the heavens; time enough for the earth in the grave.
2 You shall be anointed, before you die, as one who walked among the high.
3 You shall have, in the end, many true vassals, but one false friend.
4 Your many victories shall be won at the cost of many a womans son.
5 Precious jewels shall buy you only tools and fools.
6 When the battle is won, a great lord shall be undone.
7 By steel you shall lead, and by steel you shall bleed.
8 Reap what you have sown; blood, sorrow, or throne.
9 You shall be remembered for your deeds, or for your greeds.
10 The world shall lie at your feet until the day of your defeat.
Fate is not entirely unalterable; a character can still die from gross stupidity and recklessness, or by willfully avoiding his fate
(e.g. suicide). In most cases, however, a characters fate will be fulfilled, even if only poetically or in the moment of his
death. No character may have more than one fate at any time.
Fear Range: 0
Arcane 4, Divine 5 (Priestess) Duration: instantaneous
This spell produces a 60 long and 30 wide cone of fear stretching from the casters hands. All within the cone must save
versus Spells or flee from the caster at their running speed for 30 rounds. This spell is used to create wands of fear.
Find Treasure Range: 360
Arcane 4 Duration: 3 turns
The spellcaster may, by concentrating for one turn, sense the direction and distance of the most valuable treasure within
360. In order to be detected, the total value of the treasure must meet or exceed a value of 50gp. No physical barrier will
impede detection, with the exception of magical wards or lead. This spell is used to create potions of treasure finding.
Gaseous Form Range: touch
Arcane 3 Duration: 6 turns
This spell causes the creature touched to immediately take on the form of a translucent cloud of gas. Anything the subject
was carrying or wearing immediately falls to the floor. While in gaseous form, a creature cannot attack, but it can move at
30 per round and can flow below doors and other small spaces that are not sealed airtight. A gaseous creature has an AC of
11 and is immune to non-magical weapons. An unwilling target of this spell may make a saving throw versus Spells to resist
the effect. This spell is used to create potions of gaseous form.
Giant Strength Range: touch
Arcane 4 Duration: 3 turns
The recipient of this spell temporarily becomes as strong as a hill giant. The recipient attacks as an 8 HD monster or as his
own class and level, whichever is better, and inflicts double normal damage with his attacks. The character also can throw
rocks at opponents to a distance of 200 for 3d6 points of damage and gains a +16 bonus to force open doors. The strength
bonus of this spell may not be combined with any other magical effects that influence strength, but it does stack with the
characters normal bonus or penalty from Strength a weak character who is enchanted with this spell has the strength of a
weak giant, while a very strong character would gain the strength of a very strong giant! This spell is used to create girdles
of giant strength and potions of giant strength.
Glitterdust Range: 120
Arcane 2 Duration: 1 round per level
A cloud of golden particles covers everything and everyone within a 10 radius area. Creatures within the area of effect must
make a saving throw versus Spells or be blinded (from dust in their eyes) for the duration of the spell. Any invisible or
hidden creatures within the area of effect are visibly outlined by the glowing particles, and creatures so outlined cannot
thereafter benefit from invisibility or hiding in shadows while the glitterdust remains. The glitterdust cannot be removed,
but vanishes when the spells duration expires, or if dispelled.
Globe of Invulnerability Range: 0
Arcane 6 Duration: 1 round per level
This spell is identical to the 4 th level spell minor globe of invulnerability, except that it prevents up to 4 th level spells or spell
effects from penetrating.
Growth* Range: touch
Arcane 3 Duration: 12 turns
The recipient of this spell doubles in size. Strength increases proportionately, such that the recipient deals double normal
damage with his attacks and gains a +16 bonus to force open doors. (The characters attack throws do not improve because
his increased strength is offset by unfamiliarity with his giant size). The strength bonus of this spell may not be combined
with any other magical effects that influence strength, but it does stack with the characters normal bonus or penalty from
Strength. This spell is used to create potions of growth.
The reverse of this spell, diminution, shrinks the target and everything he carries to 6 inches tall. An unwilling target may
make a saving throw versus Spells to resist the effect. If a diminished character remains motionless, he can avoid being
spotted with a proficiency throw of 3+ on 1d20. The character can only deal normal damage to opponent smaller than 1;
larger opponents take only 1 point of damage from any successful hit. This spell is used to create potions of diminution.
If a creature under the effect of a growth spell is subject to diminution, or vice versa, both spells are cancelled.
Gust of Wind Range: 0
Arcane 2 Duration: 1 round
This spell creates a strong blast of air that originates from the caster and affects all creatures in a line 10 wide and 60 long.
The effect of the gust depends on the size of the creatures. Tiny creatures (the size of a house pet or smaller) are knocked
down and rolled 1d4x10, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10. If flying, a tiny or smaller creature is blown back
2d6x10 feet and takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting.
Small creatures, such as halflings or goblins, are knocked prone by the force of the wind, or if flying are knocked back
1d6x10 feet. Man-sized creatures are unable to move forward against the force of the wind, or if flying are knocked back
1d6x5 feet. Creatures of ogre size or larger may move normally within a gust of wind. Creatures which make a successful
saving throw versus Blast are not affected by the wind.
Missile attack throws within or through a gust of wind are at a -4 penalty, as are proficiency throws to hear noise. The force
of the gust automatically extinguishes any candles, torches, or other unprotected flames. It causes protected flames, such as
those of lanterns, to dance wildly, with a 50% chance of being extinguished. A gust of wind will also do anything that a
sudden blast of 50mph wind would be expected to do, such as fan a large fire, overturn delicate awnings, create a spray of
dust, or blow vapors out of range (Judges discretion).
Hypnotic Pattern Range: 30
Arcane 2 Duration: concentration
By means of this spell, the caster creates a mesmerizing pattern of color and light in the air. The hypnotic pattern causes any
creatures within range that see it to become mesmerized unless they succeed on a saving throw versus Spells. Affected
creatures will stand motionless and take no action, even to defend themselves. The spell can mesmerize a maximum of 24
Hit Dice or levels of characters or monsters. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. The hypnotic pattern lasts as
long as the spellcaster remains stationary and concentrates on it.
Inaudibility Range: touch
Arcane 2 Duration: special
This spell grants the creature touched the ability to move and fight noiselessly. Should the recipient carry or pick up any
items, these items also become noiseless so long as they remain in the creatures possession. For instance, a bell carried by
the recipient would not toll, and a bag of coins would not jingle. Conversely, any items leaving the recipients possession
regain their normal audibility if fired, dropped or put down. The spell ends if the recipient speaks, suffers damage, fails a
saving throw, or casts a spell. Merely attacking or interacting with objects does not end the effect. The spell lasts at most 24
Jump Range: touch
Arcane 1 Duration: 3 turns
The recipient of this spell gains the ability to leap in great bounds. The recipient may leap 10 vertically and 30 horizontally
from a standing start. This prodigious jumping ability grants the recipient a +10 bonus on Acrobatics throws. Because of his
light step, the recipient needs no rest if engaged in ordinary movement. This spell is used to create boots of traveling and
Locate Animal or Plant Range: 120
Divine 1 (Shaman) Duration: 6 turns
This spell reveals the direction to the closest specimen of a particular type of animal or plant within range. The spellcaster
must name the specific type of animal or plant he wishes to locate. If no specimens of the desired type of animal or plant
are within range, the caster will learn that instead.
If a specimen comes into range later in the duration of the spell, either because the caster moved or the specimen did, the
caster will learn the direction at that time. The spell will locate normal or giant-sized animals, but not intelligent creatures,
fantastic creatures such as owlbears or wyverns, or plant-like monsters. The animal or plant gets no saving throw. This spell
is most often used to find special rare plants; a character using this spell receives a +4 bonus on Naturalism proficiency
throws to locate poisonous plants.
Lower Water Range: 240
Divine 5 (Priestess) Duration: 10 turns
Except as noted above, this spell is identical to the 6st level arcane spell of the same name.
Magic Carpet Range: touch
Arcane 4 Duration: 1 turn per level
This spell transforms a carpet, rug, or tapestry into a flying vehicle. The carpet must be at least 4 x 6 in size, and can be up
to 10 x 15. Once enchanted, the magic carpet will fly at the spellcasters command. Controlling the magic carpet requires
as much concentration as riding a horse. If only one human-sized passenger is carried, the carpet may move up to 300 per
turn. If two or three human-sized passengers are carried, this is reduced to 240 or 180 per turn, respectively. No more than
three human-sized creatures, or a total of 60 stone, may be carried on the magic carpet. If the magic carpet spell is
dispelled, the carpet and its passengers will plummet from the air. This spell is used to create flying carpets.
Magic Rope Range: touch
Arcane 1 Duration: 1 turn per level
This spell enchants a length of up to 50 of rope. The rope must be at least as thick as a finger and in reasonable condition,
e.g. not severed or completely frayed. Once enchanted, the magic rope is strong enough to support 100 stone (1,000lb)
regardless of its normal carrying capacity. Upon command, the magic rope snakes forward, upward, downward, or in any
other direction at 10 per round, attaching itself securely wherever its owner desires. It can unfasten itself and return in the
same manner. A creature must hold one end of the magic rope when its magic is invoked. This spell is used to create ropes
of climbing.
Minor Globe of Invulnerability Range: 0
Arcane 4 Duration: 1 round per level
This spell creates a magical sphere of protection in a 5 radius around the caster which prevents any 1 st, 2nd, or 3rd level spells
or spell effects from penetrating. The area of effect of any such spells will exclude the area protected by the globe. However,
4th and higher level spells are not affected by the globe. Minor globe of invulnerability does not restrict spells from being
cast out, and these spells can pass from the caster through the globe and to their target freely. A minor globe of
invulnerability can be destroyed by dispel magic.
Necromantic Potence Range: caster
Arcane 2 Duration: 1 hour per level
This spell imbues the caster with powerful necromantic energies, granting him 1d10 temporary hit points + 1hp per caster
level. These temporary hit points will be the first lost if any damage is suffered, but cannot be regained through rest or
healing magic, and will disappear at the expiration of the spells duration. While necromantic potence is in effect, the
spellcaster is treated as an inherently evil summoned creature for purposes of detect evil and protection from evil effects. A
dispel evil or dispel magic spell will strip the caster of his temporary hit points unless he makes a successful saving throw
versus Spells.
Nondetection Range: touch
Arcane 3 Duration: 1 hour per level
This spell protects the creature touched from being spied on by crystal balls or any type of ESP. The spells magical
protection also prevents a crystal ball from spying on the items the recipient is wearing and his present location. A character
attempting to spy upon the recipient will learn he is being magically protected, but will not gain any other information. This
spell is used to create amulets versus crystal balls and ESP.
Obscuring Cloud Range: 0
Divine 3 (Shaman) Duration: 1 turn per level
When this spell is cast, a misty vapor wafts upward from the ground around the spellcaster, forming a billowing cloud 1 high
and 10 in diameter per level of the caster. The obscuring cloud is harmless, but blocks line of sight for most creatures. The
caster, and any creatures able to see invisible, can see dimly through the obscuring cloud but all others within the cloud are
effectively blind.
Ogre Power Range: touch
Arcane 2 Duration: 3 turns
This spell grants the recipient the strength and prowess of an ogre. For the duration of the spell, the character has an
effective Strength score of 18, receiving a +3 bonus to attack throws and damage rolls and other benefits that this ability
score confers. In addition, the character gains the ability to strike barehanded for 1d4 points of damage, and to carry an
extra 10 stone. This spell is used to create gauntlets of ogre power.
Panic Range: 0
Arcane 5 Duration: instantaneous
This spell causes all creatures within 240 feet of the spellcaster, with the exception of those within a 10 radius safe zone, to
become fearful and flee for 30 rounds at running speed. A saving throw versus Spells is allowed to resist the effect. This spell
is used to create drums of panic.
Pass Without Trace Range: touch
Divine 1 (Shaman) Duration: 1 turn per level
The recipient of this spell may move without leaving any trace of his passage. The affected creature could, for example, walk
across fresh snow without leaving prints, or pass through brush without breaking twigs. However, detect magic or true
seeing cast within three turns will reveal the recipients passage.

Permanent Illusion Range: 240'

Arcane 6 Duration: permanent

This spell creates a permanent multi-sensory illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by the caster, up to a
maximum size of 40'x40'x40'. The illusion includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal components. The illusion can be
static (e.g. a wall) or dynamic (e.g. a crackling fire or a dragon circling overhead). If dynamic, the illusion will not be
interactive in any way, and will repeat itself every round (10 seconds). The illusion will last until dispelled. Those who
successfully disbelieve the illusion, with a successful save versus Spells, will see it as a translucent outline.
As with all illusions, any damage inflicted by the permanent illusion will be not real. A successful save versus Spells will
allow victims to avoid all damage. In any event, any creatures killed or injured will realize they are unharmed (at least from
this spell) after 1d6 rounds.
Phantasmal Killer Range: 30
Arcane 5 Duration: 1 round per level
This spell creates an illusion of whatever its target fears most, drawing on the targets subconscious nightmares to create the
most terrifying beast imaginable. Once created, the phantasmal killer attacks its target each round after its creation, rolling
to hit as a 4 Hit Dice monster. If it makes even one successful attack throw, the target immediately dies of fright. The
phantasmal killer is invulnerable to all attacks and can pass through any barriers, for it exists only as a figment of the
targets mind. The only defense against the phantasmal killer is to disbelieve the illusion with a successful saving throw
versus Spells, to incapacitate the spellcaster who created it, or to somehow avoid being hit for the duration of the spell. The
target receives only one chance to disbelieve the phantasmal killer. Only the spellcaster and the target can see the
phantasmal killer, and others cannot assist the target in disbelieving.
Predict Weather Range: 1 mile per level
Divine 1 (Shaman) Duration: 12 hours
Using this spell, the caster can accurately predict the weather within range of the spell over the period of the next 12 hours.
The spell provides no ability to control the weather, merely foreknowledge of what is coming.
Produce Fire Range: 0
Divine 2 (Priestess, Shaman) Duration: 2 turns per level
With this spell, the caster produces a small flame in the palm of his hand. The flame is harmless to the caster, but sheds light
as if a normal touch. If the caster touches the flame to combustible materials (e.g., a lantern, torch, or oil) it will ignite them,
without harming the magical flame. The flame may be dropped at will, or thrown to 30 range, either way disappearing 1
round after leaving the casters hand. The caster can cause the flame to disappear and reappear by concentration once per
round for the duration of the spell. Other items may be held and used in the hand while the fire is out.

Programmed Illusion Range: special

Arcane 6 Duration: special

This spell imbues an area or object with a 40x40x40 multi-sensory illusion, identical to that created by spectral force,
which will activate when a specific condition occurs. The programmed illusion must be placed upon a particular area or
object. The illusion can be static (e.g. a wall) or dynamic (e.g. a crackling fire or a dragon circling overhead). If dynamic, the
illusion will not be interactive in any way, and the dynamic sequence cannot be longer than 1 round per level of the caster.
The conditions to trigger the programmed illusion can be as general or as detailed as desired, although only visual and
audible triggers can be used. Triggers react to what appears to be the case. Disguises and illusions can fool them. Normal
darkness does not defeat a visual trigger, but magical darkness or invisibility does. Silent movement or magical silence
defeats audible triggers. Audible triggers can be keyed to general types of noises or to a specific noise or spoken word.
Actions can serve as triggers if they are visible or audible. A programmed illusion cannot distinguish level, Hit Dice, or class
except by external garb.
The range limit of a trigger is 10 per caster level, so a 12 th level caster can command a programmed illusion to respond to
triggers as far as 120 away. Regardless of range, the illusion can respond only to visible or audible triggers and actions in line
of sight or within hearing distance.
Once it triggers, the programmed illusion will last until dispelled, or to a maximum duration of 1 round per level of the
caster. Those who successfully disbelieve the illusion, with a successful save versus Spells, will see it as a translucent outline.
As with all illusions, any damage inflicted by the programmed illusion will be not real. A successful save versus Spells will
allow victims to avoid all damage. In any event, any creatures killed or injured will realize they are unharmed (at least from
this spell) after 1d6 rounds.
Protection from Normal Missiles Range: 30
Divine 3 (Priestess) Duration: 12 turns
Except as noted above, this spell is identical to the 3rd level arcane spell of the same name.
Protection from Normal Weapons Range: 30
Arcane 5, Divine 5 (Priestess) Duration: 12 turns
The subject of this spell is completely protected from normal, non-magical attacks. Magic or silver weapons can harm the
character, but any number of normal swords, arrows, clubs, or natural weapons will be fended off. Monsters which
themselves can only be affected by silver or magical weapons can still harm the subject, and monsters with 5 HD or more
are able to affect the subject through natural ferocity.

Read Languages Range: self

Divine 1 (Priestess) Duration: 2 turns

Except as noted above, this spell is identical to the 1st level arcane spell of the same name.
Reincarnate Range: touch
Divine 5 (Shaman) Duration: instantaneous
Except as noted above, this spell is identical to the 4th level arcane spell of the same name.
Salving Rest Range: touch
Divine 1 (Priestess) Duration: special
This spell allows its subject to enjoy soothing, peaceful sleep, free of pain and sorrow, whenever he slumbers. As a result of
this salving rest, the subject of the spell will heals an extra 1d3 hit points during each day of complete rest. The spell ends
when the subject stops completely resting or if he takes any damage.
Scry Range: special
Arcane 4, Divine 5 (Priestess) Duration: 1 turn
This spell enables the spellcaster to see images of distant creatures, objects, or places. The spellcaster must have access to a
mirror, crystal, reflective pool, or other surface upon which the images can be displayed. The more familiar the caster is with
the creature, object or place viewed, the clearer the images will be. Each use of scry can last for up to 1 turn, during which
time the caster must fully concentrate and remain stationary. Certain spells can be cast in conjunction with scry. Casting
clairaudience enables the caster to hear noises and conversations taking place at the location being observed. Casting ESP
enables the caster to hear the thoughts of any one creature being observed. The spellcaster is otherwise unable to cast
spells at or communicate with what he views. This spell is used to create crystal balls.
Sharpness Range: touch
Arcane 1 Duration: 3 turns
When cast on the blade of an edged or pointed weapon, this spell temporarily enhances it to the equivalent of a magic
weapon +1. Weapons that are already enchanted gain an additional +1 while the spell is in effect. A single casting will effect
20 arrows, 2 one-handed weapons, or one two-handed weapon. This spell is used to create oil of sharpness.
Silent Step Range: touch
Arcane 1 Duration: 1 turn per level
This spell allows the character touched to move almost noiselessly. The character gains a +8 bonus to any proficiency throws
to move silently. Characters affected by a silent step spell can always move silently with a throw of at least 12+. This spell is
used to create elven boots.
Slipperiness Range: touch
Arcane 1 Duration: 3 turns
This spell can be cast on characters, objects, or floors. When cast on a character, the recipient cannot be restrained or
grabbed, wrapped in the grip of constrictor snakes, or otherwise subject to any other grasping attacks, including binding
ropes, chains, or cuffs, magical or otherwise. Simply put, nothing can get a grip on a character affected by slipperiness. The
spell can also be cast on objects. A single casting is sufficient to affect 20 arrows, 2 one-handed weapons, 1 two-handed
weapon, or one 10 x 10 patch of floor. Any object subject to the spell is virtually impossible to grasp, and characters must
make an attack throw versus Armor Class 10 each round to grab or maintain their grip on such objects. Any individual
moving or even standing on an affected area of floor must make a proficiency throw of 20+ each round or fall down. This
spell is used to create oil of slipperiness.
Spectral Force Range: 240'
Arcane 4 Duration: concentration plus 3 rounds

This spell creates a multi-sensory illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by the caster, up to a maximum size of
30'x30'x30'. The illusion includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal components. The caster can move the image within
the limits of the size of the effect. The image persists so long as the caster concentrates upon it, plus an additional 3 rounds
after the caster ceases to concentrate.
If used to create the illusion of one or more creatures, they will have an Armor Class of 0 and will disappear if hit in combat.
If used to simulate an attack spell or an attacking creature, the illusory damage done will be equivalent to the normal
damage for any attack form simulated. A successful save versus Spells, however, will allow victims to avoid all damage.
Illusory damage is not real. Those killed or injured will realize they are unharmed (at least from this spell) after 1d6
Spell Storing Range: touch
Arcane 4 Duration: special
This spell prepares a necklace, ring, or similar item to have up to six spells stored within it. Only the character who casts
spell storing may store spells in the item. The caster stores spells in the item by casting them one at a time at the time. All
spells to be stored must be cast within 1 turn of spell storing being cast. Thereafter, any character who puts the item on
automatically gains the knowledge of which spells are stored, and may discharge them as if a spellcaster of the minimum
level required to cast the spell. The spells will remain stored in the item until discharged, or until one day passes, whichever
comes first. This spell is used to create rings of spell storing.
Sphere of Visibility Range: 0
Divine 3 (Priestess) Duration: 3 turns
This spell surrounds the caster with a sphere of power with a radius of 5 per caster level. The sphere negates all forms of
invisibility. Anything invisible becomes visible while in the area. The sphere does not necessarily reveal the location of
creatures obscured by cover, darkness, etc.
Spider Climb Range: touch
Arcane 1 Duration: 3 turns
The recipient of this spell gains the ability to climb unimpeded across vertical surfaces and hang upside from ceilings. The
recipient climbs at a combat movement rate of 20. The affected creature must have at least three limbs (hands and feet)
free to spider climb, but needs no climbing gear or handholds. The recipient can attack with a one-handed weapon, cast
spells, and defend itself normally, but cannot charge or run while climbing.
Stinking Cloud Range: 30
Arcane 2 Duration: 1 round per level
This spell creates a billowing mass of foul-smelling vapors to arise within 30. The stinking cloud will be 20 x 20 x 20 in size.
Any creature caught within the cloud must make a successful saving throw versus Poison or be helpless due to nausea. This
condition lasts as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves. Any creature that succeeds on its
save but remains in the cloud must continue to save each round.
Summon Animals Range: 360
Divine 4 (Shaman) Duration: 3 turns
This spell summons any or all normal animals within range to the aid of the spellcaster. Only normal animals are affected;
the spell does not affect fantastic creatures, giant-sized animals, humanoids, or vermin such as insects or oozes. The
spellcaster may choose to summon one or more known animals, specific types of animals, or every animal within range.
Creatures totaling up to the spellcasters level in Hit Dice will respond to the summons. Treat normal small creatures (e.g.
birds, hares, squirrels) as swarms (per the Monsters chapter in ACKS).
Summoned animals will arrive at their fastest movement rate. For the duration of the spell, the animals will understand the
spellcasters speech, and will befriend and help him as best they can. Summoned animals will generally flee if harmed, but if
the spellcaster is under attack when a summoned animal arrives, the animal will immediately attack his opponent.
Clever spellcasters have learned that hostile wild life encountered while adventuring can be calmed and befriended with this
spell. The caster effectively summons creatures that are already present, which are then immediately befriended and
placated by the spell.
Summon Djinni Range: 10
Arcane 6 Duration: 1 day
This powerful spell can be used to summon a djinni, which appears anywhere within range (see the Monsters chapter of
Adventurer Conqueror King System for details). The djinni will serve and obey the character that summoned it. The spell
persists until dispel evil is cast on the djinni, it is slain, or 1 days passes. This spell takes 1 turn to complete, and may be
performed safely but once per week. Should it be cast sooner than that, the djinni summoned will be hostile to the caster
and will immediately attack. This spell is used to create rings of djinni calling.
Summon Weather Range: 5 miles or more
Divine 5 (Shaman) Duration: 6 turns per level
This spell pulls a nearby weather condition to the spellcasters location. The caster does not control the weather, he merely
summons it. The range of summoning is 5 miles at level 7, adding 1 mile for each level of the caster above 7 th. For example, a
caster of 11th level could summon weather from 9 miles away.
Telepathy Range: 90
Arcane 3 Duration: concentration
This spell allows the spellcaster to read the thoughts of any creature within 90 at will. Furthermore, the caster can send a
telepathic message to anyone whose surface thoughts he is reading (allowing two-way communication). Use of this spell
requires full concentration by the spellcaster, who may not move or take any action. This spell is used to create helms of
Torpor Range: touch
Arcane 6 Duration: permanent
The caster puts an undead creature into a pseudo-sleep of indefinite duration. In order to be placed into torpor, the
creature must be in its tomb, coffin, sarcophagus, ossuary, or other final resting place. While in torpor, undead creature
such as zombies, mummies, and liches do not suffer physical decay, while hungering undead such as ghouls or vampires do
not need to feed. An undead is awakened from torpor if its final resting place is disturbed. The caster may set other
conditions; a common condition is a particular alignment of the stars or outer planes. An awakened undead may choose to
return to torpor after it has resolved the reason for its awakening, or it may remain awake. Torpor may be cast against an
unwilling target, but a successful saving throw versus Death allows the undead creature to avoid being placed into torpor.
Trance Range: 120
Divine 1 (Shaman) Duration: 1 round per level
This spell places the caster into a deep trance. For the duration of the spell, the caster cannot move, speak, or take any
action. Each round while in the trance, the caster can detect the presence and location of one the following, if within range:
curses, incorporeal undead, permanent magical effects, sinkholes of evil, or summoned creatures.
Unseen Servant Range: 30
Arcane 1 Duration: 6 turns plus 1 turn per level
An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force used as a valet or assistant by mages. It can fetch items, open
doors, hold chairs, clean, and perform other simple tasks. The servant can perform only one activity at a time but will
perform this task unceasingly until ordered otherwise or the spell expires. The servant has a combat movement rate of 20
per round. It can carry a maximum of 2 stone (20lb) or pull 4 stone (40lb) across a smooth surface. The servant can be used
to trigger traps, but since it can only exert 20 pounds of force it cannot active certain pressure plates. The unseen servant
cannot fight, nor can it be harmed by normal attacks. It can be dispelled or it can be dissipated by receiving 6 points of
damage from area attacks. If the caster attempts to send it outside the spells range, the servant dissipates instantly.
Wall of Corpses Range: 120
Arcane 6 Duration: 2 turns
The caster conjures a horrific barrier formed writhing, animated corpses. The wall of corpses can be as large as 1,200 square
feet, and may be shaped in any manner and to any dimensions the caster desires. For instance, it might be a straight wall
120 long and 10 high, or a protective circle 10 high with a 10 radius. Upon first seeing a wall of corpses, creatures must
make a successful saving throw versus Spells or flee in terror for 30 rounds. Any creatures approaching within 5 of the wall
are subject to attack as if from a zombie (see the Monsters Chapter of ACKS) each round.
A dispel magic or a disintegrate spell will destroy a wall of corpses immediately. The wall of corpses can also be affected by
normal or magical attacks, fire, cold, lightning, or any other physical or magical effect, but is quite sturdy, having AC 4 and 2
Hit Dice per level of the caster. A wall of corpses may be turned by a cleric as an Infernal creature; successfully turning the
wall of corpses will cause the corpses within to lose their animating force, rendering it merely an inert, fleshy barrier for the
duration of the turning. The wall of corpses may not be evoked so that it appears where objects or creatures already are.
Wall of Force Range: 120
Arcane 6 Duration: 2 turns
An invisible, impenetrable wall of force springs into existence for the duration of the spell. The wall can be as large as 1,200
square feet, and may be shaped in any manner and to any dimensions the caster desires. For instance, it might be a straight
wall 120 long and 10 high, or a protective circle 10 high with a 10 radius. The wall of force is totally impenetrable, and is
unaffected by normal or magical attacks, fire, cold, lightning, or any other physical or magical effect. Even a dispel magic will
not affect it, but a disintegrate spell will destroy it. A wall of force may not be evoked so that it appears where objects or
creatures already are.
Warp Wood Range: 240
Divine 3 (shaman) Duration: permanent
By means of this spell, the caster can warp and bend wooden weapons, wands, and staffs. The spell will affect one arrow or
bolt for each level of the caster. A spear, javelin, or wand counts as 2 arrows, while a club, bow, or staff counts as four. The
spell has no effect on wooden items other than weapons, wands, and staffs. If a magical wooden item is targeted by this
spell, the wielder may make a saving throw versus Spells to avoid the effect. The saving throw is +1 for each charge or point
of magical bonus the item possesses.
Water Breathing Range: 30
Divine 3 (shaman) Duration: 1 day
Except as noted above, this spell is identical to the 3rd level arcane spell of the same name.
Water Walking Range: 30
Divine 3 (Shaman, Priestess) Duration: 6 turns plus 1 turn per level
This spell allows the affected creature to walk on water as if it were solid, dry land. The creature can still attack creatures in
or beneath the surface of the water, but cannot swim or submerge itself without ending the spell effect. This spell is used to
create rings of water walking.
X-Ray Vision Range: 60
Arcane 5 Duration: concentration
The caster of this spell can see through a stone wall up to 30. The wearer may see 60 if looking through wood and other
low-density material. A 10 square area (100 square feet) can be visually examined each turn, and any secret doors, hidden
recesses, or traps will be evident. This activity takes full concentration, and the spellcaster cannot move or take any other
action. Lead or gold will block x-ray vision. This spell is used to create rings of x-ray vision.
Cancellation Range: touch
Arcane Ritual 7 Duration: instantaneous
When cast on a magic item, the ritual causes the item to permanently lose all of its power and becomes an ordinary item in
all respects. Normally this spell will not affect artifacts and relics, but at the Judges discretion such items might be
susceptible if the cancellation was cast using special components of great rarity. This ritual is used to create rods of
Cataclysm Range: special
Divine Ritual 7 Duration: 1 day
When a divine spellcaster performs the cataclysm ritual, he is unleashing the full wrath of his god. The nature of the
cataclysm will depend on the deity the spellcaster serves: Ammonar, Lord of the Dawn favors a meteor from the heavens,
while Telith, the Earth Mother, often sends earthquakes, and Dirgion the Doom Lord prefers a rain of hell fire. Regardless of
its form, a cataclysm will affect one domain with an area of up to 16 6-mile hexes (or 1 24-mile hex). It can affect both the
domain and any urban settlement within the domain, but each should be treated separately.
A cataclysm has unlimited range, but the caster must have either visited the target domain, or personally met the ruler of
the target domain. Cataclysm cannot be cast against the domain of a ruler of the same alignment and religion as the divine
caster, and is usually reserved for punishing terrible heresies or during holy wars. A cataclysms special component is always
divine power (see Divine Power in Chapter 7 of ACKS for more details).
Once the cataclysm ritual is begun, ominous signs and portents (swelling tides, falling stars, rippling fault-lines, etc.) will
warn of imminent doom, with increasing frequency as the ritual nears completion. A miracle or wish, if available, can be
used during this time period to avert the cataclysm. The death of the rituals caster will also avert the cataclysm. Left
unchecked, the actual cataclysm will occur when the ritual is completed.
If it is allowed to occur, the cataclysm devastates the target domain. The extent of damage caused by the cataclysm will
depend on the population density of the affected domain. For every 1,000 families in a domain, each stronghold and each
urban settlement will lose 3d6x1000gp in value, and 1d10x100 families will be slain. (Where the number of dice is quite
large, the Judge can simply use the average values or use an online die rolling tool). If the remaining stronghold value or
urban investment value in the hex is too low to sustain the domains population, it will immediately lose any excess
population as the population scatters. A domain subject to a cataclysm must also make an immediate domain morale roll
with a -4 penalty.
EXAMPLE: Mentu the Death-Priest unleashes a cataclysm on the domain of Aura itself. A band of heroes fails to stop him in
time, and the cataclysm occurs as rains of hell fire plummet downward. Aura has a population of 12,500 plus an urban
settlement with 100,000 families. Its stronghold value is 720,000gp and its urban investment is 2,500,000gp. The cataclysm
causes the loss of (12,500/1000 x 1d10x100) 12d10x100 peasant families and (100,000/1000 x 1d10x100) 100d10x100
urban families. The dice result in the loss of 5,700 peasant families and 54,400 urban families. The cataclysm also causes the
loss of (12,500/1000 x 3d6x1000gp) 36d6x1000gp in stronghold value and (100,000/1000 x 3d6x1000gp) 300d6x1000gp in
urban investment. The dice result in the loss of 132,000gp in stronghold value and 1,085,000gp in urban investment.
Energy Drain Range: 60
Arcane Ritual 7, Divine Ritual 7 Duration: instantaneous
This horrific ritual permanently drains one hit die or life level from a target within range with no saving throw. This ritual is
used to create swords of life drinking.
Forbiddance Range: 120
Divine Ritual 6 Duration: permanent
Through a forbiddance ritual, the divine spellcaster seals an area of up to 100 cubic feet per level against extradimensional
beings and extradimensional means of travel. No dimension door or teleportation spells or spell effects will enter, leave, or
function within the area of effect. No summoned creatures (such as djinni, efreet, elementals, or invisible stalkers) can be
conjured by any means within the area. A forbiddance spell lasts until it is dispelled by either the caster or a higher-level
In addition, forbiddance damages creatures that enter the area of effect if their alignment differs from that of the divine
spellcaster. If the alignment differs by one degree (e.g. a Neutral creature entering an area of Lawful forbiddance), the
creature suffers 6d6 points of damage. If the alignment differs by two degrees (e.g. a Lawful creature entering an area of
Chaotic forbiddance), the creature suffers 12d6 points of damage. In either case, the creature may make a saving throw
versus Spells to reduce the damage to half.
Life Trapping Range: 0
Arcane Ritual 9 Duration: special
This ritual enables the spellcaster to create an extradimensional compartment within a reflective device such as a mirror,
crystal, or polished jewel. The first human-sized or smaller creature that sees its reflection in the device must make a saving
throw versus Spells or be trapped within the devices extradimensional compartment. When a creature is trapped, it is taken
bodily into the object, along with all its clothing and equipment. Creatures trapped by the device do not age, breathe, or
eat, and are completely powerless. Anyone holding the device may call the reflection of the creature trapped within the
device to its surface, and engage the powerless prisoner in conversation. The spell ends if the device is broken or subject to
a dispel evil or dispel magic by a higher-level spellcaster. In either event, the creature within is freed. This ritual is used to
create mirrors of life trapping.
Longevity* Range: touch
Divine Ritual 6 Duration: instantaneous
This ritual makes the creature touched 10 years younger. This restored youth is possible not only for natural aging, but also
for aging from magic or creature effects. Age cannot be reduced below 15 (or mid-adolescence for creatures other than
humans). Each time a creature is subject to a longevity ritual, there is a cumulative 1% probability that all previous age
reversals from rituals of this type (including potions) will be negated, raising the characters age to the age he would be
without the effects of the magic. This ritual is used to create potions of longevity.
The reverse of this spell, decrepitude, will age the victim by 10 years. There is no saving throw against the aging. Worse,
creatures with short lifespans (such as humans) must make a saving throw versus Death to avoid dying from the shock of the
sudden aging. This ritual is used to create staffs of withering.

Miracle Range: unlimited

Divine Ritual 7 Duration: see below
Like its arcane counterpart, wish, this ritual can accomplish any the effects of any other spell, or create comparable effects.
Events can be reversed; the dead can be brought back to life; or an entire army might be healed of damage. An entire group
could be teleported to any location with no chance of error. Unlike wish, however, miracles are fulfilled indirectly, via the
intercessory power of the clerics deity, and successful fulfillment of the miracle is contingent on the approval of the deity
rather than on the precise wording used. Miracles which do not advance the agenda of the deity will invariably go
unfulfilled, and unless the miracle is obviously self-sacrificing on the part of the divine caster, the deity will subject him to a
quest when the miracle is granted. A miracles special component is always divine power (see Divine Power in Chapter 7 of
ACKS for more details).
Opposition Range: 0
Arcane Ritual 8 Duration: special
This ritual enables the spellcaster to place a deadly dweomer upon a reflective device such as a mirror, crystal, or polished
jewel. The first human-sized or smaller creature that sees its reflection in the device is immediately confronted by a
duplicate of itself. This duplicate has all the possessions and powers of its original (including magic), but has an opposite and
inimical disposition. The duplicate immediately and relentlessly attacks the original. Upon the defeat or destruction of either
the duplicate or the original, the duplicate and its items disappear completely. This ritual is used to create mirrors of
Plague Range: special
Arcane Ritual 9 Duration: 1 month per level
This ritual creates a terrible pestilence that devastates the local population. The plague initially targets one 6-mile hex. Each
month, it affects an additional 6-mile hex adjacent to those already affected. Each hex targeted by plague loses 1d10
families for every 100 families each month. Any die that rolls a 10 should be rolled again, with the new result added to the
total (repeating the process if a subsequent 10 is rolled).
EXAMPLE: A 1-hex barony with a population of 700 families is subject to plague. Each month it loses 7d10 families. After 14
months, the barony has lost a total of 505 families from a roll of 98d10.
A plague can devastate a domains morale as well as its population. Any time that a domain affected by plague must make a
morale roll, its morale score is reduced by 1 point prior to making the roll.
EXAMPLE: A 1-hex barony with a morale score of +1 (Loyal) is subject to plague in the first month of the year. At the end of
three months, the barony must make its seasonal morale roll; the morale score is reduced by 1 point, to 0 (Apathetic). The
domain then makes its morale roll; the result is a 4, meaning morale is reduced by 1 point, to -1 (Demoralized). Another
three months passes, and the barony must make another seasonal morale roll. Its morale score is reduced by another point,
to -2. It then makes its morale roll. The result is, luckily, a 9, so its morale score is increased by 1 point, back to -1.
Regeneration* Range: 30
Divine Ritual 6 Duration: permanent
This ritual heals a living subject of any permanent wounds, including severed body parts, broken bones, ruined organs, etc.
After the spell is cast, the physical regeneration is instantly complete if the severed members are present and touching the
creature. It takes 1 turn otherwise. Regenerate also cures 4d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level, and removes any
requirement for bed rest. Unlike restore life and limb, the subject does not need to roll on the Tampering With Mortality
The reverse of this ritual, withering, deals 4d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level, and inflicts a permanent wound of
the casters choice on the target. The spellcaster may choose to ruin the targets lips and tongue (result 5/6 on the Mortal
Wounds table), destroy the targets eyes (result 5/5), wither one of the targets legs (10/4) or arms (10/3), or damage the
targets hearts and lungs (15/1). The target may resist the effects with a successful saving throw versus Spells. This ritual is
used to create staffs of withering.
Spell Turning Range: touch
Arcane Ritual 7 Duration: special
This ritual creates a protective dweomer around the creature touched that reflects other spells back against their casters,
leaving the recipient of spell turning unaffected. The recipients own spells can still affect him, but spells of allies will be
reflected even if their effects would be beneficial. Only spells are affected, not monster powers or magical effects which
arent spells. One spell per level of the rituals caster can be reflected. If two casters are both protected by this ritual, and
one casts a spell at the other, the spell will bounce between them until one of the rituals ends. The ritual ends when subject
to dispel magic or when the maximum number of spells is turned. This ritual is used to create rings of spell turning.
Summon Efreeti Range: 10
Arcane Ritual 8 Duration: 33 2/3 days
This ritual summons an efreeti (as described in the Monsters chapter of Adventurer Conqueror King System). The efreeti will
serve and obey the character that summoned it for a period of 33 2/3 days, until it grants a wish, or until slain. Whether
asked to grant wishes or perform other services, efreet resent being summoned, and they will attempt to twist the meaning
of their orders wherever possible. Because of the hostility and unreliability of efreet, wizards often prefer to learn and cast
wish themselves, even though it is a more difficult ritual. This ritual is used to create efreeti bottles.
Temporal Stasis Range: touch
Arcane Ritual 8 Duration: permanent
This ritual places the subject into a state of temporal stasis. Time ceases to flow for the subject; its body does not age, its
condition does not change, and no force or effect can harm it. This state persists until the temporal stasis is dispelled by the
caster or a higher-level spellcaster, or until a condition, set when the ritual is cast, is met. A common condition is a particular
alignment of the stars or outer planes. Temporal stasis may be cast against an unwilling target, but a successful saving throw
versus Death allows the target to avoid being placed into temporal stasis.
Undead Legion Range: touch
Arcane Ritual 9 Duration: permanent
This ritual can only be cast in a place of death (such as a cemetery, catacomb, or battleground). When it is complete, the
spellcaster raises an undead legion under his command from the corpses and skeletons residing therein. The undead legion
will include a number of Hit Dice of skeletons or zombies equal to 200 times the casters level, subject to the maximum
number of dead in his area. Whether the undead legion consists of skeletons or zombies will depend on the state of the
corpses in the surrounding area. Animated skeletons have Hit Dice equal to the number the monster had in life, excluding
class levels; for skeletons of humans or demi-humans, this means one Hit Die, regardless of the class level of the deceased.
Zombies have one more Hit Die than the monster had in life. The undead legion normally lasts for just one week, but the
spellcaster can make the spell permanent by sprinkling 1 vial of unholy water per Hit Die on each zombie or skeleton. If this
is done, the undead remain animated until they are destroyed or dispelled.
EXAMPLE: Sebek, a 14th level mage, travels to the catacombs of Old Zahar, in order to perform the undead legion ritual.
After 9 weeks, his Magic Research throw succeeds, so he animates 2,800 Hit Dice of undead. Since the Old Zaharans
mummified the dead, the corpses are relatively intact and become zombies. Sebeks undead legion consists of 1,400 2 HD
human zombies. Sebek then sprinkles his army with unholy water so that it will remain animated indefinitely. The ritual has
taken 9 weeks to complete, at a cost of 74,500gp (4,500gp for the ritual and 70,000gp for unholy water). Compared to the
cost of training and equipping 1,400 heavy infantry (177,800gp), Sebek considers his ritual a wise investment.
Note that if undead legion is cast in a sinkhole of evil, the spellcaster will calculate the spell effects as if he were one or
more class levels higher than his actual level of experience. See Sinkholes of Evil in Chapter 10 of ACKS for more information
on sinkholes and places of death.
Several of the templates presented in this book make use of new armor, clothing, and equipment options. Costs for these
items are listed on the tables below. Additional information about some items is provided in the Equipment Descriptions
section following the tables.
Clothing Cost Armor Cost
Belt / Sash (embossed leather) 1gp Heavy Helmet 20gp
Belt / Sash (silk) 1gp Light Helmet 0gp (5gp)
Breastwrap (wool or linen) 4sp
Breastwrap (silk) 1gp Adventuring Equipment
Chiton (wool or linen) 4gp Craftsmans tools (any) 25gp
Chiton (silk) 20gp Craftsmans workshop (any) 350gp
Cloak (embroidered, hooded) 4gp Dice (pair) 5sp
Cloak (leather, hooded) 10gp Holy Book 20gp
Cloak (silk, hooded) 25gp Journal 10gp
Gloves (long, leather) 1gp Machinists tools 25gp
Loincloth 1sp Manacles 2gp
Sandals (high) 6sp
Skullcap (metal) 3gp Foodstuffs
Veil (silk) 1gp Ale/Beer (strong, 1 pint) 1sp

Belt: Embossed leather or silk belts are worn as a sign of wealth and status.
Breastwrap: This is a band of wool or linen wrapped across the breasts for support. Silk breastwraps signify a woman of
wealth and status. Historical examples include the Greek apodesmos and Roman mamillare.
Chiton: The chiton is a linen or wool garment made up of a single rectangle of fabric, worn draped over the shoulders and
girdled around the waist, to fasten a blouse and skirt. A silk chiton is a mark of status and money.
Cloak: Embroidered, leather, and silk cloaks are a sign of status and wealth.
Craftsmans Tools: Craftsmans tools include the various implements used by tradesman in their craft. Craftsman tools are
required to make Craft proficiency throws. Each craft has its own specific type of craftsmans tools. Craftsmans tools weigh 1
Craftsmans Workshop: A craftsmans workshop has a full complement of craftsmans tools and furnishings sufficient to
allow up to 8 craftsmen to work together. A Master Craftsman must have access to a craftsmans workshop in order to
increase the productivity of journeymen and apprentices. Each craft has its own specific type of craftsmans workshop.
When set up, a workshop takes up 20 x 20 space.
Dice: Dice are commonly available in many shapes and sizes, made from bone, ivory, talus, or wood.
Gloves: Long gloves are worn primarily for fashion. They are custom fitted to tightly cover the hands, forearms and elbows.
Wearing gloves does not protect against curses or slime. Thief abilities such as picking pockets, opening locks, or removing
traps cannot be performed while wearing gloves.
Heavy Helmet: This is a metal close-faced or visored helmet that completely covers the face, head, and neck. A heavy
helmet must be purchased separately from a suit of armor. Wearing a heavy helm imposes a -1 penalty to surprise rolls and
-4 penalty to proficiency throws to hear noise, but offers a +2 bonus on d20 rolls made on the Mortal Wounds table.
Historical examples of heavy helmets include the classical Corinthian helmet, Roman gladiatorial helmets, and the medieval
armet, barbute, close helm, great helm, and hounskull.
Light Helmet: This is any leather or metal open-faced helmet designed to protect the head and neck while maintaining
unrestricted sight and breathing. A light helmet is included in the cost of any suit of armor. If a suit of armor is worn without
a helmet, decrease the characters armor class by 1 point. A light helmet can purchased separately from a suit of armor at a
cost of 5gp, but provides no in-game benefit. Historical examples include the Illyrian, Phyrgian, Boeotian, Attic, and Galean
helmets of Antiquity, the medieval bascinet, nasal helm, and spangenhelm, and the Renaissance burgonet and sallet.
Holy Book: A holy book is a parchment, papyrus, or vellum codex or scroll of religious writings. Access to a holy book grants
a +1 bonus on Theology proficiency throws. Historical examples include the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Hebrew Torah,
the Ancient Greek Theogony, and the Tao Te Ching.
Journal: A journal is a folded parchment or papyrus notebook used for writing ships logs, maps, illustrations, and book-
keeping entries. A journal has 50 pages and is considerably less sturdy than a spell book. A historical example is the Roman
pugillares membrane.
Machinists Tools: Machinists tools encompass a variety of implements including the adze, auger, bow drill, chisel,
drawknife, fine gold wire, hand-plane hand-saw, hammer, ruler, toothed saw, and touchstone. Machinists tools are required
to make proficiency throws to design, build, and repair automatons. Machinists tools weigh one stone.
Manacles: These are metal fetters designed to shackle a creatures hands or ankles. A character with Contortionism
proficiency can escape from manacles in 1 turn with a proficiency throw of 18+. Breaking free of manacles through brute
strength requires 1 turn and a proficiency throw of 24+ on 1d20. Any bonuses or penalties that would apply to a proficiency
throw to open doors also apply to this roll. (For example, a character with STR 18 would gain a +12 bonus to break free of
manacles, while a character with Dungeon Bashing proficiency would gain a +4 bonus). Manacles of unusual material or size
may impose a penalty on this proficiency throw.

The anti-paladin, barbarian, dwarven machinist and dwarven spelunker classes have several new proficiencies in their class
list, all of which are detailed below.
Armor Training: The character may fight wearing armor up to 2 (two) points heavier than normally permitted by his class
without penalty. Armor Training proficiency does not grant the character the ability to cast spells in armor, use thief skills in
armor heavier than leather, or benefit from proficiencies or class powers that forbid use of certain armor.
Inventing: The character has a creative mind capable of envisioning new machines and devices. He may design automatons
as if he were two class levels higher than actual. The time required for the character to design automatons is reduced by
Jury-Rigging: The character can somehow get automatons running again with seemingly little more than lantern oil and a
10 pole. He may repair automatons as if he were two class levels higher than actual. He can perform hasty repairs, taking
just 10 minutes (1 turn) rather than 1 hour. Hasty repairs only last for 4d6 turns, with any hp repaired being lost when the
duration ends. The Judge should make the determination of how long the repairs will last in secret.
Kin-Slaying: The character has been trained to ruthlessly cut down his chthonic masters foes. He receives +1 on attack
throws against humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and nobiran. At level 7, this bonus increases to +2, and at level 13
it increases to +3.
Personal Automaton: All machinists enjoy tinkering with customized creations. A machinist with the Personal Automaton
proficiency is obsessed with one particular creation, his personal automaton, which he continuously modifies and upgrades
When the proficiency is first taken, the character immediately gains a personal automaton of his own design worth up to
7,000gp. If the characters personal automaton is ever destroyed or disassembled, the character may design and/or build a
new one. A character may never have more than one personal automaton at a time.
Designing a personal automaton costs 7,000gp less than normal, with the equivalent reductions in design time and library
requirements. As a consequence the finished design can only be used by the character, and only to build a personal
automaton. This represents the character making incomplete and undocumented designs for personal use.
Building a personal automaton also costs 7,000gp less than normal, with equivalent reductions in building time and
workshop requirements. As a consequence, the personal automaton requires daily maintenance from its builder of at least 1
turn per day. If the maintenance is not performed, the automaton is nonfunctional until 3d6 turns are spent returning it to
working order. This represents the personal automatons perpetually unfinished state.
Any proficiency throws to design and build personal automatons are always successful.
If desired, the character may disassemble his personal automaton for up to 50% of the unadjusted build cost in materials.
This takes 1 day per 1,000gp of returned value. These materials may only be used to offset the cost of constructing another
Personal automatons may be sold, but are only worth scrap value (1/100 th build cost).
A personal automaton may not be controlled or operated by anyone other than the character.
Scavenging: One dwarfs junk is another dwarfs treasure, the saying goes. The character knows how to find and salvage
spare parts and components from dwarven ruins, wrecked machines, and remnants of old automatons. As a result, the cost
for the character to build or design automatons is reduced by 10%. This proficiency can be selected multiple times. Each
time it is selected, the cost for the character to build or design automatons is reduced by an additional 10% of the base cost.
Tinkering: The character is an expert at tweaking and optimizing machines. He may build automatons as if he were two class
levels higher than actual. The time required for the character to build an automaton is reduced by 20%.
Unarmed Fighting: The character is an expert in striking with fist and feet. When brawling (see ACKS p.109), he may deal
lethal damage. He can punch or kick characters in metal armor without himself taking damage.
Vermin-Slaying: The character specializes in exterminating the insects, slimes, and swarms that plague the underdark. With
a proficiency throw of 11+, he can identify the abilities and vulnerabilities of various vermin based on their physical
appearance. He receives a +1 bonus when making saving throws against special attacks by vermin (e.g. a carcass scavengers
paralyzing stinger or yellow molds spores).

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