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Titles of Power (And How To Obtain Them)

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The document outlines several specialty classes that characters can take to gain unique titles and abilities, including the Sword Dancer class.

The character must have watched the sunrise at least once, and have spent one consecutive month living on the surface and dancing under the light of the moon. They must also be able to cast 2nd level spells and have Elistraee as their patron.

At 1st level, a Sword Dancer forms a bond with one melee weapon, making it magical if it isn't already. They can also use a bonus action to engulf the sword with moonfire for additional cold damage.

Table Of Contents

Introduction 4
Specialty Classes
Tiles and Player Characters
Titles and NPCs
Arachne 4
Creating an Arachne
Class Options
The Test of Lolth
Spider Queen Domain 5
Arachne Specialty Class 5
Creating Zin-carla 6
The Cat Lord 7
Becoming the Cat Lord
Class Options
Blessing of the Cat Lord Feat
The Cat Lord Warlock Patron 8
Abilities of The Cat Lord 8
Dreadmaster 9
Creating a Dreadmaster
Class Options
Dreadmaster Specialty Class 9
Imposing Presence Feat 10
Dweomerkeeper 11
Creating a Dweomerkeeper
Dweomerkeeper Specialty Class
Hammer of Moradin 12
Creating a Hammer of Moradin
Class Options 13
Dwarven Defender Martial Archetype 13
Hammer of Moradin Specialty Class 13
Ocular Adept 14
Creating an Ocular Adept
Class Options
Great Mother Patron
Ocular Adept Specialty Class 15
The Siamorphe 16
Becoming the Siamorphe
Variant Noble: Siamorphe Successor
Abilities of the Siamorphe 17
Sword Dancer 17
Creating a Sword Dancer
Class Options
Paladin Oath of Harmony
Sword Dancer Specialty Class 18

ost every worthy title holds some sort
of power; king, lord, high priestess. The more specific requirements that are relevant to the title being
boundaries of the power may vary, but obtained. Whenever a player gains a level, they may choose to
it is undeniable. Common titles like gain a level in their specialty class instead of gaining a level in
those listed are found nearly their current class. Specialty class levels are added to all
everywhere-even orcs have their other class levels when determining a character's total level.
chieftains. Titles of true power, While a class with only three to four levels may sound
however, are harder to come by. True power, like that granted underwhelming, it is designed to highlight the most
by the deities, transcend physical boundaries; it is not important abilities that a title grants. It is also designed to be
contained within a kingdom or a church. as unobtrusive as possible to level progression, and for those
A cleric of Lolth may be well known and respected within who may not be used to(or fans of) traditional multiclassing.
her community, but it is not likely that her title will carry
much weight in Menzoberranzan. An Arachne however, Titles and Player Characters
having passed the Tests of Lolth, will have her title Character growth is an important part of the game to many
acknowledged by nearly all drow. A kingdom may have a players and DMs alike. Titles of power give players
tyrannical leader who inspires fear in his followers, but a something to work towards outside of their parties goals, and
tyrant is still vulnerable to a revolt; a Dreadmaster inspires can turn into hours of roleplay and side quests for the whole
not just fear but fanatical loyalty, and their title alone inspires party. The titles and class options in this supplement can be
fear outside of their following. used to further the story of existing characters, or provide
The lore provided for the titles in this supplement has been inspiration and goals for new ones.
modified from the traditional Forgotten Realms lore. Most Specialty classes are given level requirements to drive
titles have been portrayed as close to their older edition home the point that not just anyone can obtain the titles
counterparts as possible, but some(like the Cat Lord) have being given. DMs may choose to create a side quest for only
been modified and expanded upon due to an absence of lore. the obtaining of a specialty class, each level obtained, or not
If your game takes place outside of the Forgotten Realms, you at all! There is no wrong way to implement them in your
may want to further tweak the provided lore to better fit in game, only recommendations.
your setting. The deities named and multiclass requirements for the
Specialty Classes specialty classes are based in Forgotten Realms lore, and
may not be relevant to your setting. I encourage you to
The three to four level classes that accompany most of the customize them(or do away with them all together) to better
titles in this supplement are called Specialty Classes. They fit in your world. For example, named deities may be swapped
are designed to be a compatible multiclass to any character out for a custom deity of a similar domain.
build that meets the requirements for the title. Similar to the
prestige classes of older editions, the goal is to add depth and Titles and NPCs
a feeling of power to your characters. Unlike prestige classes, NPCs with titles of power should not be a common
most titles can be gained as early as 6th level. The abilities occurrence. Most titles are difficult to achieve, especially for
are balanced for the levels they are intended to be taken at, your average NPC. Use titles to create or enhance powerful
but still give players unique abilities that further differentiate NPCs, such as powerful rulers and high-level allies(and
them from others of the same class. enemies). .
Taking a specialty class functions in the same way as
multiclassing. Instead of ability score requirements, there are

rachne are the pinnacle of drow civilization. ambush and slay the enemy of the Spider Queen (the drow
Many a devoted priestess of Lolth has aspired who is actually being tested). When the target is attacked, she
to become one of the arachne, but few pass the is spoken to by Lolth who informs her of the test and that the
tests set forth by the fickle goddess. Those that outcome of the battle will determine her fate. This is above
do pass are often matriarchs of drow noble all a test of loyalty, to discern whether the target is willing to
houses, or the daughters of such mothers. The kill an ally at the Spider Queen’s orders.
abilities granted to the arachne are The test is also about power and resourcefulness. For PC’s
unmistakably gifted by Lolth, which may affect their subjected to the test, the attacker is always a drow NPC of a
relationship with the world above ground. suitable challenge rating. The encounter should be difficult,
and the subject often has to expend all of her resources to
Creating an Arachne succeed. The attacker must be slain to satisfy Lolth.
Arachne are primarily drow, and sometimes half-drow. Rarely, If the subject passes the test, she receives a Blessing of
an arachne may be of another race of the Underdark. Like the Lolth for one month and may claim any items she wishes
clerics of Lolth, they are also almost exclusively female from her fallen enemy. Upon failing the test, Lolth sucks the
presenting. A male drow given the Test of Lolth is more likely subjects soul dry. If the subject refuses to fight, fails to defeat
to be set up to further the Spider Queen's agenda of drow the attacker, or is knocked unconscious but left alive, she is
infighting than they are to become a successful arachne. turned into a drider and often leaves her home in shame.
Since arachne are required to have access to at least 3rd Other drow are used to strange disappearances, and those
level spells, players that take this title will likely have several who fail are rarely mentioned again.
levels in a spellcasting class(except for under special DMs are encouraged to run the Test of Lolth however they
circumstances, or at DM's discretion.) Cleric is reccomended, see fit. If your player is not in a location where undergoing
as is the Spider Queen domain provided in this section. the test makes sense, or their character hasn’t quite
How your characters background ties in to gaining their progressed to that point by 6th level, take your time! If you
title is up to you, though it is worth asking yourself a few prefer not to use someone close to the character for the test,
questions. How does serving the Spider Queen affect your use any random drow or a creature that serves the Spider
party, and the relationships you have with them? If your Queen(another low level arachne would also be an excellent
campaign doesn't take place in the Underdark, what is strong choice). The encounter should be a solo encounter designed
enough to pull a devout follower of Lolth from their home for to challenge the player receiving the title. It should be
an extended period of time? These questions, and others, defeatable, but that does not mean easy. Players should have
may change the way you go about claiming your title. to think carefully about their resources and abilities to make
it through the fight.
Class Options
Included in this section are two class options: the Spider
Queen cleric domain, and the Arachne specialty class. The
arachne class can only be taken after a player passes the Test
of Lolth, but any follower of Lolth may choose the cleric
The Test of Lolth
Due to her belief that the Drow are best served by constantly
struggling against each other, the tests that Lolth presents
her most exceptional followers typically center around
interpersonal conflicts. The test, known as the Test of Lolth,
may be given to any Lolth-worshipping drow of 6th level or
To determine if they are worthy of her patronage--and
worthy of their lives--, Lolth plants thoughts in the mind of a
family member, friend, or close ally of the subject. These
thoughts lead them to believe that they have been chosen
specially by the Spider Queen to destroy one of her enemies.
(If the subject of the test has no suitable relationship, Lolth
may choose a random drow or priest that has not been
fervent enough in their worship.) They are instructed to

Divine Strike
The Blessing of Lolth At 8th level, your weapons are imbued with toxins. Once on
The Blessing of Lolth is intended to be used as a each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
boon for completing her tests, but may be gifted attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 poison
for other reasons as well. damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage
Recieving the blessing grants the subject increases to 2d8.
advantage on attacks, saves, and ability checks for
(up to) one month. Improved Swarm
Upon reaching 17th level, the number of swarms that you can
summon with the Lolth's Swarm feature increases to four.
When you use this feature to create more than one swarm,
Spider Queen Domain you can’t use it again until you have finished a long rest.
At 1st level, a cleric gains the Cleric Domain feature.
Provided is an alternate option for that feature, intended for Arachne Specialty Class
followers of the Spider Queen.
Spider Queen domain spells Race: Drow, half-drow, or other underdark race with DM
Cleric Level Spells permission
1st Compelled Duel, Earth Tremor Gender: Female presenting
Alignment: Evil (lawful, neutral, or chaotic)
3rd Spider Climb, Web Patron: Lolth
5th Erupting Earth, Fear Spells: Ability to cast 3rd level spells
7th Giant Insect, Phantasmal Killer
Special: Must have passed the Test of Lolth
9th Geas, Modify Memory
The Arachne
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain Level Requirement Features
proficiency with martial weapons and the Abyssal language. 1st 6th level Divine Mount, Divine Resistance
Arachnid Ally 2nd 12th level Undead Servants, Domination
At 1st level, you gain the ability to cast the Find Familiar spell, 3rd 18th level Handmaiden of Lolth
which counts as a cleric spell for you and may only be used to
summon a spider familiar. Once you have used this feature,
you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Channel Divinity: Venomous Strike When taking the Arachne class, you gain the following class
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to utilize the venom features
produced by most of Lolth's favored creatures. As a bonus
action, you can use your Channel Divinity to coat a melee Hit Dice: 1d8 per Arachne level
weapon you are holding with venom. The next time you make Language: Abyssal
a successful melee attack against a creature with the coated Divine Mount
weapon, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw
against your spell save DC. A creature that is immune to Upon passing the test of Lolth and taking the 1st level of the
being poisoned automatically succeeds the saving throw. On Arachne class, you are considered one of Lolth’s chosen. You
a failed save, the creature takes poison damage equal to your learn the Find Greater Steed spell, and can use it only to
cleric level and becomes poisoned for one minute. On a summon a Giant Spider mount. You can use this feature once
successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and per long rest.
is not poisoned. A creature poisoned by this ability can make
a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, Divine Resistance
ending the effect on a successful save. Starting at 1st level, you gain resistance to poison damage.
Lolth's Swarm Additionally, any spider webs that would cause an area to
Starting at 6th level, you can use your action to summon a become difficult terrain do not affect you.
Swarm of Insects to a point that you can see within 30 feet.
The swarm is made up of spiders and lasts for one minute, or Undead Servants
until the swarm is destroyed. Upon taking the 2nd level of this class, Lolth grants you the
If the swarm is not destroyed at the end of one minute, the ability to create zin-carla to do your bidding. You learn the
spiders explode in a puff of smoke. Any creature within 5 Create Zin-Carla spell, included at the end of this class
feetof the smoke must make a DC 12 Constitution save, or be description.
stunned for one round. Once you have used this feature, you
can’t use it again until you have finished a short or long rest.

Domination Creating Zin-carla
Starting at 2nd level, spells that you cast to charm creatures Translated from Undercommon, zin-carla means "spirit-
ignore immunity. wraith". Lolth only grants access to the creation ritual to her
most powerful Arachne, under the agreement that they may
Handmaiden of Lolth never be used purely for revenge or to bring harm to the
Becoming a Handmaiden of Lolth is one of the greatest drow. To summon a zin-carla, the arachne forcibly returns a
honors. Upon taking the 3rd level of this class, you gain the creatures soul to its corpse. While the creator has complete
ability to transform into a Yochlol. This transformation lasts control over the zin-carla, if anything severs that control the
for 1 minute, or until you are reduced to 0 hit points. If zin-carla seeks only vengance on its creator.
damage taken in this form would reduce you below 0 hit
points, you take the excess damage after reverting to your
normal form. After using this ability you can’t use it again
until you have finished a short or long rest.

Create Zin-carla any given time), you can command any or all of them at
the same time, issuing the same command to each
3rd level necromancy
one. You decide what action the creature will take and
Casting Time: 1 minute where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue
Range: 10 feet general commands such as guarding locations. If you
Components: V S issue no commands, the creature only defends itself
Duration: Instantaneous against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the
Classes: Arachne creature continues to follow it until the task is
complete. The creature is under your control for 24
This spell creates an undead servant. Choose any hours, after which it stops obeying any command
small or medium corpse in range, of a creature with an you’ve given it. To maintain control of the creature for
Intelligence of 4 or higher. Your spell forces the another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on the
creatures spirit to reunite with their corpse, raising it as creature again before the current 24-hour period ends.
an undead creature. The target becomes a zin-carla, This use of the spell reasserts your control over up to
retaining its former ability scores but losing any special five creatures you have animated with this spell, rather
abilities or actions it may have had. On each of your than animating a new one. Additionally, after 24 hours
turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally you may cast this spell on the creature again to destroy
command any creature you made with this spell if the it. Using the spell this way only destroys one zin-carla
creature is within 60 feet of you. If you control at a time, and does not animate a new one.
multiple creatures (up to 5 at

Zin-carla Damage Immunities Poisoned

Medium undead, Neutral Evil Condition Immunities Poisoned
Languages Understands All Languages It Spoke In Life
Armor Class 13 But Can't Speak
Hit Points 24 (4d8) Senses Darkvision 60 ft
Speed 20ft. Challenge ─

Attacks The zin-carla retains any unarmed or melee

attacks of their previous form, as long as they still have
─ (─) ─ (─) ─ (─) ─ (─) ─ (─) ─ (─) the ability to make them.

he first Cat Lord is said to have been the Becoming the Cat Lord
creator of the Tabaxi, blessed with powers by
Sharess herself. The Cat Lord operates as an Becoming the Cat Lord is something that plenty of young
emissary of the goddess, concerning tabaxi dream about, and it is common to see them pretending
themselves primarily with the wellbeing of to be the lord in play.
their people. While the extent of their power is Those wishing to be the current Cat Lord's successor must
unknown, the tabaxi have many a folktale be of tabaxi decent, but can be of any gender. While the lord
about the Cat Lord’s power. Some say they are omnipotent, may grant blessings to those who aide the tabaxi, that is the
knowing and recording every slight against the tabaxi so that extent of what they can receive. While access to spell slots is
justice may be enacted. There are rumors of the Cat Lord not necessary to become the Cat Lord, those favored to
bestowing magical gifts on the most downtrodden of the become the successor usually have access to some sort of
tabaxi, or guiding lost wanderers to safety. magic. The bard, rogue, and warlock classes are all
While the current Cat Lord is granted an extended lifespan recommended when considering this path. The Cat Lord
amongst their blessings, they must find and train a successor warlock patron is designed to emulate a character being
during their last years. This successor is usually a lone considered for successor and receiving gifts from the Cat
nomad, orphan, or someone else with few personal ties. Lord.
Often times, during their earlier years, the Cat Lord will
bestow small magical gifts to an assortment of potential Class Options
successors. How they use these gifts is watched closely over Becoming the Cat Lord is no small feat, and as such is only
the years to full gauge their merit. A PC may receive a recommended for characters of 20th level and up. If you wish
blessing or gift from the cat lord at any time, but can only to commemorate a retired character with the title, you might
obtain the title after reaching 20th level. simply say that the training required for the position leveled
Once the time comes for the mantle to be passed down, the them significantly. For characters who wish to incorporate
current Cat Lord will whisk the successor away to bestow the Cat Lord aspect before they can take on the title, this
upon them their new powers and responsibilities. In recorded section contains two options: the Cat Lord warlock patron,
history, a potential successor has never turned down the and the Blessing of the Cat Lord feat. The abilities of the Cat
mantle. Lord themselves are also included for epic level play, or to
use for an NPC.

Feat: Blessing of the Cat Lord

With your DMs permission, this feat may be taken
instead of an ASI that you would receive upon
leveling up. Alternatively, your DM may choose for
you to be visited by the Cat Lord and granted this
blessing at an appropriate moment in-game.

Blessing of the Cat Lord. Roll 1d4 to determine the

nature of the blessing received from the Cat Lord.
Result Blessing
1 You gain a familiar in the form of a black
cat. This familiar functions as if summoned
by the Find Familiar spell, with the
exception of being able to dismiss the
2 You gain expertise in Stealth, and your
climbing speed increases to 30 feet.
3 You gain superior darkvision, and expertise
in perception
4 Increase your dexterity by 1, to a maximum
of 20. Once per long rest, when you
succeed on a claw attack you can choose to
do maximum damage.


Feral Assistance. The Cat Lord summons wild felines to
The Cat Lord Patron your aid. The creature that appear range from small, wild
At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron feature. cats to grand creatures such as the displacer beast
Provided is an alternate option for that feature, intended for depending on your location. You choose up to 5 creatures
tabaxi favored by the Cat Lord. that you can see within 30 feet of you for the felines to
attack. Each target must make a dexterity saving throw
Cat Lord extended spells against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature
Spell Level Spells takes 6d10 slashing damage and is knocked prone. On a
successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not
1st Beast Bond, Speak with Animals knocked prone. The summoned creatures then vanish.
2nd Animal Messenger, Pass Without Trace
3rd Catnap, Conjure Animals Abilities of the Cat Lord
4th Greater Invisibilty, Guardian of Nature After a Tabaxi PC has been chosen as the successor to the
5th Reincarnate, Wrath of Nature
current Cat Lord and reached 20th level, they gain an array of
abilities. As the Cat Lord is a quasi-deity, the following
abilities are not recommended for balanced play. Obtaining
Blessings of the Cat Lord the title of Cat Lord is recommended to commemorate
Because of the Cat Lord’s interest in you, he has granted you former or retired characters and give them a recurring role,
powers similar to his own. Starting at 1st level, you can use or for epic level games where all PCs have a similar power
an action to lick your wounds to restore hit points equal to level. The current Cat Lord can:
1d8 + your Chaisma modifier. You can use this feature a
number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier(a Lick their wounds or the wounds of others up to 9 times
minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when per long rest, restoring hit points equal to 1d8 + their spell
you finish a long rest. attack modifier.
Communicate telepathically with any feline that they can
Cat's Meow see. emit a howl filled with magic that is capable of
Starting at 1st level, you can telepathically communicate with stunning enemies within 30 feet. When doing so, choose
any feline that is within 120 feet of you. The creature can up to five non-feline enemies that can hear them. The
understand you and can respond telepathically. chosen creatures must make a Constitution saving throw
against the Cat Lord’s spell save DC or be Stunned until
Time of Need the end of their next turn. The Cat Lord can use this
You know that the Cat Lord is watching you, and can call on feature a number of times equal to their charisma
them for assistance. At 6th level when you make an ability modifier(minimum of once) per long rest.
check or saving throw, you can use this feature to add a d10 Summon wild felines to their aid, with the same
to your roll. You can do so after seeing the initial roll but specifications as the Cat Lord’s Chosen: Feral Assistance
before any of the roll’s effects occur. Once you use this feature.
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. Transform into any feline(up to a CR 1), retaining their
own AC, hit points, and ability scores, for up to 8 hours at
Paralyzing Howl a time. After using this feature, they must finish a short or
By 10th level, you have become more in tune with your feral long rest before using it again. When the Cat Lord reverts
nature. As an action, you can emit a howl filled with magic to their normal form, they return with the same hit points
that is capable of stunning enemies within 30 feet. When you as they had in feline form. If the Cat Lord is reduced to 0
do so, choose up to two non-feline enemies that can hear you. HP while in feline form, they revert back with 10 HP.
The chosen creatures must make a Constitution saving throw Has spell slots equal to a 17th level Wizard, with a list of
against your spell save DC or be Stunned until the beginning prepared spells equal to 17 + their charisma modifier.
of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times Charisma is their spellcasting modifier for these spells,
equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended and they may prepare spells from any spell list. If they
uses when you finish a long rest. were a spellcaster prior to becoming the cat lord, they take
the spell slots of the higher class level.
Cat Lord's Chosen
Being the most likely successor to the Cat Lord, they are
willing to occasionally provide you with special favors. As an
action, you can choose one of the following favors from the
Cat Lord. Once you use either effect, you can’t use this
feature again until you finish a long rest.
Transport. You and up to five willing creatures of your
choice that you can see within 30 feet of you are magically
teleported to a point of your choice within 100 miles that
you have visited within the last 24 hours.


he ultimate tyrants, dreadmasters seek As a dreadmaster, you gain the following class features
nothing short of absolute rule (preferably Hit Dice: 1d8 per dreadmaster level
through terror). To become a dreadmaster, one
must accumulate a following--churches, Dominating Aura
political followers, and entire villages are all
viable examples--over which they can exert As a dreadmaster, when you take the 1st level of this class
their rule. A dreadmaster is also always lawful you gain immunity to fear; magical or otherwise. Additionally,
evil, and serves an evil deity such as Bane. A PC who wishes you can use an action to cause any creatures within 10 feet
to become a dreadlord must be of at least 10th level. A that you can see (and that can see you) to make a Wisdom
dreadmaster wants to know all of the goings on of their saving throw or become frightened by you for up to 1 minute.
followers; every detail is scrutinized with an obsessive need The DC for the saving throw is 8 + proficiency + your
to control. They love to hoard objects that may enhance their Charisma modifier.
power or personal presence, in order to better intimidate or
win over followers. Fear and loyalty are employed by a Dreadmaster's Insight
dreadmaster in equal measure as tools of control. Most You may be paranoid, but you are exceptionally good at
dreadmasters accumulate a wealth of enemies--whether real ferreting out the true motives of others. At 2nd level, you gain
or imagined-- in their pursuit to reach the heights of any Expertise with the Insight skill.
society or organization they are part of. In a dreadmaster’s
mind, only they are capable of maintaining control and order.
Creating a Dreadmaster
Anyone can become a dreadmaster. The only things they all
seem to have in common is an evil alignment, a following,
and a thirst for power. For players who wish to become
dreadlords, any following-however small- counts. Maybe you
have amassed a small group of loyalists from your hometown,
or have worked your way into a position of power within a
church or guild. Some dreadmasters are brutish, while others
operate primarily on charisma. Both methods seem to be
equally effective.
Class Options
Included in this section are two options for aspiring
dreadlords: the Imposing Presence feat and the Dreadmaster
specialty class.

Dreadmaster Specialty
Alignment: Any evil alignment
Special: A following, at DMs discretion

The Dreadmaster
Level Requirement Features
1st 6th level Dominating Aura
2nd 12th level Dreadmaster's Insight, Insidious
3rd 18th level Fanatical Loyalty

Insidious Leadership
Starting at 2nd level, you gain advantage on Intimidation or Feat: Imposing Presence
Persuasion checks made to gain the loyalty or support of With your DMs permission, this feat may be taken
someone who is not already one of your followers. instead of an ASI that you would receive upon
leveling up. Alternatively, your DM may decide to
Fanatical Loyalty grant this feat once your following has gained
enough significance.
Upon reaching 3rd level in this class, your followers loyalty to Imposing Presence. Increase your Strength or
you is surpassed by none. They will not balk at putting their Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20. On your
lives on the line, or performing actions outside of their usual turn you may use an action to force each creature
moral compass. As a bonus action, you can use this feature to within 30 feet of you to make a wisdom saving
accomplish one of the following: throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier). A target automatically
A spell that you cast on members of your following that succeeds on the save if it can’t hear or see you.
normally grant a saving throw no longer require one On a failed save, a target becomes frightened of
A check made to Intimidate or Persuade your followers you for 1 minute. If the frightened target takes any
automatically succeed. damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the
You convince a follower to travel and fight with you, effect on itself on a success. You can use this
though their stats are up to the DM. feature a number of times equal to your charisma
modifier, and regain spent uses after completing a
long rest.
You can take advantage of this feature a number of times
equal to your charisma modifier, and regain spent uses after
finishing a long rest.

weomerkeepers are skilled arcanists and
followers of Mystra, also known as Shepherds the raw force that is magic. Appointment as a
of the Weave. They are carefully chosen by dewomerkeeper may happen to a PC who is a responsible
Mystra to protect the weave against anything follower of Mystra anytime after 6th level.
that may threaten it, though the details of how
are kept secret. Most dweomerkeepers Creating a Dweomerkeeper
frequently seek to explore magical theories and A dweomerkeeper may be of any rave, so long as they
create new uses for magic, such as spells and magic items. worship Mystra and have practiced magic responsibly. They
Anywhere in the world can be home to a Dweomerkeeper are most commonly elves, humans, or half-elves. They may be
without anyone ever knowing, as they are often hermits (and of any gender and any alignment, except for chaotic evil.
always secretive about their title). Some keepers spend years Most dweomerkeepers are sorcerers or wizards, though
at a time locked away in an isolated location, wholly bards and warlocks that heavily study the magic and the
consumed by their studies. How exactly one is appointed a weave may be chosen as well. Because it is required that
dweomerkeeper is a mystery, though it is believed that Mystra dweomerkeeper have access to second level spells, they will
chooses only her followers who are most responsible with have at least a handful of levels in one of these classes.
How will your character come in to their title? Have they
always been a follower of Mystra, or did something convert
them? Do they struggle to understand the raw nature of
magic, or do they revere it?

Dweomerkeeper Specialty
Race: Any, most commonly elf or human
Alignment: Any, except for chaotic evil
Patron: Mystra
Spells: Ability to cast 2nd level spells
Special: Must be chosen and appointed by Mystra

The Dweomerkeeper
Extra Spell Slot
Level Requirement Features Slots Level
1st 6th level Darkvision, 1 1st
Weave Focus
2nd 10th level Counterspell 2 2nd
3rd 14th level Invoke the Weave 3 3rd
4th 18th level Cloak of 4 4th

As a dweomerkeeper, you gain the following features

Hit Dice: 1d6 per dweomerkeeper level
Upon taking this class, you gain Darkvision, so as better to
perceive treacheries against the weave. If you already have
darkvision, you gain Superior Darkvision.

Weave Focus Invoke the Weave
At 1st level, you are granted a spell focus by Mystra herself. At 3rd level, your connection to the weave has lead you to
This focus can be used for spellcasting of any class, and discover magical secrets. Choose one 7th level spell from any
grants a +1 bonus to both your spell save DC and spell attack spell list. You can cast this spell once without expending a
bonus. spell slot. You must finish a long rest before you can do so
Counterspell Upon reaching 4th level in this class, you can choose one
8th level spell from any spell list. You can cast this spell once
Starting at 2nd level, your intimate knowledge of magic has without expending a spell slot. You regain all uses of this
also helped you learn to stop it. You learn the Counterspell feature when you finish a long rest.
spell. You can cast this spell once without expending a spell
slot, at any level you have spell slots for. You must finish a Cloak of Mysteries
long rest before you can do so again.
You are shrouded in a cloak of ever-flowing magic. Upon
reaching 4th level in this class, you cannot be the target of
scrying magic.

n elite order of warrior-priests, the hammers of
Moradin stand ready to defend the dwarven
people against any enemies. While the regular
army is quite capable of defending cities, the
hammers actively seek to bring justice to their
enemies doorsteps. Most all dwarves serve a
cause loyally; whether that cause be a king, ale,
or coin. Hammers of Moradin pride themselves on serving
the most noble cause-the protection of their kind, and the
honor of Moradin.
These dwarves are unmatched in their prowess and loyalty
to dwarvenkind. Any soldier who has ever done battle with a
hammer of Moradin, with them or against them, will tell you
that one is worth two warriors of any other race. They are
masters of the dwarven fighting arts, knowing how to rely on
their allies as much as their own resilience. The most
successful of the hammers find themselves personally
blessed by Moradin, granting them powers beyond that of
their peers.
Creating a Hammer of Moradin
Hammers of Moradin are always dwarves. If your setting
includes half-dwarven races, you may choose to allow them to
become hammers of Moradin as well. They can be of any
gender, and all genders are treated as equals among the
Since hammers of Moradin are usually devout followers of
Moradin, the Cleric and Paladin classes are recommended.
The Fighter class is also recommended if using the included
Dwarven Defender subclass.
Seeking out dwarvenkind’s enemies and defeating them
can go hand in hand with adventuring. You may already be
fighting these enemies, or you may have to go out of your way
to bring them down. How will you convince your party to help
your cause, if it doesn’t align with their own?

Class Options Hammer of Moradin
Included in this section are two class options: the Dwarven
Defender martial archetype, and the Hammer of Moradin      Specialty Class
specialty class. Both options are restricted to dwarven Requirements
characters. Race: Dwarf
Patron: Moradin
Dwarven Defender Special: Must be a Hammer of Moradin
At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype feature.
Provided is an alternate option for that feature, intended for
dwarves. Hammer of Moradin
Level Requirement Features
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you 1st 6th level Aura of Courage
gain advantage on checks made to resist being knocked 2nd 12th level Far Shot, Quake
prone, grappled, or pushed. This advantage also applies to
spells that require a save and would have one of the 3rd 18th level Power Throw
mentioned effects.
Hammer Throw, Hammer Return
At 7th level, you gain the ability to form a magical connection
to one light hammer or war hammer. If this weapon does not When taking the Hammer of Moradin class, you gain the
already have the thrown property, it gains a thrown range of following class features
20/30. If it already has the thrown property, the range is Hit Dice: 1d8 per Hammer level
doubled. The hammer also gains a special returning property.
After throwing the hammer, you can use a bonus action to Aura of Courage
recall it to your hand. The hammer flies through the air, Starting when you take the 1st level in this class, you and
returning to your hand at the beginning of your next turn. friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can’t be frightened
Dwarven Fortitude while you are conscious. The range of this aura increases to
At 10th level, the combination of your heritage and training 30 feet when you reach 3rd level.
allows you to shrug off attacks. When you are successfully hit ### Far Shot Upon reaching 2nd level, you can throw your
by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to halve the hammer faster and more efficiently. If you already have the
damage that you would take. This feature can be used a Hammer Throw, Hammer Return feature granted by the
number of times equal to your Constitution modifier(with a Dwarven Defender, your war hammers thrown range
minimum of once), and you regain expended uses when you increases to 40/80. If you do not already have this feature,
finish a long rest. you gain it with the standard range.
Superior Critical Quake
Your strength allows your hits to pack more of a punch. At 2nd level, you can use an action to violently strike the
Starting at 15th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit ground with your warhammer. This creates a shockwave that
on a roll of 18-20. causes all creatures touching the ground within a 60 foot
cone from the point of impact to make a Constitution saving
Survivor throw. The DC is 8 + proficiency + your Strength modifier. On
At 18th level, you attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle. At a failed save, a creature takes 4d8 thunder damage and is
the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature only takes
+ your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of half damage and is not knocked prone. You can use this
your hit points left. You don’t gain this benefit if you have 0 hit feature once per long rest.
Power Throw
Starting at 3rd level, your hammer does extra damage and
can hit up to two additional targets when thrown. When
throwing the hammer, make a single ranged attack roll
against up to three targets within a 60 foot cone from your
position. Roll damage separately for each creature hit and
add your proficiency to the damage. You can use this feature
once, and can use it again after finishing a short or long rest.

very beholder believes that they represent
true perfection. Occasionally, among
society's outcasts and degenerates, you will
find humanoids who agree. It is these
humanoids who are rumored to make pacts
with beholders, attempting to obtain even a
sliver of their perfection.
Ocular adepts-typically outcasts of their society for one
reason or another- have pledged themselves to the service of
one or more beholders, and have sworn religious loyalty to
the strange entity known as the Great Mother. It is not
uncommon for a fallen cleric or wayward paladin to become
an ocular adept in an attempt to fill the void left by their
previous duties. An ocular adept may believe themselves to
be important to their masters success, but most beholders
view them as no more than mindless pawns.
In order to become an ocular adept, there is a ceremony
which must be performed. In this ceremony, the central eye of
a beholder-kin is removed and implanted into a niche in the
ocular adept’s forehead. Blasphemous incantations restore
functionality to the eye, granting the adept new avenues of
sight. After the ritual, an adept’s mind is tainted by the dying
beholder-kin’s personality, causing their demeanor to change
in strange ways. An ocular adept may serve their beholder
master in a variety of ways; negotiating slave trade, delivering
correspondance and trade goods, or serving as an
intermediary between powerful beholders and political
leaders when the presence of a beholder is not advised.
Rarely are there multiple adepts in service to the same Great Mother Patron
beholder, and adepts of rival beholders never work together. At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron feature.
The beholders hatred of “imperfect” beholders is also Provided is an alternate option for that feature for those with
prevalent among adepts. an affinity for the matron deity of the beholders.
Creating an Ocular Adept Great Mother Extended Spells
Spell Level Spells
Outcasted adventurers, fallen clerics, oathbreaker paladins;
all of these make excellent choices for an ocular adept. 1st Detect Magic, Sleep
Adepts may come from a wide range of backgrounds, but 2nd Calm Emotions, Silence
almost all find themselves outside of society's norms one way 3rd Bestow Curse, Slow
or another. The only requirement is that one becoming an
ocular adept is lawful of neutral evil. Through trial and error, 4th Arcane Eye, Dominate Beast
beholders seem to have learned that those with chaotic evil 5th Dominate Person, Telekinesis
leanings lack the ability to make agreeable minions.
More important than how a character has come to Inspire Fear
essentially worship the beholders is how that character At 1st level you learn the Cause Fear spell. This does not
interacts with a party. While an ocular adept might fit right in count against your known spells, and can be cast once
with an all evil party, they could still find themselves traveling without expending a spell slot. You must finish a long rest
with your standard band of adventurers. What information before you can do so again.
does the adept share with the party? Do they hide their
mysterious third eye, or have some other explanation for it? Antimagic Aura
Class Options Starting at 6th level whenever you or a friendly creature
within 10 feet of you must make a saving throw against a
Included in this section are two class options: the Great spell or magical effect, you grant a bonus to the saving throw
Mother warlock patron, and the Ocular Adept specialty class. equal to your Charisma modifier (with a minimum of bonus
The Ocular Adept specialty class may only be taken after a of +1). You must be conscious to grant this bonus.
player has undergone the ritual to become an adept, typically
around 6th level or higher.
As a side effect of your association with beholders and the
Great Mother, their paranoia has rubbed off on you. Starting
at 10th level, you gain advantage on perception checks and
gain a +5 bonus to your passive perception.
Paralyzing Strike
By 14th level, you have begun to mimic a beholders rays.
Whenever a creature that you can see within 60 feet hits you
with a weapon or spell attack, you can use your reaction to
fire a paralyzing bolt of energy. The creature must make a
Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell save DC
or be paralyzed until the end of your next turn. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
long rest.

Ocular Adept
Specialty Class
Alignment: Lawful or Neutral Evil
Special: The character must renounce all deities and swear
devotion to the Great Mother, and undergo a transformative

The Ocular Adept

Level Requirement Features Rays Learned
1st 6th level Beholder's Rays +1
2nd 12th level ─ +1
3rd 18th level ─ +2

When taking the Ocular Adept class, you gain the following
class features
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Ocular Adept level
Language: Deep Speech
Beholder's Rays
The new eye you have been gifted with grants you powers not
unlike those of beholders themselves. At each level in this
class you gain access to a variety of rays. Each ray may be
used once, and regains uses after finishing a long rest. The
effects of the rays resemble a spell cast by a sorcerer of the
adept’s total class level, unless the sorcerer has levels in
another spell casting class. The rays are functionally the
same as the spells for which they are named, with the
following exceptions:
All rays have a range of 100 feet
All rays can only affect a single target
When you take the 1st level, you can choose from the
following rays: charm person, inflict wounds. At 2nd level, you
can choose a level 1 ray or one of the following: slow, cause
fear. At 3rd level, you can choose any two previous rays or one
of the following: disintegrate, flesh to stone
title of divine power, the title of Siamorphe is
passed to a successor upon the death of the
elder Siamorphe. Preferably the successor is a
blood descendant of the previous power, but
anyone of noble blood will suffice in times of
desperation. While not a deity, the current
Siamorphe has complete domain over the
divine right of nobility. They are responsible for encouraging
nobility to rule well and lead wisely for those beneath them.
The Siamorphe is commonly worshiped among nobility and
their council, especially those who seek a reason for their
Aside from the current Siamorphe, there are the Scions of
Siamorphe. These priests and priestesses often act as
advisors (both spiritual and practical) to nobility. Most
members of the church are nobility themselves, though there
are a few exceptions. When confronted with a ruler of noble
birth who is not fit for rule, it is the responsibility of the
Siamorphe and their followers to either rectify the ruler’s
shortcomings or engineer their succession. A PC may be
designated the successor to the current Siamorphe at any
time, but cannot obtain the full powers until after reaching
20th level.
Becoming the Siamorphe
Like the Cat God, Siamorphe is a title best obtained after
20th level. It is something for players to aspire to, and
potentially use in epic level play or to commemorate a
character. A character who aspires to become the Siamorphe
should take the provided variants for the Noble background.
How they feel about their lineage may affect what class you
choose as well. A character who aspires to become the
Siamorphe may become a cleric or paladin, with similar
goals to that of the Scions of Siamorphe. An heir looking to
escape the title may become a rogue, hiding from their
lineage in back alleys, or a bard who travels to escape. The
sorcerer class is thematically appropriate as well, regardless
of how you decide to play the character.

Variant Noble: Siamorphe

You are a direct descendant of the current Siamorphe, and as
such are the most likely to be named their successor. If you
wish to be the Simorphe Successor, select the Siamorphe
Lineage feature instead of the Position of Privilege or
Retainers features.
Maybe you are running from your calling, or maybe you
have embraced it and set out to right the wrongs of nobility.
You might include among your equipment a token or letter
that gives merit to your relationship to the current Siamorphe
or the church. Your view of what seems to be your destiny
may influence your bond.

Variant Feature: Siamorphe Lineage
If your character has the noble background, you may select for a successor is that they be recognised, noble blood. The
this background feature instead of Position of Privilege or Siamorphe is responsible for providing the Divine Right of
Retainers. nobility to rule, and ensuring that those in power rule
Thanks to your upbringing, you are happily welcomed into properly. Most nobility revere the Siamorphe alongside their
high society. Other nobles, especially those in positions of deities, with each noble house having their own unique
power, make an effort to accommodate you and avoid your holiday to celebrate them. The powers of the current
displeasure. You can easily secure an audience with most Siamorphe are as follows:
nobles, though they are more inclined to attempt to hide their The Siamorphe has an unarmed AC of 12 + their
more unsavory actions from you. Charisma modifier + their dexterity modifier.
When hitting with any weapon attack, the Siamorphe does
Abilities of the Siamorphe an additional 2d8 radiant damage.
While not a magical ability, the Siamorphe can effectively
The Siamorphe is a vessel of semi-divine power, passed down dethrone any noble ruler that she does not find fit, and
when the current Siamorphe is near death. While the instate a new noble family in their place.
successor is usually a direct descendant of the previous The Siamorphe has spell slots equal to a 17th level cleric,
Siamorphe, it is not required as many an heir has following the rules for the cleric’s spellcasting ability. They
disappeared to avoid receiving the title. The only requirement can learn spells from the cleric and paladin spell lists.

word dancers are followers of the Dark Maiden, Creating a Sword Dancer
Eilistraee, responsible for leading migrations of
drow and fostering harmony between drow and Elistraee's followers are among the most varied. All walks of
surface-dwelling races. A follower of Elistraee life can find peace through the teachings of the dark maiden.
who wishes to become a sword dancer must Most commonly her followers are elves, particularly drow
spend at least one month on the surface, dancing that have fled life in the underdark, or half-elves. Rarely are
in the moonlight each night and taking in the Sword Dancers of other races, though it is possible for those
dawn. It is also required that they are quick and agile, who wholly devote themselves to Elistraee's cause.
proficient in the arts of either dance or song, and skilled Characters who wish to become sword dancers must have
negotiators. Elistraee puts great importance on acts of access to at least 2nd level spells. Clerics, paladins, and
kindness and the nourishment of art and beauty, and sword rangers are all recomended builds. The included paladin
dancers are expected to do the same. Oath of Harmony is intended to represent followers of
Elistraee, and is reccomended over other paladin oaths.
Class Options
Included in this section are two class options: the paladin
Oath of Harmony, and the Sword Dancer specialty class.
While the Sword Dancer specialty class is intended for the
most devout followers of Elistraee, the Oath of Harmony has
been left vague enough to serve multiple purposes.

Oath of Harmony
At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath feature.
Provided is an alternate option for that feature, designed for
those who seek to bring balance and harmony.
Tenets of Harmony
Hospitality. Strangers are your friends. The homeless
must be given shelter from the storm, under your own roof
if need be.
Protection. Repay violence with swift violence, so that the
fewest may be hurt and danger is removed from the lands.
Redemption. Redemption is possible for all individuals.
Foster and assist them in their journey.
Beauty. Seek out, appreciate, and encourage beauty in art
in all its forms.
Honor. Do as much good as possible while causing the
least amount of harm.
Oath of Harmony Spells
Paladin Level Spells Sword Dancer Specialty
3rd Guiding Bolt, Shield    Class
5th Moonbeam, Warding Wind Requirements
9th Beacon of Hope, Nondetection Spells: Ability to cast 2nd level spells
13th Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith
Patron: Elistraee
Special: The character must have watched the sunrise at
17th Hallow, Scrying least once, and have spent one consecutive month living on
the surface and dancing under the light of the moon.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
two Channel Divinity options: The Sword Dancer
Sacred Weapon. As an action, you can imbue one weapon
that you are holding with positive energy, using your Channel Level Requirement Features
Divinity. For 1 minute, you add your Charisma modifier to 1st 6th level Sword Song
attack rolls made with that weapon (with a minimum bonus
of +1). The weapon also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius 2nd 12th level Battle Dancer
and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the weapon is not 3rd 18th level Maiden's Sword
already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.
You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other
action. If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon,
or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.
Graceful Combatant. The way you move about the
battlefield is almost like a dance. After activating your When taking the Sword Dancer class, you gain the following
Channel Divinity as an action, you can take the Dodge and class features
Disengage actions as bonus actions. You cannot use this Hit Dice: 1d8 per Sword Dancer level
feature while wearing armor that imposes disadvantage to
Dexterity (Stealth) rolls. Additionally whenever you make Sword Song
your first attack against a new creature, you do so with Upon taking the 1st level in this class, you form a bond with
Advantage. These effects last for one minute. one melee weapon of your choice. If not already magical, this
weapon now counts as magical for the purpose of
Moonfire overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks
At 7th level you gain the ability to imbue your weapons, and and damage. Additionally, you can use a bonus action to
those of your allies, with moonfire. Melee attacks made by engulf the sword with moonfire. You gain an additional 1d4
you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you do an cold damage to damage rolls made with this weapon. This
additional 1d6 cold damage and count as magical for the feature lasts for 1 minute, or until a turn passes without you
purpose of overcoming resistances. The range of this feature dealing damage with the sword. You can use this feature a
increases to 30 feet at 18th level. number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier,
and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Divine Protector
Starting at 15th level, when a creature within 5 feet of you Battle Dancer
takes damage you can use your reaction to magically reduce
the damage by half. Instead of the creature taking the full Starting at 2nd level, your movement on the battlefield is
damage, it is split between the two of you. unmatched. Whenever you make a melee attack against a
creature, that creature can’t make opportunity attacks against
Divine Champion you for the rest of your turn. Additionally, whenever you use
At 20th level, as an action, you can emanate an aura of your reaction to make an attack of opportunity, you may move
stunning moonlight. For 1 minute, bright light shines from 10 feet as part of that reaction.
you in a 30-foot radius, and dim light shines 30 feet beyond
that. Whenever an enemy creature starts its turn in the bright Maiden's Sword
light, it suffers the effects of the Moonbeam spell. In addition, Maiden’s Sword At 3rd level, whenever you use your Sword
for the duration, you have advantage on saving throws against Song feature it gains the following upgrades:
spells cast by fiends or drow.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you Your attacks do an additional 1d8 cold damage instead of
finish a long rest. 1d4.
Your sword emanates bright light for up to 30 feet, and
dim light for another 30 feet beyond that.
Whenever you strike your first hit against a new creature,
they must make a Constitution saving throw against your
spell save DC or be blinded for one round.
This feature no longer expires when you fail to damage for
a round, and instead always lasts the full duration.

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