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UFC 4-150-02

12 May 2003
With Change 5, 1 September 2012




UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
With Change 5, 1 September 2012



Any copyrighted material included in this UFC is identified at its point of use.
Use of the copyrighted material apart from this UFC must have the permission of the copyright




Record of Changes (changes are indicated by \1\ ... /1/)

Change No. Date Location

1 19 Jan 2007 Added Shore Services Tables as App C.
2 25 Jan 2007 Reformatted tables in app C - no data change
3 03 Aug 2007 Corrected Foreword and hyperlink on pg 115
4 7 Mar 2011 Changes throughout; changed App E to F and
inserted new App E; extensive additions to Chap 3
5 1 Sep 2012 Revised paragraphs 2-4.1.3, 3-3.3.5, 3-4.6.3, 3-
8.5.7 and App A; minor editorial changes

This UFC supersedes Military Handbook 1025/2, Dockside Utilities for Ship Service
dated May 1988.
UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
With Change 5, 1 September 2012


The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) system is prescribed by MIL-STD 3007 and
provides planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and
applies to the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in
accordance with USD(AT&L) Memorandum dated 29 May 2002. UFC will be used for all DoD
projects and work for other customers where appropriate. All construction outside of the United
States is also governed by Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA), Host Nation Funded
Construction Agreements (HNFA), and in some instances, Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements
(BIA.) Therefore, the acquisition team must ensure compliance with the more stringent of the UFC,
the SOFA, the HNFA, and the BIA, as applicable.

UFC are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made
available to users as part of the Services responsibility for providing technical criteria for military
construction. Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA) are
responsible for administration of the UFC system. Defense agencies should contact the preparing
service for document interpretation and improvements. Technical content of UFC is the
responsibility of the cognizant DoD working group. Recommended changes with supporting
rationale should be sent to the respective service proponent office by the following electronic form:
Criteria Change Request (CCR). The form is also accessible from the Internet sites listed below.

UFC are effective upon issuance and are distributed only in electronic media from
the following source:

Whole Building Design Guide web site

Hard copies of UFC printed from electronic media should be checked against the
current electronic version prior to use to ensure that they are current.


_Approved by Correspondence, May 2003_ ______________________________________

Donald Basham, P.E. Dr. James W Wright, P.E.
Chief, Engineering and Construction Division Chief Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Naval Facilities Engineering Command

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Kathleen I Ferguson, P.E. Frank Lane
The Deputy Civil Engineer Director of Analysis & Investment
DCS/Installations & Logistics Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
Department of the Air Force for Installations and Environment
Department of Defense
UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
With Change 5, 1 September 2012

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UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
With Change 5, 1 September 2012


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1

1-1 PURPOSE. .................................................................................................... 1
1-1.1 Appendix C. ................................................................................................... 1
1-2 U.S. ARMY REQUIREMENTS. ...................................................................... 1
1-3 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................. 1
1-3.1 General Information. ...................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 2 GENERAL UTILITY REQUIREMENTS ...................................................... 2
2-1 SHIPS DEMANDS. ........................................................................................ 3
2-2 UTILITY-CONNECTION LAYOUT. ................................................................ 3
2-2.1 Connection Grouping. .................................................................................... 3
2-2.2 Hose and Cable Lengths. .............................................................................. 5
2-2.2.1 Electrical Power. ............................................................................................ 5
2-2.2.2 Fire Protection Water. .................................................................................... 5
2-2.2.3 Steam. ........................................................................................................... 5
2-2.2.4 Sewage. ......................................................................................................... 5
2-2.3 Group Locations and Spacing. ....................................................................... 5
2-3 UTILITY CONNECTION GROUP DESIGN.................................................... 6
2-3.1 Configurations to Avoid Interference. ............................................................. 6
2-3.2 Design for Nesting of Ships. .......................................................................... 6
2-4 PROTECTION ............................................................................................. 11
2-4.1 Protection of Mains and Laterals.................................................................. 11
2-4.1.1 Above-deck Lines. ....................................................................................... 11
2-4.1.2 Under-deck Lines. ........................................................................................ 11
2-4.1.3 Hangers and Support Assemblies................................................................ 12
2-4.2 Protection of Utility Connections. ................................................................. 12
2-4.2.1 Outlets, Connections, and Access Hatches. ................................................ 12
2-4.3 Seismic Protection ....................................................................................... 12
2-4.3.1 Performance of Utility Lines. ........................................................................ 12
2-4.3.2 Performance of POL and Hazardous Utilities. ............................................. 13
2-4.3.3 Liquefaction. ................................................................................................ 13
2-4.3.4 Pipelines. ..................................................................................................... 13
2-4.3.5 Supports. ..................................................................................................... 14
2-4.4 Cathodic Protection Systems (CPS). ........................................................... 15
2-5 METERING. ................................................................................................. 17
2-6 PAINT AND FINISH REQUIREMENTS. ...................................................... 17
2-7 UTILITY CONNECTIONS COLOR CODES. ................................................ 17
2-8 DEPERMING PIERS AND FACILITIES. ...................................................... 17
CHAPTER 3 ACTIVE AND REPAIR BERTHING .......................................................... 18
3-1 STEAM SYSTEMS. ..................................................................................... 19
3-1.1 Demands. .................................................................................................... 19
3-1.2 Size of Piping. .............................................................................................. 19
3-1.3 Piping System Design Criteria. .................................................................... 19
3-1.3.1 Pitch. ............................................................................................................ 19
3-1.3.2 Protection. .................................................................................................... 22

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012

3-1.4 Location and Arrangement of Piping Mains and Branches. ......................... 22

3-1.5 Outlet Design. .............................................................................................. 22
3-1.5.1 Steam Outlet Assemblies. ............................................................................ 22
3-1.6 Specific Ship Requirements ......................................................................... 25
3-1.6.1 CV and CVN Ship Requirements (All Classes). ........................................... 25
3-1.6.2 Nuclear-Powered Submarine Requirements. ............................................... 25
3-1.6.3 Troop Carrier Special Requirements (LHA, LHD, LPD, LSD, and LST). ...... 25
3-1.6.4 Nested Ships................................................................................................ 25
3-1.7 Shore-to-Ship Steam and Feedwater Requirements ................................... 25
3-1.7.1 Quality. ......................................................................................................... 25
3-1.7.2 Use of Steam Separators. ............................................................................ 27
3-1.7.3 Sampling. ..................................................................................................... 27
3-1.8 Metering. ...................................................................................................... 27
3-2 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMS. ................................................................. 27
3-2.1 Demands. .................................................................................................... 27
3-2.2 Piping System Design Criteria. .................................................................... 29
3-2.3 Quality. ......................................................................................................... 29
3-2.4 Size of Piping. .............................................................................................. 29
3-2.4.1 Branches. ..................................................................................................... 29
3-2.4.2 Sizing Method. ............................................................................................. 29
3-2.5 Location and Arrangement of Piping Mains and Branches. ......................... 30
3-2.6 Outlet Design. .............................................................................................. 30
3-2.7 Requirements for High-Pressure Compressed Air. ...................................... 32
3-3 SALTWATER OR NONPOTABLE WATER SYSTEMS. .............................. 32
3-3.1 Justification. ................................................................................................. 32
3-3.1.1 Repair Piers and Drydocks. ......................................................................... 32
3-3.1.2 Active Berthing. ............................................................................................ 32
3-3.1.3 Justification Requirements. .......................................................................... 33
3-3.2 Demands and Pressure Requirements. ....................................................... 34
3-3.2.1 Drydock, Repair and Inactive Berthing......................................................... 34
3-3.2.2 Active Berthing (Single or Multiple Berths)................................................... 35
3-3.3 Pumping Equipment..................................................................................... 36
3-3.3.1 Drives. .......................................................................................................... 36
3-3.3.2 Pressure Control. ......................................................................................... 36
3-3.3.3 Alternative Pump Drive. ............................................................................... 36
3-3.3.4 Location. ...................................................................................................... 36
3-3.3.5 Materials. ..................................................................................................... 37
3-3.4 Piping and Outlets........................................................................................ 38
3-3.4.1 Size of Mains. .............................................................................................. 38
3-3.4.2 Location and Arrangement of Mains. ........................................................... 38
3-3.4.3 Location and Spacing of Outlets. ................................................................. 38
3-3.4.4 Outlet Design. .............................................................................................. 38
3-3.4.5 Materials and Installation Criteria. ................................................................ 39
3-3.5 CV, CVN, LHA, and LHD Requirements (All Classes). ................................ 39
3-3.5.1 Special Outlets. ............................................................................................ 41
3-3.5.2 Upgrading. ................................................................................................... 41

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012

3-3.5.3 Portable or Mobile Pumps. ........................................................................... 41

3-3.6 Other Nuclear-Powered Ship Requirements. ............................................... 41
3-4 POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS. ................................................................... 41
3-4.1 Quantity and Pressure Requirements .......................................................... 41
3-4.1.1 Active Berthing (Single or Multiple Berths)................................................... 41
3-4.1.2 Repair Berthing. ........................................................................................... 44
3-4.1.3 Multiple Piers. .............................................................................................. 44
3-4.2 Piping System Design Criteria. .................................................................... 44
3-4.3 Location and Arrangement of Piping Mains. ................................................ 44
3-4.4 Piping and Outlets........................................................................................ 44
3-4.5 Location and Spacing of Outlets. ................................................................. 47
3-4.6 Specific Ship Requirements ......................................................................... 47
3-4.6.1 CV and CVN Ship Requirements (All Classes). ........................................... 47
3-4.6.2 LHA and LHD. .............................................................................................. 47
3-4.6.3 Additional Requirement for Nuclear-Powered Ships. ................................... 47
3-4.7 Quality. ......................................................................................................... 48
3-4.8 Metering. ...................................................................................................... 48
3-5 POL SYSTEMS............................................................................................ 48
3-6 OILY WASTE SYSTEMS. ............................................................................ 48
3-6.1 Pierside and Barge Collection of Shipboard Oily Waste. ............................. 49
3-6.2 Ship Oily Waste Generation. ........................................................................ 51
3-6.3 Pumping Equipment..................................................................................... 51
3-6.4 Piping Systems. ........................................................................................... 51
3-6.5 Metering. ...................................................................................................... 52
3-7 SEWAGE SYSTEMS ................................................................................... 52
3-7.1 Introduction. ................................................................................................. 52
3-7.2 Specialized Shipboard Sewage Characteristics and Parameters. ............... 52
3-7.2.1 Characteristics of Ship Holding Tank Discharges. ....................................... 52
3-7.2.2 Ship Discharge Values................................................................................. 52
3-7.2.3 Flow Rate Variations. ................................................................................... 53
3-7.2.4 Wastewater Loadings. ................................................................................. 54
3-7.2.5 Ship Sewage. ............................................................................................... 54
3-7.2.6 Effect of Wastewaters with High Seawater Content. .................................... 54
3-7.3 Pier and Wharf Systems. ............................................................................. 56
3-7.3.1 Layout/Location............................................................................................ 56
3-7.3.2 Additional Requirements. ............................................................................. 56
3-7.3.3 Location Details. .......................................................................................... 60
3-7.3.4 Environmental Considerations (Corrosion and Freeze Protection). ............. 60
3-7.3.5 Odor/Septicity Control. ................................................................................. 67
3-7.3.6 Structures and Appurtenances. ................................................................... 67
3-7.3.7 Pump Stations.............................................................................................. 67
3-7.3.8 Pipe.............................................................................................................. 67
3-7.3.9 Sewage Transfer Hoses. ............................................................................. 73
3-7.4 Drydock Facilities. ........................................................................................ 73
3-7.4.1 Layout. ......................................................................................................... 73
3-7.4.2 Pump Station Features. ............................................................................... 73

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3-7.4.3 Sewage Receiving Connections and Transfer Hoses. ................................. 73

3-7.4.4 Special Structures and Appurtenances. ....................................................... 73
3-8 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. ............................................................................ 78
3-8.1 Types of Electrical Services. ........................................................................ 78
3-8.1.1 Permanent Service. ..................................................................................... 78
3-8.1.2 Temporary Service....................................................................................... 78
3-8.2 Primary Power System. ............................................................................... 79
3-8.2.1 Pier, Wharf, or Drydock Primary Systems. ................................................... 79
3-8.3 Secondary Power Systems. ......................................................................... 79 Ships Power. ................................................................................................ 79
3-8.3.2 Other Ships Power Requirements................................................................ 80
3-8.3.3 Permanent Pier Loads and Industrial Power. ............................................... 80
3-8.4 Location and Arrangement of Equipment..................................................... 80
3-8.4.1 Substations. ................................................................................................. 80
3-8.4.2 Outlet Assemblies. ....................................................................................... 84
3-8.4.3 Cable Lengths. ............................................................................................. 84
3-8.4.4 Combined Equipment. ................................................................................. 84
3-8.4.5 Outlet Assemblies for Portable Equipment. ................................................. 84
3-8.5 Distribution System Equipment and Materials. ............................................ 84
3-8.5.1 Fixed Substations for 480 Volts Service. ..................................................... 84
3-8.5.2 Substations for 4160 or 13,800 Volts Service. ............................................. 85
3-8.5.3 Portable Substations. ................................................................................... 85
3-8.5.4 480-Volt Outlet Assemblies. ......................................................................... 86
3-8.5.5 Primary Outlet Assemblies. .......................................................................... 86
3-8.5.6 Coordination of Shipboard Phase Rotation. ................................................. 86
3-8.5.7 Conduit Systems. ......................................................................................... 86
3-8.6 Ships Shore Power Requirements. ............................................................. 87
3-8.6.1 Alternating Current Power. ........................................................................... 87
3-8.6.2 Direct Current (dc) Power. ........................................................................... 87
3-8.6.3 400-Hz Power. ............................................................................................. 87
3-8.6.4 Shipboard Equipment Ratings. .................................................................... 87
3-8.7 Supplemental Requirements for Nuclear Submarines (SSN, SSBN). .......... 88
3-8.7.1 Substations for 480 Volts Service. ............................................................... 88
3-8.7.2 Standby Power............................................................................................. 88 Maximum Downtime. ................................................................................... 88
3-8.7.4 Super Shore Power...................................................................................... 89
3-8.8 Ground System. ........................................................................................... 89
3-8.9 Pier Lighting. ................................................................................................ 89
3-8.10 Lightning Protection. .................................................................................... 89
3-9 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. .......................................................... 89
3-9.1 BLII Pier Connectivity. .................................................................................. 89
3-9.1.1 Pier Head ITN Building Node. ...................................................................... 90
3-9.1.2 Pier Fiber Distribution Center. ...................................................................... 90
3-9.1.3 Fiber Optic Riser Panel. ............................................................................... 90
3-9.2 Telephone Systems. .................................................................................... 90
3-9.2.1 Ships Demand. ............................................................................................ 91

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3-9.2.2 Other Demand. ............................................................................................ 91

3-9.2.3 Coin-Operated Telephones. ......................................................................... 91
3-9.2.4 Location and Arrangement of Pier Telephone Distribution System. ............. 91
3-9.3 Other Telecommunications Systems. .......................................................... 91
3-9.3.1 Dedicated Communication Circuits. ............................................................. 91
3-9.3.2 Cable Television. ......................................................................................... 92
3-9.3.3 Alarm and Signal Circuits. ............................................................................ 92
3-10 PIER POWER METERING SYSTEMS. ....................................................... 92
3-10.1 Pier Power Monitoring System (PPMS). ...................................................... 92
3-11 OTHER SERVICES. .................................................................................... 93
CHAPTER 4 SUPPLY AND AMMUNITION PIERS ..................................................... 105
4-1 STEAM AND COMPRESSED AIR............................................................. 105
4-2 SALTWATER AND NONPOTABLE WATER. ............................................ 105
4-3 POTABLE WATER, SEWER, AND OILY WASTE. .................................... 105
4-4 ELECTRICAL SERVICE. ........................................................................... 105
4-5 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. ........................................................ 105
CHAPTER 5 FUELING PIERS .................................................................................... 106
5-1 STEAM AND COMPRESSED AIR............................................................. 107
5-2 SALTWATER AND NONPOTABLE WATER. ............................................ 107
5-3 POTABLE WATER, SEWER, AND OILY WASTE. .................................... 107
5-4 POL SYSTEMS.......................................................................................... 107
5-5 ELECTRICAL SERVICE. ........................................................................... 107
5-6 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. ........................................................ 107
5-7 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................ 107
5-8 FIRE PROTECTION. ................................................................................. 107
CHAPTER 6 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ......................................................... 109
6-1 FREEZE PROTECTION ............................................................................. 109
6-1.1 Where Required. ........................................................................................ 109
6-1.2 Regional Weather Differences. .................................................................. 109
6-1.3 Methods. .................................................................................................... 109
6-1.4 Protection in Regions I and II ..................................................................... 109
6-1.4.1 Water Lines. ............................................................................................... 109
6-1.4.2 Sewer and Oily Waste Lines. ..................................................................... 110
6-1.5 Protection in Regions III and IV.................................................................. 110
6-1.5.1 Fresh Water Lines...................................................................................... 110
6-1.5.2 Sewer and Oily Waste Lines. ..................................................................... 111
6-1.6 Protection in Region V. .............................................................................. 111
6-1.7 Modification of Requirements for Saltwater. .............................................. 111
6-1.8 Materials .................................................................................................... 111
6-1.8.1 Pipe............................................................................................................ 111
6-1.8.2 Heat Tape. ................................................................................................. 111
6-1.8.3 Insulation and Covering. ............................................................................ 112
6-1.8.4 Valves and Thermostats. ........................................................................... 112
6-2 PIPING IDENTIFICATION ......................................................................... 112
6-2.1 Primary Identification. ................................................................................ 112
6-2.2 Color Coding. ............................................................................................. 112

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012

6-2.2.1 Distribution Piping On or Under Deck and Ashore. .................................... 112

6-2.2.2 Shore-to-Ship Utility Connections. ............................................................. 112
6-3 OPERATIONAL NOTICES. ....................................................................... 112
CHAPTER 7 U.S. ARMY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 115
7-1 APPLICABILITY ......................................................................................... 115
7-2 POTABLE WATER .................................................................................... 115
7-2.1 Quantity and Pressure Requirement. ......................................................... 115
7-2.2 Piping and Outlets...................................................................................... 115
7-3 ELECTRIC POWER................................................................................... 115
7-3.1 Electrical System Characteristics. .............................................................. 115
7-3.2 Ground System. ......................................................................................... 115
7-4 LOCATION AND NUMBERS OF SERVICE POINTS. ............................... 115
7-5 MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................................... 117
7-5.1 Telephone Service. .................................................................................... 117
7-5.2 Lighting. ..................................................................................................... 117
7-5.3 Fire Protection............................................................................................ 117
7-5.4 Sanitary Facilities and Sewage Disposal. .................................................. 117
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................... 118
APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................... 128
APPENDIX C .............................................................................................................. 131
APPENDIX D .............................................................................................................. 151
APPENDIX E ............................................................................................................... 155
APPENDIX F ............................................................................................................... 167


Figure 2-1 Typical Ship-Berth-Pier-Utilities Relationships ............................................... 4

Figure 2-2A Double-Deck Pier Example (1 of 3) ............................................................. 8
Figure 2-2B Double-Deck Pier Example (2 of 3) ............................................................. 9
Figure 2-2C Double-Deck Pier Example (3 of 3) ........................................................... 10
Figure 3-1 Typical Steam Outlet Assembly ................................................................... 24
Figure 3-2 Schematic Steam Separator and Sampling Station ..................................... 28
Figure 3-3 Typical Compressed Air Outlet Assembly .................................................... 31
Figure 3-4 Typical Salt or Non-Potable Water Outlet Assembly .................................... 40
Figure 3-5 International Shore Connection for Ship Fire Mains..................................... 42
Figure 3-6 Salt or Non-Potable Water for CV, CVN Classes at Pier.............................. 43
Figure 3-7 Typical Potable Water Outlet Assembly ....................................................... 46
Figure 3-8 Ship-to-Shore Oily Waste Hose Connection ................................................ 50
Figure 3-9 Pressure Manifold Schematic for Pier and Wharf Systems .......................... 57
Figure 3-10A Sewer Layout for Alternative Pier Types (1 of 2) ..................................... 58
Figure 3-10B Sewer Layout for Alternative Pier Types (2 of 2) ..................................... 59
Figure 3-11A Typical Sewage Collection Facilities (1 of 2) ........................................... 61
Figure 3-11B Typical Sewage Collection Facilities (2 of 2) ........................................... 62
Figure 3-12A Details for Sewage Collection Facilities (1 of 2)....................................... 63
Figure 3-12B Details of Sewage Collection Facilities (2 of 2) ........................................ 64

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Figure 3-13A Piping Details for Sewage Collection Facilities (1 of 2) ............................ 65

Figure 3-13B Piping Details for Sewage Collection Facilities (2 of 2) ............................ 66
Figure 3-14 Ship-to-Shore Sewage Hose Components ................................................ 68
Figure 3-15 Above Pier Hose Connection ..................................................................... 69
Figure 3-16A Typical Sewage System Layouts for Drydock Facilities (1 of 2) .............. 74
Figure 3-16B Typical Sewage System Layouts for Drydock Facilities (2 of 2) .............. 75
Figure 3-17A Underground Hose Connection (1 of 2) ................................................... 76
Figure 3-17B Underground Hose Connection (2 of 2) ................................................... 77
Figure 3-18 Typical Alternative Pier Electrical Equipment Arrangements ..................... 82
Figure 3-19 Block Diagram of Pier Structure ................................................................. 94
Figure 3-20 Pier Fiber Distribution Center ..................................................................... 95
Figure 3-21 Pier Fiber Distribution Center EDC 1 Rear Detail Surface Pier .................. 96
Figure 3-22 Pier Fiber Distribution Center EDC 1 Rear Detail Submarine Pier ............. 97
Figure 3-23 Pier Fiber Distribution Center EDC 1 Front Detail Surface Pier ................. 98
Figure 3-24 Pier Fiber Distribution Center EDC 1 Front Detail Submarine Pier ........... 99
Figure 3-25 Fiber Optic Connectivity Riser Panel Detail ............................................. 100
Figure 3-26 EDC Fiber Optic Patch Panel Surface Pier .............................................. 101
Figure 3-27 EDC Fiber Optic Patch Panel Submarine Pier ......................................... 102
Figure 3-28 Rubber Gasket Cutout Surface Pier......................................................... 103
Figure 3-29 Rubber Gasket Cutout Submarine Pier .................................................... 104
Figure 7-1 Typical Water Supply Connection for an Army Pier ................................... 116
Figure D-1 U.S. Winter Weather Severity by Region................................................... 152
Figure E-1 3/C Enhanced THOF Cable ....................................................................... 161
Figure E-2 3/C Enhanced Plus THOF Cable ............................................................... 162
Figure E-3 3/C Enhanced & Enhanced Plus THOF Cable Specification ..................... 163
Figure E-4 Shore Power Cable Assembly Nomenclature Detail................................. 166
Figure F-1A Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (1 of 9) ................................... 168
Figure F-1B Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (2 of 9) ................................... 169
Figure F-1C Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (3 of 9) ................................... 170
Figure F-1D Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (4 of 9) ................................... 171
Figure F-1E Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (5 of 9) ................................... 172
Figure F-1F Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (6 of 9).................................... 173
Figure F-1G Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (7 of 9) ................................... 174
Figure F-1H Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (8 of 9) ................................... 175
Figure F-1I Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (9 of 9) ..................................... 176
Figure F-2A Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (1 of 5) ........................ 177
Figure F-2B Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (2 of 5) ........................ 178
Figure F-2C Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (3 of 5) ........................ 179
Figure F-2D Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (4 of 5) ........................ 180
Figure F-2E Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (5 of 5) ........................ 181
Figure F-3A Portable Substation (1 of 3) ..................................................................... 182
Figure F-3B Portable Substation (2 of 3) ..................................................................... 183
Figure F-3C Portable Substation (3 of 3)..................................................................... 184
Figure F-4A Ship Service Outlet Assembly (1 of 2) ..................................................... 185
Figure F-4B Ship Service Outlet Assembly (2 of 2) ..................................................... 186
Figure F-5A Single Pole Connector Details ................................................................. 187

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Figure F-5B Single Pole Connector Specification ....................................................... 188

Figure F-6A Pier Electrical Distribution for Temporary Services (1 of 3) ..................... 189
Figure F-6B Pier Electrical Distribution for Temporary Services (2 of 3) ..................... 190
Figure F-6C Pier Electrical Distribution for Temporary Services (3 of 3) ..................... 191


Table 3-1 Diversity Factors (DF) for Steam Usage ....................................................... 20

Table 3-2 Shore Steam and Condensed Shore Steam Quality Requirements .............. 26
Table 3-3 Bulk Shore Feedwater Quality Requirements ............................................... 26
Table 3-4 Typical Ship Sewage Concentrations............................................................ 55
Table 3-5 Chloride Inhibition of Biological Nitrification .................................................. 55
Table 3-6 Special Pier Structures and Appurtenances .................................................. 70
Table 6-1 Color Code for Shore-to-Ship Utility Connections ....................................... 114
Table C-1 Shore Services Steam ............................................................................. 132
Table C-2 Shore Services - Compressed Air .............................................................. 134
Table C-3 Shore Services - Salt or Non Potable Water - Overhaul and Drydock .............
Berthing ....................................................................................................................... 136
Table C-4 Shore Services - Potable Water ................................................................. 138
Table C-5 Shore Services - Oily Waste/Waste Oil (OWWO) Discharge...................... 140
Table C-6 Shore Services - Sanitary (CHT) Discharge ............................................... 142
Table C-7 Shore Services Electrical ......................................................................... 145
Table C-8 Shore Services -Telecommunications ........................................................ 149
Table D-1 Regional Weather Data .............................................................................. 153
Table D-2 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Heating: Suggested Combinations for
Regions I and II ........................................................................................................... 153
Table D-3 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Flushing: Suggested Combinations for
Regions III and IV ........................................................................................................ 154
Table D-4 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Heating: Suggested Combinations for
Regions III and IV ........................................................................................................ 154

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012


This UFC provides design criteria and guidance in the design of utility systems for piers,
wharves, and drydocks. Criteria are given for Type I Piers (Fueling, Ammunition, and
Supply); Type II Piers (General Purpose Piers); and Type III Piers (Repair Piers.)
Utilities covered include steam, compressed air, salt or non-potable water, potable
water, oily waste/waste oil (OWWO) or petroleum, oil and lubricants (POL), CHT,
electric power, and telecommunications.

1-1.1 Appendix C.
Appendix C contains tables of Ship Utility Requirements. These tables replace the
Ships Characteristics Database (SCDB) and provide all information about ship utilities in
a single resource (this UFC.) For information about USACE vessels, use the
requirements for a similar Navy vessel or contact the cognizant USACE DISTRICT.


U.S. Army vessel requirements for dockside utilities are contained in Chapter 7.


1-3.1 General Information.

This UFC has been developed from an evaluation of facilities in the shore
establishment, from surveys of the availability of new materials and construction
methods, and from selection of the best design practices of the Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM), other Government agencies, and the
private sector. This UFC was prepared using, to the maximum extent feasible, national
professional society, association, and institute standards. Deviations from this criteria,
in the planning, engineering, design, and construction of naval shore facilities, cannot
be made without prior approval of NAVFAC \4\/4/ or USACE.

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Ships utility demands and other pertinent data for individual ships utilities are available
from Appendix C. The designer must access this information in order to obtain the
latest design data regarding dockside utilities for all ship services. In general, ship utility
demands for active berthing are based on the ship's complement without deployed
forces such as air wings or marine troops. Diversity factors are provided for use in
determining demand in multiple berthing. If the designer is basing the project design on
a specific ship that is not included in Appendix C, use data from a similar ship, or obtain
the expected demand from NAVFAC \4\/4/ or USACE. For graving drydocks, refer to
UFC 4-213-10, Design: Graving Drydocks. This information is for use at new facilities
and for use in additions, modifications, and replacements at existing facilities. While
means of diversification are provided for multiple ships and multiple piers by these
diversity factors, metered data from existing facilities and ships should be used for
planning and design whenever such data are available.


Figure 2-1 shows the dimensional relationships normally encountered in placement of
shore utility connections. Appendix C provides size/shape data for typical ship hulls and
dimensioned reference points that define the ship's utility connection locations. Ideally,
the locations of shore utility connections for a given berth would simply correspond to
their respective connection locations on the ship to be berthed. In practice, however,
utility-connection locations can never be ideal, due to largely nondedicated berthing,
interference with other pier or wharf activities, other deck equipment, and the grouping
of connections. The designer must optimize the location of all utility outlet assemblies
based upon the projected berthing mix.

2-2.1 Connection Grouping.

Utility connections should be confined to specific locations along a shore facility so that
interference with line handling and other facility operations is reduced. Connections
may be in large groups to encompass all utilities, or may be in subgroups, such as the
Freshwater, saltwater (if required), steam, and compressed air;

Electrical power and communications;

Sewer and oily waste; and

POL, when required.

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Figure 2-1 Typical Ship-Berth-Pier-Utilities Relationships

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Regardless of the variations in utility groups that may be necessary to accommodate

deck fittings and pier construction, sewer and oily waste connections must always be
located 10 feet (3.05 m) or more from domestic water connections. Electrical outlet
assemblies must be separated from other utility outlets by at least 10 feet (3.05 m)
whenever possible. Additionally, where fueling is required, separation between such
connections and electrical equipment is mandatory. See \4\ UFC 3-460-01 /4/, Design:
Petroleum Fuel Facilities and consult with the cognizant Fire Protection Engineer to
ascertain the minimum separation distances. Separation distances will vary depending
upon the type of fuel or fuels.

2-2.2 Hose and Cable Lengths.

Experience has shown that if utilities are to be grouped, not all of the shore connections
can be placed optimally in regard to their respective ship connections, even at a
dedicated berth. This being the case, the location of connections for certain utilities
should be given preference in order to minimize required hose lengths. Preference
should be given, in order of importance, to electrical power, fire protection water (if
required), steam, sewage, oily waste collection, and potable water. Excessive hose and
cable lengths have significant disadvantages as defined below.

2-2.2.1 Electrical Power.

Excessive lengths of power cable increase the possibilities of accident, fire, and
excessive voltage drop.

2-2.2.2 Fire Protection Water.

Losses in the fire protection system hoses could be critical in the event of fire,
particularly when ship's pumps are under repair.

2-2.2.3 Steam.
Steam hoses have a very short life, are expensive, and usually have high-pressure
losses from shore to ship.

2-2.2.4 Sewage.
Although added hose pressure loss is not normally a problem, sewage hose is heavy,
difficult to support, and must be disinfected when the ship's connection is broken.

2-2.3 Group Locations and Spacing.

The locating dimensions for shipboard utility connections of various ship classes are
presented in Appendix C. These dimensions, when used with the ships configuration
drawings and the parameters given in this UFC, provide guidance in spacing
determinations for the shore connections. The locations of required deck equipment
(capstans, bollards, cleats, ladders, and railings) and deck operations (brows, cranes,
dumpsters, etc.) must always be coordinated with locations of utility connections. Pier
berthing plans (graphic plots) must be made for the most likely ship mixes, and should
consider local berthing practices as defined by the Activity. The berthing plans provide
the basis for the design and operations of the pier's utility systems and must be included

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in the construction contract drawings when included under the design contract. Suitable
shore connection spacing for the range of possible ships must be provided. Individual
utilities within groups for mixed berthing should generally not be more than 200 ft (66 m)
apart. Whenever possible, shore utility connection spacing should be such that
connections are not offset more than 50 ft (15.24 m) from corresponding ships
connections when other ship types occupy their prescribed berths.


2-3.1 Configurations to Avoid Interference.

Utility outlet groups should be designed for minimum interference of hoses and cables
with each other, with deck equipment, and with deck operations. Check weights of hose
lengths and cables with cranes lifting capability. Outlet groups may be placed above
deck or in deck pits. They may also be placed in open galleries below the main deck
where the pier has sufficient elevation to avoid submergence of the utility connections.
An example is a double-deck pier system such as Pier 6 at Naval Station Norfolk as
shown in Figure 2-2. In order to avoid hose-connection difficulties and interferences
with pier traffic, outlet connections should have centerlines parallel with berths or at not
more than a 30-degree angle. The distance of connections from the pier face should be
as short as is consistent with structural restraints and with convenience. However, on
some aircraft carrier berths such as those using narrow breasting camels, locate the
utilities to clear ship elevators. The type of connector at outlets must be compatible with
hoses in use, or intended for use, at a given site. It is noted that the profile presented
by utility groups above deck is dependent upon the height of the pier and the type of
ship at berth. This is an important consideration in the design of dockside utilities for
ship service. Mooring lines for ships such as destroyers are relatively low and present a
greater hazard to utility connections. Low-profile utility outlet arrangements are usually
preferred. Whenever possible, mooring line patterns for the specific ships to be berthed
should be observed at a similar berth before utility group design is commenced. The
berthing plans are to include mooring line patterns and must uncover conflicts with utility
outlets. Some typical above-deck utility connection details are shown in figures in
subsequent chapters. Other arrangements are also possible and may be acceptable. A
specific arrangement may be required by the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ or USACE
DISTRICT to match existing outlet designs. Required hose or cable connection types
and sizes are given in individual utility descriptions in the following chapters. Provide for
future expansion of utilities by the appropriate sizing of valve pits, pipe trenches,
electrical vaults, and electrical duct banks. Likewise, a specific project may require the
immediate design for future utility services. Lastly, always design for proper and safe
access and maintenance of all utility systems.

2-3.2 Design for Nesting of Ships.

Where berthing plans include the nesting of ships, provide a sufficient quantity of
adequately sized services and connections. Design according to the number of ships
that may simultaneously use each such berth. Unless instructed otherwise, provide
internal shipboard port-to-starboard utility headers for all utilities except for potable

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water. For potable water, use dual connections with individual backflow devices to
provide separately protected supplies to two ships at each group location.

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Figure 2-2A Double-Deck Pier Example (1 of 3)

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Figure 2-2B Double-Deck Pier Example (2 of 3)

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Figure 2-2C Double-Deck Pier Example (3 of 3)

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2-4.1 Protection of Mains and Laterals.

Mains and laterals serving utility connections must be protected from damage by waves,
wind, floating debris or ice, and tidal immersion. Where these lines could be subjected
to such damage, they must be placed in the utility corridor of a double deck pier, place
in the trenches or tunnels of a single deck pier, or special construction techniques must
be used to provide a barrier. Electrical conduits may be embedded in new concrete
structures. It is preferable to place electrical duct banks, manholes, and pull boxes such
that they are cast integrally with the pier deck and at least 2 ft (0.6 m) above the mean
high water level. There are cases where conduit and piping mains and laterals (except
for POL systems) may be hung exposed from the bottom of pier decks in protected
locations. This is not a preferred situation and is discouraged. In such cases, it is
necessary to coordinate with the structural design to secure inspection ladders and
deck inserts, and to facilitate installation of access platforms for maintenance purposes.
New mains placed on existing piers may be placed on top of the pier deck if other
construction techniques are impractical and if approved by the cognizant NAVFAC \4\
FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. However, the use of utility trenches is highly preferred.
Trench covers may be concrete, steel plate, grating, or a combination of these, and as
dictated by structural loading, maintenance, and cost considerations. Coordinate
design with structural requirements. Note that permanently fixed covers (concrete and
steel) create confined workspaces. This is a significant operational problem (regarding
inspection and maintenance) that is generally undesirable and should be avoided if
possible. Identifiable markings should be located on the trench entrances. Corrosion
protection requirements are defined in the following paragraphs. Requirements for POL
systems are defined in the paragraph entitled POL Systems and refer to \4\ UFC 3-
460-01, /4/ Design: Petroleum Fuel Facilities.

2-4.1.1 Above-deck Lines.

At most types of berthing facilities, clear deck space is at a premium, rendering above-
deck mounting of utility services inappropriate, operationally difficult, and generally
unacceptable. A notable exception to this general rule applies to dedicated fueling
facilities. In these cases, above-deck mounting of fuel lines is often the most functional
solution because it allows for the proper and safe access and maintenance of the fuel
lines. See \4\ UFC 3-460-01 /4/ for additional information and criteria.

2-4.1.2 Under-deck Lines.

Except as noted above, utility service pipelines should be not be located on the
operating deck. At single deck piers, utilities should be contained in trench structures,
shielding the enclosed pipes from exposure to saltwater and spray. Utility trench covers
are of three basic types: solid, solid with personnel access, and open gratings. Solid
covers are generally used over most of the trench length. Solid covers with 30 in (760
mm) diameter manhole covers should be located over those portions of utility trenches
containing valves, expansion mechanisms, or branch connections which require easy
access for inspection, maintenance, and repair. Gratings may be substituted for solid

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trench covers with personnel access wherever ready visibility of the respective utilities is
required or where ventilation of trench is advisable (steam line drip assemblies). Unless
specifically curbed against vehicular traffic, covers must be designed for the same
uniform loads and wheel loads as the nominal pier deck with the exception that crane
outrigger reactions need not be addressed. It is therefore necessary that utility trenches
not be located within the pier cross-section where mobile cranes are likely to position
their outriggers.

2-4.1.3 Hangers and Support Assemblies.

Hangers, bolts and specially fabricated supports and braces must be hot-dip galvanized
after fabrication or \5\ stainless steel /5/. Many Activities prefer the state-of-the-art
fiberglass support systems. Consult with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\
FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. Where salt spray exposure is severe, incorporate
appropriate additional anticorrosion measures for hangers. This includes the
application of epoxy coatings, the use of stainless steel or monel bolting. , \5\ /5/ Lastly,
hangers must be designed based upon the maximum potential weight of the utility
system. For example, for steam piping, allow the piping to be full of water.

2-4.2 Protection of Utility Connections.

Means to protect utility connections, hoses, and cables from damage due to traffic and
snagging by mooring lines are essential. Conventional protection schemes consist of
curbs, pits, concrete structures, or railings. Where pier width is sufficient, consider the
use of continuous curbs located at sufficient distance from the edge of the pier. The
design should exclude pier traffic from the areas containing utility connections, hoses,
and cables. Where utility pits are used, sufficient pit length must be incorporated to
ensure that hoses may be connected and led from pits to ships without kinking or

2-4.2.1 Outlets, Connections, and Access Hatches.

Access hatches in decks should have flush-mounted covers and must be designed to
eliminate any danger of tripping. Where outlets and connections must appropriately
protrude above the deck level, shield them in a manner that will ensure personnel safety
and prevent mooring lines from being snagged on the piping and equipment. Certain
utility connections such as sanitary sewer, fuels, oily waste, and waste oil must be
contained within a curb or vault. Provide a drainage system to an appropriate collection
system. Additionally, fuel hoses must be provided with a curbed lay-down area for the
collection of drippings. Also, refer to \4\ UFC 4-152-01, Design: Piers and Wharves /4/,
for other typical details.

2-4.3 Seismic Protection

2-4.3.1 Performance of Utility Lines.

Provide special and detailed considerations for seismic protection. This applies to
pierside utility systems and the associated landside utility systems. Specific details are
required for storage structures and the interface transition between the landside

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systems and the pierside systems. Except POL lines, design all piping and utility lines
as "essential" construction. See \4\ UFC 4-152-01, Design: Piers and Wharves /4/.
(The design requirements for POL lines are defined in the following paragraph.) In
general, essential construction is expected to:

Resist the maximum probable earthquake likely to occur one or more

times during the life of the structure (50 percent probability of exceedance
in 50 years) with minor damage, without loss of function, and the structural
system to remain essentially linear.

Resist the maximum theoretical earthquake with a low probability of being

exceeded during the life of the structure (10 percent probability of
exceedance in 100 years) without catastrophic failure and a repairable
level of damage.

2-4.3.2 Performance of POL and Hazardous Utilities.

Design lifeline service associated with construction categorized as containing
"hazardous materials" with the same levels of service. In general, hazardous material
containment construction is expected to:

Conform with criteria for essential construction.

Resist pollution and release of hazardous materials for an extreme event

(10 percent probability of exceedance in 250 years).

2-4.3.3 Liquefaction.
Design of structures should include provisions to evaluate and resist liquefaction of the
foundation and account for expected potential settlements and lateral spread
deformation. Refer to \4\ UFC 3-220-10N, Soil Mechanics /4/. Special care must be
given to buried pipelines in areas subject to liquefaction to preclude breaks resulting in
release of hazardous materials. It is imperative to avoid areas of landslide and lateral
spread. The presence of any potentially liquefiable materials in foundation or backfill
areas should be fully analyzed and expected settlements computed.

2-4.3.4 Pipelines.
Design pipelines to resist the expected earthquake induced deformations and stresses.
In general, permissible tensile strains are on the order of 1 to 2 percent for modern steel
pipe. To accommodate differential motion between pipelines and storage tanks, it is
recommended that a length of pipeline greater than 15 pipe diameters extend radially
from the tank before allowing bends and anchorage and that subsequent segments be
of length not less than 15 diameters. Flexible couplings should be used on long
pipelines. In general, pipes should not be fastened to differentially moving components;
rather, a pipe should move with the support structure without additional stress.
Unbraced systems are subject to unpredictable sway whose amplitude is based on the
system fundamental frequency, damping, and amplitude of excitation. For piping

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internal to a structure, bracing should be used for system components. Additional

seismic protection considerations are as follows.

In potentially active seismic areas, no section of pipe should be held fixed

while an adjoining section is free to move, without provisions being made
to relieve strains resulting from differential movement unless the pipe is
shown to have sufficient stress capacity.

Flexible connections should be used between valves and lines for valve
installation on pipes 3 in (76 mm) or larger in diameter.

Flexibility should be provided by use of flexible joints or couplings on a

buried pipe passing through different soils with widely different degrees of
consolidation immediately adjacent to both sides of the surface separating
the different soils.

Flexibility should be provided by use of flexible joints or couplings at all

points that can be considered to act as anchors, at all points of abrupt
change in direction, and at all tees.

Piping containing hazardous materials should contain numerous shutoff

valves and check valves to minimize release of materials if there is a
break. Seismic shutoff valves should be used where necessary to control
a system or process. A secondary containment system should be
incorporated where feasible.

When piping is connected to equipment or tanks, use of braided flexible

hoses is preferable to bellow-type flexible connectors. Bellow-type flexible
connectors have been noted to fail from metal fatigue. Welded joints are
preferable to threaded or flanged joints. If flanged joints cannot be
avoided, the use of self-energizing or spiral wound gaskets can allow a
bolt to relax while continuing to provide a seal. (Reference: Association
of Bay Area Governments, 1990.)

2-4.3.5 Supports.
Piers may contain pipelines for freshwater, saltwater, steam, compressed air, waste oil,
sewer, and fuels systems; and may also contain electrical power and communication
lines. Ship demands dictate the utility system configurations. In general, design of
these lines follows the general provisions discussed herein. It is essential that the lines
be attached to the supporting structure with sufficient rigidity that the lines are restrained
against independent movement. Attachments to a pier may be analyzed as simple two-
degree-of-freedom systems. Resonance amplification can occur when the natural
period of the supported pipe is close to the fundamental period of the pier structure.
Flexible connections/sections should be used to bridge across expansion joints or other
locations where needed.

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2-4.4 Cathodic Protection Systems (CPS).

Provide special and detailed considerations for cathodic protection systems (CPS).
This applies to pierside utility systems and the associated landside utility systems.
Specific details are required for storage structures and the interface transition between
the landside systems and the pierside systems. The services of a qualified corrosion
engineer must be provided unless defined otherwise by the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC
/4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. \4\ For additional information and requirements see UFC 3-
570-02N /4/ , Electrical Engineering, Cathodic Protection, and guide specifications:
UFGS 26 42 13.00 20, Cathodic Protection By Galvanic Anodes; UFGS 26 42 17.00 10,
Cathodic Protection System (Impressed Current); and UFGS 26 42 15.00 10, Cathodic
Protection System (Steel Water Tanks). /4/ Specific requirements are as follows:

Provide CPS and protective coatings for the following buried or

submerged metallic utility systems regardless of soil or water corrosivity:

1) Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant (POL) pipelines.

2) Oxygen pipelines.

3) Underground POL and gasoline storage tanks.

4) Underground hazardous substance storage tanks.

5) All water storage tanks interiors.

6) Other systems defined by the NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE

DISTRICTs Corrosion Control Coordinator.

Provide a CPS and bonded protective coatings on other buried or

submerged new steel, ductile iron, or cast iron utility pipelines not
mentioned above when the resistivity is below 30,000 ohms at the
installation depth at any point along the installation. Do not use unbonded
protective coatings such as loose polyethylene wraps. Provide joint
bonding on all ductile iron and cast iron installations.

When an existing CPS is being modified or extended, the new CPS must
be compatible with the existing CPS system. When plastic pipe is
selected to replace or extend existing metallic pipe, thermal weld an
insulated No. 8 AWG copper wire to the existing pipe and run the full
length of the plastic pipe for continuity and locator tracing purposes.

The CPS must provide protective potentials according to the requirements

of the National Association of Corrosion Engineer (NACE) Standard
RP0169 (latest revision), Control of External Corrosion on Underground or
Submerged Metallic Piping Systems and NACE Standard RP0285 (latest

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revision), Standard Recommended Practice Corrosion Control of

Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection.

Unless instructed otherwise by the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR

USACE DISTRICT, provide an engineering life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis
for the CPS. Coordinate with the NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE
DISTRICTs Corrosion Control Coordinator to establish design efforts and
field test efforts. Obtain preliminary approval from the Corrosion Control
Coordinator prior to accomplishing the LCC analysis. Define the proposed
elements of the LCC analysis and a general description of the proposed
CPS design.

Unless instructed otherwise, Architect-Engineer (A-E) CPS surveys and

designs must be accomplished under the supervision of one of the
following individuals:

1) Registered Professional Corrosion Engineer.

2) Registered Professional Engineer who is also a NACE certified

corrosion protection specialist or cathodic protection specialist or
has a minimum of five years of experience in the applicable CPS.

3) NACE certified corrosion protection specialist or cathodic protection

specialist with a minimum of five years of experience in the
applicable CPS.

Unless instructed otherwise by the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR

USACE DISTRICT, perform field tests (resistivity, pH, current
requirements, etc.) at the proposed installation to evaluate, as a minimum,
soil and/or water corrosivity. The tests are used to design the CPS and
assumptions must be supported by the field test data. Design the CPS for
overall system maintainability.

Project Managers must contact the NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE
DISTRICTs Corrosion Control Coordinator regarding the CPS design and,
upon request, will forward the design documents to the Coordinator for
review. Design submittals must include, as a minimum, the following:

1) Preliminary Engineering Plan (PEP): soil and/or water corrosivity

data, current requirements test data (if applicable), and all design

2) Final drawings: the CPS one-line diagrams, locations of all

cathodic protection equipment (anodes, rectifiers, test stations,
etc.), interference test points, installation details, insulating fittings,
and bond connections.

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3) Final specifications: acceptance testing procedures including static

(native) potentials, initial and final system potentials, and
interference tests.

In general, all utilities should be metered unless instructed otherwise by the cognizant
NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. Metering actual utility usage provides
accurate data for billing and historical purposes. Install meters in accessible vaults or in
above-grade enclosures ashore or on piers. Specify state-of-the-art electronic meters
unless instructed otherwise. Consult with the Activity to determine if there is an existing
metering program and integrate new meters into such existing programs. Where
metering is not initially provided, then include provisions for the easy future addition of
meters. This may include providing concrete meter vaults or access covers in pipe
trenches. Consult with the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT for
specific instructions.


Evaluate the requirements for paint and finish systems. Final requirements will be
based upon geographical location, the respective utility system, Station standards and
preferences, and the guidance defined in \4\ UFC 3-190-06, Protective Coatings and
Paints. /4/ The designer must confer with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\
FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. Final designs must be based upon the paint
manufacturers written instructions, especially with respect to surface preparation and
paint/finish application.


To ensure safety, shore-to-ship utility service connections use the standardized federal
color codes as an identification system on wharf and pierside connections and hose
assemblies. The primary identifiers should be plain language tags, nameplates, or
labels. Special emphasis should be applied to potable water, nonpotable water and the
sewer system. The color code system is defined in Chapter 6.


Deperming piers and magnetic silencing facilities require special design consideration
because of the magnetic operations. As a result, non-magnetic piping and conduit
materials are required. This includes materials such as PVC, fiberglass and aluminum.

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Provide steam service at 150 psi (1034 kPa) (saturated) along all piers and other
waterfront structures used for active berthing and ship repair, and at the perimeter of
graving drydocks. Provide 125 psi (862 kPa) only if approved by the Activity and the
cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. Laundries on many vessels use
the highest pressure at 100 psi (689 kPa). Provisions for returning condensate from
ships will not be required except in special cases, and as directed by the cognizant
NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. Newer ships do not require steam
services. Contact NAVFAC \4\/4/ OR USACE to waive the mandatory steam

3-1.1 Demands.
Steam requirements for selected ship classes are given in Appendix C. Generally,
steam demand is considerably less in port than at sea. Loads must be selected for the
appropriate local climate as indicated in Table 3-1. For ships not included in Appendix
C, use data from a similar ship, or obtain the expected demand from NAVFAC \4\/4/ or
USACE. For graving drydocks, refer to UFC 4-213-10.

3-1.2 Size of Piping.

Size the piping for single berths to meet the demands indicated. Include nested ships
that are indicated on berthing plans. For multiple berthing, use diversity factors
determined from Table 3-1. Branch steam lines from main to outlet locations should be
sized for the full demands and should be no smaller than the outlet riser pipe. For ships
that require two connection locations, assume 75 percent of the demand for sizing each
branch. Refer to the paragraph entitled Outlet Design for minimum outlet and riser
sizes. Determination of pipe sizes should be in accordance with \4\ UFC 3-430-09,
Exterior Mechanical Utility Distribution./4/

3-1.3 Piping System Design Criteria.

For steam piping and condensate return piping design requirements, refer to \4\ UFC 3-
430-09 /4/ subject to the following exceptions and additions. It is noted that steam
piping on piers and wharves is often specified to be ASTM A 53 steel.

3-1.3.1 Pitch.
For steam piping on or under a pier, the pitch of piping required by \4\ UFC 3-430-09 /4/
may be impractical due to elevation limitations or structural interference. In such cases,
the designer must compensate by proper sizing of piping and by provision for adequate
condensate removal. Tidal submergence of piping should be avoided by whatever
means are practical.

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Table 3-1 Diversity Factors (DF) for Steam Usage1

Temperature Diversity Factor (DF)2 for:
Ship Type Range 1 3 5 9
(degrees F) Ship Ships Ships Ships
Surface Combatants 0 - 20 1 0.97 0.96 0.94
20 - 40 1 0.93 0.89 0.86
40 - 60 1 0.86 0.80 0.76
> 60 1 0.80 0.73 0.68

Aircraft Carriers 0 - 20 1 0.97 0.96 0.95

20 - 40 1 0.96 0.94 0.91
40 - 60 1 0.93 0.90 0.86
> 60 1 0.82 0.76 0.74

Amphibious 0 - 20 1 0.95 0.96 0.95

20 - 40 1 0.87 0.94 0.91
40 - 60 1 0.80 0.90 0.86
> 60 1 0.78 0.76 0.74

Auxiliary 0 - 60 1 0.91 0.87 0.84

Aggregate 0 - 20 1 0.96 0.93 0.92

20 - 40 1 0.93 0.90 0.88
40 - 60 1 0.90 0.86 0.83
> 60 1 0.86 0.81 0.78
1. Use of Diversity Factors (DF):
If the total number of ships in aggregate is greater than nine:
- Group the ships by types.
- Determine the maximum demand of each ship from the utility data. (See Part A.)
- Sum the individual demands within each type of ship.
- Multiply the total demand of each ship type by the appropriate DF, relative to the
number of ships and temperature range.
- Total the demands obtained for the different ship type groups.
If the total number of ships in aggregate is nine or less:
- Determine the maximum demand for each ship from the utility data.
- Sum the individual demands of each ship.
- Obtain the aggregate DF from Table 3-1.
- Multiply the total demand by the "aggregate" DF in Table 3-1.
2. Linear interpolation is permissible for actual ship quantities.

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Table 3-1 (Continued) Shore Services Steam Table1 2 3

(a) (b)
Intermittent Heating Constant Ships
Ship Type Class Loads4 (lb/hr) for Load5 Connection
Outdoor Temperatures of (lb/hr) Data6
10F 30F 50F 70F L H N

Surface Combatants
CG-47 9,100 328S

Destroyer DD-963 2,100 1,400 900 550 900 293S 26 1

339P 1


Frigate FFG-7 318S 35 1


1. Loads based on ship's peacetime complement (no air wing or troops). Refer to
text when allowance must be made for these items.
2. Maximum single ship demand at shore connections is column (a) plus column
3. For multiple ships, see Diversity Factors included Table 3-1.
4. Steam quantity required to achieve normal environmental temperature in ship
spaces relative to the outdoor temperatures shown. Interpolation between
temperature columns is permissible. Determine specific site design temperature
from \4\ UFC 3-400-02, Design: Engineering Weather Data, 99 percent /4/ basis,
whenever available. Design temperatures for sites not listed may be obtained
from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Inc., ASHRAE Handbook, 97-1/2 percent basis.
5. Galley, laundry, hot water, etc.
6. Land H refers to the location of connections on ships. L is the distance (in feet)
of the connection aft of the point of stem of the ship and H is the height (in feet)
of the connection above the design waterline. Designations "P" and "S" refer to
port side and starboard side, respectively. Where more than one connection
exists, all locations are shown. The designation "N" refers to the number of
shipboard hose connections at the given locations.
7. Steam not required.

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3-1.3.2 Protection.
For steam and condensate piping under a pier or wharf, or in a drydock where
submergence may occur, piping should be encased in a pressure-testable,
prefabricated conduit system. Corrosion-resistant conduit coatings should be selected,
and polyethylene heat-shrinkable sleeves and/or high temperature tape wrapping must
be used at joints and fittings. Provide pipe hangers and associated support assemblies
in accordance with the paragraph entitled Hangers and Support Assemblies.
Hangers should be designed based upon the maximum potential weight of the steam
system; that is, the piping is full of water. Identify piping and outlets and color-code in
accordance with Chapter 6.

3-1.4 Location and Arrangement of Piping Mains and Branches.

As a general rule for all active berthing piers, provide a single main with cross-branch
piping to outlets. For repair piers, provide a main on each side of the pier and a cross
connection at the outboard end of the pier. Coordinate piping with structural conditions
and arrange mains for the best combination of versatility, security, and overall cost. It is
normally more desirable operationally to provide a looped main rather than an
equivalent single main. Provide isolation valves at appropriate locations for reliability of
service during emergency repairs. For graving drydocks, refer to UFC 4-213-10. The
location of ships steam connections may be found in Appendix C. For discussion of
methods to be used to establish shore utility-station spacing on piers and wharves, refer
to Chapter 2.

3-1.5 Outlet Design.

See Figure 3-1. Naval facilities use 2 in (50.8 mm) hoses (from 1 to 10 per ship) almost
exclusively for ship-to-shore steam connections. At locations where 1-1/2 in (38.1 mm)
and 1 in (25.4 mm) hoses are used, design for 2 in (50.8 mm) hoses and utilize
reducing fittings at hose connections. Total numbers of shipboard steam connections
are found in Appendix C. The number of hoses actually connected to shore per ship
varies with the severity of the climate. For facilities in the coldest climates (see
Appendix C, Figure C-1, Regions I and II), assume that all ships connections will be
connected to shore. For warmer climates, obtain the demand for the appropriate design
temperature; divide by 2500 for 2 in (50.8 mm) hose and by 1250 for 1-1/2 in (38.1 mm)
hose. For existing facilities, the maximum number of hose connections actually made
for the ships to be berthed may be obtained from the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR
USACE DISTRICT. Refer to Chapter 2 for a general description of the arrangement
and spacing of utility outlets.

3-1.5.1 Steam Outlet Assemblies.

The design of steam outlet assemblies is to include the following conditions.

Provide a shut-off valve for each riser assembly. The valve must be easily

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Provide a welded steel header after the riser shut-off valve. The header
must serve the hose connections.

The designer is responsible for determining the number of hose

connections required at each outlet assembly.

Hose connections must be 2 in (50.8 mm) unless instructed otherwise.

Each hose connection must include a shut-off valve, a 1/2 in (12.7 mm)
hose bleeder valve, and a hose connector. Threaded connections are to
be avoided in order to prevent loosening of joints due to hose tension.

Minimum pipe size of each rise assembly must be as follows:


1 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm)
2 3 in (76.2 mm)
3 or 4 4 in (101.6 mm)

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Figure 3-1 Typical Steam Outlet Assembly

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3-1.6 Specific Ship Requirements

3-1.6.1 CV and CVN Ship Requirements (All Classes).

These ships are normally berthed starboard side-to. Steam is provided to CVNs
certified pure at 150 psi (1034 kPa). Galley and hot water requirements should be
increased by 50 percent where it is reasonable to assume that the ship's air wing may
be on board.

3-1.6.2 Nuclear-Powered Submarine Requirements.

Steam supply for nuclear-powered submarines is not required at operational berths.
For ship construction or major repair activities, high-pressure steam at 2000 to 4000 psi
(13.8 to 27.6 MPa) may be required for test purposes. This supply may be from a
permanent plant or from a portable steam generator. The proper selection is dependent
upon local weather conditions. Evaluate each location on an individual basis. The
cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4 OR USACE DISTRICT will approve.

3-1.6.3 Troop Carrier Special Requirements (LHA, LHD, LPD, LSD, and LST).
Provide steam service at 150 psi (1034 kPa) certified pure. For LHA, LHD, LPD, and
LSD increase galley and hot water requirements by 100 percent if it is probable that
troops will be aboard while at active berths.

3-1.6.4 Nested Ships.

Maximum nested ships demand at shore connections is 17,950 pph (8142 kg/h) based
on the requirements of nested CG-47s.

3-1.7 Shore-to-Ship Steam and Feedwater Requirements

3-1.7.1 Quality.
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) shore-to-ship steam and feedwater quality
standards are provided in NAVSEA S9086-AB-ROM-010, Naval Ship's Technical
Manual (NSTM), Chapter 220, Boiler Water/Feedwater - Test and Treatment,
paragraphs entitled: Shore Steam and Condensed Shore Steam Used as Feedwater;
Navy and Commercial Facility Shore Steam Certification Requirements; Shore
Processed Feedwater (Demineralizers, Reverse Osmosis); Shore Source Feedwater
Requirements; and Makeup Feedwater Demineralizer System. These standards are
given in Table 3-2 and Table 3-3.

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Table 3-2 Shore Steam and Condensed Shore Steam Quality Requirements1 2

pH 8.0 to 9.5

Conductivity 25 [mu]S/cm maximum2

Dissolved Silica 0.2 ppm maximum

Hardness 0.10 ppm max or 5 ppm as

CaCO3 total hardness

Total Suspended Solids 0.10 ppm maximum

1. Steam must be generated from feedwater which is either treated with a chemical
oxygen scavenger or mechanically deaerated to a maximum dissolved oxygen
content of 15 parts per billion. Shore steam and condensed shore steam used
as feedwater must meet the above standards. The use of filming amines is

2. [mu]S/cm = micro-Siemens/centimeter = micro-mho/centimeter. The lowest

reading on the shipboard conductivity meter is 40.

Table 3-3 Bulk Shore Feedwater Quality Requirements1


pH 5.4 to 8.2 (process effluent)

Conductivity 2.5 [mu]S/cm maximum (at point

of delivery2

Silica 0.2 ppm maximum

1. Produced by method other than condensed steam.

2. [mu]S/cm = micro-Siemens/centimeter = micro-mho/centimeter.

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3-1.7.2 Use of Steam Separators.

Provide steam separators as required to meet the NAVSEA criteria for the purity of
shore-to-ship steam in Navy ports. Properly selected steam separators may be
installed in steam mains at piers, wharves, and drydocks. (See S9086-AB-ROM-010
NSTM Chapter 220.) These will provide additional protection against condensate
carryover and the resultant steam contamination where such problems are known to
exist. Normally, steam separators are not required on piers, wharves, or drydocks if
adequate condensate removal is provided at the boiler plant and in shore mains. Steam
separators should be used only when necessary and as based upon a case-by-case
evaluation of local conditions. If a steam separator should be necessary, then Figure 3-
2 provides a typical installation detail that should be used in conjunction with the
guidelines of NFESC Test Report No. TN-1586, Steam Separator Test and Evaluation.

3-1.7.3 Sampling.
Due to the harsh marine environment, conductivity and pH meters should not be
installed permanently on piers or wharves. Condensate sampling stations should be
provided at piers and at steam plants. Figure 3-2 also shows a typical installation of a
sampling station.

3-1.8 Metering.
Where monitoring of usage is required, provide metering of steam flows to piers, groups
of piers, or drydocks. Install meters in accessible vaults or in above grade enclosures
ashore or on piers. At individual piers or drydocks, use pressure and/or temperature
compensated electronic microprocessor type flow meters for good mass flow accuracy
and range. Consult with the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT to
determine if a steam meter installation and maintenance program exists at the Activity.
Consult the Activity steam meter program coordinator to integrate the flow meter type
selection into any existing meter program. Where metering is not initially required,
make provision for ease of future installation by means of concrete vaults or pier access


In general, a compressed air system is required at all active and repair berths.
However, final needs and requirements vary on a pier-by-pier basis. Consult with the
Activity for actual requirements, existing construction standards, and preferences.
Requirements for graving drydocks are given in UFC 4-213-10.

3-2.1 Demands.
Compressed air requirements for selected ship classes are defined in Appendix C. For
ships not included in Appendix C use data from a similar ship, or obtain the expected
demand from NAVFAC \4\/4/ or USACE.

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Figure 3-2 Schematic Steam Separator and Sampling Station

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3-2.2 Piping System Design Criteria.

Design compressed air piping to conform to commercially available standard practices.
Also, the designer may consult \4\ UFC 3-430-09 Exterior Mechanical Utility Distribution
/4/. In addition, provide corrosion protection of steel pipes. Consider an extruded
polyethylene or polypropylene exterior coating. Extruded plastic coatings must contain
an ultraviolet inhibitor. For coated pipe, use polyethylene, heat-shrinkable sleeves
and/or tape wrapping at joints and fittings. Provide pipe hangers and associated
support assemblies in accordance with the paragraph entitled Hangars and Support
Assemblies. Identify piping and outlets and color-code in accordance with Chapter 6.

3-2.3 Quality.
Compressed air should normally be "commercial" quality. Where breathing quality air
and/or an oil-free system is necessary use an oil-free source and/or purification
systems. Compressed breathing air compressors must meet the requirements of 29
CFR 1910.134 and the requirements for Grade D breathing air described in CGA G-7.1,
Commodity Specification for Air. Locate compressors used to supply breathing air so
as to prevent entry of contaminated air into the air supply system and breathing air
couplings are incompatible with outlets for nonrespirable worksite air or other gas

3-2.4 Size of Piping.

For single berths, size the mains in accordance with air quantity per ship data given in
Appendix C. Multiple pier demand data for use in design of new compressed air plants
and at new facilities should be obtained by evaluating demands at operating Naval
berthing and repair facilities which are similar to the proposed facility. The designer
should consult with the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. For
multiple berthing at a single pier or wharf, including nested ships, use the following
diversity factors:


1 1.0
2 0.8
3 0.7
4 0.6
5 or more 0.5

3-2.4.1 Branches.
Branch-pipe sizes should be in accordance with the ships usage data defined in
Appendix C. Where a variable mixture of ships is probable at a given pier, all branch
lines should be 3 in (76.2 mm) minimum. However, where carriers may be berthed,
branch lines should be 4 in (101.6 mm) minimum.

3-2.4.2 Sizing Method.

Determination of pipe size should be in accordance with available friction loss tables.
Size mains for a pressure drop of not greater than 5 psi (34.47 kPa) total friction loss

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from pier or wharf entrance to farthest outlet, and as based upon the designed flow
rates. For looped mains, assume flow in both legs of the loop. In all cases, mains
should be sized to supply the most outboard ship with 100 percent of the quantity
defined in Appendix C, and then adjusted for its full-diversified demand.

3-2.5 Location and Arrangement of Piping Mains and Branches.

As a general rule, provide a single compressed air main with cross branch piping to
outlets for all active berthing piers and for all repair piers 50 ft (15.24 m) or less in width.
For repair piers wider than 50 ft (15.24 m), provide a piping main on both sides of the
pier and provide a cross connection at the outboard end of the pier (loop configuration).
Coordinate piping with structural conditions and arrange mains for the best combination
of versatility, security, and overall cost. It is normally more desirable operationally to
provide a looped compressed air main rather than an equivalent single main. Provide
isolation valves at appropriate locations for reliability of service during emergency
repairs. The number of shore compressed air outlets and risers for various ship types is
defined in Appendix C. Specific ships connection locations (one or two per ship) are
also defined. However, compressed air may be required at many locations both on and
alongside a ship during maintenance or repair operations. The number of outlets and
risers per berth should therefore be integrated within utility groups designed and spaced
as discussed in Chapter 2.

3-2.6 Outlet Design.

See Figure 3-3. The size of outlet risers should be the same as that of branch piping.
Provide a full-sized accessible shut-off valve in each branch near the outlet riser. Hose
couplers for maintenance and repair connections should be quick coupler type and must
match those used by the Activity. When the site is an existing facility, the number and
size of maintenance and repair hose connections required to match a facility standard
may be used in lieu of those given in the following table. Shore couplings for 2-1/2 in
(63.5 mm) ship-to-shore connections should be male cam-locking connector with cap
which complies with Commercial Item Description (CID) A-A-59326, Coupling Halves,
Quick-Disconnect, Cam-Locking Type (with supplements). Shore couplings for 4 in
(101.6 mm) ship-to-shore connections should be 150-pound flanges with blind flange
covers. Refer to Chapter 2 for general description of the arrangement and spacing of
utility outlets. Provide a header at the outlet riser, with hose connections (valved outlets
and hose couplers) sized as follows:


2 inch Four 3/4 inch None
3 inch Two 3/4 inch & Two 1-3/4 inch 4 inch
4 inch Two 3/4 inch & Two 1-1/4 inch 4 inch

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Figure 3-3 Typical Compressed Air Outlet Assembly

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3-2.7 Requirements for High-Pressure Compressed Air.

Many submarines require a high-pressure compressed-air supply in addition to the
customary compressed-air requirements. CVN-68 class also requires high pressure air
(ref NSTM Chapter 9490). This service may be provided by tapping an available 3000
psi (20.7 MPa) or 4500 psi (31.0 MPa) source, or by utilizing portable compressors.
Required ships service size is normally 1/2 in (12.7 mm) or 3/4 in (19.05 mm). The
ship's compressors will be used for topoff under emergency conditions. Air quality
should be in accordance with NAVSEA S9086-AB-ROM-010, Naval Ships Technical
Manual (NSTM), Chapter 551, Compressed Air Plants and Systems. This chapter
requires air to be oil free and dehumidified by a desiccant type dehydrator to a dew
point (at atmospheric pressure) of -60 degrees F (-51 degrees C). High-pressure
compressed air service is normally portable and provided by the Activity, but the need
must be determined on an individual site basis.


Shore-supplied saltwater or nonpotable water must not be provided to active berthing
piers and wharves unless instructed otherwise. However, there are existing piers and
wharves that use saltwater or nonpotable water to meet ship fire protection, cooling, and
flushing requirements. For drydocks, refer to UFC 4-213-10. For pier and wharf fire
protection requirements, refer to UFC 3-600-01 Fire Protection Engineering for
Facilities, as well as the criteria in this UFC. Consult with the cognizant fire protection
engineer, both at the local level and at the NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT

3-3.1 Justification.
The use of permanent salt or nonpotable water systems must be justified and approved
in advance by NAVFAC \4\/4/. Use the following criteria to establish approval
requirements for these systems.

3-3.1.1 Repair Piers and Drydocks.

At facilities used for major ship repair in which the repaired ships do not have use of
their own pumping capabilities, permanent shore salt or nonpotable water systems are
normally utilized. These types of installations do not require prior approval. Design
such systems in accordance with applicable requirements defined herein and beginning
with the paragraph entitled Demands and Pressure Requirements.

3-3.1.2 Active Berthing.

Permanent salt or nonpotable water systems should not be provided at active berthing
facilities unless instructed otherwise. It is the Navy's intent that ships at active berth will
normally rely upon their own pumping capabilities to supply saltwater for
flushing/cooling and firefighting. In the event of a major fire or other emergency, shore-
based portable pumps and other available station fire apparatus would be utilized to
augment the ship's saltwater pumping capability.

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Generally, fixed fire protection systems are not required for active berthing piers when
the level of the pier is low enough to the waterline such that the responding fire crews
can perform drafting operations from the pier. However, with the development of the
double-decker type piers, normal fire department operations are restricted due to the
elevation of the pier above the water level. Provide dry standpipe systems for piers
where construction features restrict fire department vehicle access and/or prevent the
fire department from performing drafting evolutions from the pier. The system consists
of multiple inlet, or pumper, connections and multiple outlet (standpipe) connections
located on both levels of the pier.

Locate inlet connections on both sides of the access ramp and size to support flows of
3,000 gpm (190 l/sec). Pumper connection type should be as preferred by the base fire
department, but typically will consist of both 5 in (127 mm) Stortz and 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm)
connections. This configuration will permit the fire department to obtain water from
adjacent fire hydrants, drafting operations from the relieving platform, or a combination
of both.

Outlet connections consist of the following:

Upper level connections consist of a single 5 in (127 mm) Stortz outlet and
valve or (4) 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm) hose valves. Locate connections at each
stair access point to the lower level and at the top of the pier access ramp.

Lower level standpipe or hose stations consist of (2) 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm)
hose valves. Locate hose stations along both sides of the pier, spaced so
that all portions of the lower level are within 150-ft (45 m) of a hose
connection. Measure distances along a path of travel originating at the
hose connection.

Identify locations of the lower level connections on the upper level by color coordinated
reflective markers located on the curb along the pier edge. Provide reflective markers
to identify all fire protection and ship service connections. Identify locations of lower
level connections on the lower level by painting the adjacent pier structural column
(bent) red in color.

Main distribution piping on the pier must be a minimum 8-inch (203 mm) diameter,
Schedule 40-Galvanized. Loop piping to supply hose stations along both sides. Piping
must not infringe on vehicle lanes with respect to clear height requirements.

3-3.1.3 Justification Requirements.

At locations where special conditions or hazards exist, permanent salt or nonpotable
water systems will be allowed for active berthing and inactive berthing facilities on a
case-by-case basis provided: (1) it is adequately justified by the Activity; and (2) it is
approved in advance by the NAVFAC or USACE Chief Fire Protection Engineer. Each
pier or wharf at a given facility must be considered separately unless the usage of two

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or more piers is identical. The Station/Activity should submit the following when
requesting approval for these systems.

Identify the type of facility and activities, and describe the special
condition(s) or hazard(s) peculiar to this facility upon which this request is

Establish the required pier or facility demand and pressure parameters

based on the methods given in the paragraph entitled Demands and
Pressure Requirements.

Provide description and analysis of the options available to provide the

required protection such as: (1) permanent system to supply the entire
demand; (2) portable pumping systems(s) dedicated or otherwise; and (3)
combinations of items (1) and (2). All existing Navy assets must be
included in the analysis including any existing permanent systems.

Provide a life cycle cost analysis for all viable options on a site-specific
basis. Perform the analysis in accordance with NAVFAC P-442, Economic
Analysis Handbook. The analysis must take into consideration the costs
of owning and operating all pertinent plants, both on ships and ashore.

Make recommendations for the best system to meet the required demand
as based on consideration of the special conditions(s) or hazards(s) and
on the life cycle cost analysis.

The demands and pressure parameters of an approved permanent salt or

nonpotable water system should be designed as described in the
paragraph entitled Demands and Pressure Requirements and all

3-3.2 Demands and Pressure Requirements.

Berthing facilities should conform to the requirements specified below. Note that the
requirements differ for overhaul and drydock berthing versus those for active berthing.

3-3.2.1 Drydock, Repair and Inactive Berthing.

Nonpotable or saltwater supply should be furnished at drydocks, piers, and wharves as
described below. Requirements for selected ship classes are defined in Appendix C.
For ships not included in Appendix C, use data from a similar ship, or obtain the
expected demand from NAVFAC \4\/4/. The following criteria should also apply.

Drydock. Provide sufficient saltwater to meet the requirement of the ship

with the highest saltwater demand anticipated to be docked at the
drydock. Use the "Total Demand" quantity listed in Appendix C. Refer to
UFC 4-213-10 for additional requirements at drydocks.

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Repair Berthing. Provide sufficient saltwater to meet the "Total Demand"

requirement defined in Appendix C for the largest ship to be berthed at the
pier plus the aggregate cooling/flushing demand of all remaining ships at
the pier, and then multiplied by the diversity factors given below. In
general, allow 1000 gpm (63 l/s) minimum for piers serving frigate ships
and larger and 500 gpm (32 l/s) minimum for piers serving ships smaller
than frigates. Also, do not include nested ships.


1 1.0
2 0.9
3 0.8
4 0.7
Over 4 0.6

Total System Demand. Where a system serves more than one pier,
assume only one ship fire will occur for the group of repair piers. The
multiple pier supply system should be designed to meet the requirement of
the pier with the highest demand plus the aggregate cooling/flushing
demand from ships at all remaining piers, and then adjusted by the same
diversity factors defined above. To obtain an overall demand that includes
drydocks, add the sum of all drydock demands to the multiple pier demand
as described herein.

Pressure Requirement. The saltwater pressure should be 150 psi (1034

kPa) residual pressure (for all ships except submarines) at the most
remote outlet. Submarines require only 40 psi (276 kPa). These pressure
requirements should be available within 3 minutes of system activation.

3-3.2.2 Active Berthing (Single or Multiple Berths).

As stated previously in the paragraph entitled Saltwater or Nonpotable Water
Systems, shore supplied saltwater or non-potable water should not be provided to
active berthing piers or wharves. However, there are instance where this occurs. In the
criteria given below for saltwater or nonpotable water demands, one of the following
conditions of flow governs. (Note: Either the fire protection demand or the
cooling/flushing demand may govern. Use whichever is greater.)
Base fire demand on a fire occurring aboard the ship with the largest fire
protection demand plus the cooling/flushing ratings of all other ships
connected to the fire protection water systems, and then adjusted for

Base cooling/flushing demand on the aggregate of connected ships and

then adjusted for diversity.

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Requirements for selected ship classes are defined in Appendix C. For ships not
included in Appendix C, use data from a similar ship, or obtain the expected demand
from NAVFAC \4\/4/. For CVN-68 class ship include saltwater for firefighting and
cooling/flushing when potential exists for ship to be in cold iron status. Total demand
equals firefighting plus cooling/flushing flow.

3-3.3 Pumping Equipment.

Pumps may be permanent, portable or mobile as justified and approved under the
requirements defined in the paragraph entitled Justification. In general, pump
capacities and heads should be selected to provide for both fire protection and
cooling/flushing requirements. Use separate pumps for the two requirements only when
specifically allowed or when upgrading an existing system as defined in the paragraph
entitled Upgrading. Refer to UFC 3-600-01 for requirements of fire pumps and
associated equipment. Centrifugal fire pumps should comply with NFPA 20, \4\
Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection . /4/

3-3.3.1 Drives.
As defined by NFPA 20, fire pumps may be driven entirely by electric motors if either a
single reliable power source is available, or if two independent power sources are
available. Single reliable power sources need not include dual substations or starting
equipment. If the above conditions for use of "electric drive only" cannot be met, design
the system such that a minimum of 50 percent of pumping capacity is driven by
approved alternative drives such as diesel engines. Portable or mobile pumping
equipment is normally driven by remote-starting electric motors (when appropriate) or
by diesel or gas-turbine engines.

3-3.3.2 Pressure Control.

Pressure must be controlled under varying demands by staging of pumps and by
incorporation of surge tanks and/or other suitable equipment. It is imperative to prevent
excessive surges due to starting and stopping of pumps. Use a small pressure-
maintenance pump to handle low flows. Fire pumps must be equipped for automatic
startup upon pressure drop, manual stop, and provision for "manual override startup".

3-3.3.3 Alternative Pump Drive.

When a separate cooling/flushing water system is used, a variable speed electric drive
may be used to control pressure. Variable speed equipment may also be used for
combined fire protection and cooling/flushing systems when approved by the cognizant
NAVFAC \4\FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. Variable speed drive equipment should be
selected from types that have been proven by successful use. Adjustable frequency
type variable speed systems are preferred because of their higher efficiency. See \4\
UFC 3-520-01, Interior Electrical Systems /4/, for additional requirements regarding
variable speed systems.

3-3.3.4 Location.

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Permanent pumping equipment for individual piers, wharves, or drydocks should be

located ashore and as near as possible to the pier, wharf or drydock. It is highly
preferred to provide vertical pumps with wet sump/intake configuration. Where this is
impractical, then the pumps may be placed in an enclosure on or alongside a pier or
wharf. The pump columns must be adequately protected from wave action and floating
debris. Portable or mobile pumping equipment may also be placed on pier decks or on
floating platforms moored to the pier.

3-3.3.5 Materials.
Care must be taken when specifying pump materials for nonpotable water service.
Where salt or brackish waters are present, the potential for galvanic and crevice
corrosion is severe. Steel and cast iron, ordinary brass and bronze, and most stainless
steels are not suitable for these corrosive water sources. Specially coated steel and
cast iron as well as 400 series stainless steel have proven to be ineffective. Material
selection should be based on a thorough investigation of the site and operational
conditions. The construction specifications should be explicit as to materials required
for each major part, indicating appropriate ASTM designation and Unified Numbering
System (UNS) number per \5\ ASTM E527, Numbering Metals and Alloys in the Unified
Numbering System (UNS) /5/. Since it is impractical to list all parts, a sentence such as
the following should be included:

"Minor parts not listed should be of comparable materials with equivalent

corrosion resistance to the materials listed."

Submittals for Government approval, including material lists, should be required for
pumps. Materials generally considered appropriate for salt and brackish waters are as
All wetted parts 316 SS, or A276* S31600
316L SS A276* S31603
Shafts/Couplings Nickel-Copper B164* N04400
(Monel) and
B165* N04400
All wetted parts, Alum Bronze, or B148* C95200
except shafts/cplgs Ni-Alum Bronze B148* C95500

* Full titles for ASTM Standards can be found in Appendix A.

In salt water it is important to avoid dissimilarity of parts. Pumps constructed of type

316L stainless steel or nickel aluminum bronze with monel shafts are preferred. In
brackish water, cost savings can be realized by allowing acceptably small dissimilarities.
Aluminum bronze pumps with type 316 stainless steel shafts are a reasonable
alternative. The presence of sand/grit must also be considered. Pumps constructed of
stainless steels handle sand/grit better than pumps constructed of bronze and other
copper alloys. However, saline waters corrosion concerns are still paramount.

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3-3.4 Piping and Outlets

3-3.4.1 Size of Mains.

Piping systems must be designed to provide the required residual pressure at the rated
design flows to the berths farthest from the pumping location. Where a common shore
pumping and distribution system feeds several piers or drydocks, the shore distribution
system must be sized to deliver the design firefighting flow to any one of the piers or
drydocks while cooling/flushing flows continue to all other locations.

3-3.4.2 Location and Arrangement of Mains.

As a general rule, when permanent mains are placed on piers 50 ft (15.24 m) or less in
width, provide a single main with branch lateral pipes for outlets on both sides of the
pier. For piers wider than 50 ft (15.24 m), provide a main on both sides of the pier with
a cross connection at the outboard end of the pier (loop configuration). Coordinate
piping with structural conditions and arrange mains for the best combination of
versatility, security, and overall cost. It is normally more desirable operationally to
provide a looped main than an equivalent single main. Provide isolation valves at
appropriate locations for reliability of service during emergency repairs. Segregation
valve should be placed in the fire main loop so that the maximum distance between any
two adjoining valves does not exceed 200 ft (61 m).

3-3.4.3 Location and Spacing of Outlets.

The pier location of ships' saltwater connections are defined in Appendix C. Refer to
Chapter 2 for a description of the methods to be used in establishing shore utility-station
spacing on piers and wharves. Hose valve manifolds should be provided in sufficient
numbers such that all parts of the ship can be reached by at least two 100 ft (30.5 m)
hoses. For spacing in drydocks, refer to UFC 4-213-10.

3-3.4.4 Outlet Design.

See Figure 3-4. The typical outlet should consist of a 6 in (152.4 mm) branch main and
riser feeding a manifold arrangement of three 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm) and one 4 in (101.6
mm) valved hose connections. Where portable pumping systems are used, standpipe
connections may be provided on some (or each) of the outlet risers for connection to the
portable pumping system discharge hose. For certain large ships, the above outlet
requirements should be modified as defined in the paragraph entitled CV, CVN, LHA,
and LHD Requirements (All Classes). Provide four 4 in (101.6 mm) valved hose
connections in a manifold arrangement at the outboard end of large piers. These
outlets are to serve fireboat or large-volume portable-pump connections. Where
berthing is designed exclusively for tugboats, work boats, or other small craft having a
"Salt Water From Shore" requirement of not more than 625 gpm (39.4 l/s), properly
spaced 4 in (101.6 mm) risers having two to three 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm) connections may
be used in lieu of the above. All connections should be protected by a chained cap. At
each designated pier in each naval station where oceangoing U.S. merchant and

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foreign ships are expected, provide two international shore connections. See Figure 3-

3-3.4.5 Materials and Installation Criteria.

Pipe and fittings should conform to \4\ UFC 3-230-19N /4/, Water Supply Systems, as
applicable to piers and wharves. Use pipe, fittings and valves pressure-rated at 250 psi
(1724 kPa) minimum. Hose threads should be National Standard hose-coupling
threads, 7-1/2 threads/inch, or as approved by the cognizant Fire Protection Engineer.
Materials for valves should conform to requirements for pumps as defined in the
paragraph entitled Materials. For piping on a pier or wharf, evaluate the relative
advantages of cement-lined ductile iron versus cement-lined steel pipe with an extruded
polyethylene or polypropylene exterior coating. An ultra violet inhibitor must be used in
polyethylene coatings that will be exposed to sunlight. For coated pipe, use
polyethylene heat-shrinkable sleeves and/or tape wrapping at joints and fittings.
Provide pipe hangers and associated support assemblies in accordance with the
paragraph entitled Hangars and Support Assemblies. Provide means of pipe
movement due to thermal expansion, preferably by the use of expansion loops and
offsets. Also, provide for differential movement of piping at pier expansion joints.
Piping and outlets must be identified and color-coded in accordance with Chapter 6.

3-3.5 CV, CVN, LHA, and LHD Requirements (All Classes).

At existing installations where insufficient saltwater pressure exists, the pressure should
be increased to provide 150 psi (1034 kPa) residual pressure at the pier outlets. Pump-
discharge pressure must be sufficient to provide the required residual at the rated
design flow. The following special requirements apply to these large class ships:

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Figure 3-4 Typical Salt or Non-Potable Water Outlet Assembly

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3-3.5.1 Special Outlets.

In lieu of the typical outlet assembly, provide four 4 in (101.6 mm) gate-valved hose
connections in a 8 in (203 mm) manifold arrangement with a 8 in (203 mm) riser at each
of two locations. Approximate locations of outlets for aircraft carriers should be as
indicated on Figure 3-6. For LHA and LHD ships, determine locations from NAVSEA or
from the Activity. Except for the riser size, outlet design and configuration should be
similar to outlets at other locations and which serve the smaller ships.

3-3.5.2 Upgrading.
Permanent changes to existing pier systems for upgrading of the fire protection system
(where permanent system has been justified) should be a separate high-pressure
system. Provide pipes, fittings, and valves with a pressure rating of 250 psi (1724 kPa)
minimum. Existing low-pressure saltwater systems may remain in place for
cooling/flushing and for fighting fires on piers when handheld hose lines are required.

3-3.5.3 Portable or Mobile Pumps.

Supplemental large-volume portable or mobile pumps may be utilized to augment the
salt-water supply from a permanent system. Existing systems that can supply a portion
of the requirement at 150 psi (1034 kPa) residual pressure may remain unchanged.
However, when portable or mobile systems are used at drydocks or repair facilities, the
capacity of the permanent system should be no less than 5000 gpm (18,925 lpm).

3-3.6 Other Nuclear-Powered Ship Requirements.

For active and repair berthing or docking, the requirements are the same as those for
conventionally powered ships of similar type.


Potable water should be provided for all berthing spaces so that ships may be supplied
water. For graving drydocks, refer to UFC 4-213-10, Design: Graving Drydocks. Lastly,
supplemental utility data as well as specialized technical data is added to the end of this

3-4.1 Quantity and Pressure Requirements

3-4.1.1 Active Berthing (Single or Multiple Berths).

For single berths, provide a potable water supply of 1000 gpm (63 l/s) for all berth
lengths up to 2000 ft (610 m). Design for a minimum residual pressure of 40 psi (276
kPa) downstream of an RP2 backflow preventer located at the most remote outlet on
the pier. Where the pier length accommodates more than one berth, provide a potable
water supply of 1000 gpm (63 l/s) for the first 2000 ft (610 m) of berth, plus 500 gpm (32
l/s) for each additional 2000 ft (610 m, up to a maximum of 2000 gpm (126 l/s), and with
a minimum pressure of 40 psi (276 kPa) downstream of an RP2 backflow preventer
located at the most remote outlet. Potable water requirements for selected ship classes
are defined in Appendix C. For ships not included in Appendix C use data from a
similar ship or obtain the expected data from NAVFAC \4\/4/ or USACE.

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Figure 3-5 International Shore Connection for Ship Fire Mains

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Figure 3-6 Salt or Non-Potable Water for CV, CVN Classes at Pier

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3-4.1.2 Repair Berthing.

The potable water requirements are defined in Appendix C. Add the quantities
indicated for each ship (including nested ships) and that total available on the pier.
Base the peak rate of flow for sizing the main on providing the entire daily flow
requirements defined in Appendix C, applied to all ships on a pier or wharf, at a
constant flow rate, within an 8-hour period, and at a residual pressure of 40 psi (276
kPa) minimum at the furthest shore connections. It is noted that this data is based on
30 gpd/man (114 lpd/man).

3-4.1.3 Multiple Piers.

Determine total usage for multiple piers by summing daily flows for all ships at all piers
or wharves assuming 30 gpd/man (114 lpd/man). Determine the peak-flow rate for
multiple piers by summing peak-flow rates for all piers or wharves as determined by the
method described above and then multiplied by a diversity factor of 0.75.

3-4.2 Piping System Design Criteria.

For piping materials and installation requirements, refer to \4\ UFC 3-230-19N /4/, Water
Supply Systems. Ductile iron is typically used for the main lines while PVC or copper is
used for branch lines. For piping under a pier or wharf, evaluate the relative
advantages of cement-lined ductile iron versus cement- lined steel pipe with an
extruded polyethylene or polypropylene exterior coating. Provide an ultra violet inhibitor
in polyethylene or polypropylene coatings exposed to sunlight. For coated pipe, use
polyethylene, heat-shrinkable sleeves and/or tape wrapping at joints and fittings. Type
of joint requires particular consideration. Provide pipe hangers and associated support
assemblies in accordance with the paragraph entitled Hangars and Support
Assemblies. Provide means of pipe movement due to thermal expansion, preferably
by use of expansion loops or offsets. Also, provide for differential movement of piping
at pier expansion joints. Consider effects of transients from waterhammer.

3-4.3 Location and Arrangement of Piping Mains.

As a general rule, provide a single water main with cross-branch piping to outlets for
active berthing piers and for repair piers 50 ft (15.2 m) or less in width. For repair piers
wider than 50 ft (15.2 m), provide piping mains on both sides of the pier with a cross
connection at the outboard end of the pier (loop configuration). Coordinate piping with
structural conditions and arrange mains for the best combination of versatility, security,
and overall cost. Normally, it is more desirable to provide a looped main rather than an
equivalent single main. Provide isolation valves at appropriate locations for reliability of
service during emergency repairs.

3-4.4 Piping and Outlets.

See Figure 3-7. Provide at least one 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm) connection at each service
outlet except as specified in the paragraph entitled Specific Ship Requirements for
large ship requirements or where nesting is anticipated. Branch piping from mains to
outlet risers should be not less than 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm), and not less than 4 in (01.6
mm) where dual 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm) connections are fed by a common branch.

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Terminate shore connections with a 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm) gate valve with hose threads
(national hose threads) and a chained cap. Provide a reduced-pressure type backflow
prevention device in accordance with \4\ UFC 3-230-19N /4/. Identify and color-code
potable water outlets on piers and wharves in accordance with Chapter 6. If static
pressure in supply mains is greater than 80 psi (552 kPa) for any portion of the day,
then provide regulators set at 80 psi (552 kPa) maximum.

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Figure 3-7 Typical Potable Water Outlet Assembly

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3-4.5 Location and Spacing of Outlets.

The pier locations of ships potable water connections may be determined by the data
defined in Appendix C. Refer to Chapter 2 for a description of methods to be used in
establishing shore-utility station spacing on piers and wharves.

3-4.6 Specific Ship Requirements

3-4.6.1 CV and CVN Ship Requirements (All Classes).

Design systems as specified above except provide a 4 in (101.6 mm) branch line, a 4 in
(101.6 mm) reduced pressure backflow prevention device, and an outlet assembly at
outlet locations 3 and 4 of Figure 3-6. Provide a 4 in to 2-1/2 in (101.6 mm to 63.5 mm)
reducer for each location to allow the use of these outlets by ships other than carriers.

3-4.6.2 LHA and LHD.

Design systems as specified for CV/CVN class ships except provide dual outlets at
each utility connection group, one 4 in (101.6 mm) reduced-pressure backflow
prevention device, and an outlet assembly near the center of the berth. Provide a 4 in
to 2-1/2 in (101.6 mm to 63.5 mm) reducer to allow use of the 4 in (101.6 mm) outlet
with other ships.

3-4.6.3 Additional Requirement for Nuclear-Powered Ships.

\5\ A "pure" water supply as defined by NAVSEA is required for all nuclear-powered
ships. Quantities for CVNs and submarines will be 20,000 gpd and 10,000 gpd
respectively. Applicable reference documents include MIL-STD-767, Control of
Hardware Cleanliness (NOFORN) and MIL-STD-2041, Control of Detrimental Materials
(NOFORN). A project team will be established for pure water delivery systems for new
projects. The project team (consisting of at least the NAVFAC project manager and a
Shipyard pure water engineering representative) will agree on the pure water delivery
system for new projects with NAVSEA 08 concurrence. Viable options include:

At locations where there is an existing remote demineralized water plant of

sufficient capacity, pure water can be produced from the demineralized
water plant and processed through a polishing unit for either direct
delivery to the ship via permanent piping system or delivered via pure
water tanker delivery trailer.*
At locations where there is neither an existing demineralized water plant
nor one of sufficient capacity, pure water can be produced from a portable
demineralizer unit processed through a portable polishing trailer for either
direct delivery to the ship or delivered via pure water tanker delivery
At locations where usage quantities or berth arrangements dictate, design
and construction of a pure water production plant and/or permanent piping
delivery system may be considered.*

*NOTE: Final connections to the ship from either the trailers or the permanent

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piping system are made with hoses. /5/

3-4.7 Quality.
Refer to \4\ UFC 3-230-19N /4/. The quality of water must meet or exceed the
requirements of 40 CFR, Part 141, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National
Primary Drinking Water Regulations and the National Secondary Drinking Water

3-4.8 Metering.
Provide metering of potable water supply to piers or groups of piers unless instructed
otherwise. See the paragraph entitled Metering in Chapter 2. Use compound-disc or
magnetic-flow meters to achieve a high range of registration.


Refer to \4\ UFC 3-460-01 Design: Petroleum Fuel Facilities /4/. Fuel and lube oil
connection locations on various ships are defined in Appendix C. Pier fueling
connections and hoses must be kept a minimum of 25 ft (7.6m) away from any possible
ignition sources, such as pier power outlets, telephone terminal panels, and fire alarm
equipment. Required POL connection sizes must be obtained from specific ship data
available from NAVSEA. General requirements for pipe hangers and support
assemblies (the paragraph entitled Hangars and Support Assemblies) and for
metering (paragraph entitled Metering in Chapter 2) are applicable. Identify POL
outlets on piers and wharves and color-code in accordance with Chapter 6. POL piping
systems also require special consideration for protective coatings and cathodic
protection systems. See the paragraph entitled Cathodic Protection Systems (CPS).
Refer to military specifications MIL-C-52404, Connection Hose, Fire and Water and
MIL-S-12165, Strainer Suction, Fire Hose, and Strainers, Suction, Hose for POL
connection types. Consult with the cognizant fire protection engineer, both at the local
level and at the NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT level.


For typical ship-to-shore connection requirements, see Figure 3-8. Oily waste collection
must be provided at all berths for 100 gpm (6.3 l/s). Oily waste system requirements for
selected ship classes are defined in Appendix C. For ships not included in Appendix C,
use data from a similar ship or obtain the expected demand from NAVFAC \4\/4/ or

The system is usually a fixed piping system. However, tank truck or barges may be
used for transient berths if allowed by the Activity. Ship waste oily barges (SWOB)
should not be used at submarine berths due to potential hull damage. Design ships oily
waste (bilge water) systems in accordance with \4\ UFC 4-832-01N /4/, Design:
Industrial and Oily Wastewater Control. Also, refer to 40 CFR, Part 1700, Uniform
National Discharge Standards for Vessels of the Armed Forces, and to NAVSEA
S9593-BF-DDT-010, Oil Pollution Abatement System for ship design. Connection
locations for ships oily waste are defined in Appendix C. Refer to Chapter 2 for a

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description of utility spacing requirements. In climates subject to freezing temperatures,

oily waste lines must be properly protected. Refer to Chapter 6.

3-6.1 Pierside and Barge Collection of Shipboard Oily Waste.

Shipboard oily waste must not be directly discharged to public waters. In many cases it
is unsuitable for discharge to a POTW. Requirements are: (1) provide full treatment to
direct discharge standards; or (2) provide pretreatment to reduce pollutants to
acceptable levels for municipal sewer discharge. Bilge wastes are normally the primary
influent (both in volume and contaminant concentration) to an oily waste treatment
system. Occasionally, compensating ballast water is discharged from ships and barges
directly overboard. As of this writing, Puget Sound, Washington activities are required
by the local regulatory agencies to collect compensating ballast water during ship's
refueling operations. This waste contains lower contaminant levels than bilge wastes
but usually requires treatment before disposal. Lastly, the designer should refer to the
Naval Facilities Engineering Service Centers (NFESC) Bilge and Oily Wastewater
Treatment System as an alternative system for pollution prevention. Every project must
be evaluated on a project-by-project basis. The designer must consult with the
cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT, the Activity, and the responsible
Environmental Engineers, both at the local level and at the NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR

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Figure 3-8 Ship-to-Shore Oily Waste Hose Connection

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3-6.2 Ship Oily Waste Generation.

Collection may take the form of transfer systems to trucks or barges, or a facility
pipeline system. Coordinate with environmental requirements to provide an
environmentally acceptable collection system with the most economical life cycle cost.

3-6.2.1 Primary sources of ship-generated oily wastewater are bilges, oily waste
holding tanks for collecting lubricating oils and water contaminated fuel, condensate
lines, and tank cleaning water. Sonar dome pumping water is not normally collected as
part of the oily waste collection system. The oil content in the bilge water normally
varies from 100 ppm (0.01 percent) to 10,000 ppm (1.0 percent). The rest is mostly
saltwater of unknown chloride content. The oil content of ship discharges overboard is
limited to 20 ppm or less within 12 nautical miles of the nearest land. In ports that
restrict the direct discharge of ballast water, the ballast water can be discharged from
most ships (other than tankers) through a large diameter piping system to a ship waste
oily barge (SWOB) or a YON vessel. Compensating ballast water can also be
discharged directly to a pier collection system provided the liquid can discharged by
gravity flow (from ship to pier connection) and the back pressure can be kept to a
minimum. The Navy policy on classification of oily wastewater is that the oily waste and
waste oil (OWWO) become a waste only upon removal from the ship. In general, bilge
water should be treated like any other waste.

3-6.3 Pumping Equipment.

Provide basket or bar type screens on a pump inlet that can be easily removed and
cleaned from an easily accessible and safe location.

Determine pump capacity and operating cycle. In order to reduce mechanical formation
of emulsion at oily waste treatment plants, use positive displacement pumps (in lieu of
centrifugal pumps) with pressure relief valves. Pumps should pass solids having a
diameter 0.125 in (3 mm).

Provide controls suitable for Class I, Division 1, Group D hazardous classification. Use
float or sonic type level controllers for pump control and alarm. Air bubbler type
controllers must not be used. Provide a discharge pump control valve to minimize
surge effects on equalization basins located at oily waste treatment plants. (This
requirement is not applicable for positive displacement pumps.) Provide an alarm
system for overflow or power failure. Provide manual override of automatic pump
controllers. Low-level alarm conditions must lock out all pumps and must require
manual resetting.

3-6.4 Piping Systems.

Piping requirements are similar to requirements for sewage systems. (See the
paragraph entitled Sewage Systems and the associated subparagraphs.) Piping
material is typically galvanized steel. However, some local environmental regulations
require double-wall piping systems. Consult with the Activity and the cognizant
NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. Provide pipe hangers and associated

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support assemblies in accordance with the paragraph entitled Hangars and Support
Assemblies. Identify oily waste outlets on piers and wharves and color-code in
accordance with Chapter 6.

3-6.5 Metering.
Unless instructed otherwise, specify the following to monitor the system: (1)
accumulating flow meter; (2) elapsed time meter for pumps and ventilator; and (3) pump
suction and discharge pressure gages. Provide gages with oil-filled diaphragm and
cutoff valves. Consult with the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT
for any additional requirements. See the paragraph entitled Metering in Chapter 2 for
additional metering requirements.


3-7.1 Introduction.
Design information on wastewater collection and transmission systems is extensively
covered in Water Environment Federation (WEF) MOP FD-5, Gravity Sanitary Sewer
Design and Construction. This section addresses two wastewater collection and
transmission topics that are not addressed in WEF MOP FD-5: (1) pier and wharf
facilities; and (2) drydock facilities.

3-7.2 Specialized Shipboard Sewage Characteristics and Parameters.

Designing sewage collection systems for shipboard wastewater requires special and
unique conditions that the designer must take into account. All of these special issues
must be addressed and resolved.

3-7.2.1 Characteristics of Ship Holding Tank Discharges.

Ship holding tank discharges can be a major source of wastewater. These wastewaters
have the following general characteristics.

A ship's wastewater is primarily domestic wastewater but may also contain

industrial wastewater depending on the ship operations.

A ship's wastewater is more concentrated than typical domestic

wastewater, a result of specific design features of the ship's wastewater
collection systems.

A ship's wastewater may contain high concentrations of dissolved solids,

chloride, sulfates, and sodium if seawater flushing or ballast systems are

3-7.2.2 Ship Discharge Values.

Appendix C defines the maximum sewage discharge values of a ship's complement,
daily flow, maximum discharge, number of pumping stations, total number of pumps,
and number and location of discharge connections. Where destroyers or submarines

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are nested next to a tender berthed at a pier, the nested ships will discharge into the
tender. The tender will then discharge to the pier's sewage collection system at the rate
listed for the tender. For nested ships, it is suggested to provide a pressure manifold to
reduce peak demand flow.

3-7.2.3 Flow Rate Variations.

Domestic wastewater flows at piers, wharves and drydocks can be expected to exhibit
seasonal and other weather-influenced flow variations. In addition, the effect of
industrial and ship discharge flows as well as the variable nature of military operations
may significantly affect flow variations. To minimize flow variations, flow equalization
should be considered. Equalization can be applied to specific flows (such as industrial
flows or other specialized flow types) that exhibit wide variations to the entire
wastewater flow. When calculating flows, consider the following.

Industrial flows such as vehicle and aircraft wash facilities. If these flows
coincide with peak domestic flows, then they should be added to the peak

Ship holding tank discharge flows. Flow rates will depend on the total
volume of flow and the time required to convey the wastewater to the
treatment facility. Design equalization systems to equalize the flows in
order to minimize their effects on peak flows. Consider conveying the ship
wastewaters to the treatment facility at night when domestic flows are low.

Intermittent flows due to military functions. Periods of increased sewage

flows will occur because of training activities or other personnel
mobilization exercises common to military installations. Training activities
or other mobilization exercises will create short-term increases in domestic
wastewater and possibly industrial flows. These intermittent activities may
create the peak wastewater flow rate. Design the sewage collection
system to handle routine variations in flow resulting from training and other
routine military exercises. The design must ensure acceptable
performance with reasonable operational costs. (For example, an
equalization system may provide flow and load dampening to
accommodate these significant variations.) However, do not design
facilities to accommodate peak surges resulting from emergency military

Intermittent periods of reduced use. Low flows can also be a problem.

Therefore, design the wastewater facility to operate efficiently over a
range of flows. (For example, provide parallel trains that can be taken out
of service.)

Changes in requirements or military mission. Designs should include

provisions for the system's expansion and contraction as well as system

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modifications due to more stringent effluent requirements or military

mission changes. In general, maximize operational flexibility.

3-7.2.4 Wastewater Loadings.

Wastewater loadings are typically calculated based on the projected flows and
wastewater pollutant concentrations and are expressed in pounds per day (lb/d)
(kilograms per day (kg/d)). Where possible, determine loadings by analyzing the
wastewater to be treated. Consult with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC
/4/ OR USACE DISTRICT to obtain collected data and specific instructions.

3-7.2.5 Ship Sewage.

Ship sewage settles well and is amenable to biological treatment, but it may be septic.
Table 3-4, "Typical Ship Sewage Concentrations", define typical concentration values.
Wastes from shipboard industrial activities are not included. High dissolved solids,
chloride, sulfates, and sodium concentrations apply when seawater flushing or ballast
systems are used. For more information on ship sewage, refer to NAVSEA S9086-AB-
ROM-010, Naval Ships Technical Manual (NSTM), Chapter 593, Pollution Control.

3-7.2.6 Effect of Wastewaters with High Seawater Content.

Performance. High concentrations of seawater tend to inhibit biological

treatment. Process inhibition is related to the chloride concentration of the

1) For new designs: Currently, there is an absence of pilot plant data

or treatment data from similar wastewaters. Consequently,
compensate for high seawater content according to the data
presented in Table 3-4.

2) In analyzing the capacity of existing treatment facilities to receive

ship's wastewater, use figures defined in Table 3-5. If these
indicate overloading solely because of chloride inhibition, conduct
pilot plant tests before planning any expansion. Consult with the
Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE
DISTRICT for instructions.

3) Sudden changes in chloride concentration may upset biological

processes. Consider equalization storage to limit chloride variation
at the wastewater facility. For chloride concentrations in excess of
5000 mg/L, provide design limitations of 200 mg/L/h.

Maintenance. High seawater content in wastewater will aggravate

incrustation problems. Avoid fine bubble air diffusion systems and design
orifices to facilitate periodic cleaning of mineral deposits. This is
especially applicable to orifices in trickling filter flow distributors or in

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aeration devices. Use care in selecting construction and equipment


Table 3-4 Typical Ship Sewage Concentrations


Total suspended solids 600

Total dissolved solids 20,000
Chlorides 11,000
Sulfates 1,500
Sodium 6,200
Other dissolved solids 1,300
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 400

Table 3-5 Chloride Inhibition of Biological Nitrification


Trickling filters and 5,000 mg/L Referring to appropriate design

rotating biological loading curve, decrease
contactors loading an amount
corresponding to one
percentage point of removal
efficiency per 1,000 mg/L of
chlorides in excess
of 5,000 mg/L

Activated sludge 5,000 mg/L Decrease loading by 2% per

1,000 mg/L chlorides in excess
of 5,000 mg/L

Aerobic and 8,000 mg/L Increase detention time by 2%

facultative lagoons per 1,000 mg/L chlorides in
excess of 8,000 mg/L


* Highest average chloride concentration expected over 24 hours.

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3-7.3 Pier and Wharf Systems.

Design the ship sewage collection system for the peak flow from the maximum planned
berthing with sewer flowing full. Base the design on maximum discharge of ship pumps.
Provide a gravity flow system unless approved otherwise.

3-7.3.1 Layout/Location.
See Figure 3-9. Provide a single 4 in (101.6 mm) pressure rated manifold assembly at
each berth. Each manifold assembly should have four single 4 in (101.6 mm) diameter
pressure sewer connectors. This layout has the following advantages:

It provides large reduction in peak flows by combining multiple discharges

from a ship (or nested ships) into a single stream, thereby increasing the
head on the ships pumps.

By reducing peak flow, it allows berthing of other ship types included in the
berthing plan.

It is self-regulating and self-cleaning plus avoids failure or maintenance

problems inherent in regulating valves or other similar devices.

3-7.3.2 Additional Requirements.

See Figure 3-10 for typical collection sewer layouts on different pier types. Properly
isolate each berthing space in order to prevent pumping from one berth into another and
to allow ships with lower head pumps to discharge into the pier sewer.

Isolate the berths by providing one separate manifold assembly at each berth and then
connect the manifold assembly directly to the pier's gravity sewer system. Where the
berthing space is less than 600 ft (183 m), the number of manifold assemblies should
be reduced to fit the space available. In such cases, it may be necessary to reduce the
150 ft (46 m) spacing between the assemblies. For carrier berths, two standard
manifold assemblies each with four 4 in (101.6 mm) outlet connectors should be

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Figure 3-9 Pressure Manifold Schematic for Pier and Wharf Systems

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Figure 3-10A Sewer Layout for Alternative Pier Types (1 of 2)

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Figure 3-10B Sewer Layout for Alternative Pier Types (2 of 2)

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3-7.3.3 Location Details.

See Figure 3-11 and Figure 3-12 for typical installation on piers and quay walls. Locate
all collecting sewers behind the permanent wharf or pier construction and away from the
fender systems. Locate pump stations off the pier and behind the bulkhead lines. If
location along the pier deck is required, then do not restrict working area on the pier.
Lines behind wharves should always be buried. For design of new piers and quay walls,
consider locating sewers in utility tunnels. This arrangement will reduced external
corrosion and improved maintainability of the sewer lines, and thus may offset higher
construction costs.

3-7.3.4 Environmental Considerations (Corrosion and Freeze Protection).

Evaluate paint and finish requirements. See the paragraph entitled Paint
and Finish Requirements. For ship-to-shore sewer connections
(including ductile iron sewer pipe and all exposed metal such as steel
support members, gratings, angles, pipe support hangers, fastening
devices, and other appurtenances) it is generally recommended to provide
a two-coat, coal-tar epoxy coating, conforming to Steel Structures Painting
Council (SSPC) Paint No. 16. Specify a total dry film thickness of 16 mils
(0.4 mm) minimum.

Evaluate freeze protection requirements. See Figure 3-13. Pipes

installed under piers or wharves in any geographic location must be
protected from wave action and floating objects. Provide protective
jacketing of the insulation using aluminum, stainless steel, or coal-tar
epoxy coated steel where freeze protection is required. Provide structural
protection for the entire length of pipe run in addition to jacketing. Use
steel cage of fabricated shapes or consider the use of a catwalk system
that would provide both access and piping protection. Specialized freeze
protection features are defined in Chapter 6.

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Figure 3-11A Typical Sewage Collection Facilities (1 of 2)

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Figure 3-11B Typical Sewage Collection Facilities (2 of 2)

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Figure 3-12A Details for Sewage Collection Facilities (1 of 2)

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Figure 3-12B Details of Sewage Collection Facilities (2 of 2)

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Figure 3-13A Piping Details for Sewage Collection Facilities (1 of 2)

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Figure 3-13B Piping Details for Sewage Collection Facilities (2 of 2)

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3-7.3.5 Odor/Septicity Control.

Slope sewer pipes as much as possible to minimize detention time. Provide aeration in
accordance with sound engineering practices. Holding tanks must be aerated unless
detention time is less than 3 hours at average 24-hour flow. Keep force mains as short
as possible and avoid sulfide generation. Control sulfide generation by using an
injection of oxidizing chemicals such as chlorine, permanganate, or hydrogen peroxide.
Consult suppliers of chemicals feed equipment regarding costs and expected
performance. Refer to WEF MOP FD-5, Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and
Construction, for rational methods to predict sulfide generation rates and methods of
control. Maintain minimum flow velocity of 3 ft/s (0.9 m/s). Provide cleanouts and air
relief valves at strategic and accessible locations. Provide check valves at pump

3-7.3.6 Structures and Appurtenances.

Some sewer structures and appurtenances have already been defined in Figure 3-11,
Figure 3-12, and Figure 3-13. Additional features are defined in Figure 3-14, and Figure
3-15. Also, see Table 3-6.

3-7.3.7 Pump Stations.

The design of sewage pump stations at waterfront facilities requires the careful
consideration of all associated parameters including the premium value of real estate.
The system must account for all ship flows and the connection to the station's central
sewage distribution system. Careful coordination is required with the Activity and the
cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. It is imperative to provide a
properly operational system at minimum construction cost and operational cost while
optimizing the use of waterfront property.

3-7.3.8 Pipe.
A variety of pipe materials may be acceptable to specify and will vary on a pier-by-pier
basis. Consult with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE
DISTRICT for the final material selection. In general, PVC pipe may be used for gravity
systems. Ductile iron pipe is preferred for pressurized systems. However, PVC pipe
and HDPE pipe has been specified for pressurized systems at some pier facilities.
Lined ductile iron with mechanical joints should be used for exposed locations and
where high impact resistance is important. Support exposed pipe in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations. In other exposed locations where corrosion
resistance is a major concern, consider specifying thermoplastic (high density
polyethylene) pressure pipe with butt fusion joints. Plastic piping on pier and wharf
systems should be protected from impact by floating debris and other hazards. In these
cases, consider a specially designed utility trench. For buried lines, apply general
sewer pipe selection guidelines.

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Figure 3-14 Ship-to-Shore Sewage Hose Components

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Figure 3-15 Above Pier Hose Connection

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Table 3-6 Special Pier Structures and Appurtenances


In-line Cleanout Note 1 See Figure 3-12

Regular Manhole Note 2 \4\ Refer to UFGS 33 30 Note 3

00, Sanitary Sewers /4/

Drop Manhole Note 4 \4\ Refer to UFGS 33 30 Note 5

00, Sanitary Sewers /4/

Siphons Note 6 Note 7 Note 8

Intercepting Sewers Note 9 Note 10

Traps and Interceptors Note 11 Note 12

Terminal Cleanout Note 13 See Figure 3-12 Note 14

Receiving Hose See Figures 3-14 & 3-15 Note 15


Sewer Pipe Supports Note 16 See Figures 3-11 & 3-13

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1. Use in-line cleanout at junctions and changes of direction and when required
according to spacing shown in details under regular manhole below.

2. Use regular manhole: terminally on all lines; at all junctions and changes of
direction; at changes in invert elevation or slope. Otherwise, according to
spacing shown below:

Pipe Size Maximum Spacing

Inches (mm) Feet (m)
18 (450) or less 400 (120)
18-48 (450-1200) 500 (150)
48 (1200) and greater 600 (180)

3. Requirements for regular manholes: lower invert through manhole a distance

equal to expected loss of head in manhole, plus 0.8 times any change in sewer
size. For junction manholes, check which upstream invert is critical in
determining outlet invert. Raise top of manhole above possible flooding level.

4. Use drop manhole when difference between inlet and outlet inverts exceed 2 ft
(0.6 m).

5. Requirements for drop manholes: for difference less than 2 ft (0.6 m), increase
upstream sewer slope to eliminate drop.

6. Use siphons for carrying sewers under obstructions or waterways.

7. For siphons: maintain velocity of 0.9 m/s (3 fps). Use no less than two barrels
with minimum pipe size of 150 mm 6 inches (6 inches). Provide for convenient
flushing and maintenance.

8. Requirements for siphons: use WEF MOP FD-5 for hydraulic design.

9. Use intercepting sewers where discharge of existing sewers must be brought to a

new concentration point.

10. Requirements for intercepting sewers: take special care against infiltration due
to depth or proximity of surface water.

11. Use traps and interceptors on all outlets from subsistence buildings, garages,
mechanical shops, wash pits, and other points where grease or oil can enter the

12. For traps and interceptors: use a displacement velocity of 0.015 m/s (0.05 fps).
Grease removal: in absence of other data use 300 to 400 mg/L. Provide for

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storage of 1 week's grease production (1 day if continuous removal is provided).

Length = twice depth.

13. Use terminal cleanouts terminally on all pier collection systems.

14. Requirements for terminal cleanouts: locate where it will not interfere with other
operations on the pier or other utilities.

15. Requirements for receiving hose connections: design connections to receive the
discharge from ships.

16. Properly support all sewer pipes, especially pipes located under the pier. See
the paragraph entitled Hangars and Support Assemblies.

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3-7.3.9 Sewage Transfer Hoses.

See Figure 3-14 and Figure 3-15. Provide a washing facility for washing the end
couplings and the exterior of the hose. The facility should include hot potable water and
a standard stock detergent. Hose washing/storage facilities must be designed so that
manual lifting or pulling of hoses is minimized through the use of mechanical devices
and/or arrangement of the area. Caps for each end of the hose should be provided and
installed after washing. The clean hose should be stored in drying racks. For further
information, refer to NAVFAC MO-340, Ship-to-Shore Hose Handling Operations

3-7.4 Drydock Facilities.

For drydock facilities, design the sewage collection system for the maximum planned
docking pattern and the designed peak flow conditions. Consider the following when
designing drydock collection systems.

Separation of hydrostatic leakage from drydock wastewater: The drydock

wastewater is generally not contaminated and can be discharged directly
to storm sewers or open water depending on regulatory conditions.

Separation of ship's domestic wastes from the industrial wastes generated

by drydock activities: These industrial wastes include leakage,
precipitation runoff, and washdown that carries sandblasting residue and

3-7.4.1 Layout.
Ships fitted with collection-holding-transfer (CHT) should be connected to dockside
sanitary sewers for CHT discharge. Ships without CHT should use scuppers and
manifold connections to the ship's discharge points and then transfer to the sanitary
sewer system. See Figure 3-16 for typical collection system layouts in drydock facilities.

3-7.4.2 Pump Station Features.

Make capacity equal to that of maximum combined ship's discharge rate of ships in
drydock. Furnish portable auxiliary pumping facilities when required. Refer to UFC 4-

3-7.4.3 Sewage Receiving Connections and Transfer Hoses.

See Figure 3-17 for underground drydock receiving hose connections. Figure 3-15 is
also applicable for aboveground drydock receiving hose connections. Aboveground
receiving hose connections should be used whenever possible. See the paragraph
entitled Sewage Transfer Hoses regarding transfer hoses.

3-7.4.4 Special Structures and Appurtenances.

See Figure 3-16 for typical cleanout locations for drydock sewers. Locate cleanouts in
main sewer at a maximum spacing of 300 ft (91 m).

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Figure 3-16A Typical Sewage System Layouts for Drydock Facilities (1 of 2)

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Figure 3-16B Typical Sewage System Layouts for Drydock Facilities (2 of 2)

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Figure 3-17A Underground Hose Connection (1 of 2)

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Figure 3-17B Underground Hose Connection (2 of 2)

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Electrical power is required on piers, wharves, and at drydocks for ships services. This
includes hotel service (shore-to-ship power), ship repair (industrial power), ships
systems testing, pier weight-handling equipment, cathodic protection systems, pier
lighting, and miscellaneous pier electrical systems. Materials and installation must
conform to the requirements given in UFC 3-501-01, Electrical Engineering, and in
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. For drydocks, refer to additional criteria in UFC 4-
213-10. Utility data and specialized technical data is available in Appendix C or it may
be obtained directly from NAVFAC or USACE. In addition to the design criteria provided
in this particular section, operation and maintenance guidance for electrical systems is
provided in Appendix E.

3-8.1 Types of Electrical Services.

Design electrical services for piers, wharves, and drydocks for one of the two types of
service listed below, as directed by the cognizant NAVFAC FEC OR USACE District.

3-8.1.1 Permanent Service.

At naval stations, shipyards, repair piers, drydocks, and other continuously occupied
waterfront facilities, provide fixed electrical substations and associated facilities to
accommodate the normal, maximum electrical demand load. The design may include
the use of portable substations as necessary to provide the peak electrical load that
may result from abnormal and unplanned electrical needs. The electrical design must
include: (1) ships power requirements (hotel services) on a dedicated un-grounded
power system; and (2) other facility loads on a separate grounded power system that
includes loads such as lighting, weight-handling equipment, cranes, pumps, general
utilization power, and the industrial power system (dedicated for ships repair work while
berthed) when required. There are three basic types of fixed substation installations: (1)
the substation is installed on the lower deck of a double-deck pier; (2) the substation is
installed on the pier deck of a single-deck pier or at grade level adjacent to the pier or
associated waterfront facility, and (3) the substation is installed in an electrical vault
located below the pier deck. The vault system has been used on many existing piers,
however it is not recommended for new installations and requires approval of NAVFAC
or USACE. See Appendix E and the section entitled Substations for additional

3-8.1.2 Temporary Service.

Provide temporary electrical service at waterfront facilities not continuously occupied, or
at any facility where a substantial portion of the peak load will be occasional or
intermittent. Provide primary feeders and high voltage outlet assemblies (5kV and
15kV) for connections to portable substations. Examples of high temporary loads
include: (1) power for testing certain ships weapons systems; and (2) power for testing
ships plant nuclear systems. That portion of the load serving basic pier, wharf, or

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drydock functions (lighting, weight-handling equipment, and receptacles not related to

ship service or repair service) must be fed from the permanent service.

3-8.2 Primary Power System.

The primary distribution system on the pier or other waterfront facility normally operates
in the medium-voltage range between 5 kV and 35kV and will depend upon the shore-
side utility voltage(s) available. The shore-side utility system is normally already in
existence. It may have to be expanded or upgraded to support a new or increased
capacity pier, but will rarely require a completely new electrical utility service point.
Upgrades to the system should provide the pier with a dedicated normal circuit and
provisions for switching to a backup circuit. The Activity is responsible for providing
justification for alternate primary feeders and standby power services required for
essential operations. Special electrical primary systems may be required for certain
classes of ships. These specific requirements are included in Appendix C. Provide
selective coordination between system equipment components to ensure minimized
downtime of ships systems due to external or internal electrical system faults. Refer to
UFC 3-501-01, Electrical Engineering, for a description of the different types of
distribution systems.

3-8.2.1 Pier, Wharf, or Drydock Primary Systems.

For permanent service, provide dual primary feeders from the shore primary system to
the switching stations or substations serving the ships hotel services and industrial
loads. For temporary service, provide dual primary feeders from the shore primary
system to strategic locations that serve portable substations. Conduits, ductbanks, and
manholes cast integrally with the pier structure are preferred for new piers. Conduits on
piers may also be installed in dedicated electrical trenches or in piping trenches that
serve other utilities, or hung from above on double deck piers. To avoid damage to the
conductor's insulation, electrical conduits should not be placed in close proximity to high
temperature systems such as steam piping. Refer to Chapter 2 for general protection

3-8.3 Secondary Power Systems.

The secondary electrical distribution system is evolving to higher voltages as the power
demand on the ships continues to increase. It must be designed with the flexibility to
serve the various classes and categories of ships that are anticipated to utilize the
facility. Ships Power.

Historically, the electrical system providing power for most ships has been a dedicated
480 volts (nominal), three-phase, 60 Hz, ungrounded system. This system has been
supplied from substations located on piers (or at the head of the pier for shorter piers),
and connected through dedicated receptacles located at the perimeter of the pier,
wharf, or drydock. Currently, 4,160 volts (nominal), three-phase, three-wires, 60 Hz
power is required for nuclear aircraft carriers (CVN 68 class and higher). These carriers
are sometimes capable of accepting 480-volt power as well. Future classes of ships

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(surface combatants and amphibious assault) will require 4,160 volts (nominal), three-
phase, three-wires, 60 Hz power. Future CVN class ships will require 13,800 volts
(nominal), three phase, three wires, 60 Hz power. The pier electrical distribution system
must be designed to limit the fault current contribution from the shore power, at the
ships bus, to 100,000 amps (rms) for 480 v distribution, 35,000 amps for 4,160 V
distribution, and 15,000 amps (rms) for 13,800 V distribution.

3-8.3.2 Other Ships Power Requirements.

When required, provide direct current (dc) power and 400 Hz power for ships service.
These systems must be derived from portable rectifiers or conversion equipment
provided by the Activity. Provide an electrical power connection system that is supplied
from the piers permanent / industrial power system rated 277/480 Volts, three-phase,
four-wires, grounded, 60 Hz. These special power systems must not be connected to
the ships dedicated hotel power service(s).

3-8.3.3 Permanent Pier Loads and Industrial Power.

Other electrical requirements such as pier lighting, receptacles, weight-handling
equipment and industrial power must be supplied from dedicated 480Y/277 Volt
transformers. Industrial power is defined as power specifically for equipment utilized for
the repair and overhaul of ships at berth and is normally only required in naval
shipyards. Do not provide permanent pier load power or industrial power from the same
transformers providing shore to ship hotel power.

3-8.4 Location and Arrangement of Equipment.

Final locations of equipment must be made on a pier-by-pier basis in concurrence with
the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC FEC OR USACE District. Selection must be
coordinated with the pier design type, other pier utilities and the piers operational
requirements. In general, provide as much clear space for cranes and vehicular traffic
on the pier deck as possible. Examples of pier equipment arrangements are shown in
Figure 3-18.

3-8.4.1 Substations.
The three main types of arrangements for substations are discussed in the following
subparagraphs with an example of their use, where appropriate.

a) Double-deck Piers. On a double-deck pier, the upper deck is used

for conventional pier functions while the lower deck serves utility
systems and utility connections. The electrical service for a double
deck pier should be a permanent service. The substations should
be located on the lower deck and may be symmetrically arranged
around the pier centerline. Cross sections of a double-deck pier
are shown in Figure 2-2. One recent example of substation
arrangement and power distribution system is Pier 6 at the Norfolk
Naval Base (NNB). It consists of two electrical service clusters with
each service cluster consisting of four 4,000 kVA unit substations,

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totaling 32 mVA. The output of these substations serves fixed low

voltage outlet assemblies. These outlets are defined on the Pier 6
project drawings as shore power stations (SPS). Each SPS
contains 12 sets of three, single pole, low voltage cable connectors
(36 connectors total) that in turn serve the shore-to-ship service
cables. Illustrations of the electrical system for the NNB double-
deck Pier 6 are shown in Figure F-1. Pier 6 was designed as a
general berthing pier to support all ship classes except SSN and
CVN, and may not be directly applicable for double-deck SSN and
CVN piers or piers designed for specific ships. See the paragraph
entitled Connectors for additional information on the various types
of connectors currently being used.

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Figure 3-18 Typical Alternative Pier Electrical Equipment Arrangements

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b. Single Deck Piers. On a single deck pier the substation can be

deck mounted or at grade level adjacent to the pier. The unit
substation illustrated in the vault system in Figure F-2 could also be
utilized in the pier deck mounted or grade level installation system.
In either installation method, the unit substations are outdoor
construction. The deck mounted/grade level substations may
include walk-in aisle features, however they are not recommended
when located on the pier due to the significant increase in size.

c. Existing Pier Vaults. Many existing Piers utilize the electrical vault
system. This system is described in Figure F-2. This type of
electrical service, commonly used on many existing piers, is not
authorized for the design of new piers without approval from
NAVFAC or USACE. It was based upon electrical vaults located
below the pier deck that were designed as an integral part of the
piers structural system. The vaults house secondary unit
substations and may also contain primary switching equipment.
The vaults require proper ventilation, pumping systems, and an
access system integrally designed into the piers deck. This type of
electrical system has four significant disadvantages: (1) the vaults
are considered to be a confined space; (2) the vaults are subject
to flooding; (3) the vaults environment is excessively corrosive to
the electrical equipment, even under normal conditions; and (4)
replacement of a unit substation creates significant interference to
pier operations and results in deck pavement removal and

When a vault system is used, the substation vaults must be ventilated and flood
resistant for protection of the electrical equipment. Prevent flooding with dual sump
pumps that discharge at a point above highest tide. Provide a "float switch and alarm
system" to alert personnel of sump pump failure and high water level. The sump pump
power must be connected to a source other than the vault substation. That source must
remain energized when the pier electrical hotel service power and permanent / industrial
power systems are turned off. Freeze protection must be provided in climates where
any element of the pumping system could freeze. Ventilation cooling must be provided
with air quantity based upon the highest site temperature and the highest vault
temperature that can be tolerated by the electrical equipment. One approved method of
vault ventilation is shown in Figure F-2. Separate ventilation air intake and exhaust
louvers by as much distance as possible. They may be on opposite sides of the pier if
the ventilation ducts are above high tide. Provide an access system for the electrical
vault that includes personnel access and equipment replacement access. Personnel
access usually consists of manhole frame with cover and vertical ladder. Equipment
access systems are a significant structural element that are required to withstand
vehicular traffic and must be designed as an integral part of the pier deck.

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3-8.4.2 Outlet Assemblies.

The number of electrical shore service stations, their location aboard ship, the per
station ampacity, and appropriate voltage for each ship are defined in Appendix C. For
a general discussion of methods to be used to establish shore utility station spacing on
piers and wharves, refer to Chapter 2. For spacing at drydocks, refer to UFC 4-213-10.

3-8.4.3 Cable Lengths.

Most ships have to be served from multiple 400A circuits. Design the electrical system
such that cable lengths from the substation to the outlet assemblies in the parallel
circuits are approximately equal (within 10 percent).

3-8.4.4 Combined Equipment.

Electrical substations and outlets may be consolidated in an integral package, with the
receptacles placed in the side (or sides) of the substation enclosure. These
consolidated outlet assemblies may be spaced as necessary along the pier or drydock
perimeter. See Figure 3-18, cases III and IV.

3-8.4.5 Outlet Assemblies for Portable Equipment.

When supplying ships loads from portable substations, locate primary outlet assemblies
in the same manner as required for regular outlet assemblies. Primary outlet
assemblies, provided for temporary services that supplement permanent substations,
should be placed in the vicinity of their intended use. Coordinate these locations with
the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC FEC OR USACE District.

3-8.5 Distribution System Equipment and Materials.

Equipment and materials selected for waterfront electrical systems must be coordinated
with the cognizant NAVFAC FEC OR USACE District and the standards and
preferences of the Activity. Since significant technical information for many of the
distribution system components is available in the Unified Facilities Guide Specifications
(UFGS ) Sections UFGS 26 11 16, Secondary Unit Substations, UFGS 26 13 00.00 20,
SF6 Insulated Pad-mounted Switchgear and UFGS 26 23 00.00 40, Switchboards and
Switchgear, the nomenclature and requirements for the equipment must be thoroughly
coordinated in the project documentation (plans and specifications).

3-8.5.1 Fixed Substations for 480 Volts Service.

There are several methods for providing substations for permanent 480 volts services
on piers. Based on the overall system design, the substation should contain primary,
secondary, auxiliary, and transformer sections. See Appendix E. The primary section
would either contain the primary overcurrent protection features, a disconnect switch,
and a service circuit selector switch if the system includes multiple primary circuits, or it
would be limited to the primary circuit terminations if separate pad-mounted primary
switchgear is used. There must be separate 480 volts secondary unit substations
designated for the ships hotel loads and for the other pier loads including industrial
power (if required). The main transformers should be of the liquid-cooled type, standard
three-phase, 480 volts, with four full-capacity, 2-1/2-percent taps, two above and two

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below the nominal primary voltage rating unless actual operational conditions require
other tap settings. Maximum transformer rating should be 4000 kVA. Substations,
including transformers should be stainless steel with a paint coating system in
compliance with ANSI /NEMA C57.12.29. If specific operational conditions require
parallel operation with the shipboard generators, coordinate with the cognizant NAVFAC
FEC and NAVSEA to determine the additional features that must be added to the
equipment. In these cases, the shipboard generator and other equipment ratings are
available upon request from NAVSEA.

a. Shore Power Circuit Breakers. The equipment should provide 480

volts (nominal), three-phase, 60 Hz power, as defined in
ANSI/NEMA C84.1, Voltage Ratings for Electrical Power Systems
and Equipment (60 Hz), voltage range "A." via low voltage power
circuit breakers. The power circuit breakers shall be electrically
operated, drawout-type, with adjustable electronic trip features.
Feeder circuit breakers shall provide circuit protection up to a
maximum overcurrent setting of 480A and interrupting ratings up to
100kA at 480Vac without fuses. Provide a circuit breaker for each
individual shore power service receptacle.

b. Shunt Trip Interlocks.

Provide a shunt trip interlock circuit that will affect the opening of
all possible paralleled circuit breakers in the event that any
shore power circuit breaker trip due to an overcurrent operation.

For existing installations, provide a shunt trip interlocking

scheme on all ship power service circuit breakers for

c. Space Heaters. Space heaters should be incorporated within

individual substation sections in order to prevent condensation.

3-8.5.2 Substations for 4160 or 13,800 Volts Service.

Provide substations with a secondary voltage of 4160 or 13,800 volts (nominal, as
defined in ANSI /NEMA C84.1, voltage range "A), when required by Appendix C for the
classes of ships to be berthed. Design of primary unit substations is similar to fixed 480
volt substations except for voltage classifications and outlet assembly provisions.
Circuit breakers should be 5 kV or 15kV vacuum drawout type, with interrupting current
rating based on available fault.

3-8.5.3 Portable Substations.

See Figure F-3. The pier design must include space allocation for the portable
substations and provide the electrical primary distribution system required to energize
the portable substations. This includes primary circuits, their disconnect switches, and

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the primary outlet assemblies. Design is similar to fixed substations except for
portability provisions.

3-8.5.4 480-Volt Outlet Assemblies.

480 Volt outlet assemblies (receptacles and cable connections) vary with Activities but
should be standardized on a Station-by-Station basis. Additional information on the
outlet assemblies and the actual operational procedures used on the piers is available
in UFC 3-560-01, Electrical Safety O&M, Section 9,Shore-to-Ship Electrical Power
Connections. Detailed specifications for the outlet assemblies are also included in
guide specification UFGS 26 05 33, Dockside Power Connection Stations.

Receptacles. Ships hotel service receptacles must be provided in weatherproof,

corrosion-resistant pier outlet assemblies, or combined with the substations. Provide
the number of receptacles required to serve the specific ship types and classes in
accordance with Appendix C. There are currently two types of ships hotel service
receptacles being used. Many existing facilities utilize a three pole, 500 amp receptacle
in accordance with Mil Spec MIL-C-24368/1, Connector Assemblies; Plug, Power
Transfer, Shore to Ship and Ship to Ship. A typical MIL-C, three-pole outlet assembly is
illustrated in Figure F-4. Other facilities utilize a single-pole, 500 amp receptacle,
grouped in a cluster of three. Typical details of the single-pole receptacle system are
shown in Figure F-5.

3-8.5.5 Primary Outlet Assemblies.

Primary voltage outlet assemblies must have weatherproof, corrosion-resistant
enclosures and high voltage connectors. Connectors must match the standard primary
voltage coupler in use by the Activity and as required by the cognizant NAVFAC FEC
OR USACE District. Disconnects should have an interlocking key which can only be
removed when the switch is opened. Design should be such that, after the disconnect
has been opened, the interlocking key must be used to unlock and make possible the
insertion or removal of the corresponding primary voltage pier coupler plug. Provide
500 amp coupler receptacles at each 4160 and 13800-volt pier outlet assembly.
Incorporate outlet assemblies into substations as applicable. See Figure F-6 for typical
15 kV details.

3-8.5.6 Coordination of Shipboard Phase Rotation.

Shipboard alternating current systems have a standard phase rotation. To minimize the
phasing procedure and to reduce the time required to connect shore-to-ship power
cables, shore power connectors should be phased so that they are compatible with the
shipboard system. Refer to NAVSEA 59300-AW-EDG-010/EPISM, Section 2, Group E,
Sheets 14 and 15, to determine phase rotation required for shore power connections.

3-8.5.7 Conduit Systems.

For electrical conduit exposed under or on a pier, wharf, or drydock, evaluate the
relative advantages of Schedule 80 PVC, and fiberglass-reinforced epoxy conduit.
Avoid the use of PVC where they will be exposed to sunlight and moving objects.

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Although PVC Coated steel conduits have been used on many piers, the alternatives
are more attractive economically and from a durability standpoint. The potential exists
for loss of integrity of the PVC Coating systems in the harsh and corrosive environment.
Fiberglass cable trays may be used in lieu of conduit where adequately protected from
physical damage and the elements. \5\ Coordinate hangers with the requirements in
the paragraph entitled Hangars and Support Assemblies /5/.

3-8.6 Ships Shore Power Requirements.

Appendix C provides a listing of shore electrical loads of ships while homeported or
undergoing alteration and repair. Substation and feeder sizing on piers and wharves
must be based upon the electrical loads given in the "Design Load" for the largest ship
(or largest number of ships) of all classes which could be berthed at the pier. The
minimum number of receptacles provided in a secondary outlet assembly should match
the number of receptacles in the ships respective receptacle stations. Nested ships
must also be considered in the electrical outlet assembly design where indicated by the
facility berthing plan or where conceivable at a future date.

3-8.6.1 Alternating Current Power.

Hotel service loads include the ship's electronics, weapons systems, cargo booms,
galley equipment, space heating, and miscellaneous lighting and power loads. The
number of circuits shall be as requested by ships force. These loads are supplied with
either 480 volts (nominal) or 4160 volts (nominal) ungrounded power, or 13,800 volts
(nominal) ungrounded power. The 480 volts system shall supply approximately 480
volts at no load and 450 volts (plus or minus 5 percent) under loaded conditions and at
the ship's load center. The 4160 volt system shall supply approximately 4160 volts plus
or minus 5 percent under loaded conditions and at the ship's load center. The 13,800
volt system shall supply approximately 13,800 volts plus or minus 1 percent under
loaded conditions. Cable ratings must be sized to exceed the ships loading
requirements of Appendix C and the associated circuit breaker trip settings. System
design must be coordinated with the planned nesting requirements of the pier to
maintain the voltage within the allowable tolerances at outboard ships.

3-8.6.2 Direct Current (dc) Power.

When required, dc power should be provided for certain ships in accordance with
instructions provided by the Activity. Portable rectifier units will be provided by the
Activity. Provide sufficient ac power and receptacles to serve such equipment.
Coordinate connection requirements with the Activity.

3-8.6.3 400-Hz Power.

400-Hz power for ship service may be supplied from the 480 volts system utilizing
portable generating equipment furnished either by the Activity or by the ship. Provide
60 Hz power and receptacles to serve such equipment. Coordinate connection
requirements with the Activity.

3-8.6.4 Shipboard Equipment Ratings.

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Most ship distribution circuit breakers operate at 440 volts and are protected with
100,000-amp, current-limiting fuses in series with the breakers. In most cases, these
circuit breakers are type AQB-LF400 as described in NAVSHIPS Publication 362-2333,
Air Circuit Breakers (Fused), Navy Type AQB-LF400. The main breaker for the
shipboard system on nuclear carriers is an air-type breaker rated at 250,000 amps
asymmetrical interrupting capacity, and without current-limiting fuses. The shore
distribution system must be designed in accordance with UFC 3-501-01, Electrical
Engineering , to ensure that available fault is within the capability of the ships
distribution system. Contact the cognizant NAVFAC FEC OR USACE District for
information on shoreside fault current data to determine the required interrupting
capacities and equipment design characteristics.

3-8.7 Supplemental Requirements for Nuclear Submarines (SSN, SSBN).

Nuclear submarines (SSN, SSBN) should conform to the following shore power

3-8.7.1 Substations for 480 Volts Service.

Substations serving hotel loads at submarine piers must be designed in accordance
with the paragraph entitled Fixed Substations for 480 Volts Service for fixed
substations, or the paragraph entitled Portable Substations for portable substations,
and in accordance with the supplemental requirements below. The substation's primary
section should be built with dual primary feeders. Switchgear and breaker equipment
should be designed so that automatic reset and restoration of power to submarine
services will be delayed a minimum of 5 to 10 seconds after loss of commercial power.
This is required in order to prevent damage to the submarine's electric plant equipment.
The maximum time to restore power should be 5 minutes. Provide undervoltage and
underfrequency relays at substations. Relay types and set points for undervoltage and
underfrequency should be evaluated separately for each installation and coordinated
with the cognizant NAVFAC FEC OR USACE District.

3-8.7.2 Standby Power.

Power requirements for normal operation are given in Appendix C. Emergency backup
power to the normal shore supply is required. An emergency backup electrical power
source for the reactor plant is required which is capable of providing 440 Volt, 3 Phase
60 Hz power with a capacity of at least 850 kW with the ability to start a 260 HP
induction motor with an initial load of 650 kW. The emergency backup power source
should use the normal ships shore power connections. This source of emergency
power will only be required to be available when power from the ships battery or diesel
generator are not available. The emergency backup power source can be, for example,
a portable generator set, or separate power sources to the facility, provided that the loss
of one source will not result in a long duration power outage. Maximum Downtime.

For the shore facility and overhaul yard drydock permissible outage time allowed is 5
minutes. System downtime is defined as: (1) the time required to restore power to the

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pier when maintenance or repair activities are required; or (2) the time required to
transfer from one power source to another after system disturbances. This includes the
time required for protective devices to operate and the time to start emergency

3-8.7.4 Super Shore Power.

Appendix C lists super shore power requirements for nuclear submarines. Super
power is required for the ship's testing, checkout, and refueling operations. These
super shore power requirements are in addition to the normal power requirements.
Provide super power from a separate substation that supplies no other loads. Portable
substations connected to temporary service outlets are recommended for this service.
Extend primary service and provide connections for these portable substations. The
special requirements for submarine piers given in subparagraphs entitled Substations
for 480 Volts Service, Standby Power, and Maximum Downtime \5\ /5/ above do
not apply to super shore power.

3-8.8 Ground System.

Provide a ground system at piers, wharves, quaywalls, and other waterfront structures
that measures not more than 5 ohms for all permanent electrical equipment. Ground
systems should be in accordance with NFPA 70. Stranded-copper-wire ground
conductors, sized in accordance with NFPA 70, should be used to interconnect
equipment enclosures and the ground system.

3-8.9 Pier Lighting.

Information on pier lighting is available in UFC 4-152-01, Design: Piers & Wharves.

3-8.10 Lightning Protection.

Provide lightning protection systems when required. Coordinate with the cognizant
NAVFAC FEC OR USACE District. Design in accordance with \5\ UFC 3-575-01,
Lightning and Static Electricity Protection Systems /5/ , and NFPA 780, Standard for the
Installation of Lightning Protection Systems. Consider the protection of cranes, above
deck substations, pier mounted buildings, and lighting system masts.


The purpose of this section is to provide requirements for Base Level Information
Infrastructure (BLII) Pier Connectivity Specifications, telephone service, and other
telecommunications systems.

3-9.1 BLII Pier Connectivity.

These guidelines are provided for planning, designing, engineering, and constructing
new or repairing existing Navy piers. Figure 3-19 illustrates the three major
components that are required to provide end-to-end connectivity to IT-21 compatible
ships. They are the Pier Head ITN Building Node; the Pier Fiber Distribution Center,
and the Fiber Optic Riser Panels.

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3-9.1.1 Pier Head ITN Building Node.

The Pier Head ITN Building Node is connected to the Base Area Network (BAN) and
becomes the interface for adding additional piers to the infrastructure for
SIPRNET/NIPRNET connectivity. At the time this document was prepared, Pier Head
ITN Building Nodes have been installed or are in the process of being installed at the
following activities: Naval Station Mayport, Submarine Base Kings Bay, Weapons
Station Earle, Submarine Base New London, Naval Station Little Creek, and Naval
Station Norfolk. Other stations will be added as the Navy Marine Corps Internet (NMCI)
comes on line. A 144-strand hybrid fiber optic cable (72 multi mode and 72 single
mode) is required between the Pier Head ITN Building Node and the Pier Fiber
Distribution Center. This cable may already exist if the pier is being repaired; however,
for new pier construction, the cable will need to be installed. The designer should
coordinate with the local Information Technology (IT) group to ensure that the proper
Pier Head ITN Building Node has been identified. All cabling and interconnections
inside the Pier Head ITN Building Node are the responsibility of the local IT group
unless other prior arrangements have been made.

3-9.1.2 Pier Fiber Distribution Center.

The Pier Fiber Distribution Center provides a breakout point for the 144-strand hybrid
fiber optic cable coming from the Pier Head ITN Building Node and the Fiber Optic Riser
Panels. Figure 3-20 shows the fiber optic cable entering into the splice can from the
Pier Head ITN Building Node. The fiber is spliced onto another 144-strand fiber optic
cable (72MM/72SM) for submarine piers or 96-strand fiber optic cable (48MM/48SM) for
surface ship piers. This is routed to the Environmental Distribution Center 1 (EDC 1)
patch panel. Using internal patch cables, EDC 1 is patched to EDC 2. From EDC 2, a
144 or 96 strand hybrid fiber optic cable is routed to a second splice can where it is
spliced to several 24-strand hybrid fiber optic cables (12MM/12SM) that run to the Fiber
Optic Riser Panels. Figures 3-21 through 3-24 provide detailed information on the EDC
1 and EDC 2 patch panels located inside the Pier Fiber Distribution Center and their
interconnections. (Note that the patch panels are shown for both surface ship piers and
submarine piers).

3-9.1.3 Fiber Optic Riser Panel.

The Fiber Optic Riser Panel is the interface for the ship to shore connectivity. The
panel is provided with a 24-strand hybrid fiber optic cable (12MM/12SM) coming from
the Pier Fiber Distribution Center. This provides a fiber optic receptacle, J1, to interface
with the umbilical cable assembly that goes to the ship (note that details on the J1
pigtail assembly may be found on NAVSEA drawing 7325760D). Figure 3-25 shows the
Fiber Optic Riser Panel. Figures 3-26 and 3-27 show the patch panel connections
inside the EDC for a surface ship and submarine respectively. Figures 3-28 and 3-29
show the rubber gasket cutouts for a surface ship and submarine respectively.

3-9.2 Telephone Systems.

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Provide a voice telephone distribution system to each berth on piers and at drydocks
unless specifically instructed otherwise. Provision should be made for the telephone
cable to be terminated in a telecommunications outlet assembly adjacent to each berth.
Provide a Main Distribution Frame (MDF) at the shore end of the pier for the cross-
connect devices. The assembly must include connectors mounted to the exterior of the
enclosure. These connectors will be connected to the shore end of the ship-to-shore
telephone cable. Commercial "dial tone" services and the telephone switching system
is the responsibility of the Stations Communications Officer.

3-9.2.1 Ships Demand.

Appendix C identifies the number of telephone pair shorelines required by each ship
type. Cable sizes include the ship requirement, the appropriate embarked-staff
requirement, and an allowance for spare pairs. Cable sizes have been rounded up to
the next larger standard telephone cable. The pier telephone distribution cable system
should be designed using the pier's berthing plan. Provide cable sizes based upon the
worst case at each berth. Berths designed for nested ships should be provided with the
total number of cables indicated for all ships in the nest.

3-9.2.2 Other Demand.

Provide telephone service to security checkpoints and watchstand stations. These
requirements may occur at the head and end of the pier, and at intermediate points
along the pier. Coordinate with the Activity's security representatives.

3-9.2.3 Coin-Operated Telephones.

When required, provide an independent conduit system to serve a vendor installed
telephone cable which serves shipboard coin-operated telephones. Unless instructed
otherwise, provide a conduit system at the head of the pier to support coin-operated
telephones ashore (also to be vendor operated).

3-9.2.4 Location and Arrangement of Pier Telephone Distribution System.

Each berth should be served by an independent run of conduit. The
telecommunications outlet assembly must be an independent, freestanding structure.
Outlet assemblies must be designed to prevent damage by ships lines and by traffic on
the pier.

3-9.3 Other Telecommunications Systems.

The need for the systems described below should be evaluated on a site-by-site basis.
Provide these systems as directed by the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC

3-9.3.1 Dedicated Communication Circuits.

Provide one 2 in (50.8 mm) conduit from the manhole or cross-connect cabinet at the
head of the pier to each telecommunications outlet assembly. This conduit must be
dedicated for communication circuits that cannot use the telephone system.

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3-9.3.2 Cable Television.

Provide a conduit system (from the manhole at the head of the pier to each
telecommunications outlet assembly) to support cable television requirements. Unless
instructed otherwise, the cable television system will be provided by a commercial
vendor. The designer must coordinate with the vendor and provide a complete raceway

3-9.3.3 Alarm and Signal Circuits.

Provide two 1-1/4 in (31.7 mm) conduits (from the manhole at the head of the pier to
each telecommunications outlet assembly) to serve alarm and signal circuits that cannot
use the telephone system. Provide all conductors to serve these systems unless
instructed otherwise. Coordinate with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC


Naval ships connected to shore power utilize a large percentage of the Navys
infrastructure electricity. Many bases are now requiring the electricity usage to be
measured and recorded. Since multiple circuits are normally used to provide the
required capacity to the ships, often in a nested configuration, standard metering/
monitoring equipment may not be appropriate. There are however, commercial and
government developed systems, including hardware and software that are available.
Coordinate with the cognizant \4\ FEC /4/ to determine if the Activity has a desired or
required system that must be utilized.

3-10.1 Pier Power Monitoring System (PPMS).

One of the power measurement systems available has been developed by the Naval
Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC). The system is defined as the PPMS
and consists of specialized embedded computer circuit boards, embedded software,
and personal computer (PC) software that enable the Activity to measure, record, and
study the electricity consumption and usage patterns of the connected ships. The
PPMS was developed to be cost effective and to be easily installed. It involves the
simple utilization of a conventional utility metering system. Typically, each monitored
electrical outlet assembly will have one set of circuit boards. Battery backup features
ensure that no data or operating software is lost when electrical power is disconnected.
The data are sent to a central PC station. The PC can program the circuit boards and
retrieve data. Parameters available on the PC are megawatt-hours and instantaneous
values of amps, volts, power factor, and megawatts. Time-of-use (TOU) data are also
available for the present 24-hour period. The PPMS correctly identifies the receptacles
allocated to each ship and the total power consumed. Both the ship (customer) and the
Activity (provider) can easily track shore supplied ship electricity. Software can be
easily tailored to send the data directly from the PPMS to a master data collection and
billing system. By providing complete energy use pattern information and consumption
data, the PPMS enables Navy managers to educate, monitor, and encourage energy

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conservation for ships using shore supplied electricity. An operating PPMS

demonstration system is presently installed on Pier 1 at Naval Station San Diego, CA.


Although their design is not covered by this UFC other services will occasionally be
required at active and repair berthing facilities. Such systems include: jet fuel, chilled
water, pure water, oxygen, acetylene, mapp gas, and inert gases. These services may
be permanent or temporary (tank truck, gas containers or similar means) depending
upon required quantity, location and economic considerations. The designer must
consult with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT
for specific instructions.

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Figure 3-19 Block Diagram of Pier Structure

Base Area
Fiber Optic Cable R1X

EDC1 EDC2 Umbilical Cable



Fiber Optic Cable FIBER
Base Area R2Y



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Figure 3-20 Pier Fiber Distribution Center

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Figure 3-21 Pier Fiber Distribution Center EDC 1 Rear Detail Surface Pier

1 2 3 4 5 6
F1 MM-X-A1 F3 MM-X-A2 F5 MM-X-A3 F7 MM-X-A4 F9 MM-X-A5 F11 MM-X-A6
F2 MM-X-A1 F4 MM-X-A2 F6 MM-X-A3 F8 MM-X-A4 F10 MM-X-A5 F12 MM-X-A6

F13 MM-X-B1 F15 MM-X-B2 F17 MM-X-B3 F19 MM-X-B4 F21 MM-X-B5 F23 MM- X-B6
F14 MM-X-B1 F16 MM-X-B2 F18 MM-X-B3 F20 MM-X-B4 F22 MM-X-B5 F24 MM- X-B6

F25 MM-X-C1 F27 MM-X-C2 F29 MM-X-C3 F31 MM-X-C4 F33 MM-X-C5 F35 MM-X-C6
F26 MM-X-C1 F28 MM-X-C2 F30 MM-X-C3 F32 MM-X-C4 F34 MM-X-C5 F36 MM-X-C6

F37 MM-X-D1 F39 MM-X-D2 F41 MM-X-D3 F43 MM-X-D4 F45 MM-X-D5 F47 MM-X-D6
F38 MM-X-D1 F40 MM-X-D2 F42 MMX-D3 F44 MM-X-D4 F46 MM-X-D5 F48 MM-X-D6





F1 SM-X-G1 F3 SM-X-G2 F5 SM-X-G3 F7 SM-X-G4 F9 SM-X-G5 F11 SM-X-G6

F2 SM-X-G1 F4 SM-X-G2 F6 SM-X-G3 F8 SM-X-G4 F10 SM-X-G5 F12 SM-X-G6

F13 SM-X-H1 F15 SM-X-H2 F17 SM-X-H3 F19 SM-X-H4 F21 SM-X-H5 F23 SM-X-H6
F14 SM-X-H1 F16 SM-X-H2 F18 SM-X-H3 F20 SM-X-H4 F22 SM-X-H5 F24 SM-X-H6

F25 SM-X-J1 F27 SM-X-J2 F29 SM-X-J3 F31 SM-X-J4 F33 SM-X-J5 F35 SM-X-J6
F26 SM-X-J1 F28 SM -X-J2 F30 SM-X-J3 F32 SM-X-J4 F34 SM-X-J5 F36SM-X-J6

F37 SM-X-K1 F39 SM-X-K2 F41 SM-X-K3 F43 SM-X-K4 F45 SM-X-K5 F47 SM-X-K6
F38 SM-X-K1 F40 SM-X-K2 F42 SM-X-K3 F44 SM-X-K4 F46 SM-X-K5 F48 SM-X-K6







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Figure 3-22 Pier Fiber Distribution Center EDC 1 Rear Detail Submarine Pier

1 2 3 4 5 6
F1 MM-X-A1 F3 MM-X-A2 F5 MM-X-A3 F7 MM-X-A4 F9 MM-X-A5 F11 MM-X-A6
F2 MM-X-A1 F4 MM-X-A2 F6 MM-X-A3 F8 MM-X-A4 F10 MM-X-A5 F12 MM-X-A6
F13 MM-X-B1 F15 MM-X-B2 F17 MM-X-B3 F19 MM-X-B4 F21 MM-X-B5 F23 MM-X-B6
F14 MM-X-B1 F16 MM-X-B2 F18 MM-X-B3 F20 MM-X-B4 F22 MM-X-B5 F24 MM-X-B6

F25 MM-X-C1 F27 MM-X-C2 F29 MM-X-C3 F31 MM-X-C4 F33 MM-X-C5 F35 MM-X-C6
F26 MM-X-C1 F28 MM-X-C2 F30 MM-X-C3 F32 MM-X-C4 F34 MM-X-C5 F36 MM-X-C6
F37 MM-X-D1 F39 MM-X-D2 F41 MM-X-D3 F43 MM-X-D4 F45 MM-X-D5 F47 MM-X-D6
F38 MM-X-D1 F40 MM-X-D2 F42 MMX-D3 F44 MM-X-D4 F46 MM-X-D5 F48 MM-X-D6
F49 MM-X-E1 F51 MM-X-E2 F53 MM-X-E3 F55 MM-X-E4 F57 MM-X-E5 F59 MM-X-E6
F50 MM-X-E1 F52 MM-X-E2 F54 MM-X-E3 F56 MM-X-E4 F58 MM-X-E5 F60 MM-X-E6
F61 MM-X-F1 F63 MM-X-F2 F65 MM-X-F3 F67 MM-X-F4 F69 MM-X-F5 F71 MM-X-F6
F62 MM-X-F1 F64 MM-X-F2 F66 MM-X-F3 F68 MM-X-F4 F70 MM-X-F5 F72 MM-X-F6
F1 SM-X-G1 F3 SM-X-G2 F5 SM-X-G3 F7 SM-X-G4 F9 SM-X-G5 F11 SM-X-G6
F2 SM-X-G1 F4 SM-X-G2 F6 SM-X-G3 F8 SM-X-G4 F10 SM-X-G5 F12 SM-X-G6
F13 SM-X-H1 F15 SM-X-H2 F17 SM-X-H3 F19 SM-X-H4 F21 SM-X-H5 F23 SM-X-H6
F14 SM-X-H1 F16 SM-X-H2 F18 SM-X-H3 F20 SM-X-H4 F22 SM-X-H5 F24 SM-X-H6
F25 SM-X-J1 F27 SM-X-J2 F29 SM-X-J3 F31 SM-X-J4 F33 SM-X-J5 F35 SM-X-J6
F26 SM-X-J1 F28 SM -X-J2 F30 SM-X-J3 F32 SM-X-J4 F34 SM-X-J5 F36SM-X-J6
F37 SM-X-K1 F39 SM-X-K2 F41 SM-X-K3 F43 SM-X-K4 F45 SM-X-K5 F47 SM-X-K6
F38 SM-X-K1 F40 SM-X-K2 F42 SM-X-K3 F44 SM-X-K4 F46 SM-X-K5 F48 SM-X-K6
F49 SM-X-L1 F51 SM-X-L2 F53 SM-X-L3 F55 SM-X-L4 F57 SM-X-L5 F59 SM-X-L6
F50 SM-X-L1 F52 SM-X-L2 F54 SM-X-L3 F56 SM-X-L4 F58 SM-X-L5 F60 SM-X-L6
F61 SM-X-M1 F63 SM-X-M2 F65 SM-X-M3 F67 SM-X-M4 F69 SM-X-M5 F71 SM-X-M6
F62 SM-X-M1 F64 SM-X-M2 F66 SM-X-M3 F68 SM-X-M4 F70 SM-X-M5 F72 SM-X-M6



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Figure 3-23 Pier Fiber Distribution Center EDC 1 Front Detail Surface Pier

6 5 4 3 2 1











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Figure 3-24 Pier Fiber Distribution Center EDC 1 Front Detail Submarine Pier

6 5 4 3 2 1











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Figure 3-25 Fiber Optic Connectivity Riser Panel Detail

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Figure 3-26 EDC Fiber Optic Patch Panel Surface Pier

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Figure 3-27 EDC Fiber Optic Patch Panel Submarine Pier

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Figure 3-28 Rubber Gasket Cutout Surface Pier



Rubber Gasket




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Figure 3-29 Rubber Gasket Cutout Submarine Pier





Rubber Gasket




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In general, steam and compressed air services are not required on supply and
ammunition piers. However, ammunition piers that serve ballistic submarines require
special considerations. \5\ /5/
Provide fire protection water as required for active berthing facilities. However, consult
with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT
regarding ammunition piers that are in an isolated area and are far removed from
mobile fire apparatus. For remote ammunition piers, design a pumping station to supply
between 2500 and 3500 gpm (9,463 and 13,248 lpm) at sufficient pressure to provide
75 psig (517 kPa) residual pressure at the most remote outlet. Outlet connection
threads must be national standard male hose threads unless required otherwise to
serve an existing system.


For supply piers, requirements are the same as those for active berthing facilities. For
ammunition piers, provide potable water only when indicated in the project directive.
However, oily waste and sewer collection systems should always be provided. For all
three systems, see the requirements defined in Chapter 3.


Shore power for ships hotel service, lighting, and power for industrial services (as
required) will be provided on ammunition piers and wharves that load missiles for
nuclear powered vessels. This provision lengthens the life of vessel reactors and
decreases manpower requirements during the loading / unloading operation. Electrical
systems provided on ammunition piers must be designed for the hazardous rating
actually encountered and in accordance with NFPA 70.


Both supply piers and ammunition piers require telecommunication systems. However,
full services that are defined for active and repair berths are not required except for
ammunition piers that serve ballistic submarines. Consult with the Activity and the
cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT for specific requirements. In
general, the design guides for active and repair berths are applicable. The systems
required are to be evaluated on a project-by-project basis. Lastly, comply with all
hazardous requirements associated with ammunition piers.

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In general, steam and compressed air services are not required on fueling piers.


Ships loading or unloading POL products at fueling piers will never be cold iron and will
therefore not require a shore-to-ship fire protection water connection.


Supply potable water systems at locations where connections may be made to existing
systems. Maximum potable water requirements are 1,000 gpm (3,785 lpm) with 40 psi
(276 kPa) residual pressure at the most remote outlet. Design outlets as for active
berthing and space about 200 ft (61 m) apart. Provide oily waste and sewage collection
systems at all fueling piers unless instructed otherwise. Consult with the Activity and
the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT. Provide all three systems in
accordance with the criteria defined in Chapter 3.


Refer to \4\ UFC 3-460-01, Design: Petroleum Fuel Facilities /4/ for information on
piping and other appurtenances, including manifolds, hoses and shelters, connections
and adapters, hose handling equipment, bilge and ballast lines, stripper pumps,
environmental protection, and other equipment. In general, ships use a 6-in (152.3 mm)
commercial flanged connection. Verify before commencing design of shore


Ships service, temporary lighting, and ships industrial power are not required for fueling
piers and quaywalls. Consult with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/
OR USACE DISTRICT regarding electrical systems that directly serve the pier.
Evaluate all hazardous requirements and preferences that may be encountered.


Fueling piers require telecommunication systems. However, full services that are
defined for active and repair berths are not required. Consult with the Activity and the
cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT for specific requirements. In
general, the design guides for active and repair berths are applicable. The systems
required are to be evaluated on a project-by-project basis. Lastly, comply with all
hazardous requirements associated with fueling piers.


Refer to \4\ UFC 3-460-01, Design: Petroleum Fuel Facilities /4/ for additional


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Refer to UFC 3-600-01, Fire Protection Engineering For Facilities. Consult with the Fire
Protection Engineering Departments, both at the local level and at the NAVFAC \4\ FEC

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6-1.1 Where Required.

Provide freeze protection for saltwater, fresh-water, sanitary-waste (sewage), and oily-
waste (bilge) pipes exposed on piers and wharves and in drydocks when located in
freezing climates.

6-1.2 Regional Weather Differences.

See Figure D-1 and Table D-1. For design purposes, coastlines within the United
States can be divided into the five regions listed below. Table D-1 lists average
historical weather data for the five regions. For freeze protection systems at locations
outside of the United States, match weather data (insofar as possible) to one of the
regions in Table D-1 and design accordingly. The five weather regions are defined as
Region I: "Severe": Alaska, Maine, New Hampshire, Great Lakes and
inland locations.

Region II: "Cold": Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and

New York.

Region III: "Moderate": Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware,

Maryland, and Washington, DC.

Region IV: "Mild": Washington, Oregon, Virginia, and North Carolina.

Region V: "Very Mild": California, South Carolina, Georgia, Texas,

Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida.

6-1.3 Methods.
The methods described below vary with climate. Use the methods recommended below
when the relative costs of electricity, sewage disposal, and freshwater are not
abnormally high. Where the cost of electricity, sewage disposal, or water is abnormally
high, then modify the freeze protection system and use an approved method that
minimizes operating cost. Use approved life cycle cost procedures and submit analysis.

6-1.4 Protection in Regions I and II

6-1.4.1 Water Lines.

For water lines, provide freeze protection by using a combination of electric heat tape
and pipe insulation. The suggested combinations of insulation thickness and heating
(watt density) for various pipe sizes are shown in Table D-2. Heat tape should be
controlled by remote thermostats having sensors taped to the surface of pipes and
under the insulation. Consult with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/
OR USACE DISTRICT regarding preferred heat tape systems and methods. Several

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sections of heat tape may be required due to overall pipe length. Provide each section
of heat tape with a dedicated thermostat. Thermostats must be in a protected location
that is also accessible. The heating requirement given in Table D-2 (6 watts/foot) is the
watt density available for a typical electric heat tape. Any watt density from 4 to 10
watts/foot would be suitable, but insulation thicknesses must be adjusted to
compensate. Insulation thicknesses given in Table D-2 are based upon polyurethane.
Adjust thickness for other insulation materials as based upon their rated thermal
conductivity values. Protect backflow devices, valves, and risers with electric heat tape
and preformed polyurethane insulation kits. Heat tape systems must be maintainable to
be successfully used for the system's expected life span. To improve maintainability,
use multiple sections of heat tape instead of extended single circuits. The designer may
need to consider special heating systems in which heating elements are placed in
channels alongside the pipe. These systems periodically terminate in accessible
junction boxes. Maintenance personnel can then easily replace an inoperable section.
It is also much easier to troubleshoot when the heating system is divided into
reasonable segments with accessible test points.

6-1.4.2 Sewer and Oily Waste Lines.

A combination of electric heat tape and pipe insulation should be used in accordance
with Table D-2 for: (1) exposed gravity sewer piping which drains fixtures directly; (2)
exposed oily waste piping; and (3) for those portions of exposed pressure lines (sewage
and oily waste) which will not completely drain upon cessation of pumping. Heat tape
may not be required (insulation only) for exposed pressure and gravity sewer and oily
waste piping (or portions thereof) which receive material intermittently and which drain
well when pumping stops. Neither heat tape nor insulation may be required for pipe
risers and valves above pier decks and in drydock galleries.

6-1.5 Protection in Regions III and IV

6-1.5.1 Fresh Water Lines.

For water lines, the preferred method of freeze protection in these regions is to use a
combination of insulation and a flushing of water through the pipes. Insulation thickness
for various pipe sizes, and pipe sizes for which flushing is necessary, are defined in
Appendix D Table D-3. Insulation thicknesses are such that for expected durations of
subfreezing temperatures less than 50 percent of pipe contents will freeze. Where
flushing is indicated, use thermostatically actuated solenoid valves. Size each valve for
a rate at which the entire contents of exposed piping can bleed in 8 to 12 hours.
Thermostats should be in protected locations and sensors are to be taped to the surface
of pipes and under the insulation. Thermostats should be factory set to open the
flushing valves at 30 degrees F (-1.1 degrees C) and to close the valves at
approximately 35 degrees F (2 degrees C). Flushing valves (freeze protection valve)
and associated thermostats should be located at each ship's connection and at any
other line extremity to protect the most remote valve component in the system.
Insulation thicknesses given in Table D-3 are based upon polyurethane. Adjust
thickness for other insulation materials as based upon their rated thermal conductivity

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values. Insulation must also be applied to backflow devices and valves. Special care
must be taken to prevent the freezing of flushing valves and associated pipe
connections. If water is scarce, or if the winter temperature of buried water mains is
below 45 degrees F (7.2 degrees C), heat tape should be used in lieu of flushing. In this
event, the design should be based upon the data defined in Table D-4.

6-1.5.2 Sewer and Oily Waste Lines.

A combination of electric heat tape and pipe insulation should be used in accordance
with Table D-4 for: (1) exposed gravity sewer piping which drains fixtures directly; (2)
exposed oily waste piping; and (3) those portions of exposed pressure lines (sewage
and oily waste) which will not drain completely upon cessation of pumping. Neither
insulation nor heating is required for exposed sewer and oily waste piping (or portions
thereof) which receive material intermittently and which drain well when pumping stops.
This applies to both pressure lines and gravity lines.

6-1.6 Protection in Region V.

In portions of region V in which the temperature can drop below 25 degrees F (-4
degrees C), use a properly sized flushing valve, atmospheric thermostat, and timer to
bleed approximately 35 gallons per inch (132.5 liters per of pipe diameter for each 100
ft (30.5 m) of fresh water pipe. This flushing is to be applied over an 8 to 12 hour period
on each day that the ambient temperature drops below 25 degrees F (4 degrees C).
Pipes need not be insulated, but flushing valves and connections must be located at
system extremities and must be protected from freezing.

6-1.7 Modification of Requirements for Saltwater.

Because seawater freezes at a temperature approximately 4.5 degrees F (-15.3
degrees C) lower than that at which freshwater freezes, make the following adjustments
when designing freeze protection for exposed saltwater mains:

In regions I and II, treat saltwater the same as required for freshwater.

In region III, design as for region IV.

In region IV, design as for region V.

In region V, no freeze protection is necessary for saltwater at any location.

6-1.8 Materials

6-1.8.1 Pipe.
Piping materials must be metallic where heat tape is required. Where a flushing system
is utilized, any approved piping material may be used.

6-1.8.2 Heat Tape.

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Flat style electric heat tape is recommended. Heat tape should be easy to splice and
repair and must be waterproof. A low watt density (4 to 10 watts per lineal foot of pipe)
is recommended, and the ability to lap the tape without damage should be required.
When heat tape is used with the insulation thicknesses listed in Tables D-2 and D-4,
they will cycle 30 to 60 percent of the time on the coldest days.

6-1.8.3 Insulation and Covering.

Closed-cell foam-type insulations (such as cellular glass) having low moisture
absorption qualities should be used for Regions I and II due to the destructive effect of
freezing on wet insulations. Use closed-cell foam-type insulation for regions III and IV if
wave action and/or immersion are possible. Cover all insulation with a watertight
metallic or plastic system.

6-1.8.4 Valves and Thermostats.

Select single-seated solenoid valve shaving flow constants suitable for bleeding proper
quantities of water in the prescribed interval. Temperature sensors should be
atmospheric or surface type and sense water temperature not ambient air temperature.
Thermostats may be bimetallic, thermistor, or resistance (RTD) type, having differentials
of 2 degrees F to 5 degrees F (-16.6 degrees C to -15 degrees C)-.


6-2.1 Primary Identification.

Identify each valve on a pier, wharf, or drydock by a plain language brass tag, and
labeled. (Example: "potable water" or "sewer".) Additionally, at each shore-to-ship
utility connection, name plates or stenciled letters near the connection must identify the
utility in plain language.

6-2.2 Color Coding.

Two sources of design requirements govern color-coding for pier, wharf, and drydock

6-2.2.1 Distribution Piping On or Under Deck and Ashore.

Such piping, exclusive of shore-to-ship utility connections, must be color coded in
accordance with MIL-STD-101, Color Code for Pipelines and for Compressed Gas
Cylinders. Applicable requirements must be specified in the design documents.

6-2.2.2 Shore-to-Ship Utility Connections.

Such piping (including valves, operating levers, ends of hose assemblies, risers, and
adjacent piping) must be specified to be color-coded in accordance with Table 6-1.
Color-coding may also extend to adjacent curbs, protective rails, posts, and walls.


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Provide the following operational notices. Consult with the Activity and the cognizant
NAVFAC \4\ FEC /4/ OR USACE DISTRICT regarding other desired notices,
nameplates, warning signs, and so forth.

Bleed systems must be marked with the following warning:

Freeze protection valve.

Water will flow below 35 degrees F.
Do not close.

Heat tape systems must be marked with the following warning:

Heat tape system (self limiting).

Do not disconnect power.

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Table 6-1 Color Code for Shore-to-Ship Utility Connections1,4


Potable Water (40-81 psi) Blue, Dark 15044

Nonpotable Water for Red 11105
(100-175 psi)
Chilled Water Striped Blue/White 11044/17886
Oily Waste Discharge Striped Yellow/Black 13538/17038
Sewer Gold 17043
Steam and condensate White 17886
(150 psig)
Compressed Air Tan 10324
(100-125 psi)
High Pressure Air Striped Yellow/Gray 13538/16081
(3000 psi)
Fuel Yellow 13538
1. If additional information is needed on color-coding systems, contact NAVFAC
\4\/4/ or USACE.

2. Pressures shown are nominal pressures and represent average conditions.

3. The reference numbers refer to Federal Standard 595B, Colors Used in

Government Procurement.

4. Also, see General Specifications for Ships of the U.S. Navy,


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This chapter is applicable for waterfront facilities designed for U.S. Army vessels.


Provide potable water in sufficient capacity to permit the filing of a vessels tank in such
time as to avoid delays in the operation of the vessel.

7-2.1 Quantity and Pressure Requirement.

Provide a minimum flow of 100 gpm (6.3 l/s) with a minimum residual pressure of 25 psi
(173 kPa) at the most remote outlet.

7-2.2 Piping and Outlets.

Install one 2-1/2 in (63.5 mm) connection at each service outlet. Potable water outlets
on piers and wharves should have a reduced pressure-type backflow prevention device.
The piping must be insulated and provided with electrical heat tape if the lines are
normally full of water and subject to freezing temperatures. Where thermal expansion is
a problem, provision should be made for expansion joints or loops. Figure 7-1 shows a
typical potable water connection in the pier deck.


7-3.1 Electrical System Characteristics.

The main electrical system providing power to ships will be nominal 480-volts, three-
phase, 60-Hz, supplied from substations preferably located on the piers. For lighting
service, a 120-volt, 60-cycle, single-phase power may be provided.

7-3.2 Ground System.

At piers, wharves, and other waterfront structures, a ground system that will measure
not more than 3 ohms must be provided for permanent electrical equipment.


A minimum of two service points will be provided for each berth and located for the
convenience of the using vessels. Each service point must supply electric power and
water service as outlined above. Depending upon the physical site conditions of each
specific installation, the point of connection for each service may be located in a single
service box, or may be placed in separate but closely grouped boxes. Boxes should be
located as close as practicable to the berthing face of the structure so that connected
hoses and electric cables are not subject to vehicular traffic damage.

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Figure 7-1 Typical Water Supply Connection for an Army Pier

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7-5.1 Telephone Service.

Provide telephone service and outlet connectors for each berth. Locate for the
convenience of the using vessels.

7-5.2 Lighting.
Satisfactory illumination should be ensured for night operations. For open watering
areas on the pier where ship loading or unloading occurs, a lighting intensity of at least
5 footcandles (54 lux) should be maintained. The illumination level of 5 footcandles (54
lux) should also be provided for areas of warehouses or storage buildings.

7-5.3 Fire Protection.

Refer to UFC 3-600-01, Fire Protection Engineering For Facilities.

7-5.4 Sanitary Facilities and Sewage Disposal.

A dockside connection to a sewage disposal system must be provided for the disposal
of sewage and oily wastes from vessels.

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1. Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 3-190-06 Protective Coatings and Paints

UFC 3-220-10N
Soil Mechanics

UFC 3-230-19N
Water Supply Systems

UFC 3-400-02 Design:

Engineering Weather Data

UFC 3-430-09
Exterior Mechanical Utility

UFC 3-460-01
Design: Petroleum Fuel

UFC 3-501-01
Electrical Engineering

UFC 3-560-01
Electrical Safety O&M

UFC 3-570-02N,
Electrical Engineering
Cathodic Protection

UFC 3-600-01
Fire Protection Engineering for

\5\ UFC 3-575-01

Lightning and Static Electricity
Protection Systems /5/

UFC 4-152-01

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Design: Piers & Wharves

UFC 4-213-10
Design: Graving Drydocks

UFC 4-832-01N
Design: Industrial and Oily
Wastewater Control

2. Unified Facilities Guide Specifications UFGS 26 05 33 Dockside Power Connection

UFGS 26 11 16
Secondary Unit Substations

UFGS 26 13 00.00 20
\5\ SF6/High-Firepoint Fluids
Insulated Pad-Mounted
Switchgear /5/

UFGS 26 23 00.00 40
Switchboards and Switchgear

UFGS 26 42 13.00 20
Cathodic Protection by
Galvanic Anodes

UFGS 26 42 15.00 10
Cathodic Protection System
(Steel Water Tanks)

UFGS 26 42 17.00 10
Cathodic Protection System
(Impressed Current)

UFGS 33 30 00
Sanitary Sewers

3. DoD Single Stock Point for Military Specifications, CID A-A-59326

Standards and Related Publications Coupling Halves, Quick- Disconnect, Cam-Locking

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FED-STD-595 \5\ /5/

Colors Used in Government

Connector Assemblies, Plug,
Power Transfer, Shore-to-Ship
and Ship-to-Ship, 500 Volts,
500 Amperes, 60 Hertz,
Symbol Number 1160

Connector Assemblies, Plugs
and Receptacles, Electric,
Power Transfer, Shore to Ship
and Ship to Ship, 500 Volts,
500 Amperes, 60 Hertz,
Symbol Numbers 1162.1,
1162.2, 1162.3

Connector Assemblies, Plug,
Submarine Shore Power
Transfer, Shore to Ship and
Ship to Ship, 500 Volts, 400
Amperes, 60 Hertz, Three-
Phase, Symbol Number 1149

Connection Hose, Fire and

\4\ MIL-DTL-915 /4/

Cable, Electrical, for Shipboard

\4\ MIL-DTL-24643 /4/

Cables, Electric, Low Smoke
Halogen-Free, for Shipboard

Strainer Suction, Fire \5\ Hose,
and Strainers Suction, Hose /5/

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Color Code for Pipelines and
for Compressed Gas Cylinders

\5\ MIL-STD-767
Control of Hardware
Cleanliness (NOFORN) /5/

Interface Standard for
Shipboard Systems

\5\ MIL-STD-2041
Control of Detrimental
Materials (NOFORN) /5/


6506 Hampton Blvd Economic Analysis Handbook
Norfolk, VA 23508-1278 MO-201
Electric Power Distribution

Ship-to-Shore Hose Handling
Operations Manual

5. Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center

(NFESC) TN-1586
1100 23rd Avenue Steam Separator Test and
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370 Evaluation
Bilge and Oily Wastewater
Treatment System

6. Code of Federal Regulations 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, Department of
Occupational Safety and
Health Standards

40 CFR 141, U.S.

Environmental Protection

UFC 4-150-02
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National Primary
Drinking Water
National Secondary
Drinking Water

40 CFR 1700, U.S.

Environmental Protection
Agency, Department of
Uniform National
Discharge Standards for
Vessels of the Armed

7. Naval Sea Systems Command S9086-AB-ROM-010

(NAVSEASYSCOM) Naval Ships Technical Manual
1333 Isaac Hull Avenue, SE (NSTM)
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376-1080 S9593-BF-DDT-010
Oil Pollution Abatement

Air Circuit Breakers (Fused),
Navy Type AQB-FL400

8. Naval Ship Weapons Systems Engineering Station 59300-AW-EDG-010/EPISM

Commanding Officer Electrical Plant Installation
Naval Ship Weapons Systems Engineering Station, Standards Methods
Code 5700 (EPISM)
Port Hueneme, CA 93043

9. Submarine Maintenance Engineering, Planning Maintenance Standard (MS)

and Procurement Activity (SUBMEPP) Number 3240-081-089
P.O. Box 2500 Inspect and Repair Shore
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Power Cables
Portsmouth, NH 03804-2500

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1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ANSI /NEMA C57.12.29

1819 L Street, NW, 6th Floor Pad-Mounted Equipment
Washington, DC 20036 Enclosure Integrity for Coastal
(202) 293-8020 Environments
Fax: (202) 293-9287 ANSI/NEMA C84.1
Electric Power Systems and
EquipmentVoltage Ratings (60

2. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air ASHRAE

Conditioning Engineers, Inc (ASHRAE) Handbook, Fundamentals
1791 Tullie Circle N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30329-2305
(800) 527-4723
(404) 636-8400
Fax: (404) 321-5478

3. ASTM International \5\ /5/

100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 ASTM A276
(610) 832-9585 Standard Specification for Stainless
Fax: (610) 832-9555 Steel Bars and Shapes
Standard Specification for Aluminum-
Bronze Sand Castings

Standard Specification for Nickel-
Copper Alloy Rod, Bar and Wire

Standard Specification for Nickel-
Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Seamless
Pipe and Tube

ASTM D2240
Standard Test Method for Rubber
PropertyDurometer Hardness

\5\ ASTM E527 Numbering Metals and

UFC 4-150-02
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Alloys in the Unified Numbering

System (UNS) /5/

4. Compressed Gas Association (CGA) CGA G-7.1

Commodity Specification for Air
4221 Walney Road, 5th Floor
Chantilly VA 20151-2923
(703) 788-2700
Fax: (703) 961-1831

5. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) ICEA S-66-524

Box 1568 Cross-Linked-Thermosetting
Carrollton, GA 30112 Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Cables(Also known as NEMA WC7)

ICEA S-75-381
Portable Power Feeder Cables (Also
known as NEMA WC 58)

ICEA T-27-581
Standard Test Methods for Extruded
Dielectric Cables (Also known as

6. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-48

(IEEE) Standard Test Procedures and
3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor Requirements for Alternating Current
New York, NY 10016-5997 Cable Terminations 2.5kV through 765kV

7. InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) \5\ ANSI/NETA MTS /5/ Maintenance
P.O. Box 687 Testing Specifications for Electrical
Morrison, CO 80465 Power Distribution Equipment and Systems

8. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 4649

1, rue de Varembe Rubber, Vulcanized or Thermoplastic
Case Postale 56 Determination of Abrasion Resistance
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Using Rotating Cylindrical Drum Device

9. NACE International NACE RP0169

UFC 4-150-02
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1440 S. Creek Drive, Control of External Corrosion of

Houston, TX 77048-4906 Underground or Submerged Metallic
(281) 228-2600 Piping Systems
Fax: (281) 228-6300 NACE RP0285
Standard Recommended Practice
Corrosion Control of Underground
Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic

10. National Electrical Manufacturers Association ANSI/NEMA C57.12.29

(NEMA) Pad-Mounted Equipment Enclosure
1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752 Integrity for Coastal Environments
Rosslyn, VA 22209
(703) 841-3200 ANSI/NEMA C84.1
Fax: (703) 841-5900 Electric Power Systems and Equipment -- Voltage Ratings (60 Hertz)

11. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 20

1 Batterymarch Park Standard for the Installation of
P.O. Box 9101 Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection
Quincy, MA 02269-9101
(617) 770-3000 NFPA 70
Fax: (617) 770-0700 National Electrical Code
NFPA 780
Standard for the Installation of
Lightning Protection Systems

12. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Painting Manual, Volume 2

40 24th Street, 6 Floor Systems and Specifications (Includes
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4656 color identification index system)
(877) 281-7772

13. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc (UL) UL 44

333 Pfingsten Road UL Standard for \5\ /5/ Thermoset-
Northbrook, IL 60062-2096 Insulated Wires and Cables
UL 486A-486B
UL Standard for Wire Connectors

UL 94
UL Standard for \5\ Tests for /5/
Flammability of Plastic Materials for

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Parts in Devices and Appliances


14. Water Environment Federation (WEF) MOP FD-5

601 Wythe Street, Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and
Alexandria VA, 22314-1994 Construction
(800) 666-0206
Fax: (703) 684-2492

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Active Berthing. A pier or wharf with berths used for homeport or light repair
purposes, usually with a full or partial crew aboard, and always with ships in
active status.

Activity. The organization (or organizations) that is responsible for the daily and
routine operation and maintenance of the associated waterfront facility.

APTS. Activity providing telephone service. The organization responsible for the
daily and routine operation and maintenance of the waterfront's
telecommunication system (or systems).

Berth. A specific, marked-off length, along a pier or wharf, containing ships

services appropriate for the ship classes which may be assigned to it.

Berthing Pier. A general term for a pier with berths and ships services.

Berthing Plan. A plan devised by each facility showing all berthing areas with
ships assignments. May be permanent or temporary, depending upon the type
of facility.

Bollard. A single-post fitting to which mooring lines from vessels are attached.

Capstan. A motorized, vertical-drum device used to tension lines for positioning

ships, usually in drydock.

Cleat. A mooring fitting having two diverging horizontal arms to which mooring
lines from vessels are attached.

Cold Iron. Used to describe the condition of a ship when all shipboard boilers,
engines, and generators are inoperative during repairs and can furnish none of
the required ships services.

Cooling/Flushing Water. Water (usually nonpotable or salt) supplied to ships for

condenser-cooling, fixture-flushing and other miscellaneous uses.

Dedicated Berth. A berth having required services for, and dedicated to use by,
a specific ship for an extended period of time.

NAVFAC EFD/EFA. Engineering field division/engineering field activity. The

geographical representative of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command
(NAVFAC) responsible for the implementation of Navy policies, guidance and

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Graving Drydock. A permanent concrete drydocking structure requiring the use

of caisson and dewatering pumps.

Hotel Services. Dockside utilities provided for a ship at berth (also called ships
services, utility services, and cold iron services).

Inactive Berthing. Permanent or semi-permanent berthing areas for ships out of

service, with crew normally not aboard.

Nested Ships. Two or more ships berthed side by side, with utility services
supplied from berth side to the outer ships via ships header systems or hoses
and cables strung across decks.

Oily Waste. Water (usually salt) from ships bilge which has been contaminated
with petroleum products (fuel or lube oils) and which cannot discharge either to
surface waters or to sanitary sewer.

Overhaul Facility. Generally used interchangeably with Repair Facility.

Pier. A dock, built from the shore out into the harbor, which is used for berthing
and mooring vessels.

POL. Petroleum, oil and lubricants. An acronym used to describe petroleum

products, and the facilities used in their storage and handling. As used herein,
applies to marine fuels, jet fuels and lubricants.

Quaywall. A heavy gravity or platform structure fronting on navigable water,

behind which earth fill is placed to a level grade along its length.

Repair Facility. Locations where ship repair activities take place, such as at a
shipyard or ship-repair facility. Facilities may utilize repair piers, drydocks, or
both. (Also, Overhaul Facility.)

Telecommunications. Systems of communicating speech or impulses via wire or

cable over distances, such as telephone, data transmission, coded transmission,
cable TV and signal or alarm circuits.

USACE DISTRICT. The geographical representative of the U.S. Army Corps of

Engineers (USACE) responsible for the implementation of Army policies,
guidance and instructions.

Wharf. A dock, oriented approximately parallel to shore, with more than one
access connection with the shore; a wharf is used for berthing or mooring
vessels. May also be as above, except with continuous connection to shore.

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012



Table C-1 Shore Services - Steam

Table C-2 Shore Services - Compressed Air

Table C-3 Shore Services - Salt or Non Potable Water - Overhaul and

Table C-4 Shore Services - Potable Water

Table C-5 Shore Services - Oily Waste/Waste Oil (OWWO) Discharge

Table C-6 Shore Services - Sanitary (CHT) Discharge

Table C-7 Shore Services - Electrical

Table C-8 Shore Services -Telecommunications

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012

Table C-1 Shore Services Steam 1 2 3

(a) (b) Ships Connection Data
Intermittent Heating Loads Constant Overhaul
(lb/hr) Load
for Outdoor Temperatures of: (lb/hr) (lb/hr)
0 0 0 0
Ship Symbol 10 F 30 F 50 F 70 F L H N SIZE
CVN-65 42,000 7,000 481S 29 1 4" Gate
716S 29 1 3-2"Angle
403P 29 1 3-2"Angle
806P 29 1 3-2"Angle
CVN-68 45,000 5,000 528S 23 1 4-2" Angle Stop V.
698S 23 1 6-2" Angle Stop V.
493P 23 1 4-2" Angle Stop V.
CG-47 11,200 11,200 11,200 8,745 3,270 328S 25 1 2" Male Steam Boss
335P 25 1 2" Male Steam Boss
SSN-688 3000 210 6" 600# Weld Neck
SSN-774 50,000 246S 5" NPS, Class 600
LCC-19,20 7,000 5,500 4,700 4,100 3,000 304S 26 3
304P 26 3
LHA-1 11,500 7,500 3,800 1,600 2,500 375S 46 2 2" Male Steam Boss
375P 46 2 2" Male Steam Boss
LHD-1 8,000 6,000 4,000 4,000 2,500 375S 46 2 2" Male Steam Boss
375P 46 2 2" Male Steam Boss
LPD-4 6,000 3,700 2,200 1,300 2,200 328S 34 4
326P 34 4
LSD-41 7,400 220S 22 2
220P 22 2
LSD-49 7,400 220S 35 2
220P 35 2
AOE-6 515S 28
545P 28
AS-39 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 636S 58 2

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1. Loads based on ship's peacetime complement (no air wing or troops).

2. Maximum single ship demand at shore connections is column (a) plus

column (b).

3. For multiple ships, see Steam Service Diversity Factors

4. Steam quantity required to achieve normal environmental temperature in

ship spaces relative to the outdoor temperatures shown. Interpolation
between temperature columns is permissible.

5. Galley, laundry, hot water, etc.

6. L is the distance (in feet) of the connection aft of the point of stem of the
ship H is the height (in feet) of the connection above the design waterline.

Designations "P" and "S" refer to port side and starboard side,

Where more than one connection exists, all locations are shown.

The designation "N" refers to the number of shipboard hose connections

at the given locations.

7. Steam not required.

8. Loads based on absolute, worst case condition. Upon completion of

ShipAlt CG47-00588K (All Electric), there will no longer be a requirement
for steam.

9. Information contained in NAVSEA Dwg 6726570 Rev C (NOFORN) .

10. Information contained in NAVSEA Dwg 4639983 Rev E (NOFORN) .

11. Figure based on normal supply to ship when berthed at NNSY.

12. Steam used for hot water and ship services not significantly affected by
outside temperatures. Mid-Life electrical upgrades will remove steam
from these ships.

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Table C-2 Shore Services - Compressed Air 1

Minimum Minimum Ships Connection Data
Branch Outlet
2 3 4
Quantity Pressure Size Risers
Ship Symbol (SCFM) (PSIG) (IN) Berth L H N SIZE
CVN-65 2,400 125 4 5 455S 31 1 2"
899S 31 1 2"
CVN-68 2,400 125 4 5
CG-47 1,000 125 3 4
DDG-51 1,000 125 3 3 144S 21 1 2 1/2"
274P 21 1 2 1/2"
FFG-7 1,000 125 3 3 360S 28 1 1 1/2"
SSN-688 750 125 2 2
SSN-21 750 125
LCC-19 1,050 125 2.5
4 369S 46
369P 46
LCC-20 300 125 2.5
4 369S 46
369P 46
LHA-1 800 125
LHD-1 800 125
LPD-4 1,000 125
LSD-41 300 125 3
4 220C 35
LSD-49 125 3
300 4 220C 35
AKE-1 207 125
AOE-6 470S 28
475P 28
ARS-50 500 125 2 2

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1. Low pressure compressed air requirements shown.

2. For multiple ships, use diversity factor.

3. Minimum required at connections. Higher pressures may be necessary

where specifically directed by NAVFAC or the using agency.

4. This is size of pipe from main to (and including) outlet riser.

5. L and H refer to the location of ships connections. L is the distance

(in feet) of the connection aft of the point of stem of the ship and H
is the height (in feet) of the connection above the design waterline.

Designations P and S and C refer to port, starboard and center

respectively. Where more than one connection exists, all locations
are shown.

The designation "N" refers to the number of shipboard connections at the

given locations

6. No shore connection; normal procedure is for ship's force to identify valve

in system to be pulled and temporary hoses are attached where valve was
pulled .

7. Portable only.

8. Compressed air not required.

9. Not required at normal pier tie up .

10. Information contained in NAVSEA Dwg 4639983 Rev E (NOFORN).

11. No designated shore air connections on board.

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Table C-3 Shore Services - Salt or Non Potable Water - Overhaul and
Drydock Berthing

Fire- Cooling/
Total Fighting Flushing
Demand Flow Flow
Ship Symbol (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) L H N SIZE
CVN-65 10,000 3,000 7,000 4" GATE FL W/ 2 1/2" HOSE
478S 29 4 ADAPT
724S 29 4 4" GATE FL W/ HOSE ADAPT
414P 29 4 4" GATE FL W/ HOSE ADAPT
731P 29 4 4" GATE FL W/ HOSE ADAPT
CVN-68 10,000 3,000 7,000 546S 25 4 3 1/2" GATE 250 PSIG
777S 34 4 3 1/2" GATE 250 PSIG
530P 25 4 3 1/2" GATE 250 PSIG
785P 25 4 3 1/2" GATE 250 PSIG
CVN-78 10,000 3,000 7,000 601S 25 4 4" HOSES
617S 25 4 4" HOSES
817S 25 4 4" HOSES
529P 25 4 4" HOSES
781P 25 4 4" HOSES
CG-47 1,250 1000 250 158P 24 4 2 1/2"
360S 24 4
DDG-51 1,250 1000 250 148S 21 4 2 1/2"
278S 21 4 2 1/2"
150P 21 4 2 1/2"
348P 21 4 2 1/2"
DDG-1000 2 1/2"
FFG-7 1,250 1000 250 282S 28 4 2 1/2"
SSN-688 275 P/S
144/235 MALE
SSN-774 1180 230 950 150/250 2 1/2"
SSBN-726 &SSGN 110 2 1/2"
LCC-19,20 1,250 1000 250
LHA-1 3,125 2,500 625
LHA-6 8,000
273S 55 4 4" FIRE HOSE
644S 55 4 4" FIRE HOSE
238P 54 4 4" FIRE HOSE
707P 55 4 4" FIRE HOSE
266S 55 4 4" FIRE HOSE
644S 55 4 4" FIRE HOSE
210P 55 4 4" FIRE HOSE

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700P 55 4 4" FIRE HOSE

LHD-8 8,000
252S 54 4 4" FIRE HOSE
252P 54 4 4" FIRE HOSE
LPD-4 1,875 1,500 375
LSD-41 2500 2,000 500
LSD-49 2500 2,000 500
AOE-6 1,875 1500 375 180S 28
608S 28
179P 28
575P 28
ARS-50 625 500 125
AS-39 1875 1500 375


1. L is the distance (in feet) of the connection aft of the stem of the ship.

H is the height (in feet) of the connection above the design waterline.

Designations "P" and "S" refer to port side and starboard side respectively.

Where more than one connection exists, all locations are shown.

2. Salt or Non Potable Water not required.

3. Provide 2000 gpm @ 40psi; also provide 600 gpm @ 40 psi from
separate, but simultaneous source as emergency backup.

Drydock provides (F10) steel bolted fire hose connection (male) for
standard fire hose.

Drydock also provides connection for 12" ASW hull valves.

4. Provide 600 gpm @ 65psi for cooling (inboard connection in engine room)
and 336 gpm @ 100psi for flushing and firefighting.

Inboard connections fore and aft.

5. For cooling/flushing; only flushing value is provided.

6. Information contained in NAVSEA Dwg 4639983 Rev E (NOFORN).

7. Planning Yard (NNSY) advises no shore connections; use 15 hose

connections to ships fire plugs.


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Table C-4 Shore Services - Potable Water

Ships Connection Data
Normal with Air
Requirement Wing or
with Ships Troops
Compliment Aboard
Ship Symbol (GPD) (GPD) L H N SIZE
CVN-65 100,000 140,000 460S 28 1 2 1/2" GLOBE
640S 28 1 2 1/2" GLOBE
640P 28 1 2 1/2" GLOBE
840P 28 1 2 1/2" GLOBE
CVN-68 100,000 185,000 300S 29 1 2 1/2" GLOBE
540S 29 1 2 1/2" GLOBE
300P 29 1 2 1/2" GLOBE
540P 29 1 2 1/2" GLOBE
235,000 417S 25 2 2.5" HOSE CONN
673S 25 2 2.5" HOSE CONN
501P 25 2 2.5" HOSE CONN
777P 25 2 2.5" HOSE CONN
CG-47 16,000 242S 21 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
242P 21 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
DDG-51 9500 254S 22 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
254P 22 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
DDG-1000 2.5" HOSE CONN
FFG-7 10800 325S 32 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
325P 32 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
LCS-1 4500 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
LCS-2 4500 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
SSN-688 5000 150
CL -
P) 1
SSN-21 5000 138.3
SSN-774 5000 150 C 1 1.5"
SSBN-726 5000 312.9
LCC-19,20 33,000 55,000 281S 44
313P 44
LHA-1 28,000 85,000 337 S 46 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
LHA-6 427S 63 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
553S 34 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
371P 15 1 2.5" HOSE CONN
LHD-1 32,000 90,000 680 S 45
1 2.5" HOSE CONN
LHD-8 427S 63
1 2.5" HOSE CONN
553S 34
1 2.5" HOSE CONN
371P 15
1 2.5" HOSE CONN

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LPD-4 15,000 48,300 327S 35

356P 35
LPD-17 15,000 40,000 200S 24 1 2 1/2"
200P 24 1 2 1/2"
LSD-41 14,000 25,000 260S 36
208P 36
LSD-49 12,000 25,000 260S 37
216P 37
AKE-1 92,000 220S 78S 1 2 1/2"
225P 65P 1 2 1/2"
AOE-6 21,000 321S 68
433S 68
321PS 68
449P 68
ARS-50 3000


1. L is the distance (in feet) of the connection aft of the stem of the ship.

H is the height (in feet) of the connection above the design waterline.

Designations "P" and "S" refer to port side and starboard side respectively.

Where more than one connection exists, all locations are shown.

2. Reduce requirement by 35% if airwing is not embarked.

3. Connection is PW-8; 1 1/2" NPS globe valve w/hose connection; silver-

bronze union end (MIL-F-1183) w/adaptor for Hose 'B' thread size; 1 1/2"
male x 11 1/2 fem.

4. Quantity = 200 gpm @ 87 psi.

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Table C-5 Shore Services - Oily Waste/Waste Oil (OWWO) Discharge

Ship Connection Data
Pump Rating, QPEAK, QAVE,
Ship Symbol Station Pump GPM GPD GPD L H N SIZE
CVN-65 1 1A 200 35,000 35,000 605S 29 3 2.5"
1B 200 616P 29 3 2.5"
CVN-68 to 71 1 1A 90 80,000 35,000 680S 23 1 2.5"
512P 23 1 2.5"
CVN-72 to 77 1 1A 90 80,000 35,000 680S 23 2 2.5"
1B 90 512P 23 1 2.5"
CVN-78 25 1 2.5"
CG-47 1 1A 50 12,000 3000 384S (Oily Waste Transfer Pump, 50 24 1 2.5"
1B 15 386P (Oily Waste Transfer Pump, 50 24 1 2.5"
2 2A 50 386S (Gas Turbine Drain Pump, 15 gpm) 24 1 2.5"
2B 15 380P (Gas Turbine Drain Pump, 15 gpm) 24 1 2.5"
DDG-51 1 1A 50 12,000 3000 253S 21 1 2.5"
2 2A 50 253P 21 1 2.5"
DDG-1000 1 2.5"
FFG-7 1 1A 50 6750 1500 244S 28 1 2"
244P 28 1 2"
LCS-1 90~180 500 1 2.5"
LCS-2 90~180 500 1 2.5"
SSN-688 1 1A 230 500 250 215 1 2.5"
SSN-21 1 1A 280 500 250 202.5(14' OFF CL-S) 1
1B 280 205.2'(4' OFF CL-S) 1
SSN-774 1 1A 230 159.56 (15.4' OFF CL-P) 1 1.5"
218.47' (8.87' OFF CL-S) 1 1.5"
SSBN-726 1 1A 230 500 250 152'11" (12'10" OFF CL -P) 1 2.5"
376'10" (45" OFF CL - P) 1 2.5"
LCC-19,20 1 1A 100 21,000 6400
LHA-1 1 1A 18 21,000 6400 448S 45 2.5"
1B 18 448P 45 2.5"
1C 18
1D 18
2 2A 54
LHA-6 553S (Oily Waste) 34 1 2.5"
553S (Synthetic Oil) 34 1 2.5"
455P (Oily Waste) 24 1 2.5"
455P (Synthetic Oil) 24 1 2.5"
LHD-1 1 1A 54 21,000 6400 539S 45 2.5"
1B 54 441P 55 2.5"
1C 54
LHD-8 553S (Oily Waste) 34 1 2.5"
553S (Synthetic Oil) 34 1 2.5"
455P (Oily Waste) 24 1 2.5"
455P (Synthetic Oil) 24 1 2.5"

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LPD-4 1 1A 18 21,000 6400

2 2A 90
LPD-17 1 1A 54 21,000 6400 463S 13 1 2.5"
1B 54 312P 24 1 2.5"
2 2A 10
3 3A 10
LSD-41 4800 2700
LSD-49 4800 2700
AKE-1 1 1A 35 407S 45 1 2"
AOE-6 1 1A 15 515S 30 1 2.5"
2 2A 50 526P 30 1 2.5"
3 3A 50 516S 30 1 1.25"
4 4A 15 528P 30 1 1.25"
ARS-50 500 275
AS-39 15,000 10,000


1. L is the distance (in feet) of the connection aft of the stem of the ship.

H is the height (in feet) of the connection above the design waterline.

Designations "P" and "S" refer to port side and starboard side respectively.

Where more than one connection exists, all locations are shown.

2. Oily Water 8000 gpd (45,000 gal); Waste Oil 40,000 gal/offload; Aircraft
Waste Fuel 9400 gal/offload. All use same deck connection.

Ship OWWO system has two 90 gpm pumps and is capable of

discharging 90-180 gpm. Shipboard standard operating procedure while
pierside is to operate with only one pump and discharge at the lower rate
of 90 gpm.

3. Oily waste requirement to be determined; Synthetic oily waste = 54 gpm.

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012

Table C-6 Shore Services - Sanitary (CHT) Discharge

Ships Connection Data
Pump Pump

Ship Symbol Station Pump Rating L H N SIZE

CVN-65 1 1A 400 GPM 320P 27 4"
1B 400 GPM 348S 45 4"
2 2A 400 GPM 428P 27 4"
2B 400 GPM 452S 27 4"
3 3A 400 GPM 688S 27 4"
3B 400 GPM 828P 27 4"
4 4A 400 GPM
4B 400 GPM
5 5A 400 GPM
5B 400 GPM
6 6A 400 GPM
6B 400 GPM
7 7A 400 GPM
7B 400 GPM
CVN-68 to 71 1 1A 400 GPM 485P 23 4"
1B 400 GPM 536S 23 4"
2 2A 400 GPM 740P 23 4"
2B 400 GPM 759S 23 4"
3 3A 400 GPM
3B 400 GPM
CVN-72 to 77 1 1A 400 GPM 485P 23 4"
1B 400 GPM 309S 23 4"
2 2A 400 GPM 759P 23 4"
2B 400 GPM 802S 23 4"
CVN-78 250 GPM FWD STB 25 1 4"
500 GPM AFT STB 25 2 4"

CG-47 1 1A 100 GPM 200S 34 1 4"

1B 100 GPM 362S 34 1 4"
2 2A 100 GPM 190P 34 1 4"
2B 100 GPM 362P 34 1 4"
3 3A 100 GPM
3B 100 GPM
DDG-51 1 1A 40 GPM 146S 21 1 4"
1B 40 GPM 329S 21 1 4"
2 2A 40 GPM 149P 21 1 4"
2B 40 GPM 331P 21 1 4"
DDG-1000 1 4"
FFG-7 1 1A 100 GPM 204S 28 1 4"
1B 100 GPM 204P 28 1 4"
LCS-1 250 GPM 1 4"
LCS-2 250 GPM 1 4"
SSN-688 1 1 25 GPM 77 (11' 1
P) 2.5"
SSN-21 1 1 25 GPM 132 (3'
P) 2.5"
SSN-774 1 1 100 GPM 173 (12'
P) 2.5"

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SSBN-726 1 1 25 GPM 153'5" (9'9" 1

P) 2.5"
(12'6" OFF
CL - P) 1 2.5"
PC-1 1 1 60GPM FR 30.5 (3' MAIN 1
- S)
10' ABV
MCM-1 1 1 25GPM FR 32 01 LVL 1
(14'6" OFF
CL - S) 1.5"
FR 32 01 LVL 1
(14'6" OFF
CL - P) 1.5"

LCC-19,20 1 1A 150 GPM S 1
1B 150 GPM S 1
2 2A 150 GPM P 1
2B 150 GPM P 1
LHA-1 1 1A 400 GPM 231S 45 1 4"
1B 400 GPM 231P 45 1 4"
2 2A 300 GPM 448S 45 1 4"
2B 300 GPM 448P 45 1 4"
LHA-6 400 GPM 294S 34 4"
434S 24 4"
301P 24 4"
455P 24 4"
LHD-1 1 1A 300 GPM 280S 55 1 4"
1B 300 GPM 287P 55 1 4"
2 2A 300 GPM 420S 55 1 4"
2B 300 GPM 441P 55 1 4"
LHD-8 400 GPM 294S 24 4"
434S 24 4"
301P 24 4"
455P 24 4"
LPD-4 1 1A 150 GPM 2P/2S 1
1B 150 GPM 1
2 2A 150 GPM 1
2B 150 GPM 1
3 3A 150 GPM
3B 150 GPM
LPD-17 1 1A 120 GPM 200S 24 1 4"
1B 120 GPM 463S 24 1 4"
2 2A 120 GPM 200P 24 1 4"
2B 120 GPM 312P 13 1 4"
3 3A 200 GPM
3B 200GPM
4 4A 200 GPM
4B 200GPM
LSD-41 1 1A 100 GPM P 1
1B 100 GPM S 1
2 2A 100 GPM
2B 100 GPM

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LSD-49 1 1A 100 GPM P 1

1B 100 GPM S 1
2 2A 100 GPM
2B 100 GPM
AKE-1 1 1A 50 GPM 407S 45 1 3"
2 2A 17 GPM 414P 31 1 3"
2B 17 GPM
3 3A 310 GPM
3B 310 GPM
AOE-6 1 1A 100 GPM 265S 33 1
1B 100 GPM 430S 33 1
2 2A 100 GPM 265P 33 1
2B 100 GPM 440P 33 1

ARS-50 1 1A 100 GPM S 1

1B 100 GPM P 1
AS-39 1 1A 100 GPM S 1
1B 100 GPM P 1
2 2A 100 GPM STERN 1
2B 100 GPM
3 3A 100 GPM
3B 100 GPM
4 4A 100 GPM
4B 100 GPM
5 5A 100 GPM
5B 100 GPM
WPB-1301 P DECK 1 4"


1. L is the distance (in feet) of the connection aft of the stem of the ship.

H is the height (in feet) of the connection above the design waterline.

Designations "P" and "S" refer to port side and starboard side respectively.

Where more than one connection exists, all locations are shown.

2. CVN 78 utilizes at Type II MSD biological treatment system. As

wastewater comes into the ship's processing tank (50,000 gal fwd and
100,000 gal aft), clean effluent spills over into a wet well (500 gal fwd and
2100 gal aft), discharge pumps come on and empty tanks at ratings
indicated. Note processing tanks are only emptied when there is
maintenance required for the tank.

3. CHT fwd and aft systems are independent and must both be hooked up
for shore discharge of sewage.

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012

Table C-7 Shore Services Electrical

Ships Connection Data
Per Required Ampacity of
2 3
Ship Symbol Station Shore Power Service L H N SIZE
CVN-65 3200 440 P 30 1
3200 460 S 30 1
3200 520 S 30 1
3200 640 S 30 1
3200 664 P 30 1
3200 8600 704 S 30 1
CVN-68, 69 1440 548 S 30 1-4
1440 2800 704 S 30 1-4
4000 300 S 30 1
4000 312 S 30 1
4000 1000 S 40 1
4000 16000 1016 S 40 1
6 5
CVN-70 to 77 1440 548 S 30 1-4
1440 2800 704 S 30 1-4
4000 296 S 30 2
4000 16000 1016 S 40 2
CVN-78 1359 460S 25 4
1359 1307/1569 704S 25 4
CG-46 to 51 1200 316S 44 1 - 13
4000 5200 316P 44 1 - 13
CG-52 and up 316S 44 1 - 10

4000 4000 316P 44 1 - 10

DDG-51 4800 4500 265C 25 1 - 12
DDG-1000 260S 10 1-2
470 260P 10 1-2
FFG-7 2800 2800 252C 35 1-7
JHSV-1 800 800 320P 28 1-2
800 800 320S 28 1-2
LCS-1 1600 1600 213C 40 1-4
LCS-2 1600 1600 152S 35 1-4

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With Change 5, 1 September 2012

Ships Connection Data
Per Required Ampacity of
2 3
Ship Symbol Station Shore Power Service L H N SIZE

SSN-688 1600 146 C 1-4

1600 1600 210 C 1-4
SSN-21 1600 52 C 1-4
1600 1600 73 C 1-4
SSN-774 400 144 C 1-1
1200 222S 1-3
800 2400 222P 1-2
SSBN-726 1600 137 C 1-4
& SSGN 1600 1600 406 C 1-4
PC-1CL 200 170 107 P 11 1
LCC-19,20 442 P/S 28 2
LHA-1 4000 445S 37 1 - 10
4000 445P 37 1 - 10
3200 7200 791P 57 1-8
LHA-6 1600 441P 24 2-2
1600 434S 24 2-2
800 1903 812C 53 1-2
LHD-1 4000 420 P 25 1 - 10
4000 440 S 25 1 - 10
3200 7200 800 C 48 1-8
LHD-8 1600 420 P 25 2-2
1600 440 S 25 2-2
800 2400 800 C 48 1-2
LPD-4 1600 1400 240 C 50 1-4
LPD-17 8000 8000 88C 48 1 - 20
LSD-41 2400 2400 252C 34 1-6
LSD-49 3200 2160 252 P 34 1-8
MHC-51 800 576 104 P 29.5 1
AKE-1 4000 8000 310C 55 1 - 10
333C 55 1 - 10
AOE-6 4000 435S 55 1 - 10
4000 3200 435P 55 1 - 10
ARS-50 800 92 P 30 1
AS-39 4000 370S 38 1-1
4000 370P 38 1-1
4000 370S 48 1-1
4000 A 4200 370P 48 1-1
8000 B 8000 610S 28 1-2

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1. L is the distance (in feet) of the connection aft of the stem of the ship.

H is the height (in feet) of the connection above the design waterline.

Designations "P" and "S" refer to port side and starboard side respectively.

Where more than one connection exists, all locations are shown.

P/S Two station locations, one port and one starboard, at an equal
distance from the bow, of which only one may be used at a time to receive
power, one half of the total number of stations given are on port side, one
half are on starboard C is centerline station location ST is stern station
location; if power is delivered to the stern station, the port and starboard
stations would normally not be used for receiving power.

N = number of service points - number of cables per service point.

2. Capacity is given in amperes. Unless otherwise indicated, power to load

center is 450V, three phase, three-wire, 60 Hz, ungrounded. Power factor
is approximately 0.8. The number of receptacles per station may be
obtained by dividing per station capacity by 400.

3 Required ampacity of shore power service is the maximum power that the
ship will demand from the shore power system. The shore power service
transformer shall be sized to provide the "Required ampacity of shore
power service" for the ship moored at the respective berth. Note that the
shore power service transformer is not necessarily sized to provide the
ampacity equivalent to the product of the required number of shore power
circuits and the rating (400A) of the shore power circuits.

4. CVN-65: The port station is only used when the ship is in drydock. Power
is 480V.

5. Power is 4160V, three phase, three wire, 60 Hz, ungrounded .

6. CVN 70 and higher will not require any 480 volts electrical services.

7. Power to load center is 13,800V, three phase, three wire, 60 Hz,

ungrounded; 1307/1569 correspond to 25MW load (without air wing) and
30MW load (with air wing). For additional information regarding the shore-
to-ship interface, refer to NAVSEA Drawing 802-7094558, CVN Class
Aircraft Carrier Electrical Interface Characteristics (NOFORN).

8. CG-47 through CG-51: A total of 13 shore power receptacles are

provided at each of these two (port and starboard) stations. Three
receptacles (1200A) are used for a feed-through circuit to a tended ship
and 10 receptacles (4000A) are used for the ships shore power station.
CG-52 and following have no feed-through circuits.

9. Normal hotel service load is 1600 amps.

Special testing of submarines, usually conducted at shipyards, requires an

increased level of shore power (super shore power). Depending upon
local operating policies, either additional circuits from the same service(s)
are connected in conjunction with the normal "hotel" circuits to provide a
combined increased level of shore power or additional circuits from
completely separate service(s) are provided in addition to the normal
"hotel" service. Note that for both modes of operation, the additional
circuits are connected directly to the ship's switchboard bus.

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10. It is required that the shunt interlock circuits for the three SSN774 Class
services be independent of each other and the interlock should insure that
all of the breakers for a given service (e.g. port) trip open at the same time
in the event of an over current condition.

11. Between FY08 & FY14 LSD Class goes through a Mid Service Life
Electrical Upgrade.

LSD 41-48 goes from 6 cables (2400A) to 10 cables (4000A).

LSD 49-52 goes from 8 cables (3200A) to 12 cables (4800A).

12. T-AKE 1 requires that shore power be delivered at 505V-515V.

T-AKE 1 uses its own DC system to detect grounds, whereas shoreside

facility uses an AC system to detect grounds. Prior to arrival at berth,
shoreside facility must disable its ground detection system for that
particular berth and rely upon the T-AKE 1 ground detection system .

13. A = Requirement shown represents the demand of the tender while not

B - Requirement shown represents the demand of the tender while

tending; this includes the requirements of the tender plus the maximum
requirements of the ships being tended.


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Table C-8 Shore Services -Telecommunications

Ships Connection Data
Telephone Lines (Pairs)
2 3
Ship Symbol Active Lines Cable Size at Berth L H N SIZE
CVN-65 60 200 612S 32 1
612S 03 LVL 1
CVN-68 60 200 303S 26 1
1008S 35 1
CVN-78 60 Min/100 613S 25
545P 25
CG-47 15 50 287
DDG-51 15 50 274S 21
274P 21
DDG-1000 20 to 40 lines
FFG-7 8 50
LCS-1 10
LCS-2 10
SSN-688 5 25 98
SSN-21 8 80
SSN-774 10 95.69' (0.67'
SSBN-726 &SSGN 10 25 136'10"
LCC-19 150 180 208P
LCC-20 20 100 208P
LHA-1 120 80S
LHA-6 80 434S 24
812S 54
441P 24
LHD-1 120 78S
LHD-8 80 434S 24
812S 54
441P 24
LPD-4 10 15 270C
LPD-17 463S
LSD-41 10 50 250S
LSD-49 20 30 250S
AOE-6 10 50 205 C

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1. L is the distance (in feet) of the connection aft of the stem of the ship.

H is the height (in feet) of the connection above the design waterline.

Designations "P" and "S" refer to port side and starboard side respectively.

Where more than one connection exists, all locations are shown.

2. Total number of active lines required for any ship is sum of column for
"active lines" for the ship class and the embarked staff requirements
necessary where specifically directed by NAVFAC or the using agency.

3. Column "cable size at berth" lists the size of cable to be provided at berths
designated for various ship types. Cable sizes given in column "cable size
at berth" include the ship requirement, the appropriate embarked staff
requirement, and an allowance for spare pairs.

4. Also requires Internet T-1, T-100, ISDN SIPRNET/NIPRENET 2 lines.

5. Also requires fiber optic LAN connectivity.

6. Also requires (1) Internet T-1, T-100, ISDN Digital T-1/ISDN - 1 line; (2)

7. Also requires 2 fiber optic connections for IT21/ISNS and BFTT.

8. Embarked staff requirements.

Fleet Commander - 20
CARGRU Commander - 8

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Figure D-1 U.S. Winter Weather Severity by Region

Table D-1 Regional Weather Data

Table D-2 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Heating: Suggested

Combinations for Regions I and II

Table D-3 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Flushing: Suggested

Combinations for Regions III and IV

Table D-4 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Heating: Suggested

Combinations for Regions III and IV

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Figure D-1 U.S. Winter Weather Severity by Region

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Table D-1 Regional Weather Data




REGION (deg F) (deg F) (deg F) (deg F) (deg F) DAYS

I 24 -30 -11 0 -15 1275

II 29 -14 1 10 -2 1125

III 34.5 1 7 15 8 950

IV 34.5 3 16 24 13 750

V 50.5 17 21 32 24 450

Table D-2 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Heating: Suggested

Combinations for Regions I and II


(inch) (inch) (watts/foot) (inch) (watts/foot)

2 1/2 6 1/2 6

3 1/2 6 1/2 6

4 1 6 1 6

6 1 6 1 6

8 1-1/2 6 1-1/2 6

10 1-1/2 6 1-1/2 6

12 1-1/2 6 1-1/2 6

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Table D-3 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Flushing: Suggested

Combinations for Regions III and IV


(inch) (inch) FEATURE (inch) FEATURE

2 1 Yes 1 Yes

3 1 Yes 1 Yes

4 1 Yes 1 Yes

6 1 Yes 1 Yes

8 1 No 1 No

10 1 No 1 No

12 1 No 1 No

Table D-4 Freeze Protection by Insulation and Heating: Suggested

Combinations for Regions III and IV


(inch) (inch) (watts/foot) (inch) (watts/foot)

2 1/2 6 1/2 6

3 1/2 6 1/2 6

4 1/2 6 1/2 6

6 1/2 6 1/2 None

8 1 None 1 None

10 1 None 1 None

12 1 None 1 None

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E-1 Critical Components.

All electrical components whose failure could affect the reliability of the electrical
distribution system supplying power to ships are identified as critical components
of the shore to ship power system and are placed under the maintenance
program defined in this enclosure. Critical components are the shore power
circuit breaker, the permanently installed cables between the shore power circuit
breaker and the power connection station (turtleback), the power connection
station receptacles, and the portable power cable assemblies used for supplying
shore power services to ships. Each portable power cable assembly is defined to
consist of two electrical connectors and the cable in between.

E-1.1 Critical Component Inventory Records.

A history record will be established and maintained covering each shore to ship
power system critical component. The record will document via inspection
checklists all work completed and by whom. Cable and connections shall be
tagged in accordance with the Shore Power Cable Assembly Nomenclature
Detail, as shown in Figure E-4 and entered into Single Platform MAXIM0 and
other appropriate maintenance planning databases.

One-line diagram: One-line diagrams, illustrating the equipment

ratings and system configuration from the utility point of service, are
prepared and kept current by the activities in accordance with
NAVFAC Manual MO-201, Electric Power Distribution Systems.
Plot plans will be annotated to show the location of all shore to ship
power system components.

Power System Study: An activity power system study, including

load flow, fault current analysis, coordination of protective devices,
and arc flash is prepared in accordance with MO-201, Electric
Power Distribution Systems.

E-2 Paralleling Transformers.

If a ship is supplied by two or more shore transformers, the ship's force will be
directed, through standard ship operating procedures, not to parallel the
transformers through the ship's bus unless the senior ship's electrician verifies
correct phase orientation between power sources, and the supplying activity
authorizes the parallel operation. If shore transformers are paralleled through the
ship's bus, short circuit currents may be increased to unsafe levels and
circulating currents may overheat and destroy cables, transformers, and
switchgear on board ship or on shore.

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E-2.1 Paralleling Shipboard Generation with the Shore Power

Paralleling of ship's service generators with the shore power system is prohibited
except for the shortest time necessary to transfer load to or from shore power.

E-3 Cables for Shore-to-Ship Service.

Shore-to-ship cables are normally provided by the Activity. For 480 volts, three-
phase, three-wire service, cables should be ungrounded, standardized lengths of
single cable with three conductors, Type THOF-500, conforming to military spec
\4\ MIL-DTL-915, Cable, Electrical, for Shipboard Use /4/, and should be used for
loads not exceeding 400 amps. For 4,160 volts, three-phase service to nuclear
aircraft carriers, cables should be SHD350GC 8 kV, non-shielded insulated,
PVC-jacketed cable, in accordance with Insulated Cable Engineers Association
(ICEA) S-66-524, Cross-Linked-Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wire and

E-3.1 Low Voltage Cables.

Existing portable cables used for 480 volt shore to ship power
service may be \4\ MIL-DTL-915 /4/ type THOF-500 or type SHOF-
500 in accordance with \4\ MIL-DTL-915 /4/. Low smoke cable
specified by \4\ MIL-DTL-24643 /4/ which is for use on ships, shall
not be used for shore-to-ship power applications. Its softer jacket is
susceptible to damage.

New portable cables used for 480 volt shore to ship power service
shall be three conductor type "Enhanced THOF-500" or "Enhanced
Plus THOF-500" as shown in Figures E-1, E-2, E-3. Equivalent or
better cables from other sources may be considered as approved
by Navy technical authority.

E-3.2 Medium Voltage Cables.

The portable cables used for 4160 volt and 13800 volt shore to ship power
service shall be three conductor, 350 kcmil type SHD-GC with Chlorinated
Polyethylene (CPE) jacket. Insulation and jacket shall conform to ICEA S-75-381.
Cables for 4160 volt service shall be 8 kV or 15 kV. Cables for 13800 volt service
shall be 15 kV. However, cable sizes larger than 350 kcmil may be used with
approval by Navy technical

E-3.3 Standard Cable Lengths.

Activities will maintain an inventory of portable shore to ship electric power
cables in lengths required for the ships. Lengths will be selected and constructed

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to minimize the requirements for in-line connections. All cable runs will be of
equal length to minimize unequal load sharing.

E-3.4 Cable Storage.

Cables not in use should be stored appropriately. Covered off pier storage
locations are highly desirable.

E-4 Shore Power Circuit Breakers

E-4.1 Low Voltage Cable Overcurrent Protection for Submarines.

The long-time pickup settings of the 450 volt shore to ship power service circuit
breakers for submarines shall be adjusted so that they match nominal ratings of
equipment on the submarine. (Currently, the limiting ratings for equipment on the
submarine is 435 amperes. If the 435 ampere setting is not a standard setting on
the existing equipment, then the next higher setting is acceptable. The available
next higher setting choice is 480A). Circuit breaker settings in excess of 435A
shall be documented and submitted to NAVFAC with sufficient technical
justification of the setting. Shore activities shall provide written notification to the
submarines prior to connection focusing on the load requirements and load
monitoring, breaker settings, and safety impacts. The instantaneous pickup
setting shall be coordinated with the available short circuit amperes and
associated system devices.

E-4.2 Low Voltage Cable Overcurrent Protection for Surface Ships.

The long-time pickup settings of the 450 volt shore to ship power service circuit
breakers for surface ships shall be adjusted to 430 amperes. If the 430 ampere
setting is not a standard setting on the existing equipment, then the next higher
setting is acceptable. The available next higher setting choice is 480A. Circuit
breaker settings in excess of 430A shall be documented and submitted to
NAVFAC with sufficient technical justification of the setting. The instantaneous
pickup setting shall be coordinated with the available short circuit amperes and
associated system devices.

E-4.3 Medium Voltage Cable Overcurrent Protection.

The long-time pickup setting of the shore to ship power service circuit breakers
shall be adjusted to 400 amperes. If the 400 ampere setting is not a standard
setting on the existing equipment, then the next higher setting is acceptable. The
cable overcurrent protection will be based on the lowest rated service system
device which is usually the fixed cables (normally 350kcmil 105C conductors
rated 440A in conduit in air) between the substations and the receptacles for the
portable cables, therefore the service rating could be as high as 440A. Metal-
clad switchgear with vacuum power circuit breakers will be equipped with
programmable microprocessor relays which will allow the over current pickup to
be set precisely to the desired setting. Circuit breaker settings in excess of 400A
shall be documented and submitted to NAVFAC with sufficient technical

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justification of the setting. The instantaneous pickup setting shall be coordinated

with the available short circuit amperes and associated system devices.

E-5 Cable Connectors

Connectors. Cable connectors are available in two types: (1) one single, multiple
conductor type (1-3/c cable); and (2) single conductor type grouped in a cluster
of three (3-1/c cables). A typical three-conductor outlet assembly is illustrated in
Figure F-4. Figure F-5 illustrates the single-conductor type connector.

Low Voltage Terminations

o All low voltage portable power cables will be terminated with a

MIL-C-24368/1 (procured from vendors on the Qualified
Products List (QPL)) plug at the ship end of the cable for
surface ships.

o All low voltage portable power cables will be terminated with a

MIL-C-24368/5 (procured from vendors on the QPL) plug at the
ship end of the cable for submarines.

o The termination device at the service end of the cable must be

compatible with the design of the dockside power connection
station (turtleback) and may be terminated with one of the

a MIL-C-24368/1 plug, for existing installations

a single pole connector which meets the environmental and

test requirements of the MIL-C-24368 and the additional
requirements identified is shown in Figure F-5

a UL 486A listed plug.

an equivalent or better connector as approved by Navy

technical authority.

o Install terminations in accordance with manufacturer's


Low Voltage In-line Connections. In-line single pole connectors and

lug to lug connections shall meet the same requirements as
identified above. Male and female cable mount in-line connectors
may be used to connect shorter cable segments together to make
longer cable circuits as necessary.

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Medium Voltage Terminations. All medium voltage portable power

cables will be terminated at the ship end of the cable with a heat
shrinkable termination (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers standard IEEE-48 class 1) specifically designed for
SHD-GC cables. The termination device at the service end of the
cable must be compatible with the design of the dockside power
connection station (turtleback) and may be terminated the same as
the ship end of the cable or with a coupler plug that is compatible
with the receptacle at the dockside power connection station. The
termination devices shall be assembled on to the cable per the
manufacturer's instructions. Terminate the SHD-GC cable ground
and check conductors within the cable breakout boot or to the
appropriate termination pin integral with the coupler plug.

E-6 Maintenance of Portable Power Cable Assemblies

E-6.1 Tests and Inspections for Submarine Portable Power Cable

Electrical tests and inspections shall be in accordance with Maintenance
Standard (MS) Number 3420-08 1-089. These tests and inspections shall be
conducted annually. Results of the contact tightness checks, conducted in
accordance with paragraph 1.g of Maintenance Standard (MS) Number 3420-
081-089, shall be included on the written notification provided to ships forces
prior to each shore power service connection to the submarine, identified in the
paragraph above entitled Low Voltage Cable Overcurrent Protection for

E-6.2 Tests and Inspections for Surface Ship Portable Power Cable
Electrical tests and inspections shall be in accordance with \5\ ANSI/NETA MTS
/5/ Maintenance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Distribution
Equipment and Systems (most recent edition) for cables and the manufacturer's
instructions for connectors. Over potential tests are not required, but may be
performed on the cable assemblies that fail insulation-resistance tests as a
means to locate cable faults and to verify cable integrity. These tests and
inspections shall be conducted annually.

E-6.3 Cable Repair.

Cables with damage other than to the outer jacket shall be removed from service
permanently. Repair jackets using a heat shrinkable wrap around mining cable
repair sleeve, cold repair elastomeric strips for mining cables, or a similar
product. Repair of the coupler plugs and receptacles shall be performed in
accordance with the manufacturers' instructions of these cable repair products or
shall be in accordance with reference (b) MS NO.3420-08 1-089.

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E-6.4 Connector Repairs.

Repairs to MIL-C-24368/5 connectors shall be in accordance with reference (b)
MS NO. 3420-08 1-089 Repairs to MIL-C-24368/1 and MIL-C-24368/4
connectors, and medium voltage coupler plugs shall be in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.

E-6.5 Splicing
Splicing of portable shore to ship power cables is not recommended for 480V
shore power cables Medium voltage portable power cables shall not be spliced
under any conditions.

E-7 Maintenance of Shore to Ship Power Permanent Components

E-7.1 Electrical Tests and Inspections.

Electrical tests and inspections for the shore power circuit breakers and
associated protective relay and the permanently installed cables between the
shore power circuit breaker and the power connection station (turtleback) shall
be performed in accordance with NETA MTS. Electrical tests and inspections for
the power connection station receptacles shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Over potential tests are not required, but may be
performed on the cable assemblies that fail insulation-resistance tests as a
means to locate cable faults and to verify cable integrity. Note that complete
visual inspection of inaccessible components is not required. Inspection interval
(visual and mechanical tests) shall be annual. Maintenance interval shall be
every two years. These intervals may be reduced, as required, based upon
equipment condition or operating environment.

E-7.2 Repair
Repair of permanent components shall be performed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.

E-7.3 Breaker Operation

Whenever shore power circuit breakers operate on instantaneous trip, do not re-
energize associated shore power circuits until the cause of the fault has been
cleared and the circuit breaker has been inspected for damage to contacts, arc
chutes, frame and operating mechanism. Whenever shore power circuit breakers
operate because of an over current, the ships forces shall be notified and the
associated shore power circuits may be reenergized per local SOPS with
concurrence from the ships forces.

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Figure E-1 3/C Enhanced THOF Cable

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Figure E-2 3/C Enhanced Plus THOF Cable

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Figure E-3 3/C Enhanced & Enhanced Plus THOF Cable Specification

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Figure E-3 3/C Enhanced & Enhanced Plus THOF Cable Specification

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Figure E-3 3/C Enhanced & Enhanced Plus THOF Cable Specification

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Figure E-4 Shore Power Cable Assembly Nomenclature Detail

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Figure F-1 Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier

Figure F-2 Pier Electrical Distribution

Figure F-3 Portable Substation

Figure F-4 Ship Service Outlet Assembly

Figure F-5 Single Pole Connector Details

Figure F-6 Pier Electrical Distribution for Temporary Services

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Figure F-1A Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (1 of 9)

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Figure F-1B Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (2 of 9)

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Figure F-1C Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (3 of 9)

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Figure F-1D Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (4 of 9)

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Figure F-1E Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (5 of 9)

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Figure F-1F Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (6 of 9)

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Figure F-1G Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (7 of 9)

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Figure F-1H Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (8 of 9)

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Figure F-1I Electrical System for a Double-Deck Pier (9 of 9)

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Figure F-2A Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (1 of 5)

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Figure F-2B Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (2 of 5)

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Figure F-2C Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (3 of 5)

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Figure F-2D Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (4 of 5)

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Figure F-2E Pier Electrical Distribution: Typical Vault System (5 of 5)

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Figure F-3A Portable Substation (1 of 3)

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Figure F-3B Portable Substation (2 of 3)

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Figure F-3C Portable Substation (3 of 3)

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Figure F-4A Ship Service Outlet Assembly (1 of 2)

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Figure F-4B Ship Service Outlet Assembly (2 of 2)

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Figure F-5A Single Pole Connector Details

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Figure F-5B Single Pole Connector Specification

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Figure F-6A Pier Electrical Distribution for Temporary Services (1 of 3)

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Figure F-6B Pier Electrical Distribution for Temporary Services (2 of 3)

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Figure F-6C Pier Electrical Distribution for Temporary Services (3 of 3)


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