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Mankind: Abanasinian

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Humans were the first race created by the gods of neutrality. They had only short lifespans, but were free to live
their lives as they saw fit, and also free to choose their own alignment. Since the early days of barbarian tribes,
humans have evolved and built elaborate cities and civilisations across practically every part of Krynn. Humans
reside in the isles, Ansalon and Taladas in great numbers. The various human tribes and cultures are as far ranging in
differences, as those between a minotaur and an elf.

The Abanasinians are collectively the city-dwellers of Solace, Haven, Gateway, Zaradene, Crossing, Mereklar and
the other large towns of Abanasinia. There is a broad mix of merchants, traders, warriors and the like spread across
the land. The average Abanasinian stands around six foot tall and is lightly tanned if they lead an active lifestyle,
although the less active Abanasinian can tend to be a little more rounded. Their blood seems to be that of
intermingled Solamnic and Plainsfolk due to their physical attributes. Over the years, they have been a strong and
free people, and even whilst Ansalon was under the reign of the dragon overlords, Abanasinia remained a free realm.
It is home to the Majere family, whom have produced some of the most infamous warriors and mages to walk the
land. The people whom live in the port cities are ruled by the merchant princes or merchant league, and those whom
live in the inland cities are ruled by town mayors. Xak Tsaroth had it's own thriving merchant nation in Abanasinia
as well. The people resembled closely what the common Abanasinian looks like today, however the city of Xak
Tsaroth fell during the Cataclysm. The people of Xak Tsaroth were led by the overlords (merchant lords) and were
ruled by the High Overlord, whom was the richest and most powerful amongst the merchants. The High Overlord of
Xak Tsaroth coveted wealth and his sinful desires led to the destruction of Xak Tsaroth during the Cataclysm.

The Arktos are the most numerous and more friendly of the two human civilisations of Icewall. They are referred to
as Icefolk by outsiders, and are quite a civilised race. Arktos are short in stature (under six foot) and stocky in build.
Their faces are usually weathered by middle age, due to the strong winds of Icewall. They most commonly have
blue eyes, pale skin and reddish brown hair. The Arktos people are great hunters and well-known for their ice
weapons, as well as their ice boats. They are led by a powerful chieftain (Harald Haakan being a famed chieftain
during the War of the Lance), who will often be accompanied by a revered cleric, whom serves as an advisor to the

Brutes (Tarmak)
The Tarmak are the brutes who first appeared on Ansalon during the Summer of Chaos. This fierce militaristic
people paint themselves in blue magical paint which gives them defensive powers. The Tarmak hail from a small
continent to the far east of Ansalon. This continent also housed two other nations in the past, the Damjatt and the
Keena. All three nations were brutal and strongly militant. The three constantly warred upon one another until only
the Tarmak were left alive. The Tarmak based rank and social standing upon a warrior's prowess. All conflicts are
settled in the arena, and their political structure closely mirrors the Blood Sea minotaurs. The Tarmak are ruled by an
emperor, whom is the strongest warrior of their kind.

The Cobar were the nomadic horse barbarians whom originally dwelt in the plains of Ergoth. Similar in appearance
to the Abanasinian plainsfolk, they were fearsome mounted warriors, expert trackers, and well versed in the arts of
war. The Cobar were persecuted during the Age of Dreams by the overlords of Xak Tsaroth. They rose up to wage
war against the overlords, and whilst outnumbered, they almost won. The overlords then enslaved many Cobar,
executed the leaders and left the rest, a broken people. The few surviving Cobar returned to Ergoth and were
assimilated into other cultures, a forgotten once great tribe of the plainsfolk. Also the greatest horsemen that Ansalon
had ever seen.

Chorane tribes
The human tribes of Chorane, resemble their kin who dwell in Icewall. All Chorane humans stand just under six foot
tall, have slim builds and are naturally quite hairy. Most of the humans have dark hair, although a blonde or redhead
is born on the odd occasion. Because of their underground dwellings, the Chorane tribes all have very pale skin and
light-sensitive eyes. The tribes are divided up between the Ameshites, the Vodar and the Yaluu. Each tribes has their
own system of beliefs. The Ameshites are the original tribe, and the Yaluu and Vodar are offshoots which were
formed following the Cataclysm. The tribes of the frigid depths are openly hostile to one another and highly
suspicious of outsiders.

Dragon Isles folk

Humans are scattered across the Dragon Isles in small communities. Most of these are farming communities,
although there are a few outposts, such as the Legion's outpost on Mind Isle. The largest concentration of humans is
upon Misty Isle in the capital Aurialastican. The humans here govern a part of the city, working and living in
harmony with many other humanoid races. The humans (as with all the other races) are in turn governed by the gold
dragons whom rule Misty Isle. The Human Quarter is one of the largest parts of Aurialastican. The humans here are
mostly comprised of merchants and a few sailors. The few fighters serve in the Golden Guard, which enforces the
laws of the city, maintains the peace, and whom report to Regia and Arumnus, the gold dragon rulers of Misty Isle.

The folk of Duntollik are a relatively new one to the land of Ansalon. Duntollik itself was formed by refugees
around the Plains of Dust who fled from Beryl's grasp. Humans from the Plains of Dust, and centaurs formed this
realm together. The two have made a strong bond and sworn to defend and help eachother against their evil-aligned
enemies. In physical appearance and demeanor, the humans of Duntollik resemble their brethren in the Abanasinian
plains as well as the Plains of Dust. They are tall, dark-haired and have tanned, weathered skin. Duntollik humans
are relatively easy-going, even in their times of oppression and are led by their local chieftain, Heavy Heart.

Eastern Lands
The humans of the eastern lands are collectively known as the Kalinese. These are the humans who inhabit Balifor,
Flotsam, Karthay, South Shore and the Dairly Plains. As a standard, the Kalinese are just under six foot, have dark
colored hair and tanned skin. Whereas Karthay has long been uninhabited, the other areas are only small towns
which are led by local mayors.

The residents of Flotsam have become a haven for rebels of all races against the forces of evil, and is filled with
people who appear quiet and passive on the exterior, whilst they are plotting the overthrow of the evil forces around
them. In opposition the residents of Port Balifor are mainly comprised of cutthroats and thieves, ready to stab
eachother in the back. The residents of Port Balifor are led by Prefect Morgenes, who has always been opposed to
the Dragon Overlords and their Knight of Takhisis underlings. Both the humans of Flotsam and Balifor are not at all
religious, tending to be more practical people.

In stark contrast to both of these, are the small human tribes of the Dairly Plains. The humans of the Dairly Plains
live in small towns and are mainly comprised of farmers and relatively peaceful folk. The farmers and plainsfolk
tend to the Southern and Northern Fairly Plains, and the only major township in this region is Ran-Khal. It was
originally settled by the Ran-Eli of Elian Wilds, however after the Cataclysm separated Elian Wilds from Ansalon,
Ran-Khal remained the sole legacy of this reclusive people upon the main continent. The Dairly Plains are the
descendants of the early Ran-Eli, however have long forgotten their warrior ways. Insteads they took up forks and
hoes and tend to the land as best they can. Sadly these people were wiped out during the coming of Malystryx to

Ergoth was once a great nation that was sundered in two during the Cataclysm. Most of the Ergothians survived on
Northern Ergoth, however the former residents of Southern Ergoth were nearly wiped out. The onrush of invading
ogres led to the complete retreat of almost all humans from Southern Ergoth entirely. The only humans who remain
on Southern Ergoth are the Solamnics of Castle Eastwatch.

Early Ergothians: The first Ergothians were descendants of the Nerakese, since their founder Ackal Ergot was a
Nerakese himself. The native Ergothians were always a dark-skinned people, with dark hair and eyes. The early
Ergothians were known to be fierce warriors, and skilled in horsemanship. They were also prone to violence and
savagery, many of the nobility being little more than tyrants and petty warlords. They were led by the Emperor of
Ergoth who ruled the mighty nation with an iron fist. The Ergothian Empire was considered one of the most
powerful nations in pre-Cataclysmic times.

Ergoth Proper: Ergoth Proper is the empire's home in Northern Ergoth. It remains as the seat of power for the nation.
The native residents have the same physical features as their ancestors, although a strong Solamnic migration into
Ergoth, has also caused brought about a new range of skin tones and hair colors. Some Ergothians are now born with
blond hair and blue eyes, and paler skin tones, albeit they are not as prevalent as those of darker tones. Ergothians
are focussed on order and stations in life. They have been known to assassinate those in their way of ascending the
social ladder or above their designated station. This feudal nation allows it's males of noble blood to rise to any
station they choose, however females are not allowed to have much of a say in anything. Those not of noble blood
must toil the earth and do the work of the nobility in order to keep a roof over their heads. Ergothians are ruled by a
strong Senate, which in itself answers to the Emperor. The Ergothians have long been ruled by the wise Mercadior
Redic VI.

Ackalites: The folk of Wild Ackal are an unruly lot. There are four major villages in Ackal, and each has a tribal
chief. The four tribes are united under the banner of the Overchief, whose word is law amongst all the tribes. In
appearance, the Ackalites look exactly the same as the original Ergothians or pre-Cataclysmic times. They are a
strongly patriarchal society, who believe that women are merely the properties of their fathers, until they bear a
child, and then become the property of their baby's father. The males are all hunters and warriors who are almost
permanently dressed in leathers, ready for battle and always armed. Women are dressed in long robes and veils and
are not allowed to ever cut their hair. The Ackal villages are Ker-Brindal, Ker-Tran, Ker-Vakt and Ker-Karthan. The
only other settlement is Beacon, which is home to Ackalites from all four villages and is the headquarters of the
Overchief. The ruling Overchief of the Ackalites has been Tambov Reknal for quite some time.

Sikk'et Hul: In the goblin nation of Sikk'et Hul, lies the barbarian village of Ker-Manth. Like the other Ergothian
nations, the Ker-Manth folk look physically the same. Their demeanor however, is strikingly different. The
barbarians are a casual peaceful lot, who are happy to trade openly with the goblins of Sikk'et Hul and the kender of
Kendermore. The goblins are more than happy to trade with the humans and consider them loose allies of their
nation, since they provide them with good weapons in trade.

The people of Estwilde are a mixed, unruly lot. The humans of Estwilde are chiefly comprised of mountain
barbarians. The barbarians are organised into various tribes, clans and khanates. The two strongest and most
dominant leaders are Khan Karriga and Chieftain Htulok Kak. All the barbarians of Estwilde live a harsh existence,
they are known to openly deal with goblins and giants, and to be completely untrustworthy in all matters. These
barbarians have strong survival instincts however, and will serve the most powerful denizen who comes their way to
ensure their continued existence.
Godshome folk
The people of the religious city of Godshome were a pious lot. They were predominantly all clerics of each of the 21
gods, and were led by the Worshipful Master of Stars. The 'Master' was the highest-ranking priest amongst them and
could be from any order at all (from Morgion to Habbakuk). Irregardless of alignment, all the priests worked side by
side, and hailed from every part of Ansalon originally. The great city of Godshome and it's inhabitants were wiped
out by Istarian legions and this human fellowship was wiped from the earth.

Highlanders are the human folk whom dwell in the mountains and higher reaches of Icewall. They are often viewed
as wildmen, even by the neighbouring Icewall tribe of Arktos. Highlanders are tall in stature (around seven foot) and
quite hairy. Male Highlanders have thick long beards and unruly wild hair. They have a loosely woven system of
government which revolves around the chieftain. The chieftain of the Highlanders is generally the most powerful
hunter amongst them. Highlanders are known to be great hunters and have keen survival instincts. They have a great
fear of water and will avoid any body of water, for fear they may drown.

Istarians were once merely little more than barbarian tribes. During the Age of Dreams the tribes united and trade
brought wealth into Istar. The united nation then built their cities and invested in industry and the people became
more educated and worldly. With the influx of power, the priests then claimed power and eventually the good-
aligned priests elevated themselves to become the lords of Istar. The priests installed the Kingpriest to rule over Istar
and declare war upon evil in Ansalon. The Istarians had mighty armies and became the centre of morality. The
Kingpriest persecuted many races and nations, destroying them in the name of good. The people of Istar were a
varied lot, resembling Ergothians in appearance. The civilised folk resided within Istar itself, however there were
also the Dravinish desert nomads, the wild jungle folk of Falthana, as well as the Taol patriots. All looked the same
in appearance, however some were more inclined towards their barbarian roots than those within the Istarian capital.
They were all wiped out when the gods destroyed Istar during the Cataclysm.

Karnuthians are lean folk who hail from the far-eastern island of Karnuth. They are a tall, lean and dark-skinned
people who fear long sea voyages, and thus rarely leave their own distant island. Karnuthians are a mysterious
people who are rumored to harbor great powers. One of their most fearsome powers is the ability to transform
themselves into panthers. When in this form, Karnuthians have all the abilities of a panther, and can only barely
discern friend from foe. Karnuthians are good natured, skilled in many arts (both magical and warlike), and
erstwhile companions.

Kayolin & Kharolis folk

The folk of the Kharolis and Kayolin areas are a mixed lot. The humans whom eke out an existence in the Kharolis
mountains are little more than mountain barbarians, rugged and relatively peaceful folk, who live in harmony with
the dwarves in the region. They openly trade with the dwarves and will ally themselves with the Neidar in most
situations. In appearance the Kharolis folk are hairy and stooped. When standing straight, they would measure
around six foot tall and have tanned skin. They usually clothe themselves in furs to keep warm, and other than trade,
keep to themselves. These folk are the last survivors of the once-great Kharolish people. The Kharolish governed
from their city of Purstal (in the Plains of Dust), and were a matriarchal society, led by a wise queen. The Istarian
legions decimated the population and destroyed Purstal. The great Kharolish people were broken, and the few
survivors fled into the mountains and became little more than barbarians.

The humans in the Kayolin region are mainly of Solamnic descent, with a few of Throt descent. Most of them are
either refugees from the original goblin invasion of Throt, or linked to the Solamnic knights who first opened up
trade with the Kayolin dwarves. In appearance, the Kayolin folk resemble their Solamnic forbears, and inhabit the
north-eastern portion of Kayolin. The folk have setup large communities in the Kayolin plains and are protected by
the Solamnic knights, as well as by the Kayolin dwarves.

The land of Khur has long been comprised of various nomadic tribes. Shortly after the Cataclysm the tribes were
united by the great warrior Keja. After his death, his seven sons each split off with their own followers and formed
the seven great tribes of Khur with still rule the lands today. Each tribe took the name of one of Keja's sons as their
own. All tribesman wear the loose robes that cover them completely, protecting them from the sun. Due to their
surroundings, the people of Khur are all slender, of athletic figure, and deeply tanned. Their skin is somewhat
leathery by middle-age due to long exposure in the heat. And in stature, they are considerably shorter than most
humans on Ansalon.

Khur: The first tribe of Khur remains the only tribe to retain the land's name. It was founded by Garmac, the first son
of Keja. The tribe originally sided with the Green Dragonarmy, and later with Malystryx. They have few allies
amongst the other tribes of Khur for their past actions. Their totem is that of the dragon.

Weya-Lu: The second son of Keja formed this tribe in direct opposition to the Khur tribe. They are an honorable
independant people whom have always followed the gods of good. Their totem is that of the hawk.

Mayakhur: The third son of Keja founded his tribe in support of the Khur and to oppose the Weya-Lu. The
Mayakhur are known for their unfair dealings and for their loose alliances with the more evil-aligned factions. They
are the only ally of the Khur tribe and long ago chose the tiger for their totem.

Hachakee: Keja's fourth son founded this tribe as one of independant proud warriors. This tribe prides themselves on
their swordplay and horsemanship, and are known to be amongst some of the fiercest and most skilled warriors in all
of Khur. Their totem is the desert fox.

Mikku: The fifth son of Keja was a carefree yet cunning individual, whom some likened to the satyrs or faerie folk.
His formed this tribe with like-minded individuals. The Mikku are renowned as musicians and dancers, they are also
highly skilled thieves, however this is not openly known, a testament to their skills. Their totem is the bear.

Tondoon: Keja's sixth son formed this tribe as a buffer between the warring tribes. The Tondoon are wise traders, yet
neutral in all political matters. They trade openly, but otherwise keep to themselves. Their totem is teh bull.

Fin-Maskar: The seventh son of Keja formed this highly independant and hot-headed tribe. The Fin-Maskar are
openly opposed to the Khur tribe. Their tribesmen are skilled hunters and woodsmen. Their total is the stag.

Lahutians are the woodland folk whom dwell within the Forest of Lahue near the Astivar Mountains. Lahutians are
small and wiry humans. They wear light clothing that allows them to blend into their terrain, and are known to be
cannibals. The Tribe of Lahue is only small in numbers, as they were persecuted as evil by the Istarians. In present
times, they still remain small in numbers and are led by a single chieftain. The Lahutians also pay homage to the
dragon lord Lorrinar, whom they co-exist with peacefully.

The Lemish have long been a reclusive people. They are known to be skilled sailors and hunters, as well as having
many druids among them. On the whole, they are an evil-aligned people who prefer to deal in the shadows and
escape the notice of many races of Ansalon. The Lemish have often been allied with the forces of Taman Busuk and
even Throt to a lesser degree. Whilst they lay perched on the fringes of Solamnia, the Lemish have been a long-time
foe. Interestingly enough though, they openly trade with the folk of Solanthus, as well as their allies in Sanction. The
Lemish were ruled by a harsh and dictatorial system of government for much of their history. Their long-standing
ruler was the Despot Nellthis. In current times the Solamnics invaded and destroyed the despot's rule and freed the
Lemish. The Lemish now trade more openly with the residents of Solamnia, however many of them still continue to
perform their evil rites. Their current ruler is unknown, since they rarely allow visitors to enter their forested

There are two distinct peoples of Nordmaar: the horse barbarians and the moorland barbarians. The horse barbarians
have tribal clans which reside in the south-eastern portion of Nordmaar. These fiercely independant warriors reside
in the grasslands and live nomadic lives. The tribal clans all pay homage to the Khan of the Wastes, whom is the
leader of all the horse barbarians.

The moorland barbarians have long been considered the true rulers of Nordmaar. These fierce warriors all pay fealty
to their king whom rules from North Keep. King Shredler Kerian has been the longtime ruler of Nordmaar, fighting
in the War of the Lance, as well as ruling his nation through the Summer of Chaos and the Age of Mortals. The
moorland barbarians are fierce warriors who are closely allied with the Solamnic Knights, and will not bow to any
of the forces of darkness, even though their land is surrounded by the Knights of Takhisis and two dragon lords.

Ogrelands folk
The ogrelands of Kern & Blode are often generally considered home to ogres only. However there are small
communities of humans living in both Blode and Blodehelm. These communities are barely civilised and rather
savage. Of Nerakese descent, the humans in these regions are around six foot tall, with dark hair and deeply tanned
skin. They are rugged in appearance and tend to be treated as wild barbarians. The humans trade with communities
within the realms of Taman Busuk, as well as some scant trade with the ogres. They have no real political system,
and are led by the strongest hunter amongst them at the time. The same structure applies to most of the human
communities across Blode, Blodehelm, Kern and the Delving. Before the War of the Lance, there were a few
farming communities dotted through these regions, however the spread of the goblinoid and ogre races, as well as
the spread of the Dragonarmies brought an end to most of these communities in these areas.

The plainsfolk are collectively the various barbarian tribes of the plains. There are six main Plainsfolk tribes, which
are spread mainly across Ansalon, and also on Schallsea. Once, a long time ago, there were originally twelve great
Plainsfolk tribes, but the name of the other six have been lost to time. There are many other barbarian tribes upon
Ansalon (ie. Cobar), however it is only the barbarians of the plains that are so closely tied to one another. Each tribe
has separate aims but in order to continue their existence, the Abanasinian tribes have formed a confedaracy in
which they are all united and stand under one governing ruler. Currently they are led by Moonsong of the Que-Shu
tribe. The Plainsfolk trade openly with the other folk of Abanasinia, as well as the Qualinesti. They tend to trade in
furs and horses, in exchange for weapons. On a whole, the Plainsfolk distrust sorcery, and are skilled warriors. They
are usually tall and slender, possessing tanned skin, dark hair and brown eyes. Occasionally a fairer skinned or
haired child is born amongst the Plainsfolk, but it is considered a rarity. Each of the tribes is led by their own chief,
and they honor their ancestors in a way that borders on worship.

Que-Shu: The Que-Shu have always been the most numerous and powerful of all the Plainsfolk tribes. The Que-Shu
revere their ancestors and perform ancestral worship. Until the War of the Lance, this was their only recognised
religion. The worship of the true gods was considered heresy. The Que-Shu (like all other Plainsfolk) live in their
tents and live off the land. They are powerful warriors and hunters, and are led by their chieftain and their priestess.
The role of priestess is handed from mother to daughter, and the role of chieftain is gained by the man who wins the
hand of the new priestess. When the Dragonarmies exterminated many of the Que-Shu, the survivors later decided
that individual tribes could not survive against the evils of the world. The Que-Shu then regrouped and formed a
confedaracy with the other Abanasinian tribes, in which they were united for the first time under one banner. The
Que-Shu have produced many fine warriors from their number, Riverwind and Goldmoon being two of the most

Que-Teh: The Que-Teh have long been allies with the other Abanasinian tribes, with the obvious exception of the
Que-Nal. The Que-Teh are reputed to have wise shamans who are skilled in the art of herblore. The herblore of the
Que-Teh has saved the lives of many travellers and Plainsfolk, and this peaceful tribe is otherwise the same in it's
beliefs and traditions as the Que-Shu.

Que-Kiri: The tents of the Que-Kiri lie right near those of the Que-Shu. Formerly an uneasy alliance lay between
them and the Que-Shu. Occasionally border fights and outright battles occurred between the two tribes, until
eventually Que-Shu sued for peace with the warlike Que-Kiri. The Que-Kiri are skilled in hunting and the arts of
war. A fierce band whom is respected for it's strategies of war, as much as the strength of it's warriors.

Que-Nal: The Que-Nal are the only Plainsfolk tribe not resident in Abanasinia. Long ago, they dwelt on Abanasinia
however when the Cataclysm washed away much of their lands, they turned their worship to Zeboim and Habbakuk.
Their religious fervor caused them to worship these gods over their ancestors, a belief that caused conflict with the
other tribes. The Que-Nal openly waged war on the Que-Shu and the Que-Teh and then fled to Schallsea, once their
war parties were defeated. The Que-Nal believed they were greatly wronged by the other tribes, and many harbor
great hatred for the Que-Shu and Que-Teh. They are led by the wise chief Skydancer, and have many powerful
shamans amongst them. Shadowwalker is the most powerful shaman of their number.

Que-Tana: The Que-Tana are an offshoot of the Que-Nara tribe. Their leader Firebrand was exiled from Que-Nara
for his crimes, and led his followers away from the Abanasinian tribes and found their new home underground. The
Que-Tana then developed a large new village underground, and physically their skin-tones became paler from lack
of sunlight. Their eyes adjusted so that they could see better in the darkness, and they also became far more sensitive
to sunlight. The Que-Tana worshipped the Namer, who was essentially their chief shaman. Eventually the Que-Tana
were liberated from Firebrand and their underground home, and rejoined the Que-Shu and Que-Nara. The tribe still
remained somewhat separate, and holds the same totem as the Que-Nara: the Antelope.

Que-Nara: The Que-Nara are another Abanasinian tribe who have long been closely allied with the Que-Shu. Their
totem is that of the Antelope, and they strongly believe in ancestor worship. The Que-Nara has always been
considered the most religious of the Plainsfolk, and those who have the strongest visions.

The Ran-Eli are the people whom dwell in the eastern island of Claren Elian. These people were once peaceful
philosophers whom were enslaved by the scions in the early days of Krynn. The Ran-Eli eventually became free
again, and developed their fighting skills in order to never be enslaved again. These people are slender and tall, and
are amongst the greatest fighters and assassins upon Krynn. Their society is a strongly patriarchal one, and status is
based upon their skills as a warrior. The males aspire to becoming a Master of Rank (which they can only do if they
survive a series of extreme physical tests). The people are led by the Superior Master, whom is the greatest warrior
amongst them. They are a reclusive people, whom often kill outsiders on sight. In the past they have worked for
other Ansalonian nations, if they meet their demands.

The only human settlement in the Blood Sea Isles is the island of Saifhum. It has long been inhabited by mariners,
who rule from the city of Sea Reach. They are quite a civilised people, and sea-lovers to a man. Most of the Saifhum
residents are either deeply tanned or dark-skined. Also they mainly have closely cropped black hair. The people are
known to be tempestuous at times, much like the sea that surrounds them. The Saifhum people are ruled by the
Grand Mariner, whom is voted in by the people. The Hankels are a long-respected family of mariners who have
often governed the Saifhum people.
Schallsea folk
Aside from the indiginous Wemitowuk and the Que-Nal tribe, there are several other groups of humans who dwell
upon Schallsea. The folk of Schallsea are comprised of Solamnic refugees whom fled from the wrath of the Dragon
Overlord Khellendros. Also the Solamnic Knights setup an outpost on Schallsea to aid the mystics who made their
home here. There are also many Abanasinians whom have made their home on Schallsea after continued trade
between their former home and their present one. And of course there are the mystics themselves. The mystics are
led by the plainswoman Goldmoon, and are from almost every nation of Ansalon. All have come to study under the
mystics and master the new 'heart' magic. The residents of Schallsea are, by and large, a peaceful folk whom are
content to live in harmony and build their bastion of light.

Solamnics are the pale-skinned folk who hail from the lands of Solamnia (duh!). Solamnics have spread across the
Ansalonian continent, and now dwell also in Nordmaar, Sancrist and some of the Sirrion Sea Islands (Enstar, Nostar
and Cristyne). They are generally a tall and proud folk, whom have hair of all different colors and blue or brown
eyes. The Solamnics are the descendants of Vinas Solamnus and his followers, whom broke away from Ergoth in the
early days of Krynn. Most are good-aligned and governed by the Knights of Solamnia, as well as the local mayors
and governors. The Solamnic Knights themselves are led by the high-ranking knights and all are subservient to the
Grandmaster. The Solamnics are usually the leaders of the good-aligned human forces of Ansalon and in times past
have been closely allied with the elves, dwarves, gnomes and other human nations. The bastion of light has been
strong ever since it first came about, and still remains a strong force upon Ansalon in the Age of Mortals.

Taman Busuk
Taman Busuk is oftentimes known as the heart of darkness within Ansalon. The evil races all congregate here and
almost all the humans found within are evil-aligned. Colletively these people are known as the Nerakese, and they
inhabit Neraka, Sanction and Gargath. In later times the Nerakese have also migrated and inhabit Storm's Keep as
well. These humans are around six foot tall, have dark curly hair and the males often have heavy set beards or thick
facial hair. They tend to have dark eyes and deeply tanned skin, and generally appear more rugged than many other
human nations.

All three major cities are ruled by governors who generally have military backing to support their leadership. In
more recent times, the Knights of Takhisis have ruled the area of Taman Busuk, and have more recently claimed
Sanction as their own also. The people of these nations are a harsh and stern folk, who do not take kindly to
strangers and are not disposed toward the common good in general.

The folk of Tarsis are a strong and stubborn people. Once Tarsis was a great bustling city, the centre of trade in
Ansalon. The encroachment of the Plains of Dust led to a huge decline in trade for Tarsis and the population has also
declined dramatically. Tarsis is still filled with a large amount of traders and warriors, whom resemble Abanasinians
physically. The people are governed by the Lord (or Lady) of Tarsis, whom is elected to office by the citizens. The
people of Tarsis are also well known for their warhorses, which they use in much of their trade with other nations.

The people of Throt led a peaceful existence for much of Ansalon's past. The folk here had small hamlets and farms,
and were a neutral point between the folk of Solamnia and Lemish. The Throt humans were descended from their
Solamnic neighbours and bore many of the same physical features. The Throts were essentially farmers, and
deposed of their land during the goblin invasion just prior to the War of the Lance. The Throt refugees mainly fled to
the Kayolin region, although some also fled to Solamnia and have dispersed into the other nations in order to

The Wemitowuk are the indigenous inhabitants of Schallsea. They are a simple peaceful people, much removed
from their warlike ancestors. The Wemitowuk were once a fierce people who warred with the local silver dragons of
Schallsea. They hunted the dragons and killed them but for a single dragon. Soon the barbarian hordes of Ergoth
invaded and subjugated the Wemitowuk. The last dragon told them that it's kin could have saved their people if they
hadn't hunted the dragons. The Wemitowuk were also later made servants of the Istarian empire. When the
Cataclysm struck and their Istarian masters were destroyed, the Wemitowuk believed that the gods had forgiven
them for slaying the dragons. The Wemitowuk have their own form of ancestor worship (similar to the
Plainspeople), although they also revere Paladine and Chislev. They discovered mysticism long ago and have been
practitioners of it since shortly after the Cataclysm. The average Wemitowuk is slender, dark-skinned and has black
hair. They are ruled by a local chieftain and have several skilled shamans amongst their number.

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