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Player Pack 4

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Chapter 4 Legacy of Mist

CONTENTS - The Trustran Empire - The Civil War - Provinces in Trustra - Provinces in Serothia - Races
Eutraya The Baelans The Sea Havens The Imorvos Dvergar Sotzalars Unhumes Volshans

Favour and honour sometimes fall more fitly on those who do not desire them. - Titus Livius

- World Map - Religion - The Gods - Character Creation

- The Trustran EmpireTrustra was, up until 5 years ago the great empire in existence and the largest and longest lasting human realm in all of recorded history. From its power base in the capital Palatine it controlled great sweeps of land and consisted of the capital country, and sixteen provinces. Though the great empire still stands it is currently engulfed in a desperate civil war that may spell the end for Trustran life as it has been known for centuries. Trustran history is long and bloody with wars fought against the Ubians, Alemmanians, Dvergar, Volshans a myriad of human rivals as well as numerous wizards and warlords of lesser races. The culture of Trustra is cosmopolitan and advanced. The fineries of art and well living are appreciated and admired. Sewer systems keep the streets clean, cobbled roads link towns with cities, irrigation techniques improve crop yield and fine pieces of work adorn town squares and halls. In the capital Palatine stands the Pantheon, an enormous temple of great beauty dedicated to the equal worship of all gods. Trustran tradition dictates that all must pay homage to each of the gods in turn, though in practice individuals tend to focus their worship on a patron deity or two (more on this later). All the beauty and art of Trustra lies atop a merciless class system of slaves, plebes (citizens) and

patricians (nobles) where the wealthy make up 1% of population but hold 99% of the wealth. Children who are discovered to have magical potential must by law be taken and trained at a 'schola arcana' to refine their talents or else face life as a fugitive apostate. Life in a schola arcana is harsh and gruelling, even for the children of patricians. Despite being often treated with suspicion, magic plays an important role in Trustran culture. From lowly spell squirts performing tricks during plays to the provincial Aediles, great wizards who use spells and wards to protect entire cities or armies. The Aediles are supreme magisters, advisors to the Consuls, keepers of lore and wielders of the forces of nature. The political system of Trustra is extremely complex, taking many years of study to fully understand. The simplest aspect to understand is that each major town, of which there are usually between 20-80 in a single province has an elected senator. One senator is elected in each province to act as Consul, given supreme powers of governance. Two Consuls are then elected by the council of consuls to the lofty post of Arch-Consuls, together wielding a power that can only be vetoed by one another. The two Arch-Consuls are the supreme powers in the empire, comparable to the Kings and Sultans of other lands. This system of consularship has survived for centuries and Trustrans are fiercely proud of the fact that they are ruled by democratically elected officials.

- The Civil War 5 years prior to the beginning of this campaign and great event took place that has shaken the world to its core. As is described elsewhere in this player's pack, the power of the 10 gods is tied inextricably to the level of worship they receive. Those gods worshipped by empire nations become far more powerful that those gods worshipped by small tribes. After many milennia of the gods tolerating this imbalance and allowing the rule of heaven to be determined by the will of the mortals, they finally said enough is enough. The trigger came when it was revealed that one of them, the shadow god Noctornous had been taking an active role in recruiting followers and influencing the course of the mortal world, an act which is strictly forbidden by the covenant of the gods. In retribution the 10 gods each sent a judge to earth to determine what must be done. After destroying Noctornous with the help of a small band of mortal wanderers the judges decided that a more permanent solution was needed to prevent the need for any such drama again. The 10 judges all combined their power and took on a new name and form, Seroth the god of unity. The avatar of Seroth stepped down from the plane of judgement onto the mortal plane and immediately set about conquering in the name of the one true god, 'Seroth the many faced'. Distracted by the ongoing war with Ubia many Trustran provinces were blind-sided by the onslaught of the avatar of Seroth and quickly capitulated. After several months of losing ground the Trustran forces finally formed a strong defence line along the

river Triber that borders Argentum and Pannonia along the West. Everything further West than the Triber had fallen into Serothi hands and a full half of the empire had been converted over to the worship of Seroth the many faced. A few years on the war continues. From the wealthy island of Magna in the West, Trustra has launched a number of daring raids into Serothi territory. A temporary peace between old Trustra and Ubia has freed up all the reserve forces Trustran forces standing by to defend against an Ubian attack by sea and the Ubians themselvs have stepped up pressure along the Southern Serothi border. After a few failed invasions of old Trustra by crossing the river Triber the Serothi legions have marched North and begun waging a protracted war in Gallia and Trajis. Both sides have been negotiating heavily with not only the Baelans but also the tribes of wild folk. So far the Baelans have refused to take a side, but numerous wild tribes have been spotted fighting alongside Trustrans and Serothi. The on-going war with form the back-drop of the campaign.

- Provinces Within the Trustran Empire Palatine Ulterior: The seat of the capital city itself Palatine Ulterior is the richest and most cosmopolitan of all Trustran provinces. The schola arcana in Palatine is a sight to behold, and graduates from all over the Empire seek it out to further their studies. War has not touched the city of Palatine in over 1000 years. The city itself is actually a second and separate province within the greater Ulterior region. The lands

of Palatine Ulterior are rich and prosperous and trade and farming flourish. Syracus: One of Trustras two islands province Syracus was settled in a rush some 300 years ago as a political reply to Ubias settlement of the Eastern Spresian Isle. Syracus relies heavily on Epirus for supplies and famine is a constant threat. Only a few decades after its original settlement storms prevented supplies from the mainland and the entire population of many thousands starved to death. Resettlement was quick, though the population is now kept at a more manageable number. Argentum: Argentum Major is a rich and bustling city perhaps second only to Palatine itself. The former seat of the long dethroned Trustran Kings of old, there are many ancient ruins and temples to explore. The promise of ancient treasure left over from the Trustran Kings draws many adventurers, most of whom meet an untimely end... Hispania: A notoriously boring province Hispania is often the butt of jokes. The people of Hispania are considered backward and simple and Patrician families are few in number. Hispania is also the only province without a functioning schola arcana, a direct violation of Imperial law. Until the schola is up and running again Argentum has taken over the blood taxes and recruits the latentia into its own school. Trajis: Trajis is a very insular and secretive province whose people are unusually sullen and quiet. Many say the people of Trajis are keepers of a terrible secret though if this

is the case no evidence has come to light. Trajis is currently been torn apart by the civil war. The common folk of Trajis are suffering greatly at the hands of both Trustran and Serothi forces who are becoming increasingly desperate for supplies. Pannonia: The largest province in square kilometres, Pannonia is a vast open land of rolling hills and wide plains. The people of Pannonia are famous horsemen and almost solely make up Trustras single cavalry legion. Pannonia is also described as the bread-basket of the Empire and the grain shipments that flow from the ports of Pannonia travel wide to feed the Empire. Gallia: The people of Gallia are a rambunctious and loud lot, famous for their strong spirits (both the people and the drink). Wild and hairy, the people of Gallia have a lot culturally in common with the Baelese clans. Unfortunately the normally jovial people of Gallia are often sobered up by the many gnoll and sub-humanoid tribes that inhabit the region. Magna: Next to Syracus, Magna is the most isolated Trustran province. In recent years reports have been trickling from the province that the coasts are being raided by an as yet unknown humanoid race. Sadly these reports have not been followed up and whatever menace lies in wait across the sea will remain a mystery for now. Epirus: Dominated by a small group of central mountains Epirus is famous for its exotic animal meats and highland fruits. Many spirits are known to inhabit these mountains and the people of Epirus are careful to appease them with offerings. Legends of elves living in the mountains

are common although no bodies or signs of civilization have been found. If there are elves living in Epirus they are surely doing their best to avoid detection.

sword point many centuries ago during war with Trustra. Anti Trustran sentiment is common and the consuls have been watching Alemmanian closely in recently years for signs of revolt. Magna Ulterior: The wine capital of the Trustran Empire, Patrician families are far more numerous here than most other provinces. Much to the nobles chagrin though, nearby Avariel eyries are famous for invading vineyards are picking them clean. Raetia: The people of Raetia are famous sea-farers and the majority of trade with the sea-elves comes from this province. The coastal town of Stoneshore was recently the scene of the coming together of the most unlikely group of adventurers.

- Provinces Within Holy Serothia Noricum: Only conquered by Trustra some 100 years ago Noricum has a lot more in common with Ubia than most of Trustra. Situated on the same hot sands as Ubia the people of Noricum are a hardy desert folk. Noricum was one of the 3 provinces that revolted 10 years ago and sparked the UbianTrustran war. Cappadocia: Formerly the homeland of the vulture-like Volshans, the Trustran settlers in Cappadocia have to put up with far more hostile raids than other parts of the empire. Trade with the Dvergar in the Eastern Mountains is tense but steady. Cappadocia was one of the 3 provinces that revolted 10 years ago and sparked the Ubian-Trustran war. Illyricum: Situated at a higher altitude than the surrounding provinces Illyricum is a mountainous and rocky region. The Dvergar in the region are constantly at war with one another and humans will occasionally stumble upon the massacred bodies of Dvergar that had fled to the surface in a desperate attempt to avoid destruction. Illyricum was one of the 3 provinces that revolted 10 years ago and sparked the Ubian-Trustran war. Alemmanian: The people of Alemmanian are of paler skin and bigger build than most Trustrans. Formerly a fierce tribal people the ancient clans were forced into suppression at

The Human Desert Kingdom of Ubia is a surprisingly populous place given its harsh climate and myriad of external and internal enemies. Law and stability are ensured in Ubia through a brutal and sometimes draconian crime and punishment system in which it is better to plead guilty and be executed quickly than fight for your rights and suffer the horror that awaits you when found guilty anyway. Fortunately such draconian measures keep the general population in check, although there is no doubt resentment can grow strong. Ubias strongest enemies are the sand dwelling Sotzalars (lizardfolk). The Sotzalars are normally a peaceful nomadic folk but when provoked can launch unceasing and violent

guerrilla wars against Ubian cities. The nomadic desert elves known as the Imorvos do their best to avoid human contact, though their mystics and shamans are regarded highly by the magi of the Baslan temples. The armies of Ubia are vast and have many magical allies. The magi are able to summon up hordes of creatures and spirits to fight in support of the human troops. Sotzalar mercenaries or slaves are used by the Ubian army to lay in wait under the sands of the battlefield and burst forth in the heat of battle to sow confusion in the enemy ranks. Ubia has been ruled by dynasties of kings for the last thousand years or so. Some family dynasties stretch for hundreds of years while other last only a few generations. The current ruler of Ubia is King Mithradates of the Anshan dynasty. Mithradates is a murderous ruler bent on conquest who delights in blood sports and hedonistic indulgences.

Astral Elves are one of the few truly immortal races, never appearing aged in the slightest. The divine gates of Eutraya are permanently shut to out-siders. Those Trayani that do leave are the astral pariahs. Astral pariahs are stripped of all memory of their past life and they know nothing of their heritage or culture, nothing of their family or childhood. There is a strip of coastline along the Western shoreline of Trustra where all pariahs arrive, found wandering naked and dumb along the beach. They are thrown dumb into the wild human lands, faded vestiges of their glory now mundane to behold. They are stripped of their immortality, forced to live out a paltry human lifespan and while no specific memory of their former life remains they find themselves with an unquenchable sense of guilt and sorrow. Many Pariahs integrate themselves into human societies and live out their short lives in obscurity. In Trustran society the Astral Pariahs are welcomed, treated largely with respect and allowed to pursue any life-path other than politics. Others set about seeking the impossible, a return to paradise through force or redemption. Whether any have succeeded in regaining their memories or culture is unknown.

Eutraya is the mystery island realm of the Trayani commonly referred to as Astral Elves. Next to nothing is known about the Eutraya and its border is entirely surrounded by an insurmountable wall of marble. True Astral Elves are dangerously beautiful to look at and those few humans who are lucky enough to glimpse a pure Astral Elf are often struck numb for days or longer. Their language is like a stream of liquid diamonds to listen to and their simplest written words appears to humans as the most divine pieces of art. The

The Baelans
The Baelans is a collective term used to refer to an area of harsh and jagged mountain peaks to the North of the Trustran border. This land is inhabited by numerous monstrous humanoid species such as orc, bugbear and gnoll and by one particularly hardy breed of human. The people of

the Baelans dont self indentify as a united kingdom rather they are a collection of several hundred family clans. Life as a Baelese Clansmen is one of hunting along steep ravines and taking daring leaps from cliff cliff. Ranged warfare is proffered and melee warfare is often close and personal with dual purpose climbing/fighting claws being a favourite. Baelese clansmen are acclimatised to the harsh cold to a degree where they are able to wear very little, which helps to avoid snags. Warrior women are very common in Baelese clans, including women chieftains. Fiercely independent the Baelans fought a long war against the Trustrans several hundred years ago. The Trustrans eventually gave up due to the extreme stress caused by the harsh environment. Since this time the animosity between peoples has quelled and trade between the two peoples has flourished. Though no official alliance has been signed, many Baelese clans have united and fought alongside Trustra to thwart some great evil. Never however have the Baelese clans helped the Trustran to conquer the lands of other humans.

pitch black of the dark sea. These elves are said to be sadistic and capricious often launching slave capturing raids on their warmer watered brethren. The havens themselves are made from magically manipulated coral, still alive and growing. Many sea elves enjoy spending time with the other races and provide a bountiful trade of wondrous items for any who are interested. To the terrestrial races the sea elves seem to move as if their bodies weighed nothing, even when on the land. In fact, even when on solid land the hair of the sea elves seem to flow and sway as if they were underwater. The skin of the sea elves ranges from a light blue through to a deep black, depending on the depth of water they come from.

The Dvergar
The Dvergar (often pronounced with silent d) are the subterranean dwarven people that inhabit the known lands of men and beyond. The dvergar are a primitive and barbaric looking people, with white eyes and gnarled skin. They have craggy, bumpy features and brown or grey skin that gives them the appearance of gravelly stone. The tunnels they live in are extensive systems dug beneath the ground using primitive tools and bare hands. The dvergar have no great halls or vaulted ceilings, just a maze of snaking dirt tunnels honeycombing the earth. Conflict between dvergar occurs when one burrow breaks through into a neighbouring burrow's tunnels. When this occurs there is no question as to what must take place, total destruction. The

The Sea Havens

The aquatic havens of the sea elves are scattered far across the ocean floor, from near coastal trading towns to deep-sea citadels. Trade exists between the sea elves and many sea-faring races, taking place at large sea elven waystations that jut from the oceans surface. There is a darker breed of sea elf however, those that make their home in the

two burrows immediately raise arms against one another with no attempt at diplomacy. The strongest burrow claims all, land, loot and blood. The most defining feature of the Dvergar is their use of blood runes. The Dvergar see themselves as the blood of the earth, and indeed their name for themselves translates roughly to 'people of earth blood'. Their own blood runs considerably hotter than the blood of the surface dwelling races and when spilled in the heat of battle can be seen to glow with its own light. The connection to blood even manifests with their vision; the dvergar see only in black, white and red. Little is known of the dvergar to the outside races. Dvergar are quite secretive and go to some lengths to stay hidden from surface dwellers. There are always numerous different openings from a burrow to the outside but only one is open at a time (upon a rotation), while the rest are covered over. Dvergar fear the great magic and metals of humans and this system is designed to prevent someone who stumbles upon an opening from returning with reinforcements.

nomadic, shamanistic and surprisingly skilled at living in the harsh desert. They stay clear of civilisation almost entirely, though wanderlust sometimes drives individuals to leave their tribes. No trade takes place between the Ubians and the Imorvos, neither one caring in the least about the other. While normally peaceful the Imorvos do have a violent streak, this is seen especially in their criminal punishments (normally being shot in the legs with arrows, having their ears cut off or being fed to any manner of carnivorous animals). The barbarous nature of their punishment system reflects their abhorrence of betrayal or disruption; they value honesty and trust above all things and fear change. It is very rare that outsides will sway the opinion of an Imorvos elder, even in matters of life and death. The race the Imorvos life on closest terms with is the Sotzalars. Their shared love of a nomadic desert dwelling life and mutual respect for natural forces gives the Imorvos and Sotzalars common grounds for kinship. Imorvos chiefs occasionally seek Sotzalar elders for advice in spiritual matters (and vice versa), two tribes passing by will share trinkets or information about local wildlife patterns etc. The Imorvos people are even able to communicate with Sotzalars in the language of the sand, the elves using decorative feathers attached to their clothes to mimic the often complex body language involved. The feathers are normally attached to a headdress, along the shoulders and down the back While the Imorvos people worship all spirits of the desert they primarily worship the sand as a spiritual entity unto itself. They do not worship a 'god of the sand' though and their deity worship fits normally within the 10 traditional gods. They tend

The Imorvos is the collective name given to the many small tribes of desert dwelling elves that populate Ubia. They are tall, lithe, chestnut skinned elves with charcoal black hair and especially pointed ears. Tribes normally consist of between 10-100 individuals, although occasionally many join together to achieve an end. The Imorvos are reclusive,

to have a great respect for Coronus and he is a primary focus of their godly worships'.

The Uhumes are the main race of humanoids that inhabited of the shadow realm that the god Noctornous has hidden himself within. They are taller and skinnier than humans with pitch black skin and eyes, no hair and limbs that are often twisted at strange angles. Strange gnarled protrusions often jut from their limbs and head given them a truly disfigured appearance. When appearing in the light realm however Unhumes appear as literal shadows of themselves, ethereal black humanoids that can suck the life out of other creatures with a touch. Though less powerful in the light realm they are still remarkably deadly opponents, though they suffer a vulnerability to arcane attacks. With the destruction of Noctornous and the dissolution of the shadow realm the fate of the unhume race is unrecorded. It is not likely that the judges consigned the entire race to the same fate of Noctornous and the unhumes have in all likelihood been given a place of their own on the earthern realm... somewhere deep and dark no doubt.

Sotzalars is the closest human translation to the collective term used by the desert dwelling lizard-folk of Ubia to refer to themselves. They appear like primitive reptilian humanoids standing between 4 and 5 feet tall with females occasionally reaching 6 foot. Their bodies are covered in hard pointed plates that run the length of their backs, their chests, cover their heads and end just before the forearm. These plates provide a great defence against many of the natural predators they face in their harsh desert environment. To ensure that their plates remain strong the Sotzalars apply oils and pastes to their bodies that help to strengthen their spines. Sotzalars are purely nomadic creatures, travelling the deserts and basking in the sun during the day. At night the entire tribe shifts seamlessly under the sands using their unique ability. It is not unlikely that a group of humans will walk directly over an entire tribe of Sotzalars without ever realizing. Sotzalar tribes are spread far and wide across the Desert continent, extending beyond the borders of the human kingdom. Those Sotzalars that life beyond the human borders are often considered weaker and less noble by the inner Sotzalar tribes for their ease of lifestyle and lack of conflict with humans. These insults are usually born out of jealously for the idyllic lifestyle that these fringe Sotzalars enjoy beyond the reach of humans.

The Volshans are a flightless race of bird like humanoids. Their bodies are covered in black feathers with skinny pink necks that sprouts from a crown on white feathers. Their heads curve back down and end in a beaked head with beady eyes, giving them a distinct vulture like appearance.

Their legs are backwards jointed and their arms three fingered. The small wings on their back are useless for flight and instead serve as a component of their language. The Volshans are a disenfranchised people whose homeland was conquered by the Trustrans only centuries ago. Many Volshans moved North after the loss of their homeland and have attempted to eke out an existence in the harsher Northern climes. Many grow weary of this depressing existence and dedicate their lives to fighting the Trustrans. Volshans will often ally with whatever fledging empire or race the Trustrans are currently waging war on or may form groups or bandits or criminals that terrorize the Trustran countryside. Most Volshans live an amoral life or treachery and deceit rarely showing true loyalty to anyone but themselves.

World Map

- RELIGION In my world the gods are not exclusively aligned, meaning that specific gods are not chaotic evil, lawful good, chaotic good etc. While the mortal races may worship a god in an evil or good way this is only an interpretation. However, just because there is no specific lawful good god does not mean that paladins for example are at a loss for whom to worship. It may be that a Paladins order interprets a god such as Huron god of metal in a good way, and their faith in Huron can still be a driving force for good. The vast majority of cultures in my world worship all 10 of the known major gods fairly evenly. As you read on you will understand the deeper significance behind the worship of all gods equally. It is not uncommon for individual heroes or villains to prefer worship of one particular god over the other however these individuals are never numerous enough to upset the balance of worship practiced by the many. Although your characters in my world would know little or nothing of the true history of the gods and creation, I will explain the story below. I have chosen to do this for completeness in your understanding of my world and for the fact that it may become relevant later, and it will be easier to apply if youve already read about it.

great awakening occurred and all the gods rejoiced, for they were conscious. For aeons there was peace amongst the gods, their lives and their actions occurred on a plane of existence incomprehensible to mortal minds. And then a war broke out. Brother turned on brother and each god swore to destroy one another. The battle raged for millennia upon millennia until finally a parley was called. The gods had discovered that their war was ultimately futile as the energy of their being could never be destroy, only change in form. To solve this problem they agreed to make a small material realm onto which they would portion their power into beings that can die, and the death and victories of these beings would decide the war in heavens. Each god created a race vulnerable to death and they did so partly in their own image. The raw energy of the gods was dispersed amongst the psyches of their people, housed directly in the faith of their followers. While faith was strong and their people were numerous the gods continued to flourish in their celestial realm. As their creations died however, or they lost faith in their patron the power of the god would ebb away from them and become raw untamed energy. When a gods created race was reduced to sufficiently few in number they would be cast out of the celestial realm and forced to live powerless amongst their remaining people. Should every last one of their kind be destroyed then the consciousness of the god would cease forever and they would return to the uncontrolled energy from before their awakening. The material war of heaven was great and bloody, and lasted for thousands of years. The people of many gods were utterly destroyed, and the power of those gods were lost,

At the dawn of the universe there was a swirling maelstrom of energy, this maelstrom had no edges, no borders and no centre. Over time the energies coagulated into distinct beings, different forms of energy ripping from the maelstrom to form a being made from pure energy. Then a

stripped from them and turned into forces of pure nature. Eventually the gods tired of their war and regretted the suffering they had caused on the races of their siblings. The gods saw what mortality truly meant and bore witness to the birth of love and grief, unintended consequences of their plan. The gods could not undo what they done as they had permanently connected their power to the Earthen realm. Instead the gods decided that they had caused enough harm and they departed from the material realm forever, eternally removing their influence. The departing of the gods from the world occurred roughly 9,000 years previous to the game setting, though its entire history is forgotten to the civilized world. Removed from the direct influence of their patron gods the surviving races came to embrace polytheistic worship. They saw that regardless of their allegiances the Earthen realm is made up of all the original forces and elements and will be forever more. So the 10 gods that had survived the fall in their ascended form became worshipped equally by all of their 10 creations, and while this balance lasts, in heaven the remaining gods shall stay.

- The Gods Huron

Elemental Force: Metal Common Symbol: Clenched fist Favoured Weapons: Great axe, Great Sword, Heavy Flail Aspects: Endurance, Strength, Power, Courage, Leadership

ElementalForce: Wind Common Symbol: Yellow Rose with red aura Favoured Weapons: Longbows and Composite Longbows, Longspear Aspects: Vitality, Good looks, Swiftness, Life, Luck

Elemental Force: Water Common Symbol: Trident Favoured Weapons: Trident, Javelin, Net Aspects: Water, Wrath, Temptation, Balance, Instincts

Elemental Force: Knowledge Common Symbol: Feather Favoured Weapons: Punching Daggers, Unarmed , Staves Aspects: Silence, Peace, Void, Growth, Nourishment

Elemental Force: Earth Common Symbol: Open Palm Favoured Weapons: Clubs, Short Spears, Slings Aspects: Loyalty, Stubbornness, Simplicity, Honesty

Elemental Force: Light Common Symbol: Half-Raised Sun Favoured Weapons: Sickle, Guisarme, Kamas, Harpoon Aspects: Heat, Light, Height, Food

Elemental Force: Time Common Symbol: Open Eye Favoured Weapons: Repeating crossbows, spring loaded daggers Aspects: Fortune, Destiny, Mystery, Future

Elemental Force: Moon Common Symbol: Crescent Moon Favoured Weapons: Bows, hand axes, throwing axes Aspects: Stealth, Nomadism, Hunting, Child-care

Elemental Force: Life Common Symbol: Burning Torch Favoured Weapons: Long sword, Short Sword, Pilum Aspects: Healing, Charity, Kindness

Elemental Force: Death Common Symbol: Skull with Three Eyes Favoured Weapons: Morning Stars, Short Spears, Barbed Daggers Aspects: Malformity, Corruption, Harm, Envy, Grief

Elemental Force: Darkness Common Symbol: Eclipse Favoured Weapons: Unknown Aspects: Unknown *Nocturnus was the hidden god, unknown to all but a few select individuals. Even his brother gods believed him to be amongst the descended. His being has now been reduced to raw energy and in effect, he has been kill

- CHARACTER CREATION When creating your character, here are the guidelines to use:

o Characters begin at 7th level o Classes may be chosen from any of those listed
in the Players Handbook 1, 2 or 3

o If you wish to play an alternative class then

please consult me before hand.

o Characters start with equipment that seems

appropriate (subject to my approval) and themed and no more than 10GP in addition to this. o Characters must not be of the evil alignment.

o Characters must make some sense in a party

environment and be open to the idea of mercenary work. o Characters religious beliefs must be in line with my game setting. o Be sure to have power cards sorted out for the first game night, they help a lot. Ability scores are worked out using the system detailed on at the bottom of page 17 of the players handbook. Players are given the same amount of points to spend as is described (22)

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