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Far Kingdoms of Dantarium

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Far Kingdoms of Dantarium

The Far Realms are made up of 4 large city states on the Continent of Dantarium.
In ancient times during the Empire of Arantir, Men who came from the Far Sea spread across
the continent and claimed its riches.
After 300 years of stability, the War of the Cities States divided the empire, and from its ruins
emerged the 4 great city states, Kaledor with its northern warriors devoted to Hacal the God of
War, Noravan with its fabulous guilds of dragonborn craftsmen and their rich silver mines,
Caliphar the Caliphate of the Sand Wizards and finally Arantir, the ancient imperial capital,
famous for the winged knights of the Order of the Griffin.

The Gods of Dantarium

The Ancient 9 are also known as the Ancient Pantheon of Gods of Dantarium.
Serana the Goddess of Magic (lawful and neutral)
Hacal the God of War (chaotic and neutral)
Arod the God of Forests (neutral and good)
Galarin the Goddess of Light (lawful and good)
Borus the Earth God (lawful and neutral)
Valagor the God of Destruction (chaotic and evil)
Asteron the God of Darkness (lawful and evil)
Elara the Goddess of Winter (neutral)

South region

Former imperial capital, the most populous city on the continent, ruled by King Halvan Aran
The city has residents of different races, its market is the second largest in the region, and
dwarven merchants from the city of Haltor are common in the city, sanctuaries of all the gods
are present and the biggest problem of the city and its overpopulation, hunger and Crimes are
common in the surrounding area, caravans from all cities pass through Arantir.
The City Guard is assisted by a small but efficient group of Knights of the Order of the Griffin.
A large community of Tieflings has been established in the city for generations since the fall of
the city of Helgar in the Ruin Marshes.
A growing community in the city and also of Dwarves from Haltor.

Haltor Halls
The Halls of Haltor are part of the ancient dwarven kingdom of the region, devotees of Borus
the God of the Earth, King Angur IronHill, ordered deep excavation in the Mines of Haltor in
search of riches, vast caves inside have rich gold mines , silver and mithril and this attracts the
attention of King Boltglar, the Fire Giant King of the East of the Gray Mountains.
Vast hordes of Orcs, Ogres, and Giants in the service of King Boltglar threaten the Halls of
Every day more caravans of dwarves fleeing the war march towards Arantir and Noravan.

Gray Mountains
The Gray Mountains are high and dangerous, the area has nests of giant eagles, packs of giant
wolves, and several tribes of Orcs, Ogres and Giants.
In its region is the Halls of Haltor where the kingdom of the dwarves is located, ancient
fortifications in ruins from the time of the Empire of Arantir in the region today serve as citadels
full of Orcs.

Golden Plains
The Golden Plain is a vast region made up of villages of farmers and shepherds who ship their
produce to the Far Vale via the Port of Korvis in the south and to Arantir and beyond in the
lands to the north.
However, the region is dangerous, countless tribes of Goblins, Hobgoblins and Worgs ravage
the region, these savages have extensive hiding places throughout the region formed by
excavated tunnels.

Korvis Lake
Fishing villages roam the western region of Lake Korvis, these fishermen are in constant
confrontation with the aquatic tribes of Sahuagins and Aquatic Elves who dispute the territory.
Legend has it that an ancient galleon from Valarond was wrecked in the region and that it
contained a vast treasure now guarded by Harkot, a Turtle Dragon that lurks in the area.

Korvis Port (Korvis Port)

The port city of Korvis is full of sailors and merchants from the Southern Kingdoms, Korvis has
buildings, warehouses and deposits spread across the city, the Sea Guild controls the city and
the Slave Market in the region, a large community of Half Orcs lives in the city, Captain Mork
(neutral rogue half-orc) is the representative of the Sea Guild and a cunning and witty thief, he
frequently hires adventurers to guide caravans to Arantir or to protect vessels in the Far Sea and
the Sea of Scales.
The city is tormented by the Nightfang, a large guild of wererat thieves who infect and recruit
spies and assassins in the area, they rival for control of local crime with the Hood, a guild of
local thieves and explorers.

Elven Woods of Narandriel

The Elven Forest is practically an isolated kingdom, its monarch, King Andruil, is slowly dying,
and the king's life is linked to the essence of the forest, which is becoming increasingly dark,
obscure and dangerous.
The elves believe that Andruil was cursed by a Lich named Amalrus, an ancient wizard who in
ancient times awakened the undead from the ruined kingdom of Daltomir. Legend has it that
Amalrus is Andruil's brother.
The elves search for a cure for their king as the forest becomes more dangerous every day.
The elven city of Narandriel is filled with arcane knowledge and shrines of Serana, Arod, and
The Andreth Valir "Moonhunters" are elite elven archers and hunters who protect the city of
Centaurs, Halflings and Gnomes live in the region, however dangerous Huorns (dark entities),
Dryads, Witches and Goblinods live in the vicinity of the mountain to the north of the region.
Recently a Green Dragon called Galontrinax awakened in the southern part of the forest
threatening the local elves.

East Region
Ghost Island
A ruined city full of the undead lies in the heart of Ghost Island, legends indicate that an ancient
elven citadel there succumbed to a war against the Empire of Arantir, however the surviving
elves swore revenge, built an underground city and began to venerate Asteron, the God of
These dark elves have sworn revenge on the humans of the mainland, and on the outskirts of
Ghost Island magical vessels capable of flight are forming a dark fleet, pirates sell slaves to the
deep elves as Asteron's Night Armada prepares to enslave the men of the mainland. continent.

The port city of Valarond and ruled by Queen Ilaren Valar II, (neutral good half-elf sorceress) a
powerful sorceress of half-elven blood.
The inhabitants of Valarond are not very numerous, the citadel is small but its reputation is
formidable, its sailors are efficient and determined.
Queen Ilaren Valar II has constant nightmares about Ghost Island and Asteron's devotees, from
time to time she sends adventurers to explore the island and the ruined citadel within in search
of clues about Asteron's followers, but few survive the explorations.
Her younger brother, Lord Elahar Valar, (neutral half-elf warrior) has little regard for his sister's
fears, and as a veteran warrior he wishes to overcome Kovir's rivalry for the sea routes of the
Southern Kingdoms, the Far Sea and the Sea of Scales.

Amber Lake
Amber Lake is used by fishermen and sailors from Valarond in contact with the communities of
the Valley of the Halflings, a perennial fog surrounds the entire area and many local sailors have
disappeared there, legend has it that a series of hidden portals appear in the Amber Lake and
teleport vessels directly to the Sea of Scales, others claim that the vessels are abandoned and
drift or mysteriously appear wrecked there.
Entire crews have mysteriously disappeared in the region, mermaids, sea serpents and sea
witches have been seen by terrified witnesses.

Halflings Dale
The region of the Valley of the Halflings is made up of small hills where halflings and gnomes
live in harmony with nature, trade in the region is constant and merchants from Valarond
frequently come to the region, the current Regent is Bouen Raggins, a veteran halfing and local
hero , legend has it that Bouen helped his friend, the dwarf Angur IronHill (before he claimed
the crown of the Halls of Haltor) with the help of the young Sorceress Ilaren (before she was
Queen of Valarond) to travel to the Gray Mountains with a company of dwarves mercenaries
and kill the Dragon Smagor and regain his throne.
Bouen Raggins lives for feasts and parties and secretly wants to travel to Valarond and then to
the Gray Mountains and visit his friend King Angur.
Recently he plans to hold a festival for the local halflings, he intends to leave his inheritance to
his niece, Frida Raggins, and his magic ring of invisibility, found in a catacomb in the ruins of
Ghost Island in one of his adventures, legends indicate that this would be Asteron's Ring of
Invisibility, but that's just a legend.

Dark Forest
The oldest forest on the continent of Dantarium, legends indicate that the elves of Narandriel
one day arrived on the continent and tried to settle there but were exiled and almost extinct
during the event known as "Nar Dartherion" the Crossing of Blood, many elves in Today they
are not old enough to remember, but the older ones remember their youth when "demonic
forces" from the Dark Forest eliminated almost all of their relatives during the desperate escape
from the place.
Ancient abandoned elven cities lie in the heart of the forest, beasts and creatures roam the place,
surprisingly a large community of humans, hunters, trappers and barbarians, the Shadow Tribe,
lives on the southern face of the Shadow Forest, their leader Taer Blackbow (human neutral
good ranger) and devotees of Arod, God of the Forests lives in the region and gently protects
the halfling communities of Halfling Vale from warbands of Bugbears, Goblins, and
Hobgoblins in the area.

Marsh of Ruins
Legend has it that the ancient imperial city of Helgar formed a dangerous alliance with unholy
forces from the Abyss, its sorcerers and priests formed noble castes with Succubus and Incubus,
and entire lineages of Tieflings formed an armada called the Incandescent Legion, these legions
of sorcerers and Centurions rebelled against the Empire of Arantir, leading to the War of the
Helgar marched to dominate Arantir, Kaledor, Noravan and Califar, the war divided the Empire
and Helgar was annihilated by the unholy magic of her own sorcerers, who caused a magical
storm that ruined the land, turning it into a swamp full of ruins populated by evil beings and

Mountains of Wrath
The high Mountains of Wrath are full of catacombs and dungeons, legend has it that the
sorcerers from the city of Helgar fled to these mountains where they built a vast underground
dungeon to hide the ancient imperial treasures, a tiefling wizard called Galavrael, transformed
his ancient catacomb into a deadly labyrinth, and legends about adventurers trying to get hold of
Galavrael's treasures are many.
However, Galavrael's Dungeon is located inside.
Outside, tribes of ogres, giants and a lair of sleeping dragons hide in the Mountains of Wrath,
which have this name because every 15 years a catastrophic event affects the continent and an
outbreak affects all dragons in the Mountains of Wrath, putting them in danger. a state of shared
frenzy where a dangerous Flight of Dragons ravages the continent of Dantarium for days on
end, where blood and the greed of dragons lead them to loot and destroy everywhere.

North region

Iron Plains
This vast plain is covered in rusty weapons and armor as well as the bones of soldiers from
Kaledor and Noravan, during the War of the Cities States the city of the northern warriors of
Kaledor and the dragonborn of Noravan caused an overwhelming war, the war would determine
who would attack in followed by Arantir and who would rule the Empire.
However the war ended when arcane emissaries from Califir convinced Kaledor and Noravan
that Helgar in the far west was the real enemy.
However it was too late, the capital Arantir was already at open war against Helgar, and the
Incandescent Legion was already marching across the Iron Plains to attack Kaledor and
Thus Califir brought together Arantir, Kaledor, Noravan with a proposal, to make their cities
free states of the empire and defeat Helgar's Incandescent Legion.
The agreement was made and the fall of Helgar culminated in the end of the War of the City
States and the end of the Empire of Arantir.
Oversized statues of soldiers representing the 4 great city states stand tall on the Iron Plain, the
statues are represented by the Norse Warrior of Kaledor, the Griffin Knight of Arantir, the
Silverscale Paladin of Noravan and the Arcane Sage of Califir.

The city of Kaledor is a vast walled city, its inhabitants are mostly humans, half-orcs and
gnomes, the people of the region are endowed with behavior full of bravery and valor on the
battlefield, Kaledor's forces are mercenary warriors and ambitious fighters, their current leader,
Jarl Wulf Van Kalen is a brutal man with a thirst for conquest (neutral human and evil warrior),
he is advised by Ollara Irondottir (neutral human cleric of Hacal).
Slave markets are common in Kaledor.
The Kaledorians revere Elara the Goddess of Winter and Borus the God of the Earth, but the
majority are followers of Halcar, the God of War, and many have the drive to conquer through
strength and bravery.
Kaledor is constantly attacked by marauders, the Winterblood Tribes and their vessels carry out
invasions across the waters of the Ruin Marshes to the southern part of Kaledor.
Trolls from the Eternal Mountains and Orc tribes also threaten the northern region of Kaledor.
However one of Kaledor's greatest battles and politics, the city to the north, Harkan, and
disputed by Kaledor and Noravan, the dragonborn of Noravan are Kaledor's great rivals.

Winter Blood Tribes Forest

West of the Eternal Mountains lies a wild region full of dire animals, hordes of winter wolves
and frost giants, deep within the Winterblood Forest live the Winterblood Barbarians, surviving
marauders, these hunters and warriors are historical enemies of Kaledor, for For generations, the
Kaledorians enslaved the people of Winterblood, treating them as inferior and savage beings for
not serving the Arantir Empire.
The Tribes of the Winterblood are numerous and dangerous, their leaders are the Wild
Conclave, made up of druids and clerics of Elara, the Goddess of Winter, Arod the God of the
Forest and Halcar the God of War, their current leader, the Great Druid Meruin (neutral human
druid of Arod) prophesied the arrival of Artan, an Arantirian warrior who would wield
Excaladir, the Sword of Starsteel, and he would be the chosen one of the Triad of Old Gods
(Elara, Arod and Halcar) and that he would defeat the Kaledorians , would march to Arantir and
claim the imperial throne.
A bastard son of King Halvan Aran III, the bastard prince, Artan Aran IV, was banished and left
for dead for marrying a winterblood barbarian, Gwenorin (neutral good human barbarian),
Gwenorin guided Artan to the Druid Meruin, and they are in search of Excaladir.
Rumors allege that Gwenorin is the Queen of the Winterblood, and the most beautiful woman in
the world.
Legend has it that when the chosen one removes Excaladir from the stone where legend says it
is trapped, its bearer will claim the imperial throne, which will lead to the unification or total
war of Dantarium.

Nordham Forest
Nordham Forest is closed and icy, packs of winter wolves, herds of winter caribou and Ice
Trolls roam the forest, Harkan's valiant hunters hunt in the region, however from time to time an
ice crystal castle appears in the heart of the forest. forest, a powerful elven sorceress queen
named Valire with her hordes of spectral elves, pale as the moon and cold as ice roam the region
hunting and keeping the humans of Harkan away from the forest, the sorceress queen's
motivations are a mystery to the inhabitants of the forest. north.

Harkan and a vast northern city its inhabitants live off the wealth of the mountains north of the
Lake of Mists where excavated mines are full of gold and silver, the city of Harkan grows
rapidly, its regent is Lord Garus Valkar (human ranger) a veteran hunter who explored the
region, turning a border city into a commercial power, however Lord Garus finds himself
divided, emissaries and diplomats from Kaledor and Noravan are in an open dispute to collect
tribute from Harkan, the city's freedom is hanging by a thread.

Cold Marshes
A vast frozen tundra covered by swampy regions plagues much of the north, tribes of lizardfolk,
trolls, white and black dragons vie for control of the territory.
Ruins of forgotten cities are scattered in the heart of the marshes, a tribe of dragonborn and
human barbarians, the Black Claw Tribe led by a powerful dragonborn, Warclaw, has enslaved
the lizardfolk of the region and made a pact with a Dragon. Black called Voraxor.
Legend has it that Warclaw is the chosen one of Valagor the God of Destruction, and his horde
of barbarians are deciding between plundering the gold and silver mines in the mountains north
of the Lake of Mist (directly affecting the city of Harkan) or plundering the routes commercial
buildings from Noravan to the south.

The city of Noravan is the richest city in Dantarium, the Bazaar of Noravan is rich, its city is
full of palaces, tall white buildings, fabulous guilds of artisans and craftsmen, the North Bard
Minstrel Academy and one of the most respected by its residents, the Sanctuaries of Light of
Galarin have priests and missionaries, the population has the largest concentration of
dragonborn on the continent, its monarch, King Draken BrightCrown (dragonborn paladin
lawful and good) and a just and loyal monarch to his subjects , however the city is also
governed by the Council of Noravan, a den of bankers, guild masters and ambitious and very
wealthy aristocrats.
The leader of the Council of Noravan and Matriarch Astriona Van Karten (neutral evil human
mage) a powerful mage and heir to the Bank of Noravan the most powerful financial institution
in Dantarium, beneath her a legion of bureaucrats, nobles and merchant princes maintain the
city from Noravan about his goals.

East Region

The port city of Saragard is full of pirates, smugglers, thieves and slave traders, the city was
built to house sailors and pirates, its regent and Captain Bartholomew Blacksword (neutral
human rogue) an experienced looter, his wife, Minerva Blacksword ( human sorceress neutral
and good) keeps him in line, the city is basically exploited by the Night Dagger, a formidable
guild of thieves and tomb explorers and adventurers, their leader Galfrey Mellaro (halfling
neutral thief) has contacts in all the major cities of Dantarium where stolen cargo is sent where
you can pay more.
Saragard is a small town where several pirates come together in search of treasure maps and
clues about riches.
A renegade wizard named Eredir (lawful neutral half-elf wizard) a follower of Serana the
Goddess of Magic and a powerful arcane and local sage, many thieves and explorers come to
seek his advice.

Sea of Scales
The Sea of Scales is a sea strip with fierce currents and difficult to access, only experienced
captains and pirates roam the seafront in this region, attacks, ambushes and looting are common
in the region.

Corsair Island
Corsário Island is a point of departure for navigators, although there are cannons and
fortifications on the beach, and dozens of sunken galleons around it, the island is an important
stopping point before arriving at Saragard.
The island has vast accommodations in the form of camps, small villages and a wild jungle in
its interior, tropical fruits and clean water in its rivers transformed this tropical paradise into the
headquarters of the crew of the Sword of the Sea, the gigantic galleon of the crew of the Corsair
Haggar " Greybeard" Dortmoor (neutral human warrior), Captain Dortmoor or "Greybeard
Dortmoor" and one of the oldest pirate captains in the region, with his crew of veterans he
settled on Corsair Island and made an alliance with Saragard, who became his "private mini
kingdom" for abusive fees, any vessel can dock in the region and enjoy the pleasures of the
However, the crew of the Sword of the Sea and Graybeard Dortmoor have a duty to protect
Corsair Island and Saragard from pirate invasions and other threats, such as the Dragons of
Dragon Island.

Dragon Island
This gigantic tropical island is a den of dangers and riches, pirates from the region believe that
its interior is a vast tropical jungle full of dangers with wild animals from big cats to entire
tribes of giant wild apes and tribes of dragonborn barbarians, there in the interior is the Dragon
Cemetery, an entire valley covered in the bones and scales of old dragons where vast treasures
are hidden in the underground caves, clans of different types of dragons use the island as a
refuge and hiding place and many flights of dragons threaten the navigators who pass by. Sea of

Scarlet Grove
This dense forest area hides a large community of gnomes, the clan is led by Svard Goldenfoot,
a rich merchant and cutter of gems and precious stones, from the caves inside the Scarlet Wood.
Tribes of Kobolds and Goblins roam the southern part of the Scarlet Wood.
Svard Goldenfoot frequently hires adventurers to eliminate creatures on the outskirts of the
forest and to protect caravans as far as Saragard or Port Korvis where their gems and jewelry are

Dar Taren Forest (Dar Taren Woods)

The Dar Taren Forest is a vast forest region with ancient menhirs and stone circles with access
to ancient portals protected by the Emerald Conclave of the Druids of Dar Taren, the druids are
part of the Dar Taren Tribe community, these hunters are led by Aralis (human neutral druid) an
ancient and mysterious woman who takes the form of a flock of ravens and watches closely over
the magical standing stones of the forest, the local hunters are led by Neramir (neutral and good
half-elf ranger),
The tribe of Dar Taren constantly hunts the undead, trolls, troglodytes, and the orcs that live in
the swamps of Daltomir and threaten the villagers of Fardale and the gnomes of the Scarlet

Distant Valley
The Distant Valley is a peaceful area where communities of farmers, shepherds and peasants
live in remote villages, these communities are protected by Gulart (bear man) a large and robust
hunter with a good heart.

Daltomir Swamp
Legend has it that one of Helgar's most powerful wizards survived the fall of Helgar and the fate
of the Ruin Marshes, Daltomir the Lich, lives in the depths of a vast swamp full of threats, tribes
of trolls, troglodytes and orcs roam the region, but conclaves of vampires and hordes of undead
and even lycanthropes like werewolves roam the area and service of the powerful Lich.

Irangard Desert
Vast area dunes and storms sweep across the Irangard Desert region, caravans of Bedouins and
traders cross the storms to the dangerous trails between the Gray Mountains to reach Noravan,
Saragard and Arantir, legions of wild tribes of Gnolls roam the desert riding Hyenas Dire
seekers of prey and plunder, mysterious genies and cabals of fire salamanders use the depths of
the desert as refuge.

The fabulous Califir, the city of a thousand and one nights, full of palaces, oases, golden-vaulted
temples, wizard merchants, seductive odalisques, wealthy nobles and sinister advisors.
The great Imir Varek (lawful evil human wizard) and his retinue of advisors, the Dune Sages of
Irangard, a powerful cabal of wizards, rule the city of Califir with an iron fist.
The Bronze Legion, its vast armada is led by General Gafir (fire efreeti genius), and its army is
more powerful than other city states imagine.
The city's Night Bazaar is filled with merchants selling everything from exotic magical beings,
to potions and wondrous items, flying carpets, snake charmers and circus troupes roam the
streets packed with foreigners, diverse races from various planes of existence, in Califir Arena
the most exotic magical beasts face slaves and fearless gladiators, the Slave Market offers all
types of beings for sale.
Califir is dangerous and the Veil of Irangard is the largest guild of thieves and looters in the
city, its leader is a tiger man, Sultan Hajan (rackshasa) and he controls the vast network of spies
spread across the continent, as well as assassins and witches.

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