Sandvik Alpha 330:: Drifting and Tunnelling
Sandvik Alpha 330:: Drifting and Tunnelling
Sandvik Alpha 330:: Drifting and Tunnelling
Alpha 330
As a rock Sandvik Alpha 330 is a completely new tool tolerances give us the leading edge from the start. connection with a short sturdy thread. The design
drilling concept for 45 mm drilling, designed and In parallel, our advanced CAD/CAM programs and offers better resistance to bending stresses, improved
professional, optimized to have a much higher stiffness and FEM analysis give us the ability to simulate the bit guidance and perfect transfer of energy.
you have longer service life than R32 (also a Sandvik inno- application of our designs long before the solution
already invested in the most advanced and vation) which has been the dominating 45 mm touches rock. The result this time: The Sandvik Far more drilled meters for the money
powerful drill rigs available to gain maximum system so far. Alpha 330 system, featuring a unique rod/bit When using Sandvik Alpha 330 customers will
productivity in your drifting and tunnelling note the following advantages:
projects. To ensure maximum return on your Another Sandvik challenge
Longer rod life (30-80% increase at tests in
capital investment, you also need drilling tools up Sandviks unique metallurgy resources for making Australia, Canada, Finland and Sweden)
front which really capitalize on your potential. the steel, rolling it and machining it to perfect More energy efficient drilling
Tool failures in drifting and tunnelling Better precision in collaring
seriously effects productivity. So much so that they Better hole accuracy
might add up to the entire cost for the drilling Faster and easier uncoupling of bits
tools. To match the increased energy output from Increased intervals between bit grinding
modern high-power rock drills (offering 20 kW Less machinery standstills
and more), we are proud to present yet another State-of-the-art CAD/CAM techniques have been used for Advanced FEM analysis have been used to simulate All in all, a tool system taking drifter drilling
major Sandvik innovation the Sandvik Alpha evaluating the stresses in the rod connection and to obtain and locate the critical bending stresses of various
maximum bending stiffness by optimized geometries of the designs to arrive at an optimally dimensioned rod/bit productivity to a new level!
330 drilling tool system.
Sandvik 330 thread. connection.
For high-power rock drills
The short Sandvik Alpha 330 thread is well guided inside the kirt
2 offering increased precision in collaring even in complex rock
formations and inclined surfaces.
The tailored Sandvik CAPP drill bits ensure optimal return on your
5 capital investment by really making full use of the Sandvik Alpha
330 drilling potential.
Welcome to a test drive with the Sandvik Alpha 330 drilling tool
8 system. Our Sandvik Teams are always within easy reach to offer
prompt support.
AB Sandvik Tamrock Tools. SE-811 81 Sandviken, Sweden. Tel 0046 26 26 20 00 Fax 0046 26 26 23 00