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FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I.0 Introduction
The U.S. Department of Energys Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program (the Program) conducts comprehensive efforts
across a range of technical and non-technical areas to enable the widespread commercialization of hydrogen and fuel
cell technologies in diverse sectors of the economy. The Program is coordinated across the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE or the Department), incorporating activities in the offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
led through the Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO), Science (SC), Nuclear Energy (NE), and Fossil Energy (FE).
The Programs efforts are aligned with the Administrations all-of-the-above approach to energy and the Presidents
Climate Action Plan and will spark the type of innovation that drives economic growth and creates American jobs,
while moving our economy toward cleaner, more efficient forms of energy that will cut our reliance on foreign oil.
With emphasis on applications that will most effectively strengthen our nations energy security and improve
our efforts to cut carbon pollution, the Program engages in research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) of
critical improvements in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, as well as diverse activities to overcome economic
and institutional obstacles to commercialization. The Program addresses the full range of challenges facing the
development and deployment of the technologies by integrating basic and applied research, technology development
and demonstration, and other supporting activities.
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2014, Congress appropriated approximately $120 million for the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Program. The Program is organized into distinct areas of RD&D, as well as other activities to address non-technical
challenges. More detailed discussions of Program activities and plans can be found in the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Program Plan, as well as in the plans of the program officesFCTOs Multi-Year RD&D Plan; FEs Hydrogen from
Coal RD&D Plan; and SCs Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy. All of these documents are available at
In the past year, the Program made substantial progress toward its goals and objectives. In addition to
summarizing examples of key technical accomplishments, this report highlights major programmatic accomplishments
such as the launch of a new project called Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure Research and Station Technology
(H2FIRST) that leverages the capabilities of the national laboratories in direct support of H2USA, a public private
partnership formed in 2013 to overcome the barriers of hydrogen infrastructure.


This report documents more than 1,000 pages of accomplishments achieved by DOE-funded projects in the last
year. The following summaries include only a few examples. More details can be found in the individual sub-program
introductions, subsequent project reports, and in the corresponding 2014 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation
Report, which can be found at
Fuel Cells
The Fuel Cell sub-programs goal is to advance fuel cell technologies primarily for transportation, as well as early
markets such as stationary and portable applications, to make them competitive in the marketplace in terms of cost,
durability, and performance, while ensuring maximum environmental and energy-security benefits. Cost reductions
and improvements in durability continue to be the key challenges facing fuel cell technologies.
The sub-program tracks cost of automotive fuel cells on an annual basis through system design and cost analysis
projects at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Strategic Analysis, Inc. The 2014 cost status for 80-kW
automotive fuel cell systems was determined to be $55 kW. The cost model used the same core technology as used in
2013, resulting in a final cost that was within one dollar of the 2013 cost. Recent technological advancements are
planned for inclusion in the 2015 cost model.
A major achievement in 2014 was synthesis of platinum nickel alloy nanoframe catalysts that showed a more
than 30 times increase in activity compared to conventional platinum on carbon catalysts. Scientists initially created
Pt-Ni crystalline polyhedra particles that were left under ambient conditions in a solvent exposed to air for two weeks.
Surprising changes in the structure and composition were notedthe particles had spontaneously dealloyed into a
more Pt-rich alloy and transformed into hollow nanoframe structures. Recognizing the potential relevance of these new
structures for catalysis, the researchers teamed up with electrochemical experts. They optimized the synthesis process,

FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

Figure 1. Projected transportation fuel cell system cost.

Figure 2. A new catalyst synthesized in 2014, which consists of a platinum-nickel alloy nanoframe covered by a thin platinum skin, has a performance
more than 30 times higher than conventional platinum on carbon catalysts.

resulting in a catalyst that can be prepared in only a few hours with an activity that outstrips all previous fuel cell
catalysts in ex situ testing.
Also in 2014, advances in catalyst synthesis and electrode optimization allowed PtCo and PtNi dealloyed catalysts,
which have already met DOE targets for mass activity and durability of mass activity, to achieve good durability
of high-current performance for the first time. These catalysts achieved the same H2/air fuel cell performance as
a 0.4mgPt/cm2 electrode, but with only one-fourth the platinum-group metal (PGM) loading. The performance
improvements were confirmed in a full-active-area automotive stack. Up to 60,000 cycles between 0.6 and 0.925 V
were performed with only 20 mV loss at 1.5 A/cm 2.
DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

Protocols and best practices for rotating disk electrode (RDE) catalyst testing also were prepared. Initial screening
of fuel cell catalyst activity is typically performed ex situ using RDE. These experiments are performed with little
standardization between laboratories, leading to large discrepancies in reported activity values for the same catalysts
and undermining the validity and usefulness of RDE data. Improvements in technique that allowed for higher and
more reproducible activity have been reported recently, but have not yet been widely adopted. Therefore, FCTO
issued a request for information on RDE best practices, discussed the issue at meetings of the catalysis and durability
working groups, and supported a collaborative effort between researchers at ANL and the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL) to use the resulting input to develop protocols and best practices for RDE testing. This
effort established a standard protocol and test methodology for measurement of electrochemical area (ECA), oxygen
reduction reaction (ORR) activity, and durability, and evaluated three electrocatalysts using identical protocols and
electrode preparation in three laboratories. Comparison of the results verified the reproducibility of measured ECA,
ORR activity, durability between the labs, demonstrating the validity of the newly issued protocols.
Improvements in membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) containing PtNi nano-structured thin film catalysts
have enabled performance improvement at high current densities, resulting in catalyst specific power levels at 0.69 V
as high as 6.3 kW/gPGM at 150 kPaabs, meeting the 2014 milestone and on track to meet the 2020 target of 8.0 kW/gPGM.
When compared to catalyst specific power measured at 0.69 V in previous years, this years results mark a 25% and
a 6% improvement since 2012 and 2013, respectively. During voltage cycling accelerated stress tests, these catalysts
lose 66% of their initial activity over the course of 30,000 cycles, falling short of the targeted 40% degradation level.
MEAs with earlier generation catalysts met the durability target, but fell short of the catalyst specific power target.
Further R&D work is under way to meet both targets with the same MEA.
Hydrogen Production
In FY 2014, the Hydrogen Production sub-program continued to focus on developing technologies to enable the
long-term viability of hydrogen as an energy carrier for a range of applications with a focus on hydrogen from lowcarbon and renewable sources. Progress continued in several key areas, including electrolysis, photoelectrochemical
(PEC), biological, and solar-thermochemical hydrogen production.

Figure 3. PEM electrolysis hydrogen production cost contributions (2007$/kg) for four case studies, showing of projected
high volume untaxed costs ranging from ~$4 to $5.80/kg, broken down in terms of the major cost contributing factors.

FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

In FY 2014, the major emphasis of the electrolysis activities were cost reduction and efficiency improvement
through leveraging fuel cell catalyst development. Building off of work done by the Advanced Research Projects
Agency Energy (ARPA-E), a lead-ruthenium pyrochlore alkaline electrolysis membrane catalyst was synthesized
and shown to have a mass activity 2,000 times greater than the nickel-cobalt baseline. In addition, an improved drying
technique was developed with the potential to reduce drying losses in electrolyzers to less than 3.5% (compared with
11-8% in commercial systems) while operating on a variable (wind or solar) stack power profile. Testing is in progress
to verify that the new drying technique meets SAE International J2719 specifications for water content (<5 ppm).
In the area of PEC hydrogen production, semiconductor tandem devices were shown to have more than 300hours
of stability at ~15 mA/cm 2 in III-V, showing a significant improvement over the previous years 115 hours at
10mA/cm 2. This result represents an important step toward demonstration of stabilized solar-to-hydrogen conversion
efficiencies >20% using PEC devices.
In the area of biological hydrogen production, a larger, more scalable microbial reverse-electrodialysis cell design
demonstrated a 0.9 L/L-reactor/day hydrogen production rate, a 12.5% increase over the 2013 demonstrated rate, using
a salinity gradient instead of grid electricity.
Efforts in solar-thermochemical hydrogen characterized the performance of water splitting by novel, non-volatile
metal-oxide based reaction materials and developed new reactor concepts to optimize efficiency of the reaction cycles.
A thermodynamic model was developed for novel perovskite reaction materials that predicts the optimal operating
temperature, O2 pressure, and heat recovery effectiveness required for a solar to hydrogen conversion efficiency
>20%; and derived performance criteria and thermodynamic properties for an ideal non-stoichiometric oxide
reaction material were also developed.
The H2A v3 Production Model was applied to the PEM Electrolysis production pathway to analyze hydrogen
costs ($/kg H2) and cost sensitivities. The case studies calculated a levelized cost of hydrogen production ranging
from $4-5/kg for both distributed and central electrolyis; and identified the primary cost drivers as: (1) electricity cost;
(2)electrolyzer electrical efficiency; and (3) electrolyzer capital cost.1
In June 2014, FCTO announced almost $13 million for six new research and development projects to address
critical challenges and barriers for hydrogen production technology development, and specifically the long-term goal
of hydrogen production at <$2/kg hydrogen. Selected projects are located in Connecticut, Washington, Colorado,
Hawaii, and California.2
Hydrogen Delivery
The goal of the Hydrogen Delivery sub-program is to reduce the costs associated with delivering hydrogen to
a point at which its use as an energy carrier in fuel cell applications is competitive with alternative transportation
and power generation technologies. In FY 2014, the Hydrogen Delivery sub-program saw significant progress in
RD&D activities. For example, a fueling strategy to improve station capacities during peak hours was developed.
This strategy involves the use of a cascade of tubes in the tube trailers, wherein hydrogen gas is consolidated into one
tube during peak fueling times. The high-pressure tube is then used directly for vehicle fueling while the compressor
is used to either pressurize the gas in the other tubes or replenish buffer storage. This technique reduces on-site
compression requirements, enabling a 10 kg/hr compressor to serve a 450 kg/day station, three times the capacity of
150 kg/day it could otherwise serve. This resulted in a 14% cost reduction for tube trailer delivery from $3.30/gasoline
gallon equivalent (gge) to $2.85/gge delivered and dispensed for 700-bar refueling.
Other highlights include the Second International Workshop on Hydrogen Infrastructure and Transportation. This
workshop, organized by Germanys National Organization of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (NOW), Japans
National Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), and DOE was held in June of 2014
and hosted by Toyota at the Toyota Motor Sales Corporate Accessory Center in Torrance, California. This workshop
included members of industry and government from Japan, Germany, the European Union, Scandinavia, and the
United States. Participants identified the major challenges and RD&D needs of hydrogen fueling protocols, metering,
hydrogen fuel quality, and forecourt hardware. Additional detail will be available in the workshop proceedings when
they are published later in calendar year 2014.
In June 2014, FCTO announced more than $7 million for five new awards, three selected from the FY 2014
Hydrogen Delivery Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) and two from Small Business Innovation Research

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Record #14004 Hydrogen Cost from PEM Electrolysis is available at

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

(SBIR), for projects on compression, storage, and dispensing technologies. Selected projects are located in Texas,
Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Virginia.3
Hydrogen Storage
In FY 2014, the Hydrogen Storage subprogram continued its focus on development
of lower cost precursors for low-cost, highstrength carbon fibers to lower the cost of highpressure compressed hydrogen systems, system
engineering for transportation applications
and advanced material R &D efforts, including
for metal hydrides, chemical hydrogen storage
materials, and hydrogen sorbents.
The Hydrogen Storage sub-program
continued carrying out technoeconomic
assessments of hydrogen storage technologies.
System models were developed and top-down
analyses was used to determine thermodynamic
properties of sorbent materials needed to meet
onboard system and offboard well-to-engine
efficiency targets.
Figure 4. Tensile strength as a function of time for the F2350 precursor. (ORNL)
In the area of high pressure storage, the
sub-program continued to reduce the cost
of compressed hydrogen gas storage tanks.
Progress included an increase of tensile strength from 405 KSI to 649 KSI, and tensile modulus from 33 MSI to 38
MSI for carbon fibers produced from polyacrylonitrile with methyl acrylate (PAN/MA) precursor fibers manufactured
on high-volume, textile lines. FY 2014 analysis also projected a 52% mass reduction and 30% cost reduction in
compressed hydrogen storage systems with 5.6 kg hydrogen usable capacity, at 500 bar and ~200 K, operating
conditions, compared to baseline 700-bar ambient systems.

Of particular note, the FCTO-supported efforts delivered over 9 kg of MOF-5 to Hydrogen Storage Engineering
Center of Excellence (HSECoE) partners for Phase III testing, with scaled-up batch material achieving performance
within 10% of lab-scale batch material, and demonstrated 20x improvement in MOF-5 thermal conductivity using
an enhanced natural graphite layering approach compared to random loading. Finally, the Hydrogen Storage subprogram established the HSECoE model website page ( and posted the metal hydride
(MH) acceptability envelope, MH finite element model, hydrogen tank mass and cost estimator, and hydrogen vehicle
simulation framework models for public availability.
Manufacturing R&D
The Manufacturing R&D sub-program supports activities needed to reduce the cost of manufacturing hydrogen
and fuel cell systems and components. FY 2014 saw a number of advancements in the manufacturing of fuel cells
and hydrogen storage systems, including the assembly of infrared/direct current equipment on an industrial electrode
coating line. Data was collected on three coating runs and defects were successfully detected at speed at the drying
oven exit.
FCTO spearheaded a cross-cutting workshop, along with other offices within EERE, on quality control/metrology
to leverage diagnostic capabilities and identify synergies and opportunities across other technologies. The purpose
of the workshop was to convene government, industry, and other stakeholders to discuss the current status of quality
control and metrology in manufacturing processes relevant to the EERE offices; note gaps in which current techniques
are inadequate or missing; discuss similarities in materials inspection and metrology needs across technologies; and
identify opportunities for collaboration across EERE offices to address shared challenges. Additional participating
offices included Solar Energy, Vehicle, and Building Technologies and the Advanced Manufacturing Office and the
Proceedings are available online.4

FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

In May 2014 FCTO released a FOA for up to $2 million focused on Clean Energy Supply Chain and
Manufacturing Competitiveness Analysis for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies. This funding will support projects
that focus on scaling up the production of todays hydrogen and fuel cell components and systems. The topics included
outreach to develop strategies and new approaches to facilitate expansion of the domestic supply chain of hydrogen and
fuel cell related components in the U.S., and global manufacturing competitive analysis for hydrogen and fuel cellrelated technologies.5
Basic Research
The Basic Energy Sciences program in the DOE Office of Science supports fundamental scientific research
addressing critical challenges related to hydrogen storage, hydrogen production, and fuel cells. These basic research
efforts complement the applied R&D projects supported by the other offices in the Program. Progress in any one area
of basic science is likely to spill over to other areas and bring advances on more than one front.
The subjects of basic research most relevant to the Programs key technologies are:

Hydrogen Storage: Nanostructured materials; theory, modeling, and simulation to predict behavior and design new
materials; and novel analytical and characterization tools.

Fuel Cells: Nanostructured catalysts and materials; integrated nanoscale architecture; novel fuel cell membranes;
innovative synthetic techniques; theory, modeling, and simulation of catalytic pathways, membranes, and fuel
cells; and novel characterization techniques.

Hydrogen Production: Approaches such as photobiological and direct photochemical production of hydrogen.

By maintaining close coordination between basic science research and applied R&D, the Program ensures that
discoveries and related conceptual breakthroughs achieved in basic research programs will provide a foundation for the
innovative design of materials and processes that will lead to improvements in the performance, cost, and reliability
of fuel cell technologies and technologies for hydrogen production and storage. This is accomplished in various
waysfor example, through bi-monthly coordination meetings between the participating offices within DOE, and at
the researcher level by having joint meetings with participation from principal investigators who are funded by the
In June 2014, the Program included 20 presentations and posters from Basic Energy Sciences-funded researchers
on fundamental science related topics in conjunction with presentations by EERE and ARPA-E funded researchers.
Technology Validation
The Technology Validation sub-program demonstrates, tests, and validates hydrogen and fuel cell technologies
and uses the results to provide feedback to FCTOs R&D activities. In addition to validating fuel cell electric vehicle
(FCEV) and hydrogen infrastructure technologies, continuing efforts include the real-world evaluation of fuel cell bus
technologies at various transit authorities and monitoring performance of fuel cells in stationary power, backup power,
and material handling equipment (MHE) applications.
Six major original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) were awarded $5.5M in FY 2014 to demonstrate advanced
light-duty FCEVs, where data will be collected from up to 90 vehicles. The first composite data product will be
published on NRELs website in December 2014.
A hydrogen fueling station at California State University in Los Angeles (CSULA) was commissioned in May
2014 and stations in West Sacramento and San Juan Capistrano are expected to be installed and commissioned by the
third and fourth quarters of 2014, respectively. Data is being collected from these state-of-the-art fueling facilities
to validate technology performance under real-word use. The CSULA project also serves educational purposes, as it
provides a living lab environment for engineering and technology students.
During FY 2014, data from four fuel cell electric bus (FCEB) demonstrations at three transit agencies were
collected and analyzed; AC Transit (Oakland, California), SunLine (Thousand Palms, California), and BC Transit
(Whistler, Canada). Fuel cell buses continue to show improved fuel economy (ranging from 1.8 to 2.4 times higher)
compared to baseline (diesel and compressed natural gasCNG) buses in similar service. Fuel economy for the
FCEBs ranged from 5.8 mi/diesel gallon equivalent (DGE), up to 7.3 mi/DGE (for an average of 6.8 mi/DGE),
approaching the Federal Transit Administrations performance target for FCEB fuel economy of 8 mi/DGE.

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

Early market application of fuel cell technologies includes validating MHE and backup power fuel cell
performance through analysis and reporting of real-world operation and value proposition metrics. By the fourth
quarter of 2013, more than 850 backup power units were in operation as part of the Technology Validation subprogram efforts. These units were found to be operating with average availability of about 99.5 percent in 23 states. By
the fourth quarter of FY 2013, almost 500 MHE fuel cell units were in operation as part of the data collection efforts,
filling-up on average in 2.3 minutes, and operating an average of 4.4 hours between fills.
Safety, Codes and Standards
The Safety, Codes and Standards (SCS) sub-program identifies needs and performs high-priority R&D to provide
an experimentally validated, fundamental understanding of the relevant physics, critical data, and safety information
needed to define the requirements for technically sound and defensible codes and standards. In FY 2014, the subprogram continued to identify and evaluate safety and risk management measures that can be used to define the
requirements and close the gaps in codes and standards in a timely manner.
In the area of hydrogen behavior, risk assessment, and materials compatibility, an initial test matrix was
completed to determine the fatigue life of stainless steel 21Cr-6Ni-9Mn in 103 MPa hydrogen gas, satisfying the need
to quantitatively evaluate methods published in CSA CHMC1 standard and to generate qualification data for lowercost stainless steels.
Additionally, the sub-program released a first-of-its kind iPad/iPhone app to enhance utility and integration of
the safety knowledge tools with other safety planning resources. As of May 2014, there have been more than 940
downloads of the app.
As hydrogen station deployment ramps up, the siting of hydrogen dispensers at existing stations is gaining
interest. The SCS sub-program supported a study showing that 20% of 70 gasoline stations evaluated in California
could accommodate hydrogen.6
Finally, a major milestone in FY 2014, also supported over several years by the SCS sub-program, and led by
industry, was the standardization and publication of two SAE International standards: J2799 Standard for 70 MPa
Compressed Hydrogen Surface Vehicle Fuelling Connection Device and Optional Vehicle to Station Communications
and J2601 Standard Fueling Protocols for Light-Duty Gaseous Hydrogen Surface Vehicles.
The Education sub-program facilitates hydrogen and fuel cell demonstrations and supports commercialization by
providing technically accurate and objective information to key target audiences both directly and indirectly involved
in the use of hydrogen and fuel cells. Funding from prior appropriations supported the sub-programs activities.
In FY 2014 FCTO published more than 80 success stories through news articles, blogs, press releases, and media
announcements and conducted more than 15 webinars, averaging more than 150 attendees per webinar. Activities
reached at least 3,000 people at key conferences and meetings. The sub-program is also continuing to train middle
school and high school teachers based on prior years funding through H2 Educate! reaching a cumulative of
12,000teachers, in 35 states; 90% of participants have stated that the training resources increased the effectiveness of
their lesson plans.
Market Transformation
To ensure that the benefits of the Programs efforts are realized in the marketplace, in FY 2014 the Market
Transformation program continued to facilitate the growth of early markets for fuel cells used in stationary, specialtyvehicle and truck fleet applications. Market Transformation activities are helping to reduce the cost of fuel cells by
enabling economies of scale through early market deployments; these early deployments also help to overcome a
number of barriers, including the lack of operating performance data, the need for applicable codes and standards,
and the need for user acceptance. Market Transformation also partners with other federal agencies and stakeholders to
deploy fuel cell systems in applications such as marine cargo transport operations.
Current key objectives of the Market Transformation program are to build on past successes in MHE (e.g., lift
trucks or forklifts) and emergency backup power applications by exploring other emerging applications for market
viability. FY 2014 accomplishments included designing a commercial viable fuel cell-powered airport ground support
baggage tractors, developing fuel cell-powered electric medium-duty hybrid trucks for parcel delivery applications,

FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

completing the design development of fuel cell auxiliary power systems for refrigerated trucks, and completing the
design for a maritime auxiliary power system. These projects are highly leveraged, with an average of more than half
of the projects funds being provided by DOEs partners.
Affordable hydrogen in accessible locations is another key goal; Market Transformation is supporting this
by a landfill-gas-to-hydrogen project at a working manufacturing facility and using curtailed renewable power to
electrolyze water on another project.
A potential new activity that could be initiated subject to Congressional appropriations is the design and
deployment of fuel cell battery-powered hybrid light-duty vehicles for parcel delivery or passenger transportation
Systems Analysis
The Systems Analysis sub-program focuses on examining the economics, benefits, opportunities, and impacts
of hydrogen and fuel cells through a consistent, comprehensive, analytical framework. Analysis conducted in FY
2014 included socio-economic impacts such as increased employment from early market infrastructure development,
life-cycle analysis of various vehicle platforms including FCEVs with EEREs Bio-Energy Technologies and Vehicle
Technologies Offices, hydrogen use for energy storage, fuel cell system cost impact to improve fuel cell efficiency, life
cycle impacts of water use of hydrogen production pathways, identification of early markets for fuel cells, and options
to reduce infrastructure cost through the application of tri-generation fuel cell systems.

Figure 5. Number of issued patents as a result of FCTO funding. (PNNL)

The commercial benefits of FCTO were analyzed by tracking the commercial products and technologies, and
patents developed from R&D funding. The benefits of DOE funded projects continue to grow. FY 2014 tracking
showed 499 cumulative patents issued as a result of FCTO funding. In addition, 45 FCTO-funded were in the market
and 65 were identified to be commercialized within three to five years.7
In FY 2014, the GREET (Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy use in Transportation) models life
cycle analysis capabilities were enhanced to include water consumption for hydrogen production and delivery pathways
from natural gas, water electrolysis, and other fuels such as gasoline and ethanol. The analysis includes the water use
assessment of pathway components including feedstocks such as natural gas and crude oil and energy use such as
electricity, and biofeedstocks such as corn and cellulosic sources. Converting these conventional and new feedstocks
to fuels require additional water consumption. The results of the analysis shown in the figure below show that water

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

for irrigation, cooling water for electricity generation, and evaporation associated with hydropower generation has
the greatest impact on life cycle water consumption of E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) fuel, hydrogen fuel cell, and
electric vehicles.
The impact of different fuel cell targets on the vehicle energy consumption and cost were also studied using
the Autonomie model and compared to conventional gasoline internal combustion powertrains. In addition, the
impact of fuel cell system improvements on the potential on-board storage requirements and cost were analyzed. The
findings of the study indicate the fuel economy of the FCEV could be improved by 10-14% by increasing the fuel cell
peak efficiency from 60 to 68%. When the FCEV improvements are compared to conventional vehicle, the FCEV
fuel economy was found to be 4 times higher (139 mpg unadjusted) than the 2013 conventional vehicle in the 2030
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Projects
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act or ARRA) has been a critical component
of the Programs efforts to accelerate the commercialization and deployment of fuel cells in the marketplace. As of
October 2014, all of the original twelve projects have been successfully completed, and over 96% of the Recovery Act
project funds have been invoiced by the projects. A total of 1,330 fuel cell units were deployed, 824 fuel cell backup
power system for cellular communication towers, 504 fuel cell lift trucks, and 2 stationary power systems, surpassing
the original deployment goal of up to 1,000 fuel cells. NRELs National Fuel Cell Technology Evaluation Center
(NFCTEC) has established data reporting protocols and Composite Data Products (CDPs) and Detailed Data Products
showing progress to date have been prepared. The CDPs are available on the NREL NFCTEC website.8
Notable accomplishments in FY 2014 included design and construction of a 250-W propane-fueled, portable solid
oxide fuel cell (SOFC) units successfully operated over 4 days (on a single 20-lb propane bottle) to power television
cameras at NASCAR events; and successful backup operation of three propane-fueled, 5-kW, GenSys fuel cells to
provide lighting to a building during a 30 minute, simulated outage at Ft Irwin, California.
Successful DOE deployments of fuel cells (including deployments from ARRA funding as well as Market
Transformation projects) have led to industry orders of more than 7,500 fuel cell forklifts and more than 4,000 fuel cell
backup power systems, with no additional DOE funding.9,10


Tracking Commercialization


One indicator of the robustness and innovative vitality

of an RD&D program is the number of patents granted,
as well as the number of technologies commercialized.
The Program continued to assess the commercial benefits
of funding by tracking the commercial products and
technologies developed with the support of FCTO. R&D
efforts funded by FCTO have resulted in 499 patents,
45 commercial technologies in the market, and 65
technologies that are projected to be commercialized
within three to five years (as of October 2014).11
In addition, EEREs investment of $95 million in
specific hydrogen and fuel cell projects led to more than
$400 million in revenue and investments of approximately
$70 million in specific projects led to a nearly $390
million in additional private investment.


Cumulative Number of Patents

in 2007 and 2014*


Fuel Cell



Cumulative Number of Commercial

Technologies in 2007 and 2014*


*Partial data for 2014

Figure 6. Patents and commercial products as a result of FCTO funding.

FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

Figure 7. Revenues and private investment as a result of specific FCTO funding of projects.

Awards & Distinctions

During the last year, a number of researchers within the Program were recognized through various awards. For

Dr. Adam Weber of the Energy Departments Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was honored with a
Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the federal governments highest honor
for science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their careers. This follows last years PECASE
award to FCTO-funded Professor Tom Jaramillo of Stanford University and makes the only two PECASE awards
within all of EERE. Dr. Weber also received the 2014 Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award.

Dr. Maria Ghirardi was named to NRELs Research Fellows Council, the laboratorys top advisory council
comprised of internationally recognized NREL scientists and engineers.

The Women Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society selected Katherine Ayers of Proton OnSite
to be a recipient of the 2014 Women Chemists Committee Rising Star award.

Northeastern chemistry professor Sanjeev Mukerjee was named a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society.

James Miller and Riccardo Scarcelli of ANLs Energy Systems division are 2014 recipients of the prestigious
McFarland Award from SAE International.

The ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry announced Jeffrey Long, University of California, Berkeley, as the
winner of the second Inorganic Chemistry Lectureship Award.

Dr. Piotr Zelenay of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) was named a Fellow of The Electrochemical

Thomson Reuters has included University of South Carolina professor Branko N. Popov as one of the 2014
Worlds Most Influential Scientific Minds and one of our nations most highly cited researchers from 2002 to 2014.

Jennifer Kurtz and Keith Wipke from NREL and Daniel Dedrick from Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) have
won prestigious Federal Lab Consortia 2014 Far West Regional Awards.

Key Reports/ Publications

Every year, the Program commissions a number of key reports, providing vital information to industry and the
research community. Some of these are released on an annual basissuch as the Market Report (2013 Fuel Cell
Technologies Market Report), the commercialization report (2013 Pathways to Commercial Success: Technologies
and Products Supported by FCTO), and the State of the States: Fuel Cells in America 2014 reportwhile others
are published when studies are complete, projects have ended, or key milestones have been reached. Key examples
DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

The Hydrogen Production Expert Panel (HPEP), a Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee
(HTAC) subcommittee, published major findings from their May 1012, 2012 workshop which was launched
with opening remarks by the previous Energy Secretary. Tasked with providing recommendations to enable the
widespread production of affordable, low-carbon hydrogen, HPEP collected input from experts from industry,
academia, and national laboratories during the workshop and developed recommendations based on that input.

The 2013 Fuel Cell Technologies Market Report finds that there is continued growth in fuel cell commercial
deployments, including MHE such as forklifts as well as combined heat and power systems and backup and
auxiliary power units. Nationally, U.S. fuel cell shipments grew from 1,000 units in 2008 to nearly 5,000 units
in 2013, while domestic manufacturing increased by more than 60% from 2012 to 2013.

States of the States: Fuel Cells in America 2013, the fifth annual report on state activities, details fuel cell and
hydrogen activities and policies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Pathways to Commercial Success: Technologies and Products Supported by the Fuel Cell Technologies Office,
the Programs annual commercialization report, indicates that FCTO efforts have successfully generated more
than 450 patents, 40 commercial technologies, and 65 technologies that are expected to reach commercial scale
within the next three to five years, and issue more than 450 U.S. patents.

The Business Case for Fuel Cells illustrates how top American companies are using fuel cells in their business
operations to advance their sustainability goals, save millions of dollars in electricity costs, and reduce carbon
emissions by hundreds of thousands of metric tons per year.

Hydrogen Station Compression, Storage, and Dispensing Technical Status and Costs detail the findings of
an independent review of hydrogen compression, storage, and dispensing for pipeline delivery of hydrogen and
forecourt hydrogen production.

Twenty new fact sheets on the models and tools used for system analysis of hydrogen and fuel cells were
published. The models and tools summarized in the fact sheets are used by FCTOs System Analysis sub-program
to perform hydrogen/fuel cell-related calculations, evaluations, and environmental assessments. This template
was subsequently used by EEREs Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) to document VTO-sponsored models and
tools as well.

An inter-agency and inter-office report titled Hydrogen Fueling Station in Honolulu, Hawaii Feasibility
Analysis assesses the technical and economic feasibility of developing a vacant, undeveloped General Services
Administration-owned property into an income-producing site equipped with a hydrogen fueling station and
a covered 175-stall parking structure with roof-top solar panels.

Workshops and Proceedings

On November 4, 2013, FCTO held its first Early Market Fuel Cell Showcase and Project Review in New York
City at the New York Times building. This event was held for potential investors, business partners, and other
stakeholders through presentations and a poster session in an effort to facilitate industry and investor awareness of
these emerging and innovative technology areas. Attendees included Steve Chalk, Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Renewable Energy; Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY); and Richard Kauffman, Chairman of Energy and Finance
for New York State.

On April 15, 2014, FCTO held its Clean Energy Technology Showcase Review featuring fuel cells, flow batteries,
and related energy efficiency technologies at Stanford University. Reviewers provided feedback to FCTO as well
as Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) and ARPA-E on the projects presented. The event was launched by the
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energys Assistant Secretary Dr. David Danielson.

The proceedings from the Biological Hydrogen Production Workshop that took place September 2324,
2013, were released in November. The objective of the Biological Hydrogen Production Workshop was to share

FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

information and identify issues, barriers, and R&D needs for biological hydrogen production to enable hydrogen
production that meets cost goals.

The EERE Quality Control Workshop proceedings detail the activities of a workshop held December 9 and 10,
2013 and convened government, industry, and other stakeholders to discuss the current status of quality control
and metrology in manufacturing processes relevant to the EERE offices.

The 2014 Hydrogen Transmission and Distribution Workshop proceedings and final summary report provide
details on a workshop held February 2526, 2014 that brought together experts from the industrial gas and energy
industries, national laboratories, academia, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to discuss
and share information on the RD&D needs and challenges for low-cost, effective hydrogen transmission and
distribution from centralized production facilities to the point of use.

The 2014 Electrolytic Hydrogen Production Workshop proceedings and final summary report shares
information compiled during a workshop held on February 2728, 2014 on the RD&D needs for enabling low-cost,
effective hydrogen production from all types of water electrolysis systems, both centralized and forecourt. http://

New FOAs and Awards

$7 million for four projects that will help bring cost-effective, advanced hydrogen and fuel cell technologies online
faster through early market applications such as delivery vans. Selected projects are located in Georgia, Kansas,
Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.

$3 million to advance U.S. competitiveness in molten carbonate technology. The selected project is located in

$7 million was awarded for six projects to develop lightweight, compact, and inexpensive advanced hydrogen
storage systems that will enable longer driving ranges and help make fuel cell systems competitive for different
platforms and sizes of vehicles. Selected projects are located in California and North Carolina.

$20 million was awarded for 10 new research and development projects to advance hydrogen production and
delivery technologies. Selected projects are located in Connecticut, Washington, Colorado, Hawaii, California,
Texas, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Virginia.

National Science Foundation (NSF) funding, through the first ever Memorandum of Understanding between
FCTO and NSF, to address discovery and development of advanced materials systems and chemical processes for
direct photochemical and/or thermochemical water splitting for application in the solar production of hydrogen
fuel. Four projects were announced in September 2014.

$2 million to develop supply chain manufacturing competitiveness analysis for hydrogen and fuel cell
technologies. This FOA closed on June 30, 2014.

$4.6 million in incubator funding to identify potentially impactful technologies that are not already addressed in
FCTOs strategic plan or project portfolio. Full responses were due September 3, 2014.

The Program participated in a number of SBIR FOAs and awards.

Fuel cell project selected through a new EERE SBIR Technology Transfer Opportunity topic that moves
existing inventions developed at DOEs national laboratories to the marketplace and accelerates the pace of
commercialization. This was the first ever SBIR in EERE and provided national laboratory patents for small
businesses to commercialize. The selected project is located in Massachusetts.

SBIR/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II Release 1 Award Winners included two hydrogen
and fuel cell projects. Topics include optimizing the cost and performance of composite cylinders for hydrogen
storage using a graded construction and novel structured metal bipolar plates for low cost manufacturing.

SBIR/STTR Phase I Release 2 Technical Topics Announced for FY 2014, include prototype fuel cell-battery
electric hybrid trucks for waste transportation and novel membranes and non-platinum group metal catalysts for
direct methanol as well as hydrogen fuel cells.

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

2015 SBIR/STTR Phase I Release 1 FOA includes hydrogen and fuel cell topics. Applications are due October
14, 2014. Topics include non-platinum group metal catalysts for fuel cells and understanding of material
behavior for detection of hydrogen contaminants.

The Program also coordinated with other offices and the following FOAs from FY 2014 were relevant.

$70 million in AMO funding to a new Advanced Composite Manufacturing Institute to target continuous or
discontinuous carbon and glass fiber composites. This FOA closed on June 24, 2014.

$33 million in ARPA-E funding for intermediate-temperature fuel cell systems for distributed generation.12

$15 million in FE funding for improved reliability of solid oxide fuel cell systems. This FOA closed on March 31,

$6.4 million in FE funding for R&D support of the solid oxide fuel cell core technology program. This FOA
closed on March 31, 2014.

Requests for Information (RFIs)

The Program uses RFIs to solicit feedback from the stakeholder community in an open and transparent process
which serves to inform the Program and develop future plans. Key examples included collecting feedback on:

Strategies for a robust market introduction of hydrogen supply, infrastructure, and FCEVs.The input received will
augment financing strategies that DOE analyzes for public deployment of infrastructure for supporting FCEV
introduction in U.S. markets. Such financing strategies should maximize financing, for example, with debt and
equity, while minimizing public incentives. (January 31, 2014)

Biological hydrogen production R&D pathways, barriers, issues and opportunities for development of technologies
that can ultimately produce low cost hydrogen that meets DOE goals. (February 28, 2014)

Existing and potential hydrogen contamination detectors and related factors such as performance characteristics,
system integration requirements, costs, deployment guidance, and R&D needs. (May 19, 2014)

Technical and economic feasibility of commercializing fuel cell range extenders as onboard power generators for
all-electric vehicles in the United States market. (August 7, 2014)


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

The Program also held a number of webinars throughout the year.13





September 11,

Introduction to SAE
Hydrogen Fueling

This webinar provided an overview of the SAE International Standards J2601 and J2799 and how
they are applied to hydrogen fueling for FCEVs. Validated in the lab and proven in the field over the
last decade, the SAE J2601 hydrogen fueling protocol standard, coupled with the SAE J2799 FCEV
communications standard, provide the basis for hydrogen fueling in the first generation of infrastructure

August 19, 2014

Increasing Renewable
Energy with Hydrogen
Storage and Fuel Cell

This webinar featured representatives from NREL discussing a unique opportunity for the integration of
multiple sectors including transportation, industrial, heating fuel, and electric sectors on hydrogen. This
presentation looked at the architecture of hydrogen storage systems and economic competitiveness for
those systems when compared with conventional systems.

July 29, 2014

Supporting a Hawaii
Hydrogen Economy

During this webinar the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) discussed the status of current and
planned hydrogen projects in Hawaii. HNEI has worked to reduce Hawaiis dependence on fossil fuels
and increase energy security, serving as the implementing organization for several large-scale publicprivate partnerships to develop, deploy, and demonstrate renewable energy systems.

June 24, 2014

Hydrogen Fueling for

Current and Anticipated
Fuel Cell Electric

This webinar featured representatives from the California Energy Commission who discussed their
recently announced Notice of Proposed Award for 28 hydrogen fueling stations, the evaluation criteria,
and the variety of competitions. In addition, representatives from ANL discussed a new tool for
estimating the economic impacts of hydrogen infrastructure for early market fuel cell electric vehicles.
The tool, titled JOBS and economic impacts of Hydrogen (JOBS H2), estimates the jobs, earnings, and
economic output created by deploying hydrogen fueling stations.

May 27, 2014

NRELs Fuel Cell

Contaminant Database

This webinar focused on the NRELs online data tool for fuel cell system-derived contaminants. NREL
has led a multi-year project studying the effect of system-derived contaminants on the performance and
durability of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. The webinar provided an overview of data obtained
during the project and a tutorial on how to use the Web-based data tool to access project results.

April 17, 2014

Fuel Cells at NASCAR

This webinar focused on fuel cell use at NASCAR Green. Presentations by NASCAR and Acumentrics
described the use of SOFC generators for use in powering broadcast cameras for NASCAR. Recently,
Acumentrics Corporation completed a field test program with NASCAR to replace small portable
gasoline generators with SOFC units operational on commercial propane.

March 11, 2014

National Fuel Cell

Technology Evaluation
Center (NFCTEC)

This webinar focused on the NFCTEC, which is dedicated to the independent analysis of advanced
hydrogen and fuel cell technologies at the Energy Departments Energy Systems Integration Facility
located at the NREL in Golden, Colorado. The presentation by NREL highlighted the efforts of NFCTEC
to accelerate the commercialization of fuel cell technologies through analysis of technologies operating
under real-world conditions and comparison to technical targets.

February 11,

Additive Manufacturing
for Fuel Cells

This webinar focused on additive manufacturing to stimulate discussion in the hydrogen and fuel cell
community on the application of additive manufacturing to prototyping and production. Presentations by
Eaton and Nuvera highlight Eatons experience using additive manufacturing for prototype development
and recent developments in additive manufacturing for full scale production being employed at Nuvera.

January 16, 2014

Energy 101: Fuel Cells


This Google+ Hangout discussion focused on audience questions about fuel cells. Several experts
answered questions and discussed fuel cells in front of a live online audience. Expert panelists included
Dr. Sunita Satyapal, Director of the Energy Departments Fuel Cell Technologies Office; Daniel Dedrick,
Manager of Hydrogen and Combustion Technologies at SNL; Anthony Eggert, Executive Director of
the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy; and Charlie Freese, Executive
Director of Global Fuel Cell Activities at General Motors.

January 14, 2014

2014 Hydrogen Student

Design Contest

This webinar focused on the winning entries of the 2013 Hydrogen Student Design Contest from the
University of Kyushu and University of Birmingham. This year, teams were challenged to develop
hydrogen fueling infrastructure plans for the Northeast and mid-Atlantic for the 2013-2025 timeframe.
During the webinar the theme for the 2014 contestDesigning a Drop-in Fueling Stationwas also

December 16,

International Hydrogen
Challenges Workshop
Summary NOW,

This webinar summarized the international information exchange on the hydrogen refueling infrastructure
challenges and potential solutions to support the successful global commercialization of hydrogen fuel
cell electric vehicles. The information exchange took place in June 2013 at the German Ministry of
Transport, in Berlin.

November 19,

Mitigation Strategies for
PEM Fuel Cells

This webinar highlighted micro-structural mitigation strategies for polymer electrolyte membrane
(PEM) fuel cells focusing on morphological simulations and experimental approaches. Presented by
Ballard Power Systems, the webinar highlighted an open-source fuel cell simulation package funded by
EERE that allows users to simulate both the performance and durability of a PEM fuel cell membrane
electrode assembly. In this webinar, the details of the model were discussed with a focus on the theory,
background, and validation/results of the simulation package.

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

The Program published multiple EERE blogs focused on hydrogen and fuel cell activities.



September 30, 2014

And the Oscar for Sustainable

Mobile Lighting Goes to.
Lighting Up Operations with
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell

An Energy Department-supported project is addressing these problems by designing,

building, and testing a mobile lighting tower powered by hydrogen fuel cell technology,
which is quiet and emits nothing but water while generating electricity.

September 26, 2014

Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell

Electric Vehicle visits
Department of Energy2

From researchers to project managers to technical experts, there are dozens of EERE
staff dedicated to supporting the research, development, and deployment of fuel cells.

September 11, 2014

Highlighting Hydrogen: Hawaiis

Success with Fuel Cell Electric
Vehicles Offers Opportunity

Engineers from the Energy Departments Idaho National Laboratory and NREL identified
a new way to launch economically viable hydrogen fueling stations for FCEVs in Honolulu,
Hawaii, based on a report titled Hydrogen Fueling Station in Honolulu, Hawaii. The
reports findings could also have a broad national impact, accelerating the pace of
Americas growing clean energy economy.

May 13, 2014

Research Leads to Improved

Fuel Yields from Smaller Antenna

A study funded by the Energy Department could lead to big improvements in alternative
fuel production. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have discovered
that if particular genes are missing in certain strains of algae, the algae can produce more
hydrogen and other fuel from full sunlight than the ordinary algae.

April 29, 2014

Small Catalyst Finding Could

Lead to Big Breakthrough for
Fuel Cell Deployment 5

Researchers at the Energy Departments national labs have developed a new catalyst that
could make fuel cells cost-competitive with other power generators.

March 28, 2014

Interested in Hydrogen and

Fuel Cell Technologies? Help
Shape the H2Refuel H-Prize
Competition 6

The Energy Department recently posted a blog about the H-Prize H2 Refuel Competition,
which involves designing a small-scale hydrogen refueler system for homes, community
centers, or businesses.

February 24, 2014

NASCAR Green Gets First

Place in Daytona 5007

A story about how fuel cell generators were used at the Daytona 500 is currently posted
on the Energy Departments blog.

February 4, 2014

Nebraska Company Expands

to Meet Demand for Hydrogen

Hexagon Lincoln develops carbon fiber composite fuel tanks that help deliver hydrogen
to fleets throughout the country. The company has more than doubled its workforce to
accommodate growing demand for the tanks.

January 28, 2014

You Asked, Were Answering

Your Fuel Cell Questions9

The Energy Department posted a blog with answers to some of the fuel cell questions that
didnt get covered during the Energy 101 Google+ Hangout on January 16.

January 9, 2014

Help Design the Hydrogen

Fueling Station of Tomorrow10

As the hydrogen industry expands, refueling infrastructure needs to be developed to keep

fuel cell electric vehicles powered and moving on Americas roadways. University students
can play a big role in this through the Hydrogen Education Foundations Hydrogen Student
Design Contest, supported by the Energy Department.

December 20, 2013

Your Holidays Brought to

You by Fuel Cells11

A story about how fuel cells are helping bring the holidays to you is currently posted on the
Energy Departments Blog.

International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy
The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE) includes 17 member countries
(Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, the Republic
of Korea, the Russian Federation, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and the European
Commission. The IPHE is a forum for governments to work together to advance worldwide progress in hydrogen and
FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

fuel cell technologies. IPHE also offers a mechanism for international R&D managers, researchers, and policymakers
to share program strategies. IPHE members embarked upon a second 10-year term in November 2013. The Chair of the
IPHE is currently Japan, with the United States and Germany serving as Vice Chairs.14
In FY 2014, IPHE members met in Fukuoka, Japan (November 2013) and in Oslo, Norway (May 2014) to share
progress and plans related to hydrogen and to discuss plans for the IPHE Secretariat. IPHE-related workshop topics in
FY 2014 included energy storage and hydrogen infrastructure.
International Energy Agency
The United States is also involved in international collaboration on hydrogen and fuel cell R&D through the
International Energy Agency (IEA) implementing agreements; the United States is a member of both the Advanced
Fuel Cells Implementing Agreement (AFCIA) and the Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA). These agreements
provide a mechanism for member countries to share the results of R&D and analysis activities. The AFCIA is in a
unique position to provide an overview of the status of fuel cell technology, deployment, and the opportunities and
barriers faced within the member countries. The AFCIA has several annexes: Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells, Polymer
Electrolyte Fuel Cells, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Fuel Cells for Stationary Applications, Fuel Cells for Transportation,
Fuel Cells for Portable Power, and Systems Analysis. Participating countries include Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States.
The IEA HIA is focused on RD&D and analysis of hydrogen technologies. Tasks include Hydrogen Safety, Renewable
Hydrogen, Fundamental and Applied Hydrogen Storage Materials Development, Small-Scale Reformers for On-site
Hydrogen Supply, Large Scale Hydrogen Delivery Infrastructure, Distributed and Community Hydrogen for Remote
Communities, and Global Hydrogen Systems Analysis. Members of the HIA include Australia, Denmark, the European
Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey, Taiwan, and the United States. Additional sponsor members include Shell, Germanys National
Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology, and Hy-SAFE Technology. The United States is a strong contributor
to numerous IEA tasks and activities. During FY 2014 the United States hosted a workshop to solicit input to IEAs
Roadmap activities related to hydrogen and fuel cells.


H2USA Partnership
While hydrogen infrastructure remains a key challenge to the widespread adoption of FCEVS, states like
California continue to show their commitment to this clean energy technology. A series of major announcements in
2014 shows increased momentum in overcoming obstacles.
On May 1, Governor Brown of California signed on to join H2USA, a public-private partnership led by the
Energy Department and industry partners. H2USA was launched in May 2013 to address the challenge of hydrogen
infrastructure, bringing together Federal agencies, state agencies, hydrogen providers, energy companies, technology
developers, national labs, academia, and other trade associations or non-profit organizations. The partnership provides
a platform for the United States similar to the public-private partnerships in other countries focused on hydrogen,
particularly Germany, Japan and the UK. H2USA has more than tripled its partners in the last year and currently
consists of 37 participants.
On April 30, the Energy Department announced the launch of a new project leveraging the capabilities of its
national laboratories in direct support of H2USA. The project is led by NREL and SNL and will tackle the technical
challenges related to hydrogen fueling infrastructure. The Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure Research and Station
Technology (H2FIRST) project is designed to reduce the cost and time of fueling station construction, increase station
availability, and improve reliability by creating opportunities for industry partners to pool knowledge and resources
to overcome hurdles. The project was established by FCTO, drawing on existing and emerging core capabilities at the
national labs.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC)
As required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, HTAC was created in 2006 to advise the Secretary of Energy on
issues related to the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and to provide recommendations regarding
DOEs programs, plans, and activities, as well as on the safety, economic, and environmental issues related to hydrogen

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

and fuel cells. HTAC members include representatives of domestic industry, academia, professional societies,
government agencies, financial organizations, and environmental groups, as well as experts in the area of hydrogen
safety. HTAC met twice in FY 2014. In June 2014, HTAC released its sixth annual report, which summarizes hydrogen
and fuel cell technology, domestic and international progress in RD&D projects, commercialization activities, and
policy initiatives.15
Currently, the Committee has two established subcommittees, both started in late 2013. The Advanced
Manufacturing Subcommittee is conducting an assessment of the state-of-manufacturing techniques that are, or could
be, used to benefit commercialization in the fuel cell and hydrogen generation industries. The Retail Infrastructure
Subcommittee will track the progress of the worldwide rollout of FCEVs and examine the evolving business case
for retail hydrogen fueling stations, including the effects of technology advancement and government policy. It is
anticipated that both subcommittees will prepare written reports detailing their accomplishments and findings to the
full Committee during FY 2015.
Federal Inter-Agency Coordination
The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Interagency Task Force (ITF), mandated by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, includes
senior representatives from federal agencies supporting hydrogen and fuel cell activities, with the DOE/EERE
serving as chair. The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Interagency Working Group (IWG), also chaired by DOE, supports the
initiatives and actions passed down by the ITF. The IWG meets monthly to share expertise and information about
ongoing programs and results, to coordinate the activities of federal entities involved in hydrogen and fuel cell RD&D,
and to ensure efficient use of taxpayer resources. A key example of interagency collaboration included work with the
Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) Diesel Emission Reduction Act program to broaden program rules to allow
fuel cell alternatives. DOE worked with EPA to show how fuel cell applications can replace diesel power trains. DOE
also worked with EPA to further refine the interpretation of a qualified renewable fuel under their Renewable Fuel
Standard Program, resulting in the acceptance of biogas derived hydrogen for transportation within the program. In
addition, the Office developed an interagency federal fleet strategy that provides a strategic, coordinated set of agency
roles to help ensure a successful rollout of FCEVs to early markets. Finally, further collaboration with the Department
of Agriculture and the Department of Defense to identify locations for future hydrogen stations is also helping support
the early FCEV and hydrogen fuel infrastructure market.
The National Academies
The National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies provides ongoing technical and programmatic
reviews and input to the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program. The NRC has conducted independent reviews of both
the Program and the R&D activities of the U.S. DRIVE partnership. Formerly known as the FreedomCAR and
Fuel Partnership, the U.S. DRIVE partnership advances an extensive portfolio of advanced automotive and energy
infrastructure technologies, including batteries and electric-drive components, advanced combustion engines,
lightweight materials, and hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Plans were developed for future reviews.
Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative
The Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative (CEMI) is a strategic integration and commitment of manufacturing
efforts across EEREs clean energy technology offices and AMO, focusing on American competitiveness in clean
energy manufacturing. The objectives are to increase U.S. competitiveness in the production of clean energy products
by strategically investing in technologies that leverage American advantages and overcome disadvantages, and
increase U.S. manufacturing competitiveness by strategically investing in technologies and practices to enable U.S.
manufacturers to increase their competitiveness through energy efficiency, combined heat and power, and taking
advantage of low-cost domestic energy sources.
The Office is an active participant in CEMI activities, leveraging opportunities for hydrogen and fuel cell
manufacturing. In FY 2014, AMO released a request for information on Clean Energy Manufacturing Topics for a
new National Network of Manufacturing Innovation Institute. Topics included materials discovery, next gen electric
machines, high value-add roll-to-roll manufacturing, and manufacturing with biomaterials.
On September 17, 2014, as part of the American Energy and Manufacturing Competitiveness (AEMC) Partnership,
CEMI, and the Council of Competitiveness co-hosted the Second Annual AEMC Summit. The Summit brought
together perspectives from industry, government, academia, national laboratories, labor, and policy organizations

FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

dedicated to the competitiveness of U.S. clean energy products and increasing U.S. energy productivity across the
board. Also in FY 2014, CEMI held a regional summit in San Francisco, and two dialogue events in Santa Clara and in
Berkeley, California.
FY 2014 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation
The Programs AMR took place June 16-20 in Washington, DC, and provided an opportunity for the Program
to obtain expert peer reviews of the projects it supports and to report its accomplishments and progress. For the sixth
time, this meeting was held in conjunction with the annual review of DOEs Vehicle Technologies Office. During the
AMR, reviewers evaluate the Programs projects and make recommendations; DOE uses these evaluations, along with
other review processes, to make project funding decisions for the upcoming FY. The review also provides a forum for
promoting collaborations, the exchange of ideas, and technology transfer. This year, approximately 1,800 participants
attended, and more than 100 experts peer-reviewed 100 of the Programs projectsconducting a total of more than 600
individual project reviews, with an average of more than six reviewers per project. The report summarizing the results
and comments from these reviews is available at The 2015
Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting will be held June 812, in Arlington, Virginia.
Funds Saved through Active Project Management
The AMR is a key part of the Programs comprehensive approach toward active management of its projects.
Termination of underperforming projectsidentified through the AMR as well as through other Go/No-Go decisions
(with criteria defined in the project scope of work)helped the Program redirect $3.0 million in funding in FY 2014,
$7.6 million in FY 2013, and over $35 million over the past five years.
DOE Cross-Cutting Activities
Grid Integration: Increasing capacity for variable renewable energy technologies (e.g. wind and solar) on the grid
is going to be a major challenge facing future deployment as these technologies make up a larger portion of the power
generation portfolio.With the appropriate secure communication technology, electrolyzers can participate in energy
markets to help balance the variability of these renewable energy sources by modulating the production of hydrogen to
reduce or increase overall energy consumption within the electric grid.Further benefits include the ability of stationary
fuel cells to effectively contribute to a grid market by increasing their visibility and controllability. Changing fuel cell
generation from a variable source to a controllable source increases there value to the grid and makes stationary fuel
cell systems more economical, especially in small-scale (e.g. residential applications) where electricity and heat demand
is highly variable.EERE is working to address some of these issues through a new cross-cutting initiative focused on
integrating clean energy technologies into the energy system in a safe, reliable, and cost effective manner at a relevant
scale to support the nations goals of 80% clean electricity by 2035 and reducing oil imports by 33% by 2025. All of
the participating technologies offices, including FCTO, are determining the high impact RD&D necessary to enable
the integration of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies into the energy system at a scale necessary to
realize this vision.
Carbon Fiber: Carbon fiber composites are expected to play an important role across many clean energy
technologies, such as in high-efficiency, longer wind turbine blades; lighter-weight, higher fuel economy vehicles;
and high-pressure gaseous fuel storage systems. EEREs cross-cutting carbon fiber initiative aims to lower the cost
of carbon fiber for clean energy applications through higher energy efficiency manufacture, higher piece production
throughput, lower-cost raw materials and increased recyclability. For high-pressure gaseous fuel storage systems, such
as for hydrogen and compressed natural gas, high-strength carbon fiber is required and is a major contributor to cost of
the storage systems. The PAN precursor fibers used to produce high-strength carbon fiber accounts for over 50% of the
final carbon fiber costs. An approach FCTO has taken to lower the cost of carbon fibers has been to focus on alternative,
lower-cost PAN precursors. Two projects have made significant advancements in this past year on demonstrating
potential of lower cost precursors. One project is projected to have a 25% reduction in high-strength carbon fiber
costs through use of a melt-spinning process to produce PAN fibers versus the conventional wet-spinning process. A
second project has demonstrated that PAN fibers co-monomered with MA and produced in high volume on traditional
high-volume textile-based manufacturing lines can be converted into high-strength carbon fiber. Cost modeling has
estimated an approximate 17% reduction in the carbon fiber cost.
Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Clean Energy Initiative: Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor materials
allow power electronic components to be smaller, faster, more reliable, and more efficient than their silicon-based

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

counterparts. These capabilities make it possible to reduce weight, volume, and life-cycle costs in a wide range of
power applications. EEREs technology offices, through AMO, are working together to harness these capabilities to
lead to dramatic energy savings in industrial processing and consumer appliances. In support of this cross-cutting
initiative, the Program has initiated cross-office and cross-agency R&D collaborations for innovative applications of
WBG products. Numerous applications of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies could benefit from the development of
next-generation WBG power electronics, including fuel cell-powered MHE and FCEVs in the transportation section;
and large scale grid integration of fuel cells and electrolyzers in the stationary power sector. The Program is working
with leading innovators in the WBG electronics industry to explore opportunities for product development responsive
to the market pull of the hydrogen and fuel cell technology applications.
Materials Genome Initiative for Clean Energy: In FY 2014, FCTO initiated an effort to explore the use of
high-throughput computational and experimental methods toward the accelerated discovery and development of
critical materials for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. This approach represents one of the leading pilot efforts
at DOE in the cross-cutting Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) for Clean Energy. Consistent with the White
House Office of Science and Technology Policys Materials Genome Initiative strategic plan and with Advanced
Manufacturing Partnership 2.0 recommendations, MGI for Clean Energy has become a core pillar of the Advanced
Materials Manufacturing focus in the DOE Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative. One important thrust of the
FCTO pilot effort is the in situ development and optimization of alternative low-cost, high-performance non-PGM
catalysts integrated into membrane electrode assemblies for PEM fuel cells and electrolyzers. Another activity is the
combinatorial discovery and development of low-cost compound oxides (such as perovskites) for solar-thermochemical
and photoelectrochemical hydrogen production technologies. The MGI-related efforts at FCTO, which have been
kick-started by roundtable meetings of experts, RFIs and workshops, are expected to continue through FY 2015 and

The need for clean, sustainable energy, combined with the need to reduce emissions, has come together to form a
global imperativeone that demands new technologies and new approaches for the way we produce and use energy.
Widespread use of hydrogen and fuel cells can play a substantial role in a portfolio of clean energy technologies that
will overcome key energy challenges. In addition, growing interest and investment among leading world economies,
such as Germany, Japan, and South Korea, underscores the global market potential for these technologies.
In 2013, worldwide fuel cell industry sales surpassed $1 billion for the first time, reaching $1.3 billion. In 2013
there was an approximately 30% increase in fuel cell systems shipments worldwide, continuing to achieve a consistent
30% annual market growth rate over the last few years. There were more than 35,000 fuel cell units shipped worldwide
in 2013, making a total of 170 MW, nearly a 20% increase over 2012. This includes 80 MW shipped by the United
States alone. Independent analyses have shown global markets could mature over the next 1020 years, producing
revenues of $14$31 billion per year for stationary power, $11 billion per year for portable power, and $18$97 billion
per year for transportation. The global hydrogen market is also robust with over 55 Mtons produced in 2011 and over
70 Mtons projected in 2016, a >30% increase.
Another indicator of the robustness and innovative vitality of a thriving market is the number of patents granted,
and the number of technologies commercialized. The number of patents in clean energy technologies continues
to grow. The U.S. produced 44% of fuel cell patents followed by Japan with 33% from 2002 to 2012.16 EEREfunded R&D has resulted in 499 patents, 45 commercial technologies, and 65 technologies that are projected to be
commercialized within three to five years.17 In addition, EEREs investment of $95 million in specific hydrogen and
fuel cell projects led to more than $410 million in revenue and investments of approximately $70 million in specific
projects led to a nearly $390 million in additional private investment.
With so much FCTO-supported activity in the last year, only a few are highlighted below.
At this years Daytona 500, four fuel cell generators powered some of the broadcast cameras around the track,
demonstrating how the technology could help NASCAR save money on fuel costs.As part of the FCTO-supported
project, two 250-watt SOFCs were used to power some of the remote broadcast cameras and two 1-kilowatt SOFCs
will be used to power lights in pit row.

Clean Energy Patent Growth Index


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Sunita Satyapal

I. Introduction

Hexagon Lincoln, of Lincoln, Nebraska, more than doubled its workforce and added a fourth shift for 24-hour/7days-a-week operation to accommodate growing demand for its carbon fiber composite tanks. With FCTO support,
Hexagon developed a new trailer that uses high-strength composite vessels to carry more than 720 kg of hydrogen,
thus transporting 2.5 times more compressed hydrogen gas than traditional steel tube trailers. With the increase in
demand for their products for use on cars, trucks, and buses, and as large capacity tube trailers for delivering hydrogen
and natural gas, the company has expanded annual sales from $33 million to $88 million and more than doubled their
employees from 119 to 269 since 2010.
FCTO also completed a demonstration of landfill gas (LFG) as a source of renewable hydrogen production, using
BMWs assembly plant in South Carolina as the host site. This project represents a first-of-its-kind LFG-to-hydrogen
production project in the nation and is expected to serve as a model for future adoption of renewable biogas as a
feedstock for hydrogen production. The hydrogen produced by this project could be used to power BMWs 300+ MHE
fleet, the largest in the world to date.
While hydrogen infrastructure remains a key challenge to the widespread adoption of FCEVs, states like
California continue to show their commitment. A series of major announcements in 2014 shows increased momentum
in overcoming obstacles. For example, on April 30, the DOE announced the launch of a new project leveraging the
capabilities of its national laboratories in direct support of H2USA. The project is led by NREL and SNL and will
tackle the technical challenges related to hydrogen fueling infrastructure. The H2FIRST project is designed to reduce
the cost and time of fueling station construction, increase station availability, and improve reliability by creating
opportunities for industry partners to pool knowledge and resources to overcome hurdles.
FY 2014 brought with it a focus on technology transfer aligned with Assistant Secretary David Danielsons
National Lab impact initiative. During the year, FCTO held two very successful financial forums that introduced
DOEs early market projects to potential investors, business partners, and other stakeholders through presentations and
a poster session in an effort to facilitate industry and investor awareness of these emerging and innovative technology
EERE also recently announced the selection of small businesses for newSBIR awards that total nearly $6.3
million. Among the selections is a first-of-its-kind award under a new EERE SBIR technology-to-market topic that
moves existing inventions developed at DOEs national laboratories to the marketplace and accelerates the pace of
commercialization. Newton, Massachusetts-based Giner Inc. will use technology patented by LANL along with the
companys well-established dimensionally-stabilized membrane technology to develop advanced, high-performance,
and durable PEM electrode assemblies for fuel cell and electrolysis applications.
EERE cross-cutting activities proved successful as well. DOE researchers won31 of the 100 awards given out
this year byR&D Magazinefor the most outstanding technology developments with promising commercial potential.
PNNL was recognized for the Solar Thermochemical Advanced Reactor System, or STARS, that converts natural gas
and sunlight into a more energy-rich fuel (syngas), which power plants can burn to make electricity. Initial funding
was provided by FCTO to develop compact micro-meso-channel reactors and heat exchangers for the production of
hydrogen from hydrocarbon fuels for use in automotive fuel cells. EEREs Solar Energy Technologies Office then
supported an initial on-sun demonstration of the STARS conceptan evolution of the micro- and meso-channel
conceptplus improvements that have achieved nearly 70% solar-to-chemical energy conversion. The group is now
advancing the technology toward a commercial power generation application.
At the Washington Auto Show in January, Secretary Moniz highlighted the Energy Departments role in
developing thenext generation of fuel-efficient and electric vehiclesand visited some of the latest vehicles that have
benefitted from Energy Department R&D. Featured FCEVs included Hyundais Tucson Fuel Cell that became available
in Spring 2014, and a Toyota fuel cell vehicle that will be available in 2015.
In addition to the technical progress, education and outreach are critical and FCTO efforts have reached more than
30,000 code officials and first responders, 12,000 teachers, and more than 10,000 stakeholders per month through its
monthly newsletter.18 DOE also actively participated in the Senate and House Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Caucus events in
FY 2014, including a ride and drive at which Deputy Secretary Poneman drove an FCEV. This event was followed by
an EERE blog posting.19
This is a critical time for fuel cells and hydrogen. The DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Program will continue to
work in close collaboration with key stakeholders, and will continue its strong commitment to effective stewardship of

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program


FY 2014 Annual Progress Report

I. Introduction

Sunita Satyapal

tax payer dollars in support of its mission to enable the energy, environmental, and economic security of the Nation. In
support of these efforts, the following nearly 1,000 pages document the results and impacts of the Program in the last

Sunita Satyapal
Fuel Cell Technologies Office
U.S. Department of Energy

FY 2014 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

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