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DOE G 413.3-21

Cost Estimating Guide

[This Guide describes suggested non-mandatory approaches for meeting requirements. Guides
are not requirements documents and are not to be construed as requirements in any audit or
appraisal for compliance with the parent Policy, Order, Notice, or Manual.]

U.S. Department of Energy

Washington, D.C. 20585

DOE G 413.3-21 i (and ii)

This Department of Energy (DOE) Guide may be used by all DOE elements. This Guide
provides uniform guidance and best practices that describe the methods and procedures that
could be used in all programs and projects at DOE for preparing cost estimates. This guidance
applies to all phases of the Departments acquisition of capital asset life-cycle management
activities. Life-cycle costs (LCCs) are the sum total of the direct, indirect, recurring,
nonrecurring, and other costs incurred or estimated to be incurred in the design, development,
production, operation, maintenance, support, and final disposition of a system over its anticipated
useful life span. This includes costs from pre-operations through operations to the end of the
project/program life-cycle, or to the end of the alternative. DOE programs may use alternate
methodologies or tailored approaches more suitable to their types of projects and technologies.

DOE Guides are not requirement documents and should not be construed as requirements.
Guides are part of the DOE Directives Program and provide suggested ways of implementing
Orders, Manuals, and other regulatory documents.
DOE G 413.3-21 iii


1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 GUIDANCE OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 1

2.1 Purpose of the Cost Estimate ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Overview of the Cost Estimating Process Model ............................................................................................ 4

3.0 COST ESTIMATING INPUTS ........................................................................................................................ 4

3.1 Project/Program Requirements...................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Documentation Requirements........................................................................................................................ 7

4.0 COST ESTIMATING CHARACTERISTICS AND CLASSIFICATIONS ............................................... 12

4.1 Planning the Cost Estimates ........................................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Cost Estimate Classifications ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.3 Cost Estimate Ranges .................................................................................................................................... 17

5.0 COST ESTIMATING METHODS................................................................................................................. 18

5.1 Detailed Estimating Method .......................................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Parametric Estimating Techniques ............................................................................................................... 19
5.3 Other Estimating Methods ........................................................................................................................... 21
5.4 Methods of Estimating Other Life-Cycle Costs ............................................................................................. 25

6.0 COST ESTIMATING DEVELOPMENT PROCESS .................................................................................. 26

6.1 Overview of the Cost Estimating Process................................................................................................ 26
6.2 Estimate Planning ................................................................................................................................... 30
6.3 Cost Estimate Inputs ................................................................................................................................ 31
6.4 Cost Estimate Production .............................................................................................................................. 34
6.5 Cost Estimate Review............................................................................................................................... 59
6.6 Estimate Reconciliation................................................................................................................................ 60
6.7 Cost Estimate Documentation ....................................................................................................................... 60
6.8 Estimate Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 66

7.0 COST ESTIMATING OUTPUTS .................................................................................................................. 67

7.1 Cost Estimate Interfaces................................................................................................................................ 67
7.2 Estimate Presentations to Management ................................................................................................... 68
7.3 Baselines and Change Control ...................................................................................................................... 68
7.4 Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 69

8.0 COST ESTIMATING EXPECTATIONS...................................................................................................... 69

iv DOE G 413.3-12

8.1 Summary of Expectations .............................................................................................................................. 69

8.2 Lessons Learned ............................................................................................................................................ 70
8.3 Independent Cost Reviews ............................................................................................................................. 70
8.4 Independent Government Cost Estimates ...................................................................................................... 73

9.0 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................................. 74

Appendix A: Acronyms .......................................................................................................................................... A-1

Appendix B: Definitions .......................................................................................................................................... B-1

Appendix C: Summary of Federal Requirements ............................................................................................... C-1

Appendix D: Summary of DOE Requirements .................................................................................................... D-1

Appendix E: Generic Review Criteria ................................................................................................................... E-1

Appendix F: Example of the Calculation and Use of Economic Escalation ....................................................... F-1

Appendix G: Example of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis ............................................................................................. G-1

Appendix H: Cost Estimate Classifications (AACEI) ......................................................................................... H-1

Appendix I: Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ I-1

Appendix J: Crosswalk to GAO-09-3SP ................................................................................................................ J-1

Appendix K: ICR and ICE Guidance .................................................................................................................. K-1

Appendix L: DOE Expectations for Quality Cost Estimates .............................................................................. L-1

DOE G 413.3-21 1

The purpose of the DOE Cost Estimating Guide is to provide uniform guidance and best
practices that describe the methods and procedures recommended for use at DOE in preparing
cost estimates that is specific to all work including but not limited to construction projects and/or
programs. This guidance is applicable to all phases of the Departments acquisition of capital
asset management activities. Practices relative to estimating life-cycle cost (LCC) are described.
LCCs include all the anticipated costs associated with a project or program alternative
throughout its life; i.e., from authorization through operations to the end of the facility/system
life cycle (see Figure 3-3 in Section 3.2).

This Guide does not impose new requirements or constitute DOE policy, nor is this Guide
intended to instruct Federal employees in how to prepare cost estimates (see Appendix C,
Summary of Federal Requirements, and Appendix D, Summary of DOE Requirements). Rather,
it may be used to provide information based on accepted standard industry estimating best
practices and processesincluding practices promulgated by the GAO Cost Estimating and
Assessment Guide (GAO-09-3SP)to meet Federal and DOE requirements and facilitate the
development of local or site-specific cost estimating requirements. The GAO has specifically
recommended that DOE cost estimating guidance be provided following the GAO Twelve Steps
of a High-Quality Cost Estimating Process to improve the quality of its cost estimates (see GAO-
10-199, Table 1, page 10).


High quality cost estimates provide an essential element for successful project and program
management. The main objective of the Guide is to provide guidance that should improve the
quality of cost estimates supporting execution of projects and programs. The cost estimating
principles and processes provided herein may be used to meet or adhere to Federal and DOE
requirements while utilizing industry standards and best practices.

High-quality estimates should satisfy four characteristics as established by industry best

practicesthey should be credible, well-documented, accurate and comprehensive.1 An
estimate should be

credible when the assumptions and estimates are realistic. It has been cross-checked and
reconciled with independent cost estimates, the level of confidence associated with the
point estimate has been identified,2 and a sensitivity analysis (i.e., an examination of the

GAO Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide, GAO-09-3SP (Washington, D.C., March 2009)

A point estimate is the best guess or most likely value for the cost estimate, given the underlying data. The level of confidence for
the point estimate is the probability that the point estimate will actually be met.
2 DOE G 413.3-21

effect of changing one variable relative to the cost estimate while all other variables are
held constant in order to identify which variable most affects the cost estimate) has been
well-documented when supporting documentation includes a narrative explaining the
process, sources, and methods used to create the estimate and identifies the underlying
data and assumptions used to develop the estimate;
accurate when actual costs deviate little from the assessment of costs likely to be
incurred; and
comprehensive when it accounts for all possible costs associated with a project, is
structured in sufficient detail to insure that costs are neither omitted nor duplicated, and
has been formulated by an estimating team with composition commensurate with the

From the GAO Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide, there are 12 key steps that are essential
to producing high quality cost estimates:3

1. Define the estimates purpose

2. Develop an estimating plan
3. Define the Project (or Program) characteristics
4. Determine the estimating structure [e.g., Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)]
5. Identify ground rules and assumptions
6. Obtain data
7. Develop a point estimate and compare to an independent cost estimate
8. Conduct sensitivity analysis
9. Conduct risk and uncertainty analysis
10. Document the estimate
11. Present the estimate for management approval
12. Update the estimate to reflect actual costs and changes

This guide contains industry best practices for carrying out these steps. Appendix L comprises a
suggested crosswalk of the 12 key GAO estimating steps and their implementing tasks to the
sections of this Guide wherein guidance for accomplishing those steps within the DOE project
environment is addressed and discussed.

DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets, dated
11-29-10, promotes the development of a well-defined and managed project performance
baseline (defined by scope, schedule, cost and key performance parameters). The guidance
provided in this document highlights the importance of three closely interrelated processes to

DOE G 413.3-21 3

help define the project baseline: development of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for scope
definition, cost estimating, and schedule development.

The Work Breakdown Structure process provides:

o A complete decomposition of the project into the discreet products and
activities needed to accomplish the desired project scope (the WBS dictionary
should contain in a narrative format what each activity includes);
o Compatibility with how the work will be done and how costs and schedules
will be managed;
o The visibility to all important project elements, especially those areas of
higher risk, or which warrant additional attention during execution;
o The mapping of requirements, plans, testing, and deliverables;
o A clear ownership by managers and task leaders;
o Organization of data for performance measurement and historical databases;
o Information that is the basic building block for the planning of all authorized
The Cost Estimate process provides:
o Documented assumptions and basis of estimate that provide further project
o The activity quantities that make up the scope of work;
o The cost element data (labor and non-labor) needed to complete the
o The estimated resource hours and non-labor values that make up the work;
o The component elements (labor, materials, equipment, etc.) required to
complete activities and work packages; and
o Additional WBS elements mined during the detailed take-off.
The Schedule process provides:
o The activity durations based on the crew production rates per quantity and
other work influences, i.e. hold points, space restrictions, cure time, etc.;
o Logical relationships of all schedule activities;
o Critical path that represents the longest duration for the project and the
sequence of work with the least margin for deviation or flexibility;
o The time phasing of activities that identify new activities or costs, i.e. winter
work, escalation needs, etc.; and
o The milestones and activity relationships that define possible impacts, i.e.
overtime needed to complete activities.

2.1 Purpose of the Cost Estimate

The purpose of a cost estimate is determined by its intended use (e.g., studies, budgeting,
proposals, etc.), and its intended use determines its scope and detail. Cost estimates should have
general purposes such as:

Help the DOE and its managers evaluate and select alternative solutions;
4 DOE G 413.3-21

Support the budget process by providing estimates of the annual funding and phased
budget requirements required to efficiently execute work for a project or program;
Establish cost and schedule ranges during the project development phases;
Establish a Project Performance Baseline to obtain Critical Decision-2 (CD-2)
approval and to measure progress following the CD-2 approval (see Figures 3-1 and
3-2 for a pictorial description of the DOE Critical Decision Process);
Support Acquisition Executive approval for acquisition of supplies, services, and
contracts; and
Provide data for value engineering studies, independent reviews, and baseline

2.2 Overview of the Cost Estimating Process Model

Traditionally, cost estimates are produced by gathering input, developing the cost estimate and
its documentation, and generating necessary output. Figure 2-1 depicts the cost estimating
process model, which should be similar for cost estimates at various points within the project life
cycle. The scope of work, schedule, risk management plan, and peer review interact to influence
the cost estimating process and techniques used to develop the output. These process
interactionsinputs, processes (tools and techniques), and outputsare used by the Project
Management Institute and others to depict the transfer of information between steps in a
knowledge area such as cost estimating.

GAO 12 Key Steps

Schedule Management

Input Output

Scope Scope
of Work Of

Figure 21. The Cost Estimating Process Model


Cost estimate development is initiated by inputs to the process. These inputs are process
elements that can be either one-time or iterative in nature as illustrated in the above process
model. One-time inputs may include project/program requirements, the mission need statement,
DOE G 413.3-21 5

and the acquisition strategy or acquisition plan. Iterative inputs may include the technical/scope
development, the schedule development, and the risk management plan with associated risk
identification and mitigation strategies. The peer review results in the process may also identify
the need to revisit various process elements to improve the quality of the cost estimate. Cost
estimates that are developed early in a projects life may not be derived from detailed
engineering designs and specifications (may not be a point estimate but a high/low range project
estimate), but they should be sufficiently developed to support budget requests for the remainder
of the project definition phase. Over the life of the project, cost estimates become increasingly
more definitive, and reflect the scope and schedule of work packages and planning packages
defined for the project.

3.1 Project/Program Requirements

Appendixes C and D provide summaries of the Federal and DOE requirements for cost
estimates, respectively. Each DOE program or project may have more specific, detailed
requirements. Examples include the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); safety and
health; site security requirement; and local requirements that may be specified in contracts, labor
agreements, etc. Many of these requirements are implemented through the DOE annual budget
formulation and execution process, and may add cost to projects. The primary requirement for
developing cost estimates for capital asset projects is DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project
Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets, dated 11-29-10. During the life cycle of a
project (see Figures 3-1 and 3-2), various cost estimates and related documents are required to
support the Critical Decision process, the project reviews process, and the annual budget
formulation and execution process.
6 DOE G 413.3-21

Figure 3-1. Typical DOE Acquisition Management System for Line Item Capital
Asset Projects4
CD = Critical Decision
EIR = External Independent Review
PARS = Project Assessment and Reporting System
PB = Performance Baseline
PED = Project Engineering and Design
TPC = Total Project Cost

DOE O 413.3B
DOE G 413.3-21 7

Figure 3-2. Typical DOE Acquisition Management System for Other Capital Asset
Projects (i.e., Major Items of Equipment and Operating Expense Projects)5

3.2 Documentation Requirements

Common cost estimating outputs are shown in Figure 3-3. As this figure depicts, cost estimates
must be developed, updated, and managed over the total life-cycle of any asset and are an
important element for total life-cycle asset management within the DOE. Furthermore, project
cost estimates are an integral element and key input into the management of programs over their
life-cycle. Thus the concepts for cost estimate development described in this Guide should be
applied to all instances when cost estimates are required to support both project and program
management objectives.

As described by the DOE O 413.3B and other DOE directives, cost estimates and LCC analyses
may be produced for a variety of purposes. As discussed below, these may include:

The critical decision process within programs/projects (DOE O 430.1B Chg 1, Real
Property Asset Management, and DOE O 413.3B).

DOE O 413.3B
8 DOE G 413.3-21

The DOE annual budget guidance document.

Contract actions specifying requirements.
Other project/program management purposes (various Federal regulations, DOE Orders,
and industry practices).

Program Office:
Long - Term S&M
or transfer to
Legacy Mgt.

& Demolition
Maintenance, &
Upgrades Planning
Start of
Annual Estimates
Approve Start CD-4
of Operating Plans LCC Analysis
(AOP) Estimates
OPC Estimates System TPC
Approve Start-up and Modification (TEC+OPC)
Performance. Testing Cost and Performance
Baseline / CD-2 Estimates Optimization Baselines
TPC (TEC&OPC) Resource
Approve Alt. O&M Cost Analyses
Resource Loaded Maintenance Loaded
Selection & Cost Estimates
Schedules Schedules
Range / CD-1 Process and Facility
TPC (TEC+OPC) Government Modification or Recapitalization
Approve Establish Estimates Estimates
Mission Need / Performance Bid Evaluation Resource
CD-0 Estimates
Baseline Resource Loaded
TPC Range for Resource Construction Schedules
Selected Alternative Loaded Modification or Detailed Work
LCC Alternative Schedules Change Estimates Planning
TPC Range Analyses Estimates
LCC Annual Funding
Program Alternative Profiles
Office: Pre- Analyses Key Milestones Typical Estimate Outputs
Initiation Key Milestones

Program / Project
Facility/System Life-Cycle
Life Cycle

Figure 3-3. Facility/System Estimate Outputs as Compared to Life-Cycle Major Milestones

3.2.1 DOE Critical Decisions for Project Management and the Supporting Cost Estimates

Critical Decision (CD)-0, Approve Mission Need Generally, a cost estimate range is
prepared to support CD-0. Assumptions developed by the project team generally will drive
the project scope and bound both the project scope and costs. There will likely be very little
detail to support these cost estimates, so it is important that scope assumptions be well-
documented. A project cost magnitude range should be established based on potential
project alternatives and major areas of risk, with appropriate consideration of the accuracy
range of any supporting estimates or analyses. The proposed range should be sufficiently
broad such that it fully bounds all possible project cost outcomes, understanding the very
limited design basis that exists at the time and the more imprecise methodologies used at this
stage of the project. This estimate assists in establishing the Acquisition Authority Level for
CD-0. In addition, an estimate of the costs to be incurred prior to CD-1 which is for
developing the Conceptual Design for the project, could also be required to support resource
DOE G 413.3-21 9

planning and near-term schedules.

CD-1, Approve Alternative Selection and Cost RangeThere are three cost estimates
needed for CD-1.
1. Prior to the approval of CD-1, the project team should develop a definitive estimate of
the near term preliminary design cost, which is needed for the project engineering and
design (PED) funding request (if needed for project execution). An estimate may also be
used to support PED funding for use in preliminary design, final design and baseline
2. As part of the CD-1 requirement, the project team should perform analyses of the most
likely project alternatives. Thus, the second cost estimate needed at CD-1 is the LCC of
the likely alternatives that are being considered. A risk adjusted LCC estimate should be
prepared for each alternative under consideration to ensure the alternative with the best
cost/benefit ratio (and generally the lowest life-cycle cost) to the government is
considered. Full LCCs, including all direct and indirect costs for planning, procurement,
operations and maintenance (operational analysis should be used to evaluate condition
and any negative trends on cost projections for assets in use), and disposal costs must be
considered for each alternative being evaluated (OMB A-11).
3. After selecting the alternative that best meets the mission, the project team develops the
third estimate, the total project cost (TPC) range, a schedule range with key milestones
and events, and annual funding profiles. The TPC range should consider identified
project risks and estimate uncertainty and encompass the full range of potentially
required resources necessary to successfully execute the planned work associated with
the preferred/recommended alternative. The TPC range also assists in establishing the
Critical Decision Authority Thresholds.

CD-2, Approve Performance BaselineCost estimates supporting CD-2 should utilize

more definitive cost estimating techniques (see Section 5.0). For CD-2, since available
information will be more developed, the range should be collapsed to a point estimate. A
single cost estimate will represent the entire project, utilizing the current scope and
associated design parameters. The estimate will include appropriate allowances for risk and
estimate uncertainty, i.e., Management Reserve and Contingency (see Section 6.4.5). This
estimate is the basis for the cost estimate of the projects Performance Baseline and the
Performance Measurement Baseline used for earned value reporting as required for projects
with a TPC greater than $20 million.6

CD-3, Approve Start of ConstructionCost estimates based on the Final Design may
incorporate some actual bids received from contractors used to establish the projects
requirements for construction or execution. Cost estimates for Other Project Costs and
Operational phases of the asset being acquired are finalized. These updated estimates

DOE O 413.3B
10 DOE G 413.3-21

support authorization to commit resources necessary, within funds provided, to execute the

CD-4, Approve Start of Operations or Project CompletionEstablishes when the project

is ready for turnover or transition to operations, if applicable. Determines the final Estimate
at Completion (EAC) and provides final project cost and performance reports developed in
accordance with the projects approved WBS. Cost and performance reports are necessary to
document the TPC for the asset acquired, as well as assisting in the capture of historical cost

3.2.2 Annual Budget Process

Project or program budgets are sometimes adjusted to accommodate appropriations and

allocations that are more or less than expected. Some situations may require development of
alternative budget scenarios that can mitigate the risk of project funding uncertainty. When
actual funding differs from planned budgets, baselines and estimates for current-period work
(work packages) should be adjusted accordingly. Timing changes of actual funding versus
planned budgets may not change the technical scope for which an estimate has been developed.
However, those timing changes (extending work into the future from planned schedules) can
cause changes to programmatic scope, project duration, and efficiencies, which affect overall
project costs (such changes are subject to change control scope, schedule and cost).

3.2.3 Contract Actions

During the normal course of project execution, contract actions occur. These commonly entail
developing a government cost estimate, a proposed estimate, and a final estimate. Depending on
contract types and other factors, varying levels of information will be available to facilitate the
cost estimating process.

Before determining the content of an estimate, it is relevant to understand the contract types that
will be used to execute the work. Types of contracts include firm-fixed price, fixed-price
incentive, and cost reimbursable with a variety of fee structures, including fixed fee, award fee,
and performance-incentive fee. Understanding the contract that will be used can influence the
assumed government risks, contractor risks, productivity, and overhead and profit rates used in
the estimate. The contract type should be defined in the Acquisition Strategy/Plan.

Independent Government Cost Estimates (IGCEs) are required before most acquisitions and may
become either the basis for contract negotiations or settling claims. The purpose of the IGCE is
to establish a basis for reserving funds for a contract during acquisition planning, comparing
costs or prices subject proposed by offerors, and providing an objective basis for assisting in
determining price reasonableness, and to assist in establishing the Governments negotiation
position and strategy.
DOE G 413.3-21 11

Performance-based contracting could be a preferred contracting method that would require discrete, quantifiable,
and measurable objectives tied to an incentive for which the development of discrete quantifiable estimates tied to
the measurable objectives would be required. A project baseline (established at CD-2) and near-term contracts, or
work packages, should also have characteristics that are discrete, quantifiable, and measurable.

Fee is normally associated with reimbursable cost contracts and is determined on the basis of pre-established
performance objectives (e.g., meeting target dates, achieving target unit costs, etc.) Once the contract is in place, it
will stipulate the fee structure and must be considered when developing or updating the cost estimate.

Profit is normally associated with a fixed-price contract and is unknown until all costs have been incurred. Cost
estimates developed for this type of contract should assume a reasonable amount of profit based on market
conditions and risks involved.

DEARS 915.404-4 provide guidance for estimating profit/fees for DOE contracts. Under DEARS 915.404-4-70 it is
notable that construction and construction management contracts are subject to fee/profit limits which can only be
exceeded after review and approval by the Senior Procurement Executive important consideration when estimating
the full contract price.

3.2.4 Other Project/Program Management Actions

Various other project or program management actions, such as development of LCC analyses,
cost-benefit analyses, value engineering (VE) studies, earned value analyses, and change
requests may require development of cost estimates.

LCC estimates may be required for many purposes. As a part of alternative selection, LCC
analysis may point to the alternative with the lowest LCC but other analyses and considerations
may need to be considered in the decision process. In cases where benefits can be quantified,
LCC analyses can support more formal cost-benefit analysis for alternative evaluation and
selection. Any time a change in the project is contemplated, or an alternative must be evaluated,
LCC analysis should be considered. (Appendix G presents a simplified example of a LCC

Cost estimates are also required to support day-to-day project management decisions. In many
cases, alternatives (e.g., changes in the work flow) are considered that do not affect the entire
project, but do affect the day-to-day details of managing a project. A design detail change that
does not exceed a cost or schedule threshold for management approval is an example.

Comparisons of government estimates to other results (e.g., bid opening prices) may require a
reconciliation of the figures. Generally, the differences are due to the estimates not being based
on consistent, current information, such as weather delay assumptions, productivity assumptions,
market conditions for commodities, etc. The reconciliation should clearly state the differences
and the rationale for the differences.
12 DOE G 413.3-21



4.1 Planning the Cost Estimates

Table 4-1 describes the elements of planning required to produce credible cost estimates.7 In a
2006 survey to identify the characteristics of a good estimate, participants from a wide variety of
industries including aerospace, automotive, energy, consulting firms, the Navy, and the Marine
Corpsconcurred that the characteristics listed in the table are valid (GAO-09-3SP, Chapter 1,
page 7). The Government Accountability Office (GAO) also found that despite the fact that
these characteristics have been published and known for decades, many agencies still lack the
ability to develop cost estimates that can satisfy these basic characteristics.

Planning Step Description

Clear Identification of Estimator must be provided with the scope description, ground rules and
Task assumptions, and technical and performance characteristics.

The estimates constraints and conditions must be clearly identified to ensure the
preparation of a well-documented estimate.

Broad Participation in The Integrated Project Team and the Integrated Acquisition Team should be
Preparing Estimates involved in determining requirements based on the mission need and in defining
parameters and other scope characteristics.

Data should be independently verified for accuracy, completeness, and reliability.

Availability of Valid Use numerous sources of suitable, relevant, and available data.
Use relevant, historical data from similar work to project costs of the new work.
The historical data should be directly related to the scopes performance

Standardized Structure Use of a standard WBS that is as detailed as possible, continually refining it as the
for the Estimate maturity of the scope develops and the work becomes more defined. The WBS
elements should ultimately drill down to the lowest level, the work package.

The WBS ensures that no portions of the estimate (and schedule) are omitted or
duplicated. This makes it easier to make comparisons to similar work.

Provision for Identify the confidence level (e.g., 80 percent) needed to establish a successful
planning process. Identify uncertainties and develop an allowance to mitigate cost

DOE G 413.3-21 13

Planning Step Description

Uncertainties and Risk effects of the uncertainties.

Include known costs and allow for historically likely but specifically unknown costs.
(Reference: DOE G 413.3-7A, Risk Management Guide)

Recognition of Ensure that economic escalation is properly and realistically reflected in the cost
Escalation estimate. Escalation is schedule driven, and scheduling assumptions need to be
clearly noted. NOTE: Project teams may use specific rates relative to the site when
available. In any case, the source of escalation information used should be
identified and the applicability of the rates should be explained/justified.

Recognition of Excluded Include all costs associated with the scope of work; if any cost has been excluded,
Costs disclose and include a rationale.

Independent Review of Conducting an independent review of an estimate is crucial to establishing

Estimates confidence in the estimate. The independent reviewer should verify, modify, and
correct an estimate to ensure realism, completeness, and consistency.

Revision of Estimates for Update estimates to reflect changes in the design requirements. Large changes that
Significant Changes affect costs can significantly influence decisions.

Table 4-1. Basic Characteristics of Credible Cost Estimates

4.2 Cost Estimate Classifications

Most cost estimates have common characteristics, regardless of whether the technical scope is
traditional (capital funded, construction, equipment purchases, etc.) or nontraditional (expense
funded, research and development, operations, etc.). The most common characteristics are levels
of definition, requirements (end usage/purpose), and techniques used. These characteristic levels
are generally grouped into cost estimate classifications. Cost estimate classifications may be
used with any type of traditional or nontraditional project or work and may include consideration
of (1) where a project stands in its life cycle, (2) level of definition (amount of information
available), (3) techniques to be used in estimation (e.g., parametric vs. definitive), and/or (4) time
constraints and other estimating variables.

Typically, as a project evolves, it becomes more definitive. Cost estimates depicting evolving
projects or work also become more definitive over time. Determination of cost estimate
classifications helps ensure that the cost estimate quality is appropriately considered.
Classifications may also help determine the appropriate application of contingency, escalation,
use of direct/indirect costs (as determined by cost estimate techniques), etc.

Widely accepted cost estimate classifications are found in the Association for Advancement of
Cost Engineering International (AACEI), Recommended Practice (RP) No. 17R-97 and RP No.
18R-97; see Appendix H). Appendix H includes a complete description of AACEIs
classifications. The five suggested cost estimate classifications are listed in Table 4-2 along with
their primary characteristics. Table 4-3 lists the secondary characteristic and the estimate
14 DOE G 413.3-21

uncertainty range, as a function of the estimate class; that could be used for contingency
evaluations (estimate uncertainty contributes to both cost and schedule contingency) as part of
the risk analysis for the project.8 DOEs cost estimate classifications generally follow these
recommended practices, although historically the more common cost estimate classifications are
order of magnitude, preliminary, and definitive, which approximately equate to the AACEIs
Classes 5, 3 and 1, respectively. Table 4.4 provides an example of the typical suggested types of
cost estimates for each DOE Critical Decision as compared with the AACEI classification.
Figure 4.1 provides an example of the variability in uncertainty ranges for a process industry
estimate versus the level of project/scope definition. (Reference: AACEI RP No. 18R-97)

A project cost estimate may comprise separate estimates of differing classifications. Certain
portions of the design or work scope may be well defined, and therefore warrant more detailed
cost estimating techniques and approaches, while other areas are relatively immature and
therefore appropriately estimated using parametric or other less definitive techniques.

Primary Characteristics
Cost Estimate Level of Definition
Classification (% of Complete Cost Estimating Description (Techniques)
Class 5, Stochastic, most parametric, judgment (parametric,
0% to 2%
Concept Screening specific analogy, expert opinion, trend analysis)
Class 4, Study or Various, more parametric (parametric, specific
1% to 15%
Feasibility analogy, expert opinion, trend analysis)
Class 3, Preliminary, 10% to 40% Various, including combinations (detailed, unit-
Budget Authorization cost, or activity-based; parametric; specific
analogy; expert opinion; trend analysis)
Class 2, Control or Various, more definitive (detailed, unit-cost, or
30% to 70%
Bid/Tender activity-based; expert opinion; learning curve)
Class 1, Check Estimate Deterministic, most definitive (detailed, unit-cost,
50% to 100%
or Bid/Tender or activity-based; expert opinion; learning curve)
Table 4-2. Generic Cost Estimate Classifications and Primary Characteristics

DOE G 413.3-7A, Risk Management Guide, dated January 2011.
DOE G 413.3-21 15

Table 4.3 Cost Estimate Classification for Process Industries

Critical AACEI Estimate

Suggested Estimate
Decision Classification
CD-0 Cost estimate range Class 5
Estimate of costs to be incurred prior to CD-1 Class 3
CD-1 Estimate of near term preliminary design cost Class 3
LCC of likely alternatives that are being
Class 5
TPC range Class 4
CD-2 Single point estimate representing entire project:
Low risk projects Class 3
High risk projects Class 2
Cost estimate based on Final Design [or
CD-3 sufficiently mature to start construction]:
Low risk and final design complete Class 1
Low risk and final design not complete Class 2
High risk (final design or not) Class 2
CD-4 N/A

Table 4.4 Generic Suggested Types of Estimates for DOE Critical Decisions
16 DOE G 413.3-21

Figure 4.1 Example of the Variability in Accuracy/Uncertainty Ranges for a Process

Industry Estimate

As a general rule, particularly for projects that are in the early stages of development, a
combination of estimate classifications must be used to develop the entire estimate. In these
situations, estimators should use a combination of detailed unit cost estimating (Class 1)
techniques for work that will be executed in the near future, preliminary estimating (Class 3)
techniques for work that is currently in the planning stages but less defined, and order of
magnitude estimating (Class 5) techniques for future work that has not been well defined. As a
DOE G 413.3-21 17

project progresses through the Acquisition Management System (initiation, definition, execution,
and transition/closeout phases) and the project development and planning matures, the life-cycle
cost estimate becomes more definitive. This may be referred to as rolling-wave planning,
where detailed planning of future work is done in increments, or waves as the project progresses
through phases.
4.3 Cost Estimate Ranges

The Departments Acquisition Management System includes Critical Decisions (CDs) that
define exit points from one phase of project development and entry into the succeeding project
phase. Prior to CD-2 approval, DOE O 413.3B requires the use of ranges to express project cost
estimates. These ranges should depict TPCs in the early stage, even at CD-0. Ranges may be
determined or based upon various project alternatives, project identified risks, and confidence

LCC estimates that are developed early in a projects life may not be derived from detailed
engineering, but must be sufficiently developed to support budget requests for the remainder of
the project definition phase. In addition, ranges should include all anticipated resources, using
appropriate estimating techniques that are necessary to acquire or meet the identified

During the project definition phase, at the conclusion of the concept exploration process, the
alternative selected as the best solution to a mission need is presented for approval. The solution
presented includes the TPC range, a schedule range with key milestones and events, and annual
funding profiles that are risk-adjusted and define all required resources necessary to successfully
execute the planned work.

The estimate range (lower and upper bounds) as defined in DOE G 413.3-13, U.S. Department of
Energy, Acquisition Strategy Guide for Capital Asset Projects, dated 7-22-08, is determined by
independently assessing the lower and upper cost estimate range for each of the major WBS
elements. In some situations, the range may in part be a function of scope variability; e.g., if a
decision to add five or 10 glove-boxes is pending. The range can also be established by the
project team considering the cost and schedule estimate uncertainties as part of the risk analysis.
A risk analysis is analytical in nature and, although simulation tools aid the analyst in assessing
impact and consequences, no simulation tool can substitute for a thorough logical deterministic
process. The risks are identified by the likelihood of occurrence and the probable impact.

The lower bound of the cost range may represent a scenario where the project team has
determined a low likelihood of occurrence and low impact of the identified risks, and a higher
likelihood of opportunities occurrence. The risks may be accepted; therefore it is not necessary
to include resources to mitigate them.
18 DOE G 413.3-21

The upper bound of the cost range may represent a scenario where the project team has
determined a low likelihood of occurrence, but the impact is significant of the identified impact
risks. The risks will be managed and appropriate resources identified to mitigate each risk.9


Many cost estimating methods/techniques are available to facilitate the cost estimating process.
Depending on project scope, estimate purpose, project maturity, and availability of cost
estimating resources, the estimator may use one, or a combination, of these techniques. As
shown in Table 4.3, as the level of project definition increases, the estimating methodology tends
to progress from conceptual (stochastic/parametric) techniques to deterministic/definitive
techniques. The following sub-sections include techniques that may be employed in developing
cost estimates.

5.1 Detailed Estimating Method

Activity-based, detailed or unit cost estimates are typically the most definitive of the estimating
techniques and use information down to the lowest level of detail available. They are also the
most commonly understood and utilized estimating techniques.

The accuracy of activity-based detailed or unit cost techniques depends on the accuracy of
available information, resources spent to develop the cost estimate and the validity of the bases
of the estimate. A work statement and set of drawings or specifications may be used to identify
activities that make up the project. Nontraditional estimates may use the WBS, team input and
the work statement to identify the activities that make up the work.

Each activity is further decomposed into detailed items so that labor hours, material costs,
equipment costs, and subcontract costs are itemized and quantified. Good estimating practice is
to use a verb as the first word in an activity description. Use of verbs provides a definitive
description and clear communication of the work that is to be accomplished. Subtotaled, the
detailed items comprise the direct costs. Indirect costs, overhead costs, contingencies and
escalation are then added as necessary. The estimate may be revised as known details are
refined. The activity-based detailed or unit cost estimating techniques are used mostly for Class
1 and Class 2 estimates, and they should always be used for proposal or execution estimates.

Activity-based detailed cost estimates imply that activities, tasks, work packages, or planning
packages are well-defined, quantifiable, and are to be monitored, so that performance can be
reported accurately. Quantities should be objective, discrete, and measurable. These quantities
provide the basis for an earned value measurement of the work within the activities and the

A more thorough discussion on the risk management process can be found in DOE G 413.3-7A, Risk Management Guide,
January 2011.
DOE G 413.3-21 19

Advantages in using activity-based detailed or unit cost estimating methods include:

a greater level of confidence

more detail that can be used for better monitoring, change control, etc.
enhanced scope and individual activity definition
detailed quantities to establish more accurate metrics
better resource basis for the schedule

Disadvantages include:
more time needed to develop the estimate
more costly to develop than relationship estimating

5.2 Parametric Estimating Techniques

A parametric model is a useful tool for preparing early conceptual estimates when there is little
technical data or engineering deliverables to provide a basis for using more detailed estimating
methods.10 A parametric estimate comprises cost estimating relationships and other cost
estimating functions that provide logical and repeatable relationships between independent
variables, such as design parameters or physical characteristics and cost, the dependent variable.
Capacity factor and equipment factor are simple examples of parametric estimates; however,
sophisticated parametric models typically involve several independent variables or cost drivers.
Parametric estimating is reliant on the collection and analysis of previous project cost data in
order to develop the cost estimating relationships.

5.2.1 Cost Estimating Relationships

Cost estimating relationships (CERs), also known as cost models, composites, or

assemblies/subassemblies, are developed from historical data for similar systems or
subsystems. A CER is used to estimate a particular cost or price by using an established
relationship with an independent variable. For example, a CER of design hours per drawing
may be applied to the estimated number of drawings to determine total design hours.
Identifying an independent variable (driver) that demonstrates a measurable relationship with
contract cost or price develops a CER. That CER may be mathematically simple in nature
(e.g., a simple ratio), or it may involve a complex equation.

Parametric estimates are commonly used in conceptual and check estimates. A limitation to
the use of CERs is that to be most effective, one must understand completely how the CER was
developed and where and how indirect costs, overhead costs, contingency, and escalation are
applicable. The parametric estimating technique is most appropriate for Class 5, 4, and 3 cost

It is recommended that when using these cost estimating models that they should be verified and validated by recognized
standard industry practices such as the Tri Services Parametric Cost Model Standard .
20 DOE G 413.3-21

estimates. The parametric technique is best used when the design basis has evolved little, but
the overall parameters have been established.

There are several advantages to parametric cost estimating. Among them are:

VersatilityIf the data are available, parametric relationships can be derived at any level
(system, subsystem component, etc.). As the design changes, CERs can be quickly
modified and used to answer what-if questions about design alternatives.
SensitivitySimply varying input parameters and recording the resulting changes in cost
will produce a sensitivity analysis
Statistical outputParametric relationships derived through statistical analysis will
generally have both objective measures of validity (statistical significance of each
estimated coefficient and of the model as a whole) and a calculated standard error that can
be used in risk analysis. This information can be used to provide a confidence level for
the estimate based on the CERs predictive capability.

There are also disadvantages to parametric estimating techniques, including:

Database requirementsThe underlying data must be consistent and reliable. In

addition, it may be time-consuming to normalize the data or to ensure that the data were
normalized correctly. Without understanding how data were normalized, the estimator is
accepting the database on faith, thereby increasing the estimates risk.
CurrencyCERs must represent the state-of-the-art; that is, they must be periodically
updated to capture the most current cost, technical, and programmatic data.
RelevancyUsing data outside the CER range may cause errors because the CER loses
its predictive capability for data outside the development range.
ComplexityComplicated CERs (e.g., non-linear CERs) may be difficult for others to
readily understand the relationship between cost and its independent variables.

5.2.2 End Products Unit Method

The End Products Unit Method is used when enough historical data are available from similar
work based on the capacity of that work. The method does not take into account any economies
of scale, or location or timing of the work.

Consider an example of estimating the construction cost of a parking lot. From a previous
project the total cost was found to be $150,000 for 100 parking stalls, or $1,500/stall. For a new
parking lot of 225 parking stalls, the estimated cost would be $1,500/parking stall x 225 parking
stalls = $337,500.

5.2.3 Physical Dimension Method

The Physical Dimension Method is used when enough historical data is available from similar
work based on the area or volume of that work. This method uses the physical dimension
relationship of existing work data to that of the physical dimensions of similar new work. The
method does not take into account any economies of scale, or location or timing of the work
DOE G 413.3-21 21

To consider the example in section 5.3, the total cost of the previous project was $150,000 for a
3,000 square feet parking lot. The new parking lot is to be 7,000 square feet; therefore,
($150,000/3,000 square feet = $50/ square feet for the previous project so the estimated cost of
the new project is $50/ square feet x 7,000 square feet = $350,000.

5.2.4 Capacity Factor Method

The Capacity Factor Method is used when enough historical data are available from similar work
based on the capacity of that work. The method uses the capacity relationship of existing work
data to that of the capacity of similar new work. It accounts for economies of scale, but not
location or timing of the work.

For example, consider a known power plant that produces 250 MW(t)/hour and costs
$150,000,000 to construct. A new plant will produce 300 MW(t)/hour. From historical data,
0.75 is the appropriate capacity factor.

Using the equation Cost (new) = Cost (known) (Capacity (new)/ Capacity (known)e
Where: e = capacity factor derived from historical data
Cost (new) = $150,000,000 (300/250).75
Cost (new) = $172,000,000 (rounded)

5.2.5 Ratio or Factor Method

The Ratio or Factor Method is used when historical building and component data are available
from similar work. Scaling relationships of existing component costs are used to predict the cost
of similar new work. This method is also known as equipment factor estimating. The method
does not account for any economies of scale, or location or timing of the work.

To illustrate, if a plant that cost $1,000,000 to construct has major equipment that costs
$300,000, then a factor of 3.33 represents the plant cost to equipment cost factor. If a
proposed new plant will have $600,000 of major equipment, then the factor method would
predict that the new plant is estimated to cost $600,000 x 3.33 = $2,000,000.

5.3 Other Estimating Methods

5.3.1 Level of Effort Method

A form of parametric estimating is based on level of effort (LOE). Historically, LOE is used to
determine future repetitive costs based on past cost data, as in, we spent ~$10M on operations
last year, so we need ~$10M next year. Often LOE estimates have few parameters or
performance objectives from which to measure or estimate, but are carried for several time
periods at a similar rate (e.g., the costs of operations, such as X number of operators for Y
amount of time). LOE estimates are normally based on hours, full-time equivalents (FTEs), or
lot. Since they are perceived to have little objective basis, LOE estimates are often subject to
scrutiny. The keys to LOE estimates are that they should generally be based on known scope
22 DOE G 413.3-21

(although quantities may be assumed) and have a basis, even if it is simply the opinion of an
expert or a project team.

Variations on LOE techniques are numerous and should be considered carefully before deciding
to employ a specific technique. For instance, using LOE for installing a piece of equipment may
raise questions about why it does not include the circumstances surrounding the installation
(contamination and security issues and related productivity adjustments). Also questionable in
LOE estimates are indirect costs, overhead costs, profit/fee, and other assumptions.

5.3.2 Specific Analogy Method

Specific analogies use the known cost or schedule of an item as an estimate for a similar item in
a new system. Adjustments are made to known costs to account for differences in relative
complexities of performance, design, and operational characteristics.

A variation of this technique is the review and update technique, where an estimate is
constructed by examining previous estimates of the same or similar projects for logic, scope
completion, assumptions, and other estimating techniques, and then updated to reflect any
pertinent differences. The specific analogy technique is most appropriate in the early stages of a
project; that is, for Class 5 and 3 cost estimates.

There are several advantages to using the analogy method, including:

It can be used before detailed program requirements are known;

If the analogy is strong, the estimate will be defensible;
An analogy can be developed quickly and at minimal cost; and
The tie to historical data is simple enough to be readily understood.

There are, however, also some disadvantages in using analogies, such as:

An analogy relies on a single data point;

It is often difficult to find the detailed cost, technical, and programmatic data required for
analogies; and
There is a tendency to be too subjective about the technical parameter adjustment factors.

The last disadvantage can be better explained through an example. If a cost estimator assumes
that a new component will be 20 percent more complex, but cannot explain why, this adjustment
factor is unacceptable. The complexity must be related to the systems parameters, such as the
new system will have 20 percent more data processing capacity or will weigh 20 percent more.

5.3.3 Expert Opinion Method

As stated in the GAO Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide, expert opinion, also known as
engineering judgment, is commonly applied to fill gaps in a relatively detailed WBS when one or
more experts are the only qualified source of information, particularly in matters of specific
DOE G 413.3-21 23

scientific technology. Expert opinion is an estimating technique whereby specialists are

consulted until a consensus can be established regarding the cost of a program, project,
sub-project, task, or activity. The expert opinion technique is most appropriate in the early
stages of a project, or for Class 5, 4, and 3, cost estimates. These cost estimates document a list
of the experts consulted, their relevant experience, and the basis for their opinions.

A formalized procedure, the Oracle Method, has been used to forecast cost based on expert
opinion. Six or more experts are given a specific, usually quantifiable, question. Each expert
sees the estimates produced by the others and modifies his or her previous estimate until a
consensus is reached. If after four rounds there is no consensus, the original question may be
broken into smaller parts for further rounds of discussion or a moderator may attempt to produce
a final estimate.

This technique may be used for either portions of or entire estimates and activities for which
there is no other sound basis. A limitation arises when a cost estimators or project managers
status as an expert is questioned.

The advantages of using an expert opinion are:

It can be used in the case where there are no historical data available;
The approach takes minimal time and is easy to implement once the experts are
An expert may provide a different perspective or identify facets not previously
considered leading to a better understanding of the program; and
It can be useful as a cross-check for CERs that require data significantly beyond the data

The disadvantages associated with an expert opinion include:

It should be used as a last resort due to its lack of objectivity;

There is always a risk that one expert will try to dominate the discussion and sway the
group toward his/her opinion; and
This approach is not considered very accurate or valid as a primary estimating method.

The bottom line is that, because of its subjectivity and lack of supporting documentation, expert
opinion should be used primarily for confirming that the estimate does not contain elementary
mistakes or invalid assumptions.

5.3.4 Trend Analysis Method

Trend analysis method is an estimating technique for current, in-progress work, and is also used
to explain quantitatively how a project is progressing. It is especially useful when large
quantities of commodities are a significant part of a project, (e.g., mass excavations, mass
concrete placement, structural steel fabrication/installation, etc.) A trend is established using an
efficiency index derived by comparing originally planned costs (or schedules) against actual
costs (or schedules) for work performed to date. For example, a projects actual costs to date,
24 DOE G 413.3-21

divided by the number of units produced provides a measure of current costs per unit. Variations
in this measure from previous periodic trending information can be used to adjust the estimate
for the remaining work, as well as to help project managers with decisions regarding resources
(people, equipment, etc.) and make near term planning adjustments.

The trend analysis technique can be used at almost any stage of project development and can
even be used to update cost estimates developed using other techniques. It should be
remembered, however, that during a long project activity, productivity rates may vary, with less
than optimal productivity occurring as project activity begins, improved productivity developing
until an optimum sustained level can be achieved, and then less than optimal productivity
encountered near the end of the project as problems are resolved and final activities are
completed. Thus trend analysis estimates should consider the current stage and remaining stage
of a project activity carefully before extrapolating current productivity or cost values.

5.3.5 Learning Curve Method

The learning curve is a way to understand the efficiency of producing or delivering large
quantities. Studies have found that people engaged in repetitive tasks will improve their
performance over time, i.e., for large quantities of time and units, labor costs will decrease, per

The aircraft industry first recognized and named the learning curve and successfully used it in
estimating. It can be used most effectively when new procedures are being fielded and where
labor costs are a significant percentage of total unit cost. But it should always be understood that
the learning curve applies only to direct labor input. Materials and overhead will not necessarily
be affected by the learning curve. Figure 5-1 illustrates a hypothetical learning curve.
Units of Production

Average Unit Cost

Figure 5-1. The Learning Curve Method

Typical learning curves start with high labor costs (hours) that decrease rapidly on early
production units, and then flatten as production continues. This exponential relationship between
DOE G 413.3-21 25

labor productivity and cumulative production is expressed in terms of labor reduction resulting
from production increases. For example, a 90-percent learning curve function requires only 90
percent of the labor hours per unit each time production doubles. When a total of 200 units are
produced, labor costs for the second 100 units will be only nine tenths the costs of the first 100.

Increased productivity allows for lower labor costs later in a project, and should result in a lower
overall project cost. Subsequent similar projects should have fewer labor hours for each unit of
production also, which could result in both more contractor profit and lower government contract

No standard reduction rate applies to all programs, and learning curve benefits will vary. When
labor hour reductions of the first units are known, an accurate percentage reduction can be
calculated and extended to subsequent units. If no data exists, it may be risky to assume that
learning curve savings will be experienced.

The learning curve estimating technique can be considered for all traditional and nontraditional
projects. The learning curve is most effective when applied to repetitive activities, and can also
be used to update labor hours calculated in earlier estimates.

5.4 Methods of Estimating Other Life-Cycle Costs

Different methods may be used to estimate other project/program support costs, including
design, engineering, inspections, ES&H, etc. Some common methods are counting drawings and
specifications, FTE, and percentage.

5.4.1 Count Drawings and Specifications Method

The estimator calculates the number of drawings and specifications representing a specific
project. The more complex a project is, the more drawings and specifications it will require
meaning that associated design costs will be higher.

5.4.2 Full-Time Equivalent Method

The number of individuals anticipated to perform specific functions of a project forms the basis.
The man-hour quantity is calculated and multiplied by the cost per labor hour and the duration of
the project function to arrive at the cost.

5.4.3 Percentage Method

The estimator calculates a certain percentage of the direct costs and assigns this amount to the
other project functions (such as design, project management, etc.). Some possible benchmarks
for DOE projects include:

Total design percentages are usually 15-25 percent of estimated construction costs for
DOE projects. Non-traditional, first of a kind projects may be higher, while simple
construction such as buildings will be lower than this range (on the order of 6 percent);
26 DOE G 413.3-21

the more safety and regulatory intervention is involved, the higher the percentage.
Project management costs range from 5 to 15 percent of the other estimated project costs
for most DOE projects, depending on the nature of the project and the scope of what is
covered under project management. The work scope associated with this range should be
defined very specifically and clearly.


6.1 Overview of the Cost Estimating Process

The overall Cost Estimating Process Model followed here was described graphically by Figure
2.1 in Section 2.2. The cost estimating development process discussed in this section follow the
12 steps model recommended by GAO11and are part of the of the circle of iterative activities in
Figure 2.1 for developing the cost estimate. Figure 6-1 depicts the 12 step GAO model. Table
6-1 further identifies the implementing tasks related to the GAO-12 step cost estimating
development process. Systematically conducting these tasks enhances the reliability and validity
of cost estimates. The process is iterative.

DOE G 413.3-21
Figure 6.1. The GAO 12 Steps Cost Estimating Development Process Model


Note: A crosswalk between the GAO 12 Steps and the different sections in this Guide is shown in Appendix J.

28 DOE G 413.3-21

Table 6-1. The GAO Cost Estimating Development Process

Step Description Associated Tasks

1 Define the - Determine the estimates purpose.

Estimates - The level of detail required.
Purpose - Determine who will receive the estimate.
- Identify the overall scope of the estimate.
2 Develop the - Determine the cost estimating team.
Estimating Plan - Outline the cost estimating approach.
- Develop the estimate timeline.
- Determine who will do the independent cost estimate.
- Develop the teams master schedule.
3 Define the Identify the technical and program/project parameters that will bind the cost
Program/Project estimate based on the following information:
Characteristics - The purpose of the project.
of the work - Its system and performance characteristics.
- Any technology implications.
- All system configurations.
- Project acquisition schedule.
- Acquisition strategy.
- Relationship to other existing systems.
- Support (manpower, training, etc.) and security needs.
- Identification of risk items.
- System quantities for development, test and production.
- Deployment and maintenance plans.
- Predecessor or similar legacy systems.
4 Determine the - Define the work breakdown structure (WBS) and define each element in a
Estimating WBS dictionary.
Structure - Choose estimating method best suited for each WBS element.
- Identify potential cross-checks for likely cost and/or schedule drivers.
- Develop a cost estimating checklist.
5 Identify Ground Clearly define what is included and excluded from the estimate. Identify
Rules and global, program, and project specific assumptions such as:
Assumptions - The estimates base year including its time-phasing and life cycle.
- Project schedule information by phase.
- Project acquisition strategy
- Any schedule or budget constraints.
- Inflation assumptions.
- Travel costs.
- Equipment to be furnished by the government.
- Prime and major subcontractors involved.
- Use of existing facilities or new modification / development.
- Technology refresh cycles.
- Technology assumptions and new technology to be developed.
- Commonality with legacy systems and assumed heritage savings.
- Effects of new ways of doing business.
6 Obtain the data - Create a data collection plan with emphasis on collecting current and
relevant technical, programmatic, project, and cost and risk data.
- Investigate possible data sources.
- Collect and normalize data for cost accounting, inflation, learning,
location, quantity, and other adjustments.
- Analyze the data to look for cost drivers, trends, and outliers. Compare
DOE G 413.3-21 29

Step Description Associated Tasks

results against rules of thumb and standard factors derived from historical
- Interview data sources and document all pertinent information including an
assessment of data reliability and accuracy.
- Store the data for future estimates.
7 Develop the - Develop the cost by estimating each WBS element using the best
Point Estimate methodology from the data collected.
- Include all estimating assumptions.
- Express costs in constant year dollars.
- Time-phase the results by spreading costs in the years they are expected to
occur based on the project resources and schedule.
- Sum each of the WBS elements to develop the overall point estimate
- Validate the estimate by reviewing for errors such as double counting and
omitting costs.
- Compare estimate against the independent cost estimate and examine
where and why there are differences.
- Perform cross-checks on cost drivers to see if results are similar.
- Update the estimate as more data becomes available or as changes occur.
Compare results against previous estimates.
8 Conduct - Test the sensitivity of cost elements to changes in estimating input values
Sensitivity and key assumptions.
Analysis - Identify the effects of changing the project schedule, funding profile, or
quantities on the overall estimate.
- Based on this analysis determine which assumptions are key cost drivers
and which cost elements are the most impacted by changes.
9 Conduct a Risk - Determine the level of cost, schedule, and technical risk associated with
and Uncertainty each WBS element and discuss with technical experts.
Analysis - Analyze each risk for its probability of occurrence and impact.
- Develop minimum, most likely, and maximum ranges for each element of
- Use an acceptable statistical analysis methodology (e.g., Monte Carlo
simulation) to develop a confidence interval around the point estimate.
- Determine type of probability distributions and reason for their use.
- Identify the confidence level of the point estimate based on risks that have
already been mitigated.
- Identify the amount of contingency funding and add this to the point
estimate to determine the risk adjusted cost estimate.
- This analysis should be performed by the IPT and reflect the latest
approved project Risk Management Plan.
10 Document the - Document all steps used to develop the estimate so that it can be recreated
Estimate quickly by a cost analyst unfamiliar with the program and produce the
same result.
- Document the purpose of the estimate, the team that prepared it, and who
approved the estimate and on what date.
- Provide a description of the project including the schedule and technical
baseline used to create the estimate.
- Present the time-phased life cycle cost of the program.
- Discuss all ground rules and assumptions.
- Include auditable and traceable data sources for each cost element.
- Document for all data sources how the data was normalized.
- Describe in detail the estimating methodology and rationale used to derive
each WBS elements cost (more detail preferred over too little).
- Describe the results of the risk, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis and
30 DOE G 413.3-21

Step Description Associated Tasks

whether any contingency funds were identified.

- Describe if the contingency and risk analysis was based on mitigated or
unmitigated risks.
- Document how the estimate compares to the funding profile.
- Track how this estimate compares to previous estimates if applicable.
11 Present Estimate - Develop a briefing that presents the documented life cycle cost estimate
to Management for management approval including an explanation of the technical and
for Approval programmatic baseline and any uncertainties.
- Briefing should be detailed enough so the presenter can easily defend the
estimate by showing how it is accurate, complete, and of high quality.
- Focus should be on the largest cost elements and drivers of cost presented
in a logical manner.
- Content should be clear and complete making it easy for those unfamiliar
with the cost estimate to comprehend the competence that underlies the
estimate results.
- Backup slides should be available to answer more probing questions.
- Comparisons to an independent cost estimate should also be made and any
differences explained.
- Feedback from management should be acted upon and documented.
- Cost estimating team should request acceptance of the estimate.
- Include a comparison of the estimates (LCCE and/or ICE) to the budget.
12 Update the - Update estimate to reflect any changes in technical, programmatic, or
Estimate to project assumptions or as the project passes through new phases /
Reflect Actual milestones so that it is always current
Costs and - Replace estimates with EVM EAC and Independent EAC from the
Changes integrated EVM system
- Report progress on meeting cost and schedule estimates
- Perform a post-mortem and document lessons learned for elements whose
actual costs or schedules are different from the estimate
- Document all changes to the program and each affects the cost estimate.
Source: DOD, DOE, NASA, Society of Cost Estimating and Analysis (SCEA), Industry, DHS

6.2 Estimate Planning

Estimate planning (Input in Figure 2.1, Process Model) should include:

Establishing when the estimate is required

Determining who will prepare the estimate
Producing a plan/schedule for estimate completion
Selecting and notifying individuals whose input is required
Collecting scoping documents
Selecting estimating technique
Conducting an estimate kickoff meeting
Visiting the work site

Develop Estimate Purpose StatementThe purpose of the estimate should be stated in

precise, unambiguous terms. The purpose statement should indicate why the estimate is being
prepared and how the estimate is to be used. This should include a description of any relevant
DOE G 413.3-21 31

regulatory or DOE drivers.

Prepare Technical Scope SummaryThe technical scope summary should provide a detailed
description of the work included in the estimate. Additionally, the technical scope should
identify the activities included in the cost estimate as well as relevant activities excluded from
the cost estimate and the rationale for their exclusion.
Determine Approaches to be used to develop the EstimateDevelop the estimate using
techniques and methodologies such as the ones described in Section 5. For example, when
developing a detailed estimate, the following approach could be followed (among others):
Activity-Based EstimatesSection 5.1 describes detailed estimating methodologies
used for preparing activity-based cost estimates. To be activity based, an estimate
activity should have discrete quantifiable units of work associated with it. Examples of
work items that are activity-based include:
o Place 16 CY of concrete
o Produce 12 monthly reports
o Perform 100 surveillances
o Prepare a lesson plan for a course in safe lifting

Level-of-Effort (LOE)Certain activities cannot be associated with quantifiable units

of work. Instead, these activities should be expressed as a defined level of expenditure
over time. Estimates that include LOE activities should be closely scrutinized, and the
use of LOE estimates minimized. Examples of LOE activities include:
o Secretarial support
o Site safety program
o Clerical support

6.3 Cost Estimate Inputs

6.3.1 Sources of Data Input

Since all cost estimating methods are data-driven, it is critical that the estimator know the best
data sources (Input in Figure 2.1, Process Model). Whenever possible, estimators should use
primary data sources. Primary data are obtained from the original source, are considered the best
in quality, and are ultimately the most useful. They are usually traceable to an audited
document. Secondary data are derived, rather than obtained directly from a primary data source.
Since they were derived (and thus changed) from the original data, they may be of lower overall
quality and usefulness. In many cases, data may have been sanitized for a variety of reasons
that may further complicate its use as full details and explanations may not be available. Cost
estimators must understand if and how data were changed before determining if they will be
useful or how that data can be adjusted for use. Furthermore, it is always better to use actual
costs, rather than estimates as data sources since actual costs represent the most accurate data

While secondary data are not the first choice, they may be all that are available. Therefore, the
cost estimator must seek to understand how the data were normalized, what the data represent,
32 DOE G 413.3-21

how old the data are, and whether the data are incomplete. If these questions can be answered,
the secondary data should be useful for estimating and would certainly be helpful for cross-
checking the estimate for reasonableness.

Some specific sources of data are the following:

Estimating ManualsThe construction industry produces numerous costing manuals to assist

in the pricing of work. RS Means and Richardson are two readily available manuals.

Data BasesCommercial and in-house data bases provide the estimator with the ability to
retrieve data to be used for estimating. Commercial data bases are readily available. In-house
data bases more accurately reflect the parameters that influence local costs.

Vendor QuotesVendor quotes provide for a greater confidence of real time accuracy. Use
caution when using vendor quotes. Often the vendors provide quotes with either incomplete or
preliminary information. Other times only one vendor is polled, possibly skewing the
information. In other situations, market conditions may drastically change from the time vendor
quotes were obtained.

Level of Effort DataAs discussed in Section 5.3.1, LOE activities are of a general or
supportive nature usually without a deliverable end product. Such activities do not readily lend
themselves to measurement of discrete accomplishment. LOE is generally characterized by a
uniform rate of activity over a specific period of time. Value is earned at the rate that the effort
is being expended. LOE activities should be kept at a minimum for Class 1 and 2 estimates.

Expert Opinions (Subject Matter Experts)As described in Section 5.3.3, expert opinions
can provide valuable cost information in the early stages of a project, for Class 5, 4, and 3 cost
estimates. The data base should include a list of the experts consulted, their relevant experience,
and the basis for their opinions. If a formalized procedure was used, such as the Oracle Method,
it should be properly documented.

BenchmarkingBenchmarking is a way to establish heuristics, or rules-of-thumb. Benchmarks

may be useful when other means of establishing reasonable estimates are unavailable. An
example of a benchmark is the statistic indicating that design should be 6 percent of construction
cost for non-complex facilities. If construction costs can be calculated (even approximately)
using a parametric technique, design should be approximately 6 percent. Typical benchmarks
include such rules as:

Large equipment installation costs should be X percent of the cost of the equipment
Process piping costs should be Y percent of the process equipment costs
DOE facility work should cost approximately Z percent of current, local, commercial

Team/Individual Judgment DataTeam/Individual judgment data are used when the maturity
of the scope has not been fully developed and/or the ability to compare the work to historical or
published data is difficult. This involves the reliance of information on individuals or team
DOE G 413.3-21 33

members who have experience in the work that is to be estimated. This process may involve
interviewing the person(s) and applying their judgment to assist in the development of the cost
estimate. Because of its subjectivity and usually the lack of supporting documentation,
team/individual judgment should be used sparingly.

Trend Analysis DataAs described in Section 5.3.4, trend analysis can provide data for
comparing the original planned baseline costs (or schedules) and the per unit value against actual
costs (or schedules) and the per unit value for work performed to date. Trend analysis data can
be used at almost any stage of work and can even be used as a basis for cost estimates developed
using other techniques.

The Learning Curve DataAs described in Section 5.3.5, learning curve data are useful for
understanding the efficiency of producing or delivering large quantities. Numerous sources are
available from trade associations and governmental organizations.

6.3.2 Considerations for Cost Estimate Development

When given the task of developing an estimate, an estimator must first gather general project
information, including:

project background,
where the project stands in its life cycle,
general description of the technical scope,
pertinent contract or sub-contract information,
estimate purpose, classification, how the estimate will be used, and techniques
anticipated, and
Approximate time frame for the work to be performed.

Some specific inputs to the cost estimating process include:

Mission Need Statement

Critical Decision approval documents
Acquisition Strategy
Project Execution Plan
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Code of Accounts (COA; also known as account code)
Key Milestone Activities and Proposed Dates
Functional Design Criteria
Functional Performance Requirements
Conceptual Design Report
Preliminary Design
Definitive Design
Risk Analysis and Register
Historical Information and Other Sources of Information, including previous cost
34 DOE G 413.3-21

Results of Alternative and Requirements Analyses
Applicable Resources and Labor Rates
Applicable Indirect Rates
o Estimate ground rules and constraints; e.g., 4 day work-weeks, 10 days of weather
shutdowns per year, site access limitations, acquisition strategies and associated
contractor markups, and all other assumed conditions under which the estimator
believes project work will be performed.
o Assumptions made by the estimator to fill gaps and inconsistencies in the
technical scope, sources of materials, etc.
Estimate Allowances (see
Exclusions (a clearly stated list of excluded items such as furnishings, equipment,
finishes, landscaping, etc.)
Government supplied equipment
Construction and Operations Input

From this information, whether provided by others or developed by the estimator as an

assumption, appropriate estimating techniques may be determined.

6.4 Cost Estimate Production

The principle step in the estimating process is producing the cost estimate and its corresponding
schedule and basis of estimate. It is important that scope development, documentation, and
control be coordinated with the cost estimate production as key iterative processes. Cost
estimate production includes several steps that should be based on requirements, purpose, use,
classification, and technique, including:

Identify the scope of work.

Identify the project, subprojects, milestones, activities, and tasks.
Document all bases of the estimate, assumptions, allowances, risks, etc. during the
estimating process.
Perform quantity takeoffs and field walk-downs.
Develop the detail items or models that make up the activities.
Assign measurable quantities to the detail items or models.
Obtain budgetary or vendor information, conduct market research, or establish other
pertinent sources of information.
Establish productivity rates or perform task analyses.
Calculate all applicable costs, including direct costs, indirect costs, contingency, and
escalation (utilizing the schedule to calculate years for escalation).
Produce all applicable detail and summary reports.
Establish a funding profile utilizing the work breakdown structure and time phasing from
the schedule.
Determine what risks (and to what extent) should be mitigated with activities (or
assumptions) in the cost estimate.
DOE G 413.3-21 35

Consider other inputs, including schedule information, risk management plan, and peer
reviews, as appropriate.

6.4.1 Schedule Development

A project plan and schedule should be developed as a key basis for any cost estimate. By going
through the process of schedule development, the activities needed to execute a project are
clearly identified and appropriately sequenced. This then forms a basis for estimating the
resources and costs needed to accomplish the project plan. That process in turn provides a basis
for estimating activity durations used to construct the schedule. As this process indicates, the
development of schedule and cost estimates is a highly iterative and inter-related process.
However, it is difficult to generate a credible and realistic cost estimate without at least a basic
understanding of the project plan and the activities that comprise the project schedule.

After both the schedule and cost estimates have been developed, the project schedule is also used
to determine a cost estimate over time in order to calculate escalation, identify available
resources, and establish budget requirements. This process can result in further iteration, both to
refine the schedule (to accommodate resource and budget constraints) and to finalize the estimate
(to adjust escalation allowances and other time-based costs, e.g., management staffing).

A projects schedule should not only reflect activities in a cost estimate, but it should also
indicate project milestones, deliverables, and relationships between activities.

6.4.2 Direct Cost Development

Direct Costs include any costs that can be attributed solely to a particular project or activity,
including labor, materials, subcontracts, equipment, salaries, and travel. Emphasis is placed on
the term activity, which typically in standard practice equates to a lowest WBS element, account
code, work package, or planning package.
Commonly recognized direct costs include:

Common construction activities to include mobilization and de-mobilization, site work,

concrete work, masonry work, etc.
Operations labor, materials, equipment, subcontract costs, premium pay, and similar
productivity adjustments, such as those for contamination or security restrictions.
Maintenance labor, materials, equipment, subcontract costs, premium pay, and similar
productivity adjustments, such as those for contamination or security restrictions.
Common routine and preventive maintenance activities include minor facility repairs
and/or upgrades, minor paving or landscaping, etc.
Decontamination, decommissioning, dismantling, and demolition.
Project management
Construction management
Design, development, and start-up
Security escorts and restrictions
Special (capital) and standard (capital or non-capital) equipment
36 DOE G 413.3-21

Freight, packaging, and transportation

Health physics support, radiological controls support, protective clothing/PPE, and
industrial safety/health
Sales and use taxes

Some items that may be included within direct costs as a part of a loaded labor rate include:

Holiday and vacation pay

Payroll taxes and insurance
Fringe benefits or labor burdens
Contract fee/profit Resources and Crews and Quantities

Cost estimators should be familiar with any site or project-specific labor agreements, and if
applicable, reflect these labor agreements in the cost estimate.

Resources include the labor, material, equipment, services, and any other cost items required to
perform a scope of work. One or more resource can be assigned to an activity. A list of the
resources and their associated unit prices needs to be defined before applying resources to

Rates for labor should include wages, taxes, insurance, fringe benefits, overtime, and
shift differential as applicable.

Unit prices for material should include the material price, sales tax, and shipping
costs as applicable.

Equipment may be previously purchased by the Government; the hourly rate in these
cases should only include operation and maintenance costs (not capital cost of
ownership). The Site may have some pre-arranged pool and the equipment rate should
correspond with current pool service rates.

Crews are groupings of the various labor classifications along with the tools and equipment (not
installed equipment) required to accomplish activities. A production rate for each crew is
identified. A crew used to place concrete slabs might include a foreman, laborers, cement
finisher, concrete vibrators, forms, and air compressor. In addition, the crews production rate
should be established (e.g., 110 cubic yards per day).

Estimators should examine the production rate for each crew and make adjustments for
local conditions if necessary. Working with crews, rather than the individual cost
elements, allows the estimator to estimate work activities more quickly.

Quantities are the units of measure and number of units associated with each activity. Each
activity needs to have an identifiable unit of measure and a quantity associated with that
DOE G 413.3-21 37

activity (e.g., 200 tons, 75 linear feet, etc.) For LOE activities, the quantity may be one and
the unit of measure lot. Assigning Resources to Activities

Detailed Work Scope. Once activities have been defined, units of measure identified, and
quantities determined, resources are assigned to each activity. Unit rates are used to assign
resources to estimate activities. The resources assigned should correspond with the resources
that will be used to complete the work. Such distinctions are especially important when detailed
schedules are required, but less important for Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) or Conceptual
Estimates. Unit rates can be expressed as dollars per unit, labor hours per unit, or a percentage
of an associated cost.

Direct Labor. Unit rates expressed as labor hours per unit require that the type of labor
(carpenter, engineer, secretary, etc.) be identified by associating a labor type or a crew with each
unit rate. A crew is defined by the various labor types that make up the crew. Each labor type
has a corresponding wage rate to allow calculation of cost in dollars. The wage rates for each
labor type includes the base rate, taxes and insurance, fringe benefits, travel or subsistence, and
adjustment for overtime, if required.

Percentages. Some activities may use percentages to assign resources. The appropriateness of
using percentages for such items as project management and construction management will
depend on the level of maturity in the work scope definition. Examples of cost items where
percentages are often used include:

Plan of the day (POD) meetings

Small tools
Consumable materials
Labor insurance
Project management
Construction management

Regardless of the method used to assign resources to an activity, the following is true for each
activity; all costs are identified, labor hours, when applicable, are identified, and labor type for
all labor hours is identified.

Summary Work Scope. When details of the work scope are not known, the work scope may be
estimated by using the analogy technique or the parametric technique. These techniques may use
unit rates expressed as dollars per unit, labor hours per unit, or percentages.

Costs Included in Unit Rate. All costs should be fully burdened. A description of what is
included in the burdened rate should be included because the definition of fully burdened
frequently varies.

Unit Rate Adjustments. The development and/or use of estimating factors to adjust unit rates
require the skills of an experienced cost estimator. Such adjustments allow use of a database
38 DOE G 413.3-21

with known productivity or costs, which are then adjusted to reflect the project specific activities
and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Situations that might affect
productivity include type of work, weather conditions, level of confinement, security posture,
Examples of estimating factors (or unit rate adjustments):
Add 25 percent to labor for work in radiation zones.
Reduce labor for shop work by 20 percent.
Add 20 percent to labor for work requiring use of a respirator.

Estimating factors are available from published sources or estimators can develop them. For
example, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Productivity Study for Hazardous, Toxic and
Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Remedial Action Projects, dated October 1994, provides suggested
labor productivity adjustment factors considering levels of worker protection and temperature. Allowances

In planning projects, it is normal to include allowances for activities for which there is little or no
design basis, especially in the earliest stages. These are not considered contingency costs.
Allowances should be included at the discretion of the Federal Project Director, project manager,
and IPT to cover anticipated costs associated with a known technical requirement or activity.
Any allowances included in cost estimates should include a basis for these costs within the
supporting Basis of Estimate (BOE) document.

For instance, in a Class 5 cost estimate (order of magnitude), it would be appropriate to see a line
item (cost account or activity) such as utility relocation, 1 lot, $1M material and $1M labor,
indicating that some utilities needed to be relocated as part of this project. Documentation
supporting these costs should include approximate quantities, basis for those quantities, and
source of the projected costs (e.g., consensus of the project team) proportional to the significance
of the activity. Allowances also may be included in a project to cover costs associated with
productivity adjustments, anticipated subcontract changes, anticipated design changes, and
similar elements of known scope and costs. Allowances for Special Conditions

Consideration must be given to all factors that affect a project or program. Some of these factors
Availability of skilled and experienced manpower and its productivity
The need for overtime work
The anticipated weather conditions during the period of performance
Work in congested areas
Working under the authorization basis
Work in radiation areas
Security requirements imposed on the work area
Use of respirators and special clothing
DOE G 413.3-21 39

Site access

Special conditions may be estimated by applying a factor. For example, 10 percent applied to
labor hours for loss of productivity due to work in a congested area. Other items may be
calculated by performing a detailed takeoff. An example would be an activity that could only be
performed over a 2-days period. Overtime would be required to complete the activity and the
number of hours and rates could be calculated.

An estimator should be vigilant that there is no duplication of costsfor example, if the control
account manager who provided the cost data to the estimator already included unit rate
adjustments such as productivity factors, additional allowances for productivity should not be
included or the cost estimate may be inflated. All allowances applied or used to develop the cost
estimate should be documented in the Basis of Estimate (BOE). Design Costs

To estimate design costs, the estimator should understand what activities are included. Table 6-2
lists typical design-related activities.

Design-Related Activities
Preliminary and final design Surveys (surveying), Design studies required to
calculations and analyses topographic services, core support safety analysis if not
borings, soil analyses, etc., to included in the Conceptual
support design Design Report
Preparation of as-built drawings Travel to support design Acceptance procedures
Outline specifications Reproduction during design Design Reviews (not third party)
Construction cost estimates Design kickoff meeting Certified engineering reports
Computer-Aided Drafting and Constructability reviews Bid package preparation
computer services
A/E internal design coordination Safety reviews by A/E Bid evaluation/opening/ award
Design cost and schedule analyses Value engineering Inspection planning
and control
Design progress reporting Identification of long lead Inspection services
Regulatory/code overview by A/E Design change control Review shop drawings
Procurement and construction Modification of existing safety Preliminary and final plans and
specifications analysis report drawings

Table 6-2 Typical Design-Related Activities

Design costs are normally directly related to the magnitude and complexity of a project. Table
6-3 lists factors that should be considered when assessing design costs for the design-related
activities due to the magnitude and complexity of a particular project.
40 DOE G 413.3-21

Factors Impacting Design Costs

Comprehensive functional requirements Off-site architecture/engineering
Quality level Overtime
Design planning Adequacy of plans and specifications
Design layout Off-site fabrications
Drafting and CADD methodologies Travel and per diem
Project reviews Guidelines
Design reviews Performance specification
Safety analysis requirements Cost estimating Activities
Reporting requirements Inspection Requirements
Government furnished equipment Schedule Analysis
Complexity Labor density

Table 6-3 Factors Impacting Design Costs

All factors in Table 6-3 bear upon the cost of a project design phase.

For EM projects, the regulatory process requires rigorous examination of design alternatives
before the start of cleanup design, especially for remedial investigation/feasibility studies under
CERCLA to support a record of decision (ROD) or for corrective measure studies under RCRA
to support issuance of a permit. Cleanup design executes a design based on the method
identified in the ROD or permit, which often narrows the scope of preliminary design and
reduces the cost and schedule requirements.

On EM projects, the estimator should assess the extent to which design development is
required or allowed in cleanup design. In some cases, the ROD or permit will be specific,
such as for a disposal facility where all features such as liner systems and configuration, are
fixed. When treatment options such as incineration are recommended, considerable design
effort may be required.

Requirements for construction engineering, including observation, design of temporary

facilities, quality control, testing, and documentation, will often be higher than for
conventional construction because of requirements to comply with rigid regulations
governing health and safety, quality assurance and other project requirements. Construction Management Costs

A construction management (CM) firm, whether in the form or a subcontractor or as a

function of an M&O contractor, is responsible for construction activities, including
coordination between prime contractors and subcontractors. This responsibility includes
subcontracting, purchasing, scheduling, and often a limited amount of actual construction.
The cost estimate for this function must include all CM costs for site management and force
account labor wages, payroll taxes, overheads, and procurements for which the CM is
DOE G 413.3-21 41

responsible. Project Management Costs

The estimates for project and program management must consider project duration from start
of preliminary design through completion of the construction for the project. Other factors to
consider are the complexity of the project, the specific design group, the organization for
which the project is to be performed, and the extent of procured items. The encompassed
functions include:

management and integration

program/project management
administrative services
peer review
records management
information resources management
project controls
quality assurance
travel by management staff

Management functions associated with environmental restoration projects parallel

construction project management. Construction Coordination Costs

Construction coordination comprises field engineering services, sometimes called Title III
Engineering services or Engineering Support during Construction. Field engineers should
be involved in the review of the design documents, as well as in the coordination of field
construction and resolution of design conflicts encountered during the construction phase.
Other responsibilities may include furnishing and maintaining governing lines and
benchmarks to provide horizontal and vertical controls to which construction may be
referred; checking and approving or requiring revision to all vendor shop drawings to assure
conformity with the approved design, working drawings and specifications; inspecting the
execution of construction to assure conformance with approved drawings and specifications,
and with established requirements for workmanship, materials and equipment; and providing
field or laboratory tests of construction workmanship, materials and equipment as may be
required. Research and Development (R&D) Costs

Traditionally, cost estimating involves the use of historical cost data to correlate and validate
existing estimating methodologies. Historical cost data lend some accuracy and credibility to a
42 DOE G 413.3-21

cost estimate. When a cost estimate is required for new, innovative, state-of-the-art, first-, or
one-of-a-kind projects, historical data are not always available.

For these projects, knowledge of the processes involved should help the cost estimator to prepare
an accurate and credible cost estimate. In the absence of accurate cost information, process
knowledge can focus the estimator toward parts of the project that are significant contributors to
overall project cost.

Personnel CostsPersonnel costs are usually the largest R&D expense. R&D personnel are
often well-educated and may have a correspondingly higher pay scale than personnel for
conventional projects. Personnel resources include those needed to construct R&D facilities;
purchase supplies, materials, and equipment; operate equipment, prototypes, pilot plants or
laboratories; develop software; information technology operations; and other labor functions
needed to complete R&D efforts.

Equipment CostsEquipment costs for R&D projects can be divided into hardware (for
prototypes and pilot plants as well as other activities) and software costs (including computer
models discussed below). Hardware includes machinery, computers, and other technical
equipment. Equipment costs increase with increasing project complexity and a lengthy testing
and verification phase may be required. Vendor quotes can sometimes be obtained to support
early-stage cost estimates, but expert opinion is often the only recourse to obtain Class 5 cost
estimates for equipment with no precedent.

Prototypes and Pilot PlantsIn some instances, it will be cost effective to develop a prototype
or a pilot plant for an R&D project. A cost estimate for a prototype or a pilot plant will have to
account for the following major items:

Procurement and/or construction of the equipment or plant

Operation of the equipment, including necessary utilities
Development of test criteria for plant studies
Analysis of test results
Computer simulation of plant processes
Supplies and materials used for testing

The cost estimate may also need to include costs for project management and other personnel
during the pilot plant study or prototype testing.

Scaled and Computer ModelsScaled or computer-generated 3D models may need to be

created for some projects. For example, if the project goal is to construct a new incinerator for
mixed waste, site-specific air-dispersion modeling may be required to demonstrate that emissions
from the incinerator will not have an adverse impact on public health or the environment.

Groundwater modeling may be required for some remediation sites (e.g., groundwater
contamination has been found at a site, and several technologies are being proposed). Modeling
can be used to select the best technology or determine the optimum locations for equipment.
Some models can be quite complex and require specialized technical expertise.
DOE G 413.3-21 43

R&D Disposition Finally, it is important to consider the cost of disposing of all equipment,
chemicals, products, materials, facilities, etc., used during the R&D phase. The assumption that
another project will pay for the cleanup of an experiment, bench-scale demonstration or even a
pilot scale facility has often resulted in low initial government life-cycle estimates. The initial
government life-cycle estimate should consider the R&D disposition estimate attributable to the
project or share of the R&D disposition estimate when attributable to multiple projects. Regulatory Costs

Environmental, safety and health (ES&H) regulatory compliance is required for all projects thus,
an estimate should contain sufficient provisions for ES&H compliance costs. Regulatory costs
should include the cost of coordination and negotiation with regulators, documentation costs, site
characterization analysis, stakeholder meetings and other related activities.
For Government projects, the facility must satisfy all Federal, state, and local requirements (i.e.,
building permits, energy conservation and the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) requirements, waste disposal, wastewater effluent disposal, and air emission limitations)
imposed by the other agencies. Regulations are even more stringent for facilities that process or
store radioactive materials. Construction sites must follow Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) rules.
Familiarity with applicable regulations is required so that a plan may be developed for the
project to comply with those regulations.

Environmental Compliance Costs

The number and requirements of environmental regulations have increased dramatically in the
past 30 years. When preparing cost estimates for environmental compliance activities, the
following should be considered.

type of project
project location
waste generation
effluent characteristics
air emissions
noise requirements
project start-up or completion date

Location is significant to project cost when a wetlands area will be disturbed, or the project is
located in an area with extensive environmental regulations (e.g., California). Increased
environmental compliance costs should be factored into projects in such locations.

Knowledgeable design staff and personnel familiar with environmental regulations that will
affect the project should be consulted when composing an estimate. Knowledge of wastes or
air emissions generated during the project will facilitate the identification of environmental
compliance design requirements and subsequent costs. For example, wastewater treatment
44 DOE G 413.3-21

may be required prior to effluent discharge into a stream or publicly owned treatment works.
Air pollution control devices may be required for process equipment. Permitting costs could

labor for data gathering

equipment for testing
analytical tests
data analysis and writing or completing documents
time for interface with project personnel and outside consultants
time for interaction and negotiation with regulator and stakeholders
application and/or permit fees
annual permitting costs
upgrades to existing equipment
new pollution control equipment

Once a plan for regulatory compliance has been established, the regulatory costs can be
estimated. This will establish a baseline for the regulatory costs such that changes that affect the
baseline can be tracked and estimated throughout the projects life.

For some projects, a permit is required before work can commence. For example, construction
projects that will disturb more than 5 acres are required to obtain a storm water permit before
commencing construction. Project scheduling can be affected if operating permits are not
received in a timely manner. Facilities may be shut down for violations of operating permits or
failure to comply with existing regulations. The time required for regulatory review of the
permit application also must be factored into the cost estimate.

Health and Safety Compliance Costs

Employee health and safety regulations have also increased. As allowable limits for worker
exposure decrease, design cost estimates must account for specific engineering controls to
minimize employee exposures to toxic or hazardous substances in the workplace, especially
for facilities with radioactive materials. Planning for environmental controls is essential
because retrofit costs can exceed original installment costs. State-of-the-art, high-
technology facilities may require initial employee exposure monitoring if unknown factors
are encountered. Protective equipment must also be supplied and maintained for the

Past experience with increased regulatory rigor within DOE has shown that the costs
associated with employee workspace controls, including industrial hygiene monitoring, is
the most significant cost factor in a rigorous health and safety program. The trend will
probably continue. Health and safety compliance issues may involve strict health and
safety requirements, including routine medical surveillance, preparation of health and safety
plans, and employee training. Employees may not be able to work 8 hours per day if daily
personnel and equipment decontamination is mandatory.
DOE G 413.3-21 45

Other Regulatory Costs

In addition to the costs described above, there are QA, security, and other ES&H
requirements that the project must consider.

6.4.3 Indirect Costs

Indirect costs are incurred by an organization for common or joint objectives that cannot be
specifically identified with a particular activity or project. Indirect costs are those resources that
need to be expended to support the activity or asset but that are also associated with other
activities and assets. In other words, indirect costs are Any costs not directly identified with a
single final cost objective but identified with two or final cost objectives. Consequently,
allocate indirect costs to an activity or asset based upon some direct cost element, such as labor
hours, material cost or both (see Section

Some typical indirect costs are:

facilities, operating equipment, small tools, and general maintenance;

temporary facilities (e.g., water, compressed air, and power);
motor pool, camp, and aircraft operations;
warehousing, transfer, and relocation;
safety, medical, fire protection, and first aid;
administration, accounting, procurement, and legal;
personnel expenses, office supplies, and time reporting
site-wide permits and licenses;
contributions to welfare plans and signup/termination pay; and
contract fee/profit, bond costs (performance and material payment).

NOTE: not doublebonds
count costs
For example, ifand
acquisitions personnel are costed with
material payment).
the pilot plant activity ensure that this person is not also included as part of Indirect Costs. Indirect Rates

The development of indirect rates is usually the responsibility of both the financial accounting
organization and the cost estimator. Indirect rates should be developed in accordance with Cost
Accounting Standards. The financial accounting organization determines rates for organizational
overheads and general and administrative (G&A) cost, while the cost estimator usually estimates
rates for project management, construction management, and subcontract costs. The estimator,
however, should clearly understand how to allocate all indirect rates in the estimate to avoid
duplication or omission, as well as document what is included in the indirect rates.

Indirect rates for work to be performed by contractors should be developed by the contractor for
review and approval by DOE. Backup information that clearly describes how the indirect rates
46 DOE G 413.3-21

were developed should be provided to DOE and maintained by the contractor. Indirect rates
should be evaluated and revised on a periodic basis as necessary.

Indirect rates estimated for subcontract work such as Architect/Engineer services, construction,
and remedial actions should be estimated and documented at a level of detail appropriate to the
type of cost estimate being prepared. There is no uniform standard for establishing indirect
rates; a typical method for applying indirect rates calculates indirect costs as a percentage of a
category of work. For example, quality control inspection could be estimated as 6 per cent of
direct craft labor, consumable materials at 6 per cent of direct craft labor, and administrative
support for engineering at 38 per cent of direct engineering, etc.

The basis for applying individual indirect rates will vary greatly depending on the specific
costs included in the rate. Allowances for small tools or consumable materials would
typically use the direct labor cost of the appropriate construction craft, operations or
maintenance activities as its base. General and administrative cost is usually estimated using
the sum of all direct and indirect costs for the specific items of work as its base. Indirect rates
should be documented in detail so that what is included (and excluded) in each rate is clear.
A separate line item in the estimate should exist for each rate used.

6.4.4 Escalation

Escalation costs change continuously following changes in: such as technology, availability of
resources, and value of money (e.g., inflation).

Historical cost indices and forecast escalation indices have been developed to document and
forecast changing costs. The use of an established escalation index is required to consistently
forecast future project costs. To ensure proper use of an index, estimators must understand its
bases and method of development.

Escalation is the provision in a cost estimate for increases in the cost of equipment, material,
labor affected by continuing price changes over time. Escalation may be: forecasted, to estimate
the future cost of a project based on current year costs; or historical, to convert a known
historical cost to the present.

Although the forecasted and historical escalation rates may be used in succession, most cost
estimating is done in current dollars and then escalated to the time when the project will be
executed. This section discusses the use and calculation of escalation and historical cost indices.
An example of the calculation and use of escalation can be found in Appendix F. Forecasted Escalation Rates

Forecasted escalation rates may be obtained from commercial forecasting services, such as
Global Insight, which supplies its most current predictions using an econometric model of the
United States economy. The forecast escalation index is the ratio of the future value to the
current value expressed as a decimal.
DOE G 413.3-21 47

Forecasted escalation rates are simply the percentage change from one year to the next, typically
prepared for various groups, utilizing different sources of data. Because larger projects extend
over several years, it is necessary to have a method for predicting budgets that must be made
available in the future. This is where forecasted escalation rates are used. The current year cost
estimate is divided into components and then multiplied by the appropriate escalation rate to
produce an estimate of the future cost of the component. The future costs of these components
are then summed to give the total cost of the project.

To properly apply escalation, the following data are required:

reference date the estimate was prepared and base date of costs:
escalation index, or cumulative rates, to be used (including issue date and index); and
schedule, with start and completion dates of scheduled activities

Escalation could be applied for the period from the date the estimate was prepared to the
midpoint of the performance schedule or the activity being escalated. There are many other
more detailed methods of calculating escalation, but care should be taken not to make this
calculation too complex. Remember, someone external to the project may need to review this
calculation. Regardless of the method used, the process should be well-documented.

Which comes first, contingency or escalation? If a project includes a contingency that is

based on risks, and those risks have associated costs, this may imply use of the same base-year
dollars. And generally, performance periods can be associated with those risks within
components, so, escalation may be applied to contingency. However, if contingency is not easily
discernable by WBS element (or cost elements) or cannot be associated with a time period, it
may not be appropriate to escalate contingency. Also, the accuracy of an escalation forecast can
also be considered a risk, with appropriate cost impacts that are then included in contingency
allowances. The cost estimate should ultimately represent total escalated costs, or then-year
dollars. Historical Escalation

Generally, historical escalation is generally easily evaluated. For example, the cost of concrete
increased between 1981 and 2002. The ratio of the two costs expressed as a percentage is the
historical escalation rate, or expressed as a decimal number is the historical cost index. Several
commercial historical cost indices are available.

To properly apply a historical cost index to make price more current, the following data are

The prior cost or price, with a reference date, such as an actual price for a known project
or a component. This cost or price may include direct material and/or labor cost, and it
should be known to what extent indirect costs (sales taxes, freight, labor burden, etc.),
overheads, and profit were included.
An applicable historical cost index.
48 DOE G 413.3-21
5-9-2011 Escalation Calculations

Most costs are estimated in current dollars and then escalated to the time when the work is
expected to be performed. The escalation rates are used for developing project performance
baselines. Rates should be evaluated for global, regional, and local conditions; should have a
maximum period of 1 year; and should be clearly documented including the basis.
The following are some suggested sources of major indices and escalation (recognized by
industry best practices).

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Inflation & Prices,
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Contract Escalation,
Engineering News Record, Economics,
RSMeans, Cost Books,
RSMeans, Market Analytics,
The Richardson Construction Estimating Standards,
IHS Global Insight,

6.4.5 Contingency

This section is compatible with the guidance provided in DOE G 413.3-7A, Risk Management
Guide, dated January 2011, for the consistent use and development of Contingency and
Management Reserve (MR) in capital asset projects cost estimates. Contingency and MR are
project cost elements directly related to project risks and are an integral part of project cost
estimates. For further detailed guidance and examples of calculations refer to DOE G 413.3-7A.

The specific confidence level (CL) used to develop a project performance baseline estimate is
determined by the projects FPD/IPT and approved by the Acquisition Executive. The project
confidence level should be based on but not limited to the project risk assumptions, project
complexity, project size, and project criticality. At a minimum, it is recommended that project
performance baselines should be estimated, budgeted, and funded to provide a CL range of 70 -
90 percent for DOE capital asset projects. FPDs should confirm with their program sponsor
whether additional guidance is to be provided. The CL for Major Items of Equipment may be
significantly different from the construction of conventional facilities that will house the
equipment. If a project has an approved performance baseline change, the FPD should consider
reanalyzing the risks at a higher CL for budgetary requests and funding profiles to ensure project

The DOE G 413.3-7A defines four categories of contingency, each of which is briefly described
DOE contingency budget is identified as funded contingency for use by the FPD.
Contingency is the risk based, quantitatively derived portion of the project budget that is
available for managing risks within the DOE performance baseline. At a minimum, it is
DOE G 413.3-21 49

recommended that DOE capital asset project costs should be estimated to provide a CL
range of 70 - 90 percent.
DOE schedule contingency is the risk-based, quantitatively derived portion of the overall
project schedule duration that is estimated to allow for the time-related risk impacts and
other time-related project uncertainties. It is recommended that project schedule
contingency should be estimated to provide a CL range of 70 - 90 percent.
Contractor MR budget is the risk-based quantitatively derived portion of the contract
budget base (CBB) that is set aside for management purposes to handle risks that are
within the contractors contractual obligations. Once the CBB has been established, it is
allocated to MR and the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB). The MR is not
intended to justify a post contract increase to the CBB. MR is maintained separately
from the PMB and is utilized through the contractors change control process. MR is not
used to resolve past variances (positive or negative) resulting from poor contractor
performance or to address issues that are beyond the scope of the contract requirements.
Use of MR should follow EVMS rules as per ANSI/EIA-748A.
Contractor schedule reserve is the risk-based quantitatively derived portion of the overall
contract schedule duration estimated to allow the contractor time to manage the time-
related impacts of contractor execution risks and other contractor duration uncertainties
within the contract period. Contractor schedule reserve does not add time or schedule
duration to the contracted end date.

The quantitative method used to analyze project contingency and MR should consist of objective
analysis of cost and schedule estimate uncertainties and discrete project risks. The analysis
should aggregate the probability and consequences of individual risks, and cost and schedule
uncertainties to provide an estimate of the potential project costs.

The quantitative risk analysis determines a risk-based project budget and completion date using
statistical modeling techniques such as Monte Carlo, Quasi-Monte Carlo, sensitivity simulations,
and other stochastic methodologies depending upon the project data.

While the Monte Carlo simulation is one standard used by DOE, alternate forms of quantitative
analysis may be used. Other recognized forms of quantitative analysis include: decision trees,
influence diagrams, system dynamics models, and neural networks. Figures 6-4 and 6-5 show
the typical components of the DOE project performance baseline.
50 DOE G 413.3-21

Figure 6-4. Total Project Cost Composition. Note: CL = Recommended Confidence Level

Figure 6-5. DOE and Contractor Budget Baseline Quantitative Contingency Analysis

DOE O 413.3B requires that DOE project estimates be developed based on qualitative and
quantitative analysis of project risks and other uncertainties. The DOE qualitative and
quantitative analysis process begins in the projects planning stage with the identification of
project risks during the initial project planning phase prior to the first CD point (approval of
mission need). After CD-0, project development and planning documentation are prepared that
DOE G 413.3-21 51

includes the initial Risk Management Plan (RMP). During this phase of the project,
development of the project risk register is initiated with the identification of potential project
risks and enabling assumptions.

At CD-1, the baseline scope is refined enough to develop a preliminary baseline cost range and
schedule. The RMP continues to evolve as the project scope is refined, new risks are added to
the risk register and existing risks are re-examined and the project knowledge base increases.
In preparation for the CD-2, the performance baseline estimate is refined to include costs to be
incurred in executing the risk handling strategies. The baseline estimate is also evaluated, and
adequate contingency allowance incorporated, to determine the project budget needed to provide
an appropriate CL so that the project execution will be successful as defined in DOE O 413.3B.

This document assumes Monte Carlo methodologies will be used to develop the cost and
schedule baselines. The diverse and unique nature of DOE projects characterized by an
assortment of distinct technologies, physical locations, project duration, and project size has a
significant impact on the risk profile that makes it impossible to establish a prescriptive
procedure or single quantitative risk model for determining a projects contingency needs.
Consequently, only a basic framework is used to outline considerations essential in the
development of DOE contingencies. Cost and Schedule Risk Models

Contingency risk models are used to evaluate the probability and effects of risk impacts, and
estimate uncertainties on project cost and schedule performance baselines. The results of the risk
analysis are used to establish the cost and schedule contingency needed to provide a suitable
confidence level for DOE project success. The analyses may use one or more risk models to
evaluate the cost impacts and the associated schedule impacts.

For each risk, a percent or percentage distribution is assigned to the probability (the likelihood of
the risk occurring), a dollar value or dollar value distribution is assigned to the cost impact, and a
schedule duration impact or schedule duration distribution is assigned to the affected activity in
the schedule.

In general the concept is implemented as:

EV = PRi x CIRi (or SIRi)

Where: EV = Expected Value of cost impact (or duration impact) of all risks
PRi = Probability distribution function of a risk occurring
CIRi = Cost Impact distribution function of a risk occurrence
SIRi = Schedule Impact distribution function of a risk occurrence.

[Note: is not the summation of individual expected values for each risk, but represents a
stochastic process (e.g., Monte Carlo simulation) using the collective probabilities and
cost/schedule impacts for all identified risk events.]

Figure 6-6 is a sample from a DOE construction project risk register showing the residual risk
52 DOE G 413.3-21

data elements used for modeling the probability of occurrence (probability percentage) and the
triangular distribution representing a three-point estimate of the anticipated range of cost and
schedule impacts (the assumption in this example is of a triangular distribution of cost and
schedule impacts; other distributions can be used, such as step, rectangular, etc.).

Residual Risk

Risk # Owner Risk Description Risk Probability Cost Impacts ($) Schedule Impacts (Days)
Likelihood Consequence
Score/Rank (%) Best Case Most Likely Worst Case Best Case Most Likely Worst Case
Nonperformance of contract to
provide shielded overpack
T47 Federal Unlikely Significant Moderate 40 850,000 3,000,000 6,000,000 0 0 0
containers leads to project delays
and cost.
Overnight organizations interpret
requirements different than
T52 Federal Likely Significant Moderate 60 -- 3,000,000 6,000,000 0 30 90
implementation, leading to cost and
schedule impacts.

Failure of crane results in delayed

T12 Contractor removal of canisters, impacting Unlikely Marginal Low 40 100,000 200,000 1,400,000 1 2 14

Calibration services are unavilable

T61 Contractor Very Unlikely Marginal Low 10 100,000 410,000 715,000 1 4 7
causing shut down of operations.

Hot cell cannot be designed to meet

T266 Contractor active ventilation strategy increasing Very Unlikely Critical Moderate 10 3,200,000 7,000,000 20,000,000 30 60 150
design and construction costs.

Figure 6.6. Sample Risk Register

DOE G 413.3-21 53

The results of Monte Carlo analyses are generally summarized by a probability distribution
function (PDF) and a cumulative distribution function (CDF), as shown in Figure 6-7. The PDF
represents the distribution of the analytical model outcomes. As an example, the Monte Carlo
analysis may be designed to estimate the cost or duration of a project. The PDF represents the
number of times a certain cost or duration is achieved. The CDF is a statistical function based on
the accumulation of the probabilistic likelihoods of the analytical analysis. In the case of the
DOE risk analysis, it represents the likelihood that at a given probability the project cost or
duration will be at or below a given value. As an example, the x-axis might represent the range
of potential project cost values evaluated by the Monte Carlo simulation, and the y-axis
represents the projects probability of success.

PDF Curve
100 %
95 %
305 90 %
85 %
80 % 800
75 %
Frequency of Occurrence

Cumulative Probability
CDF Curve 70 %
65 %
60 %
183 55 %
50 % 600
45 %
40 %
122 35 %
30 %
25 %
61 20 % 500
15 %
10 %
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

Contractor Budget Base

Figure 6-7. Sample PDF and CDF Curves

An advantage of an integrated cost and schedule risk model is the ability to capture schedule-
related costs impacts, such as LOE support activities that increase project costs as schedule-
related risk impacts delay or extend work efforts. Ideally, the integrated risk model is based on a
life-cycle resource-loaded critical path schedule to which cost and schedule risks and cost and
schedule uncertainties are applied. Integrated risk models increase the flexibility of the risk
analysis and reduce the amount of manual coordination needed to model cost and schedule risk

Project risks and the associated cost and schedule impacts are the primary inputs to the risk
model and are maintained within the projects risk register. Figure 6-8 depicts a conceptual risk
model showing typical inputs and outputs.
54 DOE G 413.3-21

Figure 6-8. Conceptual Risk Analysis Process

An important consideration when identifying project risks is the careful analysis of the
assumptions upon which the cost estimate and schedule are predicated. Each assumption made
by the estimator, scheduler, or the project team should be analyzed by the IPT to determine if
there is a risk (threat or opportunity) that the assumption may not be valid or representative of
the actual conditions realized during project execution. In such cases, the probability of
alternative situations should be assessed and the impacts of those situations occurring should be
quantified and analyzed. These impacts can be an important element in both the cost and
schedule risk models and the determination of cost and schedule contingency allowances
appropriate for the project.

For example, if the estimate is based upon an assumption of full and open competition for the
construction contract, with a suitably large number of bidders, and with incentive clauses built
into the contract for schedule completion, it is likely that there will be fairly low contractor
markups included in that estimate for the contractors overhead and profit adders. If the actual
bidding documents then require a small business award, and even include a liquidated damages
clause for missing schedule milestones (rather than incentives), the actual contractor markups
will most likely be significantly higher than had been estimated. In such a case, the baseline will
not be adequate unless appropriate cost and schedule contingency allowances had been included
because the threat of this alternative approach had been identified and modeled.

It should also be noted that Monte Carlo simulations are based on estimates of probability of
occurrence and estimated impacts when risk events do occur. As such, the quality of the output
is dependent on the quality and accuracy of these inputs. Inaccurate estimates of either
probability or impact will lead to erroneous project probability outputs and misstatement of
needed contingency allowances and/or CL.

Another issue that can lead to poor Monte Carlo analysis results is a failure to identify significant
project risks. Only if all significant risks are identified and properly evaluated can the Monte
Carlo model be expected to provide realistic forecasts of project outcomes and the contingency
allowances needed to achieve the desired CL.
DOE G 413.3-21 55
5-9-2011 Cost Risk Model

DOE capital asset projects should be estimated to provide a CL which is adequate to support
project success and reflects evaluation of all project risks, with reasonable estimates of cost and
schedule impacts. Risk models should include all risks (DOE, contractor and subcontractor
assumed risks). The risk cost model should provide an estimate of the performance baseline with
a CL range of 70 - 90 percent for success (recommended), which includes the contractors CBB,
profit/fee, and government contingency and other direct costs. The contractor MR is determined
by the contractor and represents the amount of the CBB that will be used for project management
purposes for accomplishing the work scope within the contractors PMB.

When developing risk models, care should be exercised to assure the risk models are developed
using appropriate performance baseline information and project risk assumptions.

The recommended cost risk model should:

Include all risks, especially significant risks;
Use reasonable estimates of cost impacts;
Include estimate uncertainties (cost and schedule) that are within the project baseline;
Contain enough detail to allow identification of risk owners;
Contain enough detail to allow project risks to be associated with the WBS they affect;
Include a provision for uncertainty ranges in cost escalation rates for the project;
Allow correlated risks that affect multiple cost elements, e.g., escalation rates, to be
modeled at a high level to preserve the dependent relationship among correlated risks;
Include sufficient information to estimate costs associated with uncertainties in task
durations consistent with the schedule risk model;
Allow for inclusion of threats and opportunities; and
Allow risk impacts to be placed in the appropriate fiscal year to support the identification
of annual contingency budgeting and reporting requirements. Schedule Risk Model

Schedule risk models should be based on the project performance baseline schedule. If practical,
the schedule risk model should be developed to include the schedule impacts of all risks that
impact the project, as well as any schedule duration uncertainties.

The recommended schedule risk model should:

Include all significant risks;
Use reasonable estimates of schedule impacts;
Contain enough detail to allow identification of risk owners;
Contain enough detail to distinguish among schedule activities that have different degrees
of schedule uncertainty and should include estimate uncertainties;
Contain enough detail to allow specific risk events to be associated with the schedule
activity that they affect;
Estimate the schedule impact on LOE activities so cost increases associated with
56 DOE G 413.3-21

schedule slippages can be calculated and incorporated into the contingency estimates; and
Allow for alterations in activity duration that result from implementation of risk handling
strategies or opportunities. Estimate Uncertainty

Estimate uncertainty is part of the risk analysis process for the development of contingency
estimates as was illustrated in Figure 6-8. Estimate uncertainties are fundamental contributors to
cost growth and are expected to decrease over time as the project definition improves and the
project matures. Estimate uncertainty is a function of, but not limited to, the quality of the
project scope definition, the current project life-cycle status, and the degree to which the project
team uses new or unique technologies. Estimate uncertainties occur throughout the DOE
baseline. One approach to account for estimate uncertainty is to use uncertainty ranges
established by the professional societies such as the Association for the Advancement of Cost
Engineering International (AACEI), Table 6-2, or other estimating guidance. Estimate
uncertainty contributes to both cost and schedule contingency. Table 6-2 could be used for both
cost and schedule estimate uncertainty and should be done separately for evaluating quantitative
impacts on project contingency.

Estimate Estimate
Uncertainty (Low Uncertainty (High
Class of Cost Estimate Range) Range)
Class 5 Concept Screening -20% to -50% +30% to +100%

Class 4 Study or Feasibility -15% to -30% +20% to +50%

Class 3 Budget Authorization -10% to -20% +10% to +30%
Class 2 Control or Bid -5% to -15% +5% to +20%
Class 1 Check Estimate -3% to -10% +3% to +15%
Table 6-2. Estimate Uncertainty Range as a Function of Estimate Class Determining Cost Contingency Amounts

A common method to evaluate risk model results is the use of CDF curves, also referred to as S-
curves. For a cost risk model, the S-curve represents the probability of completing the project at
or below a given project cost baseline. In this example the x-axis represents the range of
potential project cost values estimated by the Monte Carlo simulation and the y-axis represents
the probability of project success. Figure 6-9 illustrates two S-curves for a hypothetical project.
The S-curve on the left is based on the CBB and the S-curve on the right is for the DOE capital
asset project performance baseline and includes both the contractor and DOE risks.
DOE G 413.3-21 57

Probabilistic Projection of Cost using Monte Carlo Analyses


Probability of Completion at 90%

Based on
a given Project Cost 80% Contactor
Budget Base

60% 80% CL Includes all

Contactor Execution Risks &
50% DOE Project Risks





Capital Asset Project Cost

Figure 6-9. S-Curves of Contractor CBB and DOE Performance Baseline Determining Schedule Contingency

The DOE schedule contingency is based on the same risks used in the development of the DOE
cost contingency. The DOE schedule contingency requirements should be analyzed using a
resource-loaded and logically tied schedule, so that impacts to overall schedule duration along
the critical path can be fully assessed. As risks and uncertainties are realized, the critical path for
the project may possibly change; the model needs to accommodate such situations.

Schedule activities that are affected by an identified risk or duration uncertainty are modeled in
the schedule risk analysis with an appropriate probability distribution. The calculation of
schedule contingency is an iterative process requiring an initial analysis of the schedule to
determine the base schedule contingency values followed by a revision of the schedule to adjust
work scope to meet the existing selected key milestones and deliverable dates.

DOE schedule contingency needs to be added to the overall critical path of the project. This can
be completed by applying the DOE schedule contingency incrementally before key milestones or
in total before the project completion date. In this way, forecasted completion dates (individual
milestones and/or overall project) can be established based on a probabilistic determination of
the expected completion date should project risks be realized. This differs from contractor
schedule reserve, which cannot add time or schedule duration to the contracted end date. Risk Model Outputs

To support the required budgeting, management, and reporting requirements of the project, the
contingency analysis should provide the following:
The contingency analysis models should be able to produce a PDF and a CDF for the
The contingency analysis models should be able to produce a PDF and a CDF for each
58 DOE G 413.3-21

selected milestone.
The models should be capable of performing a sensitivity analysis for project cost and
schedule elements. Risk analysis sensitivity results are typically presented as tornado
diagrams that provide an analytical and visual representation of risk event impacts.
Ideally, the model should place resulting contingencies in a time frame to allow for fiscal
year budgeting of DOE contingency. Figure 6-10 illustrates how contingency budget
projections can be depicted.

Figure 6-10. Contingency Budget Projection Unknown-Unknowns

Because there may not be viable means to quantify certain unknown-unknowns, IPTs may not
be expected to set aside contingency for them. Unknown-unknowns could be major schedule
DOE G 413.3-21 59

changes or unknown design factors, unanticipated regulatory standards or changes, additions to

project scope definition (changes outside a projects intended scope), force majeure situations, or
program budget reductions. These may be considered programmatic risks, which could be
applicable to all projects within a respective specific Program.

However, there should be clear communication between the project team and their sponsoring
Program to communicate and agree to the bounding assumptions for the project. Furthermore,
Programs are advised to include appropriate allowances for programmatic contingencies (for
risks and events that occur outside project space but that may in fact impact on project execution)
in their overall portfolio budgets. Contingency Adequacy Evaluation

Numerous tools exist to analyze the adequacy of the contingency valuation that has resulted from
the qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of the risks. Various costs estimating guidance
documents have been compiled by industry and are available in texts and journals (e.g., AACEI),
and are updated on a regular basis. These references provide percent ranges of the base that a
contingency should represent in order to be considered adequate. Further, the contingency value
should be commensurate with the maturity and type of the project, project size, and risks,
including technical and technology uncertainties. It should be cautioned that the recommended
contingency levels in these documents do not provide a basis for the recommended confidence
levels (70 90 percent) in this Guide for the derivation of contingency and management reserve
by quantitative risk analysis.

If a quantitative risk analysis will not be conducted, estimates for cost and schedule contingency
should be provided. As a general rule, the IPT should use various inputs to determine those
values. Those inputs may be, but should not be limited to:

Historical records (considering actual costs and time impacts for certain events)
Subject matter experts
Employing Delphi techniques.
Interviewing staff, crafts, retirees, and others familiar with similar work activities at the
site or similar sites.
Technical records such as safety analysis documents including the risk and opportunity
assessment, quality assessments, and environmental assessments.

As the information is gathered and finalized, the data should be analyzed for bias and perception
errors. While the data will not be systematically used for a quantitative analysis, it should still be
analyzed and perceptions scrutinized.

6.5 Cost Estimate Review

Cost estimates should be reviewed for quality and reasonableness before release. Reviews can
be either objective, subjective, or a combination of both. As a minimum, all estimates should
address the review criteria listed in Appendix E.
60 DOE G 413.3-21

DOE cost estimates, and the Basis of Estimate (BOE) that supports them should include an
assessment of cost realism and reasonableness. In an effort to test the reasonableness and
realism of a cost baseline, there needs to be an assessment of the overall cost baseline from
the perspective of the primary cost elements that comprise the baseline. Such an assessment
evaluates the relative percentages of the total proposed cost baseline and the underlying BOE
for each of the significant cost elements. Additionally, primary cost drivers within the
estimate consistent with a product oriented WBS, should be identified and compared to
established benchmarks for similar items or activities.
Such efforts will facilitate independent reviews of cost estimate reasonableness by competent
qualified personnel who have not been involved in preparing the estimate. This review
should provide an unbiased check of the assumptions, productivity factors, and cost data used
to develop the estimate. An independent cost review is a vital step in providing consistent,
professionally prepared cost estimates (Step 7, GAO 12 Key Steps Development Process,
GAO-09-SP). The review should be documented to indicate:
The name of the reviewer(s) Office/Agency/Contractor it belongs
The date of the review
Review comments and comment disposition

6.6 Estimate Reconciliation

Reconciliation may be necessary to account for changes made between CDs or other life-cycle
project milestones. Reconciliations should be organized by WBS and cover all aspects of project
documentation (cost estimate, basis of estimate, schedule, and risks). In general, reconciliation
should recognize or focus on specific changes in scope, basis of estimate, schedule, and risks.
There should be an understanding that, as time progresses, more and better information is
expected to be available and used as project or cost estimate documentation. Reconciliations are
necessary to mitigate budget shortfalls and may be used to correct deficiencies identified during
internal or external reviews.

6.7 Cost Estimate Documentation

Well-documented cost estimates are considered a best practice for high-quality cost estimates for
several reasons.12

First, complete and detailed documentation is essential for validating and defending a
cost estimate.
Second, documenting the estimate in detail, step by step, provides enough documentation
so that someone unfamiliar with the program/project could easily recreate or update it.

DOE G 413.3-21 61

Third, good documentation helps with analyzing changes in program costs and
contributes to the collection of cost and technical data that can be used to support future
cost estimates.
Finally, a well-documented cost estimate is essential if an effective independent review is
to ensure that it is valid and credible. It also supports reconciling differences with an
independent cost estimate, improving understanding of the cost elements and their
differences so that decision makers can be better informed.
Whenever possible, documentation should be organized into an indexed repository, either
physical or digital, with a document control plan and, preferably, a documentation
engineer/administrator. To the extent practical, the documentation index should be
consistent with the WBS for the project for ease of reference.

6.7.1 Cost Estimate Package

A cost estimate package or report should be prepared for all cost estimates. Each estimate
package should contain the same categories of information and the same types of
documentation; only the level of detail in the estimate package varies. The contractor in
coordination with the IPT determines the format used to present this information. A cost
estimate package or report supporting baselines, management decisions, and budgetary
documents should include the following information. A graded approach to cost estimate
packaging and reporting should be used when documenting cost estimates for other purposes.

Estimate Purpose Statementthe reason the estimate was prepared including

- Determine the estimates purpose
- The level of detail required
- Determine who will receive the estimate
- Identify the overall scope of the estimate

Technical Scope Summarysummary of the technical scope of the project

including what is included in the project as well as what is not included.

Qualifications and Assumptionsthe key project qualifications and cost

assumptions that provide a bounding of the estimate and scope. Specifically, the
assumed condition under which the estimator believes the project work scope will be
performed should be defined. The qualifications and assumptions may describe the
types of work expected, the amount of work expected, the source of various materials,
conditions in which the work is to be performed (winter, contaminated building, etc.),
and any other information that significantly influences the estimate but is not clearly
identified in the technical scope description. Major assumptions and exclusions that
affect the project or the accuracy of the estimate are also described.

In completing this activity, the estimator should identify areas where work scope
descriptions have deficiencies, or where key information is missing and has to be
62 DOE G 413.3-21

assumed. Vital information concerning the project is also identified for those
reviewing or using the estimate.

Qualifications and assumptions should be described and documented at the most

detailed level practical, and they should be clearly described so an individual not
intimately involved with the project can understand the estimates basis.

Overall Basis of Estimate (BOE) The dollar amount indicated in a cost estimate is
meaningless without understanding the quality of information that led to developing
the estimate. With all estimates, the basis is communicated at a higher level in a
summary document and at a more specific level within the estimate.

Include in the estimate package a high level summary explaining the genesis for the
source information for the estimated resources and a breakdown of cost estimate
basis. For example, 30% is vendor quote, 20% engineering judgment, 30% historical
data, and 20% cost database/cost books.

The basis should also describe the design basis, the planning basis (significant
features and components, proposed methods of accomplishment, and proposed
project schedule), the risk basis, supporting research and development requirements
(important when new technologies are contemplated for certain components,
equipment or processes), special construction or operating procedures, site conditions,
the cost basis, and any other pertinent factors or assumptions that may affect costs.

If the estimate is prepared in support of another formal document that addresses these
issues (i.e., a Conceptual Design Report or definitive design document), separate
documentation is not required. If the estimate is a standalone document, or deviates
substantially from a previous estimate scope, the above issues should be addressed
and included in the estimate basis.

Estimate Summary and Detail Reportsa presentation of the estimate details in a

variety of ways (e.g., sorted by labor type, by WBS etc.)

Technical Scope Detaila statement of the details of the technical scope necessary
for a thorough understanding of the work. This may be by reference to specific
technical documents.

Estimate Specific WBS and WBS Dictionarya decomposition of the organization

and related cost estimates.

The initial basis for any cost estimate should be documented at the time the estimate
is prepared. The basis should describe or reference the purpose of the project
element, the design basis, the planning basis (significant features and components,
proposed methods of accomplishment, and proposed project schedule), the risk
basis, supporting research and development requirements (important when new
technologies are contemplated for certain components, equipment or processes),
DOE G 413.3-21 63

special construction or operating procedures, site conditions, the cost basis, and any
other pertinent factors or assumptions that may affect costs.

If the estimate is prepared in support of another formal document that addresses these
issues (i.e., a Conceptual Design Report or definitive design document), separate
documentation is not required. If the estimate is a standalone document, or deviates
substantially from a previous estimate scope, the above issues should be addressed
and included in the estimate basis.

At the WBS level, include quantities, applicable rates and costs. Also, include
sources of information, such as historical costs, industry standards, published price
lists; cost databases, informal budgetary information, cost estimating relationships,
etc. for the WBS.

At the WBS level, include the resource and Crew Listinga listing of the type of
resources used in the estimate.

Method and Justification for Use of Indirect Ratesan explanation of how

indirect rates were selected and applied.

Method and Justification for use of Allowancesan explanation of how

allowances were determined and applied.

Method and Justification for use of Escalationan explanation of the escalation

rates used, how they were obtained, why they were selected and how they were

Schedulea time-frame for the work to assist in understanding how escalation was
applied. The schedule should reflect the same technical scope and cost as the

Risksdiscuss sources of risk and uncertainty, including critical assumptions,

associated with the estimate. Identify major risks within the scope of work and how
those risks are mitigated. The basis for contingency reserves and how they were
calculated is fully documented.

Sensitivity Analysisdescribes the effect of changing key cost drivers and

assumptions independently. Identifies the major cost drivers that should be closely

List of Participantsa list of contacts for questions about the estimate. Estimate
preparers and reviewers should be identified in the cost estimate documentation.

Documentation of Review and Approvalevidence that the estimate was reviewed

and approved.
64 DOE G 413.3-21

Location of Estimate Files and Reference Informationa location to obtain copies

of the estimate, review the original, and review information that was not included in
the estimate package. The cost estimate package should include documentation
providing the location of the estimate, historical data, technical scope, worksheets and
any other pertinent information used to prepare the estimate.

Documentation of Changes to the Estimateclarification of how and where the

estimate was changed, eliminating the need to review the entire estimate. Cost
estimates should be updated or modified as necessary. Updates should be promptly
documented when significant changes occur.

6.7.2 Cost Classification

A specific definition of items to be included as direct costs and indirect costs should be
included at the discretion of the DOE program offices and field offices and/or determined by
their contractors financial system. This would also apply to activities under either Other
Project Costs (OPC) or Total Estimated Cost (TEC) (refer to DOE O 413.3B for definitions
and requirements for these terms as they apply to projects).

It is important to assure that there is no double counting of costs estimated as direct, indirect,
or overhead. Generally, all cost estimates include

direct costs,

indirect costs,

contingency, and

DOE G 413.3-21 65

Figure 611. Contents of a Project Performance Baseline (Project Budget Allocations)

Figure 6-12. Typical Project Performance Baseline Including Cost and Schedule
66 DOE G 413.3-21

6.8 Estimate Maintenance

It is important to maintain estimates over the life cycle of the project or program. For projects,
the cost estimate is a key element in establishing the Performance Baseline, as depicted in
Figures 6-11 and 6-12. The project cost performance baseline consists of a projects TPC,
which includes various contract prices, non-contract costs, profit/fee, and contingency.

Project baselines in turn are key elements of overall program planning and budgeting,
including portfolio management. As projects are identified and defined, and the cost estimates
and baselines evolve, they become key inputs into the management of the programs life cycle.
This may involve multiple projects and/or operational activities (e.g., construction of facilities
to treat waste, decommissioning of treatment facilities, waste management, surveillance and
maintenance). As such, active maintenance of all estimates is essential they need to reflect
the latest and most realistic projections of cost and resource requirements to facilitate effective
program planning.

The need to make changes to a cost estimate generally results from determining that the
estimate no longer accurately portrays the expected cost for the work. The means to formally
control changes to a cost estimate are dependent on the purpose of the estimate. Estimates
supporting project baselines must be changed and approved through a formal baseline change
process (refer to DOE O 41.3.3B, Appendix A, Section 6, Baseline Management).

Changes require documentation, and as each estimate is updated, modified, or revised, an audit
trail must be maintained to show the relationship between the new estimate and the previous
estimate. The reason(s) for each change should be identified and may include such things as
modification of scope, unexpected increases in labor rates, schedule extensions, variance in
escalation rates, project reprioritization, etc. All such changes should be identified in a manner
that will permit verification of the specific quantitative change(s) in the cost estimate.
Changes may be documented by the use of addenda, officially approved change request
documents, or by completion of a new estimate. The method used depends upon the
magnitude of the estimated change and the underlying causes. All estimate changes should
include the appropriate level of indirect costs, escalation, and allowances, as dictated by the
phase of the project when the change was identified.

The process of officially revising and updating cost estimates supporting project baselines
frequently involves the use of change requests. Change requests are the official means by
which all changes to the cost baseline should be documented. Change requests are prepared
using standard contractor procedures and forms, which describe proposed changes to approved
technical, cost and/or schedule baselines.

As work is authorized to proceed, cost estimates become budgets. There is a distinction between
budget allocations and cost estimates. The budget forms the basis for work execution.
DOE G 413.3-21 67


This Guide defines traditional output coming out of the Cost Estimating Process as shown in
Figure 7.1. Outputs include, the traditional change control process, economic and cost-benefit
analysis, value engineering, earned-value, and final project cost reports.

GAO 12 Key Steps

Schedule Management

Input Output

Scope Scope
of Work Of

Figure 7-1. Cost Estimating Process Model

7.1 Cost Estimate Interfaces

Cost estimate development is initiated into a process through one-time or iterative inputs.
Potential one-time inputs may include (but are not limited to) the project charter, project
execution plan, acquisition strategy, and acquisition plan. All of these are inputs to the cost
estimating process.

Other inputs may evolve through the cost estimating process and use the outputs from the cost
estimating process, such as the risk assessment (primarily risk identification and impact
assessment), schedule, and scope development. Input from cost estimating peers may improve
the quality of a cost estimate, and peer reviews should be required before external reviews are

The cost estimate output provides a key interface to other project processes, including the
planning/scheduling, project control, risk management, and project approval processes.
68 DOE G 413.3-21

7.2 Estimate Presentations to Management

As discussed in Section 3, cost estimates are a primary input into the DOE decision-making and
project approval CD process. As a result, a cost estimate is documented and presented to
management with an understanding that the quality of the cost estimate adheres to such decisions
and approvals. A graded approach to cost estimate packaging and reporting should be used when
documenting cost estimates for other purposes. The following is recommended to be included in
most presentations of cost estimates to management, whenever such presentations are necessary
and warranted:

Develop a briefing that presents the documented life-cycle cost (LCC) estimate;
Include an explanation of the technical and programmatic baseline and any uncertainties;
Compare the estimate to an independent cost estimate (ICE) and explain any differences;
Compare the estimate LCC estimate or ICE to the budget with enough detail to easily
defend it by showing how it is accurate, complete, and high quality;
Focus in a logical manner on the largest cost elements and cost drivers;
Make the content clear and complete so that those who are unfamiliar with it can easily
appreciate the competence that underlies the estimate results;
Make backup slides available for more probing questions;
Act on and document feedback from management; and
Request acceptance of the estimate.

In many instances, the results of sensitivity analyses should be presented to further management
understanding of the reliability and accuracy of the presented cost estimate. Such analyses
should focus on key cost drivers and critical assumptions and inform management of the
resulting estimate result if those drivers or assumptions were changed. Usually ranges that can
bracket potential estimate results are a useful management presentation approach; however, such
bracketing must be clearly explained and the potential risks and uncertainties associated fully
described for managements understanding.

7.3 Baselines and Change Control

Cost estimates are normally organized by a WBS, account code, and/or some other standardized
definition. Standard definitions of direct and indirect costs provide consistency in estimating
costs and project reporting. This also benefits program/project management, independent
estimates (Government estimates), reviews, and contract/project validations and cost/price
analysis. The cost portion of the performance baseline consists of a projects TPC, including
various contract prices, non-contract costs, and contingency.

As projects evolve, baselines are established and changes are managed against those baselines.
Cost estimates supporting proposed or directed changes should contain the same level of quality
as the primary baseline cost estimate.

Baselines are expected to remain intact throughout the project execution from approval at CD-2
to completion at CD-4. Changes are expected to remain within the performance baseline as per
DOE G 413.3-21 69

the definition of a successful project at CD-4 in DOE O 413.3B. Cost estimates for the baseline
project are modified (updated) when changes are approved.

7.4 Analysis

Analysis includes decomposition and examination. In many cases, analysis will provide insight
to a decision maker. Such is the case of cost benefit analysis. Cost-benefit analysis is a
required element in capital planning within the Federal government. In the contracting
community, cost analysis or price analysis is a comparison of either costs or price, respectively
(e.g., comparing a proposal to a government estimate). If a contract is competitively bid, cost
analysis (which is more detailed and complex than price analysis) may not be required.

Analysis could be performed in the life of a project, including cost benefit analysis, cost-
effective analysis, economic analysis, LCC analysis, sensitivity analysis and uncertainty
analysis. Analyses supporting CDs should be structured and formal; i.e., well documented.
Other analyses may be loosely structured and informal.

Normally, analyses require using similar cost estimate structures (i.e., separate cost estimates
for each alternative considered); having all costs for all alternatives depicted; and comparing
alternatives using net present value or annuities. Normally a written summary of the findings
is also prepared to explain the analysis.

More information on parametric cost estimates, including the Parametric Estimating Initiative
(PEI) Parametric Estimating Handbook, can be found through the International Society of
Parametric Analysts (ISPA), at

More information on cost estimating and analysis can be found through the Society for Cost
Estimating and Analysis (SCEA), at

More information on cost engineering can be found through the Association for the
Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACEI), at


This Section summarizes what could be expected from the use of DOE cost estimates for capital
asset projects.

8.1 Summary of Expectations

A DOE cost estimate, regardless of purpose, classification, or technique employed, should
demonstrate sufficient quality to infer that it is appropriate for its intended use, is complete, and
has been subjected to internal checks and reviews. It should also be clear, concise, reliable, fair,
reasonable, and accurate, within some probability or confidence levels. In addition, it is
expected to have followed accepted standards such as the GAO 12 steps of a high quality
cost estimating process (GAO-09-3SP). There could be more expectations, depending on the
70 DOE G 413.3-21

program, project, contract type, specific budget requirements, or other situations.

Common elements of good cost estimates are expected to be constant. Suggested review criteria
are summarized in Appendix E. DOE expectations for quality cost estimates are summarized in
Appendix L.
Other expectations are associated with organization of the estimate. Types of cost elements
included; resources, material, other direct costs, and sub-contract costs, structure the type of work
embodied in the cost estimate. These coded costs facilitate development of management
information and earned value assessments, and can provide extremely useful information as
projects are completed. Industry standard codes are exemplified by the Construction
Specifications Institutes Uniformat II and Masterformat, for construction projects. The
environmental cost element structure (ECES), an ASTM standard for environmental projects, is
another common coding structure. Some of these industry standard codes are listed in the
Other formats, such as project data sheets (PDSs) for budget formulation, should be produced, as
More information on the Uniformat II can be found at
More information on the Masterformat can be found at
More information on the ECES can be found at
More information on DOE Budget Guidance with PDS sample and template, can be found at
More information on OMBs Exhibit 300 forms can be found in OMB A-11, Part 7 at

8.2 Lessons Learned

Lessons learned from experience are essential to structuring increasingly more accurate cost
estimates. A reasonable expectation of a cost estimating process is that it systematically collects
historical project information in real time, rather than being done at the last minute or by trying
to recollect long after the fact.

Historical cost information can be collected as lump sum (representing some specific scope of
work), unit cost, or productivity (hours per unit, or units per hour) information. Historical costs
should be collected for analysis, normalization, and use in future project cost estimates. Lessons
learned that can help cost estimators with future cost estimates may be generic in nature or
specific to a site, location, contract type, etc. They may apply to a particular scope of work or a
cost estimating technique. There are many ways to communicate lessons learned. The point is to
document what has been learned from the experience and share it with others, as appropriate
(DOE G 413.3-11, Project Management Lessons Learned, dated 8-5-08).

8.3 Independent Cost Estimates and Cost Reviews

The following requirements are described in DOE O 413.3B:
DOE G 413.3-21 71

Prior to CD-0, for Major System Projects, or for projects as designated by the SAE, OECM will
conduct an Independent Cost Review (ICR).

Prior to CD-1, for projects with a TPC $100M, OECM will develop an Independent Cost
Estimate (ICE) and/or conduct an ICR, as they deem appropriate.

Prior to CD-2, for projects with a TPC $100M, OECM will develop an ICE. The ICE will
support validation of the Performance Baseline (PB).

Prior to CD-3, for projects with a TPC $100M, OECM will develop an ICE, if warranted by
risk and performance indicators or as designated by the SAE.

The definitions of ICR and ICE, as provided in DOE O 413.3B, are as follows:

Independent Cost Review. An independent evaluation of a project's cost estimate that examines
its quality and accuracy, with emphasis on specific cost and technical risks. It involves the
analysis of the existing estimate's approach and assumptions.

Independent Cost Estimate. A cost estimate, prepared by an organization independent of the

project sponsor, using the same detailed technical and procurement information to make the
project estimate. It is used to validate the project estimate to determine whether it is accurate and

In addition to the specific requirements placed on OECM in DOE O 413.3B, a project may be
well-served by having its own ICR or ICE completed at various points in the development and
execution of the project, no matter the size of the project (for projects less than $100M).
Comparison to an ICE is a key element in Step 7 of the GAO Best Practices.

Appendix K provides some specific guidance relative to ICRs and ICEs. All ICRs and ICEs
should be developed by individuals or organizations that are truly independent of the project.
This may be accomplished by issuance of contracts or task orders by OECM, through another
DOE direct contract vehicle, or directly by other DOE organizations. However, it may not be
generally appropriate for the project proponents (i.e., a DOE site office, a DOE program office,
or a DOE contractor) to conduct, or to contract for, and direct an ICE or ICR development.

In general, the types of reviews that DOE normally recognizes (the types of reviews may be
modified/combined by the size, technology and complexity of the project) are the following:

Documentation Review (Type I)this type of review is not normally accomplished as an

ICR/ICE, nor does it fulfill the requirements as specified in DOE O 413.3B, since it only consists
of an assessment of the documentation available to support the estimate. It is merely an
inventory of existing documents to determine that the required support documentation exists and
to identify any missing data. This type of review can be beneficial for a project team facing an
upcoming EIR or ICE, to ensure readiness to proceed with those activities.
72 DOE G 413.3-21

Reasonableness Review (Type II)this equates to the DOE O 413.3B ICR

For this review the ICR team reviews all available project documentation, receives briefings
from the project team, holds discussions with the project team, completes sufficient analysis to
assess the reasonableness of the project assumptions supporting the cost and schedule estimates,
ascertains the validity of those assumptions, assesses the rationale for the methodology used, and
checks the completeness of the estimate, including appropriate allowances for risks and
uncertainties. The result is a report that details the findings and recommendations.

Parametric Estimating Approach (Type III)this approach, in addition to incorporating all of

the activities needed for a Reasonableness Review, uses parametric techniques, factors, etc., to
analyze project costs and schedules, and is usually accomplished at a summary WBS level. The
parametric techniques (including CERs and factors) should be based on accepted historical
cost/schedule analyses. At a minimum, these tools should be based on historic estimates from
which models have been derived, and, where possible, from actual completed projects. An
estimate with a minimum of 75 percent of the TPC based on parametric techniques is classified
as a parametric estimate.

Sampling Approach (Type IV)this review also begins with the activities needed for a
Reasonableness Review, but it also requires the ICE team to identify the key cost drivers. A
cost driver is a major estimate element whose sensitivity significantly impacts TPC. Detailed,
independent estimates should be developed for these cost drivers. Such estimates should include
vendor quotes for major equipment, and detailed estimates of other materials, labor, and
subcontracts. For the balance of the project costs, the project teams estimate may be used (if
deemed reasonable), or, if appropriate, parametric techniques may be used for certain portions of
the project costs. An estimate which provides a detailed cost for all cost drivers is classified as a
Sampling Estimate.

Bottom-up Estimating Approach (Type V)this is the most detailed and extensive ICE effort.
It begins with the activities needed for a Reasonableness Review. In addition, this approach
requires a detailed bottom-up independent estimate for both cost and schedule. This will require
quantity take-offs/development, vendor quotations, productivity analysis, use of historical
information, and any other means available to do a thorough and complete estimate of at least 75
percent of the projects cost. It may not be possible to do a completely independent estimate on
some portions of the project estimate, and for those portions which should not exceed 25
percent of the total estimate the project estimate may be used if it has passed the test of
reasonableness. In all cases, the total cost (TEC and TPC) should be developed.

ICEs will often involve a combination of the approaches and techniques described above, due to
the varying levels and quality of information available. The accuracy of the ICE will be
subjectively determined based on the weighted evaluation of the information available.

A key element of any ICE is a comprehensive reconciliation between the ICE and the
project team estimate. Such reconciliation identifies areas of significant difference between the
estimates and attempts to explain those differences. This information provides a useful basis for
subsequent estimate (cost range or baseline) approval or identification of necessary estimate
revision and refinement.
DOE G 413.3-21 73

8.4 Independent Government Cost Estimates

As described in DOE O 413.3B, an Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) is the
governments estimate of the resources and projected costs that a contractor will incur in the
performance of a contract. These costs include direct costs such as labor, supplies, equipment, or
transportation and indirect costs such as labor overhead, material overhead, as well as general
and administrative expenses, profit or fee. (Refer to FAR 36.203 and FAR 15.406-1)
An IGCE should be based on the exact same bidding documents (describing scope, terms and
conditions, contract clauses, etc.) as will be used by the contractor. Not only do IGCEs play an
important role in the contractor bid evaluation and selection/award processes, but the actual
IGCE development can also be a great value in making the actual bid documents and contract
language more effective by clearing up ambiguous elements and identifying more cost/schedule
efficient contract approaches.

The IGCE can play a vital role in helping identify what is reasonable because the IGCE is the
Governments best independent estimation of the potential cost of a contract. A detailed and
well-documented IGCE is a valuable tool for supporting cost or cost realism analysis. The IGCE
also supports a Price Analysis, which is an estimate of the should pay price that the
Government should reasonably expect to pay based on current competitive market conditions.
Additionally, the IGCE is an aid in deciding whether to go ahead with the acquisition as well as
provide supportive documentation for the Purchase Request.
It should also be understood that IGCEs, by themselves, do not fulfill the requirements for an
ICR or ICE. That is because the scope of the estimate needs to be restricted to the contract scope
and conditions. As such, an IGCE does not usually represent the full project scope nor does it
appropriately incorporate government furnished items or reflect DOE risks and uncertainties.
74 DOE G 413.3-21

The objective of this Guide is to provide uniform guidance and best practices for developing
high quality cost estimates for capital assets projects while meeting the requirements of DOE O
413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets. The project
cost estimate is an essential element of a credible project baseline. This Guide provides cost
estimating and processes that meet Federal and DOE requirements and are consistent with
industry standards and practices, and facilitate local requirements. The Appendices that follow
supplement the material presented in the core sections of this Guide.
Appendices A and B Provide the list of the most common acronyms used in this document plus
the definition of common terms used with cost estimating.
Appendices C and D Provide a summary of the most important Federal and DOE requirements
for cost estimating.
Appendix E Provide a suggested criteria for reviewing a cost estimate for quality and
Appendix F Provides a generic example for the calculation and use of economic escalation for
a project.
Appendix G Provides a generic simple example for a life-cycle cost analysis for two
alternatives in a project.
Appendix H Provides as a reference the AACEI Cost Estimate Classification.
Appendix I Provides a bibliography of references in cost estimating.
Appendix J Provides a crosswalk of the 12 key GAO estimating steps to sections of this Guide
wherein each step is described in detail.
Appendix K Provides additional ICE and ICR guidance regarding the timeframe for
completion, as well as documentation needs.
Appendix L Provides DOE expectations for checking the quality of cost estimates to meet the
four characteristics of quality estimates and the reasonableness of the cost estimating techniques
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix A
5-9-2011 A-1

Appendix A: Acronyms
AE Acquisition Executive
A/E architect/engineer
AACEI Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, International
ABC activity-based costing
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AS acquisition strategy
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
BOE basis of estimate
CD critical decision
CDR conceptual design report
CER cost estimating relationship
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CM construction management
CO contracting officer
COA code of accounts
CPM Contractor Project Manager, otherwise Critical Path Method
CSI Construction Specifications Institute
DoD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
EIR external independent review
ESAAB Energy System Acquisition Advisory Board
ES&H Office of Environment, Safety, and Health
EVMS Earned Value Management System
FPD Federal Project Director
FTE full-time equivalents
GFE Government-Furnished Equipment
ICE independent cost estimate
ICR independent cost review
IGCE independent government cost estimate
IPT integrated project team
IT information technology
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LCC life-cycle cost
LOE level of effort
NPV net present value
NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OPC other project costs
PARS Project Assessment and Reporting System
PBC performance based contracts
PDS project data sheet
PED project engineering design
PHA preliminary hazard analysis
Appendix A DOE G 413.3-21
A-2 5-9-2011

PM project management or contractor project manager

PMB performance measurement baseline
PPBES Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
R&D research and development
SME subject matter expert
TEC total estimated cost
TPC total project cost
VE value engineering
WBS work breakdown structure
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-1

Appendix B: Definitions
These definitions of terms are derived within the context of how terms are used in this Guide.

Acquisition plan (AP) is the document that facilitates attainment of the acquisition objectives.
The plan must identify: those milestones of which decisions should be made; all the technical,
business, management; and other significant considerations that will control the acquisition
including, but not limited to, market research, competition, contract type, source selection
procedures and socio-economic considerations.
Acquisition strategy (AS) - a business and technical management approach designed to achieve
acquisition objectives within the resource constraints; the framework for planning, directing,
contracting, and managing a system, program, or project; a master schedule for research,
development, test, production, construction, modification, postproduction management, and other
activities essential for success; the basis for formulating functional plans and strategies
(e.g., acquisition strategy, competition, systems engineering). Once approved, the AS should
reflect the approving authoritys decisions on all major aspects of the contemplated acquisition.
Activity-based costing (ABC) -
Costing using a method to ensure that the budgeted amounts in an account truly represent
all the resources consumed by the activity or item represented in the account.
Cost estimating in which the project is divided into activities and an estimate is prepared
for each activity. Also used with detailed, unit cost, or activity-based cost estimating.
Actual Cost - the costs actually incurred and recorded in accomplishing work performed.

Allowance - an amount included in a base cost estimate to cover known but undefined
requirements for a control account, work package, or planning package.
Analysis - the separation of a whole (project) into parts; examination of a complex entity, its
elements, and their relationships; a statement of such analysis.
Assumptions - factors used for planning purposes that are considered true, real or certain.
Assumptions affect all aspects of the planning process and of the progression of the project
activities. (Generally, the assumptions will contain an element of risk.)

Baseline - a quantitative definition of cost, schedule, and technical performance that serves as a
standard for measurement and control during the performance of an activity; the established plan
against which the status of resources and the effort of the overall program, field programs,
projects, tasks, or subtasks are measured, assessed, and controlled. Once established, baselines are
subject to change control discipline.
Basis (basis of estimate, or BOE) - documentation that describes how an estimate, schedule, or
other plan component was developed, and defines the information used in support of development.
A basis document commonly includes a description of the scope, methodologies, references and
defining deliverables, assumptions and exclusions, clarifications, adjustments, and level of
Benchmark - a standard by which performance may be measured.
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-21
B-2 5-9-2011

Bias - a repeated or systematic distortion of a statistic or value, imbalanced about its mean.

Bounding assumption - identified risks that are totally outside the control of the project team and
therefore cannot be managed (i.e., transferred, avoided, mitigated, or accepted). Bounding
assumptions are also referred to as enabling assumptions.

Brainstorming - interactive technique designed for developing new ideas with a group of people.

Budgeting - a process for allocating estimated of resource costs into accounts (i.e., the cost
budget) against which cost performance will be measured and assessed. Budgeting often considers
time-phasing in relation to a schedule or time-based financial requirements and constraints.
Buried contingency - costs that may have been hidden in the details of an estimate to protect a
project from the removal of explicit contingency and to ensure that the final project does not go
over budget. To reviewers, buried contingency often implies inappropriately inflated quantities,
lowered productivity, or other means to increase project costs. Buried contingency should not be
Capital assets -
Land, structures, equipment, systems, and information technology (e.g., hardware,
software, and applications) used by the Federal government and having an estimated
useful life of 2 years or more. Capital assets include environmental restoration
(decontamination and decommissioning) of land to make useful leasehold
improvements and land rights, and assets whose ownership is shared by the Federal
government with other entities (does not apply to capital assets acquired by state and
local governments or other entities through DOE grants).
Strategic assets; unique physical or intellectual property that is of long-term or ongoing
value to an enterprise; in total cost management, a strategic asset may also include fixed
or intangible assets; assets created by the investment of resources through projects
(excludes cash and financial assets).
Change control - a process that ensures changes to the approved baseline are properly
identified, reviewed, approved, implemented and tested, and documented.
Change order - a unilateral requirement signed by the Government contracting officer
directing the contractor to make a change that the changes clause authorizes without the
contractors consent.
Code of accounts (COA) - a systematic coding structure for organizing and managing asset,
cost, resource, and schedule information; an index to facilitate finding, sorting, compiling,
summarizing, and otherwise managing information to which the code is tied. A complete COA
includes definitions of the content of each account.
Conceptual design - the concept that meets a mission need; requires a mission need as an
input. Concepts for meeting a mission need are explored and alternatives considered before
arriving at the set of alternatives that are technically viable, affordable, and sustainable.
Conceptual design report (CDR) - documentation of conceptual design phase outcome;
forms the basis for a preliminary baseline.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-3

Co-dependent risk - co-dependent project risks are generated when intermediate deliverables
or outcomes (two or more projects or sub-projects at the same site) interlock in such a way that
if both projects are not successfully completed, neither can be successfully completed.
Confidence (confidence level) - the probability that a cost estimate or schedule can be achieved
or bettered. This is typically determined from a cumulative probability profile (see Cumulative
Distribution Function) that is the output from a Monte Carlo simulation.

Construction - a combination of engineering, procurement, erection, installation, assembly,

demolition, or fabrication to create a new facility or to alter, add to, rehabilitate, dismantle or
remove an existing facility; includes alteration and repair (dredging, excavating, and painting)
of buildings, structures, or other real property and construction, demolition, and excavation
conducted as part of environmental restoration or remediation. Construction normally occurs
between Critical Decisions 3 and 4 (does not involve the manufacture, production, finishing,
construction, alteration, repair, processing, or assembling of items categorized as personal
Consequence is the outcome of an event. (Normally includes scope, schedule, and cost.)
Construction management - a wide range of professional services relating to the management
of a project during the pre-design, design, and construction phases; includes development of
project strategy, design review of cost and time consequences, value management, budgeting,
cost estimating, scheduling, monitoring of cost and schedule trends, procurement, observation
to ensure that workmanship and materials comply with plans and specifications, contract
administration, labor relations, construction methodology and coordination, and other
management of construction acquisition.
Contingency -
The portion of a project budget that is available for uncertainty within the project scope but
outside the scope of the contract. That is, contingency is budget that is not placed on
An amount derived from a structured evaluation of identified risks, to cover a likely future
event or condition, arising from presently known or unknown causes, within a defined
project scope. Contingency is controlled by the government.
Contract - a mutually binding agreement that obligates the seller to provide a specified product
and obligates the buyer to pay for it.
Contract fee - fee earned by the contractor based on dollar value or another unit of measure, such
as man hours; an indirect cost.
Contractor - a person, organization, department, division, or company having a contract,
agreement, or memorandum of understanding with DOE or another Federal agency.
Control account (or cost account) - the point at which budgets (resource plans) and actual costs
are accumulated and compared to earned value for management control purposes; a natural
management point for planning and control that represents work assigned to one responsible
organizational on one work breakdown structure element.
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-21
B-4 5-9-2011

Correlation - relationship between variables such that changes in one (or more) variable(s) is
generally associated with changes in another. Correlation is caused by one or more dependency
relationships. Measure of a statistical or dependence relationship existing between two items
estimated for accurate quantitative risk analysis.

Cost accounting - historical reporting of actual and/or committed disbursements (costs and
expenditures) on a project. Costs are denoted and segregated within cost codes that are defined in a
chart of accounts. In project control practice, cost accounting provides measure of cost
commitment and expenditure that can be compared to the measure of physical completion (earned
value) of an account.
Cost budgeting is allocating the estimated costs to project components.
Cost control - controlling changes to a project budget and forecast to completion.
Cost-Benefit Analysis - is the systematic, quantitative method of assessing the desirability of
government projects or policies when it is important to take a long view of future effects and a
broad view of possible side-effects.
Cost-effective analysis - appropriate when it is unnecessary or impractical to consider the dollar
value of the benefits provided by the alternatives under consideration when
each alternative has the same annual benefits expressed in monetary terms or
each alternative has the same annual effects, but dollar values cannot be assigned to their
Analysis of alternative defense systems often falls into this category. Cost-effective analysis
can also be used to compare projects with identical costs but differing benefits. In this case,
the decision criterion is the discounted present value of benefits. The alternative program
with the largest benefits would normally be favored.

Cost estimate -
A documented statement of costs to be incurred to complete a project or a defined portion of a
Input to budget, contract, or project management planning for baselines and changes against
which performance may be measured.
Cost estimating - a process used to quantify, cost, and price the resources required by the scope of
an asset investment option, activity, or project. As a predictive process, estimating must address
risks and uncertainties. The output of estimating is used primarily as input for budgeting, cost or
value analysis, decision making in business, asset and project planning, or project cost and
schedule control.
Critical decision (CD) - a formal determination made by an acquisition executive or designated
official at a specific point in a project life cycle that allows the project to proceed. Critical
decisions occur at any point in the course of a project (before commencement of conceptual design,
at commencement of execution, and at turnover).
Critical decisions (CDs) -
CD-0, Approve Mission Need
CD-1, Approve Alternative Selection and Cost Range
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-5

CD-2, Approve Performance Baseline

CD-3, Approve Construction Start
CD-4, Approve Start of Operations or Project Closeout

Critical path is a logically related sequence of activities in a critical path schedule having the
longest duration. The total float is zero. A delay in any activity will have a corresponding impact
on the completion date of the project.

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) - a statistical function based on the accumulation of

the probabilistic likelihood of occurrences. In the case of the DOE risk analysis, it represents the
likelihood that at a given percentage the project cost or duration will be at or below a given value.
As an example, the x-axis might represent the range of potential project cost values evaluated by
the Monte Carlo simulation and the y-axis represents the projects probability of completion. (See
the figure below.)
CDF Curve

100 %
95 %
305 90 %
85 %
80 %
75 %
Frequency of Occurrence

Cumulative Probability
70 %
65 %
60 %
183 55 %
50 %
45 %
40 %
122 35 %
30 %
25 %
61 20 %
15 %
10 %
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

Contractor Budget Base

Decision analysis is the process for assisting decision makers in capturing judgments about
risks as probability distributions, having single value measure, and putting these together with
expected value calculations.

Delphi technique - technique used to gather information used to reach consensus within a group
of subject matter experts on a particular item. Generally a questionnaire is used on an agreed set
of items regarding the matter to be decided. Responses are summarized, further comments
elicited. The process is often repeated several times. Technique is used to reduce bias in the data
and to reduce the bias of one person, one voice.

Decision trees: A diagram that shows key interactions among decisions and associated chain
events as they are understood by the decision maker. Branches of the tree represent either
decisions or change events. The diagram provides for the consideration of the probability of
each outcome.
Deviation - when the current estimate of a performance, technical, scope, schedule, or cost
parameter is not within the threshold value of the performance baseline for that parameter;
handled as a deviation, not as part of the normal change control system.
Direct cost - costs identified with a particular project or activity; includes salaries, travel,
equipment, and supplies directly benefiting the project or activity.
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-21
B-6 5-9-2011

Discount rate - the interest rate used in calculating the present value of expected yearly benefits
and costs (see definitions for nominal interest rate and real interest rate).
DOE acquisition management system - a systematic method to acquire and deliver a product or
capability in response to a program mission or business need; includes facility construction,
infrastructure repairs or modifications, systems, production capability, remediate land, closed
site, disposal effort, software development, information technology, a space system, research
capability, and other assets.
DOE contingency - cost contingency for risks that are within the projects baseline but outside
the contractors management control. DOE contingency is held by DOE.

DOE schedule contingency - duration allowance used to adjust schedule for realized risks that
are within the project baseline, and outside the contractors control.

Enabling assumption- identified risks that are totally outside the control of the project team and
therefore cannot be managed (i.e., transferred, avoided, mitigated, or accepted).

Earned Value Management System (EVMS) - is the integrated set of processes used to
implement the standard and its criteria. In its simplest form, EVMS can be implemented without
any software. Software simply enhances productivity, allows the implementation of EVMS more
economically and facilitates managing complex projects. EVMS is not software.

Economic analysis - considers all costs and benefits (expenses and revenues) of a project,
considering various economic assumptions made, such as inflation and discount rates.
Escalation the provision in actual or estimated costs for an increase in the cost of equipment,
material, labor, etc, due to continuing price level changes over time. Inflation may be a
component of escalation, but non-monetary policy influences, such as supply-and-demand, are
often components.
Estimate is the assessment of the most likely quantitative result. (Generally, it is applied to
costs and durations with a confidence percentage indication of likelihood of its accuracy.)

Estimate-at-completion - the current estimated total cost for project authorized work. EAC
equals the actual cost to a point in time plus the estimated costs to completion.

Estimate to complete (ETC) - the current estimated cost for remaining authorized work to
complete the project.

Estimate uncertainty - the inherent accuracy of a cost or schedule estimate. Represents a

function of the level of project definition that is available, the resources used (skill set and
knowledge) and time spent to develop the cost estimate and schedule, and the data (e.g., vendor
quotes, catalogue pricing, historical databases, etc.) and methodologies used to develop the cost
estimate and schedule.

External independent review (EIR) - an assessment mandated by Congress for projects of

significant size and complexity; may warrant management attention.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-7

Expert interviews - process of seeking opinions or assistance on the project from subject matter
experts (SMEs).

External risks - risks outside the project control or global risks inherent in any project such as
global economic downturns, trade difficulties affecting deliverables such as construction materials
or political actions that are beyond the direct control of the project.

Facilities - buildings and other structures; their functional systems and equipment; site
development features such as landscaping, roads, walks, and parking areas; outside lighting and
communications systems; central utility plants; utility supply and distribution systems; and other
physical plant features.
Feedback - system concept where a portion of the output is fed back to the input.

Fishbone diagram - technique often referred to as cause and effect diagramming. Technique
often used during brainstorming and other similar sessions to help identify root causes of an issue
or risk. Structure used to diagram resembles that of a fish bone.

Government other direct costs - Government costs that are needed for the project such as
government furnished services, items and equipment, government supplied utilities (if directly
metered), and applicable waste disposal fees.

Historical cost information - a database of information from completed projects normalized to

some standard (geographical, national average, etc.) and time-based (e.g., brought to current
year data) using historical cost indices.
Holding Time Time that an item is not operational so that it may be serviced.
Hotel loads - a term used to identify the cost associated with level of effort activities and fixed
costs that will be incurred until a given piece of work is complete. These costs can include the
costs for project management and administration and other direct costs associated with generic
facilities, rentals, money or opportunity lost from the facility not being complete, and other
indirect costs that are not part of the direct production activities.

Impact scores - convergence of the probability and consequence scores.

Improvements to land - site clearing, grading, drainage, and facilities common to a project as
a whole (such as roads, walks, paved areas, fences, guard towers, railroads, port facilities, etc.)
but excluding buildings, structures, utilities, special equipment/process systems, and
demolition, tunneling, and drilling that are a significant intermediate or end products of the
Independent cost estimate (ICE) a cost estimate, prepared by an organization independent
of the project proponent, using the same detailed technical and procurement information to
make the project estimate. It can be used to validate the project estimate to determine whether
it is accurate and reasonable.
Independent cost review an independent evaluation of a projects cost estimate that
examines its quality and accuracy, with emphasis on specific cost and technical risks. It
involves the analysis of the existing estimates approach and assumptions.
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-21
B-8 5-9-2011

Independent government cost estimate the governments estimate of the resources and their
projected costs that a contractor would incur in the performance of a contract. These costs
include direct costs such as labor, supplies, equipment, or transportation and indirect costs such
as labor overhead, material overhead, as well as general and administrative expenses, profit or
fee. (Refer to FAR 36.203 and FAR 15.406-1)
Indirect cost - costs incurred for common or joint objectives which cannot be identified with a
particular activity or project.
Inflation - the proportionate rate of change in general price, as opposed to the proportionate
increase in a specific price.
Influence diagram - a graphical aid to decision making under uncertainty, it depicts what is
known or unknown at the time of making a choice, and the degree of dependence or independence
(influence) of each variable on other variables and choices.

Information technology (IT) project is one that establishes a system (hardware and/or
software) capability to manage information.
Initiation - authorization of the project or phase of the project.

Integrated project team (IPT) - a cross-functional group organized to deliver a project to a

customer (external or internal).
Integrated safety management system (ISMS) - a management system designed to ensure
that environmental protection and worker and public safety are appropriately addressed in the
planning, design, and performance of any task.
Internal risks - risks that the project has direct control over, such as organizational behavior and
dynamics, organizational structure, resources, performance, financing, and management support.

Key risk - key risks are a set of risks considered to be of particular interest to the project team.
These key risks are those estimated to have the most impact on cost and schedule and could
include project, technical, internal, external, and other sub-categories of risk. For example on a
nuclear design project, the risks identified using the Risk and Opportunity Assessment process
may be considered a set of key risks on the project. Key risks should be interpreted to have the
same meaning as Critical Risks as referred in DOE O 413.3B.

Lessons learned - formal or informal set of learning collected from project or program
experience that can be applied to future projects or programs after a risk evaluation. They can be
gathered at any point during the life of the project or program.

Level-of-effort is baseline scope of a general or supportive nature for which performance

cannot be measured or is impracticable to measure using activity-based methods. Resource
requirements are represented by a time-phased budget scheduled in accordance with the time the
support will likely be needed. The value is earned by the passage of time and is equal to the
budget scheduled in each time period.

Life cycle are the stages of an objects or endeavors life. A life cycle presumes a series of
beginnings and endings, with each end implying a new beginning. In life-cycle cost or
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-9

investment analyses, the life cycle is the length of time over which an investment is analyzed.
Life-cycle cost -
The overall estimated cost for a particular program alternative over the time period
corresponding to the life of the program, including direct and indirect initial costs plus
any periodic or continuing cost of operation and maintenance. (OMB)
The sum total of the direct, indirect, recurring, nonrecurring, and other costs incurred or
estimated to be incurred in the design, development, production, operation,
maintenance, support, and final disposition of a major system over its anticipated useful
life span. Where system or project planning anticipates the use of existing sites or
facilities, restoration, and refurbishment, costs should be included.
Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) - assessment of the direct, indirect, recurring, nonrecurring,
and other related costs incurred or estimated to be incurred in the design, development,
production, operation, maintenance, support, and final disposition of a major system over its
anticipated useful life span. LCCA considers all costs (capital, operating, and decommissioning
expenses for the duration of a project) for various alternative approaches, including inflation
and discount rates.
Line-item project are the ones that are specifically reviewed and approved by Congress; a
project with total cost greater than $10 million.
Major system (MS) is a project or system of projects having a total project cost of $750 million
or greater or designated by the Deputy Secretary as a major system.
Management reserve (MR) - determined by the contractor and represents the amount of the
contractor budget that will be used for cost contingency arising from estimate uncertainties and
realized risk events that are within the contractors contractual obligations. Developed by the
contractor after contract award, MR is maintained separately from the performance measurement
baseline and is utilized by means of the contractors change control process.

Milestone - a schedule event marking the due date for accomplishment of a specified effort
(baseline activity) or objective. A milestone may mark the start, an interim step, or the
completion of one or more activities.

Mitigate - to eliminate or lessen the likelihood and/or consequence of a risk.

Mitigation strategy - the risk handling strategy used to eliminate or lessen the likelihood and/or
consequence of a risk.
Mission need - a required capability within DOEs overall purpose, scope, cost, and schedule
considerations. Mission analysis or studies directed by an executive or legislative authority that
identifies a deficiency or an opportunity will be set forth as justification for system acquisition
approvals, planning, programming, and budget formulation.
Monte Carlo Analysis - a method of calculation that approximates solutions to a variety of
mathematical problems by performing statistical sampling experiments on a computer; applies to
problems with no probabilistic content as well as to those with inherent probabilistic structure.
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-21
B-10 5-9-2011

Net present value (NPV) is the difference between the discounted present values of benefits
and costs.
Network logic is the collection of activity dependencies that makes up a project network
Nominal interest rate - a rate that is not adjusted to remove the effects of actual or expected
inflation. Market interest rates are generally nominal interest rates.
Objective reviews - a very structured approach using checklists and grading systems, which
address consistency of projects estimated or procedures followed. Objective reviews may also
indicate a minimum acceptable level of quality.
Operation - an ongoing endeavor or activity that uses strategic assets for a defined function or
Opportunity is a risk with positive benefits.

Optimization - a technique that analyzes a system to find the best possible result. Finding an
optimum result usually requires evaluating design elements, execution strategies and methods,
and other system inputs for effect on cost, schedule, safety, or some other set of outcomes or
objectives; employs computer simulation and mathematical modeling.
Other project costs - all other costs related to projects that are not included in the TEC. OPCs
will include, but are not limited to: research and development; pre-authorization costs prior to
start of conceptual design; plant support costs during construction; activation and startup; NEPA
documentation; PDS; CDR; surveying for siting; and evaluation of RCRA/EPA/State permit
Performance-based management, contracting, and budgeting - cost and performance tied to
quantities, establishing a baseline, and regularly reported to assess performance.
Performance baseline -
A quantitative expression reflecting the total scope of a project with integrated technical,
schedule, and cost elements; the established risk-adjusted, time-phased plan against which
the status of resources and the progress of a projects are measured, assessed, and
controlled; a Federal commitment to OMB and Congress. Once established, performance
baselines are subject to change control.
The cost portion of a performance baseline represents a projects total project cost after
CD 2.
Preliminary design - continues the design effort using conceptual and project design criteria
as bases for project development; develops topographical and subsurface data and determines
the requirements and criteria that will govern the definitive design; includes preparation of
preliminary planning and engineering studies, preliminary drawings and outline specifications,
life-cycle cost analyses, preliminary cost estimates, and scheduling for project completion.
Preliminary design provides identification of long-lead procurement items and analysis of risks
associated with continued project development and occurs between CD-1 and CD-2.
Primary risk - initial risk entry in the risk register. A residual or secondary risk can become a
primary risk if in the case of a residual risk the primary risk is closed and the Federal Project
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-11

Director and/or Contractor Project Manager determines the residual risk should be made the
primary risk or the risk entry in the risk register. The secondary risk can become the primary risk
in the risk register if the Federal Project Director and/or Contractor Project Manager determine
that it should become the risk entry based upon the realization of the trigger metric or other
determining factor.

Probability - likelihood of an event occurring, expressed as a qualitative and/or quantitative

Probability Distribution Function (PDF) - a probability distribution, also described as a
probability density function, represents the distribution of the probability of an outcome. As an
example, the Monte Carlo analysis may be designed to estimate the cost or duration of a project.
The PDF represents the number of times a certain cost or duration is achieved. (See the figure
PDF Curve
100 %
95 %
305 90 %
85 %
80 % 800
75 %
Frequency of Occurrence

Cumulative Probability
70 %
65 %
60 %
183 55 %
50 % 600
45 %
40 %
122 35 %
30 %
25 %
61 20 % 500
15 %
10 %
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

Contractor Budget Base

Productivity - consideration for factors that affect the efficiency of construction labor (e.g.,
location, weather, work space, coordination, schedule); a direct cost.
Program - an organized set of activities directed toward a common purpose or goal undertaken
or proposed in support of an assigned mission area and characterized by a strategy for
accomplishing a definite objectives, which identifies the means of accomplishment,
particularly in quantitative terms, with respect to manpower, materials, and facilities
requirements. Programs usually include an element of ongoing activity and are typically made
up of technology, projects, and supporting operations.
Program risks - events identified as potential threats or opportunities that are within the program
baseline cost or schedule.

Project - a unique effort that supports a program mission, having defined start and end points,
undertaken to create a product, facility, or system, and containing interdependent activities
planned to meet a common objective or mission. A project is a basic building block in relation
to a program that is individually planned, approved, and managed. A project is not constrained
to any specific element of the budget structure (e.g., operating expense or plant and capital
equipment). Construction, if required, is part of the total project. Authorized, and at least
partially appropriated, projects will be divided into two categories: major system projects and
other projects. Projects include planning and execution of construction, renovation,
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-21
B-12 5-9-2011

modification, environmental restoration, decontamination and decommissioning efforts, and

large capital equipment or technology development activities. Tasks that do not include the
above elements, such as basic research, grants, ordinary repairs, maintenance of facilities, and
operations are not considered projects.
Project data sheet (PDS) - a document that summarizes project data and justifies a project as
a part of the Departmental budget. PDSs are submitted to request project engineering design
and construction funds. Specific instructions on the format and content of PDSs are contained
in the annual budget call [DOE O 130.1, Budget Formulation, dated 9-29-95].
Project engineering and design (PED) funds - design funds established for use on
preliminary design, which are operating expense funds.
Project execution plan (PEP) - the plan which establishes roles and responsibilities and
defines how a project will be executed.
Project life cycle -
A collection of generally sequential project phases with names and numbers determined
by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project.
The stages or phases of project progress during the life of a project. Project life-cycle
stages typically include ideation, planning, execution, and closure.
Project management - a structure in which authority and responsibility for executing a
project are vested in a single individual to provide focus on the planning, organizing, directing,
controlling, and closing of all activities within a project.
Project risk - risks that are captured within the scope, cost, or schedule of the project.

Project support - activities performed by the operating contractor for internal management and
technical support of the project manager.
Qualitative risk analysis - involves assessing the probability and impact of project risks using a
variety of subjective and judgmental techniques to rank or prioritize the risks.

Quantitative risk analysis - involves assessing the probability and impact of project risks and
using more numerically based techniques, such as simulation and decision tree analysis for
determining risk implications.
Range (cost estimate range) is an expected range of costs for a project or its components.
Ranges may be established based on a range of alternatives, confidence levels, or expected
accuracy, and are dependent on a projects stage of development, size, complexity, and other
Real property is land and/or improvements or interests in them except for land in the public
Reconciliation - comparison of a current estimate to a previous estimate to ensure that
differences between them is appropriate and reasonably expected. A formal reconciliation may
include an account of those differences.
Residual Risk risk that remains after risk strategies have been implemented.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-13

Resource - a consumable (other than time) required to accomplish an activity; include real or
potential investment in strategic assets including time, money, human, and physical resources. A
resource becomes a cost when it is invested or consumed in an activity or project.
Review - determination of project or system acquisition conditions based evaluation of project
scope, cost, schedule, technical status, and performance in relation to program objectives,
approved requirements, and baseline project plans. Reviews provide critical insight into the
plans, design, cost, schedule, organization, and other aspects of a project (see definitions for
objective review and subject review).
Objective review - one based on set criteria; a checklist approach to reviewing.
Review criteria - components of a review used to reflect the general nature of project (or project
element) content.
Risk - factor, element, constraint, or course of action that introduces an uncertainty of outcome,
either positively or negatively that could impact project objectives. This definition for risk is
strictly limited for risk as it pertains to project management applications in the development of the
overall risk management plan and its related documentation and reports.

Risk acceptance - an informed and deliberate decision to accept consequences and the likelihood
of a particular risk.

Risk analysis - process by which risks are examined in further detail to determine the extent of
the risks, how they relate to each other, and which ones are the highest risks.

Risk analysis method - the technique used to analyze the risks associated with a project. Specific
categories of risk analysis methods are:

1. Qualitative - based on project characteristics and historical data (check lists, scenarios,

2. Risk models - combination of risks assigned to parts of the estimate or project to define the
risk of the total project.

3. Probabilistic models - combining risks from various sources and events (e.g., Monte Carlo,
Latin hypercube, decision tree, influence diagrams, etc.)

Risk assessment - identification and analysis of project and program risks ensuring an
understanding of each risk in terms of probability and consequences.

Risk assumption is any assumptions pertaining to the risk itself.

Risk category - a method of categorizing the various risks on the project to allow grouping for
various analysis techniques such as Risk Breakdown Structure or Network Diagram.

Risk documentation includes the recording, maintaining and reporting assessments, handling
analysis and plans, and monitoring results.
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-21
B-14 5-9-2011

Risk Event is a potential (identified or unidentified) condition (threat or opportunity) that may
or may not occur during the execution of a project.

Risk handling - strategies developed with the purpose of eliminating, or at least reducing, the
higher risk levels identified during the risk analysis. The strategies may include risk reduction or
mitigation, risk transfer/share, risk avoidance, and risk acceptance.

Risk handling strategy - process that identifies, evaluates, selects, and implements options in
order to set risk at acceptable levels given project constraints and objectives. Includes specific
actions, when they should be accomplished, who is the owner, and what is the cost and schedule.

Risk identification - process to find, list and characterize elements of risk.

Risk management - the handling of risks through specific methods and techniques.

Risk Management Plan - Documents how the risk processes will be carried out during the

Risk mitigation - process to reduce the consequence and/or probability of a risk.

Risk modeling - creation of a physical representation or mathematical description of an object,

system or problem that reflects the functions or characteristics of the item involved. Model
building may be viewed as both a science and an art. Cost estimate and critical path schedule
development should be considered modeling practices and not exact representations of future
costs, progress and outcomes.

Risk monitoring and tracking - process of systematically watching over time the evolution of
the project risks and evaluating the effectiveness of risk strategies against established metrics.

Risk owner - the individual responsible for managing a specified risk and ensuring effective
treatment plans are developed and implemented.

Risk planning - process of developing and documenting an organized, comprehensive, and

interactive strategy and methods for identifying and tracking risk, performing continuous risk
assessments to determine how risks have changed, developing risk handling plans, monitoring the
performance of risk handling actions, and assigning adequate resources.

Risk register - database for risks associated with the project. (Also known as risk database or risk

Risk transfer is the movement of the risk ownership to another organizational element.
(However, to be successfully and fully transferred, the risk should be accepted by the organization
to which the risk is being transferred.)

S-curve (spending curve; funding profile) -

Graphic display of cumulative costs, labor hours, or other quantities plotted against time.
The name is derived from the S-shaped curve (flatter at the beginning and end, steeper in
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-15

the middle) produced on a project that starts slowly, accelerates, and then slows again.
A representation of costs over the life of a project.
Schedule baseline - time phased project activity durations and milestone commitment dates by
which projects are accomplished. The approved project schedule is a component of the overall
project plan. The schedule baseline provides the basis for measuring and reporting schedule

Schedule contingency - time allowance used to adjust schedule for realized DOE risks; based on
the schedule risk analysis.

Schedule reserve - time allowance used to adjust schedule for realized risks within the
contractors baseline.

Secondary risk - risk arising as a direct result of implementing a risk handling strategy.

Scope - the sum of all that is to be or has been invested in and delivered by an activity or project.
In project planning, the scope is usually documented (i.e., the scope document), but it may be
verbally or otherwise communicated and relied upon. Generally limited to that which is agreed
to by the stakeholders in an activity or project (i.e., if not agreed to, it is out of scope.). In
contracting and procurement, scope includes all that an enterprise is contractually committed to
perform or deliver.
Sensitivity analysis - considers all activities associated with one cost estimate. If a cost estimate
can be sorted by total activity cost, unit cost, or quantity, sensitivity analyses can determine
which activities are cost drivers to answer the question: If something varies, what most
affects the total cost of the project?
Simulation, (Monte Carlo) - process for modeling the behavior of a stochastic (probabilistic)
system. A sampling technique is used to obtain trial values for key uncertain model input
variables. By repeating the process for many trials, a frequency distribution is built up, which
approximates the true probability distribution for the systems output. This random sampling
process, averaged over many trials, is effectively the same as integrating what is usually a very
difficult or impossible equation.

Special equipment - large items of special equipment and process systems, such as vessels,
(e.g., towers, reactors, storage tanks), heat transfer systems (e.g., heat exchangers, stacks, cooling
towers, de-super-heaters), package units (e.g., waste treatment packages, clarifier packages,
demineralization), and process piping systems.
Standard equipment - items which require only a minimum of design; off-the-shelf items
(office furniture, laboratory equipment, heavy mobile equipment, and spare parts that are made
part of the capital cost); a direct cost.
Start-up - one-time costs incurred during the transition from construction completion to facility
Statement of work (SOW) is a narrative description of contracted products or services.
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-21
B-16 5-9-2011

String diagram - technique used to analyze the physical or proximity connections within a
process. Technique is often used to find latent risks.

Subjective reviews - are less structured and may address areas differently, depending on various
levels of emphasis. Internal reviews may combine objective and subjective criteria but should be
performed consistently between projects within a program to the most practical extent.
Successful project - one that is completed or expected to be completed within the technical and
schedule estimates of the performance baseline. Cost not to exceed by more than 10% of the
original cost baseline approved at CD-2.
Technical risk - risks that include disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, chemical
engineering, safety, safeguards and security, chemistry, biology, etc.

Threat - risk with negative consequences.

Total cost management - effective application of professional and technical expertise to plan
and control resources, costs, profitability, and risks; a systematic approach to managing cost
throughout the life cycle of any enterprise, program, facility, project, product, or service through
the application of cost engineering and cost management principles, proven methodologies, and
the latest technology in support of the management process. It can also be considered the sum of
the practices and processes that an enterprise uses to manage the total life-cycle cost investment
in its portfolio of strategic assets.
Total estimated cost (TEC) - all engineering design costs (after conceptual design), facility
construction costs and other costs specifically related to those construction efforts. These are
typically capitalized. TEC will include, but is not limited to: project, design and construction
management during conceptual, preliminary and final design; contract modifications (to include
equitable adjustments) resulting in changes to these costs; design and construction management
reporting; contingency and economic escalation for TEC-applied elements; contractor support
directly related to design and construction; and equipment rental and refurbishment.
Total project cost (TPC) - all costs between CD-0 and CD-4 specific to a project incurred
through startup of a facility, but prior to the operation of the facility. Thus, TPC includes TEC
and OPC.
Trending analysis - systematic tracking of performance against established or planned
Triangle distribution - subjective distribution of a population for which there is limited sample
data. It is based on knowledge of the minimum and maximum and an inspired guess as to what the
modal value might be. It is also used as an alternative to the Beta distribution in PERT, CPM, and
similar forms of project management tools.

Uncertainty analysis - considers all activities associated with one cost estimate and their
associated risks. An uncertainty analysis may also be considered part of a risk analysis or risk
Undistributed budget (UB) - funding associated with specific work scope or contract changes
that have not been assigned to a control account or summary level planning package.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix B
5-9-2011 B-17 (and B-18)

Unidentified Risks - risks that were not anticipated or foreseen by the IPT or by DOE-HQ staff
members. Unidentified risks might originally be unanticipated because the probability of the
event is so small that its occurrence is virtually unimaginable. Alternatively, an unidentified risk
might be one that falls into an unanticipated or uncontrolled risk event category. (These risks are
also categorized as unknown-unknown risks)

Validation - the process of evaluating project planning, development, baselines, and proposed
funding before including a new project or system acquisition in the DOE program budget.
Value management - an organized effort to analyze the functions of systems, equipment,
facilities, services, and supplies for the purpose of achieving essential functions at the lowest
life-cycle cost that is consistent with required performance, quality, reliability, and safety.
Work breakdown structure (WBS) - product-oriented grouping of project elements that
organizes and defines the total scope of the project; a multi-level framework that organizes and
graphically displays elements representing work to be accomplished in logical relationships.
Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of a project component.
Components may be products or services. The structure and code that integrate and relate all
project work (technical, schedule, and cost) and are used throughout the life cycle of a project to
identify and track specific work scope. Note: WBS should not be developed or organized along
financial or organizational lines. It should be broken into organized blocks of work scope, and
scope related activities. Financial and/or organizational identification needs should be attached
as separate codes that relate to the WBS element.
Work package - a task or set of tasks performed within a control account.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix C
5-9-2011 C-1

Appendix C: Summary of Federal Requirements

Summary of Requirements
Generally, Federal requirements are promulgated by:
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which provides specifics for budgeting,
discount rates, and management of projects (acquisitions) in their circulars.
The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which provides Federal contract
requirements for government estimates, cost and price analyses, and contract changes.
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which provides requirements for alternative
considerations and life-cycle cost analyses.
Various other Federal laws, such as the Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA), the Government Management Reform Act, the Federal Acquisition Reform
Act, the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, the Information Technology
Management Reform Act, the Chief Financial Officers Act (CFO Act), and others.
These Federal laws and policies drive the way DOE conducts business. DOEs Directives
Management System is the means by which departmental policies, requirements, and
responsibilities are developed and communicated. Directives are used to inform, direct, and
Guide employees in the performance of their jobs and enable employees to work effectively
within the Department and with Agencies, contractors, and the public.
The most significant, relevant DOE Orders include:
DOE O 130.1, Budget Formulation, dated 9-29-95.
DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital
Assets, dated 11-29-10.
DOE O 430.1B Chg 1, Real Property Asset Management, dated 9-24-03.
DOE O 520.1A Chg 1, Chief Financial Officer Responsibilities, dated 11-21-06.
DOE O 534.1B, Accounting, dated 1-6-03.

This section includes a summary of Federal requirements stemming from Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR), and Public Laws (P.L.) that drive DOE requirements for cost estimating relative to
capital asset acquisitions and real property.
OMB Circular No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget (7-21-10),
Part 7, Planning, Budgeting, Acquisition, and Management of Capital Assets, provides the
framework to guide Federal agencies through the process of formulating a cost-benefit analysis
and ultimately the budget submission for Federal agency projects and programs. Major capital
investments proposed for funding must:
support Agency missions;
support work redesign to cut costs and improve efficiency and use of off-the-shelf
be supported by a cost-benefit analysis based on both qualitative and quantitative
integrate work processes and information flows with technology to achieve the strategic
Appendix C DOE G 413.3-21
C-2 5-9-2011

incorporate clear measures to determine not only a projects success, but also its
compliance with a security plan;
be acquired through a strategy that allocates the risk between the Government and the
contractor and provides for the effective use of contracting; and
ensure that the capital plan is operational and supports the Information resource
management (IRM) strategic plan.
OMB Circular No. A-94, Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Federal
Programs (October 29, 1992), provides an analytical framework for capital planning and
investment control for information technology investments. The circular provides the
information necessary to complete a thorough review of an IT investments financial
performance. Requirements include:
evidence of a projected return on investment in the form of reduced cost; increased
quality, speed, or flexibility; and improved customer and employee satisfaction; and
a cost-benefit analysis for each information system throughout the life cycle that
level of investment,
performance measures , and
consistent methodology with regard to discount rates for cost benefit analyses of
Federal programs.
10 CFR 436, Subpart A, Methodology and Procedures for Life-Cycle Cost Analyses, establishes
methodology and procedures for estimating and comparing the life-cycle costs of Federal
buildings, determining the life-cycle cost effectiveness of energy and water conservation
measures, and rank-ordering life-cycle cost effectiveness measures in order to design a new
Federal building or to retrofit an existing Federal building. It also establishes the method by
which efficiency shall be considered when entering into or renewing leases of Federal building
In accordance with GAO-09-3SP, Chapter 5, A life-cycle cost estimate is a best practice
because it provides an exhaustive and structured accounting of all resources and associated cost
elements required to develop, produce, deploy, and sustain a program. As such, a life-cycle cost
estimate should encompass all past (or sunk), present, and future costs for every aspect of the
program, regardless of funding source. Life-cycle costing enhances decision making, especially
in early planning and concept formulation of acquisition. Design trade-off studies conducted
during this period can be evaluated on a total cost basis, as well as on a performance and
technical basis. A life-cycle cost estimate can support budgetary decision, key decision points,
milestone reviews, and investment decisions. Because they encompass all possible costs, life-
cycle cost estimates provide a wealth of information about how much programs are expected to
cost over time.
Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-576)
Section 902(a) lists the CFOs regular duties. Among other things, these include:
Develop and maintain an integrated Agency-accounting and financial management
system, including financial reporting and internal controls, which:
Complies with applicable accounting principles, standards, and requirements and
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix C
5-9-2011 C-3

internal control standards.

Complies with such policies and requirements as may be prescribed by the
Director of OMB.
Complies with any other requirements applicable to such systems.

Provides for:
Complete, reliable, consistent, and timely information, which is prepared on a
uniform basis and which is responsive to the financial information needs of
Agency management.
The development and reporting of cost information.
The integration of accounting and budgeting information.
The systematic measurement of performance.

Direct, manage, and provide policy guidance and oversight of Agency financial
management personnel, activities, and operations, including:
The preparation and annual revision of an Agency plan to (i) implement the
5-year financial management plan prepared by the Director of OMB under section
3512(a)(3) of this title and (ii) comply with the requirements established under
sections 3515 and subsections (e) and (f) of section 3521 of this title.
The development of Agency financial management budgets.
The recruitment, selection, and training of personnel to carry out Agency financial
management functions.
The approval and management of Agency financial management systems design
or enhancement projects.
The implementation of Agency asset management systems, including systems for
cash management, credit management, debt collection, and property and
inventory management and control.
The CFO Act also set requirements for submission of annual financial statements and annual
external audits.
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993, P.L. 103-62, establishes the
foundation for budget decision making to achieve strategic goals in order to meet Agency
mission objectives. GPRA provides for the establishment of strategic planning and performance
measurement in the Federal government.
GPRA changes the way the Federal government does business, changes the accountability of
Federal managers, shifts organizational focus to service quality and customer satisfaction, and
improves how information is made available to the public. GPRA states that an organizations
mission should drive its activities. Furthermore, GPRA states that the final measure of Federal
program effectiveness and efficiency is results, and it requires organizations to measure their
results through stated goals. It requires the development of annual performance plans and
Agency strategic plans. It requires a return on investment that equals or exceeds those of

Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) of 1982 (P.L. 97-255), as codified in 31
U.S.C. 3512, requires accountability of financial and program managers for financial results of
actions taken, control over the Federal governments financial resources, and protection of
Appendix C DOE G 413.3-21
C-4 5-9-2011

Federal assets.

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-13) requires that Agencies perform their
information resource management activities in an efficient, effective, and economical manner.

Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (P.L. 103-355) requires Agencies to establish
cost, schedule, and measurable performance goals for all major acquisition programs and
achieve, on average, 90% of those goals. OMB policy for performance-based management is
also provided in this section.

Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-106) requires Agencies to use a disciplined capital
planning and investment control process to acquire, use, maintain, and dispose of IT. P.L. 104-
208 directs the OMB to establish clear and concise direction regarding investments in major
information systems and to enforce that direction through the budget process. The spirit and
intent of ITMRA directs Agencies to ensure that IT investments are improving mission
performance by:

establishing goals to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Agency operations and,
as appropriate, the delivery of services to the public through the effective use of
information technology;

ensuring that performance measurements assess how effectively the information

technology supports programs of the executive agency;

quantitatively benchmarking processes in terms of cost, speed, productivity, and quality

of outputs and outcomes where comparable processes and organizations in the public or
private sectors exist;

analyzing the missions of each executive agency and, based on the analysis, revising the
executive agencys processes as appropriate before making significant investments in
information technology; and

ensuring that the information security policies, procedures, and practices of the executive
agency are adequate.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix C
5-9-2011 C-5

Table C-1: Relevant Cost Estimating and EVM Legislation and Regulation

Applicable Agency Name of Legislation or Regulation

All federal agencies Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993 (Among other things,
GPRA requires agencies to prepare multiyear strategic plans that describe mission
goals and methods for reaching them. The act also requires agencies to prepare
annual program performance reports to review progress toward annual performance
All federal agencies Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (Among other provisions, this law requires agencies to
base decisions about Information Technology (IT) investments on quantitative and
qualitative factors associated with the costs, benefits, and risks of those investments
and to use performance data to demonstrate how well the IT expenditures support
improvements to agency programs.)
All federal agencies Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Case 2004019, Earned Value Management
System (EVMS) Applicable Changes to Section 7.105 and Subpart 34.2
Source: GAO and DOD

Table C-2. Relevant Cost Estimating and EVM Policy

Applicable Agency Name of Policy

All federal agencies Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-11, Preparation,
Submission, and Execution of the Budget, Part 7, 07-21-10
All federal agencies Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-94, Guidelines and
Discount Rates for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Federal Programs, 10-29-92
All federal agencies Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-109, Major Systems
Acquisitions, April 5, 1976
All federal agencies Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum for Chief Information
Officers, No. M-05-23, Improving Information Technology (IT) Project Planning and
Execution, August 4, 2005
Source: GAO, OMB, and DOD

Table C-3: Relevant Cost Estimating and EVM Guidance

Applicable Agency Name of Guidance

All federal agencies NDIA, PMSC,13 ANSI/EIA-748-A Standard for Earned Value Management System
(EVMS) Intent Guide, January 2006
All federal agencies NDIA, PMSC, Surveillance Guide, October 2004
All federal agencies NDIA, PMSC, Integrating Risk Management with Earned Value Management

All federal agencies NDIA, PMSC, Earned Value Management System Acceptance Guide, November
Source: DOD

National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), Program Management Systems Committee (PMSC).
Appendix C DOE G 413.3-21
C-6 5-9-2011

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

The FAR has many references to cost estimates and cost estimating. Some topics covered by the
FAR that should be considered, especially in relation to the procurement or acquisition process,

Acquisition General and administrative Forward-pricing

(G&A) expense rate agreement

Acquisition planning Indirect cost Freight

Alternate Indirect cost rate Warranty

Architect-engineering services Information technology Waste reduction

Best value Inherently Government FOB-origin


Bundling Inspection Value engineering

Change order Insurance FOB-destination

Claim Major system Final indirect cost


Commercial item Make-or-buy program Task order

Component Market research Design-to-cost

Computer software Option Residual value

Construction Overtime Cost sharing

Contract Overtime premium Cost realism

Cost or pricing data Performance-based Value engineering

contracting change proposal


Cost estimating and related topics can be found in the following sections of the FAR:
Part 7, Acquisition Planning
Part 10, Market Research
Part 14, Sealed Bidding
Part 15, Contracting by Negotiations
15.4, Contract Pricing - Contains information on proposal analysis, cost and price
analysis, technical analysis, and cost realism
15.402, Pricing policy - Says Contracting officers must (a) purchase supplies and
services from responsible sources at fair and reasonable prices.
15.407-5, Estimating systems
Part 16 - Contract Types
16.4 - Incentive Contracts - Discusses establishing reasonable and attainable
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix C
5-9-2011 C-7 (and C-8)

targets that are clearly communicated to the contractor and including appropriate
incentive arrangements in contracts
16.402-2(f) - Says Because performance incentives present complex problems in
contract administration, the contracting officer should negotiate them in full
coordination with Government engineering and pricing specialists
Part 34 - Major System Acquisitions
Part 35 - Research and Development Contracting
Part 36 - Construction and Architect-Engineering Contracts
Part 37 - Service Contracting
Part 42 - Contract Administration and Audit Services
Part 43 - Contract Modifications
Part 48 - Value Engineering
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix D
5-9-2011 D-1 (and D-2)

Appendix D: Summary of DOE Requirements

There are several DOE Orders that reference cost estimating. Among them, the primary DOE
Orders are:
DOE O 130.1, Budget Formulation, dated 9-29-95, establishes the processes for
developing, reviewing, and exchanging budget data. DOE O 130.1 requires that budget
formulation be performance based, supportive of the DOE strategic plans, measurable,
verifiable, and based on cost estimates deemed reasonable by the program and field
DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets,
dated 11-29-10, promotes the systematic acquisition of projects and emphasizes the
necessity for managing successful projects. DOE O 413.3B defines particulars of the
Critical Decision process: establishing protocol, authorities, and consistency between the
DOE programs.
DOE O 430.1B Chg 1, Real Property Asset Management (RPAM), dated 9-24-03,
establishes a corporate, holistic, and performance-based approach to real property
life-cycle asset management that links real property asset planning, programming,
budgeting, and evaluation to program mission projections and performance outcomes.
The implementation of RPAM maintains requirements for cost estimates and Life Cycle
Cost Analysis (LCCA). RPAM also includes DOEs requirements of the Facilities
Information Management System (FIMS) and the Condition Assessment and Information
System (CAIS). These systems require cost estimate information concerning
replacement plant values (RPVs) and facility maintenance costs.
DOE O 520.1A, Chief Financial Officer Responsibilities, dated 11-21-06, promotes the
achievement of the objectives of the CFO Act (sound financial management policies and
practices, effective internal controls, accurate and timely financial information, and
well-qualified financial managers) by setting forth the functions, organizational roles, and
specific financial management responsibilities of the CFO, the field CFOs, and other
appropriate DOE officials.
DOE O 534.1B, Accounting, dated 1-6-03, designates the requirements and
responsibilities for the accounting and financial management of the DOE. Requirements
include, but are not limited to establishing a single, integrated financial management
system that serves program management, budgetary, and accounting needs so that DOE
and integrated contract records contain sufficient details in accounting for all DOE funds,
assets, liabilities, and costs.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix E
5-9-2011 E-1

Appendix E: Generic Review Criteria

When reviewing DOE cost estimates, this generic criterion is suggested as a minimum. All
criteria should be addressed to be complete, and if all criteria are reasonably addressed, then the
estimates represented may be considered of quality, reasonable and as accurate as possible. The
estimates should also have been prepared by following the GAO 12 steps for a High Quality
Estimating Process (GAO-09-3SP) as recommended in this Guide.14
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A WBS should be consistent between the technical
definition, cost estimate, and schedule. The use of a common WBS should be considered for
consistency between projects within a program WBS. Use of a standardized code of accounts is
also recommended.
Scope of Work - A scope of work should be commensurate with the planning phase size and
complexity of the project and should be activity based to the most practical extent.
Direct and Indirect Costs - All direct costs should be included appropriately, and rates applied
as percentagesincluding contract indirect and overhead rates or site indirect ratesshould be
documented and referenced in the basis of estimate. Indirect rates should be defined for
consistent application and appropriate for a given project.
Escalation - Escalation should be included appropriately. The rates applied should be based
upon those provided by DOE, or they should have some other documented basis. Escalation is
the provision in a cost estimate for increases in the cost of equipment, material, labor, etc., due to
continuing price changes over time. Escalation is used to estimate the future cost of a project or
to bring historical costs to the present.
Contingency - Contingency should be included appropriately, based on apparent project risks or
project risk analysis to the most possible extent. In any event, contingency should have a
documented basis. Contingency may be calculated using a deterministic or probabilistic
approach, but the method employed should be appropriate and documented.
Contingency is an amount included in an estimate to cover costs that may result from incomplete
design, unforeseen and unpredictable conditions, or uncertainties. Contingency should also be
commensurate with riska factor, element, constraint, or course of action in a project that
introduces the uncertainty of outcomes and the possibilities of technical deficiencies, inadequate
performances, schedule delays, or cost overruns that could impact a Departmental mission. In
the evaluation of project risk, the potential impact and the probability of occurrence should be
Contingency is most significant and appropriate for long-term projects and most order of
magnitude and preliminary estimate classes with significant size and complexity. Contingency
may be less significant for nearer term projects with less significant size and complexity.

GAO-09-3SP, Chapter 15, Validating the Estimate
Appendix E DOE G 413.3-21
E-2 04-08-2011

Techniques - Cost estimating techniques employed should be appropriately based on estimate

class and purpose, available technical information, time constraints, and compliance with
planning and project size and complexity. The chosen techniques should facilitate systematic
cost estimate duplication or verification.
Basis of Estimate Documentation - Documentation that should describe how an estimate,
schedule, or other plan component was developed, and defines the information used in support of
development. It should explain the origins and logic of all WBS elements. A basis document
should commonly include a description of the scope, methodologies, references and defining
deliverables, assumptions and exclusions, clarifications, adjustments, and level of uncertainty.
Cost Estimate Documentation - Cost estimate documentation should be easily discernable,
traceable, and consistent. As a matter of great relative importance, cost estimate documentation
should be very thorough (provided to the most possible extent). In most cases, documentation
should be specific for a given project (or sub-project) and should be centrally maintained to
assure technical/cost/schedule consistency, management focus, and ease of reference.
Cost Estimate Updates - Cost estimate updates should be considered and included, as
appropriate, to reflect new information, given a project planning phase and/or execution.
Previous versions of cost estimates should be appropriately considered, whether considering
information contained in a previous estimate supporting a critical decision, a potential change to
a project/contract/budget, or a value engineering study.
Life-Cycle Costs - Life-cycle costs should be appropriately included in estimates. Life-cycle
cost estimates are most pertinent during the decision-making phases of a projects life, or when
LCC analyses (comparison of life-cycle cost estimates or VE Studies) are performed, but should
also be considered throughout a projects life.
Life-cycle costs should include: start-up costs, operating costs, manufacturing costs, machining
costs, research and development costs, engineering costs, design costs, equipment costs,
construction costs, inspection costs, and decommissioning costs, as well as direct costs, indirect
costs, overhead costs, fees, contingency, and escalation costs.
Qualified Cost and Schedule Estimators - Normally, cost and schedule estimators/cost
engineers and risk managers are an important part of an integrated project team. Cost estimates
should be performed and documented by those qualified to do so. Professional cost and schedule
estimators, and cost engineers are trained in the use of cost estimating tools, techniques, and all
aspects of estimating, project control, and project management.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix F
5-9-2011 F-1

Appendix F: Example of the Calculation and Use of Economic Escalation

Economic cost escalation should be included in all estimates where TPC may be affected by
inflation or increases in unit costs. Following are the steps in calculating escalation amounts.

Step 1 Finalize the estimate cost in current dollars and develop a corresponding schedule
estimate. Ensure that the cost and schedule estimates are organized by a common

Step 2 - Determine the midpoint of primary scheduled activity groups (e.g., design, construction,
construction management, start-up, etc.)

Step 3 - Select appropriate escalation rates by using the estimate preparation date (today) as
the index date for determining the rates. The rates are ideally based on documented
information for the worksite location, but alternative rates provided by DOE/HQ may
be used in the absence of appropriate local information.

Step 4 Calculate the estimate of escalation for each scheduled activity grouping by applying
the rates selected in Step 3 to the midpoint dates determined in Step 2. A straight-line
spending curve application may be assumed, although other spending curves may be
used, as appropriate.

To illustrate the application of escalation calculations, following is an example of a five-year

project. The Tables F-1 through F-4 presents the stages necessary for calculating cost escalation.
Note that major activity groupings defined as scheduled activity.

Table F-1. Escalation Example - Step 1, Sample Project Cost Estimate Summary
Represents the Estimate Summary Prior to Adding Cost Escalation

Base Duration
WBS Scheduled Activity Start Complete Midpoint
Cost (Months)
A1A Preliminary Design (Title I Design) 100 10/1/02 6 3/30/03 1/1/03
A1B Definitive Design (Title II Design) 200 4/1/03 6 9/30/03 7/1/03
Design During Construction (Title III
A1C 100 10/1/03 36 9/30/06 7/1/05
B2A Equipment Procurement (General Services) 200 10/1/04 24 9/30/06 10/1/05
B2B Equipment Procurement (Long-Lead, GFE) 2,500 3/30/03 18 9/30/04 1/1/04
B2C Facility Construction 6,000 10/1/04 37 9/30/06 10/1/05
C1A Project Management 500 10/1/02 48 9/30/06 10/1/04
C1B Construction Management 250 10/1/02 48 9/30/06 10/1/04
Appendix F DOE G 413.3-21
F-2 5-9-2011

Base Duration
WBS Scheduled Activity Start Complete Midpoint
Cost (Months)
C1C Project Support 250 10/1/02 48 9/30/06 10/1/04

Totals 10,100

Table F-2 provides illustrative DOE escalation rates taken from the DOE Budget Formulation
Handbook. Site specific rates based on documented information for the worksite location are
best, but alternative rates provided by DOE/HQ (when available) are used in the absence of
appropriate local information. Regardless of the source, the rates used, and the reason for using
them should be clearly explained in the cost estimate documentation. In the table, index
represents the compounded escalation rate as a factor for multiplying costs in a given year. The
% term is the expected percentage of cost increase in each stated year, Thus, the 1.076
construction index in 2005 is determined from the 2003, 2004 and 2005 escalation percentages
as follows: 1.021 (2003 percentage)x 1.025 (2004 percentage)x 1.029 (2005 percentage)= 1.076.
Thus, 1.076 would be the factor to multiply costs estimated in 2002 and expected to occur in

Table F-2. DOE Escalation Rates (as of January 2002)

Project Categories *

FY Construction EM IT O&M R&D

2002 Index % Index % Index % Index % Index %

2003 1.021 2.1 1.02 2 1.008 0.8 1.018 1.8 1.023 2.3

2004 1.046 2.5 1.047 2.7 1.017 0.9 1.045 2.6 1.051 2.8

2005 1.076 2.9 1.075 2.7 1.022 0.5 1.073 2.7 1.08 2.7

2006 1.106 2.8 1.103 2.6 1.032 1 1.101 2.6 1.108 2.6

2007 1.135 2.6 1.13 2.4 1.041 0.8 1.127 2.4 1.136 2.5

Table F-3 provides a table of monthly escalation rates through the corresponding fiscal years.
This example assumes a straight-line escalation for each FY, although other applications may be
appropriate (e.g., weighted at the beginning or end of a FY). Use of the escalation curve (i.e.,
straight-line or other) and the reason it was selected should be well-documented. From the table,
the escalation rate to apply to costs estimated today and expected to occur in July 2005 would
be 9.17%.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix F
5-9-2011 F-3

Table F-3. Illustrative Monthly Escalation Rates

Months of
Escalation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Month of the
Year (Mid-
Point) 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

FY Rate

2002 2.10% 0.00% 0.17% 0.35% 0.52% 0.70% 0.87% 1.05% 1.22% 1.40% 1.57% 1.75% 1.92% 2.10%

2003 2.10% 2.10% 2.28% 2.46% 2.64% 2.81% 2.99% 3.17% 3.35% 3.53% 3.71% 3.89% 4.07% 4.24%

2004 2.50% 4.24% 4.46% 4.68% 4.90% 5.11% 5.33% 5.55% 5.76% 5.98% 6.20% 6.42% 6.63% 6.85%

2005 2.90% 6.85% 7.11% 7.37% 7.62% 7.88% 8.14% 8.40% 8.66% 8.92% 9.17% 9.43% 9.69% 9.95%

2006 2.80% 9.95% 10.21% 10.46% 10.72% 10.98% 11.23% 11.49% 11.74% 12.00% 12.26% 12.51% 12.77% 13.03%

2007 2.60% 13.03% 13.27% 13.52% 13.76% 14.01% 14.25% 14.50% 14.74% 14.99% 15.23% 15.48% 15.72% 15.97%

2008 2.60% 15.97% 16.22% 16.47% 16.72% 16.97% 17.22% 17.47% 17.72% 17.98% 18.23% 18.48% 18.73% 18.98%

Table F-4 provides an example of the project cost estimate summary with columns added to
illustrate compound escalation rates and escalation amounts by summary WBS element.
In calculating applicable escalation percentages, repetitive calculations are normal, so use of a
computerized escalation forecast algorithm is recommended. The specific conditions that prevail
must also be taken into account. For example, a construction subcontract awarded to span
multiple fiscal years at a firm fixed-price would not need to have escalation applied to the cost of
that contract.

Table F-4. Sample Project Cost Estimate Summary (Including Escalation)

Total Compounded Total
Base Duration Escalation Escalation
WBS Scheduled Activity Start Complete Midpoint
Cost (Months) Cost
(000$) Rate (000$)

Preliminary Design
A1A (Title I Design) 100 10/1/02 6 3/30/03 1/1/03 2.64% 103

Definitive Design
A1B (Title II Design) 200 4/1/03 6 9/30/03 7/1/03 3.71% 207
Appendix F DOE G 413.3-21
F-4 5-9-2011

Total Compounded Total

Base Duration Escalation Escalation
WBS Scheduled Activity Start Complete Midpoint
Cost (Months) Cost
(000$) Rate (000$)

Design during
A1C (Title III Design) 100 10/1/03 36 9/30/06 7/1/05 9.17% 109

Procurement (General
B2A Services) 200 10/1/04 24 9/30/06 10/1/05 9.95% 220

Procurement (Long-
B2B Lead, GFE) 2,500 3/30/03 18 9/30/04 1/1/04 4.90% 2,623

B2C Facility Construction 6,000 10/1/04 37 9/30/06 10/1/05 9.95% 6,597

C1A Project Management 500 10/1/02 48 9/30/06 10/1/04 6.85% 534

C1B Management 250 10/1/02 48 9/30/06 10/1/04 6.85% 267

C1C Project Support 250 10/1/02 48 9/30/06 10/1/04 6.85% 267

Totals 10,100 10,927

Cost vs. Obligations - Funding Profile

A funding profile is a normal part of budget submissions. There is a difference between the timing of project costs
and obligations and funding requirements. As a project evolves, it should be very clear that funds are required prior
to spending them. This lead time should be carefully evaluated and established by the project team. Care should be
taken to establish the most appropriate funding profile to provide for efficient use of funds and to minimize carry-
over (where funds are not obligated within the FY for which they are authorized).
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix G
5-9-2011 G-1

Appendix G: Example of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis

OMB A-94 - Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Federal Programs provides
guidance in performing cost-benefit analyses, or life-cycle cost analyses (LCCA). Per OMB, LCCAs
should always consider all pertinent costs and benefits. Due to the nature of projects considered in
fulfilling missions of the DOE, LCCAs may include a component of benefits which may be depicted as
costs to be avoided or saved as a result of a particular alternative. DOE has very few income or revenue
streams. However, as a part of life-cycle analyses, all benefits and costs should be recognized, including
those that are difficult to quantify (such as benefits to the public or the general economy).

Generally, the steps in performing LCCA are as follows:

Step 1 Determine cost estimate summary funding profile for base case and for each alternative case,
including all costs and benefits.

Step 2 - Determine appropriate discount rates to be used. Note discussion on real and nominal
discount rates. If escalation is included in the cost estimate summary, use nominal discount
rates established by OMB.

Step 3 - Calculate appropriate discount factors, using the rates determined in Step 2.

Step 4 - Calculate present-worth (PW) of base case and each alternative case.

Step 5 - Compare all alternatives and determine the most cost-effective alternative. The lowest PW is
the preferred alternative from an economic perspective.

Following is an example that generally shows the steps to be used in performing LCCA.

Step 1 - Determine the cost estimate summary funding profile for the base case and each alternative case
being considered, including all costs and benefits. It is important to ensure that similar functions and
activities are considered together (e.g., consistent use of a work breakdown structure or account code) to
make the scenario as comparable as possible. Table G-2 and Table G-3 are examples of these summary

Step 2 - Determine appropriate discount rates to be used. If escalation is included in the cost estimate
summary, as in this example, use nominal discount rates established by OMB. The following information
may also be found in OMB A-94. It is updated biannually.

Nominal Discount Rates - A forecast of nominal or market interest rates for 2003 based on the economic
assumptions from the 2004 Budget are presented below. These nominal rates are to be used for
discounting nominal flows, which are often encountered in lease-purchase analysis.
Appendix G DOE G 413.3-21
G-2 5-9-2011

Table G-1. Nominal Interest Rates on Treasury Notes and Bonds of Specified
Maturities (in Percent)
3-Year 5-Year 7-Year 10-Year 30-Year

3.1 3.6 3.9 4.2 5.1

Real Discount Rates - A forecast of real interest rates from which the inflation premium has been
removed and based on the economic assumptions from the 2004 Budget are presented below in Table G-4.
These real rates are to be used for discounting real (constant-dollar) flows, as is often required in cost-
effective analysis.
DOE G 413.3-21
Table G-2. Example LCCA Step 1
Life-Cycle Cost Estimate Summary, Base Case
WBS Activity TPC 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

A1A Preliminary Design 103 103

A1B Definitive Design 207 207

A1C Design During Construction 109 37 37 36

Equipment Procurement
B2A 220
(General Services) 110 110

Equipment Procurement (Long-

B2B 2,623
Lead, GFE) 2000 623

B2C Facility Construction 6,597 1500 3597 1500

C1A Project Management 534 75 175 175 109

C1B Construction Management 267 25 100 100 42

C1C Project Support 267 25 100 100 42

E Contingency (DOE-Held) 86 10 25 25 26

Total Project Costs (Escalated) 11,193 2,445 2,560 4,144 1,866 - - - - - - - - -


F Operations (LOE) 250 269 277 284 291 299 307 315 323 331 340 349

G Security (LOE) 100 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

H Infrastructure (LOE) 50 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63

I Maintenance (LOE) 100 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

Appendix G
J Transition (LOE) 50 65 66 68 70

K Decontamination (LOE) 50 63 65 66 68 70

Appendix G
WBS Activity TPC 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

L Decommissioning (LOE) 50 63 65 66 68 70

M Demolition (LOE) 500 646 662 680 697

Total Operations (Escalated)

21,392 2,445 2,822 4,682 2,419 568 583 598 613 755 1,420 1,457 1,495 1,534

Total Life-Cycle Costs

(Escalated) 32,585 4,890 5,382 8,826 4,285 568 583 598 613 755 1,420 1,457 1,495 1,534

DOE G 413.3-21
DOE G 413.3-21
Table G-3. Example LCCA Step 1
Life-Cycle Cost Estimate Summary, Alternative Case
Activity TPC 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

Design During
Construction/Renovation 50 50

B2A Procurement/Lease Facility 1,560 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

Construction/Renovation 6,597 1500 3597 1500

C1A Project Management 150 25 50 50 25

C1B Construction Management 100 25 50 25

C1C Project Support 60 10 40 10

E Contingency (DOE-Held) 78 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7

Total Project Costs

(Escalated) 11,193 217 1,750 3,795 1,641 119 122 126 129 132 136 139 143 146


F Operations (LOE) 250 269 277 284 291 299 307 315 323 331 340 349

G Security (LOE) 100 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

H Infrastructure (LOE) 50 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63

I Maintenance (LOE) 100 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

J Transition (LOE) 50 65 66 68 70

K Decontamination (LOE) 50 63 65 66 68 70

Appendix G
L Decommissioning (LOE) 50 63 65 66 68 70

M Demolition (LOE) 500

Appendix G
Activity TPC 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

Total Operations (Escalated)

7,693 - 262 538 554 568 583 598 613 755 775 795 816 837

Total Life-Cycle Costs

(Escalated) 18,886 217 2,012 4,334 2,195 687 705 723 742 887 910 934 958 983

Table G-4. Real Interest Rates on Treasury Notes and Bonds of Specified Maturities (in Percent)
3-Year 5-Year 7-Year 10-Year 30-Year

1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 3.2

Analyses of programs with terms different from those presented above may use a linear interpolation. For example, a four-year
project can be evaluated with a rate equal to the average of the three-year and five-year rates. Programs with durations longer than 30
years may use the 30-year interest rate.

Step 3 - Calculate appropriate discount factors, using the appropriate discount rates. The discount factor is calculated as:
1/(1 + i)
where i is the discount rate and t is the year. For this example, a nominal discount rate is calculated for a ~15-year project, to be
~4.4%. Discount factors are calculated in Table G-5.
Step 4 - Calculate PW of base case and each alternative case using the discount factors calculated in Step 3. Table G-6 and G-7 show
the results of this calculation.

DOE G 413.3-21
DOE G 413.3-21
Table G-5. Example LCCA Step 3, Discount Rate Application,
Discount Factor Calculation
FY Year Discount Rate Discount Factor

2003 1 0.044 0.9579

2004 2 0.044 0.9175

2005 3 0.044 0.8788

2006 4 0.044 0.8418

2007 5 0.044 0.8063

2008 6 0.044 0.7723

2009 7 0.044 0.7398

2010 8 0.044 0.7086

2011 9 0.044 0.6787

2012 10 0.044 0.6501

2013 11 0.044 0.6227

2014 12 0.044 0.5965

2015 13 0.044 0.5713

2016 14 0.044 0.5473

Appendix G
2017 15 0.044 0.5242

Appendix G
Table G-6. Example LCCA Step 4
Cost Estimate Summary, Including Present Worth, Base Case
Activity TPC 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

A1A Preliminary Design 103 103

A1B Definitive Design 207 207

Design During
Construction 109 37 37 36

Equipment Procurement
(General Services) 220 110 110

Equipment Procurement
(Long-Lead, GFE) 2,623 2000 623

B2C Facility Construction 6,597 1500 3597 1500

C1A Project Management 534 75 175 175 109

Management 267 25 100 100 42

C1C Project Support 267 25 100 100 42

E Contingency (DOE-Held) 86 10 25 25 26

Total Project Costs

(Escalated) 11,193 2,445 2,560 4,144 1,866 - - - - - - - - -


F Operations (LOE) 250 269 277 284 291 299 307 315 323 331 340 349

G Security (LOE) 100 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

H Infrastructure (LOE) 50 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63

DOE G 413.3-21
I Maintenance (LOE) 100 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

J Transition (LOE) 50 65 66 68 70

K Decontamination (LOE) 50 63 65 66 68 70
DOE G 413.3-21
Activity TPC 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

L Decommissioning (LOE) 50 63 65 66 68 70

M Demolition (LOE) 500 646 662 680 697

Total Operations
(Escalated) 10,378 - 262 538 554 568 583 598 613 755 1,420 1,457 1,495 1,534

Total Life-Cycle Costs

(Escalated) 21,571 2,445 2,822 4,682 2,419 568 583 598 613 755 1,420 1,457 1,495 1,534

0.9579 0.9175 0.8788 0.8418 0.8063 0.7723 0.7398 0.7086 0.6787 0.6501 0.6227 0.5965 0.5713

Discounted Costs (PW) 16,979 2,342 2,589 4,115 2,036 458 450 442 435 513 923 908 892 877

Appendix G
Appendix G
Table G-7. Example LCCA Step 4
Cost Estimate Summary, Including Present Worth, Alternative Case
Activity TPC 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

Design During
A Construction/Renovation
50 50

B2A Procurement/Lease Facility 1,560 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

B2C Construction/Renovation
6,597 1500 3597 1500

C1A Project Management 150 25 50 50 25

C1B Construction Management 100 25 50 25

C1C Project Support 60 10 40 10

E Contingency (DOE-Held) 78 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7

Total Project Costs

11,193 217 1,750 3,795 1,641 119 122 126 129 132 136 139 143 146


F Operations (LOE) 250 269 277 284 291 299 307 315 323 331 340 349

G Security (LOE) 100 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

H Infrastructure (LOE) 50 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63

I Maintenance (LOE) 100 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 136 139

DOE G 413.3-21
J Transition (LOE) 50 65 66 68 70

K Decontamination (LOE) 50 63 65 66 68 70

L Decommissioning (LOE) 50 63 65 66 68 70
DOE G 413.3-21
Activity TPC 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

M Demolition (LOE) 500

Total Operations (Escalated) 7,693 - 262 538 554 568 583 598 613 755 775 795 816 837

Total Life-Cycle Costs

18,886 217 2,012 4,334 2,195 687 705 723 742 887 910 934 958 983

0.9579 0.9175 0.8788 0.8418 0.8063 0.7723 0.7398 0.7086 0.6787 0.6501 0.6227 0.5965 0.5713

Discounted Costs (PW) 12,778 208 1,846 3,808 1,847 554 545 535 526 602 592 582 572 562

Appendix G
Appendix G DOE G 413.3-21
G-12 5-9-2011

Step 5 - Compare all alternatives and determine the most cost-effective one. The lowest PW is
the preferred alternative, from an economic perspective. Table G-8 shows an example summary
of this PW comparison and clearly shows the most cost-effective alternative.

Table G-8. Example LCCA Step 5, Summary of Base Case and

Alternative Discounted Costs, or PW
Activity FY Base Case Alt Case

03 2,342 208

04 2,589 1,846

05 4,115 3,808

06 2,036 1,847

07 458 554

08 450 545

09 442 535

10 435 526

11 513 602

12 923 592

13 908 582

14 892 572

15 877 562

PW 16,979 12,778

A standard for life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is currently being established by the National
Institute for Science and Technology (NIST).
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-1
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

Appendix H: Cost Estimate Classifications (AACEI)

The following Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACEI)
Recommended Practices, No. 17R-97, Cost Estimate Classification System, and No. 18R-97,
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering, Procurement and Construction
for the Process Industries, dated January 15, 2011; provide guidance for classifying project cost

Reprinted with the permission of AACE International

209 Prairie Ave., Suite 100, Morgantown, WV 25601 USA.
Phone 800-858-COST/304-296-8444
Fax: 304-291-5728
Internet: E-mail:
Copyright by AACE International; all rights reserved.
Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-2 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011


As a recommended practice of AACE International, the Cost Estimate Classification System provides
guidelines for applying the general principles of estimate classification to asset project cost estimates.
Asset project cost estimates typically involve estimates for capital investment, and exclude operating and
life-cycle evaluations. The Cost Estimate Classification System maps the phases and stages of asset cost
estimating together with a generic maturity and quality matrix that can be applied across a wide variety of

This guideline and its addenda have been developed in a way that:

provides common understanding of the concepts involved with classifying project cost estimates,
regardless of the type of enterprise or industry the estimates relate to;
fully defines and correlates the major characteristics used in classifying cost estimates so that
enterprises may unambiguously determine how their practices compare to the guidelines;
uses degree of project definition as the primary characteristic to categorize estimate classes; and
Reflects generally-accepted practices in the cost engineering profession.

An intent of the guidelines is to improve communication among all of the stakeholders involved with
preparing, evaluating, and using project cost estimates. The various parties that use project cost
estimates often misinterpret the quality and value of the information available to prepare cost estimates,
the various methods employed during the estimating process, the accuracy level expected from
estimates, and the level of risk associated with estimates.

This classification guideline is intended to help those involved with project estimates to avoid
misinterpretation of the various classes of cost estimates and to avoid their misapplication and
misrepresentation. Improving communications about estimate classifications reduces business costs and
project cycle times by avoiding inappropriate business and financial decisions, actions, delays, or
disputes caused by misunderstandings of cost estimates and what they are expected to represent.

This document is intended to provide a guideline, not a standard. It is understood that each enterprise
may have its own project and estimating processes and terminology, and may classify estimates in
particular ways. This guideline provides a generic and generally-acceptable classification system that can
be used as a basis to compare against. If an enterprise or organization has not yet formally documented
its own estimate classification scheme, then this guideline may provide an acceptable starting point.


An AACE International guideline for cost estimate classification for the process industries was developed
in the late 1960s or early 1970s, and a simplified version was adopted as an ANSI Standard Z94.0 in
1972. Those guidelines and standards enjoy reasonably broad acceptance within the engineering and
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-3
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

construction communities and within the process industries. This recommended practice guide and its
addenda improves upon these standards by:
1. providing a classification method applicable across all industries; and
2. unambiguously identifying, cross-referencing, benchmarking, and empirically evaluating the multiple
characteristics related to the class of cost estimate.

This guideline is intended to provide a generic methodology for the classification of project cost estimates
in any industry, and will be supplemented with addenda that will provide extensions and additional detail
for specific industries.


There are numerous characteristics that can be used to categorize cost estimate types. The most
significant of these are degree of project definition, end usage of the estimate, estimating methodology,
and the effort and time needed to prepare the estimate. The primary characteristic used in this guideline
to define the classification category is the degree of project definition. The other characteristics are

Categorizing cost estimates by degree of project definition is in keeping with the AACE International
philosophy of Total Cost Management, which is a quality-driven process applied during the entire project
life cycle. The discrete levels of project definition used for classifying estimates correspond to the typical
phases and gates of evaluation, authorization, and execution often used by project stakeholders during a
project life cycle.

Five cost estimate classes have been established. While the level of project definition is a continuous
spectrum, it was determined from benchmarking industry practices that three to five discrete categories
are commonly used. Five categories are established in this guideline as it is easier to simplify by
combining categories than it is to arbitrarily split a standard.

The estimate class designations are labeled Class 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. A Class 5 estimate is based upon the
lowest level of project definition, and a Class 1 estimate is closest to full project definition and maturity.
This arbitrary countdown approach considers that estimating is a process whereby successive estimates
are prepared until a final estimate closes the process.
Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-4 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

Secondary Characteristic
RANGE Typical degree
DEFINITION Typical purpose Typical estimating
ESTIMATE Typical +/- range of effort relative
Expressed as % of of estimate method
CLASS relative to best to least cost
complete definition
index of 1 [a] index of 1 [b]

Screening or Stochastic or
Class 5 0% to 2% 4 to 20 1
Feasibility Judgment

Concept Study or Primarily

Class 4 1% to 15% 3 to 12 2 to 4
Feasibility Stochastic

Budget, Mixed, but

Class 3 10% to 40% Authorization, or Primarily 2 to 6 3 to 10
Control Stochastic

Control or Bid/ Primarily

Class 2 30% to 70% 1 to 3 5 to 20
Tender Deterministic

Check Estimate or
Class 1 50% to 100% Deterministic 1 10 to 100

Notes: [a] If the range index value of "1" represents +10/-5%, then an index value of 10 represents +100/-50%.

[b] If the cost index value of "1" represents 0.005% of project costs, then an index value of 100 represents 0.5%.

Figure 1 Generic Cost Estimate Classification Matrix


The following are brief discussions of the various estimate characteristics used in the estimate
classification matrix. For the secondary characteristics, the overall trend of how each characteristic varies
with the degree of project definition (the primary characteristic) is provided.

Level of Project Definition (Primary Characteristic)

This characteristic is based upon percent complete of project definition (roughly corresponding to percent
complete of engineering). The level of project definition defines maturity or the extent and types of input
information available to the estimating process. Such inputs include project scope definition, requirements
documents, specifications, project plans, drawings, calculations, learning from past projects,
reconnaissance data, and other information that must be developed to define the project. Each industry
will have a typical set of deliverables that are used to support the class of estimates used in that industry.
The set of deliverables becomes more definitive and complete as the level of project definition
(e.g., project engineering) progresses.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-5
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

End Usage (Secondary Characteristic)

The various classes (or phases) of cost estimates prepared for a project typically have different end uses
or purposes. As the level of project definition increases, the end usage of an estimate

typically progresses from strategic evaluation and feasibility studies to funding authorization and budgets
to project control purposes.

Estimating Methodology (Secondary Characteristic)

Estimating methodologies fall into two broad categories: stochastic and deterministic. In stochastic
methods, the independent variable(s) used in the cost estimating algorithms are generally something
other than a direct measure of the units of the item being estimated. The cost estimating relationships
used in stochastic methods often are somewhat subject to conjecture. With deterministic methods, the
independent variable(s) are more or less a definitive measure of the item being estimated. A deterministic
methodology is not subject to significant conjecture. As the level of project definition increases, the
estimating methodology tends to progress from stochastic to deterministic methods.

Expected Accuracy Range (Secondary Characteristic)

Estimate accuracy range is in indication of the degree to which the final cost outcome for a given project
will vary from the estimated cost. Accuracy is traditionally expressed as a +/- percentage range around
the point estimate after application of contingency, with a stated level of confidence that the actual cost
outcome would fall within this range (+/- measures are a useful simplification, given that actual cost
outcomes have different frequency distributions for different types of projects). As the level of project
definition increases, the expected accuracy of the estimate tends to improve, as indicated by a tighter +/-

Note that in figure 1, the values in the accuracy range column do not represent + or - percentages, but
instead represent an index value relative to a best range index value of 1. If, for a particular industry, a
Class 1 estimate has an accuracy range of +10/-5 percent, then a Class 5 estimate in that same industry
may have an accuracy range of +100/-50 percent.

Effort to Prepare Estimate (Secondary Characteristic)

The level of effort needed to prepare a given estimate is an indication of the cost, time, and resources
required. The cost measure of that effort is typically expressed as a percentage of the total project costs
for a given project size. As the level of project definition increases, the amount of effort to prepare an
estimate increases, as does its cost relative to the total project cost. The effort to develop the project
deliverables is not included in the effort metrics; they only cover the cost to prepare the cost estimate


There are a myriad of complex relationships that may be exhibited among the estimate characteristics
within the estimate classifications. The overall trend of how the secondary characteristics vary with the
Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-6 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

level of project definition was provided above. This section explores those trends in more detail. Typically,
there are commonalties in the secondary characteristics between one estimate and the next, but in any
given situation there may be wide variations in usage, methodology, accuracy, and effort.

The level of project definition is the driver of the other characteristics. Typically, all of the secondary
characteristics have the level of project definition as a primary determinant. While the other characteristics
are important to categorization, they lack complete consensus. For example, one estimators bid might
be anothers budget. Characteristics such as accuracy and methodology can vary markedly from one
industry to another, and even from estimator to estimator within a given industry.

Level of Project Definition

Each project (or industry grouping) will have a typical set of deliverables that are used to support a given
class of estimate. The availability of these deliverables is directly related to the level of project definition
achieved. The variations in the deliverables required for an estimate are too broad to cover in detail here;
however, it is important to understand what drives the variations. Each industry group tends to focus on a
defining project element that drives the estimate maturity level. For instance, chemical industry projects
are process-equipment centric (i.e., the level of project definition and subsequent estimate maturity level
is significantly determined by how well the equipment is defined). Architectural projects tend to be
structure-centric, software projects tend to be function-centric, and so on. Understanding these drivers
puts the differences that may appear in the more detailed industry addenda into perspective.

End Usage

While there are common end usages of an estimate among different stakeholders, usage is often relative
to the stakeholders identity. For instance, an owner company may use a given of estimate to support
project funding, while a contractor may use the same class of estimate to support a contract bid or tender.
It is not at all uncommon to find stakeholders categorizing their estimates by usage-related headings such
as budget, study, or bid. Depending on the stakeholders perspective and needs, it is important to
understand that these may actually be all the same class of estimate (based on the primary characteristic
of level of project definition achieved).

Estimating Methodology

As stated previously, estimating methodologies fall into two broad categories: stochastic and
deterministic. These broad categories encompass scores of individual methodologies. Stochastic

methods often involve simple or complex modeling based on inferred or statistical relationships between
costs and programmatic and/or technical parameters. Deterministic methods tend to be straightforward
counts or measures of units of items multiplied by known unit costs or factors. It is important to realize
that any combination of methods may be found in any given class of estimate. For example, if a
stochastic method is known to be suitably accurate, it may be used in place of a deterministic method
even when there is sufficient input information based on the level of project definition to support a
deterministic method. This may be due to the lower level of effort required to prepare an estimate using
stochastic methods.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-7
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

Expected Accuracy Range

The accuracy range of an estimate is dependent upon a number of characteristics of the estimate input
information and the estimating process. The extent and the maturity of the input information as measured
by percentage completion (and related to level of project definition) is a highly-important determinant of
accuracy. However, there are factors besides the available input information that also greatly affect
estimate accuracy measures. Primary among these are the state of technology in the project and the
quality of reference cost estimating data.

State of technology - technology varies considerably between industries, and thus affects estimate
accuracy. The state of technology used here refers primarily to the programmatic or technical uniqueness
and complexity of the project. Procedurally, having full extent and maturity in the estimate basis
deliverables is deceptive if the deliverables are based upon assumptions regarding uncertain technology.
For a first-of-a-kind project there is a lower level of confidence that the execution of the project will be
successful (all else being equal). There is generally a higher confidence for projects that repeat past
practices. Projects for which research and development are still under way at the time that the estimate is
prepared are particularly subject to low accuracy expectations. The state of technology may have an
order of magnitude (10 to 1) effect on the accuracy range.

Quality of reference cost estimating data - accuracy is also dependent on the quality of reference cost
data and history. It is possible to have a project with common practice in technology, but with little cost
history available concerning projects using that technology. In addition, the estimating process typically
employs a number of factors to adjust for market conditions, project location, environmental
considerations, and other estimate-specific conditions that are often uncertain and difficult to assess. The
accuracy of the estimate will be better when verified empirical data and statistics are employed as a basis
for the estimating process, rather than assumptions.

In summary, estimate accuracy will generally be correlated with estimate classification (and therefore the
level of project definition), all else being equal. However, specific accuracy ranges will typically vary by
industry. Also, the accuracy of any given estimate is not fixed or determined by its classification category.
Significant variations in accuracy from estimate to estimate are possible if any of the determinants of
accuracy, such as technology, quality of reference cost data, quality of the estimating process, and skill
and knowledge of the estimator vary. Accuracy is also not necessarily determined by the methodology
used or the effort expended. Estimate accuracy must be evaluated on an estimate-by-estimate basis,
usually in conjunction with some form of risk analysis process.

Effort to Prepare Estimate

The effort to prepare an estimate is usually determined by the extent of the input information available.
The effort will normally increase as the number and complexity of the project definition deliverables that
are produced and assessed increase. However, with an efficient estimating methodology on repetitive
projects, this relationship may be less defined. For instance, there are combination design/estimating
tools in the process industries that can often automate much of the design and estimating process. These
tools can often generate Class 3 deliverables and estimates from the most basic input parameters for
repetitive-type projects. There may be similar tools in other industry groupings.

It also should be noted that the estimate preparation costs as a percentage of total project costs will vary
inversely with project size in a nonlinear fashion. For a given class of estimate, the preparation cost
percentage will decrease as the total project costs increase. Also, at each class of estimate, the
Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-8 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

preparation costs in different industries will vary markedly. Metrics of estimate preparation costs normally
exclude the effort to prepare the defining project deliverables.


The five estimate classes are presented in figure 1 in relationship to the identified characteristics. Only
the level of project definition determines the estimate class. The other four characteristics are secondary
characteristics that are generally correlated with the level of project definition, as discussed above.

This generic matrix and guideline provide a high-level estimate classification system that is non industry
specific. Refer to subsequent addenda for further guidelines that will provide more detailed information for
application in specific industries. These will provide additional information, such as input deliverable
checklists, to allow meaningful categorization in that industry.

ANSI Standard Z94.2-1989. Industrial Engineering Terminology: Cost Engineering.

ADDENDUM, RP No. 18-R-97 dated January 15, 2011


As a recommended practice of AACE International, the Cost Estimate Classification System provides
guidelines for applying the general principles of estimate classification to project cost estimates (i.e., cost
estimates that are used to evaluate, approve, and/or fund projects). The Cost Estimate Classification
System maps the phases and stages of project cost estimating together with a generic maturity and
quality matrix, which can be applied across a wide variety of industries.

This addendum to the generic recommended practice provides guidelines for applying the principles of
estimate classification specifically to project estimates for engineering, procurement, and construction
(EPC) work for the process industries. This addendum supplements the generic recommended practice
(17R-97) by providing:

a section that further defines classification concepts as they apply to the process industries;
a chart that maps the extent and maturity of estimate input information (project definition
deliverables) against the class of estimate.

As with the generic standard, an intent of this addendum is to improve communications among all of the
stakeholders involved with preparing, evaluating, and using project cost estimates specifically for the
process industries.

The overall purpose of this recommended practice is to outline relationship of specific design input data
and design deliverables, to the estimate accuracy and methodology used to produce the cost estimate.
An implied confidence level can be inferred by the completeness of project data and design deliverables,
coupled with the quality of the information shown. The estimate confidence level or estimate accuracy
range is limited by the reliability of the scope information available at the time of the estimate, in addition
to other variables.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-9
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

It is understood that each enterprise may have its own project and estimating processes and terminology,
and may classify estimates in particular ways. This guideline provides a generic and generally acceptable
classification system for process industries that can be used as a basis to compare against. This
addendum should allow each user to better assess, define, and communicate their own processes and
standards in the light of generally-accepted cost engineering practice.


For the purposes of this addendum, the term process industries is assumed to include firms involved with
the manufacturing and production of chemicals, petrochemicals, and hydrocarbon processing. The
common thread among these industries (for the purpose of estimate classification) is their reliance on
process flow diagrams (PFDs) and piping and instrument diagrams (P&IDs) as primary scope defining
documents. These documents are key deliverables in determining the degree of project definition, and
thus the extent and maturity of estimate input information.

Estimates for process facilities center on mechanical and chemical process equipment, and they have
significant amounts of piping, instrumentation, and process controls involved. As such, this addendum
may apply to portions of other industries, such as pharmaceutical, utility, metallurgical, converting, and
similar industries. Specific addendums addressing these industries may be developed over time.

This addendum specifically does not address cost estimate classification in non-process industries such
as commercial building construction, environmental remediation, transportation infrastructure, dry
processes such as assembly and manufacturing, soft asset production such as software development,
and similar industries. It also does not specifically address estimates for the exploration, production, or
transportation of mining or hydrocarbon materials, although it may apply to some of the intermediate
processing steps in these systems.

The cost estimates covered by this addendum are for engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)
work only. It does not cover estimates for the products manufactured by the process facilities, or for
research and development work in support of the process industries. This guideline does not cover the
significant building construction that may be a part of process plants. Building construction will be covered
in a separate addendum.

This guideline reflects generally-accepted cost engineering practices. This addendum was based upon
the practices of a wide range of companies in the process industries from around the world, as well as
published references and standards. Company and public standards were solicited and reviewed, and the
practices were found to have significant commonalities.


The five estimate classes are presented in table 1 in relationship to the identified characteristics. Only the
degree of project definition determines the estimate class. The other characteristics are secondary and
are generally correlated with the degree of project definition, as discussed in the generic RP No. 17R-97.
The characteristics are typical for the process industries but may vary from application to application.
Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-10 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

Table 1 Cost Estimate Classification Matrix for Process Industries

This matrix and guideline provide an estimate classification system that is specific to the process
industries. Refer to the generic estimate classification RP No. 17-97 for a general matrix that is non-
industry specific, or to other addendums for guidelines that will provide more detailed information for
application in other specific industries. These will typically provide additional information, such as input
deliverable checklists to allow meaningful categorization in those particular industries.

Table 1 illustrates typical accuracy ranges that are associated with the process industries. Depending on
the technical and project deliverables (and other variables) associated with each estimate, the accuracy
range for any particular estimate is expected to fall into the ranges identified.

In addition to the degree of project definition, estimate accuracy is also subject to:

Level of non-familiar technology in the project.

Complexity of the project.
Quality of reference cost estimating data.
Quality of assumptions used in preparing the estimate.
Experience and skill level of the estimator.
Estimating techniques employed.
Time and level of effort budgeted to prepare the estimate.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-11
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

Another way to look at the variability associated with estimate accuracy ranges is shown in Figure 1.
Depending upon the technical complexity of the project, the availability of appropriate cost reference
information, the degree of project definition, and the inclusion of appropriate contingency determination, a
typical Class 5 estimate for a process industry project may have an accuracy range as broad as -50% to
+100%, or as narrow as -20% to +30%.

Figure 1 also illustrates that the estimating accuracy ranges overlap the estimate classes. There are
cases where a Class 5 estimate for a particular project may be as accurate as a Class 3 estimate for a
different project. For example, this may occur if the Class 5 estimate is based on a repeat project with
good cost history and data, whereas the Class 3 estimate is for a project involving new technology. There
are also cases where a Class 3 estimate has no better accuracy than a Class 5 estimate. It is for this
reason that Table 1 provides a range in accuracy values. This allows application of the specific
circumstances inherent in a project, and an industry sector, to the indication of realistic estimate class
accuracy range percentages.
Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-12 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

Figure 1 Example of the Variability in Uncertainty Ranges for a Process Industry

DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-13
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011


The cost estimator makes the determination of the estimate class based upon the degree of project
definition (design % complete). While the determination of the estimate class is somewhat subjective, the
design input data, completeness and quality of the design deliverables serve to make the determination
more objective.


The following tables (2a through 2e) provide detailed descriptions of the five estimate classifications as
applied in the process industries. They are presented in the order of least-defined estimates to the most-
defined estimates. These descriptions include brief discussions of each of the estimate characteristics
that define an estimate class.

For each table, the following information is provided:

Description: a short description of the class of estimate, including a brief listing of the expected
estimate inputs based on the degree of project definition.
Degree of Project Definition Required: expressed as a percent of full definition of project and
technical deliverables. For the process industries, this correlates with the percent of engineering
and design complete.
End Usage: a short discussion of the possible end usage of this class of estimate.
Estimating Methods Used: a listing of the possible estimating methods that may be employed to
develop an estimate of this class.
Expected Accuracy Range: typical variation in low and high ranges after the application of
contingency (determined at a 50% level of confidence). Typically, this provides a 90% confidence
level that the actual cost will fall within the bounds of the low and high ranges. The estimate
confidence level and accuracy range is limited by the reliability of the scope information available
at the time of the estimate in addition to the other variables identified above. Note: the cost
estimate represents a point estimate based upon a prescriptive design, which may or may not
change throughout the life cycle of the design phase. The expected accuracy range is influenced
by the complexity and uncertainties of the project.
Alternate Estimate Names, Terms, Expressions, Synonyms: this section provides other
commonly used names that an estimate of this class might be known by. These alternate names
are not endorsed by this Recommended Practice. The user is cautioned that an alternative name
may not always be correlated with the class of estimate as identified in Tables 2a-2e.
Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-14 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-15
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-16 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-17
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011

Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-18 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011


Table 3 maps the extent and maturity of estimate input information (deliverables) against the five estimate
classification levels. This is a checklist of basic deliverables found in common practice in the process
industries. The maturity level is an approximation of the degree of completion of the deliverable. The
degree of completion is indicated by the following letters.

None (blank): development of the deliverable has not begun.

Started (S): work on the deliverable has begun. Development is typically limited to sketches,
rough outlines, or similar levels of early completion.
Preliminary (P): work on the deliverable is advanced. Interim, cross-functional reviews have
usually been conducted. Development may be near completion except for final reviews and
Complete (C): the deliverable has been reviewed and approved as appropriate.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-19
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011



5 4 3

0% to 1% to 10% to
PROJECT 30% to 70% 70% to 100%
2% 15% 40%
Project Data:
Project Scope Prelimin Define
General Defined Defined
Description ary d
Assume Prelimin Define
Production/Fa Defined Defined
d ary d
cility Capacity
Plant Location General Specifi Specific Specific
Soils & Prelimin Define
None Defined Defined
Hydrology ary d
Integrated Prelimin Define
None Defined Defined
Project Plan ary d
Project Master Prelimin Define
None Defined Defined
Schedule ary d
Escalation Prelimin Define
None Defined Defined
Strategy ary d
Prelimin Define
Breakdown None Defined Defined
ary d
Project Code Prelimin Define
None Defined Defined
of Accounts ary d
Contracting Assume Assume Prelimi
Defined Defined
Strategy d d nary
Block Flow
Plot Plans
Process Flow
Utility Flow
Piping &
Instrument S/P C C C
Appendix H DOE G 413.3-21
H-20 5-9-2011
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011



5 4 3

0% to 1% to 10% to
PROJECT 30% to 70% 70% to 100%
2% 15% 40%
Heat &
Electrical One- S/P C C C
Line Drawings
Specifications S P/C C C
& Datasheets
Equipment S C C C
Spare Parts P P C


/Site Discipline

Table 3 Estimate Input Checklist and Maturity Matrix

DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix H
5-9-2011 H-21 (and H-22)
Cost Estimate Classification System As Applied in Engineering
Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries

January 15, 2011


1. AACE International Recommended Practice No.17R-97, Cost Estimate Classification System,

AACE International, Morgantown, WV. (latest revision)
2. Hollmann, John K., PE CCE, Editor, Total Cost Management Framework: An Integrated
Approach to Portfolio, Program and Project Management, AACE International, Morgantown, WV,
3. AACE International, Recommended Practice 10S-90, Cost Engineering Terminology, AACE
International, Morgantown, WV. (latest revision).
4. John R. Heizelman, Estimating Factors for Process Plants, 1988 AACE Transactions, V.3, AACE
International, Morgantown, WV, 1988.
5. K.T. Yeo, The Cost Engineer Journal, UK Vol. 27, No. 6, 1989.
6. Stevens, G. and T. Davis, How Accurate are Capital Cost Estimates?, 1988 AACE Transactions,
B.4, AACE International. Morgantown, WV, 1988. (* Class III is inferred)
7. Behrenbruch, Peter, article in Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol 45, No. 8, Society of
Petroleum Engineers, August 1993.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix I
5-9-2011 I-1

Appendix I: Bibliography

General Cost Estimating/Cost Engineering References

Cost Analysis of Prototyping Major Weapon Systems Scheduling Using Neural and Symbolic
Processing, Cost Estimating and Analysis Balancing Technology and Declining Budgets, K.W.
Tyson, J.R. Nelson, D.C. Gogerty, B.R. Harmon, and A. Salerno, 1992.
Applied General Statistics, Third Edition, F.E. Croxton, D.J. Cowden, and S. Klein, 1967.
Business and Economic Statistics, W.A. Spurr, L.S. Kellog, and J.H. Smith, 1961.
Construction Cost Estimates, Second Edition, Leo Diamant and C.R. Tumblin, 1990.
Contractors Business Handbook: Accounting, Finance, Tax Management, Cost Control, Michael
S. Milliner, 1988.
Cost and Optimization Engineering, Second Edition, Frederic C. Jelen and James H. Black,
Cost Estimating, Second Edition, Rodney D. Stewart, 1990.
Cost Estimators Reference Manual, Rodney D. Steward and Richard M. Wyskida, editors, 1995.
Econometric Methods, Fourth Edition, John Johnston, Jack Johnston, John DiNardo,1997.
Improving Early Cost Estimates, Construction Industry Institute, 1998.
Introduction to Life Cycle Costing, Brown, Robert J., Ph.D., and Rudolph R. Yanuck, P.E., 1985.
Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, Third Edition, A.M. Mood and F.A. Graybill, 1973.
Jelens Cost and Optimization Engineering, Third Edition, Kenneth K. Humphreys, 1991.
Life Cycle Costing: A Practical Guide for Energy Managers, Robert J. Brown, Ph.D., and
Rudolph R. Yanuck, P.E., 1985.
Manual of Economic Analysis of Chemical Processes, Institut Francais Du Ptrole, 1981.
Means Estimating Handbook, R.S. Means, 1990.
Methods of Correlation and Regression Analysis, Third Edition, M.J.B. Ezekiel, and K.A. Fox,
Multivariate Logarithmic and Exponential Regression Models, C.A. Graver, and H.E. Boren, Jr.,
Parameter Estimation in Engineering and Science, James V. Beck, and Kenneth J. Arnold, 1977.
Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, Fifth Edition, Max S. Peters, Ronald
E. West and Klaus D. Timmerhaus, 2003.
Preliminary Chemical Engineering Plant Design, Second Edition, William D. Baasel.
Principles of Engineering Economy, Eighth Edition, Eugene L. Grant, W. Grant Ireson and
Richard S. Leavenworth, 1990.
Appendix I DOE G 413.3-21
I-2 5-9-2011

Project and Cost Engineers Handbook, Third Edition, Kenneth K. Humphreys and Lloyd M.
English, 1993.
Project Estimating by Engineering Methods, Paul F. Gallagher, 1965.
Project Feasibility Analysis - A Guide to Profitable New Ventures, D.S. Clifton and D.E. Fyffe,
Project Management - A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, Eighth
Edition, Harold Kerzner, Ph.D. 2003.
Recommended Practices, AACEI.
Skills and Knowledge of Cost Engineering, Fourth Edition, AACEI, 1999.
Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering, Robert A. Corbitt, editor, 1999.
Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions, W.A. Spurr and C.P. Bonini, 1973.
Statistics, a New Approach, W.A. Wallis and H.V. Roberts, 1956.
Transactions, AACEI.
Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Surface Project, 1979-1999, End-of-Project Report,
1999 Cost Engineers Notebook, AACEI, 1990.

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Related References

Cost and Scheduling Estimating Guide, DOE, Office of Waste Management, 1992.
Cost Estimating Guide, Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System, M&O Contractor,
Cost Estimating Handbook for Environmental Restoration, Environmental Restoration and
Waste Management Cost Assessment Team, DOE, Office of Environmental Management, 1990.
Cost Estimating Manual, WVDP-033, West Valley Nuclear Services, c.1994.
Cost Estimating Standard Operating Manual, Martin Marietta, Central Engineering, 1987.
Cost Guide, Volume 6 Cost Estimating Guide, DOE, Office of Infrastructure Acquisition, 1994.
DOE Accounting Handbook, Chapter 10, Plant and Capital Equipment, DOE, 2009.
DOE G 413.3-7A, Risk Management Guide, January 2011.
DOE STD 1120-98, Integration of Environment, Safety, and Health into Facility Disposition
Activities, 1980.
DOE STD-1073-93, DOE Standard Guide for Operational Configuration Management
Program, 1992.
DOE-ALO PFMD Chapter 13.0 Estimating Guide, DOE, Albuquerque Operations Office, Los
Alamos National Laboratory, 1997.
Estimating and Cost Control Manual for Construction Projects, DOE, Oak Ridge Operations
Office, 1991.
Estimating Reference Manual, LMES Estimating Engineering Department, 1996.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix I
5-9-2011 I-3

Facility Disposition Cost Model, Summary of Model and Supporting Documentation, Revision 2,
DOE, Rocky Flats Operations Office, Kaiser-Hill, LLC, 1999.
Improving Project Management in the Department of Energy, Letter Report, National Research
Council, National Academy Press, 2001.
Improving Project Management in the Department of Energy, National Research Council,
National Academy Press, 1999.
Privatization Cost Estimating Guide (A Supplement to the EM Privatization Guide), DOE, Office
of Environmental Management, (Draft), 1998.
Program/Project Managers Privatization Guide, DOE, Office of Environmental Management,
(Draft), 1998.
Project Estimating and Scheduling (PES), Standard Operating Manual, Martin Marietta Energy
Systems, Inc., 1991.
WSRC-MSI-94-01, WSRC Site Cost Estimating Manual, Westinghouse Savannah River
Company (WSRC), 1994.

U.S Department of Defense (DOD) Related References

Cost Analysis Manual, Department of the Army, U.S. Army Cost and Economic Analysis
Center, 2001.
DAU/DSMC Risk Management Guide for DOD Acquisition, Fifth Edition DOD, Defense
Acquisition University, Defense Systems Management College, 2003.
DISA Acquisition Deskbook, Independent Government Cost Estimates, Defense Information
Systems Agency (DISA), 1998.
DOD 5000.4, Cost Analysis Improvement Group (CAIG), , 1992.
DOD-5000.4-M-1, Contractor Cost Data Reporting Manual, DOD, Program Analysis and
Evaluation, 1999.
Economic Analysis Manual, Department of the Army, U.S. Army Cost and Economic Analysis
Center, 2001.
EI-01-D010, Construction Cost Estimates, Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, 1997.
Environmental Cost Analysis Methodology, DOD, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for
Environmental Security, 1999.
ER-1110-1-1300, Cost Engineering Policy and General Requirements, Department of the Army,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1993.
Information Assurance Information Technology Capabilities Contract (IA/ITCC), Defense
Information Systems Agency (DISA), 2003.
Operating and Support Cost-Estimating Guide, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1992.
Parametric Estimating Handbook, Second Edition, DOD, 1999.
Appendix I DOE G 413.3-21
I-4 5-9-2011

Project Schedule, UFGS-01320A, Unified Facilities Guide Specifications,

Supervision, Inspection, and Overhead (SIOH), DOD, Naval Facilities Engineering Command
(NAVFAC), 2000.
TRADOC Pamphlet 715-6, Independent Government Estimate Preparation Guide, DOD, 2000.

General and Other Federal References

A Guide to Developing and Documenting Cost Estimates During the Feasibility Study, EPA-540-
R-00-002, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000.
Administration of Government Contracts, Third Edition, John Cibinic, Jr., Ralph C. Nash, Jr
George Washington University, 1985.
Avoiding and Resolving Construction Claims, Barry B. Bramble, Esq., Michael F. DOnofrio,
PE, and John B Stetson, IV, 1990.
Bidding and Managing Government Construction, Theodore J. Trauner, Jr. and Michael H.
Payne, 1988.
Characteristics of Successful Megaprojects, National Research Council, National Academy
Press, 2000.
Construction Contracting, Richard J. Bednar, George Washington University, 1991.
Construction Litigation, Kenneth M. Cushman, editor, 1981.
Contract Pricing Reference Guide, Volumes 1-5Federal Acquisition Institute, 1997.
Cost Engineering and Project Management, ANSI Z94.4-1998
Federal Management Regulation, 41 CFR 102)
Federal Property Management Regulations, 41CFR 101)
Form and Content of Agency Financial Statements, Technical Amendments to OMB Bulletin
No. 97-01, M-00-05, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 2000.
Formulation of Government Contracts, Second Edition, George Washington University, 1986.
Fundamentals of the Construction Process, Kweku K. Bentil, AIC, 1989.
Guidelines to Standardize Measures of Costs and Benefits and the Format of Accounting
Statements, M-00-08, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 2000.
Industrial R&D Management, A. J. Gambino and M. Gartenberg, 1979.
Methodology and Procedures for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, 10 CFR 436.19, Part A
NASA Cost Estimating Handbook, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
OMB Bulletin No. 98-08, Audit Requirements for Federal Financial Statements, 1998.
Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, Seventh Edition, Robert H. Perry, and Don Green,
editors, 1997.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix I
5-9-2011 I-5 (and I-6)

Preliminary Chemical Engineering Plant Design, Second Edition, William D. Baasel, 1990.
Project Management Terms: A Working Glossary, Second Edition, J. LeRoy Ward, editor, 1999.
Proposal Preparation, Rodney D. Stewart and Ann L. Stewart, 1984.
Standard Classification for Allowance, Contingency and Reserve Sums in Building Construction
Estimating, ASTM E2168-01, 2003.
Standard Classification for Building Construction Field Requirements, and Office Overhead &
Profit, ASTM E2083-00, 2003.
Standard Classification for Life-Cycle Environmental Work ElementsEnvironmental Cost
Element Structure, ASTM E2150-02, 2003.
Standard Guide for Estimating Monetary Costs and Liabilities for Environmental Matters,
ASTM E2137-01, 2001.
The McGraw-Hill Handbook of Essential Engineering Information and Data, Ejup N. Ganic,
Tyler G. Hicks , editors, McGraw-Hill, 1991.
The Presidents Management Agenda: Fiscal Year 2002, Office of Management and Budget,
UNIFORMAT II Elemental Classification for Building Specifications, Cost Estimating and Cost
Analysis, National Institute of Standards and Technology Interagency Report 6389,
Robert P. Charette and Harold E. Marshall, 1999.

Internet References

Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, International (AACEI)
DOE Budget Guidance
DOE Directives System
DOE Lessons Learned Program
DOE Office of Engineering and Construction Management (OECM)
DOEs Energy Facility Contractors Group Best Practices
DOE Project Management Policy and Guidance
GA-09-3SP GAO Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide: Best Practices for Developing and
Managing Capital Program Costs
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix J
5-9-2011 J-1

Appendix J: Crosswalk to GAO-09-3SP

Where Conformance to
GAO Practice is
Demonstrated in
GAO Project Phase GAO Best Practice GAO Associated Tasks DOE G 413.3-21
INITIATION AND Step 1: Define the Determine estimates purpose, Guidance related to the
RESEARCHYour Estimate's Purpose required level of detail, and overall purpose of the estimate
audience, what you scope. can be found in Sections
are estimating, and Determine who will receive the 2.1, 3.2.1, and 6.7.1..
why you are estimate.
estimating it are of
Step 2: Develop an Determine the cost estimating Guidance related to
the utmost
Estimating Plan team and develop its master planning the estimate
schedule. development can be
Determine who will do the found in Section 4.1,
independent cost estimate Table 4-1,and Section
Outline the cost estimating
Develop the estimating timeline.
ASSESSMENTCost Step 3: Define the Program In a technical baseline description Guidance related to DOE
assessment steps are Characteristics document, identify the programs Program characteristics
iterative and can be purpose and its system and and requirements for cost
accomplished in performance characteristics and all estimates are discussed
varying order or system configurations. in Section 3 and also in
concurrently. Describe technology implications. Section 6.3.2.
Describe acquisition schedule and
Describe relationship to other
existing systems, including
predecessor or similar legacy
Define support (manpower,
training, etc.) and security needs
and risk items.
Develop system quantities for
development, test, and production.
Develop system quantities for
development, test, and production.
Define deployment and
maintenance plans.
Step 4: Determine the Define a work breakdown structure Guidance relative to
Estimating Structure (WBS) and describe each element estimate structure is
in a WBS dictionary (a major found in Table 4-1, and
automated information system discussed extensively in
may have only a cost element Section 5
Choose the best estimating
method for each WBS element.
Identify potential cross-checks for
likely cost and schedule drivers.
Develop a cost estimating
Step 5: Identify Ground Clearly define what the estimate The concepts related to
Rules and Assumptions includes and excludes. ground rules and
Appendix J DOE G 413.3-21
J-2 5-9-2011

Where Conformance to
GAO Practice is
Demonstrated in
GAO Project Phase GAO Best Practice GAO Associated Tasks DOE G 413.3-21
Identify global and program- assumptions are
specific assumptions, such as the discussed in Table 4-1,
estimates base year, including and again in Section 6,
time-phasing and life cycle. with specific guidance in
The estimate's base year, Section 6.7.1.
including time-phasing and life
Identify program schedule
information by phase and program
acquisition strategy.
Identify any schedule or budget
constraints, inflation assumptions,
and travel costs.
Specify equipment the government
is to furnish as well as the use of
existing facilities or new
modification or development.
Identify prime contractor and major
Determine technology refresh
cycles, technology assumptions,
and new technology to be
Define commonality with legacy
systems and assumed heritage
Describe effects of new ways of
doing business.
Step 6: Obtain Data Create a data collection plan with Estimate data sources
emphasis on collecting current and and associated guidance
relevant technical, programmatic, can be found in Section
cost, and risk data. 2.2, Section 3,and is the
Investigate possible data sources. focus of Section 6.3
Collect data and normalize them
for cost accounting, inflation,
learning and quantity adjustments.
Analyze the data for cost drivers,
trends, and outliers and compare
results against rules of thumb and
standard factors derived from
historical data.
Interview data sources and
document all pertinent information,
including an assessment of data
reliability and accuracy.
Store data for future estimates
Step 7: Develop a Point Develop the cost model, The techniques available
Estimate and Compare it to estimating each WBS element, for estimate development
an Independent Cost using the best methodology from are described in Section 5
Estimate the data collected, and including and the estimate
all estimating assumptions. development process
Express costs in constant year itself is discussed
dollars. extensively in Section 6.4.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix J
5-9-2011 J-3

Where Conformance to
GAO Practice is
Demonstrated in
GAO Project Phase GAO Best Practice GAO Associated Tasks DOE G 413.3-21
Time-phase the results by Other tasks identified
spreading costs in the years they here are discussed in
are expected to occur, based on Sections 6.5 and 6.6.
the program schedule.
Sum the WBS elements to develop Independent Cost
the overall point estimate. Estimates are discussed
Validate the estimate by looking in Section 8.3 with
for errors like double counting and guidance provided in
omitted costs. Appendix K.
Compare estimate against the
independent cost estimate and
examine where and why there are
Perform cross-checks on cost
drivers to see if results are similar.
Update the model as more data
become available or as changes
occur and compare results against
previous estimates.
ANALYSISThe Step 8: Conduct Sensitivity Test the sensitivity of cost The concept of Sensitivity
confidence in the Analysis elements to changes in estimating Analysis is discussed in
point or range of the input values and key assumptions. Section 6.4.5 as a subset
estimate is crucial to Identify effects on the overall of contingency analysis.
the decision maker. estimate of changing the program However the
schedule or quantities. requirements for such
analyses can also be
Determine which assumptions are
found throughout the
key cost drivers and which cost
Guidance document,
elements are affected most by
specifically, Section 6.1,
Table 6-1 and Section
Step 9: Conduct Risk and Determine and discuss with A full explanation of
Uncertainty Analysis technical experts the level of cost, DOEs guidance relative
schedule, and technical risk to risk and uncertainty
associated with each WBS analysis and contingency
element. allowances can be found
Analyze each risk for its severity in Section 6.4.5 and more
and probability. in-depth treatment can be
found in DOE G 413.3-
Develop minimum, most likely, and
7A, Risk Management
maximum ranges for each risk
Determine type of risk distributions
and reason for their use.
Ensure that risks are correlated.
Use an acceptable statistical
analysis method (e.g., Monte Carlo
simulation) to develop a
confidence interval around the
point estimate.
Identify the confidence level of the
point estimate.
Appendix J DOE G 413.3-21
J-4 5-9-2011

Where Conformance to
GAO Practice is
Demonstrated in
GAO Project Phase GAO Best Practice GAO Associated Tasks DOE G 413.3-21
Identify the amount of contingency
funding and add this to the point
estimate to determine the risk-
adjusted cost estimate.
Recommend that the project or
program office develop a risk
management plan to track and
mitigate risks.
Step 10: Document the Document all steps used to Estimate documentation
Estimate develop the estimate so that a cost is discussed in Section
analyst unfamiliar with the program 3.2, and extensively in
can recreate it quickly and produce Section 6.7.
the same result.
Document the purpose of the
estimate, the team that prepared it,
and who approved the estimate
and on what date.
Describe the program, its
schedule, and the technical
baseline used to create the
Present the programs time-
phased life-cycle cost.
Discuss all ground rules and
Include auditable and traceable
data sources for each cost
element and document for all data
sources how the data were
Describe in detail the estimating
methodology and rationale used to
derive each WBS elements cost
(prefer more detail over less).
Describe the results of the risk,
uncertainty, and sensitivity
analyses and whether any
contingency funds were identified.
Document how the estimate
compares to the funding profile.
Track how this estimate compares
to any previous estimates.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix J
5-9-2011 J-5 (and J-6)

Where Conformance to
GAO Practice is
Demonstrated in
GAO Project Phase GAO Best Practice GAO Associated Tasks DOE G 413.3-21
PRESENTATION Step 11: Present Estimate to Develop a briefing that presents Guidance related to the
Documentation and Management for Approval the documented life-cycle cost presentation of estimate
presentation make or estimate. results can be found in
break a cost Include an explanation of the Table 3-1, Section 3.2.4,
estimating decision technical and programmatic Section 6.7.1, and
outcome. baseline and any uncertainties. specifically in Section 7.2.
Compare the estimate to an
independent cost estimate (ICE)
and explain any differences.
Compare the estimate (life-cycle
cost estimate (LCCE)) or
independent cost estimate to the
budget with enough detail to easily
defend it by showing how it is
accurate, complete, and high in
Focus in a logical manner on the
largest cost elements and cost
Make the content clear and
complete so that those who are
unfamiliar with it can easily
comprehend the competence that
underlies the estimate results.
Make backup slides available for
more probing questions.
Act on and document feedback
from management.
Request acceptance of the
Step 12: Update the Update the estimate to reflect Estimate maintenance is
Estimate to Reflect Actual changes in technical or program discussed in Sections 6.8
Costs and Changes assumptions or keep it current as and 7.3, and more
the program passes through new extensively in DOE O
phases or milestones. 413.3B (requirements)
Replace estimates with EVM EAC and other associated
and Independent estimate at guidance documents.
completion (EAC) from the
integrated EVM system.
Report progress on meeting cost
and schedule estimates.
Perform a post mortem and
document lessons learned for
elements whose actual costs or
schedules differ from the estimate.
Document all changes to the
program and how they affect the
cost estimate.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix K
5-9-2011 K-1

Appendix K: ICR and ICE Guidance

General ICR/ICE Guidance

In most cases it is best to allow the ICE team to have access to the project estimate. In
this way, the approaches used to develop the ICE can be tailored to fit the available data
and subsequent reconciliation between the estimates is facilitated if the ICE is structured
in the same manner as the project estimate.

ICR/ICE Schedule (suggested and varies by project size and complexity)

Activity Typical Duration (weeks)

Establish ICR/ICE requirements and approved budget 1-2
Develop task order and complete negotiations with ICE 2-4
Hold kick-off meeting and initial site briefings 1-2
Development of ICR/ICE and draft report 2-10
(varies with project and ICE
Reconciliation between ICE and project estimate 1-2
Complete and issue final report 1-4
Overall Duration 8-24 weeks

Typical Information Requirements for ICR/ICE

The following lists some typical data needs to support ICRs and ICEs. These needs should be
addressed in light of the stage of project development (CD-0, CD-1, CD-2, etc.) and the nature of
the project (environmental remediation, standard construction, new technology, etc.)
Appendix K DOE G 413.3-21
K-2 5-9-2011

1. Project Status/Management/Technical Briefings should include, but not be limited to:

a. Project history and overview
b. Technical baseline
c. Current project status
d. Major issues and problems
e. Project organization
f. Acquisition Strategy
g. Project Execution Plan
h. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
i. Risk Management Plan and Risk Analysis
2. Project Schedule should include, but not be limited to:
a. NEPA activities
b. Milestones (including Critical Decisions)
c. Critical Path
d. Major contracts
e. Procurement Plan
3. Design and Estimate Documentation/Back-up should include, but not be limited to:
a. Project information such as
i. Facilities descriptions
ii. Plot plans and layout drawings
iii. P&IDs, Process Diagrams
iv. Electrical One-Line drawings
v. System Descriptions
b. Design basis documentation
c. Cost estimate summary
d. Cost estimate details
e. Cost estimate backup data, such as
i. Vendor quotes
ii. Labor rates
iii. Productivity factors
iv. Contracting basis/assumptions
v. Overhead/markup assumptions and calculations
vi. Engineering/CM/PM staffing plans and manpower estimates
4. Cost Briefing (analysis of the results of the estimate) should include, but not be limited to:
a. Current estimate
b. Estimate basis (all major components)
c. Contingency analysis (and supporting risk and uncertainty analysis)
d. Escalation
e. Cash flow
f. Funding plan
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix K
5-9-2011 K-3

g. TEC and OPC buildup and classification

h. Major assumptions
i. Value engineering results
j. Project staffing plan and resource availability/leveling analysis

Reconciliation of ICR/ICE and Project Estimate

A draft of the DOE ICE report is generated which represents the consensus of both the
DOE lead (e.g., OECM) and the ICE contractor, and includes the ICE contractors report
as backup.
The DOE ICE report includes the team leaders programmatic observations and
The draft DOE ICE report is transmitted to the project office for review and comments.
The ICE team leader will review the comments with the support contractor to determine
whether the major differences between the project estimate and the ICE can be resolved
via a teleconference or if a face-to-face meeting is required for reconciliation.
o Concentrate on major cost differences or items of special interest.
o Reconciliation does not necessarily mean consensus.
o An attempt should be made to keep reconciliations non-adversarial.
o If data is presented at the reconciliation that proves the ICE is in error, the ICE
should be changed. The project team should adhere to this rule as well.
A final draft ICE report will be developed to reflect any changes resulting from the
reconciliation meeting.

ICE Report Contents

Executive Summary
Background (including project cost/baseline history)
Project Status
Technical Baseline Description
Information available to the ICE team
Cost estimate methodology (s) used
Comparison of Project Estimate and the ICE by WBS
Variance Analysis
Contingency Analysis
Schedule Analysis/Variance
Funding Profile Analysis/Variance

DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix L
5-9-2011 L-1

Appendix L: DOE Expectations for Quality Cost Estimates

It is important that cost estimators and the program office validate that all cost elements are
credible and can be justified by acceptable estimating methods, adequate data, and detailed
documentation. This crucial step ensures that a high-quality cost estimate is developed,
presented, and defended to management. This process verifies that the cost estimate adequately
reflects the program baseline and provides a reasonable estimate of how much it will cost to
accomplish all tasks. It also confirms that the program cost estimate is traceable and accurate and
reflects realistic assumptions.

Verifying the quality of the point estimate is considered a best practice. One reason for this is
that independent cost estimators typically rely on historical data and therefore tend to estimate
more realistic program schedules and costs for state-of-the-art technologies. Moreover,
independent cost estimators are less likely to automatically accept unproven assumptions
associated with anticipated savings. That is, they bring more objectivity to their analyses,
resulting in estimates that are less optimistic and higher in cost. An independent view provides a
reality check of the point estimate and helps reduce the odds that management will invest in an
unrealistic program that is bound to fail.

Cost Estimating Best Practices

There are four characteristics of a high-quality, reliable cost estimate. It is well-documented,

comprehensive, accurate, and credible.

An estimate must be thoroughly documented, including source data and significance, clearly
detailed calculations and results, and explanations of why particular methods and references
were chosen. Data must be traced to their source documents.

An estimate must have enough detail to ensure that cost elements are neither omitted nor double
counted. All cost-influencing ground rules and assumptions are detailed in the estimates

An estimate must be unbiased, not overly conservative or overly optimistic, and is based on an
assessment of most likely costs. Few, if any, mathematical mistakes are present; those that are

Any limitations of the analysis because of uncertainty or bias surrounding data or assumptions
are discussed. Major assumptions are varied, and other outcomes are recomputed to determine
how sensitive they are to changes in the assumptions. Risk and uncertainty analysis is performed
to determine the level of risk associated with the estimate. The estimates results are
crosschecked, and an independent cost estimate (ICE) conducted by a group outside the
acquiring organization is developed to determine whether other estimating methods produce
similar results.

Table L-1 shows how the 12 steps of a high-quality cost estimating process can be mapped to
these four characteristics of a high-quality, reliable cost estimate.
Appendix L DOE G 413.3-21
L-2 5-9-2011

Table L-1: The Twelve Steps of High-Quality Cost Estimating (GAO)

Mapped to the Characteristics of a High-Quality Cost Estimate

Cost estimate characteristic: Cost estimating step:

Well documented. The estimate is thoroughly 1. Define the estimates purpose;

documented, including source data and significance,
clearly detailed calculations and results, and 3. Define the program;
explanations for choosing a particular method or
reference: 5. Identify ground rules and
Data are traced back to the source documentation;
Includes a technical baseline description; 6. Obtain the data;
Documents all steps in developing the estimate so 10. Document the estimate;
that a cost analyst unfamiliar with the program can
recreate it quickly with the same result; 11. Present the estimate to
Documents all data sources for how the data were management.
Describes in detail the estimating methodology
and rationale used to derive each WBS elements
Comprehensive. The estimates level of detail 2. Develop the estimating plan;
ensures that cost elements are neither omitted nor
double counted: 4. Determine the estimating
Details all cost-influencing ground rules and
Defines the WBS and describes each element in a
WBS dictionary;
A major automated information system program
may have only a cost element structure.
Accurate. The estimate is unbiased, not overly 7. Develop the point estimate and
conservative or overly optimistic, and based on an compare it to an independent cost
assessment of most likely costs: estimate;

It has few, if any, mathematical mistakes; its 12. Update the estimate to reflect
mistakes are minor; actual costs and changes.
It has been validated for errors like double counting
and omitted costs;
Cost drivers have been cross-checked to see if
results are similar;
It is timely;
It is updated to reflect changes in technical or
program assumptions and new phases or milestones;
Estimates are replaced with EVM EAC and the
independent EAC from the integrated EVM system.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix L
5-9-2011 L-3

Cost estimate characteristic: Cost estimating step:

Credible. Discusses any limitations of the analysis 7. Develop the point estimate and
from uncertainty or biases surrounding data or compare it to an independent cost
assumptions: estimate;

Major assumptions are realistic, varied and other 8. Conduct sensitivity analysis;
outcomes recomputed to determine their sensitivity
to changes in assumptions; 9. Conduct risk and uncertainty
Risk and uncertainty analysis is performed to analysis.
determine the level of risk associated with the
An independent cost estimate is developed to
determine if other estimating methods produce
similar results

Validating Cost Estimates

Too often program assumptions are optimistic and thus cost estimates are unrealistic and as a
result, cost more than originally estimated. One way to avoid this predicament is to ensure that
program and project cost estimates are both internally and externally validatedthat is, that they
are comprehensive, well documented, accurate, and credible. This increases the confidence that
an estimate is reasonable and as accurate as possible.

The following steps should be taken to validate a program or project cost estimate:

1. Determine That the Estimate Is Well Documented:

Cost estimates are considered valid if they are well documented to the point at which they
can be easily repeated or updated and can be traced to original sources through auditing.
Rigorous documentation also increases an estimates credibility and helps support an
organizations decision making. The documentation should explicitly identify the primary
methods, calculations, results, rationales or assumptions, and sources of the data used to
generate each cost element.

Cost estimate documentation should be detailed enough to provide an accurate

assessment of the cost estimates quality. For example, it should identify the data sources,
justify all assumptions, and describe each estimating method (including any cost
estimating relationships) for every WBS cost element. Further, schedule milestones and
deliverables should be traceable and consistent with the cost estimate documentation.
Finally, estimating methods used to develop each WBS cost element should be
thoroughly documented so that their derivation can be traced to all sources, allowing for
the estimate to be easily replicated and updated.
Appendix L DOE G 413.3-21
L-4 5-9-2011

2. Determine That the Estimate Is Comprehensive:

Cost Estimators or Analysts should make sure that the cost estimate is complete and
accounts for all costs that are likely to occur. They should confirm its completeness, its
consistency, and the realism of its information to ensure that all pertinent costs are
included. Comprehensive cost estimates completely define the program, reflect the
current schedule, and are technically reasonable. In addition, cost estimates should be
structured in sufficient detail to ensure that cost elements are neither omitted nor double-
counted. For example, if it is assumed that software will be reused, the estimate should
account for all associated costs, such as interface design, modification, integration,
testing, and documentation.

To determine whether an estimate is comprehensive, an objective review must be

performed to certify that the estimates criteria and requirements have been met. This
step also infuses quality assurance practices into the cost estimate. In this effort, the
reviewer checks that the estimate captures the complete technical scope of the work to be
performed, using a logical WBS that accounts for all performance criteria and
requirements. In addition, the reviewer must determine that all assumptions and
exclusions the estimate is based on are clearly identified, explained, and reasonable.

3. Determine That the Estimate Is Accurate:

Estimates are accurate when they are not overly conservative or too optimistic, based on
an assessment of most likely costs, adjusted properly for inflation, and contain few, if
any, minor mistakes. In addition, when schedules or other assumptions change, cost
estimates should be revised to reflect their current status.

Validating that a cost estimate is accurate requires thoroughly understanding and

investigating how the cost estimate was constructed. For example, all WBS cost estimate
elements should be checked to verify that calculations are accurate and account for all
costs, including indirect costs. Moreover, proper escalation factors should be used to
inflate costs so that they are expressed consistently and accurately. Finally, rechecking
spreadsheet formulas and data input is imperative to validate cost model accuracy.

Besides these basic checks for accuracy, the estimating technique used for each cost
element should be reviewed, to make sure it is appropriate for the degree of design or
requirements definition that is complete.

Depending on the analytical method chosen, several questions should be answered to

ensure cost estimate accuracy. Table L-2 outlines typical questions that should be
answered to assess accuracy associated with various estimating techniques.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix L
5-9-2011 L-5

Table L-2: Questions for Checking the Accuracy of Cost Estimating Techniques

Technique: Question:

Analogy; What heritage programs and scaling factors were used to create the
Are the analogous data from reliable sources?
Did technical experts validate the scaling factor?
Can any unusual requirements invalidate the analogy?
Are the parameters used to develop an analogous factor similar to
the program being estimated?
How were adjustments made to account for differences between
existing and new systems? Were they logical, credible, and
Data collection; How old are the data? Are they still relevant to the new program?
Is there enough knowledge about the data source to determine if it
can be used to estimate accurate costs for the new program?
Has a data scatter plot been developed to determine whether any
outliers, relationships, and trends exist?
Were descriptive statistics generated to describe the data, including
the historical average, mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of
If data outliers were removed, did the data fall outside three
standard deviations?
Were comparisons made to historical data to show they were an
Were the data properly normalized so that comparisons and
projections are valid?
Were the cost data adjusted for inflation so that they could be
described in like terms?
Engineering build-up; Was each WBS cost element defined in enough detail to use this
method correctly?
Are data adequate to accurately estimate the cost of each WBS
Did experienced experts help determine a reasonable cost estimate?
Was the estimate based on specific quantities that would be ordered
at one time, allowing for quantity discounts?
Did the estimate account for contractor material handling overhead?
Is there a definitive understanding of each WBS cost elements
Were labor rates based on auditable sources? Did they include all
applicable overhead, general and administrative costs, and fees?
Were they consistent with industry standards?
Is a detailed and accurate materials and parts list available?
Appendix L DOE G 413.3-21
L-6 5-9-2011

Technique: Question:

Expert opinion Do quantitative historical data back up the expert opinion?

How did the estimate account for the possibility that bias influenced
the results?
Extrapolate from Were cost reports used for extrapolation validated as accurate?
actuals (averages, Was the cost element at least 25% complete before using its data as
learning curves, an extrapolation?
estimates at Were functional experts consulted to validate the reported
completion) percentage as complete?
Were contractors interviewed to ensure the cost datas validity?
Were recurring and nonrecurring costs separated to avoid double
How were first unit costs of the learning curve determined? What
historical data were used to determine the learning curve slope?
Were recurring and nonrecurring costs separated when the learning
curve was developed?
How were partial units treated in the learning curve equation?
Were production rate effects considered? How were production
break effects determined?
Parametric; Was a valid statistical relationship, or CER, between historical costs
and program, physical, and performance characteristics established?
How logical is the relationship between key cost drivers and cost?
Was the CER used to develop the estimate validated and accepted?
How old are the data in the CER database? Are they still relevant
for the program being estimated?
Do the independent variables for the program fall within the CER
data range?
What is the level of variation in the CER? How well does the CER
explain the variation (R2) and how much of the variation does the
model not explain?
Do any outliers affect the overall fit?
How significant is the relationship between cost and its independent
How well does the CER predict costs?
Software estimating; Was the software estimate broken into unique categories: new
development, reuse, commercial off-the-shelf, modified code, glue
code, integration?
What input parametersprogrammer skills, applications
experience, development language, environment, processwere
used for commercial software cost models, and how were they
How was the software effort sized? Was the sizing method
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix L
5-9-2011 L-7

Technique: Question:

How were productivity factors determined?

How was labor hours converted to cost? How many productive
hours were assumed in each day?
How were savings from auto-generated code and commercial off-
the-shelf software estimated? Are the savings reasonable?
What were the assumptions behind the amount of code reuse? Were
they supported?
How were the integration between the software, commercial
software, system, and hardware estimated, and what historical data
supported the results?
Were software license costs based on actual or historical data?
Were software maintenance costs adequately identified and

Validating Parametric Cost Estimates and Cost Models

Cost Estimating Relationships (CERs) and cost models also need to be validated to
demonstrate that they can predict costs within an acceptable range of accuracy. To do
this, data from historical programs similar to the new program should be collected to
determine whether the CER selected is a reliable predictor of costs. In this review,
technical parameters for the historical programs should be examined to determine
whether they are similar to the program being estimated. For the CER to be accurate, the
new and historical programs should have similar functions, objectives, and program
factors, like acquisition strategy, or results could be misleading. Equally important, CERs
should be developed with established and enforced policies and procedures that require
staff to have proper experience and training to ensure the models continued integrity.

Before a parametric model is used to develop an estimate, the model should be calibrated
and validated to ensure that it is based on current, accurate, and complete data and is
therefore a good predictor of cost. Like a CER, a parametric model is validated by
determining that its users have enough experience and training and that formal estimating
system policies and procedures have been established. The procedures focus on the
models background and history, identifying key cost drivers and recommending steps for
calibrating and developing the estimate. To stay current, parametric models should be
continually updated and calibrated.

Validation with calibration gives confidence that the model is a reliable estimating
technique. To evaluate a models ability to predict costs, a variety of assessment tests can
be performed. One is to compare calibrated values with independent data that were not
included in the models calibration. Comparing the models results to the independent
test datas known value provides a useful benchmark for how accurately the model can
predict costs. An alternative is to use the model to prepare an estimate and then compare
Appendix L DOE G 413.3-21
L-8 5-9-2011

its result with an independent estimate cost or check estimate based on another estimating

4. Determine That the Estimate Is Credible:

Credible cost estimates clearly identify limitations because of uncertainty or bias

surrounding the data or assumptions. Major assumptions should be varied and other
outcomes recomputed to determine how sensitive outcomes are to changes in the
assumptions. In addition, a risk and uncertainty analysis should be performed to
determine the level of risk (cost estimate uncertainty) associated with the estimate.
Finally, the results of the estimate should be cross-checked and an ICE performed to
determine whether alternative estimate views produce similar results.

To determine an estimates credibility, key cost elements should be tested for sensitivity,
and other cost estimating techniques should be used to cross-check the reasonableness of
Ground Rules & Assumptions (GR&As). It is also important to determine how sensitive
the final results are to changes in key assumptions and parameters. A sensitivity analysis
identifies key elements that drive cost and permits what-if analysis, often used to develop
cost ranges and risk reserves. This enables management to know the potential for cost
growth and the reasons behind it.

Along with a sensitivity analysis, a risk and uncertainty analysis adds to the credibility of
the cost estimate, because it identifies the level of confidence associated with achieving
the cost estimate. Risk and uncertainty analysis produces more realistic results, because it
assesses the variability in the cost estimate from such effects as schedules slipping,
missions changing, and proposed solutions not meeting users needs. An uncertainty
analysis gives decision makers perspective on the potential variability of the estimate
should facts, circumstances, and assumptions change. By examining the effects of
varying the estimates elements, a degree of uncertainty about the estimate can be
expressed with a range of potential costs that is qualified by a factor of confidence.

Another way to reinforce the credibility of the cost estimate is to see whether applying a
different method produces similar results. In addition, industry rules of thumb can
constitute a sanity check. The main purpose of cross-checking is to determine whether
alternative methods produce similar results. If so, then confidence in the estimate
increases, leading to greater credibility. If not, then the cost estimator should examine and
explain the reason for the difference and determine whether it is acceptable.

An Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) is considered one of the best and most reliable
validation methods. ICEs are typically performed by organizations higher in the decision-
making process than the office performing the baseline estimate. They provide an
independent view of expected program costs that tests the program offices estimate for
reasonableness. Therefore, ICEs can provide decision makers with additional insight into
a programs potential costsin part, because they frequently use different methods and
are less burdened with organizational bias. Moreover, ICEs tend to incorporate adequate
risk and, therefore, tend to be more conservative by forecasting higher costs than the
program office.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix L
5-9-2011 L-9

The ICE is usually developed from the same technical baseline description the program
office used so that the estimates are comparable. An ICEs major benefit is that it
provides an objective and unbiased assessment of whether the program estimate can be
achieved, reducing the risk that the program will proceed underfunded. It also can be
used as a benchmark to assess the reasonableness of a contractors proposed costs,
improving managements ability to make sound investment decisions, and accurately
assess the contractors performance.

In most cases, the ICE team does not have insight into daily program events, so it is
usually forced to estimate at a higher level or use analogous estimating techniques. It is,
in fact, expected that the ICE team will use different estimating techniques and, where
possible, data sources from those used to develop the baseline estimate. It is important for
the ICE team and the programs cost estimate team to reconcile the two estimates.

Two issues with ICEs are the degree of independence and the depth of the analysis.
Degree of independence depends on how far removed the estimator is from the program
office. The greater the independence, the more detached and disinterested the cost
estimator is in the programs success. The basic test for independence, therefore, is
whether the cost estimator can be influenced by the program office.

Thus, independence is determined by the position of the cost estimator in relation to the
program office and whether there is a common superior between the two. For example, if
an independent cost estimator is hired by the program office, the estimator may be
susceptible to success-oriented bias. When this happens, the ICE can end up too

History has shown a clear pattern of higher cost estimates the further away from the
program office that the ICE is created. This is because the ICE team is more objective
and less prone to accept optimistic assumptions. To be of value, however, an ICE must
not only be performed by entities far removed from the acquiring program office but
must also be accepted by management as a valuable risk reduction resource that can be
used to minimize unrealistic expectations. The second issue with an ICE is the depth of
the review.

Table L-3 lists eight types of independent cost estimate reviews and describes what they

Table L-3: Eight Types of Independent Cost Estimate Reviews:

Review: Description:

Document review; It is an inventory of existing documentation to

determine whether information is missing and an
assessment of the available documentation to support
the estimate.
Appendix L DOE G 413.3-21
L-10 5-9-2011

Review: Description:

Independent cost assessment; An outside evaluation of a programs cost estimate that

examines its quality and accuracy, with emphasis on
specific cost and technical risks, it involves the same
procedures as those of the program estimate but using
different methods and techniques.

Independent cost estimate Conducted by an organization outside the acquisition

Description: chain, using the same detailed technical information as
the program estimate, it is a comparison with the
program estimate to determine whether it is accurate and

Independent government cost Analyzing contractors prices or cost proposals, it

estimate; estimates the cost of activities outlined in the statement
of work; does not include all costs associated with a
program and can only reflect costs from a contractors
viewpoint. Assumes that all technical challenges can be
met as outlined in the proposal, meaning that it cannot
account for potential risks associated with design

Non-advocate review Description: Performed by experienced but independent internal non-

advocate staff, it ascertains the adequacy and accuracy
of a programs estimated budget; assesses the validity of
program scope, requirements, capabilities, acquisition
strategy, and estimated life-cycle costs.

Parametric estimating technique; Usually performed at the summary WBS level, it

includes all activities associated with a reasonableness
review and incorporates cross-checks using parametric
techniques and factors based on historical data to
analyze the estimates validity.

Reasonableness, or sufficiency, It is a review of all documentation by an independent

review; cost team, meeting with staff responsible for developing
the program estimate, to analyze whether the estimate is
sufficient with regard to the validity of cost and
schedule assumptions and cost estimate methodology
rationale and whether it is complete.
DOE G 413.3-21 Appendix L
5-9-2011 L-11 (and L-12)

Sampling technique; It is an independent estimate of key cost drivers of

major WBS elements whose sensitivity affects the
overall estimate; detailed independent government cost
estimates developed for these key drivers include
vendor quotes and material, labor, and subcontractor
costs. Other program costs are estimated using the
program estimate, as long as a reasonableness review
has been conducted to ensure their validity.

As the table shows, the most rigorous independent review is an ICE. Other independent
cost reviews address only a programs high-value, high-risk, and high-interest elements
and simply pass through program estimate values for the other costs. While they are
useful to management, not all provide the objectivity necessary to ensure that the estimate
going forward for a decision is valid.

After an ICE or independent review is completed, it should be reconciled to the project or

baseline estimate to ensure that both estimates are based on the same GR&As. A synopsis
or reconciliation of the cost estimates and their differences is then presented to
management. Using this information, decision makers use the ICE or independent cost
estimate review to validate whether the program estimate is reasonable.

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