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Cost Estimation For Coastal Protection

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Cost estimation for coastal protection –

summary of evidence
Report –SC080039/R7
We are the Environment Agency. We protect and improve the
environment and make it a better place for people and wildlife.

We operate at the place where environmental change has its

greatest impact on people’s lives. We reduce the risks to people and
properties from flooding; make sure there is enough water for people
and wildlife; protect and improve air, land and water quality and
apply the environmental standards within which industry can

Acting to reduce climate change and helping people and wildlife

adapt to its consequences are at the heart of all that we do.

We cannot do this alone. We work closely with a wide range of

partners including government, business, local authorities, other
agencies, civil society groups and the communities we serve.

This report is the result of research commissioned by the

Environment Agency’s Evidence Directorate and funded by the joint
Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and
Development Programme.

Published by: Author(s):

Environment Agency, Horizon House, Deanery Road, Thomas Hudson, JBA Consulting
Bristol, BS1 5AH Kevin Keating, JBA Consulting
Angus Pettit, JBA Consulting
Dissemination Status:
© Environment Agency – March 2015 Publicly available

All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced Keywords:

with prior permission of the Environment Agency. Whole life costing, cost estimation, coastal erosion,
coastal protection
The views and statements expressed in this report are
those of the author alone. The views or statements Research Contractor:
expressed in this publication do not necessarily JBA Consulting
represent the views of the Environment Agency and the South Barn, Broughton Hall, Skipton
Environment Agency cannot accept any responsibility for North Yorkshire BD23 3AE
such views or statements. 01756 799919

Email: Environment Agency’s Project Manager:

Adam Baylis, Evidence Directorate
Further copies of this report are available from our
publications catalogue: Collaborator(s): John Chatterton
Alan Williams
or our National Customer Contact Centre:
T: 03708 506506 Project Number:

ii Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

Evidence at the
Environment Agency
Evidence underpins the work of the Environment Agency. It provides an up-to-date
understanding of the world about us, helps us to develop tools and techniques to
monitor and manage our environment as efficiently and effectively as possible. It also
helps us to understand how the environment is changing and to identify what the future
pressures may be.
The work of the Environment Agency’s Evidence Directorate is a key ingredient in the
partnership between research, guidance and operations that enables the Environment
Agency to protect and restore our environment.
This report was produced by the Scientific and Evidence Services team within
Evidence. The team focuses on four main areas of activity:

• Setting the agenda, by providing the evidence for decisions;

• Maintaining scientific credibility, by ensuring that our programmes and
projects are fit for purpose and executed according to international standards;
• Carrying out research, either by contracting it out to research organisations
and consultancies or by doing it ourselves;
• Delivering information, advice, tools and techniques, by making
appropriate products available.

Miranda Kavanagh
Director of Evidence

Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence iii

Executive summary
This summary of evidence provides indicative costs and guidance for coastal erosion
and flood management activities. Coastal environments are often very dynamic and are
highly variable in terms of the severity of exposure to natural conditions. Producing
collated cost information is therefore challenging.
Key cost Key cost components are likely to be the enabling costs
components (procurement, planning and design), capital construction costs and
post construction monitoring and maintenance costs.
Key asset • Walls
• Revetments/coastal embankments
• Groynes
• Beach recycling and recharging or nourishment
• Dune, shingle, beach management
• Managed realignment discussed separately (see below)
Data Key datasets include:
reviewed in
specific • Environment Agency Unit Cost Database (capital costs).
guidance • Various other case studies and examples
Other Local or proxy records such as data from Environment Agency
relevant data SAMPs and local authority information
Relative cost Enabling costs Costs may be higher than other measures due
importance to the level of consultation, design and
preliminary assessments required.
Capital costs Variable costs depending on type of assets and
management methods, asset length and size,
associated structures and site conditions, but
typically much higher than the fluvial equivalent.
Dune, shingle and beach management are more
likely to have significantly lower costs, but often
higher maintenance costs.
Maintenance costs Variable. Walls may offer a very low
maintenance burden, but revetments and
particularly beach recycling/nourishment
schemes can have high ongoing costs.
Other cost May include environmental costs, habitat
considerations creation and decommissioning costs.

iv Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

Cost Initial Approximate unit rates for the completed asset
estimation concept/national available
methodology appraisal
Strategic, regional, Approximate unit rates for the completed asset
or conceptual available. Costs for some asset types not
design available and specialist advice likely to be
Preliminary No specific cost information provided. Guidance
feasibility/design on data availability and procedures provided.
Design life Data provided by Environment Agency asset deterioration reports are
information provided for guidance associated with embankment design lives.
Some additional design life references are also provided.
Quality of Coordinated, readily available information is relatively absent for
data coastal erosion and protection measures, although some example
unit costs are available for a number of different asset types.
Coordinated recording of actual out-turn costs for these assets is
limited, but some case studies and very generic costs from literature
are provided to assist appraisers on the scale of costs for broad scale,
early cost estimates.
The scale of information is fairly broad and useful only for very high
level strategic, national or very early stage cost assessments.
Insufficient information is available to derive cost curve data to
support tool development.
Available information and guidance on the key aspects is provided to
support practitioners undertaking high level costs estimates.
Additional Checklist of factors likely to influence capital and maintenance costs,
guidance and key factors to consider for detailed costs estimation
List of R&D and general design guidance
Case studies of recent schemes

Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence v

The authors wish to thank the Project Board (Ian Meadowcroft, Linsay Hensman and
Adam Baylis) and the Environment Agency, local authority and Internal Drainage Board
representatives and operational staff who were consulted.

vi Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

1 Long term costing - coastal flood protection 1
1.1 Forms of coastal defence operations 1
1.2 Key cost requirements 4
1.3 Enabling costs 5
1.4 Generic capital cost ranges 9
1.5 Capital costs 11
1.6 Operation and maintenance costs 19
1.7 Coastal monitoring 23
1.8 Design life and asset deterioration 28
1.9 Cost estimation methodology 30
1.10 Case studies 31
1.11 Checklist 34
1.12 R&D and general design guidance 35
1.13 References 36

Table 1.1 Typical elements of the cost of beach control works (CIRIA 2010) 5
Table 1.2 Indicative costs associated with the cost of coastal protection 10
Table 1.3 Key cost considerations for coastal works 11
Table 1.4 Example costs from the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database associated with beach
recycling/recharge 13
Table 1.5 Example costs from the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database associated with coastal walls 14
Table 1.6 Example costs from the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database associated with revetments 15
Table 1.7 Example costs from the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database associated with rock groynes 18
Table 1.8 Estimated groyne construction costs (£/m) 19
Table 1.9 Environment Agency suggested maintenance frequencies 20
Table 1.10 Summary of potential monitoring data requirements 24
Table 1.11 Deterioration rates for different materials in coastal environments 28
Table 1.12 Deterioration rates for revetments in coastal environments 29

Figure 1.1 Flow diagram for coastal whole life costs 30

Figure 1.2 Erosion of Environment Agency flood defence embankment, November 2004 (source: Terry Oakes
Associates Limited) 31
Figure 1.3 Completed East Lane, Bawdsey Coast Protection and Flood Defence Scheme (source: M Page) 32
Figure 1.4 Coastal erosion, 1962 (image courtesy of Environment Agency) 33
Figure 1.5 Completed seawall, beach and jetties (image courtesy of Environment Agency) 33
Figure 1.6 Alkborough Flats managed realignment – breach to the right (copyright: Environment Agency) 33

Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence vii

1 Long term costing - coastal
flood protection
Coastal management in the UK has evolved significantly in design and execution over
the last 20–30 years from building structures to reduce shoreline erosion and prevent
flooding of the hinterland to working with tidal and wave processes.
A coastal protection system consists of a combination of the beach and backshore
elements such as cliffs, beaches, dunes and/or artificial defences that contribute to
flood protection and coastal erosion prevention.

1.1 Forms of coastal defence operations

There are a number of forms of coastal defences from natural beach and dune
defences from structural flood defence walls and revetments that limit tidal overtopping,
through to breakwaters and groynes designed to reduce longshore sediment transport
and reduce wave heights.
The method of protection and form of defence may be linked to the value of the
hinterland being protected but also to specific exposure conditions, the hydraulic
performance required, environmental considerations, beach usage (amenity, tourism
and so on) as well as cost.

1.1.1 Natural defences

Natural defences are preferable to hard flood defences as they allow coastal zones to
adapt to natural processes and reduce the need for long-term intervention. Natural
defences may include cliffs, sand dunes, shingle banks or sand beaches. The
successful management of these natural defences can negate the need for more costly
intervention options.
Management methods may include artificial improvement of beach levels/profiles, or
beach nourishment or recharge where beaches are eroding. Beach recycling is the
mechanical shifting of sand, shingle or even boulders from an area of accretion to an
area of erosion. Normally recycling would be undertaken at a local level, with sediment
being taken from an accreting ridge, the lower beach or an estuary bar, and
transported a short distance to an eroding foreshore. Alternatively the donor area may
be to landward if sand is blown onto roads or other areas where it is not wanted and
from where it can be recovered.
Recycling sand or shingle can be carried out to repair minor erosion problems, or it can
be used to rebuild long lengths of upper beach. Use of boulders is usually restricted to
relocating small numbers up the beach face to provide temporary armouring of short
lengths of dune face suffering minor erosion.
If material is imported from a source not related to the eroding site the approach is
known as beach nourishment or recharging. Beach recharge may require the use of
groynes or breakwaters or recirculation (transporting material from a downdrift location
to the updrift end on a regular basis) to maintain levels and/or slow beach losses.
1.1.2 Seawalls
There are many types of seawall, reflected in both the varying physical forces they
have to withstand, and location-specific aspects (for example, local climate, coastal
position, wave regime and value of land protected). Seawalls may be constructed from
a range of materials (for example, concrete, masonry, sheet piles or gabions) and are
constructed in a range of profiles (for example, vertical, sloped or stepped). Seawall
sub-options include permeable or impermeable facings.
These hard defences are constructed directly on the landforms of the coast with the
primary purpose of reducing the impacts of tides and waves. In many cases these are
costly defences but ensure people, property, conservation, leisure and economic
activities are protected from the effects of erosion and/or flooding.
Seawalls are constantly subjected to impacts of the sea – accentuated by climate
change. Therefore ongoing monitoring, maintenance and eventually replacement are
requirements if seawalls are to provide effective long-term defences.
Seawall designs must take account of surrounding environment including landforms,
wave climate and so on They can be standalone structures or form part of a combined
structure with other assets, for example, wave walls along the crest of revetments.

1.1.3 Revetments
Revetment is a generic term used when an armouring layer is applied to a sloping
surface of an embankment or shoreline. There are two main types of revetments:
permeable and impermeable revetments.
The function of permeable revetments is to reduce the erosive power of the waves by
means of wave energy dissipation in the interstices of the revetment. Permeable
revetments can be built from rock armour, timber, gabions and concrete armour units.
Where frequent wave attack is anticipated, the revetment may be topped by a vertical
or re-curved wall to reduce overtopping.
The cladding or facing layer of revetments may include rock armour, concrete block
matting, precast concrete units, gabion mattresses, asphalt or in situ concrete
slabbing/steps. Options other than rock are generally used where there are over-riding
aesthetic requirements, health and safety issues, or where rock armour is difficult or
too expensive to obtain.
Impermeable revetments are continuous sloping defence structures of concrete or
stone blockwork or mass concrete, and are used to provide a fixed line of defence for
frontages with high value backshore assets or specific amenity requirements. Intended
to withstand storm wave attack over a life expectancy of 30–50 years, amenity facilities
such as promenades, slipways and beach access steps can be built into this type of
revetment. An example is Blackpool Council’s Central Area coastal defences (2005-
Wire mesh baskets filled with cobbles or crushed rock, gabions are filled in situ, often
with locally available material and therefore have a relatively low capital cost. Gabion
revetments can provide a short term (5–10 years) alternative to rock armour structures
in areas where large rocks are not available at an acceptable cost, or where long-term
protection is not appropriate. Gabions may also be valid choice of defence in less
exposed locations where the expected design life can be much higher.
Timber revetments have been historically used in the UK for coast protection,
particularly on the south and east coasts, where the costs or impacts of a seawall may
have been unacceptable. Construction flexibility allows timber revetments to serve

2 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

various purposes. They can provide a partial barrier to wave energy when built as a
permeable ‘fence’ along the upper beach. Alternatively they can form a final wave
protection wall when built as an impermeable vertical breastwork along the upper shore
Asphalt faced revetments are widely used in Europe – the Netherlands and Germany in
particular, but less so in the UK.

1.1.4 Breakwaters
Offshore breakwaters are typically built parallel to the shore, either singly to protect a
specific coastal location (for example, at Rhos-on-Sea in north Wales) or in series to
provide protection to longer frontages (for example, Happisburgh to Winterton on the
Norfolk coast). Breakwaters are usually constructed from rock or precast concrete
units. Rock armour facing may be used to minimise wave reflection. In some instances
composite precast unit and rock structures are used to mimic the behaviour of natural
Breakwaters are primarily designed to reduce wave energy and wave heights reaching
the shore, but also benefit from reducing longshore transport and encouraging beach
formation in their lee.

1.1.5 Groynes
Groynes are cross-shore structures designed to reduce longshore transport on open
beaches or to deflect nearshore currents away from the shoreline. On an open beach
they are normally built as a series to influence a long section of shoreline that has been
nourished or is managed by recycling. In an estuary they may be single structures.
Rock is now often favoured as the construction material; in the past timber was
favoured but is now considered less sustainable. Alternative construction materials
include sheet piles, concrete, open stone asphalt, cribwork and plastic.
Groynes can be used in combination with revetments to provide a high level of erosion
Groynes can be permeable or impermeable. Impermeable groynes are solid and are
designed to intercept all material arriving on the updrift side. Permeable groynes allow
some sediment to pass through.
Rock groynes have the advantages of simple construction, long-term durability and
ability to absorb some wave energy due to their semi-permeable nature. Wooden
groynes can be less durable (dependant on the specific conditions and beach sediment
they are retaining) and tend to reflect, rather than absorb, energy. Gabions can be
useful as temporary groynes but have a short life expectancy.

1.1.6 Dune management

Low-cost, short-term management practices for beach/dune/shingle barriers often
consist of groynes and beach recycling, but may also include complimentary low-cost
options such as dune grass planting, dune fencing and dune thatching (SNH 2000).
Dune grass planting
Dune grass planting encourages dune growth as the vegetation traps and stabilises
blown sand. Natural dune grasses act to reduce wind speeds across the surface of the
dunes, thereby trapping and holding sand. They grow both vertically and horizontally as
the sand accumulates. Marram grass is particularly effective as it positively thrives on
growing dunes and is perhaps the easiest to transplant.
Transplanting can also be used to enhance the appearance and effectiveness of built
erosion defences. Rock, timber or gabion structures can provide a fixed defence line
but are incongruous along a natural dune coast. Partial burial of these structures using
recycled sand, followed by transplanting, will create a more natural dune appearance if
conditions are favourable.

Dune thatching
Thatching of exposed dunes faces or blowouts using waste cuttings from forestry
management, or other low cost materials, is a traditional way of stabilising sand,
reducing trampling and protecting vegetation. Materials are low-cost if locally available
and no machinery or skilled labour is required to achieve success, but continual
maintenance is important. The approach is normally carried out with dune grass
planting to encourage dune stability.

Dune fencing
Construction of semi-permeable fences along the seaward face of dunes will
encourage the deposition of wind-blown sand, reduce trampling by people and
livestock, and protect existing or transplanted vegetation. A variety of fencing materials
can be used successfully to enhance natural recovery. Fencing can also be used in
conjunction with other management schemes to encourage dune stabilisation and
reduce environmental impacts.

Access control
Dune erosion can be exacerbated by uncontrolled access that destroys vegetation
growth and makes the sand more susceptible to aeolian forces. The provision of
boardwalks in association with fencing controls access and provides improved
conditions for dune stabilisation.

1.2 Key cost requirements

Whole life costing is the analysis of all relevant and identifiable financial cashflows
relating to the acquisition and use of an asset. The following cost components may be
required, but the importance of each will depend on the type or combination of
measures used.
To compile whole life costs the following parameters may need to be considered:
• procurement and design costs
• capital construction costs
• operation and maintenance costs

4 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

• monitoring costs
• replacement or decommissioning costs
More detailed cost elements are provided in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Typical elements of the cost of beach control works (CIRIA 2010)
Subject Costs to be included
Preliminaries • Project coordination, management and administration
Planning and design • Survey, data collecting and observations

• Model studies
• Design and contract preparation
• Statutory procedures and licences
• Economic appraisal
• Environmental impact assessment and licences
• Safety planning supervision
Construction • Contract payments including adjustments, claims and so on
• Supervision (including safety) and administration costs
• Ancillary works for environmental improvement, amenity of
Land or property • Purchase or lease of land either as part of the works or for
• Compensation payments to affected owners
Operation and • Operational activities
• Monitoring and maintenance including replacement of
elements having a shorter life than the overall scheme
• Repairs

Source: CIRIA (2010a)

1.3 Enabling costs

Initial enabling costs for coastal works can be high due to the level of initial scoping,
design, management and partnership negotiation required. The most important
enabling cost considerations can be split into preliminaries and approvals. Each of
these depends on the approach to coastal protection and the many other variables
discussed below.
In general, coastal works involving over-water working such as breakwaters are more
costly than land-based techniques. This is due to the higher mobilisation cost involved
with using specialist floating plant and the difficulties associated with working over
water. The costs of schemes largely depend on the physical conditions at the site and
the sensitivity of the scheme to these factors.
1.3.1 Preliminaries
Preliminaries include a number of activities critical to the initial development of a
scheme such as:
• partnership negotiation
• contract management
• procurement
• project management
Partnership negotiation of objectives, governance and funders at the start of the
scheme can take a significant amount of specialist staff time and can have significant
impact on costs in the preliminary development of a scheme. A guidance and lessons
learnt report was prepared on behalf of Defra and the Environment Agency as part of
project FD2635 to help exchange best practice and knowledge between stakeholders
involved in coastal schemes (Defra and Environment Agency 2011). This report
derived guidance from case study evidence from around England and Wales. It gives
the advantages of partnership working as:
• informed objective setting
• multiple skills and wider range of knowledge introduced into projects
• increased capacity to deliver
• improved stakeholder and community consultation and engagement
• shared risks, responsibilities, accountability, issues and problems
• improved cooperation and coordination
• helping to secure funding and approvals
• raising the scheme’s profile and improving chances of some form of
government intervention or support
• helping to manage the complex approvals process
• helping to meet wider organisational policy requirements across partners
Although there are many advantages, experience has shown that there are commonly
barriers and constraints which can result in the requirement for additional specialist
input and thus an increase in costs. The case studies from the FD2635 research
suggest that the following are crucial barriers and constraints:
• public reaction
• political support
• timescales
• conflicts
• risk sharing
To manage adverse public reaction, recognition is needed that different approaches
are required to address the different perspectives of stakeholders. Examples of
successfully tested approaches and tools can be found in Working with Others,
Building Trust with Communities (Environment Agency 2004).

6 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

Political as well as stakeholder support, particularly in the early stages of projects, can
impact on progress. In the Parrett Estuary Strategy (Defra and Environment Agency
2011, Case Study 9), an evidence base (‘Parrett Tidal Flood Defence Report’) and
engagement strategies such as the use of an independent chairperson for meetings,
successfully achieved political and stakeholder support for the tidal barrier option.

Costs of preliminaries
The costs incurred for preliminary works is difficult to estimate as they depend on many
variables including:
• size of partnership
• objectives
• funding arrangement
• roles and responsibilities
• staff involved in negotiations
Only through experience can preliminary costs be estimated accurately. The case
studies from the FD2635 research give examples of costs and he timescales required
for effective partnership working and consultation.

1.3.2 Approvals
The process of obtaining the approvals and consents necessary to implement a flood
and coastal defence scheme is a further factor which must be considered when
calculating whole life scheme costs.

Planning and design

Planning and design approvals may include the following cost considerations or risks:
Planning approval
This is granted by the local planning authority and can take 13 weeks if the scheme is
unusually large or complex. Most applications are decided within eight weeks.
However, the planning authority can request the applicant’s written consent to extend
this period up to 13 weeks. The planning authority can either grant or refuse an
application or grant it subject to conditions which must be met by the applicant. There
are a number of grounds for appeal, but appealing can be a timely and expensive
option and agreement can often be reached by a process of discussion with the
planning authority and the submission of revised proposals. This aspect should usually
be included within the risk aspect of a cost estimate during the early stages of a
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Strategic Environmental Assessment
Where statutory EIA or SEA (for plans and strategies) is required this can be a costly
and time-consuming process which needs to be included within the whole life costs for
schemes. An initial screening opinion must be sought from the local authority to
determine the need for EIA or SEA. An Appropriate Assessment may also be required
under the Habitats Regulations to ensure that a project will not have adverse effects on
the integrity of sites designated under the Habitats Directive.
Where the local planning authority determines that a statutory EIA or SEA is required it
must then approve the scope of the EIA. The scope must be appropriate to the range
and scale of environmental impacts predicted. Depending on the sensitivity of the site,
costs for an EIA may be considerable and can result in programme delays if
requirements are not assessed early within the project planning process. One example
is the requirement for specialist species surveys which can only be carried out at
certain times of year. In sensitive locations English Nature’s requirements for species
surveys can be extensive and can add 6–12 months to the project programme.

Statutory approvals
There are a number of statutory licensing approvals which may be required for coastal
protection schemes. Experience based on FD2635 research indicates that the
preparation and approvals of these can take time. Where statutory nature conservation
approvals are required English Nature can be a valuable project partner.
Consents for all coastal protection schemes may be require the following:
• consents under Section 5 (approval to carry out works) and Section 34
(navigation requirements) of the Coast Protection Act 1949 (CPA)
• Food and Environmental Protection (FEPA) licences – required for the
deposits of substances or articles in the sea or under the seabed including
disposal at sea of dredged material, or where construction work which
involves deposition of materials below the high water mean spring tide
• land drainage consent if applicable under the Land Drainage Act 1991
amended by Flood and Water Management Act 2010
Until recently FEPA licences had to be obtained before construction could commence.
The process took a statutory 12 weeks to turn around with a full submission being
required if an extension of time was needed. FEPA licences were granted by non-
technical staff members, which caused problems, particularly when communicating
engineering matters.
The FEPA and CPA licensing has now been replaced by the New Marine Licensing
System, introduced under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, which came into
force in April 2011. Further information on the new system can be found in:
• Factsheet – New Marine Licensing System (Defra 2010)
• guidance from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO 2011)

Non-statutory internal approvals

On multi-partner schemes, internal and non-statutory approval processes must be
considered in project programming. As part of the Weston-super-Mare scheme, a
project appraisal report was developed by North Somerset Council which required
approval by the Environment Agency’s National Review Group (NRG). The council was
the first local authority nationally to go through the NRG process – eight iterations were
needed, and there were long delays due to the size of scheme, approval taking nine
months to be finally granted in July 2007.
Non-statutory approvals include:

8 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

• landowner agreements
• memorandum of understanding

Funding approvals
The majority of funding for flood and coastal erosion schemes is derived from Defra
Flood Defence Grant in Aid (FDGiA), an approval process which takes around 6–9
However, there is evidence that non-FDGiA (funding or contributions) can be secured.
Examples include:
• local authority maintenance budgets such as highways departments to
protect local infrastructure
• Regional Development Agencies – such as the ‘Civic Pride’ initiative
• European Union funding programmes such as the European Regional
Development Fund or Interreg
• Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment
• Heritage Lottery Fund
Further detail on funding, including information on external contributions, is given
below. Additional information can be found in Defra and Environment Agency (2011).

1.4 Generic capital cost ranges

For appraisers looking at cost estimates and unit costs for early stage appraisal
processes where site-specific information is not yet available, previous similar projects
in the same geographical area should be considered and out-turn costs reviewed
where available to help determine relative costs.
For the purpose of this report, very generic capital costs are provided by two sources
that may be applicable to very early stage projects or national level assessments.
These are:
• Flood Risk Management Estimating Guide (Environment Agency 2007)
• A Guide to Managing Coastal Erosion in Beach/Dune Systems (SNH 2000)
Indicative costs obtained from these two reports are summarised in Table 1.2. These
provide an indicative assessment of the importance of key cost considerations for
coastal assets. Additional detail and further guidance on some of these measures
where more specific or up-to-date information is available is discussed further below.
Table 1.1 Indicative costs associated with the cost of coastal protection
Option Significance Indicative cost (£/m)
Enabling Capital Maintenance Scottish Environment
costs costs costs Natural Agency UCD
Beach Medium High Medium – 2,700–7,300
recharge and
Beach Medium High Medium – 1,600–4,700
recharge and
Rock armour Medium High Low – 1,350–6,000
Impermeable Medium High Low 2,000– 700–5,400
revetments 5,000
and seawalls
Timber Medium Medium Medium 20–500 –
Rock Medium High Low 1,000– 650–2,850
revetments 3,000
Groynes Medium Medium Medium 10,000 to –
100,000 per
Nearshore Medium Medium Low 400–1,000 1,750-4,300
Artificial rock Low Medium Low 200–600 –
Gabion Medium Medium Medium 50–500 –
Beach Medium Medium Medium 50–2,000 350–6,450
Shingle Low Low Low 10–200 15–120
Dune fencing Negligible Low Low 4–20 –
Dune Negligible Low Low 2–20 –

Notes: The Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) costs relate to a 2000 cost base and
the Environment Agency costs relate to a 2007 cost base. An allowance for
inflation using a suitable index is required to update these values to present
day costs.

10 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

1.5 Capital costs
Construction costs for coastal protection works are highly variable due to the varied
nature of works required, site conditions and the costs, availability and source of
materials used. Important cost considerations for all coastal works include those listed
in Table 1.3.

Table 1.2 Key cost considerations for coastal works

Consideration Comments
Availability of materials Choice of size, gradation, armouring, structure
shape and design slopes will influence costs.
Source of materials Haulage and transport of materials will influence
Use of lower quality local resources may reduce
costs but require alternative design/sizing and
maintenance costs.
Use of materials Use of lower cost materials for parts of a
structure, requirements for armouring and
designing to optimise the use of higher cost
Access limitations and ease of Tidal range, ground conditions and access
construction points will affect costs.
Winter working may also influence costs.
Type of plant Depends on size of material, but maximum
reach of plant and construction from land/water
will influence costs.
Impact of environmental
designations on choice of
construction techniques and
material delivery

Detailed costs at the detailed design stage will need to be developed using specialist
advice, standard rates and a bill of quantities. Guidance on detailed costs is provided in
standard price estimating books such as SPONS (Davis Langdon 2011) and the
Institution of Chemical Engineer’s CESMM price database (ICE 2012).
The sections below provide indicative costs and guidance on whole life cost estimation
for coastal flood protection measures. The information given is suitable for early stage
appraisals, national level assessments or outline design stage only. While the unit rates
provided are suitable at the outline design stage, a bill of quantities will be more
appropriate at the detailed design stage.
Estimated capital costs for various coastal elements are available in the Flood Risk
Management Estimating Guide (Environment Agency 2010) – also known as the Unit
Cost Database (UCD). The costs available are based on out-turn costs from a large
number of projects to install defences or coastal erosion for the purposes of flood risk
management in England and Wales. The costs include all associated works, temporary
works and any contractor variations, compensation events/delay costs.
The UCD costs are broken down into the key asset types including walls, revetments
and beach recycling/recharging/nourishment. Other cost information for groynes has
been collated from a number of other sources.

1.5.1 Beach recycling and recharging or nourishment

The capital costs of recycling and recharge are typically considered to be moderate to
high due to the initial planning and capital costs of undertaking the work and the
requirement for ongoing maintenance and repeat works.
Costs for these schemes will depend on a number of crucial variables such as:
• physical process conditions and beach movement behaviour
• type of material required
• source of material
• transport methods and distances to transport
• expected scheme life before topping up (controlled by the longshore drift
• volumes required
• need for beach control structures (groynes, breakwaters and so on) or
minor works to enhance the beach system
Delivery of material from the sea is less damaging, but cost-effectiveness depends on
the economies of scale and the source of the material. For example, dredging for
recharge can have very high mobilisation costs, particularly if carried out as a
standalone operation.
The indicative costs in the previous section are provided as examples of the relative
unit costs associated with beach recharge, but may be misleading for anything other
than very early stage feasibility or national level assessments. Additional detailed costs
should be determined by specialists for more detailed design estimates.
The first edition of the Beach Management Manual (CIRIA 1996) and the Environment
Agency Unit Cost Database (2007 version) include the following example unit rates. NB
The 2007 version of the Unit Cost Database includes some examples not updated or
referred to in the 2010 version.
The first edition of the Beach Management Manual (CIRIA 1996) included a number of
case studies for 20 shingle beach recharge projects carried out between 1979 and
1992 with details of on fill volumes and unit costs. Unit costs (unadjusted for inflation)
ranged from £3 to £17/m3. However, methodologies and techniques may have
advanced since the time of these works.
The second edition (CIRIA 2010a) suggests that shingle recycling operations will vary
between £1.50/m3 to £20/m3 (2008 costs) depending on the haulage distance, fuel and
plant costs.
The Environment Agency’s Unit Cost Database (2007 version) included a cost curve
for the cost per cubic m for beach recharge against the volume of sand/shingle
recharge that varied from £8 to £21/m3 in 2007 prices.
The 2010 version (Environment Agency 2010) provides cost data on a number of
beach recharge schemes which are summarised in Table 1.4. These costs for
sand/shingle recharge are based on out-turn costs of completed projects in the Unit

12 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

Cost Database. These costs are provided for information and as reference projects.
Appraisers are recommended to review these schemes before using the information to
ensure that the costs are applicable if applied to similar proposed projects.
Cost estimation for beach recharge is a very complex process and requires specialist
consultants/contractor involvement for detailed cost estimates.

Table 1.3 Example costs from the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database
associated with beach recycling/recharge
Scheme Description Length Volume Total Cost Cost
(m) (m3) cost (£/m) (£/m3)
West Clacton – Beach 3,250 689,000 6,276 1,931 9
Jaywick Sea nourishment,
Defences (1999) 500,000 m3
sand from
Long Sands,
plus 100,000
tonnes of
Happisburgh to Beach 4,300 8,888 2,067
Winterton Sea recharge
Intermediate Works
– Phase 3 (2000)
Happisburgh to Beach 2,000 438,000 5,889 2,945 13
Winterton Sea recharge
Defences – Phase 3
Shoreham and Beach 28,000 891 32
Lancing Beach recharge
Defences – Phase 1
Seaford Bulk Shingle 360,000 451 1
Recycling Scheme recycling,
(2002-2003) maximum
2 km haul
Pett Sea Defences Beach 50,000 745 15
(2005-2006) recharge

1.5.2 Walls
In addition to physical size (length, depth) of the walls, the most important issues that
will affect the cost of the completed structure are as follows:
• access constraints – distance to work site, ease of movement along site
length, need for temporary access and so on
• weather – winter working will have an influence on productivity and
therefore likely higher costs than working during the summer
• quality of materials for building, facing and finishing the structures (such as
coping stones)
• economies of scale – whether the wall is a short, isolated section with high
mobilisations costs or a long length of uniform construction type
• precast or in situ construction
The Unit Cost Database (2010 version) provides unit costs for a range of wall types,
typically used in the fluvial environment (retaining and with cut-off and piled
foundations). These costs are included in the fluvial flood defence evidence summary.
A number of more relevant coastal projects are also provided, although the number
and type of projects are limited and therefore only provide example historical data and
reference projects to assist appraisers in cost estimation.
Table 1.5 summarises the unit costs for these coastal assets. It highlights the wide
range in costs and emphasises the need for site-specific consideration for more
detailed design estimates.

Table 1.4 Example costs from the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database
associated with coastal walls
Type Description Length Height Total Cost Cost
(m) (m) cost (£k) (£/m) (£/m²)
Raising Raise and modify 3,000 1,704 568
existing wall
Concrete retaining wall, 100 1.0 149 1,490 1,490
clad both sides with
stone, tie to existing
Wave/ Sea defence wall – 300 0.5 395 1,317 2,633
retaining brick clad, granite
wall coping
Seawall 450 0.4 861 1,913 5,467
Sea defences 1,190 3.8 2,456 2,064 543
Reinforced concrete 75 2.0 472 6,293 3,147
wave return wall
Tidal sea defence – 370 1.5 1,488 4,022 2,681
seawall, stone clad
Wave return wall 822 1.8 1,237 1,505 836
Wave return wall and 515 442 858
crest slab
Quay Reinforced concrete 300 6.5 3,277 10,92 1,681
wall quay wall – masonry 3
facing, including water
cavity to rear, some
piled, counter walls
Piling Piling to quay wall 30 14.0 95 3,167 226
Piling to slipway 70 48 687

14 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

1.5.3 Revetments
For rock armour or rip-rap revetments, construction costs depend on:
• dimensions of the structure (required crest and toe levels, gradient and so
• availability of suitable material
• transport distances and methods
• requirement for additional works such as accesses
As a result of these factors, capital costs for these schemes will vary significantly. Due
to the non-standard design, arrangement, duties and materials used in revetments, the
provision of the indicative costs may be misleading for anything other than very early
stage feasibility or national level assessments. Additional detailed costs should be
determined by specialists for more detailed design estimates.
Costs cited in a Geocases case study of Norfolk sea defences 1 suggest costs of
£1,000–3,000/m using rock as toe armour. Typical capital costs of £2,000–5,000/m are
typical for a large-scale rock revetment where there are nearby sources of suitable rock
available. Accordingly costs vary geographically in the UK, with historically schemes on
the south and east coasts being generally more expensive.
The Environment Agency’s Unit Cost Database (2010 version) provides cost data on a
number of rock/stone revetment schemes (Table 1.6). These costs are based on out-
turn costs of completed projects in the Unit Cost Database and are provided to assist
appraisers through the provision of historical data and reference projects. The table
illustrates the wide range in costs and highlights the need for specialists for more
detailed design estimates.

Table 1.5 Example costs from the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database
associated with revetments
Scheme Description Length Volume Total Cost Cost
(m) (m3) cost (£/m) (£/m3)
Happisburgh to Rock armour 35 2,180 1,019 29,114 467
Winterton Sea – land and
Defences sea
South Felixstowe Rock armour 24,117 1,730 72
Flood Alleviation on beach
Minsmere Tidal Rock/stone 25 57 2,280
Sluice Outfall revetment
Improvement works
Happisburgh to Revetment 1,700 16,320 311 183 19
Winterton Sea protection
Defences – works
Phase 1

Scheme Description Length Volume Total Cost Cost
(m) (m3) cost (£/m) (£/m3)
Tendring and 3-5t Rock 650 24,375 1,017 1,564 42
Hollane Tidal armour
West Clacton – Rock armour 1,000 257,000 2,380 2,380 9
Jaywick Sea
High Knocke to Rock armour 1,256 54,501 5,840 4,649 107
Dymchurch Sea
Alkborough Tidal Rock armour 83 8,330 1,457 17,554 175
Defence Scheme erosion

There is currently very little information available for impermeable or other types of
revetments other than that provided by the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database in
Table 1.6. Additional research or collation of this information is recommended to
ensure these data are made available and reviewed in the future.

1.5.4 Breakwaters
Offshore breakwaters generally have a length similar to their distance offshore, which
is typically 200–300 m. Structures may be placed either singly to protect a specific
coastal location, or as a series to provide protection to longer frontages. Breakwaters
may be constructed as a standalone element or as part of a wider coastal management
strategy, for example, in combination with groynes or as part of a beach recharge
scheme. The design may therefore consider a certain applicable deterioration or
damage to the breakwater structure that will not result in catastrophic failure or failure
to the overall scheme purpose.
Appraisers should determine the issues most likely to influence costs and consider
these with specialists during the design phase. The most important aspects influencing
offshore breakwaters are fully described in the report by Crossman et al. (2003) and
summarised below.
• Geometry of the breakwater. Costs will depend on the sizing, slope,
complexity and design of the structures.
• Materials type and source. Costs will depend on the cost of the rock,
accessibility of the site, delivery methods and distance to the quarry or local
source material. Design of the structure can be adapted to a particular or
local source material. Costs may also depend on the grading and
proportion of the rock that can be used and the degree of excess material.
Armour sizing will also influence plant requirements and costs.
• Construction methods. These influence plant equipment and access
requirements. Requirements for foundation, excavation and toe protection
works will often require different and more costly marine plant to be used.

16 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

• Timing of construction. Summer months may have a lower risk of
downtime and delays, but may not be possible due to public amenity
Due to the number of factors that contribute to the costs associated with these
structures it is not possible to quantify the impact of different issues on cost within this
document. Future recording of construction costs may lead to different unit rates for
breakwaters, but current information on out-turn costs is limited for these structures.
The Environment Agency Unit Cost Database (2007 version) included two examples of
offshore breakwater projects with unit costs that varied from £1,750 to £3,304 per

1.5.5 Groynes
Important factors to consider when costing groyne schemes include:
• functional design –length, spacing, height, depth of groynes
• materials to be used to construct the groynes
• length of beach requiring protection
• beach exposure conditions
• tidal range, geomorphology of the beach deposits and the depth of the
bedrock if piles are to be driven
The beach material is also important as groyne’s design life depends on abrasion rates
under different exposure and sediment size conditions (more abrasion and a reduced
design life have been recorded for shingle beaches).

Timber groynes
Design guidance on timber groynes is provided by Crossman and Simm (2004). A
number of case studies and examples of timber groyne costs are provided below to
illustrate the range of typical costs.
• Within the Environment Agency asset deterioration guidance document
(Environment Agency 2009), Bournemouth Borough Council cited costs of
around £200,000 per timber groyne in 2004.
• A case study of coastal defences in Norfolk from the Geocases website
suggests costs for rocks of £40–50/m3 with a rock groyne typically costing
£125,000. 2
• Bournemouth Borough Council’s rolling groyne reconstruction programme
cited costs of £200,000 per timber groyne (Crossman and Simm 2004).
However, this high cost was in part due to the small tidal range and length
of the groynes necessitating considerable temporary works and hard
underlying strata which required pre-boring for the piles with high-pressure
water lances.
• Worthing Borough Council reported within the Environment Agency asset
deterioration guidance document (Environment Agency 2009) that typical
costs for a 70 m long softwood timber groyne were now £100,000.
• The Norfolk Coastal Defences case study (Environment Agency 2009)
suggests costs of £1,000/m for timber groynes. Assuming a typical groyne
length of 100 m, that is £100,000 per groyne.
• Eastbourne’s coastal protection scheme included 94 timber groynes (65–
110 m in length) at a total cost of £30 million (£320,000 per groyne) (Suffolk
Coastal District Council 2009).
• Waveney District Council developed a £7 million scheme at Southwold to
construct both rock and timber groynes. The timber groynes (45 m in length
with a 110 m spacing) were constructed at a cost of approximately
£105,000 per groyne (Suffolk Coastal District Council 2009).
• A cost benefit analysis in 2004 estimated timber groyne costs of £1,330/m
for the groynes in Swanage (Suffolk Coastal District Council 2009).

Rock groynes
The construction costs of rock groynes will depend on the scope and complexity of the
site and design of the groynes. Site accessibility may also influence the design and
ability to construct or top up rock groyne structures.
The Environment Agency’s Unit Cost Database (2010 version) provides cost data on a
number of rock groyne schemes (Table 1.7). These costs are based on out-turn costs
of completed projects in the Unit Cost Database.

Table 1.6 Example costs from the Environment Agency Unit Cost Database
associated with rock groynes
Scheme Description Length Volume Total Cost
(m) (m3) cost (£k) (£/m3)
Felixstowe Ferry Groynes – Unknown 2,290 220 96
Sea Defences rock
South Felixstowe Groynes – Unknown 27,344 1,713 63
Flood Alleviation rock

A number of case studies and examples of timber groyne costs are provided below to
illustrate the range of typical costs.
• Waveney District Council developed a £7 million scheme at Southwold to
construct a field of rock groynes (45 m in length with a 70–80 m spacing) at
a cost of approximately £200,000 per groyne (Suffolk Coastal District
Council 2009).
• A cost benefit analysis in 2004 for the Swanage frontage estimated rock
groyne costs of £2,410/m for the 30–50 m long groynes and £3,930/m for
175 m long groynes (Suffolk Coastal District Council 2009).
• An example of the use of rock groynes is provided in the CIRIA Rock
Manual (CIRIA 2010b). A 4 km length of shoreline was protected using a
combination of 33 (70 m long) rock groynes and breach recharge. The total
cost was £12 million.

18 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

Groyne cost curves
Variations in costs for timber and rock groynes for different heights of groynes are
presented in Crossman and Simm (2002), which suggests approximate unit rates
(Table 1.8). This indicates that below a groyne height of 4 m the construction cost per
linear metre ratio is lower for rock groynes compared with timber groynes.
These costs may be useful to help determine whole life costs if adjusted for inflation
and once other factors such as groyne design and materials are taken into account.

Table 1.7 Estimated groyne construction costs (£/m)

Height (m) Timber groyne Rock groyne
1 400 150
2 800 550
3 1,200 1,100
4 1,550 1,700
5 1,950 2,500

Source: Crossman and Simm (2002)

1.6 Operation and maintenance costs

All structures must be maintained. This is particularly true of coastal erosion
management and flood risk structures operating in ‘harsh environments’. Therefore
maintenance should be addressed at both the design stage and throughout the
operational life of the structure.
Frequent and intermittent maintenance and inspection works will need a defined
maintenance and replacement programme as part of a scheme appraisal. Post-storm,
seasonal or annual inspections will be required, followed by appropriate maintenance
and repair work. This commitment must be costed and programmed from the outset if
maintenance is to be managed effectively.
Other more substantial schemes, which are likely to have much higher initial
construction costs, may require a much lower level of long-term maintenance
commitment. However, they will have to be monitored to ensure ongoing effectiveness
as at many sites foreshore erosion will be an ongoing process and may cause local
scour or general beach level reduction, resulting in structural instability. The Beach
Management Manual (CIRIA 2010a) details elements that should be considered in
relation to the future maintenance of works and the factors influencing maintenance
requirements such as exposure conditions.

1.6.1 Maintenance operations and costs

Costs associated with maintenance works for coastal defences are not widely recorded
and cost information for these aspects is not readily available. While the requirements
for coastal defence operation and maintenance (O&M) will vary from those used in the
fluvial environment, it is suggested that annual O&M costs for embankments, concrete
and steel walls provided in the fluvial flood defence evidence summary are used.
These costs may not be directly applicable to coastal environments and so an
allowance needs to be made for this in the weighting and scoring methodology
Coastal defence inspections activities may include a number of aspects such as visual
inspections at low tide, aerial surveys, beach profile surveys and diver surveys.
Typical maintenance activities are described in the Beach Management Manual (CIRIA
2010a). These include
• beach management/recycling
• concrete defence element repairs (abraded, spalled and corroded sections)
• joint/crack repairs/sealant replacement to concrete structures
• repairs or extension to toe protection (concrete, rock and so on)
• replacement of fixings and/or damaged/rotten piles/planks or walings to
timber elements
• addition or removal of timber planks to groynes (dependant on beach
• replacement of damaged/dislodged stones/armour blocks
• re-coating protection to pile structures
• replacement/re-painting of fences or railings
• drainage and flap valve maintenance/replacement
Additional detailed information on maintenance activities associated with concrete
assets in the coastal environment is given in CIRIA report C674 report (CIRIA 2010b).
The maintenance activities listed above generally intermittent maintenance activities.
Annual maintenance activities are less likely other than for beach recycling operations,
but larger scale maintenance nay be required at a lesser frequency. Costs of
maintenance activities will therefore depend on the frequency of replacement or repair
works required. These are highly correlated with exposure conditions at the site and
typical fluvial maintenance frequencies are unlikely to be relevant for coastal
Table 1.9 suggests frequencies for a number of maintenance activities associated with
fluvial environments that may be relevant in the absence of more specific site
information for an initial appreciation of the requirement for repeat works.

Table 1.8 Environment Agency suggested maintenance frequencies

Maintenance activity Frequency
Embankment grass control 1–3 times per year
Embankment tree work Once a year to every two years
Embankment vermin control Once a year to every two years
Wall vegetation clearance Once every 2–5 years
Wall minor concrete repair Once every 2–20 years
Wall repair works Once every 2–20 years

20 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

1.6.2 Seawalls
Guidance for rock structure maintenance activities and armourstone degradation are
covered in the Rock Manual (CIRIA 2007).
Costs associated with O&M activities for seawalls are not widely recorded or available.
It is recommended that appraisers review the maintenance costs associated with walls
covered within the fluvial linear defences evidence summary.

1.6.3 Revetments
No records of any readily available cost information associated with the intermittent
costs for revetment protection measures were available at the time of writing. Further
information or records from local authorities or the Environment Agency should be
sought to provide guidance for this protection measure.

1.6.4 Breakwaters
The Rock Manual (CIRIA 2007) suggests the following range of repair and upgrading
requirements for breakwaters:
• simple maintenance that does not require removal and handling of a
substantial volume of material
• repair involving heavy work and even reconstruction of one of more parts of
the structure (carried out when the structure is at risk of further deterioration
or has suffered damage that diminishes the performance of the structure)
• preventative rehabilitation and reconstruction of a significant part of the
structure (topping up breakwaters with additional rock may require
considerable dismantling work to ensure interlocking of individual rocks can
be achieved)
• reconstruction or replacement of the entire length of a breakwater
The design and evaluation procedure for breakwaters typically attempts to minimise
whole life costs by the selection of design conditions that balance the initial capital
costs and any longer term O&M costs. This process aims to determine an accepted
level of damage for which the structure is designed that will ultimately influence the
frequency of maintenance works and the whole life costs associated with these

1.6.5 Groynes
Typically, timber elements have relatively short design lives and structures have
significant monitoring and maintenance obligations. This may not be practical where
access is difficult or dangerous and this is often cited as a disadvantage. Rock groynes
have less maintenance requirements and lower long-term maintenance costs. Rock
groynes are unlikely to require annual maintenance costs, but may require intermittent
maintenance as for other rock structures.
The need to maintain or replace individual structures may provide opportunities for
modification or adaptation during the scheme life and, in some circumstances such as
a large groyne field, the individual structures can be replaced on a rolling programme of
approximately the same duration as the structure life. This enables expenditure to be
maintained at a relatively steady level while facilitating a long-term relationship with
external contractors, evolution of design and construction practices, and continuity of
knowledge and experience.
Timber groyne maintenance activities are recorded in Crossman and Simm (2004) and
may include the following specific activities:
• replacement of damaged or degraded elements
• adjustments to structure profile or configuration
• repairs to ensure public safety
• preventative action to avoid further damage – may include replacement of
pile protection or replacement of loose planking
Available costs of timber groyne maintenance are limited, although some specific
information from the Defra/Environment Agency asset deterioration report
(Environment Agency 2009) is provided below.
• Bournemouth Borough Council cited maintenance costs of around £500 per
groyne per year.
• Canterbury Borough Council reported annual inspection and plant
replacement costs of £3,000–5,000 to maintain about 430 groynes
(excludes cost of timber).
The costs of timber groyne maintenance recorded by Suffolk Coastal District Council
(Suffolk Coastal District Council 2009) suggested the following examples:
• Dover coastal defence maintenance cost per groyne is approximately £700
per groyne
• estimated repair work to Great Yarmouth timber groynes is approximately
£1,000–2,000 per year per timber groyne
• Waveney District Council estimated maintenance costs for timber groynes
is £1,500 per year per groyne for the first 10 years and then reducing
As part of the Southern Coastal Group, New Forest District Council has developed
some innovative solutions to timber groyne management so as to reduce costs,
simplify the maintenance, provide a more sustainable solution and improve the
condition and performance of the groynes at two sites – Calshot and Milford-on-Sea.
Due to the coarse beach material at Milford-on-Sea, shingle abrasion was a major
issue with lifespan of piles of typically 3–5 years. Poor quality mild steel fixings had
also been used and were severely corroded creating weak connections and beach
material was being lost as some piles were too short and also unstable. The solutions
developed included the use of timber pile protection which can be replaced when worn
and costs four times less than pile replacement (an annual saving of £13,000 has been
made). Use of stainless steel fixings which do not corrode and can be reused has
created further savings. The depth and length of the groynes have been increased
which, combined with beach recharge, has helped to reduce future large-scale losses
(Southern Coastal Group 2010).

1.6.6 Coastal dune and vegetated shingle management

The costs of dune erosion management can vary from almost nothing to several million
pounds per kilometre, although management costs are more usually towards the lower

22 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

end of this range. Major cost elements are labour and materials for initial works, with
secondary elements being preliminary investigations, consultant’s fees, pre- and post-
project monitoring, site equipment, site access, permissions and ongoing maintenance.
Small dune grass transplanting or thatching schemes can be carried out by unskilled
volunteer labour using locally available materials. As the consequences of
inappropriate implementation are minimal, there is be no need to perform significant
preliminary investigations, involve consultants or establish any rigorous monitoring
programmes. Costs would be very low, but the life of the scheme may be short and the
benefits very localised.
The main costs of managing coastal sand dunes relate to habitat management and
restoration typically include costs for scrub clearance, dune grass planting, dune
fencing and protective stock fencing. The UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP) costing
report cites agri-environment payments of costs of £140/ha for dune management in
England and £50/ha for dune management in Wales (UKBAP 2006a).
Maintenance of vegetated shingle habitats does not generally require intensive
management, but depends on protecting sites and species from disturbance or
damage from human activities. Thus the principal cost involves protecting sites and
alleviating human pressure through the installation and maintenance of fencing and/or
through wardening of shingle sites. Some sites may require low level grazing to prevent
the invasion of scrub. Examples and costs are provided in the UKBAP Costings Annex
report (UKBAP 2006b) with indicative costs similar to dune management at £50 per
hectare per year.

1.7 Coastal monitoring

Coastal monitoring provides a sound scientific base to inform all levels of strategic
coastal management, including high level Shoreline Management Plans, Coastal
Strategies and local beach management activities, as well as providing a basis to
inform future decision-making.
This growing data resource is helping the Environment Agency and other organisations
to understand how the coast changes over time, after storm events, and how human
intervention affects the surrounding coast.
Long-term repetitive monitoring and data collection underpins all flood and coastal
erosion risk management activities. It highlights where beaches are eroding and
accreting, and therefore how they should be managed for best effect and for best value
for money.
To improve the consistency of approach, a national coastal monitoring programme was
set up to steer the five regional monitoring programmes in England from 2011
(Environment Agency 2010).
Costs associated with coastal monitoring are likely to be low compared with the
acquisition and capital costs associated with new schemes, and may not need to be
included within an appraisal type study. However, different spatial and temporal scales
of beach management works require different amounts of information from monitoring
programmes to inform them. Table 1.10 provides a summary of the types of data
required to inform different beach management works, including who is most likely to
use the information.
Table 1.9 Summary of potential monitoring data requirements
Beach Monitoring Purpose Likely audience
management information
activity required
Event Post-storm Post-storm survey to record Beach managers,
management beach profile changes in beach level in coastal scientists
relation to crisis and alarm and engineers,
levels coastal ecologists,
general public
Wave and Data recorded at time of
water level event to inform appraisal of
conditions event in relation to standard
during event protection, particularly when
combined with post-storm
profile survey
Operational Beach profiles Profile surveys over a Beach managers,
maintenance period of time (for example, coastal scientists
a year) used to inform and engineers
routine maintenance works
such as recycling and re-
profiling, to guide where to
move sediment from/to
along the shoreline (or if
more material needs to be
brought to site)
Structural Undertaken periodically to
inspections inform timing of
maintenance works to
structures (for example,
seawalls or groynes) and
inform residual life
Strategic Beach profiles Repeat profile surveys over Beach managers,
planning to a period of time provides coastal scientists
scheme appraisal of longer term and engineers,
development trends in beach movement coastal ecologists,
Post-storm Provides detail of short-term general public
beach profile beach response to storm
events – most useful when
combined with event wave
and water level data (refer
to event management).
Hydraulic Waves, tide levels and
conditions currents affecting the beach
over the same period of
time as the profile data
(provides the ‘forcing’
conditions that affect the
observed beach profiles)
LIDAR/ Repeated surveys over a

24 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

Beach Monitoring Purpose Likely audience
management information
activity required
detailed period of time allows
topographic difference plots to be
data created, showing net
accretion and erosion
patterns over the beach.
Can provide crest level
information for defences to
assist in defining standards
of protection being provided
Bathymetric Repeated surveys over a
survey period of time allows
difference plots to be
created, showing net
accretion and erosion
patterns within the
nearshore subtidal zone.
Sediment Repeated surveys aids
sampling data understanding of where
sediment is moving to both
along the shoreline and
Natural Ecological survey data
environment helps to inform potential
data impacts of management
options on the natural
environment and in
particular designated
habitats and species.
Aerial Provides data to identify
Photography changes in morphological
features for example, banks
and channels and changes
in boundaries of coastal
habitats for example,
dunes, marsh and so on.
Strategic Human Includes historic Beach managers,
planning to environment environmental features coastal scientists
scheme data (archaeology), public rights and engineers,
development of way, and beach use coastal ecologists,
patterns. All of these need general public
to be considered when
developing beach
management options.
Performance Beach profiles Repeat profile surveys over Beach managers,
assessment a period of time provide coastal scientists
appraisal of management and engineers,
approach in relation to the coastal ecologists,
Beach Monitoring Purpose Likely audience
management information
activity required
longer term trends. geomorphologists
Post-storm Provides details of short-
beach profile term beach response to
storm events – most useful
when combined with event
wave and water level data
(refer to event
management) to assess
impact of storm event on
the Standard of Protection
designed for.
Environmental Includes appraisal of
data impacts on flora and fauna,
as well as bathing water
quality and beach use.

General costs associated with coastal monitoring will vary depending on the type of
monitoring works undertaken. Average costs suggested by the strategic regional
coastal monitoring programmes (2011-2016) indicated that the proposed funding of
ongoing national monitoring could be approximately £1,558 per km per year, though
there is regional variability (£960–1,955 per km per year) that reflects local risks and
assets (Southern Coastal Group 2010a).

1.7.1 Walls
Following structure completion, there should be regular monitoring to ensure the
structure continues to perform satisfactorily. Environmental monitoring should take
place such as:
• beach/seabed levels adjacent to the structure
• wave, wind and tidal climate at the site
Regular monitoring is important to plan for maintenance. Generally the frequency
should be immediately after construction, after extreme storm events, annually and
every five years for submerged elements. Monitoring methods for modified seawalls
include (CIRIA 2010a):
• visual inspection at low tide
• general, fixed aspect and aerial photography
• profile surveys of structure and foreshore
• inspection of voids
Erosion of the toe is a common problem and is the mechanism most likely to cause
structural failure. Monitoring of the toe is therefore vital.

26 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

1.7.2 Revetments
Revetment design must anticipate ongoing erosion which may result in toe scour, over
topping or outflanking, and may cause partial structural failure. Monitoring methods for
revetments typically include:
• visual inspection at low tide
• general, fixed aspect and aerial photography
• profile surveys of structure and foreshore
• inspection of voids
Inspection requirements as defined by the Rock Manual (CIRIA 2007) for rock
structures suggests planned monitoring and inspection intervals of 6–12 months for
basic inspection and structure surveys, with submerged diving or other survey
techniques for submerged structures carried out on a five-year interval. It may be
necessary to consider a higher inspection frequency after construction to ensure a
satisfactory performance. Post-storm surveys to a structure should be carried out on an
event basis to check for damage or the need for repair works.

1.7.3 Groynes
Post-project monitoring should be carried out at least bi-annually to assess the beach–
dune evolution and the success of the scheme relative to its objectives. Monitoring
must include adjacent shorelines as well as those immediately within the groyne
Groyne heights, lengths and profiles can be modified if monitoring indicates that the
initial layout is not achieving the required objectives. Modification is easier to achieve
with timber rock structures than with rock.
Monitoring methods for groynes typically include:
• visual inspection at low tide
• general, fixed aspect and aerial photography

1.7.4 Beach recycling and recharging or nourishment

Monitoring of beach recycling and nourishment schemes will require detailed
modelling, calibration and analysis prior to the works being undertaken.
Notwithstanding this, there are significant uncertainties that cannot be predicted such
as the timing of future wind and wave or surge conditions that will influence local
processes and beach movements and require ongoing measurements and
observations to determine replenishment rates.
Post-project monitoring should be carried out at least bi-annually to assess the beach–
dune evolution and the success of the scheme relative to its objectives. Typically
intensive monitoring is required initially following scheme completion, which can then
be fine-tuned and the frequency reduced into the future, subject to analysis of results.
Appendix 2 of A Guide to Managing Coastal Erosion in Beach/Dune Systems (SNH
2000) provides further monitoring guidelines.
1.8 Design life and asset deterioration
Design life is defined as the minimum length of time that a scheme or structure is
required to perform its intended function. While the design life of a scheme will be
influenced by initial construction and longer term operation and maintenance costs,
coastal defences will also be heavily dependent on the durability of the materials and
their resistance to anticipated loadings.
Understanding and quantifying deterioration rates of the common materials and
components in flood risk management assets is important for estimating and planning
programmes of maintenance that contribute to an asset’s whole life costs and for day-
to-day maintenance and renewal intervention activities. It is also important to
understand how deterioration interacts with asset condition and performance under
service conditions
Within the Environment Agency asset deterioration guidance (Environment Agency
2009) a table of deterioration rates to different condition grades (1–5) sets out different
asset types and exposures with and without a typical regime of maintenance. The
following information has been extracted from this table to illustrate the deterioration
times for different types of vertical coastal walls. Information on the best estimate of
deterioration rates is summarised below. Additional upper and lower estimates can be
found in the asset deterioration guidance.

1.8.1 Walls
Deterioration rates for walls within the coastal environment depend in part on their
construction materials and on the degree to which they are exposed. Table 1.11
provides best estimates for deterioration (in years) from condition Grade 1 (very good)
to each consecutive grade for different materials. For example, it takes 15 years for a
Grade 1 brick and masonry defence to deteriorate to a Grade 2 (good) condition and
75 years to deteriorate to a Grade 4 condition (poor).

Table 1.10 Deterioration rates for different materials in coastal environments

Material Maintenance Best estimate deterioration rates (years)
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Brick and No difference 0 15 45 75 90
Concrete No 0 10 30 60 75
Yes 0 10 30 65 80
Sheet No 0 8 30 43 50
Yes 0 8 30 53 60

Source: Environment Agency (2009)

28 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

1.8.2 Revetments
Impermeable revetments are generally intended to withstand storm wave attack over a
life expectancy of 30–50 years. Rock structures are likely to degrade over time
depending on the location of the defence and the physical characteristics of the rock
There are currently few long-term data for rock structures that have been in service for
over 50 years with which to determine appropriate longer term design life estimates.
However, some structures that have been in service for between 30 and 50 years are
showing little obvious signs of rock degradation (Williams A, personal communication).
Table 1.12 provides best estimates for deterioration (in years) from condition Grade 1
(very good) to each consecutive grade for permeable and impermeable revetments.

Table 1.11 Deterioration rates for revetments in coastal environments

Material Maintenance Best estimate deterioration rates (years)
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Permeable No 0 9 19 31 38
Yes 0 13 25 42 50
Impermeable No 0 9 19 31 38
Yes 0 13 25 42 50

Source: Environment Agency (2009)

1.8.3 Groynes
The design life of a timber groyne will depend on a number of factors but particularly:
• biological attack – fungal decay, marine borers and insect attack
• abrasion – which is linked to sediment characteristics and can lead to faster
deterioration of timbers and consequent reduction in life expectancy)
• wave climate – more aggressive wave climate will reduce life expectancy
Within the second edition of the Beach Management Manual (CIRIA 2010a), Case
Study 15.1 Coastal Defences at Whitstable Kent contains detailed information on the
design issues affecting the cost of this timber groyne and beach recharge project. With
respect to whole life costing the local authority client required a design life of 80 years
(before total renewal) with an allowance for major maintenance after 40 years.
Following tests it was concluded that, for coastal defence structures, tropical
hardwoods were the only type of timber that met this requirement.
Further research on the performance of different types of timber has been carried out
by Bournemouth Borough Council. Greenheart, Purple Heart and Ekki have been
tested at a demonstration site and to date Ekki has been most successful. The Purple
Heart timber planks were found to be heavily infested with gribble (marine borers) after
a very short period of time.
Timber groynes have a typical life expectancy of 10–25 years but life expectancy
depends on the species of timber used. In tests, Canterbury Council found that non-
tropical hardwoods (oak and Douglas fir) lasted between 5 and 10 years before decay
affected the structure. The types of tropical hardwoods used in groynes (Greenheart
and Ekki) have strengths twice that of non-tropical European hardwoods such as oak.
Timbers of lesser strengths would have to be increased in section to meet the design
stresses, with consequential increases in cost and timber usage (CIRIA 2010a).
In schemes requiring large quantities of tropical hardwoods, evidence of a legal and
sustainably managed source will usually be required. The Whitstable scheme was able
to make a substantial cost saving by removing purchase of the timber from the main
contract and purchasing on a shipment basis direct from the country of origin (CIRIA
The average design life of rock groynes is anticipated to be higher – in the region of 50
years – but will depend on the local conditions and design of the structures (as
discussed above).
Gabion groynes are generally not recommended due to the short design life associated
with these structures. The design life may be in the region of 1–5 years, but will depend
heavily on the local conditions and shoreline exposure.

1.8.4 Beach recycling and recharging or nourishment

Beach recharge or recycling for coastal defence is normally required to improve beach
levels to improve the level of protection. Groynes are used to assist in control of the
beach and thereby influence the need/frequency for recycling/further replenishment.
The replenishment frequency will need to be estimated to consider the whole life costs
for this option. This will need a detailed understanding (and modelling) of the longshore
drift to determine the frequency of recycling. The resulting significant uncertainty
associated with this aspect will need consideration and sensitivity/scenario testing as
part of the cost estimate and economic appraisal.

1.9 Cost estimation methodology

Figure 1.1 shows the key aspects required to generate a whole life cost for a coastal
flood defence to include all relevant capital and O&M costs.

Figure 1.1 Flow diagram for coastal whole life costs

Planning and administration costs

Consultation, licence and approval fees

Coastal protection construction costs

Discounted operation and maintenance costs

Inclusion of relevant monitoring costs (if applicable)

Discounted future decommissioning, replacement costs

Sum all costs

30 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

1.10 Case studies

1.10.1 East Lane, Bawdsey

East Lane is situated on the Suffolk coast. It is subject to severe coastal erosion and
flood risk. Unable to receive grant-in-aid, a trust was formed supported by Suffolk
Coastal District Council to protect a scheduled ancient monument and residential
properties. The scheme involved a hard rock armour revetment providing a 50-year
Standard of Protection. Before this scheme and after the first Shoreline Management
Plan had been produced in the 1990s, an emergency scheme with an estimated 10-
year life was constructed to hold the line in the short term to allow appropriate
management actions to be defined.
A partnership group was set up due to the disagreements and conflicting interests of
stakeholders, each having different interests (statutory/non statutory) in relation to the
management of East Head. The partnership’s objective is to achieve a common way of
working for the best and most sustainable evolution of the coastline. The agreement
over the appropriate management policies for East Head took over seven years of
meetings and partnership working.
From the initial formation of the trust in 2004 it took four years for the East Lane
scheme to be developed with a planning application being submitted and approved
during 2007. Following the approval, works on-site began in late 2008 and were
completed in summer 2009 with the final north-end tie-in being completed in spring
Erosion of a flood defence embankment in 2004 at East Lane is shown in Figure 1.2
and an aerial photograph of the completed scheme in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.2 Erosion of Environment Agency flood defence embankment,

November 2004 (source: Terry Oakes Associates Limited)
Figure 1.3 Completed East Lane, Bawdsey Coast Protection and Flood
Defence Scheme (source: M Page)

1.10.2 Lyme Regis, Dorset

Lyme Regis is a coastal town in west Dorset, often referred to as ‘The Pearl of Dorset’,
and is a World Heritage Site heavily reliant on tourism. To tackle its long history of
coastal erosion problems, a five-phase coastal defence programme of projects began
in the 1990s. There are a number of contributing partners including South West Water.
In the early 1990s, the Lyme Regis Voluntary Advisory Panel was formed including
anglers, retired engineers, town councillors and geologists. This developed over time to
form the Lyme Regis Coastal Forum. The Forum is used as a mechanism to consult
with the public. It is felt that significant improvements have been made to the scheme
by engaging with local people.
During the design and construction of Phase II, the project team held regular meetings
with local advisory groups including the highway authority and emergency services,
residents, traders and the town council. During the lead in work for Phase IV, the
Environment Agency, Natural England and Dorset County Council ecologists and
World Heritage Site staff attended regular progress meetings with West Dorset District
Council (WDCC) and its consultants.
To illustrate the time taken to develop just one phase of this scheme, preliminary
designs for Phase IV received conditional planning consent in April 2010. Following this
approval, the Environment Agency’s project appraisal report was submitted later that
year and given technical approval. Working in partnership with Dorset County Council,
WDDC started work on the appointment of consultants and contractors. Subject to
receiving financial approval following receipt of tenders, the main contract was
expected to commence in spring 2013 and to take approximately two years to
complete. Approved pre-construction costs for Phase IV are currently £1,346,000
relative to construction costs of £13,077,000.
An example of coastal erosion at Lyme Regis in 1062 is shown in Figure 1.4 and the
completed seawall with the beach and jetties in Figure 1.5.

32 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

Figure 1.4 Coastal erosion, 1962 Figure 1.5 Completed seawall, beach and
(image courtesy of Environment jetties (image courtesy of Environment
Agency) Agency)

1.10.3 Alkborough Flats Tidal Defence Scheme, Humber Estuary

This scheme, the largest managed realignment scheme in the UK, was completed in
2006 at cost of £10.2 million and is located on the south bank of the Humber Estuary.
The Humber is internationally important for habitat and biodiversity interests, with
400,000 people living on its floodplain. It is also internationally important for navigation.
Climate change could raise sea levels in the Humber by 1.2 m by 2100. The project
was led by a partnership including the Environment Agency, English Nature (Natural
England), Associated British Ports, North Lincolnshire Council and supported by RSPB,
parish councils and local landowners. The project attracted substantial external funding
from a wide range of sources.

Figure 1.6 Alkborough Flats managed realignment – breach to the right

(copyright: Environment Agency)
As part of the Alkborough scheme, a management group was set up that included
senior representatives from all the key partners. The management group was
supported by a stakeholder steering group with representatives from around 15
stakeholder organisations as well as local people. In total more than 60 people
regularly provided input to all aspects of the project. Project public consultation and
communication took place for two years (2002-2004) prior to land purchase
agreements being reached with the landowners. Site purchase was completed in early
2005. The final breach in the floodbank and completion of the project was made in
2006 (see Figure 1.6) – seven years since its inception in 1999.
1.11 Checklist
Use the checklist to:
• identify the key cost elements required for watercourses
• ensure all relevant whole life costs are incorporated into the cost estimate
Whole life cost estimate checklist for coastal protection
Item Description Frequency Comments
Planning and design costs
Professional fees Initial appraisal, planning and One-off
design costs, options appraisal and
design development
Consultation Including planning, management , One-off
public consultation, stakeholder
engagement, partnership working
and agreements
Feasibility studies Undertake feasibility studies One-off
Surveys Undertake baseline surveys and all One-off
environmental/engineering surveys.
Licences and Planning permission, statutory or One-off Can have
consents non-statutory EIA, Appropriate programme
Assessments (if required), marine implications.
Enabling works Site set-up, procurement of One-off
specialist materials or dredging for
beach recharge
Construction Asset construction costs One-off
Monitoring Development and review of Ongoing
programme monitoring programme
Operational and Cost of regular inspections Ongoing
public safety including visual inspection at low
inspections tide, general, fixed aspect and
aerial photography, profile surveys
of structure and foreshore and
inspection of voids
Maintenance Costs of maintenance and Ongoing
intermittent refurbishment works
associated with new structures
Replacement Costs of replacing temporary Ongoing
costs defence or erosion control

34 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence

1.12 R&D and general design guidance
• Burcharth, H., Hawkins, S.J., Zanuttigh, B. and Lamberti, A., 2007.
Environmental Design Guidelines for Low Crested Coastal Structures.
• CIRIA/CUR, 1991. Manual on the Use of Rock in Coastal and Shoreline
Engineering. CIRIA Special Publication 83/CUR Report 154.
• CIRIA, 2010. The Use of Concrete in Maritime Engineering – A Good
Practice Guide. C674.
• CIRIA, 2010. Beach Management Manual, 2nd edition. C685.
• Crossman, M.P., Segura-Domínguez, S. and Allsop, N.W.H., 2003. Low
Cost Rock Structures for Beach Control and Coast Protection: Practical
Design Guidance. Defra/Environment Agency R&D Technical Report CSA
6020. [
• Crossman, M. and Simm. J., 2004. Manual on the Use of Timber in Coastal
and River Engineering. Thomas Telford.
• Defra and Environment Agency, 2003. Low Cost Rock Structures for Beach
Control and Coast Protection. Practical Design Guidance. Joint
Defra/Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management
R&D Programme R&D Technical Report FD2409.
• Defra and Environment Agency, 2006. Understanding Barrier Beaches.
Joint Defra/Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk
Management R&D Programme R&D Technical Report FD1924/TR.
• Delft Hydraulics, 1987. Manual on Artificial Beach Nourishment. Delft
Hydraulics Report 130.
• D’Angremond, K., van den Berg, E.J.F. and de Jager, J.H., 1992. Use and
behaviour of gabions in coastal protection. In Coastal Engineering 1992,
Chapter 133, pp. 1748-1757. American Society of Civil Engineers.
• Ecopro Project, 1996. Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection: Ecopro
Code of Practice. Government of Ireland. Available from:
CA589EE0B614/0/ECOPRO.pdf [Accessed 13 January 2014].
• Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures [online]. [Accessed 7 January 2014].
• McConnell, K, 1998. Revetment Systems against Wave Attack – A Design
Manual. Thomas Telford.
• Pilarczyk, K.W., 1990. Design of seawalls and dikes, including overview of
revetments. In Coastal Protection, Proceedings of the short course on
coastal protection, Delft University of Technology. AA Balkema.
• Rijkswaterstaat, 1985. The Use of Asphalt in Hydraulic Engineering.
Rijkswaterstaat Communications. Available from:
c945c6e250fe/ [Accessed 7 January 2014]
• Thomas, R.S. and Hall, B., 1992. Seawall Design. CIRIA.
1.13 References
CIRIA, 1996. Beach Management Manual. Report 153. London: CIRIA.
CIRIA, 2007. The Rock Manual. The Use of Rock in Hydraulic Engineering, 2nd edn.
C683. London: CIRIA.
CIRIA, 2010a. Beach Management Manual, 2nd edition. Report C685. London: CIRIA.
CIRIA, 2010b. The Use of Concrete in Maritime Engineering – A Good Practice Guide.
C674. London: CIRIA.
Cost Rock Structures for Beach Control and Coast Protection: Practical Design
Guidance. Defra/Environment Agency R&D Technical Report CSA 6020 [also
referenced as Report SR 631, HR Wallingford]. London: Defra.
CROSSMAN, M. and SIMM, J., 2002. Sustainable coastal defences – the use of timber
and other materials. Municipal Engineer, 151, (3), 207-211.
CROSSMAN, M. and SIMM. J., 2004. Manual on the Use of Timber in Coastal and
River Engineering. London: Thomas Telford.
DAVIS LANGDON, 2011. Spon's Civil Engineering and Highway Works Price Book.
25th edition. London: Spon Press.
DEFRA, 2010. Factsheet – New Marine Licensing System. London: Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Available from:
[Accessed 13 January 2014].
DEFRA and ENVIRONMENT AGENCY, 2011. Coastal Schemes with Multiple
Objectives and Funders (FD2635): Lessons Learnt and Guidance Report. Joint
Defra/Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management R&D
Programme. Skipton, North Yorkshire: JBA Limited.
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY, 2004. Building Trust with Communities – A Guide for Staff.
Bristol: Environment Agency.
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY, 2007. Flood Risk Management Estimating Guide. Unit Cost
Database 2007. Bristol: Environment Agency.
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY, 2009. Assessment and Measurement of Asset
Deterioration including Whole Life Costs. Science Report SC060078/SR2. Bristol:
Environment Agency.
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY, 2010. Flood Risk Management Estimating Guide – Update
2010. Bristol: Environment Agency.
ICE, 2012. Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM), 4th edition].
London: ICE Publishing.
MMO, 2011. Marine Licensing [online]. Newcastle: Marine Maritime Organisation.
Available from: [Accessed
13 January 2014].
SNH, 2000. A Guide to Managing Coastal Erosion in Beach/Dune Systems. Inverness:
Scottish Natural Heritage.
SOUTHERN COASTAL GROUP, 2010a. Timber Groyne Workshop, 24th March 2010.
Presentation by Peter Ferguson. Available from:

36 Cost estimation for coastal protection – summary of evidence [Accessed 13 January
SOUTHERN COASTAL GROUP, 2010b. Minutes of the Southern Coastal Group
Meeting, 8 July 2010.
SUFFOLK COASTAL DISTRICT COUNCIL, 2009. Performance Review of Rock and
Timber Groynes. Mott MacDonald.
UKBAP, 2006a. Preparing Costings for Species and Habitat Action Plans. Revising the
Costs of Delivering Habitat Action Plans. Revised Report to Defra and Partners, with
Provisional Cost Estimates Based on March 2006 Targets.
UKBAP, 2006b. HAP Costings Annexes.

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