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Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Chest X-Ray or Lung Ultrasound? A Systematic Review

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Review Article

2017, Vol. 25(2) 8091

Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: ! The Author(s) 2017

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Chest X-ray or lung ultrasound? DOI: 10.1177/1742271X16689374
A systematic review

Matthew Hiles1,2, Anne-Marie Culpan2, Catriona Watts1,

Theresa Munyombwe3 and Stephen Wolstenhulme4

Background and aim: Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome is a leading cause of morbidity in preterm new-
born babies (<37 weeks gestation age). The current diagnostic reference standard includes clinical testing
and chest radiography with associated exposure to ionising radiation. The aim of this review was to compare
the diagnostic accuracy of lung ultrasound against the reference standard in symptomatic neonates of
42 weeks gestation age.
Methods: A systematic search of literature published between 1990 and 2016 identified 803 potentially
relevant studies. Six studies met the review inclusion criteria and were retrieved for analysis. Quality assess-
ment was performed before data extraction and meta-analysis.
Results: Four prospective cohort studies and two case control studies included 480 neonates. All studies
were of moderate methodological quality although heterogeneity was evident across the studies. The pooled
sensitivity and specificity of lung ultrasound were 97% (95% confidence interval [CI] 9499%) and 91%
(CI: 8695%) respectively. False positive diagnoses were made in 16 cases due to pneumonia (n 8), transient
tachypnoea (n 3), pneumothorax (n 1) and meconium aspiration syndrome (n 1); the diagnoses of the
remaining three false positive results were not specified. False negatives diagnoses occurred in nine cases,
only two were specified as air-leak syndromes.
Conclusions: Lung ultrasound was highly sensitive for the detection of neonatal respiratory distress
syndrome although there is potential to miss co-morbid air-leak syndromes. Further research into lung
ultrasound diagnostic accuracy for neonatal air-leak syndrome and economic modelling for service integra-
tion is required before lung ultrasound can replace chest radiography as the imaging component of the
reference standard.

Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, lung ultrasound, chest X-ray, diagnosis

Date received: 22 September 2016; accepted: 25 December 2016

Department of Radiology, Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust,
Ultrasound Department, UK
Introduction Division of Biomedical Imaging, Faculty of Medicine & Health,
University of Leeds, UK
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) is a 3
Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Leeds Institute of
breathing disorder arising at, or shortly after birth Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds, UK
(<24 hours); it increases in severity during the rst Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St Jamess University
Hospital, UK
48 hours of life.1 Although full term new-borns with a
gestational age [GA] between 37 and 42 weeks can be Corresponding author:
Matthew Hiles, Department of Radiology, Ultrasound Department,
aected, approximately four out of ve cases occur in Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Rd,
those born prematurely (<37 weeks).2,3 Severity and Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 5JQ, UK.
incidence of NRDS are inversely related to GA with Email:
Hiles et al. 81

92% of neonates born at 2425 weeks aected, 88% at and specicity of 91% and 84% respectively when radi-
2627 weeks, 76% at 2829 weeks and 57% at 3031 ologists where blinded to clinical test results. Morris17
weeks.4,5 suggests radiological appearances correlate well with
NRDS is caused by physiological and structural pul- clinical disease severity, atelectasis being represented
monary immaturity insucient levels of pulmonary by a bi-lateral ne granular or ground glass appear-
surfactant compromise alveolar integrity, impeding ance such that extent of disease corresponds to level of
normal gas exchange due to deregulation of acinar sur- lung opacity. Reduced lung expansion, dilated bronchi-
face tension.6,7 Resulting atelectasis causes decreased oles and air bronchograms are also visible depending
lung compliance through an increase of collapsed on disease stage.7
alveoli in the terminal airways.8 NRDS progresses Further to diagnostic use, CXR is used to conrm
through hypoventilation, hypoxemia and respiratory endotracheal tube (ETT) position; premature new-
acidosis.68 It is a leading cause of morbidity in prema- borns with severe NRDS frequently receive continuous
ture new-borns and is a common reason for admission positive airways pressure (CPAP) in order to improve
to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).9,10 ventilation and oxygenation as well as facilitating intra-
NRDS is diagnosed by a combination of clinical tracheal administration of surfactant.1,6 Conrmation
signs and symptoms, laboratory analysis and chest of the ETT position minimises lung damage caused by
radiography (CXR).1,6 Early diagnosis is important so malpositioning1.
that interventional therapy, respiratory support and Chest radiography involves exposure to ionising
surfactant replacement, can be instigated.7,8 Follow radiation. Neonates, due to their small size and the
up imaging is required to monitor therapeutic eect close proximity of radiosensitive tissues and organs,
and reduce broncho-pulmonary dysplasia as a result are at greater risk from latent eects of CXR in com-
of unnecessary mechanical ventilation.11 parison to other age groups.18 Although the actual risk
of adverse latent eects from neonatal radiation expos-
ure has not been quantied,19,20 the theoretical risk can
Clinical signs and symptoms be predicted using the linear no-threshold (LNT) model
Clinical presentations of NRDS include non-specic with relative risk increasing as absorbed dose increases.20
tachypnoea, nasal aring, cyanosis, substernal and With neonates undergoing multiple CXR examinations
intercostal retraction and grunting from expiratory air during their stay on the NICU, eorts have been made
colliding with a partially closed glottis.8 The Clinical to identify an alternative diagnostic test.21,22
Risk Index for Babies (CRIB) is a risk assessment tool
scoring birth weight, gestational age, maximum and
minimum fraction of inspired oxygen, maximum base
Lung ultrasound
excess during the rst 12 hours of life and presence of In the past, ultrasound has not been widely used for
congenital malformations.12 In suspected NRDS, the neonatal chest imaging due to the obscuring artefact
CRIB can be used to estimate severity of NRDS and generated by normal air-lled lung.21
trigger administration of assisted ventilation.12 Ultrasound does not involve ionising radiation but is
associated with potential risks due to mechanical (iner-
tial cavitation) and thermal tissue damage.23 The risk of
Laboratory tests these adverse bio-eects is low in routine clinical prac-
Arterial partial oxygen pressure (PaO2) levels below tice, but proportional to duration of ultrasound exam-
50 mmHg with cyanosis in room air, or the need for sup- ination, dependent on the specic tissues under
plementary oxygen to maintain PaO2 > 50 mmHg, is indi- examination and the output of the ultrasound trans-
cative of NRDS.6 A blood sample can determine levels of ducer. Risk is quantied in terms of mechanical and
metabolic and respiratory acidosis which indicate anaer- thermal indices, MI and TI respectively and displayed
obic metabolism and atelectasis, respectively.13 during scanning.24 The as low as reasonably practic-
Swallowed lung uid is a signicant constituent of able (ALARP) principle, along with acoustic safety
neonatal gastric aspirate. The gastric aspirate shake test guidelines are implemented to minimise risk.25
(GAST) identies the presence or a lack of surfactant.14 Lung ultrasound (LUS) has recently emerged as a
GAST is reported to have 100% sensitivity and 92% promising diagnostic tool with studies reporting accur-
specicity for NRDS.15 ate results in the diagnosis of NRDS4,9,11,13,2628 and
other neonatal pulmonary diseases.22,29 The presence
of artefact has been recognised as a useful clinical
Chest radiography
marker to demonstrate normality, its absence being
In a study of 59 neonates with clinically suspected indicative of disease (Table 1 and Figure 1(a) to (c)).21
NRDS, Vergine et al.16 found CXR to have sensitivity Raised uid levels in diseased lung and the absence of
82 Ultrasound 25(2)

Table 1. LUS appearances of the normal and NRDS affected lung.21

LUS finding Normal lung Abnormal lung

Pleural line Smooth echogenic appearance < 0.5 mm Absence or disruption of the line, > 0.5 mm
(lung sliding) thick. Visceral and parietal pleura thickness, no sliding.
visualised sliding with respiration.

A-lines (Figure 1(a)) Equidistant echogenic lines beneath Absent.

and parallel to the pleural line.
Reverberation artefact caused by large
change in acoustic impedance at the
lung-pleura interface.

B-lines (Figure 1(b)) Usually absent, < 3 B-lines occasionally

demonstrated due to watery nature of >3 Hyper echoic artifactual lines extending
the neonatal lung, but disappear within vertically from the pleural line into the lung
24 hours of life. field. These lines erase A-lines and move with
respiration. Delineates increased fluid in the
interlobular septae between the alveoli.

B3-lines (Figure 1(c)) Absent B-lines closely merged (within 3 mm) create a
white lung appearance through increased
oedema indicative of alveolar interstitial syn-
drome (AIS).

Consolidation Absent Areas of de-aerated lung parenchyma mimick-

ing the appearance of the liver (hepatisation),
and/or presence of air or fluid bronchograms
delineated by hyper echoic punctate specs and
branching lines. Indicative of atelectasis.

Pleural-effusion Absent Anechoic fluid delineated by the pleural line, the

diaphragm and the lungs visceral surface.

NRDS: neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.

Figure 1. Normal and abnormal transthoracic LUS appearances of NRDS.

LUS: lung ultrasound; NRDS: Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.

the normal air-lled gap between the pleura and pul- Ultrasonic verication of ETT position in neonates
monary interstitium provide a propagation medium for has also shown potential. Studies have reported close
ultrasound transmission and demonstration of lung correlation between ultrasound and CXR measure-
tissue.4,9 ments and is comparatively much faster.30,31 Due to a
Hiles et al. 83

Table 2. Search terms

Neonate (42 weeks) Ultrasound Chest X-ray Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome

neonata, infanta, ultrasoa, sonoga, X-ray, radiographa, Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome,
pediatrica newborna, lung ultrasound conventional radiographa, infantile respiratory distress syndrome,
preterm, premature, plain film, radiologa, hyaline membrane disease, respiratory
babies, baby. computed radiography, distress syndrome, pulmonary surfactant,
digital radiography, lung disease, respiratory disease, surfac-
radiogram, tant deficiency disorder.
Truncation command.

lack of high quality supporting evidence CXR remains indicators (presentation, vital signs and auscultation),
the gold standard.32 CXR and/or laboratory blood gas analysis. Limited
resources restricted inclusion to studies published in
English. Although this may introduce language bias,33
Aim there is little evidence to suggest that systematic bias
The aim of this review was to compare the diagnostic occurs with such an approach.35 Articles were not
accuracy of LUS against the reference standard clinical excluded on the basis of geographical location or pub-
test and CXR in symptomatic neonates of 42 weeks lication date to limit bias and maximise retrieval of
gestational age. relevant material.33,34
Studies were excluded where it was not possible to
extract sucient data to populate 2  2 contingency
Method tables, obtain them through the local institutional or
British Library, where requisite permission from par-
Search strategy ents and ethical committees had not been obtained or
Studies were identied during August 2016 using the where studies collected non-human or cadaveric data.
following databases: OVID Embase 19962016, OVID After removing duplicate results, study titles,
Medline (R) 19962016, PUBMED 19962016, Science abstracts or full-papers were reviewed to determine
Direct 19952016, Leeds University Librarys Journals/ inclusion in the review. Dierences of opinion were
Books@OVID (full-text), CINAHL 19902016, The resolved by discussion. The reference lists of included
Cochrane Library 20052016 and Google Scholar. studies were examined to identify further relevant stu-
Initial search terms were identied from a prelimin- dies that had not been retrieved by the database search;
ary literature search and accepted by unanimous agree- forward citation tracking was performed in Google
ment amongst review team members. Medical Subject Scholar. The rigorous search and selection process lim-
Headings (MeSH) were used to generate additional ited selection bias and reduced the chance of random
search terms for ultrasound, neonates, X-ray and error.33,34
NRDS (Table 2). The Boolean operators (AND) and
(OR) were used to minimise irrelevant literature and
maximise the breadth of the search.33 Truncation was
Quality assessment
used to increase the yield of studies that used alternate Since the inclusion of studies other than RCTs can
endings to the search terms.34 increase selection and reporting bias,33 quality assess-
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were designed in ment was performed using the QUADAS-2 (Quality
accordance with the Population, Intervention, Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2) tool.36
Comparator, Outcome (PICO) framework to correlate Risk of bias and applicability were assessed in four key
with the research question. To increase validity and areas relevant to the research question: patient selec-
reproducibility they were dened a priori. Studies tion, index test, reference standard and test ow and
were included if they were randomised control trials timing. Three team members individually scored each
(RCTs), cohort or case-control studies, recruited neo- study awarding one point for each criterion where risk
nates  42 weeks GA in a clinical setting with signs and of bias was considered to be low.36
symptoms of NRDS within 48 hours of birth, and had Patient selection was considered to have low risk of
NRDS diagnosed using a combination of clinical bias if there was a consecutive sample of neonates, they
84 Ultrasound 25(2)

were suspected to have NRDS within 48 hours of birth,

Records identified
and subjects had not been excluded inappropriately. through database
Applicability concerns were considered low if neonates searching
with congenital heart and chest disease had been
excluded, studies were conducted in an appropriate
clinical setting and there was no evidence of recruitment
according to disease severity. Records after
duplicates removed
Index test bias criteria required LUS practitioners to (n=803)
be blinded to the results of the CXR and applicability
concerns related to appropriateness of probe frequency
and age and capability of equipment. Conversely for the Records excluded by
reference standard, clinicians would ideally be blinded to Records screened title or abstract
(n=803) (n=793)
the results of the LUS examination (low bias) and the
clinical test had to be appropriate (applicability).
In terms of ow and timing of the reference and
Full-text articles Full-text articles
index tests, risk of bias was deemed low if all neonates assessed for eligibility excluded; (n=6)
received the same clinical test and a CXR, the interval (n=10) n=4 insufficient data
between LUS and CXR was 5 hours and all recruits to construct 2X2
where included in 2  2 contingency table analysis. n=1 Incorrect method
of analysis
n=1 Incorrect study
Data extraction and analysis outcome

Data extraction was carried out independently by MH

and CW. The following data were extracted: sample Studies included in Articles added from
size, age range, study design, blinding, method of quantitative synthesis citation searching (n=2)
NRDS diagnosis, LUS operator skill level, LUS diag-
nostic technique, time between CXR and LUS, LUS
diagnostic criteria and the number of true positives, Figure 2. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
true negatives, false positives and false negatives. Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram of
Contingency tables were created to calculate test sen- search process.
sitivity and specicity and the DerSimonian and Laird
random eects model37 was tted to the data to Two further quantitative studies identied through for-
account for the heterogeneity across the studies. Use ward and backward searching16,42 were included in the
of a random-eects model is recommended in system- analysis (Figure 2).
atic reviews of diagnostic studies due to heterogen-
eity.34 95% Condence intervals (CIs) were calculated
Study characteristics
for individual and pooled data. The chi-squared test
(2) was applied to assess risk of heterogeneity Table 3 details the six studies included for ana-
(p < 0.10).33 The Inconsistency (I2) test was used to lysis.4,10,13,14,16,42 Four were prospective cohort stu-
quantify heterogeneity (signicance greater than dies4,13,14,16 and two prospective case-control
50%).33 Statistical analysis was undertaken using studies.10,42 A total of 480 neonates were studied,
Meta-DiSc version 1.4 software.38 mean age 31.3 (SD  1.1) weeks. Four studies (378 neo-
nates) reported gender ratios: 62% of participants were
male, 38% female. Five studies enrolled participants
Results from single centre NICUs, the other was a two-centre
study.10 Two studies used a transabdominal scanning
Identification of studies technique,13,14 three adopted a transthoracic
The search returned 803 studies of which 10 full texts approach10,16,42 and one study performed both tech-
were assessed for eligibility against the inclusion/exclu- niques on all enrolled neonates.4 Table 4 summarises
sion criteria. Six of these studies were omitted because the general characteristics of the studies.
they had insucient detail to produce 2  2 contin-
gency tables (n 4),9,27,39,40 reported LUS results for
Quality assessment
lung zones instead of individual neonates (n 1)41 or
assessed LUS for predicting the need for mechanical The quality of the studies included in the review was
ventilation rather than diagnosing NRDS (n 1).11 moderate with an overall score 32 out of 42 (Table 5).
Table 3. Primary data extracted from retrieved studies for meta-analysis

Gestational age True True

Sample (mean  SD Male/ positive, False negative, False
Study Year Origin Study type size weeks) female, n n positive, n n negative, n
Hiles et al.

Ahuja et al.14 2012 India Prospective 88 29 6 d  11 d 50/38 32 6 44 6

Bober and 2006 Poland Prospective 131 32  4.4 86/45 101 8 22 0


Copetti et al.42 2008 Italy Case-control 55 27.2  2.7 Unknown 40 0 15 0

Liu et al.10 2014 China Case-control 100 34.9  2.7 62/38 50 0 50 0

Lovrenski4 2012 Serbia Prospective 47 30.9  3.16 Unknown 43 0 2 2

Vergine et al.16 2014 Italy Prospective 59 33  4 36/23 22 2 34 1

Table 4. General study characteristics

Study QUDAS-2 Time between
Score (0-7) Diagnostic method LUS operator LUS technique LUS equipment LUS diagnostic criteria CXR and LUS Blinding

Ahuja et al.14 (5) Gastric aspirate Radiologist Transabdominal HDI 3500 [Advanced Diffuse retrodiaphragmatic <20 h Not blinded
test clinical Technologies Laboratories hyperechogenicity completely
diagnosis CXR (ATL) Ultrasound, Bothell, replacing the normal diaphragm
WA, USA] (512 MHz)
curvilinear probe

Bober and CRIB score CXR Physician Transabdominal Siemens SI 450, unknown origin, Retrophrenic hyperechogenicity <24 h Blinded
ski13 (6) blood results equipped with a sector 5-MHz with B lines diverging radially

Copetti et al.42 (4) Clinical diagnosis Paediatrician Transthoracic Megas CVX Esaote, Medical Bi-lateral white lung, absence of <24 h Not blinded
CXR Cardiologist Systems, Florence, Italy spared areas, thickened and
(10 MHz Linear Probe) irregular pleural line

Liu et al.10 (6) Clinical diagnosis 1 expert Transthoracic High resolution line probe Consolidation, Pleural line Immediate Blinded
CXR blood results (1112 MHz) (GE Voluson i or E6, Abnormalities and Bilateral
USA) White Lung

Lovrenski4 (5) Clinical Diagnosis Paediatric Transthoracic 7.5 MHz linear probe (Sonoline Consolidation; air 3.244.96 h Not blinded
CXR blood results Radiologist Transabdominal Adara, Siemens, Erlangen, bronchograms and B-Lines

Vergine et al.16 (6) Clinical diagnosis Neonatologist Transthoracic Vivid-I Ge Medical Systems, Bi-lateral white lung, coalescent <24 h Blinded
CXR Milan, Italy using a high res B-lines and thickened and

1012 MHz linear probe irregular pleural line

LUS: lung ultrasound.

86 Ultrasound 25(2)

The reference standard, care settings and level of LUS have resulted in over-estimation of diagnostic accuracy
expertise were consistently acceptable across all studies. in this subgroup.36 As such we feel the subgroup ana-
Double blinding between the reference and index tests lysis of prospective cohort studies provides the most
occurred in three (50%) of the six studies10,13,16 with accurate reection of test accuracy (sensitivity 96%,
single blinding of the CXR to LUS results occurring in specicity 86%).
the remaining 50%.4,14,42 All studies conducted CXR The transthoracic technique appeared to be superior
rst followed by LUS. Four studies stated the interval to the transabdominal approach for diagnosing NRDS
between LUS and CXR as less than 24 hours but failed because subgroup analysis demonstrated it to have
to provide more precise timing.13,14,16,42 Two studies marginally better sensitivity (99%, 97% respectively)
reported LUS and CXR examinations were performed and better specicity (98%, 82% respectively).
within 5 hours of each other.4,10 All studies used a com- The increased specicity of the transthoracic technique
bination of ultrasound ndings to formulate the diag- would reduce the number of false positive diagnoses
nostic threshold. The four studies using transthoracic and have the clinical benet of reducing unnecessary
scanning diagnosed NRDS on detection of consolida- additional testing or intervention.
tion, pleural line abnormalities and bilateral white Vergine et al.16 measured the diagnostic accuracy of
lung.4,10,16,42 The two studies adopting a transabdom- CXR without the addition of clinical information and
inal approach dened the presence of retro-diaphrag- found a sensitivity of 91% and a specicity of 84%.
matic hyper-echogenicity with > 3 B-lines as indicative Based on these values, LUS appears to be a comparable
of NRDS.13,14 test.

Meta-analysis Timing of test performance

Across the six studies, pooled sensitivity and specicity During the acute phase of NRDS, the clinical picture
for the diagnosis of NRDS was 0.97 (CI: 0.940.99) and can vary signicantly over time.6,7 Such changes are
0.91 (CI: 0.860.95), respectively (Figure 3(a) and (b)). inuenced by naturally increasing disease severity and
The 2 values were statistically signicant (p < 0.10) the impact of any treatment provided. It is important
indicating heterogeneity amongst the studies due when comparing a proposed new test with an existing
to chance; 2 22.92 (p 0.0003) and 2 21.60 reference test that both are carried out within a narrow
(p 0.0006). The I2 statistic values were 78.2% and time frame to reduce performance bias.36 Two studies4,10
76.9%. Since these values were >50%, this was con- specied that both tests were conducted within 5 hours.
sidered to be signicant heterogeneity based on recom- The remaining four studies13,14,16,42 completed LUS and
mendations from the Cochrane handbook (2008)33. CXR within 24 hours. This increases the risk of bias due
Subgroup analysis of the four prospective cohort to the possibility that changes occurred as a result of
studies4,13,14,16 showed pooled sensitivity of 96% (CI: advancing disease severity or conversely, due to treat-
9298%) and specicity 86% (CI: 7992%). For the ment response (Table 5).34
four studies using transthoracic scanning,4,10,16,42 LUS
sensitivity was 99% (CI: 95100%) and specicity 98%
Limitations of imaging
(CI: 93100%); in comparison, the pooled sensitivity
of the two studies using transabdominal scanning13,14 The long term biological eects of ultrasound on neo-
was 96% (CI: 9198%) and the specicity 83% (CI: natal lung tissue are unknown.25 Through prudent clin-
7298%). ical use and the avoidance of ionising radiation, LUS is
a safer alternative to CXR theoretically.21 Despite an
established pattern of radiological appearances in
Discussion NRDS, ndings often overlap with other respiratory
pathologies that are common amongst premature neo-
Diagnostic accuracy of LUS
nates.11,21 The static, planar nature of the CXR can
Meta-analysis of six studies which compared LUS make dierential diagnosis dicult and a degree of
to CXR and clinical information showed high sensitiv- inter-observer disagreement is inevitable, especially in
ity (97%) and specicity (91%) for detecting and less advanced disease.21
excluding NRDS, respectively. Subgroup analysis of LUS has its own characteristic signs associated with
the four prospective cohort studies showed markedly NRDS,9,10,11,21 the identication of which are aided by
lower specicity. Although the healthy controls under- real-time visualisation of lung parenchyma and the per-
went the same index and reference tests as the disease formance of numerous multi-planar sweeps across the
group in the two case-control studies, the absence of a lung elds.10,13 Ultrasound is notoriously operator
random or a consecutive sample of participants may dependant, an inherent source of potential error,25
Hiles et al. 87

Table 5. QUADAS-2 Risk of bias and applicability assessment

Risk of bias Applicability concerns

Patient Index Reference Flow and Patient Index Reference Score

Study selection test standard timing selection test standard (07)

Ahuja et al.14 5

Bober and S ski13 6

Copetti et al.42 4

Liu et al.10 6

Lovrenski4 5

Vergine et al.16 6

Low High

Figure 3. Forest plots describing the sensitivity (a) and specificity (b) of LUS for the diagnosis of NRDS.
LUS: lung ultrasound; NRDS: Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.

although utilisation of a standard approach helps to to maximise positive health outcomes. This presents eco-
limit operator dependency and can improve diagnostic nomic and administrative challenges as LUS would
accuracy.21 require neonatal clinicians to spend time learning a new
If LUS is to be used as a rst line investigation for skill or alternatively, an LUS practitioner would be
NRDS, it must be carried out soon after birth in order required to service the NICU 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
88 Ultrasound 25(2)

obliterated at the site of pneumothorax. The point at

Consequences of diagnostic error which normal ndings diminish is the lung point
The relatively low (91%) pooled specicity for LUS which demarcates the presence of air in the pleural
implied a tendency for over-diagnosis of NRDS. cavity (pneumothorax) and is associated with 79% sen-
Sixteen false positives cases were described across the sitivity, 100% specicity.47 Both instances of false nega-
studies due to pneumonia (n 8), transient tachypnoea tive pneumothorax were diagnosed by CXR in the
(n 3), pneumothorax (n-1) and meconium aspiration study by Lovrenski,4 the author maintaining that des-
syndrome (n 1); in three cases no alternate diagnosis pite a well-dened pattern, smaller pneumothoraces
was given. remain diagnostically challenging. Bober and
Pneumonia occurs frequently in new-borns and Swietlinski13 support this idea and suggest that an
shares many of the same sonographic and radiographic ultrasound beam can propagate through a small
appearances of NRDS. Consolidation with air bronch- pneumothorax into the lung eld, rendering production
ograms, pleural line abnormality, and alveolar intersti- of the lung point sign impossible.
tial syndrome (presence of > 3 b-lines) are all associated Pneumothoraces are also frequently encountered in
with the disease.43 Consolidation in severe cases of cases of meconium aspiration syndrome which may
pneumonia is often large with irregular margins; in explain the isolated false positive case identied in
less severe cases multi-focal areas of consolidation can this review. Air is unable to escape upon exhalation
be mistaken for NRDS.44 In many cases, the diagnosis due to airway constriction around aspirated meconium
of pneumonia requires bacteriologic culture to identify which increases the resistance of expiratory airow.
the presence of infection.7 This ball valve eect creates a volume of trapped gas
Transient tachypnoea of the new-born (TTN) occurs causing hyperination and possible alveolar rupture
in approximately 1% of all new-borns due to insu- (air-leak).48
cient clearance of foetal lung uid.16 The resulting The use of LUS for the detection of pneumomedias-
respiratory distress is accompanied by similar clinico- tinum and pneumopericardium is yet more contentious
radiological features to those seen in NRDS. Copetti with arguments for49,50 and against.10,16 There is little
and Cattarossi45 described the double lung point sign high quality evidence to support or deny a role for LUS
in TTN which improves the accuracy of LUS for diag- in this area. This is important, as a chief concern with
nosis (sensitivity 93%, specicity 97%). The double suspected NRDS is the presence of leaking air due to its
lung point sign features a normal pleural line with deleterious consequences (tension causing compression
sliding lung, dierence in echogenicity of lower and of vessels and airways).46 with this in mind, CXR
upper lung areas, and comet tail artefacts in the inferior appears requisite to rule out air-leak syndromes for
lung but largely absent in the superior lung.45 All three neonates with suspected NRDS.
false positives with TTN were from the same study14
which utilised a transabdominal technique. Copetti
et al.42 suggests it is not possible to examine either
the superior lung eld or the pleural line using this This review has shown that LUS compares well with
approach, which may explain the failures to correctly this current reference standard for the diagnosis of
diagnose the condition. NRDS. With appropriate technique and knowledge of
Of the nine false negative cases identied, seven were standardised ndings and potential pitfalls, e.g. TTN,
insuciently reported and the eventual diagnosis is pneumothorax, the diagnostic accuracy of LUS could
unknown. The remaining two were diagnosed by be further improved. LUS has superior diagnostic
CXR as partial pneumothorax. This can be a compli- accuracy for alveolar consolidation a major compo-
cation of NRDS along with other associated air-leak nent of the NRDS pattern (90% sensitivity, 98% spe-
syndromes such as interstitial emphysema,21 pneumo- cicity). Reduced CXR sensitivity (68% sensitivity
mediastinum and pneumopericardium.7,10 Air leaks 95% specicity) occurs when the radiograph is acquired
may occur spontaneously, but more commonly occur in the supine position a necessity in neonates.44 Less
through inadequate mechanical ventilation pressure intra-observer variation occurs in LUS identication of
causing alveolar rupture and subsequent escape of air small pneumonias and air bronchograms a problem-
beyond the terminal airways.8 Neonates with NRDS atic source of error in CXR reading.51 This may be due
have an increased risk of air-leaks due to the delicate to real-time visualisation of lung behaviour in syn-
nature of the surfactant-decient lung and their fre- chronisation with the respiratory cycle and the ability
quent oxygen therapy requirement.46 Lichtenstein to access multiple cross sections of the lung elds.13
et al.47 dened a pattern of LUS features that can be Reduced lung volume, smaller thorax diameter and a
used to diagnose pneumothorax; normal lung sliding thin thoracic wall in neonates may also improve image
and b-lines originating from the visceral pleura are quality.5,13,52
Hiles et al. 89

. Future research is required to understand LUS

Review limitations eectiveness as
A degree of heterogeneity across studies was expected
and this was conrmed statistically by I2 values greater a. An initial screening tool for NRDS and comorbid
than 50% across both forest plots (Figure 3(a) and (b)). ALS.
In addition to the dierences in study design and scan- b. ETT assessment to compare LUS and CXR at four
ning technique addressed in the subgroup analysis, hours of postnatal age.
three other sources of heterogeneity were identied: c. Follow up imaging tool for informing surfactant
LUS operators were not blinded to clinico- and ventilatory therapy in NRDS patients.
radiologic information in 50% of the studies d. Comparison of neonatologist vs. ultrasound practi-
(Table 4). As prior knowledge can inuence the inter- tioner vs. neonatal nurse practitioner in acquiring
pretation of the forthcoming examination, this could and interpreting LUS.
have biased diagnostic accuracy favourably. e. Economic modelling to determine the feasibility of
With the exception of two studies,4,10 the duration either current neonatal sta learning a new skill,
between CXR and subsequent LUS was variable. spend time practicing it and interpreting the results;
This could have inated LUS sensitivity due to disease number of neonatologists or nurse practitioners or
progression leading to increased detection of pathology ultrasound practitioners to carry out LUS.
in the second test. Conversely, LUS sensitivity f. Impact on neonatal service delivery 24/7 review.
for NRDS may have appeared diminished due to the
eects of surfactant replacement therapy between
tests. No study reported instigation of treatment
during the test interval so the eect of this bias remains
unknown. The diagnostic accuracy of LUS appears to be compar-
All studies used signs and symptoms in the clinical able with the reference standard of CXR and clinical
diagnosis; only three studies included a supplementary tests. However, the presence of heterogeneity amongst
blood test.4,10,13 Additional CRIB and GAST tests were studies, which have small sample sizes, and no inde-
used in only two studies.13,14 Dierences in the clinical pendently validated comparator mean the results must
tests used across the studies could have introduced bias be treated cautiously.33 LUS may potentially miss ALS
leading to their varying diagnostic accuracy and applic- (pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and pneumoper-
ability (Table 4).34,36 icardium), and therefore CXR remains necessary for
The six studies included 480 participants. This suspected NRDS. It is a promising technique although
sample may not reect the full spectrum of NRDS, or currently in its infancy with a limited body of experi-
diseases that mimic the appearance of NRDS, which a mental studies to support its use. High quality RCT
larger sample size might. In cases of non-advanced dis- studies are required to quantify the diagnostic accuracy
ease, a dierential diagnosis with LUS becomes harder of LUS for NRDS and comorbid ALS, and to assess
to dene, although this is a problem that is shared LUS eectiveness in follow up imaging. A signicant
with CXR. role of CXR in NRDS is verication of ETT pos-
Although used as the reference standard, the abso- ition for neonates receiving invasive ventilation.32
lute diagnostic accuracy of CXR and clinical tests has Further study into the eectiveness of ultrasound
not been veried in neonates.47 ETT conrmation is required if the absorbed dose of
IR is to be reduced. Future research should address
ways to integrate LUS practice into NICUs in terms
Recommendations of personnel to perform the examination and its
Owing to the frequency of NRDS admissions to economic feasibility.
NICUs and the number of CXRs performed on neo-
nates, LUS adheres to the ALARP principle by Declaration of Conflicting Interests
reducing ionising radiation burden. The following rec- The author(s) declare no potential conicts of interest with
ommendations are suggested: respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
. CXR is required in suspected NRDS to assess for
air-leak syndromes. Funding
. The combination of consolidation, pleural line The author(s) disclose no receipt of nancial support for the
abnormalities and bilateral white lung detected via review. The views expressed in this publication are those of
the transthoracic technique oers the most reliable the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS or other
diagnostic criteria (sensitivity 99%, specicity 98%). bodies.
90 Ultrasound 25(2)

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tory distress syndrome. Egypt J Radiol Nucl Med 2015;
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11. Raimondi F, Migliaro F, Sodano A, et al. Use of neo-
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and CW screened the study titles and abstracts for inclusion (clinical risk index for babies) score: A tool for assessing
and exclusion to ensure agreement and limit selection bias. initial neonatal risk and comparing performance of neo-
MH reviewed the reference list of included studies to identify natal intensive care units. Lancet 1993; 342: 193198.
relevant studies that were not retrieved as part of the database 13. Bober K and Swietlinski J. Diagnostic utility of ultrason-
search. MH did forward searching by using Google Scholar. ography for respiratory distress syndrome in neonates.
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structive criticism whilst drafting the paper.
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