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Appleton - Obstetrics and Ginecology

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DIRECTIONS (Questions 1 trough 54): Each of the numbered item or incomplete statements
in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the ONE
lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

1. Most adult females have a pelvic inlet that would be classified as which of the following
Cadwell-Moloy types?
A) android
B) platypelloid
C) anthropoid
D) gynecoid
E) triangular

2. Hernias may occur through the thickened lower margin of a fascial aponeurosis
extending from the pubic tubercle in the anterior superior iliac spine. The thickened
fascia is the
A) inguinal ligament
B) Coopers ligament
C) linea alba
D) posterior rectus steath
E) round ligament

3. If the if the inguinal canal of an adult female was surgically opened, which of the
following structures would normally be found?
A) a cyst of a canal nuck
B) Gartners duct cyst
C) Coopers ligament
D) the round ligament and the ilioinguinal nerve
E) the pyramidalis muscle

4. Which option includes all of the bones that make up the pelvis?
A) trochanter, hip socket, ischium, sacrum, and pubis
B) ilium, ischium, pubis, sacrum, and coccyx
C) sacrum, ischium, and pubis
D) sacrum, ilium, ischium, and pubis
E) trochanter, sacrum, coccyx, ilium, and pubis

5. Which of the following bears the weight of seated human?

A) the rami of ischium
B) the levator ani muscle and the coccygeus muscle
C) the ileum
D) the pubis
E) the ischial tuberosities

6. In the female, the true pelvis anatomically

A) has an oval outlet
B) has three defining planes, an inlet, a midplane, and an outlet
C) has an inlet made up of a double triangle
D) is completely formed by two fused bones
E) lies between the wings of the paired ileum

7. The sacrum is the most posterior bone in the pelvic and

A) is formed from 11 or 12 small fused vertebrae
B) has an uppermost anterior portion called the obstretical conjugate
C) has a concave pelvic surface in women
D) is separated from the verebrae that make up the coccyx by a highly
mobile sacrococcygeal joint
E) is most often the limiting factor in determining the size of the pelvic

8. The portion is the pelvis lying above the linea terminalis has a little effect on a womans
ability to deliver a baby vaginally. This portion is called the
A) true pelvis
B) midplane
C) otlet
D) false pelvis
E) sacrum

9. The plane from the sacral promontory to the inner posterior surface of the pubis
symphysis is an importan dimension for normal delivery. It is reffered to as the
A) true conjugate
B) obstetric conjugate
C) diagonal conjugate
D) bi-ischial conjugate
E) oblique diameter

10. During an operation, a midline incicion was made at an anatomic location 2 cm below
the umbilicus. Which of the following lists (in order) the layers of the anterior abdominal
wall as they would be incised or separated?
A) skin, subcutaneus fat, superficial fascia (Campers), deep fascia (Scarpas), fascial
muscle cover (anterior rectus seath), rectus muscle, a deep fascial muscle cover
(posterior rectus seath), preperitoneal fat, and peritoneum
B) skin, subcutaneus fat, superficial fascia (Scarpas), deep fascia (Campers), fascial
muscle covering (anterior rectus seath), transverse abdominal muscle, a deep
fascial muscle cover (posterior rectus seath), preperitoneal fat, and peritoneum
C) skin, subcutaneus fat, superficial fascia (Campers), deep fascia (Scarpas), fascial
muscle cover (anterior rectus seath), rectus muscle, a deep fascial muscle cover
(posterior rectus seath), peritoneum, and preperitoneal fat
D) skin, subcutaneus fat, superficial fascia (Scarpas), deep fascia (Campers), fascial
muscle cover (anterior rectus seath), rectus muscle, a deep fascial muscle cover
(posterior rectus seath), preperitoneal fat, and peritoneum
E) skin, subcutaneus fat, superficial fascia (Campers), deep fascia (Scarpas), fascial
muscle cover (anterior rectus seath), transverse abdominal muscle, a deep fascial
muscle cover (posterior rectus seath), preperitoneal fat, and peritoneum

11. The diagonal conjugate can be measured clinically to help predict ability to deliver a
baby vaginally. In the normal pelvis it should be at least
A) 6 cm
B) 8.5 cm
C) 10 cm
D) 12 cm
E) 14 cm

12. The joint between two pubic bones called the

A) sacroiliac joint
B) pubic symphysis
C) sacrococcygeal joint
D) piriformis
E) intervertebral joint

13. Which of the following statements applies to the outlet of the true pelvis?
A) It begins at the ileopectineal line.
B) It is the most chephalad of the three planes.
C) It is gynecoid in shape.
D) It has lateral walls.
E) It consists of anterior and posterior triangles.

14. Of the folowing, the best definifition of peritoneum is

A) the entire area between the thigs from the symphisis to the coccyx, bounded
caudally by the skin and cephalat by the levator muscles of the pelvic diafragm
B) the anus and perianal area
C) the superficial skin layer of the vulva
D) the tendon joining the muscles deep to the external genitalia
E) the complex of the bulbocavernosus, ischiocavernosus, and transverse perineal

15. What is the usual shape of the escutcheon in the female?

A) diamond-shaped
B) triangular
C) oval
D) circular
E) heart-shaped

16. Where do the Bartholins glands ducts open?

A) into the midline of the posterior fourchette
B) bilaterally, beneath the urethra
C) bilaterally, on the inner surface of the labia majora
D) bilaterally, into the posterior vaginal vestibule
E) bilaterally, approximately 1 cm lateral to the clitoris

17. Myrtiform caruncles are

(A) circumferential nodules in the areolae of the breast
(B) healing Bartholin cyst
(C) remnants of the Wolfian duct
(D) remnantts of the hymen
(E) remnant of the mullerian duct
18. The major nerve supply to the clitoris is from the
A) lumbar spinal nerve
B) pudendal nerve
C) femoral nerve
D) ilioinguinal nerve
E) anterior gluteal nerve

19. Which of the following is a muscle of the external

A) the gluteus
B) the sartorius
C) the superficial transverse perineal
D) the deep transverse perineal the levator ani

20. Which of the following is NOT a function of the vagina?

(A) It connects the internal and external genitalia
(B) It maintains a flat (closed) lumen during normal activities
(C) It actively secretes serous fluid
(D) It distends during sexual arousal

21. In the uterus of a normal female infant, the cervix, isthmus, and fundus have what
(A) The cervix is larger than the fundus
(B) The isthmus is longer than either the cervix or the fundus
(C) They are all of equal size
(D) The fundus is the largest portion

22. Nabothian cysts results from

(A) wolffian duct remnants
(B) blockage of crypts in the uterine cervix that are lined with columnar epithelium
squamous cell debris that causes cervical irritation
(C) carcinoma
(D) paramesonephric remnants

23. The uterine corpus is composed mainly of

(A) fibrous tissue
(B) estrogen receptors
(C) muscle tissue
(D) elastic tissue

24. The uterus and adnexa have some relatively fixed anatomic characteristics that can be
noted on pelvic examination or laparoscopic observation. Which of the following
characters would you most likely find in normal patient?
(A) anteflexion of the uterus
(B) ovaries caudad to the servix
(C) round ligaments attached to the uterus posterior to the insertion of the fallopian
(D) immobility of the uterus

25. Of the following ligaments, those providing the most support to the uterus (in terms of
preventing prolapse) are the
(A) broad ligaments
(B) infundibulopelvic ligaments
(C) utero-ovarian ligaments
(D) cardinal ligaments

26. The falopian tube has which of the following characteristics?

(A) It is a conduit from the peritoneal space to the uterine cavity.
(B) It is found in the utero-ovarian ligament.
(C) It has five separate parts.
(D) It is attached to the ipsilateral ovary by the mesosalphinx.
(E) It is entiraly extraperitoneal.

27. In the female, the urogenital diaphragm

(A) includes the fascial covering of the deep transverse perineal muscle
(B) encloses the ischiorectal fossa
(C) is synonymous with the pelvic diaphragm
(D) is located in the anal triangle
(E) envelop the Bartholins gland

28. The levator ani is

(A) the superficial muscle sling of the pelvic
(B) a tripartite muscle of the pelvic floor penetrated by the urethra, vagina, and rectum
(C) made up of the bulbocavernosus, the ischiocavernosus, and the superficial
transverse perineal muscle
(D) a three-part nuscle that abduct the thighs
(E) part of the deep transverse perineal muscle

29. The pelvic diaphragm is

(A) made up mainly by coccygeus
(B) covered on one side by fascia and on the other by peritoneum
(C) innervated by 1,2,3,4
(D) synonymous with the pelvic floor

30. When performing a hysterectomy, the surgeon must be aware that at its closestportion to
the servix, the ureter is normally separated from the servix by which of the following
(A) 0.5 mm
(B) 1.2 mm
(C) 12 mm
(D) 3 cm
(E) 5 cm

31. In its course through the pelvis,the ureter passes

(A) anterior to the internal iliac and uterine arteries
(B) posterior to the iliac artery and anterior to the uterine artery
(C) anterior to the uterine artery and posterior to the iliac artery
(D) posterior to the uterine artery and medial to the iliac artery
(E) posterior to the uterine artery and posterior to the hypogastric artery

32. The female urethra has which of the following characteristics?

(A) It is a hollow, multilayered tube 7 to 10 cm long.
(B) It joins with the bladder at the level of the midtrigone.
(C) There is a true anatomic sphincter within the urethra.
(D) The upper ttwo thirds of the urethra is integrated with the anterior vaginal wall.
(E) The intrinsic increased resting tone of the urethra provides part of the continence
mechanism for urinay control

33. The upper two thirds of the vagina is innervated by

(A) sympathetic fibers from the presacral nerve and parasympathetic fibers from the
hypogastric plexus
(B) the pudendal nerve
(C) the clitoral nerve
(D) the genitofemoral nerve
34. The dural space in spinal canal ends at approximately _________, whereas the spinal
cord ends at approximately__________.
(A) T10, T8
(B) L2, T 10
(C) L5, T12
(D) S2, L2
(E) S5, S2

35. The blood supply of the vagina is from which of the following arteries?
(A) internal pudendal
(B) superior hemorroidal
(C) inferior mesenteric
(D) superior vesical

36. The lymphatic drainage of the vulva is primarily directed to the

(A) inguinal and pelvic lymph nodes
(B) para-aortic nodes
(C) obturator nodes
(D) femoral nodes

37. Where is the Cloquets node found?

(A) superficial inguinal area
(B) superficial femoral area
(C) deep inguinal area
(D) external iliac area

38. The main arterial blood supply to the vulva is the

(A) pudendal
(B) inferior hemorrhoidal
(C) ilioinguinal
(D) femoral
(E) inferior hypogastric

39. The normal term placenta in the human is

(A) approximately 10cm in diameter
(B) approximately 8 cm in thick
(C) about one sixth the weight of the term infant (400 to 600 g)
(D) derived from fetal tissues only

40. Which of the following statements about the term of placenta is accurate?
(A) Elevated septae divide the placenta into its cotyledons.
(B) The fetal side of the placenta will be irregular, deep red, and beefy.
(C) The maternal side be shiny and smooth.
(D) The villous surface (portion of exchange) may measure up to 12 m2.

41. The chorion leave is

(A) the site of chorionic implantation
(B) the cluster of chorionic villi next to the decidua basalis
(C) maternal decidual formation
(D) the chorion, denuded of villi

42. Which of the following is consistent with the general anatomy of the female breast?
(A) The breast contains only glanduar and ductal tissue.
(B) Each brast consist of two conical lobes.
(C) Each lobe in the breast consist of a group of lobules
(D) About 20 to 25 % of a normal breast is fat.
(E) Alveoli decrease in size and number during pregnancy.

43. The tail of Spence is

(A) a phase describing the overhanging characteristisc of pendulous breasts
(B) the area of darkened color found underneath the breast in obese women usually
resulting from the chronic pressure
(C) a fungal rash found on the chest wall that present in a tail-like pattern
(D) a triangular tongue-shaped portion of breast tissue that extends superiorly toward
the axilla
(E) a book about obstetric ang gynecologic infections

44. The deep perineal space in women contains the

(A) superficial transverse perineal muscle
(B) ischiocavernosus muscle
(C) bulbocavernosus muscle
(D) deep transverse perineal muscle
(E) levator ani muscle

45. The superficial perineal space contains which of the following?

(A) hood of the clitoris
(B) deep transverse perineal muscle
(C) ischiocavernosus muscle
(D) intenal anal spincter
(E) levator ani muscle

46. The space of Retzius refers to which of the following?

(A) potential space anterior to the bladder and posterior to the pubis
(B) the narrow cul-de-sacbetween the anterior surface of the body of the uterus and the
upper surface of the bladder
(C) peritoneum on the body of the posterior uterus that extends down to cover the
posterior vaginal fornix and upward from there to overlie the rectum
(D) personal space needed by Retzius for emotional comfort
(E) the space directly beneath the symphysis pubic between the decending pubic rami

47. You are performing an ultrasound examination on a patient who is being considered to
undergo in vitro fertilization. in order to harvest oosytes, the reproductive
endocinologyst must be able to identify the position of the patients ovaries by
ultrasound scanning. which of the following statements is true regarding ovum retrieval?
(A) Distortion of the normal pelvic anatomy by prior endometriosis or pelvic infection
will make the collection of oocytes impossible.
(B) A retroberted uterus or an enlarged uterus (size greater than 7 to 8 weeks gestation)
often makes ovum retrieval easier because the uterine corpus will push the ovaries
down to the posterior cul-de-sac
(C) Despite changes in pelvic anatomy due ro disease processes or adhesions, the
ovaries can generally be visualized on ultrasound examination as overlying the iliac
vessels on either side of pelvis.
(D) Only in rare cases of extreme abonormalities in the pelvis are oocytes retrieved
transvaginally using a needle aspiration through the ultrasound guidance.

48. A patient develeops a neurologic disease that destroys components of S2, 3, 4 bilaterally.
what clinical manifestation would you expect the patient to have as a result?
(A) inability to abduct her thigh
(B) rectal incontinence
(C) painless menses
(D) labor without pan

49. A 56-year old woman comes to your office foa a yearly examination. During physical
examination, you notice that her left breast has 2-sm area of rettraction in the upper outer
quadrant that can be seen by simple inspection. what is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) Mondors disesase
(B) benign fibroadenoma
(C) fibrocystic change
(D) breast cancer

50. A woman who is 32 weeks prenant comes in complaining of lumps in her breasts. These
lumps are multiple in number and on inspection are within the areola. by palpation they
seem to be uniform in size, nontender, and soft. What is the nust likely diagnosis?
(A) Mondors disease
(B) Montgomorys follicles
(C) infalmmatory brast carcinoma
(D) fibrocystic breast changes
(E) lactiferous deciduosis of pregnancy

51. During mastectomy surgery, which of the following complications is most likely?
(A) necrosis of the breast from ligation of an intercostal artery in supra-areolar area
(B) massive hemorrhage from an injury to the brachial plexus
(C) damage to the long thoracic nerve (nerve of Bell), resulting in a winged scapula
(D) spread of the tumor into the contralateral breast from medial dissection in the
involved breast

52. A 33-year-old infertility patient has incapacitating midline dysmenorrhea. Hormonal

management has been unsuccessful and she gets no reliaef from analgetics, yet she
wishes to retain her uterus in hope of becoming pregnant. A presacral neurectomy,
removing the nerve directly adherent to the concavity of the sacrum (the presacral
nerve), may be performed for relief of midline pain. What is the most common serious
intraoperative complication of this operation?
(A) accidental ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery, resulting in bowel necrosis
(B) ureteral injury
(C) hemorrhage from the internal iliac artery
(D) bowel and bladder dysfunction
(E) hemorrhage from middle sacral artery of veins

53. A woman has a radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenoctomy for stage I carcinoma
of the cervix. after surgery she complains that she cannot adduct her left leg and there is
an absence sensation on the medial aspect of her left thigh. How could you explain this
(A) injury to the obturator nerve
(B) femoral nerve injury
(C) hematoma in the pouch of Douglass
(D) injury to the uterosacral nerve

54. During delivery of a first twin a very tight nuchal cord is reduced from the babys neck
by clamping and dividing it. After this, the second twin (as yet unborn) develops severe
fetal distress. Of the following, what is the most likely mechanism for the distress in the
second twin?
(A) a twin-to-twin transfusion before birth
(B) the second twin may no longer be connected to its placenta
(C) placenta previa in the second twin
(D) amniotic fluid embollism

DIRECTIONS (Questions 55 and 56): each of the numbered items or incomplete statements
in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the answers or
completions that apply.

55. Which four of the following ligaments attached to the uterus?

(A) uterosacral
(B) broad
(C) round
(D) cardinal
(E) Cooper's

56. The pelvic peritoneum covers which four of the following?

(A) fimbria of the falopian tube
(B) uterine fundus
(C) round ligament
(D) uterorectal pouch of Douglas
(E) uterosacral ligament

DIRECTIONS (Questions 57 through 92): Each set of questions in this section consists of a list
of lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each numbered item, select ONE
lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered option may be selected
once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 57 through 60

Ligaments of the pelvis are important for their attachment and support. They are often used in the
surgical repair of pelvic relaxation.

A) a thick band of fibers filling the angle created by the pubic rami
B) passes from the anterior superioriliac spine to the pubic tubercle
C) triangular and extense from the lateral border of the sacrum to the ischial spine
D) attached to the crest of the ilium and the posterior of the iliac spines superiorly with
an inferior attachment to the ischial tuberosity

57. Sacrospinous ligament C

58. Sacrotuberous ligament D
59. Ilioinguinal ligaments B
60. Arcuate ligament A

Questions 61 through 66

A) obturator foramen
B) greater sciatic foramen
C) lesser sciatic foramen
D) sacrospinous ligament
E) pudendal (alcock's) canal
F) sacral foramina

61. The posterior piriformis muscle, gluteal vessels, and posterior femoral cutaneus nerve
pass through this structure. B
62. Formed by superior and inferior pubic rami and covered by a central membran through
with a nerve, artery, and vein pass. A
63. The internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve exit the pelvis but then re-enter
through this structure. C
64. Devides and demarcates the greater and lesser sciatic foramen. D
65. Has four anterior and four posterior openings through which small nerves pass. F
66. A sheath of fascia on the lateral wall of the ischiorectal fossa containing vessels and
nerve. E

Questions 67 through 71

A) male pelvis
B) female pelvis

67. Pararel sidewalls and a round inlet. B

68. The bones are comparatively lighter, shorter, less dense, more pliable, and less tightly
69. The joints are larger and less mobile.A
70. The sacrum is wider and shorter and the pubic arch broader.B
71. The internal diameters are generally 0.5 to 2.5 cm smaller.A

Questions 72 through 77

A) anterior hypogastric nerve (t12)

B) posterior iliac nerve (t12_l1)
C) ilioinguinal nerve (l1)
D) genitofemoral nerve(l1-2)
E) the pudendal nerve (s2,3,4)
F) terminal branch of the pudendal nerve

72. Mons veneris and anterior labia majora A

73. Gluteal area B
74. Anterior and medial labia majora C
75. Deep labia structure D
76. Main innervation of the labia E
77. Clitoris F

Questions 78 through 84

(A) Battledore placenta

(B) bipartite placenta
(C) circumvallate placenta
(D) multiple-pregnancy placenta
(E) placenta accreta
(F) placenta previa
(G) succenturiate lobe

78. A small central chorionic plate surrounded by a thick whitish ring, associated with
increased rates of perinatsl bleeding and fetal death A
79. An accessory cotyledon C
80. Devided into two lobes G
81. Umbilical cord inserted at the placental margin B
82. Placenta abnormally adherent to the myometrium E
83. Placenta covers the cervical os F
84. May be two district entities or fused D

Questions 85 through 89

(A) midline incision

(B) Pfannenstiel incision
(C) Maylard incision
(D) Cherny incision
(E) paramedian incision

85. Opens the abdomen through the linea alba and can be extended from the symphysis
pubis to the xiphoid without dividing the muscles of abdomen. A
86. Devides all layers of the lower abdominal wall transversely, including the muscles. C
87. A transverse incision caudal to the rectus muscles, dividing the fascial attachment of the
rectus to the symphysis but not dividing the muscles. D
88. The skin is incised lateral to the anatomic midline,while the rectus sheath and muscles
are devided in the anatomic midline. E
89. A low transverse incision exrended downward and through the anterior rectus sheath
separated from the underlying muscles, from the pubis to near the level of the umbilicus.

Questions 90 to 92

For each of following postoperative patients with areas of skin anasthesia, pain and/ or muscle
weakness, select the most likely case.

(A) Electrolyte imbalance

(B) Obturator nerve injury
(C) Pudendal nerve injury
(D) Femoral nerve injury
(E) Disruption of peripheral (skin) nerves
(F) Ilioinguinal nerve injury
(G) Spinal cord injury
(H) Sciatic nerve injury
(I) Diabetes

90. A 50-year-old white woman who had paravaginal suspensions and Burch procedure 2
days ago complains a pain over the right mons pubis, right labia, and right medial thigh.
91. A 36-year-old patient who underwant a total abdominal hysterectomy for uterine fibroids
complains of weakness of her left leg and numbness of of her left anterior medial thigh.
92. A patient, following a pelvic lymphadenectomy for cervical cancer, complains of some
numbness on medial thigh. On examination, she found to have full range of motion on
her leg, but weakness to adduction. B

Histology and Pathology


DIRECTIONS (Questions 93 through 131): each numbered items or incomplete statements

this section is followed by answer or completions of the statement. Select ONE lettered answer
or completion that is BEST in each case.

93. A pathology report of a vulvar biopsy is returned to you. The epitelium is described as
acanthotic.this means
(A) There is a hyperplasia of keratinocytes in the prickle cell layer (stratum spinosum)
thickening the epidermis.
(B) There is increased thickening of the superficial layer of epidermis.
(C) There are many nucleated cells on the surface of the lesion.
(D) The area of the biopsy is likely to have a clinically "thin" appearance
(E) The biopsy was likely taken from area of ulceration

94. Histologycally, the labium minus differs from the labium majus in that
(A) The skin of the labium minus is usually thicker than the skin of labium majus
(B) The labium majus normally forms keratin pearls
(C) The labium minus lacks hair follicle
(D) Adipose tissue is present within the labium minus
(E) The labium minus does not attach to the fascia of the vulva

95. Which of the following would be most abnormal to find on a biopsy of the vagina in an
adult woman?
(A) bacteria
(B) a small (3-mm) cyst lined by simple cuboidal epithelium
(C) a thin keratin layer
(D) a 3-mm-thick epithelial layer

96. Near the external os of the cervix there is normally a transition from columnar
epithelium to
(A) keratinized epithelium
(B) squamous epithelium
(C) transitional epithelium
(D) cuboidal epithelium
(E) cervical epithelium

97. During routine examination, an asymptomatic multiparous patient is found to have a

raised 1-cm cyst on her cervix. The area is biopsied, and clear mucus is extruded.
Histologic examination of the specimen shows a cleft of flattened columnar or cuboidal-
tupe cells. This clinical picture would be most compatible with
(A) herpes servicitis
(B) varicella infection
(C) cervical intra epithelial neoplasia
(D) nabothian cyst
(E) cervical adenosis

98. On a cytologic specimen, herpesvirus infection may be suspected (if not diagnosed)
from the presence of
(A) intranuclear inclusion bodies
(B) intracytoplasmic inclusions
(C) copipus glassy cytoplasm
(D) Donovian bodies
(E) multile round nucleoli

99. Figure 2-1 illustrates three groups of cells. From their appearance, which would you
consider to be the most dysplastic?
(A) group A
(B) group B
(C) group C
(D) group B and C are equally dysplatic

Figure 2-1

100.In cyto pathology , which of the following change in cells can be mistaken for
(A) degeneration
(B) regeneration
(C) inflammation
(D) atrophy
(E) all of the above

101.During themenstrual cycle the histopathologic appearance of the endometrium will

change significantly. During the first half of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium
becomes thicker and rebuilds largely in response to ____________. In the second half of
cycle the endometrial arteries become spiraled in appearance, the glands produce
vacuoles, and the endometrium becomes more compact. this response to __________.
(A) progesterone, estrogen
(B) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH)
(C) estrogen, progesterone
(E) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), prolactine

102.Endometrium can be dated by using which histologic features?

(A) number of arteries per unit surface area in the endometrium
(B) thickness of the endometrium, appearance of the glands, and stromal edema
(C) amount of mucus between the glands
(D) width and cilliatin of the endometrial glands and the eosinophilic coloration of the

103.Marked cellular aypism, glandular proliferation, and significant mitotic activity of

endometrial glands during pergnancy constitute the phenomenon known as
(A) hydradenoma
(B) microsytic glandular hyperplasia
(C) Arias-Stella reaction
(D) Schiller-Duval bodies
(E) adenomatoid change

104.The term decidualization means

(A) derived from cytotrophoblast
(B) derived from syncytiotrophoblast
(C) small, dark-staining cells found in the endometrium during pregnancy
(D) endometrial cells that are proliferating
(E) a response of cells to progesterone

105.The histology of adenomyosis shows

(A) the metaplastic change of glandular epithelium to muscle fibres in the uterus
(B) the same pattern and location as endometriosis
(C) the presence of endometrial glands and stroma deep within uterine muscle
(D) a premalignant change of endometrium
(E) a premalignant change of the uterine muscle

106.Which of the following best decribes leiomyoma of the uterus?

(A) a soft, interdigitating mass of the uterine wall
(B) a premalgnant papule of the uterine wall
(C) a rapidly dividing necrotic malignancy
(D) a rounded, smooth, firm, and well-circumscribed mass
(E) erythematous, tender, and hereditary

107.Which of the following is the best description of endometrial hyperplasia?

(A) endometrial glands scattered throughout an atrophic-appearing uterine muscle
(B) increased number of glands with a pilling up of their cells and decreased
intervening stroma
(C) thightly spriraled endometrial glands with eosinophilic cytoplasm surrounding the
(D) tortuous glands with a loose, edematous stroma
(E) endometrial glands surrounding a fibrovascular stroma, often with a characteristic
cntral blood vessel

108.The normal lining of the fallopian tube is

(A) squamous epithelium
(B) transitional epithelium
(C) cuboidal epithelium
(D) columnar epithelium with cillia
(E) fribrous connective tissue

109.The main purpose of the cilia and mucus in the fallopian tube is to
(A) transport ova toward the uterus
(B) transport sperm toward the ovary
(C) remove the outer coating of the sperm
(D) remove bacteria from sperm prior to entry the peritoneal cavity
(E) stimulate the zygote to devide

110.If an ovary from a menstruating woman was bivalved, the correct layers from the surface
to the center would be

(A) medulla, cortex, germinal epithelium

(B) cortex, germinal epithelium, medulla
(C) germinal epithelium, medulla, cortex
(D) cortex, medulla, germinal epithelium
(E) germinal epithelium, cortex, medulla

111.The ovaries are covered by a thin layer of epithelium called germinal epithelium. It is
called germinal epithelium because
(A) the germ cells arise from it during fetal life
(B) it produces germ cells throughtout menstrual life
(C) it protects the ova from bacteria
(D) at one time it was thought to produce germ cells
(E) it is made up germ cells

112.The correct order of cell layers surrounding an ovarian follicle from the oocyte outward
(A) zona pellucida, granulosa, theca interna
(B) granulosa, theca interna, zona pellucida
(C) theca interna, zona pellucida, granulosa
(D) theca interna, granulosa, zona pellucida
(E) zona pellucida, theca interna, granulosa

113.Most of the ovarian follicles that benign to develop at each cycle

(A) develop and ovulate at sometime during the persons life
(B) continue to grow, forming folicle cysts
(C) undergo atresia
(D) remain to continue their development in the next cycle
(E) regress to primordial follicles

114.Which of the following ovarian tumors is thought to be derived from the ovarian
germinal epithelium?
(A) dysgerminoma
(B) fibroma
(C) theca cell
(D) endometrioid
(E) teratoma

115.An involuted corpus luteum becomes a hyalinized mass known as a

(A) corpus delicti
(B) corpus granulosa
(C) graafian follicles
(D) corpus atretica
(E) corpus albicans

116.Luteinization refers to the process whereby

(A) the granulosa cells turn red
(B) mature granulosa and the theca interna cells become epitheloid and form a corpus
(C) the ovarian stroma undergoes adipose degeneration prior to ovulation
(D) the non ovulated follicles undergo fatty degeneration
(E) none of the above
117.An ovary is removed for frozen section pathologic examination. The ovary is enlarged,
with small surface excrescenses. Pathologic examination reveals numerous cysts lined by
serous epithelium with six to eight cell layers piled on top of one another to form the cyst
walls. The cells show marked cytologic atypia, and nests of similar cells are present in the
ovarian stroma. Round laminated calcium bodies are also seen. This histologic description
indicates a diagnosis of
(A) normal proliferate phase follicle
(B) corpus lutheum cyst
(C) overian endometriosis
(D) borderline ovarian carcinoma
(E) cystadenocarcinoma

118.Histologically, an ovarian teratoma is determined to be benign or malignant by the

presence of
(A) squamous cells
(B) all three germ cell lines
(C) immature fetal-like cells
(D) neural ectoderm
(E) an ovarian capsule

119.The breast is best dedcribed as a/an

(A) female genital organ
(B) modified sweat gland
(C) specialized sex gland
(D) endodermal swelling
(E) endocrine organ

120.Dimpling of the skin of the breast should alert one to the possibility of
(A) pregnancy
(B) weight gain
(C) aging
(D) fibrocystic disease
(E) carcinoma

121.Histologic examinantion of the normal breast from a postmenopausal woman as

compared to the breast from a premenopausal woman should show which of the
(A) a decrease in the number and size of acinar glands and ductal elements, with
decreased density of the breast parenchyma
(B) an increase in breast size and turgidity because of an increase in the density of the
(C) increase in number and size of acinar cells and a widening of the ductal lumens
(D) significant atrophy of the adipose tussue of the breast with little chage in the actual
breast parenchyma
(E) no significant change in histology

122.The most common pathologic type of breast cancer is

(A) ductal
(B) lobular
(C) Pagets
(D) inflammatory
(E) adenoid cyst

123.Medullary, colloid (mucinous), tubular, and papillary carcinoma of the breast are
subtypes of which pathologic type of breast cancer?
(A) ductal
(B) lobular
(C) carcinoma in situ
(D) sarcomatous
(E) Pagets

124.A breast biopsy on a 35-year-old woman shows atypical epithelial hyperplasia confined
within the biopsy site, which means
(A) her biopsy is benign, and she is at no risk for cancer of the breast in the future
(B) her bipsy is benign, but she is at increased risk for developing breat cancer in the
(C) her biposi is definitely premalignant and bilaterally prophylactic subcutaneous
mastectomy is indicated
(D) her biopsy id malignant, and she will need to undergo radiation theraphy but no
further surgery since the lump has been removed
(E) her biopsy is malignant and she should undergo radical mastectomy and sampling
of the axillary lymph nodes

125.A 37-year-old woman complains a painful lump in her breast. The lump is removed, and
microscopic examination of the mass shows mycroscopic cysts, papilomatosis, fibrosis
and ductal hyperplasia. Which of the folowing is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) benign intraductal papilloma
(B) endometriosis of the breast
(C) fibrocystic changes
(D) lobular carcinoma in situ
(E) infiltrating ductal carcinoma

126.An asymptomatic 24-year-old college student is found to have a 4-cm, very firm mass in
her breast that she has not previously noticed. The mass is mobile, smooth, and nin tender
in the upper, outer quadrant of her breast. An excision biopsy is performed and shows a
well-circumscribed, fibrous lesion with glands interspersed throughout the body of the
tumor. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) cystosarcoma phyllodes
(B) macromastia
(C) mastitis
(D) fat necrosis
(E) fibroadenoma

127.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) Both decidua and trophoblast are maternal origin.
(B) Neither decidua nor trophoblast is of maternal origin.
(C) Decidua is fetal origin.
(D) Trophoblast is of maternal origin.
(E) Decidua is of maternal origin.

128.In the normal placenta, which of the following form after 2 months?
(A) primary and secondary villi
(B) a chorionic plate
(C) syncytium
(D) septation of the basal plate
(E) cotyledone

129.As a placenta ages, which of the following changes occur?

(A) villous branching decreases
(B) the number of capillaries decreases
(C) cytotrophoblast decreases
(D) fibrin is cleared from the intervillous space

130.Histologic grading of hydatidiform mole

(A) permits great precision in predicting its future behavior
(B) is of little use because the inddividual case prognosis cannot be predicted
(C) enables one to predict invasion but not embolic metastases
(D) enables one to predict embolic metastases but not invasion
(E) enables one to estimate the level of human corionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced
by the tumor

131.Which of the following pathologic feaures most helpful in distinguishing complete

hydatiform mole from normal placenta?
(A) trophoblastic proliferation
(B) absence of blood vessel
(C) hydropic degeneration of villi
(D) cellular atypia
(E) sex chromatin positivity

DIRECTIONS (Questions 132 and 133): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completion of statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.
132.Biopsy of a vulvar lesion would be most likely to include which four of the following
(A) epidermis
(B) papillary dermis
(C) reticular dermis
(D) subcutaneus dermis
(E) deep fascia

133.The histologic composition of the breast would include which four of the following
tissue types?
(A) glands
(B) ducts' fibrous stroma
(C) fat
(D) skeletal muscle

DIRECTIONS (Questions 134 through 142): Each set of question in this section consist of a
list of lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each numbered item, select
the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered option may be
selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 134 through 137

A) molluscum contagiosum
B) vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
C) lichen sclerosis
D) condyloma acuminata

134.Grossly, a raised lesion of the vulva with an irregular appearance. Histologic section
shows a papule with an umbilicated center. Microscopically, there are eosinophilic
inclusions in a central cistern within a raised lesion. D
135.Found in an intertriginous area. Appears as a waxy, raised papule with an umbilicated
center. Microscopically, there are eosinophilic inclusions in a central cistern within a
raised lession. A
136.A thin, white epithelium. Microscopically it has a thin epidermis, with flattened rete pegs
and a dense hyaline appearance in the dermis has a distinct lack of cellularity. C
137.A discrete lesion that is slightly raised and can be white or pigmented. The microscopic
appearance shows cellular disorganization, with a loss of epithelial cell stratification.
There is increased cellular density and variation in cell size with numerous mitotic
figures. B

Questions 138 through 140

A) metaplasia
B) cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (cin)
C) acanthosis
D) hyperkeratosis
E) dyskaryosis

138.A large nuclear: cytoplasmic (N/C) ratio B

139.Transformation of areas of columnar cells to squamous cells A
140.A term that describes sellular maturation defects of the cervical epithelium B

Questions 141 and 142

A) isoimmunization
B) maternal alpha-thalassemia
C) maternal parvovirus
D) placenta angioma
E) cystic adenomatoid malformation of the fetal lung
F) fetal congenital heart disease
G) fetal nephrotic syndrome
H) fetal cardiac arrhythmia

141.A mother has hydramnions and positive Ro (SSA) and La (SSB) antibodies. H
142.A mother had a slight rash, low grade fever, and red cheeks for several days
approximately 3 weeks ago. She now is well, but has developed a rapidly enlarging uterus
at 30 weeks gestation. C


DIRECTIONS (Questions 143 through 173): Each o the numbered items or incomplete
statements this section is followed by answer or completions of the statement. Select ONE
lettered answer or completion that is BEST in each case.

143.Meiosis differs from mitosis in several ways. The major difference is that
A) meiosis is confined to germ cells, whereas mitosis occurs in all cells of the body
throuhtout life
B) the end product of meiosis is a cell undergoes a single redution-division, whereas in
mitosis there are two
C) in meiosis each germ cell undergoes a single reduction-division, whereas in mitosis
there are two
D) meiosis occurs in one stage with separation of sister chromosome
E) in meiosis the cells become sex chromatin posistive from the genetic inactivation
one half of the cellular material

144.The primitive streak

A) identifies the caudal end of the embryo
B) becomes the adult brain
C) is the beginning of the embryonic excretory system
D) becomes the cardiovascular system of the embryo
E) gives rise to primal urges

145.The stage of gestational development at which endometrial implantation occurs is

A) eigh-cell embryo
B) zygote
C) morula formation
D) blastocyt
E) embryonic disk

146.During growth of the embryo, the inner cell mass is referred to as the embryonic disk.
This embryonic disk defferentiates initially into
A) decidua
B) cytotrophoblast
C) ectoderm and endoderm
D) syncytiotrophoblast
E) mesoderm
147.In spermatogenesis , the second meiotic division produces two daughter cells. In
oogenesis how many functional daughter cells are produced after both meiotic stages are
A) four
B) three
C) two
D) one

148.During fetal development, organogenesis, with the exception of the brain, is completed
A) 2 weeks after ovulation
B) 8 weeks after ovulation
C) 16 weeks after ovulation
D) 24 weeks after ovulation
E) 36 weeks after ovulation

149.Fetal hematopoiesis first occurs in the

A) Heart
B) Liver
C) Yoc sac
D) Bone marrow
E) lymph nodes

150.The embryo and fetus form hemoglobin. The type(s) of hemoglobin formed is/are
A) Gower 1
B) Hemoglobin A (HbA)
C) Gower 2
D) Hemoglobin F (HbB)
E) All of the above

151.Three excretory systems form successively, with temporal overlap during the embryonic
period. In order of development these are the
A) Pronephros, mesonephros, metanephros
B) Pronephros, metanephros, mesonephros
C) Metanephros, pronephros, mesonephros
D) Nephrogenic cord, pronephros, mesonephros
E) Nephrogenic cord, pronephros, pronephric cords

152.Which of the following best describes the function of the pronephros?

A) It begins the development sequence that forms the permanent excretory ducts
and kidneys.
B) They are primitive kidney and ureter that will mature to become the adult
C) They originate as part of the servical somites.
D) They will serve as the fetal kidney until after birth.
E) They form the primitive kidney that will mature but do not form the primitive
ureter. That function is from the mesonephros.

153.Genetic sex is determined

A) At ovulation
B) At conception
C) By the presence or absence of testosterone
D) In the absence of mullerian inhibiting factor
E) Psychosocially after birth

154.The earliest morphologic indicators of sex appear at about how many weeks' gestation?
A) 4 to 5 weeks
B) 8 to 10 weeks
C) 12 to 14 weeks
D) 16 to 20 weeks
E) After 24 weeks

155.On the basis of Josts classinc experiments in the sexually indifferent mamalian embryo,
the development of the mullerian and wolfian duct systems is dependent on which the
following dominant factors?
A) the presence of an ovary elaborating a masculinizing hormone
B) fetal gonadotropins
C) maternal gonadotropins
D) a combination of all the above

156.Under the influence of estrogen in the embryo in the embryo/ fetus

A) paramesonephric ducts regress
B) wolfian ducts regress
C) mullerian ducts begin in development
D) the gonadal ridge undergoes feminization
E) none of above

157.Germ cell arise in the

A) germinal epithelium of the gonad endoderm of the primitive gut
B) mullerian duct
C) mesonephron
D) ovarian cortex

158.The maximal number of oogonia are found at what age?

A) 1 month's gestational age
B) 5 month's gestational age
C) Birth
D) Puberty
E) 21 years age

159.The paramesonephric ducts will form

A) the prostatic utricle
B) seminal vesicles
C) oviducts, uterus, and upper vagina
D) upper vagina only
E) the ureters

160.At approximately 8 weeks' gestation the right and left paramesonephric ducts normally
A) begin to form as an invagination of coelomic epithelium in the urogenital ridge
B) form the ostium of the oviduct by canalization
C) fuse in the medial aspects of their caudalmost portions to form a single cavity
D) spiral onto each other and, by canalization, form a double cavity with a midline
septum that will later resorb under the influence of estrogen

161.Vaginal epithelium and the fibromuscular wall of the vagina originate from which of the
following, respectively?
A) mesonephric duct and endoderm of the urogenital situs
B) mesonephric duct and the uterovaginal primordium
C) endoderm of the urogenital sinus and the mesonephric duct
D) endoderm of the urogenital sinus and the uterovaginal primordium
E) endoderm of the urogenital sinus and the paramesonephric ducts.

162.The urogenital sinus is derived from

A) invagination of the genital ridges
B) proliferation of the hindgut
C) partitioning of the endodermal cloaca
D) a track developing in the genital mesoderm
E) hyperplasia of the metanephros

163.The cloacal cavity is separated from the extraembryonic amniotic cavity by the
A) genital ridges
B) cloacal membrane
C) urorectal bridge
D) pouch of douglas
E) genital tubercle

164.From a developmental embryology viewpoint, the hymen most probably represents

A) distal fusion of the paramesonephric (mullerian) ducts
B) the septum that separated the vesicle portion of the urogenital sinus from the pelvic
C) the mesenchyme of the greater vestibular glands
D) remnants of the vaginal plate and sinusal (mullerian) tubercle
165.Formation of the external genitalia is most influenced by which of the following?
A) genetic sex of the embryo
B) a normal urogenital sinus
C) the sperm fertilizing the egg (carrying a y chromosome)
D) the presence of fetal androgens
E) maternal hormonal levels

166.One of the earliest distinctions between the external genitalia of the male and female
embryo is the presence of
A) scrotal testes
B) a penile urethral groove
C) a prepuce for the glans penis
D) a urogenital sinus
E) the labioscrotal swellings

167.The labia majora is homologous with the male

A) penis
B) testicle
C) foreskin
D) scrotum
E) gubernaculum testes

168.The female clitoris is homologous with the male

A) scrotum
B) frenulum
C) prostate
D) foreskin
E) penis

169.The absence of the vagina is common in

A) congenital adrenal hyperplasia in a female infant
B) turner syndrome
C) association with an absent or rudimentary uterus
D) drug-induced fetal masculinization of a female infant
E) gonadal dysgenesis

170.Which of the following, if any, are the result of lack of fusion of the wolffian duct
A) septate vagina
B) absent vagina
C) double uterus
D) more than one of above
E) none of above
171.If germ cells fail to enter the developing genital redge, which of the following may
A) ovarian teratomas
B) ectopic pregnancy
C) ovarian choriocarcinoma
D) gonadal agenesis
E) testicular feminization

172.The hemaphrodites have

A) ovaries and testicular remnants
B) the absence of any mullerian tissue due to mullerian-inhibiting factor
C) 46, xy karyotype
D) ambiguous genitalia
E) none of above

173.In the examination of the newborn infant with ambiguous genitalia, which of the
following is true?
A) Gonads that are palpable in the lover inguinal canal is always testes.
B) The presence of descended gonads rules our high testosterone virilization in an
otherwise normal female infant.
C) Pelvic ultrasound is not helpful method of accessing a newborn with ambiguous
D) The presence of a normal uterus rules out the possibility of dysgenetic testes.
E) None of the above

DIRECTIONS (Questions 174 through 176): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completion of statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

174.The mesonephros will form which four of the following?

A) part or the early vesicle trigone
B) gartner's duct cysts in the female
C) male epididymis
D) upper one third of the vagina
E) cervix
F) fallopian tubes

175.A proliferation of mesoderm in the cloaca will fold the wall of the cloaca into a partition
called the urorectal septum. When this accomplished, which four of the following will
take place?
A) The single-chambered cloaca is now subdivided into the urogenital sinus and
anorectal canal.
B) The junction of the cloacal membrane with the urorectal septum will become the
C) The cloacal membrane will now differentiate into the urogenital membrane and the
anal membrane.
D) The urogenital sinus will form the proximal vagina and posterior bladder wall.
E) The urorectal septum will form the anterior wall of rectum.

176.Improper fusion of the paramesonephric ducts may result in which four of the following
A) uterus didelphys
B) bicornuate uterus with a rudimentary horn
C) unicornuate uterus
D) longitudinal vaginal septum
E) female hypospadias
F) gartner's ducts cysts

DIRECTIONS (Questions 177 through 186): Each set of question in this section consist of a
list of lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each numbered item, select
the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered option may be
selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 177 through 186

A) morula
B) blastocele
C) trophoblast
D) embryo
E) zygote

177.The name applied to the cell capable to the 16-cell mass that predeces the blastocyst A
178.A fertilized ovum E
179.The name applied to the cell capable of invading endometrium C
180.The name applied to the products of conception from the third to the eighth week after
ovulation D
181.The name applied to the fluid-filled cavity formed during the course of early embryonic
development. B

Questions 182 through 186

A) anomalous partitioning of the cloaca

B) results from incomplete canalization of the vaginal plate
C) an abnormality in caudal fusion
D) mullerian aplasia

182.A transverse vaginal septum B

183.A longitudinal vaginal septum C
184.Absent vagina D
185.Imperforate hymen B
186.Persistence of urogenital situs A

Genetics and Teratology


DIRECTIONS (Questions 187 trough 214): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

187.The number of chromosome in human somatic cell is

A) 24
B) 44
C) 46
D) 48
E) 23

188.Alelles are
A) alternate forms of a gene occupying the same locus on homologous chromosomes
B) abnormal chromosomes
C) paired chromosome
D) genes changed by mutation
E) None of the above

189.Which of the following best describes the composition of nucleaic acids, such as DNA
and RNA?
A) a five-carbon sugar, a nitrogen-containing base, and a phosphate.
B) two purine bases and two pyrimidine bases
C) a double helix composed of interlocking codons
D) a combination of polypeptide proteins and protein isomers
E) a base, a phosphate, and a sugar

190.Gene transcription refers to the procces whereby

A) messenger RNA (mRNA) is spliced to the double-stranded DNA and carried outside
the cell to centers for protein synthesis
B) mRNA is used to make mRNA
C) nuclear DNA is used to make mRNA in the cell nucleus
D) cytosomes devide to form a new strand of DNA with identical messages
E) ribosomes synthesize new nuclear proteins.

191.Translation is the procces whereby

A) The strands of the DNA-mRNA unwind and break so that the interspersed
fragments can replicate to form a new protein messenger
B) Adenosine triphosphate is coverted to a second messenger in order to allow
hormonal input in the synthesis of DNA
C) Phosphodiesterase bonds release energy that allows the DNA-RNA complex to split
and form daughter strands
D) Cytosolic codons and anti codons are " read" for base link matching
E) mRNA, with the help of transfer RNA (tRNA), synthesized protein in the cytoplasm
of the cell, spesifically at the site of the ribosomal RNA

192.A restriction endonuclease is

A) the cell product responsible for most chromosomal mutations
B) an artificial products that allows celll to reproduce rapidly and uncontrollably for
research purposes
C) the cell product that prohibits cross-spesies fertilization
D) a product of bacteria that cuts DNA into specifically sequenced fragments
E) a theoritical means of cutting out the abnormal sequences on genes of deseases

193.Which of the following, if any, is the usual pattern of inheritance for a rare autosomal
dominant gene?
A) TT x TT
B) tt x tt
C) TT x tt
D) TT x Tt
E) none of the above

194.Which of the following, if any, the usual pattern of inheritance for a rare autosomal
recessive gene?
A) AA x aa
B) Aa x aa
C) Aa x Aa
D) aa x aa
E) none of the above

195.Because a male has only one X chromosome, he would be called which of the following
in regard to any X-linked gene?
A) codominant
B) heterozygous
C) hemizygous
D) homozygous
E) intermediate

196.A female who possesses an X-linked trait may do so because either she enherited a
recessive gene from both her mother and father or
A) she inherited a recessive genes from one of her parents and may express the
recessive the recessive characteristics as a function of the Lyon hypothesis
B) she has undergone spontaneous mutation from an environmental source
C) she is really testicular feminization patient
D) she lacks of the genetic expressor gene for dominance

197.The Hardy-Weinberg law in genetics

A) explains the inactivation of one X chromosome
B) expresses the frquency relationship between heterozygotes and homozygotes in a
stable population
C) predicts the penetration of recessive genes
D) express a prediction of the spontaneus mutation rate
E) none of the above

198.Expressivity in genetics refers to the

A) presentage of individuals who have a gene in which there is an effect
B) presentage of individuals in population who have a gene
C) phenotypic variation among the individual who have gene
D) change in the form of a gene with chromosomal aging
E) shape and number of chromosome

199.Penetrance in genetics refers to the

A) presentage of individuals who have a gene in which there is an effect
B) presentage of individuals in population who have a gene
C) phenotypic variation among the individual who have gene
D) change in the form of a gene with chromosomal aging
E) shape and number of chromosome

200.You are seeing a patient who has been exposed to a medication. you look it up in the
register of pregnancy medications. it is listed as Catergory C. The patient asks you what
this means. Your best response is
A) the drug has been evaluated in well controlled human studies and no fetal risk has
been shown
B) animal studies have not shown any fetal risk, or suggested some risk not confirmed
in humans, or there are bot adequate studies in woman
C) animal studies have shown adverse effects, but there are no adequately controlled
studies in human
D) tehre are some fetal risks, but benefit may outweighrisk under certain
circumstances; thus, patients should be warned
E) fetal abnormalities have occurred in animal and human studies, the risk is greater
than the benefit, and the drug is contraindicated inpregnancy

201.Approximately what percentage of spontaneous first-trimester abortions show

chromosomal abnormalities?
A) 1%
B) 10%
C) 25%
D) 50%
E) 75%
202.Live births of infants would demonstrate approximately what precentage of chromosomal
(A) less than 1%
(B) 1 to 5%
(C) approximately 10%
(D) 15 to 20%
(E) 40 to 50%

203.The most common chromosomal abnormality iin abotuses is

A) trisomy
B) 45, XO
C) triploidy
D) unbalanced translocation

Questions 204 and 205

204.A 19-year-old woman comes to your office with a complaint of never had menses.
Physical examination shows that she is 1.37 m tall and wheigs 94 pounds. She lacks
breast and pubic hair development. There is webbing of her neck and cubitus valgus. The
simplest, yet most useful, initial test to begin her evaluation would be
A) serum estrogen level
B) prolactin
C) thyroid index
D) serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenizing hormone (LH)
E) a cardiogram

205.Given the description of this patient, her most likely diagnosis is

A) testicular feminization
B) Klinefelter syndrome
C) Turner syndrome
D) congenital adrenal hyperplasia
E) normal but delayed development

206.Patient with a 45,XO kayotype are invariably of short stature because the locus
responsible for short stature is located on the missing
A) long arm of X
B) short arm of X
C) centromere of the O chromosome
D) long arm of chromosome 45
E) short arm of the chromosome 45

207.What precentage of ovarian dysgenesis patients are chromatin positive?

A) 0%
B) less than 1%
C) about 10%
D) 40%
E) 95%

208.Aneuploidi is a characteristic of
A) cystic fiibrosis
B) Down syndrome
C) testicular feminization
D) Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

209.Enzymatic diseasis (or inborn errors of metabolism) that are diagnosable in utero are
A) not genetic diseases
B) autosomal dominants
C) autosomal recessive
D) sex-linked
E) polygenic in origin

210.A woman with blood type O gave birth to an AB infant. This could be explained by
which of he following?
A) Lyons hypothesis
B) chimerism
C) Bombay phenotype
D) Laboratory error
E) X-linked inheritance

211.The Barr body is

A) the condensed, nonfunctioning X chromosome
B) the darkest, widest band found on chromosomes
C) an extra lobe on the female polymorphonuclear leucocytes
D) found only in the female
E) the largest chromosome in the female genotype

212.Test that may increase the ability to diagnose inherited diseases prenatally include
A) ultrasound
B) direct fetal blood sampling
C) x-ray
D) gene-specific probes
E) all of the above

213.A couple presents to your office during the ninth week of pregnancy. Their previous child
was diagnosed with trisomy 18. They are extremely anxious and would like prenatal
diagnosis as early as possible. Which of the following statements about chorionic villus
sampling (CVS) is/are correct?
A) CVS may be performed between 9 and 12 weeksgestation.
B) CVS done in 9-to 10-week range has a very small association (less than 1:1000)
with limb malformations.
C) CVS can provide complete chromosom analysis.
D) CVS is performed either transvaginally or transabdominally
E) all of the above

214.A mother with blood group AB has an AB child. Which of the following are possible
paternal geneotypes?
E) all of the above

DIRECTIONS (Questions 215 and 223): each of the numbered items or incomplete statements
in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the answers or
completions that apply.

215.Which three of the following genetic type will defferentiate into a male?

216.Which four of the folowing are suppositions of the Lyons hypothesis?

A) In the somatic cells of the females, only one of the X chromosome is active, The
second X is concended and inactive and known as the sex chromatine.
B) Inactivation of the X occurs early in embryonic life
C) The inactive X can be either the patternal or maternal X in different cells of the
same individual.
D) Once the X is inactivated by the cell, all the clonal descendants of that cell willl
inactivate the same X
E) X inactivation occurs at the time the second polar body is extruded from the cell.

217.Which of the following are indications for chromosomal evaluation with prenatal
A) matenal age of 35 or grater
B) previous chromosomally abnormal child
C) family history of open neural tube defect
D) abnormal serum marker
E) possible female carrier of X-linked disease
218.Which four of the following is characteristic of a teratogen?
A) a chemical that causes gross malformations
B) any agent that can produce a malformation or raise the incidence of a given
C) a naturally occuring substance that can cause malformation during the intrauterine
perriod of life
D) a mutation in maternal or paternal DNA that will affect the phenotype of the
E) a nonembryocydal mutagen

219.Alterations in the biological process of development may be due to which two of the
A) heredity
B) drugs
C) x-rays
D) infection

220.Which two of the following decribe couples who suffer reccurent miscarriage?
A) There are no more likely than any other couple to have chromosomal anomalies.
B) They may be affected by thrombophilias.
C) They may have up to a 25% rate of chromosomal anomalies.
D) They are more likely to live under high-voltage electric power lines.
E) They are found to have unsuspected cosanguinity in 4 to 8% cases.

221.A pregnant woman presents to your clinic with an hstory of a previous child who was
diagnosed with phenylketonuria (PKU) as a neonate. Her partner is not the father of her
first child. The mother remembers that she had to have special diet when she was a child.
Which three of the following statements are correct?
A) PKU is an aoutosomal recessive disease.
B) Because this is a new father, the pregnancy cannot result in an affected child
although the child may be a carrier.
C) If ph is the PKU gene and the fathers genotype is PhPh, the fetus cannot have the
D) The fetus may be affected in utero if the mother has PKU.
E) Unless the first babys father can be tested, the neonate cannot be adequately tested.

222.Which two of the following statements are true?

A) Any sex-linked recessive disease normally occuring in males can also occur in
45,XO females.
B) In patients with klinefelter syndrome, cells have two Y chromosomes.
C) 45,XO gestations cannot be identified through routine maternal blood screening;
amniocentesis or CVS is necessary to diagnose the lession
D) Pituitary gonadotropins are elevated in pregnant women whose offspring have
gonadal dysgenesis.
223.Anomalies from polygenic/multifactorial inheritance include which four of the
A) cleft lip
B) teralogy of Fallot
C) Pyloric stenosis
D) anchondroplasia
E) clubfoot (talipes equinovarus)

DIRECTIONS (Questions 224 through 279): Each set of question in this section consist of a
list of lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each numbered item, select
the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered option may be
selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 224 through 234

A) mitosis
B) interphase
C) meiosis
D) centromere
E) chromatid
F) open square
G) darkened square
H) diamond shape
I) a single line
J) proband
K) phenotype
L) codominance
M) chiasma
N) recessive
O) linkage

224.Cell division in which cells containing a haploid number of chromosome are produced C
225.A period of time when a cell is active but the chromosomes arre not recognizable B
226.A normal male F
227.The propositus J
228.Unspecified sex H
229.nonrelated mating I
230.A recognizable expression of genetic information K
231.Joining points of paired chromosomes D
232.A siuation in which each of a pair of genes has equal expression L
233.Refers to close proximity of gene loci O
234.Division of a cell in which DNA is doubled and two diploid cells result A

Questions 235 through 242

A) mosaicism
B) polyploidy
C) aneuploidy
D) deletion
E) translocation
F) isochromosome
G) inversion
H) insertion
I) nondisjuntion
235.More than one cell line present in the same individual A
236.2n + 1 or 2n 1 C
237.4n B
238.May be either reciprocal or Robertsonian E
239.Results when a chromoseome devides horizontal rather than longitudinal split at the
centromere F
240.May be either paracentric or pericentric G
241.May result in a ring chromosome D
242.The most common cause of chromosomal abnormalities I

Questions 243 throuh 247

A) 47,XY 21+
B) 45,XY 46,XY
C) 46 XY, t (Bp-, Gq)+
D) none of the above

243.a balanced translocation between the long arm of a B group and the short arm of a D
group chromatine E
244.Down syndrome A
245.A balanced translocation C
246.A translocation resulting in the los of genetic material D
247.An isochromosome E
Questions 248 through 253

Match the chromosomal complement with the phenotype.

A) 45,XO
B) 46,XY
C) 47,XXY
D) 46,XX, (D/G)
E) 46,XX,5p-
F) 46,XX/XY

248.Tall, staturem eunuchoidism, sometimes gynecomastia C

249.Edema of the hands and feet in newborn A
250.Epichantic folds, hypertelorism, mental deficiency, single palmar crease D
251.Large breasts, scanty axillary hair, absent uterus B
252.Microcephaly, severe mental retardation E
253.True hemaphrodite F

Questions 254 through 261

A) autosomal dominant
B) aotusomal recessive
C) X-linked
D) polygenic or multifactorial
E) not a genetic disease

254.diabetes mellitus D
255.Sickle cell anemia B
256.Hemophilia C
257.Thalidomide baby E
258.Transmitted through the daughter to half of the grandsons C
259.Most such disease have a carrier rate in the general population less than 1% B
260.Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) B
261.Neurofibromatosis A

Questions 262 through 264

Match the treatment with the genetic disease.

A) restriction of any substance that the patient is incapable of metabolizing

B) replacement of a product that the patient cannot synthesize
C) superphysiologic replacement of a vitamin
D) enzyme replacement
E) avoidance of precipitating agents

262.Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) B

263.Treatment of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency E
264.Treatment of PKU A

Questions 265 through 270

Match the item with it acossiated description.

A) carcinoma of the lung

B) Burkitts lymphoma
C) chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
D) c-myc
E) retinoblastoma

265.Associated with a reciprocal translocation between chromosome 22q and 9q C

266.Resiprocal translocation between chromosomes 8 and 14,t (8q;14) B
267.Deletion in chromosome 13 E
268.Loss of a supressor gene, either TP53 or WT1 A
269.The Y chromosome may be lost in males C
270.May be activated by retrovirus (RNA Virus) or mutational events D

Questions 271 through 273

A) seminoma
B) first-degree relative with disease
C) Lynch type II family
D) autosomal dominant in selected families

271.Doubles the risk of breast in the proband B

272.Ovarian cancer D
273.Ovarian, endometrial, and nonpolypoid colorectal cancer C

Questions 274 through 279

Match the maternal drus exposure with a potential neonatal effect.

A) no effect
B) cardiac lessions
C) craniofacial lesions
D) limb anomalies
E) renal lesions
F) hypospadias

274.Lithium B
275.Warfarin (Coumadin) C
276.Carbamazepine (Tegretol) C
277.Alcohol C
278.Acyclovir A
279.Metronidazole A

Physiology of Reproduction

DIRECTIONS (Questions 280 trough 338): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

280.Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the release of

A) adenocorticotropic hermone (ACTH)
B) growth hormone (GH)
C) luteinizing hormone (LH)
D) opiate peptide
E) thyroid stimulaing hormone (TSH)

281.Which of the following substances stimulates GnRH secretion?

A) beta-endorphin
B) dopamine
C) dynorphin
D) nerephinephrine
E) serotonin

282.GnRH associated peptide (GAP) is a/an

A) stimulator of gonadotropins and inhibitor of prolactin
B) inhibitor of gonadotropins and stimulator of prolactin
C) stimulator of gonadotropins and stimulator of prolactin
D) inhibitor of gonadotropins and inhibitor of prolactin
E) stimulator of gonadotropins and has no effect on prolactin

283.Tyrosine is an essential amino acid for the biosynthesis of

A) dopamine
B) dynorphin
D) prostaglandins
E) vasopressin

284.X-rays on a 35-year-old after a motor vehicle accident reveal a baslar skull facture and
raise a concern abour an interruption of the hypophyseal portal circulation. This would
cause a decline in circulating
A) arginine vasopressin
B) dopamine
C) gonadotropins
D) oxytocin
E) prolactin
285.A patient presents with amenorrhea and galactorrhea. Her prolactin levels are elevated.
She is not and never has been pregnant. In addition to evaluating her for a prolactinoma,
one also needs to evaluate for other causes that would increase prolactin such as elevated
A) corticotropin-releasing hormone
B) dopamine
C) gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
D) histamine type II receptor activation
E) thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)

286.Since the workup of an elevated prolactin level can be expensive, it is appropriate to

draw prolactin levels when the lowest values are to be expected. Prolactin levels
A) decrease shortly after sleep
B) incrase after ingesting high-carbohydrate meals
C) increase during stress
D) decrease during surgery
E) decrease after exercise

287.During which of the following conditions would serum prolactin level be the greatest?
A) menopause
B) ovulation
C) parturition
D) sleep

288.Which of the following statements regarding GnRH-stimulated LH secretion is accurate?

A) It is enhanced by gonadotrope exposure to progesterone.
B) It is increased by gonadotrope exposure to testosterone
C) It is enhanced by gonadotrope exposure to estrogene.
D) It is enhanced by gonadotrope exposure to continuous GnRH.
E) It is associated with steady LH release.

289.Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol serves as principal substrate for

steroidogenesis. Which of the following statements regarding circulating LDL is correct?
A) LDL is formed after addition of triglyceride to very low-density lipoprotein
B) LDL level are negatively correlated with cardiovascular disease.
C) LDL is the major carrier of cholesterol in the plasma.
D) LDL enters the cells by passive diffusion.
E) LDL facilitates the transport of polar lipids in the blood plasma.

290.Steroid hormones are classified as

A) amino acids
B) phospholipids
C) lipids
D) glycoprotein
E) none of the above

291.The progressive squence (with steps omitted) in the metabolism of steroid hormones is
A) cholesterol-estradiol-testosterone-pregnenolone
B) cholesterol-pregnenolone-cortisol-estradiol
C) cholesterol-pregnenolone-estrone-androstenedine
D) cholesterol-androstenedine-pregnenolone-estrone
E) cholesterol-pregnenolone-androstenedine-estrone

292.Adrenal corticoids belongs to which of the following groups?

A) aldehyds
B) androstanes
C) cholesterols
D) estranes
E) pregnanes

293.The three principal estrogens in women in decreasing order of potency are

A) estradiol, estriol, estrone
B) estradiol, estrone, estriol
C) estriol, estradiol, estrone
D) estriol, estrone, estradiol
E) estrone, estradiol, estriol

294.Which of the following sequences best describes estrogen action?

A) cell membrane diffusion; steroid receptor-DNA complex formation; transcription;
B) cell membrane receptor activation, steroid receptor-DNA complex formation;
transcription; translation
C) cell membrane diffusion; steroid receptor-DNA complex formation; translation;
D) cell membrane diffusion; adenylate cylase activation ; cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP) production ; protein phosphorylation
E) cell membrane receptor activation, adenylate cylase activation ; cyclic cAMP
production ; protein phosphorylation

295.Which of the following compuonds was used in the 1950s to 1960s in an attempt to
hormonally support a pregnancy and avoid a miscarriage? Instead, it caused vaginal
adenosis in female offspring.
A) dehydroepiandrosterone
B) diethylstilbestrol (DES)
C) estradiol
D) strone
E) testosterone

296.Addition of an ethinyl group at the 17C position of estradiol was critical in the
development of the oral contraceptive pill because of it
A) decreases biological activity
B) increases androgenic activity
C) increase hepatic degradation
D) increases sex hormone-binding globulin affinity
E) maintains biological activity after oral absorbtion

297.A 50-year-old menopausal patient wishes to stay on her oral contraceptive pills. Her
health cara provider tries to explain that this provides more estrogen that she needs
postmenopausally. What dose of ethinyl estradiol is roughly biologically equivalent to the
typical postmenopausal dose of 0.625 mg of conjugated estrogens?
A) 0.005 to 0.010 mg
B) 0.5 to 10 mg
C) 0.05 to 1.0 mg
D) 5.0 to 10.0 mg
E) 50.0 to 100.0 mg

298.The three principal androgens in decreasing order of potency are

A) androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone
B) dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione, testosterone
C) dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione, testosterone
D) testosterone, androstenedione, dihydrotestosterone
E) testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione

299.A patient with polycystic overian syndrome will often have an increase in insuline
resistance. This will result an increase in
A) follicle-stimulatin hormones (FSH)
B) free estogen levels
C) free testosterone level
D) hepatic production of sex hormone-binding globulin

300.The chemical name of the compund shown in Figure 5-1 is

A) 5-cholsten-3 b-ol
B) 17b-hydroxy-4-androstene-3-one
C) 3-hydroxy-5-pregnane-20-one
D) 4-androstene-3, 17-dione
E) none of the above

Figure 5-1
301.Which the following substances is the precursor to prostaglandins (PGs)?
A) Arachidonic acid
B) Isobutyric acid
C) isoleucine
D) Linoleic acid
E) Phospholipase A

302.Given that prostaglandins appear to be involved in preterm labor, which of the following
medications might provide some help in stopping preterm labor?
B) Indomethacin
C) Progesterone
D) Prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF)
E) Thyroid hormone

303.During human development the Rathke's pouch differentiates into the

A) Anterior pituitary
B) Arcuate nucleus
C) Medial basal hypothalamus
D) Median eminence
E) Posterior pituitary

304.Normal fetal gonadotropins are necessary to control and coordinate the phenotypic sexual
differentiation of the fetus during intrauterine development. Which of the following
statements best describes circulating gonadotropin levels in the human fetus?
A) They are low during the first trimester, rise to maximal levels during the second
trimester, and return to low levels by term.
B) They are low during the first trimester, rise to maximal levels during the second
trimester, and remain elevated to term.
C) They are low during the first trimester, remain low during the second trimester, and
rise to maximal levels by term.
D) They are high during the first trimester decrease to undetectable levels during the
second trimester, and remain low to term.
E) They are low troughout intrauterine life.

305.Which of the following embryonic tissues contributes to the adult fallopian tube?
A) Ceolomic epithelium
B) Mesenchyme
C) Mesonephric duct
D) Paramesonephric duct
E) Urogenital ridge

306.Which of the following statements best describes the role of testosterone in development
a phenotypic male fetus?
A) Testosterone causes elongation of the genital tubercle into the phallus.
B) Testosterone is mainly responsible for corpus spongiosum development.
C) Testosterone is mainly responsible for paramesonephric duct development.
D) Testosterone secretion is stimulated maternal circulating gonadotropins.
E) Testosterone secretion is stimulated human chorionic gonadotropin (GnRH)
307.The most common ovarian lesion associated with excessive estrogen stimulation in infant
is a
A) Granulosa cell tumor
B) Leiomyoma
C) Serous cystadenoma
D) Single large follicular cyst
E) Theca cell tumor

308.Initiation of puberty results from

A) Diminished hypothalamic sensitivity sex steroid negative feedback
B) Diminished "intrinsic" central nervous system (CNS) inhibition
C) Both
D) neither

Questions 309 through 313

A mother and her 16-year-olf daughter present to your office because the daughter has not yet
menstruated. They are very concerned that something is wrong. By applying principles puberty
versus potentially manifesting a significant problem.
309.The normal squence of pubertal changes in the female is
A) maximal growth velocity, menarche, thelarche
B) maximal growth velocity, thelarche, menarche
C) menarche, maximal growth velocity, thelarche
D) thelarche, maximal growth velocity menarche,
E) thelarche, menarche, maximal growth velocity

310.Menarche usually occurs between the ages of

A) 8 and 10 years
B) 11 and 13 years
C) 14 and 16 years
D) 17 and 18 years

311.Which of the following pubertal events is not mediated by gonadal estrogen production
and therefore would occur even in the absence of estrogen production?
A) Breast development
B) Menstruation
C) Pubic hair growth
D) Skeletal growth
E) Vaginal cornification

312.The sequence of pubertal changes should occur over a period of

A) 0.5 years
B) 1.5 years
C) 4.5 years
D) 7.5 years
E) 9.5 years

313.Which of the following causes of delayed puberty accompanies elevated circulating

gonadotropin levels?
A) Chronic illness
B) Gonadal dysgenesis
C) Hypothalamic tumors
D) Kallmann's syndrome
E) Malnutrition

314.A 7-year-old girl is brought in for evaluation. On examination, she has well developed
pubic hair and breasts. She is 99% of height for her age. Her mother recently noted some
blood stains on her underwear. Which of the following conditions most likely the cause of
these findings?
A) Estrogen-producing ovarian cyst
B) Hepatoma
C) Hypothalamic tumor
D) Sex steroid-containing medication
E) Thecal/Leydig cell tumor

315.A 6-year-old girl experiences irregular vaginal bleeding. She is taller than her peers and
has early breast development. Serum gonadotropin levels are low and remain unchanged
after intravenous administration of GnRH. The most likely diagnosis is a/an
A) Corpus luteum cyst
B) Endometrioma
C) Epoophoron
D) Fibroma
E) Granulosa cell tumor

316.The inhibitory action of sex steroids on GnRH secretion is primarily medizted by

A) Dopamine
B) Melatoin
C) Norepinephrine
D) Opioid peptides
E) Serotonin

317.Which of the following statements best describes the role of FSH in menstruation?
A) FSH stimulates follicular growth only in the early preantral stage.
B) FSH increases its own receptor number on theca cells.
C) FSH induces theca cell aromatase.
D) FSH stimulates granulosa cell androgen production.
E) FSH induces granulosa cell LH receptors within the dominant follicle.

318.The midcycle LH surge

A) Enhances thecal cell androgen production
B) Luteinizes granulosa cells
C) Initiates resumption of meiosis
D) Facilitates oocyte expulsion
E) All of the above

319.Which of the statement best describes estrogen-positive feedback on LH release?

A) It is affected by the level of circulating estrogen.
B) It is enhanced by testosterone.
C) It is increased by opioid peptides.
D) It is unaffected by progesterone.
E) It is unaffected by the duration of estrogen stimulation.

320.Which of the following gametes is released from the graafian follicle during ovulation?
A) Primary oocyte
B) Primary oocyte and first polar body
C) Secondary oocyte
D) Secondary oocyte and first polar body
E) Secondary oocyte and second polar body

321.Which of the following hormone(s) is/are produced by the corpus luteum?

A) Progesterone only
B) Progesterone and estrogen only
C) Progesterone, estrogen,and inhibin only
D) Progesterone, estrogen, inhibin, and relaxin only
E) Progesterone, estrogen, inhibin, relaxin, and contractin

322.During an evaluation for an infertility, a woman may have endometrial biopsy to evaluate
the quality of her ovulation since the development of the corpus luteum is most closely
associated with the
A) Fertilization of an ovum
B) Follicular phase of the endometrium
C) Proliverative phase of the endometrium
D) Secretory phase of endometrium
E) Shedding phase of endometrium (menstruation)

323.The post coital test used in an infertility evaluation assessesthe cervical mucus for
ferning. The presence of ferning depends on which of the following hormones?
A) Estrogen
B) Estrogen and progesterone
C) hCG
E) Progesterone

324.Speinbarkeit describes the

A) Amount of cervical mucus
B) Clarity of cervical mucus
C) Elasticity of cervical mucus
D) Ferning of cervical mucus
E) Viscosity of cervical mucus

Questions 325 through 327

A 47-year-old patient present wondering if her problems with mood swings, insomnia, and vaginal
dryness reoresent menopause. She had a hysterectomy 10 years ago for abnormal uterine bleeding,
but ovaries were not removed. Since she cannot afford hormonal testing, a maturation index is done
on her pap smear.

325.Ideally, cytologic cells for evaluation of hormonal status should be obtained from the
A) Ectoservix
B) Endoservix
C) Labia minora
D) Lateral vaginal wall
E) Posterior vaginal fornix

326.Ninety percent of the cells found on her pap smear have thick, rounded cytoplasm and
plump, round, vesicular nuclei with an intact chromatin pattern. The maturation index
(MI) would most likely be
A) 90/0/10
B) 90/10/0
C) 10/0/90
D) 10/90/0
E) 0/90/10

327.Based on this result, one would anticipate that if hormonal levels were obtained they
would show
A) Elevated estrogen levels
B) Elevated progesterone levels
C) Low estrogen levels
D) Normal FSH levels
E) Normal progesterone levels

328.Which of the following target tissue effect is mediated by progesterone?

A) mamary ductal development
B) Proliferative endometrium
C) Shortened GnRH pulse interval
D) Thermogenic effect
E) Thin, stretchy cervical mucus

A patient presented to the emergency department with an infected incomplete abortion. During
the dilatation and curretage (D&C) excessive bleeding developed that required vigorous
curreting to control. She returns to the physician 6 months later complaining that she has not
had a menstrual cycle since. She has all the symptoms of getting ready to start a period but
never sees any blleding.
329.The history implies that what layer of endometrium is damaged?
A) Basal zone
B) Compact zone
C) Functional zone
D) Spongy zone
E) None of the above

330.Menstrual flow is associated with the

A) Prolonged mantainance of estrogen
B) Prolonged maintenance of progesterone
C) Withdrawal of FSH
D) Withdrawal of LH
E) Withdrawal of progesterone
331.The amount of blood lost during an average normal menses is about
A) 10 to 25 mL
B) 25 to 75 mL
C) 80 to 120 mL
D) 125 to 175 mL
E) 180 to 220 mL

332.Menstrual blood is usually nonclotting because of

A) heparin
B) "organ hemophilia"
C) Prior clotting and liquefaction
D) Toxins that inhibit clotting
E) None of the above

333.The normal vaginal pH during the menstrual cycle is

A) 3 to 4.5
B) 4.5 to 5.5
C) 5.5 to 6.5
D) 6.5 to 7.5
E) 7.5 to 8.5

334.Even after menopause most women have circulating estrogen. In high enough levels, this
can promote the development of endometrial cancer. It mainly orginates from
aromatization of
A) Androstenedione to estrone by ovarian granulosa cells
B) Androstenedione to estrone by ovarian theca cells
C) Androstenedione to estrone by adipose tissue
D) Testosterone to estradiol byadipose tissue
E) Estradiol to estrone by adipose tissue

335.A 50-year-old woman presents to her health care provider complaining of hot flushes are
often the women symptom in a perimenopausal woman that causes her to seek medical
assistance. Hot flushes entail
A) Peripheral redistribution of blood flow leading to sweating and elevated heart rate
B) Pheripheral vasodilatation reflecting an increase in core body temperature
C) Subjective symptoms always accompanying objective signs of vasomotor
D) Pheripheral vasodilatation resulting from a direct LH action on sympathetic
E) An average duration of about 30 minutes

336.Prior to initiating estrogen replacement therapy (ERT),the patient is counceled regarding

the long-term risks of estrogen deficiency associated with menopause. These are
osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. With osteoporosis is accelerated bone loss occurs
1 to 8 years after menopause
A) Causes an elevation in circulating parathyroid hormone levels
B) Causes increased urinary loss of phosphorous and hydroxylinase
C) Does not influence trabecular bone
D) Primarily affects cortical bone
337.Cardioprotective actions of estrogen may include
A) Depression of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels
B) Dilatation of coronary vessels
C) Elevation of LDL levels
D) Production of thromboxane
E) Widening of pulse pressure

338.This postmenopausal patient is interested in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with

progesterone but is concerned about its dangers. Which of he following statement should
be included in your discussion regarding the risks of HRT with combined therapy relative
to no HRT?
A) Just an oral contraceptives may increase blood coagulability, HRT will also, due to
higher doses
B) HRT may increase the risk of cholelithiasis
C) HRT may increase the risk of endometrial carcinoma
D) HRT is likely to greatly increase the risk of breast carcinoma
E) HRT may increase the risk of renal dysfunction

DIRECTIONS (Questions 339 through 364): Each groups of items in this section consists of
lettered headings followed by a set of numbered word or phrase, select the ONE lettered
heading that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered option may be selected once,
more than once, or not at all.

Questions 339 and 340

A) increased prolactin
B) increased arginine vasopresin (AVP)
C) decreased oxytocin
D) decreased prolactin

339.Destruction of the supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei would result

________. C
340.Destruction of the dopamine tuberoinfundibular tract would result in ________. A

Questions 341 through 347

A) Androstenedine
B) Dyhidrotestoterone
C) Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS)
D) Estradiol
E) Estrone
F) hCG
G) Pregnenolone
H) Testosterone
I) 17-hydroxyprogesterone

341.The lack of 5-alpha-reductase will result in the birth of an infant that look female
(phenotype) but is genetically male due to an inability to make ________. B
342.Developing hirsutism in 24-years-old woman prompts one to suspect an adult-onset 21-
hydroxylase deficiency. The principal marker for such an enzyme deficiency is
____________. I
343.Principal androgen of adrenal origin. C
344.Principal estrogen formed in a postmenopausal woman in pheripheral tissue (e.g.,adipose
and muscle). E
345.Hormone that can be used to stimulate an LH surge and promote ovulation in an
artificially stimulated cycle because it cross-reacts antigenically with LH. F
346.Precursor for all hormonally active steroids. G
347.Steroid hormone synthesized without 17-hydroxylase. G

Questions 348 through 352

To understand the abnormalities of menstruation or ovulatory problems, one must understand the
role of each of the involved hormones during the normal ovulatory menstrual cycle.

A) Androstenedione
B) Arachidonic acid
C) Cholesterol
E) Estradiol
F) Inhibin
G) Progesterone

348.Secretory endometrium G
349.Breast duct development E
350.Substrate for aromatase A
351.Thermogenic hormone G
352.Proliferative endometrium E

Questions 353 through 356

Refer to Figure 5-2 for Questions 353 through 356.

353.FSH C
354.LH A
355.Estradiol D
356.Progesterone B
Figure 5-2

Questions 357 through 359

A) High circulating estradiol

B) High circulating estrone
C) High circulating FSH
D) High circulating progesterone
E) High circulating testosterone

357.Castrated young adult female C

358.Obesity B
359.Dominant follicle A

Questions 360 through 364

Women go through very distinctive relative to their reproductively related hormonal balance. A
knowledge of this changes allows the provider to anticipate the physical manifestation s of these
changes. When do the following hormonal changes occur?

A) Childbearing
B) Fetal life
C) Infancy
D) Perimenopause
E) Peripuberty

360.Rising serum DHEAS E

361.Rising serum estrogen levels E
362.Decreasing serum estrogen levels D
363.Low serum DHEAS levels C
364.Low serum estrogen levels C

Maternal Physiology During Pregnancy


DIRECTIONS (Questions 365 trough 409): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

365.Cessation of menses is regarded as a presumptive sign of pregnancy in a menstrual-age

female. In what precentage of causes does macroscopic vaginal bleeding occur during an
otherwise normal pregnancy that does not abort?
A) never
B) approximately 1%
C) approximately 10%
D) approximately 20%
E) approximately 50%

366.Most state-of-the art serumpregnanciy test have a sensitivity for detection of -hCG of 25
mLU/mL. Such tests would diagnose pregnancy as early as
A) 5 days after conception
B) 24 hour after implantation
C) the day of the expected (missed) period
D) 5 weeks gestation

367.Changes on the vagina that occur during pregnancy include

A) decreased secretion
B) decreased vascularity
C) hypertrophy of the smooth muscle
D) vaginall cell appear similar microscopically to those in the follicular phase of the
E) decrease in the thickness of the vaginal mucosa

368.Changes that occur in the cervix during pregnancy include

A) progressive hyperthrohy and enlargement of the entire cervix
B) retraction of the squamocolumnar juntion in into the cervical canal
C) generalized erythrema
D) normal small amounts of bleeding
E) softening

369.Which of the following cervical changes may be found more frequently in pregnant
woman that in the nonpregnant state?
A) atpical glandular hyperplasia
B) dysplasia
C) metaplasia
D) neoplasia
E) vaginal adenosis
370.The increase in total body water in pergnancy
A) begins at 8 to 10 weeks getation
B) occurs in response to increase in plasma osmolality
C) is associatef with elevated plasma level of anti diuretic hormone (ADH)
D) in part due to the decreased clearance of ADH
E) all of the above
F) none of the above

371.At the fifth lunar month, the uterus in a normal pregnancy is

A) not palpable abdominally
B) palpable just over the symphysis pubis
C) palpable at the level of umbilicus
D) palpable midway between the umbilicus and sternum
E) palpable at the level of the xyphoid

372.A soft, blowing sound that is synchronous with the maternal pulse and heard over the
uterus is
A) borborygmus
B) unterine souffle
C) frunic souffle
D) fetal movement
E) maternal femoral vessel bruit

373.The hemostatic mechanism most important in combating postpartum hemorrhage is

A) increased blood clotting factors in pregnancy
B) intramyometrial vascular coagulation due to vasoconstiction
C) contaction of interlacking uterine muscle bundles
D) markedly decreased clood pressure in the uterine venules
E) fibrinolysis inhibition

374.The uterine muscle mass enlarges during pregnancy because of

A) atypical hyperplasia
B) anaplasia
C) hperthropy and hyperplasia
D) involution
E) none of the above; the total muscle mass actuallly does not change

375.During early pregnancy a pelvic examination may reveal that one adnexa is slightly
enlarged. This most likely due to
A) a paraovarian cyst
B) fallopian tube hyperthropy
C) an ovarian neoplasm
D) a follicular cyst
E) a corpus lutheum cyst

376.During pregnancy there is a decrease in the size of

A) uterine muscle cells
B) uterine fibrous and elastic tissue
C) uterine blood vessels
D) Frankenhausers ganglion
E) the maternal ovarian follicles

377.Progesteron production increases during pregnancy. By the third semester, what is the
approximate rate of production per day?
A) 50 g
B) 350 g
C) 50 mg
D) 100 mg
E) 250 mg

378.Pregnancy is rare
A) after one episode of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
B) before the age of 18
C) in phisically active women
D) after the age of 50
E) in women who have used an intrauterine device (IUD)

379.Maternal mortality is lowest in mothers between ages

A) 10 and 20
B) 20 and 30
C) 30 and 40
D) 40 and 50
E) 50 and 60

380.During normal pregnansy, a weight gain is anticipated. For a normal weight woman, the
recommended weight gain is approximately
A) 5 to 10 lb
B) 10 to 15 lb
C) 15 to 20 lb
D) 25 to 35 lb
E) 30 to 40 lb

381.A characteristic posture in of pregnancy is

A) hyperextension
B) kyphosis
C) scoliosis
D) lordosis
E) none of the above

382.The skin changes common to both liver desease and normal pregnancy include
A) striae and cloasma
B) spider angiomata and palmar erythema
C) hyperpigmentation and spider angiomata
D) linea nigra and chloasma
E) striae and linea nigra
383.Which of the following would normally be expected to increased during pergnancy?
A) plasma creatinine
B) thyroxyne-binding globulin (TBG)
C) hematocrit
D) aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
E) alanine aminotranferase (ALT)

384.During normal pregnancy, which of the following phsycologic effects occur?

A) increased serum beta globulins (transport proteins) and decreased triglycerides
B) increased serum corticosteroid-binding globulin and free cortisol
C) increased levels of immunoglobulins A, G, and M
D) increased thyroid-binding globulin and iodide levels
E) dercreased serum ionized calcium levels and parathyroid hormone (PTH)

385.Epulis pregnancy is a/an

A) enlarged hemorrhoid
B) circumscribe vascular swelling of the gums
C) spider hemangiona found on palms and soles
D) syndrome of nausea and fomiting
E) placental vascular shunt

386.Changes in gastrointestinal (GI) tract during pregnancy include

A) compression and downward displacement of the appendix by the uterus
B) increased intestinal tone and mobility
C) physical elevation of the stomach
D) more rapid gastric emptying
E) increased intestinal absorbtion helping to ensure weight gain

387.Changes in hepatic and gallbladder function during pregnancy include

A) decreased serum albumin/globulin (A/G) ratioand decreased bromosulfophthalein
(BSP) secretion
B) increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
C) decreased billiary cholesterol saturation and rate of gallbladder emptying
D) increased AST and ALT
E) decreased fibrinogen and ceruloplasmin

388.Changes in the urinary tract during normal pregnancy include a/an

A) increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
B) decrease in renal plasma flow (RPF)
C) marked decreased in both GFR and RPF when the patient supine
D) increase the amount pf dead space in the urinary tract
E) increase the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine

389.If an intravenous pyelogranm (IVP) were performed in the third semester of a normal
pregnancy, you would be likely to find
A) the kidneys appearing smaller than normal because of the diaphragmatic
B) obstrustion of the right ureter secondary to the dexorotation of the uterus
C) sediment in the renal collecting system due to the stasis effect of progesterone
D) vesicoureteral reflux secondary to streching of the trigone by enlarging uterus
E) ureteral dilatation, probably secondary to progesterone effect and compression of
the lower urinary tract of the uterus

390.The increase in red blood cell (RBCs) during pregnacy

A) cause the hematocrit to rise
B) is due to the prolonged life span of the erythrocytes
C) is due to increased production of erythrocytes
D) results despite decreased levels of erythropoiesis in maternal plasma

391.Iron metabolism in women is characterized by

A) greater iron stores than men
B) grater iron absorbtion during pregnancy
C) decreased of iron absorbtion from the GI tract during pregnancy
D) greater iron requirements in early pregnancy than in late pregnancy
E) decreased absorbtion of iron in the presence of absorbic acid

392.Iron supplementation is recommended in pregnancy in order to

A) prevent iron deficiency in the fetus
B) raise the maternal hemoglobin concentration
C) maintain the maternal hemoglobin concentration
D) prevent iron deficiency in the mother
E) prevent postpartum hemorrhage

393.Which of the following maternal measurements or findings first decreased by the iron
requirements of pregnancy?
A) red cell size
B) bone marrow iron
C) serum iron-binding capacity
D) hemoglobin
E) jejunal absorbtion of iron

394.Maternal blood volume in a normal pregnancy

A) remains stable
B) decreases 10%
C) increases 10%
D) decreases up to 40%
E) increases up to 40%

395.The increase in blood volume in normal pregnancy is made up of

A) plasma only
B) erythrocytes only
C) more plasma than erythrocytes
D) more erythrocytes than plasma
E) neither plasma nor erythrocytes

396.Women eho become hypertensive during late pregnancy have decreased resistance which
of the following in early pregnancy?
A) epinephine
B) angiotensin I
C) prostaglandin F2-alpha
D) prostaglandin E2
E) angiotensin II

397.The cardiovascular system undergoes grat change during pregnancy. During this time
A) the heart enlarges greatly, as can be demonstrated by standart chest x-rays
B) apical systolic murmurs are heard in approximately half of pregnant patients
C) cardiac output is decreased by lying in the lateral position
D) the stroke voume decreases
E) arrhythmias are common

398.Which of the following is probably responsible for physiologic hyperventilation during

A) large fluctuations in plasma bicarbonate
B) increased estrogen production
C) increased progesterone production
D) decreased functional residual volume
E) decreased plasma PO2

399.Which of the following statements regarding immunity pregnancy is TRUE?

A) Humoral imunnity against measles, herpes simplex, and influenza A decreases in
B) Alpha-interferon is abundandt in maternal tissues
C) Polymorphonuclear leucocyte chemotaxis and adherence increases from the second
trimester onward in a normal pregnancy
D) The leucocytosis of pregnancy is one manifestation of the maternal hyperimune
E) all of the above

400.Regarding C-reactive protein in pregnancy, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) C-reactive protein is elevated in most pregnancies, especially during labor.
B) Gestational age greatly affects C-reactive protein values.
C) In pregnancy, C-reactive protein loses its usefulness as a harbinger of infection
D) A C-reactive protein of twice its normal value would be a good predictor infection
of pregnancy.

401.Pregnancy induces which of the following changes in adrenal hormones?

A) increases only bound cortisol
B) increases only free cortisol
C) decreases aldosterone
D) increases aldosterone

402.Antobodies to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG0 will cross-react most commonly

A) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
B) adenocorticotropis hormone (ACTH)
C) thyrois-stimulating hormone (TSH)
D) melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
E) luteinezing hormone (LH)

403.During pregnancy, maternal estrogen increases markedly. Most of this estrogen is

produced by the
A) ovaries
B) adrenals
C) fetus
D) placenta
E) uterus

404.Which of the following cardiorespiratory changes is abnormal during preganacy?

A) systolic murmur
B) increased cardiac output
C) incrased pulmonary vascular markings
D) alterations in electrical axis
E) resting pulse rate of 100 beats per minute

405.An ocular change associated with normal pregnancy is

A) decreased corneal thickness
B) visual field defects
C) decreased intraocular pressure
D) increased retinal thickness
E) increased corneal permeability

406.Cardiac output is highest

A) in the first trimester
B) in the second trimester
C) in th ethird trimester
D) during labor
E) immediately postpartum (10 to 30 minutes)
F) at 1 hour after delivery

407.A 29-year-old primigravida at 36 weeks gestation complains of dizziness and nausea

when reclining to read in bed before retiring at night. Suspecting that her symptoms are
the result of normal physiologic changes of pregnancy, you recommend
A) elevation of both her feet while lying in bed
B) a small late night snack
C) improve room lighting
D) rolling toward the right or left hip while reading
E) a mild exercise before retiting to bed

Questions 408 and 409

A 24-year-old nurse at 32 weeksgestaion complains of shortness of breath during her pregnancy,

especially eith physical exertion. She has no prior medical history. Her respiratory rate is 16; her
lungs are clear to auscultation; and your office oxygen saturation monitor reveals her oxygen
saturation to be 98% on room air.
408.You reassure that his sensation is normal and explain that
A) small amniotic fluid emboli are shed throughout pregnancy
B) maximal breathing capacity is not altered by pregnancy
C) airway conductance id decreased during pregnancy
D) pulmonary resistance increases during pregnancy

409.She urges you to perform pulmonary function tests. Assuming that your medical
judgement is correct, this test should be a/an
A) disminished vital capacity
B) increased tidal volume
C) increased functional residual capacity
D) increaded residual volume
E) unchanged expiratory reserve volume

DIRECTIONS (Questions 410 through 423): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completion of statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

410.Which of the following are presumptive signs/symptomps of pregnancy?

A) cessation of menses
B) development of hirsustism
C) queckening
D) nausea nd vomiting
E) swelling the hand and face
F) breast changes darkening of the skin on the palms of the hands

411.During pregnancy, several ovarian changes can occur that are normal but can be
disturbing if not understood. these changes include which three of the following?
A) luteoma of pregnancy
B) follicular cyst
C) decidual reaction on the ovarian surface
D) corpus lutheum cyst
E) dermoid cysts

412.Physiologic findings usually acossiated with previous parity include which three of the
A) earlier management of the fetal head in subsequent pregnancy
B) gaping vulva
C) narrow vagina
D) healed lacerations of the servical os represented by cervical deformities or
nabothian cysts
E) significant cervical effacement in the second trimester of pregnancy

413.The improvement in peptic ulcer disease generally seen during pregnancy may be related
to which three of the following?
A) increase in gastric mucus secretion
B) more rapid gastic emptying
C) increased tone of the stomach
D) protective affect of prostaglandins on gastric mucosa
E) effect of progesterone on gastrointestinal motility
414.Which three of the folllowing proteins produced by the liver are elevated during
A) fibrinogen
B) albumin
C) ceruloplasmin
D) sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
E) prothrombin (factor II)

415.The supine position is important during late pregnancy because it may cause three of the
A) an elevation of the uterine artery pressure compared with brachial artery pressure
B) complete occlusion of the inferior vena cava
C) a significant reduction in maternal ventilatory capacity
D) hypotension and syncope
E) a significant reduction in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration

416.Which three of the following physiologic changes accompany pregnancy?

A) an increase in cardiac output
B) an increase in blood volume
C) a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance
D) an increase in functional residual volume
E) a decrease in renal perfusion

417.Many physiologic changes of pregnancu mimic deisease states. Which six of the
following normal physiologic changes commonly occuring during pregnancy can also be
present during disease?
A) peripheral edema
B) spider angiomata
C) hyperventilation
D) palmar erythrema
E) systolic murmur
F) increased in serum creatinine
G) reduction in pheripheral vascular resistance
H) decreased serum cholesterol concentration

418.Which six of the following hormones increase during pregnancy?

A) prolactin
C) insulin
D) calcitonin
E) thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH)
F) testosterone
G) vassopresin
H) aldosteron
I) progesterone

419.A 25-year-old G3P2 in her sixth week of pregnancy by last menstrual period (LMP)
calculation has endovaginal ultrasound examination because of vaginal bleeding. The
ultrasound confirms an intrauterine pregnancy with fetal cardiac activity present and fetal
pole length consistent with 6 weeks; gestation. Sacn of the adnexa e reveals a 3-cm simple
cyst on the left ovary. Which two of the following statements are true?
A) This patient likely has both an intrauterine pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy
B) This patient should be told she will probably miscarry.
C) The ovarian cyst should not be removed.
D) First trimester vaginal bleeding is uncommon.
E) This patient has a blighted ovum.

420.Which three of the following factors contribute to the increase in cardiac output in late
A) incrase in heart rate
B) increase in ejection fraction
C) decrease in systemic vascular resistance
D) increased in blood volume
E) increased in left venticular sroke work index

Questions 421 and 422

421.A healthy 30-year-old primigravida presents at 34 weeks gestation. She report that she
has been experiencing abdominal discomfort that increases after eating, especiallly when
it rucumbert position. A series of test is performed. She has normal vital signs, an
unremarkable examination, a fundal height of 33 cm and negative urinalysis.

A) Which one of the following tests represent abnormal values?

B) a white blood count (WBC) of 11,000/mL
C) a hemoglobin of 9.0 g/dL
D) an alkaline phosphatase double that of the reference range
E) serum albumin of 3.0 g/dL
F) AST of 25 U/L

422.You recommended which three of the following?

A) frequent small meals
B) antacid preparations such as aluminium mor magnesium hydroxyde
C) an abdominal ultrasound
D) iron supplementation
E) postpartum cholecyctectomy

423.Positive signs of pregnancy should include which three of the following?

A) enlargement of the uterus
B) changes in cervix
C) positive hormonal pregnancy test
D) ballotemnt of the fetus
E) fetal heart tones
F) imaging the fetal body
G) palapating fetal motion

Placental, Fetal and Newborn Physiology


DIRECTIONS (Questions 424 trough 467): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

424.Because of the human placenta has the syncytiotrophoblast directly bathed ty maternal
blood is called
A) allantoic
B) choroidal
C) hemochorial
D) of endodermal origin
E) an example of countercurrent flow

425.The placental cotyledons are formed primarily by

A) mesenchimal defferentiation secondary to unknown factors
B) arterial pressure on the chorionis plate and decidua
C) fetal angiogenesis
D) maternal angiogenesis
E) folding of the yolk sac

426.The fetus is totally dependent on the placenta for transporting nutrients and elimination
of wastes. The effectiveness of the placentas as an organ f transfer for any substance is
determined by a number of variables. These include
A) rate of maternal blood flow
B) metabolism of the substancce by the placenta
C) concentration of the subtance in fetal and maternal blood
D) rate of fetal blood flow
E) all of the above

427.Because of the fetus is growing rapidly its need for nutrients and energy exceeds the
mothers on a gram-for-gram basis. Often, the placental transport will achieve a fetal
concentration greater than maternal, but occasionally the converse occurs. Which of the
following has a lower concentration in the fetus than in the mother?
A) vitamins
B) phosphate
C) amino acids
D) oxygen

428.The placenta is supplied by two umbilical arteries that carry deoxygenated fetal blood.
This blood flows into intavillous capillaries and back to the fetus in single umbilical vein.
The maternal blood flows from
A) arteries to plancental capillaries to veins
B) veins to placental capillaries to arteries
C) intravillous space to arteries to veins
D) veins to intravillous spaces to arteries
E) arteries to intravillous spaces to veins

429.The placenta
A) maintains absolute separation between the maternal and fetal circulations
B) allows total mixing of the maternal and fetal blood
C) allows maternal blood to enter the fetal circulation but not vice versa
D) allows only large molecules to pass
E) allows mainly small molecules and a few blood cells to pass

430.Which of the following statements regarding the placenta is true?

A) In the placenta, fetal blood is in lacunae that bathe maternal capillaries.
B) The placenta fulfills some of the functions of lung, kidney, and intestine for the
C) Infectious organism cannot cross the palcenta from other to fetus.
D) The placenta produces only human chotionic gonadotropin (hCG)

431.A chronic hypertensive patients presents with complaints of decreased fetal movement.
Her prenatal care has been sporadic but it appears she is at 37 weeks gestation with an
estimated fetal weight of 2,200 g. Concerns are raised regarding placental reserves for
oxygenating fetus. This can be most directly acessed by
A) maternal estriol production
B) oxytocin challenge testing
C) a fetal ultrasound growth curve
D) lecithin/spingomyelin (L/S) ratio
E) maternal alpha-fetoprotein

432.Labor is induced at 38 weeks due to severe oligohdramnios. The infant is born with a
congenital absence of the left hand. This is likely due to
A) maternal trauma
B) amniotic bands
C) chorioangioma
D) true knots in the umbilical chord
E) genetic abnormalities

Questions 433 and 434

A patient presents 28 weeks gestation for prenatal care. Her last pregnancy was complicated by no
prenatal care and delivery of aterm infant with minimal hydrops and eventual jaundice due to Rh
sensitization to D. The father of that pregnancy also fathered this pregnancy. He is homozygous for
D. The amniotic flud obtained from amniocentesis at 28 weeks shows an optical density (OD) at
450 milimicrons of 0.29, placing it in zone 3 of the Liley curve. The fetus appears normal on

433.At his time, which of the following should be done?

A) no further study
B) repeatiter in 4 weeks
C) amniocentesis in 1 to 2 weeks
D) intrauterine transfusion
E) immediate delivery
434.At 30 weeks gestation, the amniocentesis reveals a delta OD at 450 milimicrons of 0.24.
The infant continues to look normal on ultrasound. Which of the following should be
A) no further study
B) repeatiter in 4 weeks
C) amniocentesis in 1 week
D) intrauterine transfusion
E) immediate delivery

435.A poorly controlled class D diabetic patient disired a repeat a secarian secion. An
amniocentesis to verify pulmonary maturity was done prior to scheduled surgery at 37
weeks gestation. The lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio was 2:1 and phosphotidylglicerol
was absent. An infant was delivered who deleoped infant respiraory distress sydrome
(IRDS). The most likely reason was
A) fetal lung maturation maybe delayed in maternal diabetes
B) the L/S test was done on fetal urine
C) maternal blood was present in the specimen
D) a foam test was not done
E) diabetic patient do not produce lecithin

436.Altough the parents want to know the total legth of the infant, the more accurate
measurement is the crown-rump length. The average fetus at term is approximately how
long from crown to rump?
A) 36 cm
B) 40 cm
C) 50 cm
D) 66 cm
E) 80 cm

a patient presence a labor and delivery complaining of regular uterine contactions. Upon reviewing
her gestational dating criteria, the following is determined:

Last menstrual period (LMP) places her at 36 weeks estimated gestational age (EGA).

Ultrasound done at 10 weeks places her at 38 weeks.

Ultrasound done at presentation places her at 35 weeks.

Clinical size at presentation places her at 35 weeks.

437.You determine that she is

A) 34 weeks EGA
B) 35 weeks EGA
C) 36 weeks EGA
D) 38 weeks EGA

438.The fetal head is usually the largest part of the infant. Depending on the positioning of
the head as it enters the pelvis, labor will progress normally or experiencien dystosia due
to cephalopelvic disproportion. The smallest circumference of the normal fetal head
corresponds to the plane of the
A) suboccipobregmatic diameter
B) occipitofrontal diameter
C) occipitomental diameter
D) bitemporal diameter
E) biparietal diameter

439.During the last month of normal pregnancy, the fetus grows at a rate of approximately
A) 100 g/week
B) 250 g/week
C) 500 g/week
D) 1.000 g/week

440.Fetal nutrition is dependent on

A) maternal nutrition stores
B) maternal diet
C) placental exchange
D) maternal metabolism
E) all of the above

441.A patient is found to be blood type A- during her first pregnancy. She recieves atenatal
RhoGAM at 28 weeks. At 32 weeks she develops severe preeclampsia and is induced,
resulting in an complicated vaginal delivery. The infant does well and is found to be A
positive. The mother is found to have anti-D immunoglobulin at a titer of 1:1. The patient
should receive
A) no RhoGAM since she is sensitized
B) mini RhoGAM dose
C) 1 dose of RhoGAM
D) 2 doses of RhoGAM

442.A patient has an emergent cesarian section for an abruption. Due to a large anterior
placenta, the placenta was entered during the surgery. The mother is Rh negative. The
infant appears anemic and Rh positive. To determine the amount of Rhogam that needs to
be given, an estimate to the amount of fetal red blood cells (RBCs) in the maternal
circulation is necessary. Fetal RBCs can be distinguished from maternal RBC by their
A) shape
B) resistance to acid elution
C) lack of Rh factor
D) lower amounts of hemoglobin

443.It is found that approximately 40 cc of fetal blood has gotten into the maternal ciculation.
The patient should receive
A) no RhoGAM since she is already becoming sensitized
B) one ampule of RhoGAM
C) two ampules of RhoGAM
D) 15 cc RhoGAM
E) 30 cc RhoGAM

444.The oxygen dissociation curve of fetal blood lies to the left of curve of maternal blood.
This implies that
A) at any given O2 tension and pH, fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) binds less O2 than adult
hemoglobin (Hb A)
B) the fetus needs a greater O2 tension than the mother
C) there is more Hb F than Hb A
D) O2 should transfer easily to the fetus

Questions 445 through 448

In utero the fetus exists in a water-filled environment. All oxygen in derived from the
placenta. The fetal lung are filled with amniotic fluid. Given the lower oxygen tension of the
fetal blood, the circulation through the heart and lungs is altered to allow optimal oxygen
delivery to the most critical structures. Yet this unique circulation most convert in minutes upon
delivery to atypical adult ciculatory flow

445.Oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein enters the fetal circulation via the
A) portal sinus and ductus venosus
B) the inferior vena cava
C) intrahepatica artery
D) the lesser hepatic veins
E) ductus arteriosus

446.In the fetus the most wel-oxygenated blood is allowed into the systemic circulation by
A) foramen ovale
B) ductus areteriosus
C) right ventricle
D) ligamentum teres
E) ligamentum venosum

447.In the fetal circulation the highest oxygen content occurs in the
A) superior vena cava
B) aorta
C) ductus arteriosus
D) umbilical arteries
E) ductus venosus

448.In systemic circulation of the fetus the highest oxygen content occurs in the the
A) ascending aorta
B) descending aorta
C) ductus arteriosus
D) umbilical vein
E) left ventricle

449.Hematopoiesis take place in the early embryo within the _______. It then takes places in
the _______ and finally in the _________. In chronological order these hematopoietic
organs are.
A) yolk sac, fetal liver, fetal bone marrow
B) yolk sac, fetal kidney, fetal bone marrow
C) placenta, fetal liver, fetal bone marrow
D) placenta, fetal kidney, fetal bone marrow
E) maternal circulation, placenta, fetal liver
450.Fetal coagulation at birth
A) is generally the sme as the adult
B) shows sinificantly less clotting capabilities of the adult
C) demonstrates a hypercoagulable state
D) differs significantly between male and female fetuses
E) depends solely on platelet activity until well into the first week of life when
clotting factors are activated

451.The fetus can produce immune antibodies. In the fetal blood at birth (compared to
maternal blood) there is/ are generally
A) more immunoglobulin G (IgG)
B) similar IgG levels
C) more immunoglobulin M (IgM)
D) more immunoglobulin A (IgA)
E) similar IgM levels

452.Characteristics of the fetal respiratory system includes

A) no evidence of resiratory movement until 8 months gestation
B) slow aspiration of amniotic fluid
C) normal maturation sufficient to support long-term extrauterine existence by the end
of the fifth lunar month
D) high level of surfactant by term

453.Lung surfactant is critical to pulmonary functioning by keeping surface tension in the

alveoli low an dthereby decreasing the occurrence of atelectasis and atrioventricular (AV)
shunting. Surfactant is formed in the
A) type I pneumocytes of the lung alveoli
B) type II pneumocytes of the lung alveoli
C) epithelium of the respiratory bronchi
D) hillum of the lung
E) placental syncytiocytotrophoblas

454.The presence of which of the following substances is most reassuring that fetal lungs
shoul be mature?
A) phosphatidylinositol
B) phosphatidylethanolamine
C) phosphatidylglycerol
D) phosphatidylcholine
E) phosphatidylonositol deacylase

455.Fetal breathing movements can be an indication of fetal well-being in utero and should
occur about
A) every 30 to 60 seconds
B) every 30 to 60 minutes
C) every 24 hours
D) 5 times per week
E) every 1 to 2 weeks

456.Characteristics of the fetal digestive tract include

A) swallowing of amniotic fluid by 16 weeks gestation
B) lack of hydrochloric acid until after delivery
C) production of meconium only in the eighth mobt of gestation
D) oesophageal atresia until the seventh lunar month
E) peristalsis starting at approximately 20 weeks gestation

457.The presence of the meconium-stained amniotic fluid is felt to be indicative of possible

fetal stress. It is thought that the release os meconium by the fetus may be caused by
A) the release of cholecystokinin (pancreozymin) in esponse to fetal hypoxia
B) a fetal gut reflex secondary to ischemia
C) the release of arginine vasopressin by the fetal ptuitary secondary to hypoxia
D) intermittent fetal bowel obstruction
E) excessive levels of endogenous oxytocin

458.A fetus has an infection that is causing acute hemolysis. At birth, the infant is not
jaundiced though the liver is enlarged. The lack of fetal jaundice is because
A) the fetus has a grat capacity for conjugating bilirubin
B) the liver has high levels of uridine diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase
C) the liver plays no part in fetal blood production
D) the fetus produces biliverdin
E) unconjugated bilirubin is cleared by the maternal liver

459.The serum insulin and glucose level in the newborn infant of a poorly controlled diabetic
mother in comparison to the newborn infant of a euglycemic mother are generally
Insulin Glucosa
A) higher lower
B) same same
C) lower lower
D) higher higher
E) lower higher

460.The fetal kidneys

A) are first capable of producing highly concentrated urine at 3 months
B) are first capable of producing highly concentrated urine at 6 months
C) produced only nomotonic urine
D) if absent are associated with pulmonary hypoplasia
E) are not affected by urinary tract obstruction in utero

461.Fetal neurologic injury or developmental abnormalities may have many symptomps,

A) failure to nurse
B) seizures
C) apathy
D) weak cry
E) all of the above

462.Which of the following statements is true regading fetal endocrine system?

A) The adrenal is relatively larger than it is in adults
B) Inadequate fetal thyroid hormone is compensated for by maternal thyrios hormone.
C) The testes are incapable for secreting androgenes at birth.
D) A fetus does not preduce growth hormone
E) all of the above

463.Which of the following statements regarding the fetal pituitary is true?

A) the anterior pituitarry function is dependent on function of the remaining central
Nervous system (CNS)
B) Arginine vasopressin is demonstrable only late in the third semester of pregnancy.
C) There is a well-developed intermediate lobe of the pituitary in the human fetus.
D) Fetal pituitary extract has been shown to alleviate nearly all signs of parkinsonism
when injected into adults with that disease.
E) The pituitary thyroid axis begins to function in the fetus just before birth.

464.The interaction between maternal and fetal physiology relative to thyroid function is
complex. which of the following is an accurate description of this interaction?
A) Maternal thyrotrhopin easily crosses the placenta.
B) The placenta serves as a barrier to maternal iodine crssing to the fetus.
C) The thyroid fetus is growth retarded at birth.
D) The fetal thyroid concentrates iodide.
E) Maternal thyroid hormones (T4 and T3) readily cros the placenta.

465.A term infant is born with normal external female genitalia. Which of the following is not
A) There are ovaries.
B) There are no functioning gonads.
C) There is androgen insensivity.
D) There is inadequate androgen production.
E) There is functional dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

466.A fetushas genotype 46,XY. Early in embryogenesis the right testis does not form
(dysgenesis). What will be the resulting developments?
A) female phenotypes
B) development of the right paramesonephric duct
C) development of the right mesonephric duct
D) development of a right ovary

467.A female fetus has partial fusion of the two mullerian ducts and complete failure of septal
resorption. The resulting uterine anomaly is called
A) mullerian agenesis
B) vaginal septum
C) unicornuate septum
D) didelphys uterus
E) septate uterus
DIRECTIONS (Questions 468 through 471): Each group of items in this section consists of of
lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered word
or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered
heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 468 through 471

Match the appropriate gestational age with the inteuterine onset of the corresponding behavior.

A) 10 weeks
B) 14 to 16 weeks
C) 24 to 26 weeks
D) 28 weeks

468.Local stimuli evoke squinting, opening the mouth, and flexion of the toes. A
469.Swallowing and respiratory movements occur. B
470.Fetus hears some sounds. C
471.Fetus is responsive to taste. D

Prenatal Care

DIRECTIONS (Questions 472 trough 514): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

472.Worldwide, the most common problem during pregnancy is

A) diabetes
B) toxemia
C) heart disease
D) urinary tract infection (UTI)
E) iron-deficiency anemia

473.In the United States, the leading causes of maternal mortality include
A) infection, cardiomyopathy, and stroke
B) motor vehicle accidents, homicide, and suicide
C) embolism, hypertension, and ectpic pregnancy
D) complicaion related to abortion and anasthetia
E) immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and infection related to immunodeficiency

474.The expected date of delivery of human pregnancy can most correctly be calculated by
A) adding 254 to the date of the start of the last menstrual period (LMP)
B) counting 10 lunar months from the time of ovulation
C) counting 40 weeks from the first day of the LMP
D) counting 280 days from the last day of the LMP
E) counting 256 to the date of the elevated urinary luteinezing hormone (LH) when
detected by home testing

475.The LMP was June 30. The expected date of confinement (EDC) is approximately
A) March 23
B) April 7
C) March 28
D) April 23
E) March 7

476.Pregnancy may occur during a period of amenorrhea such as during lactation or

following discontinuitance of hormonal methods of contraception. In such of situation,
determination of the most accurate estimated date of delivery can then be made by
A) elicting when breast tenderness or morning sickness begin
B) acessing uterine size by physical exam
C) counting 280 days from the first positive serum pregnancy test
D) asking the patient when she first felt pregnant
E) obtaining fetal biometry by ultrasound prior to 20 weeks gestation

477.A 24-year-old patient who signs and symptoms of renalithiasis is to have an intravenous
pyelogram (IVP) as part of an urologic investigation. Before proceeding with the study a
determination should be made if she
A) is using contraseption
B) is the follicular phase of menstrual cycle
C) is sexually active
D) has history of children with birth defect
E) may be pregnant

478.A 20-year-old perimigravida who in 24 weeks pregnant express concern about the
normality of her fetus after learning that a clse friend has delivered an infant with
hydrocephalus. Detail about hydrocephalus that hshould be included in her counseling
include the fact that it
A) occur spontaneously in 1 to 500 pregnancies
B) has a multifactorial etiology
C) is usually an isolated defect
D) can be identified as early 10 weeks gestation

479.Fundal height, part of the obstetric examination, is taken from the top of the symphisis
pubis to the top of fundus. It is measured
A) by calipers, approximating the week of gestation
B) in inches, approximating the lunar month of gestation
C) in centimeters and devided by 3.5, approximating the lunar month of gestation
D) in centimeters, approximating the weeks of gestation between 18 and 34 weeks
E) by calipers in centimeters, prognosticating the fetal weight

480.Using your kowledge of normal maternal physiology, which are the following would you
employ if a patient at 38 weeks became fain t while lying supine on your examination
A) smelling salts
B) turning the patient on her side
C) oxygen by face mask
D) intravenous (IV) drugs on increase blood pressure
E) IV saline solution

481.A woman in early pregnancy is worried because of small raised nodules on the ariola of
both breasts. There are no other findings. Your immediate management should be
A) reassurance after through examination
B) needle aspiration of the nodules
C) excisional biopsies of the lesion
D) mammography
E) testing for herpes simplex virus II antibodies

482.Immunologic tests for pregnancy can detect human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the
urine in which of the following concentration?
A) 2 IU/L
B) 20 IU/L
C) 100 IU/L
D) 200 IU/L
E) 1,000 IU/L

483.Pap smears taken from the uterine cervix during a normal pregnancy
A) should be part of routine obstetric care
B) are indicated only in patients with clinically assessed risks
C) are difficult to interpret because of gestational changes
D) are a cost effective replacement for cultures for sexually transmitted disease
E) are likely to induced uterine iritability

484.A 39-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 1, abortus 1, living children 2) is seen for prenatal
care at 14 weeks gestation. Her history is unremarkable, and her entire familly is in good
health. Physical examination is within normal limits and confirms a 14-week gestation.
Suggested laboratory studies need not include
A) hematocrit
B) determination of fetal karyotype
C) rubella titer
D) pap smear
E) pregnancy test

485.In acessing risk factors in pregnancy, which of the following would create the most
A) maternal age of 39
B) maternal age of 17, with menarche at age 13
C) past history of four normal deliveries
D) history of ovarian dermoid cyst removed 4 years ago
E) a clinically measured pelvic diagonal conjugate of 12 cm

486.A pregnant woman at 4 weeks gestation had an upper gastrointestina (GI) series and is
worries about possible fetal effects from radiation. You inform her that the risk form
mental retardation to the fetus is gratest during the
A) implatation stage from 0 to 7 days
B) 1st to 8th week of gestation
C) 8th through 15th week of gestation
D) 15th through 25th week of gestation
E) last trimester

487.Advising a 34-year-old woman at 12 weeks gestation about the risk of chromosomal

defects in fetus, you can correctly state that
A) there is little worry regarding Down syndrome before the age of 35
B) paternal age is very important in the etiology of Down syndrome
C) maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) is a very spesific test for Down
D) screening for Down syndrome can be improved by checking amniotic fluis and
acethylcolinesterase level
E) efficacy of screening for Down syndrome is improved by adding estriol and hCG
concentration of MSAFP

488.Counseling of a pregnant patient during early prenatal care should include advice and
education on which of the following?
A) smoking
B) alcohol abuse
C) drug abuse
D) avoiding infection
E) all of the above

489.Of the following, the most worrisome sign or symptom of potentially serious pathology
in late pregnancy is
A) swollen ankles
B) constipation
C) visual changes
D) nocturia
E) heart burn

490.During late pregnancym which of the following implies urinary tract disease?
A) dreased serum creatinine
B) failure to excrete a concentrated urine after 18 hour without fluids
C) glucosuria
D) dilatation of the ureters
E) decreased creatinine clearance

491.Compared with single pregnancies have a higher rate of which of the following?
A) abortion
B) abnormal presentations
C) prolapsed chords
D) vasa previa
E) all of the above

492.Which of the following s a true statement regarding HIV test in pregnancy?

A) It should not be offered to patientin low-risk population.
B) Universal srening is required by law.
C) Its is performed routinely without patient concent in federal facilities serving high-
risk population.
D) Testing is done only at the request of the patient.
E) Universal screenign with patient notification is recommended.

493.Routine screening producers at her first prenatal care visit for a 35-year-old primigravida
with an estimated gestational change (EGA) of 8 weeks shoul include
B) 1-hour glucose challenge
C) family history
D) Toxoplasma titer
E) ultrasound

494.Which of the following fetal findings is LEAST often associated with other congenital
A) omphalocele
B) gastroschisis
C) diaphragmatic hernia
D) duodenal atresia
E) posturethral value
495.Which of the following factors is NOT measured as part of a biophysical profile (BPP)?
A) amniotic fluid value
B) a concentration stress test (CST)
C) a nonstress test (NST)
D) fetal breathing motion
E) fetal limb movement

496.Positive sign(s) of pregnancy include

A) amennorhea, morning sickness, and brest tenderness
B) bluish or purplish discoloration of the uterine cervix
C) softening of the lower uterine segment
D) a positive pregnancy test
E) ultrasound demonstration of an intrauterine sac

497.A pregnant woman not previously to be a diabetic who is at 26 weeks gestation had a
routine 50-g glucose tolerance test (GTT) with a 1-hour blood glucose value of 144
mg/dL. A follow-up 100-g, 3-hour oral GTT revealed plasma values of fasting blood
sugar 102; 1 hour 180; 2 hours, 162; and 3 hours 144. You should
A) begin diet and insulin theraphy
B) repeat the GTT in early or mid third trimester
C) start oral hypoglycemic agents in the diet
D) perform an immediate CST
E) follow the patient as a normal gestatio

498.The best method to safely and reliably diagnose twins is

A) ultrasonography
B) Leopolds manuvers
C) auscultation
D) x-rays
E) computed tomography (CT) scan

499.Ultrasound is used to determine

A) estimation of fetal weight
B) presence of multiple pregnancies
C) wheter abdominal masses are cystic or solid
D) placental solution
E) all of the above

500.Using the NST tracing in Figure 8-1, which of the following is TRUE?
A) The tracing does not meet the criteia for reactivity
B) A fetus with this pattern is at risk for fetal death in utero within the next week
C) The pattern demonstrates short-term but not long-term variability.
D) The pattern is common during the sleep cycle of the fetus
E) A tracing from the same fetus taken later may demonstrate no accelerations.
Figure 8-1

501.CSTs and NSTs are used for evaluation of fetal well-being. Which of the following is a
TRUE statement?
A) NST is contraindicated in situations in which labor is contraindicated.
B) A positive nonreactive CST contraindicated labor
C) A positive CST is an exellent predictor of fetal well-being.
D) A cST is falsely negative less frequently than an NST is falsely reactive

502.The side effect of oral iron that often cause the patients to complain seem to be related
most to the
A) amount of iron ingested
B) amount of iron needed
C) amont of iron absorbed
D) degree of anemia
E) prior of presence of duodenal ulcers

503.Of the following evaluations done during routine prenatal care in a normal pregnancy, the
most important in the initial clinic visit is
A) routine measurement of the fundus
B) determination of the gestational age
C) determination of maternal blood pressure
D) maternal urinalysis
E) maternal weight

504.There is good evidence that a woman who gave birth to an infant with a neural tube
defect (NTD) can substantially reduce the risk of recurrence by taking periconceptional
folic acid supplementation. The resommended amount for such a woman would be
A) 0.4 mg
B) 0.8 mg
C) 1.0 mg
D) 4 mg
E) 8 mg

505.Which of the folllowing medications, whan given before and during pregnancy, may help
to prevent NTDs?
A) pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
B) iron
C) folic acid
D) zinc
E) maganese

506.Which of the following is the greatest cause of pregnancy wastage?

A) contranception
B) stillbirths
C) noenatal mortality
D) fetal death in utero
E) abortion

507.If a patient gains weight rapidly during pregnancym you should first
A) give the patient diuretics
B) determine wheter the weight gain is from edema or fat
C) markedly restrict her diet
D) ncourage vigorous exercise
E) place he on the bed rest

508.An 18-year-old single, sedentary, obese female (gravida 1, para 0) is first seen by you for
prenatal cara at 16 weeks gestation. Her history is an unremarkable, and she claims to be
in a good health. Her dietary history includes high carbohydrate intake with no fresh
vegetables. Physical examination is within normal limits except that she is somewhat
pale. Suggested nutritional counseling should include
A) a stict diet to maintain her current weight
B) 25 to 30 g of protein in the diet everyday
C) intake of 1,200 calories a day
D) folic acid supplementation
E) at least 1 hour of vigorous aerobic exercise daily

509.Often, an increase in vaginal discharge nay be noted during pregnancy. It may be

A) bacterial vaginosis
B) Thricomonas vaginitis
C) Candida vaginitis
D) physiologic
E) all of the above

510.a 19-year old primigravida with unsure LMP presentto initiate prenatal care. yOu attempt
to estimate gestational age. The uterine fundus is palpable at the level of the pubic
symphisis, and fetal heart tones are audible by electronic Doppler. Based in this
information, the gestational age is approximately
A) 8 weeks
B) 12 weeks
C) 16 weeks
D) 16 weeks
E) 20 weeks
F) 24 weeks
511.A 28-year-old gravida 3, para 1, abortus 1 at 30 weeks gestation reports some recent
intermnittent contractions. Which of the following correlates with the greates risk for
preterm labor?
A) patient is a smoker (1/2 pack per day)
B) prior 32-week delivery
C) history of colposcopy
D) history of Chlamydia trachomatis
E) prior 8-weeek spontaneous abortion

512.A 32-year-od gravida 2, para 1 initiates care at 10 weeks gestation. Which of the
following is the most worrisome for poor obsteric ourcome?
A) Trance proteinuria on urine dipstick
B) bllod pressure of 144/92
C) inaudible fetal heart tone by electronic doppler
D) maternal height of 4ft 10 in
E) the presence of curdlike discharge consistent with Candida on speculum

513.Ultrasound is most accurate in dating a pregnancy

A) between 2 and 4 weeks after LMP
B) between 7 and 9 weeks after LMP
C) between 12 and 14 weeks after LMP
D) between 19 and 21 weeks after LMP
E) between 30 and 32 weeks after LMP

514.Ultrasound is most useful in evaluating fetal anatomy

A) between 2 and 4 weeks after LMP
B) between 7 and 9 weeks after LMP
C) between 12 and 14 weeks after LMP
D) between 19 and 21 weeks after LMP
E) between 30 and 32 weeks after LMP

DIRECTIONS (Questions 515 trough 519): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

515.Nutirents required in increased amounts during pregnancy include which three of the
A) iron
B) iodine
C) vitamin A
D) calcium
E) sodium

516.compared with singleton pregnancies, twin pregnancies have a higher risk of which five
of the following?
A) shoulde dystocia
B) pregnancy-induced hypertension
C) cesarian delivery
D) postterm delivery
E) perinatal death
F) placental previa
G) congenital anomalies

517.A 25-year old primigravida presents at 30 weeks gestaion complaining of intermittent

menstrual like caramps presisting for 4 hours. Which two of the following steps would
be most useful in determining whether she is in preterm labor?
B) complete blood count (CBC)
C) serial cervical examination
D) biophysical profile
E) measurement of amniotic fluid volume

518.Periconceptal dietary adjustments have been shown to have a profound impact on which
two of the following deseases or malformations?
A) Tay-Sachs
C) clubfoot (talipes equinovarus)
D) diabetes mellitus
E) cystic fibrosis

519.Which two of the following should be prescribed for the average pregnant woman?
A) an increase of no more than 15 to 20 lb in pregnancy
B) iron supplementation
C) continuation of moderate exercise
D) Jacuzzi hot tubs relaxation
E) vinegar-ware douches in the third trimester

DIRECTIONS (Questions 520 through 540): Each groups of items in this section consists of
lettered headings followed by a set of numbered word or phrase, select the ONE lettered
heading that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered option may be selected once,
more than once, or not at all.

A pregnant woman asks when during gestation the developing conceptus is at greatest risk of a
teratogenic insult. You explain the differnet stages of developmentwith the name of that
particular stage.

A) zygote
B) embryo
C) fetus
D) infant

520.Liveborn individual from birth to 1 year D

521.The diplod cell resulting from the union of a sperm and an egg A
522.The conceptus from the time of formation os the inner-cell mass to the eighth week of
development B
523.The conceptus from the eight wek of gestation C

Questions 524 through 527

During prenatal care, history often determines the need for screenign of uncmmon abnormalities.
Match the laboratory measure with an abnormality for which it serves a screenign test.
A) acethylcoline esterase
B) electrophoresis
C) hexosaminidase A
D) Delta F 508
E) glycosylated hemoglobin

524.Tay-Sachs C
525.Thalasemia B
526.Cystic fibrosis D
527.NTD A

Questions 528 through 532

During prenatal evaluation, ultrasound has become a frequent procedure. Match the spesific
ultrasound findings with the commonly associated abnormality.
A) interventricular defect
C) duodenal atresia
D) Potter syndrome
E) thalassemia

528.Absent kidneys D
529.Banana sign B
530.Lemon sign B
531.Double bubble sign C
532.Hydrops fetalis E

Questions 533 through 540

A) carniofacial abnormalities
B) Ebsteins anomaly
C) spina bifida
D) scalp defects
E) abortion
F) stillbirth
G) none of the above
533.Fluoxetine G
534.Podophylin resin F
535.Oflixacin G
536.Captopril G
537.Valopric acid C
538.Isoretionoin A
539.Methimazole D
540.Misoprostol E

Diseases Complicating Pregnancy


DIRECTIONS (Questions 541 trough 628): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

541.After convulsions are controlled in an eclamptic patient, the therapy should be aimed at
A) reducing edema with diuretics
B) giving hypotensive agents until the blood pressure is 110/70
C) giving 3 mg of magnesium sulfate every 3 hours
D) obtaining a term infant
E) keeping the patient free of convulsions, coma and acidosis

542.The most common warning sign of preeclampsia is

A) proteinuria
B) headache
C) edema
D) increased blood pressure
E) epigastric pain

543.Of the following, the most common cause of death from eclampsia is
A) infection
B) uremia
C) congestive heart failure
D) fever
E) hemorrhage

544.Severely preeclamptic patients have a decrease in

A) response to pressor amines
B) plasma volume
C) total body sodium
D) uric acid
E) serum liver functions

545.The renal lesion must associated with eclampsia is

A) glomerular endothelial swelling
B) pyelonephritis
C) hydroureter
D) cortical necrosis
E) acute tubular necrosis

546.You are seeing a 19-year-old woman (gravida 1, para 0) in the third semester of
pregnancy in the emergency room. While being examined, she has a convulsion. You
A) obtain neurologic consultation
B) perform an emergency cesarian delivery
C) give intravenous (IV) phenytoin
D) protect the patient from self-harm
E) otain a chest film

547.Which of the following is characteristic of magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4) used in the

treatment of toxemia?
A) excreted via the kidney
B) smooth-muscle constrictor
C) narrow margin of safety
D) central nervous system (CNS) stimulant
E) does not cross the placenta

548.In eclampsia there are severa; unfavorable prognostic signs. They include
A) absence of edema
B) 2+ proteinuria
C) urine output greater than 100cc/hr
D) more than one but less than three convulsions
E) swelling of the tounge

549.In preeclampsia, lesions may be found in the

A) brain
B) kidney
C) heart
D) lungs
E) all of the above

550.Eye findings observed in epreeclampsia include

A) exudates and hemorrhage
B) loss of corneal curvature
C) retinal edema
D) arteriolar dilatation
E) macular degeneration

551.A 24-year-old gravida 1, para 0 at 37 weeks gestatio was noted to have a 6-lb weight
gain and an increase in blood pressure from 100/60 to 130/80 in the past week. She also
has 1+ proteinuria. The examination was repeated 6 hours later and the same results were
obtained. The best diagnosis is
A) normal pregnancy
B) preeclampsia
C) eclampsia
D) pregnancy-induced hypretension
E) transient hypertension of pregnancy

552.The periantal mortality rate in eclampsia is about

A) 1%
B) 5%
C) 15%
D) 30%
E) 45%
553.The treatment for preeclampsia is
A) magnesium sulfate
B) delivery
C) an antihypertensive
D) renal dialysis
E) bed rest

554.According to the New York Heart Association classification, a patient with cardiac
disease and slight limitation of physical activity would be
A) class 0
B) class I
C) class II
D) class III
E) class IV

555.Which of the following accounts for most heart disease in pregnancy?

A) rheumatic fever
B) previous myocardiac infarction
C) hypertensive
D) tyroid disease
E) congenital heart disease (CHD)

556.Which of the following congenital heart defects is the most common?

A) ventricular septal defect
B) patent ductus arteriosus
C) pulmonary stenosis
D) atrial septal defect (ASD)
E) aortic stenosis

557.The diagnosis of valvular heart disease pregnancy may be made when there is
A) a history of rheumatic fever
B) arrythmia
C) a diastolic murmur
D) a soft systolic murmur along the left sternal border (LSB)
E) an S4

558.Ocassionally, a patient with a cardiac valvar prothesis will become pregnant. During the
pregnancy, should be
A) evaluated for valve replacement due to cardiac enlargement
B) anticoagulated with dicumarol
C) anticoagulated with dextran
D) anticoagulated with heparin
E) kept on low-dose oral antibiotics

559.If heart disease is severe enough to cause cyanosis and polycytemia of greater than 65%,
the fetal outcome of pregnancy is usually
A) not affected
B) marked prematurity
C) intrauterine growth retardation
D) abortion or fetal death
E) postmaturity

560.A pregnant patient as a history of insulin dependent diabetes for 14 years. The absence of
other findings, which would be the diabetic class according to Whites classification?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) E

561.If the patient in question 560 were found to have diabetic neuropathy, she would be a
A) C
B) D
C) E
D) F
E) R

562.A 33-year-old type I diabetic patient (gravida 1, para 0) is scheduled for induction of
labor a 37 weeks gestation. Her insulin dosage should be
A) maintained at her preinduction level
B) increased by tend to 15 %
C) decreased by half
D) put on a sliding scale wtih q3-4h blood glucose measurements
E) put on an IV insulin infusion

563.Which of the following histories might lead you to suspect the existence of diabetes
inpation now pregnant for the third time?
A) Spontaneous rupture of the membranes occurred during trimester in both
preceeding pregnancies.
B) Jaundice appeared in the last trimester of the second pregnancy.
C) Both preceeding infants were premature.
D) Unexplained intrauterine death occurred at 38 weeks gestation in her last
E) Abruptio placentae occurred in the second pregnancy.

564.Generally, anemia can best be difined as

A) lack of iron stores
B) a genetic defect
C) deficiency of folic acid
D) a haemoglobin below 12 g/dL
E) low blood volume

565.The most common type of anemia inpregnancy is due to

A) iron deficiency
B) sickle cell disease
C) folate deficiency
D) hemolytic disease
E) vitamin B12 deficiency

566.Folic acid deficiency results in mycrocytic anemia

A) megaloblastic anemia
B) aplasctica anemia
C) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
D) whiteblood cell (WBC) stippling

567.Microcytic hypochromic anemia may be due to

A) folate deficiency
B) vitamin B12 deficiency
C) thalassemia
D) vitamin B6 deficiency
E) acute blood loss

568.Sicle cell disease is found in approximately what percentage of African-Americans?

A) less than 1%
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 25%
E) 50%

569.If one parent have sickle cell disease and the other have the trait, what proportion of their
children will have the disease?
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
E) 100%

570.G6PD homogygous deficiency is present in what presentage of AfricanAmerican

A) less than 1%
B) 2%
C) 5%
D) 10%
E) 33%

Questions 571 and 572

A 22-year-old patient presence with a hematocrite of 31% at 38 weeks gestation. Her mean
corpuscular voule (MCV) is 105, her mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is 33, and her mean
corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) is 36. Serum iron is 10mg/dL . Ther is no evidence
of abnormal bleeding.

571.The most appropriate diagnosis is

A) normocytic, normochromic anemia
B) normal
C) macrocytic anemia
D) microcytic anemia
E) hemolisis

572.The most likely cause of the anemia in the patient in question 571 is
A) gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding
B) G6PD deficiency
C) iron deficiency
D) folic acid deficiency
E) pernicious anemia

573.You are seeing 28-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 2) with suspected urinary tract
infection (UTI). To obtain a urine speciment, you should order
A) clean-void midstream urine
B) catetherization
C) supra pubic tap
D) 24-hour urine
E) first morning void

574.A pregnant patient at 36 weeks gestation has normal blood pressure, proteinuria
(4g/day), serum albumin of 2.0 g/dL, creatinie 0.8 mg/dL, and peropheral edema. Which
of the following diagnosis is most appropriate?
A) glomerulonephritis
B) pregnancy-induced hypertension
C) nephrotic syndrome
D) polycystic kidney disease
E) chronic renal failure

575.A pyelogram taken during the eighth month of gestation would normally reveal
A) a nonfunctioning ight kidney
B) the same findings as those of a normal non pregnant woman
C) hydroureter bilaterally
D) occlution of the ureters bilaterally
E) nephroptosis

576.Proper tratment for the hydroureter of pregnancy is

A) bladder catheterization
B) ureteral catheterization
C) bed rest
D) increased fluid intake
E) no treatment

Questions 577 and 578

A 21-year-old patient, gravida 1, is seen for the first time when 16 weeks pregnant history and
examination are entirely normal except for a large solid mass in the pesterior pelvis. It is slightly
lobulated, immobile, and smooth and cannot be completely be palpated. There is some question as
to weather or not it will obstruct labor.

577.Which of the following procedures should be carried out?

A) one shot inravenous pyelogram (IVP)
B) barium enema
C) exploratory laparotomy
D) abortion
E) ultrasound

578.Of the following, the most likely possibility is

A) anterior meningomyelocele
B) pelvic kidney
C) carcinoma of the bowel
D) sacculated uterus
E) idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis

Questions 579 and 580

A 34-year-old gravida 3, para 2, at 35 weeks gestation complains of sharp, excruciating pain in the
right flank radiating into her groin. No chills or fever have been noted. The pain resolved shortly
after the patient was seen.Urinary analysis reveals numerous red blood cells (RBCs), some WBCs,
and no bacteria. WBC and hematocrite are normal.

579.Of the following options, the most likely diagnosis is

A) appendicitis
B) pyelonephritis
C) round ligament pain
D) ureteral lithiasis
E) Meckels diverticulum

580.Which of the following laboratory tests should eb performed?

A) serum ion
B) serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)
C) tine test
D) bilirubin
E) serum calcium

581.Ureteral stones during pregnancy are rare. Which of the following is true?
A) There are more likely to produce pain during pregnancy than in the nonpregnant
B) They are usually discovered during workup for vague abdominal pain.
C) They are associated with hyperparathyroidism.
D) They are frequently a cause of acute obstruction.
E) A prophyactic ureteral filter may need to be placed

582.A 14-year-old girl is seen for her first prenatal visit at 34 weeksgestation by menstrual
history. On examination her BP is 135/85 and her fundus measures 33cm. Her urine
dipstick is 1+ positive for protein. The most likely diagnosis is
A) hipertensive disease with superimposed preeclampsia
B) mild eclampsia
C) thrid-trimester pregnancy
D) preeclampsia
E) chronic hypertension

583.If the patient has hyperparathyroidism, the infant may be at increased risk for postpartum
A) hyaline membrane disease
B) tetany
C) coma
D) hyperglicemia
E) malabsorbtion syndrome

584.A healthy moher delivers a term infant with microcephaly, ,The mothers urine was found
to contin cells with inclution bodies. The most likely diagnosis is
A) chromosomal abnormality
B) cytomegalovirus disease
C) syphilis
D) poliomyelitis
E) granuloma inguinale

585.A patient seen in the early third trimester of pregnancy wih acute onset of chills and
fever, nausea and backache. Her temperature is 102 o F. The urinary sediment reveals
many bacteria and WBCs. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A) acute appendicitis
B) ruptured uterus
C) pyelonephritis
D) abruptio placentae
E) labor

586.Toxoplasmosis is transmitted to the infant by

A) ascending passage of a virus
B) delivery through the infected tissue
C) transplacental passage of the protozoa
D) sexual intercourse by the mother during pregnancy
E) hematogenesis spread of the bacteria

587.A disease that may be reactivated during pregnancy after being dormant for years is
A) infectious hepatitis
B) syphilis
C) tuberculosis (TB)
D) poliomyelitis
E) Huntingtons chorea

588.The most common repotable bacterial sexually transmitted disases (STD) in women is
A) gonorrhea
B) syphilis
C) chlamydia
D) herpes
E) chancroid

589.An asymptomatic pregnant woman cosults you because she has been sexually exposed to
a man with gonorrhea. You should
A) reassure her and await symptomps
B) culture her endoservix and trat on the basis of a positive culture
C) treat when she is past 12 weeks (the first trimester) pregnant
D) treat her with 2.4 million units of oral penicillin over 10 days
E) treat her with selftriaxone 250 mg IM
590.The major complication of maternal gonorrhea in the third semester is
A) gonorrheal opthalmia of the newborn
B) gonoccocal arthritis
C) miscarriage in subsequent pregnancies
D) infection of the patients sexual partner
E) tubo-ovarian abcesses

Questions 591 through 593

A 24-year-old married white woman was exposed to rubella at 7 to 8 weeks gestation. Several days
later she developed a red macular rash and had a rubella antibody titer of 1:160 when seen by you at
11 weeks gestation.

591.What is the approximate risk of the fetus having serious congenital abnormalities?
A) 0%
B) 1 to 24 %
C) 25 to 50%
D) 50 to 75%
E) 100%

592.Which of the following may be anticipated in an infant born to this mother?

A) rhagades
B) hepatosplenomegaly
C) trisomy 21
D) Hutchinsons incisors
E) cri du chat syndrome

593.The mother refused therapeutic abotrion and under caudal anestethia delivered a fetus
with a marked purpuric rash. This was most likely due to
A) the classinc skin lessions of rubella in the newborn
B) marked thrombocytopenia
C) placental heparinase
D) an allergic reaction to the anesthetis agent
E) a cause unrelated to the rubella

Questions 594 through 598

A 24-year-old patient now 17 weeks pregnant is found to have a positive VDRL (Veneral Disease
Research Laboratory) of 1:16 titer. She gives no past history of syphillis. A fluorecent treponemal
antibody (FTA) is drawn but will require 1 to 2 weeks to be returned. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
tests are negative. The patient denies allergies.

594.Serologic tests for syphilis will usually first be positive in which of the following periods
of time after contact with the disease?
A) 1 to 2 dats
B) 6 to 8 hours
C) 18 to 20 days
D) 4 to 6 weeks
E) 4 to 6 months

595.Of the following, the most appropriate course of action is to

A) wait until the FTA results are known
B) treat with 4.8 million units of procain penicillin
C) treat with 2.4 million units of benzathine penicilline IM
D) redraw the VDRL

596.After adequate treatment, the maternal VDRL titer slowly decreases but is still positive.
At the time of deliverym the fetus appears normal but the cord VDRL is also positive.
Which of the following is the most likely explanation?
A) The baby has a biologic false positive.
B) The baby has a congenital syphilis.
C) The baby has levels of maternal antibody
D) The baby has been treated but its antibody level is still elevated.
E) The mother was treated but the baby was not and has reinfected the mother.

597.To distinguish wheter or not the infant is infected, you should

A) do skin biopsies
B) do serial VDRNs
C) do serial Frei tests
D) perform darkfield examinations
E) do an x-ray long bones

598.Which of the following is recommended as treatment for early syphilis diagnosed by a

positive VDRL, and FTA-ABS during pregnancy?
A) 4.8 milllion units procaine penicillin IM stat
B) 4.8 milllion units procaine penicillin IM stat with probenecid
C) 2.4 milllion units benzathine penicillin IM stat
D) 1.2 milllion units procaine penicillin IM stat
E) 600,000 units benzathine penicillin IM

599.Which of the following is most likely to be born to a woman with Gravesdisease that is
currently under control?
A) hypothyroid infant
B) mongoloid infant
C) hyperthyroid infant
D) infertile infant
E) infant with ambiguous genitalia

Questions 600 and 601

An agitated patient is seen during the first trimester of pregnancy with an enlarged thyroid, a BP of
110/70, a resting pulse of 110, and an increased RBC uptake of triiodothyronine T3.

600.You should
A) measure thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
B) obtain an iodine 131 (I131) uptake by the thyroid
C) obtain a basal metabolic rate (BMR)
D) evaluate free thyroxine (T4)
E) evaluated thyroid-binding globulin

601.Among other tests, the free thyroxine is elevated. Your initial treatment should be
A) treat with I131
B) give prphylthiouracil (PTU)
C) give PTU and propanolol
D) give PTU and low dose thyroid hormone
E) advise sub total thyroidectomy in the second semester

602.A 35 year-old patient at 31 weeks gestation complains of a firm lump in her left breast.
On examination, a 2 x 3 x 3-cm firm nodule surrounded by asome erythrema is
discovered in the upper outer quadrant. There is no skin retraction, and the nodule is
somewhat mobile. The most appropriate plan of management is
A) to reassure the patient, see her regularly, and evaluate the mass at 6 weeks post-
B) mastectomy
C) hot packs on the breast and antibiotics for mastitis
D) mammogram
E) biopsy

603.The combined incidence of carcinoma (both invasive and in situ) of the servix in
prgnancy is
A) less than 0.5%
B) 1%
C) 2 to 3%
D) 5 to 6%
E) 8 to 10%

604.During pregnancy, pap smears are

A) contraindicated in the third trimester
B) consintently overread and to be judged with caution
C) normally return as atypical or ASCUS
D) of poor diagnostic importance
E) part of the normal workup

605.a pregnancy lutheoma is generally

A) easily differentiated from a hilus cell tumor
B) not a part of the sorpus lutheum of pregnancy
C) made up a small basophilic cells
D) cystic
E) malignant

606.A patient 8 weeks pregnant is found to have Stage III carcinoma of the cervix. In regard
to the malignancy, the best treatment would be to
A) deliver by cesarean section at 34 weeks and irradiate
B) deliver vaginnaly at term and irradiate
C) perform hysterectomy now and irradiate
D) perform radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy and pelvic
lymphadenectomy now
E) irradiate now

607.Which of the following diseases in pregnancy has the highest maternal mortality rate
when it occurs?
A) diabetes insipidus
B) gestational diabetes
C) pheochromocytoma
D) syphilis
E) obesity

Questions 608 through 610

A 17-year old single female (gravida 1, para 0), last menstrual period 32 weeks ago, menstrual
formula (MF) 12/28/4-5, with ocasssional cramps and no history of contraception, comes for her
first OB clinic visit and routine care.

History: The patient admits to a 40-lb weight gain during pregnancy with ankle swellinf for the past
4 weeks. Rings on her finger. Rings on her finger are tight. Otherwise, she feels well. She has been
staying with a cousin who is welfare. She had no prior prenatal care and no iron or vitamin

Past history: Noncontributory except for appendectomy, age 14. Generally in a good health.

Social history:High school drop-out; parents divorced.

Family history: No history of renal disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, congenital anomalies, or

Physical findings: BP 135/85; P 84; T 37; R 20.

HEENT: Fundi not examined.

Neck: Thyroid 1-11/2 times enlarged; chest; clear breasts; full slightly tender; heart; grade 11/ VI,
systolic murmur at LSB.

Abdomen: Uterus measures 42 cm, fetal heart tones (FHTs) 135 and 156 taken spontaneously;
extrimities: 2+ edema, 3+ reflexes. Brief ultrasound confirms twins in breech, breech presentation.

Pelvis: normal measurements; cervix; one-half exfaced, soft, and not dilated. Stationo +1. The
above findings were all confirmed 6 hours later.

Laboratory test: UA: color cloudy yellow; specific gravity 1.013; protein 2+; RBCs rare: WBC 2 to
5; bac. 0; WBC: 9800; Rh, VDRL, rubella titer, and Pap smear were obtained but not yet returned.

608.Which of the following complications would you expect to be found with increased
freequency in a patient such as this?
A) abruption
B) accreta
C) acute fatty necrosis of the liver
D) abortion
E) Chrons disease

609.Given the historym you would expect which of the following laboratory findings?
A) chest x-ray to show decreased pulmonary vascular markings
B) urine show infection
C) creatinine clearance to be increased above normal pregnancy levels
D) serum uric acid to be increased
E) a decreased hematocrit

610.Procedure(s) that may be helpful to clarity the diagnosis at this time incluce
A) arteriograms
B) dilation and curettage
C) x-ray installation of radiopaque material in the uterine cavity
D) complete ultrasounf examination
E) serum quantitative pregnancy test

611.A missed abortion is the death of the fetus

A) that the patient does not realize has occurred
B) in which the products of conception are partially expelled
C) in which the products of conception cause bleeding and there is an open cervical
D) in which the products of conception are no longer recognizable

612.An unconcious obstetric patient is admitted to the emergency room to the eighth month
of pregnancy with a BP of 60/20 and a pulse of 120. If there has been no vaginal bleeding,
which diagnosis may be excluded?
A) abruptio placentae
B) placenta previa
C) premature rupture of membranes with septic shock
D) eclampsia
E) amniotic fluid embolism

613.A 23-year-old patient, amenorrheic for 16 weeks, had vaginal spotting. She was found to
have uterus enlarged 20 weeks size and no FHTs audible with the Doppler or fetoscope.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) serum levels were apprximately 150 IU/mL.
Which of the following tests is most appropriate at this time?
A) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
B) pelvic ultrasound
C) serial hCGs
D) Apt test on vaginal blood
E) serial clotting function test

614.Signs and symptomps that should alert you to the possibilitiy of gestational trophoblastic
disease include
A) persistent titer of hCG after pregnancy
B) hematuria
C) weight loss
D) persistent postpartum anovulation
E) nocturnal fever
615.Gestational trophoblastic disease may occur
A) after abortion
B) spontaneously
C) after hydatidiform mole
D) after normal pregnancy
E) all of the above

Questions 616 through 618

A 28-year-old woman noted loss of fetal motion at 36 weeks gestation by dates. FHTs were not
heard at 40 weeks by dates, when the patient was next seen. The uterus measured 30 cm from
symphisis to fundus.

616.Amniocynthesis would be likely to reveal

A) a lithopedion
B) Spauldings sign
C) thick, dark brown fluid
D) fetal distress
E) air

617.A valuable test to perform at this time would be

A) maternal serum estriol
B) clotting screen
C) lecithin sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio
D) karyotype of amniotic cells
E) amniotic fluid creatinine

618.The most well-recognized maternal complication that may occur in this case is
A) uterine rupture
B) coagulation defect
C) amniotic fluid embolus
D) thrombophlebitis
E) all of the above

619.If you found that a 25-year-old patient amenorrhea of 18 weeks duration had an elevated
serum hCG, which of the following would be the most likely diagnosis?
A) pregnancy
B) hydatidiform mole
C) choriocarcinoma
D) endometriosis
E) primary ovarian cancer

620.Massive hydramnions (>3,000 mL) is associated with congenital malformation in what

precentage of cases?
A) less than 1%
B) 5 to 10%
C) 20 to 30%
D) 50 to 60%
E) 90 to 100%

621.Complication associated with hydramnions include

A) maternal high blood pressure
B) fetal urinary tract anomalies
C) maternal diabetes
D) postmature pregnancy
E) all of the above

622.Hydramnions is characterized by
A) a volume greater than 2,000 mL
B) no increase in perinatal morbidity
C) a lack of symptoms, depending on rapidity of onset
D) marked increase in intruterine pressure
E) an increase in endometritis

Questions 623 and 624

A 23-year-old gravida 1 at about 12 weeks gestation develops persistent nausea and vomiting that
progresses from an ocassional episode to a constant retching. She has no fever or diarrhea but loses
5 lb in 1 week and appears dehydrated.

623.Your diagnosis is
A) anorexia nervosa
B) morning sickness
C) ptyalism
D) hiperemesis gravidarum
E) gastroenteritis

624.Among those listed below, the best therapy for this patient is
A) phenothiazines
B) hypnosis
C) intravenous hydration
D) psychiatric refferal
E) outpatient antiemetic therapy

625.A patient at 34 weeks gestation develops marked priritus and mildly elevated liver
function tests. Among the diagnosis possibilities is
A) pancreatitis
B) hyperthyroidism
C) diabetes insipidus
D) cholestasis of pregnancy
E) progesterone allergy

626.Under which of the following conditions are the pruritus and jaundice likely to recur?
A) menopause
B) afterdicontinuation of brest feeding
C) poor diet
D) another pregnancy
E) with the use of anntihypertensive medication

627.Which of the following histologic findings is present in cholestatic hepatosis?

A) necrosis
B) imflammation
C) centrolobular bile staining
D) extrahepatic cholestasis
E) glomeruloendotheliosis

628.You are seeing a 25-year-old woman (gravida 1, para 0) with sickle cell disease at 12
weeks gestation on her first prenatal visit. Suggestion for her care should include which
of the following?
A) folic acid
B) transfusions of fresh hemoglobin for hematocrit less than 25%
C) antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent urinary tract inffection
D) oral iron in double the usual dosage (650 mg tid)
E) delivery at 36 weeks after documentation of fetal lung maturity

DIRECTIONS (Questions 629 through 654): each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

629.Magnesium sulfate is used in the treatment of eclampsia. Magnesium sulfate has which
two of the following characteristics?
A) is metabolized by the liver
B) has vitamin K as an antidote
C) can cause convultions if given in excess
D) can be given IM or IV
E) may cause respiratory arrest

630.Which four of the following cardiovascuar conditions results in cyanosis?

B) patent ductus arteriosus
C) tetralogy of Fallot
D) Ebsteins anomaly
E) Marfan syndrome

631.Hypertensive patients are at increased risk during pregnancy. Changes that increase their
risk include which three of the following?
A) poor renal function
B) cardiac hypertrophy
C) advanced renal changes
D) short stature
E) low weight gain

632.Which two of the following items in a pregnant patients history suggest the possibility
of the patient;s having diabetes?
A) jaundice in previous children
B) past history of twins
C) previous 91/2-lb infant
D) diabetic husband
E) unexplained still birth

633.During pregnancy, blood test for diabetes are more apt to be abnormal than in the non
pregnant stae. This is due in part to which two of the following?
A) decreased insulinproduction
B) increased food absorbtion from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
C) increased placemtal lactogen
D) estrogen increase
E) hemoconcentration

634.Signs of folic acid deficiency include which three of the folloeing?

A) hypersegmentation of neutrophils
B) perioral blisters
C) thrombocytopenia
D) microcytes
E) anemia

635.Hemolytic anemia may be due to which of the following?

A) Clostridium exotoxin
B) medications
C) G6PD deficiency
D) preeclampsia
E) group B streptococcus colonization

636.Hemoglobin C trait has which twoof the following characteristics?

A) an occurrence of gene in about 1 in 50 of the plack population in the United States
B) generally causes a severe anemia in the homozygous condition
C) when combined with hemoglobin S trait, it may cause significant problem in
D) combination with hemoglobin S trait in the non pregnat state results in greater
morbidity than sicle cell disease
E) a diagnosis of exclusion

637.Which three of the following are associated with an increased risk of spontanous
A) increased antithrombin III
B) decreased proteon C
C) increased protein S
D) Factor V Leiden
E) lupus anticoagulant

638.Cosumptive coagulopathy is a known complication of which of the following?

A) abruptio placentae
B) fetal death in utero
C) acute cystitis
D) amniotic fluid embolus
E) postdates (>42 weeks gestation)

639.Anti- D immune globulin should be given for which three of the following situations?
A) after an abortion occuring beyond 6 weeks gestation in an Rh-negative female
B) to an Rh-negative mother who has an Rh-positive baby
C) to an Rh-negative female infant with an Rh-positive mother
D) pstpartum to Rh positive females with Rh-negative husbands
E) after a motor vehicle accident to an Rh-neative mother

640.The treatments of choice for folic acid deficiency anemia include which three of the
A) folic acid
B) iron
C) vitamin B12
D) nutritional counceling
E) vitamin K

641.A 24-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 0, abortus 2) comes to you for prenatal care. Her
sister had a clot on the pill and was found to have Factor V Leiden.
A) You tell her which three of the following?
B) She has a 50% chance of having the disease.
C) She may need low-dose aspirin during this pregnancy.
D) She may need heparin suring this pregnancy.
E) You need to order Factor V levels.
F) You need to order activated protein C resistance

642.Predesposing factors in the development of pyelonephritis during pregnancy include

which three of the following?
A) asymptomatic bacteriuria
B) high levels of progesterone
C) small maternal stature (5 ft 2 in)
D) incriased blood flow
E) expanding uterus

643.Lesions of the vulva that may be seen during pregnancy include which four of the
A) varicosities
B) condyloma acuminata
C) condyloma lata
D) Montgemery tubercles
E) Bartholin gland cysts

Questions 644 and 645

A 44-year-old married white woman (gravida 4, para 3, abortus 0) has had amenorrhea for 4
months. She comes to you because of vaginal spotting ober 4 days.
644.You should do which four of the following?
A) obtain more history
B) prescribe 10 mg of pregesterone for 10 days
C) perform a physical examination
D) perform an ultrasound
E) obtain laboratory tests
Further history reveals that the patient is married, sexual activem and her youngest child id 17 years
old. She has been healthy with no history of high blood pressure. She would like to have a normal
child. Examination is within normal limits exeptfor a vlood pressure of 140/90, shlight bleeding
from the cervix, and a uterus consistent with a 14-to16-week gestation. No FHTs are heard with
either the fetoscope or Doppler. Urine pregnancy test is positive.

645.Of the following diagnoses, in your defferential you should include which of the
A) intrauterine gestation
B) missed abortion
C) hydatidiform mole
D) uterine myomas
E) overian cancer

646.A woman with class II cardiac disease is pregnant. Care should include which three of
the following?
A) adequate bed rest
B) limiting weight gain to 20 to 25 lb
C) avoidance of hypotension
D) vaginal delivery if possible
E) deliver with pulmonary maturity

647.Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease. In pregnancy it is associated with which three of

the following?
A) higher incidence of respiratory infection
B) prematurity
C) postdates
D) higher incidence of preeclampsia
E) chorioamnionitis

648.Dangers associated with acute pyelonephritis of pregnancy include which three of the
A) gram-negative sepsis
B) hepatitis
C) tubo-ovarian abcess
D) respiratory distress syndrome
E) premature labor

649.A 34-year-old woman with long-standing systemic lupus erythrematosus (SLE) is

pregnant for the first time. You are seeing her at 10 weeks gestation. Special testing will
be requred for her during pregnancy because of marginal renal function secondary to the
severity of her disease. Which three of the following test are indicated?
A) serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
B) serum calcium and phosphate
C) serum creatinine
D) serum C3 and C4 levels
E) C-reactive protein

650.A patient with cholestasis of pregnacy develops a slight hyperbilirubinemia and slight
elevetion of SGOT. Relief of the pruritus may be obtained by which two of the following?
A) delivery
B) bland diet
C) oral H2 blockers
D) cholestyramine
E) mild diuretic theraphy

651.Which two of the followingoften are true regarding obstetric patients with nonendocrine
A) They do not need vitamon supplements
B) They have adequate stores of body iron
C) They are malnourished.
D) They need nutrirional counseling
E) They are accepting for their weight.

652.The three most common causes of maternal mortality rate

A) hemorrhage
B) congenital cardiac disease
C) infection
D) hypertension
E) pulmonary embolism

653.The two most common causes of nonmaternal mortality are

A) domestic violence
B) amniotic fluid emboli
C) motor vehicle accidents
D) heart disease
E) asthma

654.On her first prenatal visit, a 17-year-old single woman (gravida 1, para 0), 32 weeks by
good dates, is found to have vital signs as follows: blood pressure 135/85, pulse 84,
temperature 98.6o F, respiration 20. She also has ankle and hand edema and a uterine
fundus measuring 42 cm with breech concordant twins on ultrasound. She has normal
pelvic measurements and the servix is closed and soft, with the presenting part at station
-1. Her urinalysis revealed no WBCs or bacteria with 2+ proten. Her hematocrite is 38
and her white count is 9,800. the care of this patient over the first 6 to 8 hours should
include which of the following?
A) evaluation of urine output and level of proteinuria
B) hospitalization with bed rest and frequent vital signs
C) oxytocin induction of labor
D) antihypertensive drugs
E) cesaren section because of the twins

DIRECTIONS (Questions 655 through 688): Each group of items in this section consists of of
a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 655 through 658

Match the following medications effects during pregnancy with the appropriate medication
A) tetracycline
B) nitrofurantoin
C) sulfas
D) streptomycin
E) chloramphenicol

655.Is excreted after binding, utilizing glucoronyl transferase C

656.May cause aplastic anemia in the neonate E
657.Ototoxyc D
658.Discolor decidual teeth A

Questions 659 through 661

A) radiologic examinations
B) ultrasonographic examinations
C) both
D) neither

659.Utilize ionizing radiation A

660.Allow visualization of the chorionic plate B
661.Are 100% accurate D

Questions 662 through 666

Match the followign causes of bleeding with the time of pregnancy during which they most
commonly occur.

A) first trimester
B) second trimester
C) third trimester
D) immediately postpartum
E) at any time during gestation

662.Spontaneous abortion A
663.Carcinoma of the cervix E
664.Placenta previa C
665.Uterine atony D
666.Hydatiditiform mole B

Questions 667 through 671

A) mild preeclapsia
B) severe preeclampsia
C) chronic hypertensive disease
D) eclampsia
E) none of the above
667.A 30-year-old woman at 16 weeks gestation with a bP of 144/95, no edema, no
proteinuria, FHT 140 C
668.A 19-year-old woman at 36 weeks gestation with a BP of 150/100, 2+ edema, and 2+
proteinuria with no other symptoms. A
669.A 21-year-old woman in early labor at 39 weeks gestation who has just convulsed D
670.A 16-year-old woman at 37 weeks gestation with a BP of 145/105, 2+ proteinuria, and
pulmonary edema B
671.A 35-year-old woman (gravida 5, para 4), now at 32 weeks gestation with a Bp of
180/120, no proteinuria or edema, but retinal enudates and hemorrhage, as well as history
of hypertension for 8 years C

Questions 672 through 678

A) lymphogranuloma venereum
B) chancroid
C) granuloma inguinale
D) Neisseria
E) syphilis

672.Condylomata E
673.Cutaneous induration and vulvar elephantiasis A
674.Rectal strictures A
675.Haemophylus ducreyi B
676.Donovian bodies C
677.Chlamydial disease A
678.Monoarticular arthritis D

Questions 679 through 684

Pregnant women may be affected by the same diseases that affect non pregnant women. Match the
following disease entities with the most apllicable statement

B) carcinoma of the breast
C) herpes gestationis
D) melanoma
E) influenza

679.Is ocassionally associated with nephritis and hypertension A

680.May cross the placenta to cause fetal malignancy D
681.May be mistaken for toxemia A
682.A rare skin disorder characterized by erythrema, vesicles, bullae, and pruritus D
683.Appears to affect pregnant women much more severely than nonpregnant women A
684.May be exarcerbated in the postpartum period C
Questions 658 through 688

A) Lysteria monovytogens
B) multiple sclerosis
C) hiatal hernia
D) polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (McCune-Albright syndrome)
E) influenza

685.Associated with the occurrence if pregnancy in early childhood D

686.Associated with fetal demise A
687.Is often worse postpartum than antepartum B
688.May be causally related to heartburn in pregnancy C

DIRECTIONS (Questions 689 through 693): Each group of items in this section consists of
lettered headings followed bya aset of numbered words phrases. For each numbered word or
phrase, select
(A) if the item is associated with (A) only,
(B) if the item is associated with (B) only,
(C) if the item is associated with both (A) and (B),
(D) if the item is associated with neither (A) nor (B)

Questions 689 through 690

A) type I pregnant diabetic women

B) pregnant women with gestational diabetes
C) both
D) neither

689.Have an above-average incidence of hydramnions C

690.Have an above-average incidence of fetal malformations A

Questions 691 through 693

A) hyperthyroidism
B) pregnancy
C) both
D) neither

691.Diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland C

692.Persistent tachycardia A
693.Decreased red sell uptake of triiodothyroine B

Normal Labor and Delivery


DIRECTIONS (Questions 541 trough 628): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

694.At term, the ligaments of the pelvis change. This can result in
A) increasing the rigidity of the pelvis
B) degeneration of pelvic ground substance
C) decreasing width of the syphisis pubis
D) enlargement of the pelvic cavity
E) posterior rotation of the levator muscles

695.During clinical pelvimetry, which of the following is routinely measured?

A) truee conjugate
B) transverse diameter of the inlet
C) shape of te pubic arch
D) falre of the iliac crests
E) elasticity of the levator muscles

696.The birth canal is made up of a number of tissue layers. The proper order of these layers.
The proper order of these layers as the fetus passes through them is
A) levator ani, deep transverse perineal muscles, peritoneum, bulbocavernosus, skin
B) peritoneum, levator ani, bulbocavernosus, deep transverse perineal muscles, skin
C) peritoneum, deep transverse perineal muscles, levator ani, bulbocavernosus, skin
D) peritoneum, levator ani deep transverse perineal muscles, bulbocavernosus, skin
E) peritoneum, bulbocavernosus, levator ani deep transverse perineal muscles, skin

697.During the delivery, the fetal head follows the pelvic axis. This axis is best described as
A) a straight line
B) a curved line, first directed anteriorly and then caudad
C) a curved line, first directed posteriorly and caudad
D) a curved line, first directed posteriorly and cephalad
E) none of the above

698.The interspinous diameter of a normal pelvis should be at least

A) 5 cm
B) 8 cm
C) 10 cm
D) 11 cm
E) 12 cm

699.The greatest diameter of the normal fetal head is the

A) occipitofrontal
B) occipitomental
C) subocciput bregmatic
D) bitemporal
E) biparietal

700.The diagram in Figure 10-1 depicts which positon of the fetus in the female pelvis?
A) right occipitoposterior (ROP)
B) left mentotransverse (LMT)
C) left occipitoanterior (LOA)
D) left sacrotransverse (LST)
E) left occiput transverse (LOT)

Figure 10-1

701.The pudendal nerve can be easily blocked by local anesthetics. The neurologic effect of
the pudendal nerve is
A) motor to levator ani muscle
B) motor to obturator internus muscle
C) sensory to the uterus
D) motor to the bladder
E) sensory to the peritoneum

702.A pudendal anesthetics blocks which of the following nerves?

A) autonomic motor pathways
B) autonomic sensory pathways
C) T11, 12
D) L2,3,4
E) S2,3,4

703.Caudal anesthesia is given in the

A) subarachnoid space
B) subdural space
C) peridural space
D) presacral space
E) peripheral nerve space

704.Epidural anesthesia is placed in the sacral space as

A) spinal block
B) local
C) pudendal
D) paracervical
E) caudal
705.Which of the following methods may provide adequate pain relief in labor?
A) general anesthesia
B) para cervical and pudendal blocks
C) caudal block
D) phychological methods
E) all of the above

706.Which of the following anesthetic techniques will procedure the greatest uterine
A) spinal block
B) caudal
C) nitrous oxide
D) halothane
E) paracervical

707.The major problem with the administration of barbiturates during labor is

A) sudden fetal death
B) fetal depression after birth
C) lack of maternal cooperation during the birth process because of narcosis
D) the likelihood of maternal aspiration causing pneumonitis
E) their effect is not better than placebo

708.The average blood loss during normal deliveries when measured appears to be about
A) 700mL
B) 500mL
C) 250mL
D) 100mL
E) 50mL

709.The physiologic retraction ring occurs at the

A) internal os
B) external os
C) level of the round ligament insertion
D) junction of the upper and lower uterine segments
E) vulva

710.If the large fontanel is the presenting part, the presentation is

A) vertex
B) sinciput
C) breech
D) face
E) brow

711.Methods of determining fetal presentation and position include

A) Cullens sign
B) Leopolds maneuvers
C) Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver
D) carefully history taking
E) all of the above

712.The designation SRT refers to what fetal position?

A) vertex presentation
B) brow presentation
C) face presentation
D) breech presentation
E) transverse lie

713.In cephalic presentation, the position is dtermined by the relationship of what fetal part to
mothers pelvis?
A) mentum
B) sacrum
C) acromion
D) occiput
E) sinciput

714.The relation of the fetal parts to one another determines the

A) presentation of the fetus
B) lie of the fetus
C) attitude of the fetus
D) position of the fetus
E) none of the fetus

715.The relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the mother is called the
A) lie
B) presentation
C) position
D) attitude
E) none of the above

716.Average durations of labor primigravidas are best expressed by which of the following?
A) first stage, 750 minutes; second stage, 80 minutes; third stage, 30 minutes
B) first stage, 80 minutes; second stage, 20 minutes; third stage, 5 minutes
C) first stage, 120 minutes; second stage, 80 minutes; third stage, 5 minutes
D) first stage, 80 minutes; second stage, 20 minutes; third stage, 20minutes
E) first stage, 750 minutes; second stage, 80 minutes; third stage, 5minutes

717.A Montevideo unit is the

A) number of contractions in 10 minutes
B) number of contractions per minutes times their intensity
C) intensity of any 10 contractions times the time it took for them to occur
D) number of contractions over 50 mmHg in 10 minutes
E) number of contractions in 10 minutes times their average intensity

718.In the normal labor, the pressure produced by the uterine contractions us gratest at which
of the following times?
A) latent phase
B) active phase
C) second stage
D) third stage
E) when Braxton Hicks sign is evident

719.Which of the following, when released from lysosomes, may initiate labor?
A) arachidonic acids
B) phosphatidylinositol
C) phospholipase A
D) thromboxane
E) phosphatidylglycerol

720.Mechanical stretching of the cervix produce increased uterine activity. This has been
called the
A) Moro reflex
B) Ferguson reflex
C) Valsava maneuver
D) Hoffmanns reflex
E) Hering-Breuer reflex

721.The process by which mature products of conception are expelled by the mother is called
A) paturition
B) childbirth
C) labor and delivery
D) accouchement
E) all of the above

722.Forces acting to aid delivery include

A) birth canal friction
B) maternal intra-abdominal pressure during the first stage of labor
C) cervical resistance
D) uterine contractions
E) eppidural anesthesia

723.Choose the option in which the cardianl movements of labor are arranged in the proper
order. Disregard any ommisions of the certain movements
A) descent, internal rotation, engagement, expulsion
B) engagement, external rotation, descent, extension
C) engagement, extension, flexion, internal rotation
D) engagement, extension, descent, flexion, expulsion
E) engagement, flexion, extension, external rotation

724.Engagement stickly defined is

A) when the presenting part goes through the pelvic inlet
B) when the presenting part is level with the ishial spines
C) when the biparietal diameter of the fetal head passes the pelvic inlet
D) when the gratest biparietal diameter of the head is level with the ischial spine
E) none of the above

725.In a vertex presentation, if the sagital suture is transverse or oblique but closer to the
symphisis than the promontory, a specific condition exists. It is called
A) posterior asynclitism
B) internal rotation
C) anterior asynclitism
D) extension
E) restitution

726.Bloody show is
A) a result of placenta previa
B) not seen in breech presentations
C) a consequence of effacement and dilatation of the cervix
D) a sign of impending obstretical hemorrhage
E) all the above

727.Molding of the head is

A) usually cases brain damage
B) becomes progessively easier as gestational age increases
C) does not have time to occur during breech delivery
D) does not happen when the maternal pelvis is adequate

728.Crowning is best defined as

A) when the greatest diameter of the fetal head comes through the vulva
B) when the presenting part reaches the pelvic floor
C) when the perineum bulges in front of the fetal head
D) when the fetal head first visible through the vulva
E) when the head is delivered

729.During the delivery of a breech, the infant has been spontaneously expelled to the
umbilicus, and the legs are delivered. The next step is
A) application to forceps
B) the Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver
C) to apply gentle traction until the tip of the scapula is seen
D) to deliver the anterior arm
E) to roatate the fetus to a chest-up position

730.Placental separation is facilitated by

A) deep placental growth into the myometrium
B) presence of a layer of decidua
C) decreased uterine muscle contractibility
D) the changing configuration of the uterus after fetal deliverry
E) all of the above

731.The three signs of placenta separation after delivery include

A) a gush of blood, a change in uterine shape from discoid to globular, and lightening
of the umbilical cord
B) decent of the fundus, a gush of blood, and lightening of the umbilical cord
C) a darkening in the perineum, a change in uterine shape from discoid to globular,
and a gush of blood
D) a gush of blood, vaginal retraction, and lightening of the umbilical cord
E) descent of the fundus, vaginal retraction, and lightening of the umbilical cord

732.Eight minutes after a normal delivery under pudendal anesthtsia, the patient has not
completed the third stage of labor. The uterus is discoid and firm; no bleeding is evident.
You should
A) pull vigorously on the chord
B) perform Credes maneuver
C) invert of the uterus
D) manually remove the placenta
E) gently massage the uterus and wait

733.The tissues incised at the time of routine episiotomy include skin, subcutaneous tissue,
and vaginal mucosa, as well as
A) the rectovaginal septum, intercolumnar fascia of superior fascia of the pelvic
diaphragm, and the lowermost fibers of the puborectalis portion of the levator ani
B) the urogenital sinus, of the pelvic diaphragm, and the lowermost fibers of the
puborectalis portion of the levator ani muscles
C) the urogenital diaphragm, intercolumnar fascia of superior fascia of the pelvic
diaphragm, and the lowermost fibers of the puborectalis portion of the levator ani
D) the urogenital septum, intercolumnar fascia of superior fascia of the pelvic
diaphragm, and the lowermost fibers of the puborectalis portion of the levator ani
E) the urogenital septum, superior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm, bulbocavernosus
muscle, and the lowermost fibers of the puborectalis portion of the levator ani

734.Which of the following is a characteristic of oxytocin?

A) half-life of about 8 minutes
B) prolonged effect
C) immediate hypertensive effect if given intravenously
D) inactivated by oxytocinase
E) inhibited by non steroidal anti-inflammatiory agents

735.Natural childbirth means

A) elective indution of labor
B) continuous conduction analgesia in labor
C) many things to different people, many being misinterpreted
D) painless delivery
E) no physician in attendance

Questions 736 and 737

A 21-year-old primigravida at 39 weeks gestation presents to labor and delivery with complaints of
uterine contractions since 5 a.m. that day. She was seen for a routine clinic visit at 3 p.m. and her
cervix was found in 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced, midposition, and moderate in consistency, with the
fetal vertex at 0 station. Reexamination on labor and delivery at 7 p.m. shows no significant cervical
change. Fetal heart tones are reassuring.

736.This gravidas Bishops score is

A) 8, cervix unripe
B) 4, cervix unripe
C) 2, cervix ripening
D) 6, cervix ripening
E) 9, cervix ripe

737.The optimal obstetrical management at that time would be

A) labor augmentation with a high dose of oxytocin
B) performance of primary cesarean section for prolonged labor with presumed
cephalopelvic disproportion
C) reassurance and rest, offering narcotics to aid relaxation and sleep
D) artificial rupture of the membranes

Questions 738 through 740

A 32-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 1, abortus 1) at term is admitted in labor with an initial
cervical examination of 6-cm dilatation, complete effacement and the vertex at-1 station. Estimated
fetal weight is 8 lbs, and her first pregnancy resulted in an uncompleted vaginal delivery of an 8-lb
infan. After 2 hours there is no cervical change. An intrauterine pressure catheter is placed. This
shows three contactions in a 10-minute period, each with a strength of a 40 mmHg.

738.This degree of uterine activity in Montevideo units is

A) considered adequate, 400 Montevideo units
B) considered inadequate, 120 Montevideo units
C) considered inadequate, 400 Montevideo units
D) considered adequate, 240 Montevideo units
E) considered inadequate, 240 Montevideo units

739.This abnormality of labor is termed

A) prolonged latent phase
B) active phase arrest
C) failure of descent
D) arrest latent phase
E) protraction of descent

740.The best course of action at this time is to

A) wait 2 more hours and repeat the cervical examination
B) start oxytocin augmentation
C) perform a cesarean section
D) discharge the patient, instructing her to return when contractions become stronger

Questions 741 and 742

A 29-year-old woman (gravida 2, para 1) has a rapid labor. Whithin minutes of her admission, she is
found to be completely dilated, with the vertex at 0 station, and she begins pushing. You are called
by her nurse to evaluate her. Contractions are regular, every 2 to 3 minutes, and palpated to be
strong. Fetal heart tones are approximately 70 beats per minute. Cervical examination reveals the
vertex to be ROP at 0 station with no caput appreciated. Thick meconium is noted.
741.Initially, you
A) instruct the patient to ambulate
B) turn the patient on her side and administer oxygen by face mask
C) begin amniofusion and increase IV fluids
D) await vaginal delivery

742.You efforts yield no change in the above parameters. Next you

A) take steps to perfor, an emergency cesarean section
B) continue your initial course of action
C) request forceps to perform an assisted vaginal delivery promptly
D) ask the anesthesiologist to administer halothane for uterine relaxation

DIRECTIONS (Questions 743 through 752): each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

743.The use of midline episiotomy has been shown to do which of the following?
A) prevent urinary stress incontinence after delivery
B) expedite delivery when the fetal head is crowning
C) decrease maternal blood loss
D) increase the incidence of third-and fourth-degree lacerations
E) prevent rectal incontinence after delivery

744.Three actions of oxytocin include

A) antidiuretic activity
B) production of transient hypertension
C) increase in uterine muscle contractibility
D) nausea and vomiting
E) activation of myoepithelial cells of the breast

745.Characteristic of uterine muscle cells during normal labor include which four of the
following statements?
A) Intermittent contractions are the rule in early labor
B) The intire uterus contracts stimultaneously.
C) Muscle cells generate adenosine triphophate (ATP)
D) They demonstrate a contractile sensitivity to oxytocin.
E) Muscle cells return to the original length after contraction.
F) Muscle does not regain full strength between contactions.

746.Which four of the following are characteristics of normal labor?

A) progressive cervical dilation
B) low grade fever (100.5 o F)
C) increasing intensity of contactions
D) lack of fetal movement
E) uterine relaxtation between contractions
F) moderate bleeding
G) pain associated with contractions

747.Which two of the following statements regarding postpartum hemorrhage are TRUE?
A) It is prevented primarily by the increased concentration of clotting factors in
maternal blood.
B) Grand multiparity is a risk factor.
C) Women with severe preeclampsia are more tolerant of heavy blood loss.
D) Changes inpulse and blood pressure are good early indicators of excessive blood
E) Uterine atony and retained placenta are the most frequent causes.

748.Indications for induction of labor include which four of the following?

A) prolonged pregnancy
B) severe preeclampsia
C) intrauterine growth retardation
D) grand multiparity, posterior cervix
E) prolonged rupture of membranes without labor
F) placenta previa

749.Which three of the following are principles in the active management of labor?
A) early amniotomy
B) frequent pelvic examination
C) encouragement of ambulation
D) relatively high concentration of oxytocin for labor augmentation
E) hospital admission during latent-phase labor
F) expected cervical dilatation of 3 cm per hour

750.Psychoprophylaxis in childbirth means which three of the following?

A) facilitating pregnancy by common sense
B) using slow, deep bresthing and shallow, quick breathing o take away some of the
associated pain
C) using comfort aids such as massage, positioning, or objects that help patient
concentrate on things other than pain
D) in most cases, specialized predelivery classes and preparation in techniques
E) rouinely using pharmacologics agents during delivery

Questions 751 and 752

A 19-year-old primigravida at term presents to labor and delivery repoting irregular contractions
and rupture of membranes 21 hours prior to arrival. She had not received prenatal care but reports
that her pregnancy was uncomplicated. She is afebrile, and electronic fetal monitoring is reactive
with ocassional mild variable decelerations

751.Which three methods, when all are positive, confirm rupture of the membranes?
A) nitrazine test
B) vaginal pooling
C) pelvic exam
D) ferning
E) Coombs test

752.Cerviacal exam reveals a dilatation of 3 cm, 50% effacement, -1 station, vertex

presentation. The best course of action as this time is to
A) perform an immediate low transverse cesarian section
B) start IV antibiotics for group B streptocccal prophylaxis
C) begin an amnioinfusion
D) conduct a contaction stress test
E) ambulate the patient

DIRECTIONS (Questions 753 through 767): Each group of items in this section consists of of
a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 753 through 758

A) diagonal conjugate
B) midplane
C) inlet
D) true conjugate or conjugate vera
E) outlet

753.In most women, the plane at leat pelvic dimension B

754.Is at the level of the ischial spines B
755.The distance from the top of the symphysis to the sacral promontory D
756.The upper boundary of the true pelvis C
757.Distance from the lower margin of the symphysis to the sacral A
758.Made up of three triangles E

Questions 759 through 762

A) first stage of labor

B) second stage of labor
C) third stage of labor
D) effacement
E) lightening

759.Dropping of the fetal head into the pelvis E

760.Ends with complete dilatation of cevix A
761.Begins with the delivery of the baby C
762.Ends with the delivery of the baby B

Questions 763 through 767

A) Mc Roberts maneuver
B) Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver
C) External cephalic version
D) Ritgen maneuver
E) Leopolds maneuvers
763.At 39 weeks gestation, a woman is admitted to labor and delivery. Her cervix is long and
closed. The fetus is found to be a vertex presentation. E
764.Gentle constant pressure is applied to squeeze the vertex out the fundal area and into the
lower uterine segment. C
765.The vertex delivers, but gentle downwart traction fails to effect delivery on the anterior
shoulder. A
766.Traction is mantained on the shoulders and not in the mandible B
767.A rapid labor with a vertex presentation has taken place, and the infant is crowning. D

Abnormal Labor and Delivery


DIRECTIONS (Questions 768 trough 799): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

768.Maximum normal time for the second stage of labor in primigravida, without anesthesia
is approximately
A) 20 min
B) 60 min
C) 120 min
D) 240 min
E) there is no normal maximum

769.You are asked to consult on a 26-year-old woman (graavida 2, para 1) with a prior
cesarean section for breech. She is at term. The nurse has plotted the labor curve (see
Figure 11-1). The initial step in the evaluation and treatment of the most likely cause of
this labor curve would be to
A) administer oxytocin
B) assess pelvic adequacy
C) give sympathetic block
D) rupture membranes

Figure 11-1

770.Of the following, the most common indication for primary cesarean sectionis
A) dystocia
B) prolapsed cord
C) diabetes
D) toxemia
E) malpresentation

771.Preterm rupture of the membranes is most strictly defined as spontaneous rupture at any
time prior to
A) a stage of fetal viability
B) the second stage of labor
C) the 32nd week gestation
D) the onset of labor
E) the 37 week of gestation

772.You are examining a term patient in the labor and delivery suite, Which of the following
signs and symptomps is most likely to indicate rutured membranes?
A) vaginal pool pH of 6.5
B) yellow green color of nitrazine test
C) ferning on a specimen from the vaginal pool
D) superficial squamous cell in the vaginal pool
E) copious leakage in pants or underwear

773.Which of the followign factors tends to increse the average duration of labor?
A) increasing parity
B) incrasing age
C) decreasing size of the baby
D) occiput posterior (OP) position of the baby
E) none of the above

774.An infant presents as a breech and is deliverred without assistance as far as the
umbilicus. The remainder of the body is manially assisted by the obstetrician. This is
A) version and extraction
B) spontaneous breech delicery
C) partial breech extraction
D) total breech extraction
E) Pipers to the aftersoming head

775.At 39 weeks gestation, a fetus was felt to be in breech presentation as judged by

information gained through Loepolds maneuvers. The breech was well down in the
pelvis, and the uterus was irritable. Pelvimetry was within normal limits and the estimated
fetal weight was 7 lb. Which of the following should be done?
A) cesarean section
B) external cephalic version
C) internal podalic version
D) oxytocin induction
E) expectant management

776.Transverse lie in a multipara at term in early labot is best treated by

A) external version
B) internal version and extraction
C) oxytocin induction
D) cesarean delivery
E) abdominal support to effect position change

777.Face presentations are common with

A) anencepaly
B) hydrocephaly
C) prematurity
D) placenta previa
E) oligohydramnions

778.You are chechin a 35-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 2) at 38 5/7 weeks gestation. She
is in early labor (1cm) there is no vital part in the pelvis. Ultrasound report not a tranverse
lie with the fetal back toward the maternal legs. The procedure of choice is
A) expectant management anticipating spontaneous vaginal delivery
B) tocolysis
C) external version
D) cesarean deliverry
E) expectant management expecting forceps rotation after complete dilation

779.A patient has entered spontaneous premature labor at 28 weeks gesatation. During the
vertex delivery, one should
A) recommend epidural anesthesia to control delivery
B) performed an episiotomy
C) use prophylatic forceps
D) use vacum extraction
E) allow spontaneous vaginal birth

780.The absolute diagnosis of amniotic fluid emboli is make by

A) chest pain
B) chest x-ray
C) amniotic debris in the pulmonary circulation
D) the presence of consumptive coagulopathy
E) electrocardigram (ECG) change

781.A contraindication to the use of oxytocin for stimulating labor is

A) fetal demise
B) hypertonic uterine dysfunction
C) hypotonic uterine dysfunction
D) twin gestation
E) estimated fetal weight less than 5 lb

782.In which of the following cases might internal podalic version be indicated?
A) vertex delivery of the first twin and breech presentation of the second twin
B) transverse lie with cervix completely dilated and membranes intact
C) double footing breech
D) impacted shoulder presentation
E) compound presentation are delivering a 34-year-old woman (gravida 4, para 3) at 38 weeks whose

pregnancy is complicated by gestational diabetes. The head delivers, but the shoulders do
not follow. An efficacious method of delivery for a shoulder dystocia includes McRoberts
maneuver, which is
A) fundal pressure
B) extreme flexion of the maternal thighs
C) rotation to an oblique position after delivery of posterior arm
D) strong traction on the head
E) rotation of the posterior shoulder to the anterior

784.A placenta accreta is most likely to cause bleeding

A) during the first stage of labor
B) prior to labor
C) because of consumption coagulopathy
D) after amniotic membrance rupture
E) during attempts to remove it

785.The risk of serious infection transmitted by blood transfusion is greatest for

A) hepatitis C
B) Creutzfeldt-jacob disease
C) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
D) syphilis
E) hepatitis B

786.A fetomaternal transfusion of more than 30 mL Hs been found in what percentage of

women at delivery?
A) <1%
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 15%
E) 20%

787.If blood must be given without adequate crossmatching, the best type to use is
A) AB Rh-positive
B) AB Rh-negative
C) O Rh-positive
D) O Rh-negative
E) A Rh-positive

788.Which of the following is associated with small infants?

A) mothers with untreated gestational diabetes
B) multiparity
C) large parents
D) maternal smoking
E) postdate pregnancy

789.Rarely, a patient in labor engages the fetal head and effaces the cervix without dilation of
the cervix. A dimple may be noted at the external os. Such a condition is called a
A) uterine dystocia
B) conglutinate cervix
C) cervix condupulare
D) sacculated uterus
E) vasa previa

790.A 26-year-old woman is first seen at 28 weeks gestation. Her history and physical are
normal except for the presence of a 2-cm posterior cervical leiomyoma. The patient is
relatively asymptomatic. Management should be
A) myomectomy at 36 weeks
B) myomectomy now with steroids and tocolysis
C) progesterone therapy to decrease the myoma size
D) elective cesarean delivery at term
E) watchful witing

791.Durhrssens incison are indicated

A) in controlled situations after 36 weeks to intiate labor
B) for placenta previa <20 weeks
C) after manual dilatation of the cervix
D) to hasten normal delivery in cases of fetal distress
E) in extremely rare situations of a trapped fetal head

792.Which of the following locations is most likely to be the site of a vaginal laceration after
an instrumented delivery?
A) extending off the cervix
B) antetior upper third under the pubic symphysis
C) posterior upper third under the pubic symphysis
D) lateral midle third over tge ischial spines

793.A patien sustained a laceration of the perineum during delivery. It involved the muscles
of the perineal body but not the anal spinchter. Such a laceration would be claaified as
A) first degree
B) second degree
C) third degree
D) fourth degree
E) fifth degree

794.Postpartum hemorrhage unresponsive ro oxytocin and uterine massage is most likely due
A) laceration(s)
B) placenta accreta
C) retained placenta
D) ruptured uterus
E) coagulopathy

795.Couvelaire uterus is characteristic by

A) enlargement and invasion by placental tissue
B) retroversion, retroflexion, and adherrence to the cul-de-sac peritoneum
C) a congenital anomalous development
D) intramyometrial bleding
E) metabolic abnormalities

796.Which of the following situations has the gratest risk for the mother and infant
A) rupture an intact uterus
B) rupture of a previous uterine scar
C) pathologic contraction ring
D) dehisence of a uterine scar
E) cervical laceration
Questions 797 and 798
A 35-year-old woman (gravida 7, para 5, abortus 1) is in the active phase of labor with the vertex at
-1 station. She complains of abdominal pain with the contractions. At the height of one contractions,
the pain becomes very intense. Following this intense pain, uterine contractions cease. The maternal
systolic BP drops 15 mm Hg.

797.You should
A) immediately perform a pelvic examination
B) place the patient on her side and reassure her
C) manage expectantly
D) begin oxytocin
E) perform an ultrasound

798.On abdominal examination, you discover a firm mass in the pelvis. It does not feel like
the presenting fetal part.The frm mass is most likely
A) the placenta
B) a uterine fibroid
C) the contracted uterus
D) the fetal head
E) a pelvic kidney

799.A woman without prenatal care in labor at 38 weeks has a breech presentation. As the
breech is expelled, a spina bifida is noted. The head does not deliver. With the historym
the most likely possibility listed to
A) hydroscephaly
B) cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
C) fetal goiter
D) missed labor
E) incompletely dilated cerix

DIRECTIONS (Questions 800 through 829): each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

800.In discussing resons to use caudal anesthesia in your laboring patient, you mention which
three of the following contraindications?
A) pilonidal sinus
B) thrombocytopenia
C) maternal heart disease
D) anticoagulant theraphy
E) premature labor

801.Which three of the following are recognized hazard of caudal anesthesia?

A) maternal hypotension
B) high spinal block
C) fetal injection
D) decrease in uterine contractions
E) pudendal nerve palsy

802.A patient in labor with a systolic BP of 125 has ust been given a saddle block. While
lying on her back on the delivery table, the level of block stabilized at T10, and labor
showed decreased intensity of uterine contractions. However, her blood pressure dropped
to 90 systolic. Which two of the following causes of the symptoms are most likely?
A) high spinal block
B) ruptured uterus
C) cardiac failure
D) acute vasodilatation
E) supine hypotensive syndrome

803.Maternal aspiration of gastric contents during labor may be caused by which of the
following three conditions?
A) gastris hypomobility
B) pelvic pain
C) pneumothorax
D) anesthesia
E) narcotics

804.Which three of the following are indications to anticipate doing a classic cesarean section
rather than a traditional transverse lower uterine segment cesarean section?
A) transverse lie at form
B) vertical skin incision
C) 24-week gestation with a breech presentation
D) fundal myoma
E) perimortem cesarean section

805.Which three of the following situations would be likely to have the complication of a
contracted pelvis?
A) floating head at term in early labor in a primigravida
B) face presentation
C) pendulous abdomen in a primigravida
D) obese multigravida
E) short maternal stature

806.The pathologic retraction ring of Bandl is associated with which two of the following?
A) premature labor
B) rupture of the uterine fundud
C) obstructed labor
D) precipitate labor

807.You are called to labor and delivery to consult a 23-year-old primiparous patient. The
labor curve at left has been plotted by the nurse. Which three of the following etiologies
are likely?
A) cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
B) anesthesia
C) abnormal uterine contractions
D) prematurity
E) meconium

808.Which four of the following are factors predesposing to the uterine atony?
A) deep anesthesia
B) high parity
C) prolonged labor
D) overdistended uterus
E) preterm fetus

809.The nurses in labor and delivery are discussing the labor curve shown in Figure 11-2. The
mother, an 18-year-olg gravida 1, para 1, delivered last night. The nurse ask you what
possible causes. Which three of the following are possible causes?
A) early sedation
B) abnormal uterine contractions
C) cephalo[elvic disporpotions (CPD)
D) unripe cervix
E) anesthesia

Figure 11-2

810.Terms labor lasting tess than 3 hors are associated with which two conditions?
A) decreased fetal morbidity
B) incresed matenal morbidity
C) increased fetal morbidity
D) primiparous labors
E) twins

811.You are delivering a 22-year-old womans (gravida 2, para 1) twin pregnancy at 38

weeks. The first baby us 6 lb estimated fetal weight and vertex. The second is estimated
at 6 lb and breech. In discussing complications of internal podalic version, you discuss
which two of the following?
A) fecal contamination
B) rupture of the lower uterine segment
C) perineal tear
D) undiagnosed hydrocephaly
E) fetal trauma

812.Which two of the following define brow presentation?

A) is less common than face presentation
B) presents a small diameter of the head to the pelvic inlet
C) usually converts to a face or occiput
D) is recognized by vaginal palpation of the mouth
E) in a terminfant usuallly results in vaginal delivery as a brow
813.The situations associated with premature labor include which of the following?
A) bacterial vaginal infection
B) abruptio placentae
C) polyhydramnions
D) multiple pregnancy
E) anaencephaly

814.Your patient has been labor for over 12 hours and febrile to 101.2 oF. Pulse is 110 bpm.
The fetal heart rate is 180 with good variability. The labor is progressing adequately.
Appropriate steps may include which of the following?
A) IV hydration
B) antibiotics
C) oxytocin
D) fetal scalp samplidn
E) cesarean delivery

815.Abruptio placentar consists of which four of the following?

A) occurs more frequently in hypertensive patients
B) may lead to coagulopathy
C) has a significant risk of reccurence in subsequent pregnancies
D) reduces the effective nutrient exchange in the placenta
E) present a consistent triad of uterine pain, bleeding, and abnormal fetal heart tones

816.A laboring patient receiving oxytocin for augmentation of labor suddenly clutches her
chest in pain. Amniotis fluid embolies (AFE) is suspected. Signs and symptomps occuring
with AFE include which three of the following?
A) cyanosis
B) pulmonary edema
C) fever
D) coagulopathy
E) tumultuous labor and contractions

817.Treatment of AFE may include which three of the following?

A) hysterectomy
B) oxygen
C) replacement of blood factors
D) assisted ventilation
E) corticosteroids

818.Conditions associated with a transverse lie of the fetus include which of the three
A) placenta previa
B) pelvic contraction
C) placental aburption
D) grand multiparity
E) oligohyramnion

819.Which three of the follownign factors would predispose to abreech presentation?

A) multiparity
B) gestatinal diabetes
C) uterine anomalies
D) posterior implantation of the placenta
E) fetal anomalies

820.Which three of the following may be associated with an incresed insidence of abnormal
fetal presentation?
A) prematuriry
B) hypertensive disorders
C) singleton infant
D) soft tissue obstruction
E) fetal malformation

821.You are checking a 22-year-old primigravida in active labor. Labor has lasted 14 hours.
She is 8 cm dilated and at 0 station. As the fetall head has descended, the shape has
changed. Which of the following may be causes?
A) cephalohematoma
B) molding
C) subdural hematomas
D) hydrocephalus
E) caput succedaneum

822.Which four of the following factors increase the possibility of maternal aspiration of
gastic contents during labor and delivery?
A) high progesterone levels of pregnancy
B) regional anesthesia causing sympathetis blockade
C) increased gastric section
D) IV analgesics
E) pushing efforts in the second stage

823.Dystocia may be due to which three of the following?

A) maternal hypertensive disorders
B) ineffective uterine contractions
C) fetal abnormalities
D) abnormalities of the birth canal
E) electrolyte imbalance

824.Which three of the following are examples of soft tissue dystocia?

A) marked distention of the bladder
B) lower uterine segment myomas
C) bilateral pelvic kidnets
D) frozen hip joint secondary to motor vehicle accident
E) diagonal conjugate of 9 cm

825.Certain patients are more likely than others to have uterine atonu and hemorrhage after
delivery. Circumtances that allow one to anticipate increased bleeding postpartum are
which two of the following?
A) prolonged labor
B) primigravidas
C) distended uterus
D) pudendal anesthesia for delivery
E) obesity

826.You has just delivered an 18-year-old woman (gravida1, para 0). She is preeclamptic. Her
uterus is soft with moderate bleeding. Examination reveals no laceration. You diagnose
uterine atony. Of the following, which two options are the better choises?
A) 0.2 mg IM ergonovine (methergine)
B) 0.2 mg oral ergonovine
C) 10 unis oral axytocin
D) 250 g prostaglanndine F2-alpha
E) 20 units oxytocin given IV

827.A 32-year-old woman (gravida 2, para 2) who has delivered by vaginal birth after
cesarean (VBAC) is found bleeding heavily after delivery, At laparotomy you close the
uterus easily, but a large, broad ligament hematomea and persistent bleeding are found.
The site of the bleeding cannot be readily ident. You best choices are which two of the
A) pack the uterus
B) take wide sutures in the broad ligament
C) ligate the external iliac artery
D) ligate the uterine artery
E) ligate the internal iliac artery

Questions 828 and 829

A 31-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 2) is in normal labor at 40 weeks gestation. Her first
delivery was a low transverse cesarean for breech; the secoond was uncomplicated VBAC. Her vital
signs has been stable. Her epidural is functioning normally, and she is on her side. When the cervix
was approximately 7 cm dilated and the fetus was at -1 station, she developed atachycardia to 120
and a drop in blood pressure from 150/60 to 70/30. She has become dizzy upon sitting up. Uterine
contractions are continuing normally, and fetal heart tones (FHTs) are 130. No bleeding is evident.

828.The hematocrit is repoted at 35%. Your defferrential diagnosis should include which of
the three folllowing?
A) vasa previa
B) pulmonary embolus
C) anesthetic comlication
D) supine hypotensive syndrome
E) ruptured uterus

829.During an attempted VBAC, labor stops; the fetal parts are palpated abdominally on
exam, and FTHs are heard at 80/min. You can feel fetal feet at -2 station. You should do
which two of the following?
A) perform immediate laparotomy
B) give oxygen
C) geven oxytocin to prevent maternal bleeding
D) perform breech extraction as soon as possible
E) give terbutaline to stop the contractions

DIRECTIONS (Questions 830 through 847): Each group of items in this section consists of of
a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 830 and 831

A) prolonged latent phase

B) prolonged decceleration phase
C) prolonged active phase
D) arrest of labor
E) normal labor

830.Primiparous patient dilated 2 cm for 6 hours A

831.Multiparous patient at 7 cm for 3 hours D

Questions 832 through 834

A) occiput posterior
B) footling breech
C) mentum posterior
D) frank breech
E) mentum anterior

832.Has a high incidence of prolapsed cord B

833.On pelvic examination, fetal bony prominences and a body offce form a straight line; no
extremities are palpated D
834.Is undeliverable vaginnaly at term unless rotation occurs C

Questions 835 through 839

A) breech
B) foot
C) faced
D) anterior fontanel
E) compund

835.Bony prominence in line with an orrifice. A

836.Laterality can be determined by shaking hands. E
837.Has both an anterior and posterior suture line. D
838.Bony prominences and an orofice from a triangle. C
839.Identified by a single bony prominence. B

Questions 840 through 842

A) obliquely contracted pelvis

B) false promontory
C) chondroma
D) separation of the symphysis pubis
E) exotoses

840.Associated with lumbosacral kyphosis. B

841.Due to persistant unilateral leg deformity in early life. A
842.A nonbony lesion of the pelvis that may obstruct labor. C

Questions 843 through 847

Choose the most common listed cause of the problem in the cases presented.

A) rupture of a classic uterine scar

B) dehisence of a uterine scar
C) spontaneous rupture of the intact uterus
D) servical tear
E) traumatic rupture of the intact uterus

843.A patient develops severe hemorrhage during the third stage of an otherwise normal
labor; the uterus firmly contracted. D
844.May be produced by injudicious use of Pitocin. E
845.A prior low transverse section scar is found to be paper thin and covered with only the
peritoneum at the time of repeat cesarean section. B
846.Approximately one third occur prior to the onset of labor. A
847.Tends to occur in the fundus during pregnancy and in the lower uterine segment during
labor. C

DIRECTIONS (Questions 848 through 851): Each group of items in this section consists of
lettered headings followed bya aset of numbered words phrases. For each numbered word or
phrase, select

A) if the item is associated with (A) only,

B) if the item is associated with (B) only,
C) if the item is associated with both (A) and (B),
D) if the item is associated with neither (A) nor (B)

Questions 848 through 851

A) hypotonic uterine dysfunction

B) hypertonic uterine dysfunction
C) both
D) neither

848.Has synchronous pattern of myometria activity. A

849.Is aided by sedation. B
850.Normally produces a rapid labor. D
851.Oxytocin causes an increase in the dysfunction. B

Operative Obstetrics

DIRECTIONS (Questions 852 trough 905): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

852.A 23-year-old woman (gravida 1, para 0) comes to your ofice approximately 6 weeks
pregnant. A home pregnancy test was possitive 1 weeks ago. She has developed
bleeding over the past 2 days. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the
A) hydatidiform mole
B) abruptio placentae
C) ectopic pregnancy
D) abortion
E) uterine rupture

853.Hertig found that the average time for spontaneous expulsion of an abnormal fetus that
aborted was about 10 to 11 weeks after the last menstrual period (LMP). If the embryo is
present, it usually
A) is alive at the time of expulsion
B) died just prior to expulsion
C) had been dead for 1 to 2 days before expulsion
D) had been dead for 1 to 2 weeks before expulsion
E) had been dead for 5 to 6 weeks before expulsion

854.If a patient who has a threatened abortion deos not abort, the risk of the fetus being
abnormal is
A) slightly increased
B) moderately increased
C) markedly increased
D) 99 to 100%

855.Therapy for threatened abortion should include

A) progesterone IM
B) dilation and curettage (D&C)
C) prolonged bed rest
D) restricted activity
E) prostaglandin activity

856.You are in your office and a 19-year-old woman (gravida 1, para 0) with a positive
pregnancy test 3 weeks ago at home has come in with complaints of mild cramping and
light bleeding over the past 2 days. She does not believe that she has passed any tissue.
During those 2 days, she had been at home on bed rest, Your first step is
A) through examination
B) D&C
C) give daily estrogen
D) give IM progesterone
E) advice continued bed rest

857.High doses of progesterone for threatened abortion may

A) save the fetus
B) keep the placenta alive
C) keep the corpus litheum functioning
D) cause habitual abortion
E) cause retention of adead fetus

858.A major hazard of a fetal demise after 20 weeks is

A) a positive human chorionic gonadothropin (hCG)
B) systemic allergies
C) bone marrow depression
D) coagulopathy
E) toxemia

859.Etrusion of an abortus from the fimbriated end of the tube is called

A) spontaneous abortion
B) delivery
C) tubal abortion
D) decidual cast
E) Arias-Stella phenomenon

Questions 860 through 862

A 26-year-old woman whose last menstrual period (LMP) was 2 months ago develops
bleeding, uterine cramps, and passes tissue per vagina. Two hours later, she is still bleeding

860.The most likely diagnosis is

A) twin pregnancy
B) threatened abortion
C) inevitable abortion
D) premature abortion
E) incomplete abortion

861.Of the options listed, the bleeding is most likely due to

A) retained products of conception
B) ruptured uterus
C) systemic coagulopathy
D) vaginal lacerations
E) bleeding hemorrhoids

862.The indicated procedure is

A) hysterectomy
B) vaginal packing
C) compression of the hemorrhoids
D) IV fibrinogen
E) uterine curettage

Questions 863 through 865

A 24-year-old woman (gravida 2, para 0, abortus 1) is seen in the emergency departement because if
avginal bleeding and abdominal cramps. Her LMP was 10 weeks ago. History is tunrevealing exept
for an induced abortion 2 years ago without complications. She presently denies instrumentation for
abortion. Physical examination reveals a BP of 110/70, pulse 120, and temperature 101.8oF. The
abdomen is tender with slight rebound on the lower quadrants. The pelvic examination reveals
blood in the vault anf a foul smelling discharge from the cervix, which is dilated to 2 cm. The uterus
is 8-to-10 week size and tenderm and no adnexal masses are palpated.

863.On the basis of the above information, the most likely diagnosis is
A) choriocarcinoma
B) hydatidiform mole
C) pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
D) septic abortion
E) twisted ovarian cyst

864.Ring forceps through the cervix removed necrotic-appearing tissue, Which of the
following laboratory studies would you consider most important to obtain prior to
intitutuing antibiotic theraphy?
A) white blood cell count (WBC) and hematocrite (Hct)
B) type and Rh
C) coagulation screen
D) Gram stin and culture
E) abdominal x-ray

865.Definitive intial therapy in this case is

A) curettage after antibiotics
B) hysterectomy
C) bed rest and antibiotics
D) hyterotomy
E) outpatient antibiotics

866.Of the following women, which patient would be at greatest risk for ectopis pregnancy?
A) a healthy woman on birth control pills
B) a woman with past history of endometriosis
C) a healthy woman with an irregular menses
D) a woman with past history of several urinary tract infection (UTI)

867.The most common implantation site for ectopis pregnancy is the

A) external fallopian tube
B) ovarian surface
C) mesosalphinx
D) ampulla of the fallopian tube
E) interstitial portion of the fallopian tube

868.In tubal ectopic pregnancy, the tube most commonly ruptures into the
A) urachus
B) bladder
C) space of retzius
D) large bowel
E) peritoneal cavity

869.The uterine cast sometimes shed when a patient has an ectopic pregnancy is made up of
A) decidua capsularis
B) decidua basalis
C) throphoblast
D) blood

870.An interstitial ectopic pregnancy

A) rarely exceeds 4 weeks gestation
B) is generally more dangerous than an amoullary ectopic pregnancy
C) requires hysterectomy
D) is quite common
E) is extrauterine

871.Cervical pregnancy is rare and usually discovered before the fifth month of gestation
because of bleeding. Of the folowing treatment options, the best theraphy is
A) immediate delivery per vagina
B) tranfuse as needed until viability of fetus is assured
C) cesarean section
D) chemotherapy with methotrexate
E) estrogen injection and bed rest

872.The combination of an intrauterine and ectopic gestation (i.e., heterotropic pregnancy) is

often considered, but the incidence in women who concieve spontaneously is about
A) 1 in 1,000 births
B) 1 in 7,000 births
C) 1 in 15,000 births
D) 1 in 30,000 births
E) 1 in 60,000 births

873.You are called to the operating room. The general surgeons have operated on a woman to
rule out appendicitis and they find signs of an abdominal pregnancy with an 18-week
fetus and placenta attached to the omentum. The best course of action in this case is
A) removal of both fetus and placenta
B) laparoscopic ligation of umbilical cord
C) removal of the fetus only
D) closely follow until viability and then deliver by laparotomy
E) IV methotrexate and rmoval of the fetus

874.Of the following the BEST diagnostic sign indicating an abdominal pregnancy is
A) positive pregnancy test
B) ultrasound view not demonstrating uterine wall between fetus and bladder
C) lateral x-rays showing fetal parts overlying the maternal spine
D) uterine contractiones with oxyticun administration
875.At laparotomy for a suspected ectopic pregnancy in a 24-year-old woman who whishes to
bear children, you find a ruptures left tubal ectopic with about 40mL of blood in the
peritoneal cavity. The other tube appears normal, and the ovaries are uninvolved. The
accepted treatment is
A) bilateral salphingectomy
B) left salphingectomy or salphingostomy
C) bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy (BSO)
D) hysterectomy and left salphingectomy
E) rigth salphingectomy

876.The forceps designed for rotation of fetal head in midpelvis is the

A) Barton
B) Tucker-McLane
C) Kielland
D) Piper
E) Simpson

877.application of forceps is appropriate in which of the following situations?

A) breech at +3 station, cervix completely dilated, membranes ruptured
B) vertex at +1 station, cervic completely dilated, membranes intact
C) mentum anterior, +3 station, cervic comletely dilated, membranes ruptured
D) transverse lie, +2 station, cervix completely dialted, membranes ruptures
E) vertex at +2 station, cervix +8cm dilated, membranes ruptured

878.Anticipating success, an operator has made a conceried attempt to deliver a patient using
forceps. The attempt fails. The procedure is termed
A) an incompelte delivery
B) a trial of forceps
C) malapplication of forceps
D) failed forceps
E) high forceps

879.You are delivering a woman (gravida 3, para 2) with two previous successful vaginal
births. The woman has been in labor for 12 hours with a 1-hour first stage. The secong
stage of labor has lasted approximately 1 hour and 14 minutes. The baby is doing well
without any evidence of distress. You feel that it is an appropriate size (approximately 8
lbs). The mother has had epidural and is tired frompushing, and you decide to apply
forceps. After pelvic examination, forceps are applied to the presenting part of term
pregnancy, but the lock does not prperly articulate even with gentle maneuverin. You
A) rotate the forceps
B) apply enough pressure to lock the forceps
C) exert traction
D) reapply the forceps

880.Relative contraindications to the use of vacuum extraction for delivery include

A) non vertex presentation
B) fetal coagulopathy
C) following fetal scalp sampling
D) fetal prematurity
E) all of the above

Questions 881 through 883

A 19-year-old primigravida at term has been in active labor for 4 hoours. The membranes have just
ruptured; the station is -3, fetal heart tones (FHTs) are 140 and regular, and the cervix is dilated 4
cm. Contractions are every 5 minutes and last approximately 40 seconds.

881.At this point, the BEST of the following plans of management is

A) patient ambulation
B) oxytocin ambulation
C) cesarean section
D) clinical pelvimetry and estimation of fetal size
E) turn the patient on her side

882.The patient continues to have infrequent contractions. Your clinical pelvimetry is within
normal limits. Estimated fetal size is 7 lbs. Pelvic findings are unchanged. Of the
fllowing options, which is the BEST choice at this point?
A) determine the maternal hydration status
B) patient ambulation
C) oxytocin infusion
D) cesarean section
E) await vaginal delivery

883.Three hours later, the cervix is 5 cm dilateg and the contraction pattern is irregular
despite significant oxytocin infusion. The station is -2 and the head is molded. The FTHs
are normal. Of the following, the BEST choice is
A) Duhrssens inicisions
B) forceps delivery
C) increased oxytocin
D) heavy sedation
E) cesarean section

884.A disadvanage of lower segment cesarean section over the classic incision is
A) ease of repair
B) decreased blood loss
C) lower probability of subsequent uterine rupture
D) decreased danger of bladder injury
E) ease of fetal delivery

885.Primary treatment of bleeding vulvar varices during pregnancy is

A) cautery
B) application of pressure
C) simple vulvectomu
D) sclerosing injection
E) nothing

886.Bleeding into the myometrium beneath the uterine serosa in severe cases of abruptio
placentae is a cause of
A) uteroplacental apaplexy
B) uterine rupture
C) minimal effect on fetal heart rate
D) adnexal torsion

887.Vaginal examination is contraindicated in which of the following situation during

A) carcinoma of the cervix
B) gonorrhea
C) prolapsed chord
D) placenta previa
E) active labor

888.A 30-year-old woman (gravida 4, para 2, abortus 1) has been seen in the emrgensy
adepartement at 29 weeks gestation because of the sudden onset of painless vagina
bleeding that soaked four perineal pads and has now ceased. The mothers vital sign and
hematocrit are normal, and the FHTs are regular at 140 bpm. At this time, you should
A) perform a double setup examination
B) order an ultrasound examination
C) perform a cesarean section

889.A 35-year-old married woman (gravida 4, para 3, aboruts 0), who now is at
approximately 36 weeks gestation, developied copious, painlessm vaginal bleeding 2
hiurs prior to admission. On examination, the uterus appeared soft and nontender, FHTs
are 140 nad regualt, the vertex is floating, and there is no evident bleeding or signs of
ruptured membranes. Maternal vital signs are stable. Of the following choices, the most
likely diagnosis is
A) carcinoma of the cervix
B) placenta prevua
C) abruptio placenta
D) vasa previa
E) hematuria

890.In the event of continued bleeding, requiring repeated transfusions, in a patient ant 32
weeks gestation with a possible posterior placenta previa on ultrasound, which of the
followign should be done next?
A) vaginal packing
B) oxytocin induction of labor
C) rupture of membranes and application of Willets forceps
D) double setup examination
E) expectant treatment until the fetus reaches 34 to 36 weeks gestation

891.Which of the following patients would be most likely to have a placenta previa?
A) 19-year-old gravida 1, para 0, vertex presentation
B) 24-year-old gravida 2, para 1, breech presentation
C) 34-year-old gravida 5, para 3, abortus 1, vertex presentation
D) 36-year-old gravida 7, para 6, abortus 0, transverse lie
E) 28-year-old gravida 3, para 1, abortus 1, breech presentation

892.Of the following options, the safest, most precise and simplest method of placental
localizations is
A) auscultation
B) ultrasonography
C) radioisotope study
D) abnormal palpation
E) soft tissue x-ray

893.Duhressens incisions classicalu are made at which of the following positions on the
A) 8 oclock
B) 9 and 3 oclock
C) 10, 2, and 6 oclock
D) 12 and 6 oclock
E) anterior to the fetal chin and posterior to the occiput

894.A deep mediolateral episisotomy would be most likely to encouner the

A) superficial transverse perineal muscle
B) coccygeus muscle
C) ischiorectal fossa
D) crus of the clitoris

Questions 895 and 896

A walk-in patient has presented in labor with a double footling breech. As the buttocks are
delivered, a meningomyelocele is seen. There is sudden arrest of progession, and the head cannot be
delivered. Examination reveals a lage mass above the pubis abdominally. Vaginal palpation
confirms the impression of a grossly enlarged head.

895.The most probable diagnosis is

A) anaecephaly
B) diabetic infant
C) hydrocephaly
D) huge goitter
E) plycystic kidneys

896.Internal version and extraction at term is indicated in

A) face presentation mentum posterior
B) shoulder presentation in early labor
C) persistent brow
D) the second twin
E) transverse lie

Questions 897 and 898

A pregnant patient at 37 weeks gestation complains of nausea, anorexia, and upper midabdominal
pain for 10 hours. Her physical examination is negative except for right upper quadrant tenderness.
Her temperature is 102o F, pulse 90, BP 110/60, FHTs 140, Hct 38, an WBC 11,900. Urynalysis is
negative for protein and red blood cells (RBCs) are present.

897.Of the following, the most likely diagnosis is

A) appendicitis
B) ureteral stone
C) degeneration of a myoma
D) eclampsia
E) pyelonephritis

898.On further evaluation, probable appendicitis is diagnosed. The treatment is

A) antibiotics and ice packs
B) cesarean section at the time of appendictomu
C) 24 to 48 hours of observation
D) immediate laparotomy and appendectomy if appendicitis is found

899.A 25-year-old patient at 27 weeks geatation has compained of nausea, dull right flank
pain persistent for 2 days, and mild diarrhea. She presently complaoms of pain in the
midright abdomen and the flank. On examination, the pulse is 90, temperature is 100 o F,
and BP is 120/70. Her chest is clear, uterus is idway between the xyphoid and umbilicus
and non tender, with FHTs at 140. Pelvic examination is within normal limits, as is the
rest of white blood cell/ high power field (HPF). HCT is 37, WBC is 11,800 with 70 P,
28L, 2M. On the basis of this information, which of the following is the best diagnosis?
A) duodenal ulcer
B) volvulus
C) degenaratin leyomyoma
D) placenal aburption
E) pyelonephritis

900.A 36-year old woman, gravida 5, oara 3, abotus 1, is first seen for her present pregnancy
at 21 weeks gestation. History and examination are within normal limits. A routine Pap
smear is taken, which returns as high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL)
(cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN] III). You should
A) repeat the pap
B) advice abortion with cone biopsy or hysterectomu in 4 to 6 weeks
C) wait until after delivery and obtaion another smear
D) perform a cesarean hyterectomu with wide vaginal cuff
E) perform colposcopy and biopsy

901.Colposcopically directed biopsies of the cervix show carcionoma in situ. The colposcopy
was inadequate, and there was question of microinvasive cervical carcinoma. You should
advise her to strongly consider
A) expectant management until fetal viability
B) a hysterecyomy with a wide vaginal cuff now
C) a cervical cone
D) a radical hysterectomy at fetal viability
E) being followed with pap smears and colposcopy until after delivery at term

902.In a similar patientm a cone biopsy is performed. The cone specimen returns with the
diagnosis of carcinoma in situ and free surgical margins. Your advice is to
A) follow the patient to term
B) perform a radical hysterectomy
C) perform a cesarean hysterectomy with wide vaginal cuff
D) give 6,000 rads whole-pelvic irradiation
E) perform a cesarean section at term

903.A 32-year-old woman is seen at 12 weeks gestation. History and physical are normal
except for the presence of a 9-to-10-cm cystic adnexal mass. Of the following actions,
your management should be
A) immediate laparotomy and further indicated surgery
B) follow the patient with repeated ultrasoun
C) immediate total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) and BSO
D) suppression of the cyst by estrogens

904.A pregnant patient is found by biopsy to have carcinoma of the breast. The most
appropriate management is
A) abortion and irradiation
B) abortion and breast surgery
C) abortion, surgery, and irradiation
D) surgery of the breast node evaluation and irradiation following delivery

905.Treatment for severe abruptio placentae includes

A) heparin
B) blood replacement
C) steroid theraphy for pulmonary maturity
D) monitoring of plasma fibrinogen and tocolysis

DIRECTIONS (Questions 906 through 912): each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

906.A 23-year-old sexually active woman is seen in the emergency departement because of
low abdominal pain of 6 hours duration. She has used contraceptives intermittently. Her
last vaginal bleeding was 2 weeks ago. It was scanty and prolonged, but came at the time
of her expected menstrual period. She denies fever or prior similar pain and has no bowel
or bladder symptomps. Pelvic examination revealed a tender uterus and adnexa (worse on
the left) without masses. Hct is 29 WBC is 8,900, temperature is 98.4 oF, BP is 120/80,
pulse is 90, and urinalysis is within normal limits. Pregnancy test is positive. On the basis
of this information, which three of the folowing might be likely diagnosis?
A) twisted ovarian cyst
B) ectopic pregnancy
C) appendicitis
D) incomplete abortion
E) corpus lutheum cyst

907.Which of the following are good reasons for a cesarean section?

A) prolapsed uterus
B) transverse lie at term
C) placenta previa at term
D) stabilized eclamptic at 38 weeks, after failed oxytocin induction
E) dead hydrocephalic fetus

908.Which four of the following have been associated with placental abruption?
A) postpartum hemorrhage
B) consumptive coagulopathy
C) fetal demise
D) acute renal failure
E) subsequent ectopic pregnancy

909.Which four of the following have been associated with abruptio pacentae?
F) concealed uterine bleeding
G) toxemia of pregnancy
H) consumptive coagulopathy
I) multiparity
J) erythroblastosis fetalis

910.During pregnancy, a medium sized ovarian cyst may be subject to which three of the
F) torsion
G) necrosis
H) infection
I) rupture
J) conversion from benign to malignant state

911.A 23-year old woman (gravida 3, abortus 3) is in your ofice to discuss the possible causes
of her miscarriage. Which three of the following options are significant possibilites?
F) chromosomal abnormalities
G) placental abnormalities
H) high-level magnetic fields
I) uterine abnormalities
J) phychological stress

912.Match each labeled prtion of the forceps in Figure 12-1 with its correct name.
F) handle 2
G) pelvic curves 4
H) shank 5
I) lock 3
J) cephalic curve 1

Figure 12-1

DIRECTIONS (Questions 913 through 916): Each group of items in this section consists of of
a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 913 through 916

Match the eppropriate type of forces or maneuver with most appropriate descriptor
F) low forceps
G) mid forceps
H) high forceps
I) outlet forceps

913.A patient is in labor and the cervix is completely dilated; the vertex is not molded and is
occipito-anterior (OA) at a +2 station; forceps are applied. B
914.The vertex is OA in the second stage of labor; the head is at a +4 station. A
915.A patient is in the first stage of labor at a -1 station; fetal distress occurs and forceps are
applied. C
916.The head is on the perineum in a left occiput anterior (LOA) position; forceps are
applied. B



DIRECTIONS (Questions 917 trough 956): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

917. A prevously energetic woman complains of crying, loss appetite, difficulty in sleeping and
feeling of low self worthm beginning approximately 1 eek and then progressively
diminished. Her symptoms would be termed postpartum
(A) manic depression
(B) schizoid affective disorder
(C) neurosis
(D) psychosis
(E) blues

918. A patient has just delivered her first child. She is axious to breast-feed. As part of her
postpartum discharge counseling, she should be told that few things interfere with
lactation but she should avoid
(A) high dose ( 50 g estradiol) oral contraceptive pills
(B) levonorgesterol implants
(C) Depo-Provera
(D) mini-pill
(E) frequent suckling

919. At delivery, a perineal laceration tore through the skin of the fouchette, vaginal mucous
membrane, and the fascia and the perineal muscles of the perineal body but not the anal
spinter or mucosa. This should be recorded as ________ laceration of the perineal body.
(A) first degree
(B) second degree
(C) third degree
(D) fourth degree
(E) complete

920. A patient is being discharged from the hospital following an uncomplicated vaginal
delivery. Discharge counseling and plans would include
(A) no drivinf for 4 weeks
(B) no coutis at 6 weeks
(C) return to work only after 6 weeks of maternity leave
(D) rubella immunization for non immune patients

Questions 921 throught 923

A 23-year-old patient (gravida 2, para 2) has just delivered vaginally an infant weighing 4,300g
after a spontaneous uncomplicated labor. Her prior obstetric history was a low uterine segment
transvese cesarean section for breech. She has had no problems during the pregnancy and labor. The
placenta delivers spontaneously. There is immediate brisk vaginal bleeding if greater than 500 cc.

921. Although all of the following can be the cause forpartum hemorrhage, which is the most
frequent cause of immediate hemorrhage as seen in the patient?
(A) uterine atony
(B) vaginal and/ or cervical lacerations
(C) coagulopathies
(D) uterine rupture

922. In this patient with a significant postpartum bleed, transfusion should be started
(A) after the loss of 750 cc of blood
(B) if the patient becomes hypotensive despite other volume expanders
(C) before using prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)-alpha
(D) before giving other volume expanders
(E) when packed red cell volume (PCV) is < 30%

923. After a period od hypovolemisc shock, the bleeding was controlled and the vascular
volume replaced. Estimated blood loss were over 2,000 cc. The patient apparently
recovered well. However, she was unable to breast-feed and gradually noted breast
atrophy and no resumption of menses. Later, she developed constipation, slurred speech,
and moderate nonpittng edema. A likely diagnosis is
(A) acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
(B) amenorrhea-galctorrhea syndrome
(C) Sheehan syndrome
(D) Asherman syndrome
(E) ForbesAlbright syndrome

924. A patient calls your office complaining of continued heavy vaginal bleeding. She had an
uncomplicated vaginal birth 2 weeks ago of her second child. The most likely diagnosis
from the following defferential is
(A) uterine atony
(B) uterine rupture
(C) retainaed placental fragmengts
(D) vaginal lacerations
(E) coagulopathies

925. The most eficiaceous treatment of persistent uterine hemorrhage in the second to fourth
week of the puerperium, as described in question 924 is
(A) high dose of estrogen
(B) uterine packing
(C) high dose of progeserone
(D) ergotrate
(E) dilation and curettage (D&C)

926. The postpartum nurse calls about a patient who had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery 12
hours ago. She is concerned about the patient who has the following findings. Which of
them should be of most concern to you?
(A) Proteinuris
(B) abdominal rigidity
(C) a pulse rate of 60
(D) leucocytosis of 16,000
(E) a single temperature of 100oF

927. A patient with a diagnosis of postpartum pelvic thrombophlebbitis complain of chest pain
and dyspnea. Which of the following tests will be most helpful to diagnose a pulmonary
(A) lung scan
(B) electrocardiogram (ECG)
(C) arterial blood gas
(D) auscultation of the chest

928. A patient develops a fever of 102oF, and a tender abdomen and uterus at 4 days
postpartum. She also notices a dark brown urine, and when blood is drawn serum is red. A
flat plate x-ray of tge abdomen shows air in the uterus. Gram stain of uterine curretings
reveals gram positive plumps rods. On the basis of this information, the most likely
organism is
(A) gonococcus
(B) Eschereria coli
(C) Bacteroides
(D) Enterococcus
(E) Clostridium perfringes

Questions 929 through 932

An 18-year-old patient finally delivered a 4,000-g infant vaginally. her prenatal course was
complicated by anemia, poor weight gain, and maternal obesity. Her labor was protacted, including
a 3-hour second stage, a mid-forceps delivery with a sulcus laceration, and third degree episiotomy.

929. Of the following, the greatest predesposising cuse of pueperal infection in this patient is
(A) tissue trauma
(B) iron deficiency
(C) coitus during late pregnancy
(D) poor nutrition
(E) maternal exhaustion

930. She develops a fever on the third day post partum. What is the most likely etiology?
(A) pneumonia
(B) endometriris
(C) mastitis
(D) pyelonephritis
(E) septic thrombophlebitis

931. If you were to culture this patient, you would likely find the most common bacteria
isolated from casesof puerperal infection, which is
(A) E. coli
(B) anaerobic Streptococcus
(C) anaerobic Staphylococcus
(D) aerobic Streptococcus
(E) Clostridium perfringens

932. If this infecion spreads to include the areolar-suppoting connective tissues of the uterus, it
is called
(A) thrombophlebitis
(B) phlebophlebitis
(C) peritonitis
(D) pyemia
(E) parametritis

933. Puerperal infection may be spread by several routes. The most common route that results
in septic thrombophlebitis is
(A) venous
(B) lymphatic
(C) arterial
(D) direct extension
(E) fomites

934. A patient develops severe parametrics secondary to vaginal and cervical laceration during
the delivery. the right broad ligament is severely involved and an abcess foms. Of the
following choisesm such an abcess is most likely to point
(A) in the cul-de-sac
(B) at the umbilicus
(C) in the rectum
(D) beneath the liver capsule
(E) above the inguinal ligamnet

935. A patien who 12 hours postpartum develops a temperature of 104 oF, a tender uterus, and
increased lochia without an odor. Your antibiotics choice nees to be sure to cover the most
likely organism, which would be
(A) E. coli
(B) Bacteroides
(C) beta-streptococcus
(D) gonococcus
(E) Staphylococcus

936. Bacterua can be cultured from most endometrial cavities 2 to 3 days postpartum in
patients who are asymptomatic. The anaerobic organism most commonly found is
(A) Peptococcus
(B) peptostreptococcus
(C) Cllostridium
(D) E. coli
(E) beta-streptococcus

937. During child birth classes, a patient would be told which of the following regarding
(A) Prolactin stimulates milk production and breast development.
(B) Mothers milk contain a large amount of iron.
(C) Most ingested drugs that are soluble in maternal blood do not cross into breast
(D) The postpartum period of lactation is a time of above-normal fertitlity.
(E) Breast milk is a major source of immunoglobulin

938. A 16-year-old patient delivered a term infant yesterday. She does not want to breast-feed
and asks for something to suppress lactation. The simplest and safest mothed of lactation
suppression is
(A) bromocriptine
(B) breast binding, ice packs, and analgesics
(C) Devo-Provera
(D) oral contraceptive pills

939. A patient presents 1 week postpartum with complains her left breast being engorged, hot,
red, and painful. She reports a fever of 101oF. If her breast were cultured, which of the
following is the most likely organism to be found?
(A) anaerobic Streptococcus
(B) E. coli
(C) Staphylococcus aureus
(D) aerobic Streptococcus
(E) Neisseria

940. Given the diagnosis of a postpartum mastitis, you would initiate therapy. Of the following
methods of management, the most controversial has been
(A) use of antibiotics
(B) identification of infectious organism
(C) drainage of abcesses
(D) discontinuance of nursing

941. A class C diabetic patient delivers at term. It is important to check her blood sugar levels
immediately postpartum, since there may be a decrease in the insulin requirements of
diabetic patients. This can be partly explained by
(A) increased food intake
(B) decreased activity
(C) decrease in plasma chorionic somatomammotropin
(D) decrease in plasma progesterone
(E) decrease in plasma estrogen

942. Immediately after the completion of a normal labor and delivery, the uterus should be
(A) firm and rounded
(B) at the level of the symphisis pubis
(C) immobile
(D) dyscoid
(E) boggy

943. Large blood vessels present in the uterus during pregnancy undergo changes postpartum.
Which changes can be recognized years later?
(A) thrombosis
(B) slow reabsorption
(C) hyalinization
(D) necrosis
(E) fatty degeneration

944. A patient had a vaginal delivery of 4,500g infant after a prolonged second stage. She is
now unable to void. Of the following, the most serious cause of inability to void in the
immediate postpartum period is
(A) overdistension of the bladder
(B) edema
(C) hematom
(D) anesthesia
(E) emotions

945. Average blood loss from vaginal delivery when carefully measured has been found to be
(A) <100 mL
(B) approximately 250 mL
(C) approximately 600 mL
(D) approximately 750 mL
(E) approximately 1,000 mL

946. The decidual layer is devided into several parts, most of which are shed following
pregnancy. The part that remains is the
(A) decidua capsularis
(B) decidua vera
(C) zona spongiosa
(D) zona basalis
(E) zona functionalis

947. The period of time from the end of delivery until the reproductive organs have returned to
normal is called
(A) menopause
(B) puerperium
(C) perineum
(D) parhytene
(E) paraverium
948. Postpartum, the uterus involutes in 6 to 8 weeks. Its volume capacity goes from 5-10 L to
10-15 mL. Its weight decreases by how much?
(A) 100g
(B) 500g
(C) 900g
(D) 1,300g
(E) 1,700g

949. Post partum, the decidua becomes necrotic and is normally cast off within 5 to 6 days as
(A) decidual cast
(B) plaxcental remnants
(C) lochia
(D) caruncule mytiformes
(E) none of the above

Questions 950 and 951

A 20-year-old woman (gravida 1) has just delivered. After expression of the placenta, a red, a raw
surface is seen at the vaginal introitus. Simultaneous ly, the nurse states that the patient is pale and
her BP is 70/40. External bleeding has been of normal amount.

950. Of the following, the most likely diagnosis would be

(A) ruptured uterus
(B) second twin
(C) ovarian cyst
(D) uterine inversion
(E) vaginal rupture

951. Treatment would consist of

(A) immediate hysterectomy
(B) delivery of the infant
(C) exploratomy laparotomy
(D) immediate replacement of the fundus
(E) massive blood transfusion

Questions 952 through 954

A postpartum has been running a low-grade (100oF to 101oF) fever of unknown origin. On her sixth
postpartum day, she developed a tender area over the posterior right calf. The pain and fever
increased, and tachycardia developed. Later, the leg became red and tender with edemam and groin
pain became pronounced.

952. The most likely diagnosis is

(A) varicose veins
(B) pelvic celulitis
(C) endometritis
(D) thrombophlebitis
(E) phlebothrombosis
953. This disease entity is most common in which of the following situations?
(A) non pregnant middle-aged adult
(B) antepartum
(C) postpartum
(D) non pregnant young adult
(E) intrapartum

954. Treatment of this disease would include

(A) heparin anticoagulation
(B) vigorous exercise
(C) touniquets on the affected limb
(D) vitamin K
(E) incision of the affected vein

Questions 955 and 956

A 34-year-old patient developed an endometritid postpartum and was trated for 8 days in the
hospital with bed rest, antibioticsm and fluids. She was improving when, on the eighth day,
shortness of breath, anterior chest pain, and tachycardia occurred suddenly.

955. Of the following, the most likely diagnosis is

(A) myocardial infarction
(B) amniotic fluid embolo
(C) pelvic abcess
(D) Mendelsons syndrome
(E) pulmonary embolism

956. Chest film was negative. Ventilation-perfusion scan was intermediat, but spiral computed
tomography (CT) scan was consistent with the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. The
most impotanst theraphy is
(A) vena cava ligation
(B) heparin
(C) hydrocortisone
(D) low molecular weight dextran
(E) warfarin

DIRECTIONS (Questions 957 through 959): each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

957. Immediate management of postpartum hemorrhage will involve many procedures almost
spontaneously. Of the following interventions, which of the four are most likely to stop
uterine bleeding in this setting?
(A) bimanual uterine compression
(B) oxytocin
(C) prostaglandin F2 (PGF2)-alpha
(D) packing the uterus
(E) ergotrate

958. A hospital is competing for an HMO contract. Part of the proposal is data on the puerperal
infection rate. Which four of the following are included in the category of puerperal
(A) endometritis
(B) pelvic trombophlebitis
(C) parametritis
(D) pyelometritis
(E) pelvic peritonity

959. Subinvlution of the postpartum iterus may be due to which four of the folowing?
(A) retained secudae
(B) endometritis
(C) pelvic celulitis
(D) myomas
(E) monilia
DIRECTIONS (Questions 960 and 961): Each group of items in this section consists of
lettered headings followed bya aset of numbered words phrases. For each numbered word or
phrase, select
(A) if the item is associated with (A) only,
(B) if the item is associated with (B) only,
(C) if the item is associated with both (A) and (B),
(D) if the item is associated with neither (A) nor (B)

Questions 960 and 961

(A) midline episiotomy

(B) mediolateral episiotomy
(C) both
(D) neither

960. Should be performed routinely D

961. Little postpartum pain in most cases A

Newborn Assessment and Care


DIRECTIONS (Questions 962 trough 1006): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

962. An infant was born with a vigorous cry, a heart rate of 105, movement of all four
extrimities grimacing, and with bluish hand and feet. The apgar score is
(A) 10
(B) 9
(C) 8
(D) 7
(E) 6

963. The normal infant after delivery will have a normal adult pH in about
(A) 5minutes
(B) 1 hour
(C) 12 hours
(D) 3 days
(E) 1 month

964. Newborn who are immedately exposed to room temperature are at risk for the
development of
(A) metabolic acidosis
(B) metabolic alkalosis
(C) respiratory acidosis
(D) respiratory alkalosis
(E) pneumonia

965. The most common cause to failure to establish effective respiratory effort in the noewborn
(A) fetal acidosis
(B) fetal immaturity
(C) upper airway obstruction
(D) congenital laryngeal stenosis
(E) infection

966. For statistical purposes, a premature birth has been defined as fetus born
(A) before 37 weeks of gestation
(B) before 25 weeks of gestation
(C) prior to the viability
(D) weighing <1,000 g
(E) weighing >1,000g but <2,500 g
967. A patient presents in labor claiming to be at 43 weeks of gestation. Which of the
following neonatal findings would support the diagnosis of a premature infant?
(A) anemia
(B) increased subcutanous fat
(C) long fingernails
(D) vernix
(E) fusion of the eyelids

968. Which of the following nnewborns would be classified high risk?

(A) 3,500 g, 39 weeks gestation, Apgar 8/9
(B) 2,650 g, 41 weeks gestation, Apgar 7/8
(C) 3,800 g, 41 weeks gestation, Apgar 7/8
(D) 3,100 g, 38 weeks gestation, Apgar 7/9
(E) 2,650 g, 38 weeks gestation, Apgar 7/8

969. You have just delivered a term infant who is the product of a nomal pregnancy. The
umbilical cord has yet to be cut. The baby has not yet cried. The most appropriate next
step is
(A) to place the baby on the maternal abdomen
(B) to vigorously slap the baby to stimulate respiration
(C) deep bulb suction of the posterios oropharynx
(D) to maintain the baby in a head down position while you cut the umbilical cord
(E) to begin gentle mask ventilation with oxygen

970. Mild degrees of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn should be treated by

(A) exchange transfusion
(B) exposing the infant to light
(C) O-negative packed red blood cells (RBCs) given as an exchange transfusion
(D) spinal tap
(E) soy-based formula feeding

971. On the fifth day of life, the weiht of a normal infant would be expected to have
(A) increased 6 to 8 oz
(B) increased 2 oz
(C) remained the same
(D) dcreased 2 oz
(E) decreased 6 to 7 oz

972. The umbilical cord stump of a newborn most frequently sloughs off about the
(A) second day after delivery
(B) fifth day after delivery
(C) 10th day after delivery
(D) 15th day after delivery
(E) 21st day after delivery

973. A term infant is delivered as a double-footling breech. It is notes to have an Apgar of 3 at

1 minute and later to be irritable and restless. The infant;s muscles are rigid, and the
anterior fontanel bulges. The infant develops progressive bradycardia. the most likely
diagnosis is
(A) brain stem injury
(B) infection
(C) congenital abnormality
(D) neonatal sepsi
(E) intracranial hemorrhage

974. The most likely finding in a neonate with a pyrexia is

(A) alkalemia
(B) hypoxia
(C) hypocapnia
(D) tachycardia
(E) increased anal spincter tone

975. After a difficult delivery due to a shoulder dytocia, a newborn is found to have a paralysis
of one arm with the forearm extended and rotated inward next to the trunk. This is most
likely due to
(A) damage to the C8-T1 nerve roots
(B) neonatal asphyxia
(C) damage to the brachial plexus
(D) fracture of the clavicle
(E) comminuted fracture of the humerus

976. Traumatic brain hemorrhage is most commonly associated with

(A) vacuum extraction at the pelvic outlet
(B) outlet forceps
(C) mid-forceps deliveries
(D) neonatal coagulopathy
(E) spontanous vertex delivery

977. A large swelling in one of the sternomastoid mucles is noted in a newborn 2 days after
delivery. This most likely represents are
(A) lipoma
(B) hematoma
(C) thymoma
(D) cystic hygroma
(E) neonatal lymphoma

978. Wthin a short time after delivery, the baby does not brathe spontaneously. The heart rate is
80 to 90. There is some movement and questionable irritability. The most appropriate next
step is
(A) dry and warm the newborn
(B) slap the babys back gently at firstm the vigorously if necessary
(C) ventilate the infant by mask
(D) do external cardiac massage
(E) administer intravenous bicarbonate (NaHCO3) via umbilical vein

979. An infant has an Apgar score of 10 at 1 minute despite clearing the airway and gentle
stimulation. The next best step is to
(A) immediate intubate
(B) dry and warm the baby
(C) administer intracadiac epinephrine
(D) administer a narcotic antagonist initiate electrical cardioversion

980. When faced with the delivery of a premature newborn, the normal resuscitation should be
altered to routinely include
(A) assisted ventilation
(B) minimal handling
(C) systemic antibiotic prophylaxis
(D) nelethamide
(E) intravenous bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

981. Apnea in the newborn most often results from

(A) matenal infection
(B) epidural anesthesia
(C) central nervous system (CNS) depression
(D) maternal hyperventilation
(E) naloxone administration

982. The tidal volume of the normal newborn is about

(A) 5 mL
(B) 20 mL
(C) 50 mL
(D) 70 mL
(E) 150 mL

983. At baby is delivered with an Apgar score of 2 at 5 minutes. Oxygen should be

administered by mask at a pressure of
(A) 0 to 5 cm of water
(B) 10 to 20 cm of water
(C) 20 to 35 cm of water
(D) 40 to 80 cm of water
(E) 80 to 100 cm of water

984. if utilized during infant resuscitation, the amount of NaHCO 3 given (per infant body
weight) should be approximately
(A) 1 mEq/kg
(B) 3 mEq/kg
(C) 7 mEq/kg
(D) 10 mEq/kg
(E) 20 mEq/kg

985. The most common factor associated with neonatal death is

(A) birth injury
(B) prematurity
(C) congenital malformations
(D) metabolic diseases
(E) intrauterine growth restriction

986. a premature newborn exhibits rapid grunting respiration, chest retractionm and a diffuse
infiltrate in the lung fields demonstrated on chest x-ray. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) pneumococcal pneumonia
(B) neonatal sepsis
(C) respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
(D) congestive heart failure (CHF)
(E) hyppoglicemia

987. The remnant of fetal circulation that normally remains patent durin adult life is the
(A) ductus arteriosus
(B) umbilical ateries
(C) ductus venosus
(D) hepatic portal vein
(E) umbilical vein

988. After a normal labor and delivery of monozygotic twins at 35 weeksof gestation, one is
found to be polycythemic, and the other small and markedly anemic/ The most likely
etiology of this phenomenon is
(A) acute fetal bleeding
(B) fetal cardiac failure
(C) poor maternal iron intake
(D) placental anatomosis
(E) Rh incompatibility

989. Approximately 2 days after delivery, an appearently healthy newborn male infant
develops an intracranial hemorrhage. Vital sisgn are normal. His hematocrit amd white
blood account (WBC) are normal, but platelets are slightly decreased. The bleeding time
is normal for age, but the prothrrombin time is gratly prolonged. Bloodtype Is A, Rh-
negative. the most likely diagnosis is
(A) unrecognized bitrh trauma
(B) sepsis
(C) erythroblastosi fetalis
(D) hemophylia
(E) hemorrhagic disease of the newborn

990. Vitamin K administered to the newborn is given to prevent

(A) erythroblastosis fetalis
(B) hemophilia
(C) hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
(D) idiopathic thrombocytopenia

991. A premature newborn is found to have abdominal distension, ileus, and bloody stools. An
abdominal x-ray shows excessive gas in the bowel and free air under the diaphragm. The
most likely diagnosis is
(A) appendicitis
(B) toxic megacolon
(C) peptic ulcer disease
(D) necrotizing enteroclitis
(E) diabetic enteropathy

992. A male infant is delivered with very little amniotic fluid. He is notef to have low-set ears,
contracturesof the extremities, and prominent epicanthical folds. He does not void and
dies during the first day of life. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) glycogen storage disease
(B) renal agenesis
(C) talipes equinovarus
(D) iniencephalus
(E) trisomy

993. Fetal anenchephaly is commonly associated with

(A) ptuitary hyperplasia
(B) oligohydramnions
(C) bradycardia
(D) adrenal hypertrophy
(E) post-term labor

994. The most common manifestation of fetal anoxic brain injury is

(A) choroid plexus hemorrhage
(B) rupture of the cerebral vein at the juntion of the falx and tentorium
(C) mental retardation
(D) cerebral palsy

995. Neurologic abnormalities are found in gratest proportion in infants with

(A) high Apgars and normal birth weight
(B) low Apgars and normal birth weight
(C) low Apgars and low birth weight
(D) high Apgars and high birth weight
(E) low Apgars and high birth weight

996. It is estimated currently that intrapartum events account for what proportion of individuals
with cerebral palsy (CP)?
(A) essentially 0%
(B) <10%
(C) 20 to 40%
(D) 60 to 70%
(E) nearly 100%

997. An infant was born 10 hours previously to a mother whose membranes ruptured 27 hours
prior to delivery. The mother was febrile in labor. The infant develops respiratory distress,
apnea, and an ustable blood pressure. The most likely explanation of this infants
symptoms is
(A) group A sterptococcus
(B) group B streptococcus
(C) histeriosis
(D) herpetic encephalopathy
(E) infant rubella

998. The most common sequela of a fetal toxoplasmosis infection is

(A) phocomelia
(B) anecephaly
(C) mental retardation
(D) ambiguous gnetalia
(E) respiratory distress in the first 24 hours of life

999. A general figure for the incidence of significan fetal malformations (birth defects) is
(A) <1%
(B) 3 to 5%
(C) 10 to 15%
(D) 25 to 30%
(E) >40%

1000. Phocomelia is
(A) an error in color vision
(B) supernumerary digits
(C) defects in the long bones
(D) a two-vessel umbilical cord
(E) an inborn error of metabolism

1001. A child is born with genetal ambiguity. The genital folds (scrotum and labia minora) are
adhrent in the midline, and there is severe hypospadias. The parents ask you about the
gender of their child. Your best response, based on the informationgiven above, is that
(A) the child has female pseudohermaphrodism and should be raised as female
(B) the diagnosis is most likely testicular feminization and the child should be raised as
a male
(C) this is called an incomplete scrotal raphe and should be raised as a male
(D) it is likely the child has vaginal atresia, but should be raised as a female
(E) while the sex of rearing will most likely be female, assignment must await further

1002. Alcohol abuse during prenancy is assosiated with

(A) fetal hypospadias
(B) postmaturity
(C) midfacial hypoplasia
(D) macrosomia
(E) congenital cataracts

1003. The perinatal death rate is defined as

(A) deaths in utero of fetuses weighing 500 g or more per 1,000 population
(B) the sum of the fetal death rate and neonatal death hrate per 1,000 live births
(C) infant deaths (under 1 year of age) per 1,000 live births
(D) deaths in utero of futeses weighing 1,000 g or more per 1,000 births
(E) fetal and neonatal deaths occuring after 36 weeks gestation and until 3 months of
life, expressed per 1,000 population

1004. The most common cause of neonatal mortality is

(A) diabetes
(B) hypoxia
(C) erythroblastosis
(D) birth trauma
(E) premature placental separation
1005. A patients deliver shortly after arriving in the labor and delivery suite. Fetal prematurity
would be suggested by finding
(A) labia mojoara that are in contact with one another
(B) one or both testes in the scrotum
(C) fingernails that extend to or beyond the fingertips
(D) breast tissue palpable
(E) lanugo hair

1006. The most common cause for a large-for-dates (LGA) infants is

(A) maternal diabetes
(B) congenital abnormalities
(C) in utero infetions
(D) erroneous last menstrual period (LMP)
(E) maternal hypertension

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1007 through 1013): Each group of items in this section consists of
of a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each
numbered word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it.
Each lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 1007 through 1009

Match the appropriate Apgar score to the desciption of the infant.

(A) 0
(B) 2
(C) 5
(D) 9
(E) unable to give a score with this information

1007. Alert infant with good tone and color E

1008. Pale infant with poor cry, flexed extremities, irregular respiration, and heart rate of 90 C
1009. Pintk body, blue fingers, vigorous cry and active motion, good respiration, and heart rate
of 120 D

Questions 1010 through 1013

Match the appropriate syndrome with the corresponding physical finding in the newborn.
(A) Turner syndrom
(B) Down syndrome
(C) cri du chat syndrome
(D) Klinefelter syndrome
(E) trisomy 13

1010. Simian line or crease B

1011. Lymphedema of handsand feet A
1012. Microcephaly, catlike cry, micrognathism, low birth weight C
1013. Genital atrophy may be present, but is generally not noticeable until after puberty D


DIRECTIONS (Questions 1014 trough 1041): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

1014. What precentage of reproductive-age cuople are unable to conceive after 1 year coutis
without contraception?
(A) 1 to 2%
(B) 15%
(C) 30%
(D) 50%
(E) 75%

1015. A 31-year-old infertility patient with regular ovulatory menstrual cycles has begun
therapy with chlomiphene citrate. Before she starts therapy, what informatio should you
provide her regarding the medication?
(A) Tipically, the timing of ovulation is increased by a week.
(B) Approximately 40% of patients will respond to clomiphene citrate with increased
endometrial thickness.
(C) The risk of multiple gestation is 25%.
(D) Chlomiphene citrate improves the fecundity rate principally through its efect on the
endometrial lining
(E) Risk and side effects of chlomiphene citrate include nausea, hot flushes, weight
gain and mood swings.

1016. Which of the following statements regarding basal body temperature is TRUE?
(A) An oral temperature is taken prior to bedtime.
(B) A rise of 0.2oF between 2 cosecutive days reflects ovulation
(C) A biphasic temperature shift reflects estrogen action on the hypothalamus.
(D) Absence of a biphasic temperatre shift suggest pregnancy.
(E) none of the above

1017. Which of the following is the BEST method to time intercousr for procreative means?
(A) thermogenic shift in basal body temperature
(B) urinary lutenizing hormone (LH) kit testing
(C) serum progesterone level
(D) profuse, thin, acelullar cervical mucus
(E) mittelschmerz

1018. In a young, obesem chronically anovulatory woman with an elevated LH:FSH (follicle
stimulating hormone) ratio and polycyctic appearing ovaries, which of the following is
the preffered initial method of ovulation induction?
(A) metformin
(B) human menopausal gonadotropin (hMGs)
(C) pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
(D) clomiphene citrate
(E) bromocriptine mesylate

1019. The initial treatmnet of choice in a patient with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism when
ovulation is desired is
(A) low-dose estrogen therapy
(B) human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) therapy
(C) bromocryptine mesylate
(D) cyclic progesterone
(E) clomiphene citrate

1020. A woman who suffers from anterior pituitary failure (Sheehan syndrome) can be induced
to ovulate using which of the following hormonal therapies?
(A) low-dose estroge therapy
(B) hMG injections
(C) pulsatile GnRH
(D) clomiphene citrate
(E) bromocriptine mesylate

1021. Which of the following statements BEST describes estrogen action on cervical mucus?
(A) It decreases the water content of cervical mucus.
(B) It decreases the palm-leaf crystalization pattern of mucus upon drying (fernig)
(C) It decreases formation of glycoprotein channels favoring sperm penetration.
(D) It increase cervical mucus stretchability (spinnbarkeit).
(E) It increase the amount of potassium chloride in the cervical mucus.

1022. Which of the following statements regarding the postcoital test (PCT) is TRUE?
(A) It predicts wheter pregnancy can occur.
(B) It is performed 1 to 2 days after ovulation.
(C) It correlates the number of sperm in the cervical mucus with the pregnancy rate.
(D) It examines the ability of sperm to reach and survive in the mucus.
(E) It is performed within 1 hour of coitus.

1023. A 31-year-old patient is preparing to start in vitro fetilization (IVF) because of obstructed
fallopina tubes. On hysterosalphingogram (HSG). It is noted that she is has large dilated
hydrosalpinges present bilaterally. What should be the next step?
(A) The patient should begin her IVF treatment cycle.
(B) The patient should repeat the HSG to confirm the result.
(C) The patient should not be offered the opportunity to have IVF.
(D) The aptient should be recommended bilateral tubal ligation prior to starting IVF.
The patient should be counseled to have her hydrosalphinges drained via
transvaginal aspiration

1024. An infertile patient with regular menses has a biphasic basal body temperature. The
temperature rise during the lutheal phase is 9 days length (normal lutheal phase, 10 to 14
days duration). Which of the following tests should be performed to further evaluate the
shortened lutheal phase?
(A) serum LH
(B) diagnostic laparoscopy
(C) serum estradiol
(D) serum FSH
(E) serum prolactin

1025. Besides infertility, the most common symptom of a lutheal-phase defect is

(A) vaginal dryness
(B) spontaneous miscarriage
(C) tubal occlusion
(D) breast tenderness
(E) ovarian enlargement

1026. Which of the following may be implied by an HSG but comonly represents a problem
with the procedure technique?
(A) unicornuate utreus
(B) distal tubal obstruction
(C) proximal tubal obstruction
(D) hydrosalpinx
(E) intrauterine synechiae

1027. A 31-year-old infertile woman requests surgical tuboplasty for correction of tubal
occlusion. You advise her that the pregnancy rate after surgical tuboplasty depends on the
location of the fallopian tube occlusion correctable by surgical tuboplasty, in decreasing
prognosis for pregnancy, are
(A) isthmic-cornual (endometriosis), isthmic-isthmic (sterilization), infundibular
(B) isthmic-isthmic (sterilization), isthmic-cornual (endometriosis), infundibular
(C) infundibular (salpingitis), isthmic-cornual (endometriosis), isthmic-isthmic
(D) isthmic-isthmic (sterilization), infundibular (salpingitis), isthmic-cornual
(E) isthmic-cornual (endometriosis), infundibular (salpingitis), isthmic-isthmic

1028. A 32-year-old Scottish woman complains of pelvic pain and amenorrhea associated with
low-gade fever and weight loss. Physical examination demonstrate a tender pelvic mass.
Surgical findings include dense pelvic adhesions, segmental dilatation of the fallopian
tubes, and everted fimria. Microscopic examination of the right fallopian tube shows
prolifetation of tubal folds with giant cell within the tube. These findings should lead to
the diagnosis of
(A) endometriosis
(B) adenocarcinoma
(C) tuberculosis
(D) gonorrheal salphingitis
(E) salphingitis ishtmica nodosa

1029. Whichh of the following cell types undergoes the first meiotic division to form haploid
(A) spermatogonoa
(B) primary sprematocyte
(C) secondary sprematocyte
(D) spermatid
(E) spermatozoa

1030. A 17-year-old azoospermic male undergoes a testicular biopsy revealing normal

seminiferous tubules. He has been diagnosed with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and
receives FSH and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injections. What id the minimal
time required before repeating the semen analysis for spermatogenesis response?
(A) 15 days
(B) 30 days
(C) 60 days
(D) 90 days
(E) 120 days

1031. Sperm capacitation refers to a process by which spermatosoa become capable of

(A) stimulating meiosis of the ovum
(B) dispersing the zona radiata
(C) penetrating the cervical mucus
(D) producing acrosomal enzymes
(E) fertilizing the ovum

1032. Which of the following statements BEST describes regulation of testicular function?
(A) LH stimulates inhibin production by the Leydig cell.
(B) LH stimulates androgen-binding protein by Sertolli cells.
(C) FSH stimulates spermatogenesis by the seminiferous tubules.
(D) FSH stimulates testosterone synthesis by Leydig cells.
(E) LH stimulates spermatogenesis by the seminiferous tubules.

1033. Which of the following tests should be considered primarily in infertile ,ales with
previous vasectomy reversal?
(A) Sims-Huhner test
(B) hamster egg sperm penetration assay
(C) semen analysis
(D) split ejaculate analysis

1034. Which of the following semen parameters requres more sophisticated testing than semen
(A) sperm motility
(B) sperm contraction
(C) sperm morphology
(D) sperm penetration
(E) seminal fluid viscosity

1035. A couple with male infertility characterized by a semen analysis with a sperm count of 14
million/mL, 25% motility, and 23% normal forms presents to your clinic. The husband;s
physical examination and hormone studies are normal. The appropriate initial therapy is
(A) chlomiphene citrate
(B) varicocelectomy
(C) in vitro fertilization (IVF)
(D) intrauterine insemination with washed husbands sperm
(E) insemination with donor sperm

1036. A 32-year-old male with oligospermia (low sperm count) has a history of a fever
accompanying painful swelling of the parotid gland and right testicle during high school.
The most likely etiology of this condition is
(A) cytomegalovirus
(B) herpes simplex
(C) varicella-zoster
(D) mumps
(E) influenza

1037. A 43-year-old woman and her husband report to you a history of pelvic adhesions and
bilateral distal occlusion of both fallopian tubes with large hyrdrosalphinges. Both ovaries
are burried in thick ascular adhesions. Adoption is not a consideration for the couple.What
is the appropriate recommended therapy for this couple?
(A) gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
(B) IVF using her own eggs
(C) lysis of adhesions and surgical mobilization of the ovaries
(D) ovulation induction using gonadotropins with intrauterine inseminations
(E) IVF usign donor eggs

1038. Which of the following causes for infetility may be tratable by assisted reproductive
(A) fallopian tube obstruction
(B) low sperm count
(C) cervical mucus abnormalities
(D) unexplained infertility
(E) all of the above

1039. Which of the folowing studies would be more appropriate for a 36-year-old woman who
is G0P0 with 2 years of infertility, than for one who is G3P0A3?
(A) hysterosalphingogram
(B) endometrial biopsy
(C) karyotype with banding
(D) lupus anticoagulant assay
(E) diagnostic laparoscopy

1040. The risk of first-trimester spontaneous abortion after three succesive abortions is about
(A) 0 to 5%
(B) 10 to 20%
(C) 30 to 50%
(D) 55 to 70%
(E) 75 to 90%

1041. Which of the following statements regarding the incompetent of the cervix is TRUE?
(A) It is associated with first-trimester spontaneous abortions.
(B) It is easily diagnosed by precise measurement of cervical resistance to dilatation
(C) It is characterized by painless dilatation of the cervix after the first trimester of
(D) It is inherited as an autosomal recessive disease.

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1042 through 1051): each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

1042. Which four of the factors listed below contribute to the increased number of infertility
evaluations in the United States?
(A) a rise inpelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women aged 20 to 24 years
(B) an increased incidence of male factor infertility
(C) the greater number of people born during 1946-1964 who are now infertile
(D) The delay in childbirth to ages at which women are less likely to conceive
(E) a greater public awareness of modern infertility therapies

1043. Which four of the folowing statements regarding the function of cervical mucus are true?
(A) It provides a barrier to vaginal microorganisms.
(B) It provides an acid environment for prevention of uterine infection.
(C) It provides a conducieve environment for spermatozoa survival
(D) It provides glucose as energy substrate for spermatozoa.
(E) It provides an environment for spermatozoa capacitation

1044. Which two patient situations are suggested by a profuse, thin, acelullar cervical mucus
with a high degree of stretchability and a palm-leaf crystalization pattern upon drying?
(A) late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle
(B) anovulatory
(C) on birth pills control
(D) postmenopausal

1045. In completing the infertility workup in a 36-year old patient with secondary infertility of
2 years duration, you perform an HSG that demontrates a uterine filling defect comsistent
with the intrauterine synechiae. You elect to perform operative hysteroscopic resection of
these synechiae using nonelectrolite distention media. Which of the following statements
is true?
(A) Nonelecrolyte solutions do not conduct electrical current and can be used safely
with electrosugery during hysteroscopy
(B) Intravenous absorption of nonelectrolyte solutions can result in fluid overload.
Intrauterine synechiae typically appear after operative trauma to the uterine cavity
of infection.
(C) Hysteroscopic resection of intrauterine synechiae can result in restoration of
normal menstruation in the majority of patients.
(D) Term of pregnancies after hysteroscopic resection of interuterine synechiae are

1046. Infertility from endometriosis may be due to which four of the following abnormalities?
(A) pelvic adhesions
(B) altered fallopian tube motility
(C) sperm phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages
(D) evective embryo impantation
(E) pituitary failure

1047. Which of the following are causes of abnormal spermatogenesis?

(A) cold environment
(B) cryptorchidism
(C) genetic abnormalities
(D) varicocele
(E) marijuana

1048. Which four of the following environmental factors adversely aaffect spermatogenesis?
(A) swimming
(B) prolonged sitting
(C) febrile illness
(D) use of jockey shorts
(E) hot bath

1049. Which four of the following satements regarding a testicular varicocele are true?
(A) It is an abnormal dilation of the pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord.
(B) It results from defective valves within the internal spermatic vein.
(C) It causes abnormal spermatogenesis by raising ntratesticuler temperature.
(D) It occurs in 5 to 15% of the general population.
(E) It occurs more frequently on the right side.

1050. Which four of the following immunologic factors are associated with recurrent abortion?
(A) lupus anticoagulant
(B) anticardiolipin antibody
(C) antinuclear antibodies
(D) antiovarian antibodies
(E) human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) compatibility

1051. What test(s) is/are most predictive of dimished ovarian reserve as a result of age-related
(A) serum early follicular phase FSH and estradiol levels
(B) serum early follicular phase FSH and LH levels
(C) serum progesterone during the lutheal phase
(D) serum inhibin B levels during the late lutheal phase
(E) none of the above

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1052 through 1060): Each group of items in this section consists of
of a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each
numbered word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it.
Each lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 1052 through 1055

(A) chlomiphene citrate

(B) bromocriptine mesylate
(C) hMGs
(D) GnRH
(E) dexamethazone
(F) GnRH analog
(G) none of the above

1052. Lysergic acud derivate B

1053. Antiesterogen A
1054. Urinary metabolites of menopausal women C
1055. Ovulatory agent for hypergonadotropic hypogonadism G

Questions 1056 through 1060

(A) colposcopy
(B) laparoscopy
(C) hysteroscopy
(E) ultrasound
(F) more than one of the above

1056. A procedure that asesses both uterine cavity and tubal lumen D
1057. A procedure that visualizes pelvic endometriosis B
1058. A procedure that visualizes the uterine cavity C
1059. A procedure that acesses tubal patency F
1060. A procedure that detects ovum release from the follicle E

Clinical Endocrinology

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1061 trough 1085): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

1061. a 21-year-old diabetic athletic woman on a low-dose oral contaceptive come to your clinic
with irregular menses and galactorrhea. On examination, galactorrhea is confirmed, with
fat globules seen microscopically. She currently takes metoclopraminde (reglan) for
delayed gastric emptying. A random serumprolactin level is 65 ng/mL. Which of the
following is most likely responsible for her hyperprolactinemia?
(A) metoclorpramide
(B) pregnancy
(C) oral contraceptive
(D) ptuitary edema
(E) exercise

1062. Which of the following hormones decrease after the first trimester of pregnancy?
(A) progesterone
(B) prolactin
(C) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
(D) human placental lactogen (hPL)
(E) estriol

1063. A 25-year-old woman eho underwent menarche at 11 years of age presents with a history
of irregular menstrual cycles over the last 12 months, increased weight gain, and bilateral
pelvic paiin. Transvaginal ultrasound shows large cystic adnexa, with cysts measuring 7
to 9 cm in size. A urine pregnancy test is negative. Her thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH) level is 7 mIU?mL and prolactin level is 10 ng/mL. What is the treatment of choice
for this patient to regain normal menstrual cycle?
(A) monophasic birth control pills
(B) triphasic birth conrol pills
(C) levothyroxine treatment
(D) bromocriptine treatment
(E) none of the above

1064. A 22-year-old woman with amenorrhea of 6 weeks duration undergoes surgery for
appendicitis. At the time of surgery, a 3-cm semisolid overian cyst is discovered. It is
vascular and appears to contain a blood-filled central cavity. A serum pregnancy test is
positive. Which of the following procedures should be done?
(A) ovrian cystectomy
(B) ovarian wedge resection
(C) oophorectomy
(D) salpingo-oovorectomy
(E) none of the above
1065. A 24-year-old woman suffers a severe intrapartum hemorrhage. Which of the following
symptoms is evidence of pituitary infarction?
(A) infrequent urination
(B) diarrhea
(C) easy bruisability
(D) lactation failure
(E) perspiration

1066. A 16-year-old girl has not experienced menarche. Examination shows absence of breast
development and small but otherwise normal female pelvic organs. Which of the
following diagnostic tests is most useful in determining the etiology of the amenorrhea.
(A) serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
(B) serum estradiol
(C) serum testosterone
(D) magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) of the head
(E) ovarian biopsy

1067. An 18-year-old patienthas no experienceed menarche. Examination shows normal breast

development and absence of a uterus. Which of the following diagnostic tests is most
useful in determining the etiology of the amenorrhea?
(A) serum FSH
(B) serum estradiol
(C) serum testoterone
(D) MRI of the head
(E) ovarian biopsy

1068. Congenital androgen insensivity syndrome (testicular feminization) is secondary to

defective androgen
(A) synthsis
(B) metabolism
(C) receptor action
(D) axcretion
(E) aromatization

1069. An adult genetic male with 17-alpha-hydroxilase deficiency would have which of the
following findings?
(A) no breast development, uterus present, hypertension
(B) no breast development, uterus present, hypotension
(C) no breast development, uterus absent, hypotension
(D) no breast development, uterus absent, hypertension
(E) breast development, uterus present, hypertension

1070. A 28-year-old patient complains of amenorrhea after dilation and curretage (D&C) for
pstpartum bleeding. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) gonadal dysgenesis
(B) Sheehan syndrome
(C) Kallman syndrome
(D) Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
(E) Ashermans syndrome
1071. A 25-year-old woman experiences galactorrhea and amenorrhea of 8 weeks duration with
irregular spotting. Which of the following serum assay should initially be performed?
(A) hCG
(B) progesterone
(C) prolactin
(E) luteinizing hormone (LH)

1072. Anovulatory bleeding (dysfuntional uterine bleeding) is usually associated with

(A) bloating
(B) mood changes
(C) breast tenderness
(D) unpredictable vaginal bleeding
(E) uterine cramping

1073. Anovulatory bleeding (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) is

(A) common prepubertal girls
(B) common in early teens
(C) usually suggestive of a steroid-producting ovarian tumoruncommon during the
perimenopausal years
(D) dependent on the presence of progesterone

1074. A 14-year-old girl complains of irregular vaginal bleeding. Her general examination and
pelvic organs are normal. The most likely cause of anovulatory bleeding (dysfunctional
uterine bleeding) in this patient is
(A) hypothyroidsm
(B) ptuitary adenoma
(C) polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
(D) congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(E) none of the above

1075. A 15-year-old girl is seen in the emergency departement. She has a sudden onset of heavy
vaginal bleeding. She has noted irregular painless vaginal bleeding of 6 months duration.
Her past medical history is unremarkable, and she is not sexually active. Her local
physician has previously determined that serum prolactin and thyroid stimullating
hormone (TSH) level is normal. Physical and pelvic examination are normal, but blood is
coming through the cervical os. A serum pregnancy test is negative, and hematocrit is
37% (normal, 35 to 45%). The best course of immediate action is
(A) observation
(B) estrogen therapy
(C) chlomiphene citrate therapy
(D) D&C
(E) hysterectomy

1076. An 18-year-old woman comes to your clinic with irregular cycles since menarche and
mild hirsutism. She is not interested in pregnancy or contraception. Her serum TSH,
prolactin, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) level are normal, with a slightly
elevated serum testosterone level of 80 ng/dL. Which one of the following is the most
appropriate next step for this patient?
(A) oral contraceptive treatment
(B) endometrial biopsy
(C) gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulation test
(D) clomiphene citrate
(E) bromocriptine

1077. A 25-year-old healthy woman complains of breast tenderness and amenorrhea of 6 weeks
duration. She uses condoms for birth control and dos not take any medication.
Examination demonstrates a whitish brast discharge with mik-containing fat droplets on
microscopic examination. A pregnancy test is negative, and a serum TSH level is normal.
A serum prolactin is 80 ng/mL (normal <20 ng/mL). The next action would be to obtain
radiologic assesement of the
(A) kidneys
(B) lumbar spine
(C) sella turcica
(D) chest
(E) none of the above

1078. The growth of coarse hair in androgen-dependent body regions is reffered to as

(A) masculinization
(B) defeminization
(C) virilization
(D) hirsutism
(E) androgenization

1079. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is BEST treated with

(A) cyclic progesterone
(B) cyclic estrogen
(C) daily glucocorticoids
(D) daily GnRH analogue
(E) daily oral contraceptive

1080. A 23-year-old woman with irregular menses complains of facial hair increasing in amount
over several years. She is sexually active but does not wish to concieve. Examination
demonstrates hirsutism, obesity, and hyperpigmentation of the neck and axillae. The
ovaries are bilaterally enlarged and cystic. A serum testosterone value is 1.2 ng/mL
(normal <0.8 ng/mL). Serum level of DHEAS, 17-hudroxyprogesterone (17-OHP), and
prolactin are normal. The BEST single therapeutic agent for this patient is
(A) oral contraceptives (OCs)
(B) glucocorticoids
(C) clomiphene citrate
(D) antiandrogens
(E) GnRH analogue

1081. A 4-year-old girl is brought in by her mother for evaluation of clitoral enlargement. She is
tall for her age, with no breast or axillary hair development. There is slight pubic hair in
examination and enlarged clitoris with a single perineal opening. karyotype is 46;XX. The
17-OHP level is 108 ng/mL. What is most likely diagnosis?
(A) testicular insensitivity syndrome
(C) CAH with 21-hydroxylase deficiency
(D) none of the above

1082. Female pseudohemaphroditism refers to individuals who have

(A) ovaries, an XX karyotype, and varying degrees of maculinization
(B) testes, an XY karyotype, and varying degrees of maculinization failure
(C) ovaries, an XY karyotype, and varying degrees of maculinization failure
(D) testes, an XX karyotype, and severe of maculinization
(E) both ovarian and testicular tissue

1083. An infant with ambiguous genetalia is found to have testes and XY karyotype. Seminal
vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, epididymis, and vas deferens (wolffian duct derevatives) are
present. There is no uterus, fallopian tubes, or upper vagina. The ratio of circulating
testosterone to dihydrone testosterone (DHT) is elevated compared to normal male
infants. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) 20, 22 desmolase deficiency
(B) 21-hydroxylase deciency
(C) testicular feminization
(D) 5-alpha-reductase deficiency
(E) embryonic testicular regression

1084. Prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas (prolactinomas) usually

(A) diminish in size during pregnancy
(B) increase in size over time
(C) are symptomatic during lactation
(D) impinge on the olfactory nerve respond to medical therapy

1085. A 17-year-old boy presents fr delayed sexual development. He is 65 tall eith a weight of
152 lbs. There is a reduced amount of pubic hair with a small phallus and small testicles.
Endocrine testing reveal increased FSH and LH levels and low testosterone level. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
(A) Kallmann syndrome
(B) Klinefelter syndrome
(C) Savage syndrome
(D) Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
(E) Turner syndrome

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1086 through 1098): each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

1086. Which three of the following are true statements regarding thyroid function during
(A) Maternal thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) level rise.
(B) Maternal total thyroxine (T4) and total triiodo thyronine (T3) level rise.
(C) The secretion of fetal thyroid hormone begins in midgestation
(D) Prophylthiouracil and methimazole do not cross the placenta
(E) Maternal antithyroid antibodies do not cross the placenta

1087. Which four of the following effects is atributed to hCG?

(A) maintenace of corpus lutheum during early pregnancy
(B) regulation of fetal adrenal androgen production
(C) regulation of fetal testicular androgen production
(D) stimulation of thyroid activity
(E) inhibition of peripheral glucose uptake

1088. Which four of the following subtances are placental protein hormones?
(A) dopamine
(B) inhibin
(C) GnRH
(D) human chorionic thyrotropin (hCT)
(E) thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH)

1089. Which three of the following statements are TRUE about pregnancy?
(A) Luteectomy after 7 weeks of gestation can interfere with gestation.
(B) Luteectomy before 42 days results in a decrease in levels of serum progesterone
and estradiol, followed by spontaneous miscarriage.
(C) The elevation of basal body temperature (BBT) during pregnancy is thought to be
mediated by progesterone via interleukins.
(D) Decidua is the endometrium of pregnancy.

1090. Which four of the following conditions are associated with low circulating maternal
estriol (E3) levels?
(A) corticosteroid therapy
(B) anencephaly
(C) placental sulfatase deficiency
(D) antibotic therapy
(E) maternal renal disease

1091. Which three of the following statements are TRUE about estrogen production during
(A) The key step in estriol synthesis in 16-alpha-hydroxy-DHEAS
(B) The ovary is capable of producing estriol via conversion of 16-alpha hydroxy-
(C) Fetal DHEAS is converted by placental sulfatase to DHEA
(D) Estrogen is necessary for the maintenace of pregnancy.
(E) Serum estriol may reflect the wee-being of the fetus.

1092. Which four of the following statements regarding lactaion are TRUE?
(A) Estrogen stimulates mammary ductal proliferation.
(B) Progesterone stimulates mammary alveolar development
(C) High circulating sex steroid levels during pregnancy inhibit lactation.
(D) The gestational mammary gland produces a transudate containing casein and
(E) The postpartum decline in circulating sex steroid levels initiates lactation.

1093. Amenorrhea, estrogen deficiency, and elevated circulating gondotropin levels are noted in
a normal-appearing 27-year-old woman. Which four of the following conditions are
associated with these findings?
(A) X chromosome abnormalities
(B) polyglandular autoimmune syndrome
(C) Kallman syndrome
(D) alkylating antineoplastic drugs
(E) pelvic irradiation

1094. A 33-year-old woman who underwent normal puberty describes an 18-month history of
secondary amenorrhea and hot flashes. A pregnancy test was negative. a progesterone
withdrawal challenge must revealed no bleeding. Her FSH was 94 mIU/L, and her LH
level was 68 mIU/mL. She desires to be pregnant with her current partner. Which two of
the following are considered appropriate of this individual?
(A) karyotype
(B) assessment of thyroid, adrenal, and ovarian antibodies
(C) chlomiphene citrate theraphy
(D) gonadotropin stimulation theraphy
(E) estrogen replacement theraphy

1095. Management of anovulatory bleeding (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) depends on which

four of the following conditions?
(A) age of patient
(B) desire for fertility
(C) size of the cervical os
(D) amount of bleeding
(E) cause of bleeding

1096. Treatment of hyperprolactinemus results in which four of the following?

(A) Elimination of galactorrhea
(B) prevention of acne
(C) establishment of normal estrogen production
(D) treatment of prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas
(E) induction of ovulation

1097. Hirsustism is associated with which four of the following conditions?

(C) Cushing syndrome
(D) increased androgen utilization by skin
(E) hyperprolactinemia

1098. Which four of the following statements regarding PCOS are true?
(A) Elevated androgen production decreases sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
(B) Elevated androgen production increases peripheral aromatization
(C) Acyclic estrogen production increases LH secretion
(D) Acyclic estrogen production decreases bone mineralization
(E) Acyclic estrogen production increases endometrial proliferation

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1099 through 1110): Each group of items in this section consists of
of a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each
numbered word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it.
Each lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 1099 through 1102

(A) estrone
(B) estradiol
(C) estriol
(D) androstenedione
(E) testoterone DHEAS
(F) aldosterone
(G) cortisol
(H) thyroxine
(I) parathyroid hormone (PTH)
(J) insulin

1099. Principal androgen used for placental estrogen synthesis F

1100. Principal estrogen produced during pregnancy C
1101. Principal hormone produced by the maternal zona glomerulosa G
1102. Principal hormone responsible for 1,25 dyhydroxy vitamin D3 synthesis J

Questions 1103 through 1105

(A) spontaneous menses

(B) menses only after progesterone administration
(C) menses only after estrogen administration
(D) menses after sequential estrogen/progesterone administration
(E) none of the above

1103. Destruction of endometrium E

1104. Hypothalamc failure D
1105. Ovarian failure D

Questions 1106 through 1110

(A) 20,22-desmolase deficiency

(B) 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3-n HSD) deficiency
(C) 21-hydroxylase deficiency
(D) 11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency
(E) Cushing syndrome
(F) adrenal tumor
(H) arrhenoblastoma
(I) theca luthein cysts

1106. Hirsustism, ovarian androgen excessm elevated serum lutheinizing hormone levels G
1107. Hirsustism, adrenal androgen excess, elevated 17 OHP C
1108. Hisustism, hypertension, diabetes mellitus E
1109. Hirsustism, multiple gestation I
1110. Virilization, serum testosterone level 2.8 ng/mL (normal, <0.8 ng/ml) H


DIRECTIONS (Questions 1111 trough 1137): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

1111. The most direct public health or soccioeconomic effect of contraceptive use is
(A) improved soccioeconomic status
(B) stabilized world population growth
(C) reduced maternal morbidity
(D) diminished incidence of fetal abnormalities
(E) decreased prevalence of sexually transmitted disease (STDs)

1112. Which contraceptive method has the lowest pregnancy rate in 100 women using the
method for year (100 woman-years of use)
(A) intrauterine device (IUD)
(B) long-acting progestins (Depo-Provera, Norplant)
(C) diaphragm
(D) oral contraceptives (OCs)
(E) spermicidal cream

1113. A 23-year-old woman and her husband use natural family planning as their contraceptive
methods. Her menstrual cycle length is variable, ranging from 26 to 32 days. She does not
measure her basal body temperature (BBT). The time of her maximum fertility, with the
first day of menses defined as day 1, would be between cycle days
(A) 1 and 14
(B) 6 and 14
(C) 6 and 21
(D) 14 and 21
(E) 14 and 28

1114. A couple is using natural family planning for contraception. Figure 17-1 shows the
basal temperature graph made by the couple the previous month. Which letter most
closely identifies when ovulation may occur?
(A) point A
(B) point B
(C) point C
(D) point D
(E) point E
Figure 17-1

1115. Spermicides destroy spermatozoa primarily by

(A) activating acrosomal enzymes
(B) disrupting cell membranes
(C) inhibiting glucose transport
(D) altering vaginal enzymes
(E) increasing vaginal pH

1116. A 19-year-old woman and her boyfriend wish to use condoms as a barrier contraception
method. This couple should be advised that male condoms should be used
(A) when the possibility of an STD is suspected
(B) for every act of coitus
(C) when a female condom is not available
(D) without spermicidal creams, which may weaken the condom
(E) in conjuction with the female condom

1117. An 19-year-old woman complains that a condom broke during sexual intercourse. Coitus
occurred 1 day ago when she was at midcycle. She does not wish to be pregnant and will
terminate the pregnancy if menses does not occur. You advise her that
(A) unprotected midcycle coitus haas a 5% risk of pregnancy
(B) little can be done, since sperm have already entered the cervical mucus
(C) postcoital douching is effective in preventing pregnancy
(D) postcoital brief course of oral contraception is usually effective in preventing
(E) postcoital contraception is usually ineffective when given more than 24 hours after
1118. A 42-year-old patient (G3P3003) reques a diaphragm for a contraception. When fitting the
contraceptive diaphragnm is should sit comfortably between the
(A) anterior and posterior vaginal fornices
(B) anterior vaginal fornix and posterior uretherovesical angle
(C) pubic symphisis and anterior vaginal fornix
(D) pubic symphisis and posterior vaginal fornix
(E) pubic symphisis and posterior uretherovesical angle

1119. IUDs are associated with an increase in

(A) salphingitis in the firs few weeks of use
(B) salphingitis in long-term use
(C) the number of ectopic pregnancies
(D) dysmenorrhea in multipharous patients
(E) the rate of pelvic inlammatory disease (PID)

1120. A 23-year-old patient is considering contraceptive methods but it devoutly religious and
will not accept a method that may cause an abortion. The primary mechanism by which
IUDs prevent pregnancy is
(A) creating chronic endometrits
(B) preventing fertilization
(C) inhibiting ovulation
(D) altering tubal motility
(E) destroying sperm

1121. A 35-year-old woman wearing an IUD complains of amenorrhea of 5 weeks duration. A

serum pregnancy tesst is positive. Because of the presence of IUD, the patient is at
significantly increased likelihood of
(A) ectopic pregnancy
(B) fetal malformations
(C) spontaneous abortion
(D) septic abortion
(E) placental abruption

1122. The primary mechanism by which OCs prevent pregnancy is by

(A) inhibiting serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels
(B) inhibiting serum lutheinizing hormone (LH) levels
(C) inducing endometrial athropy
(D) inducing lymphocytic endometritis
(E) increasing cervical mucous vicosity

1123. Reducing the estrogen content of OCs results in an increase in the rate of
(A) pregnancy
(B) breaktrough bleeding
(C) thromboembolic complications
(D) insulin resistance
(E) premenstrual symptoms

1124. A 37-year-old obese woman wishes to use OCs for birth control. Her past medical history
is unremarkable. She smokes one pack of cigarettes daily. Her blood pressure is 140/90.
Physical and pelvic examination are normal. Total serum cholesterol is 275 mg/dL
(normal, <200 mg/dL). You advise her that combined OCs are primarily contraindicated
because of her
(A) age
(B) cholesterol
(C) hypertension
(D) smoking

1125. The use of OCs may increase the risk of which of the following conditions?
(A) fibrocystic heart disease
(B) hepatic adenoma
(C) salpingitis
(D) ovarian cancer
(E) endometrial cancer

1126. An 18-year-old woman requests OCs for birth control. She is healthy but occasionally
experiences serve nigraine headaches. Her menses occur at monthly intervals. A
grandmother has recently been trated for breastcancer. Her brother has juvenile onset
diabtes mellitus. Her physical and pelvic examinations are normal. A serum total
choelsterol level is 195 mg/dL (normal, <200 mg/dL). You advise her tahat OC use will
increase her risk of
(A) breast cancer
(B) migraine headache
(C) diabetes mellitus
(D) fetal malformations
(E) post-pill amenorrhea

1127. A 36-year old obese woman comes to your clinic for an annual examination. She has no
complaints and is sexually active with multiple partners. She uses OCs for birth control.
There is a strong family history of heart disease. Based on the risk factors present in the
patient, which of the following is indicated?
(A) prophilacted antibiotic treatment for possible infection by Chlamidia trachomatis
(B) fasting serum cholesterol
(C) 3-hour glucose tolerance test
(D) electrocerdiogram (ECG)
(E) screening colposcopy

1128. Compared to users of combination OCs, users of progestine-only OCs are less likely to
(A) intrauterine pregnancy
(B) irregular vaginal bleeding
(C) gonadotropin pregnancies
(D) mood swings

1129. A 36-year-old multiparous woman and her husband request information regarding
permanent sterilization. You advise them that when compared to female sterilization,
(A) has a lower failure rate
(B) requires a longer stay in hospital
(C) is effective immediately
(D) carries a hinger mortality rate
(E) is less reversible than tubal ligation

1130. Which of the following surgical approaches for a sterilization procedure is associated with
the highest failure rate?
(A) postpartum mini-laparotomy
(B) interval mini-laparotomy
(C) laparoscopy
(D) hysteroscopy
(E) vaginal colpotomy

1131. A 35-year-oldman requests a vasectomy. He has been married for 10 years and had three
children. You advise him that vasectomy may
(A) increase his risk for developing testicular cancer
(B) decrease his risk for developing prostatic cancer
(C) increase his risk for developing cardiovascular disease
(D) decrease his circulation testosterone levels
(E) decrease his fertility even after vasectomy reversal

1132. The number of pregnancies worldwide that are terminated electively by abortion is
(A) 1 of every 4
(B) 1 of every 8
(C) 1 of every 16
(D) 1 of every 32
(E) 1 of every 64

1133. The risk of maternal death from legal first trimester abortion is
(A) greater than that of second-trimester terminations
(B) greater than that for borth at some maternal ages
(C) increased with maternal age
(D) lowest when termination is performed during the first week of gestation

1134. The administration of RU 486 results in

(A) abortion when given in early pregnancy
(B) delayed menses when given during the midlutheal phase
(C) menses when given during the follicular phase
(D) resistance to prostaglandin inhibitors
(E) indution of progesterone receptors in the endometrium

1135. A 28-year-oldwoman is seen for her first obstetrical visit. Her last menstrual period
(LMP) was 8 years ago. Her history is significant for infertility adue to chronic salpingitis
and she is required an invitro fertilization (IVF) with multiple embryo transfer. A serum
pregnancy test is positive. A transabdominal ultrasound shows an enlarged uterus
containing five viable fetuses. You advise her that the optimal outcome can be achieved
only with
(A) close supervision
(B) embryo reduction
(C) intramuscular prostaglandin
(D) progestin therapy
(E) termination of the pregnancy
1136. A 33-year-old woman cannot feel the string of her IUD. Her LMP was 1 week ago. A
serum pregnancy test is negative. The BEST immediate action is to
(A) obtain an abdominal radiogram
(B) probe the cervical canal gently to pull down the string
(C) obtain a pelvic ultrasound
(D) perform a hysterosalphingogram
(E) insert another IUD to replace the lost one

1137. A 32-year-old woman has an intrauterine fetal demise at 25 weeks gestation. The highest
rate of complications is associated with second-trimester pregnancy termination using
(A) intravenous oxytocin
(B) intrevenous prostaglandin
(C) intravaginal prostaglandin
(D) intramuscular prostaglandin
(E) dilation and evacuation (D&E)

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1138 through 1149): Each group of items in this section consists of
of a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each
numbered word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it.
Each lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 1138 through 1145

Match the following contraceptive methods with the most likely associated condition?

(A) OCs
(B) progestin-only pill (the mini-pill)
(C) male condoms
(D) cervical cap
(F) coitus interruptus
(G) female condom
(H) long acting progestine (Depo-Provera, Norplant)
(I) female sterilization
(J) male sterilization

1138. toxic shock syndrome D

1139. Cholelithiasis A
1140. Actinomyces israelii E
1141. Highest risk of contraceptive failure F
1142. Lowest risk of contraceptive failure H
1143. Dysmenorrhea E
1144. Reability must be tested prior to use J
1145. Highest protection from STDs G
Questions 1146 through 1149

(A) For each patientm select the contraceptive method that would be relatively or
absolutely contraindicated.
(B) OCs
(C) progestin-only pill (the mini pill)
(D) levonorgestrel implant
(E) condoms
(F) diaphragm

1146. A 17-year-old woman with a history of ectopic pregnancy F

1147. A 25-year-old woman who is nursing A
1148. A 38-year-old woman who smokes more than 20 cigarretes daily A
1149. A 37-year-old woman with a large cystocele A

Gynecology: Common Lesions of the Vulva, Vagina, Cervix, and

Uterus; Gynecologic Pain Syndromes; Imaging in Obstetrics and

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1150 trough 1186): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

1150. A 63-year-old patient is seen for routine examination. An excoriated 2-cm lesion is found
on her left labium majus, whichm she sates has been present at lleast 3 months. The next
best step is
(A) prescribe hydrocortisone cream
(B) schedule colposcopy
(C) perform excisional biopsy
(D) paint the area with toluidine blue

1151. The most common skin disease or condition to affect the vulva is
(A) lichen planus
(B) psoriasis
(C) seborrheic dermatitis
(D) contact dermatitis
(E) hidrradenitis suppurativa

1152. An 18-year-old woman consults you for a painful swelling of her left labium that has
progressively worsened over the past 3 days. She has been threatening the discomfort
with over the counter analgesics and warm sitz baths. On examination, a 6-cm swollen,
red, tender, tense cystic mass is present in the base of the eft labium majus, The most
appropriate next step in the care of patient is
(A) excision of the mass
(B) dry heat
(C) aral antibiotics
(D) intramuscular or intravenous antibiotics
(E) incision and drainage of the mass

1153. Which of the following is most likely to cause vulvar pruritus?

(A) vaginal trichomaniasis
(B) leukemia
(C) personal hygiene products
(D) secondary syphilis
(E) hidradenitis suppurativa

1154. A 79-year-old woman presents to your office with a 1-cm fleshy outgrowth from her
urethra. It has a slightly infected appearance and bleeds on a contact. You perfom a
biopsy, and the report states transitional and stratifieed squamous epithelium with
underlying loos connnective tissue. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) urethral leiomyoma
(B) hidradenitis suppurativa
(C) senile urethritis
(D) urethral caruncle
(E) urethral carcinoma

1155. A patient consult you with complaints of recurrent\ painful, draining vulvar lesions.
Examination shows multiple abcesses and charge fron the lesions is noted. During the
review of the systems, the patients reports the occasional appearance of similar lesions in
the axilla. The most lkely diagnosis is
(A) herpetic vulvitis
(B) hydradenitis suppurativa
(C) lymphogranuloma venerum
(D) granuloma inguinale
(E) secondary syphilis

1156. A 20-year-old patient complains of painful vulval ulcers present for 72 hours.
Examination reveals three tender, punched out lesions, with a yellow exudate but no
induration. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) chancroid
(B) granuloma inguinale
(C) herpes
(D) lymphgranuloma venerum
(E) syohilis

1157. Lage cysts lined with cuboidal, nonciliated, epithelium, most commonly found in the
lateral vaginal wall are most likely to be
(A) paramesonephric duct remanants
(B) mesonphric duct remnants
(C) epidermoid inclusion cysts
(D) endometrial implant
(E) adenomatous hyperplasia

1158. The most common cause of vaginal adenosis is

(A) in utero exposure to thalidomide
(B) in utero exposure to siethylstilbestrol
(C) in utero exposure to progesterone
(D) chronic tampon use
(E) elevated hormone levels during late pregnancy

1159. A 17-year-old girl is seen at a local clinic string contraception because she thinks she will
soon become sexually active. During her examination, an ulcerative lesion is seen in the
vaginal fornix. It has a rolled, irregular edge with a reddish-appearing granular base. The
lesion is mildly tender to palpation. This lesion is most likely
(A) vaginal intraepithelial noeplasia
(B) vulvar carcinoma
(C) syphilis
(D) an ulcer caused by the use of tampons
(E) genital herpes
1160. The most common vaginal complaint or problem seen in practice os
(A) vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
(B) herpes infection
(C) human papillomavirus (HPV)
(D) vaginitis
(E) traumatic vulvitis

1161. The most common benign neoplasm of the cervix and endocervix is a
(A) polyp
(B) leiomyoma
(C) nabothian cyst
(D) endometriosis
(E) Gartner;s duct cyst

1162. The most likely complication of cervical stenosis is

(A) pyometra
(B) adenomyosis
(C) primary dismenorrhea
(D) cervical polyps
(E) uterus didelphys

1163. The most lkely cause of abnormal genital bleeding in a 13-year-old girl is
(A) uterine cancer
(B) ectopic pregnancy
(C) anovulation
(D) systemic bleeding diatheses
(E) threatened abortion

1164. The most likely cause of abnormal genital leeding in 22-year-old woman is
(A) uterine cancer
(B) ectopic pregnancy
(C) anovulation
(D) systemic bleeding diatheses
(E) threatened abortion

1165. A 15-year-old patient has had menstrual bleeding every 2 to 4 weeks since menarche 1
year ago. The bleeding can be both heavy and light. It sometimes lasts as long as 2 weeks.
The next best step in the management of her problem is to
(A) obtain a pregnancy tet
(B) perform an endometrial biopsy
(C) obtain pelvic ultrasonography
(D) initiate oral contraceptive (OCs)
(E) initiate cyclic progestin theraphy

1166. A 47-year-old woman complains of postcoital bleeding, nearly as heavy as menses. The
most likely origin of her bleeding would be cervical
(A) polyps
(B) ectropion
(C) carcinoma
(D) nabothian cyst
(E) infection

1167. An obese 63-year-old woman presents with a 3-month history of continuos scanty vaginal
bleeding. She denies use of hormone replacement therapy. Adequate history and phsical
examination in the office reveals no other abnormalities. A pap smear is negative. The
next most appropriate step in her management is to
(A) begin estrogen replacement therapy
(B) sample the endometrium
(C) perform colposcopic evaluation of the cervix
(D) obtain random biopsies of the cervix
(E) obtain serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), lutheinizing hormone (LH,
estradiol, and prolactin levels

1168. A patient being trated for prothrombin deficiency develops abnormal uterine bleding. An
anatomic lesion has been rulled out. Further management to control the bleeding should
begin with
(A) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists
(B) medroxyprogesterone acetate
(C) conjugated equine estrogens
(D) OCs
(E) transdermal estradiol

1169. A patient complains of heavy but regular menstrual periods. An anatomical cause of the
magnitude of her flow has been ruled out. Which of the following has been shown to be
the most effective in reducing her menstrual flow?
(A) tanexamic acid
(B) formal dilation and curretage
(C) depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate
(D) misoprostol
(E) ergonovine maleate

1170. A endometrial sampling is likely to be reported as showing endometrial hyperplasia in a

patient who is
(A) obese
(B) postmenopausal
(C) using cyclic combination (OCs)
(D) using depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate
(E) using an intrauterine device (IUD)

1171. Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by

(A) uterine hypercontractility
(B) uterine ischemia
(C) high levels of estrogen
(D) coitus during menses
(E) ovulation

1172. Of the following, the best therapy for secondary dysmenorrhea tought to be due to
adenomyosis is
(A) cervical dilation
(B) cyclic OCs
(C) analgesics
(D) hysterectomy
(E) testosterone injections

1173. A 35-year-old accountant complains of episodic bloating, brast tendernessm dypareunia,

irrability, and depression, which leave her with only 1 good week in a month. She is
currently using condoms and foam for birth control because she felt terible on OCs.
Pelvic examination is normal. Your best diagnosis course is to
(A) begin a prospecitve diary of symptomps for the next 2 months
(B) obtain a serum progesterone level during the last half of her menstrual cycle
(C) obtain a serum estrogen level during the first half of her menstrual cycle
(D) perform a transvaginal ultrasound examination of the posterior cul-de-sac
(E) begin basal body temperature (BBT) recording

1174. Which of the following symptoms pattern suggest true premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
(see Figure 18-1)?
(A) graph A
(B) graph B
(C) graph C
(D) graph D
(E) graph E

Figure 18-1
1175. A 33-year-old patient has been diagnosed as having adenomyosis. Which of the following
is most consistent with this diagnosis?
(A) gyspareunia
(B) mood swings
(C) painful defecation
(D) dysmenorrhea
(E) infertility

1176. The diagnosis of endometriosis is confirmed histologically by identifying extragenital

complains containing
(A) endometrial glands and stroma
(B) hyperthropic smooth muscle
(C) hemorrhage and iron pigment depsits
(D) fibrosis
(E) stromal decidualization

1177. Adenomyosis may be associated woth which of the following clinical or histologic
(A) stromal hyperthropy
(B) an irregular uterus
(C) athropy of the overlying endomentrium
(D) deformation of the basal endometrium into folds that dip into the myometrium
(E) myometrial hyperthrophy

1178. The most common indication for treatment of uterine leiomyomata in a 42-year-old
woman is
(A) interference with reproductive function
(B) rapid enlargement
(C) pain
(D) excessive uterine bleeding
(E) impigment on another organ

1179. A 45-year-old patient with uterine leiomyomata found on pelvc examination complain of
excessive uterine bleeding. The next step in the management of this patient should be
(A) myomectomy
(B) hysterctomy
(C) ultrasosnography
(D) endometrial biopsy
(E) hysterosalpingography

1180. A 26-year-old patient is found to have an 8-week-size, irregular uterus. She does not
complain of pain or excessive menstrual bleeding. Her pap smear is normal. The best next
step in the managemnt of this patient is
(A) continued observation
(B) endometrial biopsy
(C) cervical conization
(D) hyterectomy
(E) pelvic ultrasonography

1181. A 23-year-old woman complains of heavy, further questioning, you found that every other
bleed is actually very brief, consisting of only 2 days of spotting. At these times, the pain
is also only an ocassional twinge. During the heavy bleeding, the pain is crampy, nearly
consistant, located centrally in the pelvis, and last 3 days. A BBT curve us biphasicm
compatible with normal ovulatory cycles 28 days in length. Her physical examination is
normal. In addition to dysmenorrhea, the most likely diagnosis would be
(A) anovulatory bleedign
(B) progressive endometriosis
(C) chronic constipation
(D) mittleschemerz
(E) Halbans disease

Questions 1182 and 1183

A 25-year-old patient with her last menstrual period (LMP) 3 weeks ago is being followed for a
5x4x4cm right ovarian cystic mass. She comes to the emergency departement complaining of
sudden right-sided low abdominal pain and nausea that had been constant for 2 hours. She had
intermittent spasms of pain for a week preceding this episode (when you first felt the cyst). All this
pain episodes resolved within minutes. The patient denies fever or recent coitus (none in 6 months).
Examination demonstrates a 10x8x6-cm right pelvic mass that very tender. White blood cell count
(WBC) is 12,500 and temperature is 100.2oF. She had no prior surgery.

1182. Of the following options, the most likely diagnosis is

(A) appendiceal abcess
(B) torsion of an ovarian cyst
(C) diverticulitis
(D) ectopic pregnancy
(E) pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

1183. The patient undergoes diagnostic laparoscopy, and black mass is seen replacing the entire
right ovary. The most appropriate management of this patient is
(A) removal of the ovary
(B) antibiotic therapy
(C) Clostridium antitoxin
(D) reverse torsion and oophorexy

1184. Computed tomography (CT) scan currently can detect pelvic masses larger than (lowest
limit of reliable identification)
(A) 0.02 mm
(B) 0.5 mm
(C) 5 mm
(D) 2 cm
(E) 5 cm

1185. A 36-year-old virgin with a low-grade fever complains of pelvic and flank pain. No
irregular bleeding has occurred. Her past history is unremarkable with the excession of
migraine headaches that are well controlled by medication. Pelvic examination
demonstrates slightl induration posterioly but is otherwise normal. The pap smear is
normal. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) shows medial displacement of the ureters with
moderate bilateral obstruction. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) stage II cervical cancer
(C) idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
(D) uterine fibroids
(E) endometriosis

1186. The most effective treatment of vulvar pruritus associated with athropic vulvitis is
(A) antihistamines
(B) hydrocortisone
(C) alchohol injections
(D) transquilizers
(E) topical estrogen therapy

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1187 through 1206): Each group of items in this section consists of
of a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each
numbered word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it.
Each lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 1187 through 1189

Match the clinical menopausal problem with the most appropriate medication.

(A) orally adminestered DES 0.2 to 2 mg/day for the first 25 days for each month
(B) vaginal estrogen cream daily
(C) orally administered progesterone 5 to 10 mg daily for 10 days
(D) testosterone tablets 10 mg/day
(E) estrogen 20 mg administered intravenously

1187. Anovulatory dysfunctional bleeding C

1188. Senile vaginitis B
1189. Postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms A

Questions 1190 through 1194

Match the appropriate signs or symptoms wth the most appropriate diagnosis.

(A) ectopic pregnancy

(C) endometriosis
(D) appendiciis
(E) Urinary tract infection (UTI)
(F) ruptured corpus lutheum cyst of the ovary

1190. Amenorrhea for 8 weeks, 1 week of an unilateral adnexa pain, acute abdomen on
examination, rapidly falling hematocrit, positive pregnancy test A
1191. Bilaterally equal adnexal pain, cervical motion tenderness, direct abdominal tenderness,
temperature 101.3oF, WBC 12,000/Ml B
1192. Flank pain, temperature 101.9oF, WBC 14,000/mL E
1193. Increasingly severe dysmenorrhea C
1194. Delayed onset of menses, sudden onset of severe pain, syncope, negative pregnancy test

Questions 1195 through 1206

Match the disease, diagnosis, or test with the most likely finding.

(A) teeth in a pelvic cyst

(B) paralytic ileus and edema of the bowel with intact mucosa
(C) ga in the uterine soft tissues
(D) strippled calcifications in the are of ovaries
(E) ring of echoes around the fetal head in ultrasonography
(F) double bubble on ultrasonography
(G) enlarged iliac lymph nodes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
(H) CT demonstrating sellar enlargement
(I) unicornuate uterus
(J) lack of filling on hysterosalpingography
(K) echogenic ring 9.6 cm in diameter seen on ultrasonography
(L) acetowhite changes
(M) echogenic mass with shadowing behind

1195. Acute PID B

1196. Ovarian carcinoma E
1197. Clostridium endometritis D
1198. Endometritis C
1199. Teratoma A
1200. Term pregnancy L
1201. Duodenal atresia G
1202. Cervical carcinoma H
1203. Prolactinoma I
1204. Asherman syndrome K
1205. Abnormal Pap smear M
1206. Increased incidence of renal anomalies J

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction:

Genital Prolapse and Urogynecology

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1207 trough 1233): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

1207. A 44-year-old woman (gravida 5, para 5) comes in complaining that she has noticed a
bulge protruding out her vagina. Her other medical problems include hypertension treated
with medication, diabetes mellitus, and alcoholism. She stands at work as a grocery clerk.
She has a family history of genital prolapse. On examination, you notice a uterine
prolapse, cystocele, rectocyele. Her major risk factor for her pelvic support disorder is
(A) childbirth
(B) hypertension
(C) diabetes mellitus
(D) positive family history
(E) environmental factors-job

1208. A 49-year-old parous woman comes in complaining that over the last severals years it
feels as though her organs are progressively falling out her vagina. Along with this, she
complains of losing urine urine with coughing, occasional uregency, and sometimes a
feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder with voiding. On futher examination, you
most likely find a(n)
(A) cystocele
(B) rectocele
(C) enterocele
(D) complete uterine prolapse
(E) urinary tract infection (UTI)

1209. A 56-year-old woman complains that she is sitting on a ball. She says constipation is a
significant problem for her and that sometimes she needs to push stool out of her rectum
by inserting a finger in the vagina and pressing on a bulge. On further examination, you
will most likely find a(n)
(A) cystocele
(B) rectocele
(C) enterocele
(D) complete uterine prolapse
(E) hemorrhoid

1210. A 68-year-old woman complains of something falling out of her vagina, and she thinks it
causes a constant backache. The backache is least symptomatic when she gets up in the
morning and worsens as the day goes on. She says she cannot understand why she has
this, because 4 years ago she has an abdominal hysterectomy and urethral suspension
(Bruch procedure) to correct the falling out and some problem with urine loss. Her
ability to hold her urine is excellent since the first surgery. Given her history, on
examination you expect to find a(n)
(A) cystocele
(B) rectocele
(C) enterocele
(D) complete uterine prolapse
(E) hemorrhoid

1211. A 90-year-old woman comes tp your office complaining that she is sitting on a ball On
examination, you fing out the vagina is essentialy turned out and the entire uterus lies
outside the vaginal introitus. This condition is known as
(A) first-degree prolapse
(B) second-degree prolapse
(C) third-degree prolapse
(D) fourth-degree prolapse or procidentia
(E) vaginal evisceration

1212. Study Figure 19-1. The leter A represents

(A) rectocele
(B) uterine prolapse
(C) cystocle
(D) sigmoidocele
(E) enterocele

Figure 19-1

1213. An 18-year-old nulliparous woman come into your office complainng of a 24-hour history
of urinary frequency, urgency, and suprapubic. She had intercourse for the first time
earlier this week. She is using a diaphragm for birth control. Which of the following
statements is true?
(A) Cystitis occur two times more commonly men than in women.
(B) In freshly loided, clean-catch urine specimen, the findings of bacteria and 6 to 20
white blood cell (WBCs)/hpf is strongly indicative of an infection.
(C) Use of diphragm help prevent the development of UTIs
(D) A teenager is most likely to have asymptomatic bacteriuria than is a
postmenopausal woman.
(E) In women who have frequent urinary tract infection is related to coitus, infection
can be prevented by voiding immediately before coitus.

1214. A woman complains of postvoid dribbling of urine when she stands, painful intercourse,
and dysuria. She has no other symptoms. She is most likely to have
(A) a urinary fistula
(B) detrusor instability
(C) female prostatism
(D) genuine urinary stress incontinence
(E) a urethral diverticulum

1215. A 38-year-od multigravid woman cmplains of the painless loss of urine , beginning
immediately with coughing, laughing, lifting, or staining. Immediate cessation of the
activity stops the urine loss after onlu a few drops. This history is most suggestive of
(A) fistula
(B) stress incontinence
(C) urge incontinence
(D) urethral divertculum

1216. Kegel exercise were designed to

(A) strenghten the abdominal muscles after childbirth
(B) increase the blood flow to the perineum to speed the healing of an episiotomy
(C) improve the tone of the muscle surrounding the bladder base and proximal bladder
(D) prevent denervation of pelvic muscles after childbirth
(E) decrease the muscle athropy associated with aging

1217. An 88-year-old-woman who lives in a nursing home and is in poor general health
complains of difficulty initiating urination and with defecation. On examination, she has
fourth degree uterovaginal prolapse. What is your recommendation?
(A) transabdominal uterine suspension operation
(B) transvaginal uterine suspension operation
(C) trial of a pressary
(D) the use of diapers and tight-fighting underclothing for sport
(E) surgical closure of the vaginal introitus

1218. A 10-year-old patients mother give a history of the child constantly wetting herself,
requiring continuous use of diapers since birth. The child is otherwise very healthy and
happy and does well in school. Which of the following diagnosis would closely fit this
clinical history?
(A) maternal anxiety
(B) ectopic ureter
(C) stress intontinence
(D) urethral divertcula
(E) vesicovaginal fistula

1219. A 52-year-old postmenopausal woman complains of urinary frequency, urgency, and urge
intinence. She is otherwise healthy. You recommend behavioral treatment thats includes
(A) relaxation techniques
(B) anticholinergic medication
(C) voiding every hour during the day time
(D) bladder retraining
(E) intinence pad testing

1220. A 35-year-old woman (gravida 4, para 4) complains that she looses urine intermittently
and without warning. At other times, she cannot get to the bathroom in time when she
first fells the urge to void and also looses urine. She denies dysuria are loss of urine with
exercise. Pelvic examination is normal, except for a first-degree cystocele. Post void
residual is 150 mL. Of the following options, the BEST plan would be
(A) instruct in Kegel exercise
(B) teach clean intermitten self-catheterization
(C) do an intravenous pyelogram (IVP) looking for a urinary fistula
(D) perfom urodynamic testing looking for a neurogenic bladder
(E) given her a trial of anticholinergic medication

1221. Ten days after an abdominal hysterectomy for abnormal bleeding, a woman begins to
have continuous drainage of urine from the vagina. She wants this condition repaired as
soon as possible. You advise her that the best time for repair is
(A) immediately
(B) within 2 weeks
(C) not before 1 to 3 months
(D) not before 6 to 8 months
(E) not before 12 months

1222. The most common cause of rectovaginal fistula is

(A) obstetrical delivery
(B) irradiation to the pelvis
(C) carcinoma
(D) hemorrhoidectomy
(E) chrons disease

1223. If a rectovaginal fistula is identified, intial treatment shoul include

(A) diverting colostomy
(B) bowel resection
(C) rectal pull-through operation
(D) vaginal repair of the fistula
(E) systemic steroid and antibiotics

1224. Fecal incontinence may be related to

(A) interplay between the pubococcygeus muscle and rectu,
(B) innervation of the pelvic floor and the anal spincter
(C) nullyparity
(D) urinary retention

1225. When performing retropubic urethropexy (like the Buch or Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz

[MMK] procedure) for stress urinary cystocele, the goal of the procedure is to
(A) strengthen the levator ani muscle
(B) correct the posterior uretherovesicle angle
(C) lengthen the urethra
(D) place the urethra in a high retropubic position
(E) plicate the endopelvic fascia under the bladder neck

1226. When performing a vaginal hysterectomy for any indication, prevention of future
enterocele or vaginal vault prolapse is aided by
(A) reattachment of the round ligaments to the vaginal cuff
(B) closing the vaginal mucosa
(C) reattachment of the cardinal and uterosacral ligaments of the vaginal cuff
(D) complete a purse string suture closure of the cul-de-sac peritoneum
(E) placing a vaginal pack for 24 hours post-operatively

1227. A 35-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 3) returns for her 6 weeks postpartum visit. She
had an uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal delivery with no lacerations. She had mild
stress incontinence symptoms during her pregnancy but they are much worse now. You
instruct her in starting Kegel exercise program
(A) whenever she voids
(B) while waiting at stoplights
(C) 20 minutes three times per day
(D) 10 times twice a dat
(E) 10 times four times a day

Questions 1228 through 1230

1228. A 30-year-old woman complains of 36 hours urinary frequency, dysuria, and pelvic pain.
She has never had a UTI and has no medical problems
(A) Escherichia coli
(B) Staphylococcus saprophyticus
(C) Klebsiella pneumonia
(D) Proteus mirabilis
(E) enterococci

1229. The recommended treatment regimen is a

(A) 7-day course of tetracycline
(B) 3-day course of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
(C) 7-day course of ciprofloxacin
(D) 3-day course of amoxicillin
(E) 7-day course of erythromycin

1230. If the patient is diabetic or pregnant, the appropriate therapy is a

(A) 3-day course of ciprofloxacin
(B) 3-day course of trimethroprim
(C) 7-day course of ciprofloxacin
(D) 3-day course of nitrofurantoin
(E) 3-day course of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

Questuins 1231 through 1233

A 49-year-old woman had a radical hysterectomy and lymph node sampling for stage 1B squamous
cell cancer of the cervix. A suprapubic catheter was placed at the time of surgery. She is now 8
weeks postoperative and has not been able to void. She is also leaking urine with activity, coughing,
and sneezing.

1231. What is the most likely reason for voiding difficulty?

(A) spasm oof the pelvic floor muscles
(B) outflow obstruction
(C) postoperative swelling around the bladder
(D) innervation to the lower urinary tract was transected
(E) overdistention of the bladder

1232. The most likely etiology of her incontinence is

(A) urge incontinence
(B) stress incontinence
(C) overflow incontinence
(D) ureterovaginal fistula
(E) urethral diverticulum

1233. Which of the following is a normal urologic consequence of aging?

(A) incontinence
(B) elevated post void residual to 50 to 100 mL
(C) increased daytime diuresis
(D) increased bladder capacity
(E) delayed sensasion of first desire to void

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1234 through 1279): Each set of items in this section consists of a
list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 1234 through 1245

Abnormalities of pelvic support are often associated with other types of support disorders, including
(A) cystocele
(B) direct inguinal hernia
(C) enterocele
(D) femoral hernia
(E) incarcerated hernia
(F) incisional hernia
(G) indirect inguinal hernia
(H) rectocele
(I) Rokitanskys hernia
(J) sliding hernia
(K) Spigelian hernia
(L) strangulated hernia
(M) umbilical hernia
(N) urethrocele

1234. Results from injury to the pubourethral ligaments. N

1235. A true hernia into the potential space of the vagina. C
1236. The organ protruding makes up a portion of the wall of the hernia sac. J
1237. Herniation where the vertical linea semilunaris joins the lateral border of the rectus
muscle. K
1238. Results from a defect in the posterior levator ani musculofacial attachments. H
1239. The contents of the hernia sac cannot be easily reduced. E
1240. Comes through Hesselbachs triangle. B
1241. Close during the first 3 years of life in many people. M
1242. Much more sommon hernia in the female than male. D
1243. Associated with absorbable suture material. F
1244. Can be closed more tightly in the female than the male. G
1245. Acute pain, possible surgical emergency. L

Questions 1246 through 1253

Using the following items, match the type of incontinence with the most appropriate description
of incontinence.
(A) detrussor instability (or overeactivity)
(B) genuine stress incontinence (or urodynamic stress incontince)
(C) incontinence
(D) overflow incontince
(E) urethral syndrome
(F) urinary urge incontinence
(G) eneuresis
(H) sudden onset urinary incontince, frequency and urgency

1246. Loss of urine secondary to involuntary bladder detrussor contractions A

1247. An inflammatory condition with negative bacterial cultures, sometimes associated with
positive chlamydial cultures E
1248. Involuntary urine loss accompanied by or immediate preceeded by a strong desire to void
1249. Involuntary loss of urine when intravesical pressure exceeds intraurethral pressure in the
absence of a detrussor contraction B
1250. Incontinence that occurs during sleep G
1251. Urine loss in association with bladder distention in the absence of bladder contractions D
1252. All involuntary urine loss C
1253. Cystitis H

Questions 1254 through 1259

Match the name of the stress incontinence operation with the most appropriate description.

(A) Kelly placation

(B) MMK procedure
(C) Bruch procedure
(D) Pereyra procedure
(E) TVT (tension-free vaginal tape) sling
(F) punovaginal sling procedure
1254. Attaches the paraurethral tissue on each side to the back of the pubic symphisis. B
1255. Permanent suture is used to grasp the punbourethral ligaments, and the suture is fixed to
the anterior abdominal wall using a special needle D
1256. Synthetic material or fascia encircles the urethra while held in place by sutures to the
anterior abdominal wall. F
1257. Metal needles attached to a prolene tape sling are passed from the vagina to the abdomen
and a U-shaped sling loops around the midurethra. E
1258. Lateral edges of the vagina are sutured to Coopers ligaments. C
1259. The pubocervical fascia is reinforced beneath the bladder base and bladder neck. A

Questions 1260 through 1268

Match the following urodynamic and urologic tests with their intended purpose.

(A) Bonney or Marshall test

(B) cystometrogram
(C) endoscopy
(E) measurement of residual urine
(F) pad test
(G) positive pressure ureterography
(H) Q-tip test
(I) urethral pressure profile study
(J) urinalysis and/ or urine culture
(K) standing cough stress test

1260. A simple test of urethral hypermobility. H

1261. An indirect test of the neurologic function of the bladder. B
1262. Screens for infection J
1263. Evaluation of cystocele and overflow incontinence E
1264. Identifies and quatifies incontinence outside the office setting F
1265. Identifies noninfectious inflammation, malignancy, and abnormal anatomy. C
1266. A low pressure predicts failure of standard incontince procedures I
1267. A means of predicting the likelihood of surgical success in patients with stress
incontinence. A
1268. A means of nonivasively confirming the clinical diagnosis of stress incontinence in the
office. K

Questions 1269 through 1275

Select the most likely diagnosis for each patient with a bladder disorder.

(A) acute cystitis

(B) acute urethritis (often due to Chlamydia)
(C) interstisial cystitis
(D) painful bladder syndrome of unknown etiology
(E) postural diuresis
(F) sensory urgency
(G) urethral diverticulum
(H) urethral syndrome
(I) vaginitis

1269. An 18-year-old female with acute onset of frequency, dysuria, suprapubic pain, and a new
sexual partner. Office leucocyte esterase dipstick is positive. A
1270. An 18-year old female with frequency, urgency, and suprapubic pain. The pain increases
with bladder filling and is temporary relieved with voiding. Multiple urine cultures over 6
months have been negative and antibiotics have not improved her symptoms. Cytoscopy
under anesthesia is negative. D
1271. An 80-year-old female with nocturia three to five times a night that disrupts her sleep. She
voids every 2 ti 3 hours during daytime. Her medical history is complicated by mild
congestive heart failure and hypertension. E
1272. An 18-year-old female with frequency, urgency, nocturia, and suprapubic pain. She voids
every 30 minutes because it temporary reduces her symptoms. Urine cultures have been
negative. Cystoscopy under anesthesia reveals petechial hemorrhages after bladder
distention. C
1273. An 80-year-old female with frequency, urgency,and nocturia. Urine culture is negative
and postvoid residual is 30mL. Office cystometrics shows no uninhibited detrussor
contractions. F
1274. An 18-year-old female with acute onset of frequency, dysuria, vaginal discharge, and a
new sexual partner. Microscopic urine evaluation shows pyuria. Urine culture is negative.
1275. An 18-year-old female with acute onset of vaginal discharge,external dysuria, and a new
sexual partner. No pyuria is seen on microscopic urine evaluation. I

Questions 1276 through 1279

Match the part of the nervous system with the function.

(A) adrenergic receptors

(B) cerebral cortex
(C) muscarinic receptors
(D) parasympathetic nervous system
(E) pontine micturition center
(F) sacral spinal cord
(G) somatic nervous system
(H) sympathetic nervous system

1276. Contains the detrussor motor neurons E

1277. Regulates the storage phase of micturition cycle H
1278. Simulation causes relaxation of the detrussor muscle A
1279. Controls the voiding phase of the micturition phase D

The Pelvic Mass


DIRECTIONS (Questions 1280 trough 1299): Each of the numbered item or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or or by completions of statement. Select the
ONE lettered answered or completion that is BEST in each case.

1280. Examination of an asymptomatic 2-day-old infant girl shows a distended abdomen. The
urinary bladder and rectal ampulla are empty. A solitary unilocular cyst is visualized with
ultrasonography. the next best step the management of this patient is
(A) observation
(B) intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
(C) cytoscopy
(D) barium enema
(E) exploratory surgery

1281. You are called to the operating room to evaluate a pelvic mass in an infant girl.
Laparoscopy shows a 3-cm cystic mass in the broad ligament between the fallopian tube
and ovarian hillum. The next best step is
(A) observation
(B) cyst aspiration
(C) vystectomy
(D) adnexectomy
(E) laparotomy

1282. Childhood neoplastic ovarian masses most commonly originate from

(A) gonadal epithelium
(B) gonadal stroma
(C) germ cells
(D) sex cord
(E) metastatic disease

1283. A 6-year-old firl has a history of 2 weeks of abdominal pain. She is significantly taller
than her peers. Physical examination shows early breast development and abdominal
distention. Blood is present at the introitus, and pelvic examnination is attempted but
cannot be accomplished. Serum gonadothropin levels are in the prepubertal range and do
not change after gonadothropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) administration. Abdominal
sonography shows a 6-cm solid right adnexal mass. The most likely diagnosis I a(n)
(A) epoophoron
(B) granulose cell tumor
(C) corpus lutheum cyst
(D) endometrioma
(E) fibroma

1284. A colleague asks you to evaluate a 5-year-old Caucasian girl with sexual precocity. Areas
of mucocutaneous pigmentation are present. Rectal examination demonstrates a 4-cm
pelvic mass. Prepubertal levels of serum gonadothropins do not changes after GnRH
administration. In addition t the findings noted above, the patient is most likely to have
(A) dextrocardia
(B) renal agenesis
(C) gastrointestinal polyps
(D) skeletal anomalies
(E) mullerian anomalies

1285. An 8-year-old girl has acute right lower abdominal pain. The pain began last night in the
periumbilical area and shifted this morning to the right lower abdomen. She noted a loss
of apetite over the past day and has vomited three times since yesterday. She has not had a
bowel movement today. Vital signs are: blood pressure, 120/60; pulse, 90bpm; and
temperature, 101.8oF. Abdominal examination demonstrates tenderness halfway between
the umbilicus and the right anterior superior iliac spine. Bowel sounds are absent. Rectal
examination shows a fluctuant, fixed, ill defined right pelvic mass. A hematocrit is 34%
(normal, 3 to 10,000/mL). Stool guaiac is negative for occult blood. Abdominal
radiogram shows a calcified fecalith in the right lower quadrant. The most likely
diagnosis is
(A) regional enteritis
(B) ulcerative colitis
(C) Meckels diverticulum
(D) appendicitis
(E) ovarian torsion

1286. The most common pelvic mass associated with amenorrhea in a reproductive-age woman
is a
(A) follicular cyst
(B) corpus lutheum cyst
(C) benign cystic teratoma
(D) leiomyoma
(E) pregnancy

1287. A 14-year-old girl has had progressively increasing cyclic left pelvic pain since menarche.
She is not sexually active. Menses occur at monthly intervals. Pelvic examination
demonstrates a uterus deviated to the right. an elongated left adnexal structure is palpable
above a left-sided vaginal mass. You should suspect the presence of
(A) an ovarian cyst
(B) a uterine anomaly
(C) cervical stenoais
(D) vaginal adenosis
(E) a pelvic kidney

1288. A 23-year-old woman desiring conception has amenorrhea of 5 weeks duration. She
noticed an elevation in her basal body temperatures (BBTs) since unprotected coitus 3
weeks ago. Her vital signs are: blood pressure, 120/60; pulse, 80bpm; and temperature,
98.6oF. Physical examination is normal with the exception of the pelvic examination,
which demonstrates a tender 3-cm right adnexal mass. A heatocrit is 38% (normal, 35 to
45%). A serum pregnancy test is negative. The next best step is
(A) observation
(B) estrogen therapy
(C) progesterone therapy
(D) RU 486 therapy
(E) laparoscopy

1289. You are asked to evaluated a 28-year-old unconscious woman involved in a motor vehicle
accident. An abdominal radiogram shows two teeth in the right pelvis. Pelvic examination
demonstrated a 7-cm semisolid mass in the right adnexa. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) severe head and facial trauma
(B) fetal demise
(C) petus papyraceus
(D) calcified leiomyoma
(E) mature teratoma

1290. A 39-year-old woman with acute right lower abdominal pain is seen in the emergency
department. She is nauseated and had vomited four times today. She is monogamous and
uses a diaphragm for contraception. Vital signs are: blood pressure, 190/40; pulse,
110bpm; and temperature, 102.4oF. Physical examination demonstrated a rigid abdomen
with rebound tenderness. Pelvic examination shows a fluctuant 3-cm right adnexal mass.
A hematocrit is 35% (normal 35 to 45%); white blood count, 28,000/mL (normal 3 to
10,000/mL). At laparotomy, you find a pelvic abcess and a ruptured fingerlike pouch
arising 40cm proximal to the ileocecal junction. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) regional enteritis
(B) diverticulitis
(C) Meckels diverticulum
(D) chronic appendicitis
(E) Walthard rest

1291. You are asked to see a 34-year-old woman with intermittent abdominal pain and bloody
diarrhea. She has experienced similar symptoms previously but has always recovered. She
is married and use a diaphragm for contraception. Vital signs are blood pressure, 130/80;
pulse, 90bpm; and temperature, 101.0oF. A localized area of tenderness is present in the
right lower abdominal quadrant. Pelvic examination shows a fluctuant 4-cm right adnexal
mass. A hematocrit is 35% (normal 35 o 45%); white blood count, 27,000/mL (normal, 3
to 10,000/mL). Stool testing shows blood intermixed with white blood cells (WBCs).
Gastrointestinal studies show mucosal changes and narrowing of the terminal ileum. The
best next step is
(A) corticosteroid therapy
(B) estrogen therapy
(C) appemdectomy
(D) colectomy
(E) salpingo-oophorectomy

1292. A 23-year-old woman has left lower abdominal pain of 1 week duration. Her last
menstrual period (LMP) was 8 weeks ago. Vital signs are: blood pressure, 130/72; pulse,
76 bpm; and temperature, 98.6oF. abdominal examination is unremarkable. Pelvic
examination demonstrates an enlarged uterus and tender 4.5-cm left adnexal mass. A
serum human chorionic gonadothropin (hCG) levels is 3,500 mIU/mL. Transvaginal
sonography shows a single viable intrauterine pregnancy and left echogenic adnexal mass.
The cyst most likely represents a
(A) heterotopic ectopic pregnancy
(B) follicular cyst
(C) hemorrhagic corpus lutheum
(D) cystic teratoma
(E) leiomyoma

1293. A 21-year-old woman has amenorrhea, transient late-cycle spotting, and pelvic pain. Her
vital signs are: blood pressure, 110/50; pulse, 11bpm; and temperature, 98.6oF. Abdominal
examination shows left lower quadrant tenderness with rebound. Pelvic examination
demonstrates a painful 4-cm left adnexal mass. A serum pregnancy test is positive. A
hematocrit is 22% (normal, 35 to 45%). The next best step is
(A) observation
(B) estrogen therapy
(C) progesterone therapy
(D) methotrexate therapy
(E) surgery

1294. A 38-year-old healthy woman comes for prenatal care. Her past medical history is
unremarkable. General physical and pelvic examinations before conception were normal.
She undergoes chorionic villous sampling, which shows a 46,XX karyotype. She has
noticed progressive hirsutism during pregnancy. She eventually delivers an infant with
ambiguous genetalia. A maternal pelvic examination in the delivery room confirms a 6-
cm left andnexal mass. The most likely diagnosis is a
(A) luteoma
(B) theca luthein cyst
(C) persistent corpus lutheum
(D) luteinized unruptured follicle
(E) liteinized endometrioma

1295. A large cystic ovarian tumor is detected during routine prenatal examination. The most
common complication of such a tumor during the first trimester of pregnancy is
(A) torsion
(B) rupture
(C) intracystic hemorrhage
(D) solid degeneration
(E) luteinization

1296. The most common pelvic mass in a post menopausal woman is a(n)
(A) follicular cyst
(B) corpus lutheum cyst
(C) germ cell tumor
(D) leiomyoma
(E) endometrioma

1297. Most neoplastic ovarian masses in post menopausal women orginate from
(A) ovarian epithelium
(B) ovarian stroma
(C) ovarian germ cell
(D) ovarian sex cords
(E) metastatic disease

1298. Signet ring cell are characteristic findings in which tumor of the ovary?
(A) Brenner tumor
(B) Krugkenberg tumor
(C) dermoid cyst
(D) endometrioid carcinoma
(E) dysgerminoma

1299. A 1-year-old girl has an abdominal mass. Rectal examination demonstrates a mass
extending into the right pelvis. The cervix is not palpable. abdominal sonography shows
that the uterus and vagina are absent. Both ovaries appear normal. The origin of the mass
is most likely
(A) gastrointestinal
(B) renal
(C) musculoskeletal
(D) hepatic
(E) pancreatic

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1300 through 1316): Each set of items in this section consists of a
list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word or phrases, select ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 1300 through 1304

(A) diverticulitis
(B) phlegmon
(C) pyosalpinx
(D) hydrosalpinx
(E) endometritis
(F) chronic salpingitis
(G) appendicitis
(H) follicular cyst
(I) corpus lutheum cyst
(J) endometrioma
(K) benign cystic teratoma
(L) ovarian malignancy
(M) endometrioid tumor
(N) adnexal torsion
(O) endometrial carcinoma
(P) endosalpingiosis
(Q) leiomyoma

1300. A 23-year-old woman with right sided lower abdominal pain and chills is seen in the
emergency department. The ain began 3 days ago and is associated with vaginal
discharge. Her menstrual period was 5 days ago. She uses an intrauterine devices for
contraception and had coitus 1 week ago with her new boyfriend. There is no history of
nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Her vital signs are: blood pressure, 120/80 mmHg; pulse,
100 bpm; and temperature, 101.4oF. Abdominal examination shows bilateral lower
quadrant guarding with rebound tenderness on the right side. Pelvic examination shows
pus at the cervical os and a tender 6-cm right adnexal mass. Laboratory data are:
hematocrit 38% (normal 35-45%); white blood count, 25,000mL (normal 1-10,000/mL);
and serum pregnancy test, negative. Transvaginal sonography shows a 6-cm complex
right adnexal mass. The uterus and left adnexa are normal. C
1301. A 53-year-old woman complain of constant, deep, pelvic pain. It worsens during
menstruation, sexual intercousem and bowel movement. Her LMP was 1 week ago. Her
vital signs are: blood pressure, 110/70 mmHg; pulse, 80 bpm; and temperature, 98.6oF.
Abdominal examination elicits bilateral lower quadrant tenderness without rebound.
Pelvic examination demonstrated a tender 6-cm left adnexal mass fixation of the uterus
and uterosacral ligaments. Laboratory data are: hematocrit 40% (normal 35-45%); white
blood count, 7,000mL (normal 1-10,000/mL); and serum pregnancy test, negative.
Transvaginal sonography shows a 6-cm echogenic left adnexal mass. The uterus and right
adnexa are normal. J
1302. A 25-year-old has had intense right lower abdominal pain and nausea since jogging
yesterday afternoon. Intermittent episodes of similar pain have occurred over the past
several days. She had vomited twice today, but her bowel movements are normal. Her
vital signs are: blood pressure, 108/60 mmHg; pulse, 90 bpm; and temperature, 100.4oF.
Abdominal examination shows right lower quadrant tenderness. Pelvic examination
demonstrates a tender 5-cm right adnexal mass anterior to the uterus. The uterus and left
adnexa are normal. Laboratory data are: hematocrit 39% (normal 35-45%); white blood
count, 11,000mL (normal 3-10,000/mL); and serum pregnancy test, negative. N
1303. A 35-year-old woman is seen for annual examination. Her LMP was 1 week ago. Menses
occur at 30-day intervals but are heavier than there were 5 years ago. She has experienced
three spontaneous abortions over the past 5 years. Abdominal examinations are normal.
Pelvic examination demonstrates an enlarged, firm, irregular uterus and a 4-cm left
adnexal mass fixed the uterus. A completed blood count (CBC) is normal, and a serum
pregnancy test is negative. Transvaginal sonography shows a solid left adnexal mass. Q
1304. A 4-cm right rudimentary uterus is present in a 16-year-old girl with a left unicornuate
uterus. The right uterus does not communicate with the adjacent left uterine cavity. She
has symptoms of cyclic ovarian function (e.g., breast tenderness, bloating, mood changes)
and experiences severe abdominal cramping at the time of menses. Pelvic examination
shows a single cervix and a 8-cm right adnexal mass. There is fixation of the uterus and
uterosacral ligaments. A CBC is normal , and a serum pregnancy test is negative.
Transvaginal sonography shows a right uterine cavity and an echogenic right adnexal
mass. J

Questions 1305 through 1311

(A) distended bladder

(B) follicular cyst
(C) corpus luteum cyst
(D) ectopic pregnancy
(E) theca lutein cyst
(F) luteoma
(G) multiple subcapsular follicles
(H) endometrioma
(I) Gartners duct cyst
(J) rudimentary uterine horn
(K) ovarian fibroma

1305. A 7-year-old child with sexual precocity, cystic bone lesions, and caf au lait spots. B
1306. A 23-year-old obese woman with hirsustism and anovulation G
1307. A 28-year-old woman with a twin gestation and bilateral adnexal masses E
1308. An 18-year-old woman with a left unicornuate uterus an a right solid adnexal mass J
1309. A 1-day-old female neonate with an anterior abdominal mass after breech delivery A
1310. A 45-year-old woman with an adnexal mass, ascites, and pleural effusions K
1311. A 22-year-old woman with anovulation and a 4-cm unilocular cyst. B

Questions 1312 through 1314

(A) fallopian tube carcinoma

(B) ovarian carcinoma
(C) uterine leiomyoma
(D) uterine sarcoma
(E) endometrial carcinoma
(F) cervical carcinoma
(G) breast carcinoma
(H) gastric carcinoma
(I) colorectal carcinoma
(J) lymphoma
(K) fibroma

1312. A 58-year-old postmenopausal woman has pelvic pain of 3 months duration. She has
recently noticed irregular vaginal bleeding, urinary frequency, and rectal pressure. Last
year a physician remarked that her uterus was 12 gestational weeks in size. Physical an
pelvic examination shows a firm, irregular, midline abdominal mass approximately 20
gestational weeks in size. Stool guaiac is negative for occult blood. An endometrial
biopsy demonstrates atropic endometrium. D
1313. A 63-year-old woman has bloating associated with thightening of her clothing around her
abdomen. She recently has developed dyspepsia and has lost 15 pounds unintentionally.
She is short of breath. Pulmonary auscultation shows loss of breath sound. Abdominal
percussion causes a wavelike movement of fluid around a central tympanitic area. Pelvic
examination demonstrates a fixed, irregular nodular adnexal mass with cul-de-sac
nodularity. A chest radiogram shows bilateral pleural effusions. B
1314. A 51-year-old woman is hospitalized for treatment of right pyelonephritis. An IVP shows
right-sided hydronephrosis and a dilated ureter. Phisical examination is unremarkable.
During pelvic examination, you observe a malodorous vaginal discharge. A firm, irregular
right adnexal mass extends to the pelvic side wall. The patients experiences vaginal
bleeding after examination. F

Questions 1315 and 1316

(A) regional enteritis

(B) ulcerative colitis
(C) Meckels diverticulum
(D) appendicitis
(E) diverticulitis
(F) colorectal carcinoma
(G) endometrial carcinoma
(H) ovarian carcinoma

1315. A 75-year-old woman has a long-standing, self-limited episodes of left lower abdominal
pain. An episode of pain occurred yesterday and has progressed to severe left lower
abdominal pain. She vomited once this morning. Vital signs are: blood pressure 150/90
mmHg; pulse, 90 bpm; and temperature 102.4oF. Abdominal examination demonstrates
guarding over the left lower quadrant. There is no rebond of tenderness. Pelvic
examination shows a fluctuant, fixed, ill-defined left adnexal mass. A hematocrit is 38%
(normal 35 to 45%), and white blood count, 15,000mL (normal 3 to 10,000/mL). Stool
guaiac is positive for occult blood. E
1316. A 69-year-old woman noticed a reduction in the size of her stool over 6 months.
Abdominal examination elicits left-sided abdominal tenderness. Pelvic examination
shows a hard, tubular mass with a transverse orientation behind the left adnexa. The
patient is afebrile, and her vital signs are normal. A CBC is unremarkable. Stool guaiac is
positive for occult blood. F

Gynecologic Oncology: Premalignant and Malignant Disease of the

Lower Genital Tract-Vulva, Vagina and Cervix

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1317 through 1365): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the ONE
lettered answer or completion that is the BEST in each case.

1317. The etiologic agent (or immediate precursor lesion) for vulvar cancer is
(A) squamous cell hyperplasia
(B) atorphic dystrophy
(C) chronic granulomatous diseases
(D) chronic irritation
(E) unknown

1318. Vulvar intraepithelial (VIN) has been also called

(A) carcinoma in situ
(B) erythroplasia of Queyrat
(C) Bowen's disease
(D) Paget's disease
(E) all of the above

1319. A 56-year-old woman has a biopsy proven VIN III. She undergoes a wide excision and
returns three months later with vulvar pruritis.You advise her that
(A) steroid cream on the vulva will reduce the itching
(B) she may need a repeat biopsy
(C) there is no chance of cancer
(D) there is no chance of recurrence
(E) if there is a recurrence, it will regress spontaneously

1320. Paget's disease is associated with

(A) epidermoid immaturity
(B) a high incidence of other primary carcinomas
(C) sharply demarcated borders
(D) brown melanin pigment
(E) unifocal spread

1321. Which of the following types of vulvar cancer occurs most commonly?
(A) Paget's
(B) epidermoid
(C) melanoma
(D) adenocarcinoma
(E) basal cell

1322. A 48-year-old woman has a large verrucous lesion on her vulva. Such a lesion is most likely
(A) clear cell carcinoma
(B) condyloma accuminata
(C) adenocarcinoma
(D) hidradenoma
(E) urethral caruncles

1323. The most common symptoms of vulvar carcinoma in elderly women is

(A) abnormal bleeding
(B) a foul smell
(C) pruritus
(D) vulvar atrophy
(E) painful intercourse

1324. A blue swelling on the vulva is most likely to be

(A) a melanoma
(B) a varicosity
(C) endometrosis
(D) a cyst of the canal of Nuck
(E) a hemangioma

1325. A vulvar carcinoma with tumor-positive unilateral nodes and no distance spread woul be
which FIGO (International Federation of Gynegology and Obstetrics) stage?
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
(E) cannot be staged without further information

1326. A 58-year-old woman has a 2-cm vulvar ulcer. A biopsy shows invasive squamous cell
carcinoma. The preferred treatment would be
(A) Burow soaks
(B) 5-fuorouracyl (5-FU) cream
(C) radiotherapy
(D) hemyvulvectomy and regional lymphadenectomy
(E) radical hysterectomy and node dissection

1327. Of the lymph nodes in the preceding case are negative, the 25-year survival should be about
(A) 12%
(B) 25%
(C) 52%
(D) 78%
(E) >90%

1328. The most common complication of radical vulvectomy is

(A) debilitating edema of the lower extremities
(B) pulmonary embolism
(C) necrotizing fasciitis
(D) breakdown of the surgical wound
(E) urinary and rectal incontinence

1329. A 72-year-old woman has had a radical vulvectomy for stage II squamous cell vulvar cancer.
She wants to know the most likely site of recurrence if the tumor comes back. You can
correctly tell her
(A) at the site of tumor resection
(B) in the bladder or rectum
(C) in the scalene lymph nodes
(D) the chest
(E) the upper leg

1330. Which of the following tumors of the vulva has the best prognosis
(A) stage I verrucous carcinoma
(B) melanoma
(C) stage I squamous cell cancer of vulva
(D) basal cell carcinoma
(E) rhabdomyosarcoma

1331. The most common method of diagnosing carcinoma of the vagina is

(A) bleeding from the tumor bed
(B) pain with intercourse
(C) Papanicolaou smear screening
(D) incidental discovery on bimanual examination of the pelvis
(E) colposcopic prophylaxis in high-risk patients

1332. Which of the following would be classified as vaginal carcinoma?

(A) a large tumor involving the lateral edge of the cervix and the upper two thirds of the
(B) a tumor extending from the right labium minus into the vagina all the way to the right
vaginal fornix
(C) an isolated vagibnal nodule of adenocarcinoma in a patient with previously diagnosed
endometrial carcinoma
(D) all of the above
(E) none of the above

1333. The offspring of women who were exposed to diethylstil bestrol (DES) during gestation
have an increased risk of
(A) vaginal agenesis
(B) adenocarcinoma of the endometrium
(C) clear cell carcinoma of the vagina
(D) squamous carcinoma of the vagina
(E) more than one of the above

1334. Which of the following malignancies tends to metastasize to the vagina most frequently?
(A) ovarian
(B) endometrial
(C) bowel
(D) bladder
(E) melanomas

1335. A malignant tumor of the vagina of young children that appears clinically a mass of grape-
like edematous polyps is
(A) emphysematous vagin9itis
(B) squamous cell carcinoma
(C) sarcoma botryoides
(D) adenocarcinoma
(E) choriocarcinoma

1336. A 72-year-old woman has carcinoma of the vagina that has reached the lateral pelvic wall.
The stage is
(A) 0
(B) I
(C) II
(E) IV

1337. The most likely histology of vaginal carcinoma in this woman is

(A) melanoma
(B) verrucous
(C) clear cell
(D) adenocarcinoma
(E) squamous cell

1338. A 72-year-old woman with vaginal cancer is found on physical examination to have tumor
extending from the lateral vaginal wall to the pelvic side wall. The BEST treatment for her
would be
(A) total vaginectomy
(B) upper vaginectomy
(C) chemotherapy
(D) radiation theraphy
(E) exenteration

1339. A frail 82-year-old woman has stage III vaginal squamous cell cancer. The best initial
treatment would be
(A) radical hysterectomy, partial vaginectomy, and lymphadenectomy
(B) chemotherapy
(C) external radiation with additional implants
(D) radial vaginectomy and radiation therapy
(E) simple vaginectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy

1340. The most common method used to diagnose cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is
(A) complaints of abnormal discharge
(B) postcoital bleeding
(C) chronic pelvic pain
(D) vaginal wet preparation
(E) abnormal Pap smears

1341. Which of the following is most true concerning th etiology of cervical dysplasia and cervical
(A) They are both directly caused by human papillomavirus (HPV)
(B) Both are associated with venereal diseases.
(C) They are associated with obesity and nulliparity.
(D) There is a strong genetic component to the development of cervical cancer
(E) The most strongly associated risk factor is cigarette smoking.

1342. A 40-year-old woman is seen for a routine examination. Her menses has been regular, and
she has no complaints. Findings, including those on pelvic examination, are normal. Ten
days later her Pap smear is returned as high-grade squamous intra epithelial lesion. Of the
following option, the BEST course of action would be the performance of
(A) immediate wide-cuff hysterectomy
(B) repeated Pap smears at 3-months intervals
(C) fractional Dilation and Curettage (D&C)
(D) punch biopsy of anterior cervical lip
(E) colposcopy with biopsy

1343. The colposcope permits one to

(A) view the cervix at 1-4 power magnification
(B) see the entire transition zone in all patients
(C) choose the most suspicious areas on the cervical portio to biopsy
(D) treat invasive cancer with a biopsy
(E) make the diagnosis of cancer

1344. Leukoplakia refers to

(A) a microscopic lesion
(B) atrophy
(C) a cancer
(D) a white patch
(E) an ulcer

1345. A patient has a Pap smear that is read as high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion,
followed by inadequate colposcopy examination. Your next step should be
(A) fractional D&C
(B) simple hysterectomy, removing a large vaginal cuff
(C) cervical conization
(D) careful observation with repeat cytology at 6-moths interval
(E) colposcopic directed biopsies from all suspicious area of the cervical curettage

1346. Conization of the cervix would be inappropriate in which of the following instances?
(A) when there is disparity between Pap smear and biopsy results
(B) when colposcopy inadequate
(C) when microinvasion is diagnosed by biopsy
(D) when deeply invasive cancer is shown on a biopsy
(E) for treatment of biopsy-proven CIN III

1347. In treating CIN III, cryotherapy has a failure rate of about

(A) 1 to 5%
(B) 10 to 20%
(C) 25 to 30%
(D) 35 to 40%
(E) >40%

1348. Often, the first symptom of cervical cancer is

(A) leg pain
(B) pain with intercourse
(C) vaginal bleeding
(D) weight loss
(E) vulvar pruritus

1349. Most cervical cancers arise

(A) on the portio vaginalis
(B) at the internal os
(C) in the endocervic
(D) at the squamocolumnar junction
(E) at the external os

1350. What percentage of clinical stage I carcinomas of the cervix will have lymphatic spread?
(A) 0%
(B) 5%
(C) 15%
(D) 25%
(E) 40%

1351. Clinical staging of cervical carcinoma when correlated with findings at surgery has an
accuracy of approximately
(A) 10%
(B) 25%
(C) 50%
(D) 75%
(E) 100%

1352. The factor most indicative of invasive cancer on colposcopic examination is

(A) white epithelium
(B) leukoplakia
(C) abnormal blood vessels
(D) punctuation
(E) mosaic pattern

1353. If a non-healing ulcer is seen in the cervix, it is best evaluated by

(A) repeat examination
(B) Pap smear
(C) punch biopsy
(D) cone biopsy
(E) vaginal steroids cream

Questions 1354 and 1355

1354. A 43-year-old woman has a suspicious Pap smear and a normal pelvic examination. A
colposcopically directed biopsy of a normal appearing cervix revealed invasive carcinoma.
The next step in the care of the patient should be
(A) metastatic evaluation
(B) conization
(C) radical hysterectomy
(D) radiation therapy
(E) both irradiation and radical hysterectomy

1355. The woman had a negative metastatic workup. Her clinical exam shows cancewr growth
shown in Figure 21-1. She is stage
(A) IA
(B) IB
(E) C

Figure 21-1

1356. The most common serious complication of radical hysterectomy is

(A) bowel obstruction
(B) illness from transfusion
(C) genitourinary fistula
(D) premature menopause
(E) intraoperative deaths

1357. Biopsy-proven carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix, if otherwise untreated, will progress
to invasive cancer in up to what percentage of patients?
(A) < 5%
(B) 30%
(C) 50%
(D) 70%
(E) > 9%

1358. The incidence of pelvic lymph node metastasis in stage I cervical squamous cell cancer
(clinically confined to the cervix) is approximately
(A) < 1%
(B) 3 to 5%
(C) 15 to 20%
(D) 30 to 50%
(E) >50%

1359. The majority of deaths from cervical carcinoma are due to

(A) local spread obstructing the ureters, causing renal failure
(B) brain metastasis with resultant cerebral hemorrhage
(C) hemorrhage into the pelvis from erosion of vessels by the tumor
(D) pulmonary failure secondary to metastatic disease filling the lungs
(E) bone metastasis causing crush injuries to the central nervous system

1360. The 5-year survival rate for all stages of invasive cervical cancer is approximately
(A) 15%
(B) 35%
(C) 50%
(D) 65%
(E) 65%

1361. Extends of spread being equal which of the following carcinomas of the cervix has the
poorest prognosis?
(A) well-differentiated, keratinizing, large cell squamous carcinoma
(B) undifferentiated, large cell squamous carcinoma
(C) differentiated, small cell squamous carcinoma
(D) undifferentiated, small cell squamous carcinoma
(E) papillary adenocarcinoma

1362. A bulky, friable, papillary tumor mass growing from the cervix would be BEST termed
(A) exophytic
(B) endophytic
(C) nodular
(D) ulcerating
(E) edematous

1363. A 34-year-old woman is 16 weeks pregnancy and has a Pap smear suspicious for cancer.
You advice her to
(A) have colposcopy with biopsy
(B) have colposcopy, but biopsy is too risks in pregnancy
(C) have a repeat Pap smear in 3 months
(D) undergo a termination of pregnancy and then undergo complete evaluation
(E) have cervical conization

1364. Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia is most commonly found in which part of the vaginal
(A) the upper one third
(B) the mid-vagina
(C) the distal vagina
(D) at the hymenal ring
(E) the posterior fourchette

1365. The preferred treatment for stage I vaginal carcinoma confined to the upper one third at the
lateral vagina in a 29-year-old woman would be
(A) intravaginal 5-FU
(B) upper vaginectomy
(C) simple hysterectomy and upper vaginectomy
(D) radical hysterectomy, pelvic lymphadenectomy, and partial vaginectomy
(E) anterior exenteration

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1366 through 1374): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

1366. Which three of the following are true regarding cancer of the vulva?
(A) It is often associated with a long history of vulvar pruritus, discomfort, or a bloody
(B) It will often appear as a growth on the labia
(C) Biopsy is necessary to make the diagnosis
(D) The lesion is often curable by local excision
(E) The peak incidence occurs at age 52

1367. Management of a vaginal ulcer should include which four of the following?
(A) biopsy if it does not heal rapidly
(B) VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory)
(C) frequent observation
(D) referral to a psychiatrist to evaluate factitious etiologies
(E) discontinuation of tampons

1368. A 42-year-old presents with a history of postcoital spotting. Examination of the cervix
reveals a raised/reddened area next to the os. This could represent which four of the
(A) carcinoma
(B) condyloma lata
(C) ectropion
(D) cervical polyp
(E) Nabothian cyst

1369. Reason for cytology (Pap smear) to be unsatisfactory include which four of the following?
(A) extensive malignant necrosis
(B) poor sampling
(C) misreading
(D) cervical inflammation
(E) excessive bleeding

1370. The treatment of carcinoma of the cervix during pregnancy should depend on the three of
the following?
(A) the desires of the oncologist
(B) the religious beliefs of the patient
(C) the trimester pf the pregnancy
(D) the stage of the lesion
(E) the length of the cervix

1371. Which four of the following, of and by themselves, are indicative of a less favorable
prognosis in cancer of the cervix?
(A) lymph node involvement
(B) increased size of primary tumor
(C) blood vessels or lymphatic space invasion
(D) low socioeconomic status of the patient
(E) underexpression of ras oncogen
1372. The therapy of a 26-year-old patient with microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix depends on
which four of the following?
(A) depth of stromal invasion being < 3 mm
(B) no lymphatic space involvement
(C) desire to maintain reproductive capabilities
(D) small area of the tumor involvement
(E) which other organs were involved with tumor

1373. A 42-year-old woman undergoes a radical hysterectomy and requires postop radiation.
During the radiation therapy she returns complaining of watery vaginal discharge and
recurrent urinary tract infections. Which four of the following might be reasonable
(A) intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
(B) cystoscopy
(C) wet mount
(D) sigmoidoscopy
(E) inject diluted methylene blue in sterile water to the bladder with a catheter and
examine the vagina

1374. A 31-year-old woman has multifocal VIN grade II. Which four of the following therapies
would be acceptable given current treatment patterns?
(A) simple vulvectomy
(B) wide local excision of the affected areas
(C) laser vaporization of the affected areas
(D) topical 5-FU applied to the vulva
(E) observation over time

Gynecologic Oncology: Upper Genital Tract Malignancies


DIRECTIONS (Questions 1375 through 1466): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
ONE lettered answer or completion that is BEST in each case.

1375. A 44-year-old multiparous woman complains of abnormal vaginal bleeding of 5 months

duration. Pelvic examination demonstrates a small, anteverted uterus and a normal
appearing cervix. No adnexal masses are present. A serum pregnancy test is negative, and a
cervical Papanicolaou smear is normal. Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),
prolactin, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are normal. The most efficient
method to determine the etiology of the bleeding is
(A) dilation and curettage (D&C)
(B) endometrical biopsy
(C) endometrical cytology
(D) transvaginal sonography
(E) hysteroscopy

1376. The most common symptom of endrometical hyperplasia is

(A) vaginal discharge
(B) vaginal bleeding
(C) amenorrhea
(D) pelvic pain
(E) abdominal distention

1377. Which of the following statements regarding endometrial hyperplasia is TRUE?

(A) Endometrial hyperplasia results from prolonged androgenic stimulation of the
(B) Endometrial hyperplasia is characterized by proliveration of glands but not stroma.
(C) Endometrial hyperplasia rarely undergoes spontaneous regression.
(D) Cytologic atypia is an important characteristic determinng risk of progression to
(E) The length of time required for endometrial hyperplasia to progress to carcinoma is
less than 1 year.

1378. A 49-year-old woman experiences irregular vaginal bleeding of 3 months duration. You
perform an endometrial biopsy, which obtains copious tissue tissue with a velvety, lobulated
texture. The pathologist report shows proliferation of glandural and stromal elements with
dilated endometrial glands. Cutologic atypia is absent. You advise the patient that
(A) the present of dilated endometrial gland is unusual
(B) the histologic finding is called cystic atrophy
(C) the tissue may be weakly premalignant
(D) she requires a hysterectomy
(E) no further therapy is needed

1379. A 48-year-old woman is referred to you or irregular vaginal bleeding of 6 months duration.
Her revering physician removed tissue protruding through the cervix 3 months ago.
Micrscopic examination of the tissue shows a mass with cystic hyperplasia and a central
vascular channel surrounded on three sides by epithelium. The vaginal bleeding has
continued. You advise that the
(A) risk of developing endometrial cancer is increased tenfold
(B) bleeding is from an endometrial polyp
(C) histology of the tissue may not reflect the source of bleeding]
(D) uterus should be probed with a forceps to remove more tissue
(E) patient should receive cyclic progestin therapy

1380. A 40-year-old nilligravida female pediatrician comes to see you for irregular vaginal
bleeding of 1 years duration. she has not been using birth control and had hoped to
conceive. Endometrial biopsy revealed endometrial hyperplasia. she would like medical
treatment and wants to know which factor is most important in determining premalignant
protential. You advise that is the
(A) age of the patient
(B) degree of cystic atrophy
(C) persistence of bleeding
(D) thickness of endometrial hyperplasia
(E) degree of cytologic atypia

1381. a 32-year-old woman with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has infertility of 1 years
duration. Her menses occur at irregular, and basal body temperatures (BBTs) are
monophasic. An endometrial biopsy shows endometrial Hyperplasia with mild cytologic
atypia. The most appropriate therapy is
(A) danazol
(B) megestrol acetate
(C) oral contraceptives (OCs)
(D) clomiphene citrate
(E) human menopausal gonadotropins (hMGs)

Questions 1382 and 1383

A 58-year-old woman on combined estrogen and progesterone hormone replacement have post
menopausal bleeding. You obtain a pelvic ultra sound, which shows an endometrial stripe thickness
of 12 mm.

1382. Which of the following is true?

(A) If the endometrial stripe thickness had been less than 5 mm, you would have told the
patient that no further evaluation was needed.
(B) An endometrial stripe thickness of 5 to 10 mm confers no risk of endometrial cancer.
(C) An endometrial stripe thickness of greater than 10 mm correlates with a 10 to 20% of
risk of hyperplasia or cancer.
(D) The endometrial stripe thickness in pre menopausal women is interpreted similarly to
the endometrial stripe thickness dimensions in post menopausal women.
(E) Hysterectomy should be performed.

1383. The patient returns for testing. Office hysteroscopy shows thickened endometrium but no
polyps or masses. Office endometrial biopsy results indicate grossly dilated glands with the
classic swiss cheese appearance and benign cellular architecture. These is no invasion or
mitotic figures. The diagnosis is
(A) adenocanthoma
(B) complex atypical hyperplasia
(C) cystic endometrial Hyperplasia
(D) clear cell adenocarcinoma
(E) squamous cell carcinoma of the endometrium

1384. An internist calls you for consultation regarding a 55-year-old postmenopausal woman with
some vaginal spotting. On examination, a small, round, bright red mass was noted to
protrude through the cervical os. It bleed during the Pap smear. The Pap smear result was
normal. The advice you give the internist is to
(A) recheck the mass in 6 months and refer if it enlarges
(B) refer the patient for probable polyp removal
(C) refer the patient for cone biopsy
(D) tell the patient not to worry since the Pap smear is negative
(E) tell the patient polyps are never cancerous and refer for removal

1385. A 44-year-old female biochemist has complex hyperplasia without atypia on endometrial
biopsy. You prescribe 40 mg megestrol acetate daily. She inquires about the mechanism of
action and regression rate. which of the following explanations is TRUE?
(A) The regression of endometrial Hyperplasia takes at least 12 months.
(B) Progestins oppose estrogen action in endometrial tissue by reducing the amount of
estrogen receptors.
(C) Hyperplastic endometrium has few progesterone receptors so a large dose of
progestine is needed.
(D) If regression of endometrial Hyperplasia occurs within 3 months, it will recur if she
stops the medication.
(E) Progestins blind to progesterone receptors in endometrium and convert the histology
to proliferative endometrium.

1386. The most common uterine neoplasm is

(A) sarcoma
(B) adenocarnicoma
(C) adenomyosis
(D) choriocarcinoma
(E) leiomyoma

1387. The most common uterine malignancy is

(A) endometrial adenocarcinoma
(B) endometrial sarcoma
(C) leiomyosarcoma
(D) malignant mixed mullerian tumor
(E) endometrial stromal tumor

1388. Which of the following types of cancer is the leading cause of gynecologic/reproductive
cancer death in women?
(A) cervical
(B) uterine
(C) ovarian
(D) breast
(E) vulva
1389. Which of the following 25-year-old patients is most likely to develop endometrial
(A) a prostitute using OCs
(B) a married woman with PCOs
(C) a waitress with testicular feminization
(D) a high school gymnast with regular menses
(E) a physician with an intrauterine device (IUD)

1390. Endometrial adenocarcinoma is most often preceded by

(A) cystic hyperplasma
(B) endometrial Hyperplasia
(C) endometrial Hyperplasia with cytologic atypia
(D) Arias-Stella phenomenon
(E) microcystic glandular hyperplasia

1391. Endometrial carcinoma is most common in which of following age groups?

(A) 10 to 25 years
(B) 25 to 30 years
(C) 30 to 40 years
(D) 40 to 50 years
(E) > 60 years

1392. A 69-year-old postmenopausal woman is being admitted for surgical treatment of

endometrical cancer. She has no health insurance and would like to know which is the most
important preoperative screening test to look for metastasis?
(A) chest x-ray
(B) hysterosalpingogram
(C) pelvic ultrasound
(D) intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
(E) barium enema

1393. A 58-year-old woman develops postmenopausal bleeding. An endometrial biopsy shows

adenocarcinoma. She undergoes a total abdominal hysterectomy with pelvic lymph node
sampling. The final pathology shows tumor extending from the uterus into the cervix but no
other invasion (see Figure 22-1). Lymph nodes were negative for metastasis. The cancer is
classified as stage
Figure 22-1
(A) 0
(B) I
(C) II
(E) IV

1394. Endometrial adenoacanthoma is BEST described as

(A) adenocarcinoma with benign squamous components
(B) adenocarcinoma with papillary formation
(C) squamous cell carcinoma with benign glandular components
(D) a mixture of malignant glandular and squamous components
(E) a mixture of benign glandular and squamous components

1395. Which of following types of endometrial carcinoma has the BEST prognosis?
(A) adenosquamous carcinoma
(B) clear cell adenocarcinoma
(C) papillary serous carcinoma
(D) mucinous adenocarcinoma
(E) mixed carcinoma

1396. Most endometrial cancers are diagnosed as stage

(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
(E) recurrent

1397. An 80-year-old woman who has never taken estrogen develops a pink vaginal discharge. An
endometrial biopsy shows adenocarcinoma of endometrium. Papanicolaous smear is
negative. Of the following, what is the most important prognostic indicator?
(A) body habitus
(B) level of CA-125
(C) nutritional status
(D) histologic type of tumor
(E) presence of peptide hormone receptors

Questions 1398 through 1401

A healthy 65-year-old woman is seen for postmenopausal bleeding. The pelvic examination is
normal. A fractional D&C demonstrates adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. Histologicaly,
endometrial glands are confluent without solid areas of tumor cells. The endocervical curettage
shows normal endocervical cells. The cervical Pap smear and other preoperative investigations are

1398. The grade of the endometrial tumor is

(A) well differentiated
(B) moderately well differentiated
(C) moderately differentiated
(D) poorly differentiated
(E) undifferentiated

1399. Which of the following statements regarding endometrial carcinoma in this patient is
(A) Invasion of tumor through most of the myometrium will not be found
(B) Invasion of tumor into pelvic lymph nodes will not occurr
(C) Steroid hormone receptors will not be present in tumor tissue
(D) Radical hysterectomy and bilateral salphyngo-oophorectomy is the primary treatment
(E) Therapy depends on surgical and histologic evaluation of pelvic viscera, peritoneal
cavity and retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

1400. Exploratory laparotomy is negative for metastatic disease. the uterus is opened in the
operating room and found to have tumor invasion into the myometrium. Histologic
examination of the uterus confirms tumor invasion beyond the inner half of the
myometrium. Peritoneal washings and pelvic and para-aortic nodes are negative for
malignancy. You advice
(A) no further therapy
(B) radiation therapy
(C) hormonal therapy
(D) single-agent chemotherapy
(E) multiple-agent chemotherapy

1401. This patient underwent postoperative radiation. During radiation therapy she develops
nausea, anorexia, diarrhea, and mild abdominal pain. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) radiation cystitis
(B) radiation enteritis
(C) radiation proctitis
(D) enterovaginal fistula
(E) vaginal ulceration

1402. which of the following statements regarding steroid receptors in endometrical

adenocarcinoma is TRUE?
(A) Steroid receptor levels in endometrial cancer are higher than n normal endometrium.
(B) Steroid receptor levels in endometrial cancer are lowest in well-differentiated tumors.
(C) The proportion of steroid receptor-positive tumor increases with advancing tumor
(D) The presence of progesterone receptos in tumors predict a response to progestine
(E) Steroid receptor status is not an important prognostic indicator of survival from
endometrial carcinoma.

1403. Which of the following therapics is used in the treatment of stage IV endometrial cancer?
(A) surgery
(B) radiation therapy
(C) hormonal therapy
(D) multiagent chemotherapy
(E) all of the above

1404. A pulmonary nodule is discovered on the chest radiogram of a healthy 82-year-old woman.
Four years ago, she was treated for endometrial adenocarcinoma. Excision of the nodule
shows moderately differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma-containing progesterone
receptors. There is no other evidence of metastatic disease. You advise
(A) exploratory laparotomy
(B) lobectomy
(C) radiation therapy
(D) brachytherapy
(E) progestin therapy

1405. The most common uterine sarcoma is a(n)

(A) leiomyosarcoma
(B) endometrial stromal sarcoma
(C) endolymphatyc stromal myosis
(D) malignant mixed mullerian tumor
(E) lymphoma

1406. Most uterine leiomyosarcomas are diagnosed by

(A) sudden uterine enlargement
(B) vaginal bleeding
(C) pulmonary metastasis
(D) histologic examination of excised myomas
(E) pelvic pain

1407. A 55-year-old woman undergoes a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-
oophorectomy for a rapidly enlarging pelvic mass. A frozen section is sent, although the
pathologist tells you he can not distinguish leiomyosarcomas very well on frozen section.
Nonetheless, the specimen looks very suspicious. You still have her abdomen open in the
operating room. Which of the following statement is true?
(A) Radical parametrectomy should be performed.
(B) Lymphadenectomy should be performed.
(C) Radiation to the pelvis has no effect on pelvic recurrence of sarcoma.
(D) While radiation may be of bennefot to prevent pelvic recurrence, if the sarcoma recurs,
metastasis frequently occurs at distant sites.
(E) Intraperitoneal radioactive phosphorous (32P) should be considered for treatment.

1408. The incidence of sarcomatous degeneration in a uterine leiomyoma is

(A) < 1%
(B) 3%
(C) 10%
(D) 15%
(E) 30%

1409. Treatment of uterine sarcomas is primarily by

(A) surgery
(B) radiation therapy
(C) chemotherapy
(D) hormonal therapy
(E) chemohormonal therapy

Questions 1410 and 1411

A 49-year-old healthy woman experiences vaginal bleeding of 1 months duration. Pelvic
examination demonstrates an irregular uterus that is 12 gestational weeks size. Six months ago, her
physician was sure her pelvic examination was normal. A cervical Pap smear is normal. A D&C
does not produce sufficient tissue for diagnosis. An abdominopelvic computed tomography (CT),
IVP, blood chemistry and hematologic studies, and chest radiograph are normal. The patient does
not request any further treatment, although another month passes and she is still bleeding.

1410. The most appropriate treatment is

(A) observation
(B) hysterectomy
(C) radiation therapy
(D) progestin therapy
(E) chemotherapy

1411. The hysterectomy speciments shows a tumor with multiple rubbery wormlike outgrows into
the myomentrium and periuterine vascular spaces. The tumor consists of cells with a
spindle-like appearance resembling those of the uterine stroma. The tumor has 4 mitoses per
10 high-power fields. The diagnosis is
(A) endometrial sarcoma
(B) endometrial stromal nodule
(C) endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS)
(D) uterine leiomyoma
(E) intravenous leiomyomatosis

1412. Homologous malignant mixed mullerian tumors of the uterus consist of

(A) carcinomatous epithelial elements and sarcomatous tissue foreign to the uterus
(B) carcinomatous epithelial elements and sarcomatous tissue resembling normal uterine
(C) benign epithelial elements and sarcomatous tissue resembling to the mesenchyme
(D) benign epithelial elements and sarcomatous tissue foreign to the uterus
(E) benign stromal elements and sarcomatous tissue resembling normal uterine

1413. A factor predisposing to the development of malignant mixed mullerian tumors is

(A) prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES)
(B) exposure to mumps virus
(C) family history of ovarian cancer
(D) previous pelvic irradiation
(E) perineal use of talc

1414. Which of the following types of gynecologic cancer result in the greatest number of deaths?
(A) ovarian
(B) uterine
(C) cervical
(D) vaginal
(E) vulvar

1415. A 38-year-old nulliparous women presents requesting a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.

Her mother died of ovarian cancer at age 64, and her sister at age 48. There is no family
history of other cancers. You advise her that her risk of developing ovarian cancer is
(A) 1 to 2%
(B) 5 to 7%
(C) 10 to 20%
(D) 30 to 40%
(E) > 50%

1416. The same patients gets on the internet and returns asking about the hereditary types of
epithelial ovarian cancer. Which statement is true?
(A) A site-specific defect transmitting the trait for only ovarian carcinoma is common.
(B) A BrCA1 gene mutation increases her lifetime risk of ovarian cancer to 10%.
(C) Lynch type II cancer syndrome includes ovarian malignancy
(D) Fifty percent of ovarian cancer is hereditary.

1417. Which of the following symptoms most commonly accompanies early ovarian carcinoma?
(A) pelvic pain
(B) bloating
(C) dysuria
(D) constipation
(E) none

1418. The cornerstone of detection of ovarian neoplasia is

(A) CA-125
(B) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
(C) pelvic examination
(D) pelvic ultrasound
(E) alpha-fetoprotein

1419. The most important principle in the treatment of ovarian cancer is

(A) removal of all respectable disease
(B) examination of tumor cells cultured in vitro
(C) choice of chemotherapy
(D) calculation of radiation dose
(E) measurement of tumor hormone receptors

1420. The most important prognostic indicator of survival from advanced ovarian carcinoma is
(A) stage of disease
(B) grade of tumor differentiation
(C) nutritional status
(D) body mass index
(E) presence of sex steroid receptors

1421. The most widely used classification of ovarian neoplasia is based upon
(A) cell of origin
(B) hormonal activity
(C) degree of malignancy
(D) long-term prognosis
(E) severity of symptoms

1422. Ovarian neoplasm most commonly arise from

(A) ovarian ephitelium
(B) ovarian stroma
(C) ovarian germ cells
(D) ovarian sex cords
(E) metastatic disease

1423. Which of the following postmenopausal women is most protected from ovarian epithelial
(A) carried woman using perineal talc powder
(B) an unmarried woman with a history of breast cancer
(C) a nun with a history of late menopause
(D) a nulliparous woman with a history of regular menses
(E) a multiparous woman who used OCPs and now is using post menopausal estrogens

1424. Which of the following statements regarding ovarian epithelial carcinoma is TRUE?
(A) The incidence of ovarian carcinoma increases with age until the seventh decade of life.
(B) Elderly woman are less likely than younger women to have disease diagnosed at
advance stage.
(C) Most women with ovarian cancer develop symptoms prior to dissemination of disease.
(D) seventy-five percent of all ovarian tumors in women over 50 years of age are
(E) twenty-five percent of all ovarian tumors in women between 20 and 40 years of age
are malignant.

Questions 1425 and 1426

A 76-year-old woman has six courses of multiagent chemotherapy for her stage III, grade 3, ovarian
epithelial carcinoma. She has no evidence of disease on examination and a normal CA-125. A
second-look laparotomy is planned by surgeon A.

1425. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) There is a greater than 50% chance that there will be no pathologic evidence of
(B) She would not have a second look since she had advanced disease.
(C) She has about a 50% chance of recurrence even if she had a negative second look.
(D) Second-look laparotomy is not useful in evaluating chemotherapy response.
(E) Further tumor debulking at second look does not improve survival.

1426. The patients decides to get a second opinion from surgeon B. Which of the following is
(A) observation
(B) consolidation chemotherapy (giving different chemotherapy to continuously suppress
possible recurrence)
(C) second-look laparotomy
(D) all of the above

1427. Calcific sandlike corrections associated with ovarian serous cystadenomas are called
(A) papillomas
(B) psammoma bodies
(C) tubercles
(D) giant cells
(E) stones

1428. Which of the following ovarian epithelial tumors most commonly has external papillary
(A) mucinous cystadenomas
(B) serous cystadenomas
(C) dermoids
(D) lutein cysts
(E) Brenner tumors

1429. Brenner tumors tend to undergo which of the following types of transformation?
(A) hemorrhagic
(B) mucinous
(C) serous
(D) hyaline
(E) fibrous

Questions 1430 through 1432

A 35-year-old woman desiring fertility undergoes exploratory laparotomy of a 12-cm pelvic mass.
At surgery, a large, lobulated, right ovarian mass is observed. It has a smooth external capsule and a
bluish-gray appearance. The uterus, fallopian tubes, and left ovary appear normal. Abdominal
exploration is negative for metastatic disease. A right salphingo-oophorectomy is performed. The
tumor is opened intraoperatively and found to be divided by septa into lobules. Frozen section of
the tumor shows a mucinous cystadenoma of low malignant potential.

1430. Which of the following statements regarding mucinous cystadenoma of low malignant
potential is TRUE?
(A) Spread of the tumor outside the ovary occurs 30 to 40% of the time in the form of
intraperitoneal growth of mucin-producing cells.
(B) It has a 30% incidence of bilaterality.
(C) It has a 5-year survival rate of 60%.
(D) It invades ovarian stroma.
(E) It may be mixed with invasive elements.

1431. Two days after surgery, you receive the pathology report of the ovarian tumor. It is a
mucinous cystadenoma of low malignant potential mixed with well-differentiated
carcinoma. The tumor has not invaded the ovarian capsule, lymphatic, or mesovarium.
Omental and retroperitoneal lymph node biopsies and peritoneal washings are negative for
tumor cells. You advise
(A) biopsy of the contralateral ovary
(B) removal of the uterus and contralateral adnexum
(C) postoperative chemotherapy
(D) postoperative radiation therapy
(E) no further therapy

1432. Suppose the final pathology report returns with the same findings as question 1431 except
the tumor has invaded the ovarian capsule and lymphatic and omental biopsy and peritoneal
washings are positive. You advise removal of the uterus and contralateral adnexa. You
further advise
(A) postoperative chemotherapy
(B) she has a 74% 5-year survival rate
(C) observation
(D) no estrogen replacement therapy
(E) radiation

1433. A 54-year-old healthy woman comes for an annual examination. Her last menstrual period
(LMP) was 4 years ago. The physical examination is normal. Pelvic examination shows
vaginal atrophy and a small, mobile uterus. The right ovarium is 2.5/4.5 cm in diameter. The
left ovary is non palpable. Vaginal ultrasonography shows that the right ovary is similar in
size to that of a premenopausal ovary. You advise that
(A) the ovaries of a menopausal woman are usually palpable
(B) the right ovary of a postmenopausal woman is usually palpable by right-handed
(C) a palpable ovary in a postmenopausal woman is suspicious for malignancy
(D) the right ovary is still producing significant amount of estrogen
(E) the vaginal ultrasound is an unnecessary diagnostic test

Questions 1434 through 1439

A 65-year-old woman has abdominal distention of 3 months duration. Abdominal precussion

causes a wavelike movement of fluid around a central lympatinic area. Pelvic examination shows a
right adnexa mass. it is 8 cm in size, nodular and fixed in the pelvis. The left ovary is non palpable.
Blood chemistries, urinalysis, cervical pap-smear, mammography, and chest x-ray are normal. stool
guaiac examination and gastrointestinal studies are also normal. A serum CA-125 level is 250 U/ml
(normal, <35 U/mL).

1434. Which of the following statements regarding CA-125 is TRUE?

(A) It is a circulating antigenic marker for germ cell ovarian carcinoma.
(B) It is found in normal fetal and adult ovaries.
(C) It is secreted by mesothelial cells of the pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum.
(D) It is not useful in monitoring tumor progression.
(E) It is never elevated in the sera of women with benign diseases.

1435. The most likely diagnosis is

(A) gonadoblastoma
(B) Meigs syndrome
(C) krukenberg tumors
(D) serous cystadenocarcinoma
(E) endodermal sinus tumor

1436. Her surgical tumor should

(A) remove all gross disease if the risk of fatal complications is minimal
(B) avoid resection of bowed
(C) be done through a Pfannenstiel incision
(D) be done laparoscopically
(E) be done without a bowel preparation

1437. Exploratory laparotomy shows a tumor involving the right ovary. The left ovary appears
normal. several tumor implants are present on the peritoneal surfaces of small bowel and
omentum. Biopsies of the peritoneal implants and ovarian tumor show moderately
differentiated serous cystadenocarcinoma. There are no distant metastases, and the liver
appears normal (see Figure 22-2). the stage of the tumor is

Figure 22-2
(A) 0
(B) I
(C) II
(E) IV

1438. The immediate action after determining tumor stage is to

(A) terminate the operation
(B) remove the right ovary
(C) remove both ovaries
(D) remove uterus and both ovaries
(E) remove uterus, both ovaries, and all metastases

1439. The primary tumor and all metastases are surgically removed. You meet with the patient
postoperatively to discuss the prognosis. You advise that
(A) the 5-year survival rate with no postoperative chemotherapy is about 70%
(B) the response to chemotherapy is related to amount of the residual diseases after surgery
(C) older patients achieve results from postoperative chemotherapy superior to those of
younger patients
(D) a second-look operation is performed in patients with incomplete response to
(E) few woman thought to be free to disease after therapy have disease present at second-
look operation

1440. Which of the following statements regarding pseudomyxoma peritonei is TRUE?

(A) The mean age of diagnosis is 70 years old.
(B) Chemotherapy is beneficial to survival.
(C) Radiation therapy is beneficial to survival.
(D) The appendix should be removed.
(E) The mortality rate is 10 to 20%.

1441. Which of the following ovarian tumor is the most common

(A) arrhenoblastoma
(B) granulosa cell tumor
(C) granulosa-thecal cell tumor
(D) endodermal sinus tumor
(E) mucinous cystadenoma

1442. What percentage of germ cell tumors in women under age 21 are malignant?
(A) 10%
(B) 30%
(C) 50%
(D) 70%
(E) 90%

1443. You are called to the operating room by the general surgeons at a local childrens hospital. A
4-year-old with acute abdominal pain was thought to have appendicitis; instead, she has a
large right ovary. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) germ cell tumor
(B) epithelial stromal tumor
(C) sex cord stromal tumor
(D) non-neoplastic follicle or theca-lutein cyst
(E) metastatic tumor

1444. An 18-year-old woman with a history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) undergoes a
laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy for a 5-cm ovarian mass containing a tooth. The content of
the cyst spill during removal and contain thick sebaceous material and hair. Copious
irrigation was used to remove this material. She is noted to have marked bowel adhesions in
the pelvis, which require dissection to reach the ovarian cyst. Four days postoperatively she
returns to the emergency department with a temperature of 101.1F, abdominal pain, nausea
and vomiting. White blood cell count is 15.0. What is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) ileus
(B) narcotic-induced constipation
(C) chemical peritonitis
(D) influenza
(E) bowel perforation

1445. An 11-year-old presents with abdominal pain, and a right 5-cm solid ovarian mass is found.
The alpha-fetoprotein level is elevated. You counsel the girl and parents that
(A) 70% of cases are stage I
(B) the tumor is common and accounts for half of all germ cell tumor
(C) bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy is indicated since bilateral tumors are common
(D) no surgery is indicated until after puberty
(E) if the tumor is stage I, no further therapy is needed

1446. Which of the following statements regarding germ cell tumors is TRUE?
(A) They are commonly seen during the fifth and sixth decades of live.
(B) They represent one half of all ovarian tumors.
(C) They occur only in the ovary.
(D) They are commonly malignant
(E) They cause abdominal enlargement in children.

1447. The most common germ cell tumor is a(n)

(A) dysgerminoma
(B) endodermal sinus tumor
(C) embryonal carcinoma
(D) choriocarcinoma
(E) mature teratoma

1448. Rockitanskys protuberances

(A) stimulate vaginal developement
(B) are solid projections within mature teratomas
(C) are required to diagnose a dysgerminoma
(D) produce alpha-fetoprotein
(E) produce hCG

1449. Which of the following statements regarding immature teratomas is TRUE?

(A) They are most common malignant germ cell tumor.
(B) They are commonly bilateral.
(C) They produce alpha-fetoprotein.
(D) They commonly occur during the first two decades of life.
(E) They contain malignant squamous cell elements.

1450. A 56-year-old postmenopausal woman complains of paroxysmal flushing of the face and
neck. Facial flushing is associated with colicky abdominal pain with diarrhea and shortness
of breath. She has been told by her friends that she needs estrogen replacement therapy.
Physical examination is normal. Pelvic examination demonstrates a 5-cm right adnexal
mass. The most appropriate diagnostic test is
(A) a serum FSH
(B) a serum TSH
(C) serum thyroid function studies
(D) a urinary 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid
(E) urinary cathecolamines

Questions 1451 and 1452

A 26-year-old nulliparous woman is seen in the emergency department for acute abdominal pain.
Her vital signs are blood pressure, 90/50; pulse, 120 bpm; and temperature, afebrile. Abdominal
examination shows right lower quadrant tenderness with rebound. Pelvic examination demonstrates
a painful 10-cm right adnexal mass. A serum pregnancy test is negative. A hematocrit is 24%
(normal, 35 to 45%). Exploratory laparotomy confirms a hemoperitoneum. A smooth right ovarium
tumor is bleeding from its ruptured casule. Inspection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and left ovary is
normal. A right salphingo-oophorectomy is performed. Frozen section of the tumor shows primitive
germ cells with intervening connective tissue infiltrated by Lymphocytes.

1451. The tumor is most likely a(n)

(A) dysgerminoma
(B) endodermal sinus tumor
(C) choriocarcinoma
(D) embryonal carcinoma
(E) mature teratoma

1452. Which of the following statements about the above tumor is TRUE?
(A) It occurs in women of all ages with equal frequency.
(B) It has bilaterality rate of less than 1%.
(C) It is usually resistant to radiotherapy.
(D) It occurs in combination with other germ cell elements.
(E) It has a poor survival rate following unilateral adnexectomy for stage I disease.

1453. Schiller-Duvall bodies are found in which of the following germ cell tumors?
(A) endodermal sinus tumor
(B) polyembryoma
(C) mature teratoma
(D) immature teratoma
(E) dysgerminoma

1454. Which of the following neoplasms is classified as an embryonal ovarium tumor?

(A) endodermal sinus tumor
(B) polyembryoma
(C) dysgerminoma
(D) sarcoma
(E) serous cystadenoma

1455. Gonadoblastomas consist of

(A) stromal cells only
(B) mucin-producing cells and stromal cells
(C) germ cells and sex cord-stromal elements
(D) germ cells and germinal epithelium
(E) germinal epithelium and stromal cells

Questions 1456 through 1458

An 18-year-old woman with primary amenorrhea complains of a right inguinal mass. Physical
examination demonstrates a normal-appearing female. Bilateral breast development is present.
Axillary and pubic hair are sparse. The vulva appears normal, but the vagina ends in a blind pouch.
The uterus is nonpalpable by rectal examination.

1456. The right inguinal mass is most likely a(n)

(A) lymph node
(B) gonad
(C) endometrioma
(D) cyst of Nucks canal
(E) inguinal hernia

1457. Which of the following tumors is most likely to occur in the right inguinal mass?
(A) endodermal sinus tumor
(B) dysgerminoma
(C) choriocarcinoma
(D) gonadoblastoma
(E) sertoli leyding cell tumor

1458. Malignant changes occur in what percentage of streak ovaries when a Y chromosome is
(A) 5%
(B) 25%
(C) 45%
(D) 65%
(E) 85%

1459. A 16-year-old phenotypic girl is seen for primary amenorrhea. Karyotyping shows 46,XY. in
counseling, you advise gonadectomy
(A) when she is finished growing
(B) if the gonads are not in the normal location in the pelvis
(C) primarily because of the risk of malignancy
(D) primarily because there is no chance of pregnancy
(E) primarily because she will become virilized

1460. The patient in the preceding question has a gonadectomy. The pathology showed
gonadoblastoma. At her 6-week postoperative check, she complains of feeling hot and
getting flushed several times a day with no other symptoms. What is the most likely
(A) infection
(B) estrogen deficiency
(C) hyperthyroidism
(D) normal postoperative course
(E) carcinoid tumor

1461. A 5-year-old girl experiences early breast development. She is taller than her peers. Her
mother has noticed blood at the girls introitus. Serum gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH). The most likely diagnosis is a(n)
(A) Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
(B) granulose cell tumor
(C) hilar cell tumor
(D) lipid cell tumor
(E) fibroma

1462. Granulosa cell tumors may be associated with

(A) endometrial hyperplasia
(B) coagenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
(C) Cushing syndrome
(E) dysgenetic gonads

1463. Reinke crystalloids are found in

(A) dysgerminomas
(B) granulose cell tumors
(C) serrous cystadenomas
(D) mature dermoids
(E) hilar cell (leyding cell) tumors

1464. Metastatic tumors to the ovary rarely originate from the

(A) breast
(B) stomach
(C) large intestine
(D) uterus
(E) vagina

1465. A 75-year-old woman has bilateral, solid adnexal masses. Mammography is normal.
Gastrointestinal studies show a stomach lesion suspicious for malignancy. The most likely
diagnosis is
(A) Picks adenoma
(B) Krukenberg tumor
(C) Brenner tumor
(D) struma ovarii
(E) carcinoid

1466. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding ovarian leiomyomas?

(A) They account for 10% of benign ovarian neoplasm.
(B) They are usually vary large tumors.
(C) They are often malignant.
(D) They may arise from smooth muscle cells in the walls of blood vessels.
(E) Histologicaly, they appear different than lelomyomas of the uterus.

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1467 through 1470): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. select the
answers or completions that may apply.

1467. Which four of the following conditions are likely to be associated with endometrial
(A) hyperprolactinemia
(B) exogenous estrogen use
(C) granulose-thecal cell tumor

1468. Which four of the following factors are likely to adversely affect survival from stage I
ovarium epithelial carcinoma?
(A) ascites
(B) tumor cell type
(C) tumor grade
(D) pelvic adhesions
(E) psammoma bodies

1469. Which four of the following tumors are likely to be hormonally active?
(A) Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
(B) granulose cell tumor
(C) hillar cell tumor
(D) fibroma
(E) thecoma

1470. Which four of the following neoplasms may cause androgen excess?
(A) nongestational choriocarcinoma
(B) embryonal carcinoma
(C) mixed germ cell tumor
(D) granulosa cell tumor
(E) gonadoblastoma

DIRECTIONS (Question 1471 through 1486): Each set of items in this section consist of a line
of lettered headings followed by several numbered words of phrases. For each numbered
word or phrase, select the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered section may be selected once, more than once or not at all.

Questions 1471 and 1472

Match the single best therapy for the case described.

(A) danazol
(B) progestin
(C) clomiphene citrate
(D) hysterectomy
(E) radical hysterectomy
(F) radiation
(G) no further treatment

1471. A 37-year-old female has a D&C for irregular bleeding. The pathology shows simple
hyperplasia without atypia. B
1472. A 48-year-old nulliparous female has a 20-year history of oligomenorrhea and hirsutism.
She recently had an episode of menorrhagia. Office endometrial biopsy shows complex
hyperplasia with severe atypia. D

Questions 1473 through 1475

Match the rate of progression to endometrial cancer from the hyperplasia type.

(A) 1 to 2%
(B) 3 to 9%
(C) 10 to 19%
(D) 20 to 29%
(E) 30 to 49%

1473. Complex hyperplasia B

1474. A complex atypical hyperplasia D
1475. Simple hyperplasia without atypia A

Questions 1476 through 1479

(A) serous tumor

(B) mucinous tumor
(C) endometrioid tumor
(D) clear cell tumor
(E) Brenner tumor
1476. The ovarian epithelial neoplasm with the lowest malignancy rate E
1477. The ovarian epithelial neoplasm with the highest rate of bilaterality A
1478. The ovarian epithelial neoplasm similar in histologic appearance to primary tubal carcinoma

Questions 1479

(A) epithelial cell

(B) germ cell
(C) sex cord-stromal cell
(D) nonspecific mesenchyme
(E) Krukenberg tumor
(F) Brenner tumor

1479. Which of above types of ovarian cancer is most likely to occur in a 65-year-old woman with
a pelvic mass and malignant ascites? Mammography and gastrointestinal studies are normal.

Questions 1480 and 1481

(A) radiation therapy

(B) chemotherapy
(C) both of the above
(D) neither of the above

Which of the above therapies for ovarian cancer is increases the risk of
1480. Bone marrow suppression? C
1481. Bowel obstruction? A

Questions 1482 through 1486

(A) dysgerminoma
(B) endodermal sinus tumor
(C) choricarcinoma
(D) mature teratoma
(E) struma ovarii
(F) carcinoid
(G) granulosa

Which of the above germ cell tumors is most likely to produce large amounts of
1482. Thyroxine E
1483. Alpha-fetoprotein B
1484. hCG C
1485. Lactic dehydrogenase (LHD) A
1486. Inhibin G

Questions 1487 through 1489

A25-year0old nulliparous woman has recently noticed rapid growth of facial hair. In the past six
months, she has lost hair in the temporal regions and has noticed a deepening of her voice.
Menstrual cycles occur at 28-day intervals. Irregular vaginal bleeding began 6 months ago. Physical
examination shows temporal hair recession and coarse hair on the upper lip, chin, sternum, and
lower abdomen. The breasts are small. pelvic examination demonstrates clitoromegaly. Bimanual
examination is difficult because of patient compliance. A pregnancy test is negative. Serum
luteinizing hormone (LH) and FSH levels are 3 mIU/mL (normal, 3 to 28 mIU/mL) and 3 mIU/mL
(normal, 2 to 17 mIU/mL). A serum testosterone value is 3.0 ng/mL (normal, < 0:8 ng/mL). Serum
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels are normal.
pituitary tumor
(B) stromal hyperthecosis
(C) Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
(D) granulosa cell tumor
(E) gynandoblastoma

With regard to this patient, which of the preceding conditions is most likely to be associated with
1487. 4-cm tymor composed of well-developed tabular structures separated by luteinized stroma.
1488. 3-cm sex cord-stromal tumor consisting of both male and female cell types. H
1489. 2-cm tumor capable of producing glucocorticoids. F

Breast Cancer

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1490 through 1518): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
ONE lettered answer or completion that is BEST in each case.

1490. Which of the following is the greatest risk factor for the development of breast cancer?
(A) delayed childbearing
(B) a family history of breast cancer
(C) increase dietary fat intake
(D) smoking
(E) atypical epithelial hyperplasia

1491. Which of the following is most likely to detect early breast cancer?
(A) bloody discharge from the nipple
(B) a palpable mass on self-examination
(C) a palpable mass on annual examination at the caregivers office
(D) mammographic abnormalities
(E) a mobile tender cyst

1492. Which of the following is most likely to be late finding in a patient with breast cancer?
(A) greenish-gray discharge
(B) drooping of the breast
(C) darkening of the areola
(D) asymmetry of the breast size
(E) skin or nipple retraction

1493. Which of the following statements regarding breast cancer is TRUE?

(A) It is the most common malignancy in women.
(B) It is the most common cause of death
(C) The median of women with breast cancer is about 40.
(D) In the United States, breast cancer is most common in Caucasian population.
(E) Most patients with breast cancer can be identified by risk factors.

1494. The most common site for breast cancer to occur within the breast is the?
(A) upper outer quadrant
(B) upper inner quadrant
(C) lower outer quadrant
(D) lower inner quadrant
(E) under the nipple

1495. The diagnostic accuracy of cytologic of a nipple discharge or fluid from breast cyst
(A) has generally been shown to be of little benefit
(B) has an extremely high false-positive rate
(C) is diagnostically correct about 75% of the time
(D) is accurate nearly 100% of the time in diagnosing breast cancer

1496. A patient is deciding whether or not she will have a mammogram and asks you about the
advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. You can correctly tell her
(A) mammography can be performed with a radiation exposure of 1 rad
(B) mammography can be used to evaluate suspicious breast masses and save women from
biopsy in many cases
(C) mammography and physical examination are equally effective in the diagnosis of all
types of breast cancer
(D) mammogram[hic screening on new population of breast cancer will identify about 1
cancer for every 1,000 women screened
(E) mammography is a much more effective technique for diagnosing breast cancer than is
breast ultrasound

1497. A woman ask you what the advantages of mammography are. You can correctly tell her
(A) it can detect some breast cancers as early as 2 years before they would reach a palpable
(B) it can detect all cancers greater than 1 cm in diameter
(C) it can effectively screen all women after age 30
(D) it is an equally effective screening technique in both premenopausal and
postmenopausal women
(E) it can be decreased to every 3 years in women over the age of 70 because their risk of
breast cancer is decreased compared to the 50 to 70 age group

1498. In the BI-RADs (American College of Radiology Breast Imaging, Reporting and Data
System) terminology, the designation zero means
(A) normal mammogram
(B) benign lesion
(C) probably benign lesion
(D) suspicious of malignancy
(E) needs additional evaluation

1499. Ultrasound of the breast is most useful to diagnose

(A) fibroid adenomas
(B) invasive cancer
(C) in situ carcinoma
(D) interductal papillomas
(E) benign cyst

1500. How many years of growth does the average breast cancer required to reach a diameter of 1
(A) 1.5
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 6
(E) 10

1501. Clinical breast examination discovers approximately what percentage of breast cancer that
are missed by mammography
(A) < 1%
(B) 5 to 8%
(C) 15 to 20%
(D) 25 to 28%
(E) > 33%

1502. Breast self-examination in reproductive-age women is best performed

(A) at the onset of menses
(B) just after menses
(C) at midcycle
(D) just before the onset of menses
(E) monthly at any time during the cycle

1503. A 25-year-old G2P2 healthy womans mother developed breast cancer at age 52. the patient
sisters was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 30. Both her mother and sister are living.
She wants to know if there are any test she should get to help her evaluate her risks of
getting breast cancer. You can correctly explain to her that in her case
(A) decreased T-cell levels cause a decline in protective antibodies, which results in an
increased risk of breast cancer
(B) HER-2/Reu gene overexpression is associated with later development of breast cancer
(C) BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations may predict increased risk of breast cancer
(D) decreased B-cells can cause increased risk of breast cancer because of decreased cell-
mediated immunity
(E) CA-125 is a good prognostic marker for breast cancer

1504. The most common pathologic type of breast malignancy is

(A) lobular in situ
(B) ductal in situ
(C) Pagets
(D) infiltrating lobular carcinoma
(E) infiltrating ductal carcinoma

1505. The major importance of ostrogen receptor status in breast cancer is that
(A) if a tumor lacks estrogen receptors, it is generally more amenable to treatment
(B) tumors with estrogen and/or progesterone receptors generally do not require adjuvant
(C) antiestrogen therapy (such as tamoxifen) may improve in patients with a positive
receptor status
(D) diethylstilbestrol (DES) may be given as a curative agent in many of these patients

1506. A 59-year-old woman presents with a 3-cm, irregular, mobile mass in the upper outer
quadrant of her breast. Her right axilla has two probable, very small, rubbery, mobile lymph
nodes. If the primary mass is malignant, her stage would most likely be
(A) 0
(B) I
(C) II
(E) IV

1507. A women is operated on for stages II breast cancer with a lumpectomy and axillary node
dissection on the involved side. three lymph the following statements can you correctly tell
her regarding her prognosis?
(A) her chance of 5-year survival should be about 85%
(B) her chance of 10-year survival is nearly the same as her 5-year survival rate
(C) breast cancer with 0 to 3 positive axillary nodes give a 50% of survival at 5-years
(D) she has greater than a 70% chance of dying from her breast cancer
(E) she should be cured of her cancer

1508. During counseling of a patient with stages I breast cancer prior to surgery, she asks what
chances are of finding cancer in her axillary lymph nodes during the surgery. There are no
clinically palpable nodes present on her preoperative examination. You answer that
(A) there is nearly a 0% chance
(B) the chance is about 10%
(C) the chances are about 30%
(D) the chances are greater than 50%
(E) most women have some degree of lymph node involvement in any breast cancer

1509. A procedure designed to prevent many of the surgical complications of axillary lymph node
dissection, which has very good positive and negative values for detecting lymph node
metastasis, is
(A) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
(B) fine-needle biopsy
(C) sentinel node mapping
(D) HER-2/neu detection
(E) clinical palpations

1510. Involvement of supraclavicular lymph nodes with breast cancer usually indicates
(A) the same prognosis as axillary lymph node involvement
(B) a slightly better prognosis than axillary lymph node involvement
(C) a slightly worse prognosis than axillary lymph node involvement
(D) a very poor prognosis

1511. An 88-year-old woman complains of itching of the nipple on her left breast over the past
two months. On examination, you see excoriation an superficial ulceration of the nipple
area. How should you counsel this patient?
(A) she most likely has eczema of the breast and should be treated with corticosteroids
(B) this is a common finding in post-menopausal women. If her mammogram is negative,
topical estrogen therapy or oral estrogen therapy is indicated
(C) wearing gloves to bed will usually stop the scratch-itch cycle and resolve the problem.
A small bandage over the area at night may also accomplish this task
(D) this presentation is nearly pathognomonic for breast cancer in a woman this age. A
mammogram should be performed to confirm the diagnosis
(E) the woman may have Pagets disease of the breast. The eroded area should be biopsed

1512. A 46-year-old woman has an irregular, firm, 2-cm mass on breast examination. Her axillary
examination is normal. On clinical grounds, you are very suspicious of a cancer. She asks
you, What are the chances that this will benign? You tell her that the chances that it is
benign are
(A) nearly 0%
(B) about 15%
(C) about 30%
(D) about 50%
(E) >70%

1513. You are counseling a patient about biopsying a lesion found in her breast. You can correctly
tell her that
(A) a needle biopsy has been proven to be as good as open biopsy in nearly cases
(B) needle biopsy has little or no role in the evaluation in breast masses
(C) needle biopsy can be falsely negative in 15 to 20% of cases
(D) open breast biopsy should remove an entire lobule surrounding the mass
(E) general anesthesia is necessary to do an adequate breast biopsy in most cases

1514. A 61-year-old woman has a clinically suspicious, relatively superficial breast mass. Her
ipsilateral axilla is normal. A biopsy is recommended. She asks how the biopsy should be
done. Of the following, the best option is
(A) to do her biopsy in the office today
(B) a lumpectomy and axillary dissection on mastectomy in your ambulatory surgery
center as indicated after gross inspection of specimen
(C) an outpatient biopsy in the ambulatory surgery centre and await the final pathology
reports before proceeding with any further evaluation or treatment
(D) doing the biopsy in the hospital and proceeding with axillary dissection mastectomy
depending on the pathologist frozen section report

1515. Excluding recurrence of the cancer, the most common complication following the treatment
of breast cancer is
(A) edema of the ipsilateral arm
(B) complications from breast reconstruction
(C) development of leukemia from adjust of chemotherapy
(D) permanent alopecia
(E) agranulocytosis

1516. Which of the following is the most effective method to prevent breast cancer in a high risk
(A) bilateral oophorectomy
(B) tamoxifen
(C) bilateral masectomy
(D) avoid weight gain
(E) have first term birth before age 20

1517. A 68-year-old woman consults with you because she discovered a single firm nodule in the
upper outer quadrant of her left breast. Examination reveals a discrete nodule with no skin
edema, no enlargement of lymph nodes, no retraction, no redness, and no pain. The
immediate course of action should include
(A) needle aspiration pf the nodule
(B) repeat examination in two weeks
(C) radiation therapy
(D) biopsy of the lesion

1518. Which of the following statement is TRUE of breast cancer during pregnancy?
(A) Pregnancy greatly accelerates the growth of breast cancer because of its elevated
hormone levels
(B) Treatment of breast cancer should be withheld during pregnancy or lactation.
(C) Breast cancer is pregnancy in rare, with an incidence of about 1 per 100,000
(D) Because of pregnancy, the diagnosis of breast cancer is often delayed, but stage-for-
stage prognosis is the same with prompt treatment.
(E) Axillary metastases are less common in pregnant patients at the time when breast
cancer is diagnosed.

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1519 and 1520): Each set the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

1519. Which four of the following are in the differential diagnosis of a breast mass?
(A) mammary dysplasia (fibrocystic change of the breast)
(B) microglandular hyperplasia secondary to oral contraceptives (OCs)
(C) fibroadenoma
(D) intraductal
(E) fat necrosis

1520. Which two of the following will improve the detection of malignant cells in axillary nodes
by 10 to30% above routine cytology in patients with breast cancer?
(A) immunohistochemical staining for cytokeratin
(B) palpation
(C) HER-2/neu detection
(D) sentinel node mapping
(E) serial sectioning

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1521 through 1525): Each set of matching question in this section
consist of a list of lettered headings followed by several numbered items. for each numbered
item, select the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered
option may be selected once, more than once, or not at all. Match the type of mastectomy
operation with its appropriate descriptor.

Questions 1521 through 1525

(A) extended radical mastectomy

(B) modified radical mastectomy
(C) radical mastectomy
(D) segmental mastectomy
(E) simple mastectomy

1521. Includes en bloc removal of the breast, pectoral muscles, and axillary nodes C
1522. Includes removal of the entire breast, but leaves the axillary nodes intact E
1523. Includes removal of the internal mammary nodes A
1524. Includes en bloc removal of the breast, with underlying pectoralis major fascia and axillary
nodes intact B
1525. Includes excision of a quadrant of the breast or lumpectomy D

Gynecologic Oncology: Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in the

Treatment of Malignancies of the Female Genital Tract

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1526 through 1545): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
ONE letter answer or completion that is BEST in each.

1526. The basic idea behind gynecologic chemotherapy is to exploit the fact that
(A) Tumor cells and nontumor cells are different enough so that tumor cells might be able
to be selectively killed
(B) All gynecologic malignancies have estrogen and progesterone receptors
(C) Tumor cells can be made necrotic by destroying their oxygen-carrying capacity
(D) All of the above

1527. Tumors grows exponentially due to

(A) Rapid proliferation
(B) Gompertzian growth
(C) Rapid doubling time
(D) Disruption in the regulation of the programmed cell-death (apoptosis)

1528. The mitotic index is the

(A) Best indicator of a cells dividing capacity
(B) Fraction of cells in a steady-state condition
(C) Way to determine the cell type of an actively dividing cell
(D) Measure of estrogen effect in superficial cells in the female genital tract

1529. Growth fraction refers to the

(A) Percentage of cells in the S phase at a particular time
(B) Use of tritiated thymidine to produce measurable curves
(C) Overall proportion of proliferating cells in a tumor
(D) Rate at which a recurring tumor will grow

1530. The stem cell theory states that

(A) All malignant change begins in the primitive cells of the hematopoeitic system
(B) Malignancies are actually formed at the time of embryonic development and lie
dormant until activated
(C) Any cells has the capability to become malignant under the influence of releaser cells
called stems
(D) Only certain undifferentiated cells (stem cells) are able to reproduce a tissue
(E) Malignancy result from a disruption of a major organ system-by background radiation,
constant irritation, or other mechanism

1531. The cells kill hypothesis is the fundamental principle behind the use of chemotherapeutic
agents. It states that
(A) Agents that are not tumoricidal (kill tumor cells) cannot be used alone in the treatment
of malignancies
(B) Chemotherapeutic agents will kill fewer cells with each subsequent course
(C) Chemotherapeutic of cells killed is a constant, despite the amount of therapeutic agents
(D) Chemotherapy kill a constant proportion, not number of cells
(E) The relative sensitivity of cells to a given therapeutic agent must be tested before use
or cells may not be killed (sensitivity testing)

1532. Which of the following statements regarding a malignancy is TRUE?

(A) As a tumor increases in size, the doubling time becomes much shorter
(B) Death occurs with a tumor burden of about 1012 cells
(C) A course of chemotherapy generally kills all but a few cells, and the tumor regrows
from these few stem cells
(D) Chemotherapy is scheduled such that every session will catch the tumor cells at their
most vulnerable point and maximize tissue effect
(E) A chemotherapeutic agent is considered curative when after a course only 10 cells

1533. A 35-year-old female with stage IIB squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix will receive
radiation. Regarding reproductive changes, you advise that
(A) Ovaries are radioresistant
(B) Fertility can be maintained
(C) Radiation will likely result in endometrial ablation
(D) Younger patients are more susceptible to radiation-induced castration
(E) There is no change in vaginal function

1534. As a tumor grows, host defenses seem to

(A) Become less and less
(B) Be unaffected
(C) Become hyperactive
(D) Be variably affected (stronger T-cell immunity, less B-cell immunity)
(E) None of the above

1535. As the general rule, drugs used in multiagere chemotherapeutic regimes must be
(A) Effective as individual agents if they are to be effective together
(B) Less effective than large-dose single agents, but also less toxic
(C) Used in smaller doses to prevent tumor resistance
(D) Most effective on slow-growing tumors

1536. During treatment with chemotherapy, an accepted definition on tumor response is

(A) Complete response (CR) with no measurable tumor clinically over 6 months
(B) Partial response (PR) with at least a 25% decrease in a lesion size
(C) Stable disease (SD) with no new lesions over 4 weeks
(D) Progressive disease (PD) with at least a 75% increase in the lesion size

1537. Radiation medicine most typically involves the therapeutic manipulation of

(A) Ionizing radiation
(B) Nuclear energy
(C) Nonionizing radiation
(D) Beta radiation
(E) Alpha radiation
1538. Radiant energy produces biologic change most commonly by
(A) Inducing the growth of new, normal tissue
(B) Damaging the DNA of target tissues
(C) Producing heat that causes tissue desiccation
(D) Eliminating hydroxyl radicals (free radicals) from tissue
(E) All the above

1539. The biologic effect of a course of radiation depends on

(A) Total dose
(B) fractional design
(C) total treatment time
(D) field size
(E) All of the above

1540. Dosimetry means

(A) Giving a uniform dose throughout the treatment field
(B) Giving the largest tolerable dose of radiation to any given tissue
(C) The measure of the amount of radiation absorbed by the patient in any given area
(D) The size of the radiation source
(E) None of the above

1541. Previously, radiation therapy produced severe injuries to skin and external structures. Today,
little skin injuries is produced because
(A) Far less radiation is administered
(B) Radiation can now be administered from many more angles with precise movement of
the patient to many delivery ports
(C) Radiation sources today accelerate particles much faster and with less scatter, thus
penetrating deeply and quickly and avoiding the skin
(D) Radiation sources do not come in direct contact with the body because shielding is
(E) Pure uranium is used today instead of radium or cobalt

1542. The inverse square law states that

(A) The intensity of radiation delivered is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance from the source
(B) Radiation dosage delivered to a tumor when squared is inversely proportional to
patient survival
(C) The square of the distance across a radiation field is inversely proportional to the total
dosage of radiation that can be delivered to the lowest isodose zone
(D) The size of the delivery port (field) is inversely proportional to the field most distant to
it within the treatment area
(E) The less dynamic your radiation therapist is, the more likely you are to be cured

1543. Regarding choriocarcinoma, which of the following statement is TRUE?

(A) It is generally effective treated only with surgery
(B) Chemotherapy has allowed a salvage rate far this disease of about 25%
(C) Up to 90% of patients with choriocarcinoma can achieve a normal life expectancy
(D) Choriocarcinoma is 100% curable in all cases with combination chemotherapy
1544. A 46-year-old obese woman smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. She had a radical
hysterectomy with a para-aortic and pelvic lymphadenectomy for stage IB squamos cell
carcinoma of the cervix. At surgery she was found to have dense pelvic small bowel
adhesions from a prior ruptured appendix and appendectomy. Lymph nodes were positive
for cancer cells. In discussing postoperative radiation, you counsel her that she has an
increased rate of radiation-related complication because of
(A) Obesity
(B) Excision of lymph nodes
(C) Decreased bowel motility from adhesions
(D) Age
(E) Stage of the cancer

1545. A 43-year-old woman has stage III epithelial ovarian carcinoma. She had surgical debulking
and has receive five courses of carboplatin and paclitaxel. She is now due for her sixth
course. She comes to clinic complaining of fatigue and myalgias. She has a temperature of
101.3F. on examination, you find no obvious source of the fever. White blood cell (WBC)
count is 1,000/mm3 (normal 4,500-11,000/mm3). Your next course of action is to
(A) Send home and instruct to check temperature twice a day
(B) Give a broad-spectrum antibiotic as out patient
(C) Admit to hospital and observe
(D) Admit to hospital and star antibiotic
(E) Admit to hospital and give sixth course of chemotherapy

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1546 through 1549): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answer or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

1546. Which four of the following statements regarding the principles of clinical chemotherapy are
(A) The chief aim of therapy is to achieve maximum cell kill with minimum toxicity
(B) A steep dose-response curve for most drugs indicates that the highest tolerable dose
producing an acceptable level of reversible toxicity should be used in treatment of
susceptible tumors.
(C) In general, a therapeutic concentration of cell cycle-specific drugs is obtained by a 5-
day course
(D) Low-dose intermittent therapy has been most successful against tumors with a large
growth fraction
(E) Chronic therapy is feasible if toxicity is negligible

1547. Toxic chemotherapeutic drugs may used in which four of the following ways?
(A) In conjunction with surgery
(B) In conjunction with irradiation
(C) As a single treatment modality
(D) For palliation
(E) For cancer prevention

1548. Classes of drugs used in gynecologic cancer chemotherapy include which four of the
(A) Alkylating agents
(B) Antibiotics
(C) Antimetabolites
(D) Hormones
(E) Antitussives

1549. Which three of the following statements regarding radiotherapy are TRUE?
(A) There is significant correlation between tumor responsiveness to irradiation and
(B) The standard daily dosage of radiation is about to 500 rads
(C) A course of pelvic radiotherapy will last 5 to 6 weeks to deliver the appropriates
amount of radiation
(D) Calculation of radiation dose to the pelvis is traditionally done as dosage to two
theoretical points called A and B
(E) A given dose of radiation kills a constant fraction of tumor cells

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1550 through 1565) : Each set items in this section consist of a list
of lettered heading followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
words or phrase, select the ONE lettered poption that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered option may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 1550 through 1557

Match the class of chemotherapeutic agents in the most appropriates description

(A) Alkylating agents
(B) Antimetabolites
(C) Antibiotics
(D) Hormones
(E) None of the above

1550. Inhibit synthesis of DNA B

1551. Act directly by arresting mitosis E
1552. Disrupt DNA by binding of an alkyl group A
1553. Act on more highly differential endometrial tumors D
1554. Chlorambucil A
1555. Dactinomycin C
1556. Fluorouracil B
1557. Ifosfamide A

Questions 1558 through 1561

Match each chemotherapeutic agent with the most appropriate clinical description.

(A) carboplatin
(B) cyclophosphamide
(C) methotrexate
(D) paclitaxel
(E) mesna
(F) vinblastine
(G) doxorubicin
1558. A 60-year-old woman with stage III papillary serous ovarian cancer received standard
surgical debulking treatment. She is on her third cycle of chemotherapy with typical agents
for ovarian cancer. It is 3 weeks after her chemotherapy injection and her gums are bleeding
and she has a nosebleed that will not stop. A platelet count is 10,000/mm3 (normal 150,000
to 400,000/mm3). A
1559. The patient in question 1558 is also receiving a second typical chemotherapeutic agent for
ovarian cancer. The standard prophylactic medications were not ordered and her second
cycle of chemotherapy was given. Tem minutes after the dose she develops dyspnea with
bronchospasm, urticaria, and hypotension. You call for emergency equipment. D
1560. A 53-year-old woman with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer is receiving 2 liters of normal
saline with her chemotherapy, 4 days later she returns with gross hematuria. A platelet count
is 110,000/mm3 (normal 140,000 to 400,000/mm3). B
1561. The patient is question 1560 return from her next course of chemotherapy. You wish to
continue the same regimen so you administer a chemoprotective agent to inactivate the
bladder toxic metabolite. E

Questions 1562 through 1565

(A) ovarian cancer

(B) vulvar cancer
(C) endometrial cancer
(D) cervical cancer

1562. The cornerstone of treatment is surgical, but adjuvant radiation therapy may be given pre or
postoperatively, depending on the grade of the tumor and depth of tumor invasion. C
1563. The problem in this disease relates to the large field or radiation needed to treat it in most
cases. A tumoricidal dose would cause serious bowel complications. A
1564. Surgery is reserved for only early invasive lesions, and radiotherapy is the cornerstone of
therapy for lesions stages IIB and greater. D
1565. Tissues are so intolerant of radiotherapy that it is generally used only in cases with
extremely large tumors prior to surgical debulking. B

Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology


DIRECTIONS (Question 1566 through 1599): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the ONE
lettered answer or completion that is the BEST in each case.

1566. A 23-year-old woman at 29 weeks gestation ruptures her amniotic membranes. She is
admitted to the hospital and 3 days later she is found to have a temperature of 101,1 oF, a
white blood count (WBC) of 15,000, fetal tachycardia, and mild tenderness over her lower
abdomen. Which is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?
(A) intra-amniotic infection
(B) lower urinary tract infection
(C) pyelonephritis
(D) genital herpes
(E) cytomegalovirus

1567. Three weeks after delivery, a 29-year-old primipara, who is breast-feeding twin girls,
presents to the clinic complaining of a tender right breast mass. On physical examination,
you find a 5-cm fluctuant, swollen, reddened mass in her right breast that is exquisitely
tender to the touch. Axillary lymph nodes on the ipsilateral side are enlarged and tender.
Which of the following statements regarding this patient is TRUE?
(A) This masses requires a breast biopsy
(B) These findings are consistent with an inflammatory carcinoma of the breast, as well as
puerperal mastitis
(C) The causative organism is most likely Escherichia coli secondary to contamination
from the infants stools
(D) She should continue to breast-feed on the otherside, and this mass is likely to subside
spontaneously if she just manually express the involved breast
(E) The mass should be incised and drained and antibiotics given to the mother; the infants
need no therapy

1568. Two weeks after the birth of her infant, a new mother brings the child in to see you. The
childs eye are edematous, with conjunctival erythema and a mucopurulent discharge. Your
evaluation and treatment should include
(A) a pelvic examination (using a small scope) of the infant
(B) a pelvic examination of the mother and a swab of the maternal cervix for evaluation
(C) anaerobic cultures of the infants and mothers eye
(D) immunoglobulin M (IgM) titers of the infants
(E) penicillin VK for both the mother and infants

1569. Three days after an elective termination of pregnancy, a 29-year-old woman presents to the
emergency department with a history of mild abdominal pain and fever, a physical
examination showing pelvic tenderness, and a purulent cervical discharge. A Bram stain of
the cervical discharge shows gram-negative intracellular diplococci. Which of the following
statements is TRUE?
(A) Gonorrhea is the likely diagnosis
(B) These findings are most consistent with a chlamydial infection
(C) A careful search for a chancre of ulcer-like lesion should be made
(D) The Gram stain is pathognomonic and no culture is needed
(E) You should provide no treatment until culture results return.

1570. Which of the following is TRUE regarding congenital syphilis?

(A) Adequate maternal treatment before 16 weeks gestation prevents congenital syphilis
(B) The Jarish-Herxheimer reaction refers to the reddish burrows made under the skin that
are pathognomonic of syphilis
(C) Recommended treatment for maternal syphilis is 10 to 14 days of oral tetracycline
(D) The Venereal Disease Researh Laboratory tst (VDRL) is more specific but less
sensitive test for syphilis than the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
(E) Fetal and neonatal IgM testing can readily identify syphilis in the infant at risk

1571. A woman has stillborn infant covered with a petechial rash. Which of the following
infections would be most likely?
(A) herpes zoster
(B) herpes simplex
(C) Listeria monocytogenes
(D) human papillomavirus (HPV)
(E) chronic active hepatitis

1572. Regarding immunization during pregnancy, which of the following vaccines would be the
safest to receive during pregnancy?
(A) mumps
(B) polio
(C) rabies
(D) rubella
(E) rubeola

1573. A seropositive HIV-infected mother comes to your clinic at 9 weeks gestation. She wants to
know about her risks in pregnancy. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) Without treatment, the chance of transmission to the infant is nearly 100%
(B) Because of their known teratogenicity, protease inhibitors are contraindicated in
(C) A tuberculin skin test should be done as a routine part of prenatal care
(D) Breast-feeding is safe for the infant and should be encouraged
(E) Pregnancy predisposes the gravida to change from seropositivity to developing AIDS-
related complex problems

1574. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections in pregnancy is associated with

(A) a nearly 50% neonatal mortality rate in untreated infected infants
(B) a nearly 100% transmission rate in infants born to mothers with active lesion at the
time of delivery
(C) a nearly 0% transmission rate to infants of mothers treated with zidovodine (AZT)
during pregnancy
(D) a higher risk of neonatal infection in women with recurrent infection compared to
women with primary infection
(E) a nearly 50% reduction in vertical transmission of HSV-2 if the mother has pre-
existing antibody to HSV-1

1575. An infant, seemingly well born, demonstrates microcephaly, chorioretinitis, deafness, and
delayed development later in life. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
(A) herpes hominis type 2 virus acquired at the time of delivery
(B) cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection during pregnancy
(C) vitamin K deficiency in the newborn
(D) late-onset group B streptococcal infection
(E) parvovirus infection

1576. A 19-year-old woman who has never had chickenpox has just been exposed to the disease
(about 36 hours ago) at 16 weeks gestation. She presents to your office, and you correctly
tell her that
(A) varicella-zoster, the causative virus, is not very contagious and infection is unlikely
(B) varicella-zoster has been shown to have little or no effect during pregnancy; nothing
needs to be done
(C) though she may get chickenpox and be increased risk for related pneumonia, fetal
effects of this illness would be nil
(D) the pregnancy noe has about a 25 to 30% chance of major anomalies, and she should
consider termination
(E) the administration of varicella-zoster immune globulin should attenuated the maternal
effects of varicella infection (VZIC)

1577. A 27-year-old gravida you have been following throughout her pregnancy presents at 22
weeks gestiation not feeling ell. She complains of fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis,
and on examination has white spots surrounded by a halo of erythema on her buccal mukosa
and an erythematous maculopapular rash on her abdomen. You tell her that
(A) these disease will be teratogenic
(B) she should be immediately vaccinated
(C) she has measles (rubeola), but the chance of its affecting her baby are small
(D) still birth is 50% likelihood
(E) she has pneumonia

1578. Mumps in pregnancy is associated with

(A) increased fetal wastage
(B) limb reduction defects
(C) maternal pneumonia
(D) no major complication
(E) congenital deafness

1579. Rubella in pregnancy is associated with

(A) severe fetal congenital malformation and pregnancy wastage
(B) increased maternal mortality
(C) a rapidly declining incidence
(D) the maternal development of type 2 diabetes
(E) all of the above

1580. A 24-year-old primigravida at 36 weeks gestation is exposed to chickenpox. She has no

history of varicella. You recommend
(A) the varicella vaccine within 48 hours of exposure
(B) immediate administration of VZIG and acyclovir
(C) intravenous acyclovir and the varicella vaccine within 96 hours
(D) immediate serologic testing for varicella, and if negative administration of VZIG
(E) VZIGZ within 96 hours

1581. Of the following individuals, who would theoretically be at highest demographic risk for
toxoplasmosis infection during pregnancy
(A) country-western singer
(B) medical technologist
(C) plumber
(D) cat breeder
(E) kitchen worker in Los Angeles

1582. A 22-year-old medical missionary is 16 weeks pregnant and needed for a mission in an area
of West Africa that is endemic for malaria. She consults you about her risks from malaria in
pregnancy. The most appropriate thing to tell her is that
(A) her risk can be made considerably less by taking malarial prophylaxis
(B) antimalarial prophylaxis is dangerous for fetus
(C) both her risk and fetal risk from malaria can be lessened by chloroquine prophylaxis
(D) only quinine is safe for malarial prophylaxis during pregnancy
(E) primigravida woman are relatively immune to malaria because of the tremendous
increase in, and the suppressive effect of, progesterone on Plasmodium falciparum

1583. A 25-year-old sexually active woman complains for a fishy smelling gray-white vaginal
discharge. You examine this on wet mount and see epithelial cells with clusters of bacteria
obstructing their borders. The vaginal pH is 5,5. Which of the statements below is TRUE
regarding of her infection?
(A) Her male sex partner is likely symptomatic
(B) It has been implicated in preterm birth in pregnant women
(C) Regular douching would have prevented her infection
(D) Culture is recommended to confirm the diagnosis
(E) The treatment of choice is penicillin

1584. Which of the following statements regarding the sequelae of chronic salpingitis is TRUE?
(A) Teenagers may be more likely to develop upper genital tract disease than women in
their late 20s
(B) Despite geographic location or ethnic background, the rates or gonorrhea infection are
nearly the same across all U.S. population subsets
(C) Chronic salpingitis from a chlamydial infection is much more likely to be associated
with extensive tubal damage than is that from gonorrheal organism or anaerobes.
(D) The recovery of anaerobic organism in chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) with
an abscess portends an especially bad prognosis for the infected women
(E) The bacteria and viral particles involved are smaller than the pores in a latex condom;
therefore, passage of these pathogens is almost guaranteed

1585. A 39-year-old woman presents complaining of severe, low abdominal-pelvic pain that began
the day after her menses ended. She has notice some increase in vaginal discharge. Her
social history shows that she and her late husband had been medical missionaries their entire
lives. He was her only sexual partner, and since his death 1 year ago, she has not had
intercourse. Physical examinations shows a temperature of 99,6oF. She is on the examinating
table on her side, doubled over, and clutching her abdomen with both arms. She has
abdominal tenderness with mild rebound (right greater than left), cervical motion tenderness
(greatest on rectal examination), and mild tenderness in the area of the right adnexa with no
masses felt. Gram stain of her cervix shows a few WBCs; WBC is 120,400 (normal 3,600
to 10,000), and an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 47 mm/hr (normal 0 to 25). A urine
pregnancy test is negative. The next logical step in evaluation of this patient would be
(A) admitted her to the hospital with presumed PID, begin parenteral antibiotics, and wait
24 to 48 hours to asses her progress
(B) perform culdocentesis
(C) perform a pelvic ultrasound
(D) oreder a computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis
(E) take her to the operations room for diagnostic laparoscopy

1586. A 45-year-old Laotian woman is visiting her daughter. She comes to your office
complaining of frequent intermenstrual bleeding for tyears. You examine her and feel that
her pelvis is fimly fixed, with little motility of the organs. The pathology report returns
stating that frequent giant cells, caseous necrosis, and granuloma formation are seen.
Which of the following is TRUE?
(A) She should be tested for syphilis
(B) A formal dilatation and curettage (D&C) is required with these findings suggestive of
(C) Testing for tuberculosis, with culture of an endometrial aspirate, and chest x-ray is
(D) Fungal cultures of the endometrium are indicated
(E) Treatment of this condition will require major pelvic surgery

1587. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding intrauterine device (IUD)-associated
(A) Actinomyces n Pap smear is pathognomonic of infection
(B) All IUDs are associated with about the same incidence of infection
(C) An IUD in place during pregnancy increases risk of spontaneous abortion
(D) Antibiotics should be given for 2 weeks after every IUD insertion
(E) Only the sexually promiscuous user will have an increased incidence of PID from the

1588. A 43-year-old woman has had a history of frequency, urgency, and dysuria for the past 8
years. She has had five negative urine culture and urinalyses in the last year. Cystoscopy 1
moth ago showed a normal bladder and reddened urethra. An intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
is normal. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) the patient is surreptitiously using antibiotics to mask her laboratory results
(B) tuberculous urethritis
(C) vulvar vestibulitis syndrome
(D) urethral syndrome
(E) urethral gonorrhea

1589. A 51-year-old woman presents complaining of dysuria, dyspareunia, frequency of urination,

dribbling of urine from the urethra when she stands after voiding, and a painful swelling
under her urethra. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) simple cystitis
(B) urethral syndrome
(C) infection of the Skenes glands
(D) infected urethral diverticulum
(E) urethral carcinoma

1590. On the evening after a vaginal hysterectomy, a patient develops a temperature of 100,4 oF.
You are called to evaluate her. Which of the following do you consider most likely prior to
examining the patient?
(A) She probably has a urinary tract infection (UTI)
(B) Ureteral obstruction is likely
(C) Her fever may be factitious
(D) She may be having an allergic reaction to her medications
(E) The temperature elevation is most likely unrelated to a surgical infection

1591. The same patient continues to have fever in the 102oF to 104oF range over the next few days.
A pelvic examination is repeated and a midline, tender mass about 8 cm in diameter is noted
over the vaginal cuff. What should be your next step?
(A) Obtain an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and WBC, and change the antibiotics
(B) Get an infectious disease consult
(C) Send a vaginal culture to asses the coverage of your antibiotics
(D) Open the vaginal cuff in the midline
(E) Aspirate the vaginal cuff for culture

1592. For which of the following procedures would prophylactic antibiotics be the appropriate?
(A) amniocentesis
(B) laparoscopy
(C) tubal sterilization
(D) vaginal hysterectomy
(E) episiotomy repair

1593. The term pelvic celulitis refers to

(A) an infection secondary to gonorrhea
(B) a mixed anaerobic infection
(C) redness in the groin and upper tights
(D) soft tissue infection, generally of the contiguous retroperitoneal space above the
vaginal apex
(E) an infected collection of blood

1594. Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy has been associated with of the following complications?
(A) intrauterine growth restriction and neonatal immunodeficiency
(B) preterm premature rupture of the membranes, neonatal jaundice, and ocular infection
in the neonate
(C) preterm premature rupture of the membranes, preterm labor, and chorioamnionitis
(D) preterm labor, chorioamnionitis, and ocular infection in the neonate
(E) intrauterine growth restriction, preterm premature rupture of the membranes, and
neonatal jaundice

1595. A 35-year-old woman undergoes a cesarean section after a failed induction for past dates.
Three days after surgery, she develops a high spiking fever. Ampicillin and gentamycin are
administered. Complete physical examination shows no abnormality except a tender uterus.
Blood, urine and sputum cultures are negative. On the fifth day after surgery, a hectic
(spiking) fever is still present. The antibiotics are changed to ampicillin, gentamucin , and
clindamycin in high dosage. Forty-eight hours later, the fever persist, and examination
shows a tender uterus. A chest x-ray is normal. Pelvic CT is consistent with parametrial
thrombosed vessels but no abscess. Which of the following is the next base step in managing
this patient?
(A) Reoperate to find the source of the fever
(B) Anicoagulate the patient with heparin
(C) Get an infectious disease consult
(D) Discontinue all antibiotics medication and reculture the patient
(E) Change antibiotics again

1596. A 34-year-old woman (gravida 2, para 1) is at 13 weeks gestation by last menstrual period
(LMP) with a desired pregnancy. She presents to the emergency department very anxious
with a 10-hour history of low abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding. Her temperature is
102,2oF, and her uterus is markedly tender on bimanual examination. Ultrasound shows an
intrauterine pregnancy with a crown-rump consistent with her LMP and fetal cardiac activity
present. Her cervix is dilated 1 cm. Her WBC is 26,000. The best management for her is
(A) place a cervical cerclage immediately after administrating antibiotics
(B) administer antibiotics and expectantly manage her
(C) evacuate her uterus after administering antibiotics
(D) administer antibiotics, and if she does not spontaneously abort after 24 hours of
observation, place a cervical cerclage
(E) place her on bed rest and administer both a tocolytic and antibiotics

1597. On the seventh day after abdominal hysterectomy, a morbidly obese patient stands to the
bathroom and spontaneously passes a large amount (more than a liter) of serosanguinous
fluid from her abdominal wounds. This sign is most likely
(A) she has wound dehiscence
(B) a wound hematoma has spontaneously drained
(C) a medical student should stay in the room to see if there is more drainage from the
(D) you will need to remove the skin staples from the wound, as they are likely causing an
allergic reaction
(E) ther is a urinary tract draining spontaneously through the patients wound

Questions 1598 and 1599

A 22-year-old primigravida learns she s HIV positive with a high viral load at 10 weeks gestation.

1598. In counseling her on initiating multiagent active antiretroviral therapy, you explain that
(A) the transmission rate without therapy is approximately 80%
(B) the drugs are not likely to have significant effects on her immune system; they are used
exclusively to reduce the risk of perinatal transmission
(C) the regimen should routinely be discontinued following delivery
(D) the full effects of multiagent therapy on the fetus are not well delineated
(E) antiretroviral drug therapy is less effective during pregnancy

1599. At 36 weeks gestation, despite multiagent therapy, her viral load is greaterthan 1,000 copies
per millimeter. In discussing the potential benefits of scheduled cesarean section, you
explain that
(A) most perinatal transmission occurs as a results of hematogenous dissemination early in
(B) there is no evidence that scheduled cesarean section reduces perinatal transmission
rates in women on antiretroviral therapy
(C) scheduled cesarean section may decreased her risk of transmitting HIB to her infant
(D) compared with HIV-negative women undergoing cesarean section, her risk of
endometritis is 10-fold higher
(E) cesarean section, if performed after initiation of labor or rupture of membranes, poses
a greater risk of HIV transmission than does uncomplicated vaginal birth

Questions 1600 through 1602

An asymptomatic 24-year-old African-American woman with sickle cell trait is found on routine
prenatal screening at 14 weeks gestation to have symptomatic bacteriuria (105 colonies/mL).

1600. Her risk of developing pyelonephritis if untreated is

(A) 5 to 10%
(B) 20 to 30%
(C) 40 to 50%
(D) 60 to 70%
(E) 90 to 100%

1601. The most likely organism to be cultured is

(A) group B streptococcus
(B) Klebsiella pneumoniae
(C) Chlamydia trachomatis
(D) Proteus species
(E) Escherichia coli

1602. A appropriate choice of antibiotic therapy for this patient pending culture results is
(A) ampicillin
(B) tetracycline
(C) ciprofloxacin
(D) nitrofurantoin
(E) metronidazole

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1603 through 1609): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

1603. Which four of the following are associated with toxic shock syndrome?
(A) a woman colonized with Staphylcoccus aureus
(B) an organism producing an associated toxin
(C) as abrasion or trauma site to provide a portal of entry into the systemic circulation
(D) facultative anaerobic organism
(E) shock and multisystem organ failure

1604. Which three of the following statements regarding viral influenza during pregnancy are
(A) The most common serious complication of influenza during pregnancy is pneumonia
(B) Amantadine should be used to treat most pregnant women with influenza during third
trimester because of the potential adverse sequelae in pregnancy and the fetus
(C) Viral influenza is associated with an increased risk of maternal mortality
(D) There is concern about teratogenicity of the influenza vaccine if used in the first
(E) Women who are at high risk for influenza complications because of other diseases,
such as diabetes or heart disease, should be vaccinated against influenza

1605. Regarding acute salpingitis or acute PID, which two of the following statements are TRUE?
(A) Acute PID is usually polymicrobial in etiology
(B) PID is an ascending infection, with organism gaining access to the abdominal cavity
through the vagina, cervix, uterine corpus, and finally through the fallopian tube
(C) The longer an infection incubates, the more likely gonorrheal organism are to be
cultured from the cervix or fallopian tubes of the patient
(D) There is good correlation (>80%) between organisms cultured from the cervix and
those cultured from the tube at time of laparoscopy
(E) Women who use oral contraceptives (OCs) are at higher risk for developing acute PID

1606. Which three of the following statements are regarding lower UTI (cystitis) are TRUE?
(A) The most common symptoms of lower UTI are frequency, urgency, and dysuria
(B) Incontinence is not a symptom associated with UTI
(C) One in five women will develop UTI in her lifetime
(D) Cystitis is often associated with greater than 105 bacteria per millimeter of urine
(E) Streptococcus faecalis is most common organism recovered from the urine of young
healthy women with cystitis

1607. Which three of the following statements regarding postoperative wound infection are
(A) In treatment, antibiotics are more important than drainage
(B) The patients systemic resistance is important in preventing postoperative wound
(C) Obesity may increase the incidence of wound infection
(D) Corticosteroids may suppress the inflammatory phase of wound healing process
(E) The first symptoms of wwound infection usually begin between the second and fourth
postoperative days

1608. Necrotizing fasciitis is a particularly cirulent, rapidly progressing soft tissue infection.
Which two of the following are other characteristics of this infections?
(A) It is easily diagnosed based on clinical findings
(B) Treatment requires wide debridement of all necrotic up too bleeding margins
(C) Antibiotics are not needed for treatment
(D) Obese patients are more susceptible
(E) Patients do not generally appear toxic

1609. A woman delivers and 48 hours later is noted to have fever of 101,3 oF, uterine tenderness,
low abdominal pain, and leukocytosis. You obtain cultures from the uterine cavity by
cleansing the cervix with povidone-iodine and inserting a sterile cotton-tipped swab into the
endometrial cavity and inoculating a culture medium for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Of
the following, which four would your laboratory be most likely to report?
(A) group B streptococcus
(B) enterococcus
(C) Escherichia coli
(D) Chlamydia trachomatis
(E) Bacteroides species

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1610 through 1627): Each set of items in this section consists of a
list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word of phrase, select the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered option may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 1610 through 1616

Match the type of infection with the most appropriate descriptor.

(A) cadidal vaginal infections

(B) Trichomonas
(C) bacterial vaginosis
(D) atrophic vaginitis
(E) mucopurulent cervicitis
(F) foreign body

1610. Most common type of vaginitis with a high pH in the sexually active mature patient. C
1611. In cases of treatment failure, combined oral and intravenous therapy with metronidazole
may be indicated. B
1612. The patient complains of a white, curdy discharge and vaginal burning and itching; on
examination, the copious discharge is confirmed. The vaginal pH is 3,0. A
1613. Associated most commonly with Chlamydia or Gonorrhea. E
1614. Diagnosis may require vaginoscopy. F
1615. The treatment should include intravaginal estrogen therapy. D
1616. The most likely causative organism also has a high associated incidence of upper genital
tract infection. E

Questions 1617 through 1627

Match the choice with the most closely associated descriptor.

(A) uncomplicated anogenital gonorrhea

(B) disseminated gonococcal infection
(C) syphilis
(D) chancroid
(E) lymphogranuloma venereum
(F) donovanosis
(G) pediculosis pubis
(H) scabies
(I) molluscum contagiosum
(J) genital herpes infection
(K) HPV infection
(L) genital mycoplasma

1617. Diagnosis is made from culture on Thayer-Martin or Transgrow media. A

1618. An asymptomatic disease on the vulvar skin, spread by close contact; it can be found as a
disseminated disease in children that is not necessarily spread by sexual contact. I
1619. The causative organism for genital condyloma, it is an etiologic agent, cofactor, or
enhancedr of the development of most intraepithelial neoplasias of the genital tract. K
1620. A 44-year-old schoolteacher returns from a vacation in Haiti where she had unprotected
intercourse with a native Haitian about 3 weeks previously; she now has a painless vulvar
ulcer. C
1621. A 38-year-old Nigerian woman presents with vesicular and pustular lesions with ulceration
of the vulvar areas. She also has painful elevated inguinal nodes. E
1622. One of the most infectious of all sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); characteristic lesions
are found at the base of hair follicles. G
1623. One week after her first intercourse, an 18-year-old college students presents to your office
with intense, constant itching in the area of the pubic hair; on examination, you think you
see red "moles" that are moving. H
1624. A patient reports having had intercourse with a new sexual partner about 8 days ago and
now complains of general malaise and fever, vulvar pain, pruritus, and vaginal discharge;
genital examination shows tender inguinal lymphadenopathy and vesicles and ulcers on the
labia majora bilaterally. J
1625. A 41-year-old woman returns from a job on a Caribbean cruise ship. She had several new
sexual partners during 3-week cruise. A few days before coming to see you, she noticed the
growth of an asymptomatic vulvar nodule, and she now has a beefy-red ulcer. She thinks
additional nodules may developing. The ulcer is painless, and there are no associated groin
lesions or enlarged lymph nodes. F
1626. Caused by Hemophilus ducreyi, the disease is characterized by a painful ulcer, most
commonly of the vaginal vestibule. D
1627. Frequently isolated from the cervix and vagina, its role as a cervical pathogen is unclear. L

Special Topics in Gynecology: Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology,

Sexual Abuse, Medical Ethics, and Medical-Legal Considerations

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1628 through 1642): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
ONE lettered answer or completion that is BEST in each case.

1628. Which of the following patients is most likely to have an acidic vaginal pH?
(A) 2-day-old girl
(B) 4-year-old girl
(C) 16-year-old adolescent with vaginal trichomoniasis
(D) 21-year-old woman with vaginal bleeding
(E) 65-year-old postmenopausal woman

1629. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of vulvovaginitis symptoms in
(A) foreign body
(B) lichen sclerosis
(C) physiologic leucorrhea
(D) trauma
(E) nonspecific

1630. The most common symptom of urethral prolapse in the prepubertal, unestrogenized girl is
(A) dysuria
(B) urinary frequency
(C) urinary retention
(D) painless genital bleeding
(E) hematuria

1631. Premature thelarche differs from true precocious puberty in that premature thelarche is
associated with
(A) pubic hair development
(B) axillary hair development
(C) spontaneous ovulations
(D) voice changes
(E) isolated breast development

1632. Puberty marks the transition period between childhood and sexual maturity. Which of the
following signs occurs initially in preadolescent girls?
(A) axillary hair growth
(B) breast development
(C) menarche
(D) peak growth spurt
(E) pubic hair growth
1633. A 16-year-old girl is seen in the emergency department for evaluation of nausea and
vomiting. Her vital signs are: blood pressure 80/40; pulse, 130 bpm; and temperature,
102,2oF. Physical examination shows conjunctivitis, oropharyngeal hyperemia, and a
sunburn-like macular rash over the face, proximal extremities, and trunk. Palpation of the
extremities elicits muscle tenderness. Pelvic examination is normal, and a bloody tampon is
present in the vagina. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) erysipelas
(B) syphilis
(C) Kawasaki disease
(D) toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
(E) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

1634. A 14-year-old girl has a chronic cough with copious expectoration. A biopsy of the
respiratory mucosa shows ciliated epithelium devoid of dynein arms. Which of the
following conditions is most likely to occur in later life
(A) abnormal vaginal bleeding
(B) infertility
(C) pelvic pain
(D) urinary incontinence
(E) chronic diarrhea

1635. The percentage of sexually abused children who know their assailant is
(A) 15%
(B) 35%
(C) 55%
(D) 75%
(E) 95%

1636. The most commonly reported form of incest is

(A) father-daughter
(B) father-son
(C) stepfather-daughter
(D) mother-son
(E) brother-sister

1637. The appropriate emergency contraception for a sexual assault patient who is found to be at
risk for pregnancy is
(A) irrigation of the vagina with normal saline at the time of vaginal examination
(B) combination low-dose oral contraceptive (OC) agent in standard single-dose therapy
for next 30 days
(C) an injection of Depo-Provera at the time of visit
(D) two tablets of a low-dose OC at the time the victim is seen and 12 hours later
(E) two tablets of high-dose OC at the time the victim is seen and 12 hours later

1638. When childhood sexual assault is suspected within the past 72 hours, the next action of the
physician should be to
(A) perform a complete physical examination
(B) bring family members together for an interview
(C) report the incident to Child Protective Service
(D) contact mental health workers
(E) notify the police

1639. Which of the following is a legal but not a medical responsibility of the physician caring for
an alleged sexual assault victim?
(A) offering postcoital hormonal prophylaxis to prevent pregnancy
(B) providing counseling and emotional support
(C) obtaining a complete gynecologic history
(D) obtaining informed consent from patient
(E) collecting samples of hair and vaginal secretions, and microscopic evaluation of motile

1640. Which of the following, legal theories describes the failure of a physician to disclose the
risks of a procedure?
(A) breach of duty
(B) intentional tort
(C) abandonment
(D) informed consent
(E) lack of diligence

1641. The physician witness should

(A) interrupt the interrogating attorney when necessary
(B) interpret the meaning of a document prepared by another person
(C) use medical language as much as possible
(D) not defer to another physician or author as an authoritative expert
(E) depersonalize the plaintiff

1642. Professional liability insurance that protects against claims made during the policy period,
regardless of when the suit is filed, is a(n)
(A) claims-made policy
(B) occurrence policy
(C) tail policy
(D) nose policy
(E) none of the above

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1643): Each of the numbered items or incomplete statements in this
section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the answers or
completions that may apply.

1643. Which of the following are torts?

(A) personal injury
(B) automobile accident
(C) slip and fall
(D) professional liability claim
(E) assault

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1644 through 1650): Each set of items in this section consists of a
list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word of phrase, select the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered option may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 1644 through 1646

(A) Escherichia coli

(B) Staphylococcus aureus
(C) Streptococcus pyogenes
(D) Candida albicans
(E) Gardnerella vaginalis
(F) Chlamydia trachomatis
(G) Enterobius vermicularis
(H) none of the above

Which of the above organism is most likely to cause childhood vaginitis associated with.
1644. Previous respiratory infection C
1645. Small red papules and an erythematous vulva D
1646. Perianal pruritus and excoriations G

Questions 1647 through 1648

A 39-year-old multiparous woman is infertile after acute salpingitis. A salpingoplasty has been used
unsuccessful and the patient requires in vitro fertilization (IVF). She has three children from a
previous marriage and desires another child with her new husband. The husband is ambivalent
about her wishes to conceive. He believes that they do not have the financial resources to care
another child. The couple has enough money to pay for a single IVF attempt.

(A) Parenthood refers to the emotional capacity for loving child.

(B) Parenthood refers to the ability of providing for a childs well-being.
(C) both of the above.
(D) neither of above.

Which of the above statements best agrees with the decision to

1647. Recommend in vitro fertilization A

1648. Recommend no therapy at this time B

Questions 1649 through 1650

A 39-year-old woman, after using fertility drugs to induce ovulation, has a quadruplet pregnancy.
You advise the patient and her husband that, without intervention, she probably faces preterm labor,
which risks the survival of all pregnancies. Selective termination of at least one fetus may improve
the chance of survival for the remaining fetuses. The couple returns 1 weeks later and wants to
schedule the procedure.

(A) The parents have an absolute right in deciding what type of care will be given to affect
pregnancy outcome.
(B) The parents should bear full responsibility for the decision because they will live with
its consequences.
(C) The parents have the responsibility to protect the well-being of all the fetuses.
(D) more than one of the above.

1649. Perform selective termination. D

1650. Not perform selective termination. C

Primary Health Care for Women


DIRECTIONS (Questions 1651 through 1675): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the ONE
lettered answer or completion that is the BEST in each case.

1651. A 46-year-old patient has her serum cholesterol tested in your lab, and it is 280 mg/dL.
Which of the following statements regarding this finding would be accurate to tell her?
(A) The pizza she had for lunch the previous day probably is responsible for the elevation
(B) Further evaluation would be needed
(C) She needs to see an internist immediately
(D) Elevated serum cholesterol is the most significant risk factor in the development of
ischemic cardiac disease.
(E) Unless there is a family history of cardiac disease, she is less likely to develop heart
problems than the rest of the population

1652. A 70-year-old woman who is in good health comes to your office for the first time. Her only
disease prevention issue is that she smokes. While discussing this with her, you should tell
her that
(A) at 70, smoking is up to her, and she is certainly mature enough to make her own
(B) if she got to be 70 and smokes, it is probably good for her
(C) assure her that 70 is too old to be worrying about quitting smoking
(D) inform her that her life expectancy may be 15 to 20 more years or longer, and that if
she would like to try to quit smoking, you will assist her
(E) 25% of people will die of cancer, and the greatest risk factor we know of for
developing cancer is smoking

1653. The most important feature of mammography is that it

(A) provides the caregiver with a medical-legal safety screen
(B) leads to a reduction in mortality in breast cancer in women aged 50 to 64
(C) essentially misses no cancer
(D) can detect lesion as small as 1 mm
(E) allays fears in women

1654. Exercise may

(A) help to control weight
(B) reduce blood pressure
(C) improve glucose tolerance
(D) prevent coronary artery disease
(E) all of above

Questions 1655 through 1659

A 43-year-old woman is 5 feet 4 inches tall (163 cm) and weights 176 lbs (80 kg).
1655. Her body mass index (BMI) is
(A) 26
(B) 28
(C) 30
(D) 32
(E) 34

1656. She would like to weigh 125 to 130 pounds. She asks, "How many calories do you think I
am eating a day?" You respond
(A) 1,000
(B) 1,800
(C) 2,600
(D) 3,000
(E) 3,500

1657. She then asks , "How many calories would I have to cut out each day to lose 1 pound per
week?" You answer
(A) 100
(B) 500
(C) 900
(D) 1,300
(E) 1,800

1658. She asks, "How would it be most reasonable to change my diet to lose this amount?" You
tell her
(A) eliminate dietary fat
(B) decrease protein content
(C) decrease carbohydrate content
(D) decrease amount of water intake, and less calories will be retained
(E) decrease overall food intake with the greatest decrease being fat

1659. You also encourage her to exercise. Given her current status, which of the following is the
best initial form of exercise for her to maximize the calories burned per week?
(A) bicycling
(B) jogging/running
(C) swimming
(D) tennis
(E) walking

1660. As part of a premarital examination, a 24-year-old teacher would like a measles vaccination
because she is nonimmune. "Do I need to avoid pregnancy after getting this vaccination?"
You answer
(A) no, it is a killed vaccine and unnecessary
(B) no, it is a form of passive immunization and therefore noninfective
(C) yes, for 6 weeks
(D) yes, for 12 weeks because it is a live, attenuated vaccine
(E) yes, and if pregnancy is attained before 1 year, abortion is recommended

1661. A woman who has been splenectomized as a result of a car accident wonders if there is any
special immunization she would have as a results. You answers
(A) measles
(B) mumps
(C) pertusis
(D) pneumococcus
(E) meningococcus

1662. A county sheriff, who works within the offices of the jail, asks if she would received tetanus
injection; her last was 3 years ago. You answer
(A) yes, yearly
(B) yes, every 3 years
(C) no, only once every 10 years
(D) only if she has been injured in the last months
(E) no, once in a lifetime is enough

1663. A patient presents to you with excrude pain, and you confirm the diagnosis of kidney stone.
You would like to provide greatest amount of pain relief possible so the stone can be treated
or passes. Of the following narcotics, which has the greatest analgesic potency (administered
parental when compared to morphine?
(A) codein
(B) oxycodone
(C) methadone
(D) meperidine
(E) hydromorphone

1664. A 77-year-old woman comes to see you with her daughter. The mother has been recently
moved in with her daughter because it is difficult for her to care herself completely. At night,
the mother seems to become confused, does not know where she is, and cannot recognize
her daughter
(A) a normal variant of aging and should be accepted
(B) an indication that the mother needs to be restrained at night for fear of hurting herself
(C) an indication of possible early dementia or organic brain syndrome, needing further
(D) expected to resolve completely as the mother becomes more aware of her new
surroundings controllable by administration of sleep medication early in the evening

1665. A 19-year-old patient comes in for annual redill of her birth control pills. For the past 6
years her family physician has treated her for nodular cystic acne with what the patient feels
are poor results. Which of the following would you recommmend?
(A) topical benzoyl peroxide
(B) systemic tetracycline
(C) topical clindamycin
(D) stopping her oral contraceptives (OCs)
(E) isotreonin

1666. A 23-year-old Native American woman recently discharged from the Air Force presents with
a severe cough of several weeks duration. She has been working as a nurse's aide for 2 years
in a pulmonary ward in th Philippines. She thinks she may have tuberculosis (TB) since she
knows she has been exposed. The most reliably way to make the diagnosis would be
(A) chest x-ray
(B) Gram stain of her sputum
(C) culture of her sputum
(D) bronchial washings for cytology
(E) tuberculin skin test

1667. A woman and her husband are planning a trip to Mexico for their 25th anniversay. She has
heard about "traveler's diarrhea" and wonders what advicw you can give her. You tell her
(A) not worry about it; very few people ever get it
(B) she will get it no matter what she does, and it will subside quickly on its own
(C) to be sure to drink plenty of water, not to eat uncooked meat or vegetables, and she
will likely fine
(D) to take oral clindamycin befor they get to Mexico and all during their stay
(E) to make trimethoprim-sulfa tablets along and begin them at first signs of diarrhea

1668. A 39-year-old woman comes in complaining that every night just after going to bed she
awakens with a severe, substernal burning that is relieved when she drinks a glass of milk.
She is allergic to codeine and has a known gallstone. Physical examination shows she is 5
feet 4 inches tall and weighs 209 pounds. Her general examination is normal. There is no
abdominal tenderness. Her stool is guaiac-negatif. She would like to know to do for long-
term relief. You advise
(A) weight loss and no eating within 3 hours of bedtime
(B) an upper gastrointestinal x-ray series
(C) cholecystectomy
(D) antacids before bedtime
(E) histamine blockers

1669. A 44-year-old multigravid patient comes to your office with two complaints. She has
difficulty having bowel movements. They occur about twice weekly and are associated with
significant straining. She has also noticed a painful mass at the anus and some bright red
blood on her toilet paper. On examination you see a bluish lump about 2 cm across at the
anus, a mild rectocele, and a normal digital rectal examination. You advise her
(A) to have colonoscopy
(B) that a biopsy of the mass is necessary
(C) to use hydrocortisone suppositories for the discomfort
(D) to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day, increase the amount of fiber in her diet, and
soak the area in a tub of warm water twice daily
(E) to see the colorectal surgeon

1670. A 27-year-old woman has just begun a new job as an administrative assistant working for
years as an account representative at another bank. Over the last few weeks, she has
developed chronic, bilateral, nonpulsaltile headache that begin every afternoon. Her 79-year-
old aunt has recently died of a cerebral aneurysm, and she hd a cousin who she died of a
"brain tumor". Her neurologic examination is within normal limits. What you tell her about
the origin of her headches?
(A) She needs to see a neurologist
(B) She needs to see a psychiatrist
(C) It is a common migraine headache, and she will need further evaluation
(D) Given her family gistory, an angiogram is indicated
(E) The headaches are most likely stress-related and can be managed without further

1671. A 48-year-old patient (gravida 2, para 2) presents for an annual exam. She has had a tubal
ligation for contraception. She reports her menses occur every 25 to 28 days and are
"normal". Her history and examination, including stool guaiac and skin, are unremarkable
other than she appears somewhat on examination. Which of the following laboratory results
should prompt an evaluation for a cause other than simply iron deficiency from menstrual
(A) hemoglobin 11,5 g/dL
(B) increased total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)
(C) microcytic hypochromic cells on peripheral smear
(D) normal indices on an autonomic analysis of peripheral smear
(E) normal to high reticulocyte count once corrected for anemia

1672. A 19-year-old woman (gravida 0, para 0) presents of her annual sports physical. She is 5 feet
10 inches tall and weighs 110 lbs. She states she has been this weight for "a while" and
attributes it to being the star forward for her nationally ranked college soccer team. She does
note her last menses was more than 3 moths ago. Her urine human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG) is negative. Which of the following findings would be inconsistent that her
presentation is due to athletic involvement and instead raise the concern of an anorexic
(A) increased exercise tolerance
(B) increased physical activity
(C) lanugo hair
(D) low body weight
(E) resting bradycardia and hypotension

1673. A 14-year-old patient presents complaining of knee pain that has been increasing over the
past few months. Since she is the goalie for the high school soccer team, you suspect
patellofemoral dysfunction. Which of the folowing would DECREASE a postpubertal girl's
risk for this problem?
(A) increased angle from knee to pelvic girdle
(B) tight vastus medialis obliquus musculature
(C) tight vastus lateralis musculature
(D) shallow trochlear groove configuration

1674. A 38-year-old women presents with the complaints of symmetric polyarthritis, especially in
the hands and wrists, marked morning stiffness that lasts for up to an hour, and nodules over
her elbows. These complaints have been presents and increasing over the past 3 to 4 moths.
Of the following differential list, which is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) ankylosing spondylitis
(B) gout
(C) osteoarthritis
(D) Reiter syndrome
(E) rheumatoid arthritis

1675. A patient asks what she can do to minimizw her risks of developing skin cancer. You inform
her that
(A) application of sunscreen is best just before sun exposure
(B) high altitudes are less dangerous for sun exposure dermal injury
(C) one will get sun damage on overcast days
(D) tanning booths use a form of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that is safer than sun exposure
(E) she should use a sun blocker with a sun protection factor (SPF) rating of 8 or less
DIRECTIONS (Questions 1676 through 1685): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

1676. Which three of the following routine yearly health care screning test is appropriate in an
apparently healthy 55-year-old woman?
(A) hematocrit
(B) mammography
(C) Pap smear
(D) serum creatinine
(E) urine dipstick for glucose and protein

1677. A 59-year-old woman complains that she is not sleeping at night. Of the following, which
four would be appropriate steps for her primary care physician after hearing this complaint?
(A) asking her why she feels she has a difficult time sleeping
(B) assessing the stresses and recent changes in her life
(C) inquiring about her dietary intake of caffeine
(D) obtaining a detailed history of her sleeping habits
(E) prescribing a sleep medication

1678. Which four of the following are advantages of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in the
postmenopausal woman?
(A) improved sleep in many women
(B) increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
(C) prevention of breast cancer
(D) prevention of genital atrophy
(E) retardation of bone loss

1679. Which four of the following would be considered part of primary health care?
(A) genetic counseling
(B) performing a general history and physical examination
(C) providing contraceptive teaching
(D) screening blood pressure
(E) trying to foster healthy behavior in the patient

1680. A 20-year-old female college student gives a history of having five different sexual partner
in the past 2 years. Your job as her health care provider should be to do which two of the
(A) call her parents/guardian
(B) offer testing for gonorrhea, Chlamydia, syphilis, and human immunodeficiency virus
(C) provide contraception information
(D) tell her she is promiscuous and that she should stop sexual activity until she is more
serious about her relationship with others
(E) try to convince her to get counseling

1681. Which three of the following are TRUE statements regarding cancer of the colon?
(A) Adenocarcinoma of the colon is the most common cancer in women in the United
(B) Physical examination will detect most cancers of the colon, providing rectal
examination is done
(C) Screening with stool guaiac test should be performed annually in women over age 50
(D) Sigmoidoscopy ahould be performed every 3 to 5 years in women over the age of 50
(E) There is often a hereditary component to colon cancer

1682. When prescribing medication for a patient, which four of the following should be major
concerns for the practitioner?
(A) always inquiring about patient allergies and adverse reaction
(B) choosing the least expensive drug available
(C) considering the metabolism, route of excretion, and adverse effects, as well as the
(D) individualizing doses based on patients age, size, health status, and problem
(E) prescribing as few drugs as possible

1683. A 52-year-old patient with a strong family history of breast cancer presents to discuss
hormone replacement. She is very hesitant to use estrogen due to recent articles in the paper.
She request a dexa-scan to evaluate her risk of osteoporosis. The scan reveals that
osteoporosis is already presents. Which four of the following are secondary causes for the
finding of osteoporosis?
(A) chronic use of heparin
(B) chronic use of corticosteroids
(C) hyperprolactinemia
(D) hypothyroidism
(E) subtotal gastrectomy

1684. The previous patient is not found to have any secondary cause for her osteoporosis. You feel
it is due to her surgical castration 10 years ago without estrogen supplementation. Which
four of the following interventions that may be used to increased bone mass have been
shown to decrease the incidence of farctures?
(A) biphosphonates
(B) calcitonin
(C) calcium
(D) estrogen
(E) sodium fluoride

1685. During her annual examination, a patient states that she is very concerned about developing
skin cancer due to a strong family history. You instruct her in the components of a skin
exam, which involves evaluating a lesion for which two of the following are danger signs
for melanoma?
(A) asymmetry
(B) raised surface
(C) consistency of color
(D) diameter > 6 mm
(E) smooth border

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1686 through 1699): Each set of items in this section consists of a
list of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word of phrase, select the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered option may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 1686 through 1699

(A) androgenic alopecia

(B) alopecia areata
(C) syphilitic alopecia
(D) systemic lupus-related alopecia
(E) telogen effluvium
(F) traumatic alopecia

1686. A patient presents with acute hair loss in patches. Inspection of the patches shows complete
hair loss without signs of inflammation and without scarring. Hair can be plucked at the
edge of these patches. B
1687. A patient complains of thinning of her hair on her crown over the past months. She reports
her mother had a similar problem. A
1688. A patient presents 3 months postpartum complaining that she is going bald. She describes
large amounts of hair in her brush each morning and her hairdresser says her hair is thinner.
1689. A patient presents complaining of temporal balding. She is African American and has worn
her hair in plaited braids for years. F

Questions 1690 through 1693

Choose the best diagnosis for each patient presention.

(A) drug rash

(B) erythema multiforme
(C) Lyme disease
(D) measles
(E) pityriasis rosea
(F) rubella
(G) varicella

1690. A 24-year-old woman presents with a generalized eruption, of small oval lesions that are
aligned along skin lines. She denies any constitutional symptoms. She did note a single
larger lesion a few days prior to generalized rash. E
1691. A 22-year-old woman schoolteacher presents complaining of a rash that started as a bulls
eye pattern that rapidly enlarged. She had a flu-like illness prior to the rash. Although she
hikes often, she denies any tick bites. C
1692. A 19-tear-ols woman presents with vesicular pustular pruritic lesions on an erythematous
base. The rash followed a high temperature. The rash started in the hairline and has rapidly
spread to entire body. G
1693. An 18-year-old college student from Vietnam presents with the complaint of a
maculopapular rash that started on her face and rapidly spread. The rash followed a day of
malaise, headache, and conjunctivitis. Lymphadenopathy is evident in the postauricular and
suboccipital nodes. F

Questions 1694 through 1696

Of the following causes for mortality in women, which is the primary cause for each of the age

(A) accidents
(B) cancer
(C) cerebral vascular disease
(D) chronic obstructive lung disease
(E) heart disease
(F) HIV infection
(G) homicide
(H) suicide

1694. Women aged 15 to 34 A

1695. Women aged 35 to 54 B
1696. Women aged 55 to 74 B

Questions 1697 through 1699

(A) degenerative disease

(B) disk disease
(C) nerve root pain
(D) ankylosing spondylitis
(E) referred pain from pelvic viscera

1697. A 65-year-old patient presents with complaints of back pain that is worse after exercise or at
the end of the day A
1698. A 30-year-old patient complains of back pain that is worse in the morning. Her examination
reveals decreased range of the motion of the spine and tenderness over the sacroiliac joints.
There is a loss of lordosis D
1699. A 45-year-old woman presents complaining of back pain that radiates down her legs and is
accompanied by numbness, paresthesia, and some weakness. The pain is increased with the
normal activities and improved with rest. C

Practice Test

DIRECTIONS (Questions 1 through 115): Each of the numbered items or incomplete

statements in this is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the ONE
lettered answer or completion that is the BEST in each case.

1. A patient wishes you to explain the concept of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) III,
which has been diagnosed from her cervical after a low-grade squamous intraepithelial
lesion (LGSIL) was found on a Pap smear. You can correctly tell her CIN III
(A) is an invasive cancer
(B) includes carcinoma in situ (CIS)
(C) requires no further treatment
(D) is due to a bacterial infection
(E) corresponds to the LGSIL shown on her prior Pap smear

2. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in human beings is located on which

(A) 1
(B) 6
(C) 13
(D) 16
(E) 21

3. With respects to genetics, linkage means that the

(A) spindles have formed in the equatorial plate
(B) pairing of homologous chromosomes has occurred
(C) centromere is acrosomic
(D) involved genes have crossed over
(E) involved genes loci near one another on the same chromosomes

4. Which of the following alleles has no detectable product?

(A) A of the ABO blood group
(B) B of the ABO blood group
(C) O of the ABO blood group
(D) D of the Rh group
(E) K of the Kell blood group

5. Which of the following most likely to be the best donor for a kidney transplant patient?
(A) father
(B) mother
(C) grandfather
(D) aunt
(E) brother

6. A 22-year-old patient is involved in a skiing accident with head injuries. Six months after
her apparent recovery she has not had a menstrual cycle. She also complains of hot flushes.
Her luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and estradiol levels are
very low. This implies injury to the
(A) periventriculer nucleus
(B) supraoptic nucleus
(C) suprachiasmatic nucleus
(D) arcuate nucleus
(E) paraventriculer nucleus

7. Which of the following hormone is a single chain peptide?

(A) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
(B) LH
(C) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
(E) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

8. A male infant is born with hypertension and hypokalemia. One suspects an absence of 17-
aplha hydroxylase. This can be verified if there is an elevation of
(A) 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone
(B) androstenedione
(C) testosterone
(D) deoxycorticosterone
(E) cortisone

9. The synthesis of a progesterone-like product that was biologically active after oral ingestion
was critical to the effectiveness of oral contraceptive (OC) pills. These 19-nortestosterone
are so named because they
(A) have a nothern orientation in magnetic field
(B) are minus a methyl group
(C) are neither estrogen nor androgen
(D) are precursors to testosterone
(E) none of the above

10. A ubiquitous 20-carbon fatty acid with a variety of biologic effects is

(A) progesterone
(B) dopamine
(E) prostaglandin (PG)

11. The fetal gonad is critical to the phenotypic sexual development of the fetus. Which of the
following statements best describes the function of the fetal gonad?
(A) Estrogen produced by the fetal ovary induces female genitalia development.
(B) Mullerian inhibitory factor produced by the fetal testis induces regression of female
external genitalia.
(C) Testosterone produced by the fetal testis induces male internal genital development.
(D) Dihydrotestosterone produced by the fetal testis induces male external genitalia

12. Precocious puberty has a number of physical and psychological consequences. However,
one of the steroid effects is not reversible or correctable and has major long-term
implications. For this reason, which of the following steroid effects would be the prime
consideration in management of female precocious puberty?
(A) epiphyseal closure
(B) hair growth
(C) genital development
(D) breast tissue development
(E) fat redistribution

13. The absence of 17-alpha hydroxylase is associated with

(A) hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
(B) hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
(C) true precocious puberty
(D) pseudo-precocious puberty
(E) normal puberty

14. Growth in most follicles is usually followed by

(A) ovulation
(B) cyst formation
(C) atresia
(D) arrest
(E) regression

15. Which of the following physical findings should prompt an evaluation of a pathologic
process in a menopausal woman
(A) atrophic vaginal mucosa
(B) clitoromegaly
(C) small labia minora
(D) amenorrhea

16. The darkening of the vaginal mucosa that occurs early in gestation is called
(A) Hegars sign
(B) Chadwicks sign
(C) Braxton Hicks contractions
(D) Von Fernwalds sign
(E) Cullens sign

17. Which of the following situations generally applies to the uterus during pregnancy?
(A) rotates to the right because of the sacral promontory
(B) exhibits no rotation
(C) rotates to the right because of the rectosigmoid
(D) rotates to the left because of the sacral promontory
(E) rotates to the left because of the sigmoid colon

18. The symptom of excessive salivation that may occur during pregnancy is called
(A) deglutition
(B) pruritus
(C) emesis
(D) eructation
(E) ptyalism

19. A lowered hemoglobin during normal pregnancy is a physiologic finding. It is due mainly to
(A) low iron stores
(B) blood lost to the placenta and fetus
(C) increased plasma volume
(D) increased cardiac output resulting in greater greater red cell destruction
(E) decreased reticulocytosis

20. The average women can expect to retain as much as 7 L of water during a normal gestation.
Factors that play a role in this retention include
(A) decreased venous pressure in the lower fourth of the body
(B) increased plasma oncotic pressure
(C) increased capillary permeability
(D) marked increase (> 50 g) in the maternal exchangeable sodium
(E) a physiologic cardiac failure resulting in edema, fluid retention, and enlargement of the

21. Maternal serum prolactin levels in pregnancy are highest

(A) at the end of gestation just before delivery of the infant
(B) just after delivery of the infant
(C) as the placenta is released
(D) the third to fourth day postpartum
(E) during breast-feeding

22. Normally, the pregnant woman hyperventilated. This is compensated by

(A) increased tidal volume
(B) respiratory alkalosis
(C) decreased PCO2 of the blood
(D) decreased plasma bicarbonate
(E) decreased serum pH

23. Immediately after spontaneous rupture of membranes there is moderate vaginal bleeding and
the development of fetal distress. Concern is raised about a fetal hemorrhage from the vasa
previa. It is critical to act quickly because the normal fetal blood volume compared to fetal
weight near term is approximately
(A) 15 mL/kg
(B) 50 mL/kg
(C) 80 mL/kg
(D) 100 mL/kg
(E) 150 mL/kg

24. A cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection may cause an acute fetal hemolysis. If a fetal
intrauterine transfusion becomes indicated, which of the following blood products is best to
(A) AB-positive donor red blood cells
(B) O-negative maternal whole blood
(C) AB-negative paternal plasma
(D) O-positive donor red blood cells
(E) O-negative donor red blood cells

25. A patient present at 30 weeks gestation in labor that cannot be stopped. Lung maturity is
unlikely. Fetal lung surfactant production may be increased by a number of factors. Which
of the following is proven clinically useful?
(A) estrogen
(B) prolactin
(C) thyroxine
(D) glucocorticosteroids
(E) alpha-fetoprotein
26. The only class of hormones relevant to the embryogenesis of the external genitalia is
(A) androgens
(B) estrogens
(C) cortisol
(D) hCG
(E) progesterone

27. Of the following laboratory studies, which would be done routinely in a pregnant patient?
(A) electrolytes
(B) urinary estriol
(C) serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)
(D) VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory)
(E) fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS).

28. Asked about the fetal safety of a category B drug when taken by a pregnant women, you
respond that a drug in this category has
(A) proven risks that outweigh its benefits
(B) fetal risks, but the benefits far outweigh the risks
(C) no adequate studies showing adverse effects in animals, but there are no human data
(D) animal studies showing no fetal risks, or if there are risks, they are not shown in well-
controlled human studies

29. An Rh-negative pregnant women at 18 weeks gestation was found to have a titer of 1:32
anti-Lewis antibodies and no other evidence of sensitization to red-cell antigens. You should
(A) perform a repeat blood test at 4 weekw to see if the titer increase
(B) advise termination of pregnancy
(C) plan serial amniocentesis, starting at 24 to 26 weeks
(D) plan exchange transfusion as soon as fetal viability is assured
(E) plan to give D-immunoglobulin at 28 weeks gestation

30. When counseling a patient regarding fetal abnormalities during prenatal care, the greatest
advantage of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) over amniocentesis is
(A) the ability to provide results sooner
(B) the ability to perform enzyme studies
(C) a decrease fetal risks
(D) obtaining far superior cellular sample
(E) a lack of maternal cell contamination

31. When performing clinical pelvimetry in a gynecoid pelvis, the diagonal conjugate should be
at least
(A) 7,5 cm
(B) 9,5 cm
(C) 11,5 cm
(D) 13,5 cm
(E) 15,5 cm

32. A 26-year-old primigravida at her first prenatal visit reports that she is in excellent health
and refuses the prenatal vitamins you prescribe. Your dietary review indicates that she does
follow a nutritious, well-balanced diet. Nonetheless, you explain that the only nutrient for
which requirements during pregnancy could not be met by diet alone is
(A) vitamin C
(B) calcium
(C) iron
(D) zinc
(E) vitamin D

33. You are called to the bedside of a laboring patient who has just received an injection in her
epidural. She has become panicked. She cannot breathe and begins to convulse. Your first
step in treating a severe systemic reaction to this local anesthetic agents is
(A) oxygen administration
(B) IV fluids
(C) stopping convulsions
(D) supporting blood pressure
(E) clearing the airway

34. The greatest amount of blood would normally be lost in which of the following procedures?
(A) a vaginal delivery of a normal-term infant
(B) an uncomplicated cesarean section of a single fetus at term
(C) an uncomplicated vaginal delivery of twins at term
(D) an uncomplicated cesarean section of twins at term
(E) an elective dilation and curettage (D&C) done in the nonpregnant state

35. The implantation of a placenta which there is a defect in the fibrinoid layer at the
implantation site, allowing the placental villi to invade and penetrate into but not through the
myometrium, is called
(A) placenta accreta
(B) placenta increta
(C) placenta percreta
(D) placenta infarct
(E) placenta previa

36. You are checking a term patient in labor. The examination of the fetal presentation feels
unusual. Which of the following would be incompatible with a spontaneous delivery?
(A) occiput posterior
(B) mentum posterior
(C) brow asynclitic
(D) occiput transverse
(E) sacrum posterior

37. Ritodrine is a beta-adrenergic receptor stimulator that is used to arrest preterm labor. Which
of the following is a major maternal risk associated with its use?
(A) hypertension
(B) decreased plasma glucose
(C) decreased serum potassium
(D) cardiac arrhythmias
(E) asthma

38. You are taking care of a 29-year-old primigravida who is having a postpartum hemorhage.
The placenta delivered spontaneously, intact. Labor was 9 3/4 hours and was unremarkable.
There are no obvious lacerations. You are becoming concerned about coagulopathy. The
most readily available test for blood clothing defects during labor and delivery is
(A) prothrombin time
(B) serum fibronogen
(C) fibrin split products
(D) observance of a tube of whole blood
(E) platelet count

39. In the presence of a complete longitudinal vaginal septum

(A) delivery is usually difficult
(B) the uterus is less likely to be abnormal
(C) conception is nearly impossible
(D) there is an above-average incidence of urinary tract abnormalities
(E) prophylactic cesarean delivery is indicated

40. The hemostatic mechanism most important in combating postpartum hemorhage is

(A) increased bood clothting factors in pregnancy
(B) contraction of interlactine uterine muscle bundles
(C) markedly decreased blood pressure in the uterine venules
(D) intramyometrial vascular coagulation due to vasoconstriction
(E) enhanced platelet aggregation during pregnancy

41. A 32-year-old white women (gravida 4, para 3) at 38 weeks gestation by good dates presents
in your office with painless moderate vaginal bleeding (soaking two pads) after an otherwise
uneventful gestation. The bleeding presently has ceased and no uterine contractions are
present; the fetal heart tones (FHTs) are 140. You should
(A) perform a complete pelvic examination
(B) reassure the patient and send her home to await spontaneous labor
(C) admit the patient to the hospital the following morning for induction of labor
(D) perform an ultrasound
(E) perform an immediate cesarean section

42. As part of the hospital quality assurance program, the incidence of maternal morbidity is
tracked. Infectious maternal (puerperal) morbidity is defined as
(A) any fever after pregnancy
(B) a temperature over 100,4 oF during the first 24 hours after delivery
(C) a temperature over 100,4oF in any two 24-hour periods of the 10 days immediately
after delivery
(D) a temperature over 102,2oF in any two 24-hour periods
(E) a temperature over 100 oF in any two 24-hour periods

43. A patient has an uncomplicated vaginal delivery of a 3500-g infant. The placenta delivers
spontaneously in 15 minutes. Forty-five minutes after this delivery, you are notified by a
nurse that the patient has an unusual amount of bleeding but that vital signs are stable. You
(A) order Pitocin IV
(B) type and crossmatch two units of blood
(C) reassure the nurse and wait
(D) have the nurse call you back in 1 hour if bleeding persists
(E) examine the patient

44. A 3-day postpartum developed a temperature of 104 oF and a tender uterus with a foul-
smelling discharge. Of the following organisms, the most likely offender is
(A) Esherichia coli
(B) Bacteroides
(C) beta-streptococcus
(D) gonococcus
(E) Staphylococcus

45. A patient wishes to breast-feed. With which of the following active infections in the
immediate postpartum period would it still be acceptable for a woman to breast-feed?
(A) genital herpes
(B) hepatitis B
(D) varicella

46. Which of the following is normally found in the immediate postpartum period after a normal
(A) leukopenia
(B) large drop in hematocrit
(C) elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
(D) retention of fluid
(E) rapid fall in plasma fibrinogen

47. Once respirations are established, which of the following is the most important aspect of
immediate care of the newborn?
(A) drying the skin
(B) warming the infant
(C) placing identification bands
(D) doing a brief physical examination
(E) measuring the hematocrit

48. The most common cause of newborn jaundice (icterus neonatorum) is

(A) indirect bilirubin
(B) direct bilirubin
(C) lack of carotene production in the newborn liver
(D) meconium obstruction of the newborn digestive system
(E) bottle-feeding

49. A newborn is noted to have a darkened swelling of the scalp that does not cross the midline.
The most likely a
(A) caput succedaneum
(B) subdural hemorrhage
(C) cephalhematoma
(D) subarachnoid hemorrhage
(E) tentorial tear

50. After delivery, paralysis is noted on one side of the face in newborn. This is most often
associated with
(A) pressure on the trigeminal nerve during delivery
(B) neonatal sepsis
(C) facial swelling
(D) forceps-induced nerve injury
(E) abnormalities of the central nervous system (CNS)

51. A male infant is born with prominent epicanthal folds, a flattened nose, skin that appears
loose, and large, low set ears. The baby does not spontaneously breathe, and you intubate
the child and find it almost impossible to ventilate. Which of the following is the most likely
(A) postmaturity syndrome
(B) normal pressure hydrocephalus
(C) renal agenesis
(D) pyloric stenosis
(E) diaphragmatic hernia

52. A couple returns to your clinic after initial evaluation of their fertility condition. Semen
analysis revealed 35 million sperm/mL, 50% motility, and 50% normal forms.
Hysterosalphingogram demonstrated a normal endometrial cavity with unilateral proximal
tubal obstruction. The female patient has regular menstrual cycles with appropriate basal
body temperature (BBT) rise indicating a 14-day lutheal phase. A serum progesterone level
was 15,2 ng/mL. A diagnostic laparoscopy showed no adhesions or endometriosis, with
bilateral free spill of dye from from her tubes. What is the most appropriate diagnosis in this
(A) tubal factor infertility
(B) lutheal-phase deficiency
(C) male factor infertility
(D) oligo-ovulation
(E) unexplained infertility

53. A 27-year-old woman with regular menstrual cycles presents to your clinic with her
husband. Their previous studies included a normal hysterosalphingogram, normal semen
analysis, and normal serum progesterone level. At the time of her visit, she is on cycle day
10 with intercourse 6 hurs prior to this office visit. You perform a postcoital test, finding
clear, scant mucus with minimal fernings pattern. Two nonmotile sperm are seen per high-
power field (HPF). What is the most likely reason for this results?
(A) poor timing of the postcoital
(B) sperm antibody
(C) cervical factor
(D) progesterone dominance
(E) endocervicitis

54. The most common chromosomal abnormality found in tissue from first-trimester
spontaneous abortions is
(A) autosomal trisomy
(B) sex-chromosome monosomy
(C) sex-chromosome polysomy
(D) triploidy
(E) tetraploidy

55. A 31-year-old patient comes to your clinic with irregular menstrual cycles and infertility of 2
years duration. After evaluation you determine that clomiphene citrate woud be the
appropriate mode of the therapy. Which of the following statements should be explained to
the patient?
(A) There is an increased risk of fetal anomalies if pregnance results
(B) Approximately 25% of patients will respond by ovulating with this medication
(C) The risk of multiple pregnancy is 7%
(D) Ovulation usually occurs 3 weeks after the last day of clomiphene citrate ingestion
(E) The risk of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is 25%
56. Estrogen synthesis during pregnancy depends on the
(A) placenta only
(B) fetus only
(C) placenta and fetus
(D) placenta and mother
(E) placenta, fetus and mother

57. A 22-year-old woman experiences amenorrhea of 6 months duration. Physical examination

demonstrates normal breast development and normal pelvic organs. There is no hirsutism or
galactorrhea. Serum TSH and prolactin levels are normal. A serum pregnancy test is
negative. The next course of action would be to
(A) administer progesterone
(B) administer estrogen followed by progesterone
(C) measure circulating estrogen levels
(D) measure circulating testosterone levels
(E) obtain radiologic evaluation of the sella turcica

58. A couple is using natural family planning for contraception. Shown is the basal
temperature graph made by the couple the previous month (Figure 28-1). Which letter most
closely identifies when unprotected intercourse may most safely resume?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Figure 28-1

59. A 33-year-old woman cannot feel the string of her intrauterine device (IUD). Her last
menstrual period was 1 week ago. A serum pregnancy test is negative. The BEST immediate
action is to
(A) obtain an abdominal radiogram
(B) probe the cervical canal gently to pull down the string
(C) obtain a pelvic ultrasound
(D) perform a hysterosalphingogram
(E) insert another IUD to replace the lost one

60. The most common side effect of low-dose OCs is

(A) breakthrough bleeding
(B) dysmenorrhea
(C) nausea
(D) mastalgia
(E) chloasma

61. A 35-year-old woman complains of irregular vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. Her last
menstrual period (LMP) was 8 weeks ago. A laparoscopic tubal fulguration was performed 2
years ago for permanent sterilization. She wants to know if her symptoms are related to the
previous surgical sterilization. You advise her that a postoperative complication of female
sterilization is
(A) dysmenorrhea
(B) anovulation
(C) irregular bleeding
(D) ovarian cyst formation
(E) ectopic pregnancy

62. A 32-year-old woman has an intrauterine fetal demise at 35 weeks gestation. Which of the
following pregnancy termination methods is associated with the highest rate of
(A) intravenous oxytocin
(B) intravenous PG
(C) intravaginal PG
(D) intramuscular PG
(E) dilation and evacuation (D&E)

63. A 58-year-old woman consults you for vulvar pruritus. On pelvic examination, you note
thin, atrophic skin with whitish coloration over the entire vulva. Of the following diagnoses,
which would be most likely?
(A) vulvar carcinoma
(B) vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
(C) hyperkeratosis
(D) atrophic vulvitis
(E) lichen sclerosis

64. A 53-year-old woman has not menstruated for 1 year is started on cyclic hormonal
replacement therapy. She has scant vaginal bleeding of 2 days duration as she starts her
second cycle of replacement. She is healthy, body mass index (BMI) 21, normal blood
pressure, and used OCs until age 42. The next step in the management of her bleeding, if she
refuses an endometrial sampling, is to
(A) begin a menstrual (bleeding) calendar
(B) take a Pap smear, including vaginal pool sampling
(C) insist on an endometrial sample
(D) perform colposcopy
(E) perform a transvaginal ultrasonography for endometrial thickness
65. Currently, the most effective treatment for primary dysmenorrhea in a women who does not
desire contraception is
(A) depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate
(B) birth control pills
(C) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist
(D) estrogen supplement in the luteal phase
(E) PG synthetase inhibitors

66. Endometriosis treated with prolonged estrogen and progesterone combination therapy
exhibits which of the following histologic characteristics?
(A) marked edema
(B) atrophy
(C) glandular hypertrophy
(D) inflammatory infiltrate
(E) cyclic changes

67. The major symptom of adenomyosis is

(A) irregular uterine enlargement
(B) menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea
(C) urinary frequency
(D) menstrual irregularity and infertility
(E) uterine tenderness

68. A 35-year-old complains of increasing dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain. She has not become
pregnant despite 3 years of unprotected intercourse. Her pelvic examination demonstrates
tenderness and nodularity over her uterosacral ligaments and a 4-cm right ovarian cyst.
What is her most likely diagnosis?
(A) adenomyosis
(B) pelvic congestion syndrome
(C) ectopic pregnancy
(D) endometriosis
(E) chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

69. An 80-year-old woman returns to your office 1 tear after a surgical repair for genital
prolapse. You performed a vaginal hysterectomy and anterior and posterior colporrhaphy. A
few months ago she was hospitalized with pneumonia. She now complains of a large bulge
protruding out her vagina. On examination, you diagnose a vaginal vault prolapse. Which of
the following statements is TRUE?
(A) Prolapse must be repaired surgically in order to relieve symptoms
(B) Fourth-degree vaginal prolapse cannot be adequate repaired by surgery in at least one
half of cases
(C) Prolapse of any female genital organ is likely to be accompanied by prolapse of one or
more of the other genital organs at the time of diagnosis
(D) The greatest risk factor for developing genital prolapse is a prior hysterectomy
(E) Nulliparous patients are not reported to have genital prolapse

70. A 65-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 3) is being counseled regarding the risks of having a
Burch operation for stress incontinence. She has had a prior hysterectomy. On examination,
she has a second-degree cystocele. Urodynamic testing confirmed genuine stress
incontinence. Which statement is TRUE?
(A) The incontinence operation will fail 25 to 30% of the time.
(B) Immediate postoperative urinary retention is the most common complication after
continence surgery
(C) The risk of ureteral injury is 10%
(D) The risk of later developing an enterocele and/or rectocele is less than 5%
(E) The failure rate is higher because of the prior hysterectomy

71. A vigorous 79-year-old woman with worsening urinary incontinence over the past year
comes to see you. The leakage seems to be without warning Frequent small volumes leak at
a time. It is interfering with her exercise program. She denies neurologic symptoms, stress
incontinence symptoms, or voiding problems. She is on insulin for diabetes. Physical
examination reveals normal neurologic and pelvic findings. A postvoid residual urine was
240 mL. Urodynamic testing shows uninhibited detrussor contractions with leakage. She
generated a low-level detrussor contraction with voiding but has incomplete bladder
emptying with residuals around 200mL. Her bladder capacity is 350 mL. How will you
achieve better bladder emptying with the fewest risks?
(A) teach her clean intermittent self-catheterization (CISC)
(B) place a Foley catheter
(C) start her on anticholinergic-type medication
(D) start her on PG inhibitor medication
(E) offer her urinary diversion

72. A 1-year-old girl has an abdominal mass. Rectal examination demonstrates a mass extending
into the right pelvis. The cervix is not palpable. Abdominal sonography shows that the
uterus and vagina are absent. Both ovaries appears noral. The origin of the mass is most
(A) gastrointestinal (GI)
(B) renal
(C) musculoskeletal
(D) hepatic
(E) pancreatic

73. A 6-cm, non tender, right adnexal mass is present in a 19-year-old woman. One year ago,
while using OCs, she was hospitalized for left leg deep vein thrombophlebitis. Transvaginal
sonography shows a 4-cm unilocular smooth ovarian cyst without internal excrescences. A
serum pregnancy test is negative. You advise
(A) observation
(B) OCs
(C) estrogen therapy
(D) laparoscopy
(E) laparotomy

74. A 17-year-old girl experiences sudden right lower abdominal pain. er LMP was 7 weeks ago.
She has severe nausea and breast tenderness. Vital signs are: blood pressure, 120/80 mm Hg;
pulse, 80 bpm; and afebrile. Abdominal examination is unremarkable. Pelvic examination
shows blood in the vagina and a normal-appearing cervix. The uterus is slightly enlarged. A
tender 4-cm right adnexal mass is present. The most appropriate diagnostic test is a(n)
(A) hematocrit
(B) white blood count (WBC)
(D) serum hCG determination
(E) transvaginal sonogram

75. A 75-year-old woman presents with a 7-cm adnexal mass. Approximately what percentage
of such masses in post menopausal women are malignant?
(A) 10%
(B) 30%
(C) 50%
(D) 70%
(E) 90%

76. A 23-year-old woman asks about her recent biopsy diagnosis of vulvar intraepithelial
neoplasia. You can correctly tell her that it commonly
(A) progresses to invasive cancer within a few years
(B) is a multicentric lesion
(C) arises from a glandular component in the skin
(D) exhibits nearly the same findings in each casea raised, hard, white lesion
(E) can be cured with improved vulvar hygiene

77. A 69-year-old women presents with a 2-cm firm nodule in the right labium majus without
signs of inflammation. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action?
(A) excisional biopsy
(B) reassurance
(C) hot packs
(D) triple sulfa and cortisone cream
(E) simple vulvectomy

78. While viewing a cervical biopsy, squamous cell atypia is noted. It extends from the basal
layer to a little more than one half thickness of the epithelium Beyond that level, maturation
is evident. There is no invasion of stroma. This biopsy shows
(A) adenocarcinoma
(B) microglandular hyperplasia
(C) moderate dysplasia (CIN II)
(E) invasive squamous cell carcinoma

79. The diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix, International Federation of Gynecology and
Obstetrics (FIGO) stage III, is assigned when
(A) the carcinoma has infiltrated the bladder base
(B) the carcinoma involves the distal vaginal mucosa
(C) the carcinoma has extended into the parametria, but not to the pelvic side wall
(D) x-ray reveals tumor
(E) adenocarcinoma is present

80. A 57-year-old woman has been on unopposed estrogen for 7 years as she is intolerant of
progestins. You have counseled her that
(A) the risk ratio for developing endometrial cancer is between 3 and 8
(B) the cumulative risk of developing endometrial cancer after 10 years is 20%
(C) if she develops endometrial cancer while on estrogen, the 5-year survival rate is 50%
(D) obesity is a risk factor among estrogen users
(E) the biologic and clinical charateristics of endometrial cancer in estrogen users and
nonusers is similar

81. A 62-year-old obese woman on unopposed estrogen develops abnormal vaginal bleeding.
Her cervical Pap smear is normal. She is best evaluated by which of the following
(A) transvaginal sonography
(B) cervical conization
(C) endometrial biopsy
(D) endometrial cytology
(E) colposcopy and cervical biopsy

82. Uterine sarcoma is most likely to occur in a

(A) 10-year-old girl with recent onset vaginal bleeding
(B) 9-year-old girl with rapidly enlarging pelvic mass
(C) 55-year-old woman with rapidly enlarging uterus
(D) 40-year-old woman with a slowly enlarging uterus
(E) 25-year-old woman with a rapidly enlarging uterus

83. The most common site of metastase from ovarian carcinoma is

(A) contralateral ovary
(B) uterus
(C) peritoneum
(D) liver
(E) lung

84. Which of the following sequelae is most likely to result from a ruptured ruptured mucinous
(A) pulmonary metastases
(B) cerebral metastases
(C) liver metastases
(D) pseudomyxoma peritonei
(E) ureteral obstruction

85. A woman has a hormonally active ovarian neoplasm. It is most likely to be

(A) an epithelial tumor
(B) a germ cell tumor
(C) a sex cord-stromal tumor
(D) a lipid cell tumor
(E) a gonadoblastoma

86. A 45-year-old woman has an ovarian epithelial neoplasm. It is most likely to be a(n)
(A) serous tumor
(B) mucinous tumor
(C) endometroid tumor
(D) clear cell tumor
(E) Brenner tumor

87. Which of the therapies for ovarian cancer increases the risk of leukemia?
(A) radiation therapy
(B) chemotherapy
(C) both of the above
(D) neither of the above

88. A 56-year-old woman has gradual virilization. Which of the following conditions is most
likely to be associated with her 5-cm left ovarian mass, which is found to contain nests of
luteinized thecal cells within the stroma?
(A) pituitary tumor
(B) polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
(C) stromal hyperthecosis
(D) Sertolli-Leydig cell tumor
(E) Krukenberg tumor

89. Which of the following findings would be the most suspicious for breast carcinoma?
(A) diffuse nodularity in both breasts
(B) a single cyst in the lower inner quadrant of the left breast
(C) a single nodule in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast
(D) multiple cystic masses in both breasts
(E) a lump in the breast that appears just before menses

90. Which of the following statements regarding the treatment of breast cancer is TRUE?
(A) Radical mastectomy has a higher local reccurence rate than modified radical or simple
(B) The addition of radiotherapy increases the incidence of local recurrence after surgery
(C) The removal of axillary lymph nodes improves survival from breast cancer
(D) Radiation alone achieves local control of breast cancer in about 85% of cases
(E) Both pre- and postmenopausal women with positive lymph nodes and either receptor-
positive or receptor-negative lymph nodes should be treated with adjuvant
combination chemotherapy

91. Doubling time is the time

(A) required for the number of cells in a tumor to increase their number by a factor of two
(B) needed for the volume of tumor cells to increase by a factor of two
(C) needed by a proliferating cell cycle to produce a daughter cell
(D) that elapses before clinical recurrence

92. Which of the following is of greatest concern in treating cancer of the cervix? Delivering a
dose of medication that kill the tumor but will not
(A) harm small bowel
(B) induce sarcoma of the uterus
(C) destroy the bladder or rectum cause infection or necrosis
(D) destroy surrounding pelvic muscles

93. A 27-year-old nurse in good health comes in and wonders when would be the best time of
the year for her to get her flu shot. You correctly answers
(A) spring
(B) summer
(C) fall
(D) winter
(E) at age 27, you advise against it

94. A 39-year-old woman comes into your office for routine yearly examination. Her blood
pressure is 150/110. You should first
(A) take her blood pressure several more times with her as relaxed as possible
(B) start a calcium channel blocker start a diuretic
(C) start a beta blocker
(D) make a note to recheck her in 6 months

95. A 21-year-old college student presents to the student health clinic with complaints of
increasing nervousness, fatigue, weight loss, and palpitations. She is a premedical students
with a stressful academic load. She reports normal monthly menses. Her examination is
remarkable for a documented 10-pound weight loss since her last clinic visit 6 months ago,
warm skin, no goiter, and tachycardia without a murmur or click. The next step in her
evaluation or therapy is to
(A) schedule an echocardiogram to rule out mitral valve prolapse
(B) initiate antianxiety medications
(C) provide psychiatric/psychological referral for stress management
(D) perform thyroid scan
(E) measure TSH levels

96. When making a lower midline abdominal incision, would you find the lower border of the
posterior rectus fascia (sheath) at the
(A) insertion of the rectus muscles
(B) same position as the lower end of the anterior rectus sheath
(C) arcuate line (linea semicircularis)
(D) area approximately 2 to 3 cm above the pubic symphysis

97. Classification of a living female patient's bony pelvis into one of the four major groups of
Caldwell and Moloy
(A) depends on the midplane configuration of the pelvis
(B) depends in the inlet configuration of the pelvis
(C) does not help to prognosticate the case of delivery
(D) requires x-ray pelvimetry

98. A woman's medical record state that she had a red birthmark on her pudenda. From this you
could localized the birthmark to her
(A) mons pubis
(B) vulva
(C) labia
(D) external genitalia
(E) none of the above

99. The portio vaginalis of the cervix is that part which

(A) extends cephalad from the vagina
(B) protrudes into the vagina
(C) forms an internal isthmus or os
(D) is normally covered with endocervical epithelium

100. The ovaries have which of the following characteristics?

(A) They normally remain constant in size throughout a woman's lifetime
(B) They supported by the round ligaments
(C) They secrete hormones and store germ cells
(D) They lie in the ovarian fossa of the false pelvis, overlying the external iliac vessels

101. The nerve supply to the vulva is primarily from the

(A) pudendal nerve
(B) obturator nerve
(C) ilioinguinal nerve
(D) genitofemoral nerve
(E) femoral nerve

102. The nerve supply to the uterus is characterized by

(A) motor fibers leaving the spinal cord below the sensory fibers
(B) being under voluntary control
(C) being transmitted to the uterus via the cervical ganglion of Frankenhauser
(D) having good point discrimination

103. Which of the following is a branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery?
(A) pudendal artery
(B) superior hemorrhoidal artery
(C) superior gluteal artery
(D) ovarian artery
(E) iliolumbar artery

104. The second meiotic division of the oocyte with the release of a polar body is normally
(A) at the stage of the primary follicle
(B) at the stage of the graafian follicle
(C) in the peritoneal cavity
(D) in the uterus at the time of implantation
(E) after the sperm penetrates the secondary oocyte

105. An unregistered obstetric patient with no prenatal care comes in and delivers after a
tumultuous labor. About 20 hours after delivery, her infant develops septic shock,
pneumonia, and a positive Gram stain is obtained from the infants blood. The clinical
picture of this infant is most consistent with
(A) maternal syphilis
(B) group A streptococcal infection
(C) neonatal gonorrhea
(D) group B streptococcal infection
(E) infant cytomegalovirus

106. You are caring for a pregnant woman who is a recent immigrant from southeast Asia and are
concerned about tuberculosis (TB). Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding
TB in pregnancy?
(A) Skin test have an unusually high false-positive rate in pregnancy
(B) Two-drug antituberculosis therapy in pregnancy is contraindicated
(C) The best single drug for therapy of TB in pregnancy is streptomycin
(D) If a patient is treated adequately during pregnancy, TB generally has no deleterious
effect on mother or child
(E) All southeast Asian immigrant should have a chest x-ray in pregnancy

107. A 37-year-old hemodialysis technician is seen at 31 weeks gestation. She has a temperature
of 100,4oF and as blood pressure of 118/72. She complains of general malaise, myalgia,
anorexia, nausea and vomiting. On physical examination. her liver is slighty enlarged and
tender. Her urine protein and bilirubin are elevated on the urine dipstick test. Your plan of
action would be
(A) have her come back in a week to repeat her blood pressure and urine dipstick test
(B) perform a roll-over test to rule out preeclampsia
(C) admit patient to the hospital, begin intravenous antibiotics therapy, and administer
high-dose steroids
(D) order an ultrasound of gallbladder
(E) order aseru SGOT, SGPT (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase
108. Diagnostic laparoscopy is perform in a 19-year-old woman to determine the presence or
absence of PID. The woman is a known alcoholic and intravenous drug user. The
laparoscopic procedures show copious pus and a left-sided infectious, tubo-ovarian
complex. In examining the right upper quadrant of her abdomen with laparoscope, you see
an inflamed-appearing liver capsules with violin string adhesion from the surface of the
liver to the parietal peritoneum of the overlying anterior abdominal wall and to the
diaphragm. Which of the following is most likely to be her problem?
(A) The diagnosis is hepatitis B
(B) Cholecystitis is present
(C) Perihepatitis secondary to the pelvic infection
(D) Liver abscess has secondarily infected her reproductive tract, simulating PID

109. On the seventh day after abdominal hysterectomy, a morbidly obese patient stands to go to
te bathroom and spontaneously passes a large amount (more than a liter) of serosanguinous
fluid from her abdominal wound. The most appropriate consideration is that
(A) she has wound dehiscence
(B) a wound hematoma has spontaneously drained
(C) a medical student should stay in the room to see if there is more drainage from the
(D) you will need to remove the skin staples from the wound, as they are likely causing an
allergic reaction
(E) there is a urinary tract injury draining spontaneously through the patient wound

110. A 2-year-old girl is brought for evaluation of vaginal bleeding. Physical examination shows
grape-like lesion protruding from the vaginal introitus. The most likely diagnosis is
(A) urethral prolapse
(B) condyloma acuminata
(C) sarcoma botryoides
(D) vaginal polyps
(E) hymenal tags

111. When an alert woman with normal vital signs is evaluated in an emergency department for
sexual assault, which of the following should be performed first?
(A) physical examination
(B) report to authorities
(C) counseling
(D) baseline serologic testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
(E) informed consent

Questions 112 through 115

A 31-year-old women (gravida 6, para 1, abortus 0, prematures 5) comes to you at 10 weeks

gestation with the history of having had progressively earlier deliveries, all without painful
contractions. Her first child was born at 34 weeks and survived, the next delivered at 26 weeks, the
next two at 22 weeks, and the last one at 20 weeks. No congenital abnormalities were found. On
examination, her uterus is 10- to 12-week size, FHTs are present with Doppler, and the cervix is
soft, three quarters effaced, and 2 cm dilated.

112. With this information. your diagnosis is intrauterine gestation and

(A) genetic disease
(B) progesterone lack
(C) fibroid uterus
(D) premature labor
(E) incompetent cervical os

113. Which the following would constitute the most efficacious therapy?
(A) bed rest
(B) progesterone injections 250 mg weekly
(C) McDonald procedure
(D) Lash procedure
(E) pessary until 24 weeks

114. During later delivery of 9-lb infant, the mother sustained a third-degree perineal laceration
with involvement of rectal mucosa. You should
(A) repair the defect with through-and-through sutures
(B) pack the defect open for secondary closure
(C) repair the anal sphincter and perineal muscles only
(D) leave the tear to heal primarily by itself, because of contamination
(E) repair the defect in layer

115. Having utilized the proper mode of therapy for a fourth-degree laceration, you can expect
early satisfactory results in about what percentage of the case?
(A) 90 to 95%
(B) 70 to 75%
(C) 50 to 55%
(D) 30 to 35%
(E) 10 to 15%

DIRECTIONS (Questions 116 through 131): Each of the numbered items or incomplete
statements in this section is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the
answers or completions that may apply.

116. When describing fetal abnormalities, which three of the following are considered to be a
general classification of genetic disorders?
(A) single gene defects
(B) chromosome disorders
(C) multifactorial inheritance
(D) environmental teratogenesis

117. A 21-year-old woman with no prenatal care presents to labor and delivery. She gives the
date of her LMP and states that her pregnancy has been uncomplicated. Her estimated date
of conception (EDC), calculated by Naegeles rule, place her at 43 weeks gestation \. Which
four of the following are most likely to describe her pregnancy?
(A) posterm
(B) a normal variation
(C) an uncertain date of LMP
(D) an anencephalic fetus
(E) twins

118. A 31-year-old woman (gravida 4, para 3) is at 6 cm with a suspicious fetal heart tracing. You
perform fetal scalp sampling. Which two of the following fetal scalp pH results should cause
you to consider cesarean delivery?
(A) 7,30
(B) 7,22
(C) 7,18
(D) 7,15
(E) 7,25

119. Helpful maneuvers in managing shoulder dystocia include which two of the following?
(A) internal podalic version
(B) fundal pressure
(C) Ritgen maneuver
(D) McRoberts maneuver
(E) Woods screw maneuver

120. Three fetal complications of vacuum extraction include

(A) subgaleal hemorrhage
(B) cephalhematoma
(C) fetal rib fractures
(D) facial lacerations
(E) fetal retinal hemorrhage

121. Which four of the following are indications for measuring a serum prolactin level in your
gynecologic patient?
(A) galactorrhea
(B) enlarged sella turcica
(C) amenorrhea
(D) oligomenorrhea
(E) pregnancy

122. Which four of the following statements regarding breast-feeding are true?
(A) Serum prolactin levels in breast-feeding women remain elevated for at least 6 months
(B) Serum prolactin levels in non-breast-feeding women decline to normal by the fifth
postpartum week
(C) Prolactin secretion during suckling stimulates casein production
(D) Oxytocin secretion during suckling stimulates milk letdown
(E) GnRH secretion during suckling stimulates gonadotropin secretion

123. A patient (gravida 0) has galactorrhea (nongestational lactation). This may results from
which four of the following?
(A) pituitary adenoma
(B) hypothyroidism
(C) renal failure
(D) intrapartum hemorrhage
(E) bronchogenic carcinoma

124. A female pseudohermaphrodite may have which four of the following conditions?
(A) androgen-secreting maternal tumor
(B) 20-22 desmolase deficiency
(C) 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
(D) 21-hydroxylase deficiency
(E) 11-beta hydroxylase deficiency

125. Which four of the following are routine health-screening activities in a 45-year-old woman?
(A) urine dipstick for glucose
(B) mammogram every 1 to 2 years
(C) Pap smear yearly
(D) serum creatinin yearly
(E) serum cholesterol every 5 years

126. During an annual examination, you determine that your patient is depressed. You offer her
one of the newer antidepressant medications but warn her that anticholinergic effects are
common. These would include which four of the following?
(A) blurred vision
(B) confusion
(C) diarrhea
(D) dry mouth
(E) urinary hesitance

127. Which four of the following factors are most likely to predispose to toxic shock syndrome
(A) tampon absorbency
(B) method of tampon use
(C) neutral vaginal pH
(D) high vaginal oxygen content
(E) coital frequency

128. A medical professional liability claim must prove which four of the following elements of
(A) duty
(B) breach of duty
(C) causation
(D) intention
(E) damage

129. Synonyms for, or types of, CIN include which four of the following?
(A) cervical dysplasia
(C) high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL)
(E) metaplasia

130. Important principle(s) of radiotherapy include which four of the following?

(A) repair of sublethal injury
(B) repopulation
(C) reoxygenation
(D) radioation-induced synchrony
(E) selective regeneration of T and B cells

131. Necrotizing fasciitis is a particularly virulent, rapidly progressing soft tissue infection. Two
other characteristics of this infection are
(A) it is easily diagnosed based on clinical findings
(B) treatment requires wide debridement of all necrotic tissue up to bleeding margins
(C) antibiotics are not needed for treatment
(D) obese patient are more susceptible
(E) patients do not generally appear toxic
DIRECTIONS (Questions 132 through 134): Each set of items in this section consists of a list
of lettered headings followed by several numbered words or phrases. For each numbered
word of phrase, select the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered option may be selected once, more than once, or not at all. Match the following
complications with the clinical scenario.

Questions 132 through 134

(A) bowel perforation

(B) erosion of the urethra
(C) foreign body granulomatous response
(D) osteitis pubis
(E) osteomyelitis
(F) retropubic abscess
(G) retropubic space hematoma
(H) urinary tract infection (UTI)

132. A 42-year-old woman is 6 weeks post operative from Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz (MMK)

procedure for stress incontinence. She complains of suprapubic pain and burning with
walking and standing. She is voiding fine and denies fever or vaginal discharge. On
examination, she has tenderness over the pubic symphysis and limitation of abduction. WBC
is 9,500. Microscopic urine evaluation shows no pyuria. B

133. A 60-year-old woman had a Mersiline pubovaginal sling placed for recurrent stress
incontinence after a prior MMK. She has had prior pelvic radiation for cervical cancer. For
what serious complication does this procedure put her risk? D

134. A 42-year-old woman had a Stamey operation for stress incontinence. She has had a prior
abdominal hysterectomy. A suprapubic catheter was placed in the operating room. Four days
postoperatively she calls your office to report fever, lower abdominal pain, and chills She
has had no bowel movement. She comes to the office and appears quite toxic. She has
generalized abdominal tenderness and rebound. What is the most likely diagnosis? A

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