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(1918) The Mulatto in The United States: Including A Study of The Role of Mixed-Blood Races Throughout The World

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The document discusses the social issues surrounding people of mixed racial backgrounds in the United States and analyzes their role and status in society.

The document mainly discusses the role and status of mulatto/mixed-race individuals in the United States, analyzing their social evolution and development over time.

The author mentions that there is no consensus on whether racial amalgamation should be regarded as an ideal, and that if not, there are challenges in checking fusion that has already occurred as well as establishing harmonious relations between races.








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Submitted to the Faculty
of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature
in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Department of Sociology


Copyright, 1918, by Richard G. Bad GER

All Rights Reserved

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Made in the United States of America

The Gorham Press, Boston, U. S. A.

/ ~\F the social problems before the American people for
^^ solution, there is none perhaps of more fundamental
importance than that created by the presence of some ten
million persons of a race and color different from that of
the major part of the country's population. The future of
the nation is in a degree conditioned by the treatment which
I this race problem receives. Is the amalgamation of the
I races in contact to be regarded as an ideal? If so, there
remains the problem of working out a technique by means
of which some degree of harmony and good will can be
established between the racial groups during the period that
mongrelization is in progress. Or would the infusion of ten
per cent of Negro blood so materially lower the ideals and
the intellectual and cultural capacity of the population as
to cause the country to drop out of the group of culture
nations? If so, there is the problem of checking the fusion
already in progress, as well as the problem of establishing
some sort of harmonious working relations between the races
while they separately work out their racial destiny. In
regard to the fundamental question there is as yet no con-
census of scholarly opinion; the problem has scarcely been
attacked in a scholarly way. The more immediately prac-
tical problem has as yet received little intellectual consider-
ation : for the most part it still arouses emotion rather than
At the same time that the social problem created by the
presence of the race in America challenges the careful study
men and taxes the ingenuity of the statesman
of scientific
and the administrator, the racial group itself presents the
richest field for study of a people in evolution of any group

6 Preface

in the modern world.

Every stage in the social evolutioi '

and in the intellectual and moral development of a peoph

is present in the American Negro group. Yet the study ol
the Negro and his American environment his reaction anc —
responses to that environment and the effect of that reactior
and response on his intellectual growth and social develop-
ment, as well as the influence which his presence and peculiar
racial traits have had in modifying or determining th<|
direction and the degree of development of American cus-j
toins and institutions —
has received but a trifling amount;
of attention from scholars. Discussion of the Negro and
the American race problem has for the most part been left!
to the doctrinaire and the demagogue, neither of whom has
accomplished much toward the discovery of truth, even
toward the discovery of those relatively simple truths which
must be known and acknowledged before any rational pro-
gram looking toward a more harmonious relation between
the races can be advanced.
The following study is not a brief in behalf of, nor in
opposition to, racial amalgamation ;
yet it presents certain
of the facts which must be known before any pronouncement
of scientific value can be made upon that subject. Neither
is it a study of the race problem, in the narrow sense in

which that phrase is popularly understood, yet it presents

certain facts which must be taken into account in any intel-
ligent dealing with that problem. The book is an attempt
to state one sociological problem arising when two races,
divergent as to culture and distinct as to physical appear-
ance, are brought into contact under the conditions of mod-
ern life and produce a hybrid offspring whose characteristic
physical appearance prevents them from passing as either
the one or the other. Under such conditions physical
appearance becomes the basis for class and caste distinc-
Preface *7

tions ; a biological phenomenon gives rise to a sociological

problem. It is with the sociological consequences of race
intermixture, not with the biological problems of the inter-
mixture itself, that the present study has to do. The
investigation proceeds throughout on the assumption that
no permanent good can accrue to the Negro people as a
whole and that unfortunate and avoidable discord in inter-
racial relations is promoted by the concealment of truth and
the denial of fact.
The writer takes this opportunity to acknowledge his
indebtedness to Dr. Robert E. Park, at whose suggestion the
work was begun and to whose friendly encouragement and
generous criticism during the progress of the investigation
much of the merit of the study is due. In no respect, how-
ever, is Dr. Park to be considered responsible for any errors
of fact or interpretation which may appear in the text. To
Dr. William I. Thomas the writer is indebted — to mention
but one way — for mediation in publication, always a difficult'

matter where a study deviates either in method or content

from the strictly conventional.
It was through the courtesy of Editor R. S. Abbott and
the other members of the staff of the Chicago Defender that
the writer had placed at his disposal, during; the entire
period of investigation, some sixty odd of the best and best
known Negro newspapers. He here acknowledges his in-
debtedness and expresses his appreciation. Finally to ^a.

large number of other prominent Negroes, who may not here

be mentioned by name, the writer is indebted for information
on many matters of race sentiment and attitude and
especially for information concerning the racial ancestry of
members of their race. E. B. R.
Palo Alto, California
February, 1918.
I. Introduction 11

II. Mixed-blood Races 21

In Primitive Times 21
In Spain 23
The Eurasians 26
The Eskimos 31
In Spanish America 33
In the Philippines 51

III. Mixed-blood Races (concluded)

In Cuba, Porto Rico and Santo Domingo
In Haiti .
....,55 55
In Jamaica .65
In South Africa 71
North American Indians 77

IV. The Mulatto: The Key to the Race Problem ... 86

V. The Amount of Race Intermixture in the United States 105

VI. Nature of Race Intermixture in the United States 127

Intermarriage 127
The Concubinage of Colored Women by White Men . 139
Unlawful Polygamy 144
Intermarriage with Indians 155
Intermixture During Slavery and at Present . . . .158
VII. The Growth of the Mulatto Class 166

VIII. Leading Men of the. Negro Race 183

IX. The History and Biography of the Negro .216 . . .

X. The Negro and the Mulatto in Professional and

Artistic Pursuits 246

XI. The Negro and the Mulatto in Business and Industry 293

XII. The Role of the Mulatto in the Inter-Racial Situation 315

XIII. The Role of the Mulatto in the United States . . 338

XIV. Summary: Present Tendencies 375

Index to Names of Men Whose Ethnic Ancestry is An-

alyzed •

General Index *



THE all
mulatto, as the term
those members of the
is used in this study, includes
Negro race with a visible ad-
mixture of white blood. Thus used, the word is a general
term to include all Negroes of mixed ancestry regardless of
the degree of intermixture. It includes all persons who are
recognized, in the communities in which they live, as being
of mixed blood. It is in this sense that the word is most
widely used and best understood in this country. 2
The United States Census Office has not been consistent in its defini-

tion of the term. ". . . the fact that the definition of the term 'mulatto*
adopted at different censuses has not been entirely uniform may affect
the comparability of the figures in some degree." In 1870 and 1910,
however, the term was applied to all persons having any perceptible trace
of Negro blood, excepting, of course, Negroes of pure blood. In 1850
and 1860 the term seems not to have been defined. In the returns for
1890 the Negroes of mixed-blood were classified into mulattoes, quad-
roons and octoroons. U. S. Census Report 1910: Population, Vol. 1, p.
"The offspring, ... of a negress by a white man, or of a white
woman by a negro; in a more general sense, a person of mixed Caucasian
and negro blood, or Indian and negro blood." Webster, International
"Loosely used for any half-breed resembling a mulatto." Murray,

12 The Mulatto in the United States

Strictly defined, the word designates the first generation

of hybridization between the Negro and the Caucasian
races. 3 The hybrid may be the offspring of a white father
and a Negro mother or the child of a Negro father and a
white mother. Both ancestral elements, however, must be
of racially pure lineage else the offspring resulting from the
union will not be a first generation hybrid and hence not a
mulatto in the biological sense. 4 The word thus delimited
becomes a biological concept unavailable for use except in a
technical, biological sense. It designates a particular and
scientifically interesting but relatively infrequent type of hu-
man hybrid. It is, in this usage, coordinate with the words
mango, sambo, quadroon, octoroon, mustifee and the like
In its derivation the word is from the Spanish mulato, the diminutive/
of mulo, a mule. So mulato is literally a young mule so called because—
of hybrid origin. Century Dictionary.
*The first cross, for example, between the Negroes and the North
European races gives a mulatto in the true and accurate biological senst
The offspring shows definite predicable physical characteristics. This is
not true in the case of crossings between the Mediterranean peoples and
the Negro. The offspring here may show in the first generation the
variability that appears in the second generation cross of North Euro-
pean and Negro. The ancient intermixture of black blood in the South
European peoples makes the effect of their crossing with the Negro that
of the crossing of a pure and a hybrid race.
"Olmsted, writing about 1854, states that the French of the Southern
States classify the colored people, according to the greater or less pre-

ponderance of Negro blood, as follows:

Sacatra and negress
Griffe Negro and mulatto
Marabon mulatto and griffe
Mulatto .white and Negro
Quadroon white and mulatto
Metif white and Quadroon
Meamelouc »white and metif
Quarteron white and meamelouc

Sang-mele white and quarteron

Frederick Law Olmsted, A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, p. 583

Introduction 18

each of which connotes a specific type of racial cross.
But for purposes of sociological study it is the mixed
group as a whole, not the degree of hybridization nor the
particular types of hybrid, that is of prime importance. So

Davenport gives the following classification:

Mulatto Negro and white

Quadroon mulatto and white
Octoroon quadroon and white
Cascos .mulatto and mulatto
Sambo .mulatto andNegro
Mango sambo and Negro
Mustifee octoroon and white
Mustifino mustifee and white
C. B. Davenport, Heredity of Skin Color in Negro-White Crosses, p. 27.

The mulatto, of course, differs in certain marked ways from other
types of intermixture. He is the product of the cross between pure races
and, like generation hybrids, shows an unvarying uniformity and
all first

a universal instability of physical type. The Negro characters are al-

ways dominant and appear prominently; the Caucasian characters are
recessive and for the most part remain concealed. It is possible to pre-

dict with scientific certainty the characters that will appear in the first

generation hybrid.
In the second and subsequent generations the Caucasian and Negroid
characters combined in the mulatto, i.e., the first generation hybrid, seg-
regate in almost infinitely variable ways. Individuals appear with the
typical characters—skin color, hair color, hair length, eye color, body
pj^pj: and the like —redistributed in endless new combinations. Indi-
viduals appear with light skin and tufted hair, black skin and blue eyes,

with dark skin and lank hair, with fair skin and light but curly hair,
with the skin coloration and hair formation of the white man and the
body odor of the Negro; so with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of other
human characters. The uniformity of the first generation hybrid be-
comes an almost infinite variety as further generations appear.
But however wide tfie variations, however numerous the varieties, the
mixed race can never become, biologically, either Negro or white. Inter-
breeding or further crossing produces new hybrids. No amount of inter-
breeding or of crossing can ever produce a white man or a Negro from
a hybrid ancestry. The hybrid individual is a biologically unstable type
and he and his descendants remain hybrid and physically unstable to
the extermination of the group.
14 The Mulatto in the United States

if the biological terminology be adhered to, it becomes neces-

sary to adopt some other term to include all individuals of
mixed ancestry. No term more satisfactory than mulatto
has been suggested. The word coloured is used in this sense
in the English publications, but, as this word is widely used
in the United States as synonymous with Negro, it is no!
available here. The term mulatto will therefore be used in

the following pages in its more general and popular sense

as defined above. When it is used in the more restricted

sense to designate the first generation offspring of a Negro-

white cross, the fact will be so indicated.
The mulatto, then, is a man of mixed blood. But it is not
that alone that makes the mulatto a matter of sociological
importance. Mixture of blood is a characteristic of all
Man always has been a restless animal moving to and fro
in search of food or adventure, to escape his enemies or
merely in response to a nomadic impulse. Ratzel, 8 speaking
of the "innumerable wanderings" of certain Pacific primitive
peoples, says that this should not be considered as an excep-
tion but rather as the rule, "for none of these races was ever
at rest." Again he says that "It would hardly be possible

The term "race" is to be understood in its popular rather than in its

ethnological sense. Ethnologically it means a human group which owes

its distinctive traits to the selective forces of nature acting upon biologi-
cal mutation and which invariably breeds true to type. As used here it

refers to peoples rather than to biological races. Practically all the

present day races are the products of intermixture in varying degrees
of previously more or less well established types, and the adaptation of
the hybridized stock to the special environment. For the purpose in
hand we are not concerned with race as a physical concept but with race
as a social unity which arises by and through social development.
Friedrich Ratzel, The History of Mankind, English Translation by
A. J. Butler, Vol. I, p. 174.
• Ibid., Vol. I, p. 446. Speaking here of the Malays.
Introduction 15

to name a race, however small, the traditions of which are

not based upon a migration."
Migrations brought contacts with new and strange peo-
ples resulting, in some cases, in an intermingling of blood,
which, combined with environmental adaptation, produced
modified racial types. Johnston summarizes the early mix-
ture of races in these words

. . since the existing human species diverged

. Ever
into four or five existing varieties or sub-species,
there has been a constant opposite movement at work
to unify the type. Whites have returned southwards
and mingled with Australoids, Australoids have united
with Negroids, and produced Melanesians, and Papu-
ans, and these, again, have mixed with proto-Cauca-
sians or with Mongols to form the Polynesian. The
earliest types of White man have mingled with the prim-
itive Mongol, or directly with the primitive Negro.
There is an ancient Negroid strain underlying the pop-
ulations of Southern and Western France, Italy, Sicily,
Corsica, Sardinia, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Wales and
Scotland. Evidences of the former existence of these
negroid people are not only to be found in the features
of their mixed descendants at the present day, but the
fact is attested by skulls, skeletons, and works of art
of more or less great antiquity in France, Italy, etc.,
.... There are few Negro peoples at the present day
— perhaps only the Bushmen, the Congo-Pigmies, and

a few tribes of forest Negroes which can be said to
be without more or less trace of ancient White inter-

Old races have been constantly broken up and new ones

formed from the fragments. 11 Powerful groups have con-
quered smaller groups or imposed themselves as a ruling
Sir Harry H. Johnston, "Racial Problems and the Congress of
Races," Contemporary Review, Vol. 100, pp. 159-60.
u Ratzel, History
of Mankind, Vol. I, p. 129.
16 The Mulatto in the United States

class on weaker but more numerous peoples and absorbed or

been absorbed by the conquered group. No primitive group
has remained long in the form peculiar to it ; all were being
constantly modified by the fusion with other types. 12
Reinsch shows that in modern times the intermixture of
races has been greatly increased as a result of the great
advance and rapidity of communication which
in the safety

made possible the contact in large numbers of races hereto-

fore far distant from each other. At the present time there
are no pure races in Europe 14 and few of any consequence
elsewhere in the world. 15
If the attention be turned from races to the composition
of nationalities the mixture of blood is even more apparent.

European nations, without exception, are a medley of im-

perfectly blended types.

. . . The modern Italian, Frenchman, and German is

a composite of the broken fragments of several differ-
ent racial groups. Interbreeding has broken up the
ancient stocks, and interaction and imitation have cre-
ated new national types which exhibit definite uniformi-
ties in language, manners and formal behavior. 16

Mayo-Smith says that "There has never been a state
whose population was not made up of heterogeneous ethnical
"Ratzel, History of Mankind, Vol. I, p. 395.
"Paul S. Reinsch, "The Negro Race and European Civilization,"
American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 11, p. 145.
"William Z. Ripley, The Races of Europe, pp. 109-10, 597 ff.

Edward Westermarck, The History of Human Marriage, pp. 282 f.

"The mixtures are, of course, generally of nearly allied races. They
are rather mixtures within a single race, as the different groups of the
white race or different tribes of the Negro race, than between races.
R. E. Park, "Racial Assimilation in Secondary Groups," Publications
of the Sociological Society, Vol. 8, p. 66.
Richmond Mayo-Smith, "Theories of Mixture of Races and Nation?
alities," Yah Review, Vol. 3, p. 175.
Introduction 17

elements," while Luschan would even have it that the ad-

vance of civilization is dependent upon this process of racial
intermixture. He says :

We all know that a certain admixture of blood has

always been of great advantage to a nation. Eng-
land, France, and Germany are equally distinguished
for the great variety of their racial elements. In the
case of Italy we know that in ancient times and at the
Renaissance Northern "Barbarians" were the leaven
in the great advance of art and civilisation and even

Slavonic immigration has certainly not been without

effect on this movement. The marvellous ancient civil-
isation of Crete, again, seems to have been not quite
autochthonous. We know also that the ancient Baby-
lonian civilisation sprang from a mixture of two quite
different national and racial elements, and we find a
nearly homogeneous population in most parts of Rus-
sia, and in the interior of China associated with a some-
what low stage of evolution.

Normally the intermixture of the diverse racial elements

of a population, especially in a cosmopolitan situation, goes
on without arousing comment or opposition. Except in a
pathological situation, it does not become a social problem.
Rather, it tends toward the elimination of any problem that
the presence of the unassimilated alien element may have
created. Any distinguishing racial marks which the parents
may have borne are partly effaced in their mixed offspring.
Superficially at least, the mixed-blood individuals are like
all other members of the community in that they generally
bear no obvious marks of their origin.
It is not, then, the mere fact of a mixed ancestry that
makes the mulatto a problem in the community and an ob-
Felix von Luschan, "Anthropological View of Race," Inter-Racial
Problems, pp. 22-3.

18 The Mulatto in the United States

ject of sociological interest. But when the crossing of races

produces an offspring readily distinguishable from both the
parent races of which it is a mixture, the situation may be-
come the basis for class distinctions ; the bi-racial ancestry
of the individual may determine his status in the community.
This would seem to be true especially in those cases where
there already exists a condition of racial ill-will, of jealousy
or hatred between the groups in contact; where the two
groups are on different cultural levels, and where the dis-
tinctive appearance of the lower 19 race gives a hold around
which prejudice may crystallize. 20
This race problem, that is, the problem of arriving at and
maintaining mutually satisfactory working relations be-
tween the members of two non-assimilable groups which oc-
cupy the same territory, is primarily a matter of difference
of physical appearance. 21 The color, or other racial marks,
of one race may come to be a symbol of its inferior culture
and so come to stand, in the thinking of the culturally supe-
rior group, for poverty, disease, dirt, ignorance, and all the
undesirable concomitants of a backward race. It is this
that makes it impossible for individuals to escape the status
of the lower group. Any person bearing the physical marks
of the lower group is assumed to embody the traits that are
supposed to be typical of the lower race. The individual
cannot pass -in the opposite group on his merits as an indi-

The terms "lower," "backward," etc., do not assume anything and do
not prejudice anything biological or fundamental. They are purely
cultural designations. A
backward race is one backward in culture.
"Race as such has nothing to do with the possession of civilization."
Yet, "It would be silly to deny that in our time the highest civilization
has been in the hands of the Caucasian, or white race." Ratzel, History

of Mankind, Vol. I, p. 20.

Mayo-Smith, Yale Review, Vol. 3, p. 185.
* Compare, T. P. Bailey, Race Orthodoxy in the South, pp. 40 ff
Introduction 19

vidual, but must pass as a member of the opposite race.

The half-castes who appear in such a situation are an
easily distinguishable physical variety. This characteristic
physical appearance classifies them ; it separates them from
both groups and makes them alien in both. It makes it im-
possible for them to escape the stigma which attaches itself

to a tainted ancestry. The half-caste individual cannot,

therefore, be a mere individual he ; is inevitably the represen-
tative of a type. He is not merely a biological product ; he
is a sociological phenomenon.
Under such conditions, the half-castes tend to develop
peculiar mental traits and attitudes which are not racial but
are determined by the social situation in which they find
themselves. To the extent that this takes place, the differ-
ences that normally exist between individuals are suppressed
and the mental and moral characteristics of the group ap-
proach uniformity. In a word, they tend to form a distinct
class or caste in the community and one based fundamentally
on physical appearance.
The problem of the mulatto, then, is not something unique
and local: it is the problem of the mixed-blood wherever
blood has been made the basis of caste. It seems desirable,

therefore, before coming to the specific and detailed study

of the mulatto in the United States and as a preliminary
to that study, to pass in review the chief mixed-blood races
that have appeared in other countries as a result of the con-
tact of advanced and backward races and have constituted
distinct typesand distinct problems in other situations. It
is actually to determine to what extent they have arisen

under similar social situations, or what the situations are

under which they have arisen ; what extent
to determine to
they have developed the same type of mind in different

groups, or what the types of mind are if they differ and to ;

SO The Mulatto in the United States

see what are the reactions they have made to the different
social and racial environments what accommodation they

have made or caused to be made in the different social situ-

ations in which they have been placed, that a summary of the
origin and development, the psychological condition and the
social status of the chief of these mixed-blood races is here
given. Such a survey will furnish a necessary background
to an understanding of the mulatto situation in the United
States. It will serve to put in proper perspective what
might otherwise appear to be a detached and an isolated


In Primitive Times
A MONG primitive peoples, a mixed-blood race as a

/\ separate caste or class in the community seems no-

where to have existed. Primitive peoples, especially those
near enough together geographically to come into contact
with each other, did not differ very widely. The various
culture stages were not markedly different and the ethno-
logical contrasts were not generally such as distinguish one
group sharply from another. Where exogamy existed, it

was between related groups. Moreover, where two races

were on sufficiently friendly terms for intermarriage to take
place between them, there seems to be little reason to sup-
pose that the appearance of mixed-blood offspring would
cause a social problem. Strange groups were mutually
exclusive groups with a state of potential warfare always
existing among them. Where there was intermixture it was
the blending of a conquering with a conquered group to pro-
| duce a single mixed-blood group.
In numberless instances, the ruling classes were of an
origin different from that of their subjects. But the con-
quering and the conquered groups very soon became bound
) together by ties of interest. Pride of race was but a feeble
'See Franz Oppenheimer, The State; Its History and Development
ViewedSociologically. Translation by J. M. Gitterman, pp. 60 ff.
See F. Stuart Chapin, Social Evolution, pp. 201 ff.

Friedrich Ratzel, The History of Mankind, Vol. 2, pp. 165-66,

22 The Mulatto in the United States

sentiment, if indeed, it existed at all. The prestige of the

ruling class attracted the maidens of the conquered race,
and the choicest of these became the auxiliary wives of the
conquerors. But the mixed-bloods produced, did not form a
separate caste. The primitive state nowhere possessed the
cohesive strength to withstand for long the disorganizing
force of a mixed-blood caste. It would lead quickly to a
dissolution of the group though there seems no adequate
ground for assuming that the incessant decay and reorgani-
zation of primitive tribes was anywhere due to this cause.
The mixed-bloods were seldom an outstanding physical type.
Their appearance in the situation tended to bind yet more
intimately together the conquerors and their subjects.
Their production was the first step toward a new racial
homogeneity. 3
In the ancient world, contacts seem nowhere to have re-
sulted in the production of a mixed-blood race with a dis-
tinct social and psychological status. 4 The Phoenicians,
interested above all else in material prosperity, sacrificed
every national and racial trait that interfered with their
commercial prosperity. Their colonies very soon lost their
national character through a fusing with their ethnic en-
vironment. 5 The Greeks with a stronger sense of nationality
than the Phoenicians, better maintained their national iden-
tity. Their colonists felt strongly the distinctions between
themselves and the barbarians, and so kept themselves free
from any large-scale miscegenation with the natives. "The
In Africa there are, in general, two regions of pure Negro and two
regions of Caucasian-Negro mixed-blood races. See Ratzel, The His-
tory of Mankind, Vol. 2, pp. 215 ff., 257. A map showing the mixed-
blood races of North and East Africa is given in Vol. 2, pp. 336-37.
See G. Elliot Smith, "The Influence of Racial Admixture in Egypt,"
Eugenics Review, Vol. 7, pp. 163-83.
A. G. Keller, Colonization, p. 35.
Mixed-Blood Races 23

barbarians became Greek less through contact with Greek

settlements than through the dissemination of the Greek
tongue and culture —they
became Greek by adoption, not
by the infusion of Greek blood."
The Romans mixed, no
doubt, with their subject peoples, but there was on the part
of these peoples, no very clearly defined sentiment of race
diversity. The Romans were not looked upon as enemies

of the race. There was no sentiment of nationality as for ;

the state, simply did not exist. All was disorder and

continual struggle between petty groups. There existed no

very marked outstanding external differences that would
serve as a basis for race separation and discrimination. 7
Keller speaking of the Gauls remarks upon "the absence

of wide racial diversity in these ancient times." He adds:

". .The superiorities of Roman ideas and systems


were self-evident because the grades of civilization

were not so distant one from another as to prevent
easy passage from the lower to the higher. This was
particularly noteworthy in respect to Gaul, but not
untrue in the case of other lands."

In Spain

In Spain there has always been much intermixture of the

blood of different ethnic stocks but no purely racial problem

or distinctive half-caste population. The Phoenicians fused
with the Iberians who were already modified by intermixture

•Ibid., p. 48.
7 ".
The contrast between the culture represented by the modern
. .

white and that of primitive man is far more fundamental than that
between the ancients and the peoples with whom they came in contact.
. .
." Franz Boaz, The Mind of Primitive Man, p. 12.
Colonization, p. 59.
*Ibid., pp. 59-60.
24 The Mulatto in the United States

with the Celts. 10 Following the Phoenicians, the peninsula

was overrun successively by the Carthaginians, the Romans,
the Visigoths, the Vandals and finally by the Arabs and the
Moors. 11 In addition to these there was a large infusion of
Jewish blood and, with the Moors, came some admixture of
the Negroid. 12 In spite, however, of this extensive mixing
of blood, there was little alteration in the original type. 13
Most of the invaders, like the original stock, were dolichoce-
phalic, short of stature and dark of skin and hair and e3r es.

The stages of culture were not widely contrasted. Class

distinction between noble and not-noble, between town and
countryman were everywhere rigidly drawn. There was
little to create a permanent racial problem and there was
no emergence of a half-caste group. The persecution of
the Moris coes after the fall of the Moorish Empire was not
primarily, nor even largely, racial. During the flourishing
period of the Moorish Empire, the line of demarcation be-
tween the races was but faintly drawn. 14 "Openly, at least,

they did not consider each other as enemies." 15 Intermar-

riages were frequent especially those of Spanish women
with the men of the dominant group. Intermarriage was,
however, contrary to the policy of Islam and such alliances

Appleton's Encyclopedia: Spain.
New International Encyclopaedia: Spain.
Harry H. Johnston, "The World-Position of the Negro and
Negroid," Inter-Racial Problems, p. 330. The Moors of course are mem-
bers of the white race though much mixed. They have "more Arab
than Berber blood." Encyclopaedia Britannica: Moors.
Neio International Encyclopaedia: Spain.
S. P. Scott, History of the Moorish Empire in Europe, Vol.
3, p. 197.
Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 197.
16 ".
The harems of the Moslems were filled with Christian maidens
. .

who had, without hesitancy or compensation, renounced the faith of their

fathers." Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 200.
Mixed-Blood Races 25

were discouraged although no stigma attached to either
party of such union. It was, however, this attitude on the

part of the Arabs that was chiefly responsible in prevent-

ing a complete amalgamation of the races. With the de-
cline of the Moorish Empire and more especially with the
rise of the Castilian power in Spain, an antipathy grew up
between the races. The latent or repressed feeling gradu-
ally grew into an open hostility. The prejudice was sedu-
lously nourished until the Spanish came to consider the
18 They
Moors as their hereditary and implacable enemy.
asserted the superiority of their race and considered their
enemies as barbarians in spite of the wide and obvious supe-
riority of the latter in knowledgeand culture. The smallest
drop of Moorish blood became a taint that nothing could"
remove. 19 But behind this hostile attitude, was the Church
and the impoverished condition of the national treasury. In
the sixteenth century, Spain subordinated everything to the
Church ; she sacrificed everything to the idea of religious
unity. Moreover, the Moriscoes were industrious and fru-
gal ; they were prosperous and wealthy. The Castilian sub-

sisted by rapine. The wealth of the Moriscoes attracted the

cupidity of the authorities. Like the Jews of a previous
period, their wealth brought upon them the suspicion of
heresy. 22
The institution of the Inquisition was put into
operation against the inoffensive and prosperous class,
"Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 212.
"Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 199.
"A taint of Moorish blood was sufficient to prevent the holding of
any public even in the smallest municipality." Chambers' Ency-

clopaedia: Spain. See, also, Scott, History of the Moorish Empire, Vol.
3, p. 224.
Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 304.
Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 245.
Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 226.
Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 260.
26 The Mulatto in the United States

and the persecution ended only with their final expulsion.

The persecution, however, was a religious festival; it was
only incidentally racial.

The Etirasians

The mixture of races is by no means a modern phenome-

non, but it is only within recent centuries that the half-
breed appears as a psychological type and as a social prob-
lem. Keller, placing the emphasis on the more tolerant
attitude of the culture races and the absence of wide cultural
or ethnical differences of the races in contact, summarizes
the situation as follows 24

For similar reasons the "native policy" of ancient

times was constructed to subserve the purposes of ex-
change, or was directed simply toward the maintenance
of such subordination and order as a wider administra-
tive experience had proved to be socially beneficial, if
not indispensable. There was no idea of "culture-mis-
sion" or the like, and consequently no dogma, ... of
"assimilation." No moral or religious crusades were
carried on through the colonies diversity of customs

and morals was regarded as natural and a matter of

course, —
though both customs and religions were na-
tionally less differentiated than they have come to be
in the eyes of later ages. The predominant commer-
cial motive, and the imperial policy as well, counseled
respect for the social forms of an alien people; . . .

between the races that were brought into contact, es-

pecially around the borders of the Mediterranean, there
existed few contrasts of any significance. The like was
true in the case of the Chinese and their ethnic envi-
ronment. There was no obvious ethnological differ-
ences such as distinguish one race sharply from an-
other, and the various stages of culture were separated
Colonization, pp. 76-77.
Mixed-Blood Races 87

by no impassable or discouraging chasms. Even . . .

slavery was an institution totally different from that

with which later ages have made us familiar: there was
no "color-line"; the system was one of "domestic sla-
very" in the main; and the passage from freedom to
servitude was easy. Hence that eternally vex-
. . .

atious and unsolved question of the treatment of a

"lower race" was but faintly represented. [With . . .

these colonies] instead of native wars and annihilation,

an auspicious large-scale miscegenation, mainly of
closely allied races, took place, ... no such barriers
to intermarriage existed as appeared in later times,
when racial distinctions were more marked. . . .

It was the mass meeting of the cultured and primitive

peoples, brought about as a result of the period of the dis-
coveries, that gave rise to the mixed-blood races with a
status different in some respects from that of either of the
parent races ; and so gave rise, in some cases at least, to

special social and racial problems.

Chief among these mixed-blood races are the "Eurasians,"
a mixture of Hindu and European living in the port cities
of India ; the mixed-blood race of Eskimo-Dane living off

the West Coast of Greenland; the so-called "coloured peo-

ples" of South Africa, a mixed-blood race of complicated
ancestry ; the metis of Brazil, a mixture of Portuguese with
Amerindian and Negro ; the mestizo, a mixture with varying
proportions of Spanish and Indian blood found in most
parts of South and Central America ; the Spanish mulatto
inCuba and Porto Rico the "coloured people" and "whites

by law" in Jamaica the Spanish mestizo and the Chinese


mestizo in the Philippines; and the mulatto in the United

States. In lesser numbers, are the English-Eskimo mix-
tures on the Newfoundland Coast ; the European and Ori-
ental mixtures in the port cities of China and Japan; half-
28 The Mulatto in the United States

caste Arabs in East Central Africa; various mixtures of

Indian-White, Indian-Negro and Indian-Negro-White in
the United States; French-Indian mixtures in Canada; and
a great variety of other mixtures in various regions but in
lesser numbers or forming less acute problems.
The Eurasians or Indo-Europeans are a people of mixed
European and Asiatic blood born and raised in Asia. This
population had its origin in the miscegenation of Hindu
women with the early Portuguese traders and resident Por-
tuguese. There was never any considerable immigration of
Portuguese women into India and illicit relations with the
native women were common. 25 The Portuguese, accustomed
to such mixed unions in their home country, had no racial
repugnance to overcome. 26 The policy was fostered by the
Portuguese governors Albuquerque himself was the father

of a mulatto son. 27 But the effort to build up a half-caste

group was only partially successful. The mongrel type, in
the absence of a regular infusion of Portuguese blood, failed
to hold its own. It has now pretty thoroughly reverted to
the native type. Perhaps a half million of the population
show traces of this early hybridization, but they are dis-
tinguishable from the natives mainty by virtue of a distinc-
tive dress. 29

With the coming of the English into India, there was a

new intermixture of European and Indian blood. Concubin-
Keller, Colonization, p. 122.
*lbid., p. 104.
Ibid., p. 122.
28 ".
The Portuguese have left behind a monument of their Indiar
. .

dominion in a very numerous race of half-breeds, They enter largel)

. . .

into domestic service and in Bombay all the best cooks and waiters an
of Portuguese extraction. Nor will you find, in the whole of India, anj
better servants than these, ." Herbert Compton, Indian Life in Tom
. .

and Country, pp. 208-10.

w £lisee Reclus, Asia, Vol. 3, pp. 389-90.
Mixed-Blood Races 29

age with the native women was the usual and manly thing. 30
The new body of half-breeds number in all somewhat over
one hundred thousand and are confined almost exclusively
to the large port cities where the foreign trade of India is

largely concentrated. 31 It is, for the most part, these Eng-

lish Hindu hybrids alone who are responsible for the so-
called Eurasian question.
Physically the Eurasians are slight and weak. 32 Their
personal appearance is subject to the greatest variations.
In skin color, for example, they are often darker even than
the Asiatic parent. 33 They are naturally indolent and will
enter into no employment requiring exertion or labor. This
lack of energy is correlated with an incapacity for organiza-
tion. They will not assume burdensome responsibilities,
but they make passable clerks where only routine labor is

The native woman is inordinately proud of her half-caste
offspring. In infancy he is pampered
nursed, and in youth
by his native servants upon whom he is dependent. "As a
consequence, all the stronger traits of manhood are feebly

Recently the anti-nauteh movement has resulted in forcing this rela-
tionship into the dark. "Concubinage, which was esteemed as rather a
manly fashion twenty years ago, has largely disappeared among the more
enlightened classes; and even among the less enlightened it is regarded
as a thing rather to be ashamed than to be proud of." "The Indian
Social Reformer." Quoted by J. P. Jones, 'Conditions in India," Jour-
nal of Race Development, Vol. 2, p. 201.
"Madras 26,000; Bengal 20,000; Burma, Bombay and the United
Provinces 8,000 to 11,000; total 100,451. This is an increase of 15 per
cent since 1901. The increase seems partly due to "the growing ten-
dency amongst certain classes of Indian Christians to pass themselves
off as Anglo-Indians." Census of India 1911, Vol. 1, Part 1, p. 140.
"Mary Helen Lee, The Eurasian: A Social Problem, p. 13. See, also,
Ellsworth Huntington, "Geographical Environment and Japanese Char-
acter,"Journal of Race Development, Vol. 2, pp. 158-59.
" Compton, Indian Life, p. 208.
"Lee, The Eurasian, pp. 11, 13.
30 The Mulatto in the United States

developed in him." 35 In manhood he is wily, untrustworthy 3a

and untruthful. Pie is lacking in independence and is for-
ever begging for special favors. Yet supersensitiveness is
a characteristic of the whole Eurasian community. They
recklessly "resign from any and every post when, for some
reason or without reason, their feelings are hurt." 38 The
girls, in some cases at least, are sold into prostitution. 39 The

men are employed for the most part by the government in

subordinate clerical positions.
Socially the Eurasians are outcaste. They are despised
by the ruling whites and hated by the natives. 40 In the
words of one of their class : "To
European we are half- the
caste, among ourselves we are no caste, and to the Indians
we are outcaste." 41 They are extremely sensitive on tht
point of color. 42 They object to the term nigger; it is ever,
necessary to avoid the term Eurasian in their presence. 42 '

"Lee, The Eurasian, pp. 12, 17. See, also, Ethel Hunter, The Y.W.C.A
in India, Burma and Ceylon, 1911.
"Industrially a Christian native is preferred to an Eurasian, for ht

is more trustworthy." Lee, The Eurasian, p. 10.

Reclus, Asia, Vol. 3, pp. 389-90.
"They frequently appeal to ministers especially and to all charitablj

disposed people. Lord Curzon gave their memorials special atten

. . .

tion, and as a result delivered a reply of the most searching kind anc
urged the people of the community to carve out something worthy them
selves, instead of being continually memoralizing for special favors
and refused to aid in the special class regulations. The delegates retired
'thanking His Excellency for his sarcastic remarks.' " J. Smith, Te\
Years in Burma, p. 117.
See J. S. Dennis, Christian Missions and Social Progress, Vol. 2

p. 273.
«°Reclus, Asia, Vol. 3, pp. 389-90.
Quoted by Lee, The Eurasian, p. 10.
" "Especially if very dark the Eurasian is overmuch pained that he ha
not a white skin." Ibid., p. 13.

"Catering to this idiosyncrasy the British government has change<

their official designation to "Indo-Europeans."
Mixed-Blood Races 31

They wish to be called Europeans. 44

They have no part in the racial situation. They aspire
to be English, but they do nothing to consolidate British
rule, as neither the Indian nor the white man considers them
as Englishmen. They have equally little standing with the
[ndian. They stand between two civilizations but are a part
[>f neither. They are miserable, helpless, despised and

The Eskimos
In Greenland, the half-breed Eskimos date their origin
from the establishment of the Danish missionary settlements
an the West Coast in 1721. The European interest always
has been trade and missions. The number of Scandinavians
has at no time been large, composed al-and the colony is

most exclusively of men. In the early days, it was used

as a penal colony, and from time to time, there was a com-

pulsory immigration of orphan boys to recruit the teaching

force and the inferior clergy. The present white population
is about two hundred and never has exceeded that number
very greatly. At first there were no white women in the
colony; even now the number is very small. The relations
between the races always have been friendly in spite of the
missionary interference with the native customs, and in spite
of the feeling of superiority of the Europeans over the
Miscegenation went on from the first and so extensively
that the native Eskimo is practically extinct in the territory

44 u
. . . Some in certain towns
special enquiries made
showed . . .

Europeans were in reality Anglo-

three-tenths of the persons returned as
Indians." "The number of Eurasians who returned themselves as Euro-
peans is perhaps somewhat less than at former censuses owing to the
use of the term 'Anglo-Indian.' ." Census of India 1911, Vol. 1,
. .

Part 1, pp. 139, 140.

32 The Mulatto in the United States

under the influence of European civilization. A hundred

years after the settlement, the half-breeds composed four-
teen per cent of the population. In 1885 the proportion
had increased to thirty per cent. At present the intermix-
ture has gone so far that the various mixed types are no
longer distinguishable but blend into one another in almost
imperceptible degrees from the pure Dane, on the one ex-
treme, to the pure Eskimo, on the other. This intermix-
ture, for the most part, has been extra-matrimonial, though
;re have been some unions of a semi-regular sort. The
lid interference of the missionaries with the fundamental
.lative customs brought about a disorganization of the na-
tive habits which, in the presence of their severe climate,
proved destructive to the native population. In the pres-
ence of a declining pure-blood population, the Danish gov-
ernment has favored the policy of intermixture and requires
the Danish official on his return to Denmark on pension to
leave his native wife and children in the colony. 45
In comparison with the native Eskimo the mixed-bloods
are in reality superior men. 46 They are an improvement,
especially in physical appearance, over the native stock. 47
Socially the status of the mixed-blood man is superior to
that of the native, but the social distinctions are not so much
dependent upon the presence or absence of white intermix-
ture as they are upon the amount of that intermixture.
"The native women Dane to the best Green-
prefer the worst
lander, and the half-breeds are the more eligible for their
At present there are from thirty to forty Danes so married to
native women.Encyclopaedia Britannica: Greenland.
Handbook of the American Indians, Bureau of American Ethnology,
Bull. 30, Part 1, p. 913.
Keller, however, says "The mongrels resulting from these mixed

unions appear to form no very great improvement on the native stock.'*

Colonization, p. 515.
Mixed-Blood Races 38

train of white blood ; illicit relations with white men are

ather a glory than a disgrace." 48 The young native woman,
ays Nansen, "positively glories" in illicit relations with
fhite men and gains a considerable prestige among her fe-
lale friends as a result of having been so honored.

In Spanish America

From the first coming of the Portuguese to Brazil, there

ras a wholesale miscegenation with the Indian women. The
Ytestizo group soon became a numerically important ele-

ment in the population. Later, there were introduced large

lumbers of black slaves from the West Coast of Africa.
Jnions between the Portuguese and the black women began
nth the first introduction of the Negroes. As a result, the
nulattoes presently appeared as a second mixed-blood race
n the population. Moreover, the Negroes mixed readily
nth the Indians, giving rise to a race of Negro-Indian hy-
>rids — the zambos. There were thus six distinct racial
groups in the population each with a clearly defined status.
Crosses between these various hybrids and between the hy-
>rids and the pure races took place with even more readi-

less than between the pure stocks. The mixed-blood groups

gradually blended into one another to form a single mixed-
>lood race, the relative ethnic composition of which is en-
irely indeterminable.

It was this triangular mixture in unknown proportions

f the blood of Portuguese, Indian, and Negro that produced
he so-called metis, 50 who compose somewhat above one-third
I "Ibid., p. 515.
F. Nansen,Eskimo Life, pp. 12, 20, 163-5. See, also, A. N. Gil-
ertson, SomeEthical Phases of Eskimo Culture, p. 73. He quotes
rebitsch as expressing an opposite opinion.
The metis differ from the mestizos of other parts of South America
34 The Mulatto in the United States

of the present population of Brazil. 51 Of the fifteen million

whites, a considerable number are so by law rather than be-

cause of an entire absence of Indian or Negro blood.
Biologically the metis are an unstable type. Their phys-
ical traits vary with each new crossing sometimes toward

one and sometimes toward the other parent though there is

a general tendency toward the white type. They are not
muscular, and have little power to resist disease.

Tuberculosis is common among them. 55 Some of the

women are graceful and well proportioned, but they arc

principally in that there is a considerable amount of Negro blood in

their ethnic composition. It would seem to be an error, however, to sa*
that this term is a synonym for mulatto. See W. E. B. DuBois, Thi
Negro, p. 166.
" P. F. Martin, Through Five Republics of South America, p. 15£
gives the population as follows:

15,000,000 total
3,500,000 Negroes
6,000,000 mixed
1,300,000 Indians
900,000 Portuguese
520,000 Germans
1,800,000 Italians

James Bryce, South America; Observations and Impressions, pp. 433

34, 564-65, estimates theNegro and Negro mixture to be about 8,000,00<
or two-fifths of the total population. The number of zambos he put;
at 300,000.
M Martin, Through Five Republics, p. 155. Bryce, South America
pp. 564-65.
""Their physical characteristics are not fixed." Jean Baptiste d
Lacerda, "The Metis, or Half-breeds, of Brazil," Inter-Racial Problem
p. 378.
""Continuous infusions of Portuguese blood, due to an immigra
tion . have gradually overcome the native strain of what was
. .

largely mongrel population, and a fortunate reversion toward the mor

developed ethnic component, with its happier adaptation to modern con
ditions, has ensued." Keller, Colonization, p. 164.
"Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 380.
Mixed-Blood Races 35

in no sense a beautiful people. In color they vary from

i dark yellow to a dull white. Their hair is usually dark
and nearly always curly. Their eyes are chestnut, brown,
Dr greenish. Their lips are thick. Their teeth are irregu-
lar, though less protruding than the Negroes'. On the whole
they seem to be an improvement upon both the Negro and
the Indian elements of their ancestry, though the evidence
on this point is by no means uniform. 57 As agricultural
laborers, they are inferior to the blacks and they show no
58 59
capacity for commercial or industrial life. Lacerda
asserts that they are ostentatious, unpractical, talkative,
intemperate, and lacking in veracity and loyalty but admits
that they are intelligent, have some literary ability and show
great cleverness as politicians.
In Brazil the metis form a sort of middle-class between the
white aristocracy, on the one hand, and the Negro and the
Indian, on the other. The Indians are passive and, so far
as political affairs are concerned, are outside the nation.
The black Negroes are inferior in education and enter-

88 ".
if these half-breeds are not able to compete in other quali-
. .

ties with the stronger races of the Aryan stock, ... it is none the less
certain that we cannot place the metis at the level of the really inferior
races. They are physically and intellectually well above the level of the
blacks, who were an ethnical element in their production." Ibid., p.
"In Brazil ... his [the Indian's] successor is a decidedly inferior
being. .
.".Martin, Through Five Republics, p. 1.
Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 380.
Ibid., p. 380. Compare the Chileans. E. A. Ross, South of Panama,

pp. 113, 213-14, 219, 221.

Eighty per cent of the total population is illiterate. The ratio
among the blacks is See Martin, Through Five Republics,
far higher.
p. 155. Of recent attempts to provide education adapted to the needs
of the situation, see H. E. Everly, "Vocational Education in Brazil,"
Manual Training Magazine, June, 1915.
36 The Mulatto in the United States

prise to the Negro of the Southern States of America. 81

They take life very easy, exerting themselves just sufficiently
to provide the few necessities of life in a tropical climate. 62
The whites are the ruling class, though for political and
social purposes, the upper grade of the metis and the whites
are practically one class.
At the founding of the republic, the numerical preponder-
ance of the mixed-blood race enabled them to secure an equal
share in the governmental affairs of the country. Many of
them secured political offices, and they exert a considerable
influence on the government of the country. 64 Many of the
mixed-blood race are men of property 65
and are influential
in the affairs of the community.
In social affairs, the color line between the whites and the
mixed-blood race is neither hard nor fast. 66 Many of the
so-called whites are tinged with Negro or Indian blood. 67
Intermarriage is forbidden neither by law nor by custom,
and mixed unions are not uncommon. To the Portuguese,
the idea of personal contact with an Indian or a Negro
excites little feeling of physical repulsion. The aristocracy
here, as elsewhere in South America, are pure white; and
marriages between them and the pure Indians or Negroes do

Bryce, South America, pp. 479-80.
Ibid., pp. 404-05.
Ibid., p. 565.
w Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, pp. 381-82.
Not so many as is sometimes asserted. "Bahia has a population . . .

of 250,000 and is rapidly growing. Most of the population are real

Negroes. The city is so prosperous that there are 10,000 Negroes
. . .

who are millionaires. ." The Chicago Defender, A Negro Paper,

. .

It seems to be the observation of this fact that has led certain super-
ficial observers to announce an entire absence of color prejudice in
Brazil. See The Chicago Defender, 12-11-1915, 1-22-1916.
Bryce, South America, p. 565.

Mixed-Blood Races

not occur. 68 "The Brazilian lower class intermarries freely

with the black people; the Brazilian middle class inter-
marries with the mulattoes and the quadroons."
The color line — so far as there is a color line — is drawn
with the Negro and the Indian on the one side and the white
man and the metis on the other. 71 The mixed-blood man is

as contemptuous of the native and the Negro, as is the white

man. 72 The aspiration of the half-breed is to be like the
white man. 73 He calls himself white, consciously models him-
self on the white man, tries to think and act as a white man
and, if possessed of education and property, is so treated. 74
He is free to intermarry with the whites and his ambition
is to do so. With each such crossing, the offspring approx-
imate more and more to the pure white type. Aside from
reversions, they are sometimes able to pass as white in their
Portuguese community by the third generation. Lacerda
sums up the racial situation in these words

f The mulatto himself endeavours, by marriage, to

bring back his descendants to the pure white type.
See Theodore Roosevelt, "Brazil and the Negro," Outlook, Vol. 106,
pp. 409-11.
Largely mixed. Officially white. See Bryce, South America, p. 492;
South American Year Book, 1915, p. 216.
Bryce, South America, pp. 479-80. Bryce counts as white all indi-
viduals having three-fourths or more white blood.
In southern Brazil in the expanding German, Swiss and white Por-
tuguese settlements the color line is drawn separating the whites from
the colored and the mixed. See Sir Harry H. Johnston, The Negro in
the New World. See, also, D. P. Kidder and J. C. Fletcher, Brazil
and the Brazilians, pp. 132-33.
" Bryce, South America, p. 565.
Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 382. Bryce, South America, pp.
"The same thing is theoretically true of the Indian and the Negro.
See Roosevelt, The Outlook, Vol. 106, pp. 409-11.
Inter-Racial Problems, p. 382.
38 The Mulatto in the United States

Children of metis have been found, in the third genera-

tion, to present all the physical characters of the white
race, although some of them retain a few traces of
their black ancestry through the influence of atavism.
The influence of sexual selection, however, tends to neu-
tralise that of atavism, and removes from the descend-
ants of the metis all the characteristic features of the
black race. In virtue of this process of ethnic reduc-
tion, it is logical to expect that in the course of another
century the metis will have disappeared from Brazil.
This will coincide with the parallel extinction of the
black race in our midst. When slavery was abolished,
the black, left to himself, began to abandon the cen-
tres of civilisation. Exposed to all kinds of destruc-
tive agencies, and without
sufficient resources to main-
tain themselves, negroes are scattered over the
thinly populated districts, and tend to disappear from
our territory.

Aside from Brazil, most of Central and South America

was colonized by the Spanish. The early immigration was
of a poor quality, being composed chiefly of clergy and of
adventurers who came with an intention of acquiring a com-
petence if possible and then returning to Spain. Another
large group of immigrants were convicts, sentenced to death
or mutilation, whose sentences were commuted on condition
that they emigrate to the colonies. The objects of the early
colonists were adventure and trade rather than settlement. 76
Consequently there were few women of good character
though, unlike the Portuguese, the Spanish government
never foisted their objectionable women upon the colonists.
There was, therefore, a dearth of Spanish women either mar-
ried or marriageable.
The Spanish interest was centered in the mines and for
See James Bryce, "Migrations of the Races of Men," Contemporary
Review, Vol. 62, p. 134.
Mixed-Blood Races 39

three centuries the plantations and agriculture in general

was a failure in Spanish America. 77 The healthful and
wealth-producing regions of the tropics were the interior
highlands, and it was there alone that a considerable popu-
lation grew up. But even there, it was made up mostly of

useless individuals, adventurers, and functionaries but not

of workers, as is shown by the fact that it was almost ex-
clusively a town population.
The Indians and the Spanish were not so temperamentally
constituted as to be able to come to any mutually satisfac-
tory working relations. They never reached anything re-

motely approaching kindly feeling and unity of purpose.

The Indians were not adapted to slavery; the Spanish had
an exaggerated idea of their own superiority. The situ-
ation worked itself out on the single and simple principle of
relative power. 78 The attitude of the Spanish was ruthless
and savage. They seized the public and private wealth of
the natives, appropriated their women, and finally levied
upon their vital force. To develop the mines, they needed a
large labor supply ; to get the labor supply, they drove the
unwonted labor
natives in crowds to the mountains, where the
and the scanty nourishment combined with the effects of the
climatic change and the broken family life, to bring about
a rapid decline in the population. To supply the place of
the decreasing native labor, African slaves were introduced
and grew rapidly in numbers. 80
Intermixture with the natives began with the first landing
of the Spanish explorers on American soil. and so exten-
Keller, Colonization, p. 223.
Ibid., p. 259.
Ibid., pp. 256 ff
Ibid., pp. 280-82.
Syphilis, which spread like a plague over the whole of Europe during
the sixteenth century, dates its origin as a disease of civilized man from
40 The Mulatto in the United States

sive was this mixture of races that it has been characterized

as the "prime phenomenon in the contact of races in Spanish
America." 82 After the introduction of the Negro, there
grew up several new varieties of half-breeds and each of the
races and half-races came to have a more or less clearly
and definitely defined status in the community life.

The main constituents, taken as ethnic and social types,

were six in number. 83 The Peninsular Spaniards, those from
Europe, were of course the aristocracy ; next in order came
the white Creoles, descendants of Europeans settled in Amer-
ica ; a third class was the mestizos, mongrels resulting from
the association of Europeans with the native women a little ;

later in time and lower in status, came the mulattoes next ;

in the social rank came the Negroes, and last of all, the
Between these main groups were many other mixtures
approximating one or the other of the main groups, or form-
ing separate groups apart. The mestizos multiplied with
such rapidity that they came to form and still form a very
considerable portion of the population of Spanish America.
The association of these various ethnic groups was marked
by hatred, bitterness and strife. The Spanish officials held

the return of the first Columbian expedition from America. It was the
red man's one contribution to civilization. See Iwan Bloch, The Sexual
Life of Our Time, M. Eden Paul's Translation, pp. 351-56.
Keller, Colonization, p. 295.
Perhaps seven or even more. See H. C. Morris, The History of
Colonization, Vol. pp. 252-53.
"The different shades were classified with minute attention, not only
by the force of custom but also by the law. When there was only a sixth
of negro or Indian blood in the veins of a colonist, the law granted him
the title of white: que se tenga por bianco. Each caste was full of
envy for those above and of contempt for those below." Leroy-Beau-
lieu, i, II; cf. Roscher, The Spanish Colonial System, pp. 149-50. Keller,
Colonization, p. 220, f. n.
lviwucu-Diuuu xiuces ~x l

in contempt the Creoles and, especially, the mestizos who

formed the industrial elements of the Colonies.^ The mixed-
blood races felt superior to the native and the Negro stock
from which they had sprung. 85 The Negroes had an im-
placable hatred for the natives and, secure in their greater
physical strength and the approval of their masters, mis-
treated the natives at every opportunity. The natives in
their pitiable condition hated all their oppressors in varying
Time and further mixed breeding reduced the various mon-
grel types to a relative uniformity in physical appearance
and mental characteristics. Immigration being restricted
number of incoming Spaniards was small
for a long time, the
and this, together with the scarcity of Spanish women,
kept the natural increase of the white race very limited.
Consequently the native element was the determining factor
in the biological situation. The very fact of relative num-
bers made it inevitable that the mixed-blood race should tend
toward the Indian type. The caste feeling was not suffi-
cient to preserve them from this fate and, in spite of a larger
later immigration from Europe, the reversion has partly
taken place. 86
"The aversion between mulattoes and negroes was as great as that
between whites and negroes. The civil position of each class depended
mainly and naturally upon the greater or less whiteness of their com-
plexion. 'Todo bianco es caballero.'" Roscher, The Spanish Colonial
System, p. 21. Keller, Colonization, p. 220 f. n.
Earl Finch states that it is the American Indian who declines in
the process of miscegenation of the Negroes, Spanish, Portuguese and
Indians. See "The Effects of Racial Miscegenation," Inter-Racial Prob-
lems, p. 109. This is true in the sense that the introduction of foreign
blood into a population tends to diffuse in a culturally downward direc-
tion, and the lower strata of the population tend to become contaminated
by traces of it. But the decline in numbers of a pure-blood native race
isdue to disease and the failure or inability of the primitive folk to ac-

commodate themselves to civilized habits and manners of life. In an

42 77*£ Mulatto in the United States

Such is the racial background for the latter day situation

in the various Spanish-American Republics.
There are no general censuses of the Spanish-American
countries, and consequently no accurate numerical knowl-
edge of the various racial groups in the different republics.
Bryce estimates the total population at 45,000,000, of whom
approximately one-fifth are pure Indians, one-third mestizos,
one-third white with much Indian blood and the remainder
Negroes, mulattoes and zambos. 81 Of the 15,000,000 whites,
more than half are in the Republics of Argentine and Uru-
guay, which republics contain no native or Negro elements, 88 »

and in the southern part of Brazil which is also free from the
colored races. The Negroes and their various intermixtures
with the white and Indian races are chiefly in northern and
eastern Brazil, though there are a goodly number in Guinea
and some in Venezuela. 8!> In insignificant numbers, they are
found in the cities of the other South American countries.
The population of Paraguay is nearly all Indian: the white
and mixed elements are so small as to be negligible. Colom-
bia is approximately fifty per cent so-called white. The
inter-racial situation in which there is intermarriage between the races

the result determined exclusively by the relative members of the two


groups. In a caste situation, Finch is right: there the lower groups

receive a continual admixture of blood from the castes above them while
the superior caste receives no blood from the inferior groups.
Mixed-Blood Races 43

actual whites form a much smaller per cent. 90 Equador is

approximately ten per cent white. 91 Peru has ten per cent
or less of white and near-white, thirty-five per cent mixed,
and fifty-five per cent Indian. 92 Bolivia has a somewhat
larger percentage of pure Indian stock. 93 Chile has a small
white aristocracy and a very few Indians the population

is nearly all mixed though they claim to be white and the

tendency is to so classify them. 94 The Central American
states are about fifteen per cent white or what passes for
white in the Spanish-American states. 95 The Mexican cen-
sus of 1900 returned nineteen per cent of the total popula-
tion as "white or nearly white," forty-three per cent as
Indian and white intermixture and thirty-eight per cent as
Indian out of a total population of 13,607,259. 96
Ibid., 1915, p. 503.
Ibid., p. 562.
Ibid., p. 638. The Lima Geographical Society, 1896, estimated the
population of Peru as white 20 per cent, Indian 57 per cent and mixed
23 per cent. Quoted by P. F. Martin, Peru of the Twentieth Century,
p. 42. Biyce estimates that the pure whites of Peru do not number as
much as 5 per cent. See South America, p. 66. Ross, South of Panama,
pp. 39-40, 260, gives the population as 2,000,000 Indians, 1,500,000 mes-
tizos and 500,000 white or near-white.
Bryce gives the population of Peru and Bolivia as follows:
6,000,000 total
3,500,000 Indian
1,500,000 mestizo
1,000,000 Spaniards, more or less pure.
South America, pp. 458-59.
Ibid., p. 232. •

Martin, Through Five Republics, p. 237. N. O. Winter, Guatemala
and Her People of To-day, p. 109.
Bryce is disposed to materially modify these proportions. He gives

Total 15,000,000
Indian 8,000,000
Mixed 6,000,000
Spaniards 1,000,000
South America, p. 459.
%% 1 he Mulatto %n the United states

These numbers are at best only a rough approximation.

There are no data available which justify any close esti-
mation either of the total population or of the various racial
elements of which it is composed. Moreover, it is not pos-
sible to make any accurate distribution of the population
into racial categories because color is a badge of inferiority
and is always denied or if too obvious to be denied, the
amount is understated. Further there is no agreement as
to what proportion of Negro or Indian blood must be pres-
ent to rule an individual out of the white class to which
every one strives to belong. Bryce, for example, in his
estimates counts as "white" all whose racial ancestry is as
much as three-fourths white. The tendency of the official
statistics is to count as white all educated mestizos?*
Despite the fact that they constitute but a small per-
centage of the total population in most of the Spanish-
American republics, the whites are in all cases the ruling
class." They form the social aristocracy, they practically
control the political and governmental situation, 100 and they
comprise the educated class so far as such a class exists.

The census of 1910 gave a total population of 15,160,369 distributed

as follows:

15,160,369 total
15,043,842 Mexican birth
116,527 foreign birth of whom 29,541 were Spanish
Bryce, South America, p. 565.
M Ibid., p. 460.
" Bolivia, for example. "Politics is left to the few whites and Mes-
tizos in four or five towns. Politically the Bolivian nation shrinks from
two million to some thousands." Ibid., p. 529. See, also, Ross, South

of Panama, pp. 331 ff.

™ South American Year Book, 1914, pp. 501-62.
Ibid., p. 503.
Speaking in particular of the women: "So far as the northern repub-
lics of dusky and mixed races are concerned, one can only deal with the

few white women of each republic, since all the rest may, for the pur-
Mixed-Blood Races 45

In the southern and more progressive republics, the white

element has been reinforced continuously by a considerable
immigration from western Europe. This is especially true

of Argentine and Uruguay and to a somewhat lesser extent

of Chile and of south and central Brazil, where the whites
are numerically the dominant group. In the northern re-
publics, however, it is only a small white aristocracy that is

comparable with the general population of Argentine and

the other white states of the south. As a consequence,
the whites have been able to maintain a republican form of
government in the southern republics ; in the north, it is only

by compromising with the mixed elements that they have

been able to maintain any government at all.
Everj'where throughout Spanish America, the Indians
form the lowest strata of the population and but seldom
rise out of their degraded position. In the remoter cen-
tral regions and in the mountains, the race is still relatively

poses of generalization, really and truly be placed in one category

that of the completely unintellectual." W. H. Koebel, The South Ameri-
cans, p. 31. See, also, pp. 13, 16.
Argentine, for example, has received an immigration in excess of
four million during the past fifty years. Ibid., p. 17. There is much
Germanic blood in the upper classes of Chile and this fact is said to be
Ross, South of Panama, pp. 109, 110.
reflected in the political life.
"To the North of these countries [Argentine, Chile, Uruguay, South
Brazil and Central Brazil] ... we get for the most part territories
where a small white and educated aristocracy governs of necessity the
population of Indians, Mestizos, or even Negroes; and thus we enter
into a new and different phase which does not permit of comparison
with European circumstances." Koebel, The South Americans, p. 13.
Venezuela, for example, with her 10 per cent of white and near-
white and her 90 pef cent of Negroes, Indians and mestizos has never
in her whole history had a president who attained office through a legally
conducted election. South American Year Book, 1915, p. 742.
Bryce, South America, pp. 478-79. He is speaking here of th«
northern republics.
46 The Mulatto in the United States

unmixed. There are no European settlers and even the in-

filtration ofNegro blood has been small. 106 The Negro;
aside from Brazil and the northern tropic regions, has not
persisted. 107 The Indians in general perform all the lower
forms of work and come but little into contact with the
white people, except in the capacity of servants and em-
ployees. They are in general wholly illiterate, 108 and so-
cially and otherwise form a group apart —within the nation
but not of it. "By the constitution they are, in many states,

citizens and have votes. But they never think of voting,

having, although free, no more to do with the government
than the slaves had in the Southern United States before the
Civil War."
Between the small white upper class and the illiterate and
largely uncivilized natives, stands the mestizo who is, taking
Spanish America as a whole, the numerically dominant group.
While the status of the mestizos varies within rather wide
limits in different states and even within the same state,
they form, in general, a sort of middle class in the popula-
tion. Exception must here be made of the white Republics
of Argentine and Uruguay, the native Republic of Paraguay
and of Brazil, the southern parts of which are white, and the
northern parts largely Negro and mulatto. 110 The upper
class mestizos are in many cases small property owners and
compose most of the small shop-keeping class from the ;

". the distinctions which undoubtedly exist, and are often sup-
. .

posed to be of race, are in fact only between Indians who are Catholic
and speak Spanish and Indians, who are grouped by the other Indians,
'as savages' ." Sir Charles W. Dilke, "Forced and Indentured Labor
. .

in South America," Nationalities and Subject Races, p. 101.

Koebel, The South Americans, p. 92.
The same might be said of most of the mixed and a good per cent
of the white population. Eighty per cent of South America is illiterate.
Bryce, South America, p. 529. Ross, South of Panama, p. 331.
Ibid., p. 492.
Mixed-Blood Races 47

lower grades of the mestizo come the artisan and the ser-
vant classes. 111
But the ethnological distinctions seldom are clearly drawn.
A certain per cent of the white race have preserved their
racial integrity intact 112 and these everywhere form the so-
cial and intellectual aristocracy. But the bulk of the so-
called whites are tinged with a greater or less amount of
Indian blood. 113 The upper class mestizos, in manners and
customs and habits of life, often compare not unfavorably
with their white neighbors. They are, to the extent of their
ability, Spaniards. In education, they are Spanish; in re-
ligion, they are Christians ; and in their ideas and habits of
thinking, they are faithful imitations of the white aris-
tocracy. 114
Between the white man and the educated mestizo there is

no color line in the sense in which that term is understood in

the United States. For social and political purposes they
form virtually one class. All mestizos, and increasingly so
as their color decreases and their education increases, claim
to be white men, and in general they are so treated. 115 It
is, in fact, by compromising thus with the mixed element that
the white has been able to maintain some semblance of or-
derly government in many of the Latin American republics.
But the mestizos are not all educated, and by no means all

m South American Year Book, 1915, p. 503.

Ibid., pp. 638, 503, 569.
113 ".
ethnologically there is no dividing line to be drawn in South
. .

America between the white, the Indian, and the Savage. The so-called
whites are largely Indian, the Indians are largely negro, and the savages
are partly Indian, partly negro and partly an amalgam of races older
in the country than the principal Indian tribes." Dilke, Nationalities
and Subject Races, p. 103.
Bryce, South America, p. 433. Ross, South of Panama, p. 168.
«E ver y one wishes to be reckoned as a white man. . . ." Bryce,
South America, p. 460. See, also, pp. 478-79, 473-74, 232, 472-73.
48 The Mulatto in the United States

are able, even in a South American community, to pass as

white men. It is frequently as difficult to determine who
should be deemed an Indian and who a mestizo, as it is at the
other end of the scale to say who is to be deemed a white
man and who a man of mixed-blood. 116 Between the lower
class mestizo and the Indian, there is little intellectual or
social distinction. 117
While there are thus mixed-blood men in both the white
and the Indian groups, it is not to be understood that the
mestizo forms, in any other than a physiological sense, a
connecting link between the races. He is, rather, a member
of one or the other group depending upon his color, educa-
and economic status. The break between the upper-
and the Indian group is frequently a sharp one.
class mestizo
They sometimes differ as widely as do the native and the
white with the additional consideration that the mestizo con-
stantly emphasizes the fact of his white blood by his hatred
of and contempt for the native. 118 "The Indians," says
Bryce, "have nothing, except the worship of the saints and
a fondness for liquor, in common with the class above
them." 119 I
There is nothing in law or custom to prevent the intermar-
riage of the races. The educated mestizo endeavors to marry
a white woman and is successful in proportion to his economic
status in the community. The lower-class mestizos intermix
readily with the Indians. 120 Between the whites and the near-
"• Bryce, South America, p. 458.
"The Indians absorb or are absorbed by the Mestizo." South
. . .

American Year Book, 1915, p. 503.

[He] "has repeatedly shown himself to be very cruel toward the
Indians, whom he despises much more than the better class man would
do." Ibid., p. 7.

" South America, p. 474. See, also, pp. 438, 185-86.

The mixed-blood women in Peru bear a goodly number of children
to the Chinese coolies. See Ross, South of Panama, pp. 39-40.
Mixed-Blood Races 49

and the Indian and the lower-class
whites, on the one hand,
'mestizo, on the other, there is no intermarriage; but this
ifact seems to be due more to social than to racial causes. It
lis class separation rather than a racial antipathy. 121 Says

To understand the social relations of the white and

Indian races one must begin by remembering that there
is in Spanish and Portuguese countries no such sharp

colour line as exists where men of Teutonic stock are

settled in countries outside of Europe. As this is true
of the negro, it is even more true of the Indian. He
may be despised as a weakling, he may be ignored as a
citizen, he may be, as he was at one time, abominably
oppressed and ill treated, but he excites no personal
repulsion. not his race that is against him, but
It is

his debased condition. Whatever he suffers, is suffered

because he is ignorant or timid or helpless, not because
he is of a different blood and colour. The distinc- . . .

tion between the races is in Spanish America a distinc-

tion of rank or class rather than of colour. Against
intermarriage there is, therefore, no more feeling than
that which exists against any union palpably below a
man's or woman's own rank in life. If it is rare for a
pure white to espouse a pure Indian, that is because
they are of different ranks, just as it is rare for a
well-born Englishman to marry a peasant girl. There
is nothing in the law to oppose such a union, and
though whites seldom marry pure Indians, because the
classes come little into contact, the presence of an un-
mistakable Indian strain in a mestizo makes no dif-
ference to his acceptability to a white woman of the
same class. . . .

m However, Meredith Townsend states that the years "during which

Spaniards and Indians have dwelt together in South America have not
softened their mutual antipathies; . . ." Asia, and Europe, pp. 217-18.
"'SotUh America, pp. 470-71.

50 The Mulatto in the United States

The state of almost entire absence of racial or color prej-

udice thus pictured seems, at times, —between revolutions

and race wars to approach realization in some of the South
American countries. In how far this racial harmony is real
and in how far it is merely a temporary accommodation to
the exigencies of the situation, is still a matter of some doubt.
But wherever the Negroes and mulattoes are found even
in small numbers, there is also found an unmistakable race
question. In Guiana, for example, there is a marked an-
tipathy toward and avoidance of the black man by every
other race and color in the community. There was formerly
some intermarriage between the Portuguese immigrants and
the blacks and mulattoes, but there is now an avoidance of
association even of the low-class Europeans and the Negroes.
There is still some intermarriage between the Portuguese and
the near-white mulattoes. 123 The Negroes have a wholesome
fear of the Chinese, and the latter freely and without hesi-
tation use the mulatto and Negro women as concubines
though the relation is hardly one of marriage. 124 The East
Indians intermix to some extent with the mulattoes, but they
have the greatest antipathy for the blacks and refuse to
cohabit with them. 125 The American Indian detests and
despises the Negro. 126 The whites, even where they show
no particular prejudice against the presence of Indian blood,
have an entirely different attitude toward the Negro and the

Johnston, The Negro in the New World, pp. 333-34.
Ibid., p. 332. The Negroes are "entirely 'unmoral' in their sexual
relations" and have no repugnance toward intermixture with any of the
other races. Ibid., p. 334.
va «A n Indian kuli would ordinarily prefer to live unmarried sooner
than cohabit with a negress: they are not perhaps so squeamish about
marriage with mulattoes." Ibid., p. 334. See, also, p. 332. They inter-
marry with the Amerindians.
Ibid,, p. 332. Bryce, South America, pp. 473 f. n., 566-67,
Mixed-Blood Races 51

mulatto. The greatest antipathy, however, is that existing

between the near-white mulattoes on the one hand and the
Negroes and mulattoes of darker hue on the other. 127

In the Philippines

In the Philippine Islands at the present time, there are two

mixed-blood races in considerable numbers and of different
race parentage — the Chinese mestizo and the Spanish
viestizo. The former is the product of the intercrossing of
the Chinese and the Malay ; the latter is the offspring of
the Peninsular Spaniard or the Spanish creole with the na-
tive Malay woman. A great variety of other mongrels is

found, but not in numbers sufficient to assume the propor-

tions of a problem.
When the Spanish entered the Islands in 1521, they found
the productive valleys occupied .by a race of uncivilized
Moros. They subjugated this race, and undertook the busi-
ness of conversion. To the Spaniards, the Islands were
always rather a mission than a colony. There were no mines
to be worked and no plantations calling for a large body of
servile labor. There was no decline in the native population
as was elsewhere true of the Spanish colonies 128 and there
was no introduction of a substitute labor supply. The
Islands were too far away and offered too little in the way
of immediate and large returns to attract the Spanish mer-
"There is a slight 'color question' in Guiana, but the sensitiveness
lies rather between the 'near-whites' of pale ivory complexion and the
darker tinted mulattoes or negroes. There is now practically no inter-
marriage between whites and blacks; on the other hand, numerous unions
< take place between whites, especially Portuguese, and the lighter-
skinned negroids, many of whom would almost sooner perish in celi-

bacy than intermarry with the negro or mulatto." Johnston, The Negro
in the New World, p. 337.
Keller, Colonization, p. 350.

52 The Mulatto in the United States

chant. The number of Spaniards on the Islands was always

small and consisted almost exclusively of the military and
priestly classes. Other foreigners were excluded.
During the four centuries of the Spanish occupancy of
the Islands, there grew up a Spanish mestizo mixture that
numbers at present about two per cent of the population.
A small per cent of this mixed-blood race is the product of
intermarriage between the Spanish Creoles, who now number
about three hundredths of one per cent of the population,
and the native women of mixed parentage. The bulk of the
mixed-blood race, however, owe their origin to less conven-
tional and less permanent unions. Another considerable
number of the mixed-blood race trace their ancestry back to
a priestly origin. Officials and other Spaniards usually
formed no permanent unions with the native girls.

The second mixed-blood race, the Chinese mestizos, num-

ber about two per cent of the population. They are more
often, perhaps generally, the offspring of a fairly perma-
nent union.
The civil and social status of the various races and half-

races follows for the most part the lines of race and color.
Color prejudice and class hatred are everywhere a factor
in the situation. At one extreme of the social scale are the
foreign white and the white Creoles. Below them in the social

scale, come the Spanish half-breeds, envious of the classes

above them, contemptuous of those below. Every mixture
of foreign blood has tended to raise them above the native.
Now, as during the last two centuries of Spanish rule, they
are the dominant class in the native affairs. The prominent

In 1820 there was one white to 1,600 natives. The whites were
mostly in Manila. In 1864 there was a total of 4,050 Spaniards in the
Islands. Of these 3,280 were government officials, 500 were clergy, 200
were landed proprietors and 70 were merchants.
Mixed-Blood Races 53

Filipinos are probably without exception from this mixed-

)lood class. "No Filipino ever has become known in
America, either through his attainments or his political
prominence, who was more than a few generations removed
rom a foreign ancestor." 131 It is from this class that most
)f the higher Filipino officials come. They are the discon-
ented and troublesome element in the population. 132 "They
ire always hoping for recognition as equals by the foreign-

ers with whom they are brought into contact and to whom

;hey may be related." 133 They despise the native element

ind ignore the ties by which they are bound to them. The
iresent administrative problem in the Islands is to prevent
;he half-breed official from oppressing the despised Malay. 134
The vigorous, thrifty, enterprising Chinese share with the
Chinese half-breeds the monopoly of the trade in the Islands.
The Chinese are despised by all the races, even by the Chinese
lalf-breed and the Filipino, as bitterly as by the Creoles and

U0 "Rizal, the —
most famous man and one might say the only famous
nan —produced by the islands was the direct descendant of a Chinese
rader, and his mother was of Filipino-Chinese-Spanish descent with a
ittle Japanese blood." Carl Crow, "What About the Filipinos?" World's
Work, Vol. 26, p. 519. See, also, J. A. Robertson, "Notes from the
Philippines," Journal of Race Development, Vol. 3, p. 470, and Keller,
The best discussion of Rizal's personality is
Colonization, p. 350
f. n.

! Ferdinand Blumentritt, Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie,

3d. X, Heft 2. There is a brief abstract of this article in Pop. Sci.
Wo., July, 1902. An inaccurate and laudatory appreciation by his per-
sonal friend, Sir Hugh Clifford, appeared in Blackwood's Magazine,
Vol. 172, pp. 620-38. Rizal married a white woman of English birth.
see James A. LeRoy, The Americans in the Philippines, p. 117 f. n.
Sergio Osmena, former speaker of the Philippine Assembly, was a
Chinese mestizo. Crow, World's Work, Vol. 26, p. 523.
Ibid,, Vol. 26, p. 519.
LeRoy, The Americans in the Philippines, p. 76.
Crow, World's Work, Vol. 26, p. 519.
Charles E. Woodruff, "Some Laws of Racial and Intellectual De-
velopment," Journal of Race Development, Vol. 3, p. 175.
54 The Mulatto in the United States

foreign whites, and this is a situation of long standing. 13 *

The quiet, industrious Chinese half-breed is perhaps the
best man on the Islands. 136 He is classed with and despised
as a Chinaman by the races above him, while, in his turn, he
shares with the white the white man's bitter hatred for the
Chinese and contempt for the Filipino. At the bottom of th<
social scale, comes the Filipino who is economically inefficienl
and despised by every one, while he in turn hates in varying
degrees the various classes above him.

". . .noteworthy that the Filipinos and even the Chines*
It is also
half-breeds (mestizos de sangley)
exhibited this hatred in as bitter s
form as did the Spanish themselves." Keller, Colonization, p. 355. Le
Roy, The Americans in the Philippines, p. 279, speaks of the "tra
ditional hostility between the Filipinos and Chinese."
130 ". During the latter days of my residence in the Islands in 190ii
. .

Governor-General Wright one day told me that he had recently person

ally received from one of the most distinguished Filipinos of the time
and a member of the Insular Civil Commission, the statement 'thai
there was not a single prominent and dominant family among the chris-
tianized Filipinos which did not possess Chinese blood.' The voice anc
the will of the Filipinos to-day is the voice and the will of these brainy
industrious, rapidly developing men whose judgment in time the world
is bound to respect. ." A. E. Jenks, "Assimilation in the Philippines
. .

as Interpreted in Terms of Assimilation in America," American Jour-

nal Sociology, Vol. 19, p. 783. Ratzel, The History of Mankind, Vol. 1
p. 397, says that the Chinese half-breed in the Philippines is superioj
to the European half-breed. See, also, LeRoy, The Americans in tht

Philippines, p. 76.


In Cuba, Porto Rico, and Santo Domingo

THE Islands of the

during the first
West Indies were colonized by Spain
quarter of the sixteenth century. Dur-
ing this period Spain was at the height of her national power,
and the Islands were the centers of trade and commercial
The Spaniards found the Islands inhabited by a numerous
population of peaceful Indian tribes whom they conquered,
enslaved, converted,and worked to death on the plantations
and in the mines on the mainland. So disastrous to the
natives was the Spanish policy of slavery, concubinage, and
Catholicism that, with the exception of some infusion of
Indian blood in the Spanish part of Santo Domingo and
in Cuba, the native element is totally extinct.
It was to save the native element from total extinction that
The population of Santo Domingo decreased two-thirds in the first
three years of Spanish occupancy. The population was estimated as
1492 3,000,000
1508 60,000
1510 46,000
1572 20,000
1574 14,000
1648 under 500

A similar fate befell all of the other Islands. See A. G. Keller, Colo-
nization, p. 226.

56 The Mulatto in the United States

the introduction of Negroes was first recommended. Th<

Spaniards had intermixed freely with the natives during th<
two centuries that their extermination was in process. Wit}
the Negroes they intermixed with almost equal readiness. 2

A mulatto race soon sprang up and increased rapidly ii

numbers. In Porto Rico, at the time of its cession to tin
United States in 1898, approximately one-third of the pop-
ulation was returned as colored. 3 The colored element in-

cluded a few Chinese and the Negro-white mixture as wel

as the pure Negroes. Of the total returned as colorec
eighty-four per cent were of mixed-blood. In Cuba the pel
cent of mixed-bloods in the Negro population is yet largei
as is to be expected from the fact that the ratio of Negroe
to the white population is much smaller. 4 From the other
Islands, the Spanish were expelled before the mixture hac
gone so far.

Cuba, Porto Rico and Santo Domingo, Spanish until 1898

and in spirit and civilization Spanish still, have the race
problem in much the same form as it is found on the main-
land of South America. The mixed-blood race is of Spanish.
Negro, and Indian blood. On the mainland, the Indian blood
is vastly in excess of the Negro; on the Islands, it is the
Negro blood that predominates ; the Indian blood is but a

Johnston attributes the fact that the Spanish have never shown the
same repugnance as have the Northern nations of Europe to sexual
intercourse with Negroes, to the ancient strain of Negro blood in their
ethnic composition. Sir Harry H. Johnston, "The World-position of
the Negro and Negroid," Inter-Racial Problems, pp. 359-30.
Total 953,243
White 589,462
Colored 363,817
White 1,067,354 or 67.9 per cent; Colored 505,443 or 32.1 per cent.
The few Chinese are here counted as white as has been the Spanish cus-
tom in all previous censuses. United States War Department Census of
Cuba, 1899, p. 97.
Mixed-Blood Races 57

In Cuba the opportunities and personal privileges of the
Negro people have been somewhat greater than in most
other parts of the West Indies. They are and always have
been sufficiently below the whites in numbers effectually to
prevent any wide-spread reversion to their ancestral Afri-
can customs. During the slave period, though cases of bar-
barous mistreatment were not infrequent, the Spanish laws
were highly favorable to the slave. It was easy for him to
purchase his freedom and there were a large number of free
Negroes throughout the slavery period. 5 After the aboli-
tion of slavery in 1880, the rights of the black man were
of course much greater and his status much higher, the
Spanish government giving the same consideration to the
colored as to the white Cuban. The rebellions of 1868-78
and of 1895-98 and the threatened uprising in 1906 all
operated to raise the status of the Negro. At present all
civil, military and ecclesiastical positions and honors are

open to members of the race. 6

The mulattos have responded to these conditions in a way
that differentiates them from the Negroes elsewhere. Though
the race is behind the whites in education, morals, and eco-
nomic advancement, many individuals have made advances
along these lines. They are found in all professions and
Census Year Slaves

Ibid., p. 98. See, also, H. C. Morris, The History of Colonization,

Vol. I, p. 278.
• U. S. War Dept. Census of Cuba, 1899, p. 69.
58 The Mulatto in the United States

in all trades. Bullard says : "Though found in more pro-
fessions than in America, they are less industrious than here.
They show disposition but no aptness for commerce, and
their inclination in this direction must perhaps be looked
upon more as a desire to avoid the hard labor of the fields
than as any serious effort to try fortune in trade." How-
ever this may be, a few have distinguished themselves 8 and
a goodly number have made a reasonable success they show ;

more self-respect and self-possession than is found elsewhere

among Negro people. Speaking of this self-respecting atti-
tude Bullard says :

. . . —
Everj'where in public, in the streets, in the the-
atres, —
on steamers and cars our man of negro blood
carries himself with confidence and self-possession. It
is his marked characteristic in Cuba. Looking at him,
one cannot but be impressed with his great gain in
dignity in consequence. He feels himself a worthier
man. In rural guard, police and other official posi-
tions occupied by him, he conducts himself with steadi-
ness and dignity. Placing him in such offices seems
not in Cuba, as in America, to make him foolish and
giddy. These are noteworthy things for Cuba and
the negro race.

During the slavery period the black and mulatto females

sought the white and disdained the black men as fathers of
their children. So extensive and lonsj continued has been
this intercrossing that it is now impossible to draw any clear
distinction between the races. At either extreme the colors
are unmixed. The aristocracy and the middle-class towns-
Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. Bullard, U. S. A., "The Cuban Negro,"

North American Review, Vol. 184, p. 629.

Antonio Maceo of the Cuban Army, 1895-98, was a mulatto. See
U. S. War Dept. Census of Cuba, 1899, p. 69.
North American Review, Vol. 184, p. 626.
Mixed-Blood Races 59

folk are quite free from Negro intermixture ; some blacks,

especially the rural folk of the interior, are still of unmixed
African blood. But between the extremes is an unbroken
gradation through all the tints from the swarthy complexion
of the Spaniard to the glossy black of the West African
Negro. Yet few of those who pass as Negroes are without
some admixture of the white man's blood. "Few of the Ne-
groes are black; some of the blackest have the regular feat-
ures of the Caucasian ; and racial mixtures are everywhere
evidenced by color of skin and by physiognomy." 10
There is no hard and fast color line separating the col- '

ored and white races of the Cuban population. In politics,

the Negro is the equal of the white man. In resorts, in
places of amusement, and in public conveyances, there is no
separation of the races. Negroes have held some minor
political offices and members of some of the higher govern-
mental bodies have been tinged with Negro blood. In social
affairs there is little ostensible inequality but only in the
army, if anywhere, has there been recognized any condition
of real social equality. 11 Socially and politically, however,
the Negro is constantly losing ground as the white race
increases in numbers. 12 Nowhere else in the West Indies
is there so much tenderness on the point of color. Bullard
says on this point:

Encyclopaedia Britannic a: Cuba. See, also, Sir Harry H. Johnston,


The Negro in the New World, p. 59, and William Z. Ripley, "Race
Problems in Cuba," Publications of the American Statistical Associa-
tion, Vol. 7, pp. 85-89.
U. S. War Dept.,
Census of Cuba, 1899, p. 69.
"Yet the negro is losing ground, politically and socially, and unless
he is content with his present status of farmer, labourer, petty trades-
man, minor employe, and domestic servant, there will arise a 'colour'
question here as in the United States." Johnston, The Negro in the New
World, p. 60.
North American Review, Vol. 184, p. 628.

60 The Mulatto in the United States

. . . The brought to Cuba had a sad,

earliest negroes
faint little belief that after death they should be
again into another land, white men. "Negro" and even
"mulatto" must be softened into "gente de color" . . .

and "pardo" while the

. house-maid becomes
. .

"Sefiorita" and the cook "Sefiora."

. . . These, . . .

and the tendency, in the face of manifest aversion, to

push themselves as equals upon another race, are dis-
couraging signs of weakness, showing a lack of that
genuine independence, self-respect and pride that indi-
cate strength and real worth.

It is, however, between the blacks and the mixed-bloods

that the lines of social demarcation are most clearly drawn.
The mixed-blood man desires to be white, and imitates the
white man's virtues and the white man's faults. 14
points out the difference in the social life of the blacks and!
the mixed-bloods and illustrates the difference by a descrip-
tion of the two dances which are more or less peculiar to the
Negroes of the Island

There are two dances, the "Congo" and the "Creole,"

both protracted perhaps through many nights. The
first is a memory or tradition of Africa. In it, men
and women, black, real negroes, sing the songs and
dance the dances of Africa to the sound of rattles and
rude drums, genuine savage instruments. The dance is
always significant. It takes many forms of war, love,
tradition and con jury, yet it is most addressed to the
sexual passions and can but lead to their indulgence.
The "Congo" may be seen to-day in any country town
in the cane regions.
The "Creole" aspires to be very different. It is a
modified waltz by the more mixed generation, far less
interesting, more modern, but not more moral than
the "Congo." One needs but to see it to be impressed
with its sensuality.
North American Review, Vol. 184, pp. 625-26.
Mixed-Blood Races 61

In Haiti

After some two centuries of occupancy Spain lost Haiti

to the French. It remained a French province for nearly a
hundred years, during which time the mulattoes came to be
a distinct caste and to occupy a separate status in the com-
munity. On
hand they were generally free from
the one
bondage; on the other they were excluded from citizenship.
When, at the time of the French Revolution, the slaves were
liberated, the mutual antipathies of the whites, blacks, and
mulattoes blossomed into a triangular warfare, the final
result of which was the massacre of the entire European pop-
ulation. 15 After several costly and unsuccessful attempts
on the part of the French and later of the English to restore
orderly government, the Island was abandoned, became a
black, independent state, and has been for a century free to
work out its salvation without interference.
The abandonment of the Island by the civilized powers
so soon after the emancipation of the blacks was fatal to
Haitian prosperity. The civil wars had destroyed property
and capital of every description and left labor in a hope-
lessly demoralized state. The effect was as disastrous polit-
ically as it was economically : the political history of the
hundred years is simply a narrative of revolutions. The
country, nominally a republic, has in practice alternated
between anarchy and military despotism. The actual power
has been in the hands of the president who almost always
rode into office as the momentary favorite of the major divi-
16 government
sion of the army. Below the forms of civilized
A. Froude, The English in the West Indies, pp. 182-83.
18 ". Scarcely a President in the history of Haiti has not been a
. .

military man, and the favorite leader for the time being, of the major
portion of the army. ." Johnston, The Negro in the New World,
. .

p. 19T.
62 The Mulatto in the United States

there always has existed in every department of the official

life every conceivable form of political corruption, official

dishonesty, and judicial murder. "Justice is venal and the

police brutal and inefficient." The Roman Catholic relig-
ion has degenerated into a thin disguise for the practice of
the rites of Voodooism in which cannibalism and the sacri-
fice of children in the Serpent's honor has, at least at times,
played an important part. 18 The forms of marriage are
disregarded or forgotten. Polygamy prevails in the in-
teriorand the frequent orgiastic dances are accompanied by
promiscuous sexual debaucher}^ 20 On the whole, the Island,
during the century of independence and self-government, has
made no progress along any line, has retrogressed in some

Encyclopedia Britannica: Haiti.
"See H. V. H. Prichard, Where Black Rules White; a Journey
Across and About Hayti, Chapter IV. For a more apologetic account
see General Legitime, "Some General Considerations of the People and
Government of Haiti," Inter-Racial Problems, pp. 183-84.
"In most of the country districts polygamy is openly practiced.
The rite of marriage —
civil and religious — is probably confined to about
an eighth of the total adult population. . .
." Johnston, The Negro
in the New World, p. 194.
"The 2,500,000 Haitian peasants are passionately fond of dancing,
will even sometimes dance almost or quite naked. And following on
this choregraphic exercise is much immorality. The . . ." Johnston,
Negro in the New World, p. 194. It is interesting to compare this state-
ment with his description of the dance of the Brazilian Negro. "The
dances to which negro slaves were trained . . . usually began with a
slow movement of two persons, who approached each other with a shy
and diffident air, and then receded bashful and embarrassed. By de-
grees, the time of the music increased, the diffidence wore off, and the
dance concluded with 'indecencies not fit to be seen nor described.'
Sometimes it was of a different character, attended by jumping, shout-
ing, and throwing their arms over each other's heads, and assuming the
most fierce and stern aspects. The indecent display was a 'dance of
love,' but the shouting dance was a mimicry of war." Ibid., p. 93. As
a further stage in the evolution of the race and the dance compare the
American Negro's "cake-walk."
Mixed-Blood Races 63

lines and in others the "republic has gone back to the lowest
type of African barbarism."
No census ever has been taken, and consequently there are
no accurate figures as to the population. The population,
however, is made up almost entirely of Negroes, about nine-
tenths of whom are full-blood Africans. The ten per cent
of mulattoes is said to be a rapidly diminishing class. The
number of whites is very small and of negligible influence in
the affairs of the country. They are, by a provision of the
constitution, prohibited from holding real estate.
There is mu-
a sharp contrast between the black and the
latto inhabitants. The blacks, who form the peasantry of

the country, are peaceable, kindly, and hospitable people.

They are constitutionally lazy, 24 almost entirely unedu-
cated and they preserve their ancient snake worship and
cannibalistic rites under the forms of Roman Catholicism.

Their sex relations are of a frankly natural sort. "Mar-

Chambers' Encyclopedia: Hayti. See, also, Encyclopedia Britan-
nica: Haiti, and New
International Encyclopaedia: Haiti.
Encyclopedia Britannica: Haiti. For a contrary opinion see Earl
Finch, "The Effects of Racial Miscegenation," Inter-Racial Problems,
pp. 109-10.
Johnson's Cyclopedia: Haiti.
"The island is one of the most fertile in the world, and if it had an
enlightened and stable government, an energetic people, and a little capi-
tal, its agricultural possibilities would be boundless."
Britannica: Haiti.
"The plain fact remains that something like 2,500,000 out of the
as un-
3,000,000 of Haitians cannot read or write, and are as ignorant
reclaimed natives of Africa." Johnston, The Negro in the New World,

p. 18T.
"But what use is it talking of the 'country' doing this or willing that
when no more than 200,000 out of 3,000,000 Haitians have the slightest
approach to education? ." Ibid., p. 204.
. .

"At least two out of the three millions of Haitian negroes are only
are still African
Christians in the loose statistics of geographers. They
pagans, . .
." Ibid., p. 193.

64 The Mulatto in the United States

riage is neither frequent nor legally prescribed." 27 Polyg-

amy openly practiced and the African dances lead to a

more or less wholesale and promiscuous sexual indulgence.

They speak a patois of French origin which is known locally
as creole. The one man of first-class ability produced by
the black group was the insurgent chief, Francois Domi-
nique Toussaint. 28
The mulattoes are economically, socially, and intellectu-
ally far in advance of the black Negroes. They compose the
professional classes and own most of the property. They
are frequently educated in Paris and many do not materially
differ in education from Europeans of the same class. 29 In
regard to the educational system, Johnston says 30

. Unhappily, the weak point in all this superior

. .

education of the Haitians is its utterly unpractical

relation to a useful and profitable existence in the
West Indies. But the education which she gives
. . .

to the youth of Haiti is perversely useless in its na-

ture. It is apparently only adapted to life in Paris
or in a French provincial town, and the adepts thus
trained show a singular tendency on returning to Haiti
to cast off their European learning. Young doctors,
sent to France for education in medical science, come
back and discard any modern aseptic or antiseptic the-
ories in their practice, in fact almost revert to the po-
sition of negro charlatans. Lawyers can think of noth-
ing but the meticulous intricacies of the Code Napoleon,
Encyclopedia Britannica: Haiti.
"In middle life Toussaint acquired the nickname L'Ouverture be-
cause, having lost the most of his front teeth, there was a marked open-
ing in his mouth when he spoke. See Johnston, The Negro in the New
World, p. 157.Toussaint was a leader of the Negroes and is generally
considered to be a full-blood Negro. That this is the case, however,
is at least doubtful.

New International Encyclopaedia: Haiti.

"Negro in the New World, p. 188.
Mixed-Blood Races 65

and seem incapable of devising a simple civil and crim-

inal jurisprudence applicable to the essentially Afri-
can race which inhabits Haiti. . . .

In dress, manners, and habits of life, they imitate the French

and exaggerate upon their models. 31 Though comparatively
few in numbers, they occupy most of the prominent positions
in the political and governmental affairs of the Island and
generally manage The ma-
to control the political situation.
jority of Haiti's score or more of Presidents, and all of the
better ones, have been mulattoes. 82 They form the more en-
lightened and less brutal class of the population.
Between the two groups there exists and has existed
throughout the entire history of the Republic the bitterest
type of race hatred. The hatred of the Negro for the mu-
latto is equaled only by the mulatto's contempt for the
Negro. The mulattoes hate and despise the black man
with all the bitterness of a superior caste which lacks the
power, but not the desire, to reduce the black man to the
status of a slave. 34

In Jamaica

Jamaica became an English province in 1658. The cen-

tury and a half of Spanish occupancy, except for the anni-
hilation of the native Arawak Indians, had no permanent
"As to the dress of the two hundred thousand educated people,
though less exotic than it was, it is still, as in Liberia —a worship of
the tall hat and frock-coat. In the streets of Port-au-Prince, as of
Monrovia, temperature 95 degrees in the shade and something under
in a
boiling-point in the sun, youmay see Haitian statesmen cavorting about
in black silk hats of portentous height and glossiness, with frock-coats
down to their knees, and wearing lemon kid gloves. ." Ibid., p. 190. . .

Where Black Rules White, p. 82.
Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 159. See, also, Ency~
clopcedia Britannica: Haiti.
"Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 159.
66 The Mulatto in the United States

effect upon the Island. When taken by the British, the

total population, slave and free, did not number above three
thousand. After the formation of the Royal African Com-
pany in 1672, with a monopoly on the slave trade, Jamaica
became one of the great slave marts of the world. The Eng 4-

lish emancipation act was passed in 1834 and, subject to a

short apprenticeship, the slaves were free.
The present total population of Jamaica is approximately
830,000. Of these, 15,000, in round numbers, are pure
white, 17,000 are East Indian coolies, and about 2,000 are
Chinese; a total of some 34,000 non-African people. The
remaining 796,000 are Negro and Negro mixtures. 35 The
mixed-bloods number about one-fifth of the total number of
the race.
The various classes in the population seem to correspond
exactly to the race and color lines. Needham says that

. . . The inhabitants are divided into three classes

which are comparable, except as to numbers, to the
three classes existing in England. The pure whites
correspond to the aristocracy the "coloured" ; . . .

are in a social sense relatively like the English middle

class the darks or blacks
; —
meaning those who have
no evidence of white ancestry are the laboring or —
peasant class. These three mingle freely in many of
Races Numbers
East Indians
Not specified
Census of Jamaica, 1911.
Charles K. Needham, "A Comparison of Some Conditions in Jamaica
with those in the United States," Journal of Race Development, Vol.
4, p. 190.
Mixed-Blood Races 67

the affairs of life, but in certain other matters there is

a distinction well recognized by an individual when
coming in contact with one who is his social supe-
rior. . . .

There is a hard and fast color line between the whites and
the Negroes and mulattoes.
The blacks are the laboring class. There has been some
effort to settle them as independent peasant proprietors but
the effort has not been a marked success. The conditions
of life are such as to require but little work in order to
live; the Negroes do the little that is required. 37 They are
without education or the desire for education. 38 They have
little part in the government and in general show little de-
sire to participate. 39 The relations of the sexes are of the
most elastic sort, well over half of the births being illegiti-
mate. 40
It was the impossibility of getting the Negroes to do any regular
work that led to the importation of the Chinese and the Indian coolies.
Fronde, The English in the West Indies, pp. 50, 73 ff.
"At the present day only about one-quarter of the total colored
population of Jamaica can read and write." The fact that there is
little agricultural or industrial education suited to the race offered in
the schools perhaps accounts in part for their indifference to education.
Though free and liberally supported by the government, the education
is not suited to the needs of the race. See Johnston, The Negro in the
New World, p. 270.
"The black does not want representative government; he prefers to

rely on the impartial, despotic rule of trained officials, ." "The blacks . .

. .always prefer a white man.

." William Thorp, "How Jamaica

Solves the Negro Problem," World's Work, Vol. 8, p. 4910.

40 ".
No negress could bear the idea of growing to old age without
. .

being a mother; she would deem herself slighted. Therefore the negro
and mulatto men are much run after; the marriage rate is not only low,
but tends to decrease (it is just now about 3.8 per 1000 persons), and
with its decrease rises the percentage of illegitimate births, which now
[1906] stands at the figure of sixty-five children out of every hundred."
Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 275.
68 The Mulatto in the United States

The mulattoes are officially separated from the blacks by
applying- to them the special racial designation coloured.
This class includes the majority of those engaged in the
trades and professions and they fill most of the minor gov-
ernmental positions and some of the higher positions in the
public service. 41 The press of the country, though owned
by white men, is, for the most part, run by mulattoes.
Johnston states that

The negroid in this island enters into all the profes-

sionsand careers and fills nine-tenths of the posts un-
der Government. The coloured population, besides
residing as cultivators in the country, frequents the
towns and earns a living as doctors, dentists, minis-
ters of religion, teachers, waiters, tradesmen, skilled ar-
tisans, clerks, musicians, postal employes,. press report-
ers, the superior servants of the State railways, over-
seers of plantations, hotel-keepers. The pure Ne-
. . .

gro in Jamaica is mainly a peasant and a countryman.

Between the blacks and the mulattoes, there is a sharp

social as well as official distinction. 43 The social position
of a member of the race is conditioned by the lightness of
his skin and the absence of other racial marks. 44 The mu-
41 lit
'On the Legislative Council of to-day only four of the elected
members are of unmixed Nordic-European descent; four are of well-
known Jamaican- Jewish families descended from the Spanish and Por-
tuguese Jews of Guiana and Brazil; one member is an absolute negro
(of Bahaman birth), and the remainder (five) are octoroons and mu-
lattoes of Jamaican birth." Johnston, The Negro in the New World,
p. 268.
"Ibid., p. 280.
43 ".
. . I am told that in the West Indies the 'coloured' man despises
the 'nigger' and feels himself immeasurably his social superior." Wil-
liam Archer, Thro A fro- America, p. 273. See, however, Froude, The
English in the West Indies, p. 155, for the attitude of the blacks toward
the mixed-bloods.
See Needham, Journal of Race Development, Vol, 4, pp. 193-94.
Mixed-Blood Races 69

lattoes refuse to intermarry with the blacks except in
cases where the black individual is possessed of large fortune
or holds a high government position ; even in this case the
children of the union will be barred, because of their color
and features, from the upper class mulatto society.
The same views on the subject of intermarriage of the
races are held by the white people of Jamaica as are held
by the white people of the Southern United States. Mixed
marriages are approved by the ambitious mulattoes and by
the "whites by law." The exceptionally light-colored girls
of this latter class are occasionally able to secure white
husbands from the immigrants to the Island, whom they
have deluded into the belief that they are really white. 47 A
few other pretty, well-educated and wealthy girls of this
class are able to marry white because of their wealth and
of the scarcity of white girls on the Island. The number,
however, is very small, and sexual association between the
white men and the mulatto girls goes on without the for-

The same thing is true of the East Indian coolies. "They are proud,
however, and will not intermarry with the Africans. . . . The black
women look with envy at the straight hair of Asia, and twist
their unhappy wool into knots and ropes in the vain hope of being mis-
taken for the purer race. But this is all. The African and the Asiatic
will not mix. ." Froude, The English in the West Indies, pp. 73-74.
. .

46 ".
.When such a child [a mulatto with Negro features] appears

in the Jamaican upper class—let the skin be ever so irreproachable in

color—that individual is almost doomed to step down when he or she
settles under a roof separate from the parents. Of course all such ob-
stables are sometimes counterbalanced when an abundant dowry is pro-
vided; but we are now considering only general rules." Needham, Jour-
nal of Race Development, Vol. 4, p. 192.
Thorp, World's Work, Vol. 8, p. 4912.
48 ".
.Out in the country it is not uncommon to find a white man

married to a woman of mixed ancestry, for the same reason that white
men go to Oklahoma and marry squaws or half-breed girls. ." Need- . .

ham, Journal of Race Development, Vol. 4, p. 195.

70 The Mulatto in the United States

mality of a legal marriage. 49 Marriages between mulatto

women almost never occur.
or "white by law" males and white
The few on record are those of light-colored men of wealth
who have gone to England and married white women there,
where a man is lionized not in spite of his color but because
of it, or where the fact of his Negro blood is not known. 50
The native families on the Island never marry outside their
race; any British officer or official would ruin his career by
taking a colored wife.
Racial feeling is everywhere present in Jamaica though
the insignificant number of the whites and the political recog-
nition of the mulattoes have, in general, kept it from assum-
ing the proportions of a problem. 51 The blacks are socially,
economically, and intellectually inferior and contentedly ac-
cept the inferior status assigned them. 52 Except in the

Needhara, Journal of Race Development, Vol. 4, p. 195.

Some stu-
dents at least recognize this as a desirable phenomenon. ". . . There is

no such reason against the begetting of children by white men in coun-

tries where, if they are to breed at all, it must be with women of col-

oured or mixed race. The offspring of such breeding, whether legitimate

or illegitimate, is, from the point of view of efficiency, an acquisition to
the community, and, under favourable conditions, an advance on the
pure-bred African. . .
." Sir Sidney Olivier, White Capital and Col-
oured Labour, p. 38.
Thorp, World's Work, Vol. 8, p. 4913. See, also, W. P. Livingstone,
"The West-Indian and American Negro: A Contrast," North American
Review, Vol. 185, p. 647.
"... I am convinced that this class [mulatto] as it at present exists
is a valuable and indispensable part of any West Indian community, and

that a colony of black, coloured, and whites has far more organic effi-

ciency and far more promise in it than a colony of black and white alone.
. . . The graded mixed class in Jamaica helps to make an organic
whole of the community and saves it from this distinct cleavage."
Olivier, White Capital and Coloured Labour, pp. 38-39. See, also,
Livingstone, North American Review, Vol. 185, p. 647.
a "The whites regard the negro as a primitive being, incapable as yet
of standing alone, and adopt the attitude of trainers and teachers: the
negroes are conscious of their inferiority and willingly fall into the po-

Mixed-Blood Races 71

capacity of employees they come little or not at all into

contact with the whites.

In South Africa

In South Africa the native population is everywhere far

more numerous than the Europeans ; the mixed element is

generally small. It is, speaking generally, only in Cape

Colony that a very considerable half-caste population is
The half-breed race is of very complicated ancestry. In
the early days, the Dutch mixed to some extent with the
Hottentot women of the Cape, giving rise to the so-called
Bastaards. 54 Later, as they withdrew into the interior, they
came into contact with the Abantus, who at that time were
migrating from the Northwest, and produced a second type
55 introduction of Negro
of hybrid. In 1658 came the first

sition of learners." Livingstone, North American Review, Vol. 185, p.

647. See, also, Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 279. So uni-
versal is this feeling of inferiority on the part of the blacks and mu-
lattoes that it is claimed that white women can go about unprotected in
perfect safety.
"In British South Africa the colored races are nearly five times as
numerous as the whites." Encyclopaedia Britannica: South Africa. In
1904 the white population was 1,149,336 and the colored 7,111,329. In
1911 the white population was 1,305,531 and the colored 6,890,693. By
colonies H. E. S. Fremantle, The New Nation; A Survey of the Condi-
tions and Prospects of South Africa, p. 179, gives the following:
7£ The Mulatto in the United States

from the West African Coast; 50

slaves shortly afterwards
began the importation of Asiatic convicts from the East
Indian Archipelago. These Mohammedan Malays mixed
with the slave women from the Guinea Coast as well as with
the native Hottentot women. There were also slaves from
Mozambique and natives from Madagascar, the injection
of whose blood further complicated the ethnic mix. 57 Speak-
ing of the present-day conditions in Cape Town and Colony
as a result of an incomplete fusing of these divergent ethnic
types, Evans says :

. .Equally, to a Natal resident visiting Cape Town


the mixed colored population of that city and neigh-

borhood is a feature that deeply impresses him. He
sees a mixture of races to which he is quite unaccus-
tomed. Hottentot, Bushman, Mozambique black, Ma-
lay, and other peoples from the Far East, liberated
slaves from West and East, Abantu, and European all
fused, in varying proportions, to make the colored
Cape people of to-day. At one end of the scale he
sees men and women almost white, well educated, well
spoken, well dressed, courteous and restrained in man-
ner, and at the other end of this color scale some whom
he considers inferior to the ordinary native or Indian
coolie of his home. . . .

These mixed-blood people are at the present time the in-

tellectual class among the blacks. The blacks are on their
native soil and never have had the advantage of a period of
Hottentots were the dominant race at the time of the settlemnt. The
Kafir (Bantu) is a conqueror in South Africa.
These people have never
been enslaved and are keenly conscious of that fact; they have the in-
stincts of a race with a proud history. Fremantle, The New Nation,
pp. 181-83.
James Bryce, Impressions of South Africa, p. 104..
"Encyclopedia Britannica: South Africa.
Maurice S. Evans, Black and White in South East Africa; A Study
in Sociology, p. 296.
Mixed-Blood Races 73

industrial training such as the Negroes in the New World

received during the slave regime. They are practically all

heathen and handicapped by the lack of a culture language.

In point of natural ability, the Abantus probably are con-
siderably superior to West African Negroes who made up
the bulk of the importations to the Americas. Moreover,
the blacks are such an overwhelming majority in South
Africa that they have little opportunity to acquire, or to
have thrust upon them, the white man's culture ; their nu-
merical preponderance operates to their serious disadvan-
tage. The mixed-bloods form separate groups apart from
the native and from the white, and live a life similar to their
European neighbors. In general their aims and ideals are
white, though they grade off by almost imperceptible de-
grees into the native groups who form the great mass of the
population. Freemantle considers them as doubtfully su-
perior to the Abantus. He says :

The half-castes, or coloured people, as they are gen-

erally called, have more civilization though not more
character. are showing good capacity as arti-
sans, and although their position as the lower class in
the towns, the dubious origin of their race, and the
absence of such primitive but effective discipline as
controls the Kafirs in their tribal state do not conduce
to high standards of life, it cannot be said that they
have proved that they are essentially lacking in the
moral qualities which distinguish strong and virile peo-
ples. . . .

Mr. Finot, however, has asserted that the Bastaards are

in no sense inferior to the pure whites, 01 but this seems not
Bryce, Impressions of South Africa, pp. 378-79.
The New Nation, p. 182.
Finch, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 109, says that they have "multiplied
and prospered while the pure Hottentots have rapidly decreased."
"The Griquas [Bastaards], mixed products of Hottentots and Dutch,
74 The Mulatto in the United States

to be the opinion of those with most knowledge of the actual

facts. Evans, for example, says :

... It is utterly contrary to fact to say they

[Griquas] are equal to Europeans; either physically,
mentally, morally, as a whole, neither are they equal
in any single character of value. The Griquas are
. . .

a degenerate, dissolute, demoralized people, weak and

unstable, lazy and thriftless. They appear to be con-
stitutionally immoral, far more so than either the Euro-
pean or Bantu people among whom they live. The
branch of these people with whom I am best acquainted
live in Griqualand East, just south of the Natal bor-
der. They came to this land, then unoccupied owing
to native wars and thus called No Man's Land, under
Adam Kok their chief, some half century ago. It is
one of the best parts of South Africa, well grassed
and w ell watered, with fertile arable land, a glorious

climate, with good rainfall, and healthy for all kinds

of live-stock. This goodly land was parcelled out to
the Griqua families in farms of from 2000 to 3000 acres.
Never had a people a better start in life. To-day the
land has passed from them and they live miserably as
squatters, as herds for Europeans, or without definite
employment, and the farms they once held are owned
and occupied by Europeans, who are prosperous and
thriving, and constantly advancing in the amenities of
life. The Griquas were not dispossessed by force; ex-
cepting for one short-lived outbreak the country has
been in peace. They are simply constitutionally unable
to hold gin, immorality, laziness, debt, the lack of

foresight and inability to forego present gratification

or the Cafusos, are quite equal to pure whites, just as the cross breeds
of Indian and Spanish are at least as good as the Spaniards themselves."
Finot, Race Prejudice. Quoted by Maurice S. Evans, Black and White
in the Southern States, pp. 25-26.
Black and White in the Southern States, pp. 26-27. See, also, Fried-
rich Ratzel, The History of Mankind, Vol. 2, p. 295, and £lisee Reclus,
Africa, Vol. 4, p. 149.
Mixed-Blood Races 75

for future well-being, are the reasons for their race

failure. The methods of the incoming European were
sometimes not justifiable, but the hopeless weakness of
the Griqua was his undoing.

Between the races in South Africa there is a complete

separation on the basis of color. The white inhabitants
recognize no difference between the various shades of Ne-
groes, but draw an impassable color line with the whites on
one side and all grades of the colored population on the
other. 63 No colored man ever enters the house of a white
man except it be as a servant. Intermarriage, though per-
mitted in the English colonies, does not occur in South
Africa, and illicit relations between the races are pretty
effectually tabooedby an intolerant public opinion. 64 "Each
race goes its own way and lives its own life." 65 Black chil-
dren are not admitted to the schools attended by white chil-
dren, 66 with the exception of a very few mission schools to
which a few families of the poorer whites send their children
because of the low fees.
The superiority of the white man
must be maintained even at the expense of his sense of hu-

mor. 68

Bryce, Impressions of South Africa, p. 368.
M "I suppose, in the opinion of the average South African, the admix-
ture in blood of the races is the worst thing that can happen, at least
for the white race, and possibly for both ... he can see the degrada-
tion of the white man, the ambiguous position of the children, often
the resentment of the native in cases of miscegenation; ." Evans,
. .

Black and White in South East Africa, p. 223. See, also, Freraantle,
The New Nation, pp. 217-18.
Bryce, Impressions of South Africa, p. 375.
Evans, Black and White in South East Africa, p. 299.
Bryce, Impressions of South Africa, p. 378.
"Sometimes the usual relations of employer and employed are re-
versed, and a white man enters the service of a prosperous Kaffir. This
makes no difference as respects their social intercourse, and I remember
76 The Mulatto in the United States

The attitude of the white man is one of aversion towards

colored people. and despises the black. The
He dislikes

attitude of contempt is to be found in all classes though

strongest in the rougher elements. The Dutch are more
bitter than the English, and more disposed to treat the na-
tive harshly. There is no community of ideas and no sym-
pathy between the races. 69 "The black man accepts the
superiority of the white man as a part of the order of na-
ture." 70 He submits patiently to the stronger race.
But there is no serious friction between the white and the
black people of South Africa. The native is too far re-
moved from the white man to appreciate or resent the white
man's attitude. 71 The mixed-bloods, here as everywhere,
chafe against the social ostracism from the white group with
which it is their ambition to be identified, and resent the atti-
tude of the white group which identifies them with the native
side of their ancestry which they are anxious to conceal and
forget. Speaking of the half-castes Fremantle says :

... In varying degrees he possesses white blood. He

is permanently conscious of the fact that the infusion
of that blood differentiates him completely from the
natives who surround him. He feels that he has a right
to a definite place in the social structure of South
Africa, and he is embittered by finding that no such
place is accorded to him. He has a definite place in
each Colony but, as has already been stated, he is sub-
jected to different rules in the different Colonies.
South Africa, as such, does not recognize him. And he,

to have been told of a ease in which the white workman stipulated that
his employer should address him as 'Boss.' " Bryce, Impressions of
South Africa, p. 367.
"Ibid., pp. 3G5-68.
Ibid., p. 375.
Ibid., p. 375.
The New Nation, pp. 319-20.
Mixed-Blood Races 77

who ought to be a permanent support to the influence

of white rule, is tempted to turn his face backwards
to a more sympathetic understanding with that native
population from which he is, in so large a part, de-

North American Indians

The contact of the North European races with the North
American Indians more often resulted in the extermination
of the Indian by slaughter or disease, than in an amalgama-
tion of the races. During the period of settlement and colo-
nization, there generally existed a state of potential if not
of actual warfare between the races. The Indian was dis-
possessed and driven farther and farther into the interior,
rather than absorbed into the new life of the country.
However, there was from the first some intermingling of
the blood of the races which has continued to the present
day. The French mingled freely with the Algonquian tribes
both on the coast and in the interior. They furnished
fathers for the great group of present-day French-Cana-
dians. The Catholic missionaries, especially in the interior,
favored these unions and they took place to such an extent
that to-day few French families in the Missouri-Illinois
region are entirely free from any trace of Indian blood.
Of the fifteen thousand persons of French-Canadian descent

in Michigan, few are without some trace of Indian inter-

mixture. 73In Manitoba at the time of its admission to the
Dominion, there were some ten thousand mixed-bloods, the
result of the Hudson Bay Company's activities in the Cana-
dian Northwest. A considerable per cent of the mixed-
bloods of the Northwest are the descendants of English and
Scotch fathers. The Iroquois are largely mixed with both
Bureau of American Ethnology, Handbook of the American Indians.
Part I, p. 913.
78 The Mulatto in the United States

French and English blood, an appreciable amount of which

came from the captives in the wars of the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries and from their tribal institution of
adoption. In the Apache, Comanche, and other warlike
tribes of the Southwest, is also some admixture of captive
white blood. In such cases the offspring are, in a larger
percentage of cases than is elsewhere true, the children of
white mothers and Indian fathers. 74
In the early days, the unions of the whites and Indians
were usually temporary alliances formed and broken at the
pleasure of the conquering white man. Almost exclusively
they were unions between white men and Indian women. Oc-
casionally, and much more frequently during the past half
century, there have been alliances of a different sort. Edu-
cated individuals of some Indian blood and whites occasion-
ally have intermarried ; some of these unions have been
between white women and men of Indian blood. In how far
these mixed marriages have been dictated by economic mo-
tives, it is of course not possible to say. 75
At the present time the Indian population of the United
States is about forty per cent mixed-bloods, and consider-
ably over nine-tenths of the mixed-bloods are Indian-white
crosses. The actual numbers and percentages are as fol-
lows :

Indian Population, Continental United States, 1910

Per cent
Racial Ancestry Number of Total
Full blood 150,053 56.5
See Handbook of the American Indians, Part I, pp. 913-14:
Charles Alexander Eastman, "The North American Indian," Inter-
Racial Problems, pp. 367-76.
Indian Population in the United States and Alaska, United States
Census 1910, Supplement 1915, p. 31.
Mixed-Blood Races 79
80 The Mulatto in the United States
Mixed-Blood Races 81

live in a region sparsely populated by the whites. The

Croatans, a small group of composite origin, have been in
contact with the whites and Negroes since the colonial days,
in a region of relatively dense white population.
The St. Regis, a tribe of mixed Iroquoian origin living
in the state of New York, are the second most mixed
group. 80 Out of a total of 1219, there are 1140 mixed-
bloods. The Navajo, a large nomadic tribe of New Mexico
and Arizona, is next to the Hopi in the purity of their blood.
Out of a total of 22,304, there are but 99 mixed-bloods. 81
Oklahoma is the only notable exception to the rule that
the number of mixed-bloods is inversely proportional to the
number of full-bloods in the region. With a large number
of Indians, it also has a small proportion of full-bloods. In
explanation of this anomaly the report says :

. This low proportion in Oklahoma is no doubt

. .

due part to the fact that the possession of valuable

lands by the Indians encourages intermarriages be-
tween whites and Indians, and that persons with very
little Indian blood are anxious to establish their
claims as members of the Indian tribes, in order that
they may be entitled to participate in the distribution
of lands and moneys belonging to the Five Civilized
Tribes in Oklahoma.

It should also be noted that some, at least, of the Okla-

homa tribes were enormously mixed before being settled in
their present home; also that the number of white people
is relatively large in the Oklahoma region.

Indian Population in the United States and Alaska, United States
Census 1910, Supplement 1915, p. 84.
Ibid., p. 78.
Ibid., p. 32.
82 The Mulatto in the United States

The Negroes and the Indians of most tribes have freely

intermixed. There never has been any legal barrier to their
intermarriage and positively there exists some fundamental
grounds of sympathy between them. In the early days, they
were frequently slaves together associating on terms of so-
cial equality. In these cases, the Indians eventually dis-
appeared by absorption into the larger body of blacks, and
were counted with the Negro slaves. Throughout the slave
period, there is occasional mention made of slaves of mixed
Indian and Negro blood. Many of the broken coast tribes
have been completely absorbed into the Negro race. 83 All
these mixtures, however, now appear in the American mu-
latto rather than in the American Indian groups.
In certain of the tribes, notably those who formerly lived
in the Gulf States and on the Atlantic seaboard, there is

a large admixture of Negro blood. The five civilized

tribes 84 were large slave holders and, at the close of the

Civil War, they were required to free their Negro slaves and
admit them to equal Indian citizenship. There were over
twenty thousand of these adopted Negro citizens in the five

tribes in addition to those of various degrees of intermix-

The number who reported Negro blood was
of Indians
doubtless far less than the actual number. 85 The degree of
Negro blood in those reporting is relatively very much less
than the amount of white blood in the Indian-white crosses.

Handbook of
the American Indians, Part I, p. 914.

"The Seminoles at this time, 1834, owned perhaps 200 slaves, their

people had intermarried with the maroons, ." Minnie Moore-Will-

. .

son, The Seminoles of Florida, p. 14.

"The number of Negro and Indian mixed-bloods reported, 9,255, is
probably an understatement, owing to disinclination to admit Negro
blood." Indian Pojmlation in the United States and Alaska, United
States Census 1910, Supplement 1915, p. 38.

84 The Mulatto in the United States

the mixed-blood race is much nearer to the Indian than to

the white ancestry. In the case of the Negro intermixture,
the offspring incline much more to the Indian than to the
Negro type. 90
In general, the mixture of other blood with the Indian
has not given rise to a special racial problem. The in-

creasing amount of white blood in the Indian race simply

has decreased the gap between the races, not by the cre-
ation of an intermediate caste, but by a modification of
the temperament and appearance of the Indian group. 91
The mixed-blood Indian, dressed in the clothes of civilized
man, loses most of his distinctive Indian characteristics.
Moreover, a trace of Indian blood is not considered a taint
which it is necessary to conceal and of which the individual
need feel ashamed. As a consequence, the man of mixed
Indian-white ancestry who desires to do so, may escape
from the Indian group and identify himself with and become
lost in the culture group.
Most frequently, however, the half-breeds have elected to
remain with the mother race and to become the leaders of
the race. The Five Civilized Tribes are to-day far more
Anglo-Saxon than they are Indian. The Wyandots have
not a single full-blood. For over a century, to take a single
example to illustrate the status of the half-breed, every
leading man of the Cherokee Nation has had more white than
Handbook of the American Indians, Part I, p. 365.
Possibly also by causing his intellectual advance. At any rate "The
families that have made Cherokee history were nearly all of this mixed
descent. The Doughertys, Galpins, and Adairs were from Ireland; the
Rosses, Vanns, and Mclntoshes, like the McGillivrays and Graysons
among the Creeks, were of Scottish origin; the Waffords and others were
Americans from Carolina or Georgia, and the father of Sequoya was a
[Pennsylvania?] German. ." .See James Mooney, "Myths of the

Cherokee," 19th Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Part 1,

p. 83.
Mixed-Blood Races 85

Indian blood. John Ross, their most noted man, was one-
eighth Indian and seven-eighths white.
Where a race problem has appeared, it has been due in
most cases to an antipathy toward the Negro and Negro
mixtures, or to an effort on the part of these mixtures to
escape classification with the Negro race. The Croatan
Indians of North Carolina, a mixed-blood race of Negro and
white around an Indian nucleus whose identity has been
completely lost, were for years classed with the free Ne-
groes. They persistently refused to accept the classifica-
tion or to attend the Negro schools or churches, claiming
special privileges on the ground that they were descended
from native tribes and early settlers. In 1885, they were
given separate legal existence on the baseless theory that
they were descended from Raleigh's lost colony of Croatan,
and separate school provision was made for them. 93 In some
of the more distinctly Indian tribes, notably the Cherokee
and Osage, there is a bitter rivalry between the mixed-
bloods and the full-bloods, and they have formed rival fac-
tions. The Cherokees, too, draw a color line against their
Negro citizens and refuse to intermarry with them.
Handbook of the American Indians, Part I, p. 914.
They are a mixture of wasted Indian tribes, forest rovers, runaway-
slaves and other Negroes. There are a number of other similar groups,
the "Redbones" of South Carolina, the "Melungeons" of West Virginia
and East Tennessee and the "Moors" of Delaware, but like the "Cro-
atan Indians" they are rather mulatto than Indian mixtures. See Ibid.,

p. 365.



THE foregoing summary review of the origin and status

of the chief half-caste races has necessarily been brief
and more or less unsatisfactory. It does not include a
sketch of all such groups, and makes no pretense of being
an adequate treatment of any.
Little more can be done, however, in the present state of
knowledge concerning these peoples. Of the score or more
of mixed-blood races scarcely one has been made the sub-
ject of objective scientific study. 1 The whole work on this
important subject remains to be done. Any wide observa-
tion or comparison, or any thoroughgoing analysis of a
single situation, has not been made.
The little that is known concerning most of these racial
groups comes from the reports of travelers and officials who
Dr. Eugen Fischer's Die Behobother Bastards und das Ba-stardie-
rungs problem beim Menschen is the only adequate, objective, scientific
study that has been made of the amalgamation of two diverse racial
groups. Fischer's general conclusion is to the effect that the interbreed-
ing of the first generation of bastards and their crossing with the pure
parent races have given rise to a group in which the physical charac-
ters of the pure-blood parent races reappear in endlessnew combinations
and that no new race with approximately uniform characters has arisen.
On the mental side the bastards show an intellectual capacity and varia-
bility superior to that of the Negro side of their ancestry but are as
lacking in the mental energy and fixedness of the European as is the
full-blood primitive group. Fischer's general position would seem to be
that two diverse races cannot amalgamate to a new ethnic unity. See
note 6, p. 13 above.

The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 87

are dealing primarily with other matters. These observers

frequently disagree concerning even the most obvious objec-
tive facts. Their opportunity to observe generally is limited
they see one phase of a situation, seldom the whole. More-
over, individual interest determines what the non-scientific
observer of a social situation will see. His preconceptions
lead him to see the things for which he is looking. His prej-
udice may prevent him from giving an unbiased report of
what he observes if, indeed, it does not actually prevent him
from seeing certain facts of first-rate importance. Sweep-
ing generalizations are made on the basis of the most par-
tial and inadequate observation. Seldom is any account
taken of the part played by different factors at work in
the situation. The amental influences behind the observed
conditions are never gotten at and there is seldom a con-
sciousness on the part of the writers that such influences

On the basis of such data as are available, the object has

been to give in brief space as accurate a statement as pos-
sible concerning the main facts of the miscegenation of the
advanced and backward races for the light that such a com-
parison w ould throw on the mulatto type and problem ex-

isting in the United States. Incomplete as are the data, and

tentative as the conclusions must consequently be, enough
has been said to reveal the fact that the mulatto is the key
to the racial situation. Any scientific study of a race prob-
lem that fails to take account of the man
of mixed ancestry
and the special and important part he plays, falls short of
a complete anatysis of the situation. Any program of ra-
cial adjustment that does not recognize and provide for this
special factor fails at the most vital point. Broadly speak-
ing, the review seems to bear out the conclusion that in its
acute and troublesome form, the "race problem" is the prob-
The Mulatto in the United States

lein of the mulatto.

It remains for this section to summarize in general terms
certain facts in regard to the origin, growth, and status of
the mixed-blood races ; to point out certain similarities in
the psychological type developed, and to show the sociologi-
cal problem that the type creates.
In every case the half-caste races have arisen as the
result of illicit relations between the men of the superior
and the women of the inferior race. In India it was the
Portuguese and later the English men who mixed with the
native women ; in was the Danish men and the
Greenland it

native women on the Labrador coast it was the English


fishermen and the native women in Brazil it was the Portu-


guese immigrant men with the native and later with the
Negro women; in other parts of South America and the
Spanish West Indies, it was the Spanish males with the
native and later with the Negro females; in Haiti it was
the French settlers with the Negro women, and so it has
been in all other cases. There is no mixed-blood race which
is the result of intermarriage between culturally unequal
races and none w here the mothers of the half-castes are not

of the culturally inferior race.

While all the advanced races have, under certain condi-
tions, mixed with the women of the lower races they have
not done so with anything like equal readiness. Of the
white races, the Spanish and the Portuguese have mixed
most easily and in largest numbers. They have mixed,
moreover, with almost equal readiness with the Malay, the
American Indian, and the African Negress; and with less
repugnance than any other people with whom these lower
races have come in contact. "They had never acquired, or
Sir Harry H. Johnston, "Racial Problems and the Congress of Races,
Contemporary Review, Vol. 100, p. 159.
The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 89

had lost as the result of experience, any aversion to race

mixture." 3
The French mixed readily with the American
Indians but in contact with the Negroes in Haiti they
mixed relatively little. The English have crossed with all
the lower races, but much more slowly than have the Latin
peoples. Moreover, the English mix less readily with the
Negroes than with the Indians, and more slowly with these
than with certain of the brown races. Bryce summarizes
the situation in these words :

. . . Roughly speaking ... we may say that while

all the races of the same, or a similar, colour inter-
marry freely, those of one colour intermarry very
littlewith those of another. This is most marked as
between the white and the black races. The various
white races are, however, by no means equally averse
to such unions. Among the Arabs and Turks the
sense of repulsion from negroes is weakest, The . . .

South European races, though disinclined to such un-

A. G. Keller, Colonization, pp. 104, 216, 219. See, also, H. C. Morris,
The History of Colonization, Vol. 1, p. 249.
B. L. Putnam Weale [Weale is the pseudonym of Mr. B. L. Simp-
son], "The Conflict of Color," World's Work, Vol. 19, p. 12,328, points out
the same preference on the part of the Chinese. They mate readily
with "many varieties of brown maidens" but avoid the black. See, also,
U. G. Weatherly, "A World Wide Color Line," Popular Science Monthly,
Vol. 79, p. 480.
James Bryce, Relations of Advanced and Backward Races, pp. 18-
19. See, also, Bryce, "Migrations of the Races of Men," Contemporary
Review, Vol. 62, p. 130. ". Whether in each case of dispersion
. .

the migrating population becomes fused with that which it finds, depends
chiefly on the difference between the level of civilization of the two
races." Luis Cabrera, "The Mexican Revolution Its Causes, Purposes —
and Results," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science, Supplement, Jan. 1917, p. 5, states the order of ease with which
civilized races fuse with the Mexican mixed-blood race as follows: 1.

Spanish and Italian, 2. German, 3. French, and 4. American and Eng-

lish. The first two races "nearly always" blend; the last two "hardly
90 The Mulatto in the United States

ions, do not wholly eschew them. ... In modern times

the Spanish settlers in the Antilles and South America,
and the Portuguese in Brazil, as well as on the East
and West coasts of Africa, have formed many unions
with negro women, as the Spaniards have done with
the Malayan Tagals in the Philippines, and the Por-
tuguese with the Hindus in Malabar. There is to-day
a negro strain in many of the whites of Cuba, and a
still stronger one in the whites of Brazil. The aver-
sion to color reaches its maximum among the Teutons.
The English in North America and the West Indies
indeed, during the days of slavery, become the
parents of a tolerably large mixed population, as did
the Dutch in South Africa. But they scarcely ever
intermarried with the free coloured people: ... So
the English in India have felt a like aversion to mar-
riages with native women, and even such illicit con-
nections as were not rare a century ago are now sel-
dom found.
Where a white race comes into contact with the so-
called "red" or "yellow" race the sense of re-
. . .

pulsion is much less pronounced. The English settlers

intermarry, though less frequently than the French
did, with the aborigines of America. The Span- . . .

iards have been still less fastidious. All over Central

and South America they have become commingled with
the aborigines, especially, as was natural, with the
more advanced tribes. . . .

Another element that conditions the amount of miscegena-

tion that takes place between the members of two divergent
races is the class of the superior race that comes into con-
tact with the native race. In most of the early contacts of
the white race with the darker races, the white race has been
represented by its adventurer and outcast classes. In Cen-

"Most race crossing has occurred on the outskirts of civilization, ." . .

Earl Finch, "The Effects of Racial Miscegenation," Inter-Racial Prob-

The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 91

tral and South America, the adventurers and the clergy

were reinforced by convicts sentenced to death or mutila-
tion who had their sentences commuted on condition that
they emigrate to the colonies. Greenland was practically
a Danish penal colony with a forced immigration of orphan
boys to recruit the teaching force and the inferior clergy.
South Africa was made the dumping ground for Asiatic
convicts. Portugal unloaded on her Brazilian colony not
only her convicts but her prostitutes as well. Aside from
the criminal and the vicious, however, the military and the
adventurer classes are hardly more typical of the moral
sense of a community, but they usually have been the first
representatives of the superior race with whom the nature
peoples have come in contact.
Of more importance, perhaps, than either race or class
considerations is the matter of the presence or the absence
of women of the higher race. In the absence of their own
women, men of all divisions of the white race have inter-
mixed, though not with equal readiness, with the women of
the lower races. Where women have been present some in-
termixture has still gone on, but never in the wholesale way
that characterizes the trading, as distinguished from the
settlement, colony. It is —
to this fact the presence or ab-
sence of women of the culture race— that Keller seems in-
clined to attribute the differences in the amount of inter-
mixture with the native races in the North American and

the South American colonies. White women were present

in the former ; and few in number, or entirely absent, in the

Urns, p. 111. See, also, Felix von Luschan, "Anthropological View of

Race," Inter-Racial Problems, p. 23.
Colonization, p. 14. See, also, E. A. Ross, South of Panama, pp.
109 ff.

92 The Mulatto in the United States


Comparison is likewise challenged in respect to mar-

riage and the family. The fundamental factors which
rendered the conditions of the tropical colonies so dif-
ferent from those, say, of the New England settle-
ments, were the great preponderance of males, and the
feeble economic efficiency of such females as were pres-
ent. The former factor led to formal celibacy, inter-
mixture of races, and aberrations all but unknown in
societies of the other type, —
all this amounting to
a negation of matrimony in the sense characteristic of
the temperate colony. The other factor, economic in-
efficiency, minimized the importance of woman's status
the materfamilias had no such independent and influ-
ential position in the tropics as in the cooler regions.
And where woman was absent or of little significance,
there could be little of the family life and solidarity
characteristic of many settlement colonies. . . .

With the increase of women and the consequent equalizing

of the sexes of the white race, the miscegenation with the
native women everywhere has tended to decrease. But the
coming of women, usually as the members of immigrating
families, has meant, also, a change in the class of men who
were immigrating to the colony. It has indicated that the
settler and the home seeker was displacing the adventurer
so that a difference in the sexual relations of the races is

to be expected quite apart from whatever influence the pres-

ence of women might have.
It is sometimes held that the institution of slavery was
responsible for the origin of the mixed-blood races through
the compulsory concubinage of the slave women by the mas-
ter class. But mixed-blood races have arisen where the in-
stitution of slavery has not prevailed. The North American
Indians were never successfully enslaved, yet they have in-
termixed with ever} other race with whom they have come

in contact. The same fact is to be noted in other regions

The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 93

Slavery did not exist in Greenland, nor in the Philippines,

nor in India or elsewhere in Asia. The simple fact of the
case seems to be that the women of the lower races every-
where seek sex relations with the men of the superior race
or caste. Ratzel 8 comments upon "the ease with which
Malay women form transitory alliances with foreigners,"

and adds that "nearly all the so-called Chinese women in

Banca are half-breeds from Malayan mothers." Keller
says of the Eskimo women that "illicit relations with white
men are rather a glory than a disgrace." Of the Indian
women, Lee is the seducer and it is the proudest
says "she
moment of herwhen she has allied herself with a man
of a superior race," while Crooke points out the fact
that a failure on the part of girls of certain castes to at-
tract the attention and have sex relations with men of
a higher class ruins their chances to secure husbands in
their own group, and that for a girl to claim such an honor
falsely is legal grounds for divorce on the part of the out-
raged husband. 12 It seems to be the usual situation every-
where that the women of the lower races or the lower castes
desire, seek, feel honored by the attention of the higher class
men, and are enormously proud of their light-skinned, half-
caste children. The effect of slavery, so far as any effect

can be shown, seems to be to lessen the amount of inter-

mixture by separating and restraining the vicious elements,
and so preventing an indiscriminate sexual relation.

Once started, the half-caste races everywhere increase

Friedrich Ratzel, The History of Mankind, Vol. 1, p. 438.
Colonization, p. 515.
Mary Helen Lee, The Eurasian: A Social Problem, p. 5.
W. Crooke, "The Stability of Caste and Tribal Groups in India,"

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 44, pp. 270-81.

Edward Westermarck, The History of Human Marriage, pp. 65-67,
76-77, 81.
94< The Mulatto in the United States

rapidly in numbers and always at the expense of the back-

ward race. Illicit relations between the half-breed women
and the men of the superior race are the normal situation
after the mixed-blood race has become sufficiently large to
allow the forces of sexual selection to operate. The half-

breed men in their turn prey upon the women of the pure-
blood native race. Both result in additions to the mulatto
group. Moreover, the marriage of the mixed-blood indi-

viduals is in nearly every case with their own or a lighter

color, hence the natural, legitimate increase is normal or
nearly so.

In some cases, especially after the earlier crosses have

produced a somewhat choicer type of female, there has come
to besome intermarriage. A small number of Danes form
temporary marriage unions with the mixed-blood Eskimo
women in Greenland, though the women and children are de-
serted when the man retires from official life. The unions
of the Chinese with the native women in the Philippines is

a form of marriage very similar to that practiced by the

Danes and Eskimo women of Greenland. There is some
intermarriage between the middle-class or low-class w hites T

and the mixed-breed races of Latin America. In Brazil the

wealthy and near-white mulattoes and metis sometimes
marry immigrant and other white women. Occasionally
among the Indian tribes in the United States, are to be

would be quite normal except for the illegitimate children that
the women of the mixed-blood race bear to white men. These, how-
ever, cannot all be counted as substitutes for children of a mixed-blood
father. They are usually born before the girl forms a regular sexual
union with one of her own class and are in general to be looked upon as
extra-matrimonial additions to the class. Such relations seem generally
not to be a bar to the girl forming a regular matrimonial alliance with
one of her own class and in some cases at least gives her a decided
The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 95

found white men and women married to wealthy Indians and

In most of these situations if not in all, intermarriage is

the exception and not the rule. Where it takes place, the
compelling motive is to be looked for in the economic status
of the colored man or woman, in the scarcity of women of
the advanced race, or in a combination of the two. In all

other situations, mixed marriages are very rare though iso-

lated cases occur in all countries. All in all, the number
of mixed marriages that occur in any country with an ad-
vanced race and a backward race in the population, is very
trivial as compared to the amount of amalgamation that
takes place between the races outside the marriage bond.
In general, the half-breed children are disowned by their
fathers though this is not always the case. Where the
unions take the form of a fairly permanent marriage, as
with some of the Danish-Eskimo and many of the Chinese-
Malay unions, the offspring are acknowledged and cared
for. The Chinaman is even said to be inordinately proud
of his half-breed progeny. In the colonial days, the Span-
ish and the Portuguese in South America in some cases
acknowledged their mixed-blood offspring by the Negro and
native women, and provided for their education and train-
ing. In general, however, the child followed the status of
the mother. 14 The French in Canada in the colonial days
often showed much fondness for their offspring by the In-
dian women. In Haiti their unions with the Negro women
were of a casual sort ; the fathers showed little concern for
their mulatto progeny. The British never have acknowl-

"The amalgamation of the negroes by the Mohammedans is facili-

tated particularly by the institution of polygamy, the conquerors taking

native wives, and raising their children as members of their own fam-
ily." Franz Boaz, The Mind of Primitive Man, p. 15.
96 The Mulatto in the United States

edged their offspring by a lower race. In India and the

sea-port cities of Asia, the offspring in many cases are the
result of a casual meeting; the father may not know his
offspring or even know of their existence. In general it may
be said that individual fathers, more frequently in some
places than in others, have acknowledged and cared for
their half-caste children but that this has at no time or
place been the rule.
The status of the mixed-blood race tends to differ from
that of either of the parent races. It is not everywhere the
same, however, and the status of a single group is not the
same at different times. The operation of the two prime
factors — the racial differences and the cultural differences
of the pure-blood groups — is modified by historical factors
and by the prevailing social situation.
There are almost infinite gradations of both color and
culture. There are, however, four different combinations
in which these factors may appear. The two races in con-
tact in a given geographical situation may be practically
alike both as to color and as to culture. There may be an
essential equality of culture, but a wide diversity in color
or other physical characteristics. They may be widely
different as to cultural development, yet essentially alike as
to color and other ethnic characters. Finally they may di-
verge both in cultural and in racial characteristics. The
inter-racial situation differs in each case and the status of
the half-caste race likewise differs. The first situation ordi-
narily docs not give rise to a lasting racial problem. The
third case may or may not do so. In the second, a char-
acteristic form of the race problem appears. It is in the
fourth, however, problem emerges in its most
that the
characteristic present day form and presents the most
troublesome social situation. Each of the phases will be
The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 97

noted in turn.
Of the innumerable bastard races produced by the com-
mingling of primitive groups, none seems to have acquired
a distinct status in the community life. Where there ex-
ist no fundamental differences in culture and no wide ethnic

divergence, there soon comes to be an intermingling of the

cultures of the two groups in contact, or a cultural assim-
ilation of the one by the other. As friendly intercourse
increases, the original separation on race lines gives way
little by little to a class division. The individuals of mixed
ancestry who practically always appear are a help in this
direction. They serve as a tie between the originally hostile
groups and their lack of a distinctive appearance militates
against their being made into a special class in the com-
munity. In the process of racial amalgamation, the group
of lesser numerical strength presently loses itself within the
larger —becomes
an integral part of the community with- —
out greatly altering the ethnic type of the larger group.
Where the numerical strength of the two groups is more
nearly equal, the intermixture of the two races leads to the
formation of a homogeneous hybrid race in which the dis-
tinctive features of the parent races blend and disappear.
Between closely related ethnic groups, as different branches
of the same race, intermarriage is governed by much the
same rules as govern the marriage of individuals within
the same branch. It is a question of association and of
sufficient time to allow of mutual understanding and appre-

Oppenheimer, 15 discussing the formation of the primitive
state through the subjugation of one group by another
and their gradual reduction to an ethnic and cultural unity,

"Franz Oppenheimer, The State; Its History and Development

Viewed Sociologically pp. 80-81.
98 The Mulatto in the United States


. . The two groups, separated to begin with, and


then united on one territory, are at first merely laid

along side one another like a mechanical mixture, as
the term is used in chemistry, until gradually they
become more and more of a "chemical combination."
They intermingle, unite, amalgamate to unity, in cus-
toms and habits, in sjjeech and worship. Soon the
bonds of relationship unite the upper and the lower
strata. In nearly all cases the master class picks the
handsomest virgins from the subject races for its con-
cubines. A race of bastards thus develops, sometimes
taken into the ruling class, sometimes rejected, and
then because of the blood of the masters in their veins,
becoming the born leaders of the subject race. In form
and content the primitive state is completed.

Where each of the two races in contact possesses a cul-

ture and a civilization, yet differ markedly in physical ap-
pearance, the mixed-blood race tends to become an outcast
group. A distinctive physical appearance makes it impos-
sible for the hybrids to pass as individuals of either race.
They cannot rise, as a group, superior to either of the par-
ent races. Both races despise and reject them.
This appears to be the status of the Eurasian of India
and of the various European-Asiatic half-castes. The Ori-
entals, as the East Indians, have a civilization in which they
believe, and a pride of race that is often more intolerant

than that of the Caucasian. They do not consciously ad-

mit the superiority of European culture. The civilizations
are not serially arranged ; one is not so much higher than
the other as that they are different civilizations. In this
situation there no place for the half-castes. They are

neither Asiatic nor European. They are accepted by

neither race and they can rise superior to neither.
The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 99

Where the two peoples, essentially alike as to ethnic char-

acters but different as to cultural development are brought
into close contact and association, a permanent race prob-
lem may or may not arise. Even though color and other
physical features are not sufficiently divergent to create,
or serve as a basis for, an antipathy ; the peoples may be
so tempermentally constituted as to make it impossible for
them to arrive at any mutually satisfactory working rela-
tions. Their interests may so clash as to keep them even
from approaching anything like kindly feeling and unity
of purpose. Their political ideas may diverge. Their re-
ligious beliefs may differ. Their distinctive manners, cus-
toms, and habits of life may be at variance. The differ-
ences raay be so marked that toleration may be impossible
and accommodation come about only by the elimination of
the one or the other or a more or less complete separation
along racial lines. The established customs and the habits
of thought and action, differences in speech, dress, religion,
and the like that set them off as a distinct people, may be
nursed and deified and every effort made to prevent assimi-
lation of the one by the other. This, however, is the prob-
lem of the immigrant ; it is the problem of nationalities. It,
for the most part, falls outside the present discussion. The
half-races that appear, differ too slightly from either of
the parent races for them to be easily distinguishable. In-
dividuals may therefore pass in either group and be judged
according to their personal ability and worth. They do
not represent a type. Individual initiative and opportunity
are the things required to raise the individual to a higher

When color differences coincide with differences in culture

levels, then color becomes symbolic and each individual is

automatically classified by the racial uniform he wears.

100 The Mulatto in the United States

If the proportions of the two groups be such that the racial

purity and cultural traits of one group are potentially
threatened, the initial conflict may down into a
chronic state of racial contempt or hatred. The more
widely the races differ in appearance, culture, language, re-
ligion, anything that serves to distinguish them, the more
bitter will be the feeling existing between them. The more
unalterable the differences, the more permanent will be their
mutually hostile attitude. The greater the danger the back-
ward group is felt to be to civilized standards, the greater
will be the intolerance of the culture group. 16
Where the two groups in a racial situation thus have
differed widely both in culture and in color, they everywhere
have tended toward an adjustment on the basis of superi-
ority and subordination. The Portuguese and the Spanish
enslaved or exterminated the natives of the West Indies and
on the mainland of South America. In the Philippines, the
Spanish subjugated the native Moros. The Danes reduced
theEskimos to a dependent status. The settlers of North
America exterminated the Indians or drove them into the
interior as did the English settlers in Australia. The Negro
has been reduced to the status of a slave by every people
with whom the race has come in contact.
Where the status of one race is absolutely inferior to that
of the other and the social separation complete, the adjust-
ment of the races is frequently a harmonious one. The ac-
commodation of the races under a slave regime, for exam-
ple, is in general marked by a singular lack of racial fric-
tion. Under the condition of freedom with its consequent
greater differentiation within the ranks of the backward
group, the racial superiority and inferiority become less

See Bryce, Relations of Advanced and Backward Races. See, also,
AVeatherly, Popular Science Monthly, pp. 478-79.
The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 101

absolute and the social separation less complete. Friction

arises and prejudice becomes active when, and to the ex-
tent that, the unlike races come into association and com-
Where there has been this absolute separation of supe-
rior and inferior groups, the half-castes, as a class, have
tended to acquire a distinct status in the life of the com-
munity. This status is, in general, above that of the col-
ored race, and inferior to the position occupied by the dom-
inant race. They everywhere tended to become a middle
class between the races and a connecting link between the
extremes of the population. In the Philippines, the Spanish
mestizo stood midway, socially, between the parent ele-

ments. 17 The Chinese-Moro half-breed was superior to the

Moro and not markedly inferior to the Chinese. The same
midway position was reached by the mulatto races of the
English possessions, 18 the metis of Brazil, 19 the mixed-blood
race of South Africa and the various Indian-white mix-
tures in Mexico and in Central and South America. 21
This tendency of the mixed-blood group to rise superior
to their racial status generally has been modified by the cir-

cumstances of the social situation. In South Africa, be-

cause of their numerical insignificance and because of the
racial intolerance of the small white group, 22 the tendency

"Carl Crow, "What About the Filipinos?", World's Work, Vol. 26,
p. 519.
W. P. Livingstone, "The West-Indian and American Negro," North
American Review, Vol. 185, p. 646.
Jean Baptiste de Lacerda, "The Metis, or Half Breeds, of Brazil,"
Inter-Racial Problems, p. 381.
Maurice S. Evans, Black and White in South East Africa; A Study
in Sociology, pp. 298 ff.
James Bryce, South America; Observations and Impressions, pp.
481, 492. Ross, South of Panama, pp. 29-30, 40-41, 92, 111.
M This intolerant attitude finds its explanation in the fact that the
102 The Mulatto in the United States

was to thrust them back upon the lower race. In Brazil and
in general throughout Spanish America, the numerical

strength of the mixed-blood group, in the presence of a

relatively weak sense of either race or national pride on the
part of the ruling group, has enabled them to claim social
recognition from the whites. In some cases, they appar-
ently have risen to the upper class standards ; in other
cases, they have debased the higher standards to Ahe level
of the mongrel group. In Jamaica the insignificant number
of the ruling race has counseled the "divide and rule" policy.
The natural tendency of the mulatto to rise above the blacks
has been fostered, while a rigid separation from the whites
has been maintained. Thus they occupy a distinct middle-
class status in the community life. 23
Psychologically, the mulatto is an unstable type.
In the thinking of the white race, the mulattoes generally
are grouped with the backward race and share with them
the contempt and dislike of the dominant group. Nowhere
are they accepted as social equals. The discrimination va-
ries all the way from the more or less successfully concealed

contempt of the Brazilian white for the socially ambitious

whites were a small, isolated group in the presence of an overwhelming

number of primitive peoples. "That cry, which unceasingly for genera-
tions has rung out from the Boer woman's elbow-chair, 'My children,
never forget that you are white men! Do always as you have seen
your father and mother do !' was no cry of weak conservatism, fearful of
change; itwas the embodiment of the passionate determination of a
great, little people, not to lose the little
it possessed and so sink in the

scale of being. To laugh at the conservatism of the Boer is to laugh

at the man who, floating above a whirlpool, clings fiercely with one hand
to the only outstretching rock he can reach, and who will not relax his
hold on it by one finger, till he has found something firmer to grasp."
Olive Schrcincr, "The African Boer," Cosmopolitan, Vol. 29, p. 602.
Their caste feeling of superiority tends to keep them a separate type.
See Finch, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 110.
The Mulatto: the Key to the Race Problem 103

metis, to the open and bitter hatred of the South African

for the "coloured man" and the Native boy, but it seems to
be present everywhere. The origin of the half-castes was
everywhere an irregular one; this is a point about which
prejudice can always center. Their nearer approach in
physical appearance to the white type is simply taken as
evidence of additional irregularities in ancestry. The two
things — the lower ancestry and the presumption of a du-
bious origin — are the focal points about which the white
man's contempt for the mixed-blood group centers.
By the native race, the mixed-blood group is generally
accepted as superior. The possession of white blood is an
evidence of superiority. The ancestral blot excites no prej-
udice. The mulattoes are envied because of their color and
enioy a prestige among the darker group because of it.
>Between these two groups, one admiring and the other
despising, stand the mixed-bloods. In their own estimation,
they are neither the one nor the other. They despise the
lower race with a bitterness born of their degrading asso-
ciation with it, and which is all the more galling because it

needs must be concealed. They everywhere endeavor to es-

cape it and to conceal and forget their relationship to it.

They are uncertain of their own worth ; conscious of their

superiority to the native they are nowhere sure of their
equality with the superior group. They envy the white,
aspire to equalit}^ with them, and are embittered when the
realization of such ambition is denied them. They are a
dissatisfied and an unhappy group.
It is this discontented and psychologically unstable group
which gives rise to the acute phases of the so-called race
problem. The members of the primitive group, recognizing
the hopelessness of measuring up to the standards of the
white race, are generally content and satisfied with their
104 The Mulatto in the United States

lower status andhappy among their own race. It is the

mixed-blood man who is dissatisfied and ambitious. The
real race problem before each country whose population
is divided into an advanced and a backward group, is to
determine the policy to be pursued toward the backward
group. The acute phase of this is to determine the policy
to be adopted toward the mixed-bloods. To reject the
claims and to deny the ambition of the mulattos may cause
them to turn back upon the lower race. In this case, they
may become the intellectual leaven to raise the race to a
higher cultural level, or they may become the agitators who
create discord and strife between the pure-blood races. To
form them into a separate caste between the races, is to
lessen the clash between the extreme types and, at the same
time, to deprive the members of the lower race of their chance
to advance in culture by depriving them of their natural,
intellectual leaders. To admit the ambition of the mulattoes
to be white and to accept them into the white race on terms
of individual merit, means ultimately a mongrelization of
yvthe population and a cultural level somewhere between that

represented by the standards of the two groups.

The actual policy that has been adopted towards the
mixed-blood race in different countries and the consequent
role that the mulatto plays in different situations will be
made the subject of a later chapter. 24
The tentative conclusions here reached by a review of
the mixed-blood races outside the American mulatto group,
will be further verified or modified by a closer investigation

into the origin, growth, status, and role of the mulatto in

the United States.
Chapter 12.


Negro-white crosses, the characteristic negroid feat-

INures persist with noticeably greater relative tenacity
than do the characteristic Caucasian features. 1 In the
mixed-blood population, therefore, the great majority of
those individuals in whom Negro blood predominates pass as
Negroes of pure blood, while in crosses where the white blood
largely predominates, the Negro characteristics are still
quite noticeable.As a result, that part of the population
commonly classed as mulatto contains far more white than
Negro blood, and the actual number of mixed-bloods is
Boaz, in studying Indian-white crosses, found similar results. "We
find . .the remarkable fact that the Indian type has a stronger in-

fluence upon the offspring than the white type. The same fact is ex-
pressed in the great frequency of dark hair and of dark eyes among
the half-breeds." Franz Boaz, "The Half-Breed Indian," Popular Sci-
ence Monthly, Vol. 45, p. 768. See, also, The Mind of Primitive Man,
pp. 78 ff; and "Zur Anthropologic der nordamerikanischen Indianer."
Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologic, Ethnologie
und Urgeschichte. 27:366 ff.; and F. von Luschan, "Die Tachtadschy u.
andere Ueberreste der Bevolkerung Lykiens," Archiv fur An-
thropologic, 19:31 ff., who same fact as regards the mixed
points out the
population of Southern Asia Minor. See James Oliver, "The Hereditary
Tendency to Twinning," Eugenics Review, Vol. 4, p. 40.
H. Gregoire estimated that five generations with no Negro blood after
the original cross were necessary to make it possible for a Negro to
pass as a white man. Literature of Negroes, p. 29. "Where the pro-
portion is less than one-eighth of African blood the distinction of class
begins to be obscured, . . ." The Compendium of the Seventh Census of
the United States, 1850, p. 62.
106 The Mulatto in the United States

likely to be greater than a set of census figures shows. 3 The

desire, too, of the Negroes themselves to claim as full-blood
all dark mulattoes of prominence tends further to obscure
the facts.
Moreover, the actual statistics of race intermixture in
the United States are of the most meager sort, and those
available are not always wholly dependable. This more

especially the case as investigation is pushed toward the

beginning of the group. The only general statistics are
those of the Federal Censuses of 1850, 1860, 1870, 1890
and 1910. No other general census made a distinction in
the returns between the full-blood and the mixed-blood Ne-
groes. Prior to 1850, that is for four-fifths of the period
that the Negro has been in America, there are only occa-
sional estimates and partial statistical reports of sections,
states, or cities made for special purposes.
The institution of slavery is indigenous to Africa, and
the slave trade has been carried on there since time imme-
morial. At the time of the American colonization and de-
velopment, the traffic in African slaves, captured on the
West Coast, or purchased from the native African slave
C. K. Needham, "A Comparison of Some Conditions in Jamaica with
those in the United States," Journal of Face Development, Vol. 4, p.
192, calls attention to the fact that in Jamaica the samhos individuals —
ahout three-fourths Negro hlood — usually do not return themselves as
mixed bloods. It is notorious that in this country many brown Negroes
call themselves full bloods and so pass in their group. It is the excep-
tional Negro, of course, who knows what his ancestry was for more than a
generation. See, for example, William Pickens, The Heir of Slaves, p. 4.
In South America and Central America and Mexico the statistics are
wholly unreliable as the tendency is for every one to call himself white

if he has any trace of white blood. See p. 47 above.

as distinguished from full-blooded ne-
"The censuses of mulattoes,
and 1890, though subject to a far greater
groes, taken in 1850, 18G0, 1870
and wholly indeterminate probable error, have shown a general agree-
ment of results." United States Census, 1890, Population, Vol. I, Part
1, p. 185.
Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 107

dealers, was an important and profitable business carried

on with the sanction of the more important nations of
Europe. American colonization opened a new market for
the slave dealers and slavery was introduced into most of
the colonies almost as soon as they were founded. 6 Georgia
was the only exception. This colony started with ordi-
nances against the institution, but political pressure from
the mother country, combined with business competition
and social pressure at home, overcame the first intention so
that slavery was introduced into the colony and legalized
seventeen years after its founding.
For a century there was a very slow increase in the
number of Negroes in the colonies. 7 Increased importa-
tions began after about the middle of the eighteenth cen-
tury, and the number of Negro slaves grew rapidly. For
three-quarters of a century, the natural increase was being
constantly added to by an ever and ever greater importa-
tion. The actual number of importations, as well as the
actual number of slaves, can only be estimated. 8
Virginia IG19; Massachusetts before 1633; Connecticut from the first

settlement of the colony; Maryland 1634 or earlier; Delaware probably

in 1636; Georgia 1749; Rhode Island and each of the remaining colonies
had slaves from their founding.
The Compendium of the Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
p. 83, quotes from Mr. Carey's work on the Slave Trade as follows:
". .the trade in negro slaves to the American colonies was too small

before 1753 to attract attention."

Carey's estimate of slave importations:
Prior to 1715 30,000
1715—1750 90,000
1751—1760 35,000
1761—1770 74,000
1771—1790 34,000
1791—1808 70,000

Total 333,000

"It is claimed, however, that this total is too small, and that a closer

108 The Mulatto in the United States

The number of the Negroes was very different in the dif-

ferent colonies, though there was an increase in number in
all sections of the country until at least the middle of the
century. "At the beginning of the eighteenth century,
negro slavery was considered by the settlers of the colonies
as a usual in the New England
and routine matter, and
and Middle Colonies, as well as in the South, the possession
of slaves was generally accepted as an evidence of wealth
and importance in the community." 9 By the middle of the
century it existed by legal sanction in each of the colonies. 10
estimate would bring the number to 370,000 or even 400,000." "Mr.
Carey's figures indicate that the average annual importation was about
2,500 between 1715 and 1750, and 3,500 for the period between 1751
and The following decade was the period of greatest activity, the
importations reaching an average of 7,400 a year. For the 20 years from
1771 to 1790 the average fell to 1,700, but for the period immediately
preceding the legal abolition of the slave traffic in the United States
it was more than double that number." A Century of Population
Growth, United States Census, 1890, p. 36.
• Ibid., p. 37.
Slave population
Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 109

The crossing of the races began from the very first in-

troduction of the Negroes into the country. The first law

in regard to slavery was an act not to establish, or even
to provide a legal basis for, the institution but to "fix a
rule by which the status of mulatto children could be de-
termined." 11 This was in 1662, forty-three years after
the Dutch traders had sold to the planters of Jamestown
the first African Negroes brought to America. The total
population at the time probably did not exceed one thou-
sand. 12
In Maryland the first statute concerning slavery was in
1663. had for its object the deterring of English

women from marrying with slaves and had to do with the

offspring of Negro slaves who had intermarried, or in the
future should intermarry, with white women. This was
twenty years after the first introduction of slavery into the
Massachusetts already was requiring military service of
certain classes of her free Negroes and mulattoes by 1707,
though the total number of Negroes at the time scarcely
exceeded half a thousand, most of whom had come in dur-
ing the quarter of a century just preceding. Intermix-

J. H.The Free Negro in Virginia, p. 19.
"In number was about 300; in 1670 it was given
1648 the as 2,000.

See Chambers, American Colonies, Vol. 2, p. 7.

Slavery seems to have been mentioned incidentally in a law pro-
posed in 1638. See J. W. Cromwell, The Negro in American History,
p. 3.
"Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 240.
In 16T6 there were said to be some two hundred Negroes, chiefly

from Guinea and Madagascar in the colony. Four years later Governor
Bradstreet estimated that ". there may be within our Government
. .

about one hundred or one hundred and twenty there are very few. . .

blacks borne here. ." In 1708 Governor Dudley estimated the num-
. .

ber at 550. G. H. Moore, Notes on the History of Slavery in Massa-

110 The Mulatto in the United States
ture must have begun early in order that there could be
a body of mixed-bloods at this time sufficiently numerous
to be made the object of legislative enactment. Eleven
years later, another act was passed having for its object
the fixing of the status of mulatto slaves and mulattoes
who were servants for a term of years.
In Pennsylvania intermixture was already going on be-
fore the colonywas ceded to William Penn in 1681. A white
servant was indicted in 1677 for having sexual intercourse
with a Negro. 10 A settlement in Sussex County bore the
name of "Mulatto Hall." 17 In 1698 the County Court of
Chester County forbade the mixture of races. 18 Again in

1722, a woman was punished for "abetting a clandestine

marriage between a white woman and a negro." The
same year the Assembly received a petition praying for re-
lief from the "wicked and scandalous practice of Negroes

cohabiting with white people. 20 A general law of 1725-26

forbade the mixture of the races. By the close of the colo-
nial period, one hundred years after the colony was ceded
to William Penn, — 1681 —the mulattoes constituted twenty
per cent of the slave population of Chester County. Nearly
half the Negroes in Pennsylvania were free at that time. 21
The percentage of mulattoes was doubtless greater among
them than among the total Negro population or among
the slaves.
What was true in this respect in regard to Virginia, Mary-
land, and Pennsylvania was equally true of the other colo-

chusetts, pp. 49 ff. See, also, Williams, History of the Negro Ra.ce in
America, Vol. 1, pp. 183, 184.
E. R. Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, p. 29.
Ibid., p. 30.
» Ibid., p. 30.
Ibid., p. 30.
Ibid., p. 30.
In 1790 the slaves numbered 3,707 and the free Negroes 6,531. A
Century of Population Growth, pp. 222-23.
Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 111

nies. In New York, in 1706, twenty-two years after the

first introduction of Negroes, mulattoes were sufficiently
numerous to be made the subject of legislative enactment.
Connecticut began her black code in 1690 by passing a
series of measures in which mulattoes were enumerated with

Negroes and Indians. 22 The first act of Rhode Island was

one recognizing the manumitting or setting free of mulatto
and Negro slaves. New Hampshire never legally estab-
lished slavery, but as early as 1714 passed several laws
regulating the conduct of "Indian, Negro and mulatto ser-
24 Delaware
vants or slaves." The first legislation of in
1721 mentions mulattoes. North Carolina was settled

from Virginia and as some of the settlers brought slaves

with them into the new territory, there were probably mu-
lattoes in the colony as soon as there were Negroes. The
first statutory recognition of slavery was in an act against
intermarriage passed in 171 5. South Carolina's first posi-
tive slave act, 1712, mentions mestizos as well as mulat-
toes, Negroes, and Indians, and implies that there were
members of these classes who were free as well as members
who were slaves. In New Jersey the usual formula in-

cluding Negro, Indian, and mulatto slaves appears in the

legislation at least as early as 1714.

B. C. Steiner, A History of Slavery in Connecticut, pp. 12-13. Wil-
liams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 254.
Ibid., Vol. I, pp. 262-63.
Ibid., p. 310.
Ibid., p. 250.
J. S. Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Caro-
lina, p. 15.
"Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 290.
H. S. Cooley, A Study of Slavery in New Jersey, p. 39. "In 1704
'An Act for regulating negroe, Indian and mulatto slaves within the
province of New Jersey,' was introduced, but was tabled and disal-
lowed." Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 285.
112 The Mulatto in the United States

While it is thus clearly evident that the mixture of the

races went on in all the colonies from a very early date, no
definite information exists as to the number of mulattoes
at any time during the colonial period. 29 There is every
reason to believe that it was relatively more rapid than
during the period that slavery existed as a national insti-

tution 30 and this seems to be borne out by the few statis-

tics available.

A census of Maryland in 1755 returned eight per cent

of the Negroes as mulattoes. Out Negro popu-
of a total
lation of 42,764, the mixed-bloods numbered 3,592. 31 At
that time, Maryland had about one-sixth of the total Negro
population of the country. 32 On the assumption that Mary-
land was a typical average of the colonies so far as racial
intermixture was concerned — and would seem
this be a to
fairly reasonable assumption — there would have been 21,552
mulattoes in the country at that time. Allowing twenty-
five years for the mulatto population to doubleby nat-
ural increase, that by interbreeding and intermarriage

with the blacks, they would have numbered approximately

sixty thousand by 1790. Assuming that intermixture went
on during the years between 1755 and 1790 as it had dur-
ing the preceding decades, and allowing for the enormously
greater number of both the white and the black population,
the number would easily double the above figure by the be-
ginning of the national period.
The statistics of freeNegroes throw no light upon the
subject. Of the 3,608 mixed-bloods in Maryland in 1755,
See A Century of Population Growth, p. 91.
See pp. 128, 147 ff., 158 f., 163 below.
A Century of Population Growth, p. 6. See, also, p. 185.
The total Negro population of the English Colonies in 1754 was
260,000. That of Maryland in 1755 was 42,764.
This has been the approximate rate of increase since 1860.
Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 113

1,460 were free Negroes and 2,148 were slaves. The per-
centage of mulattoes among the free Negroes was appar-
ently higher everywhere than was among the slaves, but

there were mulattoes in considerable numbers among the

slaves and by no means all of the free Negroes were mu-
lattoes. The situation differed greatly in different re-

gions. In 1860 in the South, 10 per cent, roughly, of the

slaves and 40 per cent of the free Negroes were mulattoes. 36
In Richmond, there were more free blacks than free mu-
lattoes, while in Charleston the great bulk of the free Ne-
groes were mulatto. 37 The growth of the free Negro class

was constant and rapid throughout the period that slavery

existed as a national institution.
Concerning the distribution of the mulatto population
at any time before the census of 1850, not much can be
stated definitely. The relative number of mulattoes was
greatest in the Northern colonies especially during the lat-
ter colonial period and during the entire national period.

A Century of Population Growth, p. 185. In 1752, Baltimore
County had 116 mulatto slaves and 196 free mulattoes, 4,027 Negro
slaves and 8 free Negroes. See, J. R. Brackett, The Negro in Mary-
land, pp. 175-76.
Free Negroes 1850:
Black 275,400
Mulatto 159,095
Total 434,495
The Compendium of the Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
p. 52.
See p. 116 below, notes, 45, 47.
Free black 891
Free mulatto 4,587
1790 59,557 1830 319,599
1800 108,435 1840 386,293
1810 186,446 1850 434,495
1820 233,634 1860 488,070
A Century of Population Growth, p. 80.
114 The Mulatto in the United States

The ratio of Negroes to the white race was less there than
in the Southern colonies ; the relative number of free Ne-
groes was greater. As a result of these two conditions,
there was always a relatively greater admixture of white
blood to the Negro group in the Northern states than in

other sections of the country. 39 The later and heavy im-

portation of slaves was into the Southern colonies, hence
the newer and darker Negroes were in the South as against
a relatively larger ratio of the older importations in the
North. The determination of the Northern colonies late in
the eighteenth century to free the slaves, further increased
the difference. The percentage of blacks among the slaves
sold South when these laws began to go into effect, was
greater than their percentage in the general Negro popu-
lation of the North. The free Negroes, who had a larger
percentage of mixed-bloods, were not effected by the eman-
cipation laws and so remained behind and became, relatively,
a more important part of the Negro population. Of the
actual numbers North and South, however, no definite facts
are ascertainable.
As between the urban and the rural situation, the mu-
lattoes were largely a city product. Not only did the inter-
mixture go on chiefly in the towns, but the free Negroes,
always with a large percentage of mulattoes, tended to drift
to the urban centers. For example, the slave register of
Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 1780 showed twenty per
cent of the slaves to be mulattoes — a percentage reached by
the whole country only after one hundred and thirty years
of further intermixture. There were probably between four

At the time of the first census the ratio of slaves to the white popu-
lation in the, then, Southern States was fifty-three to one hundred; in
New England less than one to one hundred, and five to one hundred in

the Middle States. A Century of Population Growth, pp. 139-40.

Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 115

and five thousand Negroes in the state in the year men-

40 This preponderance of mulattoes in the city as
against the rural districts was especially the case in the
South, but the difference was marked in all sections of the
country. 41
Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, p. 197. Russell, The Free Ne-

gro in Virginia, pp. 14-15, points out the larger per cent of free
Negroes in the urban population in colonial days and during the whole
period of slavery.
" Per cent of mulattoes in total Negro population of a chief city and
of the rest of the state of typical Southern, Border and Northern
States in 1860.
116 The Mulatto in the United States

The first Federal Census to make separate returns of

the mixed-bloods was that of 1850. At that time, they con-
stituted something over eleven per cent of the Negro pop-
ulation of the country. 42 Of the total mulatto population
approximately forty per cent were free and the remaining
sixty per cent slaves. 43 Of the free mulattoes approximately
two-thirds were in the slave states. Of the total slave
population about eight per cent were mixed-bloods while
about thirty-seven per cent of the free Negro population
were mulattoes. 46 Among the free Negroes, the per cent
of mulattoes was considerably higher in the slave than in
the free states. 47 But as the whole Negro population of

"Blacks 3,233,057; Mulattoes 405,751. United States Census, 1910,

Population, Vol. 1, Part 1, p. 129.
Free 159,095
Slave 246,656
The Compendium of the Seventh Census of the United Stales, 1850,
pp. 64, 82.
" Free mulatto
Slave states 105,945
Free states 53,150
Ibid., p. 83.
Slave population 3,204,313
Black 2,957,657
Mulatto 246,656
Ibid., p. 82.
Free Negroes 434,495
Black 275,400
Mulatto 159,095
Ibid., p. 62.
Free Negroes
Slave States
Black 151,076
Mulatto 105,945
Free States
Black 124,334
Mulatto 53,150
Ibid., p. 83.
Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 117

the North was free at this time, the only comparison with
any j^oint is that between the total Negro population of
the two regions. Nearly one-half the Negroes of the North-
ern States were mixed-bloods, as against about one-ninth
of those in the slave-holding states. In summarizing the
distribution in different regions, the Census Report of 1850
says :

The mulattoes in the United States are about one-

eighth as numerous as the blacks —
the free mulattoes
are more than half the number of the free blacks,
whilst the slave mulattoes are only about one-twelfth
of the slave blacks. Between the states the ratios are
very remarkable. Whilst nearly half of the colored in
the non-slaveholding states are mulatto, only about
one-ninth in the slaveholding states are mulatto, ex-
cluding New Jersey. In Ohio and the Territories there
are more mulattoes than blacks. In nearly all of the
slave states, except Kentucky, Arkansas and Missouri,
etc., the free mulattoes greatly preponderate over the
free blacks. Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri and Texas
have the largest portion of slave mulattoes, and in the
District of Columbia they are about one-fourth of the

Since the emancipation of the slaves, the census figures

show an immensely more rapid increase among the mu-
lattoes than among the darker members of the race. The
returns for the United States as a whole for the five census
periods for which there was a separate enumeration of the
mulattoes is as follows :

The Co7npendinm of the Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
p. 82.
United States Census, 1910, Population, Vol. 1, Part 1, p. 129. There
is a constant effort on the part of the mulattoes to make the proportion
appear larger. "The figures as to mulattoes have been taken from time
to time and are officially acknowledged to be understatements. Prob-
118 The Mulatto in the United States

Continental United States

Negro Population
Census Total Per cent
Year Negro Black Mulatto Mulatto
1850 3,638,808 3,233,057 405,751 11.2
1860 4,441,830 3,853,467 588,363 13.2
1870 4,880,009 4,295,960 584,049 12.0
1890 *7,488,676 6,337,980 1,132,060 15.2
1910 9,827,763 7,777,077 2,050,686 20.9
* Includes 18,636 Negroes enumerated in Indian Territory not dis-
tinguished as black or mulatto.

Doubtless these figures contain inaccuracies, but there

seems to be no reason for the opinion often expressed that
they are fundamentally misleading. 50 The Census itself

ably one-third of the Negroes of the United States have distinct traces
of white blood." W. E. B. DuBois, The Negro, pp. 184-85. He adds:
"There is also a large amount of Negro blood in the white population."
See, also, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 350. Fortune's statement is even
more absurd: "The blood of all the ethnic types that go to make up
American citizenship flows in the veins of the Afro-American people
so that of the ten million of them in this country, accounted for by
the Federal census, not more than four million are of pure negroid
descent, while some four million of them, not accounted for by the
Federal census, have escaped into the ranks of the white race, and are
reenforced very largely by such escapements every year." T. T. For-
tune, "Place in American Life." In Booker T. Washington, The Negro
Problem, pp. 214-15.
Question as to the accuracy of these Census figures is frequently
raised. A good deal of this popular skepticism seems to have had its
origin in a widely read book by Mr. Ray Stannard Baker. Mr. Baker
says: "In the last census (1900) the government gave up the attempt
in discouragement of trying to enumerate the mulattoes at all, and
counted all persons as Negroes who were so classed in the communities

where they resided. The census of 1870 showed that one-eighth (roughly)
of the Negro population was mulatto, that of 1890 showed that the
proportion had increased to more than one-seventh, but these statistics
are confessedly inaccurate; the census report itself says: 'The figures
are of little value. Indeed as an indication of the extent to which
Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 119


. . . The only available test of the trustworthiness of

the results reached in 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1890 would
be the degree to which they corroborated and confirmed
one another.
And again :

. . the censuses of mulattoes, as distinguished from


full-blood negroes, though subject to a greater

. . .

[i. e., greater than the returns of the Negro] and

wholly indeterminate probable error, have shown a
general agreement of results.

This increase in the mulatto population has been general

throughout all sections of the country; each division has
shown a marked increase from census to census. Not only
have numbers increased, but the percentage of mulattoes
to full-blood Negroes has increased everywhere except in
the Mountain, Pacific and East North Central divisions.

While the number of mulattoes has of course been far

the races have mingled, they are misleading.' " Following the Color Line,
p. 153.
Mr. E. B. DuBois, "The Negro Race in the United States of Amer-
ica," Inter-Racial Problems, p. 350, and elsewhere, apparently following
Mr. Baker, reiterates the same error.
The Census Report (Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890,
Vol. 1, Part I, p. xciii. See, also, United States Census, 1900, Popu-
lation, Vol. 1, Part 1, p. cxi.) does use the words quoted by Mr. Baker
but in a context which wholly changes their significance. The census
of 1890 undertook to divide the Negroes into Negroes, mulattoes, quad-
roons, and octoroons. Regarding the results of this last inquiry the
census report used the words quoted by Mr. Baker. To acknowledge
that the attempt to make a minute subdivision of the race into Negroes,
mulattoes, quadroons and octoroons was not considered successful is
quite a different matter from asserting that the enumeration of mu-
lattoes as distinct from the blacks is "of doubtful validity and officially
acknowledged to be misleading."
U. S. Census, 1890. Population, Vol. 1, Part 1, p. 185.
120 The Mulatto in the United States

greater in the Southern sections of the country at all periods

covered by the census returns, the percentage of mulattoes
always has been greater in the Northern sections. The
following tabulation shows both the numerical and percent-
ual increase in the different divisions thus allowing a com-
parison between different sections of the country.


Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 121

ber of mulattoes and their percentage of the total Negro

population of the state as enumerated in I860 and 1910.

Number and Percentage of Mulattoes in Different

122 The Mulatto in the United States
Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 123

Rank of Minor Divisions in Order of Increasing Per

Cent Mulatto to Negro Population
Minor divisions having at
124 The Mulatto in the United States

... A
separate enumeration of mulattoes has been
made four times, in the censuses of 1850, 1860, 1870,
and 1890. The results disclosed the fact that where
the proportion of Negroes to whites was lowest, the
proportion of mulattoes to total Negroes was highest.
For example: in 1890, in the South Central States of
Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,
Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, the mulattoes were
but 14 per cent of the total Negro population. On the
other hand, they were 32.7 per cent in the New Eng-
land group. Expressed differently, of all the so-called
"Negroes" whom a white man would see in Mississippi,
only 11.5 per cent would be of the mulatto type, while
of all those observed in Massachusetts 36.3 were mu-
lattoes. In Maine 57.4 per cent were mulattoes, and
in Michigan they were 53.8 per cent; while in Georgia
and South Carolina they were respectively 9.9 per cent
and 9.7 per cent. . . .

The proportion of mulattoes is higher in the cities than

in the rural districts. This is especially the case in the
Southern States. In the cities of the Border States the
percentage of mulattoes is still noticeably higher than it

is in the general population of the states though the dif-

ference is not marked as in the distinctly Southern

States. In the Northern group of states the per cent of
mulattoes is enormously higher in both the cities and the
general population of the states, and the difference between
the two is less noticeable though the difference still exists.

The data available seem to show that intermixture of

the races began with the first coming of the Negro to the
A. F. Stone, Studies in the American Race Problem, pp. 40-41.
Unfortunately there seems to be no figures upon which a quantita-
tive statement can be based. The census gives the proportion of mu-
lattoes to Negroes in the cities of over 5,000 inhabitants. It also gives
Amount of Race Intermixture in United States 125

English colonies. It seems to have been a phenomenon in

no way characteristic of any particular section of the coun-
try. Mulattoes appeared in all of the colonies and the in-

crease seems to have been rapid during the greater part of

the colonial period. With the decline of the slave system
in the North and the consequent freeing of large numbers
of Negroes, the mulatto population correspondingly in-

creased and its growth has continued to be rapid. With

the firmer establishment of the slave system in the South,
the relative amount of racial intermixture probably de-
the proportion of mulattoes in the general population of the states. For
State and city Per cent of mulatto
Georgia 17.3
Atlanta 32.4
Louisiana 21.4
New Orleans 34.1
South Carolina 16.1

Charleston 23.6

Kentucky 25.2
Louisville 36.6
Missouri 28.4
St. Louis 34.0
Virginia 33.2
Richmond 39.9

New York 22.8

New York City 24.9
Illinois 33.8
Chicago 41.6
Massachusetts 36.7
Boston 34.3

This is a comparison of the chief city in the state with the Negro
population of the state as a whole. Were it possible to separate the
urban from the rural regions the differences shown here would be enor-
mously increased. It would probably be found that the mulatto popu-
lation is exclusively or almost exclusively urban and that the rural popu-
lation with rare exceptions is black. United States Census, 1910, Pop-
ulation, Vol. 1, Part 1, pp. 159, 230.
126 The Mulatto in the United States

creased greatly. Since the emancipation of the slaves, the

number of mulattoes, especially in the former slave states,
has increased rapidly. The decades from 1890 to 1910 show
an enormous increase in the number of mixed-blood individ-
uals. The ratio of mulattoes to Negroes has been greater
in the North than in the South, at all periods for which the
facts are known. The present forces operating tend to de-
crease this difference. At all periods, the mulatto formed
a larger per cent of the Negro population of the towns and
cities than of the rural population. This is particularly
the case at the present time in the southern section of the
country but is not untrue of any region. If the facts could
be known the mulatto would probably be found to be al-
most an exclusively urban phenomenon.
The nature of the racial intermixture and 'the forces oper-
ating to produce the observed conditions are considered in
the following chapter.



many of the Negroes brought as slaves to America,

INthere was already some infiltration of Caucasian blood.
The great majority, well above fifty per cent, came from the
West Coast. A few came from the Congo and other re-

gions toward the interior; a few were Hottentots and Bush-

men from the southern part of Africa. These latter, how-
ever, like the Pygmies of the interior, were mostly of a
physical type too low to serve the purposes of slave labor.
In general the higher Negroes were not taken. 1 It has been
estimated that possibly one per cent of the Negroes im-
ported were able to speak an Arabic dialect. Possibly fifty
per cent had some trace of a previous intermixture with a
white race. But of all the Negroes brought the Guinea
Negroes were the purest and they constituted above half
of the total importations.

Edward Wilmot Blyden, one of the ablest men of the Negro race,
maintains the thesis that white intermixture "has been the salvation of
the Negro New World, for the black man who was weak enough
in the
to be caught and shipped away as a slave was naturally inferior in mind
and body to the black man who possessed ingenuity enough to escape
from the toils of slavery and remain at home as a slave hunter." Quoted
from The Crisis, Sept. '13, pp. 229-30. See, also, G. W. Williams, His-
tory of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 2, pp. 544-45, for a variation
of Blyden's thesis.

128 The Mulatto in the United States

Further crossing began as soon as the Negroes landed on

American soil, if, indeed, it did not begin before the Negroes
were landed. 2 The race never has shown any hesitancy
about crossing with other races in any time or country.
Their women have mixed with every race and peoj)le with f

whom they have come in contact in the ancient, as in the

modern world. The scarcity of white women all through

the Colonial period doubtless was an immense factor tend-
ing to overcome any hesitancy the whites may have had to-
ward sexual association with the members of a strange race. 3
This mixture, as we have seen, has increased as the race has
gained the rudiments of civilization and come to a better
appreciation of Western culture.
While the crossing of the Negro and the white races in
America has for the most part not been within the bounds
of conventional marriage, some small part of the actual
intermixture has received the sanction of law and social tol-
In the colonies, the marriage of Negroes with white per-
sons was considered highly undesirable and from an early
date was usually prohibited by severe laws. 4 The public
disapproval seems generally to have got itself enacted into
legal prohibitions as a result of the first unions of the kind

"Indeed, in those early da)r s many a negress was landed upon our
shores by her captors already pregnant by one of the demoniac crew
that made up the company of the slave ship that brought her over."
R. W. Shufeldt, The Negro: A Menace to American Civilization, p. 80.
"The mulatto children were born off the coast of Africa, and

their fathers were the first white men the black princesses of that coun-
try ever saw. ." Anonymous, The Independent, Vol. 54, p. 2226.
. .

J. H. Van Evrie, White Supremacy and Negro Subordination, p. 153.
"In the French, English and Dutch colonies, the laws, or public opin-
ion, so prevents marriages between individuals of different colors, that
those who would contract them, would be considered as degraded by
their alliance, . . ." H. Gregoire, Literature of Negroes, p. 66.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 129

that took place. 5 The first act of Maryland establishing

slavery, passed in 1663, forbade the practice of intermar-
riage and, from its wording, seems to show that such mar-
riages had already taken place. 6 North Carolina in 1715
passed an act carrying a heavy penalty on any white man
or woman who should marry a Negro, mulatto, or Indian
and also provided a heavy penalty on any minister who
should officiate at such a marriage. 7 Within two years of
the passing of the act, two persons were indicted for per-
forming such a marriage ceremony. 8 A further law in 1723
recites that certain free Negroes, mulattoes, and other per-
sons of mixed blood had moved into the colony and, in de-
fiance of the laws to the contrary, several of them had in-
termarried with the white inhabitants. 9 Pennsylvania
passed a similar law in 1725-1726, partly the result, ap-
parently, of a clandestine marriage between a Negro and
a white woman. 10
Similar laws in the other colonies were passed at an early
date usually as a reaction and a protest against some mixed
marriage. How many such marriages there were, we have
no way of knowing but that they were anywhere more than

The law of Maryland, 1681, for example, seems to have been called
forth by the marriage of "Irish Nell," a servant of the Lord Proprietor,
who had married a slave. was to determine the status of her mu-
latto children. J. R. Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, p. 34, f. n.
"And be it further enacted, that
all issues of English, or other free

born women, that have already married negroes, shall serve the master
. .". Sec. III. Act of 1663. Quoted by Williams, History of the
Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 240. See, also, Brackett, The Negro
in Maryland, pp. 32-34.
J. S. Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina,
pp. 58-59.
Ibid., p. 58.
Ibid., pp. 68-69.
E. R. Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, pp. 29-31.
130 The Mulatto in the United States

the rarest exception there is no reason to believe. Then,
as now, such mixed unions roused an indignant protest from
the decent members of the communit}'. 12
Such intermarriages as did take place in these early days,

seem to have been invariably with the meanest classes of

the whites. 13 The marriages were contrary to law and to
public sentiment, and were entered into at the price of social
ostracism and legal punishment. Williams, 14 speaking of
the first statute establishing slavery in Maryland, says:

Section two was called into being on account of

the intermarriage of white women and slaves. Many
of these women had been indentured as servants to pay
their passage to this country, some had been sent as
convicts, while still others had been apprenticed for ai
term of years. Some of them, however, were very wor-
thy persons. . . .

Brackett also speaks of marriages between these Eng-
lish serving-women and the slaves or free Negroes. Tur-
ner speaks of two mixed marriages in Pittsburgh in 1788.
In one case, the couple was said to occupy a respectable

E. R. Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, pp. 194-95. Bassett,
Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina, pp. 69, 58-59.
" See, for e.g., Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, pp. 195-96. Also,
E. I. McCormac, White Servitude in Maryland, p. 67.
woman was indicted in the Gen-
In North Carolina in 1727 "a white
eral Court because she hadhusband and was cohabiting with a
left her
Negro slave." Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North
Carolina, p. 58. "Among the servants imported into the colony, there
were often women of a very low type, who during their term of servitude
intermarried with negro slaves." McCormac, White Servitude in Mary-
land, p. 67.
History of the Negro Race in America,, Voh 1, p. 24Q.
The Negro in Maryland, p. 196.
The Negro in Pennsylvania, p. 194.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 131

position. 17 Branagan declares that such marriages were
common in Philadelphia after the repeal in 1780 of the laws
applying to the Negro. The grandmother of Benjamin
Banneker was an English felon transported to the colony
of Delaware. There seems to be absolutely no evidence
of any marriages of a mixed sort in which the white con-
tracting party was not of the lowest and usually of a vicious

But whatever little intermarriage may have taken place

between the Negroes and the servant class of whites in early
colonial times, it decreased to an almost absolute zero as
the status of the Negro became fixed and better understood.
The spirit of fellowship that at first existed between the
slaves and the indentured servants, imported criminals, pau-
pers, and prostitutes gradually gave place to the feeling

of bitter hatred that, throughout the days of slavery, char-

acterized the relations of the "poor whites" and the Ne-
"Cette famille est line des plus respectables de eette ville." Brissat
de Warville, Nouveau Voyage, pp. 33, 34. Quoted by Turner, The Negro
in Pennsylvania, p. 195, f. n.
"I solemnly declare, I have seen more white women married to, and
deluded through the arts of seduction by negroes in one year in Phila-
delphia, than for the eight years I was visiting. [In the West Indies and
the Southern States.]" "There are many, very many blacks, who . . .

begin to feel themselves consequential, will not be satisfied unless

. . .

they get white women for wives, and are likewise exceedingly imperti-
nent to white persons in low circumstances." "I know a black man who
seduced a young white girl who soon after married him, and died
. . .

with a broken heart ; on her death he said he would not disgrace himself
to have a negro wife, and acted accordingly, for he soon after married
another white woman." "There are perhaps hundreds of white women
thus fascinated by black men in this city, and there are thousands of
black children by them at present." Branagan, Serious Remonstrances,
pp. 70-71, 73, 74, 75. Quoted by Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania,
p. 195, f. n.
See page 190 below.
J. W. Cromwell, The Negro in American History, pp. 86-97.
132 The Mulatto in the United States

grocs. In the slave states, there was no intermarriage, ex-

cept rarely among the Creoles of Louisiana. 21 In the North,
there was very little. Where such marriages were not for-
bidden by law, they were forbidden by the decent elements
of the white community. Turner's summary of the situa-
tion in Pennsylvania is, in general, characteristic of the en-
tire non-slave holding parts of the country. He says :

After a while a strong feeling was aroused, so that

in 1821 a petition was sent to the Legislature, asking
that mixed marriages be declared void, and that it be
made a penal act for a negro to marry a white man's
daughter. In 1834 such a marriage provoked a riot
at Columbia; while in 1838 the subject caused a vehe-
ment outburst in the Constitutional Convention then
assembled. Three years later a bill to prevent inter-
marriage was passed in the House, but lost in the Sen-
ate. From time to time thereafter petitions were sent
to the Legislature, but no action was taken the ob- ;

noxious marriages continuing to be reported, and even

being encouraged by some extreme advocates of race
equality. Nevertheless what the law left undone was
largely accomplished by public sentiment and private
action. As time went on marriages of white people
with negroes came to be considered increasingly odious,
and so became far less frequent. When a case occurred,
it was usually followed by swift action and dire ven-
geance. The fact that a white man was living with a
negro wife was one of the causes of the terrible riot in
Philadelphia in 1849.

In the period just preceding the Civil War, the emotional

tension in the North and the preaching of amalgamation of
F. L. Olmsted, A Journey Seaboard Slave States, p. 636,
in (he
quotes a resident as saying that White men, sometimes, married a
". . .

rich colored girl; but he never knew of a black man to marry a white
girl." Olmsted adds: "I subsequently heard of one such case."
The Negro in Pennsylvania, pp. 195-96,
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 133

the races by Phillips and others brought about a few inter-

marriages. One of the wives of Frederick Douglass, for
example, was a white woman. But the total number of such
unions was so small as to be negligible.
In the period since the Civil War, mixed marriages have
been very infrequent. Baker gives one hundred and sev-

enty-one as the number of mixed marriages in Boston for

the six-year period ending in 1905. This is about the same
20 26
average that has obtained for half a century. Hoffman
found sixty-five such marriages to have taken place in
Connecticut in the eleven-year period ending in 1893. For
the same period fifty-eight such marriages were reported
from Rhode Island. In Michigan, for the twenty-year period
ending in 1893, he found a total of one hundred and eleven
mixed marriages. 27 In Bermuda for the twelve-year period

The second.
Ray Stannarcl Baker, Following the Color Line, p. 172.
The following table gives the number of mixed marriages by five

year periods from 1855 to 1887.

Total Average per year
1855—59 50 10
1862—66 45 9
1867—71 88 17.6
1873—77 172 34.4
1878—82 121 24.2
1883—87 124 24.8
1890 24 24
F. L. Hoffman, Race Traits and Tendencies, pp. 199 ff.

Hoffman seems to have included in his figures cases of open con-
cubinage as well as conventional and lawful unions. According to the
statement presented to the Michigan Legislature in 1915 less than 40
mixed marriages have been legalized in the state in the past 30 years.
The committee however were endeavoring to make a case against the
proposed law to prohibit intermarriage and gave expression to a num-
ber of errors of fact. Hoffman is probably the better authority. Re-
port of Committee on Equitable Legislation, "Treatise on Proposed
Changes in the Law of Marriage."
134 The Mulatto in the United States

from 1872 to 1883, there were one hundred and nine mixed
marriages; for the following twelve-year period from 1884
to 1895, there were but fifty-eight.
In twenty-eight states the intermarriage of the races is

forbidden by law, 28 in most cases under severe penalty. 29

In other states, the sentiment against such unions is suffi-

ciently strong to make the question a regular subject of

legislative debate. That they are not forbidden in all the
states is not that they are approved, but that the number
of Negroes is so small and the number of such unions so
few, that they constitute no menace sufficient to force pro-
tective legislative enactment. The Massachusetts attitude
as described by Stone, is fairly typical of the more northern
states where the Negro is not a grave and immediate prob-
lem. 31

For a period of 138 years Massachusetts prohibited

intermarriage between whites and Negroes or mulat-
toes. The statute of Queen Anne of 1705 may be said
originally to have been tinctured by the religious ob-
jection to a union between Christians and pagans. But
it was several times reenacted long after such influences

had ceased to exist. It was finally repealed in 1843.

By such action Massachusetts did not by any means
intend to declare in favour of racial intermarriage.
The real significance of the repeal was that, whether
consciously or unconsciously, the numerical insignifi-
cance of the Negro population had finally brought pos-
sibly a majority of the whites to a point from which
they were able to view with entire indifference any pos-
The constitutions of six of the states prohibit such marriages.
E. A. Jenks, "The Legal Status of Negro-White Amalgamation in
the United States." American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 21, pp. 666-78.
In 1913 aimed at prohibiting Negro-white intermarriages were

introduced in ten of the twenty states then permitting such unions.

Jenks, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 21, p. 666.
A. F. Stone, Studies in the American Race Problem, pp. 60-61.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 135

sible consequences of a formal reversal of the ancient

policy of the state.

The large majority of the mixed marriages are of Negro

or mulatto men and white women. In one hundred and fifty-

eight of the one hundred and seventy-one cases reported by

Baker, the groom was a Negro and the woman white. In

thirteen cases the groom was a white man. Of the fifty-

eight mixed marriages in Rhode Island fifty-one were white

females and seven were white males. Of the one hundred and
Michigan ninety-three were white women and
eleven cases in
eighteen were white men.
33 34
Stone 35 comments on the
Boston situation as follows:

... As a matter of fact, for the past five years, of

all the in Massachusetts, an average
Negro marriages
of about 10 per cent have been mixed. Moreover, in
these cases the white party is a woman, very infre-
quently a man. Of the 52 mixed marriages in 37 towns
and cities of the state in 1900, 43 were between white
women and Negro men. . . .

During the five years from 1900 to 1901 there were

143 marriages between Negroes and whites in the city
Groom Negro Groom white Total mixed
Year Bride white Bride Negro marriages

1900 32 3 35
1901 30 1 31
1902 25 4 29
1903 27 2 29
1904 27 1 28
1905 17 2 19
Baker, Following the Color Line, p. 172.
Hoffman, Race Traits and Tendencies, p. 119.
It is interesting in this connection to note that of the 18 white men

married to Negroes 6 married black females and 12 mulatto females;

of the 93 white women married to Negroes 47 were married to black
males and 46 to mulatto males.
Stone, Studies in the American Race Problem, pp. 62-63.
136 The Mulatto in the United States

of Boston, and 907 in which both parties were Negroes.

In other words, with a Negro population of 11,591
there were 1,050 marriages. Of these, 143, or 13.6
per cent, if my calculation is correct, married white
persons. Of these mixed marriages 133 were cases of
white women marrying Negro men, while only 10 white
men married Negro women. With the white women
in this instance representing 93 per cent of her race's
participation in such alliances, it is safe to dogmatize
as to the processes of race intermixture. And my in-
vestigations thus far lead me to believe that the same
conditions exist in Chicago, Philadelphia, and New

The mixed marriages as a rule are of the lower classes

of the whites.The woman in most of the unions are recent
immigrants and often, no doubt, contract the alliances with-
out realizing the social consequences. 38 Hoffman made a
careful investigation of thirty-seven such mixed unions. 37
Eight were of white men living with Negro women, twenty-
nine of white women living with Negro men.
Of the eight white men, four were legally married and
four were not. Three of the number were criminals or crim-
inal suspects. The others were outcasts one was a saloon

keeper, one had deserted a white wife and family, two others
were of good families but were themselves of bad reputa-

Of the twenty-nine white women, nineteen were lawfully

married to their Negro husbands, while ten were living in
88 ".
The few white women who have given hirth to mulattoes have
. .

always been regarded as monsters; and without exception, they have

belonged to the most impoverished and degraded caste of whites, by whom
they are scrupulously avoided as creatures who have sunk to the level of
the beasts of the field." P. A. Bruce, The Plantation Negro as a Free-
man, p. 55.
Hoffman, Bace Traits and Tendencies, pp. 204-06.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 137

open concubinage. Five of these latter were of foreign

birth. Eight of the number were prostitutes, 3S one was in-
sane, and one was the daughter of respectable parents. Of
the nineteen who were lawfully married, four were prosti-
two were guilty of bigamy, four were either divorced
or had deserted husbands, five were apparently of respect-
able parentage and contented with their husbands. Of the
four others, Hoffman was able to obtain no information.
Of the twenty-nine Negro men, one was an industrious
barber of good character, five were of fair repute, nine
were idlers, loafers, or drunkards, and eleven were, proved
criminal. The character of the remaining three was not
Hoffman concludes this phase of his study as follows :

Comment on these cases is hardly necessary. They

tend to prove that as a rule neither good white men
nor good white women marry colored persons, and that
good colored men and women do not marry white per-
sons. The number of cases is so small, however, that
a definite conclusion as to the character of persons
intermarr} ing is hardly warranted. However, it would

seem that if such marriages were a success, even to a

limited extent, some evidence would be found in a col-
lection of thirty-six cases. It is my own opinion,
based on personal observation in the cities of the South,
that the individuals of both races who intermarry or
live in concubinage are vastly inferior to the average
types of the white and colored races in the United
States also, that the class of white men who have in-

tercourse with colored women are, as a rule, of an in-

ferior type.

It is perhaps not generally understood to what extent sexually sa-
tiated prostitutes seek Negro men in their search for new stimulation,
The same thing is true of many debauched white men.
Race Traits and Tendencies, p. 206.
138 The Mulatto in the United States

The great majority of the mixed marriages occur in the

larger cities. Of the fifty-eight reported from Rhode Island,
for example, fifty-two were from Providence.
These mixed marriages are very frequently marriages of
mulattoes, usually very light-colored mulattoes, with the
poorer and lower class of white women. Not infrequently,
it would seem these unions take place without the girl real-
izing that she is marrying a Negro. Cases where such facts
are made the grounds for divorce proceedings, appear from
time to time in the daily press. So uniform is it that the
groom some importance and the bride a woman of the
is of
lower class, that some predict a final solution of the prob-
lem of the Negro in America by a fusion of the upper class
Negroes with the lower class whites. 41

this reason the idea, unpopular, to be sure, but
indicated by the facts, that the races in America

are amalgamating is not unwelcome to many thinkers.

• • •

That simply goes to show that we are now part way

along in the process, which I do not hesitate to say
will be accomplished in time. The black race is to be
In fact, the thing will not be so repellant in a few
hundred years as it is now. As it is, those who say the
relation between whites and blacks is a symptom of
mental defect on the part of the whites fail entirely
to consider that times without number the scions of our
best southern families have shown signs of such degen-
Is it not more reasonable to expect that as time
goes on the more cultured blacks will more or less nat-
urally intermingle with the least cultured whites in the
Hoffman, Race Traits and Tendencies, p. 199.
G. B. Foster, as quoted in the daily press. See, for e.g., the Chicago
Tribune, 11-9-1914. See, also, DuBois, note 134, p. 164 below.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 139

south until eventually the whole process will have been

completed and our race will have absorbed the other?
Surely, there is every reason to believe that that condi-
tion will result.

However this may be, it is evident that the origin of the

mulatto group and its subsequent growth have been brought
about, only in a very minor degree, through the conven-
tional marriage relation. Such marriages as do take place
are almost exclusively Northern Negroes, frequently light-
colored mulattoes, with women of the lower classes and espe-
cially withEuropean immigrant girls. 42 The desire of the
Negro in this respect is, when he becomes wealthy, fre-
quently taken advantage of by white adventuresses of ques-
tionable virtue. A certain prize fighter of national reputa-
tion is a case in point. 43

The Concubinage of Colored Women by White Men

Another source of the increase of the mulatto group has
been the concubinage of coloredwomen by white men. This
form of sex relation was fairly common in certain sections
during the period of slavery. The relation, where it existed,
approached often more nearly a form of polygamy than
that of an indiscriminate sex relation. To what extent the
relationship existed during the slavery days or even at the
present time, it is not possible to say. The custom varied
in different sections and in the same section at different
42 ".
. . In the majority of intermarriages the white women belong to
the lower walks of life. They are German, Irish, or other foreign women,
respectable, but ignorant. Baker, Following the Color Line, p. 172.
. .

There is here no intention to put in question the sincere devotion and
pure romantic love that doubtless led to the marriage unions between
such men as Frederick Douglass, President Scarborough of Wilberforce,
Ira Aldridge, the actor, and other prominent mulattoes and their white
wives. See note 4, p. 316.
140 The Mulatto in the United States

times. No doubt there were isolated instances of the sort

everywhere, throughout the whole period that the Negro
has been in the country. That it was a uniform custom of
the slave-owning class, there is no reason to believe: that it

was common in certain regions, there is no reason to

doubt. 44
The form of this sex was exclusively of white men
and Negro women. In general, it seems not to have been a
promiscuous relation between the master class and the fe-
male slaves, but a relation between some favorite slave girl
and a young man of the family. 45 It was not in any sense
a forced relation on the part of the Negress on the con- ;

trary, was a relation to which the girl of the upper classes


of the Negroes aspired as the highest honor and privilege

which she could attain. To the girl it was, in the great ma-
jority of cases, a matter of being honored by a white man. 46
When a child or children resulted from the association,
they not infrequently received their freedom —generally
along with that of the mother — and occasionally, at least,
received an education and a start in life. To escape the
restrictions placed upon the free Negro yi many of the
Southern States, these natural children, and other faithful
slaves whom the master might wish to free, were frequently
taken into free territory and there given their freedom. 47
See pages 92-93 above.
See note 25, p. 176 below.
J. S. Bassett quotes a physician whom he considers trustworthy and
who was raised on a rice plantation near Wilmington, North Carolina,
as saying that ". . . Among themselves the slaves were immoral, but,
generally speaking, there were no illicit relations between them and the

white men. The white boys were sometimes intimate with the house-
maids. .
." Slavery in the State of North Carolina, p. 86.

"At this time [about 1850] says Mr. Brown: 'Cincinnati was full
of women, without husbands, and their children. These were sent by
the planters of Louisiana, Mississippi, and some from Tennessee, who
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 141

The highest development of the system of concubinage

seems not to have been between the slave-holding families
and their slaves, but between the free mulatto women and
the non-slave-holding men. In its fullest development, the
system flourished where there were the largest number of
free Negro women of mixed ancestry and of some degree
of culture and refinement. In Charleston, in Mobile, and
especially in New Orleans, the system reached a stage little

short of a socially sanctioned institution. Olmsted's de-

scription of the system in New Orleans shortly before the
war gives a picture of concubinage at its point of highest.
development. 48

I refer to a class composed of the illegitimate off-

spring of white men and colored women (mulattos or
quadroons), who, from habits of early life, the advan-
tages of education, and the use of wealth, are too much
superior to the negroes, in general, to associate with
them, and are not allowed by law, or the popular prej-
udice, to marry white people. The girls are frequently
sent to Paris to be educated, and are very accomplished.
They are generally pretty, and often handsome. I
have rarely, if ever, met more beautiful women, than
one or two of them, that I saw by chance, in the streets.
had got fortunes and had found that white women could live in those
states, and in consequence, they had sent their slave wives and children
to Cincinnati and set them free.'" Booker T. Washington, The Story
of the Negro, Vol. 1, p. 227. The Mr. Brown quoted was a free Negro
or mulatto. This would seem to indicate that the scarcity of white women
was the determining factor in the intermixture. Wilberforce, Ohio, is

said to have a settlement of this sort. "The thing that gives a peculiar
and interesting character to many of these ante-bellum Negro settle-
ments is that they were made by Southern slave-holders who desired to
free their slaves and were not able to do so under the restrictions that
were imposed upon emancipation in the Southern states. Many of the
colored people in these settlements were the natural children of their
master. . . ." Ibid,, Vol. 1, pp. 234-35.
A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, pp. 594-97.

142 The Mulatto in the United States

They are much better formed, and have a much more

graceful and elegant carriage than Americans in gen-
eral, while they seem to have commonly inherited or
acquired much of the taste and skill, in the selection
and arrangement, and the way of wearing dresses and
ornaments, that is the especial distinction of the women
of Paris. Their beauty and attractiveness being their
fortune, they cultivate and cherish with diligence every
charm or accomplishment they are possessed of.
Of course, men are attracted by them, associate with
them, are captivated, and become attached to them,
and, not being able to marry them legally, and with
the usual forms and securities for constancy, make
such arrangements "as can be agreed upon." When a
man makes a declaration of love to a girl of this class,
she will admit or deny, as the case may be, her happi-
ness in receiving it ; but, supposing she is favorably
disposed, she will usually refer the applicant to her
mother. The mother inquires, like a Countess of Kew,
into the circumstances of the suitor ; ascertains
whether he is able to maintain a family, and, if satis-
fied with him, in these and other respects, requires from
him security that he will support her daughter in a
style suitable to the habits she has been bred to, and
that, if he should ever leave her, he will give her a cer-
tain sum for her future support, and a certain addi :
tional sum for each of the children she shall then have.
The wealth, thus secured, will, of course, vary
as in society with higher assumptions of morality
with the value of the lady in the market; that is, with
her attractiveness, and the number and value of other
suitors she may have, or may reasonably expect. Of
course, I do not mean that love has nothing at all to
do with it but love is sedulously restrained, and held

firmly in hand, until the road of competency is seen to

be clear, with less humbug than our English custom
requires about it. Everything being satisfactorily ar-
ranged, a tenement in a certain quarter of the town is
usually hired, and the couple move into it and go to

Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 143

housekeeping —
living as if they were married. The
woman not, of course, to be wholly deprived of the

society of others —
her former acquaintances are con-
tinued, and she sustains her relations as daughter, sis-
ter, and friend. Of course, too, her husband (she calls

him so why shouldn't she?) will be likely to continue,
also, more or less in, and form a part of, this kind of
society. There are parties and balls bals masques —
and all the movements and customs of other fashionable
society, which they can enjoy in it, if they wish. The
women of this sort are represented to be exceedingly af-
fectionate in disposition, and constant beyond re-
During all the time a man sustains this relation, he
will commonly be moving, also, in reputable society on
the other side of the town not improbably, eventually

he marries, and has a family establishment elsewhere.

Before doing this, he may separate from his placee (so
she is termed). If so, he pays her according to agree-
ment, and as much more, perhaps, as his affection for
her, or his sense of the cruelty of the proceeding, may
lead him to; and she has the world before her again,
in the position of a widow. Many men continue, for
a long time, to support both establishments

ularly, if their legal marriage is de
But many others form so strong attachments, that the
relation is never discontinued, but becomes, indeed, that
of marriage, except that it is not legalized or solem-
nized. These men leave their estate, at death, to their
whom they may have previously given every
children, to
advantage of education they could command. What
becomes of the boys, I am not informed; the girls,
sometimes, are removed to other countries, where their
color does not prevent their living reputable lives but, ;

of course, mainly continue in the same society and are

fated to a life similar to that of their mothers.

The extent to which concubinage prevails at the present

time, it is not possible to determine. There is no unanimity
144 The Mulatto in the United States

in the opinions expressed and no wide investigation on the

basis of which an estimate can be made. The relation shocks
the conventional, middle-class sex ethics of the community
and the pronouncements so frequently met with on the sub-
more than an offhand expression of
ject are seldom anything
passion and prejudice. That the relative importance of
this particular form of race intermixture is generally
grossly exaggerated seems certain, but how numerous the
cases of concubinage actually are, it is wholly impossible
to say.

Unlawful Polygamy

Aside from a very little lawful intermarriage and a

larger, but wholly indeterminable, amount of unlawful, sub-
surface polygamy ; there is, and seems always to have been,
a much larger number of sexual irregularities between the
races which are wholly casual in their nature. 49 It is this
casual meeting and temporary association of individuals, a
relation which approaches more nearly a form of prostitu-
tion than a form of polygamy, that is now, and seems al-
ways to have been, the characteristic form of intermixture
that has existed between the races in America. It is not
any one section 50
confined to of the country nor to any one

* fl
It is this third and numerically more important element that is
overlooked by Mr. DuBois when he asserts that the mulatto is the product
of "a system of concubinage of colored women in slavery days, together
with some intermarriage." See The Negro American Family, p. 47.
Also, see the article in Inter-Racial Problems, The Negro and elsewhere.
w The Independent, Vol. speaking editorially: "None
55, p. 454, says,
of the intermixture is the fruit of marriage. It has been nearly all
produced in the South, and is all the fruit of white fathers and darker
mothers." Here is exaggeration almost to the point of misstatement.
It is not "all the fruit of white fathers and darker mothers:" some of
it is the fruit of marriage. It has been "nearly all produced in the
South" only in the sense that nearly all of the race has been in the
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 145

social class in the community. 51 It goes on everywhere

where class differences exist and where the vicious elements
have an opportunity to associate.
Russell studying the free Negroes in Virginia concludes
that they were in large measure the result of illicit relations

between the masters and the slave women. Turner 53 con-

cludes his study of the matter in Pennsylvania by freeing
the master class from the charge of debauching the slave
women. Bassett seems to doubt that the master class was
an important element in production of the bastard race.
Speaking of the laws enacted in regard to bastardy in 1715
and 1741 which provided extra terms of service for the ser-
vant who became a mother of a bastard child, he says :

It is also evident that the sin of the servant would

be an advantage to the master, since he would thereby
South. Relatively the intermixture of the races has been greater in
the Northern and Border States than in the South.
The New York Age, the best of the Negro papers, in an unmannerly
editorial replying to a coarse buton the whole truthful and accurate
statement concerning the morals of Negro women, asserts that it is
"the Southern Aristocrat" who is responsible for the mulattoes. Issue
62 ". . . Illegal marriages and of associations of whites with free ne-
groes was so disreputable and disgraceful that they were entered into by
the vilest white persons at the price of chastisement by privately or-
ganized bands of white persons supported by community sentiment. The
free mulatto class was of course the result of illegal relations of
. . .

white persons with negroes; but excepting those born of mulatto parents,
most persons of the class were not born of free negro or free white
mothers, but of slave mothers and were set free because of their kinship
to their master and owner." J. H. Russell, The Free Negro in Vir-

ginia, p. 127.
"It must be said that the stigma of illicit intercourse in Pennsylvania
would not generally seem to rest upon the masters, but rather upon
servants, outcasts, and the lowlier class of whites." The Negro in Penn-
sylvania, p. 31.
Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina, pp. 83-84,
146 The Mulatto in the United States

secure her services for a longer period. have not We

the least evidence that such a thing did happen, yet it
is possible that a master might for that reason have

compassed the sin of his serving-woman.

Whatever may have been the extent to which the master-

class —
was involved and there is no doubt that some portion
of the bastard race was the offspring of temporary associ-
ations of white masters and slave women — there seems to be
no evidence of a reliable sort to indicate that all, or even
the major part of the mulatto group, was of this origin. 55
Concubinage certainly involved economically prosperous in-
dividuals of the white race and the choicer individuals from
among the darker groups ; the casual intermixture was char-
acteristic of the undeniably common people of both races.
In the colonial days, one group of the mulatto population
owed its origin to illicit intercourse between slave women
and white servants.
The first introduction of the white indentured servants
into the colonies is not known, 56 but by 1619, when the first

Negroes came, they constituted a distinct class in the com-

munity life. The system was a colonial modification of the

There is, of course, no scientific credence to be given to the stories
of so many mixed-bloods that they are descendants of some prominent
man. The making of genealogies is not confined exclusively to the newly-
rich class of the whites. It is not meant to question, however, that cer-
tain eminent men may have been
fathers of mulattoes. Benjamin Frank-
lin was openly accused of keeping Negro paramours and seems to have
made no attempt to deny it. "What is sauce for the goose is sauce for
the gander." (1764.) "An humble attempt at scurrility." (1765), etc.
Franklin, however, was not a member of the aristocratic class. His
actions are rather an evidence of the part that the middle and lower
class had to do with the production of the mulattoes. Thomas Jefferson
has also been accused of being the father of mulatto children and he
certainly was of the aristocratic class.
J. C. Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, p. 27, f. n.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 147

European apprenticeship system then in vogue. In gen-
eral, this indentured servant class may be divided into three
divisions on the basis of the cause of their immigration to
America. 58 Many were free, poor people, anxious to go to
America but unable to pay their way, who pledged their
service for a term of years to gain passage. There were
also a goodly number of persons, generally children, kid-
napped in the streets of English cities and sold into servi-

tude in the colonies. The third class were transported fel-

ons, dissolute individuals, vagabonds, prisoners of war and

various others whom the government was anxious to get
out of the country. So many of this latter class were
sent, that in 1663, they were present in sufficient numbers
to imperil the government. The importation was stopped
in 1671, England diverting the stream for a time to the

West Indies ; but it was begun again in 1717 and continued,

in spite of protests, to the time of the Revolution. It was
not effectively stopped before 1788. From 1664 to 1671,
the average importation into Virginia alone was fifteen hun-
dred a year. It is estimated that from 1717 to the Revo-
lution there were some fifty thousand criminals sent to the
colonies. 63
This white indentured servitude was just reaching its
height in Virginia at the time the first Negroes were brought
into the colony. 64 The number of Negroes increased slowly
McCormac, White Servitude in Maryland, Chapter 1.
Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, p. 33. Bassett,
Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina, pp. 75-77.
Ibid., p. 30.
Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, pp. 36-37.
n Ibid., pp. 37-38.
Ibid., p. 41.
H. P. Fairbanks, Immigration, p. 48. See, also, McCormac, White
Servitude in Maryland, pp. 93 ff.
Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, p. 91,
148 The Mulatto in the United States

at first, there being only thirty in the colony in 1650. In
1671 there were about two thousand slaves and six thousand
white servants in Virginia. Twelve years later, the latter
had nearly doubled, while the blacks had increased to about
three thousand. The Negroes, however, proved their supe-
riority as a servile labor class and from about 1685 on
white servitude began to give way to black slavery. In
Maryland, the white servants were numerous and of the
same general type as those of Virginia. Brackett 67 states
that the English jails were in part emptied into the colonies
and adds that many of the indentured class were adventurers
and good-for-nothings. Elsewhere the situation was simi-
lar, though in the other colonies the white servants did
not form so high a percentage of the total population. 69
It was these servants with whom the Negroes came into
closest contact. Many of them, of course, were highly re-
spectable persons, 70 but among them were "disorderly per-
sons," deported convicts, prostitutes, and the like, in
great numbers. They courted the Negroes as agreeable
companions. 72 The social condition of the black and white
See p. 107 f. above.
See McCormac, White Servitude in Maryland, Chapter 3, "Number
and Economic Importance."
Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, p. 118.
Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, pp. 92-93.
Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia were the three chief colonies
importing white servants.
70 ".
. . In many much worth who had
instances they were people of
met with misfortune, who having been poor in the first place had
taken advantage of this opportunity to make their fortunes in the New
World. ." Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North
. .

Carolina, p. 80.
" Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 121.
See Bassett, Slavery in the State of North Carolina, p. 22, for illu-
minating side-light on the consequences of the association of the Negroes
and the low-class whites-
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 149

servants was at first much bound to-

the same; they "were
gether b} a fellowship of toil."
The relatively great num-
ber of the vicious whites in certain regions 7i made it in-
evitable that there should be much illicit relations between
the races. The first case of intermixture of which there is
any record is that of a white servant and a Negro woman.
"During the first half to three-quarters of a century there
was an indiscriminate mingling and marrying." 76 Wil-
liams adds :

The contact of two elements — of

these slaves and
convicts —was neither prudent nor healthy. The half-
breed population increased and so did the free negroes.
The negroes suffered from the touch of moral conta-
gion of this effete matter driven out of European so-

There was a provision in the Maryland law of 1692 that

any white man who married with or had a child by a Negro
Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 121.
The population of the present territory of Baltimore and Hartford
in 1752 was given as follows:
Free whites over 11,000
White servants nearly 1,000
Convicts 5,000 to 6,000
Mulatto slaves 116
Negro slaves 4,027
Free mulattoes 196
Free Negroes 8
Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, pp. 175-76.
This was the case of Hugh Davis. He was publicly flogged Sep-
tember 17, 1630, "before an assembly of negroes and others" for "defil-
ing himself with a negro." "It was required that he confess as much
the following Sabbath." Williams, History of the Negro, Vol. 1, p. 121,
quoting Henning. See, also, Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony

of Virginia, pp. 72-73.

Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, p. 121.
History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 247.
150 The Mulatto in the United States

woman should be put to service for a period of seven

years. 78 In Pennsylvania, a white servant was indicted for
sexual offence with a Negress in 1677. In 1722, the As-
sembly was petitioned for relief from the practice of white
people cohabiting with Negroes. A whole tract of land in
Sussex County was known as "Mulatto Hall." The mu-
lattoes, were numerous, were the offspring of Negroes
and low-class whites. 80
In the earlier days, the association between the Negro
slaves and the bonded servants was close, and this sym-
pathetic relation held in some cases as between the free
Negroes and the freed white servants. The poor whites
in many cases tried to screen the fugitive slaves, and the
free Negro was not always improved by freedom. "It
was thought that a rather large proportion of the free

colored females, particularly free mulattoes, were un-

chaste." 83 In Maryland, there was a special legal enact-
ment to cover the case of free Negro women having chil-
84 85
dren of white men. Bassett says of the early Negro
slaves that "They were in the lowest moral condition . . .

Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, p. 33.
"Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, pp. 29-30.
w Ibid., pp. 30-31.
Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina,
p. 34.
"The women grew unchaste, the men dishonest, until in many minds

the term 'free negro' became a synonym of all that was worthless and
despicable." David Dodge [O. W. Blacknall], "The Free Negroes of
North Carolina." Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 57, p. 26.
"Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia, p. 137. He adds: "However
this may have been, there is ample documentary evidence to show that
in the 19th century there was a large class of the free colored population
the members of which were respectable and observant of decency and
regularity in their family relation."
Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, pp. 33, 195.
Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina, p. 30.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 151

They were bestial, given to the worst venereal diseases and

they had little or no regard for the marriage bond." Brick-
well, who was a physician, says that the white men of the

colony suffered a great deal from a malignant kind of

venereal disease which they took from the slaves. The
looseness of the marriage tie among the free blacks was
notorious. 87 Strenuous measures were necessary to main-
tain order among the assemblages of the blacks and whites.
As the Negroes increased in numbers, however, distinc-
tions were made between the blacks and the whites. The
heavier work was put upon the Negroes "and the servant
class as more intelligent was reserved for the lighter
tasks." 89 The Negresses were frequently employed in the
field work with the men. Many of the servants were taken
into the master's house. "Women-servants were com-
monly employed as domestics."
The servants, as a class, came quickly to exaggerate the
difference. They worked with the Negro but did not live
with him. The feeling of fellowship that at first existed
between the white servants and the black slaves gradually
gave place to social estrangement. "Yet, in spite of the
strong social antipathies, there was some illicit relations

Ibid., pp. 30, 59. It is probable that they contracted this disease
from the Indian rather than from the Negro slaves. If from the Ne-
groes, they had received it from the Indians.
Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, p. 189.
""... Friends were still troubled by the racing of horses and the
meeting of negroes Great crowds of idle whites and blacks, they
. . .

said, drank and behaved riotously there— until, in 1747, horse racing
was forbidden, also, and the constables of the neighborhood ordered to
disperse all crowds of slaves, at the time of the yearly meetings, if nec-
essary by whipping and by the assistance of a posse." Ibid., p. 102.
Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, p. 69.
Ibid., p. 69.
Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia, pp. 124-27.
152 The Mulatto in the United States

between shameless white persons and Negroes." Wil-
liams, speaking of Maryland, says that the Negro slaves
who were at first courted by the convicts and other lowly
whites, at length came to be treated worse by them than
by the opulent and intelligent slave dealers.
This attitude of superiority and the disposition to keep
free from all association with the Negro, which was at all
times true of many individuals and which later came to be
a marked characteristic of the whole poor white class, is
thus stated by Ballagh:

The natural pride of the free man sustained this

feeling, together with the strong race prejudice that
has ever separated the Englishman from an inferior
and dependent race. These sentiments were ef-
. . .

fective with the better class of servants in keeping them

aloof from association with such inferiors. With con-
victs and the lower classes, where such considerations
were not always sufficient, the law. Freemen and
. . .

servants alike were subjected to severe penalties for

intercourse with negroes, mulattoes and Indians, and
intermarriage with them or with infidels was prohibited
by many statutes prescribing the punishment both for
the offender and the minister who performed the cere-
mony. The limitation of the servants, marriages upon
the master's consent was a sufficient safe-guard in their
case, and but little responsibility may be regarded as
attaching to them for the growth of the mulatto class.
As was natural between two dependent classes whose
conditions were different and widely in favor of one
class, race prejudice and pride were at their strongest
and developed jealousies which did not exist between
master and his dependent or the freedman and the slave.
A disposition on the part of the servants to keep them-
Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia, p. 124.
History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 247.
White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, pp. 71-73.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 153

selves free from all association with negroes was per-


Another body of the mulattoes were children of white

servant women by slave and free Negro men. There seems
to have been a considerable number of these mulattoes in
Virginia toward the end of the seventeenth century. By
the law of Virginia, these children were bound out by the
church wardens until the age of thirty. The master was
required to provide some degree of education for the ap-
prentices. 96 The servant woman guilty of having a mu-
latto child was sold for five years as a punishment. These
mulatto children of white women account, in small part, for
the large number of free mulattoes in Virginia in the middle
and latter part of the seventeenth century.
In Mar viand from 1692, there were penalties for white
women allowing themselves to be with child by colored per-
sons and for colored men guilty of the act. The same
penalty was provided for slaves and free colored persons.
Says McCormac :

While law [1681] very effectually protected the

servant from evil designs of an avaricious master, it
did not prevent lewd conduct on the part of the ser-
vant. Mingling of the races continued during the 18th
Ibid., pp. 72-74.
Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia, pp. 40 ff., 138.

""Where the offence occurred, then, it was more likely to do so in

the case of a free person than of a servant, . .

." Ballagh, White Servi-

tude in the Colony of Virginia, p. 73.

W. H. Thomas, The American Negro, p. 6.
Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, p. 196.
°Ibid., p. 191. "There were not a few cases of such offspring." In
1790 there is a case of a sale of a white woman and her mulatto child
as servants. There are other cases in 1793 and 1794. See, also, p.

140 f. n.
McCormac, White Servitude in Maryland, pp. 69-70.

154 The Mulatto in the United States

century, in spite of all laws against it. Preventing

the marriage of white servants with slaves only led to
a greater social evil, which caused a reaction of public
sentiment against the servant. Masters and society in
general were burdened with the care of illegitimate mu-
latto children. . . .

In Pennsylvania, especially in the neighborhood of Phil-

adelphia, a mulatto population grew up, some of which
were slave and some were free, according to the condition
of the mother. Says Turner: 102

The child of a slave was not necessarily a slave

. . .

one of the parents was free.

if The line of servile
descent lay through the mother. Accordingly the child
of a slave mother and a free father was a slave, of a
free mother and a slave father a servant for a term of
years only. The result of the application of this doc-
trine to the offspring of a negro and a white person
was that the mulattoes were divided into two classes.
Some were servants for a term of years the others ;

formed a third class of slaves.

The act of 1725-1726 recognized this. The law enumer-

ated four classes of Negro servants. "Fourthly, all mu-
latto children who were not slaves for life, were to be bound
out until they were thirty-one years of age." Bassett, 104
in enumerating the sources of the free Negro population,
Another [source] was the children of white women
by negro men. There is evidence that not a few such
people were in the government. Taken all together,
there was a considerable number of free negroes among
the people by the close of the Colonial period.
The Negro in Pennsylvania, pp. 24-25.
™Ibid., pp. 91-92.
Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina, p. 67.
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 155

Delaware in 1721 passed an act punishing adultery and

fornication. It provided that in case of children of a white

woman by a slave, the County Court bound them out until

they were thirty-one years of age. 105 The number of mu-
lattoes born to white women was nowhere large but that
the number was considerable there is no reason to doubt.
There appears also to have been some intermixture be-
tween the low-class white women and the Indian men.
The Indians were never under the social ban to the same
extent as the Negro. The distinction between mulattoes,
mustees, and half-breed Indians was not always clearly
made; the term mulatto was frequently used to include all
three. 107 It may well be that in some of the cases men-
tioned of white women having mulatto children, the off-
spring were really half-breed Indians.

Intermarriage with Indians

The Negro has everywhere and at all times mixed freely

with the Indian. The barriers to social equality were less

between them than between either and the white. There was
some ground of sympathy between them and there were
no laws forbidding intermixture. 108 In many of the colo-
nies, the first slaves were Indians. 109 The captives in battle
Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, p. 250.
Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, p. 117, mentions such a case.
". . .At about the same time, a Pocomok Indian was imprisoned for
rape of an English woman. ... As it was found that the woman had
willingly erred, the Indian was merely whipped, according to English
law, and advised by the court to be more circumspect."
Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia, p. 130. See, also, Bassett,
Slavery in the State of North Carolina, p. 90. He here quotes a cor-
respondent as saying that "many of them [mulattoes] were descended
from Indian and ." . .

Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia, pp. 41, 127 If.
W9 Bassett,
Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina,
156 The Mulatto in the United States

were enslaved, 110 and not a few were kidnapped along the
unsettled coasts and sold into slavery among the more set-

tled colonies. 111 How many Indian slaves there were, it

is impossible to say ; they w ere classed with the blacks and


no difference was made between them and other slaves. 112

They were not particularly adapted to slavery, and as
the Negroes increased, they gradually disappeared. 114 They
were thrown into close association with the Negroes, inter-
married readily with them, and were gradually absorbed by
and disappeared into the growing body of blacks. 115
pp. 71-74. B. C. Steiner, A History of Slavery in Connecticut, pp. 9 ff.

"Indian Slavery."
Massachusetts sold the captives in King William's war into slavery.
Virginia made slaves for life of those Indians taken in war but hesi-
tated to do so with those offered for sale by other Indians. Steiner,
A History of Slavery in Connecticut, p. 9. Brackett, The Negro in
Maryland, p. 19. Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North
Carolina, pp. 72 ff.
The first slaves in North Carolina were of this sort. Ibid., p. 71.
H. S. Cooley, A Study of Slavery in New Jersey, pp. 11-13.
"At first some masters enslaved Indian women to increase their
slave-progeny. This cross was not adapted to slavery, because those of
Indian blood knew the country and were better able to escape. Conse-
quently a law was passed in most states forbidding the enslavement of
the children of Indian mothers. For this reason many Negro men took
Indian wives so that their children might be born free. . .
." J. F.
Gould, "The Negro Finding Himself," Speech before the Boston Business
League, A Negro Organization. Quoted in the Boston Reliance, a Negro
newspaper. It is not meant for humor.
Massachusetts in 1712 and Connecticut in 1716 forbade the impor-
tation of Indian siaves on the ground that they were fierce and caused
trouble. Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Caro-
lina, p. 73.
Dodge, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 57, pp. 29-30.
Ibid., p. 72.
many, not the larger part of the free negroes whose freedom dates
further back than this century show traits in mind and body that are
unmistakably Indian. ." The Indians seem to have been more used
. .

as concubines than were the Negresses and consequently more of them

set free because they had borne half-breed children. This was especially
Nature of Race Intermixture m United States 157

The reservations set apart in the seventeenth and eight-

eenth centuries in many cases became the common home for
116 117
Indians and free Negroes. As the Negroes frequently
outnumbered the Indians, these settlements generally lost
all but a tradition of Indian ancestry. Runaway slaves

frequently sought refuge among the Indians. In some

119 In
cases, they were harbored and taken into the tribe.

true of the French settlements. Both the French and the English feel
less repugnance toward the Indian than toward the Negro. H. A.
Trexler, Slavey in Missouri, p. 80. See, also, note 118, p. 157 below.
John Fisk, The Discovery of America, Vol. 2, pp. 427 ff., has an
excellent brief description of Indian slavery.
A petition in 1843 in regard to the Pamunkey reservation in King
Williams County stated "that all but a small remnant of the old Indian
tribe was extinct, and that in its place were free mulattoes, 'They
. . .

are so mingled with the negro race as to have obliterated all striking
features of Indian extraction. It is the general resort of free negroes
from parts of the country.' " Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia,

p. White persons in the vicinity of the reservation of the Notta-

ways and kindred tribes affirmed, in 1821, that the wives and husbands
of the Indians were free Negroes and "that they had neither prudence
nor economy." Ibid., p. 129. Of the inhabitants of the Gingaskin res-
ervation it was said inwho were not entirely black
1787 "that those
had 'at least half black blood in them.' The place was called Indian
Town, but many of the squaws had negroes for husbands, and the Indian
braves lived with black wives." Ibid., p. 128.
Bureau of American Ethnology. Handbook of the American In-
dians, Part 1, p. no doubt that many of the broken coast
914. "There is

tribes have been completely absorbed into the negro race." See, also,

p. 81 above.
"In treaties made with the governor of Maryland with various
Indians, in 1661 and 1663, there is the stipulation that the Indians are
to return any runaway 'Englishmen.' Later the neighboring Indians
were encouraged to seize runaways by the reward of a blanket or its
value. Treaties with them forbade their harboring servants and slaves,
who were to be given over to the nearest English plantation. The back-
woods offered a near retreat for runaways. As a certain tribe of Indians
had evidently been regardless of the rights of the good people of Mary-
land in their servants and slaves, the Governor and Council decided, in
158 The Mulatto in the United States

other cases, they simply became the slaves of the Indians

among whom they sought refuge. 120 The Cherokees and
the Creeks were large slave holders and for the most part
mixed on terms of equality with their black slaves. The
Seminoles at a later date owned large numbers of slaves
with whom they had intermixed. There seem also to have
been in their tribe many runaways who were not classed as

Intermixture During Slavery and at Present

The illicit relations between the Negroes and the low-

class whites, which in some regions at least characterized the
racial situation during a considerable portion of the colo-
nial period, very greatly decreased as the institution of
slavery developed. On the one hand, the general and bit-
ter hatred that existeci everywhere in the slave states be-
tween the "poor white class" and the slaves tended to keep
the races apart and to keep intermixture at a minimum. 121

1722, to send to these a messenger with a treaty of peace and friend-

ship, and the promise of a reward of two blankets and a gun to every
Indian who should return a slave. These allurements were evidently
unavailing, for three years later it was decided to send again, to invite
the chiefs to Annapolis. ." Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, pp.
. .

and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina,
Bassett, Slavery
p. 57, quotes Brikell,Natural History of North Carolina, p. 273, as say-
ing that "The Indians had a natural and irreconcilable hatred for
. . .

the negroes and delighted in torturing them. When they would meet
runaways in the woods they would attack them vigorously, either killing
them or driving them back to the whites."
This was by no means always the case between the free Negroes and
the poor whites. See Bassett, Slavery in the State of North Carolina,
p. 43. Dodge, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 59, p. 29, says: ". Hardly a . .

neighborhood was free from low white women who married or co-
habited with free negroes. Well can I recollect the many times when,
with the inconsiderate curiosity of a child, I hurriedly climbed the front
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 159

On the other hand, whatever may have been the extent of

the irregular relationships between the slave-holding class
and their female slaves, the slave system as a working and
developed institution regulated strictly the conduct of the
slavesand thereby restricted, in a measure, irregular rela-
tions between them and the general white population.
Miss Frances A. Kemble, who spent some time in Georgia
about 1850, naively testifies to this fact.

I observed, among the numerous groups that we

passed or met, a much larger proportion of mulattoes
than at the rice-island upon asking Mr
: why this
was so, he said that there no white person could land
without his or the overseer's permission, whereas on St.
Simon's which is a large island containing several plan-
tations belonging to different owners, of course the
number of whites, both residing on and visiting the
place, was much greater, and the opportunity for in-
tercourse between the blacks and whites much more
frequent. 124

woman trudging down

gate-post to get a good look at a shriveled old
the lane, who, when young, I was told, had had her free-negro lover
bled, and drank some of his blood, so that she might swear she had
Negro blood in her."
Bruce, The Plantation Negro as a Freeman, p. 17, gives a good
statement of the restraining effects of slavery on the Negro.
Residence on a Georgian Plantation, p. 162.
In another place, speaking of a certain mulatto woman, Miss Kem-

ble says: "This woman was a mulatto daughter of a slave called Sophy,
by a white man of the name of Walker, who visited the plantation," p.
190. Of another mulatto she says: "The woman's father had been a
white man who was employed for some purpose on the estate," p. 194.
It was of course to the master's interest to prevent intermixture so far
as he was able to do so. "If a woman had children she was rendered
less desirable as a slave. ."
. Frequently slave women were offered

for sale for no other reason than that they had children. Cooley,
A Study of Slavery in New Jersey, p. 55. However, this was not al-
ways the case. Brickell, Natural History of North Carolina, p. 272,
160 The Mulatto in the United States

In the cities and towns of the South, however, there was

no such degree of restraint exercised over the slaves as was
the case on the plantations. Opportunities for association
with others than the master class were greatly increased. A
much larger per cent of the slaves were house servants. The
number of Negroes and free mulattoes was larger.
free The
better opportunity for association resulted in a greatly in-
creased amount of intermixture in the 125
cities. Here there
was a casual mixture totally different in kind from the more
or less permanent or regular association that frequently
existed between the slave owner and a favorite Negress.
It was in general the vicious elements of the whites which
were responsible for the mulattoes in the cities ; on the plan-
tations, generally speaking, the Negro woman was screened
as far as possible from association with this class of whites.
The disorganization resulting from the breakdown of the
master and slave relationship, brought with it an enormous
increase of racial intermixture. The restraint under which
the slaves had been held shielded them from general asso-
ciation with the vicious whites. As they realized the fact
of their freedom, they wandered in great numbers to the
towns and cities where they gave themselves up to a pro-

says that "a fruitful woman amongst them being very much valued by
the planters and a numerous issue esteemed the greatest riches in the
country." Quoted by Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of
North Carolina, pp. 57-58.
"The slave-holders of the Southern states are benevolently do-
. . .

ing their best, in one way at least, to raise and improve the degraded
race, and the bastard population which forms so ominous an element
in the social safety of their cities ." Kemble, Residence on a Geor-
. .

gian Plantation, p. 14. That it was essentially a city phenomenon in

the South is correct: that it was the slave-holding class which was re-
sponsible, wholly or chiefly, is notoriously undemonstrable.
"" Steiner, A
History of Slavery in Connecticut, p. 80, comments upon
this tendency of the manumitted slaves of Connecticut and attributes
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 161*

longed celebration which was frequently characterized by a

more or less promiscuous sexual intercourse among the Ne-
groes themselves and between their women and the vicious
white elements of the cities.

Wherever the Union armies went in the South, they were

besieged by an army of Negro women. Says Thomas, a
severe and unsympathetic but on the whole a frank and
accurate critic of his own race :

... It may have been the outcroppings of grati-

tude to Federal victors, or reckless abandon to lust,
but the inciting cause is immaterial, so long as the
shameful fact is true, that, wherever our armies were
quartered in the South the negro women flocked to
their camps for infamous riot with the white soldiery.
All occupied cities, suburban rendezvous, and rural
bivouacs, bore witness to the mad havoc daily wrought
in black womanhood by our citizen soldiery. have We
personal knowledge of many Federal officers of high
station, and some of strong prejudices against the
race, who openly kept negro mistresses in their army
quarters ; nor do we doubt that the present lax mo-
rality everywhere observable among negro womenkind is
largely due to the licentious freedom which the war
engendered among them. Slavery had its blighting evils,
but also its wholesome restraints. 129
At the present time, the intermixture of the races seems
to be going on more rapidly than at any time in the past. 130

it to "their gregarious tendencies." See, also, J. R. Brackett, Notes on

the Progress of the Colored People Since the War, p. 25.
F. A. Bancroft, The Negro in Politics, pp. 14 ff.
The American Negro, p. 14.
no It
is a significant fact that venereal diseases were practically un-
known in the South outside of a few cities before the War and the Ne-
groes were generally free from them. Following the wake of the Union
armies they rapidly spread throughout the whole black population of the
South. See, however, p. 151 above.
Sir Harry H. Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 98, points
162 The Mulatto in the United States

As has been previously pointed out, some of this increase is

due to legal intermarriage between the races, and some to

a more or less ordered but unlawful concubinage of mu-
latto and Negro girls by white men. Relations of a more
vicious sort, however, are responsible for the large per
cent; 131 and these take two forms. On the one hand, there
is a debauching by white men of the lighter-colored mu-
latto girlswhom they, of course, do not marry. In their
turn, the mulatto men debauch, but refuse to marry, the
black 132

It is necessary to remember that the amount of inter-

mixture is, in general, proportional to the opportunity for
contact. Granting numerous individual exceptions, the gen-
eral statement holds true that the women of a lower race
everywhere are honored by the attention of the men of a
superior caste. It is not only true of the Negro, but is
true of every race or class within a race, which is culturally
inferior and recognizes itself as inferior.

In summarizing, we may say that the intermixture of the

races everywhere has gone on to the extent of the white
man's wishes. The Negro woman never has objected to,

out a similar fact in regard to Brazil. "After emancipation the move-

ment toward a fusion of and the de-
the races between the ex-slave
scendants of his Luso-Brazilian masters went on more rapidly even than
during the three centuries of mild servitude."
m The great majority of the mixed-blood race is of course the result
of marriage between the mulattoes themselves.
Said a Negro Y. M. C. A. Secretary, speaking before a mixed audi-
ence at the Frederick Douglass Center in Chicago: ". No colored*
. .

girl who comes to Chicago has been in the city forty-eight hours with-
out being besieged by the colored men and boys of the city whose one
effort and desire is to work her downfall. We talk of the way in which
the white men wrong our girls but it is our men and boys who least
respect and honor them." The black girl is nattered by these attentions,
especially when they come from mulatto men just as the mulatto girl
is flattered by the attention of white men.
Nature of Race Intermixture m United States 163

and has generally courted, the relationship. It was never

at any time a matter of compulsion on the contrary it was

a matter of being honored by a man of a superior race.

Speaking generally, the amount of intermixture is limited
only by the self-respect of the whiteman and the com-
pelling strength of the community sentiment.
Intermixture went on rapidly during the colonial days
especially where the Negro was in contact with the inden-
tured servant class, and in regions where there was a scar-
city of white women. There was a large intermixture be-
tween the Indians and the Negroes wherever these two races
were in contact. Occasionally the Negro men found white
wives or formed extra-matrimonial alliances with the white
women of the servant class. As the status of the slave be-
came better defined and a social difference was made, the
friendly relation between the Negroes and the white servants
gave place to a feeling of hatred between the Negro and the
poor white class. This, together with the more strict dis-
cipline over the slaves, generally prevented much inter-
mixture of these classes during the period that slavery ex-
isted asa national institution.
Mixture of the races probably went on more slowly dur-
ing the period that slavery existed as a national institu-
tion, than in the period before or the period since. Such
relations as existed between the master class and the slave
women were generally a kind of sub-surface polygamy and
were rather a process of further whitening the mixed-blood
race than a mixture of the whites and blacks. This was dur-
ing the slavery period, and the same thing is true to-day
where concubinage exists, the relation being generally one
between a mulatto woman and a white man; seldom a rela-
tion between a white man and a Negro woman. 133
m W. Laird Clowes, Black America, pp. 142-43, points out that "the
164 The Mulatto in the United States

The amount of racial intermixture, being conditioned by

the opportunity for association of the races and especially
for association of the lower classes, has, in general, been
greatest where the Negro has been least numerous as com-
pared to the white race. Consequently the intermixture al-

ways has been greater in the cities and towns than in the
rural districts, and relatively greater in the North than
in the South. Since the freedom of the Negroes and their
immigration to the towns and cities, intermixture of the
races in the South has increased. It is in the urban situa-
tion that the Negro girls and women come into contact most
frequently with dissolute white men. It is there, too, that
the opportunity to conceal the relationship makes the con-
trol of the situation by the prevailing public sentiment less
effective than in the rural situation.
Finally, such intermixture of the races as now goes on,
outside a very little intermarriage, is, for the most part,
between the vicious elements of both races. Under the slave
regime, especially as it took place outside the cities, it was
often a relation between a better class of white men than
is now usually the case and the choicest and usually the
lightest-colored Negro girls. At the present time, there is

a disposition on the part of the better-class whites and a

growing sentiment among the Negro middle-class to avoid
such relationships. There is, however, much intermixture
between certain classes of whites and mulatto girls 134
between mulatto men and Negro girls. It seems to be on

chief sinners —if sinners they can be called in such connection —are the
coloured, as distinct from the pure negro, women of the South."
Mr. DuBois has pointed out that the process of intermixture goes
on between the mulatto girls and the lower grade of whites. ". in . .

many an instance a prudent negro mother finds it wise to send her

good-looking yellow daughter to some institution to save her from the
temptation of association with the lowest grade of white boys in the
Nature of Race Intermixture in United States 165

the whole, though not exclusively, a casual association of

the lower classes of the whites and frequently the lower
classes of both races.

neighborhood/' Quoted by Raymond Patterson, The Negro and His

Needs, p. 35.
It is interesting to compare this with the situation in Chile where, it

is said, that "very few prostitutes can make a living" because the half-
breed girls "are so easy." E. A. Ross, South of Panama, pp. 222-26.


first introduced into the English Colonies
were probably not introduced as slaves.

White servitude was the rule before the Negro came. He

was brought into more or less intimate contact with these
white indentured servants, and probably little difference
was at first made between his status and theirs. It was the
first contact in any appreciable numbers of the North Euro-

pean peoples with the African races. Aside from what-

ever natural antipathy may have existed between people so
widely different in physical appearance, there was no sen-
timent of hostility toward the black man, no traditional
prejudice, and no customary caste feeling of superiority. 2
Such was probably not so much a mat-
feeling as did exist
ter of race as was a matter of religion. 3 The Negroes

were "heathen" and the distinction was between Christians

and Barbarians rather than between people of white and

"Beyond all question the first negroes brought in were not introduced
as freemen. The only question is whether, upon entering the colony,
they became servants or slaves. . . ." J. H. Russell, The Free Negro
in Virginia, p. 23. See, also, p. 19.
'Ibid., p. 137.
H. S. Cooley, A
Study of Slavery in New Jersey, p. 57.
Edward The Negro in the District of Columbia, p. 43.
David Dodge, "The Free Negroes of North Carolina," Atlantic
Monthly, Vol. 57, p. 24, gives 1830 as the date, and reaction against abo-
litionism the cause, of change in race prejudice.
J. R. Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, pp. 30 ff.

The Growth of the Mulatto Class 167

people of black skin.

The early colonial conception of slavery was very dif-
ferent from that which came to prevail at a later time. The
system was new, imperfect, immature there existed no crys-

tallized body of doctrine as to the slaves' condition or sta-

tus. Nor was there any strong body of sentiment opposed
to the institution. The seventeenth century idea of a slave
was that of a servant for life. It was for the most part
a domestic institution as opposed to an industrial one. The
slaves were recognized as persons not, as in the later con-
ception, things. In most cases, they lived in close relation
to the family of the master and neither in law nor in cus-
tom were they regarded in any way as very different from
other servants and apprentices. They were laborers and
probably not considered, nor treated very differently from
other laborers. The very strangeness of the Africans and
their physical, cultural, and temperamental differences

from the settlers may have given them a status unlike tha£
of other persons in the colonies. Their number was very
small, however, and it was, in general, a generation after
their first introduction before black slavery was recognized
by law. It had existed as a well-established and well-under-
stood custom long before it anywhere received legal sanc-
But gradually the Negroes acquired or were assigned a

separate and inferior status. From the status of servants,

they acquired the status of servants for life, or slaves, and
finally that of servants in perpetuity. As white servitude
declined, the status of servant or slave came to be asso-
ciated with color; and slavery became the presumptive sta-
tus of all Negroes. Moreover, the early conception of a
slave as a person serving for life, gave place to the concep-
tion of a slave as a thing rather than as a person. "Grad-
168 The Mulatto in the United States

ually," says Turner, "the very best negroes had come to
be regarded as of an alien race, and as an outcast and de-
graded people with whom no intimate association was pos-
sible." Color prejudice grew up as the characteristics of
the Negroes became better known and increased in strength
with the increase in numbers of the blacks. Where the
numbers remained small, the prejudice remained very largely
a simple, organic, repulsive reaction against the strange
and the ugly. As long as the numbers remained so small
as to constitute no immediate menace, the outward ex-
pression of the race prejudice remained in abeyance. Where
the slaves were more numerous and better known, the sen-
timents and attitudes were more definitely organized and
the Negro, as such, was assigned a separate and lower eco-
nomic and social status as the only conceivable working
relation that could exist between two groups at the oppo-
site extremes of human culture.
This race, ever more and more separated from the white
group by the action of the whites, was in no sense a homo-
geneous group. 6 Its members were much alike as to color
and other physical characteristics, but in temperament
and in talent they differed much as other men differ. As
their domestication progressed, they rapidly became a less

E. R. Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, p. 199.
Ibid., p. 143. See, also, J. C. Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony
of Virginia, pp. 97 ff. and G. W. Williams, History of the Negro Race

in America, Vol. 1, p. 142.

There were among the slaves, representatives of many African
tribes well as Australian Blacks, natives of Oceania and New
Guinea. Well over one-half of the slaves, however, were Negroes from
the West African Coast. See C. H. Otken, Ills of the South, pp. 203 if.
for an attempt to identify and evaluate the different tribal elements.
The very considerable number of Indians and later of Indian-Negro
intermixtures among the slaves did much to increase the temperamental
The Growth of the Mulatto Class 169

and less homogeneous group. This natural differentiation

within the group, due to the different rate at which indi-
viduals were able to accommodate themselves to civilized

manners and customs, was being constantly increased by

the addition of new arrivals from Africa. 8
But aside from differences in native talent and the length
of the period of domestication of the Negroes brought to
America, there were other forces at work tending to bring
about a differentiation within the Negro group. Such
things as climate, occupations, types of people in the dif-
ferent regions or colonies, afforded the black man unequal
opportunities for assimilating the white man's culture. Di-
versity in customs, sentiments, racial heredity, and religious
belief made differences in his treatment. The differences in
climate and consequently in occupations in various sections
of the country, made a difference in his work. The wide
variety of conditions naturally produced a great difference
in the rate at which the Negroes acquired the outward
forms of English culture.
The relative numbers of the Negroes and whites varied
widely in various sections of the country. In most of the
northern sections the proportionate number of Negroes was.
never large. 9 As a result, they came more into contact
with the white people and consequently their opportunity
to assimilate the white man's culture was superior to the
opportunity of those Negroes whose lot fell in sections of
the country where the proportion of Negroes to whites was
greater. The negative side of the proposition is of equal
importance. Where the number of Negroes was small, they

S. Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Caro-

lina, pp. 56-57.
"For the most part, only one or two negroes were owned by any
person." B. C. Steiner, A History of Slavery in Connecticut, p. 21.
170 The Mulatto in the United States

had not the same opportunity to associate with one another

and so did not have the opportunity to develop and per-
petuate their African traditions and culture. The Negroes
more rapidly in some sections than in others, therefore,
simply because of differences in numbers, threw off the lan-
guage and traditions of Africa and took on the language
and customs of their masters.
Another differentiating factor among the slaves, was the
lack of uniformity among the slaveholders themselves.
While as a class the slaveholders represented the educa-
tional, moral, economic, intellectual, and social aristocracy;
and stood for all that was best in American life, they were
by no means all of the same high type. The slave in the
household of a wealthy, educated, and refined gentleman
had a vastly better opportunity than did the slave in the
household of the ignorant and the vicious. 10 In some cases,
at least, the slaves were given some education, taught the
religion of their masters and had some opportunity for as-
sociation with the white people. 11 In other cases they were
denied these things or had no opportunity to secure them.
Again, some slaves early received their freedom. This
was the case in all parts of the country. At a later period,
it was especially the case in the North where slavery was
not the profitable economic institution that it proved to be
in other parts of the country. The actual number freed
Frances A. Kemble, Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Planta-
tion, p. 24. Ballagh, White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, pp.
97 ff.
A Southern Planter, p. 40. Speaking of Lunsford
Susan D. Smedes,
Lane, J. The Anti-Slavery Leaders in North Carolina, pp.
S. Bassett,
61-62, says that "His parents had been kept in the town for family
. . .

service, and thus their offspring had opportunities beyond the other
negroes. Lunsford early learned to read and write Many men of . . .

political prominence visited his master's house, and from waiting on

these he acquired much general information. . .
The Growth of the Mulatto Class 171

was, of course, greater in the South. There grew up, there-

fore, a body of free Negroes who, though their condition
on the whole seems often not to have been superior to that
of the slaves, 12 were free to follow their own inclinations as
to employment, the accumulation of property, associations,
and the like.

A more profound difference was that between the


condition of the town and plantation slaves. In the for-

mer situation, they were brought into continual contact
and association with various members of the opposite race. 13
The plantation Negroes, on the other hand, were isolated

Except for natural procreation, the principal additions or
. . .

recruits to this class [free Negroes] throughout this period were the
result of illegitimacy. There was no tendency to attribute to a few
negroes and mulattoes of such low origin any higher social standing than
that occupied by more than 99 per cent of their race and color. . .

Russell, The Free Negro in Virginia, p. 126. However, ". before . .

the time of the active propagation of the antislavery doctrines, there

existed little if any prejudice against the education of free colored
persons." Ibid., p. 137. See, also, pp. 51, 76.
". . . before 1780 a negro even if free was far from being as free
as a white man. . . ." Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, p. 113.

See, also, p. 127.

". Free negroes were despised rather than hated,
. . and though . . .

some gained and held a place of comparative comfort and security, the
mass came under the obloquy attached to slavery without participation
in the benefits enjoyed by the average bondsman." E. Ingle, Southern
Sidelights, p. 285. See, also, p. 279. See, also, Williams, History of
the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, pp. 315, 286; Cooley, A Study of
Slavery in New Jersey, pp. 45 ff. ; Steiner, A History of Slavery in
Connecticut, p. 23, f. n. ; J. S. Bassett, Slavery in the State of North
Carolina, pp. 34 ff. ; Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of
North Carolina, pp. 66 ff.
These slaves "who thus came under the religious influence of their
masters and mistresses" were most likely the ones first converted to Chris-
tianity. See Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North
Carolina, pp. 48-50. See, also, E. Ingle, The Negro in the District of
Columbia, p. 19.
172 The Mulatto in the United States

from the cultured race and in continual association with

other Negroes. They did not get into touch with the whites.
They retained, therefore, the language, the customs, and
the traditions of their African home, for years and gener-
ations after the more fortunately situated Negroes had cast
them off.

. .The house servants in Charleston or Savan-


nah, in close personal and confidential touch with the

master and mistress, and with opportunities to acquire
a certain degree of book-learning, and much more val-
uable culture in morality and refinement, were quite
different from the workers in the rice-fields or among
the canes, many of whom were steeped in the supersti-
tion of barbarism and clung to African gibberish fifty
years after they had passed from the decks of the
slaver. 14

In the back country the contact was more intimate than

on the larger plantations and, while not so varied, was fre-
quently more effective even than the city life.

In North Carolina, and elsewhere, no doubt, it was

noticeable that slavery, was of a milder type in
. . .

the western counties. Here the farms were small.

Slave-owners had but few slaves. With these they
mingled freely. They worked with them in the fields,
plowing side by side. The slave cabins were in the
same yard with the master's humble home. Slave chil-
dren and, indeed, slave families were directly under the
eye of the master, and better still, of the mis-
LI to N » • • •

Finally, and possibly of greatest importance, was the

occupational differentiation among the members of the Ne-
Ingle, Southern Sidelights, p. 264. See, also, P. A. Bruce, The Plan-
tation Negro as a Freeman, p. 74.
Bassett, Slavery in the State of North Carolina, p. 8. See, also,
Dodge, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 57, p. 21.
The Growth of the Mulatto Class 173

gro group. Some were house and body servants, some

were mechanics, some were laborers and field hands. The
first had the opportunity of intimate daily association with
the master's family. 16
The second had not only that association, but the educa-
tion and training necessary to make of them efficient work-

. . But the superior slave class, and the one that


represented all that was best in Negro development,

was the mechanics who were in most cases conspicuous
for their ability and achievements, for slavery included
among its mechanical industries every form of handi-
craft, and as the ability to acquire a mechanical art
carries with it a fair degree of intelligence, it is not
surprising that negro artisans, who were carefully se-
lected for their special lines of work, should have de-
veloped characters superior to their less fortunate fel-
lows. 17

The third class came little into contact with the whites. 18
On the plantation, they might never see the master and
seldom any white man from one year's end to another. On
the larger plantations and in Jamaica, it was even possible
for the slaves to see little more of the white man than did
their ancestors in Africa. On these larger plantations, the
institution was a more strictly economic one in contrast to
the more patriarchal type it assumed in the back country
and on the smaller plantations.
" "I should tell you that Aleck's parents and kindred have always
been about the house of the overseer, and in daily habits of intercourse
with him and his wife; and wherever this is the case the effect of in-
voluntary educationis evident in the improved intelligence of the de-

graded race." Kemble, Residence on a Georgian Plantation, p. 24. See,

also, W. H. Thomas, The American Negro, p. 15.

"Ibid., pp. 15-16. See, also, p. 67.

w Ibid., p. 15.
superior natural talent, superior advantages, superior ed-
ucation and training, because of their freedom —there was
a separation within the Negro group that dates from the
beginning of the Negroes' American life. Some of the
classes thus formed were isolated geographically and so-
cially and found their chief or only associations with others
of their kind. Other more fortunate classes had the
advantage of association and contact with the cultured
In the ranks of the favored classes, there was a pre-
ponderance of mulattoes. From their first appearance, and
increasingly as the system developed and the control of eco-
nomic forces allowed a body of trained house servants to
grow, the mulattoes formed the house and body servants.
When not all could be employed in house work, they were
most frequently the ones chosen to learn the trades. They
were the ones employed in skilled work. In any case, they
came into more close, constant, and intimate association
with the white people. This was more especially the case
as the institution became older and the number of slaves
increased to where a more complete division of labor was
possible. There are a number of circumstances each suf-
ficient to account in part for the excess of mulattoes in the
favored classes.
In the first place, it was generally believed throughout the
slavery period that the mulattoes were superior in intelli-
gence to the black slaves. 19 In spite of their inferior bodily
strength, they commanded a higher price in the slave mar-
Because of —the truth or
this belief falsity of the
belief is not here in question— they were most often chosen
Kemble, Residence on a Georgian Plantation, p. 240.
Ray Stannard Baker, Following the Color Line, p. 164.
ior the tasks that required an exercise ot skill and mtelli-
gence. 21 Thomas says that "the Negroes coarse in

speech and crude in action were assigned to labor in the
fields and forest. . . ." After speaking of the class of
domestic servants he adds

. . . Another equally intelligent, but more self-reliant

class, was the slaves employed in portage in commer-
cial together with many others engaged in
occupations which required little supervision, but a
fair degree of personal intelligence and practical judg-
ment to perform rightly.

Because of the presumption of the mulattoes' superior in-

telligence the industrial as opposed to the common labor

classes were, so far as the number of mulattoes allowed a
choice to be made, mulatto classes.
"In the early days some few, at least, of the mulattoes
were children of white women. 23 Where this was the case
the childhad the advantage of a white mother's care and
training and this, even of the type of white woman who
gave birth to a mulatto child, was doubtless superior to
the training that could be given a child by the Negro
mother. Consequently the child, other things equal, would
be somewhat superior to the child of a black mother. More-

n "The fact that the majority of those entrusted with responsibility

and of those who succeeded best in acquiring knowledge, both of letters
and of industrial arts, during slavery were mulattoes, and the fact that
the majority of those of the present who have made creditable attain-
ments are of mixed blood, go to prove that a mixture of white blood
has had much to do in the matter of higher ambition, mental force, and
efficiency of the talented few. ." C. H. McCord, The American Negro
. .

as a Defective, Dependent and Delinquent, p. 50.

The American Negro, pp. 15, 16.
See pp. 152 ff. above.
176 The Mulatto in the United States

over, as the status of the child followed that of the mother, I

it would, in most cases, ultimately become a free man or I

woman with whatever advantages went with the status. I

Such ancestry, consequently, tended to increase the percent-

age of mulattoes in the free Negro group.
In some cases, there existed a paternal or other blood
relationship between the mulatto slave and the master.
How numerous such cases were, it is wholly impossible to
say ; but where such relationships existed, the individual
was doubtless favored over other individuals of the servile
class. He was likely to receive his freedom, generally with
that of his mother and often with some property for a start
in life. But whether or not such individuals went to swell
the ranks of the free Negro group, they were, by heredity 27

See p. 139 above.
"Indeed it was notorious that freemen sold their own mulatto chil-

dren born in Virginia." J. P. Dunn, Indiana, p. 223. This was prob-

ably more notorious than accurate. There were doubtless such cases
but the stories that the slave-owning class made this a practice are no
longer a part of the mental furnishings of any one of standard de-
velopment. Everywhere there were usually a number of prosperous
". . .

free negroes. Most of them were mulattoes, not a few of them were
set free by their fathers and thus they fell easily into the life around
them. This mulatto class was partly due to the easy sexual relations be-
tween the races. A white man who kept a negro mistress ordinarily
lost no standing in society on account of it. The habit, though not com-
mon, was not unusual. Often the mistress was a slave, and thus there
were frequent emancipations either by gift or by purchase of liberty,
till the stricter spirit of the laws after 1831 checked it." Bassett, Slavery
in the State of North Carolina, pp. 45-46.
See Booker T. Washington, Story of the Negro, Vol. 1, pp. 227 if.
So far as a sex relation exists anywhere between a master and a
subject race it is always the choicest females who are so honored. The
statement in the text, therefore, refers to the colored side of the mu-
lattoes' ancestry. There is no implication of or denial of fundamental
racial superiority. Their mothers were the choicest individuals of their
The Growth of the Mulatto Class 177

and training, the best specimens of the race and raised the
percentage of mulattoes in the favored classes.
But the most important reason that the mulatto was
chosen in preference to the Negro for any employment that
brought him into association with the master family was
the fact that he was a better looking animal. 28 He made
a better appearance. 29 For this reason he was selected as
the house and body servant. This favored class of domes-
tic servants "were usually bright and intelligent negroes
who, through contact and sympathetic supervision, acquired
in many instances a training in manners and methods of
incomparable grace and efficiency."

The Negroes everywhere made distinctions among them-

selves. The free Negroes recognized the difference between
themselves and the slaves. The town Negroes considered
themselves superior to the country Negroes. In the same
way, the house servants held themselves superior to the field
hands. The basis on which the distinctions were most usu-
ally made was that of color. The free Negroes were very
frequently mulattoes. 32 The house servants also were fre-

Sir Harry H. Johnston, "Racial Problems and the Congress of
Races," Contemporary Review, Vol. 100, p. 154.
"She was quite indifferent to the public opinion that required only
fine-looking, thoroughly trained servants about the establishment of a
gentleman." Smedes, A
Southern Planter, p. 65.
Thomas, The American Negro, p. 15. ". The mulattoes were em-
. .

ployed in towns. ... I have seen great plantations with not one of them
— all black." Bassett, Slavery in the State of North Carolina, p. 90,
quoting a correspondent, apparently with approval.
The various opprobrious epithets applied to members of the race,
and to the opposite race as well, have always been most widely used
by the Negroes themselves. "Crackers," "twisters," "niggers," "burr-
heads," "mule-niggers," "polka dots" and the like, if not invented by
Negroes were and are more often used by them than by the opposite race.
See The Chicago Defender, Editorial "So Say We," 10-9-1915.
In 1860, for e.g., 2,554s of the 3,441 free Negroes were mulattoes.

178 The Mulatto in the United States

quently of mixed-blood and the same was true to a greater i>

extent of the town Negroes than of the plantation Negroes

and lower-class slaves. The mulatto slaves held themselves
superior to the black slaves and claimed privileges on ac-
count of color. The white man considered the mulatto
superior to the black man and the mulatto, taking over the
white man's way of thinking, claimed membership in the
superior ranks on account of his relative absence of color.

The mulatto woman, Sally, accosted me again to-

day and begged that she might be put to some other
than field labor. Supposing she felt herself unequal
to it, I asked her some questions, but the principal
reason she urged for her promotion to some less labor-
ious kind of work was, that hoeing in the field was so
hard to her on "account of her color" and she therefore
petitions to be allowed to learn a trade. I was much
puzzled at this reason for her petition, but was pres-
ently made to understand that, being a mulatto, she
considered field labor a degradation her white bas-

tardy appearing to her a title to consideration in my

eyes. The degradation of these people is very complete,
for they have accepted the contempt of their masters
to that degree that they profess, and really seem to
feel it for themselves, and the faintest admixture of
white blood in their black veins appears at once, by
common consent of their own race, to raise them in
the scale of humanity. I had not much sympathy for
this petition. 83

While the distinctions among the members of the race on

the basis of color were everywhere made, the "color line"
was most carefully and rigidly drawn where there existed

In New Orleans 7,357 of the 9,084 free Negroes were mixed-bloods.

Elsewhere the proportion was usually not so high but was everywhere
marked. See notes 46, 47, p. 116 above.
" Kemble, Residence on a Georgian Plantation, p. 194.
The Growth of the Mulatto Class 179

the largest body of free Negroes. Evans says :

was told by an intelligent light-coloured woman

whom I met in Alabama, who was married to a well-to-
do mulatto there, and who came from Charleston,
South Carolina, that in her early days in that city she
had no black associates, and that between the light-
coloured and black there was a gulf fixed similar to
that separating the former from the whites. Later in
life when she moved into Alabama she found there no
such class distinctions between black and coloured.
Her ancestors on both sides had been freed men for
two generations, the family owned property, and had
a recognized position in Charleston.

Fannie Jackson, a mulatto who is said to have been the

first Negro woman to graduate from a reputable college,

testifies to this spirit of superiority on the part of the mu-


So I went out to service. Oh, the hue and cry there

was, when I went out to live! Even my aunt spoke of
it; she had a home to offer me; but the "slavish" ele-
ment was so strong in me that / make myself a servant.
Ah, how those things cut me then! But I knew I was
right, and I kept straight on.

Frederick Douglass testifies to the same fact as does
37 38
Mr. DuBois, Edward Blyden and, naively or otherwise,

Maurice S. Evans, Black and White in the Southern States, p. 93.
See, also, Ray Stannard Baker, "The Tragedy of the Mulatto," The
American Magazine, Vol. 65, p. 588.
J. W. Cromwell, The Negro in American History, p. 213.
Life and Times, p. 458.
37 ".
.The thing that makes the mulatto especially useful is that,

with the white man, he shares the pride of his white blood and is less
likely than the black to submit to artificial distinctions of race where
nature has bridged them. ." Crisis, Editorial, 9-1913.

E. W. Blyden, Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race, p. 18.
180 The Mulatto in the United States

most of the other Negroes who have become articulate. 39

The white man always has considered the mulatto superior
to the black Negro ; and the mulatto, taking over the white
man's way of thinking, considered himself superior and at-
tributed the superiority to the fact of his mixed blood. He
formed exclusive organizations and claimed superiority on
the basis of color.
The Negroes in general accepted the assumption of supe-
riority on the part of the mulattoes and, like the mulatto
and the white man, attributed the observed superiority to
the admixture of white blood. 40 Speaking of the boat songs
of a certain river plantation group, Miss Kemble says 41 :

One of their songs displeased me not a little, for it

embodied the opinion that "twenty-six black girls not
make mulatto yellow girl"; and I told them I did not
like it they have omitted it since. This desperate ten-
dency to despise and undervalue their own race and
color, which is one of the very worst results of their
abject condition, is intolerable to me.

f.The ideal of the Negro was thus the light-colored man.

He envied him his color 42
and his superiority. Often he
Thomas, The American Negro, pp. 186, 408, 407.
T. T. Fortune, "Place in American Life," in Washington, The Negro
Problem, dd. 227, 226.
The Boston Reliance, 3-13-1915.
The Kansas City Herald, 2-13-1915.
The Kentucky {Louisville) Reporter, 1-23-1915.
The Washington Sun, 4-9-1915.
Patience Pennington, A Woman Rice Planter, p. 235.
Residence on a Georgian Plantation, p. 219. See, also, Pennington,
A Woman Rice Planter, p. 387; and Blyden as quoted in the Crisis,
9-1913, pp. 229-30.
Thomas, Hie American Negro, p. 67.
Blyden, Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race, pp. 24-25, 89.
Baker, American Magazine, Vol. 65, p. 589.
The Growth of the Mulatto Class 181

hated him for his ambition to escape from the race and
align himself with the whites.
•^Once started, the mulatto class tended to perpetuate it-

self. However much the Negro hated the exclusive mulatto,

every black man was anxious to gain admission to the mu-

latto class. Admission, in the absence of mixed-blood, was
most readily obtained by marriage into- the group. Con-
sequently, it was the almost universal desire of the Negro
to marry light-colored women and, to the extent of their
importance, they were successful in doing so.
A roll of

the Negroes who have married white women or light-col-

ored mulattoes would include the great majority of the
men who have gained any distinction either within or with-

out the race.

>£Thus by association, education, and tradition, the mu-
lattoes came to be superior men. They had white blood
and because of their white blood they had superior advan-
tages. The white man considered them superior and, as a
consequence of this, they considered themselves superior.
This gave them a confidence in themselves that the black
Negroes did not have. They felt more important. Among
the Negro group they enjoyed a prestige because of their
"The same feeling [caste feeling of white superiority] is frequently
met with among sober-minded blacks, who, much to one's surprise some-
times, are found to resent the ambitious attempts of their fellows, gen-
, erally mulattoes, to rise above their own race and align themselves with
the whites." B. W. Smith, The Color Line, pp. 173-74. See, also, Mon-
roe Work, "The Passing Tradition and the African Civilization," The
Journal of Negro History, Vol. 1, Number 1, p. 35.
Baker, The American Magazine, Vol. 65, p. 589.
Bruce, The Plantation Negro as a Freeman, pp. 143-44.
"In discussions of the race problem there is one factor of supreme
importance which has been so far disregarded ... to wit, the opinion
or idea which a race has of itself and the influence exerted by this
idea." A. Fouill6e, "Race from the Sociological Standpoint," Inter-
Racial Problems, pp. 24 ff.
182 The Mulatto in the United States

mixed blood, and this reacted to further innate the mu-

lattoes' idea of themselves. 47 So, entirely aside from any
question of racial superiority, the mulatto is and always
been the superior man. 48

See Raymond Patterson, The Negro and His Needs, p. 40.
See, E. B. Renter, "The Superiority of the Mulatto," American Jour-
nal of Sociology, Vol. 23, pp. 83-106.


pointed out frequently both by the friends

ITandhasthebeen critics of the race, that the Negro in America
has not as yet produced an individual entitled to rank
among the world's geniuses. Kelly Miller has said that,
judged by European standards, the race has produced no
man of even secondary rank. Mr. DuBois would seem to
agree that this is a fair statement of fact. 2 Indeed, it

seems to be claimed nowhere by serious students that the

race has produced any man whose achievements have not
been surpassed by scores of men of a different racial ex-
Whatever may be the amount of truth in this generally

accepted belief — and there is no intention here to prove or

disprove it, nor to affirm nor deny it — it is certainly true
that the race has differentiated during its life in America.
The difference separating the extremes within the race has
become very great. Some individuals have, perhaps, not
greatly advanced beyond the standards of life of their Af-
rican ancestors ; others have in all essential respects meas-
ured up to the best standards of modern civilized life. It

is with these latter individuals, quite regardless of the de-

gree of their absolute native ability, with whom we are here
concerned. It is not a question of genius or even of emi-
Race Adjustment, p. 188.
•W. E. B. DuBois, "The Advance Guard of the Race," The Book-
lover's Magazine, Vol. 2, p. 3.


184 The Mulatto in the United States

nence; it is a question of relative superiority and of lead-

ership. It is relative and not absolute superiority that de-
termines the value of the individual in a social situation.
Quite aside, then, from all question of genius, the Negro
race in America has produced a number of individuals who
in spite of, or because of, their black blood have reached a
level of achievement well above the average of either race.
Judged by any fair standard there have been and are to-day
Negroes who deserve to be ranked as exceptional men in
that their accomplishments are well above the level of the
accomplishments of other individuals of their group. 3 It
is true that the number is not great. Compared with the
great number of the race it must even be admitted that the
number is pitifully small. But that there are successful
men, men of ability and of talent, among the race is not to
be denied. They are to be found in greater or lesser num-
bers in all the various lines of human endeavor: in indus-
trial and commercial pursuits in the learned professions

in literature, art, and music; wherever, in short, are to be

found the men of other races.
When the existence of such prominent men is pointed out
it is frequently asserted that they are not Negroes but mu-
lattoes. "Although," says Ingalls, 4 "more than two hun-
dred thousand enlisted in the Union armies, no full-blood
negro holds a commission in the army or navy and in the
militia their organization is distinct." "We . . . find,"
says Stone, "that where the Negro participates to any ex-
tent in the administration of affairs . . . the race is almost
invariably represented solely by its mulatto type." "Appar-
ently, the mulatto as a whole is superior to the pure African

DuBois, Booklover's Magazine, Vol. 2, p. 4.
John J. Ingalls, "Always a Problem," Chicago Tribune, 5-28-1893.
A. F. Stone, Studies in the American Race Problem, p. 27.
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 185

Negro," says Chancellor David Starr Jordan. 6 "Ninety

per cent of all the leaders of the race are the offspring of the
Caucasian," says Holm. 7 Belin says that "The so-called
'negroes,' who have in any way distinguished themselves
above their fellows, are not full-blood negroes, but half-
breeds." "The recognized leaders of the race are almost
invariably persons of mixed blood, and the qualities which
have made them leaders are derived certainly in part and
perhaps mainly from their white ancestry."
Shufeldt quotes Keane as saying that "No full-blood
Negro ever has been distinguished as a man of science, a
poet, or an artist, and the fundamental equality claimed for
him by ignorant philanthropists is belied by the whole his-
tory of the race throughout the historic period." To the
same point Dr. Carl Vogt n says that

As a proof in favor of the artistic and scientific ca-

pacity of the Negro, we find cited in nearly all the
works the instance of Mr. Lille Geoffray of Marti-
nique, an engineer and mathematician and correspond-
ing member of the French Academy. The fact is that
the mathematical performances of the above gentleman
were of such a nature that, had he been born in Ger-
many of white parents, he might, perhaps, have quali-
fied as a mathematical teacher in a middle-class school,
or engineer at a railway but having been born in Mar-

"Biological Effects of Race Movements," Popular Science Monthly,
Vol. 87, pp. 267-70.
J. J. Holm, Race Assimilation or the Fading of the Leopard's Spots,
p. 279.
H. E. Belin, "A Southern View of Slavery," American Journal of
Sociology, Vol. 13, p. 518.
Encyclopedia Britannica: Negro.
R. W. Shufeldt, The Negro: A Menace to American Civilization-
p. 43.
Lectures on Man, pp. 192-93.
The Mulatto in the United States

tinique of colored parents, he shone like a one-eyed man

among the totally blind. M. Lille Geoffray, besides,
was not a pure Negro, but a mulatto.

By other writers, all this is flatly contradicted. The

equality of races is stoutly asserted and the superiority of
the mulatto to the full-blooded Negro as stoutly denied.
Mr. Washington on a number of occasions stated his belief
in the equality of the Negro to the mulatto. The A. M. E.
Church Review says editorially that ". . . we colored
people can never subscribe to the doctrine of the superi-
ority of the mulatto over the black element in brain power."
But of all those who have expressed their opinion, Mr. Du-
Bois seems to be the most emphatic and the most extreme
in his assertions on this subject."If we study cases of
ability and goodness and talent among the American Ne-
groes, we shall," he says, "have difficulty in laying down
any clear thesis as to effect of amalgamation. As a mat-
ter of historic fact the colored people of America have pro-
duced as many remarkable black men as mulattoes." 13
The purpose here is not to evaluate the work done by
these remarkable men. It is not intended to determine what
place they do or should occupy as compared with success-
ful white men in similar lines of endeavor. It is not even
intended to show in how far they have risen above the aver-
age of their fellows. The purpose is merely to determine,
on the basis of the most complete and representative lists

of exceptional Negroes that have been compiled, in how far

they are black men and in how far they are men of mixed
blood. lb is the assumption and the assertion that there
are as many black men as mulattoes among the exceptional
men of the race that we propose to submit to the test of
"October 1915, p. 133.
DuBois, Booklovefs Magazine, Vol. 2, p. 15.
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 187

cases that Mr. DuBois suggests. 14

In all other countries where a mulatto group exists along-
side of a group of unmixed blood, there seems to be a pre-
ponderance of mulattoes among the gifted individuals of
the race. In Jamaica the educated and professional classes
of the race are mulattoes. 15 In Haiti the ten per cent of
mixed-bloods have constituted the ruling and professional
classes since the massacre of the French. 16 In South Af-
rica the mulattoes are "the intellectual aristocracy of the
dark-skinned population." In Brazil it is the mixed-
bloods who have attained to a degree of civilization, while
the purer-blooded natives and Negroes seem to have cast
off, partially at least, the degree of civilization acquired un-
der the regime of slavery. 18 Elsewhere, the same thing
seems to be true. The mixed-bloods in every racial situa-
There is, of course, no intention of "proving" by such a method any
"thesis as to the effect of amalgamation." The effect of amalgamation
is a biological problem with which we are not here concerned. More-
over it is not susceptible of demonstration by the means that Mr. Du-
Bois suggests. It is the final assertion, that among men
the exceptional
of the Negro race there are as many black as mulatto men, that we
propose to examine.
"William Thorp, "How Jamaica Solves the Negro Problem," World's
Work, Vol. 8, pp. 4908-13.
W. P. Livingstone, "The West Indian and American Negro," North
American Review, Vol. 185, p. 647.
Stone, Sfaidies in the American Race Problem, p. 27.
H. V. H. Prichard, Where Black Rules White, pp. 80 ff.
Earl Finch, "The Effects of Racial Miscegenation," Inter-Racial Prob-
lems, p. 110.
H. E. S. Freemantle, The New Nation, pp. 217-18. See, also, M. S.
Evans, Black and White in South East Africa, pp. 289-90. £lis£e
Rectus, Africa, Vol. 4, p. 149.
Jean Baptiste de Lacerda, "The Metis or Half-Breeds of Brazil,"
Inter-Racial Problems, pp. 380-82.
"Charles E. Woodruff, "Some Laws of Racial and Intellectual Devel-
opment," Journal of Race Development, Vol. 3, p. 175.
Friedrich Ratzel, The History of Mankind, Vol. 1, p. 397.
188 The Mulatto m the United States

tion seem to have risen, as a group, above the status of their

darker kin, while the individuals of talent who have appeared
— the individualswho have made some conspicuous success
in life — men of mixed blood.
are, with rare exception,
Historically the same thing seems to hold true. Of the
names of Negroes coming down to us from the past, there
is a preponderating majority of men of mixed blood and a

scarcity, almost an entire absence, of men of unmixed Ne-

gro ancestry. Alexandre Dumas, by all odds the most
gifted individual whom history shows to have possessed Ne-
gro blood, was probably a quadroon. 20 Alexander Pushkin,
the Russian poet, had a trace of Negro blood. 21 It is some-
times said that Robert Browning had a trace of Negro
blood, but there seems to be absolutely no basis for this
tradition. 22 About the close of the eighteenth century,
Abbe Gregoire published a volume 23 to prove the equality
of the Negro intellect. This volume contained the biogra-
phies of fifteen Negroes 24 each one of whom, according to
One grandmother was a Negress of San Domingo but whether of
full-blood is not known. See Encyclopedia Britannica. Burr, The
Autobiography, p. 155, speaking of Dumas' Memoirs, says: "His own
figure is painted therein in crude, staring colors, as bright as life . . .

a figure out of Balzac and the Comedie Humaine. Part Napoleonic sol-
dier, part San Dominican negro, ... ye gods of the drama, what an
heredity! ... he seems to us a savage tale-teller, seated at the camp-
fire, holding his companions breathless. Alternately lazy and energetic,
sensual and shrewd, he has all the undiluted primitive forces of huge

vitality and huge laughter."

One-sixteenth or less Negro blood. His maternal great-grandfather
was a Negro but whether of full-blood is not certain.
M ". . There is no ground for the statement that the family was

partly of Jewish Origin." Encyclopedia Britannica.

H. Gregoire, An Enquiry Concerning the Intellectual and Moral Fac-
ulties, and Literature of Negroes; followed with an account of the Life

and Works of Fifteen Negroes and Mulattoes, distinguished in Science,

Literature and Arts. Translated by D. B. Warden, 1810.
w Higiemonde or Higiemondo: an Indian painter "commonly named

The Leading Men of the Negro Race 189

Van Evrie, was a man of mixed blood. Francois Domi-
nique Toussaint, the guerilla chief of the Negro insurrec-
tionists in Haiti, seems not to have been a full-blooded Ne-
26 Geoffray of Martinique, engineer, mathe-
gro. Mr. Lille

matician and corresponding member of the French acad-

the negro," p. 171. Gregoire seems not certain that there was such a
man or if there was that he was a Negro.
Annibal: an officer in the Russian artillery at the time of Peter the
The Son of Annibal: a mulatto.
Anthony William Amo: born in Guinea, educated in England.
L'Islet Geoffray: a mulatto.
James Durham: mulatto slave, practiced medicine in New Orleans.
Thomas Fuller: mathematical prodigy. Apparently a Negro.
Othello: published "An Essay Against the Slavery of Negroes."
"Othello" was a pseudonym. The race of the writer is not known. There
seems to be no reason for calling him a Negro.
Benjamin Banneker: a mulatto.
Ottobah Cugoano: published his reflections of the slave trade and the
slavery of Negroes.
James Eliza John Capitein: educated in Holland. Wrote some Latin
William Francis: Jamaican Negro of the eighteenth century. Edu-
cated in England. Taught Latin and mathematics in Jamaica.
Olandad, or Gustavus Vassa: brought to England as a child; wrote
Ignatius Sancho: an English butler. An edition of his letters was
printed after his death.
Phyllis Wheatley Peters: apparently black.
White Supremacy and Negro Subordination, p. 163. Van Evrie
would seem to be in error here. Tradition has it that both Thomas
Fuller and Mrs. Peters were full-blood Negroes. See p. 190 below.
29 ".
Judging from his pictures, you cannot but form the opinion
. .

that Toussaint was not a pure-blooded negro: the features, the shape
of the head, the setting of the eyes are all so many strong reasons
against such a supposition." Where Black Rules White, p.
278. For a contrary opinion see the Negro Year Book, 1914-15, p. 75.
C. V. Roman, American Civilization and the Negro, opposite p. 8, gives
a picture of Toussaint and calls him a "full-blood." Either the picture
or the caption is in error: the picture is not that of a full-blood Negro.

190 The Mulatto in the United States

emy, was a mulatto. 27

In America, even at an early date, a number of members
of the race had risen to some prominence. The most noted
of these was, perhaps, Phyllis Wheatley Peters. Born in
Africa, about 1T50, she was presumably a full-blooded Ne-
gri* though there is absolutely nothing known concerning

her ancestry. She was sold into slavery and in 1761 she
was brought to America where she served in the household
of Mrs. John Wheatley of Boston and from whom she re-
ceived some slight instruction in English and Latin. She
went to London with the son of her mistress. While there
she published a small volume of poems upon which rests her
claim to fame. She certainly was not a poet, 28 but her ef-

forts were an evidence of the race's capacity for intellec-

tual improvement.
Thomas Fuller, 29 a mathematical prodigy of the same
period, seems also to have been a black man. He enjoyed
considerable local fame because of his power to perform
complicated mathematical calculations. He was unable to
read or write and, as is usual with prodigies of this sort,
seems to have been a mental defective.
Benjamin Banneker seems to have a decidedly better
claim to prominence than either of the preceding. He is

said to have constructed the first clock made America


later he published an almanac. 30 Banneker was a free mu-

latto of Maryland. He was a neighbor and friend of
M Vogt, Lectures on Man, pp. 192-93.
B. G. Brawley, The Negro in Literature and Art, p. 13.

C. G. Woodson, History of Negro Education, p. 90.

G. B. Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1,

p. 399.
Woodson, History of Negro Education, pp. 87-88.
Woodson, History of Negro Education, pp. 90-91, 62-63.
"Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. 1, pp. 385,
390. See p. 131 above.
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 191

Ellicott who acted for him in the capacity of a press agent.

He seems to have received assistance from Ellicott, but the
extent of his indebtedness is uncertain.
James Durham 32 of Philadelphia and later of New Or-
leans was born a slave in 1767. From his master, who was
a physician, he learned to read and write and to compound
simple medicines. When freed by his master, he built up a
successful medical practice among the mulatto Creoles in
New Orleans. Durham was a mulatto.
Most of the prominent Negroes of the time were preachers.
George Leile, 33
who preached in Georgia and later founded
the firstNegro Baptist colony in Jamaica, was a mulatto.
Andrew Bryan, the founder of the African Baptist
church, was a man of mixed blood, as was John Chavis, 34
an itinerant preacher of the Methodist church. John Glouce-
ster of Tennessee, founder of the African Presbyterian
church in Philadelphia, was probably a black man. Henry
Evans, an itinerant preacher of the Presbyterian church,
seems also to have been a Negro of pure blood. 35 Lemuel
Haynes, the first Negro Congregational minister, was a
mulatto, as was Richard Allen, the founder of the Negro
Methodist Church.
In the decade preceding the Civil War, owing to the fact
that the emotional attitude of the people of the North mag-
nified out of all focus the doings of any black man, it is

Negro Year Book 1914-1915, p. 334.
J. A. Kenney, The Negro in Medicine, p. 6.
Woodson, History of Negro Education, pp. 88-89.
Also known as George Sharp.
J. S. Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Caro-
lina, p. 73, says Chavis was a full-blood Negro. This seems to be an
error. See, also, the same writer's article in the American Journal of
Sociology, Vol. 13, p. 826.
Bassett, Slavery and Servitude in the State of North Carolina, p. 57.
192 The Mulatto in the United States

somewhat surprising that there did not appear a group of

prominent men of the race. The only who
one, however,
succeeded in rising above mediocrity was Frederick Doug-
lass, an anti-slavery agitator and journalist. His father
was a white man and his mother a slave of unknown color,
but with sufficient Indian intermixture to show prominently
in the features as well as in the disposition of her noted
son. 37
During the entire period that slavery existed as a na-
tional institution, individuals frequently escaped from the
border states into free territory. Especially during the
latter years of the slave regime, there were a considerable
number of these runaway slaves. An organized and elaborate
system of criminal procedure grew up toward the end of the
slave period and became known as the Underground Rail-
road. As was to be expected, the free Negroes and escaped
slaves took some part in this outlawry. The Year Book 38
names the most notorious of these Negroes and gives
sketches of their careers. 39 Of the fifteen, Harriet Tubman
New International Encyclopaedia: Frederick Douglass.
Booker T. Washington, The Story of the Negro, Vol. 1, p. 132.
Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, pp. 102-06.
William Wells Brown
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 19S

seems to have been a black woman ; the other fourteen were

mulattoes. 40
Since the Civil War, all lines of endeavor in America
have been open to the Negro. In some cases he has met
with prejudice and discrimination; in other cases his color
has given him a prestige not enjoyed by his white com-
petitor. At the present time, there is no insuperable, ex-
ternal obstacle to the Negro's entrance to, and success in,
any of the ordinary lines of human endeavor, as is evidenced
by the fact that Negroes have entered all of them and that
individuals of the race have achieved some degree of success
in each of the different lines.

There have been compiled and published, from time to

time, lists of these Negroes who have risen to prominence.
It may be that these lists do not contain the names of all
the successful Negroes. It may also be true that many of
the names which appear are those of men who have shown
no great talent or achieved no great renown. But it may
be fairly assumed that they are, in most cases at least, men?
of some importance and prominence in their community and
that they are leaders in a larger or smaller way within their
racial group. If this be so, a determination of the ancestry
of these men should be a fair index as to the percentage of
mulattoes and full-blooded Negroes among the leaders and
other prominent men of the race.
Mr. DuBois has compiled such a list, 42 illustrated by full
page photographs of ten living 43 Negroes who represent
J. S. Bassett, Anti-Slavery Leaders of North Carolina, p. 321, says
Lane's parents were "of pure African descent." This is emphatically
denied by Negroes who knew him personally.
B. W. Smith, The Color Line: A Brief in Behalf of the Unborn,
pp. 43-44.
DuBois, Booklover's Magazine, Vol. 2, pp. 2-14.
"July, 1903,
194 The Mulatto in the United States

the "Advance Guard of the Race." 44 To the list, the ed-

itors add a similar sketch and a similar photograph of Mr.
DuBois. These men "measured by any fair standard of
human accomplishment are distinctly men of mark." 45
. . .

Regarding the racial ancestry of these men Mr. DuBois

says :

... Of the men I have named, three are black, two

are brown, two are half-white, and three are three-
fourths white. ... If we choose among these men the
two of keenest intellect, one is black and the other
brown if we choose the three of strongest character,

two are yellow and one is black. If we choose three

according to their esthetic sensibility, one is black,
one is yellow, and one three-fourths white.

Seven of the ten are admittedly mulatto, so may be

passed without comment. Three are said to be "black." But
by this term, it cannot be meant to assert that they are
full-blood Negroes. The only three men in the list who
could possibly be called "black" are Dunbar, the poet;
Miller, the mathematician ; and Woods, the electrician. Of
these men Dunbar, according to all accounts, was a real
Negro. Kelly Miller is a brown mulatto. 47 Granville T.

"Charles W. Chestnutt Novelist

Paul Laurence Dunbar
Francis J. Grimke
Kelly Miller
Edward H. Morris
Henry O. Tanner
W. L. Taylor
Booker T. Washington
Daniel H. Williams
Granville T. Woods
Booklover's Magazine, Vol. !~, r . ~.

"Ibid., p. 15.
W. T. Thomas, "Race Psychology," American Journal of Sociology,
Vol. 17, p. 746, speaks of Miller as a "full-blooded black," The At-
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 195

Woods seems drop of African blood. He is an

to have no
Australian by birth and by ancestry a mixture of Malay
[ndian and Australian Black. Of these ten names, then,
3ne is that of a Negro, one that of an Australian of mixed
ancestry, and the remaining eight are mulattoes. If Mr.

DuBois be included in the list, the count then stands one

Negro to ten men of mixed blood.
In 1903, the Pott Publishing Company issued a small
volume of essays by Negroes discussing different phases of
bhe Negro problem in America. 50 Seven writers contributed
to the volume.
Of these men, one was a black Negro and
six were mulattoes. Of the six, two were men of about
equal parts of white and black; while the other four were
from three-fourths to fifteen-sixteenths white.
In one of the essays in the volume, Mr. DuBois again
treats the subject of the Negro leaders under the caption

lantic Advocate him a "full-blooded colored man." He seems


to consider himself aNegro and is generally so claimed by the race.

As we are concerned here with social and not with biological facts we
have placed Professor Miller in the full-blood group in spite of his
mixed ancestry. See note 44, p. 194 above.
Miller, Race Adjustment, p. 197, says that Woods was born in

"His mother's father was a Malay Indian, and his other grand-
parents were by birth full-blooded savage Australian aborigines born
in the wilds back of Melbourne. ... At the age of 16, Woods was
brought by his parents to America. . . ." S. W. Balch, "Electrical Mo-
tor Regulation," Cosmopolitan, Vol. 18, p. 762.
The Negro Problem: A Series of Articles by Representative Amer-
ican Negroes of To-day.
C. W. Chestnutt mulatto
W. E. B. DuBois mulatto
Paul L. Dunbar black
T. Thomas Fortune mulatto
H. T. Kealing mulatto
Wilford H. Smith mulatto
Booker T. Washington mulatto
196 The Mulatto in the United States

"The Talented Tenth" and finds twenty-one men and two

Tomcn worthy of this title. Supplying the initials, supple-
menting the list with an indication of the ground on which
their claim to greatness rests and an indication of their
ancestry, we have:

Ira Aldridge
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 197

Two of these men, Garnett and Crummell, are sometimes

classed as full-blooded Negroes; but this seems to be con-
trary to the facts. Both men were the offspring of a mixed

ancestry. The father of Crummell is said to have been an

African chief. He married a free Negro woman of mixed
blood. The son, however, is very dark in color and passes
as a Negro of full-blood. He is accordingly listed with
the full-bloods here.
The Negro Star Publishing Company advertises for

sale the pictures of "all the great men of the race." 54 Their

complete list comprises the pictures of twelve persons. The

single woman whose picture is included in the collection was
a mulatto. Of the eleven photographs remaining, one is

that of a black man —Dunbar,— one is that of a man

Toussaint — concerning whose racial ancestry there may be
a reasonable doubt,
and nine are photographs of men who
are obviously and admittedly mulattoes.
Kelly Miller in a chapter on "Eminent Negroes" names
sixteen individuals. Presumably these persons are, in the

Greenwood, Mississippi.
"See any issue of the Negro Star, for e.g., 1-14-1916. Letter from
the General Manager under date of 1-25-1916.
See p. 189 above.
Crispus Attucks mulatto
W. E. B. DuBois mulatto
Frederick Douglass mulatto
Alexandre Dumas mulatto
Paul Laurence Dunbar black
Richard T. Greener mulatto
John Mercer Langston mulatto
S. Coleridge Taylor mulatto
Henry O. Tanner mulatto
Francois Dominique Toussaint mulatto
Sojourner Truth mulatto
Booker T. Washington mulatto
Race Adjustment, pp. 186-98.
198 The Mulatto in the United States

opinion of Mr. Miller, the best that the race in America has
produced. "The names here presented," he says 58 "are at
least respectable when measured by European standards.
It is true that no one of them reaches the first, or even the
second degree of luster in the galaxy of the world's great-
ness." But they are all individuals in whose accomplish-
ments the race may well take pride. Of the names pre-
sented, one is that of a black woman, one that of a black
man, and the remaining fourteen are names of men of mixed
blood. The complete list follows:

Ira Aldridge Actor mulatto

Benjamin Banneker Inventor mulatto
Charles W. Chestnutt Novelist mulatto
Frederick Douglass Politician mulatto
W. E. B. DuBois Writer mulatto
Paul Laurence Dunbar Poet black
Lemuel Haynes Minister mulatto
Elijah T. McCoy Inventor mulatto
.Phyllis Wheatley Peters Poet black
W. S. Scarborough Teacher mulatto
B. T. Tanner Bishop mulatto
Henry O. Tanner Artist mulatto
B. T. Washington Educator mulatto
Daniel H. Williams Physician mulatto
George H. Williams Writer mulatto
Granville T. Woods Inventor mulatto**

Cromwell presents a slightly variant list. His intention,
as stated in the preface to his volume, is the publication of
a book which will give "the salient points in the history of
the American Negro, the story of their most eminent men
and women . . ." The twenty persons selected include

Race Adjustment, p. 188.
See note 49, p. 195 above.
J. W. Cromwell, The Negro in American History.
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 199

three women and seventeen men. One of the women and

three of the men were black. The sixteen remaining are
names of mixed-blood individuals. His selection of the
"most eminent men and women" of the race is as follows

Benjamin Banneker mulatto

Edward W. Blyden mulatto
Blanche Kelso Bruce mulatto
George F. T. Cook mulatto
John F. Cook, Jr. mulatto
John F. Cook, Sr. mulatto
Fanny M. Jackson Coppin mulatto
Alexander Crummell black
Paul Cuffe mulatto
Frederick Douglass mulatto
Paul Laurence Dunbar black
Robert Brown Elliott mulatto
Henry Highland Garnett mulatto
John Mercer Langston mulatto
Daniel Alexander Payne mulatto
Phyllis Wheatley Peters black
Joseph Charles Price black M
Henry Osawa Tanner mulatto
Sojourner Truth mulatto
Booker T. Washington mulatto

The California Eagle advertises for sale the pictures
of "the most Famous Men of the Colored Race, living and
dead." Their picture features eight men, one of whom,
Dunbar —was black. The remaining seven are names of men
Cromwell calls Blyden a full-blood Negro but this seems not to
have been the case. He was a dark man of mixed ancestry.
See p. 197 above.
See note 52, p. 196 above.
"Cromwell calls Price a full-blood Negro. He was probably not a
man of unmixed Negro blood. He passed, however, as a full-blood
Negro and the race took great pride in claiming him as such. A good
photograph appears on p. 212 of Cromwell's book.
A Negro newspaper of Los Angeles, California.

200 The Mulatto in the United States

of mixed blood. 66
The Colored American Review^ 1 offers a similar list

which is, in the opinion of the editors, "the largest and

'Famous Negroes,' both past and present,
finest collection of
in America and abroad."Thirty-two names appear in
the printed list. Of these, five are names of women, and
twenty-seven are names of men. Of -the five women, one is
a pure-blooded Negress, and the remaining four are mu-
lattoes. Of the twenty-seven names of men, three are of
full-blooded Negroes and twenty-four are of mulattoes.
The complete list and descriptions to which is here added
an indication as to the purity of blood, is as follows

Hon. Harry Boss Lawyer and Legislator mulatto

William Stanley Braithwaite Poet and Critic mulatto
Rev. W. W. Brown Eminent Baptist Divine mulatto
Harry T. Burleigh Singer and Composer mulatto
Anita Bush Actress mulatto
Bob Cole Actor and Comedian mulatto
Hon. James Curtis Lawyer, Minister to Liberia mulatto
Frederick Douglass Statesman mulatto
Howard P. Drew Athlete,Runner mulatto
W. E. B. DuBois Educator and Author mulatto
Alexandre Dumas Author mulatto
Paul Laurence Dunbar Poet black
James Reese Europe Musician and Composer mulatto
Mathews Henson Explorer mulatto
Ernest Hogan Comedian mulatto
J. Rosamond Johnson Composer mulatto
Crispus Attucks mulatto
Frederick Douglass mulatto
W. E. B. DuBois mulatto
Alexandre Dumas mulatto
Paul Laurence Dunbar black
H. O. Tanner mulatto
Coleridge Taylor mulatto
Booker T. Washington mulatto
A semi-monthly magazine, published in New York City.
See, for e.g., the issue of March, 1916, p. 187.
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 201

James W. Johnson Ex-U. S. Consul and Author mulatto

Mine. Jones (Black Patti) Singer mulatto
Hon. Wm. H. Lewis Ex-U. S. Ass't. Dist. Atty. mulatto
Sam Lucas The Original Uncle Tom mulatto
Kelly Miller Philosopher and Author black 70
Robert Russa Moton Educator black
Phyllis Wheatley Peters Famous Poet black
Rev. Clayton Powell Eminent Baptist Divine mulatto
Henry Tanner Artist mulatto
Coleridge Taylor Musician and Composer mulatto
Major Taylor Champion Bicycle Rider mulatto T1
Aida Walker Actress and Dancer mulatto
Mme. C. J. Walker Hair Culturist, Lecturer mulatto
George Walker Actor and Composer mulatto
Booker T. Washington Educator mulatto
Bert Williams Comedian mulatto
All the present Bishops of the A. M. E. Z. Church
All the present Bishops of the A. M. E. Church

The Reverend A. Duncan, Pastor of the Ebenezer Af-


rican Methodist Episcopalian Church of Stockton, Califor-

nia, in an article in The California Eagle, a Negro news-
paper, under the "Our Famous Colored Women," names

fourteen women. One name is that of a full-blooded Ne-

gress. The thirteen names remaining are of women of mixed
ancestry. The compilation is as follows

Mrs. Ida Wells-Barnet mulatto

Madam Flora B. Bergen mulatto
Miss Hallie Quinn Brown mulatto
Henrietta Vinton Davis mulatto
Frances E. Harper mulatto
Sissieretta Jones mulatto
Edmonia Lewis mulatto

* Classed by some correspondents as a full-blood Negress.

See note 47, p. 194 above.
"One correspondent called Taylor black. The consensus of opinion,

however, was that he was a brown mulatto.

™ See pages 276 ff. for an analysis of these groups.
See note 70, p. 201.
202 The Mulatto in the
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 203


Charles W. Anderson Worthy Public Official

C. E. Bentley
H. C. Bishop
J. W. E. Bowen
R. H. Boyd
W. Stanley Braithwaite

B. G. Brawley
Miss H. Q. Brown
Mrs. B. K. Bruce
John E. Bruce
Roscoe C. Bruce
I. T. Bryant

W. H. Bulkley
Harry T. Burleigh
Miss Nannie H. Burroughs
William H. Bush
J. S. Caldwell
James L. Carr
W. J. Carter
C. W. Chestnutt
George W. Cook
Will Marion Cook
L. J. Coppin
W. H. Crogman

Harry S. Cummings
A. M. Curtis
James L. Curtis
J. C. Dancey
Franklin Dennison
R. N. Dett
J. H. Douglass
W. E. Burghardt DuBois
James Reese Europe
204 The Mulatto in the United States


9. D. Ferguson
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 205


W. Logan
206 The Mulatto in the United States


T. G. Steward
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 207

son addressed, were the foremost men of the race. The men
addressed proved about thirty per cent courteous. Thirty-
six lists were received, including in all two hundred and fifty

separate names. 81 One hundred and forty-four names ap-

peared but a single time in the whole series of lists sub-
mitted and, inasmuch as they thus represent the opinion
of a single individual, they are dropped from further con-
sideration here. 84 One hundred and six names remained.
Of these, eight are dark men of Negro features, though
probably not in every case full-blooded Negroes. Ninety-
eight are admittedly mulattoes. The list of names, the
number of times the individual was mentioned in the letters
received, the vocation and ethnic composition follows:

The Foremost American Negroes

in the opinion of

Prominent Men of the Race

81 R. R. Moton Principal Tuskegee Institute black

30 W. E. B. DuBois Editor and writer mulatto
26 Kelly Miller Teacher and writer black
23 William Henry Lewis Lawyer and politician mulatto
23 Daniel H. Williams Physician and surgeon mulatto
21 Emmett J. Scott Secretary Tuskegee Institute mulatto
A number of lists contained twenty- four names : a dead-lock, ap-
parently, between accuracy and modesty. A few lists contained names
in excess of twenty-five.
This is not to be taken as evidence that each man included his own
name in the list submitted and got no other mention. In only six of
the thirty-six lists submitted did the compiler include himself and in each
such case his name appeared in other lists.
One man submitted the Bishops and General Officers of his church
as including all the foremost American Negroes. Another included
Sam Langford, the prize fighter, among the twenty-five greatest men
of the race. A number of other peculiarities of personal preference
Of these 144 names 7 were of black men, 95 of mulattoes and 42
were of individuals whose racial ancestry was not determined.
208 The Mulatto in the United States

The Foremost American Negroes — Continued

The Leading Men of the Negro Race 209

The Foremost American Negroes — Continued

210 The Mulatto in the United States

The Foremost American Negroes— Continued

3 I. B. Scott Preacher mulatto
3 Charles Henry Turner Teacher mulatto
3 Ralph W. Tyler Former Auditor U. S. Navy mulatto
2 R. A. Carter Bishop C. M. E. Church mulatto
2 George W. Carver Teacher black
2 Nick Chiles Editor mulatto
2 George W. Cook Teacher mulatto
2 S. E. Courtney Physician mulatto
2 M. W. Dogan President Wiley University mulatto
2 J. E. Ford Preacher mulatto
2 S. W. Green Lodge official mulatto
2 Sutton E. Griggs Preacher mulatto
2 W. J. Hale President of Industrial
School mulatto
2 Ferdinand Havis Grocer mulatto
2 A. F. Herndon Barber and Insurance Agent mulatto
2 W. A. Hunton Intern. Sec'y Y. M. C. A. mulatto
2 John T. Jenifer Preacher mulatto
2 C. F. Johnson Physician mulatto
2 H. T. Johnson Editor black
2 J. Albert Johnson Bishop A. M. E. Church mulatto
2 Scipio H. Jones President Ark. Negro Busi-
ness League mulatto
2 Warren Logan Treasurer, Tuskegee Institute mulatto
2 Christopher Perry Newspaper writer mulatto
2 Benjamin T. Tanner Bishop A. M. E. Church mulatto
Evans Tyree Bishop A. M. E. Church black
J. Milton Waldron Preacher mulatto
W. A. Warfield Physician mulatto
George H. White Reconstruction politician mulatto
2 W. T. B. Williams Teacher mulatto
2 Monroe N. Work Editor, Negro Year Book mulatto
2 Nathan B. Young President of Industrial
School mulatto

It have been observed that in the foregoing lists


there has been a frequent repetition of certain names. The

names of Douglass, Washington and H. O. Tanner, for ex-
ample, each appears eight times, that of Dunbar seven times,
that of Phyllis Wheatley Peters six times and a number of
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 211

Dther names appear two or more times each. Making cor-

rection for these duplications and omitting the list com-
piledby Gregoire as having nothing more than an antiqua-
rian interest or value there remain the names of two hun-
dred and forty-six individuals. Of this total, two hundred
and twenty-two are the names of men and twenty-four the
names of women. Of the twenty-four women two were black
and twenty-two mulattoes. Of the two hundred and twenty-
two men, the ancestry of three was not determined. Of the
two hundred and nineteen remaining names fourteen are of
men who are full-blooded or nearly full-blooded Negroes.
Two hundred and five are names of mulattoes. Thus of the
total of two hundred and forty-six persons considered, two
hundred and twenty-seven are mulattoes, sixteen are black
and three are unknown.
These data thrown into tabular form follow (p. 212) :

Of the two hundred and forty-six persons so far consid-

ered, the ratio of mulattoes to Negroes of pure blood is

slightly more than fourteen to one. Attention has been

called to the fact that in a few cases there is a disagreement
concerning the mixture of blood. In such cases, the indi-
vidual is classed as black or mulatto according as the evi-
lence seems to favor the one or the other. Where the
weight of the evidence seems equal, the individual is placed
n the full-blooded group. The number of questionable
cases, however, is so small that error in their classification
vould not materially alter the general figures. If all the

cases concerning which there is a reasonable doubt were to

>e classed as full-blooded Negroes, the ratio of mulattoes
;o full-bloods would still be approximately eleven to one.
[f all such questionable cases were thrown into the mulatto
rroup, the ratio would be somewhat more seriously affected
t would then stand at twenty, or perhaps twenty-five, to
212 The Mulatto in the United States

H CO O CO <3* CO
*rHi-HrH G* ©t
i-H i-H M i-l
I-H ©*

s *
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 813

lists would
In the opinion of the Negroes themselves, these
seem to include members of the race and many others
all —
who have made any success in life which would entitle them,
to mention outside purely racial or local circles. It in-
cludes some men of first-rate intellectual ability and a few
men of exceptional talent ; perhaps, a few men of eminence.
But in the first stages, at least, of the evolution of a primi-

tive folk, great men, as measured by the standards of a

more advanced group, are of less importance and of less

worth than is that larger and less conspicuous group of men
and women who rise but slightly above the mass of their
fellows. The exotic is interesting and important as an in-
dication of the latent capacity and possibility of the group
he is not the power that moves and guides the group in its
slow and tedious evolution. It is within the group of men,
superior to the great mass yet not so far in advance of
them as to form a divergent and hence a racially useless
group, that the great majority of the individuals mentioned
fall. The number of men, however, considering the method
of their selection, is perhaps too small to justify any gen-
eral conclusion. By increasing the number of cases, though
this necessarily will involve men of a lesser degree of talent
and of note, and will thereby tend to raise the proportion
of blacks to mulattoes, 85 any errors due to sampling will
be overcome. The tentative ratio of fourteen to one will
therefore be allowed to stand until the examination of larger
groups leads to its modification or verification. 86
The ratio of blacks to mulattoes in the general population is ap-
proximately five to one.
The method of investigation pursued in this and the three follow-
ing chapters was first to assemble as inclusive and exhaustive a list

as possible of men reputed to be of Negro blood who had in some way

distinguished themselves above their fellows. The fact that they were
214> The Mulatto in the United States

mentioned in compilations of prominent Negro men and women, in books

or articles by or about Negroes, in lists specially prepared for this study
by Negroes of wide acquaintance among their race, in lists of officials
or leaders in Negro organizations, in lists of men or women successful
in business, professional or artistic endeavor, or individuals mentioned
in the literature as men of importance, was taken as evidence of im-
portance in the group. In this way it is believed there has been brought
together a men and women which includes every person of any
list of
real importance whom the race has so far produced, and most, at least,
of those who have in any way, even locally and in very minor degree,
been importantmen among their fellows.
The problem was then to determine which of these persons were
pure-blood Negroes and which were of mixed ancestry. This matter
of color perhaps the most tender point in the whole race question.

Even in the books and articles that purport to be of a biographical

nature the subject is seldom mentioned. Unless the man mentioned
is strikingly black or is a blood relation of some prominent white man

any reference to ancestry seldom appears. Another group of Negro

writers and the practice is followed by some white "students" of race

matters refers to every individual with a brown skin as a man of un-
mixed Negro blood. A certain group among the mulattoes themselves
tends to claim as mixed-bloods all those individuals of enviable dis-
tinction and refers to others and especially to those of unsavory repu-
tation as black Negroes. Unreliable as it generally is, all this refer-
ence to ancestry was collected, compared and verified. A second source
of information was the printed photographs with which almost every
book by a Negro writer is profusely embellished. Where the photo-
graphs seemed to be genuine and showed beyond question a man of
mixed blood or where the photograph showed a man who was appar-
ently a white man yet called Negro in the legend or the text the man
was tentatively classed as a mulatto. Further information was secured
either directly or by letter from both black and white men acquainted
with the men in question. In one or more of these ways the original
list was separated into three: those who are pure-blood Negroes or ac-

cepted as such, those who are notoriously and admittedly mulattoes,

and those individuals whose racial ancestry was unknown or disputed.
This third list was sub-divided according to sections of the country and
according to occupations and professions. These lists were then sub-
mitted to reliable men in the section of the country represented who
were engaged in the various occupations and professions. After fur-
ther revision the remaining list of names was again submitted to Negro
men of wide acquaintance among the race. The response to this final
The Leading Men of the Negro Race 215

appeal gave little additional information and the letters accompanying

the return of the manuscript were in almost every case characterized
by such comments as the following quoted verbatim from this series of

". . . In most cases I do not consider these men of any real note.
You have included many Negroes who have not risen above medi-
ocrity. . .

". . . In looking over your list Ifind so many of mediocre fame that,
I am at a loss to divine to what use you intend to put the informa-
tion. . .

"... I am interested in the list of names which you present because

among them are hardly any of the best known colored people in the
United States or in American history. Perhaps you did not mean to
use the best known Negroes as the basis of your inquiry."
". . . Your list is altogether beyond my knowledge. Of most of these
people I have never heard. I fear that the few about whom I can
be certain will be of very little service to you."

When this stage of the inquiry was reached the couple of hundred
names remaining out of the original list of several thousand were, with
half a dozen exceptions, dropped from further consideration. They
were, in the opinion of the best informed men of the race, names of
persons of absolutely no consequence one way or the other. In a few
cases the names of these men were retained in order to give in complete
form an original compilation.
The chapters in their final form were submitted in whole or in part
to men of widest information on matters of racial interest for final

THREE attempts have x

been made by Negroes to write
These works differ very widely
histories of the race.
in method and to some extent deal with different periods.
Two volumes b}^ Williams cover the American period from
1619 to 1880. Brawley treats of the same period and
brings the account down to the present. The volume of
DuBois is for the most part an attempt to build a tradi-
tion and to supply "history" rather than an attempt to
record and interpret facts. One chapter, however, deals
with the Negro in America in a semi-historical way.
In Williams's narrative, mention is made of some one
hundred and forty-five different men and women as being
of Negro blood. This number includes several white per-
sons erroneously classed as Negroes, a list of individuals who
were members of the first conference of the African Meth-
odist Episcopal church, slaves, Negro sailors, free Negroes,
fugitive slaves, Negro criminals, and various other charac-
ters with no better claim to distinction. To consider such
persons here, not only would cumber the ground with useless
timber, but would have a tendency to obscure the essential
facts. Where, therefore, it did not appear from the narra-
tive or from other sources that these men displayed some
degree of native ability, made some contribution to the life
G. W. Williams, History of the Negro Race in America; W. E. B.

DuBois, The Neyro; and G. B. Brawley, A Short History of the Amer-

ican Negro.
The History and Biography of the Negro £17

of the period in which they lived, or were persons of note

in their own day and
circle, they have been eliminated from

consideration. 2
After eliminating from the total those per-
sons who have little or no better claim to eminence than
would an equal number of individuals taken at hazard from
the generalNegro population, there still remained the names
of seventy persons. Of this number, however, the names
of sixteen have appeared one or more times in the lists
given in the preceding chapter, 3 and so are omitted here.
The names remaining are as follows:

Granville S. Abbott Preacher. Writer of verse mulatto

John Adams FirstNegro teacher in D. C. mulatto
James Enoch Ambush Founded Wesleyan Seminary black 4
Duke William Anderson Baptist minister mulatto
E. D. Basset Former minister to Haiti mulatto
and Indian
Charlotte Beams Early teacher of Negroes mulatto
Maria Becraft Early teacher of Negroes mulatto
Henry Boyd Inventor and manufacturer mulatto
John M. Brown Bishop A. M. E. Church mulatto
R. H. Cain Bishop A. M. E. Church black 6

Lott Carey Baptist preacher black 8

Mary A. Carey
S. Teacher and speaker mulatto
William H. Carney Soldier in Civil War mulatto 7
Eliza Ann Cook Started school for Negroes mulatto
Alexander Cornish Started school for Negroes mulatto
Louisa Parke Costin Started school for Negroes mulatto
William Costin Bank messenger mulatto
and Indian
See, also, note 86, p. 213 above.
Of the sixteen names dropped for this reason one is that of a
black man, one that of a black woman and fourteen are those of
mulatto men.
One authority called Ambush a mixed-blood.
Several authorities called Cain a mulatto.
"Two authorities called Carey a mulatto.
One authority called Carney a full-black. This was obviously an
218 The Mulatto in the United States

John Cuffe Free Negro in Mass. mulatto

and India:
Ann Dandridge Mother of W. Costin mulatto
John V. DeGrasse Physician mulatto
Louise DeMortie Started an asylum for Negroes mulatto
William F. Dickerson Bishop A. M. E. Church mulatto
John H. Fleet Started school for Negroes mulatto
Miss Charlotte Forten Mrs. F. H. Grimke mulatto
Nicholas Franklin Started school for Negroes mulatto
Gabriel Insurrectionist mulatto
John P. Green Mass. Legislature 1881 mulatto
Leonard Grimes Baptist minister mulatto
Mrs. Anna M. Hall Started school for Negroes mulatto
Alexander Hayes Started school for Negroes black
Bishop Loguen Writer and preacher mulatto
Benjamin M. McCoy Preacher mulatto
Charles H. Middleton Started school for Negroes mulatto
Charles L. Mitchell Member Legislature of Mass. mulatto
Lindsay Muse Started a Sunday School, D. C. mulatto
Charles Pierce Preacher A. M. E. Church mulatto
James Poindexter Baptist preacher mulatto
William Paul Quinn Bishop A. M. E. Church mulatto 9

Thomas Wright Roberts Bishop A. M. E. Church mulatto

James Shorter Started school for Negroes mulatto
Benjamin Snow Cause of the "Snow Riot" 1835 mulatto
Austin Stewart Author mulatto
Marshall W. Taylor Preacher mulatto-
Alex S. Thomas Photographer mulatto
H. M. Turner Bishop A. M. E. Church mulatto
Nat Turner Insurrectionist mulatto
Denmark Vesey Insurrectionist mulatto
S. R. Ward Author mulatto
T. M. D. Ward Bishop A. M. E. Church mulatto 10

A. W. Wayman 'Bishop A. M. E. Church black

Nelson Wells Started school for Negroes mulatto
Mary Wormley Started school for Negroes mulatto
William Wormley Started school for Negroes mulatto
Richard Wright First A. M. E. Conference mulatto
One correspondent called Dickerson pure-black.
Two correspondents called Quinn a full-blood Negro.
Ward is quite dark. He was called full-blood by two authorities.
The History and Biography of the Negro 219

The fifty-four new names presented in this list are in ten

cases — —
names of women all mulattoes and in forty-four
cases, names of men. Of the men, five are given as full-
blooded Negroes. Of the total fifty-four persons, forty-

line are names of mixed-bloods, and five are names of black

In the volume by Mr. DuBois, the names of sixteen Amer-
ican Negroes are mentioned. Two of these are names of
f^omen, and fourteen are names of men. Both the women
ind three of the men seem to have been full-blooded Negroes.
Eleven of the men are known to have been of mixed blood.
Of the total of sixteen, however, thirteen have been men-
tioned in one or more of the previous lists and are omitted
here. The three names remaining are, in each case, names
of mulattoes. They are:

Fames Barbadoes Anti-slavery agitator mulatto

J. C. Gibbs Reconstruction Politician mulatto
William Lambert Underground Railroad agent mulatto

Brawley mentions one hundred and twenty-four individuals

in all of Negro descent. Twenty-four of these have been
omitted from consideration as being names of men of very
slight importance even in their own time and circle. The
names of sixty of these have appeared in preceding lists
and so are omitted here. Of the remaining forty names,
thirty-one are of men and nine are of women. Of the nine
names of women all are mulattoes. Of the men, twenty-six
are names of mulattoes and five are of black men.Of the
total list of names, thirty-five are of mulattoes and five are
of black Negroes. The forty not previously mentioned are

One—Madison Washington—seems to have been merely a literary
character. See story by Frederick Douglass.
"Of the 60 names omitted for this reason, 6 are of black men, 3 of
black women, 47 are mulatto men and 4 are mulatto women.

220 The Mulatto in the United States

as follows
Reconstruction politician mulatto
C. C. Antoine
Painter mulatto
E. M. Bannister
Musical prodigy black
Thomas Bethune
Nellie Brown Singer mulatto

Richard L. Brown Painter mulatto

Eugene Burkins Invented rapid-fire gun mulatto

Anthony Burns Well-known fugitive slave mulatto
Cato Insurrectionist mulatto

Melville Charlton Organist mulatto

James D. Corrothers Newspaper writer mulatto

A. K. Davis Reconstruction politician mulatto

Robert C. DeLarge Reconstruction politician mulatto
Oscar J. Dunn Reconstruction politician mulatto
Silas X. Floyd Writer of folklore mulatto
Thomas Garrett Underground Railroad worker mulatto
Monday Gell Insurrectionist black
Richard H. Gleaves Reconstruction politician mulatto
Elizabeth T. Greenfield Singer mulatto
Mrs. E. A. Hackley Singer mulatto
Hazel Harrison Pianist mulatto
The Hyer Sisters Singers mulattoes
Elijah Johnson Colonist to Liberia mulatto
Absolom Jones First Negro Episcopal Rector black »
Thorny Lafon Philanthropist mulatto
Bertina Lee Sculptor mulatto
John McKee Philanthropist mulatto
J. E. Matzeliger Inventor mulatto
Alice Ruth Moore Wife of Dunbar mulatto
John Peters Married Phyllis Wheatley black
W. B. Purvis Inventor mulatto
Joseph H. Rainey Reconstruction politician mulatto
A. J. Ransier Reconstruction politician mulatto
James T. Rapier Reconstruction politician mulatto
Hiram R. Revels 16 United States Senator mulatto-
William A. Sinclair Writer black

Two correspondents called Cato black.
One authority called Gleaves black.
"Three correspondents considered Jones a mulatto.
Revels came from the Croatan Indian group. See pp. 81, 85 above.
The History and Biography of the Negro 281

\. 0. Stafford
: ;

222 The Mulatto in the United States

Sixty-four of the photographs are of men, and thirty-three

are of women. Of the men, one photograph is that of a
black man and four others are of men who are black, though
possibly not pure-blooded Negroes. The remaining fifty-

nine are photographs of mulattoes. Of the women, two pho-

tographs are of dark individuals who for present purposes
are classed as black though purity of blood is not a cer-
tainty in either case. Thirty-two of the men and sixteen
of the women have been previously mentioned, so are dropped
from the list. Of these, thirty-
Forty-nine names remain.
two are of men, three of which are of black men and twenty-
nine of mulattoes. Of the seventeen names of women, two
are of Negroes and fifteen are of mulattoes. The list of

names, omitting those which have appeared previously, is as


J. W. Adams mulatto
Rev. W. G. Alexander mulatto
Dr. J. B. Banks mulatto
Miss Ella D. Barrier mulatto
Henry Black mulatto
Rev. E. R. Carter mulatto
A. C. Cornell mulatto
Mrs. W. M. Coshburn mulatto
Walter M. Coshburn mulatto
Prof. W. H. Council black
William Custalo mulatto
J. H. Darden mulatto
Mrs. L. A. Davis mulatto
Louis Earnest black
Miss Hattie Gibbs mulatto
Nora A. Gordon mulatto

been classed as a full-blood Negro or as a mulatto depending upon

whether the bulk of the evidence favored the presumption of pure oi|
mixed blood. Special attention is called to such cases.
Two of the names dropped for this reason are of black Negroes
the other names, twenty-eight of men and fourteen of women, are those
of persons of mixed blood.
The History and Biography of the Negro £23

E. Hansberry mulatto
Prof. W. E. Holmes mulatto
Mrs. Emma T. Hort mulatto
Hon. S. J. Jenkins mulatto
James Kelly- mulatto
Horace King mulatto
W. W. King mulatto
M. N. King mulatto
J. T. King mulatto
G. H. King mulatto
M. J. Lehman mulatto
Rev. W. W. Lucas mulatto
Rev. Leigh B. Maxwell black
Prof. J. L.Murray mulatto
Rev. Cyrus Myers mulatto
Rev. M. W. D. Norman mulatto
Miss Ida Piatt mulatto
Mrs. Mary Rice Phelps black
B. F. Powell mulatto
Mrs. M. A. Robinson mulatto
Rev. D. J. Sanders mulatto
Dr. B. E. Scruggs mulatto
Huston Singleton mulatto
Albretta Moore Smith mulatto
Charity Still black
D. A. Straker mulatto
Lillian J. B. Thomas mulatto
Mrs. Margaret Washington mulatto
Rev. W. B. West mulatto
Miss Emma Rose Williams mulatto
Mrs. D. H. Williams mulatto
Mrs. Fannie Barrier Williams mulatto
Mrs. Sylvanie F. Williams mulatto

21 22
M. W. Gibbs in the preface to his volume says

I have aimed to give an added interest to the narra-

tive by embellishing its pages with portraits of men
who have gained distinction in various fields, . . .

"Gibbs was a mulatto.

Shadow and Light.
: I

224 The Mulatto in the United States

He gives in all the photographs of thirty men. Of thes<

one is that of a full-blooded Negro. Three are men con
cerning whose racial ancestry there may be a reasonabl
doubt. 24 The remaining twenty-six are beyond all questio:

men with a considerable proportion of white intermixtur

and frequently with only a trace of Negro blood. Ninetee:
of the names have appeared in preceding groups. Th
remaining eleven are as follows

Joseph A. Booker black

William Calvin Chase mulatto
W. B. Derrick black
A. Bishop Grant mulatto
John Green mulatto
William H. Hunt mulatto
I. G. Ish mulatto
Chester W. Keatts mulatto
James B. Parker mulatto
William A. Pledger mulatto
J. P. Robinson black

Dr. D. W. Culp, a mulatto physician of Palatka, Florids

compiled and published in 1902 a volume of essays by on
hundred American Negroes. The volume is chiefly notabl

for the fact that it contains full page photographs of eac

of the one hundred contributors. Of the book and the writ]
ers the compiler himself says :

Paul Laurence Dunbar.
Rev. J. A. Booker, Bishop W. B. Derrick and Rev. J. P. Robinsoi
The latter may be a man of unmixed Negro blood; the two former ail
probably men of mixed blood. All three are dark as to color an«
have the characteristic rough features of the African though in n
case of an extreme sort.
Of names omitted for this reason, one is that of
the nineteen
full-blood Negro and eighteen are names of mulattoes.
Twentieth Century Negro Literature or Cyclopedia of Thought b
One Hundred of America's Greatest Negroes.
Preface, pp. 6, 10.
The History and Biography of the Negro ££5

This the only book in which there is such a mag-


nificentarray of Negro talent. Other books of a bi-

ographical character are objected to, by intelligent
people who have read them, on the ground that they
contain too few sketches of scholarly Negroes, and too
many of Negroes of ordinary ability. But it is . . .

not to be understood that the one hundred men and

women mentioned in this book are the only Negro
scholars in this country. So far from this, there are
hundreds of other Negroes who are as scholarly, as
prominent and as active in the work of uplifting their
race as the one hundred herein given. . . .

The writers of this book are one hundred of the

most scholarly and prominent Negroes in America.

Of the one hundred contributors to the volume, twelve are

women and eighty-eight are men. The women are in each case
mulattoes. Of the eighty-eight men, seventy-six are clearly
and obviously men of mixed blood. Of the twelve remaining,
all are "black" men though probably not more than four

are men of unmixed Negro blood. Omitting twenty-seven

men and three women whose names have appeared in earlier
pages, 28 the list is as follows:

J. H. Anderson Minister, Wilkesbarre, Pa. mulatto

g. G. Atkins President Industrial School mulatto
H. E. Baker Clerk in U. S. Patent Office mulatto
J. D. Bibb Teacher, Atlanta, Ga. mulatto
E. L. Blackshear President Industrial School mulatto
Mrs. Ariel Bowen Atlanta, Ga. mulatto
Mrs. Rosa D. Bowser Teacher, Richmond, Va. mulatto
E. M. Brawley Baptist preacher mulatto
Geo. F. Braggs, Jr. Rector Episcopal Church mulatto
W. H. Brooks Baptist preacher mulatto
S.N. Brown Preacher mulatto
Henry R. Butler Physician mulatto
W. D. Chappelle Preacher, A. M. E. Church mulatto
Of the SO names omitted for this reason, 5 are of full-blood Ne-
groes, 22 of men of mixed blood and 3 of women of mixed blood.
226 The Mulatto in the United States

J. M. Cox
The History and Biography of the Negro mi
R. G. Robinson Principal LaGrange Academy mulatto
Mrs. M. E. C. Smith Teacher, Jacksonville, Fla. mulatto

R. S. Smith Lawyer, Washington, D. C. mulatto

Prof. J. H. Smythe President of Reformatory mulatto
Mrs. Rosetta D. Sprague Washington, D. C. mulatto
James Storum Teacher, Washington, D. C. mulatto
Mary B. Talbert Buffalo, N. Y. mulatto
T. W. Talley Teacher, Tuskegee Institute mulatto
R. W. Thompson Editor mulatto
T. de S. Tucker Teacher, Baltimore, Md. mulatto
W. N. Wallace Editor mulatto
O. M. Waller Rector Episcopal Church mulatto
H. L. Walker Teacher, Augusta, Ga. mulatto
J. W. Whitaker Tuskegee Institute mulatto
J. R. Wilder Physician and Surgeon mulatto
J. B. L. Williams Pastor M. E. Church mulatto
R. P. Wyche Pastor Presbyterian Church mulatto

Of the seventy new names given above, sixty are names of

men and ten are names of women. Of the men, five are black
and fifty-five mulatto, while of the ten women all are mu-
30 presumably
Mrs. Williams gives a list of sixty of the
best known members of the Negro race. Thirty-nine of
these are men and twenty-one are women. Six of the men,
while possibly not full-blooded Negroes, may be fairly

classed as "black." Twenty of themen and eight of the

women are clearly mulattoes. The remaining thirteen men
and thirteen women, while doubtless mulattoes, have all the
characteristic features of the Caucasian race. So of the
total list of thirty-nine men, not above six can be said to
be real Negro and thirty-three, at least, are mulattoes. Of
the twenty-one women, all are clearly mixed-bloods. Omit-
ting the names of twenty-two men and fourteen women
31 as follows
which have appeared before, the list is

Fannie Barrier Williams, A New Negro for a New Century.
Of the thirty-six names omitted for this reason twenty-two are of

228 The Mulatto m the United States

Dr. A. R. Abbott mulatto

Lieut. John H. Alexander mulatto
Louis B. Anderson mulatto
H. E. Archer mulatto
Mrs. Henrietta M. Archer mulatto
Ferdinand L. Barnett mulatto
Mrs. Anna J. Cooper mulatto
E. J. Cooper black
J. Webb Curtis mulatto
Mrs. S. J. Evans mulatto
John R. Francis mulatto
John B. Frence mulatto
General Maximo Gomez mulatto
Mrs. Hart mulatto
Mary C. Jackson mulatto
Miss Lutie A. Lytle mulatto
William M. Martin mulatto
Alexander Miles mulatto
J. Frank McKinley mulatto
Ida Gray Nelson mulatto
J. F. Wheaton mulatto
Edward Wilson mulatto
N. B. Wood mulatto
James H. Young mulatto

Of the twent3'-four new names in Mrs. Williams's list,

seventeen are of men and seven of women. One of the men

is black or nearly so. Sixteen of the men and all of the
women are mulattoes. Of the twenty-four new names one
is that of a black Negro and twenty-three are names of
Mr. DuBois, in a volume on the Philadelphia Negro, 32
mentions seventeen men of Negro blood. Eight of the num-
ber, all mulattoes, have appeared in the foregoing lists. Of
the remaining nine names, four are of mulattoes. These are
men and fourteen of women. Of the twenty-two names of men, five

are those of full-blood Negroes and seventeen of mulattoes. All of

the fourteen women are mulattoes.
W. E. B. DuBois, The Philadelphia Negro.
The History and Biography of the Negro 229

•Robert Adger Furniture business mulatto

Peter Augustin Caterer mulatto
Henry Minton Caterer mulatto
Stephen Smith Lumber business mulatto

Of the five remaining, there is nothing recorded or even

known. Of the whole list of seventeen, then, at least
twelve were mulattoes and six were of unknown parentage.
In Booker T. Washington's Life of Frederick Douglass,
a total of sixty-nine Negroes are mentioned. Seven of
these, fugitive slaves and the like, are dropped from con-
sideration. Of the sixty-two names remaining, fifty-seven
are men and five are women. Of the men, two are black
and are mulattoes. The five women are all mulat-

toes. Thirty-three of these names have been listed previ-

The names of those not heretofore mentioned are:

Grandmother Bailey Grandmother of

Anthony Barrier

Amon C. Beaman
Hugh M. Browne
Anthony Burns
Peter H. Clark
Thomas Coppin
William Crafts
Mrs. William Crafts
J. Howard Day
Robert Bogle, Henry Jones and Prosser were caterers. Thomas
Shirley contributed to start a Negro school. The fifth man, Juan, was
a murderer.
Booker T. Washington calls Lucretia Mott a Negro. This seems

to be an error. She was apparently a white woman.

Of the total thirty-three names omitted from the list on this ac-
count, twenty-nine are names of men and four are names of women.
Each of the four women and twenty-eight of the twenty-nine men are
of mixed blood.
"One correspondent called Burns a full-blood Negro.
230 The Mulatto in the United States

Martin R. Delaney Anti-slavery agitator mulatto

Thomas L. Dorsey New York Caterer mulatto
Charles R. Douglass Son of Fred Douglass mulatto
H. Ford Douglass Anti-slavery agitator mulatto
Lewis H. Douglass Son of Fred Douglass mulatto
George T. Downing Delegate to President mulatto
Thomas Downing U. G. R. R. Agent mulatto
John F. Ganes Teacher mulatto
Primus Hall Ante-bellum teacher mulatto
William Hollowell Friend of Douglass mulatto
John Jones Delegate to President mulatto
Benjamin Lundy Anti-slavery agitator mulatto
William E. Mathews Visited President Johnson mulatto
Stephen J. Myres U. G. R. R. Agent mulatto
Charles M. Ray Anti-slavery agitator mulatto
William Rich U. G. R. R. Agent mulatto
A. W. Ross Delegate to President mulatto
G. L. Ruffin Teacher, Massachusetts mulatto
Theodore S. Wright Anti-slavery agitator black

Of the twenty-nine names here presented, twenty-seven

are of men and two of women. Of the men, one is a full-
blooded Negro, and twenty-six are mulattoes. The two
women named are mulattoes. Of the total twenty-nine
names, one is that of a full-blooded Negro and the remain-
ing twenty-eight are of mulattoes.
In Oscar Garrison Villard's Life of John Brown, the
names of thirty Negroes are mentioned. 37 Some dozen of
these are names of boys, or slaves, or Negro neighbors of
Brown who, being mentioned only incidentally in the nar-
rative, are here left out of consideration. Of the remain-
ing eighteen names, two are of women and sixteen of men.
Of the names of men, one is that of a black man and fif-
teen are of mulattoes. Of the two names of women, one is
that of a black woman and one of a woman of mixed blood.
Ten of the individuals have been previously mentioned and
Villard is of course a white man but his volume is included here
because of the group of Negroes not elsewhere mentioned.
The History and Biography of the Negro 231

their names are omitted here. 38 The names of persons not

previously mentioned are as follows:

Osborn Perry Anderson One of "Men at Arms"
the mulatto
James M. Bell Friend of John Brown mulatto
John Anthony Copeland One of the "Men at Arms" mulatto
Newby Dangerfield One of the "Men at Arms" mulatto
Jim Daniels Slave in Kansas mulatto
Shields Green One of the "Men at Arms" black
James E. O'Harra United States Congress mulatto
Lewis S. Leary One of the "Men at Arms" mulatto

Of the eight new names here presented, one is that of a

black man and seven are names of men of mixed blood.
In the volume by Carter Godwin Woodson on Negro edu-
cation, 42 are mentioned the names of one hundred and fifty
individuals as Negroes who had some part either as teachers
or as students in the eduation of the Negro before the Civil
War. One of these individuals was an East Indian who
seems to have had no admixture of Negro blood. 43 He is
here dropped from further consideration as are also the
names of some half a dozen who are simply mentioned as
slaves, and a goodly number of other persons of such minor
importance that they were unknown outside their own fam-
ily group. After these eliminations one hundred and seven
names remained. Of these, eighty-eight were men and nine-
teen were women. Of the men, seventy-nine were mulattoes
These ten names include one black woman, one mulatto woman
and eight mulatto men.
"Also known as Perry Anderson Osborn. He had a habit of re-
versing his name.
Or perhaps Dangerfield Newby. His father was a white man by
the name of Newby.
Of John Brown's "Men at Arms" sixteen were white men and
five were Negroes. Green was the only Negro of full blood.
The Education of the Negro Prior to 1861.
"William Appo, musician.

232 The Mulatto in the United States

and nine were black men. Eighteen of the women were mu-
lattoes and* one seems to have been a woman of pure blood.
Sixty of the one hundred and seven names have appeared
in preceding lists. The forty-seven not previously men-
tioned are listed as follows

John C. Anderson Musician

B. W. Arnett
A. T. Augusta
George Bell
James T. Bradford
F. L. Cardozo
T. Morris Chester
Daniel Coker
J. C. Corbin
Martha Costin
Garrison Draper
Charles Henry Green
Robert Harlan
Josiah Henson
George Horton
William L. Jackson
John Thomas Johnson
John S'. Leary
Samuel Lowry
Martha Martin and sister
Mary E. Miles
S. T. Mitchell
J. Morris
Robert Morris
William Nell
Gowan Pamphlet

John Prout
Charles L. Reason
Sarah Redmond
Of the 60 omitted for this reason 52 were men and 8 were women.
Of the men 3 were black and 49 were of mixed blood. Of the women,
one was black and the remaining 7 were mulattoes.
"Woodson, Education of the Negro, p. 281.
The History and Biography of the Negro 233

Fannie Richards Teacher in Detroit mulatto

D. R. Roberts Preacher, Chicago mulatto
B. K. Sampson Teacher, Avery College mulatto
Mary Ann Shadd (Carey) Teacher in Canada mulatto
Thomas Sidney Helped build school house black
John Baptist Snowden Preacher black
T. McCants Stewart Studied in Charleston mulatto
Mother of Mary C. Terrell Learned French and English mulatto
Father of R. H. Terrell Learned to read when a slave mulatto
Julian Troumontaine Teacher, Savannah mulatto
George B. Vachon Teacher, Avery College mulatto
T. P. White Reconstruction politician mulatto
W. J. White Taught by white mother mulatto
Ann Woodson Taught by mistress mulatto
Emma Woodson
J. Teacher, Avery College mulatto
James Wormley Student in D. C. mulatto
Mary Wormley Teacher, D. C. mulatto

46 47
In Daniels's study of the Boston Negroes are men-
tioned some men and women of the Negro race of more or
less prominence in and about Boston in the early days. This

number is exclusive of some dozen or score of individuals

who are simply mentioned as slaves, of children and of ob-
scure individuals who do not appear from the text or other
sources of information to be persons of any note or prom-
inence in the community. Of the one hundred and forty-
eight considered, one hundred and twenty-five are names
of men and twenty-three are names of women. Of the men,
fourteen appear to have been black or at least considered
so by people who recall them. One hundred and eleven are
known to have been men of mixed blood. Of the women,
one was black and twenty-two were mulattoes. Of the one
hundred and forty-eight individuals whose ancestry was
traced, fifteen were black or nearly so and one hundred and

"Daniels is a white man but his book is included here because of

the large number of New England Negroes whom he mentions.
John Daniels, In Freedom's Birthplace.
234 The Mulatto in the United States

thirty-three were individuals of mixed blood. Forty of the

names appear in preceding lists and are omitted here. 48
The names of those individuals who have not been mentioned
heretofore are:

Mrs. Agnes Adams Organizer of Negro women

Isaac B. Allen
Macon B. Allen

J. H. Allston

Philip J. Allston

E. H. Armistead

William O. Armstrong
Powhattan Bagnall
J. B. Bailey
Gertrude M. Baker
Walden Banks

Jehial C. Beaman
Edgar P. Benjamin
Paul C. Brooks

E. E. Brown
W. W. Bryant
Seymour Burr
Mrs. Olivia Ward Bush
Jacqueline Carroll
Julius B. Chappelle
J. Milton Clark

Jonas Clark
Bob Cole
Robert F. Coursey
Of the 40 omitted, 7 were women and 33 men. Of the women, one
was black and six were mulattoes. Of the men, 2 were black and
31 were mulattoes.
This is not concurred in by all the authorities.
He and his brother were called "The White Slaves."
The History and Biography of the Negro 235

W. Alexander Cox Member Negro Business

League black
Joshua Crawford Lawyer. Politician mulatto M
W. E. Crum Minister to Liberia mulatto
William Crowdy "Prophet" black
Thomas Dalton Merchant mulatto
Louise DeMortie Teacher, New Orleans mulatto
Mark DeMortie Abolitionist mulatto
Theodore Drury Opera Producer mulatto
Rev. Henry Duckery Office holder, Boston mulatto
William Dupree Federal appointee mulatto
Hosea Easton Abolitionist mulatto
Joshua Easton Mass. anti-slavery society mulatto
Eliza Gardner Organizer of Negro women mulatto
C. N. Garland Physician, Boston mulatto
Nelson Gaskins Member Common Council,
Boston mulatto
I Julius B. Goddard Office holder, Washington black
George F. Grant Dentist, Boston mulatto
Marjorie Groves Teacher, Boston mulatto
Charles H. Hall Member Common Council,
Boston mulatto
Charles E. Harris House of Representatives,
1894-95 mulatto
Gilbert C. Harris Wig manufacturer, Boston mulatto
William A. Hazel Draftsman and architect,
Boston mulatto
Robert Hemmings Painter in Paris mulatto
John T. Hilton Abolitionist, Boston mulatto
M. Hamilton Hodges Singer in Australia mulatto
A. H. Hunt Physician mulatto
Billy Johnson Comedian mulatto
W. C. Lane Physician. Office holder mulatto
George Latimer Fugitive slave mulatto
Andrew E. Lattimore House of Representatives mulatto
Joseph Lee Innkeeper, Boston mulatto
J. H. Lewis Tailor, Boston mulatto

One correspondent considered Crawford a full-blood Negro.
Questioned by one authority.
Hodges is a dark mulatto, not a full-blood Negro as is frequently
236 The Mulatto in the United States

William C. Lovett Officer Negro Business

League mulatto
George W. Lowther House of Representatives,
1883 mulatto
Geo. Reginald Margetson Poet mulatto
Napoleon B. Marshall Deputy Tax Collector mulatto
John Sella Martin Minister, Boston mulatto
W. Clarence Matthews Athletic director mulatto
Cornelius McKane Physician, Boston black
Mrs. Nellie B. Mitchell Music teacher mulatto
Clement G. Morgan Lawyer. Alderman black
William G. Nell Father of William C. Nell mulatto
Osborn A. Newton Member Common Council mulatto
Dr. Thomas W. Patrick Pharmacist, Boston mulatto
Rev. Thomas Paul Early abolitionist mulatto
"Dr." Peters Husband of Phyllis Wheatley black
Don T. Pinheiro Dentist. West Indian mulatto
Coffin Pitts Old clothes dealer black
"Elder" Plummer Minister, Boston mulatto
James W. Pope Member Common Council,
Boston mulatto
John T. Raymond Minister in Boston mulatto
Theodore H. Raymond Director Y. M. C. A. mulatto
William L. Reed Deputy tax collector mulatto
Dr. Isaac L. Roberts Physician, Boston mulatto M
David R. Robinson Member Common Council,
Boston mulatto
David Rock Lawyer. Physician mulatto
Stanley Ruffin Member Common Council,
Boston mulatto
John E. Scarlett Member Gen. Colored Associ-
ation mulatto
Rev. M. A. N. Shaw Minister. West Indian mulatto M
S. William Simms Janitor. Common Council,
Boston mulatto
Blanche V. Smith Teacher in Boston mulatto
Eleanor A. Smith Teacher in Boston mulatto
Mrs. Hannah G. Smith Organizer of Negro women mulatto
One correspondent called Plummer a black man.
One authority called Roberts a full-blood.
Called by one authority "pure-Negro." He is a dark brown mar
but seems to be of mixed ancestry.
The History and Biography of the Negro £87

Harriet Smith

238 The Mulatto in the United States

success is not great;it can only be called success, in fact,

when it is measured by the low level of efficiency that pre-

vails generally in the black group. But even the small de-
gree of relative success makes these persons exceptional men
within the race, and this is the matter of importance here.
Dropping from the count some score of individuals, in most
cases slaves, criminals, children and the like concerning
whom there is absolutely nothing known and who do not ap-
pear from the text or from other sources to have been in any
way important persons, there remain three hundred and
fifty-one individuals. Of these, three hundred and eleven
are names of men and forty are of women. Of the men,
twenty-nine seem to have been black or nearly so and two
hundred and eighty-two are known to have been men of
mixed blood. Of the forty women, six passed as black and
thirty-four were mulattoes. Of the total three hundred and
fifty-one individuals, thirty-five passed as black and three
hundred and sixteen were persons of mixed ancestry. Omit-
ting the names of persons who have been mentioned in pre-
ceding lists 58 we have the following names

Lewis Adams
The History and Biography of the Negro 239

ames Bond Berea College trustee mulatto

Boyd Physician, Nashville mulatto
Tack Bowler Insurrectionist 1800 black
bellow Bragg Free Negro tailor, N. C. mulatto
IA.. M. Brown Physician, Alabama mulatto
Rev. William W. Brown Organized True Reformers mulatto
[Henry E. Brown Director Y. M. C. A. black
I. H. Bugg Physician, Savannah mulatto
W. P. Burrell Secretary of True Reformers mulatto
George L. Burroughs
U. G. R. R. Agent, Illinois mulatto
L. L. Burwell Physician, Selma, Alabama mulatto
Hon. J. E. Bush Lodge official mulatto
tBishop J. B. Campbell Made donation to Wilberforce mulatto °°

)Richard Carroll Founded home for orphans mulatto

:Paul Chretien Father of free Negro in La. mulatto
(Elijah Cook Undertaker, Montgomery, Ala. black
t Bishop Elias Cottrell Founded industrial school mulatto
Henry K. Craft Tuskegee Institute mulatto
Samuel Crowther First native Bishop to Africa black
Boston Crummell Father of Alexander. "Afri-
can Prince" black
W. D. Crura Collector of Customs, Charles-
ton mulatto
Bishop Curtis 54 Mass. Regiment in Civil
War mulatto
Austin Dabney Soldier in Revolution mulatto
Sam Dailey Donated land to reform school black
William Howard Day Published "The Alienated
American" mulatto
Jennie Dean Established industrial school black 91

George de Baptiste U. G. R. R. Agent, Michigan mulatto

Juan de Valladelid Negro Count, Seville, 1474 mulatto
John H. Deveaux Collector of Customs, Savan-
nah mulatto
Rev. Moses Dickson Founder of Fraternal Order mulatto 62

Dr. Sadie Dillon First woman doctor in Ala-

bama mulatto
C. N. Dorsette First Doctor in Montgomery mulatto
Disputed by one authority.
One authority called Campbell "a pure Negro."
One correspondent said "dark mulatto."
One authority considered Dickson a pure Negro.
240 The Mulatto in the United States

Vice-President Dossen Liberian embassy

Charles R. Douglass
Alexander Dunlop
E. F. Eggleston
Matilda A. Evans
W. R. Fields
John S. Gaines
G. W. Gibson
Henry Gordon
Sarah Gordon
Rev. William Gray

Benjamin T. Green
William E. Gross
George C. Hall
Prince Hall
R. M. Hall
Fenton Harper

T. N. Harris
Jare Haralson
T. S. Hawkins
Matt Henson
E. M. Hewlett
L. P. Hill
Mrs. L. Hill
Richard Holloway
J. T. Holly
Harry Hosier
A. Hubbard

John Hyman
Deal Jackson
Jennie Jackson
John Jasper
Cordelia A. Jennings
Mrs. Mary F. Jennings
Rev. O. C. Jenkins
L. E. Johnson
Or nearly so.
The authorities about equally divided.
The History and Biograph" of the Negro 841

tot. G Johnson Editor Savannah "Tribune" black

.G. Jones Early settler in Chicago mulatto
^iley Jones Business man, Pine Bluff, Ark. mulatto
A. Kenney
. Physician, Tuskegee mulatto
'/ambert family Seven musicians mulattoes
5ishop IsaacLane Founded Lane College mulatto
latthew Leary Father of politician mulatto
latthew Leary, Jr. Reconstruction politician mulatto
"efferson Long U. S. Congress from Georgia mulatto
1. L. Lugrade Stock holder, Boley Bank mulatto
J. G. Mason Physician, Alabama mulatto
Victoria E. Matthews New York mulatto
)wen McCarty Runaway slave, 1773 mulatto
lam McCord Farmer in Alabama mulatto
5. H. McKissack Treasurer of Odd Fellows,
Miss. mulatto
fohn Merrick Founder Mutual and Provi-
dent Association, N. C. mulatto
rhomas H. Miller U. S. Congress, S. C. mulatto
Ben Montgomery Slave of Joseph Davis mulatto
rhornton Montgomery Slave of Joseph Davis mulatto
\lbert Morris Free Negro tailor, N. C. mulatto
Freeman Morris Free Negro tailor, N. C. mulatto
Francis J. Moultry Caterer, Yonkers, N. Y. mulatto
jeorge A. Myers Barber, Cleveland, Ohio mulatto
Charles E.Nash Politician. Reconstructionist mulatto
Dwen T. B. Nickens Teacher in Ohio, 1820 mulatto
Peter Ogden First Negro Odd Fellow mulatto
£eebe Ossie On last ship load of slaves Mandingo
Foseph E. Otis Northern Political Agitator mulatto
Dinah Pace Founded Industrial School mulatto
2. W. Perry Business man, Boley, Oklahoma mulatto
[. Garland Penn Physician mulatto
John Peterson Principal first Negro Normal mulatto
Napoleon Pinchback Brother of P. B. S. Pinchback mulatto
I M. Pollard Bank director, Savannah mulatto
VI aggie Porter Mrs. Cole, Detroit. Singer black 65

Joseph C. Price President Livingston College black

Charles B. Purvis Teacher, Howard University mulatto
Charlotte Ray First Negro woman lawyer mulatto
3. C. Redmond Physician, Jackson, Miss. mulatto
One correspondent called Mrs. Cole "Pure Negro."

2 1 The Mulatto in the United States

i S. Reed Organized Union Benefit Assoc, mulatto

Prank Rdd Fanner near Tuskegee mulatto
])n\v Reid Farmer near Tuskegee mulatto
John S. Rock Lawyer, Boston, about 1865 mulatto
Mrs. T. A. Ridley Brookline, Mass. mulatto
II. K. Rischcr Baker, Jackson, Miss. mulatto
\ W. Hoss Northern political agitator mulatto
Darid Ruggles U. G. R. R. Agent mulatto
James S. Russell Teacher, Lawrenceville, Va. mulatto
Thomas Rutling Jubilee Singer mulatto
Peter Salem Soldier in battle of Bunker
Hill mulatto
George M. Sampson Teacher, Tallahassee, Fla. mulatto
Benjamin Sampson Teacher, Wilber force, Ohio mulatto
James D. Sampson Published The Colored Citizen mulatto
Thomas Sanderson Associated with Prince Hall mulatto
J, If. Sanifer Farmer, Alabama mulatto
Walter Scott Officer Negro Bank, Savannah mulatto
Victor Sejour Writer of verse, Paris mulatto
Pixky Isaka Seme Student at Columbia, 1907 Zulu
Mrs. Mary K. Shaw Gave money to Tuskegee mulatto
Ella Sheppard Mrs. G. W. Moore. Singer mulatto
.Mr. Sheppard Father of singer mulatto
W. II. Sheppard Missionary to Africa mulatto
Mrs. J. A. Shorter Wife of Bishop Shorter mulatto
Alfred Smith Successful cotton grower of
Okla. mulatto
Charles H. Smiley Early caterer, Chicago mulatto
James McCune Smith Early physician mulatto
John II. Smythe Minister to Liberia mulatto
•'-'lin C, Stanley "Barber Jack." Free Negro mulatto
John Stanley Son of John C. Stanley mulatto
Alexander Stanley Son of John C. Stanley mulatto
Charles Stanley Son of John C. Stanley mulatto
W. K. Sterrs Physician, Decatur, Alabama -^mulatto
rle Steele Founded orphanage in Atlanta^mulatto
J . A. Stewart Physician, Nashville mulatto
Peter still Fugitive slave. Brother of
William Still n\ mulatto
John St. Pierre Father of Mrs. Josephine *^nulatto-
Ruffin Indian
St. Benedict, The Moor Palermo, Sicily mulatto
The History arid Biography of the Negro 243

D. C. Suggs
£44 The Mulatto in the United States

divide into ninety-eight mulattoes and seven black women. Of

the total six hundred and twenty-seven names, sixty-four are
names of black Negroes and five hundred and sixty-three are
nanus of individuals of a mixed ancestry (see p. 245).
Of the six hundred and twenty-seven persons considered
in this chapter, the ratio of mulattoes to Negroes of pure
blood is approximately nine to one. In a few cases, there
wis not full agreement among men acquainted with the per-
son in question as to whether he should be classed as a man
of pure or of mixed blood. Attention has been called to
these cases as they appeared in the text. The rule followed
in such cases was to class the man as a pure-blood Negro
unless the evidence to the contrary seemed conclusive. It is

believed, therefore, that any errors of classification that

may appear tend to make the ratio of mulattoes to Negroes
of pure blood appear somewhat smaller than is actually the
case. However, any error in classification of a single man
or even a dozen or a score out of alist of over six hundred

would not materially alter the ratio. Should the twenty

odd individuals in the full-blood group concerning whose
purity of blood there has been question raised, be placed
in the mixed-blood group the ratio of mulattoes to full-
bloods would stand slightly over thirteen to one. Should,
on the other hand, the dozen individuals in the mulatto
group who by some correspondents were called full-blooded
be placed in the full-blooded group the ratio of mulattoes
to full-bloods would be slightly over eight to one. Any
considerable variation from the findings of nine mulattoes
to one full-blood Negro in the books analyzed, would imply
a shifting from the definition of mulatto accepted for the
purpose of this study. 66

"A Negro with sufficient admixture of white blood to readily distin-

guish him from Negroes of pure blood. See p. 11 above.
The History and Biography of the Negro 245
o * ^1 H i> (S G* ^i O CO

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E given in the preceding chapters prob-

Tl 1 various lists

ably include the great majority of the Negroes who

have shown noteworthy ability, or made any very excep-
tional success in life. But as these lists were for the most
pari of a general nature, that is, groupings of men and
women from various lines of human endeavor, it may be
worth while to consider the relative success the black Negro
and the mulatto have had in some of the specific lines of en-
deavor. For this purpose we will consider: I. the Army
and Navy, II. Politics, III. Inventions, IV. Medicine and
Dentistry, V.Law, VI. Education, VII. the Ministry, VIII.
Literature, IX. Editors and Newspaper men, X. Artists,
XI. the Stage, XII. Composers and Musicians, and XIII.
Business men.
The Negroes have played a part, albeit no very conspic-
uous one, in every war in which the United States has been
involved. In the Revolutionary War, Negroes, both slave
and lie.-, were found on both sides. Crispus Attucks, a Bos-
ton man of mixed Indian, Negro, and white blood, is said
io have been the first man killed in the so-called Boston
Massacre. In the second war with Great Britain, and es-
peciaUy in the Battle of New Orleans, Negro soldiers were
engaged in considerable numbers. 1 In the Civil War, espe-
Xegro Year Book, 1914-1915, pp. 154-55.

The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 247

cially during the latter stages, large numbers of Negro sol-

diers were enlisted in the Union armies. 2 While the Con-

federacy consistently refused to allow slaves to be employed
as soldiers and in some cases refused to accept the proffered
assistance of free Negroes, 3 the Southern armies neverthe-
lessemployed a considerable number of Negroes, both slave
and free, as laborers, and a few free Negroes seem to have
been enrolled as soldiers. 4
The Negro Year Book mentions three men as having
gained some distinction in the Civil War: A. T. Augusta,
Surgeon in the Seventeenth Regiment United States Volun-
teers ; A. W. Abbott, Army Surgeon and H. M. ; Turner, an
Army Chaplain. All three men were mulattoes.
Three Negroes have been graduated from the United
States Military Academy at West Point. 6 They were in

each case mulattoes.

In the United States Army, there are eleven Negro offi-
cers. They are in every case mulattoes.

Lt. Col. A. Allensworth, (retired) Chaplain, 24th Infantry mulatto

Major W. T. Anderson, (retired) Chaplain, 9th Cavalry mulatto

The seem to have been about equally divided between Ne-
groes and mulattoes. The 55th Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, for
example, had a total of 980 enlisted men. Four hundred and thirty
were mulattoes and 550 were apparently pure black. The black men
were probably two or three times as numerous as the mulattoes in the
general population. See Burt G. Wilder, "The Brain of the American
Negro," Proceedings of the First National Negro Conference, p. 49.
The color of these free Negroes, according to General Butler, was
"about that of Vice-President Hamlin, or the late Mr. Daniel Webster."
See J. P. Ficklen, The History of Reconstruction in Louisiana, p. 121.
Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, pp. 157-59.
Ibid., p. 159.
Henry O. Flipper mulatto
John H. Alexander mulatto
Charles Young mulatto
'Ibid., p. 161.
248 The Mulatto in the United States

Lieutenant Louis A. Carter, Chaplain, 10th Cavalry mulatto

Lieutenant B. O. Davis, 10th Cavalry mulatto
Lieutenant J. E. Green, 25th Infantry mulatto
Lieutenant W. W. Gladden, Chaplain, 24th Infantry mulatto
.Major John R. Lynch, (retired) Paymaster Indian and
Captain G. W. Prioleau, Chaplain, 9th Cavalry mulatto
Lieutenant O. J. W. Scott, Chaplain, 25th Infantry mulatto
Captain T. G. Steward, (retired) Chaplain, 25th Infantry mulatto
Major Charles Young, nth Cavalry mulatto

From all other sources of information were obtained facts

in regard to twenty-six other men who hold, or have held,
military positions of some importance in the regular army
or in the National Guard, or have particularly distinguished
themselves by deeds of valor. Of these men, three were dark
men ; though in no case is it certain that they were Negroes
of full blood. The other twenty-three were in all cases
mulattoes. 8
In the military affairs of the nation, it would thus ap-
pear that the race, so far at least as offices and honors go,
is represented almost exclusively by its lighter-colored mem-
bers. Of the forty-four men mentioned in this section, forty-
one at least are men of mixed blood. Nine of these men have
been previously mentioned in other connections. Thirty-two
of the remaining thirty-five men are mulattoes. Throwing
into tabular form this information concerning the ethnic
ancestry of these members of the race who have distinguished
themselves in a military way we have the following:
In military affairs Toussaint is, of course, the one conspicuous ex-
ample of military ability among the members of the race so far. He
was probably not a full-blood Negro though he was identified with and
led the blacks as opposed to the mulatto faction. The National heroes

of Cuba— Gomez and Maceo are said to have both been men of some
intermixture of Negro blood. The same thing seems to be true of
Panco Villa. None of these men, however, excepting Toussaint, dis-
played any particular ability as military leaders.
The Mulatto in the United States

. . Those who have obtained seats in the Legisla-


ture, have won no special reputation for practical ca-

pacity by an intelligent devotion to business; and as
they are generally silent members or wandering and
irrelevant when they have risen to their feet, they have
exercised no marked influence on the enactment of laws,
excepi by the votes they have cast. Indeed, the ma-
jority have not been at all superior to the mass of their
race in force of character or intellect; many, in fact,
have been inferior, and their election to a position of
so much responsibility can only be explained on the
ground of accident. The prominence of the office they
occupy only brings out into the broadest contrast their
Incompetence to represent the interests of their own
people, much less advance the general prosperity of a

All this is probably true and exactly the same thing is,

true of the country's white politicians.

But we are not here concerned with an evaluation of the
Negroes as politicians further than to point out that they
are not to be taken as representing in any true sense what
Mr. DuBois has called the "Advance Guard of the Race," 1X
any more than the white politicians are to be taken as rep-
resenting the highest degree of the honesty, intelligence,
and public spirit of the white community. The Negro poli-
ticians are, however, a conspicuous group and, as such, have
n selected here for analysis into their black and mixed
The race has been represented in the National Senate by
two members —Hiram R. Revels and Blanche K. Bruce. The
former was a Croatan Indian and the latter a mulatto.
In the National House of Representatives, there have

been twenty members of the Negro race, not more than three
\V. E. B. DuBois, BookloveSs Magazine, Vol. 2, pp. 2-14.
The Negro and tlie Mulatto in Pursuits 251

of whom were Negroes of even approximately full blood.

The Negro Year Book lists them as follows:

Richard H. Cain S. C. 43rd and 45th Congress . 4 years black

H.P.Cheatham N. C. 52nd and 53rd Congress. 4 years mulatto
R. C. Delarge S. C. 42nd Congress 2 years mulatto
R. B. Elliott S. C. 42nd Congress 2 years mulatto
J. Haralson Ala. 44th Congress 2 years black
John Hyman N. C. 44th Congress 2 years mulatto
J. M. Langston Va. 51st Congress 2 years mulatto
JeffersonLong Ga. 41st Congress 2 years mulatto
John R. Lynch Miss. 42nd, 44th & 47th Cong. 6 years mulatto
T. H. Miller S. C. 51st Congress 2 years mulatto
G. W. Murray S. C. 53rd and 54th Congress. 4 years black
Charles E. Nash La. 44th Congress 2 years mulatto
J. E. O'Harra N. C. 48th and 49th Congress . 4 years mulatto
J. H. Rainey S. C. 44th to 48th Congress . 10 years mulatto
A. J. Ransier S. C. 43rd Congress 2 years mulatto
James T. Rapier Ala. 43rd Congress 2 years mulatto
Robert Smalls S. C. 44th, 45th & 47th Cong . 6 years mulatto
B. S. Turner Ala. 42nd Congress 2 years mulatto
Josiah T. Wall Fla. 42nd, 43rd & 44th Cong. 6 years mulatto
George H. White N. C. 55th and 56th Congress. 4 years mulatto

In 1869, Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett, 14 a man of mixed

mulatto and Indian parentage, was appointed Resident Min-
ister and Consul General to Haiti. He was the first Negro
given an appointment by the Federal government. He held
the position for eight years.
During the Reconstruction regime in the South, several

1914-1915, p. 151.
"Shufeldt, not always reliable, is authority for the statement that
Murray was a black man. Murray had a rather unsavory reputation
having divorced his Negro wife and married a white woman. He was
later convicted of forgery and sentenced to a three-year term in the
penitentiary. "Every line of his cannon-ball head was modeled on
African lines. His complexion is that of the ace of spades, and his
features are of the pronounced negro type. ." R. W. Shufeldt,
. .

The Negro a Menace to American Civilization, p. 189.

"Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, p. 152.


252 The Mulatto in the United States

Negroes attained the position of Lieutenant Governors.

These men were as follows :

C. C. Antoine mulatto
Oscar J. Dunn mulatto
P. B. S. Pinchback mulatto

South Carolina
R. H. Gleaves mulatto
Alonzo J. Ransier mulatto

Alexander K. Davis " mulatto

John R. Lynch 17 in a recent volume 18 on the part played

bv the Negro in the Reconstruction of the South, mentions
nineteen men prominent during the period. Four of these
men seem to have been black, and fifteen to have been men
of mixed blood. The list follows

Roscoe Bruce Son of Ex Senator Bruce mulatto

Rev. Noah Buchanan Republican Convention of Miss. 1869 black
T. W. Cardoza Candidate for office, Miss. 1873 mulatto
H. C, Carter Proposed candidate for Lieut. Gov.,
Miss. mulatto
A. K. Davis Candidate for Lieut. Gov. of Miss.
1873 mulatto
Frederick Douglass Politician mulatto
Robert Gleed State Senator of Miss. black
Sam Henry Pres. of Republican Club mulatto
James Hill Candidate for Sec. of State of Miss. mulatto
Hi P. Jacobs Baptist preacher and politician mulatto
James Lynch Methodist preacher. Political candi-
date mulatto
William McCary Signed bond for J. R. Lynch in 1869 mulatto
I. T. Montgomery Boliver Countv, Miss. mulatto
W. Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, p. 585.
Davis was a candidate in 1873 but was not elected. Mr. Williams
Is not the only Negro who lists him among the Negro Lieutenant Gov-
ernors. See B. T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, pp. 279-80
See pages 205, 208 above.
u The Facts
of Reconstruction. -A/
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 253

P. B. S. Pinchback 'Lieutenant Governor of Miss. mulatto

H. R. Revels United States Senator Croatan
David Singleton Signed a bond for Lynch in 1869 mulatto
T. W. Stringer State Senator, Mississippi mulatto
J. M. P. Williams Baptist preacher. Political candidate black

J. M. Wilson Member of Legislature, Mississippi black

The Negro Year Book names four Negroes now holding

federal offices.
These men are all mulattoes. They are:
Charles W. Anderson mulatto
Collector of Internal Revenue, New York City
James A. Cobb mulatto
Assistant District Attorney for the District of Columbia
Charles Cottrell mulatto
Collector of Customs, Honolulu, H. I.

Robert H. Terrell mulatto

Judge of Municipal Court, Washington, D. C.

The Negro Year Book names two Negroes in the diplo-

matic service of the United States. One of these men is
a Negro of pure blood and the other is a mulatto. They

George W. Buckner mulatto

Minister Resident and Consul General, Liberia
Richard W. Bundy black
Secretary of Legation, Liberia

The Negro Year Book names eight Negroes in the con-

sular service of the United States.

Two of thesemen are
Negroes of pure blood and six are mulattoes. The list is
as follows:

James G. Carter mulatto

Consul at Tamatave, Madagascar
William H. Hunt mulatto
Consul at Saint-fitienne, France
Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, p. 152.

*>Ibid., p. 153.
Ibid., p. 153.
254 The Mulatto in the United States

George H. Jackson .
Consul at Cognac, France
James W. Johnson mulatto
Consul at Corinto, Nicaragua
I^emuel W. Livington black
Consul at Cape Haitien, Haiti
Christopher H. Payne mulatto
Consul at Thomas, West Indies
Herbert R. Wright black
Consul at Puerto Cabello, Venezuela
William J. Yerb mulatto
Consul at Sierra Leone, West Africa

The Negro Year Book names the following as the more

important political positions held by Negroes during the
presidential administration of William Howard Taft:
J. N. W. Alexander mulatto
Register of Land Office, Montgomery, Alabama
G. W. Buckner mulatto
U. S. Minister and Consul General to Liberia
John E. Bush mulatto
Receiver of Public Moneys, Little Rock, Arkansas
Henry W. Furniss mulatto
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Port au
Prince, Haiti
George H. Jackson mulatto
United States Consul to Cognac, France
James W. Johnson mulatto
United States Consul at CoTinto, Nicaragua
Joseph Lee mulatto
Collector of Internal Revenue for Florida
William H. Lewis mulatto
Assistant Attorney General
Whitfield McKinley mulatto
Collector of Customs, Port of Georgetown, D. C.
Fred R. Moore mulatto
United States Minister and Consul General to Liberia
James C. Napier mulatto
Register of the Treasury

Negro Yttar Book, 1914-1915, p. 27.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 255

Robert Smalls mulatto

Collector of Customs at Beaufort, S. C.

R. H. Terrell mulatto
Municipal Court of Washington, D. C.
Ralph W. Tyler Indian and mulatto
Auditor of the Navy

In addition to the foregoing lists, an additional list of

men, not heretofore mentioned, was compiled from all the
available sources of information. It included, so far as it

was possible to obtain them, the names of all men who are
mentioned in the literature as having held elective or ap-
pointive offices, or as otherwise having distinguished them-
selves by political ability, or gained political prominence.
After eliminating from the list thus compiled, the names
of men who have a better claim to distinction than the

political one and who were consequently placed in other cate-

gories, one hundred and fifty-two names remained. Of these,
one hundred and thirty-seven were mulattoes ; and fifteen,

so far as the evidence goes, seem to have been full-blooded

Negroes. In tabular form, the facts stand as follows:

Black Mulatto Total

United States Senators

256 The Mulatto in the United States

It would appear from these facts that in the political life

of the country — as measured by the amount of

office holding— that the man of mixed blood is somewhat
over seven times as successful as the full-blooded Negro.
This, too, is on the principle of classifying as full-bloods,
all Negroes where there seems to be any reason to doubt
the fact of a mixed ancestry.
The number of inventions by members of the Negro race
is very small. 24 Scarcely half a dozen names are required
to enumerate the whole list that the most liberal-minded
would class as important. 25 The patent office makes no rec-
ord of the race of the patentees, so that it is not possible to
know the Negro inventors with any certainty or complete-
ness. A list of alleged Negro inventors was furnished to

the Paris Exposition in 1900. 26 The list contains two hun-

dred and one separate names but in almost every case there
is absolutely no information available concerning the men
themselves. In all, information was obtained in regard to
twenty-seven of the inventorslisted. Of these four are said
to be blackand twenty-three are admittedly mulatto. The
men whose ancestry it was possible to trace, with the inven-
tion on which they received a patent, follows

Harry E. Baker, a mulatto clerk in the United States Patent Office,
claims to have verified 800 patents granted to Negroes. He estimates
that 400 others, unverified, have been granted. His plan of discovery
and verification has been to circularize the patent attorneys, newspapers,
"conspicuous citizens of both races," etc., on the subject. "The answers
to this inquiry cover a wide range of guess work, many mere rumors
and a large number of definite facts. These are all put through the
test of comparison with the official record of the patent office. ." . .

But even at the highest estimate that Mr. Baker claims for his race the
number of inventors is pitifully small. H. E. Baker, The Colored
Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, names sixteen, pp. 284 ff.
M Reprinted in D. W. Culp's Twentieth Century Negro Literature.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 257

L. C. Bailey
258 The Mulatto in the United States

James Doyle A mechanical server mulatto

James Forton Device for managing sails mulatto
R. Pelham Tabulating device mulatto
C. V. Richey Register for telephone calls mulatto
Lyates Woods Electrical appliances Australian

The Negro Year Book 29 gives practically the same list.

The only additional name is that of a free Negro of Mary-
land, Henry Blair, who secured patents for a corn har-
vester in 1834 and again in 1836. There is nothing stated
and presumably nothing known concerning his color. The
fact, however, that he was free at least gives the presump-
tion that he was a man of mixed blood.
During the past eighteen months, the Negro journals and
papers have mentioned thirteen additional patents granted
to Negroes. 30 Ten of these men are mulattoes, one a man
of unmixed blood and two, while probably not full-blood,
are very nearly so.
Of the forty-eight inventors, then, of whom it was pos-
sible to secure information —
and the number seems to in-
clude most of the important as well as most of the recent
ones — forty-one are men of mixed blood and seven are either
full black or nearly so. Nine of these men, however, have
been mentioned in other connections. Of the thirty-nine
new names, seven are of black Negroes and thirty-two of
mulattoes —a ratio of nearly five to one. 31 The collected
information falls into the following tabulation:
1914-1915. See pp. 282 ff.
For the eighteen months ending June, 1916. There may of course
have been others that escaped notice.
It is quite probable that if data were available concerning any large
number of the Negro inventors of lesser note that this ratio of about
one black man to five mulattoes would be maintained or the proportion
of black men might even be increased. Minor inventions are very fre-
quently if not generally the work of men in daily contact with the ma-
chines they use and for which they invent improvements,
Black Mulatto Total
^UU no Mulatto
J. in the United States

A. T. Augusta
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 261

John W. Jones Winston Salem, N. C. mulatto 8T

John A. Kenney Tuskegee, Ala. mulatto

J. R. Levy Florence, S. C. mulatto ss

A. C. McClennon Charleston, S. C. mulatto

David K. McDonough New York City mulatto
A. M. Moore Durham, N. C. mulatto
N. F. Mossell Philadelphia, Pa. mulatto
John S. Outlaw Los Angeles, Calif. mulatto
Loring B. Palmer Atlanta, Ga. mulatto
W. F. Penn Atlanta, Ga. mulatto
C. B. Purvis Washington, D. C. mulatto
Rapier Washington, D. C. mulatto
Peter Williams Ray New York City mulatto
E. P. Roberts New York City mulatto
C. V. Roman Nashville, Tenn. mulatto
David Rosell New York City mulatto
Chas. H. Shepard Durham, N. C. mulatto
T. H. Slater Atlanta, Ga. black
James McCune Smith New York City mulatto
Willis E. Sterrs Montgomery, Ala. mulatto
F. A. Stewart Nashville, Tenn. mulatto
Tucker. Washington, D. C. mulatto
A. M. Townsend Nashville, Tenn. mulatto
John W. Walker Asheville, N. C. mulatto
L. P. Walton Atlanta, Ga. mulatto
W. A. Warfield Washington, D. C. mulatto
Daniel H. Williams Chicago, 111. mulatto
James H. Wilson Philadelphia, Pa. black
A. A. Wych Charlotte, N. C. mulatto

Of the sixty-eight names here presented, four are of full-

blooded Negroes. The remaining sixty-four seem in all
cases to be men of mixed blood. In five of these cases, the
men are dark in color and one correspondent called each of
them a full-blooded Negro. This, however, was not con-
curred in, in any case, by the other authorities consulted.
Consequently, they have been classed as men of mixed blood
and attention called to the dissenting opinion. The list
"Called full-blood by one authority.
"A dark mulatto, sometimes called full-blood.


262 The Mulatto m the United States

contains twenty-two names which have been mentioned iiif

other connections. Omitting these, the list then stands : four

Negroes of full-blood and forty-two mulattoes. Five of the
latternumber are brown or dark mulattoes.
Dr. Kenny's
list seems to be the most elaborate and ac-

curate of any single discussion of the Negro physicians

From various other sources, however, a considerably more
extensive list was compiled. While it does not, perhaps,
contain the names of so many men of first-rate ability and
perhaps contains more names of men of second-rate ability;

it is nevertheless made up of physicians of sufficient note

or promise to gain mention in the literature dealing with the'
Negro, or in the publications of the race. The men included
seem in all cases to be of some prominence within the pro-

fession and, consequently, leaders of some importance among

the people.
This compilation from miscellaneous sources includes the
names of two hundred eight physicians not previously men-
tioned. Two hundred of these are men and eight are women.'
Of the men eleven are black or nearly so, while one hundred
and eight}r-nine are undoubtedly of mixed blood. Of the
women, one is classed as black and seven are classed as mu-
lattoes. Of the eleven men recorded as black it would not
be safe to assert that more than one-half are men of un-
mixed Negro blood but to all intent and purpose, twelve of

the entire list are Negroes of full blood.

There seems to have been made no special study which
brings together a representative list of successful Negro den-
tists, and no separate list is here presented. Several of the
men discussed in the volume by Dr. Kenney are dentists, or
practice dentistry in connection with their medical prac-
tice. The same thing is true of many of the men in the list
compiled from miscellaneous sources.

The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 263

Omitting names of men which have been previously men-

tioned in other connections, there remains a total of two
hundred and fifty-four physicians and dentists who, if not
in all cases the most prominent men in the professions, are
at least representative men and, in all cases, men of some
note in the professional circles of the Negro group. Of
these men dark mulattoes or full-
sixteen are either very
blood Negroes, while two hundred and thirty-eight are per-
sons of mixed blood. Among the leaders of these profes-
sions, then, the ratio of mulattoes to Negroes of full blood
appears to be approximately fifteen to one. The lists sum-
marize as follows
Black Mul. Total. Black Mul. Total Totals
Kenney: N. in Medicine 68
264 The Mulatto in the United States

suited in a compilation of names of Negro lawyers of some u

note who have not been mentioned previously. Classing as

mulattoes only those who are conspicuously and unmistak-
ably so, and as full-bloods, all black men as well as those
where there could exist any reasonable doubt concerning
the mixture of blood, it was found that the ratio of mu-
lattoes to Negroes of pure blood was nine to one. Of the
ninety-nine men in the list, ten were classed as black and
eighty-nine as mulattoes. Of the latter group, four at
least have some Indian as well as white blood in their ethnic
The more than any other professional group
among American Negroes, are representative of all that
is best and most promising in the race. They are the men,
somewhat superior in training and education, who are in inti-
mate daily contact with the best minds among the youth of
the race and by precept and example, endeavor to improve
the intellectual and moral status of the race. The Negro
teachers are, in general, persons of importance in the Negro
group and enjoy a prestige which, aside from their profes-
sional influence, makes them leaders among the people. It

is, moreover, comparatively easy to select from the great

number of teachers the men and women who are most prom-
inent and presumably most influential in matters concerning
the welfare of the race.
Of the fifty-seven educational institutions listed in The
Negro Year Book 39 under the head of Universities and Col-
leges, twenty-six at least have white men as presidents. Of
the remaining thirty-one, the presidents of twenty-six are
mulattoes ; Whether
the presidents of three are black men.
the remaining two have white men, mulattoes, or black men
as presidents was not determined. This list of Universi-
1914-1915, pp. 246-47.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 265

ties and Colleges excluding the institutions with white men

at their heads is as follows

Allen University-
?m The Mulatto m the United States

Payne University H. E. Archer

Selma, Ala.
Philander-Smith College
Little Rock, Ark.
Roger Williams University
Nashville, Tenn.
Samuel Huston College
Austin, Texas
Selma University
Selma, Ala.
Shorter College
Argenta, Ark.
State University
Louisville, Ky.
Va. Theol. Sem. & College
Lynchburg, Va.
University of West Tenn.
Memphis, Tenn.
Western University
Quindaro, Kansas
Wilber force University
Wilberforce, Ohio
Wiley University
Marshall, Texas

A number ofthese men have been mentioned in previous

lists. Omitting these and the two whose ethnic composition
is unknown, the new names are in sixteen cases of mulattoes
and in one case that of a full-blooded Negro.
In the sixteen institutions for women, 40 the president or
principal in all cases except two seems to be a white man
or woman. Miss M. M. Bethune, a dark mulatto, is at the
head of the Daytona Training School for Girls at Daytona,
Florida. Miss Nannie H. Burroughs, a mulatto woman, is
at the head of the National Training School forWomen and
Girls atWashington, D. C. The former institution enrolls
about three hundred pupils the latter, about one hundred. 41
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 267

The various schools of theology are for the most part

conducted by white men. So far as known, those not con-
ducted by white men are under the direction of mulattoes.
In general, these schools of theology are in connection with
one of the universities or colleges just listed.

What is true of the theological schools and the institu-

tions for women, is equally true of the professional schools
of law, 43 medicine, 44 dentistry, 45 and pharmacy. 46 They
are generally departments of the universities or colleges
and, if not in charge of white men, seem in every case to be
under the direction of men of mixed blood. It would seem
that in no case is a black man in administrative charge of
one of these schools.
The State Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges, on the
other hand, are for the most part under the presidency of
men of the Negro race. Of the seventeen such schools listed
in The Negro Year Book, one has a white president, 48
one a Negro president, and fourteen have mulatto presi-
dents. Omitting the institution under the presidency of a
white man, the list is as follows:

Agricultural and Industrial State W. J. Hale mulatto

Normal School
Nashville, Tenn.
Agr. and Median. College for the James B. Dudley mulatto
Colored Race
Greensboro, N. C.
Agricultural and Mechanical Col- W. S. Buchanan mulatto
lege for Negroes
Normal, Ala.

"Ibid., pp. 248-49.

"Ibid., p. 250.
Ibid., p. 250.
Ibid., p. 250.
Ibid., pp. 250-51.
"Issue for 1914-1915, pp. 251-52.
Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton, Va.
268 The Mulatto in the United States

Alcorn Agr. and Mechanical Col- J. A. Martin

Alcorn, Miss.
Branch Normal College
Pine Bluff, Ark.
Colored Agricultural and Normal
Langston, Okla.
Colored Normal, Industrial and
Mechanical College
Orangeburg, S. C.
Fla. Agr. and Mechan. College
for Negroes
Tallahassee, Fla.
Ga. St. Ind. College
Savannah, Ga.
Ky. Normal and Industrial Insti-
tute for Colored
Frankfort, Ky.
La. Agr. and Mechanical Col-
Baton Rouge, La.
Lincoln Institute
Jefferson City, Mo.
Md. Normal and Agricultural In-
Sandy Springs, Md.
Prairie View State Normal and
Industrial College
Prairie View, Texas
State College for Colored Stu-
Dover, Del.
West. Va. Colored Institute
Institute, West Va.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 269

It may be objected, however, that, inasmuch as an ad-

ministrative position in a college or a university is a politi-

cal position, the presidents and principals of schools are

not fairly representative of the educational leadership. In
a sense, this is true. There exists everywhere among the
rank and file of the race and among a large percentage of
the more enlightened classes, a prejudice against admitting
mulatto superiority and a conscious policy of advancing
black men to conspicuous figure-head positions simply be-
cause of their color. Consequently, it may be well to look
at the intellectual part of the teaching force as represented
by the faculty membership.
Tuskegee Institute, as the largest and best known of the
Negro schools, may be taken as an example. The present
principal The school has a teaching force
is a black man.
of approximately two hundred. Of this number, nine, none
of whom are in high positions, are Negroes who generally
pass as full-bloods. 51 One hundred and eighty-four are per-
sons of mixed blood. 52 Of the nine full-blooded Negroes,
one is a woman and eight are men. Of the one hundred and
R. R. Moton.
80 ".
. . Indeed, I saw no one in high position at Tuskegee who would
not, with a very small lightening of hue, have been taken without ques-
tion for a white man. . .
." William Archer, Thro A fro- America,
p. 108.
G. W. Carver, Agriculture
John H. Palmer, Registrar
J. L. Whiting, Teacher of Mathematics
F. L. West, Shoemaking
R. S. Pompey, Assistant in Dairy Husbandry
W. A. Tate, Swine Raising
John W. Goiens, Clerk
Willie M. Hendley, Matron
W. M. Rakestraw, Negro Conference Agent
"This analysis is on the basis of the faculty listed in the Annual
Catalogue for 1909-1910.

270 The Mulatto in the United States

eighty-four mulattoes, one hundred and sixteen are men and

sixty-eight are women.
From various miscellaneous sources, there was made a
compilation of Negro teachers in various schools and col- ||

leges who are mentioned in the race literature as men of

prominence and influence in the affairs of the race. After
removing from this compilation the names of individuals
included in other lists, there remained two hundred and
sixty-three names. Again calling all black who are not ob-
viously and noticeably of mixed blood and classifying the
remainder as mulattoes there were found to be twenty-two
black and two hundred and forty-one persons of mixed
blood. Of those classified as black, six are men and six-
teen are women. Of those classified as mulattoes one hun-
dred and eighty-four are men and fifty-seven are women.
The thing that is true in respect to the teachers in the
schools and colleges, is true also of the student body. Ac-
cording to The Negro Year Book, the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy has been conferred upon eleven Negroes by repu-
table Universities. 54 In all cases, with possibly one excep-
tion, the recipients were men of mixed blood. The list is

as follows
T. Nelson Baker Yale 1903 black
Edward A. Bonchet Yale 1876 mulatto
William L. Bulkley Syracuse 1893 mulatto
J. R. L. Diggs 111. Wesleyan 1906 mulatto
W. E. B. DuBois Harvard 1895 mulatto
George E. Haynes Columbia 1912 mulatto
Lewis B. Moore Pennsylvania 1896 mulatto
Pezavia O'Connell Pennsylvania 1898 mulatto
C. H. Turner Chicago 1907 mulatto
C. G. Woodson Harvard 1912 mulatto
R. R. Wright, Jr. Pennsylvania 1911 mulatto
1914-1915, p. 231.
M E. V. Just, a light mulatto, received the Ph.D. degree from the
University of Chicago in 1916.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 271

It has been pointed out already that the college grad-

uates are for the most part individuals of mixed blood. Of
the one hundred and fifty-seven pictured in certain copies of
The Crisis examined, not above one-seventh can be classed
as black even when all who are not conspicuously of mixed
blood are placed in that category.
In Chicago, the Negroes for the most part are segregated
within the boundaries of one high school district. 55 Conse-
quently, most of the Negro high school students in the city
attend the one school and constitute about twenty per cent
of its total enrollment. Enquiry concerning the relative
number of mulattoes and pure-blooded Negroes enrolled,
disclosed the startling fact that every Negro student in
attendance was of the mixed-blood class.

To obtain further information along this line, letters were

addressed to administrative officers or teachers in the prin-
cipal Negro schools bearing the name of college or univer-
sity. Information was received in regard to twenty-five of
the leading schools. Generally the information was accom-
panied by the request that the name of the individual fur-
nishing the information be not divulged. In most cases, the
figures are based on estimation rather than on actual count.
A tabulation of the data received gives the following:

Black and Mulatto Students in Leading Negro Schools

Enrolled Mulatto Black
Arkansas Baptist College
272 The Mulatto in the United States

Black and Mulatto Students in Leading Negro Schools

Enrolled Mulatto Black
Chaflin University 413
Orangeburg, S. C.
Ingleside Seminary
Burkeville, Va.
Knoxville College
Knoxville, Tenn.
Lane College
Jackson, Tenn.
Lincoln University
Lincoln Univ., Pa.
Livingstone College
Salisbury, N. C.
Montgomery Industrial School
Montgomery, Ala.
Morgan College
Baltimore, Md.
National Training School for
Women and Girls
Washington, D. C.
Paine University
Augusta, Ga.
Rust University
Holly Springs, Miss.
Scotia Seminary
Concord, N. C.
Selma University
Selma, Ala.
Shaw University
Raleigh, N. C.
Spelman Seminary
Atlanta, Ga.
Straight University
New Orleans, La.
Swift Memorial College
Rogersville, Tenn.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 273

Black and Mulatto Students in Leading Negro Schools

Enrolled Mulatto Black
Talladega College
274 The Mulatto in the United States
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 275

Many of the Negroes who gained prominence prior to

the emancipation did so through their preaching. The Ne-
gro Year Booh gives a list with brief biographical sketches
of these "noted Negro preachers" prior to the Civil War.
The list contains the names of sixteen men and one woman.
Tradition has it that five of these men were full-blooded
Negroes ; the evidence seems fairly conclusive that twelve
of the number were men of mixed blood. Fifteen of the
seventeen have been previously mentioned in other connec-
tions. The two men are Jack, or Uncle Jack,
and Joseph Jack was an itinerant preacher in Vir-
ginia. "He was a full-blooded African and was licensed
to preach in the Baptist Church." Willis was a free Ne-
gro in South Carolina. He "organized the first Baptist
Church west of the Mississippi." He was, probably, a
Among the present-day Negro clergy, the Bishops and
the general officers of the principal religious denominations
may perhaps be taken as typical of the Negro preacher at
his best.
The Negro Year Book gives the Bishops of the Col-
ored Methodist Episcopal Church as follows:

R. A. Carter

276 The Mulatto in the United States

The General Officers of the Colored Methodist Episcopal

Church are given as follows
J. A. Bray
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 277

G. W. Allen
278 The Mulatto in the United States

J. C. Dancy
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 279

L. G. Jordan

280 The Mulatto in the United States

gro members of the Executive Committee of the Interna-

tional Sunday School Association already have appeared in
other connections in the previous lists. The six Negro
priests in the Catholic Church 83 so far as known are mu-
lattoes. Father Augustus Tolton of Chicago, the first Ne-
gro Priest in the United States, 84 was a dark
man of mixed
blood. Father Raphard 8:> of Philadelphia, the one Negro
Priest in the Greek Catholic Church, 86 is a dark man, but
not a full-blooded Negro. The Oblates of Providence, 87 a
Catholic Sisterhood, was founded by Father Joubert, a Sul-
pician Priest, in 1829. The four young women who com-
posed its original membership were mulattoes. 88 The
founders, under the direction of Father Rousselon, of the
Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family, were four
"free women of color." All seem to have been mulattoes. 89
The Knights of Peter Klaver was founded by three white
men and four Negroes. Three of the Negroes were mulat-
toes, the other of unknown ancestry. Among the Interna-
tional Secretaries of the Y. M. C. A. are six Negroes. 90 Four
of these are known to be mulattoes and two are unknown.
Among these minor organizations of a religious or semi-
religious sort, then, there is mentioned but one man of pre-
sumably pure Negro blood though there are several who are
A summary of the organizations previously mentioned is

as follows

Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, p. 182.
Died 1913.
Rev. Robert Morgan.
Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, pp. 183-84.
Ibid., p. 184.
Catholic Encyclopaedia.
Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, p. 187.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 281
282 The Mulatto in the United States

men. Eighty-six of the men and three of the women were

dark Negroes though not in all cases full-blooded. Four
hundred and one of the men and five of the women were
This study has brought together the names of six hun-
dred and forty-three members of the Negro ministry. Six
hundred and thirty-five of them are men. Ninety-eight of
these are of men who are, or for social purposes may be
considered to be, full-blooded Negroes. Five hundred and
twenty-six are men who are obviously of mixed blood. There
are eight women, of whom three are black and
mu- five are
lattoes. Nine of the individuals unknown an-
listed are of
cestry. The ratio of mulattoes to blacks among the edu-
cated and the better known members of the Negro ministry
thus stands between and six to one. When the names

previously mentioned are removed there remain the names

of five hundred and eighty persons. Ninety-five of these
are considered as full-bloods and four hundred and eighty-
five are known to be mulattoes. The ratio here stands
slightly over five to one.
In literature, the Negro has as yet produced little, if

anything, of permanent value. Much has been attempted

and in many lines, but little, if any, first-class work has
appeared so far.
In poetry and fiction, with rare exceptions, the Negroes
who have published works have been men ashamed of their
own race and who have assimilated but imperfectly the white
man's civilization. The works have been imitations of the
white man, an attempt to give artistic expression to a life

that the writers did not share and but imperfectly under-
stood. Ashamed of the black man, and frequently unac-
quainted with him, the Negro writers have been unable,
or unwilling, to give expression to real Negro life. The
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 288

effort has been made to present the Negro as a white man

with a colored skin. 91 In fiction, as in life, the effort to
make a white man of a Negro has failed. As a result of

the failure on the part of the writers to understand either

the Negroes or the white people, the Negro in literature has

been a creation that is like neither the one nor the other.
Aside from the slight work of Paul Laurence Dunbar, a
frank interpretation of Negro life and Negro character by
a Negro who knows his people and is not ashamed of them

is yet to be written.
In other forms of writing, the Negro has been handi-
capped by a lack of training. Few Negroes are trained
men. A dozen names include all the men of the race who
have received a first-class university training. Even the
number of college graduates is very small, and most of
these are from so-called colleges or universities which are
generally not prepared either in equipment or faculty to
give a first-class high school training. The graduates of
the best of these "Universities" at most are trained in two
years of college work. Consequently little is to be expected
of the Negro in a scholarly way — the surprise is that there
has been anything. Of real scientific study by Negroes,
there has been almost nothing ; of first-class historical study,
very little. On the Negro question, to the discussion of
which the Negroes have contributed more in volume than to
any other question, no Negro as yet has been able to give
an unbiased, objective statement.
The only attempt worthy of any serious consideration,
by a member of the race, to evaluate the writing of Negroes
is that of G. B. Brawley. In a small volume published in

The Negroes in fiction seem always to be mixed-bloods, octoroons
or near-white, and only the rough and despicable and pitiable charac-
ters are black. *
284 The Mulatto in the United States

1910, 92 he says that he has attempted

... to test in the light of critical principles th<

literature so far produced by the Negro people oi
America, and to review their achievement in every de-
partment of the fine arts. Much that has been writ-
ten on the Negro Problem, while it may have some value
in the search for truth, is, from the standpoint of po-

lite literature, absolutely worthless ; so that compara-

tively little of the writing on this large subject has beer

He discusses the work of five writers of the race who have

more or less claim to consideration as writers of literature.
Two of these, Phyllis Wheatley Peters and Paul Laurence
Dunbar, were pure-blooded Negroes. The other three: C. W.
Chestnutt, W. E. B. DuBois and W. S. Braithwaite, are
men of mixed blood. All of these persons have been men-
tioned in other connections in this or the preceding chapters.
These persons, according to Mr. Brawley, compose the
list of Negroes who have produced anything in the way of

literature. In a further chapter 94 on "Other Writers,"

whilst making no claim that they have produced any litera-
ture, he mentions nineteen other writers with more or less
claim to note. Three of these seem to be white persons, 95
two to be black or nearly so, and fourteen to be persons of
mixed blood. All these persons, with the exception of Inez
C. Parker, an imitator of Dunbar, and Mrs. A. E. John-
son, the author of a Sunday School book, have been included
in one or more of the preceding lists. Both these women
seem to be mulattoes.
In this connection, perhaps, should be mentioned The Jour-
The Negro in Literature and Art.
Chapter VII, pp. 35-38.
William C. Frost, H. B. Frissell and Lidia Marie Childs.
286 The Mulatto in the United States

individuals who have published works of more or less im-

portance and who are not elsewhere mentioned. Adding to
these the two mentioned by Brawley, four men on the Edi-
torial Staff of The Journal of Negro History and twelve
from the pamphlet on Negro Literature, we have a total of
sixty-seven names of individuals whose reputations rest
wholly or in part on their ability as literary artists, and who
have not been mentioned elsewhere in these chapters. Fifty-
nine of these are names of men, and eight are names of
women. All the women are mulattoes. Four of the men
are full-blooded Negroes, while the remaining fifty-five are
mulattoes. Of the total sixty-seven, four are pure Negroes
and sixty-three are of mixed ancestry —a ratio of nearly
sixteen to one.
In the field of Negro journalism, new ventures are made
almost every week and old ventures fail with almost equal
frequency. Most of the journals have a short and not very
prosperous existence. Of the thousands of such ventures
since John B. Russwurm started The Journal of Freedom
hundred and fifty
in 1827, there was, in 1914, a total of four
being published. 98
A was made of the more important of these journals

and their editors taken as representing one phase of leader-

ship. A goodly number of these men are editors only inci-
dentally and have been mentioned in other connections.
Eighty-eight, however, have not been included elsewhere. Of
this list, seven — all mulattoes — are women. Eighty-one are
men, twelve of whom are black men and sixty-nine, mulat-
toes. Of the eighty-eight, seventy-six are mulattoes and
twelve are black —a ratio of something over six to one.
In the field of artistic and semi-artistic endeavor, the
Negro is almost unrepresented. The few individuals who
"Negro Year Book, 1914-1915, p. 373.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 28 ^

have made success already have been mentioned in other con-

nections. H. O. Tanner in painting and Meta Vaux War-
rick " most conspicuous examples of
in sculpture are the
artistic success. Both these persons are of mixed blood;
(Tanner is light and Miss Warrick dark. E. M. Bannister,
a New England mulatto, was perhaps the first Negro to
succeed as an artist. Brawley 10 ° mentions William A. Har-
per, a mulatto of Chicago, as among the more promising of
the younger painters. As sculptors of success or promise
should be mentioned Edmonia Lewis and Bertina Lee.
Both are mulattoes. In addition to these six names men-
tioned by Brawley as worthy of serious consideration, men-
tion was made in the literature of five other painters of
some note who have not been mentioned elsewhere. In each
of these cases, the individuals are mulatto men. Five of the
six names mentioned by Brawley have been mentioned else-

On the stage, in competition with the performers of the
white race and playing before audiences of white people,
very few Negroes have been able to make even a tolerable
success. Whether due to a peculiarly difficult apprentice-
ship through which the Negro with stage ambitions must
pass or to a relative absence from the race of any his-
trionic ability of a high order, 102 the number of Negro
stage celebrities is very small. The drama has had no con-
siderable following among the race, and the productions de-
pending upon race patronage for support generally have
not been of a high order of merit. Brawley names Ira
"Mrs. S. C. Fuller.
100 j<j
ie jy e g ro i n Literature and Art, p. 44.
Brawley, The Negro in Literature and Art, p. 39.
P. A. Bruce, "Race Segregation in the United States," The Hib-
bert Journal, Vol. 13, p. 877.
*The Negro in Literature and Art, pp. 39 ff.
288 The Mulatto in the United States

Aldridge as the one Negro who succeeded in the legitimate

drama. Aldridge was a mulatto. In musical comedy, he
names Bert A. Williams and Aida Overton Walker as the
most successful. Both are mulattoes.
From various other sources, a compilation was made of
the more popular Negro players. 104 Excluding names pre-
viously mentioned, the list contained the names of one hun-
dred and thirteen men and women with more or less claim
to distinction. Fifty-nine of these names were of women,
and fifty-four were of men. Four of the women and four of
the men are dark-colored Negroes of approximately full
blood. Fifty-five of the women and fifty of the men are ob-
viously mulattoes, in a large per cent of cases very light-
colored mulattoes. Of the total number, one hundred and
thirteen, one hundred and five are mulattoes and eight are
Negroes of pure or nearly pure blood, a ratio somewhat over
thirteen to one. Most of the more talented and better-
known Negro actors have been mentioned in other compila-
tions, and so are excluded from this summary. They are
in every case persons of mixed blood. To include them in
the summary would slightly raise the proportion of mulat-

Several Negroes have been more or less justly famed for

their ability as Brawley 105 names Frederick
Douglass, J. C. Price, and Booker T. Washington as the
most conspicuous. Price was a black man; the other two
were mulattoes. Oratory, however, is an abdominal rather
than cerebral exercise, so there seemed no reason for mak-
ing a special category to include men gifted in this way.
Such men, in case they seemed to be of some consequence,

1M A few readers not elsewhere mentioned are included in this com-

The Negro in Literature and Art, pp. 41-42.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits £89

iave been placed in other lists.

The plantation melodies were the Negro's first efforts in

, musical way and his reputation for music rests for the
aost part upon this crude, primitive music. These melo-
lies seem to be distinctly an American product the Afri- —
an had no music and —largely a product of the latter days
if slavery. They express in a simple way the joys and sor-
ows of an untutored people. It was in the rendition of this

ausic that the Negro excelled. The words unknown

are of
>rigin and of no literary value, generally without sense. The
)lantation melodies were very close to wordless music.
Later the Negroes adopted and sometimes adapted the
imple church hymns; they sometimes excel in the produc-
ion of this sort of music. A relatively small and untrained
congregation frequently is able to produce effective church
nusic. The "coon songs" so far as composition was con-
cerned were largely the work of white men. In "rag time"
;he Negro had a minor part though the assertion that it
s a racial product has about the same claim to credence
is has the claim that it is music.
However Negro already has done something in a mu-
ical way. "There are scattered indications," says Kelly
106 "that the Negro possesses ambition and capacity

or high-grade classical music." A few vocalists have ap-

peared whose reputation rests upon something more than
he prestige of color.
A small number have a musical
education, several are successful writers of popular songs,
vhile others have made some reputation as performers. But
m the whole, it must be recognized that the Negro in music
Race Adjustment, p. 241.
""There is a popular myth more or less current in both the races that
he Negro is a natural musician and the audience finds in the most
barbarous performance by Negro talent the thing for which their
^repossessions call.
290 The Mulatto in the United States

is a promise rather than a reality. 108

No critical study apparently has been made of the Ne-
gro musicians, and no compilation of any considerable num-
ber of the leading ones. names seven composers,
performers, or teachers of music. Brawley mentions twen-
ty-four 110 who have made some success in a musical w ay. T

Elsewhere throughout the literature, other individuals oi

talent or promise are mentioned. From the various sources,
a compilation was made without an attempt on the part oi
the present writer to evaluate the compositions, the voca":
power, or the technical skill of the persons mentioned. The
miscellaneous list thus secured included in all, exclusive oi
those mentioned elsewhere in this study, the names of one hun-
dred and seventy-one musicians and composers. One hundrec
and ten of these are names of men and sixty-one are names
of women. Of the men one hundred were mulattoes and ter
were black men. Of the women, three were found to be blact
and fifty-eight to be mulattoes. Of the one hundred anc
seventy-one, one hundred and fifty-eight are mulattoes anc
thirteen are Negroes of full blood. This is on the basis oi
classing as full-blooded all individuals who are approxi-
mately so. This is a ratio of slightly over twelve to one.
A recapitulation of the various lists of men and womer
whose ethnic composition has been analyzed in this chapter
shows a total of 2,129 names. Of these, 1,844 are names
of men and 285 are names of women. The 1,844 men divide
No account is here taken of the indecent songs as they are foi
the most part unwritten. For their number and variety and for the
extent to which they are generally known by the children as well a*

by the men of the race, as well as for their minutely detailed vul-
garity and lascivious indecency they are perhaps not equaled by the
lewd literature of any people.
James W. Johnson, "The Negro of To-day in Music," Charities
Vol. 15, pp. 58-59.
The Negro in Literature and Art, pp. 53 ff.
The Negro and the Mulatto in Pursuits 291

© iH ©t *C «i i-H i-l J—
H'h "- 1 &» "«? "* 1-M i-rt
O J2 <3* rH i-rt CO Oi I-t rrt ©t

O CO «5

P £2

w « O «H ©I 00 «5 r-l CD

£ fa
w v-Jj©l«5©li-HO>a>©»00>CO©©
H ^ fH ©> CO "* r-(
CO ^d
©t rt H ® Ol fH i-I o
o t3
o PQ


c 5 «

*3 O
< fa •9 2
292 The Mulatto in the United States

into 206 Negroes of pure or nearly pure blood and 1,638

of mixed blood. The 285 women divided into 18 pure and
267 of mixed blood. The total number of black Negroes
is 224; the total number of mulattoes is 1,905. The ratio
of mulattoes to Negroes of full blood is slightly more than
eight and one-half to one. The relationship existing in the
different groups is best shown in the tabulation (see p. 291).


and economic world, the Negro has not

been able to enter into successful competition
with other more energetic and commercially-minded peoples.
The half-century since the Emancipation has seen the race
crowded out, little by little, from many of the occupations
in which it formerly held a virtual monopoly.
There are, however, numerous instances of Negroes who
have made a success in a larger or smaller way in the busi-

ness life of the community. Where the Negro has been suf-

ficiently isolatedfrom competition with other peoples, indi-

viduals have been able to build up successful business enter-
prises. In general, this has been by building up a business
within the race, though there are numerous instances of
successful business enterprises that do not depend entirely
upon race patronage. In fact, the United States Census
figures seem to bear out the statement that there is little

possibility of a Negro business man making a living solely

from the patronage of the race. Two-thirds of his patron-

age must be white in order for him to succeed. The accu-
racy of such a generalization varies with the section of the
country and the nature of the business enterprise.
Booker T. Washington has brought together a large
group of inconspicuous Negroes who have made some de-

The Colored People of Chicago: An Investigation Made for the
Juvenile Protective Association, 1913.
294 The Mulatto in the United States

gree of success in the business or industrial world. 2

group includes fanners, grocers, barbers, and men of that
general type. The men mentioned, then, are, for the most
part, of no particular individual concern, but as a whole
they represent what is best and most prosperous among the
Negro middle-class group. To attempt to find the racial
ancestry of many men would require an amount
of these
of work out of all proportion to the significance of the find-
ings. No attempt has been made, therefore, to make the in-
formation concerning group of men complete. Consid-
erably over half the number, including all the more con-
spicuous ones, have been determined and the findings given
for what they may be worth. There is no reason to believe
that the relative ratios of blacks and mulattoes would be
materially altered, if the data were brought to complete-
The total list of men and women mentioned in the volume
contains the names of some persons previously mentioned I

in other connections and a larger number, including nearly

all of any real importance, will appear in a later and more
representative list. The list of names, therefore, is not
reproduced here, but a summary is given showing the dis-
tribution into mulattoes and full-blooded Negroes of those
not elsewhere mentioned. This list includes the names of
twenty-three women and one hundred and thirty-five men.
Of the men, eleven seem to be black and one hundred and
twenty- four are mulattoes. Twenty-two of the women are
mulattoes and one seems to be a full-blooded Negress. Of
the one hundred and fifty-eight individuals, twelve are
classed as black and one hundred and forty-six are mulat-
toes. The ratio of mulattoes to blacks in this list is slightly
The Negro in Business.
Pages 298 ff. below.
Negro and Mulatto in Business and Industry £95

over twelve to one.

Of the successful business enterprises carried on by Ne-
groes, the most conspicuous, perhaps, are the Negro banks.
These institutions in most cases are small but their presi-
dents form, if not the best, at least the most conspicuous,
class of successful men in the Negro business world. They
are the business aristocracy. For this reason, the group
of Negro bankers has been selected for analysis into the
black and mixed elements for the light that it may give in
determining the relative success of these elements in the
economic and commercial life of the community.
The Negro Year Book gives the list of Negro banks and,
where known, their presidents. The total list includes the
names of fifty-eight separate institutions. In seven cases,
the president of the institution is not given. Of the fifty-

one presidents named, the ancestry of twelve was not de-

termined. Of the thirty-nine institutions whose presidents
are known, four seem to be black men and thirty-five mulat-

toes,a ratio of about nine to one. Seventeen of the fifty-

one have been mentioned in other connections. Of the seven-
teen previously mentioned, all are mulattoes. The list of
banks, omitting those whose presidents have been mentioned
in other connections, is taken from the Year Book. There
is here added information, where the facts are known, in

regard to the ethnic composition of the presidents of the


Alabama Penny Saving and Loan J. O. Diffay mulatto

Birmingham, Ala.
Alabama Savings Bank Henry A. Boyd mulatto
Selma, Ala.
American Bank Wm. D. Neighbors mulatto
Chicago, 111.

Issue of 1914-1915, pp. 311-18.
296 The Mulatto in the United States

Anderson Tucker and Company, C. H. Anderson black

Jacksonville, Fla.
Anniston Penny Savings Bank T. J. Jackson
Anniston, Ala.
Atlanta State Savings Bank
Atlanta, Ga.
Bank Boley and Trust Company
Boley, Okla.
Bank of Mound Bayou
Mound Bayou, Miss.
Brickhouse Savings Bank
Hare Valley, Va.
Crown Savings Bank
Newport News, Va.
Delta Penny Savings Bank
Indianola, Miss.
Dime Bank
Kinston, N. C.
Enterprise Savings Bank
Springfield, 111.

Farmers' and Citizens' Savings

Palestine, Texas
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank
Tyler, Texas
Forsyth Savings and Trust Com-
Winston-Salem, N. C.
Fraternal Bank and Trust Com- W. H. McDonald, Cashier
Fort Worth, Texas
Fraternal Savings Bank and
Trust Company
Memphis, Tenn.
Houston Savings Bank
Salisbury, Md.
Industrial Savings Bank
Washington, D. C.
Isaac Smith Trust Company
Newbern, N. C.
Negro and Mulatto in Business and Industry 297

Mechanics' Investment Co. A. L. Tucker mulatto

Savannah,. Ga
Montgomery Penny Savings N. H. Alexander mulatto
Montgomery, Ala.
Mutual Aid and Banking Com- J. P. Stanley mulatto
Newbern, N. C.
Mutual Savings Bank J. F. Riddick
Portsmouth, Va.
Nickel Savings Bank R. F. Taniel
Richmond, Va.
Orgen Savings Bank F. L. Lights black
Houston, Texas
Penny Savings Bank W. L. Mitchell
Columbus, Miss.
People's Bank and Trust Com- L. A. Bell mulatto
Muskogee, Okla.
People's Dime Savings Bank and Samuel Lindsay
Trust Co.
Staunton, Va.
People's Savings Bank and Trust J. M. Townsend mulatto
Nashville, Tenn.
Solvent Savings Bank and Trust J. M. Sanford mulatto
Memphis, Tenn.
Sons and Daughters of Peace S. A. Howell
Penny, Nickel & Dime Sav-
ings Bank
Newport News, Va.
Southern One Cent Savings Bank D. W. Baker
Waynesboro, Va.

This list includes the names of thirty-four men not here-

tofore mentioned. In twelve cases, the ancestry of these
men was not determined. In the twenty-two remaining
cases, four are names of men of full blood and eighteen are
names of mulattoes.
Of the various organizations of Negro business men, the
298 The Mulatto in the United States

largest is Negro Business League. This orga-

the National
nization was founded in 1900 and, with its subsidiary state
organizations, numbers among its members almost every
Negro of business or of professional importance anywhere
in the country. The life members of the organization form
the most representative list of successful and leading Ne-
groes anywhere available. The officers elected for 1914-
1915, the Executive Committee and the list of Life Mem-
bers as given in the Report of the Fifteenth Annual Con-
vention of the League have been arranged in alphabetical
order and are here reproduced. To the lists as given in the
report, is here added the fact of mixed or pure blood in all

cases where the facts could be obtained.

The officers elected for 1914-1915 were as follows:
Booker T. Washington President mulatto
Tuskegee, Ala.
Charles Banks First Vice-President black
Mound Bayou, Miss.
J. E. Bush Second Vice-President mulatto
Little Rock, Ark.
John M. Wright Third Vice-President mulatto
Topeka, Kansas
P. J. Allston Fourth Vice-President mulatto
Boston, Mass.
Charles H. Brooks Fifth Vice-President mulatto
Philadelphia, Pa.
Emmett J. Scott Secretary mulatto
Tuskegee, Alabama
Charles H. Anderson Treasurer mulatto
Jacksonville, Fla.
F. H. Gilbert
Brooklyn, N. Y. Registrar mulatto
R. C. Houston
Fort Worth, Texas Assistant Registrar mulatto
William H. Davis
Washington, D. C. Official Stenographer mulatto
E. A. Robinson
Kansas City, Mo. Sergeant at Arms mulatto
Negro and Mulatto vn Business and Industry 299

The executive committee was given as follows

W. T. Andrews
300 The Mulatto in the United States

R. H. Boyd
Negro and Mulatto m Business and Industry 301

James E. Garner
302 The Mulatto in the United States

Miss Hazel K. Jones Little Rock, Ark. mulatto

R. E. Jones New Orleans, La. mulatto
Scipio A. Jones Little Rock, Ark. mulatto
T. W. Jones Topeka, Kansas mulatto
L. G. Jordan Louisville, Ky. mulatto
Mrs. Mary Josenberger Fort Smith, Ark. mulatto
C. W. Keatts Little Rock, Ark. mulatto
W. A. Kennedy Boley, Okla.
Willis A. Kersey Indianapolis, Ind. mulatto
H. W. Keys Nashville, Tenn. mulatto
H. H. King Yazoo City, Miss. mulatto
D. L. Knight Louisville, Ky. black 8

J. A. Lankford Jacksonville, Fla. mulatto

J. R. Levy Florence, S. C. mulatto
A. L. Lewis Jacksonville, Fla. mulatto
J. H. Lewis Boston, Mass. mulatto
M. N. Lewis Newport News, Va. mulatto
Warren Logan Tuskegee, Ala. mulatto
W. L. Majors St. Louis, Mo. mulatto
M. C. B. Mason Cincinnati, Ohio black
U. G. Mason Birmingham, Ala. mulatto
Anthony McCarthy New York City mulatto
J. B. McCulloch Muskogee, Okla. mulatto
E. E. McDaniel S. McAlester, Okla. mulatto
J. D. McDuffy Ocala, Fla. mulatto
D. C. McGilbray Boynton, Okla.
E. H. McKissack Holly Springs, Miss. mulatto
Moses McKissack Nashville, Tenn.
Kelly Miller Washington, D. C. black
T. J. Minton Philadelphia, Pa. mulatto
I. T. Montgomery Mound Bayou, Miss. mulatto 9

B. J. Morgan Indianapolis, Ind. mulatto

T. Clay Moore Nashville, Tenn. mulatto
E. C. Morris Helena, Ark. mulatto
R. R. Moton Hampton, Ya. black
W. O. Murphy Atlanta, Ga. mulatto
J. C.Napier Nashville, Tenn. mulatto
Mrs. Napier
J. C. Nashville, Tenn. mulatto
W. D. Neighbors Chicago, 111. mulatto
Dave Nelson Scotts, Ark. mulatto
Or nearly so.
Often incorrectly called a full-blood Negro.
Negro and Mulatto in Business and Industry 303

F. M. Nesbitt Memphis, Tenn.

Charles Nunn Haughville, Ind. black
Berry O'Kelly Method, N. C. mulatto
R. C. Owens I>os Angeles, Cal. mulatto
Mrs. R. C. Owens Los Angeles, Cal. mulatto
ilnman E. Page Langston, Okla. mulatto
Thomas F. Parks Louisville, Ky. mulatto
C. H. Parrish Louisville, Ky. mulatto u
Fred D. Patterson Greenfield, Ohio mulatto
Spenser Patterson St. Denis, Md. mulatto
F. A. Payton, Jr. New York City mulatto
A. C. Perdue Muskogee, Okla. mulatto
E. S. Peters Mobile, Ala. mulatto
James T. Peterson Mobile, Ala. mulatto
W. R. Pettiford Birmingham, Ala. mulatto
L. M. Porter Little Rock, Ark. mulatto
Wm. M. Porter Cincinnati, Ohio mulatto
Troy Porter Paris, 111. mulatto
Harry T. Pratt Baltimore, Md. mulatto
S. D. Redmond Jackson, Miss. mulatto
Mrs. Leila Walker Robinson New York City midatto
W. E. Roberson New Orleans, La. mulatto
Wade C. Rollins Prairie View, Texas mulatto
J. O. Ross Atlanta, Ga. mulatto
P. Roundtree
C. Little Rock, Ark. mulatto
H. A. Rucker Atlanta, Ga. mulatto
Mrs. Daisy Saffell Shelbyville, Tenn. mulatto
J. S. Sanford Memphis, Tenn. mulatto
M. P. Saunders Brooklyn, N. Y. mulatto
G. W. F. Sawner Chandler, Okla. mulatto
Mrs. Lena Sawner Chandler, Okla. mulatto
E. J. Sawyer Bennetts ville, S. C. mulatto
W. A. Scott Edwards, Miss. mulatto
Scott, Wilkerson and Scott Memphis, Tenn. mulattoes
S. R. Scottron Brooklyn, N. Y. mulatto
T. J. Searcy Memphis, Tenn.
G. W. Shadwell Guthrie, Okla. mulatto
H. C. Shepherd Memphis, Tenn.
W. H. Sims Muskogee, Okla. mulatto
Alfred Smith Oklahoma City, Okla. mulatto
One authority called Page a full-blood Negro.
u One authority considered Parrish a full-blood Negro.
304 The Mulatto in the United States

Isaac H. Smith
Negro and Mulatto in Business and Industry 305

J. Winter
— 1

306 The Mulatto in the United States

and six of the men were beyond question of mixed blood.

Fifty- five were either full-blooded- Negroes or very dark mu-
lattoes. Of the total three hundred and eighty-nine, fifty-five

were classed as full-blooded Negroes and three hundred and

thirty-four as Negroes of mixed blood. The ratio of mu-
lattoes to full-blooded Negroes stood, in this compilation,

in the approximate ratio of six to one.

The analyses of the compilations of men and women suc-

cessful in business and industry show, in each case, similar

results, though with considerable variation between the dif-
ferent lists. Washington's Negro m
Bwsmess contains the
names of two hundred and twenty-six persons whose racial
ancestry in one hundred and fifty-eight cases was determined.
Twelve of these were classed as black and one hundred and
forty-six were classed as mulattoes —a ratio of slightly over
twelve to one. The thirty-nine bank presidents were in four
cases classed as black and in thirty-five cases as mulattoes

a ratio of nearly nine to one. The two hundred and nine-

teen of the total two hundred and thirty-five officers and
life-members of the National Negro Business League were
found to be in seventeen cases black and in two hundred and
two cases individuals of mixed blood — a ratio of approxi-
mately twelve to one. The list compiled from the miscel-
laneous sources contained the names of three hundred and
eighty-nine persons, fifty-five of whom were found to be
black and three hundred and thirty-four to be of mixed
blood. This gives a ratio of slightly over six to one. The
total number of names in the four compilations is eight hun-
dred and twelve. Eighty-seven are classed as black and
seven hundred and twenty-five as mulattoes, giving a ratio i
of something over eight to one.
The first three of these lists contain names elsewhere
mentioned and in a few cases the same name is mentioned
Negro and Mulatto m Business and Industry 307

n more than one of the compilations. By removing all du-

)licates names of men who have been mentioned
and all

n other connections, the number of names is considerably

•educed though the ratios found to obtain between the mu-
attoes and full-bloods is not materially altered. The ninety-
?jight names in Washington's Negro in Business not elsewhere
nentioned are in seven cases names of black men and in

linety-one cases the names of mulattoes —a ratio of nearly

:hirteen to one. The twenty-two bank presidents not else-
where mentioned are four black and eighteen mixed-bloods
—a ratio of four and one-half to one. The one hundred
and twenty-four names appearing exclusively in the list of
life members of the National Negro Business League are in

eight cases of black men and in one hundred and sixteen

cases names of mulattoes —
a ratio of fourteen and one-half
to one. The list compiled from the miscellaneous sources
contains no names elsewhere mentioned. In the four lists,

there is a total of six hundred and thirty-three names not

found in any other compilation. Seventy-four of these are
of men who are classed as Negro, and five hundred and fifty-
nine are classed as mixed-bloods. This is a ratio of some-
what under eight to one. It is thus seen that by removing
from the lists the names of men of sufficient importance to
be mentioned in more than one connection we have reduced
slightly the ratio of mulattoes to Negroes of pure blood.
A tabulation of the names appearing exclusively in these
four lists follows:
Men Women Totals
Black Mul. Total Black Mul. Total Black Mul. Totals
Negro in Business 6 70 76 1 21 22 7 91 98
Banks 4 18 22 4 18 22
N. N. B. League 8 101 109 15 15 8 116 124
Miscellaneous 55 306 361 28 28 55 334 389
Totals 73 495 568 1 64 65 74 559 633
308 The Mulatto in tlie United States

There still remain a number of influential and important

men and women of the Negro race who do not fall natu-
rally into any of the preceding groups. There are individ-
uals whose influence among their own people is shown by the
positions to which they have been advanced in the various
lodges and other strictly racial organizations. There are
a considerable number of individuals who have gained some
notoriety and exercise some influence on the thinking and
acting of the members of the race through professional agi-
tation. Other important and leading persons are engaged
in Young Women's Christian Association and Young Men's
Christian Association work and various other sorts of up-
liftwork among the Negroes. There are prominent club
women, church and social workers, professional and scientific
men, newspaper men other than editors, farm demonstration
agents, and various other successful and influential men and
women who have not been heretofore mentioned.
These individuals were brought together in a final com-
pilation of a more or less miscellaneous nature. The total
number of names in this list was six hundred and thirty-five.
Analysis of this showed the names of five hundred men

and one hundred and thirty-five women. Sixty-four of the

men and five of the women were classed as black; though,
here as elsewhere, this category contained the names of men
who are by no means pure-blood Negroes. Four hundred
and thirty-six of the men and one hundred and thirty of
the women who were obviously and unmistakably of mixed-
blood origin were classed as mulattoes. The classification
of the six hundred and thirty-five names thus showed sixty-
nine to be names of Negroes and five hundred and sixty-six
to be names of mulattoes. This is a ratio of something
over eight to one.
A combination of this list of names with the lists of busi-

Negro and Mulatto in Business and Industry 309

ness men previously tabulated, gives a total of 1268 names

of men and women considered in this chapter and not else-
where included. Of these, 1068 are names of men and 200
are names of women. The men classify as 137 black and
931 mulatto; the women, as 6 black and 194 mulatto. The
total 1268 divide into 143 black and 1125 mulattoes —
ratio of nearly eight to one. Throwing the data into tabular
form we have the following:

Men Women Totals

Black Mul. Total Black Mul. Total Black Mill. Totals
Businessmen 73 495 568 1 64 65 74 559 633
Not classified 64 436 500 5 130 135 69 566 635

Totals 137 931 1068 6 194 200 143 1125 1268

The inquiry into the relative status of the mulattoes and

the full-blooded Negroes in the United States has taken into
consideration a total of 4267 men and women. Summaries
showing the sex of the persons considered, as well as their
distribution into mulattoes and Negroes of full-blood, have
been given in connection with the various compilations.
Recapitulations of these summaries have been given at the
close of the chapters. Bringing together in a single table
the partial findings separately arrived at, we have the fol-
lowing :

Men Women Totals

Black Mul. Total Black Mul. Total Black Mul. Totals
Chapter VIII 14 205 219 2 22 24 16 227 243
Chapter IX 57 465 522 7 98 105 64 563 627
Chapter X 206 1638 1844 18 267 285 224 1905 2129
Chapter XI 137 931 1068 6 194 200 143 1125 1268

Totals 414 3239 3653 33 581 614 447 3820 4267

We are now in possession of a sufficient amount of de-

tailed and verified data to express something more than mere
310 The Mulatto in the United States

opinion concerning the relative success of the Negro of pure

and the Negro of mixed blood. The list of 4267 Negroes
before us includes every member of the race who has made
any marked success in life; it includes every member of the
race mentioned in the histories as an individual of import-
ance; it includes the men who are, in the opinion of some
thirty-odd of the best informed Negroes in the country, the
foremost living members of the race ; it includes the names
of those men and women who are, or have been, considered
of enough importance to have received mention in the
biographical and intimately personal accounts with which
the literature of the Negroes abounds ; it includes the names
of those men who have attained any high civil or political
position, or have made any particular reputation, either
national or local, either within or without the race, in any
professional or artistic pursuit; it includes the men who
have made any particular success in business or industral
lines ; it includes, in short, as nearly complete and exhaus"
tive a compilation as could be made of that relatively small
group of Negroes who have risen superior to their fellows.
It is believed that no Negro of first-class importance has
failed to be included in some one of the various lists or sum-
maries. It is believed that in very few cases individuals have
been included whose accomplishments do not entitle them to
some special mention when the criterion is, as here, unusual
success within the Negro group. But granting that there may
have been some few individuals omitted who should have been
included and some few individuals included who should
have been excluded — granting, that is, a reasonable margin
of error —the list here brought together and analyzed con-
tains the names of the members of the race who because of
education, opportunity, special talent, superior native abil-
ity, exceptional industry or for other reason have made a
Negro and Mulatto in Business and Industry 311

noteworthy success in business, professional, artistic, or

other lines of human endeavor and so have become the excep-
tional and the important men of the race. The list is com-
posed of that group of men and women who compose the
intellectual, social, and economic aristocracy of the Negro

In the analysis of this group of exceptional Negroes,
effort was made to follow the same line of demarcation
adopted by the Bureau of the Federal Census. In the group
of full-blooded Negroes, were placed those who so consider
themselves or are so considered by other Negroes who know
them, as well as those individuals of undoubtedly pure Ne-
gro ancestry. In the group of mulattoes, were placed those
individuals who claim to be mulattoes or who so pass in the
communities in which they live, as well as those whose color
and features show clearly and unmistakably that they are
of a mixed racial origin. No individuals were placed in the
mulatto group where the evidence of mixed ancestry did not
appear to be conclusive. Many questionable and border-line
cases were placed with and counted as Negroes of full blood.

Consequently, in the full-blooded group, there are doubtless

many individuals of mixed blood; probably a goodly per-
centage of them are in some degree of mixed ancestry ; pos-
sibly there are in this so-called full-blooded group more
individuals of mixed than of pure blood. A stricter defini-
tion of the terms full-blooded and mixed-blood would
decrease the number classed as full-blooded and increase the
mixed-blood group by an equal number. But in almost every
group are dark-
case, the persons placed in the full-blooded
skinned individuals, of say three-fourths or more Negro
blood, who consider themselves and pass among their fel-
lows as Negroes of pure blood and, inasmuch as we are con-
cerned with social conditions rather than with biological
312 The Mulatto in the United States

facts, there is no essential fallacy in so classing them.

Classified on this basis of distinction, 447 names fall into

the full-bloodedgroup and 3820 names fall into the group

of mulattoes. The 614 women included in the total are in
33 cases classed as Negroes of full blood and in 581 cases
as mulattoes. The ratio of mulattoes to black women thus
stands at seventeen and six-tenths to one. The 3653 men
are in 414 cases classed as Negroes of full blood and in
3239 cases as mulattoes. The ratio of mulattoes to black
men thus stands at seven and eight-tenths to one.
The higher percentage of mulattoes among the list of
women than among the list of men is due on the one hand
to its being a smaller group and so representing a higher
average of ability and, on the other hand, to the fact that
many of the women owe their prominence to the fact that
they are the wives of Negroes of importance. To the ex-
tent that the latter is the case, the preponderance of mu-
latto women is indicative of the tendency of marriage selec-
tion among the Negro males rather than of intellectual su-
periority among mulatto females. They are selected by the
men because of their relative absence of color and owe their
prominence to the fact of that selection.

In many of the lists, a very much higher ratio than eight

and one-half to one was found to prevail. In a few large
lists, generally of a miscellaneous sort, the ratio was some-
what lower. The rise above, or the fall below, this ratio of
eight and one-half to one, it will have been noticed, depended
in every compilation of any size upon the degree of im-

portance and real distinction of the men whose names com-

posed the list. The ratio of blacks to mulattoes, for ex-
ample, in the compilation of doctors and dentists was ap-
proximately fifteen to one; while in the compilation of
preachers, the ratio was approximately five to one. In the
Negro and Mulatto in Business and Industry 313

one case, membership in the profession implies at least a

minimum of training and native ability; in the other case,
membership in the profession implies the minimum of train-
ing and ability. The ratio of eight and one-half to one is

thus the ratio prevailing between the mulattoes and blacks

in a list of about four thousand of the most prominent
individuals of the race. If the list be reduced in size

by the elimination from it of the less important persons, the

ratio of mulattoes to Negroes of pure blood would be cor-
respondingly raised. By lowering the standard so as to in-
clude a yet larger number of persons in the compilation,
the relative number of mulattoes to full-blooded Negroes
would be correspondingly decreased. The ratio of eight
and one-half to one, therefore, is the ratio prevailing when
a standard is used, which draws the line between the mass
of the race and the four thousand who are the race's fore-
most men.
The ratio of mulattoes to Negroes of full blood among
the four thousand leaders of the race is eight and one-half to
one. The ratio of blacks to mulattoes in the general Negro
population, on the basis of the same definition of the terms,
is approximately four to one. If the standard be raised
so as to exclude the individuals of the lower degrees of abil-
ity and success, the proportion of mulattoes to Negroes
of full blood will very greatly exceed the ratio of thirty-four
to one. If the definition of full-blooded Negro be made to
exclude those mixed-blood individuals of brown skin who
pass as full-blooded Negroes, there will be a further increase,
perhaps about a doubling, in the ratio of mulattoes to full-

blooded Negroes among the leading men of the race. Stated

in another way, the relative chances of a black child and a
mulatto child, chosen at random from the members of the
race, attaining to a position among the elite of the race
314 The Mulatto in the United States

are from thirty-four to fifty, or perhaps a hundred times f

as great in the case of the child of mixed blood. The rela-i
tive chances of the mulatto child over the black child de-i
pend upon the standard of success called for and the degree
of accuracy with which the terms full-blooded and mixed-
blood are defined. On the basis accepted for the purposes
of this study, the chances of the mulatto child developing
into a leader of the race are thirty-four times as great as
are the chances of a black child.
have arrived then at the facts in regard to the asser-
tion and the assumption which it was the purpose of this
section to investigate. This assumption was that the Negro
people in America have produced as many superior indi-
viduals of pure Negro blood as superior individuals of mixed
blood. 14 The investigation has shown that the assertion
is unsupported by the slightest basis of fact. Not even by
accepting the loosest possible definition of terms, can it

be made to appear that the full-blooded group even ap-

proaches within a measurable distance of the mixed-blood
group in the production of men even slightly superior to
the racial average. The full-blooded Negro group has not
produced as many superior men as has the mulatto group.
According to the strictness or the looseness of the definition
of full-blooded Negro that is used, and the high or low de-
gree of superiority that is accepted as the
test, the twenty

per cent of mixed-bloods among the American Negroes have

produced eighty-five per cent or upwards of the race's su-
perior men.
See p. 186 above.


THE role that a

racial situation in which

mixed-blood race plays in an inter-
it is placed is dependent for
the most part on facts and forces outside the race itself
and over which its members are able to exercise little or no
control. Their ambition is much the same everywhere their ;

opportunity to realize their ambition varies with different

social situations. The part they play in a social situation
is dependent upon the attitude of the dominant group which,
in turn, is largely dependent upon the exigencies of the
general social situation.
The desire of the mixed-blood man is always and every-
where to be a white man ; to be classed with and become a
part of the superior race. The ideal —the center of gravity
—of the hybrid group is outside itself. The ideal of beauty,
of success, of all that is good and desirable is typified by the
superior race. The ambition of the man of mixed-blood is

to be identified with the superior group; to share its life,

its work, and its civilization. Certain mixed-blood groups,

as groups, have been able partly to realize this ambition.
In individual and exceptional cases, persons of mixed-blood
are able in most urban communities to escape from their
group and pass as members of the advanced race. Every-
where, were it possible, the mixed-blood group would break
with their darker relatives, hide their relationship to them,
and, through marital relations, obliterate from their off-
316 The Mulatto in the United States

spring the physical characteristics which mark them as

members of a backward and despised race. Where this may
not be, where an intolerable racial consciousness on the part
of the superior race assigns individuals of all degrees of
intermixture and of all stages of cultural advancement to
the status of the backward race, the individuals of mixed
ancestry tend to form a separate caste and to approach
as near asmay be to an equality with the superior group.
There would seem to be no exception to this among groups
of mixed-bloods anywhere. The Eurasians despise the
Indian, separate themselves from him and endeavor to ap-
proach, in habits, customs, and manner of life, the dominant
British group. They bitterly resent a special racial desig-
nation which sets them off from the English ; they claim to
be "European" and demand that they be so classed and
recognized. 2 Among the Eskimos of the Greenland West
Coast, the native's social standing is fixed according to his
degree of approximation to the characteristic features of his
Danish superiors. 3 The lighter the individual's color, the
more eligible he is as a matrimonial possibility. The upper
strata of Jamaica's "coloured" population separate them-
selves from the other mulattoes, call themselves "white," ad-

vocate intermarriage and, opportunity presenting, prac-

tice it. The metis of Brazil draw a more or less rigid social

Mary Helen Lee, The Eurasian: A Social Problem, pp. 12-13.
J. Smith, Ten Years in Burma, p. 117. Lee, The Eurasian, p. 14.
See 32 f. above.
Davenport shows that among the hybrid population of Jamaica
and Bermuda there is a marriage selection against the dark males. They
have less opportunity to become husbands of light-colored women than
do light-colored males and hence they have a smaller chance of becom-
ing fathers. This selection, he thinks, must have a real effect, in suc-
cessive generations, in causing the hybrids to become lighter. C. B.
Davenport, Heredity of Skin Color, pp. 27 ff. See, also, William Thorp,
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 317

color line against the more highly colored groups and en-
deavor to form such matrimonial unions as will, they hope,
bring their offspring yet closer to the white type. 5 The
Spanish half-breeds everywhere show a similar tendency.
"Every one wishes to be reckoned as a white man." 6 The
mixed-breed Indians in the United States tend to intermarry
among themselves and not with the full-bloods. 7 In the
United States almost every Negro of prominence from Fred-
erick Douglass to Jack Johnson has married a white woman
or a light-colored mulatto. 8
There is no intention here to criticize the mulattoes or

"How Jamaica Solves the Negro Problem," World's Work, Vol. 8, p.

4912; and Charles K. Needham, "A Comparison of Some Conditions
in Jamaica with those in the United States," Journal of Race Devel-
opment, Vol. 4, pp. 189-203.
Jean Baptiste de Lacerda, "The Metis or Half Breeds of Brazil,"
Inter-Racial Problems, p. 382.
James Bryce, South America, p. 460. E. A. Ross, South of Pan-
ama, p. 168.
About four-fifths of the 88,030 persons of mixed Indian and white
blood are one-half or more than one-half white. Indian Population in
the United States and Alaska, United States Census, 1910, Supple-
ment 1915, p. 35.
8 ".
Whereas we do not put our individual stamp of approval on
. .

Johnson marrying a white woman but we still point to the many

. . .

notable cases of black men who have married white women and the
multitude of prominent colored individuals who barely miss committing
the heinous crime by invariably marrying the near-white women of
their race. What is so commonly practiced by the higher ups in every
community should not be so highly censurable in Mr. Johnson's action
simply because his matrimonial fitness largely looms up to the colored
woman from a standpoint of financial healthiness of purse." C. A.
Stokes, Kansas City Sun, a Negro paper, 4-3-1915. See, also, W. H.
Thomas, The American Negro, p. 408; Maurice S. Evans, Black and
White in the Southern States, p. 33; R. W. Shufeldt, The Negro: A
Menace to American Civilization, p. 196; Ray Stannard Baker, "The
Tragedy of the Mulatto," American Magazine, Vol. 65, pp. 582-98;
Bert Williams as quoted in the Chicago Defender, 12-26-1914.
318 The Mulatto in the United States

other men of mixed blood ;

quite the contrary. To recognize
their desire to be white, their ambition to associate them
selves through marriage or otherwise with the white race
is but to recognize their ability to appreciate the superioi
culture of the white group. u An opposite tendency or
their part would go far towards establishing the thesis oi,

the congenital inability of the lower group to assimilate

white civilization. It would show a deliberate preference
on their part for the inferior in the presence of the supe-

In contrast to the social ambition of the mixed-blood

group, racial antipathy on the part of the dominant group
is everywhere present. 10 Actual social equality between
divergent racial groups in a population is found nowhere.
Whether it be right or wrong, natural or artificial, this caste
feeling exists and is always a factor in the racial situation.
The way in which it manifests itself, varies with the people
in contact and the conditions of their association. It may
find its expression in a good-natured tolerance of the short-
comings of an inferior group; may show itself it as con-
tempt for a weak and backward race; it may show itself as

disgust at the strange manners and customs of a degraded

people ; it may be expressed as an intense and bitter hatred
for the opposite race; it may take any one of a great num-<
ber of forms ; but it is nowhere wholly absent. In general,
the wider the difference in physical and cultural traits
between the two races in contact, the more intense and
"The fact that always the lighter race that puts the taboo on
it is

the colored, and that the latter is everywhere eager to mix with the

whites, is only an evidence of the general trend of choice towards the

higher efficiency of the white race." U. G. Weatherly, "A World-Wide
Color Line," Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 79, pp. 474-86.
B. L. Putnam Weale, "The Conflict of Color," World's Work, Vol.
19, pp. 12327-29.
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 319

bitter is the antipathetic feeling between them. 11 It is more

intense between the North Europeans and the blacks than
between any other two races. It is usually, though not
always, less marked between the Mediterranean races and
the primitive peoples of America than between any other
culture and nature peoples who have come into contact with
each other. 12 The number of members of the lower race
in the social situation is also a factor conditioning the feel-

ing that their presence arouses. A few individuals of a

divergent type ma}' excite interest and curiosity; they may
even enjoy a prestige simply by virtue of their unlikeness.
But if present in greater numbers and especially if their
presence is felt to constitute a menace to the superior cul-
ture, the feeling against them may rise to a pitch of fanat-
ical barbarism. Politicalmay be such as to
compel the disavowal of this race prejudice, business rea-
sons may counsel its concealment, individual isolation from
racial contact may even prevent its rising above the thresh-
old of consciousness ; but consciously or subconsciously it is
an ever-present and active force wherever two races are in
It is the desire for social equality on the part of the
mixed-blood group in conflict with the caste feeling of su-
periority on the part of the dominant group which fur-
nishes the key to an understanding of the place that the
nixed-blood man occupies and the role which he plays in
liiferent racial situations. These are the factors which
ire always present and operating wherever a mixed-blood

"James Bryce, The Relation of Advanced and Backward Races,

"However, ihe Castilian Spaniards in Spanish America gave an ex-
of caste feeling and of contempt for inferior peoples perhaps
owhere else equaled in colonial history.
320 The Mulatto in the United States

race has appeared between two groups distinct in appear-

ance and divergent in culture, occupying the same territory
in anything like equal numbers.
It is the conflict of these two factors which determines
the role of the mulatto or other hybrid population. As a
consequence of the variability of the factors among differ-

ent racial groups and of their intensification, modification!

or disguisement in conformity to the peculiar needs of the
particular situation, the mixed-blood populations are found
to play quite different roles in different inter-racial situa-
tions. They may be allowed to identify themselves with,
and to become an integral part of, the culturally superior
group or race. They may occupy a place apart, form an
outcast group with a social status inferior to that of either
of the parent races. They may be a connecting link be-

tween the white and the colored elements in the population

They may be used as a buffer between the extreme racial
types in the community. They may identify themselves
with, and become the leaders of, the lower race of the popu-
lation. There ma}' also be various combinations of these
roles and numerous transitional stages from one to another.
Where the hybrid race has been granted the opportunity,
it has identified itself with the advanced group. The mixed-
blood race of white, Indian, and Negro ancestry in Brazil
affords perhaps the best illustration of this tendency.
The social advance of the metis began during the regime
of slavery. "As they were more active and intelligent than
the blacks, they soon made their way into the homes and
were occupied in domestic service. Many of them won the
esteem of their masters and those about them. Some of
them, giving proof of real intelligence and devotion to their
employers, were, from a feeling of gratitude, emancipated
by the latter and were given the rudiments of an artistic
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 321

education. . . ." 13 Many of those who were freed contin-

ued to under the same roof with their former masters


and their advance continued "in accordance with the laws

of intellectual selection."
At the time of the Emancipation, the separation that
already existed between the metis on the one hand and the
Negroes and Indians on the other began to widen. The
metis, who were already found for the most part in the
towns, became more exclusively an urban population. The
class differences that had been accentuated for political
purposes among the lower classes gave them a profound
"contempt for productive employments." They imitated
the classes above them, ceased to labor, and formed a pseudo-
leisure class.
The Negroes from the moment of their emancipation be-
came enamored of the leisure life. Neither they nor the
Indians would longer engage in laborious occupations with
any degree of regularity. 19 The Negroes began to with-
draw from the centers of civilization and to find more con-
genial associates among the Indians of the interior with
"Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 379. See, also, Sir Harry H.
Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 99.
"Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 379.
The importation of slaves continued in Brazil to almost the date of
emancipation. Over sixty thousand were imported in 1848. T. C.
Dawson, The South American Republics, Part 1, p. 457.
A. G. Keller, Colonization, p. 313.
""But the mestizo runs to oratory and politics; not to labor." W. H.
Koebel, The South Americans, p 97.
19 ".
the efforts which have been
. . made in Brazil to attract the
Indian or the mixed Indian and Negro population to the mines have
not. ... on account of the indolent nature of the colored inhabitants."
Sir Charles W. Dilke, "Forced and Indentured Labor in South Amer-
ica." Nationalities and Subject Races, p. 106.
"The negro, no longer a slave but a free and occasionally a some-
322 The Mulatto in the United States

whom they readily intermixed and into whose ranks they

tended to disappear. 20
At the time of the Revolution and the establishment of
Brazilian independence, the mixed-blood group was suffi-

ciently numerous and powerful to compel a recognition

of social equality and secure an equal place in the affairs

of the government. 22 Consequently, the mixed-bloods came

into closer contact with the culture group, while the gap
between the mixed-bloods and the Negro-Indian group wid-
ened. 23 At the present time, the metis are sloughing off ,

more and more the customs and habits of the colored races
and conforming more closely to the manners of life of the
white group. By marriage selection, they endeavor to
make their children more like the Portuguese and less like
the members of the lower groups. Economic and profes-
sional success, or the achievement of political position ad-
mits them to the lighter grades of Brazilian society. Pov-
erty, atavism, or failure may throw individual members into

what arrogant person, works only when he feels inclined." Koebel,

The South Americans, pp. 92-93.
". owing to the large proportion of negro blood among the work-
. .

ing classes and the luxurious vegetation by means of which life can
be at least supported with a minimum of effort, the people are inclined
to be indolent. . .
." The South American Year Book, 1915, p. 216.
^Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 381. Johnston, The Negro in
the New World, p. 100 f. n.
It is to be remembered that conditions differ very radically in
North and South Brazil. The great bulk of the Negro population is
in the tropical regions of the North. Between the North and South
Brazil "There is very little in common save the language." Koebel,
The South Americans, p. 9. "So mixed is the blood of the lower classes
that it is very difficult to tell who or what many people are, ." . .

South American Year Book, p. 216.

"All races and classes are recognized by the constitution as equal.
u Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, 381. p.
Ibid., p. 382.
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 323

the lower groups between which and the mixed-blood group

there is coming to exist the same impassable barrier which
in the United States, Jamaica, and South Africa exists
between the whites and the mulattoes.

Of course in general mode of life, social customs, etc.,

the educated coloured people of Brazil are scarcely dis-
tinguishable from the Portuguese middle or upper
classes, according to their means and social status. The
peasants, however, away from the towns lead a more
African existence, and except that the house or hut
may be a little superior to the average negro home in
Africa, manners and customs in domesticity are little
changed from the standard of the Gold Coast or Da-

homey not a very low standard, by the by. 24

The mixed-bloods are, therefore, for all essential pur-

poses, a part of the advanced group, and tend to become
more and more so. They have considerable influence in the
governmental affairs of the country. All offices and honors
are open to them. In the solution of the racial problem,
so far as the above is true, they simply have no part. They
have left the race, escaped fromand by every means in

their power endeavor to conceal and obliterate their for-

mer connection with and relationship to the primitive
group. 25

"Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 105.

The idea that the Brazilian Negro is being absorbed into the white
race and transformed into a white man without essentially changing
the physical type of the population is hardly to be taken seriously.

It represents a "hope and the belief" rather than a rational judgment.

Mr. Roosevelt says that the men and women "with whom I closely
associated were in the great majority of cases pure white, save in the
comparatively rare instances where they had a dash of Indian blood";
that the men and women of high social position are as unmixed as the
corresponding classes in Paris or Rome, and that they will continue to
324 The Mulatto in the United States

. He is now a "Homem Brazileiro," and the word

. .

negro, even when applied to one of pure negro race, has

come to be used only as a term of abuse, which may
be made still further offensive by supplementing it
with the words "de Africa." This has come to be one
of the most offensive terms one can apply to a Brazil-
ian citizen, even though he be of unmixed negro de-
scent. If you must discriminate as to colour in con-
versation, you speak of a "preto." 26

Under other conditions, the bastard race may be the

connecting link which holds together the divergent racial and
cultural elements in a population. This seems to be the
role of the mixed-blood group where they are a numerically
important part of the population, and where there is a
relatively weak sense of nationality on the part of the white
group. Stated in other words, it is their role in those inter-
racial situations where there is a more or less rapid amal-
gamation in process between the divergent elements of the

be pure white; that the classes immediately below have absorbed and
will continue to receive a small amount of Negro blood while in "the
ordinary people" the absorption of Negro blood will be "large enough
to make a slight difference in the type." And finally he quotes a Bra-
zilian "statesman" to the effect that the Negro is disappearing by
absorption into the white race and "his blood will remain as an appre-
ciable, but in no way a dominant, element in perhaps a third of our
people, while the remaining two-thirds will be pure whites." When it

is remembered that an eighth and frequently a sixteenth or even less

of Negro blood in a Negro-White cross is sufficient to "make a slight
difference in the type" it is readily seen that, even if there should
be no further increase in Negro blood, the population of the country will
need to be increased by from one hundred and fifty to two hundred
million white persons in order that the present ten million Negroes and
mulattoes may be absorbed into the lower third of the population with-
out producing more than a slight change in the type. The utterances
of Mr. Roosevelt are often taken seriously. See T. R. Roosevelt,
"Brazil and the Negro," Outlook, Vol. 106, pp. 409-11.
"Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 100.
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 325

population. It is the part played by the mixed-blood group

in Cuba, in many parts of Spanish America, and in certain
regions of Brazil.
In Cuba, the mulatto occupies much the position of a
connecting link between the pure-bred Spaniard on the one
hand and the full-blood Negro on the other. There is no
sharp break between the whites and the mulattoes, nor be-
tween the mulattoes and the Negroes. The different shades
of the hybrid group serve to connect the opposing cultural
and physical types. They grade almost imperceptibly into
the whites above them and into the blacks below them. The
color line, in the sense in which that phrase is understood
in the United States, Jamaica, and South Africa, is neither
hard nor fast and the mulatto is free to associate and to
intermarry with the members of the white group. 28 In pro-
portion to his success in life and his approximation to the
Spanish cast of countenance, he is able to get himself
accepted into the less exclusive grades of white or near-
white society. 29 All this does not imply any lack of preju-
dice or caste feeling on the part of the Spaniards. Caste
feeling does not center at any one point ; it is diffused
throughout the population. 30 Color is a badge of inferi-

"Yet the Negro is losing ground, politically and socially, and
unless he is content with his present status of farmer, laborer, petty
tradesman, minor employee, and domestic servant, there will arise a
'colour question' here as in the United States." Johnston, The Negro
in the New World, p. 60.
The one thing that makes the relations of the races more friendlly

in Cuba than in the United States is that there their desire to mix
with the whites is granted. R. L. Bullard, "How Cubans Differ from
Us." North American Review, Vol. 186, pp. 416-21. Note particularly
p. 417.
R. L. Bullard, "The Cuban Negro," North American Review, Vol.
184, p. 624.
lbid., p. 628.
326 The Mulatto in the United States

The men at the top are white ; the men at the
Every man between is envious of the
bottom are black.
colors lighter than himself and contemptuous of those more
highly colored.
The racial situation on the mainland is not markedly dif-

ferent. The mixed-blood race stands, industrially, politi-

cally and socially, between the white on the one hand and
native on the other. Except where Negro blood is present,
there is generally no sharp breach between the mixed-blood
group and the white race and no definite breach between
the mixed-blood group and the mother race. The mixed-
bloods envy the white and endeavor to marry into the white
or near-white society. In proportion to the difference in
their social status, they despise the Indian and the Negro.
The mixed-blood group, however, ranges in appearance
from the near-white to the near-Indian type and so forms
a physiological tie between the mixed-white and white group
and the Negro and Indian group.
In general, the role of the mixed-blood individuals in Span-
ish America seems to be that of a connecting link between
the extremes of the population. It is their part to mix
with the whites and the blacks and to serve as a tie be-
tween the two. Racial amalgamation goes on between the
whites and the mixed-bloods, and between the mixed-bloods
and the Natives. The hybrid population is increased by
both unions as well as by mixture among themselves, and
the population approaches more and more to that of an
exclusively hybrid one. 33
Bullard, North American Review, Vol. 184, p. 629.
Many of the Negroes are no further advanced than those in the
Congo. William Inglis, "The Future of Cuba," the North American
Review, Vol. 183, pp. 1037-40. Note especially p. 1039.
In some of the more advanced states it seems already to have
reached this stage. Chile has, more than most South American coun-
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 327

The final outcome of these racial arrangements is de-

pendent simply upon the relative numbers of the racial
groups in the population. Where the hybrid is the numer-
icallydominant group, as in Mexico, 34 it represents the
probable future type 35 of the country's population.
Where the white group more numerous and especially
is the
where it is being constantly reinforced by immigration, as
is the case of Southern Brazil, the hybrid group tends to

approximate more and more the white type, 3 and a single '

color line to separate the mixed-white group from the mixed-

Indian and black groups. Where the native group predom-
inates and where there is no appreciable immigration and
no effective caste feeling on the part of- the mixed or su-
perior groups to save them from a further infusion of native
blood, the population is gradually reverting, in appearance
and Indian type.
civilization, to the The racial problem
in the Spanish American countries finds its expression in

periodical revolutions and a more or less chronic state of

tries, been able to draw the line between the whites and the various
grades of pure- and mixed-blood natives below them. Keller, Coloni-
zation, p. Bryce says "there are no longer any pure Indians"
and that most of the aristocracy have remained pure white. South
America, p. 232. See, also, p. 478.
Seventy-five per cent mixed; 15 per cent Indian; 10 per cent Euro-
pean descent.
If one may speak of a "type" in a hybrid population.
Sir Charles Bruce, "The Modern Conscience in Relation to the
Treatment of Dependent Peoples and Communities," Inter-Racial Prob-
lems, pp. 291-92. James Bryce, "Migration of the Races of Men,"
Contemporary Review, Vol. 62, p. 130. J. H. Van Evrie, White Su-
premacy and Negro Subordination, pp. 157-58. Friedrich Ratzel, His-
tory of Mankind, Vol. 2, p. 27.
Lacerda, Inter-Racial Problems, p. 378. Luis Cabera, "The Mexi-

can Revolution Its Causes, Purposes and Results," Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science, Supplement, Jan.
1917, pp. 4-5.
328 The Mulatto in the United States

guerilla warfare.
Where there exists a strong sense of nationality or of
racial pride on the part of each of the two parent races;!
in the situation, the mixed-blood individuals usually are <

without a respected position in the society of either. Each

race having a civilization in which it believes and which it e
considers the superior of any other, there is no natural J
place for the half-castes except within the ranks of one orl
the other of the parent races. There is no middle ground.

If they are rejected by both races or refuse to cast their

lot with one and are rejected by the other, they are simply
outcasts. They may form or be formed into a special caste,
but it is a caste with an inferior social status within one
or the other of the parent races, and not a class intermediate
between the parent groups. The Eurasians are perhaps
the best present-day example of a group rejected by both
the races of which their ancestry is composed.
In the Asiatic situation, the colored races have their own
civilization to which they hold with a tenacity at least equal
to that which the white man shows for his. The difference
in culture is not merely a matter of degree ; it is a difference
in kind. It is not that one is so much higher than the
other, as is the case where the Negro and most of the lower
races are in contact with the whites, as that they are dif-
ferent civilizations. To depart from one is not to approach
the other; it is simply to decline in that civilization.
In this situation, the mixed-blood individuals must be
either Europeans or Orientals. They cannot occupy a status
above the one race and below the other. The civiizations
are not so serially arranged. The hybrids cannot be part
one and part the other. They may occupy an inferior sta-
tus in either group, but this is not an indication that they,
for that reason, stand nearer to the other. They cannot
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 329

break connections with the white group without discarding

European civilization; to go over to the colored group
would be to accept the civilization of the Indians. But to
the Orientals, the Eurasians are as much outcast as they
are to the Europeans they can no more be Hindus than

they can be Englishmen. They must give up one civiliza-

tion or the other, and content themselves as best they may
with the status assigned them by the group with which they
elect to be identified. The older Portuguese Eurasians have
for the most part reverted to the Indian civilization and
accepted a special status therein. The English Eurasians
or "Indo-Europeans" have endeavored to be English and
have received some recognition from the British rulers,
though they are nowhere accepted by the Europeans on
terms of social equality. They occupy subordinate clerical
positions in the government service and are almost wholly
dependent upon the English patronage for the means of

The Eurasian
occupies an unenviable position. He
is too proud to mix with the natives, who will, indeed,
have none of him, and the European shuns him. He
is a sort of social neutral stratum, regarded as for-

eign and looked upon with suspicion by the brown

race, and looked down on with contempt by the white.
Popularly supposed to inherit all the vices and none
of the virtues of his parents, there is little ever said
in his favor. I fear you cannot call the Eurasian trust-
worthy or truthful as a class, though of course there
are many honorable exceptions. Certain it is he sel-
dom rises to high employ, and is chiefly engaged in
clerkly duties, for he has an unconquerable aversion to
physical work or energy of any sort. The Eurasian
88 ".
. . they cling to their connection with the ruling class with a
pride and persistency that is almost pathetic." Herbert Compton,
Indian Life in Town and Country, p. 210.
330 The Mulatto in the United States

society is one apart and unique, and its etiquette and

manners are often a fine burlesque on those of the
white race, with which its members are proud to claim
connection. Their womenfolk affect gaudy colours,
and a Eurasian ball will display as many rainbow tints
as a mulatto one. . . ." 39

They are a sensitive, generally discontented, and trouble-

some element in the community. Their presence creates
the most difficult of the minor problems in India. They
stand in the presence of two civilizations and two race
groups, but they are members of neither. They are com-
pelled to remain a special group accepted by neither race
and despised by both. 41 They are neither a connecting
link between the races nor a harmonizing group between
the extreme racial types. They are no more the spokesman
or representative of the Hindus, than they are of the
English. They are simply outcasts from both races with
no natural role or dignified social status in the Indo-Euro-
pean situation.
Elsewhere in the East, the Oriental-European half-breed
has developed much the same type of mind. He has no
part to play in the inter-racial situation; he is himself a
problem. 42 "The East seems to me to teach emphatically
that the crossing of different races is always and every-
where a bad thing."
Compton, Indian Life in Town and Country, pp. 208-9.
At the time of the Sepoy mutiny the Eurasians cast their lot with
the Europeans and for a time a certain solidarity was established
between them but the friendly feeling scarcely outlasted the time of
"£lisee Reclus, Asia, Vol. 3, p. 389.
See James A. LeRoy, The Americans in the Philippines, pp. 26,
65, 68 ff. Charles E. Woodruff, "Some Laws of Racial and Intellec-
tual Development," Journal of Race Development, Vol. 3, p. 175.
President Eliot, Chautauquan, Vol. 70, p. 285. See, also, Wu Ting-
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 331

Under certain other conditions, the presence of the mu-

latto population is utilized to lessen the friction between
the pure-blooded races. The natural tendency of its mem-
bers to form a separate parasitic caste when denied social
equality^ with the dominant race is seized upon and fos-

tered, and a caste developed in the community separate from

either the white or the black, and standing between the two.
In this position, they lessen the amount of contact between
the extreme types of the population and so may lessen the
clash between the races. They are used as a buffer between
the pure-blooded groups.
It is in about this role that the mulatto seems to figure in

the racial situation in the British colony of Jamaica. The

group of ruling whites is very small, 44 but here, as else-

where, the English have refused to debase their civilization

by compromising with the colored element in the formation
of their national institutions. The civilization is distinct-
ively English. But the governmental policy, dictated by
the home office, has been devised with a view towards har-
mony between the races. 45
The mulattoes are not a numerically important part of
the Negro population, but the white rulers have realized
their possibilities for harm as dissatisfied agitators among
the blacks. They also have realized the possibilities of the
group as a harmonizing factor in the racial situation. As
a consequence, they have utilized the mixed-bloods as a
means of control of the lower and more numerous group,
Fang, "China," Inter-Racial Problems, pp. 128-29, and Moh. Sourour
Bey, "Egypt," Inter-Racial Problems, p. 170.
About 2 per cent. See p. 66 above.
That English opinion, not local opinion, must be the ultimate judge
of local affairs is the conscious policy of British Colonial rule. See
Gilbert Murray, "Empire and Subject Races," Nationalities and Subject
Races, pp. 7-8.
332 The Mulatto in the United States

and as a means of lessening the friction between the ex

treme types of the population on the Island.
By catering to the mulattoes' desire for special recog
nition and by fostering their caste feeling of superiority t
the blacks, the English have built up a middle-class grou;
between the white aristocracy and the black peasantry
This group includes the educated and professional classe
of the Negro group and the more successful colored indi
viduals in all lines of human endeavor. 47 The mulattoes b*
long to the intermediate class by right of birth. Blac
men occasionally gain admittance if endowed with speck
natural ability, or if they have been exceptionally successfi
in the accumulation of property.
This mulatto class has been separated in sentiments an
The pride of the Jamaican in his white blood is shared by the oth<
mixed-bloods of the Islands. "The Native Bermudians (brown) co?
sider themselves much superior to the (black) Jamaicans." See Flo
ence H. Doneilson, Appendix B (a) in Davenport, Heredity of Sfo
Color, p. 105.
Earl Finch, "The Effects of Racial Miscegenation," Inter-Bad
Problems, p. 111.
"There is a considerable element of the Jamaica population whic
is known as 'sambo,' an element with about one-fourth of white

this Caucasian or Semitic mixture shows itself plainly in their col(

or their features, and they should, strictly speaking, be classed i

'coloured.' But very few members of this section of the people hai
so classified themselves in the census ... the term coloured, having \
custom come to be applied to persons of a distinctly brown or cle?

complexion." H. G. de Lisser, Twentieth Century Jamaica, p. 4

Quoted by Charles K. Needham, "A Comparison of Some Conditioi
in Jamaica with those in the United States," Journal of Race Develop
ment, Vol. 4, p. 192.
pp. 191-92.
Ibid., Catering still further to the mulattoes' desi:
to be white certain members of the mulatto group of less than on
fourth Negro blood are allowed to designate themselves "whites t
law." Membership in the latter group is conditioned by the whitene
of skin. They are the social aristocracy of the mulatto group thouf
by no means necessarily the men of superior ability.
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 333

interestsfrom the black group 50 by a deliberate and thor-

ough-going application of the "divide and rule" policy. 51
By a judicious distribution of petty political offices and
honors, 52 the whites secure their loyalty and cooperation in
the affairs of government in spite of the rigid color line
which they draw against them in social affairs. Any Negro
who shows ability or talent for leadership is diplomatically
separated from the black group and his loyalty to the gov-
ernment and to the ruling whites assured by a political or
other honor proportional to his danger as a disgruntled
agitator among the blacks. Such political honor or the
accumulation of a considerable amount of property will
allow him entrance to "colored" society and, if the honor
or the fortune be sufficient, assure him a mulatto wife. 53
The larger the fortune, the whiter the wife.
In this way the black race isseparated from its natural
leaders and remains a black and happy, a contented and
helpless mass. 54 The mulatto, dependent upon the white
aristocracy for his political position and business oppor-
tunities and flattered by a racial designation that separates
him from the peasantry and implies his superiority to it,
A. Froude, The English in the West Indies, pp. 24-25.
"See Sir Henry Cotton, Nationalities and Subject Races, pp. 46-47,
and Lala Lajpat Rai, "The Present Condition in India," Nationalities
and Subject Races, pp. 32, 39. The discussion here is in regard to
the Indian polity.
Compare the "divide and rule" policy of Spain's early colonial policy.
H. C. Morris, The History of Colonization, Vol. 1, pp. 252-53.
". 'colored' men occupy most of the subordinate, and some of
. .

the higher positions in the public service." W. P. Livingstone, "The

West Indian and American Negro: A Contrast," North American Re-
view, Vol. 185, p. 647. See, also, Johnston, The Negro in the New
World, pp. 280, 268.
Thorp, World's Work, Vol. 8, pp. 4912-13.
M Encyclopaedia Britannica: Jamaica;
Thorp, World's Work, Vol. 8,
p. 4910; Froude, English in the West Indies, p. 50.

334 The Mulatto in the United States

maintains that obsequious and respectful attitude of mind

toward his superiors which is a universal characteristic of
the dependent and the Unfree. Harmony between the races
is maintained at the price of a helpless peasantry and an
intellectually prostituted middle-class group.
This temporizing policy adopted in Jamaica is in strong

contrast to that followed where the group of the white

race in actual daily contact with the Negroes has been,
allowed to dictate the relationship of the races. In all

The mulattoes are not in all cases satisfied with the arrangement.
Davenport quotes "An olive-skinned man" as saying: "'I've often
said I'd change the British flag for the American flag any day. Inj
America they are prejudiced against all colored people. You may be
a millionaire, but if you're colored you can't marry into white families
or associate with them. Here with the English, if you are colored and
have money you are all right, they associate with you; but if vol
haven't money you are nowhere. The English aren't as honest as the;
American, for they (English) hate the color just the same and only
accept it for the money. ." Heredity of Skin Color, Appendix B

(b), p. 106. See, also, Livingston, North American Review, Vol. 185,

pp. 646-47.
H. E. Jordan, "Biological Status and Social Worth of the Mulatto,"
Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 82, p. 573, stresses the absence of politi-
cal contention, Jamaica not being a self-governing colony, in account-
ing for the difference in the race problem in Jamaica and the United
States. ".
. .But perhaps the perfect adjustment between the races
in Jamaica and the elimination of any 'problem' of this kind finds its
explanation in a more rational and a more consistent political treat-
ment made possible by the absence of any constitutional prescription.
We may well suspect that the inconsistency of according to the negro
legal (constitutional) equality and withholding it practically (politi-
cally and socially) has had a morally harmful effect upon both black and
white. To stultify oneself as between one's theory and practice is
always subversive of high moral tone. . .

It is also very different from the German native policy. The Ger-
mans, believing that an educated native of any shade of color is neces-
sarily a rascal, have avoided the complications produced by a semi-
educated native population by conforming their native educational policy
to the industrial needs of the situation. Keller, Colonization, p. 589.

Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 335

:hese cases, the mulattoes are definitely excluded from so-

cial equality with the whites and forced to find their asso-
ciates either with the colored group or among others of
:heir own kind. No made for
special provision has been
;hem and they are dependent own exertions
upon their
'avored by the prestige their color gives them for their—
success in life. No self-governing, North European group
:ver has been willing to compromise its civilization by admit-

ing the lower race to an equal hand in the affairs of gov-

rnment. The more numerous the individuals in the colored
rroup and the more their presence endangers civilized stand-
irds, the more unyielding has been the policy of exclusion.

In the self-governing colonies of South Africa, no effort

s made to follow a policy toward the mulattoes that will
nsure harmony between the races. 58 An impassable color
ine is drawn by the whites between the races. The white
nan recognizes no difference between the various grades of
Negroes and Negro intermixtures below him in the social
cale. Consequently, the mixed-bloods cannot form a
uffer between the races as in Jamaica. Intermarriage does
lot occur and the refusal of the whites to recognize the
dixed-bloods as being on a higher social plane than the
latives, prevents them from being either a physiological or
. social connecting link between the races.
The mulattoes, superior here as elsewhere, to the black
lement of their ancestry, resent the refusal of the white
lan to recognize their superiority and grant them special
>rivileges and a special status. 60 They are a discontented
,nd troublesome element in the community. 61 They cannot
H. E. S. Freemantle, The New Nation, pp. 217-18.
James Bryce, Impressions of South Africa, p. 375.
M. S. Evans, Black and White in South East Africa, p. 289.
Freemantle, The New Nation, pp. 319-20.
336 The Mulatto in the United States

break with the white group and identify themselves with

the black without discarding all the essential elements of
white civilization. 62 Their situation is, in many respects,

like that of the Eurasians. Both groups stand between

races having a strong sense of racial integrity and race
pride. Both groups have to choose between the civilizations.

The South African mulattoes can no more stand as part-

native and part-white, than the Eurasians can be part-

Hindu and part-European.
The South African mulattoes, then, are without a part
to play in the racial situation. Numerically they are an
insignificant part of the native population. The numbers,
the organization, and the better developed sense of national
pride and racial integrity among the natives prevent the
mulattoes from enjoying great prestige among the black
group. Their importance in the native group depends upon
their worth rather than on the whiteness of their skin. Con-
sequently, the mulattoes are slow to go over to the native
population and identify themselves with the native group.
They play no dignified role in the racial situation. 63
somewhat more detail the role that
It remains to note in
the mulatto has played and now plays in the racial situa-
tion in the United States. This falls more or less naturally
into three pretty distinct parts : I. his role under the

M The mulatto of course has no desire to do so. His contempt for

the native is as great as is that of the white man. The prejudice be-
tween different groups for example, is so great that there are in Natal
separate schools for natives, natives of St. Helena, Indians, Natal half-
breeds and Mauritians. See M. S. Evans, Black and White in the South-
ern States, p. 262.
For a discussion of the so-called Ethiopian movement see Free-
mantle, The New
Nation, pp. 184-85; "The South African Natives," Ch.
4, Report of the South African Native Races Committee; Current Liter-
ature, Vol. 39, pp. 63-64.
Role of Mulatto in Inter-Racial Situation 337

aver j and reconstruction regimes ; II. the present day "in-

illectuals" or "radicals," and III. the present day "conserv-
tives" or "middle-class" group. A consideration of these
;ages in the mulattoes' role in the United States will be the
isk of the following chapter.


BETWEEN the Negro and the white American there

always has been absolute social separation on the basis
of color. At the time of their first contact on American
soil, the two races differed in language, customs, and habits
of life ; in moral, mental, and religious development, as well

as in ethnic origin, historical tradition, and physical appear-

ance. A
black skin, therefore, very quickly came to signify
an inferior culture and, only a little later, came to be the
badge of a servile condition. Between these races, there
could be no social equality; there was not even a possibility
of a harmonious working relation except on the basis of
superiority and subordination.
When individuals of mixed ancestry presently appeared,
there was manifested no disposition to treat them as essen-
tially different from the Negro. Their physical appear-
ance, though markedly different from that of the pure-
blooded race, was sufficiently marked to set them off as a
peculiar people. In large part, they were the offspring of
a class of whites whose degraded status was not markedly
superior to the status of the Negro; when such was not
the case, the bastard origin of the mulattoes shocked the
conventional moral sense of the community and militated
against a community recognition of them as socially supe-
rior to the Negroes of full blood. This attitude presently
found formal expression in the legislative enactments which

Role of the Mulatto in the United States 639

assigned the mulatto to the status of the mother.

But the individual mulatto was, or what amounted to the
same thing was believed to be, intellectually superior to the
full-blooded Negro. Consequently, the occupational differ-
entiation within the race everywhere operated to his advan-
tage. The favored classes among
the slaves, as the numbers
of the mulattoes increased, came more and more to be light-
colored classes. The trained mechanics and the trusted
servants were drawn from the most intelligent these were ;

always assumed to be the mulattoes. Moreover, the mu-

lattoes made a better appearance than the black Negro
and were less offensive in close association, and so gravitated
to those house and personal duties which brought them into
personal association with the master class. The plantation
slaves and the rough laborers in the cities and the towns
were the black men. The division was, of course, not every-
where equally marked and it was seldom a sharp and com-
plete separation. There were many full-blooded blacks
among the favored classes and there were mulattoes in con-
siderable numbers among the lower classes of slaves, but
the tendency was toward a more and more complete separa-
tion of the colors. Manumission further widened the breach
that existed in bondage. The free Negro group at all times
contained a preponderance of mulattoes; in some places it
was, to all intent and purpose, a mulatto group. Such edu-
cation of the Negro as existed before the war was almost
entirely mulatto education it was limited to the free

Negroes and to certain favored individuals and groups

among the slaves. All things tended to make the mulatto
a superior man and to make the superior groups among
A failure to recognize this fact is a glaring defect in the most
important recent study of this subject by a mulatto. See C. G. Wood-
son, The Education of the Negro Prior to 1861,
340 The Mulatto in the United States

the Negro race, mulatto groups.

On their side, the mulattoes were not slow to recognize
their superiority and to exaggerate it. The lack of sym-
pathy? for example, between the house servants —largely
mulatto — and the field hands —mostly black men—was
throughout the slavery period a characteristic feature of
the institution. 2 As freemen, the mulattoes formed sepa-
rate societies, where they existed in numbers sufficient to
permit it, and held themselves aloof from the slaves and
the black men. In the North, the free Negroes came to
recognize the slavery of slaves, but claimed special recog-
nition for themselves as free men. 3 During the slave regime,
the free mulatto society of Charleston became an elaborately
organized and highly exclusive institution. It still exists in
much of its pristine glory. 4 In Louisiana and especially in
Mobile and New Orleans, the free Latin-Negro Creoles were so
far separated in fact and in sympathy from the Negroes and
the slaves, that they volunteered their services to the Con-
federacy at the outbreak of the Civil War. Elsewhere,
though the break was generally not so obvious nor so wide,
the same caste feeling separated the mulatto and the free
Negro from the black man and the slave.
This potential mulatto class, however, received no spe-
cial recognition from the dominant race. However, much
as the mixed-bloods may have been favored as individuals

E. Atkinson, "'The Negro a Beast,'" North American Review, Vol.
181, p. 209.
»W. E. B. DuBois, Souls of Black Folk, p. 49.
"In places like Charleston they had (and still have to some extent)
an exclusive society of their own which looked down on the black
Negro with a prejudice equal to that of the white man." Ray Stan-
nard Baker, "The Tragedy of the Mulatto," American Magazine,
Vol. 65, p. 588. See, also, Maurice S. Evans, Black and White in the
Southern States, p. 93.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 341

tfhile in bondage and helped as individual freemen, the dom-

nant group everywhere refused to recognize mixture of
>lood as sufficient basis for special class recognition. The
lominant group classed all Negroes, regardless of color,
is members of the black race, and made divisions among
;hem on other lines. Their classification was an economic
md not an ethnic one ; they, for example, separated the
S egroes into slave and free, into house servants and plan-
;ation hands, and in various other ways according to the
ipecial situation. That these legal and industrial divisions
corresponded largely to the division of the race into mixed-
>loods and pure-bloods was, from the white man's point of
dew, incidental. He refused to countenance the mulatto
jroup as a superior class in the community. The mulat-
;oes, had only the pride of their white blood to
iustain them as a separate and superior caste.
Throughout the slavery period, the mulattoes were usu-
dly not the leaders of the race; if indeed, one can speak
>f leaders before the Emancipation. They were, in most
:ases, the superior individuals among the race ; they were
Lardly in a position to be leaders, they lacked the recogni-
ion of the dominant race. Those who were free were equally
ar from leadership. They were, for the most part, in the
^orth and consequently they were generally without per-
gonal acquaintance with the real Negro and, in most cases,
vithout any accurate knowledge of Southern life and con-
litions. They believed themselves to be superior to the black
nan and felt themselves to be inferior to the white man. 7
5 ". . . The great mass of the Negro people in the United States were
lumb. In the plantation states, the black man was a chattel; in the
Northern states, he was a good deal of an outlaw." Booker T. Washing-
on, Frederick Douglass, p. 98.
"See p. 190 ff. above.
J. R. Ficklin, History of Reconstruction in Louisiana, p. 127.

342 The Mulatto in the United States

They formed, or tended to form, separate groups somewhere

between the two and out of touch and sympathy with both.
It was a matter of class separation on horizontal lines
rather than a matter of leadership.
In the anti-slavery propaganda, the Negro or the Mulatto
had little part. 8 He was the object about which the fac-
tions contended, but was, for the most part, not himself an
actor in the drama. Certain Negroes were exploited by
the abolitionists for campaign and demonstration purposes,
but so far as this was not the case, they were a quiescent
and non-participating group in the national struggle.
Baker 10 gives an accurate summary of the situation

In the antebellum slavery agitation Negroes played

no consequential part; they w^ere an inert lump of hu-
manity possessing no power of inner direction; the
leaders on both sides of the struggle that centered
around the institution of slavery were white men. The
Negroes did not even follow poor old John Brown.
After the war the Negro continued to be an issue rather
than a partaker in politics, and the conflict continued
to be between groups of white men. Even in Re-
. . .

construction times, and I am not forgetting exceptional

Negroes like Bruce, Revels, Pinchback and others, -the
Negro was a partaker in the government solely by vir-

A complete list of the Negroes who took any active or important
part in the propaganda is given on page 192 above. Washington,
Frederick Douglass, pp. 154-55, names twelve, all of whom are included
in the list above.
"William Lloyd Garrison was quick to discern that the cause needed
more than any other man or thing, as an argument
this fugitive slave,
and an illustration of the further work of the anti-slavery society."
Washington, Frederick Douglass, p. 72. He is speaking here of the
anti-slavery people using Douglass as an exhibit. See, also, p. 144.
Ray Stannard Baker, "Problems of Citizenship," Annals of
10 the

American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 49, p. 93.

Role of the Mulatto in the United States 343

tue of the power of the North. As a class the Negroes

were not self-directed, but were used by the Northern
^constructionists and certain political Southerners,
who took most of the offices and nearly all the pilferings.

After the emancipation of the slaves, many Northern mu-

lattoes presented themselves and were advanced by the abo-
newly freed race "
litionists as the logical leaders of the ;

they assumed the role of spokesmen for the people of their

color. The fact that they were members of the Negro race
was accepted by themselves and by many of their Northern
friends as evidence of sufficient qualification for the delicate
and arduous task of leading and representing the liberated
But aside from the caste feeling of superiority due to
their white blood, their longer period of freedom, and their
somewhat superior education, these Northern mulattoes were
in other ways disqualified for any real leadership. The
mulattoes and free Negroes were for the most part city men,
while the Negroes were, and had always been, a rural popu-
lation. The natural arrogance and naive assumption of
superiority which seem everywhere to be persistent traits
of the city-bred men, served to widen the gulf that caste
feeling made between the freedmen and their proposed
leaders. They did not understand the country men. The
gap was still further widened by their lack of knowledge
of the South and the conditions prevailing there. Many of
them had been associated directly or indirectly with the
abolitionists who, though engaged for the better part of a
generation in agitation, knew nothing about the Negro,
u See Washington, Frederick Douglass, p. 270-71.
Booker T. Washington, "Negro Disfranchisement and the Negro in
Business," Outlook, Vol. 93, p. 311.
Mr. Washington would include the whole North as well as the abo-
344 The Mulatto in the United States

and but little about his condition. So, in addition to the

prejudices and misconceptions common to their locality,
the mulattoes were handicapped for any real leadership by
the possession of a whole body of sentimental doctrine which
when not false seldom had any relation to the objective facts.
The abolitionists, and consequently their followers, saw
everything in terms of their propaganda ; their zealous de-

votion to their cause obscured their perception of reality.

Facts were made to fit theory. They did not look upon
the Negro as a primitive man whom slavery had been slowly
raising to a higher cultural level; they looked upon him
as an individual whom slavery had degraded to his present
condition; and attributed to him all the desirable traits
of human nature. The Negro of their conception was an
idealized abstraction; a glorified creature of the imagina-
tion and of the Uncle Tom's type of literature. 15 The re-

frain of the abolitionists that the Negro was "half a cen-

tury ahead of the poor white man of the South," was ac-
cepted by their mulatto disciples as a fact. They rarely
had anything more than a superficial comprehension of the
meaning of the anti-slavery propaganda in which they took
part; they were full of words, abstractions and misconcep-

litionists. ". . . the people of the North had . . . little knowledge of

the Negro's character. Frederick Douglass, p. 248.
. .

"The Negro inherits a brain which work has cultivated for four
and added to it the skill of a practical hand. The white
man sodden by the idleness of four generations, and he
inherits a brain
has improved his birthright by a life of soddenness. Fairly con- . . .

sidered, the only class ready for suffrage in the South is the Negro.'*
Wendell Phillips, 1865. Quoted by F. A. Bancroft, Negro in
Politics, p. 10.
This idea persists among the Northern mulattoes even to-day. "I
do not think it is claiming too much to say that 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'
was a fair and truthful panorama of slavery; ." James W. John- . .

son, The Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man, p. 40.

Role of the Mulatto in the United States 345

tions, and, at the close of the war, they were dominated

by the fixed determination to reverse the economic and so-
cial status of the two races in the South.
When these South after the war to
men went into the
become leaders of the newly-freed race, many of them for the
first time came into contact with the real Negro. They had
known an abstraction. The Negro and the conditions of
his life were so unlike their expectations, and their own
training was so pitifully inadequate that, in the crisis of
their disillusionment in regard to the Negro's character and
conditions, they were in general unable to accommodate
themselves to the real conditions in such a way as to make
them valuable men in the situation. The disillusionment
brought a reaction in their sentiments and their attitudes
toward him and toward themselves. 16 They became resent-
ful toward the Negro. They were unwilling or unable to

16 ".
. . We passed along until, finally we turned into a street . . .

and here I caught my first sight of colored people in large numbers. . . .

here I saw a street crowded with them. They filled the shops and
thronged the sidewalks and lined the curb. I asked my companion if
all the colored people in Atlanta lived in this street. He said they did
not, . . . The unkempt appearance, the shambling, slouching gait and
loud talk and laughter of these people aroused in me a feeling of almost
repulsion. . .
." Johnson, The Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man,
pp. 53-54.
"The most bitter arraignment of the Negro which at the same time
keeps accurately to the facts is the volume of W. H. Thomas, The
American Negro, a mulatto who went South after the War to be a
leader of the race. As a disclosure of the mulattoes' sentiments and
attitudes it is the most valuable single document in Negro literature.

It states the things that others deny or endeavor to conceal. Said one
of the most widely known mulattoes of the race in discussing the book:
"Of course it's true; every word of it is true. But, damn it, we don't
want those things told." The chief value of the document, however,
is quite aside from the facts with which it deals. It lies in the treat-

ment of the facts, in the naive disclosure of the psychology of the dis-

illusioned mulatto.
346 The Mulatto in the United States

put themselves on a social par with the freedman and to

attempt to help him. They became more and more ashamed
of their race and of the color which associated them with
it. Their contempt for the blacks, combined with their
general ignorance of what to do or how to do it, made them
for the most part men of no value in the situation. Instead
of leaders, the mulattoes from the North tended to become
agitators and so to become an additional race problem with-
in the already difficult one of readjusting the relationships
of the races.
The political reconstruction of the South gave a brief
opportunity for the mulatto and Negro politicians. 19 In
spite of the War and the Emancipation, the bulk of the
Southern Negroes remained loyal to their Southern whites
and willing to be by them. 20 In order to insure the per-
manent supremacy of the Republican party in national
politics, it was deemed necessary to use the newly-freed

blacks. 21 But to do this, it was necessary to separate them

The repulsive reaction of the Northern trained mulatto in contact
for the time with the real Negro has found its best expression to

date in the book of Mr. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk. This book
is the outcome of the brief period of bitter exile which the author

spent as a teacher in a Negro school in the South. Aside from the

subject matter of which they treat these essays are an illuminating dis-
closure of the psychology of a timid and unpractical man, white in train-
ing,association, and thought and nearly white in appearance, with no
realknowledge of his race and with only an academic sympathy for it,
who is thrown for the first time among a body of blacks, classed with
them, compelled to find his associates among them and who refuses,
subconsciously, to accept the classification.
These Negro politicians were very largely recruited from the free
Negro class of the South.
Mr. Washington says that the Negro would have followed the lead-
ership of the Southern white "as willingly, if not more willingly, than
that which he did accept." Frederick Douglass, p. 254.
"As you once needed the muskets of the blacks, so now you need
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 347

'in sympathy from their late masters. The first agency in

was the Freedman's Bureau.
the destruction of this loyalty
To complete the work of alienating the sympathy of the
Southern whites and blacks, and to anchor the black vote
to the Republican party, was a task of the Reconstruction
policy in general. To this end, every means known to venal
politics — —
from simple theft to official murder was employed
without scruple or hesitation by a group of men debased
beyond the power of common language to describe. Both
races suffered from the policy.
In this period, the Negro and mulatto leaders were simply
tools in the hands of the vandals. The independent part
they had in the political life of the time was not an im-
portant nor a creditable one. A few men of ability ap-
peared and also a few honest ones. 22 The majority of these
men and all of any ability were mulattoes. The great mass
of these Negro politicians, however, was not markedly su-
perior to the rank and file of the newly enfranchised race,
and even the best were moved by no conceptions of unselfish
public policy. In nearly all cases, they were wholly un-

their votes." Charles Sumner, Speech in the Senate, Works, Vol. 11,
p. 50.
Washington, Frederick Douglass, pp. 278-80.
See, also, Negro Year Book for lists of these Negro politicians
of Reconstruction days.
"Beverly Nash, for many years the leader in the Senate and on the
stump, had been a boot-black and a hotel porter." Bancroft, The
Negro in Politics, p. 30. Nash was known as "a five thousand dollar
man," that being the amount he always asked for his vote on important
24 "
if the Negro knows enough to fight for his country, he knows
'. . .

enough to vote; if he knows enough to pay taxes to support the govern-

ment, he knows enough to vote; if he knows as much when sober as an
Irishman knows when he is drunk, he knows enough to vote.' " Fred-
erick Douglass. Quoted by Washington, Frederick Douglass, pp. 258-59.
348 The Mulatto in the United States

educated, 25 without responsibility, 26 and devoid of any sense

of public or private honesty. They were, just as they were
intended to be, simply a convenient means by which the
white politicians could more easily rob and steal: the Negro
was frequently allowed the questionable honor of holding a
political position, while the white politician collected the
plunder. 27
The end of the Reconstruction Period marked an end
of the Negro as a participant in the local political situation
in the Southern States. The withdrawal of the Federal
troops and the restoration of law and order, left them with-
out a vocation or a support ; they had no work or place in
the life of the society. In large measure, they left the
South at the close of the period. The Federal government,
however, always has been liberal in the bestowal of political i

officeson the Negro politicians, and a few continued to

exist throughout the South.
The reaccommodation war and the
of the races after the
Emancipation, and especially after the period of political
reconstruction, took place in accordance with local condi-
tions. The difference in different regions was, in the main,
due to the presence of larger or smaller numbers of the un-
assimilated element in the body politic. In regions where
the numbers were not great, they could be ignored; the

In the South Carolina Legislature of 1873 for example, many of
the members could neither read nor write. In Mississippi "the County
supervisors were often black, only a few of whom could either read
or write." Bancroft, The Negro in Politics, pp. 30, 39-40.
In the South Carolina Senate 1868, "Only four of the Negro Sena-
tors were on the tax books; and they together paid only $2.10. Fifty-
eight of the colored representatives paid no taxes." Ibid., p. 22.
"After a session or two of apprenticeship under white leaders, many
of the Negro officials became adepts in the shameless practices of the
time." Ibid., pp. 29 ff.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 349

greater percentage of Negroes in other regions colored the

whole subsequent growth of the community life. At no time
or place, however, were the Negroes able to exercise any
marked influence on the course of events they were nowhere;

able to modify the attitudes or even the overt acts of the

dominant group. The policy or lack of policy was every-
where dictated by the white race. On the side of the Ne-
groes, it was marked by their accommodation to a social

policy which they were not able to control or modify. The

policy has varied from time to time and from place to place,
but it has done so without consulting the wishes of the Ne-
groes. The single universal fact has been the consistent
denial of social equality to members of the race.

In the South, the emancipation of the Negro was followed

by a prolonged period of unfortunate doctrinaire experi-
mentation which retarded a reaccommodation between the
races that held any promise of permanence or mutual satis-

faction. The first effect of the emancipation, once the Ne-

groes realized its actuality, was a complete and profound
economic, social, and moral disorganization of the Negro
people. The white South was confronted with the problem
of adjusting the relations of the races in conformity with
the changed economic and legal conditions. There was
no precedent to guide them. Nowhere had two such races
ever arrived at mutually satisfactory working relations on
any other basis than that of superiority and subordina-
tion. Slavery of the one by the other was the only adjust-
ment that ever had worked.
The natural difficulty of the problem was made yet more
difficult by the period of punishment visited on the South in

the decade following the War. The promise of government

grants of land and other property by the confiscation of
the property of the white South and its redistribution among
350 The Mulatto in the United States

the late slaves, intensified the general economic disorganiza-

tion resulting from the war and the emancipation of the
slaves, and spread among the Negroes a general discontent
with their condition and a disinclination to improve it by
any real and continued effort. The efforts to improve
the Negroes' condition by means of a fashionable literary
education, diverted some of the best energies of the race
from the simpler and more important forms of education,
produced a class of superficially educated men unfitted for
any useful work among their people. The increase in
number of these, like the increase of the uneducated idle
riff-raff, aggravated the friction between the races. 29 The
efforts of the missionaries and others to bring about a revo-
lution in the Negroes' character and in the inter-racial social
life,inflamed their social ambitions and alienated the sym-
pathy of the whites. The enfranchisement of the blacks
prevented any normal division of opinion on matters of a
public social nature.The paramount need of bending every
efforttoward the preservation of their civilization retarded
progress toward a permanent and mutually satisfactory ad-
justment between the races. 30 The result of this period was
the almost complete destruction of the mutually sympathetic
feelingswhich so generally had characterized the relations
of the races during the slave period. 31 As time went on,
such friendlly association as survived the Reconstruction
days —principally that between the older slaves and the
W. L. Fleming, "Forty Acres and a Mule," North American Review,
Vol. 182, pp. 721-37.
McCord, The American Negro as a Dependent, Defective and Delin-
quent, p. 65.
Bruce, "Race Segregation in the United States," Hibbert Jour-
nal, Vol. 13, p. 868.
"McCord, The American Negro as a Dependent, Defective and Delin-
quent, p. 18.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 351

older slave masters —became less and less. The younger

generation of both races had not the body of sentiment to
withstand the crisis ; those of a later generation lacked it

altogether. 32 After a decade, the mechanics and skilled

workmen in all industrial and domestic lines who had re-

ceived their training under the slave regime, began to dis-

appear or to become too old for further effective employ-
ment. 33 The new education had trained no younger ones
to take their places. A decline in the Negroes' condition
was inevitable ; all through the period of political and so-
cial agitation and of classical education, the race lost
ground. It was in the eighties that the Northern political,
educational, and religious tutelage of the post-bellum pe-
riod was coming to fruitage. 34
In the meanwhile, however, there were other forces at
work making for an adjustment of the races in accordance
with the character of the two races and in response to the

"The entire body of Negroes, under middle age, have not even
a tradition among them of that kindly intercourse between the master
and his bondsmen which did so much
smooth away the harsher feat-
ures of slavery in its They cannot understand the
practical working.
feeling of loyalty which made their fathers the faithful protectors of the
Southern white women and children when all the white men had been
enrolled in the armies of the Confederacy." Bruce, Hibbert Journal,
Vol. 13, p. 870. This loyalty of the slave to his former master is a
thing that frequently does not fall within the comprehension of the
present generation of mulattoes. Benjamin Brawley, one of the most
capable of the present generation of mulattoes, discussing with con-
siderable insight the recent fiction dealing with Negro characters, is

unable to grasp the fact that a Negro of exceptional type should have
preferred to remain with the old master. See, "The Negro in American
Fiction," Dial, Vol. 60, pp. 445-50, especially the criticism of "Abraham's
Freedom" {Atlantic, 9-1912), pp. 448-49.
Booker T. Washington, The Future of the American Negro, Chap-
ter 3.
Sir Harry H. Johnston, The Negro in the New World, p. 403.
352 The Mulatto in the United States

influences of thecommon environment. There was slowly

growing up a body of industrious, law-abiding, and self-
respecting Negroes, and with their increase in number, in
wealth, and in self-respect, they were assuming a growing
importance in the affairs of the race. Previous to the Eman-
cipation, there was throughout the South a goodly number
of property-owning free Negroes with a respected position
in the life of the community. In the decades immediately
following the emancipation of the Negroes, the Federal
government distributed among them a considerable amount
of property and, in addition to this Federal aid, there was
the plunder which in many of the states came to the race
during the period of Negro domination in political affairs. 35
After the war, and especially after the Reconstruction
Period, a goodly number of Negroes had returned to their
plantations, 36 or had settled down elsewhere and had begun
to lead a frugal and industrious life, to educate their children
and otherwise to make a common sense effort to improve
their condition. 37 The conditions of life were absurdly
easy. 38 Any industrious and sober man could, as the re-
sult of a few years' labor, become possessed of sufficient
In only a few cases, however, were the Negro politicians sufficiently
shrewd to save the fortunes accumulated through theft and corruption
during the period of Negro domination.
Nicholas Worth, Autobiography, p. 14.
For the most part these were men who had received an industrial
education under the slave regime. See Washington, "The Story of
the Negro," Outlook, Vol. 93, p. 311.
"It was easy to live in the South. The mild climate and fertile
soil, the abundance of game in forest and stream, the bountiful supply
of wild fruits, the accessibility of forests with firewood free to all, the
openhanded generosity and universal carelessness of living made it pos-
sible for the average Negro to idle away at least half his time and
yet live in tolerable comfort." G. S. Winston, "The Relations of the
Whites to the Negroes." Annals of the American Academy of Political
and Social Science, July, 1901.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 353

land and other property to make him independent of the

wage system. An honest, industrious, and useful Negro
citizenship was the desire of the white South and every
Negro who showed a disposition to improve his condition
received the encouragement and assistance of the better
class of white men. In spite of all this, however, the growth
of the middle-class was abnormally slow 40 but there grad-

ually emerged a body of men within the race possessed

of a little property and of an ambition to accumulate
The two forces chiefly responsible for the rise of this
racially independent middle-class, and a consequent new
adjustment of the races, were the growth of the agricul-
tural and industrial education for the Negro and the segre-
gation of the Negro by the whites. 41 The whole movement
to develop an industrially-educated, land-owning, law-abid-
ing, and decent-living Negro group among the blacks, usu-
ally thought of in connection with the name of Booker T.
Washington, was the result of an effort on the part of the
white South and some of the saner leaders among the
Negro people to make the Negro see and grasp his oppor-
tunity. 42 The movement was based on the wreck of the
So general was the assistance of Southern white men to the am-
bitious and law-abiding Negro that Mr. Washington, himself the best
representative of this growing middle-class, says that almost every
successful man of the race can trace his success to the assistance of some
white neighbor or friend. The Story of the Negro, Vol. % pp. 35 ff\
Chapter 2, "The Rise of the Negro Land-Owner," gives
Ibid., Vol. 2,
the most favorable statement of the case that can be made.
These two main forces were, of course, assisted or modified by va-
rious minor factors operating locally.
"A very weak argument often used against pushing industrial
training for the Negro is that the Southern white man favors it, and
therefore, it is not best for the Negro." Washington, The Future of
the American Negro, p. 64.

354 The Mulatto in the United States

earlier efforts to improve the condition of the Negroes.

Classical education for the race was everywhere recognized
to have failed. 43 The citizenship that had been given them
had proved their detriment. 44 The campaign for social
equality had been even more injurious to the Negroes and
had proved even more of a failure. 40 The discussion of
the Negroes' political status had served only to alienate the
sympathy of the white man without resulting in any gain
to the Negroes. Antagonizing the white man, bewailing the
fate of the Negroes, and blaming others for their pitiable
condition, did not improve the situation. The industrial
movement was based on a recognition of the facts and a
knowledge of the conditions. There was a frank recognition
of the failure of the earlier program, an honest admission
of the Negroes' defects of character, an honest admission
of the fact that the Negroes lacked not opportunity so
much as energy and intelligence to take advantage of their
opportunities was a recognition that cooperation
; there
between the races was necessary if the Negroes were to

Just as the ideal of literary training for primitive people has every-
where failed to produce satisfactory results. "The defect of a primarily
literary training lies in the fact that it distracts attentionfrom the real
intellectual needs of a race. ... It ordinarily leads to a dangerous half-
education implying a well-trained memory but an undeveloped judg-
ment, together with an overweening self-confidence and vanity. . .

Paul S. Reinsch, Colonial Administration, pp. 49-50.

Washington, The Future of the American Negro, p. 65.
Booker T. Washington, "Let Down Your Buckets Where You Are,"
Address delivered at the Cotton States Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia,
September 18, 1895. Reprinted in Booker T. Washington, Up From
Slavery: Autobiography, pp. 217-37.
Hubert H. Bancroft, The New Pacific, pp. 606-7.
Evans, Black and White in the Southern States, pp. 205-6.
See Edward Ingle, The Negro in the District of Columbia, p. 42.
"Evans, Black and White in the Southern States, pp. 204-5.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 355

prove themselves desirable members of society. 49 It was a

movement from within the race and the section of the coun-
try affected.
Washington and Tuskegee were selected to symbolize the
movement which has come to be the most important factor
working for the development of the Negro. The movement
helped to build up a self-respecting and useful group of
successful farmers, mechanics, tradesmen, teachers, and the
like who were not ashamed of their work or of their color. 50

It did, in a constructive and positive way, what the policy

of segregation was doing in a negative way. 51 The Negro
began to buy land and to assume a fixed habitation. To
the extent that he did so, he became an independent and
self-respecting man and an asset to the community in which
he lived. 52 As this self-respecting class grew in numbers,
wealth, and importance, it formed the nucleus about which
the race could unite. It was the basis for a nationality.
As the spirit of race pride and race consciousness and pride
of accomplishment increased, there was an increasing tend-
ency to race separation and consequently to the develop-
ment of the bi-racial type of adjustment.
Meanwhile, and from a diametrically opposite direction,
the policy of segregation operated to build up an independ-
ent Negro group. The segregation of the Negroes in many
of the relations of life had, at the desire of the Negroes

McCord, The American Negro as a Defective, Dependent and Delin-
quent, p. 125.
The opponents of Mr. Washington deny that there is a "scintilla
of evidence to show that the increase in these ventures and in property
owning by Negroes is due solely or even mainly to the influence of in-
dustrial and agricultural education." V. P. Thomas, The Crisis, July,
1913, p. 145.
Booker T. Washington, The Story of the Negro, Vol. 1, p. 31.
See Evans, Black and White in the Southern States, p. 204.
356 The Mulatto in the United States

themselves, taken place long before the Emancipation. With

the freedom of the slaves came more voluntary segregation
and, as the South began to recover from the financial effects
of the War and the Reconstruction, came legal separation
in more and more lines. With the disappearance of the
older generation of slaves and slave-masters and the ap-
pearance of a newer generation containing many idle, in-

solent, and dangerously criminal Negroes, the legal separa-

tion of the races was adopted as a matter of police protec-
tion. It served to avoid the constant conflicts resulting
from the contact of the rougher classes of the two races. 53
It kept apart the ignorant and the vicious of the two races
and so made for harmony in the racial life of the com-
munity. 54 Residential segregation always had been the rule,
but the desire to get away from the rougher and more ig-

norant classes and to be among the whites led certain pros-

perous and ambitious Negroes and mulattoes to move into
white residential districts. Whether the motives impelling
such actions on the part of the Negroes was a desire to
assert their equality with the whites, or the perfectly laud-
able desire to live in better localities and to get their chil-
dren away from the moral dangers which surrounded the
predominantly Negro districts, their presence was equally
offensive to the white residents. The uniform result of such
actions on the part of the Negroes was the withdrawal of
the whites, the consequent depreciation in the value of the
property, and the section becoming a Negro settlement.
Legal residential segregation grew up in order to restrain,

In New Orleans, for example, where there existed a large number
of free mulattoes, separate accommodations were provided long before
the War.
McCord, The American Negro as a Dependent, Defective and Delin-
quent, p. 273.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 357

not the mass of the race but the ambitious Negroes and
mulattoes who desired to escape from the race and asso-
ciate with, and live among, the whites.
As the practice of racial segregation spread, it was pres-

ently seen that, in some ways at least, it was proving a

real help to the Negroes. It kept the race together, pre-
vented the loss by the race of its superior and talented
individuals. It forced the Negroes back upon themselves,
forced them to rely more upon themselves and less upon
the whites, and it forced them to develop and to manage
their own institutions and to develop their own social and
economic life. As they were forced to become more self-

dependent, they gained in self-confidence and consequently

in self-respect. In a negative way, the practice of segre-
gation combined with the industrial and agricultural educa-
tional policy to build up an independent and self-reliant

peasantry and middle-class group. Before the Negroes lay

the greatest economic opportunity ever offered to the peas-
antry of any country in the world. The educational leaders
sought to impress this fact upon the race ; the segregation
policy forced the Negroes to embrace the opportunity be-
fore them. To the extent that the Negroes became settled
and industrious, they became prosperous. As they became
prosperous they became contented, law-abiding, and valu-
able men in the community. Consequently, the segregation
policy was further extended and advocated, 56 not alone as
a defensive measure and because of the harmony it gave in
the affairs of the races, but as the most effective legal

E. G. Murphy, The Schools of the People. Evans, Black and
White in the Southern States, p. 156.
M Frequently by the Negroes. For example: "Let us as a race not
wait for the Caucasian to force us but let us segregate voluntarily in
every particular. The white man has suggested it and now let us fol-
358 The Mulatto in the United States

method, so far discovered, to help the Negroes to help them-


With the growth of a middle-class, chiefly through the

operation of these two factors, and its increase in numbers
and in importance in the affairs of the race, there is coming
to be a new and a radically different type of adjustment
between the races in the South. 57 This new adjustment
tends to be a bi-racial one: a vertical division on race lines.

The two races are separate in all those relations where

opportunity for conflict seems likely to arise between indi-
vidual members, and in all things social or that remotely
imply social equality. Their residence districts are apart.
They have separate accommodations when they travel.

Their schools, churches, lodges, and places of entertainment

and amusement are separate and distinct. Each race has
itsown organizations, and manages its own affairs. They
cooperate or oppose each other as races on matters affect-
ing the relations of the races. In matters of mutual con-
cern, a conference between the representatives or leaders
of the two races arranges for cooperative action. Each is

held responsible for the individual behavior of the members

of its own group. They may work for the same ends, inde-
pendently but cooperatively ; except, however, in the strictly

low it up. His prescription [proscription?] and boycotting will help us

to get together, if we have an ounce of race pride." The Conservative
Counselor, Waco, Texas, 9-2-1915. See, also, "Editorial Comment," The
A fro-American, Baltimore, Maryland, 12-11-1915.
This view is of course almost as superficial as that of the militant
mulattoes who violently oppose every tendency toward segregation. Both
are surface views. The real ground on which the policy is to be de-
fended, from the Negroes' point of view, is indicated below. See pp.
390 ff. Residential segregation was declared unconstitutional by a
ruling of the United States Supreme Court 11-5-1917.
The adjustment
bi-racial is of course not anywhere complete; it is

in the process of becoming.

Role of the Mulatto in the United States 359

business relation of employer and employee, the races need

not come into contact ; they remain separate groups. They
live a life apart, beside each other and yet separate in all

the affairs of social and community life.

The bi-racial arrangement —the separation of the Negroes

from the whites and their independence in many of the
affairs of life — created a need and supplied a place for the
superior men of the race. Under the earlier conditions, the
Negroes had looked to the whites as the superior and edu-
cated class and depended upon them for advice and lead-
ership ; they uniformly preferred the services of white pro-
fessional and business men to the services of the professional
and business men of their own race. To the extent that the
races became separated and the Negroes gained in inde-
pendence and developed a sense of racial pride and self-

reliance, there was a place for an educated class within the

race ; there was a need for teachers and preachers, for physi-
cians and lawyers, for business men and entertainers, and
for all the host of other parasitic and semi-parasitic classes
that go to make up a modern community. With the rise
of a middle-class, the race was able to support a profes-
sional and
leisure class previously the educated Negro was

an and a parasite. The isolation of the race forced


the Negroes to depend upon their own educated men and

so made a place for such men.
Within the Negro group and catering to their own peo-
ple, the men superior by nature, by virtue of education,
because of special training, because of natural shrewdness,
because of the possession of property or by virtue of the
possession of the elements of natural leadership, became the
leaders of the race. The separation of the races freed the
Negro professional and business men from the competition
of the better trained and more efficient white men and con-
360 The Mulatto in the United States

sequently gave them an opportunity to rise out of all pro-

portion to their native ability and training. The plane of
competition became one on which they could hope to suc-
ceed. The older —the slave and reconstruction plan of ad-
justment —was an accommodation on horizontal lines. The
white man was at the top, the black man was at the bot-
tom. It was a caste distinction that prevented the rise of

the capable individual out of his group. In the newer ar-

rangement, the opportunity to was limited only by

the ability and the industry of the individual man. There

was no superior caste above him.
As has been previously pointed out in detail, the superior
men of the race are, with scarcely the proverbial exception,
mulattoes. 58 The segregation of the Negroes, the rise of
a middle-class, and the consequent bi-racial adjustment of
the races thus have made a place and furnished a vocation
for the mulattoes. Unable to escape the race and unable
to constitute a caste above the race, they remained with
the race and became its real leaders. They are the pro-
fessional and business men of the race. They are the
leaders in all the racial and inter-racial affairs. The bi-

racial arrangement gives the mulatto the opportunity for

a useful life and, at the same time, it allows him to remain
R. Brackett, The Negro in Maryland, p. 94.
00 ".
Although resenting a classification which they consider illogi-
. .

cal and unnatural, they have never been given any choice in the matter
and they have, at last, come to acquiesce in the arrangement. What
is the result? It is leading to the unification of all A fro- Americans as
no personal inclination or mutual persuasion could have done. The
'colored' (mulatto) class, which contains the most intelligent and ambi-
tious men of the race, has deliberately thrown its lot with the black,
and set itself to the task of educating and training them for the great
struggle which they believe is to come. . .". W. P. Livingstone, "The
West Indian and the American Negro," North American Review, Vol.
185, p. 646.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 361

superior to his black fellows.

These Southern mulatto leaders, however, are men who,
at least outwardly, consider themselves Negroes. 60 They
are men who have given up, in practice if not in theory,
the hopeless struggle for social recognition by the whites
and identified themselves with the black group. 61 Their
status is fixed ; they are members of the Negro race. Social
equality with the whites is out of the question and the de-
nial of it ceases to disturb them. The success they make
in life is in another direction and the amount of it depends
upon themselves. They are men who have concealed, if they
have not succeeded in overcoming, their aversion for the
black man. They do not openly flaunt their superiority
because of their white blood, and they find their life and
their work among their darker and more backward fellows.
The mulattoes, for the most part Southern mulattoes, have,
in this new adjustment of the races, found their place as
the real and natural leaders of the race. They are the
men who teach the black man in the schools and in the
Negro colleges, who preach to him from the pulpits, who
manage his banks and business enterprises, who rise to prom-
inence in all the social, political, and economic affairs of

"I love my people and prefer to live among them. I am not ashamed
of being a Negro." C. V. Roman, "Racial Self-respect and Racial
Antagonism," Atlanta Congress, 1913, p. 445.
The condition of the mulatto or educated Negro who has not yet
reached this point in his development appears everywhere in the writings
of the mulattoes. For example: ". there is to my mind no more
. .

pathetic side to this many sided question than the isolated position into
which are forced the very colored people who most need and could best
appreciate sympathetic cooperation; [the educated and upper classes]
and their position grows tragic when the effort is made to couple them,
whether or no, with the Negroes of the first class I mentioned [the
lower classes]." Johnson, The Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man,
p. 78.
362 The Mulatto in the United States

the race. They, too, are the men who rob and defraud him
in the lodges, who grow wealthy, through appealing to the
Negro's desire to be like the white man, with nostrums to
blanch the skin and straighten the hair, who gain wealth
and distinction among their race by fostering, and catering
to,the Negro's morbid interest in and superstitious fear
of death and love of vulgar funeral display. But whether
they guide and help the black man or fatten on his gulli-
bility? they are in every respect the prominent men of the
race and the leaders in the race's social affairs. Whether
1 hey are engaged in robbing the black man, preaching to
him, healing his sick or burying his dead, and in spite of
their concealed dislike and their contempt for the degraded
black man, the mulattoes are endeavoring to raise him to
a higher mental, moral, and industrial plane.
The organization takes on the form of a primary group
relation. From the similarity of life and activities, comes
a similarity of sentiments and ideas. The mulattoes and
other superior men become an integral part of the race, de-
sirous of a respected place in the thoughts of the group,
and ambitious for an honored place in its counsels. The
mulatto feels himself in alliance with the group and in the
cooperation of common activities a sympa-
there arises
thetic understanding and appreciation which fuses the mu-
latto, in sentiments and attitudes, with the larger whole.
He is identified with the black group, mute long-
feels the
ing of the common folk, feels himself a part of it, is moulded
by it, and comes, little by little, to realize himself as a
factor in the common life and purpose of the group. He
ceases to be, in thought and feeling, a stranger among his
people; he learns to appreciate them, ceases to be ashamed
of his relationship to them, ceases to resent being classed
with them. Their problems become his problems ; their life,
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 368

his life. The mulatto thus ceases to be a problem within

a problem; he becomes a functioning unit in the social life

of an evolving people.
In the South, as elsewhere among the Negro people, the
mulattoes enjoy a prestige because of their color; the Ne-
groes readily accept them as superior men. The condi-
tions of life for the Negroes are decidedly easier in the
South than in other sections of the country and this is

especially the case for the mulattoes and other men of busi-
ness and professional training. 62 To the extent that they
do a work for the good of the race and live an honest and
industrious life, they are helped by the white man and do
not have to meet his competition. Race prejudice and dis-
crimination are less clearly manifested than in sections
of the country where the struggle for professional exist-
ence is somewhat more severe, and where the tolerance of
racial shortcomings is less evident. There is no lack of

be remembered, of course, that in competition, the Southern
It is to
trained Negro has proven his equality if not his superiority to the North-
ern trained Negro. See G. E. Haynes, The Negro at Work in New
York City, pp. 50 ff.
E. R. Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, p. 149.
Editorial, The Free Lance, 11-6-1915.
"Despite evidences of racial friction which crop out here and there,
the relations existing between the individual Negro and the individual
white man are often closer and better understood and more sympa-
thetic than those obtaining in any community outside of the South."
Booker T. Washington, The Southern Workman, quoted from the Chi-
cago Defender, 12-19-1914.
"For years after the war the North went into a frenzy, especially
during political campaigns, over outrages, real and alleged, upon their
colored fellow-citizens in the South. In the North to-day the Negro
has less chance to gain a livelihood above the very humblest levels than
he had twenty-five years ago, and only in rare instances does education
beyond the prime essentials benefit him in his struggles upward."
Boston Traveller, 11-15-1915.

364 The Mulatto in the United States

opportunity. There are fewer men in proportion to the num-

ber of the race who are trained and it is proportionately
easier for the men of a little training and ability to rise
to positions of importance within the group. The superior
education of the mulattoes qualifies them for leadership
their superior ambition and greater self-confidence pushes
them to the front. The mulatto, even though only slightly
superior, is assured of success once he has cast his lot with
the Negro people. His role on the Southern situation is

the role of leadership.

The role of leadership is, of course, a peculiarly difficult
one ; the Negroes do not readily follow their own best leaders.
The mass of the Negroes are ignorant, untrained in self-
direction, and not awake to the importance of self-help and
cooperative association. They are pretty generally unre-
liable and subconsciously recognize their own unreliability;
bitter experience has made them more suspicious and dis-
trustful of their own race than of the white. Petty jeal-
ousies among the leaders themselves are continually break-
ing out into factional strife. Public spirit and pride of race
is still more a hope of certain individuals than a realiza-
tion of the masses. It is the problem of the leaders of the
race to organize this ignorant and distrustful peasant peo-
ple, replace a bizarre idea of education by saner ones,
teach them the need of industry and morality, and lead
them to a respect for, and a belief in, their own race.
In those sections of the country where the Negroes are
relatively less numerous, they have in general not been
legally assigned a definite racial status in the community
life. No special provisions have been made for their edu-
cation. There are no restrictions on their place of resi-
dence. They are free to intermarry and otherwise associate
with individuals of a different racial extraction to the extent
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 365

of their desire and opportunity. There has been a refusal

on the part of the .white people to recognize publicly the
presence of the Negroes as constituting a problem distinct
from other social problems of the community life. The
policy has been rather to ignore their presence and to leave
them to accommodate themselves individually as best they
may to the social situation. Ostensibly at least, they stand
on the same legal and social footing as other members of
the population.
As a consequence of the absence of any restrictive or
other legislation applying particularly to the Negro people,
their greater individual freedom of choice and action, there
is a less definite and uniform accommodation between the
races andmore of individual variation from the usual mode.
The life, however, are markedly more difficult.
conditions of
There is more of prejudice and active discrimination in
economic and industrial relations. The individual relations
between members of the races are in general marked by
less of personal friendliness ; there is not the good-natured
expectation of inefficiency and toleration of shiftlessness
which marks the relations of the races in the South. 65 The
Negro is in individual competition with men of the other
race, and, in general, he has to measure up to their stand-
ard of efficiency and reliability in order to secure and
retain employment. Among the Negro people of the North,
therefore, there ismore failure, dissatisfaction, complaint,
more bitterness, more enforced idleness, more distress,- pov-
erty, and crime than in those sections of the country where
the Negroes do not come into direct individual competition

It has not, of course, been possible to live up to any such theory.
See the Negro Year Book, pp. 365-67.
This is due in large part to the fact that in the North the Negro
is in the city, whereas in the South he is more generally a rural man.

366 The Mulatto in the United States

with better trained and more energetic and ambitious rivals.

Among those who have succeeded, however, there are more
examples of conspicuous individual success, as measured
by white standards, than where the competition is racial
and not individual. The struggle for success is more diffi-
cult, the failures are more numerous, but the rewards of

success are greater.

There is among the Negroes in the North an absence of
unity and race solidarity. '
The numbers of the race are
relatively small, widely scattered, unorganized, and without
a common interest. It is predominantly an urban popula-
tion and stands for the most part as a population of un-
skilled laborers dependent for the means of livelihood upon

white employers; 06 Their tendency to congregate in one

or a few sections of the cities and towns gives an appearance
of unity which in reality does not exist; the residential
segregation is a matter of economic necessity rather than
a matter of choice. The race is divided into innumerable
antagonistic groups, societies, orders, factions, cliques, and
what not, endless in number and puzzling in complexity,
whose mutual jealousy and distrust prevent any united, co-
operative action. There is no leadership that has any con-
siderable following and no program for racial progress that
has the assent of more than a faction of the Negro group
there is nothing to hold the various factions together and
the group is without any semblance of organized unity.
The superior men of the race, even more than in the
South, are mulattoes. There is not, certainly, always a
sharp and complete separation; there are occasional blacks
among the educated section and by no means all the mu-
See, for example, A. P. Comstock, "Chicago Housing Conditions:
VI. The Problem of the Negro," The American Journal of Sociology,
Vol. 18, pp. 241-57.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 367

lattoes are in the non-laboring classes. But the occupa-

tional differentiation is pretty complete. Speaking gener-

ally, the successful group is a light-colored group, while
the great uneducated mass is dark. Moreover, the individ-
uals who have risen markedly above their fellows in suc-
cess in any line are, with rarely an exception, mulattoes.
The and business man are in almost
successful professional
every case men of mixed blood and generally men of rela-
tively little Negro admixture. The same thing is true of
the men prominent in every line of work. In education, the
mulattoes are almost the only members of the Negro com-
munity who avail themselves of the school opportunities
beyond the legal minimum. The prominent and educated
men and women of the race are mulattoes and the mulatto
group as a whole occupies a higher economic and intellec-

tual status than do the darker colored groups.

The Northern mulattoes are, however, in spite of their

superior education and position, without a definite role in

the inter-racial life of the community. More than in the

Southern section of the country, the mulattoes are separated

in fact and sympathy from the mass of the race. They

are proud of their European blood, their smoother features,

their "better" hair and their higher economic status; they
are not always careful to conceal the fact. Frequently
they live apart from the Negro community, find their social

life among others of their kind, attend white churches or

form congregations of their own class and color. The
upper class mulattoes are frequently without much acquaint-
ance with the real Negroes. In their professional or busi-
ness life, they are separated from the mass of the race and
come often into very little contact with them even in a busi-
See E. H. Abbott, "The South and the Negro," The Outlook, Vol.
77, pp. 367 ff.
368 The Mulatto in the United States

ness way. Their idea of the Negro and their attitude to-
ward him, and the attitude of the white man.
is the idea
The attitude is less kindly toleration and
one of more or
mild contempt which changes to active discrimination and
positive hatred when the Negro assumes the attitude of an
equal and seeks the privilege of social equality. In their
public utterances the Negro may be idealized, but there is
no desire or disposition on the part of the mulatto to have
any intimate association with him.
Yet the mulattoes assume the role of spokesman for the
race; they undertake to represent the Negro and to speak
for him. Their superior education, their higher economic
status as well as their greater individual success, and their
more prominent position give plausibility to their assump-
tion of leadership and allow them, rather than men who are
closer to the race and better able to voice the feelings and
attitudes of the inarticulate mass, to get themselves accepted
as representatives of the Negroes. They appear as cham-
pions of the Negro at all times when there is profit or noto-
riety to be gained by so doing. They make incendiary
speeches, draw up petitions and protests, appear before leg-
islative and executive committees as the representatives of a
people they only imperfectly represent. They are the men
Mr. Washington had in mind when he wrote:

. there are others who claim that the Negro is

. .

too submissive. The latter insist that, if he had the

courage to stand up and denounce his detractors in the
same harsh and bitter terms that these persons use to-
ward him, in a short time he would win the respect
of the world, and the only obstacle to his progress
would be removed.
It is interesting, sometimes amusing, and sometimes
The Story of the Negro, Vol. 1, pp. 190-91.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 36b

even pathetic, to note the conception of "bravery" and

"courage" which some colored men, who put their faith
in this solution of the Negro problem, occasionally ap-
ply to other members of their race. For a long time
after freedom came, and the same is not infrequently
true at the present time, any black man who was will-
ing, either in print or in public speech, to curse and
abuse the white man, easily gained for himself a repu-
tation of great courage. He might spend thirty min-
utes or an hour once a year in that kind of "vindica-
tion" of his race, but he got the reputation of being
an exceedingly brave man. Another man, who worked
patiently and persistently for } ears in a Negro school,

depriving himself of many of the comforts and necessi-

ties of life, in order to perform a service which would
uplift his race, gained no reputation for courage. On
the contrary, he was likely to be denounced as a coward
by the "heroes," because he chose to do his work with-
out cursing, without abuse, and without complaint.

The larger part of the present-day discussion of inter-

race matters, the agitations for social and political rights
and privileges, the fulminations against discriminations,
the exaggerations of real and fancied wrongs, is not the
work of Negroes. It is a small, widely scattered, light-
colored and largely deracialized group of mulattoes who have
not found their place in the bi-racial community life —who
refuse to be Negroes and are refused the opportunity to be
white —whose sentiments and attitudes find expression in
the present-day agitations. The bitter, abusive tone of so
much present-day Negro literature does not voice the atti-
tude of the Negro the real Negro is remarkably free from

bitterness. The rank and file are intimately concerned with

the daily problem of earning a living; they accept the social
situation and their place therein more as a matter of fact
than as a hardship. The abstract rights for which certain
370 The Mulatto in the United States

individuals and groups within the race contend interest

them very little or not at all. The Negroes have given very
little support to the so-called radical movements. 69 A na-
tive common sense leads them to a half-conscious recognition
of the futility of systematically antagonizing the race upon
which they are so largely dependent. The trend of senti-
ment has been away from, rather than towards, an advocacy
of rights and privileges which they are not in a position to
demand and which the opposite race seems less and less in-
clined to bestow upon them. There has been a pretty gen-
eral acceptance by the more intelligent Negroes in all sec-
tions of the country of the Southern point of view. 70
The agitations of the mulatto groups and individuals
are, for obvious reasons, carried on in the name of the
Negro, not in the name of the mulatto. The ends to be
reached are such as concern the real Negroes very little.

The agitations voice the bitterness of the superior mulat-

toes, of the deracialized men of education, culture, and re-
finement who resent and rebel against the intolerant social
edict that excludes them from white society and classes
them with the despised race. The demands resolve them-
selves in last analysis into a demand that all race distinc-
tions be blotted out and that each man be accepted on the
basis of his individual merit irrespective of his race or

The National Association for the Advancement of the Colored Peo-
ple, the chief present-day association concerned with the political rights
and the social ambitions of the Negroes, claims a membership of only
9,500. Of this membership many, perhaps the great majority, are white
persons. Certainly the organization has always been financed and largely
managed by white persons. See The Crisis, 3-1916, p. 225.
Many leading Negroes who were
earlier identified with the move-
ment Booker T. Washington, later went
in opposition to the policies of
over to the constructive point of view. See, for e.g., John Daniels, In
Freedom's Birthplace, p. 128.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 371

The result of the adoption of such a policy would
be, of course, to allow the exceptional men of the race, that
is the mulattoes, to escape from it and be accepted by and
absorbed into the white race. The demands of the militant
mulattoes thus amount to a plea for special privilege; it
is a plea for themselves and not for the Negroes. They ask
the opportunity to escape from the race toward which they
feel much the same prejudice as does the white man/ They

are Negroes only by compulsion.

The North is thus, in very
inter-racial situation in the
large part, a caste arrangement. The mulattoes are the
superior men and form, or tend to form, a separate and ex-
clusive class above the race. They assume the role of

spokesman for the race but they are not an integral part of
it as are the mulatto leaders of the South. The Negroes
resent,more or less, the mulattoes' assumption of superior-
ity their presuming to speak for a race with whom
they neither live nor associate. At the same time, it is the
desire of every ambitious Negro to secure admittance to
the more exclusive circles and to escape from the black
group. The mulattoes are rather outside the race, above
it. They have not given up the hope of equality with the
whites ; they are not satisfied to be Negroes and to find their
lifeand their work among the members of the race. They
are contemptuous of the blacks who are socially below them
and envious of the whites who are socially above them. The
accommodation of the races is on horizontal lines with the
educated and light-colored mulattoes standing between the
blacks and the whites.
The arrangement, however, seems to lack the elements
of permanence. The realization of the mulattoes' ambi-
See, for example, "Editorial," The Crisis, 2-1914, pp. 186-87. Also,
Katherine B. Davis, The Crisis, 6-1914, pp. 83-84,
372 The Mulatto in the United States

tion is dependent upon a change of attitude on the part of

the white population. Their recognition of the mulatto
as superior to the black Negro would insure the perma-
nence of the mulatto caste ; it would give it a recognized
place in the society. 72 Their granting of the demands for
a complete removal of all distinctions based on race or
color would allow the escape from the race of the superior
and light colored individuals. But curiously enough the
rebellious attitude of the militant mulattoes against the
habitual attitude of the white group and their agitations
against discriminations, whether carried on by themselves
or by their white sympathizers, which have for their real
though seldom openly avowed and sometimes not consciously
understood purpose the allowing of the superior, educated
mulattoes to escape from the Negro race and to be absorbed
into the white race — their protests and complaints and cam-
paigns of bitterness and abuse —have an effect quite differ-
ent from that desired. It tends to defeat its own object 74
and works ultimately to the profit of the Negro group as a
whole rather than to that of the protesting group. Instead
of influencing the white man to recognize the mulattoes as
a superior type of man and to accept them on a rating dif-
ferent from that on which he accepts the mass of the race
— as an individual regardless of race or color — the effect
is to identify the complaining individuals more closely with
the masses of the race; it tends to solidify the race and,
in the thinking of the white man, to class the agitators with
it. Its effect is not to break down the white man's antipathy
and prejudice, but to make the feeling more acute and to

" The Jamaican solution of the race problem. See pp. 331-35 above.
"The Brazilian solution of the problem.
See pp. 320-24 above.
A fact frequently recognized by the Negroes themselves. See, for
e.g., The Kansas (City) Elevator (A Negro Paper), 2-2-1916.
Role of the Mulatto in the United States 373

make more conscious and distinct the determination of the

white people to preserve their ideals of racial and social
purity. 75 It results in a stricter and a more conscious
and purposeful drawing of the color line and a drawing of
the line where it had previously not been drawn. In the
elfort to escape the race, the mulattoes become more than
ever identified with it. The segregation policy which ex-
ists in all lines everywhere in the South and less openly
and frankly but frequently not less effectively in the North
wherever the Negroes are numerous and troublesome, is in
large part a reaction on the part of the white people against
the militant mulattoes' efforts to achieve social equality
with the whites.
Both the mulattoes and the Negroes stand to profit in
the end by the agitation of the radical mulatto group for
social and class recognition. The struggle for abstract
rights is not productive of any important results in the
way of removing racial prejudice or social discrimination;
it has rather the contrary tendency. But it serves to iden-
tify the mulatto with the race and this is an advantage
both to the black and to the yellow man. The black Negroes
are the gainers by having their natural leaders thrust,
even though it be against their will, back upon the race.
The mulattoes are gainers in that they are thus forced to
see and to embrace the great opportunity which the pres-
ence of the people of their own race affords them for a
useful and a valuable life of real leadership. The horizon-
"Race Separation Without Discrimination," Outlook, Vol. 86, p. 576.
Evans, Black and White in the Southern States, p. 208.
"... I am in grave doubt as to whether the greater part of the fric-
tion in the South is caused by the whites having a natural antipathy
to Negroes as a race, or an acquired antipathy to Negroes in certain
relations to themselves." Johnson, The Autobiography of an Ex-colored
Man, p. 78.
374 The Mulatto in the United States

tal accommodation — the caste system — of the North seems

destined ultimately to transform itself, as the earlier caste
system of the South has already largely done, into a ver-
tical accommodation — a bi-racial system.
summary: present tendencies

study, emphasis should be placed

INon summarizing
the fact that
it has had to do with the mulatto as a
social group rather than as a biological type. Mixture
of blood, however important or unimportant it may be in
itself, has not been the subject of inquiry and there is no
assumption concerning its good or ill effects. But mixture
of blood has been made the basis of class and caste distinc-
tions. As a result of these distinctions —and possibly be-
cause of their mixed ethnic origin —various groups, physi-
cally distinguishable because of their mixed ancestry, have
appeared, manifest a peculiar psychology and play a dis-
tinctive role in various inter-racial situations. It is with
the status of one of these groups — the mulatto in the United
States —with which this study has had principally to do.
Without predicating or assuming anything with regard to
the inherent mental superiority, inferiority, or equality of
the members of the mixed-blood group, as compared with
either element of their ethnic ancestry, inquiry was made
concerning their origin and increase in numbers, their sta-
tus in the general social situation, and their role in the
inter-racial community life. So far as there has been any
unavoidable presupposition concerning inherent mental ra-
cial capacity, it has been the presupposition of approxi-
mately equal mental possibility among the various human
types and that such inequalities as may be found existent,
376 The Mulatto m the United States

culturally or otherwise, are rationally explainable on the

assumption of inferior racial opportunity.
As preliminary to main topic of inquiry, a survey
was made of the chief of the mixed-blood groups which have
appeared in other bi-racial situations. This survey was
necessarily brief and, owing to the scanty, defective and
frequently contradictory nature of the data available con-
cerning these groups, the conclusions are highly tentative.
In general, however, it may be said that mixed-blood indi-
viduals have appeared everywhere when two racial groups
representing different cultural stages have been brought
into contact. The size of these mixed-blood groups seems
to have been dependent upon the races in contact, the rela-
tive numbers of the advanced and backward groups, the

presence or absence of women of the advanced group and

the class of the advanced in contact with the backward
race. These mixed-blood groups are everywhere the result
of illicit relations between the men of the superior and the
women of the inferior group. Everywhere the women of
lower races, if not actually seeking sexual relations with
the men of the advanced race, nowhere show any pronounced
repugnance to such association. The mixed-bloods as a
group everywhere have formed, or tended to form, or been
formed, into a separate class or caste standing somewhere
between the two parent races. Judged from the point of
view of the superior race, they have reached everywhere a
social position superior to that of the mother race and
nowhere have they achieved a position of equality with the
advanced group. The superior individuals who have ap-
peared among the lower racial groups have been, almost
without exception, members of this mixed-blood class. The
ambition of the mixed-bloods seems everywhere an ambition
to be accepted into the advanced race and to escape from
Summary. Present Tendencies 377

the lower group. Their actual role in the inter-racial sit-

uation is consequently dependent upon the attitude of the

dominant group. Where no social color line has been for-

mally drawn against them, they have tended to identify

themselves with the superior race and themselves to draw a
color line against the lower race or else to serve as a
physiological tie between the extremes of the population
during the process of its reduction to a mongrel unity.
Where a color line has been drawn against them by the
superior group in the population, they everywhere have
tended to form an intermediate caste in the population.
Where this caste has been more or less frankly recognized,
it serves as a harmonizing group between the population
extremes. Where it has not been recognized by the superior
race, the caste seldom has been able to maintain itself and
the mixed-blood individuals tend to unite their interests
with, and become an upper-class among, the lower group.
Passing, then, to the mulatto in the United States, it was
found that the intermixture of the races had gone on during
the whole period that the races have been in contact on
American soil. This mixture was particularly rapid during
the colonial era owing to the scarcity of women of the white

race and owing to the fact that the lack of any intolerant
racial prejudice allowed the lower classes to associate, and
freely intermix, with the Negro women. The mixture prob-
ably somewhat decreased during the period of national
slavery owing to a bitter hatred that grew up between the
Negroes and the lower-class whites and to the fact that the
Negroes were under a stricter control. The intermixture
also appears by statistical measurement to have gone on at
a rate somewhat slower than was actually the case owing to
the fact that much of it was with the mulatto rather than
with the black girls. Since the Emancipation there has
378 The Mulatto in the United States

continued to be a rapid increase in the number of mulattoes.

The intermixture of the races in the United States has
been almost exclusively outside the bounds of the marriage
union. There has been a little intermarriage between the
races, generally between lower-class white women and Negro
or mulatto men. The number of such marriages, however,
has been so small as to be entirely negligible in the con-
sideration of race mixture. There has been a much larger
amount of concubinage of Negro girls by white men. This
form of sex relation was common in some sections during
the slave regime and still exists to some extent. The great
amount of the intermixture, however, has been of the na-
ture of temporary associations implying absolutely nothing
in the way of sentimental attachment on either side and
being in point of fact nothing more than a satisfaction of
the physical appetite of the individuals concerned. This
form of association at present is most frequently between
mulatto men and black girls, on the one hand, and between
white men and mulatto girls, on the other.
As individuals, the mulattoes always have enjoyed op-
portunities somewhat greater than those enjoyed by the
rank and file of the black Negroes. In slavery days, they
were most frequently the trained servants and had the ad-
vantages of daily contact with cultured men and women.
Many them were free and so enjoyed whatever advan-
tages went with that superior status. They were considered
by the white people to be superior in intelligence to the
black Negroes and came to take great pride in the fact of
their white blood. They' developed a tradition of superi-
ority. This idea was accepted by the black Negroes and
consequently the mulattoes enjoyed a prestige in the Negro
group. Where possible, they formed a sort of mixed-blood
caste and held themselves aloof from the black Negroes and
Summary: Present Tendencies 379

the slaves of lower station.

The mulattoes, at all times in the history of the Negro
in America, have been the superior individuals of the race.
Of the score or so of men of first-rate ability which the
race has produced, not more than two at the most were
Negroes of pure blood. Of the two hundred or so who have
made the most noteworthy success in a business or profes-
sional way, all, with less than a dozen exceptions, are Ne-
groes of mixed blood. Of some two hundred and forty-six
persons, presumably the most successful and the best known
men the race has produced, at least thirteen-fourteenths of
them are men of mixed blood. Of the list of six hundred
and twenty-seven names of persons compiled from the his-
torical and biographical literature and including men of
a distinctly lesser degree of note, only about one-ninth were
even of approximately pure blood. The same condition
was found to prevail in the examination of compilations
of the leading men in the various professional and semi-
professional pursuits ; the professional men of the race are
nearly all mulattoes as are the men who have succeeded in
some form of artistic or semi-artistic endeavor. In the in-
dustrial and business world the
same condition prevails the ;

men who have made any marked success are found to be

in nearly every case from the mixed-blood group. It was
further found that by taking large numbers of cases from
any profession or pursuit and consequently tapping lower
ranges of ability and success, the ratio of black men to mu-
lattoes was increased. The higher the standard of success,
the lower the per cent of full-blooded Negroes. This was
the case as between different professions and within the
ranks of the same profession ; the ministry has a much
higher per cent of full-blood Negroes than does the medical
or the teaching profession ; the higher positions in all the
380 The Mulatto in the United States

professions have been reached by mulattoes, very seldom

by black Negroes. Speaking generally, the intellectual

class of the race is composed of mulattoes ; a black man

in the class is a rather rare exception.
The role which these mixed-blood individuals have played
in the inter-racial situation has varied with the time and
the place. During the slavery period, they were the su-
perior individuals ; but they were not leaders. In the decade
just preceding the Civil War, a few persons of Negro blood
took a minor part in the anti-slavery agitation. During the
Reconstruction Period, they were in some cases used by the
white politicians, but had little independent part. After
the War and the Reconstruction, there was a further sepa-
ration between the superior mulattoes and the mass of the
race; the tendency for them to form a caste within or just
above the Negro group continued.
In the North, the mulattoes of education have tended
to be agitators for equal social, civil, and political rights.

They consider the ballot an inherent human right rather

than an earned responsibility; consequently, they do not
endeavor to fit the Negroes to meet the requirements of
suffrage, but strive to force the abandonment of suffrage
requirements. In social and civil affairs, they insist that
equality of treatment is synonymous with identity of treat-
ment. Their spirit is one of complaint and bitterness. They
represent a grievance rather than a policy of constructive
work. They emphasize what the law can do for the Negro
and concern themselves very little with what the Negro can
do for himself. They assume, moreover, the role of spokes-
man for the race though, as a whole, they neither understand
nor represent the Negro. They do not live with the Ne-
groes ; they do not know the Negroes, and, in general, they
do not know the condition of the race. They are widely
Summary: Present Tendencies 381

separated in appearance and in sympathy from the mass

of the Negro people. They are not even in close touch with
the mass of the Negroes in the Northern States. They have
not, as yet, found themselves nor their place in the general
social life of the community.
In the South with the growth of industrial education and
the rise of a middle-class within the Negro group, the mu-
lattoes have taken their place as the natural leaders of the
race. The bi-racial adjustment of the races has allowed
the rise of men of superior ability and of training and has
provided a place for them. These men are, in all but the ex-
ceptional cases, mulattoes and generally men of more white
than black blood. The teaching of these Southern mu-
latto leaders is work and service. They emphasize what
the Negroes can do to improve their condition and recog-
nize that they will gain in efficiency and in strength of char-
acter by overcoming obstacles. They are close to the Ne-
gro; they are content to be classed with the race. They
have abandoned any hope they may have entertained of
being white men. They have their work and their place.
Their social and consequently their psychological status

is fixed, and there is, therefore, an almost entire absence of
the bitterness which characterizes the Northern division of
the mulatto group.

Any race, or group within a race, which is subjected to

discrimination or persecution tends to take on the form
of a nationality. The natural bonds of union within are
strengthened by the opposition from without. A race con-
sciousness and a race pride tend to develop as a defensive
reaction. The struggle of races and of race groups is
not so much an economic struggle as it is a struggle for
self-respect and race preservation. As the group or race
382 The Mulatto in the United States

in contact with one of superior culture itself advances to

a degree of culture, the innate desire of the members to
isolate themselvesfrom unpleasant stimulation and to enjoy
the association of others of their kind, becomes strength-
ened by their consciousness that their presence is an unwel-
come intrusion upon the desires of the other race. A de-

veloping consciousness of worth reinforces the innate tend-

ency and the prideful reaction. The ostracized group
develops a pride of accomplishment in an effort to offset
by the supe-
the feeling of inferiority which the rejection
rior group necessarily creates. The race or group escapes
the unpleasant stimulation given by the latent or active
hostility of the superior group by retiring within itself
and endeavoring to become self-sufficient. This seems to
be the tendency of the American Negro group in the pres-
ent decade.
The obstacles to racial solidarity among the American
Negroes, however, are very numerous and very real. Their
isolation nowhere complete; geographically they are set-

tled among a more numerous white population on which,

in very large measure, they are economically and cultur-
ally dependent. They lack a distinctive language, one of

the most valuable focal points for the growth of such a

sentimental complex, and, in the common language, there is

no body of literature by members of the race that is in

in any way distinctive, or in which a pride of achievement

can center. Their religion is but a recent acquisition and
in creed differs in no essential way from the religion of the
white race. Their manners, customs, and habits of life
are in no way distinctive. The race is without a history,
or even a tradition of past greatness. Consequently, there
are no historical names about which a popular tradition
can grow. The only accomplishments of the race are mod-
Summary: Present Tendencies 383

ern ones ; a generation into the past brings them against

the bleak fact of slavery and beyond that lies the age-long
condition from which enslavement by a civilized race was
a mighty step. Color, the peculiarity of physical type,
is the obvious basis for their nationality. But color is

everywhere correlated with primitive and degraded people;

it is a thing from which to escape, not a thing of which to
be proud.
In spite, however, of the apparently insuperable obstacles
in the way of a Negro nationality in America, the present
tendency is clearly in that direction. is toward an iden-
tification of the various creeds and a union of the various
classes in the race ; toward a feeling of pride in the growing
accomplishments of the race and a consciousness of unity
of interest. Whatever may be the limit that the tendency
may being promoted both designedly and
finally reach, it is

undesignedly by both the whites and the blacks, and by

forces from within and from without the race.
The isolation of the race through voluntary action on
its part and through legal action on the part of the white

race, is the most important single fact making for class

consciousness and race solidarity. This isolation of the race
is not a recent phenomenon. It is the legal recognition and
enforcement of the separation and the extension of it to
include every line of contact and every individual of the race
which is the characteristic feature of the present policy.
The degree to which the races are admittedly separate is

somewhat different in different regions. Where the numbers

of the race are small and their activities have not conflicted
with the white man's idea of what the Negroes' attitude
and behavior should be, they have, except in the proscrip-

tion against social equality, met with no serious difficulty

I beyond the contempt-to-hatred attitude of their white neigh-

; ,

384 The Mulatto in the United States

bors. But wherever their numbers have become consider-

able, or their attitude has become assertive, the Negroes
have met the non-intercourse policy of the dominant white
The present tendency is toward an increased application
intensively and extensively of this segregation policy. Resi-
dential segregation is w ell-nigh universal.
In the South,
generally, it is enforced by state laws and city ordinances
in the North, by various means depending upon the local
conditions. 1 In the school, the Negro child is separated from
the white in all the states having a considerable black pop-
ulation. The number of Negro schools is increasing in the
cities of the North. Where separate schools are not spe-
cially provided, the residential segregation in the Northern
cities usually confines the Negro children to one or a few
schools. The churches and church organizations are gen-
erally separate and tend to become more independent in
their development. The membership of most of the well-
known secret societies is limited to white men. The clande-
stine lodges of the Negroes under similar names have noth-
ing in common with the white organizations except the
names and the Negroes have organized many secret so-

In Chicago the most effective technique seems to be a gentleman's
agreement among the real estate men.
A recent ruling of the United States Supreme Court November 5, —
1917 —holds all residential segregation laws to be unconstitutional. It
will be of interest to note in how far this decision will modify the
present tendency.
an open question and one just beginning to be investigated
It is still
scientifically, whether or not the difference in mental ability of the races
is sufficiently great to warrant their separate education as a matter of

economy and educational policy. See, for e.g., M. J. Mayo, The Mental
Capacity of the American Negro.
See G. W. Crawford, Prince Hall and His Followers, for a recent .

effort by a mulatto to prove the legitimacy of Negro Masonry.

Summary: Present Tendencies 385

cieties under distinctive names. The social life of the races

is everywhere separate and distinct. 4 Slowly the race is

evolving its own group of business and professional men

who cater exclusively to their own race while the white
business and professional men tend to avoid the patronage
of the Negroes. 5 In all lines and in all sections of the coun-
try, the tendency of the white people seems to be to force
the Negro people back upon themselves and to allow them
or to force them to develop their own institutions and racial

This policy on the part of the whites is supplemented by

the desire of the rank and file of the Negroes themselves.
A.n overwhelming majority of the Negroes accept racial
separation as a simple and natural matter of fact. 6
It sel-
lom concerns them in any concrete way and they are but
ittle interested in abstract considerations. They live in

Negro settlements as a matter of social choice and of eco-

lomic necessity. They avail themselves thankfully of what-
ever school facilities are offered them; other things being
qual, they generally prefer the separate schools. 7 They
See O. Madden, "A Color Phase of Washington," The World To-day,
To\. 14, pp. 549-52.
The largest department store in Chicago, for e.g., endeavors by in-
ttentive treatment to discourage Negro patronage.
See reference to Hartman Furniture Company in the Crisis, 4-1915, p.
16. White bankers frequently refuse deposits of Negroes and direct
lem to institutions managed by members of their own race.
See Maurice S. Evans, Black and White in the Southern States, pp.
44-45. What the Negro resents is, frequently, not so much the fact
f segregation as the humiliating way in which the policy is enforced
ad the abusive tone of many of its advocates.
"There is not the slightest doubt but that separate school systems,
y giving colored children their own teachers and a sense of racial
ride, are enabled to keep more colored children in school and take them
irough longer courses than mixed systems. The 100,000 Negroes of
altimore have 600 pupils in the separate high school; New York, with
386 The Mulatto in the United States

seek and prefer the society of their own class and color.
The fact that they are unwelcome in the hotels and restau-
rants, in the theaters and other places of amusement and
entertainment open to the whites, never comes within the
experience of any but the very exceptional Negro. The ex-
clusion policy of the whites is in line with the natural tend-
ency of the blacks ; it affects and offends the small class

of educated and cultured individuals who have more in com-

mon, intellectually and otherwise, with the cultured whites,
than they have with the mass of the Negro people. 8
On the part of the leaders among the Negroes, there is

an increasing amount of voluntary segregation in more

places and in more lines. Separate schools are advocated
and petitioned for: they open positions for the teachers.
Professional and business men see it more and more to then
advantage to promote a spirit of race solidarity. 9 Tc
the extent to which this exists, they cease to be in compe
tition with the business and professional men of the othei
race. 10 In increasing numbers they are going South, iden-
tifying themselves with the race, and finding their life anc
work among the black group. The opportunities for th<
educated and ambitious Negro or mulatto is greatest amon^
the people of his own race. Competition there is not s<

keen and the slightly superior individual can become ai

important and influential person. The matter of self-inter

a larger colored population, has less than 200 in its mixed high schools.
Editorial, Crisis, 2-1912, p. 184-85.
See E. W. Blyden, Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race, pf
Editorial, "Segregation —Let Her Come," The Conservative Coun
selor, Waco, Texas, 9-2-1915.
See Editorial, "Paying for a Name," Chicago, Illinois, Idea, 9-9-191J
n Booker T. Washington, "Why Should Negro Business Men G
South?" Chanties, Vol. 15, pp. 17-19.
Summary: Present Tendencies 387

est ranges them on the side of the segregation policy where

the rank and file always have been as a matter of choice.
The acquisition of these men increases the feeling of im-
portance on the part of the group and so increases its tend-
ency toward unity. With the increase of racial unity,
the opportunities for educated men in the race increase in

number and importance, and this, in turn, attracts with in-

creasing force the mulatto and other superior men of the
The self-respect as well as the self-interest of the educated
Negro tends to the same end as the proscription of the
white and the temperament of the blacks. Speaking gener-
ally, no Negro, regardless of color or training, is welcome
in any social organization of cultured white people any-
where in America. In the semi-social and professional or-
ganizations, the same thing is in general true. 12 If the

Negro is not barred from the medical, bar, teaching, and

other professional associations, he never is made to feel

that he is welcome. As a consequence, the Negro, to the

extent of his culture and education, stays away when he
finds that he is not wanted. It is the only action he can
take and preserve his self-respect.
By going South, the educated Negro is allowed to forget
that he is denied privileges granted to others, that the race
is looked upon as inferior and treated as alien. These are
things which concern the individual very little. Aside from
the professional agitator, they distress the Negro not at
"The American Bar Association in regard to certain
action of the
near-white Negroes who had been accepted into membership without the
fact of their race being known to the Association is a case in point.
See "The American Bar Association and the Negro," Outlook, Vol. 102,
pp. 1-2; "Lawyers and the Color Line," Literary Digest, Vol. 45, p.
361 ; "The Color Line at the Bar," The Nation, Vol. 94, pp. 509-10.
Editorial, The Voice of the People, Birmingham, Ala., 3-13-1915.
388 The Mulatto in the United States

all. In the North, however, they are the constant refrain

from which the only escape is an escape from the race.
In the South, the educated Negro can escape this ever-
lasting agitation about his status and his rights. There his
social status is fixed and once he realizes and accepts this
fact, it ceases to trouble him. He has his own group and
he is definitely excluded from white society. The treat-
ment in the matter is at least consistent and the mulatto,
recognizing the impossibility of achieving a position of so-
cial equality, ceases to be concerned about it and loses his
bitterness at being excluded. He is able to stop "thinking
black." The morbid brooding over real and fancied wrongs
gives place to a healthy thought about actual problems.
The attitude of slavish dependence —the childish wail for
others to right his wrongs — is replaced by an attitude of
manly independence, a determination to face the world and
to play a manly part therein. Agitation gives place to
work self-reliance replaces self-pity. He no longer lives

"behind the veil"; he is dealing with objective reality. He

becomes a useful man and, in proportion to his ability, a
leader among his people.
Another thing making for the increase in this spirit of
nationality is the growing literature of the race. This is a
focal point about which the sentiments of the race can
crystallize. As it increases in volume and in quality and
comes to be more widely read, the sentiment of pride cor-
respondingly increases. There is also some effort being
made by the Negroes themselves to create a Negro history. 14
A tradition of musical genius already exists among the race
and, outside musical circles, is generally accepted by the
whites. The gift which so many Negroes have for effective
public speaking is another tiling of which the race is ex-
See p. 216 above.
Summary. Present Tendencies 389

ceedingly proud. The point here is that regardless of the

upon which many of these things rest,
slender basis of fact
they have an immense effect upon the thinking of the race.
It is the opinion that a race has of itself that counts in
the growth of a nationalistic spirit, 15 and the opinion of the
best thinkers of the race is coming more and more to be
that if the Negroes desire really to reach a full manhood
they must reach it by being Negroes rather than by being

weak imitations of white people.

Whether it be because of compulsion on the part of the
whites or because of voluntary action on the part of the
Negroes, there is an increasing segregation on the part of
the Negroes and consequently an increasing tendency toward
racial solidarity.
In this growing nationality, the mulattoes who have gone
over to the race and cast their fortunes with it are the aris-
tocracy. Broadly speaking, they are the only members of
the race who are educated. Consequently, they now form
the professional classes. For the most part, they are the
property-owning members of the race 16 and most of the
Negroes who have made any conspicuous success in a busi-
ness or industrial way are members of the mulatto division.
They are, then, the important men in the commercial and
business affairs of the race. Their color or rather absence
of color helps to qualify them for a social position among the
elite. They have a confidence, born of their pride in their
color and their more or less successfully concealed contempt
The belief of the modern Greek, for example, and his boundless
pride in the belief, that he is descended from the ancient historical race
is not of any less social significance because of the mythological nature
of the belief. Similarly, the Irish National movement is chiefly cen-
tered in religion, reinforced by myths of ancient greatness.
See Booker T. Washington, "Negro Homes," Century, Vol. 76, pp.
390 The Mulatto in the United States

for a black skin, that the black man seldom attains. They
have, and tend to maintain, an exclusive social status that
is the despair and the envy of the black man. 17 Their
superior economic position, their superior training, their
light color and the tradition of superiority, all combine to
make them the important and superior individuals in any
racial group.
Certain consequences of this movement are fairly obvious.
According as one judges these to be desirable or undesirable,
one will be disposed to approve or oppose the nationalistic
Racial solidarity means an increased isolation of the
Negro group. The bi- racial adjustment tends to keep the
races apart. The further the Negroes develop a sense of
nationality, the further do they voluntarily separate them-
selves from the white world. Direct individual competition
between the members of the races tends to diminish. They
receive less stimulation from the culture of the other race;
they are isolated from that stimulation. 18 To the extent
that this becomes true, the Negroes cease to measure their
talents and accomplishments by the standards of the supe-
rior race. They do not compete with the white man, The
isolation narrows their interests and their conceptions, foi

there is little with which to compare them and weigh their

value. They do not need to measure up to the white man's
standard ; they can live and succeed on a lower plane of
efficiency. Theymore or less out of the stream of
social advancement and the strenuous competition of mod-
ern life. This isolation means, of course, a slower advance

See editorial, "Don't Blame All," The Bee, Washington, D. C, 1-30-
1915. See, also, Boston Reliance, 3-13-1915.
J. H. DeLoach, "The Negro as a Farmer," Atlanta Congress, 1913,
p. 381.
Summary. Present Tendencies 391

on the part of the Negroes toward the standards and ac-

complishments of European civilization ; but it also means
a more normal development, a more gradual accommodation
to ideas and standards that, by the great mass of the race,
are at present neither appreciated nor understood. A
gradual elevation of the race means less disorganization
of the individual and of the group. The crises in the ad-
vance are less radical and the chances for a normal ac-

commodation are greater. In brief, it means a slower but

a more normal advance toward the ideals and standards of
I the white group.
The isolation consequent upon the formation of a na-
tionality tends, in many ways, to inferior educational oppor-
tunity for the members of the race. To the extent that the
schools are separated and the Negro schools in the hands
of the race, the black children will get their schooling from
mulatto teachers. These mulattoes are themselves but su-
perficially and imperfectly trained men. The highest esti-
mate would hardly place the number of college trained
Negroes at five thousand. 19 They, for the most part, are
the product of miserably inefficient Negro colleges. As
long as these colleges exist with their present low stand-
ards — and the nationalistic tendency is to put them more
and more in the hands of the race — the graduates, so far
as schooling is concerned, will be equal, perhaps, to the
graduate of the ordinary white high school. The teachers
of the race will, at best, be graduates of these inferior col-
leges, and the masses of the race will be defectively trained

just to the extent that they are isolated from the white

C. H. McCord estimates the number of Negro college graduates
from 1840 to 1909 as 3,853, and from 1910 to 1914 inclusive as 1,147,
a total of 5,000 in all for the period of 75 years. The American Negro
as a Dependent, Defective and Delinquent, p. 14.
392 The Mulatto in the United States

race. 20 Under the nationalistic system, therefore, the black

man will not make very rapid strides in educational advance-
The growth of a nationality means the increasing compe-
tition on racial lines and the decreasing competition of in-
dividuals of the two races. Here, as elsewhere, competition
is a selective process. The fact that individual differences
are everywhere greater than race differences makes compe-
tition act against stratification on the basis of race and
tends to put the individual, regardless of race, into the place
for which he is best fitted. The racial competition results
in forcing the mass of the race into the occupation, or small
group of occupations, in which they are best fitted to sur-
vive, or for which no other group will compete. The dis-
placement of the race from many vocations on which they
once had a virtual monopoly has already gone very far.
Mrs. Fannie Barrier Williams, 21 writing in 1905 in regard
to the Negroes of Chicago, says on this point :

... In the matter of employment, the colored people

of Chicago have lost in the last ten years nearly every
occupation of which they once had almost a monopoly.
There is now scarcely a Negro barber left in the busi-

ness district. Nearly all the janitor work in the large

"If such segregation led to the formation of Negro communities
entirely apart from the life of the state and the current civilized life
around them, with the prospect of personal and communal deterioration,
I should be against it. But I can see no reason why it should be so.
The best of the race would join the movement, the educated and trained
would be available to keep the community life at a high standard, while
the highest voluntary assistance and advice of the philanthropic whites
would be willingly given. ." Evans, Black and White in the South-
. .

ern States, p. 259.

See p. 223 above.
""Social Bonds in the 'Black Belt' of Chicago," Charities, Vol. 15,
p. 43.
Summary: Present Tendencies 393

buildings has been taken away from them by the Swedes.

White men and women as waiters have supplanted col-
ered men in nearly all the first-class hotels and restau-
rants. Practically all the shoe polishing is now done
by Greeks. Negro coachmen and expressmen and team-
sters are seldom seen in the business districts. . . .

In the decade following, the Negroes still further lost

ground. Not only in Chicago but throughout the country,
the Negroes have been forced out of every occupation in
which they have come into competition with another race.
Only as roustabouts and rough laborers in the cities, and
as agricultural laborers in the South, have the Negroes been
able to hold their own. 23
The growth of racial solidarity probably means a les-

sening of racial intermixture. The segregation and the

voluntary isolation prevent, in large measure, the opportu-
nity for it to take place. So long as the races are not iso-
lated and remain on different cultural levels, intermixture
will go on to the extent of the desire of the males of the
superior race. Segregation does not lessen the tendency to
intermix; it lessens the opportunity. On the other hand,
the developing sense of race pride tends to .the same end. 24
The Negro woman ceases to desire such relations when they
come to mean disgrace instead of prestige. When the Ne-
gro provides as well for his wife as the white man does for
his black or yellow concubine, there is also less disposition

on the part of the race women to form such unions. 25 The

E. C. Branson, "The Negro Working Out His Own Salvation,"
Atlanta Congress, 1913, p. 390. The exceptions to such generalizations
are of course very numerous. In some cases the Negroes have been
forced up instead of out.
Thomas Nelson Page, The Negro, p. 291.
See Editorial "Enemies Within Our Camp," The Chicago Defender,
394 The Mulatto in the United States

vicious elements of the race, moreover, will be restrained

by a sense of public disapproval and casual intermixture
will decrease.

The growth of a nationalistic spirit may very conceivably

mean an increase of friction between the races. 26 The in-
crease of and personal self-respect, until it
race pride
reaches a stage beyond mere bumptiousness and braggado-
cio, has a tendency to bring the man into conflict with his
social surroundings. The mulattoes going over to the Ne-
groes and becoming their leaders contain a large per cent
of disgruntled agitators. So far, also, as the mulattoes
are Northern men, they are unfamiliar with the Negro char-
acter and with the conditions of life in the South. That they
are not always wise leaders may well be supposed. Their
mistakes may increase racial strife unless restrained by
the common sense of the members of the two races. 28 Some
opponents of the segregation policy even predict race wars

and revolutions analogous, apparently, to the situation
in the Latin-American countries which has been brought
about, partly at least, by the adoption of an opposite policy
— as the final outcome of the segregation policy.
for the placid disposition and the native common sense of
the black man, the anarchistic teachings of some of the mal-
contents doubtless would result occasionally in rioting and
the growth of a spirit of racial ill-will.

S. D. McEnery, "Race Problem in the South," Independent, Vol.
55, p. 426.
"There is, indeed, rather a tendency to racial solidarity in opposi-
tion to the whites on all questions whatsoever; . . . There is, more-
over, a not rare belief among the whites that the preachers and leaders
contribute to increase these tendencies and teach hostility rather than try
to uplift the race morally." Page, The Negro, p. 304. See, also, p. 307.
^McCord, The American Negro, p. 109.
29 «(
'Segregation," Crisis, 12-1913.
Summary: Present Tendencies 395

The mulattoes at present are the leading men of the race

and the indication is that they will become more and more
so as time goes on. They have an immense start of the
blacks and, granting that they have an equal amount of
native ability, there is no immediate prospect of their losing
the lead they now have, but every reason to believe that the
gap will tend to widen. It is certainly being widened at the
present time.
The mulattoes are the property-owning class among the
race. Most of the business is conducted by them. They
are the ones who own homes and other property. Whatever
be the advance that the black man may make, the mulatto
group with the aid of the accumulated capital is advancing
in economic prosperity at even greater strides.
The mulattoes are at present the educated and the pro-
fessional classes among the race. Moreover, at present they
make the greatest use of the schools of a secondary and col-
lege character which provide education to members of the
race. This means that, for a generation at least, the mu-
lattoes will continue to be the intellectual group 'of the
The ideal of the Negro is a light-colored man. So long /
as the overwhelming majority of the notables of the race
are yellow or near-white rather than brown or black, the
ideal of the race will continue to be light rather than dark.
With the growth of racial solidarity, these individuals are
more and more included within the race where their light
color is a distinct asset to them. The ideal of the race

tends to perpetuate the mulatto as a superior type.

The mulattoes are everywhere proud of their white re-

This is true in spite of a species of "race pride" which seeks out
)lack men for high positions and show purposes instead of seeking
396 The Mulatto in the United States

lationship and anxious to preserve it. Nearly every man

of the group marries a woman lighter than himself. The
number of prominent mulattoes with wives who are black,
or even noticeably darker than themselves, are scarcely
more numerous than those who have married white wives.
The tendency, then, from generation to generation is for
the intellectual part of the race to become lighter and
lighter in color.
A very small number of very light mulattoes each year
desert the race and become incorporated into the white race.
This number tends to increase as successive generations of
admixture of white blood lighten the color, straighten the
hair, and smooth the features of the race. At present, how-
ever, the intermarriage of white women with mulattoes, as
well as the illicit admixture of white blood, far more than
counterbalances the losses to the group through such
changes of racial status.
Furthermore, the mulatto group continually is being im-
proved by the addition to it of the best blood of the Negro
race. 'The black man of ability, in almost every case, mar-
ries into the mulatto caste; and his children, with whatever
of their father's superior mentality they inherit, are mu-
lattoes. So far as his superiority is inherited, it becomes
an asset to the mulatto group. The black man of greatest
ability, perhaps, of any black man in the race is married
to a light-colored mulatto woman. The most widely known
black man of the race has a wife who is near white. The
black man who approached nearer to genius than any othei
man the race has produced, married a light mulatto. The
rule is almost without an exception that the black man oi

consequence marries into the mulatto caste. The mulattc

group thus, on the assumption of the transmission of su-
perior mental capacity, tends to become not only a cultur
Summary: Present Tendencies 397

ally but a biologically superior group.

The mulattoes are thus the vital point in the whole race
problem. It is their ideas, their sentiments, and their atti-
tudes, in so far as they identify themselves with the race,
that tend to prevail. The fact needs to be recognized in
any dealing with the race, or in any efforts for race better-
In any study and discussion of the race problem, scien-
tific accuracy as well as a decent regard for simple truth
requires that the writer indicate whether his discussion has
to do with full-blooded Negroes or with themen of mixed
blood. The failure to make this simple and elementary dis-
tinction, more than any other one thing, has made the vast
bulk of the literature relating to the Negro in America
either worthless or vicious.

Abbott, A. R., 228, 238. Antoine, C. C, 220, 252.
Abbott, A. W., 247, 259. Appo, William, 231.
Abbott, Granville S., 217. Archer, H. E., 228, 266.
Abner, David, 265. Archer, Mrs. Henrietta M., 228.
Adams, Mrs. Agnes, 234. Armisted, E. H., 234.
Adams, Cyrus Field, 299. Armstrong, William O., 234.
Adams, John, 217. Arnett, B. W., 232.
Adams, J. W., 222. Atkins, S. G., 225, 277.
Adams, Lewis, 238. Attway, W. A., 296, 299.
Adger, Robert, 229. Attucks, Crispus, 197, 200.
Aldridge, Ira, 196, 198, 288. Attwell Ernest, 238.
Alexander, John H., 228, 247. Attwell, Joseph S., 238.
Alexander, J. N. W., 254. Attwood, L. K., 238.
Alexander, M. S., 299. Augusta, A. T., 232, 247, 260.
Alexander, N. H., 297. Augustin, Peter, 229.
Alexander, William, 299. Avant, Henry, 299.
Alexander, W. G., 222, 259.
Allen, B. F., 268. Bacote, S. W., 278.
Allen, G. W., 277. Bagnall, Powhattan, 234.
Allen, Isaac B., 234. Bailey, Grandmother, 229.
Allen, Macon B., 234. Bailey, J. B., 234.
Allen, Richard, 191. Bailey, L. C, 257.
Allen, William G., 238. Baker, D. W., 297.
Allensworth, Lt. Col. A., 247. Baker, Gertrude M., 234.
Allston, J. H., 234. Baker, Harry E., 225, 256.
Allston, Philip J., 234, 298, 299. Baker, T. Nelson, 270.
Alstor, J. W., 277. Baldwin, Maria L., 238.
Ambush, James Enoch, 217. Ballard, W. H., 299.
Amiger, W. T., 266. Banks, Charles, 208, 298, 299.
Amo, Anthony William, 189. Banks, Mrs. Charles, 299.
Anderson, C. H., 296, 298. Banks, J. B., 222.
Anderson, Charles W., 203, 208, Banks, Walden, 234.
253, 299. Banneker, Benjamin, 189, 190, 196,
Anderson, Duke William, 217. 198, 199, 257.
Anderson, John C, 232. Bannister, E. M., 220, 287.
Anderson, J. H., 225. Baptiste, George de, 239.
Anderson, Louis B., 228. Barbadoes, James, 219.
Anderson, Osborn Perry, 231. Barnet, Mrs. Ida Wells, 201.
Anderson, Major W. T., 247. Barnett, Ferdinand L., 228.
Andrews, W. T., 299. Barrier, Anthony, 229.
Annibal, 189. Barrier, Miss Ella D., 222.
Annibal, Son of, 189. Bass, Charles T., 299.
400 Index to Names

Basset, E. D., 217, 251. Bragg, Fellow, 239.

Beale, Mme. B., 299.
I. Braggs, Geo. F., Jr., 225.
Beaman, Amon C, 229. Braithwaite, William S., 200, 203
Beaman, Jehiel C, 234. 208, 284.
Beams, Charlotte, 217. Brawley, B. G., 203.
Beckett, W. W., 265. Brawley, E. M., 225.
Becraft, Maria, 217. Bray, J. A., 276.
Bell, George, 232. Brooks, Charles H., 298, 300.
Bell, J. B., 299. Brooks, Paul C, 234.
Bell, James M., 231. Brooks, W. H., 225.
Bell, L. A., 297. Brown, Aaron, 277.
Benjamin, Edgar P., 234. Brown, A. M., 239.
Benjamin, L. W., 257. Brown, D. H., 300.
Benjamin, Miss M. E., 257. Brown, E. C, 296.
Benson, John J., 238. Brown, E. E., 234.
Benson, William E., 238. Brown, Henry, 257.
Bentley, C. E., 203, 209. Brown, Henry E., 239.
Bergen, Madam Flora B., 201. Brown, Miss H. Q., 201, 203.
Berry, E. C, 238, 299. Brown, John M., 217.
Bethune, Miss M. M., 266. Brown, Nellie, 220.
Bethune, Thomas, 220. Brown, Richard L., 220.
Bibb, J. D., 225. Brown, Roscoe C, 260.
Bigham, J. A., 285. Brown, S. N., 225.
Binga, Jesse, 238, 299. Brown, William Wells, 192, 20C
Bird, Frank K., 277. 239.
Bishop, H. C, 203. Browne, Hugh M., 229.
Black, Henry, 222. Bruce, B. K., 196, 199, 250.
Blackshear, E. L., 225, 268. Bruce, Mrs. B. K., 203.
Blackwell, G. L., 277. Bruce, John E., 203.
Blair, Henry, 258. Bruce, Roscoe C, 203, 209, 252.
Blodgett, J. H., 299. Bryan, Andrew, 19.
Blue, L., 257. Bryant, Ira T., 203, 209, 277, 30C
Bluitt, B. R., 260. Bryant, W. W., 234.
Blyden, Edward W., 199. Buchanan, Noah, 252.
Bogle, Robert, 229. Buchanan, W. S., 267.
Bonchet, Edward A., 270. Buckner, George W., 253, 254.
Bond, James, 239. Bugg, J. H., 239.
Bond, James A., 299. Bulkley, W. H., 203.
Bond, Theophilus, 299. Bulkley, William L., 270.
Booker, Joseph A., 224, 265. Bundy, Richard W., 253.
Booze, Eugene P., 299. Burkins, Eugene, 220, 257.
Boss, Hon. Harry, 200. Burleigh, Harry T., 200, 203, 20*
Bowen, Mrs. Ariel, 225. Burns, Anthony, 220, 229.
Bowen, J. W. E., 203, 208, 299. Burr, Seymour, 234.
Bowler, Jack, 239. Burrell, W. P., 239.
Bowser, Mrs. Rosa D., 225. Burroughs, George L., 239.
Boyd, B., 239. Burroughs, Miss Nannie H., 20J
Boyd, Henry, 217. 266, 278, 300.
Boyd, H. A., 299. Burroughs, W. M., 300.
Boyd, Henry A., 295. Burrows, William, 276.
Boyd, R. F., 260, 299. Burwell, L. L., 239, 260.
Boyd, R. H., 203, 208, 278 300. Bush, Anita, 200.
Bradford James, 232. Bush, Chester E., 300.
Index to Names 401

Bush, Mrs. Cora E., 300. Clark, Peter H., 229.

Bush, John E., 209, 239, 254, 298, Cleaves, N. C, 275.
300. Clement, G. C, 277.
Bush, Mrs. Olivia Ward, 234. Clinton, George W., 209, 277, 300.
Bush, William H., 203. Coard, B. T., Jr., 296.
Butler, H. R., 225, 260. Cobb, J. A., 253, 300.
Coggins, J. N. C, 278.
Cabaniss, J. A., 300. Cohen, Walter L., 300.
Cain, R. H., 217, 251. Coker, Daniel, 232.
Caldwell, J. C, 277. Cole, Bob, 200, 234.
Caldwell, J. S., 203, 277. Cole, Rebecca J., 260.
Calhoun, A. R., 276. Collier, N. W., 300.
Calhoun, R. C, 300. Conner, James M., 276.
Calloway, T. J., 300. Cook, Elijah, 239.
Campbell, J. B., 239. Cook, Eliza Ann, 217.
Cannon, George E., 260. Cook, George F. T., 199.
Capitien, James Eliza John, 189. Cook, George W., 203, 210.
Cardozo, F. L., 232. Cook, John F., Jr., 199.
Cardozo, T. W., 252. Cook, John F., Sr., 199.
Carey, Lott, 217. Cook, Will Marion, 203, 208.
Carey, Mary A. S., 217. Coolidge, J. S., 257.
Carney, William H., 217. Cooper, Mrs. Anna J., 228.
Carr, James L., 203. Cooper, E. J., 228.
Carroll, Jacqueline, 234. Copeland, John Anthony, 231.
Carroll, Richard, 239, 300. Coppin, Fanny M. Jackson, 199.
Carson, Simeon L., 260. Coppin, L. J., 203, 209, 276.
Carter, Rev. E. R., 222. Coppin, Thomas, 229.
Carter, H. C, 252. Corbin, J. C, 232.
Carter, James G., 253, 300. Cornell, A. C, 222.
Carter, Lt. Louis A., 248. Cornish, Alexander, 217.
Carter, R. A., 210, 275. Corrothers, James D., 220.
Carter, W. J., 203. Cosey, A. A., 278.
Carver, G. W., 210, 269. Coshburn, Walter M., 222.
Cato, 220. Coshburn, Mrs. W. M., 222.
Chappelle, Julius B., 234. Costin, Louisa Parke, 217.
Chappelle, W. D., 225, 276. Costin, Martha, 232.
Charles, H. M., 300. Costin, William, 217.
Charlton, Melville, 220. Cottrell, Charles, 253.
iChase, William Calvin, 224. Cottrell, Elias, 239, 275, 300.
iChavis, John, 191. Council, W. H., 222.
iCheatham, H. P., 251. Coursey, Robert F., 234.
^Cherry, M. A., 257. Courtney, S. E., 210, 260, 299, 300.
(Chester, T. Morris, 232. Covington, John, 300.
Chestnutt, C. W., 194, 195, 198, Cowan A. C, 300.
203, 208, 284. Cox, J. M., 226, 266.
hiles, Nick, 210. Cox, W. Alexander, 235, 300.
:«|Chosum, Melvin J., 296. Cox, W. W., 300.
Chretien, Paul, 239. Craft, Henry K., 239.
Church, R. E. Jr., 209. Crafts, William, 229.
Church, R. R., 300. Crafts, Mrs. William, 229.
31ark, Jonas, 234. Crawford, Joshua, 235.
Dlark, J. Milton, 234. Crogman, William Henry, 203, 209.
lark, J. S., 268. Cromwell, J. W., 226.
402 Index to Names

Crowdy, William, 235. Dickinson, J. H., 257.

Crowther, Samuel, 239. Dickson, Rev. Moses, 239.
Crum, W. D., 239. Diffay, J. O., 295.
Crum, W. E., 235. Diggs, J. R. L., 270.
Crummel, Alexander, 196, 197, 199, Dillon, Dr. Sadie, 239.
285. Dogan, M. W., 210, 266.
Crummell, Boston, 239. Dorsett, C. N., 239, 260.
Cuffe, John, 218. Dorsey, Thomas L., 230.
Cuffe, Paul, 196, 199. Dossen, Vice-President, 240.
Cugoano, Ottobah, 189. Douglass, Charles R., 230, 240.
Cummings, Harry S., 203. Douglass, Frederick, 192, 196, 19'
Curtis, Bishop, 239. 198, 199, 200, 210, 252, 288.
Curtis, A. M., 203, 259, 260. Douglass, H. Ford, 230.
Curtis, James L., 200, 203. Douglass, J. H., 203.
Curtis, J. Webb, 228. Douglass, Lewis H., 230.
Custalo, William, 222. Douglass, W., 257.
Downing, George T., 230.
Dabney, Austin, 239. Downing, Thomas, 230.
Dailey, Sam, 239. Doyle, James, 258.
Dailey, U. G., 260. Draper, Garrison, 232.
Dalton, Thomas, 235. Drew, Howard P., 200.
Daneey, J. C, 203, 209, 278. Drury, Theodore, 235.
Dandridge, Ann, 218. Du Bois, W. E. B., 195, 197, 19)
Dangerfield, Newby, 231. 200, 203, 207, 270, 284.
Daniels, Jim, 231. Dubuclet 240.
Darden, J. H., 222. Duckery, Henry, 235.
Darden, John W., 260. Dudley, James B., 267.
Davage, M. S., 278. Dumas, Alexandre, 188, 197, 200.
Davidson, Shelby, 257. Dumas, A. W., 260.
Davis, A. K., 220, 252. Dunbar, Chas. B., 260.
Davis, Mrs. Belle, 300. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 194, 19
Davis, B. J., 209. 197, 198, 199, 200, 210, 224, 28
Davis, B. O., 209, 248. 285.
Davis, Charles T., 300. Dunbar, Mrs. Paul Laurence, 22
Davis, D. W., 226. Dungee, A. C, 300.
Davis, George W., 300. Dunlop, Alexander, 240.
Davis, Henrietta Vinton, 201. Dunn, Oscar J., 220, 252.
Davis, I. D., 226. Duprey, William, 235.
Davis, Mrs. L. A., 222. Durham, James, 189, 191, 196, 26!
Davis, W. R., 257. Dyson, Walter, 285.
Day, J. Howard, 229.
Day, William Howard, 239. Earnest Louis, 222.
Dean, Jennie, 239. Easton, Hosea, 235.
De Grasse, John V., 218, 260. Easton, Joshua, 235.
Delancey, Martin R., 230. Edmonds, T. H., 257.
De Large, R. C, 220, 251. Eggleston, E. F., 240.
De Mortie, Louise, 218, 235. Elbert, S. G., 299, 300.
De Mortie, Mark, 235. Elbert, Mrs. S. G., 300.
Dennison, F. A., 203, 209. Ellerson, L. B., 226.
Derrick, W. B., 224. Elliot, R. B., 196, 199, 251.
Dett, R. N., 203. Elliott, J. T., 299.
Deveaux, John H., 239. Elliott, T. J., 300.
Dickerson, William F., 218. Emanuel, J., 300.
Index to Names 40S
Europe, James Resse, 200, 203. Gibbs, Miffin Wistar, 192, 301.
Evans, Henry, 191. Gibson, G. W., 240.
Evans, Matilda A., 240. Gilbert, F. H., 298, 301.
Evans, Mrs. S. J., 228. Gilbert, J. W., 226, 276.
Evans, Wm. P., 300. Gilbert, M. W., 226, 276.
Gillian, C. W., 301.

Ferguson, John C, 260. Girideau, W. L., 301.

Ferguson, Joseph, 260. Gladden, Lt. W. W., 248.
Ferguson, S. D., 203, 278. Gleaves, R. H., 220, 252.
Fields, W. R., 240.
Gleed, Robert, 252.
Fisher, D. A., 257. Gloucester, John, 191.
Fleet, John H., 218.
Goddard, Julius B., 235.
Flipper, Henry O., 247.
Goiens, John W., 269.
Flipper, J. S., 204, 276. Goler, W. H., 204, 265, 278.
Floyd, Silas X., 220. Gomez, General Maximo, 228, 248.
Ford, C. E., 300. Goodwin, G. A., 226.
Ford, J. E., 210. Gordon, Henry, 240.
Forten, Miss Charlotte, 218. Gordon, James H., 301.
Forton, James, 192, 258. Gordon, Nora A., 222.
Fortune, T. Thomas, 195, 204, 208. Gordon, Sarah, 240.
Fountain, W. A., 265. Gordon, W. C, 299, 301.
France, Joseph J., 260. Graham, A. A., 301.
Frances, J. W., 296. Grant, Bishop A., 224, 301.
Francis, J. R., 226, 228. Grant, George F., 235.
Francis, William, 189.
Gray, F. A., 301.
Franklin, G. W., 300. Gray, Miss Mary A., 301.
Franklin, Nicholas, 218. Gray, William, 240.
Frence, John B., 228. Green, Benjamin T., 240.
Frierson, A. U., 226.
Green, Charles Henry, 232.
Fuller, S. C, 204, 208, 260.
Green, E. E., 260.
Green, John, 224.
Fuller, Mrs. S. C, See Meta Vaux
Warrick. Green, Lt. J. E., 248.
Fuller, Thomas, 189, 190.
Green, John P., 218.
Furniss, Henry W., 204, 254. Green, Shields, 231.
Furniss, S. A., 300.
Green, S. W., 210.
Greener, R, T., 196, 197, 208, 220.
Gregory, J. M., 204.
Gabriel, 218. Grigg, John A., 265.
Gaones, John S., 240. Griggs, E. M., 296.
Gamble, H. F., 260. Griggs, Sutton E., 210, 278.
Ganes, John F., 230. Grimes, Leonard, 218.
Gardner, Eliza, 235. Grimke, Archibald H., 204, 208.
Garland, C. N., 235, 260. Grimke, F. J., 194, 204, 208.
Garner, James E., 301. Gross, F. W., 265.
Garner, J. H., 301. Gross, William E., 240.
Garnett, H. H., 196, 197, 199. Groves, C. A., 301.
Garrett, Thomas, 220. Groves, J. G., 301.
Gaskins, Nelson, 235. Groves, Marjory, 235.
Gates, George A., 301.
Gell, Monday, 220. Hackley, Mrs. E. A., 220.
Geoffray, L'Islet, 189. Hale, W. J., 210, 267.
Gibbs, Miss Hattie, 222. Hall, Mrs. Anna M., 218.
Qibbs, J. C, 219. Hall, Charles H., 235.
404 Index to Names
Hall, G. C, 204, 208, 240, 259, 260, Hewlett, E. M., 240.
299. Hibbler, John A., 301.
Hall, Primus, 230. Higgins, W. H., 260.
Hall, Prince, 240. Higiemonde, 188.
Hall, R. M., 240. Hill, James, 252.
Hall, Walter P., 301. Hill, J. S., 296.
Hamilton, R. T., 260. Hill, Mrs. L., 240.
Hamlett, J. A., 276. Hill, L. P., 240.
Hamlin, J. A., 301. Hills, J. Seth, 260.
Hamm, James R., 301. Hilton, John T., 235.
Hansberry, E., 223. Hilyer, A. F., 226, 257.
Haralson, Jare, 240, 251. Hoagland, George, 301.
Hargrave, F. S., 260. Hodges, M. Hamilton, 235.
Harlan, Robert, 232. Hogan, Ernest, 200.
Harllee, N. W., 226. Holloway, Richard, 240.
Harper, Fenton, 240. Holloway, T. B., 296.
Harper, Frances E., 201. Holloweil, William, 230.
Harper, Mrs. F. E. W., 192. Holly, J. T\, 240.
Harper, William A., 287. Holmes, William E., 223, 265.
Harris, Charles E., 235. Hood, J. W., 204, 209, 277.
Harris, C. R., 277. Holsey, L. H., 204, 275.
Harris, Mrs. Carol V., 301. Holtzclaw, W. H., 301.
Harris, Gilbert C, 235, 301. Hope, John, 204, 208, 265.
Harris, J. H., 301. Hort, Mrs. Emma T., 223.
Harris, T. N., 240. Horton, George, 232.
Harrison, Hazel, 220. Hosier, Harry, 240.
Harrod, W. A., 279. Houston, R. C, 298.
Hart, Mrs., 228. Howard, A. C, 301.
Hart, W. H. H., 204. Howard, Alexander S., 301.
Hatcher, Henry A., 301. Howard, E. C, 260.
Hatter, Allen, 301. Howard, P. W., 301.
Havis, Ferdinand, 210. Howell, G. M., 301.
Hawkins, J. R., 204, 209, 277, 301. Howell, S. A., 297.
Hawkins, Mason A., 204. Hubbard, A., 240.
Hawkins, T. S., 240. Hubert, Z. T., 265.
Hawkins, W. Ashbie, 204. Hudson, R. B., 278.
Hayden, Lewis, 192. Hull, D. J., 265.
Hayes, Alexander, 218. Hunt, A. H., 235.
Haynes, George E., 209, 270. Hunt, H. A., 226.
Haynes, Lemuel, 191, 196, 198. Hunt, William H., 224, 253.
Hayes, Roland W., 204. Hunter, John E., 260.
Hayes, Thomas H., 299, 301. Hunton, W. A., 204, 210.
Hazel, William A., 235. Hurst, John E., 204, 209, 276.
Heard, W. H., 226, 276. Hurst, S. P., 301.
Hemmings, Robert, 235. Hyer, The Sisters, 220.
Hendley, Willie M., 269. Hyman, John, 240, 251.
Henry, Sam, 252.
Henson, Josiah, 232. Isaacs, E. W. D., 204, 278.
Henson, Mathews, 200, 240. Ish, I. G., 224.
Herndon, A. F., 210.
Hershaw, L. M., 204. Jackson, A. B., 260, 299.
Hewin, J. T., 226. Jackson, A. D., 285.
Hewitt, W. V., 301. Jackson, A. S., 277,
Index to Ndines 405

Jackson, Deal, 240. Jones, J. H., 226.

Jackson, George H., 254. Jones, Joshua M., 276.
Jackson, Jennie, 240. Jones, John W., 261.
Jackson, J. C, 299, 301. Jones, Miles B., 260.
Jackson, J. S., 278. Jones, R, E., 204, 208, 278, 299, 302.
Jackson, Miss Lena T., 226. Jones, Scipio A., 210, 299, 302.
Jackson, Mary C, 228. Jones, Sissieretta, 201.
Jackson, T. J., 296. Jones, T. W., 226, 302.
Jackson, William L., 232. Jones, Wiley, 241.
Jacobs, C. C, 278. Jordan, D. J., 226.
Jacobs, H. P., 252. Jordan, L. G., 204, 209, 279, 302.
Jack, Uncle, 275. Josenberger, Mrs. Mary, 302.
Jamison, M. F., 275. Juan, 229.
Janifer, J. T., 277. Just, E. E., 204, 209.
Jason, W. C, 268.
Jasper, John, 240. Kealing, H. T\, 195, 204, 209, 266.
Jefferson, E. B., 301. Keatts, Chester W., 224.
Jenifer, J. T., 204, 210. Keatts, C. W., 302.
Jenkins, O. C, 240. Kelly, James, 223.
Jenkins, S. J., 223. Kennedy, W. A., 302.
Jennings, Cordelia A., 240. Kenney, J. A., 241, 261.
Jennings, Mrs. Mary F., 240. Kerr, S., 226.
Johnson, 296. Kersey, Willis A., 302.
Johnson, Mrs. A. E., 284. Keys, H. W., 302.
Johnson, A. N., 301. King, G. H., 223.
Johnson, Billy, 235. Kina:, Horace, 223.
Johnson, C. F., 210, 301. King, H. H., 302.
Johnson, Elijah, 220. King, J. T., 223.
Johnson, Harvey, 204. King, M. N., 223.
Johnson, H. L., 204. King, W. E., 209.
Johnson, H. T., 210. King, W. W., 223.
Johnson, J. A., 204, 210, 276. Knight, D. L., 302.
Johnson, J. O., 226. Knox, George L., 226.
Johnson, J. Rosamond, 200, 204, Kyles, L. W., 278.
Johnson, John Thomas, 232. Lafon, Thorny, 220.
Johnson, James W., 201, 204, 208, Lambert family, 241.
226, 254. Lambert, William, 219.
Johnson, L. E., 240. Lane, Isaac, 241, 275.
Johnson, Peter A., 260. Lane, J. F., 265.
Tohnson, Sol. C, 241. Lane, Lunsford, 192, 193.
Tohnson, W. Bishop, 279. Lane, W. C, 235.
Tohnson, W. H., 301. Laney, Lucy, 204.
Tohnson, W. I., 301. Lankford, J. A., 302.
Tones, Mme. (Black Patti), 201. Langford, Sam, 207.
Tones, Absolom, 220. Langston, John M., 196, 197, 199,
Tones, A. D., 260. 251.
Tones, E. M., 278. Lattimore, Andrew E., 235.
Tones, E. P., 301. Latimer, George, 235.
Jones, Miss Hazel K., 302. Lavalette, W. A., 257.
Jones, Henry, 229. Lawrence, W. P., 279.
Jones, John, 230. Lawson, R. Augustus, 204.
Jones, J. G., 241. Leary, John, S., 232.

406 Index to Names

Leary, Lewis S., 231. McDonald, J. Frank, 277.

Leary, Matthew, 241. McDonald, W. H., 296.
Leary, Matthew, Jr., 241. McDonough, David K., 261.
Lee, Bertina, 220, 287. McDuffv, J. D., 302.
Lee, B. F., 204, 208, 276. McGilbray, D. C, 302.
Lee, Joseph, 235, 254. McKane, Cornelius, 236.
Lee M. D., 278. McKee, John, 220.
Lehman, M. J., 223. McKinlev, J. Frank, 228.
Leile, George, 191. McKinley, Whitfield, 254.
Levy, J. R., 261, 302. McKissack, E. H., 241, 302.
Lewis, A. L., 302. McKissack, Moses, 302.
Lewis, Edmonia, 201, 287. Majors, W. L., 302.
Lewis, James, 204. Margetson, G. Reginald, 236.
Lewis, J. H., 235, 302. Marshall, John R., 205.
Lewis, John W., 296. Marshall, Napoleon B., 236.
Lewis, M. N., 302. Martin, J. A., 268.
Lewis, W. H., 201, 204, 207, 254. Martin, J. C, 276.
Lewis, W. 226.
I., Martin, John Sella, 236.
Lights, F. L., 297. Martin, Martha and sister, 232.
Lindsay, Samuel, 297. Martin, William M., 228.
Livingston, Lemuel W., 254. Mason, Cassius, 205.
Logan, Warren, 205, 210, 302. Mason, Mrs. Lena, 226.
Logan, Mrs. Warren, 226. Mason, M. C. B., 226, 302.
Loguen, Bishop, 218. Mason, U. G., 241.
Long, Jefferson, 241, 251. Mathews, William E., 230.
Loudin, F. J., 257. Matthews, James C, 205.
Lovett, William C, 236. Matthews, Victoria E., 241.
Lovinggood, R. S., 266. Matthews, W. Clarence, 236.
Lowe, J. I., 277. Matzeliger, J. E., 220, 257.
Lowry, Samuel, 232. Maxwell, Leigh R., 223.
Lowther, George W., 236. Merrick, John, 241.
Lucas, Sam, 201. Middlcton, Charles H., 218.
Lucas, W. W., 223, 278. Miles, Alexander, 228.
Lugrade, S. L., 241. Miles, Marv E., 232.
Lundy, Benjamin, 230. Miller, Kelly, 194, 195, 201, 205
Lynch, James, 252. 207, 285, 302.
Lynch, John R., 205, 208, 248, 251. Miller, T. H., 241, 251.
Lynk, M. V., 266. Minton, F. J., 302.
Lytic, Miss Lutie A., 228. Minton, Henry, 229.
Mitchell, Charlie L., 218.
McCarthy, Anthony, 302. Mitchell, John, 205.
McCarty, Owen, 241. Mitchell, John, Jr., 208.
McCary, William, 252. Mitchell, Mrs. Nellie B., 236.
Maceo, 248. Mitchell, Robert, 279.
McClennon, A. C, 261. Mitchell, S. T., 232.
McClellan, G. M., 226. Mitchell, W. L., 297.
McCord, Sam, 241. Mollison, W. E., 205.
McCoy, Benjamin M., 218. Montgomery, Ben, 241.
McCoy, E., 205, 257. Montgomery, I. T., 205, 208, 252
McCoy, Elijah T., 198. 302.
McCrorey, H. L., 265. Montgomery, Thornton, 241.
McCulloch, J. B., 302. Moody, O. L., 266.
McDaniel, E. E., 302. Moore, A. M., 261.
Index to Names 407

Moore, Alice Ruth, 220. O'Harra, J. E., 231, 251.

Moore, Fred R., 209, 254. O'Kelly, Berry, 303.
Moore, G. W., 205, 278. O'Kelley, C. G., 265.
Moore, J. H., 276. Olandad, 189.
Moore, Lewis B., 205, 270. Olney, D. W., 226.
Moore, T. Clay, 302. Oncles, Father, 205.
Moorland, J. E., 205, 208. Osborn, Perry Anderson, 231.
Moreland, John F., 278. Ossie, Keebe, 241.
Morgan, B. J., 302. Othello, 189.
Morgan, Clement G., 236. Otis, Joseph E., 241.
Morgan, J. H., 226. Outlaw, John S., 261.
Morris, Albert, 241. Owens, Mrs. R. C, 303.
Morris, E. C, 205, 208, 279, 302.
Morris, E. H., 194, 205, 208. Pace, Dinah, 241.
Morris, Freeman, 241. Page, Inman E., 268, 303.
Morris, J., 232. Palmer, John H., 269.
Morris, Robert, 232. Palmer, Loring B., 261.
Morris, W. R., 205. Pamphlet, Gowan, 232.
Mosby, John M., 296. Parker, James B., 224.
Mossell, N. F., 205, 209, 261. Parker, Inez C, 284.
Moten, Lucy, 205. Parks, H. B., 205, 276.
Moton, R. R., 201, 205, 207, 269, Parks, Thomas F., 303.
302. Parks, W. G., 279.
Mott, Lucretia, 229. Parrish, C. H., 303.
Moultry, Francis J., 241. Partee, W. E., 226.
Murphy, W. O., 302. Patrick, Thomas W., 236.
Murray, Daniel, 205. Patterson, Fred D., 303.
Murray, G. W., 226, 251, 257. Patterson, Spenser, 303.
Murray, J. L., 223. Paul, Thomas, 236.
Muse, Lindsay, 218. Payne, Christopher H., 254.
Myers, Cyrus, 223. Payne, D. A., 196, 199.
Myers, George A., 241. Payne, G. A., 265.
Myers, Stephen J., 230. Payton, F. A., Jr., 303.
Pelham, R., 258.
I Nance, L., 257. Penn, I. G., 205, 209, 241, 278.
Napier, J. C, 205, 208, 254, 299, Penn, W. F., 261.
302. Pennington, J. W. C, 196.
Napier, Mrs. J. C, 302. Perdue, A. C, 303.
Nash, Charles E., 241, 251. Perry, Christopher, 210.
Neighbors, W. D., 295, 302. Perry, C. W., 241.
Nell, William, 232, 236. Peters, "Dr.", 236.
N elson. Davfo 302. Peters, E. S., 303.
elson, Ida Gray, 228. Peters, John, 220.
Nesbitt, F. M., 303. Peters, Phyllis Wheatley, 189, 190,
Newby, Dangerfield, 231. 196, 198, 199, 201, 202, 210, 284.
Newton, Osborn A., 236. Peterson, B. H., 226.
Nickens, Owen
T. B., 241. Peterson, James T., 303.
Norman, M. W. D., 223. Peterson, John, 241.
Nunn, Charles, 303. Pettey, Mrs., 226.
Pettiford, W. R., 303.
O'Connell, Pezavia, 270. Phelps, Mrs. Mary Rice, 223.
O'Connor, 257. Phillips, C. H., 205, 275. ,

Ogden, Peter, 241. Phillips, Henry L., 205.

408 Index to Names
Pickens, William, 208. Redmond, Sarah, 232.
Pierce, Charles, 218. Redmond, S. C, 241.
Pinchback, Napoleon, 241. Redmond, S. D., 303.
Pinchback, P. B. S., 205, 209, 252, Redwine, W. A., 296.
253. Reed, L. S., 242.
Pinheiro, Don T., 236. Reed, William L., 236.
Pitts, Coffin, 236. Reeve, J. B., 205.
Piatt, Miss Ida, 223. Reid, Dow, 242.
Pledger, William A., 224. Reid, Frank, 242.
Plummer, "Elder," 236. Remond, C. L., 192, 196.
Poindexter, James, 218. Hiram R., 220, 250,
Revels, 253.
Pollard, L. M., 241. Reynolds, H. H., 257.
Pompey, R. S., 269. Rich, William, 230.
Ponton, M. M., 265. Richards, Fannie, 233.
Pope, James W., 236. Richardson, A. St. George, 226.
Porter, J. R., 226. Richey, C. V., 258.
Porter, L. M., 303. Riddick, J. F., 297.
Porter, Maggie, 241. Ridley, Mrs. U. A., 242.
Porter, Troy, 303. Rischer, H. K., 242.
Porter, W. M., 303. Roberts, E. P., 209, 261.
Powell, B. F., 223. Roberts, D. R., 233.
Powell, Clayton, 201. Roberts, Isaac L., 236.
Powell, Holland, 279. Roberts, Thomas Wright, 218.
Pratt, Harry T., 303. Roberson, W. E., 303.
Price, J. C„ 199, 241, 288. Robinson, David R., 236.
Prillerman, Byrd, 268. Robinson, E. A., 298.
Prioleau, G. W., 248. Robinson, G. T., 226.
Procter, H. H., 209. Robinson, J. P., 224.
Prosser, 229. Robinson, Mrs. Leila, 303.
Prout, John, 232. Robinson, Mrs. M. A., 223.
Purcell, I. L., 226. Robinson, R. G., 227.
Purvis, C. B., 241, 261. Rock, David, 236.
Purvis, Robert, 192, 196. Rock, John S., 242.
Purvis W. B., 220, 257. Rollins, Wade C, 303.
Pushkin, Alexander, 188. Roman, C. V.,
209, 261.
Rosell, David, 261.
Ross, A. W., 230, 242.
Quinn, William Paul, 218.
Ross, John, 85.
Ross, J. O., 296, 303.
Rainey, J. H., 220, 251. Rosser, L. E., 276.
Rakestraw, W. M., 269. Roundtree, P. C, 303.
Rankin, J. W., 277. Rucker, H. A., 205, 303.
Ransier A. J., 220, 251, 252. Ruffin, G. L., 230.
Ransom, R. C, 205, 209, 277. Ruffin, Mrs. J. St. P., 205.
Raphard, Father, 280. Ruffin, Stanley, 236.
Rapier, James T., 220, 251, 261. Ruggles, David, 242.
Rav, Charles M., 230. Russell, G. P., 268.
Ray, Charlotte. 241. Russell, James S., 242.
Ray, E. P., 257. Russwurm, J. B., 192, 196.
Ray, Peter Williams, 261. Rutling, Thomas, 242.
Raymond, John T., 236.
Raymond, Theodore H., 236. Saffell, Mrs. Daisy, 303.
Reason, Charles L., 232. St. Benedict, The Moor, 242.
Index to Names 409

St. Pierre, John, 242. Singleton, Huston, 223.

Salem, Peter, 242. Slater, T. H., 261.
Sampson, Benjamin, 242. Smalls, Robert, 205, 251, 255.
Sampson, B. K., 233. Smiley, Charles H., 242.
Sampson, George M., 242. Smith, Albretta Moore, 223.
Sampson, James D., 242, Smith, Alfred, 242, 303.
Sancho, Ignatius, 189. Smith, Mrs. Amanda, 202.
Sanders, D. J., 223. Smith, B. S., 205.
Sanderson, Thomas, 242. Smith, Blanche, V., 236.
Sanford, J. M., 297. Smith, C. S., 205, 209, 276.
Sanford, J. S., 304. Smith, Eleanor A., 236.
Sanifer, J. M., 242. Smith, Harriet, 237.
Saunders, M. P., 303. Smith, H. C, 205.
Sawner, G. W. F., 303. Smith, Mrs. Hannah G., 236.
Sawner, Mrs. Lena, 303. Smith, Isaac H., 296, 304.
Sawyer, E. J., 303. Smith, Joshua B., 237.
Scarborough, W. S., 198, 205, 208, Smith, James McCune, 196, 242,
266. 261.
Scarlett, John E., 236. Smith, Mary E., 237.
Scott, Emmett J., 205, 207, Smith, Mrs. M. E. C, 227.
298. Smith, R. L., 209, 304.
Scott, I. B., 205, 210, 278. Smith, R. S., 227.
Scott, J. J., 296. Smith, Stephen, 229.
Scott, Lt. O. J. W., 248. Smith, Wilford H., 195, 304.
iScott, Walter, 242. Smythe, John H., 227, 242.
Scott, W. A., 303. Snow, Benjamin, 218.
IScott, Wilkerson and Scott, 303. Snowden, John Baptist, 233.
Scott, William E., 205. Spaulding, C. C, 304.
iScottron, S. R., 303. Sprague, Mrs. Rosetta D., 227.
Scruggs, B. E., 223. Stafford, A. O., 220.
Searcy, T. J., 303. Stanley, Alexander, 242.
Sejour, Victor, 242. Stanley, Charles, 242.
Selika, Madam, 202. Stanley, John, 242.
Seme, Pixley Isaka, 242. Stanley, John C, 242.
Shadd, Mary Ann, 233. Stanley, J. P., 297.
Shadwell, G. W., 303. Stanton, J. C, 276.
Shaffer, C. T., 205, 276. Starks, J. R., 276.
Shaw, M. A. N., 236. Steele, Carrie, 242.
Shaw, Mrs. Mary E., 242. Stephenson, J. B., 304.
Shepard, C. H., 261. Sterrs, Alexander, 242.
Shepherd, H. C, 303. Sterrs, Willis E., 261.
Sheppard, Mr., 242. Stevenson, William, 237.
Sheppard, Ella, 242. Steward, T. G., 206, 209, 248.
Sheppard, W. H., 242. Stewart, Austin, 218.
Shirley, Thomas, 229. Stewart, F. A., 242, 261.
Shorter, James, 218. Stewart, G. W., 275.
Shorter, Mrs. J. A., 242. Stewart, Logan H., 299.
Sidney, Thomas, 233. Stewart, T. McCants, 233.
Simms, S. William, 236. Still, Charity, 223.
Sims, W. H., 303. Still, James, 237.
Sinclair, 285. Still, Peter, 242.
Sinclair, William A., 220. Still, William, 192.
Singleton, David, 253. Stokes, A. J., 279.
410 Index to Names
Storum, James, 227. Troumontaine, Julian, 233.
Stout, R. S., 276. Trower, John S., 243, 304.
Straker, D. A., 223. Truth, Sojourner, 192, 196, 197,
Strauther, J. M., 304. 199, 202.
Street, H. Gordon, 237. Tubman, Harriet, 192.
Stringer, T. W., 253. Tucker, 261.
Strong, J. W., 265. Tucker, A. L., 297.
Stubbs, Julian, 237. Tucker, E. D., 304.
Suggs, D. C, 243. (Tucker, T. de S., 227.
Sutton, E. H., 257. Tulane, Victor H., 243.
Tunnell, W. V., 206.
Talbert, Mary B., 227. Turnbo, Mrs. Pope, 304.
Taliaferro, C. T., 304. Turner, Benjamin S., 243, 251.
Talley, T. W., 227. Turner, C. H., 206, 210, 270.
Tandy, H. A., 304. Turner, H. M., 218, 247, 276.
Taniel, R. F., 297. Turner, M. W., 304.
Tanner, B. T., 198, 206, 210, 276. Turner, Nat, 218.
Tanner, Henry O., 194, 197, 198, Twe, Dihdwo, 237.
199, 200, 201, 206, 208, 210, Tyler, Ralph W., 210, 255.
i 287. Tyree, Evans, 206, 210, 276.
Tate, W. A., 269.
Taylor, Hilliard, 304.
Vachon, George B., 233.
Taylor Major, 201.
Valladelid, Juaji de, 239.
Taylor, Marshall W., 218.
Vass, G. W., 206.
Taylor, Preston, 304.
Vass, S. N., 278.
Taylor, R. R., 243.
Vassa, Gustavus, 189.
Taylor, S. Coleridge, 197, 201.
Velar, N. T., 304.
Taylor, W. L., 194.
Venegar, F. T., 268.
Teamoh, Robert T., 237.
Vernon, W. T., 206, 209, 265.
Terrell, Father of R. H., 233.
Terrell, Mrs. Mary Church, 202,
Vesey, Denmark, 218, 243.
Villa, Panco, 248.
Terrell, Mother of Mary C, 233.
Terrell, R. H., 206, 208, 253,
258. Walder, Walter F., 237.
Terrs, Holmes, 304. Waldron, J. Milton, 210.
Terry, Watt, 304. Walker, 237.
Thomas, Alex S. 218. Walker, Aida O., 201, 202, 288.
Thomas, I. L., 278. Walker, Mme. C. J., 201, 304.
Thomas, James C, 243, 304. Walker, David, 192, 196.
Thomas, J. W., 304. Walker, Edwin G., 237.
Thomas, Lillian J. B., 223. Walker, George, 201.
Thompson, R. W., 227. Walker, H. L., 227.
Thurman, Mrs. Lucy, 243. Walker, John W., 261.
Tibbs, Roy W., 220. Walker, Maggie B., 206.
Tidrington, E. G., 304. Wall, Josiah T., 243, 251.
Tolton, Father Augustus, 280. Wall, O. S. B., 243.
Toussaint, Francois Dominique, Wallace, A. G., 304.
189, 197, 248. Wallace, J. E., 265.
Townsend, A. M., 261, 266. Wallace, T. W., 278.
Townsend, J. M., 297. Wallace, W. N., 227.
Trotter, William H., 208. Waller, O. M., 227.
Trotter, W. Monroe, 206, 237. Walters, Alexander, 206, 208, 277.
Index to Names 411

alton, L. P., 261. Williams, George H., 198.

Ward, E. E., 304. Williams, G. H. C, 268.
Ward, S. R., 218, 243. Williams, George Washington, 243.
Ward, T. M. D., 218. Williams, J. A., 304.
Garfield, W. A., 206, 210, 261. Williams, J. B. L., 227.
Waring, J. H. N., 243. Williams, J. M. P., 253.
Warner, A. J., 277. Williams, J. S., 304.
Warrick, Meta Vaux, 220, 287. Williams, P. B., 257.
Washington, Booker T., 194, 195, Williams, R. S., 275.
196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 210, Williams, Mrs. Sylvanie F., 223.
288, 298, 304.
I Williams, S. Laing, 304.
Washington, Mrs. Booker T., 202. Williams, W. T. B., 206, 210.
Washington, J. W., 304. Willis, E. D., 304.
Washington, Mrs. Margaret, 223. Willis, Joseph, 275.
Washington, Mrs. S. I. N., 237. Wilson, Butler R., 237.
Watson, B. F., 277. Wilson, Edward, 228.
Wavman, A. W., 218. Wilson, James H., 261.
Webb, John L., 304. Wilson, J. M., 253.
Wells, John W., 304. Wilson, T. J., 304.
Wells, Nelson, 218. Wilson, T. J., Jr., 304.
IVelmon, Matthew, 304. Windham, B. L., 304.
.West, F. L., 269. Windham, T. C, 304.
West, W. B., 223. Winter, L., 305.
|Westberry, R. W., 304. Wolff, James G., 237.
iWestons, 243. Wolff, James H., 237.
fVharton, Heber E., 243. Wood, J. W., 278.
Wheatland, Marcus F., 206. Wood, N. B., 228.
Wheaton, J. F., 228. Wood, S. W., 305.
(Whipper, William, 192. Woods, Granville T., 194, 195, 198,
(Whitaker, J. W., 227. 257.
[White, Clarence C, 206. Woods, Lyates, 258.
.White, Fred, 206. Woods, R. C, 266.
SJWhite, G. H., 206, 210, 251. Woodson, Ann, 233.
[White, T. P., 233. Woodson, C. G., 206, 209, 270.
White, W. J., 233. Woodson, Emma J., 233.
Whiting, J. L., 269. Woodson, J. W., 206.
jjWier, Felix, 220. Work, Henry, 243.
Wilder, J. R., 227. Work, Monroe N., 206, 210.
Wilkinson, G. C, 285. Wormley, James, 233, 257.
Wilkinson, R. S., 268. Wormley, Mary, 218, 233.
Williams, Bert, 196, 201, 206, 209, Wormley, William, 218.
288. Wragg, J. P., 278.
'Williams, C. P., 304. Wright, Elizabeth E., 243.
Williams, C. T., 209. Wright, E. J., 237.
Williams, Charles W. M., 237. Wright, Herbert R., 254.
[Williams, Daniel H., 194, 198, 206, Wright, John M., 298, 305.
207, 259, 261. Wright, Mrs. Minnie T., 237.
Williams, Mrs. D. H., 223. Wright, R. R., 206, 218, 268.
Williams, E. C, 206. Wright, R. R., Jr., 206, 208, 270,
Williams, Miss Emma
Rose, 223. 277.
Williams, Mrs. Fannie Barrier, Wright, Theodore S., 230.
223. Writt, John T., 305.
Williams, G. G., 304. Wych, A. A., 261.
412 Index to Names
Wyche, R. P., 227. Young, Major Charles, 206, 208,
Wynn, Robert D., 279. 247, 248.
Young, James H., 228.
Yates, Iola D., 237. Young, Mrs. M. L., 305.
Yerb, William J., 254. Young, Nathan B., 210, 268.

mntus, 71. Bi-racial, 355, 358-360, 373-374.

jolitionists, 342-344. Boston Negroes, 233-237.
ihievement of Negroes, 183-184, Brazil, 27, 88.
a93. Brazilian Negro, Roosevelt on,
timixture of blood. See Amal- 323-324.
gamation. Business, Negro in, 293-307.
idvance Guard," 194. Business League, Negro, 289, 298-
friea, South, 71-77; Bastaards, 306, 307.
74-75; classes in, 75-76; color
line in, 75; illicit sex relations,
Cannibalism, 63.
75; intermarriage in, 75; mixed-
Cascos, 13.
blood people in, 72; mixture of
Caste, basis for, 19; accommoda-
races, 71; population of, 71;
tion to, 360, 371 ; in primitive
race prejudice in, 76; race sep-
society, 21.
aration in, 75.
Cherokee, 85.
jgitation, effect of, 371-374.
Children, treatment of half-caste,
gitators, mulatto, 346, 380-381.
malgamation, 17, 77, 86. See,
Civilized Tribes, 81, 82, 84.
also, Intermarriage, intermixture
Class distinctions; in Cuba, 59;
of races. in Jamaica, 68; in Philippine
mbition of mulatto, 315-318. Islands, 52-53; in Spain, 24; in
merica, South, 33-51, 88. South
Spanish America, 44-49;
merican Indians. See Indians. Africa, 73.
hglo-Indians. See Eurasians, Classes, influence of, on race inter-
htipathy, race, 25, 317-319. See,
mixture, 90-92.
|also, Race prejudice,
Color line; among American In-
nti-slavery propaganda, 342.
dians, 85; among Negroes, 177-
pache, 78.
179; in Brazil, 36-37; in Cuba,
rabs, half-caste, 28.
57; in Haiti, 63; in Jamaica, 67;
rawak Indians, 65. in South Africa, 75; in Spanish
rt, Negro in, 286-292.
America, 47.
ksimilation in ancient times, 26. Am-
Color prejudice; in Spanish
ttitude; of Northern mulattoes, erica, 50; in Cuba, 60. See,
368-374; of races in Spanish also, Race prejudice.
America, 40-41; toward first Coloured, defined, 14.
American Negroes, 166-168. Coloured peoples, 27; of Jamaica,
ixiliary wives, 22.
316; of South Africa, 27.
Comanche, 78.
ickward race, definition of, 18. Communication, effect on race in-
inks, Negro, 295-297, 307. termixture, 16.
astaards, 71-75. Competition, as affecting race
bgraphy of Negroes, 221-231, prejudice, 101, 338.
237-245. Concubinage, 28-29; 139-144; 378.
414 General Index

Croatans, 81, 85. Half-breed; as a separate cast<

Cuba, 57-60; color inferiority in, 328-331; illegitimate origin o:
325-326; mulatto in, 326. 88; increase in numbers, 93-94
psychology of, 19; treatment o|

Dance, 60, 88; orgiastic, 62. chlldlren, 95-96. See, als(

Dentistry, Negro in, 262-263, 291. Eurasians.

Determination of racial type, 327. Hindu. See Eurasians.
Differentiation among slaves, 169- Histories of the race, 216-220.
172. Hopi Indians, 80, 81.
Disorganization in South, 349. Hybrid, variability of, 12.

Distribution of mulattoes, 113, Hybridization, 28.

Divide and Rule, policy of, 333. Ideals of the Negro, 180-181.
Illicit sex relations, 145-155, 37£
Douglass, Frederick, 317.
classes involved, 145-155; durin
colonial times, 144-155; effect o|
Early American Negroes, 190-192.
Educated classes, 395. freedom on, 160-161; effect o
slavery on, 158-160; indenture
Education of Negro, 339, 350;
servants, 146-150; white wome
Woodson's, 231-233.
Eminent Negroes, 197-199. and Indians, 155; white wome
Enfranchisement of Negroes, 350. and Negroes, 153-155; slav
Escapement from the race, 396. owners and slaves, 145-146.
half-castes, 27, 31-32, 316.
Immigrants in Spanish Americ;
Ethnological distinctions, 47.
Eurasians, 26-31, 316.
Indentured servants, 146-150.
India, 88.
Exclusion policy, 334-335.
Indians, 77-85; as slaves, 82; whit
Exogamy, 21.
crosses, 28; fertility of, 83; hall
breed, 78-85, 317; Hopi, 81-8£
Famous colored women, 201-202. intermixture, 77-79; Iroquoi
Famous Negroes, 199-201. 77-78; Navajo, 81; Negro intei
mixed marriages, 83.
Fertility of
mixture, 82-83; Oklahoma, 81
Foremost men of the race, 207- Osage, 85; race problem amonji
84-85; St. Regis, 81; Wyar
Formation of primitive state, 97-
dots, 84.
Inquisition, 25.
Free mulattoes, 176-177. Industrial education, 381.
Free Negroes, 112-113. Intermarriage, 69, 94-95, 127-13!
Freedman's Bureau, 347. 316, 378; classes involved, 13(
French-Canadians, 77.
131; 136-137; in Brazil, 36; i
Greenland, 32; in South Afric.'
Greeks, 22. 75; in Spain, 24; in Spanis
Greenland, 31, 88. America, 48-50; laws concerning
Griffe, 12. 128-130, 134; Negro and Indiai
Griquas. See Bastaards. 155-158.
Intermixture of races, 15-16, 395
Haiti, 61-65; civilization of, 61-62; 394; among American Indian
classes in, 64; color line in, 63; 78-79 ;conditions determining
dress, 65; education in, 63-65; 88-93; effect of, on civilizatioi
marriage in, 62-64; political con- 17; in ancient world, 22-23; i
ditions, 62; population of, 63; Brazil, 33-38; in Cuba, 57-6C
presidents of, 65; race hatred in Greenland, 31-33; in Hait
in, 65; religion in, 62-63. 61-65; in India, 27-31; i

General Index 415

Jamaica, 65-71; in North Am- in Greenland, 31-33; in India, 28.

erican Indian group, 77-85; in See, also, Intermarriage. Amal-
Philippines, 51-54; in primitive gamation. Intermixture of
society, 21-22; in Spain, 23-26; races.
in Spanish America, 38-51; in Mixed-blood caste, 376.
South Africa, 71-77; in West Mixed-blood race. See Half-
Indies, 55-71; when a problem, breed.
17-18. Mixed-bloods as a cohesive force,
nventors, Negro, 256-259, 291. 22.
roquois, 77-78. Mixed marriages. See Intermar-
slam, policy of, 24. riage.
Isolation, 359, 383, 390-391. Mixture of blood, 22, 375.
Mongrel type, 28.
Moriscos, 24.
Jamaica, 65-71; classes, 66; edu- Mulattoes; as leaders, 341, 360-
cation, 67; population, 66; rela-
364; caste, 316; children of
tion of sexes, 67; separation of
white women, 175-176; definition
colors, 67-68; Spanish occupancy
of, 11-14; Hall, 110; improve-
of, 65.
ment of, 396-397; increase of,
Johnson, Jack, 317. 118-122; key to race problem,
journalism, Negro in, 286, 291.
86-104; militant, 371; number
of, 116-118; pride in color, 395-
Kafirs, 73. 396; problem of, 19; sentiments
Key to race problem, 86-104. of, 341, 343; societies, 340; su-
periority of, 339, 395.
Music, Negro in, 289-291.
Law, Negro in, 263-264, 291.
Musical tradition, 388-389.
Leadership, Negro, 364, 366-367,
Mustifee, 13.
Mustifino, 13.
Literature, Negro in, 282-286, 291
of Negroes, 388.
Natal. See South Africa.
L'Ouverture. See Toussaint.
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of the Colored
Mango, 13. People, 370.
Manitoba, mixed-bloods in, 77. Nationalities, composition of, 16.
Manumission, 339. Nationality; effect of , on economic
Marabon, 12. competition, 392-393; effect of,
Meamelouc, 12. on education, 391-392; effect of,
Medicine, Negro in, 259-263, 291. on intermixture of races, 393;
Mestizo, 27, 33; Chinese, 27, 51- effect of, on isolation, 390-391;
54, in Spanish America, 40; effect of, on race friction, 394;
social position of, in Spanish tendency toward, 383; sentiment
America, 46-49; in Mexico, 44; of, in Roman colonies, 23.
Spanish, 27, 51-52. Native policy in ancient times,
Metif, 12. 26-27.
Metis, 27, 33-38, 316-317; advance Navajo, 81.
of, 320-323; characteristics of, Negro aristocracy, 389-390.
34-35. Negro; Brazilian, 321; business
Mexico, races in, 43-44. league, 298-305 ; disappearance
Middle-class, growth of, 358. of, in Brazil, 38; Indian inter-
Migrations, 14-15. mixture, 82; in history, 188-189;
Ministry, Negroes in, 274-282, 291. middle class, 353-359 ; politicians,
Miscegenation, 22; in Brazil, 33; 347-348.

416 General Index

Obstacles to race solidarity, 382- ing, 13; distribution of,

383. Spanish America, 42-43.
Occupational differentiation, 339. Reconstruction policy, 347.
Octoroon, 13. Rizal, 53.
Oklahoma, 81. Role of mulatto, 104, 380-3:
Opportunities of mulattoes, 378. 338ff., 377, 315ff., 320.
Origin of mixed-bloods, 88, 376. Romans, mixture with subje
Osage, 85. peoples, 23.

Persistence of negroid character- Sacrata, 12.

istics, 105. St. Regis, 81.

Philippine Islands, 51-54. Sambo, 13.

Phoenicians, 22. Sang-mele, 12.

Physical appearance, as basis for Santo Domingo, 56.
class distinctions, 18-19. Segregation, 355ff., 384-385.
Politicians, Negro, 346-347. Self-interest, 387-388.
Politics, Negro in, 249-256, 291. Self-respect, 387.
Polygamy, 62, 64. Separation of colors in Jamaid
Porto Rico, 56. 68.

Portuguese, 88; in Brazil, 33ff.; Sexual selection, 38.

in India, 28. Slave traffic, 106-107.
Prestige of mulattoes, 363. Slavery; domestic, 27; effect
Presuppositions, 375-376. race intermixture, 92-94
Professional classes, 395. Cuba, 57; in ancient times, 2
Property-owning class, 395. in West Indies, 55ff.; of India
Psychology of mixed-bloods, in Spanish America, 39.
102-103. Slaves; classes among, 172-17
distribution of, 108.
Snake worship, 63.
Quadroon, 13.
Social; classes in Cuba, 58-59; di
Quarteron, 12.
tinction in Jamaica, 68; equs
ity, 319-320, 349; separatio
Race; competition, 392-393; de- See Color line.
fined, 14; friction, 76, 394; har- Soldiers, Negro, 246-249, 291.
mony, 100; hatred, 48, 65; inter- Southern mulatto leaders, 361 ff.
mixture (see Intermixture of Southern policy, 353ff.
races); pride, 21; repugnance, Spain; mixture of races in, 2!

28; separation, 75, 385-386. race problem in, 24-25.

Race prejudice, 70; basis for, 18; Spanish America, 33ff.
as affected by numbers, 99-100; Spanish half-breeds, 317.
growth of, in American colonies, Statistics of mulattoes, 106.
167-168; in Philippines, 53; in Status of mixed-bloods, 96, 33
South Africa, 76. 336; as affected by physical a]
Race problem, 85; defined, 18-19; pearanee, 98; as affected by cu
in Jamaica, 70; in Spain, 24. tural differences of races, 99; i

Race solidarity, absence of, in slaves, 174-177; in Brazil, 31

North, 366-368; consequences of, 38; in Cuba, 325-326; in Indi
390ff. See, also, Nationality. 316, 328-330; in Greenland, 31(
Races and classes in Spanish Am- in Spanish America, 326-327; i

erica, 40. Jamaica, 331-333.

Races, relative tendency toward Status of Negroes in North, 364i
intermixture, 88-90. Status of slaves, 167-168.
Races; biological effect of cross- Students, Negro, 270-274.
General Index 417

Superior mulattoes, per cent of, Voluntary segregation, 386-387.

311-314. Voodooism, 62.
Superiority of mulattoes, 101-102,
181, 187-188, 379.
Waltz. See Dance.
Washington, policy of. See South-
'Talented Tenth," 196-197.
ern policy.
Teachers, Negro, 264-274, 291.
West Indies, 55-71, 88.
Toussaint, 64.
"Whites by Law," 27.
Tradition of mulatto superiority,
"Who's Who in Colored America,"
Tuskegee. See Southern Policy.
Women, influence of, on race in-
termixture, 91-92.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," 344.
Wyandots, 84.

Variability of mixed-bloods, 83-

84. Zambos, 33.

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