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Jeffrey Richardson Brackett - The Negro in Maryland (1889)

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The document discusses the history of slavery and the treatment of black populations in Maryland from its early settlement through the American Civil War.

It is a study of the institution of slavery in Maryland, tracing how African slavery became established and grew as an institution in the state.

It covers from the early settlement of Maryland through the abolition of slavery in the state's 1864 constitution.








past Politics


Politics present History




public sentiment nothing can fail; without public sentiment nothing can


Consequently he who moulds public sentiment goes deeper than he who

enacts statutes or pronounces decisions.

He makes


and decisions possible or

impossible to be








Study of the Institution of Slavery




Ph. D.

















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143 175






are not called on, happily, to bring up from our past politics those questions of slavery over which so many lances


were broken


arguments were ended by the sword.

object of this study is simply to trace, as clearly as possible, the growth of African slavery, as an institution, in






be necessary to study the institution of slavery

Maryland has not alone fixed this limited no doubt, that the lot of the slaves in Maryland was, as a rule, much better than that of those on the large plantations in the thinly settled portions of the Southern States. Thus, for instance, the
field of inquiry.

A residence of several years in

It is true,

system of special magistrates courts, for trial of slaves for serious offences, was not known in Maryland. But Maryland was settled early its slave

code was rigorous becoming a Border State, its slave property became less secure the number of slaves remained large, while the free blacks

became more numerous than in any other slave State

and earnest efforts A study of the growth of slavery in detail, were made for colonization. with reference to these conditions, may be of more value to the student, to-day, than a more general, and necessarily less accurate, study in a wider field, or one directed more to the severities to which slavery made the blacks liable which are already well known. Any work of such a nature must be very imperfect. The writer can give only what he has gathered, and asks any person who may be interested in the subject, to communicate to him any further facts.

Baltimore, Md., 1889.

The Negro in Maryland.

the ancients, for the presumption is that the planters on the Chesapeake acted by their own impulses and for their own interests, with little knowledge of, or regard to, what other men had done, two thousand years before. But to begin


with the settlement of Maryland, without noticing the ideas of the age concerning slavery ideas which the settlers brought with them would be as unfair as to begin a history of the

United States without notice of the Thirteen Colonies.

The slavery of antiquity, the right to hold a person for debt, or as a captive taken in war, was based on no strict race or religious grounds. Romans enslaved captive Germans,

Germans, afterwards,

in their turn, enslaved

this slavery died out in

Western Europe early

in the

Romans. But Middle

and Christians ceased to enslave Christian captives. ; semi-servile condition of villeinage which grew up at that time, declined quickly with the decline of the feudal



* It is signifi system, long before the settlement of America. that just at the time when Columbus turned to the court cant,

of Spain, to become the discoverer of America, Ferdinand of Arragon had succeeded with some difficulty in bringing cer-

Villeinage varied somewhat in different parts of Europe, and has sur vived in some countries almost to our own day. In general, to all others but his lord, the serf was as a freeman. In England, villeinage died out early, the Peasants Wars of the fourteenth century giving the death blow. The last case, we are told, in which it was pleaded in the courts was in



class distinctions

may have accustomed men

easily to the

existence of any form of servitude is worthy of consideration, but villeinage cannot be said to have had any vital influence on the rise of African slavery.

The only

case in

which we

of the laws or customs of

England on

find mention, in the early records of Maryland, villeinage, as affecting slavery, is the

answer of Lord Baltimore to the Lords of Trade, in 1678 (Md. Arch., V., 267), on the subject of conversion of the blacks. A law was made, he says, to encourage baptism of slaves, by which it was and is declared That as in former times The Baptizeing of Villaynes in England was not taken by the Lawe of England To be a Manumission or Infranchiseing of the Vil

laynes soe neither shall it be in this Provynce as to Negroes or Mulattoes," &c. See chapter on Slaves. The Court of Appeals declared, afterwards,
that slavery and villeinage were entirely different.


serfs, of European race and was also pushing vigorously the and Christian faith, conquest of Grenada, by which thousands of Saracens were

tain nobles to grant

freedom to their

scattered as slaves in Southern Europe.

as a rule

Christians had ceased the enslavement of Christian captives, but the custom of ransom, of which we read in the ;


was a survival of slavery. The beaten warrior became subject to the terms of the victor. At the battle of
Poitiers, in 1356, the


so the old chronicler Frois-

had French prisoners twice as many in number as themselves, and deemed it advisable to ransom them on the for who Many were set at liberty and others kept spot. soever made any prisoners, they were solely at his disposal, Several of the English to ransom or not, as he pleased." archers had four or six prisoners, and a number of those who One Sir Edward could give no ransom were put to death. de Roucy felled to the ground an English knight who was following him from the field. Dismounting and placing his lance on the Englishman s breast, he called on him to sur render under penalty of death, as his prisoner, rescued or not.
sart tells us


defeated knight surrendered, accompanied Sir Edward, and afterwards ransomed himself. At the battle of Chevy

Chace, in 1388, one Sir Matthew Redman surrendered to a con Rescued or not?" cried the Scot. Scotch knight. answered Sir Matthew, "you will take good care of sent,"





said the Scot.





now, what do you require of putting up his sword, said ; me, for I am your prisoner by fair conquest?" "And what I should is it you would wish me to do," replied the Scot.


said Sir

fifteen days,

return to Newcastle; and, within Matthew, I will come to you in any part of Scotland you




yourself, that within three weeks

said his captor, "on your pledging you be in Edinburgh ; and

wherever you may go, you acknowledge yourself as my So they parted, and in a few moments, the Scot prisoner." himself was captured by the Bishop of Durham. He philo-

The Negro in Maryland.


I have made a prisoner, and am now In 1441, Charles one myself: such is the chance of war." VII. of France brought a number of English prisoners to
sophically exclaimed

Paris. After suffering shocking treatment, those who could not pay their ransom, by far the largest number, were bound hand and foot, and thrown into the Seine. Not till the sev

enteenth century were agreements entered into by the nations 2 of Europe for the regulation and exchange of prisoners.

was in Christ only that all men were brethren. The heathen or infidel became usually the slave of his captive It was due chiefly to the conquest of Christian conqueror.



the Spaniards over the

Moors and to the rising trade of the and Portuguese with Africa, that there grew up for Spaniards Europe a new form of chattel slavery. And if the zeal of the earlier church had helped the fall of the old slavery, the zeal and bigotry of good churchmen of this age certainly had
a part, conscious or unconscious, in the rise of the new. "Whole droves of slaves," wrote Bodin, in 1576, "are sold

and that openly in



parts of Portugal, as if they were the trade with Africa, negro slaves were brought,

Prince Henry to a limited extent, to Portugal and Spain. of Portugal, in 1442, insisted that negroes should be brought


souls, because they

whatever number he should get, he would gain might be converted to the faith, which

4 "And could not be managed with the Moors." certainly," his thought was not vain, for as adds the old chronicler,

soon as they had knowledge of our language, they readily It is not necessary to dwell on the became Christians."

extreme zeal of the Church in that age


so well seen in the

was the received


says Prescott,

Johnes Trans., Vol. I, 219, &c. II, 373. For much of interest on this subject see Ward s Inquiry into the Law

of Nations (R.

Ward, London, 1795). Commonweale, Knolles Translation, * The Conquerors of The New World

p. 43.

Sir A. Helps, pp. 28, 36.



among good

Catholics of that period, that heathen and bar

barous nations were placed by the circumstance of their infi * delity without the pale both of spiritual and civil rights."
the discovery of America, Europeans met a people, the Indians, not akin to them in race or religion. Columbus, in


Ferdinand and Isabella Your as Catholic Christians and princes, lovers and highnesses furtherers of the Christian faith, and enemies of the sect of Mahomet, and of all idolatries and heresies, thought to send
his diary, speaks thus of

me, Christopher Columbus, to the aforesaid provinces of India

and lands, and the dis position of them and of everything about them, and the way 2 that should be taken to convert them to the sacred faith."
to see the aforesaid princes, the cities




indeed, that the conversion of the natives


steadfastly enjoined by the sovereigns, and carried out by cer tain of their subjects. But in the treatment of the Indians

by the Spaniards we see plainly the spirit of the times. A number of Indian slaves were soon sent to Spain, some of Isabella ordered back those who had them by Columbus.

The Spaniards were little suited not been taken in just war. to work the mines in the Indies. They had gone out expect to pick up precious metals ; they found by expe ing largely
rience that riches were to be

won only by




were soon impressed into their service. The matter was carried to Spain, and the right to enslave the unoffending heathen was debated there by learned men. It was finally determined that a qualified servitude would be beneficial to both Spaniard and Indian ; the former might the better work
his plantation or his mine, the latter might gain from the The rights religious and social influences of his employer.


Ferdinand and

captives of another faith


The Mahometans enslaved John Smith was a slave among the Turks. the converse working of her old rule, later, when the Barbary
Isabella, Part II, ch. 8.


States exacted tribute, as ransoms. 2 The Conquerors of The New World, p. 102.

The Negro in Maryland.

thus granted were terribly abused ; in a few years, from over work and ill-treatment, the numerous populations, of men unaccustomed to toil, had dwindled away. At first, the cap
ture of cannibal Indians
persisted in idolatry, they too

had been forbidden, but were enslaved. 1

as they


the very beginning of the sixteenth century, permission


had been given to carry to the Indies such negro slaves as had been born in the power of Christians that is, negroes from Southern Europe. The rapid decrease of the Indians, and the cruelties practised on them, had roused a number of zealous friends to them, among the Spaniards. About 1511,
the King of Spain issued fresh says the chronicler Herrera, Orders for promoting the Conversion of the Indians, and their being well instructed in the Christian Eeligion. Nor

did he take less care of the civil Government, directing among other things, that those People should not be oppressed, and
that for easing of them,

numbers of blacks should be carry d


proclamation was addressed to the Indians not under the Spanish They were called on to acknowledge the grant of the new world by

the Pope to the Crown a grant made in certain writings which they might see if they wished. They were to acknowledge the Church, the Crown, and to receive the ministration of the priests. Due time was given them
to consider this.

If they

came under the Spanish


His Majesty would

greet them with all love and affection and leave them their wives and children free, and give them many privileges and exemptions. But if they

God I will enter with power into your land," and will subdue you, and will take your wives and chil dren and make slaves of them, and sell them as such, and take all your goods and do all the mischief I can, as to vassals that do not obey and will not receive their Lord, and I protest that all the death and destruction which may come from this is your fault, and not his Majesty s or mine or
did not,

the help of

reads the threat,

that of



And we

are told in the old chronicle,


the Spaniards

would sometimes halt in the dark before an Indian village, and the com mander would read this to his men and the trees of the forest, as a prelude An officer was afterward employed by the King to pillage and slaughter. barbarous People, Enemies to report which of the Indians were cannibals, Certain ones could not be determined, to Christians, and Man Eaters." but it was declared that those named as cannibals might be attacked, taken, and sold as slaves. (Herrera, Stevens Trans., I, 1, 14; II, 8, 6).


over to work in the Mines, because one of them l negro slave) did more than four of the Natives."




The pro

duction of sugar increased the desire for negroes. Soon, with the entire sympathy of the court and by the advice of those friendly to the Indians, negroes were extensively introduced.

The service of Indians was thus supplanted by African slaves. With the demand for negro labor in the New World,
the slave trade increased, and soon extended from the Portu "Although guese and Spaniards to the Dutch and English. servitude in these latter times was left off," wrote Bodin in



about three or four hundred years, yet

is it


again approved, by the great agreement and consent of almost



early treatises on




no doubt, the

Victoria, professor at Salamanca, writes, a few years before Bodin, that in wars between Christians although, by the law of nature, warriors

of the times.

The Spaniard


surrender or are captured might be slain the usage and custom of war, which had become a part of the law of nations, had ordered that prisoners might be redeemed by ransom.


mitigation of the extreme rights of war was not It was not lawful to kill or carry into applicable to infidels.

captivity innocent


and women and children were

even in wars with the Turks ; but presumed in a war against pagans, which might be said to be perpetual and without hope of obtaining satisfaction, doubtless the women and children captured from the Saracens could be
to be innocent,

detained as slaves. 2

So Ayala, the Judge Advocate of the

Spanish army in the Netherlands, says in his Treatise on War, in 1581, that an ancient and laudable custom had sub stituted for enslavement the practice of ransoming prisoners
of war

but that the older usage

infidel nations as


existed between Chris

and such

Turks and Saracens. 2

1 2

Herrera, Stevens Trans.,

I, 9, 3.

Wheaton s Law

of Nations, Introduction.

The Negro in Maryland.

Albericus Gentilis, called from the continent in 1587 to be
professor of civil law at Oxford, wrote that there was no

slavery in wars of Christians, for such were civil wars, as all men were brothers in Christ. I do not hesitate, he adds, to say that the law of slavery is just, for it is the agreement of
the law of nations.
states in his

Grotius, the historiographer of Holland,

famous work on the Rights of


and Peace,

published in 1625, that even among Christians the custom still continued of keeping captives till their ransom was paid

being generally agreed that Christian prisoners taken in


war were not to be made Slaves, so as to sell them or force them to hard Labours, or to such Miseries as are common to And what Christians, he adds, in this case observe Slaves." among themselves, the Mahometans likewise do among them 2 selves. Bynkershoek, an advocate and judge at the Hague,
stated in his Public


released even without ransom.

into disuse

in 1737, that prisoners were often As slavery had fallen entirely



Christians, he says,

we do




upon our prisoners. We may however, if we please, and indeed we do sometimes still exercise that right upon those


Therefore the Dutch are in the against us. to the Spanish as slaves, the Algerians, Tuni habit of selling sians and Tripolitans, whom they take prisoners in the Atlan


or in the Mediterranean

for the

Dutch themselves have



slaves, except in Asia, Africa


Thomas Aquinas

pleases me, says Gentilis, in saying that slavery



not, indeed, according to first intentions

by which we have


been created free, but from second intention, since nature allowed delin quents to be punished. (Albericus Gentilis De Jure Belli, Holland s Ed.,



p. 314, &c.)

The right to enslave captives, says Grotius, taken in solemn war, was granted by the Law of nations for no other reason, than that the captors might be tempted to forbear the rigor allowed them, of killing their pris

Among Christians it was generally in, or after, the fight. agreed that prisoners were not to be enslaved, and that with reason, for they are, or should be, better instructed by the great Kecommender of
oners either

every act of



(Grotius: De Jure Belli, Barbeyrac s Trans.) Quaes. Juris. Pub., Du Ponceau s Trans., Book I, ch.



From time immemorial, in deed, the Africans, in their inter-tribal warfare, had been accustomed to enslave their prisoners ; but the native traders must have caught from the Europeans something of the greed
for riches that so strongly

scholars were writing African trade was increasing.


thus in




marked that age. It was an age Marvellous reports came to of great activity and discovery. In Florida, the Europe of the riches of the New World.
Spaniards sought for the fountain of youth. Theatre-goers in London, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, heard

that gold


Why man/

be had for the picking up, in America. all their dripping-pans are says one fellow,

pure golde ...

all the prisoners

they take are fettered in golde ;

and diamonds, they goes forth in holy-days, and hem by the sea-shore." l An old Spanish historian gather who softens, says Prescott, the excesses of his countrymen tells us of an Indian chief of Cuba, who, having carefully watched the Spaniards in the neighboring islands, and hearing and
for rubies

that they were

Cuba to settle, called together his in mind of their many sufferings people. at the hands of the Spaniards, he told them that the Spaniards acted for a great and beloved lord, whom he would show them. Then he took from a little palm-tree basket a lump


putting them

In 1661 and 1664, the States-General ordered their admiral to sell as slaves the pirates he might take. Pufendorf says, in 1672, that the ownership of acquisitions by capture in war was then a subject of dispute. "The idea that captives in war are Adams to Granville Sharp, the English philanthropist, slaves," wrote John in 1786, is the foundation of the misfortunes of the negroes. This prin ciple is honored and admitted by all the powers of Europe, who pay tributes

to the States of


Memoirs of Sharp,



Eastward Ho; 1605. The excesses of the Spaniards were, doubtless, far greater than those of the English, who cannot, however, in their part in the slave-trade, be exonerated from avarice. Sir Henry Maine says, in his Ancient Law, ch. V, The simple wish to use the bodily powers of another person as a means of ministering to one s own ease or pleasure is doubtless the foundation of Slavery, and as old as






The Negro in Maryland.


of gold, saying, this

the lord of the Spaniards.


Then they

danced around the basket, and when they were spent with and Dancing before the little Basket of God," he Singing bade them not keep the Lord of the Christians in any Place whatsoever, for tho he were in their Bowels, they would


out, and therefore they should cast him into the under Water where they would not find him ; and so River,





I, 9, 3.




settled in 1634, under the of Lord Baltimore. The royal char proprietary government ter, we may mention as passing, spoke not only of the spread

The Colony of Maryland was

of English territory, but, as charters usually did, of the zeal of the founder for spreading religion among a savage people

who knew

not God.


secured to the Assembly

right to initiate all laws was soon by the Proprietor, and, although

legislation remained subject to veto, the authorities in Eng land interfered little in those internal aifairs of the Colony

which interest us most. Several cases of this interference we have to note, later. We begin with the little settlement, of some few hundred persons, about St. Mary s, on a penin There met the Governor, the sula by the lower Potomac. and representative of the Proprietor, the half dozen appointee councilmen, and the freemen or their representatives, in



colonists at once,

on landing, met with the Indians, a

unknown to them in England. These pagans, as the white men called them, seemed friendly, and intercourse between the races began auspiciously. But the Indian saw
heathen race

with aversion the spread of the settlement, and the whites In lost property and finally even a few lives at their hands. 1639, it was declared a penal offence for anyone, without the
consent of the government, to leave the English plantations 11

to live

The Negro in Maryland.

1 Some among any Indians who were not christened. of the Indians were soon open enemies. The commission issued by the Governor, in 1640, to the commander of an

expedition planned against a certain tribe, which had refused



make satisfaction for sundry insolences and rapines, auth him to attack these Indians, with any company of Englishmen that would be willing to go, and against them

and their Lands and goods to execute and Inflict what may inflicted by the Law of warr and the pillage and booty therein gotton to part and divide among the Company, that
2 Shall perform the Service." find another proclamation, dated a few days later, forbidding all Englishmen, under penalty, from doing any injury to a neighboring tribe which,


in peace

The commission

and amity, the Colony had taken under its protection. to the leader of an expedition against the

unfriendly Sesquihanowes, in 1643, expresses the confidence of the authorities in his forwardness to vindicate the honor of

God and of the Christian and English name upon those bar barous and inhuman pagans, and bids him do all things needed
for training his men, vanquishing the enemy, and disposing 7 of the spoils/ and all things that any general might do by

the law of war. 3

In 1652, an expedition was planned against Indians of the Eastern Shore, who had committed serious the
It was ordered that one man out depredations and murder. of every seven men in the Colony should be armed and

equipped by the six remaining at home, and that all the Indian prisoners brought back, unless otherwise disposed of by the Provincial Court, should be divided, according to their
value, in a general division sent forth the fighting men



who had armed and

who, in turn, were to share the The captain was ordered to "make Warr other plunder. upon and through God s Assistance by all possible meanes to



II, 134.

Md. Arch., 3 Md. Arch.,

Ill, 87.
Ill, 133.

Indians and White Servants.


r Vanquish, destroy, plunder, kill or take prisoners at yo dis d cretion all or any the s Indians either by Sea or land, and being Soe taken to put them to Death by the Law of warr or


Save them





act of 1715,


the Southern Colonies were involved

in an Indian war, provided among permanent regulations that any booty, plunder or Indian prisoners for the militia

the same

should be given by the commander to the soldier who took 2 to encourage men to enlist in such service.

Indian slaves are occasionally mentioned in the old records.

About 1660, one Indian was

sold, as a punishment for petty and brought one thousand pounds of tobacco. 3 But, larceny, while Indians taken in war might be enslaved, kidnapping It was of friendly Indians was early and always forbidden.

declared felony, in 1649, to take or sell any friend Indian, without license from the Governor and felony might then be punished with death. At the end of the century, the same

was made punishable by


and imprisonment, at

1 This expedition was given up, on account of bad weather. Md. Arch., Vol. Ill, 285. 2 Acts of 1715, ch. 43 (Bacon s Laws of Maryland), continued indefinitely in 1722. The captain of an expedition in 1647 had been ordered to make

no distribution until he should arrive

at the fort, and give a just account to the authorities of all plunder taken. The practice of the Indians in requiring ransom, often, is well known. The Assembly of Maryland was petitioned, in 1650, to ransom two children

held by hostile Indians. Nine hundred pounds of tobacco was asked for the elder and six hundred for the younger and the estate of their father,- deceased,

was not sufficient for this. The Assembly, stating that the public charges were then very heavy, directed that any of the colonists who chose to redeem them should be entitled to their service, in return, until they were twentyone years of age. Bozman s Maryland, II, 396. We find an English soldier who had escaped from the Indians, in the French and Indian War of 1756, telling the Governor that, had he not escaped, he must have served his Indian captor all his days, for saving his

Mention of Indian

slaves, in the Provincial

Court Records, 1658-1662,

pp. 143, 148, 187, 484, &c.

discretion of the

The Negro in Maryland.

Governor and Council


this act

was con



reason, as stated in all the laws, was that breach of peace might occur between the colonists and the


neighboring Indians.

In 1722, a resident of* the Province was brought before the Governor and Council, committed for examination by the justices of Somerset county, for having

sold or otherwise disposed of an Indian boy, of a tribe friendly

On examination, the man confessed that the to the English. boy, in consideration of five pounds in money, a horse bridle
suits of clothes, indented to live with as a servant for a term of thirty years, and that he after wards sold the boy to a gentleman in Philadelphia, for fifteen

and saddle, and two


pounds. In Virginia, he stated also, it was customary for Indians to be bound out, and this same boy had been pre
viously a servant there.
as the

man had

already satisfied the Indians,

Thereupon the Council decided that and had suffered

more than three months imprisonment, he should be mildly and he was fined five hundred pounds of tobacco and imprisoned one day. 2 In articles of peace made in 1666 between the government and a number of Indian settlements, it was stipulated that in case of danger from any hostile Indians, the Governor should appoint a place to which these friendly Indians might bring their wives and children for
dealt with

and that these, if the men chanced to be killed, should remain free and not be servants to the English. 3 All disputes between Englishman and Indian were for many years heard

before the Governor and Council. After 1700, cases involving not over twenty shillings were decided at first by special com missioners, and afterwards by any justice of the courts. After

1756, the county courts heard cases of greater value, and 4 find several decided the rents of Indian lands, &c.


1 Md. Arch., I, 250. Acts of 1692, 1705, and 1715. Kecords in Md. Arch., IV, pp. 392, 399.

See Prov. Court

Council Kecords, 1721-1728,

p. 47.

3 4


Arch., II, 26.

1700, 6; 1717,14; 1756,9.

Indians and White Servants.


In 1642, a grand juryinteresting cases concerning Indians. indicted for murder a certain planter, one Elkin, in that, when moved by malice and the instigation of the devil, he

had shot an Indian, known as a king among a neighboring When brought before the court of the colony, the Governor and secretary on the bench, Elkin pleaded not

guilty. The Proprietor s attorney gave as evidence the exam ination of Elkin, duly attested and with Elkin s signature, in

which was a confession that he killed the Indian, and an But the jury gave a verdict of not account of the affair.
guilty, saying that they so decided because they understood the deed had not been committed against the peace of the

Proprietor or the King, because the party was a pagan, and because they had no precedent in the neighboring colony of Virginia to make the offence murder. The Governor there

upon directed them that those Indians who had been injured were in peace with the authorities, and that they should not take notice of what other colonies did, but of the law of Eng

After reconsideration, they found the prisoner guilty

of murder in his



Being told that

this verdict

contradiction, they reconsidered again, and found that the prisoner killed the Indian in self-defence. But the Gov

was a

ernor refused to


this verdict entered,


called for

This jury found another jury, to hear the same evidence. It is not uninteresting to Elkin guilty of manslaughter. note that proceedings were taken to have all the members of

jury grievously fined


having given an unsat

isfactory verdict, contrary to the verdict of the second jury,

the court, the

court, for

from the same evidence. The foreman was then fined, by sum of two thousand pounds of tobacco. And he was soon fined one thousand pounds more, for contempt of
having said

at the first trial of Elkins,



court was


importunately pressing & charging the Jury arguing & pleading the crime ags* the prisoner," that if an Englishman had been killed by the Indians, there would not


The Negro in Maryland.

have been so many words over it. 1 The penalty given El kins is not stated, but we find him afterwards a resident of the Colony. In the next year 1643, a coroner s jury returned that an Indian lad had been shot and killed by one John



at once entered security, in the

sum of


thousand pounds of tobacco, to answer the charge of homicide. It is interesting to note that the Indian had been christened,
that the bill was and the petit jury gave a verdict of guilty of felony and murder. Two years before, Dandy had been sentenced to death for some serious offence, but on petition of a great part of the Colony, the Governor had commuted the sentence to service to the government for three years. He was by trade a blacksmith and gunsmith, and, no doubt, a valuable

before his death.

The grand jury returned


man own

colony. neck, being sentenced to

to the




now, again, he saved his the unpleasant office of pub was released from this four years later,


2 having proved himself of service to the public. Lord Baltimore directed in 1651 that certain lands should

some friendly Indians. 3 When a queen of one of the Indian settlements in Maryland com plained to the Governor that, though her people had retired to the bounds of their territory, as allotted them, the English plantations had advanced so near that their crops were injured
set aside as



*Md. Arch., IV, 177, 180-183. 2 Md. Arch., IV, 255, 260 III, 98, 187. Also, Md. Arch., Y, 480-482, 517. Treaties were frequently made between the Colony and Indian tribes. In

one, for instance, with certain Eastern Shore Indians, in 1659, it was agreed that the Indians were to restore stolen goods, that any Indian who should

white man, should be given over, with any abettors, to the govern ment, for justice according to law and that the Indians, if injured by whites, should appeal to the neighboring county commissioners, while the English, vice versa, were to appeal to a certain Indian chief. By another treaty, a few years after, with a tribe recently hostile, the right was reserved to the Eng lish of slaying any Indian who might be found killing cattle or hogs. (Md.
kill a

Arch., Ill, 363, 433.)


Md. Arch.,



Indians and White Servants.


by the colonists cattle, the Governor issued orders that no 1 Englishmen should settle within three miles of the Indians.

To a number of neighboring tribes of friendly Indians grants of land were secured by acts of assembly it being most just, the acts read, that the ancient inhabitants of the Colony should

have dwelling places in their native lands, free from the en 2 croachments and oppression of the English. Soon after the planting of the Colony certain restrictions
were laid on the Indians, and on the intercourse between In To give or sell arms or ammunition to an dians and English. Indian was felony, unless leave was gotten from the Governor.

Nor could

a colonist keep an Indian over night at his house,

A few years later, permission was given to ammunition from any Indian who had not a take arms and 3 Nor could an Indian be entertained license to carry them. by a white at any time. A few Indians had been allowed to carry arms for the use of certain colonists, doubtless for hunt 4 It is evident that ing but these licenses were withdrawn.
without leave.

these restrictions depended on hostilities between the Indians and the whites. In the game law of 1730, to preserve the

breed of wild deer, there is special exemption for friendly Indians, who could kill all the deer required for their own use. The sale to the Indians of liquor in large quantities was for
bidden, to prevent disorders by drunken Indians. By an act of 1756 a census was to be made, by the local authorities, of

the Indians settled in Maryland, and those

who wished


leave their towns were ordered to procure passes. 5 during the French and Indian war.

This was


act of assembly, in 1650, in recognition of the Proprie

tor, states as the greatest blessing

enjoyed by the Colony, the

Md. Arch., Ill, 489, in 1663. Md. Arch., II, 200; 1723, 18, &c. 3 Bozman s Maryland, II, 45, 286. *Md. Arch., Ill, 143, 260; IV, 235,


1715, 16; 1756, 13.


The Negro in Maryland.


privilege of planting Christianity among a not God, nor had heard of Christ." l But



we hear of no pains

In the plans for the settlement the Colonies, in fact, there is set forth this righteous end, but history shows that earnest efforts were no more made than the black and Indian slaves, enslaved as to reach it
taken to convert the natives.

An captive heathen, were freed after they were converted. other act, for the confirmation of peace with certain In dians, declares that the articles shall be kept, for the preserva
tion of the people of the Colony, and for the honor of the which will undoubtedly Proprietor and the English nation,

2 The treatment by breach of faith even to a heathen." of the Indian by the government of Maryland seems indeed But it should not be overlooked that to have been most fair. would have been dictated, if from no other reason, this policy by prudence and even by necessity. The Colonies were not founded without the aid of the gun and the words of John


Archdale, the Quaker governor of Carolina, are of significance wider than the experiences of that Colony alone. "And, Cour

shall give


writes this staunch friend to the Indians, I some farther Eminent Remark hereupon, and

especially in the first Settlement of Carolina, where the of God was eminently seen in thinning the Indians to



for the

been cut off

For not only had the Indians there English." from previous inter-tribal war, "but, largely

again, it at other times pleased Almighty God to send unus ual Sicknesses amongst them, as the Smallpox, etc., to lessen
so that the English, numbers have but little Indian Blood Spaniard,

in to

Comparison to the answer for." 3

Md. Arch., 1, 300. Md. Arch., 11,131.

Gov. Archdale, of Carolina, tells of his interview, in 1707, with four Indian prisoners about to be sold as slaves to the West Indies, as was usual. They were Roman Catholics, having been taught probably by the Span iards or French. The Governor adds, that on finding they were Christians, he thought in a most peculiar manner that they should be free. See Car

roll s Hist. Coll ns of S. Carolina, II.

Indians and White Servants.


Should we digress to glance at other Colonies, we should find only better examples of the custom of enslaving Indian cap tives, and of the distance usually "observed betwixt Chris

and Barbarians, as well in warres as in other negotia to use the words of the Commissioners of the New England Colonies to the commander of the expedition against The famous Body of Liberties the Narragansetts, in 1645. of Massachusetts allowed such slavery, and captives in King 1 In Vir Philip s war, at the close of the century, were sold. while Indians captured in war became slaves for life, by ginia, act of assembly as well as by the custom, there was doubt for
a time as to the proper lot of those who might be sold to the This is a most interesting point colonists by other Indians. to notice, as such Indians were practically in the same posi
tion to the colonists as

were the negroes from Africa



the traders to British merchants.


the king of one of

the Virginia tribes sold a boy of another tribe whether a to one of the colonists as a captive in war we do not know

one of the tribes in Maryland asked the pleasure of the Gover removal from its old home, to which the whites were constantly approaching, the Council decided it would be safer for the Colony to keep these friendly Indians within its command. In 1694 the Governor asked the Assembly what answer should be made to a certain tribe of In
nor, in 1665, as to its



which had recently tarried in Maryland, if it should return and settle. It was at the time of the French and Indian wars at the North and the Assembly said it did not seem fit at that time to
ask leave to

receive any strange nations of Indians.

Whereupon the Council composed

: ;

the following beguiling message for them, should they return That Mary land is a country dealing in tobacco and not in furs and as they have had

an invitation from the government of New York to settle in that province, they are advised that such parts as New York and Pennsylvania, which trade mostly in furs, will be the most proper for their abode. In answer to queries by the government in England, about 1760, the Governor stated that there were in the populous parts of Maryland only one hundred and twenty Indians. These lived on lands allotted them by the Assembly, and were
very orderly.
1 For slavery in Massachusetts, see the admirable work of Dr. George H. Moore (Appleton & Co., New York, 1866).

(Md. Arch.,



Council Proceedings, 1694-1698;


The Negro in Maryland.

slave, an act of assembly declared that the king had no power to sell an Indian of another tribe, and that the said Indian




he speaking perfectly the English tongue and desiring This was about 1660. Some ten years later, the

term of service of Indian prisoners, sold by their Indian cap and not Christians, was fixed at twelve years and no longer, except children, who were to serve until thirty years of But, about ten years later still, all such Indian prisoners age. were declared slaves for life. 1

do not know how many Indian slaves there were in Maryland, for they were classed with the negro slaves. The Indian certainly was little suited to be a slave, by disposition and habit. 2





mention of slaves but here and there, in the

early records of Maryland, we are constantly meeting with white servants. 3 These Christian servants, as they were

frequently called, in contrast to Indians and Africans



as late as the

law of North Carolina, Statutes of Va., II, 155, 283, 491. war of 1760, provided that hostile Indians should be the

slaves of their captors. In South Carolina, especially, kidnapping seems to have been carried on but steps were taken to prevent it, afterwards.

captives taken in the wars, early in the eighteenth century, had to be delivered to the receiver of the Colony, to be sold in the West Indies.
Statutes of So. Car., II, 311, 321.) I, 91 of the Indian captives in the various Colonies seem to have been sold to the West Indies.



So. Carolina,


Any number
in the Colonies.

of Indian slaves would have been a very dangerous element Cotton Mather tells us that the colonists in Massachusetts

found certain Pequot Indian prisoners not able to endure the Yoke," for few of them continued any considerable time with their masters. Various acts of the New England Colonies, about 1712, forbade the further importation
of any Indian servants or slaves, as they were of a malicious, surly and re vengeful spirit, and hard to govern withal.

Where we

use the word servants,

we mean

white, indentured or hired,


not negroes.

Indians and White Servants.


tunes in the

mostly natives of Great Britain who wished to try their for New World, but had not means for their passage

and necessary expenses. So they entered into written agree ments with persons of means, to serve these faithfully for a

number of

and living. The number of servants in Maryland seems have been quite large, some colonists bringing as many

years, in return for transportation, clothes to as

1 hear of one who brought in twenty or thirty or more. were a desirable class in all the Colonies, over sixty. They


important in settling the country, and counterbalancing any danger from Indians and negroes. Persons already in


erica often entered into service, too

and the punishment







prevent fraud and


one of the


laws enacted in Maryland limited the time

of service, where no time was specified in the agreement, and 2 It was fixed the freedom dues to be given by the master. later, that all agreements of service should be entered provided,
at the courts

3 binding for an extension of time. 4 cles of indenture made in 1647.

and no indenture made during service was to be We have a copy of arti In return for six thousand
for three years, to

pounds of tobacco, the man binds himself

obey, to serve, according to his master s


not to

absent himself without permission ; and not to steal. On the other hand, the master agrees to provide sufficient lodging, It was found at once that food, clothing and washing.
servants would run away, so the courts were empowered to add to the time of service, to compensate the masters. The

entertainment of others servants was also strictly forbidden. 5 And when white servants ran away with slaves, they were obliged to recompense the owners of the slaves. After 1715,

a reward of two hundred pounds of tobacco was offered every



Founders of Md., 77.



Arch., Ill, 256, 259.

Md. 3 Md.





352, 409

II, 351.

Md.Arch., IV, 327. *Md.Arch., I, 249, 489.



The Negro in Maryland.

who should capture a runaway servant, and an Indian No servant could go beyond captor was given a match coat. ten miles from home without a pass from the master or over

under penalty of being caught as a runaway.

One who

entertained a servant over night became liable to a fine of five hundred pounds of tobacco. Later, the fine was raised to one

hundred pounds an hour, or a whipping, if the fine could not be paid. Nor was a servant secure, if he escaped the Colony. On complaint from his owner, the courts would send him as slaves were returned. Treaties with Indians stipu back In 1637, lated that runaway servants were to be returned.

the question as to the privilege of servants to rest on Saturday afternoons, was raised in the lower House of Assembly, and

was declared that no such custom was to be allowed. 2 Working on Sunday, however, was not customary. By act

of 1715, masters


did not provide sufficient food, clothing

and lodging for their servants, or who unreasonably burdened them beyond their strength, or kept them from necessary rest, the whipping must not or beat or abused them excessively offence were liable, if found be over ten lashes for any one
guilty by the county court, to be fined not over one thousand pounds of tobacco for the first or second offence. On a third offence, the servants would be set free. Any magistrate, on

proper complaint of the master, might order a servant to Com receive more than ten, but not over thirty-nine, lashes.
plaints between masters

and servants were heard before the

Provincial and county courts, on the petition of either party. As many goods were stolen and sold, trading was forbidden

with servants

who had no

license therefor.

evident that this service was radically different from slavery, in that it resulted either from crime or voluntary con On the expiration of his term the servant became a tract.

*Md. Arch., IV, 224, 319. Md. Arch., I, 21. Bozman s Maryland, 3 Md. Arch., I, 500; 1715,44.

II, 136.

Indians and White Servants.


years it was the law that acres of land should be included in the freedom dues, fifty lands being given masters for the servants they imported.

freeman and a


For some

Some of

these servants were well educated





advertisement of

sale, in 1774, of a schoolmaster, an indented

who had two


he was to be
with him.

years to serve, with the postscript that sold for no fault, any more than we have done He can learn (i. e., teach) bookkeeping, and is an

the servants imported by one of the most prominent colonists, one became a sheriff and five went into the Assembly. 2 This very same gentleman, the mil
excellent good


commander of Maryland for many years, presented to the Governor and Assembly, in 1663, a petition which began with the statement that he had, for nearly thirty years, at great cost, benefited the Colony by yearly importations of ser

of whom had been of "very good Ranck and nor had he ever before been charged with a Quallity breach of his promises or duty to them, though it was well known that the care of so large a family was never met by


It appears that this worthy captain had con several years before, to take as a servant for seven sented, years the ten-year-old daughter of a poor neighbor, at the neighbor s request. This fellow now falsely alleged that the
their labor.

captain had agreed that the girl should do nothing else than wait upon his wife, and be cared for as his own child a most
ridiculous charge, says the petition, for the lady was about to return to England, and who would be at the trouble of taking

such a raw and ill-bred child there, where servants of all sorts The petition then desires might be had on easier terms




97, 496.


Colonial Church Life in Md., 165; Neill

Founders, .77.

resident of Baltimore, appointed woodcorder in 1781, was found to have been a servant at the time when the oaths of allegiance to the States had been

taken, after separation from Great Britain. tered the oath before confirming him in his

So the commissioner adminis



The Negro in Maryland.

the serious consideration of the court to the statement of the

girl s father in

begging that his daughter


not be

made a

a term, says the captain, so scandalous that if it be admitted to be the title or condition of the apprentices in

Maryland, no free-born Christians will ever be induced to come

Therefor, he prayed that his reputation be vindicated, and the abused servants and apprentices might of Maryland be righted. 1 And yet the lot of the servant was

over as servants.

He was a piece of property, In the inventories of estates, his services are practically. charged as worth so many hundred pounds of tobacco one man might own his services to-day, and another to-morrow. By a deed of bargain and sale, of 1641, a man-servant was sold from one colonist to another, in different hundreds, for four milch cows. The Provincial Court held that the agree ment of a servant to dispose of himself for the satisfaction of his master s debts was valid, and ordered execution on him, as on any goods. 2 About 1 700, the Governor and Council received a complaint from a certain inhabitant, that a servant of his, a schoolmaster, whom he had corrected for being impudent and refractory, had applied to a magistrate for a peace-warrant He declared that the servant had been insub against him. ordinate and had threatened to send his wife sprawling
not unlike that of the slave.
; ;

while the servant, in turn, accused his master of trying The Council considered the matter, and to break his head.
decided to order the magistrate not to countenance the servant, for it was not customary to allow servants to swear the peace

and it might be very inconvenient. against their masters Cases of cruelty to servants were sometimes before the courts.
1 Md. Arch., I, 463. The House, according to the captain ordered the case to be tried again. Do., 481.


Md. Arch., IV, 156, 327. Council Proceedings, 1704-1708, 8. A letter from Gen. Oglethorpe to the trustees of Georgia, in 1739, tells how 69 "heads of German servants"
had been delivered to different persons on credit; one Christie got the widow Harris got 2, &c. heads


Indians and White Servants.


felons, a

number of the worst

the English courts took up the policy of transporting convicts were sold as servants

into the Colonies.

Before the Kevolution the custom of ser

vice had practically died out ; but it was a common custom at the time when slavery was planted in the Colonies. It must

have tended,
age, to

like the sharply


class distinctions

of that

make smoother

the pathway for the growth of slavery.



When, and by whom, the first negroes were brought to Maryland, we do not know but it was soon after the settle ment. We find Governor Calvert bargaining with a certain


shipmaster, in 1642, for the delivery of thirteen slaves at St. 1 The increase of the blacks so much is certain s.

was very slow



of the

of the

first acts


the liberties of Assembly, declaring assured to all Christian inhabitants all the

rights enjoyed in England by natural born subjects, except, of course, in so far as those rights might be changed by pro vincial law and excepting slaves. And the early acts for

the regulation and protection of servants expressly stated that nothing contained in them should affect any slaves whatever.


rule in the courts was that justice should be administered, where provincial law or custom was silent, according to Eng lish precedent. The royal charter to Lord Baltimore had

ordered that the laws to be enacted in the Colony should be consonant to reason and, as far as conveniently might be, 2 But the agreeable to the rights and customs of England.

them from England no precedent any especial rights or privileges to Indian or negro nothing but the distance felt in that age between Christian and

colonists brought with

for giving

Md.Arch., IV, 189. Charter of Md., Md. Arch.,


41, 80, 409,


III, 53, Ac.





There were no Indians

England, and few



later, negroes. held in England, mostly as



number of negro slaves were body servants, and sales of them


at auction not infrequently took place, there

was no


have seen touching them. the Indians according to their



how the Colonies dealt with own ideas of justice or pru

British merchants, indeed, under the patronage of the British government, supplied the slaves; but the colonists otherwise built up their slave legislation as they saw fit. Just
as a nobility, an incident of the growth of English society, existed in England at the time of the settlement of the Col

onies and yet took no root in them, so slavery became an incident of the condition of the Colonies, and the slave codes grew up as a matter of local law. Thus, we can trace in

the legislation and in the court reports, and in the life of the plantation and the town, of such an unit as Maryland, the
1 growth of a slave code.



use the word negro, or black, to include mulattoes. is to be drawn, the word mulatto is used.


the dis



view of the introduction and growth of slavery in the Colon

has been elaborately treated by Mr.

Codman Hurd


The Law


Freedom and Bondage (Little & Brown, Boston, 1858). The writer of a recent Constitutional History of England
was legalized
in the colonies

says that slavery

by British statutes encouraging the slave-trade. number of negroes were brought to England as servants, some of them from the colonies. An article in the Gentleman s Magazine of London, in
1764, speaks of the encouragement given to the practice of importing negro servants, and states that the number of such in London alone was supposed

In the famous Somerset case, eight years to be nearly twenty thousand. after, Mr. Dunning asserted that there were in England fourteen thousand
slaves brought from the colonies.

occasionally sold in England.

Even as late as that time, negroes were One negro boy in London brought thirty-

two pounds, at auction, and another, at Kichmond, brought the same. A boy was advertised to be sold at auction at Liverpool, in 1779. The visitor

Hampton Court or Warwick Castle, to-day, will see busts of black ser In 1677, there was tried in Eng vants, with metal collars about the neck. land a case of trover for one hundred negroes, and the court held that as

negroes were usually bought and sold among merchants, and were also infi dels, there might be property in them sufficient to maintain trover. As late

The Negro in Maryland.

Slaves had not increased




in the Colonies

before a most interesting question arose concerning them What was the effect on the status of a slave of his conversion
to Christianity ?
ter spread,

And the extent to which doubts on this mat and the length of time which those doubts lasted, show that the knowledge that a religious distinction was the basis of this chattel slavery was not confined to students of law alone. It was not unnatural that in popular belief free dom was associated with baptism. In the first case concerning
slaves, in

in which the court held would lie for the negro, as they were heathen the argument was advanced that in England negroes could be no more a property than villeins could. But the court said they were held as goods by usage, and should therefore be given to the plaintiff, until they become Christians, and thereby they

English courts, in 1677

that trover




During the

session of the

Maryland Assem

bly of .1664, a message was sent the Council by the House, requesting the former to draw up an act which should oblige
negroes to serve for life, the assembly thinking this very neces sary to prevent the damage that masters of slaves might sus tain by such slaves pretending to be christened, and so pleading the law of England. 1 And so a law was made that all negroes

as 1694

judgment was given that trover would

lie for


After that, judicial opinions differed

a negro, for he was a and in about a century,

public opinion changed so far as to support Lord Mansfield in his decision in the Somerset case, by which slavery in England ended. The abolition of slavery in the British colonies was brought about only after further and



See Taswell-Langefforts by the abolitionists and philanthropists. Const. History of England, p. 300, note. British Statutes 10 Will., 23 Geo., II, c. 31. Bandinel s Slave Trade, p. Ill, c. 26 ; 5 Geo., II, c. 7 71, note. Gentleman s Mag., XXXIII, 45, XLI, 521. Memoirs of Granville
; ;

Sharp, I, 140. Cases of Butts vs. Penny and Gelly & Cleve, quoted in Hurd. In the colonies, as we see, ideas of English law were often very uncertain. 1 Butts vs. Penny, in 3 Keble, 785. Md. Arch., I, 526-533. In Chamber-

layne vs. Harvey, twenty years later, the question as to whether baptism was a manumission was raised, but the court gave no answer, holding that
trover would not lie for a negro.

In Carthew

s E.,




or other slaves already in the Province,, or to be imported

tEereafEer, should serve for life.

This was made more explicit


seven years later, by an act entitled an Act for the Encourageing the Importacon of Negros and Slaves/ which declared that conversion or the holy sacrament of baptism should not

be taken to give manumission in any way to slaves or their issue, who had become or should become Christians, or had been
or should be baptized, either before or after their importation to Maryland, any opinion to the contrary notwithstanding. Be

good people of this Province have been discouraged from importing or purchasing therein any negroes or other slaves and such as have imported or pur chased any there have neglected to the great displeasure of Almighty God and the prejudice of the souls of those poor people to instruct them in the Christian faith, and to permit them to receive the holy sacrament of baptism for the remis sion of their sin, under the mistaken and ungrounded appre hension that their slaves, by becoming Christians, would So the law remained. To a question of thereby be freed. the Lords of Trade as to the number of negroes converted to
cause, as the act says, several of the


Lord Baltimore answered,

in 1678, that all


could say was that in out of were refusing,



other parts of America masters

to allow their negroes


and mulattoes

work when



to be baptized of an idea that baptism would loss to them as the death of their slaves ; but

this opinion

became current


Maryland, a law was made

declaring that as in former times the baptism of villeins in England was not taken to be manumission or enfranchise

ment, so



should not then be taken to free negroes and mulat there have been found good effects since, adds the

proprietor, masters generally being willing to instinct these 2 in the faith of Christ. find little else in Maryland to


1 Md. Arch., II, 272. Keenacted manent act of 1715 (44). 2 Md. Arch., V, 267.

in 1692, and, in other words, in the per


The Negro in Maryland.


most interesting subject.

One colored man,

a native of Madagascar, who had been a servant in England, and had then been shipped to America as a servant, was

On petitioning for freedom 1692 which was given him, the court finding that he had been shipped as a servant only his plea was that he had been baptized and educated and had served two apprentice We ships, and was therefore free by the laws of England.
detained as a slave in Maryland.

Thomas Story publicly reproaching a clergy of the English church, at a yearly meeting of Friends at West River, in 1699, for taking negroes into the brother
find the zealous


hood of Christ


1 baptism, and yet keeping them slaves.

idea that baptism implied freedom seems to have lin gered long in all the Colonies, even where there was direct
legislation to the contrary.


In 1729,

in response to

an appeal

from some of the American


evidently, according to in order to increase the conversion of the Berkeley,

England sent over their opinion 2 changed the slave s status.

Crown-Attorney and the Solicitor-General of that baptism in no way


Prov. Court, Liber C, 162. Janney s History of the Friends, III, 66. to that zealous missionary of the time, Rev. Dr. Bray, the whites of Maryland abstained largely from baptism themselves.

This opinion seems to have been especially called for in Rhode Island. of Berkeley, Vol. III. See, also, Pearne vs. Lisle, Ambler s R., 75. In Virginia there was enacted, in 1667, that baptism did not give freedom, so that divers masters, freed from doubt, might endeavor to spread Chris tianity among the blacks. By the Act of 1670, all servants not Christians and imported by sea, were to serve for life. But this was changed twelve years later, having been found inconvenient in preventing the introduction of slaves from neighboring colonies inasmuch, we read, as many Negroes, Moors and others, born in heathenish, idolatrous and Mahometan countries, have been gotten as slaves therefrom by some well disposed Christians, who have then brought them to the Christian religion, out of a pious zeal, and have since had occasion, or may have occasion, to bring them into Virginia to be sold where they can sell them only for the limited time of service of a white Christian servant, and must then either carry them elsewhere, where


they can be sold as slaves for


or else depart from their just right to



Until a few years only before slavery was abolished, the old religious distinction that underlay that institution was The testimony of still to be read in one law of Maryland.

no negro or Indian would be received as evidence at law in was con any case in which any Christian white person cerned. The word Christian was struck out in 1846. The clever political student Bodin, writing in 1576 of slav like ery in Southern Europe, noted with some reproach that the Mahometans, who converted but still kept in bonds their Christian prisoners the Portuguese and Spaniards were keep in perpetual slavery the Moors and negroes whom they ing had taken as heathen but had converted. * In Maryland and the other Colonies there was probably no widespread and seri

ous opposition to the continuance of this bondage of the chil

dren of enslaved Indians or Africans, whether heathen or Chris tian. Thus slavery was based on a race distinction ; though we

them, to their great damage, and to the great discouragement of the impor
tation of slaves.


Statutes, 1667, 3

1670, 12

1682, 1.)


1700, there appeared in print in New England an earnest plea for the relig ious instruction of the negroes and Indians. The writer, who says he does not know why freedom should follow conversion, asks what hindrance there
It is a notorious matter of fact, he jtp the baptism of those people. answers, that masters discourage those poor creatures and hinder them from coining to baptism, though many desire it. Talk to a planter of the soul of


a negro, and his actions, if not his words, will tell you that the body of the may be worth twenty pounds, but the souls of a hundred will not yield

him dom

a farthing.
after they


true reason




that custom of giving them their free s Slavery in Mass., 93.) An Eng

for the Propagation of the Gospel, that a

clergyman in Carolina, in 1709, wrote to the secretary of the Society few of the two hundred and more negroes in his neighborhood were taught of the Christian religion, but their masters would by no means permit them to be baptized, from a false notion that a slave is thereby freed, by law. Another missionary wrote, soon after, that he had with much importunity prevailed on a certain person to allow him to baptize three of the negroes. (Hawk s North Carolina, II, 310, So fixed had these ideas become in Rhode Island, as stated by Bishop 332.) Berkeley in a sermon at London, in 1732, that but few negroes there had been baptized. 1 Common weale, Knolles Trans., 43.


The Negro in Maryland.

careful in supposing that such changes were plainly men acted from theories. As a rule, men

must be

seen, or that most

were thinking of material prosperity. Most of those who theorized on the subject, echoed, without doubt, the voice of

New England writer, who appealed for the religious instruction of the negroes Some persons, nay, some nations, he says, seem to be born for slaves ; particularly many of the

barbarians of Africa,

who have been such

almost from the

beginning of the world, and who are much better off when slaves among us than when free at home, to cut throats and
eat one another, especially if by slavery of the made capable of freeing their souls. 1

body they are



the matter of religion or race


may have

into slavery, the

was not drawn

as sharply in

negroes Maryland at first as it was afterwards although and other slaves," as we read in the old acts, were certainly deemed a most abject class. As an illustration of this, as well as of the newness of many questions which the few legis lators at St. Mary s had to answer, we place here several laws, which might properly be considered also under the head of In drawing up the act of 1664, to crimes and punishments.

prevent slaves from pleading freedom by baptism, the Council asked the lower House what it intended should become of

women of the English or other Christian nations as married negroes or other slaves should they serve as long as their husbands lived, and should their issue be bond or free?
such free


had evidently

arisen over such issue,

been caused to the masters of the slaves.

and some damage In a few hours, the

so married should


sent back their answers



not serve during their husbands lives, and that their children should serve to thirty years of age. But the act, which was soon passed reciting that divers freeborn English women,
their nation, forgetful of their condition and to the disgrace of


Slavery in Mass., 94; quoting from the Athenian Oracle of

about 1700.



intermarried with negro slaves declared, that such women as so marry thereafter should serve the slaves masters so might

long as the slaves lived, and that children of such marriages already made should serve until they were thirty years old, but that the children of such marriages made thereafter should be

their fathers

born of white servant

1692, the issue of a

By the act of 1681, children women and negroes were free. 2 After union between any white woman and any

slave or free negro became servants for a long term. By the act of 1715, ministers and magistrates were forbidden, by fine, to marry any white to any Negro whatsoever, or Mulatto


and a free mulatto could marry. two years later, to provide penalties against the And an act, parties marrying unlawfully, under this act of 1715, made a


this, a white



negro or mulatto liable to service for life except mulatborn of white women, who had to serve, like the whites, 4 Again, by act of 1728, free mulatto only seven years.

and that

This act declared that "Negroes or other slaves" should serve for life, all children born of any Negro or other slave shall be Slaves as There must have been their FFATHERS were for the terme of their lives."

then no free blacks in the colony or we are left to reason that children followed the condition of the father instead of the mother, entirely con

(Md. Arch., I, 526, 533.) The act trary to custom, as we find it later. of 1681 declared simply that all children of slaves were to serve for life.

The mother





liable also to a fine of 10,000

and her master, if he knew of the mar pounds of tobacco, and so was the min

the service. (Acts of 1681, W. H., 174.) white woman who married, or became with child by, a slave or free negro, became a servant for seven years, to the use of the parish clergy or the poor. If a servant and if her master had not known of her offence, she first recompensed his loss by service. The black
ister or magistrate

who performed


this act of 1692, also, the

served for

life, except that a free black, for having a bastard child by a white woman, served seven years. There was the same heavy fine against the master who allowed such a marriage and against the person who per formed it. And there was, also, the provision that any white man who

married with, or had child by, a negro woman, should be put

seven years.

to service for

(1692, L. L. 220.) 4 Service for seven years at the disposition of the county court, for the benefit of the public schools. By act of 1715, the fine against minister or


The Negro



by negroes and other slaves" were to be the same penalty as white punished by women for the same offence which was /declared to be as

women who might have

heinous for a free mulatto as for a white. 1 t/So, the act of 1717, which remained the law of evidence for a long period, ex
cluded the testimony of any Indian or slave or free negro or mulatto servant, in cases at law in which any Christian white person was concerned, but left the free mulatto, apparently
the free mulatto born of a white
testify as



as free to

was a white. 2

all slaves,

Africans might be more or less colored, but they were not And kidnapping came to be recognized of course.

magistrate was made 5,000 pounds of tobacco. Any white woman who became a mother by a slave or free negro had to serve seven years, as The children of such before, and the free black served the same time. unions served until thirty -one years old. There was, also, the same service
of seven years for white men, the fathers of illegitimate colored children. All service was disposed of by the courts. (1715, 44; 1717, 13.) 1 All free negro women, also, having illegitimate children by white men,


liable to the

same punishment

as white



having children by

negroes. Forasmuch, says the preamble, as such relations, as between a free mulatto woman and a slave, or a free negro woman and a white, are as unnatural and inordinate as between white women and Negro Men, or



(1728, 4.)

See Evidence, in chapter on The Free Negro. In 1788, a committee of the House of Delegates reported in favor of abolishing those parts of these laws which inflicted penalties on the chil dren. Two years later, they were abolished it being contrary to the dic
1717, 13.

tates of

humanity, and


to the principles of the Christian religion, says the of the act of repeal, to impose penalties on children for the

offences of their parents. (1790, 9. Code of 1860, Art. 30, 128.) Several cases, under these laws, came to the Court of Appeals.

In 1681, the Lord Proprietor brought with him to Maryland a white servant called Irish Nell. She married a slave, evidently before the pas
sage of the act of 1681. Perhaps indeed the act was called for by this marriage. The descendants of those children of Nell, born after the act

which exempted from servitude the children of such marriages made there afterpetitioned in vain for freedom. See 1 H. & McH., 210; 2 H. & McH., 137. Also 3 H. & McH., 380. The cases cited from the Maryland Reports down to 2 Gill, are from Brantly s edition.



a crime, by custom if not by positive leg evident that the status of a black, or of could not often be easily shown. his ancestry, The chief justice of Calvert county was asked by the Gov


all authorities as





ernor and Council of Maryland, in 1760, to examine carefully one Cousins, captain of a brigantine, who had recently im

ported a

just declared that they were not slaves but freemen ; that one of them in particular, called Capt. Gray, was the son of an Afri

number of negroes into come to the Governor that

the Province, as word several of these negroes

had had

can of some consequence;

and that Captain Cousins had

See, therefore, ends the let treacherously stolen them away. ter, if Cousins be guilty of the crime whereof he is accused ;

have him brought before the depositions of the mates, a boatswain and a sailor of the brigantine, were soon sent to the Council. The seaman testified that he had sailed from Liverpool with Cousins on a slaving voyage to Guinea, and that there the negroes were purchased ; all of whom he believes were slaves, This Gray, he except, perhaps, the one called Captain Gray.


if the

evidence be


Council at once.


The Massachusetts Body of Liberties, of 1641, restricted slavery ex to lawful captives taken in just war, and to such cept, of course, for crime strangers as might be sold to, or might willingly sell themselves to, the col


A few years after, a kidnapped negro from Africa was sent home, by order of the General Court which felt bound, so reads the resolution, to

bear witness



and crying





Slavery in Mass.)


British statute, for extending

the middle of the


and improving the trade to Africa, at which declared that trade to be very advan

tageous to Great Britain, and necessary for supplying the Colonies with suffi cient negroes at reasonable rates provided that no master of a ship trading
in Africa should by force or fraud, or any indirect practice, carry away from that country any native thereof, or allow any violence to be committed on the natives in prejudice of the British trade. (23 Geo. II, 31.) In 1779 a captain of a Liverpool slaver was prosecuted by the African company for

having sold a free negro, whom he had hired as a sailor. He was fined five hundred pounds, as a warning to the other commanders engaged in the trade. (Macpherson s Annals of Commerce, III, 638.)


The Negro in Maryland.

understood, had been a servant to a freeman on the coast of Guinea, and was employed by his master in carrying slaves out to the ships. While thus at work, he stole a scarlet jacket

from Captain Cousins, who never allowed him


go on shore

afterwards, but offered to return him if another slave were But those to whom this offer was made refused given for him.

exchange him, saying that he was a scandal to his country, and they would not give for him a slave four feet high. The seaman further stated that he had heard that servitude was the

common punishment

for crime in that country.

The mates

and boatswain swore that Gray was not only taken in theft, but had been concerned afterwards in cutting the ship s cable, and so endangering her loss and that the other negroes in question had been left on the ship as pledges by the traders, for some seven weeks or more before she sailed, without any offers to redeem them, and that as many goods had been given The Council deemed the com for them as for other slaves. and Captain Cousins was discharged. A plaints groundless,

petition for freedom, of a certain






came before the General Court of Mary pened, by a parish The fact was admitted, without question on land in 1796. either side, that the petitioner was descended from a negro
been imported many years before from Mad counsel for the petitioner claimed that the act agascar. which stated that all slaves imported, and their issue, should

woman who had


be slaves, related to those brought from countries whence slaves A person brought from any were customarily exported. country where the slave trade was not carried on, and sold in Maryland, would not lawfully be a slave. Madagascar was not a place whence slaves were usually brought; and Vol. 6 of the World Displayed was cited. On the other hand, the


counsel for the parish quoted three works of geography and travel, in which there was stated that in Madagascar the petty


make war on

each other for plunder and slaves, and

The court dis are accustomed to sell slaves to Europeans. missed the petition, holding that, as Madagascar was a country



where the slave trade was practised, and Maryland was one where slavery was tolerated, the petitioner, in order to receive her freedom, would have to show that her ancestor was free in
her native country.

its successors declaring the children ; act^qf 1664 and dicT not operate, to quote the General of slaves to be~slaves, Court of Maryland in a decision in 1799, to make all negroes


but merely created a presumption that they were such, which presumption could be rebutted. 2 There was growing up slowly, during the eighteenth century, from manumission

If one parent or free ancestry, a small free black population. of a child was free and the other was a slave, the status of the


Roman law

was that of the mother.



existence of slavery in Maryland was stated plainly in acts of assembly and in a constitutional amendment of

But, as the courts in some of the free States began to require owners of fugitive slaves to prove the existence of slavery in the State where the slaves belonged, an act of 1839

Maryland from the earliest settlement, negroes and might be thereafter held as such, as the property of their and mulattoes had been held as slaves, and were then held owners and that the owner of any slave was entitled to his service during his life, unless the slave could show that by the grant or devise of his owner, or of some former owner of his or of his maternal ancestor, a shorter period of service had been prescribed. A negro was presumed to be a slave. If he petitioned for freedom, the question to be tried was his
declared that in


right thereto, not the right of his master to hold him in The slave must bear the burden of proof. JN^or was the fact that a negro went at large and acted as a freeman,

deemed a proof that he was


Council Kecords, 1753-1767

Sept. 22d, 1760.

3 H.





4H. &McH.,193.
6 G.

1839, 42. mission.




9 G.



112, 127.

See chapter on



The Negro in Maryland.

1^671 and^l 692-declared that the children of slaves seen, were slaves, and that conversion did not affect slavery were entitled, acts to encourage the importation of negroes, and
acts of the


Assembly of Maryland of

which, as

we have

were passed because several of the good people of the Province had been discouraged, so we read, from importing them. But the number of those brought in was small, until about the beginning of the eighteenth century. Governor Nicholson wrote the Board of Trade, in 1698, that some six hundred servants had recently been imported and four or five hundred 2 There is men negroes were expected during the summer. tion of some three hundred slaves brought into Patuxent Bay in August, 1700. The Board of Trade in London was

constantly asking after the state of the slave importations. The Governor of Maryland wrote, in 1708, that the trade

had been rising and was then a high one that some six or seven hundred blacks had been imported in the ten months 3 Two years later, came word that the negroes were past. The Public Record Office in London has a list increasing. of the Christian men, women and children and also of 4 in Maryland, in 1712. The whites numbered negro slaves,




In the same way we find early laws of South Carolina declaring that negroes are necessary for the development of that Province. prominent member of the Massachusetts Bay Company wrote his

brother-in-law, the elder Winthrop, in speaking of the Narrragansett In if upon a Just Warre the Lord should deliver dians, about 1645, that

easily have men woemen and children exchange for Moores, (i. e. negroes) which wilbe more gayneful pilladge for us than wee conceive, for I doe not see how wee can thrive untill wee get into a stock of slaves sufficient to doe all our buisines, for our children s children will hardly see this great Continent filled with people, soe that our servants will still desire freedom to plant for them And I suppose you know selves, and not stay but for verie great wages. verie well how wee shall maynteyne 20 Moores cheaper than one Englishe


into our hands,


we might




Slavery in Mass., 10.)

2 3


Hist. Index, vols. 4



Records from the London Office, quoted in Scharf * Steven s Index, vol. 8. Scharf, I, 377.






nearly thirty-eight thousand, the negroes over eight thousand. In three of the southern counties, the blacks far outnumbered
the whites.

In the years following, both races increased


750, thejwjiites v have been nearly a hundred thousand, the blacks nearly m may ftiumftmtn^fffimMHitiHMnf tTnr 1 In 1790, there were over two hundred and forty thousand.

but the blacks faster than the whites.




eigKt thousand whites, and nearly half as eight thousand and odd free blacks making white to black as less than two to one.


slaves; the

the proportion of

The great staple of colonial Maryland, as of Virginia, wasj/ tobacco. The Governor of Virginia wrote of the tobacco
trade, in 1726, as the one

Colonies subsisted.

by which the governments of the Tobacco was the common currency. Cot

ton seems to have been planted somewhat before 1700, but it was spoken of by one high official to another as prejudicial to
the planting of tobacco and the King s interest. So great was the production of tobacco that efforts were made by the colo nial authorities both to improve the staple by more limited

and to turn the interests of men to other things but it was hard to make men agree to the first, and to both aims the policy of the mother country was bitterly opposed. Hardly had a generation passed, after the foundation of the Colony,

before laws were enacted, to encourage the production of




and manufacturing and tanning.




use to urge men to work the iron ore, ment, encouraging the exportation of pig iron from the Colo nies to England, forbade in them the erection of any furnace

when an act of Parlia

By 1750, the trade of Maryland, chiefly in to was carried on by British vessels of some twelve thou sand tons, total burden the shipping of the Province being



forty or fifty small craft, only.


the queries sent,

some ten years later, by the authorities in England to the Council of Maryland was the question are there any trades or


very untrustworthy.

early estimates of population in the Colonies seem as a rule to be must take them as approximations.



The Negro in Maryland.

manufactures in Maryland which are hurtful or may prove hurtful to Great Britain and, if so, how may they be sup

And in reply we read, that the chief branch of trade was the importation of goods and manu factures from Great Britain, supposed to be worth annually
pressed, divided or restrained?

more than one hundred and

sixty thousand pounds, and, in an annual export of about twenty-eight thousand return, hogsheads of tobacco, bringing to the producers and the mer chants together, before it reached the English markets, nearly

three hundred thousand pounds. Perhaps eighty thousand worth of other produces were shipped corn, wheat, pounds pig iron, skins, lumber, &c. This trade was carried on in

some hundred and twenty British

tons, total

vessels of eighteen thousand boats belonging in the Province numbered about thirty only, of thirteen hundred tons in all, and had been mostly engaged in the West India trade ; but



that trade had not been very profitable, and there was little As to manufactures or trades in probability of its increase.

the Province which might be hurtful to Great Britain, there were none. 1


as late as this time,

we must remember,

the bulk of

the population of these Southern Colonies had not gone far from the coast. Maryland, like Virginia, had been well

For years suited for agriculture in its physical characteristics. the settlements had been mostly dotted along tidewater, plan
Endeavors made to tation after plantation, with few towns. build large towns and ports by act of assembly were far from


flat fields

were cut up by a network of riv

in a boat






often save near

Up these neighbors miles of travel over wretched roads. the planters the man inlets came the British vessels, to give to ufactures that he seldom saw otherwise, and to take away the

See Md. Arch., V, 16, 266.

Council Records, 1749, 390;




(416?); 1756, 117.



1683, 5; 1684, 2; 1688,




tobacco and breadstuffs from the very fields where they were

British ships brought not only the manufactures, but The colonists themselves were anxious, at first, as the slaves.


In how far they were seen, for supplies of blacks. influenced by ideas that black labor was cheap and advantag

we have

eous labor, peculiarly suited to those flat coast lands, hot and malarial in summer ; or in how far competition between these
tobacco regions may have really ruled out any other labor, we do not venture to answer. 1 I But to the British, the slave trade only supplemented the policy of discouragement of manufac Acts of Parliament, at tures and encouragement of tobacco.
the beginning and middle of the eighteenth century, encour aged it as highly beneficial to both mother country and colo

as well as of the merchants.

Crown, hundred and ninety negroes imported into Maryland from 1699 to 1707, 2 all but a hundred and twenty-six came in London vessels. Towards the close of the seventeenth century the public charges of the Province had been growing burdensome. Eiforts were



was pursued

to the benefit of the British


the twenty-two

The seat being made to increase the facilities for education. In 1689 war broke of government was moved to Annapolis.
out between Great Britain and France, to bring new burdens on the Colonies threatened by French and Indians. The same

Assembly which reenacted the law

of slaves in 1692, laid a

to encourage the introduction

new duty of fourpence a gallon on


tions of this kind.

introduction of slavery into Georgia suggests most interesting ques The only labor allowed in Georgia, by the rules of the


Trustees of the Colony, for some twenty years after the settlement, was white Many considerations, as the nearness of hostile Spaniards and In

and the unfavorable character of part of the settlers, prevent any hasty answers but climate, especially in the production of rice in the low lands, and the fact that the same produces could be bought much cheaper

on the Carolina side than on the Georgia side of the Savannah, were cer
tainly strong influences on those Georgians, by far the great majority of authorities and citizens, who finally secured the introduction of black labor.

Doc. from Public Kecord


quoted in Scharf





The Negro in Maryland.


imported liquors, to discharge the arrears of government, to soldiers, to repair courthouses and prisons, and for other

Two years later this was continued, and a duty was charges. laid further on several commodities exported, as furs, beef and The next bacon, for the maintenance of the free schools.
year, in addition, a duty of threepence a hogshead was put on tobacco, for a year ; and ten per cent, on all European com



tain local offices. 1

exported, for three years ; as well as a tax on cer Over three hundred pounds had then to be

sent towards the support of the colonial forces in New York. It was then when the Province was so destitute of ready



pay the

soldiers in




defence, that a


ber of the

House of Delegates

offered to loan certain

from the treasury that the was laid on slaves imported, and on white servants, duty

until he could be reimbursed


declared for ten shillings a head on negroes ; all agreed on two shillings sixpence for servants. The receipts were thereupon to be applied to the building of a statehouse and other expenses. should note that at the

The majority of the Assembly


was passed an act to restrain large assem blages of negroes. There were rumors of movements by papists and negroes it is interesting to note how European politics were reflected in the Colonies, often amounting only to a little talk, and some legislation. At the next session the duty on both negroes and Irish servants was made twenty shillings a head with a penalty of five pounds on any smuggling merchant or shipmaster to raise supplies and to limit the importation of Irish papists. The full title of the act of 1704, which con tinued this, was an Act for imposing threepence a gallon on
session, there
"and twenty Shillings per poll for Negroes, for raising a Supply to defray the public charge of this Province ; and twenty shillings per poll on Irish Servants, to prevent the im



porting too great a Number of Irish papists into this Province." But by act of the same session, liquors and negroes could be

1692, 22

1694, 19, 23.



imported without duty in vessels owned wholly by residents of Maryland, to encourage the inhabitants to adventure their In 1715 the same exemption was ships abroad more freely.
offered, in addition, for Irish servants

imported in home ves


additional duty of four pounds a head laid on Irish servants and on negroes, for the old reasons ;

The next year an

but this act met with the dissent of the Lord Proprietor. So the next Assembly laid twenty shillings more a head on them,

making the total duty forty shillings, except for those imported in home vessels. So the duty remained for years, except that after 1728, home vessels had to pay half duty and after 1732,

Protestant servants from Ireland could be imported free, as from elsewhere. 1 These duties were to be laid on all importa

by land or water; but

after 1721, residents of



who owned


slaves in other colonies, and persons coming to settle as complaint was made of the hardship

such persons had to suffer through the duties 2 to import their servants free, if not for sale.

were allowed


have no grounds


presuming that the early duties on

negroes were laid for any other reason than that given in the acts the payment of public charges. But by the middle of the century there was evidently some opposition rising to the
further large importation of them.

Maryland was not such a

nor was


black population so large in proportion to

the whites, as to cause


its citizens the anxieties which were felt South Carolina, where the laws, which had not long since

Proceedings of House, May, 1695; 1695, ch. 9; 1696,7; 1699,23; 1704, 9,67; 1715,36; 1716,6; 1717,10; 1728,8; 1732,23. After 1735, no duty had to be paid for any servant or slave who might die, or be exported by the importer, within three months after importation. (1735, 6.) When the House of Commons asked, in 1736, for the laws in force by which duties were laid on various articles of trade, the Governor of Maryland answered, for negroes, forty shillings. This evidently referred to the duty for those imported on English vessels and the home commerce, as we have seen,


to little.




The Negro in Maryland.

spoken of the need of black labor, now called for whites, and

the faster increase in the blacks to the



But when, during the French and providence of God." Indian war, the Maryland Assembly argued with many words the expediency of requiring indentured white servants to do
military duty, as called for by the Governor, one objection thereto was that the importation of servants would decrease,
for planters would import ject to military duty.



who were

never sub

When a country, answered the Gover is in nor, danger of being lost to the enemy, it is no time for its government to enter into critical dissertations as to whether
the enlistment of servants


not tend to lessen the importa


tion of them, for planting, and to increase that of slaves. In 1754 new duties were laid, to meet the demands for



s service in

the French and Indian war.



pay four pounds for his license; each wheel of a carriage owner five shillings a year twenty shillings a head was put on all servants imported, to serve for seven years or more, and five shillings on most others. On negroes, ten shil When larger lings a head was added to the existing forty. had to be met, later, some new duties were laid. The expenses duty on servants for long terms was abolished, and twenty 2 When additional shillings per head was put on negroes. these new duties ceased, a year after the war ended, there was laid a duty of two pounds a head on negroes, over and above

cost the



existing duty of forty shillings.

But, as before, any

Council Records, 1756, 90. Among the provisions of this act were a tax of 5 shillings a year on all 100 to unmarried men worth from 300, and 20 shillings on those of from greater means for every billiard table, 3 for every horse imported any colony for sale, a duty of 40 shillings a tax of 1 shilling on every 100
; ;

acres of freehold property, except lands 1756, 5. 1754, 9 lings, &c.


owned by


who paid

2 shil

1763, 28.


acts 1715, 36


So the

total duty, to 1771,

was eighty

1717, 10, seemed to have continued in The money shillings a head.

was applied

to the schools.



person coming to Maryland to live, from any part of the King s dominions, could bring in his servants free. And the

duty would be remitted also on slaves exported within two months. Eight years later, in 1771, there was placed a fur ther additional duty of five pounds a head excepting, as

by persons coming to settle, and on importations those exported within four months excepting land or water. This ceased in 1778, but within two years, by under pressure of war, taxes and duties were rated anew. As
before, those brought in before, nothing
to be paid on slaves brought in, not for Otherwise, there was a sale, by persons coming to reside. of fifteen pounds on every slave who had lived in the duty


States for full three years, and of five hundred pounds on 1 After two years, in 1782, as enough of the every other.

required funds had been raised by taxes and sales of State as those on iron and property, some of these new duties

were taken off; and it was declared that all tobacco exported those on imports should cease as soon as Congress should lay
the expected duty of five per cent., except the duty on slaves. And at the same session the tax rate on all property was
2 The next year when the favorable con reduced by a third. dition of the State finances allowed the removal of the extra

was duties and taxes laid for redeeming the bills of credit the act which forbade the introduction by land or passed
United States and should actually live Maryland there a year, could bring in any slaves who had belonged to him elsewhere if they had been in the country for three The previous whereabouts of the slave was to be fully years.
water of any slave for

citizen of the

who might come


to live,


to the collector.

Servants of travelers were specially

This act (1780, 8,) is entitled an Act for sinking the quota of Maryland of the bills of credit issued by Congress. It put a duty, also, on iron and tobacco exported, a tax on marriage licenses, &c., &c. The title of 1771


simply to place an extra duty on negroes imported.


Payment under


was in pounds currency.

1782, 50, 54.


The Negro in Maryland.

in the State.

exempted, but they could not remain indefinitely, or be sold And any slave imported contrary to law was to
set free.

The number of

blacks had


to be


eighty thousand, nearly a half of the number of whites. They had increased faster than the whites during the preced ing decade, if we may trust the estimates of population.

wishes of the Colonies, now the States, had changed during the century. The result of the change is well known how negroes were forced on the southern Colonies despite


frequent remonstrance from some of them by the mother 2 Virginia had been foremost in remonstrance, and country.

now forbade all slave trade from without her borders, in 1778. The Maryland Act of 1783 was much the same as this Vir

Act of 1778; but the high duty of 1780 on negroes from abroad was practically a prohibition of the foreign trade. Aside from the duties, we find no remonstrance against the slave trade on the part of the colonial Assemblies of Mary
Later, when the question of the prohibition of the foreign trade was before Congress, the Assembly of Maryland resolved, in 1805, that their senators and representatives

should be instructed and requested to use their utmost exer

tions to obtain

Congress, when

an amendment to the Constitution, by which it was deemed expedient, could put an end to And the same resolution was sent to further importation.

the Governors of all the States, with the request that it be laid before the different Legislatures, for their concurrence and adoption. Again, the next year, similar messages were sent

the Maryland congressmen, declaring the prohibition of the 3 slave trade to be a most desirable measure.

1783, 23

bill against


Scharf s History of Maryland, III, 291, says that importation was presented in the House in 1767, but was not The manuscript Journals of Assembly do not give any session

1782, 29.

that year.

See Bancroft, Part III, ch. 16.


1805,11,12; 1806,6,




The old duty of forty shillings was not collected, as we have seen, on slaves brought into Maryland by citizens who had estates in other colonies or by persons about to become But all importations had to be entered at the cus residents. and no slave could be sold for three years. The act of toms, 1783 allowed importation to residents only, and limited it then, to slaves who had been in the country for some time, and who were not for sale. But some fault was soon found
with such sweeping

Several citizens of Virginia

lands in Maryland asked leave of the Assembly to bring in some of their slaves from Virginia, to cultivate bill in their favor passed the House but was those lands.

who owned

defeated in the Senate.



several years following, similar

were similarly defeated. One citizen of Maryland, who had married a Virginian who held slaves in trust, and had

also carried certain slaves into Virginia, received permission The 1791, by a special act, to import all these slaves.

Senate then urged upon the House a bill amending the law of 1783. Should we reciprocate, reads their message, the
privileges given by Virginia, and allow Virginians to bring their slaves over the Potomac, under careful restrictions,



political disadvantage will accrue




by so that citizens of Maryland holding land, eight to seventeen in their own or in their wives rights, in Virginia, Delaware or Pennsylvania, and owning slaves employed on those lands, might bring these slaves into Maryland, to be worked for their benefit, and not to be sold and provided, further, that
7 ;



House passed the


a vote of thirty-

the slaves were residents, or children of residents, of the States mentioned, before 1783. Citizens might bring in, also, any such slaves acquired by inheritance or marriage in other


Virginians holding lands in Maryland might

To prevent fraud, bring in their slaves, to cultivate these. the slaves as well as the title to them, if acquired by inheri tance or marriage had to be recorded in all cases at the county

and they could then be carried




at the


The Negro in Maryland.

1 pleasure of the owner.

The next

year, a former citizen of

been living in Delaware for two years, obtained an act to allow him to bring back the negroes he had taken away with him, and their issue. The proprietors
of several iron works which lay near together on both sides of the Potomac, were allowed to carry back and forth male
slaves used on the works, provided that no Virginia slaves should be sold in Maryland unless under fieri facias. Slaves 2 could also be carried to and fro, by certain parties, between

Maryland who had

Maryland, Virginia and Washington, for work on certain

public buildings ; but they were to be removed from Mary land within a year from the completion of the work, or they

would become


Further doubts as to the act of 1783

by a provision, of 1794, that residence of a year in Maryland, by persons coming there to settle, was not neces
sary before slaves could be imported but no slaves or their increase, so brought in, could be sold until the importer had

lived in



by Maryland by citizens of the United States only. In 1792, some of the French inhabitants of the West India Islands So a new law5 fled from the revolutions there to Maryland.
declared that such French subjects who should settle in Mary land during the disturbances at home might retain their slaves, but the number that they could keep, after the expiration of a

will or at law.

for three years, barring the case of dispo 4 Since 1783, slaves could be brought

year from their coming, was limited to five domestic servants to the master of a family, and three to a single man ; while

House Journals,
1792, 45, 48.

1787, p. Ill;

1788, 52; 1789, 31

1791, ch. 19, 57.



1792, 75.
1794, 43. 1792, 56.

This was not

become a law unless a similar

was passed

by Va.
* 5

five years later, the authorities of Baltimore were authorized to rid the city of any of these slaves who might be deemed dangerous to the peace; for it was said that many of

See also 4 H. & McH., 143. When the act was repealed,

them had been disorderly and were under


(1797, 75.)


49 Such French keep the same

any surplus


slaves, not exported, became free. as merely sojourned in Maryland could


for their



own use, but could not dispose of them. House of Delegates received petitions in 1795

from certain residents of Charles and Prince George s coun in the law so as to allow the introduction of ties, for changes slaves by land, we presume the committee reported that upon principles of policy," to an entire they were opposed, of the law, but advised that it be made more clear and repeal In the next year a petition was received from a cit explicit.

izen of Talbot county, that he

might bring back to Maryland mother had carried away, and in whom he had certain rights. It was found that the slave had been removed during the infancy of the petitioner, at a time when he could give no consent. The committee, again, and this The act of 1796, time with success, urged a general law. in many ways, long remained the law, reiterated the which,
a negro



prohibition of the importation of any slave by land or water, for sale declaring, as before, that such slaves should be

thereby free

coming any slaves which they owned at the time of their removal, if the slave or the mother of the slave had resided in the United States for three whole years previous but neither the slaves

but provided that citizens of the United States, Maryland to settle, could bring in within a year

nor their increase could be sold

estate or

by process at law Maryland for three years. Travelers had to carry their ser If a slave were carried away by vants away with them. any
person during the infancy

except in settlement of an until the importer had lived in

or without the consent



real owner, that


owner might bring the slave back at any resident of Maryland, possessed by inheritance, in

House Journal, Nov., 1795, pp. 6-29; 1796, 57, &c. Acts of 1796, ch. As to freedom from importation, the Court of Appeals held, in 1820, that this applied to voluntary importation on the master s part only. 5 H.



The Negro in Maryland.

his own or his wife s right, of lands in an adjoining State, and of slaves used on those lands, might bring the slaves into Maryland to his own land, for his own benefit and not for sale. Conversely, a resident of an adjoining State possessed by inheritance of lands in Maryland and the owner of slaves at home, might import the slaves, to work them on those 1 In both cases, the slaves must have been resi lands only.

before 1783.

dents, or descendents of residents, of the States in question, And careful record had to be made, within

three months, in the county

After the slaves had

been properly recorded, they might be removed as often as the owner should choose without repeated record. Any citi
zen of Maryland who acquired property, by marriage, bequest, in course of distribution or as guardians, in any slave who was a resident, or the descendant of a resident, of the United

might remove such slave into Maryland for the purpose only of employment for his own benefit, and Such slaves had also to be properly recorded not for sale. and they could not be sold for three years. Over twenty 3 years later, there was added the condition, that slaves so
States before 1783,

imported should be used by the importer only in his own immediate service and not for any other purpose whatever. 4 By a supplementary act of 1797, executors and administra
tors of citizens


should remove into Maryland and die

within a year, might import within a year any slaves, with their issue, that had belonged to the deceased and had them
selves, or their mothers, been residents of the

United States


lands in

1798, 76, citzens of Maryland or of an adjoining State, inheriting Md. or the adjoining State, and owning slaves used on them,

might import the slaves for use on their own lands. * If the slaves were acquired by inheritance, the testator s name, the date and place of record of the will, must all be recorded when by marriage, the name of the person from whom the title was derived, was necessary. 3 It was further declared that such slaves did not have to be 1818, 201.

brought in within any limited time.


1797, 15.



for three years previous. So, guardians of the children of such citizens might import such slaves within a year from the beginning of their trust ; and the children on becoming

of age, might also bring in such slaves and their issue, within
a year.

have noted that occasionally, under authority of special were brought from Virginia to Maryland for speci fied occupations and for limited times. Thus, in 1794, leave was given the Potomac Company to import slaves, with the condition that they would be freed, if not removed within a
acts, slaves


year from the completion of the work in hand. Several years after, as several citizens of Maryland were in the habit of
hiring out their slaves to this same Company in Virginia, and as doubts had arisen whether the slaves could be brought back
after a year s residence

away, without being entitled

to free

dom, a further act declared that slaves might be hired out to the Company, but that they should be deemed free unless
returned within a year from the end of the work. It appeared proper, so reads the act, that citizens of Maryland might have
the privilege of hiring their slaves to the best advantage, "when no injury to the State can result therefrom." When,
in 1803, a citizen of Virginia petitioned the Maryland House of Delegates for leave to bring in certain negroes, the com

House reported that it was inexpedient to extend 1 the privilege of importation. The proprietors of a stage line between Philadelphia and Norfolk, got leave in 1799 to use
mittee of the
their slaves as drivers, to

and from Maryland, on condition

that every driver be duly recorded. In that portion of Mary land ceded to the District of Columbia, a number of slaves, belonging to citizens of Maryland, had been hired out or

otherwise employed.


Act of 1802 allowed the importa

tion of such slaves, and their issue ; and it was further made lawful for citizens of Maryland and of that part of the Dis

which had been ceded by Maryland,

1803, 79.





House Journal,


The Negro in Maryland.

from the District at pleasure such slaves, and their descen 1 dants, as had been brought into the District from Maryland. Other border counties found the law oppressive and it was

might be hired out in any adjoining county of another State where the laws of that State did not forbid as often as the owner wished ; and,
conversely, slaves owned in the adjoining counties could be brought into Maryland, to be hired out. In either case, no

finally enacted, in 1812, that slaves

record had to be made, but the slaves must be returned within

a year. 2

Hardly had the Revolution ceased when a number of


zens of Maryland began active efforts to abolish slavery. Some were political leaders. Many of them were of the Society

In December, 1785, the House of Delegates received the petitions of several citizens of Queen Anne s, Kent, Caroline, Dorchester, Worcester, Talbot and other coun
of Friends.

relative to an abolition of slavery.

These petitions were

read a second time on the day following, and were rejected by It is interesting to note a vote of thirty-two to twenty-two.
that the votes of the

members from the





delegates were not present

were about equally divided,

3 Two years later there was presented to the pro and con. House an address and petition for the emancipation of slaves,

from the yearly meeting of the Friends in Baltimore 4 these were refused also, by thirty votes to seventeen.



society for promoting the Abolition of Slavery and the Relief of poor Negroes and others unlawfully held in Bond-


1802, 68.
1812, 76.

See 3 H.



379, 382

1813, 56.

* House Journal, 1785, pp. 36-39. Of four of the largest slave-holding counties, Calvert, Charles, Prince George s and St. Mary s, only one of the delegates present voted to receive the petitions.

House Journal,

1787, pp. 34-36.



age, was organized in 1789. Its membership was soon between two and three hundred, and a building in Baltimore was devoted to its use. Its work began at once by a petition pre sented to the House of Delegates, on November 12th. On the next day the House received, also, an address of the These were referred to a com Friends, of the same purport.

mittee of seven members, who reported the next day, through Mr. William Pinkney. It should be the wish of every free community, they said, to bring about the abolition of slavery. As both a sudden and compulsory abolition are exceptionable

former being dangerous, the latter in violation of acquired rights no opportunity should be neglected of attain

ing abolition by silent and gradual steps, with the consent of the owner." So, all restriction should be removed from

the voluntary emancipation of slaves. 1 Within a week, a bill was introduced in the Senate, to promote the gradual abolition

of slavery, and to prevent the rigorous exportation of blacks from Maryland. It was read the first time and laid on the


it was postponed, some days later, to December. It was then committed to Mr. Nicholas Hammond, who had introduced it, together with Mr. Charles Carroll and Mr. John Hall, with the resolution to

Consideration of




request the House of Delegates to appoint a committee for conference. Accordingly, the following message, brought in by Mr. Charles Carroll, was sent to the House the following day :
"A Bill for the gradual abolition of slavery, and for pre venting the rigorous exportation of negroes and mulattoes from this State, has been originated in this House, and lain some time for consideration. The great importance of this


whether considered with a view to the persons whom concerns, or to the advantage and happiness of the commu

nity at large, appears to be such as to require peculiar investi gation, and the most serious attention of the legislature.

1 In 1752, manumission in any way during the had been forbidden.

last illness of

the master


The Negro in Maryland.

it is conceived that a discussion of this subject by a committee of both Houses will be proper, that by a candid exchange of sentiments such a system may be reported as will be thought most agreeable, as well to the sense of both



branches of the legislature as to the sense of our fellow citi zens." But this proposition of the Senate the House refused

by a vote of thirty-nine

to fifteen.

The members from


large slave-holding counties voted against it, and those from the others were divided. The Senate ordered that the bill be
referred to the next Assembly. At the next session the Senate received a petition from the Abolition Society, and referred it
to the



this petition

was read the House voted,

it to a committee. by twenty-six twenty-two, There was then put the question, that the committee be in

to refer

petition but this

structed to express their disapprobation of that part of the which referred to the gradual abolition of slavery ; was defeated by a plurality of two votes. And nothing

further seems to have been done at that session.

But the

work of the

abolition societies

had not been

in petitions alone.

In 1791 the House of Delegates received complaints against the society in Baltimore for its interference between certain The committee on Grievances and slaves and their masters.
Courts of Justice, to whom the matter was referred, reported that the owners had been unjustly brought to much unneces So large and influential was this sary trouble and expense.
Abolition Society that an individual who should be brought law with it had better give up his slave than defend his In this case the Society had acted in an indecent and rights.

letter in

House Journal, 1789, pp. 10-14, 64-5. Senate Journal, 1789, 5-34. A Hazard s Register (Vol. X, 411) from a gentleman of Baltimore,

written in 1832, states that Charles Carroll of Carrollton, introduced in the Senate of Maryland, in 1797, a bill by which all female slave children were to be bought by the State, educated and bound out to the age of 28, when they were to be free and other slaves under 45 were to be free at a

we presume, was the plan of Mr. the Senate Journal for 1797 does not make any mention
certain time.


Carroll in 1789, as of abolition.

Senate Journal, 1790, Nov. 15th.





so said the committee.

The House, after

considering the representations of the Society in defence, voted by a large plurality that its action could in no way be

upon any principle by which good citizens ought to Although a resolve that the Society had become unnecessary, oppressive and repugnant in principles to the laws of the State, was lost by three votes, the work of the Society as a body had to be discontinued. Other societies were formed of not large membership. A number of slaves were assisted to get freedom, and a few petitions and memorials sent to the legislators from time to time, but only to meet with disap
be moved.


During this period, however, there was a noticeable increase number of slaves manumitted. Manumission by will or otherwise during the last illness of the master, which had been forbidden in 1752, was allowed once more by the general act of 1796, on Slaves by amendment of the Senate. When, in 1823, a communication was received in the House of Delegates from the Governor of Ohio, on gradual emanci
in the


pation in the United States, the committee of the House reported that they deemed it inexpedient then to express their 2 In the Assembly of 1827, there was pre views thereon.
sented to the

House a

petition of

sundry inhabitants of Har-

It was ford county, for the abolition of slavery in the State. one member from Harford, referred to a committee of nine

Baltimore, Prince George

s, Talbot and Worcester counties, and two from Cecil and Montgomery. On the day each, following, this committee reported, that they were compelled


acknowledge the inexpediency of submitting,

House Journal,

at that time,

1791, pp. 82-106. Griffith s Annals of Baltimore, 127. Abolition Societies, 72. House Journal, 1791, 19, 31, 38 do. 1792, 24 Mr. Jefferson stated that there was not as much disposition for do. 1801, 66.


abolition in
little in


as in Virginia.

We may add

that there was very

Virginia, however

much many

leaders like Mr. Jefferson

may have


House Journal,

1823, 139.


The Negro in Maryland.

any system of

But they legislation for abolishing slavery. their entire confidence that the time was fast expressed coming

when Maryland would be


relieved, through the plan of col from this grievous national We onization, calamity." cannot now, for obvious reasons," they continued, "follow the examples which have been set us by our sister States to the north and east of us. With them the evil to be subdued

was a pigmy, with us it is a monster ; with them a superflu ous and decaying limb was to be removed ; with us the destroying worm is to be sought for in the root. There, the
system, full of health and vigor, submitted cheerfully to the simple cure ; here the disease, exhibiting itself in its greatest
strength and worst form, must receive a different treatment, and be gradually subdued by persevering, but not abrupt

This report was read and left, apparently, on memorial was presented in the House, in 1829, from sundry citizens of Frederick county, asking for a law which should declare that all children born of slaves should be free after a certain time. In 1832, a committee was

the table.

ordered to enquire into the expediency of such legislation, but there seems to have been no result. 2 An amendment

was added

to the State constitution in 1837, to the effect that

the relation of master and

slave should not be abolished

unless a bill for the purpose should be passed by an unani mous vote in each branch of the Assembly, and should then

be published at least three months before a new election of delegates, and should be then confirmed by unanimous votes of
the Houses in the next session thereafter

nor then, without


compensation to the master for the property of which he would be deprived.

Exactly how far the feelings of the people of Maryland were voiced in these actions of their legislators, is as hard to judge to-day as it is hard to learn whether the "sundry

House Journal, House Journal,

1827, 320, 342.

1829, 427; 1832, 89.






a signed these abolition petitions were six or

score or a

whole community.

There were


and some

of them prominent citizens, always ready and anxious to fur ther any steps towards gradual abolition, but the people of Maryland, as a whole, did not care evidently to do away with
that a larger free slavery, or felt unable to solve the problems black population would bring, or looked too long and too 1 trustingly to colonization as the remedy for the evil.

Several efforts were made, also especially at the same time with those early efforts for abolition to restrict or pre vent exportation of slaves from Maryland. In 1789, in the House of Delegates, Mr. Pinkney had spoken of this as a
species of traffic


and disgraceful to the gov several petitions were presented years later, in the House, from the Friends, from the Abolition Society in Baltimore, and from certain citizens of Caroline and




counties, for legislation to prevent the exportation of These were referred to a committee slaves and free negroes.

of seven

one member, each, from Baltimore town, Baltimore

county, Annapolis,

Queen Anne

and Harford counties, and

In 1830, there were several anti-slavery organizations in Baltimore National Anti-Slavery Tract Society," a Branch of the Society of Md., &c. but these seem to have been small and of little vitality. A small number of prominent citizens of Baltimore and the counties associated together, in 1846, to initiate a movement towards gradual emancipation; but public opinion, in the growing hostility between North and South, would not support any such plan, and it was abandoned as wholly imprac ticable. (Baltimore and the 19th of April: Hon. Geo. W. Brown, p. 113.) Note resolutions of the Assemblies 1841, 16; 1843, 57; 1849, 37. We may add that the Bill of Rights of Maryland, of 1776, did not state that all men were free and equal as did the Bill of Rights of Virginia and the Declaration of Independence. It gave to "every freeman" remedy at law for injury to person or property, &c.


House Journal,

1789, 9-14.


The Negro in Maryland.

two from Dorchester, headed by Mr. Pinkney.

In a few

days, they reported that they could not conceive how, while the citizens of Maryland continued to hold slaves a property

recognized by law and secured by the Constitution the ex portation of slaves could with any warrant be prohibited.

They did not see that justice or policy required such an inter ference with the rights of the community. Nor could they forbear from suggesting that such petitions would only make
worse rather than better the condition of the slaves, by tend ing to destroy the spirit of acquiescence among them, by which alone their happiness could be secured, and to fill them with

With this regret for evils that did not admit a remedy. At the next session, another the House concurred. report
memorial of the Friends was received, read and referred, but with no result. In 1800, there was received a petition from sundry inhabitants of Kent and Queen Anne s counties, for an
act to prohibit the sale of slaves without the State only, pre sumably. This was referred to a committee of seven, two from

Anne Arundel, two from Kent, and one each from Charles, Dorchester and Queen Anne s counties. Over a week later, this
committee reported that they had given the subject the serious
consideration which

importance merited.



that the property in slaves acquired by citizens of Maryland, under the faith of laws existing before the Revolution, and

sanctioned by express compact on the adoption of the new gov ernment, was secured by society to individuals on the general
basis of property. And where the rights of such individuals are to be resumed by the public for the general advantage, a reason

able compensation must be made. They would not deny the of the legislature to meet any great regulations of civil power events attending every social institu policy which the uncertain
institution as might render necessary, particularly such an them but, as they were not aware of the neces slavery with


then of any such changes, they could not consent to pro-

House Journal, 1798,

19, 31, 38.



hibit generally that use of their property

which the needs of

Nor did they believe slave-owners might make indispensable. that the transportation of the blacks to a warmer climate more suited to their physical natures, was either inhuman to the
blacks or impolitic to the State. They deemed the gradual of the black population of Maryland a people diminution and a substitution in so different by nature from the whites
their place of a white

Yet, with

all this,

yeomanry, to be objects highly desirable. they could not for a moment doubt that the

right of property in slaves is, and ought to be, a right limited by the laws of humanity and Christianity. The legislature is


to repress vices of cruelty,


to encourage charity


philanthropy. While they would refuse to prohibit generally the sale and transportation of slaves to the South, they would so far restrain the same as to prevent the violation of those

of nature which even savage man respects, and which And to this society should protect with a religious reverence.

end they

law should prohibit the in consequence of the commission of some crime except or offense of any slave to be carried out of Maryland, by
offered the resolution, that a

which an acknowledged husband or wife, according to the customary among slaves, would be separated from each other, or by which a mother would be separated from a child under a certain age. This report was read, but nothing seems to have resulted from it. 1 The next year the House received further memorials of the same purport from the Friends and sundry citizens. After some weeks a similar resolution was reported, fixing the limit of age under which a But child could not be taken from its mother at ten years. this resolution was rejected by a vote of thirty-eight to twenty2 one. In 1818 a petition from citizens of Washington county, that the existing traffic in slaves might be restricted, was In likewise referred to a committee; but without result.

House Journal, 1800, House Journal, 1801,

58, 77. 44, 66, 80-84.


The Negro in Maryland.

1832 there was presented a petition from the justices of the orphans court of Somerset county and certain citizens of Som erset and Worcester, for an act to restrain registers of wills from engaging in the purchase of negroes for transportation and sale. The committee on Grievances and Courts
against the petition.



this time the policy of the State


to free itself as


much as possible of the black population. slaves for life could be carried out or sold away from the
such as were brought in for the purpose of trans
increased there was an increase in

State, except

portation and sale.

As manumissions
number of those



who were

to be free at a certain time.

their terms of service they were as other slaves. The law provided for the careful record of the deeds under which they were to be free, and that those who were brought into Maryland, being slaves for a term of years only by the law of the State whence they came, should serve for the prescribed It is easy to see how injustice might length of time only. arise from the transportation and sale elsewhere of these blacks,

as slaves for

As early as 1789, the attention of the life. House of Delegates was called by the Society of Friends and by others, to the exportation by fraud or violence of slaves
for terms of years

and a comhiittee stated that the honor of

the State was deeply concerned in giving exemplary punish ment to such a practice. For a generation thereafter, efforts
for stringent and effective legislation were frequently made, 2 The general act of especially by the Society of Friends.

1796 gave a penalty of eight hundred dollars or work on the road for not over five years, in default for anyone who might
transport, knowingly, from the State, and sell as a slave for life, any black entitled to freedom at any age. And there was the same penalty for bringing in and selling such in the State.

House Journal, House Journal,

1818, 96

1832, 204.


1790; 1791, 31

1795, 53, 65; 1803, 15, 18,




But a committee of the House of Delegates

ity to the

reported, in 1801, that the removal of these servants and other acts of inhuman

unhappy blacks called loudly for the interposition of the legislature ; on which the House went to the extent of resolving, by vote of fifty-four to five, that the severest penal ties should prevent the sale, South, of slaves for terms of

Finally, in 1810, there was enacted that no such slaves should be sold to anyone who had not been a bona fide resi dent of Maryland for a year. The penalty, as for any sale for

a longer term than that which the black had to serve, was That for actual kidnapping had been five hundred dollars.
fixed the year before at between two and ten years imprison 1 ment. During the session of 1816, the House passed, by a vote of thirty-four to twenty-three, a bill which required the

formality of a bill of sale, acknowledged before witnesses and containing a description of the slaves transferred, in the case

of sale and removal of slaves where the person about to remove them had not been for two years an actual resident of the county where they had been held. This was defeated in the Senate by a tie vote. But an act of the next session pro vided that purchasers of any slaves for removal from the State
sale, in

should take copies of duly acknowledged and recorded bills of slave for a which the slaves should be identified.

term of years could not be sold to any other than a resident of the State of over a year s standing nor could a resident pur

chase as agent for a non-resident, under penalty, in either case, to seller or buyer, of not over two years imprisonment. And
all sales

formalities of bills in writing, under chaser, and of the seller or his agent

of slaves for terms of years were clothed with the hand and seal of the pur

term of

service, the interest of the seller,

which should give the and the residence of

the purchaser ; and should be duly acknowledged before a jus tice of the county, and be recorded within twenty days. If

See 1783, ch. 23 1809, 38.

1790, 9

1796, 67

1804, 90

1810, 15.

Act on Crimes,


The Negro in Maryland.

these formalities were fraudulently omitted, the servant became free ; and magistrates were authorized to examine any persons



reasonable suspicions were fastened.

all cases



of this act were extended in 1834 to

where a

dent of Maryland should purchase or receive, knowingly, with the intention of sending away, a slave for a term of years ; and where residents should remove and then sell such
slaves, taken with them.

These formalities for the



slaves entitled to freedom, and the penalty of not over two years imprisonment for any illegal sale of them, remained

But notoriously vicious servants were often sold, for transportation, under the authority of the courts, by act of 1833 the court being satisfied that the master had warned
the law. the slave

of that penalty, and the slave being provided with an authorized copy both of the order of the court and of his title to freedom.

find the Assembly of 1818 giving permission to a resi dent of Cecil county to remove a negro girl, a slave for a term of years, to Pennsylvania, on condition that he give


bond with

security, not to sell or remove her out of that State. 1829, certain trustees were allowed to sell several

negroes for their unexpired time of service, in Delaware but to no other than an actual resident of that State ; and the
conditions of the permission of sale were to be mentioned in the bill of sale ; and they must secure a bond for one thou-

1 House Journal 1816, 98. 1817, ch. 112 1834, 266. The minimum im A society called the Protection prisonment became eighteen months. Society was organized at Baltimore about 1817. Many valuable blacks were aided, and incorrigible servants were quietly transported. (Griffith s was rejected Protection Society of Kent county Baltimore.) A bill for a by the Senate in 1827. A few years later, a number of slaves were bought in Maryland, to be taken to Louisiana but difficulties arising at the custom house in Baltimore, owing to the informalities in the bill of sale, the matter was carried before a justice of the city court. As the negroes, on being examined, acknowledged themselves to be slaves, a special act of the Assembly allowed the transportation as if the bill had been drawn according
" "

to the forms prescribed by law.

(1821, 15.)



sand dollars, with good security living in Maryland, that the slaves should not be removed from Delaware during the time
the act declared, further, that the trustees or their heirs might maintain an action on the bond, should

of service.


slaves be

removed, and any damages

would be used

bringing back their slaves and for their further benefit. In another case, a citizen of Delaware was allowed to take

from Maryland a negro woman, in


he owned an unex-

pired term, on condition that he first gave bond with security, to be kept in the clerk s office of the county from which the

was removed, that he would not keep her

term of service.

in servitude

after the expiration of her

Again, a citizen of Prince George s county was authorized to sell a negro woman out of Maryland, if he specified in the bill of sale

was to be free at a certain time, and if he took from the buyer that she should not be disposed of for security Another citizen of the same county was longer servitude. two years later, to take with him to Virginia his given leave, servant for a term of years, provided the negro should appear in person before the orphans court and signify his willingness to go, and also that the master should furnish him with a cer tified copy, under seal, of the instrument under which he was
that she

entitled to freedom.

Again, in 1840, a special act allowed

the removal of a girl to Virginia, provided that she should give her consent, and that the master should first file with the

county clerk a satisfactory bond to the State of Maryland for one thousand dollars, with security from a citizen of Mary land, for the faithful and safe return of the girl to the State by the master or his executors as soon as she finished her term
of service, should she then desire to return. She must return, if at all, within twelve months after becoming free. And in
case she desired to return but

ney must bring


was detained, the district attor on the bond, and any money recovered
Before she

should be used for the Colonization Society.

the county clerk was to give her, at the expense of her master, a certified record of her right to freedom. Thus several


The Negro in Maryland.

But all petitions for spe exceptions to the laws were made. cial acts were not granted. bill passed the House, in 1835, to allow a certain clergyman to carry out of Maryland a col

not pass

ored apprentice, the son of free parents but the Senate would it. Two years later, a bill was introduced in the


to allow a certain resident of Prince


county to

carry with him to Mississippi a servant for a term of years. By the recommendation of the committee on Colored Popula
tion, these bills

were amended so as

to require the master


to give bond in the sum of two thousand dollars, that he or his heirs or executors would liberate the slave at the proper


comply with the conditions of the permission given him, and, also, to have a copy of the per
in all respects


mission recorded in the


which he should remove.

refused to reconsider,


of the county in Mississippi to bill the Senate rejected ; and


when asked by the House.

In 1820, a bill was introduced in the Senate, to repeal all laws that forbade the importation of slaves into Maryland,
ten years.

provided that no slave imported should be manumitted within This bill passed the Senate by a vote of seven to Two years later, leave but was defeated in the House. five,

was asked

in the


for a bill of similar purport, but the

in giving

committee reported that the laws were satisfactory

latitude for importation.

The House

refused to

agree to this by a vote of thirty -seven to thirty-four ; and then the bill was referred to the next Assembly. There, a

was again passed

in the Senate

and defeated

in the

House. 2


time to time, special acts allowed the importation of

See 1818, ch. 205




1831, 233; 1834, 1

1836, 201

1840, 111.

House Journal, 1837,

56, 165, 208.

2 Senate Journal, 1820, 19. Journal, 1823, 18.

House Journal,

1820, 82; 1822, 162.




slaves, in

few such petitions were

answer to the petitions of the owners. 1 In 1823, as rejected.


not a

so the pre

amble of the act reads the numerous special acts of legisla tion had been of great expense to the State, and no incon venience could occur from a general law embracing most cases there was enacted that any citizen of Maryland who acquired

by marriage, bequest, course of distribution, or as guardian, 7 or by gift, or in any other lawful manner/ any slave, a resi dent of the United States, might at any time bring such

slave into the State for the purpose only of


employment there
manumitted There seems whether slaves

for his

own immediate



Slaves so brought in had

to be recorded.

They could be

neither sold nor

until they had been residents for three years. to have been some doubt, thereafter, as to

imported under this act could be hired out within three years. One special act allowed certain negroes who had been brought


to Maryland with their owners, then minors, to be hired without danger of their freedom being thereby acquired. out, Another allowed a citizen of Harford county to hire out sev

eral negroes, the same manner in which he might or could have done had the said negroes been born slaves 77 within the


had died

Again, the executors of a citizen of Maryland who in Florida, were given permission to import certain slaves belonging to the estate, and to hire out or sell them, as
directed in the will, as if they had never been out of Mary 2 But the Legislature having been roused by the South land.

ampton insurrection



was added,


if the

to authorize

to introduce in the House, in 1829, a bill members, from Caroline county, to bring into the Leave was then refused. State, as a hireling, a negro to work at a forge. Later, a bill was reported, by leave was then amended, to limit the privi lege of keeping the black to five years; and was finally rejected. (House


instance, leave

was asked


of. the

Journal, 1829, 176, 359.) The acts varied considerably in particulars, such as the times within which the slaves must be registered at the county

1823, 87; 1827, 176; 1831, 10, 273.


The Negro in Maryland.

negroes should refuse to go to Liberia, they should be sold out of the State.


slaughter of a

county, Virginia, in the

number of white persons of Southampton summer of 1831, by the negro Nat.

Turner and a few followers, roused the attention of the whole This so-called insurrection was wholly local, was country. down at once, and showed no tendency in the slaves as a put But many empty rumors people to rebel against their masters. of uprisings went abroad, far beyond Southampton county. The year 1831 is a landmark in all legislation in Mary land affecting the negro, slave and free. It was then that the
State actively took of its free blacks.

up the policy of the

colonization in Africa

There was further enacted

was the

autumn of 1831 that it should not be lawful June following to import into Maryland any
to reside there.

after the first

slave for sale or

This did not apply, however, to the rights of under laws then in force, to remove their slaves non-residents, to or from islands belonging to them in the Potomac. Nor should the act prevent persons who lived in Maryland, or an adjoining State, and held land in the two States, not over ten miles apart, from removing their slaves to and from those lands, solely for Such slaves so brought in must the cultivation of the same.
be recorded within thirty days with the county clerk. Any person importing a slave contrary to the act should forfeit the

who, in turn, would be entitled to freedom on condition that he consent to be sent to Liberia or to leave Maryland at 1 Otherwise he was to be sold by the sheriff to the Colonce.

1 1831, 323. The Court of Appeals held, in 1837, that the importation of a slave contrary to this act, so as to entitle the slave to freedom, must be by the owner or with his approbation or authority. (8 G. & J., 269.)

If a slave returned

from another State where he had resided, even with


permission, the owner could not hold him though the return was against the master s consent. (9 G. & J., 14. 1837.) But the Act of 1831 did not prevent owners from sending away, or taking



their slaves, to travel, or sojourn temporarily. The plan of perma nent residence elsewhere must actually be consummated. (9 G. & J., 127.)



onization Society, for the sum of five dollars and prison fees, to be carried to Liberia. If the Society would not take him he was to be sold, on condition that the purchaser would take him

beyond Maryland to reside. All justices of the peace were bidden to hold for court, and, if necessary, to commit to jail, any persons importing slaves contrary to the law. At the next
session of

Assembly, 1832, the House received some thirty-

eight petitions for leave to introduce slaves.


special act

seems to have been passed, but a supplement was added to the act of 1831, because so reads the preamble the introduction


of slaves ought to be prohibited except in a few special cases, all cases of hardship should be embraced under one law,

1 according to some general principles. The supplement declared that slaves for life who should be hired out or loaned to service

for limited times in a State adjoining

Maryland, or in the

might be returned to Maryland ; but the importer must be a resident of Maryland as well as the owner of the slaves at the time both of exportation and
Persons who had already acquired land in Mary importation. land by inheritance or otherwise, or by purchase with intent to become residents, and who were about to become such, could
bring in any slaves owned by them before the act of 1831 was passed but the proper record must be made and the affidavit

District of Columbia,

of the owner given that the conditions of law had been prop erly complied with, and that the slaves were slaves for life, and were not imported for sale. Persons living in the District of Columbia, east of the Potomac, and holding lands in Maryland,

might move to those lands from their residence any slaves for life, and the increase of such slaves, who had belonged to them and lived either in Maryland or the District before the act of


Also, residents of

to the District,

with them.

Maryland removing for a limited time might bring back at pleasure any slaves carried Those, too, who owned land in an adjoining State,
of such hired slaves

1832, 317.

The importation

had been allowed by

an act passed a month before.

(Ch. 40.)


The Negro in Maryland.

and worked on those lands any slaves who belonged to them and had gone from Maryland, might bring back such slaves at any time. Citizens of Maryland who should leave home for a time, in the service of their State or of the United States might bring back with them any slaves for life that they had carried away and in case of their death, their representatives might but there must be entered on record, before return them

removal, the usual list of the slaves, together with a declaration of the reasons for the departure from the State, and also of the

purpose of returning, and another record must be made within It was enacted, lastly, that where a month after the return.

any slave owned in Maryland by a citizen of the State should in regular marriage have been married before the law of 1831 a minister of some recognized religious body in ceremony by
the State

any slave owned


any adjoining




be lawful for the owner of the slave in Maryland to bring But the fact of the marriage must in the husband or wife. be proven by the purchaser, or some credible white person, and put on record within a month. This act was strongly opposed,
passing the House by a vote of thirty-six to twenty-nine. At the next session, the Senate passed a bill relaxing some

what the strict prohibition of the previous year, but imposing a tax on such slaves as might be imported, for the benefit of col The House amended by cutting down the proposed onization. taxes by a half, and then passed the bill by a vote of forty-one
It enacted that any citizen of Maryland to twenty-eight. might import slaves for life acquired in another State by mar

riage or bequest, or in course of distribution

also, that


persons residing out of Maryland, and removing there with a bona fide intention of becoming citizens of the State, might

import their

slaves, the intention of residence being


One member moved


to repeal the policy of colonization,

and State taxes


1832 would admit more blacks than were removed by 1831, 281. The motion was lost by 45 to 21. The bill was introduced by the chairman of the Committee on Colored Population.
as the passage of this bill of



all cases,

In filed in the county office within a month. of the slaves had to be filed in the county office, with a statement that the list was true, and that the slaves were

by affidavit duly

not to be sold and were slaves for



at the

same time

there had to be paid for the use of the Colonization Society, the sum of fifteen dollars for each slave between the years of twelve




and five dollars for a slave either younger or There was further enacted the next year, that any

of the army or navy called by the service into Mary might bring with him. his slaves, on condition that they be not sold, and be taken away when he left. A further sup


plementary act to the stringent provisions of 31, now allowed citizens of Maryland, or of the District of Columbia east of
the Potomac, who had, or might acquire, lands in the District or the State, respectively, to move back and forth at pleasure any slaves for life who were natives of the State or of that part

Also any resident of Maryland thereafter appointed executor, trustee or guardian in the State or an adjoining State or District, could carry to and fro from the
of the District.
adjoining State or District, and hire out in Maryland, if deemed advisable, any slaves for life held in trust, on condition

of due record in the



be at any time removed.


of the county to which these might Such slaves, of course, could not be

Certain residents of Charles county had received by bequest in Virginia a number of slaves, but had exchanged


for others.

special act. ended their fears

by allowing

the other slaves to be brought in. Several other acts allowed the removal of certain slaves between Maryland and Virginia.
for cultivation. 3

In one case there was a proviso that they should be used solely By the act of 1831, those persons owning lands in both Maryland and an adjoining State, not over ten
1 House Journal, 1833, 205, &c. 1833, ch. 87. A special act also admitted nine slaves, on payment of the taxes. The case was not included under the provisions of the general act.


1834, 75, 124, 284.

1835, 50, 74, 172, 194, 274.


The Negro in Maryland.


miles apart, might carry their slaves to and



ten mile

was now done away, and

citizens of either


or Virginia

the slaves were recorded. As no provision existed for the introduction of slaves gotten by gift, there was enacted further that any citizen of Maryland might import any slave

move when

lands in both States anywhere could their slaves at pleasure, paying the taxes for colonization

who owned

life, acquired by gift in the United States, but on condition not only that the slaves be duly recorded and the colonization fees paid, with an oath that the gift was a bona fide one, but that none of the slaves or their descendants could be manu



mitted in Maryland unless the owner should provide for their 2 In 1836 the question of changing the laws so as to

admit slaves without

restriction was reported adversely by a It seemed best, they said, to continue the policy then being tried, which promised well ; and cases that were especially deserving, in the judgment of the Legislature,

House committee.

would always find relief. 3 But three years later, there was enacted that any citizen of Maryland, and any person coming to Maryland to reside, might bring in from any part of the United States any slave for life. A person moving into the
Apparently, the tax had to be paid on the first introduction, act, in 1843, allowed a certain citizen of Virginia, owning land in Maryland, to move his slaves at pleasure, but limited their use to work on those farms, and said the colonization fees need be paid only once.




A special

(1843, 38.)
2 1835, 61, I. e. Kemoval under the act of 31, for decreasing the free black population. 3 See House Journal, 1836, 384. 1837, ch. 351 1844, 42 1846, 244. In one case, a citizen of Anne Arundel was allowed to bring back from Louisiana Again, a gen fifty slaves, who had been taken there for temporary work.

tleman of Virginia asked and got leave to bring with him, whenever he wished, a black boy who had been his servant in Maryland, before his removal to Virginia. Again, a certain owner of lands in both Maryland and Delaware could carry to and fro his slaves including children born to them in Delaware. At least two slaves owned in Virginia were hired out in Maryland, the owners being required to put them on record and pay






within a month an affidavit of intention of


dence; and, in all cases, the slaves must be recorded, with sworn affidavit, that they were not imported for sale and were slaves for life, and the fees for the Colonization Society must
be paid.

Three years

later, again,

and fro slaves for life, was given to any person entering the State, to remain tempo rarily or permanently, on condition of proper record and pay ment of fees. Thus, step by step, were lessened the stringent * In 1847 the House committee reported provisions of 31.
unfavorably the suggestion of a repeal of all restrictions; but two years later, all laws were repealed which prohibited or

the privilege of carrying to from the United States, and not for sale,

any way taxed the importation from any part of the United any slaves for life. But no slave whatever could be imported for the purpose of sale and transportation, under when the slave was actually sold, to be taken away penalty of not less than two nor more than five hundred dollars. Nor
in States of

could any slave sentenced to transportation as a punishment for crime, in any other part of the United States, be imported 2 into or held in Maryland.

The total amount received by the Colonization Society from these duties on the introduction of slaves, during seventeen years, had been nearly twelve thousand five hundred dollars
slaves brought in must have been a thou In 1850, there were over ninety thousand slaves in the State some ten thousand less than there had been a half century before. In 1860, there were eighty-


number of

sand or more. 3

seven thousand.

But the

free blacks

having increased dur-

1839, 15; 1842, 213; 1845, 113. 1849, 165. The penalty for importing a convict slave was from $100 to $300 for holding one in the State, the loss of the slave, who was sold for

the benefit of the State.

The Baltimore Sun of May 2nd, 1851, mentions the arrest of a man for importing a slave contrary to law. 3 Keport of Committee on Colored Population to Constitutional Conven
tion of 1850-51.


The Negro in Maryland.

ing that decade by three times the decrease in slaves bered nearly eighty-four thousand.


read, simply, that anyone could import from any part of the United States, except those who were guilty of any crime, or had been banished from Maryland.

The Code of 1860

for life

any slave

From the very settlement of the Colonies the indentured white servants frequently caused their masters vexation and Laws to prevent this were soon made loss, by running away.
Maryland. Any persons suspected to be runaway servants or criminals were to be taken up and kept until either they

could prove their freedom and pay four hundred pounds of tobacco, or their masters claimed them and paid the same sum. It is interesting to note that a law of this kind, of

1669, was to be communicated to the sister Colonies to the 1 North, that fugitives might be held there for their masters.

For a hundred years, law after law was made, but despite of passes required, and penalties threat stringent regulations ened some of the servants would not stay in service. Fin

white indentured servants ceased to form a class in the

population, and

when men spoke of a runaway they meant



white servants.

of the negro slaves soon followed the example of the In a quarrel between the Dutch of New

Amsterdam and the government of Maryland, in 1659, the Dutch declared that unless their runaway servants were sent back to them, they would keep all the servants and negroes

Md. Arch.,

We read


In the latter sent back by the magistrate. years of slave-holding, as to-day, a white apprentice had sometimes to be given back to his master.

The who had absconded and was

II, 224, 523. in an act of 1786 (43) that many apprentices had been running Baltimore Sun, for Jan. 6, 1858, gives the case of a white appren



that had fled to

them from Maryland. 1 The courts allowed masters of runaway servants to recompense themselves * for their losses by holding the servants for a longer term. such Slaves for life were evidently incapable of paying any An act of 1663 required English servants who penalty.

should run away in company with negro or other slaves, to repay the master or owners of the slaves, by direction of the 2 The act of 1669 makes no mention of slaves. That courts.
of 1676 was intended chiefly for servants, though slaves are included, and declared that former acts had proved ineffec
tual, in not

runaways. from home

giving sufficient encouragement for the seizure of So, servants were forbidden to depart ten miles without a note of leave, under penalty of being

arrested as runaways, and having to serve, at the terms, ten extra days for each day of absence.

end of their

Any person should detain a servant, knowing that he or she was unlawfully absent from home, would be liable to a fine of five

hundred pounds of tobacco for every night the servant was on Those who carried away any servant or slave his place. the employer or owner treble damages and costs. should pay
whither by Indenture or the act applied to servants, according to the Custome of the Countrey or hired for wages,"


is evident that any passer by was and perhaps delayed, by any zealous

liable to be


So, the better

to insure against detention or arrest, persons traveling beyond their own county were directed to get a pass, under the county
seal, for

which they had


pay one shilling or ten pounds of


person who should take up a runaway or one without a pass who could not give a good account of himself, was entitled to two hundred pounds of tobacco or other satis



If he lived in the Northern Colonies or in Virginia

or Delaware, except in certain parts adjacent to Maryland, he was entitled to twice that sum for a runaway returned to

Md. Arch., Md. Arch.,

Ill, 372.



The Negro in Maryland.


In order that runaways might more



returned, the plan was adopted of making Annapolis a clear ing-house, as it were. Not only were runaways brought there,

but notices were to be speedily sent there, from all parts, of servants or negroes in custody, whose masters were not known ; and a list of these was to be kept posted by the sheriff. The

in each county were also to post notices, at the of the courts, of such runaways as might be taken


In 1709, an Indian who had been kept for some time in one of the county jails, was discharged by special act of assembly, and the distinction was then drawn that persons,
and mulattoes, who should be found trav eling without passes and committed as runaways, should not
other than negroes

be detained over six months, if they could not before prove their freedom. On being released, such persons had to pay or work out the costs. After 1719, servants and slaves who had
not been taken

away by

their owners,

and the balance,

after all costs

might be sold at auction, were deducted, was secured to

the owner, should he appear within reasonable time. 3 In treaties made by the Governor of Maryland with various

Indians, in 1661 and 1663, there is the stipulation that the Indians are to return any runaway Englishmen." Later, the neighboring Indians were encouraged to seize runaways by the

reward of a blanket or



Treaties with

them forebade

their harboring servants and slaves, to the nearest English plantation.

who were to be given over The backwoods offered a

near retreat for runaways. As a certain tribe of Indians had evidently been regardless of the rights of the good people of Maryland in their servants and slaves, the Governor and

Council decided, in 1722, to send to these a messenger with a treaty of peace and friendship, and the promise of a reward of


Arch., II, 523.

Ke-enacted in 1692 and 1699.

See also LL.




Council Proceedings, 1695/6, H. D. 2, p. 297. LL. 3, 385. Ee-enacted in 1715, 44, 35. 1719, 2

Kepealed, 1802.



to every Indian who should return These allurements were evidently unavailing, for three years later it was decided to send again, to invite some of the chiefs to Annapolis. The messenger was to endeavor to

two blankets and a gun

a slave.

persuade them to come, by all reasonable means, including a present of a calico shirt and pair of scarlet worsted stockings to each chief, and the distribution of four other shirts among

Feeling sure of the success of this mission, the Council decided that whatever negroes should be brought down by the Indians should be held in custody
such as the chiefs should name.
until the

Assembly should decide what


do with them.


neither chiefs nor slaves came, and another messenger seems to have been sent without result. At that time a


of money was appropriated from the treasury for the encour 1 agement of the seizure of runaways.

Honest people of Maryland were somewhat troubled by the escape of debtors to foreign parts, and after 1715, masters of

away any persons whatsoever without the proper passes from the authorities. But servants and slaves were still evidently able to get away, for there was enacted in 1753 that captains of boats over eighteen feet long,
vessels could not lawfully carry

should not enter or take permit to sail, at any custom house, without taking an oath against concealing any such on

shipboard, or taking them away. They might be properly hired for work on a vessel, but otherwise the captain became liable to a fine of twenty shillings and costs, for every hour he

allowed a servant or slave on board.

was made perpetual, the preamble


years later this act that it had appeared stating


When word came

man and the man

to Annapolis, in 1697, that

two negroes, a

woman, were outlying in the neighboring woods, being armed with a gun and threatening the life of

140, 1725/6,

Md. Arch., Ill, 433, March 23.

1715, 19; 1753,9.

Council Kecords, 1700, X, 238

1722, 51, 131,


The Negro in Maryland.

anyone who tried to take them, the Governor ordered an officer of the county to raise the neighborhood, to apprehend the negroes by force and to give them to the sheriff at Annapolis,
to be imprisoned against the appearance of their master. If the was not successful in arresting them, the rangers would posse be put on their track. In 1723 there was enacted that any

runaway negro, or other slave, who should outlie in the woods and resist those persons who were legally empowered to capture
him, might be
the pursuers.


act of

without offence or penalty on the part of 1751 secured from prosecution any

person who might kill a slave, deemed to be guilty of any serious offence, and resisting arrest. The value of the slave so But this was so killed, was paid to the owner by the public. two years after, that the person should not be secured qualified,

was found by the court

but should not be punished in any way, if the 1 to have been done justifiably.

\As sheriffs sometimes neglected to advertise runaways, a law of 1792 provided that advertisements, with minute particulars, should be continued until the prisoners were released in course
of law. After 1802, sheriffs were to advertise runaway servants or slaves in some public newspaper printed in Baltimore, in Washington and in Easton, besides any other notices they should


to post, within fifteen

days after the capture.

The run

away was to be fully described. If the owner did not apply for him within sixty days, and give security for all costs, the
sheriff should advertise


and then



to the highest bidder.

for sale, wait at least twenty days, All the proceeds after

1 Council Eecords, H. D. 2, 442. 1723, 15 1751, 14 1753, 26. In 1738 several negroes who had broken jail, and others who had run away, were outlying in Prince George s county, and had done some violence. The

sufficiently, so

Council were of the opinion that the magistrates had not exerted themselves the sheriff was ordered to seize them, and to take, if neces

sary, the

whole power of the county. (Council Kecords, May 5th.) read that in 1764 the Governor, having read the letters and depositions relating to the shooting of a slave of Charles Carroll, Esq., by Captain John for the said was pleased to order a nolle prosequi and pardon Ireland,




(Council Eecords, Liber T. K. 169.)




were deducted, were to be paid by the county court to the owner, but if he did not apply within two years, they went to

the county. No servant or slave so sold could be carried out of Maryland within two years after the sale, under the same

For every penalties as for the transportation of a free black. case of neglect to follow the law, a sheriff could be fined a
796, a free black who allow ed a slave to use his freedom paper, by means of which the slave half escaped, could be fined not over three hundred dollars



By the act


to the master of the slave

or be sold to service in default.



misuse of these

certificates continued, greater care



prescribed for the issue of them, and a second one was not to be issued to any free black, except on satisfactory proof
that the

In 1810, the courts before which lost. be brought as suspected runaways, were ordered negroes might to be well satisfied in every case before granting discharges.

had been

After 1817, any person who had been duly committed by a magistrate as a suspected runaway, and had then been duly
advertised, as before, but had not been claimed within the 7 sixty days, was taken before a judge of the county or orphans

If the judge deemed the prisoner a free man, he would thereupon discharge him. Otherwise he would remand him for a reasonable time, and have the reputed
court for full examination.


the prisoner

but if no rightful owner appeared in that time, would then be discharged. In either case, any were paid by the county. This radical change of freeing

the negro who, while not claimed, could not yet prove his free dom, and of leaving all costs to be paid by the public, was not

without much strong opposition. The motion to strike out of the bill was lost by two votes only in the House. At the next session a bill to repeal it passed the House finally,

but was rejected by the Senate.

It {remained the law, save that after 1828, the charges for the care of blacks ultimately 2 discharged, were paid from the State treasury.
1 2

1792, 72; 1802,96. 1810, 63; 1817, 112

House Journal,

1828, 98.


The Negro in Maryland.





away and were captured had



their masters


by increased term of service. Negro terms of years were dealt with, doubtless, in

the same way, but they were few in number before the nine teenth century. By an act of 1804, a master could secure the use of a captured runaway for such extended time as the court should deem just; but the court must be satisfied that the servant had not run away from ill treatment. The servant

could be used for the specified time by the master or his heirs, but was in no case to be assigned to anyone living out of Mary

In 1830, the House committee,


answer to a petition

of sundry citizens of Talbot county for further security to slave owners, recommended a bill which allowed the sale for a


increased term, of those slaves, for terms of years,


had run away and been taken. But the bill was amended so that no order for the sale should be granted except in cases where the servants had once before run away and the matter was then indefinitely postponed. In 1833, it was enacted that

the courts could extend the term of runaway blacks so as fairly to indemnify the owners for all loss, or could give orders, on

due petition of the owners, for the sale of the owners rights in them to anyone in or without Maryland, if, as in all cases, the offence had not been caused by the ill treatment of the master. In case of sale, the slave was to be given a certified copy of the papers on which his freedom depended, and of the order He could then be taken from the of the court for the sale.
State if the purchaser desired.

Slave owners had always, by the custom of the country, the One of the reasonable punishment. right to give their slaves

was that the owner provisions of the act of 1751, on negroes, of a slave who had attempted to run away might, if he chose,

him over

ping, cropping, but not so as to kill fit


to the county court, to be punished by whip branding or otherwise, as the court should see


or unfit


for labor.



1804, 90

1833, 224.



act, any person who should persuade a slave to run away, became liable, if the slave absconded, to pay his full value to the owner, or if unable to do this, to be imprisoned white servant, for the same offence, had to pay for a year.


the same sum, or serve the master for four years. By the act of 1796, on negroes, there was fixed a penalty of not aver two hundred dollars in addition to whatever damages might be
for any person who should be convicted of gotten at law a pass unlawfully to any slave or servant, or assisting giving Half of this fine went to the in any way in their escape.

owner of the slave, half to the county. By the act of 1 809, on crimes, the stealing of a slave or the act of giving aid or counsel thereto, was punished by indemnification and impris onment for not over twelve years. In 1818, the penalty for
inciting or aiding a runaway, was fixed


to escape, or for harboring a


imprisonment. In 1827 perhaps the This was for a free person, only. result of a petition from sundry citizens of Montgomery

not over six years

county for greater security for slave property there was added that slaves found guilty, before any justice, of aiding The House of runaways, should receive thirty-nine lashes.

Delegates received, in 1820, a petition from certain inhabi tants of Cecil county for a law making a slave who should

run away guilty of a felony. This was referred, but evi In 1838 there was enacted, that any dently without result. slave who should escape from Maryland with the intention of freeing himself from servitude, against the will of his owner, should be deemed guilty of felony, and, on due conviction by
the court, should be sold by the sheriff, at a properly adver tised auction, to be transported from the State. The proceeds,
after expenses were deducted,


to the

owner of the



the purchaser was required to give bonds to the State of Maryland, in a sum equal to the amount paid, that the slave

should be removed from the State



in default of a proper

1818, 157

1827, 15.


The Negro in Maryland.

bond, the slave would be sold again. And the Governor of Maryland was directed, when evidence of the escape of a slave

was laid before him, to demand the runaway, as a fugitive from justice, from the authorities of the State to which he had fled. Ten years later, the amount of the bond required was doubled, to twice the value of the slave. 1

The old reward to those taking up a runaway, of two hun dred pounds of tobacco or twenty shillings, was changed in 1806 to six dollars. In 1833 as it had been shown, says
the preamble, that this was not enough to give the neces the reward was raised to thirty dollars. sary encouragement

Constables, too, received special fees for taking up runaways ; for instance, those of Anne Arundel county got six dollars for

each capture.

After 1844, the

sum allowed

for capturing


runaway slave between the ages of fifteen and forty-five years was fifteen dollars, where the capture took place within thirty miles but more than twenty miles from the slave s home, and For a slave under or fifty dollars, if over thirty miles away. over those ages, the reward was half those sums. But, to entitle one to such reward, the capture must take place beyond For a the county in which the slave \vas owned or hired.
slave taken within a free State, except in the border counties of Pennsylvania, there could be claimed a reward of one hun

the owner.

dred dollars, or half the value of the slave, at the option of Where larger rewards were offered by the owners, 2 these sums were deemed to be included therein.

In 1818, the longest term of imprisonment for aiding or In inciting a slave to escape had been fixed at six years. 1844, this maximum penalty was reduced to five years. Five

1838, 63

1847, 309.
; ;

1837, 271 1844, 273. In 1829, a petition from sundry citizens of Frederick co. for repeal of the acts on runaways, and that no fees be allowed anyone who might take up a negro who should be found to be free, was laid on the table. By Act of 1844, a slave once in a free State, one hundred miles from home, was deemed a runaway, so as to entitle the captor to the large reward offered.

1833, 111



years after, however, the minimum term in the penitentiary was fixed at six years, the maximum at fifteen ; and so the

law remained.

A slave convicted
for the


of the same offence, received same time or not over forty lashes,
Later, the penalty of impris

in the discretion of the court.

onment was changed

to sale out of the State.

Masters frequently sold to the South their slaves who attempted to run away. There remained on the statute books
the old law which exempted from punishment anyone who should chance to kill a runaway slave forcibly resisting cap ture, and which made the State liable to the owner for the

In 1807, the House of Delegates received a petition from a citizen of Somerset county, for compensation for his slave who was drowned while pursued as a runaway.
value of the slave.

The committee

reported that the act of 1751

made provision

for slaves killed in pursuit; that the slave in question ran into Pocomoke river to avoid being caught, and in consequence was drowned ; that no distinction should be



as to the

for the result to the

manner of the death, if it was from pursuit, owner of a slave was the same. This with an appropriation of a hundred pounds, the House

accepted by a vote of thirty-three to twenty-nine; but the In 1856, the State paid a certain Senate rejected the bill. citizen one thousand dollars, under the act of 1751, for a
slave killed while resisting arrest.

1844, 80

1849, 296.

House Journal, 1807, 44-59. 1856, ch. 54. In May, 1852, a runaway slave was killed in Pennsylvania by a resident The Legislature of Maryland voted several thousand dollars of Baltimore. for legal and other assistance to him, declaring that it was believed that the circumstances of the case did not make the killing murder or homicide, to
be punished by law. (1852, 330, Kes. 12, &c.) It seems also that masters were accustomed to have committed to the jails by magistrates such slaves as were unruly or desirous of running away,

whom, for one reason or another, they desired to have in safe keeping. To prevent abuse of this custom, sheriffs were forbidden after 1818 to receive

slaves from such owners as were engaged in the slave traffic

but others


The Negro in Maryland.

There was also in force the old law fining a ship-captain three dollars now, instead of twenty shillings, an hour for without passes, and for allowing slaves carrying away negroes
on board his ship, unless properly hired. In 1824, there was enacted further that no officer of a ship should receive on board or carry away any colored person without a properly authenticated certificate of freedom from a clerk of court of the State, as well as a certificate from the clerk of the county where the vessel sailed, with a description of the black. The clerks as well as the captains were to keep careful lists of all colored persons allowed to sail, and captains had to show these
could have their slaves committed to jail and kept there at their expense. Three years after, a bill passed the House to allow sheriffs to receive only such slaves as were committed in due course of law, but this was rejected

by the Senate. Some ten years later, a slave escaped from a county jail, to which he had been sent by a magistrate at the master s request. The mas ter sued in the county court to recover damages from the sheriff. He failed It has been," said there, but the Court of Appeals decided in his favor. the Chief Justice, the constant practice (with what moral propriety it is not for us to say) for owners of slaves in this State to have them committed

to the jails of the respective counties, for real or supposed offences against their owners." J., 253.) (1818, 208. 5 G.


Within the jails whites and blacks were separated, but they were expected evidently to be given the same food and care, save that any medical care would depend on the master not being paid for by the public, as in the

case of free prisoners. In 1824, as it was represented that Baltimore was subjected to great ex pense for the care of negroes committed to jail as runaways the free black

population of the city was fast growing the sheriff of Baltimore county to have all supposed runaways brought before one of the judges of the court, within two days, to be examined and either discharged at once

was ordered

The black, if recommitted, was to be advertised in two Baltimore papers, within two days, and twice a week for two months. If not then claimed, he was to be discharged. This act was repealed four years later the act of 1817, as amended by 1828, 98, being in force for Baltimore The charges to the State for board in Baltimore as elsewhere. (1824, 171.)
or recommitted.

jail of

supposed runaways, ultimately discharged, were in 1830, $237.96 in The number of 1831, $354.13; in 1832, $364.05; in 1833, $270.24; &c. runaways committed were, in 1852, 61 blacks in 1853, 1 white and 46 blacks; in 1854, 62 blacks in 1857, 3 whites and 86 blacks in 1858, 1 white and
; ;

82 blacks

in 1859, 2 whites and 99 blacks



see them,

lists to

any person who should desire to

and had


give every facility for search on their vessels, under a penalty For actually carrying away a col of one hundred dollars.
ored person contrary to this act, a captain became liable to a half to the State, half to the fine of one thousand dollars

who should enter suit. In March, 1 828, a slave woman Baltimore on a steamer of the Penn., Del. & Md. Co. The owner warned the captain of the boat that the slave was

probably on board, but no efforts were made to find her. The company was then sued for the loss of the slave and judgment
given against

in both the

lower court and the Court of

that the owner could have captain Appeals. searched any part of the boat, and that officers were always stationed on the boats before sailing, to prevent runaways


from getting aboard but the Court held that the captain, if he had been sufficiently informed of the supposed presence of the negro, and had failed to make the necessary search, had acted at his peril, and that his employers were responsible. 1

to lessen the facilities of escape that time, no railroad, chartered by the State of Maryland, or vessel navigating the waters of the State, could transport any slave without a permission in writing from

In 1838, a new law was made,

for slaves.


the owner, under a penalty of five hundred dollars for every slave, to be recovered from the railroad corporation or the

owner or captain of the

to the informer,


One half of this

penalty went

one half to the State.

In addition,


slave escaped

owner might

by being carried on a railway or vessel, the recover the amount of his loss from the corpora

But the law did tion or ship-owners, by an action of debt. not extend to prevent slaves from travelling in company with 2 In accordance with their masters or their master s agents.
this act, officers of boats


to require proof of

and railroads were expected by their freedom or a permit to travel

U824, 85; 6 G.



197, Dec., 1834.

1838, 375.


The Negro in Maryland.


from any colored person not known


to be free.


1849, a bill to provide, especially, for the inspection of all vessels passing through the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, for the purpose of stopping fugitives, was ordered in the House
of Delegates; but evidently nothing further was done. 1 In 1855, the owner of a slave who was carried on the Philadel

Wilmington and Baltimore R. R., and thus helped to 2 escape, recovered over one thousand dollars from the railroad. In August of the same year, a negro boy owned in Somerset

county, came to Baltimore on a steamer filled with passengers from a camp-meeting. The officers of the boat had no knowl edge that he was on board. The owners of the boat were
sued, and


judgment given in their favor, in the Court of Com But this was reversed by the Court Pleas in Baltimore.

of Appeals, which held that the owners could not escape the penalty by showing that neither they nor their agents knew

was on the boat, although reasonable diligence had been used to prevent runaways from embarking. The law had been made, said the Court, to remedy the great loss suffered by slave-holders; and where one of two innocent parties must suffer, the loss should fall on him who could most easily have prevented it. 3 Another slave owner, at about the same time, got over eight hundred dollars in a suit against the Northern Central R. R. for allowing his runaway slave 4 In another case, the runaway slave had been to use the road. hired out by his master to work on a sailing vessel which ran between Baltimore and Annapolis. His master won five hun dred dollars from the owners of the packet, in a suit in the but this judgment Circuit Court for Anne Arundel county was reversed, the Court of Appeals holding that transportathat the slave

House Journal,

1849, p. 132.

3 4

Court for Harford

Keports, 181.

Baltimore Sun, Feb. 3rd, 1855.



Baltimore City Superior Court.

Baltimore Sun, Feb.

10, 1858.



by the act of 1838, meant the taking away from the owner without his consent. 1 From Georgia or Carolina a runaway slave must make a from Maryland the long journey before reaching free soil would be a short one at the most. For Pennsylvania escape had abolished slavery in Revolutionary days, and so many of the inhabitants had become opposed to slavery anywhere, that runaways were frequently protected and aided to escape further. As early as 1796, the Maryland House of Delegates received a petition from a citizen of Worcester county, stating that the abolitionists, together with civil officers in Pennsylvania, had taken away his negroes and arrested his person, and praying for aid. The committee reported that the petitioner had been grossly injured in his person and property by some of the citi zens in that State, but that it would be improper for the Legis lature to interfere and become a party on his behalf, as the federal courts were open to all citizens of the country, and

competent to redress all such injuries. concurred by a vote of sixty to four.

that the State should loan


this the


further suggestion


to the petitioner,



surety, that he might enter and prosecute the necessary suits for redress, was lost by one vote. In 1798 a bill for better

was introduced in the Maryland postponed ; but a resolution was adopted, declaring that slave owners were subjected to great loss and inconvenience from the escape of slaves to Dela ware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, where they remained concealed and protected by the whites, and authorizing the Governor and Council to take measures with the Governors of 2 those States to stop such abuses. In 1815, sundry inhabitants of Allegany, St. Mary s and Washington counties asked for
security of property in slaves

House of

Delegates, only to be


Md. Reports,



Nor was


necessary, said the Court in this

case, that

a slave should actually escape, to constitute the offence, under the

1796, 37-40; 1798, 47, 106; Ees. 7.


House Journal,


The Negro in Maryland.

action to prevent the escape of slaves into Pennsylvania. The House thereupon resolved that the Legislature of Pennsyl
its authority, as it should deem the citizens from harboring and employing prevent runaway slaves, and to facilitate the return of such to their real

vania be requested to use

best, to

This resolution was, however, rejected in the Senate. 1 But at the next session was passed a resolution that such abuses

had so increased from citizens of Pennsylvania and Delaware, and the inconvenience to the good people of Maryland had become so great, that further silence was improper. And the Governor was ordered to send a copy of this resolution to the Governors of those States, to be laid before their Legislatures, that some provisions might be made to prevent the evils. Again, the next year, the Governor was ordered to open a cor respondence at once for the same object, and it was declared that the abuses were injurious in their consequences even to 2 In 1820 the Assembly resolved that it slaves themselves. was necessary to call the attention of Congress to the constant and ready protection given to runaways by citizens of Penn Every possible difficulty, we read, was there put in sylvania. the way of the recovery of a slave, even in the legal and just

of the owner.

was not seldom used.

If legal proceedings favored him, force Such a state of things was not only

vexatious to masters, but tended to destroy the contentment and happiness of the slaves. So the Governor was requested to

ask the members of Congress from Maryland to exert their influence to procure measures by Congress to protect the rights

At the very next session of Assembly, the committee on Grievances and Courts reported to the House that they had found true the petition of one of their fellow
members, a delegate from Baltimore county, as to the treat ment which he received in person from sundry citizens of York

of slaveholders. 3

House Journal,

1815, 34, 43, 57, 76.

1816, 68; 1817,43. 3 1820, Res. 281.



county, Pennsylvania, while he was in the peaceable and legal exercise of the provisions of the act of Congress for the capture

of fugitive slaves ; and the committee urged that measures should be taken by Pennsylvania to stop the practices, not merely of aiding runaways, but of keeping away the owners by
threats of personal violence, and of using the civil authorities to force owners to abandon their property rather than undergo

imprisonment and trial under a State law against kidnapping. The House thereupon passed a resolution, asking the Governor of Pennsylvania to interpose in behalf of the petitioner, but
the matter was dropped in the Senate, as the petitioner had by
that time been relieved.

Another resolution, however, was sent the Governors of Pennsylvania and Delaware, to remedy Silence on the part of the Assembly of the abuses in general.

Maryland was declared to be highly improper,


not criminal. 1

the next session, again, another member of the House had received opposition and indignity ; whereupon a joint com mittee from House and Senate, at the head of which stood


Mr. Reverdy Johnson, entered

authorities of Pennsylvania.


communication with the


followed, and the work afterward treated with

Into the correspondence which done by this committee and those


Jersey and Delaware,


are not called

which hands

Suffice it to point out the injuries the people of Maryland felt they were receiving at the These injuries, wrote the joint com of their neighbors.
to enter.


mittee of 1822, had for several years been loudly complained of by the people of Maryland, while due regard was had to the
delicate nature of the subject, and of the caution with which it should be treated. Slavery was a calamity, certainly not more

All friends of deplored by Pennsylvania than by Maryland. freedom should rejoice at its complete extermination ; but that end could not be expected for many years to come. So long

House Journal, 1821, 21, 119; Kes. 53. House Journal, 1822, 46, 163, &c.; 1823, 67;

1824, 24, 103, &c.; 1825,

Kes. 81.


The Negro in Maryland.

as slavery lasts, citizens of their slaves as to as


are as


entitled to


any other property ; their rights to them are secured by the Constitution of the United States as


rights they possess.


existence of our

happy Union

depends, in a great degree, on preserving harmony among its members. So spoke this committee. All must have agreed
that the rights of slaveholders should be protected. In and 1843, resolutions of the Assembly declared that no could abridge the rights guaranteed to all citizens by the stitution of the United States, and called for a law



Congress to make the rescue of a fugitive a criminal offence, to be punished by imprisonment, when remuneration could not
citizen of Maryland met with such experiences York, while attempting lawfully to recover a runaway, that the Assembly in 1849 directed the Attorney- General to

be given. 1





steps for an appeal in the case, if necessary, to the

Supreme Court. The negro, so the resolution stated, was dis charged by a justice of the Supreme Court of New York, on grounds which amounted to the abnegation of the laws of Con
gress to secure slave owners their property in runaway slaves. In the same year, several men were brought to trial by the State for helping slaves to escape, and the Assembly, as we

few years saw, tripled the maximum term for that offence. the State appropriated over eleven hundred dollars to later, several persons in Montgomery county for arresting a man

had furthered the escape of slaves. the Governor, in 1847 and 1852, told the people of Finally, Maryland how ineffectual were requisitions on the State of
Pennsylvania for the delivery of
livery of a citizen of
slaves, as well as for the


New York who


Maryland who had aided slaves to escape and how one respected citizen of Maryland had died from vio lence received in Pennsylvania, and another was shot down there and his son seriously wounded, while engaged in the re1 2

IS37, Res. 79; 1843, Res. 28. 1849, Kes. 21, 32 1853, 124.

House Journal,

1853, Doc. G.



turn of their runaway slaves, according to the act of Congress. There is much significance in the experience of two slaves who

ran away from their home in Virginia, in the winter of 1856, and cautiously followed the railroads North. After passing the Gunpowder River, beyond Baltimore, they thought they had crossed the line into Pennsylvania, and applied for work but they were still in Maryland, and were sent back to Virginia. In other ways, too, in the newspapers, men were frequently reminded of the insecurity of slave property. In the county papers were the sheriffs advertisements and the description of

runaways, with the rough wood-cut of a black hurrying on, with stick and bundle-handkerchief over his shoulder, and his

The Easton Star, for instance, told eyes turned backwards. how twelve slaves had just run away from that neighborhood
on a certain Saturday night, and that two nights before, and two nights after, several had escaped from the lower counties. The Cecil Democrat said that six slaves had gone from that county

while their master was away, and that they were doubtless by abolitionists, as one had been seen there-abouts, about

that time.

Again, the Easton Gazette chronicled the



more slaves on a Saturday night. One citizen of Balti more county lost seventeen slaves together, but found them in Pennsylvania and brought them back. Later still, in 1853, there was a stampede of slaves, as the Cumberland Telegraph
put it, but eight at least were recaptured across the line. On a certain day in September, 1855, said the Chestertown News,
ten slaves not only took themselves away, but three horses and two carriages besides and on October 20th, following, seven more escaped, and on the 26th, eleven more. There were of escapes and captures in which weapons were reports, too,

used on both


many a slave and free black, especially in the communities where they were known, moved about freely without thought of the need of a pass, or of fear of hindrance.
certain that

If the laws, as we have seen, were not always regarded, some times they were ineffectual. A certain British vessel cleared


The Negro in Maryland.

from Baltimore,

in 1852, after the master, as required, had taken the usual oath against shipping runaways. The owners of a slave boy, then missing, had their and over


took the vessel

the Chesapeake and had her searched. The boy was found, hidden on board by a colored man, unbe known to the officers. Two slaves, some years later, got


freedom, but their showing owner and the police caught them before the train started. But a slave who traveled without a pass was liable to get into

tickets at the Philadelphia, Wilmington in Baltimore, on a certificate of


Baltimore Station

One day in Baltimore, in 1858, several colored men were arrested as runaway slaves, and taken before the Superior Court; where it was found that they were slaves who had come to the city to spend their Christmas holidays, by permis sion of their master, and that they had left their passes with

the captain of the steamer in which they came and were to 1 return home. They were at once released by the court. The
slaveholders convention of Worcester county in 1858, resolved, among other things, that slaveholders should be requested to

discontinue the practice of letting slaves leave


home without

Scattered here and there in the court reports are convictions

of both whites and blacks for aiding runaways to escape. In a few cases, too, both whites and free blacks were found to have
encouraged slaves to run away, and then to have betrayed them 2 for the reward. One free black, at least, seems to have earned
a livelihood by aiding slaves to escape, for


tried in Balti

more, in 1857, for helping away five slaves, it appeared that he had been for some years in that occupation, was in the

employ of three whites, and generally got fifteen dollars for every slave he got away. He had been in the penitentiary 3 before, and was then sold out of the State for thirty years.

Baltimore Sun, Jan. 1st, 1858. For instance, Baltimore Sun, of Jan. 19th, 1849. 3 Baltimore City Circuit Court, Jan. 6th, 1857. He brought $350.



J In 1846, thirty and more


citizens of

Kent county were

for the Society," incorporated who insured a of slave property. insurance Every person slave became a member, and the object was to protect the mem bers from loss of slaves who might run away beyond the



Maryland. ./Slaves who were captured were to be sold by the Society beyond the State, and the proceeds went to reimburse members and into the funds of the Society. ^ In 1860, was formed the Southern Slaveholders Insurance Com pany of Maryland. Any slaveholder of the United States could have his property insured, and either the runaways
limits of
1 were returned or their value paid.

Yet, while slave property in Maryland was thus far from being secure, and many slaves did run away, the great majority of slaves there probably had no thought of leaving home.

In 1854, two slaves who had run away from Worcester county, desired to return home, but feared that they might be A special convicted as runaways, and sold out of the State.
act of

Assembly, therefore, allowed them to return to their master without fear of such punishment. Some years after, a slave belonging in the same county ran away into Delaware,
but soon turned back to go home. On his way he was arrested, lodged in jail in Delaware, and then sent home. By a special
mistress was allowed to keep him, inasmuch, we read, as his presence in the slave population was thought by many slaveholders of the county to be calculated to keep his fellows
act, his

from absconding. 2

In 1689 rumors went abroad that the Romanists of Mary

land were plotting against the government of the Province,


See Acts of Incorporation, 1846, 356 1860, 390. A bill for a "Protec Society" of Kent County had been rejected by the Senate in 1827.

1854, 291; 1861-2,134.



1861-2, 245.


The Negro in Maryland.

and that many and great disturbances were threatened, particu The Indians, it was larly in Calvert and Charles counties. were in league with the papists. Suspicions must have said, been cast on the negroes, also, for those Southern counties had
a large slave population.


a declaration signed

by some

prominent men

there, assured the

home government

that the plot was wholly groundless and imaginary. In 1695, there was passed an act to prevent the frequent meetings of This soon expired ; but it is evident that blacks negroes.

were regarded by the authorities as a part of the popula

tion that could easily be used in

political intrigues.


were men entirely free of apprehensions from the white ser vants, some of whom were the refuse of European camps, There were reports prisoners of war, and worthless convicts. of a plot of Irish servants and slaves in Bermuda, and of an insurrection which had been planned and almost carried out

by a number of servants, one whom were tried and 2 executed. The Assembly of Maryland in 1705 declared that certain whites were guilty of a conspiracy to seize the Governor Heathen Indians," to and magazine, and, joining with the
in Gloucester county, Virginia,



betrayed the plans, and four of


cut off the inhabitants of the Province. 3



the years

of Jacobite disaffection to the Protestant succession in

land, the


Romanists of Maryland were kept under the eye of government. In 1708, for instance, the sheriffs of the coun ties were ordered to send to the Governor within a few weeks

number and names of


not merely of masters of

^ub. Record


quoted in Scharf




In 1698, the

provincial Governors were ordered at the suggestion of the Board of Trade to see that the laws for increasing the whites in proportion to the blacks,

were duly enforced. There w ere no such laws in Md., but Gov. Nicholson urged on the Board the evils that might follow from too great increase in

the blacks.

(Steven s Hist. Index, Vol. IV.) Virginia Carolorum, 295.

3 Bacon, 1705, 5. Annals of Annapolis, 108. not caught, was attainted, two years later.



who was



families, but of the households, servants and slaves baptized 1 In 1739, the Council received the depo in the Roman faith.
sitions of several negroes of Prince George s county, telling of a most wicked and dangerous conspiracy which had been entered into by the blacks there, to destroy the whites, and to

possess themselves of the country. Whereupon, the Governor issued orders for a special commission of Oyer and Terminer for the speedy trial of those who had been taken, and that a

guard of twelve men, under the command of the colonel of

the county, should be kept at the jail until the execution of any who might be convicted. And, further, the sheriff of

Annapolis was ordered not to allow any negroes to enter that city on Sundays without written permits from their masters.
the next day, the Council decided that, in accordance with the laws on slaves, the trials could not be held before the next regular courts should sit, so the sheriff was ordered to take every precaution with his prisoners, and to levy any


posse that might be necessary; for there was reason, wrote the Council, to fear that those who were already in jail and the numbers which must be committed, together with their

accomplices without, might give further, issued a proclamation to


The Governor,
and mili

officials, civil

tary, to aid in averting such great dangers as the lives and property of the people, by the

were threatening rage and fury of merciless and barbarous slaves. Care was to be taken to enforce strictly the laws against tumultuous meetings of slaves,

to secure all slaves

who might

and who could not give


be found wandering at large satisfactory accounts of themselves, to

all laws for the public safety, and to exhort all the to be on their guard, for the defence of themselves and people their neighbors. In particular, the magistrates were bidden to take notice of the way in which local officers should act,

and the major-generals of the Eastern and Western shores were given careful instructions for the practice of the troops,

Council Journal, 1704-1708, 125.

to be ready for

The Negro in Maryland.

any possible insurrections or foreign wars. These messages were startling but this insurrection seems to have been no more than a local excitement caused by a few The leader was tried and executed. There was a blacks.

great difference of opinion, indeed, as to the extent of the out break and of the dangers from it, the House of Delegates

assuring the Council during some opposition to the appro which the Council desired, the following year, on priations account of the war between England and Spain that the

Romanists of the Province were not inclined to disturb the peace, and that inquiry into the insurrection of the negroes in
Prince George s county failed to find anything which could in any way be presumed to have endangered the welfare of the

In 1742, the Council feared that there was a con of certain Indians to destroy all the whites in Mary spiracy land ; but articles of peace were soon made with them, the

Governor was lenient, and within a year their 2 In 1745, again, the Romanists guns were restored to them. were under great suspicion. To one of their leaders Governor Bladen wrote, that their religious duties should be fulfilled,
action of the
as they surely might be, without such large meetings of people as might give suspicion of designs other than religious exer cises. Nothing, said the Governor, could give greater alarm

good subjects of King George than such frequent meetings 3 of whites and negroes under pretence of divine worship. Again, with the breaking out of the French and Indian war, not only were the people of Maryland, particularly those in

distant parts, bidden by a proclamation to be ready for defence, but the colonels of militia in Frederick and Baltimore

counties were ordered to hold reviews, and to


returns of

1 Council Kecords, 1738-1753, 59, &c., 110. The Council seem to have taken the House to be very unpatriotic for being willing to believe no illwill on the part of the negroes, and so for discouraging the need of military


Council Records, 1738-1753, 162. Council Records, 1738-1753, 255.



number of men and arms, and whether there was plenty of ammunition in the counties in case of any rioting or plot Should such intrigues be ting by servants, slaves or others.

known, the ring-leaders were to be seized by the troops. After Braddock s defeat, according to Governor Sharp s let ters, the people were thrown into the greatest consterna tion, slaves and convicts were well watched, and the militia
were ready
to quell


to the

any insurrections. Soon, indeed, reports Council that the negroes in certain parts had

held some tumultuous meetings and intrigues, and the Romanists in several counties had so misbehaved as to give cause So the magistrates throughout the for fears of insurrection.

Province were ordered

the offenders


make examination, and


to imprison


if the reports

false, to carry the authors

before the courts as disturbers of the peace. also to be made into the report that some


Inquiries were Catholic

had recently been absent from their homes. Answers were received from the magistrates in nine counties, and all to the effect that the constables in the various hundreds were wide awake to their duties, that the Romanists were few in num 2 ber, and that nothing unusual had been done by the negroes.

In the troubled

state of affairs

during the outbreak of the


olution, several gentlemen requested Governor Eden to give out arms to the people, from fears that the servants and slaves might revolt. The Governor expostulated, stating that such


would tend only to hasten any such evil, but finally gave a quantity of arms to certain regularly appointed persons, 3 But in both the Revolu in accordance with the militia act. tion and the war of 1812 there was no general uprising of


the contrary, a

number of




Council Kecords, 1753-1767, 56. Council Kecords, 1753-1767, 59, 65-73. Stevens Hist. Index, Vol. X. Gov. Dinwiddie, of Va., had fears of the negroes at this time. (Dinwiddie

Papers, II, 102.) 3 Letters of Gov. Eden, Scharf


II, 179.


The Negro in Maryland.

1 793 from

In the summer of faithfully in the American forces. there arrived in Baltimore some twelve hundred refugees

San Domingo, flying from the horrors of servile insurrection. They brought half as many slaves with them. They were, reported a committee in the Assembly, in a state of distress

which exceeded description. The Assembly appropriated five hundred dollars weekly for two months, and thousands of dol The lars were raised for them besides, throughout the State. this insurrection had not been forgotten when, in the horrors of autumn of 1831, there came the reports of the revolt of slaves It is certain that fears and in Southampton county, Virginia. suspicions of the negroes w ere rumored in Maryland. In some of the lower counties, expresses were sent off for arms and men, and some blacks were arrested but there seem to have been no good reasons for any such apprehensions, and no need for

such measures.

Insurrection wholly local and the only, was not unknown in Maryland.

work of a few negroes

In 1845, several slaves

and a

free black

were arrested

for that offence in

Maryland by their masters. A memorial, signed by a number of very respectable persons, was presented the Governor, to commute the sentence of the slave from hanging The Governor signified his willingness so to imprisonment.
sold out of
to do, did the

was given forty years imprisonment, county. and one slave was sentenced to be hung, but most of those who took part in the intrigue were not brought to trial, but were
free black


law allow the confinement of slaves in thepeni-

NUesf Register, XLI, 131. In lower Delaware and the current number of Niles Register, awful reports were Maryland, says been the heaped upon one another by fear, but there does not seem to have least foundation for this excitement. Mr. McSherry, in his History of Maryland, p. 358, says that the intrigues of the party of Nat. Turner extended over a part of Maryland, but that a on the misunderstanding on the part of those concerned, and timely measures no sources for part of the whites, prevented the outbreak. Unfortunately,

USSl, Res.

27, 65.

this are mentioned.




whereupon a

special act of


directed that

the slave might be imprisoned. Rumors of serious insurrections in

Maryland seem



been as groundless in the latter days of slavery as they had been generations before, when the politics of Europe, reflected in the Colonies, made the royal Governors look on the negroes
as ready accomplices of the Romanists, or of the Jacobites, or In the spring of 1855, a rumor of an uprising of the French.

of the slaves caused great excitement, in Dorchester county, and the houses of many negroes were searched for firearms,

but the papers soon announced that the whole affair was a 2 hoax. Meanwhile the excitement spread to Talbot county.

was feared that the blacks planned some movement during

the Easter holidays approaching. meeting of many and citizens of Easton adopted resolutions asking slave respectable holders to keep their servants at home although, says the
3 probably no truth in the rumors. in Prince George s Two years later, a similar report broke out The blacks were more carefully watched, but all county.

Easton Gazette, there


excitement soon subsided, and people concluded that there had In the never been any plan or intention of insurrection.

autumn of 1 859 occurred the John Brown raid on the border of Western Maryland and Virginia. Maryland militia were sent for the suppression of the outbreak, and the sheriffs of the
Western border counties called out large patroling parties, to For some days prevent the meeting and escape of slaves. the papers were full of nothing else. It was even said that there was to have been, on a certain day, an uprising of all the slaves of Maryland and Virginia. Then began the formation in all parts of Maryland of new military companies. Here, a public meeting was held and a rifle company formed in other places, cavalry companies were enlisted. The martial spirit is

Executive Message, 1845 1845, ch. 368. Cambridge Democrat, quoted in Baltimore Sun for April 13th, 1855. 8 Raston Gazette, April 7th, 1855.


The Negro in Maryland.

up, said one county paper, and our people are their own best 1 In Frederick, so the local papers stated, strangers defenders. had been seen to lurk about the barracks, if not indeed to

attempt to enter them so volunteer companies keep guard at There were rumors that accomplices of Brown were night.

abroad, and the patrolers were ordered to arrest


all suspicious

Again, that some forty slaves had planned to escape from Carroll county on a certain Saturday night, and that horses and wagons were found waiting when the plot was
discovered. Afterwards, men learned that one of the first persons shot by John Brown s party was a colored porter at the Harper s Ferry depot, who remained faithful to his trust, and that the

Brown by the slaves was trivial. At that time even, were many proofs that the threatened dangers were On the night of October 19th, the citizens of exaggerated.
aid given


Frederick were startled by a report that an insurrection was

about to break out, and their town was to be attacked. The streets were at once patrolled by bodies of armed men, and
various precautions taken but the report in the newspaper is 7 2 On a certain night, early "Another False Alarm. in November following, an alarm of insurrection and murder


was given while

erset county.


were being held in a church in



congregation, says the local

paper, rose

from prayers, broke up the benches to provide themselves with weapons, and scoured the neighborhood, but found nothing to

On the night following, the houses of many free blacks were searched, and a slave who attempted to leave one of the cabins was shot, being mistaken for an insurgent by the excited crowd. This has all, doubtless, adds the paper, grown
alarm them.
out of the excitement roused by the affair at Harper s Ferry. The last week in November, the people of another neighbor3

2 3

See Baltimore and county papers for Oct., Nov., Dec., 1859. 274 1861-2, 163.

1860, ch.


Sun, Oct. 22nd, 1859.

Somerset County Union Nov. 4th.



hood were told that a lady near the Virginia line, a large slave holder had received a letter stating that the blacks of the Eastern shores of Maryland and Virginia had planned an insur The local paper rection which was to be carried out at once.
did not put the slightest faith in the report, but suggested that the citizens should be vigilant and ready for any emergency.

spoken of by the Baltimore Sum, as a hoax had been current on the Eastern shore of Virginia, the week At almost the same time, an excitement spread in before. Talbot county from a threatening letter which was found on a wharf at St. Michael s. 1 Patrols were at once organized and But nothing a strong guard made ready to protect Easton. unusual happened, save these measures, and some unwonted severity, perhaps, shown by the constabulary to the blacks. Once again, Easton was put under arms, from the information of a colored woman and some person in the county remem bered that a suspicious looking man, who might have been Brown himself, had been seen thereabouts before the Harper s

A similar report



these times of reported insurrection, the blacks were without doubt more frightened than the whites. Doubtless,



such times,

added to


community in Maryland could have said, at what the paper in Wilmington, North Carolina, account of the excitement that followed the news

of the Nat. Turner insurrection

that the subject could not

be dismissed without speaking of the good behavior of the slaves thereabouts, who might be entrusted, it was believed, to
take part in the defence of the community under any circum stances. In the Civil War that soon followed, the women and
children of the South were left largely in the care of slaves, while the masters were fighting for a cause which would have

lengthened, to say the


the existence of slavery.



Nov. 29th, 1859.


The Negro in Maryland.

the provisions of the act of 1695, to restrain the fre quent assemblages of negroes, we know nothing ; but the law soon expired. In 1723, the Assembly considered the evils


Sabbath and resulting from the large meetings of negroes on other Holy-days," and enacted that the courts should begin at once the yearly custom of appointing constables, in such

them, to suppress tumultuous meetings constable so appointed was required to visit of slaves. Every all suspected places in his hundred, once a month, and could


as required

give not over thirty-nine lashes to every negro who might be found away from home without a permit from his master.


the fulfilment of such duties, the constable was to be


paid five hundred pounds of tobacco any person to aid him. For a white
assistance, there

and he might



man who

should refuse


was a penalty of one hundred pounds of to a negro refused on pain of a whipping. Afterwards, such duties belonged to all constables, under penalty for neg;

And glect of not less than one hundred dollars. who refused his aid when summoned, could be

any person


more than that sum nor less than twenty dollars. The special pay for the constable was eight dollars but after 1806, every
constable had, before he could receive this, to get a certificate


at least two respectable citizens of his hundred, bearing 1 witness to his industry and fidelity in carrying out the law. By a law of 1715, persons who entertained or kept away

from home any servant or slave for the space of a day or night became liable to a fine of five hundred pounds of to This seems to have been taken advantage of by per bacco. sons many crafty and ill-disposed persons, the act says who entertained servants and slaves for a few hours at a time and at dead of night, and also enticed these to steal their mas So the fine was ters goods, and to commit other disorders. 2 in 1 748 to one hundred pounds an hour ; to be changed

1806, 81 1723, 15 1715, 44; 1748, 19.

1695, 6

Code of 1860,

art. 23,

30 and

art. 66, 63.



recovered before a single magistrate, if not over six hundred in all. If the offender could not pay he might be whipped.

The penalty afterwards became a fine of two dollars an hour. Servants and slaves who harbored others unlawfully were to
be whipped by order of a magistrate. After 1723, also, the owner of a plantation was directed to send home, by whipping
if necessary, any negroes who might be found there, without permission or errand from their masters. And any person

who encouraged slaves to meet in numbers on his place, except on lawful occasions, became liable to a fine of one thousand pounds of tobacco afterwards of twenty dollars. The constables of towns, also, were usually ordered by

of Assembly to



other duties, that

negroes did not gather in noisy groups in the streets, or at For instance, a con meetings, or remain out late at night. stable was appointed in 1800 for the town of Cambridge, as
the peace of the town was much disturbed by frequent meet ings of negroes, and the constable of the hundred had hap

pened to live out of the town. The constable appointed for the village of Newmarket in Dorchester county, in 1804, was
to prevent disorderly meetings of blacks there and in the neighborhood, and to give moderate punishment, under the

direction of

any justice of the peace, to all such as should be found strolling the streets at night, or frequenting the houses of persons other than their masters, without permission. 1
Often, in towns with a considerable black population, a bell

was rung at a certain hour in the evening as nine in winter and ten in summer and the black who remained out of doors thereafter had to rely on his own good character, or on the
carelessness or

good nature of the constable, or his

heels, to


him from punishment.



both in county and town, were not the

result alone of fears of insurrection or of loss

by runaways.

They were

largely for the ordinary preservation of the peace.

1800, 6

1804, 70, &c.


The Negro in Maryland.

instance, the Society of Friends who held yearly meet in Anne Arundel and Talbot counties, were much annoyed ings


by the numbers of persons who met and drank liquors in the neighborhood of their meeting-houses. Soon after 1700, they
petititioned the Governor and Council to have an end put to such abuses. Finally, after several complaints, a law was made in 1725, to forbid the sale of liquors within certain dis

tances of the meeting houses, except at inns. But the orderly Friends were still troubled by the racing of horses and the meetings of negroes great crowds of idle whites and blacks,

they said, drank and behaved riotously there until, in 1747, horse racing was forbidden, also, and the constables of the

neighborhood were specially ordered to disperse all crowds of slaves, at the times of the yearly meetings, if necessary by 1 Besides such whipping and by the assistance of a posse.
ordinary measures for good order, there was the need, often, of reasonable discipline in the care of servants and slaves, if the master was not to lose by their picking and stealing,
to get good work from them. Could they frequent the grogshops, his corn and tobacco might easily be turned into liquor ; and were they up for the night, his work would

and was


by day.



as natural for the master of servants

or slaves then, to wish


as for good housekeepers to reasonable hours there shall be no

home by nine or ten at ni^ht, make the rule, to-day, that after

company in the kitchen. Masters were caused much trouble by the sale of liquor to The early court records show that care servants and slaves. was taken by a license system, to keep inns from becoming


landland of


in 1660, in the

St. Mary s, for instance, gave sum of a thousand pounds of tobacco and

Colonial Church Life in Maryland, 123. Act 1725, 6 1747, 17. The good Friends of Pennsylvania who met in yearly meeting in 1696,

not only advised their brethren not to increase slaves among them, but to loose and idle bring the slaves they had to meetings, to keep them from First Days and other times. ( Janney s living, and from rambling abroad of

History of the Friends, III, 179.)



have good order kept at casks, that he would, for five years, his house, especially at times of divine service, and would not
allow servants and apprentices to get liquors or to remain tip7 a hundred ling there without their masters knowledge. Over
the city of Annapolis years later, an act of Assembly authorized to regulate taverns, as, we read, many of the servants and slaves there were injured and their masters deprived of their the sale to them of rum and spirits. After 1780, services,

by any tavern keeper in the State who should harbor, or sell any without written liquors to any servant, apprentice or slave, liable for each offence to forfeit leave from the master, became to the master one hundred and sixty pounds of tobacco,
1 To prevent the sale of stolen goods, afterwards, ten dollars. there was enacted, in 1692, that no one should trade or barter

with any servants or slaves without permission from their owners, under penalty of two thousand pounds of tobacco, half to the government and half to the owner of the goods.


if the



value of these was over a thousand pounds, the could enter suit for damages against the receiver

if he could not pay this further fine, received thirty on his bare back. The law afterwards read that no stripes person should buy or get in any way from any slave^any -goods whatever, or should sell anything to any slave, without written permission from his owner or overseer, under penalty


of a

of five dollars, on conviction before a magistrate. after 1796, any slave who should sell liquor or keep Also, entertainment at any muster-ground, race track or other public


without his master s permission, became and a whipping by order of a magistrate. 3

liable to arrest

iSee Prov. Court Eecords, 1658-1662, 397, 411.

1779, 11; 1780, 24;

acts, said

Code of 1860.

W/H. &

L., 91

1715, 44

Code of 1860.


the Court of

Appeals, in 1837, did not imply any right in slaves to deal or make con Servants and tracts, the penalty on the free person showing the reverse.

had been encouraged

to sell stolen goods.

(9 G.


J., 14.)

1796, 67.


The Negro in Maryland.

In 1666, the House of Delegates called the attention of the Council to a bill deemed very important, to prohibit ser vants and negroes from keeping pigs for their own benefit ; but the Council replied that such a law was not necessary, as every master had the power to forbid swine to his slaves and
unless the indentures of the servants hap pened to give them special privileges. In 1723, there was enacted that masters who allowed slaves to keep any horses
to hfs servants

or cattle or swine, as their own, should forfeit five hundred pounds of tobacco and the animals. There were, afterwards,

no such restrictions. 1 v A slave could not legally hold prop whether he had possessions or privileges depended, as erty the Council said in 1666, on the master s will. Generally, the slave had at least a garden and chicken coop, from whose pro Some mas ceeds he got such luxuries as coffee and tobacco.


bought what the slaves raised even at the risk, occa sionally, of paying for a sweet potato or a chicken that was others gave their slaves permits to sell and already theirs


lay asleep in the big house, while the black quietly did his bartering at some corner store or on some boat in the river. The majority of slaves in the coast States worked



by tasks when the allotted work was done daily, the slave s time was his own. On Saturday afternoons, some slaves had less than the usual work to do, and it was the general custom to give holidays at Christmas and Easter-tide. At such times, the market places of the county towns might be thronged

with blacks.

At the session of Assembly of 1787, the House received from the Senate a bill to prevent the inconveniences arising from slaves who were allowed to act as freemen. The first section placed a penalty of five pounds a month on all mas1 Md. Arch., II, 23, &c. One of the resolutions of the convention of slaveholders of Worcester county, in 1858, was that slave owners and slave hirers be asked to discontinue the practice of allowing slaves to have corn




who should allow slaves to go at large or hire them motion selves out, except during ten days at harvest time. to strike out this section was lost by a vote of thirty-two to


The second

such as were generally

section provided that no slaves, except known to be pilots, should be allowed

under a like penalty, to run any boat over which was used to carry goods belonging to twenty long any other person than the owner of the boat. This section was struck out but the bill, as amended and passed, excepted And a person who should hire any slave unregular pilots.


their masters,

lawfully, was also made liable to the penalty of five pounds a month. At the session of 1794, there were several attempts




for further legislation evidently for greater restrictions. introduced in the House, was to prevent slaves

from acting as free in several counties. Baltimore county was added by a vote of thirty-nine to seventeen, and a motion to except Baltimore city was defeated by seven votes though the delegates from the city were opposed to the bill. Motions to add Anne Arundel, Talbot and Cecil counties were all lost, and the bill as passed was rejected in the Senate. In 1802, the Senate offered a bill for an act by which the penalty on the master who should let out the slave, was raised to forty This the House would not agree to, although it dollars. would tend, the Senate argued, to remedy an evil which had
risen to such a degree as to require legislative interference. The House maintained that a fine of twenty-five dollars on

both the master and the hirer of a slave was



next year, the Senate again brought in a bill, and again the House rejected it. 1 i/By an act of 1817, there was made an
exception of twenty days at harvest time, instead of ten days. The maximum penalty for one who should make any contract

with a slave for his services, or



let his

slave go at

large or hire himself out, remained twenty dollars a month.

House Journal, 1787,

150, &c.; act 1787, 33;

House Journal,

1802, 43,

56, &c.


The Negro in Maryland.

In 1821, a special law required constables in Worcester and Caroline counties to arrest and bring before a justice all slaves,
except regular pilots^who might be found going at large or hiring themselves out, or who might not have fixed homes on

be duly hired out in the employ of If the justice found that the law was being violated, he should let out the slave for the rest of the current constable year ; the proceeds to be given to the county.
estates, or

owner s some person.

.was entitled to two dollars for thus taking up and letting out a slave. This act was extended, at the next session, to Som

and Queen Anne


But competition between white and black was not without some influence, we presume, in bringing- about such legisla A petition was presented the House of Delegates, tion. in 1808, from "the owners of hack-stages, draymen, carters and laborers of Baltimore, who complained that they were


of employment by the interference of slaves


This was referred to the next Assembly. 2 engross the same." * Despite the laws, slaves were often hiring themselves, or
being hired out. At the slaveholders conventions, these lib erties were always severely denounced. The papers tell us, for instance, how the grand jury of Anne Arundel, in 1854, gave
particular attention to doing

away with

the custom of slaves

hiring themselves out by permission of their masters ; and how the citizens of a certain district in Somerset county, at a public

meeting early in 1860, expressed their disapproval of the practice of allowing slaves hired out to be roasters of their own time, and of that of hiring them out with the provision of


3 consent to the agreements.


a few slaves in

1817, 104

Code of 1860,

66, 29

1821, 183

citizens of St.


county petitioned, without


1822, 115. In 1806, sundry result, that slaves be pre

vented from acting as


House Journals, 1806, 20

1808, 75.

Baltimore Sun, April 28th, 1854 Jan. 20th, 1860. In 1849, a bill to prevent the employment of slaves by merchants, shopkeepers and traders, without the written consent of their owners, was laid on the table.


were allowed by their

Maryland, particularly in the


masters to live and act as freemen, and also to buy their own freedom by their extra earnings. But this was by the suffer
ance of others only and by no right of their own. Thus, in one case, the owner of a slave who had been hired out to some
third party in Baltimore for a time, finally agreed with him This was to sell him his freedom for two hundred dollars.
in 1833, and for two years the negro went at large and now by acted as a free man, earning in various vocations an oyster house, now a boot-black shop the money keeping

By June, 1835, he had paid, through an or agent, all but twenty-seven dollars, and received attorney During the summer fol receipts on account of his freedom.
for his freedom.

lowing, he went to New York, and was a waiter on a North River boat. On returning in October, he tendered the balance of payment, which was refused by his owner s agent, and he was soon arrested as a runaway slave and sold. The Court of Appeals on an appeal from the City Court held that slaves could not enter into valid contracts with their masters,

any more than with any one


nor enforce any alleged con

tract at law, but agreed with the lower court in setting this negro free under the old law which declared free any slave


should enter Maryland to remain. 1 There was enacted in 1752, that slave owners



neglect to provide for old or disabled slaves, or should allow them to leave their homes, or wander about begging, becoming

nuisances to the public, should forfeit four pounds to the


9 G.


J. 14.

interesting case

Bland & Woolfolk vs. Negro Beverly Bowling, 1837. An came before the Court of Appeals in 1850. Some twenty

years before, a certain slave

woman was

allowed by her master to go to

Baltimore, and to live with her reputed husband there the husband to pay a given sum yearly for her services. When her family became large, this payment was not exacted. She lived as free, renting houses, hiring herself

She was then seized by a representative of her owner, who stated out, &c. that there was a report that one of the family was about to run away. There were various questions in the case before the courts. The Circuit Court
gave her freedom, but the Court of Appeals denied

(9 Gill, 120.)


The Negro in Maryland.

In 1 790, because, we humanity required that faithful servants should be sup ported by their masters, another act provided that any master who should allow a slave who was aged, or infirm from any accident, to wander abroad, or to lack proper care and cover, should be examined by the county court, and, if guilty, required to give good bond in the sum of thirty pounds, for future care
county court for the use of the county.
act, of course, did not apply to a slave who run away contrary to the will of the owner. After 1796, might the bond was one hundred dollars. 1 Aged or infirm slaves who were occasionally left without anyone to support them, were cared for by the levy courts and afterwards by the county

of the negro. This




and died

at the regular alms-

want by persons died insolvent, and the county authorities were specially ordered to care suitably for these.
slaves were sometimes left in




of the

a council meeting at Annapolis, in 1699, at which some King s instructions were read on the conversion of

negroes and Indians, Governor Blakiston said he was in formed that several masters hindered their negroes, though
baptized, from going to church.


was no law

have been done. 2 There sage of one was enacted in 1723, that no person whatever should work on the Lord s day, nor should command or allow any children,
servants or slaves to
charity excepted.
to profane that

to prevent such abuses, but nothing seems to ;

being told that there he recommended the pas

work in anyway works of necessity and Nor should children or menials be allowed

day by unlawful pastimes and recreations, on of a fine of two hundred pounds of tobacco from the penalty

1752, 1

1790, 9

1796, 67

Code of 1860,

66, 26.

Council Proceedings, X, 211.



became five dollars. Any privi of church-going which slaves might enjoy depended, leges much as with children, on the disposition of the masters. We have seen the prejudice that was widely spread at first, against the conversion of the blacks but when men found that Christianity did not work manumission, and after the earnest


fine afterwards


made by the missionaries, such as Dr. Bray in Maryland, most masters seemed very willing for their slaves to worship.

preferred that they should attend the churches of the whites, fearful of the teachings, perhaps, of preachers who


were ignorant

or, possibly, hostile to slavery.

Others allowed

their slaves to join societies of the blacks

which were more

or less under the supervision of regular church associations. It was customary for certain portions of churches to be set In an act for the erection of a apart for colored persons.

church in

Anne s parish in Annapolis, in 1774, there was the provision for a place, in addition to the public stipulated gallery, for those servants, and another for slaves, that might

attend service.

Masters and slaves knelt at the same com


sixty-one communicants that belonged to one parish in Anne Arundel, in 1790, thirteen were entered and a piece of the church glebe next Black Brethren ; as to the church yard, was given these, by their request, for a


burial place for themselves


their descendants.



an interesting vote of the vestry of another parish, in 1747, that the churchwardens prevent the negroes from going in among the white people to disturb them, as they frequently did, and from going in and out of church during service. But in this, we may add, the blacks had had the example

them by

their betters

for ten years before, the sexton


been ordered to keep the vestry-house locked, as persons were in the habit of running in and out of church in cold weather,

1723, 16.

1774, 11.


The Negro in Maryland.


was kept in the vestry. In the genera tion before the Civil War, many earnest workers were busied in the South in the religious instruction of the blacks. There was never anything in the laws of Maryland to prevent slaves from holding religious services quietly on their masters estates but with the Southampton insurrection and the growth of abo litionism throughout the land, some restrictions were placed on free blacks as religious and other associations of the blacks
to visit the fire that

well as slaves.

Ordinarily, the constables and magistrates were looked to to enforce the laws concerning blacks as well as whites. But
after 1820,

any justice in Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince George s and St. Mary s counties was empowered, on

the application of three judicious persons, to call out patroling parties to search the neighborhood, for from four to eight hours, to see that the negroes were at home and orderly.
militia duty,

These patroling parties were formed of citizens subject to the were limited to fifteen in a party, and were to be

commanded by discreet persons named by the justice. They received fifty cents a night when on duty. The commissioners
of Frederick county were soon empowered to appoint justices


the commissioners of

a patrol whenever necessary. And, after 1856, Kent county could appoint if they saw a dozen or so special police to enforce the laws against the





at times of excitement only

of rumors

Colonial Church Life in Maryland.

1821, 148; 1826,

1820, 200. Calvert county was added by 1822, 85. 210 1856, 177.


Slaves could not carry guns or "other offensive weapons" off their master s a prohibition which seems to have been made in 1704, at a time

of the government.

on, as we saw, as possible enemies If they did so, they could be whipped and the guns be forfeited, if belonging to them. Before that time negroes and other

when Romanists and negroes were looked



of runaways or uprisings that the patrols were called out ; and at such times, impromptu patroling parties helped to exe
cute the laws everywhere. For instance, in the summer of a stranger who had been seen talking with the negroes 1835, and attending some of their meetings, in the neighborhood of

The town, Chestertown, was put in jail for examination. wrote a gentleman to Niles* Register, was in an uproar for several days, and was guarded every night by armed men of
the greatest respectability. At one time in the winter of the patrols were out nightly in Prince George s county 1857,

but the papers soon announced that the excitement had sub sided, that the patrol had expired by limitation, and that people did not think that there had been any intention of a

The slaveholders convention of Worcester county in 1858, resolved to call on constables and On magistrates to enforce the laws for watching the blacks.


the blacks.

the night after an alarm of insurrection in Somerset county, in 1859, a patrol was organized, and search was made, with

guns and other weapons, in the houses of free blacks in the In a part of Montgomery county a meeting neighborhood. of citizens was held after John Brown s attack on Harper s Ferry, to denounce Brown and express sympathy for the Union and a protective committee of twenty-four mem bers was appointed, to call a meeting of citizens whenever the public safety was endangered, and to call out such of the


volunteer companies as might then be needed to patrol the neighborhood. It is stated also, that the commissioners of
St. Mary s county appointed a patrol in the autumn of 1860, in each district, to visit their neighborhood at least once a



at night, to disperse all negro meetings 1 For patrols that were called out


arrest all

by the


had been exempted from training or any military service whatever &c. Code of 1860). White servants were enlisted on emergen cies only (1715, 43). See Chapter on the Free Negro. 1 See Niles Register, Aug. 22d, 1835 Baltimore Sun (quoting the local
3, 40,
; ;

papers often), Jan. 9th, 1857 on the Free Negro.

Jan. 4th, 1860

Oct. 13th, 1860.

See Chapter


The Negro in Maryland.

in Allegany, Cecil, Frederick

attack on


Ferry, the State paid

and Harford counties, after the some fifteen hundred


But the
to enforce,

patrol, like

most of the laws which

was intended

directed, in the latter days of slavery, as well the free black as the slave. against


One of the most interesting phases of our subject, as a study of historical development, is the growth of the slave code touching crimes and punishments.
notorious that the English criminal law, and the admin istration of justice under it, were exceedingly severe down


to the present century.


sentences of the Court of Star

case, in


are well


In one

1630, a Scottish

divine; for writing a scurrilous attack on the bishops, was sentenced not only to be degraded from orders and to pay a

large fine, but to be whipped, set in the pillory, to have one ear cut off, one side of his nose slit, and one cheek branded with
S. S. (sower of sedition), to in another part of London,

These cases may

have these repeated a week later and then be imprisoned for life. be regarded as exceptional, but in all parts

of England hanging was a common punishment for many It is stated on the authority of a magistrate of Som offences.
ersetshire, that in that county, in the year 1596, there


thirty-seven persons whipped, thirty -five burned in the hand, and forty executed ; and many among the large number dis

Two charged, deserved, in his opinion, similar punishments. years later, in a neighboring county, there were seventy-four
More than onepersons sentenced to be hanged in a year. half of these were condemned at quarter sessions several of


for stealing sheep. Though the sentence of death was often commuted, as to branding, whipping, or transportation to

1861-2, Ch. 163.



the Colonies, the criminal law remained exceedingly severe woman who killed her hus during the eighteenth century. band, or a maid-servant who killed her master or mistress,

Nor was this law obso could be burned to death, until 1790. lete, for there is mention of a woman burned in 1782 and of
another in 1784, though they were probably strangled before In 1752, it was enacted that persons the torch was applied.
convicted of murder should be executed with
little delay, and that the bodies should in no case be buried, but either be hung in chains or given over for dissection ; and such was the law

London were accustomed, and portions of human bodies The last heads were those of nine nailed up on Temple Bar. of the Revolution of 45, who had been hanged, cut Jacobites, down, disembowelled, beheaded, quartered, and their hearts thrown into a fire all before the eyes of the public. The spikes which held the heads were not removed till this century. The pillory was not abolished in England till 1837 ; and 1 whipping has remained the penalty for certain offences. It was as natural for the colonists to follow, largely, the customs of their old home as it was for them to continue to speak English. In Maryland, it was specially provided that justice was to be administered, where there was no special law or fixed usage of the Province, by English law and usage, in 2 so far as this was deemed applicable by the courts. Each county court was ordered to keep the usual branding irons, and the pillory and stocks without the court-house, and the

William IV.

Inhabitants of

as late as 1745, to see heads


stool as near by as possible. The corporal punishments given, in those days, in all the colonies, are so well known as

make examples almost superfluous. When Capt. Josias Fendall was found guilty, in 1681, of speaking several sedi
words against the government of Maryland, the Provin-


1 See Pike s History of Crime, Stevens Criminal Law, the Middle and Working Classes, &c.

Wade s

History of

See Md. Arch.,


147, 158, 192, &c.


The Negro in Maryland.

Court showed great clemency in giving him only fine and This sentence, the Court said, was as favorable


for an early law allowed not merely fine and imprisonment, but boring of the tongue, slitting the nose,

as could be expected

cutting off one or both ears, whipping, branding with a redhot iron any one or more of these, as the court should think 1 It was not treason and sedition, and such unusual crimes fit.

The colonists were evidently troubled by hog-stealers, and a law of 1666, declaring that previous acts had been insufficient, enacted that a hogonly, that were thus punished.


should pay the treble damages, and also, for the first have four hours in the pillory and his ears cropped and for the second offence, be branded in the forehead with

the letter


third offence could be punished with death. of the early laws reflected the class distinctions, so


Treason was to be punished, in strongly felt in England. addition to forfeiture of all goods and franchises, by drawing,

hanging and quartering of a man, and by drawing and burn except in case of the lord of a manor, who ing of a woman,
should be beheaded.

Among the

house-burning, sorcery, but this could not be inflicted on a gentleman. Another law, for rules of justice, prescribed that no corporal punishment

&c., was

various penalties for burglary, service for a term of years

be given a gentleman, except by virtue of statute law of the 3 Of greater interest still is the law of 1723, which Province. gave the stocks and whipping-post to blasphemers and drunk

could not pay their fines holders or other reputable persons.

for white servants,


and who were not


The punishments provided by law of

the Province especially

and incident largely to the custom of service, were very few. It was at first the law that servants who re fused to perform the lawful orders of their masters were to be

Md. Arch., V, 328, I, Md. Arch., II, 140. 3 Md. Arch., I, 71, 158,




in the discre

whipped or otherwise corrected by order

tion of. a magistrate. / O


the other hand, a master who refused to carry out his covenant with a servant, or who denied him


or her proper food and care, was to be imprisoned by the magistrate until surety were given for the performance of his
It was the law for many years that a servant, if proven of causing a servant-woman to be with child, should guilty recompense the master of the woman for half his loss in her


work. But the

father, if a freeman,

by servitude or otherwise. servant, came before the

master, was liable to a traded with his master
offence, the servant


had to pay the whole loss, case, whether of freeman or


county court. Any person who traded with an indentured servant, without license from the

and the servant who purloined or

goods, to a whipping.

For a second


to be branded, in addition.

penalties were evidently given by a magistrate; but if the freeman trading with the servant was unable to pay his fine, he was bound over to the higher court, and could be there sen

tenced to a whipping, if found guilty. Later, all cases of not belonging to the Provincial Court or to petty thieving,
special commissioners,

were tried

in the

county courts, and

the accused, freeman or servant, if proven guilty by one good evidence, was to restore fourfold, and to suffer the pillory and

whipping. If a freeman had not goods, he paid his fine by a term of servitude, as did the servant. Nor was there any



the severer




Masters were accustomed to administer some jus themselves; but the law forbade them after 1715, to give
lashes for

any one offence ; providing that troublesome servants before a justice of they might carry peace, to be given such whipping, up to thirty-nine lashes, The cases of as he deemed fit, after hearing the complaint.

more than ten

Md. Arch., I, 53. Laws of 1662, 1674, 1715. 3 Md. Arch., I, 501 Laws of

1704, 1715.


The Negro in Maryland.

masters who might be accused of neglecting or abusing their servants had been changed from the jurisdiction of the mag istrates in first offences to that of the county courts. Ser

vants who absented themselves from their masters service were adjudged before the county courts to renewed service, ten days for one absent day, at the expiration of their term. Persons entertaining such servants were fined and after 1748,


could not pay the fine could be whipped, and put under security for good behavior. 1 This custom of white ser


vice practically died out toward the close of the eighteenth at the time when criminal law was being changed century, the changes in public feeling. by

We have seen already how careful and judicious the gov ernment of Maryland was in its relations with the Indians. It sometimes vied with the customs of those Indians who were at war, by offering a bounty for every ear of a dead Indian and in a treaty with a tribe recently at war, is the

stipulation that the colonists found killing cattle or hogs. 2

might shoot down any Indian But, in most of the treaties, it

stated that all Indians who might kill English should be given up to the authorities, to be tried for men murder as a white man would be. We find mention of a

was expressly


commission of Oyer and Terminer for the trial of an who had murdered a white servant. 3 A treaty with the Nanticokes in 1687, provided that an Indian who should
offence against the English,

be it murder or hog runaway servants and slaves, should be tried by English law, and that any Englishman who might At injure the Indians should be tried by the same law, also. about the same time, a Pocomoke Indian was imprisoned for rape on an English woman, and the Council duly considered
stealing or helping

commit any

1715, 44; 1748, 19.

Ill, 502, 530, 433, 486.
II, 195,

Md. Arch., 3 Md. Arch.,

was shot
at St.

V, 476.


Indian convicted of murdering a white

Mary s,



and decided by the statute came before the Council Thereupon and desired to be informed of the English law, which was duly expounded to them, and which they promised not to break in future. As it was found that the woman had wil

what manner he should be


several of the chiefs

was merely whipped, according to and advised by the Court to be more circum English law, In 1648, four Patuxent Indians were brought before spect. the Provincial Court, charged with stealing and killing hogs, and with other thieving, and it was stated to the Court that intolerable injuries had been suffered by the colonists at the hands of the neighboring Indians. The prisoners, brought to
lingly erred, the Indian

the bar, denied the

tion to their testimony, be

charge, (there was evidently no objec it noted), stating that a hammer

which they had had on the day mentioned, had been purchased from another Indian two years before. And the plaintiff not
guilty, and the Indians were discharged find that two Indians were executed,

being able to produce further evidence, the jury declared not by the Governor.


by sentence of the

Provincial Court, for the murder of two negroes. 1 For three-quarters of a century after the settlement of Mary land, the negroes in the Province were few in number, and

were nearly all, if not all, slaves. The punishments which were administered on the plantation were sometimes too severe, as we shall see, in the case of both white servants and slaves,

though the laws early forbade excessive abuse or punishment Whether justice was administered by magis trates and judges with greater rigor to the black than to the
to these alike.

white, we cannot say ; but during this long period, be it noted, there was no special provision by law for the trial and punish ment of slaves for serious offences. For murder or


any serious crime, any offender, white, black, or Indian, was brought before the Provincial Court, to receive, we pre sume, the same fair dispensation of justice. In 1700, there


Md. Arch., IV, 409

V, 558.

Davis Day Star, 151.


The Negro in Maryland.


were no more slaves, probably, in Maryland, than there in Massachusetts at the time slavery was abolished there


then, as in Massachusetts always, there was no code for the trial and punishment of slaves. 1 special But the slave trade was soon carried on with vigor, and the blacks grew to be a considerable part of the population of


Maryland. White servants were then numerous, many of them mere adventurers and good-for-nothings. At the same time, transportation was made the penalty in England for various felonies, and English jails were in part emptied into the Colonies. Maryland had prohibited for some years the of these felons, and a further act was passed in importation
172:1, to

prevent the



arising therefrom, but the

Lord Proprietor refused his assent. It was at this time that the law against of goods worth over twelve thieving petty

gave the ordinary four-fokT "restitution, and branding or other corporal punishment, saving life, for a second offence when blasphemers could be punished, in addition to fine, with

boring of the tongue,

repeated offences;
debt, were

and branding and even death




in jail for

warned not to perjure themselves, at the risk of two hours in the pillory and the loss of their left ears and when men were executed for burglary and jail-breaking. It was


unfortunate for the community as well as the blacks, that these fresh from Africa, with much that was brutal, very

ignorant and very imitative should have been thrown so much with the worst elements of the whites. Then, as the

1 find mention of slaves tried for capital punishment in the Provincial Court, as all other persons were (as Council Record, Oct. 16th, 1688, &c). In 1703, an Eastern Shore Indian came before the Council at Annapolis


with the complaint that his cabin had been broken into, and various things by a certain negro slave, and demanded in return sixty-nine dressed deer skins. On his agreement, finally, to take sixty good skins, the Council ordered that the master of the slave should pay these to him, and that the slave be whipped. Otherwise the slave was to be tried in the
stolen therefrom

Provincial Court.

(Council Records, X, 327.)



population was increasing, the plantations spread out more and One s neighbors more, making a sparsely settled country.

were few and far between.

The church may have been distant

the court house and the jail were probably miles away. With the increase of the blacks we find it may have been

only because attention was thereby called to them as never before a growing difference between the legal status of the

The act of 1715 provided for the of all persons held as suspected runaways and not discharge 1 claimed within six months except negroes and mulattoes.
black and of the white. Constables had already been authorized to suppress with the ordinary whipping, of not over thirty-nine stripes, all fre
2 In 1717, quent and noisy meetings of negroes and slaves. reads the law, negro and Indian slaves often commit whereas,

misdemeanors or

steal, and escape without punishment, or else the owners are put to expense by bringing them to the county there was enacted that any one justice might try courts,

slaves for small offences,

and might order as many

stripes as

3 It was also found that not exceeding forty. some masters of slaves who had committed heinous offences,

he deemed


had concealed the crimes, thus hindering the execution of jus


rather than lose the slaves

so masters of slaves sentenced

to death

were paid three-fourths their loss. But masters were loath to lose, and the recompense was afterwards in
creased to the full value of the slave.


at the


time that the testimony of Indians and negroes was declared

1 1715, 44. By the act of 1715, also, masters were forbidden to give over ten lashes or to abuse or overwork "any servant whatever." The earlier

acts of

lish servants arid slaves.

1692 and 1704 forbade the abuse or excessive punishment of Eng From the way in which slaves, and servants and

slaves together are expressly mentioned in the act of 1715 in other clauses, we presume that the expression, "any servant whatsoever," did not include

who could be punished in the discretion of the master, unless, indeed, he was so harsh as to be prosecuted for cruelty. If so, this change in the law is very interesting.
2 3

1695, 6; 1723, 15, &c. 1717, 13.


The Negro



concerning whites

and Indians and

The act of blacks, too, where life or limb were involved. 1728, enjoining constables to suppress noisy meetings of blacks,
made any

who should

strike a white person at

any time,

liable to lose

an ear by order of a magistrate.

The owner of

a plantation was authorized also to whip any slave who might be found thereon without proper business; and this act pro
vided further, that slaves
out-lying in
the woods,

who might

run away and remain


resist capture,

killing hogs and cattle, and who could be shot lawfully by their pur

After 1729

as there

was some doubt as



entered buildings not connected with dwelling-houses, might not plead benefit of clergy any per son convicted of breaking into any store-house and of stealing
frjom thence to the value of five shillings,


who broke and




read, several

murders had been lately were instigated to commit because they have no sense of shame or apprehension of future rewards or punish ments, and as the manner of executing offenders as prescribed by the laws of England, is not sufficient to deter from such
cruelties they

was to be executed. murders of masters and other committed by negroes, which

offences a people


ment, any

slave, continued the act, convicted

consider only the severity of a punish by confession

or verdict of jury, of murder or of wilfully burning a dwell ing-house, may be punished, in the judgment of the court, by having his right hand cut off before being hanged. And the
.case, might be beheaded and quartered, and most public places of the county where the crime up was committed. 2 A few years later, benefit of clergy was

body, in such a
in the

taken away from

all persons convicted of breaking into any or other outhouses, reasonably built and secured, tobacco-houses and stealing therefrom to the value of five shillings. And

slaves found guilty in the county courts of rambling about at or of running night or riding horses at daytime without leave,

1723, 15.





away, were to be whipped, cropped or branded, or otherwise punished, but so as not to endanger life or to render them 1 A few years later, again, benefit of clergy unfit for labor.

was taken away from any person who might steal a horse or burn a boat of some size, or abet in these crimes. Servants and slaves who harbored or entertained their fellows, now be came liable to whipping, by order of a magistrate. 3 In 1751,
the testimony of imported convicts was declared valid against other such convicts in criminal cases because, says the law, murders, burglaries and other offences had been very frequent,

endangering the lives and property of the colonists, offences generally committed by imported convicts and those whom they seduce to join them, which the convicts are encouraged

commit, as they know that they cannot be called on to tes 3 Closely following, is an act for the tify against each other.

punishment of slaves; because, says the pre the laws for that purpose are found insufficient to pre amble, vent great crimes, and to further the speedy administration of


Benefit of clergy, therefore, was taken away from slave duly convicted of conspiring or attempting to raise any insurrection, to murder or poison anyone, to commit rape on

a white woman, or to burn any house or out-house containing any person or goods. Hitherto a slave, like his master or any

would have been


tried for a serious

crime in the Pro


there was enacted that he should be

tried for

any offence which might be punished with death, at And he might be con the next term of the county court. victed on the testimony of other slaves, corroborated with such
pregnant circumstances as should convince the jury of his


1737, 2, 7. 1748, 19.

1751, 11.
1751, 14.


to tell the truth,

If slaves testified, they were warned by the presiding judge and were told the punishment they would incur by per


the cropping of one ear and a whipping, and, the next day, the crop ping of the second ear and another whipping.


The Negro in Maryland.

at this time that the killing of a slave who should resist any serious offence, was declared not


arrest for


In the Council Records, about 1760, is a description of the judiciary of the Province. The Governor and Council formed the high Court of Appeals and Errors, and issued pardons where such were due. Besides the courts of chancery and
vice-admiralty, there was the Provincial Court, held twice a year at Annapolis. Seven judges sat on this bench, having jurisdiction over civil cases of importance and all manner of

criminal cases.

could white

men be

Before them or special commissions, only, sentenced to loss of life or limb. County

courts were held four times yearly by the justices of the peace of each county, to try certain civil matters, and all criminal
cases not affecting life or limb,

and even

capital offenses


committed by negroes.

By the close of the century, the courts and the jurisdiction of the courts had so changed that all persons, slave or free, were tried for serious offences before the same tribunal, as had
been the case three generations before.
ment, too,

had changed. 2

power of pardon, punishment in the case of

The forms of punish The Governor, in addition to the could commute death sentences to other
slaves, to transportation




courts could give the old penalties, or could sentence free males, male servants and apprentices, to labor on the roads for

not over seven years, and free women,


servants and

apprentices, to picking oakum, sewing, or other suitable labor, The value of a servant s unexfor not over the same time.

pired term was paid the master, and the county was reim bursed from the sale of the servant, at the expiration of his slave term of labor, for as long a time as was necessary.

1 Council Proc., 1753-1767, 323. There were also the magistrates, Avho exercised considerable power in the punishment of slaves and servants for Commissions of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery were petty offences.

often issued.


earlier, for stealing

See 1785, 87

one commission trying a slave, some twenty years The jury acquitted him. 1795, 82, &c. 1790, 50 1793, 57 1787, 17



convicted of a capital crime could be sentenced to death or to serve on the roads for not over fourteen years. In either case, he was bought by the State but in the latter, as in case of

from transportation, the treasury could be somewhat repaid There was added, in 1808, that the sale of him afterward.
slaves in Baltimore county

who might be

convicted of


slaughter, could be whipped

or put to labor in the work In in place of the other punishments. if women, house, a general law on crimes and punishments. 1809, was enacted

gave such penalties,

to-day hanging of imprisonment for murder in the second degree and man slaughter indemnification for losses, and imprisonment for

in general, as we are accustomed to, for murder in the first degree ; limited terms

from three to ten years, for burglary

least a

indemnification and at

term, for stealing to the value of five dollars; imprisonment for not less than three months, for being a rogue or a vagabond, &c. The only distinction between white


or black was that a negro or mulatto slave, not sentenced to be hung for any crime, under the act, might be punished by

imprisonment, or, in the discretion of the court, by a whip ping of not over a hundred lashes, and also by banishment,
2 This by transportation and sale into some foreign country. act on crimes, and the opening of the State penitentiary in 1811, finished and formulated the change which had been

Experience evinces, states taking place in public sentiment. the old-fashioned preamble to the act, that the surest way of
preventing the perpetration of crimes and of reforming offen-

1789, 44, &c.; 1808, 113. 1809, 138. The act gave the penalty of hanging for any person, white, and im free black or slave, convicted of raising insurrection of negroes prisonment for between six and twenty years, for attempts so to do. The

keeper of the Penitentiary was empowered to punish unruly or idle pris oners by short solitary confinement the Board of Inspection could order more severe punishment, including whipping. For attempts to escape, the Court should give additional labor, confinement, and also corporal punish


ders, is

The Negro in Mary [and.

by a mild and

justly proportioned scale of punish


any colored person who would, under the have been sent to the penitentiary for less than one year, was kept in jail, or fined or whipped, or both fined and whipped. After the next year, the courts were forbidden


act of 1817,

act of 1809,

to send

any slaves to the penitentiary the punishments for them, for crime, being hanging, or not over forty lashes, or not necessarily, now, into some for transportation and sale

eign country, but any where except into the District of Colum bia. By a supplement of the following year, these were nar

We find the case hanging or transportation. of one negro who was convicted of burglary and, being deemed a free man, was put into the penitentiary, of course. It was stated afterward that he was a slave and so the Governor was authorized by the Assembly to order his sale out of
to either
1 ;

Maryland, provided that was a slave.





to a

jury that he

their lot

these convict slaves sold out of the State found


punishment for their crimes, seems to have been a matter of some doubt. Certain it is that the blacks themselves attached a very unpleasant significance to the words sold South." We cannot believe that convicts would have been purchased for any other purpose than the most rigorous


work. 2
act of


1833 allowed masters

to sell out of


slaves for a term of years,

who were

proven, to the sat

These were isfaction of the courts, to be notoriously vicious. sold for their unexpired term of service only, and the courts required proof that they had been previously warned duly of such punishment as the result of misbehavior. Slaves who
1818, 197; 1819, 159. notice an advertisement in a Baltimore paper of 1851, of valuable slaves for sale, for whom good homes rather than high prices were desired. Also, such good servants would be "exchanged for servants suitable for the

MSI?, 72;


South, with bad




gave much trouble by attempts to run away, might, under the same restrictions, be sold in or out of Maryland for their
unexpired terms. The very next year, the committee of the House of Delegates on Colored Population was asked for leave to sell thus out of the State a negro girl eighteen years old, who was known to have run away several times from a
previous owner and to have been in jail for other charges also. But the petition was denied, with the observation that the petitioner must have known the character of his purchase,

and that the

girl s

pointed his reasonable expectations.

the committee

subsequent conduct could not have disap We refrain, continued

s report, from touching the moral obligations of the State not to send an unworthy and dangerous part of her population upon another community, uninformed of the

character of the persons and we think, also, that sale out of the State for a term of years would, in most cases, although the black was given his right to freedom in papers under the seal of court, amount to nothing short of slavery for life.


years later, the House of Delegates urged the Senate to pass a bill allowing a certain woman to sell out of Maryland a slave who was notoriously vicious and incorrigible, but who

had not been warned of the

possibility of such sale.


policy of the law, said the House committee, is to permit the removal of slaves known for vicious habits or gross miscon

duct; and when these characteristics are shown so as to de stroy all reasonable expectation of reform in conduct, the slave

may justly

portation. the slave was said to be so vicious as to be kept in jail, to pro 1 tect his mistress. In 1845, Governor Pratt called public
attention to the fact that the only punishments of consequence for slaves were either hanging or sale from the State that is,

be subjected to the punishment of immediate trans But no act seems to have been passed although

reads the executive message, the substitution for his master of another master living without the limits of Maryland,

House Journals,

1834, 544, &c.

1836, 381, 569.

Acts of 1833, 224.


The Negro



which would not be considered by the slave or the community any punishment whatever. The penitentiary was closed to slaves, and transportation would only defeat the ends of jus tice. The attention of the Governor seems to have been espe

drawn to the matter by the case of a slave who had just been sentenced to death by the court of Charles county, for insurrection, but who was deemed worthy of clemency by a

In accordance with large number of citizens of the county. the suggestion, the law was so changed that slaves, convicted
of any of the higher grade of offences, should be punished as other persons were. On the expiration of their terms of im

prisonment they were sold at auction, to be carried out of the 1 State. Petty larceny, of which the negroes as a class are guilty in large numbers, was not included in these offences, it is interesting to note. The executive message of 1858, tell
ing the Assembly that nearly half of the convicts in the penitentiary were negroes, suggested that the courts should

again be given the power of selling out of the State slaves convicted of certain felonies. This, it said, would relieve the
institution of a large class, unprofitable

and not

to be


by prison


The law was soon changed

so that no

Slaves could be given negroes were sent to the penitentiary. not over forty lashes, or be sold out of the State.

The many acts which declared that "any person" or who were guilty of specified offences were liable persons"



punishment, were interpreted, as had evidently been intended, slaves as well as free. The to include blacks as well as whites

Court of Appeals affirmed

this judgment, in 1859,

when a


that an

tried to escape a sentence of a act forbidding any person



county court on the plea to obtain goods under

false pretences,

did not affect slaves.


have noticed, and

shall notice further, in the course of our study, the general

1 1845, 340. Masters were paid, of course, for slaves transported. 124. Code of 1860, 30, 194. 2 14 Md., 135.




laws declaring offences and giving penalties, which concerned negroes and slaves peculiarly. It would be tedious and useless
to give

more than
in purport


a few examples of the many local laws. and in the penalties given, they show no

general public policy, and reflect often, like much special legistion the world over, the whims and bad rhetoric of the local Yet they help to show us the customs of the member."


Thus, for selling provisions out of the market-house

at Fredericktown,


act of 1770, a free


could be fined

ten shillings, a servant or slave could be given not over fifteen lashes. Again, for destroying the gates which a certain resi

dent of Dorchester county was allowed to keep across the road, in 1846, a free man could be fined a trifling sum, while a slave

who injured ten lashes.


or left




came before a justice, of


open wilfully, could be given not over course. Other

acts did not let off so easily the


free person

who evaded

on certain

master of an offending slave. toll roads, was to be

fined twenty shillings,

act of 1801, while the master of a


servant or slave

who evaded

addition to the

was to pay half that sum, which were to be given the

If a servant or slave bought provisions himself. out of market in Chestertown, his owner was liable to pay twenty-five shillings, half the fine for a free man. If a citizen

attempted to avoid
to Baltimore, a

toll on the turnpike road from Washington law of 1796 made him liable to fine of two dollars, and if his slave offended, he was liable to pay one dollar. We find similar provisions on certain toll roads sixty years later; in one case, the parent of a minor being made
2 equally liable with the master of a steward or slave. So, in law of 1843, the parent of a minor or master of Baltimore, by

When in 1731 the "Charming Molly"

appeared off Annapolis with small

pox on board, the rule was made that no one should go aboard her and return without license. If a freeman offended, he could be sued for one hundred pounds if a servant or slave, he was to be given at least thirty -nine stripes on the bare back and be sent back at once on board.

1847, 220; 1860, 267.


The Negro in Maryland.

a slave or apprentice who might steal rides on vehicles, had to pay half the ordinary fine. The overseers of roads in Somerset

county were authorized in 1799 to call out all males for certain work on the roads. If a slave or servant were not sent

when duly

called for, or




he refused to do reasonable

work, the master became liable to pay one dollar, the same fine as for his own failure to appear. At the very next session,

was so changed as to empower the overseers to compel the proper service from the slaves instead of fining the masters a system, says the supplement, which had been found to be 1 It is interesting to note here that oppressive and injurious. certain citizens from Baltimore county petitioned the House of Delegates in 1824, that slave owners should be made liable for theft and misdemeanors committed by their slaves. The report of the House committee was adverse. They thought it would conflict with the principles of justice to make the master responsible for any misdeeds done while the slave was not in the discharge of his duties as a servant. This was the doctrine, continued the committee, recognized by the law as to injuries of a civil nature by servants of any kind, and the same should certainly be applied to criminal cases. There were also many local laws which allowed the master to save his slave a sore back by paying a fine himself. Thus, by act of 1785, a

free person convicted of wilfully destroying any lamp, sentrybox, &c., in Baltimore, was to be fined three pounds, and

a parent or master was liable equally for damage done by his children or his bound servants or apprentices. slave would be

given not over thirty-nine lashes, unless the master chose to pay the fine or repair the damage. Afterward, according to the laws for the enforcement of the ordinances of Baltimore
City, slaves found guilty

by a magistrate of breaking any ordinance were to be whipped, unless the fines and costs were paid, and magistrates were prohibited from trying the slaves

1799, 38; 1800,5.



So the authorities had been duly notified. of Annapolis and Frederick were allowed to punish by whip ping those slaves who might disregard the town ordinances, In 1792, the House unless the masters redeemed them.
until the masters

passed a bill to fine free

men who might

beat the waters of the

Patuxent at certain spawning seasons, and to whip slaves duly convicted of the same, unless the master would pay half
the ordinary fine. The Senate amended so that no slave should be punished if he acted by his employer s order, but that the

employer should, in that case, pay the full fine. A somewhat similar provision was made in 1800, to protect fish in the Great Choptank, but we notice that forty years later the law

gave a whipping without any exception. Early in the century, three acts were passed at intervals of a few years each, to pre vent the erection of seines and weirs in three rivers in different

One act, to prevent obstructions to navigation, fixed counties. a penalty of twenty-five dollars for free men, and not over twenty lashes for slaves, acting without their master s direc

provided always that the slave might be redeemed by

anyone who would pay twenty-five dollars. Free man or slave, the case was tried before a magistrate. The second act to
prevent certain obstructions to the movement of fish fixed a penalty of one hundred dollars for free men, and of not over
thirty-nine lashes for slaves, provided that anyone might redeem a slave by payment of fifty dollars, and that a slave

who had

but that the master, in such a

acted by order of his master should not be punished, case, should pay a hundred

The third act also to protect fish gave a penalty dollars. of twenty dollars for a free man, and not over thirty-nine lashes for a slave, unless some one redeemed him by payment If the master ordered the slave to commit of thirty dollars.
the offence, he was liable to the twenty dollars.



1 An exception seems to have been made in Baltimore, in that a slave convicted before the Criminal Court of cruelty to animals might be given a good whipping, if the court saw fit.

act, as

The Negro



under the preceding one, the free

man would

be tried

before the county court, the slave by a single magistrate. Of these three acts, the first remained in force in 1860


smaller fine and fewer lashes

the penalties of the second had been changed to a the third had been done away, ;

the law forbidding simply any obstructions to be erected by any person under penalty of fine of not over fifty dollars. In
all cases,

of free


or slave, the trial

was before a


To make any sweeping assertions as to the rigor or mildness with which this criminal code was enforced against the blacks,
would be hazardous. Even if we had the records of all the courts, the few words of the docket entries would tell neither the circumstances of a case nor the fitness of a penalty. Yet we may hope to throw some light on the matter, to say the

Death sentences were

ernor and Council


we remember,

to the


so the Council records

show us somewhat

2 In the case of one the greatest oifences were dealt with. woman sentenced to death in 1738, for attempting to negro poison her master, the Council recommended the warrant for


in an adjoining county, a negro of felony deserving death, but the reports guilty sent the Council were not satisfactory, evidently, for the exe


In the same year,

w as found

cution was suspended until the Attorney-General could thor oughly consider the indictment and the process in the case.

Some weeks

later, that officer

reported that the proceedings

were regular, and so the negro was executed it appearing to Soon after a notorious offender." the Council that he was

1805, 31 1808, 78 Code of 1860. records seem to be quite complete during the interesting period from 1738-1770, when, as we have seen, the criminal code became

1801, 70

The Council

most rigorous.

We note that in 1688, on the happy birth of the young Prince, the Council pardoned several negroes who had been lately condemned to death, and returned them to their masters, on payment of costs. (Council Book
B., Oct. 16, 1688.)



this, a

Oyer and Terminer and jail delivery, of three men, commissioned for Anne Arundel county, reported that
court of

they had passed sentence of death on a slave, Isaac, for bur glary and robbery, on another slave for murder, and on a


man who had committed the burglary with Isaac. As appeared to the Council that Isaac had borne a good char acter and was a real object of compassion," he was recommen

ded to the mercy of the Governor but as the crime of the other slave was murder, and as the white man was a notorious and the offender, the Council advised that they be executed

Governor acted accordingly. On the receipt of the record from St. Mary s court of the conviction of two slaves for conspiring to poison the overseer, clerk and gardener of their So, in the next master, warrants for execution were ordered. two slaves of Anne Arundel were executed, one for bur year, glary, the other for rape on a white woman ; and the body of the second, who had been a notorious offender, was hung in In 1742, seven chains at some distance from the gallows. condemned by the Provincial Court, on clear evi negroes dence/ of the murder of their master, were executed. The court of Charles county passed sentence of death on two negroes for felony, but also recommended that the men were objects of mercy. In this the Council agreed, as the men had never before been charged with any felony, and the Governor In the next year, two negroes murdered an issued pardon. Indian, and they were hung in chains and two white men were hung for burglary and murder while a white boy and a young mulatto slave, condemned for stealing, were pardoned In 1747, two negroes convicted of horse as objects of mercy. were pardoned; while another of an adjoining county, stealing was executed for the same offence, as he bore a very ill and a servant was executed for the murder of a character mulatto slave. In 1754, a slave and a white man were sen tenced to death for storebreaking and stealing, but were par doned by the Governor at the request of several gentlemen, as they were both very young, and had never been convicted for



offences before.

The Negro in Maryland.

Negroes Pompey, Sambo and Jack were con Anne Arundel for entering a storehouse


to death in

stealing fifty

pounds of bacon and ten gallons of rum. As

might, in the opinion of the Council, his father Pompey, he and Jack were

Sambo was young, and

have been influenced by

pardoned, but Pompey was hung. And a negro who mur dered his overseer was hung in chains as near as possible to the scene of the murder. When, in 1761, the conviction of

two negroes was sent to the Council without proper informa tion, a letter was sent to the clerk of the county court, thus: The Governor and Council upon hearing read the copy of the conviction of negro Tom for a felony and also of negro Nace for a felony in breaking open the meat-house of Cathe

your county, sent up by you without any Letter or Report from the Justices of the county who were present at the Tryals, how the circumstances appeared to them, you are
rine Price of

therefore desired to enquire of


in Relation to the


and transmit their answer

opportunity, in order to lay it before the Council at their next meeting." At their next meeting was read the report of the justices and a

me by



from several of them and a clergyman, recommending

the offenders as objects of mercy. They were accordingly Bett Pone," convicted of an attempt negress, pardoned.


to poison her overseer,




to the

mercy of

the Governor by the justices, and was accordingly pardoned. When three negroes were sentenced for attempt to poison, in Calvert county, in 1764, the county clerk evidently neglected
to send the full particulars to the Council, for the papers were

returned with orders that he procure from the justices a report of the behavior of the culprits. Their owners were also asked

they chose to transport the negroes from the Province ; but There were at they requested the execution of the sentence.

that time a


number of cases of poisoning or attempts to poison. slave murdered the wife and child of his master. An

other slave was sentenced, in Prince George s county, for pois oning a fellow-slave but a reprieve was issued, in answer to



a petition from his master, on the condition that he should not

stay in the county after five days from that date.
cases, negroes

In several
instead of

were bound over to good behavior

In 1766, a negro was condemned for attempting being hung. to poison his master convicted by confession and by testimony of a slave who was privy to his preparing a "Dose composed of Ground Poppies and other Ingredients which he supposed

A young negress, slave of a citizen of Charles was convicted in 1766, of setting fire to a tobacco house, county, from which the dwelling house of her master was consumed.

On asking information, the Council learned that the girl in the absence of her master, drew some cider and left the spigot
open, for which her mistress threatened to tell her master and have her whipped. Several times the girl asked forgiveness of her mistress and begged that the fault might be concealed

from her master. Then, in despair, she set fire to a tobacco house, and the dwelling house and offices were wholly con sumed. After the trial, the mistress went to the house of one of the justices and begged him to apply to the Governor for pardon, saying that if the girl were executed, she never could
forgive herself for obstinately persisting in her threats of punishment ; that she knew not but that the girl might have been intoxicated with the liquor she drew, and that she

had before behaved herself



well as negroes in


The master expressed himself as willing to have the girl pardoned. One of the justices testified to the fact that the
court had inquired into the girPs character, that she seemed but little sensible of her situation at the trial, and that her

youth and her confession of the crime appeared to be the only But the attention of the Council circumstances in her favor.


called, also, to the fact that

two other

cases of

burning of

1 In 1762, a negro was condemned for a felony, in Charles county court but a reprieve for a month was issued by the Governor, and the sheriff was

ordered to set the fellow free and acquaint would be called to his former sentence.


that unless he behaved, he


The Negro in Maryland.

tobacco houses had occurred in the same county during the preceding winter. The Council evidently hesitated, considera tion of the case was put off for some days, and then the war rant for execution was issued. slave was convicted in St.


county, the


year, of breaking into his master s

for his pardon, stating that the slave

The master asked


himself confessed, and had not before offended; a friend seconded the request, adding that the negro was a very valuable slave ; and in addition, one of the magistrates wrote
not fond of having rogues escape punishment, but on the contrary should rather choose they should suffer as examples



others, particularly negroes,


among whom



but too common, yet on this occasion I must hope roguery your Excellency will grant what is desired." So, the follow ing year, the master of a negro convicted of breaking open a building, asked for his pardon, as the black was valuable

and had had a tolerably good character

while the owner of

the building wrote the master having told him that his as the person injured, would be required that consent,


your Excellency


inclinable to extend

your mercy unto

the poor wretch, I


humbly submit." Again, a year later, a of twenty-nine names was presented for the pardon of

a negro sentenced for burglary, stating that the crime was

committed through over-persuasion, youth and inexperience that the master could not purchase so serviceable a slave, and

notwithstanding the high value the court was pleased to put on him, would be a great sufferer at that time if the negro must suffer death and that the petitioners would not fear for and again, a their property should the boy be pardoned

pardon was granted. In 1770, three negroes were condemned for murder in Prince George s county, one as having given the blow and the
other two as abettors

and the court

stated that


seemed to

be the opinion of many gentlemen of the county, as well as of the court, that it would be very proper to execute the law in Warrants were so issued, save that the two its full rigor.



abettors were spared the part of the sentence which directed This is the that the right hand be cut off before execution.

only case


find in the Council Records in

which the law


the punishment of slaves for the highest crimes seems to have been executed to the letter. 1 During this period many culprits, white and black alike, met with no clemency. One of the
planters, for instance, who was said indeed to be no good char was executed for breaking and entering a store house


an inn, and stealing therefrom "two. Pair of Pumps of the value of fifteen shillings current money. The Governor was empowered, a few years




later, to

commute death

sentences to other penalties.



mention of thirteen negroes sentenced to death between 1786 and 1801. Of these, one slave was hung for rape; five, of whom
were slaves, were transported for rape, arson and other felonies; two slaves convicted of murder were put to work on the roads for fifty years, and two others for twenty
at least three

years for other felonies

and the death sentences of three slaves

were commuted without specified conditions. 2 Anne Arundel county had a large slave population.


find five cases of slaves before the county court between 1760 and 1764 one for assault and rape on a woman, evidently a



three for breaking and stealing ; and one for firing a All threw themselves, as the old phrase went, on
their country, that

God and

were tried by jury, and


chanced to be acquitted and discharged. From 1768 to 1771 two negroes were tried. One, evidently a free negro, was

found guilty of manslaughter for killing a negro, and was branded in the hand. The other, a slave, found guilty by a jury of stealing a coat valued at one hundred pounds of

Act of 1751, ch. 14. By this, the criminal was to have his right hand cut off before execution, and his body quartered and exposed afterward. From this special mention of the execution of the law in its full rigor, we

presume that slaves were ordinarily executed as others were. *See Votes and Proceedings, and Resolutions of the Assemblies.


The Negro in Maryland.

was sentenced to be hanged. About the same time, two white laborers, one of whom had stolen a sheep worth eighty pounds of tobacco, and the other various goods to the value of two hundred and eighty pounds, were sentenced to return those things and make four-fold restitution, and to stand in the pillory for five minutes, and to have twenty-five lashes on the bare back at the public whipping post. Of at two terms in 1790, several were for eighty presentments dealing with negroes, and in one case, a free black paid thirty shillings for an assault, but there were no slaves of thirty-nine at one term in 1794, one was a white for an assault on a negro and another was a slave woman for an assault, but both failed to appear of fifty-three, four years later, one seems to have been the same woman, one was a negro presented for murder, and there was one slave, who was referred to a single magis trate. Among a multitude of civil suits and of bastardy cases, with an occasional assault or other criminal case, it is here and

there only that



find a slave

brought before the county


the papers belonging to the city of Annapolis are

several books of proceedings of the mayor s court, which had apparently much the same jurisdiction as single magistrates had in the counties, and which dispensed justice to all persons


disregarded the ordinances of that

little city.



consisted of the mayor, recorder and several aldermen, but the mayor seems to have been absent often. The cases before the

court were not,


must be




allowed his

confessed, of a very serious nature. chimney to get on fire, was fined


forty shillings

broken bottles before his But door, paid five shillings on submission, without trial. when in 1720 a man had the temerity to utter four separate


oaths, one after the other, he was put in the stocks for three hours, and fined for the first oath two shillings and sixpence, and five shillings for each of the others. At the January term

of 1790, there were several cases of assault, and one white man was fined seven shillings sixpence and fees for assaulting



another, and a fellow culprit, five shillings and fees for assault The most common offence under the city ordi ing a negro.

nances seems to have been the entertainment



sale of

One liquor to, apprentices, indentured servants and slaves. who ventured to sell a bottle of rum to a young Dutch person
s service, had to pay five shillings ; and sold a pint of liquor to a negro of Charles another, Carroll, Esq., without the required permission in writing from This sum was the cus the master, atoned by forty shillings.


in the



thus selling without leave, or for keeping a find one item of fines due in 1754, from disorderly house.


fine for



to wit, to entertaining six slaves,

two hundred pounds

of tobacco each, or a total of five pounds sterling. At a session in 1765, the grand jury found indictments for entertaining and selling liquor to servants and slaves, to the number of sixty-

one person, of forty-two each against two others, and some forty and more beside. The first mention of negro culprits is at a session of 1783, when of twenty presentments, five were slaves. One, for suffering hogs to go at large, does not appear to have been brought to trial. Two of them, and confessed to carrying fire through the women, appeared street, whereupon one was excused on payment of costs, and the other probably because she had neither money nor indul
five against

gent master received the only corporal punishment of which we find mention in these dockets, to wit, one lash on the bare

She was handed over

to the sheriff,

who soon informed

the court he had executed the judgment. The two others were men, who paid the court each ten shillings and costs for gal loping on horseback through the streets. The negro boys seem

have taken great delight

in fast driving

eral years later, a free black accused of the

and riding. Sev same offence, plead


not guilty, but was convicted by jury and paid the customary One grand jury of this little court desired to be no
respecter of persons, for they presented in 1813, for allowing his sleigh to be driven at improper speed, no less a personage

than Charles Carroll of Carrollton

but the case was dismissed


The Negro in Maryland.

on motion of the prosecutor. Another citizen was presented, had over-driven or overworked a horse. Of nine teen presentments in J785 one was a black; of twenty-three in 1789 two were blacks, but the cases were not brought up till the All three were accused of following year evidently. forcing horses ; one case was declared off, and fines were paid in the others. Two of these were slaves. Of over two hun dred cases mentioned between 1790 and 1805, twelve were of
as his slave

blacks. Of two, of free blacks, accused of keeping a disorderly house and of letting hogs go astray, we find no further notice. That of a slave for assaulting a man a white apparently

was quashed.

free black paid ten shillings


costs for

riding in a cart unlawfully,

and the

case of a slave accused of

the same offence was declared off

by the




blacks and two slaves were fined for forcing horses, \vhile the indictments against three slaves for the same offence were

In 1812, there is the mere mention of a negro ac quashed. cused of an assault. The next year, a certain white man was
fined eight dollars for assaulting another,

and was



guilty by a jury of assault on a negro, and was fined one cent therefor. There is no mention of a case against a negro in the

dockets from 1813 to 1818.

the abolition of capital punishment except in extreme with the decay of the pillory and the stocks, and with cases, the building of the penitentiary, we find the slaves convicted


of serious offences in the circuit courts, ordinarily imprisoned or sold out of the State, and those convicted of minor offences,
before these courts or a magistrate, receiving a whipping. Thus in Baltimore, in 1858, a white man was fined three dol
justice, for pitching cents

and committed in default, by a on Sunday; and a slave brought before the same justice for the same offence, was given fifteen

and thirty -three




slave, for

throwing a brick, contrary to ordiif

These docket books seem

to cover

very largely,

not wholly, the work

of the

mayor s court

for the time.



nance of the city, got the same punishment; and another atoned by twenty lashes for a threat to shoot a colored lad. One slave who pleaded guilty to stealing a large quantity of

by request of his master, instead of two slaves of Prince George s with robbery, was dropped on condition that county, charged they be sold South. For more serious offences, a slave boy was given ten years in the penitentiary for setting fire to a

was given ten

being sold South.


case of


while a young slave girl


tried twice to set fire to

she confessed, to see the fire employer come up, was released by order of the grand jury of engines Baltimore criminal court, as not being bright. slave con
s stable, in order, as

victed in Talbot county court, in 1851, of a violent assault with a knife on a white man, was given five years in the peni
tentiary. young slave girl presented in Caroline county, in 1855, for causing the death of her mistress by putting arsenic in her coffee, and found guilty of murder in the second degree,

was sentenced to eighteen years imprisonment. And a slave of Queen Anne s county was given nearly the same time, for 1 the murder, in the second degree, of a white man.


see that the letter

of the law alone


not sufficient tes


to the

customary administration of justice.

But we

The local paper adds that a mob was seen about the jail, and that the negro was at once taken to the penitentiary. That part of the old act of 1723 (ch. 15) which allowed the cropping of the ear of a negro or other slave," convicted before a magistrate of strik

ing a white person or of certain other offences, was formally done away in 1821 (ch. 240). Whipping, limited to thirty-nine lashes, was substituted.
Niles Register for September, 1826, states that a white man had recently undertaken to chastise a black woman who was not his slave, and, when

she resisted and whipped him, had had her arrested under the old law which provided cropping of the ear of a black who should make defence against the assault of a white. But the magistrate dismissed the case. Several severe and very uncouth laws," added the report, "yet remain on


The Negro in Maryland.

must remember that the court in which the slave was most meet injustice was that of the local magistrate, who be called away from business or pleasure, when drunk might or sober, to give sentence within a few hours perhaps of the commission of the offence, while the injured neighbors were
liable to




courts there are no records

nor are

there of those countless courts to which slaves were liable for

their every-day conduct the master or the overseer. Slavery used often to be spoken of by those who favored it, as a patri archal institution, under which the slaves were subject to the
s judgment and guidance, somewhat as were his chil There is every reason to believe that the great majority of slaves in Maryland were properly and kindly treated. But as some parents seem to be devoid of that affection which is so common, and which is called natural, so not even the usual kindly feeling of men and their natural disinclination to injure



own property, were sufficient to keep masters occasion from maltreating their slaves. ally If the white servant was unjustly or abusively treated by anyone, he could enter complaint before the authorities, like

any of the



he could

testify in

freely, of course, as if he


any case as In the records of the

our statute books in full force, being unrepealed, but unenforced, because of the ameliorated condition of society, and the changes that have taken place in public opinion." The writer evidently did not know that the law had

been changed we are by no means sure that the magistrate did In 1829 was repealed that part of an act of 1793 which allowed the sale at auction, for terms of service, of persons remaining in prison for a month,

fines, unable to give recognizance. (1793, 57 1829, 38.) notice the sale, as servants, of a white woman and her bastard mu latto child, in 1790 and of white women for having colored children, in


non-payment of


1793 and 1794.

their parents,

The punishment

of such bastard children, for the sins of

was abolished in 1796.

(1796, 67.)

the act for the punishment of criminals was before the House, in 1793, a motion to strike out the clause allowing female prisoners to be given not over fifteen stripes, for misbehavior, was carried by vote of 40 to


Males could be given thirty-nine




two such complaints.

Provincial Court for 1658, for instance, there is mention of But the Council, a half century later, did not allow a servant, we remember, to have his master put

under bonds to keep the peace, saying that such a custom

would be inconvenient. In 1692, the attention of the Assembly was called to the most barbarously cut off fact that a certain resident had
" "

the ears of a mulatto girl, a servant for a long term of years. special act thereupon manumitted the girl, as a recompense

for the injuries.



was further enacted that the

county court should thereafter set free at once any slave who should be dismembered or cauterized by the master, or by the
overseer with the master


And any

master or over

should deny to any English servant or slave suffi cient meat, drink, lodging and clothing, or should unreason
ably burden them with overwork, or refuse to them necessary rest and sleep, should be fined for a first or second offence, in


judgment of the court and on a third


offence, the servant

or slave should be freed.



were soon afterwards

limited to not over one thousand pounds of tobacco, but there was added that servants and slaves should not be excessively beaten or abused. But the general act of 1715, which super

seded earlier acts on servants and slaves, provided the fine of a thousand pounds of tobacco, and loss of the servant for a
third offence, against any master, or overseer acting by the master s orders, who should fail to provide sufficient food,

clothing and lodging for, or should unreasonably burden or abuse or keep from proper rest, or give more than ten lashes

any one offence to, any servant whatsoever." If a master thought his servant deserved more punishment, he could take


before a magistrate,


could order thirty-nine lashes.

This evidently applied to servants only. 1


before and

Acts of 1692, 1699, 1704, 1715, 44, on Servants and Slaves. In some sections of the act of 1715, slaves only are mentioned in others, both servants and slaves are expressly mentioned other sections, still,

after these acts

The Negro



slaves as well as servants

whether or not the act of 1715 applied to very cruel masters were liable to

be brought before the courts. We find notice of an inquest held by the court of Kent county in 1652, over the death of a Scotchman, a servant,

and that the

his death,

with the verdict of the jury that his death was caused by fever, stripes given him by his master, not long before



not material.



six years later, a


Court for causing the death of her and was found not guilty. A planter of some note servant, was brought before the Provincial Court, about the same time, for causing the death of a slave who died under his correction. This case was tried at length, the accused being held over from one court to the next in the sum of one hundred thou sand pounds of tobacco. The jury gave a verdict of ignoramus,
tried in the Provincial


the evidence not being found sufficient to convict. 1 If we turn to the latter days of slavery, we find that a resident of


Talbot county, complained of to the grand jury by his neigh was fined a hundred dollars and heavy costs, for cruelty

to a slave.


another report of cruelty came to another

mention, and apply evidently to, servants only. Herty s Digest of 1799 gives this section in question as applying to servants by indenture or other wise. (Herty, 476.) By the Code of 1860, a master who did not provide
his slave sufficient food, lodging and clothing, or who unreasonably over worked him or kept him from necessary rest, or excessively beat or abused him, was liable to a fine of twenty dollars for the first and second offences,


to the loss of the slave for the third.

After 1793, the penalty for


maiming or dismembering any one was hard labor for years, at least. 1 See Hanson s Old Kent, 22, 223. Provincial Court Records, 1658-1662, In the case of the planter we read, on the one hand, how 146, 161, 493. the negro was put in chains by order of his mistress for some misdemeanor how he refused then to work, and pretended to be in a fit how he was whipped with a little switch, had hot lard poured down his back, and then,
; ;

got up, was tied to a ladder. Still being stubborn, he was left a cold wind arose, and he soon died. On the other hand, the over seer testified that the negro would not do even as much work as to get his

when he



and had run away and lived by



and was withal



ugly, yelling, beast-like



grand jury of the same county, an examination showed that the master, who had recently moved there, had been sold a number of troublesome negroes, that he had suspected one of
setting fire to his barn, and had handled them rather roughly, The jury de attaching to one of them a ball and chain.




consideration that there was no ground


for prosecution.

In 1843, there was some

excitement in

Baltimore county over the case of a slave boy who was found hung after he had been whipped by his master. The coroner s
jury found

to be a case of suicide;

and the master recovered

sum of one hundred dollars from one of the prominent Baltimore papers which had mentioned the matter, at first, with some In 1847, the atten slight suspicion as to the circumstances.
in a libel suit,

by jury


in the county court, the

Court in Baltimore was called to a negro boy who was held as an apprentice by one of the superin tendents of chimneys there. He wore a strong iron collar riveted about his neck, which, the master said, had been put on some six months before, as the boy had run away. The boy himself did not complain of any bad treatment other than this collar. The court examined the indentures of apprentice and found them wholly invalid, and so ordered the boy s ship, Later, in the same court, a man discharge from servitude. was fined ten dollars and costs, amounting to nearly twenty dollars, for an excessive assault on a slave. Again, a colored was thought by the coroner s chimney sweep, aged only ten, The sweep-master was then jury to have died from exposure. brought before a justice and held over to answer the grand jury in the sum of five hundred dollars. He was tried a month But there were other cases of later and found not guilty. cruelty than of white to black. In Howard county, in 1858, a man was fined one hundred dollars and costs, and given a keen rebuke besides, for abusing an apprentice boy. A colored
tion of the Criminal
1 1

Baltimore Sun, Feb.




Oct. 20th, 1847

Oct. 29th, 1853


10th, 1858

Sept. 25th, 1860.


The Negro in Maryland.



Baltimore was convicted of manslaughter in 1858,

in causing the death of her niece, a colored girl, and was given imprisonment for over nine years the full extent of the law.

A white man of Baltimore was put in jail for three months and fined in all over seventy dollars, for severely whipping his daughter. We find here and there in the court records,
those expressions of the brutal side of human nature which are to be seen the world over. But the presence of a servile class,

of a race deemed far inferior to the whites, added temptations to the man who might be quick in temper, drunken in habit,
or cruel in nature.
best elements in the


was often impossible however the community may have desired it to have

cruelty punished with deserving rigor.

Leave was given in the House of Delegates, in 1818, to bring in a bill on and batteries commilted on slaves. All we know of it is that it was to apply to certain counties only, that it was reported by a committee, and that the matter then ended by its being referred back to the committee with


summary punishment of slaves using provoking (House Journal, 13, 36.) As personal property, slaves were subject to sale at their masters Note. will. Many masters, as is well known, avoided any sale of their servants, In some cases in the distribution of estates most especially faithful ones.
instructions for a bill for the

and insolent language.


be taken from the State.

there was attached to the sale the condition that they should not Thus we find in the Eastern Shore Whig, 1830,

s sale of negroes, not to be sold to persons out of Again, in the Baltimore Maryland, or to those who would sell them out Sun, 1858, a negro is advertised, sound, sold for no fault, and not to be taken out of the State. A certain resident of Baltimore had bought a girl for a term of years, on condition that she should not be sold away but finding her vicious and of troublesome habits, he applied to the court, and got leave to sell her in or out of the State. A firm of slave dealers on the Eastern Shore advertised in the Easton Gazette, in 1845, under a large heading, Cash Cash We have returned from the South, and are again in the market with a

the notice of a trustee


for every descrip plentiful supply of the needful, which we will exchange tion of negroes," but those who did not care to sell servants out of the State for sale a

were assured that their wishes would be followed. The same firm offered woman, slave for a term of years, and two young children, on con
sales, notice

dition that they be not separated. Of goods and chattels to be sold at sheriffs or constables


to be given for ten

days previous to



posters in at least three



public places, except for slaves, who, like lands and tenements, were to be posted for twenty days and published in a newspaper. (1816, 129, &c.) A wife s property was not responsible for her husband s debts, unless acquired from him in prejudice of creditors. The control and management of slaves

owned by a wife were in the husband, and at the death of the wife, the slaves and any increase born up to her death, went to her children, subject to the use of the husband during his life, without liability to his The increase of the slaves born during the survivorship of the creditors.
husband were his in absolute right. If the wife died without leaving chil dren or their descendants, the slaves went to the husband. (1842, 293.
17 Md., 352.) Slaves had frequently to be sold or separated in the settlement of estates. The Provincial Court, in 1749, had decided that the issue of slaves born

during the

slaves to the

life only, passed with the but the Court of Appeals, three years after, held that the legatee for life was entitled to the increase born during the continuance of the life estate. This was on the principle that the bequest

of one


held the slaves for



for life of the use of a

female slave vested in the tenant for


a property

in the issue born, as part of the use." Thus, in the case of an ante nuptial contract by which the husband was to be entitled, on the death of

the wife, to whatever profit or issue accrued to the wife s property during her married life, the Court of Appeals held that the slaves owned by the woman at marriage went to her representatives, but the children of the
negroes, born during that time, belonged to the surviving husband, being issues and profits." (1 H. & McH., 109 7 H. & J., 194 10 G. J., 299 ;


But a case which came before the Chancellor in 1850, in 10 Md., 251.) which land and negroes and other property were left in trust, the income to be applied to a certain person during life, was held to be different, and


the increase of the negroes was deemed the property of the person for whom the estate was held in trust. "To separate the issue from the involves the necessity of determining at mother," added the Chancellor,

what age this may be done. The infant cannot be torn from its mother. No one would buy, and humanity would cry out against Appeal was taken on this decision, the Court of Appeals was divided, and so it stood confirmed. (4 Md., 532). The general principle in such cases was as before




Md. Chan.,


In 1836, also, the Court of Appeals, reversing a decree of the Court of Chancery, decided that the issue of a mortgaged slave born after the title of the mortgagee had become absolute, although the slaves were in the pos session of the mortgagor, was liable for the payment of the debt as well as
the parent, and might be sold, in the process of law, with the parents. The mortgagee being legal owner of the parent must also own the offspring born during his title, subject to the equitable right of the mortgagor to redeem. We are happy to find," said the Court, that in this instance, the law of
" "



The Negro in Maryland.

are in perfect

the land and the law of nature

J., 24.)




No slaves, the subjects of an action of replevin, could be sold during the action. The House of Delegates urged on the Senate the passage of the
prohibition, as slaves had been replevied from their owners and sold at once out of the State. (1833, 274.) There is mention of a bill reported to the House in 1856, to prevent the sale of slaves at the suit of creditors, or for payment of the owner s debts. It is not uninteresting to note that at the Assembly of 1671, a bill for the

of Orphans Estates" was carefully considered. Objection the provision that the guardian should deliver to the ward, on becoming of age, negroes of like ages and ability, because no man can be sure hereafter to purchase any negroes," and guardians might also take or

was made



the negroes of the estate to their own use. So it was enacted that no negroes should be disposed of in any way as long as there were other goods of the estate sufficient to satisfy all just debts but all slaves should be appraised to the guardians or administrators and employed to their benefit,

and the


number and

of like ability returned to the wards out of the

any deficit to be made good in money or tobacco, under the appraisement of the county courts. And if the guardians did not wish to accept the slaves on these terms, the courts should so let them out as to best preserve them and their increase, that the wards might have the original stock made good to them in number, value and ability." (Md. Arch., II, 317, &c.) The act of 1729 (ch. 24), which was in force apparently to 1798, provided that no slaves should be sold by an executor or administrator, or
reserved for his own use for payment of any private debt nor should slaves be taken in execution for debt so long as there were other goods. We shall see, in the chapter on manumission, the protection that was given at law to slaves manumitted. An act of 1662 declared as taxables, all male children born in the Prov

ince, at sixteen years of age j-all

male servants imported, at or before ten male and female, at ten years. But the age was soon fixed at sixteen years and upwards for all males of the Province, all male ser vants imported, and all slaves whatsoever. After 1715, there were excepted all settled clergymen of the Church of England, all poor living at public In 1725, free negro women, cost, and all slaves too old or infirm for labor. and female mulattoes born of white women, were added. (Md. Arch., I,


all slaves,

as well as the aged, had been taxed master general fees, under the act of 1662; but as this was found to be a real grievance," there was enacted, four years later, that no slaves whatever, nor any person under sixteen or over sixty or impotent, should be taxable for the fees.
for the

449:11,539. 1715,15. 1725,4.) All slaves and servants, the young

Taxes on slaves were afterward regulated by law according to ages. At the end of the last century,, and as late as 1812, male slaves who were



tradesmen were to be valued according to their trade and proficiency. In 1852, the general valuation on slaves was (1782, 4; 1812, 191.) -12 years...$ 75.00 -12 years...$ 50.00 f ... 200.00 12-21 ... 250.00 12-21 Females Males 21-45 ... 300.00 ... 400.00 21-40 100.00 45-60 160.00 40-60 Those who were incapable from age or infirmity were exempt from taxa









We may add,

(1852, 337.) that

we have looked with some

legislation of Barbadoes Apparently, it did not.

may have

interest, to see if the early influenced the slave code in Maryland.



For a hundred years and more after the settlement of Mary land, there were no regulations by law for the manumission of There was simply the declaration that baptism did slaves. Some masters freed their slaves, and some not give freedom.
slaves petitioned the~courts for freedom ; but such cases were The forms and solemnities by which freedom was vested few.
in the

negro depended, probably, on the legal ideas of the master or of the local magistrate, as was the case in some Northern States always, where the number of slaves remained


Claims for freedom were

tried, as far as


Court or the General Court only, for know, in 1693, the Provincial Court received many years. Thus, the petition for freedom of a negro woman who had been born in New England and brought to Maryland, as she claimed, as But the jury found her a slave, and such she a servant. In 1747 a citizen of Queen Anne s county manu remained. mitted several slaves by his will and gave also to them and
in the Provincial

hundred years after, the heirs sold a portion of this land, but doubts were expressed as to the validity of the title given, as the original bequests had been made at a time when manumission by will was not authorized by law. So a special act declared the will valid, and the heirs
their heirs a tract of land.
1 Court Records, Liber C, 162, 361. The provision of the act of 1715, that the Provincial and county courts could determine complaints between masters and servants by way of petition, may have brought petitions for

freedom before the county courts.

(See 2 H.


McH., 29

4 Gill, 257.)




of the negroes free and in full possession of the land, so as to 1 In 1752, when the slave population may give a good title. have been forty thousand, was enacted the first law on manu




masters had used their slaves as long as they and had then turned them adrift to burden
to perish

community or

through want, to the great scandal

It was enacted, there tells us. that all slaves unable to support themselves should be fore, supported by their masters "in fitting food and clothing,"

of Christian society, as the act

and kept from begging. Delinquent masters could be put under bonds to do their duty. And slaves to be manumitted must be sound in body and mind, capable of labor and not And in order that there might be an over fifty years of age. uniform way of granting freedom, there was enacted further, that all manumissions must be in writing, under hand and the papers to be acknowledged and seal, with two witnesses endorsed by a justice, and then to be recorded within six months in the clerk s office of the county. This need of two witnesses, said the Court of Appeals in 1835, was to surround grants of manumission with such form and solemnity that slaveholders might be guarded against hasty and inconsiderate And the grant of freedom to slaves was declared null action.

and void,


by a

will or deed or

any order, during the


master; inasmuch, says the law, as the to give freedom by last will may be attended with many right Manumission was also declared illegal when it would evils.
2 This act was entitled, an operate in predjudice of creditors. act to prevent disabled and superannuated slaves being set

fatal illness of the



or the manumission of slaves by any last will or testa It dates from the time when an interesting case was

before the authorities at Annapolis. By the will of a certain citizen, made shortly before his death apparently, in 1747,

nineteen slaves

were freed and given also a great part of

1845, 327.
1752, 1

7 G.






J., 253.

his real

The Negro in Maryland.

and personal

but a niece of the testator began

proceedings against the executors, to prove the will null and void. The executors, who made no claims to any

thing under the will, neglected to produce testimony or have witnesses examined in favor of the negroes, so a petition was
presented on their behalf to the judge of probate, Daniel Dulaney, Esq., asking that they might be admitted defendants to defend the said libel," and that they might have the wit nesses to the will. In answer, though the petition was not

until after depositions were in and the probation closed, they were allowed two months in which to have depositions taken, in order that all legal rights and advantages might be


given them.

Over a year later, in 1751, Mr. Dulaney gave the opinion that the will was the result of the influence of the slaves rather the will of the slaves than of the master. Such a

was contrary to law, and to pass it would be the greatest encouragement to the slaves of a person in the situation of the testator, to compel their master to give his property to them in prejudice of his own relations. The will was there

fore declared void.

the prayer of the negroes, a court of delegates was appointed by the Governor to review the decree of Mr. Dulaney ; and this court closed its work some six





divided in opinion, two for and two against a Finally, in 1752, another court of commis

was appointed the case was reviewed, the decree of Mr. Dulaney declared null and void, and the will established and freedom given, ajid all costs ordered to be paid from the

In 1786 a petition for freedom of several came before the General Court. Their master had properly executed a deed of manumission, but it was done
testator s estate.

only eleven days before his death. he had spoken of manumission as desirable, but as an injury to the public; but he had since, he said,

during his Two weeks


Record of Court of Delegates, Liber C.

D., 186 pages.



changed his mind, and his conscience would not rest until he had freed the negroes. The magistrate testified to the ruanus soundness of mind ; but the General Court held that freedom could not be granted, and the Court of Appeals con 1 In 1786, the question of a change in the law of firmed this.


in the House of Delegates, but was defeated In 1787, there was presented votes to eleven. by forty-four an address on the same subject from the yearly meeting of the Society of Friends, but it was referred to the next Assem

1752 was raised

Then it was given a committee of seven members, three of them being from the large slave-holding counties Anne Arundel and Prince George s. The committee reported four
later, that the subject was well worthy the attention of the legislature. Experience had pointed out, they said, that such laws as that of 1752 were inadequate to the purpose


by policy nor warranted was improper and unjust that any person, by influenced by motives of religion or of humanity, should be debarred the right of manumitting his slaves at any time, by deed or will. On the second reading of this report, two weeks later, motions to amend so that the last will, to free slaves, must be executed by a testator in perfect health, or at least three months before death, were lost. Then, the House
justice, for

intended, and were neither directed

refused to concur with the committee s report by a vote of On reconsideration, the amend thirty-nine to twenty-four.

months before was carried by two votes, and then further considera 2 tion of the report was left for the next Assembly. There, in response to petitions from the Society of Friends and the Society for the Abolition of Slavery, a committee of seven members reported to the House that restrictions on voluntary It should be emancipation were neither good policy nor just. the wish of every free community, said the committee through
that the will be executed at least four


H. & McH., 127. House Journal, 1788,

22, 26, 41, &c.


The Negro in Maryland.

to abolish civil slavery,

Mr. Win. Pinkney,

tunity should

and no oppor

be neglected for reaching that end, by silent and gradual steps, with the slave-owners consent. The House in so far concurred as to pass a bill relaxing the stringent
act of 175-J,




but providing that no will should give free were made three months before the testator s

This clause was struck out by the Senate. The House insisted on retaining it by a plurality of one vote. The Senate,

by two votes, refused to recede, and the House then voted, by twenty-six to twenty-one, to continue the act of 1752.

Again, at the next session of Assembly, the Society of Friends renewed their petitions, and again did the committee of the House urge the desired changes. This time the House con curred, and the amendment that the will be made three months

was defeated there by eleven votes. The act 790 was passed by forty voices to twenty- three. It allowed manumission freely by deed, properly executed, as before, or by will at any time, saving only the rights of creditors, and provided that the slave be not over fifty years and be able to 2 work, at the time that he was to be free. In 1791 the House committee on Grievances and Courts gave a lengthy report on the inconveniences and loss which certain citizens had received from the action of the Abolition
before decease,


tions for freedom.

Society in Baltimore, in legal proceedings over several peti Though one of the counsel for the society s

agents acknowledged finally that the petitioners seemed to

have no grounds for freedom, yet new petitions were filed. The court had advised the society to pay the costs of former The trials, but found that payment could not be compelled. after hearing the memorials of the society in its House,

and examining some witnesses, condemned its action, and provided by law that no petitions for freedom, except on appeal, could be tried a second time between the same parties,

Ibid., 1789,

13,78,97, 103.
Acts of 1790, ch.

Ibid., 1790, 11, 15, 23, &c.



unless the costs of the first suit, and all reasonable damages, 1 were first paid or secured.

During the last part of the eighteenth century, manumis became more common. The population of the State, at In 1793 the same time, was spreading out more arid more. there was enacted that petitions for freedom, instead of com

ing before the General Court, should be tried in the counties where the petitioners lived ; but either party could appeal to the General Court on matters of law, where the facts had been

by a jury.


the county courts were authorized to



the appearance of masters in such cases. In 1796, the extreme age at which slaves could be manu And there was mitted was made forty-five instead of fifty.
if necessary,

added that

in any case of petition for freedom thereafter in which the petition should be dismissed or judgment be given

against the petitioner, all the legal costs of the case should be paid by the attorney prosecuting or appearing to the same, unless the court should deem that there had been a probable

ground for supposing that the petitioner had a right to free dom. When the House was considering the bill, a motion to strike out this entire provision was lost by thirty-three votes 3 to twenty-one. Two years later a memorial to the House from sundry inhabitants of Charles county, that the time in which slaves could bring suit for freedom might be limited, was referred to a committee of seven, but without result. By an act of 1804 made part of the State constitution in 1805 a party to any suit or action who could give reasonable evidence that a fair and impartial trial could not be had in the county court, could have the case removed to another
House Journal, 1791, 82, 106 Acts of 1791, ch. 75. There was an successful attempt at further legislation on the matter the next year. 2 Either party could apply, of course, for trial by jury. 1793, 55.


3 House Journal, 1796, 82, &c. Acts of 1796, 67. In 1844, in order to end some doubts which had been expressed, it was declared lawful for bodies politic or corporate to manumit under the act of 1796, and deeds already made were declared valid.


The Negro in Maryland.

few years later, a negro woman of Charles county, county. a petitioner for freedom, gave her affidavit, according to the law, to show that the trial could not probably be a fair one

The court overruled her motion, but the Court of Appeals reversed this, holding that while a slave could not by law of testimony ordinarily make an affidavit, yet that an appeal for freedom was included in the act of
in that county.



an act of 1810 allowed the transmission of

record, in a case of petition for freedom or homine replegiando, before the trial was begun, to the county in which, as shown

by competent testimony, a female ancestor of the petitioner had been held a slave at the time of the petitioner s birth, and where other material testimony could be had. Removal
of the case was also allowed from the county in which the petition was filed to that in which the owner of the slave

There was enacted in 1834, that all appeals might live. from county courts on petitions for freedom should be heard and determined at the first term of the Court of Appeals after
their entry. 2
after a specified

Slaves were frequently manumitted, to receive their freedom term of years, and questions arose as to the

legal status of the offspring of these, born during those years of service. Such offspring certainly became slaves if there was

no provision
the mother.


to the contrary in the deed or will manumitting act of 1 809 declared that persons who should

January of the following year, to be of certain specified time or on the performance determine the condition of any issue which conditions, might might be born meantime. Such issue, if there was no provi-


slaves, after

free after


residence of a 1804, 55; 1810, 63; 9 Gill, 120; 3 H. & J., 124. The Court of Appeals, (in 9 Gill, 120) depends on the master s will but if a master, on hearing that slaves were about to petition for should remove them in order to injure their claim, the court of

slave, said the


freedom, the county in which they had lived would



have jurisdiction of the


1834, 248.

sion to the contrary,


would be



this bill


considered in the House, an attempt was made to change it so that such issue should in all cases serve the owners of the

and should then be


mother, twenty-five years for males and twenty for females, free; but this was defeated by a large



mission to slaves

has been seen, no deed or will was valid to grant manu who would be over forty-five years, or

unable to gain a support, at the time of becoming free. The law, if carried out to the letter, would then operate to shut
out not only the old or infirm, but also infants, who were certain young negress was plainly incapable of work. manumitted by deed in 1803, to receive freedom when she

became thirty years old, and any children born to her before that time were to be free at birth. child of this woman,

born during the term of service, was treated as a free person until she was nineteen years old. On her petition, Baltimore
freedom ; but the Court of Appeals reversed the judgment, as no child was capable at birth of self-support, and hence of receiving freedom. Again, a certain negro woman and two children were manumitted by
city court confirmed her right to

deed in 1825, when the children were very young.



ten years later, it was represented to the Assembly that those children might therefore be enslaved, and that their

mother had supported them until they were able to support 2 themselves, a special act was passed to ensure their freedom.

1834, ch. 246. petition for leave to man umit a slave who was above the age limited by law. bill was passed, but was defeated in the Senate. In 1825, a special act allowed the manumis

USOO, 171. 6 H. & J., 431. * 4 H. & J., 199 6 H. & J., 17 8 G. & J., 19 At the Assembly of 1808, the House received a

sion by deed of a slave above the age of forty-five, with the proviso that if the negro became unable to maintain himself, he should in no case come on the county for support, but should have the same claim on his old master

or the master


s estate, as if the act had not been passed. An act of 1827 valid a deed of manumission to a negress, as if she were under


The Negro in Maryland.

deed of manumission, in order to grant freedom, must not only be properly executed before a magistrate and wit nessed by two witnesses, but be recorded within six months in the county court. In a case on a petition for freedom in Anne

Arundel, in 1802, parol evidence was admitted to show that the two witnesses had been present when the deed of manu mission was attested, though one only had signed ; but the
General Court and Court of Appeals reversed this, and the In 1810, a law declared valid all deeds of petition was lost.

manumission acknowledged and recorded before that time, and invalid only in not being evidenced by two good witnesses saving, of course, the rights of bond fide purchasers of slaves,
and not freeing such as had already been adjudged slaves by any court. A similar bill was passed in 1826 not, however, to extend to cases of petitions for freedom then under litiga tion, and not to grant freedom to any slave who would have been over forty-five or under ten years, when entitled to it, In and who had not been acting as free for seven years.


case, in

1832, deeds of manumission for three slaves, for


reason, not the fault of the slaves, were not recorded.


years later they were recorded and made effectual by but one of the slaves had been twice special act of Assembly

sold meantime, and the county court and Court of Appeals

deed of manumission both denied her petition for freedom. not recorded according to law, said the higher court, does not change the relation of master and slave. Nor could the peti
tioner in the present case have her freedom, for

by that her


and able


maintain herself; but before freedom could be granted,

a bond must be given to the levy court of the county, with security, that the negress should receive $18.00 annually for her support from the family giving her freedom. (House Journal, 1808, 46, &c. 1825,83. 1827,158.)
It is interesting to note that in nearly all the Northern States, so long as slavery lasted, masters could not manumit without security to the town in some cases, bonds in a goodly sum that the freedman should not become a

public charge.





1810, 15

1826, 235.



In one present owners would be deprived of their property. in 1814, the Court of Chancery had put on record, under case,
authority of a law giving certain general powers to chancery, a deed of manumission made some years before ; but the Court of Appeals held that deeds of manumission could not

In no way could a master be so recorded as ordinary deeds. 1 be compelled to have such a deed recorded. A certain citizen executed in 1812 a deed of manumission by

which a negro boy of his was

tinued to hold the black

But he con had no idea of the deed or of who

to be free in 1840.

executor, the black entered an action to recover the value of his services from 1840 to 1846 ; but

any right to freedom freed by his late master

his rights to
in the


his death in





any damages were denied in the county court and Court of Appeals. 2 second suit on a petition for freedom between the same

parties could be tried, if the charges of the first suit were About 1855 a case of petition for freedom, removed unpaid.

from Baltimore city, was called in Prince George s county, but was dismissed, as the petitioners did not appear, with judg ment for the defendant for about twelve dollars costs. On the same day, a second petition was filed, whereupon the defendant

1 In 1796 the House passed an act, in 9 G. & J., 115 4 H. & J., 249. answer to a petition from three negroes, to make valid a deed of manumis sion to them, which had been recorded by mistake in the office of the gen

On the rejection of the bill by the eral court instead of in the county court. Senate, the House added a saving clause for rights that might have been
already acquired, and urged the Senate to pass it. We are satisfied, said the House, that the principles of this bill have often influenced the Legislature

this case seems to require legislative aid especially, as the negroes never had control of the deed, and so no neglect can be imputed to them. The

Senate reconsidered the matter, but refused to pass the bill. (House In 1836 a special act allowed a free negro Journal, 1796, Nov., 13, 69, 73.)



his wife and children, whom he had purchased before 1831, but he had executed by mistake, instead of a deed of manumission, a of sale to their former owner. (1836, 167.)

8 Gill, 322.


The Negro in Maryland.

and expenses, and a stay

at once filed an affidavit of his costs

of proceedings was ordered. The charges stated by the defend ant, including not only board and jail fees of the negroes but
also cost of counsel,


to over seven

hundred and



this the petitioners appealed

but the second


finally dismissed, as costs

had not been secured.

The Court of Appeals,


reversing this judgment, allowed the

case to be carried on under the second petition.

Such large

damages, held the court, and to allow such, or any counsel expenses, would only be to clog the right of further petition which it had been intended

were not included

in reasonable

Three years later, the court held that no appeal could lie from an order of the circuit courts ascertain ing the amount of such costs to be paid, if the ascertainment, when made, was within the limits of the court s discretion. 1
should be secured.

But the will validly made and the deed properly exe cuted and recorded could not still give the intended free dom, if it were shown that the rights of creditors would
Several interesting cases under this law were brought before the Court of Appeals. One slave was manumitted by will in 1808 to be free at the age of twentyThe debts of the testator were paid from his personal eight. exclusive of his negroes; but his wife renounced the estate,

be injured thereby.


and bequests, and took her thirds of the estate as allowed by law, and this negro was allotted to her under When he became twenty-eight order of the orphans court.

The he petitioned the county court for freedom in vain. Court of Appeals sustained this judgment, holding that, if the personal estate of a slaveholder is not, after payment of debts, sufficient to give the widow her thirds, negroes bequeathed to
be free


be allotted her as slaves for


A certain citizen,

a few years later, freed his slaves by will, declaring that if his personal estate was not enough, without the slaves, to pay his
debts, his executor



some of

his real property, so as

10 Md., 322; 14 Md., 64.

to leave his slaves free.


The personal property alone was found while the administrator admitted that real and per insufficient, sonal together would be enough or more without the slaves.

From the decision of the county court denying their petition, the
The three judges before whom the case was slaves appealed. tried in the Court of Appeals, while differing somewhat in their reasoning, but agreeing in regrets that the wishes of the
master could not be carried out, sustained the judgment of the
lower court, on the ground that the question of the testator s real estate could not enter into the case, nor be dealt with by the
executor, under the laws, without possible injury to the credit ors who were not parties to the case. But in another case,

some eight years


the Court of Appeals held that the

inability to determine in a court of law as to whether the estate of the manumittor was sufficient to pay his creditors,

could not be taken so as to bar petitioners of their rights to freedom. The law, in its true construction, said the court,
charges the whole of a manurnittor s property, real and per sonal, with the payment of his debts, in favor of his manu
mitted slaves. Nor is it incumbent on the slave to prove, as a condition precedent to his freedom, that the balance of his master s property was enough for all debts the burden ot

the proper remedy for a proof creditor is by a bill in equity, where the slaves and all parties may appear, and an account be taken of all property. If the

on the creditor.


assets are then

found inadequate, the slaves

may be decreed

to be

sold, as necessary to pay the debt, for life or a term of years. All negroes, said the Court, again, thirteen years later, declared

by will

to be free at the death of the testator or at

any time

thereafter are held

by the executor and regularly appraised at full as are slaves for life. And no court would award them value, freedom, and so release the executor, until the time had elapsed
within which creditors were warned to present claims, and the executor was required to settle his accounts nor then,







G., 1

7 G.


J., 71.

unless the court

The Negro in Maryland.

satisfied that

no prejudice could be done to

assets, the

In case of deficiency of



hire out the slaves for a time or sell them, if necessary, by leave of the orphans court; the proceedings of the court

being open to investigation.

And manumitted

slaves are the


parties, complainants, to proceed in equity to enforced on lands for the payment of creditors.

have a


the legally manumitted slave, either with the executor s assent or by petition, may have his freedom secured by judgment in

All the testator s property, said the Chan the same year, will in equity be charged with payment cellor, of his debts, in favor of slaves manumitted and in a judicial

a court of law. 1

proceeding, to determine whether a deed is in prejudice of creditors, such slaves are entitled to the assistance of the heirs

amount of

or persons holding the real estate, in taking the account of the 2 it. The Court of Appeals, in 1858, assured to

several negroes, who had filed a bill in equity, asking the court to marshal their master s assets, the right to an injunc tion, to restrain the prosecution of their petition for freedom,

and any payment of

ceedings in equity


by the executor, until the pro

could not

To the objection that negroes a proper affidavit to verify the bill, the court replied that documentary evidence would be enough in such 3 slave manumitted cases, to win the confidence of a court




who was

sure that the master


s estate, at

the time of

his death,

was enough



his debts thrice over, could

until the executor s

be sure that he himself was free

release had been given, and the official freedom papers secured For the Court of Appeals held that if at the county court.

6 Gill, 299.

Also, 12 Md., 274

17 Md., 508.

Md. Chan., I, 296. 3 As soon as these slaves had applied

such an injunction from the cir

cuit court for the county, the executor had applied to the orphans court The orphans court had for leave to sell them, to pay the testator s debts.

refused to allow the sale





was sustained by the Court of


(12 Md., 274.)



due course of administration, and by no fault of the admin an estate changed so as to become insufficient for the the right of manumitted slaves to freedom became void debts,

and, vice versa, slaves

been held by the exec utor for payment of debts, could not be resisted in their claim

who might have

to freedom, if the estate increased sufficiently in value.


Court of Appeals, reversing the judgment of the orphans court of Howard district, declared in 1848, that the State was entitled to a tax of two and a half per cent, from execu
negroes manumitted by will, under an act of 1844, The bequest of freedom to a slave, said the taxing legacies. 2 is a legacy within the meaning of that act. court,



slaves were clothed with these powers in favor In 1828, a certain resident of Washington county died, leaving the provision in her will that her executors were to free certain slaves, if of suitable age and condition, at such


of freedom.

times as they, the executors, might deem expedient. fourteen years the executors kept the negroes as their




though there was no legal hindrance to the desired free The Court of Appeals, with one justice dissenting,

held that the negroes could apply to a court of equity that the execution of the powers created by their mistress will might

be enforced.


in general a slave is incapable, said the

court, of instituting a suit in a court of law or of equity, yet he has been made capable by law of acquiring freedom by

deed or


and so

his ability to assert that right



Chancery cannot grant freedom, but may direct the execution of deeds of manumission, and so enable slaves to
assert their claims to


in a court

of law. 3

103 (1837). Act of 1844, ch. 237. Code of 1860, 81, 125. The Court of Appeals said, the next year, that there was no hardship or injustice in this tax that the objects for which the great debt of Maryland had been contracted, the great public improvements, were believed to be beneficial
9 G.


6 Gill, 388.

to all property. 3 4 Gill, 249.

(8 Gill, 316.)



The Negro in Maryland.


Pending or during a case on petition for freedom, the peti was treated as a slave. In 1796, a slave entered an action of assault and battery and false imprisonment against his late master, for having held and imprisoned him for over two years, from the time when he filed his petition for free dom to the time when it was granted but the General Court 1 It was usual, however, for refused to give him damages.

the master of a petitioner to be required to satisfy the court that he would allow the slave to attend court when neces

held on an appeal, in 1802, that a master, in order to retain the services of a slave, a petitioner, must enter into a recognizance to suffer him to prosecute

The General Court

his case,


to use



and that the master,


should he appeal from a grant of freedom, must enter into bond with security to prosecute the appeal, in order to keep 2 We find an the black in his service pending the appeal.
injunction served in Baltimore in 1857, on certain officers and slave dealers, to prevent the sale of a negro until his In a case in 1831, claims to freedom were determined.

which the punishment of a negro convicted of crime would depend on his status as slave or free, we find counsel
assigned the prisoner, and the right of appeal further assured him, by order of the Assembly. There was enacted in 1856,

when proceedings should be

entered into, for declaring

void a deed of manumission, on the ground of fraud or preju dice of creditors, and for the sale of negroes for payment of

should not be necessary as usual to summon the slaves before the court, but a guardian ad litem should be appointed. The guardian, who should be "some gentleman learned in


& McH.,


only cases in which actions were brought for false imprisonment, &c.

This case and that in 8 Gill (322) seem to be the by freedmen to recover damages

See Report to House of Delegates on the Baltimore Abolition Soc., 1791, & J., 208. A bill was introduced in the House of Delegates in 1795, to prevent the removal from the State of those who had petitioned or might eleven voices. petition for freedom, but it was defeated by


Man umission.


selves, if free,

should defend his wards as they might defend them and the court on full hearing should pass such


would be given
all costs,

if all the parties to the case


men. including a fee of twenty or thirty the guardian, in discretion of the court, should fall dollars to on the complainant. 1



county court, in

a certain petition for freedom came before Baltimore 1 848, there was stated to the court that the
in the slave s


name but was



without his


on examination, stated that he did not wish to have the case pursued that his only hope of freedom So the case was lay in his mother s effort to purchase him.



In the same court, the next year, it was suggested counsel that the free parent of a petitioner for freedom who by seemed to be under age and whose petition was about to be
dismissed, might have interests which would allow her to maintain the petition, but the court held that the right to free

dom was

strictly a personal one.



another case, in

which a father petitioned in behalf of his children, a new peti tion had to be filed, in the name of the parties asking freedom,


their next friend.


cost for recording a

deed of manumission was the ordi

a certified copy of a deed was bill was passed always deemed good evidence of freedom. in 1805 to prevent, as we read, the great mischiefs which had
trivial fee for record.



free blacks,

from slaves who had gotten possession of certificates of and had so passed as free. Certificates of free

dom were to

be granted only by clerks of the county courts and and were to contain the particulars for iden

of the negroes and statements of the time at which

1 We notice that in two cases, county officers were ordered by 1856, 140. the Assembly to pay jailors for taking care of and feeding several peti It is mentioned in one case that they belonged to an tioners for freedom.

insolvent estate.

Experience has fully shown, said the Court of Appeals,

that negroes before the courts as petitioners for freedom have never lost their rights from the want of generous professional aid. (8 Gill, 331.)


The Negro in Maryland.

freedom had been acquired. No other person could give a certificate, under penalty of five hundred dollars, and clerks
they issued any must prove that illegally. he was the person manumitted, and no second paper would be given unless he took oath or proved by some credible and disinterested witness that the original was lost. Another act, two years later, provided that papers could be given only in the counties where the deeds or wills had been recorded. In



liable to the

same amount

negro applying for a certificate

1831, the records of St. Mary s county, and, a few years later, In the acts of the those of Worcester, were destroyed by fire.

Assembly allowing documents to be recorded over again, and the existence of rights and possessions to be established, there

no special mention of


of manumission.

But an

of 1852, after the burning of Dorchester court-house, required the commissioner appointed to re-establish all records


legal documents, to take all testimony as in other cases, in regard to the rights of such free negroes as might apply to him in writing, and to report this evidence to the circuit


which should decide on the validity thereof.




the negro could appeal, as in cases of petition

for freedom.

time to time, petitions for further legislation, mostly to restrict manumission, were received in the House of Dele



referred to committees without further result.


1823, from sundry




residents of Dorchester, to prevent and five years later, to restrict all

bill, in 1823, to com emancipation to certain conditions. all slaves thereafter manumitted to leave the State, was pel

A certain negro woman was manumitted in 1823, and a few years after bought several acres of land, the deed for which was properly executed and recorded. Years after she lost her deed of manumission, which, as was then She was then too old to get ascertained, had never been properly recorded. a new deed from the heirs of her old master. So a special act, in 1847, vested the land in her, as if she were still possessed of her freedom papers.

(1847, 206.)

referred to a


day of the following summer when the Assembly would not be in session by a vote of fifty-one to twelve.

During these years a number of petitions were presented to House of Delegates, from slaves, that some defective man umission might be declared valid. All were considered, and at almost every session, a special act or two gave the desired freedom to some petitioners. 1 Just before the Assembly of 1 831

the Southampton insurrection occurred in Virginia. Maryland had for some years encouraged the work of the American Col
onization Society, but now the plan of colonization in Africa was adopted as a State policy. The act of 1 831 ordered the Gov

three managers,

ernor and Council to appoint, as soon as convenient, a board of members of the Maryland Colonization Society,

whose duty should


be, in short, to

blacks then free

who might

have removed from Maryland be willing to leave, and all

who might

be freed thereafter, willing or not.



State pledged

two hundred

credit for this purpose to the sum of not over thousand dollars. Every county clerk who

should receive a deed of manumission for record, and every register of wills, on the admission to probate of a will by which any slave was given freedom, was ordered to send the State
board of managers, within five days, an extract from deed or will, with the names and age of every slave manumitted. The board should at once notify the American or State Coloniza

Society, that the freedmen might be taken to Liberia. Should the Society refuse to remove them, or should they refuse to go, the board was authorized to remove them to such

proper place out of Maryland as they would be willing to go



to give

them some reasonable

assistance there, until

Jn 1829 a fhus, 1821, ch. 117; 1823, 170; 1824, 39 & 78; 1827, 48. resident of Kent county petitioned for a special act to release to him any claims of the State to the personal estate of a late relative. On the other
hand, a number of residents of Kent and vicinity asked that certain slaves of the estate might be freed. The Committee on Grievances could not decide the case, and the House voted in favor of the petitioner by two


(House Journal, 1829,

49, 328.

Acts of 1829, 182.)


The Negro in Maryland.

they should be able to help themselves. And if any person manumitted should refuse to leave Maryland, and persist in
remaining, the sheriff should be called on by the board, and he was thereupon required to arrest and transport such person.

All slaves, of any age, could be freed. In case any slaves manumitted could not be removed without separating a family,

was provided that slaves might if they desired, renounce freedom, before the court, and remain at home as slaves. The board of managers could hire out manumitted persons whom they might have to remove, to pay the expenses of
removal. But to all this there was the important proviso, that the orphans courts might grant annual permits to re main in the State to such manumitted persons as were deserv 1 On consideration of the bill in the ing from good character.

House, it was moved in vain to amend this, so as to allow manumitted slaves to remain, on condition of giving bond for good behavior, to the amount of one hundred dollars, with
security. three.

The bill was passed by thirty-seven votes to twentyThe Senate added the amendment that manumittors

should, as before, be liable for the support of those freedmen who might become burdens to the public by age or inability. At the next session, was added that a sheriff who should
neglect to

remove a freedman within a month after receiving from the board of managers, became liable to fifty But while the Assembly furnished these stringent fine. dollars means for the reduction of the free black population, public

In but a sentiment neglected to call for their enforcement. single instance was a sheriff called on, under the law of 1831, to

The harshness remove a manumitted slave from the State. that prompted the above legislation," says a gentleman prom

inent in the colonization work, "soon gave way to the kindly feeling that had always influenced the people of Maryland

towards the colored



Colonization was carried

wills already probated,

Those who were entitled to freedom under deeds already recorded or were exempt from the operations of the act. 2 1831, 281. "Maryland in Liberia," J. H. B. Latrobe, 16.



on by some earnest workers, with the encouragement of the State, but manumitted slaves were not carried away against The number of manumissions reported to the their will. board of managers from 1831 to 1845 was some twenty-three hundred and fifty. Of these, eleven hundred were freed forth with ; one hundred and seventy were manumitted to be free on some condition, such as emigrating to Africa; the rest,
after service

eighteen hundred and

From 1845 to 1850, some more manumissions were reported. fifty Some negroes, freed by will without mention by name, probably were not reported. To what extent manumitted slaves received annual permits of residence from the orphans courts, would not be easy to ascertain. There was a favorable report from the House committee, in 1844, for a bill to abolish the power of
for stated terms.

the court to issue them, in Calvert county ; and, next year, a bill to the same purport for Charles county another large

slave-holding county

was passed by the House. But if manumitted slaves were not forced to leave against their will, it is obvious that such permits would be needed only to secure

The Assembly of 1832

sion which

not actual, residence. enacted that


deeds of


might have been executed but not recorded before the act of 1831, could be recorded then within six months without making the freedmen liable to that act. And deeds of manumission recorded before 1831, but attested by only
one witness, were declared valid.



who could satisfy the orphans for him had an understanding


court that he


any slave some one

for the purchase of his free

dom, on which part payment had been made before 1831, was made exempt, on becoming free, from the act of 31. In 1833
a further supplement


valid other defective papers of

manumission entitled, as the act reads, to the same consider ation and protection. From time to time, also, special acts
1 Reports of Committees to Assembly of 1846 and to Constitutional Con vention of 1850.


The Negro in Maryland.

were passed, to make valid ineffectual grants of freedom

dating from both before and after 1831
mission. or to allow


By two acts

in 1833, certain

manumitted slaves were

At expressly exempted from any effect of the act of 1831. least fourteen petitions for special acts were the presented House, in 1834. Five were reported unfavorably, bills in
favor of two passed the House but were rejected in the Senate, and seven bills were passed. These acts varied in principle In 1835, a free according to the wont of special legislation. was empowered to manumit his wife and four children, negro whom he had purchased but could not free, owing to the act

of 1831. 1



as he

a certain free black died, in 1834, without had planned to do, his wife and two chil

he had purchased, the Assembly declared them capable of holding property, and heirs of each other.
his wife


Another freeman had bought from an administrator, and the

and three children having borne him five

The father other children, died without having been freed. but these also his eight children then died without freeing
were declared

heirs of their father

and of each


certain free black of Worcester county asked leave to free bill in his favor, introduced by the his children, in 1835.

committee on Colored Population, passed the House, but was Three years latter, he tried again, and rejected by the Senate.

One again the Senate objected, but finally passed the bill. freedman left at his death several hundred dollars, and a

The children of his old master petitioned his only son. that the slave might be bought with the money and freed. This was granted on condition that he be subject to all the

laws then, or thereafter to be, in force against free blacks resid free negro who This was in 1845. ing in the State.

free being freed, they became entitled to all the legal privileges of any law to the contrary notwithstanding. As a slave owner could free his slaves subject to the act of 1831, it is obvious that such acts as these




to secure legal residence



title to




his wife and children, died intestate without legal relatives within the fifth degree, so that his personal estate, act of after payment of debts, devolved on the State.



1846, ordered the administrator to free the slaves, to be sub In two other cases, in 1853 and 1856, ject to the act of 1831.

and nephew and niece of deceased free But when the attention of. of the Assembly or more properly speaking, probably, of was called in 1841 to the case of a free the House committee who had died suddenly without freeing, as he had in negro tended to do, his wife and children and grandchildren, a
the wife and children
negroes, were similarly disposed
special act freed the entire family, with the proviso that they In 1852, leave Maryland within a year, never to return.

two slaves, the sons of a free black who had died without will and near legal relation, were ordered to be put to service, under the orphans court, until they became twenty-one years If they then agreed to remove from Maryland within of age.
a year, they

would be


though, 1 give them annual permits of residence, if it saw fit. The intentions of some manumittors, in freeing slaves with the condition attached that they should emigrate to Africa

they became

otherwise they would remain free, the orphans court might


or elsewhere, were frustrated by decisions of the Court of The will of a certain slave owner, dated 1831, Appeals.
declared that all his negroes should be free at thirty-eight years of age, provided they should leave Maryland within
thirty days after reaching that age, and should not return to If they so returned, they should be slaves to his reside.

the blacks reached that age in 1845, and received a certificate of freedom from the register of wills.

One of



then went at large as a freeman and remained in Mary Four years later, the second husband of his old mis

tress notified


that he

must give security or leave the


^ee 1833, 97, 231; 1834, 245; 1835, 68, 266; 1838, 385; 1845, 314; 1846, 144; 1852, 207; 1853, 413; 1856, 72.

1841, 232;


The Negro in Maryland.

under penalty of being sold, as he had stayed longer than Of this he allowed by the will which gave him freedom.
took no notice
for freedom.

but was forced to protect himself by applying Both Baltimore county court and the Court of

Appeals held him

to be free.


said the

court, may prescribe the period when freedom he cannot put an end to a state of freedom.


higher begin, but


That the

tioner in this case


to be free at thirty-eight years is the conditions attached, for the performance of these



Such conditions were wholly require that the black be free. to the grant of freedom, and were not authorized subsequent
for freedom was filed, in 1856, in Calvert a certain negro woman, Lucinda, for herself and her county, by The will under which freedom was claimed, seven children.

by law.

A petition

which had been executed and probated in 1840, gave the woman to a certain person until she became twenty-seven, when, reads the will, she shall be free to go to Africa at the end of her term, and carry with her any child or children she may then have, under the age of five years. The judgment The Court of the circuit court was that the mother was free. of Appeals also confirmed her freedom, holding that the words


to Africa


not affect


negroes who were devised

to be free, to

So, in another case, go to Africa, but to

be slaves


they refused to leave, were deemed absolutely


circuit court in the case of Lucinda,

had adjudged that


the children were not free.

The Court of Appeals held

children born after she reached the age of twenty-seven were free, as she was, but that such children as were under
five at that

time were not entitled to freedom, as she had not

removed to Africa. A master, said the court, may limit the time at which freedom is to begin, and if this is fixed by a not occur, the negro contingent event, and the event does remains a slave. Certain negroes were left in 1837 to an
See 8 Gill, 314; 3 Md., 119; 14 Mel, 109





executor in trust, to be hired out until all debts of the estate were paid, when the executor might, if he chose, take to Ken tucky or elsewhere such as were willing to go, and should

Twelve negroes, petitioners under this will, were granted freedom in 1859, by the circuit court of St. Mary s county, but the Court of Appeals reversed this judg ment. The will ordered that any of the slaves who should refuse to leave Maryland could be sold, and such a choice, said

manumit them.

the court, is not inconsistent with a state of slavery the very act of 1831 allowed manumitted slaves to renounce, if they And, in this chose, the freedom about to be secured them.

case, the

removal of the blacks by their consent was a con


dition precedent to manumission. There was enacted in 1858, that

no slave thereafter manu

mitted by deed or will upon condition of leaving the State or any other contingency or condition, should be entitled to free dom until the condition had been performed. 2 And no slave

could be manumitted

who was

not at the time of manumission

over ten and under forty-five years, and able to earn a liv In 1860, manumission was totally prohibited, ing by labor. and free blacks over eighteen years of age were empowered, if
they chose, to get permission from the courts to renounce free dom and choose masters. 3 The prohibition of manumission

was anticipated largely in some parts of the State. There were said to have been one hundred and thirty-six slaves freed in Frederick county during three months. In Baltimore county, during the last few weeks and mostly during the last few
days before the new act went into force, eighty-one slaves were manumitted.

*14 Md., 109; 17 Md., 413.

2 We find that a bill to require all negroes to leave the State, who had been or might be freed on that condition, was passed by the House in 1854, by a vote of 49 to 5. It was probably the same bill as, or a precursor to,

1858, 307. 3 1860, 323.


right to

manumit was granted again

in 1864,



months before slavery was abolished.


The Negro in Maryland.

a certain citizen of

Anne Arundel county was two negro women, Dinah and her daughter But a dozen or more years later, these negroes were Livinia. at large as free women, renting small tenements, going owning property, and in every way living as freemen in the neighbor hood of, and to the knowledge of their old master. He died

About 1784,


to possess

in 1805, leaving all his property to his wife, with remainder after her death to his children. She settled the estate and died
in 1824.

None of

the children

made any claim


Dinah, to

Livinia or her brothers and



or to the children of

Livinia, until in 1832 an heir took out letters of adminis on the estate, and seized on the issue of Livinia

as slaves for

The county

court decided that there was

Dinah had been legally manumitted, and the Court of Appeals, two years after, affirmed this judgment. A negro in Maryland, said the higher court, was presumed to be a slave, and on petition for freedom must bear the burden of
presumption that
proof of free ancestor or of manumission. Yet, to quiet pos session, the court, upon a proper foundation being laid for it,
will in certain cases direct the jury to presume the existence of a deed of manumission, as in the case of other deeds and patents.

The presumption of a deed of manumission must be founded on acts of the petitioner or his ancestors, inconsistent

with a state of slavery, acts known to the owner, and which could only be accounted for rationally on a supposition that he had intended to free his slave. If the exercise of apparent

freedom were without the owner

knowledge, or began only

shortly before his death, no such presumption could be drawn. In 1836, a negro woman who had been living as a free woman
in Baltimore for six years, was put into jail as a runaway. She petitioned for freedom, but the defendant showed that she

had been born a slave, had belonged to a late resident of Queen Anne s county, and was included in the inventory of the estate, and that he as administrator had received an order from the
orphans court, in reply to his application, to sell her. The the Court petition was denied in Baltimore city court ; but




of Appeals held that while the fact of the negro s living as was not evidence that all debts of her master had been

paid, as there was no proof that her whereabouts were known to his representatives, yet, on the other hand, the order for sale

from the orphans court was not


evidence of the

insufficiency of the estate, in opposition to a claim for freedom. 1 Aban 7 Sent back to the city court, the petition was granted. donment of a slave by the owner, said the Court of Appeals in

another case in 1850, is not a legitimate mode of manumission, nor even in itself a sufficient foundation for the presumption

of a deed of manumission.



the presumption of a deed

authorized, as a matter of law to be declared by the court, or of fact to be found by a jury, on the ground of acting as free with the master s knowledge, unless the negro has so acted

woman was

negro uninterruptedly for a period of at least twenty years. allowed by her mistress, in 1831, to live with her

reputed husband, with the understanding that he should have her free forever, if he would raise for her mistress two of her
children then young. The woman accordingly went at large, and was not molested by her old mistress, who lived until 1846 and who knew of her whereabouts, nor by the heirs of

her mistress.

Four children born


to her after 1831, petitioned

and received freedom

1851, and the Court of Appeals

affirmed the judgment, on the presumption that the mother was 2 But the act of legally manumitted when she went at large.

1860, prohibiting manumission, declared that the fact that a negro went at large and acted as free, or was not claimed by

any owner, should not be deemed evidence of the execution previously of any deed or will granting freedom, nor be taken
as a



3 presuming freedom.

6G. &

86; 8

do., 102.

9 Gill, 120; do., 483.

bill was reported by a committee to the House of Delegates, in 1821, an act of limitations, to prevent slave owners from reclaiming female slaves and their posterity, after having allowed them to marry free men and but it was referred without result to the next Assembly. live as free



The Negro
certain negro


been given certain lands


woman who had

will of her deceased master,

freedom by Prince George s by the Court of Appeals, in 1821, on the ground that a de vise of property, real or personal, to a slave by his owner

was granted a certificate of county court, which was confirmed

him also to freedom, by implication. certain resi dent of Charles county devised by his will, probated in 1857, shall work for that a negro woman- and her four children

themselves, by paying my executors, annually, one cent per The balance of his property was left to certain year hire." The executors claimed the a residuary clause. parties, by

freedom of the negroes, the residuary legatees opposed, and The the circuit court, in equity, gave them to the legatees. Court of Appeals affirmed this judgment, as the intent of the

was evidently that the negroes should be discharged from servitude, and be free in fact but not in law a state in plain viola entirely contrary to the policy of the law, and
tion of the act of 1831 touching



and of

that of 1817 prohibiting owners of slaves to allow them to 1 go at large and hire themselves out.

1 The negroes here (17 Md.) were not deemed 5 H. J., 151 17 Md., 23. dealt with by the courts as property. parties to the proceedings, being





To end a study of African slavery with manumission would be neither thorough nor just. For the status of the freedman
shows most clearly the distinction that was



the relation of master and slave, between Anglo-Saxon and African ; and the growth of the free black population affected more and more all questions of slavery and emancipation. If


find, on the one hand, slaveholders anxious for the repres sion or banishment of the free-black, as dangerous to their interests, we find also many zealous opponents of slavery una

ble to believe that the whites

in freedom


in peace.

affected all negroes, free


and blacks could live together have left those laws which and slave alike, to be noticed under


the head of the free negro, to emphasize the better this race

The number of

free colored persons

was small and there

century. the later Harford county

mention of them, until the close of the eighteenth The population of Baltimore county including
in 1752,


free whites, nearly a

was given as over eleven thousand white servants, be


the imported felons, five and six hundred convicts one hundred and sixteen mulatto slaves, one hundred and ninety-six free mulattoes, and four thousand and twenty-seven

1 The subject can be studied to great advantage in Maryland. In several of the lower counties there were more slaves than whites, while the total free black population was larger than that of any other slave State.



The Negro in Maryland.

In the lower counties, the census of 1790 gives

1 negro slaves and eight free negroes. proportion must have been less.


about eight thousand free colored persons in the State. Some of these, or their ancestors, had come as freemen, most had
been manumitted.



time on, the number increased

In January, 1807, was begun the with surprising rapidity. of forbidding the removal of free negroes permanent policy

The bill passed the House by or mulattoes into Maryland. No free black coming in, a vote of forty-three to eight. drivers and messengers in the actual except sailors, wagon
service of a non-resident, could stay over two weeks, under And those failing, on convic penalty of ten dollars a week. to pay the fines or give satisfactory security for departure tion,

within two weeks, were to be sold by the sheriff for a term pay fines and costs. No one could employ or harbor a non-resident free black without liability to a fine of
sufficient to
five dollars a day.


the blacks continued to come.


1814 and 1816, bills for further legislation passed the House, the second by the casting vote of the Speaker, and were de


In 1822, sundry inhabitants of Wor county petitioned that the free blacks coming into their county from Virginia might be fined or whipped. The next a supplementary act declared that no length of residence
feated in the Senate.

would exempt from punishment, and that those who might


turn or remain after being punished, should be again arrested, and ordered the magistrates and officers of nine counties to
enforce the law.

neg but yielded to the the evils against which the representation of the House that

Officers could be fined ten dollars for

The Senate

at first rejected this bill,

1 The distinction between negroes Griffith s Annals of Baltimore, 33. and mulattoes is interesting. 1 We find the mere mention of the reading in the House of Delegates, in 1802, of a petition from the freeborn people of color in Maryland.


1806, 56.
1823, 161.



named were Allegany, Anne Arundel,



Charles, Kent,

Montgomery, Prince George

Somerset and Worcester.

The Free Negro.

act of

in ten-fold ratio in

1806 bad been directed, had increased

We find mention of peti the counties on the Virginia line. tions for residence on behalf of some twenty negroes, between and 1831, but eight of these only were favored. One

fellow, for example, from Virginia as it appeared that he had lived in


employed in In 1824, the House passed a bill in favor of a certain black who had moved from Virginia into Charles county, but The man seems to have then it was rejected in the Senate. moved into another county and to have renewed his petition
at the next session of

was given legal residence, Maryland for some time, and had proven his good char boating,

Assembly, but with the same




land in vain,
bill, to

of Pennsylvania asked leave to move to Mary the ouse refusing, on reconsideration of the
1 1

admit her on condition that she should procure a bond The next of fifty dollars, conditioned for her good behavior. year, 1829, leave was refused for a bill to allow a member of


in the session, the bill

as to

work at his forge. Later was again brought in, but so amended limit the residence to five years; and was then defeated.
to import a free black to


the other hand, several free blacks were allowed to bring

stringent legislation followed the

in their wives.

ten days

Nat Turner


rection, in 1831.


fine for


in the State after

week conviction before a justice; and For harboring or employing the


dollars a

half to the informer


sale, as before, in default. black, the fine was raised to

to the informer

twenty dollars a day after the expiration of four days half to be recovered before a justice, with the

And any negro who might right of appeal to the court. leave Maryland and remain away over thirty days, would be
deemed a non-resident and
liable to the

law, unless before

leaving he should deposit with the county clerk a written statement of his plans, or on returning, could prove by cer tificate that he had been detained by sickness or coercion.

Wagoners, hired servants with their masters, and 12




The Negro in Maryland.

having white

were exempted, as were those

who might

enter the State and be prevented from leaving by

sickness or accident.


to encourage colonization, persons

might go and come at will between Maryland and Liberia. Each Assembly received some half dozen petitions for resi


One bill, to allow a House and was thrown

black to bring in his wife, passed out in the Senate; while, several

years later, a black of Washington county was allowed to bring in his wife, on condition that she should not leave that

One negro was allowed, in 1833, to move into county. Charles county from Virginia, on paying fifty dollars to the State, and giving bond with two securities, citizens of that
county, in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, for his good behavior for a year. Another was given residence, in

1837, on payment of fifty dollars for the State Colonization Out of six Society, and a bond of two thousand dollars.
applications for residence, in

1835, one only was granted. were rejected the next year. And the next petitions year, again, seven were rejected and one granted. Some were signed not only by the negroes but by friendly citizens.


In 1836, petitions were presented in the House of Delegates from sundry residents of Baltimore and Harford counties, and one, two years later, from Queen Anne s county, for more A motion to inquire into the expediency of stringent laws. allowing free blacks to enter the State for the shad and her In 1839, there was en ring fisheries, was lost by one vote.
acted that no free black belonging in any other State, could enter Maryland, except servants with their masters, under as penalty of twenty dollars for the first offence, to be given

a reward to the taker-up, and of five hundred dollars for a second offence half to the taker-up or informer, half to the



came before the county

In default of payment of these fines or orphans courts. and costs, the blacks would be sold as slaves to the highest If a black bidder, whether a resident of Maryland or not.

who had

paid the fine for the


offence did not


The Free Negro.


within five days, he would be deemed liable to punishment But it was made lawful, by another act for a second offence.

of the same session, to encourage emigration, for free blacks to visit, and return from, Trinidad or British Guiana, with

view to possible colonization there, provided they could first satisfy the courts of their sincerity of purpose, and obtain
go and come, and that they return within eighteen Free blacks unless detained by a reasonable cause. months, we have seen, remain out of the State of Maryland could, as
licenses to

for less


than thirty days, at will, and for a longer time by In 1844, this privilege of a longer absence was lim

ited to the period


between the first of May and November and the permits were given in the discretion of the orphans courts, on the written recommendation of three The act of 1839 had forbidden the well known citizens. entrance of any blacks belonging to any State," and as much annoyance was said to have been caused by blacks coming from the District of Columbia, the words district or terri were added, in 1845. In 1840, the answer to a peti tory"


tion of ninety-five citizens of Caroline county, against this In 1847, strict legislation, had been leave to withdraw.


prevent free blacks

for such action as would wholly from going and coming. The committee on Colored Population was divided. The majority deemed The minority said it was very the existing laws sufficient.
citizens of

Kent asked

necessary for the protection of the slaveholders bordering on the free States, that all communication should cease between
the free blacks of

Maryland and of

those States.

If the

former were allowed to go and come, there was great danger of a coalition being formed which might result in most alarm

This minority report was ing consequences to slaveholders. accepted, but the bill introduced accordingly was not then passed. Two years later, there was enacted that any free black
of Cecil, Kent or Queen



who might

cross the

1839, 38

1844, 283.

Part of 1831, 323, repealed by 1844, 16.

State line

The Negro in Maryland.

would be deemed a non-resident and

liable to the

act of 1839.

This evidently bore hard on farmers and other residents near the boundary. Two hundred and thirty citizens
of Cecil petitioned, in 1853, for
to this effect



a bill

was unfavorably reported and refused engross

ment, the petitioners were favored in so far that free blacks in the employ of any white resident of Cecil county were free
to return after an absence of not over twenty-four hours, for And, three years transacting business for their employers.

the time of absence was lengthened to ten days, to all in 1 So the law remained. regular employ in Cecil and Kent.

Attempts to secure admission or residence by special acts, met with varying results. One man tried in vain for leave to work in Maryland between April and November. The fisher

men of

Cecil could not take the free blacks in their


respectable beyond the State lines during fishing seasons. who paid taxes on property colored minister of Annapolis asked in 1846 for an assessed at over five thousand dollars
act to allow his children to visit

him from time

to time,


again in 1861, to allow his sons to return to Maryland, but both petitions seem to have remained with the committee. On
the other hand, legal residence in Cecil county was given in 1846 to a family of nine blacks, on the representation of a

number of
the laws of

citizens of the county, that the father, ignorant


Maryland, had removed to Pennsylvania to seek employment, and being unsuccessful wished to return to his But each of the family had to give bond to the old home. State in one hundred dollars, with surety, that they would not if found elsewhere, any justice could have leave Cecil county
the bond collected, half to the informer, half to the county. The steward of the Naval School at Annapolis, who had been

for over twenty years in the naval service, asked to be allowed, 1847, to bring to Annapolis from Philadelphia his wife and


Permission was given

as he

had always maintained,

1849, 538; 1853, 177; 1856, 161.

The Free Negro.


we read, a high character for subordination and faithfulness in on condition that the family should not his various duties reside out of Annapolis, and should remain so long only as
the father should be steward at the school.

free negro


the District of Columbia obtained permission to visit his wife, a slave of Prince George s county, by giving bond with
security in fifty dollars that he would not come there for employment, that he would not stay over four days at a time,



ington firm,

and that he would behave well. which had a hotel and health resort in



county, was allowed to import their

negro servants,


had, however, to restrict their movements to the grounds of the establishment, and to leave at the close of the season.
others of these occasional special acts are interesting in 1 colored pointing out reasons for the general legislation.


family was allowed in 1856 to return to its old home in 7 Maryland, if the orphans court of the county should be sat isfied, on examination, that the parents were of good character
to support their children. free negro of Prince county had appointed by will as his executor his son, George a resident of the District of Columbia, and leave was given the

and able

son to enter that county freely during the settlement of the estate, for a disposition was felt, we read, among the citizens

of the county, from the good character the family had always borne, to extend such privileges to them as would not materially
interfere with the policy of the State. The plain policy of the was to free itself of the black population.

These laws against the entrance of free blacks seem

been enforced with some strictness. of





1842, a justice

Anne Arundel county

sentenced five blacks,

who had come

there from Virginia five years before, to pay fifty dollars a week apiece for the two hundred and fifty and more weeks of
their residence there, or be sold in default of fine



See 1846, 65; 1847,103; 1849,381; 1854,66; 1856,37,229,271; 1858,



The Negro



under the act of 1831. Appeal was taken to the county court, which quashed the writ of certiorari and remanded the case to the justice but the Court of Appeals stating that the writ of certiorari should not have been quashed held that the act of 1839 superseded that of 1831, where it covered the same ground and gave penalties for the same offence, and thus all such cases should be tried before the courts and not before

In this case, too, the blacks were not liable magistrates. under the act of 1839, having come into Maryland before that time ; nor, as the court pointed out, could the informer sue
to be

old law required such suits in general within a year from the date of the offence. begun find mention in the Baltimore papers, between 1850 and 1860,
for the fines, as an


of ten arrests for entering the State. One of these was a respectable and well-to-do barber of Baltimore, who had been away for several months, chiefly on account of his health, and

was then brought before


Appeals. Baltimore sentenced a free black

a justice under the act of 1831, to be accordance with the opinion of the Court of But within a week after this, another justice of



pay two hundred


five weeks stay in Maryland, and to be fifty dollars for sold for the necessary term in default, evidently under the act
2 of 1831.

notice the case of one negro fined twenty dollars the court, by the act of 1839; and another black, com by mitted to Cecil county jail to await court, left the State with out fine or other hindrance by climbing the jail wall. When


was represented

to the


in 1&54, that efforts


about to be


to arrest a free negro

who had formerly

worked on a Virginia wood-boat plying to Talbot county, but had lived for several years in that county in the employ of a number of citizens who testified to his good character, a

^20. &

J., p.


Baltimore Sun, Jan. 4th and 10th, 1856. We notice that there was a black in Baltimore jail in 1832, and another in 1838, for entering the State
contrary to law.

The Free Negro.


special act was passed to give him legal residence and exemp tion from the act of 1831. It is to be feared that some free

who did not secure able counsel, suffered from igno rance on the part of magistrates of the decisions of the Court of Appeals. The act of 1839, in so far as it imposed a penalty of twenty dollars only for a first offence, was indeed, as the

chief judge stated in 1842, a merciful modification of the old

law of 1831. l

Within the State, an orderly free black would be master of movements without hindrance, in the communities where he was known, but beyond these he might be liable to annoy ance and possibly to arrest and delay. Color created the pre that a man was a slave, and the burden of proof of sumption freedom, by certificate of freedom or otherwise, rested on the


read in the Baltimore papers of one negro who was chased as a runaway, roughly handled and struck by



but was found to be free on examination at the police

and, again,



man brought

to Baltimore,


good looking colored boy whom he found at Annapolis Junction and presumed to be a runaway, and how the boy spoiled the sale by taking to his heels, by
tried to sell to slave dealers, a

being caught, being heard by a magistrate and discharged as 2 free. Suspected runaways were taken before magistrates to

be discharged at once if found to be free to be locked up and duly advertised otherwise for a reasonable time, at the end of


if there

were no reasons for presuming them to be

1858 stated that

of free blacks to

majority report of the committee in the slaveholders convention of it was believed that the general act against the return

Maryland had not been enforced and was wholly


but that the special and stringent law for Cecil, Kent and Queen
counties had recently been enforced.


Baltimore Sun,


23rd, 1853;

work through the

interest of the

June 2nd, 1859. The boy then got policeman who had caught him.

slaves, they

The Negro in Maryland.

would be discharged by a judge of the circuit or orphans courts, and all fees would be paid by the county. While fears of such arrest or of kidnappers could not have troubled most free blacks, it is certain that, especially in times


insurrections were talked of and patrollers were



or less about, the customary salutation of a white to any strange and suspicious looking black Well, boy, whom do

sometimes ended in an unpleasant delay in you belong to the business or pleasure of a free Nace or Pompey. The act of 1838 forbidding the transportation of slaves without passes,

made all colored persons liable to examination by officers of Thus, a colored woman on one of the railways and steamers. West River steamers, without a pass or certificate of freedom,
was arrested on suspicion
committed, as

could not be

at the instance of the captain, and shown that she was not a slave.

Again, a colored boy on a Baltimore and Philadelphia train, who did not make satisfactory answers to the conductor, was brought back and delivered to a magistrate.

One of the objects of the Maryland Abolition Society of 1789, and of the philanthropic work of the Society of Friends, was the prevention of kidnapping. In 1790, the penalty of three hundred pounds fine was provided for fraudulently carrying, or causing to be carried, from Maryland any black known to be free. The Friends, the Abolition Society, and sundry citizens of Kent and Caroline counties which bordered on Delaware asked for still more stringent laws, but the House committee replied, that if offences were not always detected the fault was not in the law. After 1796, the penalty for the and sale of free blacks was fixed at eight hundred importation
dollars, or in default, labor

on the roads, afterwards imprison

ment, for not over five years.


There was the same penalty for

Sept. 9th, 1858.

Baltimore Sun, June 3rd, 1856

The Free Negro.


transporting them fraudulently from the State until 1809, when the act on crimes gave imprisonment between two and
ten years for transporting or arresting with intent to transport a black known to be free. find the Society of Friends and others asking for further legislation, in 1815, and again


when the grand jury of Baltimore county presented a memorial to the Assembly to the same effect. These efforts seem to have been directed against the transportation both of free negroes and of those to be free after a term of service.
in 1816,



was introduced

in the


in 1816, to for

purchase of any slaves for transportation, except under certain forms and conditions. Also, it ordered magis
trates to hold for the courts all parties suspected of



lent purchase,


to require the

should the black


defendent to give special bail, a petition for freedom and institute a suit

And, further, as there was repre sented that negroes committed as runaways were sometimes
for false imprisonment.

and were prevented by imprisonment from pro evidence of freedom, it provided that all negroes held curing as runaways and duly advertised, and held then for a limited
free persons,

time after the notification of the reputed owners, should not be sold as heretofore, but should be set free, all costs being This bill practically failed to pass the paid by the public.


then, for these


vital clauses

were lopped




Assembly passed




features, except the

mention of

suits for false


at that session against kidnapping. with one opposing vote only, but there was considerable opposition in the House, directed pro bably against the discharge of unclaimed runaways. The

Three memorials were read


Senate passed the

preamble to the bill states that servants and slaves had been sometimes removed by fraud from the State, and the children of free negroes sometimes kidnapped and sold as slaves for 1 life in distant places. In 1824, the penalty of death was
See House Journals. Journal Runaways and Sale of Slaves.

of 1816, 97, &c.

Act of 1817, 112.


prescribed for the

The Negro in Maryland.

murder of any person known


to be free or

arresting such with the intention of transportation beyond the State. There were several motions for further legislation, with no result ; and a
bill to repeal the act

freedom, committed

of 1817 was


on the



and of the Baltimore papers, show what we might expect, that the laws and the stronger public opinion of all good citizens were not able to prevent kidnap
of Niles

ping entirely.

Niles says, in 1821, after the notice of a kid


napper just sent to the penitentiary for five years, that "this infernal business was carried on to a great extent, owing, in
his opinion, to ineffective laws;

number of

and again, in 1826, that a 2 colored children had been stolen. This most
all trades,

abominable of

he adds, had revived with scarcity

of money. We find notice of several suspected kidnappers given over to the police by slave dealers in Baltimore. In


to execute the law, there

the Baltimore police were making special efforts were ten arrests at least for kidnap
cases, the blacks

ping. those

In several of these

kidnapped were of

who had

been sentenced to service for limited times by


the courts

a punishment which increased, surely, the oppor

tunities for abuses.

By the Constitution of 1776 the right of suffrage was given to all freemen of age who held a certain amount of property. It is certain that some free negroes voted in the early years For instance, evidence was given in Baltimore of the State.
1822, 127; 1825, 260; 1845, 465; 1826, 355. See Niles Register, 13, 80; 15, 110; 20, 303; 29, 419. 8 See Baltimore Sun, 1849, March 28th, June 21st; 1858, June 25th; 1860, May 17th, 21st, &c. One case mentioned by Niles is that of a free

House Journals,



who had kidnapped, and probably sold as slaves, three free blacks. was given a fine of 300, and 3 years at hard labor. (Niles Register,

October, 1818.)

The Free Negro.


county court, about 1810, that a certain free black of that county had voted at elections, and had been allowed to give 1 evidence in a case in which white persons were concerned.


was enacted in 1783 that no colored person freed there nor the issue of such, should be allowed to vote, or to after, hold any office, or to give evidence against any white, or to

enjoy any other rights of a freeman than the possession of property and redress at law or equity for injury to person or An amendment to the Constitution, adopted in property.

Free blacks enjoyed fully the right, ascribed to everyone by the Declara tion of Rights, of petitioning the Legislature in an orderly
1810, limited the right of suffrage to whites.


acts passed in their favor

for the redress of grievances. Most of the special were in answer to petitions, presented

usually by the members from their counties, and there is every reason to believe from the Assembly journals, that the com
mittees on Colored Population gave due attention to these The Declaration of 1851 repeated the words of the


Declaration of 1776, that no freeman should be deprived of life, liberty, or property, but by judgment of his peers or the law of the land but added that this should not be construed
to prevent the Legislature from passing such laws as it might deem fit, for the government and disposition of the free colored


3 H.





hear of another free black

who was

also in the

habit of voting, and did not know of the law of 1810 until his vote was refused at the polls in Baltimore county, that year. It is said that when in a strain his vote was refused, he addressed the crowd about the polls

of true and passionate



which kept his audience

in breathless

See the valuable memoir of Benj. Banneker, by J. H. B. Latrobe, Esq.

(Md. Hist.

Soc. publications, 1845.)

note that the House committee on Grievances, &c., reported to the House, in 1798, that they had found in the jail of Anne
It is interesting to


The Negro



Many free negroes owned small houses and pieces of land, and some of the most industrious not a little personal property. The acts of incorporation of some savings banks limited de
white persons, others could receive from any In Annapolis, for instance, several free blacks were persons. depositors at the savings bank, and one at least owned shares

The act of 1852, allowing the formation of homestead or building, and of other associations, to promote economy and frugality among the people and an increase of the
of the bank stock.
taxable property, expressly excluded free blacks. There were evidently doubts as to whether real estate could be held legally
act of 1831.

by blacks, or the descendants of blacks, manumitted after the In 1848, the chancellor held as void a devise

of certain real estate to several negroes, by the will under which they were freed, as such freed men could not remain in
the State

on terms compatible with sure and unrestricted

Ten years later, however, the enjoyment of the property. Court of Appeals affirmed the judgment of the circuit court
for St.


for the benefit of

county, that the taking of real estate in trust manumitted blacks was not inconsistent with

the policy of the State.

might promote

this, indeed,

devise of land, added the court, by giving negroes the means to

emigrate, if called on to do so by officers of the law; nor would 1 it The act give any rights not enjoyed by other free blacks.

of 1831, as

we know, was not




a certain negro

petitioned in

for leave to dispose of real estate to his

Arundel county a negro claiming

to be free,

who had been committed by

justice of peace by an order not under seal and which did not specify the in short, without those forms and solemnities which warrants offence should have, by the law, "to have the effect of depriving a citizen of his

personal liberty." The committee advised the passage of a resolution, to order the black to be brought by writ of habeas corpus before a judge of the

This was to be discharged or remanded, according to law. adopted by a vote of 25-21. Note act on habeas corpus, 1798, 106. (House Journal, January 18th and 20th, 1799.) 1 Md. Chancery, I, 355 12 Md., 87. We find property held in trust for

General Court,

negroes; 1860, 180, 206.

The Free Negro.


children, the House committee on Grievances answered that the laws did not prevent free blacks from holding real estate,

or from transmitting


to their legitimate issue.

In 1836,

many that voluntary emigra tion was not likely to succeed, a member of the House moved an inquiry by the committee as to the expediency of forbidding


must have been plain


free blacks to acquire or hold real estate, with the suggestion that two years at the utmost would be time for those already

This was laid on the holding real estate to dispose of it. table. Two years later, a motion to the same effect was
evidently allowed in the Senate, but
tion of the matter.



no further


petition presented in 1849 by seventysix citizens of Caroline county, for a law to allow free blacks
to inherit

and hold property, may have been signed

as a pro

test against the recent decision

of the chancellor, or else for exemption for freedmen from the law of descent, which hin dered transmission of property to children not born in lawful

The fact that the marriage of a slave was not rec ognized at law, as well as the looseness of the marriage tie among the free blacks, would have caused the estates of some

There are a dozen or negroes to have devolved to the State. more acts in the statute books, relinquishing the rights of the State in favor of colored families. For instance, a certain
freeman died about 1832, leaving a house and land in Fred erick county, and some personal property. His reputed and

acknowledged wife, unable to furnish legal proof of marriage, was freed by special act from danger of having this forfeited, to the school fund of the county, in default of heirs. One
eight colored families to inherit and enjoy the of their respective fathers. property By another, the property of a free negro was allowed to descend to his only child, sub
act allowed ject to right of

dower of the


1832, 204; 1834, 183, 187

1849, 475

1856, 337

1858, 75, 296, 351, &c.

There was a favorable report in the House, in 1860, on making the law
giving certain allowances to widows, apply to free negroes as to whites.


The Negro in Maryland.

have seen

in the chapter on manumission that free not infrequently owned as slaves their wives and chil negroes dren whom they feared, perhaps, to manumit, lest the right to residence might be questioned. It would seem, also, that


other free negroes owned and hired slaves, as did their white hear of one free black, of Dorchester county, neighbors.


receiving payment for a slave, whom he had bought for of years, and who was sold out of the State for crime In 1827, a member for the same county had court. duced a bill to forbid anyone owning slaves for life or

a term

by the

a term

of years, from hiring such to a free negro there. Kent and Somerset were added to Dorchester and, later, Worcester and
added, and Kent struck out; and then the committee on Grievances, ordered to inquire into the expe diency of preventing free blacks from purchasing slaves under

Anne Arundel were

any circumstances, reported that any was inexpedient. 1


on the subject

evidence in the Code of 1860 was very simple, and based strictly on the color line colored persons, free or

The law of

slave, could testify for or against colored, but not in

any case

regular marriage between free negroes was duly recognized, of course. find two cases in which colored men were brought before Baltimore city criminal court for bigamy, but were dismissed from lack of proof of second


marriage. (Baltimore Sun, February 5th, 1856; August llth, 1860.) On the other hand, an indictment against a black for bastardy was quashed in Baltimore county circuit court, the judge holding, after consultation with
the Court of Appeals, that the act of 1781, 13, against fornication, and other similar acts, did not apply to negroes. (Baltimore Sun, January 18th, find mention of a marriage license for blacks; and of an appli 1853.)


cation by a colored


for divorce, to the city circuit court.

11, 73, 358, 382.

1852, 114;

House Journal, 1827,

Persons having free

black apprentices were forbidden by 1846, 355, to allow them to remain in the employment or custody of free blacks. This may have been to prevent their remaining at home with their parents.

The Free Negro.


But the law had not in which a white person was concerned. always been so simple, and the history of its growth is most In 1717, there was enacted that no Indian or significant. slave or free, nor mulatto slave should be admitted as negro,
evidence before court or magistrate in any case in which a This was at a time Christian white person was concerned.


ship-load after ship-load of the rudest Africans were imported yearly, and it must have been long before many of

them learned even the English language.

But the law was

not to protect the whites only, for these Indians and negroes were not allowed to testify against their fellows except where other evidence was lacking in petty cases not punished by
or member. Nor, apparently, could a slave testify And further, while the child of a white a free black. against man and a mulatto slave would be during life incapable of



witnessing against a white, the child of a black man and a white woman there were not a few cases of such offspring

would be so disqualified during the limited term, only, which he was put to service. A free mulatto was good In short, the status was evidence against a white person. In 1751, as heinous felonies not dependent on color only. had been committed, the testimony of slaves was allowed against slaves accused of capital crimes, where there were
pregnant circumstances to confirm it, in the judgment of the court. And slaves were always to be warned by the court
of the severe corporal punishment to be given them, if they The imported convicts, mostly felons perjured themselves. from England, were at the same time declared good evidence
against one another
as they had been encouraged to wicked ; the fact that they were not legal witnesses. read, by nesses, In 1792, the House of Delegates considered a bill to prevent stealing by free negroes, which provided, among other things,


that any slave over fifteen years of age


testify to


vict a free negro of illegal dealings with a slave; as there had been great inducements for slaves to steal and dispose of the

goods to free negroes,


could be convicted by the testimony


The Negro



of white persons only, who were seldom privy to such deal ings. This clause was struck out by a vote of thirty to twentyseven.

But nine years

later, slaves

were declared good evi

trial for stealing

dence for or against any colored person on

for dealing in stolen goods.


few years later, in 1808, the of Queen Anne s county asked the attention of the grand jury Assembly to inconveniences which had arisen from the ina
bility of a free

negro to testify against another free negro in

capital cases ; and it was therefore enacted that in all criminal cases any negro or mulatto, slave or free, could testify for or


any negro or mulatto, slave or





general act on negroes, of 1796, the Senate offered the amendment that no free colored person, free as descended
bill for the

from a

free ancestor,

should be allowed to
for freedom.

nor the descendants of such freeman, testify in favor of any slave petitioning

This amendment the House rejected by a vote

of thirty to sixteen, and requested the Senate to give up,

it would operate, said the message, to affect the compe tency of witnesses born of free ancestors and entitled to the privileges of citizens; and the credibility of such persons


should rest with the jury. The Senate receded, but the act for bade persons manumitted since 1783 to testify for petitioners for
Since 1783, no

a white person.



testify against Mulattoes, free as descending from free ances good witnesses. The Court of Appeals, in

new freedman could

1810, sustained Baltimore county court in its just ruling under the act of 1717 in refusing to allow a free black

which a Christian white was was shown that her brother, a free concerned, although black of that county, had once been allowed to testify, withto testify in a case in


this bill did not pass. 1801, ch. 109; 1792, 80, 98 In 1815, the act of 1728 was abolished, which gave to free mulatto women and to their offspring by negro slaves, the same penalties given to white women and to their offspring by negroes. After 1796, colored chil

House Journal,

1808, 81.

dren of white women were no longer punished 2 See page 187.

for their



The Free Negro.

out objection, in some similar case.



1814, the Court

sustained Frederick county court, in a case on petition for freedom in which a white was concerned to a considerable sum
in allowing the evidence of a free mulatto, whose mother, though a colored woman, was descended from a white woman. 1 In 1846, the religious distinction of the old act of

of course

1717, in favor of Christians, was wiped out; and all colored persons were disqualified in cases where whites were concerned.

In 1856 and again in 1860, there were favorable reports from

for admitting "in certain cases" the testi These cases were probably of blacks against whites. mony embodied in the provisions of a bill which, according to the

House committees

newspapers, was advocated at the session of 1860, to admit the testimony of negroes, subject to ordinary rules of evidence, when whites were tried for enticing or aiding slaves to abscond,
or for circulating documents and to allow inflammatory the jury to convict on such evidence, when accompanied by 2 proof of additional circumstances tending to confirm it.


In the trial of a white man for the manslaughter of a black, before the circuit court for Baltimore county, in 1856, a wit ness was about to give the declarations of the black after the

the counsel for the prisoner objected to such as being virtually that of a black against a white. testimony, The court held that the declarations of a negro, when part
res gestae


of the

of a case, were admissible as evidence, that


would be a most unjust theory, that the exclamation of any man when assaulted must be debarred from notice. Nor was the question a new one, for it was stated that the court for Balti more county had in two previous cases admitted statements of 5 negroes when part of the res gestae.
held, in 1820, in an appeal over a for freedom, that declarations of a colored person petition

The Court of Appeals

102, 110; act of 1796, 67 Baltimore Sun, Feb. 10th, 1860. Baltimore Sun, Dec. 18th and 19th, 1856.

House Journal, 1796,

3 H.


J., 71,




The Negro in Maryland.


the petitioner derived his

title to

freedom, might
case in ques

be used as evidence against the petitioner.


tion, said the Court, sustaining the ruling of the county court, did not come within either the letter or spirit of the act of

1717 on evidence.

That law of evidence was evidently


prevent possible injury from incompetent or dangerous mony, to the whites above all others.



black of Somerset county asked leave of the


bly, in 1823, to prove accounts against white persons; but the House committee deemed the prayer unreasonable. free

black of

Anne Arundel,

for instance, an industrious carpenter,

large repairs on the farm buildings of a found himself unable, when the neighbor died, to neighbor, prove the accounts to the executor, and had to enlist the inter

who had undertaken

of a white man,

who knew of


work done,

to testify to

his statements.

There seems


have been some doubt as to whether a free

negro could maintain an action at law without first stating in When a his pleadings, and proving, the fact of his freedom.
entered an action, in Baltimore city court of Pleas, in 1855, to recover wages as a seaman, and the defendant raised the question of his status, the court held



that as he was colored, he could not maintain the action with out showing that he was a freeman. The Court of Appeals
free negro were not essen declared in 1858, that the words tial in the averments of the pleadings, for an action to be maintained, except in case of a petition for freedom ; the word
" "

ISH. &J.,


Petitioners for freedom were not allowed to



regular affidavits to

negroes, as we have seen, make assets of their masters estates. affidavits, in calling on the courts to marshall

remove their

Nor could manumitted






12 Md. 274

Md. Chan.



The Free Negro.



negro being enough to notify the opposite party of the fact an opportunity to show the of color, and thus to afford him condition of slavery, if such be the case, by pleading that dis

The question, added the Court, is one of great importance, and all doubt should be removed. There practical are but two cases in which, at law, a negro suffers a disquali

fication because

when brought forward


of the presumption arising from his color as a witness in a case in which a white


when he must bear

and where the question is his freedom vel non, the burden of proof. From the earliest

history of Maryland, free negroes have been allowed to sue in courts, as well as to hold both real and personal property ;
to thrift

and as long as they remain there could be no greater incentive and respectability than the protection of their earn The Court of Appeals also refused to allow a man who ings. had treated a negro as a freeman in a lower court, to turn about and try to prove him a slave, on an appeal, so as to

him of a

legal status in the higher court.

Some of the English serving women imported early into the Colony, married negro slaves, and a law of 1664 gave pen alties for such shameful matches." The marriage of such


with free negroes was also soon forbidden

as soon

probably as attention was called to the presence of free negroes. The master who allowed the marriage, and the minister or

1 Baltimore Sun, July 9th, 1855 12 Md., 450. This decision confirmed the judgment of the circuit court for Dorchester. *7 Gill, 211, (1848). In a case (8 G. & J. 53) involving the status of a colored man, in an appeal from an orphans court, in 1836, the Court of

Appeals held that however it might be urged that the man was from his color presumably a slave, the facts that he had not been claimed by an owner, that he had engaged on a voyage at sea as a sailor and recovered wages in his own name, were sufficient to repel that presumption so far as to justify the courts in granting an administration.


The Negro



magistrate who performed it, could each be fined ten thousand pounds of tobacco. This heavy fine dates from about if not

immediately after the time of the marriage of an Irish ser vant, brought over by the Calvert family, to a negro slave. After 1715 there was a fine of half that amount for the min

who should marry with a white person any negro whatever or a mulatto slave. But a law of 1717 pro vided that any white who should marry any colored person should serve for seven years, and that a free negro or mulatto
ister or magistrate

inter-marrying with a white should become a slave for life except mulattoes born of white women, who should serve seven
years only.


fact that this old



found in the Code

of 1860, with this distinction in favor of certain mulattoes, and with the disposal of white culprits as servants for the

have been seldom,

benefit of the public schools, shows that public attention could 1 if ever, called to it in the nineteenth century.


militia act of 1777, like all

previous acts, confined

In the next few years, there were urgent demands for more troops for State and Continental In service but recruits seem to have come forward slowly.
the service to whites.



liable to draft,

males, those previously exempt included, were made and able-bodied slaves were received as recruits

with their

own and

their masters


The following

one-fifth only of certain quotas called for months year, before for the Continental service had been raised, two extra


1 1681 1692; 1715, ch. 44 1717, 13 Code of 1860, Art. 30. The status note that by of the free mulatto under these laws is very interesting. the acts of 1692 and 1715, a white man who became the father of a colored child was liable to service for seven years, if the mother was any slave or a


There were afterwards penalties only for white women allow ing themselves to be with child by colored persons, and for colored persons getting white women with child the same penalties for slaves and free
free negro.

colored persons.

The Free Negro.

battalions were


ordered to be added to the militia by the

enlistment of volunteers and the conscription of all vagrants free males over sixteen years, idle and without family or

apparent means of support. Free blacks could certainly have been enlisted under the act of 1780, but now we find them all freemen, not conscripted as vagrants, specially included
being enrolled in the militia and liable to draft, though negroes

and mulattoes. 1

gentleman at Annapolis, at that time, wrote to Washington of the plan to raise seven hundred and it fifty negroes, to be incorporated with the other troops ; but


An not probable that such large numbers were enlisted. return of negroes in parts of the Continental army, in

1778, gave sixty as belonging to the second Maryland Brigade, 2 The militia act of whom one- fourth were sick or absent.
of 1793 limits the service again to whites.

The education of free negroes and of slaves was not for bidden by law in Maryland, but the black was indebted for what he got to the interest of individuals or of such societies
as the Society of Friends. Nevertheless, he was obliged, if he had property, to give his share of the assessments necessary,

over and above the school fund of the State, for the support of the common school for white children. In 1860, there seems to have been one exception to this rule, Carroll county,
school children. 3

where these taxes were levied on the parents or guardians of For some time, earlier, the free colored of Cecil and Montgomery counties, too, had been spe people cially exempted from school taxes. Sundry citizens of a district
in Caroline

county petitioned, in 1843, for exemption for the

Oct., 1780; May, 1781. Correspondence of the Revolution, June, quoted in Williams Negro Race in America, I, 362.

M715, 43;




After 1852.


The Negro in Maryland.

and a bill in answer was passed The chairman the House, but was defeated in the Senate. by of the House committee on Education reported a bill two
free blacks of their district,

years later, to exempt a certain free black of the same county, 1 but this was rejected by the House.

The act of 1818, empowering the orphans courts to bind out as apprentices those free black children who might be neglected or not usefully employed by their parents, provided
that the courts might require as a condition in any indenture that the child should be taught to read or write, or in lieu thereof that a sum of not over thirty dollars should be given

The Code of 1860 in addition to the ordinary freedom dues. not be necessary in binding out colored stated that it should children, by the orphans court or trustees of poor, to require
petition of thirty-two citizens of Frederick county, in 1858, for a law to free blacks from holding schools, was referred to a

any education should be given them.


Schools were held, from the committee, without result. African Institute, with its hundred or more scholars, on Sara toga street, Baltimore, to the half dozen urchins learning their

words under the counter of the little tobacco shop in Annapolis. The census of 1860 stated that thirteen hundred and fifty-five 2 free black children were attending school, in the State.

USSS, 327;
224, 253, 254.


1849, 221; House Journal, 1843, 401, 411,446; do., 1845, In several counties, free blacks who did not pay taxes to any or were not hired out regularly to a taxpayer, had to do some extra

labor on the roads.

Thus, for two days, in


Anne Arimdel,

Montgomery and Prince George

sessed whites in Worcester, &c.



Charles, Kent, one day more than unas-

The census gives the number of adults (over 20) who cannot read and The tot-d white population write, as 15,819 whites and 21,699 free blacks. was over half a million the total free black was some 84,000.

on the best authority that in Annapolis, early in this century, a free colored woman kept a little school, attended by some of the young white children.
It is said

The Free Negro.


Tumultuous meetings of

we have


had early been forbidden, one object being to guard against the spread

of any possible spirit of disaffection or rebellion. By the act of 1806, any free negroes found by constables at noisy or sus
picious meetings of blacks, were to be taken before a magis trate, to be committed to jail unless they could give recogni

If zance for good behavior and appearance at next court. convicted then of breaking the laws of good order, they were 1 Sixteen years after, a committee to be fined or imprisoned. was appointed in the House of Delegates, to consider the pro
priety of further legislation against undesirable meetings, but nothing seems to have been done. Three years later, again, the Governor s message spoke of the pernicious tendency

of meetings of bodies of blacks for dissipation and riot and again the matter was referred to a committee without result.


in a bill to restrain blacks

1827, a committee was appointed in the House, to bring from roaming abroad or meeting in

numbers on Sundays

but the matter was referred to the next

Assembly. The act of 1806, mild in its provisions and milder still in its results, might have remained long on the statute
books, had not the work of Nat. Turner and his handful of followers in Virginia cast suspicions over the movements of

the blacks far and wide. By the act of 1831, all colored per sons were forbidden to assemble or attend meetings for reli gious purposes which were not conducted by a white licensed

clergyman or by some respectable white of the neighborhood The white person had to be authorized by the clergyman.
present to the close of the meeting, and any meeting held oth erwise would be deemed tumultuous and might be broken up

by a constable.

such a meeting and did not disperse

If a constable of the neighborhood knew of it, he could be fined from


slave taken at a meeting

and not belonging

to the

owner of the

See 1806, 81. Leave was given in 1809 to place, got a good whipping. bring in a bill to prevent free blacks and slaves from attending musters or

five to

The Negro in Maryland.


But the

act did not interfere with

religious exercises held

by slaves at home, with their masters while in Annapolis and Baltimore and the consent; growing
free black population in

Baltimore made this an important could hold their services by themselves, exception negroes up to the hour of ten at night, with written leave of a white
licensed preacher. ,, In 1841, leave was given the committee to introduce a bill to prevent secret societies of colored per

The next year, the judges of Baltimore city court com municated to the Assembly the presentment by the grand jury of a number of associations of blacks in Baltimore for secret

The grand jury of Baltimore county had similarly purposes. called the attention of the county court to such societies, pro There was enacted accordingly that fessing to be Masonic.
free colored person convicted of becoming, or of continu ing to be, a member of any secret society whatever, whether it held its meetings in Maryland or without, should be deemed a felon, and be fined not less than fifty dollars half to the


informer, half to the State

or, in default,

be sold for a term

pay the fine. For a second offence, the was sale out of the State as a slave for life, the pro penalty ceeds to be divided as before, between the informer and the
of service
sufficient to

slave would be sold out of the State, or given thirtynine stripes on bare back. For forming or attempting to form any such society, or association of blacks and whites, or for

trying to induce any black to join such, or for allowing any societies to meet on one s premises, there were the same fines or
sale for a free black.


man who

meet on his premises, was liable to fine of not hundred dollars or imprisonment for between

allowed a society to less than five


and ten

years while for taking part in the formation of them, there was the long term of imprisonment only. And all persons

1831, 323, 7. A number of citizens of Frederick county petitioned, in 1840 and again in 1845, for a repeal of the restrictions on religious meet ings but with no results.

The Free Negro.


were authorized to disperse any assemblage of blacks whose proceedings and objects were not lawful, and to carry partici pators before a magistrate, and peace officers could summon as Any officer who neglected his large posses as were necessary. duty could be fined not less than one hundred dollars, and any citizens who refused to serve on a posse, between twenty and In 1844, the committee on Colored Pop a hundred dollars.


was ordered to enquire into the need of imposing still heavier penalties than those provided for constables who neg

In 1845, negro campand other protracted out-door meetings were forbid meetings In addition, den, as being deemed nuisances to the public.
lected to disperse unlawful meetings.

meetings of blacks for religious purposes, except those held at regular houses of worship under the provisions of 1831, were forbidden including evidently Baltimore city and Annapolis; but this was repealed at the next session.
still allowed, of course, to attend regular camp2 In most of the incorporated held by the whites. meetings free negroes wandering about the streets after certain towns,

Negroes were

hours of night summer were


for instance, nine in winter

liable, as slaves were, to be taken

and ten in up and given

a moderate whipping or be shut up till morning, by the con But in Baltimore, free stables, by virtue of local ordinances. blacks were evidently subject in their movements, as whites
3 were, to the single police rule of orderly behavior. It is easy to see here, again, that the demand for stringent laws was often a very local matter, and that the strictness

with which they were executed depended much on variable A goodly number of citizens of a certain dis public feeling.


of Prince George s county petitioned the Assembly of for the correction of evils arising from frequent assem-

1842, 281.



were in force in 1860.

*1845, 94; 1846, 166. 3 See, for example, the law for Easton, 1790, 14; the ordinances for napolis and the powers of bailiffs in various towns, in Code of 1860.



The Negro in Maryland.

blages there, for the apparent purpose of religious worship, in a meeting-house used exclusively by negroes. They stated that the meetings were a nuisance to the neighborhood and

The House committee on was referred, reported that the com plaints were strictly local and had best be left to the members from Prince George s. A bill was accordingly introduced by a special committee, and finally passed, having first been re
tended to demoralize the slaves.
Grievances, to




by the Senate. could meet anywhere

in that

1 Thus, after 1828, no colored persons one district, under the pretext of

other than at services or for the purpose of public worship attended by white citizens except between the hours of seven
in the


morning and five in the afternoon, on Sundays, Christ days, Easter Mondays and Whit-Mondays. For meeting illegally, slaves were liable to be whipped, and free blacks

fined in moderate


the district.


fact that in

for the benefit of Sunday-schools of 1853 the State s attorney for

sufficient to arrest all slaves

Baltimore county instructed the sheriff to summons a force and free negroes who might there

after be
ates the

found at camp-meetings of blacks in that county, cre presumption that the act of 1845 had not been strictly

enforced there.


the rumors were abroad in


neighborhood planned a, movement during the approaching Easter holidays, one object of the large and respectable meeting held at Easin particular, for ton was to take precautionary measures suppressing effectually the schools and meetings illegally held

county, in April, 1855, that the negroes of the

by blacks without supervision of whites. These meetings, says the Easton Gazette, have been held in Easton until they have become an annoyance, and it is time to have the laws

Although, adds the report, there was probably no

truth in the rumors, it was deemed best to adopt a resolution asking the citizens to keep their servants at home during the

1828, 151;

Code of 1860.

Baltimore Sun, August 29th, 1853.

The Free Negro.



certain justice of Baltimore county was called in 1859, to try nine blacks for fighting at services in on, early dismissed them, after a severe repri a colored church.



the explanation to them and the witnesses, some to hold thirty blacks, of the laws forbidding blacks both without the presence of a white, and to meetings for worship

mand and

2 According to the papers of Montgomery carry firearms. county, a thousand or more negroes met together there, one


in July, 1860, for religious services, apparently,


the meeting was broken

up by the


read, were at one time quite frequent in

Such meetings, we that county, and were

not looked on with



disfavor, but the

work of


so dangerous to slave interests, that meetings of negroes for any purpose had come to be opposed by almost

had become



act of

1842 forbidding

all societies

of blacks had been

a bill passed the Senate to it for Baltimore on the representation of a large city, modify number of highly respectable citizens that it had operated with
in force

only three years,


much hardship on many

the destitute of their race.

keeping them from forming

honest and industrious blacks, in beneficial societies for the relief of

The plan was that free blacks who bore good characters, and who paid taxes to the amount of five dollars, could form charitable societies, with written per
mits from the Mayor, given annually, with the proviso that all meetings should be inspected by police officers, to be sent

This bill, though favorably reported by the committee on Colored Population, and supported by the mem bers from Baltimore city only five in number, however

by the Mayor.



by the House by a vote of thirty-nine

to nineteen

but was afterwards reconsidered and passed by thirty-seven to We should note here what will be entered into twenty-nine.

2 3

Easton Gazette, April 7th, 1855. Baltimore Sun, January 20th and 28th, 1859. Eockville Sentinel, quoted in Baltimore Sun, August 6th, 1860.

at length, later

The Negro in Maryland.

that at this time the city of Baltimore


represented in the legislature by only one senator and not over six members, though it contained nearly a third of all the whites and of all the free blacks in the State. 1

came to be the custom for negroes of Baltimore who wished have any assembly or entertainment at their houses, to procure from the Mayor s office a permit therefor, to be shown

any policeman who might visit the scene of festivity. The daily papers show that negro meetings, "cake-walks" and balls frequently ended in noise and disorder. On one occasion, in answer sent to a police station at three o clock in the

morning by peace-loving neighbors, thirteen policemen arrested thirty-three colored men and women engaged in a row at a


Again, we find thirty-six noisy dancers taken up, of One eighteen were bailed and the rest committed.

man was

fined ten dollars

by a

justice for giving a

ball without leave.


the other hand, this police regulation

might sometimes be an annoyance


to peaceable persons. gathering for entertainment at a colored church


broken up by the police, who thought the proceedings noisy, and thirty or more blacks were taken to the station house.

Niles Register for 1835 (vol. XLIX, 72) prints a letter from three of the colored clergy of Baltimore, representing their congregations. It pledges their support to the cause of good order among the blacks and of friendly relations with the whites, and states that they have no sympathy with any

thing which tended to disturb those relations. It states, also, that the free blacks of Baltimore had then 35 or 40 benevolent societies, numbering each

from 35 to 150 members, whose funds were largely in the savings banks. There were many week-day and Sunday schools, and ten churches. Many of the blacks had purchased houses and land, horses and wagons, and other property, and the letter bore witness, also, to the respect shown to the "orderly and discreet" blacks by captains of boats and owners of public
conveyances. The colored people, it said, always feel the greatest pressure from anything that disturbed the peace. Another letter, from the trustees of a colored church society of Baltimore, deplored the efforts that were being made by abolitionists efforts which make more precarious the position of the free blacks and "rivet the fetter



on the


The Free Negro.


But the permit from the Mayor was produced, and they were There is need, added discharged as not guilty of any offence. the paper, next day, of the exercise of a little more care and 1 There should be added that in discretion by the police.
respect to behavior at entertainments, as in the lower classes of whites in Baltimore set
to the


other ways,

no good example
at his house, in

negroes^ A

certain colored

man gave


summer of 1858,

be orderly.


a tea and fruit party, which was said to midnight the police called to see his

permit from the

Mayor s office, and finding this without the counter-signature of the captain of the watch, put him in the Released watch-house, together with many of his guests;.
next morning by a magistrate on payment of
suit against the city for thirty dollars

he brought claiming that damages,


he had been told at the Mayor s office that the counter-signa From a judgment in his favor by a ture was not necessary. s court the city appealed, but the court of Common magistrate
Pleas held that the arrest of the black was illegal, as there was

no law forbidding such meetings as the one in question or requiring permits for them, and custom could not allow the police Within a few months the city to place restrictions on them.

government passed an ordinance forbidding any number of colored persons to meet for any purpose, other than religious worship or as beneficial societies, under the State laws, without written permission from the Mayor, and the presence, in addi

black present at any of at least one white person., meeting illegally held, could be fined between five and ten


There were many churches for the blacks throughout the some of them under white pastors, others under blacks

Baltimore Sun, May llth, 1859; October 3rd, 1860; January 1st, 1857; March 10th, 1854, &c. Common Pleas, February, 1859; Baltimore Sun, September 4th and The black men 6th, 1858, and February, 1859 city ordinance, 1860, 39.

tioned was awarded $1.00 and costs, over |8.00.


The Negro in Maryland.

religious bodies, and some evidently independent. Conferences of some of the colored church mem bers were held, and the Baltimore paper speaks of one of

by the regular

which met in that city for a week in 1855, as a model of decorum, even for similar assemblages of those who made There were in Baltimore in 1847, at least higher pretensions. thirteen colored church societies, ten of which were Methodist. The membership of the Protestant colored bodies there in

1859, was nearly six thousand four hundred about a quarter of the total free black population of the city. 1

occupations, from the small farmer, or livery or inn keeper, to the vendor of cakes in the markets, were followed by free blacks. But there were two which were forbidden


days of slaveholding they could not be run any vessel of any size. In 1833, a bill was introduced in the House, to prevent owners of vessels from allowing them to be navigated by negroes only. This was amended so as to except scows or lighters used on
licensed as pedlars, nor


in the latter

rivers or creeks,


and was rejected by the Senate, in answer to a certain black commanding a vessel in the Bay
petitioned for leave to pursue his occupation.

who had


was again under inquiry in the next session, 1836, was enacted that any vessel of the size required by government laws to be registered,
years later the matter



in the waters of

Maryland without a white captain

See reports of the various societies. African conference of the M. E. Church, May, 1855 (Sun, of May 8th, &c.). When an address of an incen diary nature was announced to be given at Zion s Independent Church in Baltimore, a magistrate and several police attended and dispersed the meeting, under authority of the act of 1831, as the church was not under
the control

religious body,

nor the preachers licensed by, any regular conference or and the exercises were conducted mostly by blacks (Balti
26th, 1858).

more Sun, July

The Free Negro.


over eighteen years of age, would be forfeited half to the On information under oath, a informer, half to the State.

might seize the boat, summon the parties and try the and sell the boat at auction, unless the owner appealed. case, The preamble to the act declared that great inconvenience and
injury had resulted from the navigation of vessels entirely by negroes, by which a clandestine trade was carried on and

1 It is interest running away. ing in this connection to note that the House, in 1787, had struck out from a bill under consideration the provision that


had found

facilities for

no slave, except pilots, should be allowed to manage any boat, over twenty feet keel, conveying goods which belonged to any one but the owner of the boat. In 1 838 a free black asked

own boat, but the House committee reported But, the year before, citizens of Baltimore and unfavorably. Anne Arundel counties had been specially exempted from the
leave to sail his

and so able to navigate their vessels by their bill to repeal this exemp hired blacks only. by tion was passed by the House in 1844, but defeated by the
act of 1836,

slaves or

Senate; and not till nine years later still was it done away 2 In 1856, a bill passed the Senate, without opposition, with. to allow two free blacks of Harford county to run their own
vessel to

between Baltimore city and the Bush and Gunpowder rivers, but the House threw it out by a vote of forty-four to five and the petition of another black, two years later, to run a vessel without a white on board, was left on the




In May, 1854, the Baltimore Sun, tinder the heading Novel Action," stated that a schooner was condemned under the law of 36, and that the owner had appealed. And there
mention, in October, 1859, of the trial before a justice of a colored captain.

1836, 150.

bill was reported, the next 1837, 23; Journal of 1844; 1853, 446. year, to allow owners of vessels to employ colored men as captains in cer tain cases, but was not evidently considered.

House Journal, 1856,

358, 445; 1858, 35.


The Negro


to a petition

was passed, in 1858, in answer


of Charles county, forbidding any colored person in Charles or Prince George s counties to keep or use any boat on the Potomac, without license, from a master to



a slave, from a justice of peace to a free black. To obtain such a license, a free black must get a written certificate of good character from two respectable landholders of the neigh




any two landholders of the Potomac shore

requested in writing the suppression of the license, the justice was bound to summon the black and hear the matter fairly.


license could be

renewed when once


The pen

alty for using a boat without leave was a fine of from five to on conviction fifty dollars and costs, and loss of the boat,

slave who crossed the Potomac or before a magistrate. a trip to the District of Columbia, without leave, could took be given from ten to twenty lashes by order of the magistrate;

and his boat was forfeited, unless the owner was a white citi 1 zen, and ignorant of its use. Free negroes could sell liquors and fermented drinks, with

But after 1831, licenses were granted the customary license. them by order of the courts only, not by clerks of court, as

The act of 31 urged the courts to exer sound discretion as to the continuance or withdrawal of licenses, and empowered them to require, if advisable, satisfac In 1852, in answer to sev tory securities from the blacks. eral local petitions, one of which was signed by as many as one hundred and twenty-four citizens, was passed, with little
in the case of whites.
cise a in the Senate, a bill by opposition in the House and none which free blacks of Somerset, Worcester and Anne Arundel counties were forbidden to sell ardent spirits, and were re

sale of all merchandise. quired to obtain licenses for the to be gotten only by special order of the courts, Licenses were on the recommendation of not less than twelve respectable freeholders in the neighborhood in which the black proposed

1858, 356.

The Free Negro.


to do business. Beside, no white person in partnership with a black could get any license, nor could a white employ a free black as a clerk in any business, under penalty of five



In Annapolis, the

thrifty black

found no

trouble in getting his recommendations, nor is it likely that one lacked friends, elsewhere. In May, 1860, a resident of 7 Baltimore was indicted, under the act of 52, for employing
as his clerk in a retail store in

Annapolis a colored


of that


pleading guilty, before


Anne Arundel

circuit court,

he was fined the

hundred dollars and

for the


father of the clerk, a prosperous and re 2 spected mulatto of Annapolis, became his surety. At the session of 1827, a memorial was presented the

ment of which, the

House from sundry


citizens of Baltimore, for such legislation

would forbid colored persons there from obtaining licenses to keep hacks, carts or drays, as well as from driving such vehicles. The very next day was presented a counter-memo rial from sundry merchants and citizens of Baltimore. The of the two members from Baltimore and committee, consisting one from Allegany, reported that such matters should be left to the city government, which would know best the special wants and interests of the city. And a considerable source of
revenue might be affected by any such prohibition, sug In 1836, the committee on Colored gested the committee. Population was ordered to inquire into the expediency of

1831, 323 petition from



from the blacks licensed


1852, 288. House Journal, 1852, 92, 141, 318, 553, 619. The Anne Arundel, with forty-four signatures, speaks of the serious

injury inflicted on the honest industry of a large portion of our white fellow by the presence of the free blacks, and of the utter destitution in

which thousands of


class are

plunged by idle habits and

vicious propensities. The idle should be hired out and the children apprenticed to learn useful arts and avocations before emigrating to Africa.

Baltimore San, May 5th, 1860. An act of 1827, to protect public wor ship more effectually, forbade any negro to sell liquor or beer or cider within a mile of a camp-meeting, under penalty of a whipping, on conviction

by a


The whipping

could not be given also within the mile circle.



The Negro in Maryland.

and inn-keepers, or of withholding

from them




evidently to prohibit licenses,

which passed the House, four years later, was twice rejected 1 In 1837, the committee was ordered, on mo by the Senate. tion of a member from Prince George s county, to consider
the expediency of forbidding free negroes to pursue for a live lihood any business, mechanic art or trade, in order to encour

age them to emigrate.

Later in the session, the committee

reported, through the same member, a bill entitled an act to encourage the emigration of free negroes and to advance the
interests of tradesmen, mechanics and other laboring persons. After some amendment, the bill was killed by striking out the enacting clause though by a vote of thirty-eight to 2 In 1840, a member from Baltimore ob twenty-four only.

tained leave to bring in a bill to prevent the employment of negroes in the State tobacco warehouses at Baltimore, but the In left on the table. bill, reported at the next session, was

1844, two petitions came from divers citizens of Prince George s county one to prohibit free black carpenters from working there, the other to impose a tax on free black me chanics; but the House committee reported adversely. Three of Balti years later, a memorial from a number of citizens more for a law to prevent free blacks from huckstering hay or straw was referred, without result, to the committee on Ways and Means and no better fate seems to have met the

number of citizens of Baltimore, in 1860, petitions of a large that free blacks of that city be barred from pursuing any
3 mechanical branch of trade.


signers were said to be


what we should expect

House Journal, House Journal, 3 House Journal,

white mechanics

1827, 119, 125, 410; Senate Journal, 1840, 68, 147. 1837, 25, 447, 527. caulk 1844, 259, 261, 379; 1860, 309. The colored ship

ers of Baltimore


have met with much

injustice at the

hands of

their white rivals, in 1858, the police being required to keep the peace. But the paper adds that the same disposition was shown the German caulk ers who succeeded some of the blacks. See Baltimore Sun, 1858, May 18th,

The Free Negro.

and were

Those of the

free blacks

who went

into business

unfortunate, or otherwise got into hopeless debt, had appa rently the benefit of the insolvent laws as fully as their white

Several citizens of Caroline county petitioned in neighbors. for a law to prevent negroes from taking those benefits, 1829, but in vain ; and the petition of some citizens of Dorchester, in

1858, for sale of free blacks for debts of their

Avas as ineffectual.

own making,

a similar petition years later, was received from Anne Arundel, leave was given the com mittee on Colored Population to bring in a bill for the sale of



free blacks for

debt in certain cases, but no further action seems

1 to have been taken.

was made to pass a bill to pre vent free blacks from stealing and selling stolen goods. In 1805, a bill to prevent them from selling corn, wheat, tobacco


early as 1792 an attempt

justice, passed the

or other articles, without a license for the purpose from a House, after an attempt to refer it to the

next Assembly, by a margin of three votes only. As finally amended, evidently by the Senate, it required a certificate of good character, under hand and seal of a justice of the county,
for the sale of

any corn, wheat and tobacco only. Such a


should be good for one year, and the black who sold these articles without it, was liable to a fine of five dollars. Any
the act states that

The preamble to purchaser became liable to twice that sum. much inconvenience had been felt from the
by free blacks, as the product of their labor, of corn, wheat and tobacco received from slaves. Two years later a


9th, July 5th and 22nd may note, in passing, 1859, June 28th. that an act of 1811 (ch. 100) on county surveyors, required chain and pole carriers to he free white males over 21 years. And the sale of lottery



was forbidden (1856, 195)

to colored persons

or minors, doubtless

to protect


against fraud.

House Journals, 1829, 487 1860, 44, 192; Acts of 1822, ch. 185. The Commissioners of Insolvency discharged in 1834, for instance, 140 whites and 17 free blacks; in 1835, 134 whites and 30 blacks, &c. See Baltimore
Jail Reports.


The Negro in Maryland.

supplementary and more stringent

viding, in part,

bill was brought in ; pro that the certificate from the justice should specify the quantities of corn, wheat and tobacco which might be sold as estimated from a written statement of two respecta

ble neighbors of the black, of the probable amount which his lands could produce during the year and that every purchaser should endorse on the certificate the quantity of his purchase,

under penalty of five dollars. This bill, after consideration, was 1 In 1 825, there was enacted defeated by thirty-three to twenty. that no one, under penalty of one hundred dollars, should buy
of any free black any quantity of tobacco in transfer or parcels, unless the black produced at the time a certificate from a justice of the county giving the quantity and quality of the


respectable citizen

a certificate could be gotten only on proof of a of the neighborhood that the black had

come honestly by the goods, and on payment of twenty-five

which was permanent in this respect, provided that no one should purchase from any colored person any bacon, pork, beef, mutton, corn, wheat, tobacco, rye or in case of a free black, oats, unless the blacks had a permit from a justice or from three respectable persons of his neighbor hood, that he was believed to have acquired the goods honestly. The penalty was a fine from the purchaser of five dollars or a sum equal to the value of the goods, should they be worth more
act of 1831,
3 half to the informer and half to the county. By act of a free black convicted of dealing in stolen goods should be 1842,


sold out of the State for not less than five nor

more than


years service, and be forbidden ever to return, under penalty of 4 Half the proceeds of the sale went to the informer. the law.

House Journal, 1805,

1825, 199. 1831, 323,

17, 64, 80, 98, ch.


1807, 19, 28, 36.


Slaves had to have a permit from their masters or over 9. question was raised without result in the House in 1844, as to whether free blacks should be forbidden to ship on vessels any produce


without permits from justices.


A slave was sold

out for

in force until 1860.

life. 1842, 279. This act appears to have been See Crimes and Punishments of Free Blacks.

The Free Negro.



act of 1831

forbade also, under the same penalty, the

by anyone of ardent spirits to any black who had not a permit in the case of a free black, from a justice of peace of the county in which the black lived, and directed to the seller.


the session of 1832, the statement was made by a member from Dorchester county, which had a large free black as well as slave population, that this provision of the law had been in its practical effect, as was manifest to every person who had

given the slightest attention to it, complete and entire 7 failure. His motion for an inquiry into the matter and for

further measures was adopted ; but nothing was reported then. bill to repeal that provision of the act of 31, reported at the 1 following session, was left on the table.

The Assembly of 1817

passed a

bill entitled,

an act for the

better protection of slaveholders in Calvert, Anne Arundel and St. Mary s counties. Its provisions applied to those counties

only, oners.

and exempted travelers and blacks employed as wag No retailer or distiller of liquors was to allow any col

ored person, except servants or slaves with proper permits, to be on the premises where liquors were sold, between sunset and

The penalty was

and imprisonment

fifty dollars, half to the informer, for not over three months, in default. And

the fact that a black was on the premises after sunset was suffi cient to convict the proprietor, unless he could prove igno

rance of


on the part of himself or his agent, or that


And no possible means had been taken to eject the black. one could receive any goods whatever from any black who did not hold a permit from a justice, under the same penalty of 2 This bill had first been rejected fifty dollars fine or the jail. by the House, but was passed on reconsideration. At the next session came a vigorous appeal from the citizens of Annapolis, seconded by the members of the House from Anne
1832, 55; 1833, 110, 197. evidently the meaning of Section 5 (1817, 227), the permit to be under 1805, afterwards 1831.

House Journal,



The Negro in Maryland.

Arundel, to exempt Annapolis from the act. A bill for that purpose quickly passed the House, but was rejected by the Senate. Two weeks later, the House requested the Senate to
action, stating that the bill was desired by the of Annapolis li with an unanimity of voice seldom but the Upper House not only adhered to its first equalled decision, but refused to appoint a committee of conference on




But at the same session, the act was extended to Prince George s, Somerset, Dorchester, Charles and Talbot counties, with the addition that no liquor should be sold either

the matter. 1

Sunday or






black, or to


without leave from his employer. 2 The next year, another petition was received from Annapolis, and a bill was
finally passed to

exempt that


from the

restrictions as to

harboring blacks, so that retailers and distillers should be governed in that respect by city ordinances only, but
keeping buying unlawfully from a black. The entire act had already been repealed, early in the session, for Talbot and Dorchester counties. Four years later it was re-enacted for Dorchester, only to be done away
the fine of
fifty dollars

or the

jail for

at the next session, in

answer to a protest from sundry


bill to


repeal it for Prince George s county, in 1824, was It is to be found in the Code of 1860, in force in

the other counties mentioned, except Somerset. 3 More rigor ous provisions still against the harboring of blacks by liquor dealers, were enacted in 1854 for Anne Arundel, Calvert,

Howard, Prince George s, Saint Mary s and Somerset 4 A bill was intro counties, but were repealed two years later. duced in the House, in 1827, by a committee of two members
1 The chances of this bill may have been injured by a slight passage at arms between the two Houses, the House having reminded the Senate that the bill had been kept in the Senate for a month before being considered.

House Journal,
8 3

1818, 28, 60, 82, 85, &c. The act of 1817 simply forebade the harboring of blacks. 1818, 184. 181 9, 77, 18; 1823, 15; 1824, 57. House Journal, 1824, 141.

M854, 194; 1856,

The Free Negro.


from Anne Arundel county and one from Annapolis, to reg ulate marketing by blacks in that county and city, which pro
vided a penalty of five dollars only against persons dealing with blacks without the proper license. This passed the

House by

thirty -six to twenty one

seven members calling for

but was unfavorably reported and rejected the yeas and nays 1 in the Senate. For some time, by an act of 1818, it was not
lawful for anyone in

Kent county

to sell liquor to, or trade in

any goods with, any black, between sunset and sunrise, un if a free black, a certificate of less the black had a permit
good character and special permit from two justices of the Such permits were to be recorded and were valid for county. a year. A person who dealt with a black otherwise was liable to forty dollars fine or, in default, not over three months in was liable to jail, and a freeman who counterfeited a certificate
six months.

Innkeepers could


entertain blacks

who were

passing through the county, and dealings in markets at the 2 After 1858, all persons, lawful hours were not included. whether licensed or not, were forbidden to sell or give any

Annapolis or its neighborhood, to minor or slave without a permit from the parent or owner, any or to any free black who did not have a written order from a physician or a certificate from three respectable freeholders of the city, stating that he was of good habits. The penalty for a first offence was from fifty to two hundred dollars, and
double that for a second

liquor, within the city of

half to the informer, half to the

permits must be dated, and were good only for two days from the date. 3 The license system of the act of 1831, by which the free black must get a permit from a justice in order to buy liquor, may or may not have been a complete and utter failure, as the member from Dorchester


was, in the counties



certainly proved to be such

House Journal,


1827, 78, 252. 1818, 170. 1858, 55. In default, there was the jail.


The Negro in Maryland.

in Baltimore, the courts holding that the act did not apply to the city, through lack of precision in wording. Several liquor

dealers were fined

but the court of

had under it had been suppressed, and that to try would be as unjust as ex post facto legislation. 1

1855, for violating the act, pleas stated, on appeal, that the act been held to be inapplicable to the city, that all action


justices, in


to enforce


The House of Delegates, in 1805, referred to a committee a petition from some residents of Harford county for a law to limit the number of dogs which any family could keep, and to forbid all negroes to keep any dogs. The next session,
came another petition from Harford, that negroes might be barred from keeping dogs and guns. bill was accordingly passed Allegany county being first exempted and then in

by amendments allowing a free black to keep one dog only, by a yearly license from a justice, and making any free black who should go abroad with any fire-arm, liable to forfeit the same to an informer, and to pay all costs, unless he had a certificate from a justice, renewable yearly, that he was an orderly and peaceable person. Slaves could not keep dogs; and they had long been forbidden to carry fire-arms off their master s estate without leave. 2 Efforts for further and evicluded,

The city counsellor also stated, on inquiry from the council, that the corporation had no power, under the existing laws, to prohibit the sale of liquor to free negroes. Court of common pleas, reported in the Baltimore

March 29th and 30th, 1855. The courts were empowered to revoke any licenses, ordinarily, when complaints were made against the holders by the grand jury. But acts of 1841 (273) and 1845 (131, 281) empowered the courts for Anne Arundel, Calvert, Howard and Prince George s, to examine into the case of anyone

holding a license, on complaint of one inhabitant of Maryland except in and to revoke the license, Calvert, where three residents must complain

the accused were found guilty of dealing unlawfully with blacks.


1806, 81; 1715, 44.

The Free Negro.



dently more stringent legislation were made from time to and in 1824, free blacks were absolutely forbidden to

carry fire-arms.

The next


to restore the privileges

year, in answer to a petition from under certain conditions to the

House committee reported that had been under the impression for some time, as these they intelligent and respectable petitioners then were, that such privileges might be allowed under careful provisions, but had concluded that action was not then advisable. Several years
free blacks of that county, the
later the

House concurred again

in a similar unfavorable re

1 port from the committee on Grievances. The


evidently directed chiefly against injury to sheep and other farm property. By the act of 1831, free blacks could carry
fire-arms, if they could obtain licenses from the courts. These licenses were to be renewed yearly, and could be withdrawn

any time by the court or by any one judge. The right to carry powder or lead was included ; and a black who might be convicted by a justice of carrying arms or ammunition without leave, had to forfeit such to the informer and pay

and for a second

offence, to

be subject to punishment

for a felony, or be whipped. And the sale of gunpowder or shot or lead to a free black was prohibited, under fine, unless

he had a permit from a


justice, directed

specially to the

the next session, there was added that any fire arms taken already and not forfeited to the informer, should be sold by the officers, and the proceeds, after expenses, be
find mention in the paper in March, given the blacks. of the arrest for examination of two blacks, coming to 1859,



John Brown

Baltimore in a Philadelphia train, with a gun. After the attack on Harper s Ferry, the courts in several
of the lower counties, with large slave populations, withdrew

1824, 203; 1831, 323.

provision, like

House Journal, 1825, 241; 1830, 198, 222. A slave had to have a permit from his employer. This that against the sale of liquor to blacks, could not have been
See above.

enforced in Baltimore city.

all licenses for

The Negro in Maryland.


In many

places, search

was made


fire-arms on the premises of blacks. 1 In 1838 and again in were sent the Assembly, in vain, from Som 1852, petitions erset county one bearing the names of one hundred and one


to protect the inhabitants thereof

from the

evil conse

quences of allowing negroes to keep dogs, but the orderly black still kept his one dog, if he had a justice s license. white could keep as many dogs as he wished, but those


who were complained


of for killing sheep, had to be


free negro, mulatto or "any found by a magistrate, on examination, to be person," living idly, without visible means of support, could be put under bond of not over thirty dollars for good behavior, or in default, be ordered to leave Maryland within five days.


the act of 1796 on negroes,


to go, or returning within six months, the va grant could be committed to jail. In this case, if prison charges were not paid within twenty days, he could be sold

For refusing

by the


with the approval of any two justices of the

county, to serve for not over six months, the balance of pro 3 These ceeds, after charges were paid, to go to the county.

but for vagrant provisions are repeated in the act of 1 825 free colored persons only ; and fifteen days instead of five were

Baltimore Sun, Dec. 12th, 17th and 23rd, 1859. Executive messages. House Journal, 1838, 228. See Code of 1860, article on sheep. An act

of 1854, to protect sheep, put a tax on all dogs in Kent county, outside of the towns, and forbade negroes to keep any bitches there. 3 See acts of 1796, 30, and 1797, 56, giving powers to Annapolis and

Georgetown to suppress vagrants. In Annapolis, by a by-law of 1797, any live person who could not give good account of himself and of his means of lihood could be put under bond, or committed in default; and then, in lack of means to pay prison fees, might be sold in the same way for not over four
months, in the discretion of the mayor.

The Free Negro.


given, before banishment, with the important proviso that the black should not be compelled to go if, within that time, he hired himself for not less than three months to some respon
sible citizen.



also appeal

from the decision of the

justice to the county court,

on giving reasonable security for

appearance and prosecution. Old and infirm free blacks who could not labor for a living were to be cared for by the coun ties. Constables were ordered to take special oath to take up

vagrant blacks and their neglected children.

1839, the magistrate courts,


the act of

orphans courts,

or where there were none, the were to summon all necessary witnesses for

the examination of any free black arrested as a vagrant. If found to be without the necessary means of support and not of good and industrious habits, he, or she, would be sold
at auction as a slave for the current year. bond, with was then given the black for the payment to him, security,

end of his service, of the price paid, less certain fixed The purchaser was also ordered to give him good charges. and sufficient food, lodging and clothing. But if, within
at the

ten days

from the end of the term, the black did not leave Maryland, or hire himself out to some respectable white, to serve as a slave for a year, he would be again sold by the 1 So the law remained, save that courts, and so on, yearly. after 1842 jurisdiction under the act was given also to justices
of peace.

The children of lazy and worthless or vagrant free negroes could be bound out as apprentices in the same way that the children of pauper or vagrant whites were bound. In 1818,
the orphans courts to bind out, in their those free black children who were not at service or discretion, not learning a trade, passed the House of Delegates by a small



majority, and was amended by the Senate so as to exempt those also who were employed in the services of their parents.


67, (20); 1825,

161; 1839, 38; 1842, 281.

109, 110; 1839, 35.

1793, 45,

and 1808, 54; 1818, 189, House Journal,


The Negro in Maryland.

The terms and conditions provided for the idle and neglected who were bound out, were those in use for whites, save that a
female might be bound to eighteen instead of sixteen years, and that the courts might require, in place of the customary instruction in reading and writing, an extra freedom due of not over thirty dollars. As with whites, the wishes of the parents were to be consulted in the choice of the masters, as
far as possible. After 1839, the orphans courts could bind out any free black children whose parents had not the means

them and were not willing to care for them and them honestly employed, so as to learn habits of indus keep
to support
to masters, the choice of the or of the chil parents orphans was to be consulted as far as possible. apprentice could be transferred to another master, if in the


dren, if


same county, and if the court approved. And runaway ap might be adjudged to serve additional time, as was done with whites, or might be sold for the balance of the

term to anyone in the

State, if the courts


satisfied that

they had not been induced to run away by ill-treatment or fraud on the master s part. A special act for Harford county,


creates the

presumption that in that county, at



the law had been


failed to

made any execute the law, when

constable or magis
called on, liable to

be turned out of


were forbidden


and fined. Persons holding apprentices allow them to remain in the custody or em

ployment of free blacks. Throughout the State, constables were entitled to a fee of two dollars from the master to whom
a black child was bound, for bringing the child before the

In several counties, after 1856, the courts were em court. powered, in their discretion, to require masters to give addi tional freedom dues to black apprentices and to secure reason


also to their parents, as

free black

children were sometimes

so reads the preamble bound out while those

who raised them were left in poverty, and as it was but just that the services of black apprentices, who had become valu able to farmers and others, should be compensated in certain

The Free Negro.




children, of course,

especially orphans, children of paupers, and those to the House of Refuge and other institutions.

were frequently bound out, committed


free blacks in the counties.

find mention in the papers of several sales of vagrant One constable, in Caroline county,

was reported
court, of


several were sold for the rest of the year,

have brought thirteen before the orphans and

the children were

bound out. 2 The punishment for vagrant and vagabond whites was usually a short term in the almshouse or jail. In Baltimore city, by authority of special acts, any person found to be idle, without visible means of sup port, a vagrant, a beggar or disorderly person, was to be bound out, or put in the House of Refuge, or to be sent to the almshouse after 1854, for not over two months for the first The number of offence, and never for more than six months.

vagrants thus committed by magistrates to the almshouse of Baltimore city and county in 1853, for instance, was two hun dred and thirty whites and thirty-seven blacks; in 1854, two hundred and sixty-nine whites and thirty-nine blacks. After
greater efforts
to put down rowdyism and number of white vagrants rose, in 1857, to over four hundred, and in 1858, to over five hun The dred, while that of the blacks remained under fifty. total number of blacks in the almsvagrants, paupers, sick

had been made


in Baltimore, the

house in January, 1853, was one hundred and thirty-two to five hundred and eighty-five whites; in January, 1854, one

hundred and twenty-two to six hundred and forty-eight whites; in January, 1857 and 1858, the proportion of blacks was less it may have been on the average, for several years, about one black to five whites. In Baltimore city and county
1 1846, 355. 1856, 87, for Caroline, Kent, Somerset and Worcester. There were some differences in the different counties in the binding out of ap prentices, but the orphans courts had general oversight, everywhere. In Worcester and Somerset counties, free black apprentices might be hired out, by leave of the courts, for not less than a year. 1856, 78; 1860, 75. 2 Denton Journal, quoted in the Baltimore Sun, July 31st, 1855.


The Negro in Maryland.

together there was, in the same round numbers, about one free black to seven whites. 1

In 1886, the inquiry was made

in the Senate, as to the

evidently without answer expediency of compelling free blacks

of the laboring class to hire themselves out by the year. The House committee reported, the next year, in reply to the sug gestion of a member from Calvert county that all free blacks

be forced to labor by the year, that such a measure would be war with all preconceived opinions of propriety, as it would

bring the free blacks in direct contact with the slaves a state of things to be carefully avoided. 2 In 1845, a bill was intro duced in the House, to compel the free blacks of Prince



County, capable of labor, to hire out by the year. Charles and St. Mary s, all large slaveholding

counties, were added, but the bill was rejected by the Senate. Two years later, leave was given for a bill to better the condi

tion of the free blacks in Prince



but we



In 1852, the House committee ing of the plans proposed. was ordered to report a bill to enforce the provisions of the several acts of Assembly for the suppression of vagrancy


the blacks.


mention, at that session, of a bill government, regulation and disposition" of the free


The almshouse was

presume that

a rule

were not certainly not as from the fact of these com mitments under the acts of 1818, 169, and 1854, 116, for Baltimore, and as we have not seen mention of any sale in the daily papers from 1850-1860. The change in proportion between white and black inmates of the almshouse, and between whites and blacks committed to it as vagrants, may be due to the fact that efforts were made to enforce the laws, and if we may believe all reports of that time the vast majority of the rowdies and dis


for the city and county. idle or vagrant free blacks sold in Baltimore under the act of 1839,

orderly persons in Baltimore were whites. See the papers, the messages of the mayor, as in 1850 and 1858, and the reports of the marshal of police. Thus, of 1003 persons arrested for violations of law in May, 1859, 907 were white and 116 colored. Of 537 police "lodgers," the next month, only 48

were black.

House Journal,

1837, 108, 173.

The Free Negro.



which was referred


to the next

from what

said of


contents, to

Assembly. It seems, have given means for the

binding out of free blacks, and to have forbidden man umission except on condition of emigration to Africa. Brought


in the


times rejected.


at the next session accordingly, it was three the same session, a bill to furnish a rem

edy against

free blacks

who might





thirty-six to eight,

quit service after hiring was reconsidered

finally rejected again.

and passed by forty

to ten,

and then


the next session, 1854, the same or a similar bill was rejected by twenty-six to nineteen, was then reconsidered and

by twenty-eight to twenty, and was finally passed by In the Senate, it was first rejected by forty-one to nineteen. to four, and afterwards passed without opposition. This eight act declared guilty of misdemeanor any free black who might

leave without proper cause, before the expiration of the time agreed, the service of one to whom he had hired him

The black could be

arrested on a warrant,

and judgment

on the case was to be given by the magistrate according to equity, each party having the right to produce witnesses. The oath of the employer and the evidence of some other person
that the black had engaged in such service, was declared prima facie evidence of the contract; but the justice must be satis
fied that the wages were reasonably secure to the black, and that he had not left service from improper treatment or other

If convicted, he had to fulfil his agreement, good cause. compensate for lost time, and pay costs. If duly convicted of a second offence, he might be put in jail for not over a week, and be treated as a free negro apprentice. If a black were con
victed of having agreed in writing, or by supplement of two years later, of receiving wages in advance on a verbal agree

ment, to hire out, and of having then hired out to another without cause for breaking his agreement, the first employer could sue to recover two-fifths of the wages agreed on. But

House Journal, 1853; Feb. 5th



The Negro in Maryland.

it was specially provided that nothing in the act should be construed to debar any free black from prosecuting any action for cruel treatment or improper usage on the part of his


In 1850, the Kent county News had complained that

laborers were scarcer than ever before, and attributed the fact to the refusal of free negroes to hire out on the farms as they In the winter of 55, there were complaints in the used to do.

counties of scarcity of labor. Likely negroes were bringing high wages, and several farmers of Queen Anne s, according to

delphia house of refuge.

the Centreville Sentinel, had gotten apprentices from the PhilThere were the same complaints the

following summer. The Cambridge Democrat says that some farmers of Dorchester had called a meeting to consider what

Another rates were expected. the next year, that the farmers paper wisely regretted, could not get hold of the able-bodied men who were loafing about the cities. 2
wages should be paid, as high

It was during the winter of 1829-30 that Mr. William Lloyd Garrison was editing in Baltimore the Genius of Uni
versal Emancipation, declaring that to hold slaves longer in bondage was both unnecessary and tyrannical, that justice their liberation, and that to recompense slave owners for emancipation would be paying a thief for giving 3 But the press was free, and for such up stolen property.


1854, 273

knowingly employ
after conviction.

1856, 252. There were also penalties against those who might free blacks convicted under the act, within a limited time



employer would have a lien on the earnings of

the black.


See Baltimore Sun, 1850, Jan. 15th; 1855, Jan. 3rd, Feb. 16th, June 1856, Jan. 7th, &c. Life of Garrison, Vol. II, 143, 151. The indictment under which Mr.

certain persons.

Garrison was imprisoned in Baltimore Jail, in 1830, was for libel against He left Baltimore some weeks after his release.

The Free Negro.


general statements, however displeasing they may have been, In 1835, a supplement to the there was no redress at law. act of 1831 declared it to be a high offence, to be punished by

imprisonment for from ten to twenty years, for any person whatever to take any part, knowingly, in the preparation or
circulation of

any printed or written matter having a tendency

among the colored people, or to stir them In 1841, a further supplement prescribed the same penalty for any free colored person who should, know ingly, call for or receive at any postoffice, or receive or have in his or her possession, any abolition hand-bill, pamphlet, newspaper, pictorial representation or other paper of an inflammatory character. And it was declared the duty of everyone, under penalty for neglect of a fine of not less than five hundred dollars or of not less than two months in jail, to
to create discontent to insurrection.

might have grand juries were ordered to have summoned before them at every term of court, for due examination, all the postmasters, deputies and agents,
free black
be, or

inform against any

who might

been, in possession of

any such papers.


This bill passed the House without or special mention, but was first defeated by the 1 The next year, the Senate, and passed on reconsideration. act was so modified that postmasters need not be summoned
in their jurisdictions.

before the juries unless it were deemed necessary, and there was added that on the complaint to a justice of anyone, under
oath, that a free black was thought to be or furnishing to slaves, any abolition or

having or circulating


free papers, a con not less than three respectable citizens should be


to search the premises of the black, using as little violence to his feelings as might be compatible with a diligent search.

the April term, 1857, of the circuit court for Dorchester county, a free black was tried before the court by his choice


on two indictments.


one he was found not guilty, but

See 1835, 325; 1841, 272; 1842, 163.



The Negro in Maryland.

on the other, for knowingly having in his possession "Uncle Tom s Cabin," he was given the minimum term of ten years.

courts may, of course, have regularly charged the grand juries with these acts at each term, as they were bidden to do,


without any mention being made of it in the Baltimore papers, but in the spring and summer of 1860, after the John Brown
invasion, we find special mention of charges to the juries by the courts for Baltimore, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Kent

The Helper Book" and the and Queen Anne s counties. New York Tribune seem to have given the most uneasiness. A free black was arrested in Harford county in February, 1860, but the indictment was quashed at the spring term of court. The incendiary document in this case was said in the papers to be the New York Tribune. In November following, a white

man was

tried in Dorchester for circulating

2 but the jury found not guilty.



ing Crisis,


act of 1809 which, with the building of the peniten marks most prominently the era of new ideas of crimes
the Governor of Maryland in

^his negro was pardoned by


on con

dition of his leaving the State, on the representation of a prominent citizen of Baltimore that he had been innocent of any attempt at violation of the



was said that the book had been

left in his

house by people



to get


into trouble.

We find mention of the arrest of two other whites in the spring of 1860. See Baltimore Sun, for May 3rd and May 24th. The Chestertown News says of Kent thought it the duty of postmasters to read t hat the grand jury
everything in papers received, but the judge said the general character of a paper was sufficient. See Baltimore Sun, April 24th, 1860. It is inter were not esting to note that the Baltimore city Police Commissioners allowed to employ on the police any "black Republican" or endorser of
"Helper Book."


XLIX, 7)

See Code of 1860, Local Laws. In 1835 (NU&f Eegfourteen ministers of the annual conference of the Metho

dist Episcopal church, while approving of gradual emancipation, begged abolitionists to desist from spreading inflammatory papers, which could only

embarrass the blacks, slave and free. In 1847, the House of Delegates laid on the table petitions from the citizens of Cecil county, both to allow and
to prevent abolition lectures in


The Free Negro.


and punishments provided that slaves convicted of crimes for which the penalty was not hanging, might, in the discre tion of the court, be whipped and banished by sale into some foreign country"; but there was no line drawn between free men, white and black. In 1817 there was enacted that no

colored person should thereafter be sentenced to the peniten tiary for less than one year ; and that in all cases where the

term prescribed was less than a year, or where the court, in the exercise of its discretion, might deem so long a punish


as a year unjust, the black should be whipped, fined or imprisoned in jail, as the court might adjudge. The next year

the penitentiary was closed entirely to slaves who, in non capital cases, were to be whipped or banished from Maryland.

In 1821 a bill was introduced in the House to forbid also the punishment of free blacks by imprisonment in the peniten tiary, but it was referred to the next Assembly. The question does not seem to have come up again until 1825, when a bill for that purpose was passed, after some opposition. No person was to be sent to the penitentiary for less than two years, and no free black for any term. For any crime not punished by
hanging, a free black would be sentenced, in the discretion of the court, to not over forty lashes on the bare back a slave
could be given up to one hundred, by the act of 1809 or to banishment from Maryland and sale as a slave for the same
that a white would be imprisoned. The convict was given an official copy of the judgment. The pro ceeds of the sale paid for expenses, indemnified any injured 1 parties, and the balance went into the county or city treasury.

number of years

Within a few days of the beginning of the next session, a res olution was offered to refer the operation of this new law to
the committee on Grievances, to report amendments, if desir able ; as it was obvious that great abuses would prevail under

inasmuch as

the record of judgment being liable to be

1809, 138 (9) 1817, 72 ; 1818, 197 1825, 93. bia was excepted in the acts of 1818 and 1825.


District of



The Negro in Maryland.

it was feared that in most cases destroyed by the purchasers the sentence of sale for a year would in effect amount to sale for life. This resolution was adopted after two readings; but



mover asked


two months

later, to

introduce a

to repeal or

modify the act of 1825, the

against him by forty to thirty-two, the ayes and nays, and the committee was discharged from further consideration of the matter. Later in the session, how
ever, the

House voted seven members calling for

was again im but on discharge from was, the penitentiary, whether by the expiration of the term or by pardon, he was given not over thirty dollars, from the results of his labor, and was banished the State within sixty days
law was so changed that a
free black

prisoned for crime, as a white


under penalty of being sold as a slave for a term equal

to the

original sentence, for the benefit of anyone who might find him and could prove the facts of the case to a judge or two

The act of 1831 allowed the courts, justices of the county. in their discretion, to punish free blacks for offences not capi
by the ordinary penalties, or by banishment by transpor tation into some foreign country." It does not seem probable that many were banished under this provision, for we find numbers of them sent to the penitentiary in the following From November, 1832, to November, 1835, one hun years. dred and forty-nine were sent from Baltimore city and county, as against one hundred and four whites. The act of 31, also, we remember, made free negroes liable to the same treatment


and penalties

as were given slaves, if they were convicted of with slaves in any misdemeanor for which slaves taking part were punished by a justice. For many petty offences, notably under local laws, free blacks could be whipped where whites 2 The next important general law was would be put in jail.


House Journal, 47, 422. Thus by 1852, 57, any negro who took oysters unlawfully Worcester county, and who could not pay the tine, might be given not
1826, 229

1831, 323, 8.

over thirty -nine lashes.

In Baltimore


under act of 1831,

58, prisoners

The Free Negro.


that of 1835, which ordered the criminal courts to examine every free black convicted before them, and empowered them
if they

found that he, or she, had been previously sentenced

to the penitentiary for any crime, to have him sold for a term The proceeds of such sales, after of years without the State. the expenses of prosecution, went to the public treasury. paying

Three years later this was changed so as to pay one-fourth the net proceeds as a reward to the officer who apprehended and 1 In 1842, as we saw, the penalty for prosecuted the black.


free black convicted

fixed at banishment


of dealing in any stolen goods was sale as a slave for from five to ten

taking part in unlawful societies, was sale for life. Also, by act of 1849, the penalty for a second conviction of certain frauds on the revenue, might

and that for a second offence

be sale out of the State.

the introduction of a

In 1836, leave had been given for

punish by sale as slaves for life out of Maryland, free blacks convicted of felony in general the old act of 25 revived with greater harshness. The com
bill, to

mittee on Colored Population was opposed to the plan, but

were worked with their own consent, but vagrants, slaves and free negroes had to work without option, if ordered. By 1837, 228, the penalty for injuring certain gates on public roads in Charles and Prince George s coun ties, was fine of not over ten dollars, or not over thirty -nine lashes for a slave, on conviction before a magistrate, and "any white person aggrieved

could appeal to the county court.

By many town

roaming about

ordinances, free blacks as well as slaves could be at night, &c.


This must have been intended to reenforce the which had banished from Maryland all free blacks discharged from the penitentiary, under penalty of sale for the benefit of the finder. A petition from sundry citizens of Caroline, for a repeal of this provision of the act of 1826, was presented the House in 1838; but it is found in the Code of 1860, art. 30, 99. In a case before Baltimore county court, in
lS3b, 200; 1838, 69.
act of 1826,

1841, the counsel for the negro claimed that the identity of a negro punished under the act of 1835, was a question for a jury to decide; but the court held that the act was merely for the regulation of the court in inflicting punishment, and raised no new issue. (See Nil-eat Register,

Vol. LXI, 217.)


The Negro in Maryland.

reference to the committee on Crimes.

This com

mittee reported favorably, but the matter was postponed.


1842, some one suggested,

plan of banishing to Africa




an inquiry into the

all free

blacks liable to imprison

ment, and


for whipping on Crimes did not evidently approve of any change. In 1853 there were two requests for enquiries into the wisdom of

1845, certain citizens of Charles county asked and transportation for them ; but the committee

changing the laws so as to sell free black convicts for the benefit of the counties, instead of supporting them in the peni

In 1856, a bill was introduced, to sell out of Mary tentiary. land for the balance of their terms, all the free negroes then
in that institution, the proceeds to go to the State treasury; and to sell the slaves for life, the proceeds to go to the coun

which had already paid the masters. 1 Baltimore city and county had sent to the penitentiary, in 1852, twenty-nine whites and eighteen blacks, slave and free; in 53, forty-seven

whites to twenty-one blacks

56, thirty-eight to ten


54, sixty to nineteen ; in ; 57, twenty-eight to nineteen. of blacks were sold out of the State, most of them as


having been already prison-birds, probably. At one term of Baltimore criminal court, in 1853, nine were sold; at another, The next year, two were sold at one term, four at an two.

and one



At the following winter term, four number of blacks committed to the peniten The
at another.

tiary had not increased in proportion to the whites, though slaves had been again imprisoned for serious offences after
cient for the total

1845, but the accommodations of the institution were insuffi number of inmates. The executive message

of 1854 called attention to the fact that for twenty years, with three exceptions, the annual expenditures were in excess of the

from labor.


the next Assembly, the bad condition

House Journal, 1836, 198; 1S42, 39;

1845, 27; 1853, 27, 285; 1856,

618, 683.

The Free Negro.


of the buildings was carefully pointed out. The message of 1858 declared the institution in great financial embarrassment,

one wing of the building having been burned, in addition to the usual deficit, and advised a change of the law so that slaves might be transported, as before 1845, in order to reduce
the four hundred and

more inmates, of


from a third


a half were negroes. special House committee reported at the same session the need of fifty thousand dollars, and
declared boldly that the over-crowded buildings were almost 7 a pest house/ Something must be done, and a change in 1 the punishment of petty larceny was suggested. The Assembly

chose to change radically the punishment of the free blacks. For stealing any goods under the value of five dollars, or for

breaking into any store, barn or outbuilding and stealing goods under the value of one dollar, or for simple larceny above five dollars, the penalty for a free black was sale as a
slave for from two to five years. For wounding or killing wilfully a horse or mule not trespassing on his land, from two
to four years.



to fourteen years

stealing any horse or mule, sale for for stealing a vessel or a slave, ;

from from

three to twelve years

for persuading or aiding any slave or ; black apprentice to run away, for not less than five years in all three cases, either within or beyond the State. For arson,

instead of hanging or not over twenty years imprisonment, a free black must be hung or sold as a slave for life, within or

beyond the
left to

In cases of robbery, only, the choice was State. the courts between the ordinary imprisonment in the

1858, Doc. O.

Should a


which may God

added the committee, visit the his mercy avert, no prediction can be made as to


If consequences, not only as to the prison, but to the city in general." the solution of the problem was to be the reduction on a large scale of the

inmates, it is obvious that the Governor s suggestion would be insufficient, an for the larger part of the negroes were freemen convicted of larceny offence for which slaves were not imprisoned.

The minimum term

had been


which anyone could be sentenced

to the peni

fixed at eighteen months (1839, 37). Imprisonment for enticing or aiding a slave to escape was from two to five years (1844, 80).



The Negro in Maryland.

penitentiary for from three to ten years, or sale for ten years. The proceeds of the sale of any black paid for the expenses of

prosecution and any just claims for damages, and any balance was given the county or city for the use and maintenance of
leave. Not only was the convict furnished with a certified copy of the judgment, but the sheriff was ordered to give notice in the paper of the neigh

any indigent child or wife he might

been convicted or by posters in each election district of the if there was no county, paper published there of the coming expiration of the term of service, for
three successive weeks preceding the There was expiration. provided also the penalty of not less than one hundred dollars fine, or not over two months in jail, for a sheriff or clerk of

borhood where he had

court neglecting wilfully the duties of the act. And anyone who sold a convict for a longer time than his term, or in any

of freedom, when it was due, was liable to be fined double the sum paid for the black, and in default, to be imprisoned for from thirty to ninety days, or to be fined

way deprived him

and imprisoned. During the two years following the passage of

this act,

eighty-nine free blacks in all were sold, twenty- four by the courts of Baltimore city, eleven in Baltimore county, eight in

Harford, seven, each, in Dorchester, Frederick and Talbot, &c. Four of these were sold for life ; but the average term

was between four and five years. The crime seems to have been invariably larceny of some degree. Without the act of 1858, said the committee on Colored Population in their report
House, the number of free blacks in the penitentiary would have been two hundred and ten instead of one hun dred and twenty-one. The number of slaves imprisoned was only thirteen. During the year 18GO, sixteen men and ten
to the

Report of House committee, Feb. 7th, 1860. Baltimorejail had twentyone free blacks and two slaves. In 1861, there were seventeen blacks sold and one black and thirty-seven whites sent to the penitentiary from Balti

more jail.

The Free Negro.

and one negro only

women were
sent thence

sold from Baltimore jail,

to the

penitentiary against fifty-three whites. obvious that the objections raised in 1826, that the sale

of free blacks for a term of years out of the State amounted often, to say the least, to sale for life, were equally patent

For larceny and two other offences, against this act of 1858. the act of 1858 ordered simply the sale as a slave. One who was sentenced for simple larceny by the circuit black,
court for Baltimore city in 1859, to be sold out of Maryland for five years, carried his case to the Court of Appeals, which held the sentence to be illegal, as allowing the black to be

purchased by a non-resident only, instead of by a resident or 2 In non-resident, according to the chances of sale at auction.

1860 the law was changed in so far that a free black con any offence for which a white man would be sent to the penitentiary, was sold either in or out of Maryland, at the
victed of

would be imprisoned.

discretion of the court, for as long a time as a white man The proceeds went, as before, after

paying the expenses of prosecution and damages, to the family of the convict, but if there was no family, to the county or


The number

of Whites) and Blacks committed

to Baltimore jail for...



The Negro in Maryland.


Such, in general, was the legal status of the free negroes Maryland. One is not likely, in studying it, to lose sight

of the influence of slaveholding



most unjust
hostility to



all this legislation

would evidently be by the gauge of

free black. The easy license system for liquor to free blacks in the counties, must have injured the liquor dealers only and been of real service to the blacks. The fondness of the negro for drink is well





If an honest black was sometimes put to slight

trouble over the sale of his produce, there were many others who felt no conscience to keep them from pilfering. Of the convictions in Liberia, as reported by the officials from 1828
to 1844,

two hundred and ninety-one were for larceny against


eighty-two for

other offences.


of the free blacks in

Maryland were going to the towns, one to become prosperous and respected, while a half-dozen others stood about in the
sun, working at small jobs for a week in order to live from the proceeds for a month. The idea that the free blacks were not a desirable part of the population was not confined to the

Southern slaveholding States. 2

We have touched, in passing, on plans that were advanced for the further regulation or disposition of the free

The population had then grown

were the best negroes.

to be nearly 2400.


a rule, emigrants

to Liberia

2 See, for instance, the report of a committee to the Massachusetts Legis lature in 1821, by Mr. Theodore Lyrnan, Jr. See NUa? Register, Vol. XX,

311; and Dr. Moore s Slavery in Massachusetts. Dr. Chas. Deane says (Proceedings Am. Antiquarian Soc., Oct., 1886): It is not to be denied that the negro race, bond or free, was not regarded,

here (i. e. in Mass.) as a desirable element of the population. They were generally ignorant and degraded, and required to be looked after and cared for as children, and strict regulations were made to ensure order among

them, to see that they should have employment, and to provide for a
healthy sanitary

The Free Negro.

blacks of Maryland.
It will be well to notice these


and other

carefully, in chronological order. plans, In 1817, a number of gentlemen of Baltimore had associated together, to further the work of the American Colonization I O


and the Assembly of that year resolved unanimously communicate to the President of the United States and to the senators and representatives from Maryland, the opinion that a wise and provident policy suggested the acquisition of a tract of land on the coast of Africa, for the colonization of the free blacks of the country. Two years later, another and


similar communication

was sent to the members of Congress and the House of Delegates regretted that the State, State finances would not allow a contribution to the deserving In 1826, one thousand efforts of the Colonization Society. dollars was appropriated, to be given annually for the work
from the
of the Society


the free blacks of Maryland

the only

plan, reads the act, which can promise practical benefit both to the country and to that class which it is intended to relieve.


In 1830, the Maryland branch of the society was incor 1 In 1818, a bill for the registration of all free blacks in Maryland passed the House but was rejected by the Senate.

In 1821, there was some effort made in the House for a bill of the same nature. The free blacks, then growing into quite
a class of the community, were looked on with growing dis In a correspondence, over runaway slaves, with the favor.
authorities of Pennsylvania, the Maryland commissioners said that it seemed to them impossible in the nature of things






amalgamated with the whites.


towards them, said the com cannot be given the enjoyment of every poli missioners, they tical privilege, and must be in some ways a distinct portion

we may

of the community.




had already


Pennsylvania, they added, if reports the burden of a free black popula-

1 Griffith s Annals of Baltimore, 223 1817, Res. 5; 1819, Res. 58, House Journal for Jan. 3d, 1820 1825, Res. 53; 1826, ch. 172; 1830, 189.
; ;


The Negro in Maryland.

a people usually extremely dissolute and idle, and con series of papers in Niles sequently a public nuisance.

Register, published in Baltimore, had already called earnestly for the abolition of slavery "this blot, or curse," it

which no righteous man or lover of republican institutions could believe to be permanent but on condition that pro vision be made for the separation of the freed-inen from the slaves, as the mixture of them was fatal to the improvement of both and at open war with the safety of person and prop
erty of the whites. special committee of five members of the House of Delegates, on certain communications from the

Legislatures of Georgia and Missouri, on colonization, in 1829, expressed the opinion that no one probably, at that enlightened

day, would doubt that the existence of a free black popula was a national evil, which might tend to embarrass the

wholesome operations of the government but all this pre amble to their report was struck out by the House. At this same session, the House received four petitions, mostly from citizens of Somerset county, for changes in the law on manu mission doubtless to restrict the privilege and for a tax on free blacks. These were referred to the committee on Griev
ances, evidently without any answer. Late in the summer of 1831 occurred the insurrection in

Southampton county, Virginia. Early in the session of the Maryland Assembly, the December following, a joint committee of five senators and seven members was appointed, on the sug gestion of the House that the colored population of the State had been a subject of absorbing interest, and that experience demonstrated that some legislative action was indispensable
at that session.


the consideration of this committee were



some twenty

and memorials, from



House Journals, 1818, 37, 116; 1821,9; 1822,164; NU&! Register, Vol. House Journals, 1829, Jan. lst-18th, pp. 336/547. Mr. Reverdy Johnson was probably the writer of the communication to Penn sylvania, as the House asked him to continue the correspondence.

16, pp. 177, 211

The Free Negro.

of the State.
Several of these, signed by


many and highly


notably one from Baltimore respectable Others desired to have for abolition of slavery.




conditional on the removal of the freedmen.

more stringent police regulation of the free Others, blacks. A motion to have all these memorials printed for the use of the House, was lost by a large majority, but a thousand copies of the report of the committee were ordered. After several weeks, the committee introduced a bill on the free black population, which, after some amendments, became the act of 31 on free negroes and slaves. Copies of the bill Avere distributed, and it was laid on the table for several weeks

by request of the committee. After careful consideration, it passed the House by a vote of forty-five to ten. We are familiar

on the immigration of general provisions free negroes and the importation of slaves, on the use of fire arms by blacks, on the sale of liquor and other dealings with them, on religions meetings; and the grant to the courts


of the power to banish free blacks convicted of non-capital, serious offences, and to punish like slaves such free blacks as

might be convicted of petty offences with slaves. But harder questions for the committee to answer were those relating to abolition of slavery and to the black population already in the State. That this population was injurious to the prosperity
of the State, they frankly granted. Recent events had proven to the people that there must be a separation of the races. The question was to find a remedy which the State could
apply, consistent with its honor, and with a due regard to the welfare of the blacks, that unfortunate class of the population.

Emancipation, as
to all concerned


had been


had been a doubtful



benefits, especially in the

value of

from the removal of slavery; and so the committee advised the plan of colonization in Africa, of manumission conditional, as a rule, on emigration.
result to the State


1831, eh. 323.

House Journal,

94, 114, 304, 310, 467, 544.


The Negro in Maryland.

annual expenditure, they asserted, of forty thousand and hundred dollars, would remove entirely the colored


Such was the persons in Maryland within a generation. policy proposed for the State. Meantime, the Maryland Col onization Society was being formed by a number of gentlemen,
for the

removal to Africa of those free blacks who might be

The act of willing to go, and of slaves freed for the purpose. 1831, embodying these suggestions of the committee, provided
for the appointment

by the Governor of a board of three man members of the Maryland Colonization Society, to take

charge of the removal from the State of such blacks already free as should consent to emigrate, and of all those to be there

manumitted, whether they consented or not, unless they 7 obtained annual permits to remain from the orphans courts. Manumissions were to be reported to the board, and all sheriffs were to report a complete census of all free blacks,

under penalty of two hundred dollars, and to keep the board informed of any who might be willing to emigrate. And the State appropriated then the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the expenses involved in the work during the current year, and pledged itself to further sums, not to exceed two hun dred thousand dollars in all. An annual levy was ordered on the various counties and on Baltimore, in proportion to the free The vote on this act in the House was black population.

The publication of these acts thirty-seven to twenty-three. on negroes was ordered by the Assembly, in two of the news resolution papers in Baltimore and in one in every county.

had already been passed, early


in the session, calling

on con

to obtain national aid, if necessary,

by proposing an

Report of committee on grievances,



on the colored population, 1831.

The committee consisted, on the part of the Senate, of Messrs. Taney, Emory, of the House, Brawner, of Charles county Dennis, Wootton, Pigman (chairman), Blakeston, of St. Mary s Brewer, of Annapolis Pearce, of Kent Lake, of Dorchester Carmichael, of Queen Anne s, and Handy, of
; ;


1831, 281.

The Free Negro.

free blacks of


to the Constitution, for

removing the

the country. 1



Colonization Society numbered members some of the most able and respected citi

The Maryland

zens of the State, and the abolition of slavery, as well as the removal of the free blacks, was one of the objects of the work

which they now entered upon with the patronage of the State. But as compulsory emigration under the act of 1831 was not enforced the members of the society not desiring it and sentiment not demanding it that work became the public removal of those free blacks who could be persuaded to go, and of some of those who were freed especially for emigration. It was more costly work, too, than the committee of 31 had In 1832, one hundred and forty-four of whom expected. some seventy-five were free born were sent to Africa, at the cost of over five thousand dollars. This was the largest expe The next year eighteen were sent out, and eight dition. thousand dollars were spent the next year, again, fifty-seven were sent at a cost of nearly three thousand. Nor had the col onization taxes been cheerfully paid in some counties they had not been levied by the spring of 1835. Some of the counties indeed had received no benefit whatever from the Of the first and largest expedition to Africa, ninety-one law. blacks, nearly two-thirds of all, had gone from Somerset, four teen from Worcester, twelve from Caroline, ten from Cecil, &c., but here emigration from Worcester and Somerset had stopped, and eleven only had gone from Caroline, further, in 1835, and sixteen from Cecil in 1836. There were already requests from Somerset and St. Mary s counties to be exempted from the special tax. One black only had gone from the latter but its quota of the tax was two hundred and sixtycounty,

1 1831, Ees. 124. As "recent occurrences in this State as well as in other States of our Union, have impressed more deeply upon our minds the

of means for such removal. A resolution of the next session asked for the appropriation of the funds from the sale of public land, for internal improvement, aid to education and aid to colonization. (Res. 28.)



The Negro in Maryland.

Frederick county was to contribute nearly fifty dollars yearly, and only six blacks had

three dollars yearly.

nine hundred and

emigrated from it up to 1836, when seventeen went. An act of 1834 ordered the levy courts to charge interest on back payments still due, and deficits in future were to be made up,

In 1835, a bill to abolish the tax throughout the State was left on the table. At the special next session, the committee on Colored Population, being called on to report on the expediency of repealing entirely the act of

temporarily at least, from the hands of the State treasurer. 1

free school or other

funds in the

1831, of giving up colonization as the State policy, stated that adopted after the melancholy issue of the South


had warned that no time was


be lost in

It has laying foundation for future security still boded well. long been a maxim, added the committee, that the existence of

separate and distinct castes in society is an inherent vice, pregnant with the most baneful consequences. The free black, dead
to every generous

ultimate aim,

prompting of ambition, because debarred of Our has ever been an incubus on society.

warmest sympathies they have, but while they remain among us, little more can be extended. A curse to our slaves, whom they are constantly corrupting, an evil to the whites, between whom and them the laws of God and nature have drawn lines never to be effaced, they must leave our shores if On this report no they would be happy and prosperous.
action seems to have been taken.

Meanwhile the plan was

offered of requiring all free blacks

to renew annually their certificates of freedom ; but the com that confusion in which the House agreed mittee reported

1 1834, 197. In 1832 (Ch. 314) the appropriations to the American Col onization Society had reverted in part to the State, as these had not been drawn for several years. Certain taxes also went to the work of the State

as those on the introduction into Maryland of slaves who had been acquired by marriage, bequest or in distribution ($15 for every able negro, &c.). 1833, 87. See Report of Committee, 1840. *See Report of House Committee on Colored Population, 1836.


The Free Negro.


would ensue and facilities for escape be given slaves, by the great number of certificates required, and that additional burdens would be thrown on the blacks, a large portion of


The committee was then ordered

were then scarcely able to procure the necessaries of there were thirteen

votes against taking up their time over the matter to con sider the expediency of compelling free blacks to emigrate To drive the free blacks away, an within a stated time.

swered the committee, would be to send them to the

States, to



league with against forced removal.

easier the path for runaway slaves, and to fanatic abolitionists. Then justice cries aloud

However much every well-wisher

of Maryland may desire to see her rid of the free blacks, at present a vicious and degraded population, yet we do not
think, said the committee, that the enlightened legislators of the State are prepared, in the accomplishment of that desir able end, to steel their hearts against every consideration of

and right. Should the proposed legislation be carried out, our consciences might remind us that the glorious result

had been dearly purchased at the cost of State faith and justice; and some malignant foe of our institutions might point his finger at the Declaration of Independence and the State Bill of Rights, and call them unmeaning parchment. This report was left on the table, apparently. 2 The Governor s message of 1837 spoke of the value of the colonization scheme, and stated that the attempts of the friends of immediate and general abolition to defeat the work of the In 1841, the Colonization Society s agents were losing force. committee on Colored Population summed up the work done since 1832 by the State board of managers. The total number of emigrants sent out had been six hundred and twenty-seven to Africa and twenty-five to Hayti. The amount drawn from the State had been over sixty-six thousand dollars.

House Journal, 1835, 39, 48. See Keport of Committee on Colored Population, 1836.



The Negro

in Maryland.

There had always been room in the vessels for more emigrants; owing somewhat to the work among the blacks of the enemies
of colonization, the abolitionists. 1 number of slaveholders of Anne Arundel county met in September, 1841, and issued a call for a general convention of

persons favorable to the protection of the slaveholding inter ests of the State. Delegations of twenty were to be appointed in each county and Howard district and the cities of Balti

more, Annapolis and Frederick. The convention, accordingly, assembled at Annapolis in the hall of the House of Dele
in the following January; but the list of members appointed give only one hundred and thirty-one and Allegany, Caroline, Carroll and Worcester counties were not rep


resented at all
called for

instead of

some four hundred and

eighty, as

2 by the September meeting.


president and other


prominent members urged prudence and caution let these mark your deliberations, said the chair, the eyes of the whole world are upon us. The time was, said one member, when we had but few free blacks among us, and we entertained different feelings to them then from those feelings we hold now when, by their approximation in numbers to the

1 In July, 1832, thirty-one blacks had been sent off under the old State appropriation for colonization adding these to those send under the act of 1831, some 800 were sent in all, at a cost of about $900.00 apiece. In one

case only, we remember, was a sheriff called on, under the act of 1831, to remove forcibly a manumitted black. In this case, the fellow had had some dispute with his old master, and was carried over the line by the

the harsh features of the act been enforced, the results of would, of course, have been very different. Under the auspices of the American Colonization Society, some 200 blacks had been
sheriff .



sent from Maryland. 2 See files Register, vol. 61

Baltimore American.

A number of

the ap

pointed delegates were not present, evidently, or at least did not remain, for on the second day there were only eighty-five. reporter for a Northern abolition paper, who ventured there, was saved from summary punishment

by the
of the



was put in jail, and defended on his examination by one


of the convention, of Annapolis.



president of the

convention was of Prince George

The Free Negro.



we are forced to look to the shield of law to protect The increasing demand for relief from every part of the

State calls for

justice to all concerned. ple, for laws have failed,


to be, however, in a true spirit of must at last appeal to the peo


unless they have the The work of the sanction of the whole people of the State. convention was a long list of suggestions for legislation, to be

and must

The most impor presented to the Assembly then in session. tant of these were, prohibition of manumission except on condition of instant transportation at the expense of the manusome place out of the country. 1 Prohibition of all manumission by last will as well as by deed, if prospective.
mittor, to


free blacks to enter


Maryland except

as servants of trav



strict regulations

might once leave the State. any train or steamer out of the State, unless vouched for as a freeman by some one known to the conductor or captain and the courts to appoint bailiffs, monthly, to watch the arrival and

against the return of any who No free black to be carried on

departure of all

"common carriers," to prevent the escape of rewards to be paid by the State for the convic High

tion of those inducing or aiding slaves to escape ; as well as rewards to be paid by the owners, according to the distance

from home which the runaway had covered, when caught. The State to pay all expenses of any cases which might arise from the conflict between the laws of any State and the Fugi
tive Slave



in order to test the constitutionality of the free black to be allowed to hold any real estate, or


any leasehold


running for more than a year.

No sales

or gifts of slaves to free blacks, under penalty of fine to the master conveying, and of sale out of the State to the black
so conveyed.


free black to give security, to

be renewed

This clause provoked some argument. One member he who had defended the Northern reporter opposed it as tending to entail slavery. Another said the blacks had long been invited to leave, but had refused
to go.

One member urged no manumission

at all.


The Negro in Maryland.

annually, for good behavior, under penalty for neglect of being hired out by a magistrate; ten dollars of his wages

being paid the person

who had taken him before the magistrate;

and attempts


run away being provided against by a penalty

of sale out of the State, if caught. After 1843, the children of all free blacks were to be bound out by the courts, from the
ages of eight to eighteen or twenty, when males were to receive seventy-five dollars and females twenty-five, from

All free masters, on condition of leaving Maryland. blacks to register themselves and get new certificates, yearly, in the county offices. Sale out of Maryland or banishment,
free blacks for all offences not capital. of negroes for any purposes whatever, after sunset ; meetings and fine and imprisonment with sale out of the State for a


punishment of


second offence


any black having a

illegal meetings.

license to preach,


might attend


of one hun

dred dollars, half to the informer, for any

retail dealer

might give or

sell, in

any negro.


any way whatever, any wine or liquors an increase in the cost of a license for a

traveling pedlar. Such were the recommendations of this con vention, which adjourned sine die, on the third day of sitting,

having named a committee of five members to present memorials to the Legislature. The House committee on Colored Population had been asked

already to take some action, and leave had been granted them, two weeks before the slaveholders met, to bring in a bill "for
the better government of the free colored population of the State, and for the protection and perpetuation of negro slavery

The memorial of the convention, duly presented a week or so after the adjournment, was read and referred to the same committee, and over a hundred copies were printed



members and


Memorials and petitions

This clause,

it is

pro and con.


interesting to note, brought up considerable argument, clause called, also, for the prohibition of fire-arms and


to blacks.

The Free Negro.


against the work of the convention soon began to come in ; the House received twenty-six, and the Senate some eight Public meetings were held in Baltimore, Centreville others.

Queen Anne



Chestertown in Kent, and elsewhere; and a signed Vindex, in the Baltimore American,

called attention to the fact that the convention,

to perpetuate slavery


to crush


which sought large numbers of

colored men, did not probably represent a seventh of the 1 Meantime the committee s bill had people of Maryland.

many amendments

in the

House; and the



changed, to an act this State, and for

the free people of

for the better security of negro slaves in

It included

promoting industry and honesty amongst



much we know
" "

an annual registration of free blacks the sale for a year of all those without visible means of support and not of good and industrious habits/ and the binding out of children whose parents were not of good character or could not honestly employ them. Every black manumitted should leave the State within twenty days, under penalty of sale by the year. Blacks could attend religious meetings after dark, provided there were present some authorized white clergyman, resident in Maryland, and at least three respectable slaveholders. And lockmen on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal were to stop all boats whose captains were blacks. The bill passed the House,



On February, by a vote of forty to thirty-one. three memorials against such extreme day before,

measures were received from sundry citizens of Baltimore.

See Nile* Register, Vol. LXI, 368, &c.; LXII, 16, &c. of these petitions were not signed by many names, and some of the meetings may not have been large but it is safe to say that the action of the convention was disapproved by the majority of citizens. In the


petitions, opposition was directed noticeably against the prohibition of See House Journal and Senate Journal, religious meetings after dark.

1841, February Ist-March 8th. The Vindex letters begin in Baltimore American, January 22d, 1842. There were few public expressions in favor of the suggestions of the convention.


The Negro in Maryland.


All the petitions on the

of the House, together with one or

two which came in later, were then sent to the Senate. The bill was rejected by the Senate, March 8th, by fifteen to six.

have already noticed that Baltimore city was not fairly 1 represented in the Legislature. The solemn claim of the slave
a meeting of citizens of Maryland appointed in conformity with public notice to represent the wishes and feelings of their respective counties


holders convention at Annapolis to be


cities, to thus constitute a general convention," may well turn us to study the matter more closely, as a matter indeed of vital importance. Under the constitution of 1776, each

county was entitled to four seats in the House of Delegates, and Annapolis and Baltimore to two seats each. The Senate

was a body of


restriction being that nine

chosen at large by electors, the only must live on the Western Shore

This system e. of the Bay), and six on the Eastern Shore. After that, and until the adoption of continued until 1838.
the constitution of 1864, each county and the city of Baltimore chose one senator; and each county, until after 1851, sent from three to six delegates, according to population, counted in

numbers/ and Baltimore was entitled to the same number as the most populous county. After the adoption of the constitution of 1851, the smallest counties had but two members, and Baltimore was given ten. In 1840, fully onequarter of all the whites in the State were in Baltimore city,


and many more than a quarter of


the free blacks.


1850, the proportion of both races had risen to one-third. As Delaware and New York were equally represented in the
national Senate, so in the Maryland Senate, after 1837, Calvert county, with some thirty-five hundred whites, fifteen


free blacks





had equal

See the memorial presented to the Assembly.

The Free Negro.


weight with Baltimore with one hundred and forty thousand whites, twenty-five thousand free blacks, and three thousand In the popular House, the delegation from Baltimore, slaves.
at its largest,



than a seventh of the members.



the Assembly might happen large majorities would be a gross misrepresentation of the people of the State. 1

In 1842 the House passed a


bill to require

blacks to take

papers, at charges proportioned to their age, but the Senate rejected it. 2 At the session following, the ques

new freedom
was again


without result, of taxing


able free

blacks, for the support of the State ; and a bill to require them to be registered was considered, and the enacting clause

The same questions were brought up the and a committee bill for the registry of free blacks passed the House but was rejected by the Senate. 3 But of greater moment seems the report of a special committee of
finally struck out.

next year again

the House appointed to consider evidently a proposition that the free blacks of Charles county be removed that measures be taken to cause all the free blacks in Maryland to emigrate.



the next session the delegates from Charles county, to the matter had been referred, presented a lengthy re

The presence of the free blacks, they said, is deemed port. an evil by almost everyone, and with continued increase in
numbers, the whites must eventually amalgamate with them, or leave the State, or be reduced to slavery. All plans for removing the blacks with their own consent were destined

perhaps to prove illusory, as the negro had shown an invinci ble indisposition to go. The testimony of the agents of the

Constitutions of 1776, 1851, 1864; amendment of 1837.

House Journal, 1842, 144, 550. House Journal, 1844, 42, 60, &c. again in the House the next year.

This or another similar


was up


The Negro in Maryland.

Colonization Society, indeed, showed that force alone could remove them. And that the Assembly could force them to go, followed from the fact that they were legal and not consti
tutional citizens, and that their status could be changed or abolished at the pleasure of the legislators. In accordance with this report, a bill was introduced in the House to remove

the free blacks of Charles county, but action on it was post poned, and we find no further mention of it except that the House received a memorial against it, as well as against a bill
for taxing free blacks, from nine hundred citizens of Baltimore. This bill for special taxation if we may accept the report of

in the Easton Gazette required all free blacks between the ages of twenty-one and fifty, who were able and capable of self-support, to be registered yearly during the months of April and May, in the county offices, and to pay one dollar

each therefor to the State.

to be fined between five

and ten

Failing so to do, they were liable dollars, and in default of this,

to be hired out.


The report says that this bill was passed by House by a very close vote it was surely rejected by the


A bill


for the better regulation of free blacks in St. passed the House also, and was also rejected in
to repeal the act of

the Senate.

A bill

31 for colonization was

opposed by the committee, and was referred to the next Assem find a bill to forbid the courts to give permits to bly. freedmen to remain in the State, laid on the table and ordered


to be printed, at the session of 1849. In the constitutional convention of 1850-51, a committee

of seven was early appointed, to consider to the free blacks, and to report a plan


matters relating looking to the rid

dance of this State


of the free blacks, and to their coloniza-

Reports of committees, 1844, 1845; House Journal, 1845, 58, 153, 380. Easton Gazette, Feb. 8th, 1845. However legitimate an object of taxa tion free negroes may be, adds the Gazette, we are inclined to look on this

bill as

to the

hard and unreasonable such provisions are liable, to say the least, most gross and tyrannical abuses 6O palpable as to strike the atten

tion at once.

The Free Negro.

tion in Africa.


Four months


an elaborate report was

made. The increase in the free blacks of the State from 1790 from 1830 to to 1850 had been over a thousand a year

1840, when the plan of colonization was actively taken up, the average increase had been the same; from 1840 to 1850, even more. If that rate continued, the free blacks would soon
exceed the whites in number, in eleven counties. Only one thousand and eleven had been colonized in Africa since 1831, at an expense of two hundred and ninety-eight thousand dol

nearly two-thirds of which came from the State. Consid ering this and the vice and ignorance of the blacks, the com mittee recommended, to be inserted in the new Constitution,
that the

ment of

Assembly be empowered to pass laws for the govern the free blacks and for their removal, and be ordered provide immediately for their registration; that no black

should be capable of acquiring real estate in the future, nor of holding by lease for terms longer than one year ; and that no
free black

should enter Maryland to stay, and no slave should

be manumitted except on conditions of leaving within thirty When the consideration of this report was asked, some days.

by the chairman of the committee, a motion it was carried by forty-two to thirtyA second attempt to bring it up later, in the same eight. 2 This was sitting, was defeated by forty-four to thirty-three. in the convention. But we find a bill for the government,


to indefinitely postpone

By motion of Mr. Jacobs of Worcester, who was made chairman, and reported the work of the committee. Two petitions were received from Frederick county for stringent legislation.
* Of the forty-four opposed to the report were the entire delegations from Baltimore and Washington counties; f of the delegates from Cecil and Harford f of those from Queen Anne s and Talbot counties and Balti more city. Of the thirty-three in favor all from St. Mary s and Prince from Calvert, Charles George s f from Montgomery f from Worcester and Kent f from Somerset. The votes of those present from the other counties were divided Frederick, 4 against and 1 for the report; Dor chester, 3 against and 2 for; Allegany and Carroll, 2 against and 1 for; Anne Arundel and Caroline, 1 against and 1 for.


The Negro in Maryland.

regulation and disposition of the free blacks, before the As sembly of 1852. It gave more strict provisions for binding them out, and forbade manumission except on condition of

emigration to Africa.




was rejected by thirty-two to eighteen. was rejected by thirty-three to twentyBrought up again, one. And it was then withdrawn from the files of the House. The Assembly was not discouraged by this gloomy report


was put off to the next session. vote of thirty-one to twenty-two. rejected by

of the work of colonization, for the State appropriation of ten

thousand dollars a year, which expired in 1851, was continued 1 for six years more, to carry on the policy of the State." in 1852, as in 1847, some one Again got leave to bring in a bill


for taxing the free blacks this time, for the benefit of coloniza but we find no mention of it further. The free blacks

themselves were by no means unanimous in advising coloniza tion. meeting of some of the most intelligent blacks of

Baltimore was held in May, 1852, to consider colonization and plans for the elevation of their people ; and a call was issued
for a convention of delegates from the free blacks of the 2 State. According to the newspaper reports, the chief object

of the preliminary meeting was to rouse greater zeal for emi gration, the separation of whites and blacks being deemed


to provide pleasant

about to

during the necessary tarry in Baltimore.

accommodations for those In

1852, 202.

Baltimore papers, May 25th, July 26th, &c., 1852. A gentleman promi nent in the work of the Maryland Colonization Society, wrote in an open capable of the highest improve letter, in 1851, "The black man s heart ment, as Liberia has already proved, clings to the natale solum with vast tenacity, more so even than the white man feels, and the black man cannot,

therefore, be expected to

remove from familiar


and familiar


without a clinging hold, yielding only- to the sternest circumstances." (Baltimore American, September llth, 1851.) There had been a movement in favor of colonization in 1841 (Niles, LX, 227). The Baltimore Sun for May 17th, 1851, speaks of similar efforts among the blacks in Baltimore

and in Cambridge.

The Free Negro.


accordance with the address that was issued, the convention met in July, in Baltimore. The object, as given, was to con
sider the present condition of the free blacks, and to adopt such measures as might tend to its amelioration. Several

delegations at once asked leave to withdraw, as they were convinced that any action by the convention, instead of im proving the condition of their people, would produce an agita

among them, to their injury. This was greeted with cries of approval from all parts of the house, and although the statement was plainly made that the convention had no direct

connection with the

work of

colonization, but


for the

improvement of the social and intellectual condition of the blacks, the sitting ended without accomplishing anything.
In a

without the


where a crowd of blacks had

gathered, one boy was cut in the face with a tumbler, and a dozen men were arrested. And as the reporter of the aboli
tion paper at the slaveholders convention had barely escaped a laying on of hands, so here, a minister of one of the black

congregations of Baltimore, a zealous advocate of coloniza The next day tion, had to be escorted home by the police. officers were chosen, a strong police force being present and the resolution adopted, that all men are equal, and that
free inquiry should be given to all matters aifecting their wel fare; and that while the zeal of those who had labored for

twenty years to put the whites and free blacks of the country on a social and political equality, had been fully appreciated,
the fact was evident that the condition of the free blacks as a


less desirable

than before.


this sitting

and the

lively discussion as to the advantages of to Liberia. Earnest and able speeches were made, emigration considerable knowledge of Liberia and Hayti, but showing

next, there

was a



that to

recommend emigration would only be

influences of the convention


destroy any good

blacks. It



was resolved, finally, that the "disparity of thought, and intellectual advancement" which was seen to exist feeling between the white and black races, showed that mutual preju-


The Negro in Maryland.

overcome for the two races

dices could never be sufficiently

dwell together in harmony and equal privileges, and that a separation from the whites many of whom the blacks could

but love and


was therefore devoutly



desired, as tending to the advantage of both whites and blacks. To these resolutions there was but one opposing voice, and the

convention adjourned after having named a permanent com mittee and recommended the formation of local societies, to
establish schools for black children,


to find out all useful


information about colonization.

The Governor

message to

the Assembly of 1858 spoke of the favorite policy of coloniza tion, suggesting the use of further inducements to make the
free blacks of the counties leave,

and emancipation conditioned

on immediate removal before those who were freed might become contaminated by their new associations or on pay ment of a sum sufficient to ensure the colonization of others.


there was voted for the

that session, the renewed appropriation having expired, work under the managers, five thou

sand a year for four years, and in addition, seventy dollars for every black above ten years and thirty-five for younger
the entire expenditure not to ones, safely started for Africa exceed the previous appropriations of ten thousand a year.

In September, 1858, a goodly number of the slaveholders of Worcester county met together to recommend the calling of a general convention of the Eastern Shore, in the following
At a national convention of colored people in Philadelphia, in October, 1855, a letter was read from a black of Baltimore eulogizing Liberia. Sev eral members thereupon spoke against colonization, determined to demand their rights in the country where they were born and a motion to burn the


was carried by a large majority. So reported the Baltimore Sun of October 20th. The author of this letter appears to have been the temporary chairman of the convention in Baltimore in 52. The Baltimore conven tion adjourned to the following year, but the papers have no mention of any further meetings. See the reports of the National Colored Conven tions, in Philadelphia in 1831 and 1832, opposing emigration to Liberia and Hayti, and asking the American Col. Soc. to desist from its "unhal

Williams Colored Race,

II, 61.

The Free Negro.


November, and

to pass resolutions for the strict enforcement

of the laws and police regulations concerning slaves, especially to prevent runaways and the spread of abolition papers. This be helped by empowering postmasters in all the for the resolutions looked to action slaveholding States


to open as well as by the State Legislature and documents addressed to slaves and free 1 In response to this call, delegates from Caroline, blacks. Dorchester, Somerset, Talbot and Worcester met at Cam

by Congress

committee of ten reported resolutions the follow which were adopted. It was evident, they said, to ing day, the people of Maryland that it was an impossibility under the existing laws, to control and regulate the black popu


in a proper manner. Attention was called to the number of free negroes; to their habits of idleness


dissipation ; to the heavy cost to the public of criminal prosecutions against them ; to their well known tampering with slaves and aid in inducing slaves to abscond ; and to

example and influence on the slaves, whom they with bondage and comparatively worthless to the owners. Maryland is, and should be, a slaveholding state, true to the interest of herself and her Southern sisters. A system of legislation was needed to protect slaveholders and
their evil



for their own interests as well as for the regulate all negroes Free blacks and slaves could not exist side by side, whites.

and the


vicious habits


of the free blacks,


their refusal to

labor, their incapacity for self-government," leave the alterna tive of making them go from the State or go into slavery. Public feeling was ready for the question, and delegates of all

the people should be called together to consider these propo sitions and make recommendations to the Legislature.

Baltimore Sun, Sept., 21st, 1858. Riles Register mentions local meetings of slaveholders in Anne Arundel, Charles and St. Mary s counties, in 1845



There was a meeting in Queen Anne


also, in

February, 1845.


The Negro in Maryland.

to draft

committee of seventeen was named


an address to be

printed, before the convention, in newspapers throughout the

In the following June, 1859, the general slaveholders con vention met in Baltimore. The plan had been to have each
county and Baltimore city represented by as many delegates as each sent to the Assembly. And the meeting indeed seems to have been a large one. Allegany appears to have been the only county not represented. meeting of citizens of Balti


interested in the

movement had been

called shortly be

but so few responded that no organization was made. However, a delegation from Baltimore was nominated by the
convention, the chairman stating
in response to the question

of a

member from

Calvert, as to


the city representatives

on failure to choose members, after proper represented the people would be voiced by those who were pres notice, A large committee of twenty-one, from the various ent. But the committee counties, was chosen to report action.

Two questions, in general, are be fore us, reported the majority, first, the proposed expulsion of the free blacks from the State, and secondly, whatever leg islation may be necessary to give vitality to the law of 1831,
was divided
in opinion.

highly They are inexpedient indeed an evil in a slave-holding community, but the major Their re ity of them are not idle, unproductive and vicious.
to try to

making manumission

conditional on emigration. It all the free blacks. remove


moval would be a greater evil than all the harm ever suffered. In Baltimore they number twenty-five thousand, mostly ser Much of our soil could not be tilled vants and laborers. without them. Then such an act of force would violate pubThis committee of seventeen includes Baltimore Sun, Nov. 6th, 1858. Cecil and Kent, so those counties were probably represented also. The Easton Star says of the convention: A number of resolutions were

names from

adopted which amount to nothing. 2 The chairman had said, on undertaking his duties tion every man has his own theories.


the slavery ques

The Free Negro.


it would lie sentiment, which is generally just and kindly Nor should not be tolerated by the people of the State. On the rights of freedom already vested be taken away.

other hand, the policy outlined in the act of 1831 was wise

and proper; but that law

becoming inoperative, and few

blacks being willing to leave had been almost forgotten 1 But certain evils arising except by members of the Bar.

from the increase of free blacks have been almost universally admitted, and are more evident than in 1831. Slaves run

away mainly through their influence, or are encouraged by them to insubordination, and the thriftless of them set evil examples to slave and free alike. They should be in well
It is also contrary to the policy of regulated subordination. the State, and productive of evil, to allow them to acquire 2 real estate. The provision of 31 against the return of free
is believed to be inoperative and wholly Therefore, there should be no removal of the blacks then free, or to be born free ; but they should be well controlled so as to be orderly, industrious and productive ;

blacks to Maryland

inefficient, also.



and emancipation should be prohibited entirely, or be allowed only on condition of removal of the freedmen. The policy of The minority report, on 31 should be renewed with vigor. the contrary, advised putting an end to free-negroism at an on the most advantageous terms to our white early day, and





free blacks should be advised to leave the


and those who wished State, they would remain free should be allowed to become slaves to the citizens. Failing so to leave or become slaves, they and their posterity should be sold for life, and the prices be put so low, and payments so

to use their

The committee ascribed own language

It not infrequently

the desuetude into which this act had fallen




to the imperfections of its details. happens, reads the report, that free blacks form thick parcels of ground, cultivate less than can support

them, labor but little for those who would be glad to hire them on liberal terms the conclusion being that they eke out their living by unlawful


The Negro in Maryland.

easily arranged, that citizens of small means might get them. Apprentices and slaves for terms of years were to be included
at the

end of their terms; but


in all cases, a

ination should be used

favor of those

prudent discrim who were aged

or meritorious.

There should be efficient police regulations for the blacks, throughout the State. The point of this report was that the labor of free blacks was needed, provided it did not come in competition with the whites; it was not just to

take the children

bread and cast


to the


The gen



who presented the minority report said he did not to drive away the free blacks, for their labor was


member from Calvert

said that the people of his

member county wished them to work, but they would not. from Frederick said that further legislation was necessary for
a State half slave and half
free, that

a slave

who would

bring fourteen hundred dollars at New Orleans could not be kept with any security in the counties bordering on Pennsyl
said that his county was because it was opposed to holding such represented simply conventions; there had been slaveholders conventions, but

member from Howard

no good results reports had been


set aside, the

Finally, after several substitutes for these convention adopted the resolu

tions of the majority of the committee, appointed several gen

tlemen to petition the Assembly, and adjourned sine die. The message of the Governor to the next Assembly, in January 1860, spoke as had that of 1858 of the need in
of the counties of further legislation on the free blacks. In Baltimore and the larger towns and in the Northern coun little complaint against the free blacks ; nor ties, there was


it is in the lower indeed was the evil of their presence felt is taxed to counties, on both shores, where the community

support their idleness and vagrancy, and


subject to their

See minority report, presented by Mr. Jacobs of Worcester. Baltimore Sun, June 8th, 1859. The number of delegates was over


The Free Negro.



and the



of their evil example on the ser

made that every under just conditions, and with freedom of choice of master and of change. The House


the suggestion was

idle black be

bound out

for wages,

committee on Colored Population presented a lengthy report. 1 There was, it said, an alarming state of excitement on the

In the rural parts of the there was an evident feeling of distrust to the free State, blacks the increased number of house-burnings and poisononings and other manifestations of insubordination had given
subject of the colored population.

alarm for the security of life and property. These feelings were clearly announced in petitions presented the Assembly, as in that of the slaveholders convention. As to the plans
to be pursued to remedy the evils, experience had the free blacks would not voluntarily emigrate,

shown that

and a great mistake had been made in allowing manumitted blacks to 2 remain. The act of 1831 had been a failure. Nothing short of an ultimate wiping out of the free blacks would meet the
emergencies besetting the peculiar condition of Maryland. think it would be unjust, and perhaps cruel," continued



the committee, to force them to leave the State; but they should be held in perfect subordination to the citizens, and made to work under their control. If it be admitted that the

negroes are once absolutely free, any laws that may be passed, affecting them and not all freemen, will be regarded by them as oppressive, and will also secure for them a large amount of

sympathy from the

whites. By manumission the negro does not get the rights of a citizen, but merely ceases to belong to one man, and really becomes the property of the whole State."

Burgess, of Charles; Dennis, Bryan, of Prince George s Gordon, of Allegany Holland, of Dorchester; Claggett, of Frederick. 2 This act, said the committee, has been in operation for twenty -seven

Composed of Messrs. Jacobs, of Worcester


of Somerset

a- expense from the State of $280,000 and from all sources of some half million, but the free black population had grown from 52,000 in 1831, to some 90,000 or more. Of blacks born free, not over 300 had emigrated.

years, at



The Negro in Maryland.

free black does not like to


work out on the farm, where nor does he look to the future. In short, an needed, inferior class of our population, we owe to them the enactment

of such laws as will restrain them from self-destruction, and make them subordinate and useful to our citizen population

and the industrial

interests of

our State.

The recommenda

tions of the committee, to this end, were the repeal of all taxa tion for colonization ; the entire prohibition of emancipation ; T

the grant to free blacks under fifty-five years of the privilege of choosing masters and going into slavery at any time ; pro vision for the hiring out of the blacks for terms of ten years

masters of the mothers

the children to be born in future to be the property of the and a number of strict police regu ;

of postmasters to withhold from mail addressed to them. 2 So far the committee negroes any could agree, but some of them had wished to put the free blacks back into slavery complete and at once. Several bills
lations, including the right

were introduced in the House.

The Judiciary committee


ported favorably this stringent legislation,

and such further

regulations as the punishment of persons for teaching negroes, and of slaves for being away from home without passes, and 3 Other plans were brought for the prohibition of meetings.

ward, the prohibition of any gifts or conveyances to free blacks of either real estate or slaves, with the sale of such then
held by blacks on their death

and the use of negro testimony,

Even those blacks who had been freed on condition of leaving but had remained, under cover of a judgment of the Court of Appeals, were to be returned to their old masters. 2 This was, in the opinion of the committee, the best disposition to make of the free blacks, "for their own good, for the welfare of the industrial

good order and security of society, and The restora sound and real humanity." tion of them back into a state of slavery does not meet the approbation of a majority of the committee, though some of us do consider it the most
interests of the State, for the peace,

in furtherance of the ends of a



disposal to




This committee, too, was not of a mind in all things, but a duced by the minority was afterwards withdrawn.

bill intro

The Free Negro.


when accompanied by proof of circumstances tending



on the


of whites for aiding slaves to abscond. not without thought of the whims and persistency

we draw from Assembly jour frequent inquiries that were asked for, these repeated bills that were introduced, these occasional reports that were submitted, all in vain, with the aim of further and
of individual legislators that

more stringent legislation against the blacks ; but these, how ever worthless they may or may not have been as exponents of any public sentiment, show that the subject was kept fresh
in the

mind of

successive Assemblies.


had been

stated in

convention that the people were ready for and since that convention, had occurred the attack action, If there ever was a of John Brown on Harper s Ferry.
the slaveholders

time when there was a

call for the

enforcement of the police

regulations against the blacks of Maryland, it was in the autumn of 1859. The Assembly, meeting in the January

some steps, perhaps There were some warnings, however, of popular As early as October, a meeting was held at disapproval.
following, surely appeared ready to take

long steps.

the court house of Baltimore county, small in number but of prominent citizens, and an address to the people of the

county was ordered.


a petition to the Assembly for

the hiring out of free blacks was circulated in St. Mary s^ the Leonard town Beacon stated that the citizens in general were opposed to any forcible measures. Over one thousand of the



strance to harsh measures.


of Baltimore signed a petition in remon Some of the local papers, Southern

sympathy, deprecated the advice of the slaveholders con


Also, a petition in remonstrance was received from some eighty citizens of Harford county. The Cumberland Telegraph stated that a number of industrious blacks, members of a beneficial society there, had withdrawn their funds from the bank and distributed it, on learning of the proposition
in the

Assembly to dispossess negroes of their property. See Baltimore Sun, Oct. 16th, 1859, and January 14th, Feb. 17th, 20th, I860.


The Negro in Maryland.

The Assembly finally passed four measures. The State board of managers for colonization was done away, with only two opposing votes in the House ; and no general appropri
fixed sums as before were to be paid for black sent oif by the State Society, up to a total of five every thousand dollars a year. Secondly, manumission was abso 1 The vote on this stood thirtylutely forbidden thereafter.


was made, but

eight to fourteen in the House, and thirteen to six in the Sen

Thirdly, any free black over eighteen years of age was allowed to renounce freedom and become a slave for life to the

any children that she would become slaves also, while older children would be bound out by the courts. Applica tion would have to be made by the black to the circuit court for the county in which he, or she, had lived for three years preceding, and would be granted by the court only after full

master of his


if a female,

might have under

five years

examination, in open sitting, to be sure that no force, fraud or undue persuasion had been used. 2 The fourth measure was
the residuum of the various plans for hiring out the idle free As it passed the Senate, the bill ap blacks of the counties.

only to Baltimore,
s counties.



Calvert, Howard, Kent and St. The House added Anne Arundel, Caroline, Dorchester, Prince George s, Queen Anne s, Somerset,

Talbot and Worcester, but, at the request of the Senate, struck out Anne Arundel, Caroline and Dorchester. A board
of commissioners, of three sober and discreet men, was to be appointed in each district by the commissioners of these
counties, to be the



for the better control



of the free blacks.

These were



This did not

effect slaves for

terms of years, to be free under deeds or

wills already


or probated.

House Journal, Feb. 16th, March 9th. It will be 1860, 283, 322. pertinent to add that an exemption bill, to secure persons against the seizure of furniture and other property to the amount of $300, was amended by a vote of thirty-five to thirteen in the House, so as to exclude blacks
its benefits.

House Journal, Feb.


The Free Negro.


free black of

them on every


day of December, every

of assessed property,

their district


did not have, in his or her

hundred and

fifty dollars

own right, one or who did not

actually reside with parents having, in addition, for every son or daughter, fifty dollars worth of assessed property. The
blacks, on appearance,

were to be duly warned, and then at the

expiration of a month, the commissioners were to sell at auction as slaves for a year, all those who had not hired themselves


out to labor for a year to industrious and respectable citizens. hirers had to give bonds, to secure wages, satisfactory to

the commissioners, and liable to suit ; and if a black tried to on proof of his abscond, he could be sold as a slave for life

by some disinterested and reliable person, under oath by the commissioners, for the benefit of the primary school The wages agreed in the bonds were to be collected by fund. the commissioners and paid the blacks in presence of a magis trate, after deducting expenses and the necessary contributions to a fund for the support of all those free blacks who could not be hired from age or disability. And all free black children aged from four to twelve were to be bound out to citizens, males to the age of twenty-one and females to

The masters might be chosen by the mothers, if these but they had to give bond, in all cases, for the good desired, treatment and care of their apprentices. The last and most

important provision of the bill was that the act was to be null and void unless accepted by a majority of the voters of the
counties mentioned, at the presidential election of the follow The Assembly seemed ready to leave the deci ing autumn.

The bill passed the Senate without Several of opposition and the House by forty-one to three. the counties to which the provisions of the act were offered
sion with the people.

numbers of slaves, as Calvert, Charles, St. and Prince George s; others, as Baltimore county, Mary Kent, Worcester and Somerset, had fewer slaves and many more free blacks. At the exciting election of November, 1860, the act was rejected, taking the counties together, by a


The Negro in Maryland.

vote of over three to one.

for president did not vote

And many

of those





We close with the adjournment of the Assembly of 1860. In the course of the Civil War, which soon broke out, Mary land passed practically under military law. Slavery in as in West Virginia and some parts of Louisiana Maryland, and Virginia, was not included in Mr. Lincoln s Emancipa tion Proclamation. It was abolished by the adoption of the State Constitution of 1864. This Constitution, however also
declaring paramount allegiance to the United States, and pro viding that the State should not compensate former slave

cannot be taken as an expression of the people of Maryland. It was rejected by a majority of nearly two thou sand of the forty-seven thousand and odd citizens who voted at the polls, and was ratified by a majority in all of three hundred and seventy-five votes, counting those cast in the


Union camps by


from Maryland, under a provision


vote on the act (known to some as the Jacobs


according to re

turns given in Baltimore papers, stood


severe in

of the Constitution


The Assembly of 1861-2,


blame of


the seditious and unlawful acts


of the rebellious

States, yet

spoke with apprehension of


unwise and mis







in the institution of slavery in the



the Constitution of 1867 declared in vain that as slavery in Maryland had been abolished under the policy and authority

of the United


compensation was therefore due from

the government to the former master. 1

and an important word in closing. We have from various sources and marshalled together, act on gleaned act, judgment on judgment, report on report, many of them

One word







And we may


we to-day follow the proceedings of our legislatures and courts or actually feel the working of law about us, except in so far as our own immediate, tangible
of them
to slavery

of Maryland of his day, as

except as concerning the negroes well consider, that the average probably gave as little heed to those

There was a bright and touching side which led many to think no ill of it, as there was a dark side which branded it. But all will agree to-day, prob
interests are concerned.

ably, in thankfulness that



has gone.
to describe


have not attempted



of the

South, for the task has been well done by some who knew it. For an inter esting account of life on a large and well ordered plantation, see, for

Memorials of a Southern


by Susan Dabney Smedes

1 The number of those who had voted in the presidential election of 1860 had been over 90,000. The vote on the Constitution of 1864 was home vote, 27,541 for, and 29,536 against, and 61 blanks; soldiers vote, in camps, 2,633 for, and 263 against. That on the Constitution of 186727,152 for, and 23,036 against. See Charter and Constitutions of the U. S. 1861-2,


2, 3, 9, 13, 15.


The Negro in Maryland.

must remember that such books (Baltimore, 1888, Cushings& Bailey). deal with the bright side of slavery. On the other hand, the injustice done


by the abolition literature, so called, is that it may be taken as pictures of Southern life, instead of pictures drawn in exciting days, and often by those who were foreign to their subject of that side of slavery which was
happily the least known. The student of the institution of slavery cannot refer too often to


Law of Freedom and Bondage, and Moore s Slavery Much of value will be found, also, in Cobb s Inquiry into
Slavery (1858, Phil, and Savannah).








Abolition, efforts for, 52, Ac., 237; Maryland society for, 52, &c., 57 society in Baltimore for, 152, 184 of slavery in Maryland, 262. Abolition matter, spread of forbidden, 224. Annapolis, records of Mayor s court of, 136.

Education of blacks, not provided

for, 197.

Anne Arundel County

Court, study of old records of, 135. Apprentices, colored children bound out as, 198, 219; efforts to force certain free blacks to become,

Entertainment, of servants and slaves, restrictions on, 100; by blacks in Baltimore, must be licensed, 204. Evidence, law of, 190, Ac. See Tes timony. Exportation of blacks, efforts to pre vent, 57, Ac.
False imprisonment, suits by manu mitted slaves for, unsuccessful, 162.
Felons, importation







in Bal

timore county, 1752, 175.

Baltimore, unfair representation in assembly, 246. Barbadoes, notice of slave code


Freedom, petitions for, 36, 148, Ac. removal of trial on petitionsfor, 153. Free blacks, numbers of, 175, 249;

Brown, John, patrols called out after


97, 111.

of, forbidden, 176, Ac., 178, 181, Ac. entrance of, allowed by special acts, 178, 180 liable to detention as runaway slaves, 183
; ; ;


Carroll, Charles, efforts of, for aboli tion, 53, 54. Charles county, effort to remove free blacks from, 247. Colonization, the state policy. 66, 165, decisions &c., 237, Ac., 252, 260

right of suffrage once exercised by,

legal status of, 187, 194 pro perty held by, 188, Ac.; occupa tions of, 206; restrictions on trading and dealings by, 208, 211, Ac.; take benefit of insolvency laws, 211 idle and indigent, bound out, 218 efforts to force, to hire out, 222
; ; ; ; ;


of court of appeals unfavorable



Maryland society, 71, 165, 238 American society, 235

; ;

convention of blacks on, 250. Conversion to Christianity does not give freedom, 28, &c. Cruelty to servants and slaves, efforts

law to prevent, from quitting ser vice, 223 punishments of, for un lawful meetings, 199 for belong ing to secret societies, 200; for

prevent, 140, 144, Ac.




Delaware, escape of slaves to, 85, Ac. Dogs, number of held by free blacks
limited, 216. Duties on slaves imported, 42, Ac.

dealing in stolen goods, 212, for handling abolition matter, 225 laws on crimes and punishments touching, 226 sale of, as punish ment, 227, Ac., 232, Ac.; not deemed a desirable part of popula tion, 234, Ac., 237, 240, 242, 253 efforts for increased restrictions on, 240-260.
; ;


French West


Indies, importation of insurrection in, slaves from, 48


Meetings of blacks, restrictions on,

93, &c., 100, &c., 199, &c., 205.

Friends, society of, efforts for aboli against exportation tion, 52, &c. for unre of blacks, 57, &c., 60 stricted manumission, 151, &c. ;
; ;

Military service, exemption of blacks from, 110 enlistment of free blacks in, in Revolution, 196.


Jersey, escape of slaves

to, 85,

against kidnapping, 184.


Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, and the Genius of Universal Emancipation, 224. Guns and ammunition held by blacks,
restrictions on, 216.

York, escape of slaves

to, 88.

Occupations of free blacks, 206.

Pardoning power, exercise of by Gov ernor, illustrated from old council

Indentured, idle free blacks, &c., see / records, 130, &c. Free Blacks. ^Passes, use of, for blacks, 89. Indians, the Spaniards and the, Patrols, 97, &c., 110. the colonists and the, 5, &c., 9 Pennsylvania, escape of slaves to, 85,* &c., 88, 235. 11, &c. enslavement of, prisoners, 12, 19; mention of slaves, 13, 20; Pinkney, Wm., efforts for abolition, trials of white offenders against, 53, 152; against exportation of 15 restrictions on, 17 conversion blacks, 57. trials and punishments of. of, 18 Population of Maryland, in 1860,



Insurrections, rumors of, of papists, Indians and negroes, 91, &c., 97 in West Indies, 96; local, 96; rumors of, of slaves, 97, &c., 202.

See Southampton.
Introduction of slaves to Maryland,

265. i/See also 38, 175, 249. Prisoners, ransom of Christian, 3; enslavement of heathen, 4. Property, of slaves, ^104; of free blacks, 188. Protection societies, for insurance of slave property, 91.

Punishments, laws on crimes and, see Servants, Free Blacks and


Jacob s Bill, against free blacks, 260. Jail treatment of blacks, 81.

Liberia, 165

of prisoners, old custom



34, &c., 61, 148, Ac.




234; removal of blacks

convictions for larceny to, 239,


241, 249.

Liquor, sale of to servants and slaves,

restrictions on, 102, 213, to slaves and free blacks, 213, &c.

Runaways, white servants, 72, &c., 78; skves,y72-91 Indians, 74; black servants, for terms of years,



55, 60, 148, &c.


Servants, black, see Slaves for terms of years. White servants, 20, &c.,

valid in prejudice of creditors, 158, &c. allowed by special acts,

72; restrictions on entertainment or dealings with, 100, 102;

conditional, 169, &c., 237 / punishments of, 114, 119. by devise of VSlave code, on crimes and pun property, 174. ishments, study of growth of, Manumitted slaves, powers of, to 112-126. secure freedom, 161 status of, 162. Slave trade, by Europeans, 4, 6, &c., See Slaves for terms of years. 9 African, 38, &c., 40 growth of


by presumption, 172

Marriages between blacks and whites

forbidden, 32, 195.

of, 45.

to, 43,








on war,

&c., touching, 7,



in Maryland, 26-37

legalized, 37 ; abolished by State constitution of 1864, 262. Slaves, introduction of into Mary land, 26; in England, 27; con version does not alter status of,
28, &c.
38, &c.
; ;

Society of Friends, see Friends. Societies, secret, of blacks, forbidden, 200; beneficial, allowed in Balti more, 203.


insurrection, 65, 66, 96, 99, 165, 177, 199, 236. Suffrage, right of, once open to free blacks, 186.

increase in



restrictions put on intro duction of, 45, &c, 64, &c., 66, &c., efforts to prevent ex lessened, 71

portation of, 57, &c.; outlawry of, for certain offences, 76, 81 pun

Taxables, slaves, 146. Testimony, of blacks illegal against whites, 119; of convicts, made valid against convicts, 121 of



for absconding, 76, 78,

&c., 81, 91, for absence from home, 100, &c., for sale of liquors, &c.,

valid against slaves, 121; of white servants, 140; growth of law touching evidence, 190, &c.


103; laws on crimes and punish ments touching slaves, 117-130, 138 restrictions on transporta






slavery, 39.

Trades and shipping, as affecting

slavery, 39.





carriers, 82,


^efforts to restrict,
free, 104, &c.,

from act

Turner, Nat., see Southampton in


ing as

174 ^restric

on dealing or trading with,


102, &c.

slaves, 108, &c.

religious instruction of care of old or dis

; ;


&c., 221, &c.;


free blacks, sales of, 218, committed to Bal


abled, required, 107, 149 ^sales of, &c., 144 issue of mortgaged, 145 owned by free blacks, 190. Slaves, for terms of years, restric tions on exportation of, 60, &c. restrictions on sale of, 61, &c.
; ;

timore almshouse, 221



out, 198, 219.


Villeinage in Europe,


Baltimore Ameri against the slaveholders con

letters in

vention, 245.



exportation and

as sale of, punishment, 124 status of issue of, 154. Slave-holders conventions, at An napolis. 242, of Eastern Shore, 252, at Baltimore, 254.

War, laws
2, 4, 7,


as affecting slavery,

blacks, status of issue

Whites and


marriage between,


bidden, 32, 195.








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