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April R&S

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April 2010 Number 429 £4.00


Last chance
to book

Functional group reports 18, 22, 32 Richard O’Sullivan 30 Stephens at fifty 54


prices are based

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No: 429 April 2010

This month:
Editor’s Column 6
Industry News 6-17
House affordabilty reaches seven year high
Move One’s online city guides
PDA Foundation
Housing market update

New UK business association
AR headquarters here in Watford dealing with an association that have a Code.
TRACKER combats vehicle theft played host to the Young Movers Lynne Faulds-Wood, who appeared on the
BAR News 18-27 Group on 17 March, with a very well Watchdog programme for many years,
Meeting report: National council attended business seminar session followed by featured in the campaign earlier in the year,
a fun Murder Mystery afternoon. Some thirty with the emphasis on how to complain about
Movers & Storers Show
young movers were present, and appreciated poor service. A quote from Ms Faulds-Wood
Meeting report: Overseas Group Council the opportunity to both hone their business concerning the publicity campaign appears on
BAR Services skills and to develop business friendships and the BAR website. The thrust of the new phase
Product of the Month business contacts at the same time. Meanwhile, of the campaign will include the fact that the
BAR Training Services reports that the pace of Code of Practice is principally aimed at improving
CMG News 28-32
enquiries remains very busy, and many courses, and maintaining standards of service.
CMG golf 2010
particularly those for Driver CPC, are over- Feedback from members who use the online
Profile: Richard O’Sullivan subscribed. So, book early to avoid estimating service on the new BAR website
Meeting report: Commercial Moving Group disappointment seems to be the message. continue to stress how useful it is in generating
Training News 34-45 The finalists for the Domestic Mover of the worthwhile leads from potential customers
Year and the Commercial Mover of the Year which translate into real business. The charges
Funding your BARTS training
competitions are now known, and their names for the service are ploughed back into further
Out and about with David Hookins appear on the BAR website. As everyone will development of the website for the benefit of
Tender writing workshop know the rules for both competitions are strict, the membership. So, if you have not yet tried it,
People News 47 and congratulations are very much in order for please do so – you may be pleasantly surprised.
the finalists - well done. The winners will be The meeting of the BAR Board of Directors
And another thing... 49
announced at the Gala Dinner on the Saturday on 24 March, 2010 considered and approved
Competition 49 night at the BAR Annual Conference on 15 May. the revised Articles of Association for both
Articles 50-61 The conference itself, taking place at the BAR Services and QSS Ltd. This was the final
A Distant Sale part four prestigious Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre, phase of the Governance Review of BAR and
50% tax rate has a strong line-up of business sessions and its subsidiary companies, and marks a
Stephens Removals of Luton speakers, together with first class significant milestone in the development of
New member profile: Anglo French Removals accommodation and it is confidently expected the Association to better deliver results for
that a stimulating and enjoyable time will be members. The democratic structure of BAR
Hybrid of the future
had by everyone. depends, of course, upon its Areas, and
Certification to BS EN 12522:1998 The Office of Fair Trading recently held a members are encouraged to attend as many
Diary Dates 63 Code Sponsors Event, attended by the BAR Area meetings as possible, and to take an
Memberships 65 Company Secretary, to highlight the increased active part in the debates on current issues of
publicity which OFT are giving to those interest and importance, so that the views of
Feature Schedule 65
associations such as BAR that have a robust the membership can properly be represented
Code of Practice in place. The aim is to highlight at National and European Council level, and to
to the buying public the many benefits of the Board of Directors.

On the cover: Last chance to book your place at the BAR conference in Bristol.

The British Association of Removers

Contact Details: Editorial Removals & Storage is subscribed to by members of the British Tel: 01923 699 480
Contribution on all aspects of the Removals & Storage industry Fax: 01923 699 481
Association of Removers in the UK and Overseas.
are welcomed, together with photographs if appropriate. E-mail:
Please contact The Editor, Steve Jordan: Subscriptions: Additional subscriptions are available from BAR
Tel: 01908 695500 Fax: 01908 690099 at: Tangent House, 62 Exchange Road, Watford, Hertfordshire President: Matt Purdie
Email: WD18 0TG. Tel: 01923 699 480 Fax: 01923 699 481 Director General: Stephen Vickers
By post: Removals & Storage, The Words Workshop Ltd E-mail: Current annual subscription is £48.00 in Company Secretary: James Falkner
26 Swanwick Lane, Broughton, Milton Keynes MK10 9LD the UK and £72.00 overseas. Editor: Steve Jordan
Assistant Editor: David Jordan
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in Removals & Storage are not
Contact Details: Advertising necessarily those of the British Association of Removers, or of News Editor: Nikki Gee
For all enquiries and bookings, please contact Marianne Lee: Features Editor: Charlotte Freestone
its publisher.
Tel: 01908 695500 Fax: 01908 690099 Removals & Storage is designed on behalf of
Email: All rights reserved: No part of Removals & Storage may be The British Association of Removers by:
Deadline: The booking deadline for all display advertisements is scanned, reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without I Like. Tel: 01908 675854, Email:
the 10th of the month preceding publication. the prior written permission of the publisher. (To contact R&S, see details opposite.)

Copy and advertising deadlines 2010

Article submission: 5th of the month preceding publication Booking of trade adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication
Booking of display adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication Artwork for adverts: 15th of the month preceding publication
Booking of classified adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication

April 2010 Removals & Storage 5

Industry News

UK production up
Export orders continue to improve, but
Editor’s total demand remains weak
UK firms are
optimistic about

was at an Area meeting recently. The usual business included a manufacturing
output over the
somewhat lengthy discussion about the role of the Areas, and their next few months
representatives on the National, CMG and Overseas Group Councils,
as a valuable and effective way in which members’ views can be
communicated to and from the BAR Board. Everyone agreed that they
enjoyed the meetings (that’s why they went), and appreciated the
feedback from the functional group meetings. Some, however, had not
appreciated that the communication is a two-way process; that they could
voice their opinions at Area meetings and they would be heard in Watford.
Sometimes it feels as though members view the R&S in a similar way:
a tool through which BAR can tell the members what it’s doing. Well of
course it is that and, I hope, much more as well. But, in my five-year
experience, it is rarely used as a way for members to voice their opinions.
I think that’s a shame.

I have always encouraged members to write in with thoughts, ideas, ccording to a survey resulting rounded balance of -23%
grumbles and praise. It’s a fact that I get more reaction to other members’ conducted by the CBI in is the least negative since August
letters than any other type of article in the magazine. That says to me January and February, UK 2008 and in line with the survey
that most people find them most interesting. This month, you’ll notice, manufacturing production is average
there are none. expected to pick up slightly over Total order books, however,
So allow me to encourage you one more time. Please write in with the next three months with firms remain more depressed. 10% of
your letters. They will usually be published unedited, unless that is you the most positive about output for manufacturers said they were
are being offensive to someone else or I think your comments will put almost two years. But the business above normal, while 46% said
me, you or BAR (maybe all of us) in court. If you are not comfortable group warned that prospects for they were below normal. The
about writing something for publication just give me a call and I’ll help the sector remain muted, as resulting balance of -36% is the
you produce something that gets your message across. overall demand remains weak. least negative since December
Meanwhile … it’s conference time again. See you all in Bristol. Of the 548 manufacturers that 2008, and a modest improvement
Remember to smile for the camera. responded to the CBI’s monthly on the previous month’s balance
Industrial Trends Survey, 25% of -39%.
Steve Jordan expect output to rise in the next Ian McCafferty, CBI Chief
three months, while 18% anticipate Economic Adviser said,
a fall. The resulting balance of “Manufacturing production is
+7% is the strongest figure since slowly recovering as demand for
March 2008 and compares with a UK-made goods overseas is
balance of +4% in January. improving, boosted by the relative
Exports order books are weakness of Sterling … however,
continuing to improve thanks to while exports are providing some
the continued weakness of welcome support, overall demand
Sterling and improving global remains feeble. Given the continued
demand. 14% of firms said exports weakness of total orders, growth
were above normal and 38% said prospects are likely to remain
they were below normal. The subdued.”

New vehicle for Peter M Cooper

ampshire- based Peter M UVB self-produced panels, a
Fully equipped -
Cooper, established in 2,050ft3 loose-pack capacity, Peter M Cooper’s
1987 in Lymington with a five doors to the nearside to new vehicle boasts a
Scania P230 sleeper
warehouse facility in New Milton, accommodate five 250-cube
cab, a 230bhp Euro 5
has taken delivery of a new containers, UVB cab top sleeper engine and rear air
vehicle from Unique Van Bodies. and fairings with sleeping suspension
James Cooper, Operations accommodation for two people.
Manager, contacted Terry Sinnott The vehicle also has space for a
at Unique Van Bodies (UVB) to third person in the lower cab,
discuss vehicle requirements. The full-height rear doors, stainless
vehicle has a Scania P230 sleeper steel pullout system to take
cab, the chassis has a 230bhp loading ramps and a platform,
Euro 5 engine, 450 litre fuel tank maximum nearside skirt locker
and rear air suspension. with platform storage, and a level
The body specification includes floor with dropwell and covers.

6 Removals & Storage April 2010

Industry News

crawling in
oad signs warning drivers that
drunken people may be in the road
have been put up in Romania to
reduce the number of accidents.
The signs read ‘Attention – Drunks’ and
show a reveler crawling along with a
bottle in his hand.
Petru Antal, the Mayor of Pecica in
58% of homes are now affordable to the average UK income earner Romania said his town had a vibrant
nightlife. He said: “We are a border town
and have lots of cars thundering through

UK housing market here all the time. But we also have a very
vibrant nightlife and the two don’t mix.

affordability reaches
We have to target the drivers because by
the time they get to this state the
pedestrians are beyond caring.”

seven-year high
Sounds a bit like Birmingham.
Thanks to Niall Mackay of ICM Gerson
and The Times for this story.
New research released today by property website
reveals that the fall in house prices and mortgage rates over the
past couple of years has resulted in UK housing affordability at Self storage
its highest level since 2003. quality
T standard
he average UK income earner can now fell to record lows of 34%, resulting in the
afford to buy 58% of all homes, up subsequent correction over the past couple of
significantly in comparison to the property years to the more sustainable level of 58%
market peak in 2007, when just 34% of homes currently. Given that it involved numerous rounds
were affordable. Over the past ten years, Across the UK, affordability rates vary of discussion and was several years in
affordability levels reached their highest point greatly by area with the most affordable the making, the arrival of the self storage
in 2002 at 66% and then fell steadily over the markets generally in the north and the least quality standard BS EN 15696 was a
next five years. affordable in the south, despite the higher surprisingly hushed affair and it has not
The current levels were last seen in 2003 income levels. been widely publicised.
when the affordability rate was 56%, leaving Bradford was revealed as the most affordable However, QSS is now actively promoting
UK property more affordable now than at any city in the UK where four out of five homes (82%) it and is offering its assessment and
time in the past seven years according to the are affordable for residents on the average certification services to any firm who can research. local income. Hull came in as the second most meet its requirements and who wishes to calculates the affordability affordable with 81% of homes now deemed set itself apart from the many other
rate using median incomes and average house affordable, followed by Stoke-on-Trent (80%), operators who have started up or
prices in each geographic area along with Birmingham (78%) and Coventry (78%). diversified into this fairly new industry.
prevailing mortgage rates. It judges a home London tops the list of the least affordable Self storage facilities seem to be
to be ‘affordable’ if one third of the median housing markets in the UK by some margin springing up everywhere – you can get
income is sufficient to cover mortgage in spite of having the highest median income ahead of your competitors by being one
repayments. in the land. Less than one third (32%) of of the first to hold this standard.
In 2002 using one third of income to meet homes are affordable for residents of the
mortgage repayments allowed a purchase of capital today, although this is a significant For more information,
£118,934 whereas today, given the current improvement on the low point reached in contact Chris Waymouth at QSS:
low financing costs and increased incomes, 2007 when a mere 11% of properties were Telephone: 01494 875357
the same proportion of income finances a deemed affordable. Mobile: 07831 309379
purchase of £188,423. Southampton (44%), Bristol (53%), Norwich E-mail:
In 2007, when house prices and mortgage (58%) and Leicester (59%) were among the
rates peaked, affordability rates nationally five least affordable markets in the UK.

April 2010 Removals & Storage 7

The convenient way to pay for business fuel

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As a BAR Affiliate, we will

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on 13th-15th May 2010.
Industry News

Online city guides Pickfords Business

from Move One Moving announces
Move One has this week rolled out the sixth of its online City partnership with
Guides developed to provide recently arrived expatriates a full Go Green
suite of indispensable information about life in their new city.
n February, Pickfords Business Moving
Director Mark Herrington announced an
exclusive partnership with recycling
company Go Green Reprocess Limited.
Working with Go Green, Pickfords will
provide a recycling and asset reprocessing
service, integrated at the time of an internal
or external relocation.
Unwanted furniture and IT equipment can
be catalogued, collected and segregated with
a view to extending the life of those assets.
Items are repaired and resold or donated to
not-for-profit organisations, charities and
local community groups across the UK. By
ensuring these items are not trucked to
landfill or shipped overseas, the process will
reduce energy loss and carbon emissions.
End of life electronic and electrical equipment
will be wiped clean of data in line with data
protection and WEEE regulations and recycled
and placed with local organisations. Any
profits gained from re-using and recycling
are returned to Pickfords Business Moving’s
Mark Herrington said, “This partnership
Move One’s online guide to Shanghai provides our clients with a service that not
only gains value from unwanted assets, but
helps them to achieve their environmental

he Shanghai guide, like the others in the took their family to Hungary: “These guides aims. Go Green is an excellent partner for
series, has at its centerpiece a set of mini were invaluable. Prior to moving, we sat as a Pickfords because the company ethically re-
documentaries, covering subjects such family and watched them. It was especially uses assets and importantly, places unwanted
as health care, transport, housing and schools. reassuring for our son to see videos of his new assets locally and does not ship the asset
Each film is accompanied by a set of useful school. It went a long way to convince him abroad – a process which wastes energy and
Internet resources, gathering together in one that he would make new friends and that his increases carbon emissions.”
place a whole host of information that expats new school was just like at home. It gave us Jan Lingard of Go Green said, “We are
would otherwise have to search for themselves. information like what to expect from local looking forward to working closely with
Move One’s Head of Destination Services landlords, information on the health care Pickfords Business Moving throughout the
Jon Harman said: “Traditional paper options, right down to interviews with local country. Pickfords’ determination to address
destination guides were expensive to produce, doctors. On other moves abroad, we had been environmental and sustainability best
became out of date quickly, and were difficult given guide booklets, which were useful to a practice solutions for its clients’ unwanted
to amend. The virtue of producing online point, but a lot of information was inconsistent assets compliments the Go Green ethos,
guides is that our assignees and clients get an and often out of date, and it wasn’t as convenient policies and service.”
up-to-date, detailed and concise resource to a way of finding what we needed to know. I’ve
make settling into a new city a pleasant had friends here who had been given nothing
experience.” more than an A4 sheet with taxi numbers and
He continued: “People usually seek details of the nearest Indian takeaway.”
information out on the web, but the type of Move One Managing Director, Curt Clements
information we have in our city guides, like added: “In producing the guides, Move One
how to validate public transport tickets and aims not only to provide the information in a
parking meters, or how to deal with local more convenient package, but also to empower
landlords, isn’t readily available. We have the assignee, and allow them to make the most
taken great care to document the minutiae of out of their stay. Move One’s number one goal
life in these guides, and have included is to make relocation an easier process, and
interviews with other expats and profiles of these guides go a long way to achieving this.”
local business people and packaged it in a Move One currently has six guides live:
convenient way for people to use in the run up Budapest, Moscow, Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw
to their move. We believe that we have created and Shanghai with work on guides for Left to right: Anthony Lingard Lane and
a fantastic resource to help ease expats into Bucharest, Belgrade, Kiev, Dubai and Abu Jane Lingard Lane, Directors of Go Green
their new lives as seamlessly as possible.” Dhabi well under way. Reprocess and Mark Herrington, Director,
Pickfords Business Moving
Martha Lloyd, a British expat, used the View the Move One guide at: www.moveone
Budapest guide when her husband’s work

April 2010 Removals & Storage 9

Industry News

Nose blower HGVs to use HOV

lane on A4174
outh Gloucestershire Council have
A businessman who claimed he was fined by police for blowing accepted a proposal by the Road
Haulage Association (RHA) to allow
his nose while driving has had the case against him dropped. HGVs to use the high occupancy vehicle

ichael Mancini said he had been given over by a police officer, who told him he had (HOV) lane on the A4174 Avon Ring road.
a fixed penalty notice after using a not been in full control of the van. The incident The road is a vital link that provides
handkerchief while his van was happened on 26 October at the High Street in access to the whole of the eastern side
stationary in traffic in Ayr. The 39-year-old Ayr, when Mr Mancini said he had been of the Bristol conurbation.
refused to pay the £60 fine and the case had suffering from a heavy cold. When the HOV lane was first introduced
been expected to be heard by a court. But Mr Mancini’s solicitor wrote to the procurator the RHA asked for HGVs to be allowed
prosecutors said no further action would fiscal last month stating that it “beggars belief” to use it but the request was refused.
be taken. that a ticket had been issued under the When proposals to increase the length of
A spokesman for the Crown Office and circumstances. However, the prosecutor had the HOV lane were put forward the
Procurator Fiscal Service said: “After further insisted the case would go to court if the fine Association made a further attempt on
enquiry and careful consideration of all the was not paid. the basis that haulage companies have to
facts and circumstances of this case, the Although, as Mr Mancini put it, ‘common respond to customer requirements and
procurator fiscal has decided that no further sense’ had eventually prevailed in this case, have no choice about delivering in
action is required.” Mr Mancini said that he how many more innocent people are being morning peak hours.
was “glad common sense had prevailed”. He subjected to the embarrassment, inconvenience Regional Director Mike Farmer
added: “I think the authorities need to learn a and stress of this kind of action by an over- commented: “We used the argument that
little bit of common sense and worry about zealous police force driven to write ‘easy’ HGVs should be viewed as freight buses
more important things.” tickets to achieve government-imposed targets? and thus should be allowed to use the
Mr Mancini described last month how he It seems that every day there are reports of HOV lane. We are delighted the council
had applied his vehicle’s handbrake before this type of nonsense. Have you been a victim accepted this view and it is clear they
using the tissue to clear his nose. But he claimed yourself? If so, write to R&S so we can warn understand fully the importance of HGVs
to have been “stunned” when he was waved other BAR members to be on their guard. in delivering daily life to Bristol.”
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10 Removals & Storage April 2010

Industry News

PDA Foundation – established for drivers, by drivers QSS goes

he UK Professional Drivers Association Professional Drivers Foundation feels there is
(PDA) has established a charity specifically a need to provide some help, both financial
aimed at HGV drivers; the Professional and advisory, to anyone holding a vocational QSS, the BAR subsidiary responsible for
Drivers Foundation. driving licence and in need of support through quality standard audits and the BAR/CoP
PDA founder and spokeswoman, Pat Nicholson no fault of their own.” inspections, is re-organising its auditor
said, “The UK haulage industry is one of the Novadata, one of the country’s leading operations to give greater efficiency.
UK’s largest employers, providing a vital providers of transport-related training, services Each of the six auditors has been
livelihood for thousands of HGV drivers, many and products, is also pleased to pledge its allocated a ‘territory’ (based on the BAR
of whom are over 50 years of age.” support for the Foundation. Managing Areas) and will handle all the visits within
“The Foundation was formed primarily for Director, Derek Broomfield said, “Our mission that region – with a few exceptions - be
the welfare of lorry drivers. It is not a well-paid has always been to bring together transport they quality standard audits, BAR/CoP
industry and entails long hours, with many of experts and unite them in a single purpose, inspections, or combinations of the two.
the workforce being away four nights a week to create the very best results for our clients. This will lead to some changes; some
and sleeping in their vehicles.” That is why we are so keen to see the firms that have been used to a particular
The Foundation is pleased to have British Professional Drivers Foundation grow. We face for several years may now have
motor ace Steve Parrish as patron. Winner of firmly believe that the Foundation holds a another individual coming to see them.
over a dozen British, European and World unique position in the transport industry; a But where there are particularly strong
motorcycle and truck racing titles, Steve is position which, with enough support, can relationships these will be maintained
delighted to bring his support to the Foundation. only become stronger. We at Novadata want wherever possible.
“Having had a few accidents on the tracks to help the Foundation move on to the next Chris Waymouth, Chief Executive of QSS,
over my racing career, it is good to see a charity level. Therefore launching the fundraising commented: “We’re becoming busier year
specifically supporting lorry drivers, who we all campaign at the Commercial Vehicle Operator by year and with the increased activity
know are the lifeline of this country. I am very Show will give it a good kick start.” this re-organisation makes a lot of sense.
honoured to be associated with the Professional Novadata will be presenting PDA founder It will reduce travel time and cost and will
Drivers Foundation,” said Mr Parrish. Pat Nicholson with a cheque for £2,500 in the improve productivity for both the
He continued, “Regrettably, numerous Media Centre on 14 April at the Commercial individual auditors and for QSS as a
injuries are caused to drivers, not necessarily Vehicle Operator Show which runs from 13- service provider, with the ultimate aim
while driving, but when delivering. The 15 April 2010. of containing costs for our client firms.”

April 2010 Removals & Storage 11

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01322 386969
HEAD OFFICE: Blue Hawk House, A1 Manor Way
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Memb No: S092

Industry News

No port growth without New toll

prices now
truck parking apply to the
M6 Toll road
he Road Haulage Association (RHA) has a positive start. Ministers need to go further.

recently called on government to amend Increased port capacity – both deep sea and ew toll prices became effective on
its National Policy Statement (NPS) on Ro-Ro – generates more truck traffic. Facilities the M6 Toll road in March 2010. Toll
ports as the draft statement lays insufficient for the industry and its drivers are already changes are restricted to main toll
emphasis on the need for the provision of sub-standard and improvements must be stated plaza weekday rates and are inclusive of
adequate secure truck parking facilities, the in the NPS - as a pre-condition of continued the new VAT rates as introduced in
RHA says in its response to the Department UK port development,” Rampley concluded. January 2010. A summary of the new
for Transport (DfT) consultation. The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), schedule is:
“The NPS currently addresses the issue of which represents 22,000 planners also considers • An increase of 30p for Weekday Mainline
Operation Stack and for obstruction to other the NPS for ports as ‘unfit for purpose’ and Day Class 2 (Car) to £5.00;
road users when trucks have to queue outside has called for a rethink in its formal response • An increase of 60p for Weekday Mainline
entrances to ports. These are the issues that to the consultation. Matt Thomson, Acting Day Class 3–5 to £9–£10;
disrupt the travelling public,” said Infrastructure Director Policy & Partnerships at the RTPI • A freeze on Weekday Mainline Day
Manager Chrys Rampley. “But the clear needs said: “The draft national policy statement on Class 1 rates;
of the road haulage community have been ports is not fit for purpose as it fails to justify • A freeze on all rates during Nights, Ramps
entirely overlooked. We are calling for the NPS the need for building any new ports, or give and weekends;
to require adequate parking in five respects: any guidance on how they should relate to • A Tag discount of 5% on each transaction
• On the port estate or close proximity ; road and rail networks or centres of industry (Tag accounts can be opened for a monthly
• Some distance from the port, to allow drivers or population. lease fee of £1 per Tag).
to continue their journey for an hour or so; He continued, “Instead it leaves decisions Tom Fanning, CEO of Midland Expressway
• To take statutory rest (such as overnight about where ports should be entirely for the Limited said, “The M6 Toll opened in late
parking); market to determine, which offers no security 2003 and still remains the most reliable
• Toilet, shower and other basic facilities; for investors or for local communities that may route through the West Midlands. The
• Security, for the protection of the load and be affected. Nor does it consider impacts on announced 2010 tolling programme will
the driver.” Britain’s existing ports, improvements to allow further investment in delivering an
“We have been discussing with the which may be a better option than building excellent driving experience for the reliable
government for some time the seriously an entirely new port.” The RTPI argued that journey on which our customers depend.
inadequate provision of lorry parking for the there is no identified urgency to provide new The M6 Toll remains excellent value for
UK and have been encouraged by the launch ports in the UK, with a number of port money to avoid the congested M6. We
of Transport Minister Paul Clark’s Lorry Parking developments already under construction and continue to offer all customers a 5% discount
Strategy and its 10-point Action Plan. That is has called on the DfT to think again. per trip through the use of an electronic
tag. With this, a £5 trip would cost only
£4.75. For all these reasons, the M6 Toll is
recognised as a world class motorway.”

To keep BAR members informed of the changing despite February’s monthly fall, partly because February’s
conditions in the housing market the R&S will be decline was lower than the decline in February 2009.
compiling a monthly update of the most important facts
Mortgage Approvals for the
and figures taken from the Halifax House Price Index.
last three months of 2009:
Approvals fell by a seasonally adjusted 17% between
February 2010 December and January following a modest (1.8%)
Average House Price for December: decline in the previous month. The return of the lowest
£166,857 - down 1.5% on the previous month stamp duty threshold to £125,000 and the bad weather
- up 4.5% on last year. are likely to have been the main causes of this fall in
activity. Approvals in January were still 43% higher
House prices fell by 1.5% in February
than in January 2009, but remained 33% lower than in
This was the first decline since June 2009 following
January 2008.
seven consecutive monthly increases.
Prices are 8.0% above the low reached in
House prices in February were
April 2009; an increase in the average
4.5% higher on an annual basis
price of £12,367 over this period
This was the largest increase in the annual rate of change
This follows a decline of 23% between August 2007 and
- measured by the average for the latest three months
April 2009. The average house price is now £166,857.
against the same period a year earlier – since January
2008. The annual rate increased from 3.6% in January (Statistics taken from the Halifax House Price Index January 2010) Sign of the times - Toll road prices rose
again in March from those shown here

April 2010 Removals & Storage 13

Industry News

Martells’ new
vehicle, with
bi-folding doors
hinged from
the front and
rear pillars

makes profit
despite fire
New vehicle for Martells and snow
International Removers
he number of lorries using the
West Sussex-based Martells International Removers’ latest Eurotunnel shuttle service in 2009
was down 39% on 2008 and 20%
vehicle acquisition - a Mercedes 12 tonne Atego - had to meet down on 2007, according to Eurotunnel’s
very specific requirements. annual results. However, despite these
results and the economic conditions,

artells needed a clear six metre losing the existing fleet image. Eurotunnel has announced a profit for
aperture to accept loads for a particular The chassis was supplied by Mercedes 2009 of 1.4m euro down from 34m euros
commercial customer as well as being Rossetts in Crawley following a cancellation in 2008.
able to expand its commercial removal options. from another customer. This meant that the Traffic was badly disrupted by the fire
One original thought was to build a box with vehicle was delivered to Mechelec Bodies in on 11 September, 2008 and a section of the
access by a curtain to the nearside. However, Hampshire within two weeks of the order tunnel remained closed until February
for ease and security of loading Martells was being placed. From arrival, Mechelec Bodies 2009 reducing capacity. The second half of
adamant that features of a traditional removal then constructed the body and delivered the 2009 showed a significant improvement
style body be adhered to as much as possible. completed vehicle within six weeks. (17%) on the first half, despite the restriction
The result was achieved by the use of bi- Edward Kessell, Removals Manager at to road traffic resulting from the wintry
folding doors hinged from the front and rear Martells commented on how impressed he is weather at the end of the year. The snow
pillars giving an opening aperture the whole with the new vehicle saying, “The facility to caused major cancellations at Eurostar, the
length of the body, but still keeping the facility open the complete side of the van has proved passenger train service between London
to load storage containers as well as the facility invaluable for the relocation of large machines and Paris, and London and Brussels, that
to loose-load everyday removal jobs. The doors for one of our commercial customers. At the pays Eurotunnel a fee per passenger for
are closed by a further new feature, stainless same time, the 12-tonne vehicle can be used on using the Channel Tunnel.
steel heavy-duty, self-aligning ‘V’ shaped everyday household removals and provides an The number of rail freight trains using
interlocking handles. These particular handles addition to our fleet bridging the gap between the tunnel in the second half of 2009 was up
ensure that even with no central lateral the traditional 7.5 tonne and 18 tonne trucks. 2.4% compared to the second half of 2008
column the side of the van stays rigid. Martells I was delighted with the speed of which the which reduced the decline in the full-year
also requested to have a cab top wind deflector vehicle was sourced, built and delivered to us.” traffic to 12% in 2009 compared to 2008.
installed to look similar to the sleeper pods Colin Callaway, formerly of Sparshatts,
present on their existing fleet. This has given investigated and designed this new concept with
Martells a multi-purpose vehicle without his new company, Mechelec Bodies Limited.
Free legal
seminar from
Delivering Items from the show that were available to
the highest bidders at the auction on Backhouse Jones
what the Wednesday, February 24, included; a dinner
suit worn by David Tennant in three episodes, Backhouse Jones Solicitors will be hosting
Doctor ordered the costume that Kylie Minogue wore in the
2007 Christmas Special and two Daleks.
a free seminar on 23 April, 2010 in
Warrington. The itinerary includes
Kevin Brown, a partner with Shore Porters, presentations enticingly titled: ‘Fix the

octor Who called upon Aberdeen- commented: “The Doctor Who project was future price of your diesel’; ‘Tax needn’t
based firm The Shore Porters Society’s fantastic to work on and definitely one of the be taxing’; ‘Back from the brink’; ‘Get
help recently with a job that was just most exciting jobs we have had. We were your drivers back in line’; and ‘Is public
too big for even his Tardis to deal with. delighted to be asked to undertake the delivery inquiry a catastrophic setback?’
Shore Porters became the Doctor’s latest of the auction lots and are pleased that our The programme starts at 9.30am with
assistant to deliver a collection of memorabilia experience and expertise in transporting registration and sandwiches and
featured in the hit BBC show from Blackpool precious items meant that all the auction lots continues into the afternoon with lunch
to Bonhams auction house in London, where arrived intact at Bonhams. To be able to say and refreshments provided. Places are
collectors and enthusiasts were given the chance you have had a couple of Daleks in one of your limited so if you would like to attend then
to get their hands on some of the most iconic vehicles isn’t something that every removals please contact Jennifer Bell on 01254 828300
props and costumes from one of Britain’s most company can boast – not to mention a costume or email
loved programmes. worn by Kylie Minogue.”

14 Removals & Storage April 2010

The BAR Services guide to upping sticks: 6

For those
looking to
save on
here s
two and six .

I f you are looking to save those much

needed pennies, look no further, let us
introduce you to our excellent brown
strong and durable alternative whilst also
being cost effective. For further information
please contact the sales team on phone
Pack 2s & Pack 6s. (01342) 870087 or
In times when we all need to tighten our by email on sales@
belts, these multi-use cartons provide a
Make a big problem

Do you have
excess furniture
and appliances?
There’s a service
that can reduce
your carbon
footprint and
improve your
Corporate Social

Clearing the way for good business

A national trading company of approved re-use centres and

collection services.
Call: 0117 9543571
Our centres have an excellent track record of working with a variety or visit us at:
of warehouses, transport companies and retailers.
Services to businesses discarding large or small quantities of product
Very little goes to waste
Industry News

Beware ‘cowboy’
London Councils - rating surveyors
traffic management order
evised business rates were due to come
ondon Councils has now updated the as proof that their vehicle has been granted
into effect in April following the
traffic management order that permission to use the restricted roads during
revaluation carried out in 2008. This
governs the London Lorry Control prescribed hours however there is no need
will lead to significant cost increases for many
Scheme. As well as updating the Excluded for the actual vehicles to display them.
small businesses. As a result, there appears
Route Network, the amendment removes the These changes took effect on 1 January,
to be an increasing number of unscrupulous
requirement for vehicles to display permits 2010 - any enquiries should be made to
companies offering to appeal against revised
when they are using the restricted roads. 020 7934 9915 or lorry.control@london
rates on behalf of small firms. Some of these
Vehicles will still need to be permitted,
companies are charging large sums of money
and London Councils will be issuing permits Visit
but deliver very few successful appeals.
in the form of Schedules to approval letters. transport/transportpolicy/London
Many smaller firms are unhappy about the
Hauliers will need to retain these Schedules LorryControl.htm for more information.
Valuation Office Agency’s assessment of their
rateable value. This is especially because the
assessments were carried out in April 2008 –
just before property values and rents dropped
sharply due to the credit crunch. This situation
has led to a rise in companies offering to re-
assess businesses’ rateable value with a view
to appealing for a reduction.
Many of these companies are perfectly
legitimate ones who offer a worthwhile service.
However there are some unscrupulous
operators who charge substantial fees with
little or no success in bringing their business
rates down. This is a problem that seems to
come about every five years after the rates
revaluations have been carried out. These
cowboys spring up and start cold calling
businesses offering to get them big reductions
on their rates. However, in reality, it’s often
the case that any savings they make are
minimal and are quickly dwarfed by the fees
they charge.
Article courtesy of the
Forum for Private Business

to combat
vehicle theft
riminal gangs importing GPS jammers
from China to help them steal vehicles
with valuable loads will soon be in for a
nasty surprise. TRACKER, the recovery systems
specialist is preparing to launch a new product
that has greater resistance to jamming.
TRACKER Locate will provide a significantly
enhanced defence against vehicle theft.
Tracking devices have become a major part TRACKER uses VHF technology to track stolen vehicles
of every day life with GPS being used in
everything from cars to phones, cameras and
even pet collars. But GPS systems are vulnerable and owner are aware of the theft instantly. It for TRACKER. “With criminals increasingly
to a technique called ‘jamming’ which blocks then uses the precision of VHF technology to importing jammers from China or
the signal between a GPS satellite and its track that stolen vehicle to its exact location. manufacturing their own in the UK, experts
receiver. “Many people are unaware how much we are even voicing concerns that air traffic
TRACKER Locate will raise an alert if there rely on GPS. It’s not just vehicle owners that control or other important networks may come
is any attempt to jam the communication are under the increasing threat of jamming,” under attack by terrorists in the future if steps
system or tamper with the unit, so the police explains Stephen Doran, Managing Director aren’t taken.”

April 2010 Removals & Storage 17

BAR News

Meeting report:
National Council

ark Chudley took the Chair for the people involved. He said that attending these David Trenchard, and ask if he is willing to
first time at the February National Young Movers events provides tangible attend National Council meetings to provide
Council Meeting. In opening he business benefits for the industry’s young feedback. Alternatively he might prefer a
thanked his predecessor, Chris Smallwood, professionals. National Councillor to liaise with him over
for his hard work and thanked Ralph Sayers FEDEMAC issues and report to the Council.
and Steve Broom for their support. Council operation
The Council discussed its own working Training
Advance Payment Guarantee Scheme practices. Although it was felt that Council The Chairman asked for two volunteers to
Mark Chudley (Chairman) asked Roger meetings could not be replaced by discussions work with Loren Webster (BARTS Training
Martell, who is the APG representative for on e-mail it would be possible to discuss Manager) to discuss training matters.
the National Council, to explain what was some less complicated issues, such as the Richard Dolan and Paul Fox volunteered.
discussed at the Advance Payment conference, and SSSIG, by e-mail leaving the
Guarantee task group meeting on the 18 meeting agenda open for more complicated Standards-based membership
November, 2009. As the matter was at a subjects to be discussed in person. The Chairman addressed the subject of
very early stage, it was felt that it was too Stephen Vickers commented that the make standards-based membership and asked
early for councillors to go back to their up of the Council is important as it needs councillors to give feedback on the briefing
Areas with a report on this subject. representatives that would like to attend document prepared by the Board. Councillors
and not councillors that come because they said that members were mainly concerned
Self Storage Special Interest Group feel obligated. It was suggested that the about costs.
Matt Purdie (BAR President) explained that Council should have other additional Stephen Vickers explained how the Board
the SSSIG has a lot of potential. Stephen members to sit on the Council rather than are in discussion on how to manage the
Vickers explained that, as the Self Storage just the Area representatives, these additional costs. It was explained to councillors that
Association is dominated by larger members may give the Council further 40% of the membership already has a
companies, BAR members will benefit ideas and help move the Council forward. Standard in place.
much more by joining the BAR SSSIG. The Chairman asked the councillors if Councillors felt standard-based
He outlined a number of benefits for they felt the Council was formed correctly, membership should be sold better and the
members who join the SSSIG. Group members the Council unanimously agreed that it benefits explained clearly, thus more members
are able to use the BAR Self Storage Terms was. Stephen Vickers said that the meeting would be in favour. Stephen explained that
and Conditions free of charge, use the BAR had been the best National Council meeting for the past few years, several Area minutes
Self Storage logo on all of their self storage he had attended since he joined BAR and indicated a desire for standards-based
advertising material, use the BAR Self that the meeting had been very productive. membership.
Storage licence agreement which is currently He suggested that councillors from each The Chairman asked what feedback
being written, and members also have the Area e-mail any ideas and/or discussions to councillors would like him to take to the
opportunity to share ideas, enhance their the Chairman before each Council meeting. Board regarding standards-based
skills and network within the Association. It was felt that there had been some membership. Councillors felt that it needed
Members who join the SSSIG will have inconsistency in the communication between to be better explained to members.
their company details displayed on the BAR BAR and the Areas. It was suggested, Councillors wanted the Board to know that
website under a dedicated section ‘Self therefore, that that all councillors follow members were unhappy to pay for the
Storage’. Members can also be part of the the formal minutes as a guideline and that Standards guideline document. It was
website that provides online, real-time the Chairman should add a covering letter explained to councillors that BAR could not
price estimates for potential customers. highlighting the main points. give the Standards guidelines free of charge
The Chairman asked councillors to explain to its members, but an article summarising
the benefits of joining the Self Storage Special National and European Group rules the Standards could be published in the
Interest Group to their local members. The Chairman asked the Council for their Removals & Storage magazine.
feedback and thoughts on the revised Rules Councillors also wanted to know from the
Young Movers of the National Council which had been Board how the company’s core business is
The main purpose of the Young Movers circulated. going to be identified and what Standard
Group is to give members the chance to The drafted rules were considered and it does each company need to achieve.
forge personal and business relationships was agreed that one representative from each The Chairman explained to the Council
with other young people in the Association. Area should continue to attend the National how he would go back to the Board and ask
Stephen Vickers explained that the Young Council as previously rather than forming what is the definition of ‘core business’ and
Movers Special Interest Group launch event the proposed six groups. The rules were to be how BAR would determine and decide what
was a success and has received good re-drafted by James Falkner (BAR Company Standard each member should achieve.
feedback. The following Young Movers Secretary) and e-mailed to councillors for He also asked if the Council was in
event was on the 17 March, 2010 at BAR approval. It will be assumed that councillors agreement to the principle of a standards-
head office in Watford and was open to all who do not reply are in agreement. based membership: There were no votes
young movers in their 20s and 30s working against or abstentions. The Chairman was
for BAR members. FEDEMAC mandated to go back to Board expressing
The Chairman asked councillors to promote It was agreed that the Chairman would National Council support but with concerns
Young Movers to the Areas and get more speak to the FEDEMAC representative, over cost implications.

18 Removals & Storage April 2010

BAR News

Stephen Vickers explained to the Council
MTC meeting
how the website had been live for The Movers Trading Club held its annual meeting
approximately a month. The sales leads
had received a positive uptake: better than at the BAR offices in Watford in February.

expected considering there had been no n discussion were the recent trends in Haulage
marketing. In January alone there were freight rates and their effect on rates Even more significant, in some cases, is the
roughly 250 sales leads. He said that the for 2010, a comparison of service increase in haulage charges charged by the
sales lead system was simply designed to performance of the lines used last year, and shipping lines. These increases have been
cover costs. an evaluation of the GT Nexus system for filing blamed on a number of factors including:
Stephen explained that that there are a global shipping rates and booking online. increased fuel charges; the LEZ in London;
number of benefits in joining the sales lead Moore Shanks chaired the meeting. He and the new requirements of the Driver CPC.
part of the BAR website. He explained that explained that it had been a difficult year for Increases have been applied almost without
there were plans to increase the marketing shipping with volume down by over 14% in exception. Most are in the region of £25 to
effort for the site including: a presence on 2009 compared with the previous year. He £100 however some were much more with
the website (by April) said that was the first time since the MTC had haulage prices increasing by almost 100% on
and the NAEA website - these will direct been keeping these statistics that overall some services. Many members also complained
consumers straight to the BAR website; volume had dropped. He also said, however, of poor service from some lines. The
What Mortgage? has agreed to publish an that the general trend was still upwards with combination of poor service and higher
article and a standard advert will be tonnage up by 21% since 2004 despite last prices is encouraging some companies to
published in their publications free of year’s fall. consider reverting to doing their own haulage.
charge to BAR. BAR are currently working The result has been that shipping lines had
with several partners so that customers taken drastic measures to reduce losses and GT Nexus
that book their move through the BAR now around 13% of the world’s merchant fleet GT Nexus is a trade logistics portal that allows
website will receive discounted vouchers was laid up in harbours waiting for tonnage agreed rates to be displayed online to all
and promotions. to return to normal levels. signatories to the agreements. It is currently
The Broadcast system facility is now live The effect for shippers, ironically, is one of used by many multi-national organisations
for all members to use. This provides increasing rates and reducing space allocations. and by over 30 shipping lines to help them
members with a simple way of trading with So much tonnage is laid up that lines have manage their flow of traffic. The MTC considered
other members, e.g. for porters, etc. without been able to increase rates and allocate space at the meeting whether GT Nexus would provide
the need to telephone several members to primarily to high value commodities. Although a better service to the current Freight Rate
find one with the service/assistance needed. household goods is a lightweight commodity, Finder (FRF) system and, therefore, whether
and therefore attractive to lines, it’s not it should be adopted.
Conference traditionally high value so it’s reasonable to Rob van Steensel from OSA demonstrated
The BAR Conference this year will be held expect some space problems during 2010. the system online. MTC members had the
in Bristol at the Bristol City centre Marriott. Already there have been difficulties opportunity of questioning him extensively
Stephen Vickers explained that the speakers experienced with limited space from Asia to on its operation and benefits. He explained
for the conference are now confirmed, and the USA; equipment problems from the USA that the system was password protected so
this year’s conference is the strongest (particularly for shipments out of the Gulf could be used only by those organisations
business programme BAR has had. ports); and frequent surcharges applied for that were entitled to do so. Benefits include:
It has been decided by the conference short-notice shipments. It appears that lines global rates; real time updates on rates and
Committee that future conferences will are unwilling to over react to an apparent services; the ability to notify destination
primarily be in the UK. recent increase in tonnage fearful that the agents when shipments are arriving and
recovery might not last. While that attitude limits on free time; more accurate invoicing
Other business continues lines will ensure that capacity does from lines; and the possibility of linking GT
The Southern Area queried the draft Terms not increase faster than demand therefore Nexus with back office systems to provide
and Conditions. The Chairman explained prices will remain high and space limited. data directly for quoting. New developments
how the Terms and Conditions had been expected this summer include the ability to
approved by this Council in June 2009, and Rate increases in 2010 book online and a track and trace function.
been noted by the OFT, therefore no further The above drivers have ensured that household GT Nexus is already used by some of the
changes were planned. goods shipping rates for 2010 will be largest moving companies in the world and is
In response to a request from FEDEMAC significantly higher in 2010 than 2009. Striking a very valuable asset especially when quoting
Stephen Vickers asked the Council whether it examples of lowest quoted rates for 20ft for global contracts.
was in favour of bringing 3.5 tonne vehicles containers out of London were, for example: After some discussion the meeting agreed
into the Working Time Directive. The Council Australia up by 44%; New Zealand up by 57%; that the MTC would subscribe to GT Nexus but
unanimously disagreed with the proposal. South Africa up by 43%; USA East Coast up by would keep the current FRF system running
The West Midlands Area would like there 51%; and similar increases on all other in parallel. Further discussions would take
to be a brief description of BAR on the Self routes. Most notable, perhaps, was the huge place in September this year to establish
Storage section of the website and a link hike in rates for shipments to Singapore up whether the system was successful and,
back to the UK domestic moves for people by 123%. therefore, if the FRF could be discontinued.
who need moving services. This was agreed.
As this was Matt Purdie’s last meeting as
the BAR president, the Chairman formally
thanked him for his past help and support.
In turn Matt thanked the National Council
March statistics incorrect
for its hard work, congratulated Mark The industry statistics published in the March issue of the Removals & Storage were
Chudley on his new role as the National wrong. This was as a result of mistakes made during the production of the magazine.
Council Chairman, and welcomed him to R&S apologises for any confusion caused. The correct figures are available from the
the Board. commercial department of BAR on:

April 2010 Removals & Storage 19

BAR News

Movers & Storers

Show 2010 -
a packed hall,
despite the snow

Movers & Storers Show 2010

BAR, BARTS and BAR Services attended the
Movers & Storers Show in Telford in February.

he third annual show was bigger and
better than ever before with more
exhibitors and 546 visitors.
The Learning Zone seminars were very well
attended, the highlight being a debate,
featuring BAR Past President Robert Bartup,
on the state of the industry. This drew a huge
crowd. Other presentations tackled issues
including the recession, social media, marketing
and the role of the transport manager.
The Movers & Storers Truck Show ran
alongside the exhibition, with 16 entries taking
part. The judging panel comprised Steve Hayes Nigel Shaw of Specialised (right)
from Trucking Magazine, Colin Barnett from The truck exhibition had record entries wins Best Unusual Vehicle
Commercial Motor, Peter Gawthrop from QSS
and Gareth Gammon from Navigate Design.
Competition was tough in all three categories,
but the prizes were finally awarded to
Specialised Movers (Best Unusual Vehicle),
Dinsdales Removals (Best Removals Vehicle –
Small Company) and James Removals (Best
Removals Vehicle – Large Company).
There were lots of winners outside of the
Truck Show too: Pound Gates awarded a variety
of iPod prizes to competition winners, David
Dale Removals gave away £250 worth of
packaging materials, and the people with
the fastest times on the Scalextric, sponsored Specialised Movers’ vehicle

by Basil Fry, received champagne, wine

and chocolates
Organiser Charlotte Parslow commented,
“There were lots of changes this year: the
date, the venue, and some new features, and
it all seems to have gone down very well. The
only slight downside for us was the
attendance – we had been hoping for 650+
visitors, but we believe the lower numbers
were due to the snowy conditions. However,
the general consensus is still that February is
the best time of year for the show, so we’ll just
have to hope for better weather next year.” Robert Bartup in the Learning Zone

20 Removals & Storage April 2010




BAR News

Meeting report:
Overseas Group Council
The BAR Overseas Group Council met in Council would suggest what to include or IMMI
February to discuss an extensive agenda. exclude for the new Standard. The latest IMMI report had been circulated
Tony then clarified that if a company with the meeting agenda. Michael Gerson
Overseas Group budget predominately carries out European moves and Robert Bartup both requested that all
Item one included a discussion about the rather than deep sea moves then there would BAR Overseas applications be sent to them.
use of the unspent Overseas Group budget. be no need for them to have the international Robert added that he had not received
It was confirmed that a training programme Standard. He then explained the process notification on a BAR member currently
was currently being developed by Loren further: BAR are the Standard sponsors, applying for IMMI and OG.
Webster, BAR Training Manager using the BSI will then set up a committee and invite The meeting then discussed the IMMI
available funds. The resulting course would organisations who will be affected by the Claims Panel with Michael explaining its
be aimed at managerial level. Once completed proposals to comment. The new Standard background. He said that if a large operator
all OG companies would be notified and will be publicly available as with all BSI went under then IMMI would need assistance
given the opportunity to submit one name Standards. from the Claims Panel. The Claims Panel
to be entered for a chance to win one of six was set up two years ago and now a new
free places on the course. Overseas Group rules up-to-date panel of volunteers is needed.
The Director General reported that all James Falkner, the BAR Company Secretary James Falkner agreed to circulate current
requests for the OG lapel pins had been explained that the rules were being updated members to confirm if they would like to
dealt with and distributed. BAR HQ still to simplify them and to bring them up to a continue in their role. He also asked the
holds stocks. similar format to CMG and National Group Council to give some thought to potential
rules. The revised rules were discussed: new volunteers.
Standards-based membership James agreed to amend the draft, and
The OG Council unanimously noted with circulate to the Council for comments BAR Website
approval the briefing document on before being put to the Board Stephen Vickers confirmed that the website
standards-based membership that had of Directors. went live with a ‘soft launch’ in February
previously been approved by the BAR Board. and, since then, has generated approximately
Several councillors commented on the Advance Payment Guarantee 250 sales leads. [That figure has
proposed new Standard covering Scheme (APGS) approximately doubled by the time this
international moving. Several issues were Robert Bartup explained that the APGS is R&S went to press]. Stephen then said that
discussed including the timeframe and still at an early stage with no formal BAR would credit back all units from
costs involved. Robert Bartup (GB Liners) proposal at present. January sales leads as many are not local
suggested that to keep costs down there to the receiving company as few companies
should be just one British Standard that Freight rates had participated at that time. He said that
covers all moves (commercial, domestic and Freight rates for 2010 were discussed. See there were plans to include more active
international). Nick Kerr (Davies Turner) the report on the MTC meeting page 19. marketing, provide a presence on
said he would discuss with Chris Waymouth (by April), that the NAEA
of QSS about the possibility of recreating FIDI and FIDI UK report (National Association of Estate Agents) had
the BS EN 12522 as the new British Nick Kerr, Chairman of FIDI UK, reported agreed to advertise the BAR website on its
Standard. Stephen Vickers, BAR Director that he is awaiting the proposed items for website, and What Mortgage? had agreed
General said that the cost to develop this the agenda for the FIDI general assembly to publish an article from BAR each month.
would be approximately the same as the taking place in Melbourne, Australia in Stephen said that, at the time of the meeting,
BS 8522 Standard. April and would circulate the agenda when the companies that had signed up to the
The Director General remarked that the received. Rupert Morley (Sterling Relocation charging table represent about 55 locations
new Standard would not be combined as and FIDI Board member) added that the in total. He then summed up by encouraging
the CMG group are opposed to a combined new draft of FAIM is about to be circulated the Council to take part if their company
Standard. Stephen Vickers then went on to for approval and will include the tightening hasn’t already signed up, as referrals
say that the main issue with standards- of ‘physical assets’. Nick said that the update generated will convert to an increase in
based membership is the definition of core of the current Standard certainly strengthens business. Matt Purdie (BAR President) then
business and which business would then some elements and the draft document for suggested that to encourage member
apply for the Standard (domestic or inspection will be available soon. The new companies to sign up, an article should be
overseas). One of the indicators would be Standard must be in place for all companies published in R&S to highlight companies
the level of advertising, for example in within twelve months after their next who have benefited from sales leads. Ian
Yellow Pages and how a company portrays assessment (1-3 years timeframe). Palmer then confirmed that the remaining
itself. Tony Tickner (Euro USA Shipping) Rupert then raised the topic of the slow unspent 2009 budget (approximately £1500)
reiterated that a stumbling block is ‘what payers list saying that audits should be will be evenly distributed between all OG
defines an international move’. The Task carried out to analyse how long it is taking companies who had signed up to the online
Group looking at the development of an to pay rather than checking when people estimating system by the end of March.
overseas Standard, Chris Waymouth and receive their money. He said that the The total money will be split in the form of
BSI all agree that this is defined as deep average number of days it takes to pay bills units for sales leads. There was general
sea or continental. It was agreed that the would be useful information to have. agreement with this.

22 Removals & Storage April 2010

BAR News

Are you missing out

BAR Conference
Stephen Vickers confirmed that preparations
for this year’s BAR Conference in Bristol are
on website leads?
going really well and that speakers have been

confirmed including two representatives he new BAR website went live in working and producing very good, high quality
from HMRC (Head of UK Border Force and a February. Although it’s very early days, leads, I only hope that many more companies
representative from Excise re VAT). He said some members have already started climb on board soon as they are missing out
that there would be more business sessions receiving valuable enquiries through the site. big time, especially when the ‘marketing
than in Brussels. 2011 and 2012 conference machine’ really kicks in.”
venues have also been secured; this was Gary Wheadon of D. Sully & Son
especially important owing to the 2012 Gary has discovered the benefit of signing up Robert Bartup of GB Liners
Olympics. Stephen reminded everyone of for enquiries from the new BAR website. Robert is no stranger to lead generating
the golf at St Pierre Country Club, on His customers, Mr. and Mrs. Jones were websites. Here he explains his previous
Thursday 13 May and said that there are very impressed with the site and Mr. Jones experience and how he believed the BAR site
limited places. said that, “It gave him confidence that the does better than the others.
Ian Palmer (Chairman) confirmed that companies recommended were professional “I think it is fair to say that we have tried a
the Overseas Group conference event will and capable of undertaking the move.” Mr. number of these websites which generate leads.
‘piggy-back’ the partners’ tour to Bath on Jones continued: “The information contained As a rough rule of thumb, they appear to me
Saturday 15 May. He then asked each member was believable unlike some other sites.” to be 20% gold, 80% dross. Of the 20% that
of the Council to invite one overseas agent He was given three names of companies that are worth visiting, about a third tend to turn
to the conference to try and boost would contact him, although only two did. He into real business but the problem has been
attendance. did ‘Google’ removal companies but only came that even a third have been at relatively low
up with man and van outfits, which were not price. So we have been booking something
Council vacancies what he was looking for. He found the BAR like six out of 100 and at £5 for every lead,
It was agreed that nominations for the website informative and well laid out. Although cost per booking is prohibitive. We have
Council should be sought and a ballot held he said that inputting some of the data was a generally dropped these websites as
electronically, under the supervision of the bit fiddly, he soon got the hang of it. Altogether a result.”
Company Secretary. he thought that the site was a credit to the “I have always thought that the idea of a BAR
Association and he would certainly recommend it. website which generates leads is a good one.
FEDEMAC EC proposals for amending “This was one of the early leads we received I thought that it would probably produce better
directive on working time from the lead generator and by no means is it quality leads and, of course, we would probably
The information from Clecat on EC proposals the only one we have converted,” said Gary. “I be competing against better quality opposition
to amend the working time directive had have found it to be a very valuable tool in gaining over these leads. In the first real month of
previously been circulated with the agenda. additional work in areas that I do not advertise handling the leads, we found that a much
Stephen Vickers asked the Council whether in due to the high cost/conversion ratio.” higher percentage convert into visits; certainly
it was in favour of bringing 3.5 tonne “Yellow Pages and Thompsons have very well over 50%. They also appear to turn into
vehicles into the Working Time Directive. defined areas and we are on the edge of at business at a better rate and at a higher price.
The Council unanimously disagreed with least three or four of them. I have to be very In February, our Brighton branch spent £45
the proposal. specific about which directories I want to be on the BAR website and booked a £2,250 job
in, as the one that covers north London extends back from Italy and our Cirencester branch
Annual General Meeting far beyond the area I see as my catchment and spent £25 and booked a £450 job down to
It was agreed that this year’s Annual therefore very unlikely to secure the move.” Maidenhead. There are other bookings for
General Meeting would be an electronic He added: “The introduction of the new other branches so, generally, we are pretty
meeting and not held on the same day as website has also made me look at the size of pleased with the value we have got initially.”
the next OG Council meeting (22 June). The the advertising we do as well and has helped “I told people at the Movers & Storers Show
one item on the agenda would be nominations me secure a much better deal with the large that I thought they were mad not to be
to fill the vacancy on the Council. Stephen advertisers. When I pointed out the website participating in this and that remains my
Vickers then confirmed that there would to the Yellow Pages representative he somehow opinion. All the time they don’t, it is good
also be a special meeting held at BAR Watford managed to drop his prices. The website is news for us.”
on the APG and IMMI shareholding.

Circulation of Council minutes

Robert Bartup asked whether the circulation
of minutes should just be posted on the
resources area of the website and not
emailed to the OG Group. Stephen Vickers

confirmed that a report on each Council att Purdie, BAR President, wore BBC phoned BAR to ask for a
meeting will appear in a subsequent R&S his BAR hat firmly during a live representative to interview – Matt was,
issue as well. interview on BBC Radio Scotland of course, ideally placed.
at the beginning of March. During the During the interview Matt had the
Model Terms and Conditions interview Matt went head-to-head with opportunity of promoting the BAR
It was agreed that a document would be an online broker company and made Code of Practice, explaining the
made available for members to compare sure BAR came out firmly on top. importance of having a contract, and of
the differences between the old Terms and The broadcast was a 10-minute live plugging the new BAR website as an
Conditions and the new. piece about removals on the Fred alternative to broker sites that might
MacAulay show at 10.30am – prime not represent the professional moving
time. The opportunity came after the industry.

April 2010 Removals & Storage 23

BAR News

environmental policy is written voluntarily

BAR Services helps improve your and is not compulsory.

environmental credentials I don’t have ISO 14001, how can I

reassure my customers of my credibility?
This is where BAR Services can be of assistance
Our impact on the environment is becoming an immensely as it has done all of the hard work for you. As
important issue on a global level. Whatever the size of your one of the major industry suppliers of corrugated
cases it is important that BAR Services has its
business you cannot afford to ignore your environmental own environmental policy and it insists that
responsibilities and having an environmental policy is all of its major suppliers have the ISO 14001
accreditation. If you are a smaller company,
becoming a necessity. you can assure your customers that the
packaging products you supply are

ecent studies by Defra and NetRegs shareholders. It helps reassure your customers environmentally and ethically sourced and
have found that 44% of us are happy to of your social responsibility and your that there is an ongoing commitment to the
pay more for products that are commitment to monitor and continue to environment.
environmentally friendly and 53% of SMEs improve your environmental performance.
will choose a contractor that has greener Letting people know how passionate you are How else can BAR Services help?
credentials even if it will incur further costs. about the environment is a great marketing If your customer requires information
Pressure to minimise the environmental tool too. regarding the procedures used during the
impact now comes from local and national manufacture of your packaging materials,
governments and regulators as well as Writing an environmental policy where the raw materials are sourced from or
customers and shareholders. Having an An environmental policy is a written statement if the packaging is recycled or recyclable then
environmental policy can therefore reinforce outlining your company’s mission and driving BAR Services can provide this information for
your green credentials and also your force behind the environmental objectives and you to put your customers, employees or
environmental credibility. targets. Look at the key areas in your company shareholders minds at rest.
As a supplier of packaging materials, BAR that may be creating an environmental impact,
Services is mindful of its duty not only to have look at the resources you use. Are there ways Finally …
its own environmental policy but also to provide you can ensure they are from sustainable These steps towards helping our planet are
the members with any green information sources? Are you using energy efficient important but let’s not get the impact of
relating to the manufacture and recyclability transport? Is a policy of waste reduction and packaging materials out of proportion.
of its products (in particular its corrugated recycling in place? Are your employees well Packaging often gets a raw deal and is an
products). First let’s start with some basic educated in environmental awareness? easy target as it is the most concrete, visible
questions regarding environmental standards The policy: and easy to understand for consumers. Did
that may affect you. • Should provide general information on the you know that simply by turning the room
company (i.e. employee size); temperature down by two degrees in your
ISO 14001 - what is it in simple terms? • Should state the company’s aims and home or that driving one mile less per day
This is an internationally accepted standard objectives – a call to action; would save the amount of carbon it takes to
that sets out how to put in place an effective • Should contain a contact person who is produce all the packaging used by a whole
Environmental Management System (EMS). responsible for environmental standards family for a whole year?
Firstly, aspects of your company that will within the company; That said, it is still important for the removal
impact on the environment need to be identified. • Should be actively supported and endorsed industry to do its bit. The steps your company
Secondly, company objectives that will lead to by senior management and accepted by all makes towards reducing your carbon footprint
improvement need to be produced with a staff; should be seen as a benefit not a burden. It
management strategy being created which • Allows management to communicate its should be embraced by you and your employees
will lead to these objectives being fulfilled. aims and objectives to employees and other as a positive step towards sustainability. Your
The standard is designed to help balance the interested parties, including shareholders, company should be proud of the policy it puts
maintenance of profit with the reduction in customers and suppliers; in place to help the environment and it should
your impact on the environment. • Should be part of the business strategy. be displayed wherever possible, particularly
Above all, keep the statement short and on the company website. As businesses, we
I am a small company and easy to read. Don’t be daunted by the task as should look at our environmental policy as
implementing an Environmental there is plenty of information and examples making positive steps to a healthy, happy
Management System (EMS) is time on the Internet. At the end of the day, an planet for generations to come.
consuming – is it compulsory?
The answer is ‘No’. Chasing the ISO 14001 BAR Services
accreditation can be onerous for smaller has its own
companies but having a simple document policy and it
that outlines your company’s environmental insists that all
policy is highly recommended and achievable. of its major
suppliers have
A company’s environmental policy is effectively the ISO 14001
the cornerstone of the ISO Environmental accreditation.
Management System but can be adequate on
its own if the full accreditation is not required.

What are the benefits?

Whether you have the ISO accreditation or
simply have a document outlining your
strategies to reduce your company’s impact,
this sends a good message not only to your
customers but also to your employees and

24 Removals & Storage April 2010

Addressing the Needs of our Members...

Free Legal & Financial

Advice Lines for
BAR Members

The “Credit Crunch”, rising fuel prices, rising inflation, and more specifically the down turn in the
housing market and reductions in new mortgages and re-mortgages, are impacting us all.
As an Association we aim to support member companies in every way possible. To that end we have set up two free
advice lines using partners with whom BAR have long established business relationships. One is an expansion of an
existing service, the other being a brand new service.

The advice lines will be available to Directors/Partners/Owners of member companies and will work
as follows:
� Please give your BAR membership number, company name and your contact details.
� Briefly describe your issue/question to the advice line operator.
� Your call will be logged and checked by a partner to ensure proper follow up has taken place.
� The call will be passed through to the most suitable contact person.
� If you use the email facility, please provide the same information as above so that the email
can be correctly dealt with.
� If it is possible to resolve the matter over the phone within a reasonable time then the
advice will be free.
� If the specialist thinks that the matter needs a ‘face-to-face’ meeting then this will be
suggested. This meeting can be at your premises, the adviser’s offices or a neutral convenient
location. This meeting will also be free.
� Should the matter be complex requiring significant time, resource or research then the adviser
will provide a full written proposal and quotation. This proposal will be at a discounted rate.
No charges will be made until such proposal is received and agreed.

You should note that this service is an additional and exclusive free service to members who, in the current
economic climate, may need immediate independent financial or legal advice.
More complex matters may be chargeable by our partners in this venture, but no charges will be made until all costs
and services have been clarified and agreed by all parties.
To help us to monitor these services please send any comments, queries, suggestions to:

Please tear off and keep this card



Financial Support Advice Line


in & Tel: 0207 630 6665

association email:
For legal advice see reverse
Advice Lines
Advice lines will be available from
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
INITIATIVE Monday – Friday (excluding public holidays)

Financial Support Advice Line

0207 630 6665 email:
Main contacts will be:

Kathleen Parker – Partner: Michael Webb – Manager:

With Wellers for eighteen years and specialises in Michael knows the value of long lasting client
providing strategic advice to her SME clients. relationships; has the technical ability and expertise
Her work includes business reviews, tax planning to respond rapidly to changes in legislation and
and delivering advice for sustainable growth. provide relevant and timely advice to his clients.

Norma Stewart – Partner: Timir Palit – Tax Manager:

Has a broad range of commercial experience and With more than thirty years experience covering a
works with her clients as an integral part of their wide range of corporate and personal tax issues,
business, helping them handle compliance issues as he has the skills to provide practical expertise and
well as identifying fresh opportunities for growth. tailored solutions for his clients.

Legal Support Advice Line

01254 828300 email:
Main contacts will be:

James Backhouse - Director: Stephen Meyerhoff – Solicitor:

Regulatory and compliance matters and advice on Provides employment law advice as well as
O licence issues. commercial advice on contractual disputes
including advising on terms of trading.

Jonathan Backhouse – Director: Barry Prior – Consultant:

Company and commercial matters, including Specialises in goods in transit and liens.
restructuring and business organisation.

Please tear off and keep this card


Legal Support Advice Line MEMBERSHIP


Tel: 01254 828300 in &

email: association with
For financial advice see reverse
BAR News

Product of the Month

Brown cartons – economising without compromising
Do you want to continue to make savings on
packing materials? Then look no further than
For further details on the brown Pack 2s
BAR Services. Don’t forget a major saving can
and Pack 6s, please call the BAR Services
be made by simply changing from white to
sales team on 01342 870087 or alternatively
brown cartons. Buying a brown alternative can
be an area for potential short-term savings with
prices being over 10% lower than the more
customary white carton.
Due to the popularity of the brown Pack 2s and
6s, BAR Services has been able to negotiate a
substantial discount on the price of these cartons
which it continues to pass on to you, the members.
Previous special offers on brown cartons from
BAR Services have proved to be particularly
popular with the membership, as it means making
a saving whilst not making a compromise on
quality. Keep your eyes open for a spring offer
that you can’t afford to miss.

BAR Services Ltd, Moor Hall, Sandhawes Hill, East Grinstead, Sussex RH19 3HQ Tel: 01342 870087 Fax: 01342 870072 Email:


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April 2010 Removals & Storage 27

CMG News

CMG golf 2010

Don’t miss the CMG golf day on 5 October,
2010 sponsored by Basil Fry & Company,
PHS Teacrate and Steel Storage.

his year the competition is to be held at opened in 1977 and is an undulating parkland
the beautiful Staverton Park golf club course that frequently hosts regional,
set in 140 acres of Northamptonshire county and midland PGA events.
countryside. It’s a mature, championship- If you would like to try your luck (sorry,
standard, par 71 course with four small lakes test your skill) at this premier CMG sporting
and 64 American-style bunkers (to provide event, contact the organiser, Kevin Mack, on
something to aim for). The course was first or 01252 549381.

28 Removals & Storage April 2010


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For more information visit:
CMG News

Richard O’Sullivan:
a man for all seasons
There is a little saying that you get out of life what you put into life.
If ever there was an example that proved that saying to be true then
it’s Richard O’Sullivan of Russell Fewins Ltd.

hy a man for all seasons? Well one director. ‘‘With no history in the removals His ‘man for all seasons’ label sits well with
reason may be that whilst Richard sector I like to think that I look at the industry his love of fell walking and outward bound
spends his professional time with fresh eyes. Re-branding the company activities. The Lake District is often frequented
focussing on the indoors of the commercial and developing a broad range of services has and challenging routes taken head on regardless
removals and facilities industry, his passion helped Russell Fewins to develop a strong of weather. “There is nothing better than
for the outdoors is clear for anyone to see. and broader customer base.’’ experiencing a bit of hardship to make your
“I guess that it’s true that I approach my life Diversifying and providing a facilities service pint taste that much better at the end!”
outside of the office with as much enthusiasm broader than purely commercial removals has The annual pilgrimage to the Alps is very
as I approach my work inside the office,” been Richard’s main priority and this has much part of Richard’s outdoors lifestyle which
Richard explained. helped to smooth the natural ebb and flow of he enjoys with his family. “I really enjoy
His outdoor pursuits include cycling, braving the business – particularly during the recession. skiing – probably more than any other leisure
the elements and the rush hour traffic to “We have made a conscious decision to invest activity – and it is the complete holiday by any
complete the 30 mile round trip to the office in our staff, our service and our marketing measure. I just wish the euro was a bit weaker
in Dartford from his home near Sevenoaks in during the recession,” said Richard. “I think so that I didn’t have to take sandwiches.”
Kent. “Cycling is a great joy – despite having that it has paid off and positions us well as And if skiing and walking are not enough
to tackle the North Downs on the way in to the tightness of the economy eases.” outdoor activities then you can also add
work - and I would recommend it to anyone Richard said that when Russell Fewins first sailing into the mix. A qualified day skipper,
who can work it into their working day.” joined the BAR and the CMG David Bunting and Richard has participated in yacht racing and
However, unlike many of his colleagues on Andy Carr both went out of their way to be was involved in several Global Challenge
the CMG council, Richard has given up playing friendly and helpful at conference and industry sprints.
golf, ‘‘I’m frustrated to have spent so much events. With their encouragement he started Richard said, “Racing is such a high
time playing a sport that I’m so bad at.’’ to attend CMG council meetings in 2005 and adrenaline activity but unlike skiing it is very
Before joining Russell Fewins Richard had become a councillor in 2006. much a team effort. We were fortunate to
almost 20 years experience in the Richard sits on two subcommittees, Marketing have a great team which makes a massive
telecommunications industry, working as a and CMOTY. The Marketing sub-committee difference – as it also does in business.”
senior manager running operations across has been busy promoting the CMG and more For the film buffs amongst you A Man For
Europe for a number of major telecoms recently BS 8522 to the facilities sector. All CMG All Seasons may resonate with the 1966 film
companies. That came very quickly to an end members need to have BS 8522 accreditation about Thomas More’s battle with Henry VIII.
on 9/11 while he was busy working in Spain and Richard sees this as good thing for the Whilst this may not be Richard’s favourite, he
looking into building a telecoms network for industry. “This new accreditation shows the certainly is an avid film enthusiast.
an American telecoms company. ‘‘After the benefits to customers of using CMG members “My greatest discovery was LoveFilm a few
events of that day in New York the industry and raises our standards to meet the growing years ago,” he says. “Since then we have been
collapsed and using my MBA I started to work expectation that the facilities sector rightly watching three or four films a week.”
as a management consultant. One of my first demands.” So what is the best film he has seen? “During
clients was Russell Fewins. Paul Fewins and Richard continued, ‘‘Improved relationships 2009 I would say my favourite film was Before
Charlie Russell asked me to develop a business with the BIFM (British Institute of Facilities The Devil Knows You’re Dead, a film about a
and marketing plan to help take the business Management) and FMA (Facilities Managers jewellery robbery. However my all-time
to the next level.’’ Association) should increase the CMG’s exposure favourite would have to be the original The
This proved successful and in 2003 he was in its core customer base.’’ Manchurian Candidate.” Let’s hope there
given the opportunity to become a partner in Richard lives in North Kent, with his wife, two aren’t any similarities with the Communist
the company and take the role of managing teenage daughters and a border terrier dog. Party assassin!

30 Removals & Storage April 2010

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CMG News

Meeting report:
Commercial Moving Group
The CMG Council had its regular CMG training
meeting in February. Discussions The CMG Apprenticeship is close to
were as follows: completion; it’s hoped that an announcement
will be able to be made at the conference.
Vehicle stickers As previously announced the Apprenticeship
The first discussion was to clear up an item will be in three parts - Award/Certificate/ WINNER
from the previous meeting relating to Diploma. Anyone can apply for any of the COMMERCIAL
BS 8522 vehicle stickers. It was agreed that three levels. MOVER OF
these would be produced by BAR Services 2010
and made available through QSS. Marketing update
The need to promote the introduction of
Council positions BS 8522 aggressively was discussed as CMOTY Update
Councillors usually serve a two-year term. were suggestions as to how this could be The sponsors of the Commercial Mover of
Most councillors were mid-term however achieved. It was confirmed that the CMG the Year competition have been confirmed
Kevin Mack, who had come to the end of has been asked to write a Commercial as PHS Teacrate, Reason Global Insurance
his period in office, agreed to serve for a Moving Best Practice guide for BIFM and Wendover Corporation. There are two
further two years. That left four vacancies members free of charge. CMG has also been finalists - BCL and Pickfords Business Moving
on the committee; Robert Poyner, Mark given a free stand at The Facilities Show – both have been awarded full delegate
Herrington and Richard Hill all agreed to from 11 – 13 May 2010, at the NEC, in return packages to attend the BAR conference.
put their names forward for election. for promoting to CMG members. A speaking It was explained that the judges used a
slot might also be available; Stephen Vickers, strict scoring code to select the finalists.
Kevin Mack BAR Director General, offered to speak on A summarised report will be given to
has agreed to the show’s first day. A new CMG leaflet is every CMOTY entrant including scores
serve as a being designed by the BAR Commercial benchmarked against the winner’s score
CMG councillor
for a further Departmentt for use in the promotional plus the overall average scores. These
two years folder and any future events or exhibitions. reports will be issued after the winner
As there is a limited stock of the CMG is announced.
promotional leather folders available it was David Bunting has been asked to carry
agreed to give a folder to every CMG member out a survey of the CMG Members, similar
that attends the annual conference. to that he performed last year, to be
Stephen Vickers confirmed that the CMG presented at conference. It was recommended
CMG Sub-committees Sales Lead generation system is to be added that this survey be carried out annually.
Although the Marketing & CMOTY was a to the FMA website and the commercial
joint committee it was agreed to separate site of the NAEA’s website. Other business
them but hold respective meetings on the Ian Studd resigned from the CMG Council
same day. Sub committee members were owing to his involvement as Vice President.
confirmed as: The Chairman acknowledged Ian’s past
involvement on the Council and agreed to
Marketing Sub Committee send Ian a formal letter thanking him for
Rod Seeland, Richard O’Sullivan, Danny his services to the CMG.
Rutter, David Stanley, Mark Herrington + It was also Matt Purdie’s last CMG meeting
Andy Carr (Co-opted), Stephen Vickers as BAR President; he commended and
and Paul Swindon. thanked the Council for its hard work.

CMOTY Sub Committee

Richard O’Sullivan, Neil Rogers,
Danny Rutter, David Stanley plus
Nigel Shaw (as CMG Treasurer), Stephen
Vickers and Paul Swindon.
BIFM and FMA members have been invited
to attend an ‘Invitational Golf Day’
Training Sub Committee
Rod Seeland, Neil Rogers, Kevin Mack,
Robert Poyner, Phil Oram, Andy Carr Golf Day
(Co-opted) and Loren Webster. An ‘Invitational Golf Day’ was suggested
with BIFM and FMA members being invited
Finance Sub Committee to attend. The FMA has provisionally
Nigel Shaw (Treasurer). agreed. It was also suggested that editors
of FM publications should be invited too.
It was decided not to continue the The event will take place in the Midlands in Ian Studd resigned from the CMG Council
Standards Sub Committee. early October.

32 Removals & Storage April 2010



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Training News

Out and about with

David Hookins
Driver CPC Training skills of Britannia Squab’s employees. It was eligible for funding”, said Paul Fox, Fox
Several BAR members took the opportunity of also an opportunity to train new employees Moving and Storage.
what is traditionally a quiet period in the who have been employed owing to Britannia The benefits to Fox Group will be that all
removals industry to carry out part of the Squab’s continued growth. staff will be trained, and certificated, and an
required 35 hours periodic training under David commented that it had been a good ongoing development programme will be
the Driver CPC regulations. David Hookins, day’s training with great feedback from established. The training will also include
BARTS Field Trainer, delivered Driver CPC Britannia Squab’s staff, some of whom were selling skills, estimator training, management
training to Barnes of Lincoln, Express Removals very experienced. All the staff had gained training and office skills. Training grants are
(Bexhill), ICM Gerson (London), Britannia from the training. Emlyn Evans, Britannia available in several areas. The type of funding,
Leatherbarrows (Bournemouth), Maidmans Squab’s MD, commented that although they and amount of funding, might depend on the
(Bournemouth) and R.H. Pardy (Christchurch). have their own in-house training programme type of training or area the business is trading
David also spent a week in Scotland delivering there was a real benefit to having outside in. Any members requiring assistance or
Driver CPC training to Matt Purdie & Sons, training which brings new ideas and methods advice regarding availability of funding or
Kilmarnock Removals, Kenneth Hayton into the company. applying for funding should contact BARTS
Removals and Clark & Rose. on 01923 699484 or
David reported that the feedback from the Funding for training
drivers on the courses had been very good. Paul Fox, managing director of Fox Group Express Removals
They all benefited from the training and agreed (Moving & Storage) Ltd, has obtained a grant
that the compulsory training was better than through the Welsh Development Agency for
expected. The authorities have set a deadline training. The grant allows for assessment
of September 2014 for completion of the 35 and certification of existing skills and then
hours training and most BAR members have development of further skills which are
given some thought to how best to carry out beneficial to both the employer and employee.
the training to give the least interruption to David Hookins, BARTS Field Trainer, is
their operations. David said that it was good currently assessing Fox Group’s operative
to see members working together to book staff for their foundation skills. Once this
training to keep cost to a minimum and also process is completed, and all staff certificated,
using BARTS’ scheme for a 5-year Driver CPC further training can take place to provide
training plan. Any members who have not advanced skills, overseas skills and commercial
booked their training should contact BARTS skills. This will ensure that all staff are trained
Britannia Leatherbarrows
who will be pleased to offer advice. and certificated for the skills they require to
Remember after September 2014: no Driver carry out their duties.
CPC Qualification card – no work. “Local government can often help companies
directly with funding to assist training,” said
Britannia Squab Group, Leamington Spa Paul. “In our case the Welsh Assembly
David Hookins delivered manual handling, government was able to award us a grant
fragile packing and non-fragile packing under their ‘ProAct’ scheme. This provides
training to Britannia Squab Group on site at assistance for viable companies to provide
their premises in Leamington Spa. The recognised training to their workforce. Fox
training was used to ensure compliance with was able to partner up with BARTS and
health and safety regulations and refresh the provide a recognised training programme

Fox Group - awarded a grant under the ‘ProAct’ scheme in Wales Matt Purdie & Sons did Driver CPC training

34 Removals & Storage April 2010























BARTS Practical Estimating
& Selling Skills Courses 2010

BTEC Award in Practical Estimating Watford Course Dates 2010

£545 + VAT (BAR MEMBER) March - 18 & 19 August - 17 & 18

April - 15 & 16 September - 22 & 23

This 2 day course is practically based and is designed May - 17 & 18 October - 20 & 21
to teach students the art of estimating as well as face
to face sales techniques. June - 3 & 4 November - 18 & 19

The course covers topics such as : July - 15 & 16 December - 09 & 10

- Practical Estimating at 2 local properties

- Quantity Assessment
- The Role of the Estimator
- Health & Safety
- Communication Techniques
- Contract Conditions
- Removals Insurance

Selling Skills/Promoting the BAR OFT Watford Course Dates 2010

Code of Practice
March - 17 August - 11
April - 14 September - 08

May - 19 October - 06
This 1 day course is designed to enhance sales skills
and to demonstrate the most effective way of June - 09 November - 17
promoting the BAR OFT Code of Practice to win
business. July - 07 December - 08

The course covers topics such as:

- The Role of the Salesperson

- Marketing
- Prospecting & Negotiating
- Promoting the OFT Code
- Communication & Presentation
- Identifying Customer Needs
- Closing the Sale

Book your places today

Call 01923 699484 or email

Because your people are your biggest asset THE INDUSTRY
BAR Conference 2010
13 - 15 May 2010, Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre
‘Partnership for Profit - Preparing for the Future’

ome t
o the

For the latest information and to book, please visit
Don’t miss out on the event of the year ...
Come and share the most highly anticipated event
in the professional removals calendar
Following on from last year’s highly successful ����������������������� theme, this year’s
conference aims to build and enhance on that theme by ��������������������������.

The BAR Annual Conference 2010 will be hosted in the Bristol Marriott Hotel - a superb
venue that offers the perfect location for our 3-day event ... don’t miss this opportunity!

Conference 2010 Highlights

�� The BAR Annual Golf Challenge 2010 kicks off on Thursday 13 May at the prestigious St. Pierre Country Club,
The day will also include conference attendees competing for an additional competition prize. For more
information, please contact
�� We are delighted to welcome to the conference our keynote speaker Rachel Elnaugh of ‘Dragons’ Den’ fame.
This former ‘Businesswoman of the Year’ and highly experienced entrepreneur will present a personal account of
her professional success through the years. Don’t miss Rachel’s highly motivational and entertaining speech.
�� Top class presentations from our Corporate Alliance Partners - who will offer relevant expert industry advice and
guidance on making the most of business partnerships and preparing for the future.
�� Find out what new and innovative products and services exist in the removals and storage industry by visiting our
annual Trade Exhibition.
�� The Young Movers event will take place at ‘Jungle Rumble’ - a superb venue for our Young Movers to meet up
and have fun playing crazy golf.
�� Who will be the 2010 Domestic Mover of the Year and Commercial Mover of the Year? The Gala Night Dinner
will include the presentation ceremony unfolding the richly deserved DMOTY and CMOTY winners.
�� Top class social events NOT to be missed - beginning with a Drinks Reception followed by a Welcome Buffet
and Party Night at the stunning Explore @Bristol & Planetarium, one of the South West’s most prestigious
and unique venues. Enjoy and socialise with fellow members at this iconic location. The Black Tie Gala Evening
Dinner held at the Bristol Marriott promises to be a���������������������������������

C A R!

‘Crack the Safe’ during the conference

to win a brand new MINI ...

To register for the conference, please visit:
Conference Programme
Thursday 13 May 2010 Saturday15 May 2010
Morning Morning
�� ������������������ - St. Pierre Country Club �� ���������������- Those not attending the business
Championship Old Course sessions have the opportunity explor the Roman
city of Bath. The visit will include transport, a city
Evening tour and lunch. The Overseas Group will be
�� ����������������� - sponsored by: joining the Partner’s Tour as their Conference event.
drinks and buffet dinner included CMG Business Sessions
�� ������������������ at ‘Jungle Rumble’ CMG Annual Meeting
Corporate Alliance Partner - Presentations by:
Friday 14 May 2010
�� BT - to include the launch of an exciting
Morning new product which will support your
����������������������������������������������� business in the removals market place
������������� �� Facilities Management Association
�� Greenworks
������������������������ �� PFM ‘Moving Trends Survey’
�� BAR AGM Afternoon
�� President’s Inauguration �� �������������within the exhibition area and
a chance to eat and drink with our exhibitors
Conference Business Sessions - Presentations by:
CMG Business Sessions - Presentations by:
�� UK Border Agency
�� BARTS �� Corporate Alliance Partner - British Institute
�� Furniture Re-use Network of Facilities Management
�� BAR ‘Standards’ �� ����������������������������������
�� ��������������������� �� Formal launch of the CMG apprenticeship
�� HM Revenue & Customs �� Keynote speaker - Rachel Elnaugh
�� Trailer for the 2011 conference
�� ����������������������������
�� ������������������ at the Bristol Foyer
Conference Business Sessions - Presentations by:
�� ������������������������������������������
�� Corporate Alliance Partner - NAEA dancing, as well as honours and awards
�� BIP Solutions presentations, including ������and
�� BAR Self Storage ������ winners. Music by������������� WINNER WINNER

�� ������������������������������ a show band that has earned the

2010 2010

�� ����������������������������������� reputation for offering the ‘very best in

live entertainment’.
�� ��������������������������������������������� - A
historic cathedral and Millennium Square. Enjoy the
Planetarium and exhibitions in the @Bristol Venue.
Buffet dinner will be served in the Rosalind Franklin
Banqueting Hall where you will have the chance to
relax, socialise and catch up on the day’s events.
Proudly sponsored by: Rachel Elnaugh Vice Versa

Conference Price
Package (p/person)
3 night’s accommodation (B&B) 13-15 May 2010, entry to all business sessions, trade
Package £599.00 + VAT
exhibition, all social events, tea/coffee refreshments and buffet lunches.
�������������� 3 night’s shared accommodation (B&B) 13-15 May 2010, entry to all business
Package sessions, trade exhibition, all social events, tea/coffee refreshments and buffet £425.00 + VAT
������������ lunches. partners’ tour on Saturday 15 May 2010.

���������������� Accommodation (B&B) on any 2 consecutive nights between 13-15 May 2010, entry
Package to all business sessions, trade exhibition, all social events, tea/coffee refreshments £425.00 + VAT
������������ and buffet lunches on the respective dates.
Shared accommodation (B&B) on any 2 consecutive nights between 13-15 May
2010, entry to all business sessions, trade exhibition, all social events, tea/coffee
Package £350.00 + VAT
refreshments and buffet lunches on the respective dates. Partners’ tour on Saturday
15 May 2010.
Entry to all business sessions, trade exhibition, tea/coffee refreshments and buffet
Package £110.00 + VAT


Exhibition Price
Package (p/person)
Exhibition Package 2 x full delegate packages (as above), 1 x exhibition shell scheme (3m x 2m),
£2500.00 + VAT
����������� 1 x dressed table, 2 x chairs, spotlights, power supply, wireless internet.
Exhibition Package 2 x full delegate packages (as above), 1 x exhibition shell scheme (3m x 2m),
£3000.00 + VAT
��������������� 1 x dressed table, 2 x chairs, spotlights, power supply, wireless internet.

If you would like to
������� or exhibit
at the conference
to promote your
products and services
please contact


For the latest information and to book, please visit
Training News

Have your BARTS training funded

mall businesses are vitally important How can BAR members access
to the economy and make an immense this funding?
contribution to its innovation and Managers working for BAR member
development. They boost regional companies can access the funding through
competitiveness and bring opportunity and the Learning Skills Council’s Leadership
enterprise to local communities. To help and Management Advisory Service (LMAS),
these businesses thrive, flexible funding is which provides diagnostic services for
available to help owners/managers improve leadership and management needs.
their leadership skills. This funding can then An advisor will be on hand to explain the
be used to access a variety of leadership funding process and will ask members to
and management courses offered by BARTS. state the training provider they intend to
use. Once funding is in place BAR members
What funding is on offer? can use it to access any of BARTS’
For each business, up to £1000 is available. leadership and management qualifications
The first £500 is on a grant basis, the second and courses.
£500 must be match-funded by the employer.
This is a great opportunity for BAR
Who is eligible for leadership members to gain a significant contribution
and management funding? towards professional, industry specific
The funding is available to small to training that can be used to fund BTEC
medium-sized enterprises with between nationally recognised qualifications.
five and 250 employees. A number of
managers from each organisation can BAR members can find their nearest
access the funding. LMAS by calling 0845 600 9966.

Training Exclusive
to BAR

Payment Initiative Members

BAR Training Services offer members a payment initiative on all of our training
courses. Training may be carried out at head office, on-site or using our mobile
TRAINING training unit.
AFFORDABLE Payment for training with a value of over £1,200 can be spread over four monthly
payments for your convenience.
To take advantage of this offer, a non refundable deposit of 30% must be paid with
your booking confirmation. Please see the example below:

Cost of course - £1,200

Date: Deposit Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 TOTAL
Payment: £360 £280 £280 £280 £1,200
(all figures quoted are subject to VAT)

For a full list of BARTS courses please visit the training section of the website at:

April 2010 Removals & Storage 41

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Brand New
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Training News

Writing a Winning Tender Workshop

New course launched!

AR Training Services recently determining between success and failure. Most Graham Puddephatt from
introduced the new workshop ‘Writing large and complex moves will be subjected to Reason Global said:
a Winning Tender’ which will be running evaluation through formal tender process, “This is a fantastic opportunity for smaller
throughout the year at BAR Watford. The both in the public and private sectors. The members to take advantage of the government’s
workshop was introduced to support BAR purpose of the tender process is that it provides intention to make tender opportunities available
members in their pursuit of public sector the buyer with the proven methodologies to local SMEs. This new BARTS course
contracts. Public tendering for such contracts necessary to successfully evaluate potential demonstrates how simple the process is and
has become a large part of modern business suppliers and also to demonstrate to their own how to avoid any pitfalls. Bear in mind that
life, especially in times of economic uncertainty businesses the robustness of their supplier public liability insurance may need to be raised
where normal day-to-day work has proved selection process, and properly align financial and professional indemnity may be required.”
difficult to find. Tendering gives BAR members considerations to service provision and best
the opportunity to bid for and win work or market practice. This process allows companies
contracts from organisations such as local to select a service provider that best meets
government, schools and health care services. their requirements across all contributing
Those attending the workshop will have the factors (service provision, track record,
chance to discuss their ideas and methods, as financial response, etc.).”
well as learning new tips and skills for “The tender process can, and in most cases
constructing a professional tender for the does, involve potentially complex structured
public sector. responses that allow the buyer to analyse in
This course is designed to provide BAR detail those responses, eventually arriving at
members with advice and support to enable a scoring matrix against each bidding
them to win new business when tendering for participant. This matrix will then in most
local government contracts – only £99 from cases support the selection of a short list of
11:30am until 3.00pm. The course includes: providers and/or a potential preferred service
• Constructing a winning strategy provider. Once short-listed, those potential
• Risk management service providers are often invited to present
• What to write their responses in more detail to the selection
• Identifying your USP panel, and that detail will include the need to
• Where you can stand out demonstrate that the service levels offered in
• Common mistakes the tender process can and will actually be
• Opportunities to score provided. The final stage is of course the
• Presentations appointment of contract and this is the point
• Feedback at which the detailed negotiation and
• Pricing agreement of both the service levels and
• Tips and techniques terms of business are finalised.”
• Useful information “If involved in formal tender process it is
Dates: Wed 7 April, Wed 5 May, Tues 8 June, vital that any response is properly constructed
Tues 20 July. and specifically addresses each and every
one of the circumstances raised in the tender
Comment from Ian Studd, Director document, in this process one size definitely
Harrow Green Removals Ltd. does not fit all. The level of attention to detail
“In today’s commercial moving market place, required cannot be understated, but to have a
the process of responding properly to formal real chance of success in any formal tender
tender documentation is massively important situation, a properly thought out, relevant and
and is certainly one of the key factors in well constructed response is absolutely crucial.”

BARTS Selling skills course

resented by Loren Webster, BARTS’ Training “Excellent training programme, thank you.”
Manager, the BARTS Selling Skills course Jason Evans – Perry Removals
takes place between 11:00am – 3:30pm.
Learn how to convert enquiries into sales and how “I would definitely recommend the course to
best to promote the BAR OFT Code of Practice others in sales roles.”
to your customers. Lauren Bygrave – Stephens Removals
BARTS Selling Skills course will be taking place
at BAR Watford on the following dates throughout “Very enjoyable day with elements applicable to
the year: 14 April, 19 May, 9 June, 7 July, 11 Aug, all sectors of the removals business.”
8 Sept, 6 Oct, 17 Nov and 8 Dec. David Stanley – Xpress Relocation

April 2010 Removals & Storage 43

AGS FW London BAR_135x188_eng Hires.pdf 1 2010/01/08 04:58:36 PM

AGS Four Winds,

for moving with peace of mind

� International and Domestic Removals

� 36 years of experience � 125 branches in 75 countries
� Secure storage ��High quality packing material
� Customs clearance and Transit Insurance

AGS Four Winds London has recently moved to new

C world-class facilities to accommodate the growth of its
business in international removals and storage.

Y We specialise in short- and long-term storage, and offer this

service at highly competitive rates to the private and
corporate sectors. We are also available for trade storage with
MY the benefit of being conveniently located within the M25 with
reduced transit times.

CMY In view of this expansion, AGS Four Winds London is currently

recruiting people with experience in Business Development
and International Move Coordination.

Memb. No: A015


Unit 1, Trade City Business Park, Cowley Mill Road,
Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2DB
Tel: +44 189 520 1595 - Fax: +44 189 520 1581
AGS, you deserve the best

BAR Training Services

Training Available on your premises
The following courses can be delivered on site by our Field Trainer using
our mobile training vehicle:
• Health & Safety awareness • Removals Documentation
MAKING • Manual Handling • Fire Warden Training
TRAINING • Fire Safety Training • Risk Assessment
AFFORDABLE • Induction Training • Fragile Packing - Beginner/Refresher
• Basic/Advanced Packing Skills • Specialist Packing/Piano’s
• Vehicle & Container - Loading • Writing a Winning Tender - NEW!
• Warehousing • Selling Skills
������� • Export Wrapping • Removals Apprenticeship
������ • Commercial & Overseas Training • BTEC in Practical Estimating
• Team Leader Training • BTEC in Removals Management
•� Driver CPC •� Train the Trainer
�������� Please visit the BAR Training Services section at
to download a booking form or call us on 01923 699 484
*All courses are subject to change.

BAR Training Services, Tangent House, 62 Exchange Road, Watford, Herts, WD18 0TG.
T: 01923 699484 F: 01923 699481 E: W:

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BAR Training Services train you at the

following locations at specially
discounted member rates:

At your premises
In the BAR areas
BAR in Watford

Flexible training the way you want it!

Book your places NOW

or for further information
contact BARTS on 01923 699484
Because your people are your biggest asset SPECIALISTS

DRIVER CPC DEC 2010.indd 1 2/11/2010 3:18:02 PM

The Professional Advisers Panel is a brand new specialist companies within the UK. We are constantly
initiative specifically designed to offer members looking at ways to support our members businesses;
extended support across every aspect of their business. therefore, if this initiative proves to be a success, we will
This is a development of our highly successful Insurance develop the Professional Advisers Panel even further into
Broker Panel scheme whereby BAR members receive other relevant areas such as Health & Safety and
unlimited support, guidance and advice from qualified Environmental services.

For any independent insurance, financial or legal advice, please contact a

BAR Professional Adviser partner.


Basil Fry & Co Ltd Reason Global Insurance

Tel: 01372 385 985 Tel: 0845 602 1775

Email: Email:
Website: Website:

Financial Legal

Wellers Backhouse Jones Solicitors

Tel: 0207 630 6665 Tel: 01254 828300

Email: Email:
Website: Website:


in association with
People News

Three Middle East Simon Price

appointments for Crown joins Interdean
Gus van Geijtenbeek, Amanda Jones and Christopher Grimshaw Interdean has
have all joined The Crown Worldwide Group as managers for its appointed Simon
Price as Director of UK
Middle East operations. Relocation Services,
reporting to Rob

us van Geijtenbeek is Business to further expand Crown Relocations, Qatar. Lucas, Interdean UK’s
Development Manager for Crown’s fine Andy Marshall, Regional Managing Managing Director. As
arts division in the Middle East; Director for Crown Middle East, expressed director of UK
Amanda Jones is Division Manager for Moving his satisfaction with the company’s newest Relocation Services,
Services in Dubai; and Christopher Grimshaw representatives saying, “These appointments he is responsible for
joins Crown Doha, Qatar, as General Manager. are good news for Crown. I am especially Simon Price growing Interdean’s
Gus will focus on developing Crown’s happy to have experienced managers from UK relocation
established fine art operations in the Middle the industry on our regional team. The Middle division, concentrating on destination
East. Amanda will work to increase Crown’s East is a very important market for our company services and UK Home Sale.
market share in Dubai and get the company and to many of our major corporate clients and Simon will be based in Interdean’s London
more involved with supporting community each of these appointments underlines our office. He started his relocation career in 1992
associations. In his role as general manager, commitment to the region. These additions to as a home search consultant at Karen Deane
Christopher will apply his years of experience our management team are very welcome.” Relocation. In 1998, he was promoted to the
role of sales and operations director before
becoming managing director of the company
in 2001 when it rebranded as Prudential
Relocation and subsequently Pricoa Relocation
UK Ltd. In 2005, Simon assumed the position
of director of relocation services at Sterling
Relocation, before working as a consultant to
the relocation industry and joining Interdean.
“Interdean has an excellent profile in the UK
and European relocation services market,” said
Simon. “I relish the opportunity to continue
to grow Interdean’s relocation capabilities
throughout the UK.”
Rob Lucas said, “I’m excited to have Simon
on board. He has extensive experience in the
UK relocation market, and has exposure to
international relocation services, which make
Gus van Geijtenbeek Amanda Jones Christopher Grimshaw him an ideal fit for Interdean’s clients and

at Brytor
ichael Rathbone, President of Brytor
International is pleased to announce
that he has been joined by new
partners following Harry Bilchik’s retirement.
Harry will continue at Brytor on a part-time
basis but will now be able to enjoy a non-
executive role after 17 years with the
company and many more in the industry.
The new shareholders are Brian Jones who
joined Brytor earlier in 2009 as Executive
Vice President and heads up the Sales &
Marketing division and Jay Ryan, Vice
President of Operations who started with
the packing staff on the vans in 1989 and Jay Ryan Brian Jones
worked his way up to his present position.

April 2010 Removals & Storage 47

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And another thing ...

Robo calls ... don’t you just love ‘em?


was working late in the office the other just the time you spend on the phone because,
night when the phone rang. Being the only let’s be honest, as soon as you realise that
one around I picked up the receiver and it’s another robo-call you hang up. But they
answered it in my best corporate style. There do cause people to break off from the job in
was a moment’s silence before a recording hand just to answer what turns out to be a
of a man with an American accent chimed useless call and it takes a while to get back
in with what has become a familiar banter, into the groove. They’re also very annoying,
“Hi, have you been miss-sold a mortgage or a little insulting and apart from anything
have credit card debts of more than £7000? else, extremely bad manners. I’m surprised
If the answer is yes we can help, press 3 to any company who values its brand would
be connected to our next available agent.” subscribe to it. Also according to the
Now, I don’t know about you but I think it’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO),
bad enough being cold-called by a real person the body set up to protect us from such
let alone a robot and it’s getting to be a pain blatant attacks on our peace and privacy,
in the neck. it’s also illegal. Cold calls from real people
I’ve them at home as well with robo-man are fine but robo-calls are a definite no-no,
selling everything from Individual Voluntary unless that is you’ve given the company your
Arrangements, the new name for going bust, permission – fat chance.
to so-called free holidays and dodgy telephone So, the next time you get a call from plastic
contracts. I even had one the other evening, robo-man, either at home or in the office,
just as I was about to lift the glass, telling find out who the company is and report them
me I’d won a fabulous prize in a competition to the ICO. If enough of us do that we may just
I hadn’t entered and kindly giving me the be able to stop this irritating time wasting
premium-rate telephone number I needed to manifestation of modern business practice
ring to claim it. Are there really people out in its tracks before it gets completely out
there daft enough to do that? I guess there of control.
must be.
Can you think of any subjects for our I wonder how much time is wasted by Visit:
grumpy old man to get his teeth into? businesses answering these calls? It’s not or call: 0303 123 1113.
You can email him at:

Solution to March’s puzzle

Oh yes! Of course it was Kevin Mack although it seems it wasn’t as obvious as some thought. There were at least two
people who confidently guessed someone else. The winner this time is Tara Dawson from PHS Teacrate who wins a
company profile in a future issue. This time it’s a bit different: no distortion but you only get the eyes. Who could it be?
Answers to

April 2010 Removals & Storage 49

A Distant Sale! Part Four

A Distant Sale! By Tony Allen

Part Four: The end of
the end game?

otice the question mark? That’s because Let’s get back to our protagonists from as it makes it more difficult for Mrs Mathews
it’s not really the end until you have the previous articles, Andrew (the seller) and Mrs to say no without appearing rude.)
order or the move or the job, or whatever Mathews (the buyer).
you like to call it. Whatever you call it, it’s the Andrew has already established that Mrs Mrs Matthews: I’m going to be busy on
means of injecting profit into your company. Mathews has been given all of the information Thursday but Friday would be fine providing
We might have done everything right; created she requires. He has been shown around the it’s before 10.00 am.
a good impression; made our potential house to establish the extent of the move, and
customer confident in both our company and has made a note of any special requirements. Andrew: Thank you very much Mrs Mathews.
ourselves; structured the sale correctly If he already knows in his mind the price he I’ll make sure I’m with you at 9.30.
throughout; BUT, we still need the order! wants to charge then he should go through
In some industries, because they work to a the process as set out above. Otherwise: Next Step - Two
standard price list, it’s possible to quote a price Andrew: What will happen now is that we’ll
at the end of the presentation. In an ideal Andrew: Thank you Mrs Mathews I’ll see work out your price and send you a quotation
world, the most effective approach is to make myself out. I should be able to get a quotation by first class post, or would you like us to
the presentation; sum up the presentation; sent to you tomorrow … Whoops! e-mail this to you?
(as in a previous article); ask if the potential
customer has all of the information they Yes, you are quite right Andrew. This is not Mrs Matthews: Well perhaps it would be
require; if they say ‘no’ establish what they what we have come to expect from you. Start better if you sent it by e-mail.
need to know; answer the question; ask them again!
again if they now have all of the information Andrew: That’s fine; I’ll make sure that this
they require. Always phrase your question in Andrew: Thank you for showing me around is with you by mid-day tomorrow. Perhaps I
a form which elicits a positive response. For Mrs Mathews. I can understand why this move can phone you on Thursday morning to follow
example you could ask ‘Do you need to ask is important to you. I’ve made a note of your this up?
anything else?’ which would take you into special requirements, which will be passed
‘no’ territory; assuming they say ‘yes’, quote on to those of our staff who will be involved Mrs Matthews: OK but going out at 10.00.
them a price; ASK FOR THE ORDER. on the day of the move … (Good this! Andrew
Simple! is giving the impression that he is confident Andrew: I’ll phone you at 9.30.
Well, not really. Most salesmen actually find that he will obtain the move. Mrs Mathews
it difficult to ask for an order – they actually might not want to let him down. This is a very These are just two examples, but remember
feel that they are ‘giving the game away’ by effective ploy). Are you happy that you have as we have said before, we are just trying to
implying that they are trying to obtain one. all of the information that you require? influence the percentages in our favour. Not
They feel they might offend the customer. But everything is going to work all of the time, but
think of the likely responses from a likely Mrs Matthews: Yes thank you. (She’s happy!) you should get better results or better prices.
customer: Provided you use your own words and not
- They might say yes. Now the next step will be determined by mine it should work to your advantage.
- They might say no. (That’s very useful how confident you are, how cheeky or brave Finally a tip. When Andrew leaves the house
information.) you are, how desperate you are for the order, he’ll know what sort of an impression he’s
- They will more than likely say something how much time you have or whether you made by how far Mrs Mathews goes with him
like ‘I have two more companies coming to think acting like a salesman is just plain old towards his exit. If she says ‘show yourself
see me. (That’s also useful to know.) rubbish. out’ – not very good. If she goes with him to
- They might say ‘I need to discuss it with my the door – better. If she waits at the door and
partner’. (Should you be speaking to the Next Step - One waves him off – even better. If she walks to
partner?) Andrew: When do you expect to make a the car with him – excellent. If she stands and
The point I’m making, is that you obtain decision? waves him off into the distance – he should
much more by actually asking than by not. At marry the woman!
the very least, you will surely end up with Mrs Matthews: Well I’ve got two other people It’s very interesting to watch for this effect,
information of value to you in terms of making to see tomorrow and hope to have all of the which applies as much after a dinner party as it
the sale. At the very best you might end up information I require by Thursday. does in a business environment. It really works.
with the order. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this series of
Of course, it is much more difficult for the Andrew: I’d like to make sure that you have articles and found them useful. It’s not a
remover, as on many occasions you will have our quotation as soon as possible so can I textbook view, and it’s not an attempt to imply
to go back to the office and work out a price. bring it to you personally? When would be that everything written about is a definitive
You will not have the opportunity of concluding better, Thursday afternoon or Friday morning? answer. But it is an opportunity to take stock
your sale at the most effective time. – and that applies equally to me. If nothing
Consequently, it is most important to establish (This falls into the categories of confident, else let’s hope that you found it entertaining.
an ‘agenda’ in your potential customer’s mind. brave and cheeky. But Andrew felt he had By the way, what happened to Andrew?
Not only will this create a sense of obligation established a good rapport with Mrs Mathews Well although he didn’t marry Mrs Mathews,
on their part, but it will enable you to keep and considered it was the right approach. The he did end up obtaining the move – and his
control of events. use of the word ‘personally’ here is very effective price wasn’t the lowest!

50 Removals & Storage April 2010


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50% tax rate

Are you prepared for the

may be an appropriate time to review the terms
of the trust. For smaller trusts (in particular

50% tax rate? By Backhouse Jones

those with income of less than £150,000) it may
be appropriate to change the terms of the
trust so that the beneficiaries become entitled
to the trust income as it arises. The 50% rate

he Chancellor’s Budget on 22 April, 2009 income tax will increase from 40% to 50% on should then only apply to the beneficiary if
announced significant changes to the UK relevant trust income in excess of the standard their total income exceeds £150,000.
income tax regime for high earners and rate band (typically £1,000). As for individuals,
trusts. On 6 April, 2010, the rate of income tax trust dividend income will be subject to tax at Partnerships and Unincorporated
for individuals with income over £150,000 rose an effective rate of 36.1%. Again, capital gains Businesses
to 50% and the rate of tax on dividends to 42.5% tax remains at a flat rate of 18% for the majority The increase in income tax rates is also likely
(an effective rate of 36.1% including the notional of trust assets. to have a significant impact on partnerships
tax credit). In addition, the gradual withdrawal and unincorporated businesses. For most
of the personal allowance on income over Preparing for the 50% tax continuing partnerships and sole traders, the
£100,000 will result in a 60% marginal rate Now is an appropriate time to revisit investment higher rates will apply for profits which arise
for some on an element of their income. and remuneration strategies to ensure they in the accounting period ending in the tax
This represents a significant change to the are still consistent with personal objectives year to 5 April, 2011.
previously announced increase in the top rate and to identify areas where the impact of these Strategies to maximise profits taxable at the
of income tax to 45% which had been expected tax increases can be mitigated. current rate of 40% rather than the 50% rate
from 6 April, 2011. should be considered. Typical examples include
Capital Gains reviewing the timing of claiming allowances
Capital Gains Tax There is no guarantee that the rate of capital and relief and changes to the accounting
The capital gains tax regime has a flat rate of gains tax will stay at the current rate of 18%. period end date.
18% and if Entrepreneurs’ Relief applies the Those who are planning to dispose of assets It may also be an appropriate time to consider
first £1m of gain will qualify for an effective in the short to medium term may wish to whether a partnership remains the most
rate of 10%. consider strategies to accelerate disposals appropriate structure for the business.
There is therefore a significant differential and only pay the current rate of 18% capital Partnerships may consider transferring their
in income tax and capital gains tax rates, which gains tax. business to a company which can be attractive
will inevitably lead many to seek capital gains when seeking external investment. Alternatively,
taxable rather than income taxable returns. Trust Planning where commercial circumstances permit, it
For those with trusts which are subject to the may be appropriate to introduce a corporate
Trusts trust rate of tax (primarily discretionary and partner which would enable a proportion of the
With effect from 6 April, 2010 the trust rate of accumulation and maintenance trusts), now profits to be subject to corporation tax at 28%.

April 2010 Removals & Storage 53

Stephens Removals of Luton

Fifty years Licenced to move -

Peter and Marjory’s
first truck was

of change
purchased for £2500
and came with an
essential B licence

Stephens Removals of Luton

ifty years ago Peter and Marjory Edwards
quit their day jobs and started their own
removals business. As a young couple
with two young boys on the scene this was
not a decision to be taken lightly, but it was
something they were determined to do.
The removals industry was no stranger to their first new truck: a brand new Bedford TK to grow and enjoyed some wonderful contracts,
them. Peter had worked for his father and from Shaw and Kilburn – a day they proudly like the work for the special services group
elder brother at W.J. Edwards Removals and recall. Decisions regarding colour schemes which involved deliveries to addresses like
Marjory used to run the Edwards Removals and liveries were debated and eventually made Downing Street, The Bank of England and
office from the back of their greengrocery shop - but things didn’t go to plan because the Balmoral. In fact the company still displays
in Luton’s Russell Street - often to the signwriter miss-spelt the address. the letter from Balmoral expressing their
amusement of her customers who sometimes By 1965 the company had three vehicles. delight that the drivers phoned ahead to
had to wait for their potatoes to be weighed The extra licences were obtained firstly by apologise that they would be arriving ten
out whilst she ran upstairs to answer the phone. buying an old truck from George Hull, the minutes later than anticipated. In severe
Still, as Marjory explains, life was much local vegetable merchant and secondly by an blizzard conditions the royal household hadn’t
simpler in those days because you either had application to the Dept of Transport, which really expected anybody to deliver anything
a small removal, which cost £3 or a big removal was contested all the way to court and at all. There was also the work it carried out
which cost £5 and the only other question you eventually won by Peter and Marjory’s QC. for the BBC’s Antiques Road Show; and one of
asked the customer was if you wanted the With three vehicles the company could no its first trips abroad was for Mrs Phillip’s of
coal bagged up, and if they did it would cost longer operate from Sherbourne Avenue and Luton Hoo who asked them to move some
an extra 5 shillings! moved to Linden Road, where the garage was furniture to her holiday home in Majorca, but
Back in those days you needed an A or B converted into an office and the back garden needed it to arrive within five days. Celebrity
licence to operate vehicles for hire or reward, into a furniture warehouse and yard for clients they have moved include David Pleat
and getting those licences was a task in itself. vehicles. The ability to offer storage was a real and Bob Monkhouse, not to mention a few
It was necessary to persuade the Dept of plus for the company and the whole family lottery winners and anonymous millionaires.
Transport that your area needed an additional can recall how Sundays were often spent A hugely proud moment came in 1998 when
vehicle, and since the Dept of Transport sought stacking and restacking furniture in the little Stephens was awarded the Whitbread Supplier
the opinion of the local transport operators it warehouse so that ‘just one more consignment’ of the Year medal, and won the BAR Commercial
was standard practice for them to object. could be stored. Mover of the Year competition.
In 1960 an advert appeared in the Luton After a number of years at Linden Road The company also grew from acquisition,
News offering, for £2500, a truck with a B Stephens were approached by managers at buying smaller removal companies with
licence, permitting work within a ten mile the Electrolux factory next door. Electrolux excellent reputations - AW Removals, Rooks
radius of Luton. The vehicle itself was were moving into kitchen furniture and needed Removals, Vousden’s and recently Bramwell
undoubtedly worth less than the licence, but two things: an office for their distribution Removals.
Peter and Marjory snapped it up and the organiser (he was not in the Union so was By far one of the company’s most successful
company was born. It was a legal requirement therefore not permitted to have an office in links has been its franchise arrangement with
in those days that the name of any new company the factory) and a company to help distribute the Bishops Move Group. As a sixth-generation
had to be related to its owner. Since the the kitchen furniture. Although the Electrolux company and the largest privately owned
Edwards name was already being used Peter experiment with Swedish kitchen furniture moving business in the country, it provides
and Marjory plumped for Stephens, after one never really took off, the link with Electrolux Stephens with the ability to tap into the strength
of their sons. grew and for many years the company of the Bishops brand and enjoy access to its
Keen to be noticed, they found some transported their exhibition equipment, carried skills and experience in overseas moving,
discounted paint in a hardware shop and out deliveries for them and even managed and training, IT, marketing and business
hand painted the truck bright yellow – clearly manned a temporary warehouse for them. development.
a sign of things to come. Eventually fitting in ‘just one more When asked to reflect on the company’s
Sheer hard work and determination saw consignment’ at Linden Road became success over the last fifty years Peter muses
the company through the difficult early years, impossible and the company took a lease that although client’s expectations have, quite
helped by an agreement with Neil’s, the with Heddens Cash and Carry to section off rightly, grown enormously, the key to providing
furniture retailer. Provided it made the and rent part of their warehouse in Wingate first-class customer service has not changed.
deliveries a bit cheaper, Peter had the option Road. In 1986 an opportunity to purchase the “We are a people industry, and at the end of
to carry them out during the evenings, so entire Wingate Road site arose and the company the day, it’s all down to the staff. During
making sure he was free to do removals took the plunge, thus securing a 25,000ft2 stressful times, as moving days often are,
during the day. building on a 2.5 acre site less than a mile customers need to feel that their movers not
The town of Luton was growing at quite a from the M1’s junction 11. only know what they are doing but also that
pace during the 50s and 60s. The workforce Throughout the following ten years the site they are friendly, approachable, good
at Vauxhall motors expanded fast, many post- was fully developed to provide warehousing communicators and above all careful. So –
war prefab houses were being constructed with three to four high containerised stacking take my advice – continue to employ only the
and the company’s fortunes grew. After three and extensive document and archive storage. best staff and then look after them, because if
years in business Peter and Marjory bought During those years the company continued you do, customers will follow.”

54 Removals & Storage April 2010

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Profile: Anglo French

New Member Profile:

Anglo French Euro Removals Ltd
Anglo French Euro Removals Ltd, Managing Director
Mark Brett’s first
based in Ashford, Kent, was formed vehicle purchase
- a Mercedes 1820 -
in 1999 by Managing Director left him with only
£700 in the bank
Mark Brett. By Charlotte Freestone.

ith over 25 years in the removal
industry, Mark began working with
his father who ran a removal
company in Spain from the age of 16. He worked
his way up from a porter to a HGV 1 driver and
then went on to become a surveyor.
Mark said that when he started the business
he was left with only £700 in the bank after
buying his first truck, a Mercedes 1820. “I really
needed the truck to be reliable for at least the
first year. If it broke down I would have gone
out of business with the lack of financial back French has also recently purchased a brand you round the corner.
up which was quite a risk.” new Renault 450 Euro 5. Mark said that he hopes being a member of
Luckily the truck held out and Mark, who Anglo French is now strongly established in the BAR will boost the business further. “The
carried out all the work himself with the help the French market with most of its work coming BAR is such a well recognised and respected
of one porter, built up the business. With a lot from word of mouth. Because the company organisation I am confident that being a member
of hard work and perseverance, the company concentrates its efforts solely on France it has will give our customers the peace of mind
continued to grow and now has three vehicles, a strong knowledge base of all regions meaning that they are dealing with a professional and
two of which are high specification 110m3 that, wherever you are moving to in France, reliable company. We are also looking forward
road trains. Despite the current climate Anglo to Mark and his team it is just like moving to helping other fellow members when we can.”


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April 2010 Removals & Storage 57

Volvo FE Hybrid

is here
Volvo Trucks took on the hybrid
powertrain challenge as early
as the 1980s. Years of research,
development and testing have
led to the cutting edge Volvo FE
Hybrid. The solution: parallel
hybrid technology using up to
30% less fuel. By David Wiles

ne of the quintessential sounds of the
city is the early-morning rumble of the
diesel-powered refuse truck as it stop-
“ As fuel prices increase
starts up the street accompanied by the and awareness of
occasional tinkle of breaking glass from the
trash in the compactor. But the backing track
climate change
to urban life will start to change with the grows, everyone is
introduction of the hybrid engine. At low speeds asking what they
the hybrid truck will replace the diesel’s
growl with a muted electric hum. The Volvo can do. This is part
FE Hybrid, which will be available for of the answer.”
distribution trucks and city buses as well as
Henrik Kloo,
refuse trucks, will be a significant stride
FE Hybrid Project Coordinator
forward for environmentally-friendly automotive
technology. Besides the considerable noise
reductions, the hybrid will reduce CO2 emissions
and fuel consumption by 15–20% depending Porsche. Volvo Trucks has been involved with of powertrain systems.
on the application. Volvo has achieved demonstrators and theoretical studies of In 2006 the project resulted in a FM9 hybrid
reductions of up to 30% with a plug-in hybrids since the mid-1980s and has tested truck, the first test of a parallel hybrid. Unlike
superstructure for waste compression. various technologies, from mechanical hybrids the more traditional series hybrid approach,
“This is the way forward for inner-city to hydraulic hybrids to electric hybrids. where an electric motor alone drives the
stop-start applications,” says Henrik Kloo, In 2002 an advanced engineering project got wheels and a combustion engine charges the
who co-ordinated the Volvo FE Hybrid project underway to investigate which sort of hybrid batteries, a parallel hybrid uses either the
for Volvo Trucks. “As fuel prices increase and solution would provide the best combination of electric motor or the combustion engine – or
awareness of climate change grows, everyone fuel efficiency, robustness and cost effectiveness. both together. There is a normal diesel engine
is asking what they can do. This is part of the “We ruled out quite a few configurations of and a gearbox, but in between the clutch and
answer.” hybrids because they were too expensive, and the gearbox sits the electric motor. It is a reliable
While the Volvo FE is right at the cutting ended up with what is known as a parallel construction and the diesel and electric motors
edge of hybrid technology, the idea of combining hybrid system, in which you use one electric can be used independently of each other.
an internal combustion engine with an electric machine and an automatically-geared “These two power sources work on the same
motor is nothing new. Indeed, the first patent mechanical gearbox,” says Anders Kroon, axle through the gearbox and that drives the
for a hybrid engine was granted in 1899 to a who is Director of Hybrid Technology at Volvo wheels,” says Henrik Kloo. “That means that
young inventor by the name of Ferdinand Powertrain, the Volvo Group’s internal producer when you start the truck from standstill you

58 Removals & Storage April 2010

Volvo FE Hybrid

Here’s how the Volvo

FE Hybrid works
Volvo’s solution utilises parallel
hybrid technology, which means
that the diesel engine and the electric
motor can work both together and
separately. The electric motor has
three tasks: to power the vehicle,
to serve as an alternator when the
vehicle brakes, and to act as a starter
motor to fire up the diesel engine.
Energy from braking is used to
recharge the batteries. On uphill
gradients, the electric motor can
step in to assist the diesel engine to
provide added power. Peripheral
equipment such as the servo pump,
air compressor and power take-off,
which in a conventional truck are
driven by the engine, can in a hybrid
use small electric motors instead.
This gives greater freedom in
engage the electric motor because it is better requires hundreds of lithium ion cells in positioning the relevant components
when starting off with heavy loads from zero: series. “The challenge is how to manage this and they only consume energy when
higher torque at lower revs. Then when you to make it act as a robust system,” says Kroon. they are actually being used.
get up to higher speeds the diesel engine is “To handle these kinds of electric energy levels
activated and these two work together, or if we have incorporated protective systems that
the control system feels it is better then the shut down the battery and isolate it from the facing the battery industry has been to
diesel engine can take over. When you are rest of the vehicle in case of an accident or stabilise production from these new factories
running at high speed it behaves like a someone doing something wrong when to provide good reliability and good productivity
traditional truck, but at low speeds is behaves working on the system.” to match that of the system integrator who
more like an electric vehicle.” During braking, The result is an advanced system that provides us with the energy storage system.”
the electric motor works as an engine brake, analyses what is happening and takes Volvo Trucks is currently carrying out field
reducing brake wear and recovering braking appropriate action if needed. “It has to happen tests with test hybrids in commercial operations
energy. blisteringly fast and it has to function in all together with selected customers. Although
While Volvo Powertrain has developed situations,” says Kroon. “There are a lot of considerable progress has been made from
dozens of diesel engines over the years, the safety systems around the battery and the the technical viewpoint, the global financial
task of coming up with a hybrid solution for entire high-voltage system on board the truck.” crisis has affected both product development
large-scale production threw up a number of As anyone with a three-year-old mobile phone and the haulage industry’s investment potential,
challenges, several of them connected to the or laptop can testify, lithium ion batteries so small-scale series production of the Volvo
battery and its control system. The battery have a limited lifespan. But Volvo is aiming FE Hybrid will not get under way until 2012.
chosen by Volvo for the Volvo FE Hybrid is a for a lifespan of up to eight years for its At the same time, a hybrid solution for long-
lithium ion battery, with the same chemistry batteries, depending on driving cycle. “That haul applications is being investigated.
as the batteries found in mobile phones and should resemble the lifetime of the truck, Although the potential savings in percentage
laptops, but considerably larger – it weighs maybe with one battery change,” says Henrik terms are not as great as for urban stop-start
about 200kg. Kloo. “Here there needs to be a bit of a trade- driving, the distances covered mean that
“The battery is the Achilles heel in all off as you can have greater fuel savings if you considerable emission and fuel consumption
hybrids throughout the automotive industry,” compromise on the lifetime of the battery.” reductions are also possible on the open road.
says Kroon. “Even though there has been Once the issues surrounding the battery Anders Kroon declares himself extremely
significant development with nickel metal had been solved, the next step was finding happy with the outcome of the Volvo FE Hybrid
hydride technology, lithium ion technology suppliers. “This technology is new not just for project. “The result for the customer will be
and super-capacitors as energy storage, there us but for the supplier structure,” says Anders great,” he says. “Once functionality and
is still a lot of ground to be covered before we Kroon. As there has been no large-scale reliability have been proven, we will gain
have a completely robust system.” production of these batteries, new factories trust for these new technologies. I think the
The 600-volt system used in the Volvo FE have had to be built. “The major challenge Volvo Group has a great product coming.”

April 2010 Removals & Storage 59

BS EN 12522:1998

Certification to
BS EN 12522:1998
By Chris Waymouth of QSS

W hat is it all about? 5. Contracts of employment, evidence of and many large companies are stipulating that
The British and European Quality Standard personnel competence and training records their suppliers must hold the relevant quality
for ‘Furniture Removals for Individuals’ is (induction, specific work-related training, e.g. standards and for removals firms they will
published as BS EN 12522:1998, and is for forklift and vehicle drivers, ongoing often specify BS EN 12522 as a pre-requisite
recognised by the entire removals industry refresher/upgrade training programmes). for doing business with them.
throughout Europe. It is a quality service 6. Control of approved suppliers and sub- Once certified you can display the BS EN
standard against which removal firms can have contractors. 12522 logo on your brochures, website,
their service specification and their provision 7. Liability cover both for the customers’ stationery, business cards and other paperwork.
of service evaluated and assessed by an property and for the remover’s contractual You can also use the logo on your vans, trucks
organisation known as a ‘Certification Body’ liabilities. and trailers.
who will determine whether or not they qualify 8. Claims procedures and compensation BS EN 12522 sets standards for the training,
against the requirements of the standard. arrangements in the event of loss or damage competence and appearance of your staff. It
to the customer’s property. sets standards for the condition of your vans,
What needs to be done? 9. Specified minimum quantities of materials their maintenance and their appearance. It sets
An applicant must be an established remover and equipment to be carried on each vehicle. standards of customer service and customer
who provides the service of furniture removals 10. The ‘fitness for purpose’ of vehicles including care. It sets standards for the packing service
for individuals. The firm must operate against suitability of construction, cleanliness, provided: the quality of both the packaging
a documented system, which consists of a weatherproofing and security. and the packing itself.
quality manual supported by quality procedures It sets out to establish the standards by which
and controlled forms. It could be regarded you will measure your performance in terms
as the removals industry’s own version of
ISO 9000.
The standard covers all of reliability, timeliness, your care of your
customers’ property, the quality of everything
It is likely that an applicant would require the main areas of a you use, and the quality of your people whilst
the advice and support of a consultant who
knows his/her way around the standard, and
remover’s activities. At handling your customers’ valued possessions.

a typical installation of a model quality system each step of the service, What monitoring is there?
can be done in about one working day. from the initial enquiry Once initially assessed and certificated you
will be subject to a surveillance visit once a
Scope of BS EN 12522 through to final year, which will sometimes include a visit to a
The standard covers all the main areas of a delivery, the job in progress. You might also find that the
remover’s activities. At each step of the service,
from the initial enquiry through to final
standard auditor is accompanied by a UKAS
representative, who will be checking the
delivery, the standard specifies ‘best practice’ specifies ‘best work of the certification company. You will
(i.e. how the work should be carried out). As a
result, customers can be confident that their
practice’... also be expected to undertake internal audits
and management reviews of your quality
goods are in safe hands. However, it is not a system during the year. The ways in which
system that produces reams of paperwork or you use the certificate and logos are also
generates unnecessary administrative carefully monitored.
overhead. What happens next?
The standard has a range of requirements Once an installation is completed, the firm How does it relate to the BSI Kitemark?
including certain essential documents and should run with the system for three months BS EN 12522 is the underlying qualification
systems to be used in the course of a or so to ensure that it is properly embedded that could make you eligible for a Kitemark
remover’s operations: in working practice. It can then apply for licence. There is a separate application
1. A quality manual setting out the company’s initial assessment and, provided that the process (to BSI) for a Kitemark and a separate
policies and work practices, including as a auditor finds the firm to be compliant, a annual licence fee, but the audit process is
minimum: the quality policy, instructions certificate will be issued confirming that the virtually the same and is carried out in the
relating to quality policy and procedures requirements of the standard have been met. course of the same initial or annual visit.
relating to purchasing, personnel (recruitment, If any ‘non-conformities’ are found, the firm
training and competence, appraisal, job is given a period of time within which to Can you lose your certification?
descriptions and work instructions), equipment address the issues and submit evidence that Yes, you can. For example, if you do not
(renewal or replacement, maintenance, training it has dealt with them. The certificate is not resolve non-conformities within the agreed
and authorisation for use), incidents/accidents, issued until any issues have been concluded timescale following an audit, your certification
quality control, and document control. to the satisfaction of the auditor. would firstly be suspended and then, potentially,
2. A written quotation that must include cancelled. Repeated failure to comply with
specific important information. What benefits are there to the business? important elements of the standard, or a
3. A ‘Waybill’ (job sheet) – again, the minimum The benefits to your business are that you can breakdown of your quality system in a number
contents of this are laid down. advertise to your customers that you are of areas, could also lead to withdrawal of
4. Systems to monitor customer satisfaction, certified and operate to the industry’s your certification.
e.g. service questionnaires, and records of specialist standards, and these are outlined Quality certification is highly desirable, is
any incidents or complaints, with analysis in an A4 ‘flyer’. widely respected, and the loss of it can be quite
and follow-up to enable preventive/corrective Increasingly, organisations such as local damaging to a business, raising questions
action to be taken. authorities, NHS trusts, housing associations over its quality of service.

60 Removals & Storage April 2010

• Our new web based service for easy
and immediate online quotes
• We guarantee a fast, efficient and
competitive quality service

We can offer quotes on the

following services:
• FCL (full container load
single shipper)
• Groupage
• Airfreight

Australia, USA, Canada

New Zealand, South Africa
Cyprus, Malta, Dubai
Turkey, Bulgaria
Canary Islands

Memb. No: E007

European Van Lines International Ltd

Unit 6, Lakeside Industrial Estate, Colnbrook, Berks, SL3 0ED, UK
T: 01753 561490 F: 01753 680018 E:

A tough case to crack

Trafalgar Cases range of warehouse containers have an excellent reputation for
producing quality warehouse containers.

Just like Fort Knox, once the contents have been located inside a warehouse
container, there are special features to ensure a safe journey.
The Anti-Luce door, one piece plywood floor, to mention a few, all providing
ideal protection and making it a tough case to crack.


Stanhope Works, Primrose Hill, Kings Langley, Herts WD4 8HS

Telephone: +44(0) 1923 261155. Fax: (0) 1923 268064.
E-mail: Web:
Diary Dates

Diary Dates
CONFERENCES 2010 Contact Ria Russell: 01278 447099
Kent Area May 11 - Quiz
BAR Annual Conference Contact Tom Bourne: September 14 -
The Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre Speaker to be advised or general meeting for
May 13 – 15 East Anglia Area current issues.
Contact Richard Dolan: 01449 613053 November 9 -
European Young Movers Conference Possible skittles and fireworks evening at
Rome, Italy New Met Area Middlezoy. (To be confirmed dependent on
May 20 – 23 Contact Darren House: 01932 253737 numbers and venue confirmation.)
More information and registration
documents will be published shortly on North West Area West Midlands Area Contact Annette Harris: 0161 653 4455 Contact Sarah Pargeter: 01384 377786
Meetings will be held at:
FIDI Annual Conference Yorkshire Area Gainsborough House Hotel, Kidderminster
Melbourne, Australia Contact Graham Puddephatt: June 9 7pm
April 11 – 16 September 8 7pm
May 19 - Venue TBA November 10 7pm
OMNI Annual Conference June 23 - Venue TBA
Queenstown, New Zealand September 15 - Venue TBA BAR SCOTTISH AREA
April 16 – 19 November 17 - Venue TBA MEETINGS 2010

BOARD, COUNCIL AND East Midlands Area Contact Phil Stewart: 01786 448383
COMMITTEE MEETINGS 2010 Contact Jayne Cliffe: 01778 394291 Meetings will be held at:
Meetings will be held at: Hilcroft Hotel, Whitburn
Board of Directors The Haycock Hotel, Wansford May 11 -
May 14 AGM May 19 7.00pm September 14 -
July 14 September 15 7.00pm November 9 -
December 1 November 17 7.00pm

Executive Committee Southern Area

May 18 - Contact Greg Wildman: 01372 385985
June 30 -
September 15 - June 23 6.00pm Venue TBA
November 24 - October 20 12.30pm Venue TBA

National Council
June 15 -
October 12 -

Overseas Group
June 22 -
October 13 -

Commercial Moving Group

June 17 -
October 14 -

Do you have any diary dates?

E-mail them to

April 2010 Removals & Storage 63

There is an easier way to get
the perfect body in just 8 weeks
A perfect body is very much a matter of taste.That’s why removal vehicle
specialists UVB build each and every body to your unique specification.

We offer the following services:

New and Refurbished Modifications, including

Bodies Sleeper Pods

Accident Repair Paintwork and Livery

Unique Van Bodies

01925 846464

64 Removals & Storage April 2010


BAR Memberships April 2010

Applications: Simply Ship Redditch an
BAR has received the following applications for: ATN of Hunts International (Removers) Ltd
Memb No: H054
National Group
International Associate
Bishops Waltham Removals Ltd
3 Waterloo Industrial Estate Moving Star Moving & Storage Any member wishing to make any
Flanders Road 41099 Boyce Road comment regarding an application
Hedge End PO Box 6021 should do so in writing to BAR Head
Southampton Fremont Office within 21 days of receipt of
SO30 2QT California this notification.
T: 01489 799192 94538 Details of membership applications
W: USA in process may also be found on the
T: 001 510 675 9930 BAR website:
Monarch Movers Ltd
Kings Oak
Clay Tye Road Resignations
Upminster BAR is sorry to lose the membership of the
Essex following companies whilst thanking them for
RM14 3PL their past support:
T: 01708 251 000 National Group
George Bird Removals & Storage
Schepens International Ltd Memb No: B032
Unit 17-18 Landford Common
New Road Purvers International Ltd
Landford Memb No: P037
Wiltshire Liquidation
SP5 2AZ The following companies have ceased trading:
T: 01794 323558
Fast Transport Services (Int) Limited
Memb No: F044
Additional Trading Name
Manoeuvre Ltd and ATN Bishop’s Move
George Bird Removals & Storage an Newcastle
ATN of CJS Removals Memb No: C010
Memb No: C023

Feature Schedule 2010

Every month Removals & Storage includes a number of feature items.
These are planned well in advance to allow members of and suppliers
to the industry to join in. Here’s what’s coming up.

May 2010: Afghanistan

E-mail us on any of the topics mentioned, or with anything you wish to say, at or phone Charlotte Freestone on 01908 695500.

April 2010 Removals & Storage 65


Channel Islands Ireland Scotland/Europe

Scotland and Islands

Daily trade service to and from the Channel Islands

�� Packing services
�� Origin and destination
�� Local storage
�� International groupage
�� Export packing services

Tel: 01489 581 063 or 01489 579 997


Isle of Man

Established 1990

������������������������������������������� Sweden and Scandinavia

North West


66 Removals & Storage April 2010



France &
• Weekly services and competitive rates

• Tranship & Hoist services available

• Collection from your To download ou
depot or clients www.hamiltonsr r tariffs visit:
residence available Username:Trad
Password: Ham6 e

Contact our European department on 01379 851074

France (continued) Germany and Austria Austria


Weekly Groupage Service

Full origin and destination
services available.
German speaking staff
Contact Darrel or Justin
Tel: 0208 144 0734 • Fax: 0844 770 7111


• Regular runs to all areas • Full or part loads
TRADE • Receiving depot 10mins from M25 J5 ...or we collect
ROUTES • All deliveries and collections carried out by our own crews
Phone Paul for advice and genuine delivery/collection times
Switzerland Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe

Weekly shuttle service

Full, part and return loads
Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria
Austria, Slovenia, Croatia
Romania, Czech Republic

Contact Chris
T: 020 88035151
F: 020 88074141

April 2010 Removals & Storage 67




UK Office: Tel: 01843 585055
Mallorca Office Tel: 0034 971 693566

����� Caribbean

�������������������������������������������� ������
����������������������������������������������������� ������
Cyprus and Malta


����������������� �����������������
����������������� �������������
� Weekly Services to
North and Southern Cyprus, Malta, ����������������������������
Egypt, Israel, Dubai, Morocco, ������������������������������
Canary Islands, Lebanon and Tunisia.

Contact Darrel or Justin
Tel: 0208 144 0734 • Fax: 0844 770 7111
Email: ���������������������������


Regular Trade
Services to
& all other major


Full & part loads Memb No: GO13

Call Stuart, Sami or Jeremy on

01432 377477
fax: 01432 279894

68 Removals & Storage April 2010


United Arab Emirates Australia and New Zealand

Regular Trade
Services to To Australia &
EMIRATES ����������������������������������
Dubai, Sharjah Atlantis Overseas Removals
and Abu Dhabi Receiving Birmingham


and Leeds

Full & part loads Memb No: GO13

Call Stuart, Sami or Jeremy on ������

01432 377477 ������ 01132 789191
fax: 01432 279894 ������������0121 451 1588

South America Worldwide

Trade services to and from Panama,Costa Rica,Puerto Rico Honduras,Dominican

Republic, El Salvador Ecudor Guatamala,colombia
Nicaragua./Brazil,argentina,peru,chile,bolivia, venezuala, mexico,
paraquay,uruguay. Trade Rates
LCL, groupage and full container services to central and south america. Paima, fidi
to Europe
,IAM, Bar. Warehouse receiving 6.30am-9.30pm saturdays 6.30am-4.00pm. Regular Services to all Major
Tel: +44 (0)1902 714555
Fax: +44 (0)1902 427837 Destinations Worldwide
Burke Bros Moving Group, Burke Bros Trading Estate, Fox's Lane, Wolverhampton, Receiving in Windsor & Stourbridge
West Midlands. WV1 1PA Contact Mike, Chris or Steve on
01633 488 100

Trade Storage Training South Africa
We are not a removal company or
your competitor, you are our clients �����������������������������
on which our business depends. ������������������������������������������
They say that imitation is a form of
flattery - but there is only one G&R Advert 60x60mm:Layout 1 20/10/08 16
Piano Specialists
Trade Storage Limited. �����������
������������ ��������������
London or Swindon �������� THE PIANO
0208 795 4838 or 01793 731696 ������������������������
A family run business, Est. in 1968.
����������������������������������� LOCAL MOVING • WORLDWIDE SHIPPING
������������������������ WEEKLY EUROPEAN SERVICE
������������������������� Recommended by the worlds finest piano manufacturers,
������������������������������������������� auctioneers, music colleges & academies.
Mem. No G005


Tel: +44 (0) 20 8994 9733 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8995 0855

April 2010 Removals & Storage 69


Warehouse Containers Trailer Hire Computers and Internet

From car trailers to 3200 cubic feet
stepframes, 8 container
curtainsiders unsignwritten haulage
available too. (UK and Europe).
020 8795 4838 or 01793 731696

External Elevators

How do you find the

right person for the job?
Advertise your job vacancies in
Removals & Storage magazine
“I would highly recommend R&S magazine to any
Removal Company wishing to advertise their job vacancies.
I cannot praise the classified team highly enough for their
professonalism, pro-activeness, skill and design capabilites.
If all our suppliers were out of the same mould, and achieved
the same results for us, our professional working life would be
made a great deal easier!”
Mina Patel, Bishop’s Move

Call Marianne Lee on:

01908 695500
or email:

70 Removals & Storage April 2010


Journal of the British Association of Removers

1st January 2010

DISPLAY AD RATES* (per insertion) 1–6 Insertions 7–12 Insertions

Members/Affiliates Non-Members Members/Affiliates Non-Members

Full Colour Full Page £745 £928 £707 £886

Half Page £470 £583 £434 £547
Quarter Page £279 £350 £266 £335
Mono Full page £473 £593 £434 £542
Half Page £343 £429 £308 £386
Quarter Page £220 £276 £208 £260
Inside Front Cover £886 £1110 £849 £1066
Outside Back Cover £955 £1157 £905 £1129
Front Cover (full colour, per single insertion) £964 £1190

Full Page: Half Page: Quarter Page: Front Cover:
Trim 297mm x 210mm Horizontal 135mm x 188mm Horizontal 66mm x 188mm Trim 210mm x 210mm
Bleed 303mm x 216mm Vertical 272mm x 92mm Vertical 135mm x 92mm Bleed 210mm x 213mm


All advertisements to be supplied in eps format
Situations Vacant £2.15 per word (min 15 words)
(CMYK, 300dpi) with fonts and pictures embedded or
Sales and Wants £2.15 per word (min 10 words) as a high resolution PDF (Acrobat Distiller settings can
Boxed Ad £26.50 (per single column cm) be supplied on request). Please send on CD (with a
(Vehicle Picture £16 extra) printed colour copy for checking layout)**
to the address below, or by email:
Box Number +£26.50
Trade Cards £391
(3cm x 1column) per annum GUARANTEED POSITIONS
All guaranteed positions, excluding front cover, inside
Loose Inserts £278 per 1,000 front cover and outside back cover, are charged at
(per A4 sheets supplied) normal rates plus 20% and are subject to availability.
Half Page Mono £509
Half Page Colour £614 All enquiries to:
Quarter Page Mono £422 Marianne Lee,
The Words Workshop,
Quarter Page Colour £500
26 Swanwick Lane,
COPY DATE Milton Keynes, MK10 9LD.
Tel: 01908 695500
10th of the preceding month Email:

PLEASE NOTE: All rates shown cover the cost of advert insertion only. Advertisers should provide their own advertising
artwork. Removals & Storage can generate new or amend existing artwork for an additional charge.
All advertising must be paid for in advance by credit card.

* All prices are subject to VAT at the current rate.

** If no colour print is supplied, The Words Workshop cannot accept responsibility for the correct reproduction of the advertisement.
Removals and Storage is produced by The Words Workshop on behalf of The British Association of Removers.
All display rates shown are per single insertion, based on singular or series bookings for editions of R&S within 12 calendar months.

April 2010 Removals & Storage 71


Classified Are You Looking To Sell?

Charges We are looking to buy good quality household moving and storage
companies in London and the home counties.
All classified advertisements should be booked no later than the 10th Please call 07933 123 123
and received no later than the 15th of the month preceding publication. in full confidence for a quick decision.
For all advertising enquiries please contact:
Marianne Lee at The Words Workshop,
26 Swanwick Lane, Broughton, Milton Keynes MK10 9LD SELL IT
Tel: 01908 695500 Fax: 01908 690099 Bedford, Ford, Leyland,
Marsden Vanplan
Situations Vacant £2.15 per word (min 15 words)
Preferably Mid 80s Model, must be WITH A
For Sale and Wanted ads £2.15 per word (min 10 words)
sleeper cab upstairs. Restoration
project or mint, anything interesting LINEAGE AD
Boxed Ad (Semi-Display) £26.50 per single column centimetre considered.
(Please note all lineage & semi-display ads are set by R&S in house style)
Half Page Mono £509
Phone Bill Webb
07802 661630 Direct
Just £2.15+VAT
Half Page Colour
Quarter Page Mono
£422 per word
Quarter Page Colour £501
Box Number +£26.50
All charges are plus VAT.
Removal Business for Sale
Box Numbers
Replies to Box Number advertisements should be sent to: Excellent opportunity to acquire a small family owned
The Advertiser removal company est 1945. Sold as an ongoing concern
Box no. (XYZ) established phone number/website,
The British Association of Removers 2x HGV 1x 7.5 tne, 1x 3.5 tne transit,
Tangent House, 62 Exchange Road, Watford, Herts WD18 0TG paying storage customers.
Situations Vacant Needs an enthusiastic owner.
In line with the Sex Discrimination Act, all positions are open to male Based in Manchester area.
and female applicants. Offers of £65k deal can be done.

Vehicles Contact Tom/Peter

Purchasers of a vehicle advertised in Removals & Storage should satisfy
0161 790 5105 or 07887518058.
themselves that the payload/volume is suitable for the purpose for
which they intend to use it.

Situations Vacant

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72 Removals & Storage April 2010

������������������������� ������������������

The Words Workshop ...

moving is our business
W hen it comes to writing it’s important to get things spot on. Whether it’s a
newsletter, an article for a magazine, the words on your website, or an advert
for the Removals & Storage, it’s important that you get the message just right.
Steve Jordan, our managing director, has worked in the moving business for over
thirty years and is a familiar face to many in the industry – he is also the editor of
this magazine. Steve’s long experience both as a moving man and a copywriter
has enabled him to assemble a team of writers that really know how the moving
business works - and that means we are in a unique position to provide the
right words for your business.
So, if you’re wracking your brains trying to think of a catchy story that will
get you in the news, want to start a newsletter but don’t have the time, or
simply hate writing - give us a call, we’ll be happy to help.

Call: +44 (0) 1908 695500

or visit:
The Words Workshop
26 Swanwick Lane
Broughton, Milton Keynes
The right words for your business United Kingdom MK10 9LD




Contact Marianne Lee

Tel:01908 695500 Fax:01908 690099

April 2010 Removals & Storage 73



Make and Model
Marsden Vanplan
X container,
new MOT to June

full service histo
ry XX XX Xkm.
Feature, feature,

feature, feature,

feature, feature,

LEZ compliant.
Asking price

£501 £188
Contact XX XX
Phone and em
FOR +VAT ail address

Contact Marianne Lee
Tel:01908 695500 Fax:01908 690099 Contact Marianne Lee Tel:01908 695500 Fax:01908 690099

Order additional copies of R&S

R&S is published monthly and costs only £48 a year for
UK companies and £72 a year for Overseas companies.
You may order as many copies as you wish.
Please send your order with payment to:
British Association of Removers,
Tangent House,
62 Exchange Road,
Herts WD18 0TG

Please send copies of Removals & Storage to: I enclose a cheque for
Name made payable to: The British Association of Removers
Address I wish to pay by debit/credit card (not Amex)
Card number

Tel no Expiry date MM/YY
email Security code

74 Removals & Storage April 2010

Trade Secrets
Find out what you can achieve on-line with
our trade groupage shipping services,
and make sure you’re in the know.
We’ve been in the business for
30 years and offer frequent
sailings on all routes to major
destinations worldwide.

We’ll arrange shipment on the vessel

promised and nominate reliable FIDI
agents at destination. With depots in
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offer a competitive groupage solution
wherever you are located.

At Anglo Pacific we understand

your business and will ensure
that your goods are handled
professionally from start to

Visit our website or simply call

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get the facts.

Memb No: A026

Our Services
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