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Biography of Soekarno Hatta

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Biography of Soekarno Hatta

Sukarno was born with a father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and his mother Ida Ayu
Nyoman Rai. The two met when Raden Soekemi who was an elementary school teacher was
placed on Natives in Singaraja, Bali.

When his parents were assigned in Mojokerto, Sukarno enter Eerste inlandse School, the school
where his father worked. Then in June 1911 Sukarno moved to Europeesche Lagere School
(ELS). In 1915, Sukarno had completed his education at ELS and managed to continue to HBS
in Surabaya, then he continued to Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (now ITB) in Bandung
majoring in civil engineering in 1921.

Soekarno for the first time became famous when he became a member of Jong Java Surabaya
branch in 1915. In 1927, Sukarno became the first leader of the PNI. Sukarno’s PNI activity in
causing arrested Netherlands on December 29, 1929 in Yogyakarta and the next day moved to
London, was sent to prison for Banceuy. In 1930 he moved to Sukamiskin and in that year he
raised a phenomenal pledoi Indonesia Sues (plea), to be released again on December 31, 1931.

In July 1932, Sukarno joined the Party of Indonesia (Partindo), which is a fraction of the PNI.
Sukarno was re-arrested in August 1933, and was exiled to Flores. In 1938 until 1942 Sukarno
was exiled to Bengkulu province. Soekarno new free returns during the Japanese occupation in

After a long struggle, on August 17, 1945, Ir Sukarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed
Indonesia’s independence. On 18 August 1945, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta be appointed by
PPKI as the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Soekarno health has begun to decline since August 1965. Soekarno died on Sunday, June 21,
1970 at Army Hospital (Central Army Hospital) Gatot Subroto, Jakarta. The government then set
a seven-day mourning period.
Sukarno lahir dengan seorang ayah bernama Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo dan ibunya Ida Ayu
Nyoman Rai. Keduanya bertemu saat Raden Soekemi yang merupakan seorang guru sekolah
dasar ditempatkan di Pribumi Singaraja, Bali.

Ketika orang tuanya ditugaskan di Mojokerto, Soekarno memasuki Eerste inlandse School,
sekolah tempat ayahnya bekerja. Kemudian pada bulan Juni 1911 Sukarno pindah ke
Europeesche Lagere School (ELS). Pada tahun 1915, Sukarno telah menyelesaikan
pendidikannya di ELS dan berhasil melanjutkan ke HBS di Surabaya, kemudian ia melanjutkan
ke Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (sekarang ITB) di Bandung jurusan teknik sipil pada
tahun 1921.

Soekarno untuk pertama kalinya menjadi terkenal saat menjadi anggota cabang Jong Java
Surabaya pada tahun 1915. Pada tahun 1927, Soekarno menjadi pemimpin pertama PNI.
Kegiatan PNI Sukarno dalam menyebabkan ditangkapnya Belanda pada tanggal 29 Desember
1929 di Yogyakarta dan keesokan harinya pindah ke London, dikirim ke penjara untuk Banceuy.
Pada tahun 1930 ia pindah ke Sukamiskin dan pada tahun itu ia mengangkat sebuah pledoi
Indonesia Menggugat yang fenomenal, yang akan dirilis lagi pada tanggal 31 Desember 1931.

Pada bulan Juli 1932, Sukarno bergabung dengan Partai Indonesia (Partindo), yang
merupakan sebagian kecil dari PNI. Sukarno ditangkap kembali pada bulan Agustus 1933, dan
diasingkan ke Flores. Pada tahun 1938 sampai 1942 Sukarno diasingkan ke provinsi Bengkulu.
Soekarno baru kembali merdeka selama pendudukan Jepang di tahun 1942.

Setelah perjuangan panjang, pada 17 Agustus 1945, Ir Sukarno dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta
memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945, Sukarno dan
Mohammad Hatta ditunjuk oleh PPKI sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia.

Kesehatan Soekarno sudah mulai menurun sejak Agustus 1965. Soekarno meninggal pada hari
Minggu, 21 Juni 1970 di Rumah Sakit Angkatan Darat Gatot Subroto, Jakarta. Pemerintah
kemudian menetapkan tujuh hari berkabung.
I have a friend named Julie Rose. She is my classmate in Senior High School grade 12. She is
17 years old. She likes music, swimming and going to the cinema. She also likes hanging out
with friends. She is very kind and friendly.

She is a very normal American girl. But, she has one unusual hobby. She loves extreme sports
like parachuting, bungee jumping, wing-suit flying, kite surfing, skateboarding, and many more.

Julie joins one sport club. This club conducts one extreme sport on Sunday, twice a month. Julie
wins many competitions of this kind of sport. Julie wants to be a professional athlete of extreme

She is never afraid of danger or being injured. She always says that extreme sports are a part of
her life. She is alive and feels joy of life while doing the extreme sport.

Daily Activity – Simple Present

My name is Sysca Yuliaeni Permana. Some people call me “Sysca”. Now, I’m 20 years old and I
live in Jakarta. I live with my parents and my brother. I’m student in Universitas Muhammadiyah
Prof Dr Hamka.

I have habitual action that I do every day. This is my daily activities.

Every morning I get up at 5 o’clock, and I go to bathroom to take a bath, I brush my teeth and I
clean my body with the soap. Then I take wudhu. After I finish my bathe, I wear clothes and pray
shubuh. After that I clean my bedroom, and sweep the floor and the yard. And I have breakfast
with my family. After all neat, I drove my mother and my brother to school by motorcycle. Then
I back to home. I wash the dishes. After I finished cleaning the house, I watch TV to relax while
waiting for 9 hours. I put the make-up on then I go to campus. Because I am student in semester
now, I’m free from my college schedule except Monday and Friday. My school begins at half
past seven am to eleven p.m. every Friday.

I usually arrive in my campus at 10.00 am. I go straight to library. In library, I open the computer
to see some Skripsi on the computer, I feel happy in library because in there I can study and
discuss with my friends about our Paper or Skripsi. I usually go home from campus at 05.00 pm
after the library closed. After I arrive in home, I clean my foot, then I watch Korean drama on
TV. After I hear adzan maghrib, I go straight maghrib praying then I holly quran before study.
Then I pray isya. After isya praying, I take dinner, watching TV or relax with my family until
08.00 pm. Then I do my home work and study. After that I go to sleep and so on.

So that’s all about my activity. My daily activity is very happily and I always feel good about my

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