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(Obli) Sps Torcuator v. Sps Bernabe

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Sps Torcuator v. Sps. Bernabe & Sps.

Salvador (1) that the lot buyer shall deposit with Ayala Corp a cash
Topic: Unenforceable Contracts bond (around P17K for the salvadors) which shall be refunded
to him if he builds a residence thereon within 2 years of
DOCTRINE: purchase, otherwise the deposit shall be forfeited.

1403 (2). ** The relevant part is at the ratio section ** (2) Architectural plans for any improvement shall be approved
by the Ayala corporation
1405. Contracts infringing the Statute of Frauds, referred to in
No. 2 of Article 1403, are ratified by the failure to object to the (3) No lot may be resold by the buyer unless a residential
presentation of oral evidence to prove the same, or by the house has been constructed thereon (Ayala Corp keeps the
acceptance of benefit under them Torrens Title in their possession)

1406. When a contract is enforceable under the Statute of Consequently, the Salvadors sold the parcel of land to Sps.
Frauds, and a public document is necessary for its registration Bernabe. Given the above restrictions, the Salvadors
in the Registry of Deeds, the parties may avail themselves of concomitantly executed a special power of attorney which
the right under Article 1357 authorized the Bernabes to construct a residential house on
the lot as well as to transfer the title of the property in their
Short Answers: names.

Who was chasing who: Sps. Torcuator was chasing Sps. On the other hand, Sps. Bernabe contracted to sell the land to
Bernabe & Sps. Salvador Sps. Torcuator (Petitioners) without making any improvement
When did the problem arise: W hen the petitioners had the on the land. Confronted by the Ayala Alabang Restrictions, the
plans of their house prepared and offered to pay the Bernabes parties agreed to cause the sale between the Salvadors and
for the land upon delivery of the sale contract Bernabes cancelled in favor of (a) a new deed of sale from the
What kind of contract was in question: Contract to sell Salvadors directly to the Torcuators; (b) a new irrevocable SPA
executed by the Salvadors to the Petitioners in order for the
Facts: latter to build a house on the land; and an Irrevocable SPA
The subject of this action is a lot in Ayala Alabang Village in from the Salvadors to the Bernabes, authorizing them to sell,
muntinlupa which was purchased by the Sps. Diosdado and transfer and convey, with power of substitution the said lot.
Sps. Salvador (Respondents) from the developers of Ayala
alabang. This sale was subject to the following conditions: The problem arose when the petitioners had the plans of their
house prepared and offered to pay the Bernabes for the land
upon delivery of the sale contract but the deed of sale was Bernabe specifically informed the petitioners that he should
never consummated nor was the payment ever effected. receive the full payment before he left for the US.
Subsequently, the Bernabes sold the subject land to
ANGELES (a brother in law) but the document was not Furthermore, Sps Salvadors did not execute a deed of sale in
notarized. This prompted the petitioners to file this action for favor of petitioners and instead executed a SPA which
Specific Performance or Rescission with damages. authorized Sps. Bernabes to sell the property on their behalf.
Also, there were no records that the petitioners attempted to
RTC: In favor of Respondents ((1) the alleged nullity of the tender payment or consign the purchase price.
contract between the parties as it violated Ayala Corporation's
condition that the construction of a house is a prerequisite to Furthermore, the parties clearly intended the construction of a
any sale of lots in Ayala Alabang Village; (2) non-payment of residential house on the property as another suspensive
the purchase price; and (3) the nullity of the contract as it condition which has yet to be fulfilled (Ayala Corp retained title
called for payment in United States Dollars. to the property until Sps Salvador were precluded from selling
it unless a residence had been constructed thereon). The
CA: Affirmed RTC. Added a 4th reason: Alleged nullity of the parties understood the conditions of Ayala which is why they
agreement because it deprived the government of taxes. resorted to the execution of the SPA to construct a residential
(There was supposed to be two sales but the transfer made it building. If it was indeed a contract of sale, there would be no
only one) need for the SPA as the petitioners can already compel the
respondents to transfer ownership to them. Also. there was no
Petitioners contend that it is a contract of sale and it is public document evidencing the sale which was executed
enforceable. (constructive delivery) in favor of the petitioners. They did not
take actual or physical possession of the property.
Issue: WON the agreement is a contract to sell or a contract
of sale, subsequently, is it enforceable Art. 1403. The following contracts are unenforceable unless
they are ratified:
Held/Ratio: It was a contract to sell and is unenforceable.
xxx xxx xxx
The agreement imposed upon petitioners the obligation to fully
pay the agreed purchase price for the property and that the (2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of Frauds as set
ownership shall not pass to petitioners until they have fully forth in this number. In the following cases an agreement
paid the price is IMPLICIT in the agreement. Respondent hereafter made shall be unenforceable by action, unless the
same, or some note or memorandum thereof, be in writing,
and subscribed by the party charged, or by his agent; memoranda as contemplated by Art 1403 because it does not
evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot be received contain the essential elements of the purported contract and it
without the writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents: does not even refer to any agreement for the sale of the
property -- making it inoperable. (2) the summary of
xxx xxx xxx agreement is fatally deficient in the fundamentals and
ambiguous in the rest of its terms. It does not mention when
(e) An agreement for the leasing for a longer period than one the alleged consideration should be paid and transfer of
year, or for the sale of real property or an interest therein; ownership affected. It doesnt even refer to any particular
Statute of Frauds is descriptive of statutes which require property as the object.
certain classes of contracts to be in writing (i.e agreements for
the sale of real property.) It does not deprive the parties the In relation to Art 1405, respondents acceptance of the
right to contract but merely regulates the formalities of the agreement by the petitioners on them is deemed to have
contract necessary to render it enforceable. Its purpose is to arisen from their failure to object to the testimony of petitioner
prevent fraud and perjury in the enforcement of obligations on the matter.
depending for their evidence on the unassisted memory of
witnesses by requiring certain enumerated contracts and Since the agreement was a contract to sell, the respondents
transactions to be evidenced by a writing signed by the party were not obliged to convey title to the property before the
to be charged. The written note or memorandum, as happening of 2 suspensive conditions (Full payment and
contemplated in Art 1403, should embody the essentials of the construction of a residence on the property), the respondents
contract. were acting within their right when they considered the
agreement cancelled after unsuccessfully demanding payment
In the case at bar, the petitioners presented the SPA and the from petitioner.
summary agreement as the agreement that there was indeed
a deed of sale but (1) the SPA does not suffice as notes or Petition denied.

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