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Sps. Torcuator V Sps. Bernabe GR No. 134219

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10. Sps. TORCUATOR v Sps.

GR NO. 134219  The Torcuators thereafter had the plans of their house prepared and
JUNE 8, 2005 offered to pay the Bernabes for the land upon delivery of the sale contract.
By: YRREVERRE  However, the deed of sale was never consummated nor was payment on
Petitioners: SPOUSES MARIO AND ELIZABETH TORCUATOR  Subsequently, the Bernabes sold the subject land to Leonardo Angeles, a
and LOURDES SALVADOR,  the Torcuators commenced the instant action against the Bernabes and
Ponente: TINGA, J. Salvadors for Specific Performance or Rescission with Damages.
 TC - dismissed the case
RECIT-READY/SUMMARY:  CA - dismissed the case ruling that the sale between the Bernabes and the
Torcuators was tainted with serious irregularities and bad faith.
DOCTRINE: The Statues of Fraud requires certain contracts and transactions to be  Petitioners then filed the instant petition stating that the agreement is
evidenced by a writing signed by the party to be charged. valid and enforceable

FACTS: (1) W/N the presented written evidence (special power of attorney and the
 Spouses Salvador bought a parcel of land from the developers of Ayala summary of agreement) is sufficient to make the agreement enforceable under the
Alabang Village. Statutes of Fraud? - No
 The contract states: "It is part of the condition of buying a lot in Ayala
Alabang Village (a) that the lot buyer shall deposit with Ayala Corporation HELD/RATIO:
a cash bond (about P17,000.00 for the Salvadors) which shall be refunded  NO - In the instant case, petitioners present as written evidence of the
to him if he builds a residence thereon within two (2) years of purchase, agreement the special power of attorney executed in their favor by the
otherwise the deposit shall be forfeited, (b) architectural plans for any Salvadors and the summary of agreement 24 allegedly initialed by
improvement shall be approved by Ayala Corporation, and (c) no lot may respondent Remigio Bernabe. These documents do not suffice as notes or
be resold by the buyer unless a residential house has been constructed memoranda as contemplated by Article 1403 of the Civil Code.
thereon  The term "Statute of Frauds" is descriptive of statutes which require
 The Salvadors sold the parcel of land to the spouses Bernabe. Given the certain classes of contracts, such as agreements for the sale of real
above restrictions, the Salvadors executed a special power of attorney property, to be in writing. It does not deprive the parties the right to
authorizing the Bernabes to construct a residential house on the lot and to contract with respect to the matters therein involved, but merely regulates
transfer the title of the property in their names. the formalities of the contract necessary to render it enforceable.
 The Bernabes, without making any improvement, contracted to sell the  The purpose of the statute is to prevent fraud and perjury in the
parcel of land to the spouses Torcuator enforcement of obligations depending for their evidence on the unassisted
 Confronted by the Ayala Alabang restrictions, the parties agreed to cause memory of witnesses by requiring certain enumerated contracts and
the sale between the Salvadors and the Bernabes cancelled (Exhibit "D"), transactions to be evidenced by a writing signed by the party to be
in favor of (a) a new deed of sale from the Salvadors directly to the charged. The written note or memorandum, as contemplated by Article
Torcuators; (b) a new Irrevocable Special Power of Attorney (Exhibit F) 1403 of the Civil Code, should embody the essentials of the contract.
executed by the Salvadors to the Torcuators in order for the latter to build  The special power of attorney does not contain the essential elements of
a house on the land in question; and (c) an Irrevocable Special Power of the purported contract and, more tellingly, does not even refer to any
Attorney (Exhibit E) from the Salvadors to the Bernabes authorizing the agreement for the sale of the property. In any case, it was rendered
latter to sell, transfer and convey, with power of substitution, the subject virtually inoperable as a consequence of the Salvadors' adamant refusal to
lot. part with their title to the property.
 The summary of agreement, on the other hand, is fatally deficient in the
fundamentals and ambiguous in the rest of its terms. For one, it does not
mention when the alleged consideration should be paid and transfer of
ownership effected. The document does not even refer to a particular
property as the object thereof. For another, it is unclear whether the
supposed purchase price is P600.00, P590.00 or P570.00/square meter.
The other conditions, such as payment of documentary stamp taxes,
capital gains tax and other registration expenses, are likewise uncertain.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. Costs against petitioners.

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