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111987-2005-Solidbank Corp. v. Mindanao Ferroalloy Corp.

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[G.R. No. 153535. July 28, 2005.]



De Los Reyes Banaga Briones & Associates for petitioner.

Pacis & Reyes for Mindanao Ferroalloy Corp.
Quasha Ancheta Pea & Nolasco for Jong-Won Hong and Soo-ok Kim Hong.



REPRESENTING IT. Basic is the principle that a corporation is vested by law with a
personality separate and distinct from that of each person composing or representing it.
Equally fundamental is the general rule that corporate officers cannot be held personally
liable for the consequences of their acts, for as long as these are for and on behalf of the
corporation, within the scope of their authority and in good faith. The separate corporate
personality is a shield against the personal liability of corporate officers, whose acts are
properly attributed to the corporation.
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; EXCEPTIONS. Tramat Mercantile v. Court of Appeals held thus:
"personal liability of a corporate director, trustee or officer along (although not
necessarily) with the corporation may so validly attach, as a rule, only when 1. He
assents (a) to a patently unlawful act of the corporation, or (b) for bad faith or gross
negligence in directing its affairs, or (c) for conflict of interest, resulting in damages to the
corporation, its stockholders or other persons; 2. He consents to the issuance of watered
stocks or who, having knowledge thereof, does not forthwith file with the corporate
secretary his written objection thereto; 3. He agrees to hold himself personally and
solidarily liable with the corporation; or 4. He is made, by a specific provision of law to
personally answer for his corporate action."
LIGHTLY INFERRED. [I]t is axiomatic that solidary liability cannot be lightly inferred.
Under Article 1207 of the Civil Code, "there is a solidary liability only when the obligation
expressly so states, or when the law or the nature of the obligation requires solidarity."
Since solidary liability is not clearly expressed in the promissory Note and is not required
by law or the nature of the obligation in this case, no conclusion of solidary liability can be
made. Furthermore, nothing supports the alleged joint liability of the individual petitioners
because, as correctly pointed out by the two lower courts, the evidence shows that there is
only one debtor: the corporation. In a joint obligation, there must be at least two debtors,
each of whom is liable only for a proportionate part of the debt; and the creditor is entitled
only to a proportionate part of the credit.
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FIRST TIME ON APPEAL. [I]t is rather late in the day to raise the alleged joint liability, as
this matter has not been pleaded before the trial and the appellate courts. Before the lower
courts, petitioner anchored its claim solely on the alleged joint and several (or solidary)
liability of the individual respondents. Petitioner must be reminded that an issue cannot be
raised for the first time on appeal, but seasonably in the proceedings before the trial court.
Note is a negotiable instrument. Under Section 19 of the Negotiable Instruments Law,
agents or representatives may sign for the principal. Their authority may be established, as
in other cases of agency. Section 20 of the law provides that a person signing "for and on
behalf of a [disclosed] principal or in a representative capacity . . . is not liable on the
instrument if he was duly authorized."
READ AGAINST THE PARTY THAT PREPARED IT. [T]he agreement involved here is a
"contract of adhesion," which was prepared entirely by one party and offered to the other
on a "take it or leave it" basis. Following the general rule, the contract must be read against
petitioner, because it was the party that prepared it, more so because a bank is held to
high standards of care in the conduct of its business.
VEIL, EXPLAINED. Under certain circumstances, courts may treat a corporation as a
mere aggroupment of persons, to whom liability will directly attach. The distinct and
separate corporate personality may be disregarded, inter alia, when the corporate identity
is used to defeat public convenience, justify a wrong, protect a fraud, or defend a crime.
Likewise, the corporate veil may be pierced when the corporation acts as a mere alter ego
or business conduit of a person, or when it is so organized and controlled and its affairs so
conducted as to make it merely an instrumentality, agency, conduit or adjunct of another
corporation. But to disregard the separate juridical personality of a corporation, the
wrongdoing must be clearly and convincingly established; it cannot be presumed.
to all kinds of deception whether through insidious machination, manipulation,
concealment or misrepresentation that would lead an ordinarily prudent person into
error after taking the circumstances into account. In contracts, a fraud known as dolo
causante or causal fraud is basically a deception used by one party prior to or
simultaneous with the contract, in order to secure the consent of the other. Needless to
say, the deceit employed must be serious. In contradistinction, only some particular or
accident of the obligation is referred to by incidental fraud or dolo incidente or that which
is not serious in character and without which the other party would have entered into the
contract anyway. Fraud must be established by clear and convincing evidence; mere
preponderance of evidence is not adequate.
9. ID.; ID.; BAD FAITH; DEFINED. Bad faith, . . ., imports a dishonest purpose or some
moral obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong, not simply bad judgment or negligence. It
is synonymous with fraud, in that it involves a design to mislead or deceive another.
LOANS. Petitioner bank was in a position to verify for itself the solvency and
trustworthiness of respondent corporation. In fact, ordinary business prudence required it
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to do so before granting the multimillion loans. It is of common knowledge that, as a
matter of practice, banks conduct exhaustive investigations of the financial standing of an
applicant debtor, as well as appraisals of collaterals offered as securities for loans to
ensure their prompt and satisfactory payment. To uphold petitioner's cry of fraud when it
failed to verify the existence of the goods covered by the Trust Receipt Agreement and the
Quedan is to condone its negligence.
brings us to the alleged error of the appellate court in taking judicial notice of the practice
of banks in conducting background checks on borrowers and sureties. While a court is not
mandated to take judicial notice of this practice under Section 1 of Rule 129 of the Rules
of Court, it nevertheless may do so under Section 2 of the same Rule. The latter Rule
provides that a court, in its discretion, may take judicial notice of "matters which are of
public knowledge, or ought to be known to judges because of their judicial functions."
Thus, the Court has taken judicial notice of the practices of banks and other financial
institutions. Precisely, it has noted that it is their uniform practice, before approving a loan,
to investigate, examine and assess would-be borrowers' credit standing or real estate
offered as security for the loan applied for.
Article 19 of the Civil Code expresses the fundamental principle of law on human conduct
that a person "must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, act
with justice, give every one his due, and observe honesty and good faith." Under this basic
postulate, the exercise of a right, though legal by itself, must nonetheless be done in
accordance with the proper norm. When the right is exercised arbitrarily, unjustly or
excessively and results in damage to another, a legal wrong is committed for which the
wrongdoer must be held responsible.
LIABLE THEREUNDER. To be liable under the abuse-of-rights principle, three elements
must concur: a) a legal right or duty, b) its exercise in bad faith, and c) the sole intent of
prejudicing or injuring another. Needless to say, absence of good faith must be sufficiently
Article 20 makes "[e]very person who, contrary to law, willfully or negligently causes
damage to another" liable for damages. Upon the other hand, held liable for damages
under Article 21 is one who "willfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner that is
contrary to morals, good customs or public policy." For damages to be properly awarded
under the above provisions, it is necessary to demonstrate by clear and convincing
evidence that the action instituted by petitioner was clearly so unfounded and untenable as
to amount to gross and evident bad faith. To justify an award of damages for malicious
prosecution, one must prove two elements: malice or sinister design to vex or humiliate
and want of probable cause.
15. ID.; ID.; ATTORNEY'S FEES; WHEN IT CAN BE RECOVERED. Article 2208 of the
Civil Code states that in the absence of a stipulation, attorney's fees cannot be recovered,
except in any of the following circumstances: "(1) When exemplary damages are awarded;
"(2) When the defendant's act or omission has compelled the plaintiff to litigate with third
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persons or to incur expenses to protect his interest; "(3) In criminal cases of malicious
prosecution against the plaintiff; "(4) In case of a clearly unfounded civil action or
proceeding against the plaintiff; "(5) Where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad
faith in refusing to satisfy the plaintiff's plainly valid, just and demandable claim; "(6) In
actions for legal support; "(7) In actions for the recovery of wages of household helpers,
laborers and skilled workers; "(8) In actions for indemnity under workmen's compensation
and employer's liability laws; "(9) In a separate civil action to recover civil liability arising
from a crime; "(10) When at least double judicial costs are awarded; "(11) In any other case
where the court deems it just and equitable that attorney's fees and expenses of litigation
should be recovered."



To justify an award for moral and exemplary damages under Articles 19 to 21 of the Civil
Code (on human relations), the claimants must establish the other party's malice or bad
faith by clear and convincing evidence.
The Case
Before us is a Petition for Review 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, assailing the
December 21, 2001 Decision 2 and the May 15, 2002 Resolution 3 of the Court of Appeals
(CA) in CA-GR CV No. 67482. The CA disposed as follows:
Decision appealed from is AFFIRMED ." 4

The assailed Resolution, on the other hand, denied petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration.
The Facts
The CA narrated the antecedents as follows:
"The Maria Cristina Chemical Industries (MCCI) and three (3) Korean corporations,
namely, the Ssangyong Corporation, the Pohang Iron and Steel Company and the
Dongil Industries Company, Ltd., decided to forge a joint venture and establish a
corporation, under the name of the Mindanao Ferroalloy Corporation (Corporation
for brevity) with principal offices in Iligan City. Ricardo P. Guevara was the
President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation. Jong-Won
Hong, the General Manager of Ssangyong Corporation, was the Vice-President of
the Corporation for Finance, Marketing and Administration. So was Teresita R. Cu.
On November 26, 1990, the Board of Directors of the Corporation approved a
'Resolution' authorizing its President and Chairman of the Board of Directors or
Teresita R. Cu, acting together with Jong-Won Hong, to secure an omnibus line in
the aggregate amount of P30,000,000.00 from the Solidbank . . . .
xxx xxx xxx
"In the meantime, the Corporation started its operations sometime in April, 1991.
Its indebtedness ballooned to P200,453,686.69 compared to its assets of only
P65,476,000.00. On May 21, 1991, the Corporation secured an ordinary time loan
from the Solidbank in the amount of P3,200,000.00. Another ordinary time loan
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was granted by the Bank to the Corporation on May 28, 1991, in the amount of
P1,800,000.00 or in the total amount of P5,000,000.00, due on July 15 and 26,
1991, respectively. ICTacD

"However, the Corporation and the Bank agreed to consolidate and, at the same
time, restructure the two (2) loan availments, the same payable on September 20,
1991. The Corporation executed 'Promissory Note No. 96-91-00865-6' in favor of
the Bank evidencing its loan in the amount of P5,160,000.00, payable on
September 20, 1991. Teresita Cu and Jong-Won Hong affixed their signatures on
the note. To secure the payment of the said loan, the Corporation, through Jong-
Won Hong and Teresita Cu, executed a 'Deed of Assignment' in favor of the Bank
covering its rights, title and interest to the following:
'The entire proceeds of drafts drawn under Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.
M-S-041-2002080 opened with The Mitsubishi Bank Ltd. Tokyo dated
June 13, 1991 for the account of Ssangyong Japan Corporation, 7F.
Matsuoka-Tamura-Cho Bldg., 22-10, 5-Chome, Shimbashi, Minato-Ku,
Tokyo, Japan up to the extent of US$197,679.00'

"The Corporation likewise executed a 'Quedan', by way of additional security,

under which the Corporation bound and obliged to keep and hold, in trust for the
Bank or its Order, 'Ferrosilicon for US$197,679.00'. Jong-Won Hong and Teresita
Cu affixed their signatures thereon for the Corporation. The Corporation, also,
through Jong-Won Hong and Teresita Cu, executed a 'Trust Receipt Agreement',
by way of additional security for said loan, the Corporation undertaking to hold in
trust, for the Bank, as its property, the following:

'1. THE MITSUBISHI BANK LTD., Tokyo L/C No. M-S-041-2002080 for
account of Ssangyong Japan Corporation, Tokyo, Japan for
US$197,679.00 Ferrosilicon to expire September 20, 1991.
'2. SEC QUEDAN NO. 91-476 dated June 26, 1991 covering the

Ferrosilicon for US$197,679.00'

"However, shortly after the execution of the said deeds, the Corporation stopped
its operations. The Corporation failed to pay its loan availments from the Bank
inclusive of accrued interest. On February 11, 1992, the Bank sent a letter to the
Corporation demanding payment of its loan availments inclusive of interests due.
The Corporation failed to comply with the demand of the Bank. On November 23,
1992, the Bank sent another letter to the [Corporation] demanding payment of its
account which, by November 23, 1992, had amounted to P7,283,913.33. The
Corporation again failed to comply with the demand of the Bank.

"On January 6, 1993, the Bank filed a complaint against the Corporation with the
Regional Trial Court of Makati City, entitled and docketed as 'Solidbank
Corporation vs. Mindanao Ferroalloy Corporation, Sps. Jong-Won Hong and the
Sps. Teresita R. Cu, Civil Case No. 93-038' for 'Sum of Money' with a plea for the
issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment. . . .
xxx xxx xxx
"Under its 'Amended Complaint', the Plaintiff alleged that it impleaded Ricardo
Guevara and his wife as Defendants because, [among others]:
'Defendants JONG-WON HONG and TERESITA CU, are the Vice-Presidents
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of defendant corporation, and also members of the company's Board of
Directors. They are impleaded as joint and solidary debtors of [petitioner]
bank having signed the Promissory Note, Quedan, and Trust Receipt
agreements with [petitioner], in this case.

xxx xxx xxx'

"[Petitioner] likewise filed a criminal complaint . . . entitled and docketed as
'Solidbank Corporation vs. Ricardo Guevara, Teresita R. Cu and Jong Won Hong . .
. for 'Violation of P.D. 115'. On April 14, 1993, the investigating Prosecutor issued
a 'Resolution' finding no probable cause for violation of P.D. 115 against the
Respondents as the goods covered by the quedan 'were nonexistent':
xxx xxx xxx
"In their Answer to the complaint [in the civil case], the Spouses Jong-Won Hong
and Soo-ok Kim Hong alleged, inter alia, that [petitioner] had no cause of action
against them as:
'. . . the clean loan of P5.1 M obtained was a corporate undertaking of
defendant MINFACO executed through its duly authorized representatives,
Ms. Teresita R. Cu and Mr. Jong-Won Hong, both Vice Presidents then of
MINFACO. . . . .'

xxx xxx xxx

"[On their part, respondents] Teresita Cu and Ricardo Guevara alleged that
[petitioner] had no cause of action against them because: (a) Ricardo Guevara did
not sign any of the documents in favor of [petitioner]; (b) Teresita Cu signed the
'Promissory Note', 'Deed of Assignment', 'Trust Receipt' and 'Quedan' in blank and
merely as representative and, hence, for and in behalf of the Defendant
Corporation and, hence, was not personally liable to [petitioner].

"In the interim, the Corporation filed, on June 20, 1994, a 'Petition', with the
Regional Trial Court of Iligan City, for 'Voluntary Insolvency' . . . .
xxx xxx xxx

"Appended to the Petition was a list of its creditors, including [petitioner], for the
amount of P8,144,916.05. The Court issued an Order, on July 12, 1994, finding
the Petition sufficient in form and substance . . . .
xxx xxx xxx

"In view of said development, the Court issued an Order, in Civil Case No. 93-038,
suspending the proceedings as against the Defendant Corporation but ordering
the proceedings to proceed as against the individual defendants . . . .
xxx xxx xxx
"On December 10, 1999, the Court rendered a Decision dismissing the complaint
for lack of cause of action of [petitioner] against the Spouses Jong-Won Hong,
Teresita Cu and the Spouses Ricardo Guevara, . . . .
xxx xxx xxx
"In dismissing the complaint against the individual [respondents], the Court a quo
found and declared that [petitioner] failed to adduce a morsel of evidence to prove
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the personal liability of the said [respondents] for the claims of [petitioner] and
that the latter impleaded the [respondents], in its complaint and amended
complaint, solely to put more pressure on the Defendant Corporation to pay its
obligations to [petitioner]. aEcDTC

"[Petitioner] . . . interposed an appeal, from the Decision of the Court a quo and
posed, for . . . resolution, the issue of whether or not the individual [respondents],
are jointly and severally liable to [petitioner] for the loan availments of the
[respondent] Corporation, inclusive of accrued interests and penalties.
"In the meantime, on motion of [petitioner], the Court set aside its Order, dated
February 2, 1995, suspending the proceedings as against the [respondent]
Corporation. [Petitioner] filed a 'Motion for Summary Judgment' against the
[respondent] Corporation. On February 28, 2000, the Court rendered a 'Summary
Judgment' against the [respondent] Corporation, the decretal portion of which
reads as follows:
'WHEREFORE, premises considered, this Court hereby resolves to give due
course to the motion for summary judgment filed by herein [petitioner].
Consequently, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of [Petitioner]
FERROALLOY CORPORATION, ordering the latter to pay the former the
amount of P7,086,686.70, representing the outstanding balance of the
subject loan as of 24 September 1994, plus stipulated interest at the rate
of 16% per annum to be computed from the aforesaid date until fully paid
together with an amount equivalent to 12% of the total amount due each
year from 24 September 1994 until fully paid. Lastly, said [respondent] is
hereby ordered to pay [petitioner] the amount of P25,000.00 to [petitioner]
as reasonable attorney's fees as well as cost of litigation." 5

In its appeal, petitioner argued that (1) it had adduced the requisite evidence to prove the
solidary liability of the individual respondents, and (2) it was not liable for their
counterclaims for damages and attorney's fees.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Affirming the RTC, the appellate court ruled that the individual respondents were not
solidarily liable with the Mindanao Ferroalloy Corporation, because they had acted merely
as officers of the corporation, which was the real party in interest. Respondent Guevara
was not even a signatory to the Promissory Note, the Trust Receipt Agreement, the Deed
of Assignment or the Quedan; he was merely authorized to represent Minfaco to negotiate
with and secure the loans from the bank. On the other hand, the CA noted that
Respondents Cu and Hong had not signed the above documents as comakers, but as
signatories in their representative capacities as officers of Minfaco.
Likewise, the CA held that the individual respondents were not liable to petitioner for
damages, simply because (1) they had not received the proceeds of the irrevocable Letter
of Credit, which was the subject of the Deed of Assignment; and (2) the goods subject of
the Trust Receipt Agreement had been found to be nonexistent. The appellate court took
judicial notice of the practice of banks and financing institutions to investigate, examine
and assess all properties offered by borrowers as collaterals, in order to determine the
feasibility and advisability of granting loans. Before agreeing to the consolidation of
Minfaco's loans, it presumed that petitioner had done its homework. IcHEaA

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As to the award of damages to the individual respondents, the CA upheld the trial court's
findings that it was clearly unfair on petitioner's part to have impleaded the wives of
Guevara and Hong, because the women were not privy to any of the transactions between
petitioner and Minfaco. Under Articles 19, 20 and 2229 of the Civil Code, such reckless and
wanton act of pressuring individual respondents to settle the corporation's obligations is a
ground to award moral and exemplary damages, as well as attorney's fees.
Hence this Petition. 6
In its Memorandum, petitioner raises the following issues:
"A. Whether or not there is ample evidence on record to support the joint and
solidary liability of individual respondents with Mindanao Ferroalloy Corporation.
"B. In the absence of joint and solidary liability[,] will the provision of Article
1208 in relation to Article 1207 of the New Civil Code providing for joint liability be
applicable to the case at bar.

"C. May bank practices be the proper subject of judicial notice under Sec. 1
[of] Rule 129 of the Rules of Court.

"D. Whether or not there is evidence to sustain the claim that respondents
were impleaded to apply pressure upon them to pay the obligations in lieu of
MINFACO that is declared insolvent.
"E. Whether or not there are sufficient bases for the award of various kinds of
and substantial amounts in damages including payment for attorney's fees.
"F. Whether or not respondents committed fraud and misrepresentations and
acted in bad faith.
"G. Whether or not the inclusion of respondents spouses is proper under
certain circumstances and supported by prevailing jurisprudence." 7

In sum, there are two main questions: (1) whether the individual respondents are liable,
either jointly or solidarily, with the Mindanao Ferroalloy Corporation; and (2) whether the
award of damages to the individual respondents is valid and legal. aSAHCE

The Court's Ruling

The Petition is partly meritorious.
First Issue:
Liability of Individual Respondents
Petitioner argues that the individual respondents were jointly or solidarily liable with
Minfaco, either because their participation in the loan contract and the loan documents
made them comakers; or because they committed fraud and deception, which justifies the
piercing of the corporate veil.
The first contention hinges on certain factual determinations made by the trial and the
appellate courts. These tribunals found that, although he had not signed any document in
connection with the subject transaction, Respondent Guevara was authorized to represent
Minfaco in negotiating for a P30 million loan from petitioner. As to Cu and Hong, it was
determined, among others, that their signatures on the loan documents other than the
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Deed of Assignment were not prefaced with the word "by," and that there were no other
signatures to indicate who had signed for and on behalf of Minfaco, the principal borrower.
In the Promissory Note, they signed above the printed name of the corporation on the
space provided for "Maker/Borrower," not on that provided for "Co-maker." HEDSIc

Petitioner has not shown any exceptional circumstance that sanctions the disregard of
these findings of fact, which are thus deemed final and conclusive upon this Court and may
not be reviewed on appeal. 8
No Personal Liability
for Corporate Deeds
Basic is the principle that a corporation is vested by law with a personality separate and
distinct from that of each person composing 9 or representing it. 1 0 Equally fundamental is
the general rule that corporate officers cannot be held personally liable for the
consequences of their acts, for as long as these are for and on behalf of the corporation,
within the scope of their authority and in good faith. 1 1 The separate corporate personality
is a shield against the personal liability of corporate officers, whose acts are properly
attributed to the corporation. 1 2
Tramat Mercantile v. Court of Appeals 1 3 held thus:
"Personal liability of a corporate director, trustee or officer along (although not
necessarily) with the corporation may so validly attach, as a rule, only when
'1. He assents (a) to a patently unlawful act of the corporation, or (b)
for bad faith or gross negligence in directing its affairs, or (c) for conflict of
interest, resulting in damages to the corporation, its stockholders or other

'2. He consents to the issuance of watered stocks or who, having

knowledge thereof, does not forthwith file with the corporate secretary his
written objection thereto;
'3. He agrees to hold himself personally and solidarily liable with the
corporation; or
'4. He is made, by a specific provision of law, to personally answer for
his corporate action.'"

Consistent with the foregoing principles, we sustain the CA's ruling that Respondent
Guevara was not personally liable for the contracts. First, it is beyond cavil that he was duly
authorized to act on behalf of the corporation; and that in negotiating the loans with
petitioner, he did so in his official capacity. Second, no sufficient and specific evidence was
presented to show that he had acted in bad faith or gross negligence in that negotiation.
Third, he did not hold himself personally and solidarily liable with the corporation. Neither
is there any specific provision of law making him personally answerable for the subject
corporate acts.
On the other hand, Respondents Cu and Hong signed the Promissory Note without the
word "by" preceding their signatures, atop the designation "Maker/Borrower" and the
printed name of the corporation, as follows:
(Sgd) Cu/Hong

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While their signatures appear without qualification, the inference that they signed in their
individual capacities is negated by the following facts: 1) the name and the address of the
corporation appeared on the space provided for "Maker/Borrower"; 2) Respondents Cu
and Hong had only one set of signatures on the instrument, when there should have been
two, if indeed they had intended to be bound solidarily the first as representatives of the
corporation, and the second as themselves in their individual capacities; 3) they did not
sign under the spaces provided for "Co-maker," and neither were their addresses reflected
there; and 4) at the back of the Promissory Note, they signed above the words "Authorized
Solidary Liability
Not Lightly Inferred
Moreover, it is axiomatic that solidary liability cannot be lightly inferred. 1 4 Under Article
1207 of the Civil Code, "there is a solidary liability only when the obligation expressly so
states, or when the law or the nature of the obligation requires solidarity." Since solidary
liability is not clearly expressed in the Promissory Note and is not required by law or the
nature of the obligation in this case, no conclusion of solidary liability can be made. HEISca

Furthermore, nothing supports the alleged joint liability of the individual petitioners
because, as correctly pointed out by the two lower courts, the evidence shows that there is
only one debtor: the corporation. In a joint obligation, there must be at least two debtors,
each of whom is liable only for a proportionate part of the debt; and the creditor is entitled
only to a proportionate part of the credit. 1 5
Moreover, it is rather late in the day to raise the alleged joint liability, as this matter has not
been pleaded before the trial and the appellate courts. Before the lower courts, petitioner
anchored its claim solely on the alleged joint and several (or solidary) liability of the
individual respondents. Petitioner must be reminded that an issue cannot be raised for the
first time on appeal, but seasonably in the proceedings before the trial court. 1 6
So too, the Promissory Note in question is a negotiable instrument. Under Section 19 of
the Negotiable Instruments Law, agents or representatives may sign for the principal. Their
authority may be established, as in other cases of agency. Section 20 of the law provides
that a person signing "for and on behalf of a [disclosed] principal or in a representative
capacity . . . is not liable on the instrument if he was duly authorized."
The authority of Respondents Cu and Hong to sign for and on behalf of the corporation has
been amply established by the Resolution of Minfaco's Board of Directors, stating that
"Atty. Ricardo P. Guevara (President and Chairman), or Ms. Teresita R. Cu (Vice President),
acting together with Mr. Jong Won Hong (Vice President), be as they are hereby authorized
for and in behalf of the Corporation to: 1. Negotiate with and obtain from (petitioner) the
extension of an omnibus line in the aggregate of P30 million . . .; and 2. Execute and deliver
all documentation necessary to implement all of the foregoing." 1 7

Further, the agreement involved here is a "contract of adhesion," which was prepared
entirely by one party and offered to the other on a "take it or leave it" basis. Following the
general rule, the contract must be read against petitioner, because it was the party that
prepared it, 1 8 more so because a bank is held to high standards of care in the conduct of
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its business. 1 9
In the totality of the circumstances, we hold that Respondents Cu and Hong clearly signed
the Note merely as representatives of Minfaco.
No Reason to Pierce
the Corporate Veil
Under certain circumstances, courts may treat a corporation as a mere aggroupment of
persons, to whom liability will directly attach. The distinct and separate corporate
personality may be disregarded, inter alia, when the corporate identity is used to defeat
public convenience, justify a wrong, protect a fraud, or defend a crime. Likewise, the
corporate veil may be pierced when the corporation acts as a mere alter ego or business
conduit of a person, or when it is so organized and controlled and its affairs so conducted
as to make it merely an instrumentality, agency, conduit or adjunct of another corporation.
2 0 But to disregard the separate juridical personality of a corporation, the wrongdoing
must be clearly and convincingly established; it cannot be presumed. 2 1
Petitioner contends that the corporation was used to protect the fraud foisted upon it by
the individual respondents. It argues that the CA failed to consider the following badges of
fraud and evident bad faith: 1) the individual respondents misrepresented the corporation
as solvent and financially capable of paying its loan; 2) they knew that prices of ferrosilicon
were declining in the world market when they secured the loan in June 1991; 3) not a single
centavo was paid for the loan; and 4) the corporation suspended its operations shortly
after the loan was granted. 2 2
Fraud refers to all kinds of deception whether through insidious machination,
manipulation, concealment or misrepresentation that would lead an ordinarily prudent
person into error after taking the circumstances into account. 2 3 In contracts, a fraud
known as dolo causante or causal fraud 2 4 is basically a deception used by one party prior
to or simultaneous with the contract, in order to secure the consent of the other. 2 5
Needless to say, the deceit employed must be serious. In contradistinction, only some
particular or accident of the obligation is referred to by incidental fraud or dolo incidente,
2 6 or that which is not serious in character and without which the other party would have
entered into the contract anyway. 2 7
Fraud must be established by clear and convincing evidence; mere preponderance of
evidence is not adequate. 2 8 Bad faith, on the other hand, imports a dishonest purpose or
some moral obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong, not simply bad judgment or
negligence. 2 9 It is synonymous with fraud, in that it involves a design to mislead or deceive
another. 3 0
Unfortunately, petitioner was unable to establish clearly and precisely how the alleged
fraud was committed. It failed to establish that it was deceived into granting the loans
because of respondents' misrepresentations and/or insidious actions. Quite the contrary,
circumstances indicate the weakness of its submission. DCaEAS

First, petitioner does not deny that the P5 million loan represented the consolidation of
two loans, 3 1 granted long before the bank required the individual respondents to execute
the Promissory Note, Trust Receipt Agreement, Quedan or Deed of Assignment. Hence, no
words, acts or machinations arising from any of those instruments could have been used
by them prior to or simultaneous with the execution of the contract, or even as some
accident or particular of the obligation.
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Second, petitioner bank was in a position to verify for itself the solvency and
trustworthiness of respondent corporation. In fact, ordinary business prudence required it
to do so before granting the multimillion loans. It is of common knowledge that, as a
matter of practice, banks conduct exhaustive investigations of the financial standing of an
applicant debtor, as well as appraisals of collaterals offered as securities for loans to
ensure their prompt and satisfactory payment. To uphold petitioner's cry of fraud when it
failed to verify the existence of the goods covered by the Trust Receipt Agreement and the
Quedan is to condone its negligence.
Judicial Notice
of Bank Practices
This point brings us to the alleged error of the appellate court in taking judicial notice of
the practice of banks in conducting background checks on borrowers and sureties. While a
court is not mandated to take judicial notice of this practice under Section 1 of Rule 129 of
the Rules of Court, it nevertheless may do so under Section 2 of the same Rule. The latter
Rule provides that a court, in its discretion, may take judicial notice of "matters which are
of public knowledge, or ought to be known to judges because of their judicial functions."
Thus, the Court has taken judicial notice of the practices of banks and other financial
institutions. Precisely, it has noted that it is their uniform practice, before approving a loan,
to investigate, examine and assess would-be borrowers' credit standing or real estate 3 2
offered as security for the loan applied for. CSDcTA

Second Issue:
Award of Damages
The individual respondents were awarded moral and exemplary damages as well as
attorney's fees under Articles 19 to 21 of the Civil Code, on the basic premise that the suit
was clearly malicious and intended merely to harass.
Article 19 of the Civil Code expresses the fundamental principle of law on human conduct
that a person "must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, act
with justice, give every one his due, and observe honesty and good faith." Under this basic
postulate, the exercise of a right, though legal by itself, must nonetheless be done in
accordance with the proper norm. When the right is exercised arbitrarily, unjustly or
excessively and results in damage to another, a legal wrong is committed for which the
wrongdoer must be held responsible. 3 3
To be liable under the abuse-of-rights principle, three elements must concur: a) a legal
right or duty, b) its exercise in bad faith, and c) the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring
another. 3 4 Needless to say, absence of good faith 3 5 must be sufficiently established.
Article 20 makes "[e]very person who, contrary to law, willfully or negligently causes
damage to another" liable for damages. Upon the other hand, held liable for damages
under Article 21 is one who "willfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner that is
contrary to morals, good customs or public policy."
For damages to be properly awarded under the above provisions, it is necessary to
demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence 3 6 that the action instituted by petitioner
was clearly so unfounded and untenable as to amount to gross and evident bad faith. 3 7 To
justify an award of damages for malicious prosecution, one must prove two elements:
malice or sinister design to vex or humiliate and want of probable cause. 3 8

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Petitioner was proven wrong in impleading Spouses Guevara and Hong. Beyond that fact,
however, respondents have not established that the suit was so patently malicious as to
warrant the award of damages under the Civil Code's Articles 19 to 21, which are grounded
on malice or bad faith. 3 9 With the presumption of law on the side of good faith, and in the
absence of adequate proof of malice, we find that petitioner impleaded the spouses
because it honestly believed that the conjugal partnerships had benefited from the
proceeds of the loan, as stated in their Complaint and subsequent pleadings. Its act does
not amount to evident bad faith or malice; hence, an award for damages is not proper. The
adverse result of an act per se neither makes the act wrongful nor subjects the actor to the
payment of damages, because the law could not have meant to impose a penalty on the
right to litigate. 4 0
For the same reason, attorney's fees cannot be granted. Article 2208 of the Civil Code
states that in the absence of a stipulation, attorney's fees cannot be recovered, except in
any of the following circumstances:
"(1) When exemplary damages are awarded;

"(2) When the defendant's act or omission has compelled the plaintiff to
litigate with third persons or to incur expenses to protect his interest;
"(3) In criminal cases of malicious prosecution against the plaintiff;

"(4) In case of a clearly unfounded civil action or proceeding against the


"(5) Where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad faith in refusing to
satisfy the plaintiff's plainly valid, just and demandable claim;

"(6) In actions for legal support;

"(7) In actions for the recovery of wages of household helpers, laborers and
skilled workers;

"(8) In actions for indemnity under workmen's compensation and employer's

liability laws;

"(9) In a separate civil action to recover civil liability arising from a crime;
"(10) When at least double judicial costs are awarded;

"(11) In any other case where the court deems it just and equitable that
attorney's fees and expenses of litigation should be recovered."

In the instant case, none of the enumerated grounds for recovery of attorney's fees are
WHEREFORE, this Petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The assailed Decision is AFFIRMED,
but the award of moral and exemplary damages as well as attorney's fees is DELETED. No
Sandoval-Gutierrez, Corona, Carpio Morales and Garcia, JJ., concur.

* Her first name is not specified in title of the Petition, but is found on page 1 of the
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Spouses' Memorandum. Rollo, p. 222.

** The name of Mr. Guevara's spouse is not found in the records.

1. Rollo, pp. 18-42.

2. Penned by Justice Romeo J. Callejo Sr. (then chair, Twelfth Division, and now a member
of this Court) and concurred in by Justices Remedios Salazar-Fernando and Josefina
Guevara-Salonga (members).

3. Supra, p. 34.
4. CA Decision, pp. 25-26; id., pp. 31-32.

5. Excerpted from the CA Decision, pp. 1-10; rollo, pp. 7-16. Citations omitted.

6. The Petition was deemed submitted for decision on June 28, 2004, upon the Court's
receipt of the Memorandum of Respondents Teresita Cu and Guevara, signed by Atty.
Antonio C. Pacis. The Memorandum of Respondent Spouses Jong-Won Hong and Soo-
ok Kim Hong, signed by Attys. Constantine G. Agagan and Mario R. Frez, was filed on
June 21, 2004. Petitioner's Memorandum, signed by Atty. Maximino Z. Banaga Jr., was
received by the Court on June 8, 2004.
7. Petitioner's Memorandum, pp. 10-11; rollo, pp. 202-203. Original in uppercase.

8. Larena v. Mapili, 408 SCRA 484, 488, August 7, 2003; Bordalba v. CA, 425. Phil. 407, 415,
January 25, 2002; Roca v. CA, 350 SCRA 414, 420, January 29, 2001; Baas v. CA, 382
Phil. 144, 154, February 10, 2000.
9. They are the stockholders or members of a corporation. See Francisco v. Mejia, 415 Phil.
153, 165, August 14, 2001; Consolidated Bank and Trust Corporation (Solidbank) v. CA,
356 SCRA 671, 682, April 19, 2001; Reahs Corp. v. National Labor Relations Commission,
337 Phil. 698, 706, April 15, 1997.

10. Being a juridical entity, a corporation acts through its board of directors and/or officers
and agents. See Monfort Hermanos Agricultural Development Corp. v. Monfort III, 434
SCRA 27, 31, July 8, 2004; Firme v. Bukal Enterprises and Development Corporation, 414
SCRA 190, 208, October 23, 2003; People's Aircargo and Warehousing Co., Inc. v. CA, 357
Phil. 850, 863, October 7, 1998.

11. Francisco v. Mejia, supra, pp. 166-167; Bogo Medellin Sugarcane Planters Association,
Inc. v. NLRC, 357 Phil. 110, 127, September 25, 1998.
12. Consolidated Bank and Trust Corporation (Solidbank) v. CA, supra.
13. 238 SCRA 14, 19, November 7, 1994, per Vitug, J. (cited in FCY Construction Group, Inc.
v. CA, 381 Phil. 282, 290, February 1, 2000).
14. Industrial Management International Development Corp. v. NLRC, 387 Phil. 659, 666,
May 11, 2000; Smith, Bell & Co., Inc. v. CA, 335 Phil. 194, 203, February 6, 1997; Sesbreo
v. CA, 222 SCRA 466, 481, May 24, 1993.
15. PH Credit Corporation v. CA, 421 Phil. 821, 832, November 22, 2001; Inciong, Jr. v. CA,
327 Phil. 364, 373, June 26, 1996; Quiombing v. CA, 189 SCRA 325, 328, August 30,
1990; The Imperial Insurance, Inc. v. David, 218 Phil. 298, 302, November 21, 1984.

16. Lim v. Queensland Tokyo Commodities, Inc., 424 Phil. 35, 47, January 4, 2002; Del
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2016
Rosario v. Bonga, 350 SCRA 101, 108, January 23, 2001; Sanchez v. CA, 345 Phil. 155,
186, September 29, 1997.

17. CA Decision (referring to Exhibit "A" and Records, p. 595), p. 20; rollo, p. 26.
18. Ouano v. CA, 446 Phil. 690, 708, March 4, 2003; BPI Express Card Corporation v. Olalia,
423 Phil. 593, 599, December 14, 2001; Geraldez v. CA, 230 SCRA 320, 331, February 23,

19. See Associated Bank v. Tan, GR No. 156940, December 14, 2004, p. 10 (citing BPI v.
Casa Montessori Internationale, 430 SCRA 262, 293, May 28, 2004); Philippine
Commercial and International Bank v. CA, 350 SCRA 446, 472, January 29, 2001; Bank of
the Philippine Islands v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 206 SCRA 408, 412-413, February
21, 1992.

20. Lipat v. Pacific Banking Corporation, 450 Phil. 401, 410, April 30, 2003; Francisco v.
Mejia, supra, pp. 165-166; Francisco Motors Corp. v. CA, 368 Phil. 374, 384, June 25,
1999; Sulo ng Bayan, Inc. v. Araneta, Inc., 72 SCRA 347, 355, August 17, 1976.
21. Marubeni Corporation v. Lirag, 415 Phil. 29, 39, August 10, 2001.
22. Petitioner's Memorandum, pp. 24-25; rollo, pp. 216-217.
23. Maestrado v. CA, 384 Phil. 418, 434, March 9, 2000; Caram Jr. v. Laureta, 103 SCRA 7,
18, February 24, 1981.

24. Article 1338 of the Civil Code refers to this kind of fraud. See also Geraldez v. CA, supra,
p. 336.
25. Samson v. CA, 238 SCRA 397, 404, November 25, 1994. See also Tolentino, Civil Code
of the Philippines, 1991 ed., Vol. IV, p. 506.
26. Article 1344 of the Civil Code.
27. Caram Jr. v. Laureta, supra; Tolentino, supra.
28. Inciong Jr. v. CA, supra, p. 371.
29. Cojuangco Jr. v. CA, 369 Phil. 41, 55, July 2, 1999; Philippine Air Lines, Inc. v. NLRC, 362
Phil. 197, 204, February 2, 1999; Samson v. CA, supra.

30. Ibid.
31. The first indebtedness was for P3.2 million, which was granted by the bank to the
corporation on May 21, 1991, while the second loan of P1.8 million was granted on May
28, 1991.

32. Heirs of Manlapat v. CA GR No. 125585, June 8, 2005, pp. 25-26; Home Bankers
Savings & Trust Co. v. CA, GR No. 128354, April 26, 2005, p. 17; Rural Bank of Sta.
Ignacia Inc. v. Dimatulac, 449 Phil. 800, 812, April 29, 2003; Cruz v. Bancom Finance
Corporation, 429 Phil. 225, 240, March 19, 2002.
33. Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System v. Act Theater, Inc., 432 SCRA 418,
422, June 17, 2004; Rellosa v. Pellosis, 414 Phil. 786, 792, August 9, 2001; Sea
Commercial Company, Inc. v. CA, 377 Phil. 221, 229, November 25, 1999.
34. Ibid.
35. In University of the East v. Jader, 382 Phil. 697, 705, February 17, 2000, good faith was
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defined as "an honest intention to abstain from taking undue advantage of another, even
though the forms and technicalities of the law, together with the absence of all
information or belief of facts, would render the transaction un-conscientious."

36. Audion Electric Co. v. NLRC, 367 Phil. 620, 635, June 17, 1999.
37. Savellano v. Northwest Airlines, 405 SCRA 416, 428-429, July 8, 2003; Cervantes v. CA,
363 Phil. 399, 407, March 2, 1999. See also Article 2220 of the Civil Code.
38. Inhelder Corporation v. CA, 122 SCRA 576, 584, May 30, 1983.
39. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. CA, 361 Phil. 499, 531, January 21, 1999.
40. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. CA, supra, p. 529; BPI Family Savings Bank v. Manikan,
443 Phil. 463, 468, January 16, 2003; R & B Surety & Insurance Co., Inc. v. Intermediate
Appellate Court, 129 SCRA 736, 744-745, June 22, 1984; Inhelder Corporation v. CA,

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