Lesson 25 PDF
Lesson 25 PDF
Lesson 25 PDF
Consistency and reliability are most important in cytological interpretation.
Cytologists rely heavily on the quality and appearance of the stain. The
Papanicolaou stain is recommended for the staining of alcohol fixed cytology
slides. Romanowsky stains may also be used for wet fixed slides, but are
primarily applied to air-dried smears.
Special stains are used as per requirements: Modified Ziehl Neelson (for acid
fast bacilli), Gram staining (Bacteria), Mucicarmine (mucins), PAS (for
glycogen, fungal wall, lipofuscin, etc), Oil red O (lipids), Perls Prussian blue
(iron), modified Fouchets test (bilirubin), etc. Recently, immunocytochemistry
is also being increasingly used in cytology specimens. These special stains and
immunocytochemistry will be discussed along with respective sections in
histopathology as the principles and methods remain the same.
After reading this lesson, you will be able to:
z describe the principle of cytology stains
z explain the methods of staining cytology specimens.
Papanicolaou formula
1. Harris hematoxylin
Hematoxylin 5g
Ethanol 50ml
Potassium alum 100g Notes
Distilled water (50C) 1000ml
Mercuric oxide 2-5g
Glacial acetic acid 40ml
2. Orange G 6
Orange G (10% aqueous) 50ml
Alcohol 950ml
Phosphotungstic acid 0-15g
3. EA 50
0.04 M light green SF 10ml
0.3M eosin Y 20ml
Phosphotungstic acid 2g
Alcohol 750ml
Methanol 250ml
Glacial acetic acid 20ml
Filter all stains before use.
Original Papanicolaou staining method:
1. 96% ethyl alcohol 15 seconds
2. 70% ethyl alcohol 15 seconds
3. 50% ethyl alcohol 15 seconds
4. Distilled water 15 seconds
5. Harris hematoxylin 6 minutes
6. Distilled water 10 dips
7. Hydrochloric acid 0.5% solution, 1-2 quick dips
8. Distilled water 15 seconds
9. Few dips in 0.1% ammoniated water. The smear turns to blue.
The nuclei should appear blue/black
The cytoplasm (non-keratinising squamous cells) blue/green
Keratinising cells- pink/orange
1. Use stains only after filtering them
2. Change stains frequently
3. Check staining under microscope for good quality control
Methanol 73 %
Glycerol 26 %
Giemsas Azur-Eosin-Methylene blue 0.6 %
Contains: Azur I, Eosin G, Methylene blue
Phosphate buffer
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate/ disodium hydrogen phosphate x 2H2O
67.0 mmol/l
Giemsa solution, May-Grnwald solution: protected from light at 2-25C.
Unopened reagents may be used until the expiry date on the label.
Phosphate buffer: at 2-8C. Unopened reagents may be used until the expiry date
on the label.
Staining method
1. Fix the air-dried smear specimen in methanol for 10 -20 minutes
2. Stain with May-Grnwald working solution for 5 minutes
3. Stain with Giemsa working solution for 12 minutes
4. Wash with clean buffered water for 2, 5 and 2 minutes
5. Dry the slides in upright position at room temperature
6. Mount the slides with a coverslip using DPX
Any modifications to the staining procedure/working solutions may affect the
staining result, and are subject to precise method validation
Ziehl-Neelsen stain
(1) Carbol Soft Fuchsin
Basic Fuchsin 1 gm
Absolute alcohol 10 ml
Add the basic fuchsin to the alcohol in a 100 ml flask and mix, on a
magnetic stirrer for 30 minutes. Add 100ml of 5% aqueous phenol. Mix
well. Filter and store in a brown glass bottle.
(2) Acidified Methylene Blue
0.25% methylene blue in 1% acetic alcohol
(3) 0.5% Acid Alcohol
Distiller water 700 ml
Absolute alcohol 300 ml
Hydrochloric acid 5 ml
(6) 5% Sulphuric Acid
Distilled water 475 ml
Sulphuric acid 25 ml
Staining Method
Place fixed slides on the staining rack in serial order, smeared side up. Slides
should be separated by a 1 cm gap, and should never touch one another. Cover
slides individually with filtered Ziehls carbol fuchsin working solution. Heat
slides from underneath with the flame of a Bunsen burner, an alcohol lamp or
an alcohol soaked cotton swab until vapour starts to rise. Staining solution
should never be allowed to boil. Do not allow the stain to dry. Keep slides
covered with hot, steaming carbolfuchsin for 5 minutes by re-flaming as needed.
Rinse slides gently with water to remove excess carbolfuchsin. Drain off excess
rinsing water from slides. Sputum smears appear red in colour.
Histology and Cytology z Irregular distribution of the blood smear on a glass slide may result in an
erroneous cell counts. Alcohols used for wiping the skin may cause
hemolysis and artifacts
1. What are the various stains used commonly in cytology.
2. Write the basic principle of Papanicolaou staining.
3. What cell components are better seen in MGG staining?
4. Name the sources of error in Papanicolaou & MGG staining.
5. Enumerate the substances that get stained red with Ziehl Neelsen staining.