The PEANUT Plant Description
The PEANUT Plant Description
The PEANUT Plant Description
Peanut originated and was domesticated in South and Central America 3,500 years ago, and
is now grown in tropical and warm-temperate regions worldwide for its seeds and their oil. It
grows 30 to 50 centimeters tall. The leaves are opposite, pinnate with four leaflets,each measuring
1 to 7 centimeters long and 1 to 3 centimeters across. Its flower is a typical pea-flower in shape,
2 to 4 centimeters in diameter, and with yellow with reddish veining. Hypogaea means "under the
earth"- after pollination the flower stalk elongates causing it to bend until the ovary touches the
ground. Stalk growth continues and pushes the ovary underground where the mature fruit
develops into a pod. Pods are about 3 to 7 centimeters long containing 1 to 4 seeds.
Production Trends
Globally, peanut is the 13th most important food crop with 50% of it is used as raw material
for the manufacture of peanut oil, 37% for confectionery, and 12% for seed purposes. The
vegetative part of peanut is excellent hay for feeding livestock because it is rich in protein and has
better palatability and digestibility than other fodders.
China leads in the production of peanuts, having a share of about 41.5% of overall world
production, followed by India (18.2%) and the United States of America (6.8%). In Europe, the
leading producer is Greece, at roughly 2000 tons per year.
Top ten producers of peanuts in 2008/2009
Country Production
(Million Metric Tons)
People's Republic of China 14.30
India 6.25
United States 2.34
Nigeria 1.55
Indonesia 1.25
Burma 1.00
Sudan 0.85
Senegal 0.71
Argentina 0.58
Vietnam 0.50
World 34.43
Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service: Table 13 Peanut Area, Yield, and
In the Philippines, peanut is considered one of the major field legumes grown bylocal
farmers. However, its production has been low and erratic with national average yield ranging only
from 800 to1,000 kilograms per hectare. On the other hand, peanut production remains profitable
when proper cultural management and efficient scheme are employed.
The Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) reported that a total of 26,107.99 hectares was
planted to peanut in 2012 with annual production reaching 29,133.91 metric tons valued at
Php994.26 million.
Among the top producing peanut provinces are Cagayan, Isabela, Pangasinan, La Union, Quirino,
Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Aurora, Albay, and Iloilo. Cagayan Valley produces almost half of the
county’s total peanut.
Peanuts are rich in nutrients, providing over 30 essential nutrients and phytonutrients.
Peanuts are a good source of niacin, folate, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium and phosphorus. They also
are naturally free of trans-fats and sodium, and contain about 25% protein (a higher proportion
than in any true nut).
Peanuts are a good source of niacin, and thus contribute to brain health and blood flow.
Recent research on peanuts has found antioxidants and other chemicals that may provide
health benefits. New research shows peanuts rival the antioxidant content of many fruits. Roasted
peanuts rival the antioxidant content of blackberries and strawberries, and are far richer in
antioxidants than carrots or beets. Research published in the journal Food Chemistry shows that
peanuts contain high concentrations of antioxidant polyphenols, primarily a compound called p-
coumaric acid, and that roasting can increase peanuts' p-coumaric acid levels, boosting their overall
antioxidant content by as much as 22%.
Peanuts are a significant source of resveratrol, a chemical associated with but not proven to
cause a reduction in risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
The average amount of resveratrol in one ounce of commonly eaten peanuts (15 whole
peanut kernels) is 73 μg.
Coenzyme Q10
Peanuts are a source of coenzyme Q10, as are oily fish, beef, soybeans and spinach.
Peanuts have many uses. They can be eaten raw, used in recipes, made into solvents and
oils, medicines, textile materials, and peanut butter, as well as many other uses. Popular confections
made from peanuts include salted peanuts, peanut butter (sandwiches, peanut candy bars, peanut
butter cookies, and cups), peanut brittle, and shelled nuts (plain/roasted). Salted peanuts are
usually roasted in oil and packed in retail-size plastic bags or hermetically sealed cans. Dry roasted
salted peanuts are also marketed in significant quantities. Peanuts are often a major ingredient in
mixed nuts because of their relative cost compared to Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, and so on.
Although peanut butter has been a tradition on camping trips and the like because of its high
protein content and because it resists spoiling for long periods of time, the primary use of peanut
butter is in the home. Large quantities are also used in the commercial manufacture of sandwiches,
candy, and bakery products. Boiled peanuts are a preparation of raw, unshelled green peanuts
boiled in brine and often eaten as a snack. More recently, fried peanut recipes have emerged –
allowing both shell and nut to be eaten. Peanuts are also used in a wide variety of other areas, such
as cosmetics, nitroglycerin, plastics, dyes and paints.
Peanuts are used in many sauces for South American meat dishes, especially rabbit.
Different government breeding institutions continue to develop new high yielding varieties
of peanut. In addition, some introduced varieties are also being tested under local agro-climatic
conditions so that farmers could have options as towhat peanut varieties to plant.
-Moderately resis-
tant to peanut rust
and CLS
NSIC Pn 03 1.80 1.86 43.6 38.2 66 65 31 28 103 104 41 64 -Mostly 3-seeded;
bunch type peanut
with light brown
seed coat
-Gives high yield and
better bean quality
during dry season
-Mostly 2 to 3
NSIC Pn 04 1.81 2.48 61.7 51.7 68 68 26 24 101 101 64 78 seeded; bunch type;
with light brown
seed coat
-Moderately sus-
ceptible to CLS
-Moderately sus-
ceptible to CLS and
peanut rust
-Recommended as
regional varie-ty in
NSIC Pn 05 1.86 1.77 54.3 47.9 72 73 30 31 101 100 45 58 Central Vi-sayas
particular-ly in Bohol
-Mostly 3 seeded;
bunch type; pea-nut
with salmon pink
seed coat.
-Tolerant to leaf
-High yielder in wet
season in light
NSIC Pn 06 textured soil
1.89 1.97 55.3 51.1 66 67
(Biyaya 14) -Two seeded Spanish
variety with plump
and oblong shape
pods; shelling easy
because of thin seed
-Moderately sus-
ceptible to CLS and
peanut rust
-Can be grown in dry
and wet sea-sons;
NSIC Pn 07 1.91 1.86 55.9 43.5 67 62 30 26 100 100 50 53 gives bet-ter bean
quality in dry season
-Mostly 2 to 3
seeded; bunch type;
peanut with pinkish
seed coat
-Moderately sus-
ceptible to CLS and
peanut rust
-Can be grown in dry
and wet sea-sons;
NSIC Pn 08 1.80 1.87 45.2 42.7 68 65 27 26 98 97 gives better bean
quality in dry season
-Mostly 3 seeded;
bunch type; peanut
with creamy or light
tan seed coat
-Moderately sus-
ceptible to CLS and
peanut rust
NSIC Pn 09 1.60 1.62 57.2 57.4 68 69 25 25 80 90 -Can be grown in dry
and wet sea-sons;
gives bet-ter bean
quality in dry season
-Moderately sus-
ceptible to CLS and
peanut rust
-Can be grown in dry
and wet sea-sons;
gives bet-ter bean
NSIC Pn 10 1.54 1.66 60.0 53.5 69 70 25 25 89 92 44.2 65.0
quality in dry season
-Mostly 2 to 3
seeded; big sized
beans; bunch type;
peanut with pinkish
seed coat.
-Resistant to CLS
and peanut rust
NSIC Pn 11
-Can be grown in the
(Namnama- 1.63 1.60 55.2 47.2 69 68 27 25 98 99 38.6 56.5
dry and wet seasons
-Spreading type
peanut making it a
breakthrough for
off-season (WS)
-Ideal for both
processing and
boiling (table type)
NSIC Pn 12
2.3 1.93 -Medium-seeded
(Ilocos Pink)
-Medium maturing
-Wet season variety
with stable high
NSIC Pn 14 yield
(Namnama -Large-seeded
2.23 2.37
2) -Attractive as boiled
and roasted nuts
-Resistant to
bacterial wilt, CLS
NSIC Pn 15
3.10 2.85 82.8 45 72 73 27 33 130 150 50 60 and rust.
-Ideal livestock
forage due to high
fresh biomass and
dry matter content.
Soil and Climatic Requirements
The best soil suited to peanut production is well-drained, light colored, loose,friable, sandy
loam that contains high levels of calcium, a moderate amount of organic matter, and with moderate
to slightly acidic pH ranging from 5.8 to 6.5. Optimum peanut production can be achieved in areas
with topsoil depth of 4 to 60 centimeters, friable,with sandy loam or clay loam subsoil.
Peanut can be grown practically in all types of climatic conditions. In the Philippines, peanut
can be grown throughout the year provided irrigation is available. In general, dry season crop
(October-January) gives higher yields and better quality beans than the rainy season crop.
Acidic soil with pH below 5.8 is not profitable for peanut production. This can be corrected
by adjusting the pH through application of lime as follows:
Apply the required amount of lime by incorporating into the soil one to two months before
planting. While very acidic soils cannot be corrected right away, gradual application of the required
volume of lime in split doses for 3 to 4 years is recommended.
Where lime is not needed, sidedress 200 to 300 kilograms per hectare of calcium nitrate at
the peak of flowering. Immediately cover the applied fertilizer by hilling-up. Do not apply lime
together with fertilizers to avoid unfavorable chemical reactions.
Cultural Management Practices
Land Preparation
Peanut requires a thoroughly prepared field to provide favorable conditions for good crop
establishment as well as conditions necessary for effective weed control andproper pod
development. Plow and harrow the field 2 to 3 times at weekly interval to allow weed seeds to
germinate, and achieve good soil tilth. Set furrows 50-60 centimeters apart to allow relative ease of
weeding, cultivation and spraying without disturbing the growing crop. If possible, rows should run
from east to west direction to allow better peanut crop light interception. Furrow when the soil has
the right moisture for planting or when soil does not stick to the plow during the operation.
Seed Inoculation
When inoculants are available, place the seeds in a basin big enough for easy mixing.
Moisten the seeds with water then pour or mix 100 grams of inoculants (Bradyrhizobium spp.) to 10
kilograms of moistened shelled peanut seeds. Mix thoroughly until all the seeds are coated with
inoculants. Be sure that inoculated seeds are not exposed to direct sunlight by placing them under
shade while they are not yet planted. Plant inoculated seeds as soon as possible. Do not mix
inoculants with seeds that have been treated with pesticides.
The use of shelled peanut seeds as planting materials is the standard practice.Sow peanut
seeds using hill or drill method. In hill method, plant one seed per hill at a distance of 5-
10centimeters during the dry season and 10-15centimeters during the wet season. With drill
method, plant 18-20 seeds per linear meter during the dry season and 10-15 seeds per linear meter
during the wet season. Distribute the seeds uniformly into the furrows. Approximately 120-150
kilograms unshelled peanut is required per hectare in both methods.
Water management
Moisture is a limiting factor for crop production. Peanut is relatively drought tolerant but
like most field legumes, it needs sufficient water during germination, flowering, and pod filling
stages. During dry season, irrigate dry soils before planting to ensure good peanut crop germination
and establishment. In addition, it is important that the soil should have sufficient moisture during
pegging and pod development stages, thus irrigate lightly but frequently when the soil is dry.
Topsoil must remain moist at pegging stage to facilitate good penetration of pegs into the soil.
Besides affecting yield, the absence of soil moisture at pod and seed development stages will also
encourage seed and pod invasion by Aspergillusflavus. When peanut is planted in late dry season, 3
to 4 applications of irrigation at 40-50 millimeters per application are sufficient. Peanut requires a
minimum of 500-600 millimeters of water per cropping season.
Crop Protection
3. Termites (Odontotermesspp)
Termites favor red and sandy soils. These are social insects;
live in termitaria, in distinct castes, workers, kings and queen. Eggs are
laid on plants and in the soil. Workers' are small (4 millimeters) and
have soft, white body and brown head.
Termites penetrate and hollow out the tap root and stem thus
kill the plant. It bores holes into pods and damages the seed. It
removes the soft corky tissue between the veins of pods causing
scarification; weakens the shells that make them liable to entry and
growth of Aspergillusflavus that produces aflatoxins.
Control Measures:
a. Digging the termitaria and destruction of the queen is most important in termite management.
b. Use only well-decomposed organic manure.
c. Harvest the peanuts as soon as they are matured
d. Practice clean culture.
e. Irrigate the crop frequently during dry season.
f. Practice thorough land preparation by weekly interval of plowing and harrowing
g. Practice intercropping peanut with other non-legume crops.
h. Destroy debris, termite nests and queen.
i. Apply appropriate chemical insecticides at recommended doses only if the insect population is
over the ETL.
B. Common Diseases
1. Cercospora Leaf Spot(Cercosporaarachidicola)
Disease infection usually starts in about one month after
sowing with small chlorotic spots appearing on leaflets which
eventually enlarged and turned brown to black and assumes sub-
circular shape on upper leaf surface. Lesions also appear on
petioles, stems and stipules. In severe cases, several lesions
coalesce and result in premature senescence.
Control Measures:
a. Use tolerant varieties.
b. Avoid planting peanut in monoculture.
c. Practice crop rotation with non-host crops preferably cereals such as corn and rice.
d. Do not plant peanut in areas with long periods of high relative humidity, and frequent rainfall as
these conditions favor the disease.
e. Practice clean culture.
f. Foliar application of botanical pesticides like neem leaf extract (2-5%) or neem seed kernel
extract (5%) at 2 weeks interval, 3 times starting from 4 weeks after planting can be employed.
3. Peanut Rust(Pucciniaarachidis)
It can be readily recognized as orange colored circular pustules
(uredinia) of about 0.5 to 1.4 millimeters in diameter that appear on
the lower or upper leaflet surface and rupture to expose masses of
reddish brown urediniospores. In highly susceptible cultivars, the
original pustules may be surrounded by colonies of secondary
pustules. Severely infected leaves turn necrotic and desiccate though
may remain attached to the plant.
Control Measures:
a. Use resistant varieties.
b. Avoid planting peanut during wet season.
c. Practice crop rotation and field sanitation.
d. Destroy volunteer (self-sown) peanut plants and crop debris to
reduce or minimize primary sources of inoculum.
e. Spraying of appropriate synthetic pesticide or botanical extracts can be an option.
4. Stem Rot(Sclerotiumrolfsii)
White fungal threads develop over affected plant tissue particularly
the stem; base of the plant turns yellow and then wilts down; infected
peanut seeds show a characteristic bluish-grey discoloration.
Control Measures:
a. Observe proper timing of planting as the disease is severe during
months with alternate wet and dry periods.
b. Plant peanut in flat or lightly raised beds especially during wet
c. Seed treatment is recommended.
Peanut should be harvested at the right stage of maturity. Harvesting is normally done by
passing a carabao drawn plow between furrows beforehand pulling or uprooting the plants, thus it
is labor intensive. It requires 6 to23 man-days to harvest a hectare.
The maturity of peanut can be determined by the following indications: (a) gradual
withering and yellowing of the leaves of majority of the plants which are more noticeable during
dry season planting; (b) expected maturity date of varieties ranging from 90-140 days depending
on the type of the peanut variety and the planting season; (c) physiological maturity is also
indicated by hardness of most of the pods, 70-80% of pods have prominent veins, inner portion of
the shell turns dark; vascular strands on the shell becomes more distinct seed coat has the color of
the genotype; and seed kernels are plump and full grown.
Pod Picking/Stripping/Threshing
For small scale production, peanut pods are picked by hand. Pods are immediately sun
dried to prevent deterioration. Picking is done in such a way that the peduncle (stem attached to
the pod) does not go with the pod. The pods are then washed and the inferior, immature ones are
separated from the mature and sound peanut pods. The plant residues are usually either left in the
field to decompose or kept and used as animal fodder.
During wet season, farmers usually strip or thresh immediately after harvest so that peanut
pods can be immediately dried to the desired moisture content and prevent deterioration. For dry
season crops, stripping is delayed because farmers windrow the plants in the field to reduce plant
and pod moisture content. Stripping can be done manually or with a mechanical peanut stripper.
Sun drying is the most commonly used drying method which is considered as the cheapest
but very dependent on climatic condition. It will take 2-5 days to sundry the harvested peanut crop
in the field. In general, drying is done twice within the cycle of postharvest operation: initial drying
prior to threshing, and final drying before pod shelling.
When peanuts are grown as second crop, windrow drying in the field is sometimes followed
by aeration in small shaded huts prior to threshing and final peanut pod drying as practiced in
Cagayan Valley.
For seed purposes, only sound, mature, clean and well-filled peanut pods must be selected.
Sundry selected peanut pods to attain 8 to 10% moisture content. This is achieved by sun drying
the windrowed pods for 2-3 days and the newly harvested pods for 4 to 5 days. Spread selected
pods uniformly into the drying floor, turning them from time to time. Care should be observed not
to damage pods.
For seed purposes, peanuts are stored unshelled maintaining seed viability for about six
months. The shells act as a natural protective covering of the seeds against mechanical damage and
insect infestation.
After the last sun drying, allow the dried peanuts to cool for about 6 to 12 hours. Store the
dried pods in a tightly closed storage container (if available) to prevent entry of air and moisture.
Place storage containers inside a dry and rain protected structure. Before use, open the seed
storage container 3 to 5 days before planting. In the absence of tight containers, dried peanut seeds
are placed in sacks and stored in a well-ventilated room or inside a cold storage. Sundry the seeds
for a few hours a day prior to planting as moisture content may have increased in the peanut seeds
during storage.
For shelled peanuts, farmers or traders usually store them only for not more thantwo
months before marketing or processing as shelled peanuts easily deteriorate.
A. Journal/Annual Report
ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics). 1990. Annual Report 1989.
Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India: ICRISAT.
PCARRD-DOST (Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and
Development-Department of Science and Technology)/CVARRD (Cagayan Valley Agriculture
and Resources Research and Development Consortium).2008. Peanut Production Technology.
CVARRD Farm Primer No.02/ 2008. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.
Suyat, M.N., 1992. Adaptability of Different Field Crops Under Lahar-Laden Soils. The
Philippine Journal of Plant Industry. July-December, 1992. Bureau of Plant Industry. 692 San
Andres St. Malate, Manila, Philippines.
B. Website
Agricultural Labor Survey/BLES Integrated Survey
Census of Population and HousingLabor Force Survey
Disease Management in Groundnut.
Integrated Pest Management in Groundnut.
Performance of Philippine Agriculture, January-March, 2011.
Performance of Philippine Agriculture, 2012. ph/