Histology and Cytology
Histology and Cytology
Histology and Cytology
The Oil Red O (ORO) stain can identify neutral lipids and fatty acids in smears
and tissues. Fresh smears or cryostat sections of tissue are necessary because
fixatives containing alcohols, or routine tissue processing with clearing, will
remove lipids. The ORO is a rapid and simple stain.
After reading this lesson, you will be able to:
z explain the principle of lipid stain
z describe various reagents used for lipid stains
z describe the procedure of lipid staining.
z Fix timer in formalin, wash with running tap water for 5 to 10 minutes.
z Cut frozen section of 8 to 10 micron thickness and air dry.
z Rinse with 60% isopropanol.
z Stain with freshly prepared Oil Red O working solution for 15 minutes.
z Rinse with 60% isopropanol.
z Few dips in Alum hematoxylin to stain nuclei.
z Rinse with distilled water.
z Mount in water or glycerine jelly.
z Lipid red
z Nuclei blue
1. What is principle of lipid stain?
2. Name three dyes used to demonstrate lipid in tissue sections.
3. What precautions should be observed during lipid staining on tissue
Notes sections?
4. What should be the thickness of sections for lipid staining?
5. What is the mounting media used in lipid staining?
1. Sudan series
2. Alum hematoxylin
3. Red
4. Blue
5. Paraffin
6. Alcohol