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Matrix and Rigging Cheat Sheet

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Matrix Actions
Free Actions Note
Load Program Load a program onto your Cyberdeck/Commlink
Switch Two Matrix Attributes Reconfigure Cyberdeck
Swap Two Programs Switch one loaded program for another
Unload Program Turn off a running Program
Simple Actions Marks Limit Function Note Test
Change Icon Owner Data Proc. Miscellaneous Change target icon, or self ---------------------------------------------------
Check Overwatch Score - Sleaze Information Gathering Get OS from GM Electr. Warf. + LOG [Sleaze] vs. 6 Dice
Invite Mark Owner Data Proc. Mark Manipulation Choose # of Marks and Duration ---------------------------------------------------
Jack Out Owner Firewall Miscellaneous Reboot and Dumpshock. Roll only for Linklock Hardware + WIL [Firewall] vs. LOG + Attack
Send Message - Data Proc. Miscellaneous Send short sentence, image, or file to user. ---------------------------------------------------
Switch Interface Mode Owner Data Proc. Miscellaneous AR to VR and vice versa. Cant if Linklocked ---------------------------------------------------
Complex Actions Marks Limit Function Note Test
Format Device 3 Sleaze Device Manipulation Device is Formatted on next Reboot Computer + LOG [Sleaze] vs. WIL + Firewall
Reboot Device 3 Data Proc. Device Manipulation Dumpshock. Cant reboot if linklocked Computer + LOG [Data Proc.] vs. WIL + Firewall
Spoof Command 1 Sleaze Device Manipulation Send command as though Owner Hacking + INT [Sleaze] vs. LOG + Firewall
Garbage In/Out (SR5:DT) 3 Sleaze Device Manipulation Change command result (Pulling Trigger ejects) Software + LOG [Sleaze] vs. LOG + Firewall
Crack File 1 Attack File Manipulation Remove File Protection Hacking + LOG [Attack] vs. 2 * Protection Rating
Disarm Data Bomb - Firewall File Manipulation Triggers Data Bomb on failure Software + INT [Firewall] vs. 2 * Data Bomb Rating
Edit File 1 Data Proc. File Manipulation Create, Change, Copy, Delete or Protect any File Computer + LOG [Data Proc.] vs. INT + Firewall
Set Data Bomb 1 Sleaze File Manipulation Choose Ratiing. Does (Rating)D6 Matrix DV Software + LOG [Sleaze] vs. 2 * Data Bomb Rating
Matrix Perception - Data Proc. Information Gathering Opposed if target is running silent Computer + INT [Data Proc.] (vs. LOG + Sleaze)
Snoop 1 Sleaze Information Gathering View/Record traffic to/from Marked Device Electr. Warf. + INT [Sleaze] vs. LOG + Firewall
Trace Icon 2 Data Proc. Information Gathering Locate Physical Location of device/persona Computer + INT [Data Proc.] vs. WIL + Sleaze
Brute Force Attack - Attack Mark Manipulation +1 Mark. Optional +1 Matrix DV per 2 Net Hits Cybercombat + LOG [Attack] vs. WIL + Firewall
Brute Force Grid Hop - Attack Mark Manipulation Hop to Grid you dont have Access to Cybercombat + LOG [Attack] vs. 4 (Local) or 6 (Global)
Erase Mark 3 Attack Mark Manipulation Remove Marks one single icon from single icon Computer + LOG [Attack] vs. WIL + Firewall
Hack on the Fly - Sleaze Mark Manipulation +1 Mark. +1 Matrix Perception Hit per 2 Net Hits Hacking + LOG [Sleaze] vs. INT + Firewall
Hack on the Fly Grid Hop - Sleaze Mark Manipulation Hop to Grid you dont have Access to Hacking + LOG [Sleaze] vs. 4 (Local) or 6 (Global)
Crash Program 1 Attack Matrix Combat Crash a specific program until Reboot Cybercombat + LOG [Attack] vs. INT + Firewall
Data Spike - Attack Matrix Combat DV = Attack + Net Hits + 2 * Marks Cybercombat + LOG [Attack] vs. INT + Firewall
Enter/Exit Host 1 Data Proc. Miscellaneous Exit Host to where you entered from -------------------------------------------------------
Grid Hop - Data Proc. Miscellaneous Must have permission, must leave host first -------------------------------------------------------
Hide 0 Sleaze Miscellaneous Disappear from target that hasnt Marked you Electr. Warf. + INT [Sleaze] vs. INT + Data Proc.
Jam Signals Owner Attack Miscellaneous Add Hits to Noise Raiting for 100m Electr. Warf. + LOG [Attack]
Jump Into Rigged Device 3 Data Proc. Miscellaneous No test if owner or have permission Electr. Warf. + LOG [Data Proc.] vs. WIL + Firewall
Interrupt Actions Initiative Cost Bonus
Full Matrix Defense 10 Add Willpower to Defense
Variable Actions Note Test
Control Device Free Action 1 Mark, Simple 2 Marks, Complex 3 Marks. Optional Multiple devices Electr. Warf. + INT [Sleaze] vs. INT + Firewall
Matrix Search Hits above threshold divide search time Computer + INT [Data Proc.] (Variable, Variable)
Trackback (SR5:DT) Follow found mark to owner Computer + INT [Data Proc.] (10 + Sleaze, 30 Minutes)

Sprite Tasks
Interface modes Unregistered Note
Modes Initiative Init Dice Biofeedback Note Combat 1 Task per fight
MeatSpace As Physical As Physical None Completely disconnected Use Power No cost if already in Combat
AR As Physical As Physical None -2 Perception Tests Matrix Action One Combat Turns worth
VR - Cold-Sim Data Proc. + INT +2D6 Stun Remote Service Task on another Grid/host. Final Task
VR - Hot-Sim Data Proc. + INT +3D6 Physical Addictive. +2 modifier to all Actions Registered Note
Silent Running Other Mode Other Mode Other Mode -2 Modifier to all Actions Matrix Aid Study Add Level to Dice Pool
Search vs LOG + Sleaze to Spot Assist Threading Add Level to Dice Pool
Loaned Task Perform Task for other Character
Remote Task Returns after Task
Re-register Sprite Add net hits to Tasks
Standby Go offline temporarily
Technomancer Actions Sustain Complex Form For up to (Level) Combat Turns
Simple Actions Note
Call/Dismiss Sprite Appears at beginning of next Combat Turn
Command Sprite ---------------------------------------------------
Common Tests
Complex Actions Test Test Pool
Compile Sprite Compiling + RES [Level] vs. Sprite Level Resist Damage Device Rating + Firewall
Decompile Sprite Decompiling + RES [Level] vs. Sprite Rating (+ RES) Resist Biofeedback WIL + Firewall
Erase Matrix Signature Computer + RES [Attack] vs. 2 * Signature Rating Resist Fading/Distraction RES + WIL/(2)
Kill Complex Form Software + RES [Level] vs. Complex Form Level + RES Repair Damage Hardware + LOG [Mental] (1 hour / 2 * Spent Hits)
Thread Complex Form Software + RES [Level] vs. Special Repair Formatted Software + LOG [Mental] (12, 1 hour)
Repair Drone Mechanic + LOG [Mental] (Damage, 4 Hours)

~Adragon202 - Alan
5TH EDITION Matrix Perception
Spot Target Icon
Threading Noise modifiers Last Edit Date of File
1. Choose Complex Form State of Targets Condition Monitor
2. Choose Level up to 3 * RES Distance to Target Noise Level
Direct connection 0 Spot a Data Bomb
3. Thread Software + RES [Level] vs. Special Personas running Programs
4. Resist Fading DV - RES + WIL Up to 100 meters 0
101-1,000 meters 1 Targets Device Rating
5. Resolve effect Targets Commcode
1,001-10,000 meters 3
Compiling 10,001-100,000 meters 5 One Matrix Attribute Rating
Greater than 100km 8 Type of Icon (if non-standard look)
1. Choose Sprite
Situation Noise Level Files Protection Rating
2. Choose Level up to 2 * RES
Dense Foliage 1 per 5 meters Persona, Device, or Hosts Grid
3. Acquire Tasks - Compiling + RES [Level] vs. Sprite Level
Faraday Cage No Signal Icon running Silent within 100m
4. Resist Fading DV - RES + WIL (2 * Sprite hits, minimum 2)
Jamming 1 per hit on Action Last Matrix Action Icon performed
Marks on an Icon (Quantity & Variety)
Registering Metal-laced earth or wall 1 per 5 meters
1. Choose Sprite Fresh Water 1 per 10cm
2. Spend (Level) Hours - Sprite does not accumulate OS Salt Water 1 per 1cm Matrix Search
3. Register - Compiling + RES [Level] vs. 2 * Sprite Level Spam zone Noise Level Information Is Threshold Time
4. Extra hits after first add to Tasks City Downtown 1 General Knowledge/Public 1 1 Minute
5. Resist Fading DV - RES + WIL (2 * Sprite hits, minimum 2) Sprawl Downtown 2 Limited Interest/Not Publicized 3 30 Minutes
Major Event/Ad Blitz 3 Hidden/Actively Erased 6 12 hours
Decompile City Commercial Area 4 Protected or Secret N/A N/A
Sprawl Commercial Area 5 Information Is Dice Pool Modifier
1. Choose Target Sprite
Massive Gathering/ 6 Intricate or Specialized -1
2. Decompile - Decompiling + RES [Level] vs. Level + RES
Widespread Emergency Obscure/On Another Grid -2
3. Hits reduce Tasks
4. Resist Fading DV - RES + WIL (2 * Sprite hits, minimum 2) Static zone Noise Level
Abandoned Building 1 Agents
Barrens 2
Host Responses Abandoned Underground/ 3
Run as Programs
Illegal Action Reaction Share Matrix Attributes with Device
Heavy Rain Share Matrix Condition Monitor with Device
Failed Attack Net Defense Hits are
Wilderness/Severe Storm 4 Perform Matrix Actions
Matrix Damage
Satellite Access 5 Skills: Computer, Cybercombat and Hacking
Falied Sleaze Hacker Marked
Remote Enclosed Area 6 Skill Ratings equal Agents Ratings (1-6)
IC Launched
Owner informed
Attack/Sleaze OS increases by Convergence Action Modifiers
defense hits When OS = 40 Situation Modifier Maximums
Every 15 minutes OS increases by 2D6 1. 12 DV Matrix Damage On Public Grid -2 Type Max
2. Forced Reboot Acting across Grids -2 Slaved Devices Device Rating * 3
OS reaches 40 Convergence Occurs 3. Dumpshock Hot Sim +2 Programs/Agents By Device
4. Security Detail is dispatched. Sustaining Complex Form -2 Matrix Condition Monitor 8 + (Device Rating / 2)
Mark Manipulation
Marks Add/Remove DP Mod RL Equivalent RCC Attributes Matrix Attributes
1 0 Guest Attribute Note Attribute Living Persona Rating Note
2 -4 User Device Rating General Rating/NR + S Device Rating Resonance General Rating
3 -10 Power User Noise Reduction As Actual Noise Reduction Attack Charisma Offensive
Owner Impossible Administrator Sharing Maximum Shared Autosofts Sleaze Intuition Sneaky
Data Processing General Actions Data Processing Logic General Actions
Firewall Defense Firewall Willpower Defense
Rigger Actions
Free Actions Note Test
Detect Target Lock From Active/Passive Targeting Computer + LOG + RCC NR [Data Proc.](2)
Simple Actions Note Test
Command Multiple Drones Send One Action to Slaved Autonomous Drones Varies
Break Target Lock Net Hits reduce lock Electr. Warf. + INT + RCC NR [Data Proc.] v LOG + Sensors
Complex Actions Note Test
Confuse Pilot Pilot Test (Hits/2) to decide next Action Electr. Warf. + LOG + RCC NR [Attack] v Pilot + Firewall
Suppress Noise Between RCC and Drones by Hits Electr. Warf. + LOG + RCC NR [Data Proc.]
Target Device Add Net Hits as Attack Bonus for remaining Combat Turn Electr. Warf. + LOG + RCC NR [Data Proc.] v WIL + Firewall

Drone Tests
Test Jumped-In Autonomous Drone AutoSofts
Initiative As Character Pilot * 2 + 4D6 Type Model Dependent Acts As
Attack Gunnery + LOG [Accuracy] Pilot + Targeting [Accuracy] Clearsight No Perception
Sensor Targeting Perception + INT [Sensor] Pilot + Clearsight [Sensor] Targeting Weapon Gunnery
Defense Reaction + INT [Handling] Pilot + Evasion [Handling] Stealth Yes Infiltration
Sensor Defense Infiltration + Agility [Handling] Pilot + Stealth [Handling] Evasion Yes Defense Bonus
Perception Perception + INT [Sensor] Pilot + Clearsight [Sensor] Maneuvering Yes Pilot [Vehicle]
Infiltration Stealth + INT [Handling] Pilot + Stealth [Handling] Electronic Warfare No Electronic Warfare
Competence -------------------- (Pilot * 2)D6

~Adragon202 - Alan

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