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Dynamic Cluster Based Model For Efficent Transmission in Cluster Baesd VANET

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-3, March 2016

Dynamic Cluster Based Model for Efficent

Transmission in Cluster Baesd VANET
Pardeep Kaur, Navpreet Kaur , Nitin Bhagat

Abstract Interest in vehicular ad hoc networks

(VANETs) has grown over the last few years, particularly
in the context of emerging intelligent transportation systems
(ITS). Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are highly mobile
wireless networks that are designed to support vehicular safety,
traffic monitoring, and other commercial applications.
However, efficient routing in VANETs remains challenging
for many reasons, e.g., the varying vehicle density over time
the size of VANETs (hundreds or thousands of vehicles),
and wireless channel fading due to high motion and natural
obstructions in urban environments (e.g., buildings, trees,
and other vehicles).. we have proposed approach used is
Cluster based routing which will help in transmitting packets
even in a network with low vehicle density.

Index Terms VANET, OBU, RSU, PROTOCOL. Fig. 1 (vehicular ad hoc network)
A. Clustering
I. INTRODUCTION Clustering is a method of dividing the network into smaller
With a increased area of the applications of VANET, the groups called clusters. It is used to enhance the performance
traffic parameters are rising issue of outmost concern. The of the network, but existing clustering technique is not
most important challenges threatening the successful suitable for vanet network because of its highly dynamic
installation of VANET are its dynamic nature. Many dynamic nature.[5]clustering is the process of collecting information
nature related issues has been addressed by clustering and distributing it into own members and other clusters.
mechanisms, but one VANET network privacy issue that [6]Clusters contain cluster head, gateway node and more than
cannot be adequately addressed by clustering is high mobility one member. Cluster head manage cluster activities, collect
rate.[12]Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) refers to a class and distribute information. Gateway nodes manage the inter
of mobile ad hoc network (MANET). Vanet is network of cluster communication.[10]
interconnected vehicles that avail internet services on road. It
enables three types of communication that is vehicle-vehicle,
vehicle-infrastructure and infrastructure-infrastructure. The
architecture of Vanet network includes:
Road side units (RSU) it contain IEEE 802.11p radio
protocol that enable communication within a range.

On board unit (OBU) - it placed in vehicles and contain a

memory , request command processor , user interface.

Application Unit (AU) it is used to connect with network

and all the actions are taken by OBU through AU

Vehicles [13]

Fig 2.( clustering)

Pardeep Kaur, Student, M.Tech (CSE), PTU

Navpreet Kaur , Student, M.Tech (CSE), PTU Fig. 2 shows the clustering process .CA is the certified agency
that provide network on road. CH present the cluster head an
Nitin Bhagat, Assistant Professor, PTU GW present the gateway nodes.

Dynamic Cluster Based Model for Efficent Transmission in Cluster Baesd VANET

In existing Dynamic clustering mechanism, researchers only J.JAYAVEL et al. [9] propose a TDMA base clustering
focus on the speed parameter. in which a stable cluster formed method. In this method head is selected on the bases of
by using same speed and direction vehicles and whole cluster weight. They assume the travelling time of a vehicle in one
move till the destination.[1] But due to dynamic nature of day .they also concentrate on providing facilities to driver.
vanet network other parameters also need to be addressed. Their algorithm uses the time, direction, speed and
connectivity parameters. They also make a method for joining
II. RELATED WORK a new cluster.
M. S. Kakkasageri et al. [11] introduced a clustering scheme
Tripti Arya et al. [1] analyze AODV routing protocols and based on multi-agent system. This scheme consider the
proposes AUGMENTED AODV protocol over the other direction, speed and number of neighborhood parameters for
protocols. They add clustering features into AODV to forming stable and dynamic cluster.this system also concern
enhance its performance. Clustering make AODV more stable with vehicle weight, lane position and crrossection area. Head
and secure. It also helps to decrease the message count and is selected by using average speed and more neighbors.
routing overhead. These researchers also developed an Performance of the cluster can be measured by using the
algorithm for selecting cluster head. Time and direction formation time and head selection time.
parameters are used by them for head selection. They avail
two types of communication between inter-cluster and inside
cluster. This algorithm form the stable cluster that move to III. PROPOSED ALGORITHM
destination. Cluster members cannot change direction and In our proposed Algorithm, The complete distributed system
also not increase or decrease the speed because cluster like VANET, every node can act as a source or a relay
formation done by considering same speed vehicles. So this node, which motivates the need for efficient algorithms to
approach is not suitable because of highly dynamic nature. select servers according to the outlined system goals. Each
vehicle store the information related to the cluster within the
Manvarpreet et al. [2] suggest a novel approach of clustering
transmission range of source node. In our Algorithm, a fixed
for network maintenance in VANET. the main purpose of this
number of dynamic and static sources are known to every
algorithm is to enhance the lifetime of cluster head. They use
vehicle of the system, and a static source is always available
RSU for formation of cluster .head election is done by using
for processing large amount of data.
distance same destination and average speed factors. They use
Step 1: Generate Cluster scenario using NS2
similar destination parameters for increasing the life of cluster
Step 2: Start with some initial elements like no of nodes,
head. For this road side infrastructure communicate with
neighbor node, Cluster Head.
vehicles and check their relative neighbor list to confirm the
Step 3: Initialize with n no. of nodes.
election of cluster head. Vehicle has last destination and
Step 4: Implement DCBM technique.
average speed confirmed as cluster head. RSU also make
Step 5: initially Start DCBM algorithm for Cluster Formation
gateway nodes to avail communication between clusters.
by finding degree of nodes, Shape, Direction
There approach only used to develop stable cluster.
Step 6: In DCBM the CH Cluster Head Formation is done by
Yuzhong Chen et al. [3], propose a novel multi-hop scheme finding the degree of node .if degree of node is higher than
that uses neighbor follow method to elect cluster head. In node will be considered as cluster Head. If cluster had leaves
neighbor follow method number of followers and type of or new node is introduce or speed increase by DCBM a new
information they carry are used to elect head. They also cluster will formed automatically
suggest an algorithm for selecting target in single hop .this Step 7: Then finally With DCBM Algorithm the Dynamic
technique make stable cluster thought out the network. They Cluster with dynamic Cluster head will be formed.
also try to enhance the duration of cluster head. An algorithm Step 8: This process continuation until the Dynamic Cluster
for cluster maintenance is also used to improve the cluster. and Cluster head is formed.
Hamid et al. [4] introduce a two layer clustering scheme that
make the combination of static and dynamic clustering IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS
method. Quality of service and mobility parameters are used
for cluster head selection.they analyze the overhead and
enhace the performance of the network.
M. Hari et al. [7], introduce an algorithm for forming stable
cluster and enable routing through clustering. This algorithm
decreases the chances of cluster formation .they use
multi-metric algorithm for electing head on the bases of
position and direction. They also worked on reduced the delay
time and try to enhance the performance of the network.
L. Ahmed et al. [8] suggest a method for virtual clustering to
avail network in vanet. This method is used to maintain
connection between vehicles by sending hello messages.
Election process of cluster head is done by using average
speed in similar direction. The result show proposed DCBM data transmission has better
result than previous method

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-3, March 2016

The Clustering based system was used for routing in VANET.

The technique has worked efficiently on VANET. Different
scenarios were generated using NS2 simulator and
messages were send for testing and analysis purpose. The
analysis showed that with increase in number of cars and
Road Side Units probability of message reaching the
destination increases. Also the average time required for
successful message transmission reduces with increase in
number of nodes

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[2] Amarpreet singh,Manverpreet Kaur, A Novel Clustering Scheme in
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[4] Hamid R Arkian , A Stable Clustering Scheme Based on Adaptive
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[10] Sheth Parita, Hemangi Kothadiya, Multi-hop Stable Clustering in
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[13] Mr. Bhagirath Patel, Ms. Khushbu Shah, A Survey on Vehicular Ad
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