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Centralized and Localized Data Congestion Control

Strategy for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Using a
Machine Learning Clustering Algorithm
Nasrin Taherkhani and Samuel Pierre, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In an urban environment, intersections are critical surrounding environment, by exchanging some information.
locations in terms of road crashes and number of killed or injured Therefore, VANets can play a vital role to ensure safer urban
people. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) can help reduce environments for road users [3], [4].
the traffic collisions at intersections by sending warning messages
to the vehicles. However, the performance of VANETs should VANet is employed by Intelligent Transportation Sys-
be enhanced to guarantee delivery of the messages, particularly tems (ITS) for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-
safety messages to the destination. Data congestion control is an infrastructure (V2I) communications. Communications in
efficient way to decrease packet loss and delay and increase the VANets rely on standards and protocols defined in Dedicated
reliability of VANETs. In this paper, a centralized and localized Short Range Communication (DSRC) and Wireless Access in a
data congestion control strategy is proposed to control data con-
gestion using roadside units (RSUs) at intersections. The proposed Vehicular Environment (WAVE). IEEE 802.11p and IEEE1609
strategy consists of three units for detecting congestion, clustering are two WAVE standards. These standards are used to manage
messages, and controlling data congestion. In this strategy, the resources, network services, multi-channels operations, secu-
channel usage level is measured to detect data congestion in the rity services and so on. VANets employs Road-Side Units
channels. The messages are gathered, filtered, and then clustered (RSUs) and On-Board Units (OBUs) to conduct V2I and V2V
by machine learning algorithms. K-means algorithm clusters the
messages based on message size, validity of messages, and type communications. RSUs are fixed at the roadsides, while OBUs
of messages. The data congestion control unit determines appro- are fixed on vehicles [3]–[6].
priate values of transmission range and rate, contention window The applications developed for VANets can be classified
size, and arbitration interframe spacing for each cluster. Finally, into three main categories: 1) safety applications (e.g., road
RSUs at the intersections send the determined communication hazard control notification and emergency electronic break
parameters to the vehicles stopped before the red traffic lights to
reduce communication collisions. Simulation results show that the light), 2) convenience applications (e.g., parking availability
proposed strategy significantly improves the delay, throughput, notification and congested road notification,), and 3) commer-
and packet loss ratio in comparison with other congestion control cial applications (e.g., service announcements and content map
strategies using the proposed congestion control strategy. database download) [5], [7]. These applications generate two
Index Terms—Congestion control, machine learning algo- types of messages for communications in VANets, that includes
rithms, K-means algorithm, quality of service, vehicular ad hoc safety and non-safety messages. The safety messages including
networks. beacon and emergency messages are transferred in the con-
trol channel. The non-safety messages including the messages
I. I NTRODUCTION generated by convenience and commercial applications are
transferred in service channels [6], [8], [9].

V EHICULAR ad hoc network (VANet) was developed to

provide vehicular communications with a reliable and
cost-efficient data distribution. The vehicular communications
In urban environments, the intersections are critical places
because they are the most likely places for road crashes. In
Canada, almost 800 road users killed and 7250 seriously injured
can be used to reduce road accidents, traffic congestion, trav- at intersection crashes in 2005 [10]. Recent statistical data of
eling time, fuel consumption and so on [1], [2]. Vehicular road crashes reported by Canada Road Safety Vision 2010
communications allow the road users to be informed about the shows that approximately 47% of all people killed and 57%
critical and dangerous situations, which may happen in their of all injured [10]. In addition, based on the statistical data
of road crashes in Brampton roadways, between 2003 and
2007, 71% of pedestrian collisions happened at intersections
Manuscript received August 24, 2015; revised December 26, 2015 and [11]. To provide a safer and more reliable environment for
February 23, 2016; accepted March 20, 2016. The Associate Editor for this road users at intersection on urban streets, the application of
paper was W.-H. Lin. VANets seems to be essential. A high level of Quality of Service
The authors are with the Mobile Computing and Networking Research
Laboratory (LARIM), Department of Computer and Software Engineering, (QoS) is required at intersections to avoid any communication
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, QC H3T 1J4, Canada (e-mail: collisions that may happen due to heavy communications load.; Enhancement of QoS in VANets is a challenging task due
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at to some special characteristics of VANets such as topology
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2016.2546555 changes and frequently broken rout [12].
1524-9050 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Data congestion is one of the problematic issues in VANets. The open-loop solutions prevent congestion before it happens
From now on we will refer to data congestion just as con- in the. In the closed-loop solutions, however, the congestion is
gestion. Congestion occurs in the networks when the channels controlled after being detected [28]. Detection of congestion
are overloaded in high dense network conditions, ultimately can be carried out by employing measurement methods that
resulting in increased packet loss and delay, and reduced the sense the number of messages in queue, the channel usage level
performance of network. Therefore, congestion control needs and the channel occupancy time [29].
to be conducted to support QoS, as well as to ensure the safety As mentioned in introduction, the congestion control strate-
and reliability in vehicular environments [13]–[16]. gies in VANets are classified into rate-based, power-based,
Basically, congestion control strategies for VANets can be CSMA/CA-based, prioritizing and scheduling-based, and
classified into five categories including rate-based, power- hybrid strategies [17]. In the following, these strategies are
based, CSMA/CA-based, prioritizing and scheduling-based, discussed.
and hybrid strategies [17]. In rate-based strategies, transmission
rate is decreased when the channels are congested [18], [19].
A. Rate-Based Strategies
In power-based strategies, transmission power or range is dy-
namically adjusted to decrease the channels loads [20], [21]. The rate-based strategies are type of closed-loop solutions
In CSMA/CA-based strategies, congestion is controlled by that control congestion after being detected in the networks.
modifying the CSMA/CA protocol and adjusting the contention These strategies dynamically reduce the transmission rate or
window size and/or Arbitration inter-frame spacing (AIFS) to packet generation rate to reduce the packet collision rate in
decrease the channel access [22], [23]. The prioritizing and the congested channels. Ye et al. [18] measured optimal packet
scheduling-based strategies define a priority for each message transmission rate based on the vehicle density in order to
and schedule them in control and service channel queues such increase the broadcast efficiency and reliability. They modified
that the emergency and safety massages get higher priorities to the WAVE standard for adding a congestion control layer that
transfer with less delay [24], [25]. Finally, in hybrid strategies, communicates with MAC layer. Then, they investigated the
all or some of the proposed solutions in previous categories are packet reception rate of beacon messages by considering the
combined to control congestion [12], [26], [27]. impact of fading on one-dimension broadcasting. However,
In this work, a Machine Learning Congestion Control one-dimension broadcasting is not usual in real applications of
(ML-CC) strategy is introduced. The proposed strategy is a VANets.
hybrid centralized and localized strategy that employs Road He et al. [19] proposed a cross-layer strategy to control
Side Unites (RSUs) to control congestion. Indeed, this strat- congestion in control channel, and guarantee delivery of event-
egy centrally performs in the RSU set at each intersection driven safety messages. In this strategy, first, the occupancy
instead of in the vehicles to locally control the congestion time of control channel in MAC layer is measured. The channel
of that intersection. In this strategy, the messages are clus- is considered to be congested if the occupancy time exceeds
tered using machine learning algorithms in each RSU inde- a predefined threshold. Then, MAC layer sends a signal to
pendently. The transmission range and rate, contention window application layer for blocking all beacon messages. By blocking
size, and AIFS parameters are the effective communication beacon messages, the control channel is reserved only for
parameters for congestion occurrence. Thus, the congestion emergency messages, and consequently load of control channel
can be controlled by adjusting the communication parameters is reduced. In this strategy, however, measuring of the channel
for different classes of messages rather than all the messages, occupancy time in MAC layer is difficult.
which, as a result, increases the efficiency of the process. The
communications parameters for each class of the messages
B. Power-Based Strategies
are determined based on the minimum delay for transferring
the messages of each cluster. Then, the determined commu- The power-based strategies control congestion by tuning
nication parameters are sent to the vehicles located in the transmission power (range). The transmission power is one of
congestion area at each intersection. Controlling congestion in the most important factors in occurrence of channel collision.
these areas helps to reduce the number of packets lost and When many nodes in the same communication rage compete
delay and consequently increases the safety and reliability in to acquire the channel, channel collision and consequently
VANets. congestion occurs. The power-based strategies are open-loop
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section II strategies that avoid congestion by tuning transmission power
reviews the background of congestion control and the best and reducing channel loads.
congestion control strategies in VANets. Section III proposes Torrent-Moreno et al. [20] proposed a Distributed-Fair
a strategy to control congestion centrally and locally. Finally, Power Adjustment for Vehicular environment (D-FPAV)
Section IV evaluates the performance of the proposed strategy strategy. This strategy dynamically adjusts the beaconing trans-
based on QoS parameters. mission range based on the vehicle density to reduce the
channel loads. However, by shrinking the transmission range
of beacon messages, the probability of delivering the beacon
messages in far distances is reduced. Therefore, the VANets’
Generally, congestion control strategies are classified into applications using beacon information, face some difficulties to
two groups of solutions: open-loop and closed-loop solutions. obtain essential information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Sahu et al. [21] proposed Network Coding Congestion Bouassida et al. [25] proposed a new strategy that controls
Control (NC-CC) strategy that uses network coding to control the congestion by defining priority for messages based on
beacon overhead. The proposed strategy tunes the transmission static and dynamic factors. In this strategy, the messages are
range of beacon messages by network coding at the packet scheduled in control and service channels. The static and dy-
level. In this strategy, the number of forwarded beacon mes- namic factors are defined based on the content of messages and
sages is reduced by forwarding the coded beacon messages condition of network, respectively. This strategy can improve
only 2-hops over a predefined forwarding zone. Therefore, this the delivery delay of safety messages.
strategy decreases channels overhead by reducing the transmis-
sion range of beacon messages. The proposed strategy is also
E. Hybrid Strategies
scalable due to its ability to forward the beacons messages to a
large number of receivers. The hybrid strategies combine all or some of the solutions
employed in the previous strategies for solving congestion
in VANets. Djahel et al. [26] proposed a three-phase hybrid
C. CSMA/CA-Based Strategies
strategy. In the first phase, the messages are prioritized based
CSMA/CA protocol is considered as the default congestion on the messages content and number of hops between senders
control protocol in VANets. This protocol determines the chan- and receivers to avoid congestion. In second phase, the average
nel access ability for each node in MAC layer. CSMA/CA- waiting time, beacon reception rate and collision rate metrics
based strategies adjust the channel access ability by modifying are measured to detect congestion. If the values of these metrics
the channel access parameters such as contention widow size exceed predefined thresholds, the congestion is considered to
and AIFS, and consequently control the congestion in the occur in the VANet. After detecting congestion, in third phase,
channels [30]. the transmission rate and transmission range of beacon mes-
Hsu et al. [22] proposed an Adaptable Offset Slot (AOS) sages are adjusted to make an efficient usage of the channel
strategy for reducing the channel load and delay. AOS uses the bandwidth. Although the delay of the proposed strategy is
number of neighbor vehicles to obtain the minimum contention significant, the reliability and safety of VANets are guaranteed
window size. AOS strategy linearly increases the contention using this strategy.
window size by increasing the number of vehicles. In this Taherkhani and Pierre [12], [27] introduced two hybrid con-
strategy, however, the delay of emergency messages increases gestion control strategies called Uni-Objective Tabu Search
when the contention window size increases in high vehicle (UOTabu) and Multi-Objective Tabu search (MOTabu). These
density condition. strategies are closed-loop strategies that detect the congestion
Jang et al. [23] provided a detection-based MAC strategy. by measuring the channel usage level. If the channel usage
This strategy detects the congestion by exchanging RTS/CTS level exceeds 70%, the congestion is considered to occur. Then,
messages to predict the number of message collisions. Then, by tuning transmission rate and transmission range, the con-
the contention window size is dynamically adapted according gestion is controlled. The optimal values for these parameters
to predicted network status. In other words, to reduce the are obtained by a Tabu search algorithm. UOTabu determines
channels overloads, the contention window size is increased transmission rate and range by considering the minimum delay
by increasing the number of collisions. Although using this [27], while MOTabu considers minimum delay and jitter to
strategy, throughput is improved and the number of collision control congestion [12]. The results showed that UOTabu and
is reduced, it is not a real-time strategy for broadcasting the MOTabu reduced the delay and the packet loss, and conse-
messages. quently improved the performance of VANets.
Despite the advantages of the introduced congestion control
strategies, some drawbacks can be observed. Some of the
D. Prioritizing and Scheduling-Based Strategies
strategies need extra interactions between the vehicles to detect
The congestion control strategies in this category assign the congestion in the network. These extra interactions increase
priority to the messages such that more chance are given to the channel loads and the possibility of collision [17], [31],
the more important messages (e.g., emergency messages) for [32]. In some strategies, by reducing beaconing rate to control
being transferred over the channels without delay. Bai et al. [24] load of channels, the applications using the beacon information
introduced Context Awareness Beacon Scheduling (CABS) face to lack of information to operate efficiently [33]–[35].
strategy to schedule the beacon messages dynamically. CABS Tuning the transmission power and rate to control congestion
strategy solves congestion resulted from high rate of bea- are affected by various parameters such as vehicle density,
coning in high dense vehicular networks. This strategy is a distance between sender and receiver, message size and so on.
distributed strategy that piggybacks the information in beacon However, in a large scale network, tuning transmission rate and
messages (e.g., velocity, direction and position of vehicles). transmission power are faced to many challenges due to the
Then, a unique time slot is assigned to each vehicle based on large number of influential parameters [12], [31], [36].
TDMA-like transmission. CABS strategy improves the packet The CSMA/CA protocol employs the exponential back-off
reception rate and channel access delay. However, the internet- mechanism. However, this mechanism is not efficient for broad-
working in MAC layer that needs to be considered to allocate casting the beacon messages [37]. This mechanism cannot work
proper time slots for different transmissions is not taken into properly in high rate message situations, especially when the
account. messages have a time-out that lead to the packets to be dropped
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


assumes that the congestion occurred and sends a signal to the

other units to control the congestion. In this work, this threshold
is assumed to be equal to 70% as it was assumed in [40].

B. Data Control Unit

Data control unit is composed of data gathering, filtering
and clustering components. In data gathering component, all
Fig. 1. Schema of congestion areas and RSUs at intersections.
transferred messages between the vehicles are collected. In this
work, data gathering is conducted by two different techniques.
before transmission. This is worse in the networks with high In the first technique, after detecting the congestion, the mes-
density [22], [33], [37]. sages are collected for 100 milliseconds. However, in second
In prioritizing and scheduling-based strategies, the priority technique, the transferred messages between vehicles, which
of each message is independently determined by each vehicle. stop before the red traffic lights at intersections, are buffered
Then, the prioritized messages of each vehicle are sent to in RSUs all the time. Thus, the messages are collected before
channel based on a scheduling algorithm. However, when a congestion detection. In data filtering component, the redundant
vehicle sends its emergency messages to control channel, it may messages received by each RSU from different vehicles are
face collision because it cannot prevent the other vehicles from deleted to eliminate extra processing operations for the same
sending their low priority messages. Therefore, channel may be messages. Then, in the data clustering component, the messages
occupied by low priority messages leading to delivering of high are clustered based on their features using a machine learning
priority emergency messages with high delay [38]. algorithm.
Machine learning algorithms are robust means for classifying
III. P ROBLEM S TATEMENTS AND S OLVING S TRATEGIES and clustering the large data sets due to their specific abilities
The intersections are the most likely places for data con- such as short computing time, supporting the huge amount
gestion to occur. High vehicle density before the red traffic of data, automatically detecting pattern in data, predicting future
lights impacts QoS of VANets [10], [11], [39]. A critical area data using the uncovered patterns, and planning to collect more
is formed before the red traffic lights due to the large amount data [41], [42]. In this work, the machine learning algorithms
of communications in this area. In this work, this critical area are used for clustering the large data set and multi-dimensional
is called congestion area (Fig. 1). In the congestion areas, the features space of VANets. Generally, the machine learning
number of packets loss and delay increase due to high packet algorithms can be divided into supervised (classification) and
collision rate. Thus, controlling congestion in congestion area unsupervised (clustering) learning algorithms categories [43],
helps have a more reliable communication as well as a safer [44]. The supervised algorithms that are used for labeled data
environment. need to employ a training data set for comparing the features
The proposed strategy in this work employs RSUs installed [43], [45]. However, the unsupervised algorithms that are used
at the intersections to control congestion locally. Note that in for unlabeled data do not need to employ the training data set
VANets, it is assumed that an RSU is set at each intersection. [44], [45]. In this work, the unsupervised machine learning
The proposed strategy adjusts the communication parameters algorithms are used for data clustering due to diversity of
including transmission range, transmission rate, contention messages over V2V and V2I communications and unlabeled
window size and AIFS in the congestion areas based on the data in VANets.
minimum transferring delay for the messages of each cluster. In this work, the K-means algorithm is used for clustering
This strategy is centralized strategy that independently operates the messages in VANets. The K-means is one of the most
in each RSU installed at each intersection to maintain the popular unsupervised learning algorithms widely used for the
consistency and reliability of VANets. The proposed congestion multi-dimensional features clustering [46], [47]. The K-means
control strategy is also a closed-loop and hybrid strategy. The is a scalable, rapid and simple learning algorithm. Also, this
strategy proposed in this work consists of three units: 1) con- algorithm is efficient for processing large data [47], [48]. In the
gestion detection unit, 2) data control unit, and 3) congestion following, the K-means learning algorithm used in this work is
control unit. described in more detail.
Proposed K-Means Algorithm for Data Clustering: K-means
algorithm was initially introduced by James Macqueen in 1967
A. Congestion Detection Unit
[49], but it is still one of the most popular unsupervised clus-
In congestion detection unit, a measurement based strategy tering algorithms due to its simplicity, empirical success, effi-
is used to detect congestion in the channels. Generally, in ciency, and ease of implementation. K-means clusters a set of
measurement strategies, the channels are sensed periodically data into k number of clusters based on their features. For each
to measure some parameters like the number of message in data, K-means calculates the Euclidean distance to all cluster
queues, channel usage level and channel occupancy time [30]. centroids (cluster centers), and then selects the minimum dis-
In this work, however, the channel usage level is measured to tance. The data belongs to a cluster that the distance to the
detect the congestion in the channels. If the measured parameter centroid of that cluster is the minimum. Then, the new centroid
exceeds a predefined threshold, the congestion detection unit is calculated for each cluster based on the average coordinate
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


of all members of each cluster. Finally, all the data are clustered
based on the new centroid. K-means repeats this process until
the members of each cluster do not move to the other clusters
anymore [46]–[49].
Basically, K-means consists of three main steps: 1) selecting
initial centroids for k clusters; 2) computing squared
Euclidean distance of each data to the centroids; 3) computing
the new centroids cluster to find closest centroids. Steps 2 and 3
should be repeated until the cluster members no longer change
The initial centroids for K-means can be chosen by Forgy
and Random methods [50]. However, there is no guarantee that,
using these methods, K-means converges [50], [51]. Therefore,
the researchers use various methods for determining the initial
centroids. In this work, the initial centroids for k clusters are
assumed to be the first k messages received by RSUs.
K-means has three inputs including features, number of
clusters and number of iterations. Clustering algorithms classify
a set of objects based on identified features; thus, features
have a significant impact on performance of the clustering
algorithms. In K-means, the features should be transformed to
the dimensional values. Generally, there is no efficient strategy
for determining the features. In fact the features should be de-
termined specifically for each problem based on the knowledge
about the domain of problem [46], [47], [49]. In this work,
the features of K-means are defined based on the features of
messages including the message size, validity of messages,
distances between vehicles and RSUs, type of message and
direction of message sender.
The number of clusters is the second input for K-means
clustering algorithm. The best number of cluster for each prob-
lem can be defined by executing the clustering algorithm for
different numbers of clusters [46], [47], [49]. In this work, the
number of clusters (k) for K-means is obtained by conducting Fig. 2. Pseudocode of the proposed K-means algorithm.
a set of preliminary simulations shown in Section IV-B.
The clustering algorithm is terminated when a predefined increase the number of vehicles that can receive these types of
convergence is obtained. That means there are not any changes messages. However, the number of collisions increases when
in the clusters’ members. However, if the convergence is not the transmission range of messages is high. The transmission
obtained in the acceptable time, the clustering algorithm should rate also impacts the saturation of the channels. High transmis-
be terminated after a predefined number of iterations. Theoreti- sion rate improves the performance of VANets’ applications
cally, K-means does not rapidly converge especially for the big due to the more frequently sending the information to these
data sets [46]. In this work, the number of iterations is assumed applications. However, high transmission rate may saturate
to be 100. the channels increasing the load of channels [53]. Contention
The complexity of K-means depends on the number of data window size and AIFS also impact the condition of channels.
in each data set, the number of features, number of clusters and To define the priority of the messages for transferring in the
number of iterations. Therefore, proper initial conditions can channels, the contention window size and AIFS need to be
result in a better clustering [52]. Fig. 2 shows the pseudocode determined for each type of messages [54]. Prioritizing and
of the proposed K-means used for clustering in this work. scheduling the messages help prevent the channels saturation
and congestion occurrence in the networks [55].
For adjusting the communication parameters for each cluster
C. Congestion Control Unit
of messages, the proposed strategy selects the proper values of
Congestion control unit adjusts the communication param- these parameters among the range of values defined by DSRC
eters for each cluster determined in data control unit. The standard [6], [8]. DSRC defines the transmission rate and range
communication parameters considered in this unit are trans- between 3–27 Mbps and 10–1000 m, respectively. Based on this
mission rate, transmission range, contention window size and standard, the possible values for transmission rate are 3, 4.5 6,
AIFS. The performance of VANets is considerably affected by 9, 12, 18, 24, and 27 Mbps [56]–[58], while the possible values
transmission range and rate. The messages, especially safety for transmission range are 10, 50, 100, 126, 150, 210, 300,
messages, are usually sent with high transmission range to 350, 380, 450, 550, 650, 750, 850, 930, 971, and 1000 m [59].
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 3. Flowchart of the proposed congestion control strategy.

Based on DSRC, the possible values for minimum and maxi-

mum contention window size (CWmin, CWmax) are assumed
to be (3, 7), (7, 15), and (15, 1023); and the possible values for TABLE II
AIFS are assumed to be 1, 2, 3, and 7 [54], [59], [60]. V EHICLES FOR D IFFERENT N UMBERS OF C LUSTERS
In the proposed strategy, to adjust the communication param-
eters for each cluster, the delay for centroid of each cluster
is calculated using the formulas estimated in [3], [12], [61],
and by taking into account all possible combinations of the
communication parameters values. Then, the values of com-
munication parameters corresponding to the lowest delay are
selected as the communication parameters of each cluster. RSU
sends these communication parameters to the vehicles stopped
before the red traffic light in the congestion area. Then, the
vehicles operate based on these communication parameters to VARIATION OF THE AVERAGE D ELAY W ITH THE N UMBER OF V EHICLES
control congestion. Fig. 3 shows the flowchart of the proposed FOR D IFFERENT N UMBERS OF C LUSTERS
strategy and its units.


A. Scenarios and Simulation Parameters
For simulating the mobility of vehicles and vehicular net-
work, two types of simulators were employed in this work.
Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) was used for simulating
the mobility of vehicles, vehicles’ traffics and road topologies
message and direction of the message sender. The message size
[62], [63]. Network Simulator (NS, version 2.35) was also used
is different for various types of the messages. The size of emer-
to simulate vehicular networks [64]. In addition, the MObility
gency and beacon messages is 300 and 400 bytes, respectively
model generator for VEhicular network (MOVE) was used to
[66], while the size of service messages can be 1000, 1024,
convert the mobility model generated by SUMO to an accept-
and 1400 bytes [67]. The validity of message is defined based
able scenario for NS2 [65].
on the remaining time to the message deadline. The distance
To evaluate the performance of the proposed strategy to
between vehicles and RSUs is estimated based on the position
control congestion in urban environments, an urban scenario
of vehicles at intersections. In this work, the type of messages is
was simulated. The pattern of this scenario was considered to be
represented by 1, 2, and 3 for the emergency, beacon and service
Manhattan road pattern with eight intersections. The simulation
messages, respectively. Finally, the direction of the message
parameters used in the urban scenario is shown in Table I. The
sender is assumed to be 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the vehicle moves
communication protocol and MAC layer transmission strategy
towards north, south, east and west directions, respectively.
were considered to be IEEE 802.11p and CSMA/CA, respec-
For selecting the proper number of clusters, a set of prelim-
tively. In addition, to model the existing obstacles in urban
inary simulations is performed using the proposed K-means.
scenario (e.g., building and trees), Nakagami model was em-
Tables II and III show the variations of the packet loss ratio and
ployed as a propagation model. Finally, the Poisson distribution
average delay with the variations of the number of vehicles for
was used for data generation.
number of clusters 2, 4, and 6. Table II shows that increasing
the number of clusters decreases the packet loss ratio for each
B. K-Means Parameters
number of vehicles. Indeed, by considering more clusters of
As it was mentioned before, the features of K-means used messages and determining specific communication parameters
in this work are defined based on the message size, validity for each cluster, the number of collisions and consequently the
of messages, distances between vehicles and RSUs, type of packet loss ratio decrease.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Table III shows that the average delay decreases by increas-

ing the number of clusters when the number of vehicles is
less than or equal to 200. However, for a number of vehicles
larger than 200, the lowest average delay is obtained for four
clusters. When the number of clusters is equal to two, the
average delay for transferring the messages over VANet is
highest, due to the high collision rate between the messages.
For the number of vehicles larger than 200, by increasing the
number of clusters from four to six, the average delay increases,
due to decreasing the consistency of clusters and increasing Fig. 4. Variation of the packet loss ratio with the number of vehicles for
the clustering errors for separating the messages between the ML-CC(1) and ML-CC(2).
different clusters.
Therefore, the number of clusters for the K-means is as-
sumed to be equal to four. Note that based on Table II, the
packet loss ratio calculated for four clusters are very close to
the packet loss ratio calculated for six clusters. Also, based
on Table III, the average delays calculated for four and six
clusters are almost identical when the number of vehicles is
less than 200. For terminating the K-means, the number of
iterations is assumed to be 100. Finally, the initial centroids for
4 clusters are also assumed to be the first 4 messages received
by RSUs.
Fig. 5. Variation of the average delay with the number of vehicles for
ML-CC(1) and ML-CC(2).
C. Simulation Results and Performance Evaluation
In this section, the performance of the proposed congestion
control strategy is evaluated and compared with some con- A set of simulations was carried out to evaluate the impact of
gestion control strategies in VANets. The comparisons were number of vehicles, simulation time and vehicle density on the
conducted between CSMA/CA [30], D-FPAV [20], CABS [24], introduced performance metrics.
NC-CC [21] and the proposed strategy in this work (ML-CC). As it was mentioned in Section III-B, the data gathering in
CSMA/CA strategy is the default congestion control strategy data control unit can be performed by two techniques. The first
for avoiding collision in VANets. D-FPAV strategy controls technique operates based on the data collected after detecting
congestion by dynamically tuning the transmission range of the the congestion (ML-CC(1)). However, the second technique
safety messages. CABS strategy is a distributed strategy that operates based on previous data buffered in RSUs (ML-CC(2)).
controls the congestion by dynamically scheduling the beacon In the following, the performances of these two techniques are
messages and tuning beaconing rate. Finally, NC-CC strategy evaluated.
reduces the number of beacon transmissions by network coding Figs. 4 and 5 show the variation of packet loss ratio and
and reducing the transmission power of each node. average delay with the number of vehicles, respectively. The
For evaluating the performance of the congestion control figures show that the packet loss ratio and average delay
strategies, six performance metrics are employed: resulted from ML-CC(2) are less than ML-CC(1). The sec-
ond technique outperforms the first technique because using
1. Average Delay: This metric corresponds to the average ML-CC(2), the vehicles set the communication parameters in
of time needed to deliver the messages from senders to congestion situation for all messages even for the new generated
receivers. messages. Also, as it can be seen in the Fig. 5, ML-CC(1)
2. Average Throughput: It corresponds to the average num- technique requires 100 ms time for collecting the messages that
ber of bytes received successfully by the receivers per lead to the higher average delay in this technique. Therefore, in
time unit. this work, ML-CC(2) technique was selected for collecting data
3. Number of Packets Lost: It corresponds to the total num- messages in data control unit.
ber of packets lost during the simulation time. Fig. 6 compares the average delay obtained by different con-
4. Packet Loss Ratio: It is defined as the ratio of the total gestion control strategies. As the figure shows, by increasing the
number of packets lost over the total number of sent number of vehicles from 50 to 500, the average delay increases
packets. for all strategies. When the number of vehicles increases from
5. Collision Probability: It corresponds to the probability of 50 to 500, the average delay increases from 19.4, 17.5, 13.1,
collision occurrence in the channels during the packets 12.9, and 9.3 milliseconds to 1054.7, 510.3, 366.4, 300.8,
transmissions. and 103.4 milliseconds for CSMA/CA, D-FPAV, CABS, NC-
6. Packet Delivery Ratio: It corresponds to the ratio of the CC and ML-CC strategies, respectively. However, the rate of
total number of packets delivered to the destinations over change of the average delay resulted from the proposed strategy
the total number of packets sent by nodes. (ML-CC) is less than the other congestion control strategies.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 6. Impact of the number of vehicles on average delay.

Fig. 7. Impact of the number of vehicles on average throughput. Fig. 8. Impact of the number of vehicles on the (a) number of packets lost and
(b) packet loss ratio.

The transmission range and rate, contention window size and

AIFS are the most important parameters that have significant
impact on the condition of communication channels. ML-CC
strategy dynamically adjusts these parameters. Using ML-CC
strategy, the number of collisions decreases. Consequently the
average delay for delivering messages decreases. Moreover,
the ML-CC considers all types of messages (i.e., safety and
service messages), and determines the communication param-
eters for each cluster of messages, while D-FPAV, CABS and
NC-CC only consider the beacon messages for controlling
Fig. 9. Variation of the average throughput with simulation time.
Fig. 7 shows the variation of the average throughput with the
number of vehicles for various congestion control strategies. ratios increase to 68.9%, 65.4%, 34.7%, 28.7%, and 11.4%
It also shows that, by increasing the number of vehicles from for the number of vehicles 500. Indeed, the packet loss ratio
50 to 500, the average throughput increases 7.7%, 11.4%, obtained from ML-CC strategy is 57.4%, 53.9%, 23.2%, and
16.2%, 20.6%, and 27.9% for CSMA/CA, D-FPAV, CABS, 17.2% less than the ratio obtained from CSMA/CA, D-FPAV,
NC-CC and ML-CC, respectively. It can be observed that CABS and NC-CC strategies, respectively, for the number of
the average throughput obtained from ML-CC is more than vehicles equal to 500. These results illustrate that ML-CC
the other strategies. By clustering all the messages, adjusting outperforms the other strategies and can improve packet loss
appropriate values for contention window size and AIFS and ratio in communication channels, which is one of the main
also tuning transmission range and rate for each cluster of goals of every congestion control strategies.
messages, congestion is better controlled using ML-CC. In Figs. 9 and 10, the variation of average throughput and
In Fig. 8, the number of packets lost and the packet loss ratio delay with simulation time is depicted, respectively, whereas
are measured for different number of vehicles. Fig. 8(a) shows the number of vehicles is assumed to be 500. Fig. 9 shows
that the number of packets lost for CSMA/CA, D-FPAV, CABS, that the average throughput obtained from ML-CC strategy
NC-CC and ML-CC are 162.5 × 104 , 135.9 × 104 , 91.3 × 104 , is more than the average throughput obtained from the other
85.6 × 104 , and 10.6 × 104 , respectively, for the number of strategies during the simulation time. The results also show
vehicles equal to 500. Using ML-CC strategy reduces the that after 1000 milliseconds, the average throughput increases
packet loss significantly in comparison with the other strategies, to 1.29, 1.35, 1.57, 1.69, and 2.09 Mbps, using CSMA/CA,
by diminishing channel collisions. D-FPAV, CABS, NC-CC and ML-CC strategies, respectively.
Moreover, Fig. 8(b) illustrates the variations of packet loss As the results show, using ML-CC strategy, the average
ratio with number of vehicles. As the figure shows, the packet throughput is improved significantly because V2V and V2I
loss ratio obtained for the number of vehicles equal to 50 is communications are conducted using the proper communica-
22.9%, 18.2%, 7.8%, 6.2%, and 1.1% for CSMA/CA, D-FPAV, tion parameters; thus, the congestion is better controlled in the
CABS, NC-CC and ML-CC strategies, respectively, while these channels.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


to 500, the collision probability resulted from ML-CC strategy

is 8.2 times less than the collision probability resulted from
CSMA/CA strategy.
The variation of packet delivery ratio with vehicle density
is illustrated in Fig. 12. The figure shows that, by increasing
the vehicle density, the packet delivery ratio decreases. How-
ever, the packet delivery ratio resulted from ML-CC strategy
is more than CSMA/CA strategy. Indeed, by increasing the
vehicle density from 40 to 100 vehicles/km, the packet delivery
Fig. 10. Variation of the average delay with simulation time. ratio decreases to 0.08 and 0.04 for CSMA/CA and ML-CC
strategies, respectively. Those results also clearly indicate that
ML-CC strategy outperforms CSMA/CA congestion control
strategy. It means ML-CC can deliver more packets in ur-
ban environments with high density of vehicles. As it was
mentioned before, ML-CC strategy decreases the packet loss
ratio [Fig. 8(b)] by determining the transmission range and
rate, contention window size and AIFS which are the most
effective communication parameters in the performance of the
networks. Therefore, ML-CC strategy can improve the collision
probability and packet delivery ratio and consequently controls
congestion in channels in urban intersections.
Fig. 11. Variations of the collision probability with the number of vehicles.


In this work, a Machine Learning Congestion Control
(ML-CC) strategy was proposed to address the congestion
that may occur at intersections, due to the large amount of
communications between vehicles stopped before red traffic
lights. The proposed strategy was a closed-loop congestion
control strategy. This strategy was also a centralized and lo-
calized strategy because each RSU set at each intersection
is responsible for controlling the congestion occurring at that
intersection. ML-CC strategy consisted of three units including
Fig. 12. Variation of packet delivery ratio with vehicle density.
congestion detection, data control and congestion control units.
The congestion detection unit measured the channel usage
Furthermore, Fig. 10 presents the plot of the average delay level to detect congestion. The data control unit collected and
versus simulation time. In this figure, it can be seen that filtered the messages to eliminate the redundant messages,
the average delay resulted from ML-CC strategy is less than then clustered the messages into four separate clusters using a
the other strategies during simulation time. The results also K-means. The congestion control unit determined communi-
show that, by advancing the simulation time from 250 to cation parameters including transmission range and rate, con-
500 seconds, using CSMA/CA, D-FPAV, CABS, NC-CC and tention window size and AIFS for each cluster based on the
ML-CC strategies, the average delay decreases 0.17, 0.48, minimum delay to transfer the messages. Finally, the commu-
0.51, 0.34, and 0.53 seconds. It means that the average delay nication parameters determined by ML-CC strategy are sent by
obtained from ML-CC strategy decreases faster than the other RSU to the vehicles stopped before red traffic lights to reduce
strategies. The reason for such observation is that ML-CC the collision in channels and control the congestion.
strategy controls the transmission rate and range and determines Taking into account an urban scenario, the performance
the priority of the messages for being sent in the channels by of ML-CC strategy was compared with CSMA/CA, D-FPAV,
adjusting contention window size and AIFS for all types of CABS and NC-CC strategies. The comparison showed that
messages. the proposed strategy outperformed the other congestion con-
The last set of results is depicted in Figs. 11 and 12 that trol strategies in VANets. ML-CC strategy improved the per-
denote a comparison between the proposed congestion control formance of VANets by reducing the packet loss ratio, the
strategy (ML-CC) and CSMA/CA strategy as the default con- average delay and collision probability. Moreover, ML-CC
gestion control strategy in VANets. Fig. 11 illustrates the vari- strategy increased the average throughput and packet delivery
ations of the collision probability with the number of vehicles. ratio considerably. Based on the obtained results, it can be
It shows that the collision probability increases by increasing concluded that the proposed strategy is a scalable strategy
the number of vehicles for both strategies. However, using because the performance metrics do not change significantly
ML-CC strategy, the collision probability does not increase by increasing the number of vehicles in the network. ML-CC
significantly. It also shows that, for a number of vehicles equal strategy improved the performance metrics by clustering all
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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