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DWX-4W Ins en R3

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Setup Guide

Read this first

This guide describes the setup tasks and
important conditions about the installation
location that must be met in order to enable
use of this machine.

Roland DG Corporation has developed a special website introducing dental

solutions. For the latest information regarding this machine (including manu-
als), see our special Easy Shape website (
Thank you very much for purchasing this product.
To ensure correct and safe usage with a full understanding of this product's performance, please be sure
to read through this manual completely and store it in a safe location.
Unauthorized copying or transferal, in whole or in part, of this manual is prohibited.
The contents of this operation manual and the specifications of this product are subject to change without
The operation manual and the product have been prepared and tested as much as possible. If you find
any misprint or error, please inform us.
Roland DG Corporation assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may
occur through use of this product, regardless of any failure to perform on the part of this product.
Roland DG Corporation assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may
occur with respect to any article made using this product.

Applicable EMC Standards: EN 61326-1 (Class A), EN 55011 (Class A, Group 1), EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3

This is a Class A product.

In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be
required to take adequate measures.

This product is a Group 1 device.

Radio frequency energies in the form of electromagnetic radiation, induction, and/or electrostatic bonding
are not used nor deliberately emitted when processing material or during examination/analysis.

Roland DG Corporation has licensed the MMP technology from the TPL Group.
For the USA
Grounding Instructions
ENCE STATEMENT In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, ground-
ing provides a path of least resistance for electric
This equipment has been tested and found to comply current to reduce the risk of electric shock. This tool is
with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to equipped with an electric cord having an equipment-
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec- must be plugged into a matching outlet that is properly
tion against harmful interference when the equipment is installed and grounded in accordance with all local
operated in a commercial environment. codes and ordinances.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accor- Do not modify the plug provided - if it will not fit the
dance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful outlet, have the proper outlet installed by a qualified
interference to radio communications. electrician.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause harmful interference in which case the Improper connection of the equipment-grounding con-
user will be required to correct the interference at his ductor can result in a risk of electric shock. The con-
own expense. ductor with insulation having an outer surface that is
green with or without yellow stripes is the equipment-
Unauthorized changes or modification to this system grounding conductor. If repair or replacement of the
can void the users authority to operate this equipment. electric cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the
equipment-grounding conductor to a live terminal.

Use only I/O cables that have been designed and manu- Check with a qualified electrician or service personnel
factured specifically for this device. if the grounding instructions are not completely under-
stood, or if in doubt as to whether the tool is properly
For Canada
CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) Use only 3-wire extension cords that have 3-prong
grounding plugs and 3-pole receptacles that accept the
tool's plug.
For California
WARNING Repair or replace damaged or worn cord immediately.
This product contains chemicals known to cause cancer,
birth defects and other reproductive harm.

For EU Countries
1-6-4 Shinmiyakoda, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 431-2103 JAPAN

The authorized representative in the EU:

Roland DG EMEA, S.L.
Parc Tecnologic del Valles C/ Ceramistes, 6 08290 Cerdanyola del Valles / Barcelona Spain

For EU Countries
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may
be required to take adequate measures.

Operating Instructions

KEEP GUARDS IN PLACE and in working order.


master switches, or by removing starker keys.

DON'T OVERREACH. Keep proper footing and bal-

ance at all times.

DISCONNECT TOOLS before servicing; when

changing accessories, such as blades, bits, cutters, and
the like.


STARTING. Make sure switch is in off position be-
fore plugging in.

NEVER STAND ON TOOL. Serious injury could oc-

cur if the tool is tipped or if the cutting tool is uninten-
tionally contacted.

CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. Before further use of

the tool, a guard or other part that is damaged should
be carefully checked to determine that it will operate
properly and perform its intended function - check for
alignment of moving parts, binding of moving parts,
breakage of parts, mounting, and any other conditions
that may affect its operation. A guard or other part that
is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced.


TURN POWER OFF. Don't leave tool until it comes
to a complete stop.


TACHED WITH PRODUCTS. Do not use other
power supply cord.


To Ensure Safe Use..................................................................................4
Pour utiliser en toute scurit.................................................................12
Important Notes on Handling and Use.........................................................20
1. Getting Started................................................................................................21
About This Machine.....................................................................................22
What You Can Do with This Machine........................................................................................22
Documentation Included with the Machine.........................................................................22
Checking the Part Names and Included Items.............................................23
Part Names and Functions...........................................................................................................23
Checking the Included Items......................................................................................................26
Detection Pin and Dummy Pin...................................................................................................27
Items to Prepare...........................................................................................28
Source of Compressed Air (Compressor)................................................................................28
Air Hose...............................................................................................................................................28
Fluid Receptacle...............................................................................................................................29

2. Installation and Setup.............................................................................................31

Placement and Installation..........................................................................................................32
Installation Environment..............................................................................................................32
Installation Space............................................................................................................................33
Removing the Retainers................................................................................................................34
Preparing the Regulator................................................................................................................36
Connecting the Cables................................................................................38
Connecting the Power Cord........................................................................................................38
Connecting to the Computer......................................................................................................38
Installing the Software.................................................................................39
System Requirements....................................................................................................................39
Installable Software.......................................................................................................................39
Installing the Software.................................................................................................................40
Steps to Perform Following Installation........................................................43
Before Starting Operations..........................................................................................................43
STEP 1: Installing the Waterproof Plate...................................................................................43
STEP 2: Filling the Coolant Tank.................................................................................................44
STEP 3: Spindle Run-In (Long).....................................................................................................47
STEP 4: Milling Machine Correction..........................................................................................49
Connecting Multiple Units...........................................................................50
Connection Method.......................................................................................................................50

3. Appendix..........................................................................................................53
Power Rating and Serial Number Locations..........................................................................54
Dimensional Drawings..................................................................................................................55
System Requirements for USB Connection............................................................................57

Company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright 2015-2016 Roland DG Corporation 3
To Ensure Safe Use

Improper handling or operation of this machine may result in injury or damage to property. Points
which must be observed to prevent such injury or damage are described as follows.

About WARNING and CAUTION Notices

Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of death or severe
WARNING injury should the unit be used improperly.

Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of injury or material
damage should the unit be used improperly.

CAUTION * M aterial damage refers to damage or other adverse effects caused with
respect to the home and all its furnishings, as well as to domestic animals or

About the Symbols

The symbol alerts the user to important instructions or warnings.
The specific meaning of the symbol is determined by the design contained within the
The symbol at left means "danger of electrical shock."

The symbol alerts the user to items that must never be carried out (are forbidden).
The specific meaning of the symbol is determined by the design contained within the
The symbol at left means the unit must never be disassembled.

The symbol alerts the user to things that must be carried out.
The specific meaning of the symbol is determined by the design contained within the
The symbol at left means the power-cord plug must be unplugged from the outlet.

This is a heavy machine

Unloading and emplacement are opera- Install the machine in a location that is
tions that must be performed by 2 per- level, stable, and able to bear the weight
sons or more. of the machine.
Tasks that require undue effort when per- The total weight of the machine may reach
formed by a small number of persons may 58 kg (128 lb.) or more. Installation in an
result in physical injury. Also, if dropped, un-suitable location may cause a major ac-
such items may cause injury. cident, including a tip over, fall, or collapse.

To Ensure Safe Use

Incorrect operation may cause injury

Always unplug the power cord when at- Be careful around the milling tool.
taching or removing parts and optional The milling tool is sharp. Broken milling
parts and when performing cleaning or tools are also dangerous. To avoid injury,
maintenance that does not require the exercise caution.
machine to be connected to a power Never use a milling tool that has become
source. dull. Perform frequent maintenance to
Attempting such operations while the ma- keep the machine in good working order.
chine is connected to a power source may Unreasonable usage may result in fire or
result in injury or electrical shock. injury.
Keep children away from the machine. Never operate the machine if the cover
The machine includes areas and compo- is cracked or broken.
nents that pose a hazard to children and Doing so may result in injury. If the cover is
may result in injury, blindness, choking, or cracked or broken, contact your authorized
other serious accident. Roland DG Corporation dealer.
Never attempt to disassemble, repair, or Be careful of the pointed portion inside
modify the machine. the front cover.
Doing so may result in fire, electrical shock, There is a pointed portion inside the front
or injury. Entrust repairs to a trained service cover. Exercise caution when cleaning.
Be sure to follow the operation proce-
dures described in the user's manual.
Never allow anyone unfamiliar with the
usage or handling of the machine to
touch it.
Incorrect usage or handling may lead to an
accident. CAUTION
Never operate the machine while tired or Use a dry cloth to clean the inside of the
after ingesting alcohol or any medication. equipment.
Operation requires unimpaired judgment. Failure to do so may cause the components
Impaired judgment may result in an accident. inside the equipment to degrade, which can
Conduct operations in a clean, brightly lead to injury.
lit location. Wipe up any water around the main unit.
Working in a location that is dark or cluttered Failure to do so may cause a slip or fall,
may lead to an accident, such as becoming resulting in injury.
caught in the machine as the result of an
inadvertent stumble.
Never climb or lean on the machine.
The machine is not made to support a per-
son. Climbing or leaning on the machine
may dislodge components and cause a slip
or fall, resulting in injury.

To Ensure Safe Use

Milling waste and workpieces are flammable and toxic.

Never attempt to mill magnesium or any Wear dust goggles and a mask. Wash
other such flammable material. away any milling waste remaining on
Fire may occur during milling. the hands.
Keep open flame away from the work Accidentally swallowing or inhaling milling
area. waste may be hazardous to your health.
Milling waste may ignite. Powdered mate-
rial is extremely flammable, and even metal
material may catch fire.
Never use a vacuum cleaner to clean up
milling waste.
Picking up fine cuttings using an ordinary
vacuum cleaner may result in fire or explo-

Danger of pinching, entanglement, and burns

Securely fasten the milling tool and work- Do not use hot water for the coolant.
piece in place. After securing in place, Using hot water may cause burns.
make sure no spanners or other articles
have been left behind inadvertently. When opening or closing the front cover,
Otherwise, such articles may be thrown hold the part indicated in the following
from the machine with force, posing a risk figure with both hands.
of injury. Failing to do so may result in your fingers
Caution: High temperatures. being pinched, leading to injury.
The milling tool and spindle motor become
hot. Exercise caution to avoid fire or burns.

Never attempt operation while wearing When raising or lowering the coolant
a necktie, necklace, or loose clothing. tank, hold the parts indicated in the fol-
Bind long hair securely. When perform- lowing figure.
ing operations while wearing gloves, Failing to do so may result in your fingers
exercise sufficient caution to prevent being pinched, leading to injury.
entanglement in the machine.
Such items may become caught in the ma-
chine, resulting in injury.

To Ensure Safe Use

Danger of electrical short, electrical shock, or fire

Connect to an electrical outlet that com- When using an extension cord or power
plies with this machines ratings (for strip, use one that adequately satisfies
voltage, frequency, and current). the machine's ratings (for voltage, fre-
Incorrect voltage or insufficient current may quency, and current).
cause fire or electrical shock. Use of multiple electrical loads on a single
If sparking, smoke, burning odor, un- electrical outlet or use of a lengthy extension
usual sound, or abnormal operation oc- cord may cause fire.
curs, immediately unplug the power cord. Position the machine so that the power
Never use if any component is damaged. plug is within immediate reach at all
Continuing to use the machine may result times.
in fire, electrical shock, or injury. This is to enable quick disconnection of the
Contact your authorized Roland DG Corp. power plug in the event of an emergency. In-
dealer. stall the machine next to an electrical outlet.
Never use outside or in any location Also, provide enough empty space to allow
where exposure to water or high humidity immediate access to the electrical outlet.
may occur. Do not touch the power cord, For accessories (optional and consum-
plug, or electrical outlet with wet hands. able items, power cord, and the like), use
Doing so may result in fire or electrical only genuine articles compatible with
shock. this machine.
Never allow any foreign object to get Incompatible items may lead to an accident.
inside. Never expose the machine to Never use the machine for any purpose
liquid spills. for which it is not intended, or use the
Inserting objects such as coins or matches machine in an undue manner that ex-
or allowing beverages to be spilled into ceeds its capacity.
the ventilation ports may result in fire or Doing so may result in injury or fire.
electrical shock. If anything gets inside, Do not use the supplied power cord for
immediately disconnect the power cord other products.
and contact your authorized Roland DG
Corporation dealer.
If the machine is not used for long hours,
Never place any flammable object nearby. disconnect the power cord.
Never use a combustible aerosol spray This prevents an accident caused by unex-
nearby. Never use in a location where pected electric leakage or unintentional start
gases can accumulate. of the machine.
Combustion or explosion may occur.
Connect to ground.
Handle the power cord, plug, and electri- This can prevent fire or electrical shock
cal outlet correctly and with care. Never due to current leakage in the event of a
use any article that is damaged. malfunction.
Using a damaged article may result in fire
Never use cutting oil.
or electrical shock.
This machine is not designed for the flow of
cutting oil. Oil may get inside the machine
and cause fire or electrical shock.

To Ensure Safe Use

Never use a pneumatic blower. Do not place any electronic devices in
This machine is not compatible with a pneu- the vicinity of this machine.
matic blower. Milling waste may get inside Because coolant flows within this machine,
the machine and cause fire or electrical water may be sprayed on objects in the
shock. vicinity of the machine when its front cover
Never use a solvent such as gasoline, is opened. To prevent malfunctions, do not
alcohol, or thinner to perform cleaning. place any electronic devices in the vicinity
Doing so may cause a fire. of this machine.

Handle the filter carefully. Do not block the air exhaust port.
Dropping the filter or grasping it too strongly Clogging the air exhaust port removes the
may damage the filter. If the filtration function escape route for the compressed air, which
does not work due to damage, the coolant may lead to the internal lines rupturing. The
line may be clogged with milling waste, internal lines rupturing may lead to coolant
which may lead to coolant leaks and fire leaks and fire and electrical shock due to
and electrical shock due to current leakage. current leakage.

Use a dry cloth when cleaning silicone

resin parts, and be careful to prevent
the silicone resin from being damaged.
The silicone resin being damaged may lead
to electric leakage.

Important notes about the power cord, plug, and electrical outlet

Never place any object

Never bend or twist Never pull with undue Never bundle, bind,
on top
with undue force. force. or roll up.
or subject to damage.

Never allow to get wet. Never make hot. Dust may cause fire.

To Ensure Safe Use

Danger of components flying off or becoming damaged

Ensure that the supplied compressed air Keep the supply of compressed air within
is not contaminated by water, oil, chemi- the specified pressure range.
cals, or foreign objects. Exceeding the specified pressure may result
The components may deteriorate or rupture, in a rupture or other major accident.
or the contaminants may be scattered, pos- Never strike or subject the object to
ing a hazard. impact.
Never use in a location exposed to cut- Components may suffer damage or rupture
ting oil, solvents, chemicals, or other under the pressure of compressed air.
such substances. When the machine will be out of use for
Components may deteriorate or rupture a prolonged period, stop supply of com-
under the pressure of compressed air. pressed air and bleed off the air pressure.
Never use in a location exposed to direct This can prevent an accident.
sunlight. Never damage the air hose, or bend or
Components may deteriorate or rupture twist it with undue force. Never use an
under the pressure of compressed air. item that has deteriorated.
Keep the temperature of the installation A damaged air hose may rupture.
area within the specified range. Never Be sure to bleed off the air pressure be-
place a stove or heater nearby. fore removing the regulator bowl.
Components may deteriorate or rupture Failure to do so may result in a rupture or
under the pressure of compressed air. components flying off.
Connect the air hose securely, so that it Clean the regulator bowl using a neutral
will not come loose. detergent. Never use solvents such as
A pressurized hose that comes loose may gasoline, alcohol, or thinner.
whip about uncontrolled, posing a hazard. Using solvents may degrade the bowl and
Connect securely. may result in a rupture.
Before attempting to attach or detach the
air hose or optional items or before at-
tempting to perform cleaning or mainte-
nance that does not require the machine
to be connected to a power source, stop
the supply of compressed air and allow
the pressure to escape.
Allowing the equipment to remain under Bowl
pressure poses a hazard of flying compo-
Use an air hose of the specified diameter
and having adequate pressure resis-
Otherwise the article may come loose or

To Ensure Safe Use

Important notes about the end (cut edge) of the air hose

Failure to observe these cautions may result in air leakage or easy dislodgement of the air hose.
Also, when a hose has been detached, cut off the end before reattaching the hose.

Ensure that it is not Make the cut edge Keep free of damage
crushed. straight. and soiling.

Additives and coolant are toxic

Never drink or sniff the additives or cool- After milling, wash away any products
ant or allow them to come in contact with with purified water or the like.
the eyes or skin. After milling, there will be coolant on the
Doing so may be hazardous to your health. product. Using the product as is may cause
an inflammation or the like.

In the event of ingestion or physical distress

In the event of contact with the eyes, immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If eye irritation
continues, seek treatment by a physician.
In the event of contact with skin, immediately wash with soap. If irritation or inflammation occurs, seek
treatment by a physician.
In the event of ingestion, do not induce vomiting, and immediately seek treatment by a physician. Forcibly
inducing vomiting may lead to danger of choking.
If odor leads to physical distress, move to a well-ventilated location and rest quietly. If dizziness or nausea
persists, seek treatment by a physician.

Refer to the appropriate safety data sheet (SDS) for the chemical substances used in the grease and the
safety related to those substances.
Refer to the appropriate safety data sheet (SDS) for the chemical substances used in the additives and the
safety related to those substances.

To Ensure Safe Use

Handle the machine with care

Do not overfill or tilt the coolant tank. Be sure to put the specified additive in
The fluid inlet on the coolant tank is open. the coolant tank.
Overfilling or tilting will cause fluid to spill out. Additives are effective in reducing coolant
deterioration and raising the milling efficien-
cy in order to maintain product performance.
If additives are not used, the coolant may
generate an unpleasant odor.

Warning labels

Warning labels are affixed to make areas of danger immediately clear. The meanings of these
labels are as follows. Be sure to heed their warnings. Also, never remove the labels or allow
them to become obscured.

Caution: High Voltage Caution: Sharp Tool Never use a pneumatic blower.
Removing the cover may The milling tool is sharp. This machine is not compatible
result in high-voltage Inadvertent contact may with a pneumatic blower. Milling
electric shock. cause injury. waste may get inside the machine
and cause fire or electrical shock.

Pour utiliser en toute scurit

La manipulation ou l'utilisation inadquates de cet appareil peuvent causer des blessures ou des
dommages matriels. Les prcautions prendre pour prvenir les blessures ou les dommages
sont dcrites ci-dessous.

Avis sur les avertissements

Utilis pour avertir l'utilisateur d'un risque de dcs ou de blessure grave en
ATTENTION cas de mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil.

Utilis pour avertir l'utilisateur d'un risque de blessure ou de dommage mat-

riel en cas de mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil.
* Par dommage matriel, il est entendu dommage ou tout autre effet indsi-
rable sur la maison, tous les meubles et mme les animaux domestiques.

propos des symboles

Le symbole attire l'attention de l'utilisateur sur les instructions importantes ou les
Le sens prcis du symbole est dtermin par le dessin l'intrieur du triangle.
Le symbole gauche signifie danger dlectrocution.

Le symbole avertit l'utilisateur de ce qu'il ne doit pas faire, ce qui est interdit.
Le sens prcis du symbole est dtermin par le dessin l'intrieur du triangle.
Le symbole gauche signifie que l'appareil ne doit jamais tre dmont.

Le symbole prvient l'utilisateur sur ce qu'il doit faire.

Le sens prcis du symbole est dtermin par le dessin l'intrieur du triangle.
Le symbole gauche signifie que le fil lectrique doit tre dbranch de la prise.

Cet appareil est lourd

Le dchargement et la mise en place Installer lappareil un endroit de niveau,
doivent tre faits par au moins deuxper- stable et pouvant prendre en charge le
sonnes. poids lappareil.
Les tches qui exigent un effort trop grand Le poids total de cet appareil peut atteindre
si elles sont excutes par un petit nombre 58kg (128lb) ou plus. Installer lappareil
de personnes peuvent tre cause de bles- un endroit inappropri peut provoquer un
sures. La chute darticles trs lourds peut accident grave comme le renversement, la
aussi causer des blessures. chute ou leffondrement.

Pour utiliser en toute scurit

Lutilisation incorrecte peut causer des blessures

Toujours dbrancher le cble dalimen- Ne jamais grimper ni s'appuyer sur la
tation lors de la fixation ou du retrait machine.
de pices et de pices en option et du La machine n'est pas conue pour sup-
nettoyage ou des travaux dentretien porter le poids d'une personne. Grimper
qui nexigent pas un branchement de ou s'appuyer sur la machine peut dplacer
lappareil une source dalimentation. des lments et causer un faux pas ou une
Tenter ces oprations pendant que lappareil chute, ce qui causerait des blessures.
est branch une source dalimentation tre attentif dans le primtre de loutil
peut causer des blessures ou un choc de coupe.
lectrique. Loutil de coupe est acr. Les outils de
Garder les enfants loin de lappareil. coupes briss sont aussi dangereux. Faire
Lappareil comporte des zones et des com- preuve de prudence pour viter les bles-
posants qui prsentent un danger pour les sures.
enfants et qui pourraient causer des bles- Ne jamais utiliser un outil de coupe
sures, la ccit, la suffocation ou dautres mouss. Procder frquemment aux
accidents graves. travaux dentretien pour garder lappareil
Ne jamais tenter de dmonter, de rparer en bon tat de fonctionnement.
ou de odifier l'appareil. Lusage abusif peut causer un incendie ou
Le non-respect de cette consigne risque de des blessures.
provoquer un incendie, un choc lectrique Ne pas utiliser si un couvercle avant est
ou des blessures. Confier les rparations fissur ou bris.
un technicien ayant la formation requise. Vous risqueriez de vous blesser. Si le cou-
Sassurer de suivre les procdures duti- vercle est fissur ou bris, communiquer
lisation dcrites dans le manuel utilisa- avec le reprsentant Roland DG autoris.
teur. Ne jamais permettre quiconque Faire attention la section pointue
ne connat pas le fonctionnement ou la lintrieur du couvercle avant.
manutention de lappareil de le toucher. Vous trouverez une section pointue lint-
Lutilisation ou la manutention incorrectes rieur du couvercle avant. Soyez prudent au
peuvent causer un accident. moment du nettoyage.
Ne jamais faire fonctionner lappareil
aprs avoir consomm de lalcool ou des
mdicaments, ou dans un tat de fatigue.
Lutilisation de lappareil exige un jugement
sans faille. Lutilisation avec les facults af-
faiblies pourrait entraner un accident. Utiliser un chiffon sec pour nettoyer
Utiliser lappareil dans un endroit propre lintrieur de lquipement.
et bien clair. Le non-respect de cette consigne peut
Travailler dans un endroit sombre ou en- provoquer la dgradation de composants
combr peut causer un accident; lutilisateur lintrieur de lquipement, qui peut entraner
risque, par exemple, de trbucher malen- une blessure.
contreusement et dtre coinc par une Scher toute prsence d'eau dans le
partie de lappareil. pimtre du groupe principal.
Si vous ne le faites pas, vous risquez de
glisser ou tomber et de vous blesser.

Pour utiliser en toute scurit

Les rebuts et morceaux de la coupe sont inflammables et toxiques.

Ne jamais tenter de couper du magnsi- Porter des lunettes de protection et un
um ni aucun autre matriau inflammable. masque. Rincer toutes les rognures de
Un incendie pourrait se produire pendant la coupe. coupe qui pourraient rester colles aux
Ne pas approcher une flamme nue mains.
delespace de travail. Ingrer ou respirer accidentellement des
Les rognures de coupe peuvent senflammer. rognures de coupe peut tre dangereux
Les matriaux pulvriss sont extrmement pour la sant.
inflammables et mme le mtal peut senflammer.
Ne jamais utiliser un aspirateur pour
aspirer des dchets coups.
Lutilisation dun aspirateur normal pour
aspirer des dchets finement coups peut
entraner un risque dincendie ou dexplosion.

Certains lments peuvent prsenter un risque de pincement, demmlement, de brlure ou dautres dangers.

Fixer solidement loutil de coupe et la Ne pas utiliser deau chaude pour le
pice travailler. Une fois quils sont fixs liquide de refroidissement.
solidement, sassurer quaucun outil ni Leau chaude peut entraner des brlures.
aucun autre objet na t laiss en place. Lors louverture ou de la fermeture du
Si tel tait le cas, ces objets pourraient tre couvercle avant, tenir la pice indique
projets avec force hors de lappareil et la figure suivante avec les deux mains.
causer des blessures. Le non-respect de cette consigne peut me-
Attention: tempratures leves. ner au pincement de vos doigts et entraner
Loutil de coupe et le moteur chauffent. Faire une blessure.
preuve de prudence pour viter un incendie
ou des brlures.

PRUDENCE Tenir les pices indiques la figure

Ne jamais utiliser lappareil avec des suivante en soulevant ou abaissant le
cravates, des colliers ou des vtements rservoir de liquide de refroidissement.
amples. Les cheveux longs doivent tre Le non-respect de cette consigne peut
solidement attachs Lors du fonctionne- mener au pincement de vos doigts et entra-
ment de lappareil en portant des gants, ner une blessure.
exercer assez de prudence pour prvenir
lemmlement dans lappareil.
Tous ces objets peuvent tre attraps dans
l'appareil, risquant de provoquer des blessures.

Pour utiliser en toute scurit

Risque de dcharge ou de choc lectrique, dlectrocution ou dincendie

Brancher une prise lectrique conforme Si une rallonge ou une bande dalimentation
aux caractristiques de cet appareil lectrique sont utilises, sassurer quelles
(tension, frquence et courant). correspondent aux caractristiques de
Une tension incorrecte ou un courant insuffisant lappareil (tension, frquence et courant).
peuvent causer un incendie ou un choc lectrique. Lutilisation de plusieurs charges lectriques
Sil se produit des tincelles, de la fume, sur une prise unique ou une longue rallonge
une odeur de brl, un bruit inhabituel ou peut causer un incendie.
un fonctionnement anormal, dbrancher Placer lappareil de faon ce que la
immdiatement le cble dalimentation. Ne fiche soit facile daccs en tout temps.
jamais utiliser si un composant est endommag. Ainsi, lappareil pourra tre dbranch rapi-
Continuer utiliser lappareil peut causer dement en cas durgence. Installer lappareil
un incendie, un choc lectrique ou prs dune prise lectrique. En outre, prvoir
des blessures. Communiquer avec le suffisamment despace pour que la prise
reprsentant Roland DG Autoris. lectrique soit facile daccs.
Ne jamais utiliser l'extrieur ni un endroit Utiliser uniquement des accessoires
o l'appareil risque d'tre expos de l'eau dorigine (accessoires en option, articles
ou une humidit leve. Ne pas toucher consommables, cble dalimentation et
le cble dalimentation, la fiche ou la prise autres articles semblables), compatibles
lectrique avec des mains mouilles. avec lappareil.
Le non-respect de cette consigne risque de Les articles incompatibles risquent de cau-
provoquer un incendie ou un choc lectrique. ser des accidents.
Ne jamais insrer dobjet tranger dans Ne jamais utiliser lappareil des fins autres
lappareil. Ne jamais exposer lappareil que celles pour lesquelles il est conu.
aux dversements de liquides. Ne jamais lutiliser de manire abusive ou
Linsertion dobjets comme des pices de dune manire qui dpasse sa capacit.
monnaie ou des allumettes, ou le dversement Le non-respect de cette consigne peut cau-
de liquides dans les orifices de ventilation ser des blessures ou un incendie.
peuvent causer un incendie ou un choc Ne pas utiliser le cordon lectrique fourni
lectrique. Si un objet ou du liquide sinfiltre avec dautres produits.
dans lappareil, dbrancher immdiatement le
cble dalimentation et communiquer avec le
Si lappareil doit rester inutilis pendant
reprsentant Roland DG autoris.
une longue priode, dbrancher le cble
Ne jamais placer dobjet inflammable dalimentation.
proximit de lappareil. Ne jamais utiliser de Cela peut prvenir les accidents en cas de
produit inflammable en arosol proximit de fuite de courant ou de dmarrage accidentel.
lappareil. Ne jamais utiliser lappareil dans
Mise la terre.
un endroit o des gaz peuvent saccumuler.
La mise la terre peut prvenir un incendie
Une combustion ou une explosion pour-
ou un choc lectrique dus une fuite de
raient se produire.
courant en cas de dfaillance.
Manipuler le cble dalimentation, la fiche et la
Ne jamais utiliser dhuile de coupe.
prise lectrique correctement et avec soin. Ne
Cet appareil nest pas conu pour traiter
jamais utiliser un article endommag.
lhuile de coupe. Lhuile peut sinfiltrer
Ne jamais utiliser un article endommag,
lintrieur et causer un incendie ou un choc
car cela pourrait causer un incendie ou un
choc lectrique.

Pour utiliser en toute scurit

Ne jamais utiliser d'air sous pression. Utiliser un chiffon sec pour nettoyer
Cet appareil n'est pas conu pour tre net- les pices avec de la rsine de silicone.
toy l'aide d'un appareil soufflant. Des rog- Exercer de la prudence pour empcher
nures de coupe peuvent s'infiltrer l'intrieur tout dommage la rsine de silicone.
et causer un incendie ou un choc lectrique. Une rsine de silicone endommage peut
Ne jamais utiliser un solvant comme de les- mener une fuite de courant.
sence, de lalcool ou de diluant pour nettoyer. Ne pas placer de dispositifs lectro-
Le non-respect de cette consigne peut niques proximit de cet appareil.
entraner un incendie. Puisque du liquide de refroidissement circule
Manipuler le filtre avec soins. dans lappareil, de leau peut clabousser
chapper le filtre ou le saisir trop vigoureu- les objets proximit de lappareil lorsque
sement peut lendommager. Si la filtration ne le couvercle avant est ouvert. Ne pas placer
fonctionne pas en raison dun dommage, la de dispositifs lectroniques proximit de
conduite de liquide de refroidissement peut cet appareil pour prvenir toute dfaillance.
sobstruer avec des rognures de coupe, qui Dgager bien les orifices dvacuation
peut son tour mener des fuites de liquide de dair.
refroidissement et un incendie et des chocs Un orifice dvacuation obstru empche
lectriques entrans par une perte de courant. lair comprim de schapper pouvant pro-
voquer lclatement des conduites internes.
Lclatement des conduites internes peut
dclencher des fuites de liquide de refroidis-
sement, un incendie et un choc lectrique
en raison de la fuite de courant.

Remarques importantes propos du cble d'alimentation, de la fiche et de la prise lectrique

Ne jamais dposer
Ne jamais plier ni
aucun objet des- Ne jamais plier ni Ne jamais tirer avec
tordre avec une
sus au risque de les enrouler. une force excessive.
force excessive.

Ne jamais laisser La poussire peut

Ne jamais chauffer.
mouiller. causer un incendie.

Pour utiliser en toute scurit

Composants risquant d'tre jects ou endommags

S'assurer que l'air comprim n'est pas Garder l'alimentation en air comprim
contamin par de l'eau, de l'huile, des pro- la pression spcifie.
duits chimiques ou des objets trangers. Appliquer une pression suprieure la
Les composants pourraient se dtriorer pression spcifie risque de faire rompre
ou se rompre et les contaminants seraient le tuyau ou de causer un accident grave.
projets, ce qui crerait un danger. Ne jamais frapper ni soumettre l'objet
Ne jamais utiliser dans un endroit expos un impact.
de l'huile de coupe, des solvants, Les composants pourraient tre endomma-
des produits chimiques ou d'autres gs ou se rompre sous la pression de l'air
substances similaires. comprim.
Les composants pourraient se dtriorer ou Si l'appareil doit rester inutilis pendant
se rompre sous la pression de l'air comprim. une longue priode, couper l'alimentation
Ne jamais utiliser dans un endroit expos en air comprim et purger la pression.
directement aux rayons du soleil. Cette prcaution peut prvenir un accident.
Les composants pourraient se dtriorer ou Ne jamais endommager le tuyau air,
se rompre sous la pression de l'air comprim. le plier ou le tordre avec une force
Garder la temprature de l'endroit o excessive. Ne jamais utiliser un article
l'appareil est install dans les limites dtrior.
spcifies. Ne jamais placer un four ou Un tuyau air endommag risque de se
un appareil de chauffage proximit. rompre.
Les composants pourraient se dtriorer ou Purger la pression dair avant de retirer
se rompre sous la pression de l'air comprim. la cuvette du rgulateur.
Connecter solidement le tuyau air pour Le non-respect de cette consigne peut
viter qu'il se dtache. entraner un clatement ou la projection de
Un tuyau sous pression qui se dtache peut composants.
fouetter l'air de manire dsordonne et crer Nettoyer la cuvette du rgulateur avec
une situation dangereuse. Le fixer solidement. un dtergent neutre. Ne jamais utiliser de
Avant de fixer ou de retirer le tuyau air solvants comme de lessence, de lalcool
ou des accessoires en option ou avant ou de diluant.
de procder au nettoyage ou un entre- Ils risquent de dgrader la cuvette et
tien qui nexige pas un branchement de peuvent entraner un clatement.
lappareil une source dalimentation,
couper larrive dair comprim et laisser
la pression s'chapper.
Si l'quipement est laiss sous pression, il y
a risque que des lments soient projets.
Utiliser un tuyau air du diamtre sp- Cuvette
cifi et ayant une rsistance approprie
la pression.
Sinon, le tuyau risque de se dtacher ou
de se rompre.

Pour utiliser en toute scurit

Remarques importantes relativement l'extrmit (bord coup) du tuyau air.

Le non-respect de ces consignes de scurit peut causer une fuite d'air ou le dbranchement du
tuyau air. En outre, si le tuyau air a t dbranch, en couper l'extrmit avant de le rebrancher.

S'assurer qu'il n'est Le bord coup doit Le garder en bon

pas cras tre droit tat et propre

Risque de Les additifs et le liquide de refroidissement sont toxiques.

Ne jamais boire ni renifler les additifs ou Aprs la coupe, laver tout rsidu de pro-
le liquide de refroidissement ou dtre en duit avec de leau purifie ou un produit
contact oculaire ou cutane avec ceux-ci. de mme nature.
Ces actions peuvent nuire la sant. Aprs la coupe, le produit sera enduit de
liquide de refroidissement. Lutilisation du
produit dans cet tat peut provoquer une
inflammation ou une raction de mme nature.

En cas dingestion ou de dtresse physique

En cas de contact avec les yeux : rincer immdiatement et abondamment l'eau courante pendant au
moins 15 minutes. Si les yeux sont toujours irrits, consulter un mdecin.
En cas de contact avec la peau : laver immdiatement l'eau et au savon. En cas dirritation ou dinflam-
mation de la peau : consulter un mdecin.
En cas d'ingestion : ne pas provoquer le vomissement et demander immdiatement l'aide d'un mdecin.
Provoquer le vomissement peut crer un risque de suffocation.
Si l'odeur cause un trouble physique, amener la personne dans un endroit bien ar et la faire se reposer.
Si l'tourdissement ou la nause persistent, consulter un mdecin.

Se reporter la fiches signaltique (FS) approprie pour connatre les produits chimiques utiliss dans la
graisse et les mesures de scurit pour ces substances.
Se reporter la fiches signaltique (FS) approprie pour connatre les produits chimiques utiliss dans les
additifs et les mesures de scurit pour ces substances.

Pour utiliser en toute scurit

Manipuler lappareil avec soins

Ne pas trop remplir ni incliner le rservoir Sassurer dajouter ladditif prcis dans
de liquide de refroidissement. le rservoir de liquide de refroidissement.
Lorifice de remplissage du rservoir de Les additifs sont efficaces pour rduire la
liquide de refroidissement est ouvert. dtrioration du liquide de refroidissement
Trop remplir ou incliner le rservoir pourra et damliorer lefficacit de coupe pour
entraner un dversement de liquide. maintenir le rendement du produit. Sans
additifs, le liquide de refroidissement peut
dgager une odeur dsagrable.

Vignettes d'avertissement

Des vignettes d'avertissement sont apposes pour qu'il soit facile de reprer les zones dange-
reuses. La signification des vignettes est donne ci-dessous. Respecter les avertissements. Ne
jamais retirer les vignettes et ne pas les laisser s'encrasser.

Attention: voltage tlev Attention: outil coupant Ne jamais utiliser dair sous
Il peut tre dangereux Loutil de coupe est pression.
de retirer le couvercle acr. Lutilisation Cet appareil nest pas conu pour
puisquil y aurait des incorrecte peut causer tre nettoy laide dun appareil
risques de chocs des blessures soufflant. Des rognures de coupe
lectriques cause du peuvent sinfiltrer lintrieur de
voltage lev. lappareil et causer un incendie
ou un choc lectrique.

Important Notes on Handling and Use

This machine is a precision device. To ensure the full performance of this machine, be sure to
observe the following important points. Failure to observe these points may not only result in
loss of performance but may also cause malfunction or breakdown.

This machine is a precision device.

Handle carefully, and never subject the machine to impacts or excessive force.
Carefully clean away milling waste.
Use within the range of specifications.
Never attempt to move the spindle unit or rotary axis by hand with undue force.
Never needlessly touch anywhere inside the machine except for locations specified in this manual.

Install in a suitable location.

Install in a location that meets the specified conditions for temperature, relative humidity, and the like.
Install in a quiet, stable location offering good operating conditions.
Never install outside.
Never install in an environment where silicone substances (oil, grease, spray, etc.) are present. Doing so
may cause poor switch contact.

This machine becomes hot.

Never cover the ventilation holes with cloth, tape, or anything else.
Install in a well-ventilated location.

This machine is a dedicated cutting machine for glass ceramics, composite resin.

Never cut any material other than glass ceramics, composite resin.

1. Getting Started

About This Machine......................................................................22

What You Can Do with This Machine.........................................22
Documentation Included with the Machine.................................22
Checking the Part Names and Included Items.............................23
Part Names and Functions.........................................................23
Checking the Included Items......................................................26
Detection Pin and Dummy Pin....................................................27
Items to Prepare...........................................................................28
Source of Compressed Air (Compressor)...................................28
Air Hose......................................................................................28
Fluid Receptacle.........................................................................29

About This Machine

What You Can Do with This Machine

This machine is a dental cutting and milling machine that uses glass ceramics, composite resin to make dental
prostheses, including crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers.
Installing and setting up the exclusive software on your computer and connecting your computer to this
machine enables you to create high-quality dental prostheses.
For the latest information regarding this machine (including manuals), see our special Easy Shape website

Documentation Included with the Machine

The following documentation is included with the machine.

DWX-4W Setup Guide (this manual)

This manual describes how to install the machine and provides information on such matters as how to install
and set up the included software. Be sure to read this first.

DWX-4W User's Manual (electronic-format manual)

This manual explains how to operate the software and how to perform milling using this machine. The manual
is in electronic format, and no printed document is included. You can find the manual on the included Roland
Software Package CD.
P. 40 "Installing the Software"

Daily Maintenance Card ("Before Daily Operations")

This document provides an overview of the procedures that must be performed before daily operations. Be
sure to perform the operations on this card before starting machine operations each day.

22 1. Getting Started
Checking the Part Names and Included Items

Part Names and Functions


Front cover
To ensure safety, opening
the cover during spindle
rotation causes an emer-
gency stop.

Built-in panel

Bottom cover


The regulator adjusts the pressure of
the compressed air.

To source of
air intake

1. Getting Started 23
Checking the Part Names and Included Items

Inside the Front Cover


No. Name No. Name No. Name

Coolant nozzle Status light Mounting part

Collet Milling bur sensor ATC magazine

Spindle head Stocker Rotary axis unit

* In the manuals for this machine (including this guide), the mechanisms around the spindle unit are called
the "spindle head." Also, the rotary-axis area inside the spindle unit is called the "spindle."

24 1. Getting Started
Checking the Part Names and Included Items

Inside the Bottom Cover



USB connector
This is for connecting
a USB cable.
P. 38 "Connecting to
the Computer"

Power switch


Air exhaust port

CAUTION Do not place precision devices

such as computers in the vicinity
of the machine.
Highly humid air is ejected from
and water droplets fall from the air
exhaust port.

1. Getting Started 25
Checking the Part Names and Included Items

Checking the Included Items

The following items are included with the machine. Make sure they are all present and accounted for.

Power cord (1) USB cable (1) Drain hoses (2) Dedicated milling burs (3)

Automatic correction jig (1) Measuring cup (1) Hexagonal screwdriver (1) Hexagonal wrench (1)

Detection pin for Coolant tank

Mounting screws (4) Waterproof plate (1)
correction (1) Fluid inlet cap (1)

Setup Guide (this manual) (1) Roland Software Package

Maintenance card (1) CD (1)

Maintenance kit

Case (1)
Grease (1)
Collet brush (1)
Taper cleaner (1)
Collet tap (1)
Collet replacement jig (1)

26 1. Getting Started
Checking the Part Names and Included Items

Detection Pin and Dummy Pin

Two detection pins are included with this machine, one for milling and one for correction. Although the shape
and features of the pins are identical, if a detection pin is used for milling even once, it cannot be used for
correction. Make sure to always use the pin for its intended use.

Pin for milling (Called the "dummy pin for milling" in this manual and in the user's manual.)
Because a malfunction will occur if the collet does not grip anything when processing, this pin is used as
a dummy pin. Use the pin that is attached upon shipment.

Pin for correction (Called the "detection pin for correction" in this manual and in the user's manual.)
This pin is used when performing maintenance in order to correct the position of the rotary axis. Use the
pin that is shipped together with the machine as an included item.

Make sure to keep the pins separate and to never mistake which is for milling and which
is for correction.
If a detection pin is used for milling even once, it cannot be used to provide proper correction. If for
some reason a detection pin for correction is used for milling, a new detection pin for correction will
be necessary. In such cases, contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer.

1. Getting Started 27
Items to Prepare

Source of Compressed Air (Compressor)

This machine requires compressed air. You will need to prepare a compressor separately.

WARNING The pressure of the compressed air must be 1.0 MPa or less.
Anything higher may result in a serious accident such as a rupture.

WARNING Ensure that the supplied compressed air is not contaminated by water,
oil, chemicals, or foreign objects.
The components may deteriorate or rupture, or the contaminants may be scat-
tered, posing a hazard.

WARNING Do not supply the compressed air until the air hose is connected securely.
Failure to do so may cause an accident.

The compressor must meet the following conditions.

Control pressure: 0.7 to 1.0 MPa

Air capacity: 114 L/min or more (per machine)
Tank capacity: 33 L or more (per machine)
Oil-free type

Air Hose
You will need to separately prepare an air hose to connect the compressor to the regulator.

The air hose must meet the following conditions.

Hose outer diameter: 6 mm (polyurethane resin tube)

6 mm


Be sure to use the mounted regulator when supplying compressed air.

28 1. Getting Started
Items to Prepare

To make the coolant, you will need to prepare the designated additive separately. Contact your authorized
Roland DG Corporation dealer to purchase additives.


Store additives in a cool, dark place.

Due to the characteristics of the internal components, the color may change and deposits of separated
components may form, but these do not indicate any problems with the use of the additives.
If component deposits form, lightly shake the container to mix the components before use.

Fluid Receptacle
Because fluid accumulated in the regulator will drain out little by little, prepare a fluid receptacle such as a tray.
P. 36 "Preparing the Regulator"

1. Getting Started 29
2. Installation and Setup

Placement and Installation.........................................................32
Installation Environment.............................................................32
Installation Space.......................................................................33
Removing the Retainers.............................................................34
Preparing the Regulator.............................................................36
Connecting the Cables................................................................38
Connecting the Power Cord.......................................................38
Connecting to the Computer......................................................38
Installing the Software.................................................................39
System Requirements................................................................39
Installable Software...................................................................39
Installing the Software...............................................................40
Steps to Perform Following Installation........................................43
Before Starting Operations.........................................................43
STEP 1: Installing the Waterproof Plate.....................................43
STEP 2: Filling the Coolant Tank................................................44
STEP 3: Spindle Run-In (Long)..................................................47
STEP 4: Milling Machine Correction...........................................49
Connecting Multiple Units............................................................50
Connection Method....................................................................50


Placement and Installation

The weight of the machine alone is 53 kg (117 lb.). Unload and place with care.

WARNING Unloading and placement are operations that must be performed by 2

persons or more.
Tasks that require undue effort when performed by a small number of persons
may result in physical injury. Also, if dropped, such items may cause injury.

CAUTION When lifting the machine, hold the locations shown in the figure.

Installation Environment

WARNING Install the machine in a location that is level, stable, and able to bear the
weight of the machine.
The total weight of the machine may reach 58 kg (128 lb.) or more. Installation in an
un-suitable location may cause a major accident, including a tip over, fall, or collapse.

WARNING Never install in a location exposed to open flame.

Milling waste may ignite. Powdered material is extremely flammable, and even
metal material may catch fire.

WARNING Never install close to any flammable object or in a gas-filled location.

Combustion or explosion may occur.

WARNING Never install outside or in any location where exposure to water or high
humidity may occur.
Doing so may result in fire or electrical shock.

WARNING Position the machine so that the power plug is within immediate reach
at all times.
This is to enable quick disconnection of the power plug in the event of an emer-
gency. Install the machine next to an electrical outlet. Also, provide enough
empty space to allow immediate access to the electrical outlet.

Never install in a location subject to wide fluctuations in temperature or humidity.

Never install in a location subject to shaking or vibration.
Never install in a dusty or dirty location.
Never install in a location exposed to direct sunlight or near air-conditioning or heating equipment.
Never install in a location exposed to considerable electrical or magnetic noise, or other forms of electromagnetic energy.
Never install in an environment where silicone substances (oil, grease, spray, etc.) are present. Doing so may cause poor switch contact or damage.

32 2. Installation and Setup


Installation Space
Ensure that at least the following amount of space is available.

Work space

1.5 m


0.5 m


Ensure that a height is available to enable the opening of the front cover.
Ensure that space is available in front of and behind the machine to enable the opening of the bottom cover.
789 mm

966 mm

Installation Location Height

The installation location should be above the work floor by 0.6 m (23.7 in.) or more.
This machine is a desktop-type unit. Install in a location where the power button and other controls are
easily accessible.

2. Installation and Setup 33


Removing the Retainers

Retainers are attached to protect the machine from vibration during shipment. When installation is complete,
remove and save these retainers.

There are four retainers attached (retainers A, B, C, and D). Remove all retainers. Any that remain may cause
faulty operation or a breakdown when the power is switched on.
The retainers will be required when moving the machine to a different location. Store them carefully so
that they do not get misplaced.
When removing the retainers, make sure the power cord is not connected.

Retainer A Retainer B Retainer C Retainer D


Open the front cover.

Hold this with
both hands.

Remove retainer A.
As shown in the figure, push the side of retainer A that is touching retainer B toward
the inside to change the shape of retainer A.
Pull the retainer forward in this deformed shape.
Pulling the retainer forward without changing the shape will cause it to catch on the uneven area inside
the machine and prevent it from being removed.

Retainer A
Retainer B

34 2. Installation and Setup


Remove retainer B.
Pull the bottom of retainer B forward.
Slide the retainer while holding it upright to remove it.

Remove retainer C.
Slide the retainer C to the left.
Pull the retainer straight out to remove it.

Remove retainer D.
Open the bottom cover.
Remove retainer D, which is securely taped to the coolant tank.
When repacking the machine, commercially available tape can be used to secure the retainer to the tank.

2. Installation and Setup 35


Preparing the Regulator

The regulator for this machine is the auto-drain type. Failing to prepare the regulator properly can cause leak-
age. Be sure to follow the procedure to prepare the regulator.

WARNING Before supplying compressed air, make sure that the bowl is securely
If the bowl is not properly attached, it may come flying off.

Bowl Bowl


Attach the air hose to the regulator.

To attach: Insert firmly as far as it

will go.

To source of
compressed air
To detach: Press and hold the ring,
and pull out.

WARNING Securely insert the air hose as far as it will go. Lightly tug
the hose to make sure it does not come loose.
If it is not inserted securely, it may come loose.

Supply compressed air and verify that air does not leak from the connections or any
other location.

36 2. Installation and Setup


Adjust the air pressure.

Pull up on the upper knob (the air pressure adjustment knob).
Slowly turn the upper knob.
Adjust until the meter reads between 0.6 and 0.8 MPa.
Push down on the upper knob.

WARNING Turn the air pressure adjustment knob slowly and carefully.
Otherwise, the machine may move suddenly, posing a risk of injury.

Upper knob
Be sure to configure the regulator to 0.8 MPa
Loosen Tighten or lower. Anything higher may result in a
(Increase the (Decrease the malfunction.
pressure.) pressure.)

Prepare a fluid receptacle.

Use the drain hoses (included) or a tray.

Drain hose

Turn the drain hose entirely

when attaching it.

2. Installation and Setup 37

Connecting the Cables

Connecting the Power Cord

WARNING Connect to an electrical outlet that complies with this machines ratings
(for voltage, frequency, and current).
Incorrect voltage or insufficient current may cause fire or electrical shock.

WARNING Handle the power cord, plug, and electrical outlet correctly and with care.
Never use any damaged article.
Using a damaged article may result in fire or electrical shock.

WARNING When using an extension cord or power strip, use one that adequately
satisfies the machine's ratings (for voltage, frequency, and current).
Use of multiple electrical loads on a single electrical outlet or use of a lengthy
extension cord may cause fire.

WARNING Connect to ground.

This can prevent fire or electrical shock due to current leakage in the event of
a malfunction.

WARNING Connect to an electrical outlet. Never connect directly to a power distribu-

tion panel or other such fixed wiring equipment.
Doing so increases the risk of fire or electrical shock.

Power outlet

Power cord

Connecting to the Computer

The machine must be connected to the computer after the Windows driver has been installed.
Use a USB cable to connect the machine to a computer. Do not connect the machine to the computer yet. Be
sure to connect according to the instructions on P. 40 "Installing the Software". If the machine is connected
before the driver has been installed, driver installation may fail, and it may not be possible to use the machine.

The machine ID needs to be changed when connecting more than one machine.
If you connect more than one unit of this machine to a single computer, be sure to follow the procedure given on P.
50 "Connecting Multiple Units". Connecting before changing the ID may render the machine unusable.

38 2. Installation and Setup

Installing the Software

System Requirements

Operating system (OS) Windows 7 /8.1 /10 (32-bit and 64-bit versions)

CPU Minimum required CPU for the operating system

Memory Minimum amount of required RAM for the operating system

Optical drive CD-ROM drive

Video card and monitor A display with at least 256 colors and a resolution of 1024 768 or
more is recommended.

This software is a 32-bit application and therefore runs in WOW64 (Windows-On-Windows 64) when run-
ning on 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems.
This software has not been tested when running in the Windows XP mode in Windows 7.

For the latest information, see our special Easy Shape website (

Installable Software

VPanel for DWX-4W This is the dedicated software for controlling this machine. This
software is used to operate this machine and configure various

Windows Driver This is a Windows-based driver required for sending data from
(DWX-4W driver) a computer to the machine.

User's Manual This manual explains how to operate the software, how to
(electronic-format manual) perform milling using this machine, and how to perform main-

2. Installation and Setup 39

Installing the Software

Installing the Software

You can install the driver, software, and electronic-format manual all at once. You can also install them separately.
"User's Manual" (electronic-format manual) "Installing the Driver Separately"

Be sure to connect the machine to the computer as instructed in the procedure. Failure to follow the
correct procedure may make installation impossible.


Before installation, confirm that the machine and the computer are not connected with
the USB cable.

Log on to Windows as an "Administrator."

Insert the Roland Software Package CD into the CD-ROM drive of the computer.
When the automatic playback window appears, click [Run menu.exe]. If a [User Account Control] win-
dow appears, click [Allow] or [Yes], and continue with the installation. The setup menu screen appears

Click [Install] for the "DWX-4W Software."

Install the DWX-4W driver and the various software all
at once. Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed
with the installation.
P. 39 "Installable Software"

If the Following Window Is Displayed during Installation

Windows 10
If the screen shown in the figure appears,
click [Install].

40 2. Installation and Setup

Installing the Software

Windows 8.1
If the screen shown in the figure appears,
click [Install].

Windows 7
If the screen shown in the figure appears, click
[Install this driver software anyway].

Click [OK].
Installation information for each software will be
displayed automatically. Follow the instructions
displayed for each installer to continue with the

Click [OK].

Click on the setup menu.

Remove the Roland Software Package CD from the computer.

Switch on the machine's power switch.

Initialization starts.

2. Installation and Setup 41

Installing the Software

Connect the machine to the computer using the USB cable.

If connecting more than one unit of this machine to a single computer, refer to P. 50 "Connecting
Multiple Units".
For the USB cable, use the included cable.
Do not use a USB hub. Connection may not be possible.

The driver will be installed automatically.

How to View the Electronic-Format Manual

Windows 7 / 10
From the [Start] menu, click [All Apps] (or [Program]), then [Roland DWX-4W]. Then
click [User's Manual].

Windows 8.1
On the [Start] screen, click . On the [Apps] screen, click the [User's Manual] icon
under [Roland DWX-4W].

42 2. Installation and Setup

Steps to Perform Following Installation

Before Starting Operations

Be sure to perform the following tasks after installing this machine. These tasks are also required when chang-
ing the installation location of the machine.
STEP 1: Installing the Waterproof Plate
STEP 2: Filling the Coolant Tank
STEP 3: Spindle Run-In (Long)
STEP 4: Automatic Correction

STEP 1: Installing the Waterproof Plate

WARNING Be sure to install the waterproof plate.

If you forget to install the waterproof plate, water will leak around the machine.

The waterproof plate has a top, bottom, front, and back side. Be careful of the orientation when installing. If
the waterproof plate is attached in the wrong orientation, the waterproof plate may become damaged or
water may leak.
Waterproof plate

Front Machine
cover side side




Open the front cover.

Insert the waterproof plate from above between the machine and the inside of the front
The work will be easier when performed from the side or the back of the machine.

The waterproof plate has a top,

bottom, front, and back side.
Be careful of the orientation
when installing. If the orienta-
tion is not correct, the plate
may interfere with opening
and closing the front cover.

2. Installation and Setup 43

Steps to Perform Following Installation

Attach the waterproof plate on the inside

of the front cover.

Make sure that the protrusions on the front cover

are seated firmly in the 2 locations on the plate.

Continue on to "STEP 2: Filling the Coolant Tank."

STEP 2: Filling the Coolant Tank

CAUTION Do not overfill or tilt the coolant tank.

The fluid inlet on the coolant tank is open. Overfilling or tilting will cause fluid
to spill out.

CAUTION When raising or lowering the coolant tank,

hold the positions indicated in the following figure.
Failing to do so may result in your fingers being pinched,
leading to injury.

Water to Use

Use soft or purified water. Using hard water may have a negative effect on the service life of the milling bur
and on the quality of the product.

Handling Additives

You will need to prepare the designated additive separately. Contact your authorized Roland DG Corpora-
tion dealer to purchase additives.
Store additives in a cool, dark place.
Due to the characteristics of the internal components, the color may change and deposits of separated
components may form, but these do not indicate any problems with the use of the additives.
If component deposits form, lightly shake the container to mix the components before use.

44 2. Installation and Setup

Steps to Perform Following Installation



Open the bottom cover.

Pull out the coolant tank.

Remove the coolant tank.

Clean the inside of the coolant tank before you replace the coolant.
Pour a little tap water into the tank, and then shake the tank to the left and right. Dispose of any dirty
water. Repeat this step until the water does not become dirty when you shake the tank.

Make the coolant.

The coolant should have a water-to-additive ratio of
95:5. Use the included measuring cup for measuring.
The capacity of the coolant tank is approximately 3
L. To fill the tank, use 2850 mL of water and 150 mL
of additive.
After you combine the water and additive, there is
no need to mix the substances together.

Refer to the appropriate safety data sheet (SDS) for the chemical substances used in the additives and
the safety related to those substances.
Contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer to purchase additives.

CAUTION Be sure to put the specified additive in the coolant tank.

Additives are effective in reducing coolant deterioration and raising the milling
efficiency in order to maintain product performance. Also, if additives are not
used, the coolant may generate an unpleasant odor.

2. Installation and Setup 45

Steps to Perform Following Installation

Pour in the coolant from the fluid inlet on

the top of the tank.

After filling with coolant, close the fluid

inlet cap.

Return the coolant tank to its original posi-


46 2. Installation and Setup

Steps to Perform Following Installation

Push the coolant tank toward the back of the machine.

Push the coolant tank to the point where you feel a click.
Make sure that the coolant tank is touching the back of the machine tightly.

Do not push the tank using the bottom-



Move the coolant tank slowly. Forcefully moving the coolant tank may cause the coolant to
spray out.

Close the bottom cover.

This completes the filling of the coolant tank.

Continue on to "STEP 3: Spindle Run-In (Long)."

STEP 3: Spindle Run-In (Long)

Close the front cover and turn on the power.

Hold this with
both hands.

2. Installation and Setup 47

Steps to Perform Following Installation

Start VPanel.

Windows 7 / 10
From the [Start] menu, click [All Apps] (or [Program]), then [Roland DWX-4W]. Then
click [VPanel for DWX-4W].
Windows 8.1
On the [Start] screen, click . On the [Apps] screen, click the [VPanel for DWX-4W]
icon under [Roland DWX-4W].

If a screen is displayed that prompts you to perform "collet maintenance"

Perform the "collet maintenance" according to the instructions in the user's manual.

Click .
The [Settings] screen will appear.

Click the [Maintenance] tab.

Click [Spindle run-in (long)].

If a workpiece or the automatic correction

jig is attached:
Remove the workpiece or the automatic
correction jig, close the front cover, and
then click [OK].
If no workpiece or automatic correction jig
is attached:
Click [OK].

48 2. Installation and Setup

Steps to Perform Following Installation

Open the front cover.

Spin the spindle around 10 times in
either direction by hand.
Close the front cover.
Spindle run-in will begin.
The machine status light will flash blue.
The remaining work time will be displayed on VPanel.

When the message shown in the figure appears, the

spindle run-in (long) is complete.
Click [OK].

CAUTION Do not insert your hands or other objects into the machine or look into
the inside of the machine with the front cover open until the spindle has
come to a complete stop.
If you open the front cover before the spindle comes to a complete stop, an
emergency stop will occur. Due to inertia, the spindle will continue to rotate even
after an emergency stop has occurred. It is dangerous to touch a rotating tool.
Also, the coolant continues to flow until the spindle comes to a complete stop.
Coming into contact with sprayed coolant may be hazardous to your health.

Continue on to "STEP 4: Milling Machine Correction."

STEP 4: Milling Machine Correction

This procedure must be performed by a trained service technician. This work is required not only when install-
ing the machine but also when moving the machine to a different location. Contact your authorized Roland
DG Corporation dealer to perform such work.

To service technician

Refer to the service note, perform automatic correction (rotation axis correction + ATC magazine

2. Installation and Setup 49

Connecting Multiple Units

Connection Method
Up to four machines can be concurrently connected to a computer. When more than one machine is connected,
each machine needs to be identified on VPanel. An ID (A, B, C, and D) must be assigned to each machine to
configure the settings for each machine.
The explanations in this section assume that one machine is already connected and describe how to connect
one or more additional machines.
P. 40 "Installing the Software"


Click (VPanel icon) in the task tray on the desktop.

VPanel will be displayed. If you cannot find in the task tray, start the program from the Windows
[Start] screen (or the [Start] menu).
See P. 47 "STEP 3: Spindle Run-In (Long)".
Turn off the power of the connected machine, and then disconnect the USB cable from
the computer.

Verify that OFF is displayed as the operation

status for all machines and that READY is
not displayed.

Switch on the power of the machine to be newly connected, and connect the USB cable
to the computer.
Configure the connections one machine at a time. Be sure to connect only the machine to be config-
ured. If you connect more than one machine with the same ID at the same time, the computer might
shut down or make driver installation impossible.
For the USB cable, use the included cable.
Do not use a USB hub. Connection may not be possible.

Select the machine that displays READY.

Click .
The [Settings] screen will appear.

50 2. Installation and Setup

Connecting Multiple Units

Click the [Settings] tab.

Click [Set ID].
The [Set ID] selection screen opens.

Select any unused ID, and click [OK].

"A" is assigned as the ID of the machine by default.
Since A is assigned to the first machine, be sure to
select B, C, or D for subsequent machines.

Do not set duplicate IDs. If you connect more than one machine with the same ID at the same time,
the computer might shut down or make driver installation impossible.

When the window shown to the left appears,

click [OK].

Right-click (the VPanel icon) in the task

tray, and select "Exit."
Temporarily exit VPanel.

2. Installation and Setup 51

Connecting Multiple Units

Restart VPanel.
See P. 47 "STEP 3: Spindle Run-In (Long)".
The selected ID is now enabled. Verify that the selected ID is displayed on the top window. If the name of
the machine has not been changed, "DWX-4W (Copy 1)" is displayed. ("DWX-4W (Copy 2)" is displayed
for the third machine.)

You can connect all the machines with configured settings to the computer using the USB cables.
At this point, connecting more than one machine with the same ID at the same time may cause the
computer to shut down.

Repeat steps to to connect a third or fourth machine.

To change the name of a machine that has been set, change the name of the installed printer
(the machine you are using) as follows.

Windows 8.1 / 10
Right-click the [Start] , click [Control Panel] then [View devices and printers].
Windows 7
From the [Start] menu, click [Control Panel], [Hardware and Sound], and then [Devices and Printers].
Select the name of the machine (Printer) you are using, and change the name.
Restart VPanel.
The changed name appears on the top window.

52 2. Installation and Setup

3. Appendix

Power Rating and Serial Number Locations..............................54
Dimensional Drawings................................................................55
System Requirements for USB Connection...............................57


Power Rating and Serial Number Locations

Serial number
The serial number is required for maintenance, servicing,
and support. Never peel off the label or let it get dirty.

Power rating
Use an electrical outlet that meets the ratings for voltage,
frequency, and current given here.


+Z direction

-X direction

A axis

-Y direction

54 3. Appendix

Dimensional Drawings

Machine Dimensions

Unit: mm


62 356 538


(410) 499 57

3. Appendix 55

Detection Pin Dimensions

Unit: mm 17


Workpiece Mounting Part Dimensions

Unit: mm


(18) (2.5)

56 3. Appendix


Millable material* Glass ceramics, Composite resin
Pin type Width depth height: max. 40 20 20 mm
(1.5 0.8 0.8 in.)
Operating speed XYZ axis: 6 to 1800 mm/min. (0.24 to 70.9 in./min.)
Spindle speed 15,000 to 60,000 rpm
Rotary axis travel angle A: 360
Number of milling burs 4
Attachable milling bur Shank diameter: 3 mm, dedicated milling bur
Compatible 0.6 to 0.8 MPa
compressed air
Interface USB (compliant with Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1)
Control command set RML-1, NC code
Power requirements AC 100 to 240 V 10%, 50/60 Hz (overvoltage category II, IEC 60664-1), 1.9 A
Power consumption Approx. 200 W
Operating noise During operation: 70 dB (A) or less (when not cutting), during standby:
48 dB (A) or less
External dimensions Width x depth x height: 480 538 599 mm (18.9 21.2 23.6 in.)
Weight 53 kg (117 lb.)
Installation Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000 m
environment Temperature: 5 to 28C (41 to 82F), Humidity: 35 to 80% (non-condensing)
Ambient pollution degree: 2 (as specified by IEC 60664-1)
Short-term temporary overvoltage: 1440 V
Long-term temporary overvoltage: 490 V
Included items Power cord, USB cable, manuals, software CD, automatic correction jig,
hexagonal screwdriver, hexagonal wrench, etc.

* Even when made from the described materials, some workpieces cannot be milled due to specifications or
physical properties. For more information, contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer.

System Requirements for USB Connection

Computer Model preinstalled with the 32- or 64-bit edition of Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 an
upgraded computer originally preinstalled with Windows Vista or later
USB cable Use the included USB cable.

3. Appendix 57
For China

(Pb) (Hg) (Cd)
(Cr()) (PBB) (PBDE)


For EU Countries
This product must be disposed of Lever dit product in bij een lokaal
separately at your local waste recycling afvalverzamelpunt. NIET met normaal
center. Do not dispose of in household huishoudelijk afval afvoeren.
waste bin.

Bitte fhren Sie dieses Produkt separat Dette Produkt skal smides srskilt
Ihrer rtlichen Entsorgungsstelle zu. vk p den lokale affalds- og
Bitte nicht mit dem normalen Hausmll genbrugsstation. M ikke smides ud
entsorgen. sammen med almindeligt
Ne jetez pas le produit avec vos Tt tuotetta ei saa hvitt
ordures mnagres. Portez-le dans un normaalien talousjtteiden mukana,
centre recyclage des dchets. vaan se on toimitettava
ongelmajtteiden kerilypisteeseen
Questo prodotto deve essere smaltito Produkten mste kasseras separat p
negli appositi contenitori per la raccolta din lokala tervinningscentral. Slng
differenziata, non buttare nel cestino inte produkten tillsammans med
dei rifiuti casalinghi. hushllssoporna.

Este producto debe devolverse al

centro de reciclaje ms cercano a su .
domicilio para su correcta eliminacin.
No lo tire a la basura. .

Deite fora separadamente este produto

no seu centro de reciclagem local. No
o deite fora no seu caixote do lixo.


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