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RS-640 540 Use en R4

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Thank you very much for purchasing this product.

 To ensure correct and safe usage with a full understanding of this product's performance, please be sure to read through
this manual completely and store it in a safe location.
 Unauthorized copying or transferral, in whole or in part, of this manual is prohibited.
 The contents of this document and the specifications of this product are subject to change without notice.
 The documentation and the product have been prepared and tested as much as possible. If you find any misprint or error,
please inform us.
 Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur through use of this
product, regardless of any failure to perform on the part of this product.
 Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur with respect to any
article made using this product.

About the GPL/LGPL software used in this product

Thank you for purchasing our product.
This product is using GNU General Public License (GPL) / GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) soft-ware.
You have the right to acquire, modify, and distribute the source code for this GPL/LGPL software. You can obtain the
GPL/LGPL source code used in this product by downloading it from the following website.

Roland DG Corp. has licensed the MMP technology from the TPL Group.

For the USA
Grounding Instructions
STATEMENT In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding pro-
vides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the the risk of electric shock. This tool is equipped with an elec-
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the tric cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and a
FCC Rules. grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into a matching
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated with all local codes and ordinances.
in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio fre- Do not modify the plug provided - if it will not fit the outlet,
quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance have the proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. Check with a qualified electrician or service personnel if the
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if in
to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be doubt as to whether the tool is properly grounded.
required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Use only 3-wire extension cords that have 3-prong grounding
Unauthorized changes or modification to this system can void plugs and 3-pole receptacles that accept the tool's plug.
the users authority to operate this equipment.
Repair or replace damaged or worn cord immediately.

Operating Instructions
For Canada
KEEP WORK AREA CLEAN. Cluttered areas and benches
invites accidents.
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the DON’T USE IN DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT. Don’t
Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. use power tools in damp or wet locations, or expose them to
rain. Keep work area well lighted.

DISCONNECT TOOLS before servicing; when changing

accessories, such as blades, bits, cutters, and like.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les
exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Ca- REDUCE THE RISK OF UNINTENTIONAL STARTING.
nada. Make sure the switch is in off position before plugging in.


owner’s manual for recommended accessories. The use of
improper accessories may cause risk of injury to persons.


POWER OFF. Don’t leave tool until it comes to a complete

For California

This product contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm, including

For EU Countries

This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the
user may be required to take adequate measures.

For EU Countries
1-6-4 Shinmiyakoda, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 431-2103 JAPAN

The authorized representative in the EU:

Roland DG Corporation, German Office Halskestrasse 7, 47877 Willich, Germany


Contents....................................................................................................................................... 3
To Ensure Safe Use..................................................................................................................... 6

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité................................................................................................. 13

Important Notes on Handling and Use .......................................................................................... 20

Printer Unit......................................................................................................................................................................................20
Ink Cartridges.................................................................................................................................................................................21

Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 23
1-1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 24
Machine Features.........................................................................................................................................................................24
About the Notation Used in This Manual............................................................................................................................24
1-2 Part Names and Functions.................................................................................................. 25
Printer Unit......................................................................................................................................................................................25
Operation Panel............................................................................................................................................................................27

Chapter 2 Operation........................................................................................................................ 29
2-1 Switching the Power On and Off......................................................................................... 30
Switching the Power On and Off............................................................................................................................................30
The Power-saving Feature.........................................................................................................................................................31
2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media........................................................................................... 32
Usable Media.................................................................................................................................................................................32
Loading Media...............................................................................................................................................................................32
Cutting Off the Media.................................................................................................................................................................37
2-3 Settings for the Media Heating System............................................................................... 38
What Is the Media Heating System?......................................................................................................................................38
Making the Temperature Setting for the Media Heating System...............................................................................38
General Guide for the Preset Temperatures........................................................................................................................39
2-4 Starting Printing.................................................................................................................. 40
Getting Ready to Receive Data from a Computer............................................................................................................40
Printing Tests and Cleaning......................................................................................................................................................41
2-5 If Ink Runs Out.................................................................................................................... 42
Checking for Remaining Ink.....................................................................................................................................................42
If Ink Runs Out...............................................................................................................................................................................43

Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment....................................................................................... 45

3-1 Daily Care and Maintenance............................................................................................... 46
Disposing of Discharged Ink....................................................................................................................................................46
Care and Maintenance of the Print Heads...........................................................................................................................48
3-2 When Head Cleaning Is Not Effective................................................................................. 49
Performing More Powerful Cleaning....................................................................................................................................49
When Powerful Cleaning Is Not Effective............................................................................................................................49
3-3 Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit........................................................................ 50
When the Cleaning Kit Becomes Necessary.......................................................................................................................50
How to Perform Cleaning..........................................................................................................................................................50
3-4 Replacing Consumable Parts............................................................................................. 54
Replacing the Wipers..................................................................................................................................................................54
Replacing the Separating Knife...............................................................................................................................................57
3-5 When Not in Use for a Prolonged Period............................................................................ 59
Keep Performing Maintenance...............................................................................................................................................59


Chapter 4 Feature Reference.......................................................................................................... 61

4-1 Pausing or Canceling Printing............................................................................................. 62
Canceling Printing Before It Finishes.....................................................................................................................................62
4-2 Setting the Printing Position and Margins........................................................................... 63
Shifting the Print-start Position Forward or Backward...................................................................................................63
Shifting the Printing Position to the Left.............................................................................................................................63
Expanding the Printing Area by Reducing the Margins.................................................................................................64
4-3 Saving the Printer Settings to Match the Media.................................................................. 65
Saving Optimized Media Settings As Preset Values.........................................................................................................65
Loading a Saved Preset..............................................................................................................................................................66
Assigning a Name to a Preset...................................................................................................................................................66
4-4 Optimizing Printing to Match Media Thickness................................................................... 67
Adjusting Head Height to Match Media Thickness..........................................................................................................67
Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirectional Printing....................................................................................................68
Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirectional Printing More Precisely......................................................................69
Performing Feed Correction to Alleviate Horizontal Bands and the Like................................................................71
Changing the Feed-correction Value During Printing....................................................................................................72
4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media............................................................................. 73
Using Transparent Media...........................................................................................................................................................73
Printing Hard-to-dry Media......................................................................................................................................................75
Preventing Media from Coming Loose.................................................................................................................................76
Speeding Up Printing for Narrow Media..............................................................................................................................77
Preventing Soiling of the Media and Dot Drop-out During Printing........................................................................77
Using Sticky Media.......................................................................................................................................................................78
How to Load Sheet Media ........................................................................................................................................................79
4-6 Changing How the Printer Operates................................................................................... 80
Determining What Happens When Ink Runs Out.............................................................................................................80
Setting the Interval until Activation of the Sleep Mode.................................................................................................81
Deactivating the Sleep Mode..................................................................................................................................................81
Changing the Menu Language and the Units of Measurement.................................................................................82
Returning All Settings to Their Initial Values......................................................................................................................82
4-7 Changing the Ink-drying Method......................................................................................... 83
Switching Off the Print Heater and Dryer............................................................................................................................83
Determining How the Media Heating System Operates................................................................................................83
Drying the Trailing Edge of the Printing Area on the Dryer..........................................................................................84
4-8 Making the Network Settings.............................................................................................. 85
Setting the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Etc............................................................................................................................85
4-9 Viewing Information about the Media and the System........................................................ 86
Displaying the Amount of Media Remaining.....................................................................................................................86
Verifying the Setting for the Amount Remaining Every Time the Media Is Changed.........................................86
Printing the Amount of Remaining Media..........................................................................................................................87
Viewing the Serial Number, Firmware Version, and Other Information...................................................................88
Viewing the Network Settings.................................................................................................................................................88
Printing a System Report...........................................................................................................................................................89
4-10 Performing Maintenance................................................................................................... 90
Draining Ink and Performing Internal Washing.................................................................................................................90
Draining Ink Remaining Inside the Machine......................................................................................................................90
4-11 Menu List........................................................................................................................... 91
Main Menu......................................................................................................................................................................................91
Language and Unit Menu..........................................................................................................................................................96
Function Menu..............................................................................................................................................................................97


Chapter 5 What to Do If................................................................................................................... 99

5-1 The Machine Doesn't Run................................................................................................. 100
The Printer Unit Doesn't Run................................................................................................................................................. 100
The Media Heating System Doesn't Warm Up................................................................................................................ 100
5-2 Attractive Printing Is Impossible........................................................................................ 101
Printed Results Are Coarse or Contain Horizontal Stripes.......................................................................................... 101
Colors Are Unstable or Uneven............................................................................................................................................ 101
The Media Becomes Soiled When Printed........................................................................................................................ 102
5-3 The Media Jams............................................................................................................... 103
The Media Jams.......................................................................................................................................................................... 103
5-4 Media Wrinkles or Shrinks, or Feed Is Unstable............................................................... 104
Media Wrinkles or Shrinks...................................................................................................................................................... 104
Media Feed Is Not Straight..................................................................................................................................................... 104
Media Feed Is Not Smooth..................................................................................................................................................... 104
5-5 The Print Heads Stopped Moving..................................................................................... 105
What to Do First......................................................................................................................................................................... 105
If the Heads Still Do Not Move.............................................................................................................................................. 105
5-6 If a Message Appears....................................................................................................... 106
5-7 If an Error Message Appears............................................................................................ 107
Chapter 6 Specifications............................................................................................................... 109
6-1 Usable Media.................................................................................................................... 110
Conditions for Usable Media................................................................................................................................................. 110
6-2 Printing Area......................................................................................................................111
Printable Area and Margins................................................................................................................................................... 111
Media-cutoff Location During Continuous Printing..................................................................................................... 112
6-3 Locations of the Power Rating and Serial Number Labels............................................... 113
6-4 Specifications.................................................................................................................... 114

Company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Roland DG Corporation

To Ensure Safe Use

Improper handling or operation of this machine may result in injury or damage to property. Points which
must be observed to prevent such injury or damage are described as follows.

About WARNING and CAUTION Notices

Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of death or severe injury should
WARNING the unit be used improperly.

Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of injury or material damage
should the unit be used improperly.
CAUTION Note: Material damage refers to damage or other adverse effects caused with respect
to the home and all its furnishings, as well to domestic animals or pets.

About the Symbols

The symbol alerts the user to important instructions or warnings. The specific meaning of the
symbol is determined by the design contained within the triangle. The symbol at left means "danger of

The symbol alerts the user to items that must never be carried out (are forbidden). The specific thing
that must not be done is indicated by the design contained within the circle. The symbol at left means
the unit must never be disassembled.

The symbol alerts the user to things that must be carried out. The specific thing that must be done is
indicated by the design contained within the circle. The symbol at left means the power-cord plug must
be unplugged from the outlet.

To Ensure Safe Use

Incorrect operation may cause injury.

Be sure to follow the operation procedures Exercise caution to avoid being pinched or
described in this documentation. Never becoming caught.
allow anyone unfamiliar with the usage or Inadvertent contact with certain areas may
handling of the machine to touch it. cause the hand or fingers to be pinched or
Incorrect usage or handling may lead to an become caught. Use care when performing
accident. operations.

Keep children away from the machine. Never attempt operation while wearing a
The machine includes areas and components necktie, necklace, or loose clothing. Bind
that pose a hazard to children and may result long hair securely.
in injury, blindness, choking, or other serious Such items may become caught in the ma-
accident. chine, resulting in injury.

Never operate the machine while tired or Conduct operations in a clean, brightly lit
after ingesting alcohol or any medication. location.
Operation requires unimpaired judgment. Im- Working in a location that is dark or cluttered
paired judgment may result in an accident. may lead to an accident, such as becoming
caught in the machine as the result of an in-
Never use the machine for any purpose advertent stumble.
for which it is not intended, or use the
machine in an undue manner that exceeds Never climb or lean on the machine.
its capacity. The machine is not made to support a per-
Doing so may result in injury or fire. son. Climbing or leaning on the machine may
dislodge components and cause a slip or fall,
For accessories (optional and consum- resulting in injury.
able items, power cord, and the like), use
only genuine articles compatible with this Caution: cutting tool
machine. This machine has an internal tool. To avoid in-
Incompatible items may lead to an accident.
jury, handle the tool with care.
Before attempting cleaning, maintenance,
or attachment or detachment of optional
items, disconnect the power cord.
Attempting such operations while the machine
is connected to a power source may result in
injury or electrical shock.

Never attempt to disassemble, repair, or

modify the machine.
Doing so may result in fire, electrical shock,
or injury. Entrust repairs to a trained service

To Ensure Safe Use

Danger of electrical short, shock, electrocution, or fire

Connect to an electrical outlet that complies Handle the power cord, plug, and electrical
with this machine’s ratings (for voltage, fre- outlet correctly and with care. Never use
quency, and current). any article that is damaged.
Incorrect voltage or insufficient current may Using a damaged article may result in fire or
cause fire or electrical shock. electrical shock.

When using an extension cord or power

strip, use one that adequately satisfies the
Ratings machine’s ratings (for voltage, frequency,
and current).
Use of multiple electrical loads on a single
electrical outlet or of a lengthy extension cord
may cause fire.

Connect to ground.
This can prevent fire or electrical shock due to
current leakage in the event of malfunction.

Position so that the power plug is within

immediate reach at all times.
This is to enable quick disconnection of the
Never use out of doors or in any location power plug in the event of an emergency. In-
where exposure to water or high humidity stall the machine next to an electrical outlet.
may occur. Never touch with wet hands. Also, provide enough empty space to allow
Doing so may result in fire or electrical immediate access to the electrical outlet.
If sparking, smoke, burning odor, unusual
Never allow any foreign object to get in- sound, or abnormal operation occurs, im-
side. Never expose to liquid spills. mediately unplug the power cord. Never
Inserting objects such as coins or matches use if any component is damaged.
or allowing beverages to be spilled into the Continuing to use the machine may result in
ventilation ports may result in fire or electrical fire, electrical shock, or injury. Contact your
shock. If anything gets inside, immediately authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer.
disconnect the power cord and contact your
authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer.

Never place any flammable object nearby.

Never use a combustible aerosol spray
nearby. Never use in any location where
gases can accumulate.
Combustion or explosion may be a danger.

To Ensure Safe Use

Important notes about the power cord, plug, and electrical outlet

Never place any object on top or sub- Never allow to get wet.
ject to damage.

Never bend or twist with undue force. Never make hot.

Never pull with undue force. Dust may cause fire.

Never bundle, bind, or roll up.

To Ensure Safe Use

Ink, cleaning fluid, and discharged fluid are flammable and toxic.

Keep open flame away from the work Ensure adequate ventilation for the work
area. area.
Ink and discharged fluid are flammable. Failing to perform ventilation may result in a
health hazard or danger of combustion due
Never store ink, cleaning fluid, or dis- to ink fumes.
charged fluid in any of the following loca-
tions. Never allow an ink cartridge to be sub-
 Any location exposed to open flame jected to impact, and never attempt to
 Any location where high temperature disassemble.
may occur Ink may leak.
 Near bleach or any other such oxidizing
agent or explosive material
 Any location within the reach of chil-
Fire may be a danger. Accidental ingestion by
children may pose a health hazard.

Never place an ink cartridge in fire.

Ink may flow out, catch fire, and spread fire to
other nearby objects.

Never drink or sniff ink, cleaning fluid, or

discharged fluid, or allow them to come in
contact with the eyes or skin.
Doing so may be hazardous to the health.

In the event of ingestion or physical distress

 In the event of contact with the eyes, immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If eye irritation continues,
seek treatment by a physician.
 In the event of contact with skin, immediately wash with soap. If irritation or inflammation occurs, seek treatment by a
 In the event of ingestion, do not induce vomiting, and immediately seek treatment by a physician. Forcibly inducing
vomiting may lead to danger of choking.
 If odor leads to physical distress, move to a well-ventilated location and rest quietly. If dizziness or nausea persists, seek
treatment by a physician.

To Ensure Safe Use

This machine weighs 200 kg (441 lb.). Media weighs 40 kg (88 lb.).

Install the machine in a location that is Be sure to lock the stand's casters.
level, stable, and able to bear the weight If the machine should begin to topple, a
of the machine. major accident may result, including crushing
The total weight of the machine may reach 200 of the appendages or the body.
kg (441 lb.) or more (180 kg (397 lb.) or more
for the 54-inch model). Installation in an un- When storing roll media, implement ad-
suitable location may cause a major accident, equate safety measures to ensure that
including tipover, fall, or collapse. the stored media will not roll, fall, or top-
Unloading and emplacement are opera- Danger exists of becoming pinned under the
tions that must be performed by six per- media and suffering serious injury.
sons or more.
Tasks that require undue effort when Handling roll media is an operation that
performed by a small number of persons may must be performed by two persons or
result in physical injury. Also, if dropped, such more, and care must be taken to prevent
items may cause injury. falls.
Attempting to lift heavy media in a manner that
taxes your strength may cause physical in-

Danger of fire, burns, or toxic gas emissions

Caution: high temperatures Never use media that cannot withstand
Areas such as the dryer become hot. Exercise heat.
caution to avoid fire or burns. Doing so may degrade the media, or may
result in fire or the release of toxic gases.
When printing is not being performed,
remove any loaded media or switch off
the power.
The continued application of heat at a single
location may cause the release of toxic gases
from the media or pose a fire hazard.

To Ensure Safe Use

Warning Labels
Warning labels are affixed to make areas of danger immediately clear. The meanings of these
labels are as follows. Be sure to heed their warnings.
Also, never remove the labels or allow them to become obscured.

Caution: Pinching Hazard

Be careful not to allow the fingers to become
pinched when loading media or closing covers.

Caution: Moving Print Heads

The print heads inside the cover move
at high speed and pose a hazard. Never
insert the hand or fingers into the gap.

Ink and discharged fluid are flammable.
Keep away from open flame.

Ink Is Toxic
Ink and discharged fluid are toxic. Avoid
contact with the body. Use only in a well-
ventilated area.

Caution: High Temperature

The platen and dryer become hot. Exer-
cise caution to avoid fire or burns.

Ink and discharged fluid are
flammable. Keep away from
open flame.

Ink Is Toxic
Ink and discharged fluid are toxic. Avoid
contact with the body. Use only in a well-
ventilated area.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité

La manipulation ou l'utilisation inadéquates de cet appareil peuvent causer des blessures

ou des dommages matériels. Les précautions à prendre pour prévenir les blessures ou les
dommages sont décrites ci-dessous.

Avis sur les avertissements

Utilisé pour avertir l'utilisateur d'un risque de décès ou de blessure grave en cas de
ATTENTION mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil.

Utilisé pour avertir l'utilisateur d'un risque de blessure ou de dommage matériel en cas de
mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil.
PRUDENCE * Par dommage matériel, il est entendu dommage ou tout autre effet indésirable sur la
maison, tous les meubles et même les animaux domestiques.

À propos des symboles

Le symbole attire l'attention de l'utilisateur sur les instructions importantes ou les avertissements. Le
sens précis du symbole est déterminé par le dessin à l'intérieur du triangle. Le symbole à gauche signifie
"danger d'électrocution."

Le symbole avertit l'utilisateur de ce qu'il ne doit pas faire, ce qui est interdit. La chose spécifique à ne
pas faire est indiquée par le dessin à l'intérieur du cercle. Le symbole à gauche signifie que l'appareil ne
doit jamais être démonté.

Le symbole prévient l'utilisateur sur ce qu'il doit faire. La chose spécifique à faire est indiquée par le
dessin à l'intérieur du cercle. Le symbole à gauche signifie que le fil électrique doit être débranché de la

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité

L’utilisation incorrecte peut causer des blessures

S’assurer de suivre les procédures Ne jamais tenter de démonter, de réparer
d’utilisation décrites dans la documenta- ou de modifier l'appareil.
tion. Ne jamais permettre à quiconque Le non-respect de cette consigne risque de
ne connaît pas le fonctionnement ou la provoquer un incendie, un choc électrique ou
manutention de l’appareil de le toucher. des blessures. Confier les réparations à un
L’utilisation ou la manutention incorrectes technicien ayant la formation requise.
peuvent causer un accident.

Garder les enfants loin de l’appareil.

L’appareil comporte des zones et des PRUDENCE
composants qui présentent un danger pour les
enfants et qui pourraient causer des blessures, Faire preuve de prudence pour éviter
la cécité, la suffocation ou d’autres accidents l'écrasement ou le coincement.
graves. La main ou les doigts peuvent être écrasés ou
coincés s'ils entrent en contact avec certaines
Ne jamais faire fonctionner l’appareil surfaces par inadvertance. Faire preuve de
après avoir consommé de l’alcool ou des prudence pendant l'utilisation de l'appareil.
médicaments, ou dans un état de fatigue.
L’utilisation de l’appareil exige un jugement Ne jamais faire fonctionner l'appareil si
sans faille. L’utilisation avec les facultés on porte une cravate, un collier ou des
affaiblies pourrait entraîner un accident. vêtements amples. Bien attacher les
cheveux longs.
Ne jamais utiliser l'appareil à des fins Ces vêtements ou ces objets peuvent être
autres que celles pour lesquelles il est coincés dans l'appareil, ce qui causerait des
conçu. Ne jamais l'utiliser de manière blessures.
abusive ou d'une manière qui dépasse sa
capacité. Utiliser l'appareil dans un endroit propre
Le non-respect de cette consigne peut causer et bien éclairé.
des blessures ou un incendie. Travailler dans un endroit sombre ou
encombré peut causer un accident;
Utiliser uniquement des accessoires l'utilisateur risque, par exemple, de trébucher
d'origine (accessoires en option, articles malencontreusement et d'être coincé par une
consommables, câble d'alimentation et partie de l'appareil.
autres articles semblables), compatibles
avec l'appareil. Ne jamais grimper ni s'appuyer sur la
Les articles incompatibles risquent de causer machine.
des accidents. La machine n'est pas conçue pour supporter
le poids d'une personne. Grimper ou s'appuyer
Débrancher le câble d'alimentation avant sur la machine peut déplacer des éléments
de procéder au nettoyage ou à l'entretien et causer un faux pas ou une chute, ce qui
de l'appareil, et avant d'y fixer ou d'en causerait des blessures.
retirer des accessoires en option.
Tenter ces opérations pendant que l'appareil Attention : outil de coupe.
est branché à une source d'alimentation peut Cet appareil contient un outil interne. Pour
causer des blessures ou un choc électrique. éviter les blessures, manipuler l'outil avec

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité

Risque de décharge ou de choc électrique, d’électrocution ou d’incendie

Brancher à une prise électrique conforme Manipuler le câble d’alimentation, la fiche
aux caractéristiques de cet appareil et la prise électrique correctement et avec
(tension, fréquence et courant). soin.
Une tension incorrecte ou un courant insuf- Ne jamais utiliser un article endommagé, car
fisant peuvent causer un incendie ou un choc cela pourrait causer un incendie ou un choc
électrique. électrique.

Si une rallonge ou une bande d’alimentation

électrique sont utilisées, s’assurer qu’elles
correspondent aux caractéristiques de
l’appareil (tension, fréquence et courant).
L’utilisation de plusieurs charges électriques
sur une prise unique ou une longue rallonge
peut causer un incendie.

Mise à la terre.
La mise à la terre peut prévenir un incendie ou
un choc électrique dus à une fuite de courant
en cas de défaillance.

Placer l'appareil de façon à ce que la fiche

Ne jamais utiliser à l'extérieur ni à un soit facile d'accès en tout temps.
endroit où l'appareil risque d'être exposé Ainsi, l'appareil pourra être débranché rapi-
à de l'eau ou à une humidité élevée. Ne dement en cas d'urgence. Installer l'appareil
jamais toucher l'appareil avec des mains près d'une prise électrique. En outre, prévoir
mouillées. suffisamment d'espace pour que la prise élec-
Le non-respect de cette consigne risque trique soit facile d'accès.
de provoquer un incendie ou un choc élec-
trique. S'il se produit des étincelles, de la fumée,
une odeur de brûlé, un bruit inhabituel ou
Ne jamais insérer d’objet étranger dans un fonctionnement anormal, débrancher
l’appareil. Ne jamais exposer l’appareil aux immédiatement le câble d'alimentation.
déversements de liquides. Ne jamais utiliser si un composant est
L'insertion d'objets comme des pièces de endommagé.
monnaie ou des allumettes, ou le déverse- Continuer à utiliser l'appareil peut causer un
ment de liquides dans les orifices de ventila- incendie, un choc électrique ou des blessures.
tion peuvent causer un incendie ou un choc Communiquer avec le représentant Roland
électrique. Si un objet ou du liquide s'infiltre DG Corp. Autorisé.
dans l'appareil, débrancher immédiatement le
câble d'alimentation et communiquer avec le
représentant Roland DG Corp. autorisé.

Ne jamais placer d’objet inflammable à

proximité de l’appareil. Ne jamais util-
iser de produit inflammable en aérosol à
proximité de l’appareil. Ne jamais utiliser
l’appareil dans un endroit où des gaz peu-
vent s’accumuler.
Une combustion ou une explosion pourraient
se produire.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité

Remarques importantes à propos du câble d'alimentation, de la fiche et de la prise électrique

Ne jamais déposer aucun objet sur le câble, sur la fiche Ne jamais laisser l'eau toucher le câble, la
ou sur la prise car cela risque de les endommager. fiche ou la prise.

Ne jamais plier ni tordre le câble avec Ne jamais chauffer le câble, la fiche ou la

une force excessive. prise.

Ne jamais tirer sur le câble ou la fiche La poussière peut causer un incendie.

avec une force excessive.

Ne jamais plier ni enrouler le câble.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité

L'encre, les liquides nettoyants et les liquides

usées sont inflammables et toxiques

Ne pas approcher une flamme nue de S'assurer que le lieu de travail est bien
l’espace de travail. aéré.
L'encre et les liquides usés sont inflam- L'absence d'aération adéquate peut créer
mables. une situation dangereuse pour la santé ou un
risque de combustion à cause des vapeurs
Ne jamais entreposer d'encre, de liquide qui émanent de l'encre.
de nettoyage ou des liquides usés dans
les endroits suivants : Ne jamais soumettre une cartouche d'encre
 un endroit exposé à une flamme nue; à des chocs. Ne jamais tenter d'ouvrir une
 un endroit où il y a risque de température cartouche d'encre.
élevée; De l'encre pourrait s'échapper.
 près d'eau de Javel, d'un autre agent
d'oxydation ou de matériel explosif;
 tout endroit à la portée d'enfants.
Il y a risque d'incendie. L'ingestion accidentelle
par un enfant peut présenter un risque pour
la santé.

Ne jamais incinérer une cartouche

De l'encre pourrait couler, s'enflammer et le
feu se répandre à des objets proches.

Ne jamais boire l'encre, le liquide de net-

toyage ni les liquides usés, ne pas en
respirer les vapeurs et ne pas laisser les
produits entrer en contact avec les yeux
ou la peau.
Cela est dangereux pour la santé.

En cas d'ingestion ou de trouble physique

 En cas de contact avec les yeux : rincer immédiatement et abondamment à l'eau courante pendant au moins 15 minutes.
Si les yeux sont toujours irrités, consulter un médecin.
 En cas de contact avec la peau : laver immédiatement à l'eau et au savon. En cas d’irritation ou d’inflammation de la peau
: consulter un médecin.
 En cas d'ingestion : ne pas provoquer le vomissement et demander immédiatement l'aide d'un médecin. Provoquer le
vomissement peut créer un risque de suffocation.
 Si l'odeur cause un trouble physique, amener la personne dans un endroit bien aéré et la faire se reposer. Si l'étourdissement
ou la nausée persistent, consulter un médecin.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité

Le poids de cet appareil est de 200 kg (441 lb.)

Le poids du support est de 40 kg (88 lb.)

Installer l'appareil à un endroit stable et plat Prendre les mesures de sécurité adéquates
et capable de supporter son poids. pour l'entreposage des rouleaux de sup-
Le poids total de l’appareil peut être de 200 port pour s'assurer qu'ils ne rouleront pas,
kg (441 lb.) ou plus (180 kg (397 lb.) ou plus ne tomberont pas et ne se renverseront
pour le modèle de 54 po). Installer l'appareil pas.
à un endroit inapproprié peut provoquer un Il y a risque d'être écrasé par le support et de
accident grave comme le renversement, la subir des blessures graves.
chute ou l'écrasement.
La manutention du support en rouleau doit
Le déchargement et la mise en place être faite par deux personnes ou plus et il
doivent être faits par au moins six per- faut prendre des précautions pour éviter
sonnes. les chutes.
Les tâches qui exigent un effort trop grand si Tenter de soulever des objets trop lourds peut
elles sont exécutées par un petit nombre de causer des blessures.
personnes peuvent être cause de blessures.
La chute d'articles très lourds peut aussi
causer des blessures.

S'assurer de verrouiller les roulettes de

la base.
Si l'appareil devait commencer à basculer, il
s'ensuivrait un accident grave, par exemple
l'écrasement de membres ou du corps.

Risque d'incendie, de brûlures ou d'émissions de gaz toxiq

Attention : températures élevées. Ne jamais utiliser un support qui ne peut
Les zones comme le séchoir chauffent. Faire pas supporter la chaleur.
preuve de prudence pour éviter un incendie L'utilisation d'un support qui ne supporte pas
ou des brûlures. la chaleur peut détériorer le support, créer un
risque d'incendie ou causer l'émission de gaz
Quand aucun travail d'impression n'est en toxiques.
cours, retirer tout support de l'appareil ou
couper l'alimentation électrique.
L'application continue de chaleur à un point
unique peut causer l'émission de gaz toxiques
ou créer un risque d'incendie.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité

Vignettes d'avertissement
Des vignettes d'avertissement sont apposées pour qu'il soit facile de repérer les zones
dangereuses. La signification des vignettes est donnée ci-dessous. Respecter les avertissements.
Ne jamais retirer les vignettes et ne pas les laisser s'encrasser.

Attention : Risque de pincement

Faire attention de ne pas coincer les doigts
pendant le chargement du support ou lors de la
fermeture du couvercle.

Attention : Têtes d'impression mobiles

Les têtes d'impression sous le couvercle
se déplacent à haute vitesse et représen-
tent un danger.

L'encre et les liquides usés sont inflamma-
bles. Les garder loin de toute flamme nue.

L'encre est toxique

L'encre et les liquides usés sont toxiques.
Éviter tout contact avec le corps. Utiliser
uniquement dans un endroit bien aéré.

Attention : Température élevée

La platine et la surface de séchage atteignent des
températures élevées.
Être prudent pour éviter un incendie ou des

L'encre et les liquides usés sont
inflammables. Les garder loin de
toute flamme nue.

L'encre est toxique

L'encre et les liquides usés sont
toxiques. Éviter tout contact avec
le corps. Utiliser uniquement dans
un endroit bien aéré.

Important Notes on Handling and Use

This machine is a precision device. To ensure the full performance of this machine, be sure to observe the
following important points. Failure to observe them may not only result in loss of performance, but may also
cause malfunction or breakdown.

Printer Unit

This machine is a precision device.

 Handle carefully, and never subject the machine to impact or excessive force.
 Never needlessly put your hand or fingers inside the cover, the ink-cartridge ports, or other internal
areas of the machine.

Install in a suitable location.

 Install in a location having the specified temperature and relative humidity.

 Install in a quiet, stable location offering good operating conditions.

The print heads are delicate.

 Never needlessly touch or allow media to scrape them. Failure to handle with care may cause dam-
 The print heads may be damaged if allowed to dry out. The machine prevents desiccation automati-
cally, but improper operation may render this feature inoperative. Operate properly, as specified in this
 Never allow the machine to stand with an ink cartridge removed. Remaining ink in the printer may
harden and clog the print heads.
 The print heads are components that wear out. Periodic replacement is required, with the frequency
of replacement depending on use.

This machine becomes hot.

 Never cover the ventilation holes with cloth, tape, or anything else.

Important Notes on Handling and Use

Ink Cartridges

Ink cartridges come in various types.

 Use a type that is compatible with the printer. Also, be sure to use only genuine items from Roland DG

Never subject to impact or attempt to disassemble.

 Never drop or shake forcefully. The impact may rupture the internal pouch and cause the ink to leak.
 Never attempt to disassemble.
 Never attempt to refill the ink.
 If ink gets on your hands or clothing, wash it off as soon as possible. Removal may become difficult if
allowed to stand.


 Store unopened in a well-ventilated location at a temperature of -20 to 40°C (-4 to 104°F).

Chapter 1
1-1 Introduction.....................................................................................................24
1-2 Part Names and Functions.............................................................................25

1-1 Introduction

Machine Features

This machine is a large-format printer capable of high-speed, high-quality printing, and is equipped with the features de-
scribed below.

 A built-in print server enables direct connection to a network.

 This machine has a built-in media heating system composed of a print heater to improve ink
adhesion and speed up drying and a dryer to speed up drying of the media after printing. This
enhances productivity by enabling support for more types of media.
 A software raster image processor (RIP) is included as a standard feature. It takes printing data
such as a PostScript file received from a program, performs raster image processing on the
computer, and outputs the data to the machine.
 Installing a media take-up system (available separately) enables automatic take-up of the media
during printing. This enables unattended operation at night and lengthy printing to be accom-
plished efficiently.
 Using the included software raster image processor (RIP), you can perform printing with crop
marks.* For detailed information on how to use the included software RIP and on printing with
crop marks, refer to the online help for the included software RIP (VersaWorks Online: http://

* This is a feature that enables you to create decals and the like by cutting the outlines of images. This is accomplished by
taking media printed on this unit and reloading it onto a cutting machine or a printing and cutting machine from Roland
DG Corp.

About the Notation Used in This Manual

This document is the user's manual for four models: the RS-640 and RS-540 ECO-SOL MAX ink models and the RS-640 and
RS-540 AQUEOUS PIGMENT ink (FPG2) models. This document uses the following notation to distinguish between the models
or ink types where necessary.
To distinguish between the different sizes
 RS-640 – 64-inch models
 RS-540 – 54-inch models

To distinguish between the different ink types

 Models using ECO-SOL MAX ink – ECO-SOL MAX ink models
 Models using AQUEOUS PIGMENT ink (FPG2) – AQUEOUS PIGMENT ink models

Also, most of the figures in this document depict the 54-inch models.

24 Chapter 1 Introduction
1-2 Part Names and Functions

Printer Unit

Front cover
Side cover Operation panel
Loading lever Keep this closed except
You remove this when you You use this to perform various
You operate this when when necessary, during perform maintenance. operations.
you load media. when loading media..
 P. 27, "Operation Panel"

Maintenance cover Drain bottle

You remove this when you This collects drained ink and
perform cleaning the print other such fluids. Dis­card any
head. collected fluid before it over-

Status LED
Link LED
This flashes yellow while data is being
This lights up green when the con­
received from the network.
nection to the network is correct.

Main power switch

This is employed when Power-cord connector
you’re us­i ng the media This supplies power to the printer.
take-up system available Ethernet connector
separately. This is used to connect the print-
er to a network.

Cartridge slots
There are where ink car­
tridges are installed.
Media holders
Here is where you load roll media
and secure it in place.

Chapter 1 Introduction 25
1-2 Part Names and Functions

Grit rollers
These rollers feed out media to-
Pinch rollers
ward the front of the machine.
These clamp the media when
the loading lever is lowered.

Print-head carriage
The print heads are inside

Platen Media clamps

This is the path over which the media These keep the media from com-
passes. A suction fan that keeps the me- Apron ing loose and prevent fuzz on
dia from coming loose and print heater This has a built-in dryer to the cut edge of the media from
that helps fix the ink are built in. speed up drying of the ink. touching the print heads.

26 Chapter 1 Introduction
1-2 Part Names and Functions

Operation Panel

Display screen HEATER light

This displays various setting menus This flashes while the media heating
and other informa­tion. system is warming up, changing to a
steadily lighted state when the pre­set
BASE POINT light temperature is reached.
This lights up when the base
point (the print-start loca­tion)
has been set. PAUSE key
This pauses printing opera­tion.
FUNCTION key This lights up when op­eration
You press this when entering is paused.
the setting menu for clean­ing
of the print heads, print­ing tests,
and so on.
Cursor keys ENTER key
You press this when entering You use this for such tasks as
the setting menu for clean­ing enabling setting values.
of the print heads, print­ing tests,
and so on. BUSY light
This lights up during print­ing,
MENU key
cutting and other such opera-
You press this to enter the menus
for various settings.
Sub power switch
This switches the printer on and off. (To
SETUP light switch the printer off, you hold down
This lights up when media has the switch for one second or longer). The
been loaded correctly. light flashes slowly when the machine is
in the sleep mode.

Panel Notation
In this document, the keys and lights on the operation panel are indicated by the following images.

MENU key
Cursor keys
SETUP light
BUSY light
HEATER light

Chapter 1 Introduction 27
Chapter 2
2-1 Switching the Power On and Off....................................................................30
2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media......................................................................32
2-3 Settings for the Media Heating System.........................................................38
2-4 Starting Printing.............................................................................................40
2-5 If Ink Runs Out...............................................................................................42

2-1 Switching the Power On and Off

Switching the Power On and Off

This machine has a main power switch and a sub power switch. When using the machine, you switch both on in this sequence:
first the main power, then the sub power.
Whenever printing is finished, switch off the sub power. Also, raise the loading lever.
Leave the main power switch on at all times, never switching it off.

WARNING When printing is not being performed, remove any loaded media or switch off the
sub power.
The continued application of heat at a single location may cause the release of toxic
gases from the media or pose a fire hazard.

Main power switch

Be sure to
leave switched
on at all times.

Keep the loading lever raised when

the machine is not in use.

Sub power switch

Turn this switch on
after closing the front
cover. To turn it off,
hold down the switch
for one second or

Important Note on Switching Off the Power

Never switch off the main power or unplug the power cord suddenly while operation is in progress. Doing so may
damage the print heads. Be sure to first switch off the sub power. If the main power is accidentally switched off, im-
mediately turn the power back on.

30 Chapter 2 Operation
2-1 Switching the Power On and Off

The Power-saving Feature

This machine is provided with a power-saving feature that switches to a low-power "sleep mode" when a fixed interval passes
with no operation. The factory default for the time after which the machine switches to the sleep mode is 30 minutes.
You can change the setting for the time of the shift to the sleep mode. You can also switch off the power-saving feature.
P. 81, "Setting the Interval until Activation of the Sleep Mode," p. 81, "Deactivating the Sleep Mode"

When the machine is in the sleep mode, the sub power switch flashes slowly and the media heating system stops.
Using the operation panel or performing operations such as sending printing data from the computer (when media is loaded)
restores the machine to its normal mode.

To reduce power consumption and prevent problems such as overheating, we recommend leaving the power-saving feature
on and setting the activation time for the sleep mode to 30 minutes or less.

Chapter 2 Operation 31
2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media

Usable Media

For information about media that can be used with this machine, refer to the page indicated below.
P. 110, "Conditions for Usable Media"

Loading Media

Media may be of one of two types: media wound onto a paper tube (called “roll media”) and media not rolled in this way
(called “sheet media”). This section explains how to load media, using roll media as an example. For information on how to
load sheet media, refer to the page indicated below.
P. 79, "How to Load Sheet Media"

CAUTION Load roll media correctly.

Otherwise the media may fall and cause injury.

CAUTION Roll media weighs about 40 kg (88 lb.). To avoid injury, handle with care.

CAUTION Never load media that weighs more than 40 kg (88 lb.) (or, for the 54-inch model,
more than 30 kg(66 lb.)).
The machine may fail to withstand the weight and tipover or cause the media to

1. Load roll media and align the left and right sides.
 Open the front cover.

32 Chapter 2 Operation
2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media

 Go around to behind the printer and move the media holders all the way to the left and

Loosen the Loosen the

Move all the way to the left and right. retaining screw.
retaining screw.

 If the diameter of the media core is two inches, detach the end caps from the media hold-
ers and replace them with the included media flanges.
Media flange
Pull out the clip. Insert the clip.
End cap If it is difficult to pull out, use
a pair of pliers or other such

Line up the
ridges and

 Attach the media to the media holders.

Attach the media to the left media holder.
Move the right media holder to the left and attach the media.
Load the media while the left media holder is positioned close to the left edge, as shown in the figure. Also, never
secure the media holder in place before loading the media. Loading media without performing these steps in the
proper order may make smooth media feed impossible or yield poor printing results.

Left media Right media

holder holder

Fit onto this securely.

Chapter 2 Operation 33
2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media

 Grasp the location shown in the figure and align the left edge of the media with the
If the media is moved too far to the right, grasp the right media holder at its outer side and shift it to the left.

CAUTION Never attempt this operation while holding any location other than the one speci-
The media may fall from the media holder, resulting in injury.


Grip the Grip the

outer side. outer side.

Never attempt to move while holding the inner side of the media holder.
The media may fall and cause injury.

 Secure the media holders in place.

Tighten the retaining screws securely.

34 Chapter 2 Operation
2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media

2. Pass the media through the printer and secure it in place so that no slack occurs.
 Pull out the media, pass its leading edge through between the pinch rollers and the grit
rollers, and feed it through as far as the platen.
Make sure the edge of the media lies along the guide line.

Guide line

 Hold the media at the center and pull it out, being sure to keep it straight.
Make sure all areas of the media are taut.

 Lower the loading lever to hold the media in


CLOSE FRONT starts to flash, and then the screen shown in the figure appears.

Chapter 2 Operation 35
2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media

3. Attach the media clamps and close the front cover.

 Attach the media clamps.
The media clamps are magnetic, and the left and right clamps are distinct. Refer to the figure and install them at the
correct positions, taking care not to let the left and right clamps get mixed up.

Left media clamp Right media clamp

Align the edge of the media Align the edge of the
with the centers of the media with the centers
holes. of the holes.

How to install correctly

 Close the front cover.

W 1180 mm When initialization ends, remains steadily lighted, and the printable
width is displayed.

Remove when not using roll media.

If roll media is allowed to stand unused in a loaded state for an extended period, the media may sag. This can cause poor
printing quality and motor errors, so be sure to remove and store such media when not in use.

36 Chapter 2 Operation
2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media

Cutting Off the Media


 Close the front cover.

Make sure lights up.

Press .
Press several times.

Press .
The screen in the figure appears.

 Open the front cover and detach the left and

right media clamps.

Media clamp
Remove the one on the
left as well.

 Press .
The media is cut off.
Cutter groove Cutter groove

The media is fed to

the front.

Printed portion

The media is cut off here.

You can make the setting in the software RIP for automatic media cutoff after printing has finished. For information
on how to make the setting, refer to the documentation for the software RIP you're using.

Cut-off Operations

○ Be sure to detach the media clamps. Performing cutoff with the media clamps remaining attached may
cause the operation to be interrupted due to detection of the media clamps.
○ If the media clamps are present on the machine when the setting to execute automatic cutoff of the me-
dia is made on the computer, the media clamps are detected and no cutoff operation is performed.
○ When you're performing cutoff, never use to pull the media back. Unless the end of the media
has been pulled out to a location to the front of the platen, cutoff may not be performed smoothly.

Chapter 2 Operation 37
2-3 Settings for the Media Heating System

What Is the Media Heating System?

This machine is equipped with a media heating system that warms the media. You use this mainly, on ECO-SOL MAX ink
models, to improve ink adhesion and dry the ink. You can adjust the temperature settings to match the type of media and
the printing speed.

Note: For AQUEOUS PIGMENT ink models, using the media heating system is normally not necessary. However, the
media heating system might be effectively used for some kind of media. Please use it after confirming the settings.

Print heater
This heater is used mainly to improve
ink adhesion.

You use this to speed up drying of the

WARNING Caution: high temperatures

The platen and dryer become hot. Exercise caution to avoid fire or burns.

WARNING Remove any loaded media or switch off the sub power when printing is not being
The continued application of heat at a single location may cause fire or produce
toxic gases.

WARNING Never use media that cannot withstand the heat.

Doing so may result in fire or the release of toxic gases, or may degrade the me-

WARNING Never use the platen or dryer for any purpose for which they are not intended,
such as to dry clothing.
Doing so may cause overheating, resulting in fire or accident.

Making the Temperature Setting for the Media Heating System


 FUNCTION Press .
HEATER CONFIG Press several times.


DRYER 34 C Use to select [PRINT] (print heater) or [DRYER]
Present dryer temperature

 DRYER Press .
35 C 40 C Use to make the setting.
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


By default, simply switching on the power does not make the media heating system warm up to the preset temperature.
When media is loaded correctly and comes on, warm-up to the preset temperature occurs.

38 Chapter 2 Operation
2-3 Settings for the Media Heating System

General Guide for the Preset Temperatures

The optimal temperature for the media heating system varies according to such factors as the type of media and differences
in the print mode. Use the following as a general guide and adjust accordingly.

General Guide for Adjustment

Print heater
You use this mainly to improve ink adhesion and inhibit smudging.
If the ink forms lumps or smudges, raise the temperature. Note, however, that a temperature that is too high may degrade
the media or cause it to wrinkle.

When ink drying is poor, raise the temperature. Note, however, that a temperature that is too high may degrade the media
or cause it to wrinkle.

The relationship between the print mode and temperature

If smudging or poor drying occur even after raising the temperature, try using a print mode offering higher image quality.
Conversely, when you want to use a faster print mode, raise the temperature.

Amount of ink
When you change the amount of ink using the settings for your software RIP, adjusting this may yield better results. If prob-
lems such as smudging persist even after raising the temperature, try reducing the amount of ink.

 When suggested settings for temperature, print mode, and other values are given, use the suggested
 Depending on the usage environment, the temperature of the print heater or dryer may become higher
than the preset temperature, but this does not represent a problem.

Use at an ambient temperature of 20 to 32°C (68 to 90°F).(ECO-SOL MAX ink models)

If the machine is used at an ambient temperature lower than 20°C (68°F), then depending on the type or width of the media,
wrinkling or temperature-caused unevenness may occur. If this happens, try lowering the temperature of the media heating
system by about 2°C.
To obtain stable printing results, however, the machine should be used at an ambient temperature of 20 to 32°C (68 to

Note: For AQUEOUS PIGMENT ink models, using the media heating system is normally not necessary. However, the
media heating system might be effectively used for some kind of media. Please use it after confirming the settings.Also, to
obtain stable printing results, use the machine in an ambient temperature of 15 to 32°C (59 to 90°F).

Chapter 2 Operation 39
2-4 Starting Printing

Getting Ready to Receive Data from a Computer

When you have finished loading media and making the temperature settings for the media heating system, then follow the
steps below. This procedure enables the machine to receive data from the computer and perform printing.

CAUTION Never touch the print heads while printing is in progress.

The print heads move at high speed. Contact may cause injury.


 Close the front cover.

 Make sure stays steadily lit.

If the light does not come on, lower the loading lever.

 Wait until stops flashing and stays steadily lit.

 Make sure the top menu is displayed.

If the top menu is not displayed, press , then press .

Flashing Steadily lighted

Top menu

Steadily lighted

Printing Is Not Possible in These Situations

 The machine does not run when the front cover is open. Also, never open it when printing is in progress.
Doing so interrupts printing.
 Data from the computer is not accepted when is dark.
 Printing does not start until lights up.
 Data from the computer is not accepted when you are not at the top menu.

Points Which Must Be Observed

 Be sure to set the media clamps during printing. Otherwise the edges of the media may warp and
catch on the print heads.
 During printing, never touch the media that's already been discharged. Doing so may obstruct media
feed or cause the media to rub against the heads, which may result in a paper jam or damage to the

40 Chapter 2 Operation
2-4 Starting Printing

Printing Tests and Cleaning

Before you carry out actual printing, we recommend performing a printing test to ensure no dot drop-out occurs. If dot
drop-out occurs, perform cleaning.

How to Perform a Printing Test

Press .

Press .

 Dot drop-out
Press .
A test pattern is printed.
You can freely set the location for printing the test pattern.
 P. 63, "Setting the Printing Position and Margins"

How to Perform Cleaning

Press .

 CLEANING Press .
NORMAL Press .

Press .
Cleaning starts.
When it finishes, the screen shown in the figure appears again.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


 Perform a printing test again to make sure the dot drop-out has been corrected.
If the problem persists, try performing cleaning a second time.
If the problem doesn't go away even after performing cleaning two or three times, then try cleaning using a differ-
ent method.
P. 49, "When Head Cleaning Is Not Effective"

Chapter 2 Operation 41
2-5 If Ink Runs Out

Checking for Remaining Ink


 MENU Press .
INK REMAINING Press several times.

 Press .

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Amount of ink remaining


1 2 3 4


The display shows an approximate guide to the amount of remaining ink, which may differ somewhat
from the actual amount remaining.

42 Chapter 2 Operation
2-5 If Ink Runs Out

If Ink Runs Out

When ink runs out, a warning beep sounds and printing pauses (unless the default settings have been changed). Pull out
the empty cartridge and insert a new one. Printing resumes.


 1 2 3 4 The slot number for the empty cartridge flashes.

 Gently shake the new cartridge.

 Pull out the empty cartridge and immediately insert the new one.

Replace with an item of identical type and


○ Keep the labeled side face up.

○ Insert and remove slowly, one at a time.
○ Insert firmly, as far as it will go.

Important Notes on Replacing Cartridges

 Be sure to replace with an item of identical type. Never mix items of different types.
 Never allow the machine to stand with an ink cartridge removed. The print heads may become
 Never insert or remove a partially used ink cartridge.
 Never remove an ink cartridge suddenly while the printer is in operation.
 When printing is paused, the coloring at the seam may be altered when printing resumes. Before you
perform lengthy printing, check the amount of ink remaining in the ink cartridges.

WARNING Never store ink, cleaning fluid, or discharged fluid in any of the following loca-
Any loc Any location exposed to open flame
Any location where high temperature may occur
Near bleach or any other such oxidizing agent or explosive
Any location within the reach of children
Fire may be a danger. Accidental ingestion by children may pose a health hazard.

Chapter 2 Operation 43
Chapter 3
Maintenance and
3-1 Daily Care and Maintenance.........................................................................46
3-2 When Head Cleaning Is Not Effective...........................................................49
3-3 Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit..................................................50
3-4 Replacing Consumable Parts........................................................................54
3-5 When Not in Use for a Prolonged Period......................................................59

3-1 Daily Care and Maintenance

Disposing of Discharged Ink

The drain bottle collects discharged fluid. Dispose of collected material before the bottle becomes full. The message shown
in the figure appears when a certain amount of discharged fluid has collected in the bottle. Follow the procedure below to
discard the discharged fluid.

CHECK Resetting the discharged-fluid counter after disposal makes the message shown in
DRAIN BOTTLE the figure disappear.
Press .

1. Choose the "DRAIN BOTTLE" menu item.

 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .



 EMPTY Press .
DRAIN BOTTLE Preparations are complete when this screen appears.

2. Empty the bottle by discarding the discharged fluid.

CAUTION Before you detach the drain bottle, be sure to wait for the screen to display "EMPTY
Failing to follow this procedure may cause discharged fluid to flow out of the tube
and spill, soiling your hands or the floor.

Upper limit
Discard before this line
is passed.

46 Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment

3-1 Daily Care and Maintenance

3. Attach the emptied bottle and reset the discharged-fluid count.

The screen shown in the figure appears.

Press a second time.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


WARNING Never place discharged fluid near open flame.

Doing so may cause fire.

CAUTION To store discharged fluid temporarily, place it in the included drain bottle or in
a durable sealed container such as a metal can or polyethylene tank, and cap
Any spillage or vapor leakage makes cause fire, odor, or physical distress.

Dispose of discharged fluid properly, in accordance with the laws in effect in your locale.
Discharged fluid is flammable and contains toxic ingredients. Never attempt to incinerate discharged fluid
or discard it with ordinary trash. Also, do not dispose of it in sewer systems, rivers, or streams. Doing so
may have an adverse impact on the environment.

Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment 47

3-1 Daily Care and Maintenance


Pinch rollers
Periodically wipe away any grime.
Failure to clean properly may result
in the transfer of grime to the surface
of media.

Grit rollers
Remove buildup of media and other
material using a brush. Never use a
metal brush.

Wipe away any buildup of ink or

grime on the media path.

WARNING Never use gasoline, alcohol, thinner, or any other flammable material.
Doing so may cause fire.

CAUTION Before attempting cleaning, switch off the sub power and wait until the platen and
dryer cool (approximately 30 minutes).
Sudden movement of the machine may cause injury, or hot components may cause

 This machine is a precision device, and is sensitive to dust and dirt. Perform cleaning on a daily ba-
 Clean by wiping with a cloth moistened by neutral detergent diluted with water then wrung dry.
 Never attempt to oil or lubricate the machine.

Care and Maintenance of the Print Heads

Daily Care and Maintenance

Perform maintenance using the machine's head cleaning feature.
 P. 41, "Printing Tests and Cleaning," p. 49, "When Head Cleaning Is Not Effective"

Periodic Care and Maintenance

Periodic care is essential to ensuring optimal printing at all times. Based on your frequency of use, periodically clean the
heads using a cleaning kit.
.P. 50, "Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit"

Note: The print heads are components that wear out. Periodic replacement is required depending on the
frequency of use. Purchase them from your authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer.

48 Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment

3-2 When Head Cleaning Is Not Effective

Performing More Powerful Cleaning

When the problems such as dot drop-out are not cleared up by the "normal cleaning," try the more forceful "medium clean-
ing" or the even more forceful "powerful cleaning." Note, however, that this consumes more ink than "normal cleaning," and
too-frequent use may damage the print heads themselves. Avoid using it more than necessary.

1. Choose "medium cleaning" or "powerful cleaning."

 FUNCTION Press .
CLEANING Press several times.

 CLEANING Press .
MEDIUM CL. Press to choose "MEDIUM CL." or "POWERFUL

2. Start cleaning.
 Press .
>> The screen shown in the figure appears, then cleaning starts.

CLEANING When it finishes, the screen shown in the figure appears. Go on to Step.


DRAIN BOTTLE The screen shown in the figure appears. Go on to Step.

 Check the drain bottle.

If the amount of discharged fluid is near the upper-limit line, then remove the bottle, discard
the collected fluid, and reattach the bottle.
 P. 46, "Disposing of Discharged Ink," step 2.

Press .
The screen shown in the figure appears, then cleaning starts.

CLEANING When it finishes, the screen shown in the figure appears again. Go on to Step.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


When Powerful Cleaning Is Not Effective

If problems such as dot drop-out persist even after you have performed powerful cleaning several times, then use the clean-
ing kit to clean the heads. Such cleaning can be effective when carried out periodically, according to the frequency of use.
 P. 50, "Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit"

Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment 49

3-3 Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit

When the Cleaning Kit Becomes Necessary

Periodic Care and Maintenance

Use the cleaning kit to perform head-cleaning periodically, according to the frequency of use.

When Dot Drop-out or the Like Occur Frequently

When the machine's head-cleaning feature does not correct the problem, clean the heads using the cleaning kit.

 If you use up the cleaning kit, purchase a new one from your authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer.
 The print heads are components that wear out. Periodic replacement is required, with the frequency
of replacement depending on use. Purchase them from your authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer.

How to Perform Cleaning

Important Notes on This Procedure

 To prevent the heads from drying out, finish this procedure in 30 minutes or less.
 A warning beep sounds after 30 minutes. At this time, stop work, and follow the procedure in step 4. on
page 53 to attach the side cover and the maintenance cover, then close the front cover. Press
to quit the manual-cleaning mode. After that, restart the procedure from the beginning.
 Never use any implement other than the included cleaning stick. Cotton swabs or other lint-producing
items may damage the heads.
 Never touch the nozzle surface of the heads.
 Stroke the sponges very gently, applying as little pressure as possible. Never rub, scrape, or crush

CAUTION Be sure to perform operations as specified by the instructions above, and never
touch any area not specified in the instructions.
Sudden movement of the machine may cause injury.

1. Change to the print-head manual-cleaning mode.

 Remove any media.

 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .


Press .

Press .

50 Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment

3-3 Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit

 Open the front cover and remove the maintenance cover.


Screw Maintenance

 NOW PROCESSING.. Close the front cover and press .

CLOSE FRONT The print-head carriage moves to the left side of the machine, and then the screen
COVER shown in the figure appears.

 Open the front cover.

Preparations are complete when this screen appears.

2. Remove the side cover.

 Screws
Remove the side cover.

Side cover


Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment 51

3-3 Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit

 Touch the location shown in the figure to dis-

charge any static electricity.

3. Clean using the cleaning stick. Be especially careful to clean away any fibrous dust (lint).
Clean in the sequence shown in the figure below.

Cleaning stick
Be sure to clean using one of the included
cleaning sticks.

Never touch the nozzle

surface. Gently stroke the sponge.
Clean only the metal frame. Never rub with force.

Area to clean Area to clean Area to clean

52 Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment

3-3 Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit

4. Reattach the side cover and the maintenance cover and quit the manual-cleaning mode.
 Screws
Attach the side cover.

Side cover


 CLEANING... Close the front cover.

>> Press .

CLOSE MAINTE- The print-head carriage moves to the right side of the machine, and then the screen
NANCE COVER shown in the figure appears.
Make sure that the movement of the print-head carriage has stopped completely.

 Open the front cover and attach the maintenance cover.



 MAINTENANCE Close the front cover.


 SETUP SHEET Press to go back to the original screen.

5. Perform a printing test to verify the results of the procedure.

Perform a printing test to check the results.
Perform cleaning using the machine’s cleaning feature several times when necessary.
 P. 41, "Printing Tests and Cleaning"

Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment 53

3-4 Replacing Consumable Parts

Replacing the Wipers

MAINTENANCE The wipers are components that you use when cleaning the print heads. When
REPLACE WIPER the screen displays a message like the one shown, it means the item needs to be
replaced. Replace with new items.
Press .

CAUTION Be sure to perform operations as specified by the following instructions, and

never touch any area not specified in the instructions.
Sudden movement of the machine may cause injury.

1. Display the [REPLACE WIPER] menu.

 Remove any media from the platen.

 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .


Press .
OPEN SIDE The print-head carriage moves to a location where wiper replacement is possible,
COVER and then the screen shown in the figure appears.

 Screws
Remove the side cover.

Side cover


54 Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment

3-4 Replacing Consumable Parts

 Touch the location shown in the figure to dis-

charge any static electricity.

 FINISHED? Preparations are complete when this screen appears.

2. Replace the wipers. Use the included tweezers.

 Detach the old wipers.
Detach the hook and pull up and out.

 Felt surface Insert the new wipers.

toward the rear

Rubber surface
toward the front

Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment 55

3-4 Replacing Consumable Parts

 Attach the hook.


3. Reattach the side cover, and quit the wiper replacement mode.
 Screws
Attach the side cover.

Side cover


Press .

MAINTENANCE After the process to quit the wiper replacement mode, the screen shown in the
REPLACE WIPER figure appears.

 SETUP SHEET Press to go back to the original screen.

 Perform a printing test to verify the results of the procedure.

 P. 41, "Printing Tests and Cleaning"

56 Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment

3-4 Replacing Consumable Parts

Replacing the Separating Knife

If the separating knife becomes dull, replace it with the included replacement knife.

CAUTION Be sure to perform operations as specified by these instructions, and never touch
any area not specified in the instructions.
Sudden movement of the machine may cause injury.

CAUTION Never touch the tip of the separating knife with your fingers.
Doing so may result in injury.

1. Enter the blade replacement mode.

 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .


REPLACE KNIFE Press several times.


OPEN FRONT The print-head carriage moves to a location where blade replacement is possible,
COVER and then the screen shown in the figure appears.

 FINISHED? Open the front cover.

Preparations are complete when this screen appears.

2. Replace the separating knife.

 Remove the separating knife.
Loosen the screw until it slips out.
Grasp the screw portion, and slowly pull it out in the
direction of the arrow. When doing this, do not pull it back
toward you.

Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment 57

3-4 Replacing Consumable Parts

 Install a new knife.

The knife is secured in place by the magnet.

Positioning groove

 Slowly insert it into the groove.

 Tighten the screw.

Take care to ensure that the knife does not slip out of position
at this time.

3. Quit the blade replacement mode.

 W1200mm Close the front cover.
Press to go back to the original screen.

58 Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment

3-5 When Not in Use for a Prolonged Period

Keep Performing Maintenance

Switch On the Power Once a Month

Switch on the sub power once a month. When you turn on the power, the machine automatically performs some operations
such as those to keep the print heads from drying out. Allowing the machine to stand completely unused for a prolonged
period may damage the print heads, so be sure to switch on the power to perform these automatic operations.

Keep at a Constant Temperature and Relative Humidity

Even when the machine is not in use, keep it at a temperature of 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F) and a relative humidity of 20 to 80%
(with no condensation). Temperatures that are too high may degrade the ink and cause malfunction. Temperatures that are
too low may cause the ink to freeze and damage the heads.

 The Setup Guide also describes what to do when the machine will be out of use for a prolonged period.
Be sure to refer to it as well.

Chapter 3 Maintenance and Adjustment 59

Chapter 4
Feature Reference
4-1 Pausing or Canceling Printing.......................................................................62
4-2 Setting the Printing Position and Margins......................................................63
4-3 Saving the Printer Settings to Match the Media............................................65
4-4 Optimizing Printing to Match Media Thickness..............................................67
4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media.......................................................73
4-6 Changing How the Printer Operates..............................................................80
4-7 Changing the Ink-drying Method...................................................................83
4-8 Making the Network Settings.........................................................................85
4-9 Viewing Information about the Media and the System..................................86
4-10 Performing Maintenance.............................................................................90
4-11 Menu List.....................................................................................................91

4-1 Pausing or Canceling Printing

Canceling Printing Before It Finishes


Press .
The screen shown in the figure appears.

 Hold down for one second or longer.

 Stop sending printing data from the computer.

pauses printing.
Pressing a second time here makes printing resume, but horizontal bands are produced at the place where printing
stopped. We do not recommend resuming printing.

62 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-2 Setting the Printing Position and Margins

Shifting the Print-start Position Forward or Backward


 Use to move the media.

Printing data is
output from this

You can shift the print-start position forward or backward by using to move the media. However, never
use in the following cases.
 When you're using the take-up system
The take-up system may pull the media with undue force, resulting in an error or malfunction.
 Before or after executing feed correction
Slackness in the roll media can make it impossible to obtain reliable correction results. Also, slackness in the roll media after
feed correction may cause slippage in the media's movement distance during printing, resulting in horizontal stripes.
 P. 71, "Performing Feed Correction to Alleviate Horizontal Bands and the Like"

Shifting the Printing Position to the Left


 Use to move the heads.

Base point mark Align the left-right positioning with the surface where the
base-point symbol is affixed.

Printing area

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 63

4-2 Setting the Printing Position and Margins

Press .

 Press .

You can shift the printing position to the left by using . Note, however that this setting must be made
for each individual page. When the printing of one page finishes, the left-right positioning returns to its default value. When
the position has been set, lights up and the screen displays the printable width at the set position. This feature is
also available when printing various test patterns, and can help you use media with less waste. Note, however, that the left
and right positions are not restored to their defaults for test patterns.

Expanding the Printing Area by Reducing the Margins


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 Press
Press several times.


10 mm 5 mm Use to select [5mm].
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.

This makes the setting for distance from the left or right media clamp to the corresponding left or right edge of the printing
area. You can select either "5 mm", "10 mm," or "25 mm." Setting this to "5 mm" lets you expand the printing area.
 P. 111 "Printable Area and Margins"
Note, however, that when you're using transparent media, setting this to "5 mm" may result in printing on top of the media

Default Setting
[SIDE MARGIN]: 10 mm

64 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-3 Saving the Printer Settings to Match the Media

Saving Optimized Media Settings As Preset Values


Press .

 PRESET Press .
SAVE Press .

 SAVE Press .
NAME1 Use to select any one from "NAME1" to
Press to save.
The present menu settings are saved in the preset you chose in step.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Using the [PRESET] menu lets you easily change a wide variety of settings to optimize them for the media.
Making changes for each menu item every time you change the media can be troublesome. That's why it can be useful to
save the menu-item settings optimized for an often-used type of media as a preset. The next time you use the media, you
can change the menu-item settings to the optimal values for the media simply by loading the preset you saved.

[PRINT] (Print heater), [DRYER] [SCAN INTERVAL]

 P. 38, "Settings for the Media Heating System"  P. 75, "Printing Hard-to-dry Media"

 P. 64, "Expanding the Printing Area by Reducing  P. 76, "Preventing Media from Coming Loose"
the Margins"
 P. 77, "Speeding Up Printing for Narrow Media"
 P. 68, "Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirec- [MEDIA RELEASE]
tional Printing"

[ADJUST BI-DIR DETAIL SETTING]  P. 78, "Using Sticky Media"

 P. 69, "Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirec-
tional Printing More Precisely"  P. 83, "Determining How the Media Heating System
 P. 71, "Performing Feed Correction to Alleviate Horizontal
Bands and the Like"  P. 84, "Drying the Trailing Edge of the Printing Area on
the Dryer"
 P. 73, "Using Transparent Media"

Menu items that can be saved in presets are listed below.

Up to eight types of presets can be saved. You can assign a name to each one. Using media names for these may aid recogni-
tion and clarity.
 P. 66, "Loading a Saved Preset," "Assigning a Name to a Preset"

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 65

4-3 Saving the Printer Settings to Match the Media

Loading a Saved Preset


Press .

 LOAD Press twice.

NAME1 Press to select the name of a preset you want
to load.

 SETUP SHEET Press to load.

The settings are changed and the screen shown in the figure appears.

This loads a saved preset. You can select any one of eight types of presets. (When no names have been assigned, you select from
among NAME1 through NAME8.) If you load a preset while is illuminated, goes dark. If this happens, raise
the loading lever, make sure the media is loaded straight, then lower the loading lever again to make printing possible.

Assigning a Name to a Preset


 PRESET Press .
NAME Press .
Press twice.

 NAME Press .
NAME1 Use to select any one from NAME1 to NAME8.
Press .

 NAME Use to enter a character.

S_ Press .

 NAME Use to enter the next character.

SAMPLE_ Enter the following characters in the same way. When you're
finished entering text, press .

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


This assigns a name to a saved preset. Using media names may aid recognition and clarity.
The characters you can enter are "A" through "Z," "0" through "9," and the "-" character. You can enter up to 15 characters,
including spaces.

66 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-4 Optimizing Printing to Match Media Thickness

Adjusting Head Height to Match Media Thickness


 MENU Press .
HEAD HEIGHT Press several times.

Press .

 High Low (Standard) Open the front cover.

Move the height-adjustment lever to adjust the head height.

Height-adjustment lever
Move firmly, until it stops.

Close the front cover.
The print-head carriage moves to the original position, and then the screen shown
in the figure appears.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Depending on the media, media may wrinkle or come loose from the platen during printing, increasing the chance of
contact with the print heads. When you are using such media, adjust the head height to "HIGH." Printing quality when the
head height is set to “HIGH” may be coarser or otherwise lower than when set to “LOW.” If this happens, refer to the pages
indicated below.
 P. 68 "Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirectional Printing," p. 69, "Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirectional Printing More Precisely,"
p. 77, "Preventing Soiling of the Media and Dot Drop-out During Printing"

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 67

4-4 Optimizing Printing to Match Media Thickness

Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirectional Printing


1. Print a test pattern.

 MENU Press .


TEST PRINT Press to start printing.

2. Read the correction values from the test pattern.

Choose the value that produces the least misalignment.
Test pattern


Correction-value scale Current correction value

3. Enter the correction values that you read.

Press .


0 -6 Use to set the correction values.
Press to enable the setting.

4. Go back to the original screen.

W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.

The bidirectional-printing mode (in which the heads perform printing during both their outbound pass and return pass)
offers the advantage of being able to shorten printing times, but subtle misalignment occurs during the outbound and re-
turn passes. The procedure to correct this and eliminate misalignment is bidirectional correction. This misalignment varies
according to the head height and the thickness of the media, so we recommend performing correction to match the media
you're using.

68 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-4 Optimizing Printing to Match Media Thickness

Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirectional Printing More Precisely


1. Print a test pattern.

 MENU Press .



 ADJUST BI-DIR Press to go back to the original screen.

TEST PRINT Press to start printing.

2. Read the correction values from the test pattern.

Test pattern Choose the value that produces the least misalignment.














Correction-value scale Current correction value






Chapter 4 Feature Reference 69

4-4 Optimizing Printing to Match Media Thickness

3. Enter the correction values that you read.

Enter the corresponding correction values for H1 through H4.

Press .

 H1 H2 H3 Press .
0 0 0 Use to select. Use to set the cor-
rection value.
H4 Press to finish making the settings for [SETTING NO.1].

Press .

 H1 H2 H3 Press .
0 0 0 Use to select. Use to set the cor-
rection value.
H4 Press to finish making the settings for [SETTING NO.2].

Press .

 H1 H2 H3 Press .
0 0 0 Use to select. Use to set the cor-
rection value.
H4 Press to finish making the settings for [SETTING NO.3].

Press .

 H1 H2 H3 Press .
0 0 0 Use to select. Use to set the cor-
rection value.
H4 Press to finish making the settings for [SETTING NO.4].

4. Go back to the original screen.

W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.

This corrects, for each head, the minute misalignment that occurs in the bidirectional-printing mode. When further correc-
tion is required, such as when adjustment made using [SIMPLE SETTING] does not enhance printing, use [DETAIL SETTING]
to make corrections for each head.

70 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-4 Optimizing Printing to Match Media Thickness

Performing Feed Correction to Alleviate Horizontal Bands and the Like


1. Print a test pattern.

 MENU Press .
CALIBRATION Press several times.

TEST PRINT Press to start printing.

2. Check the test pattern you printed.

Gap present Overlap

Current correction Choose the one that has

value the smallest gap and the
least amount of overlap.

3. Enter the correction value.

0.00% -0.40% Press .
Use to make the setting for the correction value.
Press to enable the setting.

4. Go back to the original screen.

W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.

The movement distance of media experiences subtle changes due to the thickness of the media and the temperature of the
media heating system. When the movement distance becomes discrepant, horizontal stripes are more likely to occur during
printing. We recommend performing correction to match the media you're using and the media heating system. Repeat the
process of printing a test pattern and entering a correction value several times to find the optimal value.
Note, however, that you can also make this setting on the computer (by, for example, choosing the media type in the soft-
ware RIP you are using). Use this feature when you want to make the setting on the printer, without changing any settings
on the computer. When you have made the setting on the computer, the computer's setting is used and the printer's setting
is ignored.

Default Setting
[SETTING]: 0.00%

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 71

4-4 Optimizing Printing to Match Media Thickness

Changing the Feed-correction Value During Printing


While printing is in progress, press .

- 0.80% - 0.80%
Press .
The current correction value is displayed.

 SETTING Use to set the correction value.

- 0.80% - 0.90% Press to enable the setting.
The changed correction value is saved and immediately applied to printing.

If white or dark-colored stripes appear during printing, you can change the feed-correction value without stopping the
printing operation in progress. If white horizontal stripes appear, you make the correction value smaller. If dark horizontal
stripes appear, you make the value larger. You can change the correction value regardless of whether settings made on the
machine or settings made on the computer take precedence. A correction value set while printing is in progress is saved
only as a setting on the machine.
When the data contains crop marks, the feed-correction value cannot be changed while printing is in progress.
 P. 71, "Performing Feed Correction to Alleviate Horizontal Bands and the Like"

72 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media

Using Transparent Media


1. Load transparent media to the printer.

 Refer to "2-2 Loading and Cutting Off Media" and load the media on the machine.

2. Set the media type to "CLEAR."

 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SHEET TYPE Press twice.

OPAQUE CLEAR Use to select "CLEAR."
Press to enable the setting.
SETUP SHEET The screen shown in the figure appears.

3. Make the setting for the media width.

 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .



1371 mm 1200 mm Use to enter the media width.
Press to enable the setting.

Press to go back to the previous screen.

4. Make the setting for the location of the right edge of the media.
 SHEET POS. Press .
SAVE Press .
The print heads move to the position now set.

 Open the front cover.

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 73

4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media

 Use to move the heads.

Align this surface with

the edge of the media.

 After positioning, close the front cover.

Press to enable the setting.

 W 1180 mm Press to go back to the original screen.

The media width can be sensed automatically for opaque media, but not for transparent media. This means that the width
and mounted location of the media must be set manually. Incorrect settings may cause ink to be applied at locations where
no media is present. To quit making settings at the [SHEET POS.] menu item, use to select "CANCEL", then close the
front cover and press .
Note that to keep the heads from drying out, the [SHEET POS.] menu item ends automatically after a certain interval, even
if you’re still making settings there. The settings for the media width and start position made here are effective only when
[SHEET TYPE] is set to "CLEAR." Selecting "OPAQUE" disables the settings, although the setting values are saved in memory.
Choosing "CLEAR" again enables the values set previously.
When you're using transparent media, this unit cannot detect the trailing edge of the media automatically, so printing does
not stop when the media runs out. When you're using transparent media, then before you carry out printing, first check the
size of the printing data and the amount of remaining media.

Default Setting
[SHEET WIDTH]: 1371 mm (RS-540), 1625 mm (RS-640)

74 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media

Printing Hard-to-dry Media


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

SCAN INTERVAL Press several times.


OFF 1.0 sec Use to set the value.
Press .

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


You use this when ink dries poorly even when the media heating system is used. Larger values produce progressively slower
movement of the media, enabling you to extend the drying time accordingly. Printing time takes correspondingly longer.
You can also make this setting on the computer. When you have made the setting on the computer, the computer's setting
is used and the printer's setting is ignored.

Default Setting

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 75

4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media

Preventing Media from Coming Loose


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

VACUUM POWER Press several times.


AUTO 90% Use to set the value.
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


The platen uses suction to grip the media and keep it stable. When media comes loose from the platen because it is warped
or wrinkled, increasing the suction force may help correct the problem. Conversely, when the media is flimsy and cannot
move smoothly, reducing the suction force may help.
When set to "AUTO," the suction force is automatically adjusted to the optimal level for the media width.
You can also make this setting on the computer. When you have made the setting on the computer, the computer's setting
is used and the printer's setting is ignored.

Default Setting

76 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media

Speeding Up Printing for Narrow Media


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

FULL WIDTH S Press several times.

 FULL WIDTH S Press .

FULL OFF Use to select "SHEET" or "OFF."
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


This shortens printing time by reducing the width of head movement to the minimum necessary. This is effective when the
width of the media or the printing data is narrow.
"SHEET" matches the range of head movement to the width of the media.
"OFF" matches the range of head movement to the printing data. Movement is limited to the minimum amount neces-
sary, and this can be expected to yield the fastest printing. Note, however, that because the speed of media movement is
no longer constant, colors on ECO-SOL MAX ink models may be uneven. (This does not cause uneven colors on AQUEOUS
PIGMENT ink models.)
"FULL" makes the speed of media movement constant at all times.

Default Setting

Preventing Soiling of the Media and Dot Drop-out During Printing


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

PERIODIC CL. Press several times.

 PERIODIC CL . Press .
NONE 10 min Use to select a value from "10 min" to "990 min,"
or "PAGE."
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Chapter 4 Feature Reference 77

4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media

Ink tends to collect on the surface of the heads when you use media prone to buildup of static charge, when the ambient
temperature is low, or when the head height is set to “HIGH.” Under some conditions, this ink may be transferred to the media
or cause dot drop-out. Use this feature at such times. The ink buildup is removed as printing is performed.
When this is set to "PAGE," automatic cleaning is performed every time before printing starts.
When this is set to a value from "10 min" to "990 min," automatic cleaning is performed when the cumulative printing time
reaches the value you set here.
When this is set to "NONE," no automatic cleaning is performed.
Using "PAGE" or a value from "10 min" to "990 min," results in longer printing times. Also, when this is set to a value from "10
min" to "990 min," printing pauses and so colors may be uneven.
 P. 67, "Adjusting Head Height to Match Media Thickness"

Default Setting

Using Sticky Media


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

MEDIA RELEASE Press several times.


Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Some types of media may tend to stick to the platen. Starting printing with the media sticking to the platen may make normal
media feed impossible and cause the media to jam. When you're using such media, set the [MEDIA RELEASE] menu item
to "ENABLE." This peels off the media if sticking before starting printing. Note, however, that media feed may be unstable
when printing is performed after executing this operation. Leave this menu item set to "DISABLE" unless you specifically
need to change it.

Default Setting

78 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-5 Accommodating Various Kinds of Media

How to Load Sheet Media

When you’re loading standard-size media or other such media that is not rolled (sheet media), follow the procedure be-


 If roll media is loaded, then remove the media first.

 Pass the media through the machine.

 Align the front edge of the media with the loca-

tion shown in the figure.

Align here

 Lower the loading lever to secure the media in place.

If you're performing printing, attach the media clamps and close the front cover.

See also the following pages.

 P. 32, "Loading Media," step 3.

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 79

4-6 Changing How the Printer Operates

Determining What Happens When Ink Runs Out


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

INK CONTROL Press twice

 EMPTY MODE Press twice.

STOP CONT. Use to make the setting.
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


This lets you change, according to your purpose, the operation that takes place when an ink cartridge is empty.
"STOP" immediately pauses operation when a cartridge becomes empty. Because pausing printing in progress may make
colors uneven, it is best to ensure a sufficient amount of remaining ink before you begin printing.
"CONT." (continue) is a mode in which operation is not automatically stopped. When a cartridge becomes empty, a warning
beep sounds but printing does not stop. To replace the cartridge, you must either wait until printing ends or press
to pause printing. Note that operation does not stop even if ink runs out completely.

Default Setting

80 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-6 Changing How the Printer Operates

Setting the Interval until Activation of the Sleep Mode


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

SLEEP Press several times.

 INTERVAL Press twice.

30min 15min Use to make the setting.
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Default Setting
[INTERVAL]: 30min

Deactivating the Sleep Mode


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

SLEEP Press several times.

 SLEEP Press .

 SETTING Press .
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Default Setting

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 81

4-6 Changing How the Printer Operates

Changing the Menu Language and the Units of Measurement


 MENU LANGUAGE Hold down and switch on the sub power.

ENGLISH Use to select the display (menu) language.
Press .

 LENGTH UNIT Use to select the measurement unit for length.

mm INCH Press .

 TEMP. UNIT Use to select to the measurement unit for tem-

C F perature.
Press .

This sets the language and units of measurement displayed on the display screen of the operation panel.

Default Setting

Returning All Settings to Their Initial Values


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

FACTORY DEFAULT Press several times.
Press to execute.

This menu returns all settings to the same as their factory defaults. However, the settings for [LANGUAGE], [LENGTH UNIT],
and [TEMP. UNIT] are not returned to the factory defaults.

82 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-7 Changing the Ink-drying Method

Switching Off the Print Heater and Dryer


 FUNCTION Press .
HEATER CONFIG Press several times.


DRYER 34 C Use to select [PRINT] (print heater) or [DRYER]
Current temperature
of the dryer

 DRYER Press .
35 C OFF Use to select “OFF.”
Press to enable the setting.
Current preset temperature

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


This menu is used to make the temperature settings for the print heater and dryer, and you can also use it to turn these off.
When set to "OFF," the print heater and dryer do not operate at all.
Note, however, that you can also make this setting on the computer. When you have made the setting on the computer, the
computer's setting is used and the printer's setting is ignored.

Default Setting
ECO-SOL MAX ink models
[PRINT] (print heater): 35°C (94°F), [DRYER]: 40°C (104°F)
[PRINT] (print heater): Off, [DRYER]: Off

Determining How the Media Heating System Operates


 MENU Press .
HEATER MENU Press several times.



30 C MENU Use to make the setting.
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Chapter 4 Feature Reference 83

4-7 Changing the Ink-drying Method

This feature controls the temperature of the media heating system automatically when is dark.
"MENU" performs heating to the preset temperature at all times, without lowering the temperature when is dark.
"30°C" lowers the temperature of the media heating system to a fixed temperature (30°C) when is dark.
"OFF" switches off the media heating system when is dark.

Default Setting

Drying the Trailing Edge of the Printing Area on the Dryer


 MENU Press .
HEATER MENU Press several times.

 FEED FOR DRY Press twice.

Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


When this menu item is set to "ENABLE," additional media feed is performed until the trailing edge of the printing area is
positioned directly on the dryer.
The margin between the print-end position and the next print-start position is set to a value of 100 millimeters.When a
margin setting of less than 100 millimeters has been made on the computer, that setting is ignored and a margin value of
100 millimeters is used.
However, when a margin setting of greater than 100 millimeters has been made on the computer, the computer's setting is
used for the margin value.When this is set to "DISABLE," media feed stops simultaneously when printing ends. This means
that the trailing edge of the printing area is not fed to the dryer unless you continue with a subsequent printing operation.

Default Setting

84 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-8 Making the Network Settings

Setting the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Etc.


 MENU Press .
SYSTEM INFO. Press several times.

 SYSTEM INFO. Press .


 NETWORK Press .
IP ADDRESS Use to choose the item whose setting you want
to make.

 IP ADDRESSS Press twice.

000. 000. 000. 000 Use to select the address number.

192. 000. 000. 000
Press .

 IP ADDRESS Repeat  and  to set all the address numbers.

192. 168. 000. 003 When you have finished making the setting, press .

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Make sure the machine is connected to the network by an Ethernet cable.
For detailed information about the settings, consult your network administrator.

[IP ADDRESS]: IP address

[SUBNET MASK]: Subnet mask
[GATEWAY ADDR.]: Gateway address

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 85

4-9 Viewing Information about the Media and the System

Displaying the Amount of Media Remaining


 MENU Press .



 SET LENGTH Press .

0.0 m 25.0 m Use to set the amount of media remaining.
Press to enable the setting.

 W1200 mm L 25.0 m Press to go back to the original screen.

This display is updated.

L 25.0 m

If setup has not been performed,

the set value flashes.

You can display how much of the media in use is left. Once you set the amount of media remaining, the amount remaining is
displayed at the top menu until it reaches zero. If you cancel the setup such as by removing the media or raising the loading
lever, the amount remaining at that time flashes on the screen. The amount of media remaining is not updated automatically
when you change the media. Redo the setting whenever you change the media.
You can also make the setting display this menu automatically whenever you change the media. See the next section, "Verify-
ing the Setting for the Amount Remaining Every Time the Media Is Changed."
Note: The remaining amount that is displayed is only an estimate, and its accuracy is not assured.

Verifying the Setting for the Amount Remaining Every Time the Media Is Changed


 MENU Press .


AUTO DISPLAY Press twice.

86 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-9 Viewing Information about the Media and the System


Press to enable the setting.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


Setting this to "ENABLE" automatically displays [SHEET REMAIN] whenever you change the media and finish setup.
This makes it impossible to go on to the next operation unless you redo the setting for the amount remaining. This can be
useful for keeping you from forgetting to redo the setting when you change the media.
When you set this to "ENABLE," however, be sure also to set the [SHEET TYPE] menu item to "OPAQUE." When [SHEET TYPE] is
set to "CLEAR," then [SHEET REMAIN] is not displayed automatically, regardless of the setting for [AUTO DISPLAY].
 P. 73, "Using Transparent Media"

Default Setting

Printing the Amount of Remaining Media


 MENU Press .


PRINT MEMO Press to perform printing.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


This prints the amount of media remaining that is displayed at the top menu. You use this when you want to make a record
of the remaining length of the media now in use. Printing the amount of media remaining before you change the media
enables you to refer to the printed record and use the value to make the setting for the remaining amount the next time
you use the media.
Note, however, that continuing by performing the next printing starts printing on top of the portion where the amount of
remaining media is printed. After printing the amount remaining, then before you perform the next printing operation, we
recommend cutting off the media.
 P. 37, "Cutting Off the Media"

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 87

4-9 Viewing Information about the Media and the System

Viewing the Serial Number, Firmware Version, and Other Information


 MENU Press .
SYSTEM INFO. Press several times.

 SYSTEM INFO. Press .

SERIAL NO. Press to choose the information you want to

Press .

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


You can view the following information.
[MODEL]: Model name
[SERIAL NO.]: Serial number
[INK]: Ink model
[FIRMWARE]: Firmware version

Viewing the Network Settings


 MENU Press .
SYSTEM INFO. Press several times.

 SYSTEM INFO. Press .


 NETWORK Press .
IP ADDRESS Use to choose the information you want to view.

192. 168. 000. 003
Press .

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


You can view the following information.
[IP ADDRESS]: IP address
[SUBNET MASK]: Subnet mask
[GATEWAY ADDR.]: Gateway address
[MAC ADDRESS]: MAC address

88 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-9 Viewing Information about the Media and the System

Printing a System Report


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

SYSTEM REPORT Press several times.
Press to start printing.

 W1200mm Press to go back to the original screen.


This prints system information, including a list of setting values.

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 89

4-10 Performing Maintenance

Draining Ink and Performing Internal Washing


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

INK CONTROL Press twice.


HEAD WASH Press twice.
Press to execute.

This drains the ink inside the printer and washes the interior using cleaning cartridges as a preliminary for moving the printer
or conducting maintenance. This operation requires four unused cleaning cartridges. The screen displays information such
as instructions to insert and remove cartridges. Follow these instructions to carry out the procedure. After finishing washing,
the sub power is automatically switched off.
You do not need to carry this out as part of your daily maintenance activities.

Draining Ink Remaining Inside the Machine


 MENU Press .
SUB MENU Press several times.

 SUB MENU Press .

INK CONTROL Press twice.


PUMP UP Press .
Press to execute.

This removes ink inside the printer as a preliminary procedure for performing maintenance. The screen displays information
such as instructions to insert and remove cartridges. Follow these instructions to carry out the procedure. After finishing the
procedure, the sub power is automatically switched off.
You do not need to carry this out as part of your daily maintenance activities.

90 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-11 Menu List

Main Menu


To the [SHEET REMAIN] menu To the [NAME] menu To the [NAME8] menu







To the [NAME1] menu
To the [NAME8] menu
 P. 65 SAVE NAME1







To the [NAME1] menu

Continue Continue Continue

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 91

4-11 Menu List

Continue Continue Continue

To the [NAME8] menu

 P. 66 NAME NAME1 _
To the [LOAD] menu







To the [NAME1] menu
To the [DETAIL SETTING] menu



To the [SETTING No.4] menu

To the
SETTING NO.1 0 0 0 0

SETTING NO.2 0 0 0 0

SETTING NO.3 0 0 0 0

SETTING NO.4 0 0 0 0
To the [TEST PRINT] menu
To the [SETTING] menu

SETTING 0.00% 0.00%
To the [TEST PRINT] menu


92 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-11 Menu List




To the [MAINTENANCE] menu



SHEET WIDTH 1371 mm 1371 mm

To the [CANCEL] menu


 P. 74 SHEET POS.
To the [SAVE] menu


SIDE MARGIN 10 mm 10 mm











 P. 82 SUB MENU

To the [SETTING] menu

SLEEP INTERVAL 30min 30min

To the [INTERVAL] menu


Continue Continue Continue

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 93

4-11 Menu List

Continue Continue Continue

To the [HEAD WASH] menu



To the [EMPTY MODE] menu
To the [DRAIN BOTTLE] menu


 P. 54 menu REPLACE WIPER


To the [CLEANING] menu

To the [NETWORK] menu



 P. 88 SERIAL NO. ZS00001


 P. 88 INK E-SOL Max 4COLOR


 P. 88 FIRMWARE Ver.2.00

To the [MAC ADDRESS] menu

 P. 88 NETWORK IP ADDRESS 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5
To the [MODEL] menu


 P. 88 SUBNET MASK 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5


 P. 88 GATEWAY ADDRESS 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5. 2 5 5


 P. 88 MAC ADDRESS 000086148C5F
To the [IP ADDRESS] menu


94 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-11 Menu List


To the [PREHEATING] menu



 P. 83 PREHEATING 30 C 30 C
To the [FEED FOR DRY] menu

MENU 1 2 3 4

To the [AUTO DISPLAY] menu


To the [PRESET] menu

 P. 86 SET LENGTH 0.0 m 0.0 m


To the [PRINT MEMO] menu

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 95

4-11 Menu List

Language and Unit Menu

While holding down , switch on the sub power.


 P. 82 mm mm


96 Chapter 4 Feature Reference

4-11 Menu List

Function Menu


To the [HEATER CONFIG] menu

To the [POWERFUL CL.] menu

 P. 41 NORMAL CL.

 P. 49 MEDIUM CL.

To the [TEST PRINT] menu

To the [DRYER] menu
 P. 38 HEATER CONFIG PRINT 35 C 30 C 30 C


 P. 38 DRYER 40 C 40 C 40 C
To the [BASE POINT] menu To the [PRINT] menu

(*1) This is not displayed when no media is loaded (that is, when is dark).
(*2) This screen is displayed only when the print-start position has been shifted to the left using or .
 P. 63, "Shifting the Printing Position to the Left"

Chapter 4 Feature Reference 97

Chapter 5
What to Do If
5-1 The Machine Doesn't Run...........................................................................100
5-2 Attractive Printing Is Impossible...................................................................101
5-3 The Media Jams..........................................................................................103
5-4 Media Wrinkles or Shrinks, or Feed Is Unstable..........................................104
5-5 The Print Heads Stopped Moving................................................................105
5-6 If a Message Appears..................................................................................106
5-7 If an Error Message Appears.......................................................................107

5-1 The Machine Doesn't Run

The Printer Unit Doesn't Run must be appropriate. Redo the settings, checking to ensure that
the IP address doesn’t conflict with the IP address for another
Is the power switched on? device on the network, that the port setting for the software
Switch on the printer's main power, then press the sub power RIP specifies the IP address set on the machine, that the settings
switch and make sure the sub power switch lights up. have no typing errors, and for other such problems.
 Setup Guide
Is illuminated?
Printing is not performed when is not illuminated.  P. 88, "Viewing the Network Settings"
Lower the loading lever.
Did the software RIP end abnormally?
Is the front cover open? Make sure the software RIP is running correctly, then switch
Close the front cover. the sub power switch off and back on.

Is the top menu displayed?

If the top menu isn't displayed, printing doesn't start even The Media Heating System Doesn't Warm Up
when data is sent from the Is media loaded?
computer. To go to the top The media heating system does not warm up to the preset
menu, press , then temperature when is dark (by default). Load media
Top menu
press . and wait for the machine to warm up.
 P. 40, "Getting Ready to Receive Data from a Computer"  P. 83, "Determining How the Media Heating System Operates"

Is illuminated? Is the temperature of the room too low?

When lights up, operation is paused. To resume, press If the machine is an ECO-SOL MAX ink model, use it in an envi-
. goes dark and printing resumes. ronment where the temperature is 20 to 32°C (68 to 90°F).
 P. 39, "General Guide for the Preset Temperatures"
Has ink run out?
When printing data is sent while
1 2 3 4 the screen shown in the figure
is displayed, a message appears
and a warning beep sounds. At
the same time, operation pauses. When the ink cartridge is
replaced with a new one, printing starts.
 P. 42, "If Ink Runs Out"
 P. 80, "Determining What Happens When Ink Runs Out"

Is a message displayed on the screen?

 P. 106, "If a Message Appears"
 P. 107, "If an Error Message Appears"

Is the cable connected?

Connect the cable securely.

Is the Link LED lighted?

If the Link LED for the Ethernet connector is not lighted, it
means that a correct connection to the network has not been
made. Make sure the network routing is suitable. Try connect-
ing the computer and the machine to the same hub, or con-
necting them directly using a crossover cable. If this makes it
possible to perform printing, it means the problem is in the
network itself.

Are the network settings correct?

If printing is not possible even though the Link LED is lighted,
check to make sure the IP address and other such settings are
correct. The settings on both the machine and the computer

100 Chapter 5 What to Do If

5-2 Attractive Printing Is Impossible

Printed Results Are Coarse or Contain Horizontal Stripes Is the temperature of the room too low?
The media heating system may not warm up sufficiently when
Do the print heads show dot drop-out? the ambient temperature is less than 20°C (68°F). Also, even
Carry out a printing test and make sure no dot drop-out occurs. when the media heating system reaches its preset tempera-
If dot drop-out is present, perform head cleaning. tures, adequate effectiveness may not be apparent if the media
 P. 41, "Printing Tests and Cleaning" is thoroughly chilled. Before printing, allow the media to come
 P. 49, "When Head Cleaning Is Not Effective" to room temperature.

Is the head height appropriate? Is the print mode suitable?

Printing when the [HEAD HEIGHT] menu item is set to "HIGH" If attractive printing is impossible even when the media heat-
is coarser than when set to "LOW." Keep this set to "LOW" ing system is at a high temperature, try using a higher-quality
except when changing it is necessary, such as when you're print mode. Depending on the media, smudging may occur
using thick media. when using a high-quality print mode, and results may also
 P. 67, "Adjusting Head Height to Match Media Thickness" vary greatly depending on the settings of your software RIP
(such as the color-profile selection). Make settings suited to
Have you carried out feed correction? the media you're using.
Large misalignment in the amount of feed of the media may
result in printing that seems coarse or contains horizontal Is the printer installed in a level and stable loca-
stripes. Either make the setting on the computer to match the tion?
type of media you're using, or make the setting for correction Never install the machine in a location where it is tilted or where
on the printer. it may wobble or experience vibration. Also make sure that the
 P. 71, "Performing Feed Correction to Alleviate Horizontal Bands print heads are not exposed to moving air. These factors may
lead to missing dots or reduced printing quality.
and the Like"

Is the media loaded and set up correctly?

Did the media become slack during feed correc-
If the media is not loaded and set up correctly, media feed may
not be smooth, or printing may be adversely affected. Make
Slackness of the media during feed correction makes accurate
sure the media is loaded and set up correctly.
correction impossible. Carry out feed correction with the media
pulled taut.  P. 104, "Media Wrinkles or Shrinks, or Feed Is Unstable"

 P. 71, "Performing Feed Correction to Alleviate Horizontal Bands

Are the settings for the [PRESET] menu item ap-
and the Like"
If the settings selected with the [PRESET] menu item are not
After feed correction, was the media pulled back?
suitable for the type of media, printing may be adversely af-
Never pull the media back after carrying out feed correction.
fected. Choose settings optimized to the media you're using.
Doing so may cause the correction results not to be applied
properly and result in horizontal stripes.  P. 65, "Saving Optimized Media Settings As Preset Values"

 P. 71, "Performing Feed Correction to Alleviate Horizontal Bands  P. 66, "Loading a Saved Preset"

and the Like"

Colors Are Unstable or Uneven

Have you carried out bidirectional correction?
When you are performing bidirectional printing, use the [AD- Did you shake the ink cartridges gently before in-
JUST BI-DIR] menu item to carry out correction. The optimal stalling them?
adjustment value may vary, depending mainly on the thickness Shake new cartridges gently before you install them.
of the media. Set or select an adjustment value that is suited
to the media. Is the media wrinkled?
 P. 68, "Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirectional Printing" If the media is wrinkled and comes loose from the platen, colors
 P. 69, "Correcting for Misalignment in Bidirectional Printing More may be uneven or printing quality may suffer.
Precisely"  P. 104, "Media Wrinkles or Shrinks, or Feed Is Unstable"

Is the print heater at a suitable temperature? Is the media sagging?

If the ink forms lumps or smudges, raise the temperature. Note, Performing printing using sagging roll media makes uneven
however, that a temperature that is too high may degrade the colors more likely.
media or cause it to wrinkle.
 P. 38, "Settings for the Media Heating System"

Chapter 5 What to Do If 101

5-2 Attractive Printing Is Impossible

Was printing paused partway through? is not loaded and set up correctly, it may wrinkle or come loose
When printing is paused, the coloring at the seam may be and strike the heads.
altered when printing resumes. Avoid pausing printing. By  P. 104, "Media Wrinkles or Shrinks, or Feed Is Unstable"
default, printing pauses when ink remaining inside the ma-  P. 67, "Adjusting Head Height to Match Media Thickness"
chine runs out. Before you perform lengthy printing, check the
amount of ink remaining in the ink cartridges. Are the print heads dirty?
Printing may also pause when data is not sent from the com- The following may cause ink to drip on the media during
puter quickly enough. We recommend not performing any printing.
other tasks with the computer while printing is in progress.  Buildup of fibrous dust (lint) around the heads.
 Ink transferred to the heads due to rubbing against the
Is the printer installed in a level and stable loca- media.
tion? If this happens, clean the heads using the cleaning kit. We
Never install the machine in a location where it is tilted or where recommend carrying out periodic head cleaning.
it may wobble or experience vibration. Also make sure that the  P. 50, "Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit"
print heads are not exposed to moving air. These factors may
lead to missing dots or reduced printing quality. Are the pinch rollers or the media clamps dirty?
Periodically clean them.
Are the operating parameters set to appropriate
 P. 48, "Cleaning"
Depending on the settings for such menu items as [FULL
WIDTH S] and [PERIODIC CL.], uneven colors may occur. If
the settings have been changed, try restoring them to their
default values.
 P. 77, "Speeding Up Printing for Narrow Media"
 P. 77, "Preventing Soiling of the Media and Dot Drop-out During

Is the printer being used in a location subject to

severe changes in the operating environment?
Large fluctuations in temperature or humidity while printing is
in progress may cause the colors to change partway through.
When you're performing printing, use the machine in a location
where temperature and humidity are stable.

Are the settings for the [PRESET] menu item ap-

If the settings selected with the [PRESET] menu item are not
suitable for the type of media, printing may be adversely af-
fected. Choose settings optimized to the media you're using.
 P. 65, "Saving Optimized Media Settings As Preset Values"
 P. 66, "Loading a Saved Preset"

The Media Becomes Soiled When Printed

Do the print heads contact the media?
The height of the print heads may be too low. Also, if the media

102 Chapter 5 What to Do If

5-3 The Media Jams

The Media Jams

If an error message is displayed because the media
has jammed, immediately correct the problem. Failure
to do so may damage the print heads.

Is the media warped or wrinkled?

Many factors can cause warping or wrinkling. Refer to the fol-
lowing and correct the problem.
 P. 104, "Media Wrinkles or Shrinks, or Feed Is Unstable"

Is the height of the print heads too low?

Try raising the heads higher. Media may inevitably warp or
wrinkle slightly, so adjust the height of the heads to take this
into account.
 P. 67, "Adjusting Head Height to Match Media Thickness"

Chapter 5 What to Do If 103

5-4 Media Wrinkles or Shrinks, or Feed Is Unstable

A variety of problems can occur if the media feed is sioned unevenly on the left and right. Reload the media.
not smooth. This can cause such problems as poor
printing quality, contact with the media by the print Are the media holders securely fastened in place?
heads, misaligned positioning, or media jams. Take If the retaining screws for the media holders are not tightened
action as follows. securely, the roll may become unstable, impeding smooth
media feed. Firmly tighten the retaining screws so that the
media holders do not move.
Media Wrinkles or Shrinks
Is the media loaded and set up straight and se- Media Feed Is Not Smooth
Feed is not smooth when the media is not straight or is ten- Do the media or the shafts strike some other ob-
sioned unevenly on the left and right. Reload the media. ject?
Make sure the media and the shafts do not touch anything
Was loaded media allowed to stand for some else. This may affect printing, even when feed appears to be
time? smooth.
Media may shrink or wrinkle if it is heated for an extended
time. When printing ends, switch off the sub power or remove Was loaded media allowed to stand for some
the media. time?
Media may stick to the platen if it is heated for an extended
Are the media clamps mounted? time. When printing ends, switch off the sub power or remove
When you're performing printing, be sure to attach the media the media.
Is the media too thick?
Was the media loaded while the print heater was Media that is too thick may not only cause unstable feed, but
hot? may scrape the print heads, resulting in malfunction. Never
Loading media after the print heater has warmed up causes the use such media.
temperature of the media to rise suddenly, which may cause
the media to shrink or wrinkle during printing. Before loading Are the grit rollers dirty?
media, switch off the sub power and allow the platen to cool. Check to make sure the grit rollers are free of buildup of foreign
 P. 38, "Settings for the Media Heating System" material such as media scraps.

Is the temperature of the media heating system too

Set the temperature to suitable values for the type of media.
 P. 38, "Settings for the Media Heating System"

Is the temperature of room too low?

Use this machine in an environment having an ambient tem-
perature of 20 to 32°C (68 to 90°F). If the machine is used at an
ambient temperature less than 20°C, then depending on the
type or width of the media, wrinkling or temperature-caused
unevenness may occur. If this happens, try lowering the tem-
perature of the media heating system by about 2°C.
To obtain stable printing results, however, the machine should
be used at an ambient temperature of 20 to 32°C(68 to 90°F).

Media Feed Is Not Straight

Is the media loaded and set up straight and se-
Feed is not smooth when the media is not straight or is ten-

104 Chapter 5 What to Do If

5-5 The Print Heads Stopped Moving

If the print-head carriage stops over the platen, take

action immediately to prevent the heads from drying

What to Do First
Switch the sub power off, then back on again. (If the media is
jammed, then also remove the media.) If the print-head carriage
move to the standby position (inside the side cover), it means
the operation has ended successfully.
If the print-head carriage did not move, try switching off the
main power, then again switching on the main power, followed
by the sub power.

If the Heads Still Do Not Move

If the heads still do not move, carry out the following emer-
gency response measure, then contact your authorized Roland
DG Corp. dealer.

1. Switch off the main power and open the front cover.
2. Detach the side cover.
3. Gently move the print heads to the standby position.
4. Stopping at the place where the audible click is heard locks
the print heads in place.


5. Gently apply pressure from the right side to make sure the
heads don't move to the left.

If the print heads move to the left, again move them slowly
by applying pressure from the left side and make sure they
lock in place.

Chapter 5 What to Do If 105

5-6 If a Message Appears

These are the main messages that appear on the [TIME FOR MAINTENANCE]
machine's display to prompt correct operation. They It is time to clean the heads using the cleaning kit. After verify-
do not indicate any error. Follow the prompts and take ing, press .
action accordingly.  P. 50, "Cleaning the Heads Using the Cleaning Kit"

[1■ 2■ 3■ 4■] [TIME FOR WIPER REPLACE]

Only a small amount of ink remains. Replace the cartridge It is time to replace the wipers. After verifying, press .
indicated by the flashing number with a new cartridge.  P. 54, "Replacing the Wipers"


If you're using ECO-SOL MAX ink, this appears when the ma-
chine has been unused for about one month. Switch on the
sub power once a month.
 P. 59, "When Not in Use for a Prolonged Period"


Close the front cover, side cover, or maintenance cover. For
safety, the carriage does not operate while a cover is open.


Load media. This message appears when an attempt to perform
a printing test was made while no media was loaded.


This appears when a certain amount of discharged fluid collects
in the drain bottle. To clear the message, press . If this
screen appears, go to the [DRAIN BOTTLE] menu and discard
the discharged fluid in the bottle.
 P. 46, "Disposing of Discharged Ink"


Check whether the drain bottle is installed. Install the drain
bottle, then press .

Wait until the media heating system reaches the preset tem-
perature. Printing starts when lights up. You can
stop printing by holding down for one second or
longer while this is displayed. Pressing makes print-
ing start immediately, without waiting to reach the preset
 P. 38, "Settings for the Media Heating System"


This appears when media cutoff is attempted without first
removing the media clamps. Execute media cutoff only after
first detaching the media clamps. Pressing while this
message is displayed quits cutoff.

106 Chapter 5 What to Do If

5-7 If an Error Message Appears

This describes the error messages that may appear [MOTOR ERROR TURN POWER OFF]
on the machine's display, and how to take action to
remedy the problem. If the action described here A motor error occurred.
does not correct the problem, or if an error message Operation cannot be continued. Switch off the sub power. Next,
not described here appears, contact your authorized eliminate the cause of the error, then immediately switch on
Roland DG Corp. dealer. the sub power. If the machine is allowed to stand with the error
uncorrected, the print heads may dry out and become dam-
[AVOIDING DRY-UP TURN POWER OFF] aged. This error may be caused by such factors as a mistake in
loading the media, a media jam, or an operation that pulls the
The print heads were forced to standby position to media with excessive force.
prevent them from drying out.
Operation cannot be continued. Switch the sub power off, The media has jammed.
then back on. Carefully remove the jammed media. The print heads may also
be damaged. Perform head cleaning, then perform a printing
[CAN'T PRINT CROP CONTINUE?] test and check the results.

The size of the data including the crop marks is The media was pulled with excessive force.
larger than the printing area of the loaded media. Excessive tension was applied to the media, and additional
To continue performing printing without correcting this, action is necessary to recover from this state. First, raise the
press . At this time, the portion extending beyond loading lever and adjust the media to create a small amount
the printing area and the crop marks are not printed. To stop of slack, then switch on the sub power.
printing, stop sending data from the computer, then raise the
loading lever. Replace the media with a larger piece of media, [SERVICE CALL xxxx]
then send the data again.
An unrecoverable error occurred, or part replace-
The size of the printing data is too small. ment that must be performed by a service technician
Make the scanning-direction size of the data at least 65 mm is required.
(2.6 in). To continue performing printing without correcting Note the number displayed, then switch off the sub power. After
this, press . At this time, the data is printed without you switch off the power, inform your authorized Roland DG
printing the crop marks. To stop printing, stop sending data Corp. dealer of the number that appeared on the display.
from the computer, then raise the loading lever. Increase the
size of the data, then send the data again. There is no limitation [SHEET SET ERROR SET AGAIN]
in the size of the data in the media-feed direction.
The loading lever was lowered while no media was
Raise the loading lever, place media at the correct location,
Printing was stopped because a problem was found then lower the lever again.
in the data received.  P. 32, "Loading and Cutting Off Media"
Operation cannot be continued. Check for a problem with the
connector cable or the computer, and redo the operation from [SHEET TYPE] is set to "OPAQUE," but transparent
the step of loading the media. media was loaded.
Raise the loading lever, set the [SHEET TYPE] menu item to
[HEATING TIMEOUT CONTINUE?] "CLEAR," then reload the media.
 P. 73, "Using Transparent Media"
The print heater or dryer did not reach the preset
temperature. The loaded media is too small.
This occurs because the temperature of the location where the Press any key to clear the error. Replace with media of usable
machine is installed is too low. We recommend raising the tem- size.
perature. To continue waiting for the temperature to rise, press
. To start printing immediately, press .
 P. 38, "Settings for the Media Heating System"
The temperature of the location where the machine
is installed has risen above the ambient temperature
at which the machine can operate.
Operation cannot be continued. Switch off the sub power. The

Chapter 5 What to Do If 107

5-7 If an Error Message Appears

displayed temperature is the current ambient temperature

of the installation location. Bring the installed location to a
temperature at which operation is possible (15 to 32°C) and
allow the machine to come to room temperature, then turn
on the power.


The temperature of the location where the machine

is installed has fallen below the ambient temperature
at which the machine can operate.
Operation cannot be continued. Switch off the sub power. The
displayed temperature is the current ambient temperature
of the installation location. Bring the installed location to a
temperature at which operation is possible (15 to 32°C ) and
allow the machine to come to room temperature, then turn
on the power.


The height of the print heads is lower than the height

specified on the computer.
This warning indicates that the height of the print heads is
too low for the media thickness specified on the computer.
The heads move to a location where you can operate the
height-adjustment lever. Adjust to the displayed height, then
press .
 P. 67, "Adjusting Head Height to Match Media Thickness"


A cartridge that cannot be used was installed.

Remove the cartridge to clear the error. Use a cartridge of the
specified type.

108 Chapter 5 What to Do If

Chapter 6
6-1 Usable Media............................................................................................... 110
6-2 Printing Area................................................................................................ 111
6-3 Locations of the Power Rating and Serial Number Labels.......................... 113
6-4 Specifications............................................................................................... 114

6-1 Usable Media

Conditions for Usable Media

Media width
RS-540: 259 to 1,371 mm (10.2 to 54 inches)
RS-640: 259 to 1,625 mm (10.2 to 64 inches)

Roll outer diameter (A)

Maximum 210 mm (8.3 inches)

Paper tube (core) inner diameter (B)

76.2 mm (3 inches) or 50.8 mm (2 inches)
Note: Using roll media whose paper tube has an inner diameter of
2 inches requires the included media flanges.

Media thickness (C)

Maximum 1.0 mm (39 mil)

Roll weight
RS-540: 30 kg (66 lb.)
RS-640: 40 kg (88 lb.)
Note: When the take-up unit is used, conditions are dependent on the usable media of the take-up unit.

Other conditions
Media such as the following cannot be used.
 Media whose end is attached to the paper tube (core)
 Media which is severely warped or which has a strong tendency to reroll
 Media that cannot withstand the heat of the media heating system
 Media whose paper tube (core) is bent or crushed
 Media that bends under its own weight when loaded
 Media on a sagging roll
 Media that is rolled unevenly

This machine cannot necessarily print every kind of media. When selecting media, be sure to carry out testing in advance
to make sure that satisfactory printing quality is obtained.

110 Chapter 6 Specifications

6-2 Printing Area

Printable Area and Margins

Trailing edge of
the media Media
90 mm
Media clamp Media clamp


B Printable area B
Left margin Right margin
(*1) (*1)(*2)

75 mm
Front edge of the

A: Setting of the [SIDE MARGIN] menu item (5 mm, 10 mm (default setting), or 25 mm)
B: Width clamped by the media clamp (approx. 5 mm)

*1 The amount of the left and right margins is the total of A and B. In the following cases, however, the setting for A becomes
the amount of margin without change.
○ When media has been loaded without installing the media clamps
○ When the [SHEET TYPE] menu item is set to [CLEAR] (regardless of whether the media clamps are present)

*2 The amount of margin can be changed by making the setting of base point (print-start position).
 P. 63, "Shifting the Printing Position to the Left"

Chapter 6 Specifications 111

6-2 Printing Area

Media-cutoff Location During Continuous Printing

When a media-cutoff command is sent from the computer, the cutoff location on the media is as shown in the figure be-

Second page

75 mm
Location where
separated Margin (setting on the computer)

First page

112 Chapter 6 Specifications

6-3 Locations of the Power Rating and Serial Number Labels

Serial Number
This is required when you seek maintenance, servicing,
or support. Never peel off the label or let it get dirty.

Power Rating
Use an electrical outlet that meets the requirements for
voltage, frequency, and amperage given here.

Chapter 6 Specifications 113

6-4 Specifications

RS-540 RS-640
Printing technology Piezoelectric inkjet
Media Width 259 to 1,371 mm (10.2 to 54 in.) 259 to 1625 mm (10.2 to 64 in.)
Thickness Maximum 1.0 mm (39 mil) with liner
Roll outer diameter Maximum 210 mm (8.3 in.)
Roll weight (*1) Maximum 30 kg (66 lb.) Maximum 40 kg (88 lb.)
Core diameter 50.8 mm (2 in.) or 76.2 mm (3 in.)
Printing width (*2) Maximum 1,361 mm (53.6 in.) Maximum 1615 mm (63.6 in.)
Ink cartridges Types ECO-SOL MAX 220-cc cartridge / 440-cc cartridge
AQUEOUS PIGMENT ink (FPG2) 220-cc cartridge
Colors Four colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black)
Printing resolution (dots per inch) Maximum 1,440 dpi
Distance accuracy (*3) (*4) Error of less than ±0.3% of distance traveled, or ±0.3 mm, whichever is greater
Media heating system (*5) Print heater, setting range for the preset temperature: 30 to 45°C (86 to 112°F)
Dryer, setting range for the preset temperature: 30 to 50°C (86 to 122°F)
Connectivity Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, automatic switching)
Power-saving function Automatic sleep feature
Power requirements AC 100 to 120 V ±10%, 7.6 A, 50/60 AC 100 to 120 V ±10%, 7.8 A, 50/60
Hz or AC 220 to 240 V ±10%, 3.9 A, Hz or AC 220 to 240 V ±10%, 4.0 A,
50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Power During operation Approx. 1020 W Approx. 1030 W
Sleep mode Approx. 14 W
Acoustic noise During operation 63 dB or less
level During standby 44 dB or less
Dimensions (with stand) (*6) 2,310 (W) x 740 (D) x 1,103 (H) mm 2,570 (W) x 740 (D) x 1,103 (H) mm
(90.9 (W) x 29.1 (D) x 43.4 (H) in.) (101.2 (W) x 29.1 (D) x 43.4 (H) in.)
Weight (with stand) 122 kg (269 lb.) 133 kg (293 lb.)
Environmental Power on (*7) Temperature: 15 to 32°C (59 to 90°F) (20°C [68°F] or more recommended), hu-
midity: 35 to 80%RH (non-condensing)
Power off Temperature: 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F), humidity: 20 to 80%RH (non-condensing)
Accessories Exclusive stands, power cord, media clamps, media flanges, replacement blade
for separating knife, cleaning kit, software RIP, User's Manual, etc.

When the take-up unit is used, conditions are dependent on the usable media of the take-up unit.

The length of printing is subject to the limitations of the program.

○With Roland PET film, print travel: 1 m
○Temperature: 25°C (77°F), humidity: 50%
Not assured when the print heater or dryer is used.

○Warm-up is required after power up. This may require 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the operating environment.
○Depending on the ambient temperature and media width, the preset temperature may fail to be reached.
○Depth when the included ink-cartridge tray is installed is 1,000 mm.

114 Chapter 6 Specifications

6-4 Specifications

○Operating environment

Use in an operating environment with this range.

Chapter 6 Specifications 115


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