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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I
- Benjamin Franklin

Table of Contents

Welcome Letter pg. 2

Attendance Procedures

Program Management

Policy Acknowledgement


Ana Arcos
21CCLC Program Coordinator
Office 262-832-1527
Cell 414-524-9059

I. WelcomeLetter

Dear Families:

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child(ren) to the 21st Century
Community Learning Center (CLC). La Casa de Esperanza has partnered with Blair Elementary
to bring the school a before and after school program focused on academic achievement. La
Casa de Esperanza's mission is to provide opportunities to achieve full social and economic
participation in society, with emphasis on the Hispanic population. To match that mission, the
CLC program strives to improve the academic achievement of CLC participants through the
use of individualized tutoring, interventions, mini-lessons, enrichment activities and project
based learning while providing a safe and nurturing before and after school program for
students at Blair Elementary.

La Casa regards its ongoing ability to establish effective, efficient and powerful partnerships with
other community collaborators as a major accomplishment. The partnership between Blair and
La Casa was done to provide our services to the families of Blair Elementary and help the
students with academic excellence.

The goal of the CLC program is to provide a quality program that is safe, fun and enriching. Our
program offers age appropriate activities under the supervision of competent, trustworthy, caring
and qualified staff that understands and meets the needs of the children in our care.

To meet the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and recreational needs of children, our
program will provide:

A healthy snack
An opportunity to complete homework with help from qualified CLC staff, get
personalized tutoring, to read, do other school related tasks, and participate in programs
offered by local organizations (ie. UW-Extension, Boys Scouts, Girl Scouts, HAWS etc.)
A safe place to be in the morning from 7:00-8:30a.m. and in the afternoon from
3:45-6:00p.m., Monday through Friday when school is in session.
An opportunity to participate in leisure activities (board games, card games, puzzles,
Large motor activities in the gym or outside (weather permitting)
Arts and crafts

We believe that during the hours that our participants are away from home they should be
provided a quality program of well supervised activities that stimulate new interests, encourages
creativity and builds self confidence, while giving parents peace of mind. Please note that we
are not a daycare program but an ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT program.

This parent handbook gives you details, expectations and policies for the CLC program.

II. AttendanceProcedures

Attendance is taken daily of all children attending the after school program. Parents/guardians
are responsible for notifying the program coordinator or staff if their child will be absent from the
after school program. In case of any absence both the CLC program and the school need to
be notified. Contact information for the program coordinator is found in the front of the

If a child is registered to attend the after school program and does not report to the program and
is not on the official school absentee list or early release sign out sheet, the parent, guardian or
emergency contact will be notified to verify the childs absence. This helps ensure the safety of
all the children attending our program.

A. Sign Out Procedures

Your child must be signed in when dropped off to the morning program with the time and
parent/guardian signature. When picking up from the after school program your child should be
signed out with the time of pick up and parent/guardian signature. Only persons authorized in
writing by you, the parent(s) and/or guardian(s), may remove your child from the program.
Staff members will request photo identification if the person picking up the child is unfamiliar and
check the authorization form. Please be aware that we do this for the safety and protection of
the children in our programs. Your child will not be released to anyone without prior
written notice and/or telephone call. Per school board policy, once in attendance, no child,
will be permitted to walk or ride their bicycle home from the after school program without an
adult companion.

B. School Clubs/Helping School Staff

All children attending school clubs (i.e. cross country, recorder, percussion, etc.) during the after
school hours must report to the school gym and check in with their CLC teacher prior to
attending the club. The parent/guardian must also provide the after school program staff with
written permission for their child to attend any club or tutoring program after school. Children
who attend the after school program are not permitted to stay late or help any teacher in their
classroom, without parent/guardians written permission. This allows the program staff to take
attendance right away and note any absences as well as ensure the childrens safety.

C. Late Pickup Policy

The after school program closes promptly at 6 pm every evening. All parents and/or guardians
are expected to pick up their child(ren) on time. If you are unable to do so, it is your
responsibility to notify the Program Coordinator that you will be late or are sending an alternate
to pick up your child(ren). If the alternate is not on your emergency pick up, the Program
Coordinator will ask the alternate to show proof of identity, so please notify the individual to
bring photo identification with them. After the site closes, a staff member will attempt to contact
the parent, guardian, or emergency contact person by telephone. If a child remains at the after
school program an hour after closing and neither parents, guardians, nor emergency contacts
can be reached and there has been no communication from the parents or guardians, local
police department will be contacted and the child released into the custody of the appropriate
law enforcement official.

Three late pick ups may result in suspension or removal from the program.

III. ProgramManagement

A. Health/Safety/Medications

We are equipped with a first aid kit. There are at least 2 staff members always on site that are
CPR/First Aid Certified. The Program Coordinator will notify parents if there is evidence of
serious injury or illness. A written record will be kept of all injuries and accidents requiring first
aid. A copy of the incident report will be sent home at pick up and a copy will be kept on file.

In case of emergency, illness, or injury to a child, the parent or guardian will be notified
immediately. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached immediately, the emergency numbers
on the enrollment form will be called.

In the event of an emergency warranting medical attention or considered life threatening, the
Program Coordinator will call 911 or take necessary emergency procedures. Parents/guardians
and/or emergency contacts will be contacted as well.

If your child must take a prescription medication of any kind, you must notify the Program
Coordinator and complete a Medical Authorization Form. Over the counter medication will not
be dispensed without a doctors written authorization. All medication should be given to the
Program Coordinator to ensure proper usage. Children are not permitted to have medication in
their possession to take on their own. Medication will never be given to a child by a staff
member without proper written authorization. No medication will be dispensed unless t is in its
original container.

B. Personnel

All staff members must meet educational and experience requirements for the position that they
hold. All child care personnel function under the direct supervision of the Program Coordinator,
who works on site to supervise the daily activities and safe operation of the program.

C. Daily Activities

Upon dismissal from school, all children report to the cafeteria/gym. All younger students (K-1)
are escorted by their classroom teachers. Children are grouped according to their current
grade. Each CLC staff member is assigned a grade level. Attendance is taken and then
students are provided with a nutritious snack.

Our schedule blends educational and recreational activities with a dose of enrichment activities
depending on the day of the week. A typical week may look like the following: *Please note this
schedule is tentative and may change.

D. Discipline

The CLC staff are trained in behavior techniques that include positive reinforcement, redirection,
conflict resolution and rewards. A child with a consistent behavioral problem who is not
responding to his or her teacher or who exhibits extreme or dangerous behavior will be sent to
the Program Coordinator, who will notify the childs parents and/or guardians with a Behavior
Log Report. In extreme cases of behavior, such as running away, fighting, extreme disruption,
stealing, threats of violence or destruction of school property, the parent and/or guardian may
be called immediately and the child may be immediately suspended or dismissed from the

In order to ensure the safety and best possible experience for all involved, students are
expected to abide by the following guidelines:

Respect property and use it in an appropriate manner (ie. computers, laptops, Ipads,
Respect other scholars (no bullying, fighting, etc.)
Respect authority (Coordinator, Teachers, volunteer other adults)
Use respectful language
no swearing or talking back disrespectfully
Read, study, or do other academic tasks quietly during the assigned time

If the above expectations are violated the following will occur:

1. Teachers will correct the behavior. Three strikes will be given before student is
removed from group.

2. Coordinator will have a conference with student explaining the unacceptable

behavior(s) and Think Tank will be filled out by student requiring parent/guardian
signature. Behavior Log will be started and parents/guardians will be notified at pick-up.

3. If behavior continues, Coordinator and Teachers will have a meeting with

parents/guardians. Behavior plan will be started for the student.

4. If Behavior Plan is not followed, parents/guardians will be called and asked to pick up
the child early. Parents/guardians may be called for early pickup if Coordinator or
Teachers feel the behavior is disruptive to the program.

5. After continued misbehavior student will be suspended or removed from program.

Length of suspension is determined by specific case. Please note, suspension may be
immediate if behavior is a danger to staff, other students or disruptive to the program.

6. Everything will be recorded and filed.

If the problem persists, a parent/guardian conference will be scheduled at which the areas of
concern will be discussed and the steps which will be taken to help improve your childs
behavior. If the situation does not improve, the child may be suspended from the program. Four
behavior reports, or dependent on case by case scenarios, will result in dismissal from the

E. Roles and Responsibilities of Parents

In order to ensure the safety and best possible experience for all involved, parents are
expected to abide by the following guidelines:

Personally pick up their child(ren) or arrange for pick up by a person pre-approved by the

Sign their child(ren) in and out on the attendance sheets with the time and a signature.

For the security of the scholars and the building, when picking up a child(ren) please wait
in the foyer location (front entrance of the school). A teacher will bring your child down to

If child(ren) will no longer be participating in the CLC program, for any reason, please
give the coordinator a week prior notice.

Inappropriate behavior (i.e. fighting) will not be tolerated. Two serious incidents will

result in suspension or removal from program.

Our program focuses on helping scholars on their academics, daily attendance will help
that cause. Please commit to the childs regular attendance to the program, 4-5 days a
If child will be absent, please notify the coordinator prior to start of

Be on time!
AM session : drop off needs to be between 7:00 am and 8:00 am, no
earlier and no later than the designated time.
At the 6:00 pm program dismissal.
If you are going to be late please notify the coordinator.
If late pick-up past 6:00 pm occurs more than three times, without
prior notice, the child will be suspended from the program.
You will be presented with a notice letting you know
how many times you have arrived past the
dismissal hour.
Early dismissal will be at 5:15pm for K-2nd grade and 5:30 pm
for 3-5th grade. Please commit to NOT picking up the child
before that time, unless coordinator has been notified.

F. No School/Holidays

The after school program will only be in session on the days that there is school. If there is no
school, than there is no before and after school program. There will be cases throughout
the year where the school will have events during the after school program, which may or may
not result in the cancellation of the after school program. Program staff will notify parents before
any types of cancellations. If you have any questions, please contact the Coordinator.

G. Additional Information
Exceptional Student Enrollment

Exceptional students may enroll and participate in the before and after school program.
However, the CLC staff may not be trained in special education. To ensure that there is
adequate and safe supervision for all children in the program, the following procedures will be
followed before a child may enroll:

1. The parent/guardian must contact the Program Coordinator to set up a pre-enrollment

conference. The purpose of this pre-enrollment meeting is to determine proper staffing,
special training needs and other student needs.
2. At the conference, a discussion between the Program Coordinator, the parent and/or
guardian and school personnel will help determine if the program requires special

training. If training needs exceed the expertise of the program staff, every effort will be
made to meet the requirements.
3. If the program staff requires no additional training, and the other proper ratios are being
maintained, the child may begin attending the program after receiving their letter of

H. Personal Belongings

All personal belongings, including jackets, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc. should be clearly
labeled to help avoid loss. Lost and Found is located in the school, please ask a staff member
where it is. Please note that children are not permitted to bring any personal items to the
program (such as handheld gaming devices, cell phones, trading cards, toys, etc.) that they are
not allowed to bring during the regular school day. The CLC program cannot be responsible for
any lost, damaged, or stolen belongings.

I. Notification of Changes

It is extremely important that you notify the Program Coordinator immediately of any changes in
contact information or pick up procedures.

J. Concerns

The CLC program takes seriously any concerns expressed by their participants and families.
Should an individual or family have any concerns regarding your childs morning or after school
care please contact the Program Coordinator.

IV. PolicyAcknowledgement

Childs Name ____________________________________________ Grade _________

I understand that the 21st Century Community Learning Centers policies have
been developed to ensure the safety and well being of all children attending our
programs. I have read the Parent Handbook and understand the program policies and
procedures. I have discussed the rules of the program with my child.

I understand that failure to return this acknowledgement will not relieve me from
knowing the following CLC policies.

____________________________________________ ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date



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