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Parent Handbook

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Parent Handbook

Program Philosophy: This program will provide children ages birth to

school age the opportunity to learn and grow through hands on experiences
in nature. We believe that children learn best when they are active
participants in their learning. The curriculum is designed to meet the
individual needs of students as they each learn and develop at their own
pace. At Blooming in Boyne City, the caregivers are there to ensure the
safety of children, as well as guide them throughout their learning
experiences. In this center, the classroom sizes are small, for it is critical to
us that our caregivers can provide quality, individualized care.
Curriculum Statement: The curriculum is designed to meet the individual
needs of students as they each learn and develop at their own pace.
At Blooming in Boyne City, the curriculum is designed to encourage social
skills, independence, and language development. We value the
innate curiosity in each child and therefore, have created a play- based
curriculum. The play- based curriculum has been put into place to encourage
children to learn through exploration.  At Blooming in Boyne City, the
curriculum is designed based off of the many interests and abilities of the
children in our care. Our lead teachers work diligently with integrity to
ensure your child is receiving quality learning experiences. In each
classroom, you will see that the students are being instilled with kindness
and developing into well rounded individuals. 

Parent Involvement: At Blooming in Boyne City, we highly encourage

parent involvement. Parents and caregivers are welcome to come into our
childcare center and assistant in multiple learning experiences. We believe
that the lead teachers and parents are truly a team working together in
order to create the best learning opportunities for each child. Our center
values the importance of communication and will communicate with each
family daily through an app called Childcare On. With this app, the parents
and caregivers can track their child's daily routines and see what their child
is doing each day. 

Routines: In each classroom, there is a daily schedule. The lead teachers do

their best to stick to this schedule, but we do know that children require
individualized care as well. For example, in our infant and toddler rooms, the
schedules are based off of what each child needs. If there are specific
circumstances such as health and dietary needs, the lead teachers will do
their very best to make sure your child's needs are met. 

Materials: At Blooming in Boyne City, we make sure that all the materials
are developmentally appropriate and encourage beneficial learning
opportunities. The safety of your child is held to the highest standard. Each
environment is licensed through LARA, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs of
the State of Michigan. At our center, we do utilize a variety of natural
materials due to the fact that we are located along the shores of Lake

Hours of Operation
Monday: 6:00am-5:00pm
Tuesday: 6:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday: 6:00am-5:00pm
Thursday: 6:00am-5:00pm
Friday: 6:00am-5:00pm 

Holidays: The center will be closed on these following days. Christmas Eve,
Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, 4th of July.
History of the center
Blooming in Boyne in Boyne City opened in 2017. It began as a small center
only open to twenty children. Then in 2019, we added an addition to the
center and opened it up to more children. There are currently eight different
classrooms. We chose to locate the center along the shores of Lake Michigan
because we value the outdoors and believe that every child has the curiosity
to explore.

Child Schedule/Absences

Absences: If your child will be absent due to an illness or appointment, the

director will need to be notified as soon as possible. If you have a vacation
planned and your child will be absent, the director is required to be notified
at least a month in advance.

Schedule: Blooming in Boyne City is open Monday -Friday, 6:00am- 5:00pm.

It will be closed on the following holidays: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day,
New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, 4th of July.
The center is open to toddlers, preschool and kindergarten age children. In
each classroom, the students may have individual schedules that their lead
teachers create. Once your child completes orientation, you will receive a
specific schedule of daily activities for your child’s classroom. At Blooming in
Boyne City, we do our very best to meet the individual needs of all children.
If, by chance, there is an emergency closing of the center, all parents will be
notified immediately by phone call.

Enrollment and Withdrawal Procedures

If you are interested in learning more aobut Blooming in Boyne City, please
call the center to schedule a tour and a meeting with the director. Once
there is a time scheduled, the parents/guardians can come tour the center.
While the tour is taking place, the child will be invited into the classroom in
which he/she would be enrolled to visit with the teachers and children. This
will be free of charge.
If you decide that Blooming in Boyne City is the right fit for your child, then
you will need to fill out the following agreement forms and pay the
registration fee in order to secure your child’s spot.
Agreement Forms
- Acknowledgement of Receipt of Handbook
- Confidentiality form
- Right to Photograph from
Staff Qualifications
Director: The director is required to have a bachelor’s degree or higher
education in Child Development or Early Childhood Education.
Lead Teacher: A bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or higher is
required. CDA completions, or associates in early childhood education or
child development is required.
Assistant Teacher: A high school diploma is required, but higher education
is strongly encouraged.

Additional Training: At Blooming in Boyne City, our staff members are

encouraged to become lifelong learners through professional development.
Each staff member is required to complete at least sixteen hours of
professional development each year. To ensure that this is completed, we
require at least two hours of professional development each month. During
the year, there will be conferences that all staff members will be required to
attend, and they will count toward the sixteen hours of professional
development each year.
At our center, we apply for grants and scholarships to help ensure that
tuition is affordable. We value your child’s development and safety by
providing quality, individualized care.
Toddler: $130/week
Preschool: $100/week
Kindergarten: $300/month

Tuition money may be used for the following:

- Curriculum
- Diapers, wipes, tissues, soaps
- Eating materials such as cups, plates, napkins, silverware
- Toys
- Furniture, bedding, blankets, pillows
Tuition payments are due every Monday by 5:00 pm. If payments are late,
there will be an additional fee of $20 that will be applied. If late payments
reoccur, the director may ask you to pay two weeks in advance or monthly,
whatever is most convenient. If payments continue to not be turned in, then
we may suspend your child until the tuition is paid.
Late Pick Up/Early Drop Off
Additional fees may be added to your weekly payments if your child is
dropped off before the center opens at 6:00am or if you pick up your child
late, after 5:00pm. You will be charged a dollar a minute if your child is
dropped off early or picked up late. If an early drop off or late pick up occurs
more than three times in a year, you will be charged three dollars for every
minute your child is here before or after center hours.
For the children who have been approved for part-time care, they will need
to be picked up at the designated time as approved by the director.
Your child will NOT be allowed to be picked up by someone who is not
indicated on their emergency contact forms. If a staff member has any
concerns, they have the right to deny a person from taking the child.

Attendance/Absence policies
If your child is absent for a day, due to illness or other reasons, please note
that your regular tuition feel will be charged. This is because we staff our
center according to the number of children that are in our care. Staff
members receive their schedules at least two weeks in advance.
If you have a vacation scheduled and your child will be absent, you will need
to notify the director and lead teacher at least a month in advance and sign
the Vacation Absent Form. You will not be charged if you give the center the
necessary time to prepare staffing.
At the time of arrival, parents will need to accompany their child to their
designated classroom. When arriving to the center, in order to enter the
center, you will need to enter your personal code into the security system.
Each family will be given a different code to enter that is only valid during
center hours. This will record the time of arrival. Once you get to your child’s
classroom, you are welcome to help get your child comfortable to transition
into starting his/her day. The lead teachers will do their best to help with this
transition as well.
During the time of departure, your child will only be allowed to be dismissed
with someone who has been listed on their emergency contact form. Once
you have your child from their classroom, you will need to notify the security
system that you are departing for the day by entering your code and then
pushing the departure button. This action will record the time that you
signed out your child.
Clothing/Toys from Home:
Parents will be asked to bring in a couple extra sets of clothes in case of
accidents or messes. The extra clothes will be stored in your child’s labeled
storage cubby. All clothing must be labeled with the child’s name. We ask
that children are sent in comfortable clothing that is easily washable.
Parents are responsible for dressing your child according to the weather.
Summer- sunscreen, swimsuit, shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, swim diapers, sun
Fall- jacket, closed toe shoes, hats, gloves.
Winter- snow boots, snow pants, hat, gloves, winter coat.
Spring- rain boots, raincoat

At rest times, Blooming in Boyne City understands that children may want to
bring comfort items with them such as blankets, or stuffed animals. These
will need to be sent home every Friday to be washed and disinfected. No
extra toys will need to be sent with your child during the day. There are
plenty of toys provided by the center.

Grievance Procedure
Grievance Policy: At Blooming in Boyne City, all staff members are expected
to make reasonable attempts to resolve conflicts directly with the
individual/individuals concerned. If a solution cannot be reached or
assistance is needed, staff members should then seek assistance from the
Director. Confidentiality is expected and required when grievances arise.

Conferences/Home Visits: Conferences will be held twice throughout the

school year for each child. The lead teachers and assistant teachers will be
required to complete these conferences. The conferences will reflect on the
child’s development in the six domains, educational standing, and overall
behavior. If for some reason the parents feel as if they need to conference
with the teachers on a more regular basis, they must notify the director.
Blooming in Boyne City does not partake in home visits.

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse: All staff members are required to take
child abuse and neglect training annually. This is so that all staff members
are updated on the steps of precaution. Each staff member will be aware of
the steps in place if a child is showing signs of abuse and neglect as well. As
part of Blooming in Boyne City, each staff member MUST report to Child
Protective Services if they suspect that any abuse or neglect is occurring.
Confidentiality will be kept at all times.

Safety Policies
Fire: If there is a fire, the lead teacher and assistant teacher are to safely
take all children to the designated meeting place. The teacher will then need
to call 911 and state the center’s name and location. The address of the
center is labeled on each telephone in case of this emergency. If the fire
alarm goes off while everyone is in the classroom, the lead teachers will
need to follow the procedure listed below.
1. Gather students to evacuate.
2. Grab the first aid kit, attendance sheet, phone.
3. Lead teacher goes first to lead the students, while the assistant
teacher is last out of the classroom and will shut the door and turn the
lights off.
4. Gather all students at the meeting spot and take attendance.
5. 911 will be contacted.
6. Once the director ensures that it is safe to reenter the building, the
lead teachers may walk their students back to the classrooms.
Tornado: If the city sounds their tornado sirens, the following actions need
to take place.
1. The lead teacher will need to grab the first aid kit and attendance
2. The assistant teacher will then need to lead the students to the
designated shelter area.
3. Once everyone is gathered in the shelter area, the lead teacher will
need to take attendance.
4. Every person is to stay in the shelter area until they receive an all clear
from the director.

Lockdown: If there is an individual demonstrating threatening behavior the

following steps will be taken. All outside doors to the center are locked
during center hours.
1. All lead teachers are to shut the classroom doors, lock them and turn
the lights off.
2. All students are to gather in a protected area in the classroom, for
example, a closet or bathroom. The lead and assistant teachers are to
keep the children as quiet as possible.
3. The director will locate the threatening individual and contact the
4. Once the police or the director intervene with the threatening
individual and it is safe to do so, the classroom teachers should be
notified to resume their normal schedule.
Outside Play: At Blooming in Boyne City, we highly encourage outside play.
If there is lightning, or hard pouring rain, the students will not be allowed
outside. In the winter, if the wind chill falls under a specific degree, the
children will not go outside. Other than those hazardous conditions, the
students should be dressed according to the weather.

Food Allergies/Dietary Restrictions

All meals will be provided by the center. Therefore, if your child has any
allergies or dietary restrictions, please notify the director as you are filling
out the enrollment form. You will then need to fill out an Allergy form and a
Medical Action form in case of an allergic reaction. Blooming in Boyne City
will do our very best to accommodate your child’s every need.
As we follow all licensing requirements for food, note that your child will be
served dairy, protein, vegetables, fruits, and grains.
Release of Child
As the staff disciplines the children, we encourage the use of redirection.
There should be absolutely no use of physical punishment. The student who
is misbehaving may require redirection or if the behavior continues,
exclusion from an activity. If serious behavior problems occur that put other
children and staff members safety in jeopardy, then another serious process
may be put into place.
-The child’s parents may be called in and required to sit in a meeting with
the director of Blooming in Boyne City. The parents and the director will work
together to do what is best for the child.
-A behavioral specialist may be invited to come in to offer the staff and
parents advice on how to handle the child’s behaviors.
-If the student continues to act out and put other children and staff members
in danger, then the child may have to be excused from the center.
Toilet Training
When you, as the parent, feel as if your child is ready to begin potty training,
please communicate this with the lead teacher in your child’s classroom.
Please understand that this training process needs to be a team effort.
Training will need to take place both at home and during the day at the
center in order to be effective.
While toilet training, we ask that your child be dressed in comfortable
clothing that is easy for the child to take off and put back on. The lead
teachers in the classroom will do their very best to take your child to the
bathroom every half hour to hour at the beginning of training. All bathroom
trips and bowel movements will be recorded on the child’s schedule. The
staff member will note the times the child went to the bathroom and whether
they tried or went to the bathroom successfully.
At Blooming in Boyne City, we want to make this training process as
comfortable and consistent as possible for your child.
Volunteering: At Blooming in Boyne City, we encourage volunteers at our
center. All volunteers will need to complete a criminal background check in
order to volunteer at the center. Volunteers will assist the teachers with
activities such as field trips, walks to the beach, and preparing craft supplies.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the program director.

Confidentiality: At Blooming in Boyne City, we honor and respect each

child in our care. Therefore, we take the confidentiality of the children and
parents very seriously. There is to be absolutely no talk of the child’s or
parent’s confidential information outside of the center. The information will
be presented as needed by the director during hours of operation. As the
parents are going through the process of signing up for Blooming in Boyne
City, there is a confidentiality document that they will fill out that touches on
the right to photograph their child and how confidential information is to be
At Blooming at Boyne City, we believe that children deserve to be active
participants in their learning. Therefore, we teach the children to be aware of
their actions and how they may affect others. As teachers, we aim to teach
our young learners how to independently solve problems. But we understand
that in some circumstances, the teacher needs to step in and guide the
students into finding a resolution. This should ALWAYS be done in a calm
manner. Blooming in Boyne City follows the six steps of conflict resolution.
1. Neutralize the situation. Stop all dangerous situations.
2. Gather data. Understand what is happening. How are the children
3. Define the problem.
4. Generate ideas to solve the problem.
5. Evaluate the ideas.
6. Help the students decide on the plan and make sure they follow
through with it. Some students may be able to do this step on their
own, but the teacher may need to be there for support.
As the staff disciplines the children, we encourage the use of redirection.
There should be absolutely no use of physical punishment. The student who
is misbehaving may require redirection or if the behavior continues,
exclusion from an activity. If serious behavior problems occur that put other
children and staff members safety in check, then another serious process
may be put into place.
-The child’s parents may be called in and required to sit in a meeting with
the director of Blooming in Boyne City. The parents and the director will work
together to do what is best for the child.
-A behavioral specialist may be invited to come in to offer the staff and
parents advice on how to handle the child’s behaviors.
-If the student continues to act out and put other children and staff members
in danger, then the child may have to be excused from the center.

If at any time you choose to remove your child from Blooming in Boyne City,
you will need to give at least a two week notice. During that two week
notice, tuition will still need to be paid.
The director of Blooming in Boyne City as the ability to disenroll children
under the following circumstances.
- The child is putting other children or staff members in danger.
- Tuition payments are not being paid.
- Rules of the center, as stated in this parent handbook, are not being

Care of Special Needs Children: Blooming in Boyne City, welcomes

children with all abilities and disabilities. The center is located near an ISD
and therefore, we are able to provide early on services for children in our
care. Early On services help our caregivers identify children and provide
them with the resources they need. Our center is adaptable for students who
have wheelchairs or other devices.

Transitioning from One Classroom to Another

As children continue to grow, they will be transitioned into different
classrooms. We do this so that children continue to be challenged and can
learn in a developmentally appropriate setting. At Blooming in Boyne City,
we want the transitions be as smooth as possible. Before the transitions
occur, your child’s new teacher will meet with you and your child. We allow
you to visit the new classroom so that both you and your child can become
familiar with the new setting and caregivers.
Transitions will take place based on your child’s age, developmental
readiness, licensing requirements, and space available in each classroom.

Young Toddler: 1-2 years
Older Toddler: 2-3 years
3-5 years old
5-6 years old

Acknowledgment of receipt of handbook

The parent handbook describes important information about Blooming in

Boyne City. I understand that as a parent, I am required to follow all policies
and expectations. If I have a question regarding the policies, I should contact
the director.
Revisions of the handbook may take place. Parents will be notified by the
director and informed on what may need altered or deleted from the
As part of Blooming in Boyne City, I understand that I have the responsibility
to read this handbook and follow the policies listed in the handbook and
adapt to any of the changes that are made to this document over time.

Parent’s Name: __________________________

Child’s Name: ____________________________
Parent’s Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________

Give permission for Photographs

As a parent, I sign this agreement stating that my child is allowed to be
photographed by Blooming in Boyne City Caregivers. Please note that only
the staff members will be allowed to take the pictures. At our center, we
respect each child and the pictures will remain visible only to the families
and staff members who are a part of this center.
____ I give Blooming in Boyne City permission to take pictures of my child
and put them on their center website.
_____ I would prefer that my child not have their picture taken and not have
their pictures posted on the center website.
Parent Name: ________________________
Child Name: __________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________ Date:_____________

Acknowledgment to maintain confidentiality in all things related to

the Program, its staff and children/families.
As a parent, I sign this agreement form stating that I will keep all information
regarding the center and children in the care confidential. This means that
no discussion of other children, staff members or parents will take place
outside of the center. I respect the program and acknowledge the
importance of confidentiality.

Parent Name: ______________________

Parent Signature: ___________________
Date: _________________________

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