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Vitt. Reproductive Tactics of Ameiva Ameiva in A Seasonally Fluctuating Tropical Habitat

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Reproductive tactics of Ameiva ameiva (Lacertilia: Teiidae) in a seasonally fluctuating

tropical habitat

Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Drawer E, Aiken, SC, U.S.A. 29801
Received April 26, 1982
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Saskatchewan on 11/23/12

VITT,L. J. 1982. Reproductive tactics of Ameiva ameiva (Lacertilia: Teiidae) in a seasonally fluctuating tropical habitat. Can. J.
ZOO^. 60: 31 13-3120.
The reproductive ecology of Ameiva ameiva was studied for 12 months in a caatinga habitat of northeast Brazil. Even though
rainfall was seasonal, the female reproductive cycle was not associated with this seasonality. Females reproduced year-round,
with peak reproductive periods during August-October and January-February. Clutch size ranged from one to nine and was
correlated to female size but egg size was constant. Males showed evidence of reproductive activity throughout the year. Fat body
mass of males and females varied greatly among individuals. There was no association between fat storage and wet-dry
seasonality. In females, fat body mass tended to decrease during peak reproductive periods. Most striking was the observation
that 97.8% of all adult Ameiva possessed enlarged fat bodies, suggesting that resource periods low enough to affect reproduction
did not exist during 1977- 1978. The reproductive tactics of Ameiva were similar to those of other tropical macroteiids, regardless
of their distribution, but very different than reproductive tactics of sympatric iguanid lizards. Compared with iguanid lizards,
resources may be less limiting for macroteiids because their widely foraging behavior for prey acquisition may allow them to find
rich patches of resources which would be unavailable to habitat specific sit-and-wait foragers, like most iguanid lizards.

VITT,L. J. 1982. Reproductive tactics of Ameiva ameiva (Lacertilia: Teiidae) in a seasonally fluctuating tropical habitat. Can. J.
For personal use only.

Zool. 60: 31 13-3120.

L'Ccologie de la reproduction d'Ameiva ameiva a CtC CtudiCe durant une pCriode de 12 mois, dans un habitat de
caatinga a i nord-est du Brksil. Bien que la p6riode de precipitations soit iaisonnikre, le cycle de reproduction de
la femelle n'est pas associC aux saisons. Les femelles se reproduisent durant toute I'annCe, mais on peut reconnaitre deux
pkriodes d'activitk reproductrice plus intenses, d'aoiit a octobre et en janvier-fkvrier. Le nombre d'oeufs dans une portCe va de
1 a 9 selon la taille de la femelle, mais la taille des oeufs est constante. Les miles manifestent des signes d'activitC reproductrice
durant toute I'annCe. La masse des corps gras varie beaucoup d'un individu a l'autre, chez les miles comme chez les femelles. La
mise en rCserve des graisses ne suit pas les changements de saisons. Chez les femelles, la masse des corps gras tend a diminuer
durant les pCriodes intenses d'activitk reproductrice. Durant la pCriode d'Ctude, 97,8% des adultes d'Ameiva possidaient des
corps gras de taille considkrable; il semble donc qu'il n'y ait pas eu, en 1977- 1978, de pCriode oh les ressources ont diminuC au
point d'affecter la reproduction. Les tactiques reproductrices d'Ameiva ressemblent a celles d'autres macrotCidCs tropicaux,
quelle que soit leur rkpartition, mais diffkrent considkrablement des stratigies reproductrices des lCzards iguanidks sympatrides.
Les ressources semblent jouer un r81e limitant moins important pour les macrotCiidCs que pour les iguanidks, puisque le
comportement de recherche de nourriture sur de grandes surfaces permet aux macrotCiidCs de trouver des sources abondantes de
proies en certains endroits, sources inaccessibles a la plupart des iguanidCs confinks a un habitat particulier et dont la stratCgie de
chasse est d'attendre que des proies se prksentent.
[Traduit par le journal]

Introduction Lacher 1981). Reproductive tactics are also known to

During the past 15 years, a diversity of reproductive vary among geographically separated populations of the
tactics among species of lizards has been identified same species (Dunham 1981; Parker and Pianka 1975,
(Fitch 1970; Tinkle 1969; Tinkle et al. 1970). This 1976; Pianka 1970; Tinkle and Ballinger 1972) as well
diversity is reflected among lizard species in general, as among years within the same population (Ballinger
among species in the same taxon (Barbault 1976; and Congdon 1981; Dunham 1981; Martin 1977; Tinkle
Gorman and Licht 1974; Licht and Gorman 1970; 1967; Vinegar 1975; Vitt et al. 1978). Resource availa-
Sexton et al. 1971; and others), and among species of bility or its correlates (rainfall, temperature) are usually
different taxa occurring at the same locality (Barbault identified as determinants of variability in such repro-
1976; Dixon and Soini 1975; Duellman 1978; Inger and ductive characteristics as clutch size, clutch frequency,
Greenberg 1966; Vitt and Goldberg 1983; Vitt and age at maturity, and even egg size under certain
circumstances (Derickson 1976; Ferguson and Bohlen
'present address: Biology Department, University of Cali- 1978; Ferguson et al. 1980; Nussbaum 1981).
fornia, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A. 90024. Even though there has been a recent interest in
0008-4301 /82/123113-08$01 .OO/O
01982 National Research Council of Canada/Conseil national de recherches du Canada
31 14 CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 60, 1982

reproduction of tropical lizards (see Sherbrooke (1975) region is susceptible to extreme droughts or flooding (Eicit
and Duellman (1978) for review), very little is known 1968). During 1977- 1978, monthly rainfall (recorded approx-
concerning reproductive tactics of tropical lizards in imately 50 km from Exu at Ouricuri, Sudene, Divisiio de
certain environments. The Caatinga is a semiarid region Hydrologia) was similar to long-term averages (Vitt and
Goldberg 1983). In typical years, there is a dry season
of northeast Brazil which harbors a saurofauna including extending from May until November, considering months
seven gekkonids, four iguanids, five teiids, one scincid, receiving less than 50 mm rainfall to be dry. During 1977-
one anguid, and one amphisbaenid (Vanzolini et al. 1978, the dry season began in June and persisted until nearly
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Saskatchewan on 11/23/12

the end of November (Vitt and Goldberg 1983).

In this paper, I focus on the male and female repro- Thermally, the Caatinga can be considered equable, with
ductive and fat body cycle of the macroteiid lizard monthly temperatures fluctuating very little. The mean differ-
Ameiva ameiva. This wide-ranging lizard occurs from ence between maximum and minimum daily temperatures
northern Argentina east of the Andes to Panama and in calculated over 2-week periods throughout the year was 10.19
many areas is very abundant. It has been studied in 2 1.40C (SD). There was no significant temperature differ-
Amazonian Ecuador (Duellman 1978; Simmons 1975) ence between the wet and dry seasons (Vitt and Goldberg
and the Iquitos region of Peru (Dixon and Soini 1975).
Other species of Ameiva have been studied in Costa Rica Field and laboratory methods
(Hirth 1963; Smith 1968). Utilizing data collected over a One hundred and ninety-four male and 167 female Ameiva
12-month period, I investigated the following questions: ameiva were sampled for reproductive analysis over a 12-
(i) Is the reproductive or fat cycle correlated to season- month period extending from March 1977 through February
ality in rainfall? (ii) Does clutch size vary with female 1978. Lizards were collected by shooting with a pellet gun, by
hand, and by digging them from burrows. Lizards killed in the
size? (iii) Is egg size associated with female size, field were immediately placed on ice until return to the
season, or is it constant? (iv) Is Ameiva reproduction at laboratory. All lizards brought to the laboratory alive were
For personal use only.

this locality the same as at other localities? and (v) Is killed with Nembutal within 1 h after collection, a variety of
seasonality in the reproductive pattern of Ameiva similar measurements were taken, and lizards were fixed in 10%
to that of sympatric lizards? formalin. Measurements on fresh animals included snout-vent
length (SVL) and total body mass. Following fixation, lizards
Methods were autopsied. For males, length of each testis was recorded
Study area and climate and observations on condition of testes and epididymides were
This study was carried out near Exu, Pernambuco, a small recorded. For females, the number of corpora lutea, vitello-
town near the geographical center of "zonas das caatingas," a genic follicles, and (or) oviductal eggs was recorded. Diameter
vast semiarid region of northeastern Brazil (Reis 1976). The of vitellogenic follicles and width and length of oviductal eggs
region is of particular interest with respect to studies on lizard were recorded. Testes with attached epididymides, fat bodies,
reproductive tactics in that it is the largest dry region entirely and oviductal eggs were removed and transferred to fresh
contained within the tropics, it is surrounded by mesic Formalin. Formalin-fixed testes, fat bodies, and individual
habitats, and it contains a saurofauna exhibiting taxonomic and eggs were rolled dry on paper towels, and weighed to 0.001 g.
ecological diversity. There was no apparent change in size or shape of testes or fat
Most Ameiva sampled were taken from Low Caatinga bodies due to Formalin fixation and thus their masses are
(Caatinga Baixa) habitats. Low Caatinga communities contain considered reasonable estimates of fresh mass. Oviductal
xerophytic trees ranging from 3 to 5 m, occasional emergents eggs, however, appeared to swell in fixative (see also Martin
up to 8m, and large cacti including Cereus jamacura, 1978)and thus my wet mass estimates may be high. Eggs were
Cephalocereus gounellei, and Zehntherella squamulosa then soaked for 48 h in water and freeze-dried. Dry mass of
(Mares et al. 1981). A variety of Euphorbiacea and Legumi- eggs should not be subject to variation due to Formalin fixation
nosae are also common. The thorn forest habitat is interrupted or variation attributable to hydration state of the eggs following
by occasional granitic extrusions (Lajeiros) which provide ovulation.
refugia for many reptiles, amphibians, and mammals (see for To gain the maximum amount of information from the data
example, Lacher 1981; Mares et al. 1981; Vanzolini et al. set, females were divided into five categories: (1)containing
1980; Vitt 1980, 1981). Only one lizard, Platynotus semitae- oviductal eggs, (2) containing enlarged vitellogenic follicles
niatus, is restricted primarily to Caatinga (see Vanzolini and oviductal eggs or corpora lutea, (3) containing corpora
1976), the remaining lizard fauna resulting from colonization lutea only, (4) containing enlarged vitellogenic follicles only,
by species from the Amazon Basin, Atlantic Forest, and the and (5)nonreproductive, i.e., containing no evidence of recent
remaining open formations (Cerrado and Chaco) which extend reproductive activity. Females in any of the first three
from northeastern Brazil to Paraguay and Argentina (Vanzo- categories were considered "reproductive" because their re-
lini 1974, 1976). Ameiva ameiva is most often associated with productive state indicates that they would deposit eggs in a
open areas between the lajeiros and is uncommon where short time (categories 1 and 2) or they had recently deposited
vegetation is dense. eggs (category 3 ) .
The Caatinga climate is considered semiarid with annual For estimation of clutch size, I used only counts of enlarged
rainfall varying from less than 400 to just over 1000 mm. vitellogenic follicles (>3.0 mm) or oviductal eggs. Number of
Rainfall is highly unpredictable in timing and intensity and the corpora lutea was also recorded but used only in comparing
VITT 31 15

clutch size within an individual. Only the simultaneous I Females I

occurrence of enlarged vitellogenic follicles and oviductal
eggs or corpora lutea was considered adequate evidence of
individuals producing more than one clutch. Minimum size
(SVL) at sexual maturity for females was based on the smallest
female containing oviductal eggs or enlarged vitellogenic
follicles. Minimum size at sexual maturity for males was based
on presence of enlarged testes and convoluted epididymides.
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Saskatchewan on 11/23/12

Immature males had very small testes and the epididymides

were tiny translucent structures. In addition, the heads of
mature males were large relative to the body as compared with
immature males. 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 160
S N O U T - V E N T L E N G T H (mm)
Standard parametric statistical tests were used when the
assumptions of the tests were not seriously violated. Appropri- FIG. 1. Body size distribution of male and female Ameiva
ate nonparametric tests were used when the assumptions of the ameiva . Arrows indicate minimum size at sexual maturity.
parametric test could not be met. A probability level of 0.05
was considered adequate for falsification of null hypotheses.
Unless otherwise stated, means are presented as i+ standard
error (SE) .

Body size and apparent sexual dimorphism in size
Ameiva ameiva in northeastern Brazil range from 40
to 176 mm SVL (Fig. 1). Males reach sexual maturity at
For personal use only.

99mm SVL and females reach sexual maturity at

102mm SVL. Comparisons of SVL and body mass / 1 a n d 0vlductaIEggb o r
between reproductively mature males and females re- /
C a r p o r o Lutao
-0vlductal Eggs
vealed significant differences with males larger. The M ' A ' M ' J ' J ' A ' s ' o ' N ' D ' J ~
means of SVL and body mass for reproductively mature MONTH

males were 141.4 + 1.6 (N = 172) mm and 90.7 + FIG. 2. Seasonal distribution of reproductive categories in
3.0 g. Means of SVL and body mass for reproductively Ameiva ameiva from northeast Brazil. Monthly sample size is
mature females were 128.8 2 1.1 (N = 144) mm and indicated across the top of the figure.
61.0 + 1.5 g. Both mean SVL and mean body mass nonvitellogenic follicles. The wide variation in size of
differed significantly between sexes (SVL: Mann- vitellogenic follicles within any given month suggests
Whitney U = 177250, p < 0.0001; body mass: that at least some females were close to ovulation during
Mann-Whitney U = 17 3 11.5, p < 0.0001). Analysis each of these months. The time period during which few
of covariance with log SVL as the covariate revealed females had vitellogenic follicles large enough to
significant differences in slopes (F1,354= 10.22, p = suggest that ovulation was near (>10 mm), corres-
0.0015) and intercepts (F1,355= 8.66, p = 0.035) of the ponded to the time period when many females contained
log body mass - log SVL relationships between sexes oviductal eggs (August-October) and was followed by
with males attaining significantly heavier mass at a a period during which no females sampled contained
given SVL than females. The latter analysis included all oviductal eggs (November-January) . Relative clutch
Ameiva sampled. mass (clutch massltotal mass) for 25 females averaged
Female reproduction 0.159 2 0.007.
The seasonal distribution of reproductive categories Clutch and egg characteristics
in Ameiva females appears in Fig. 2. The greatest Clutch size ranged from one to nine in Ameiva with
proportions of reproductive females occurred during larger females producing larger clutches (Fig. 4). Mean
June, July, and August, even though there were repro- clutch size based on oviductal egg counts was 5.7 2
ductive females during every month. The greatest 0.29 (N = 26) and mean clutch size based on counts of
proportions of nonreproductive females were observed vitellogenic follicles was 5.6 + 0.19 (N = 80). The
from September to February. models for the relationships of number of oviductal eggs
During March-July and again from December to to SVL (OVI = -9.46 + 0.114 SVL) and number of
February, size of vitellogenic follicles varied consider- vitellogenic follicles to SVL (FOLL = -7.47 + 0.099
ably among females (Fig. 3). Follicles 1 3.0 mm con- SVL) were both significant (OVI-SVL; F, ,24 = 19.7, p
tained yolk material rendering them easily distin- = 0.0002: FOLL-SVL; F1,9= 51.2, p < 0.001) and
guishable from the translucent and small (<3.0mm) SVL explained 45.1 and 39.3% of the variance (r2),
31 16 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 60, 1982
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Saskatchewan on 11/23/12

p 20

1 3 5 7 9
Clutch Size
I I 1 I 1 I I
110 120 130 140 150 160
Snout-Vent L e n g t h (mm)
FIG. 4. The relationship between clutch size and snout-
FIG. 3. Seasonal distribution of vitellogenic follicle diam- vent length in Ameiva ameiva based on counts of oviductal
eters in Ameiva ameiva. The line at the top of the figure eggs and vitellogenic follicles. The size of dot indicates
indicates the percent of the total monthly sample containing number of data points at a given x, y coordinate. The inset
oviductal eggs or both oviductal eggs and vitellogenic follicles shows frequency of clutch sizes based on counts of oviductal
(see Fig. 2 for monthly sample sizes). eggs (shaded) and vitellogenic follicles (open).
respectively, in the clutch size estimates. Intercepts and
slopes were significantly different from zero in both
For personal use only.

models (all p values 5 0.0 1) but not from each other ( p

> 0.05). On the average, one egg is added for each
28mm-increase in SVL. Mean monthly clutch size
varied from 4 to 6.5 based on oviductal egg counts and
2.9 and 7.0 based on vitellogenic follicle counts. Based
on the Duncan's multiple range test, all monthly mean
oviductal egg counts were the same. Only 1 month,
January, was identified as differing from other months in
the mean count of vitellogenic follicles. The mean
clutch size in January was only 2.9. A paired t-test
revealed no significant difference (t = 2.70, df = 17, p
> 0.05) between follicle number and oviductal egg or
corpora lutea number in females simultaneously con-
taining both (two females with damaged ovaries were
not used in this analysis).
Wet mass of 147 preserved eggs from 26 females
averaged 1.9783 + 0.038 1 g and there was no correla-
tion (F1,22 = 1.07, p = 0.31) between mean egg wet
mass (preserved) per female and SVL. Dry egg mass
averaged 0.7874 2 0.0063 g and the mean egg dry mass
per female was not correlated to SVL ( F ,22 = 2.85, p = FIG. 5. Seasonal cycle of testes mass (TM) and fat body
0.11). Water content of preseved eggs averaged 59.22 mass (FBM) for male Ameiva ameiva. Sample size is indicated
2 1.10%. Based on the Duncan's multiple range test, all above each figure.
monthly means of preserved egg wet and dry mass were
the same. Thus egg size does not vary with female size seasonality in testes size. Testes were largest near the
or season in Ameiva ameiva. end of the wet season and into the beginning of the dry
season (April-June, Fig. 5) with a rapid decline during
Male reproductive cycle the dry season. Virtually all males greater than 99 mm
An analysis of covariance with SVL as the covariate SVL exhibited highly convoluted epididymides and thus
revealed that testes mass was associated with SVL (r2 = appeared capable of reproducing year-round. Continu-
0.86, F23,146 = 39.0, p < 0.0001) and thus least square ous breeding capability by males is further suggested by
means were calculated on a monthly basis to examine the year-round availability of reproductive females.
reproduction occurs during the peak of the dry season
(June-August) and again during the early wet season
(January-February) . Most likely, resource availability
is the proximate factor dictating intensity of reproduc-
tion in continuously breeding tropical lizards.
In the absence of data on resource availability, cycles
in fat bodies (a measure of lipid levels; Dessauer 1955;
Gorman and Licht 1974) can provide indirect evidence
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Saskatchewan on 11/23/12

of resource availability, at least in respect to its effect on

reproduction. Figures 5 and 6 revealed that males and
females had fat bodies during every month of the year.
Indeed, only 7 of 316 (2.2%) adult Ameiva lacked
enlarged fat bodies, suggesting that resource levels were
not only adequate for reproduction, but adequate for
storage above and beyond that needed for reproduction.
A correspondence of reproductive intensity to resource
levels or rainfall, which is associated with resource
abundance in seasonal tropical environments (Janzen
and Schoener 1968), might only be observed during
MONTH extended droughts, when individual lizards are not
capable of accumulating energy year-round for repro-
FIG. 6. Seasonal cycle of fat body mass (FBM) in female duction.
Ameiva ameiva (lower graph). Sample size appears above each
An alternate possibility is that the rate of egg laying
For personal use only.

figure. The upper graph ciepicts rainfall calculated on a 2-week

basis. The number above each bar indicates number of days has a seasonal component. Fat bodies of females were
receiving greater than 1 mm rain and T indicates that only a largest when the frequency of reproductive females was
trace of rain was recorded. reduced (September-February ; Figs. 2 and 5), sugges-
ting a reduced egg-laying rate during this period
Male and female fat body cycles allowing greater fat storage. Coincidentally, male testes
Analysis of covariance with SVL as the covariate was were reduced in size, suggesting a reduction in repro-
used to adjust means of monthly fat body mass (FBM) ductive activity. Thus, although reproduction is clearly
because of a significant effect of body size on FBM continuous in caatinga Ameiva, there appear to be
(males: r2 = 0.28, F23,147 = 2.5, p = 0.0005; females: seasonal fluctuations in the intensity of reproduction or
r5 = 0.63, F23,119 = 8.7, p < 0.0001). Fat body mass in the rate of egg laying. A major limitation of these data is
both sexes was highly variable among individuals (Figs. that there is no way to determine whether individual
5 and 6). In males (Fig. 5), FBM tended to decrease females reproduce year-round (although many produce
when testes mass increased (May-June) and tended to at least two clutches) or whether individual females are
increase when testes mass decreased (September-Oc- somewhat seasonal, but females in the population are
tober). There was no clear association between FBM not synchronous.
and tropical wet-dry seasonality. In females, FBM Clutch size, based on oviductal egg or vitellogenic
tended to increase slightly at the peak of the dry season follicle counts was shown to increase with body size
and into the first part of the wet season (December-Feb- (and presumably age). Because females can produce
ruary), a time period just following peak reproductive more offspring by increasing body size, selection should
investment by females (Fig. 2). Thus it appears that favor rapid growth and large body size in females.
reproductive investment and fat storage are inversely Trivers (1972) suggested that female body size should
related. tend to be large in species which can vary clutch size
Discussion (considering clutch size a correlate of reproductive
In many tropical lizards, a majority of female repro- success) with body size. In Anolis garmani, a species
duction occurs during the wet season (Andrews and which does not vary clutch size with body size (clutch
Rand 1974; Duellman 1978; Fitch 1973; Fleming and size is consistently one), reproductive success as mea-
Hooker 1975; Licht and Gorman 1970; Sexton et al. sured by number of copulations, was highest in larger
1971; and others). Some species, however, have repro- females, presumably because they could produce
ductive cycles which do not correspond clearly to clutches faster than smaller females (Trivers 1972).
wet-dry seasonality (Barbault 1976; Gorman and Licht In the absence of competition among males for
1974; Vitt 1983). Ameiva in Caatinga of northeast Brazil females, females should be larger than males if repro-
reproduce year-round, but the greatest intensity of ductive success is associated with size. However, males
31 18 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 60, 1982

tend to be larger than females in Ameiva, suggesting the Africa. Barbault (1976) found that Mabuya buttneri
possibility of competition among males. On several reproduced in the late wet season, M . maculilabris
occasions I observed premating , mating, or aggressive reproduced in the dry season, and Panaspis nimbaensis
behavior in Ameiva. Pertinent to sexual selection, reproduced in the wet season. Thus tropical iguanids and
chasing and fighting among male teiids is not uncom- skinks exhibit a diversity of reproductive tactics within
mon (Stamps 1977). Intrasexual aggression has been and among localities in respect to seasonality, whereas
reported, for example, in Ameiva quadrilineata (Hirth macroteiids do not. The capability of macroteiids to
1963) and a number of other teiids (Stamps 1977). reproduce continuously may be an adaptation allowing
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Saskatchewan on 11/23/12

Reproductive success in males may be associated with them to take advantage of high resource habitats that
size and this perhaps explains the apparent size dimor- may be unpredictable in time and space. The high
phism in Ameiva ameiva. An alternate hypothesis is that mobility of these widely foraging lizards may make it
reproduction is riskier for females than males and that possible for them to find high resource patches that
apparent sexual dimorphism in size is simply a reflec- would be unavailable to sit-and-wait predators such as
tion of higher mortality rates on larger sized females. most iguanid lizards. The latter tend to be habitat
Presumably, egg or offspring size is optimized in specialists (Vitt and Price 1982) and thus many patches
animals (Smith and Fretwell 1974; Brockleman 1975) are unavailable to them. The specific habitat patches
and the lack of association of egg size in Ameiva with used by sit-and-wait foragers may have seasonal re-
any measure of parental size or season adds support to source variation which affects timing of reproduction.
this hypothesis. Recently, offspring size of certain It is clear that a great deal remains to be learned about
female lizards has been shown to vary in association reproductive tactics of tropical lizards. Sorting out
with seasonality in resource levels (Derickson 1976; phylogenetic , historical, and ecological factors contri-
Ferguson et al. 1980; Nussbaum 1981). The low value buting to the suite of reproductive characteristics that
for relative clutch mass (RCM) reported here (0.159) is renders individuals of a species successful in a particular
For personal use only.

similar to that reported for other macroteiids and environment remains to be one of the overriding
supports models predicting low RCM in widely foraging challenges to evolutionary ecologists.
species for ecological and energetic reasons (Vitt and
Congdon 1978; Vitt and Price 1982). Acknowledgments
It is difficult to make accurate geographic compari- T. E. Lacher, K. E. Streilein, and M. Willig provided
sons among Ameiva populations. Ameiva ameiva re- occasional assistance during the field portion of this
production has only been studied in Amazonian Ecuador study. The people of Exu, Pernambuco, were particu-
(Duellman 1978; Simmons 1975) and Peru (Dixon and larly cooperative and provided a setting which fostered a
Soini 1975). Simmons ( 1975) considered the reproduc- great amount of research. I thank Chico Ventura for
tive season to extend from late May through early allowing me access to the relatively undisturbed Fa-
December, although his data were incomplete from zenda Batente, where much of the fieldwork was carried
January to March. The observations of Dixon and Soini out. Dr. Paulo E. Vanzolini, Museo de Zoologia da
(1975) indicate that Ameiva ameiva breed continuously Universidade de S i o Paulo, provided the impetus for
in the Iquitos region of Peru. Hirth (1963) suggested this and other studies in addition to keeping up the flow
nearly continuous egg laying by Ameiva quadrilineata of much-needed supplies. Aristides Leio and the people
in Costa Rica. Other tropical macroteiids including at the Brazilian Academy of Sciences were of unmea-
Cnemidophorus ocellifer (Vitt 1983), Cnemidophorus surable help. Comments of two anonymous reviewers
deppii and Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Fitch 1970) aided greatly in the final revision. Financial support was
apparently breed continuously. provided by the people and Federal government of
Lizards of various taxa which are sympatric with Brazil in support of the project: Estudos Ecologicos no
Ameiva ameiva in northeast Brazil exhibit a diversity of Nordeste Semi-arido do Brasil, undertaken by the
reproductive tactics. The iguanids Tropidurus torquatus Academia Brasileira de Cikncias. The final stages of this
and Platynotus semitaeniatus reproduce primarily dur- research and manuscript preparation were conducted
ing the dry season and early wet season (Vitt and under contract EY-76-C-09-0819 between the United
Goldberg 1983), whereas another iguanid, Polychrus States Department of Energy and the University of
acutirostris, reproduces at the beginning of the wet Georgia.
season over a 3-month period (Vitt and Lacher 1981). ANDREWS, R. M., and A. S. RAND. 1974. Reproductive effort
Thus it appears that Ameiva ameiva reproduction in in anoline lizards. Ecology, 55: 13 17- 1327.
northeast Brazil is more like reproduction in other BALLINGER, R. E., and J . D. CONGDON . 1981. Population
tropical macroteiids regardless of geographic location ecology and life history strategy of a Montane lizard
than it is like sympatric species of different taxa. A quite (Sceloporus scalaris) in southeastern Arizona. J. Nat. Hist.
different situation exists among sympatric skinks in 15: 213-222.
BARBAULT, R. 1976. Population dynamics and reproductive MARTIN, R . F. 1977. Variation in reproductive productivity of
patterns of three African skinks. Copeia, 1976: 483-490. range margin tree lizards ( Urosaurus ornatus). Copeia,
BROCKLEMAN, W. Y. 1975. Competition, the fitness of 1977: 83-92.
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