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Population Genetics and Phylogeography of Sea Turtles

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Molecular Ecology (2007) 16, 4886–4907 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2007.03542.

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Population genetics and phylogeography of sea turtles

B . W. B O W E N and S . A . K A R L
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, PO Box 1346, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA

The seven species of sea turtles occupy a diversity of niches, and have a history tracing back
over 100 million years, yet all share basic life-history features, including exceptional naviga-
tion skills and periodic migrations from feeding to breeding habitats. Here, we review the
biogeographic, behavioural, and ecological factors that shape the distribution of genetic
diversity in sea turtles. Natal homing, wherein turtles return to their region of origin for
mating and nesting, has been demonstrated with mtDNA sequences. These maternally
inherited markers show strong population structure among nesting colonies while nuclear
loci reveal a contrasting pattern of male-mediated gene flow, a phenomenon termed ‘complex
population structure’. Mixed-stock analyses indicate that multiple nesting colonies can
contribute to feeding aggregates, such that exploitation of turtles in these habitats can reduce
breeding populations across the region. The mtDNA data also demonstrate migrations
across entire ocean basins, some of the longest movements of marine vertebrates. Multiple
paternity occurs at reported rates of 0–100%, and can vary by as much as 9–100% within
species. Hybridization in almost every combination among members of the Cheloniidae
has been documented but the frequency and ultimate ramifications of hybridization are not
clear. The global phylogeography of sea turtles reveals a gradient based on habitat preference
and thermal regime. The cold-tolerant leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) shows no
evolutionary partitions between Indo-Pacific and Atlantic populations, while the tropical
green (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), and ridleys (Lepidochelys
olivacea vs. L. kempi) have ancient separations between oceans. Ridleys and loggerhead
(Caretta caretta) also show more recent colonization between ocean basins, probably mediated
by warm-water gyres that occasionally traverse the frigid upwelling zone in southern
Africa. These rare events may be sufficient to prevent allopatric speciation under contemporary
geographic and climatic conditions. Genetic studies have advanced our understanding of
marine turtle biology and evolution, but significant gaps persist and provide challenges for
the next generation of sea turtle geneticists.
Keywords: complex population structure, endangered species, homing, marine turtles, multiple
paternity, sex-biased dispersal

Received 22 June 2007; revision accepted 8 August 2007

carnivores with a more cosmopolitan diet. All sea turtles

have a juvenile oceanic phase, except the flatback (Natator
The seven species of sea turtle encompass a diversity of depressus) which is restricted to Australia, New Guinea,
ecological niches, from the oceanic leatherback (Dermochelys and adjacent oceans.
coriacea) and olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) to the sponge- Sea turtles are classified in two taxonomic families, the
eating hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricata) to the herbivorous Cheloniidae with six species, and the Dermochelyiidae
green turtle (Chelonia mydas). The loggerhead (Caretta with a single highly derived species, the leatherback turtle.
caretta) and Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempi) are coastal A generalized life history of sea turtles includes two stages
between hatching and sexual maturity, corresponding to
Correspondence: B. W. Bowen, Fax: 808-236-7443; E-mail: juvenile and subadult. The hatchlings emerge from the nest, scurry to the water, and initiate a swimming frenzy

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into offshore currents. The juveniles spend a few years in beach to reproduce (natal homing; Carr 1967). Hendrickson
an oceanic habitat, before switching to a bottom-feeding (1958) proposed an alternative explanation for female nest-
subadult stage where they remain for about a decade site fidelity, wherein first-time nesting females follow
before maturity. The primary exceptions to this life-history experienced breeders from the feeding habitat to a nesting
model are the flatback (as noted above) and the leather- beach, and use this site for all subsequent nesting (see
back. In the latter case, the biology of the animal before Owens et al. 1982). This social facilitation can explain the
sexual maturity is unknown, a lapse lent urgency by strong site fidelity of nesting turtles without invoking the extreme
conservation concerns. behaviour of hatchlings remembering a beach location and
Sea turtle research is focused on the nesting beaches, finding it decades later for reproduction.
where females and hatchlings are readily observed, tagged, Natal homing and social facilitation hypotheses proved
and sampled. The body of scientific knowledge from these difficult to test directly, as no tag applied to a 5-cm hatch-
efforts is extensive (Bowen & Witzell 1996; Lutz & Musick ling has been successfully recovered decades later from a
1996; Bolten & Witherington 2003; Lutz et al. 2003), but the 100- to 200-cm adult. Natal site philopatry, however, gener-
terrestrial nesting and hatching intervals involves only adult ates a testable prediction about the genetic partitioning of
females and a tiny fraction of the life cycle. Studies of the nesting populations. If females return faithfully to their rook-
animals in the water have been slower in coming, and much ery of origin, then each nesting population should possess
more resource intensive. Coverage of nesting populations a unique genetic signature in terms of female-transmitted
is far more advanced than the surveys of corresponding mtDNA. In contrast, social facilitation would allow high
feeding aggregates or most other aspects of sea turtle rates of female-mediated gene flow between nesting popu-
biology. Genetic studies were instigated to help fill this gap lations that overlap on feeding grounds. Hence, the most
in our knowledge and to provide a new perspective on robust tests of natal homing involve populations that overlap
the biology and evolution of these unique animals (Avise on feeding habitats, so that females have a ‘choice’ between
2007). natal homing and social facilitation. Here, we summarize
The first population genetic assessments were nesting mtDNA-based tests of nesting population structure and
beach surveys of loggerhead and green turtle with protein homing for six of the seven species. The seventh species
electrophoresis (Smith et al. 1977). These demonstrated low (Kemp’s ridley) nests only in the western Gulf of Mexico so that
genetic diversity, a theme that would recur in subsequent no assessment of population differentiation is warranted.
studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA
(nDNA), possibly because of low metabolic rate and long
Green turtle (Chelonia mydas)
generation time (Avise et al. 1992; Karl et al. 1992; Martin &
Palumbi 1993). This low level of variation prompted most The first test of natal homing involved two of the nesting
researchers to rely on the mtDNA control region for popu- colonies that originally prompted Archie Carr’s hypothesis
lation assessments, although more recently, assessments of of natal homing. Tagging studies demonstrated that
hypervariable microsatellite loci have gained momentum. Brazilian feeding pastures are shared by turtles from
In this review, we synthesize the available genetic data nesting colonies in Surinam (South America) and Ascen-
on population genetics, mating behaviour, and phylogeo- sion Island (mid-Atlantic ridge) (Carr 1975; Pritchard 1976).
graphy of sea turtles. We touch on aspects of phylogeny and Analyses of mtDNA sequences demonstrated that indi-
hybridization, but these topics are addressed elsewhere viduals from the Surinam rookery possess a haplotype at
with greater coverage (Karl et al. 1995; Dutton et al. 1996; 100% frequency that is not observed at Ascension Island
Karl & Bowen 1999; Lara-Ruiz et al. 2006). Here, we address (Fig. 1). Despite extensive overlap on feeding habitats,
natal homing and the complex population structure of sea there are fixed genetic differences (e.g. no sharing of haplo-
turtles, the mixed-stock analyses of feeding populations, types) between Surinam and Ascension samples (Bowen
the discordance between nDNA and mtDNA data sets, et al. 1992). These genetic data demonstrate a barrier to
genetic aspects of breeding behaviour, the influence of habitat female dispersal between nesting populations, meeting the
preference on global phylogeography, and corresponding genetic expectations of the natal homing hypothesis. The
evolutionary and conservation implications. mtDNA data set also indicates that the Ascension nesting
colony was the product of a recent colonization event,
probably from a Brazilian nesting colony in the last
Population structure: a test of natal homing
hundred thousand years.
One of the first observations to emerge from tagging studies The support for natal homing in South Atlantic green
in the 1950s and 1960s was that adult female green turtles turtles could not be considered conclusive, however, with-
return habitually to the same nesting beach, in reproductive out validation elsewhere in the global range of Chelonia
cycles of about 2 to 4 years. This prompted Archie Carr to mydas. Capricorn/Bunker Islands represents the primary
postulate that female turtles migrate to their natal nesting nesting area in the southern Great Barrier Reef, and Raine

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Fig. 1 South Atlantic nesting colonies for the green turtle, and corresponding haplotype distributions (Carr 1975; Bowen et al. 1992). These
turtles overlap extensively on feeding habitat, yet retain diagnostic differences in mtDNA haplotype composition, providing strong support
for a natal homing hypothesis. Figure modified from Carr (1975) with permission of the American Society of Ichthyologists and

Island is the largest nesting colony in the northern Great UK. They observed a modest but significant signal for two
Barrier Reef. Tagging data demonstrate that these popula- of three beaches. A similar study by Peare & Parker (1996)
tions overlap along the margins of Australia and the Coral reported population structure among nesting locations on
Sea (Limpus et al. 1992). Despite this overlap, Raine Island a scale of 10 km at Tortuguero Beach, Costa Rica but not at
and Capricorn/Bunker are characterized by a nearly Melbourne Beach, Florida, USA. Clearly the issue of precision
fixed difference in the distribution of mtDNA haplotypes in natal homing needs more research.
(Norman et al. 1994; Dethmers et al. 2006), indicating natal
homing in West Pacific green turtles, and confirming the
Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta)
generality of this reproductive behaviour in Chelonia mydas.
Recently, researchers have been turning their attention to The initial mtDNA data supported the natal homing
more fine-scale analyses of natal homing. Although it is hypothesis for green turtles, but the generality of this
clear that female turtles returned to nest at their natal conclusion for all species of sea turtles was unknown. The
beaches, the geographic specificity of homing is uncertain. next tests of natal homing focused on loggerhead turtles.
In initial mtDNA studies, nesting beaches were stretches of Of particular interest are the geographic clusters of nesting
10s or 100s of kilometres of coastline. The outstanding issue beaches in the Mediterranean and along the continental
is whether females returned precisely to their natal site or coastline of the Northwest Atlantic, which reveal the
if a nesting beach is more loosely defined on a regional geographic scale of natal-site fidelity. The latter area hosts
scale. For example, Bjorndal et al. (2006) observed mtDNA a very large rookery in southern Florida (USA), flanked by
population structure among Brazilian offshore islands sep- major nesting areas in Yucatan (Mexico), Georgia, South
arated by 1800 km, but not between islands separated by Carolina, and North Carolina (USA; Fig. 2).
150 km. Bourjea et al. (2007) found genetic differentiation Through a series of papers, mtDNA data resolved eight
among sites > 500 km apart but not < 150 km in the south- nesting habitats that differed significantly in haplotype
western Indian Ocean. Microsatellite surveys along proximal frequencies: (i) Bahia, Brazil; (ii) Quintana Roo, Yucatan,
or continuous nesting beaches have begun to resolve this Mexico; (iii) northwest Florida in the Gulf of Mexico, USA;
issue. Lee et al. (2007) used assignment tests to assess natal (iv) South Florida, USA; (v) northeast Florida to North
homing on a scale of a few kilometres at Ascension Island, Carolina, USA, combining discrete nesting habitats in

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Fig. 2 Loggerhead nesting colonies and

feeding aggregates of the western Atlantic
and Mediterranean with estimated contri-
butions from regional nesting colonies (Bolten
et al. 1998; Laurent et al. 1998; Rankin-
Baransky et al. 2001; Bowen et al. 2004).
Consult the original papers for standard
errors. Nesting colonies are indicated with
boxes and abbreviations are: NFL, northern
Florida along the Gulf of Mexico coast; EFL,
northeastern Florida to North Carolina;
SFL, southern Florida; DT, Dry Tortugas;
YU, Yucatan Peninsula; BR, Brazil; GR,
Greece; TU, Turkey; MED, combines six
nesting beaches in the eastern Mediter-
ranean (see Laurent et al. 1998). Feeding aggre-
gation abbreviations are: EFL, northeastern
Florida to North Carolina; TMP, temperate
zone; SFL, southern Florida; PAN, Panama;
AZO/MAD, Azores and Madera; WMD,
western Mediterranean; EMD, eastern
Mediterranean; and EGP, Egypt. Note that
the region designated EFL includes both
nesting and feeding habitats. Pelagic and
benthic columns refer to early- and late-
stage juveniles, respectively, distinguishing
the habitat switch from feeding in the water
column to feeding on the bottom.

northeast Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North this pattern provide lessons about the influence of climate
Carolina; (vi) Dry Tortugas off the Florida peninsula, USA; on sea turtle population structure. First, the Mediterranean
(vii) Greece; and (viii) Turkey (Bowen et al. 1993; Laurent nesting populations share two haplotypes with the Western
et al. 1993; Schroth et al. 1996; Bolten et al. 1998; Encalada Atlantic nesting aggregates. While these regions are highly
et al. 1998; Laurent et al. 1998; Bowen et al. 2004). Estimates distinct in terms of haplotype frequencies, the shared haplo-
of population structure include ΦST = 0.42 (P < 0.001) for types indicate recent contact. Second, the nesting aggre-
nesting colonies along the southeast coast of the USA gates in northeastern Florida, South Carolina, and North
(Bowen et al. 2005), and ΦST = 0.33 (P < 0.001) for nesting Carolina, spread across 1000 km, are indistinguishable and
habitats in the Mediterranean (Laurent et al. 1998). The nearly fixed for a single haplotype.
conclusion of female-mediated population structure and Loggerhead eggs require a minimum of 60 days of incu-
corresponding natal homing in Atlantic and Mediterra- bation above 25 °C to hatch, such that thermal conditions
nean loggerheads is robust, and is corroborated by parallel in the Mediterranean may have precluded nesting during
studies of Pacific loggerhead turtles (FitzSimmons et al. the recent glacial maxima (18 000–12 000 years bp; Buckley
1996; Hatase et al. 2002a). et al. 1982). During the same glacial interval, loggerheads
On the finest scale, nesting populations in south and may have nested in southern Florida, but present-day
northeast Florida, separated on a scale of 50–100 km, are rookery locations in Georgia, South Carolina, and North
distinct in terms of mtDNA haplotype frequencies. These Carolina were too cold (see Hedgpeth 1954). Thus the con-
data indicate that loggerhead females are capable of hom- temporary distribution of nesting beaches in the southeast
ing on a scale of tens of kilometres; however, exceptions to USA is likely the product of colonization events, sufficient

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to extend the northern limits of nesting by 1000 km within phase, in which feeding habitat for a nesting population
the last 10 000 years. This pattern of postglacial expansion may encompass vast tracks of open ocean (Polovina et al.
is apparent in Japanese nesting cohorts as well (Hatase 2004). Perhaps site fidelity is less important for animals
et al. 2002a). Turtles from the western Atlantic apparently with a large oceanic feeding range.
colonized the Mediterranean during the same interglacial
Flatback turtle (Natator depressus)
The flatback turtle was long regarded as a West Pacific
Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
variant of the green turtle (Chelonia depressus), until red-
In contrast to the colonial nature of most sea turtle nesting escriptions by Limpus et al. (1988) and Zangerl et al. (1988).
populations, the hawksbill turtle is regarded as a solitary This species occurs only on the North and East coasts of
nester in some locations. This observation, however, may Australia and adjacent New Guinea. In the single available
be a modern artefact of vastly reduced numbers relative to study, FitzSimmons et al. (1996) surveyed nesting popu-
historical levels. Do female hawksbills return to their natal lations in the southern Great Barrier Reef, northern Great
beach? Broderick et al. (1994) found nearly fixed differences Barrier Reef, and western Australia. Flatbacks showed low
in the distribution of mtDNA haplotypes between nesting mtDNA variation and no population structure in terms of
areas in northeast and northwest Australia, but pairs of haplotype frequencies; however, a survey of six microsatel-
nesting beaches within each region were similar in terms lite loci showed significant divergence between the three
of haplotype frequencies. Bass et al. (1996) documented regions. FitzSimmons et al. (1996) conclude that the low
significant haplotype frequency shifts between seven West mtDNA variation may have limited inferences, and that
Atlantic rookeries, demonstrating strong population structure with more variation, the two classes of markers might be
within the Caribbean basin (ΦST = 0.64, P < 0.01). These concordant. Based on this evidence, and the nesting site
data are consistent with expectations of natal homing. Both fidelity documented with tagging studies (Limpus et al.
Broderick et al. (1994) and Bass et al. (1996) report that some 1984), the paradigm of natal homing provisionally applies
nesting aggregates separated by a few hundred kilometres to the flatback turtle.
are not distinct in terms of haplotype frequencies. Lack
of differentiation may be attributed in part to historical
Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
colonization events, but tagging studies indicate a low
level of relocation between adjacent nesting habitats This species is known for remarkably long feeding migrations
(Limpus et al. 1983). The combined evidence from tagging and an oceanic existence that confers the broadest animal
data and mtDNA data indicate that natal homing pre- distribution on earth (Hays et al. 2004). Nesting occurs on
dominates, but breeding populations may encompass tropical islands and continental coastlines, but feeding
several proximal nesting sites. habitat ranges from the tropics to the Arctic Circle (Goff &
Lien 1988). In a global mtDNA survey of leatherback turtles,
Dutton et al. (1999) found a shallow gene genealogy, strong
Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)
population structure worldwide (ΦST = 0.42, P < 0.001), as
Olive ridley nesting populations have strong population well as within the Atlantic Ocean (ΦST = 0.25, P < 0.001)
structure on a global scale (Bowen et al. 1998; Shanker et al. and Indian-Pacific Ocean (ΦST = 0.20, P < 0.001). These
2004), but modest structure within regions. Across the data again support the natal homing hypothesis. Some
3000 km of nesting habitat between Baja California (Mexico) geographically distant populations, however, were
and Costa Rica, Lopez-Castro & Rocha-Olivares (2005) indistinguishable, including Florida, Atlantic Costa Rica,
report low but significant population structure (mtDNA Surinam/French Guiana, and South Africa (Dutton et al.
ΦST = 0.048, P = 0.006). A similar survey of three mass 1999). Nesting populations from Indonesia to Vanuatu,
nesting sites in Orissa (India), spread across 320 km, reveals spread across 4000 km of the West Pacific, also proved
no population structure (Shanker et al. 2004). This nesting indistinguishable in an mtDNA survey (Dutton et al. 2007).
zone (with nesting aggregates in excess of 100 000 females), These findings indicate that, like the oceanic olive ridley,
however, is highly isolated from the nesting colonies in the leatherback females may be less nest-site specific, or
Sri Lanka (ΦST = 0.58, P < 0.001) and northern Australia more prone to nest-site relocation.
(ΦST = 0.90, P < 0.001). Overall, these data support a natal
homing scenario. The shallow population structure observed
on the continental coastlines of Central America and eastern
India indicate low site specificity in nesting females. It is Natal homing is the dominant paradigm for sea turtle
notable in this regard that olive ridleys are the only migrations, although the geographic specificity of homing
Cheloniid sea turtles with a predominantly pelagic adult apparently varies widely. Haplotype frequencies in

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loggerhead nesting populations can differ significantly on

North Atlantic loggerhead turtle
a scale of 100 km (Bowen et al. 2005), green turtles on a scale
of 500 km (Dethmers et al. 2006, but see Lee et al. 2007), while Over the last 50 years, researchers have identified most of
olive ridley and leatherback nesting populations may encom- the loggerhead nesting habitats in the North Atlantic and
pass thousands of km (Lopez-Castro & Rocha-Olivares 2005; Mediterranean regions. In addition to the nesting popu-
Dutton et al. 2007). A prominent caveat to the natal homing lations in Yucatan, southeastern USA, Greece, Turkey, and
conclusion is highlighted by the findings that vagrants elsewhere, researchers discovered a large aggregate of
from Brazil recently (on a scale of thousands of years) juvenile loggerheads on the eastern margin of the North
founded the green turtle nesting colony at Ascension Atlantic (Brongersma 1972). Based on this observation and
Island, and the Mediterranean loggerhead rookeries ocean circulation patterns, Carr (1986) suggested that these
recently were colonized from the western Atlantic. Among pelagic juveniles were derived from the rookeries of the
the thousands of female sea turtles tagged on the beach, a West Atlantic, rather than the adjacent Mediterranean Sea.
tiny percentage are observed nesting far outside the range Data in support of this theory were scarce, but a few turtles
of their previous nesting site (e.g. LeBuff 1974), and mtDNA tagged in the eastern Atlantic were subsequently recovered
surveys also indicate occasional nest-site shifts (Reece et al. in the western Atlantic (Bolten et al. 1992). Encalada et al.
2005). These ‘gravid waifs’ are probably essential to the (1998) provided an mtDNA control region survey of West
prosperity of sea turtles, as absolute natal homing, over the Atlantic nesting colonies, plus a Mediterranean nesting
100-million-year history of this group, would be a strategy colony (Kiparissia Bay, Greece). These data provided the
for extinction. The habitats that were appropriate for genetic foundations for testing the origin of eastern Atlantic
nesting in the Cretaceous, Eocene, or Miocene are not the juveniles.
same ones that are appropriate today. As Carr et al. (1978) Bolten et al. (1998) analysed juvenile loggerheads from
observed, ‘Strays and wandering must occur, and are no the waters of the Azores and Madeiras, using the same
doubt adaptively advantageous aberrations, necessary mtDNA control region segment as the nesting population
for colony proliferation’. The mtDNA surveys of nesting surveys. Among these juvenile specimens, 92% had haplo-
beaches are the alpha level examination of population types that matched those in the nesting colony, indicating
structure, but leave open the issue of population structure a strong basis for conclusions. It was also clear, however,
of feeding cohorts, to be examined in the next section. that there may be additional, unsurveyed nesting colonies
in the North Atlantic. One of the limitations of mixed stock
analyses is ‘orphan’ haplotypes in the feeding aggregate
Population overlap: mixed stocks in feeding
that have no known source population and therefore can-
not be assigned back to a location of origin.
Many nesting habitats have been identified, but the Contributions to the pelagic juvenile aggregate were esti-
feeding habitats (as noted above), where turtles spend the mated with a maximum-likelihood method (Xu et al. 1994;
vast majority of their lives, are little studied or unknown. Pella & Milner 1987). The highest estimated contribution
Mark and recapture studies have revealed links between came from the very large rookery in South Florida (71%),
nesting and feeding populations in a few cases (Carr 1975; while the contributions from Brazil and Mediterranean
Limpus et al. 1992), but the contribution of each regional nesting colonies were zero (Fig. 2). These data support the
rookery to a feeding area remains unknown in most cases. hypothesis that juvenile loggerhead turtles are riding the
The mtDNA haplotype frequency differences among North Atlantic gyre from West Atlantic nesting habitat to
nesting populations afford an opportunity to link feeding East Atlantic feeding habitat as proposed by Carr (1986).
populations back to their rookery of origin. The corre- The estimated contribution to Azores/Madeiras feeding
sponding methodology, known as mixed-stock analysis, habitat from the nesting habitat in northwest Florida (Gulf
employs a maximum likelihood or Bayesian algorithm to of Mexico) also was zero, but the size of this population
estimate the contribution of source (rookery) populations (two orders of magnitude smaller than the South Florida
that provides the best fit to the genotype frequencies observed nesting population) may prohibit detection within the accu-
in the ‘mixed’ feeding aggregate (Pella & Milner 1987; racy of this analysis. This highlights a second consideration
Okuyama & Bolker 2005). Mixed-stock methods were in mixed-stock analyses — nesting colony size is an important
originally developed to assess the composition of salmon variable that may confound the analyses.
feeding cohorts in coastal waters, which can include con- How accurate are these estimated contributions? The
tributions from several riverine spawning sites (Grant et al. standard deviations in this analysis range from about 20–
1980). These methods, however, have proven quite adapt- 40%, indicating that values should not be over interpreted,
able to marine turtles. Here, we review four case histories but instead provide useful qualitative estimates, and defin-
that illustrate the applications of mixed-stock methods to itive hypothesis tests for the origin of turtles in feeding
sea turtle biology. habitats. An interesting and reassuring comparison is

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Table 1 The estimated mixed-stock composition of a feeding returning to coastal feeding habitats in the West Atlantic
population in the northeast Atlantic based on mtDNA haplotype (see Complex population structure below).
distributions (Bolten et al. 1998), compared to the proportion of These juveniles are a conservation concern, because
nesting effort at northwest Atlantic rookeries estimated from
Mediterranean fisheries capture an estimated 20 000 turtles
nesting beach surveys (Murphy & Hopkins-Murphy 1989; Zurita
per year (Groombridge 1990), and perhaps 20–50% of these
et al. 1993; Meylan et al. 1995)
animals perish (Aguilar et al. 1995). Furthermore, these
Nesting habitat MLC PNE data indicate that approximately half of the turtles killed in
Mediterranean fishery are from the West Atlantic nesting
NFL, USA 0.00 0.01 beaches. These findings highlight the problem of jurisdiction
South Florida, USA 0.72 0.88 over endangered species that do not recognize international
EFL, USA 0.17 0.08
boundary designations.
Yucatan, Mexico 0.10 0.03

Abbreviations: MLC, maximum likelihood estimated North Pacific loggerhead turtle

contribution; PNE, proportion of nesting effort based on
field surveys; NFL, northwest Florida in the Gulf of Mexico; About 40 years ago, a large feeding aggregate of juvenile
EFL, northeast Florida to North Carolina along the east coast of the loggerheads (10 000+ individuals) was discovered off Baja
USA. California (Bartlett 1989). This finding posed a fascinating
enigma because the nearest nesting beaches are in Japan
and Australia, over 10 000 km distant. Where do the Baja
available in the sizes of the West Atlantic nesting colonies California loggerheads come from? For several decades, it
(Table 1). Here, we see a strong rank-order agreement between was assumed that a loggerhead nesting beach lay undis-
the estimated contributions to feeding habitat, and the esti- covered somewhere on the West coast of the Americas.
mated size of the source populations. These data indicate Extensive surveys along this coastline, however, failed to
that North Atlantic nesting populations contribute juveniles reveal a loggerhead nesting colony. Based on the finding of
in approximate proportion to reproductive output (Bolten a juvenile turtle tagged in Japan and recaptured in the
et al. 1998). eastern Pacific, Uchida & Teruya (1991) suggested that
The temporal stability of these patterns is generally Baja California loggerheads are coming from Japan. This
unknown. In the only survey explicitly testing temporal suggestion was dismissed in the scientific community as
variation, Bass et al. (2004) found no significant differences physiologically impossible. In the early 1990s, an inter-
in a North Carolina, USA loggerhead feeding habitat sampled national team, including scientists from Japan, Australia,
across 3 years. Mexico, and the USA, surveyed the West Pacific nesting
beaches and East Pacific feeding habitats to address this
issue. During this period, juvenile loggerhead turtles were
Mediterranean loggerhead turtle
discovered in driftnet fisheries in the central North Pacific,
In the Mediterranean Sea, there appear to be more juvenile and Hawaiian sea turtle biologist G.H. Balazs contributed
loggerhead turtles than can be produced by regional specimens from this fishery.
nesting colonies (Laurent 1990). One explanation is an When samples from North Pacific driftnet mortalities
extension of Archie Carr’s pelagic juvenile hypothesis; and the Baja California feeding aggregate were compared
perhaps West Atlantic juveniles enter the Mediterranean to the West Pacific nesting beach haplotypes, 95% of these
(Groombridge 1990). Laurent et al. (1993, 1998) surveyed individuals matched the two common haplotypes observed
feeding populations in the eastern and western Mediter- at Japanese nesting beaches (Fig. 3; Bowen et al. 1995). The
ranean, using specimens from the longline fisheries (pelagic remaining 5% may include a contribution from Australian
juveniles averaging about 50 cm curved carapace length) nesting beaches, although Japanese nesting populations
and benthic trawl fisheries (advanced benthic juveniles contain the ‘Australian’ haplotype at very low frequency
averaging about 65 cm). Laurent et al. (1998) reported that (Hatase et al. 2002a). Once dismissed as impossible, it is
approximately 47% of pelagic juveniles are derived from West now clear that Japanese loggerhead turtles traverse the
Atlantic nesting colonies, and 53% from Mediterranean entire Pacific Ocean, about one third of the planet, during
nesting colonies. In the larger benthic size class, however, juvenile migrations. The route from Japan to the Americas
no contribution was detected from the West Atlantic is apparently through the Kuroshio Current, an extension
(Fig. 2). Maffucci et al. (2006) detected a small West Atlantic of the North Pacific gyre. Subsequent satellite tracking
contribution (about 7%) to benthic feeding habitat around studies demonstrate that the return route is not via prevail-
southern Italy, but also concluded that most of the West ing currents, but a directed migration from Baja California
Atlantic turtles depart the Mediterranean before switch- to Japan (Nichols et al. 2000). This stands as one of the
ing to benthic habitat. Evidently, the older juveniles are greatest navigational feats in the animal kingdom.

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Fig. 3 Haplotype distributions at nesting populations, migratory cohorts, and juvenile feeding aggregates for the North Pacific loggerhead
turtle (Bowen et al. 1995; Hatase et al. 2002a). Haplotype A is in a frequency of 0.4% in Japan (i.e. 1 individual) but does not show in the pie

samples from an adjacent feeding aggregate. If hawksbill

Caribbean hawksbill turtle
turtles are nonmigratory, as assumed in the Cuban fishery
The hawksbill turtle is heavily exploited for the translucent model, then the Mona Island nesting population and feed-
scales (bekko), which may be worked into jewelry, figurines, ing aggregate should be similar in terms of haplotype com-
and a variety of artworks. Many nesting populations are position. Contrary to predictions of the fishery model,
greatly reduced or extinct as a result of this exploitation. feeding population specimens were significantly different
Meylan (1989) estimated that no more than 10 000 nesting from the adjacent nesting population (P < 0.005 in a G test
females remain in the Caribbean, greater than a 10-fold of independence).
reduction from historical levels. At the same time, the Subsequently, Bowen et al. (2007) analysed 10 West
Caribbean harvest (including males, juveniles, and females) Atlantic nesting populations, and compared these to eight
may have exceeded 10 000 turtles/year in recent decades feeding aggregates in the Caribbean basin. Nesting colonies
(Canin 1989). In view of the alarming depletion of this differ significantly in the frequencies of mtDNA haplotypes
species, international trade has been prohibited under the (ΦST = 0.588, P < 0.001), corroborating earlier conclusions
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species about nesting site fidelity. There is also low but significant
of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) agreement, and this species structure among feeding aggregates (ΦST = 0.089, P < 0.001),
is listed as Critically Endangered by the International indicating that foraging populations are not homogenous
Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources across the Caribbean Sea. This data set shows a significant
(IUCN, Meylan & Donnelly 1999). Local commerce, however, correlation between the contribution to feeding popula-
continues throughout the tropics, and there is interest in tions and proximity to the corresponding nesting areas (r =
reopening the lucrative international trade. The government 0.394, P = 0.003). This preference for feeding near the natal
of Cuba petitioned at the CITES meetings in 1997 and 2000 nesting site is not absolute, as mixed-stock analyses indicate
to resume international trade with commercially harvested connectivity between feeding and nesting habitats across the
hawksbills from the reefs within Cuban territorial waters Caribbean basin (Fig. 4). This study also detected a single
(Ottenwalder & Ross 1992; Carrillo et al. 1999). The proposed mtDNA sequence in foraging habitat that matches a market
harvest on foraging habitat is based on a fishery model that sample from Sao Tome (Gulf of Guinea), invoking occasional
assumes that hawksbill turtles are nonmigratory (Heppell transoceanic migrations (Bellini et al. 2000). As with logger-
& Crowder 1996). This is an important point: if only turtles head turtles, the survey of Caribbean hawksbills feeding
from local nesting beaches are taken on Cuban reefs, then populations yields significant correlation with nesting
no other countries are affected by this harvest. population sizes (r = 0.378, p = 0.004), indicating that larger
To test the assumptions of this fishery model, Bowen rookeries contribute more individuals to feeding aggregates.
et al. (1996) compared mtDNA control region haplotypes The mixed-stock analyses of hawksbill turtles show that
from the nesting beach at Mona Island (Puerto Rico) to a harvest on Caribbean feeding habitats will deplete nesting

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populations throughout the region. As a result of genetic migrations, and satellite tracking shows an active migration
analyses and other considerations, the CITES petitions to by advanced juveniles back to their region of origin
resume international trade were voted down in both 1997 (Nichols et al. 2000). This poses a challenge to conventional
and 2000. The interest in international trade continues, definitions of stock structure. How can we define stocks
however, and may be a subject of debate at the next CITES when reproductive populations are thoroughly mixed at
meeting. one life stage, and strongly segregated at another? A
second challenge is apparent when maternally inherited
mtDNA provides a different image of population structure
than biparentally inherited nDNA. Both these issues apply
Mixed-stock analyses are now widely employed to resolve to sea turtles, fishes (Pardini et al. 2001), marine mammals
sea turtle movements. In addition to the cases described (Baker et al. 1994), and are a ubiquitous feature of terrestrial
above, mixed-stock analyses have revealed the com- mammals (Lawson Handley & Perrin 2007). These two
position of feeding aggregates in several other species issues fall under the heading of complex population
and regions: structure, and sea turtles are instructive on both fronts. In
this section, we consider the changes in population structure
• Green turtles in the West Atlantic (Bass et al. 1998; Lahanas between juveniles and adults, and the implications of
et al. 1998; Luke et al. 2004; Bass et al. 2006; Naro-Maciel discordance between nDNA and mtDNA surveys.
et al. 2007)
• Loggerhead turtles in the West Atlantic and Mediterra-
Juvenile vs. adult stages
nean (Rankin-Baransky et al. 2001; Engstrom et al. 2002;
Witzell et al. 2002; Bass et al. 2004; Roberts et al. 2005; The mixed stock analyses of loggerhead juveniles indicate
Carreras et al. 2006; Reece et al. 2006) that cohorts from genetically distinct rookeries extensively
• Hawksbill turtles in the West Pacific (Broderick et al. mix on oceanic feeding habitats. Surveys of these pelagic-
1994) and Caribbean (Díaz-Fernández et al. 1999) stage juveniles indicate no population structure among
• Leatherback turtles in the Pacific (Dutton et al. 2007) locations across the North Atlantic (ΦST < 0.001, P = 0.919;
Bolten et al. 1998; LaCasella et al. 2007). At the end of this
The mixed-stock methodology is valuable but has limit- pelagic stage, juveniles apparently migrate from the
ations, most notably in obtaining all the source (nesting) Mediterranean and East Atlantic to coastal zones of the
populations. An oft-repeated observation in sea turtle West Atlantic, switching to a benthic (bottom feeding) niche.
biology is that if you sit on a tropical beach long enough, Mixed-stock analyses of these older juveniles indicated an
you will see a turtle nest. This anecdote emphasizes that an elevated contribution from nearby rookeries, prompting
unknown proportion of sea turtle nesting is solitary females several researchers to suggest that benthic stage juveniles
on long tracts of tropical beach, and is utterly refractory feed in the vicinity of their natal rookery (Witzell et al. 2002;
to the orderly collection of genetic specimens. A second Bass et al. 2004; Roberts et al. 2005; Reece et al. 2006). To
consideration is that major nesting populations continue to address the issue of juvenile homing behaviour, Bowen
be discovered in under-surveyed areas. A third limitation is et al. (2004) analysed specimens from 10 juvenile feeding
that nesting colonies are not always differentiated in hap- zones across the northwest Atlantic and compared these
lotype frequencies. All three factors may contribute to the samples to potential source (nesting) populations in the
large confidence intervals that typically accompany mixed- Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. While the nesting
stock analyses of sea turtles. While precise estimates of colonies of the Northwest Atlantic have strong population
feeding aggregate composition continue to elude scientists structure (ΦST = 0.42, P < 0.001; Bowen et al. 2005), the
in most cases, the answers that this methodology provides feeding populations of benthic juveniles have low but
are compelling when applied at the appropriate scale: significant mtDNA haplotype frequency shifts (ΦST =
do hawksbill feeding populations contain turtles from 0.0088, P = 0.016). In addition, haplotype frequencies at
multiple rookeries? Do West Atlantic loggerheads enter coastal feeding populations are significantly correlated with
the Mediterranean? Do Japanese loggerheads cross the the haplotype composition of adjacent nesting populations
Pacific Ocean? On these issues, the mixed-stock analyses (R2 = 0.52, P = 0.001). These analyses are consistent with
provide compelling affirmatives that are highly relevant homing behaviour by juvenile loggerhead turtles.
to conservation. Loggerhead turtles have progressively greater popula-
tion structure as they advance in age and development
(Fig. 5). The pelagic juvenile populations have no genetic
Complex population structure
structure, and are composed of cohorts from regional nesting
The mixed-stock studies outlined above demonstrate that colonies in approximate proportion to the size of the nest-
juvenile loggerheads cross entire ocean basins in passive ing population (Table 1). The corresponding conservation

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Fig. 4 Caribbean hawksbills nesting and feeding habitats, with estimated contributions from regional nesting colonies to feeding
populations (Bowen et al. 2007). Consult the original paper for standard errors. Rookery abbreviations are: CU, Cuba; PR, Puerto Rico; VI,
US Virgin Islands; AN, Antigua; BA, Barbados; CR, Costa Rica; BL, Belize; and YU, Yucatan Peninsula. Feeding ground abbreviations are:
DR, Dominican Republic; PR, Puerto Rico; and VI, US Virgin Islands.

concern is that oceanic fisheries (longlines and driftnets), pelagic feeding (Hatase et al. 2002b; Witzell 2002). Hence,
which capture tens of thousands of turtles per year, will the advanced juveniles have some degree of flexibility.
deplete nesting colonies throughout the region. The advanced Nonetheless, perhaps half of the subadults feed near their
benthic juveniles make a directed migration from oceanic natal rookery, so coastal hazards here will have a strong
habitat to coastal habitat in the vicinity of their natal rookery. impact on the nearby nesting population. Corresponding
The switch from pelagic to benthic habitat is not immutable, conservation strategies may prioritize coastal habitat in the
and both advanced juveniles and adults can switch back to vicinity of small and dwindling nesting colonies. Finally,

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Fig. 5 A model illustrating population structure at three life stages of the loggerhead turtle. Turtles originate at three rookeries indicated
by red, green and black icons. In the pelagic juvenile stage, turtles intermingle in oceanic habitat and no population structure is apparent
between eastern, central, and western Atlantic. In the advanced (benthic) juvenile stage, turtles recruit to coastal feeding habitat near their
natal rookery, inducing modest but significant population structure. In the breeding adults, females (and possibly males) have high site
fidelity to breeding/nesting habitat, inducing strong population structure. Figure reprinted from Bowen et al. (2005) with permission of
Molecular Ecology.

disturbance to adult stage nesting females will yield specific in which none of the mtDNA haplotypes are shared
reductions to the corresponding reproductive population. between populations, and estimates of maternal gene flow
Clearly, at each life-history stage, there are different threats are near zero (Bowen et al. 1992). Based on five nDNA loci, the
and different consequences. two populations are indistinguishable, and corresponding
estimates of nuclear gene flow indicate current or recent
exchange. Overall, Karl et al. (1992) reported low population
Nuclear vs. mtDNA structure
structure in nDNA (Atlantic FST = 0.130, Indo-Pacific FST =
Karl et al. (1992) provided the first comparison of genetic 0.126), compared to mtDNA (Atlantic GST = 0.63, Indo-Pacific
results from mtDNA and nDNA, allowing the resolution of GST = 0.71; Bowen et al. 1992). Microsatellite surveys
maternal and paternal influences on population genetic across the same range corroborate this finding (Atlantic
structure. Recall the test of natal homing with Ascension FST = 0.038, Indo-Pacific FST = 0.024: Roberts et al. 2004).
Island and Surinam nesting populations of green turtles, These studies demonstrate significant male-mediated gene

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flow between green turtle nesting colonies, a finding To illustrate this point, consider the extremes of gender-
supported by surveys of mtDNA and microsatellites in the specific extirpation. If males were eliminated from the
West Pacific (FitzSimmons et al. 1997b). breeding habitat adjacent to the nesting beach, the nest-
As noted above, loggerhead nesting colonies have strong ing population would continue, because some of the females
population structure in the northwest Atlantic (ΦST = 0.42, are inseminated on feeding grounds or migratory corridors.
P < 0.001). In contrast, a survey of five (biparentally in- In contrast, if the females are eliminated then the nesting
herited) microsatellite loci indicates no significant population population is extinct. Females transmit the genetic threads
structure (FST = 0.002, P > 0.05) across the same nesting of life across generations (Avise 1995), and the natal
colonies (Bowen et al. 2005). Males apparently provide an homing behaviour of females defines breeding popula-
avenue of gene flow between regional nesting colonies (but tions, regardless of male behaviour.
see Carreras et al. 2007). 2 Either nDNA or mtDNA alone could provide incomplete
This pattern of strong maternal population structure and and misleading conclusions about population structure.
low nuclear population structure is surprisingly common The mtDNA surveys of North Atlantic juvenile turtles,
in migratory marine vertebrates. In a comparison of white taken alone, would indicate a single panmictic population,
sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) between South Africa and obscuring the true structure of subadults and nesting
Australia, the mtDNA haplotypes reveal strong structure adults. Most genetic surveys of large migratory fishes
(FST = 0.81) while microsatellites reveal no significant (tunas, billfishes) are based on adults sampled on
structure (Pardini et al. 2001). In global surveys of the sperm feeding habitat, and these surveys indicate low or no
whale (Physeter macrocephalus), mtDNA sequence comparisons population structure. When reproductive or nursery popu-
demonstrate significant structure (GST = 0.03, P < 0.001; lations are sampled, however, fine-scale population
Lyrholm & Gyllensten 1998), but microsatellite compari- structure can emerge (Carlsson et al. 2007). For regional
sons show no structure (GST = 0.001, P = 0.232: Lyrholm nesting colonies of sea turtles, nDNA data alone could
et al. 1999). A similar pattern is apparent in humpback indicate a single management unit, a disastrous premise.
whales (Megaptera novaeangliae; Baker et al. 1994; Palumbi To resolve management units of migratory marine animals,
& Baker 1994). an optimal strategy is to survey all life stages with both
Male-mediated gene flow in sea turtles can be conducted mtDNA and multiple nuclear loci. It is especially import-
by two general mechanisms; males are not homing to natal ant to survey at breeding sites. Only at these locations
sites, or mating occurs where adult populations overlap will the essential population structure be revealed.
in feeding areas and migratory corridors. FitzSimmons
et al. (1997a) evaluated the first possibility in a survey of
Multiple paternity: a new paradigm emerges
male and female green turtles at the breeding site in the
southern Great Barrier Reef. The males had the same haplo- Microsatellites have revolutionized the study of breeding
type composition as the females, indicating natal homing behaviour, and sea turtle research in this arena has been
by both genders. fruitful. Although intense male competition for females
In evaluating the second possibility, consider the nesting and sperm storage have long been recognized, an accurate
populations of the West Atlantic loggerheads (Fig. 2). A picture of male mating success is slow in coming. Female
female coming from the south, with a destination of nest- reproductive success is readily estimated in terms of the
ing habitat in Georgia, South Carolina, or North Carolina, numbers of hatchings, but estimating the male’s contribution
will pass through the breeding area for the large rookery in is nearly impossible. Male breeding success can, however,
South Florida. Given the aggressive proclivities of breed- be estimated through genetic analyses. The results of several
ing males (see Multiple paternity below), it seems likely microsatellite analyses indicate that multiple paternity is a
that males from South Florida will mate with these females dominant paradigm in turtle reproduction (Pearse & Avise
and gene flow will occur even if both sexes are homing to 2001; Moon et al. 2006). Estimates of multiple paternity
natal breeding sites. across sea turtle clutches range from 0 to 100%, but most of
the studies with robust sample sizes provide estimates in
the range of 30–90% (Table 2). The leatherback turtle seems
to have the lowest incidence (0–16%), while the ridley turtles
The genetic discordance between mtDNA and nDNA provide some of the highest estimates (20–92%). Regard-
surveys provides two lessons about population structure less of the specific frequency, it is clear that multiple paternity
relevant to wildlife management of sea turtles and other is the norm for all species.
migratory marine animals: The advantages of multiple paternity are still debated,
but most authorities agree that it should occur where males
1 Nesting populations are independent management do not contribute parental care, and there is little opport-
units regardless of the level of male-mediated gene flow. unity for females to evaluate male fitness before copulation.

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Table 2 Studies of multiple paternity in

Percentage five species of sea turtles, modified and
No. of of multiple updated from Pearse & Avise (2001). All
Species Location clutches paternity Citation assessments were made with microsatellites,
except Harry & Briscoe (1988; allozymes)
Leatherback Pacific Costa Rica 4 0 Rieder et al. 1998
Dermochelys coriacea Virgin Islands 17 0 Dutton et al. 2000
Pacific Costa Rica 50 16 Crim et al. 2002
Green Pacific Costa Rica 8 63 Peare et al. 1998
Chelonia mydas Great Barrier Reef 22 9 FitzSimmons 1998
Ascension 3 100 Ireland et al. 2003
Ascension 18 61 Lee & Hays 2004
Natator depressus Queensland Aus. 16 69 Theissinger et al. 2006
Loggerhead Queensland Aus. 45 33 Harry & Briscoe 1988
Caretta caretta Florida USA 3 33 Bollmer et al. 1999
Florida USA 70 31 Moore & Ball 2002
Greece 16 94 Zbinden et al. 2006
Olive ridley Surinam 10 20 Hoekert et al. 2002
Lepidochelys olivacea Pacific Costa Rica 13 92* Jensen et al. 2006
Pacific Costa Rica 13 31† Jensen et al. 2006
Kemp’s ridley
Lepidochelys kempi Atlantic Mexico 26 58 Kichler et al. 1999

*Arribada; †solitary.

Both conditions apply to sea turtles, for which there is no with multiple sires. The authors attribute the difference
paternal investment in offspring and copulatory events are between arribada nesters and solitary nesters to the abun-
brief encounters off the nesting beach (and possibly else- dance of individuals, a density effect on the rate of multiple
where). In cases where female investment is high, and male paternity.
investment is low, the indirect advantages of multiple The second observation is by Lee & Hays (2004), who find
paternity may include fertility insurance (Orsetti & Rutowski no fitness benefits to multiple paternity in green turtles
2003), increased fitness through sperm competition, receiv- at Ascension Island, where the environmental variables
ing good genes (Kempenaers et al. 1992; Otter & Ratcliffe have a much greater influence on clutch survival. While
1996), increased genetic variation among offspring (Madsen the evidence is limited to hatchling success as a measure
et al. 1992; Byrne & Roberts 2000), and higher survivorship of fitness, these authors suggest that multiple paternity
of hatchlings (reviewed in Pearse & Avise 2001). The last is the outcome of male coercion, where females allow extra
possibility has been demonstrated in a freshwater turtle matings ‘to make the best of a bad job’ in response to male
(McTaggart 2000), but none of these benefits have been harassment. Both of these studies are consistent with the
demonstrated in sea turtles. aggressive mating behaviour reported for male sea turtles,
An alternative explanation that incorporates sea turtle summarized in Karl et al. (1995) and Bowen (2007). In at
behaviour has emerged in two recent studies: multiple least two fisheries, male turtles are harvested by offering a
paternity in sea turtles may be a consequence of male wooden disk or barrel in the water as a potential mate. The
aggressiveness rather than female choice. Jensen et al. male mounts the decoy and will not release it when hauled
(2006) assessed multiple paternity in olive ridleys on the to a fishing vessel. On the Atlantic coast of Florida, human
Pacific coast of Costa Rica. There and elsewhere, ridleys swimmers are occasionally subject to amorous advances
have a unique nesting strategy when population densities by male loggerheads. In one of these attempts, the turtle
are high: they mass offshore and nest simultaneously in ‘made good its mating attack on this luckless individual’
huge numbers, in a phenomenon known as an arribada (Epstein 1989). Hence, the phenomenon of multiple paternity
(arrival). Tens of thousands of turtles can come ashore in a may be guided more by male density and proclivity, rather
matter of hours, a behaviour that is believed to provide than the theoretical goals of female fitness and fecundity.
predator saturation for eggs and hatchlings. Perhaps
half of the nesting of olive ridleys, however, is by solitary
females, coming ashore at low density. Jensen et al. (2006)
compared multiple paternity in arribada nests and solitary Hybrid sea turtles have been reported for over 100 years.
nests, and found that 92% of arribada nests have multiple The earliest documented example is a loggerhead ×
sires, whereas only 31% of solitary females lay clutches hawksbill hybrid, known to Caribbean fishermen as a

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Table 3 Marine turtle hybrids identified by morphology and genetics

Species Location Marker Age of separation Reference

Chelonia mydas/Eretmochelys imbricata Surinam allozymes 50+ Ma Wood et al. 1983

Surinam DNA Karl et al. 1995
Mexico DNA/morphology Seminoff et al. 2003
Chelonia mydas/Caretta caretta Canada DNA/morphology 50+ Ma James et al. 2004
Australia morphology C. Limpus, personal communication
Brazil DNA Karl et al. 1995
Chelonia mydas/Lepidochelys olivacea Brazil morphology 50+ Ma M. Marcovaldi, personal communication
Caretta caretta/Eretmochelys imbricata Bahamas morphology 10–20 Ma Garman 1888
Japan morphology Kamezaki et al. 1983
USA morphology Greenblatt et al. 2005
China morphology Frazier 1988
Brazil DNA/morphology Lara-Ruiz et al. 2006
Brazil allozymes Conceicao et al. 1990
USA DNA Karl et al. 1995
Caretta caretta/Lepidochelys kempi USA DNA 10–20 Ma Karl et al. 1995
Eretmochelys imbricata/Lepidochelys olivacea Brazil DNA/morphology 10–20 Ma Lara-Ruiz et al. 2006
USA DNA Barber et al. 2003
Lepidochelys olivacea/Caretta caretta Brazil DNA, morphology 10–20 Ma Lara-Ruiz et al. 2006

‘McQueggie’ (Garman 1888). Since then, there have been and release) programme for L. kempi. Given that all species
numerous documented cases of hybridization among of sea turtles are listed by IUCN as Endangered or Threatened,
species in the family Cheloniidae (Table 3). If we exclude and that human disturbances can induce hybridization
the geographically localized Kemp’s ridley and flatback in other vertebrates, the conditions that promote this pheno-
turtles, almost every hybrid combination in Cheloniidae menon should be more fully explored.
has been documented. What is most surprising is the age of
the species producing hybrids, as the Cheloniidae includes
Comparative phylogeography
three deep lineages separated by 50+ million years (Dutton
et al. 1996). By comparison, mammal species generally lose Two primary geographic barriers separate the tropical
the ability to hybridize in less than ~3 million years, and marine fauna of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific, and they
birds and frogs in less than ~20 million years (Wilson et al. strongly influence patterns of speciation and biodiversity.
1974; Fitzpatrick 2004). Marine turtles maintain repro- The Isthmus of Panama closed off the Pacific–Atlantic connection
ductive compatibility over a much longer interval, and about 3.5 million years ago. This is an immutable barrier
constitute the oldest bastards known to science. One factor for marine species except for the few that can tolerate
may be the slow rate of molecular evolution in turtles (Avise freshwater conditions of the Panama Canal (McCosker &
et al. 1992). A second factor is the indiscriminate mating Dawson 1975). Southern Africa is the other barrier, where
behaviour of males noted above, and a third factor may be warm waters of the Indian Ocean (Aghulas Current) collide
the maintenance of identical chromosomal number and with the cold upwelling (Benguela Current) in the Atlantic.
structure (Bickham 1981). Additional genomic features, yet The thermal regime of the Benguela Current is believed to
to be resolved, are surely involved. be a death sentence for tropical organisms, and the primary
The phenomenon of sea turtle hybridization, initially barrier to Atlantic–Indian exchange. This barrier is not,
identified by aberrant morphology, is now robustly docu- however, insurmountable. Sediment cores reveal a hiatus
mented. It is less clear what conditions promote the pheno- in upwelling at the end of Pleistocene glacial periods, with
menon, and to what extent hybridization occurs. Lara-Ruiz corresponding intrusions of warm water into the Atlantic
et al. (2006) estimate that ~44% of putative hawksbills in (Peeters et al. 2004). Contemporary dispersal also may be
Bahia, Brazil are hybrids, so this phenomenon is not merely possible via warm-core gyres from the Agulhas Current
a rare by-product of overlap in breeding areas, but may that become entrained in the northward moving Benguela
have some evolutionary manifestations. Hybridization in Current (Penven et al. 2001). These gyres occasionally
other vertebrate groups appears when either habitat or life transport tropical species into the Atlantic, as indicated by
history are disturbed; Karl et al. (1995) speculate that a Lep- mtDNA comparisons of Atlantic and Indian Ocean reef
idochelys kempi × Caretta caretta hybrid captured in the West fishes (Rocha et al. 2005; Bowen et al. 2006) and large pelagic
Atlantic may be the product of a headstart (captive rearing fishes (Graves & McDowell 2003; Castro et al. in press).

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Sea turtles nest primarily in the tropics, but there is

extensive variation in the latitudinal limits of nesting and
feeding habitat. The hawksbill and green turtle have the
most tropical distributions, with little nesting outside the
25° latitudes north and south. The olive ridley nests primarily
in the tropics but can feed at higher latitudes. The logger-
head turtle nests as high as 35° in the North Atlantic, and
near 40°N in the Mediterranean. The leatherback nests in
the tropics and subtropics, but has been observed feeding
in boreal (0 °C) waters above 50°N (Goff & Lien 1988).
The mtDNA phylogeny for sea turtles shows a rank-order
agreement between thermal preference and evolutionary
exchange between Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The
green turtle has an ancient separation (d = 4.4% in control
region sequences; Encalada et al. 1996), but recent leakage
of an mtDNA lineage from the Atlantic to the southwestern
corner of the Indian Ocean (Bourjea et al. 2007). The hawksbill
turtle also has two distinct lineages, corresponding to
Atlantic and Indo-Pacific (d = 8.0%; Okayama et al. 1999;
D. Broderick; unpublished data), but with a younger lineage
in the East Atlantic that is affiliated with the Indian Ocean
(D. Broderick, personal communication; Fig. 6). Hence, an
ancient isolation is indicated in both species, followed by a
rare dispersal event.
The loggerhead phylogeny also has two primary lineages
(d = 5.1%; Encalada et al. 1998), but with less geographic
partitioning. The distribution of this species includes a
rookery in the Indian Ocean (Natal, South Africa) within
a few hundred kilometres of the South Atlantic Ocean,
indicating that the southern Africa barrier may be less Fig. 6 Matriarchal phylogenies for seven species of sea turtle based
formidable to interoceanic gene flow in Caretta caretta. The on mtDNA control region sequences (Ridleys, Bowen et al. 1998;
loggerhead, Encalada et al. 1998; green, Bowen et al. 1992;
mtDNA phylogeny shows two effective transfers of mat-
Encalada et al. 1996; Bourjea et al. 2007; leatherback, Dutton et al. 1999).
rilines between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans (Fig. 6).
Indo-Pacific lineages are shown in red, Atlantic lineages are blue,
One of these appears to be very recent, as indicated by the and lineages observed in both oceans are green. The hawksbill
sharing of haplotypes between South Africa and the West phylogeny is an unpublished maximum-likelihood analysis of
Atlantic (Bowen et al. 1994). genetic distances using the HKY + I + G model of evolution and
The olive ridley and Kemp’s ridley may have initially mtDNA control regions sequences from GenBank (accession nos
been isolated by the Isthmus of Panama, a theory advanced EF546379, DQ924961, EF191013, EF546379, EF191014, EF587752,
AJ421797, AJ421796, DQ479344, DQ177341, DQ479339, DQ479342,
by Pritchard (1969) based on morphological similarity and
DQ 479335, DQ479341 top to bottom OTU in phylogeny, respectively).
biogeographic evidence. The divergence between species
This phylogeny is a composite of intraspecific phylogenies
(dmax = 6.9%; Bowen et al. 1998) matches the timeframe grafted onto a species-to-family level tree in Dutton et al. (1996).
for the closure of the Pacific–Atlantic seaway, based on Relationships within species were configured to impart two
a molecular clock of 2% per million years . Subsequently, the classes of information; the relative depth of intraspecific partitions
olive ridley colonized from the Indian Ocean into the (numbers above nodes are average nucleotide diversities) and
Atlantic. A single control region polymorphism distinguishes their classification as Atlantic or Indo-Pacific lineages. We
excluded closely related and in some cases rare haplotypes that
Atlantic and Indian haplotypes, demonstrating that the
provided little additional topological information. The branch
dispersal event was recent. Most olive ridley haplotypes
lengths above the species level are not proportional to
are separated by d < 0.5%, indicating a shallower evo- evolutionary depth, and are only intended to depict the branch
lutionary history than green, hawksbill, and loggerhead order for deep evolutionary separations per Dutton et al. (1996).
turtles. Based on these patterns, Shanker et al. (2004) pro-
posed a late Pleistocene radiation from the Indian Ocean phylogenetic analyses (d = 0.5%; dmax = 1.4%; Dutton et al.
into both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. 1999). This is remarkable in a species 100+ million years
In contrast, the leatherback shows no geographic segre- apart from the other sea turtles. Nonetheless, findings are
gation of lineages, and an extremely shallow topography in consistent with the theme that thermal tolerance has a strong

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influence on intraspecific phylogeography. The tropical time. In the previous sections, we showed how natal
green and hawksbill have ancient separations between homing, behaviour, habitat preference, and life history
Atlantic and Indo-Pacific, the more temperate loggerhead have left indelible signatures on the distribution of genetic
and olive ridley show evidence of recent interocean move- diversity. Here, we conclude that climate, geography, and
ment, and the leatherback shows the shallowest genealogy oceanography likely have a greater influence on evolution
and the weakest geographic structuring. and speciation.
While the mtDNA data show a rank-order agreement
with thermal regime, caution is indicated in using a single
Summary and prospectus
locus to reach these conclusions. A nuclear DNA analysis
of green turtles indicates that some Indo-Pacific to Atlantic The DNA assays reveal much about the hidden lives of sea
exchange has occurred (Roberts et al. 2004). This is consistent turtles, including homing behaviour in juveniles and adults,
with greater male dispersal in sea turtles (Casale et al. 2002), male-mediated gene flow and complex population structure,
and highlights the need for multiple gene genealogies feeding aggregates that nourish several regional nesting
before phylogeographic conclusions are made with finality. colonies, multiple paternity that may be density dependent,
The Mediterranean populations of green and loggerhead hybridization with potential evolutionary significance,
turtles are the product of recent colonization, probably and global phylogeographic patterns that influence speciation.
after the last glacial interval (12 000 years bp; Bowen et al. What are the future directions of these genetic studies?
1992, 1994). Likewise, the available evidence indicates that Sea turtles are mobile islands of life, with a variety of
East Pacific populations of sea turtles are all recent arrivals. symbionts, commensals and parasites (Frick et al. 1998;
Green turtles in this region share an mtDNA haplotype Bugoni et al. 2001). The species composition of these hitch-hiking
with Hawaii (Bowen et al. 1992) and do not appear to be a animals and plants can reveal migratory pathways (Caine
distinct evolutionary entity in terms of nDNA (Karl & 1986; Eckert & Eckert 1988), and their population genetics
Bowen 1999). East Pacific leatherback turtles share a haplo- will yield additional insights. Some tantalizing clues about
type with the West Pacific (Dutton et al. 1999), and olive life history have emerged from population genetic studies
ridleys in this region are two control region mutations of commensal barnacles, including a strong genetic break
removed from a common Indo-West Pacific haplotype (Bowen between East and West Pacific cohorts that inhabit the log-
et al. 1998). In all cases, the East Pacific haplotype networks gerhead turtles migrating between these two regions
coalesce in the late Pleistocene, within a quarter million (Rawson et al. 2003).
years and possibly much more recently (Lopez-Castro & In terms of phylogeography and evolution, there appears
Rocha-Olivares 2005). These data are consistent with climate to be sufficient leakage between ocean basins to prevent
records in indicating that the tropical regime in the East long-term isolation and allopatric speciation (Roberts et al.
Pacific is ephemeral. Under contemporary conditions, cold 2004; Bourjea et al. 2007). Hence, the most important evolu-
upwelling along this coast extends across the equator. During tionary phenomenon may be the loggerhead/ridley/
glacial intervals, many tropical faunas may be extirpated hawksbill hybrid swarm in Brazil. This hybrid complex
from the East Pacific, apparently including sea turtles. is a large component of nesting effort and is probably far
The pattern of ancient isolation between tropical oceans, beyond the F1 stage (Lara-Ruiz et al. 2006). Whether similar
and recent connections in more temperate species, appears levels of hybridization are occurring elsewhere is an open
to have a strong influence on the phylogeography of sea question. Documenting the filial generation of the hybrids
turtles, and ultimately on the evolution of this group. (e.g. F1 or later, backcrosses, etc.) will indicate whether the
Allopatric speciation, characterized by long-term isolation hybrid swarm is stable and persistent.
without gene flow, is believed to be the predominant mode On the subject of nesting population structure and
of speciation (Coyne & Orr 2004). A model of allopatric female fidelity, surveys of major rookeries are ongoing,
speciation is consistent with phylogeographic patterns in the and continue to yield surprises (Chassin-Noria et al. 2004;
ridleys. The hawksbill and green turtle have IndoPacific– Lopez-Castro & Rocha-Olivares 2005; Formia et al. 2006).
Atlantic divergences of several million years (perhaps con- This effort is likely to culminate in comprehensive world-
founded by occasional migrants), justifying recognition of wide coverage in the next decade. Researchers have also
subspecific evolutionary entities. Yet these divergences begun to apply recent advances in population genetic theory,
are not sufficient to generate reproductive isolation and especially coalescence approaches, to estimate population
speciation, if lineages separated by 10–50 million years can ages and historical trends in abundance (Reece et al. 2005;
interbreed. Furthermore, what are the opportunities for Rivalan et al. 2006). On another front, the fine-scale assign-
geographic isolation in the leatherback, with a global distri- ment tests of Ascension Island nesters (Lee et al. 2007) indi-
bution from the tropics to the Arctic Circle? This may explain cate a new tool for evaluating the precision of female
why the leatherback has flourished for tens of millions of homing behaviour. This methodology may effectively
years, but exists as a single lineage across deep evolutionary close the gap between contemporary tagging studies and

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the more historical approaches based on haplotype (and

genotype) frequencies.
Male migrations and homing are largely unknown, For advice, assistance, and encouragement, we thank A. Abreu-
because of the difficulty in studying turtles in the off- Grobois, M. Allard, D. Amorocho, J. Avise, G. Balazs, A. Bass, K.
shore breeding habitat. Recall the innovative study by Bjorndal, A. Bolten, D. Broderick, A. Carr, C. Carson, R. Carthy, M.
Chaloupka, R. Chapman, M. Chow, W. Clark, A. Demetropoulos,
FitzSimmons et al. (1997a), in which male green turtles in
P. Dutton, S. Epperly, N. FitzSimmons, A. Frey, J. Frazier, T. Fritts,
breeding habitat had the same mtDNA haplotype frequen- S. Grant, S. Hopkins-Murphy, G. Hughes, N. Kamezaki, R. Klinger-
cies as their female counterparts. A decade later, this study Bowen, E. LaCasella, P. Lahanas, L. Laurent, P. Lee, J. Leong, R. LeRoux,
has not been replicated elsewhere to our knowledge. Are C. Limpus, E. Magee, M. Marcovaldi, D. Margaritoulis, A. Meylan,
the males of other species homing to their natal site? This C. Moritz, J. Mortimer, S. Murphy, J. Musick, W. Nelson, P. Pritchard,
is a notable gap that can only be resolved with thorough J. Quattro, K. Rankin-Baransky, H. Reichart, J. Richardson, L. Rocha,
sampling of male breeders, as is planned for the large J. Roman, P. Ross, D. Shaver, W. Teas, R. Toonen, W. Witzell, C. Woodley,
and J. Zurita. We thank M. Donnelly, H. Smith, the American Society
loggerhead population off southeast Florida, USA (R. Carthy,
of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, and Molecular Ecology for
personal communication). permission to reprint copyrighted material. The authors are sup-
Mixed-stock analyses of feeding populations have ported by NSF grant OCE-0454873 (BWB) and DEB-0321924 and
advanced in recent years, including new methodologies OCE-0627299 (SAK). We dedicate this review to the people who
motivated by sea turtle cases (Bolker et al. 2003, 2007; contributed to the studies cited herein, especially those with sand
Okuyama & Bolker 2005). These studies reveal aspects of in their shoes and salt in their hair. This is contribution 1291 from
migratory behaviour that are largely refractory to direct HIMB and contribution 7175 from SOEST at University of Hawaii.
observation (Carreras et al. 2006; Maffucci et al. 2006). After
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