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Re-Mating Between and Within Breeding Seasons in The Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber Roseu

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Re-mating between and within breeding seasons in the Greater Flamingo

Phoenicopterus ruber roseus
Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Le Sambuc, 13200 Arles, France

Data on re-mating between and within breeding seasons were collected between 1983 and
1994 as part of a long-term study of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber roseus in
the Camargue, southern France. Flamingos have bred in the RhBne delta for centuries
and since 1972 have done so annually on an artificial island in the Etang du Fangassier.
A sample of chicks has been ringed each year since 1977; many of these birds were later
observed back at the breeding site and were used in this study. The mate-switching rate
between consecutivebreeding seasons was 98.3%. This result is contrary to what has been
reported from captive flocks where extensive mate fidelity occurred between consecutive
breeding seasons. Mate-switching also was observed in the Camargue within breeding
seasons, following breeding failure, and seems to be linked to male breeding strategy in
response to the need to synchronize hatching and the limited energy supply of breeding
females. The absence of a long-term pair bond in Greater Flamingos contrasts with current
views on the evolution of mate fidelity in relation to longevity in birds.

In species of birds that survive long enough to breed for et a/. 1992, F. Cezilly et a / . , unpublished data), and shows
more than one season, or that are able to lay several clutches no nest-mound fidelity from one breeding attempt to anoth-
within a season, a large part of mate choice is re-mating- er. Flamingos typically form breeding colonies in unstable
forming a pair for a second or subsequent reproductive effort habitats which are subject to flooding and drying out (Berry
(Rowley 1983, Johnston & Ryder 1987). In many monoga- 1972) and often are forced to move several hundred kilo-
mous species, some individuals tend to maintain a pair bond metres to find suitable breeding sites. Females lay a single
over consecutive breeding attempts, within or between egg, and both parents share incubation and chick provi-
breeding seasons and re-mating is not a random process. sioning (Brown 1958, Cezilly 1993, CBzilly et nl. 1994). The
Some monogamous species typically maintain long-lasting literature on the breeding biology of the Greater Flamingo
pair bonds (Tickell 1968.Richdale& Warham 1973),where- inthewildislimited(Brown1958,Rooth1965,CCzilly1993,
as others experience several different partners during their CCzilly et al. 1994.1995, A.R. Johnson,unpubl. thesis, Univ-
reproductive career (Ens et al. 1993. Aebischer et al. 1995). ersitk de Toulouse), and there is no available information
However, most studies of mate fidelity deal with long-lived on the mating system of the family Phoenicopteridae based
seabirds (Warham 1990). for which tenacity to nest site on data from the wild. From studies on captive flocks, the
tends to be stronger than to the partner (Warham 1990. Greater Flamingo was described as monogamous, with pair
Pietz & Parmelee 1994). Thus in seabirds at least, the re- bonds extending over consecutive seasons (Studer-Tiersch
lationship between long-lived species and mate fidelity may 1975. Pickering 1992).
be the result of the confounding effect of nest-site fidelity. Here we report the results so far obtained from a 12-year
One way around this potential confounding effect would be field study of the mating system of the Greater Flamingo.
to study the mating patterns of long-lived birds which show We analyzed data on re-mating both between and within
no or little nest-site fidelity. However, quantitative data on breeding seasons and discuss the relevance of our results
mate fidelity in other groups of long-lived birds (e.g. cicon- for recent theories on the evolution of mate fidelity in birds.
iiforms) either are scarce or come from studies of captive
populations (Studer-Tiersch 1975).
The Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber roseus breeds
in dense colonies and over a wide range of latitudes (Kahl
1975,A.R. Johnson,unpubl. thesis, Universie de Toulouse).
It is an ideal species to resolve the potential confounding Flamingos have bred intermittently in the saline lagoons of
effect between mate fidelity and nest-site fidelity. It is a long- the Camargue for centuries (A.R. Johnson. unpubl. DPhil
lived species, having a 94% annual survival rate (Lebreton thesis, Universite de Toulouse). Since 1972, they have bred
544 F. C E Z I L L Y & A . R. J O H N S O N IBIS 137

annually on an artificial island constructed in the Etang du Table 1. Numbers of individually known ringed male and female
Fangassier, part of the complex of commercial salt pans of Greater Flamingos attempting first, second and third breeding at-
S a l i de Giraud. Breeding flamingos exploit two major for- tempts at the Camargue colony in 1991. The diflerence between the
aging habitats: the commercial salinas and a complex of two sexes in the frequency of re-nesting is explained by males chang-
ing mates between consecutive breeding attempts within the breeding
brackish lagoons and temporarily flooded sansouire (low-
season and many females not relaying
lying steppe with sparse halophytic vegetation).The salines
consist of a vast area (11,500 ha) where flamingos find both
nesting and foraging areas. Water levels are held constant Males Females
in the salines through management by the salt industry
(Britton & Johnson 1987). First breeding attempt 481 436
Flamingos begin to return to the vicinity of the breeding Sewnd breeding attempt 170 94
site in December and to visit the island in March. Pair for- Third breeding attempt 12 1
mation takes place during the early breeding season (late
December-May), and there is no evidence of pair-bond re-
tention outside of the breeding season. Between 1983 and
1994, the number of breeding pairs of Greater Flamingos at ing each year are small. Nevertheless, from 1983 to 1993.
the Fangassier colony vaned from 8600 to 19,900.Between- 2-22 pairs of flamingosof which both partners were ringed
year variation in the number of breeding birds at the Ca- were observed each year at the Camargue colony. Out of
margue colony is closely related to the amount of flooded the total of 124 ringed pairs, both partners of 76 of these
habitat around the colonies (CCzilly et al. 1995). Due to lim- were seen back at the Fangassier the following year. Out of
itation of space on the breeding island, the Etang du Fan- these 76 pairs. in 16 cases neither partner was seen to be
gassier is attended during the breeding season by many paired; in 40 cases (24 males and 16 females, binomial test,
‘hopeful’breeders that remain in the immediate vicinity of P = 0.134. n.s.), one pair member was paired to a new
the colony. The probability of access to a nest site on the partner (while its former partner was present at the colony
breeding island increases with age (F. CCzilly et al., unpubl. site but was not observed mated or breeding): in 19 cases,
data). The first eggs (oneklutch) are usually laid in April, both partners are known to have acquired new mates. Only
and the period of egg laying can last 30-74 days. When the in one instance did the two partners re-unite. Thus, the
chicks are about 3 weeks old. they form a creche in the overall rate of mate switching between seasons was 98.3%
vicinityof the breeding island, where they remain until fledg- (59 out of 60 cases). During the study period, the produc-
ing 75-90 days after hatching. Each year, from 1977 to date, tivity (percentage of young fledgeabreedingpair) at the col-
samples (518-850 individuals) of the flamingo chicks raised ony ranged from 12.6% (1987) to 70% (1989 and 1991)
in the Camargue at the Etang du Fangassierhave been ringed (GziUy et al. 1995). However, the subsequent changes of
with plastic leg rings engraved with an alphanumericalcode mate could not be attributed to breeding failure since at least
(Johnson 1989b) which can be read in the field through a 18 birds that changed mates had bred successfullythe pre-
telescope at distances up to 400 m (Johnson 1989a). In ad- vious year.
dition, some adults were ringed in the Camargue in 1985 Table 1 shows the distribution of records of first, second
following a cold spell. A similar ringing programmehas been and third clutches for ringed males and ringed females in
developed since 1986 at another colony situated at Fuente 1991. There was no difference between the number of in-
de Piedra (southern Spain). Birds of Spanish origin are ob- dividuallyknown males and femalesengaged in a first breed-
served regularly around the Camargue colony, and some ing attempt (chi-square goodness-of-fittest, x2] = 2.2, n.s.).
breed on the island. Data on re-matig between consecutive However, the proportions of individually known males and
breeding seasons were collected between 1983 and 1994. A femalesmaking a second breeding attempt after a first failure
tower hide 70 m from the colony is used to keep the colony were significantly different from what was expected based
under permanent observation. Pairs of ringed birds were on the observed proportions of individually known males
observed at or near the breeding site. In 1991, the breeding and females making a first attempt (x21= 15. P < 0.001).
season was characterized by heavy rains and strong winds, The same was observedfor individuallyknown birds making
leading to high frequencies of nest desertion, with second a third breeding attempt after two consecutive failures (xzl
and even third breeding attempts (CBzilly 1993). In 1992, = 8.3, P < 0.004).Thus males were significantly more likely

several nest desertions were also recorded. Those 2 years than females to attempt breeding for a second and third time
allowed the collection of data on re-mating within the same in the same year. Presumably several of our individually
breeding season. known males, after breeding failure,took new females which
had not yet bred this year. Our data indicate that at least
29% of males mated with different partners between con-
secutive breeding attempts within a breeding season. The
same pattern was observed in 1992, although more ringed
In view of the relatively small proportion of birds which are males (n = 379)than ringed females (n = 256) were observed
ringed each year, the numbers of pairs of ringed birds form- making a first breeding attempt (xzl = 23.8, P < 0.001).

Among 52 second breeding attempts, 40 were by males h2, assumed to be the main promoter of mate fidelity, there is
= 6.4, P < 0.02). Thus the Greater Flamingo showed little still a lack of agreement on why this is so (Rowley 1983.
mate fidelity over successive breeding attempts whether Johnston & Ryder 1987, Ens et al. 1993). According to the
considered within or between breeding seasons. ‘incompatibilityhypothesis’ (Coulson 1966). divorce is the
fate of incompatiblemates, whereas compatiblemates main-
tain long-lasting pair bonds. Data supporting the incompat-
DISCUSSION ibility hypothesis come mainly from a few long-lived seabird
species in which divorce occurs essentially among young
In contrast to what has been reported for captive populations
individualsat the onset of their reproductivecareer and often
(Studer-Tiersch 1975, Pickering 1992). the mating system
follows breeding failure (Coulson 1966, Brooke 1978, but
of the Greater Flamingo seems to correspond to seasonal
see Coulson & Thomas 1983). This hypothesis does not hold
monogamy. Our results differ markedly from observations
for flamingos, for which the rate of mate change is inde-
reportingup to 94% mate fidelity in captive buds (F’ickering
pendent of age (birds as old as 16 years have been observed
1992). This contrast may result partly from the small num-
changingmates between two consecutive breeding seasons).
ber of birds breeding in captive flocks (about 30 pairs) com-
According to the ‘better option hypothesis’ (Ens et al. 1993),
pared with the numbers occurring in the wild (several
the probability of mate change depends highly on the avail-
thousands of pairs). It is also possible that captivity favours
ability of new mates. Adult mortality is an important factor
atypical behaviour. Re-uniting of pairs in three penguin spe-
regulating the availability of mates. Indeed, Coulson and
cies also has been found to be higher in captivity than in
Thomas (1985) and Ens et al. (1993) showed that divorce
the wild (Bowles et al. 1988). The present study provides
rates in two species increased following years of high mor-
further evidenceof the need for caution when inferring avian
tality. Rowley (1983)also suggestedthat mate fidelity would
mating systems from captive populations. evolve mainly in long-lived species because they would gain
The laying of a second clutch following the loss of the first most from maintaining the pair bond and improving their
is common among colonial waterbirds and has been re-
reproductive technique. This assertion is supported by the
corded previously for captive flamingos (Studer-Tiersch 1975.
extreme mate fidelity shown by some long-lived seabirds
Pickering 1992). Data on re-mating between consecutive
(Warham 1990).However, a high survival rate is not a pre-
breeding attempts within the same breeding season contrast dictor of mate fidelity in the Greater Flamingo.
with previous studies on other colonial waterbird species. We suggestthat the mating systemof the Greater Flamingo
Cuthbert (1985) found that most pairs of Caspian Terns may have evolved in response to instability in breeding sites.
Sterna caspia which failed to reproduce and initiateda second
Other species of colonial waterbirds combine low mate fi-
nest did not change mates between consecutive breeding delity with low site fidelity. K. S i p s o n (unpubl. MSc thesis,
attempts. Ashmole (1963)found no evidenceof mate change University of British Columbia, Vancouver) found that all
after breeding failure in Sooty Terns Sternafuscata. The same
birds changed mates between consecutive breeding seasons
observation was reported in Little Penguins Eudyptula minor in the Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias whilst site fidelity
(Reilly& Balmford 1975).However, previous results (Cezay was less than 10%.Low site and mate fidelity occur together
1993, CCzilly et al. 1994)have indicated that female flamin- in the Flightless CormorantNannopterurn harrisi (Harris1979),
gos may be very limited in their energeticinvestment in any the Brandt’s Cormorant Phalacrocorax penicillatus (Boekel-
year. Time from failure to relaying in Greater Flamingos in
heide & Ainley 1989).the King Cormorant P. albiventer (Der-
the Camargue varies from 15 to 35 days (this study). Selec- enne et al. 1975)and the Shag P. nristotelis (Aebischeret al.
tion pressure on colonial nesting birds to relay rapidly is
1995)and appear to be related to the instability of the breed-
strong because of the need to synchronize hatching in order ing habitat. Cuthbert (1985) found that habitat instability
to reduce predation. Therefore, given the limited time ho-
was also a major determinant of mate change between con-
rizon available to complete both incubation and the first
secutive seasons in the Caspian Tern. We suggest that the
stage of chick raising, males, following breeding failure. may current view on the relationshipbetween longevity and mate
gain an advantage by selecting a new mate from the pool of fidelity may be incorrect, at least for colonial waterbirds,
available females rather than wait for their initial mate to and may result from a taxonomic bias in the study of mate
recover from energeticstress and be ready to lay again. Cost fidelity. Together with previous studies on ciconiiforms,the
of mate change would be minimal as there are large numbers present study suggests that breeding site fidelity may be the
of hopeful females each year in the vicinity of the breeding major determinant of mate fidelity in a large number of bird
island, sti performing group displays in April or May. Mate species. Comparative studies should be performed to assess
switching within the breeding season thus may correspond the exact influence of survival rate on mate fidelity when
to male reproductive tactics in relation to energetic con- the confounding effect of site fidelity is removed.
straints acting upon females and the limited time available
to lay a replacement clutch.
The adaptive significance of mate change (or divorce)has We thank the Tour du Valat flamingo team for assistance in the field
been highly debated (Coulson 1966, Rowley 1983,Johnston and the Compagnie des Salines du Midi et des Salines de 1’Est for
& Ryder 1987, Ens et al. 1993). Although longevity often is kindly allowing access to their property. Luc-Alain ‘Papa’Giraldeau
546 F . CEZILLY 8 A . R . J O H N S O N IBIS 1 3 7

and John Coulson provided helpful comments on an earlier version blanc Phalacrocorax albiventer melanogenis (Blyth) de I’Archipel
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Gzilly. F.. Tourenq. C. & Johnson, A.R. 1994. Variationin parental Biology of Penguins: 161-187. London: MacMillan.
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