Cheatsheet Kimia Fisika
Cheatsheet Kimia Fisika
Cheatsheet Kimia Fisika
dp #of particles
N 1
dp 2mu f (u ) Aududt nMc 2 nRT
V 3
r1 M2
1/ 2
dp 2mu 2 f (u ) Adudt c
V r2 M1 M
Cheatsheet Kimia Fisika
nMc 2
pV nMc 2
* Relative rates of effusion
* Rate of Effusion 1/M
f (v1 v2 ) f (v)dv
c rel 2 c
c rel
k Boltzmann ' scons tan t
m A mB
reduced mass
m A mB
m 8 RT
If m A m B , and c rel c
2 M
- Collision diameter, d - distance > which no collision occurs, i.e., no change in p of
either molecule
- Not necessarily molecular diameter, except for hard spheres
ex N2, d = 0.43 nm
- Collision frequency, z - number of collisions made by molecule per unit time
z = s x crel x N
s = collision cross section = d
Phases, Components, and
A Degrees of Freedom
* Phase
A consistent, physically distinct segment of a system that is separated from other
segments of the system by binding surfaces.
- Phase
Signifies a form of matter that is uniform throughout, not only in chemical
composition but also in physical state.
- Number of phases is denoted by P
P = 1 for gas, gaseous mixture, crystal, two miscible liquids, ice
P = 2 for slurry of ice and water, immiscible metal alloys
* Degrees of Freedom
Intensive variables that must be known to describe the system completely. Ex.
temperature, concentration, pressure, density, etc.
In a single-component, single-phase system (C=1, P=1) the pressure and
temperature may be changed independently without disturbing the number of
phases in equilibrium:
F = 2, system is bivariant, or has two degrees of freedom
If two phases are in equilibrium in a single-component system (C=1, P=2)
(e.g., a liquid and its vapour), the temperature (or pressure) can be changed, but
there must be an accompanying change in pressure (or temperature) to preserve
the phases in equilibrium
F = 1, system has one degree of freedom
* Hukum Raoult
Pada larutan yang terdiri dari solute dan solvent yang volatil, ditemukan bahwa
tekanan uap jenuh pelarut di atas permukaan suatu larutan, selalu lebih kecil dari
tekanan uap pelarut tersebut dalam keadaan murni.
RTe a / RTVm nRT n RT a n2a
p p a 2 p (V nB) nRT
Vm b V nb V Vm b Vm TV 2
Factor, Z
- Compression factor, Z, is ratio of the actual molar volume of a gas to the molar
volume of an ideal gas at the same T & P
Z = Vm/ Vm, where Vm = V/n
- Using ideal gas law, p Vm = RTZ
- The compression factor of a gas is a measure of its deviation from ideality
Depends on pressure (influence of repulsive or attractive forces)
z = 1, ideal behavior
z < 1 attractive forces dominate, moderate pressures
z > 1 repulsive forces dominate, high pressures
Real Gases - Other Equations of State
Virial equation is phenomenolgical
Other equations of state based on models for real gases as well as cumulative data
on gases
- Berthelot (1898)
1. Better than van der Waals at pressures not much above 1 atm
2. a is a constant
- van der Waals (1873)
- Dieterici (1899)