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Lesson Plans Anxiety

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and Mind
ANXIETY: Introduction/ Mindfulness
Lesson Objective: Understanding that everyone has worries to
overcome and through mindfulness one can take time to pause and
help themselves.
Lesson duration : 60 minutes Environment: gathering space (carpet
time) and worktables to complete the
Mindfulness moment: Material:
Flipchart paper and markers to
Calm down recipes brainstorm ideas and post on the
In a recipe box kept in your classroom. bulletin board and continue
Pick a students calming recipe at referring to it (or
random. Read the ingredients and chalkboard/whiteboard*)
instructions out loud and ask your Worksheet: Next time when I am
students to follow along. Recipe cards scared of I will
are a great 2-5 minutes activity that will Colouring pencils/ writing pencils
highlight each student in turn and offer Book: The Koala Who Could by
various strategies for all students. Rachel Bright (you may use any
classroom book on anxiety/fear
Perfect time to use the recipe cards as that you deem appropriate and
they were the concluding lesson for the align with the lessons objectives.
unit on Anger. Have (please refer to the anxiety
reading list for suggested books )

Preschool Competencies: Cross Curricular Competencies:

Competency 2 - To affirm his/her Competency 7- To construct his/her
personality identity.
v Appropriate expression of v Express their feelings and carry
his/her tastes, interests, ideas, out their intentions by imitating
feelings and emotions models or by taking more
personal action

Competency 3- To interact Competency 8- To cooperate with
harmoniously with other others.
v Demonstration of openness to v Recognizing the needs of others.
others v Recognize that other people
have feelings, emotions and
Competency 4- To communicate using interests that are different from
the resources of language their own.
v Interest in communication
demonstration of understanding
of the message

Introduction: 15-20 minutes

Following the Mindfulness Moment, read The Koala Who Could and point out all
the exciting activities the koala is missing out on because he is scared to leave his
eucalyptus tree. At the end of the story the koala is forced down and has the
opportunity to enjoy all the fun his friends have been encouraging him to try.

Discuss the story with your students. You may ask questions such as:
Why do you think the koala did not want to come down from his tree? Do you
think he would have ever left his tree if it had not fallen? How do you think the
koala felt watching all his friends have fun while he sat alone in his tree?

Lesson: 15-20
Following your discussion tell the boys and girls the koala could have come down
from the tree had he practised mindfulness.

Explain Mindfulness:

Mindfulness boys and girls is when your brain and heart are talking to each
other and letting you relax. Mindfulness gives you a chance to look at a situation
without being afraid. It gives you time to think of whether or not you need a
calming strategy or if you can do it on your own.

If youre scared or nervous to try something new you need to take the time to
calm your heart and mind. Have a moment alone or some time apart from the
group. You need to take a deep breath and be mindful.

Give examples of being mindful and helping yourself in a situation. Trying a new
sport and feeling nervous about it. Take the time to step back think about how
great it would be to learn how to play a new sport and the new friend you will
make on a new sports team. Using the talk to an adult strategy, you talk to your
mom an she cheers you up and encourages you to try. You feel much better and
are excited to try the new sport!

Brain break: 3-5 minutes (Refer to the brain breaks page. )

Mindfulness video

Activity: 20 minutes

Ask your students to draw a picture of themselves in a moment where they are
scared/nervous. In the cloud bubble, ask them to draw themselves being mindful
and how being mindful made the situation better.

Model this by drawing on a flipchart:
Scenario example: 1- You nervous about approaching someone new and asking
them to play. In the cloud: you being mindful and taking a deep breath and using
the counting strategy to 10 before approaching the new friend.

As the students are completing their work go around the class and scribe what
mindfulness means to them.

At the end of the class, ask which students would like to share their work. Allow
them to explain their drawing and what mindfulness means to them.

Adaptation/ Modification:
1. If mindfulness is too abstract for some of your students- simplify the
explanation by saying that mindfulness is a moment to stop and think
about the situation and how he/she could make it better.

Heart and Mind
ANXIETY: My Friend is Ignoring Me
Lesson Objective: Being mindful of others and putting yourself in
their shoes.
Lesson duration : 60 minutes Environment: gathering space (carpet
time) and worktables to complete the
Mindfulness moment: Material:
Positives waves (5-10 minutes) Flipchart paper and washable
The purpose of this activity is to Book(s): You can use either My
encourage your students to be mindful New Friend is so Much Fun! By
of others feelings and add positivity to Mo Willems or Were All Friends
their classmates day. Here by Nancy Wilcox Richards. If
you do not have access to either
Ask your students to sit in a circle and of these book you may use a
hold hands. Making a wave motion book with character perspective
with their arms ask them to share a and friendship as the main
positive comment about the classmate themes.
sitting beside them. Every time a
positive comment is shared the
students all make a wave motion. By
allowing positivity and flow to occur in
these precious moments, the child
looks beyond the scope of themselves
and thinks of others.

Preschool Competencies: Cross Curricular Competencies:

Competency 2 - To affirm his/her Competency 7- To construct his/her
personality identity.
v Appropriate expression of Express their feelings and carry out
his/her tastes, interests, ideas, their intentions by imitating models or
feelings and emotions by taking more personal action
Competency 3- To interact Competency 8- To cooperate with
harmoniously with other others.
v Demonstration of openness to v Recognizing the needs of others.
others v Recognize that other people
have feelings, emotions and
Competency 4- To communicate using interests that are different from
the resources of language their own.
v Interest in communication
demonstration of understanding
of the message

Introduction: 10-15 minutes
Following the Mindfulness Moment, talk about the importance of having friends
with your students.

Proceed by then reading them My New Friend is so Much Fun! by Mo Willems or
Were All Friends Here by Nancy Wilcox Richards. Both books focus on character
perspective and how we do not always know what our friends are thinking.

Lesson: 15 minutes

After you have read the story go over the notion that everyone feels excluded
sometimes but most often it is unintentional. Ask them to give you examples of
when they felt excluded. Once they have giving you a few examples bring up the
word mindfulness/mindful again. You can repeat the definition once again:

Mindfulness boys and girls is when your brain and heart are talking to each
other and letting you relax. Mindfulness gives you a chance to look at a situation
without being afraid. It gives you time to think of whether or not you need
calming strategy or if you can do it on your own.

This time relate mindfulness to others. You may say: Boys and girls, mindfulness
is also important when it comes to friends. You must think of others and be
mindful of their feelings.

Place a lot of emphasis on how others may be feeling and how your student
should put themselves in their shoes.
Brain break: 5 minutes (Refer to the brain breaks page. )

Peace out Mindfulness Video

Activity: 20 minutes

Small group activity: Pair students in groups of 2-3 students.

Ask them to think of a scenario where someone could feel left out and how they
could fix the situation. Give them 5-10 minutes to think of an idea and discuss it
with their groups.

When the group has chosen their scenario ask them to complete a collective
drawing of the scenario on flipchart paper.

Give them these 3 criteria: 1- a scenario where someone is feeling excluded, 2-
how could they make this scenario better by being mindful of others feelings 3-
work collaboratively with your group members and be mindful of their feeling
when choosing a scenario and drawing it out.

At the end of the activity ask the students to present their scenario drawing
explaining it in as much detail as possible.

Adaptation/ Modification:
If you are concerned that your students will not make the right choices in paring
themselves together. Create teams yourself. If you have a weaker student pair
him/her with someone who is a little stronger than them so that they may not
feel overwhelmed.

ANXIETY: A Spot of Blue
Lesson 3/3
Lesson Objective: Letting our worries go and looking for the positive.
Lesson duration : 60 minutes Environment: gathering space (carpet
time) and worktables to complete the
Mindfulness moment: Material:
I am loved Flipchart paper and washable
At their spot on the carpet ask your students markers
to close their eyes and imagine all the people Book: A Spot of Blue by Elahah
they love giving them lots of love. Mommies
and Daddies giving hugs and kisses. Cousins,
aunts and uncles shouting I love you at the Worksheet A: Spot of
top of their lungs. Someone you love making Blue
you your favourite treat. Boys and girls
whenever you are feeling a little sad or scared
always remember that you have lots of family,
friends and teachers that love you and care
for you.

Take this opportunity to mention I see xx
smiling and yy has a big smile on his face.
Continue this way until you have pointed out
every child. If a child is not smiling (on
purpose/ to be silly/genuinely upset due to
family/social circumstances mention
something positive about them or highlight
something else about them- i.e I know xx is oh
so focused and ready to learn. I can see yy has
their thinking cap on today )

Preschool Competencies: Cross Curricular Competencies:

Competency 2 - To affirm his/her Competency 7- To construct his/her
personality identity.
v Appropriate expression of Express their feelings and carry out
his/her tastes, interests, ideas, their intentions by imitating models or
feelings and emotions by taking more personal action

Competency 4- To communicate using
the resources of language
v Interest in communication
demonstration of understanding
of the message

Introduction: 10-15 minutes
Following the Mindfulness Moment, read A Spot of Blue by Elaheh Bos.

Lesson: 15-20 minutes
Following the story have a discussion with your students; drawing and scribing
their ideas and thoughts on flipchart paper. You can ask them:

How do you think owls heart feel when he was worried?
What was his mind telling him?
Why do you think his blue spot kept on growing?
Do you think owl used a good strategy to help him worry less? (Taking a deep
breaths and thinking about things he loved)

Explain to the boys and girls that when you feel worried the best thing to do is be
mindful, take a few deep breaths and think of all the good you have and all that
you love.

It is important to let them know that they have to let things go sometimes and
not make a big deal out of them. Which allows them once again the choice of
letting something worry you or just letting it go.

Brain break: 3-5 minutes (Refer to the brain breaks page. )
Rainbow breathing video

Activity: 20 minutes

Explain the A Spot of Blue worksheet to your class. Between the owls ear draw
something that worries you. On the owls chest draw all the things you love and
make you feel good and special.

Conclusion: 10 minutes
At the end of the activity ask the students to present a few things that they love
and would make them feel better if they are worries. Also ask for some examples
where worrying is not necessary and you are better off letting it go. Example:
forgetting your library book- you can bring it I the next day and wait to pick a
book the following week. Just like owl, you do not need to make something so
small such a HUGE problem.

Adaptation/ Modification:
1. If you have a child that is very anxious and worries often in class sit by
them and help them through this lesson. When they are drawing a worry
between the owls ears ask them if the worry they are drawing is truly
something troubling or could he/she let it go.

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