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B1 Four Steps To Making A New Friend (Phrasal Verbs) SV

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4 Steps to

Making a
New Friend
Phrasal Verbs
Are you a good friend?
Take this quiz to find out how good of a friend you are! Answer the following 10 questions honestly, and choose the response
that best describes you. At the end of the quiz, you'll get your score and some feedback on your friendship skills. Good luck!
1.When your friend is going through a tough time, what do you do?
A. Ignore them – you don't want to intrude.
B. Offer to help, but only if they ask.
C. Reach out and ask how they're doing.
2.How often do you check in with your friends?
A. Never – you prefer to keep to yourself.
B. Only when you need something.
C. Regularly – you enjoy keeping in touch.
3.Your friend tells you a secret. What do you do?
A. Share it with someone else – it's too juicy to keep to yourself!
B. Keep it to yourself, but feel guilty about it.
C. Respect your friend's trust and keep the secret.
4.Your friend has achieved something important. What do you say?
A. "That's nice."
B. "Good job, I guess."
C. "Congratulations! I'm really proud of you."
5.How do you react when your friend disagrees with you?
A. Get angry and stop talking to them.
B. Try to convince them that you're right.
C. Listen to their point of view and try to understand.
Are you a good friend?
Take this quiz to find out how good of a friend you are! Answer the following 10 questions honestly, and choose the response
that best describes you. At the end of the quiz, you'll get your score and some feedback on your friendship skills. Good luck!
5.Your friend wants to try a new hobby, but they're nervous about it. What do you do?
A. Laugh at them – it's a silly idea.
B. Give some usual, but not very enthusiastic words of support.
C. Support them and offer to help if you can.
6.Your friend cancels plans at the last minute. How do you react?
A. Get angry and never speak to them again.
B. Try to make them feel bad so they do what was planned originally.
C. Be understanding and suggest an alternative activity.
7.How do you feel about your friends' success?
A. Sometimes jealous – why can't that happen to you?
B. Indifferent – it doesn't affect you.
C. Happy – you're genuinely pleased for them.
8.Do you make an effort to remember important dates in your friends' lives?
A. No – it's not that important.
B. Only if it's a big occasion, like a birthday.
C. Yes – you like to show your friends that you care.
9.Your friend is upset with you. How do you handle the situation?
A. Ignore them until they forget about it.
B. Get defensive and argue with them.
C. Apologize and try to make things right.
Are you a good friend?
Mostly A's: You might need to work on your
friendship skills. Remember, friendships are
about give and take* – sometimes you need
to put in effort even if you don't feel like it.

Mostly B's: You're on the right track, but

there's always room for improvement. Try to
be more proactive in showing your friends
that you care.

Mostly C's: You're a great friend! Keep up the

good work and your friendships will continue
to flourish.

*compromises from both sides

Let's discuss!
Do you think it’s
How has social media
What qualities do you How can you possible for people of
affected the way we
think are important in a maintain a long- different ages to be
form and maintain
friend? distance friendship? good friends?
Explain your answer.

Do you think it’s Can you be friends

important to have a lot with someone who
How do you handle
of friends, or is it better has different beliefs
conflicts with friends?
to have a few close or interests than you
friends? do?
phrasal verbs about friendship
Match the highlighted phrasal verbs to their definitions.

1.I haven't seen my old friend in years, we should catch up over coffee sometime.
a)to make contact with someone, often to offer help or support.
2.I always try to keep in touch with my high school friends even though we live in b)to become less close to someone over time.
different cities. c)to meet someone after a period of time and talk about what
3.I like to hang out with my friends on weekends and go to the movies or have a has happened in the meantime.
BBQ. d)to have a good relationship with someone.
e)to meet someone unexpectedly.
4.If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
f)to disappoint or fail someone by not doing what was expected
5.I get on well with my coworkers and we make a great team. or promised.
6.I'm hoping to make up with my friend after not speaking to her for months. g)to maintain contact with someone, usually through phone,
7.He let his team down by not showing up for the game. email, or social media.
8.Can you check in on your sister and make sure she's okay? h)to defend or support someone, especially when they are being
criticized or treated unfairly
9.I fell out with my best friend over something silly and we haven't talked since.
i) to contact someone to see how they are doing or if they need
10.I always stick up for my little brother when he's being bullied at school. help.
11. I ran into my old high school friend at the grocery store yesterday. j) to have a friendly relationship with someone.
12. It's difficult for me to get along with people who have a different sense of k)to make peace with someone after an argument or a fight.
humor than me. l)to have a disagreement or conflict with someone that leads to
a break in the relationship.
13. It's natural for people to grow apart as they get older and their interests
m)to spend time with someone in a casual or relaxed way.
phrasal verbs about friendship
Rewrite the following sentences using the phrasal verbs given in the brackets. Make sure the meaning of the original
sentence remains the same.
1.Sarah and Tina always spend time together.

2.I'm sorry I disappointed you by not showing up at your party.

3.We were close friends in college, but we've drifted apart over the years.

4.Jake is such a great friend; he always defends me when someone is mean to me.

5.I need to contact my cousin and see how he's doing.

6.After our argument, I knew I had to apologize to my friend to make things right.

7.I accidentally met my old boss in the grocery store last week.

8.Tom and his sister have a good relationship; they never argue or fight.

9.They were really close, but now they don't even say hello to each other.

10.I'm not sure how to approach the professor about my grades, but maybe I could ask a
tutor for help.
Let's play!
Now let's practice using phrasal
verbs in a fun way!
Play in teams or player VS player.
Collect as many cards as possible!
Have fun!
let's talk!
Have you ever fallen out How often do you catch Can you think of a time Do you prefer hanging
with a close friend? What up with old friends from when you had to stick out with a few close
caused the disagreement kindergarten, school or up for a friend? What friends or being part of
and did you make up? university? happened? a big group? Why?

Have you ever grown How do you usually check Have you ever run into an
apart from a friend over in on your friends if they old friend unexpectedly in
time? What caused it and are going through a tough a public place? What did
how did you feel? time? you do?
4 Steps to Making a New Friend
You are going to watch a video about making friends. There are a few more useful phrasal verbs and idioms in the video.
Try to match their beginnings with the endings. Their meanings are next to the beginnings of the phrases.

choose someone or sth from a number of alternatives pick in common

go to live in another area move a shot

have shared interests or characteristics have something evil

something that is unwanted but must be accepted a necessary out

to be friendly with each other immediately hit it by ear

try doing something for the first time give talk

make an effort to be or appear to be calm play it away

social conversation about unimportant things small cool

to decide what to do when you know what is happening,

rather than planning in advance play it off
Let's practice!
Use the phrasal verbs and expressions on the right in the sentences below.

1.When you meet someone new, it's a good idea to ........................................... and start with some move away pick out
easy conversation topics.
hit it off play it cool
2. Sarah and I met at a party and we .......................................... immediately. We talked for hours and
exchanged phone numbers. give it a shot make a small talk

3.I'm not sure what we're doing tonight, let's just .......................................... and see how we feel a necessary evil have sth in common
later. play it by ear
4.I know it can be difficult, but sometimes you have to .......................................... and start over in a
new place to meet new people.
5.Finding friends in a new city can be tough, but if you .......................................... with someone
(share some interests), it's a great way to start a conversation.
6.I'm not a big fan of large events and conferences, but they can be .......................................... when
it comes to making new professional connections.
7.I'm trying to .......................................... a new outfit for my date tonight. Can you help me choose
8.I've always wanted to try skydiving. I think I'm finally ready to .......................................... .
9.If you're interested in someone, it's important to .......................................... , not to be nervous and
not come on too strong.
4 Steps to Making a New Friend
What can be the steps to making a new friend? Watch the video and check if you mentioned any of those from the video.
Complete the sentences below. Watch the video again if necessary.
1. When you were a kid .................................. was a
little easier than it is now.
2. All your friends have .................................. or you
have to pursue a career.
3. Step 1: Make a list of the things you
4. .................................. the activities that can be done
in group settings.
5. Doing stuff you are into is a surefire way to meet
people you already.................................. with.
6. You might not ..................................with everyone
you talk to, but trying is the only way to find
someone you do connect with.
8. We should ..................................sometime. 7. Just remember to .................................., you don't
9. If something feels right, ................................... want to move too fast.
10. Just remember that friendships aren't found, ...................................
Let's discuss!
Read the comments. Discuss them with your partner/group/teacher. Do you agree or disagree? Can you relate to them?
What advice would you give?

The problem for me is that most of This was funny lol. But, I really can't do
the things I do are not related to the second step. I haven't done that my
going outside. I like gaming, graphic entire life. I mean, going to a place
regularly where you can meet people and
designing, learning new things and
then try small talk with them.
reading books.

I'm 12 and its not easy to make Great video! I think the idea of joining clubs or
groups to meet people is a good one. I've had
friends in middle school. I find it
success with that in the past. I also think it's
really hard to come out of my
important to be yourself and not try too hard.
comfort zone and I feel like I just Genuine connections are the
can't do it 😭 best.
Synonyms of the word 'friend'
Can you unscramble the synonyms of the word friend. Some of the words might be new, but quite a few of them should be familiar to you!

rob many
do yo word
u kno s
nipacomon w?





Read the rules an d pla y Let's play!
or p la yer V S
in teams

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. T h e t a s k is t u a lly
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and expl d s t o you r te a m .
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can t expla
y w or ds
Explain as
as possible
1 min ut e. Let's play!
y w or ds
Explain as
as possible
1 min ut e. Let's play!
y w or ds
Explain as
as possible
1 min ut e. Let's play!
y w or ds
Explain as
as possible
1 min ut e. Let's play!
y w or ds
Explain as
as possible
1 min ut e. Let's play!
y w or ds
Explain as
as possible
1 min ut e. Let's play!
y w or ds
Explain as
as possible
1 min ut e. Let's play!
y w or ds
Explain as
as possible
1 min ut e. Let's play!
Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete each sentence:

1. I try to (keep in touch with / let down) my best friends, even if we're miles apart.
2. After our argument, we decided to (hang out with / make up with) each other and put the past
behind us.
3. I'm planning to (catch up with / run into) an old friend from high school next week for coffee.
4. My roommate and I (get along with / fall out with) each other most of the time, but we have our
occasional disagreements.
5. I always (fall out with / reach out to) my grandparents to make sure they're doing well and don't
need anything.
6. When someone is being bullied, it's important to (stick up for / grow apart) them and show
7. It's easy to (let down / get on with) people who have similar interests and values as you.
8. I didn't expect to (run into / catch up with) my old boss at the grocery store yesterday.
9. Over time, some friendships (grow apart / make up with) and people move on in different
10. When someone is going through a tough time, it's always nice to (check in on / hang out with)
them and show your support.
Quizlet set
Revise the words and
complete different activities
to memorize them even

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