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Independence Assessment Rubric

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Independence Assessment Rubric

“Independence is the underpinning for lifelong learning; and gives merit to all other learning.”
(Lebrun and Zuccala, 2013)


To ensure a safe environment for self and others

Totally Dependent Partially Independent Independent
Communication The student is fully dependent on an adult to facilitate all The student can communicate his or her needs with adult The student communicates his or her needs in all
communication with peers and other adults to ensure safety of reminders and prompting to ensure safety. school settings independently, without the
self and others. The student can communicate with prompting from an adult using prompting of another person.
his, her or their communication device. The student uses an alternative and/or
The student requires adult assistance to update augmentative system independently to
vocabulary/program device. communicate with peers and school staff
(responds and initiates communication).
The student is able to program/update own
device independently.
Mobility The student is fully dependent on an adult for all mobility to The student requires adult assistance to ensure safe The student is independently mobile.
ensure his or her physical safety. access/pathways.
An adult is required to ensure the physical transfer of the The student is able to self-transfer with some adult assistance with Student can self-transfer independently without
student. reminders and prompting. supervision.
Behaviour The student demonstrates behaviour that is of concern to the The student demonstrates behaviour that is of concern, but is not Student self-regulates his, her or their behaviour
safety of self and/or others. harmful to self or others. without immediate prompting from an adult.
Supervision is required at all times to support the student to
The student requires support to self-regulate his or her behaviour.
ensure the safety of self and others.
Immediate prompts (verbal, gesture or visual) from an adult is
The student has an individualized behaviour support plan required.
The student needs to learn a new, appropriate behaviour.
Immediate prompts (verbal, gesture or visual) from an adult is
The student has an individualized behaviour support plan (IBSP).


Totally Dependent Partially Independent Independent
Medication (e.g. An adult must administer the medication, ensuring the correct The student is able to take the medication independently, however, The student is able to take the medication
oral, liquid, dosage and time. an adult must be verify the dosage. without the supervision of an adult.
injection, pumps,
drops, etc.)
Other medical care An adult must provide routine and essential medical care to the The student is able to carry out his or her routine and essential The student is able to carry out his or her routine
(ex : tube feeding, student. medical care under the supervision of an adult. and essential medical care independently,
catheterization) without the supervision of an adult.
Totally Dependent Partially Independent Independent
Personal Hygiene The student is fully dependent on an adult for personal hygiene The student is able to carry out personal hygiene routines with The student is able to carry out personal hygiene
routines, including toileting. some supervision. routines independently, without supervision.
Feeding The student is fully dependent on an adult or feeding and The student requires assistance or adult reminders and prompting The student is able to feed themselves
drinking. when feeding. independently.
Dressing The student is fully dependent on an adult for all dressing. The student is can dress themselves with some assistance and/or The student is able to dress themselves
prompting. independently.
Totally Dependent Partially Independent Independent
Accessing Learning  The student requires specialized and individualized  The student requires occasional prompting and reinforcement  The student can independently access
instruction involving frequent prompting and reinforcement, in order to access learning. learning with universal or justified
to develop learning skills in order to access learning.  The student can communicate his or her needs with adult accommodations.
 The student is fully dependent on an adult to facilitate all reminders and prompting to access learning.  The student communicates his or her needs
communication (oral and written) with peers and other adults  The student can communicate with prompting from an adult in all school settings independently, without
to access learning. using his, her or their alternative and/or augmentative system the prompting of another person.
and/or assistive technology device.  The student uses an alternative and/or
 The student requires adult assistance to update vocabulary augmentative system and/or assistive
and/or to program device. technology independently to communicate
with peers and school staff (responds and
initiates communication).
 The student is able to program/update own
device independently.

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