Funke Shell Tube He e
Funke Shell Tube He e
Funke Shell Tube He e
FUNKE is a leader in the development and production of quality heat exchangers with a heat transfer area of
up to 2 400 m. The range of products comprises shell-and-tube heat exchangers, bolted and brazed plate heat
exchangers as well as oil / air cooling units and electrical oil pre-heaters. Thus, as one of the few producers
worldwide, FUNKE offers solutions with optimum thermodynamic designs for different industries and virtually
all applications.
FUNKE focuses on customer orientation, highest quality standards, exibility and advisory skills important
benets a company of just the right size is able to offer.
Basic technical data (depending on design)
Performance 1 KW up to 30 MW
Transfer surface 0,11 m up to 2.000 m
Shell diameter 60 mm up to 2.000 mm
Operating temperature -20C up to 500C
Operating pressure max. 600 bar
TDW, BCF, CCFA, SWF, CPS, CP, A 100, C 100 ... C 500
WRA 200
preselected apparatus geometries consistent implementation of
provide for: customer requirements:
short delivery periods company specification
excellent price / performance ratio standards of engineering com-
proven models provide for reli- panies
ability international design standards
Model series BCF/P, CCF/P, SSCF/P
Very wide range of application for all current heat engi-
neering tasks. In accordance with the requirements due to
the operating media and environmental conditions these
Technical Description types are frequently used as uid coolers for oil, water or
Model series for universal use in modular system con- other operating uids. The operation with steam is only
struction with exchange surfaces of 0.11 m to 11.45 m. possible on the shell side and subject to restrictions. Con-
110 graduated building sizes in three principal material taminated operating media must preferably be led through
groups with two possible construction designs respective- the tubes. A high velocity of ow which is to be aimed for is
ly (xed tube bundle or removable tube bundle) provide the possible due to the multi-pass design.
basis for an optimum and detailed type selection:
Standard documentation
Whilst the versions with a xed tube bundle are available see TDW on page 6
in a tube side single-pass, two-pass or four pass version,
the versions with a removable tube bundle are for design Additional possible special versions
reasons only available in a tube side single-pass or two- Bafe spacing type B deviating from the O- or W-
pass version. The subdivision of the tube bundle geometry versions
into an O-version and a W-version offers excellent pos- Thread connections with NPT-thread
sibilities for the optimisation of heat transfer and pressure SAE anges
losses: In the O-version a narrow bafe spacing produces
an excellent heat transfer at low pressure losses. This Acceptance
version is to be selected preferably for thin liquid operating The FUNKE heat exchangers of this model series corres-
media. The W-version, with its wide bafe spacing, imple- pond to the Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC (PED)
ments the compromise between an excellent heat transfer pursuant to article 3, paragraph 3 and therefore are never
and acceptable pressure losses. Due to the bundle geo- given a CE mark.
metry, favourable in uid engineering terms, this version is
parti-cularly suitable for viscid operating media. All types Exception:
of this standard series are available in horizontal or upright For the shell-and-tube heat exchangers of type BCF
version. When using internal tubes made of CuZn28Sn F32, (horizontal installation) there is an EC type approval test
CuZn20 Al F34, CuNi30Fe F37 and SF-Cu, as standard the pursuant to module B of Pressure Equipment Directive
tube bundle heat exchangers of type BCF, BCP, CCF and 97 / 23 / EC according to which these types can be supplied
CCP are equipped with sacricial anodes in order to ex- with CE marking.
tend the operating periods or service life of the apparatus.
These sacricial anodes made of tin (tin protection rod) Other national or international design regulations (e.g. AD-
are screwed with a square into the tube side connection 2000, ASME) are not applicable.
Media routing Max. operating overpressure Test overpressure Max. operating temperature
Shell side 16 bar 24 bar BCF BCP CCF/P SSCF/P
Tube side 8 bar 15 bar 150C 110C 110C 110C
Optional materials
for the model series BCF / P, CCFP, SSCF / P
1)Foot not made of G-CuSn10 2) Priming coat 3) Only in combination with angular feet 4) Foot only made of EN-GJL-200
Model series TDW
Standard Series
Two versions are available: With the O version (low helical Acceptance
screw pitch) for liquid oils and the W version (high helical The FUNKE heat exchangers of series TDW correspond
screw pitch) for viscid oils, compromises are provided to the Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC (PED)
between an optimum heat transfer and pressure loss. The pursuant to article 3, paragraph 3 and therefore are not
oil end tin-plated ribbed tubes bent into U-shape are xed given a CE mark.
by means of helical screws and also are moulded leakage
free into the tubesheet made of synthetic material. The
sealing of the xed tubesheet between heat exchanger
shell and connection chamber is effected by means of
O rings. Due to the multipass design on the tube side good
velocities of ow are reached even with small quantities of
cooling water; these counteract a possible fouling of the
interior tube wall. All connections at the shell-and-tube end
are designed with a Whitworth internal tube thread (G).
Wherever a safe and uncomplicated oil cooling system is
required. The integration in oil supply systems or drive and
control units represent only some of the many possibilities.
Media routing Max. operating overpressure Test overpressure Max. operating temperature
Shell side 16 bar 21 bar 100C
Tube side 8 bar 11 bar 100C
Model series CCFA, SSCFA
Gas cooling
The operational range of these heat exchangers as air or
gas coolers is very wide and varied. For example, they are
used in connected plants with multi-stage compressors
as intermediate coolers or after coolers and as individual
coolers wherever compressed gases need to be cooled
but also dried. Gas preheating with suitable heating media
is also possible.
Media routing Max. operating overpressure Test overpressure Max. operating temperature
Shell side 16 bar 24 bar 230C
Tube side 10 bar 15 bar 230C
Model series SWF / SWP, SSWF / SSWP
Standard Series
Media routing Max. operating overpressure Test overpressure Max. operating temperature
Shell side 16 bar 24 bar 150C
Tube side 10 bar 15 bar 150C
Model series CPS
Media routing Max. operating overpressure Test overpressure Max. operating temperature
Shell side 20 bar According to PED 110C
Tube side 10 bar According to PED 80C
Model series WRA 200
Exhaust gas
Standard Series
Material selection
In accordance with the respective regulations and con-
Technical Description struction regulations, stainless steels are used for the
The model series WRA 200 represents a special design internal tubes, tubesheets and bafes as well as for the
for exhaust gas cooling. The principle of media routing outlet gas chamber. The inlet gas chamber and the casing
here is: Exhaust gas through the tubes, with tube side tube are manufactured from carbon steel. An integration of
single-pass execution being selected exclusively. The other material combinations or the use of special materials
heat exchanger has straight internal tubes and a xed is possible.
non-removable tube bundle whose shell tube is welded to
the tubesheets such that the joint is tightly sealed. Due to Acceptance
its design, the WRA 200 can be equipped with a maxi- The FUNKE heat exchanger of type WAR 200 can be
mum possible and optimum tubing. The tube / tubesheet supplied in accordance with all pertinent national and inter-
connections are produced by pertinent tube weldings in national certication bodies, regulations and construction
accordance with the construction regulations and material regulations as e.g. pursuant to the Pressure Equipment
combinations as well as the maximum permissible operat- Directive (PED), AD-2000, ASME-VIII, Div. I, U-Stamp, TEMA
ing parameters (P / T). Naturally, to avoid gap corrosion, standard, CHINA-SQL. The integration of works standards
after a tube welding the internal tubes are roll expanded or customer specications is no problem either.
again. Maximum exhaust gas temperatures at the gas
entry side will be transferred without any hazard and with- Standard documentation
out any detrimental effect on the service life as a thermal The standard documentation for these shell-and-tube heat
shield protects the tube / tubesheet connections against exchangers comprises:
overheating and heat accumulation, and thus prevents Operating and maintenance instructions
material fatigue or cracking in the tubesheet. Pressure test certicate
Declaration of conformity / certicate of conformity
To prevent the generation of non-permissibly high axial
forces due to thermal length changes, caused by different
operating states and / or material selection, an axial com-
pensator can be installed in the casing tube. Both connec-
tion chambers of the exhaust gas side are equipped with
inspection covers for easy cleaning of the internal tubes
without disassembly of the exhaust gas lines. WRA 200,
Thermal shield
Media routing Max. operating overpressure Test overpressure Max. operating temperature
Shell side 10 bar 150C
Tube side 0,5 bar* 550C
* Calculation overpressure 6 bar
Universal cooler, tube bundle removable
Model series CP (e.g. TEMA Type BEW; AEW)
Special Series
Technical Description Application
The FUNKE heat exchanger type CP is a heat exchanger This heat exchanger type CP is mainly used as an oil
with straight internal tubes and removable tube bundle cooler or double oil cooler, where the oil should ow on
whose xed tube-sheet is clamped in between the shell the shell side whilst the cooling water ows through the
side and tube side device anges by means of two at internal tubes. This heat exchanger is used also for cooling
seals and bolts. The movable tubesheet, oating due to other uids as well as air or similar gases with and without
the combination of two sealing rings and a leakage ring any condensable content. Any operation with gases having
between the device anges, protects against a mixing of a low molecular weight (e.g. hydrogen) is not effective due
the shell side and tube side owing media. to the type of seal used on the oating tubesheet.
Material selection
In accordance with the respective regulations, construc-
tion regulations and operating media, carbon steels, stain-
less steels as well as non-ferrous heavy metals are used.
A reasonable integration of special materials, platings and
coatings is possible.
Gas cooler, tube bundle removable
Model series A 100 (e.g. TEMA Type BEW; AEW)
Special Series
The tube / tubesheet connections are produced by If partial condensation occurs, a cyclone separator for
appropriates tube expand rollings or tube weldings in phase separation may be anged directly to the outlet
accordance with the construction regulations, material chamber, if required.
combinations and operating media as well as the maximum
permissible operating parameters (P / T). Naturally, to avoid Acceptance
gap corrosion, after a tube welding the internal tubes are The FUNKE heat exchanger type A 100 can be supplied
roll expanded again. in accordance with all pertinent national and international
certication bodies, regulations and construction regula-
The connection chambers are available in various differ- tions as e.g. pursuant to the Pressure Equipment Directive
ent versions whose selection is effected in accordance (PED), AD-2000, ASME-VIII, Div. I, U-Stamp, TEMA stan-
with the required standards and in accordance with uid dard, CHINA-SQL. The integration of works standards or
engineering aspects. customer specications is no problem either.
Universal cooler, tube bundle removable
Model series C 100 (e.g. TEMA Type BEP / AEP)
Material selection
In accordance with the respective regulations, construc-
tion regulations and operating media, carbon steels, stain-
less steels as well as nonferrous heavy metals are used.
A reasonable integration of special materials, platings and
coatings is possible.
Universal cooler, fixed tube bundle
Model series C 200 (e.g TEMA Type BEM, AEM, NEM)
Special Series
Technical Description
The FUNKE heat exchanger type C 200 is a heat exchanger
with straight internal tubes and a xed non-removable tube
bundle whose shell is welded to the tubesheets, forming a
tight seal.
Due to its design this heat exchanger may be equipped This heat exchanger type C 200 can universally be used.
with maximum tubing. The tube / tubesheet connections Taking into account its design characteristics it can be
are produced by appropriate tube expand rollings or tube applied for cooling and heating uids, gases and vapours
weldings in accordance with the construction regulations, as well as for condensation and in vacuum operation.
material combinations and operating media as well as
the maximum permissible operating parameters (P / T). An individual media routing permits operation even at
Naturally, to avoid gap corrosion, after a tube welding the high operating pressures, contaminated operating media
internal tubes are roll expanded again. Depending on the should preferably ow on the tube side.
actual application a thermal stress of the shell tube can be
eliminated by installing an axial compensator. Acceptance
The FUNKE heat exchanger type C 200 can be supplied
The connection and guide chambers are available in in accordance with all pertinent national and international
various different designs by means of which a tube side certication bodies, regulations and construction regula-
single-pass or multi-pass version can be produced. tions as e.g. pursuant to the Pressure Equipment Direc-
tive (PED), AD-2000, ASME-VIII, Div. I / II, U-Stamp, TEMA
Venting and draining points as well as a corresponding standard, CHINA-SQL. The integration of works standards
foot construction are designed in relation to the installation or customer specications is no problem either.
Material selection
In accordance with the respective regulations, construc-
tion regulations and operating media, carbon steels, stain-
less steels as well as nonferrous heavy metals are used.
A reasonable integration of special materials, platings and
coatings is possible.
Universal cooler, U-tube-bundle removable
Model series C 300 (e.g. TEMA Type BEU, AEU, BFU, AFU, BXU, AXU)
Technical Description
The FUNKE heat exchanger type C 300 is a heat exchanger
with removable U-tube-bundle whose xed tubesheet is
clamped in between the shell side and tube side device
anges by means of two at seals and bolts.
The tube / tubesheet connections of the internal tubes bent Due to its design this heat exchanger type C 300 can be
in U-shape will be produced by appropriate tube expand used universally. The internal tubes bent in a U-shape,
rollings or tube weldings in accordance with the construc- which are exclusively attached to the xed tubesheet,
tion regulations, material combinations and operating permit operation at very high temperatures and pres-
media as well as the maximum permissible operating sures without any thermal stresses, thus avoiding damage
parameters (P / T). Naturally, to avoid gap corrosion, after a occurring on the tube / tubesheet connection. This heat
tube welding the internal tubes are roll expanded again. exchanger can be used for the partial or full condensation
of gases and vapours but also as a uid cooler / heater.
The connection chamber is available in different versions,
which can be produced by a tube side two-pass or multi- On principle the media routing can be freely selected, but
pass design and whose selection is effected in accord- the clean operating medium should preferably ow through
ance with the standards required and in accordance with the tubes as a mechanical cleaning of the internal tubes
uid engineering aspects. bent in a U-shape is only limited feasible.
Venting and draining points as well as a corresponding Other design options as e.g. the version with a two-pass
foot construction are designed in relation to the instal- shell or as a suction cooler for tank installation expand the
lation position. operational possibilities of this type.
Universal cooler, floating head, tube bundle removable
Model series C 400 (e.g. TEMA Type AET / BET)
Special Series
Universal cooler, floating head, tube bundle removable
Model series C 500 (e.g. TEMA Type AES; BES)
Quality work for reliable
and economical heat exchangers
Our core competency
is in our consistently customer-oriented design and calculation:
Process engineering, thermodynamics, stress calculation, vibration analysis
Leading standards like TEMA are part of our team
Front End
Shell Types Rear Head End Types
Stationary Head Types
Split Flow
Bonnet (integral cover) H Fixed Tubesheet
C like N stationary head
Removable P
Double split flow
only J Outside packed
floating head
Channel integral with tube- S
sheet and removable cover Divided flow
Floating head
with backing device
Kettle type reboiler
Pull through floating head
Channel integral with tube-
sheet and removable cover U
D Cross flow
U-tube bundle
The Recommended Good Practice recommendations
from the TEMA* standard provide the basis for the heat
transfer calculation and dimensioning of FUNKE shell-
and-tube heat exchangers, also for the most demanding
Customers rely on the consistent quality orientation of FUNKE
at 600 bar and higher every welding seam counts
Bosch Rexroth
Burckhardt Compression
Dow Chemical
Hayward Tyler
Nash Elmo
Sulphuric acid
Neumann & Esser
Dresser Rand
Methanol cooling
Specialists Guaranteed Quality