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Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.

2005 12:05 Pagina 2

Electrical Discharge
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:05 Pagina 3

Agie is constantly pushing back

the boundaries of what is possible
with new developments. New di-
mensions with regard to speed,
precision, operating convenience
and process reliability open up.
EDM machines from Agie gain a
competitive lead and competitive
ability. Our partners have known
this for over 50 years.
Agie - Partner to the Best.
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:05 Pagina 4

Your partner
in electrical discharge machining
1954 The first Agie 1984 Pivot-Head taper. 1996 Agiecut Evolution 2003 Agiecut Progress.
EDM machine. and Agievision. The EDM wire-cutting system
1987 Control system with the highest cutting speed.
1956 Model series with oscillating for optimizing and monitoring 1997 Agiecut Classic, Agie Mondo
circuit generator. the EDM process. Star, Agietron Innovation. 2004 Agietron Hyperspark.
The EDM die-sinking system
1963 Generator with static pulses. 1991 Expert programs Agiesoft 1998 Wire Bending Control. with the highest removal rate.
Expertron and Equimode. Agie IPG generator. Agiecut Challenge eCut and
1969 Electric-discharge cutting with Excellence eCut. EDM wire-
programmable NC control. 1992 Complete programming with 1999 Toolmanager for optimisation cutting systems with new
Agiesoft JP. of electrodes use. generator technologies and
1970 ED machining with Agiepilot wire position and Agieconic Plus.
planetary movements. correction system. 2001 Agiecut Vertex.
The EDM wire-cutting system
1973 Electric-discharge tapered 1993 Agie Fuzzytron. with the highest precision.
cutting with coaxial flushing. HSS and HSF generators.

4 3
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:05 Pagina 5


Agie is more than

electrical discharge
Agie compiles individual instruc- Agie keeps all original spare and
tions for each EDM system. wearing parts, consumables and
Agie publishes the EDM magazine additional equipment constantly
Experience with the latest cus- available. Agie solves 90% of all
tomer applications. Agie supports problems routinely direct on the
the user with practice-oriented use hotline telephone. Agie sees to
and maintenance documentation. optimal functioning of the EDM
systems with its service profes-
sionals. Agie has expert advisers
deployed world-wide for practice-
oriented solutions.
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 6

...Agie is investment
in the future
Agie belongs to a Group that is the The man decides, the machine car-
world market leader in ED machin- ries out. A philosophy that Agie has
ing. Agie practises closeness to its implemented with user-friendly
customers with its world-wide pres- functions, self-generating technolo-
ence. Agie convinces with compe- gies and a forward-looking design in
tence and continuity. More than an exemplary manner in its EDM
20 000 users all over the world and systems Agiecut and Agietron. Agie
far more than 45 000 ED wire-cut- with today's technology for tomor-
ting and die-sinking machines sold row's applications.
confirm this. Agie does not subordi-
nate human aspects to the machine.
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 7


ED die-sinking systems
Electrical-discharge machining is a From hot-work steel to hard metal
key technology in production. and Amcoloy. From the minute ma-
ED die sinking today thus means chining job to long-running jobs
being able to react quickly to new over the weekend. Agietron ED die-
orders with the most varied re- sinking systems offer the models
quirements. From simple cavities to that will help you to save time and
highly complex precision moulds. increase your flexibility under every
economic viability or quality aspect.

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 8

Integrated autonomy
AGIETRON ED die-sinking systems The following ED die-sinking sys-
with integrated autonomy: tems offer system openness for
- Electrode changer ELW for up to external handling devices with
56 electrodes clearly defined interface:
- Workpiece and electrode changer Agietron Hyperspark,
for up to 16 pallets and up to 104 Agietron Hyperspark Exact.
- Large dimensioned filters

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 9

Agietron Spirit 2

Made in
ED machine for quickly set up,
simple operation and reliable die sinking.
- Made in Switzerland
- Outstanding machining performances
- Small floor space required
- New functions

Max. workpiece dimensions (L x W x H): 630 x 380 x 165 mm

Axis travel paths (X x Y x Z): 300 x 250 x 250 mm
Permissible workpiece weight: 200 kg
Permissible electrode weight: 25 kg
Distance table/quill: 188 - 438 mm
C-axis: integrated
Working current: 72 A
Best roughness: Ra 0,2 m / AGIEBRILL
Control, servo-controlled axes: X, Y, Z, C-axis

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 10

Agietron Advance 3 4

Manufacture complex workpieces quickly and simply.

- Flexibly usable work area
- Small floor space required
- Simple to operate
- Compact design

960 x 650 x 255 mm 1100 x 750 x 370 mm

550 x 400 x 350 mm 700 x 500 x 400 mm
1000 kg 2000 kg
80 kg 120 kg
165 - 515 mm 215 - 615 mm
integrated integrated
64 A, 128 A 64 A, 128 A
Ra 0,2 m / AGIEBRILL Ra 0,2 m / AGIEBRILL
X, Y, Z, C-axis X, Y, Z, C-axis

10 9
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 11

Agietron Hyperspark 2 3

The automatable ED die-sinking system with high standard.

- Choice of functions and technologies for
- Increased autonomy
- Increased performance with Hyperspark generator technology
- Increased flexibility
- Agievision control for efficient data input and optimal
process planning

Max. workpiece dimensions (L x W x H): 650 x 580 x 250 mm 880 x 680 x 350 mm
820 x 420 x 250 mm 1070 x 530 x 350 mm
Axis travel paths (X x Y x Z): 350 x 250 x 350 mm 500 x 350 x 500 mm
Permissible workpiece weight: 400 kg 800 kg
Permissible electrode weight: 100 kg 100 kg
Distance table/quill: 170 - 520 mm 200 - 700 mm
C-axis: integrated integrated
Working current: 72 A, 104 A 72 A, 104 A
Best roughness: Ra 0,2 m / AGIEBRILL Ra 0,2 m / AGIEBRILL
Control, servo-controlled axes: X, Y, Z, C-axes X, Y, Z, C-axes

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 12

Agietron Hyperspark Exact 2 3

For the highest demands when ED die sinking.

- Designed for exceptional quality of the surfaces
and positioning accuracy
- Top technology with Hyperspark
- Dual measuring system
- Agievision control for efficient data input and optimal
process planning

650 x 580 x 250 mm 880 x 680 x 350 mm

820 x 420 x 250 mm 1070 x 530 x 350 mm
350 x 250 x 350 mm 500 x 350 x 500 mm
400 kg 800 kg
100 kg 100 kg
170 - 520 mm 200 - 700 mm
integrated integrated
72 A, 104 A 72 A, 104 A A
Ra 0,2 m / AGIEBRILL Ra 0,2 m / AGIEBRILL
X, Y, Z, C-axes X, Y, Z, C-axes

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 13


ED wire-cutting systems
Electrical-discharge machining is From hot-work steel to hard met-
a key technology in production. al and Amcoloy. From the minute
ED wire sinking today thus means machining job to long-running
to be able to react quickly to new jobs over the weekend. Agiecut ED
orders with the most varied re- wire-cutting systems offer the
quirements. From the simple models that will help you to save
punch to highly complex precision time and increase your flexibility
workpieces. under every economic viability or
quality aspect.

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 14

Integrated autonomy
AGIECUT ED wire-cutting systems The following ED wire-cutting sys-
with integrated autonomy: tems offer system openness for
- Workpiece changer for up to external handling devices with a
20 pallets clearly defined interface:
- 25 kg wire spools Agiecut Progress
- Reliable threading Agiecut Challenge eCut
- Wire guides with a long Agiecut Excellence eCut
working life

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 15

Agiecut Classic 2 2S
The proven ED wire-cutting series for tool and mould making.
- Low operating costs
- Choice of machining in the bath or coaxial flushing with
water-jacket flooding
- Simple to operate
- Broad technology spectrum
- Agievision control for efficient data input and optimal
process planning

Machining: coaxial flushing coaxial flushing/submerged

Maximum workpiece dimensions (L x W x H): 750 x 550 x 250 mm 750 x 550 x 250 mm
Axis travel paths (X x Y x Z): 350 x 250 x 256 mm 350 x 250 x 256 mm
Permissible workpiece weight (without bath): (450 kg) (450 kg) 200 kg
Wire spool: 25 kg 25 kg
Roughness Ra (with trim cuts) up to: 0,2 m 0,2 m
Smallest wire diameter: 0,1 mm 0,1 mm
Maximum angle: 30/100 mm 30/100 mm

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 16

3 3S

coaxial flushing coaxial flushing/submerged

1050 x 650 x 250 mm 1050 x 650 x 420 mm
500 x 350 x 256 mm 500 x 350 x 426 mm
(800 kg) (800 kg) 400 kg
25 kg 25 kg
0,2 m 0,2 m
0,1 mm 0,1 mm
30/100 mm 30/100 mm

16 15
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 17

Agiecut Progress 2 3

ED wire cutting for maximum productivity.

- Drastic cuts in non-productive times by adapting and
optimising threading and process cycles
- Implement series production with a robot
- Realise precision cuts with half the time and cost expenditure
with eCut technology
- Double the angle accuracy with the variant Agieconic Plus

Machining: submerged submerged

Maximum workpiece dimensions (L x W x H): 750 x 550 x 250 mm 1050 x 650 x 420 mm
Axis travel paths (X x Y x Z): 350 x 250 x 256 mm 500 x 350 x 426 mm
Permissible workpiece weight: 200 kg (450 kg) 400 kg (800 kg)
Wire spool: 25 kg 25 kg
Roughness Ra (with trim cuts) up to: 0,2 m 0,2 m
Smallest wire diameter: 0,1 mm 0,1 mm
Maximum angle: 30/100 mm 30/100 mm

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 18




20 Cutting rates of 350 up to 500 mm2/min

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 mm2/min
are reached in most cutting heights.

Automated with a robot the Agiecut

Progress 2 becomes a highly efficient
manufacturing cell.

18 17
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 19

Agiecut Challenge eCut 2 3

2F 3F
The ED wire-cutting system for a customized solution.
- ED wire cutting technologies well proven in practice
and highly economic thanks to eCut
- Drastic cuts in non-productive times by adapting and
optimising threading and process cycles
- Agieconic Plus, the variant for double angle accuracy

Machining: submerged submerged

Maximum workpiece dimensions (L x W x H): 750 x 550 x 250 mm 1050 x 650 x 250 mm
Axis travel paths (X x Y x Z): 350 x 250 x 256 mm 500 x 350 x 256 mm
Permissible workpiece weight (without bath): 200 kg (450 kg) 400 kg (800 kg)
Wire spool: 25 kg 25 kg
Roughness Ra (with trim cuts) up to: 0,1 m 0,1 m
Smallest wire diameter: 0,1 mm (0,03 mm Model F) 0,1 mm (0,03 mm Model F)
Maximum angle: 30/100 mm 30/100 mm

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 20

Agiecut Excellence eCut 2 3

2F 3F
For highest demands when ED wire cutting.
- Designed for exceptional surface quality and positioning
accuracy with a dual measuring system
- ED wire cutting technologies well proven in practice
and highly economic thanks to eCut
- Drastic cuts in non-productive times by adapting
and optimising threading and process cycles
- Agieconic Plus for double angle accuracy

submerged submerged
750 x 550 x 250 mm 1050 x 650 x 250 mm
350 x 250 x 256 mm 500 x 350 x 256 mm
200 kg (450 kg) 400 kg (800 kg)
25 kg 25 kg
0,1 m 0,1 m
0,1 mm (0,03 mm Model F) 0,1 mm (0,03 mm Model F)
30/100 mm 30/100 mm

20 19
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 21

Agiecut Vertex

The most accurate ED wire-cutting system in the world.

- For finest surface qualities
- For finest wires
- For high autonomy even with the finest wires
- Two wire spools for different types of wire
- Automatic threading of wires with 0.2 to 0.02 mm diameter
- Agievision control with new functions

Machining: submerged
Maximum workpiece dimensions (L x W x H): 300 x 200 x 80 mm
Axis travel paths (X x Y x Z): 220 x 160 x 100 mm
Permissible workpiece weight: 35 kg
Wire spool: 2 x 8 kg (AGIEDUO)
Roughness Ra (with trim cuts) up to: 0,05 m
Smallest wire diameter: 0,02 mm
Maximum angle: 3/80 mm

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 22

The most accurate ED wire-cutting ma-

chine in the world, thanks to its innova-
tive mechanical structure with its
patented monoblock and optimum
thermal behaviour.
Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:06 Pagina 23

Agiedrill Compact 1 Micro

Fast, simple, precise:
Drilling start holes with Agie.
- X-, Y- and Z-axis CNC controlled Micro EDM of the top class.
- Integrated rotating spindle - Highest quality and precision
- For electrodes from 0.3 to 3 mm diameter - Generator with enormous technology
- Optimal temperature stability through spectrum for standard and special
cast construction in open-front applications
frame design - Large number of accessories for
- For workpieces up to 300 kg weight micro EDM

Electrode diameter: 0.3 to 3 mm Max. workpiece dimensions (L x W x H): 620 x 470 x 250 mm
Axis travel paths (X x Y x Z): 300 x 200 x 300 mm Axis travel paths (X x Y x Z): 250 x 160 x 250 mm
Permissible workpiece weight: 300 kg Permissible workpiece weight: 200 kg
Maximum drilling depth: 200 mm Permissible electrode weight: 70 kg
Supporting area length x width: 500 x 300 mm Distance table/quill: 130 - 380 mm
Electrode guide travel path: 100 mm C-axis: integrated
Heavy duty generator: 30 A Working current: 60 A
Machine dimensions: 1340 x 900 x 1940 mm Best roughness: Ra 0.2 m / AGIEBRILL
Total machine weight: 1200 kg Control, servo-controlled axes: X, Y, Z, C axes

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Agietron 4HP

Series production of the smallest holes.

- 24 hour operation is standard
- Automatic fixing of the workpieces
- Delivery takes place in accordance with
Agie feasibility study

Number of EDM units: 4

Travel paths per EDM unit (X x Y x Z): 10 x 10 x 50 mm
Travel path of W-axis (fast shifting and positioning of the 4 EDM units): 120 mm
CNC-controlled axes: to 15
Workplace positioning by swivelling: A-Achse
Workplace positioning by rotating: 4 x C-axes
Automatic electrode wear compensation: Standard
Heavy duty drilling: Standard
Quality drilling: Standard

Family 11.05.05 E ok 26.1.2005 12:05 Pagina 1

CH - 6616 LOSONE
TELEPHONE +41 91 806 91 11
TELEFAX +41 91 806 92 60

Agie Charmilles Group

All rights
to changes
The machine design
is registred, 1997.
Janvier 2005
Printed in Switzerland

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