MST326 - Tma03
MST326 - Tma03
MST326 - Tma03
You may submit each TMA either by post to your tutor or electronically as
a PDF file by using the Universitys online TMA/EMA service. If you choose
to submit on paper, you must include an assignment form (PT3) and post to
the address provided by your tutor. You will find instructions on how to fill
in the PT3 form in the current Assessment Handbook.
Remember to fill in the correct assignment number as listed above, and allow
sufficient time in the post for each assignment to reach its destination on or
before the cut-o date. You are advised to keep a copy of your assignments
in case of loss in the mail.
Before starting work, please read the document Student guidance for
preparing and submitting TMAs, available from the Assessment resources
area of the MST326 website.
The marks allocated to each part of a TMA question are indicated in
brackets in the margin.
Please show your working for all questions. This will give your tutor the
opportunity to award you some marks for a question where your working is
partially correct even though you may not have the correct final answer.
(d) Hence, using the appropriate expressions from part (c), reduce
Equation (1) to the standard form
= 0,
@ @
and deduce the general solution of the given equation. [4]
(e) Determine the particular solution that satisfies the two conditions
u(x, 1) = 0 and (x, 1) = x3 . [7]
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(b) Assume that any function f for which f and its derivative f 0 are
piecewise continuous on the interval 0 < x < a can be represented by
the series
(2n + 1)x
an sin ,
Z a
2 (2n + 1)x
an = f (x) sin dx (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .).
a 0 2a
Find, in the form of an infinite series, the solution to the heat
conduction problem stated at the start of the question. [10]
(c) Show that when t is very large, the temperature can be approximated by
(x, t) ' sin(x/2a) exp( 2 kt/4a2 ). [2]
(d) By applying appropriate results from Unit 10, Section 4, verify that:
(i) all eigenvalues of the problem for X(x) are positive, as for part (a); [3]
(ii) the eigenfunctions form a basis for V [0, a], as assumed for part (b). [1]
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Question 4 (Units 911) 25 marks
(a) Decide which of the following functions represent possible solutions of
the one-dimensional wave equation, stating the appropriate value of the
wave speed c in each case. State also whether the possible solutions
represent right-propagating waves, left-propagating waves, a linear
combination of right- and left-propagating waves, or standing waves.
(i) u(x, t) = 8 sin 4t sin 4x
(ii) u(x, t) = cos2 (x 5t) + (x + 5t)3
(iii) u(x, t) = (7x t2 )1/5
(iv) u(x, t) = x sin(x 2t)
(v) u(x, t) = exp(sin(7x + t)) [5]
(b) The transverse motion of a uniform semi-infinite elastic string, with a
fixed end at x = 0, is modelled by the equation
@2u @2u
= 36 (0 < x < 1, t > 0),
@x2 @t2
where u(x, t) is the displacement of the string from equilibrium at
position x and time t. Initially, the string has position and velocity
given respectively by
u(x, 0) = xe x (0 x < 1),
@u 1
(x, 0) = p (0 x < 1).
@t 2
x +1
(i) Determine the interval of dependence of the point (3, 6). [2]
(ii) Find the value of u(3, 6), giving your answer correct to two decimal
places. [5]
(c) (i) (1) Express (1 + x)2 as a linear combination of the Legendre
polynomials P0 (x), P1 (x) and P2 (x). [3]
(2) Write down, in spherical polar coordinates, the general
solution of Laplaces equation that has cylindrical symmetry
about the polar axis and which is bounded on the polar axis. [1]
(3) Hence find, in terms of R, r and , the solution of Laplaces
equation inside a sphere of radius R, centred at the origin,
that also satisfies the boundary condition
u(R, , ) = (1 + cos )2 (0 ). [6]
(ii) Suppose that v(r, ) satisfies Laplaces equation (in plane polar
coordinates) in the disc r R, and also satisfies the boundary
v(R, ) = (1 + cos )2 (0 < 2).
What is the value of v(0, 0)? [3]
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TMA 04 Cut-o date 3 May 2017
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(c) It can be shown from the results of part (b) that
dw w 2 kh cosech2 (kh) + 1 kH cosech2 (kH)
= 1+ .
dk 2k 2 coth(kh) + 1 coth(kH)
(You are not asked to derive this equation.)
(i) Use this formula to express the group velocity cg in terms of 1 , 2 ,
k, h, H and c. [2]
(ii) Show that when the wavelength is small compared to the
distance H, the group velocity reduces to
c 2 kh sech2 (kh)
cg = 1+ . [4]
2 [2 + 1 tanh(kh)] tanh(kh)
for a laminar boundary layer flow, with zero external pressure gradient,
past a flat plate. Here u is the fluid velocity within the boundary layer,
U is the free stream velocity, y is the distance from the plate, and is
the boundary layer thickness. The fluid has density , dynamic
viscosity , and kinematic viscosity = /.
(i) Write down an expression for the displacement thickness 1 as the
sum of two integrals, and show that 1 = 38 . [5]
(ii) Similarly, show that the momentum thickness 2 is given by
2 = 1080 . You may use the results
Z 1/4
4 4 7
3 1 3 d = 216 ,
Z 1 h i
27 ( 1)2 1 32
27 ( 1)2 d = 1
10 . [3]
(iii) Express the shear stress 0 at the plate in terms of . Then apply
the momentum integral equation to obtain expressions for and 0
in terms of x (the distance along the plate from its leading edge). [7]
(iv) State to three decimal places the corresponding values of the
0 1 1
K1 = (Rex )1/2 , K2 = 1 2
(Rex )1/2 , K3 = , K4 = ,
x 2 U 2
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(b) Use the velocity profile of part (a) to estimate the drag force per unit
breadth exerted by the laminar flow of air past one side of a flat plate of
length L = 1 m, where U = 5 m s 1 .
For air, take = 1.80 10 5 kg m 1 s 1 and = 1.20 kg m 3. [3]
(c) Use the one-seventh power law, together with the shear stress
distribution given by Equation (3.26) in Unit 13, to estimate the drag
force per unit breadth exerted by the turbulent flow of water past one
side of a flat plate of length L = 1 m, where U = 5 m s 1 . (You may
quote results from Unit 13 as appropriate.)
For water, take = 1.0 10 3 kg m 1 s 1 and = 1.0 103 kg m 3. [3]
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Question 4 (Revision) 6 marks
A vector field is defined by
v = (x2 + 2y)i + (2x + y 2 )j.
A closed path C is formed from the straight-line segments joining O (0, 0),
A (1, 0) and B (0, 1). These line segments are parametrised as follows:
OA : y = 0 and x = (0 1);
AB : x = 1 and y = (0 1);
BO : x = 0 and y = 1 (0 1).
(a) By explicitly evaluating the line integral
v dr,
(a) By calculating the Reynolds number, show that the flow is turbulent. [2]
(b) Find the Darcy friction factor for this flow. [2]
(c) Calculate the pressure drop along a 50 m length of the pipe. [2]
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(a) Write down the i- and k-components of the NavierStokes equations for
this particular problem. [2]
(b) Consider the following assumptions:
(i) The flow is incompressible.
(ii) The flow is steady.
(iii) There is a body force due to the action of gravity g.
(iv) There is no pressure gradient along the x-direction.
Write down the mathematical consequences of these assumptions, and
show that the simplified NavierStokes equations reduce to
d2 u g sin dp
= , = g cos . [5]
dz 2 dz
(c) The air above the liquid film is at atmospheric pressure p0 and it does
not exert any stress on the liquid, i.e. du/dz = 0 when z = h. Derive the
velocity profile and the pressure of this problem. [6]
(d) Show that the flow rate of this problem is
g sin 3
Q= h . [3]
(iii) Given that the problem has only positive eigenvalues, find all of the
eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions. [5]
(b) Consider the problem for u(x, t) given by
@2u @u @u
+2 +u=0 (0 < x < , t > 0),
@x @x @t
u(0, t) = u(, t) = 0 (t > 0),
u(x, 0) = e x (0 < x < ).
By applying separation of variables, and using your answers to part (a)
as appropriate, show that the solution to this problem for t > 0 is
4X 1 (x+(2n+1)2 t)
u(x, t) = e sin[(2n + 1)x]. [8]
2n + 1
Hint: You may quote any results from the Handbook as appropriate.
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