MST121 Chapter A3 Functions
MST121 Chapter A3 Functions
MST121 Chapter A3 Functions
Using Mathematics
Chapter A3
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Study guide 4
Introduction 5
1 What is a function? 6
1.1 Function notation 6
1.2 Graphs of functions 9
2 Quadratic functions 15
2.1 The exhibition hall problem 15
2.2 Graphs of quadratic functions 17
3 Trigonometric and exponential functions 27
3.1 Trigonometric functions 27
3.2 Exponential functions 32
4 Inverse functions 35
4.1 What is an inverse function? 35
4.2 Inverse trigonometric functions 40
4.3 Logarithms 42
5 Functions, graphs and equations on the computer 47
Summary of Chapter A3 48
Learning outcomes 48
Summary of Block A 49
Solutions to Activities 50
Solutions to Exercises 57
Index 62
Study guide
1 What is a function?
y = 2x − 1, y = x2 , y = x,
y = tan x, y = 2x .
In each case, for each value of x, the formula gives exactly one value of y
– a unique value. If y and x are related by such a formula, then we say
informally that ‘y is a function of x’. The concept of a function is,
however, more general than this, covering cases in which there is no simple
formula relating y to x.
In general, a function can be thought of as a processor which converts
inputs (values of x) into outputs (values of y). Figure 1.1 illustrates this
concept in relation to the formula y = x
2 .
names, which could be changed without changing the function itself. For
Various notations can be used to specify both the rule of a function and its
domain, the commonest being of the form
Notice the resemblance here f (x) = x
2 + 1 (0 ≤ x ≤ 6). (1.2)
to the way we specify a
sequence in closed form; see Equation (1.2) specifies a function f with rule f (x) = x2 + 1, whose
Chapter A1, Subsection 1.1. domain is the set of real numbers x satisfying 0 ≤ x ≤ 6.
(b) For each of the following functions f , write down a specification of the
function and find the value f (1), the output corresponding to the
input 1.
(i) The function f which converts any non-negative real number x
into x2 .
(ii) The function f which converts any real number x which satisfies
−1 ≤ x ≤ 1 into 2x + 1.
For any x in the domain of f , we call f (x) the image of x under f , the
value of f at x, or simply an image value. For example, for the function We usually use ‘image’, but
in Figure 1.1, the image of −3 under f is f (−3) = (−3)2 = 9. as you will see, there are
contexts where the
The set of allowed input values of a function, the domain, depends on: alternatives are more natural.
% the nature of the rule of the function – for example, the rule in
equation (1.1) can be applied to any real number x, whereas the rule
f (x) = x
can be applied only to non-negative real numbers;
% the context in which the function is applied – for example, if we are
using the function with rule f (x) = x
2 in a modelling context, to
determine the area of a square of side x, say, then it is inappropriate
to include non-positive values of x in the domain.
Thus the domain of a function may be restricted by the nature of the rule
of the function or by the context in which the function is applied.
In describing domains of functions, it is often convenient to use interval
notation. Roughly speaking, an interval is an unbroken set of real numbers
– that is, a ‘subset’ of the real line which can be ‘drawn without lifting A subset of the real line that
your pen from the paper’. is not an interval is the
‘broken’ subset comprising
the digits 0, 1, . . . , 9.
Let a and b be real numbers, with a < b.
The closed interval [a, b] is the set of real numbers x such
that a ≤ x ≤ b.
The open interval (a, b) is the set of real numbers x such Some texts use the notation
that a < x < b. ]a, b[ for open intervals.
The closed interval [a, b] includes its endpoints a and b, whereas the open
interval (a, b) excludes them. For example, in part (ii) of Activity 1.1(b),
the domain of the function is the closed interval [−1, 1].
Interval notation may be used when specifying functions. For example,
rather than writing
f (x) = 2x + 1 (−1 ≤ x ≤ 1)
to specify the function in part (ii) of Activity 1.1(b), we could write
f (x) = 2x + 1 (x in [−1, 1]).
We can also use this notation to represent intervals which include one
endpoint but exclude the other. Also, by using the symbols ∞ and −∞, Read ∞ and −∞ as ‘infinity’
we can represent intervals which extend indefinitely far to the right or left; and ‘minus infinity’.
see Table 1.1 (overleaf).
When the domain of a function is restricted only by the nature of the rule
of the function, we usually do not state the domain explicitly, but rely on
the following convention.
Domain convention
When a function is specified by just a rule, it is understood that the
domain of the function is the largest possible set of real numbers for
which the rule is applicable.
By the domain convention, the function g has domain [0, ∞), since
x is
The fact that the graphs of these functions are (straight) lines means that
they have constant slope, and this in turn means that if x increases by a
fixed amount, then so does y; see Figure 1.2.
Observe from the table that points on the graph of f lie in either the first
or the third quadrant. Since 0 is not in the domain of f , no point in the
first quadrant is joined by the graph to a point in the third quadrant. The
graph is shown in Figure 1.4.
The idea of restricting the If the domain of a function f has been restricted due to the context in
domain of a function was which the function is applied, then the graph of f is restricted in a
introduced on page 7. corresponding way. For example, the graphs of the functions
g(x) = 1/x (1 ≤ x ≤ 2) and h(x) = 1/x (−∞ < x < 0)
are both parts of the graph of the function f (x) = 1/x; see Figure 1.6.
One feature of a function f which can often be read off from the graph
of f is the image set, or image, of f . The image set is the complete set
of image values of f – that is, all possible values f (x), where x lies in the
domain of f . In terms of the graph of f , the image set of f is the set of
points on the y-axis which are at the same height as a point of the graph.
Figure 1.7 shows the image sets of two of the functions considered above.
The image set of the function f (x) = x
2 is the interval [0, ∞), and the
image set of the function g(x) = 1/x (1 ≤ x ≤ 2) is the interval [
12 , 1].
Calculate image values By constructing a suitable table of values, sketch the graphs of each of the
correct to two decimal places. following functions, and hence state their image sets.
(a) f (x) = x
3 (−1 ≤ x ≤ 1) (b) f (x) = 1/x2
Solutions are given on page 50.
So far, the graphs considered have consisted of a smooth curve (or curves).
The next graph is smooth except at one point, where it turns a corner!
This is the graph of the modulus function.
For example:
the modulus of −3 is |−3| = 3;
the modulus of 0 is |0| = 0;
the modulus of
π is |π| = π.
From this definition, it follows that For example,
x, if x ≥ 0, |−3| = −(−3) = 3.
|x| =
−x, if x < 0.
This observation enables us to sketch the graph of the modulus function
f (x) = |x|
without constructing a table of values. We just use the part of the graph of
y = x for which x ≥ 0, and the part of the graph of y = −x for which
x < 0, as shown in Figure 1.8.
The resulting graph of y = |x| has a corner at the origin, and its image set
is [0, ∞).
Summary of Section 1
This section has introduced:
% interval notation, including [a, b] for a closed interval and (a, b) for an
open interval;
% a domain convention for functions;
% the graph and image set of a function;
% the graphs of some common functions;
% the modulus, or absolute value, of a real number.
(a) f (x) = x
4 (x < 1) (b) f (x) =
√ (c) f (x) = 9 + x
Exercise 1.2
Calculate image values By constructing tables of values, or otherwise, sketch the graphs of each of
correct to two decimal places. the following functions, and state their image sets.
1 1
(a) f (x) = x4 (b) f (x) = √ (c) f (x) = '
x |x|
2 Quadratic functions
To study Subsection 2.2, you will need an audio CD player and CDA5505.
In Section 1, we discussed the idea of a (real) function, and considered
some examples of common functions. Now we see how functions and their
graphs can be applied in a particular modelling situation.
In Figure 2.1, the variable x has been used to denote the width of the From now on we assume that
border, and the variable A denotes the area of the clear space. all lengths are in metres.
To solve the exhibition hall problem, we need to find the value of x for
which A is half the total area of the hall. You are now asked to find a
formula for A in terms of x.
(a) Write down the largest closed interval consisting of values of x which
make sense for the exhibition hall problem.
(b) For values of x in this interval, write down expressions for the length
and width of the clear space.
(c) Deduce an expression for the area of the clear space A, in terms of x, Do
multiplying out any brackets. mathematics
Solutions are given on page 51.
In Activity 2.1, you should have found that x lies in the interval [0, 6], and
that, for such x,
A = 4x
2 − 56x + 192.
The exhibition hall problem is to find a value of x such that A is half the
the equation 4x
2 − 56x + 192 = 96; that is,
2 − 56x + 96 = 0. (2.1)
Then we have to choose a solution in the interval [0, 6], if possible.
We have now solved the exhibition hall problem, and without any
reference to functions or graphs! What makes this problem straightforward
is the existence of a convenient method for solving equation (2.1). For
many problems, however, we arrive at equations for which no such method
is available. In such cases, it is helpful to express the problem in terms of
functions and their graphs.
For example, a function which arises in the exhibition hall problem is
f (x) = 4x2 − 56x + 192 (x in [0, 6]).
This function represents the area of the clear space in the exhibition hall,
when the border has width x. The graph of y = f (x) is given in Figure 2.2.
(A way of sketching this graph is given in Subsection 2.2.)
The key point to notice from Figure 2.2 is that it provides some indication
of the answer to the exhibition hall problem. The answer to this problem
is a solution of the equation f (x) = 96; that is, it is the value of x at the
point P where the horizontal line y = 96 meets the graph of y = f (x).
From Figure 2.2, we can see that this value of x is approximately 2, which
is the value found in the solution to Activity 2.2(b).
The graph of the same function f can also be used to obtain an
approximate value of the solution to a modified exhibition hall problem.
Suppose that the area of the clear space is required to be
43 of the total
So, expressing a problem in terms of a function and its graph can provide
an approximation to the solution to the problem. A graph can also convey
more general information. For example, if the area of clear space in the
exhibition hall is required to be any particular value, A say, in the image
set [0, 192], then there is a unique corresponding value of x for which this
area occurs, namely, the solution in [0, 6] of the equation f (x) = A.
In Section 5, we use graphs in this way to help solve equations for which
there is no convenient formula.
−2x2 + 4x − 1 = −2(x2 − 2x + 12 ).
Next, we complete the square for the expression in the bracket:
Since the coefficient of x
2 − 2x + 1
= (x − 1)2 − 1 + 1
= (x − 1)2 − 12 .
is −2, we take p = −1 in 2 2
/>E ;9BC6= C> ,-*((&( "1A34:B 'F)#$ +3=5 '$ 2.A3?8B >7 @D35A3C94
Frame 1
The graph of the function f (x) = x 2
x –2 – 1.5 –1 – 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x2 4 2.25 1 0.25 0 0.25 1 2.25 4
y y axis of symmetry
4 4
y = x2 y = x2
3 3
2 2
1 1 vertex
at (0, 0)
–2 –1 0 1 2 x –2 –1 0 1 2 x
Frame 2
The graph of the function f (x) = x 2 + 2
x –2 – 1.5 –1 – 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x2 4 2.25 1 0.25 0 0.25 1 2.25 4
x 2 + 21
y = x2 Which curve is
y = x2 + 2 ,
3 A or B ?
1 Vertex:
Axis of
–2 1 1 2 x symmetry:
Frame 3
The graph of the function f (x) = (x + 21 )
x –2 – 1.5 –1 – 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x2 4 2.25 1 0.25 0 0.25 1 2.25 4
x + 21 – 1.5
(x + 21 ) 2.25
4 y = x2 Which curve is
y = (x + 1 ) ,
A 2
3 A or B ?
4 Vertex:
Axis of
–2 1 1 1 2 x symmetry:
–2 2
Frame 4
f (x) = x 2 + q f (x) = (x + p)
y Translate y Translate
up by to left
q by p
0 x –p 0 x
Down if To right if
Vertex: (O, q) q negative Vertex: (– p, O) p negative
1 1
1 x 1
–1 x 1 x –1 –1 1 x
Frame 5
The function f (x) = (x + 2) – 1
2 2
f (x) = x 2 f (x) = (x + 2) f (x) = (x + 2) – 1
y y y
4 4 4
Translate Translate
to left down
by 2 by 1 –2
–2 2 x –2 2 x 2 x
Vertex: (0, 0) Vertex: (– 2, 0) Vertex: ( – 2 , – 1 )
Frame 6
2 1
The function f (x) = (x + 21 ) + 2 2
f (x) = (x + 1 ) + 1
f (x) = (x + 1 )
2 2 2
f (x) = x 2 Translate y y
1 by 1 by 1
–1 1 x –1 1 x –1 1 x
Vertex: (0, 0) Vertex: Vertex:
Frame 7
The function f (x) = a x 2
x –2 – 1.5 –1 – 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x2 4 2.25 1 0.25 0 0.25 1 2.25 4
2x 2
1 2
– x2
y y
y = 2x
y = 1 x2 d
y = x2 2d d
d 2 d
x x y = –x 2
Frame 8
Graph of the parabola y = a x 2
a>1 a = 1 (basic parabola)
y - scaling
by factor a
a < –1 a= –1
Frame 9
The function f (x) = – 2 x 2 + 4 x – 1
f (x) = x 2
Complete the square
(Example 2.1):
f (x) = – 2 x 2 + 4 x – 1
1 x = – 2 (x – 1) + 1
y -scaling
with factor – 2
f (x) = – 2 x 2 f (x) = – 2(x – 1)2 f (x) = – 2 (x – 1) + 1
y y y
1 1 1
1 x Translate 1 x Translate 1 x
to right up
by 1 by 1
Vertex: (0, 0) Vertex: (1, 0) Vertex: (1, 1)
Frame 10
The function f (x) = 2
x2+ x
f (x) = x 2
4 Complete the square
(Activity 2.4 (d)):
f (x) = 1 x 2 + x
1 x = 1 (x + 1) – 1
2 2
y -scaling
with factor
1 1 2 1 2 1
f (x) = 2 x 2 f (x) = 2 (x + 1) f (x) = 2 (x + 1) – 2
y y y
4 Translate 4 Translate 4
by by
1 x 1 x 1 x
Vertex: Vertex: Vertex:
Frame 11
Summary : f (x) = a (x + p) + q
a positive a negative
a=1 Vertex:
( – p, q)
a small
( – 1 < a < 1) Axis of
a large
x =–p
(a < – 1, a > 1)
f (0) = c,
% the x-intercepts (if any) are found by solving the equation A quadratic equation may
2 have 0, 1 or 2 solutions.
f (x) = ax + bx + c = 0.
For example, in Frame 9, we sketched the graph of the function
Use the techniques introduced in the audio to sketch the graph of the
quadratic function
You rearranged this f (x) = 4x2 − 56x + 192,
quadratic expression into including the x- and y-intercepts.
completed-square form in
Activity 2.4(c). A solution is given on page 51.
The graph of the function introduced in connection with the exhibition
hall problem is part of the graph sketched in this activity; see Figure 2.2.
The techniques of translation and scaling can be used to help sketch the
graphs of functions other than quadratic ones. For example, the graph of
the function
f (x) = 2|x − 1| − 3
can be obtained from the graph of the modulus function f (x) = |x| by
% a y-scaling with factor 2;
% a horizontal translation by 1 unit to the right;
% a vertical translation by 3 units downwards.
The stages in this process are shown in Figure 2.6. It is convenient to
perform the two translations together, as in Figure 2.6(b).
The graph of the function f (x) = 2|x − 1| − 3 in Figure 2.6(b) shows the
y-intercept as
f (0) = 2|0 − 1| − 3 = 2 − 3 = −1,
and the x-intercepts as x = − 21 and x =
52 . The x-intercepts are found by
The equation |x − 1
| = 2
is equivalent to the two equations Another way to write these
3 two equations is
x−1= 2
x−1= − 32 .
x − 1 = ± 32 .
Thus the solutions are x = 2
and x = − 12 , confirming the x-intercepts
given in the figure.
In addition to horizontal and vertical translations and y-scalings of graphs,
there are also x-scalings which correspond to squashing or stretching a
graph in the x-direction by a given factor. For example, consider the effect
of squashing the graph of the function f (x) = x
2 in the x-direction by the
21 . Let (u, v) be a point on the graph of f ; see Figure 2.7(a). On
what curve does the point ( 21 u, v) lie? Since
v = f (u) = u
2 ,
we have
v = u2 = 4( 21 u)2 .
Thus the point ( 21 u, v) lies on the graph of y = 4x2 .
So if g is the function g(x) = 4x2 , then its graph can be obtained by
squashing the graph of f in the x-direction by the factor
21 ; see
Figure 2.7(b).
g(x) = 4x
2 = (2x)2 = f (2x),
and the graph of g can be obtained from that of f by applying an x-scaling Alternatively, the graph of g
with factor 21 . can be obtained from that of
f by means of a y-scaling
with factor 4.
The scalings and translations that you have met in this section
(summarised in the table below) can, with two exceptions, be applied in
any order with the same result. The exceptions are that the result of
applying both a horizontal translation and an x-scaling depends in general
on the order in which these are applied, and similarly for both a vertical
translation and a y-scaling.
Summary of Section 2
This section has introduced:
% the idea of finding information about the solution to a problem by
using the graph of an appropriate function;
% a technique for sketching the graph of a quadratic function using the
completed-square form;
% techniques for translating and scaling a known graph y = f (x).
Graph Translation or scaling of y = f (x)
y = f (x + p) Horizontal translation by p units to the left
(right if p is negative)
y = f (x) + q Vertical translation by q units upwards
(downwards if q is negative)
y = af (x) y-scaling with factor a
y = f (bx) x-scaling with factor 1/b
(c) the value of x for which A is half the area of the garden.
Exercise 2.2
(a) Sketch the graph of the function
f (x) = 2x2 − 24x + 64,
by using translations and scalings of the graph of y = x2 , and by
finding the x- and y-intercepts.
(b) What is the relevance of the graph in part (a) to the ‘garden problem’
in Exercise 2.1?
Exercise 2.3
Sketch the graph of the function
f (x) = − + 1,
by using translations and scalings of the graph of y = 1/x, and by finding
the x- and y-intercepts.
3 Trigonometric and exponential functions
Now cos and sin, as defined above, are functions in the sense described in
Section 1. There is no simple formula to calculate the values of these
cosine and sine functions, but the geometric definitions of cos t and sin t
provide the rules for a pair of functions nonetheless. For each input
value t, there are unique output values x = cos t and y = sin t. Since t may
take any real value,
the domain of each of the functions cos and sin is R.
In the next activity you are asked to describe what image values can be
obtained from these two functions.
By referring to the definitions of cos and sin in terms of the unit circle,
write down the image set – that is, the complete set of image values – for
each of these functions.
Solutions are given on page 52.
We seek next to sketch the graphs of the trigonometric functions cos and
sin. A first step might be, as with the functions considered previously, to
draw up a table of values. A calculator could be used to obtain values for a
table directly, but in the absence of a simple formula for the rules of cos
and sin, these cannot be checked independently except in a few special
See also Chapter A2, cases. We look at these special cases first.
Subsection 3.1.
inputs 32 π, 43 π, 56 π, π.
You met the trigonometric (c) Use your results from parts (a) and (b) and the trigonometric formulas
formulas in parts (b) and (c)
cos(−t) = cos t, sin(−t) = − sin t
in Chapter A2,
Subsection 3.1. If you are to find the values obtained when each of cos and sin is applied to the
alternative method in
parts (b) and (c).
The table below is based on the values obtained in Activity 3.2.
t −π − 56 π − 34 π − 23 π − 21 π − 31 π − 14 π − 16 π 0
The values of cos t and sin t in cos t −1 −0.87 −0.71 −0.5 0 0.5 0.71 0.87 1
the table are given correct to sin t 0 −0.5 −0.71 −0.87 −1 −0.87 −0.71 −0.5 0
two decimal places.
1 1 1 1 2 3 5
t 0 6π 4π 3π 2π 3π 4π 6π π
cos t 1 0.87 0.71 0.5 0 −0.5 −0.71 −0.87 −1
sin t 0 0.5 0.71 0.87 1 0.87 0.71 0.5 0
This table covers a selection of values for t within the interval [−π, π].
Outside this range, we can apply the formulas
See Chapter A2, cos(t + 2π) = cos t, sin(t + 2π) = sin t,
Subsection 3.1.
which describe the fact that each of the graphs of the functions cos and sin
domain of f . Thus the cosine and sine functions are both periodic, with
period 2π
We have put the graphs of cos and sin on separate sets of axes, since the
dependent variables are different: x for the cosine function and y for the
sine function. However, if we concentrate on cos and sin as functions, and
leave in the background their definitions in terms of the unit circle, then
both can be expressed in the form y = f (x), with x as the independent Remember that a function is
variable and y as the dependent variable. With this choice of variables, independent of the variables
both graphs can be placed on the same set of axes, as shown in Figure 3.3 which are chosen to label its
below. inputs and outputs and to
display its graph.
Note that the graph of y = cos(x − 21 π) in Figure 3.4(a) is the same as the
graph of y = sin x. This reflects the fact that, for all values of x, we have
cos(x − 12 π) = sin x. Similarly, the graphs in Figures 3.4(b) and 3.4(e) are
identical, since cos(x + π) = − cos x for all x.
Graphs that can be obtained By considering the effect of an appropriate translation or scaling on the
from that of the sine function graph of cos, sketch the graph of each of the following functions.
(or cosine function) by 1
(a) y = −3 + cos x (b) y = cos x (c) y = cos(3x) (d) y = cos(−x)
translation and/or scaling are 2
(a) By using the definition of tan and your answers to Activity 3.2(a), find You may like to check that
the values obtained when tan is applied to the inputs 0, 61 π, 14 π, 13 π. your calculator gives the same
values with these inputs.
(b) Use your results from part (a) and the trigonometric formula
tan(−x) = − tan x See Chapter A2,
to find the values obtained when tan is applied to the inputs
Subsection 3.1.
− 16 π, − 41 π, − 13 π.
Solutions are given on page 53.
We could now draw up a table of values for the function tan within the
central interval (− 21 π, 12 π). However, to cut a long story short, the graph of
tan is as shown in Figure 3.5.
Outside the central interval, the graph is determined by the fact that the This fact holds because
function tan is periodic with period π; that is, tan(x + π) = tan x. sin(x + π) − sin x
Translating the graph of tan horizontally by any integer multiple of π = ;
cos(x + π) − cos x
(either to left or right) gives the same graph once more. For this graph,
see Chapter A2,
each of the vertical lines x = ± 12 π, ± 32 π, ± 52 π, . . . is an asymptote. Exercise 3.2(a).
The values of 2 and ( 12 )x
in 2x
0.25 0.35 0.5 0.71 1 1.41 2 2.83 4
the table are given correct to ( 12 )x 4 2.83 2 1.41 1 0.71 0.5 0.35 0.25
two decimal places.
Using these values, we sketch the graphs of the two functions. Because
(a) Use your calculator, where necessary, to find image values of the
function f (x) = 5x for x = −1, −0.75, −0.5, . . . , 1.
(b) Use your results from part (a) to sketch the graph of the function
f (x) = 5x for x in [−1, 1].
(c) Explain how, without performing any further calculations, you could
use the result from part (b) to sketch the graph of the function
g(x) = ( 15 )x .
These graphs may bring to mind the graphs which arise from geometric
sequences. The closed forms of geometric sequences with initial term 1 can See Chapter A1, Section 3.
be written as yn = an (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .).
You may recall from the study of geometric sequences that:
(i) if a > 1, then an → ∞ as n → ∞; The graphs of geometric
(ii) if 0 < a < 1, then an → 0 as n → ∞. sequences in Chapter A1
consisted of isolated points,
Similar properties hold for the exponential functions: whereas the graphs of
(i) if a > 1, then ax → ∞ as x → ∞; exponential functions are
(ii) if 0 < a < 1, then ax → 0 as x → ∞. smooth curves.
These forms of behaviour for large positive values of x are evident in the
graphs of the two exponential functions sketched in Figure 3.6. In general,
the graph of f (x) = ax , where a > 0, has one of the three forms shown in
Figure 3.7 below.
% the trigonometric functions cos, sin and tan, together with their
% periodic functions;
% the exponential functions f (x) = ax (where a > 0), together with their
% the exponential function f (x) = ex (or exp x), where e = 2.718 281 . . . .
Exercise 3.2
By considering the effect of an appropriate translation on the graph of the
function f (x) = ex (see Figure 3.8), sketch the graph of the function
g(x) = ex+1 .
4 Inverse functions
to express the radius in terms of the circumference. This idea leads to the
concept of an inverse function.
These functions have the same rule, but the domain of g is [0, ∞), whereas
the domain of h is R, by the domain convention; see Figure 4.1.
The functions g and h have the same image set, namely [0, ∞). Recall that the image set of a
function is the set of all
If we now consider trying to reverse the effects of g and h, then we find a possible image values of the
significant difference between these two functions: function.
% for each value of y in the image set [0, ∞), there is exactly one value of
x in [0, ∞) such that g(x) = y;
% for each value of y in the image set [0, ∞), apart from 0, there are two
values of x in R such that h(x) = y.
This difference is illustrated in Figure 4.1, with the value y = 4.
A consequence of this difference is that it is not possible to find a function
which reverses the effect of h. As you will see, however, the effect of g can Recall that a function has to
be reversed by a function. give a unique output for each
For each of the following functions, state whether the function is:
increasing, decreasing, neither increasing nor decreasing, one-one,
(a) f (x) = cos x (see Figure 3.3)
(b) g(x) = sin x (− 12 π ≤ x ≤ 12 π) (see Figure 3.3)
(c) h(x) = ( 12 )x (see Figure 3.6)
Solutions are given on page 54.
In Figure 4.3(b) you can also see that the image set of the inverse
function f −1 is equal to the domain of f . Furthermore, as shown in
Figure 4.4, if f −1 is written as a function of x, in the usual way, then the
graph of y = f −1 (x) is obtained from the graph of y = f (x) by exchanging
the roles of x and y. This exchange of roles corresponds to reflecting the
graph of y = f (x) in the 45◦ line, as indicated by the double-headed arrow, In the case of equal scales on
and using the old x-scale on the new y-axis and vice versa. the axes, the 45◦ line is the
line y = x, as in Figure 4.5.
Exchanging the roles of x and y, the graph of y = g −1 (x) = x is the
reflection of the graph of g in the 45◦ line; see Figure 4.5, in which the
x-scale and the y-scale are the same.
Figure 4.5 Obtaining the graph of y = x
The example below shows you how to find an inverse function in a
particular case.
f −1 (y ) = 21 (y − 1) (y in [−1, 3]),
which, expressed in terms of x, is
f −1 (x) = 21 (x − 1) (x in [−1, 3]).
Figure 4.7
Graph of y = f −1 (x)
In the following activity, you have the opportunity to practise the above
method of finding inverse functions. In part (c) of this activity, the graph
of f requires different scales on the axes. So, when reflecting the graph
of f in the 45◦ line to obtain the graph of f −1 , remember to exchange the
scales as well.
For each of the following functions f , find the inverse function f −1 and
sketch the graph of y = f −1 (x).
(a) f (x) = 3x − 1 (x in (0, 2))
' √
x = f −1 (96) = 7 − 1 + 14 × 96 = 7 − 25 = 2,
as expected.
Figure 4.8
Graph of f (x) = sin x (− 12 π ≤ x ≤ 12 π) and its inverse f −1
Therefore f has an inverse function f −1 with domain [−1, 1] and image set
− 12 π, 12 π]. The graph of f −1 , obtained by reflecting the graph of f in the
45◦ line, is shown in Figure 4.8(b).
The name ‘arcsine’ arises This inverse function is given the name arcsine. Thus, for −1 ≤ y ≤ 1,
from an old meaning of ‘arc’
as ‘angle’.
x = arcsin y means that y = sin x and − 21 π ≤ x ≤ 12 π.
In words, for −1 ≤ y ≤ 1,
arcsin y is that angle in [− 21 π, 12 π] whose sine is y.
We can calculate some particular values of the arcsine function, by using
our knowledge of the sine function. For example, the value of arcsin 0 is
that angle in [
− 12 π, 12 π] whose sine is 0. We know that this angle is 0, so
arcsin 0 = 0.
Similarly, since
sin( 16 π) = 1
and sin(− 21 π) = −1,
we have
In a similar way, we can restrict the domains of the cosine and tangent
functions to define the inverse functions arccosine and arctangent. The Alternative names for the
details are given in Figures 4.9 and 4.10. inverse trigonometric
functions are
sin−1 , cos−1 , tan−1 .
Calculators and computers
may also use the names
inv sin, inv cos, inv tan
asin, acos, atan.
Figure 4.10 Graph of f (x) = tan x (− 12 π < x < 12 π) and its inverse f −1
(i) arcsin(
2π) (ii) arccos 0
(iii) arctan( 21 π)
(iv) arctan(tan( 45 π))
(b) Write down exact values for each of the following expressions, giving You should not need to use
angles in radians. your calculator in this
√ activity.
(i) arcsin( 21 3 ) (ii) arccos(−0.5) (iii) arctan 1
(iv) arcsin(sin( 51 π)) (v) cos(arccos(0.9))
(vi) arctan(tan( 45 π))
Solutions are given on page 56.
Finding a value of θ
4.3 Logarithms
In Subsection 3.2, we saw that the graph of the function f (x) = ax , where
a > 0, a ,= 1, takes one of two forms, as shown in Figure 4.11.
The function g(x) = 1x = 1 is In Figure 4.11(a) the function f is increasing, whereas in Figure 4.11(b) it
a constant function, which is is decreasing. In both cases, therefore, f is one-one. Also in both cases, the
neither increasing nor domain of f is R and the image set is (0, ∞), the set of positive real
decreasing. numbers. Therefore, for a > 0, a ,= 1, the function f (x) = ax has an
inverse function with domain (0, ∞) and image set R. This inverse function
We read loga y as ‘log to the is called the logarithm to the base a, denoted by loga . Thus, for y > 0,
base a of y’.
x = loga y means that y = ax ;
Note that x = loga (ax ), for x in words,
in R, and y = aloga y , for
y > 0.
the logarithm to the base a of y is that power of a which equals y.
For example, the value of log2 8 is that power of 2 which equals 8. Since
8 = 23 , we have
log2 8 = 3.
Similarly, since
4 = 22 ,
2 = 21 ,
1 = 20 and
= 2−1 , (4.3)
we have
log2 4 = 2,
log2 2 = 1,
log2 1 = 0 and log2 ( 12 ) = −1. (4.4)
The graph of y = loga x can be obtained by reflecting the graph of y = ax
in the 45◦ line. Figure 4.12 shows the graphs of y = 2x and y = log2 x, with
the values in equations (4.3) and (4.4) plotted.
Base 2 is also used, for The most commonly used bases for logarithms are 10 and
example in computer science. e = 2.718 281 . . . . Logarithms to the base 10 are called common
logarithms since they were used for many years (from the early 17th
Century until calculators were invented) to facilitate multiplication and
division. Briefly, the product xy can be evaluated by first finding log10 x
and log10 y from logarithm tables, and then finding
10log10 x+log10 y = xy,
using tables of powers of 10 (called antilogarithms). In this way the
problem of multiplying x and y is replaced by the simpler problem of
adding log10 x and log10 y. Often, log10 is called simply log.
The number e = 2.718 281 . . . is called the base of natural logarithms,
The symbol ‘ln’ is read as and the function loge is often called ln. As pointed out in Subsection 3.2,
‘ell en’. Both the functions the tangent line to the graph of y = ex at the point (0, 1) has slope 1, and
log and ln appear on a this implies that the tangent line to the graph of y = ln x at the point
scientific calculator. (1, 0) also has slope 1.
We can use logarithms to solve equations of the form
ax = k,
where k > 0 and a > 0, a ,= 1. The solution is x = loga k, but calculators
and computers evaluate logarithms only to base 10 and base e (at the time
of writing). To solve an equation such as
2x = 1000, (4.5)
Alternatively, apply log10 to we first apply the function ln to both sides:
both sides.
ln(2x ) = ln(1000).
By property (c), we have
x ln 2 = ln(1000) and hence x = 0 9.966.
ln 2
In particular, we can use logarithms when working with geometric
See Chapter A1. sequences and linear recurrence sequences, to discover how far along the
sequence we need to go for the terms to reach a given value. For example,
suppose that a savings account contains (in
sn = 1000 × (1.
05)n−1 (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .)
See Chapter A1, Activity 3.3. on 1 January of the
nth year, arising from an initial deposit of £1000 and
annual interest of 5%. If we leave the money to accumulate at this rate, at
the start of which year will the account first contain more than
£2000 ?
To answer this question, we begin by solving
Suppose that a deer population has size Pn at the start of year n, where Recall that Pn is a model of a
deer population; see
Pn = 2666.6̇ × (1.15)n−1 + 3333.3˙ (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .). Chapter A1, Exercise 4.3(a).
(a) Find the deer population at the start of year 1.
(b) At the start of which year will the population reach more than three
times its size at the start of year 1?
Solutions are given on page 56.
Summary of Section 4
This section has introduced:
the fact that a one-one function f has an inverse function f −1 which
undoes the effect of f and whose domain is the image set of f ;
% the inverse trigonometric functions arcsine, arccosine and arctangent;
% the logarithm functions loga , where a > 0, a ,= 1, and their properties;
% the use of logarithms to solve equations of the form ax = k.
Exercise 4.3
(a) Evaluate each of the following expressions, using your calculator where
appropriate, giving your answers correct to six significant figures.
(i) log2 64 (ii) log10 (0.001) (iii) ln 1 (iv) ln 10
(b) Solve the equation 10 = 2 for x, by applying ln to both sides. Hence
evaluate log2 10, correct to six significant figures.
(c) Verify the equation
$ &
ln = x + 1 − 2 ln x − ln(x + 1).
x3 + x2
Exercise 4.4
The amount mn (in
£) owing at the start of year n of a mortgage is given
See Chapter A1, by
Exercise 4.3(b).
mn = −6048.6 × (1.
05)n−1 + 16 048.6 (n = 1, 2, . . . , 20).
At the start of which year will the amount owing be less than half the
amount owing at the start of year 1 ?
5 Functions, graphs and equations on the
In Section 2, you met the exhibition hall problem, which was solved using
the quadratic equation formula. Many problems, however, lead to more
complicated equations. For example, a problem about volumes might lead
to a cubic expression, of the form
ax3 + bx2 + cx + d (where a =
, 0).
More generally, a polynomial of degree n is an expression of the form
When a polynomial has
an xn + an−1 xn−1 + · · · + a1 x + a0 (where an ,= 0).
general degree, as here, we
For example, the linear expression 2x + 1 is a polynomial of degree 1, the
often use sequence notation
quadratic expression 3x2 − 4 is a polynomial of degree 2, and the cubic for the coefficients.
expression x3 − x2 + x − 1 is a polynomial of degree 3.
A function whose rule involves a polynomial of degree n is called a
polynomial function of degree n, and an equation of the form
an xn + an−1 xn−1 + · · · + a1 x + a0 = 0 (where an ,= 0)
is called a polynomial equation of degree n. Polynomial equations of
degree 3 are called cubic equations.
There is no simple general rule for finding the solutions, or roots, of a
polynomial equation of degree n greater than 2. Instead, such equations
can be solved approximately by various methods; for example, we can find
approximate solutions by using the computer to plot the graph of the
corresponding polynomial function.
In this section the computer is used to plot graphs of functions, and to find
approximate solutions of equations using these graphs. You will also meet
two non-graphical ways of solving equations.
Summary of Section 5
In this section you saw several methods (including graphical and algebraic
methods) for finding solutions of equations, using the computer. You also
saw how the computer’s graphing capability can be used to find the
greatest or least values taken by a function in an interval.
Summary of Chapter A3
Learning outcomes
You have been working towards the following learning outcomes.
Mathematical skills
% Use function notation and sketch graphs of functions in simple cases.
% Use interval notation and the modulus function.
% Introduce appropriate functions when solving equations.
% Find inverse functions of given one-one functions and sketch their
% Manipulate logarithms.
Modelling skills
% Introduce algebraic symbols to represent unknown or general
% Be able to interpret problems concerning areas and volumes in terms
of equations, functions and their graphs.
Mathcad skills
% Create a function and plot its graph.
% Find numerical solutions of equations by using the graph of an
appropriate function or by using a solve block.
% Solve quadratic equations symbolically.
Ideas to be aware of
% Equations may be solved by various techniques, which may be more or
less suitable in different cases.
Summary of Block A
This block has introduced several key topics:
% functions.
has a subscript, n say, taking integer values. Such models are called
In Chapters A2 and A3, on the other hand, you saw several problems, such
taking any value in an interval of the real line. Such models are called
suitable for monthly car sales figures, which take separate values, whereas
tea, which takes a value at every instant of time during a given period.
In later blocks of the course, both types of model will be developed further
in various ways.
Later in the course, you will meet the word ‘continuous’ used in a different
but related way. A continuous function is, roughly speaking, one whose This informal definition is
graph can be drawn without lifting the pen from the paper. In this course, made precise, and more
most of the functions considered are continuous. For example, all general, in courses on pure
polynomial functions are continuous, and the modulus function, discussed mathematics.
Solutions to Activities
f (1) = 2 × 1 + 1 = 3.
Solution 1.2
(a) (0, 1) is open.
(b) [−3, 2] is closed.
(c) (−2, 2] is half-open.
(d) [0, ∞) is closed.
Solution 1.3
Figure S.2
(a) Since the square root applies only to a√
non-negative number, the rule f (x) = x − 1 is The image set is the open interval (0, ∞).
applicable only to those x for which x − 1 ≥ 0;
that is, x ≥ 1. Thus√the domain of the function Solution 1.5
f with rule f (x) = x − 1 is [1, ∞). (a) Since "
(b) The expression 1/(x − 2) gives a real number for x3 , if x ≥ 0,
|x|3 =
all x in R except x = 2, and the expression (−x)3 , if x < 0,
1/(x + 3) gives a real number for all x in R we can sketch the graph of the function
except x = −3. Thus the domain of the function f (x) = |x|
3 (−1 ≤ x ≤ 1) by using the right half
with rule f (x) = 1/(x − 2) + 1/(x + 3) is R of Figure S.1 and its reflection in the y-axis.
Solution 1.4
The ranges of x-values used in this solution are
sufficient to indicate the overall shapes of the graphs.
(a) x −1 −0.75 −0.5 −0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
x3 −1 −0.42 −0.13 −0.02 0 0.02 0.13 0.42 1
Figure S.3
Figure S.1
x = 12 and x = 2.
These solutions could also be found by Solution 2.5
factorising the expression x2 − 14x + 24. By the solution to Activity 2.4(c),
(b) Of these solutions, only x = 2 lies in the interval f (x) = 4x2 − 56x + 192
[0, 6], so this gives the solution to the exhibition
hall problem: the border width is 2 metres. = 4(x − 7)2 − 4,
so the graph of y = f (x) can be obtained from the
Solution 2.3 graph of y = x2 by performing:
(a) Equation (2.2) can be written as % a y-scaling with factor 4;
The stages in the process, other than the y-scaling, For the input 14 π, we use the following
are shown in Figure S.5. right-angled triangle in a similar way.
Figure S.7
This gives
√ √
cos( 14 π) = sin( 14 π) = 1/ 2 = 21 2 0 0.71.
Figure S.5 (b) Use of the formulas indicated gives
cos( 23 π) = − cos( 13 π) = − 21 = −0.5,
Solution 3.1 √
sin( 23 π) = sin( 13 π) = 21 3 0 0.87,
As the point (x, y) rotates around the unit circle, √
cos( 34 π) = − cos( 14 π) = − 21 2 0 −0.71,
each of the x- and y-coordinates varies between −1 √
and 1 (both inclusive). Hence the complete set of sin( 34 π) = sin( 14 π) = 21 2 0 0.71,
image values for cos t = x and sin t = y is, in each cos( 56 π) = − cos( 16 π) = − 21 3 0 −0.87,
case, the interval [−1, 1].
sin( 56 π) = sin( 16 π) = 1
2 = 0.5,
cos π = − cos 0 = −1,
Solution 3.2
sin π = sin 0 = 0.
(a) For the inputs 0 and 12 π, it is easiest to refer
directly to the unit circle. If t = 0, then the (c) Use of the formulas indicated gives
corresponding point on the unit circle is cos(− 16 π) = cos( 61 π) = 21 3 0 0.87,
(x, y) = (1, 0), so
sin(− 16 π) = − sin( 61 π) = − 12 = −0.5,
cos 0 = 1, sin 0 = 0. √
cos(− 14 π) = cos( 41 π) = 21 2 0 0.71,
If t = 12 π, then (x, y) = (0, 1), so √
sin(− 14 π) = − sin( 14 π) = − 21 2 0 −0.71,
cos( 12 π) = 0, sin( 12 π) = 1. cos(− 13 π) = cos( 13 π) = 1
2 = 0.5,
For the inputs 1
and 1
3 π,
it is easiest to refer to sin(− 13 π) = − sin( 13 π) = − 21 3 0 −0.87,
the following right-angled triangle, and to use cos(− 12 π) = cos( 21 π) = 0,
the expressions for cos and sin in terms of the
opposite and adjacent sides and the hypotenuse sin(− 12 π) = − sin( 12 π) = −1,
of the triangle (Chapter A2, Subsection 3.2). cos(− 23 π) = cos( 32 π) = − 21 = −0.5,
sin(− 23 π) = − sin( 23 π) = − 21 3 0 −0.87,
cos(− 34 π) = cos( 43 π) = − 21 2 0 −0.71,
sin(− 34 π) = − sin( 34 π) = − 21 2 0 −0.71,
cos(− 56 π) = cos( 65 π) = − 21 3 0 −0.87,
sin(− 56 π) = − sin( 65 π) = − 12 = −0.5,
cos(−π) = cos π = −1,
sin(−π) = − sin π = 0.
Figure S.6
This gives
cos( 16 π) = 1
2 3 0 0.87, sin( 16 π) = 21 = 0.5,
cos( 13 π) = 1
2 = 0.5, sin( 13 π) = 21 3 0 0.87.
Figure S.9
Figure S.11
(c) We have g(x) = ( 15 )x = 5−x . The graph of this
function is obtained from that of f (x) = 5x by
reflection in the y-axis, which is equivalent to an
x-scaling with factor −1. Hence the graph of
g(x) = ( 15 )x is as in Figure S.12.
Figure S.10
Figure S.12
Figure S.13
Figure S.17
Figure S.15
(b) The graph of f is as in Figure S.18. From the graph we see that:
% the function f is decreasing, and so one-one;
% the image set of f is [0, 192].
Therefore f has an inverse function f −1 with
domain [0, 192] and image set [0, 6].
We can find the rule of f −1 by solving
y = f (x) = 4x2 − 56x + 192,
where 0 ≤ y ≤ 192,
to obtain x in terms of y:
4x2 − 56x + 192 − y = 0,
Figure S.18 so
56 ± (−56)2 − 16(192 − y)
From the graph we see that: x=
# 8 %
% the function f is increasing, and so one-one; = 18 56 ± 64 + 16y
% the image set of f is [0, ∞). '
Therefore f has an inverse function f −1 with = 7 ± 1 + 14 y.
domain [0, ∞) and image set [0, ∞). (Alternatively, on completing the square we
We can find the rule of f −1
by solving obtain
y = f (x) = x , where y ≥ 0, y = 4x2 − 56x + 192 = 4(x − 7)2 − 4,
Figure S.21
Figure S.20
√ log2 (2x ) = x2 ,
(b) (i) arcsin( 21 3 ) = 31 π
(ii) arccos(−0.5) = 23 π $ &
x4 43x
(iii) arctan 1 = 14 π log2 = 4 log2 x + 6x − x2 .
2x 2
(iv) arcsin(sin( 15 π)) = 15 π
(v) cos(arccos(0.9)) = 0.9
Solution 4.6
(vi) The value 54 π does not lie in the domain of
the function (a) At the start of year 1, the deer population is
Solution 4.5
(a) By properties (b)(i) and (b)(ii),
loga 6 + loga 8 − loga 2 − loga 24
$ &
= loga = loga 1.
2 × 24
Hence, by property (a),
loga 6 + loga 8 − loga 2 − loga 24 = 0.
Solutions to Exercises
Solution 1.1 (c) Since this function has the property that
(a) (−∞, 1) 1 1
f (−x) = ( = ( = f (x),
√ √ |−x| |x|
(b) The expression x is defined for x ≥ 0, so 1/ x
is defined for x > 0. Thus, by the domain it is symmetric in the y-axis. Now
convention, the domain is (0, ∞). 1 1
√ ( =√ for x > 0,
(c) The expression 9 + x is defined for 9 + x ≥ 0, |x| x
which is equivalent to x ≥ −9. Thus, by the
domain convention, the domain is [−9, ∞). so we can use the solution to part (b), together
with its reflection in the y-axis.
Solution 1.2
(a) x −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x4 16 5.06 1 0.06 0 0.06 1 5.06 16
Figure S.24
Solution 2.1
(a) The largest closed interval in which x can lie is
[0, 4].
Figure S.22
Figure S.25
Figure S.26
Figure S.28
Solution 4.1
(a) The graph of f is as in Figure S.32.
Figure S.29
Figure S.32
Figure S.33
Figure S.35
Solution 4.2
(a) (i) arcsin(0.1) 0 0.100 167
Figure S.34 (ii) arccos(−0.85) 0 2.586 78
Solution 4.4
At the start of year 1, the amount owing is
m1 = −6048.6 × (1.05)0 + 16 048.6
= 10 000.
Thus we need to solve the equation
mn = 2 × 10 000 = 5000;
that is,
−6048.6 × (1.05)n−1 + 16 048.6 = 5000,
5000 − 16 048.6
(1.05)n−1 = 0 1.826 637 6.
Applying ln to both sides and rearranging, we obtain
ln(1.826 637 6)
n−1= 0 12.3, so n 0 13.3.
So the amount owing will be less than £5000 at the
start of year 14.
geometric sequence 33
graph of a function 9
half-closed interval 8
half-open interval 8
image 7, 12
image set 12
image value 7
increasing function 36
interval notation 8
inverse function 37
finding 37
sketching 37
linear function 9
logarithm 42
properties 43
many-one function 36
many-to-one function 36
mapping 9
modulus 13
modulus function 13
natural logarithm 44