Design of A Novel Microstrip Patch Antenna For Microwave Imaging Systems
Design of A Novel Microstrip Patch Antenna For Microwave Imaging Systems
Design of A Novel Microstrip Patch Antenna For Microwave Imaging Systems
Microwave Imaging in medical field is one of the Figure 1: Experimental setup of Microwave Imaging
important diagnosing mechanisms available. This System
technique uses non destructive evaluation of biological tissue
based on the dielectric property changes. Therefore Microwave imaging can be defined as seeing the internal
microwave imaging can be used as a diagnostic tool. Several structure of an object by illuminating the object with low
applications of microwave imaging have been proposed in power electromagnetic fields at microwave frequencies. An
the medical field and one of them is microwaves for breast antenna is used to illuminate the object with microwaves
cancer detection. which travels through the object and is then detected with the
Many women, especially young ones have receiver antenna. One of the key system components is the
radiographically dense breasts. Which means that the breast antenna, as it must effectively radiate and receive the signal
tissues contain more glands and ligaments resulting in dense from the object being imaged. Several UWB antenna designs
breast tissue. Thus the diagnosis becomes very difficult. In have been proposed for use in medical imaging systems.
order to exclude the difficulties encountered alternative Some of the proposed antennas have non-planar structure
techniques like magnetic resonance imaging with contrast while others have low gain and poor return loss. Majority of
enhancement and ultrasound imaging are used. the compact UWB antenna presented in literature exhibit
The fundamental basis of any imaging system lies in the Omni-directional radiation patterns with relatively low gain.
contrast that exists between the properties of healthy and These types of antennas are suitable for the short range
malignant tissues. Breast cancer detection with indoor and outdoor communication. However, for radar
mammography basically utilizes a low dose X-ray as the systems, such as microwave imaging systems for detection of
initial diagnostic tool. Frequent exposures to X-rays of any tumor in womens breast a moderate gain antenna is
kind are really not recommended for young people. Statistics preferred. Among few alternatives, a microstrip antenna was
in this field suggests that there is a false positive cases exists chosen due to the low profile and ease of fabrication and can
one in five cases in women.. Based on National Council on be used in a planar gap coupled array configuration for
Radiation Protection (NCRP) and International Radiation imaging applications. The conventional microstrip antenna
Protection Association (IRPA) suggestions, human exposure suffers from a major disadvantage that it has a narrow
at or below the permissible levels recommended by IEEE and bandwidth. Over the years, there have been several research
other organizations is not harmful to human health. The efforts by various groups worldwide aiming to increase the
experimental setup of microwave imaging is depicted in fig1. bandwidth of these antennas.
Design of a Novel Microstrip Patch Antenna for Microwave Imaging Systems
layer bonded to the opposite side of the substrate which forms the angle between the side lengths of the triangles. The value
a ground plane. The patch is generally made of conducting of a can be calculated as follows
material such as copper or gold and can take any possible (1)
shape(conventional types are square, rectangle, circle and
triangle). A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide-beam (2)
antenna fabricated by photo etching the antenna element Where
pattern in metal trace on the dielectric substrate[11]. The a- side length of Bowtie
recent studies of microstrip patches revealed that the - Effective Side length of Bowtie
triangular patch has a radiation characteristic similar to a - Resonance Frequency
rectangular patch, but with reduced dimensions. The - Dielectric Constant
principle of transmission line model of triangular microstrip
antenna is depicted in the fig 2. Fig 4 shows the return loss of the conventional triangular
bowtie antenna on FR4 substrate showing its deep in - 9.9dB
with its center frequency as 6GHz
indep(m1)= 6.135E9
plot_vs(dB(S(1,1)), freq)=-9.924
Figure 2: Principle of Transmission Line Model
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
freq, GHz
Figure 5: Return Loss of conventional triangular structure
Conventional Triangular
Antenna Parameters
Bowtie Antenna
Fig.3 shows the bowtie Antenna dimensions with The modified Bowtie strip is square in shape instead of
coordinates. a is the side length of the bowtie strip, is triangular structure A modified version of Conventional
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014
triangular Bowtie Antenna and its construction is shown in
fog 6.
The conventional microstrip bow-tie antenna consists
of two triangle patches disposed on the planar structure to
form a shape of bowtie. The proposed system improves the
performance of the conventional Bowtie Antenna by adding
the rounded corners on the radiation surfaces.
The electrical model of the proposed bowtie structure is
shown in fig 8.
R1 R2
1 2 1 2
L1 L2
1 2 1 2
C1 C2
Figure 6: Modified Square Bowtie Antenna 0 1 2 1 2 0
R3 L3 C3
The actual length is determined as follows:
1 1
(4) 1
Figure 8: Electrical model of proposed structure
Where R is the resonant resistance of the resonant An electrical model was developed for analyzing this
parallel RLC circuit, fr is the resonant frequency, and QT is antenna which was inspired from the electrical model of the
the total quality factor associated with the system losses triangular patch described in [3].The transmission line was
including radiation, the loss due to heating in conducting modeled by RLC circuit. The RLC parameters were
elements and ground plane, and the loss due to heating in the determined by means of the formula developed in section 2.
dielectric medium.
The impedance of the air filled microstrip line is as follows
The return loss(-12.7dB) of modified square Bowtie Antenna
shows its better performance compared to conventional
triangular patch(fig .7).
indep(m1)= 6.719E9
plot_vs(dB(S(1,1)), freq)=-12.760
Figure 7: Modified rounded Bowtie Structure
Design of a Novel Microstrip Patch Antenna for Microwave Imaging Systems
In this Paper, a modified, compact bowtie antenna was
designed and simulated and compared with the existing
-20 conventional patches. The results show that the proposed
-25 antenna provides a return loss of -29dB at 5.8GHz which
-30 would be best suited for microwave imaging systems.
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
freq, GHz
Figure 8: Return Loss of rounded bowtie Antenna
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014
[10] Khalil H Sayidmarie and Yasser A Fadhel,A Planar self complmentary
Bowtie Antenna for UWB Applications,Progress in Electromagnetics
[11] K.Meena alais Jeyanthi, A.P.Kabilan Modeling and simulation of
microstrip patch array for smart antennas,International Journal of
Engineering,vol 3,issue 6,2011,pp 672-670
[12] M.Abri, H.Dib and A.S.E.Gharnaout Accurate Modelfor Single Bowtie
Antenna DesignInternational Journal of Microwave and Optical
Technology,Vol 6,No.5,September 2011.