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Workshop: Getting Started with Online Learning Environments

Online Workshop
Additional Evaluatio
Handouts Instructional Evaluation
Elements n Data
Component Instrument

Planning an Weebly Site Lesson Plan Entrance Narrative

Online Survey and Data
Learning Video of on Blog
Environment Instruction Exit Survey
Flow Chart
Agenda On Website
Planning MY
Online Promotional
Classroom Flyer 1
How to Use Flyer 2
the Digital
Planning Promotional
Worksheet Email

Example Site Promotional

that uses items on
Modules website

Example Site
that uses
Pages within

o Mission of MTA: The mission of Martin is to motivate students for
academic success while respecting the individual needs of
learners through the involvement of a school and community
that nurtures lifelong learners.
o School Improvement Plan PL Goals:
Students at all grade levels will demonstrate 90% accuracy
or greater against grade level reading goals according to
running record indicators.
Students at all grade levels will show at lease 90% mastery
of math facts according to grade level fluency goals.
MTA will increase engagement, community involvement
and relevance in math and science instruction by achieving
GA STEM certification according to the state STEM rubric.
Implement PL to define and implement strategies for
curricular instruction
Increase student access to instructional technology
platforms for math/science instruction
Strategies: Training with coaching strategy would best meet the
needs of my teachers. They would need to learn about the technology
concept or skill, have time to work with it and practice using it on their
own, and then have time for on-to-one coaching to support
implementation in the classroom.
Learning Objectives:
o At the end of this lesson, you will be able to implement the
organizational design to begin the creation of an online learning
environment for your students.
o At the end of this lesson, you will be able to outline the
organizational design for an online learning environment for your
Evaluation Questions:
o Guskey Level 1 was the information presented today useful for
your classroom instruction?
o Guskey level 2 Do you feel like you were able to leave the
session with a plan for implementing an online course in your
o Guskey level 3 Do you believe you have enough school level
support to make the implementation of your plan successful?
o Guskey level 4 How do you plan to use the online learning
environment in your classroom with students?
o Guskey level 5 How do you think using this online learning
environment will effect student engagement in your classroom?
Learning Objectives: See above
NETs-Teacher Standards Addressed:
o 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by
engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others
in face-to-face and virtual environments
o 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that
incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student
learning and creativity.
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address
students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and
abilities using digital tools and resources
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and
summative assessments aligned with content and
technology standards, and use resulting data to inform
learning and teaching
Materials Needed:
o Planning an Online Learning Environment Flow Chart
o Planning MY Online Classroom template
o Access to laptops/desktops and internet for all teachers
Location and Time:
o 1 hour session
o Computer Lab or Media Center (with laptops)
Promotional Materials:
o Email sent to staff about professional learning opportunities
o Flyer hung up in staff mail room
Step-by-Step Instructional Process:
o 5 minutes Teachers will take the entrance survey
o 7 minutes Coach will show examples of modules and examples
of pages and discuss the use/purpose/viewability of each
o 5 minutes Coach will share the Planning an Online Learning
Environment Flow Chart and help teachers follow the chart to
decide if they will move forward with pages or modules at this
o 5 minutes Coach will show the Planning MY Online Classroom
Template and explain how it works
o 30 minutes Teachers will work on completing the template
while the coach facilitates and offers support to teachers as
o 3 minutes coach will provide a summary closing that includes
providing examples of next steps for teachers to implement their
plan (meet with other teachers, set up time with coach, set up
time with media specialist)
o 5 minutes Teachers will complete the exit survey
Assessment/Evaluation Method(s):
o Guskey Exit Survey
o Follow up emails to teachers about implementation
o Offer follow up trainings to get teachers started on creation of
online content

Learning Forward Standards:

Learning Communities: This professional learning is not a one-shot
learning option. Mastery of this first session involves teachers creating
goals and outlines for how to proceed with increase their learning and
skill set. The goal of this PL is for teachers to plan how they will use
Canvas, a learning management system, and this is directly aligned
with both school and district professional learning goals.
Leadership: This PL provides teachers the opportunity to create a
support system with other teachers who have like-minded goals for
instruction. These teachers, as they work through their online course
development, will then be seen as teacher-leaders in the building that
will facilitate similar professional learning opportunities in the future.
Resources: This PL is a wonderful example of how the administration
at MTA is prioritizing the need for technology related professional
learning at their school. The school is devoting an entire school-level
professional learning day to an edcamp style PL for teachers. This
includes many technology related sessions being offered throughout
the day that teachers can choose from which to attend.
Data: This PL session was developed by looking at teacher survey
data, school improvement plan, and coachs analysis of staff on the
LoTi scale. This PL will be assessed using a Guskey exit survey as well
as administrator and coach walk-throughs and follow-up PL sessions.
Learning Designs: This PL session is designed to use multiple
research-based designs for delivery. It will include active engagement,
reflection, and application components as well as ongoing support and
job-embedded coaching opportunities.
Implementation: There is a plan to sustain the implementation of
this PL over time. The coach will provide on-going support for
teachers, provide job-embedded coaching and modeling, and provide
feedback to teachers on their implementation. Teachers will be asked
to provide peer coaching to others in the future.
Outcomes: This PL was designed around the ISTE Standards for
Teachers. It is expected that teachers will implement their online
classes with all students to ensure equitable access and expectations
for all students to achieve at high levels.
Entrance Survey -
Exit Survey -
Planning an Online Learning Environment Flow Chart
Planning MY Online Classroom template
How to Use the Digital Planning Worksheet:
Promotional Email
Promotional Flyer
o modules -
o pages within pages -

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