Bean there. Done that! Beans R US! Bean meaning to eat more Beans!
What’s a Legume?
Legume is the name of the family under which all peas, beans and lentils fall. Technically anything under these 3
categories can be called a legume. All these plants have pods with tidy rows of seeds inside. Legumes are more
commonly called beans! Legumes are a class of vegetables. Legumes can be eaten fresh, canned, frozen or dried.
There are over 25 different types of dry peas and beans.
Common Beans
Baked Beans Canned, with spices and sauce, great as a side or in Chili
Chili Beans Canned, with chili spices, sometimes meat is also added
Pork & Beans Canned, cooked with pork and spices, great as a side
Black Beans Medium-sized, oval bean with black skin. Slightly sweet flavor and are used in soups, with rice, and in
many Mexican, Caribbean, & Latin dishes. Also great to add to ground beef as a meat extender.
Kidney Beans Also called Mexican red beans, are large & kidney-shaped with strong flavor and soft texture. Used in
soups, mixed bean salad, taco salads, chili, Creole dishes and traditional rice & beans.
Pinto Beans Medium-sized, oval beans with a spotty beige and brown color. They turn completely brown when cooked
and are used to make refried beans and other Mexican bean dishes.
Navy Beans Small, white, oval beans with mild flavor and powdery texture. Used in baked beans, soups and stews.
Garbanzo Beans Also called chickpeas, are medium-sized, round beans that are beige in color. Nutty flavor and firm
texture. Used in soups and salads, hummus, minestrone soup and Spanish stew.
Black eyed peas Medium-sized, oval beans that are cream colored w/a black dot. Sharp flavor and smooth texture. Used
in salads, casseroles, fritters, bean cakes, curry dishes, and southern dishes with ham and rise.
Lentils Disc-shaped seeds. 2 kinds, small brown or large yellow. Used in side dishes, soups & stews.
Edamame Also known as green soy beans. Can purchase frozen in the pods at Maceys or Costco. Excellent
steamed or boiled, and then squeeze out of pod. Great for side veggie & snack, on salads & pasta!
Soy Nuts Also known as Soybean seeds, roasted soybeans. Used as a snack, a garnish to salads. Add to trail mix.
How healthy are dem beans? Food Pyramid recommends 2-3 servings per day of beans or meat
Make your choice with more beans, peas, nuts and seeds for a healthier you! (½ c. beans = 1 serving beans)
o Low in fat, Low in Sodium, No saturated Fat or cholesterol!
o Excellent source of protein and fiber
o Contain iron, zinc, calcium, selenium and folate, and Rich in antioxidants, Vitamins B5 & B6, potassium
o Helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases - heart disease and diabetes, mellitus, obesity and cancer
Expiration Dates:
Dry beans - can store for 30+ years in a dark cool place (the older they are the longer you must soak them)
Canned beans - generally last 1-3 years, check the expiration dates on the individual cans!
Dry Beans – You can purchase in #10 cans at the dry pac, or in bags & buckets at the grocers. If you
purchase in plastic bags be sure to store them in buckets to prevent bug infestation!
Cooking Your Legumes: Bean wanting to cook some beans! 1 cup of dry legumes = 3 cups after they’ve cooked
• Preparation: Begin by washing & sorting beans and discarding any which are discolored or badly formed.
Check for debris from the package such as small rocks or twigs and discard them. (this step is easily done
in a strainer)
• Quick Cook: Add 1 cup of dry beans to 5 cups of hot water and heat to a boil. Boil for 2-3 min. and then
remove from heat. Let the beans sit covered for at least 1 hour. The longer they are soaked, the less gas
the beans will produce. Drain water & now cook them in your meals.
• Soaking: Soak in water for about 6-8 hours or overnight. Drain water and then cook them according to
recipe or directions on your bag of dry beans. Beans cook more quickly after soaking overnight.
• Crock Pot: Add 1 c. beans to 5 c. water in the crock-pot and cook on low overnight.
• Cooking Length: Every crock-pot can cook a little different, and every bean needs a little more or less
time to cook, so – BE Patient! It will only take one time to figure it out, then you’ll be a pro!
• Various spices and herbs can be used to enhance the flavor of beans including: onion, tomatoes, salt,
chilies, cumin, coriander, garlic, cayenne, turmeric, etc. The seasonings should be added during the last
hour of cooking. If added too soon the flavor will cook out before the beans are finished. (If rinsing, first
rinse then add seasonings)
• Tip: Soak more than you need and freeze the extra for next time you need beans!
• Canned beans are already cooked. Just drain and rinse before serving. Serve warmed or cold.
3 Bean Salad
by Valerie Lee Fat Substitute
2 can Green beans
2 can Wax beans White Beans Replace Fat in most Baking:
2 can Kidney beans
1. Cover beans with water and cook until very soft.
1 ½ c. Vinegar 2. Mash until consistency of shortening (use
1 ½ c. Sugar blender)
2 Tbs. Soy Sauce 3. Replace in recipes cup for cup.
Seasoning Salt
Pepper Example:
If Recipe calls for 1 cup margarine
o Mix and marinate several hours or Use 1 cup mashed beans
overnight in the fridge.
o Before serving pour off all but a little *Great for emergencies, yet healthy too!
juice. Serve cold! YUM!
Cook hamburger with onion, add rest of In a large saucepan, sauté chicken, onion, and garlic in
ingredients and heat on stove. oil until chicken is not pink. Add beans, broth, chilies,
Serve with corn chips, sour cream, olives, grated and seasonings. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer,
cheese, crackers, or simply alone! uncovered for 30 min. Remove from the heat; stir in
sour cream and cream. Serve. Yield: 7 Servings