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Pharmaceutical applications and phytochemical profile

of Cinnamomum burmannii
Bandar E. Al-Dhubiab
Department of Pharmaceutical Science, College of Clinical Pharmacy, King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Submitted: 25-04-2012 Revised: 15-05-2012 Published: 23-08-2012

Extensive studies have been carried out in the last decade to assess the pharmaceutical potential and screen the phytochemical
constituents of Cinnamomum burmannii. Databases such as PubMed (MEDLINE), Science Direct (Embase, Biobase, biosis),
Scopus, Scifinder, Google Scholar, Google Patent, Cochrane database, and web of science were searched using a defined
search strategy. This plant is a member of the genus Cinnamomum and is traditionally used as a spice. Cinnamomum
burmannii have been demonstrated to exhibit analgesic, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-fungal, antioxidant, antirheumatic,
anti-thrombotic, and anti-tumor activities. The chemical constituents are mostly cinnamyl alcohol, coumarin, cinnamic
acid, cinnamaldehyde, anthocynin, and essential oils together with constituents of sugar, protein, crude fats, pectin, and
others. This review presents an overview of the current status and knowledge on the traditional usage, the pharmaceutical,
biological activities, and phytochemical constituents reported for C. burmannii.
Key words: Antibacterial, antioxidant, Cinnamomum burmanni, essential oil, Lauraceae

INTRODUCTION 2011. The databases included PubMed (MEDLINE), Science

Direct, Scopus, Scifinder, Google Scholar, Google Patent, Cochrane database,
Cinnamomum burmannii is a shrub or a small tree, commonly and web of science. The search strategy included terms such as Cinnamomum
known as Indonesian cassia, Batavia cassia, and Padang cassia, burmannii, phytochemical, therapeutic, application, essential oil,
and is a member of the Lauraceae family. The plant is distributed and chemical composition.
in Southeast Asia and is cultivated in parts of Indonesia and
Philippines, the plant possess oblong-elliptical, 414 cm long,
glossy green, oppositely arranged leaves and an ovoid 1-cm long TRADITIONAL USES
fruit. The dried bark of the plant is found in the market in the
form of rolls and quills, which is used for cooking and flavoring.[1] The dried inner bark of the plant is used as flavoring agent in
foods, beverages, chewing gums, etc. The distilled bark oil and the
oleoresin of the bark of the plant are used in soap and perfume
MATERIALS AND METHODS manufacturing. In Mexico, it is also used for brewing chocolate
and flavoring confectionary and liquors. The powdered bark is
Several databases were systematically searched for the literature, used for the treatment of nausea, flatulent dyspepsia, coughs,
which were published on the pharmaceutical applications and chest complaints, diarrhea, gripe, and malaria. The oil of the
phytochemical profile of Cinnamomum burmannii in December plant is known to possess anti-bacterial, carminative, and anti-
fungal properties. The plant also acts as a source of timber in
Address for correspondence: Malaysia. The plant is also economically important because the
Dr. Bandar E. Al-Dhubiab, Department of Pharmaceutical other species of this genus are expensive.[1-6]
Science, College of Clinical Pharmacy, King Faisal University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. E-mail:
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Quick Response Code: Website: Antibacterial activity
The extract of C. Burmannii was examined for antibacterial
activity, minimum inhibitory concentration, and minimum
bactericidal concentration using five common food-borne
10.4103/0973-7847.99946 pathogenic bacteria such as Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes,
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella anatum.

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Al-Dhubiab: Cinnamomum burmannii : Plant review

Additionally, scanning electron microscopy was used to extract bearing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties from
observe the morphological changes of bacteria treated with a group of plants including C. burmannii. The plant materials are
the crude extract. The major constituents of the extract were soaked in an organic solvent, heated, filtered, and concentrated
identified by gas chromatography-Mass spectrum and Liquid under reduced pressure to yield an extract that possess anti-
chromatography-Mass spectrum, and (E)-cinnamaldehyde was inflammatory and analgesic properties.[11]
found to be the most predominant volatile oil component, along
with other polyphenols proanthocyanidins and (epi) catechins. In one attempt, Cao et al. examined the effects of aqueous extract
The extract showed significant antibacterial activity, and both (E)- of C. burmannii and HPLC-purified cinnamon polyphenols (CP)
cinnamaldehyde and proanthocyanidins contributed significantly on the protein and mRNA levels of insulin receptor, glucose
to the antibacterial activity.[7] transporter 4 (GLUT4), and tristetraprolin (TTP/ZFP36) in
mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Immuno-blotting revealed that CP
In another attempt, Shan et al. examined the extracts of 46 dietary increased IR levels while both aqueous extract and CP increased
spices and medicinal herbs including C. burmannii for antibacterial GLUT4 and TTP levels in the adipocytes. Quantitative real-
activities using agar well diffusion method. Five bacterial time PCR indicated that aqueous extract (100 g/mL) rapidly
strains such as Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, increased TTP mRNA levels by nearly six-folds in the adipocytes.
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonellaanatum Indeed, aqueous extract at higher concentrations decreased IR
were employed. They also assessed the total phenolic contents protein and IR mRNA levels, and its effect on GLUT4 mRNA
in the extracts. Interestingly, most of the extracts showed high levels showed a biphasic pattern in the adipocytes. Thus, the study
levels of phenolics and good antibacterial activity, the inhibitory suggested that the plant possesses higher potential to enhance the
effects observed were higher for the Gram positive bacteria as levels of proteins involved in insulin signaling, glucose transport,
compared to the Gram negative bacteria. Among the strains, the and anti-inflammatory/anti-angiogenesis response.[12]
highest activity observed was against S. aureus and the least activity
was observed against E. coli. Highly positive relationships (R2 Preparation of herbal extracts from Lythraceae and Lauraceae
= 0.730.93) were observed between antibacterial activities and family plants including C. burmannii was reported by Tjandrawinata
phenolic content of the tested extracts against each bacterium. et al. The extract was found to exhibit several activities and could
On the basis of these results, the study suggested that the be used as an insulin resistance reducer, syndrome X normalizer,
antibacterial activity of the tested extracts were closely associated pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes treatments, particularly as
with their phenolic constituents.[8] activator in insulin signal pathway, as modulator in glucose
transport system, as modulator in adiponectin secretion, and as
Further, the effects of C. burmannii, Origanum vulgare, Eugenia suppressor in insulin resistance.[13]
caryophylata, Punica granatum and Vitis Vinifera on Listeria
monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enteric in raw Gene expression and immune response activity
pork at 20C was assessed. The effect of these extracts on Cao et al. tested the cinnamon polyphenol extract (CPE) for
lipid oxidation in the meat and the pH, color parameters, regulating the immune function involving genes encoding
and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances values were also tristetraprolin (TTP), proinflammatory cytokines, and glucose
investigated. The authors observed that all the extracts of these transporter (GLUT) families and the effects of CPE were
natural herbs were found to be effective against the bacteria. compared with those of insulin and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Further, the color parameters of the extract-treated pork changed in mouse RAW264.7 macrophages. It was observed that CPE
slightly and the extracts also increased the stability of raw pork increased the TTP mRNA and protein levels, i.e., CPE (100
against lipid oxidation.[9] mg/L, 0.54 h) enhanced the TTP by two-folds and tumor
necrosis factor (TNF) mRNA by six-folds when compared
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-diabetic activity to controls. However, the base level of TTP was six-folds
Khatib et al. examined 20 different traditional Indonesian higher than that of TNF. Further, LPS (0.1 mg/L, 4 h) also
medicinal herbs including C. Burmannii for their anti-inflammatory increased the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor,
activity using soybean lipoxygenase (SLO) and hyaluronidase cyclooxgenase-2, interleukin 6 mRNA, TTP and TNF, levels by
(HAse). Among the extracts, C. burmannii indicates the highest 391868 fold. In addition, the authors also observed that the
anti-inflammatory activity. The ethyl acetate fraction derived from CPE and LPS enhanced GLUT1 expression (the major GLUT
the methanol extract of the bark of C. burmannii showed the form in macrophages) by three- and two-folds of that of the
highest level of SLO inhibitory activity. The extract was subjected controls, respectively. Moreover, CPE increased TTP expression
to preparative HPLC to yield two compounds namely coumarin more rapidly than those of pro-inflammatory cytokines and
and 2-hydroxy-cinnamaldehyde. Among these, 2-hydroxy- the net increases of TTP mRNA levels were larger than those
cinnamaldehyde exhibited good SLO inhibitory activity (IC50 = 60 of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This study concluded that
M). However, none of the compounds showed any significant CPE can affect immune responses by regulating anti- and pro-
HAse inhibitory activity.[10] inflammatory and GLUT gene expression.[14]

Wu and Chou reported a method for the preparation of an Cinnamon extracts are known to improve impaired glucose

126 Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2012 | Vol 6 | Issue 12

Al-Dhubiab: Cinnamomum burmannii : Plant review

tolerance, a metabolic syndrome. Studies were carried out to scavenging activity, while the DPPH radical scavenging activity
assess the effects of aqueous extract of C. burmannii on gene was reduced sharply by exposure to fluorescence radiation for
expression in cultured mouse for the expression of genes 1 h, and the sunlight intensity also effected the DPPH radical
coding for adipokines, glucose transporter (GLUT) family, and scavenging activity of the anthocyanin.[19]
insulin-signaling components in mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes, using
quantitative PCR. The authors observed that the aqueous extract Anti-tumor and anti-thrombotic effects
(100 g/mL) of the plant increased GLUT1 mRNA levels by A preparation possessing anti-tumor effects was prepared
2, 4 and 7 folds compared to control after 2, 4, and 16 h of from Humulus lupulus, Pimenta officinalis, Salvia officinalis, Syzygium
administration, respectively. Further, the extract also reduced the aromatica, Piper nigrum, and Cinnamomum plants including C.
expression of further genes encoding insulin-signaling pathway burmani, and Myristica fragrans, by pulverizing the plants and
proteins (GSK3B, IGF1R, IGF2R, and PIK3R1). Observations extracting them with water and organic solvent, followed by
from this study signify that the C. burmannii extract can regulate column chromatographic separations to isolate the active
the expression of multiple genes in adipocytes.[15] ingredient. The preparations possess inhibitory effects
against Epstein Barr virus and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.[20]
Antioxidant activity Hwang et al. prepared an extract from Woodfordia floribunda,
Methanolic extracts of 50 traditional Indonesian medicinal plants C. burmannii, Areca catechu, Cinnamomum sintok, Parameria
including C. burmannii were evaluated for their inhibitory effects laevigata, and Homalomena javanica by pulverizing the plants and
on the nitric oxide production in lipo-polysaccharide stimulated then extracting them with 75% or 100% methanol at room
RAW264.7 macrophages and for antioxidant activity through temperature for 48 h, followed by filtering, concentration,
the evaluation of free radical scavenging effect and reducing and freeze drying. The extract was found to exhibit anti-
power. Among these, the extracts of C. burmannii inhibited thrombotic effects.[21]
lipo-polysaccharide-induced nitric oxide release and showed
antioxidant activity on RAW264.7 cell.[16] Dental treatment
A preparation comprising at least one plant extract from a
Panickar et al. examined the protective effects of CPE, which group of plants including C. burmannii was prepared by solvent
is reported to bear anti-oxidant and insulin-potentiating effects extraction or CO2 supercritical extraction. The extract was found
on cell swelling and produce depolarization of the inner to inhibit dental plaque formation and periodontal disease.
mitochondrial membrane potential (m) in ischemic injury. The [22]
Xu prepared a method using the extracts of certain plants
authors observed that CPE reduces oxygen-glucose deprivation- including C. burmannii for producing a chewing gum and bubble
induced cell swelling and also influences the decline in the inner gum capable of preventing and treating decayed tooth and
mitochondrial membrane potential (m) in cultures. These periodontitis. The extracts were filtered and dried to powder
protective effects observed may be due to the inhibition of form and were mixed with sweetening agent such as stevioside
mitochondrial permeability transition mPT.[17] and xylitol, softening agent, antioxidant, gum base, and essence;
and formulated into chewing gum or bubble gum exhibiting
Huang et al. isolated a melanin-like pigment (0.34 g/100 g) from antibacterial effect and was found to be useful for preventing
the berry of C. burmannii (CBM), which possess low solubility and treating dental caries and periodontitis.[23]
in water and most common organic solvents. However, it
was found to be slightly soluble in DMSO while it is soluble Other activities
in alkaline aqueous solution. The isolate was evaluated for its The extracts of 24 herbs and spices including C. burmannii were
antioxidant and sun protection factor (SPF). It was observed tested for their inhibitory effects on fructose-mediated protein
that the antioxidant activity of CBM was superior to those of a glycation. The extract of C. burmannii was among the post potent
well-known antioxidant, BHT. Further, it was also observed that inhibitors of glycation.[24] Hamura et al. prepared a glycosylation
the reducing power and the metal chelating activities of CBM inhibitor formulation from a plant selected from a group of
was concentration dependent. The in vitro determination of plants including C. burmannii. The extract obtained is mixed with
melanin-bearing gel formulations indicated that the SPF value of food additive and prophylactic; the product was found to possess
every formulation increased with the amount of melanin, which glycosylation inhibiting effect.[25]
suggested the presence of additional compounds with sunscreen
activity in the melanin extract.[18] A topical plaster was formulated from a group of plant extracts
including C. burmannii, which exhibited several therapeutic
From the fruit extract of C. burmannii, an anthocyanin was isolated activities such as dampness removing, collateral flow activating,
using semi-preparative HPLC. The effects of temperature, light, blood circulation promoting, repercussive, and analgesic effects.
and pH were examined for the radical scavenging activity of the This applicator can be applied externally to treat traumatic injury,
anthocyanin. The IC50 of the anthocyanin was found to be 4.6 rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, and arthralgia as well.[26,27]
g/mL, the antioxidant capacity found to reduce significantly
after heating it at 100C for 5 h or for 30 min at 130C. The Medicated liquid formulation was prepared from a group of
increase of pH did not have any effect on the DPPH radical plants including C. burmannii by grinding the plant materials

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Al-Dhubiab: Cinnamomum burmannii : Plant review

to granules, mixing, and soaking in 3575% ethanol solution species, thus providing a reliable method for quality assessment
for 1520 days under sealed condition. The medicated liquor of traditional Chinese medicines.[39]
possess therapeutic effects on rheumatic arthralgia, pain and
blood stasis due to traumatic injury, traumatic hemorrhage, Subehan and Shigetosh isolated 17 compounds from the
sprain, pains in bones and muscles, rheumatic arthritis, and soft methanol extract of C. burmannii, of which two compounds
tissue contusion.[28-32] (cinnamic aldehyde cyclic syringyl glycerol 1,3-acetal (1) and
dibenzo-1,3,5-cycloheptatriene (2), were found to be new
PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS [Figure 1]. The isolated compounds were assessed for their pre-
incubation time-dependent inhibition of CYP3A4 at different
Both bark and leaves of C. Burmanii have been assessed for time intervals (0 and 20 min). It was observed that the compound
the phytochemical constituents. A method was reported for 5-hydroxy-5-hydroxymethyl-4, 5-methylenedioxy -1, 2, 3,
the extraction of a pectic substance from bark or leaves of C. 4-dibenzo- 1, 3, 5-cycloheptatriene indicated greater inhibitory
burmannii; the pectic substance possessed of 1020% galacturonic activity (>50%) after 20-min pre-incubation.[40]
acid, 8090% degree of esterification, and viscosity of 1000 cP.
Pulverized C. burmannii bark (500 g) was soaked in 10 L of water Zhang et al. reported a method for the extraction of anthocyanin
and stirred for 3 h, homogenized, and centrifuged at 10,000 from the fruit of C. burmannii. The fruit was extracted thrice with
rpm for 5 min, and the supernatant (9 L) was added to 18 L ethanol (70%), at a temperature of 40C, a solidliquid ratio
of acetone while stirring to isolate a viscous substance (50 g), (12), for 20 min which yielded 97.15% anthocyanin.[41] Wang
which was purified by dissolving and homogenizing followed by et al. reported a method for the extraction of melanin from the
freeze-drying to obtain a pectic (20 g) substance.[33] peel of C. burmannii by treating it with a base solution, followed
by filtering and drying the solution. The extract obtained is
Archer reported the presence of cinnamyl alcohol, coumarin, and hydrolyzed using hydrochloric acid and then dissolved with a
cinnamaldehyde in Cinnamomum zeylanicum, C. cassia bark, and C. base solution and extracted with petroleum ether and chloroform.
burmannii bark by HPLC on a LiChrosorb RP-8 reversed-phase These extracts are acidified and separated and washed with water
column and a Brownlee RP-8 guard column (mobile phase: and dried to obtain the melanin extract. The melanin extract
H2O-MeOH-acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran, 60:12:20:8), with obtained possess high adhesiveness, high light resistance, high
comparison with a standard. The quantities of coumarin and thermal stability, and good antioxidant capacity.[42]
cinnamaldehyde were 0.042% and 0.054%, while the quantities
of cinnamyl alcohol were undetectable.[34] Iida et al. reported a Gan et al. reported a method for the extraction of oils from
method for the production of an amylase inhibitors from some C. burmannii seeds by extracting the plant material twice (each
species Cinnamomum including C. burmannii by defatting the plant extraction for 40 min) using petroleum ether at 50C yielded
and extracting with ethanol to obtain the product.[35] The main higher amount of oil (64.2%). The oil obtained possessed
constituents of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, C. cassia, and C. burmannii glyceryl trilaurate (40%), which was never isolated from this
were analyzed by HPLC, and the main constituents were found species before.[43] In another attempt, the leaves of C. burmannii
to be different for each species.[36] Xu et al. prepared a method were extracted and analyzed for flavonoids, which indicated
for the extraction of high-quality DNA from Cinnamomum cassia, higher amount of flavonoids possessing antioxidant activity.
C. zeylanicum, and C. burmannii by adding 2% -mercaptoethanol Furthermore, the isolated flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, and
and 5% polyvinylpyrrolidone to the solution of the extracts and quercetrin) were characterized and quantified using HPLC.[44]
treating it with 1.5 mol/L ammonium acetate and incubating it at
0C; the supernatant was extracted with phenol:chloroform.[37] Zhang et al. assessed the amount of water content, sugar,
protein, crude fats, pectin, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanidins
He et al. assessed seven plants of the Cinnamomum species including contents in C. burmannii fruits. The total water contents in
C. burmannii for four chemical constituents; cinnamaldehyde, fresh whole fruits, pulp, and stone were found to be 52.29%,
cinnamic acid, cinnamyl alcohol, and coumarin, using RP- 64.69%, and 30.99%, respectively, while the mass percentages
HPLC, and established a fingerprint comprising of five of pulp and stone in fresh fruits were found to be 64.06% and
markers. C. burmannii was found to contain lower quantities of 35.88%, respectively. Further, the constituents in the dried pulp
cinnamaldehyde (<2.00 mg/g).[38] Yan et al. conducted a HPLC
fingerprint analysis on Cortex cinnamomi, in which 30 samples,
including C. burmannii, were examined and 17 chromatographic
peaks were selected as characteristic peaks and their relative
peak areas were calculated for quantitative expression of the
HPLC fingerprints. Two principal components were extracted a b
by principal component analysis, and the study suggested that on Figure 1: Structure of cinnamic aldehyde cyclic syringyl glycerol 1,
the basis of these components the samples could be clustered 3-acetal (a) and 5-hydroxy-5-hydroxymethyl-4,5-methylenedioxy-
reasonably into different groups corresponding to different 1,2,3,4-dibenzo-1,3,5-cycloheptatriene (b)

128 Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2012 | Vol 6 | Issue 12

Al-Dhubiab: Cinnamomum burmannii : Plant review

were found to be sugar (19.08%), protein (5.49%), crude fat Chen et al. examined the essential oil of the leaves of C.
(23.91%), pectin (1.16%), proanthocyanidins (1.27%), and 1.62% burmannii obtained by steam distillation. The yield of the oil
(anthocyanins). However, in the case of dried stone, the contents was between 0.54% and 0.85% and the safrole content of C.
were found to be sugar (5.12%), protein (9.27%), crude fat burmannii was found to be the highest among the other species
(61.15%), pectin (10.46%), and procyanidins (3.47%). [45] Hence, of Cinnamomum. [51] Ding et al. examined the constituents of the
it is likely that the amount of active constituents in the pulp and leaf oils of ten Chinese Lauraceae species including C. burmannii.
stone of fresh fruit varies. The identified 2645 components, constituted 88.599.6% of
the oils and the leaf oils were rich in monoterpenes (43.294.9%)
Zhang et al. reported a method for the extraction of anthocyanin and sesquiterpenes (1.347.4%).[52]
from C. burmannii fruit, by submerging the fruit in water and
boiling it for 1060 min, taking it out, and stirring it to separate Lisawati and Sulianti investigated the effects of time interval of
the flesh and pit. The flesh is than soaked in a 6095% alcoholic distillation and the mesh size of the bark powder of C. burmannii
solution in a weight/volume ratio of 1:(1-5), the pH of the on the concentration of the major component cinnamylaldehyde.
solution is maintained at 15, the temperature of the solution Different mesh sizes of bark powders were used (4, 8, and 20 mesh)
is maintained at 1050C for 15-60 min. The solution is than and the distillate was collected after fixed intervals (1, 2, 3, and 4
filtered and vacuum distilled at 3060C to reduce the alcohol in h). The component was examined using GC and was found that
the solution to below 10%, the solution is than allowed to stand the distillate obtained in the second hour yielded highest amount
for 410 hours and then the supernatant is collected to obtain of volatile oil and cinnamylaldehyde. The relative percentages of
the anthocyanin extract. The anthocyanin extract applied to the volatile oil contents in the first, second, third, and fourth hours
macroporous adsorption resin and eluted with 3095% alcohol, were found to be 0.16%, 0.19%, 0.14%, and 0.08%, respectively.
and the elute is vacuum-dried at 6090C to obtain anthocyanin. However, the cinnamylaldehyde content in the first, second, third,
The study suggested that the anthocyanin obtained by this and fourth hours were found to be 24.88%, 29.36%, 23.29%, and
method exhibit high stability, high anti-oxidative activity, high 17.65%, respectively. Moreover, the highest volatile oil (0.22%)
purity, and low raw material cost.[46] and cinnamylaldehyde (32.81%) contents were observed when
the powder size of bark was 8 mesh. However, the volatile oil and
Huang and Zhang developed a technique for the purification of cinnamylaldehyde contents for the mesh sizes 4 and 20 were found
crude anthocyanins from C. burmannii fruits. The extracts after to be comparable. On the other hand, the yield obtained were
defatting with petroleum ether were subjected to purification found to be lower than the standard content of cinnamylaldehyde
using different types of macroporous resins, such as DA201, (60%), which may be due to the low quality of material, early
DM301, DS401, D101 and DM-18. Static adsorption assays harvesting time, and long time storage.[53]
indicated that DM-18 had the highest adsorption capacity
towards anthocyanins of up to 57.93 mg/g with 120 min Liu et al. examined the essential oils of the fruits, shoots, and
equilibrium adsorption time and 88.47% of anthocyanins were leaves of C. burmanniiin Yuebei by steam distillation. Forty-
desorbed with an 80% ethanol solution. The orthogonal array one constituents were characterized by GC-MS among which
optimization indicated that the optimal conditions for desorption the major constituent was borneol (68.5%73.8%). The other
of anthocyanins from DM-18 were using 70% ethanol solution constituents identified were linalool, caryophyllene, nerolidol,
at a flow rate of 0.75 BV/h and pH 3.0.[47] elemene, citral, camphene, fenchol, guaiene, myrcene, sylvestrene,
terpineol, and pinene.[54] Liu et al. examined the volatile oil of the
STUDIES ON ESSENTIAL OILS stems and leaves of C. burmannii extracted by steam distillation.
Forty-one constituents were analyzed using the GC-MS and the
It has been reported that the bark contains higher amount yield of the oils from the stems and leaves were found to be
of essential oils, primarily 1,8-cineole, -terpineol, camphor, 96.78% and 99.72%, respectively.[55]
terpinen-4-ol, borneol, -pinene, -caryophyllene, and p-cymene.
Moreover, all these oils are present in the leaf as well. Rowaan Thantsin et al. examined the semi-volatile constituents of the
investigated the presence of essential oil in the leaves of C. stem-bark of 10 Cinnamomum species including C. burmannii. The
burmannii. They found that the leaves of C. burmannii possess oils were extracted with diethyl ether and analyzed by GC-FID
essential oil (0.4%) and the major constituents were assumed and GC-MS, which indicated the presence of 74 compounds.
to be cinnamaldehyde (4562%) and eugenol (10%).[48] Li et Cinnamaldehyde and -cubebene were found to be the most
al. investigated the leaves of C. burmannii extracted by steam common constituents among the group of plants examined. [56]
distillation; the results showed the presence of d-borneol Wang et al. examined the essential oils of Cinnamomum cassia,
(70.81%) and 34 other different chemical constituents.[49] Ji et Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cinnamomum tamala, C. burmannii, and
al. identified a total of 18 compounds from the essential oils Cinnamomum pauciflorum by hydro-distillation. Six compounds
from the leaf, bark, and branches of C. burmannii with the major were identified from C. burmannii using GC/MS, while trans-
constituents identified were 1,8-cineole, borneol, camphor, cinnamaldehyde was found to be the major constituent of C.
terpinen-4-ol, and -terpineol.[50] burmannii leaves.[57]

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Al-Dhubiab: Cinnamomum burmannii : Plant review

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How to cite this Article: Al-Dhubiab BE. Pharmaceutical
42. Wang H, Gan D, Pan Y. Preparation and application of melanin
applications and phytochemical profile of Cinnamomum burmannii.
extracted from Cinnamomum burmanii peel. Patent Number CN
101157805, 2009. Phcog Rev 2012;6:125-31.
43. Gan D, Wang C, Pan Y, Lan X, Chen Y, Wang H, et al. Extraction Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
and application of oils from Cinnamomum burmanniis seed.

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