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Capsule Proposal

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Republic of the Philippines

CCAT Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 /  (046) 437-6659



A. Basic Information

Program Title: “Budgely: A Daily Expense Tracker Application With

Expense Bot Integration”

Component Project Titles: N/A

Project Leader: Noel, Marvin D.

College/Campus/Unit: Department of Computer Studies
Position/Designation: BS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 302A
Mobile Number: 09568991805
Email Address:
Cooperating Agency/
CVSU / CCAT Campus
Location/Site of
CVSU CCAT Students

Duration (Max 2 year): May 2023 – January 2024

Total Budget Requested (Php): N/A

Funding Scheme Sought ☒ CRG ☐ FSRCEP ☐ Others (please specify)

Classification ☐ Basic ☒ Applied

Thematic Area/s: ☐ Agri-Fisheries Food Security

☐ Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation
☒ Smart Engineering, ICT and Industrial
☐ Societal Development and Equity
☒ Public Health and Wellness
Sustainable Development Goals ☒ Goal 1. No poverty
Addressed (SGDs):
☐ Goal 2. Zero hunger
☐ Goal 3. Good health and well-being

☐ Goal 4. Quality education

☐ Goal 5. Gender equality
☐ Goal 6. Clean water and sanitation
☐ Goal 7. Affordable and clean energy
☒ Goal 8. Decent work and economic growth
☐ Goal 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
☐ Goal 10. Reduced inequalities
☐ Goal 11. Sustainable cities and communities
☒ Goal 12. Responsible consumption and production
☐ Goal 13. Climate action
☐ Goal 14. Life below water
☐ Goal 15. Life on land
☐ Goal 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
☐ Goal 17. Partnership for the goals


B. Technical Description

Rationale: Every day, we constantly need to survive and maintain our

(Maximum of 500 lifestyle by continually having to spend money to buy and acquire
things that we want and need. It is a fact that most of us will eventually
be conscious of when we realize how important it is to save money and
use it sufficiently. Keeping track of daily expenses will be difficult for
mental and physical space because of how disorganized it will be from
unconsciously buying things out of budget and investing money where
it is not needed most, sometimes leading to debt that grows over time.
Many people need to be made aware of where they spend their money.
They start questioning how their money is gone in an instant that it
surpasses their allocated budget for a day or week, which later
becomes a habit of excessive spending. It also leads to having no
financial literacy by having no strategic plan, priority, awareness, and
proper budgeting of their money.

By creating an application that tracks daily expenses, it will be

helpful for a vast majority of individuals, especially students,
professionals, and parents, to have precise data on their fees and
purchases, which can be categorized and organized to help them have
a clear and comprehensive representation of their expense
experience. It will help them become responsible for their money and
gain insights that they can use to improve their financial knowledge.

Objectives: The general objective of the capstone project is to provide a

better innovation and a comprehensive wide variety of sectors that can
be input with data of user’s expense in daily expense tracker mobile
application. Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Introduce the essential features of adding more details to the

data and use it to clearly and precisely represent
comprehensive information.

2. Develop the budgely web and mobile application using the

Android Studio, Kotlin, SQLite with the following features:
a. Input media – upload receipts and transactions
 This will enable user to store their receipt in their
recent transactions.
b. Input categories – Products, Utilities, Services


 It lets user to specify what kind of expense they

made by choosing different categories with different
sections to have an organized data.
c. Expense bot
 Gives expense tips
 Reminds to input finances customized by the users
 Alerts if you’ve spent more than your normal
expense based from the past your past data’s.
 Will add more as the development progression
d. Report of daily, monthly and yearly overall expenses
 Sums up all the expenses based from user’s
inputted data in the application from daily, monthly
and annual expenses.
e. Cloud and backup storage for manual
 Creating an extensive database and cloud storage
to support multiple users using the application.
f. Export and Importing of data
 Dissemination of information is readily available
when user wants it with the help of export and import

3. Evaluate the budgely application using the modified

International Organization for Standardization and International
Electro-technical Commission (ISO-IEC) 25010; and

4. Deploy the budgely application in Google Play Store



Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study

The Input Process Output (IPO) diagram of Budgely. Daily

Expense Tracker Application for Students is shown in Figure 1. In order
to conceptualize the idea of this study, the researcher make use of the
related studies for further knowledge about the study itself. The
process is composed of planning, design, development, testing,
evaluation, and deployment of the system.

Review of Literature: Budgely is a daily expense tracker application that stores and
(Maximum of 1000 monitors daily expenses that target individuals like students, parents,
and professionals. A more detailed outline of inputting data that gives
more clarity and a comprehensive understanding of their current
expenses will help gain awareness and insights about their expense


experience. Information is kept and stored in a database that the users

can monitor.

A daily expense management tool called Expense Tracker was

created to help individuals like students, professionals, and parents to
effectively track their daily spending in order to better manage their
income. It is a computerized system that does away with the need for
tedious manual paper work while providing quick access to user-stored
data. (Gupta et al., 2022) The traditional method of managing a budget
is often criticized for its incapability and insufficiency, especially in
budgeting, because it needs a lot of attention to monitor expenses.
There are scenarios of missing and manual errors in crucial inputs that
are very hectic and bothersome when you want an overview of the
overall costs. (Mah, 2022) The significant or minimal loss depends
upon the expenses made by an employee or an individual to some
wrong order and input placed by them or the company due to
misconception. It led us to nullify the manual errors or human errors.
(Deep et al., 2020) These expense tracker applications became
prominent because they enable people to simplify how they monitor
their budgets and take control of their finances effectively. (Mah, 2022)
It is a hassle to track expenses manually because it requires more time
to prepare, alongside the fixed allocation of budget needs discipline
and control to manage daily expenses. The limited resources the
application provides still require improvements, such as new functions
that give more value and precise details.

With the imminent use of mobile phones that continues to

develop with new upgraded hardware that can handle advanced
applications, it became the need for user convenience that offers
popularity and usability even surpasses the web application. Various
mobile applications provide solutions to manage personal and group
expenses, but many need help comprehensively viewing both cases.
(Velmurugan et al., 2020) Without needing high-end hardware
specifications, the hardware can use the application without insecurity.
It can withstand application updates that don't massively affect the
application's performance. It may require more optimizations and
stability to benefit future upgrades and user satisfaction.


Personal financial management is unquestionably an effective

strategy for achieving financial security in a challenging economy and
making wise financial decisions in the face of numerous spending
impulses. Observing your money situation is an integral step in
achieving financial freedom, and it is becoming easier to do with the
introduction of individual budget applications and finance instruments.
Recording, searching, and monitoring receipts and creating personal
cost reports based on these gathered pieces of paper are still areas
where the developers might enhance technology developments.
(Manuel & Claour, 2021)


According to Velmurugan et al. (2020), The expense tracker

application should offer portability to the users with the integration of
linking profiles showing their credentials to have a formal outline for
both professional and academic settings. Integrating a more extensive
database that can store all the expenses for a task will nullify human
work by applying an algorithm that can maintain the system's integrity.
(Deep et al., 2020), Furthermore, based on (Mah, 2022), the
application should be able to export a backup and keep it in the storage
of the device, which will bring convenience to the users importing the
data into the other devices. The proposed application doesn’t have a
goal to copy a system but to improve and configurate based on the
related studies recommendation.

Methodology: The outline of presenting related studies to the proposed

application will become the basis to execute new and improve system
that is capable to compensate for the existing systems. With the
integration of new algorithm, this will make the system more authentic
and efficient:
 Access Controls – The integration of the access controls
algorithm will ensure that users have the proper privileges and
permission to access the system. The application may limit
user control, but it is necessary to authorize and authenticate
the users based on their respective roles to restrict access to
sensitive data.


 Encryption – This will protect sensitive data such as financial

transactions, personal information, user credentials, and other
functions only users can see. This will maintain the security and
integrity of the system.
 Secure Communication – Communications between the
backend servers to the application are secured and encrypted
using the proper protocols, such as HTTP, to prevent the
leaking of sensitive information.
 Error Handling – This will handle unexpected situations and
prevent information from spreading out by implementing error
management plan or mechanism.

In terms of hardware specifications for the daily tracker

application, it solely requires and focused on smartphone phone or
android since it is portable and convenient for user to use. The use of
personal computers or laptop may be implemented in the future as well
the reason it is included. Other hardware components will be added in
the future for the sections of iterated developments.
Following are the software requirements for the implementation
of the application:

 Android Studio – An official integrated development

environment for building application in android. It offers wide
programming tools with modules and compiled into Android
Package Kit format ready to be submitted in Google Play
 Kotlin – It is usual practice for Android developers to write their
code in a high-level programming language that is platform-
independent, statically written, and supports type interference.
These features work together to improve productivity, code
safety, and overall developer satisfaction with the use of this
 SQLite – in-process library that provides a self-sufficient,
dependable, full displayed, and database-driven SQL engine
that is based on the C- programming language library.


The Iterative Model in System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

is chosen as the development strategy for this application for managing
daily expenses. The Iterative Model phase is an iterative process that
starts with the straightforward implementation of a certain group of
software requirements as its starting point. After that, it repeatedly
improves the constantly evolving versions until the whole system is
finally put into action. The design undergoes iterative revisions so that
it can accommodate newly developed capabilities, and these revisions
are known as iterations. The fundamental idea behind this method is
to construct a system in phases, completing each stage either
incrementally or through iterative cycles.

Phase 1: Planning
This phase is the starting point for the completion of the project
application and will initiate the proposed application to get started. All
the needed hardware, software, and user requirements that are
needed for the application will be listed. With a sole purpose aligns to
the objective and the goal of the system.

Phase 2: Design
This phase will determine the logic to be used and how to
approach specific functions that optimizes user controls. This can be
achieved by creating representation with the form of use case diagram,
UML class diagram, and flowchart. And also the physical design which
focuses on the user interface.

Phase 3: System Development

In this stage, the application is developed first based on clearly
articulated requirements, with further improvements added through

Phase 4: System Testing

It goes through a series of test until the application
developments are well-coded and functioning properly. This phase is
where the developers debug and polishes final retouches that will be
added to the system or application system.


Phase 5: System Evaluation

The application will be evaluated based from the school
standards that it should be globally competitive and from the
International Organization for Standardization and International
Electro-technical Commission (ISO-IEC) 25010 as well.

Phase 6: System Implementation

This phase is where the application will be implemented and
delivered to the client that executes its objective. It will be evaluated by
the clients and with the model used for the application, added features
and functions will be implemented in the future that supports user
needs until it satisfies client needs and productivity.

Major Activities: The major activities include the following:

1. Submit and present research proposal to the faculty of the
Department of Computer Studies.
2. Request for GAD and ethical certification of the research.
3. Perform the review of related literature, planning, analysis,
development, and evaluation of the system/application.
4. Write the research and present the finished manuscript to the
faculty of the Department of Computer Studies.
5. Present and publish the research manuscript in local, national,
or international fora and publication.

Expected Output People – Gain financial knowledge and manage their budget correctly
(6Ps): that will aid them to track their daily expense and view the overall
details of the information they want to know.

Products – This will give precise and clear description of the purchases
made from the user input.

Potential Impact: It will create stability in the economy as people will have better-
informed purchase decisions. As people become financially literate,
they can develop plans and preparations based on the gathered data
they inputted in the application.

Target Beneficiaries: Students – they will be knowledgeable about how they spend their
money and monitor their recent transactions and purchases.


Parents – this can help monitor expense history and use as a metric to
reduce or invest to the things that needed and unnecessary

Professionals – The application will offer less stress from professionals

as they can focus on other major things than tracking the money that
needs attention, which the application can provide.

Potential Intellectual

Literature Cited:
Deep, V., Smit, S., Darshil, C., & Vaishali, C. (2020). Cashless
Employee Expense and Transacting System. SSRN, 4.

Gupta, H., Singh, A., Kumar, N., & Blessy, M. (2020). Expense Tracker:
A Smart Approach to Track Everyday Expense. EasyChair Preprint, 5.

Mah, P. (2022). Personal Finance Management Mobile Application

with Chatbot. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 99.

Manuel, G. B., & Claour, J. P. (2021). Mobile Bookkeeper: Personal

Financial Management Application with Receipt Scanner Using Optical
Character Recognition. FEU Institute of Technology, 6.

Velmurugan, A., Mayan , A. J., Niranjana , P., & Richard, F. (2020).

Expense Manager Application. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,


C. Profile of the Proponents

Percent Time to be
Role for the Field of
Name Devoted to the
Program Specialization

Noel, Marvin D. Leader Information 100%


Submitted by:

Program Leader’s Name and Signature Date

Department of Computer Studies


Endorsed by:


Unit Research Coordinator’s Name and Signature Date

Department Chairperson’s Name and Signature Date


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