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Federal Register / Vol. 63, No.

104 / Monday, June 1, 1998 / Notices 29721

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION assistance and dissemination of best designation, communities had to

practice information. The FICC is address four key principles: (1)
Federal Interagency Coordinating chaired by the Assistant Secretary for economic opportunity, (2) sustainable
Council Meeting (FICC) Special Education and Rehabilitative community development, (3)
Services. community-based partnerships, and (4)
AGENCY: Federal Interagency At this meeting the FICC will consider strategic vision for change. The Building
Coordinating Council, Education. and possibly take action on the a Sustainable Future grants have been
ACTION: Notice of a Public Meeting. following: selection of priorities for the set up to help EZ/EC’s more effectively
next few years, a vision and mission incorporate sustainable development
SUMMARY: This notice describes the
statement, a set of operating policies into their activities.
schedule and agenda of a forthcoming DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and
and procedures, and a strategic plan that
meeting of the Federal Interagency Renewable Energy will consider
will guide the FICC work for the next
Coordinating Council, and invites proposals from interested EZ/EC’s to
three years, ways to resolve conflicts
people to participate. Notice of this help fund capacity building projects and
between Medicaid and private
meeting is required under section 685(c) sustainable community development
insurance in the provision of early
of the Individuals with Disabilities activities. Funding can be used for
intervention services, and
Education Act and is intended to notify activities that encourage the use of
implementation of changes in payment
the general public of their opportunity energy efficient technologies such as
by Champus/Tricare for early
to attend the meeting. The meeting will design charrettes, industrial ecology
intervention services. Reports from the
be accessible to individuals with training, visioning exercises, energy
FICC committees (Finance, Legislative,
disabilities. efficient land-use planning techniques,
Integrated Services, Communication,
DATES: Thursday, June 25, 1998 from Family Empowerment and Executive) and economic studies of the benefits of
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. will be heard and acted upon as energy efficiency on jobs and the
ADDRESSES: Clark Room of the Holiday necessary. environment. This grant program will be
Inn Capitol, 550 C Street, SW, The meeting of the FICC is open to the administered by the Denver Regional
Washington, DC 20202. public and will be physically accessible. Support Office and its Center of
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anyone requiring accommodations such Excellence for Sustainable
Libby Doggett or Kim Lawrence, U.S. as an interpreter, materials in Braille, Development.
Department of Education, 330 C Street, large print, or cassette please call Kim DATES: DOE expects to issue the
SW, Room 3080, Switzer Building, Lawrence at (202) 205–8428 ten days in solicitation on May 25, 1998.
Washington, DC 20202–2644. advance of the meeting. ADDRESSES: To obtain a copy of the
Telephone: (202) 205–8428 or (202) Summary minutes of the FICC solicitation (DE–PS48–98R800658),
205–5507. Individuals who use a meetings will be maintained and eligible parties may (1) see the DOE
telecommunications device for the deaf available for public inspection at the Golden Field Office website http://
(TDD) may call (202) 205–9754. U.S. Department of Education, 330 C
Street, SW, Room 3080, Switzer solicitations.html, (2) write to the U.S.
Federal Interagency Coordinating Building, Washington, DC 20202–2644, Department of Energy, Denver Regional
Council (FICC) is established under from the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Support Office, 1617 Cole Boulevard,
section 685 of the Individuals with weekdays, except Federal Holidays. MS 1721, Golden, CO 80401 or (3) fax
Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Judith E. Heumann, a request to Ken Snyder at (303) 275–
1484a). The Council is established to: Assistant Secretary for Special Education and 4830. Telephone requests for the
(1) minimize duplication across Federal, Rehabilitative Services. solicitation will not be granted.
State and local agencies of programs and [FR Doc. 98–14415 Filed 5–29–98; 8:45 am] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
activities relating to early intervention BILLING CODE 4000–01–M project or activity must be conducted in
services for infants and toddlers with one of the 105 currently designated
disabilities and their families and Federal Empowerment Zones or
preschool services for children with DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Enterprise Communities. Any non-profit
disabilities; (2) ensure effective or non-federal public organization
coordination of Federal early Notice of Solicitation for Applications, (501(c)(3) non-profit or State, City,
intervention and preschool programs, Building a Sustainable Future Program County or Town office) can apply.
including Federal technical assistance Grants for Empowerment Zones and Organizations/offices can sub-contract
and support activities; and (3) identify Enterprise Communities with non-profit or for-profit
gaps in Federal agency programs and AGENCY: Department of Energy, Denver organizations for specific services. If the
services and barriers to Federal Regional Support Office. applicant does not represent the main
interagency cooperation. To meet these ACTION: Notice of solicitation DE–PS48– authorized Empowerment Zone or
purposes, the FICC seeks to: (1) identify 98R800658. Enterprise Community implementing
areas of conflict, overlap, and omissions office, a letter of support from that office
in interagency policies related to the SUMMARY: The Department of Energy’s is needed as part of the application
provision of services to infants, (DOE’s) Building a Sustainable Future process. Cost-sharing is not required.
toddlers, and preschoolers with grant program is designed to promote Applications will be considered for
disabilities; (2) develop and implement sustainable development projects in the projects and/or activities up to $50,000
joint policy interpretations on issues 72 urban and 33 rural communities per project. Subject to the availability of
related to infants, toddlers, and designated as Federal Empowerment funds, DOE anticipates that
preschoolers that cut across Federal Zones or Enterprise Communities (EZ/ approximately $250,000 will be made
agencies, including modifications of EC’s). On December 21, 1994, the available this fiscal year to provide
regulations to eliminate barriers to Clinton Administration announced the between 7 to 10 small grants ($10,000 to
interagency programs and activities; and EZ/EC program to assist distressed $50,000 in size). Additional
(3) coordinate the provision of technical communities. In applying for EZ/EC requirements will be described in the

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