Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Muntinlupa: College of Teacher Education
Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Muntinlupa: College of Teacher Education
Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Muntinlupa: College of Teacher Education
Learn how to read is very important, we use it in our daily living.
know how to read then thats all. Some of students are like that.
Many students are too lazy to open their book, they have their
textbooks from their school but they didnt open it once. Love for
reading will help us appreciate things that we can see in the outside
the lesson we can get from the text if we know how to love to read.
Always read something that will make you look good if you die in
is relaxing and if you have a heart for reading the new beautiful
These are the problems that the child may encounter and the
A. Problems
1. She was not interested in any books I presented.
2. She didnt appreciate the lesson of the story.
3. She didnt open any of her textbooks from her school.
4. She hates reading.
5. She cant understand (slightly) what was the message of the
6. English is her weakness.
B. Solutions
1. I will let her choose what story she wanted to read.
2. I will explain the deep words from the story.
3. I will introduce her textbooks that has a good story that she can
my help.
At the end of our sessions, I conclude that:
1. Aicelle will appreciate the books she had.
2. Aicelle will have an interest to use he textbooks.
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
College of Teacher Education
3. Aicelle will not get bored to read and never afraid to ask if
1. Parents should have time to read a story with her daughter as
not get bored to read the book and this the way that the child
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
College of Teacher Education
Session 1
Session 5
On our 8 7th session, IShe
shows interest to read try
a comic story and a to
story it, and
i let it to
her seems like she
what storytodid read
because of the colourful
to read so she will not get
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
College of Teacher Education
Session 9
Session 12
Session 14
Session 15
Aicelle shows now her interest in reading that her love for reading
will be developing as she grows older.
course of action against PLMun and Ms. Patricia Nicole B. Vidal in any
I understand that the organizers of the above mentioned event will give
Cecilia B. Vidal
Signature of Parents / Guardian above Printed Name
Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth : June 18, 1998
Place of Birth : Sucat Muntinlupa City
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Height : 411
Weight : 44 kgs.
Name of Father : Alex Cortez Vidal
Occupation : None
Name of Mother : Cecilia Balani Vidal
Occupation : Quality Checker
Address : Phase3 Block41 Lot36 SV3 Poblacion,
Language Spoken : Tagalog & English
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
College of Teacher Education