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Divine Will Reiki

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I will that my will be Divine Will

May the Divine God or Goddess of your choosing bless you

Divine Will Reiki System founded by:

Kathleen Ingle-
Ingle-Wolodzko aka Wren Kihara /Reiki Master Teacher

Founded June 30, 2006

This manual has manifested for those who follow a path of service as ministers,
priestesses, monks and shamans. For individuals whos life centers around the work of
bringing healing Light and wholeness to others and the planet. Its my hope that it will
be of an encouragement to know that there is a force of souls and spirits that want for
nothing more than to join you in this service! Why are you an ordained minister,
priestess, shaman, mystic? Perhaps because you dont need to be reminded to be spiritual.
Its a yearning like eating and even that can be reduced for spiritual purposes and goals.

Without a doubt there are questions as to why yet another Reiki Manual. My question
posed to guides as well. But I dont know I just do. How could we ever grasp the
bigger picture? At times all we can do is trust Spirit.

I will that my will be Divine Will

This instruction has primarily come through ArchAngel Gabriel who is a wonderful
teacher and very kind. He often refers to us as Children of God or Children of Light.
He presents himself as a compassionate parental persona. It is through this ArchAngel
that the Divine Reiki was channeled.

ArchAngel Gabriel

Children of Divine Light, you are called to serve. How wonderful to be in the presence
of those who call out Abba. These symbols serve as keys, use them wisely. Take care
not to misuse them for much will be asked from you in return. Contemplate each one,
you will be instructed when to use as needed. Do not over speculate, its serves no
purpose. Do not share with the unwise and flagrant, cherish this gift from above. You
are not alone in your endeavors. Call on me if you need further instruction.

Prerequisites for Divine Will Reiki attunements:

In order to receive these attunements you will need to have been attuned at the Master
Level in Usui Reiki or Seichim Reiki. But, as I have found with any set standard we
humans try to enforce in the Universe, there is always an exception. If you are already a
Spiritual Master you could be self-attuned by reading the manual three times in one night,
once for each Level. I trust the Divine Forces to know who is to receive access to these

Instruction on Traditional Usui Symbols are not included in this manual. The Initiate
would already be attuned to these energies prior to this system and would already have
knowledge of this information.
The information in this manual should not be altered in any way and should be presented
in its entirety in all instances. Thank you.

Founder: Wren Kihara aka Kathleen Ingle-Wolodzko. June 30, 2006

I am but an instrument of Divine Will

The Symbols

Level 1

Divine Birth

Bless each child. To bless newborns and set on path of Light. Remove family curses,
family Karma. A clean slate for soul.

You are cleansing the soul that is in the womb. The 7 Light Rays are present in the
drawing. The guides were very specific that there were 7 Rays of Color. This symbol can
be used for blessing a pregnant women and newborns. Use with HSZSN on adults and
intend to send healing to the past to their time of birth. You will need the date, time, and
place of birth information.

To draw: first draw the two outer lines that hold what looks like a womb. Then draw the
inside; there are four arches on each side. While you draw the 7 Rays say Bless this
child and set on a path of Light. Remove all family curses and family Karma.
Divine Heart

To Connect to earth energies-love of 3rd dimensional creatures.

To re-establish human-ness. This symbol is useful for persons undergoing rehabilitation,

perhaps criminals or delinquents who have little regard for life and property. For those
already having a loving and compassionate nature, using this symbol will ground this
energy for an outward manifestation to benefit mankind. This symbol is used for all
Divine Reiki attunements. To Draw: Begin with half the Heart shape at the left and
complete with the right half of the heart shape down to root chakra circling it 3 times.
This symbol is drawn at the back of the recipient at the heart chakra to the root chakra.
Divine Breath

This is a Death Bed symbol. Call it down for a healing prior to death. Lungs are a
human experience, Ruach. Spirit returns to the Divine.

Part of ministering to others is assisting in the transition of the body at death. The colors
purple and red assist in departure of the Spirit from the body. Visualize purple and red
lines crossing upward with the red line ending at the right shoulder and the purple line
ending at the left shoulder. The lowest dot is red and the rest are purple. The two symbols
at the sides of the X are purple, and they represent the lungs, X crosses the Heart. You
may want to utilize the Minister and Priest Service in addition to prayers you may wish to
offer up.

Note: Ruach is the Hebrew word for breath.

Divine Connection

To connect to the All.

This is the Level I attunement symbol. This symbol attunes the individual to his divine
expansiveness and retracted human-ness, One and the same.

To draw: This symbol is in motion, retracting and expanding. Draw the figure 8 first.
Then draw the four larger lines representing rays of Light at the top, bottom. Also right
and left of the 8. Draw four smaller diagonal lines as shown above. Now visualize the 8
getting larger and larger then retracting back and reducing to size. As you visualize this
say Without and within slowly. Without while it is expanding and within while it
is contracting. Picture it centered at the Heart while it expands outside the aura and then
out to the Universe. The energies will connect upward and downward, to the ALL. It then
retracts back to the aura and then to the heart. Repeat 3 times. When I had this spirit
initiation, the experience kept repeating. First I was in the reiki room barely standing and
then I was expanded outward above the universe. It took about 3 seconds to expand and
then would pause for a few seconds so I could comprehend what I was seeing. Then
contract to myself and awareness of being in the room. It kept happening until I
understood the implication. It was evidence of the Macrocosm and Microcosm souls
Level II

Divine Presence

Calls forth Divine creative energies.

This symbol is used to remove negative energies and imbalances from an environment
quickly. It will close portals that allow astral entities to cause disturbances in a home or
environment. It is not unusual to use it more than once and be aware that portals can be
close to the ground or up high and there can be more than one in close proximity to
another. After drawing Divine Presence into the air, it will allow you the time to cleanse
an area more thoroughly and concretely with prayer, ritual, and Reiki. It relieves nausea
quickly when around heavy negativity so that one can concentrate on cleansing the area.

To draw: First draw the reverse sun-wheel and then the spiral on top of the sun-wheel.
Start from the middle outward, counter-clockwise. The spiral represents a beautiful
galaxy and you may want to visualize it as such. Use your hands to represent Angel
Wings over the symbol drawn in mid-air.
Divine Cross

This is a gold cross with a circle in the center. The circle is cut in half with the upper-
half inlayed in white ivory and the lower-half in ebony wood. Make the cross real in
order to focus and visualize this on the forehead of a soul possessed with darkness. The
Circle balances upper and lower levels. The Divine and The Animal will be very much
out of alignment. Picture this as you pray to uplift the Divine of the individual. I would
be wise to utilize SHK, HSZSN, and CKR as a protection for all present while doing this
work. Ask the Carrion Angels to remove any negativity that may or may not manifest
itself to life.

Note: Fransiscan Monk Spirits provided this symbol.

Divine Flame

To be drawn above the head of client. This fire is the color of Magnesium Flame. Burns
off slough and Karma. Only priestly can administer. Must have a pure heart, will bear
Karma for recipient.

The Divine is within each of us. We are the Divine and it is imperative that we are
connected if we utilize this symbol. This caution reminds us that our Higher-Self needs to
be linked to the God within and pure or we will bear Karma for the recipient. We are
never in a state of stasis. Either we are moving forward or backward in our soul
restitution. We would do well to re-examine our mental and spiritual state prior to using
this symbol. We must protect the Light we have in our charkas by disciplining our
emotions and thoughts. Kabbalists believe that the Divine Light can be tainted by the
channel used. Since we are accepting our path to be Light Bearers, its important to do
our utmost to maintain ourselves in that Divine Light as much as possible.

Draw in brilliant light above the head of the recipient.

I asked my guides why this symbol was necessary since we have the Violet Fire of St.
Germain to cleanse us of Karma. Here is the response:

ArchAngel Gabriel - The Flame of the Divine cleanses and uplifts the soul. It does
more than remove Karma.

Wren: That still does not answer my question, because Violet Fire is very uplifting.

ArchAngel Gabriel-Holy Spirit was and is not Violet.

Wren: In what type of situation would we use Divine Flame instead of Violet Fire?

ArchAngel Gabriel- On initiate for Divine Reiki.

Wren: Thank you.

Level III Master

Divine Message

Use wisely, sparingly and respectfully.

This symbol represents a book that can be opened to receive Divine Messages when you
are not able to do full communing i.e.; not at home. Picture the book designed as you
prefer with the symbol below at the front. Make it real in order to focus. This book will
serve as a method of receiving messages for spiritual intent. Make a sacred
space/protection and ask that only Divine Guidance of 100% Light be given. In a
meditative state open the book and allow writing to appear. It will be concise and to the
point. You may also receive wonderful messages of encouragement too!

To draw: Draw a diagonal square, then lines below to make it three dimensional. Draw
the symbol in the middle, followed by the 3 rays above and below. This is the symbol
Divine Existence

Planes connected, linked to human manifestation.

Initiating symbol for Master attunement. Upon meditating on this symbol I felt activation
at the base of the head (Medulla) and also at the front of forehead. This is DNA
activation to your Divine Existence. It can also be used as a time portal or soul travel.

To draw: First draw the top circle or portal, then the hour glass shape and then the lower
circle. Finish with the DNA crossings, top and bottom. The energies within it flow in
both directions.
Divine Destruction

Rips auric spine, cuts off crown. Carrions will recover. Is not an instantaneous
judgment. Do not use in anger. Sins against Divine Spirit.

This symbol may cause some controversy. But recall that the Goddess Shiva and the
Goddess Sehkmet have destructive energies and they exist for a purpose. You do not
need to be instructed how to use this symbol. It will be shown to you.
It is a symbol of last recourse for dark souls that refuse to go into the Light and move on.
Those that continue to manifest havoc and chaos resulting in physical/spiritual harm after
repeated efforts to council and send healing light and love. All other efforts should be
attempted before utilizing this symbol. Recall ArchAngel Gabriels words Take care
not to misuse them for much will be asked of you in return". Wait for a sign. A healing
facilitator understands the cycles of life and death and accepts that destruction is a part of
that cycle.

Note: The symbols were not channeled in any particular color, unless a color is specified
in the description. You may use the corresponding color of the element it represents to
draw it in order to empower it further.
Word Spirit

The practice of chanting sacred syllables is common to many mystical practices to bring
about an altered mystical state. Mantra practice is also common to many meditative
practices such as TM, Tibetan Buddhism and many other eastern paths. The practice of
Kotodama is done by repeating the sacred syllables and intoning them. The power of
Word Spirit resonates in the vocal cords, vibrates the physical air and surroundings
(earth), spirit of self (fire), heart (water), and also the mind (thoughts) of the person
directly and can align and connect the Higher-Self to the Divine (spirit).

The Divine Reiki Symbols are listed below in this order. U I E O A. This is the sequence
of the following mantra: Um Aye Fey Com Ba
Pronounced: U -oom (as in blue), I-aiee (sounds like long e), E-fey (short e), O-comb
(long o), A-ba (short a)

When I asked the guides if this mantra was African, they replied it was Not African,
otherworld. You are being assisted by celestial guides.

Use: To connect more fully to energy of Divine Reiki Symbols after attunement.

FIRE (Spirit/spark of the Self)

Divine Breath -Ruach
Divine Flame-Purity of Spirit

Divine Existence- The primal point before physical existence
Divine Cross- ALL energies of the universe existing in harmony, beyond our

AIR (mind)
Divine Message-Thought communication
Divine Presence-Thoughts are creation, calls forth Divine creative energies

EARTH (physical)
Divine Birth-Earthly manifestation lifted-up spiritually
Divine Destruction-Earthly manifestation to cease, judgment to reverse the manifestation

WATER (heart)
Divine Heart (Celestial/ Heavenly Heart)-Emotions, love of others and self
Divine Connection-Energies retract and center in the Heart of Human-ness. Emotional
acceptance of Divine nature
Minister and Prayer Service

You may be familiar with the M.A.P.S. program through the Shamballa Multi-
Dimensional Healing path. It is called The Medical Assistance Program. Prior to ever
initiating the M.A.P.s team, I had been helped with healing work by groups of spirit
priests, nuns, shamans and monks representing various paths and faiths.

How did they assist? They gladly assisted with their heartfelt prayers and healing
affirmations. This assistance started unexpectedly when a friend had asked for help in an
email. A few minutes later an Atlantian Priest started channeling Violet Fire sayings
through me. I was very annoyed about this, even though he was just trying to help her
with these verbal proclamations. I do recall this the Priest repeated Violet Flame
proclamations 3 times.

My personal guide stated there wasnt any time to explain and that I was the one with the
permission so it had to be done. He gently reminded me that I had agreed to help her.
After I recomposed myself, my guide said to send the Atlantian Priest to her to pray for
her. With a quick thank you, I sent him on his way and with a request that he pray for
her for 24 hours. With my minds eye I could see him leave in a hurry. After this, other
spirits would come when I had a request for help from someone.

A convent of nuns comes forward often and offers to pray for individuals. These I can
see taking turns lighting candles, kneeling in prayer and singing. Also, a group of
shamans have appeared to do the Dance of the Dead when a request for help was
received for a dying friend. Many more since and I simply state the persons full name
and ask them to pray for them for 24 hours. They always come forward gladly and seem
intent on serving in this capacity. So we will coin this one the Minister and Prayer

To initiate, request for these Divine Spirits to come forward and begin to assist you in
your spiritual work during prayer and/or ritual. Know that they do not come forward for
every person but they do know which individual needs their prayers. Do not be surprised
which types of Spirits come forward to pray. They know which prayers are best suited for
the persons higher self, they are Divine Spirits! Trust the Universe when dealing with
the higher realms.
Soul Retrieval

One of the benefits of Shamanism was learning to traverse other planes. At times you
may feel it is necessary to attempt help an individual via Soul Retrieval which requires
this type of ability. You dont necessarily have to be a shaman to do this, deceased
ministers who are now spirit guides can be found at cemeteries searching for lost souls.
Ask a medium! It is not necessary to wait until you are a spirit guide in visitation to do
this work. You can endeavor to assist those who just cannot seem to move forward in
their spiritual path or seem to have given up on life.

This suggested setting is a story of myth that already has ground rules, The River Styx.
This setting is to help you focus and reach your intended goal of soul retrieval. One very
important thing to remember is to have a guide with you on your journey. Mother Mary
and Kuan Yin are excellent guides for this work. No lower entities can come near you
when their purity is close at hand, so stay close to these pure compassionate guides. Their
compassion will also lure you to follow them should you become confused and forget
why you are there. By following their gaze you will find your way back. If your mind
should get foggy (this can happen at any time in the journey even in the boat!), call out to
your guide to safeguard your return. You may want to show gratitude later for their
protective assistance in your complete return from this realm.

Your intent is to converse with the person in this altered plane and convince them to
return or perhaps just get to the heart of the matter. You may be speaking to the part of
the soul that has given up on life and their path so expect resistance. Take your time; it
also may take more than one visit. When searching for them you may find them under the
ground as if already half buried. They may return with you and then you may find that
their situation has not improved and they have gone back to this limbo. Hopefully their
situation will improve and they will show more enthusiasm for their path and life. Soul
retrieval will not always benefit the person you went to seek out and help, it is a journey
of last recourse.


The River Styx, represents time. You may see it flowing in both directions. You will
traverse time to another plane that is apart from time, a sort of limbo. You may or may
not see wanderers on the shore confused and disoriented. Expect every visit to be
different. Expect the unexpected from the boatman.

In the center of this island encircled by time is also a pit made of dark caverns and molten
rock. It is not easy to find and difficult to get out of. Nothing grows there, there is no
vegetation. Here dwells all that is dark, demons that have been cast out, dark souls.
Enough conscious and unconscious thought has been put into Hell that it exists here in
this plane.

The boatman will arrive shortly and you will need to make a conscious note that you do
have enough fare for your departure and arrival in a pouch or pocket.
You will need 3 silver coins to depart, and 3 gold coins to return, and 3 gold coins for
each person you have come back with you. Always be prepared, it rarely goes smoothly.
It would be wise to be adept in reaching altered states and planes prior to beginning this
work. Ever wake up tired as if you have been doing battle all night? You probably were.
Many are spiritual warriors in astral while asleep and dont recall the events of the night.
When you are called to do this work you will have been prepared by your guides. They
will give you what you need. Also, your visage may not be your present physical
Communing with the Divine

Never underestimate prayer. In its purest form it is communing with the Divine.
Regardless of what ritual surrounds it, God/Goddess listens to a pure heart. That said
ritual could be a very reverential act to do. It prepares the body, mind and spirit for the
state of one-pointedness, Divine Focus. Ritual takes time, it takes time to prepare and this
can be seen as a sacrifice. An outward show of sacred intent leading to the act of prayer.

Develop a ritual to commune with The Divine. These habits can sustain you when you
are feeling confused and misdirected. They can be a compass of your spiritual state. Of
course you can be in prayer 24 hours a day, but as with any relationship quality can be an
outward expression of appreciation and love.

At the heart of this ritual is your heartfelt prayer said aloud in the privacy of your room.
The spoken word has much power! Preparation and detail does not go unseen.

Basic Outline for Communing Ritual:

1. Prepare Sacred Space protection

2. Angelic/Divine guides called forth
3. Request and ask for a cleansing and preparation via Divine Light
4. Praise, petition and supplication aloud
5. Request and listen for guidance and instruction (note that this is done after you
are cleansed)
6. Give thanks to Guides, Angels
7. Closing circle or Sacred Space

Suggestion for Communing Ritual:

1. Qabalistic Cross- protection

2. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram with Sacred Hebrew Names
3. Middle Pillar Exercise as request for cleansing via Divine Light
4. Praise, petition and/or supplication to the God/Goddess of your choice
5. Moment of silence for instruction from Divine Guide.
6. Give thanks to Guides for their presence, assistance and protection.
7. Qabalistic Cross-in closing
Note: The Qabalistic Cross, Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and Middle Pillar
Exercise can be found on various internet sights. There are several adaptations. See last

An added note, at set times you may want to wear a special robe or white garment. Also,
an altar will help keep Spiritual Energy in the room. Remember that the items you place
on the altar are the energies you will call to you. Take care that others do not disturb it,
keep it safe from disruptive energies. If necessary cover it when not in use.

Expect Manifestations of Divine Love and Divine Power

The following Affirmation is to be recited and meditated upon prior to every attunement.
It is your answer to this calling to serve as a Light Bearer.
Also visualize/meditate on the initiating symbol for the respective level; Divine
Connection- Level I, Divine Flame-Level II and Divine Existence-Master Level.

Divine Flame Affirmation

I Am a being of Divine Fire,

I Am the purity of Divine Desire
Within me reigns the God of Light,
And through me banishes the Darkness of Night.

Sustain me in Your Divine Flame,

Remove from me all guilt and shame.
With Love and Wisdom may I speak,
And walk with those whos hearts are meek.

Time with no End, we will seek The Light

To bring Heavenly Fire burning bright.
The Essence of Divine we seek to share
Removing the chains of Darkness snare.

I Am a being of Divine Flame,

I Am the purity removed of stain.
Within me reigns the God of Light,
And through me banishes the Darkness of Night.

Level I
The symbol Divine Connection is the initiating symbol for Level I of Divine Reiki.
Please meditate and visualize this symbol during your attunement.
It along with Divine Birth/HSZSN, Divine Breath and Divine Heart are also placed in a
Chi Ball for the initiate to call down after reciting the Divine Flame Affirmation.

Picture Divine Heart drawn at the back of the initiate and then send the energies up into
the Chi Ball guiding it upward with your hands. Divine Connection should be pictured
drawn at the front of the recipient, expanding and contracting 3 times, repeating within
and without. Bring the energies up into the Chi Ball again guiding it upward with your
hands. Divine Birth/HSZSN and Divine Breath are to be drawn at the crown and sent into
the Chi Ball. Seal and lock the attunement with CKR in Divine Light and Love.

Divine Reiki attunements are done by the Higher Self of the Divine Reiki Master.

Note: Masters, if you have an angelic/celestial name for your Higher Self, please use this
name when performing the attunement and have the initiate use this name to call down
the Chi Ball attunement. Also, it is important to clear the Family Karma before going on
to attune the individual to Level II.

Level II

The symbol Divine Flame is the initiating symbol for Level II of Divine Reiki. Please
meditate and visualize this symbol drawn in brilliant while light during your attunement.
It along with the symbols of Divine Cross, Divine Presence and Divine Heart are placed
in a Chi Ball for the initiate to call down after reciting the Divine Flame Affirmation.

Picture Divine Heart drawn at the back of the initiate and then send the energies up into
the Chi Ball. Draw the Divine Flame symbol at the Crown of the initiate in brilliant white
Light. See the symbol melt and wash over the initiate permeating their very being and
filling the aura. Draw Divine Cross and Divine Presence over the Crown and then bring
all these energies up into the Chi Ball to be called down later by the recipient. Guide
these energies upward with your hands. Seal and lock the attunement with CKR in Divine
Light and Love.

Divine Reiki attunements are done by the Higher Self of the Master.

Note: Masters, if you have an angelic or celestial name for your Higher Self, use this
name when performing the attunement and have the initiate use this name to call down
the Chi Ball attunement.
Master Level

The symbol Divine Existence is the initiating symbol for the Master Level of Divine
Reiki. Please meditate and visualize this symbol during your attunement.

Divine Message, Divine Destruction and Divine Heart are placed in a Chi Ball for the
initiate to call down after reciting the Divine Flame Affirmation.

Picture Divine Heart drawn at the back of the initiate and then send the energies up into
the Chi Ball. Picture Divine Existence drawn at the base of the head where the spine
meets the head. Divine Message and Divine Destruction are next drawn over the crown
and then sent into the Chi Ball. Guide the energies upward with you hands. Seal and lock
the attunement with CKR in Divine Light and Love.

Divine Reiki attunements are done by the Higher Self of the Master.

Note: Masters, if you have an angelic/celestial name for your Higher Self, please use this
name when performing the attunement and have the initiate use this name to call down
the attunement.

Celebrate the spirituality in others! - Karheael

Suggested References

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram & Qabalistic Cross Dawn/rituals01.htm

The Middle Pillar Exercise

Refer to Okuden Level II Reiki by Vincent Amador for more information on Kotodama.

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