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The Healing Order of The Golden Dragon: Manual

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The key takeaways are that the Healing Order of the Golden Dragon is an ancient healing line that was lost for over 1800 years and then rediscovered in 2000. It involves channeling healing energy from a Divine Golden Dragon. There are three levels of initiation within the order.

The Healing Order of the Golden Dragon is an ancient line of healing energy involving channeling energy from a Divine Golden Dragon. It was lost for over 1800 years but then rediscovered and recommenced in 2000 in France. Its continuation is spread by certified teachers who have received the second level initiation.

The three levels of initiation within the Healing Order of the Golden Dragon are Golden Dragon 1, Golden Dragon 2, and Golden Dragon 3. Golden Dragon 1 opens a connection to the Earth's energy. Golden Dragon 2 allows access to higher vibrations and dimensions. Golden Dragon 3 facilitates direct tapping into even higher dimensions.



The Healing Order of the Golden Dragon


- Level 1 -


The Healing Order of the Golden Dragon

This line of healing was recommenced on the 6th of August in the year 2000 after being
lost for over 1,800 years. It is a very ancient source of healing energy which has been
used and then suppressed many times.

This is believed to be the source of the healing energy Saint Martha used in France. The
connection died out in France and Cammalot was able to restart it again during
channelling group sessions in that country in 2000. Continuation and teaching of the
Healing Order of the Golden Dragon will be spread by Seichem Master-teachers who
have received the Golden Dragon 2 initiation.

A few words about dragon:

Dragons are found in an almost parallel dimension as the range of energy of which their
being is made of is different than ours.
The Golden Dragon is an incarnation, into a dragon body, of the Divine Mother aspect of
our planet Earth. There is one Divine Female Golden Dragon and smaller gold dragons
working through her. The gold dragons are classed as healers and their healing ability
comes through the Divine Dragon from higher dimensions – up to the 12th dimension. By
intention the dragon works through a person and through that person’s hands comes the
healing ability. Cats would probably be the closest comparison to the personality traits of
dragons in general.

There are three Golden Dragon initiations:

Golden Dragon 1 can be taught after the Reiki 1 initiation. This first level makes a
connection to the planet Earth allowing you to pull up its denser energy for physical body
healing. You can also channel Divine Unconditional Love energy for emotional support.
The Golden Dragon energy can be used for removing entities and dark or stagnant energy
in the body and the aura.

Golden Dragon 2 gives you access to the higher vibrations through a High Priest Dragon
for healing purposes and allows even more solid and substantial earth (crystals, metals,
soil, nutrients etc.) energy to be brought into the body for physical healing and tissue
repair. It is usually given to Seichem Tera Mai Masters and Teachers. At this point they
will also learn to carry out the initiation procedure for Dragon 1 and 2.
Anyone who has received this initiation will be able to work with the higher dimensions
of energy. The golden dragon makes the connections to the higher dimensions (up to the
12th dimension), and then channel this energy through the healer. This allows a healer to
work on past life charges and emotional issues. It lightens the physical body genetics to
hold more light, straighten the spine to allow energy to flow more smoothly, and the cell
structure is changed and lightened to hold higher energy vibrations.

With Dragon 3 there is a big shift in the aura and energetic field to allow direct taping
into the higher dimensions. Karmic imprinting and DNA work can be done after this
initiation. Because there is a larger range of healing frequencies there is the possibility of

repairing the aura, the ketheric template, genetics and body template without needing all
the higher initiations of Sakara and kahokia.
The healer will also be able to create flower remedies in addition to pulling up the energy
of minerals and metals.
By the time someone is ready for this initiation they will need the higher vibrations for
their own personal development.

you have received the Golden Dragon 1 initiation. Below is more information about this
energy and how to use it during a healing:

After the attunement, this healing energy is accessed by intention just by thinking of the
Golden Dragon, and will work alongside other energies like Reiki and Seichem. The flow
of energy works automatically and is directed by a Divine consciousness to where it is
needed for healing during a session. It can be stopped just as easily by intention. The
connection to the Golden Dragon is held in the heart chakra.
The Golden Dragon energy (channelled through the Golden Dragon and your heart
chakra) is experienced as very soft and comforting unconditional love. In addition to this,
it will enable you to channel the energies of the Earth and its metals, minerals and
crystals through your grounding cord and lower chakras (to your heart chakra, down your
arms and out through your hands).
When you are doing a healing with the Golden Dragon energy the client becomes
immersed in an egg or oval of golden light. In the centre is a more liquid flow of energy
which pushes up against blockages and moves them free. The blockages float up into a
golden mist where they disintegrate or fade away. It is also very good for burning away

The Golden Dragon energy comes out through the hands. Just thinking of the Dragon
starts the flow of energy. The energy comes out as a strong heat. When the hands are
placed over a person’s head the energy travels through the body down to the base chakra
and opens this chakra (this can be tested by using a pendulum over the base chakra before
and during the healing).

The dragon healing energy clears negative and stagnant energies in the body and aura. It
works alongside Reiki and Seichem and gives a powerful energetic movement that burns
away dark or murky energies, replacing them with a golden light.
The Golden Dragon energy always open the base chakra of the person being treated
(yourself during self treatments) to allow a flow of energy through the body into the
Earth. It then pulls up a more solid or substantial Earth energy into the body to allow
repair of body tissue.
It doesn’t work as well at automatically opening the other chakras but if it is directed at
each chakra they can be stimulated by the energy flow into moving and opening.
By moving your hands in the person’s aura and intending the Golden Dragon energy,
dark and stagnant energies in the aura can be removed. This healing energy is accessed
by the conscious will of the healer and will work automatically for a session once you
have mentally started or requested it.

To clear a room fill your being with Golden Dragon energy. Breathe this light out to all
corners of the room. The energy can also be directed out from the hands

Grounding cord meditation

- Sit comfortably or stand up and bring your attention to you spine.

- Imagine your spine is a hollow tube filled with white light.

- On each out breath, push the light down from the bottom of your spine into the ground.

- On each in breath, pull the light back up from the ground into your spine.

Continue this for a few breath cycles (especially during the first time)

- Push the light from your spine deeper and deeper into the ground on each out breath and
again pull it back up into your spine on each in breath

- Continue on pushing the light down into the Earth on each breath out until you get the
sense you have reached the centre of the Earth. Then breathe the light from the centre
of the Earth into and out above of your spine for a minute or two at least.


This meditation should be done quite often at the beginning to rebuild and strengthen the
grounding cord. After this and in order to keep the cord intact, it will only be necessary to
breathe up and down the cord for a few breaths a couple of times a week.

Doing this meditation for a few breaths is very good for increasing your connection to
earth energies before doing a healing, and for being more fully grounded after a healing
or a meditation.

If you are feeling stressed in any way, breathing quietly into your grounding cord for a
few minutes will help you to relax and feel calm.

You can breathe into the cord while you are walking for more energy, while driving to
keep you focused, while watching T.V. or during any activity.


The Golden Dragon symbol


This is the symbol from the Healing Order of the Golden Dragon. This symbol brings in
the Golden dragon energy as well as opens the base chakra and pulls up denser energy for
tissue repair.

Copyright information
Copyright © 2008 Jerome Baudel. This manual may be given freely to students as long as
the entire manual is kept intact. No text or portion of this manual may be copied or
plagiarized, unless quoted briefly as part of fair use in a review or other commentary.
Copyright © 2007 ConnectingLight.

-This manual is based on the notes written by Diana Angel Cosgrove.-

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